#The goat of Protein bolt
boltnutrition · 2 years
What makes BOLT Nutrition the G.O.A.T of Protein?
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kingbob2-0 · 12 days
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wanted to do a bit more art for Connor’s powers in my conduit au, while it has yet to have a concrete name, it is essentially shapeshifting with a few more abilities thrown in. He has three permanent forms (bear, eagle, and wolf) that he can transform into.
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as well as a few temporary forms that he “recharges” by eating (he needs protein to use his abilities) the most common forms are: bull, rooster, boar, deer, goat, and rabbit. As drawn below (as well as a theoretical fish form I drew that scares me)
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Connor’s eyes almost always glow blue when using his powers, and they generally tend to look more human than an actual animals would normally look. He keeps his necklace on, as well as a red armband, to help avoid accidental friendly-fire.
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each animal has its own special “Natural” abilities that Connor can use in both animal or human form, (although they tend to be more powerful in animal form)
The Wolf can become invisible, The Eagle allows him to summon phantom wings in human form and glide short distances and, of course, can fly, The Bear is incredibly strong and can create shockwaves by hitting enemies or slamming both paws into the ground as an AOE attack that stuns and damages opponents or sends them flying.
The Bull’s charge can destroy almost any obstacle and trample anyone unfortunate enough to get in the way, The Rooster functions more as a distraction, Deafening enemies with a loud call or Calling allies to points of interest. The Boar, whilst capable of tanking bullet fire and causing a good bit of damage, it’s main ability is the ability to track a specific target for much farther than eagle vision would be able to.
The Hare’s main skill is its speed, giving Connor the ability to run much faster and leap further, as well as being incredibly hard to hit with any attack that isn’t an AOE. The Goat becomes temporarily invincible when charging, and can launch objects (and people) quite far with a headbutt. The Stag’s ability is slightly odd, it can channel and carry energy (such as electricity) it it’s antlers, and either redirect it into its hooves, converting the energy into a Healing AOE that heals and recharges allies, or into a bolt of lightning that is launched at a nearby enemy.
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Connor can also summon animal constructs to help him fight.
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more wolf Connor, this time without the accessories. And an attempt at working out bad karma/good karma colors, I wanted to avoid the red color for bad karma originally, but had difficulty doing so, perhaps I’ll try it with more yellow/orange next time.
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lord Thor deep dive
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Lord Thor is the god of lightning, he is a great protector and god!
Herbs •Oak, mountain ash, hazel, Donnerbesen/Teufelbesen, house-leek/Sempervirum tectorum, hawthorn, houseleek, tormentil, oak
Animals• goats, bulls, Tanngrisnir "teeth barer" and Tanngnjostr "teeth grinder”
Colors •Sky-blue, cloud-white, lightning-gold, and red, purity white. 
Crystal• moss agate, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Turquoise and Sapphire, iron, Thunderstones, fulgurite, thunder egg
Symbols•Hammer, goats, belt, and gloves of strength
Jewelry you can wear in their honor • A hammer, a necklace of his runes.
Alter ideas• Thor’s hammer figures, model goats (ideally pulling a cart), weapons, shield, lightning-bolts, rainwater, garlic, leek, onion, hawthorn, houseleek, tormentil, oak, the runes Thurisaz or Sowelo, rocks, metal, rainwater
Diety of• God of war, fertility, thindrr and lighting and of the people, spiritual healing, sacred groves, protection 
Patron of The dead, rain, thunder, hallowing, spiritual healing, war, protecting, protection, birth, marriage, and death, burial, and cremation ceremonies, weapons and feasting, traveling, land-taking, and the making of oaths between men
Offerings• Mead, beer, goat meat, hearty foods with lots of meat, onions, and garlic, flavored coffee, whiskey, beer, hard cider, meat sandwiches on dark bread with good mustard, bacon, sausage, lunch meat and sources of protein that builds muscle, Donate time to an organization dedicated to protecting children from abuse, do heavy work for someone in need of it, Protect the needy, Escort someone to do something that scares them, and be there as a source of courage and moral support for them, hard wood, Dark chocolate (he said he likes it.), ground ivy
Devotional• working out, helping around the house, helping others and protecting them, Honoring your family and learning your history, keeping your personal space tidy or cleaning it up as an act of devotion, watch a storm from inside, spend time in the rain, put thunder/storm music when meditating or going to sleep, stand in the storm (at a safe place away from trees and metal objects), collect storm water, Write him a letter praising him, compliment him, read his stories from Prose and Poetic Edda, thank him for being the protector of the humankind, Light up a candle of dark blue/red/grey colours, Place your offerings at the base of a tree, Be yourself and honest, live your life honourably and truthfully, Wear a necklace of Mjölnir, Set and maintain your personal boundaries, stand up for yourself and others, give him something that you made, Take care of pregnant people, 
Ephithets•Tor, Ásabragr (Asabrag, Æsir-Lord), Ása-Þórr (Asa-Thor Æsir-Thor), Atli (The Terrible), Björn (Bjorn, Biorn Bear), Einriði (Eindriði, The One who Rides Alone, The One who Rules Alone), Ennilangr (Ennilang, The One with the Wide Forehead), Harðhugaðr (Hardhugadr, Strong Spirit, Powerful Soul, Fierce Ego, Brave Heart), Harðvéurr (Hardveur The Strong Archer), Hlóriði (Hlórriði, The Loud Rider, The Loud Weather-God), Öku-Þor (Oku-Thor, Ukko-Thor, Cart Thor, Driving Thor), Rymr (Rym, Noise), Sönnungr (Sonnung, The True One), Véþormr (Vethorm, Protector of the Shrine), Véuðr (Véuðr, Véoðr, Veud, Veod), Véurr (Veur, Guard of the Shrine, Hallower), Vingþórr (Vingthor, Battle-Thor, Hallower), The Thunderer and many others
Equivalents• Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman), Hercules (Greek), Thonar (worshiped in England)
Signs of them reaching out• sudden signs of their animals, seeing goats, seeing hammers, suddenly drawn to him, all of the sudden interest in fighting 
Number• Thurisaz, Sowelo, nine
Morals• Morally grey, he does murder.
Courting• Sif
Past lovers/crushes• Járnsaxa (joutan), Sif (goddess)
Element• fire, air 
Personality• He’s a big flirt, he likes to be complimented and to compliment you back, He often displays a quick temper and is quick to engage in violence, even if violence may not be necessary, but he is kind, kinder than you would actually expect. 
Home• Asgard
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact•Thor could even bring some things back to life, Thor was invoked at weddings, at births, and at special ceremonies for these abilities to protect and sanctify, his other names are Thorr, Thunor, Thonar, Donar, Donner, Thur, Thunar, or Thunaer.
Curses• tools randomly breaking, arguments with your spouse, you can your spouse fighting, marriage problems 
Blessings• safety at sea and bounty on land, blessing your marriage 
Roots• Indo-European make him generally accepted today as derived from a Proto-Indo-European deity
Friends• The Aseir
Parentage• Odin and Fjorgynn, or Jord, and Sif.
Siblings• Vidar, Baldr, Höðr, Týr, Meili, Váli, Bragi, Hodr
Pet• Tanngrisnir "teeth barer" and Tanngnjostr "teeth grinder (two goats that reincarnate every time they're eaten, and pulls a Thor's chariot)
Children •Móði, and Thrudr (Strength). He was also the father of three sons, Modi (Courage) and Magni (Strength), and his son Ull
Appearance in astral or gen• Thor is a huge, good-hearted, rough-hewn, red-haired and -bearded man with fiery eyes.
Festivals • Þorrinn, pronounced “Thorrinn” in English
Day • Thursday
Place• in sacred groves, including the one near Dublin.
Status• Norse deity in the asier, protecting Asgard 
Hates• Jörmungand (they kill each other), snakes.
His Tarot cards• Chariot
Scents/Inscene • Pine, Cinnamon, Musk, Nutmeg and Sage
Sif & Thor 
I offer this prayer to Thor and to the Goddess Sif. Hail to You, Holy Ones. Hail to You, Protectors of Midgard, Hail to You, Son of Odin and Hail to You, His gleaming Bride. You hallow and drive out all pollution. You are mighty. There is no malignant force that You cannot banish. There is no threat, You cannot overcome. You are magnificent and Your grace protects me in the face of evil. Mighty Thor, wise, compassionate Friend of humanity, look upon us and wield Your hammer for our protection. Gracious Sif, You Whose gentle touch causes the grain to grow, please nourish us, restore us, and grant us the fortitude to walk in alignment with the Holy Powers always. Through Your blessings, may we grow strong in faith. through Your blessings may we grow strong in devotion. Through Your blessings, may we always resist impiety, may we be nourished as the grain is nourished under Your caring hands. In times of peril, come to our aid, I pray. In times of desperation, I place myself under Your care.nHail Thor, Son of Odin. Hail Sif, His Gracious Bride.
To Thor 
Son of Strength. I ask you to grant me that strength. That I may lift the weight of the day. Defender of Midgard. Grant me your skill in battle. That I may protect my family, my land and my kin. Bringer of Rain and Thunder. Grant me the ability to wash the weariness and pain of my daily work. That I may strike my next task like the blows from Mjolnir.  Son of Odin, Hammer Wielder, Giant Killer and Guardian of Man. I ask that you make me like the sturdy oak. That I do not break from the blows of misfortune. That I may not be crushed by the powerful. That I may be resilient and mighty like your own arm. That I may be brave to face the evil of this world. Hail Thor!
Links/websites/sources •
http://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/thor/offerings.htmlhttps://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/v3qn1e/offerings_to_thor/https://www.tumblr.com/freyjasdottirr/656705772435193856/how-to-worship-thor-for-beginners https://occult-world.com/thor/https://aminoapps.com/c/pagans-witches/page/blog/thor/7eop_a5jCPurvZk2W3QXxP55Yaen6YJzQZ taking-thymehttps://kids.britannica.com/students/article/Thor/313835#:~:text=Thor's%20wife%20was%20Sif%2C%20a,stepfather%20of%20Sif's%20son%20Ull.https://norse-mythology.org/symbols/thors-hammer/https://www.reddit.com/r/heathenry/comments/j30vk6/offering_prayer_to_thor/Charming of the Plough Prayer to Thor and Sif | Gangleri's Grove
There you go, have a good thorsday
(it's funnier on Thursday)
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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Holiday horror with Peter
Thus ended up being a bunch of dabbles combined to make one story. Kind of.
Winter at the tower is an almost non stop celebration of holidays. Everyone has their own traditional way of doing things.
Peter wasn't prepared for the sheer amount of cheer he was surrounded by.
Rhodey was the first to start teaching Peter what he did during this time of year. He and his family celebrated Kwanzaa and would read stories about the Zulu warriors. Rhodey taught Peter all about the stories almost lost during the age of slavery and the significance of the colored candles. Peter loved hearing the folktales of the trickster spider Anansi. That and the story of Shaka Zulu and his fight to become a great king and build an empire was a fascinating read for him.
Natasha hung beautiful glass ornaments on the tree and sat an array of nesting dolls on the mantal. She told Peter about how Grandfather Frost was always accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka on Christmas day. Peter supposed he should bake extra sugar cookies with Nat so Snegurochka wouldn't be left out.
Thor arrived carrying a giant fir tree that he hung from the ceiling. He loved Christmas but his family mainly celebrated Yule. Apparently yule is celebrated with upside down trees for some reason. The tree was supposed to be a representation of yggdrasil. Thor and Loki had their own family tradition of carving a snake into the truck of the the tree before hanging it. Peter was excited that he basically had a tree all to himself since he could stay up there forever. Wanda, Vision and Stephen also helped decorate.They had to place a big rug on the floor with the present pile under it. Thor had said Odin was represented Santa and instead of milk and cookies he drank Ale. Being that Thor was the new king of Asgard he wanted Peter to leave out some of the good stuff from Tony's spacial collection of drinks.
Wanda never really celebrated Christmas but she did know about Krampus. All bad children would get kidnapped and stuffed in a basket if they where bad by the horned devil. Others would get tossed in a a sack or get spanked with a bushel of twigs. She'd warn Peter everything he tried to pull a prank that Krampus isn't like getting a lump of coal. At one point she enlisted Clint to scare Peter into behaving after a particularly nasty prank he pulled with Shuri. After getting both T'challa's and Tony's permission, Clint dressed up as the demon and rattled rusty chains outside the kids' doors and used sound effects that sounded like hooves roaming around. He'd cast a shadow under their doors and burned marks on them so he'd know just who were the bad kids to be taken on Christmas. That morning the kids were on their best behavior so the goat demon wouldn't eat them or beat them with brooms.
Steve and Bucky preferred a humble Christmas where he'd spent the month volunteering as shelters and soup kitchens. They invited Peter to join but Spiderman was going to be busy at children's hospital, helping at charity events and preventing accidents on icy roads. Although when Peter had time to got to the shelter he met a tough looking dog about the side of a wolf that was actually a sweet heart. The dog didn't really like people but he did like Peter and Bucky. The stoic hound wasn't the excitable type but he'd like your hand and flop his head on your lap. The battle scarred doggy had been in the shelter for some time. He was one of those dogs no one adopts well except the avengers because this Christmas Captain was getting a home.
Tony never really did much during the holidays. A few large donations to charities, maybe a few parties or a ball but nothing too personal. Stephen was un the same boat since as a doctor he'd more then likely spent the days prior, during, and after Christmas dealing with emergency calls. Peter decided that they could join him and May with their Christmas. May celebrated a more Italian Christmas with cooking that begins days before the actual celebration. When Stephen asked if that meant a bunch of pasta Peter, May and Tony stared at him, because of course that meant pasta what kind of madman didn't eat pasta. Decorating begins on December 8 and caroling throughout the week was upheld in this house. The men weren't expecting to being in that years Christmas card not hear the siren squeals of bagpipes while May worked in the kitchen. Peter was there with her since he learned long ago to watch her in case she accidentally burnt something or for got an ingredient. In a way this all felt familiar when to Tony as all three chatted away in Italian as the smell of cookies filled the penthouse. Peter was excited for his own version of Santa to arrive. Befana the witch and made sure the house was clean for her arrival so she was sure that he was good as she rode by on her broom.
Christmas eve was hectic as everyone celebrated. Bruce who usually disappeared during this month was dragged out by Thor. They actually ended up in the mistletoe trap Peter had set up and while Thor found it unsettling at first he compiled with tradition as the room damanded. Shuri was eager to participate in the the festivities and woke Peter up in the middle of the night to capture Santa. She wanted to question the fat man and his mystical powers. Peter agreed but was worried about if Krampus would return. The two snuck downstairs with web shooters. Downstairs a tall bearded figure was currently eat cookies and unloading gifts onto the already large gift pile. This Santa wasn't fat however he was big.
"I thought he was supposed to be a fat guy. This guy looks like he could bench press both of us." Shuri gasped backing away.
"Yeah he's been trading cookies for protein shakes. He even cut the sleeves of his suit. I'm not touching that. Santa is not going to rock my shit because of this stupid plan." Peter said practically running back to his room.
The the jungle of rusted chains and a high pitched cackle rang out as the kids bolted. It looked like the rest of the holiday gang had arrived.
The teens ended up sharing the bed that night with Captain between them in case any of those guys actually did eat nosey kids. Both of them barely slept.
Peter did try to sneak another peek into the livingroom and saw the weirdest sight. Bruce was kissing Santa. No wander he always disappeared this time of year. If Thor saw this he might even try to fight Santa. He'd pay to see that fight. Peter scrambled off to tell Shuri who didn't believe him but he was sure he saw Bruce kissing Santa Claus.
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drferox · 6 years
What do you think of the halal way of slaughtering?
I always find it interesting that people asking about this topic always bring up halal, and never kosher or other religious slaughter. So I’m going to talk about both.
I’ve been to exactly two slaughterhouses through my education. One was for pigs only, so certainly not halal or kosher in any way. The other did sheep and cattle, and was both halal and kosher, and I have to say I greatly preferred the second.
So let me tell you about the halal/kosher place.The sheep would come up single file into the ‘box’, which has doors that close behind them so the others couldn’t see. They were rendered unconscious with a reversible captive bolt pistol to the skull, then their throat is slit before they’re hung up.
So what makes this both halal and kosher instead of non-religious slaughter?
The captive bolt is reversible. Once a year, for certification, one animal is allowed to recover from it to prove it’s not lethal.
There’s a little room beside the ‘box’ where a Muslim prays over each animal to make it halal, and a Jew prays over each animal to make it kosher. So they are both halal and kosher at the same time, because capitalism.
That’s it. It’s otherwise exactly the same as a non-religious slaughter plant. Non-religious slaughter just doesn’t care whether their captive bolt is reversible or not.
There’s a lot of… venom… about religious slaughter, fueled by islamophobia and anti-semitism, and at least within Australia there is absolutely no reason for it. I can make no comments about other nations with laxer animal welfare laws, but that’s how it’s done at the large commercial plants here.
And if you look at the rules and consider it in an early history context, then throat slitting isn’t a bad way to go in the absence of captive bolt guns and firearms. Having a very religious person doing all the slaughter is probably a decent way to make sure you don’t have a psychopath doing all that killing.
Which is also why I wonder about pigs being forbidden. It’s harder to kill a pig humanely with less stress by throat slitting than a goat, sheep or cow is. They’re good protein and efficient to raise, is it possible that someone way back when said “If we can’t kill it well, don’t kill them to eat?”
I think it’s plausible that these rules came about out of a desire to do right by the animals to be eaten, before our modern understanding. Not a religious scholar though, so probably not the best person to ask.
So I don’t have any objections to halal and kosher slaughter over non-religious slaughter.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Tony & Bucky were in the beginning part of their real first date when the Avengers alarm goes off setting off a chain of bad luck that ensues. Tony ends up with an injured leg, their homemade dinner ends up both undercooked and burnt to a crisp. Tony gets food posioning, Dum-E blasts them with the fire extinguisher & Steve wont stop intruding on their date. As far as first dates go not good but they just want each other & cuddling can be a good fall back bc Tony gives the best cuddles.
“What?Do I have something on my face?” Tony brushed frantically at hisgoatee.
“Nah,”said Bucky, flushing a little. “I just can’t believe we’reactually doing this.”
“Wehave been dancing around it for a while, haven’t we?” That wasprobably an understatement; it had taken them over a year of piningand the intervention of Sam, Natasha, Bruce, and a small herd ofgoats to get them to admit their mutual attraction and finally make adate.
Coffeewas probably softballing it a little bit, but it had been a rockypath just to get them to the point of friendship; it was probablybest to take things slow and easy. And the coffee shop in the lobbyof Stark Tower was convenient, had a carefully-vetted staff that knewbetter than to get all fannish, and had really good coffee to boot.
Tonycollected his foam-topped mug and carried it back to the quiet littlenook they’d staked out. “So,” he said, and his phone beganbuzzing and emitting a distressed-sounding series of beeps that hadbeen carefully selected because it could cut through even Tony’sbest engineering haze. “Damn it!” He pulled it out and flipped upthe holoscreen, which immediately expanded into a situation map.
Bucky’seyes rounded and he scrambled for his own phone. “Ah, hell,” hegrumbled, scrolling through the sitrip. “Guess we’ll have to takea rain check and go be heroes.”
“Lookslike it,” Tony agreed grudgingly. Still, he let Bucky take his handto help him back up out of the chair, and they shared a weak smile ofmutual sympathy and frustration before parting ways, Bucky demandingdetails on the terrain and Tony barking orders for JARVIS.
[mobile readers, ‘ware the readmore!]
Doombotshit hard, but they weren’t exactly an alien invasion, so the wholefight was wrapped up just in time for dinner. Tony shot ahead of thequinjet on the way home instead of pacing it like he usually did, andstopped off at a market for supplies. By the time the ‘jet landed,Tony was in the workshop unpacking his purchases.
“J,ask Bucky if he’d like to join me down here for a quiet dinnerafter he’s had a chance to clean up.”
“Ofcourse, sir. And might I suggest that you clean up, also?”
“What?”Tony looked down at himself; he was still half-in the suit, andspattered with hydraulic fluid from where one of the Doombots hadgotten in a lucky shot. “Yeah, that’s a good call. Thanks, J.”He rushed through the rest of his preparations and shoved the dishesinto the oven to keep warm, then scurried off to the workshop shower.
Bythe time he’d finished and gotten dressed, Bucky was already in theworkshop, though he wasn’t alone. He was leaning on a table,arguing with Steve about whether the hit he’d taken to the head during thefight merited medical attention.
“–ifit were anyone else, Buck, they’d be laid out!”
“Butit ain’t anyone else, Steve, it’s just me,” Bucky sighed. Hebrightened considerably when Tony came around the corner. “Tony,hey!”
“Hithere,” Tony returned, feeling weirdly shy. “Steve, relax, I’vegot this. I’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he’s notconcussed, okay?”
Stevehemmed and hawed, but finally agreed. “Oh, and the suit took somedamage, too,” he added. “A rip between the third and fourthlateral plates. Can you fix that, or…?”
“Yeah,sure,” Tony said. “Bring it down whenever.”
Stevefinally left, and Bucky leaned against the counter of the littlekitchenette that Tony mostly used for storing smoothie ingredientsand protein bars. “Smells good,” he said.
“Yeah?It’s been a while since I’ve made my mom’s lasagne,” Tonyadmitted. “But it’s good, you’ll like it.” He was justreaching for the plates when the smoke alarm went off.BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP–“Oh,shit, shit, shit–” He grabbed for the oven mitts and pulled thepan from the oven. The cheese on the top was burnt black. “Shit!”
DUM-Erolled over, fire extinguisher at the ready, and Tony stopped himwith a sternly pointed finger. “Back off, you bucket of bolts, orI’m turning you into a coffee machine.” He looked back at hisruined creation. He’d set the oven too hot, he thought, trying tocook it faster.
“Hey,it’s okay, it happens,” Bucky said, soothing. “Come on, I betif we scrape that off, the rest will be great.”
“Whatthe hell kind of lasagne doesn’t have cheese on the top?” Tonycomplained. But he didn’t have any other options, so he peeled offthe burnt cheese and cut slices for them both.
Itwasn’t too bad, if a touch al dente… Okay, more than a touch.Okay, the pasta hadn’t baked nearly long enough to soften thenoodles, and they were still crunchy. It was slightly hilarious towatch Bucky trying to pretend he liked it, but Tony stopped him afterthe third bite. “No, stop, that’s just… It’s terrible, okay?I know it’s terrible, you don’t have to fake it. Just… Stop.”He dropped his head into his hands.”
“Relax,Tony,” Bucky said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Shit happens.I really appreciate that you went to the effort–”
“SoI checked with the others,” Steve said, coming into the workshopwith an armful of uniforms, “and some of them need repairs, too,and I thought I’d just–”
“Stevie,”Bucky gritted.
“What?”Steve’s eyes were round and bewildered.
Buckypinched at the bridge of his nose. “Pal, I ain’t got a spare datefor you this time. You need to get going.”
“Spare…This is a date?”How about that: Captain America squeaked when he was startled andembarrassed. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize! I’lljust… go. Then.”
“Bye now,”Bucky said pointedly.
Theywatched as Steve hurriedly left the damaged uniforms on the nearestflat surface and scurried for the door. Bucky huffed as the doorclosed behind him. “Punk. Now, as I was sayin’…”
“Holdthat thought,” Tony said, suddenly queasy. He bolted for thebathroom and emptied his guts. “JARVIS,” he croaked. “Is itsome kind of poison? What’s going on? Did one of the ‘bots get meafter all?”
“Youseem to be suffering a mild case of food poisoning, sir,” JARVISsaid. “It should pass momentarily.”
“Whatdoes momen–” Tony had to stop and dry heave for a while. “Oh,god, someone kill me now.”
Awarm hand brushed through his hair, and when he looked up, Bucky wasthere, offering him a glass of water. “Here. Better’n havingnothing in your stomach, trust me.”
“Thisis not how I was hoping this would go,” Tony said. He took atentative sip of the water.
“Believeit or not, still not my worst first date ever,” Bucky said. He toldTony that story while Tony nursed the water, and that was okay –Bucky told it wonderfully, with great expression and just the perfectamount of exaggeration, and after a while, Tony was laughing, andBucky was smiling back, and–
“Oh,shit, dessert!”Tonyscrambled up from the floor and made it to the oven just in time forDUM-E to empty the fire extinguisher all over him.
Tonywiped the foam from his face and glared at the robot. DUM-E had thesense to guiltily back away and return to the charging station. Tonyturned off the oven. He propped his elbows on the counter and droppedhis head into his hands. “Is it the worst now?”he muttered.
“Nah.I’ve got one more idea, okay?”
“Can’tpossibly be any worse than the rest of it,” Tony sighed.
“Yougo get cleaned up again,” Bucky suggested, “and then come an’meet me in the living room.”
“Theliving room? It’s movie night,” Tony protested. “Everyone willbe there.”
“Trustme,” Bucky said.
“Well,if you’re going to put it like that.”
Buckypatted his back, and left. Tony didn’t move from his dejected poseuntil he’d heard the door close behind him.
Everyonewas in the living room, as predicted. They were watching ThePrincess Bride,however, which wasn’t what was on the schedule.
AndBucky had somehow managed to wrest Natasha and Clint out of theloveseat, and was already holding a big bowl of popcorn. He tuggedTony down next to him, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders,fitting their sides together like pieces of a puzzle. “There,” hesaid warmly, balancing the bowl on their legs. “Don’t need to beall fancy. Just wanna be close to you.”
Ittook a little while for Tony to really relax into it, to begin tobelieve that no further interruptions were imminent. But finally,just as the grandfather was reassuring the grandson that Buttercupwas not going to be eaten by the shrieking eels, Tony snuggled downinto the cushions and let himself lean into Bucky’s side, lettingout a slow breath.
Buckynuzzled at Tony’s temple. “Still think this is the worst firstdate ever?” he murmured.
“Maybenot the worst,”Tony admitted, suppressing a sappy smile.
~ @27dragons
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3peasabroad · 7 years
Spread the Love
This land ebbs and flows between swampy plains and forested hills. Our 8-seater van bounces side to side while descending a rutted-out road on the outskirts of Mpigi, Uganda. The road is lined with rows of maize and banana trees. Occasionally, I can spot jack fruits and mangoes hanging from the trees behind the crops. The road cuts back up the hill, and we take a turn where a couple of Billy goats are tied to awkwardly-placed stakes. A cow, who's in a similar predicament as the goats, moos and juts its horns upward as our vehicle bounces past it.
I'm sitting next to my fellow interns, Jordan and Minakshi. We are spending 10 weeks in southern Uganda implementing a collaborative project between Nourish-UNC and a Ugandan nonprofit, Mountains of Hope (MoH).
Our van turns right onto a narrower, dirt road. We are getting close to the village of Buliro, the 4th community we will have visited with MoH. The rows of corn and banana leaves eventually give way to several compounds. We see a group of 20 or so mothers gathering in front of a home a little farther down the road. The mothers are seated under a few stretched out tarps that are fixed several feet above the ground, serving as awnings for our day-long session.
We park, and quickly set up. James, the manager and a co-founder of MoH, introduces himself, the organization and what the participants can expect from the next 2 days.
Our project was designed to sensitize 450 mothers in 9 different "vulnerable" communities on the importance of maternal and infant nutrition.
Our days in the field typically go like this:
Presentations on nutrition, breastfeeding and the consequences of malnourished children are presented to the mothers. To help the mothers memorize the material presented, we play categorizing games, in which participants place different types of food in one of three categories: grow (protein rich), glow (vitamin/mineral rich) or go (carbohydrate rich). Then the mothers practice what they have learned by preparing several balanced meals. On the second day, we instruct participants how to build a kitchen garden. If maintained properly, the garden can become a household's source of mineral and vitamin rich vegetables. We hope that this session inspires all of the participants involved to build a kitchen garden of their own.
In regards to our specific involvement, we have been struggling to find the best ways for us to contribute.
Even though the national language of Uganda is English, most of the participants speak strictly Luganda, a regional language that the 3 of us lack proficiency in. We've observed a lot, and provided our input on how to improve the trainings. However, our ability to teach is inefficient (every word we say needs to be translated) and less effective than a local (it takes twice as long for us to deliver the material, so our audience quickly becomes disengaged).
Being frustrated with my lack of impact in the first 3 field trainings, I began to think about how I could be involved.
After some discussions with MoH, we were able implement a new data collection system. However, my direct impact in the field hardly changed; we were barely being utilized.
Then I began to think about the power of personal interactions. When I walk out of the van and into a rural, Ugandan village, it is very clear that I'm a foreigner. Children either look at me as if I am a puppy or a ghost. I wave and smile regardless. I appreciate that there are probably not many 'abazungu' who roll up in these parts. As a foreigner, I have a responsibility to represent myself in a respectable, non-condescending, and gracious fashion. I realized that being friendly and generous with my time very well might be the best, and most direct, way to have an impact. Even if I'm not having a direct impact on their physical health, showing people that I'm happy simply being in their company can have a direct emotional impact.
As I watch a few mothers serve food, 5 kids walk up to me. They stop a few feet away from where I'm sitting, stare and giggle. I smile and put my arm out. A couple of the kids come closer, slide their fingers against my skin, and see if anything rubs off onto their own. Noticing that I'm friendly, more kids come, and soon I'm surrounded on all sides by children who are petting my ginger hair and pale skin.
A girl in a white dress asks to see my phone in English. I pull it out, and the kiddos and I begin to take pictures together. Some kids can't stop laughing after seeing a picture of themselves. After several minutes I decide to play some music for them. The first song is a classic, "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand. As the strings from the guitar spit wild beats from my phone, some of the kids give me a look of bewilderment. I begin to dance to the music--my greatest form of humility other than singing. One of the kids begins to move his hips, and another starts bobbing his head to the rhythm of the drums. However, my dance moves inspire more of a giggle fest than a dance party, as most of the kids just stare and laugh at my moves. After listening to "Another Brick In The Wall pt. 2" by Pink Floyd and "Last Nite" by The Strokes, it was time for us to head out. I give my new friends fist bumps and high fives. As our car pulls out of the compound 5 kiddos bolt after us. They jump through some bushes and disappear. A couple of minutes later, we arrive at an intersection where our runners are waiting for us.
Even if the impact I'm having in these communities is more social than educational, that's OK. Sharing a genuine moment with a stranger can be incredibly impactful, and that is ever more true as a foreigner.  
I look at the little runners in amazement. We smile and wave at each other as the van crests a turn and bounces back down the banana tree-lined road towards home.
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jitsuiwawatashiwa · 8 years
jg characters at the grocery store
gives brownie points to whoever willingly carries his basket. the catch being that they need to actually take it from him 
occasionally provides a sudden fatherly pat on the head or shoulder, which is both endearing to onlookers and a chilling warning to the recipient, who knows they’ve been caught doing something out of line 
loves getting things for a bargain; one of his few joys 
sometimes leaves secret messages by rearranging items on the shelves, but it’s always something seemingly trivial that only one person will actually understand 
the rest of them puzzle over it for ages if they catch it
carries the list of groceries they actually need and insists on sticking to it 
keeps getting after everyone who goes over budget 
they take turns distracting him while the others escape or put things in his basket 
he gets fed up with it but once they leave him alone he notices that everything they added had been stuff he likes 
one time he found something he did actually want but it wasn’t on the list 
yuuki said something to him about perspective which he took to mean that he should get it, but it wasn’t supposed to be that deep  
will switch to a cart from a basket if everything’s too heavy because it’s logical, but won’t get help carrying them out from spies because hONOUR
wants to be done inside quickly because he hates the smell of the soap in the washrooms, but always spends too long looking at the limited selection of hair products and has to pee 
hatano and kaminaga corner him in the juice aisle and torture him with puns 
jitsui pushes him over the edge and, defeated, he bolts 
sulks whenever someone picks something he likes because he doesn’t want to look like he’s copying someone 
this is usually exploited until he gets too pouty and refuses to move from one spot 
they ply him with compliments until he lets them off the hook 
challenges everyone to races in the shopping carts 
if nobody wants to humour him he’ll push the cart himself and jump in 
will fearlessly dive into an adjacent aisle if he’s about to be caught and walks away whistling while the speeding cart knocks over an elaborate display he pretends he wasn’t aiming for 
once convinced miyoshi to race him after he got picked on and was defeated so brutally that he didn’t speak until they got back 
spends most of the time eating and critiquing food samples 
will eat every platter if not stopped 
“sir these are just to taste” 
“save some for the other customers! *awkward chuckle*” “I’m other customers” 
“this has far too much salt,” he says, shoving two more in his mouth 
buys five of everything anyway 
will rip open a box and make better samples with a match and a bottle of water
gets lost if there are more than four aisles 
will try to find everyone else, but they are almost all actively hiding from him without even hindering their shopping 
they only show up again once he starts making a dramatic speech over the intercom about how everyone he knew “left him for dead amidst the low-fat goat cheese” and how he will never love again 
secretly takes things out of the others’ carts and puts them back on the shelf 
kaminaga thinks he’s losing it because he swears he already grabbed that bag of chips, and after a few times he tries to snatch it and run but then the pickles disappear, and when he turns around the chips are gone too 
tazaki is nearby, but “would never prank him” 
uses his powers of misdirection for evil, such as substituting miyoshi’s canned salmon for cat food right in front of him and putting six containers of protein powder in hatano’s cart while he stands on his tiptoes to get something from a high shelf 
once placed prunes in yuuki’s basket and had it blamed on sakuma, who misinterpreted the situation so horribly that he unknowingly took the fall for it 
sees that there are free bananas for shoppers to give their children and takes one, calling for “emma”. then walks around the corner and eats it 
repeat offender 
everyone in the vicinity sees him loop around the aisle three times but can’t even begin to try and stop him 
the fourth time he just grabs the whole bunch and runs 
has the audacity to make a joke about banana peels when finally confronted by management
always has an obnoxious amount of coupons on hand for every situation and will talk his way into every saving possible 
would get back in line 67 more times if he can’t apply multiple coupons to one transaction but they just tell him it’s fine because they know he’s serious 
even charms or guilt-trips his way past expiry dates with his top-notch acting skills 
lowkey super excited because he gets to pick a treat and nobody will stop this grown man from eventually trying every type of cookie in the snack aisle 
but he’s so attached to one kind that fukumoto has to convince him that he can get that and a new kind each time 
will hunt down anyone who steals from his stash because he asks for so little 
also because they’re his, dammit
unfortunate clerk who has to deal with everyone’s nonsense 
although immune to jitsui’s tactics, can never catch him breaking any rules on coupons 
they often engage in a battle of who-looked-further-ahead-into-the-technicalities until he politely threatens to call the manager 
acts like he’s in a commercial for everything he shelves and pretends he’s on the runway when nobody’s around
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panchalpooja-blog · 5 years
Synthetic Spider Silk Market Analysis & Recent Developments, Share
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Overview
Spider silk is also known as gossamer. It is a sought after biomaterial. Spider silk is a protein fiber made in the glands of a spider. This silk is flexible and lightweight. These fibers are waterproof and have tensile strength similar to that of steel. These fibers can be stretched up to 40% of its original length, without breaking. Scientists across the globe have been trying to mimic the properties of spider silk into synthetic silk fibers as spiders cannot be farmed, as they are territorial and cannibalistic in close proximity. In the last few year, scientists have developed multiple ways to synthesize the properties of spider silk using genetically modifying Escherichia coli bacteria, plants, silkworms, yeasts, and even goats. Some of these methods are not scalable to the commercial production; however, methods such as fermentation of yeast are being used by companies, such as Bolt Thread, for commercial production of synthetic silk fibers. These fibers are used in applications such as textiles, defense, health care, and others.
Read Report Overview @: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/synthetic-spider-silk-market.html
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Drivers & Restraints
Rise in demand for synthetic spider silk in defense applications and their extensive usage in healthcare applications are expected to drive the synthetic spider silk market in the next few years. This is prompting companies to increase the production of synthetic spider silk. Additionally, easy availability of raw materials to manufacture synthetic spider silk is anticipated to boost its demand during the forecast period.
Technological advancements in the global synthetic spider silk market are increasing. Companies are striving to develop new and better methods to manufacture these fibers. Development of new manufacturing processes for synthetic spider silk and rise in utilization of these fibers are expected to propel the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period.
Request Brochure of Synthetic Spider Silk Market @: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=50772
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Key Segments
Based on product, the global synthetic spider silk market can be divided into genetically modified yeast fermentation, genetically modified silkworm, genetically modified Escherichia coli bacteria fermentation, and others. The genetically modified yeast fermentation segment dominates the market due to extensive usage of these global synthetic spider silk market in applications such as textiles and health care across the globe.
In terms of applications, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segmented into textile, automotive, defense, health care, and others. The textile segment dominates the global synthetic spider silk market due to extensive usage of these synthetic spider silk to manufacture sports apparel.
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Regional Outlook
Based on geography, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segregated into North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Europe and North America are anticipated to constitute major share of the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period. The global synthetic spider silk market in North America is projected to expand at a significant pace from 2018 to 2026 due to the rise in demand for these fibers for defense applications. Europe is anticipated to be an attractive global synthetic spider silk market between 2018 and 2026 owing to the increase in demand for these fibers in health care applications in the region.
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Key Players
Prominent players operating in the global synthetic spider silk market include Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc., AMSilk GmbH, Bolt Threads Inc., and Spiber Inc. These players engage in research & development activities, strategic alliances, and mergers & acquisitions to gain market share.1
Request For Discount On This Report @: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=D&rep_id=50772
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trendingnewz-blog · 6 years
Synthetic Spider Silk Market Key Players, Supply Chain and Analysis to 2026
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Overview
Spider silk is also known as gossamer. It is a sought after biomaterial. Spider silk is a protein fiber made in the glands of a spider. This silk is flexible and lightweight. These fibers are waterproof and have tensile strength similar to that of steel. These fibers can be stretched up to 40% of its original length, without breaking. Scientists across the globe have been trying to mimic the properties of spider silk into synthetic silk fibers as spiders cannot be farmed, as they are territorial and cannibalistic in close proximity. In the last few year, scientists have developed multiple ways to synthesize the properties of spider silk using genetically modifying Escherichia coli bacteria, plants, silkworms, yeasts, and even goats. Some of these methods are not scalable to the commercial production; however, methods such as fermentation of yeast are being used by companies, such as Bolt Thread, for commercial production of synthetic silk fibers. These fibers are used in applications such as textiles, defense, health care, and others.
Read Report Overview @
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Drivers & Restraints
Rise in demand for synthetic spider silk in defense applications and their extensive usage in healthcare applications are expected to drive the synthetic spider silk market in the next few years. This is prompting companies to increase the production of synthetic spider silk. Additionally, easy availability of raw materials to manufacture synthetic spider silk is anticipated to boost its demand during the forecast period. Technological advancements in the global synthetic spider silk market are increasing. Companies are striving to develop new and better methods to manufacture these fibers. Development of new manufacturing processes for synthetic spider silk and rise in utilization of these fibers are expected to propel the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period.
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Key Segments
Based on product, the global synthetic spider silk market can be divided into genetically modified yeast fermentation, genetically modified silkworm, genetically modified Escherichia coli bacteria fermentation, and others. The genetically modified yeast fermentation segment dominates the market due to extensive usage of these global synthetic spider silk market in applications such as textiles and health care across the globe.
In terms of applications, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segmented into textile, automotive, defense, health care, and others. The textile segment dominates the global synthetic spider silk market due to extensive usage of these synthetic spider silk to manufacture sports apparel.
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Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Regional Outlook
Based on geography, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segregated into North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Europe and North America are anticipated to constitute major share of the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period. The global synthetic spider silk market in North America is projected to expand at a significant pace from 2018 to 2026 due to the rise in demand for these fibers for defense applications. Europe is anticipated to be an attractive global synthetic spider silk market between 2018 and 2026 owing to the increase in demand for these fibers in health care applications in the region.
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boltnutrition · 2 years
BOLT NUTRITIONS: The GOAT of Protein. BOLT Nutritions is a brand known for premium protein supplemsents innovated with the blend of PHYCOCYANIN also known as Blue Gold (Patented Formulation). BOLT Nutritions creates supplements formulated and registered in the USA making it every athlete's first choice. BOLT is thrilled to have Vivan Bhathena on board. We plan to have a global expansion very soon and have people connect with us to be the G.O.A.T.      
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Synthetic Spider Silk Market to Record an Exponential CAGR by 2024
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Overview
Spider silk is also known as gossamer. It is a sought after biomaterial. Spider silk is a protein fiber made in the glands of a spider. This silk is flexible and lightweight. These fibers are waterproof and have tensile strength similar to that of steel. These fibers can be stretched up to 40% of its original length, without breaking. Scientists across the globe have been trying to mimic the properties of spider silk into synthetic silk fibers as spiders cannot be farmed, as they are territorial and cannibalistic in close proximity. In the last few year, scientists have developed multiple ways to synthesize the properties of spider silk using genetically modifying Escherichia coli bacteria, plants, silkworms, yeasts, and even goats. Some of these methods are not scalable to the commercial production; however, methods such as fermentation of yeast are being used by companies, such as Bolt Thread, for commercial production of synthetic silk fibers. These fibers are used in applications such as textiles, defense, health care, and others.
Get Research Report Overview @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/synthetic-spider-silk-market.html
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Drivers & Restraints
Rise in demand for synthetic spider silk in defense applications and their extensive usage in healthcare applications are expected to drive the synthetic spider silk market in the next few years. This is prompting companies to increase the production of synthetic spider silk. Additionally, easy availability of raw materials to manufacture synthetic spider silk is anticipated to boost its demand during the forecast period.
Technological advancements in the global synthetic spider silk market are increasing. Companies are striving to develop new and better methods to manufacture these fibers. Development of new manufacturing processes for synthetic spider silk and rise in utilization of these fibers are expected to propel the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period.
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Key Segments
Based on product, the global synthetic spider silk market can be divided into genetically modified yeast fermentation, genetically modified silkworm, genetically modified Escherichia coli bacteria fermentation, and others. The genetically modified yeast fermentation segment dominates the market due to extensive usage of these global synthetic spider silk market in applications such as textiles and health care across the globe.
In terms of applications, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segmented into textile, automotive, defense, health care, and others. The textile segment dominates the global synthetic spider silk market due to extensive usage of these synthetic spider silk to manufacture sports apparel.
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Regional Outlook
Based on geography, the global synthetic spider silk market can be segregated into North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Europe and North America are anticipated to constitute major share of the global synthetic spider silk market during the forecast period. The global synthetic spider silk market in North America is projected to expand at a significant pace from 2018 to 2026 due to the rise in demand for these fibers for defense applications. Europe is anticipated to be an attractive global synthetic spider silk market between 2018 and 2026 owing to the increase in demand for these fibers in health care applications in the region.
Get PDF Brochure for more Professional & Technical industry insights: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=50772
Synthetic Spider Silk Market: Key Players
Prominent players operating in the global synthetic spider silk market include Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc., AMSilk GmbH, Bolt Threads Inc., and Spiber Inc. These players engage in research & development activities, strategic alliances, and mergers & acquisitions to gain market share.
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Periodically preppers and prepper fiction bring up hoof stock as options for A Bad Thing that removes electric and combustion engines. It’s really only been 100-150 years since equines and bovines were the go-to, and in some less-developed nations, they still are. There are also still plenty of areas worldwide where we can find bovines and equines laboring alongside tractors and transport vehicles. Even here in the U.S., we use livestock to access remote areas, help us haul big game out of back country, and periodically tow somebody’s 4×4 out of mud or off a frozen rut. So it’s not all that unreasonable.
However, things have changed with livestock, and there are an awful lot of people who maybe romanticize it, and who don’t really understand livestock’s’ needs or consider the options we have. I’ll come back and detail some hoof stock horsepower aspects in greater detail, but I want to start by thumb-nailing some of the basics and vox populi.
Workhorse Basics
There are generally three equines in the horsepower conversation, horses, donkeys and mules. Horses are mares (female) and stallions (male). In donkeys, it’s jenny and jack, and in mules it’s molly and john (johns are also “horse mules”). Babies are foals, colt (male) or filly (female)
Jennet – Some still use jennet for a specific size and gaited horse (of any breed; a descriptive like “bay” or “goer”). Usually when we hear it, it’s just a different way to say “jenny”. Some use jennet instead of filly for immature female mules.
Sometimes it’s jargon referring to dedicated-nanny livestock guardian donkeys that mother their adopted herds, more than just chasing threats, or to a mule or donkey that cottons to her human and nuzzles or defends them like she would a foal.
Ponies – They’re technically the same species as horses, but they have different conformations. Ponies and mini horses also seem to have … uhm, character … more often than other equines. (Not all ponies are Demon Goats. Mini horses, now….)
Geld Often & Early – Multiple stallions/jacks are like having too many roosters: it causes problems. Geldings are also far easier to handle than un-cut males, and since spaying is a non-starter for equines and bovines, it’s the only method of population control.
Oxen (and yaks) – Oxen are mature gelded cattle, with dairy breeds generally preferred. For significant chunks of American history, they – not equines – were the go-to engine. They were so favored during wester expansion heydays that start-point towns ran out of them, even after their prices tripled. (They defaulted down to mules.) They’re still the most-used draft animal worldwide due to their economy, durability, and power.
Yaks are bovines, too, but like Asian and African cattle, they have some differences due to our specific breeding trends.
Cattle really rate their own article. I’ll mostly talk equines here, but I wanted to toss in oxen because they’re so often minimized or absent when preppers talk livestock farm labor or backup labor for long-term, widespread disasters.
Bursting Bubbles
Nutrition – The days of domestic hoofstock eating solely off pasture is largely gone, due both to the graze areas we usually have available and modern livestock’s needs. If realistic sustainable feed isn’t part of the prepper plan, working hoofstock needs to be left off, too (all livestock, really).
Feed is the largest expense in ownership, and it’s greatest for horses. Horses require higher-quality nutrition, more highly digestible nutrition, and more protein per bodyweight and work. Donkeys are darn-near goats. They need less total by bodyweight and much lower-quality feeds. Too much feed and too much protein will actually make them sick and in very short time, they’ll get fussy, cantankerous, and hard to handle.
Training Takes Time – It starts with handling from birth, ideally, and exposure to what we want. I’m not saying to work an immature animal, but to have it ready to work once it’s mature. Most equines and bovines also require refreshers and continuing work to remain steady on lead and under rein, and animals require the same ramp-up exercises and maintenance conditioning as human athletes.
Training to task isn’t automatic or as easy as dogs. Many owners and even large-animal vets have no idea how to train working stock from scratch. Don’t count on either for next-gen working livestock in widespread disasters; find a trainer.
Mules Are Infertile – Mules are crosses between horse mares and jack donkeys. The parents have different numbers of chromosomes, which leads to mules’ infertility. (Hinnys get lumped in as mules, but their parents are swapped. Chromosome counts and preferences make them relatively rare.)
Male mules are always infertile. Female mules are fertile and viable so rarely it makes national news if one carries to term. Ours will not be the exception. If repeatable next-generation hoofstock is part of your goal, starting with mules is not going to get you there. You need parent stock or to pick a species.
Gun Shy – Horses, longears, and cattle are not automatically chill about gunfire, especially shots going off right behind their heads. Train up for a gun horse, or prepare to outrun the bad guys or haul that elk home yourself.
It also takes a good seat and practice to get even center-mass shots from a moving vehicle, to include wagons and saddles. Just sayin’.
Bonus add-on: You can get earplugs for horses to save their hearing (kid ya’ not). Gun dogs, too.
    “Healthy as a Horse” – Is a lie these days. See…
Horses Are Delicate – They always have been, comparatively, but along with the way we’ve tailored other domestic animals (and crops) in modern times, there are tradeoffs. Horses have developed fragilities from their guts to their feet, as well as increasingly demanding feed needs, especially performance breeds. We also breed in injury and illness-inducing stuff for the sake of looks (oversizing, undersizing, dish-face Arabians).
Bare-Bones Basics
Size Matters – Breeding lineage leads to wildly different shapes and sizes between equines and within breeds. All tack (even bits) varies to fit differing conformation, and is not automatically transferable between animals, even moving between horses and near-sized long ears. Tack is also purpose-driven, especially harnesses.
Hoofstock has hooves – Hooves are just big ol’ thick toenails. They grow, continually. Most domestic hoofstock needs help with their toenails these days, typically every 4-6-8 weeks. Many owners/groomers call in a specialist. Some handle their own hoof care, but many of those still want their work checked several times a year.
Vets are not farriers – Even if there’s a hoof problem (or a problem we’re going to address by changing the hoof and thus how weight is carried), a large-animal vet will typically tell the farrier what they’re after. Very few do it themselves (or know how).
Shoes – Shoes are not automatically necessary (excellent article & images: http://rockleyfarm.blogspot.com/2013/05/what-happens-when-hoof-wall-wears-away.html). Of note to preppers who do shoe, in recent decades we’ve gained more availability of temp and short-term special-purpose shoes, which increases our at-home, non-specialist prepper-stocking capabilities.
Filing – Instead of pincher trims for hooves, we can file as part of regular grooming. Equines also sometimes need tooth work, for many reasons, typically accomplished with a file (and sometimes a chisel, drill, and pliers). That is a specialist skill. It’s one that needs learned if we’re after complete equine sustainability.
LGDs – Livestock guardians is a big topic, one with lots of “if” that I’ll detail in a future article if nobody beats me to it (donkeys+dogs considerations, too). The quickfire is: Standard jenny or gelded donkeys, not jacks, not minis, not horses or mules.
Also remember that donkeys will regularly ignore other species if there are enough equines to satisfy their herd needs (usually at 3+).
Shy-Stand – In fight-flight-freeze reactions, horses generally flee. They shy, and when they bolt, they go. They’re also more prone to making big shows, throwing hooves around and slinging heads.
When longears see something hinky, they stop and study it until they decide how they’re handling *it*. That “stubborn” freeze is a fear, precaution or confusion manifestation, not meanness. They’re also pretty conservative with energy, and if you progress past ear cues and warning brays, they aim those feet and make sure their hit counts. (Teeth, too.)
Donkeys & mules are hard to bully – They also don’t fall for our pitiful “treat” coercions as often as dogs and horses, and they’ll call bluffs. When they “nope” but they must move, now, stop pulling the head. Push with a blanket or strap – not rope – behind its thighs.
Smart, not Stubborn – Had Geronimo been riding a donkey or mule, he’d have gone over that cliff by himself.
Donkeys and their mule/hinny offspring are too intelligent to put up with as much nonsense as horses and dogs. If they see stupid taking place or prior humans have taught them we’re mean/idiots, they’re even more inclined to dig in their heels. And just like the really smart dog breeds are not typically in the “easy to train” category, longears require creativity and patience.
Treat it with respect, earn its faith, and train with clear, sensible steps. They’ll be an affectionate puppy willing to cross hells for us, too.
Conventional Wisdoms
Donkeys/Mules don’t founder – Myth. Founder is laminitis – swelling of the tissue that connects equine hooves to their skeletons – but it’s sometimes used for any stock animal dropping from exhaustion. Longears founder, but it’s usually from overfeeding and too much protein, not physical faults, heat, exertion, or overwork. (Psst … Oxen are troopers, too.)
A safer mount/draft – Welllll… Donkeys tend to be sure-footed. That, their “stop and look” reaction to unknowns and threats, and their unwillingness to endanger themselves all contribute to longears’ reputations as safer animals under rein or on lines.
They’re also savvy and attentive, possibly because they still have more “wild” blood and inclinations, have smaller offspring, and aren’t fast enough to get away from as many things as horses can. Mules inherit that. So they do seem to startle less frequently.
I will grant that pack horses are more prone to boredom issues. But I’m still not willing to make a blanket assertion that horses (or specifically geldings) drift/zone/doze and stumble more often on trail.
For draft safety, don’t forget about oxen. Next time a Western shows a runaway stagecoach or stirrup-hung cowboy, check out what’s pulling them. Hollywood, sure, but I’ll betcha those runaways aren’t oxen.
Pound for pound, longears out-work horses – Wellllll… This argument gets made using both feed weight and carry-haul weights ratios of animal weight. Breaking down the numbers (and the problems with animal-weight percentages) needs its own article. But … okay, yeah, mostly.
Donkey/mule economy and strength ratios fit more potentials, but they’re not always the best fit. There is work that speedsters or cobbs/drafts and oxen are better suited to, if we can handle horses’ expense or oxen’s one-gear speeds (admittedly, it’s a low gear). There are also donkey/mule tradeoffs – training style, human-behavior tolerances, that noise.
Marish – Oh, REALLY real – Mares tend to have a little more attitude than non-breeding stallions or geldings. (Personal opinion: Mares are sneakier, too. And smug about it.) Longears can be opinionated, but jennies no more than geldings or jacks. Jennies are also less likely to exhibit any special stubbornness or PMS-like symptoms when they come into season.
Prepper Horsepower
Few working animals actually pay for themselves in modern nations, and many are ill suited to a subsistence lifestyle due to our commonly limited land. Still, their prevalence as labor in low-income areas worldwide should keep anybody from just immediately scoffing off hoofstock as a long-term grid-down preparation to make – when we’re educated and financially secure enough to provide for them.
Replacing our electric and combustion horsepower with livestock is full of factors to consider. A lot goes into maintenance, and there’s a lot to weigh between each’s needs and abilities and our own. If there’s interest, I’ll revisit the horsepower topic in the future with some details for comparison on the options, uses, working lifespan, load weights, and team synergy.
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
New England News: Maine’s Gelato Fiasco Expands to Florida
And other regional food and beverage updates beyond Boston
Broadening the scope a bit, here’s the latest restaurant news from beyond Greater Boston; we’re keeping an eye out for dining developments throughout New England. This piece is updated on a rolling basis, covering restaurant openings, closures, and more in Portsmouth, Providence, Portland, and elsewhere.
Check back for updates — the most recent ones will always be at the top — and email [email protected] with any news tips pertaining to New England restaurant news beyond Boston.
Note: Jump to the bottom of this page for a list of other links pertaining to New England dining, including a guide to Portsmouth and Kittery, an archive of Maine news, a map of the hottest new restaurants in Providence, and more.
January 30, 2018
BRUNSWICK, MAINE — The Gelato Fiasco— a Maine-based gelato producer that’s previously popped-up in Boston and has been “eyeing properties in Boston for a while” for a potential permanent location here — has first landed on a site a little bit more southern: Orlando, Florida. After producing gelato for distribution and gaining traction in Florida thanks to the state’s beloved grocery store, Publix, Gelato Fiasco has signed a lease for a space at 25 West Crystal Lakes St., planning to open in spring 2018.
LONDONDERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Long Blue Cat Brewing (298 Rockingham Rd.) is up and running with pints, flatbreads, and snacks. Operating varied hours from Wednesday through Sunday, the brewery is the work of two friends, Jason Knight and Shane Sorenson, who are serving several different beers, including a honey ale, a traditional porter, and a kolsch, among others.
MANCHESTER, VERMONT — Mystic Cafe & Wine Barhas opened in Manchester (4928 Main St.), serving lunch and dinner — both cafe fare and entrees, including salmon tartine, Cuban sandwiches, pastries, grilled cheese and tomato soup, salads, and mussels. The restaurant also offers a full bar and wines by the glass.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Poke hit Portsmouth with the opening of Ohana Kitchen several weeks ago (800 Islington St., Plaza 800). The restaurant serves customizable bowls of the Hawaiian dish, in addition to sushi burritos.
January 23, 2018
Dan Watkins for By Chloe
By Chloe in Providence
MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Suzette Crepes & Waffles (62 Lowell St.) is a recent addition to Manchester, and it serves what diners might expect from the name. With stuffed crepes and waffles topped with various items (including Nutella), the restaurant is connected to Gaucho’s Brazilian Steakhouse.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Seacoast Online shares the history and longevity of restaurateur John Mikolajcyk, who was born in Portsmouth 80 years ago and is still involved in the industry, as manager of the Portsmouth Elks Lodge.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — By Chloe, a New York City-born restaurant chain that has spawned locations in Los Angeles and Boston (with a couple opening soon in London), officially opened a new location in Providence last week at 223 Thayer St. The entirely vegan menu includes everything from avocado pesto pasta to various burgers, sandwiches, and breakfast items.
January 16, 2017
Wow Barbecue skewers
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — Wow Barbecue got its start as a food truck in Boston before opening restaurants in Malden and Brookline. Now, there’s a new restaurant in play in Providence, open at 183 Angell St., and it’s serving a menu of Chinese barbecue dishes, rice bowls, noodles, and several appetizers.
SEABROOK, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Brown’s Lobster Pound closed down in August 2017 after a fire, but the restaurant is on the verge of reopening, slated to make its return by April 1.
THREE RIVERS, MASSACHUSETTS — Humble Pie opened in November, serving a menu of scratch-made items from chef-owner Jordan Langley. The restaurant has a full liquor license and a wide selection of craft beer, and menu items include grilled cheese, crispy Brussels sprouts, a chef salad with pork shoulder, and fried chicken.
WEST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT — A full-service restaurant and bar specializing in vegan food has opened in Connecticut from the same people behind Rooster Co. in Newington. Flora uses seasonal ingredients for its food and drink menu (there’s a juice bar in addition to wine and beer). In addition to falafel wraps, flatbreads, “mac-no-cheese,” and an avocado bowl, Flora serves the plant-based Impossible Burger. For any meat eaters who visit, Flora offers what it calls “viable fauna” or “sustainable and responsibly raised animal products,” like grass-fed beef, wild shrimp, and arctic char.
January 9, 2018
Bissell Brothers
CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Lunch Lady Food Truck debuted at the end of 2017 in Concord, serving a school-themed menu featuring items named for grades one through 10. There are burgers, barbecue pork nachos, Buffalo wings, and Reuben egg rolls, among many other items, including sides and drinks. Find it by the Everett Arena (15 Loudon Rd.), and keep an eye on social media for other locations.
DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Burger joint Hop + Grind (7 Madbury Rd. — Madbury Commons) opened at the end of November. The restaurant butchers and grinds its own meats and makes its soda in-house. There are beef, chicken, and pork burgers and two versions of veggie burgers, plus chicken fried mac and cheese and a Nashville hot chicken sandwich. Hop + Grind also serves craft beer and ice cream malts.
MAINE — As a new year kicks off, Portland Food Map takes a look back at the year in 2017 — exploring new restaurants, notable events, trends, and obituaries — while looking ahead towards openings slated for 2018.
PORTLAND, MAINE — The Rock apparently has great taste in beer and sent an assistant to procure some. The famed Bissell Brothers Brewing Company (4 Thompsons Pt.) shared the story on Twitter: “An assistant for The Rock just showed up, he took a private jet here to pick up Substance cans. Got shown some credentials… either we just got massively played or THAT IS AWESOME!!”
Also in Portland, Definitive Brewing Company is under construction and could open in the spring at 35 Industrial Wy., near Allagash Brewing Company, according to the Portland Food Map. Few other details are available at this point, but stay tuned for more from Maine.
SOUTH PORTLAND, MAINE — The poke trend is creeping its way north to South Portland: Big Fin Poke, which specializes in the Hawaiian raw fish dish, is now open at 29 Western Ave., with this location joining a second in Westbrook, Maine. In addition to rice and salad bowls topped with seafood, chicken, beef, or tofu, Big Fin Poke also serves poke burritos, or seaweed wraps stuffed with sushi rice and proteins.
December 19, 2017
Smoked pork loin chop at Nibblesworth in Portsmouth
KITTERY, MAINE — The Caribbean-inspiredBlue Mermaid Island Grill, which was previously open in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for over 20 years, returns to the dining scene this week, opening its new Kittery location at 10 Shapleigh Rd. on Thursday, December 21, right next to Tributary Brewing Company. Opening weekend is reservation-only; call (207) 703-2754.
Checkout our beautiful, brand new store front, isn’t she gorgeous?! … . . #bluemermaid #bluemermaidkittery #kitteryme #kittery #newlocation #storefront #restaurantdesign
A post shared by Blue Mermaid (@bluemermaid_kittery) on Dec 16, 2017 at 10:26am PST
NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Biryani Pot, which has a location in Framingham, Massachusetts, will add a location in Nashua (295 Daniel Webster Hwy.), and the grand opening will happen soon. The restaurant specializes in Hyderabadi cuisine, including biryani with chicken, goat, egg, shrimp, or vegetables.
PORTLAND, MAINE — Tuscan Table arrives at 390 Gorham Rd. in South Portland on Wednesday, December 20. The restaurant has ties to Royal River Grillhouse in Yarmouth, Maine, and Tuscan Brick Oven Bistro in Freeport, Maine. The restaurant will serve Italian cuisine.
In other Portland news, Bon Appetit recently featured a look at six of the city’s newest restaurants to check out, including Hunt & Alpine Club’s little sibling Little Giant (211 Danforth St.), which is both a restaurant and a market; Noble Barbecue (1706 Forest Ave.), which serves a “formidable” brisket sandwich and more; and Belleville (1 North St.), home of “legitimate Roman-style pizza.”
Eater Maine is also currently featuring some of the hottest new spots in Portland and beyond in the latest updated Heatmap; check it out here.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — A restaurant with a wonderfully silly name opened recently in New Hampshire, and it specializes in wood-fired cooking. Nibblesworth (409 The Hill) was started by wife-and-husband team Jenny and Tom Nelson, who launched the restaurant with a goal of taking “classic recipes and rejuvenat[ing] them for today’s palate.” The menu includes items like poutine, pierogi, seafood stew, and lobster tacos. As previously reported, it has taken the place of Blue Mermaid Island Grill, which closed in June and reopens in Kittery this week, as mentioned above.
December 12, 2017
Bill Addison for Eater
Sally’s Apizza
BIDDEFORD, MAINE — Nuts & Bolts Brewing Company inches closer to an opening this winter at 7 York St. in the Pepperrell Mill, per the Portland Food Map. The brewery is the work of Patrick Doherty and Deedra Zeeh, and they’re providing progress updates on social media.
CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE — A new collaboration aims to bring tortillas made with local corn to a pair of restaurants in New Hampshire. Vida Tortilla unites the owners of Vida Cantina (2456 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth) and Dos Amigos Burritos (26 N Main St., Concord, and other locations) with Tuckaway Farm (36 Captain Smith Emerson Rd., Lee), and they’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to help pay for the equipment needed to produce the tortillas.
NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT — One of New Haven’s oldest and best pizza restaurants, Sally’s Apizza(237 Wooster St.), has been sold to new owners, as Eater reports. The names of those now involved will not be made public until January, but they apparently plan to try to expand the restaurant nationwide.
PORTLAND, MAINE — The Portland Harbor Hotel (468 Fore St.) will lean into the cold of winter with an ice bar and ice sculptures in its courtyard garden. From January 25 to 27, the Ice Bar will be open from 5 to 9 p.m., and tickets can be purchased online. There will be specialty cocktails and small bites available.
December 5, 2017
Whiskey & Wine Concord
BIDDEFORD, MAINE — Elda opens its doors today, arriving at 140 Main St. with regional-inspired small plates from Bowman Brown, who relocated to the Northeast from Salt Lake City and is a James Beard-nominated chef. The restaurant is named for Brown’s grandmother and will initially serve food only, with wine, beer, and a full bar menu coming soon.
CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE — From the same owners behind Gale Motor Co. in Manchester, Whiskey & Wine has been open for nearly a month in Concord (148 N. Main St.), and it serves exactly that, with 34 varieties of whiskey and American and European wines. The varied food menu includes items like miso and tonkotsu ramen, pulled pork tacos, sushi rolls, chicken potstickers, and seared scallops.
PORTLAND, MAINE — The Highroller Lobster, a popular food truck in Portland, now has a permanent home at 104 Exchange St. The restaurant opened over the weekend and will officially begin operations Wednesday through Thursday, starting on December 6, serving lobster in several different forms (including lobster grilled cheese), plus corn dogs, burgers, and a surf n’ turf option.
November 29, 2017
The Wilder, Portsmouth
BIDDEFORD, MAINE — Rover Wood Fired Bagels and Pizza is now open at 111 Elm St. Founders Kimberly Chaurette and Alec Rutter, both alums of Somerville’s Forge Baking Company, started Rover as a bagel pop-up, appearing in Salem at Bambolina and local farmers markets. They’re now in business as a brick-and-mortar up in Maine, serving up bagels and sandwiches, with wood-fired pizza on the way before the end of the year.
A brunch burger at Sonny’s, closing on December 31
PORTLAND, MAINE — Sonny’s, a nearly decade-old restaurant in Old Port (83 Exchange St.), will close at the end of the year. Taking its place: Black Cow, a burger-and-shake shop with an old-fashioned soda fountain. Jay Villani and Garry Bowcott, who own Sonny’s, Local 188, and Salvage BBQ, are behind the new project, and longtime Local 188 chef Nicholas Nappi (who took a hiatus from the group and worked at Eventide and Hugo’s in the interim) is partnering with them for Black Cow. December 31 is the final day for Sonny’s, and Black Cow could open as soon as mid-February.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — The team behind the Wallingford Dram — an excellent cocktail bar in Kittery, Maine — has opened a new spot in Portsmouth. The Wilder, a “no-rules New England gastropub,” is now open at 174 Fleet St., the site of the former United Kingdom-themed Coat of Arms bar. It’s open daily, with bar service starting at 3:30 p.m. with snacks, the full menu available starting at 5 p.m., and a late-night menu offered until 1 a.m. Dishes include everything from Scotch duck eggs to braised kid ragu, which most likely refers to goats, not children. For dessert? Apple cider beignets with maple sauce. And shakshuka makes an appearance on the late-night menu.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — A food hall slated for Providence just met its fundraising goal through a Kickstarter campaign. The forthcoming West Park Food Hall (233 West Park St.) will have a number of restaurants, a brewery, and a roastery, with communal seating and a roof deck. It raised more than $120,000, which will go towards various expenses, including design and legal costs.
The second level at Thee Red Fez is now White Rabbit
In other Providence news, Thee Red Fez (49 Peck St.) is changing things up, converting the upstairs dining room into a cocktail bar with its own name, White Rabbit. Get dinner at the Fez Tuesday through Saturday, starting at 5 p.m., and drink snazzy cocktails upstairs Thursday through Saturday, starting at 5 p.m.
And in other Providence news, North is now up and running at its new location, the first floor of the Dean Hotel (122 Fountain St.). Stay tuned for details on what the team plans to do with the original space at 3 Luongo Sq. — owner James Mark promises a simpler neighborhood spot that could open in a few short months.
Further Reading
Rachel Leah Blumenthal for Eater
Spicy miso ramen at Anju Noodle Bar in Kittery, Maine
New England’s 38 Essential Restaurants: A guide to the best of the best throughout New England, compiled by Eater restaurant editor Bill Addison with the help of food writers from around the region.
The 9 Hottest New Restaurants in Providence, Rhode Island: Updated in October 2017, this map highlights some of the hot new spots to hit the Providence dining scene in 2017.
Eater Maine: Eater Boston’s sister site to the north has been largely retired, but stop by the homepage now and then for updates to major maps, such as the Heatmap, which tracks some of the hottest new openings.
Maine Restaurant News Archive on Eater Boston: While most Maine news going forward will appear right here in this New England news round-up, older stories are archived at the Maine Restaurant News Archive link.
A Guide to Dining and Drinking in Portsmouth and Kittery: Take a trip up to the New Hampshire-Maine border.
Eater Recommends: What to Eat and Drink in Portsmouth and Kittery: Don’t have time to read the whole guide mentioned above? Skip to this map, which highlights some of the Eater Boston team’s Portsmouth and Kittery favorites.
Where to Drink Beer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: And here’s the beer-specific accompaniment to the above two links.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
This Striped Beanie Shows the Promise of Synthetic Spider Silk
A hat made from Rambouillet wool is a perfectly nice hat. The fiber, shorn from a Rambouillet sheep, is fine and soft. Not at all scratchy. “They call it the American merino,” says Dan Widmaier, the founder of Bolt Threads, a biotech company that grows synthetic spider silk from yeast.
Earlier this year, Bolt bought Best Made Company, a high-design outdoor brand that makes hand painted axes and fancy toolboxes. It was an unexpected move—what did a biotech company want with a lifestyle brand, anyway? It turns out, Bolt wanted to make a new kind of wool hat.
For its first joint product, the companies are launching a limited edition version of Best Made Company’s Cap of Courage, a $198 striped beanie that’s made by combining Bolt’s Microsilk and Rambouillet wool. More than anything, the run of 100 caps is a proof of concept. It’s a way to show that the elusive science behind crafting synthetic spider's silk is no longer elusive. In fact, it’s scalable enough that customers can walk into a store, pick up a spider silk hat, and wear it on their walk home.
Home-Brewed Silk
Five years ago that would’ve been unthinkable. Spider silk is an ace of a material. It’s soft, flexible, and strong as steel. But it’s also a terror to produce en mass. Spiders, no surprise, tend to cannibalize each other before they crank out enough silk to be useful. Scientists tried BioSteel goats, animals that are genetically modified to produce the filament of a Golden Orb spider, but that proved untenable, too.
Bolt Threads
For more than a decade, Widmaier has worked on solving the problem by growing proteins that mimic spider silk in yeast. “It’s been one of those things that’s often talked about as the next big thing but never actually getting out in the hands of consumers,” Widmaier says. And this year, he and his team of biologists got it right.
In the spring, Bolt released its first product, a $314 tie made entirely from synthetic spider silk. The cap is its second official good, and Widmaier says this is just the beginning of what Bolt hopes to do with grown materials. “We think the same process can make pretty much any protein based material nature has evolved,” he says.
In the case of spider silk, Bolt designed its fiber to mimic dragline silk, the flexible, kevlar-strong filament that a spider extrudes when it rappels. Analyze Bolt’s fiber and natural silk, Widmaier says, and you’d see the same molecular makeup. “All the things you observe scientifically are the same,” he says. “We just make it with a different process.”
Bolt Threads
Instead of harvesting silk directly from an arachnid, Bolt has figured out a way to brew it like beer. The scientists insert genes into yeast and then ferment the mixture with water and sugar. That solution is then purified into a silk protein powder and combined with a solvent so it takes on a molasses-like texture that can be squeezed through a die to make long, thin fibers. “It’s spider silk without the spider,” Widmaier says.
Bolt used the same process to make fibers for its tie and hat, but there are key differences. Bolt’s tie is made from a continuous filament yarn that’s woven into a garment. “It gives you a very clean, sleek face on the fabric,” says Jamie Bainbridge, VP of product develpment at Bolt. The hat, on the other hand, is made from spun yarn, which has an entirely different process. For the hat, Bolt’s spider silk is chopped into 4-inch-long pieces that are then entangled with the sheep’s wool and twisted to create a thick, airy yarn that’s meant to trap dead air and keep the head warm.
To the average consumer, the Cap of Courage will look and feel like a regular hat. Up close, you can see the dyed Rambouillet flecked with the white of Bolt’s silk, but there’s really no way to tell you’re wearing a wild new material. Bolt claims its fiber makes the hat softer, fluffier, and lighter than the all-wool original. Widmaier says it feels warmer, too, but as a scientist he’s hesitant to make any claims without empirical evidence.
Mostly, though, you’re paying for novelty. Bolt says eventually, after manufacturing scales up and the shiny newness of the material wears off, a hat and a tie will cost a whole lot less. For now though, $200 will get you a hat made of lab-grown spider silk and the rights to brag about it. No one said early adoption didn’t come at a price.
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nbpetal · 7 years
Why It Has Become A Widely Practiced Method When Elevating Chickens
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Writer: Edgar Roger Among the best effectively-identified chicken coops turning into employed by merely professionals is the Amish hen coop. It has acquired an excellent mixture of simplicity in addition to efficiency of their design. It actually is built from strong wooden. So that it can handle the actual huge additional weight as nicely because the sturdy winds and even storms. It is very important the truth that supplies you've got can easily handle the ever altering weather conditions. Why Construct a Hen Coop? Publisher: James Calloway Eggs are certainly one of the various advantages of elevating chickens in your own backyard. But that's removed from the only benefit. Uncover how and why it is a good venture to build a chicken coop right in your individual yard. Should You purchase Natural Hen? Writer: Phil Tucker When you enter the supermarket, it is simple to become overwhelmed. We are sometimes bombarded by an enormous quantity of different choices, and these days there's two of all the pieces because the organic fad has hit the mainstream. Publisher: W.L. Yap These days, it is a common follow to keep up a small poultry coop at home.
Publisher: Colm Dillinger There are plenty of delivery services available to most people today; particularly there are numerous companies who are vying for our custom when sending parcels overseas. Writer: KevinMeaney Courier companies are thought of one of many most efficient delivery methods in present occasions. For instance, a customer who desires to deliver a sure package urgently can seek the help of a courier service that deals in overnight supply. Courier service helps to transport items or merchandise of various types that might be required to be delivered urgently, safely or discreetly. Writer: Paul Lancaster Courier service is vital to the operations of any firm which wants to move merchandise to their prospects. Publisher: Jen Barnum Enterprise Start changing your online business into a green one by changing a few of the small things your company does. An environmentally aware enterprise will take time to create, however you can do it, even when the method is gradual at first. We thought we'd attempt to assimilate her without the usage of a cage. The first, second and third nights Kira howled. Being a Newfie it's a protracted deep howl harking back to a mooing cow. Josh who has never been a howler determined to accompany her. We lay in bed instantly above the kitchen, ears bleeding, listening to Kira singing the hymn with Josh performing the descant. Took me proper back to my choirboy days. Kira is also destructive. It can be foolhardy of me to attempt to put in writing down the total checklist of 'issues that have been Kira'd' within the short week that she has been here. Briefly, she has scratched and chewed the kitchen door, door body and wall. She has emptied the bin several occasions. She has chewed lego, wellies, laptops and place mats. She has poohed and wee'd as if in training for the indoor defecation Olympics and has turned her water bowl over seemingly on the hour, each hour. Briefly we have now never seen anything like it. She is the most gorgeous, beguiling and gentle creature however left unsupervised she turns into some kind of one canine destruction unit on a mission. Take yesterday as an example. I returned to complete carnage after taking Angus swimming. I stood in the kitchen doorway considering, mop? I actually didn't know the way to start out the clean up operation. After I had completed I installed a big canine cage in the kitchen. Kira spent the night in it final night time and we did not hear a peep. Sue and i, for the primary time this week, slept like logs.
Since their provide can not go up immediately, costs would go up. The price of milk would witness a structural shift upwards. Overseas buyers can be appalled. After a courtroom order threw the liquor and hospitality industry off kilter, now the federal government is killing off the meat processing and leather-based industries and raising the worth of all protein foods. Such unpredictability and arbitrariness do not add to ease of doing business. And the rationale for imposing these rules is not going to stand up to any logical scrutiny. The claimed rationale is preventing cruelty to animals. But the ban on sale or purchase for slaughter applies solely to cattle, not to goats or poultry. If cruelty was the main target, the foundations would have concentrated not on the species getting used for meat however on the remedy of any livestock and poultry while they're reared, transported, prepared for slaughter and through slaughter. Gus and George were entered in a line up of 5 keen handlers, including, past grasp and hot favourite, Isla Might, a really shrewd operator with a steely glint in her eye. The boys could not match Isla and she took the trophy, Gus coming second and George a really creditable third. High marks to Barbara for her judging in, undoubtedly, the hardest class of the show! Lunch was taken because the boys ready for the correct show lessons and it wasn't lengthy before they had been doing battle within the junior gray class. First for Vickery with Gus and second for Wasimba and George, the Mighty Patou were up and operating. As regular it was a throughout in a blur with Gus going in six consecutive classes, brown, black and gray, not just for us, he was in demand. He took Wesley in the junior black male class and came second behind some previous bloke from Somerset, who was a bit too smug displaying off his first positioned rosette! The nuts and bolts of it have been that we ended up with colourful show of rosettes as the big boys Tsar and Talisker took first and second in the intermediate brown class on Friday. We also have females to watch, ten girls have now handed the eleven month stage and are mendacity round like a load of beached whales. No galavanting about from now on, we're firmly and properly on 'cria watch'. I even have a a gaggle of animals to get ready for export, however more on that when they've safely landed the other facet of the channel. So what am I doing sitting right here in front of the computer I hear you all roar! Sufficient said, now the place are my wellies?
Many house owners of yard chickens question if it's clever to introduce youthful, additional birds to an present yard flock. This text briefly discusses the idea of the 'pecking order' and the problems that may come up in combining youthful chickens with older chickens. Strategies that can be taken to make sure a easy integration in your hen coop are also outlined. Most owners of yard chickens are conversant in the concept of a 'pecking order' in rooster society. Many individuals nonetheless, do not realise the implications of including new chickens to an existing flock, whom have previously decided their spot throughout the chicken coop hierarchy. It may not be instantly apparent, but every chicken is aware of who they are allowed to dominate (these beneath them in the hierarchy) and which different chickens they must undergo themselves. Adding new chickens right into a rooster coop instantly signifies that the chickens want to establish a brand new order in the hierarchy. During this reestablishment section, combating might occur amongst the chickens so as to find out who will likely be submissive and who will be dominant, and eventually, who will be the 'high chicken'. We love to take photos every so often. Digital cameras have helped us to add the pictures on our computer systems once now we have clicked it. We may even delete a number of the dangerous pictures from the digicam. Very often we take pictures which are good but they lack one thing, generally the images develop into too brilliant whereas at different occasions the sunshine is less. As of late you even have the choice of modifying the pictures and making them perfect. You may remember of the software program packages that are available these days which might enable you edit footage simply. But there are very few people who truly know the right way to edit these pictures with the assistance of the software program. You may need heard about Photoshop. You can both obtain or purchase this software program and start utilizing it to make your photos more engaging after which you can begin promoting them via numerous web sites and at last earn cash. However do you understand how to use Photoshop. Utilizing this software program is just not a straightforward process if you don't learn the way to use it.
Publisher: andy From HD motion pictures, Tv shows to music video, the high-decision show of HD Video Converter provides you with perfect visible notion. Writer: Anthony Simon Utilizing video converters could also be actually a tough process everytime you do not know what you want to complete actually. This scenario happen a number of instances once you cannot determine that why your movie didn't even get acknowledged on iMovie installed in your Mac operated technique. Here's a Terrific Various to Switch Your Outdated 8mm Movie To DVD 2. Video Sharing Websites: Advantages Unleashed 3. Choose explainer videos to promote your businesses! Hottest Video Optimization Techniques – Know Them 5. Business Ad one hundred and one: Issues to consider When Advertising Your business Using Video 6. How can video conferencing be beneficial for your enterprise? How Quality Internet Design Can Translate to Business Success 2. Do You Want Search Marketing Services To Double Your business Earnings? Videos are at times the easiest way to grasp something at all, so give them a trustworthy shot. Youngsters of all ages have often cherished balloon animals. They're constantly successful at events of any type. Regardless of their reputation, few people actually know the historic past driving this widespread leisure thought. Who came up with the technique of bending and twisting a balloon into the form of an animal? Who invented the balloon for that make a distinction? Would it shock you to understand that balloons have been round attributable to the actual fact the time of the Aztecs? They've been the quite 1st men and women in recorded report to make balloons, as correctly as balloon animals. They'd totally clear the intestine of a deceased cat and sew it closed they'd then twist it and blow air into every twisted part, forming it into the preferred shape. As you can see, it was a quite problematic treatment. As well as, it was a comparatively ugly sounding beginning for one factor that's now regarded as enjoyment and adorable.
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