#The hero is either INFJ/ENFJ
micahzdort · 5 months
theres just something about "humanity will be saved" hero x "humanity will be saved" villain. Like. The same idea but very very different executions. These kinds of ships are always SO complex 😭😭
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windudemon · 1 year
16 types as tvtropes
Anachronic Order – entp The Scrappy – istp Sissy Villain – enfp Simple, yet Opulent – infj Kicking Ass in All Her Finery – estj Femme Fatale – entj The Cynic – intj Played for Laughs – entp Knight in Shining Armor – enfj Innocently Insensitive – esfp Sociopathic Hero – istp Ethical Slut – isfp Laughably Evil – entp What Kind Of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway – estp Groin Attack – esfp I don't sweat, I sparkle - esfj Coup de Grâce – entj Hasta la Vista, Baby - istp The Rival – extp Loophole Abuse – entp Little Miss Badass – isfp Jerk with a Heart of Gold – esfp love conquers all - infp Defiant to the End – extp don't underestimate me! - isfp the road less traveled - infp Eviler Than Thou – entj Well-Intentioned Extremist – entp Cloudcuckoolander - infp Double Entendre – enfp the beauty of imperfection - infp i've got a hunch - infj It's Not a Bug; It's a Feature - intp I'll Be Back! - intj make love, not war - infp no risk, no reward - esxp Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer - entj Brilliant But Lazy – intp My God, What Have I Done? – isfj hidden heart of gold - ixtj save your excuses - isfp Took a Level in Cynic – infj all you need is love - infp the stoic - istp Laughs at The Funeral – entp You Are the Chosen One - infj Gosh Dang It to Heck! – esfj Unkempt Beauty – istp I can't lose him again - infp The Nicknamer – entp Didnt Think This Through – esfp To Be or Not to Be - infj Heroic Comedic Sociopath – entp the lone wolf - istp i see beauty in everything - infp the unfettered - entj I've Got a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore - esfp Take Me Instead – enfj Badass Pacifist – isfj i have a theory… - intp eternal optimist - esfj butt-monkey - infp May the Force Be With You - infj dare to dream! - enfj Dissonant Serenity – infj stir the pot - entp Broken Record – istj adventure awaits! - esfp You're Either With Us or Against Us - entj Practical Joke – esxp Lovable Rogue – entp Asshole Victim – ixtj jovial cynic - entp mellow perfectionist - isfp balanced extremist - intp practical dreamer - infj diplomatic rebel - enfj efficient procrastinator - intj sensitive tough guy - istp reserved entertainer - enfp carefree worrier - infj serene firecracker - esfj independent team player - entj reckless strategist - istp Damsel In Distress – infp Technical Pacifist – intj Pun – intp If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him! – infp Pimped Out Dress – xsfp Come with Me If You Want to Live – infj Dont You Dare Pity Me – intj Believing Their Own Lies – enfp Harmless Villain – intp Distracted by My Own Sexy – esfp the snark knight - entj Chronic Hero Syndrome – infj Adorkable – enfp Scoundrel – extp Face Death With Dignity – istp The Unironic Badass – istp Leeroy Jenkins – esfp expect the unexpected - entp Gentleman Thief – enfj Rage Quit – entp Dramatic Irony – infj Berserk Button – entj Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass – esfp
see legendary version @ demonwindu.wordpress.com
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perrywrites · 11 months
Btw, really curious, what do you guys think about the MBTI of BL guys? Bachira is such an obvious ENFP to me and Rin is such an obvious INTJ, but outside of that I think it starts to get trickier. I see ppl typing Yoichi as INFJ etc, but honestly I think he's an ENFJ - whilst Hiori on the otherhand I can see as an INFJ (although Hiori for me is still undecided tbh). Nagi as an INTP makes a lot of sense to me, and Karasu... Karasu is tricky... He's so... I'm pretty sure he's an ENT_, but I keep on hesitating between ENTJ and ENTP (even though the type functions are COMPLETELY different!!) and I can see him as either, so honestly I'm waiting for more chara info on him. Rn after the Hiori light novel though I'm leaning a lot more towards ENTP, for now...
Kaiser is a definite ENTJ though, hands down. And Sae is an ISTJ. Kunigami (my hero hubby!) is an ESTJ, he's so ESTJ, he's so cute. Shidou is an ESTP I feel like, and Niko is definitely a very obvious INFP. I'm very curious on Reo, Otoya and Chigiri's types though, especially Chigiri, because the man is such an enigma to me :( I can't even begin to guess for him for some reason - for the others I have guesses but Chigiri... I just don't know... So I'd REALLY love some nuggets of thought when it comes to him tbh.
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themostneutralbeing · 3 years
What kind of an evil character would each MBTI type be?
ENFJ: The manipulative "hero". The one who fools people by helping them and is noticed when it's too late. Really insecure.
INFJ: The typical psycho that is traumatized by their childhood. How much they enjoy being the villain depends on their victim. REALLY insecure.
ENFP: Is not usually the villain, but if betrayed or hurt, just run. I mean- JUST FUCKING RUN.
INFP: Dreams of being the villain. Would probably do some evil stuff to feel like one, but wouldn't last very long.
ENTJ: The narcissist who would do what is necessary even if it crushes a million souls. They are very often considered evil, but they do not harm you for the sake of being the villain. You just happened to get in their way.
INTJ: The mysterious mf that no one can beat, not with intellect at least. Don't try them. (Unless you're an INTP and too precious for them to destroy.)
ENTP: The loud one. Has to put on a show wherever they go. Hides in plain sight. I wish the detectives good luck catching these ones.
INTP: Usually doesn't care enough to be the villain. But they could be considered evil, because of their overly rational and somewhat inhumane thought process at times.
ESFJ: The one who regrets the harm they caused, but is caught up in whatever they're doing and can't quit. Might actually really hurt you.
ISFJ: Hard to push their buttons but if you do, will hurt you with the most passive behavior you can imagine.
ESFP: Really mean and dangerous if they want to be. Bold and destructive if hurt emotionally.
ISFP: Would hurt people verbally and emotionally. Really unpredictable.
ESTJ: The rich powerful one. You will either obey or get absolutely crushed below their feet, with no further concern on their part whatsoever.
ISTJ: The one with weird obsessions. Has a good social status and would use it as a weapon.
ESTP: Would literally murder you for fun or the adrenaline. Probably the only one who actually loves what they do. (Maximum efficiency when teamed up with ENTX)
ISTP: The cold blooded murderer who needs therapy. Save them or hide somewhere.
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lilisouless · 3 years
So i made an extensive list of my ships mbti edition
Took me way longer than i expected , i am completely weared off , so if someone would like to tell me if i made a mistake i wouldn't object. Probably will ad more later
non canon
not sure about one or either´s mbti*
Crack ship
ISFP X ISFP : Samsteve (MCU) Alinej (Shadow and Bone)
INFP X INFP: Raven Queen x Dexter Charming (Ever after high)
ENFP X ENFP: Parvender
ISTJ X ISTJ: Nevmione , Janai x Amaya (The Dragon Prince)
INTJ X INTP: Genyavid/Safyk* (grishaverse)
ENTJ X ENTP : Zoyalai (King of scars duology)
ISFJ X ISFP : Scorfuma (She ra 2018)
ESTJ X ESTP : Hanleia (Star wars) Daring Charming x Lizzie Hearts (Ever after high)
ISTP X ISTJ : Shayera x John (Justice league animated series)
ENFJ X ENFP: Kim x Ron (Kim possible)
ISFP X ISTP: Swanfire (OUAT) , Gwen x Miles (Spiderman into the spiderverse) Alina x Tamar (Grisha trilogy) Sambucky* (MCU) Romanogers (MCU) Elmax* (Stranger things)
ESTP X ESFP: Stella x Brandon (Winx club) Faybriar (Ever after high) Jesper x Mal (Shadow and bone)
INFP X INTP: Deet x Brea (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
ENFJ X ENTJ: ST Berry (Glee)
ISFJ X ISTJ : Madniss (The hunger games) Milo x Amanda (Milo Murphy´s law) Tecna x Flora (Winx club)
INFP X ISFP: Huntlynn (Ever after high) Lunarry, Raven Queen x Darling Charming (EAH)
ESFP X ENFP: Samcedes (Glee) Perachel (Percy Jackson and the olympians)
ESTP X ENTP : Copycat (She ra 2018)
INTP X ISTP: Saeyeong (Squid Game)
ENFJ X ESFJ: Bowdora (She ra 2018) Daensa (ASOIAF) Adora x Scorpia (She ra 2018)
ENTJ X INTJ : Zoya x Genya* (grisha trilogy/king of scars duology)
ESFP X ISFP: Lucius x Black Pete (Our flag means death) Malina (Shadow and bone) Clizzy (Shadowhunters)
ENFJ X INFJ : Obidala (Star wars)
ISTP X ESTP: Captain Swan (OUAT)
ISFP X ISTJ : Maiko (Avatar the last airbender) Harry x Neville*, Michangella (She Ra 2018)
ISTP X ISFJ: Saia (Shadowhunters)
ENTJ X ENFP: Rethaniel (Crazy ex girlfriend)
ISTP X ISFJ: Thelgamesh (MCU)
ENFJ X ESFP: Bloom x Stella (Winx Club)
ISTJ X INTP: Tecna x Timmy (Winx Club)
ISFJ X INFP:Kuwylan *(Six of crows duology)
ESTP X ENFP: Wondertrev (DCEU) , Silena x Clarisse (PJATO)
ISTJ X INFJ: Tao x Elle (Heartstopper)
INTJ X ISFP : Kanej (Shadow and bone) Genyalina (Shadow and bone) Pipabeth (Heroes of Olympus)
ESFJ X ENTP : Mondler (Friends) Blackstede (Our Flag means death)
INTP X ISFJ: Phastos x Ben (MCU)
ISTJ X INFP: Repkyle (She ra 2018) Huntlow (Owl House)
INFJ X INFP : Scarletvision (MCU)
ENFJ X ISFP: Charlie/Nick (Heartstopper) Glimadora (She ra 2018)
ENFP X INTJ: Dunyasha/The D%ling (grishaverse)
ENTP X ISTJ: Peraltiago* (B99) Pepperony (MCU) Moxxie x Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
ESTP X INTJ : Caitvi (Arcane)
ESFJ X INFP: Solangelo (Heroes of Olympus) Hunk x Shay (Voltron LD)
ESTJ X INTP: Ronance (Stranger things)
ESFP X ISTJ: Romione,Jason x Janet (The good place) M&M (Helluva Boss) Helnik (Shadow and bone) Adreoni (King of scars duology), Mailee (Avatar the last airbender) ,Ginny x Neville*
ENFP X INTJ: Drukkari (MCU)
ESTP X ISFJ : Wesper* (Six of crows) Jimon (Shadowhunters)
ENTP X INFJ: Raeda (The owl house)
ESTP X INTP : Cheleanor (The good place) Spidercat (Spiderman 1994 series)
ENFP X ISFP : Hanina (King of scars duology) , Tara x Darcy (Heartstopper) , Ninej (Six of crows duology)
ENTJ X ISTJ : Sukka (Avatar the last airbender) Helker (Six of crows duology)
ESFP X INFP: Deet x Rian (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance) ,Luna x Ginny , Musa x Aisha/Layla (Winx club)
ENTP X ISTP: Swarkles (How i meet your mother)
ESTP X ISFP: Malina (Grisha trilogy), Scarletwolf (The Lunar chronicles) Ghafahey (Six of crows duology) , Glitra (She ra 2018)
ESFP X ISTP: Seamista (She ra 2018) Thorkyrie (MCU)
ESFJ X ISTJ : Leslie x Ben (Parks and Rec) Fivan (Shadow and bone)
ENFJ X INTJ: Wonderbat (Justice League animated series)
ENTJ X INFJ: Wenwu x Ying Li (MCU)
ESFJ X ISFP : Glimbow (She ra 2018) Harutara (ATLA)
ESFP X ISFJ : Aditi x Colm (SoC) Quincedes* (Glee) , Theon x Jeyne (ASOIAF)
ENTJ X INTP: Entrapdak (She ra 2018)
ENFJ X INFP: Odesta (The hunger games)
ESTJ X ISTP: Lumax* (Stranger things) Bucky* x Sarah (MCU) , Heather x Valencia (Crazy ex girlfriend)
ENFP X INFJ: Harlivy (DC)
ENFP X ISTP : Jopper (Stranger things) Luke x Lorelai (Gilmore Girls) Quinnshot (DCEU) Toph/Aang (Avatar the last airbender)
ENTJ X ISFJ : Yue/Sokka (Avatar the last airbender) Spinetossa (She ra 2018)
ENFJ X ISTJ: Malec (Shadowhunters)
ENTJ X ISFP: Kanej (Six of crows) Bubbline (Adventure time)
ENFP X ISTJ : Lumity (The owl house) , Helnik (Six of crows) Elizabeth x Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
ESFP X INTJ: Percabeth (Percy jackson and the olympians)
ESTP X INFJ: Daring Charming x Rosabella Beauty (Ever after high)
ESFJ X INTP : Molly x Arthur
ENFJ X ISTP: Kaider (The Lunar chronicles) Oluwande x Jim (Our flag means death)
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stemfandomtrash · 4 years
MBTI As Adventure/Fantasy Tropes
ISTP: The main protagonist who starts on the adventure and recruits the others along the way
ENFP: ISTP’s best friend who was originally oblivious to the protagonist’s quest/purpose/powers (but, upon discovery, becomes their biggest supporter)
ESFP: The love interest/femme fatale (there always seems to be a trick up your sleeve, as you’re much stronger than you appear)
INFP: The gentle giant (maybe not the smartest but has a secret strength/connection not revealed until the main climax)
ESFJ: The unavoidable sacrifice for the Cause™ (and way too into the role--you don’t need to die YET!)
ISTJ: The semi-absent minded professor/specialist (the one who seems stoic at first but then won’t shut up with their ramblings about their subject, which some find adorable and others....well, a lot more irritating)
INFJ: The wise but slightly odd/hermitting mentor with a mysterious but supposedly legendary past with (E/I)NTJ (you always sidestep questions about those “legends” with a purposely random/pointless observation to redirect attention and bail--long conversation with a starry-eyed kid who sees you as their hero? Nooo thank you! :D)
ENTJ: The main antagonist/leader of the villainous organisation (hellbent on stopping ISTP from achieving their goal)
INTJ: The second-in-command villain (i.e. the brains behind it all) who’s secretly keeping the entire operation from falling apart due to ENTJ’s drive to foil ISTP’s schemes)
ENTP: The person who thinks they’re better/smarter than everyone else (“Fite me!” is still your response to arguments, even after getting destroyed by the protagonist)
INTP: The information gatherer (as either the tech genius or deeply undercover spy)
ENFJ: The kickass side character with tragic past™
ESTP: Always manages to get themselves in trouble (the prisoner who needs to be saved)
ESTJ: The guard who takes their role detaining ESTP a little too seriously
ISFJ: The dead parent with a secret kickass past
ISFP: The merchant who mostly just wants to get their life/business back in order (which is currently impossible due to the hero-villain conflict--and this is why you hate politics!)
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shigarakisslutbag · 4 years
Things that could help me out when sending in an ask for matchups!
• sending in your personality type (ex: ISTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, etc.)
• your sexuality! It's a no judgment zone here my dude, I just need to know so I know what charcater best goes with you
• whether you want only a pro hero, villain, or either
• would you like your character to be normal or yandere (or it doesnt make me choose)
I think that's all but if I think of anything else I'll add on !
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mbti-sage · 5 years
My thoughts on all of the types as an INTP
ESFJ- the ultimate mom. I love them to death but their lack of logic frustrates me so much. Also I hurt their feelings without meaning to a lot
ISFJ- either an anxious workhorse or a carefree idiot. There is no in between. Si hero+ Ti Child is a heck of a combination, but there is always friction between us
ESTJ- Lame. Kill joys. But if you can make one of them like you they are willing to break a few nonserious rules. This is my best friends type 🤷🏻‍♂️. I actually like them a lot when they aren’t trying to be “holier than thou”
ISTJ- ridiculously smart but the lack of abstractness and thinking outside the box makes me angry
ESFP-the worst human beings on earth. (Okay not really, I’m sure some of you are fine). The ones I know are extra, dramatic little crybaby’s who make everyone miserable when they don’t get what they want. Also they all think that they are smarter than everyone else. And their lack of intelligence baffles me. (Also this is just my personal opinion based on the few that I know. I’m sure some of you are great people and that you are super smart and kind and stuff)
ISFP- never met one 🤷🏻‍♂️. But I have this picture in my head that these are the kinds of people who skip around the woods while covered in paint and hug trees
ESTP- physically attractive but I can’t seem to hold down a conversation with one. The only one I know hates me because I’m better at softball than she is 😂
ISTP- I like them a lot but their lack of abstractness bothers me too. If I needed anything physical work to be done, I’m definitely calling them
ENFJ- Amazing. So warm and comforting and cute. Also they are a lot more emotionally troubled than you would think. So if you know one give them a really big hug
INFJ- one of the few types of people I never get tired of. Also one of the few types of people that I can skip small talk with and get to the good stuff.
ENFP- I love them so much 😂. Every girl I’ve ever dated has been an ENFP. Something about their energy is just intoxicating. They are so cute and attractive. However, all of those relationships have failed because I’m not emotionally able to give them what they needed and they weren’t about to have deep conversations about things that interested me
INFP- either super sensitive or the devil. Can be both at the same time. Anytime I mention my accomplishments, the one I know says “do you want a cookie or something?” And I want to punch him in the throat 😂😂
ENTJ- Perfect
INTJ- also perfect but introverted. It’s really fun to slowly tear down the walls that they build between themselves and others
ENTP- Chaotic demons. But the best kind. So fun to be around but you have to maneuver yourself so that you aren’t caught in the cross hairs of their pranks
INTP- my type. I don’t like them. It’s like every interaction I have with one is a competition to be the “most INTP” super annoying. I don’t see how y’all put up with us 😂
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mymanyphases · 6 years
Hero or Anti-Hero?
Could Go Either Way: ENFP, INFJ, INFP, ISFP, ISTJ
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minnuet-archive · 4 years
about me!
hey! i'm vio.
that's not my real name (by real name, i don't mean dead name - i mean chosen name that i use in real life), but it doesn't mean i chose it at random. viola (vio) is my online name for a reason.
i chose the name viola because even though it's a girl's name, it's also the name of one of shakespeare's most sexually ambiguous characters to exist. vio, while also being a nickname for viola, is it's own name that comes from the word vita, meaning life.
in fact, i want vio to be my middle name once i legally change my name.
i've kind of come to terms with my good traits and my not-so-good traits. i've been described as charismatic, kind, intelligent, patient, caring, thoughtful, good at giving advice, and funny. but the downside to being (supposedly) charismatic is that i can be manipulative. i also lie a little more than i should because of my anxiety.
sexuality and gender wise, i'm not someone you can put into labels. i'm equally okay with he/him and they/them pronouns, so i'm perfectly comfortable with either the label trans ftm or nonbinary.
although i'm TECHNICALLY pansexual, I enjoy the term queer because it makes me feel less self conscious about if i'm more straight than gay (or vice versa) and things like that.
i'm: - a pisces - a slytherin (although i don't support j.k. rowling herself and i don't love the harry potter series either, knowing my house will probably help you get a feel for who i am) - an enfj/infj (it changes a surprising amount) - an 8 (then a 3, then a 5) in the enneagram - chaotic neutral - a son of loki - a son of either hermes or hades (it's been a long internal debate)
i love: - hunter x hunter (ハンター×ハンター / hantā hantā) - attack on titan (進撃の巨人 / shingeki no kyojin) - my hero academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア / boku no hīrō akademia) - death note (デスノート / desu nōto) - haikyu!! (ハイキュー!! / haikyū!!) - violet evergarden (ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン / vaioretto evāgāden) - nura: rise of the yokai clan (ぬらりひょんの孫 / nurarihyon no mago / nurarihyon's grandson) - ouran high school host club (桜蘭高校ホスト部 / ōran Kōkō Hosuto Kurabu) - black clover (ブラッククローバー / burakku kurōbā) - yuri!!! on ice (ユーリ!!! on ICE) - westworld - the politician - the haunting of hill house - the good place - good omens - brooklyn nine-nine - on my block - lost in space - many more
i'm a big shipper and it causes me quite a bit of pain considering i mostly ship gay ships and i also mostly watch animes so they'll never happen.
i used to play basketball and tennis, but now i mainly just use my dad's peloton bike and go on runs. oh, and i also snowboard and surf! i'm pretty good at surfing although i need someone to push me on a wave and i'm getting a lot better at snowboarding (although i'm not GOOD).
i enjoy cooking too, but don't have enough time or energy for it. i love horror movies and house plants, but i can't take care of them for shit.
i really like to listen to music!!! it's very hard to describe my musical taste, but my top grneres are modern rock, indie pop, indie, pop, rock, electropop, and dance pop. 
i used to listen to more emo music, but recently i’ve found that it just gets me down, so i try to listen to upbeat/chill music.
my spotify account name is strangecharm if you want to follow me! the playlist currently. has music that rotates as i find my favorite songs, but seventh grade. has all the music i've liked this year! i also really enjoy the playlist chill.
i also like musicals (dear evan hansen, be more chill, heathers, six the musical, and hamilton for the most part), but they're not what i listen to for the most part.
oh! i'm a singer and a pianist! i've always loved singing, but i always hated piano. a while ago, i got significantly better and started playing songs i enjoyed. it gave me this sense of motivation i've never felt when it comes to piano. i've even composed a couple piano pieces at this point!
another really nerdy thing about me is that i genuinely enjoy philosophy and poetry (particularly from one of my favorites, rumi).
i love: - john green - david levithan - terry pratchett - neil gaiman - tomi adeyemi - rick riordan - jalāl ad-dīn muhammad rūmī (aka rumi; he’s an ancient persian poet, and he’s queer as hell) overall, i don't really read by authors, though. for the most part, when i choose a book, it's because it was recommended to me or is of value to me as an author.
i'd like to grow up to be an author, but i also want to teach writing so i can share what i know! my (dream) life plan is kind of to go to college in london or, if not, somewhere on the east coast of the united states.
from there, i'd either want to study abroad in japan or get my english abroad permit and teach english in japan.
i'm re-learning spanish and learning japanese, too! i want to learn them for four main reasons among many: 1) knowing spanish is really helpful in america 2) i can write novels in english, spanish, and japanese! 3) both spanish and japanese are absolutely beautiful languages- way more beautiful than english. 4) i can watch animes and have peace of mind because i won't have to read subtitles that are insanely off from what the voice actors are saying.
i'm an eclectic witch (although i am particularly drawn to divination and green witchcraft)!
i really love tarot cards! some people think they can tell the future which is okay (i guess), but personally, i just use them to help me recognize themes in my and other people's life/lives from an unbiased perspective and help make things better.
my favorite kind of spells are jar spells and tea spells. if i'm doing spells, they're normally protection spells, self-love spells, or anti-anxiety/depression/bad vibe spells. i don't really believe in trying to use hexes or curses because then you're no better than the person you're cursing.
i love art, but i'm not very good at it, so for the most part i do abstract art instead of realistic art. abstract art is pretty fun, too!
i'm trying to get better at using proportions and things, though. my favorite method is the loomis method and i love the youtube channel proko.
you can check out my book on wattpad, artistic elixir (i know, cheesy; i thought i was cool and i’m too lazy to rename it), if you want to see some of my art.
i have a lot of unpopular opinions. some are big and some are small. that's just who i am. my mom's insanely left wing and lgbtq+ herself, but my dad's neither left nor right wing, leaving him hated by both wings. i've become a weird mix where i'm definitely more left wing than right, but i'm also not really either wing.
for example, i think that, if I'm being honest, the amount of labels in LGBTQ+ community has gotten out of hand. i'm not saying that the feelings aren't real. I'm not saying that it's impossible to not want to have sex or feel physical attraction until you get to know someone. but some genders & sexualities sound a lot more like a preference to me. i think that a lot of labels that exist could easily fit into other ones that already did exist. i also feel that you need some kind of dysphoria to be genderqueer and that neopronouns are a bit unnecessary.
basically, the rule of thumb for me is that i don't give a fuck. by saying this, i mean that i both do not give a fuck: 1) in that you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want and don't have to to live by my opinions. i understand and respect that and i’ll love you the same as long as you’re not hurting anyone with your actions. 2) in that i won't tiptoe around you, trying not to hurt you. i will share my opinion, regardless of whether or not it hurts you. i speak my mind; that's how i've always been and always will be.
i have a pinterest, a wattpad, an archive of our own, a spotify, and, obviously, a tumblr, so just ask me if you want my account on any of them!
that’s basically all i can think of, but i’ll always answer questions for you guys! just send me an ask or even a pm if you want to ask any other questions, or even just want to talk! i’m always up for making friends!
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thelonelybrilliance · 6 years
MBTI Types as People I’ve Met In Real Life (INTJ perspective)
INTP: brilliant, if somewhat unambitious--very witty/judgy. Talented and creative within their field. The most cat-like of all the types.
INTJ: my noble, evil mastermind faves. Holds a damn grudge. Secretly deeply creative, sensitive, and appreciates beauty. Has to be the best. Generally is the best. Their decisions matter; they kind of choose the villain/hero path dramatically in their life.
INFP: inclusive. Sensitive. More out-going than you’d expect, out of a sense of duty. Socially awkward, but nobody points it out. Can be frustratingly passive aggressive.
INFJ: the best of the best, honestly. Pure. Holier than thou but they don’t know it. They’re just that good. Creative, but also very self-managed. Definitely on the shy side.
ENTP: golden and witty and charming, but not always dependable.
ENTJ: Is going to take over the world; may already have done so. 
ENFP: sunshine, struggles with their own mortality, the best conversationalists, the most excited about everything ever, though that excitement can be easily bruised when the clouds come out. Very loving.
ENFJ: Cooler than you, super in touch with their emotions, with your emotions,  with the world’s emotions--and kind of an emotional tyrant sometimes. But great at giving advice. Always finds meaning in everything.
ISTP: mysterious--are they calculating, or just observant? Do they not care, or are they just interested in different things than everyone else?
ISTJ: Bitingly funny, constantly judging, friendliest to enemies (but killing with looks). Color coordinated ensembles v. important. Your fave could never (be this organized).
ISFP: That artsy, charming kid who is either super secretive or secretly boring.
ISFJ: very gentle, very bullheaded, very intent on enjoying the practical details of beautiful things. Should definitely be protected at all costs.
ESTP: Would be entertaining if they turned it down hella notches.
ESTJ: very practical, in charge, will kill anyone, cares about your interests and doesn’t get bored with hearing about them, loyal, self-centered...basically that friend who annoys you but you miss them terribly when they’re gone.
ESFP: Equal mix of fun and terrifying--basically a human party that cannot be stopped.
ESFJ: A barrel of fun and laughs that operates on a schedule. Cares about everyone. A contradiction in that they are very traditional and yet also spontaneous.
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mbtimemes · 7 years
brutally honest descriptions of the mbti types based off my experiences with them via a very sleep deprived infp
-commitment issues? haha i’ve never heard of those :))))
-will literally punch a toddler in the throat if they say they support trump
-so i took the mbti test 7 times and i got infp twice and entp once?? i don’t really know, because i kind of fit into the infj sterotypes more, but if you really think about it i’m kind of an enfj? but i also really relate to isfps, but then again i think i’m too opinionated and logical to be a feeler, so entp isn’t out of the question, but i also feel like the entj cognitive functions really fit m
-genuinely love animals and it’s so pure
-hi sorry for not replying, i was in prison :3 also i moved to norway lol
-actually just the 2007 taco xd random aesthetic irl
-“i just came up with another book plot” texts approximately every 2.3 hours
-hi i’m melissa i’m a 23 year old art school dropout and i abuse prescription pills but it’s okay because i have 200 followers on my grunge aesthetic instagram account. rent me an apartment?
-(talking about veganism to someone at a party) i just don’t understand how anyone could put all of that stuff in their body :/ *bends down to snort a line of cocaine*
-actually really artistically talented but much like the infp they refuse to give themselves any credit for it
-my dream man is someone who goes to coachella with me, helps me align my charkas, takes sad candid pictures of me, is willing to backpack around europe with me and my philosophy class during the summer,
-*googles* why do i share a type with literally every indie musician that has ever breathed lol
-probably fucked your girl in the back of a vape shop
-if you manage to find one never let them go they are some of the best people you’ll ever meet
-huge harry potter nerds
-can manage to get you to spill out your entire life story to them with a concerned glance
-please actually care for yourself for once and a while literally you do everything for everyone else just take some time for yourself god dammit you deserve it
-could be literally the most talented person in the world but would never come close to admitting it
-hi i’m actually just jesus christ irl! nice to meet you :-)
-they know everything
-like seriously everything it’s kind of scary like calm down karl
- allows themselves to recognize exactly one (1) human emotion per year
-can read for hours on end without getting bored and genuinely loves learning
-are generally dicks tbh especially to the people they love the most
-wikipedia articles™
-they actually aren’t actually the emotionless robots tumblr seems to display them as, they are actually extremely emotional in my experience and tend to get offended/upset easily and over small things
-sci-fi, cats, and machines > humans
-superiority complex™
-cute when they aren’t busy throwing tantrums/crushing the souls of their enemies
-hi i’m martha, i’m 32 years young, i like long walks by the beach, yoga, and judging my neighbors for not mowing their lawn :-)  
-tend to be extra™ parents and their kids can either turn out complete emotional wreck assholes because they’ve never been disciplined or the happiest child you’ll ever meet, there is no in between
-they may be complete snakes and have never came up with an original idea in their entire life but boy can they make a killer chicken parmesan
-kind of comforting in a mother-like sense when they aren’t busy being judgmental dicks
-will clean your entire house for you on a whim
-wow i love being an infj :)) top 1% haha :))
-will literally develop a crush on someone because they say they know what tumblr is
-find purpose in writing/creating in general
-ending toxic relationships?? haha what’s that??? :))
-constantly switches between their “you can’t control me it isn’t a phase mom go away >:(( my chemical pilots at the disco saved me xd i will literally punch a baby fuck the system i’m 2cool4school” persona and their “i’m such a smol bean :3 save all the animals <333 i love pretty girls and dogs :))” persona
-“can i txt you back in like 15 mins i’m having an emotional breakdown lol”
-actually genuinely empathetic and creatively gifted but gives themself credit for none of it
-intelligent but fails classes because their teacher said something that went against their morals
-playing the victim? never heard of it! :))
-secretly just meme hoarders
-attention whores tbh i won’t even deny it
-o v e r d r a m a t i c
-hi it’s 6 fucking am and everyone just wants to go back to sleep or die or both but i’m gonna start an argument with the professor over the origin of tangerines for no apparent reason
-*googles* how to permanently get rid of my fe in 5 simple steps
-follow my meme page xd
-so what if i love my dog more than i do myself and my entire family?
-this conversation is boring me i’m gonna go chug a bottle of vodka and binge bill nye the science guy™ peace out
-have low self-esteems but compensate through obscure dark web conspiracy theories at 3 in the morning
-shirley i didn’t call you back because you’re a fake ass bitch not because i didn’t like your lasagna at the block party
-why do i keep physically abusing my crush lol
-and why do i keep yelling i can’t even stop at this point someone please send help
-they love food more than they do themselves
-hi welcome to my prank youtube channel :3
-the type of people to show up to school with 37 puppies and a knife
-i’m not gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks
-sorry i didn’t show up to school because you’re fucking stupid
-awe infp is so cute <3 i’ll destroy them last
-*on the floor, drunk, talking to their dog* you’re the only motherfucker in this town who can handle me
-what do you mean other people’s opinions/beliefs besides my own are valid lol??
-lowkey have daddy kinks
-what do you mean it’s physically impossible for me to control every aspect of my life??
-i mean if you really think about it voldemort was the victim,
-the type of person who could tell their crush they like them without flinching. terrifying
-wears d.a.r.e shirts ironically
-1990’s grunge aesthetic
-would walk into a burning building for the meme
-playing the hero?? haha never heard of it :))
-ew what the fuck man get those feelings away from me lol
-fuck da police
-following the rules?? that seems excessive lmao no thanks
-i once had one (1) original idea back in the summer of ’67. it was terrifying. i’ll never do it again.
-your scary math teacher that wears black socks everyday expects friday. then they jazz it up a bit with stripes. will mark your grade up if you say you like the same sports team as they do.
-understanding concepts outside of your own experiences? lmao no thanks?
-will make quizlet sets organize your desk for you
-my dream in life is to narrate a crime documentary and complete my george washington memorabilia collection.
-remembers all of their colleagues birthdays. doesn’t say happy birthday.
-fucking get over your ex already he wasn’t that attractive calm down allison
-*googles* why do i relate to regina george from mean girls so much?
-the type of person who tells your boyfriend you have a crush on him
-o v e r d r a m a t i c
-gets your shit together for you. judges you
-dead inside
-if you can manage to find one that actually tolerates you they are some of the most loyal and true people you’ll ever meet
-horrible social skills, compensates through meme hoarding
-sends you links to conspiracy theory videos when you’re sad
-extremely intelligent but they get lost in their own house
-whoops i just remember i haven’t showered in 3 weeks lol
-i would laugh at that joke but i’m 3 hours deep into an existential crisis and i’m 100% convinced you are actually a robot created by bill clinton so not today jeff
-yes homo
-cries over cat videos in public
-facetimes you in a grasshopper fursuit at 3 in the morning
-probably an alcoholic
-has 87 different crushes at once
-you haven’t talked to them in 7 years but they’ll show up at your birthday party and give you dog
-also attention whores
-generally has the personality of someone who just did 10 lines of cocaine
-one sec let me just gather up all of the fake empathy i can muster for this particular situation
-that one kid in class who always has perfect notes
-shudders at the thought of… a… creative… thought….
-falls in love with an estp approximately every 23 seconds
-hi i’m karen, i’m 34, i love my family, cupcake baking, helping people of course until it interferes with my own personal comfort haha, christmas decorations, room layouts,
-probably has a studyblr
-your angry boss
-probably cyberbullies children on the internet 
-has an emotional breakdown when they don’t win classroom jeopardy 
-*googles* who is bernie sanders and why do i want him dead
-organizes your shit for you, regrets it later
-dead inside
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murderandmbti · 7 years
Weapons for different MBTI types
They are heroic weapons and obviously, only the hero of the heroes are qualified to use them. Swordsmen have various morals to upheld and they take these morals seriously . They are also calm and decisive as they are usually leaders of their own groups, and are responsible for leading their groups to victory.
The people who use knives are either very flashy or extremely subtle. A simple weapon for simple characters, their users like to get their hands dirty and prefer to get up close and personal.  Short weapons are used by crafty and witty people who always think of the best way to complete a job splendidly, while using the least minimum effort. Unlike the honorable swordsmen who take on everything fairly and legally, knives practitioners use any ways they can think of to win, even if their victory might appear a bit dirty.
 A weapon less usable in real life, but very badass in the fiction world. This weapon is normally a sign of doomsday, it is the presence of extreme evil and mayhem, and is usually used by some bad guys, some death gods, some evil overlords… you get the drill. They suggest a personality centered around the awareness of death and are used by antagonists having high level of skill. They can confer a sense of conceited showmanship.
They are generally used to indicate a particularly noble type of heroism, and often a connection to the nature. It is claimed that soldiers would often choose bows over crossbows because the latter offered an ease of use that was unworthy of chivalric values. Characters with composed personalities are archers.
A weapon known for carrying out its job efficiently and swiftly, is likely to be used by people who prefer to do the necessary, with no questions asked. Users have a very unwavering sense of justice which not everyone might agree to but it doesn’t make the user question their decision. They suggest a firm personality with a high sense of self worth.
Chainsaws are a very intimidating weapon usually only wielded by those who are truly Ax-Crazy.  Certain heroes have also made use of them - if you’re fighting something frightful, sometimes you need a weapon that roars and bites back. Users are considered spontaneous and will not think twice before shredding the enemy into pieces.
These are generally used by people with a mischievous sense of fun. The users would want to annoy the victim rather than harm them, in most cases. But if used with the right sense of aim and certain skill, could cause serious harm. They indicate optimism and the value of life in the user.
This weapon symbolizes not only courage, but also the defense of family and community. The users are strong willed, ready to battle for their defense, willing to sacrifice themselves and are tough. The axe is a symbol of pride and responsible, idealistic behavior.
This is the most common sword in the market and is used by people who are practical and use logic. Users prefer to take the tried and tested path. They believe that if something works, there’s no reason to change it. They represent decisive nature and hardworking capabilities.
Martial arts are associated with spirituality and asceticism. Characters who use a specific type of martial arts will usually be calm and controlled. A user of martial arts can have the attitude of not needing any weapons as their own hands are enough for most battles.
They are used by action-oriented, logical people. The users can be the heroes or the villains but are almost always analytical, spontaneous and independent. They represent someone who enjoys adventure and are skilled at understanding how mechanical things work.
These are a necessity in real life battles. They have a vaguely villainous air of uniformity. The smaller shields posses a more heroic personality. The character using them might be an underdog - their shield serving to show that they are actually under protected. The users normally seek to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical.
The users tend to have a calm personality, yet there is a part of them that is violent but they are able to control it perfectly. This can be used to tear down the enemy when they please. Khopesh is an ancient Egyptian weapon which was used by brave and fierce warriors.
The mindset of spear users are pretty similar to sword users, aside from the fact that spear users may be a bit less strict on rules and morality. But overall, their undying faith, loyalty and trust are what makes their spears the greatest weapons. Another trait for most spearmen is that they can be quite stubborn.
The users might have short attention spans and are playful, enthusiastic and friendly. They are spontaneous and tactful. Orbs represent strong common sense and an ability to find joy in helping others in tangible ways.
Users don’t like to rely on others for anything. They  want to handle all problems by themselves so that they know it’s done right. They’re not a good team player and have trust issues. Overall, practitioners can be quite hot-headed, sometimes, even going all out at the very beginning. They don’t have the patience to stall and wait, and would rather rush in.
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mbtimyths · 7 years
MBTI as Night Vale Proverbs
ESTJ: “I’m all business,” I say, peeling off my skin strip by strip, showing you what oozes out. “Business to my core.”
ISTJ: Be careful what you wish for. Because it probably won’t come true, and life is about expectations management.
ESFJ: Knock knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t say your mother’s in the hospital. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Listen. I’ll drive you over there. We’ll leave right now. Grab a coat; it’s a little cold out. I’m so sorry.
ISFJ: Eating meat is a difficult moral decision, because it’s stolen, that meat. You should apologise.
ESTP: Pain is just weakness leaving the body, and then being replaced by pain. Lots of pain.
ISTP: "There’s no harm in trying" really depends on what you’re trying. Either way, give it a go - it’s probably fine.
ESFP: I let my haters be my motivators. Mostly they tell me I suck, and then I get sad. This was a terrible idea.
ISFP: Say what you will about dance, but language is a limited form of expression.
ENFJ: If you love someone, set them free. Set them free now. This is the police, and we have you surrounded.
INFJ: If I said you had a beautiful body, would it even matter because we are so insignificant in this vast incomprehensible universe?
ENFP: Ask your doctor just who he thinks he is. Say it just like that. Say, “Who do you think you are?” See if he starts crying. I know I would.
INFP: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never quite describe the pain.
ENTJ:  Remember that all sentences must have a noun, a verb, and the phrase “foolish mortals”.
INTJ: Listen. I’m not a hero. The real heroes are the people that point out to us when protesters have smartphones, thus invalidating all concerns.
ENTP: Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
INTP: Look to the sky. You will not find answers there, but you will certainly see what everyone is screaming about.
~Nero & Nike
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xtestament · 8 years
Each Type as Kidnappers:
ESFJ: This one honestly believes they have your “good will” at heart. They’ve grown so close to you, that they feel like they are responsible for each of your actions... therefore this type will likely kidnap you because to them it is after all, for your own good, and no one knows you better than they do.
ISFJ: Likely a lonely person who has desired to become a parent but was never able to, due to medical or other issues. As such will often hear the phrase “They’re such good little children aren’t they, I would love to have good little children like them.” As the parents of the children simply laugh and do not understand this person means it literally and at one moment in the dead of night those children are gone. To this kidnappers mind he/she may truly believe they could give those kids a better life.
INFP: The overly attached one... and I do mean... the overly attached one, you know that overly attached girlfriend or boyfriend? In anime this kidnapper would be likely considered a Yandere, very dangerous and best to try and avoid at all costs. They grow attached to you too fast, to the point where if they can’t have you, no one else can, and they will make sure to have a bunch of pointy things around to make their point clear that you are to never leave their side.
ENFP: Truthfully probably the absentminded overly excited one, they had this idea, that lead to this other idea, which then caused them to get their friends to tag along with said idea... and by tag along, I mean “It would be so cool to go to Bermuda with my friends and explore those Islands... except they’re not much into traveling so I’ll just drug them and when they wake up they’ll have a surprise in store.” And of course said surprise would be friends waking up in Bermuda wondering how the F they got there, as the overly excited ENFP is simply repeating “It’ll be fine, trust me we’re going to have so much fun.” Only to likely get ship wrecked a few days later.
INTP: This one started with a thought... the said thought being “I wonder what would happen if I...” To them it is an experiment, likely an experiment on the victims psyche, also to them since it would be too much of a bother to keep said victim around, would simply release them after they’ve performed their tests. Of course this could be anyone... from friends to strangers, the idea however, is that in order to truly test their reaction, they must be surprised, and what best way to surprise some one and hold them against their will, than a surprise kidnapping.
ENTP: They got bored... it’s very dangerous when an ENTP gets bored, especially if said ENTP decides they want to watch some real life drama in a certain setting. The victims never knew what hit them, only to find themselves in an abandoned area, with the ENTP on the intercom explaining to them the rules of the game, if you win, you get freed, if you lose well... you’re on your own, in either case it is more a matter of amusement to this kidnapper than anything else, besides what are one or two dead bodies anyways?
ENTJ: Likely runs some kind of syndicate... actually most likely does run some kind of syndicate, disguised as a mere business on the outside. This kidnapper means business, they don’t need your money, they don’t need your pleading unless it’s one of utmost fealty. No they will kidnap some one you love to prove a point, that point being they know where you live, they know who you love, and they know who your friends are, so fall in line or else. And what better way to drive that point in than to kidnap the person you love the most.
INTJ: This one will not do the kidnapping themselves, nor will they kidnap just anyone. Power and money are their motive and gain, but why should they be the ones to get their hands dirty? As such their web is far and wide, and the ones they kidnap will be people of influence and stature... or at least their family members. Of course this would be done via minions and messengers, as they either begin to blackmail or send in the ransom notices to said family members. Even if they are caught... they never are truly caught.
ISFP: Much like the INFP, also potentially dangerous, but they’ve got a more... hands on twisted idea of love or beauty... perhaps even both. The victims don’t need to be alive, they just need to feel them, feel their warm blood and beating heart, and yes this could mean literally. Likely strong into S&M, but without that safe word, as their screams are music to the ear and their blood a way to paint with... sometimes even on the victims bodies themselves. In, let’s face it, a very twisted version of self expression.
ESFP: Desperate and perhaps a bit delusional, wants love and attention, but is constantly avoided, driving them to finally snap. Once done they will become a serial kidnapper, and bring people to places where they really don’t want to be. The madness of this kidnapper will likely cause some harm, with some apologies directly after, and thinks forcing things it considers fun onto people a perfectly acceptable thing. Also most likely to be the one saying “See aren’t we having so much fun?!” with a crazed expression and likely a bunch of dead bodies and freaked out people.
INFJ: Has “seen the signs” has “put things together” strongly believes imminent doom is coming down upon all, unless one were to find a way to survive it all. To protect the ones he/she love, this one will lead them subtly into a “bunker” until the perceived danger is gone. The stars have foretold him/her so, and it is within their duty to protect everyone. As such will often be the one constantly saying “Do not hate me for this, for it will all be over soon and we will build a new world, as the corrupt above die and burn.”
ENFJ: The cult leader... and by cult leader, I mean the one who kidnapped a bunch of youth, and started indoctrinating them into believing that they’re a god/goddess who is to be worshiped and has come down upon them in human form. Will likely make them believe that there is no hope for survival without the aid of their divine guidance, and that their divine providence is that which protects all. Those who do not believe are heathens and that those kidnapped are the god/goddesses closest and truest disciples, meant to keep the god/goddess company for all time away from society.
ISTP: Don’t travel alone in the woods at night, for there is one out there who sees you as game and a thrill of the hunt. They have their own special little cabin in the woods... yes that kind of Cabin in the Woods. Which this kidnapper likely built themselves with their own hands. Woe to all who tread pass on his/her land for soon they will never see civilization again. Upon capture, will be put in cages and treated like caged animals, trophies that he/she has been able to capture, it’s more fun keeping them alive, then having them dead.
ESTP: This one has kidnapped only the one important to it’s arch-nemesis, why? To fight that’s why, the hero has been alluding them for far to long, and this kidnapper has finally... finally found the ones the hero has loved, or well... villain depending on how you look at the story... Regardless, those he kidnapped he has set a time limit on, if his/her enemy doesn’t show up... oh no what is one to do? Besides push them off a cliff of course. In reality however, he/she is banking on the Hero to show up, and to have one final grand stand against them in an epic battle between the two that would go down in the pages of history.
ISTJ: This one is merely doing their duty, fulfilling the role their boss has set upon them as a loyal worker, perhaps even the loyalest workers. He/She may not agree with the standards upon which their employee is doing things, but they have been around them the longest, who are they to judge? As such for this one, kidnapping you is really nothing personal, it’s just business.
ESTJ: This one much like the ENTJ is not to be trifled with. Perhaps this one is the leader of the Mafia, Yakuza, the Triad or what ever kind of gang it may be. He/she looks after their subordinates well if wise, and treats them like crap if not. One will likely be kidnapped by this type if say... a friend or family member your close to decided to... borrow some money from some loan sharks. You may not be killed, but should payment not be sent quickly enough... expect to lose a few fingers or toes until payment is met.
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gamebridges · 7 years
Creating the Winning Pitch
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By Jake Inlove
A week ago I finished Kevin Allen’s book The Hidden Agenda. It was a quick and easy read. 
I enjoyed the book, although I found the constant name-dropping, shoulder-clapping, and ‘this-is-what-my-mom-used to-say’ stories quite annoying. 
Anyway, that aside, I did like the premise of the book (I’ve often felt how a hidden agenda can pull the strings from the back) and found some of Allen’s incredible simple concepts rather illuminating. 
Let’s go through Allen’s most interesting ideas (in my opinion).  
The Main Premise
The main premise of the book is that there’s a hidden agenda in all sales situations that will affect whether you ‘win the business’ or not—no matter if you want people to buy your ideas, strategies, solutions to problems, services or products.
The hidden agenda is an unarticulated desire that will decide the outcome of the decision, or as Allen himself defines it poetically:
“The hidden agenda is the unspoken, emotional motivation that resides in the heart of your audience. This emotional core is the true motivator behind every decision.”
Allen argues that you should figure out what the hidden agenda consists of and then address it deliberately in your pitch. Because if you address the hidden agenda in your pitch, you will win the business.
According to Allen, the hidden agenda always consists of one of three components. Either it is a hidden agenda of:
Wants A desire based on ambition.
Needs A desire for something that is lacking. 
Values A desire for acting in accordance with their deeply held beliefs.   
We will dive further into these in sections below, but first, I think we should go through one of my favorite parts of Allen’s book. 
The Conceptual Target
The conceptual target is, in my opinion, a great way to capture and understand your audience. Having gone through business school’s classic ways to segment potential target groups according to demographics (numbers, age groupings, functional descriptors), I found Allen’s approach more insightful and practical.
The conceptual target is about capturing the ‘emotional sentiment’ that people from disparate demographic descriptions have in common. It’s about finding a common feeling that people share, no matter of where they live, what they do, and how old they are. 
As Allen defines the conceptual target: 
“The conceptual target is a community of individuals bound by a common hidden agenda, with implications for what’s really important to them and for how you invite them to follow you.” 
Allen uses a couple of examples for how you can capture your conceptual target. 
For example, was a conceptual target used in creating Ronald Reagan’s campaign. It was a conceptual target called ‘Angry White Guys’ who shared the emotional sentiment that “their contributions no longer counted and that the great country America had become weak”. 
Bill Clinton’s campaign had the conceptual target ‘Soccer Moms’ who shared the emotional sentiment or fear that “for the first time in recent history, their children lives would likely be worse than their own”.
Allen’s own conceptual target is what he calls ‘Growth Aspirants’ who share the emotional sentiment that “the future is exciting and calls for adventure” and share an ambition of “creating something where nothing existed before”. 
The conceptual target for the Marriott Hotel that Allen created a pitch for was ‘the Road Warrior’ who shared the emotional sentiment of “wanting to succeed for their families and companies and not giving up on doing so”. 
For Ericsson, Allen and his team came up with the conceptual target ‘Everyday Heroes’ who shared the sentiments that “we want to be recognized for making a difference in the lives of people around the world because of what our business does”. 
The conceptual target for my Live What You Love articles is ‘the Devoted Do-betters’ who share the emotional sentiment of “wanting to improve the quality of their lives and needing to feel better”.
The conceptual target for GameBridges is ‘Movers and Shakers’ who share the ambitions of “wanting to move people”, who needs the “tools to do so”, and who values “audiences’ experience and empowerment”. 
Now let’s go on with the three types of hidden agendas and see Allen’s insights concerning them.  
Igniting Their Ambitions
One of the ways you can connect with your audience is by igniting their real ambitions. If your audience’s hidden agenda is based on a want, then, according to Allen, you should articulate a bold vision for the future.
As Allen writes:
“Real ambition is used to connect to the want, because it is a vision shared by you and your clients of what the future will become. You are joined because your clients see that their ambitions are possible with you.”
Allen claims that real ambition has five key qualities:
Noble intentions
A statement of clear intent
It seems impossible
It has a catalytic core
It’s in simple human language
Allen gives an example to how to formulate a real ambition in your pitch. His equation is based on three elements:
[Organisation] will be [transformational element] that [noble intent]. 
Unfortunately, Allen only gives one example of the equation in action:
HerdBuoys will be the role model of unity and excellence for the new South Africa, and represents what our country can become. 
Only having one example of the equation leaves much to the reader’s imagination. I have, however, come up with a few examples myself to test the equation out.
GameBridges will be a pioneering force in promoting games as legitimate and powerful tools for developing people and organizations.  
And as far as it goes for my Live What You Love project:
Jake Inlove will be a role model that empower Devoted Do-betters to achieve personal breakthroughs that improve their characters, careers, and connections to people. 
This was what I was able to get out of Allen’s equation. However, I think the main concern here is that you connect to your audience’s wants by verbalizing and visualizing positive and bold versions of the future. 
This means that we show how their ambitions can come true through our united efforts. This means that we prove that we can contribute to making their aspired future become real. As Allen cleverly writes “make your clients see that their ambitions are possible with you”. 
Giving Them What They Need   
If your audience’s hidden agenda is based on a need, then, according to Allen, you should articulate how your (or your organization’s) unique strengths make up for what they lack. As Allen writes: 
“Your core is used to connect to the need, because it is something special you have that fulfills what your buyers lack. You are joined because they see you have the solution.”
Allen goes through many profiling tools in this section to help readers determine what’s unique to them and how they can articulate their particular strengths. Personally, I didn’t find these very helpful—also they seemed more aimed at the personal level rather than the organizational level, which I found quite misleading. 
At GameBridges, we don’t hire our suppliers because they have warm personalities or a certain MBTI code, No, we hire them because they can do something we can’t—or at least do it cheaper or better.
So I think that this section should be more aimed at articulating and visualizing how your particular organization can meet your customers’ needs by demonstrating your organization’s competencies, solutions, and abilities. 
Furthermore, the reason you buy from an organization is that it has an expertise you don’t. 
My target audience of ‘Devoted Do-Betters’ do NOT come to me because my personality type is a mix of ENFJ & INFJ. It might be an asset, but they come to me because I’ve developed an expertise that they haven’t; I’ve compiled useful information that would take them years; I made something that would be difficult easier for them. 
GameBridges target audience of ‘Movers & Shakers’ do not choose us because of our heartwarming characters, but rather because we possess game development skills that they lack. We can make special tools for moving people faster, better, and easier than they can. They lack our expertise, knowledge, network, and production means. They lack the time to develop new games and tools. 
However, I think Allen is spot on the fact that we got to evoke confidence in our buyers that we actually can fulfill their need. This means that you address all their concerns (meeting them eye-to-eye, settling expectations, prices, time, delivery etc.). 
Funnily enough, today we had an experience with a supplier that didn’t give us what we needed, which can lead to almost unbearable frustration. The supplier didn’t demonstrate the expertise, professionalism, and straight-up good business ethics we expected from them, being the big company they are. 
This supplier didn’t address our needs, which in this case was based on delivering on time so we could showcase finished products. They didn’t show any concern for this and didn’t contact us about the apparent problems they had with our order. I find this to be a startling example of a case where the seller didn’t give the buyer what they needed and now lost the business.
So my advice to you, when addressing a hidden agenda based on a need (like our hidden agenda of ‘deliver quickly’) is to not only articulate your organization’s strengths and evoking customers’ confidence, but more important than that follow through! 
People with needs are vulnerable. They really need you. If you let them down, you not only lose the business but also hurt the people that needed you to be there for them.
I was sad, disappointed, and frustrated today because of this supplier. Furthermore, I ended up spending a day dedicated to other things on coming up with an emergency solution, which just made the entire process even more frustrating. 
I know that I never again want to work with a supplier that doesn’t understand what’s important to us and doesn’t take articulated needs seriously. I’ve also discovered a few tells for suppliers that I won’t work with again—in how they do business and ‘pretend to care’. 
Ultimately, it’s also very connected to my values. Like most people, I value being genuinely cared about and honesty.  
Connecting with Their Values 
If your audience’s hidden agenda is based on values, then, according to Allen, you should articulate how your beliefs align with that of your audience. As Allen writes about connecting your credo with their values:
Any pitch has, as a key element, the abiding and sincere beliefs of the individual or company making that pitch. The credo connects to the values, because it is a belief system you and your audience share. You are joined because you best understand the company’s fundamental beliefs and guiding principles.
To excavate your individual or your organization’s credo, Allen prescribes a bunch of exercises, like associate methods and questionnaires. 
I think the most fruitful way to understand and work with connecting your personal or organization’s values with your audiences’ values is getting down to the hurtful stuff.
After our little supplier incident, I certainly felt better capable of reflecting about my values—simply because when the things I value gets compromised my emotions start to scream. 
You probably know this from yourself. 
If someone is late and you’re the type that gets pissed off by it, then it’s probably because you value timeliness and caring for others. 
If you, like me, get pissed off by people who contradict themselves and promise things they can’t keep, then it’s probably because you value integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness.
If you get disappointed by people’s effort and/or results, then it’s probably because you value devotion, excellence, quality, and high standards.
If you’re visually inclined, like me, then you probably get frustrated with visually uninspiring brands and ugly designs, which means you value beauty. 
If you hate having to click ten times, when you could just click one time, then you probably value functionality. 
If you get shivers when reading awkward sentences, then you probably value grammar. 
If you hate long blog posts, such as this one, then you probably value being succinct. 
If you get the creeps by people who do everything to gain status and recognition, then you probably value authenticity.
If you get bored with people who are too normal and bland, then you probably value being eccentric.
Anyway, I find this a productive way to approach your personal and organizational values. While the negative approach captures much, you can always cross-check it with a positive variation, where you ask what you’re attracted to and admire. 
It could go something like this:
If you like long blog posts, then you might value thoroughness. 
If you admire eccentric people, then you might value being eccentric.
If you get inspired and energized by extravagant visual expressions and bold designs, then you might value beauty. 
If you’re uplifted by a supplier showing passion, care and concern, then perhaps you value devotion and caring for others.
If you’re compelled by organizations who do things differently, then you might value innovation and uniqueness.
If you’re attracted to tight and thorough arguments, loads of data, and ‘state of the arts’, then you probably value science.
Anyway, I hope you get the picture. 
Before I sign off with my endnote, I just want to state that I found Allen’s approach to pitching quite productive and effective. 
However, I do have some issues (probably because of my values) with his way of presenting his ideas. 
Annoying the UnAmerican Reader 
As I stated in the beginning of this post, while I enjoyed the book, I found the constant name-dropping, shoulder-clapping, and ‘this-is-what-my-mom-used to-say’ stories frustrating.
You can be sure that every time a name is mentioned in this book (which happens a lot) it’s always the world’s best something or the most amazing people—yeah, we get it, Allen, you like complementing people and want to build credibility... just get on with it.
At one instance in the book, Allen spends two pages introducing and praising some guy which ideas he then spends a couple of lines on. This kind of constant ‘build up’ just annoys me. I don’t know how you guys feel about this writing-style—which unfortunately seems quite common amongst American business book and self-help authors—but I get irritated and just want to get down to the actual ideas.
I hate when authors spend more time on hyping their ideas than actually unfolding them—and unfortunately, there is quite a bit of that in The Hidden Agenda. However, it is probably to be expected from an American adman. 
Anyway, if you can read through it without blowing your brains out, then I would recommend you the book. Again, pitch people, like Allen, might find it difficult not to hype everything.
Kevin Allen’s book The Hidden Agenda had some useful ideas, which I hope you will take with you out into the world, no matter if you choose to buy the book and work a bit more with your audience’s hidden agenda or not. 
I would recommend the book to people who haven’t read much about copywriting and targeting customers because it would offer the biggest insights to them. 
If you, like me, have read much about copywriting, then you will find that it to a large extent is old wine in new bottles. However, you will be satisfied by Allen’s systematic and holistic way of thought—which if it’s something you value, you’ll love the book for, like I do. 
That was my little review of The Hidden Agenda. You are always welcome to email me if you have questions, objections, or just want to discuss how to create a winning pitch.
Just email me on [email protected].
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