#The hound OC
uldren-sov · 9 months
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More than one knife in her back...
The Hound OC, Naressa from @redspringstudio's game Touchstarved! Got to comm the amazing @artofzofia for Naressa again!! Thanks so much!!
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Scientist Reader creates a maid (thinking robot or slime creature) for the Frankenhounds to use during their heats, but unfortunately their pets are a little too smart and also loyal to their master to use it and wreck the house as usual looking for them. To make matters worse they're left with this servant who's primary purpose is to fuck and has set its attention on them seeing as they're clearly the most stress individual in the house-
Maid Yan: master, you have been working for thirty-two hours straight. Maybe it is time for you to take a break. Relax, get comfortable.... Take off your clothes... let your skin breathe. I've been doing my research on full body massages again
Scientist Reader: You won't fool me with that one twice, demon
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panicbones · 4 months
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(she/her for both)
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igorlevchenko-blog · 3 months
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Hunting portrait of a Hlaalu nobleman. Vicinity of Balmora. Left bank of Odai river. Sometime in 3E 420s.
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onlinehorseproblems · 7 months
I don't understand the "starkid only does hatchetfield musicals 😡" train. Because if i were lang brothers???
i would also make multiple musicals and readings of the different aus involving my OCs, like Oh you liked the coffee shop au?? haha just wait till you see the catboy au
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swollenbabyfat · 7 months
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dog wives
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genpitre · 1 month
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started solenyaja’s game - her hound of ill omen is a shadow dog that’s out most of the time but when summoned to fight turns into a meaner dog, but when defeated becomes small and harmless
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mwolf0epsilon · 16 days
Coruscant Pride Month
Thorn, slamming the door to the Guard Barracks wide open: OI! UP AND AT 'EM TROOPERS! Everyone, startling out of their bunks: SIR YES SIR!!! Thorn, marching in with a box in hand: Today marks the start of Pride Month! Veterans, you know what that means! Newbies, get in line to get your very own exclusive Coruscant Guard Pride Pin! Dogma, confused: A Pride Pin...? Isn't that breaking the dress code...? Hound, grinning: Nope! This month is the only month where the Guard are allowed to wear little pins to showcase Coruscant's "love" of inclusivity and diversity. We're actively encouraged to embrace the rainbow. Dogma, frowning: ...Why does this sound like some kind of disingenuous corporate PR plot to make the Senate look good? Olly, sighing: Because it is... Rhythm, rummaging through his trunk: On the bright side, we get to have colorful and pretty pins! Plus, because it's Pride Month, everyone currently on-planet is on their best behavior around us because they don't want to seem like bigoted assholes by attacking the Guard. Thorn, handing Dogma a pin: Here you go kid. Custom made just for you! Dogma, staring at the demisexual homoromantic pin he's just been handed: How did you...? I haven't really told anyone about this... Olly, wearing an asexual homoromantic pin: Thorn has his sources. It's a little scary, honestly... Slick, wearing a bisexual pin: And extremely invasive, if you ask me... Hound, wearing a 'still figuring it out but definitely not straight' pin: He's always just been good at figuring it out. In fact, he's sent pins to every single commander and literally made them realize some stuff about themselves they hadn't even considered. Fox, peeking his head into the barracks: Bastard lost me a ton of credits by clocking Cody in as Aroace before anyone else did. Thorn, snorting: You really shouldn't have bet on his tolerance of Kenobi as being attraction. Fox: Can you blame me? They both have the biggest slut energy...
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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hopping on the bandwagon of giving casey jr an emotional support dog cuz he deserves it
and also a potential comic that im working on that involves her but that’s neither here or there pishposh
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roachsauce · 11 months
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average day at the corrie hq
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mereelskirata · 8 months
*releases a month old, scrapped wip into the wild*
Woe, Corrie!Dogma and some friends be upon you!
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Bet these hounds found reader's evil scientist laugh cute and/or sexy, no doubt nor questions.
They definitely love when their master laughs since Mad scientist Reader is rather stoic and rarely expresses anything other than their frustration.
[Mad Scientist Reader stands over the trespasser their pets brought to them - clicking their tongue as blood pools on the floor beneath them]
Mad Scientist Reader: You can't say I didn't warn you.... I've already told you that nobody in this town will do a thing about my research, and now...it looks like you don't have a leg to stand on at all.
[Mad scientist Reader drives their heel directly into the bite wound on their new subject's calf, laughing to themselves as their hounds watch on with wagging tails]
Hound #1: Master is so cute! Do you guys think angels earn their wings whenever master laughs?
Hound #2: master.. is laughing. We did good today. I wish we could make them smile more often....
Hound #3: It'd be nice if they laughed more instead of pretending we don't exist.
Hound #4: I like to think of master's laugh whenever I touch myself while wearing their coat.
Hound #3: ...how do you keep getting out of your cage?
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heraxic · 5 months
touchstarved mc concept, The Hound (Shem, he/they) + bonus Kuras
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the only thing id change about kuras’ design is to make his nose more pronounced cause thats a good shape right dere
Also, pairings for Shemmy (sorry to use my own redesigns for this they were the first on my camera roll)
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Sidenote, am i the only one who thinks any mc in a visual novel where they dont have character art should have they/them pronouns, specifically cause they dont have clear vibes to go off of? faceless = nonbinary to me
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igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
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—The clan Rethan has famously built a hunting lodge halfway-or-so to Hla-Oad, at a place called Odai Plateau—most singular location in a way of being at the intersection of three different biomes, each encapsulated by mountains: the swamps of Bittercoast, the fungal verdance of Odai valley and further down the stream—a taste of ash-swept wastes. Though not much of a hunter myself, having went on a few hunts hosted by Rethans I can say those sport a kind of a unique, kaleidoscopic, quality—both in terms of weapons used and the variety of game (including the one Bosmers infamously call: the most dangerous prey in the world). The day-long hunt commenced in Bittercoast, proceeding clock-wise across the river by a boat which kept coursing alongside the bank for our convenience. Among the score of Netch, Nix Hounds, Shalks and one Kagouti, I've managed to down a flying flock of Cliffracers with a well placed fireball—quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself.
P.S: I've also attained some proficiency at telling hunting stories, which in the same way as big-fish stories of the Isle of Stirk lean towards exaggeration.
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grendel-menz · 1 year
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A priest who doesn’t make it to heaven and a demon that hates him for it
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panicbones · 5 months
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lets ride (she/her)
bonus... pirate... (she/her for both)
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