#The more I rewatch the more I notice the more I start going insane
Sonine Prime ... Part 4
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we managed to just start Episode 3 of Sonic Prime, so let's get to rollin!
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
<< Part 3 | Part 5 >>
Okay, so because I can't leave the small stuff alone for the life of me, I bid you all to watch the scene in Episode 3 after Nine saves Sonic from Rusty Rose. For your viewing pleasure, I have slowed this clip down so you all can see Nine's sneaky smile that slips through as he shows off to Sonic.
Couldda just saved Sonic and been done with it OR gone straight to the grumpy "I saved your butt. Your welcome", but instead he just had to show off and do a lil smile in front of the hedgehog you barely know. Okay.
Next, introductions!
Or so Sonic attempts.
So far, since their battle, Sonic has been really good at calling Nine by his name. He's still hung up on the theory that Robotnik messed up Green Hill and all his friends lost memory of him, so his wish to fall back into "the norm" as quickly as possible comes to head again after the group hug he forces Rebel, Renegade, Nine, and Rusty Rose into.
In this case, Sonic (again, believing everyone just doesn't remember who they are), introduces Nine as the "trusty but benign Tails", which (understandably so) leads to Nine uh...reminding him otherwise
"Nine! It's Nine. The emphasis is on the Nine!"
Of course, combined with the group hug, the crew is none too happy with Sonic after "introductions", but I didn't so much bring this scene up for that so much as...well. Way to add another moment to the roster that Nine will be referencing in the future when he believes you don't care about him as Nine, Sonic! (sarcastic)
(And yes, I'm aware that Sonic couldn't have forseen this. Just logging the moment for the breakup for later)
Sidenote: It’s almost hilarious/embarrassing how Nine's still going to attach to Sonic as hard as he does later, even with all the points he keeps losing referring to him/others by the wrong names or as "messed up you guys"
Okay, moving on.
I'm...obsessed with the part of the Deep vs the crew fight scene where Nine attempts to save Sonic, ends up functioning as a diversion leading Deep away from Sonic (after shooting an eggforcer) and snatched, then Sonic quickly jumps to punch the eggforcers that have Nine to save him, and then finally, after getting some good hits in on Dr. Dreep Sonic says "thanks for the save!" with a wink.
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"High five!"
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Again, a small thing I know, I know
It's just another one of those things that gives me second hand embarrassment. He just learned what a high five is, and is casually touched by this hedgehog he still barely knows, and he looks, what? Touched? After it throws him off he like, files it away in his brain for later.
What? You wanna high five him again, fox boy?
Ajnansj I didn't really mention this last part, but I don't think we talk enough about how excited Nine got when he thought Sonic implied that the two of them used to kick the Chaos Council's butts on the regular (back in Episode 1). Why am I bringing this up? Because if you watch the part of this scene where Sonic tells Renegade Knucks that he needs to learn how to spin dash, you can see Nine's little excited face as Sonic launches.
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It's the little things, guys🥺
Bit hard to get a good shot of, but Nine's smile when Sonic comes back after fighting Dr. Babble.
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"Sonic! We didn't think you'd make it back!"
"...Are you okay?"
He's so glad that Sonic came back, but then quickly notices that Sonic isn't doing so hot (after his very real ptsd induced flashbacks) and is the only one to ask about it.
Ahshsjsj so uh I'm not really sure whether to label this as sad or hilarious. This is mostly because from Sonic's end, he's trying not to break down. He's just had flashbacks to how he felt when he thought his friends were in danger within the mountain and is feeling like things are repeating again (and, for the record, he doesn't yet remember what happened to his friends), and now Mr. Dr. Eggman has taken Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty Rose right in front of him (while Sonic believes these are his original friends) and told Sonic "step away from the core or your friends are toast". He throws himself at the door to immediately try to pry it open.
And Nine just cuts in between Sonic and the door, puts his hands on Sonic's chest (😂), and tries to convince him to give up on his friends and go for the shard.
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But that's not all.
While it's a very very small version of a specific phenomenon (which I may elaborate on at a later part), this moment is one where they each sort of project an idea of how the other should be and become confused/disappointed/sad when the other's actions don't line up.
I'll put it into perspective.
For Sonic, he projects this idea onto Nine of a person who would prioritize saving people, caring for others, even though he also considers Nine as "a little rough around the edges". So, in this case, when Nine runs to the prism shard after trying to convince him to leave his friends, Sonic looks almost...sad, and then looks to the door, silent in making his choice.
And then as for Nine, I think he was at least partly drawn to Sonic due to his care for the innocent and his willingness to put himself in danger for others. He'd once said "No one has friends here" and yet he was surprised by the existence of a hedgehog who'd care for and save people, even if he had to put his life on the line to do so (the kind of person he'd never met as a kid, but who may have protected him if he had met him). He likes that Sonic cares about him and his well-being, but he also finds himself disappointed or annoyed if Sonic displays these traits towards others. He came to like him because of his caring nature, and yet as Sonic must live up to it, Sonic must also be focused on Nine's goals.
This is all to say, that Sonic likes Nine as he thinks he is, and yet has a hard time handling when Nine places goals/missions over the well-being of others, and Nine likes Sonic as he thinks he is, yet has a hard time handling when Sonic places others over the goals/missions he thinks they share.
But as I said, I'll likely elaborate more at a later point. After all, this phenomenon will come back when the audience is introduced to the Grim.
And so, our duo finally reaches the red shard!
But, as Sonic witnesses it, flashbacks/clips of the events leading up to the shattering play out onscreen. Strangely enough, only one other voice aside from Sonic's can be heard in the background.
"We don't know what the prism is capable of."
"Be careful!"
Then, just after Sonic says "I remember now", remembering what happened to his friends and that he shattered the prism:
Even though Sonic remembers that all his friends had tried to warn him before he'd shattered the prism, the group "Sonic nooo!" is absent in audio. It's only Tails' voice that ever joins Sonic's during these flashbacks.
Interesting, isn't it?
Anyways, as Sonic grapples with this new knowledge, Nine focuses on the fact that there are more shards out there. Frustrated, Nine tells Sonic that they need to grab the shard and go, then sort out everything else later.
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"Right. I broke it, but we can fix this! If there's anyone who's got the brains to put it all back together, it's you."
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"That's the first thing you've said that I agree with."
Agh the looks man the looks
Then, the two turn towards the prism shard, and after Sonic places his hand upon the prism, the two begin to panic as Sonic is sucked in.
Nine: Sonic? What's happening?
Sonic: Nine? Nine?!
Nine: Sonic! Sonic, where are you? Sonic! Sonic?
Nine: ...Sonic?
Sonic himself is fighting to stay, not understanding what's happening. Nine also panics. He looks like he's almost about to reach for him, but his hand falters before he turns around to look behind him (where Mr. Dr. Eggman is prying the doors open). Just as Nine turns back, Sonic is sucked into the prism and Nine reaches for him, calling his name, but his hand closes around nothing.
The end of Sonic Prime episode 3 is framed very interestingly. While later in the series we will see a sped up version of these events, with Nine taking the shard just after Sonic is sucked into it, the end of this episode is more prolongued. After Nine's hand closes around nothing and Sonic is gone, Nine continues to call his name. Then, as he pauses, the video shrinks until it fades into black. Nine says Sonic's name one last time, video gone, before the episode ends.
You'd almost say that this ending focuses on how alone Nine is, wouldn't you? He'd finally had someone, the one person who'd care for him, protect him in turn, believe in him, put his life on the line for him, and the one person he's grown to care for over this short amount of time. But then, he disappears.
And Nine is all alone again.
And how will Nine react when he's alone again? Go back to the way things were before? Forget about Sonic?
No, of course not. He does completely heterosexual things when he arrives in the perfect world to finally build his ideal home (sarcasm) by creating things for his new hedgehog friend whom he wants to spend his life with.
But in any case, the ending of this episode has always been a bit chilling to me. It's the only one I can remember that ends this way. And it, again, says so so much that Nine had reached so desperately for Sonic after Sonic got sucked into the prism, called for him, with the episode direction telling the audience that with Sonic gone, he's alone.
And so ends Episode 3 of Season 1, leading us to the beginning of Season 1 Episode 4: Unwelcome to the Jungle.
As Sonic enters Boscage Maze for the first time, we receive an interesting parallel from Episode 1.
Episode 1: "Tails? Amy? ...Heck I'll even take Knuckles at this point."
Episdode 4: "Nine? Niiiine! Are ya out there buddy? Rebel? Heck, I'd even take Knucks at this point."
Also, I uh. It just kills the old man (me) a little thinking about how after Sonic got transported through the crystal, Sonic and Nine called for each other.
As I've hit the photo limit once again, I'll see you all back in Part 5! There shouldn't be too many moments between now and episode 6, so I hope to move through most of the rest of s1 in the next part or two if I can. Thanks for reading!
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chaosyippee · 9 months
I am not sorry, I just refuse to be normal about medias I enjoy.
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avisisisis · 2 months
been rewatching rtte
toothless is called T multiple times, but the letter T doesn't exist in the alphabet of this world
i think hiccup was also called H???
hiccup went to the wedding of the man who tried to kill him and his family multiple times. no wonder he thought he could change drago's mind
snotlout is canonically a theater kid
"you're so small and cuddly" "please never say that again"
the twins are really smart, but they're also just stupid
hiccup straight up disappears when he's working on something
heather had a super noticeable crush on astrid
fishlegs got a love interest!! a plus size main character actually has a cool, badass love interest!
it was super hetnormative but it was cute
there was an island full of flying women who were implied to regularly commit cannibalism
hiccup taught all the riders how to fly with toothless, that's so sweet
everyone is a flat earther except for the twins
hiccup almost directly killed a lot of people
and killed a LOT more when destroying their ships
“scalding– cal..ding--" "toothle, plama bla!" was pretty much the funniest part of the entire series
dagur was bullied as a kid by a guy 8 years older than him who literally tattooed an imagine of him beating up little dagur in his arm??? What was that all about
actually we need to talk about how messed up everything about dagur is and about how the things that could've/did happen(ed) to him may be the reasons why he's Like That
just why was he imprisoned by the outcasts??? he didn't do anything to them directly
oof my brain is spiraling. "he loved you" "ig now we'll never know" what do you mean he didn't know if his dad loved him
there's a technically musical episode
tuffnut became hiccup's defense attorney and immediately got him the death sentence
hiccup regularly jumps off cliffs
he also jumped off a boat, with his arms tied and without toothless. just where did he think he was going
snotlout's annoying attitude is actually because spitelout pressures him too much and he feels like he has to be perfect for his dad :((
viggo is the best httyd villain change my mind (you can't, swords at sundown, you may bring backup but i will win on my own)
skrill comeback skrill comeback SKRILL COMEBACK!!!!
what is a boar pit???
oh my god i had missed this series so much. it has no right to be this funny
this was my childhood. it has forever shaped the way i am
berserker heather the unhinged >>>
actually good disability rep! yay
hiccup complains about his peg leg pinching him
he straight up cannot walk without it and it is shown many times
"well, there are the benefits of a metal leg" after it got caught in a bear trap
funny moments, like snotlout trying to steal it to use it as a weapon
the jokes!! toothless laughing at the jokes!!! hiccup being so fucking done with the twins, who are always making the jokes!
there's an episode where everyone is so sleep deprived they actually start spiraling
astrid becomes a happy go lucky girl, hugs snotlout and tells him he's handsome
the fucking mood swings snotlout got were insane
the twins were straight up just hallucinating
"i sent them to wash their dragons, how could they mess that up?" cut to heather falling on her face with a bucket full of water in her hands
fishlegs becomes so paranoid, he's yelling at everyone all the time
"don't you know the trapper's trap can trap the trapper?? ...oh gods, i must be losing it, i'm quoting dagur"
YOOOO VALKA!!!! it's so nice to see her
hiccup tried to murder dagur to stop him from getting to toothless, which is scary bc it shows just how far he's willing to go for his bff, but also funny because hiccup. that was not going to work
oh the hiccstrid slowburn, how i have missed you
the twins's made up language
there was a beach episode turned murder mystery and a musical episode held at gun point
hiccup has a whole little speech that he periodically gives astrid to remind her that the twins serve a purpose
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meatballlady · 9 months
It's time for the fandom to start Looking Where the Furniture Isn't
For a bit of background, one of my irl professional responsibilities is to identify and avoid making undue assumptions. There are a LOT of things that we humans assume. We assume that terminology means the same to other people as it does to us. We assume everyone has the same context of a situation we do. We assume that we aren't missing any information.
We operate on the information we have.
There was an ask before season 2 aired asking whether many of the plot points had been revealed by the clips (which almost all took place during the first half of the first episode). Neil's response was something like "oh you sweet summer children you know nothing yet." And boy was he right.
Neil Gaiman is a master of controlling assumptions. Just look at his Tumblr askbox replies.
Here's a few s2 examples of assumptions we all made (as I'm starting a rewatch):
Why did Crowley do the (very fun and distracting) apology dance? You might say it was because he walked out on Jim, but he never specified, did he? And Aziraphale was surprised that he proposed they would hide him "together"
How did Shax get a rumor about something going down in the Up (presumably) before Gabriel even went downstairs?
Did Jim need to bring Aziraphale something other than the box? He never actually specifies; Aziraphale just assumes it's the box.
Why did Aziraphale assume Maggie could feel [Michael, Uriel, Saraquael] arriving?
Why does Aziraphale say Heaven would notice even a small miracle? Crowley is seen doing a miracle before their large miracle (traffic light), and later Aziraphale makes the guy leave the table at the pub
To go deeper:
Are we assuming that characters are telling the truth? Example: "Miracles don't work like that," "[Extreme sanctions] was just something we said to frighten the cherubs" etc.
Are we assuming that nothing of note happened between apocalypse v1 and s2? (ex. the claims that Crowley didn't tell Aziraphale about the trial in heaven despite him referencing it in s2s1) What if we the audience are just jumping in near the end of this story?
Are these assumptions correct? Or are we just working with the information that we have?
Now that I'm looking for it, there's also SO many corrections of assumptions (usually for the sake of a joke, but still) (these are just the ones that happen while I type them out while watching e2):
"Can I be a blue one?" "You haven't annoyed me yet" "But can I be?"
"You recognized [Michael, Uriel, Saraquael] those people who were in the shop just now?" "Of course, they were in the shop, just now!"
"oh my god!" "blasphemy, angel, that's not like you", "no, oh, my god"
Many of the themes were about hiding things in plain sight: the kids (and kids), Jim, "aim for my mouth but shoot past my ear." Clue (1985) was heavily referenced in the lead-up. The whole point of that film was looking at what was going on elsewhere. Looking where the furniture isn't, you might say.
The more I watch s2, the less certain I am that any of it makes sense on its own.
I'm currently combing through it to see if there are any discrepancies with where people are (easiest example is when Crowley just disappears from the bookshop while they're reviewing the Job story). It'll be a lot of data and might not lead anywhere, but I'll definitely share once I finish looking into it.
I will also honestly admit that these things are all circumstantial, and I could be going insane. But they just keep cropping up all over the place. I've got a lot of time before S3 comes up and I intend to investigate the furniture. And try to not make assumptions.
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eddie-sweetheart · 2 years
Spare me! - Part 1
You and Eddie have a crush on each other, but it takes Murray Bauman to make it embarrassingly clear.
Tropes: Eddie Munson x Henderson female reader, fluff, Murray exposing your feelings, forced proximity, a very soft Eddie.
Warnings: Mention and/or depiction of fighting and wounds, teeny-tiny diversion from the show's timeline (this one's more about the concept than the overall S4 plot😉).
Word count: 5.4k
Author’s notes: I recently rewatched all seasons of ST and noticed how Murray always knows what's going on in the gang's hearts... thought I'd give his Cupid skills a try with Eddie eheh
✨Part 2✨
🌹 Masterlist 🌹
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Happiness can be found in the strangest of things; but it never occurred to you that happiness - or, better, relief - might one day come into the shape of a faded and battered-down warehouse in the outskirts of Hawkins. 
However, as soon as the once yellow and light blue building comes into sight as you come out of the woods at the side of the road, panting and with your feet hurting like hell from walking all that way, you almost feel like crying. 
“We’re here” you state with a tired exhale, a smile warming up your face as you turn to your side. “We made it, Eddie”. 
“Thank God” is all Eddie can mutter under his breath before tripping on his feet and almost falling to the ground. You rush to his side, throwing one of his arms around your shoulders as you try to support him. 
“Hey, hey, stay with me” you tell him, your free arm on his chest, holding him steady. “Just a few more steps and then you can rest”. 
You can feel his chest rising and falling into heavy breaths under the thin layer of his Hellfire shirt as he nods slowly. You’ve never been so physically close to him, you’ve never touched him like this - and sure enough, he’s never leaned on you like his life depended on it, as he’s doing now. The whirlwind of feelings is enough to send your head spinning, but now it’s not a good time for fluttery butterflies and quickened heartbeats: you need to take him inside before he passes out. 
You’ve been walking through the woods outside Hawkins for hours after escaping Jason and his crew of insane jocks. You were supposed to bring Eddie some food at Reefer’s Rick, but when you reached the boathouse it was too late: Jason and his goons had found Eddie and had cornered him, turning him into their personal punching ball. He’d been able to stall them for a bit with the same broken bottle he’d used to attack Steve, but it hadn’t been enough. 
You even tried to stop them, but Andy had mercilessly elbowed you away, making you trip and fall into the freezing waters of Lovers Lake. Soaking wet, you were struggling to climb back up on the floor of the room when it happened. 
Patrick was suddenly frozen still, eyes white and blind. Andy noticed it first, and he tried to bring him back into consciousness by calling his name, shaking him, but you knew he was gone now. You took your chance as soon as the boy started levitating, knowing well enough what was next - and the horror and stupor that possessed Jason and the others as Patrick’s bones started to snap was just the diversion you needed. 
While they helplessly tried to save their friend, in a rush of desperation you managed to rise from the lake, grab a semi-unconscious Eddie and make him barely stand up to get him into the boat in the middle of the room. And just as everyone else started to scream in despair at Patrick’s death, you were rowing away from the boathouse, towards the opposite shore of the lake. 
Eddie’s wounds, thankfully, weren’t as serious as you feared; but he was bleeding, and you needed a safe place where you could contact the rest of the group and set up a meeting. You needed the help of someone you trusted, who wouldn’t ask too many questions and who lived reasonably close. That’s when it clicked. 
You met Murray Bauman two years ago, when you went to his house with Nancy and Jonathan to expose the secrets of Hawkins Lab. Last year, he joined you and the others at Starcourt to bring down the Russians and their damned machine, which opened the Upside Down once again. He knows everything and he would understand - and that’s how you ended up buzzing his intercom in the middle of the night, with Eddie’s body slumped against yours. 
“State your name”
Murray’s voice echoes from a speaker above the door. You really don’t have time or energy left for this ritual, but you know it’s mandatory. 
“It’s me, Y/n Henderson” you urgently speak up, trying not to be too loud, “Murray, let us in - we need help”. 
“Show your face” Murray adds through the speaker, his tone as flat as that of an answering machine.  
“Murray, please” you hiss through your teeth, your voice edging towards desperation as you snap your head up towards the camera above you - wondering how he’s going to see anything more than a blurry shape in the dark.
A second later, the metal door of the warehouse swings open to reveal Murray Bauman standing in front of you, with nothing but a white tank top and matching boxers on. 
“What do you want?” He asks you, his eyes lingering inquisitively on an almost zoned-out Eddie and his black eye. “You woke me up”. 
“It’s back” you blurt out, “it’s back and we’re in danger. I’ll tell you everything, but we need a place to stay for tonight - he’s not doing well” you add, nodding at Eddie. “Please, Murray”. 
Murray’s face suddenly turns pale at your words, and he gives you a single, silent nod. He then moves to the side to let you in, his head turning left and right to look at the street before closing the door. 
You stumble towards the sofa, Eddie’s weight almost throwing you off balance as you carefully place him down. As soon as he lays his head on one of the pillows, he finally passes out. 
“So” Murray addresses you, his head tilted to the side as he nods at Eddie, “who’s that?”
You adjust a strand of Eddie’s curly hair away from his closed eyes and check his temperature and breathing to make sure that he’s okay before turning towards Murray. 
“He’s Eddie Munson” you explain with an exhausted sigh. 
Murray’s eyes widen as if they’re about to pop out of their sockets, Eddie’s name immediately reminding him of the latest news reports on TV. “Munson? You’ve brought a wanted murderer into my home?” He exclaims under his breath, hands frantically moving in the air. 
“He didn’t do it” you’re quick to add, a glimpse of anger straining your voice as you drop down on a chair next to a small table in the kitchen corner, “He’s innocent. I’ll tell you everything, I promise… but I need some water first”
Murray glares at you, but then he moves to the cupboard, grabs two glasses and proceeds to open the freezer. 
“I think I have something better than that” he states, taking out of the cold compartment a bottle of vodka. 
As you two drink a few shots, the liquor tingling down your throat and burning inside you (but bringing you some much needed comfort), you tell him everything from the start. How you met Eddie by giving Dustin, Mike and Lucas endless lifts to their D&D campaigns, how you and your brother looked for him with Steve, Robin and Max after the events at the trailer park, swearing by his innocence and supporting your claims with Max’s story about the flickering lights and Eddie’s own recounting of Chrissy’s death. How you’re now on the run from Jason Carver and the Hawkins High basketball team, and how you’re planning to meet with everyone else tomorrow.
Murray stares into the void as he listens, taking in every word and growing almost imperceptibly paler. 
Once you’re done with the story, the bottle is half empty and your head is slightly spinning. Murray is looking at you with a resigned expression, still sipping on his fifth glass of vodka. 
“You can stay” he finally tells you, “but just for tonight. I have a plane to catch tomorrow”.
Even if you knew he would say yes, you’re so relieved you almost hug him. You wouldn’t do that in any normal situation, especially not when he’s still half naked, but you’re so grateful that you’d even be willing to go past that. 
However, before you stop yourself, he immediately puts up his hands, shaking his head. 
“Uh-uh” he says, “Don’t come any closer, please - you stink. Go take a shower, there’s a clean towel you can use in the bathroom closet”. 
Now that the pressing need to find shelter and let Eddie rest and recover is resolved, you remember that you actually need to take care of yourself, as well: your hair and clothes are still a bit damp (and, yes, smelly) from when you fell into the lake, and your side is hurting where Andy’s elbow crashed into it. And, now that your body is finally starting to relax, you’re realizing how exhausted you actually are.
You get up and head towards the corridor, stopping by the sofa to glimpse at Eddie. He’s still knocked out, hair sprawled around his face and a ringed hand resting on his chest. Your gaze softens visibly as you lower your head over his to check his breathing one more time - and you realize that he’s probably shifted into a sleeping spell.
“Can you keep an eye on him while I clean myself up?” You ask Murray as you straighten yourself up again.
Murray knowingly looks at you with his eyebrows raised. “Yeah, sure, it’s not like I’m going anywhere at this point” he blurts out, ushering you with a quick movement of his hands. “Now please go, go, go”.
You get into the bathroom and as you close the door behind you, you finally allow yourself to take a big breath. You carefully remove your t-shirt in front of the mirror to check the damage and you notice that a black and yellow bruise is already forming on your side. You touch it slightly with the tip of your finger and, yeah, it hurts, but it seems quite superficial and not that serious - Eddie has it worse, for sure.
You get into the shower and the hot water makes you sigh in pleasure as soon as it hits your tense shoulders. You’d love to spend a whole hour under the heavy flow, surrounded by warm steam, but you really want to check on Eddie and be there when he wakes up. So, with great effort and a lot of resistance from your body, you turn the water off and get out of the shower box, grabbing a large white towel from the closet that Murray mentioned and wrapping it around your body. Then, you tiptoe back into the living room, trying not to drip too much water on the floor. 
“Do you have some clothes I can borrow, by any chance? Mine really need a wash” you ask Murray, who’s still sitting at the table while flipping the pages of today’s newspaper.
“Oh lord, and then what? A VIP ticket to Area 51 as well?” Murray sighs loudly while rolling his eyes, but he immediately pushes the newspaper away and gets up from the chair. “Let me guess: he’ll need my clothes too, right?” He asks you, nodding at Eddie.
“Uhm… yeah, I think so” you shyly reply, earning a glare in return.
“You’re lucky I’ve done an extra load of laundry today” Murray replies, pointing a finger at you before disappearing into the corridor.
You’re about to sit back down on your chair when a low groan makes your head snap around.
“Y/n” Eddie murmurs, his eyes flickering open as you rush to the sofa and kneel by his side on the carpet. 
“I’m here, Eddie” you tell him, scanning his face as he comes back into consciousness and feeling his forehead with the back of your hand to check for any signs of a temperature. 
“Wait, are you naked?” He slowly asks once he looks at you, still in a confused daze as a tilted smirk appears on his lips.
You let out a chuckle, your hands rushing to tighten the towel around your body. “Don’t even think about that, Munson” you reply, shooting back up on your feet as Murray comes back into the room.
As soon as Eddie sees him, he tries to sit up, but he struggles as pain makes him hiss at any attempt at moving. You help him, accompanying his body up by gently taking his hand with one of yours and placing the other on his back.
“Welcome back to the world of the living. Shower’s that way” Murray states, pointing back towards the bathroom before dropping a bundle of clean clothes on the sofa next to Eddie. “You can use these. I’m also getting you a first aid kit because, if I can be honest, your face looks like shit”.
“Uhm… thanks, man” Eddie tentatively replies, throwing a questioning look in your direction.
“Yeah, yeah, she’s told me everything already” Murray addresses him again, “I know you’re not a serial killer”.
Eddie’s shoulders drop, relief visibly filling him up as he grabs a pair of faded sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt from the pile next to him and manages to stand up, making a few steps towards the bathroom door. 
“Do you… uh, do you think you need help with that?” You ask him, blushing slightly at the idea of following him.
Eddie turns towards you, his signature grin back on his lips now that he knows he’s safe. “I can manage that” he says, looking for support on the doorframe as he stumbles a little, “Besides, I don’t think you want to see the sweet old tatties on full display” he jokes.
Your cheeks get even redder as you desperately hope that he’s not reading your mind right now. “Yeah, uhm, cool” you reply, catching a glimpse of a visibly stupefied and slightly annoyed Murray behind you, “I’ll get changed in the meantime. Once you’re done, we’ll try to patch you up”.
“Roger that” Eddie replies, finally closing the bathroom door behind him.
“Was all that flirting necessary?” Murray asks you as he leads you to the guest room, where you plan to change into the remaining gym shorts and hoodie.
“It wasn’t flirting - we’re friends” you briefly explain, shutting his protests down. “I’ll be back in a sec and then I’ll need your radio” you’re then quick to add, getting inside the room and closing the sliding doors. 
“We’re friends” Murray mocks you in a high-pitched voice as he goes back to the bottle of vodka, “Yeah, and I’m Russian”.
When you come out of the guest room and sit on the slumped sofa in the living room, Murray brings you his radio, dropping it unceremoniously on the coffee table. You thank him with a smile and start fiddling with the channels until you find the right one. 
“Dustin, do you copy?” You ask into the speaker. While you wait for a response, the bathroom door opens to reveal a cleaned up, but still limping, Eddie. He stumbles back to the sofa and sits down next to you. 
After a few minutes of silent buzzing, the radio crackles and Dustin voice echoes in the room. 
“Y/n, thank god” he exclaims, his familiar voice making both you and Eddie smile, “are you guys okay? You didn’t check in when we called you”
“Yeah, uhm, we had a little setback” you explain, “Reefer Rick’s is compromised - Jason found us. But we made it out and we’re safe at Murray’s. Eddie’s here with me” you add, glancing up at him. 
“Hello, Henderson” Eddie says as he leans down towards the radio, his damp hair brushing against your cheek.
“Munson” Steve voice suddenly echoes from the speaker, “do you know where Skull Rock is? Glad to know you’re okay, by the way”
“Hey, I was talking to them” Dustin mutters in the background. 
You and Eddie exchange a look, then he gently takes the speaker from your hands to reply. His fingers lightly graze yours with the gesture, making your skin tingle. 
“I know it, yeah” he says, nervously scratching his hair, “are we meeting there tomorrow?” 
“Yes, ten o’clock, Skull Rock” Steve repeats, “We have to go now, but we’re keeping the line open if you need us. Say hi to y/n for me and try to be careful in the meantime. Over and out”. 
Eddie places the radio speaker back on the table and slumps down into the sofa, his hands running up and down his legs. 
“Hey” you ask him, placing a hand on one of his to calm him down. “Are you okay?”
He looks at you, his gaze softening. “That’s a good one, sweetheart” he replies, absentmindedly intertwining his fingers with yours. Your stomach turns into a swarm of butterflies as you notice the glint in his eyes - what is going on?
Murray coughs, and you both immediately let go. 
“So, uhm, let me take a look at those” you stutter, nodding at the few wounds on Eddie's face as you gently touch him with the tip of your fingers, slowly moving his head side to side to inspect the damage. He has a split lip, a cut on his left cheek and a black eye, with some leftover blood dried just under his nose. Your heart tightens at the thought of what Jason, Andy and Patrick did to him. 
“Murray” you ask, turning around to face him, “what about that first aid kit?”
“Yes” Murray exclaims, clapping his hands before rummaging through one of the kitchen drawers until he takes out a small, white box. “This is it, but I’ll leave you to it and go back to sleep” he says, handing the box to you over the sofa, “you know where the guest room is - just don’t be too loud, okay? I’m not in the mood to listen to you two-” 
“Murray!” You exclaim horrified, as Eddie’s eyes run back and forth between the two of you in shock. “We’re not sleeping together- I mean, I will stay here on the sofa” you specify, feeling the heat of shame rising up your neck. 
“I’m not letting you sleep on the sofa - I’m sleeping on the sofa” Eddie interrupts you in mild confusion. 
“Eddie, you’re hurt-” you try to talk back, but he puts one hand up to shush you. 
“Nope” he says, shaking his head, “You brought this old, battered body here, you need to rest in a proper bed”. 
“Exactly” you specify, “your body is battered, so that’s why-“
“GUYS!” Murray interrupts you with a yell, “Enough with that lovers’ quarrel. Just sleep in the same damn bed like you both clearly so desperately desire and let me rest in peace”. 
“It’s not a lovers’ quarrel!” you and Eddie both exclaim, immediately exchanging a look. 
Murray stares at you in disbelief as silence suddenly falls in the room - however, it doesn’t last long. 
“Oh, spare me!” Murray finally blurts out, loudly. “Fucking unbelievable. Listen” he addresses you both, a finger pointed at your faces. “I’ve been through this shit twice already - Byers and Wheeler first, then Joyce and Hopper. It must run in your whole damn Ghostbusters slash Scooby-Doo group, I swear. You” he turns to Eddie, who looks at him with wide eyes, “you’re the nerdy metalhead that nobody in the whole world would ever love because he’s a freak, am I correct? So you hide behind an unnecessarily thick wall of sarcasm and cynicism because if you don’t put up that façade someone might actually find out that you crave to love, and to be loved. And what happens one day? You find her“ he adds, turning to you next. “And it’s a fucking cliché, because she’s your best friend’s sister and oh my god she’s untouchable and she will never look at you, right? Wrong! Because every time she looks at you - and boy, she does that a lot - she basically melts into the ground, turns literally purple, loses all sense of reason and logic and starts waking up people in the middle of the damn night to keep you safe. On that note: Y/n, stop lying to yourself and finally admit that you’re head over heels about him - and stop being so insecure, so dubious, so full of useless self-pity and worry. Open your beautiful girly eyes and get a grip, because YES - he’s head over heels about you too, okay?”
Murray takes a deep breath as you and Eddie sit there in silence, avoiding each other’s eyes like the plague. 
“Good” Murray finally exclaims, proud of his little speech - he’s convinced he’s the best Cupid out there by now. “Have a good night, Mr. and Mrs. Just Friends” he concludes, heading towards his bedroom and locking himself in. 
The living room is so silent that you can hear the faint chirping of the crickets outside the house. Your hands are sweating on your lap as their grip on the first-aid box tightens, your eyes locked on it because you’re too embarrassed to meet Eddie’s. Your mind is spinning as it tries to analyze every single interaction, every word you’ve exchanged with him, looking for any possible instance of you slipping up and showing your true feelings - and, for a second, you also consider looking for signs that might confirm what Murray has just stated. That Eddie might actually feel the same. 
Little do you know that Eddie is doing the exact same thing. But he’s quicker to find a way to change the subject and tone down the awkwardness, because yes, he’s just been blatantly exposed, but making sure that you’re okay - that both of you are okay with each other - is way more important than finding a way to recover from Murray’s words.
“So, uhm…” he begins, stuttering lightly as he nervously starts playing with his rings. “Is there a… uhm, a bandaid or something in there?” He asks you, nodding at the kit with a tentative smile. 
You snap back to reality. “Oh, yeah, I guess so - let me look for it” you blurt out as you open the box, fidgeting with its contents until you manage to find a tiny bottle of disinfectant, a few cotton balls and two bandaids with a red and blue polka dot print on them. 
“Not so metal, I’m afraid” you tell Eddie as you show him the bandaids with a small smile that matches his own, making him chuckle as he realizes that yes, probably you’re still okay.
“As long as they keep these battle wounds from bleeding” he jokes, taking them from you before starting to peel one of them open, “I think they’ll do”.
“Oh no, wait” you exclaim, blocking him with your hands. If someone asked, both of you could swear that the sparkles erupting from your hands touching were brightly visible in the dim light of the room. “We need to clean those properly first”.
Eddie sighs in defeat and you proceed by pouring some disinfectant on one cotton ball, dabbing it on the cut on his lip and the wound on his cheek. 
“I’m sorry, I know it burns” you apologize as you feel him holding his breath, guessing that it’s because of the pain. That’s true, but just in a very small part - mostly, it’s having you so close to him that leaves him breathless and clueless about making any move. He’s actually too absorbed in admiring your long eyelashes and how they flutter as your eyes attentively scan his face, counting the pale freckles and tiny skin marks scattered on your cheeks and nose, noticing the clean scent of shampoo from your still damp hair and the faint hint of your cologne still left on your neck. Actually, the burning is welcome to him, as it’s the only thing keeping him grounded and restraining him from doing something stupid and way too risky - like, he guesses, kissing you.
“All done” you finally state, tapping on the edge of the bandaid you’ve just placed on his cheek before moving back away from him. Both of you feel the space between your bodies, and it seems as deep as the ocean.
“Thank you, kind lady” he replies, his eyes still lingering on yours.
You both stand up at the same time, the awkwardness back in the room as you nervously look at each other with an embarrassed smile - because, you’ve just realized, it’s time to make a decision on the bed thing.
“Soooo” Eddie tentatively begins, taking a strand of his wavy hair and barely hiding his face behind it as he looks sideways at you, “Since there’s no way I’m letting you sleep on this sucker…” he begins, waving one hand at the sofa.
“Eddie, come on-” you try, but he accepts no protests on your side.
“And you’re too kind and stubborn to let me be the knight in shiny armor” he continues as you scoff, smiling, “I guess we could, uhm…” he concludes, words dying in his throat as a wave of insecurity washes over him. Maybe what he’s about to propose is way out of line…
“Share?” you ask, finishing his sentence - but it’s more a wish than an actual question. 
Eddie’s lips curve upside down in one of his signature smiles. “If that’s okay for you, of course… I- I don’t mind” he tells you, waiting patiently for your consent as he begins fiddling again with his rings.
You give him one warm, matching smile. “Seems big enough for two” you say, nodding towards the bed that is visible through the sliding doors of the guest room across from you. “It’s okay for me”.
“Great… great, okay” Eddie states, finally taking a breath as he nods repeatedly. God, not even bullies at school have ever made him so nervous. He should really get a grip.
You head towards the room, bumping into each other as you unsuccessfully try to get in at the same time. You both let out a timid laugh and Eddie moves sideways, bowing slightly and showing you in with an extended arm. 
“Ladies first” he theatrically states, letting you into the room.
You take a few steps inside and sit down on the folding bed, which is set up with clean sheets. Probably Murray got it all prepped when you were in the shower and Eddie was still knocked out.
“Good, I always sleep on the left side” Eddie exclaims, as he notices you’ve taken your place on the right edge of the mattress. 
You chuckle as you lie back, while Eddie crosses the room to get to the other side of the bed. He lies down with a sigh, too, looking at you one last time for permission to turn the lights off. You nod slightly, tiredness already making its way through your exhausted limbs, and with a flick of Eddie’s fingers the room gets pitch black.
“Goodnight, Eddie” you whisper in the dark.
“Goodnight, sweetheart” he replies, the nickname he started to use as a joke (but that doesn’t feel like a joke anymore) escaping his lips before it’s too late, lingering in the air as silence falls between you once again.
You both turn around away from each other, facing the outer side of the bed. You close your eyes, feeling safe for the first time in hours (and, maybe, days), the comfort of Eddie’s presence next to you and the warmth of the blankets wrapped around you making your mind drift farther, and farther away…
But it takes you just a few seconds to understand that you can’t sleep. 
It’s one of those cursed situations in which you’re actually too tired to get some rest, and as your body finally relaxes your mind jolts awake, fully active and functioning better than it ever did.
You sigh deeply, the mattress creaking loudly as you move to turn around and switch position - just to find out that Eddie has turned around as well, and he’s now facing you.
His breath warmly and regularly fans over your face, and you figure he’s asleep - until his voice breaks the silence with a whisper.
“Y/n” he softly asks, “are you awake?”
You smile in the dark, your eyes still closed. 
“I just wanted to say, thank you for today” he murmurs, “You saved my life. Very metal of you”.
“Anytime, Munson” you whisper back, “take it as a thank-you gift for keeping Dustin busy and relieving me of my big sister duties once a week for the past year”.
“That little devil” Eddie chuckles as he scoots closer to you. Your heart starts beating a little faster, as you feel the faint thread of electricity that has formed between your bodies. “I guess stubbornness runs in the family. But I’m grateful to him, actually” he adds, shuffling slightly under the covers.
“Why is that?” you ask him, the thought of sleeping now completely forgotten in some corner of your mind.
Eddie stays silent for a few seconds, then speaks again.
“I guess you don’t remember the first time you brought him to Hellfire” he softly says, and you think you can catch a glimpse of his smile.
“Actually, I do” you reply, the memory of that late September afternoon easily coming to your mind. “Especially because you kept staring at our car when we got there. Leaning against the school’s front door like a dark, mysterious character straight out of a fantasy novel” you joke, tentatively moving your hand in the dark to poke him.
And just as you actually find his body, Eddie finds your hand. His long, slightly calloused fingers intertwine with yours, his thumb drawing soft circles on your burning skin. He’s glad the lights are off, because he’s too scared that you’d back away if you saw the nervousness mixed with badly hidden love in his gaze.
“As nice as your car is” he says, chuckling, “I wasn’t staring at it, at all. I was…” he hesitates, before deciding to risk it all. “I was actually wondering how Henderson could have such a beautiful creature for a sister” he blurts out. 
You lie still in the dark, speechless, your hand still into Eddie’s. Your brain is running ten thousand miles an hour, trying to wrap around what he’s just said.
“I mean, he’s a, uhm… a cute kid, I guess?” Eddie quickly adds, trying to make sense of his words, “but when I saw you I thought… I mean, I actually thought, that’s how Arwen must have looked like. And that’s how Aragorn must have felt when he, uhm… ”.
He can’t finish the sentence, because your hand has moved from the gentle grasp of his fingers to his cheek, pulling him closer to you until your lips meet in the dark.
The kiss is soft and slow, and you pour into it all the words you’ve never said and feelings you’ve kept hidden for months, careful to avoid the healing cut on his lower lip as you move. Eddie’s arms wrap around your body, his legs now intertwined with yours under the blanket. 
You explore each other’s bodies - your hands through his hair, his lips down your neck, t-shirts lifting up and skin burning at any soft touch as the steel of his rings slides under the thick cotton of your clothes. You both feel safe, understood, and seen even in the pitch black of the room. It almost feels like meeting for the first time, too.
Eddie doesn’t let go of you, not even when you stop kissing to take a breath, the weight of the day now finally overcoming you both. As you lie in his arms, your head placed on his chest so that you can hear the beat of his heart, you realize that this is what true relief - or, better, happiness - must feel like.
“Guess your friend was right” Eddie says, his hand caressing your ruffled hair as his words are followed by a yawn.
“He usually is”. You chuckle, closing your eyes as your breaths deepen and slow down.
Then, you both fall asleep.
✨Part 2✨
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theragethatisdesire · 10 months
much ado about nothing chapter 6 - plug!eren x reader - 18+!!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
ummmmm HIII so sorry i know i still owe you guys a million drabbles and i haven't been posting as much but this chapter is just chock-full of drama and i'm so excited to share it bc hehehe it's a rollercoaster. also we should def stop listening to sasha. sneaky posting; have fun babies!!!! i cannot WAIT to hear your thoughts
specific cws: alcohol use, violence (like fist-fighting level not insane), mentions of drugs, swearing, incredibly awkward tension lol
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare (Act I, Scene 1)
You’ve done a lot of partying in your days, but you never thought a hangover could float over your shoulders for damn near two weeks. Then again, maybe that rancid taste in your mouth is regret instead of the practical gallons of liquor you’d guzzled that night.
Historia tells you to delete the evidence, have a glass of wine with your friends, focus on your studies, put meaning back into the happy distractions that make up life. Sasha tells you to suck it up, download Tinder, do something other than wallow in your bed with nothing on but the fairy lights along your ceiling. Ymir tells you men aren’t worth embarrassing yourself for, maybe start swinging the other way, that she knows a few very pretty single ladies.
You meet all of their advice with a slow nod, sometimes a chuckle, put your head down, and go about your business, letting the shame follow you around like a little rain cloud from building to building around campus. Even your students have noticed something’s making you tick; Falco and Gabi left a package of Crumbl cookies in your office the other day, and for the first time, Zofia has begun to raise her hand in class. It’s heartwarming, really, but it doesn’t solve your problem.
Problems would be the better term for it. To start, there was your royal fuck-up with Eren. You had over-indulged and gotten a little too flirty to be “friends”, sure, it happens, but something had snapped in you when you saw Eren with that leggy blonde hanging all over him at the club.
Breeze. Even wearing naught but a skirt and some thin tights with the early winter wind whipping around your legs, just the thought of her name makes your blood boil. She was perfect, all bouncy and easygoing and cool, hippie clothes. To be fair, she was the one with the true claim on Eren; you had dug your own grave, far too confident in your ability to be just friends with someone so…so Eren.
Your friendship had been growing closer and closer by the passing day before that night, texting at nearly every minute of the day and spending time together wherever you could fit it in your full schedule. You had made plans to bake Christmas cookies together, even despite Eren’s protests that Christmas was a “capitalistic hellhole of a holiday season”, had acted out your favorite Shakespeare scenes in your pajamas, much to Eren’s amusement, and had made a habit of staying up late into the night watching and rewatching your favorite animes, heatedly debating characters. It had been butterfly-inducing, dizzying, perfect. Until you had indulged in one too many shots and humiliated yourself, that is.
Seeing Breeze all over Eren had made you realize the severity of your mistake trying to keep Eren in your life, realize the warm feeling blooming in your chest every time he grinned at you, all teeth and his little chin dimple, was decidedly much more than a platonic appreciation for a new friend. It turned out that you’d been right from the start; you weren’t his type, and to make matters worse, his actual taste in women had been thrust in your face unexpectedly.
When you had awoken the next morning, debating on whether to fall back asleep immediately or dash to the toilet, Historia had greeted you with a sorry smile, a cup of coffee, and a quiet word of advice to look through your phone. Knowing your drunken self, you pulled up your phone calls first, wanting to make sure you hadn’t accidentally Facetimed your mom to tell her how much fun you were having or something cringe-worthy of the sort. But no, of course it had to be much worse than that.
There was a phone call– to Eren. Your call log had recorded a one minute and thirty-six second phone call between you and Eren, one you obviously didn’t remember making.
“Please tell me you were with me when I called Eren,” you groan, so naive, “did I completely embarrass myself?”
Historia blushes. “Well, he didn’t answer, if it’s any consolation–”
“Oh, thank god–”
“But that didn’t exactly stop you,” Historia fiddles with the edge of her t-shirt, “you left him a voicemail.”
Even through your throbbing headache, you shoot right up out of bed at that. “What?! What did I say?”
“I don’t know,” Historia moans woefully, putting her hands over her face, “I’m sorry, I tried to stop you, but you ran off as soon as you started talking. By the time I caught up to you, you were already hanging up.”
“So, there’s a voicemail from drunk me on Eren’s phone, and neither of us have any idea what it says?”
“My life fucking sucks.”
“It’s about to get a whole lot worse,” Historia says, throwing your sheets back and snuggling beside you in the bed, burrowing her face in your shoulder, “check your texts.”
And oh, had it gotten worse. Your drunken, foolish text sat in your outbox, unanswered, unread, and inexcusable. Six months later and you were right back where you started, begging a ghost of a man to explain why he couldn’t love you.
> hi luke, i’m sorta ficked up, but i misz you. why did yoi never call me???? you owe me at leasttg that. a fcking explanation,. 
Storming through campus, coat tucked around your shoulders against the biting chill, you wince at the memory. You haven’t deleted the unanswered text yet, keeping it stale in your phone as a reminder of what happens when you get too attached to people you know aren’t good for you.
You thought you’d be more heartbroken over the text to Luke and its lack of an answer, but surprisingly, you’re not. It’s Eren haunting your thoughts, Luke’s just the placeholder for all of your anger at this point. Eren isn’t to blame for all of this, you are, and that’s why you can’t bring yourself to face him, can’t bring yourself to answer any of the hesitant texts he’s sent you since that god-awful night.
You’re not in college anymore, you have to keep reminding yourself. You’re twenty-four, and you’d like to think you’re past the phase of your life where you’re handing your heart out to anyone that passes like it’s a Costco sample. You aren’t even sure if you want Luke anymore at this point, if you could even speak to him if you bumped into him these days. He had, admittedly, treated you like dirt, wrenched your heart out from your chest and left it on the sidewalk to collect dust. At least you can hate him, hate what he did to you, hate that you’re stuck on him like a broken record skipping to the same chorus every few weeks.
You can’t hate Eren, though. You can be disappointed in him for entertaining his terrible ex-girlfriend, not aloud of course because he hadn’t actually mentioned her to you himself, but you can do it internally. Even that isn’t enough to make you feel better; not only had he not trusted you, not felt safe or comfortable enough with you to share the skeletons in his closet, but he was likely zooming full-speed down a dead-end street, the way Sasha tells the story. Your heart aches for him out of a painful mixture of pining and fervent concern.
Your only solution so far has been to dive headfirst into your coursework and your students; it hasn’t done much to distract you, but with finals on the horizon, it’s not the worst method of coping you’ve come up with in your days.
Your newly invigorated dedication to your work and your courses are the cause of you dragging yourself across campus to 104, desperate for caffeine and practically a corpse after two weeks of near-constant self-shaming keeping you up at night.
The smell of the coffee shop, earthy and warm, hits you almost as hard as the blasting heat inside, and you practically slouch upon entering, the weight of the cozy atmosphere cocooning you like a warm blanket. If there’s one place that will always feel like a hug, it’s 104 Beans, your coffee shop of choice (and obligation, considering the small size of your campus) for the last six years.
Pieck, your favorite barista, greets you in her typical dreamy manner. “Hi love, same as usual?”
“Hey Pieck,” you greet her with a weary smile. As you dig around in your bag for your wallet, the extent of your exhaustion versus the amount of work you have left to do surfaces in your brain. “Actually…no, not my usual. Can I get a quad shot Americano?”
Pieck pauses where she’s scribbling onto a paper cup with a Sharpie, eyes flitting back up to you in disbelief. “A quad shot Americano?”
“A quad shot Americano.”
“Jesus,” Pieck sighs, eyes wide, “work’s that rough, huh? Black coffee not going to cut it?”
“The shakes will be worth it,” you confirm, swiping your card through the machine.
“Can I please make it a cappuccino then? You’re going to need something creamy to get all that espresso down,” Pieck looks back up at you, eyes pleading.
“Fine,” you sigh, “but–”
“Almond milk, I know,” Pieck winks at you, sliding your cup down the assembly line of baristas working amongst the hissing of the espresso machine and the pleasant, folky music floating from the speakers. “We’re a little busy, so give me five and I’ll bring it over to you.”
You smile gratefully and collect your things, turning to scout out what’s hopefully a quiet table in the corner, when a pair of arms tossed around your shoulders stops you. The familiar scent of fruity perfume tickles your nose, and you slump against the tight grip in relief.
“You made it out of the house!” Sasha’s eyes glow with pride, as if you’d just run a marathon.
“It’s not like I’m a hermit,” you roll your eyes, “I have class five days a week.”
“You don’t go anywhere besides class or your house though, so you still get participation points,” Sasha grins, shaking your shoulders, “how are you feeling?”
Sasha’s expression crumples. “Still that bad, huh?”
“The Luke thing was pathetic of me, but honestly, it’s not haunting me as much as I thought it would,” you admit, pausing for a moment to allow Sasha to grab her coffee from the barista when her name is called, “the one thing that’s really sticking with me is the Eren issue.”
“Like, the voicemail? Or Breeze?”
“Both. I would give anything to know what that voicemail said, but whatever was going on between us aside, I just hope he’s okay, y’know? With Breeze back in the picture and everything.”
Sasha bites into her bottom lip and glances around the coffee shop, checking every face at every table. You know that face; she’s hiding something.
“What?” Sasha cocks her head innocently. You nearly smack her.
“You’re not telling me something.”
“Uh…okay, yeah, I’m not, but I’m not sure if I should. I mean, you’re actually out of the house–”
“I leave my house plenty!”
“You know what I mean,” Sasha scoffs, “it’s just…if you’re feeling better, I don’t want to throw you back into the deep end.”
You have no words for that, absolutely despising the way that she is completely correct. Whatever information lies behind Sasha’s bitten lip could either make you feel a hundred times better or a hundred times worse, and you’re stuck debating on whether you should gamble or not when Sasha makes the decision for you.
 “Fine, you wore me down,” she sighs.
“I didn’t even say anything,” you point out, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t have to,” Sasha says, annoyed, “you have this, like, fucking puppy dog look. Makes me sick. Get your coffee, I’ll find a table, and we can talk.”
Like clockwork, the moment Sasha steps away, Pieck grabs your attention and hands your coffee over along with an extra hot cup half-full of steamed almond milk. You look at her questioningly, and she merely shrugs.
“That’s a lot of espresso. I know you’re in, like, your depressed writer phase right now, but I figured a little extra milk would come in handy.”
“You’re the best,” you smile at her affectionately, thinking absentmindedly that you should invite her out to Scout’s sometime. Before she can respond, Pieck’s gaze lands on something just over your shoulder. You can smell him even before you turn around, musky cologne and a little hint of weed. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
“Hey Pieck. Usual?” His throaty timbre cuts through the thick air, sharp as a knife. Pieck nods politely and gets to work on his coffee, forgoing a trip to the cash register. That tracks; Pieck’s hooded eyes are bloodshot more often than not.
“Excuse me,” you mutter, trying to sneak around him, but Eren’s quicker than you, side-stepping to cut you off.
“Hey stranger,” he smiles down at you, but it’s tense, nervous, “trying to run off on me?”
“Didn’t even realize that was you, sorry,” you lie, offering him a thin smile in return. You spot Sasha gaping at you across the cafe, waving her arms wildly and mouthing What the fuck?. You can’t help but feel similarly.
“It’s been awhile, how are you?”
“M’fine, just really busy with school.” God, you hate this, this awkward small talk barely parsing its way through the jungle of things left unsaid between you two. “You?”
“Fine,” Eren looks around awkwardly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Good,” you speak directly into your coffee, unable to stomach the emerald green peering down at you.
“You know,” Eren’s words come out quite like he can’t believe he’s saying them, “I kinda thought you were avoiding me.”
“Did you?” Your voice is caught in your throat, coming out in a pathetic squeak. Has he heard the voicemail? The startling turn the conversation’s taken must be visible all over your face, because Sasha’s flailing arms beckoning you over to the table grow more urgent.
“You haven’t texted me back, haven’t seen you in a couple weeks,” Eren’s incredibly focused on his shoes, kicking one Vans sneaker idly back and forth on the floor and making a squeaking sound, “so yeah, sort of.”
“I’m busy,” you deadpan, praying to any god you can remember the name of that you’ll just disintegrate right where you stand. Eren meets your eyes again, smirks disbelievingly.
“You said that.”
Something in his tone annoys you, something about his insinuation that he knows you’re blatantly lying, that he’s teasing you over your embarrassment, ignites a little flame in your chest. You scowl at him.
“I mean, you must be pretty busy too.”
“Why’s that?”
“Breeze just got back into town, didn’t she?” No going back now. Eren’s face blanches for a moment, features growing pale, but he manages to school his face back into that nonchalant pout that you want to slap right off his face.
“Historia told you?” He doesn’t sound surprised; in face, he sounds almost expectant, like he knew you’d find out at some point. It stakes the embers burning in your chest.
“She’s my best friend, so yeah.” This feels like an argument. It shouldn’t be an argument, but your clipped tone is pushing it in that direction. You’ve spent the last two weeks reminding yourself that you have no claim on Eren, no reason to be hurt or upset, but here you are, feeling that familiar rush of anger coursing through your veins.
“I mean, we haven’t been hanging out or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Who said I was worried?”
Eren’s eyebrows knit together, a little frown playing at his mouth. “I don’t know, I mean–”
“Look, Sasha’s waiting for me,” you point over Eren’s shoulder to the little two-top table, where Sasha has stilled within the blink of an eye, shooting Eren an innocent smile and a little wave. “I’d love to catch up, but maybe another time.”
“It was good seeing you.” Eren looks confused, albeit, a little bit hurt, and you hate it. Why is that so much worse, even worse than the sight of him with Breeze hanging off of his arm? His little pout puts a needle through your ballooning anger, and you deflate, sighing.
“I’ll see you around, I’m sure.”
“Yeah,” Eren takes his coffee from Pieck and ambles towards the door, sparing you one last glance over his shoulder. Unwilling to hold his eyes any longer, you scurry to your table, just having realized that Pieck forgot to put a coffee sleeve around your cup and that it’s been burning your hand for the last several minutes.
“Ow! Shit!” You practically crash land across from Sasha, dropping your cups in synchronicity and shaking your red palms around in the air to cool them down.
“What was that?” Sasha hisses, leaning across the table so viciously that your drinks nearly topple over.
“He just showed up!”
“You didn’t have to talk to him.”
“I didn’t try to. He just, like, materialized behind me and started talking. What was I supposed to do? Run away?”
“Little shit,” Sasha swears, glaring at the door as if her anger can shoot through it like a laser beam, cut Eren down where he’s surely almost a block down the street by now, “what did he say?”
“He asked if I’ve been avoiding him," you say, twirling your wooden coffee stirrer through your drink idly and trying to look as if your heart’s not still beating at what’s sure to be a dangerous rate.
“Well, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. He got all smug about it,” you scoff, the replayed scene of Eren’s self-assured smirk wiping off of his face bringing you a little bit of petty satisfaction, “until I brought up Breeze.”
Sasha’s eyes grow wide, and she looks around the coffee shop again, as if Eren or Breeze might come popping out of one of the large potted plants in the corners. “That’s actually what I wanted to tell you. What did he say about it?”
“What did you hear?” You narrow your eyes at her, and she narrows hers back.
“You first.”
“He didn’t say much, just looked really surprised that I brought her up. Said they haven’t been hanging out.”
“That’s bullshit,” Sasha snorts, rolling her eyes. Something in your chest that had begun to glimmer, something akin to hope, feels like it just got a bucket of ice-water poured over it. You cock your head, furrow your brows.
“How would you know?”
“Because Hitch and I grabbed some coffee–”
“Hitch? I thought that was a–”
“Okay, don’t crucify me, I know,” Sasha holds her hands up defensively, “it was supposed to be a one night stand, but…I don’t know. She’s cool.”
“Cool?” Even through your desperation for anything Eren-related after a two week drought, you smile knowingly at her. Sasha’s not hard to read, especially when her face goes bright red from chin to forehead.
“Yes,” she hisses, “cool. Anyway, we came by a few days ago, and Eren was here. With Breeze.”
“I mean, I expected as much.”
You’re lying, you’re so lying. The only consolation you’ve had over the last two weeks that you’re not a complete moron is the hope that maybe, just maybe, Eren’s just as forlorn as you, laying around and wishing his phone would buzz with your name on it, wishing you’d pop up at his door with a bag of popcorn ready for movie night. Instead, your worst suspicions have been confirmed, and not only is Eren very much involved with Breeze again, but he had lied straight to your face about it. Ouch.
“They weren’t like, holding hands or anything. Honestly, it looked like they were fighting.”
“Well, what did Hitch say about it?” You don’t even know if you want to know, but with your brain short-circuiting inside your skull, your mouth has free reign to seek out information that will be about as soothing as lemon juice on a papercut.
“Eren won’t talk to any of them about her,” Sasha burns her tongue on her coffee and sucks in a sharp breath, “not even Armin, apparently. She said he’s been moody lately.”
“Wonder why,” you mumble, mulling all of this new information over in your head. Breeze is bad for him, makes him crazy, you already know that. But you didn’t think it would start this soon– you feel like if anything, he should be ecstatic that his long-lost love has finally come back to him. And he can stop trying to replace her, your brain adds helpfully, only doubling the watery ache swelling in your chest.
“Who cares?” Sasha rips open a granola bar, biting into it and continuing to speak with her mouth full. “That’s why you’ve got to stop avoiding him.”
“Huh? That seems like the opposite–”
“No,” Sasha cuts you off, an air of authority in her normally chipper voice, “you’re not going to cower in the corner just because Eren’s back with his shitty ex girlfriend–”
“It’s not just because of Breeze,” you correct her, “it’s because of that voicemail. I have no idea what I said. There’s a lot that’s contributing to my self-induced isolation, trust me.”
“Regardless,” Sasha mouths around another bite of her granola bar, “the only thing that will make you feel better is being around him.”
“That sounds a little contradictory–”
“Trust me,” Sasha interrupts you again, “the best way to make a guy come around is to be up in his face, flaunting how hot and single you are, and to not give him an ounce of your attention. It’s a tried and true method, I promise.”
It turns out that you are a beacon for those with bad ideas, evidently, because later that night, you’ve ended up at Scout’s, cuddled up against the bar with Sasha despite Historia’s fervent protests. If Historia shows up later, just to “check in” (read: see what’s come of Sasha’s terrible plan), you won’t be surprised. She’s prone to being the mom friend and the harbinger of gossip, but she hasn’t shown face quite yet. It’s just you, Sasha, and a handful of regulars, sipping unreasonably cold beers and trying to act as if the early December chill hasn’t rattled you to your bones.
“This is a stupid idea,” you murmur against the lip of your bottle, trying not to seem as unnerved as you are, even after an hour of waiting and sipping. Sasha scoffs beside you, picking through your near-empty basket of peanut shells in search of a full pod.
“It’s not. He’ll be here.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you dragged me out. It only took a week for me to start missing this place,” you run a thoughtful hand along the varnished wooden bartop, “but I’m just still not sure about this whole seeing-Eren-on-purpose thing.”
Before Sasha can answer, the door swings open to reveal the man in question: Eren, accompanied by Armin and Connie, as always, and sporting his standard uniform. Black hoodie, slouchy khaki pants that are tightened around the ankles, and his beat-up Vans.
You nearly sigh into your drink at how delicious he looks, only stopping when the little voice in your head reminds you that the voicemail you’d left him exists. Friends– no, strangers now? The concept of labeling your bizarre, gray-areas-only relationship with Eren brings a chuckle up your throat, one that spills onto the bar.
You can feel him watching you, but to your simultaneous surprise and disappointment, he gives you space, sidling up to the bar a few seats down from where you and Sasha are occupying a couple of bar stools. When Connie throws up a cheerful hand in greeting to you, you tentatively wave back, only for Armin to grab Connie’s attention and turn him toward the bar.
“Ha!” Sasha says triumphantly, looking at you with her eyes glowing like you’re supposed to have reached a revelation of some sort. “See?”
“Did you plot this with Connie?” You narrow your eyes in suspicion.
“No, I’m just a genius, that’s all.”
“I feel like your theory is being proven wrong, not right. He’s not even sitting near us.”
“Because you have the upper hand!” Sasha grins.
“The upper hand?”
“Yeah, he’s giving you some space so you can make the first move, get what you want out of him.”
“And what do I want out of him?” You nearly growl in your frustration, feeling silly sitting exactly four barstools down from Eren with him running through your mind as if he isn’t close enough to just hop up and hug. It’s a genuine question more than a rhetorical one; you’re not even sure what you expect out of him anymore. Another fuck? A fancy date night? A lifetime worth of radio silence, as if Eren isn’t the person you’ve connected better with than nearly anyone else in your romantic history?
Sasha’s brows furrow. “Don’t you know?”
“No! That’s what I was trying to tell you!”
“Oh,” Sasha frowns, rubs her chin, “we should have figured that part out before we came, I guess.”
“Sasha!” You whisper-hiss, ever mindful of what you’re sure to be prying ears only a few feet away. “So you have no plan?”
Sasha stumbles, stutters, and eventually, flushes bright red with a shrug. “Okay, fine, I have no plan. But at least it’s something to break up your routine of laying in bed eating chips and moping around the library.”
“You’re such a bitch.” You roll your eyes, but you don’t mean it, not really. Regardless of how things stand, at the very least you can sneak little glances at Eren, take in how good he looks– no, you correct yourself firmly. You hopped off that train of your own accord, and you’re better for it.
With some verbal manhandling, you goad Sasha into a lull of small talk, classes, anything that comes to mind. A pair of eyes finds you, not the emerald that keeps you up at night, but a pair of hazel old-and-new eyes draw to you, and you can feel the scratch of an unwelcome gaze on your skin.
“Floch’s here,” you state the obvious, sipping your drink and giving no physical indication that you’ve noticed him, staring straight ahead as you mutter to Sasha.
“Christ, this was not a good idea,” Sasha groans, face-palming.
“Wow, I sure wish that someone had suggested this was a bad idea, wouldn’t that have been nice?”
“Shut up,” Sasha says, peeking warily over her shoulder, “I think that’s Hitch in the corner, too.”
You frown, confused at the hunched, anxious change in her posture. “Why are you being weird? Go say hey.”
“I’m not abandoning you!”
“Oh, shut it. Why are you really being weird?”
“I, uh…” Sasha twirls her beer around on the counter, blushing, “I haven’t texted her back in like, four or five days.”
“Sasha! You like her, I can tell. What’s gotten into you?”
“It was supposed to be a one-night thing,” Sasha moans, letting her face fall dramatically into her hands, “and then it was movie nights and coffee and just…way beyond casual hooking up. I like her, but…I don’t know! I panicked.”
You chew on her admission for a second, selfishly comparing Sasha’s situation to your own. Was that what you were doing with Eren? No, surely not, but was that what he was doing with you? You knew he had loved Breeze, that she had wrecked him, but maybe…just maybe some small part of you wants to hope that he’s moved on, that the coffee shop sighting was a fluke.
You shoo Sasha in Hitch’s direction, demanding she run over to apologize and make nice with Hitch, partially to save Sasha’s first shot at a real relationship in years and partially because you want to stew alone with your thoughts. Before you can get too deep into your black hole of what ifs, a familiar presence is sliding into Sasha’s seat, grinning lewdly.
You sigh; it was only a matter of time before he sought you out.
“What do you want, Forster?”
“Last name only? Ouch,” Floch places a hand over his heart, drumming the fingers of his other hand on the countertop. You recognize his demeanor immediately: pupils blown wide, buzzing to the brim with nervous energy. Floch’s always dabbled in party drugs, part of why you could only stand to be around him in small doses back when you were hooking up.
“Are you coked out right now?” Mindful of Levi’s hovering presence behind the bar, you keep your voice to a low hiss.
“So you can’t call me by my first name, but you can ask such personal questions? Jesus, you really are full of it, aren’t you?”
“Floch,” you nearly groan in frustration, “I thought I made it perfectly clear the last time I saw you that I’m not interested.”
“Why are you being so mean to me, hm?” Floch snakes a hand around your shoulders, jostling you until your face is mere inches from his. You’re more than aware of a pair of green eyes nearly boring a hole in your forehead, and you feel a pang of regret that you sent Sasha away so quickly, remembering far too late that Hitch’s table doesn’t offer a great view of where you’re seated at the bar.
“I’m not being mean,” you try to push at him, but he’s locked around you, “I’m just not interested.”
“Stop being such a bitch, Jesus Christ,” Floch finally lets you shove him away from you, but he’s far from done, “when did you get so stuck up, huh?”
“Floch. Keep your voice down, and walk away.” You try to warn him; Floch may be a pain in your ass, but you’d like to believe that he’s not a bad guy, deep down. You’re too late, however. 
Eren’s materialized between you and Floch before you can blink, before you can even get another word out. His sudden presence forces you out of your barstool, stepping around him to get a better read on what the hell he thinks he’s doing. Eren seems not to notice you trying to insert yourself between him and Floch, and the look on his face makes you step back momentarily.
He looks terrifying. Eren’s nostrils are flaring, eyes blown wide and jaw clenched tight. He’s taking full advantage of his height, glaring down at Floch with such menace that if looks could kill, Floch would already be laid out on the floor.
“Get the fuck out of here, dude. She said no.”
“What are you, her little guard dog?” Floch, infamous for never knowing what’s best for him, scoffs at Eren’s incredibly intimidating posture.
“Maybe I am,” Eren sneers, “I’m damn sure not going to sit there and let you speak to her like that.”
“Who’s this loser?” Connie’s to your right now, gesturing to Floch. You don’t miss the telltale clenching of Eren’s hands by his side, and it hits your dizzied mind what’s going on. Eren’s going to end up swinging if you don’t interfere, and Connie’s there for backup. 
“Floch, please.” You reach a feeble hand up to Floch’s chest, trying to gently push him in the other direction.
In the blink of an eye, Floch’s grabbing you by the wrist hard enough to solicit a yelp from your lips, throwing your arm away from him with a look of disgust.
“Oh, so now you want to touch me, bitch?”
No sooner has Floch’s hand released your arm than Connie’s got his arms wrapped around you, yanking you out of the crossfire. Amidst a series of gasps, Eren grabs Floch around the back of the neck, pins him face-first to the bar. 
“Jaeger!” Levi barks sharply, darting over to the scene of the commotion.
“Is that what gets you off, huh?” Eren’s nearly nose-to-nose with Floch, whose busted lip is twisted in a grimace and dribbling little bits of blood onto the varnished bartop. “Calling women bitches when they don’t want your little dick?”
“Let him go, Eren,” Armin tries to intervene, having already dashed over from his barstool. You want to back him up, but you’re frozen where you’re pinned to Connie’s chest, trembling in his arms. You know Eren’s a little rough-and-tumble, but this, seeing it in real life, is much more terrifying than you could have imagined.
“What the hell? Are you okay?” You can hear Sasha’s voice from beside you, close enough to touch but distant in comparison to where your vision is zeroed in on Eren’s grip on the back of Floch’s neck.
“Answer me!” Eren rears Floch back a few inches and slams him against the bar again. Floch curses under his breath, wriggles fruitlessly under Eren’s weight.
“Get the fuck off me, Jaeger!”
“You fucking wish,” Eren hisses, tightening his grip further, “now apologize to my girl before you make me do something I’ll regret.”
“Eren,” you find your voice again, shaking out of Connie’s grip. You fist your hands into Eren’s hoodie sleeves, tugging hard enough to get his attention. “He’s not worth it. Let him go.”
“Listen to her, Jaeger,” Levi’s already-deep voice is stained with warning.
When you pull at his sleeve a little harder, Eren turns to you, eyes still blown wide and teeth bared. It startles you, but you hold firm, setting your own jaw and shaking your head.
“Let. Him. Go. Now, Eren.” You’re not sure how you’ve managed to muster up the conviction in your voice, but you’re grateful for it, as it seems to shake Eren back into himself. Eren slowly releases Floch and in the same easy motion, he guides you behind him with one long, strong arm.
“You,” Levi points accusingly at Floch, “out.”
Floch’s jaw drops. “I didn’t even–”
“Out.” Levi’s tone leaves no room for argument, and Floch seems to understand at least that. He turns his glare back to you and Eren, scowling deeply.
“The next time I see you, Jaeger, it’s fucking over.”
“Get lost before you make me fucking embarrass you,” Eren says, voice dripping with venom. Floch shakes his head, lets his gaze land on you. A chilling smile breaks over his features.
“Next time, sweetheart.”
“Get the fuck out of here already, bro,” Connie snaps, pointing towards the exit. Floch takes his leave, sauntering towards the door with all the confidence of someone who hadn’t just been pinned against the countertop. A heavy, staticky silence falls over the bar.
“If I see you fighting in here again, it’s over.” Levi’s cold eyes fall on Eren, who nods curtly in understanding. Eren brushes his hands through his hair, rests a hand on the bun at the back of his head. Something strange is coursing through your body; something that tastes like anger, burns like heartbreak, falls bitter on your tongue like envy.
“Are you okay?” Sasha appears at your side again, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Floch’s such a psycho, I’m not even surprised he picked a fight.”
You nod numbly, eyes never leaving Eren. He finally looks back down at you, none of the heat having left his eyes.
“What the fuck was that?” It takes you a moment to realize that it’s you speaking, you throwing those words up the inches from your mouth to Eren’s. Eren’s face contorts into a frown.
“What do you mean? He was bothering you, wasn’t he?”
“So you try to fight him?” You seethe. Maybe it is anger, this bizarre, foreign emotion tingling at the tips of your fingers. No, that’s not quite it, you’re not angry you’re just…confused. Hurt that Eren’s frolicking around with Breeze, doing whatever he pleases, and yet, he’s jumping into bar fights to save you from the tangible evidence of your past.
“What do you expect me to do when someone talks to you like that?” Eren hisses back, eyes narrowed.
Sasha’s backed away from the two of you now; you’re aware of your friends staring at you, noses scrunched as they try to figure out exactly what’s happening now. You wish you had an answer to give them, but all you can muster is this heartache shooting out of your mouth in the form of daggers.
“I don’t need you,” you spit, “I don’t need your protection.”
“It didn’t exactly look like you had that handled,” Eren scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, and what are you? My knight in shining fucking armor? Don’t you have other damsels in distress waiting for you?” It’s too far, you know that as soon as the words leave your mouth, but the liquid courage Sasha had insisted upon is making your tongue sharper than you’d anticipated.
Eren rears back from where he’s hunched to meet you on your level, nostrils flaring again. Before you can utter another word, he’s got an arm thrown around your shoulders none-too-gently, practically dragging your stumbling feet towards the exit.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
The thing is, the blue and green thing is pretty straightforward most of the time. If we're talking about main couples or secondary character.
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Like, most of the time, it's pretty obvious, it's a shirt or a jacket, it's the first thing you will notice when you see the character.
The easiest couple to track all down is madney, i think because we see a lot of changes in the relationship, we end up getting more of them with the blue and green color scheme. But it is mostly a jacket, a sweater, a shirt.
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So applying that rule to buddie, it happened twice. And it's interesting because it's a repeat shade from the only situation where Eddie and Ana were in the color scheme and because it's the shooting Buck and Taylor blue and green.
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Eddie and Ana only have the one scene, so not a lot of choice there, but Buck and Taylor have a lot of them.
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So, obvious, straightforward, not a lot to think about, BUT I am a crazy person, and I have been paying more attention to the couples and the use of blue and green, because I got curious after rewatching Boston for the rewatch, because I'm paying a lot of attention to backgrounds and scenery looking for the correct shots to gif, and watching under pressure right after.
Why? Well, I did say madney is the easiest way to track the blue and green thing. Boston is a very blue and green episode even when Maddie and Chim are not dressed in blue and green.
Maddie is wearing blue in the video, Chim is wearing green when he watches it, she's in blue while she's alone (even her hospital gown is blue, and that's not a common thing for the show), he's in green when he's alone, so we are still in the color scheme.
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But considering the nature of the episode, Saint Patrick's Day, there is an insane amount of green being used as a backdrop. With Chim standing out because of the way his vest is blue in a sea of green.
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But Maddie's jacket is only blueish, so things start to get muddy.
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Because when they do meet, they are in neutral colors, but they have a lot of blue and green props and pieces of scenery.
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But when she says she wants to go back home, Maddie's in a really dark green with some green detailing shirt, and Chim is in a blue shirt, but they both have jackets on, so the color is not the focus of the outfit.
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Not like it would be here, when they find out Jee is a girl or in mixed feelings when literally every couple is blue or green at some point.
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So the details matter too. I feel like that's a safe assumption. (It's not, everything about this is insane but stay with me)
Also, the blue and green thing can also be used in the search for love I would say, because Buck is wearing blue on the date with Veronica.
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So, I established a pattern here, why does this relate to under pressure or buddie?
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Neutral color outfits (which is fun considering their uniform is blue) and blue and green backgrounds. Yes, I understand that the blue is because of the sirens and there is the occasional red there too, but if we are using sirens as bisexual lighting, I'm using it here.
But the thing is, when thinking about the blue and green thing in the great scheme of things, I only ever considered tops, and a few dresses because of Karen, but considering my insanity over Boston, I was like, okay, let's expand.
If we ignore the uniform (I choosing to because they don't have a lot of room with the uniform, it is what it is, and sometimes a scene will happen in the firehouse) Eddie is wearing blue after the tsunami and the will reveal, Buck's wearing blue after Chim goes after Maddie, Buck's wearing blue in the kitchen talk in outside looking in (and yes he's wearing blue because Taylor is wearing green, but he's still in blue), the shirt Buck has under the red jacket during the breakdown is blue, Buck is wearing something blue(ish) when they talk about the couches, Eddie is wearing blue on the poker date, Buck is wearing green on the cemetery.
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Oh, but Anna, they are mismatched, does it really mean anything?
Yeah, well, I don't know, but the thing here is actually all about the way I was watching tomorrow earlier, and everything about the episode is about Henren, right?
Hen and Karen don't have a lot of obvious blue and green moments, I've been searching for them and saving the ones I can find, but so far I just have two major ones, when they decide to foster and when Eva comes back the last time.
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But the thing is, Hen's color pallet is about patterns. Karen's too. So I made the decision to go around looking for just, anything predominantly blue or green. So now I get to introduce pants into the situation.
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Because after this there's even a random couple on a call with the blue and green being completed with pants.
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And also, there's another using the background to complete the color scheme moment, since Hen's hoodie is blue and the backdrop is green behind Karen (this is a flashback and flashbacks tend to be muted, but it is green)
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Okay, now, why does it matter? Thinking back to some major buddie scenes, I'm tempted to overanalyze Eddie's choice of pants.
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Sure, in these two the pants are green, but Eddie is the one with the blue shirt to begin with, so not a lot to on there, BUT, we also have in the green pants with Buck in the blue background.
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We also have this, with the green pants and the blue hoodie.
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And the green background. Please notice the way the plants are out of focus behind Buck but not behind Eddie.
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Also, something that drives me absolutely, completely crazy about the cemetery scene, or just about coloring it while gifing, is that the sky is blue behind Eddie, but it's not blue behind Buck (so this is hell to match)
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Buck is wearing green, the sky is only blue behind Eddie. That's also interesting because Buck is never wearing green, unless something is wrong (breaking up with Ali and Taylor, the coma dream, the cemetery, longer meta about it can be found here) and they are consistent about Eddie being green, Buck being blue, so they switched colors, and something they do is switch color with Buck and Taylor when the relationship starts going to hell, so, choices.
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Also, I'm curious about the choice of everything in the van being green. Not that there's anything visibly blue about Buck, even the sky and the water are barely blue, but it is funny.
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They do have a blue truck, but that feels like a stretch even for me aoskoaskoaskaoksas
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Anyway, that's enough craziness for the day, if you read this, I love you <3
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d0v3uae · 4 months
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okay, i was just rewatching season 4, and i realized something, remember this scene in the airport right in the beginning of the series? Mike says “i handpicked those for you in Hawkins” most likely he got those from the field that we also saw in the end of this season, and the one of the very first scenes in season 3. now, i was watching the very last episode, and the very last scene, and i noticed when el was walking forward, she picked up dead flowers, specifically the same colors Mike got her as a gift back in the beginning (yellow and purple). this means the fall/deadness of their relationship, because as we already know, they are NOT on good terms. i mean i really tried to like their ship, but i just cant see it without being toxic, and having communication issues for example: El felt the need to lie about her life and Lenora, and how she had friends, and everything was good. why would she need to lie? shouldnt they trust each other and tell each other things like this? And back in the beginning when Mike tells Lucas that they dont want to be popular, and the airport scene when El says that she wants burritos for breakfast, Mike says something like “really? no i mean i trust you,” that scene to me meant that Mike was very awkward, and not acting like himself. and not to mention but Mikes outfit was not himself AT ALL. Argyle says “oh no its a shitty knockoff,” meaning again, that mike is acting like someone hes not in front of his girlfriend.
now, i wanna talk about the roller rink incident, because there is a LOT more stuff going on then what it seems. so basically Mike and Will are fighting while trying to find El, and Will says “well what about us?” and Will DID NOT mean this romantically, but Mike took this romantically?! Will meant it as “Ok i get it, you have a girlfriend, but what about our friendship?” Mike took it as romantic, which is why he said “We’re friend! We’re friends!” and the fact that he said it two times is also insane, and his tone of voice when he said it was so tense almost. when people in other shows/movies say they are just friends, they most if the time end up as an endgame couple. for example: the office, Jim and Pam, they both had crushes on each other throughout the first seasons, but oh look they were an endgame couple, and even got married. what im trying to say is, Mike took it romantically, when Will didnt.
And another thing with this fight, is that as soon as Mike said “We’re friends” the song “in the closet” started playing, and some people think “oh its because Els in a closet” which yes, in a way, but it was an employee’s shed. and also this song started playing RIGHT AFTER Mike assured that they were “just friends” little sketchy right? And i also just wanted to point out that after Mike said that, he saw Wills face and immediately knew he made him sad, and we can see the tension in his face almost disappeared.
now right after the skate incident, El, Mike and Will were all standing there in a triangle if i may point out, but anyways, we can see Will reacted normally, he said “oh my god..” but Mike reacted very aggressively towards it. and the camera pans over to El sitting alone at a table, and Mike and Will are right next to each other. really quickly, i wanna point a few things out. when angela takes el onto the rink, we can see Mike not care, hes just like “meh” but Will knows, so he stands up and says “oh no” which directly after he says that, he stands up so quickly, but this is weird for me. because Mike can sense when something is wrong with Will, but not El. because we see that when angela comes over to the table they are sitting at, it is very tense but Mike doesnt really notice, but Mike notices when something is wrong with Will almost IMMEDIATELY. and this is proven back in s2. so Will is closing his locker and Mike says something like “come on” and Will looks worried or even tense, and Mike immediately notices, because he says “what” many times and not to mention in his soft voice that he only uses for Will. so i think this means Mike understands Will and Will understands Mike.
i think this might be foreshadowing to the break up to Mike and El in season 5. so, once again. BYLER ENDGAME!!
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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amonggtheestarss · 7 months
Hey Gang
This is gonna be a more unique post than what I usually do but uhm...
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See this guy? Black from Rodamrix. I'm gonna talk about them, because they're such a decently portrayed character in my own personal opinion and I believe they deserve more attention than what the fandom gives them (which is like... none.)
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With the power of having autism and unnecessarily psycho-analyzing the jellybeans, I see Black as a pretty well assertive character. They're VERY expressive, loud, and is often strongly opinionated on things. If they have something to say, they'll say it. If they want something, they'll do what they can to get it. A decent majority of scenes of Black is them with the >0 expression and I love that aboutthem.
And as I rewatched Rodamrix for like the 2000th time, I noticed one thing.
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Remember when I said they were very strongly opinionated on things? This is the one and ONLY time (as of now) Black has ever hesitated to make a decision, which is between voting Yellow or Green out. And when I watched this scene a dozen times, it always confused me because this was so incredibly out of character for Black. Black has been siding with Green this whole time, but suddenly hesitates when forced to decide between Green or Yellow. But why?
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Not sure if anyone truly took much notice to this scene, because I for sure didn't. I stupidly saw it as just a "Glitch.Y is trying his best but his best isn't good enough for the crewmates," and I had assumed Black would of shrugged it off as "Man this kid is insane as hell whatever" BUT I DID NOT NOTICE they actually turned around to see the box Glitch.Y was pointing at.
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Glitch.Y saved Black's life and they acknowledged it. Their ass got saved by a literal child he saw as a freak. And this is the first time we see them with a face of Genuine Worry.
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YOU NEVER SEE THEM WITH THIS SORT OF GENUINE EXPRESSION AGAIN. UNLESS I'M JUST REALLY BLIND. BUT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME BLACK EXPRESSES GENUINE WORRY AND IT'S FOR GLITCH.Y. They've sided with Green this whole time but then has realised that just this once, Green was wrong about something, which was Glitch.Y trying to kill them all. And Black Worried. For once they hesitated, and couldn't bring themself to make such a decision.
And that's just one thing about Black. Small detail, really. They had a moment of hesitation for the first time. Oh well. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL.
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Green, who is the Skeld Leader goes missing, right? That was their LEADER. They are now without a leader. And who is the first to take initiative and act as next leader?
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Yellow tries to take the initiative first, but is torn when Dr White assumes Glitch.Y and Green already dead, so Black immediately takes the lead instead. Black becomes the new, temporary leader for the team when they go to look for Glitch.Y and Green.
They even stand at the front of the team, willing to go forth before them all which would put themself at the most risk. And this isn't arrogance either, they do it GENUINELY. They even waited for Yellow's word before they start walking. They even gave each other the nod to proceed.
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And they do a pretty decent job at leading too. They take after Green pretty well, in my opinion.
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Altogether, I just feel like Black is a well fleshed out character, especially for someone who's sidelined for the entirety of the series. Everyone talks about Tan, a lot talk about Lime, which both deserve the attention they get of course, but I feel like Black is the most fleshed out side-character in the entire series.
I appreciate how much effort Rodamrix puts into Black's personality. I do hope Cyan gets a bit of a character arc too though. I like to see Black as Cyan to be really close, especially since they share similar personality traits. I just hope the fandom comes to appreciate Black more for his character in the series.
Also, bonus Black Alternate content
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(They were actually the last to die out of the Skeld team which I found interesting. Gives into the idea they could've potentially made it out alive had it not been a 2v1. The only reason they got stopped and killed was because Purple came in as they barely escaped Pink.)
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(Fun fact, Black's role in the Skeld is actually guarding*, so it'd make sense they watched outside while the others worked to fix the dropship)
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(I like how Green looks directly to Black here honestly, might be a part of why Black tends to take after them. Green gives them the their attention first KYEHEHE)
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(bro looks like they're trying to intimidate Purple over actually trying to stop them BEHEHEHE)
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(And here, they're the first one to say something upon seeing the France Squad (and Mini Yellow))
*From Rodamrix's Instagram, a reference of Black's role here
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I hope you guys understand why I like Black as a character a lot now.
Black appreciation post done. Thanks for reading.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 5 months
Rewatching star trek beyond so liveblogging it
God this film feels like coming home. Let me be a pharmacy assistant on the Enterprise please my life would be fixed
So does Bones just steal from people's lockers? Also they have lockers?
Oh LoRDy
I wish I could’ve been into star trek when this came out
Someone medicate Bones, man's so stressed out honestly
This film really makes me want star trek 4, make it a motion picture, getting the band back together thing
Love the way we see yorktown as massive and impressive then zoom in on the spaceport to make it seem lived in
Sulu's daughter has a toy enterprise
Fuck, prime Spock’s dead
The parts where they show prime spock really make me want a crossover between tos and aos, and it hurts that I'll never see it, guess i'll have to live in fanfic
Love the practical effects of this film
Also is Jim’s outfit in this scene, grey with yellow shoulders, the formalwear? If so I like it
Lovr Uhura's communications panel
Chris Pine's reactions, the cinematography, the set design, the sounds, fuck I love this film
Gonna start saying "i can't engage the warp drive" when i stall a car
Would love to see the borg in aos
Love the character consistency of Bones not carrying a phaser but spock is
Love Bones' portable scanner, i would watch a fake documentary about star trek tech
Does anyone wonder what happened to all the personal belongings that were destroyed on the Enterprise?
Jaylah’s coming soon 😆
There she is!
How many languages does she speak? English, her own and whatever those people she beat up were speaking?
Notice how Bones is still cut on the forehead while he's helping out Spock
Also why does Jaylah know about Krall’s plan? Is that why he shoots people down, try to find the Abornath then kill them to be immortal?
Just realised that Jaylah’s tech was probably from her ship before she got to Altamid, that's why she knows how to use it, her stick, her traps, the parts she got for the franklin (as well as other ships), makes me want to know what her people were like
How long has Jaylah been there?
Love how Bones is ready to throw hands
Bones dancing to achy breaky heart when?
Also Jaylah isn't introduced to Spock and bones, they just get beamed aboard and then spock collapses
Oo Krall’s looking more human
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?" Spock’s face 🤣
I really want to know about Jaylah’s family
This film literally proves that my "Jaylah is actually really fucking traumatised and definitely has (c) ptsd" agenda is canon
Also Scotty has his grandma's china hc
Love how Jim respects his crew
Also jim kirk is so Maverick/tom cruise coded it's insane. Bikes, dead dad, cocky attitude, shipped with someone who’s "ice cold"
Uhura has got to be traumatised after seeing a crewmate literally eaten in front of her
Jim Cruise is here! Tom Kirk!
After getting into top gun, the star trek navy inspired titles are funny to me, at least in aos by how quick they get them and how young they all are
Not sure why Jaylah’s fighting gives me kill bill vibes
Also jaylah has blue blood!
Love how sulu gets the dramatic line "they're going to destroy yorktown"
How long did it take to get the ship ready to fly? I mean, it's been at least a day and a night, the day they arrived, nighttime then they all got rescued and brought back together the next day just wondered how long it all took to happen
Also seatbelts!
Sulu would’ve won top gun
"I acknowledge and respect your concerns" Someone's been to therapy
"How do we get them to stop talking" is spoken so shatner
Just realised why certain jobs are the colours, yellow: anything running the ship (captain, pilot etc), red: anything about how the ship runs (engineering, communications, security), blue: science and medical
I love how the end of this film is similar to battleships where they use an old ship to defeat an alien ship
The picture of the original crew! He took it with him! I need a crossover now! I love how they used a more brassy theme there, makes it sound more original, more nostalgic
They had the chance to do futuristic dress but they just look like dudes from 2016
If they could just do an animated series for the aos crew...
Also the og theme at the end 🥲
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I loved what you did! Can I request a Part 2 of the Female Tanjiro Reader? (Reader and God plan to get married soon, but God likes to already call himself Reader’s ‘Husband’) Reader’s God Opponent has 2 younger brothers who are the God of Dreams and Nightmares and the God of Revenge and their father is a God of Destruction, Battle and War (I rewatched Infinity Train, and I’m feeling a LOT of things 😭) Only Zerofuku is platonic and he’s basically adopted by Reader and Nezuko (Wholesome Trio)
Anyways, the God of Dreams, out of anger his older brother was killed, demanded Reader to fight him (She refuses because she understands that he’s grieving) however he uses his power over Dreams and puts Reader under his spell and kidnaps her while she’s unconscious along with Nezuko (Goll saw this and ran over to Husband to tell him that God kidnapped Reader and Nezuko)
Anyways, this God taunts (Husband) that killed his brother by asking him if he should he make her dream about the slaughter of her entire family or should he bring her father ‘back to life’ all while laughing sadistically since if they try anything to him, Reader will never wake up (However, thanks to Nezuko’s Blood Demon Art, Reader wakes up on her own) with the God forcing Reader to fall asleep… only for her to wake up over and over again the second the God puts her under his spell, which he loudly proclaims the insanity of her indomitable will to commit suicide over and over again as not even a god would do that, so she must not be a human but a monster
Reader, enraged at this God, screams in pure rage for God to stop putting words in her family’s mouths, as they would never ever say things like that as she finally had enough and decapitates him and goes over to her husband… only for her to push him out of the way to take the stab to her side from the other God, the God of Revenge
(Husband) is very worried for Reader, however Reader begs (Husband) to spare God and save him, which honestly angers him and asks Reader why should he spare God, when he was clearly not going to spare her, and he deserves to die and that they ripped off his leg (Only for Reader to say that God then suffered enough, as he’s grieving and that as long as she doesn’t die, he won’t have her blood staining his hands)
However, the God of Dreams, furious that he lost to a human, is starting to disintegrate, loudly wishes that he could’ve killed her if he had the strength right now as he’s reaching towards her to try and strangle her and calls her a “worthless, ugly woman” and finally dies
Only for their Father to come in and try to kill Reader, which (Husband) crushes their arm that was aiming for Reader and darkly demands why they went for his wife, who is severely injured, tired and needs medical attention, only for him to state he despises the weak, especially humans, and that they should all die, especially Reader, since she’s a human, thus she’s a ‘weakling’ (This very much pisses off Husband, as he wants to murder this God)
(Husband) fights, but isn’t paying much attention as he’s more concerned over Reader, his precious wife, thus he gets injured and God starts running away since they notice other’s are coming over
However, neither expected Reader to run over and throws her sword directly through God’s Stomach, demanding for him to come back and face her ‘Coward’ and Reader finally snaps screaming at his running form calling him a ‘Coward’ and that she’s a Human, but she still fought her opponent, even though he had the clear advantage, but he’s also a coward for leaving his only living son behind to save his own skin, and that (Husband) won, because he save and protect her and Nezuko (Husband is very touched and amazed by his wife’s words)
Sorry if this is a lot, I’m just feeling a LOT of things after watching Infinity Train (I thought it wouldn’t hit me so hard, was very wrong 😭😭😭)
-You hadn’t known this amount of happiness in your life since before your family was killed, you were so happy with (Love), who you were now living with and engaged too (except Zerofuku who became your younger brother).
-Nezuko adored (Love) and you did too, completely happy to be by his side.
-It had been months after Ragnarok and Valhalla was thriving with life, gods and humanity now working together, as intended when humanity first was created.
-Goll had seen a man approach you and Nezuko, and she knew this god was one of the God of Dreams, introducing himself as the younger brother of the god you were forced to kill in your match, demanding you to fight him, so he could avenge his brother.
-He was stunned when you refused, bowing your head deeply to him, “I apologize, but you are angry because you are grieving. I did not want to kill him, but he gave me no choice and the tournament was a fight to the death.”
-His hand shot out, grabbing you over your eyes and you instantly slumped into his arms, fast asleep before he picked you and Nezuko’s box up and took off with your body.
-Goll was quick to run to (God), screaming that you had been taken and instantly he had ran out the door, following Goll’s instructions on where you had been snatched from.
-He was able to find you easily as this god who took you was sloppy, leaving a trail, leading to a massive grassy field.
-He had a wicked smirk on his face, looking down at your sleeping body, Nezuko hugging you, shielding your body with her own as he looked at your partner, “She killed my brother~ I wonder if she would like sweet dreams of watching her family be slaughtered~ or maybe her father returning to life~ what do you think (Love)?”
-You instantly stirred, Nezuko’s nails biting into your skin, her Demon Blood Art giving you the strength to overwhelm his own powers as you started to thrash, seeing your family being killed over and over in front of you.
-(Lover) tried to attack the god who immediately put you back to sleep, “Touch me and I’ll make sure she never wakes up!”
-You kept forcing yourself awake and he kept forcing you asleep, quickly growing enraged, “You monster!! Is your will that strong that you’re willing to die?!”
-With a war cry you were able to snap wide awake and managed to lunge, grabbing his head and headbutted him hard, cracking his skull, “SHUT UP!!” his head fell back from the blow, his neck instantly snapping.
-He fell to the ground, dead, while you were panting hard, Nezuko clinging tightly to you before you set her down, turning to see (Love) rushing towards you.
-Your eyes widened, seeing him there before you instantly froze, running towards him and you were quick to leap in front of him, taking a sword right through your midsection, taking the blow for your lover.
-(Love) turned in horror as you fell, seeing a God of Revenge, the brother of the god of dreams and the god you killed in your match, had been the one to attack you, furious that you killed both of his brothers and nearby was another god, their father, a god of destruction and war.
-(Love) instantly attacked him, pulling him off of you and went into a frenzy, violently attacking this god, ripping one of his legs off as well as one of his arms.
-He only froze when he heard you calling out to him, begging him to stop, not wanting him to kill another for you, you didn’t want his blood staining your hands.
-He dropped the broken but alive body of Revenge, not happy to let him live as he was going to kill you, but for you, he would do anything.
-Destruction then ran forward, aiming his hand to strike you down in a single blow but (Love) was quick to catch it, snapping his arm in half in fury as you coughed up blood, “Why would you go after my wife (big sister) when she’s injured?!”
-Revenge just snickered, “Humans are weaklings! They shouldn’t be allowed to live! They should have never won Ragnarok!!”
-(Love) instantly charged, the two locking up in battle, your love taking a few hard blows, as he was focused more on you than the fight, worried about you while Nezuko was hunched over you, crying that you were hurt.
-You heard voices and you saw other gods and humans, warriors from Ragnarok, rushing towards you, after Goll had sounded the alarm.
-You looked up at (Love) and Destruction who leapt back, seeing others were coming and he was quick to turn tail to run, leaving Revenge, who was calling out for him, begging him to not leave him behind.
-Like a surge of energy flew through you, adrenaline, you had shot to your feet and rushed at Destruction with your sword, “Don’t run you COWARD!!” and with your final word, you ran him through his midsection, shocking him but he was more enraged at you calling him a coward.
-He fell back as he tried to turn on you as you glared harshly down at him, “You call yourself a father?! Your child is hurt and crying out for you, why didn’t you help him?! That’s why (Love) is better than you! He’s at least doing his best to protect Nezuko and me!!”
-He glared hard up at you, “You dare speak to me like this?! You’re just a filthy, ugly, weak human!!”
-He started, meeting your eyes, seeing you look down at him with pity as (Love) came over, sweeping you into his arms, hugging you close as the other warriors made it to you and the injured gods.
-Hercules- Scolded you for being so reckless when you went after Destruction, while peeling you an apple to feed to you while you were, once again, in the infirmary, Nezuko fast asleep on you lap. You said nothing as you knew he had been worried about you but was angry that you had taken the hit meant for him, his body would have been able to withstand the blow, scolding you that you got injured for nothing. Once he was done venting, he fed you the apples, making you smile softly at the sweetness of them before he pecked your forehead gently, telling you to not make him worry anymore.
-Jack- Had been quiet, more so than normal, his silent tell that he was upset as he sat beside you in the infirmary bed, Nezuko lounging across your lap as his arm was around your shoulders, keeping your head on his chest. You were fretting, worried he was mad at you before he finally spoke, “Don’t ever do anything foolish like that again, Y/N. I can’t bear even the thought of losing you.” You smiled softly, tilting your head up and pecking his cheek, “I’ll try my best.” Your promise made him smile softly before he pressed a kiss to your temple.
-Thor- Guarded you fiercely while you were in the infirmary, as he knew those other two gods, who attacked you, were being treated here as well, but once they were better they would be immediately locked up to face punishments for their crimes. You were holding Thor’s hand, feeling it tensing under your grip as he finally looked at you, giving you a soft smile, seeing that you were going to be just fine.
-Loki- Pouty baby, making you feel guilty for worrying him as he scolded you, but you knew that’s how he showed he cared as he yelled at you for taking the blow meant for him. He couldn’t’ fight your big watery eyes, “I didn’t want you to get hurt, Loki.” He turned, hiding his blush as he knew he lost against you, but he was quick to crawl into your arms, hugging you tightly, feeling that you were still there, still alive.
-Hades- Pampered you while scolding you at the same time. Fluffed your pillow before calling you an idiot for taking that sneak attack blow meant for him, fed you grapes while telling you that he could have dealt with Destruction running but you did it yourself and put more strain on your body. You just let him vent and yell, as in hindsight you knew you had been a bit reckless, again, before you opened your arms, wanting a hug and you held him close, running your nails across his scalp, making him melt into you and relax.
-Poseidon- Had tried going after Revenge and Destruction more than once, for hurting you and making you cry, despite them being in the infirmary as well. When he returned after another failed attempt, a steaming lump on his head from Zeus, he immediately crawled onto the bed with Nezuko and you, pulling you into his body, pouting. You patted his head gently, doting on him as his grip tightened, remembering your words, you praise that he was a better man because he had defended you, it made him happy.
-Buddha- Hugged you while laying on the bed with you, squeezing you gently, happy that you were alive and well. He looked up at you, popping his chin up on his hand, “You do realize that I could have dodged that blow that you took for me right?” you blushed cutely, but smiled softly, “I didn’t want you to get hurt, my love. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” He hugged you, a smile on his face, hearing your words that made his own face flush red.
-Zerofuku- Cried alongside Nezuko, one on either side of you, hugging you around your neck, upset that you had gotten hurt protecting your little brother. You doted on both of them, instead of resting like you should have been, wanting to take care of them both as it was your fault that they were crying. Once Nezuko fell asleep, you turned your attention to Zerofuku who sniffled softly, trying to calm down, “Did you really mean that I was better than him?” you smiled, opening your arms to embrace him and he hugged you instantly as you pecked his forehead, “Of course you’re the best! You were so brave trying to protect us.” He beamed warmly at the praise.
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
I was watching Qatar 2014 and Nick Harris is like is Marc’s leg gonna start playing up and I was like oh is he injured and the nick was like yeah spiral fracture of the right tibia so of course I had to research about it and it takes 4 to 6 months to heal 18 months if it’s bad and Marc’s like no 6 weeks and then I’ll ride a bike in a sport that requires me to use a lot of leg strength in corners and I’m like Marc how did you win the opening 10 races with a not properly healed leg and more importantly htf are you walking let alone riding like he is a different breed of insane like they are all insane but im like how do you do this marc i would simply lay in bed for those 4 months cause i don't deal well with pain. but is this how he always was with injuries bar Sepang 2011 cause he couldn't ride even if he wanted to after that one until his vision got better and he had the eye surgery. Sorry this got long but damn i want someone to right a thesis on marc and his way he deals with injuries cause how is he this chill about them like he just answered questions about his injuries with a blank face and i don't know how he does it.
i was rewatching hitting the apex today. as i do. and they were setting up the HUGE theme of injury that’s the film’s axis kind of rotates on (hard to talk about 2013 without mentioning some important collarbones) and there’s an interesting part of it where jorge lorenzo is talking about how he flipped a switch with regards to his fear/regard for injury (when he was a rookie i think). he talks about crashing three times in one weekend and having absolutely no fear about it, and then suddenly sort of realizing that he needed to respect his body (STILL DOES THE ASSEN BROKEN COLLARBONE 500 MIND YOU) and have a little more thought for the danger of what they do (underscored by him talking to the press very articulately and succinctly after him and sic have a moment on track)… he treats it as a fundamental shift in his philosophy regarding his health and the sport, which i think is interesting and revealing, and probably a reaction a lot of riders have at one point in their lives. normal for an extreme athlete as they grow and gain more forethought and experience.
BUT. when later we get to hear him talk about MARC. and jorge’s like. he reminds me of me when i was twenty and you don’t think you’re ever going to die or be injured. he’s young. i was like jesus christ but marc hasn’t. changed that much. like he HAS a LITTLE, and i think injury has really shaken him and he KNOWS he needs to respect his body/be careful. but he still has about 8 moments a weekend where he’s five bombing someone up the inside and they look like they physically want him DEAD this year. started off the year assuring the ducati boss he would limit crashes and he’s had TWO DNFS. in three race weekends. and like i don’t think either of those were really his fault but uh. yeah that’s marc !
and i think it’s so interesting disciplined ass jorge just. decided to learn and apply that lesson. case closed. like he’s not perfect at it (collarbone….) but who is in this sport— he still noticeably changed. while marc was forcibly and horribly “taught” that lesson in the most gruesome, protracted way possible, and i’m still not sure he’s entirely internalized it AT ALL !
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twinsunstars · 2 months
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 12 - Juggernaut - A Discussion Post
This episode had a lot of action, feelings, and a very unexpected return. Let's return to this week's episode filled with exciting moments and moments filled with worry!
(SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVE NOT SEE THE EPISODE YET! all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/312/)
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CX-2 returns to Mount Tantiss with Omega, Hemlock coming by to pick her up. He tells Omega to follow him, and CX-2 lets her go of her handcuffs, returning to his ship.
I'm being so serious, we have three episodes left. If CX-2 doesn't get unmasked by the next episode I'm going to lose it. If it ends up happening near finale or even in the finale, it's gotta be a character that's so important to the plot (*cough* Tech) that we had to wait so long for this. But I also feel like if this is Tech, shouldn't it have happened by now at least? I'm so confused.
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I saw someone post about this and I didn't notice it at first, but if you zoom in on this shot above, you can see that Hemlock's glove is missing, showing both of his hands clearly. I rewatched the episode and noticed the error, but the second they go back into Tantiss he has it back on.
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Hemlock immediately takes Omega to Emerie, wanting her to keep testing Omega to make sure she has the whole M-count thing. Emerie seems reluctant for a bit, but keeps doing her job. Omega tells her that she doesn't have to do this, but Emerie says she has to. But she is happy her sister is safe at least. Omega questions if she is truly safe, and she really isn't. Emerie likely knows this too, but she's still trying to open her eyes more to all the wrongs around her.
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Hunter (with Batcher) gets back to Crosshair and a now awake Wrecker, feeling better after getting knocked out in the explosion from last week. Wrecker is upset Crosshair let Omega go, but Crosshair understood her choice and the fact that she let the Empire stop hurting the locals of Pabu.
I got so sad when Crosshair's hand started shaking again, he's so terrified of Mount Tantiss and what he went through. He tells his brothers that there is a way of trying to find Tantiss, and that is through the former Vice Admiral Rampart.
Phee shows up with AZI, having gotten here secretly away from the Empire's eyes. She finally meets Crosshair, and tells him that Tech has told her about him. My heart-
I would have loved to see all of the off-screen interactions Tech and Phee had, he really liked to talk with her, and she loved listening. Lula and Tech's goggles being visible behind Phee and AZI made me even more sad.
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Phee goes with the boys to the Imperial labor camp on Erebus, making her ship fall to sneak into the planet undetected. Girl was over here driving in heels; she's such an icon. Wrecker and Crosshair were struggling in the back, and Hunter was worried. His helmet just flying freely when the ship is falling was so funny. Tech would adore Phee's flying since she drives like him. Phee manages to get them in and drops them off to access the prison and find Rampart.
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The boys manage to obtain control of a tank transporting prisoners, which Rampart is in. I was not expecting to see him again after what happened in Season 2, as I kinda just left the character behind ever since he got arrested and Hemlock replaced him as the new reappearing villain a few episodes later last season. Someone joked that they Agent Kallus'd him because they added more hair to Rampart, which is just funny. Rampart manages to recognize Crosshair under his armor, and Crosshair was so sassy with him too, I loved it.
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The Imperials on the prison base notice something wrong with the tank the Batch stole and go after it, leading to an action-packed chase. (And Hunter drives insanely.) Phee manages to rescue them just in time, shooting down one of the Imperial ships chasing them. Rampart had gotten stunned after trying to shoot the boys, and it was hilarious how they were just throwing him around like a potato sack.
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The Batch ask Rampart where Tantiss is, but not even he knows. He says it was designed like that so it wouldn't be found. I was spending some of my free time on Wookiepedia and I wish we could send the Batch the information that Mount Tantiss is on the planet Wayland. It's not coordinates, but it's something.
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Meanwhile, Emerie continues to test Omega's blood, and it comes out positive again. She looks at Omega, seeming deeply worried. She doesn't say anything, but Emerie has something on her mind. Hemlock comes back and Emerie tells him about the results, and he wants Omega to come with him. Omega goes to the same place he took Nala Se and Emerie previously, taking her down to The Vault. Omega asks questions about the M-count situation, to which Hemlock gives her vague answers and direct answers about what the Empire has been doing with M-count subjects.
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Omega sees the kids in The Vault, frowning. Eva sees Omega and lifts her head from her game, and I just know that she and Omega will be besties. Omega asks who the kids are, and Hemlock replies that they are the pieces of the puzzle that they are trying to solve.
He says, "...this is your new home", and the doors immediately shut behind Omega. The chills I got; and Omega looked scared. The episode ends there, and Omega is locked up again with no direct escape yet.
There wasn't much that I wanted to discuss from this episode, but there are only 3 episodes left, so we are now truly in a big anxious countdown. How will Omega escape this time? Will the Batch manage to obtain coordinates to locate Tantiss? Where's Echo when you need him? Will Emerie wake up soon? Will CX-2 unmask himself soon? There's still so much to unpack, and so little time.
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lou-iz-stat · 3 months
We are officially 7 weeks away from Interview with the Vampire season 2 !!!!! So that means that it is time for a rewatch each week that will eventually lead up to the premiere.
This post will be my rewatch of episode 1 and it will include observations that relate to the rest of the season so there will be spoilers for season 1 as well as book spoilers. I will also make some predictions for season 2 since I have seen that amazing extended trailer I haven’t been able to get out of my head since. So with that here is my rewatch of episode 1…
IWTV S1 E1: In Throes of Increasing Wonder
The first thing we see is of course Daniel’s little master class commercial that is there to quickly establish what his character is. I have seen a lot of reactions to this first episode from people and they are always confused of if they are watching the right show (lol).
Next we are in Daniel’s apartment in New York which at first glance might not seem like something that is very important but there are so many clues that can be scene there. The bite mark on his neck, THE PUZZLE, the little pink bike helmet. That damn puzzle has confused many of us in the fandom and it could be a clue for something in season 2 when we get to uncover some of Daniel’s missing memories. I have a feeling like it could be from a different painting that Marius or even Armand has done. Only time will tell.
Even when he starts to listen to the tape he is afraid when he realizes that he could be living some of his past trauma by listening to these tapes but he still finds the strength go all the way to Dubai for a second interview.
I also don’t mind that the pandemic is included in this as we are still feeling the affects of it right now.
I also really like that they made Daniel old and have Parkinson’s in the show since it really brings Daniel’s mortality to the forefront and for the reason why he can afford to be so sassy and can push back since he knows he is at the end of his life anyway.
And of course Rashid (Armand) is sitting in a chair in the background. Armand is here from the beginning probably telepathically talking to Louis. And he talks to Daniel for the first time in probably awhile and in hindsight it is pretty funny how butthurt Armand gets at Daniel not wanting him there for the interview but he’ll still be able to hear. 🙄
With inclusion of Storyville and the masterful change of Louis’s race it really elevated Louis’s character from the books. Because of this change it gives the character of Louis some more bite, because of his race he is forced to show an illusion of strength. It just gives him so much more depth so that a modern audience can really connect with him. No matter what anybody says they HAD to change Louis from being a slave owner! Nobody wants a protagonist that owned people like that. And this act of strength that Louis does against his brother is what initially got Lestat to be interested in him in the first place. Everything just flows together so well in this first episode.
Right out the gate they establish Louis trying to distract himself from his closeted self by him seeing Ms. Lily. And with that we meet the gentleman vampire, Lestat. I must admit that when I first watched this I had some reservations about this version of Lestat because as I watched his accent kind of confused me but as the episode goes on, he definitely wins me over and I grew to love Sam’s voice. Sam’s Lestat is definitely what made fall in love with this character.
I never noticed how animalistic they made Lestat sound as he ripped into the lamplighter but his growls are insane.
The way Louis smiles at Lestat when he sucks at playing poker is so cute. ☺️
This is where we first see Lestat’s ability to spellbind a room. If this is the amount of power that Lestat has then I am sure that Armand’s power is going to be out of this world. And this is also the moment Lestat really wins Louis over by connecting to Louis hardship at being mistreated by the Alderman and Thomas Anderson. He also references his own past with the line “protection from the wolves.”
Love that Lestat references more his past from The Vampire Lestat at the Pointe du Lac dinner including his mom, Gabrielle who we will hopefully meet in s3. And knowing his past everything he says about his falling out with religion is sadly very true. 😢 Classic Lestat fuck up though… oh boy. 😭
The line “Dishonesty breeds dishonesty” is an interesting line. I know it proves true later on in the season but will it also prove true in s2?
🤣 The gay panic in Louis’s eyes when Lestat asks him up for a night cap is so good. Jacob Anderson you will always be famous.
Our first Nicki reference when Lestat talks about the music box which was Lestat’s first love.
The first scene in Lestat’s townhouse is iconic indeed but it is also where Lestat is slipping in the idea of Louis becoming his companion. 🥹 And when Louis pounces on Lestat I totally screamed with joy when I first watch this. It is so important to me. And the move that Lestat does to Louis when he goes behind him will definitely be a move that we see Louis replicate on Armand. No matter how much Louis will want to forget Lestat it will never work. lol
A reference to Daniel and Louis’s first meeting that will see later was good to set up now.
Seeing Louis actually getting to have a good time with his family for once before it all goes to shit really helps make what happens later especially tragic.
“Come to me” comes up a lot in The Vampire Lestat but it’s not Lestat saying it, it is usually what Armand says to Lestat. I wonder if this will come up later in s2.
Many have raved about Jacob Anderson’s performance but it truly is one the greatest performances of all time, especially his performance is the confession box and I’m sure he only be better in s2 if that’s even possible.
Along side that this whole scene in the church is so brilliant from beginning to end. The speech that Lestat gives to Louis. Killing of the priests. The kiss. The confession of love. The speech modern day Louis says. And the turning of Louis. All. So. Perfect.
And there you have it the end of my s1 e1 rewatch. If you are still reading this then thank you for sticking with my rambling ass. Hopefully I can keep this up for the rest of the episodes in the coming weeks.
7 more weeks. We can do this!
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aliasrocket · 1 year
omg for a fic idea or fluff imagine maybe taking rocket to an earth amusement park/fair and he absolutely hates it XD
Omg omg okok I’ll do an imagine bc sadly I’m super bad at fluff (if you notice from my ao3 acc I have never touched the tag in my LIFE/hj)
Also warning you guys now, this imagine gives vol. 1 Rocket vibes (bc I’ve rewatched all 3 gotg films a normal amount to realize Rocket’s personality is always slightly different/more lighthearted with each sequel)
Also, the amusement park I picked was Universal Studios, enjoy :)
gif source <3 / masterlist!! / request stuff <3
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“What the fuck are we doin’ here?”
Yeah, that was Rocket’s initial reaction when you both stop at the huge oscillating globe with the gigantic title of ‘Universal Studios’ wrapping around it.
You laughed, because he literally had no reason to look this grumpy at an amusement park but it was something you were used to by then.
“It’s an amusement park, Rocket.”
“Well I’m not very amused, you see,” he quipped sardonically.
This only made you snicker.
“Is my unamusement amusing you, humie?”
“That’s not a word!” You laughed.
“Fuck if I care.”
You and Rocket walk in eventually, and not even a minute of walking and Rocket starts getting bombarded for photos.
“No! Look lady if you don’t—”
“Everyone!” You yelled, holding out your hand in front of Rocket as if to protect him. “He’s not an employee here!”
Most people backed off, but there were some others that were still insisting that Rocket’s ‘cosplay’ was hyper-realistic.
Rocket at this point had more ‘important’ matters to attend to so you both decided to simply run off, Rocket scrambling on all fours as you book it to catch up to him.
“I don’t need you to protect me.”
“I know.”
“Then why did you put your arm over me like I was some wounded animal?”
“Because I was concerned for their safety, not yours,” you chuckled.
And, to your surprise, Rocket joins you in your laughter.
“Damn straight,” he remarked with a contented grin stretched across his face.
You guys eventually arrive to your first ride, and it’s the mummy ride. Rocket had already begun to scowl when he entered the area.
“What’s this?” He asked when you grabbed his hand and dragged him into the queue.
“The mummy ride. You’re not scared, are you?” You teased.
“We live in fucking space. Ain’t no way I’m gonna be scared of—”
Rocket screamed and practically cried non-stop on the entire ride, and when there were stops, a long, thundering string of curses were launched from his lips making parents with their kids glare at him after the ride was over.
You, on the other hand, were nothing but entertained.
“Oh my god, you should have seen your face! You were so fucking scared you couldn’t even—”
“Shut up! Fuckin’ hell you’d think they’d have windshields for that shit what the fuck was that?”
You laughed some more, but he didn’t stop you at all or comment on just how amusing this all seemed to you. He simply stole glances every time you laughed and you pretended not to notice for his sanity.
Next up; battlestar galactica.
The ride was outdoors so both of you could see the blue and red tracks very loosely intertwining with each other and having insane drops and loops. Every ten seconds was just another group of people lost to the thrill of the ride.
“Nu-uh. Nope.” Rocket was about to walk away but you hold him by the shoulder pad.
“You’re riding this with me, no exceptions.”
“Like fuck I’m doin’ that,” Rocket cursed.
“Oh come on! If you don’t come with me I can’t go!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I … I …”
Yeah, you didn’t wanna admit it but you had some of your own fears yourself. Any rollercoaster was doable as long as you had someone to wrap your arm around. You were kinda surprised when Rocket said nothing about you squeezing his arm for dear life in the mummy ride but now, there was probably no escaping it when he was looking at you so intently, eyes dragging all over your body as if he was searching for an anomaly in one of those inventions.
“Oh my,” he began teasingly, “you’re scared too.”
“No! I can do it I just—I can’t do it alone, come on Rocket.”
He grinned. It appeared it was his turn to be amused.
“Admit it, humie. You need me.”
You bit your lip.
“Rocket, stop being a dick and come with me.”
“Not until you admit that you can’t do it without me,” he repeated, your name falling out of his lips like he knew your legs grew weak at the way he says it.
You clenched your jaw, finally relenting with an audible, drawn out groan.
“Fine! You win! Rocket, please oh please I need you on this ride, please just ride it with me!” You said over dramatically, clamping your hands together before dropping them and slumping your shoulders in annoyance.
He couldn’t help but give a smug grin at your response.
He ambled in with his chest puffed out, hands shoved into his pockets as his ego had just been filled.
“Damn fuckin’ straight, humie,” he remarked. “You coming or what?”
You chase after him for the second time that day, not even realizing you were frozen in your spot.
Even after all that, it didn’t make him any less scared of the ride as he continued to scream and scratch at the shoulder restraints of the ride. By the time the ride was over, he was panting, his eyes darting around at the various workers who’s eyes widened at the sight of all the blackened claw marks on the seats.
“We gotta run.”
Third time you chased after Rocket that day with the staff tailing both of you about the damages caused on the ride.
Needless to say, that was your one and only time going to an amusement park with your favorite trash panda.
He would never tell you this, but if you ever asked to go again, he could never gather the strength or courage to tell you no.
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