#The nonsensical scenarios I made with this au
smilysstuff · 2 years
Smily, pleasepleasepleeeeease can we have some more of the superpowers au?
It's only one post old and I'm already invested XD
Honestly the Superpowers AU is still in progress with a solid storyline, but I'd love to share small tidbits of the AU when I drew some more of it! Funfact : The Superpowers AU is actually a Soulmate timer au w/ powers 💀 I never really got to mention that because it'll sound weird without context.
The au is just one giant Tuckington fanfiction in disguise I'll tell you that. It originally started with "imagine, enemies to lovers Tuckington Soulmate au. BUT WITH SUPERPOWERS AND THEY ARE IN OPPOSING SIDES" I just went wild with this idea with a friend. But then I also went to have fun with the other characters in this AU too. I should definitely draw The Criminal!Reds and Blues with a pleased smile while in the background there's a burning Baskin Robbins. When I have the chance I'll share some more info bout this!
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Hello again everyone! Since the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au won the continuation poll, here's part 2!
NOTE: Part 1 can be found here!
EDIT: Part 3 can be found here!
As a quick recap of this au, during the season 4 finale Merlin was caught by Morgana while trying to plant the burning doll curse that would temporarily lock away her powers, and they have a magic battle that ends with both Morgana and her army slain. Merlin thought that no one saw what happened, but Camelot's lords who serve on the council secretly saw everything. So, when Arthur storms Camelot, ready to take back his throne, he's met with the news that Morgana's already dead and a new sorcerer has claimed the throne of Camelot through the right of conquest, and the lords have unanimously agreed to make this powerful sorcerer king in order to appease him. To everyone's shock, Geoffrey then puts the crown of Camelot on Merlin's head, and Merlin promptly passes out.
And now, onto the new stuff!
When Merlin finally woke up, he jolted awake with a start, frightened by what must have been a terrible nightmare! And truly, it was one of the most horrifying scenarios Merlin's sleeping mind had ever conjured to torture himself with: everyone finding out about his magic, Arthur thinking that Merlin betrayed him, and unintentionally stealing Arthur's kingship!
If the idea wasn't so frightening, Merlin would almost laugh at the absurdity of it: Merlin, king of Camelot! What nonsense! Merlin was Emrys, the other side of the coin to the king; he was certainly never meant to be king himself.
Still, the idea gave Merlin a slight chuckle as he climbed out of his bed and changed into his usual clothes, the soft light of the dawn flittering in through his window. Thank every god out there that his outfit didn't involve a crown!
After he finished tying his neckerchief and pulling on his boots, Merlin opened the door into the main area of Gaius's chambers, ready to eat a quick breakfast with Gaius before collecting Arthur's breakfast and starting his work for the day.
Stepping out into the main chamber, he couldn't find Gaius anywhere, but that wasn't too unusual, given how busy Gaius could be with sudden injuries or illnesses popping up in the lower town at all hours of the night. Humming a bit to himself, Merlin began fixing himself a small bowl of porridge in the chamber's cooking pot, making sure to leave an extra portion for Gaius whenever he returned from his duties.
Merlin ate his breakfast quickly, enjoying the birdsong outside and the beautiful sunrise. Yes, this was exactly what he needed to wash away the awful ideas that his nightmare had conjured up.
After cleaning up their dining table, Merlin made his way towards the door, ready go about his day and do his job as a manservant to moderately acceptable standards! Besides, on the heels of Morgana's invasion, Arthur would need a supportive friend far more than a manservant today.
As Merlin opened the door from Gaius's chambers, however, something was conspicuously different. Namely, the fact that there were two armed guards standing on either side of the door, standing with their backs to the door.
The two guards stiffened and stood at attention as soon as he opened the door, uncrossing their polearms so that they would not be blocking his path as he left Gaius's chambers. Merlin froze at the sight of the guards, staring at their backs. What... what was going on?
"Is... is everything alright? What's this about?"
Was it just him, or did the two guards somehow stiffen up even more at Merlin's words?
After a tense beat of silence, one of the guards cleared his throat and replied, "We were assigned to stand guard over these chambers."
Merlin's brows furrowed with confusion for a moment before he figured out what must have happened, realization dawning on his face.
"Oh, I see! Arthur must have increased security around the castle since Morgana's latest attack. I'm not sure why he considers the physician's quarters to be a potential target, but I'll ask him about it later. Well, I'd better get going or else I'll be late to wake the prat up. Say hello to Gaius for me when he gets back!"
The guards looks confused at his words and opened their mouths to call something out to Merlin, but Merlin was already down the stairs and halfway down the hall before either of them could blink.
Merlin got a lot more strange stares than usual today as he made his way towards the kitchens, with many people outright stopping to gawk at him as he passed. Did he have something odd stuck to his hair or something?
Merlin shrugged off the strange stares for now. He'd have time to look in a mirror and figure out what was so odd about how he looked later, after Arthur had eaten and gotten dressed.
Merlin was still a few minutes away from the kitchens when a caped figure emerged from a servant's passageway and barreled into him, drawing him into a sudden hug. Instinctively, Merlin tensed up at the perceived attack, but he quickly relaxed at the familiar smell of ale and apples that surrounded his laughing "attacker".
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Merls!"
Merlin sighed with both relief at seeing his friend in one piece and in high spirits, but also is exasperation.
"Gwaine, I'm very glad to see you again, but what are you doing here? You just spent a week in captivity under Morgana, you're supposed to be resting and recovering, not ambushing unsuspecting servants!"
Gwaine pulled back at Merlin's words, wearing a look of confusion as he studied Merlin's face.
"Ah, but I'm not ambushing a servant, am I?"
"Yes, yes, you're ambushing your friend, since friendship gives you more rights to pull stunts like this and give me more reason to worry over your health."
At that, Gwaine's face pulled into an outright frown, a rare sight to see on the perpetually-grinning knight. Merlin shifted around a bit nervously, unsure of what exactly was happening. Finally, Gwaine spoke again, this time very slowly and gently, as if he was trying to calm down a spooked horse.
"Merlin, what do you remember from yesterday? What was the last thing you remember before falling asleep?"
This time, it was Merlin's turn to frown in confusion at Gwaine's odd questions. What did any of that matter?
"Well, I suppose the last thing I remember was... was storming into the throne room with Arthur and Gwen and being informed of Morgana's death anything after that... I don't quite recall."
He must have hit his head or something after that point, because everything after that was what happened in his nightmare, and there was no way any of that was real. Right?
Merlin watched as Gwaine's frown pulled into a strained smile, his confusion only growing. What was Gwaine so nervous about?
"Well, Merls," Gwaine began, slinging an arm around Merlin's shoulders as he started to lead Merlin away from the kitchens, "a lot happened in between then and now, including some great news!"
Gwaine turned to face Merlin, his smile genuine and mischievous this time, and Merlin knew that grin. That was the grin Gwaine wore right before he was about to get himself into some trouble for a noble cause but would hide it under the guise of "fun".
Merlin sighed deeply, not awake enough to deal Gwaine's antics, even if they was coming from a good place.
"Alright, what's this news of yours?"
If it was possible, Gwaine's mischievous grin grew wider.
"For starters, I got a promotion!"
Merlin stopped in his tracks with shock, halting their walk to... wherever Gwaine was leading him.
"A promotion?! How? Why? What's your new title? Will you be leading other knights?"
Gwaine just shook his head, his hair whipping around and smile still present on his face. He started leading Merlin again as he answered Merlin's questions.
"I know, I had hardly believe it myself! But I took some initiative when it really mattered, and I landed myself this new job! It's not really a leadership role, but I might be leading some knights, and probably some guards too!"
Gwaine finally started to slow their march down as they reached what Merlin assumed was their destination: the doors to the main throne room, where Arthur took his audiences.
As Gwaine stopped before the doors, he turned to look at Merlin again, his smile still bright, but his eyes, Merlin noticed, growing strained again, like there was something greatly troubling him.
"You still haven't told me what this new job actually is though."
This time, Gwaine's smile faltered a bit, and Merlin knew at once that this new job was what was causing Gwaine so much inner turmoil. What job could possibly give Gwaine of all people so much stress?
"Ah, silly me, how could I forget! You'll want to hold onto something before I tell you this, because this will blow you away my friend! I got promoted..."
Gwaine leaned in close, almost like he was about to share a secret with Merlin. Merlin leaned in as well, curious about what position Gwaine's surprising promotion had been to.
"to the king's official bodyguard!" Gwaine revealed in a stage whisper, playing the moment up for dramatic effect in a very Gwaine-like manner.
Merlin jerked backwards in surprise, startled by such unexpected news, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Arthur did seem to be stepping up security in the aftermath of Morgana's latest invasion, so it made sense for him to appoint a loyal and trusted knight to look after Arthur's own safety.
Merlin was strangely pleased with Arthur's decision on this. Arthur was finally prioritizing his own safety, and he had picked a great knight for the job! This might make Merlin's own secret job of protecting Arthur much easier! Gwaine would certainly take any of Merlin's warnings of danger to Arthur seriously, and he trusted Merlin enough that he wouldn't question where Merlin got any of his information.
Merlin smiled back at his friend, happy about both this new opportunity for his friend and about the changes it would bring. Yes, this was great!
"That's amazing Gwaine! Do you want to stop by the tavern tonight to celebrate?"
Gwaine laughed a bit at that, still looking oddly tense. For some unknown reason, apprehension started pooling in Merlin's stomach, telling him that something wasn't right here. No, there was something else going on.
"Thanks for the offer mate, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't be a good look for me to be seen drinking on my first night on the job. Besides, I have a feeling that you'll be a little busy this evening too."
Merlin's confusion only grew with each passing second.
"What do you mean by that?"
Gwaine didn't answer him, only giving Merlin a small, almost sad smile. It looked disturbingly out of place on the boisterous Gwaine, ratchetting Merlin's confusion and dread up even further.
Without another word, Gwaine turned and opened the doors to the throne room, revealing the entire council of lords congregated within, giving Merlin rather violent flashbacks to his nightmare.
No, no, nothing as disastrous as Merlin being publicly announced as a sorcerer and then getting crowned king in front of Arthur and Gwen could ever happen in real life. It was simply too absurd.
Merlin watched, frozen at the threshold of the room, as the lords' heads all turned towards the door at the sound of it swinging open. To Merlin's rising dread, they all rose from their seats at the sight of him.
No no no no....
Merlin frantically looked around, hoping to all of the gods of the Old Religion that Arthur was somewhere nearby, because the council only rose for the entrance of the king...
Merlin turned around, hoping to find Arthur standing around somewhere, anywhere, as dread began closing its claws around his heart, which was beating at the rating that Merlin would be concerned about if he could process anything other than his own all-consuming terror at that moment.
Because it wasn't a nightmare, was it? No, that was real. His worst fears had come to life in the most horrifying way possible, and he was powerless to stop it now.
If the lords of the council noticed Merlin's frantic terror, they didn't acknowledge it. Instead, apparently, they decided to only confirm Merlin's deepest fears. After a tense moment of utter silence in the room, broken only by Merlin's jagged breathing, Geoffrey finally stepped forward.
"Ah, welcome Your Majesty! I hope you're feeling better now after you've rested and recovered from your battle against Morgana. There is much to discuss concerning these first crucial days of your reign, including your public coronation, having all knights who are willing to renounce the Pendragon line swear their fealty to you, and determining the fates of those who already refuse to accept your rule."
For what felt like an eternity, Merlin simply stood there, his mind refusing to cooperate or even process what he was being told. He couldn't move a single muscle in his body, paralyzed by horror. He was only snapped out of his fugue state by Gwaine taking ahold of his arm and guiding him towards the table.
Inhaling sharply as he was pushed by Gwaine closer to the lords, he finally processed what Geoffrey had told him. Oh gods, a coronation?! So all of Arthur's kingdom could see how he had stolen Arthur's throne?! Forcing knights to turn their backs on Arthur and renounce their loyalty to him?! This was madness and, not to mention, the exact opposite of what Merlin wanted!
And what was that about punishing people for refusing to accept him as king? Hell, Merlin should reward the dissenters if anything, since they were apparently the only ones who still had any good sense left in this kingdom! Who in their right mind would immediately accept Merlin as their king anyway?!
Right, Merlin thought as his eyes wandered over the faces of the lords, spineless cowards with no loyalty who would turn their backs on their true king to save their own hides, that's who.
Well, the applied to the lords at least, but that still didn't explain what Gwaine was doing here, by Merlin's side, when he should be with Arthur and the other knights!
... Where were Arthur and the other knights?
A jolt of fear once again shot through Merlin, this time alongside guilt. Where was Arthur? What had happened to him? The council had foolishly stripped him of his title, and then what?
Clearing his dry throat, Merlin finally responded, "Geoffrey, what happened after I lost consciousness yesterday? Where is Arthur?"
After Merlin was finished speaking, the lords started shifting around nervously, which began to set of warning bells in Merlin's mind.
Something had happened after he fainted yesterday. Something that involved Arthur.
"Well, Your Majesty, following your loss of consciousness yesterday, the former King Arthur lost his temper and began yelling, shouting everything from accusing us of lies and treason to cursing out the sacred laws of the land. He then ran throughout the castle and began calling upon his knights for aid, explaining the situation to them in crude terms and demanding that they take back the crown from you by force."
Merlin grimaced at Geoffrey's monotone explanation, horrific visions of Arthur calling for his execution as a sorcerer and traitor running through his mind.
"Many of Arthur's knights rallied to his cause, but there were some who were hesitant to turn their blades against you, no doubt recognizing your power and your true claim to the throne. It was from that group that your loyal Sir Gwaine arose, leading a small group of knights and guards in a surprise attack that concluded with the former king and his knights locked in the dungeon cells, awaiting your judgement."
Merlin eyes flew wide at Geoffrey's words, his heading whipping around to meet Gwaine's gaze. Gwaine had betrayed Arthur in such a terrible way? For him?
In response to Merlin's horrified stare, Gwaine simply gave him his most innocent smile, as if nothing was wrong at all and Merlin's world wasn't crumbling around him.
No, this wasn't happening. Merlin had to fix this, and he had to fix it now.
"Look, Geoffrey, I am honored that you and the other lords feel so strongly that I am supposed to be Camelot's king, but that is not meant to be. I was never meant to rule over anything. This is Arthur's kingdom, and I will not be the one to take it from him."
All of the lords around the table look utterly confused, as if Merlin was speaking a completely different language. That was expected, Merlin supposed, if they had never seen anyone willingly give up power. Gwaine, however, just looked amused, like he knew that this was exactly what would happen.
"While that is a most gracious sentiment Your Majesty, I'm afraid that it isn't that simple."
Merlin groaned at Geoffrey's words, bemoaning the fact that the world could never let anything in his life be simple.
"Shouldn't it be?! I'm apparently the king now, so I order you to release Arthur and the knights from the dungeons and to give Arthur his kingship back!"
This time, it was Geoffrey's turn to sigh deeply, as the old man pulled a rather hefty- and dusty- scroll from his bag.
"This," Geoffrey began as he unrolled the yellowed parchment, "is Bruta's code, written by the Great King himself. This set of laws are the foundation on which all of the five kingdoms are governed, and Camelot is no exception. All kings of this Isle, no matter how powerful, are subject to these laws, lest the entire realm fall into anarchy."
Merlin was valiantly holding back the urge to bash his head into the council table. Why couldn't he clear this situation up as painlessly as possible?!
"The code addresses many subjects, and both the right of conquest and the rules of succession are outlined within. I'm terribly sorry Your Majesty, but the code clearly states that when a king who is not of royal blood ascends to the throne through the right of conquest, the previous royal family loses any and all claim to the throne, alongside their lands and wealth, essentially leaving them with no titles or claim to nobility at all. This measure was originally put in place to ban the defeated family from endlessly challenging the victor of the conquest in a bid to regain their former throne and wasting the new ruler's precious time."
Merlin's heart dropped even more at Geoffrey's words. Great, he had not only stolen Arthur's kingdom, but he had also stolen everything Arthur owned! Gods, what did Arthur hate Merlin more for at the moment, being a secret powerful sorcerer ever since they met or inadvertently stripping him of his title, lands, and all his possessions?
"I still don't see why this would forbid me from freely giving Arthur the throne back."
"Your Majesty, the former king is no longer a noble, as the Pendragon line is no longer recognized as a noble house. As such, Arthur is now, by law, a peasant, and it is against Bruta's code for a ruler to cede their throne to anyone but a noble for any period of time."
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream. Why, why?! Why couldn't he just make Arthur a noble again and be done with this farce and-
Wait a minute.
There was a way to make Arthur a noble.
Oh no, Arthur was going to hate this. But, Merlin steeled himself, this was the only way to make things right.
And that's all for now! I had a lot of fun making Gwaine the ultimate "ride or die" bestie for Merlin in this situation lol! I'll definitely be doing a part three of this au soon to resolve this cliffhanger!
Please let me know what you all thought of this continuation!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported my last au post and asked for this continuation! I'll try to tag you all here, my apologies if I missed anyone!
@cookie-player , @miyriu , @nebulousconstellationwriter , @insane-multifandom-brainrot , @elementalpirate4 ,
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms , @gaiussleechtank , @arrowlovesdragons , @lordmushroomkat , @bucketheadpunk14 ,
@retro-wallflower , @ryeallytired , @verxen , @mind-of-a-crow , @aostrek-236 ,
@thedragonkinproject , @orliththedragon , @theroundbartable , @my-own-quiet-corner , @tireddruid ,
@coffee-shop-gay , @sable-nakahara , @deadhotpocket , @bennedict , @samwinjester ,
@linotheghost , @aerismoon , @merthurogies , @ahumoki0 , @chairwiththreelegs ,
@achillesuwu , @pancakesandpigs , @the-king-and-the-druidess , @sugar-coated-prat-dragon , @isaidno ,
@justaz , @auldsusie
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
EDIT: A question for those of you I'm tagging, I'm not sure if this is a tumblr issue or if I'm screwing something up on my end, but after the first few tagged blogs, it shows up on my screen like the tags are just plain text and not linked to anything. So, for those of you that are tagged, can you confirm that you're getting a notification when I tag you? I want to make sure everyone who requested a continuation knows when it's posted!
2nd EDIT: I've tried to fix the tag problem, I'm very sorry if you already saw this post and then got a notification!
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dreamwritesimagines · 8 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [5] - Unyielding
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Certain arguments can’t wait.
Word Count: 3600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, drinking. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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For a couple of seconds, you could do nothing but stare at him with wide eyes, frozen in your seat.
“Excuse me?”
“Just hear me out before you grab your gun, it would—” he started but you scoffed and stood up from the lounge chair, the familiar anger rushing through you so fast that it almost made your head spin.
“Do you think this is funny?”
He shook his head fervently. “I’m completely serious.”
A dry laugh spilled from your lips. “Oh really?”
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but my stupid little crush on you went away years and years ago,” you growled, glaring daggers at him. “You made sure of that, so if you dare assume for even a moment—”
“Oh my God, that was the wildest bachelorette I’ve ever been to!” Becca’s voice cut you off as she pushed open the door and stepped into the rooftop. “Also I’m pretty sure I’m in love now, so…” she stopped when her eyes fell on you two. “Uh, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you said after a beat and threw your shoulders back. “Did you just say you’re in love?”
Bucky stole a look at Becca. “Who did you fall in love with?”
“That’s a long story. What’s going on in here?”
You pursed your lips together, your heart still beating in your ears as you tried to focus through the fury, then cleared your throat.
“We were—”
“Y/N, we’re leaving!” you heard Ian’s voice and your head whipped around, then you cleared your throat.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” you said, pressing a kiss on her cheek in a rush. “Let’s get coffee at the usual place?”
“Uh, sure?” she said slowly and you walked out of the rooftop like someone was chasing you, without sparing Bucky so much as a glance.
The road back home was considerably quiet but it did nothing to silence the chaos in your mind. You had excused yourself to your room as soon as you got home, but after an hour of tossing and turning in the bed, you huffed out and kicked the covers off of you, sitting up in the bed.
This was nonsense.
There was no scenario in which you’d marry Bucky. You weren’t even sure you could spend more than half an hour together without being at each other’s throats, let alone being an actual couple—
Not that you had thought about it.
Fine, back when you were younger and Bucky hadn’t ripped your heart out yet, you used to spend a lot of time thinking about you and him ending up together. He was your best friend’s cool older brother and you were both heirs to your families’ empires, so your little crush let your imagination run wild.
And then he had broken your heart but after everything, even now, your imagination still liked to conjure him up in your dreams some nights.
But unlike before, you weren’t an idiot. You knew what kind of an asshole he was, so there was no way you could even entertain that stupid proposal, no matter what kind of a promise of power it held.
You rubbed at your eyes and got up from the bed, then padded your way down the hallway, then went down the spiral stairs. You stretched out your arms over your head as you followed the hallway to the kitchen where the light was coming from, as you knew it would, then peeked your head in.
Oh good.
It was just Jennifer, your genius chef who was now busy with making a sandwich on the counter while Ryan sat on one of the chairs, his hands clasped together, his back completely straight. Ryan was Ian’s right hand, -ex military, as much as you knew- but unlike Ian, he was much calmer and rational. He was tall and very muscular and didn’t like to talk much, and that added more to the air of mystery he held, considering no one seemed to know much about his past, or his personal life.
“Hey,” you knocked on the door, making both of them turn their heads. “Is this a bad time?”
“Not at all!” Jennifer said as Ryan stood up from his chair.
“Oh don’t!” you motioned at him. “Please don’t stand up, I just…I couldn’t sleep so I figured—”
“Warm milk with honey and cinnamon?” Jennifer finished your sentence for you, making you smile and nod your head.
“Yes please,” you said and pulled yourself a chair, resting your elbows on the counter. Ryan eyed you, then sat down as well.
“There you go!” Jennifer said, putting the plate in front of him, then smiled at him. “Chef’s special sandwich.”
“Thanks Jen,” Ryan said, his voice gruff and Jennifer turned to you.
“Would you like one as well?”
“Ah no, thank you,” you said and heaved a sigh. Jennifer stole a look at you.
“Are you alright?”
“Too many thoughts,” you muttered, leaning your chin on your fist. “Ryan, are you married?”
Ryan’s head shot up as he chewed on his bite, then cleared his throat.
“No ma’am.”
“Any partner?”
“No ma’am.”
“He’s single,” Jennifer said with a grin. “And all my friends are very eager to change that.”
Ryan offered her an almost abashed smile and shifted his weight on the chair as if he was uncomfortable with the sudden attention while Jennifer put your glass of honeyed milk with cinnamon in front of you with a couple of cookies on the plate.
“Thank you so much,” you said as you took a sip, then bit on the cookie.
“Jen, you’re married and in love, right?”
“And I’m also the luckiest woman in the world in addition to all that,” she said, making you smile.
“Do you think people could get married to people they hate?”
“Why would anyone get married to someone they hate?” she asked and Ryan took a huge bite of his sandwich, looking between you.
“Common interests,” you said. “I don’t know, I had this strange thought…”
Jennifer tilted her head. “What?”
You heaved a sigh, then shook your head.
“Nothing,” you said. “Don’t mind me. Just some late-night thoughts, that’s all.”
By the time you met up with Becca, you still couldn’t stop thinking about last night and Bucky’s proposal, if you could even call it that. It was nonsense, you knew it was, but considering Becca was your best friend, the mere thought of keeping it from her was simply absurd.
“He proposed?” Becca asked, gawking at you. “He actually proposed?”
“Well it was technically a business proposal.”
“And a marriage proposal at the same time?”
You shrugged your shoulders while the waiter filled your coffee cup.
“You know…” Becca trailed off. “Hypothetically speaking—”
“You cannot tell me this is a good idea.”
“I’m not but think about it,” she insisted. “You and Buck already hate each other kinda, so you’re technically already married. You just skipped like ten years into it and got to the resentment part.”
“You fight like a married couple.”
“If some married couple is fighting like me and Bucky, they should get a divorce,” you pointed out, leaning back in your seat. “I blocked his number, and just…ugh the nerve of the guy, can you believe him?!”
“Mm hm.” Becca said, sipping her matcha before checking her phone. “Oh thank God!”
“Sarah is coming to the club this weekend,” she said and pointed at you. “So are you, right?”
“Yeah, me and Ethan.”
“I’m bringing Ethan with me,” you explained. “I had to ditch him today, we were supposed to meet for lunch but as you can tell, this couldn’t wait.”
“My brother asking you to marry him even if you hate his guts? Yeah, that beats lunch with the cute ex.”
“And you know, since we’ve been texting a lot, I figured…”
“Yeah yeah, bring him over!” Becca said. “It’ll be fun—oh my God, so my brother’s audacity and ego aside, I need to tell you about the girl I met last night.”
“Yeah, I was going to ask you!” you said. “You said you were in love?”
“I am!” she said with a smile. “You know, I was thinking I could invite her and some friends as well, but now that I think about it, maybe I could just take a page from Bucky’s book and open with a marriage proposal.”
“I’m just saying, we can just skip to the happily married part, flirting is a waste of time at this point and—”
“You’re not doing that!”
Becca let out a laugh.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Just because it didn’t work for him doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for me.”
“It wouldn’t work for anyone, Becca,” you told her and she hummed.
“I’ll just say one thing about this, then I’ll talk about the love of my life, alright?”
“Alright,” you said and she turned her cup in the saucer, then clicked her tongue.
“You and Bucky being married is an absurd idea yes,” she said. “But he did have a point.”
“How is that?”
“Well, I’ll ask you the same thing my aunt asked me when I took my civilian boyfriend to my cousin’s wedding, and I have a feeling your answer will be different than mine.”
“Which is?”
She smiled at you mischievously.
“Do you want love poems, or do you want power?”
Your eyes shot up to hers before you shifted your weight, then motioned at her with your hand.
“Come on,” you said. “Enough about that. Tell me about the love of your life.”
You and Becca ended up spending the whole day together, and by the time you decided you would go back home, it was already dark outside. Watching outside as the driver drove you home, you leaned your head on the window, then felt your phone buzzing in your purse so you grabbed it, smiling slightly at the name before answering it.
“Hey there.”
“Hi,” Ethan’s voice reached you, and you could tell he was smiling as well. “How was your day?”
“It was good,” you said. “Full of romance.”
“Becca is in love,” you said and he let out a whistle.
“Your best friend Becca?”  
“Oh yeah,” you said. “I had to talk her out of looking at bridal shops, but we still went cake tasting.”
“Does this person know they’re getting married to Becca?”
“That’s just a small detail,” you joked, making him chuckle. “She invited her to the club for the weekend, I’m pretty excited to meet her. How about you?”
“Do you find data analyzing romantic?”
“Not exactly.”
“Then it was less romantic than your day.”
“And the hospital?” you asked and he took a deep breath.
“Oh everything is fine. Should be free of the bandages next week.”
You bit inside your cheek. “I still feel responsible—”
“Don’t,” he cut you off. “Seriously. The incident had nothing to do with you.”
“Mm hm.”
“Besides, you can’t really blame the rollercoaster if someone gets hurt on one.”
“No one is supposed to get hurt on a rollercoaster,” you pointed out and he thought for a moment.
“Okay in hindsight, it wasn’t the best analogy…”
You pulled your brows together. “Wait, am I the rollercoaster?”
“No! No, you’re sitting next to me on the rollercoaster,” Ethan explained. “We’re both riding it.”
“That’s not—” you started but a black sports car wheezed past yours and sharply drifted sideways as soon as it got in front of your car so that yours would have to stop.
“I’ll call you back Ethan,” you said and hung up the phone, your heart skipping a beat as you grabbed the gun from underneath the seat, looking to your right to see your bodyguards’ car stopping as well. The driver lowered the partition as the bodyguards stepped out of the car.
“It’s Mr. Barnes’ personal car, ma’am,” he said. “I know the plate.”
“Oh Jesus Christ…” you murmured as you put the gun back to where it was and opened your door, then stepped outside at the same time Bucky left his car. Your bodyguards hesitated as soon as they saw him, looking between you and you waved a hand in the air.
“It’s fine guys,” you said and turned to Bucky. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders as if nothing was wrong.
“You blocked my number,” he said. “It’s not like I can text you.”
“And what, it wasn’t enough of a clue?” you asked tersely and Bucky nodded in the direction of his car.
“Come on, get in. We’re going to talk.”
You crossed your arms. “Nope.”
“Charm for fuck’s sake…”
“I’m not going to talk to you, and I’m certainly not getting in your car.”
“You seriously want to do this right here on the road?”
You threw your hands up in frustration. “You are the one who’s blocking the road, motherfucker!”
You could see the petrified expressions on your bodyguards’ faces before one of them gazed up at the sky while the other one put his hands into his pockets and kicked at a tiny pebble on the road, both desperately trying to look like they weren’t hearing you two.
“I will not,” you retorted. “What is your deal, seriously?”
“We need to talk about last night,” Bucky said and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the bodyguards exchanging glances, so you gritted your teeth and grabbed Bucky’s arm to pull him to the other side of the car in an attempt to get more privacy.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you said through your teeth and Bucky ran a hand over his face.
“No I’d say there’s plenty to talk about,” he said. “I mean you didn’t even give me an answer—”
“That poor excuse of a joke doesn’t deserve an answer.”
“It wasn’t a joke to me.”
“Well, it was to me.”
He shook his head slightly.
“Just—” he said. “Why not?”
You raised your brows, gawking at him in disbelief and a look of realization dawned on his face before he heaved a sigh.
You shot him a mocking smile, crossing your arms.
You and Becca sneaking into nightclubs wasn’t a new thing, and now that you were leaving for college in a month, you were trying to spend as much time together as possible. Becca threw her arm over your shoulder as you walked through the crowd to the bar.
“Two martinis please,” she told the bartender and he took a look at you two, but before he could say anything the other bartender muttered something into his ear, then motioned at you.
“Coming right up,” he ended up saying as you turned to Becca.
“So you were saying?”
“Yeah like, he keeps saying he’s too busy but I’m not buying it—ugh, you gotta be kidding me!”
You frowned, then followed her line of sight to see Bucky and Steve stepping outside from the other exit that led to the back alley behind the club, your heart starting to beat faster.
“Where are they going?”
“They’re probably gonna beat someone up, who cares?” Becca said with a shrug of her shoulders. “He’s in such a mood nowadays, I’m not even gonna let him know I’m here. Arrogant asshole.”
You tilted your head. “…Oh?”
“He and daddy had a huge fight the other night,” she said as she took the drink from the bartender while he put the other one in front of you. “Like my mom had to step in because they were at each other’s throats, that kind of a fight.”
Becca shrugged again. “It’s probably about business. The golden heir made a mistake I guess.”
You took a sip of your drink. “Interesting.”
“Yeah and then he went and broke up with Laura.”
Your head shot up. “They broke up?”
“Yeah!” Becca said. “Which, I’m not sorry at all because she was so annoying, but no girl in the world deserves to get dumped by Bucky so I have mixed feelings about the situation.”
You could feel the small glimmer of hope warming your chest and you pursed your lips together, then cleared your throat.
“I just—I forgot I was gonna call my dad, he gets so mad when I don’t let him know,” you said. “I gotta step outside for a moment, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay!” Becca said and you made your way through the dance floor before reaching the second exit, but before you could open the door, Steve had already beaten you to it.
“Y/N,” he said when he saw you. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you smiled at him. “Um—have you seen Bucky?”
Steve looked over his shoulder, then turned to you with an apologetic smile.
“He’s not…” he trailed off. “He’s not in the best mood.”
“Oh that’s okay,” you said and pushed the door open before he could say anything else, then stepped outside, holding your phone for the sake of appearance. When you saw him, Bucky’s bodyguards were dragging a nearly unconscious man out of the alley while he wiped the blood off his knuckles with a tissue, then lit a cigarette.
You could feel your heart beating in your ears, but you bit down on your lip, fixing your dress before clearing your throat.
He turned his head when he heard his name, then exhaled the smoke.
“Hey Charm,” he greeted you, making your heart skip a beat. “Is Becca here too?”
You bit inside your cheek, trying not to get discouraged by that, then nodded your head.
“Um, yeah we just got here.”
“Great,” he murmured. “Tell her not to drink too much, will you?”
You nodded again and smiled at him, your hand shaky a little as you fixed your dress again, desperately hoping it looked good on you.
“I didn’t know you would be here.”
“Yeah well, here I am,” he said, taking a drag of his cigarette, leaning back to the brick wall and you licked your lips.
“And are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Oh, just...” you stammered. “Becca mentioned you and Laura.”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders. “Happens. I’m fine, it was my call.”
Dear God, he was so handsome that you could just stare at him for hours.  
“Are you going to that gala thing as well?” you asked, nervousness pulsing through your system. “My dad is basically dragging me there, is George doing the same?”
His jaw clenched at the mention of his father, and he nodded quietly, exhaling the smoke.
Your voice was trembling a little, your throat incredibly dry because of the nervousness mixed with anticipation, but you still managed to get the words out.
“So I was thinking, do you—um—do you wanna go together?”
That managed to get his attention and he pulled his brows together, then let out a dry laugh.
“Jesus Christ…” he muttered. “What, you rushed here as soon as you heard about me and Laura? Seriously?”
You pulled back slightly, your stomach doing a flip and you shook your head.
“No, I just—”you stammered, tears stinging the back of your eyes already. “I was just thinking—”
“Listen, I know you don’t see it right now, but this little crush of yours is just…” he trailed off with a small chuckle, motioning between you. “It’s kind of adorable, but it’s not going to happen. If I go to that gala with you, you’ll get your hopes up, so will everyone else around us and I’ll end up trapped in something serious—which is out of question. I can’t trust you with the business, not when you’d probably report everything back to your own family and I can’t afford a mistake, not right now.”
You tried to blink back the tears, staring at him as he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, then put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.
“Not to mention,” he said. “I don’t go for daddy’s spoiled whiny princess type, and you’d be better off with a nicer guy anyway.”
You could feel the sobs threatening to climb up your chest, so you sniffled and turned around to rush back into the club, leaving him there before he could say anything else.
“Don’t tell me that’s the reason,” Bucky’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you arched a brow.
“I said nothing.”
“It was what, almost ten years ago?” he asked. “I was an idiot—”
“I am really not interested in whatever this bullshit is,” you told him. “And I’m going to be late for dinner, so…”
“Just hear me out first—”
You looked over your shoulder and motioned at the driver.  “Turn the car around please!”
The driver did as you asked but before you could step away from Bucky, he grabbed your arm.
“Charm, I can help you get the power you want,” he insisted as you rolled your eyes. “You might hate me right now, but you know I can do that. Just let me get you that crown.”
“We’re done here.” You yanked your arm out of his grip and walked to the car but stopped when you reached it, turning your head to look at him.
“I’m not going to marry you Bucky,” you called out, fully aware that the bodyguards could hear you, and the mere thought gave you a strange sense of satisfaction. “I would never marry you. I don’t go for the arrogant asshole type, and you’d be better off with a nicer girl anyway.”
 With that you got in the car, and the driver started driving as soon as you slammed the door shut, the car gliding down the road smoothly.
“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. “The fucking audacity.”
Chapter 6
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hitomisuzuya · 10 months
UR REQS R ON YAYYAYA :')) I loovee ur writing sm I've been meaning to request a scenario like brothers best friend scara x yn smut where scara comes over to hang out w ur brother but then sneaks off to our room?? Have a good day 🤭
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Modern AU. Fingering. Scara being a horny, sneaky little shit. Choose your own drink here, guys. For the sake of smooth narration I just put my choice.
He can sneak off to my room anytime😳🥰
Scaramouche couldn't lie and say that he didn't have an agenda in hanging out with your brother as often as he did. He'd had you in his crosshairs for awhile now. You both had made eyes at each other numerous times, and he'd gotten handsy with you a few times in passing in the kitchen or the hallway. His fingers always just barely started brushing and groping on your skin before an unwelcome intrusion interrupted him.
Tonight though, he more than noticed that you weren't wearing a bra underneath that clingy shirt, your legs exposed to him by those tiny black shorts. Legs that would look better wrapped around his head while he ate you out.
Your brother was pretty invested in the video game he was playing. How very convenient for him. He didn't even notice when Scaramouche left the living room and headed upstairs, making a beeline right for your room.
Your bedroom door was open a little bit. Scaramouche tapped it open with the knuckle of his finger. You were stretched out on your bed, scrolling through something on your phone.
His eyes were immediately drawn to the way your breasts bounced when you suddenly sat up to greet him. "H-Hey, Scara," You said shyly, your heart pounding.
It was inevitable that you would develop a crush on one of your brother's friends. Scaramouche was that friend. It had taken you hours to get up the courage to leave your room and walk by him without a bra on to get his attention.
He flopped down on the corner of your bed, snatching your phone out of your hand. He held it above his head so you would have to really reach for it. You would have to get in close to him that way.
"I would've brought you one of your gross strawberry daiquiri drinks from the fridge, but I didn't want to taste sugary crap on your mouth when I kiss you," He said, cutting off your protests, "and Twitter is a bunch of nonsense anyways," He tossed your phone to the other side of your bed.
"I..Huh?" You froze. You were clearly flustered and Scaramouche was eating it up. You were in your room alone with him, he'd noticed something so little as what you liked to drink and he said he wanted to kiss you.
"Hmmm?" He purred teasingly, putting a hand on your shoulder as he leaned in towards you. The blush on your cheeks darkened. When you didn't push him away, he took that as consent.
His lips captured yours in a hungry kiss, parting your lips with his tongue to explore your mouth as he pushed you down onto the bed. You moaned into his mouth, melting into the kiss. Pulling away, he sat on his knees between your legs, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
"You want me too, don't you?" Scaramouche teased, brushing his fingers over your stomach. You nodded. "Yes," You couldn't deny it. It was written all over in the way your body was reacting to him.
You sat up so he could tug your shirt over your head. He unbuttoned your shorts before taking off his shirt, his hand immediately folding over one of your breasts. God, he'd wanted to grope your breasts all night.
His fingers pinched and flicked your nipple, tracing the tip of his finger slowly around it. "Look at you squirm," He taunted, soaking in every eager moan from you as his hand trailed down your stomach and into your shorts.
Waves of pleasure made your clit throb and your panties soak as he cupped your cunt, his fingers prodding and rubbing your swelling clit outside of your panties. "Mmph-please--" You moaned, moving your hips up so he could dispense with your shorts.
You moved your panties aside, seeking friction from his fingers. Scaramouche licked his lips scooping your slick to coat his fingers. "Go on, slut. Fuck yourself on them," He scissored your walls apart as you rolled your hips up.
He stroked and palmed his cock, watching his fingers slid in and out of you. You were making the cutest expressions as you fell apart for him. Your walls clenched tight around his fingers, your moans sounding shameless as he curled them over your sweet spot.
Scaramouche made no move to try and make you be quiet. It was very evident he didn't give a shit if your brother heard him impaling you in his cock. "I don't have to ask to ask you to beg for it, do I?" You shook your head, rubbing your clit for him once he pulled your panties off and did away with the rest of his clothes.
"Fuck me, please! Please, Scara, please," You pleaded, earning a praising smack on your clit. You yelped in pleasure, you legs shaking while you quivered with need.
Scaramouche took his cock and hastily lined it up with your sopping hole. "Fucking take all of it," He groaned, pushing his cock inside of you with a fluid snap of his hips. "You are all mine now," All his to fuck, love and enjoy.
He pounded his cock inside of you, his body shuddering in pleasure as it throbbed between your clenching walls. He bullied his cock into your sweet spot until your body was twitching from the tell tale signs of being close to your release.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty cumming," He moaned, dropping his head down into your neck as his thrusts turned sloppy. He nuzzled into your neck when your release gushed out around his cock. You clung to him, babbling between moans about how good he was making you feel.
Scaramouche muffled a long moan into your neck, his cock gobbing cum inside of you. You couldn't have sounded sweeter crying for him to make you cum again.
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azullumi · 2 years
Adopting a Kitty with scara???
Take your time, and thank you.
(may i ask, do you allow anons like "🛌 anon"?)
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summary — you tell him about your wish of adopting a kitten.
pairing — wanderer/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, could be modern au but also could be not, established relationship ; scenario/headcanons
words — 782
note — i didnt know if i should go for a headcanon or scenario format so i ended up doing both. anyways, to answer your question, yes i allow anons like that! :DD
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“It looks grumpy.”
He says as he stares at the dark-furred kitty paired with dark eyes which also stared back at him. It just feels like the two beings are having a staring-contest and seeing who will dominate in terms of not blinking for a long time and the sight for you was quite… amusing and entertaining—seeing the seemingly mature man fight an animal that is significantly smaller than him.
You couldn’t help but sigh at puerile antics being displayed in front of you.
What made you end up in this situation? Well, it all happened like this—
"Let's get a cat."
When you brought up the idea to him, he was bewildered—leaning more on confusion—because why? What made you suddenly decide to get one as you two are cuddling up in bed while the night is silent and the cold is loud?
Going into a brief silence, you thought of what your reasons were for bringing that subject up. Honestly, you didn’t have anything in mind, maybe it was just a spur of the moment thought but your desire to get a cat is really taking over you. Small paws, fluffy tails, cute ears, images of adorable kitties formed inside your head which amplifies your reasons and love for them.
“I don’t know, do I need a reason? I just find them cute and I want one.” You say, shrugging your shoulders before snuggling closer to him. “So, let’s get one. Let’s adopt a cat, please?”
Your voice, pleading and soft against him, made his heart flutter and seemingly turned him into mush. God, how could he even deny you? Who even in their right mind could turn down someone like you, beautiful and lovely? Definitely not him, completely not him who cherishes you so much he would do anything that will make you happy.
“...You know you didn’t have to ask for my permission or anything, right?”
“I was just making sure.” You couldn’t help but smile once you got his approval, raising your head to look up at him with eyes glistening and sparkling with delight, and you didn’t notice how his face softened and how adoration seeped into his features once he gazed at you.
“Even if I say no, you’ll still probably get one anyways.”
“You really do know me but still, I just wanted to let you know and ask you at the same time. I don’t want you getting angry or anything just because I didn’t get to tell you.” You caressed his cheek with your hand and he leaned against your touch, feeling the lovingness your touch emits more closer to him.
“Why would I even get mad? I could never get angry at you, always remember that.”
He presses a kiss on your lips, a quick and fleeting one before responding, murmuring against your mouth as he leans his forehead against yours.
—So now, you are here in this situation, amused by the behavior of the two in front of you that looks like they are mirroring each other.
“Doesn’t it look like you though?”
“Nonsense,” He says, averting his gaze but looking back at the cat once again who continues to stare at him and he added: “...Nonsense.”
You chuckle upon witnessing his reaction before deciding that this is the cat that you want to adopt, the one that you wish to get for you and for him.
You didn’t expect that the similarities between him and the cat isn’t only limited to their appearances but also in how they act, both of them are moody and grumpy. It’s like you just got a clone of him but in an animal version and you’re not complaining because seeing him and the cat interact with each other is so entertaining.
The name of it? You gave it a cute one and he calls it with an ugly nickname he made up in his head and every time he calls him—the kitten—with that, you just roll your eyes and let him be.
When you spend more time with the cat than him, he gets jealous although you wouldn’t notice it at first up until later when he’s showing signs of irritation and being more clingy to you—it is when you will realize what he is truly feeling and you’ll end up having to placate or appease to him.
He does love and care for the animal though with the way he buys it treats, toys, and everything for it, he just doesn’t admit it to himself. You’ll just have to wait for him to warm up and eventually, you’ll find him asleep together with the cat on the couch, treating the kitten like it's his own child.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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gerec · 1 month
any fics which charles has the same vibe as Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street or Paper Monsters, aka fics in which Charles embarrasses himself due to the big crush he has for Erik.
Guys I have one more ask to answer after this one and then I'm officially taking a short break on answering rec posts. But I plan to pin a master post on my blog of the stuff I get asked most frequently for easy reference. Stay tuned and happy reading!!!
Hi Anon, I believe the hilarious/charming fics on this list mostly fit the bill :D
best-laid plans by ikeracity
Charles decides that the best way to confess his feelings to his best friend is to surprise Erik at his apartment, naked, wearing nothing but a bow. It's perhaps one of Charles's worst ideas--or his best.
Order Up by ikeracity
Charles has a terrible habit of multitasking, and that is probably why he absentmindedly tells the pizza man that he loves him when hanging up.
Then the pizza man says it back. And Charles is pretty much smitten from there.
Favorite Mistake by endingthemes
Charles Xavier doesn’t think anything of it when he sneaks out without even saying goodbye to his latest one-night stand. What he doesn’t expect is to walk into his new position in the Xavier Industries marketing department and find that his latest hook-up is now his new boss.
erikhotfacelehnsherr by ikeracity
Charles has an embarrassing wifi password. When the subject of said embarrassing wifi password comes over, things get a little awkward.
going up? by annejumps
Charles encounters a hot man in the elevator. Charles assumes he doesn't understand English. Charles might be wrong.
Never Assume (Remix of going up?) by Fullmetalcarer
Charles fixates on a devastingly attractive lizard person who shares his turbo-lift and makes certain assumptions about their linguistic skills . . .
come as you are by scarlettblush
Hospital AU. The one where Charles unknowingly woos a coma patient with Pride and Prejudice. Years later, they meet again.
What Doesn't Kill You (Tactics and Strategy Remix) by pearl_o (don't forget to read the original!)
Charles is a graduate student with a crush on the professor he's TA-ing for and a side job at a strip club. Thankfully, his little sister is always full of helpful advice.
Smoke and Mirrors by dreamweavers
When newly paralysed Charles meets Erik in a coffee shop, a fit of nerves prompts him to project himself standing without need of his wheelchair. It all backfires when Erik asks him out on a date, forcing Charles to deepen his lies and, ultimately, face his fears.
Warning: Emergency Pull Tab by ikeracity
Knocking a guy over with an inflatable pool and nearly giving him a concussion is probably not the best flirting technique in the world, but if there's anyone who can pull it off, it's Charles.
Is it Erik with a C or a K? by ikeracity, kageillusionz
When Charles sexts his boss instead of his latest squeeze during one late night of report writing, the first thing he expects is a sexual harassment law suit and the last thing is Mr. Lehnsherr actually fucking him hard into his desk.
Infamous Ink by ConsultingWriter 
Charles has an embarrassing tattoo and a date with the no-nonsense, always professional, and terribly handsome Erik Lehnsherr.
The Wurst Case Scenario by sareyen
If anyone asked why Charles, come rain, wind or shine, made the significant trek during his dismal lunch hour to dine at "Edie's Kosher Delicatessen", he would stubbornly say that it was because their pastrami on rye and potato knishes were absolutely to die for. He wasn't completely lying, because the deli's namesake, Edie Lehnsherr, made the best matzah ball soup Charles has ever had in his life. Still, Charles would rather shave his full head of hair off than admit that the real reason he would willingly walk through hail and fire to get to the corner deli was because of Erik, the insanely attractive man working the counter.
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st6rly · 1 year
bury me deep (where my words won’t reach you)
synopsis: it should’ve been me; it is me (or in other words, sudden confessions) | wc — 1.9k
[ !! ] — masterlist.
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characters: ayato & kazuha x gn! reader (separate)
categories: fluff, slight angst if you use a magnifying glass, a little suggestive in kazuha’s part, modern au, scenarios
warnings: my inability to write kissing scenes 👎👎 also it’s just past 2:30am so this is not proofread my bad so if there are any proper, warnings please let me know
notes: an old fic that i edited bc omg ?? my grammar was horrible :(( pls do not spam like my posts! reblogs are always welcome however.
for @kamiyatos bc ayato (hope you don’t mind the tag 😓)
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“Ah, so this is where you ran off to.” 
You sighed. Dim lights filtered through the doorway as Ayato looked at your position on the floor with a smile. 
“Nice place you’ve got,” he chuckled, closing the door slightly behind him and taking a seat next to you.
A sweet silence passed between you; muffled music from the gym and the cheering voices of students echoed through the hallway. You turned to gaze at him, resting a hand on your knee with your head leaning against the wall. It’s funny when you think about how much your tired eyes contrasted with his relaxed posture. 
“Why'd you come looking for me?” 
Ayato opened an eye, looking at you from the corner of it with a twitch of his lips before he said, “It's my duty as a part of the student council that everyone is enjoying themselves at these types of events. Even if it’s just a little bit.” 
A stifled laugh turned  into a dry cough as you gave him a lazy smirk in return, amused by his words. 
“Does that duty not stretch to you yourself? Weren’t you voted the king of the dance this year? It’s strange for you to not be interacting with your loving fans.”
“Who cares about them? They don’t know me.” He sighed and muttered under his breath, “Not like you do.” 
“Even so, you’d usually go and talk about the benefits of the event with the rest of stuco,” you shrugged. “It’s your night, you should be having fun.” He turned to face you more, running a hand through his hair.
“Would you believe me if I said that this,” he waved a hand between the two of you, “was my idea of fun?”  
“No, I would not believe that hiding in the janitor’s closet is your idea of ‘fun’.” You uncurled your legs from the way they were previously scrunched up. “Then again, you are weird so it wouldn’t surprise me if that were true.” It’s faint, almost lost to the noise from the gym, but you could hear how a chuckle bubbled out of his throat and made out the way his shoulders shook with the sound.
“Even if the person I were to be hiding with is my best friend?”  
“Especially if that person is your best friend.” 
You shifted in your spot, the formal wear you had on stiff and unwilling to let you sit comfortably. 
“God, I hate wearing stuff like this,” you muttered, glaring at him when he laughed at your misfortune. “Shut up. Don’t act as if you’re any more comfortable than I am.”
“If it makes you feel better, aside from the whole uncomfortable part,” he said as he looked you up and down, eyes softened, “I think you look great.” 
You chuckled weakly. With a sigh, you closed your eyes and rested your head on the wall of the cramped space again.
“I highly doubt I look as great as you’re saying right now.” You heard a faint scoff come from him.  
“Nonsense. You look amazing as always.” 
Ayato speaks of nonsense just as it builds up in his chest, There was a longing, a crave even, for him to clasp his hand overtop yours; he fiddled with the buttons on his coat instead.
“I see you every day yet I’ve never wanted to kiss you more than right now,” he blurted out with a hushed voice, startling even himself with what spilled from his lips. A moment’s pause passed as he took in what he just said, unaware of the heat that crawled up your neck. He casted a weary glance towards you.
“My apologies, Y/n. My outburst was uncalled for and I'm sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable.” He covered his face with one hand. “I understand if this changes things and I completely accept if you only see me as a friend or if you don’t want to be friends any-” 
The ramble was snuffed out as he was suddenly met with your lips pressed against his. You pulled him by the collar, eyes closed as you hastily swept him into a brief kiss. Ayato sat there dazed as you moved away, eyes casted away from him. 
He hesitated, movements slowed as he rested a hand on the back of your neck and rubbed small circles on your cheek with his thumb. He smiled, and dove back in; breath fanned across your skin as he devoured the dizzying feelings and melted into the contact. A small amount of satisfaction filled your chest when you parted again, smiling as a red hue decorated his face while his eyes looked at you so dearly.
“In all fairness,” You rubbed the back of your neck and muttered inaudible words before continuing, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now, too.” You managed to whisper out, resting your forehead against his shoulder. A warmth covered your hands as you still gripped his collar with one, and raising your eyes you saw a kind smile sent your way.  
“Kissing my childhood best friend in a janitor's closet, now that,” Ayato laughed, bold and bright, “that is more than enough fun.” Using the wall to brace himself, he gently raised you both off the ground. 
“How would you like to go somewhere a little less cramped?” 
“What are you, my prince charming?” You teased, hand held tightly in his and grinning bigger that the snort he let out,
“If anything, you’re the real saviour here. My ticket for leaving this event.” He bumped his shoulder against yours. “My precious knight in shining armour.” You lightly shoved him back. 
“I love you,” you murmured, a dopey smile on your face. Ayato couldn’t tease you for it even if he wanted to because he probably looked the same, just as lovesick. 
“I love you more.” It was softly said with such truth and sealed with a squeeze of his hand.
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Soft chuckles could be heard through the library as the librarian sighed and sent a shush your way. Looking over his shoulder at the page, you couldn’t help but choke up on laughter as Kazuha recited the lines of poetry with a straight face. Tried too at least. Even as an admirer of poetry himself, romantic stanzas and free verses’ chalk full of metaphors about hearts fluttering like butterflies always sent chuckles the vibrated down his spine. Though he couldn’t deny how warm reading them out loud made him feel, imagining your wistful smile as he tells you his latest idea of love.  
“That last poem reminds me of a book I've read before,” you mused, head tilted as you relaxed against the bookshelf. He sat down next to you with his lips curled into a grin.  
“Oh really? What was it about?” You scratch the back of your neck, thinking for a moment.  
“It was a classic teen romance novel. New kid in the school meets the main love interest, and the main love interest falls head over heels for the new kid.” You turned to face him. “The new kid plays hard to get but falls just as hard. Average love story.” You shrugged, a lopsided grin on your face. “Wasn’t my favourite read but definitely wasn’t the worst.”  
“What's the title? I’d like to give it a try and see what all this fuss is about,” He asked, laughing at how you blinked blankly before shaking your head.  
“I can't remember, sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve read it and besides, it really isn’t worth a whole reading session.” Kazuha cocked his head to the side, a curious glint in his eyes. 
“And why not?” 
“They kept dancing around each other a little too much for my liking. I mean, I love a good slow burn but damn.” 
“I guess you aren’t the target audience then.” 
You nodded your head and slumped against his shoulder, hair tickling the side of his neck.
“Definitely not,” you groaned. “Mainly because it reminds me of how lonely I am and how I won’t live out a romance like that.” 
“What makes you say that?” Kazuha watched as your expression turned sour, lips pursed and brow furrowing slightly. His fingers twitched, wanting to cup your face and smother away that look to see you laugh and smile again. 
“Romance in the middle of school seems…” you trailed off, an exasperated laugh breaking your sentence, “it looks hard. I don’t know how people do it. There’s already so much to do and a relationship on top of that.” You shook your head. “Full respect to students who can keep a healthy relationship going.” 
He hummed to himself, taking in your words. 
“That makes sense,” he mumbled and tried not to look so troubled by it. He sat up and you looked at him worriedly.   
“Did I say something wrong? your tone is off,” you pointed out. 
“No! I mean, no. Everything is fine. Don’t worry about it.” A bout of nervousness rushed through him as he coughed and smiled. He could tell you didn’t buy it; the sceptical look on your face said it all before you lunged at him, rolling you both onto the floor with you on top of him.
“Hey-” before he could even ask, he broke out in laughter as you began to dig fingers just below his ribs.
“W-wait!” He struggled to regain his bearings when you stopped, face flushed as he stared up at you. “What… what was that for?”
“I don't want to force you to tell me anything, but frowning doesn’t suit you.” you chuckled. Kazuha could help the small pout on his lips as he sat up onto his arms, slightly distracted with the way the light from the window hit your eyes.  
“I love you so much,” he mumbled, shoulders shaking in both laughter and slight heartbreak, knowing that what you said earlier was right. “God, I wish I could kiss you.” 
He stilled as your smile grew bigger; he hadn’t noticed the way your laughing had seized earlier or the hitch of your breath when he said those words.  
“Say that again.” he gulped at the serious look on your face despite the grin you wore, heat creeping up his neck and ears turning pick as you moved closer. 
“I wish I could kiss yo-” 
His eyes widened as you connected your lips with his, a hand on his chin and noses nearly touching, before sinking into the feeling. It stirred up butterflies that darted around his chest, heart rapidly beating as you both pulled away. Kazuha raised a hand and hovered it over his mouth, as a new smile bloomed on his face. You found yourself joining in on his giggles again.
“What happened to not liking school romances?” He joked through the chuckles. His breath caught in his throat as you clutched his tie in your hand with a smirk.  
“I think it’s going quite well right now but,” you leaned in closer, eyes trailing over his face, “I'll need to check again to make sure that’s not a fluke.” 
He flushed under your stare. 
“You remind me of a character from the book I was talking about earlier.” 
“Oh? Which one?” He whispered. Your grin was dangerous. 
“Definitely the new kid from that story.” You tugged him to look up. “Because i’ve been wanting this ever since we first started hanging out.”
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wol-fica · 2 years
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pairings - wednesdayaddams x fem!reader
summary - soulmate au <3
warnings - love-sick wednesday
an - twas a buzzy saturday for me so i decided to write how i felt
Love is such a wonderful thing.
Many people rely on it to live, to survive. It’s a craving, something that can satiate an irritating appetite. Love comes from within a person and blossoms into a gorgeous flower once their intended other half comes along; what bliss it withholds.
Well, Wednesday didn’t want that bliss.
The whole ‘find your soulmate’ thing was pointless to her. Why waste her life away chasing someone she has never met, just to supposedly drop everything she knows and fall in love with them? Utter nonsense if you ask her.
Hence to why Wednesday despises her ‘soulmate mark’ that dawned upon her wrist. It was an auburn red quill with white streaks that probably belonged to an unsuspecting hawk. Apparently, upon meeting your soulmate, the mark will burn fiery hot and disappear once skin to skin contact happens with your destined lover.
Wednesday will never meet her soulmate, she vowed to it. She would be far better off by herself than having some relationship hold her back from making something good of herself.
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t accidentally curious.
At times, she would catch herself peering at people’s wrists to see their marks, but every time she looked, it was never matching hers. If she were to be honest, a pang of disappointment would hit her; but there was no room for her to be upset about not seeing her soulmate that day, she didn’t care anyways.
But, she did care when she saw you.
Meeting you was completely an accident, she didn’t mean to stare at you in class and memorize your features. The curve of your jaw, the faded freckles that dotted across your nose, the way your hair fell around your shoulders in a wave.
It wasn’t purposeful when she sneakily made a copy of your schedule so she could walk past you in the hallways. It was all a coincidence when she made a list of your likes and dislikes so she could find your favorite activities and foods. An accident is what she calls it when she hacked into Enid’s instagram to find your account and scroll through all your photos so she could save a few and put them in her journal.
It wasn’t her fault when she started to imagine scenarios of you two together, how she would kiss and hug you, how she would care for you if you were sad or upset, how she would trace her fingers along your skin whilst mumbling “mine” just to remind you who you belonged to.
It especially was an accident when she ran into you, when her arms snaked around your waist to save you from falling, when your noses were centimeters apart, and when she felt the surprising burn upon her wrist.
“I…uhm…” Wednesday stuttered, frozen while holding you in a dipped position.
Your eyes were wide, your hand twitching as you felt the similar sting on your arm. Your eyebrows furrowed in thought, your beautiful eyes tracking Wednesday’s.
“It’s you.” You mumbled, reaching for her face.
“And you…” She recited back, a warmth crossing across her cheeks as you cupped them.
You smiled at her, a sight she wishes she could bottle up and wear around her neck, and pushed your feet under you so you could stand upright.
Wednesday’s arms were still around you, so you took it as a request to step closer to her. Your hands went around her neck, resting on her shoulders while you gazed into her endless soul of black.
“I’ve been waiting.”
Wednesday nodded, her focus trained in on your face. She felt, vulnerable, a feeling she used to despise but now craved as she leaned into you.
“I know.” She replied.
You were breathtaking, a fallen angel that was caught in her net; her heart. The aura you produced was glowing and warm, a perfect satiatee for Wednesday’s cold demeanor.
Your hands moved back to her face, the soft pads of your fingers tracing along the skin of her jawline as you leaned in. You whispered one word before claiming her with a kiss.
tag list: @tundra1029  @i984  @king-scarlet     @simp4thena @dreifhraniquo29  @fall-08 @efectoangel @alexkolax  @k1mba @annalestern @i-love-u15 @vorsdany
i do not give permission for anyone to repost or copy my work onto any other platform
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
So, in this scenario, Natasha Romanoff is the Queen of Hearts from Alice in the Wonderland, and it's an AU thing, so hope you enjoy. And I am so sorry for disappearing for so long, I was busy with university tests and entrance exams and such but guess who's finally gotten into a business school? Yours truly is now an official university student😊
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I can imagine that when Natasha first sees you, she might think that you're weak and fragile. At least in the Wonderland AU
When she heard you talk, she was surprised. You were soft... docile and so... innocent and naive and she immediately knew that you were different. You didn't act scared around her even though she yelled 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!' at random moments. You piped up her interest and she thanked her lucky stars mentally that you weren't mad as the Mad Hatter or the March Hare or irritating as that darn Cheshire cat who seemed to have a fondness of singing nonsense at random times
She invited you to play croquet and when you told her that you didn't know how to play, she offered to show you. This surprised several of the guards since well... it's not everyday you see an angry woman who has random bursts of anger teaching a random girl how to play her favorite game. She handed you a bird that was fit for being the stick? (Lol I never played croquet so I have no idea what it's called sorry TvT). She swung the bird and the little hedgehog or puffball that she used as a ball started rolling around here and there and when the crowd erupted in cheers, you knew that she was victorious
Meanwhile you were having trouble with your own bird. It was being highly uncooperative and when it lifted your skirt up with it's beak, Natasha widened her eyes and turned away with a blush. Then she caught some of the guards staring at you and now she was angry and if you guys guessed that she was going to say 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!' you win a cookie! 🍪
She came close to you, put her arms around you that made you all flustered and she smirked. She found herself a new hobby, teasing you. She thought the way you blushed was so cute, now she had no intention of letting you go. EVER. And when you capture the Queen of Hearts Heart, you can be damn sure that she ain't gonna let go
You both played croquet for a while and you told the Queen that you had to find a way to go home. Natasha stared at you for a moment and narrowed her eyes, thinking of what to do to make you stay and then an idea popped in her head. Her lips twisted in a smirk and she asked you to follow her and she might have a way of helping you. Once you entered her castle's courtroom, she told you to wait there and she'd be back. She then came back with a cookie that had the words 'Eat me' on it and she told you to eat it. Your sweet, unsuspecting kind soul didn't think that what she gave you might end up being harmful for you but you were so innocent and naive and that's what the Queen of Hearts loved. A soft, innocent sweet and docile little thing like yourself who'll follow her orders without question and depend on her and ONLY HER
You soon started to feel dizzy and within a fraction of seconds, you were about to fall down but she caught you and embraced you. You murmured ''Wh-what's going on?' you groggily asked her and squirmed in her grasp. She just shushed you and told you to sleep and she called some of her guards to take you to a room for you to rest. You won't be leaving Wonderland anytime soon that's for sure and for once, she actually considered thanking the Cheshire Cat since if it were not for him, she would never have met YOU. Her HEART
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hanibalistic · 2 years
genre | angst, fluff, platonic relationship au, grumpy dad x eager child dynamic
word count | 2754
warning | mention of death, mention of pain, mention of human trafficking, mention of kidnapping / i know absolutely nothing about this game and this man. ​
note | i just thought his appearance and the little personality i can tell from tiktok fit the description of this scenario. also i like this trope. i apologize in advance but this thought just had to go somewhere other than my head.
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“Where’s the kid.”
A stoic voice matched with an even more intimidating stance—the medic did not need to turn around to know it was Simon Riley (or Ghost, as he liked to be called) talking behind him. He calmly turned around to face the sudden speaker, and his brows raised. Despite barely healing from severe unattended injuries and dehydration, Ghost remained tall and demanding; nobody should expect anything less from him.
“Where’s the kid.” Ghost said again when he did not receive an answer promptly enough. He enunciated every word with gruff but no grit. It could be the hazy brain taking a small toll on him. He did remember the other medic recommending a timely rest that he had no plan to take. Until he could find you, that was.
The medic looked around the area, massively confused. Kid? What kid? Has Simon Riley finally lost his goddamn mind after being stranded in the desert for weeks without the proper nourishment? He was almost killed, after all! The only reason he managed to make it back was that whoever tried to kill him foolishly thought he died. Could this possibly be the side effect of the recent traumatic experience? Having hallucinations?
“Fucking hell, where’s my kid?” That sounded like a question this time around. His voice had more restlessness in it, if one couldn’t fathom him ever being frantic about anything. Ghost had taken a step forward, his hands curled into fists, and his gaze hardened to scare the answer out of an unassuming medic. “The kid that came here with me. They are about this tall. Dirty hair, really fucking chatty? You could not have missed them.”
The medic cowered a step back. Ghost has finally lost his mind this time because he has no idea what nonsense that was. Humming in thoughts in hopes to fill the silent air, the medic glanced to the side just outside the tent, hoping to see someone pass by that could help him with the delusional lunatic asking him such an unfathomable question. A child? Everyone would have known if there was a child running around this place!
Ghost could see the altered glance immediately, and for a moment, he was about to lose his temper. But, he found that his question was answered as soon as he gave the medic a chance and turned around to look over his shoulder. There you were, just standing outside the tent in your dirty clothes and bare feet, staring at the helicopter with genuine fascination. Ghost furrowed his brows in disdain after he scanned your appearance. How come nobody gave you a change of clothes?
Wordlessly, Ghost turned around and left the medic’s tent. He marched over to where you stood, coming up behind you silently until he was finally within arm’s reach. He grabbed a fistful of the collar of your shirt and pulled you off the ground, causing you to struggle with a yelp of surprise. He turned you around slowly to face him, and his deadpan eyes did not change when you smiled sheepishly upon recognizing him.
“Oh…” you rubbed your hands together apologetically and placed them near your chin in a prayer gesture, “I didn’t know you were awake.”
“I barely slept, you idiot,” he said as he carefully dropped you on the ground. “I told you not to run around by yourself.”
You scoffed at him, dusting off your clothes as if you had fallen and gotten back up without his help. “I thought this was supposed to be a safe place!”
“It is,” he clarified calmly. “But safe places can get invaded.”
“So it’s not safe,” you pointed out smugly, poking his arm as if you’ve made a point he cannot defend himself against. The only response you got was a flick on your forehead. His fingers sounded against your skull, the force strong enough to make you stumble back before he watched you gather yourself together again.
Ghost did not once tear his eyes off you. His cold heart froze over again with paranoia when his brain even raised the idea of looking elsewhere during the topic of potential danger.
This was supposed to be a safe place where the medics and his comrades were. This was where his most trusted fighters are. If an invasion was to happen, things could not go nearly as bad as if he was anywhere else. But, unfortunately, you were neither a medic who knew the risks of staying at a place like this, nor were you a trained soldier who knew how to protect yourself in a blazing war.
You were just a kid he found along the way, who had latched onto him for survival, and he had no reason to kill. Fortunately for you, he did not have to choose between you and himself during the early days of you following him in his travels. By the time danger did welcome you both in its arms, Ghost had, surprisingly, knocked down the impenetrable walls of putting himself above orders and logic. Or perhaps it was you who brought a hammer and knocked them down for him.
Who knew? Simon Riley was not an expert in human emotions; he feels them, he just never thinks about them. He knew things could go as wrong as Hell would allow it if an invasion did happen. He knew that it would have been over the second you were captured. But Ghost had no plan to let it happen ever again.
After that night, on the twentieth day of traveling. It was right after you both were offered some food by a suspicious group of travelers, whom Ghost later found out had sold information of your existence to a group of recruiters of a human trafficking ring. You were snatched away in his line of sight after you had strayed too far from him, and he has never been more enraged. Becaise you disobeyed him, and because people underestimated his ability to kill absolutely everyone in sight with his bare hands who even dared to take you from him.
Ghost had no plan to let something like that happen ever again. So, if an invasion happens, this will remain a safe place for you. Any perimeter where he exists will be a safe place for you as long as he can guarantee it.
“Hmph!” You pulled a face at him when he remained silent at your words. Crossing your arms before you, you looked up at him and scoffed, “All adults do is lie.”
“Do not frame me for something I never did,” Ghost retorted, his hands awkwardly placed at his hips because he did not know what else to do with them now that he wasn’t holding a weapon. He let them drop to his sides immediately, a dissatisfied groan leaving his lips. “I have never lied to you.”
You pursed your lips together into a knowing smirk, but your eyes spoke a story of annoyance. You clicked your tongue, giving him a mischievous shake of your head, then you began to hop on your spot to prepare yourself for landing. Ghost immediately rolled his eyes, mentally exhausted from your antics. He knew what you planned to do, and he remembered the ‘lie’ you implied he told you. He had no plans to indulge you in your self-assigned mission to take his mask off.
“Damn it–you cannot shout that here–hey!”
You jumped and immediately grabbed onto his strong arm. Your feet kicked against his shin for momentum, which barely gave you any, but you stepped on his leg to use as leverage to climb up his body, so all was well. He struggled against you as you grabbed onto his shoulders and hoisted yourself over one side of it, letting yourself dangle and threatening to fall face-first onto the ground. He clumsily—ha! as if!—placed a hand forward to catch your reckless self just in case, while his other hand pressed against your middle back to keep you on his shoulder.
This was not the first time you have climbed him like a tree, paying his physical boundaries no respect as you stepped and kicked against his body to reach his shoulders. But he found himself catching you whenever you decided to fling yourself to the ground like a carcass, and he found himself holding onto your ankles when you thought it would be fun to fling upside down on his back as he walked. It was never a good idea; you always ended up feeling nauseated, and you liked to blame the heinous smell of his sweat.
And you had made a habit of stacking your body atop his when you slept so you could feel all of his movements, and you would know if he ever tried to abandon you again. He had a sickening realization that he had not felt that familiar body weight in several nights.
“Hey! Listen to me!” Ghost whisper-yelled at you, but you paid no attention to him. “You cannot be yelling stupid things like that!”
You scoffed with a childish smile. “Don’t worry, Ghost! Nobody can hear me but you!”
“With that high-pitched screech, they can hear you all the way from the moon,” he said.
“Oh, that’s where I’m going next! To the moon!” You giggled as you raised your torso and slapped a hand to his face. However, interestingly, you did not attempt to peel his mask off. You only looked at the helicopter in front of you and pointed at it. “Maybe I can get there in a helicopter!”
“You need a rocket ship for that,” Ghost said as he slowly helped your sliding body off his shoulder and onto the ground.
“A helicopter can be a rocket ship if I wanted it to. This is my world now,” you mused as you looked up at him. Your smile shifted a little when you saw how he looked at you—stoic, cold, but not without kindness and, hidden somewhere, remorse he was unwilling to process. You frowned gently at him; Ghost was still delusional. “Do you remember what you promised me about your mask?”
“That I will take it off so you can see my face,” he replied.
You tilted your head and widened your smile slightly. Your brows furrowed with a sorrowful tint as you whispered, “That’s not all.”
Ghost could remember. He didn’t think he had ever forgotten anything important, and a promise with a child he had unknowingly bound himself to would never be abandoned by him. He just had a hard time acknowledging it—thinking about it was unsettling for him, almost like an eerie itch along his body he could not scratch off. He was being avoidant because he was so helpless about it.
“I promised you that I would take off my mask and let you see my face…” he repeated, and choking down the knot in his throat, he continued, “if that is the last thing you’ll ever see of me.”
You smiled. You knew he would remember.
“But that will not be until years later, so there is no bloody reason why you are bringing it up now,” he added urgently, even though his voice didn’t show it.
You played with your fingers, unsure of what you could say.
There was no way that could happen years later because you were already dead. And Ghost knew that because you died in his arms.
“You cannot dream for years, Ghost,” you whispered. “You have to wake up.”
Just like that, suddenly, everything was gone. The tents, the sky, the helicopter, the clouds, the guns and ammo, the wind—everything surrounding you were gone. You looked around at the scenery change; the dream was re-wiring itself according to Ghost’s memories and control, including yourself. The bloodied spot on your chest grew big and wet, and the sky was dark with visible stars, and there was the knife he had pulled out of you after someone threw it toward you as a last desperate attempt at revenge.
“I don’t like the blood stain.” You frowned at yourself.
“Okay.” It was gone.
Ghost stared at you, his emotions thoroughly mixed up. He has been through this before. He has undergone trauma before. This was nothing extraordinary, and it should not be. He understood it. Death, dying, trauma, killing, blood. He understood it all. He has been hurt, pierced, shot, tortured. He understood it all. His father’s cruelty, his father’s abusive hands, his father’s degeneracy. He understood it all.
But did he truly understand this?
Pain comes in various forms. Pain can stem from different causes. The explosion of a bullet inside his body or the blade across his flesh. He knew what it felt like to be hurt by the names in red, to be hurt by a father. But did he know how to fathom it when his pain landed on somebody else’s skin? Did he know what it was when his pain choked through him in the form of another’s lifeless body? Did he understand the agony that happens when a child that has bound themself to a parent, abandons them by death?
He experienced it, but he did not understand it.
“Please don’t be mad at me,” you muttered. “I tried to hold on, I did. But my chest hurt.”
“I am not mad at you. I won’t get mad over something you can’t control,” he said. “I should have protected you better.”
You jumped faintly, standing on your tip-toes and rocking your heels back and forth. “You did!” You cheered quietly. “You kept me safe all this time.”
“You died.”
“I did.” You frowned in feigning sorrow. “Bummer.”
Oh, but he did understand it. He understood it very well. The consequence of your death blatantly presented itself to him in this dream. You were a dream. Your being safe was a dream. Your being alive was a dream. You climbing him like a tree, you talking about getting on a helicopter and flying to the moon, you sleeping on him so he would not leave you, you talking back to him, you shouting in his ears—it was all a dream he struggled not to wake up from.
In here, he gets to keep the kid.
In here, he gets to keep you.
And he gets to take you to the moon on a helicopter that functions as a rocket ship. Because he wires his dream according to your childish desires. Because he will give you whatever you want. Because he had given himself the role of a father he never thought he would fill.
How did it feel when you died? Agonizing and staggering. Like he failed at a job he knew nothing about but was doing his best in. Like he was full of nothing but anger and guilt because everything that could ever happen to you directly links back to him, because you were his responsibility. Like someone reached between your ribs and found his heart there, and they ripped it to pieces and left the shards lying inside of you.
How did it feel when you died? Like a dad just lost his baby, and he remembered once again how cruel this world could be when innocent children cannot be above adult hatred and violence.
“I’m sorry,” he uttered. “I did all I could.”
You grinned as you approached him and took his hand. You took off his glove, pressed his palm to your face, and nuzzled against it, feeling the callousness of his skin that has held more death than life, more blood than skin. “You did for me. Thank you.”
He wished to caress your cheek, but his joints remained frozen. He wished to smile, but he found it hard to quirk his lips when he realized the dimming of his consciousness. Beneath the skull mask, he managed a light-hearted smirk, and, if one could fathom it, his gaze softened with unswayable care, curated by the one thing greater than human tragedy—love, supposed. But that would be too cliché, would it not? Besides, this is Simon Riley!
“Do you still wish to see my face?” Ghost asked, “I’m giving you a positive.”
You squinted your eyes joyfully at him, willing that he not be defined by the tragedies he endured and that his heart could remain soft. Perhaps if you put a little bit of yourself in him, he would.
“You made me a promise!” You said with a nod.
That he did.
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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��� Memories of friendship ⭐
(ID: Kirby series fanart, Childhood Friends AU, featuring young Dedede, Meta, Para Dee, and Bow Dee hanging out and interacting in various cute and silly scenarios. More detailed descriptions and bonus headcanons under the cut. END ID.)
Just a buncha li’l guys. The littlest of lads. I could literally fill pages with all the wholesome slice-of-life nonsense I have in mind for these kids (and maybe the smallest touch of angst, too, but that’s for later). Also might’ve made DDD’s overalls a little brighter to match his coat in the future. Also made refs for Para and Bow.
UPDATE 03/11/24: Added a few misc. details.
Sketches started btw 11/23 and 12/23, render started 12/13/23, finished 01/07/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/08/23.
Image descriptions
Top-left: Meta carrying DDD by his hands and lifting him (with great difficultly) into the air (probably only a few inches off the ground), the latter laughing happily and kicking his feet, the former grimacing with effort and flapping his little wing as hard as he can.
(HC: Even at a young age, Meta is built more for dexterity than strength, and DDD isn’t exactly as light as the rest of his buddies - not that it stops either of them from doing something dumb in the name of a dare.)
Top-middle: Meta and Para holding open a large book between them (the image of Planet Popstar on the cover), reading and discussing its contents (as indicated by a wall of blue and green “Blah”s behind them), while Bow (slumped on Meta’s side) and Dedede (reclining back on Para’s side) are both fast asleep from boredom.
(HC: Needless to say, Meta and Para are huge nerds, often seen checking out half a dozen books at at time from the local library and finishing them before the week is out. Bow and DDD try to be interested, but they just don’t have the attention spans for huge walls of tech jargon and dusty old history.)
Top-right: Para floating with his parasol (patterned the same green-and-brown plaid as his bowtie), sweating and kicking his feet wildly, looking down in terror; Meta hovers nearby on his wings, looking on in surprise at his panicking friend.
(HC: Despite his proficiency, Para rarely uses his parasol for anything besides keeping himself dry in the rain. He is deathly afraid of heights and has gotten himself stuck in trees more than once thanks to his buddies’ daredevil antics.)
Middle-right: Bow - angered by something off-screen - furiously kicking and flailing about, her face red with rage, as DDD casually holds her up off the ground by the top of her head, looking annoyed and bored.
(HC: It doesn’t take a lot to set Bow off. Despite her tiny size, she can be an absolute terror when she’s upset about something, and the boys know this well. DDD is often the one to hold her back when she gets too rowdy, a role he’s not particularly thrilled to have. Stars help anyone in her line of sight if no one’s around to calm her down.)
Middle: Meta and DDD sitting side-by-side, the former in a rare excitable mood as he fidgets and chatters on about all kinds of things (indicated by several word bubbles with images inside, including ice cream, swords, bats, planets, stars, rockets, and Galacta Knight’s mask); DDD listens with surprising patience, a fond (if somewhat exasperated) smile on his face.
(HC: Meta is usually a very quiet kid, his silence filled by DDD being his typical boisterous self. Sometimes, though, when they’re just hanging out by themselves, Meta will find an opening - usually provided by DDD - and go off on tangents as random and hyper-focused as his more talkative buds. Not many people get to see him this animated or comfortable, and DDD - who’s seen them the most - cherishes these moments, even if it’s embarrassing to admit.)
Bottom-left: DDD dashing to our left, a determined grin on his face, as his friends ride Piggyback on his back - first Meta, wings out and free arm waving in excitement, then Para, clinging desperately to Meta with a look of panic on his face, and finally Bow, hanging off of Para and laughing merrily.
• (HC: DDD is always dragging his friends into one crazy scheme or another, usually at a full-tilt sprint and without much forethought beyond “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Meta is often swept up in the excitement, too curious and eager to learn to worry much about danger. Para is the embodiment of “I don’t know about this, guys…” but too lenient to really stop them. Bow will literally follow the boys off of a cliff as long as there’s fun to be had.)
Bottom-right: Bow, DDD, and Meta sitting in the grass surrounded by butterflies (their bodies black and wings white with dark edges, save one in the back with yellow wings rimmed in orange and red). One lands on DDD’s beak, and he pokes at it curiously, staring cross-eyed. Bow trembles behind him, staring at the butterfly in watery-eyed terror over his shoulder. Meta tilts his head to look at her with an expression of bemused concern, a butterfly settled on his foot.
(HC: Bow will tell you she isn’t afraid of anything. In many cases, this is true. She will routinely stare down threats ten times her size and promise to beat them up on the spot before someone more rational pulls her out of harm’s way. But, if there is a bug anywhere in her immediate vicinity, she will absolutely run for the hills. DDD used to tease her about this, hiding bugs in his hands to scare her. He stopped as soon as she started panic-smacking him.)
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 10 months
Receptionist Danny working in the main Wayne lobby
First few days at the job site and Danny was already regretting getting this job.
Because this exact scenario had been repeated five times already just today. Not as persistent as THIS one though. God he is so tired of this bull. It got tiring after the third time now he's just tired and annoyed.
A bad combo considering Danny the "Town Menace Phantom" Fenton was beginning to lose the little patients he had left.
' just count down from ten like Jazz had taught me years ago'. Danny gave a sigh and kept repeating the mantra in his mind.
He has to stay strong he fought ghost for years! What is a few minutes worth of questions from a few eager journalist? He could handle Wes how could they be any worse?
Oh who was he kidding certainly not himself! Not after having suffered a day full of questions about shit he didn't know squat about.
This situation with this gender bent Wes was WORSE considering Danny couldn't just tell her to piss off. The others had just asked a few questions or had gotten turned down regarding questions. Not TO bad. He could handle it. He still kinda liked this job. Well, he likes the work benefits. It was the main reason he applied after all.
So give him some credit this was the sixth harpy "journalist" to come sniffing around after having gotten wind of a new employee in the main office. Though their sources must be bad. He was just a receptionist! Not the new head of the financing department or Bruce Wayne's new secretary, leave him alone!
He doesn't know what the company boss does??? Why ask him? How would lil' old receptionist Danny Fenton know!
Has he not suffered enough?? His suffering with this specific harpy had been going on for the past twenty five minutes.
"So, where does Bruce Wayne leave for during his meetings? A new woman? Man? Trouble in the family?"
Vicky Vale as she had introduced herself before had officially made Danny hear his last strained thread of patients fraying. He could only take so much before the menace in him gott done with this nonsense. Time for Ms Vale to go away, fuck off and not come back. Danny menace mode ON now.
Smiling the most customer service™ smile he could manage Danny responded in the flattest tone he was capable of.
"Well to fuck your mom of course, Ms Vale."
And of course at just the moment the older receptionist Ms Linda Smith that had been in charge of showing Danny the territory before retirement finally came back. With two coffee cups in her hands. She had taken off on her break the moment she spotted Ms Vale walking towards the front desk. She promised to grab him a coffee on her way back. Truly abandoning him to the wolves. Or wolf. She had bribed him and Danny hadn't even known what kind of suffering awaited him. Ms Linda had started speaking.
"Okay Danny no we don't---
Danny didn't know exactly what was up with the big boss and his family. Something was definitely up but he didn't think it was bad.
"And your dad, because we here at Wayne enterprises support the LBGTQIA community. Thank you and leave.
((((((((((((End )))))))))))) :)
Thank you for reading! I might do some more for this idea again. This is basically just the idea by @some-rotten-nest link below. I've had a similar idea about Danny being an evil assistant before. Not a receptionist though. It was fun writing this I keep thinking about all the interesting scenarios that could play out in this (Au?) Idea. Also I just wanted to test the waters. I've never written anything and actually posted it before. I hope this was okay. Um bye and have a good day oh am I kidding have a good night!
This idea is based on this https://www.tumblr.com/some-rotten-nest/725017913035276288/danny-fenton-a-new-receptionist-at-wayne by the amazing @some-rotten-nest ! I was just so inspired by it, all of my creative instincts were just itching to make something for this<3
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mr-jack-letterman · 8 months
Even more au doodles because I have way too much free time.
This time around 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Anti-Power Couple Au 🎉🎉🎉🎉 (by @starry-blue-echoes)
I think my Hol Horse bias is showing-
Anyway cute Holpol nonsense YIPPEEEE (click for better quality)
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I simultaneously love and hate the design I made for him. Cause on one hand I think he looks cool as hell but on the other he has so many details the amount of times I forgot his ear piercing/braid/stubble/bullet necklace/strings on his hat/wedding ring/which side the wrist bands went on is low-key ridiculous and completely my own fault 💀/silly
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These are the best hands I've ever drawn in my life ngl.
Fun fact: "Mon petit chou" with no context means "my little cabbage" when directly translated to English. Because you know if Polnareff is gonna call Hol a French pet name it's gonna be something simultaneously rly sweet in French but wack in English NSNDNNDD
There's more context than that behind why "my little cabbage" is considered a French term of endearment but that's an info dump for another day 😭
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I don't have much to say for this one other than the doddle of one of the Sex Pistols holding Emperor is one of my favorite things and I'm using it as a reaction image now.
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I wish I could have done more with their outfits but I just didn't have the time to design anything rly unique 😭.
I genuinely hope the random huge drops of fanart aren't overwhelming or anything for ya- I just get in a flow of doin em and don't realize how much I've done until I've ran out of scenarios to draw :') wish ya the best ✌️/gen
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daftpatience · 11 months
[pointing at your icon like i would a cat who put flour over my kitchen's floor] YOU !!!!! My dash was so full of The Vampire Dies In No Time fanart that i thought this show was the new trending thing on anime nerds tumblr (<- didnt realize the reblogs came from only one v active user) and over a few days of seeing the nice looking vampire nonstop on my timeline i caved in and watched the show.. AND NOW IM HERE IN SMALL FANDOM HELL AGAIN... ! Congratulations on the reblogging i guess, your propaganda worked on me xD and i still need to finish s2 but i am now feeling very much Not normal over draluc and ronadora and am even tempted to draw fanart if i have time one day... in the meantime very much loved the first page of the comic you made for them and would be delighted to see more if you wanna show it one day (though no pressure and i mean it !) TLDR ; thank you/curse you i am now a tvdint fan as well
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for those of u whove not seen it its a very silly gag anime/manga about a vampire and a vampire hunter that end up living together/teaming up and all the hijinks they deal with. theyre incredibly shippable men and are a sort of parody of a bickering married couple in canon. draluc is the housewife and wears cute aprons and is good at cooking and its really cute. it's got all the gag manga horny jokes youd expect but, refreshingly, it doesnt put a big focus on women getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios and all that nonsense. everyone is getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios.
the neat thing is there's actually a really well-fleshed-out world going on here, but nearly all of it is getting fleshed out behind the scenes in omakes and the mangaka's tweets and such. there's a google drive of all of the translated worldbuilding tweets and canon AU info (there are a bunch of AUS that the mangaka came up with that the fandom enjoys - you'll probably notice tags like Delta au, Uso au, 30 years later, etc.)
anyways. there is also john and ill never get over how excellent the reference is that the vampire's familiar is an armadillo. look at him
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questionable-decision · 10 months
LISTEN, transmigrator Mobei-jun AU BUT the trick is he transmigrates into modern day. This is either
1) OG Mobei-jun is sweating in the demon realm as OG Binghe is ruling and turns to escapism by consuming his trashy "science fiction" novels set in a world with computers and cars. He falls in love with side character Shang Qinghua and is INDIGNANT! that this hard working author never gets his day in the spotlight and dies out of NOWHERE! What! How could you write this author?! And Mobei-jun is writing a VERY strongly worded letter about it when he dies (via assassination or something) and transmigrates into the real world as some side character model.
2)OG Mobei-jun himself (in direct SQH parallel) writes a terrible sci-fi novel in his spare time to stop from going crazy under OG Binghe's demonic rule. But eventually Binghe finds out and Mobei-jun has to cater to him until the work straight up sucks and eventually Binghe kills him. Only know Mobei-jun is in the real world and has a chance to set right what once was wrong!
Either scenario Mobei-jun is desperate to pursue man of his dreams Shang Qinghua much to EVERYONE's confusion. The System is on his ass for OOC things like "not knowing how to get into a car" and "trying to date a man in public" and Mobei-jun would fight the thing if he could see it.
No idea what this "novel" is about. On the one hand it could be 90% some love story between Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan that the author won't make explicitly cannon and just teases it but its never satisfied. On the other hand: it's still a stallion novel about Luo Binghe fucking and being miserable in modern day (Mobei-jun wrote him that way because OG LBH made him). On the other, other hand: it's a Holden Caulfield type story about Shen Yuan that Mobei-jun was trying to make so literary that it got its head up it's own ass.
Sha Hualing would obviously be the other transmigratory, in fact if this were a straight role reversal AU she would be the Shen Yuan, cast into the role of villain (where Mobei-jun is inexplicably the author)
Does this make any sense? Am I on to something or is this nonsense?
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alicefromwhichplanet · 6 months
WWII tfa Humanformers Headcanon: Channel World
I got this idea when I was binge watching German war films two months ago (still watching more and more now). I easily came up with a human version of Blitzwing (he’s German, anyway), and then I assigned positions/ nationalities to other tfa characters I made as the main cast in my fiction Heroic Nonsense.
Megatron/Optimus Prime
The background:
After the war, the Cybertronians became quite conceited and joked about humans’ lives being too short and easy. Sari just made a machine/game that can provide users with immersive experiences as humans in a certain era. She decided to let her friends try human life back in 1944.
The Cybertronians were assigned random roles on earth in 1944 (based on their original identities…). They have video calls once in a while in a special comm link in the game, which they later call “Channel World”, because they’re calling from different parts of the world.
Blitzwing is of course thrown into the worst case scenario. He is at the East front, retreating… as a 19-year-old German soldier. He squeaked a lot, wet his pants, ran away and was dragged back, saw many deaths and injuries and was captured by Strika’s troops and let go, because it was Strika that caught him. He cried on the phone to Bumblebee saying he missed him, but refused to stop the game, because he didn’t want to be seen as a coward.
Bumblebee is assigned to South America as a Mexican boy, 17. He was quite contented with his identity first, but after seeing Blitzwing’s situation he was desperate to go and meet his lover. He signed up for Mexican Air Forces that fought for the Allies with great efforts, only to find himself bombing Blitzwing’s side…
Strika was assigned to Soviet Union. The reason being that she reminds me of experienced Red Army women soldiers with her characterization… She is a leader of a squad, 24 or 25. Fought bravely to Berlin. Captured a German soldier (Blitzwing). But he ran away ( she let him go).
Almost no doubt Megatron was made a high ranked Soviet official, in his 30s, and in the battlefield as well. This is because in tf g1 there is an implication of Decepticons being the Soviet side of the Cold War. Megatron and Strika will be a crucial factor why Blitzwing survived in the POW camp after the war ended.
Of course. He’s an American soldier. White male, 28 or 29. Optimus is closest to the position of an observer. His humanoid character is almost like the “default mode”. He went to Europe to attend the war with his friend Lugnut.
African American soldier, only a little younger than Optimus. Also fought in the war and laughed at his best friend on Cybertron Blitzwing when he got too immersed and called him “American scum” on video call. Will join civil rights movements in US after the war.
I may put this idea into fiction, or maybe will just post random short stories under this au. It requires a lot of historic backgrounds and I’m still lacking time now. But later. Anything can happen. Let’s call it Channel World AU.
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