#not adding character or fandom cuz this is a silly
yourthirdparent · 2 years
if i read one more jason grace fic where he wears contacts i will SCREAM!!!!!! put those glasses back on that man! i require jason in glasses for enrichment!!!
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cyandreamz · 2 months
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☆ Sibling moment ☆
(based off a silly hc I have, I'll explain more under cut as well as talk about this silly drawing)
So if it wasn't already obvious I've decided to hc Maya as Miles sister, why? Because Misty Fey being his mother is such a dramatic plot twist I can't help but added to my collections of hcs :D!
to be clear I don't want this to be canon (as his mom being left blank is way more fun for the whole fandom imo) I just like this hc for my personal enjoyment of AA, personally I treat all my hc's as DLC for canon :P. I also hc Gregory as Mia's dad cuz again, it's a super dramatic plot twist :P
As for this drawing I drew Maya and Franziska saying hello to their big/little brother because I thought this concept was way funnier in my head than it really is (it's cuz his sisters are same age :P). I'd like to imagine Maya really likes being Miles's sister because makes her feel more justified in mooching off him because they're already steel samurai besties, Franziska would be indifferent, since this doesn't effect her friendship with Maya (Franmaya is a super cute ship I just personally don't ship it :3) and Miles doesn't dislike having another living sister (and one dead sister), however in this image he is rather overwhelmed by the situation of dealing with two sisters at once.
Also I designed casual(ish) outfits for them all cuz I love drawing outfits! And there is something super fun about fan art of characters in different clothes to me :3. Maya's outfit is of course my favourite as it's most similar to my fashion style's (though it took a while for me to figure out what her casual style would be until I decided comfort would be her biggest priority in casual fashion) but I also really enjoyed drawing Franziska's outfit, it was the easiest one for me to think of fun fact. Miles's outfit on the other hand is eh for me, sorry I just find men's fashion very boring ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Overall I love this drawing, it's definitely janky on account of being drawn with my non preferred hand but I already plan on redrawing it in future with my left hand digitally so I look forward to that future project :-D
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Heeey Raven! Just for the Sillies and funsies, did you when you first started the game had a difficult time pronouncing some of the names in the game? :'D
I first started the game in late 2022, so i joined the fandom a bit late, but let me tell you, i had a hard time pronouncing some of the dorm names! Like some of the dorm names that I had a difficult time pronouncing were Pomefiore, Heartslabuyl, Diasomnia, and ESPECIALLY ignihyde and i'm going to be honest i still have problems pronouncing some the dorm names once in a while! 💀
Like i pronounce Pomefiore "Pom-fi-or" (Weirdly enough at the beginning, i pronounced Pomefiore automatically with an "r" as in "Porm-fi-or.) Another example would be with Octavinelle my brain keeps thinking that it's "octovinelle" with an "o" instead of an "a" because i think of OCTOpus when i pronounce Octavinelle! I've also seen some fans pronouncing Octavinelle "oct-tine-ville" or "Octaville," which i think is really funny cuz no one can pronounce it! It's chaotic. 😂
Some goes for Mostro Lounge, i mentally added “n” to Mostro Lounge at the beginning of the game. I used to say Monstro Lounge until I realised that's wrong! 😭
then there's Heartslabuyl! dear fricking god! What a tongue twist! 😭 I used to pronounce and still do heartslabyul "heartzabyul." I don't know how accurate that is, but it's such a mouthful. 🫠
AND The ONE dorm i had the MOST trouble pronouncing was Ignihyde! 💀 and still can't do it right! Again, I've seen some fans pronouncing it "Ichigyde", "igh-knee-hide" or "Igunihaide".
Also, i keep reading Diasomnia as in Diasmonia, I don't know why, but it's automatically DiasMONIA in my head.
This all some weird Mandela effect! 💀
anyway i was actually going to mention some other funny things i misspelt or mistook something in the game when i first started, but this got so long that i'll just end it here and send another ask another day til then See ya! ✌🏻
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I've never really had an issue with the unique names that come up in TWST! Everyone's going to be biased to their own ways of pronouncing the words, but personally I find it helps to break things down into smaller bits. I think I didn't have trouble with the dorm names because of this. If you slow down and take your time with them, it's not so hard. For example, I guessed "Pomefiore" must be said as "Pom-eh-fee-or-ay" because "pomme" means apple in French and "fiore" means flower in Italian. Likewise, the "somn" in "Diasomnia" refers to "somnus" in Lain, which means sleep.
Some of the variations in pronunciation naturally occur because the way things are said in Japanese is different than in English. For example, "Ignihyde" is said "Igunihaide" in Japanese, whereas in conventional English is it said as "Igh-knee-hide". Some people will choose to say it the Japanese way, others will say it in the conventional English way, and some will do it another way entirely. (I also want to point out that some words just sound plain awkward to say in English due to differences in what is considered "normal" grammar and syntax from language to language. "Octavinelle" said out loud is such a mouthful in English because we usually don't see this combination of letters.)
I try to not get caught up on whether or not I'm saying the names of new terms (character names, dorm names, etc.) "correctly" or not, because there is sure to be differences anyway, whether between languages or between individual dialects. (I talk about that more in this post!)
P.S. The "Monstro"/"Mostro" Lounge confusion was probably the most common mistake! That comes from a lot of fans assuming that the lounge must be named "Monstro" after the whale in Pinocchio.
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
Y’know, I have a funny story with the ship between Innocence and Pebbles.
@eggobuggo , my sister, was playing The Sims and made the iterators in her own humanised forms, including her version of Innocence and Wind, along with Moon, Pebbles, NSH and Suns, all with their own personalities and stuff. She set up a generic apartment, put the gang in, and just had fun making them do silly shenanigans together, while I sit and watched her play.
In particular, we headcanon NSH, Pebbles and Innocence as Gen 3s, the newer modes, and so she made them into teenagers, which, with a DLC, have a whole new host of features that are not in the base game. This includes getting crushes (which weirdly enough, young adults and adults cannot get).
But anyway, one day, later into the game (the gang basically all were in the high end of the friendship scale with each other), the notif board popped up that Innocence had gotten a crush on Pebbles. Unfortunately for her, NSH and Pebs were already being all flirty with each other (Ragequit is where it’s at for us), making Pebble basically keep her in the friendzone. Ngl, my heart went out to her :,) Especially so, because they were all sharing a room. (space was tight)
After that, I began thinking about it in context of it in-universe, and ngl, I came to quite liking it as a ship, especially since I see Innocence to be less… asshole-ish (?), I guess, than what the general fandom makes her out to be (I mean it’s understandable, we only see her to leak the pic of Pebbles condition and that’s it.). To me and Eggo, she’s much nicer unless you really piss her off, which then, her more cynical and gossipy side of her comes out. She was actually more of on the friends side with Pebble before the shit went down.
At the time, I thought “dang, it’s a shame I won’t be seeing anything of it since she’s so obscure.”. This was a couple months before I began seeing art of them on the main tag.
Soooo… I guess I’m somewhat of an og Milkshake (as is the fandom name) shipper???
Just, seeing you and others make art about them is almost surreal in a way, since the only reason I really considered them as a ship was cuz of a random event in a life sim game lol.
Also @eggobuggo, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the story. :)
Wow, that seems like quite the story! And I do agree, after witnessing something like that in a totally different game it must be pretty surreal to see the ship gaining popularity in the actual RW fandom now too! It's nice to get another seal of approval from an original Milkshake shipper!
For me, it's also a bit strange because it's something I've considered for a really long time as a lingering "oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could make this work?" idea. The obscurity and lack of content for UI to draw inspiration from, both canon and fanon, definitely added to these feelings and the difficulty of imagining a working portrayal of the ship, hence I've only recently felt confident enough about the relationship and UI as a character to act on it. So after Pura coined the ship name and made a lot more art of it, then other artists started expressing approval and even drawing it themselves, it almost feels like I'm watching the ship enter the mainstream (Tumblr) fandom consciousness in real time, which is honestly pretty cool, especially since it feels like I had a hand in it with that initial ask! And even if I wasn't the very first to consider it, I'll definitely continue supporting this ship!
For some other thoughts though, I totally agree on Innocence not being mean in reality, though for me she's not mean or gossipy at all and more so has a kind-of opposite major flaw that tends to cause bad things unintentionally. As much as I can understand interpreting the character as a genuinely mean person, I thought it'd be interesting to imagine that her leaking the rot simply caused others to perceive her as mean, not that she's that way in reality. After all, I don't think we ever see direct dialogue from Innocence in canon, and the only evidence I can find of her being mean is Wind's speculation on her motivations. I also took inspiration from @shkika's Innocence, but I just wanted to see if I could take those ideas further to create my own unique interpretation.
Also, it's actually pretty coincidental you're telling me this too, because in regards to what I've come up for my Milkshake portrayal, Innocence having an unrequited crush on Pebbles for a really long time is actually really important for both plot and character arc reasons! I've been developing my own take on the classic worm-off-the-string iterator AU idea with @hail-strom for like the past week or so and the ship as of now plays a decent role in that, but the unrequited crush acts as subtle, yet major context for Innocence's actions throughout, which in turn slowly influence Pebbles especially as he starts to reciprocate those feelings (much to his alarm)!
Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me, and thanks for giving me a chance to ramble about this ship more! I'm honestly so happy to see it growing, and all support counts!
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sinlizards · 1 year
I saw you say you don't trust aa fanon. What exactly are they making ooc in ur opinion? (If u dont wanna answer this one, thats okay too since its a tricky question)
And are u someone who cares a lot about keeping things in character? Cause i deeply care about character analysis and it sometimes really pisees me off when people ignore or gloss over things that are very obvious once you decide to work ur brain
I simply find a lot of aa fanon to be extremely reductive. I'm all for analyzing characters and making connections (I'm like The Overthinking Silly Guys guy) but I think there's a difference between meaningful character analysis and shoving a character into a preconceived one note trope box
All fandom has a tendency to do this but aa has the added effect of being so Large and so easy to get immersed in the culture of it all that some people lose sight of what made a character interesting in the first place
The reason I said I don't Trust aa fanon is cuz of that but also I don't want to let others idea of what a character Should be impact how I will personally feel about a character I haven't even met yet with all of the above considered
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A Guide to Fanfiction Tropes and Genres:
🟪I made this cuz honestly, why not lol. For people who are beginners to the fanfiction universe. For anyone who wants to get a glimpse of what this world is like and the common themes used in this "off-the-wall piece of literature". Could be for research purposes or for curiosity, or maybe you want to start writing stuff but not sure what things you might use. No matter who is reading this, I hope this guide helps you.
--I also made this for myself, as a lil handbook to look at while categorizing the fanfics i collect in my blog.
🟦There are genres/topes/themes which you won't be seeing much or any at all particularly in my blog; but I wanted to add them to the lists anyways because they are widely used in fanfiction. I tried to include the main, most common things used in fanfics. Because in reality, the possibilities in a fanfic are endless.
--Many of these are self explanatory so I didn't add extra info to most of them.
This may be used by other fandoms as well. Since this is a Jungkook based account, he is used for some of the examples. You can replace him with anyone you wish to write/read about.
🟥I added most things myself from the knowledge accumulated through my years of experience in fanfiction consumption. For the things I thought I might have missed, I used multiple websites and a reddit post as a referance, which I will credit their links at the very end.
🟫Shoutout to chatgpt for alphabetizing my lists in the end. It would take me ages to edit this
🟩 If you think there is anything I missed, feel free to contact me, I can always edit this post to add new things.
PS: I chose to omit much of the specificities of explicit content (such as specific kinks). I tried to keep things a bit chill. Most likely the authors will include the details of the explicit events in their explanation section. You will know what they are when you see them.
Coming Of Age
Fairy Tale
Fantasy/High Fantasy/Low Fantasy/Urban Fantasy/Isekai
Historical Fiction/Alternate History/Period Piece
Kid Fic =fanfic that features children in some way. This could vary from the characters having a kid together to someone’s younger sibling/cousin/niece etc.
Mystery/Murder Mystery
Missing Scene/Gap Filler : a fic that is written as a continuation or with additional events added to a canon scene in a show OR a video of the characters of a fandom (e.g. a specific RUN BTS episode where in the end they all go out and get coffee or some behind the scenes stuff the author creates) idk if i explained this well
Sci-Fi/Science Fiction/Space Opera
Slice Of Life
Songfic: stories which include song lyrics, which may be interposed between sections of the story, or given to a character who sings them.
Thriller/Psychological Thriller
Genre (Fandom): Based On Tone
Angst/Light Angst :  ”often used in fandom to characterize things which are intended to provoke the feeling of unrest and uncertainty in readers. It generally signifies that the story will be primarily dramatic in nature, rather than comedic or light-hearted, and that characters may suffer mental or physical anguish during the course of the story. ” -fanlore.org
Case Fic =focus on solving a given mystery or case
Character Development
Crack Fic = “fanworks with a fundamentally ludicrous premise, or otherwise including a plethora of unbelievable, incredible, or just plain silly elements - that is, implying the author/artist must have been on drugs to produce something so bonkers” -fanlore.org
Crossover/Fusion = where multiple fandoms are combined in a way
Curtainfic (Domestic Tranquility, Such As The Characters In A Romantic Pairing "Shopping For Curtains" (Literally Or Figuratively) And Building A Home Together.)
Dark Fic
Fix Fic/Fix-It/Deconstruction
Fluff/Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Hurt/Comfort = A character who has been hurt, physically or emotionally, is comforted by another character.
Porn, PWP, Porn Without Plot
Secret Identity
Sickfic, Illness, Sick Character
Single Parents
Slow Burn/Slow Romance
Character Types:
Aged Up:  a character in a fanwork who's been set to an age notably older than they are (or appear) in the original media.
Aged Down
Androids, Robots
Animal Transformation
Canon: the author is trying to stick as close to the canon character as possible.
Greek Life/ Frat Boy/ Sorority girl
God (Mythical)
LGBTQ/LGBTQ Character/LGBTQ Themes
Morally Grey/Ambiguous Characters
Mythical Beings & Creatures
Out Of Character/OOC
Rich Girl/Guy
Unreliable Narrator
Witches, Witchcraft
AU/Alternate Universe:
Aliens AU
Band Of Misfits
Bounty Hunters
College AU
Crime AU
Coffee Shop AU
Dystopian AU
Future AU
Harry Potter AU
Heroes AU
Highschool AU
Historical AU
Hitman AU
Magic AU
Marvel/DC AU
Medical, Hospital, Doctors AU
Omegaverse : A setting where humans have a secondary sex (alpha, beta or omega).
Pornstar AU
Royalty AU
School AU
Soulmate AU
Spiderman AU
Spy AU
Time Travel
Western AU
Witches AU
Relationship To One Another:
Childhood Friends
Childhood Sweethearts
Dorks In Love
Established Relationship
Exes To Lovers
Enemies To Lovers
Enemies To Friends To Lovers
Fake Relationship/Fake Dating/Pretend Relationship/Pretend Couple
Forced Marriage
Friends To Lovers, Best Friends To Lovers
Friends With Benefits
Fuck Buddies
Hallmark AU
In Which They Are Exes Thrown Back Together By A Chance Visit To Their Hometown (Usually For A Holiday)
Highschool Sweethearts
Idiots to lovers
Long-Distance Relationship
Long-Term Relationship
Mutual Pining
Oblivious Pining
Requited Unrequited
Pen Pals
Platonic Relationships/No Romance
Secret Relationship
Unrequited Love/One-Sided Attraction
Best friend’s sibling
Specific Situations:
Accidental Marriage
Arranged Marriage
Blind Date
Desert Island
Disability Fic
Eventual Romance
Falling In Love
First Kiss
First Love
First Time
Forbidden Love
Holiday, Vacation
Idiots In Love
Love At First Sight
Love Confessions, Drunken Confessions
Love Potion/Love Spell
Love Triangle
Marriage Of Convenience
Marriage Proposal
Make-up sex
Mutual Pining
Next Gen/Next Generation
Plot Twists
Pst Lives
Rags To Riches
Snowed In
There is only one bed, Forced Bed Sharing, Sharing A Bed
Time Travel
Based On Text Style Or Elements
First Person POV, Second person POV
Script format
Y/N (your name)
Facetime, video call
Social Media AU:
Twitter (X)
Messaging App
Warnings,Possibly triggering things or Dark themes:
Death, Character Death/Major Character Death/Minor Character Death
Mental Health Issues
Substance Abuse
Toxic Relationship
Drabble: A very short fic, usually said to be around 100 words. But I’ve read plenty of drabbles with 1K-2K words so 100 is not always the case
Short Story
M/F - F/M - M/M - F/F - F/F/M etc.
[Character] x [Character],
Jungkook X Original Character/OC : usually OCs are characters with disclosed names and physical features withing the story. (e.g. Jessica, blond hair, brown eyes, etc.) However i have seen many fanfics where the author writes “Jungkook x OC” in the explanations but the character throughout the story is in fact written like a self-insert/YN/reader with little to no physical descriptions.
Jungkook X Reader (Y/N or “_____” )
AFAB- assigned female at birth
Jungkook X gender neutral reader/character
POV -point of view
POV Alternating, POV Multiple, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, POV Outsider
Completed / Ongoing — a fanfiction series is one of two things, it’s either completed or ongoing
Ending: Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Ambiguous Ending, etc.
Epilogue :  the final chapter at the end of a story that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters.
reddit - very well made, i used this a lot while making this list
-The end
⚠️You may reblog or share the link of my post. But please dont repost this without crediting me.
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sacrificialsam · 8 months
What are your thoughts on parentified dean?
I hate when it veers into “dean is sams dad” territory cuz I think that’s silly (and not accurate to me anyway. I know the later seasons lean more into the dean as mom dad brother thing but I don’t think that dynamic fits with the earlier seasons and it does feel like they just wanted to give Dean more poor sufferer vibes which is something I don’t like. The ep with sonny’s farm is an especially bad example of this and I don’t think it fits with johns character in season 1 at alllllllll. In the pilot John has been gone for three weeks and dean is freaking out!!! At 26!!!!!!)
I think it fits when we talk about John and dean’s relationship. Dean spent a long time (until we see him go against John in season 1) coddling johns feeling and providing him with emotional support (and keeping him with him all the time. Again later seasons “dad would send me away sometimes” moments are ridiculous!!!)
i've talked about parentified dean a lot on this blog, but i'll give you a quick rundown of my basic opinions: while dean was clearly parentified by john when he was left alone to take care of sam, fandom constantly insists dean did way more for sam than is actually implied or even logical. i don't believe dean really thinks of sam as his son, and sam would never see dean as his dad. dean isn't and wouldn't be a good parent or parental figure, and saying sam's childhood was 'easy' because of dean's parenting is ignorant at best. additionally, i hate interpretations and headcanons of dean as a mother or maternal.
but to address your specific points, yeah they ramped up the woobification of dean a lot, and i also feel like dean's pity parties got worse and worse in later seasons. after a certain point john had to be vilified even more and act out of character to add onto this, and since preseries and the winchesters' childhoods aren't explored in complete detail a lot of rewriting could happen there. john was an absent father, but that doesn't mean he lost all contact with his family for months on end, as that's clearly a big cause of concern in the first season as you've pointed out. it honestly bothers me because i feel like the added victimization of dean's childhood is used to further the narrative of sam being spoiled and having it good in comparison; it's often played in a way that makes it look like dean was the only victim of john's subpar parenting because 'sam at least had dean' or something. and i want to point out i don't think sam was treated just like dean or was parentified in the same way, but he also had to grow up too fast and was negatively affected by it. and we also know dean added onto that by also wanting sam to stay a hunter instead of having a life away from direct danger, he wasn't the force of good to john's negative influence or anything.
with dean and john's relationship i think it's a bit complicated, john clearly used dean as a point of reassurance and support and did put too much stress on him, which he even apologizes for in his last moments. but i'm not sure if parentification is the right word for it, i don't think he was a parent stand-in for john, much more someone who could act as a right hand man, someone who would back him up (even against sam) and who could be relied on. i like the soldier or even the guard dog analogies a lot better than those saying dean was the other parent in their family dynamic, because i don't think dean ever fully moved out of the son category, he wasn't truly equal. and this is partially because john never let dean (or sam) disagree with his decisions, and dean very much idolized his father and wanted to follow his lead rather than have equal saying.
oh and i answered another ask about parentification before, if this wasn't a long enough read yet.
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faaarawayyy · 6 months
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i’m bea/benrey! either name is good!
my pronouns include but r not limited to hey/hem/heir, she/her, and he/him. you can find all my pronouns and how to use them here!
i label myself nonbinary and dolphinygender but im rly just a creature ^_^ also aroace and platonically objectum! i’m taken in a queerplatonic relationship <33 also im otherkin/nonhuman!! (oceankin + robotkin)
i am a minor, and i have autism and adhd, so please keep these in mind when interacting with me! nsfw/18+ blogs please dni for both our comforts
i have tons of interests but i am especially fixated currently on dungeons and dragons, spore, kirby, rain world, and all my own ocs!! my biggest spinterest will always be in marine life/the ocean, i have my #marautism tag for all that stuff
i also post my own art here! most of it is of my ocs but maybe sometimes ill post misc fandom stuff if i ever feel like making fanart!
i don’t have a strict dni rly cuz i just block n move on casually but just, i feel it should be fairly obvious that youre not welcome here if youre a bigot or a proshipper or a zionist or just super nasty!! stay far away from me tyyy
anyway. beside that. tags and other blogs beneath cut and have fun here!! feel free to interact in any way i dont bite!! peace n love
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@bluelightovermurder | my dnd/dunmeshi/ttrpg posting blog. lots of character related rbs
@starryseastims | my stimboard blog! feel free to send requests!
@tmd-clangen | my (as of now inactive) clangen story blog! post-apoc horror and challenge-based, be aware it contains lots of dark themes
@delfinxxia | currently inactive artblog lol. i may repurpose it someday? idk but it’s there
@recoveryranger | also inactive pokeblr blog. idk when ill get back into it haha
misc. notes
my content warnings are formatted like the following example: #cws #blood #death (etc). common ones likely will be: blood, gore, death/animal death, eyestrain. if you need anything more specifically tagged, feel free to send in an ask stating what you’d like tagged, anon or not!
my oc art is not free use but any of my fandom art may be used for noncommercial and/or personal reasons with credit! (ex. using my art as pfp)
i don’t usually do requests, art trades, or commissions, but i’ll post if this is something that happens at any point
tag guide
#clicksnsqueaks - just me saying stuff
#textbubbles - misc. textposts not said by me
#reblog - self-explanatory
#ask - asks i’ve received and answered! i’ll tag your username too but you can also request me not to
#ask game and #tag game - if i rb ask games or get tagged in something
#others’ art - self-explanatory, art that other people have made
#friend art - also self-explantatory, art from my friends/mutuals :>
#important - things that are. well. important. serious posts only
#4me - stuff that was made for me, gifts/commissions/etc.!
#4later - resources and compilation posts usually, might tag them specifically with #art resources or #life stuff as well
#fav - stuff i REALLY like
#mecore - things that r just. mecore. yknow
#me-tagged - stuff my friends/mutuals tagged for me YAAAY
#inspiration - awesome stuff that makes me feel inspired
#silly - stuff i think is funny
#wholesome - stuff i think is cute or nice or uplifting
art-specific tags
#my art - self-explanatory!
#srb - occasional reblogs of my own work
#my ocs - also self-explanatory! contains all original characters of mine, fandom or not. #oc: [oc name] tags will also be added for specific characters, and fandom tags if they apply
#others’ ocs - for other peoples’ characters that i’ve drawn
#fanart - art i make of characters from any media! fandoms and individual characters will be tagged
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phoenix-flamed · 2 months
I see you fall into the trap of 'this character is basically an OC now and I'm just making things up and I am doing it wrong' and you should stop that. Yeah I guess (but aren't all canons OCs once you get your hands on them?), but all of your headcanons and thoughts about him are rooted in either things that make sense from the 'historical' perspective (air quotes just b/cuz it's you know how GOT is historical... in that it ain't but it takes from it) or from the few small scenes of him in the game. I hope I don't sound mean when I say I've never gotten why you get worried about how you write him, because he's never felt too anything to me - not too silly or serious or stern or goofy. He's just felt human which like... he is.
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Firstly -- thank you. ❤️ I need to try harder to be less anxious and less hard on myself, especially because you're right! The whole point of fandom is to take what the original creators gave us, and have fun sharing our ideas and interpretations and alternative scenarios in whatever form we choose. Which has the added bonus of every version of muses being uniquely ours, and that's something to love and be proud of!
It's just anxiety and low self-esteem, mostly. I get nervous and overthink like... everything. And I worry excessively about what people think of me, which is a terrible habit.
I'm eternally glad that he reads as being human! That's what I always hope to strive for! He's not meant to be perfect like how the game sort of sets him up as being through the eyes of his people, you know? (Even when he struggles to try to be perfect.) He's just... a person. He can be silly, he can be serious, he can be loving, or mean, or -- yeah. He's morally grey, and he's just... him. Good and bad and everything in-between.
I always worry I'm not playing him how people want him to be, or, especially in the case of "Miles", that the entire concept and story is lame or stupid or boring or. Yeah. I know I could have gone the route of having him not die at Phoenix Gate, but my stubborn brain is always like, "but his death was vital to the game's story". But then I worry "Miles" is too dramatic or unrealistic.
I guess the tl;dr is, I need to stop overthinking so much! Thank you, you know? For not just your kindness, but for your reassurance too! I keep losing sight of why I originally made this blog... which was to share my love of and vision of Elwin with everyone! It's time to go back to having fun and embracing that.
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gojos-whatnow · 9 months
How to Live Life like a Blooper Real
AKA: About Me
Requests: OPEN / closed
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Wassup pookies and gentlewhores, here's where you find out why I'm so amazing (I'm gonna talk like it's true and let yall be the test)
Yall needa know who you're talkin to 😋
Name: just call me whatever, current name is Fenn
Age: 18! :D (as of 2/21 this year)
MBTI: ENTP-A (in my bio hehe)
Pronouns: She/He (also in bio)
Comfortable: nicknames/petnames (no preference unless I have to publicly shame you), treating me like the silly goober I am, random conversations
Uncomfortable: manga spoilers, any talk of rape/non-con or encouraging it, homophobia/transphobia, hating on characters I like (I find a lot of comfort in them so please refrain)
The Writing Style
The entire purpose of this tumblr is so I can write freely without limiting myself to a certain fandom or character, which I struggle with. So, here I am with a collage of me writing about random characters and worshipping ENTP characters because YIPPEE I LOVE THEM *kisses mirror*
WILL write: xReaders, fluff, smut, polyamoury, [mbti, character, mannerism, stereotype, etc.] reader
》JJK: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Inumaki, Maki, Itadori, Nobara, Megumi
》PJSK: Rui, Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Akito, Mizuki
》HSR: Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Gepard, Sampo, Sunday, Boothill
》more fandoms to be added as I feel like it or receive requests
》》(everything is platonic based on age, but if it's for a req I'll age-up)
WON'T write: canon×canon, angst (arguments, death, etc.), rape/non-con (dubcon/cnc/etc. are allowed), anything that would be hard for me to write or find interest in (if I don't find your request interesting, I'll delete it)
Characters (I may still reference them or add them to silly shit, just dont put them in reqs):
》JJK: Panda (he's... he's a literal panda), anyone from Kyoto, any of the curses (minus jogo cuz he's so fine 😍😍😍)
》PJSK/HSR: Pretty much everyone but the ones I mentioned up there 👆
》 more fandoms to be added
(Other things will be added to these lists as I think of them or they appear)
[Insert Masterlist here when I actually have one hehehehahahahe]
ANON list:
🪼 Anon
🌟 Anon
🎤 Anon
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puppy-slut-pound · 9 months
★▪︎ basics ▪︎★
I'm ozzy[he/fang/howl], I'm a black transmasc, polyam aroace pan and very taken ☆♡
Asks about my ocs r very much allowed, i wanna see what u think of my silly lil guys
[Also, here's my Bluesky and Cohost accounts]
What do we do here on this acc?
This is basically my dumping ground for oc art/doodles that's a little suggestive [like h*lding h*nds] alongside games such as tribal hunter or changed, cuz it doesn't fit my main blog and here i can talk fetishes in peace
I also post about odd little ideas like robot girls, doll girls, slime girls, just really anything not traditionally alive but still humanoid. Cuz the idea of doll girls being alive is neat and as a fellow undead nonhuman it's fun. Ig u can call me a monster fucker for that???
I'm adding the "content warning" right here right now, my ocs WILL have scarring on their bodies. I am not adding a tag for this, just block me if you can't handle seeing scarring on characters, cuz I will depict it anyway
i cant really stop minors from interacting, but ill try to block them on this blog if i see you do so. for the love of GOD do not follow me on this blog if you're under 18, i have an sfw art blog to follow
Below cut is other blogs I have lol
My other blogs are
@theunluckyvandalist my main, mostly sfw and more fandom and general account based
@boy-loving-bitch is my acc for all the mlm or general faggotry I might post, nsfw and sfw
And ofc
@shorthorny-boytoy for general kink and nsfw stuff I talk abt
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alex-just-vibing · 11 months
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
D. Soukoku. There's so much stuff for them, and I get why people ship it, I really do. I understand the potential. I don't even know why I don't really like the ship. It just. Isn't for me. (They're literally not even that different from kunizai either?????? shrugs)
E. hmmm idk a lot. for my ocs (cuz. my sillies <3) id say probably making lapiz a fnaf kid lmao
G. yea *looks around nervously* do i have to answer the second part /silly (it was ishimondo)
K. hhhhhh i. donf know. if it counts as character development (idk dude s4-5 was complicated) i really liked the stuff w tachihara
P. au where kunikida somehow ends up in the port mafia. idk why or how. no further explanation idk dude
U. Miya Chinen (gifted kid + gender). Mizuki Akiyama (goofy silly + canon transgender). Doppo Kunikida (idk dude. he gives similar vibes to taka and idk how to feel ab that)
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kennyisaloserr · 1 year
LAST UPDATED ;; 10 / 08 / 23 !
WAVES HI HELLO HII !!! im kenny ! you might have originally known me as slime (@vicchaos) ! ive decided im going to recreate my blog , brand and new . and this is my intro !! :3
;; ABOUT ME !!
my name is kenny !
i use he / they pronouns & im a transmasc omnisexual ( fem pref ! ) :3
my birthday is 04 / 01 ( april 1 ! ) and i am a MINOR ( age range 12 - 15 )
i love south park !! im also a previous dsmp fan ( previous since it sadly came to an end )
i also like total drama , stranger things , et cetera
i love singing , drawing , and im also a gachatuber !
my blog is SFW !! requests are open :3
fandoms i will currently write for include only SOUTH PARK and DREAM SMP ( only some characters , mainly being c rather than ccs ! )
i WONT write ; NSFW , fandoms i dont know
i wont post fics all the time , but ill try and post some occasionally :3
i WILL write ; south park fics , dsmp fics , angst / fluff / hurt+comfort , ships
pls dont request nsfw fic prompts ... i will just ignore !
i will write for any south park character ! adults , kids , etc .
regularly , i will not age them up or down , ages would range from 6 - 13 if i were to change their ages though
any characters that are not on this list , you can request ! i will only write c ! smp members
the only characters i will NOT write for dream smp wise are ...
- dream
- george
- sapnap
because of problematic issues .
- punz
- boomer
- antfrost
- connor
- ponk
- michaelmcchill
because ive never watched them and dont know how id write them
( list may be continued if recommended certain characters)
✩ i am a MINOR !!
✩ i use tone indicators
✩ i make kys jokes and have south park humour ( lmk if uncomfortable !! )
✩ might take a bit to respond to dms , etc cuz of my timezone + lack of social skills
✩ i might be dry sometimes but im sorry if i come off that way !! /gen
✩ i use a typing quirk ( have not adapted toward many of them , the only one i have is spaces before punctuation )
additionally ( i dont think this counts as a typing quirk but i add it just incase ) , i sign off of all my posts . originlly i used ' -slime ' , now i will use ' -kenny ' :3
✩ i misspell words sometimes
✩ i use silly emoticons !! ( ^_^ , :3 , :] , etc! )
✩ basic dni !! ( nsfw, homo / trans phobes , racist , etc )
✩ kyman / proship
✩ TW // self harm twt / sh tumblr + eating disorder twt / ed tumblr
✩ dteam supporters ( sorry old dteam moots )
✩ hellparkies
✩ if you dont use tone indicators
✩ 20 or over ( unless sfw ! )
all my posts will be tagged accordingly ,
#kennys-thoughts - random posts
#kennys-reblogs - posts i reblog
#kennys-askbox - asks
#kennys-fics - 5+ paragraph fics
#kennys-ficlets - 4- paragraph fics
#kennys-art - my drawings :3
( fics will be tagged fandom accordingly as well ! )
my twitter !
my youtube !
my discord !
more links might be added but this is all i can think of rn LOL
thats it !! if u follow me on my old acc ( again , @vicchaos ! ) pls refollow n btw I WILL FB EVERYONE :3 unless ur weird or follow my dnf / dni criteria i will block u
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udurghsigil · 1 year
i see u post it a lot but i still dont know what madcom is whats it about?
omg!!!! *rubs my gayass little hands together* sorry for the incoming wall of text. i love this weird little series to death.
so madness combat.... this lil cartoon series that started on newgrounds (by krinkels)... starts off with a guy named hank that doesn't like the music some other guy is playing so he goes around and kills everyone in sight (non-bloodily). but from that point forward it just gets more and more elaborate, much more gory and gruesome, with new characters being introduced and actions from previous cartoons carrying on into the next ones... for example hank Literally kills the sun, now every cartoon going forward just has a dark red-tinted sky. things also just get weird and sorta otherworldy too which i love!
there's like no dialogue n most of it is, i surpose, environmental storytelling??? it heavily focuses on the fight scenes of the main character just wiping out room after room of other chars, and the choreography of the fights are just. so much fun. so many very clean kills its impressive to see how they get pulled off. think like... those old stick fight animations, but typically more elaborate!
um also worth mentioning the characters (pretty much) all look like this. just little stubby guys w their little outfits (except for the big guys). yes i'm taking alot of liberties with my designs for them. and yes there are more chars than just sanfy and deimo.
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this kinda series isn't USUALLY the type of thing i'd get into but i just find it so mesmerizing idk. i used to be embarrassed abt it but not anymore. like i said the fight scenes are SO much fun and i rediscovered it after like... only seeing a few cartoons as a child through the friday night funkin' mod scene cuz there are a TON of cool madcom-themed mods. the fandom is also HUGE so it's fun to just. observe what everyone is doing. i can't say i'm a big participant in it other than posting my art but i love seeing what the community makes. there is a ton of fuckin amazing fan content from animations to fangames to art to music to... everything!!! obv i love sanmos the most because i'm a sucker for duos and it's just so much fun seeing how expressive these Faceless Guys are to where you can get a sense of their bond without even needing it spelled out....
it also has a REALLY AMAZING game that came out recently called madness: project nexus and i'm not just saying that because i like madcom!!!! it's a really fun beat-em-up with very smooth controls and . god. i just have so much fun playing it. i could play arena mode for hours. plus it lets the characters actually talk and its cute seeing them interact :333 i GENUINELY recommend this game if u like fast-paced beat-em-ups it's such a blast to play even with 0 knowledge of the original series.
ANYWHO YES.... it is a little silly i admit. but i just adoooore madcom so much. i love me some stickman fights and seeing how the world just unfurls with each cartoon is so fun. it's like you can really see when krinkels is going "maybe i can expand on this little thing i added in X cartoon" when some New Lore drops. i Love when the creative process is like... idk. so palpable. heck i recommend the cartoon series too if ur not squeamish abt stickman gore. it's quite a short watch honestly... 👉🏽👈🏽
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itsabee · 1 year
I saw some people coming on your blogs with fun facts about how yours writing impacted them! So it's not like a gay awakening story but thought its funny idk
The thio jack bait you guys sometimes talk about? I got caught backwards. Literally never cared about his character ever, nothing nada no siree, remembered him as an anime twinkelton B to jeff's anime twinkelton A, bottom of the barrel both of them. Got into THIO cuz i liked the fandoms newer takes on jane as a character of her own, and I was REALLY curious about natalie, literally saw yours description of her ONCE and i was down badd(AND I STILL AMM SHES SO DREAMY <333)
i think i skimmed over his scenes the first time around? came back to read some of them bc i saw shibari dropped there randomly (nice choice btw!!) And it turns out your jack is like. Super cool actually?? seriously love this guy, didnt expect it at all. Besides the great concept for the whole god thing you've actually given him personality! Can't wait to see what you do with it in ho1c, he already seems more approachable (AND HIM WITH SALLY?? ITS SO CUTE HAWRRR)
So yeah besides writing lesbians so hot people realise thungs you also can write guys so silly they are likeable for the first time in years. Insane!!!
Anyways Im SUPERMEGA HYPED about natalie and jane's future involvement!! Hope happy relationships will work on joan like holy water and give her existential crisis <<3
You were the target Audience. We just wanted to have some more views and eyes so added jack. I’m glad you liked the girls THIO Jane is like AAAAAAA‼️‼️‼️
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sapphiregem01 · 2 years
Hii! I’m Ozzy/Zane, I mainly came on here from Twitter (@sapphire_gem01) cuz it seems to be going to shit, but I’ll still give a small intro!
I’m a minor (15-17) and use He/it + fire themed/any neos
Basic boundaries n such can be found here - https://ozzysspaceee.carrd.co
I’m a multifandom artist, currently mainly Critical role stuff (I have issues and they were caused by Taliesin Jaffes characters/j), but sometimes OC/sona stuff too
Hope we can all get along! :D
-My tags!-
#Ozzyart - my art stuffs
#Ozzyart wips - my art stuff wips
#Ozzy cr rambles - for whenever I specifically ramble about cr stuff (a lot)
#Ozzy OC rambles - for whenever I ramble about my OCs (also probably a lot)
#Ozzy fandom rambles - for whenever I ramble about random fandom stuff
#Ozzy yapping - for whenever I just. Need to scream about something, not sure what but just something
#Ozzy liveblogs - for the times I simply get too silly and must scream in live time
#Ozzy is tired - I’m tired and have silly things to say
#Ozzy is tired and sad - I’m tried and have less sillier things to say
(More to be added in the future!)
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