#Then they'll never know how to solve those problems and they'll never be able to help themselves in a healthy way
no-romo-yes-homo · 5 months
Thinking about how one of the main messages of X-Men is that you shouldn't try to fix people, you need to help them on their own terms
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sabakos · 1 year
The neat thing about mathematics is that you learn how to work things out for yourself, and in some sense this is a necessary skill to develop if you really want to understand any higher math; if you work through the problem sets in most undergraduate mathematics textbooks on your own, you'll not only know but also "understand" the content, in a way you wouldn't if you only read those books but didn't do any of the problems.
And what I'm calling "understanding" in this context is a more secure and accessible form of knowledge than most other forms of knowledge. You could learn that all of the other math students you had ever met were simply copying the instructor's solutions manual for each textbook, that your professors had all done the same in their time, that even the textbook author themself relied on someone else's solutions, and that none of them really understood the material in the same way that you did, and it wouldn't threaten the security of your own knowledge that you have understood mathematics. Even if you ever had any reason to doubt your memories or your senses, you still could rederive the mathematics yourself to make sure you still understood, while all of your memories of childhood would rely on the testimony of others or sense data on the external world. You could even begin to doubt the existence of the external world before you doubted your own understanding.
But we run into a new epistemic difficulty at this point. Suppose that all of your mathematics classmates really are frauds and charlatans. How could you, as someone who has truly understood mathematics, convince all of them that they hadn't? They don't understand, so they can't understand what they're missing. Some of them might just be willing to try deriving proofs for themselves if you ask them nicely enough, but it's not clear that there's any way you could win them over with rational arguments in order to get them to do so. Instead, you'd need to appeal to their irrationality, and find a way to get them to believe that it was worth their time to try, that they would be risking very little in exchange for something they'll only appreciate the value of once they've finished. Maybe some puzzles or riddles that throw them off balance, that create a need to seek more understanding. You might be lucky enough that some of them believe you.
So if all has gone well, you now have initiates, and you've all decided that together you want to restore the field of mathematics to its former glory, and purge the corruption of rote memorization from the academy. You'll learn quickly that much like you can verify your own understanding, it's also possible for you to identify those who have really understood math - you can present them with a proof for something they've never seen before, that's related to something they have seen, and they can work it out to a state that you or any initiate who truly understands can identify. And happily, they can use these methods of proof on each other. And so you can spread your knowledge and understanding via those who have also understood.
But you haven't gotten out of the woods yet, and your difficulty is not just that you're outnumbered. Once you've made a bit of a name for yourself and attracted a following, there will be other initiates who seek fame and glory, but yet can't or won't understand anything, and are no better off than before you met them despite your best efforts- they can't prove new theorems they haven't seen, they can't confirm the validity of others proofs, and they can't devise questions that others will be able to solve. Often these others will insist that they really are taking the same steps as everyone else, from their perspective, the rest of you all must be lying, or else something about them must be broken. Neither possibility will make them happy, and for the rest of it's existence your movement's survival depends on filtering these people off. If these sorts figure out how to fool the rest of you, or they go out in your name claiming to teach "real" mathematics, all will be lost, and your rare understanding will be diluted by their more common lack of it.
Unfortunately, at some point you will die, and everything you understand for yourself will be lost to the world. Your initiates who have truly understood you will die as well, and those they have taught will, in turn, also die. There are no immortal guardians who will safeguard the true understanding of mathematics, and it cannot be written down, only experienced directly, or it would have been written down before. Those who have understood this must always continue to spread understanding to those who might understand, and each generation of them must combat the threat of those others who have not, or else all may again be lost and forgotten.
But yet, there is one last glimmer of hope; though what you have found may one day be lost again, what has been lost may yet again be found, else you would not have been able to find it. Perhaps this is enough to hold onto.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
Keep it Steady, Let's Aim for the Stars! Event Summary (WxS World Link)
TL;DR: Wonderlands x Showtime and the Virtual Singers encounter a strange, bustling new harbor area in the Wonderland SEKAI. While exploring, they find a map to a place called Star Island. However, a gust of wind blows the map away, only to be caught in the wings of a giant Phoenix. The group decides to chase after the Phoenix to recover the map.
While asking around the harbor for information, Rui, Rin, and Miku encounter a group of lonely zombie plushies. The rest of the plushies were scared of them due to their off-putting nature and tendency to bite as a greeting. Rui recognized himself in the way the plushies had convinced themselves that they were better on their own since nobody would understand them anyways, and vows to help them. With the help of the other Virutal Singers and his troupe, they put on a modified version of the Potato Ghost story to show the other plushies the zombies just wanted to be friends. As a reward, they learn that someone who knows about the Phoenix lives nearby.
Unfortunately, a large river blocks their path forward. Turtle plushies ferry others to the other bank, but at the moment, they're all too busy to take them. Nene and Luka come across an anxious turtle who dreams to one day ferry others across the river but is too scared to get in. Nene recognizes that fear, and with a little encouragement, tells the turtle about her own experience. She'd messed up before and was too scared to step on stage, but even so, she'd never stopped dreaming. Things are still scary, but the most important things are to find the courage to take the first step, friends to push you along, and the will to keep going. Moved by Nene's words, the turtle plushie manages to face their fear and enters the water. Thankful, they decide to take the rest of the group across the river.
Once across, they arrive at the house of Leon, a stuffed lion who's long studied the Phoenix. He tells them all about the Phoenix, as well as his dream to one day fly alongside Phoenix. He knows his dream is impossible, though. Emu, remembering how she had once felt in regards to the Wonder Stage and Phoenix Wonderland, cheers Leon up. As long as you hold your dream close and keep friends by your side, there's no problem you can't find a way to solve! Her words motivate Leon to not give up. The gang all follow him to the place Phoenix is most commonly seen.
After a bit of waiting, Phoenix flies down to greet them. Phoenix agrees to carry Leon, on the condition that they catch Phoenix flying in the sky first. Rui modifies Robonene to be able to leap high in the air, but she only has three chances and requires someone else to throw a net up. Tsukasa and Leon volunteer. The first two attempts fail, and Leon begins to doubt himself. Tsukasa, reminded of his own feelings of inadequacy, teaches Leon to turn those feelings into fuel. On the third and final attempt, though Phoenix dodges the net, Tsukasa leaps up and just barely grazes Phoenix. Though they failed their mission, Phoenix, impressed by their tenacity, promises to let Leon ride on Phoenix's back if they do manage to catch Phoenix one day. Phoenix also returns the map as a reward for their efforts.
Back at the harbor, the group inspects the map. They realize the different islands represent the shows they've done, and the various unmarked ones places they have yet to see. Tsukasa also comes to realize that the ship represents his evolving dream to "Aim for stardom, and together with my friends, we will embark on our journey of growth to many places". They try to sail towards Star Island, but the currents push them back. One day, once they've become true stars, they'll be able to sail there.
A plant bud blooms in the harbor.
Fan Translation (source: WxS translation team) / Second Focus Song (Tetrad that Illuminates the World) 3DMV / 2DMV
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Opening: The Virtual Singers had called Wonderlands x Showtime (and Nenerobo) to the strange new harbor town Rin and Len had found in the SEKAI. KAITO theorizes that Tsukasa's evolving feelings may have manifested this place, but none of them know what those feelings might be. They decide to explore and learn more. Len realizes they can board the ship on the harbor, and Emu finds a strange map inside. Upon inspection, they learn there are many islands scattered about, leading to a grand one called Star Island. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows the map away. A grand Phoenix swoops down, and the map gets caught within the Phoenix's wings. The troupe decide to chase after the Phoenix and reclaim the map.
Rui Chapter 1: They start by talking to many plushies around the harbor town; however, none of them have seen the Phoenix. When talking to the innkeeper, Rui, Miku, and Rin learn the wide variety of plushies are visitors from the various islands. They come across a group of run down zombie plushies off on their own. The rest of the plushies are scared of them, since they have "twisted personalities" and bite when approached. The innkeeper tells the three that those zombies mean no harm; it's just how they greet people.
Rui decides to approach the zombies, letting them bite him and him biting back. The zombies don't trust Rui, however; they fear he's just pretending to be their friend to get what he wants, since everyone else is scared of them. They know they won't ever fit in with the others. Rui realizes they're just like he was back then.
Rui Chapter 2: Rui explains how he had given up on ever trying to fit in, since he thought nothing would ever change. However after meeting Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, and the others, he realized just how much he truly wanted to perform with others. He's changed since then; he even fought for his selfish wish to stay together as a troupe. Miku tells him his dream isn't selfish at all. Rui decides to help the zombies get along with the others, since he knows they don't actually want to be alone like they say they do.
He gathers the zombies, as well as the rest of his troupe, and puts on a modified version of the Potato Ghost play from "It's On! Wonder Halloween!". The show helps the other plushies realize the zombies were just trying to be friends, and that there truly isn't anything to be scared of. Rui reflects on the power of shows and how they truly can connect others. With that, the zombies reveal that someone who knows about the Phoenix lives nearby.
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Nene Chapter 1: A large river blocks the path between them and the one who knows about the Phoenix. Turtle plushies often ferry others to the other side, but they're all currently busy. They split up to go try and find an available one. Nene and Luka stumble upon a shy turtle who's dream is to ferry others, but after a storm flooded the area, it's now too scared to swim. Nene understands what it feels like to be terrified, but still unable to give up dreaming. Luka urges Nene to talk to the turtle.
Nene Chapter 2: Nene approaches the other turtle, and with reassurance from Luka, explains how she dreams of being a world-renowned actor, but after she'd forgotten her lines as a kid, became too scared to stand on stage again. She's still scared of a lot of things, especially the future, but she knows it's important to find the courage to move forward anyways. (It helps to have friends alongside you to give a push). The most important thing is the courage to take the first step.
Moved by Nene's words, the turtle successfully gets into the river. They then happily swim with Nene around the bay before taking the rest of Wonderlands x Showtime to the other side of the river. Nene reflects on how the future will be scary, but as long as she keeps moving forward with courage, she'll be alright.
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Emu Chapter 1: The gang arrives at the house and greet the one who knows about Phoenix, a stuffed lion named Leon. Emu explains their situation, and Leon agrees to help! He's been researching the Phoenix, who's revealed to hail from Star Island, for a long time now. Leon's dream is to fly alongside the Phoenix one day, but he knows it's impossible. Everyone around him says so. That statement reminded Emu of the time she'd felt the same, when Shosuke told her her dream to save Phoenix Wonderland's image was impossible.
Emu Chapter 2: Emu reassures Leon that it's important to have dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. As long as you hold your dreams close, you'll find a way to make them reality! She knows what it's like to not be able to achieve your dreams, her friends gave her the courage to not give up and worked together to make them come true. It's all about working together!
Moved by Emu's words, Leon decides to ask the others to help him fly with the Phoenix. Len suggests that he tries asking to fly on the back of the Phoenix. The group all follows Leon to a place where the Phoenix is most likely to be. While leaving, Len comments on Emu's ability to make everyone smile, and how she'll be able to spread that all across the world now.
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Tsukasa Chapter 1: While waiting for the Phoenix, Tsukasa realizes he and Leon have similar dreams of chasing the impossible. Suddenly, the Phoenix arrives, so Tsukasa yells for Phoenix to come down. Leon explains his dream to Phoenix, but Phoenix refuses. Tsukasa refuses to leave, however. Phoenix decides to comply, but only if they manage to catch Phoenix flying in the sky. Len suggests using a net, like the one they'd used to catch Lion Dance Robot. Rui decides to modify Robonene so that she can leap up great distances, almost as if she were flying. However, she's limited to three jumps, and she can't throw the net herself. Leon volunteers to throw the net, so Tsukasa decides to go with him.
Tsukasa Chapter 2: After a bit of practice, Leon and Tsukasa are ready to go. On their first attempt, the wind blows the net off course. On the second, Leon throws too early and the net misses. Leon apologizes and begins to doubt himself. Tsukasa knows what it's like to want something so desperately but not be close enough to grasp it, remembering back to his feelings over Rio. He knows dreams aren't things to be extinguished so easily. Take that pain, embrace it, and turn it into the fuel to chase them! No matter what happens, the others will be there for them.
Motivated once again, Nenerobo leaps with Leon and Tsukasa for the final attempt. They get close, but Phoenix dodges the net. With one last ditch effort, Tsukasa jumps out of Nenerobo's arms and just barelt touches Phoenix before falling back to the ground. Emu notices one of Phoenix's feathers stuck to his back. Phoenix flies down to great them. Though the others didn't manage to capture Phoenix, Phoenix is impressed by their tenacity. If they manage to one day catch Phoenix, Phoenix promises to let them fly on Phoenix's back. Before flying off, Phoenix returns the map as a reward for the touch. Both Tsukasa and Leon resolve to keep chasing their dreams.
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Closing: The group inspects the map further, realizing some islands are marked with references to shows they'd done in the past, while others remain unmarked. KAITO guesses that the ship has gone on it's own journey towards Star Island, just like the others have been chasing stardom. Tsukasa realizes that his feelings have evolved to take the form of "Aim for stardom, and together with my friends, we will embark on our journey of growth to many places".
Emu decides to try sailing the ship to Star Island. Together with the help of the harbor's plushies, they push the ship out to the water. However, the currents keep pushing them back to the harbor. Though they can't go yet, Miku is certain they'll be able to make it someday. Tsukasa dubs the ship, "Pegasus Special Deluxe Wonder" as he asks the others to continue moving forward towards their dreams.
A plant bud blooms near the ship.
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[Note: Since multiple translators worked on this event, there are variances in how the new characters are translated. Specifically, Phoenix is referred to with both he and she pronouns by other characters, and Leon is also called Rion. I avoided pronoun use for Phoenix and used the localized Leon since it looks closest to "lion". When this event runs on the EN server, I will update this with their official naming conventions.]
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box-architecture · 3 months
Weighty, bright red bricks slowly filled the bags strapped to his flank, balanced carefully to prevent straining himself on one side. It wasn't always beneficial to be a centaur sort of hybrid, but the ability to carry more- both in size and in weight- was deeply appreciated, especially when he needed to carry a person.
Satisfied with his luggage, he made his way through the community house, mindful of odds and ends that George had left lying around in an attempt to do… something??? He couldn't be sure. There were vines strung up around the entrance, poorly concealing a tripwire that had no discernible purpose. There had been a prank war going on the past few days, but Sam had opted out of this one so he could spend time building a base, and now he was out of the loop.
From another room, a voice called out. "Hey Sam, could you come help me with something?"
His tail wiggled. Crossing over into the bathroom, he was met with the sight of Dream's narrowed eyes squinting at his reflection, or more likely, the hairstyle he was attempting.
"Could you get this?" Dream vaguely gestured with his elbow to the hair tie in his mouth. Sam tried to avoid his fingers touching Dream's lips, tried not to think about them at all, but there was a bit of syrup left at the corner of his mouth from breakfast- it only made sense to help while Dreams hands were occupied-
"Oh! Thanks Sam, you didn't need to do that." Dream chuckled. There was a pretty pink flush to his cheeks now, and Sam felt his own cheeks begin to match as he handed over the tie.
"Just happy to help." He mumbled. He stared at the way Dream's hands moved as they tied back his hair, then he quickly realized what he was doing and looked away.
After a few moments, Dream sighed. "Okay, that's not perfect, but it's done."
Sam peeked back: a messy braid had taken its place over Dream's shoulder. He'd seen Dream braid before- had the friendship bracelet to prove it- but never with his own hair. It was always tied back in a secure knot, had been as long as Sam had known him.
It was pretty.
He wasn't sure that was appropriate to say, though. "You look nice."
Dream scowled. "It could be better. The way they had it in Sapnap's show had it go all the way up."
"If it's anime, it might not be able to be replicated in reality." Sam offered, but Dream shook his head.
"This one was in live-action. I don't know what you'd call it. But this one guy, he had a hairstyle with a braid like this, but better, and I wanted to try it." Dream explained. He blew a strand away from his face and leaned against the sink, frustration ever so familiar.
Dream always liked to do things as close to perfect as humanely possible. He'd get invested, trying every possible technique until he refined and streamlined it in a way that felt natural to him alone. Sam admired that about him. It was passion, but not always like the passion of thunder and lightning. It felt like- puzzle solving, that rush that you got when you were one move away from completing the game. The energy was enthralling to witness, and Sam would gladly watch it happen, if only it didn't come with the spirals and frustration of the bad days, when nothing went right for Dream at all.
Sam didn't know how to help with those. He wish he did. If he ever figured out how to make a bad day like that become good, things would be perfect.
"I'm sure everyone who looks at it will think its well done." Sam offered. He knew it wasn't going to fix the itch in Dream's brain- even if everyone in the world thought it looked right, Dream knew differently, and that was the problem- but his friend still quirked his lips.
"Oh yeah, you think they'll tell me I look all pretty?" Dream teased. "I'll catch all the attention today, I'm sure."
"You will." Sam insisted, eager to push away his friends perfectionism to something softer, kinder. "Everyone already thinks you look handsome. And pushing your hair back shows off your face, so they'll be able to see you smile. It's your best feature."
For a second, Dream looked entirely taken aback. Then his eyes crinkled with warmth, and he wheezed, that beautiful smile full on display.
"My best feature?" He giggled. "I didn't know I had a best feature, Sam."
Sam felt his face burn hot. "You have a lot of good features, but- your smile is like, it's your trademark, yeah? So it's your best one."
"That sounds right, of course of course." Dream stifled his giggles and reached out to pull Sam into a hug. Instantly, Sam melted, trying not to purr at the way his dear friend buried his face into his shoulder.
"I appreciate you." Dream said warmly, breath causing Sam's ears to twitch, and for his heart to flutter.
"I… you too?" Sam tried, and Dream snorted a laugh again. He pulled back with dancing eyes.
"I'm glad."
Suddenly, loud, pointed stomping echoed around the house.
"Hey George, your stupid trap didn't work!" Sapnap's voice shouted. The stomping, Sam realized, was accompanied by the crunch of vines beneath leather boots. "Maybe next time don't try leaving these bright, obvious vines in such a conspicuous place."
"I didn't know you knew such a big word, Sapnap." Dream called with glee. Sam snickered loudly, enough for Sapnap to hear.
"Dream, you said you wouldn't join his side this time." He whined. "I thought we had something speci- ACK"
There was a crash along with a loud THUMP. Sam practically jumped to the ceiling, nearly knocking over Dream, who looked equally alarmed.
They both darted out of the room into the main entrance. Where there should have been solid flooring, there was now a large hole.
"What the hell?" Sam gaped. Dream rushed past him, kneeling over the side.
"Sap! Are you okay?"
Sam went to peer in himself. The sight was thankfully not gruesome; Sapnap had landed face-first into what looked like a large pile of oak leaves. The remains of the flooring were scattered around him, mostly undamaged. Sapnap was also mostly undamaged, that was very important and good to know.
The man groaned, rolling over until they could see his face. He blew a leaf out of his hair- and his eyes- and squinted up at them. "Did you do something with your hair?"
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therealvinelle · 2 years
I think the cullens are all older than computers, so... who is actually good at them and who uses computers like a grandpa?
Well, the thing is being bad at computers isn't really about age. I'll try to tdlr, but my five cents on why computers are so difficult to some people and particularly those of older generations are that it's mainly due to two factors:
The inmates are running the asylum, or: computers aren't actually that intuitive
An issue I often see when I see someone fail to properly interact with a computer is that what they think should happen isn't what happens, or that what they want to do next isn't what the system allows them to do next. This isn't necessarily their failing, their logic can be flawless, it's just that the computer doesn't work like that. Now the user is unable to accomplish their task, they feel they've failed, and from there you get frustration and a sense of difficulty. If this happens often enough, which if often will if the person never learns computer logic (for lack of a better term), the person ends up throwing their hands in the air and concluding they're bad at computers.
(An example of what I mean by computer logic: different browsers, devices, and accounts works tend to confuse people. "I'm logged into my mail, why is it making me log in again?" - person who was logged in on Safari but tried to access their mail through Chrome. It's the same computer, and what's a browser? Add the fact they're logged into their mail on phone and that works just fine for extra confusion points.)
Considering how the purpose of computers is to make our lives simpler I consider this a failing on the computer's end, not the humans. Is it a problem they can necessarily help, no, but part of the problem is that the people designing and implementing computer systems are people who, for lack of a better term, think computer logic is perfectly reasonable (hence "the inmates are running the asylum" (reading material)). That, and figuring out how to make X thing user friendly (and something users actually want to use) is... so hard, you've no idea how hard it can be.
Obviously this is issue is a complicated one and computers being what they are you're never going to be able to make them work the way humans wish they would (it would be nice if your computer intuitively knew it was you and there was no such thing as accounts, good luck implementing that), my point isn't really why computers are the way they are. It's that humans think a certain way, computers another, and for some people it's going to be very difficult to come around to understanding the computer's way of doing things. They'll memorise the steps required to accomplish a given task, or master specific systems because they're familiar. Introduce an update where suddenly everything's changed, however, or have them run into a problem when accomplishing a familiar task, and they struggle.
Defeatism and failure to diagnose the problem
I'll be much briefer here than above and I did touch on it already, but in essence: so many of the people I know who struggle with computers have A: decided that computers are difficult and they're not going to get it right anyway so why try, and/or B: internalised the memorise-the-steps method to the point where that's how they interact with computers, always. Time to learn how to check your new email, aight, guess I'll out which buttons to click.
After all, computers are such strange beasts that in order to get anything right you need to memorise exactly what you need to do, or it'll never work and you'll be stuck at some login page forever.
That, and some people seem to straight up find computers intimidating, "I'll stick to analog." Oh, and let's not forget the "I know how to accomplish the tasks I need to so I'm alright.", an approach that's all well and good until you encounter a problem you have no idea how to go about solving.
(I'll admit I'm basing this point entirely on computer illiterate family members and armchair thinky thoughts.)
It's my understanding that older generations struggle more obviously (word choice here: it tends to be more obvious with older people, younger people do not automatically understand what they’re doing) with computers not because they're being stupid, but because of their logical approach. They never really get the gist of how to interact with computers and get stuck in these weird vicious loops, "I'm not going to learn anything/I know what I need so why try for more". Why it’s so much harder for older generations, I don’t have a good or succinct answer but the two things I’ve listed seem to me to be the main obstacles they contend with.
With that in mind, onto your actual question.
Would the Cullens be able to learn computers, or: who is able to adapt and avoid getting stuck in vicious cycles:
Alice adapts fairly well, since she can see ahead of time which button to click. Because of this she never actually has to learn why things work the way they do, but everyone thinks she's a computer whiz all the same.
Bella gets a new computer now that she's a Cullen. It's really fast and there's no longer half a million pop ups when she uses the internet, Bella concludes becoming a vampire even made her better at computers.
Carlisle is forced to use computers from the 80's onwards as they enter American workplaces. He has had to learn how to use more unspeakably horrid workplace systems than he cares to remember, it's all a blur. He's not going to be glued to the home computer either, it's... nice, and he probably should learn how to navigate the internet better, but he knows how to find the things he's interested in and is happy with that.
Edward would have to learn computers as a matter of pride once they became ubiquitous in households. I can see him taking a programming class just so he can flaunt sexy words like "terminal" and "homebrew" to his very impressed family.
Emmett I think would make a few cursory attempts to navigate computers when they became accessible to normal households, only to find them pretty lame. He'll be outside if the nerds need him.
Esme gets stupidly good at software for architects and interior designers, and can navigate the web to find and share various recipes and household tips with perfect ease. She keeps this to herself because ordering things online for her while she claps in amazement makes Edward so proud of himself.
Jasper I think would be of the same opinion as Carlisle, computers are nice and he knows how to get what he wants, no real interest beyond that. At least, no immediate "wow, computers!! I'm gonna spend so many hours on the internet!!" enthusiasm coming from that direction.
Renesmee has no idea how computers work, zero. However, she's young so everyone including Bella assume she must be a whiz. Renesmee is not a whiz.
Rosalie has studied far too much STEM to be able to escape programming. If anybody in the Cullen family can actually code it's going to be her, though Alice thinks she's useless because jeeze Rose, you can create graphs of balls falling from various heights but not a single pretty website, while Edward hurries to throw in that he knows programming too, you know. Check out this class.
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lone-nyctophile · 1 year
Dear Lone-Nyctophile,
I think no one cares about me. I am constantly asking how others are feeling and checking in on them and their mental health. I am fine with doing that because I love my friends and I want to help them but...I feel like they don't care about me. I feel like a ghost, like I'm just, well.... there. Like I'm only existing for no reason other than to be the nice, smart, perfect girl. Almost everyone I know is out there, living their lives and having fun but I can't. I'm always told I'm a boring person. Without my good grades and books then I'm nothing. Every time I decide to open up to someone in hopes of getting comfort, I instantly regret it because I know they don't get it. They don't understand.
Nothing I do ever seems to please my parents even if I get 100% on my exam, all I receive is a "well done" and a short smile. I don't even feel that proud of myself even if I say I am. They don't understand anything either. They don't believe in mental health, mainly because they are old-fashioned and traditional which annoys me because they'll never ever change.
I don't know what to do and I think I'm literally getting worse each day, only no one can see it. I can't turn to anyone else for help.
Love from anon,
Hello anon,
Your story reminds me of this picture-
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One thing I'm certain of is that you, my dear, are a selfless person, but even selflessness needs to have limits, or else people will start to take you for granted.
A relationship is stable and healthy only when both sides equally give and take; it appears that in your case, you are the one giving too much. 🥺
I know that you care for them, and it hurts when they don't reciprocate. But remember, something hurts only when you give meaning to it, so I would advise you to stop giving more meaning to those people than they actually deserve. Now, this is something that doesn't happen overnight; it's a slow and subtle process.
You are NOT boring. Your interests are just different from the common lot.
Exam stress is something which I have experienced to a great extent. (I have said more about it in the previous ask)
Perhaps your parents aren't praising you enough because they assume that getting good grades is something which is natural for you? If this is the case, then I would suggest you should calmly tell them about all the hard work that you do. Open communication can solve so many interpersonal problems.
I hope you are able to form a friendship with someone who deeply understands you because you most certainly deserve it. ☺️
My asks are open anytime, and I will try my best to help you. <3
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autismmydearwatson · 8 months
My eighth fucking attempt at posting my highlights reel of Thrawn
A great tactician creates plans. A good tactician recognizes the soundness of a plan presented to him. A fair tactician must see the plan succeed before offering approval.
Those with no tactical ability at all may never understand or accept it.
Nor will such people understand or accept the tactician. To those without that ability, those who possess it are a mystery.
And when a mind is too deficient in understanding, the resulting gap is often filled with resentment.
"I'm like dropping hints that I think my boss is a fucking idiot. Anyway Rossi if you're out there--"
Eli winced. In general, not shooting a civilian population was a perfectly sensible approach to combat. More sensible, in fact, than he would have expected from a lot of Imperial officers.
THIS IS SO FUNNY I need a Live Eli Reaction to Thrawn bombing Lothal.
There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them.
"Why do you seek high rank?"
It was a question many had asked over the years. Thrawn had asked it of himself. The answer never seemed to satisfy the questioner. "Because there are problems that must be solved. Some cannot be solved by anyone except me."
"I see." Vanto was silent a moment. "Senior Lieutenant Hammerly was able to stall them for a bit by telling them you were consulting with the local chief. But they expect you to call back."
"Of course." Thrawn said. "I will do so immediately."
"What will you tell them?"
"The truth."
Vanto had now asked the question. He was no more satisfied than anyone who had come before him.
Thrawn wondered if anyone would ever be satisfied. Or if they would ever understand.
There's so much going on here. The HUBRIS. THE WAR DOG COMPLEX. "Some cannot be solved by anyone except me" THE AUTISM. Important context: this happens after Thrawn burns down civilian farmland.
"I'm Arihnda Pryce. You probably won't remember, but we met once at an Ascension Week reception in the Alisandre Hotel, back when you were a senior lieutenant."
The fact that Arihnda and Thrawn keep inevitably coincidentally crossing paths in the 2017 book is hilarious. The Force is conspiring to draw them together through the machinations of the universe across time and space just so she can piss him off in Rebels season 4 by blowing his entire TIE Defender project to fucking smithereens the moment his back is turned
"But it does not matter. However these beings were pressed into service, they are now Imperial assets. They will be treated as such."
Through the west-facing window, the sun was beginning to set.
For a moment she watched, thinking back to the evening when her mother was arrested and their lives changed forever. At the time she'd thought how the people in big cities probably never saw the horizon or the sunset, and had wondered if they ever thought about such things. Or whether they even cared.
Arihnda had lived on Coruscant, in the galaxys ultimate big city.
And as she gazed out the window, she realized that she really didn't care.
Oogh. No thoughts, just. OOOOOOUUUUUUUGGGGHHHH
"I have read about the nightswan," Thrawn called after him. "Have you?"
Nightswan turns partially back. His face is obscured by shadow. His body stance again holds weariness, along with a quiet dread. "You refer to the fact that it sings only as night is falling?"
"Yes," Thrawn said. "You do not expect your stand to succeed, do you?"
"I know that it won't succeed." Nightswan said.
"That does not necessarily mean the end. I can give orders for you to be taken unharmed."
"They'll be ignored. Half the troops here are Batonn Defense, and Restos is determined to get rid of me."
"Then come with me now."
"A man must do what he must, Admiral Thrawn. Even if his stand is against the fall of eternal night."
"Your report, Colonel, said his death was confirmed?"
"Yes, sir." Yularen said, "His body was found and identified in one of the outer areas, where the damage was less severe. He was probably checking on the perimeter." He hesitated. "Possibly preparing to stand alongside the defenders there."
"Yes." Thrawn said.
And so it was over. The path had ended. The pattern was broken.
The song of the Nightswan was silence. The galaxy would be the worse for its loss.
It is said that one should keep ones allies within view, and ones enemies within reach.
A valid statement. One must be able to read an allys strengths, so as to determine how best to use him. One must similarly be able to read an enemy's weaknesses, so as to determine how best to defeat him.
But what of friends?
There is no accepted answer, perhaps because true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But I have formulated my own.
A friend need not be kept either within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path.
If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if the paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his presence.
For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.
I'm not one to claim Zahn is a master of prose but holy shit. Holy shit the final journal opening of the epilogue is pure art. He really put his whole Zahnussy into half a page of morally bankrupt Grand Admiral Thrawn (who uses lethal force against teenagers and commits so many war crimes he even pisses off Palpatine and can't understand the nuances of social interaction) talking about the value of having a real friend. Every lacking opportunity for poetics was given to the epilogue. Kinda. "When one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone" kinda. The platonic aspect of Thrawn and Elis bond is so deep and far-reaching that he's going to be HONEST about it for once?? For all how he loves Eli he also values him just for being there??? I'm gonf throw up. Imagine having a friend so dear to you that it forces you to be honest about it
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Hi, would it be okay to ask for the pros and cons of dating hibari? Thank you!
Of course it's okay, my lovely anon! Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you'll enjoy!
Pros of Dating Hibari Kyoya
As much as Hibari denies it or pretends it isn't so, he has a soft spot for animals and animals in turn seem to love him. Any romantic partner of his hopefully loves animals because their life will have animals in it. It's definitely an added perk if his partner loves animals because he will have little issue, once he trusts them, in letting them play with, pet, cuddle and love the animals he has unofficially adopted and, to be honest, if he knew his partner got joy from doing so, he'd likely keep getting them pets as well. If their apartment or living situation wouldn't allow pets...let's just say they do now.
Kind of leads me to my next point. Hibari respects strength, whether it be strength of character or physical strength (though the latter slightly more, admittedly). He will let his partner struggle and will let them fight their own fights. It would have been made clear that his partner isn't able to just run to Hibari with every single thing and expect him to fix their problems without them having to ever try (honestly, they wouldn't be his partner if they tried this because Hibari wouldn't be able to trust or respect anyone who did that). However, if Hibari sees his partner really try and really put their all into solving a problem (and he will because, though it will be imperceptible to most people, Hibari does care for and notice his partner more than you'd ever guess), his partner wouldn't even need to ask. There is no problem that Hibari can not solve. Nothing. The unbeatable things they come up against that threaten to hurt them or break their brain or hearts? Those things always seem to clear up in the end, though Hibari will often act like he had no hand in it, though he most definitely would have.
Hibari is a very solitary individual. He's quite stoic outside of battle. Definitely not a touchy-feely, social, or complimentary person. So there's something infinitely sweet and touching about just the way he does let his romantic partner in, more so than almost anyone will get to him. The rare compliments will almost hurt his partner's heart with how much they'll mean and how sweet they are. There's just a very stable certainty in the quiet, low-key ways that Hibari will show his care for them.
Cons of Dating Hibari Kyoya
Hibari's main priority will never be his partner. It's something that will no doubt hurt them over the years but it is the truth and it is not something he hides. Hibari is a force onto himself, ruled by his one whims and desires and fiercely independent. His main priority will always be himself, his secondary priority the heat of battle, the third Namimori itself. That's not to say he doesn't care about his partner. He does, in his own way. He will just never be able to give them that all-encompassing, every day, deeply in love, do anything for you type of love.
Hibari can be a bit cold at time and he has trouble accepting the fact that most people are weak at some point or in some ways. When his partner shows their weak sides to him, he can get dismissive and does need time to come to terms with that weakness, though he mostly will.
Because of the sort of person he is, it is very, very, VERY difficult to actually get close to Hibari. It will take years and a lot of patience, a lot of effort on his partner's part to get to a point that Hibari respects and trusts them and starts letting down his walls with them or letting them know anything personal about himself and even longer for him to really fall in love with them. His partner will have to have the patience of a saint and be completely sure that he is worth it to weather the wait.
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year
I noticed mathy looking notes in your post earlier. I've just returned to school after a 10 year break and I've never been particularly good at math. I'm taking a remote double time math course over the summer semester that starts in a few weeks and I'm a bit nervous as I've never taken math remotely. Do you have any pro-tips? :)
Hello! Tbh I don't think I'm the best person to ask for tips related to math, considering I barely just pass all my math courses. But I haven't failed any so yes. Disclaimer: I don't really know what remote learning is, but I'll assume it's similar to either the online classes we took during covid, or pre-recorded classes which we can watch later on. So my tips will be considering these two scenarios.
First of all, I think it depends on what course you're taking. Is it a specific course, like linear algebra, geometry, calculus, or any of the sort. If it is, I'd advise you brush up on the basics of those once (i.e. trigonometry and stuff for geometry, limits and all for calculus etc). Although I am sure your teacher will definitely go over the basics, most of the times the difficulty in solving maths lies in not being able to understand the basics.
If your math course is a non-specific course, whenever they start a new topic, they'll probably provide some basic info. Same as above, always understand that first. A lot many times in maths, I have come to realize, you can solve a lot of questions by knowing just basics, and not formulae.
Second, Solve questions. This is something I myself don't do often (thus the barely passing marks) and karma has bit my ass a lot many times for this. Maths is a skill, and you can only hone it by doing as much problems as you can. Now, don't overwork yourself and stress over all questions, sometimes some just don't solve no matter what you try.
You don't need to do every question in your practice problem sets, just to the most varied one. That is, if two questions have a similar approach for an answer and you know how to get to the solution after doing one, don't do the other. You can save that time and brain space for a different question which has a slightly different approach. Warning: some questions look solvable but then you sometimes get stuck on it halfway, be careful while judging which questions you know and can skip.
Third, make notes. It seems basic enough but I don't just mean the lecture notes. Make a separate sheet of just formulae or theorems which you require. You can use that sheet when you're solving practice questions. As you keep solving, you'll realize after a while you wouldn't need that formulae sheet at all. And if your examinations allow cheat sheet, you've already made one!
Fourth, google. Don't know the question, google the entire question word for word. Don't know a concept, google it. Can use chatgpt? Use it. Be honest when you're practicing, but when you can't understand or solve a question, be honest and just google it. 8/10 times the answer (or related similar question's answer) will always be there.
On the same note, youtube has some really good teachers. I do not know what level course you're taking, but Khan Academy and Organic Chemistry Tutor's videos has helped me way into two years of college. You can try these channels, or you can try other ones you find and like, too!
Lastly, find past questions. This is an occupational disease (if you can call it that) which has been ingrained into me after high school and the ridiculous amount of college entrance exams I had to give. Also Asian. Definitely also because I'm Asian. Questions which come in the exam are barely anything which you use practical knowledge for. I have done many many projects with my friends and none of us have ever used maths in the way we use and write in exams. Exam taking is a skill (I am bad at it) and it measures how good you are at taking an exam than how good you are at the subject. Sadly they do in the end judge us based on scores, so past year's question papers is absolutely necessary! A lot of times the questions are similar (my quantum mechanics midsem was the exact same as the previous batch's only the values were different. Same question, same concept, same approach to solution.) This will definitely give you an upper hand at solving exam questions.
And that's it! That's all I can think of right now. But please remember, learning is unique to each individual. What works for me may not work for you. Always, tweak and twist and experiment on what works best for you, and go with that. Sometimes it's exhausting, and it's okay if you spend an entire day binging a show (definitely not speaking from experience, nope). Just know that the next day, you'll pick up your pen and continue on your journey with maths!
TL;DR: brush up on basics, practice questions, use google and youtube to it's fullest, get past year exam papers, take rests and don't feel guilty, it's alright sometimes.
With that being said, thank you for the ask! I hope your course goes amazing and you have a wonderful time with it!!!!!!
Happy learning!
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mamamittens · 2 years
I'm working on a picture of Rouge and Roger's last kiss as a decompression piece and I can't help but wonder about it.
Like, they both knew Roger was dying way before Ace was conceived. Had to have.
And I know they knew that it would be the last time they would ever see each other. And that Rouge would likely be in incredible danger because of their relationship. That Roger wouldn't be able to do anything but distract the world from his living legacy by drawing their attention to his title and riches. And asking a man that is technically his enemy to look after who he left behind.
But man... That last embrace must have been rough. Even if they fully accepted the reality of their relationship before then.
And it plays into this weird perpetual theme Oda (knowingly or not) has woven into the narrative of One Piece as a whole.
That sacrifice has consequences even when done with love. Especially when done with love.
Again and again we have characters dying for others and absolutely destroying the people left behind. Arguably they didn't have a lot of other options but the impact only seems to compound over time. Each act more and more devastating to those that they want to protect.
As much as I'd like at least one of these "Actually kind of decent Parental figures" to decide to live for their charge, it is a really interesting look at how dying never quite solves the issue.
Just postpones it.
Corazon dies to save Law but Law will never be free of Doflamigo's shadow.
Rouge dies for Ace but he is haunted till his dying breath about his own existence in this world.
Sora dies for Sanji but leaves him vulnerable to the abuse of his family.
Ace dies for Luffy but leaves him in grief and shock that he doesn't shake off for two years in the middle of the battlefield that threatened his life to begin with --though arguably he never quite recovers.
And at the very start of it all, Roger dies for his crew, his lover, and his unborn child (and possibly his own ego cause old men in this series like dying in a blaze of glory). But leaves a wake of chaos in his death that leads to uncountable tragedy and ultimately killing his lover and leaving his only child an orphan in a newly ripped apart world.
It's interesting how selfless but ultimately toxic these acts end up being, despite their intentions. Whether it's because the world at large is simply too ruined to allow these sacrifices to have meaningful, positive effects, or if what they tried to prevent is inevitable remains unclear.
A lot of characters in One Piece are willing to die and kill for their causes. But very few manage to make any real change like they want. At best, they buy time. They stall. They stave off the inevitable. Because they're addressing symptoms, the easiest aspect of a problem to treat. Not the root cause.
They take up causes and set up hills they'll die on without ever considering if it's just the footpath they're on. Dying never solves the issue, and killing the 'source' seems to just spawn a new, bigger issue. Or possibly revealing a new layer of corruption that is even bigger than the last. Almost not taking it seriously despite the stakes.
Which, interestingly enough, is against the first advice we ever get in One Piece.
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If you're going to pull out your weapon, you better be ready to use it. You better be ready for the consequences. You can't just wave it around and expect meaningful results.
Either follow through or don't bother.
Or maybe I'm just thinking too hard about it and tying string around unrelated pins on a corkboard. I don't know.
But it's still interesting to think about.
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cadyrocks · 2 years
I keep seeing the sentiment that trans people should arm themselves, and... Ugh.
I am not in the US. I am not the target of these monstrous laws, I am not having my rights stripped or my healthcare made illegal, so maybe it isn't my place to speak up. But I don't for the life of me understand what the purpose of this advice is.
Guns are phenomenally blunt instruments. They are good for one main thing: killing. How does that help you? Who or what can you shoot to make these problems less horrible?
No amount of being armed and dangerous will convince doctors to break the law to help you. No number of guns will help ferry hormones across state lines. You owning a gun will not help your school district push back against legally mandated bigotry in school.
Is it for the point when the government comes to kill you, or stick you in camps, or steal your children from you? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if we get there, your small arms cache is not going to protect you. You're not going to be able to fight off a SWAT Team. If you decide to shoot back, all that will happen is that they'll make an example out of you. This is not a problem that a vulnerable minority can solve by beefing up their armories. You will never be able to outgun the government.
Are you trying to protect yourself from insane far-right vigilantes? Maybe that makes sense. I can see why it'd be nice to have a few guns around to scare those folks off. But most of what I'm seeing is in response to broad government action, urging average queer citizens to pack heat. And I just don't get it. What is the point? What does being able to murder someone at a reasonable distance at a moment's notice actually achieve? Who can you shoot to make these problems less awful?
It might be a good time to point out that gun ownership makes it more likely that you will attempt suicide and significantly more likely that you will succeed. So there's one answer.
I just don't get it. It seems like a really bad idea. Guns aren't going to solve your problems. They aren't going to make you safer.
What might?
Building community. Knowing who you can trust. Finding out who will help protect or hide you if worst comes to worst. Creating local power. Maybe even a militia group, which is probably a better idea than individual gun ownership. I'm no expert on any of these things. It just feels like a terrible idea.
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avatar-of-the-web · 11 months
What do you do when you find the brain power to lock away important parts of yourself in a cage because you hate them?
You complicate.
They find new, intricate ways to escape your imprisonment. You decide to do right by them, and some of them heal. But after a while, some of it takes too long. Some of it just gets worse because they keep crying for things you Just Can't Fucking Give Them, and unfortunately these are deal breakers, so you beat them in to a cage and tell them to shut up again because you've tried everything again and you don't know what else to do—at least maybe you'll have time now.
And you complicate.
So you know it won't last and you cry to those that can help but they never really care to register just how bad it is—or they don't care so they spend thousands on clothes and on booze and video games and telling you that you wanting your life is too much and how dare you want a Fraction of their joy to SURVIVE but they'd be happy to give you expensive trash that EVENTUALLY amounted to the same amount of resources that could have saved you and maybe they even spent it all while saying what you actually need is ridiculous as if if you had a choice you wouldn't stop needing stop wanting anything stop asking for anything stop taking up any space at all but you have no choice; you continue, and make new cages and synthesize better bars and reinforcements in a laboratory because it's the Only Thing You Can Do
and you Complicate
And now everything is manual and you've lost control of most of your brain and body because you don't just trade time at no cost you're in debt but at least your alive you reason surely this lack of control is self-awareness but it's moreso the ability to notice that your reflection and your shadow don't move like you and your echos bounce back and they don't sound like you and when people talk about you it's a stranger and you're compelled to know more because at least now, unlike childhood, the stranger is familiar rather than a total projection of someone that doesn't and never did exist and you wonder, though, how people can be so far in lala land and drag you under and only You get called insane for it
and you Complicate
As you keep hopelessly digging through the dirt for a tunnel an exit and everyone's happy to tell you that only you are in your way but you keep needing little and increasingly big things only other people and only certain other people can give you but there is no God that you could pray to that would change your life in the way that you need to because you're Caged at the epicenter by a master-maker and it's you
and you Complicate
So the only one that can remove the cage now is you; a careful construction something that managed to be easier to build than it was to destroy no one's seen anything quite like it but the problem with locking parts of yourself in cages is that you need those parts so they rot and they fester and your mind rots and it festers without them so for the life of you you can't remember the design of the cage, no, it becomes another puzzle for you to solve and you can't even look at it you can't even fathom it because it's all in your mind and to remember it is to be able to look at it is it not
So you Complicate
And you make new answers
Some kind of trickery that breaks you free And you have to argue with yourself, sometimes You need to let yourself sleep and pass time to do it
But are those just the demons talking?
Because whenever you lay down to sleep, to take a break, you feel the arguements roll in, that you're cursed, that it'll never be worth the energy, that it's been so exhausting and can we please just return to thw Earth I'm sure they'll be fine and
You feel yourself dying
Because you reached the point that you don't even need a blade anymore
You just have to say the word and it'll be over. But you'd never say the word, it's like you physically can't let yourself. something always happens.
Dying is not an option.
Hopelessly hollow chested you pick up the spoon and hit the hard dirt again anyway
What is it for?
But you learned to stop caring about hope and the light at the end of the tunnel in high school. Something else drives you.
Purpose, the fact that your soul isn't your own, you gave it away to something that matters
Now you matter by proxy
Why'd you go and do that?
The spoon hits the compact dirt again.
Pity the decisions we make when we're young.
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binniesoob · 1 year
Ah Jo, I just read the post about Freefall (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
You deserve kudos and all the love for speaking about what you went through this year. I wouldn't be able to do this and I'm glad TxT are helping you a lot rn (⁠o⁠´⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)⁠っ
And overall, I just agree about everything you said. Lore aside, it's clear that they had fun while recording and working on the album. They found the genres where they're currently more comfortable and they're going to use them.
And also OOOOOH you liked Growing Pain too?! Yeeeees 😭
My rock/metal fan inside me screamed, cried and went "YES, THAT'S MY BOYS. THEY DID IT FOR MEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
And then I claimed the song as my fave, as my precious thing that no one should talk badly about or I'll go full rage mode (for legal reasons, this last part is a joke. Taste is subjective, yadda yadda).
Even tho I confess that a little tear came from my face after listening to the song for the, like, fifth time. I thought "Damn, Chester would have loved covering it (you know, Chester Bennington from Linkin Park)...And now I'm here, being a little emotional and teary about it 🥲😭
And I'm also projecting what would ever happen if TxT will ever go full rap/nu metal one day. I don't think it can happen because they need to find a vocal coach for teaching them how to growl or scream without losing their vocal chords five minutes later and also because they seem to not be into metal in general 🤣
Unless they'll do a collab with my girls Babymetal...ACH I shouldn't think about it or I'll project too much. But maybe a Japanese single...AAAAAAAAAAAAAH 😭
Better if they stick in the normal rock.
Also, idk you but I highly, HIGHLY, prefer Blue Spring live instead of the studio version 🥲
It seems the studio version is missing something 🤨🤔
Which is a bummer, the song is good 🥲
Teresaa thank you so much for your words 🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i'm also really glad i have txt to give me joy, support and relief 🥲 as always i don't want to rely on it too much because it puts pressure on artists that are human too and can't solve all of our problems, but music itself keeps being there for me and i'm always going to rely on that ❤
With lore involved it can become even more tricky for groups to express themselves through the music, so i'm really glad txt are given the opportunity to do that anyway!! (it certainly helps that the lore itself was built to fit the experiences of young people, but you know, as taehyun said on his last live, gbgb for example felt more forced for him because he wasn't really feeling what they were supposed to portray) for as much as i'm a lore enthusiast, if leaving it behind meant having more creative freedom for a group i'd support it 100% *coff coff ateez coff coff*
i'm also glad the company keeps overall acknowledging and respecting that txt shine and are more comfortable with certain genres yup yup!
i'm usually not an hard rock and metal enthusiast, it depends on the song, and Growing Pains is one of those for me 🥰 you claiming and defending it is like me with Dreamer sksgskhsks
... 🥺🫂 i'm not fan of Linkin Park, more of a casual listener, but i also thought about them when i heard it... also and me and my brother yesterday night were listening to some music together and one of their songs came up and i was like "full circle!"
i love how one way or another txt found a way to make us all shed at least a few tears :")
the vocal coach part made me crackle 😭😭😭 anyway bestie, delulu is the solulu 🤝 maybe they'll never go full metal but i hope they give us more hard rock and metal inspired in the future yes 🙏 let's manifest 🕯
so i'm not the only one part 2!! i feel the same way 🤝 i also prefer Blue Spring live version! its rawness just perfectly delivers the feelings, the studio version doesn't sound as good for some reason, so i'm keeping my dear blue spring live concert ver mp3 file in my playlist 👍
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
Jesus and the Law
At some point, I'm going to turn into a hippie youth pastor if I keep talking about Jesus, and I should probably stop but here we go.
Evangelicals turn away, this is gonna be an alternate interpretation you're not ready to hear. I'm not quite ready to say either. But no doubt, will regret saying anyway.
Jesus noted something important in his days. He was one who spoke of the invisible guiding hand, the machine that controls humanity, the system of which to rage against.
He was a child of God. And God was not the law.
A child born against the law, however you wish to interpret that. Rape, incest, premarital. The Bible never quite explains, but if we're thinking realistically, he calls God "The god of those Alive, not the god of the dead" the living word, the living God. And he stands law and God side-by-side.
He says that God doesn't care about the laws of man and will do as he pleases. And if not for that creation, Jesus would neither have lived nor died.
If humans were lawful, Jesus wouldn't have existed. And if they listened, Jesus wouldn't have been crucified.
He routinely talks about the things that humans were doing to each other, that society had agreed were shitty things to do, but did them anyway. Broke commandments and laws, and nobody bats an eye.
But you call people out on their transgressions, and everybody loses their mind.
The gist is this: when you give people no choice but to break the law in order to survive. Even if you offer them a livelihood through a system that makes them burnout, or a lack of freedom of thought and desire, or a lack of being able to pursue their dreams.
Then they'll pursue that which gives them that hit of dopamine their body should be giving them for free.
Think about it, you get dopamine from eating, creative thought, sex, solving problems, and exercise in moderation.
What happens when you restrict freedom? Give people too much stress? They resort to other methods in order to get the dopamine they need to get through the stress.
I can't get through the morning without coffee.
So if you take away freedom of expression, of thought, of sex, force them into hard not-moderate exercise, restrict their food intake to protein powder and water.
How do you think they're gonna get that dopamine?
It's not by wanting to keep working that's for sure.
"man cannot live on bread alone."
What kind of people resort to hard drugs? Depressed people, who don't want or can't afford children, who eat a diet of whatever is cheap and sodapop when they're feeling like splurging, who couldn't break free from the grind to do something that was actually meaningful, and was told they'd have to jump from one shitty know nothing boss to another ad-infinium until death.
Sisyphus pushing that rock up the Hill. A perpetual motion machine for others to profit from.
It's right there documented in our historical texts, that which still happens. And people at the highest level of powers have decided "you know who had It right? The ancient Egyptians, whose workers were so tired of their shit, THAT THEY DECIDED to go on strike in the middle of the desert FOR FORTY YEARS."
They went on strike for so long, their descendents still carry the stigma of being lazy to this very day, by people that keep trying to reinvent the slaver wheel.
That cycle repeats, even by people thumping Bibles, that definitely should know better had they thought to open the book.
Jesus was a lazy hippie, leader of the feral hippies, and probably hosted the first burning man festival before it was called burning man. Literally fed a bunch of unemployed lazy good for nothing's when he did that one sermon on a mount.
Jesus proved it was possible to feed a lot of people at once, that it was possible to have wine aplenty after it had all been drank, and was a carpenter, all the way up until he wasn't allowed to be anymore.
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astrajinn · 1 year
The Angel and The Slave
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"How?" she shook her head and replied. "I'm just a kid."
"But I heard intergalactic pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe and they live on the moon of Iego, I believe."
"You're very sweet. Have you been to that planet?"
"No, but I listen to the pilots and traders who pass through here. I'm a pilot too, and someday I'll fly away from this planet."
"If you ever manage to, you can come visit me. There's a planet I want to go to," he watched her as she cleaned a piece.
"You'll see, I will."
"How long have you been a pilot?" she asked, trying to sit beside him, but not being able to; she had already decided not to use her abilities, which made it difficult for her to climb onto the counter.
"My whole life," he stepped down and helped her up by holding her waist.
"How long have you been here?"
"I don't remember exactly, I was very little, I was 3, I think," he climbed back up and sat down beside her. "My mom and I belonged to Gardulla the Hutt, but we were lost in a podrace bet."
"Are you a slave?" she asked, puzzled.
"I am a person, and my name is Anakin," he scolded, annoyed.
"I'm sorry, it's just that this planet is very strange to me. Where I come from, everything is very different."
Everything was quiet until a clatter was heard, and from a corner, a small droid emerged, followed by Jar Jar, whose antics made Padme laugh when he grabbed the droid by its "neck."
"Hey, press its nose," I informed obviously.
"Would you help me find a tool? I need it to fix my speeder."
"Of course," I said and helped him down. "Follow me, I wouldn't have lasted this long here if I weren't good at building things."
"We're leaving," he announced, walking towards the door. "Jar Jar, leave that."
"I still haven't found my tool."
"We'll look somewhere else, bring your speeder."
"As you wish," he muttered and took his speeder, holding it under his arm. "I'm very glad to have met you, Anakin."
"It was my pleasure too."
Before leaving, Astra waved her hand and the things Jar Jar had knocked over returned to their places. They went to look with other traders, but no one had what they needed, so they walked to an alley and Qui-Gon took out his communication device to call Obi-Wan.
"Are you sure there's nothing left aboard?"
"Just some supply crates and the queen's wardrobe, but it's not enough for a trade, not for the amount she's talking about."
"Have you been able to contact Paraddle?"
"What good would that do?" he asked, puzzled.
"Adora would help us, but she would send transmissions, it's still very dangerous," he complained.
"What if we sell Astra?"
"No jokes. We'll try to find a solution, we'll call you later."
"Don't do it, don't do it, the inhabitants here are crazy, they'll rob us and crash."
"I doubt it, I have nothing of value, that's the problem," he left, and Astra stood by his side.
"Daddy, if we don't find a way to pay. Will we stay here forever?"
"You'll see, we'll find a way, don't worry. We'll get out of here."
They were a little ahead when he heard Jar Jar screaming and a creature, which Astra couldn't identify, was choking him with its legs. It probably would have killed him if Anakin hadn't arrived and helped.
"Hello," he greeted.
"Hello," Qui-Gon replied.
"Your friend almost turned into Gungan pulp, provoked a very dangerous Dug named Sebulba," he helped him up.
"Meesa no like hits, that's the last thing meesa want."
"The boy's right," Astra pointed out, tired. "Sebulba almost killed you. Thanks, young friend."
"But, but I didn't do anything."
"That's the problem, you never do anything," the girl scolded. "You're a walking disaster. Cause another mess, and I'll solve the trade problem by selling you as a slave."
"You know we don't do those things."
"Supposedly we own him."
They kept walking to the outskirts of the village with Anakin following them and commenting on things about the place. They arrived at the stall of a sweet old woman selling some kind of fruits.
"You'll like these sticks," she handed one to Qui-Gon and looked for a larger one to give to Astra. "This one's for you, take it."
"Thank you," she said and they stored them, Qui-Gon in his belt and hers in her pocket.
"My bones hurt a lot, it must be a storm, Ani, you should go home."
"Do you have shelter?"
"We'll go back to the ship," he answered simply.
"And where is it?" he tried to follow them.
"Far from here."
"Like 30 or 40 minutes away," he added.
"You won't make it in time, sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come, I'll take you to my house."
Anakin guided them to his house, and just as he said, the storm caught up with them halfway. So, they could advance by covering their faces with their arms to avoid as much sand in their eyes as possible until they reached the house.
"Mom," he calls her. "Mom, I'm back, these are my friends, Mom."
"I'm Qui-Gon Jinn," he introduces, "this is Padme, Jar Jar, Astra, and R2-D2," but since Anakin was busy talking, he didn't hear.
"I'm building a droid. Do you want to see it?"
"Of course," she follows him out.
"Her son was very kind to offer us shelter in their house."
"Come, I'll show you C-3PO," she led her past her mother, with R2 following them.
"Isn't it great? It's not finished yet."
"Did you make it? It's impressive," she comments excitedly, examining some parts.
"Do you really like it?" he earns a nod. "It's a droid that will help Mom. Look," he presses a button and it turns on.
"Ah, where is everyone?" she asks, getting up, unable to see due to lack of an eye.
"Oops," he places it back.
"Hello, I'm C-3PO, human-cyber relations. How may I serve you?"
"Perfect function."
"When the storm passes, I'll show you something. I built a racing ship," the droid walks to the entrance, where it meets R2.
"If you keep showing me things like this, I'll steal you to repair ships in Coruscant."
"Excuse me, but what do you mean by 'naked'?" it emitted a beep that caused laughter from Astra.
"That my circuits are showing, how embarrassing."
"What do you do for fun?" he asks her.
"Usually, I play with my speeder, but I need a tool to fix it."
"In that case, I'll help you. You didn't tell me, what's your name?"
"Most people call me Astra, you can call me that too."
"Did your father give you that name?" he asks interestedly.
"He's not my father, but I wish he were."
"Who is he then?" he looks at him questioningly. "Your father or your mother."
"He's not my father, I don't have one. He and Adora say I was born out of nowhere. He says the Force made me be born, and she says the gods gave her a gift. I don't know who to believe."
"Did you also feel it?"
"What thing?"
"When we met," he takes her hand and measures it against his own.
"Yes, I felt it. It was warm and calm," she traces her palm, murmuring. "It imprinted me at dawn on the hills of Paraddle, like the most beautiful place in the galaxy."
"It reminded me of the races," this time, he plays with her hand. "When the sun is high, and the wind blows strong, when I feel free."
—Astra, why are you so quiet?" she entered and saw them holding hands.
—Padme, Qui-Gon—she named them, turning to look at them.
—We were talking—Anakin replied.
—You haven't spoken in at least 5 minutes, the last thing Astra said was that she didn't know whether to believe Adora or me—Qui-Gon laughed.
—No, the last thing they said was.
—It was that, the food is ready, come out.
The children left the room, and Qui-Gon paused for a minute. The girl's discomfort had disappeared since they met the boy, and they claimed to be talking when they hadn't really said anything. Astra had claimed to feel the same thing as Anakin when they first met.
A doubt grew in him. There were two prophecies, and because of his birth, he always believed Astra was the guide, thinking that in a few years, the Chosen One would come. But perhaps the Chosen One was born before her. Perhaps he was here. Perhaps it was this boy. Perhaps the path had led them to him, and perhaps that same path would eventually separate him from the girl he had loved as a daughter against all codes since Adora handed her over.
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Chut Chut Pateesa, I hope you are doing well.
As always, I apologize for disappearing again. This time, I had to take care of the new Younglings who arrived at the temple. I know it's not an excuse, but I seriously considered using tape to stick them to their beds when it was time to sleep. (For a moment, I thought it was my karma for having made Obi-Wan suffer so much in my Youngling days)
And as compensation for being off the radar, I will publish another chapter for all of you tomorrow. As always, please like, comment, and follow me to know when I post.
Until tomorrow, sleep well, beware of the Sith, my dear Padawans, remember "your ability to speak does not make you intelligent," and may the Force be with you.
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charlottethecuttest · 2 years
Her Baby
Ship: None
Tags: Fluffy, Fluffy Ending, Sibling Bonding, No incest.
Warnings: None
Synopsis:Dolores never had the best relationship in the world with her little brother, Antonio. Not that she didn't want to, but sometimes, certain feelings are just a little too complicated.
Also posted on AO3
"She doesn't interact much with her brother, does she?"
"Maybe she just doesn't like children."
"Mirabel pays more attention to the boy than she does."
Dolores didn't deny that hearing those kinds of comments hurt.
But neither did she deny their veracity.
Antonio was now almost six years old, and in that short time of life, Dolores knew that she had not been the best sister she could have been. She saw how Mirabel interacted with the boy and deep down, she envied her. She tried to excuse herself by saying that Mirabel had much more free time, that it was natural that she had more friendship and intimacy with her cousin, after all, they shared a room for the first five years of Antonio's life, while Dolores...
Dolres was busy.
Or that is what she said.
Too busy to stop and give the little boy the attention he needed and asked for.
Too busy to give affection and love to a child that was not to blame and had no way to understand why he was so often treated so cold.
Too busy to learn to deal in a healthy way with the fact that she played the wrong role in relation to Antonio.
Too busy to learn not to feel her heart breaking piece by piece every time she heard Antonio call Pepa "mom". 
Too busy to try to solve her internal problems, and to be able to approach her brother without those little brown eyes reminding her of the moment when her world collapsed, never to be completely rebuilt again.
But that was the way it was, and Dolores didn't know what to do about it. She hated that dubious feeling she had for her brother. She wanted closeness, but closeness caused her pain. She wanted to show affection, but after more than five years of avoiding getting too close to the boy, she didn't know if she knew how to do that. She didn't even know if Antonio would want that. He must hate her, right? She was his older sister, but she had never been present. 
But one day, this certainty that Dolores had was shattered.
Mirabel was sick, with a bad cold. Juliet's food helped to alleviate the symptoms, but the illness remained, and so she needed to rest. And with this, she ended up leaving vacant a function, which for Antonio, was of extreme importance.
The bedtime story.
With the adults busy, he turned to the other cousins and his older brother. Isabella had no talent to tell stories, Luisa and Camilo were too excited, which made the boy more agitated instead of helping him to sleep. 
His last option was Dolores.
The girl was surprised by a knock on the door, since her room was soundproof. Soon the door was opened and Antonio timidly asked if she could read him a book.
How could she refuse?
The little boy smiled and ran to his sister's bed, who tucked him in, took the book, and began to read. Before she knew it, he was nestled in her lap, with heavy eyes and a small smile on his face.
She closed the book and set it aside.
"I think we've had enough stories for today. Let's go to your room?"
"Can I sleep here?" - Antonio replied, sleepily.
"You have such a nice room, your animals will miss you." - Dolores tried to convince him.
"Hmm... They'll be fine. Can I stay here, please?" - He looked at his sister with puppy eyes, and again, she couldn't say no.
"Okay, but just for today."
Antonio hugged her, surprising her.
"I love you Dolores."
Dolores smiled, still surprised by that small gesture, and hugged the boy back, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you too."
She then tucked her brother in beside her, watching for a few minutes as the boy slept. Maybe he didn't hate her after all. Maybe there was still time to fix that relationship. If she was supposed to be the sister, then she would try to be a good sister, the best Antonio could have.
After all, he was her baby brother.
And her baby.
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