#Thena is a force of nature
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
@theshipper47 had this lovely idea and I had to ask you!
tyrant king/Ice Queen AU or secretary AU:
Gil is in prison and Thena needs to get him out 👀
Gil sits down heavily into the seat, hunching himself to lean against the counter as the guards watch them all. He picks up the phone receiver, "hey."
"Hey, Baby."
Gil smiles. Thena has never been one to go crazy with petnames or cutesy couple behaviour. But since he was apprehended by the Korean authorities on their way back to London, she hasn't missed an opportunity to make it clear that she's his partner. "They set a bail number, yet?"
Thena keeps the smile on her face. They're both sure that the guards know at least some of what they're saying in English, so they haven't taken any chances. "Not yet, Yeobo. I keep asking them, though."
What she means is they still don't have any evidence to convict him on anything serious, they just don't want him to slip out of their fingers again.
Gil sighs. He's tried telling her to go home without him--maybe try to make some progress from the English side of things. Even having him expedited from imprisonment in Korea to the UK would be an improvement. They're a little easier to bribe, he thinks.
"Hey," Thena gives him a softer smile this time, tilting her head in the way he thinks is really cute. She presses her hand to the reinforced glass between them, "I miss you."
He presses his hand as close to hers on the glass as possible. "Fuck I miss you, Naekkeo. Sleeping here fucking sucks."
She purses her lips, "I'm sure it's miserable. And just to be clear, sleeping at the airport hotel without you isn't what I'd call enjoyable."
He chuckles. That's more like his Thena--who would normally have a little bit of a tough time expressing how much she misses him, especially around other people. "I'll be with you soon, Gongjunim. If-"
"When," she corrects him freely, and has been doing so everyday when she's allowed to come and see him like this. She raises her brows, "they find out who is framing you for all this."
Gil grins at her. Thena worked for him long enough--she knows who to call, who to trust and who not to. She knows how to fake documents and which ones need to be legit. Hell, she worked for him so long he's still surprised she wasn't brought up in the 'embezzling' charges they had gotten him on.
But that just means that whoever blew the whistle on him was on a personal vendetta, not really out to destroy his 'shipping' business.
Apparently whoever it was didn't know - and still doesn't - what a force of nature his Thena is.
"My poor husband," Thena sighs both loudly and sweetly, putting an extra sweet note into her voice. She flutters her lashes and lets her hair slide off her shoulders, revealing just a little bit of cleavage under her cardigan. "Stuck in this awful place."
Gil raises an eyebrow, leaning closer in a somewhat vane attempt to block the guards' view of her. "Uh, baby?"
But she gives him another smile and taps the glass. It's morse code.
I'm going to pay one of them to give you something for me.
The little minx--his clever snowfox, more like. He snorts, forgoing the coded message and simply drawing a big heart on his side of the glass with his finger. "I know, it's awful. Wait for me?"
She tilts her head at him, "I won't be waiting long, since you'll be with me in no time."
He smiles. She hasn't wavered in that belief even once while visiting him. Even when he's attempted to bring up the flat back home, or his office he still owns here, or any of the other domestic stuff. She won't let him even imply that he won't be back by her side as soon as his trial happens. "Okay, fine, you won't be waiting long. But still...?"
Thena gives him a look he recognises from their earlier days of knowing each other. There's a lot happening behind those eyes of hers. But she would look at him like this sometimes when she was contemplating asking about his business meetings, or that time she had his favourite sundubu delivered to the office when he was sick.
Eventually, her debate with herself ends. It's not denial driving her, rather the drive and belief in whatever she's planning that will get him out of here. She'll do whatever she has to--he believes it too, looking at her.
Thena draws a much smaller, but just as earnest heart on her side of the glass. "I would wait for you until the world burned down around me."
Gil grins, bringing up his hand again to let their fingers press against the glass, as if he could touch the tip of his pointer to hers. It'll have to do. "I promise it won't be that long."
Thena slips her hand away and draws her facade over herself again, clearing her throat and shrugging away any real emotion she had let bleed through. "Indeed--I'm going to go have a meeting with some old associates of yours. I believe they'll hear me out. We had a lovely chat over some tea last we spoke."
Ah, yes, the juniors he had met with whose faces Thena had smashed with a tea tray. They probably would hear Thena out, even if it was just because enemies of Gil's were also enemies of theirs.
"Tell 'em to be on their best behaviour," Gil chuckles. He snarls at the guard waving at him to wrap it up. He sighs, "I gotta go, Princess."
"It's okay," Thena whispers back, her eyes already glassy at having to watch him get led away in handcuffs again. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you, Naekkeo."
"I love you too," she promises, watching as he sets the receiver down, as does she. They hold each other's eyes until he's physically pulled from his seat to be marched back to his cell.
Thena undoes an extra button on her cardigan and stands, making a weepy show of picking up her designer purse.
"Ma'am, if you'll follow me."
Ah, so sweet and innocent seeming. She smiles at the guard--young, probably looking to rise in the ranks. And if he can't do that, then maybe he'll take a payoff from a rich inmate's wife. "Oh, how sweet of you."
She bats her eyelashes at the guard, making light conversation until she's almost out of the building. She looks at the young man without the crocodile tears in her eyes, "here."
He blinks as she slips an old nokia phone and pair of wired earbuds into his hand.
"You give that to him for me and this," she enunciates, slipping a thick stack of won into his pocket, "will be doubled by tomorrow. Can you do that for me?"
The young man gulps, but he doesn't hesitate to accept it, "yes, ma'am."
"Good boy," Thena purrs, watching the poor boy blush as she leaves the same way she came, surrendering her bag to be checked again. Not that anything will be amiss (the money was in the lining of the fake purse and the phone was nestled into her bra). "I'm sure my husband will remember your kindness when all this nasty business is over."
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fanficapologist · 9 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Sixty
Reality crashed over Maera the following morning with the weight of Jaehaerys' funeral. The day loomed, forcing her to confront the harsh truth that the sweet boy she had witnessed being born into this world was gone, his life unjustly taken. The grief, suppressed in the embrace of the night before, resurfaced, raw and unyielding. The somber occasion demanded acceptance, and the funeral became an unwelcome gateway to a world where not even children were spared in times of war.
Yet, amid the nerves and sorrow, there was a flicker of relief at the prospect of seeing her dear friend and sister-in-law, Helaena. Maera knew the Queen was not faring well, but what mother would be if this happened to her child? Her spies had reported that the Queen ate little and slept even less, but that the daily mutterings at the window were not as frequent. Maera had not spoken to Helaena properly since the day her friend had miscarried. Uncertain of the nature of their interaction, the simple act of laying eyes on Helaena offered a semblance of comfort.
As expected, Aemond remained distant in the wake of the funeral day, his struggle with his emotions evident in his reticence. Maera observed his silent demeanor, noting the lack of communication between them from the moment they woke. Aemond, allowing Thena to dress him in deep black robes adorned with intricate dark green detailing, exuded an air of somber formality. Black trousers and polished boots completed the mourning ensemble; a beautiful, regal attire for a dark day.
Maera, watching him, couldn't help but notice the sharp contours of his face—the angular nose, high cheekbones, and a jaw that seemed more tense than usual. The weight of grief hung in the air, creating an unspoken tension that mirrored the heaviness within her own heart. The looming task of sharing her news with Aemond added an extra layer of complexity to the already somber atmosphere, leaving her grappling with the delicate balance between mourning their nephew and navigating the uncharted territory of their shared future.
As Thena dressed Maera for the funeral, a discerning look in the red-headed maid's eyes suggested an acute awareness that something more than grief lingered in the air. She searched Maera's eyes, her expression a silent plea to understand and help her mistress navigate the unspoken turmoil.“Are you well, Princess?” The maid gently enquired.
Attempting to shield the depth of her emotions, Maera mustered a strained smile and replied, “It is just a tumultuous day, Thena. I will be fine once it is over.”
The red-headed maid, not fully convinced, continued with her task, dressing Maera in a modest black mourning dress. Buttons aligned on the back and sleeves were meticulously fastened, and the dress was tied together at the front with a golden ribbon—a somber yet dignified attire for the occasion. In the quiet moments between each fastened button, the unspoken exchange revealed the bond between maid and mistress, a shared understanding that transcended words.
Guiding Maera to the dressing table, Thena skillfully began the task of pinning her hair into a formal and beautifully intricate braided half-updo. The silver streak in Maera's hair, intertwined in the braid atop her head, served as a visual homage to her Targaryen lineage. The remaining curls, a cascade of rich dark brown, were left to gracefully flow down her back.
Concern still etched on her face as she pinned up the last of Maera’s braids, Thena pressed further, “Have you eaten this morning?”
Maera opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, Aemond answered for her, stating matter-of-factly, “No, she has not.” His intrusion caused Maera to frown, a subtle tension weaving through the room. Maera looked at his reflection in the mirror, scowling his unnecessary interjection. Seated at his writing desk, seemingly engrossed in reports, his sharp comment hung in the air, a manifestation of his emotional struggle. While she knew she should let it slide given the circumstances, she found it increasingly difficult to do so, the weight of unspoken words adding to the growing strain between them.
Maera scowled at Aemond's reflection in the mirror, but she cleared her throat and confronted her husband, stating, "Thena knows that at times of stress, I cannot eat."
Aemond, adopting a sterner tone, interjected, "Daor se jāhor daor issi arlintan mirre.” Cannot and will not are not the same thing.
As Thena finished crafting Maera's intricate hairstyle, the princess rose from the dressing table. Her long black skirts flowed elegantly as she approached Aemond with measured steps, attempting to convey control by calmly but firmly stating, "Ābrar laehurlion rūsīr qūvir arlintan.” Everyone deals with grief differently.
However, Aemond, not satisfied with her answer, rose from his seat and loomed over her. What began as a battle of words quickly escalated into a confrontation as the one-eyed Prince scoffed, asking his wife with a sarcastic tone, “Gaomagon ao pendagon merbutan qrīdrughagon iksos nykeā giēñilare ñuhoso hen laehurlion rūsīr ziry?” Do you think wasting away is an effective way of dealing with it?
Maera, quite sick of baring the brunt of her husband’s frustration, snarled in response, “Gaomagon ao pendagon qilōnario aōha ābrazȳrys hae lo ziry istan nykeā riñnykeā iksos nykeā giēñilare ñuhoso hen laehurlion rūsīr ziry?” Do you think reprimanding your wife as if she were a child is an effective way to deal with it?
Standing a short distance away, they faced off against each other, tension palpable in the defiant stare of green and violet eyes. Jawlines were set, brows furrowed, and the room became a battleground for unspoken grievances. The verbal lashings exchanged echoed in the confined space, each word carrying the weight of unresolved emotions.
Sensing the escalating tension, Thena wisely declared, “I think I will go and check with the guards if the carriages are ready,” and discreetly exited the room, leaving the two Targaryens to confront their feelings, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of a dispute that seemed to transcend the immediate circumstances of the funeral day.
Yet after a moment, Thena returned, her announcement cutting through the charged air. “Maester Orwyle to see you, Princess,” the maid informed her mistress as her brown eyes darted between the couple. Still toe to toe with her husband, Maera noticed his eyebrow raise in confusion. Gritting her teeth, she tore her gaze away from the Prince to acknowledge Thena with a subtle nod, granting permission for the Maester to enter.
Thena promptly opened the door for Orwyle, who stepped into the chambers. As Thena excused herself, leaving the room, the Maester, clad in beige robes with a heavy iron chain around his waist, bore a solemn look. His dark skin and eyes reflected a sense of gravity as he bowed his head in respect of the couple. In his hands, he held a small black box, the contents of which remained a mystery. Alongside it, a vial of liquid hinted at a purpose that weighed heavily on Maera’s mind. The air in the chamber seemed to thicken as Maester Orwyle awaited acknowledgment, and the unspoken tension between Maera and Aemond lingered beneath the surface.
As Aemond stepped away from his wife with a disgruntled hum, the room seemed to absorb his frustration. He made his way to a nearby window to overlook the courtyard, his towering figure silhouetted against the outside light as he rose his arm to lean against the stone wall. The tension in his jaw and the subtle furrow of his brow spoke volumes about the inner turmoil he grappled with, leaving an uneasy atmosphere in his wake.
With a subtle roll of her eyes at Aemond's brooding retreat to the window, she presented a facade of composure, masking the complexity of emotions that churned beneath the surface as she approached the Maester with a soft smile.
“What brings you to us this morning, Maester Orwyle?” Maera asked with a forced smile to hide the annoyance at her husband.
“I have brought you a few things, Princess, that may ease your troubles,” the man explained, holding up the dark wooden box. “Ginger root and wormwood. To be boiled in water and drank first thing in the morning. It should help with any sickness and loss of appetite.” Holding up the vial, he continued, “And here’s a blend of dark ale, aniseed, radish, garlic, and crop leek. Just a teaspoon a day should make a significant difference in relation to those dizzy spells you have been experiencing.”
Maera’s expressive face couldn’t hide her distaste at the description of the concoction. A chuckle escaped the Maester’s lips, and he added, “I know it’s not the most pleasant taste, but it’s effective.”
Despite her initial reaction, Maera accepted the box and vial. “Thank you, Maester Orwyle, for going to such trouble for me.”
The dark-skinned man then glanced across the room to the Prince, whose solitary focus remained fixed on the courtyard below. A moment of silent acknowledgment passed before the maester directed his attention back to Maera. “I know today’s funeral will be difficult for everyone,” the Maester conveyed with genuine empathy. His gaze flicked to Aemond once more before settling on Maera. “But hopefully, after the funeral, everyone will be able to celebrate with you both properly.”
Aemond, confusion etched across his contoured features, whipped his head around and questioned, “Celebrate?”
Maera, caught off guard, widened her eyes, jaw tensing at the sudden revelation. She gave a dagger-like stare to the Maester, who quickly realised that he had just inadvertently revealed her news to her husband. Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Maester Orwyle discreetly bowed, stating, “I’ll see you both at the Sept.”
As the Maester departed, Maera sighed deeply and defeatedly, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Aemond leaving the window and approaching her. Concern in his eyes, he asked, “What was he talking about?”
Maera, turning to face him with a defeated expression, opened her mouth to respond, but the words did not come out. When no answer came, Aemond tilted his head, raising an eyebrow, his silver hair tumbling over his shoulder as he awaited her response. The room pulsed with a fast heartbeat and inner anxiety, Maera struggling to articulate the revelation. Despite her attempts to speak, the words remained lodged in her throat, making communication impossible.
In the face of the verbal impasse, Maera, with a sense of resignation, simply brought her hand to her lower stomach. It served as a silent declaration, a physical acknowledgment of the news she had yet to verbalize. He seemed to take a moment to process what she was telling him, and Maera watched as his facial expressions underwent a subtle yet profound transformation. The initial confusion etched across his features gave way to surprise, and beneath it lingered an emotion that eluded clear definition, leaving Maera uncertain and anxious.
“You’re sure?” The Prince asked her, a steady tone in his voice yet a sense of hesitation in his single violet eye. Words evaded her again, so Maera just nodded, still not knowing what the look across his face was conveying.
Aemond stood right in front of her, his hand reaching up and gently cradling Maera's cheek. She initially flinched, anticipating a storm of emotions as she was still unable to read him. However, instead of expressing anger or confusion, Aemond surprised her by slowly leaning in, his breath fanning over her mouth before placing a tender and loving kiss on her lips. The slow and deliberate nature of the kiss carried a reassurance that began to slowly unravel the layers of tension that had gripped Maera.
As his lips journeyed to her forehead and hair, muttering the word “thank you” over and over again between kisses, Maera's carefully crafted facade, the shield against vulnerability, began to crumble. The walls around her heart, built to protect her from this new reality, started to crack open. Aemond's loving gestures created a sanctuary where she felt safe enough to break down. Tears, long held back, flowed freely, marking the release of emotions that had been held in check. The room, once charged with tension, now held a different atmosphere—a shared moment of understanding, acceptance, and the intimacy that transcended the complexities of the revelations they faced together.
After a moment of shared understanding, Aemond ceased his affectionate kisses and pressed his forehead to Maera's, a gesture that she welcomed with a sense of connection. Feeling his hand gently wiping away the tears that had streamed down her face, the touch became a soothing balm, reaffirming their shared vulnerability. As Aemond withdrew his hand from her cheek, there was a moment of hesitation before he almost tentatively rested it on her lower stomach. Maera instinctively covered his hand with her own, creating an intimate connection that transcended the unspoken complexities of the revelation.
A deep and steadying breath from Aemond resonated in the room, the subsequent exhale sounding almost shaky. The air of uncertainty surrounding him stunned Maera. She had never witnessed this side of him before, an acknowledgment that the unexpected news had introduced an element of vulnerability, both in their shared future and in the emotions they were navigating together.
Aemond gazed down at Maera's stomach with a slight smile, expressing gratitude for what seemed like a divine intervention. "Truly, this has been foretold by the Gods," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of hope. "They have not forsaken us after all."
Maera scoffed at his optimism. “You have lost just one eye, yet clearly you are completely blind,” she said with a bitter edge to her voice. As Maera pulled away from Aemond’s touch, a surge of frustration coursed through her veins. Beneath the weight of House Targaryen’s tragedies, she grappled with a vulnerability that seemed to elude his optimism.
“We were forsaken the minute those murderers crept into our home, undetected, and slaughtered your nephew,” she reminded her husband, the shadow of the day remaining ever present in this moment.
Caught off guard by Maera's reaction, Aemond looked at her with a puzzled expression, finding himself at a loss for words and unsure of how to navigate the emotionally-charged atmosphere. His gaze followed her as she moved to sit in a chair, seeking a moment of stability before looking up at him, her green eyes widened, conveying a complex blend of emotions.
“I am frightened, Aemond,” she admitted, eyes welling with tears once more. “Many women are claimed by the Stranger when they are with child or give birth. Including my own mother.” Maera turned her head to look at him from across the room. The usually unwavering gaze of his single violet eye now held a softer edge, mirroring the complexities of the moment. Lines of worry appeared on his forehead as he watched his wife crumbling before him whilst trying to understand her negative reaction to such joyous news.
“We are also at war,” Maera continued, furrowing her brow. Her bottom lip began to tremble as she voiced her final fear. “‘A son for a son.’ Is that not what the Rogue Prince promised? We are even more vulnerable now, the Blacks have more to take from us. What if Jaehaerys was not enough? What if-?”
“Do not say it,” Aemond growled, shaking his head with a tense jaw. He then stormed towards her before reaching her side, kneeling beside the chair, and rested his hand on her forearm. With a reassuring and firm squeeze, he sought to anchor her in his presence, his face a canvas of determination and care.
“You are a Princess of House Targaryen. My wife,” Aemond conveyed with a measured tone, causing Maera to turn her tearful gaze toward him. His sharp-featured face bore an expression of sincerity and earnestness as he continued. “You are not weak. There is darkness surrounding us to be sure, but this child…our child,” he emphasised the last two words with a slight smile, “will be a beacon of hope through this.”
Maera, tearing her eyes away from his face as they welled up at the mention of their future, fixed her gaze on a distant point, sighed deeply. "Hope," she murmured, "hope seems like a fragile thing now."
In response, Aemond reached out and wiped a tear that had fallen down her rounded cheeks, catching her gaze once more. "We will prevail, Maera. I know this to be true. And I will do everything in my power to protect you and our child."
Maera, listening tentatively, felt the weight of Aemond’s words slowly beginning to ease the grip of her fears. His presence and the sincerity in his eyes provided a temporary respite, creating a space where, for the moment, she could find solace. As she absorbed his reassurances, a sense of calm settled over her, however fleeting it might be, allowing her to believe, if only momentarily, in the comfort he sought to provide.
A gentle knock at the door interrupted the tender moment between Aemond and Maera, prompting Aemond to stand, huffing with frustration before commanding the person to enter. As the door swung open, Ser Arryk, Maera’s sworn protector, stepped into the room. Clad in his Kingsguard armor, his mousey brown hair was tied back, and a thick beard framed his face. Hazel eyes, typically vigilant, softened with concern as they fell upon Maera’s tear-stained features.
“Prince Aemond, Princess Maera,” the knight began, his gaze remaining fixed on her face. “The carriage is ready.” Aemond, still stood beside his wife, dismissed the knight with a firm command, yet Ser Arryk lingered for a moment more. Maera, sensing Ser Arryk's protective gaze upon her, looked up and met his eyes. She offered him a sad smile, a silent reassurance that she would navigate the complexities of her emotions. In that exchange, unspoken understanding passed between them, acknowledging the connection forged through shared duty and concern.
As Aemond cleared his throat, a silent yet firm indication to Ser Arryk to leave their chambers, the knight quickly took the hint, departing with a last, lingering look of concern cast towards Maera. With Ser Arryk gone, Aemond extended his arm towards Maera, palm up, offering her assistance out of her chair. She gracefully accepted his hand, allowing him to guide her to her feet. Yet, when Aemond didn't release her hand, Maera gazed up at him, her green eyes boring into his face.
The firm yet gentle touch of his hand on hers spoke volumes, an uncharted space where vulnerability and connection coexisted. As they stood with their fingers intertwined, two dragons of House Targaryen, the weight of their shared history and unknown future pressed upon them. War loomed on the horizon, and the echoes of murder reverberated through their ancestral halls. Amidst the darkness, the revelation of new life brought a flicker of hope.
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Notes: I am slowly but surely recovering from flu so writing may take a while. But we’ve had our happy moment between them… And now *cracks knuckles* let the drama commence
Tags: @blue-serendipity @watercolorskyy @abecerra611 @marvelescvpe @shesjustanothergeek
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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ofswannsx · 2 years
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                      ATHENA MCQUEEN.
named after the goddess of wisdom, athena lived up to her namesake. while caspian took after their father, athena was more so their mother  ( though, the mcqueen surely shines through )  she was a surprise to her parents who were in the middle of divorcing when she came about. feisty, quick-witted and sass to last for days, athena’s a force to be reckoned with. like her mother and brother she was drawn to the water. she enjoyed following her mom on her ventures out on sea. being out there help athena find a sense of self. it was easy to get lost when you had many siblings. she’s just trying to make a name for herself outside her famous parents and giant family. after going back and forth on what and who she wanted to be, she enrolled into walt university to figure that out for herself.
INSPIRED  BY  : bridget ( total drama island ) , annabeth chase  (  percy jackson ) ,  lagoona blue  (  monster high )  ,  buffy summers  (  buffy the vampire slayer  )  ,  stephanie brown ( dc )  ,  donna sheridan (  mamma mia ! )
BIRTH NAME.  athena elinor mcqueen NICKNAMES.  thena. DATE OF BIRTH.   january 2. AGE.     twenty-four GENDER.   cis female. PRONOUNS.  she/her. SPECIES.   half-siren. POWERS.   amphibious transformation, extraordinary strength, speed swimming, siren song, regeneration. SEXUALITY.   bisexual. PLACE OF BIRTH.    elias, california. CURRENT RESIDENCE.   elias, california. OCCUPATION.    studying archeology at walt university. work the aquarium when not in school. 
HEIGHT. 5'6" BUILD. toned. HAIR COLOUR/STYLE. blonde. EYE COLOUR. brown. PIERCINGS.  ears & belly button. TATTOOS. lightning bolt on her rib ( x ), 444 on her inner forearm.  NOTABLE MARKINGS.   n/a. GLASSES/CONTACTS ?  she’s got great vision. FACECLAIM.  madelyn cline. VOICECLAIM. madelyn cline.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS.   none. ALLERGIES.   n/a. SLEEPING HABITS. she likes her sleep thanks.  BODY TEMPERATURE.  she runs cold. DOMINANT HAND.    right. DRUGS / SMOKE / ALCOHOL ? no / she’ll smoke with caspian sometimes / yes
POSITIVE TRAITS. upbeat, dauntless, natural born leader, determined NEGATIVE TRAITS.  stubborn, honest to a fault, hot-tempered, competitive  USUAL MOOD.  content. LIKES. the beach, surfing, the feeling of the sun on your skin, sand castles, reading in nature, sherbert ice cream, swimming, racing, winning, seahorses, summer, getting lost in something you love, traveling DISLIKES.  losing, having her alone time disrupted, people who litter, plastic straws, men ( sometimes, depending on said man ), rude people BAD HABITS.  luring men to their death ?? it happens u know. 
MOTHER.    elizabeth swann, step mom fran bernoulli FATHER.      monty mcqueen. SIBLINGS.    dante, elise, caspian, nina, stefan, enzo & seraphina mcqueen CHILDREN.   none. BIRTH ORDER.   fifth out of eight kids // second child to monty and elizabeth. SIGNIFICANT OTHER.  who’s to say. CLOSEST FRIENDS. rey hamato, aerwyn hamato-seara & this could be you !
ZODIAC SIGN. aquarius. MBTI. istp. TEMPERAMENT.   choleric. HOGWARTS HOUSE.    gryffindor. MORAL ALIGNMENT.   true neutral.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN.   english, italian & spanish. DRIVE ?       yes. JUMP START A CAR ?       yes. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE ?       yes. RIDE A BICYCLE ?       yes. SWIM ?      yes ... she’s a fish PLAY AN INSTRUMENT ?      yes. PLAY CHESS ?      yes. BRAID HAIR ?     yes. TIE A TIE ?          yes. PICK A LOCK ?          yes. SEW ?        yes.
COMPASSION.          8/10.
EMPATHY.         8/10.
CREATIVITY.          10/10.
MENTAL FLEXIBILITY.          10/10.
PASSION.          10/10.
LUCK.         8/10.
EDUCATION.          10/10.
INTELLIGENCE.          9/10.
CHARISMA.         8/10.
REFLEXES.          9/10.
WILLPOWER.          9/10.
STAMINA.          10/10.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH.          9/10.
BATTLE SKILL.          9/10.
INITIATIVE.         10/10.
RESTRAINT.          9/10.
STRATEGY.         10/10.
TEAM WORK.         7/10.
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Trigger Warnings: Past of living in slavery and abuse of all kinds following said slavery, only touched on briefly in the beginning of the Backstory (May eventually delve deeper into specific abuse in a psychoanalysis).
General Information
Name: Pride "Athena"
Nickname: Ann, Thena, Ena, Thea, Pride and joy
Age: Melinia years worth though physically appears about 21/22
Species: Embodiment of Pride, immortal being, once was human
Gender: AFAB, identifies as female
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Sexuality: Lesbian
D.O.B: November 14th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Alignment: Overall Nuetral Nuetral
Classification: Beta-Caregiver
Physical Appearance
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Curtain bangs or split down the middle, hair is very long reaching her lower back and appears curly if not unruly, occasionally has some extra pieces of her bangs tied up in two smaller pigtails on the sides of her head
Eye Color: Purple
Wears: Pride likes a combination of professional and cute, so her go to is frilly button ups, shirts that hang off her shoulders, or regular button ups with a thin bow tie, in regards to her bottoms she is content to wear whatever matches having no direct preference between skirts and pants, she also very, very often has a hair accessory like a bow or flower crown, and other various items.
Personality: On the surface, Pride is (as her title suggests) is very prideful and confident. While loving the appraisal of others, she will not hesitate to flip into a full bitch with the wrong word against her or her pride, having no issues breaking someone else down (especially verbally) should they hurt her or her family in any sense of the word. While she carries herself as needing no one, all these traits are just surface level. Upon breaking past this, there's still a broken little girl scarred from a childhood of degradation, being used, and pain, desperate to simply be seen as a 'good girl' and to please. Surprisingly, a lot of her smiles are forced or fake, not wanting to worry others but always having an impending sense of doom following her wherever she goes, that said they're still beautiful smiles. A creature of nature and very obedient, Pride does extremely well at following directions and honestly feeling more comfortable in that kind of setting. Like all the sins, to an extent, Pride is extremely curious especially in the worlds around her while not one to ask thounds of questions, she is extremely content to sit and listen to things for hours at a time.
Likes: Flowers, hair accessories, being called a 'good girl', praise, dancing (especially ballet and slow dancing), going for walks
Dislikes: Bee stings, isolation, rudeness (especially unprompted), bringing up her past, swimming in deep water
Fears: Drowning, humiliation, being stung by anything, being abandoned
Quote 1: "They told us they wanted us to be proper, especially when.... guests were around."
Quote 2: "He's pretty. Nice to meet you Envy."
Quote 3: "Before I get too mean and take it out on you... and your best friend too.."
Quote 4: "No! I wanted to forget those things! Don't uncover them! I don't want these terrible memories anymore!"
Quote 5: "Oh, I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man."
Quote 6: "Doesn't mean you haven't been through stuff. They definitely didn't pick up any 'no trauma' kids... when yours gets bad.... I wanna be there. I wanna help."
Quote 7: "Its possible. I'll have to look into the book later.... right now... my girlfriend and I are doing our hair. Would you like to join us?"
Quote 8: "So this part of the book are family trees... we three are all on the same family tree... so that means..."
Relationship with Other Characters
Lust "Darcey": They like each other fine, bonding over a certain kind of shared trauma, similar care to their appearances, they throughly enjoy each other's company, Lust proving to be a remarkably well listener, there's also playful banter back and forth.
Gluttony "Nyx": Very protective of Nyx as she is the youngest, Pride greatly tried to embrace her big sister role and teach Gluttony as much as she could (though the young girl likely already knew more than Pride due to a favoritusm from Cain), even now she keeps to her older sister role gossiping and listening whenever the younger girl wants.
Wrath "Lucias": One of the few family members she doesn't feel she needs to necessarily protect, though make no mistake, she still won't tolerate slander against its name. Like with many of the sins and Wrath, they have a sibling relationship.
Envy "Raven": Of the other sins in the home, Pride is closest to Envy, the two perceiving each other as a very close brother and sister relationship (though they both had Cain and Abel fooled into believing they would be together in a relationship for years).
Sloth "Salem": Being the closest in age with Sloth, Pride gets along with them very well, perceiving herself as older than him, she often will protect her to the best of her ability.
Greed "Lux": Pride tends to take things easy on Greed, while his personality of a spoiled child can get annoying, she also realizes that he can't just turn it off, considering their ages, she easily just sees him as a typical baby brother.
Cain: On the surface they seem to have a typical niece and uncle relationship (one of noticing her when it's convenient for Cain) but Cain is much more proud of Athena than he bothers to let on, similarly, Pride embraced some behaviors of Cain's very naturally making her act most like him between the uncles, Cain initiated the nickname of 'Pride and Joy' as a joke to her title.
Abel: Much like with the other sins, Abel is much more openly affectionate towards Pride and has no qualms feeding her ego every now and again, insisting it's 'in her nature to have it stroked now and then, and he isn't going to break natural nature taking its course'. Because of this, Pride has a big tendency to be very sweet towards her dear Uncle Abel, following his instructions much more eagerly and trust him with more secrets of hers, him being the first adult she came out to, quickly followed by Cain.
Lucifer: Much like Abel, Pride trusts Lucifer much more than she should, despite all the warnings and supposed awful stories Uncle Cain tells her, Lucifer has a tendency to lightly disregard Pride seeing her as a young child that they need to guide and often finding amusement in the things she says despite her being their sin barer and the face as the ruler of the Fraud ring of Hell.
Freyja: Freyja is easily the love of Pride's life, she gets to see a side of her than no one else does, there isn't a thing in the world Pride wouldn't do for Freyja, and what makes the relationship even better is the attitude is returned something that makes Prise feel extremely special, the two are an amazing balance for each other.
Mina: Adores Mina for the fact that she takes care of Greed, of the sins, he was the one he was most worried about getting a partner and regular life, still, she offers her girl time with her, Freyja, and Gluttony knowing Greed can be a bit much at times.
Athena was born in France in 1793, a year before slavery was abolished the first time in France. As a result, she was sold into slavery as a very young child, her first major advocate for this being her father (her mother didn't really care either way, simply pleased that this plan meant she could return to the pampered lifestyle she'd led beforehand). Athena was used and abused in various ways throughout her life time until she was about 8-years-old when two men with horned hair bought her. Athena expected the same routine as all her masters before this, however, the two men (Cain and Abel) had other plans. They got her accustomed to the house, themselves, and the five other children living there, then started the immortality process. Athena was one of the children that was hit with the sickness that came with the immortality done in the ritual way. Once healed up, Athena led a childhood as happy and as indulged as the other sins. When she came out of the closet, she carried our very few romantic endeavors until meeting Freyja. The two dated for a few years before deciding to spend their future together for all eternity, Cain and Abel agreeing to make Freyja immortal as well.
Extra Information
Athena has embraced the mortal emotions to the bare minimum. She wants to be accepted and loved by the mortal population and to understand them on some level, but she also doesn't want to be reliant on their praise and approval.
One of the few kids in the House of Mystery and Secrets who's Adoption day falls close to her actual birthday, her Adoption day being celebrated November 11th.
Has a quirk of messing with the ends of her hair in many emotions (i.e. nervous, shy, distracted, etc.).
Was a thumb sucker when she first arrived to the houses, however, Cain quickly broke the habit with the hot sauce trick, while it broke the thumb sucking she did, notably mess with her hair in more situations as if making up for the habit through that.
The mere suggestion of her causing a public humiliation is enough to send her into a panic attack. Another bad trigger for her is her head going under water.
Despite being the sixth child obtained, Pride is the third oldest child (and same age as Sloth).
Adores her Uncle's haircuts and has often attempts to style hers to have the horn shape just like theirs.
As mentioned, her nickname 'Pride and Joy' was started by Cain and easily picked up by Abel. It started as a poke to her sin title of Pride. Despite the nickname being used in a teasing manner most of the time, she still adores the name because she believes it's hers and hers alone which makes it utterly special to her.
Speaking of names, like many of the children, Pride came not knowing her real name hence the need to pick one for herself outside of Pride. Abel helped her find it and Cain had agreed with great humor seeing as Nyx was also named after a goddess and the delightfully morbid humor of the name of a great goddess being given to a girl who once was but a lowly slave. Abel eventually mended his brother's thinking for the little girl's sake, explaining it was a symbol of her transition from a slave to something destined to do great things.
Her tattoo that sealed in her immortality is on the back of her left shoulder.
Being stung by a bee was the first type of pain she felt after being rescued and settled in the house hence her fear. It also made her dislike bees for a while until bring taught that they took care of the flowers she loved so much.
Pride's powers include having a deep influence on a person's self esteem, she can make someone more confident or making them feel like utter shit, which goes well with her ability to go right for what makes a person insecure.
Eventually has a child with Freyja, a little girl named Juno.
While not having her first name when she first was rescued, she was recognized by her last name (the name she was called when she was called a bane rather than slave, girl, etc). Her last name was Lemarie.
Is a very long, distant relative to another OC of mine and my friend's Oliver and Lucy Quinzel (and Harley Quinn by default of those two), this was through a sister she never knew she had until meeting the two younger blonde's.
While also being Lucifer's sin barer for Pride, Athena also is the ruler of the Fraud ring of hell.
Perfect Isn't Easy, Bette Milder, 2:57
Show And Tell, Melanie Martinez, 3:35
Labour, Paris Paloma, 3:57
Candy Store, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Alice Lee, & Elle McLemore, 2:51
What The World Needs, Tiffany Tatreau, 3:03
Picrews made of her
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One of my favorite Tik Toks of her (picked officially by the random choice generator out of 3 videos total as I couldn't pick)
Pride first coming to the home, and recieving likely her first compliment.
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mldnightxxrain · 2 years
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[ zoey deutch, cis gender female, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ hope solo ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ 25 ] year old child of [ han solo and leia organa ] from [ star wars ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ loyal ] but [ stubborn ] and have [ 2 ] sibling(s). i could almost swear i heard [ fall in line by christina aguilera ft. demi lovato] playing when they appeared. // @scatteredintros​
Full Name: hope breha solo Aliases/Nicknames: n/a Age: 25 Birthday: october 31 Zodiac: scorpio  Occupation: resistance pilot Homeplanet: chandrila 
Height: 5’5 Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Scars: n/a Tattoos: n/a FC: zoey deutch
Mother: leia organa Father: han solo Siblings: 2 -  Notable Relatives: luke skywalker, uncle
Sexual orientation: bisexual Romantic orientation: biromantic Gender: cis gender woman Pronouns: she/her Species:  human, force sensitive 
Traits: loyal, outspoken, clever, fierce, smart, caring, giving, stubborn, persuasive, insecure,  Alignment: chaotic neutral  MBTI: enfp-t Enneagram: type 4, the individualist  Archetype: the magician   Hogwarts House: hufflepuff Element: water  Pop Culture Kins: thena from the eternals, anakin skywalker from star wars, luisa madrigal from encanto, wanda maximoff from the mcu, mal from the descendants, elphaba from wicked
Level of Sensitivity: highly force sensitive. she’s literally 1/4 pure force. skywalker genes are strong.  Signature: hope’s force signature is a vast ocean. when she’s happy , the water is  crystal clear , calm and sparkling. when she’s angry it’s a raging storm of tsunami levels.  neutral is just  still water. sad is lots of rain and waves, like a monsoon. she has a very complex relationship with the force, and has spent the majority of her life figuring out which path is for her.
Languages: basic , huttese , droidspeak, shyriiwook  Weapon(s): lightsaber, blaster  Strengths: intuition, persuasion, talking herself out of situations, baking, playing sabaac Weaknesses: playing holochess, opening up, second guessing herself 
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜/𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙴𝚕𝚜𝚎?:
hope’s favorite cake flavor is lemon cake with blueberry filling and cream cheese icing. 
she’s a complete dice gremlin. she collects them.
she’s not good at holochess, even if she enjoys it.
her ears are pierced, and one has a stack of multiple in silver jewelry 
hope’s favorite season is autumn
hope was born on a chilly autumn day in chandrila. her name came easily. “ help me obi wan kenobi , you’re my only hope “ …. “ rebellions are built on hope. “ these very important says impacted the world of the solo-organa family, and thus made sense to name their daughter that. and so , hope breha organa was born. the early years of hope were filled with fun , laughter, and happiness. not a moment wasn’t spent without her siblings. they were always together , getting into trouble , doing typical sibling things.
as a child , one of her favorite things to do was to fly the millennium falcon with her father and uncle chewbacca. she was a natural pilot, of course, taking after her father. 
as a child , hope enjoyed playing sabaac with her father and “uncle” lando calrissian. she was actually very good , even at a young age. this was the first time in her young life she showed force powers - intuition. she was very , very good , and the only way anyone could beat her was to cheat. that’s why to this day , she’s never beat lando - he cheats almost always. hope also started taking up an interest in baking as a child. it started as helping out her mother in the kitchen , making cookies and muffins for the solo men. hope eventually began making cakes , pies , and other sweet confectionary treats. it became a tradition for hope to make the birthday cake for whoever’s birthday it was.  once , she tried to use what mechanic skills chewbacca had taught her and attempted to make a droid. this droid would be helpful in the kitchen , acting as an extra set of hands for hope. she named him C4-K3. unfortunately , it didn’t go as planned and the droid caught fire , almost burning down the solo family house. after that , C-3PO began overseeing hope’s baking when her parents were unavailable. 
despite living happily with her family , the siblings were often left to their own devices or in the are of their family’s protocol droid for a nanny. leia was busy being a senator. han was busy being … han. time spent with their parents was precious , but not often. at least they had each other to entertain themselves.  
when hope was just ten years old, she was sent to go train with their uncle luke at his jedi praxeum. in all honesty , hope never wanted to be a jedi. she saw herself as growing up to become the galaxy’s best professional sabaac player , or perhaps opening up her own bakery. but eventually, training in the force actually became one of hope’s favorite things. she was quite skilled at mental uses of the force , and as her mother knew from early on , intuition was her strongest skill.  she also found that she could communicate via the force and would often send messages to her siblings that way. 
when the war started, hope knew what she had to do. she joined her mother in the resistance and joined an x-wing squadron. 
hope was pulled into the town during the war between the resistance and the first order. snoke is still alive and in power. her friend poe had just gone off on a mission to hopefully get a piece of the map to lead to wherever her uncle had disappeared off to. (basically - during the events at the very beginning of episode vii.)
she is desperate to go back home and finding her family.
0 notes
herearedragons · 1 year
OC list
Dragon Age
Kyana Amell: my canon Warden. Starts out as not the best person and learns to connect with/care about other people over the course of the Blight while also becoming less and less pro-Circle. Romances Zevran.
Ariel Mahariel: archer rogue whose obnoxious jokes and “ladies’ man” persona are a mask for his deep desire for a family. More responsible than he appears at first. Romances Morrigan.
Zaria: born Sereda Aeducan, she took on a new name after being exiled to the surface. Spent most of her youth in the Deep Roads. Maintains a stoic, noble attitude, but has a kind heart. Romances Leliana.
Isphire Surana: born a mage but not that powerful of a caster, she depends on stealth and persuasion for her survival. Later becomes an Arcane Warrior and masters the blade. Befriends Mouse, and after he finds himself in the waking world during Inquisition, they travel and fight together.
Rina Hawke: a mage whose grief and fear for her loved ones leads her to form a pact with a Despair demon, which gives her power at first, but almost succeeds in possessing her at one point. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Carver is a templar, romance undecided.
Kane Hawke: a rogue who is Just A Guy and not really suited to the larger-than-life roles life keeps putting him in. Still manages to pull through every time, even if it’s not as pretty as Varric describes. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Bethany is in the Circle, romance undecided.
Theo Hawke: a warrior who takes the reaver specialization maybe a little too far, experimenting with dragon blood to find a way to get even more strength from it. Red/blue personality, pro-mage, Bethany is a Warden, romances Merrill.
Neilar Lavellan: canon Inquisitor. Dual-wielding rogue, really more a follower than a leader by nature, but upon being forced into the role of Inquisitor, tries his best to become what the title demands of him. Allies with the mages, drinks from the Well of Sorrows, romances Dorian.
Evelyn Trevelyan: a young mage and the daughter of diplomats, struggling to navigate the increasingly perilous situations she keeps ending up in ever since coming into her magic three years ago. Allies with the mages, romances Sera.
May Cadash: sword-and-shield warrior, a former Carta enforcer seeking redemption through her new Andrastian faith. Recruits the templars (TBD whether as allies or prisoners), romances Blackwall.
Aqun Adaar: archer rogue, a half-human engineer/mercenary doing his best to fix whatever can be fixed with his newfound position of power. Disbands the templars, no canon romance.
Adina Saar: a Vashoth mage raised by a spirit of Freedom and a member of the Valo-Kas.
Thenas Lavellan: the First of Clan Lavellan (not Inquisitor), known for his ability to see glimpses of the future in his dreams.
Pillars of Eternity
Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger with the Explorer background. A former Giftbearer who abandoned her duty and ran away from her community, living in the wilderness for several years before making her way to Gilded Vale. Romances Edér.
Firi of the Red Scarves: an NPC from my campaign I made into an OC. High elf rogue/warlock whose patron is a fiend cursed to serve mortals as a familiar for two hundred years.
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
Pairing: Druig x (female) Eternal!Reader
Summary: unspoken feelings finally bubble over at the end of the world
Warnings: big time angst, finally admitting feelings, smut, penetrative sex (m+f), fingering, oral (f receiving), slight body worship/praise, slight marking/biting, minors DNI. Eternals spoilers.
A/N: happy Friday everyone! Finally I get round to posting this, I really hope you enjoy it! Please let me know your thoughts. Also the vibes I was going for for this oneshot is partly inspired by Barry Keoghan's sex scene in his film Mammal. Here's a gif set of what I was picturing. Basically just him really watching reader as he pleasures her, gauging her reactions. Anyway yeah, hope you like it! Enjoy the gif set and enjoy the fic😌
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. If you click ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
You and Druig had a rich history together. A rich history that spanned over centuries. Ironically, much of said history mostly consisted of you two being apart. When the Eternals initially parted ways you and Druig were no different, each going off in your own direction. You had envied Sersi and Ikaris, they’re love on full display for everyone to see, going off together even when you all initially split.
There always felt like there was this unspoken thing between you and Druig. You were naturally drawn to each other, constantly brushing finger tips during meetings, the first to run to each other’s side during a fight, longing gazes lingering when the other wasn’t looking. You were his comfort when he was forced to watch the atrocities committed by humans but forbidden from interfering. You were the only one he would actually speak to, let his guard down with. And he was your sanctuary when the fight hadn't gone your way, human lives lost to the deviants and you couldn't help but blame yourself.
You spent centuries waiting for the next step in your relationship to be taken, for that lingering gaze to be acted upon, for the brushing of finger tips to turn into finger tips dragging over each other’s skin. And yet when the time came, the time for you go your separate ways, that unspoken thing remained as it always had: unspoken.
Your views on how to spend your eternal lives didn’t line up, meaning you couldn't spend eternity together, no matter the status of your relationship. You wanted to live your life to the fullest potential, traveling the world, learning, earning multiple degrees in multiple studies, dabbling in all kinds of different jobs. After all, you had the time. Druig, however, simply wanted to retreat, become a recluse, living a simple, uninterrupted life far away from the main hub of humanity. And so you went on, leaving him behind, travelling the world, trying your hardest not to look back upon him, and failing every time.
The heartbreak caused by your separation almost broke you. It took you literal decades before you could think of him without that brutal twang of pain shooting through your chest. Despite this pain, you brought yourself to check in on him every hundred years or so. You never got too close though, never made your presence known to him. You’d simply observe from a distance, make sure he was doing okay, and then leave. You continued to do this multiple times despite the way your chest threatened to cave in on itself, especially when you saw him perfectly content in the life he’d built for himself, living in peace in the Amazon, surround by plenty of beautiful men and woman to entertain him. Despite attempting to live your life to the fullest you’d never found anywhere to settle, or anyone to settle with. You were constantly on the move, ensuring you never stayed anywhere long enough for people to become suspicious of your unchanging, unaging appearance. 
This was why you weren’t particularly phased about having your current life upended when Sersi, Ikaris, Sprite, Kingo, Gilgamesh and Thena arrived on your doorstep telling you that the band needed to get back together, to save the entire planet no less. You’d of course agreed to help, having learned to love humanity despite being unable to settle completely amongst them. The next stop was Druig, the key to your current plan of putting Tiamut to sleep before he could wake and destroy the planet. Selfishly your only real fear was being face-to-face with him again.
Reuniting with him in the Amazonian forest had almost broke you all over again. Just seeing him hit you like a tonne of bricks, straight to the chest. Of course he acted as cool and nonchalant as ever. He greeted you as he greeted the rest of the Eternals, giving no indication of anything particularly special about you or your relationship to him. His indifference to you hurts more than you care to admit.
And yet you can't help but feel as though his gaze lingers on you longer than normal, that his eyes keep shifting over to you whilst Ikaris and Sersi explain the Timaut situation. Thankfully the gravity of the impending apocalypse overshadowed any personal drama that was or was not passing between you and Druig.
And so now here you all were, together on the Domo, the day before doomsday, preparing for what could potentially be the end of the world. You guys had established your plan, talked strategy, and anticipated almost every possible outcome for tomorrow’s emergence. So, with that, Sersi suggested that everyone go get a good night of rest before the following day. You head to your room, one last glance thrown back at Druig, who’s eyes are trained on the floor, as if deliberately trying to avoid looking at you.
You sit alone in your old room on the Domo. Left in complete silence with nothing but your thoughts for company your mind quickly starts to wonder. Tonight may well just be your last night alive, here, on this planet, with these memories, and these feelings...
Your breath starts to quicken, a panic setting in your chest. There was literally no time left, if you were going to tell Druig how you felt, it had to be now. You had to take that chance. You take a second to regain control of your breathing before spinning around to head out your room.
Except you find all breath stuck in your throat when you see Druig standing in your doorway.
He stands there silently, his hands clasped in front of him, his face absolutely unreadable. All you can do is stare at him, wide-eyed, frozen, like a deer in headlights. It seems as if an eternity passes, as though a thousand lifetimes go by, Tiamut could’ve been born several times over already for all you knew. All you knew right now was in this moment with Druig, nothing else seemed to exist outside this bubble of you two staring at each other as if the other might cease to exist if you tore your eyes away, even if just for a moment. 
As if that bubble around you was growing smaller, pushing you together, you both found yourselves moving forward, moving towards the other, until you finally stood face-to-face.
A thousand emotions pass between the two of you without a single word being spoken out-loud. You’re standing so close that your breath is mixing, your lips barely an inch apart as you continue to stare silently at each other. You feel your breathe hitch again and a tear slide down your cheek as centuries of feelings come flooding to the surface.
“Druig...” you squeak, your voice breaking.
“I know. I know, my love, I know” he whispers, his own eyes filling with tears. 
Your eyebrows knit together, unsure if he can really know precisely all the emotions flowing through you.
“Y/n. My beautiful, beautiful y/n” he breathes, raising his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I shouldn’t have left this so late, left it to the end of the world to finally tell you. All those times you came to check on me, I should've just grabbed you and kept you. But I was too afraid, I wanted you to live your life free of being burdened with me."
"What?" you whisper. "You knew about that? How? I made sure to never get too close."
"My love I can sense your presence, your mind, from miles away" a small smile graces his face. "And don't think that I didn't do the same."
He then gently grabs your face between his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks, wiping the tears as they continue to fall from your eyes. He pauses for a brief moment, as if planning his next words carefully. Druig, usually so quick and witty, stood here in silence, almost at a loss for words. Almost.
“Y/n" he finally speaks, his face still barely an inch away from yours. "I have loved you for centuries. Ever since we first set foot on this planet my heart has belonged to you and you alone. I am sorry I left you alone in this world. Every single day we were apart it pained me, tore me apart, and yet I knew I needed to let you live your life. To be free to do as you pleased in this world. But know that my heart travelled this world with you, it was always with you.”
A small sob leaves your throat as you take in all his words. 
Druig mutters a soft and reassuring ‘shhhh’ as he moves forward slightly to place his forehead on yours, his eyes closing. You keep your eyes trained on him, still fearing that he would somehow disappear if you shut your eyes, that this fantasy would fall apart if you weren’t careful.
“On what could be our last night on this planet, will you have me, my love? Will you let me have you?” Druig whispers, his voice wavering the slightest bit.
You answer simply by lifting your head slightly to finally, finally place your lips on his. The kiss is slow and passionate, tasting sweet and salty from the sting of your tears, bittersweet, as was the entire situation. You try to convey all your own emotions into the kiss, letting him know you felt exactly the same. That your heart was his as much as his was yours. You had travelled the world but your heart had never left the Amazonian forest, not really.
“I’m yours, Druig. I’ve always been yours” you whisper into his mouth. He moans softly in response, taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss, your tongues finally tasting each other for the first time. You take your hands to run through his hair, gripping tightly and pulling gently, afraid to let go of him even for a second. He moves his hands from your face to grip your waist, pulling you flush against him, your hips colliding. Your bodies lock together, fitting together like the perfect puzzle piece, almost as if you were both designed to simply exist in each others' arms.
Druig squeezes your hips gently and gives you a slight push back, signalling for you to walk backwards. Your lips never part as you allow Druig to guide you until you feel the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed.
Druig lifts his head, looking down at you. "Lie back, my love, let me show you just how much I love you. Let me worship you."
You feel almost embarrassed by his statement, but the intensity in his eyes, the lust, the love, makes you feel more empowered than you think you've ever felt.
You climb onto the bed and lie back, waiting for Druig’s next move. He keeps his eyes on you as he takes off his leather jacket and his black t-shirt. He's then swift to climb onto the bottom of the bed, climbing up and over your body until his mouth is finally back on yours. The kiss is slow and deep, the both of you savouring the taste of the other. Your head is still spinning, your heart overflowing. Disbelief clinging to you so strongly, to think that he had actually felt the same way about you, all this time. All this time wasted, and now you potentially only had night.
“Are, are you sure about this?” you breathe, the disbelief becoming almost overwhelming.
He looks down at you, almost incredulous that you would even ask such a thing.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in all my years on this Earth” he reassures you. “My darling, this is has been centuries in the making” he says as he nuzzles your nose with his own gently before placing another kiss to your lips. This kiss is quick and simple as his lips then move across your jaw, down to your neck. When he reaches your neck his quick pecks turn into open-mouth kisses, interchanged with the gentle nibbling of your skin. You can feel the bruises he's sucking into your skin, and all you can do is moan in response, just revelling in the feelings of his lips, his touch on your skin. His mouth travels back up your neck to the shell of your ear. A shiver runs through your entire body as his lips tickle the outside of your ear.
"If we die tomorrow at least it will be with my mark on your skin" he breathes into your ear. Your hands involuntarily grip his back tighter, as if your hold on him can somehow stop the events of tomorrow.
Druig moves to hold himself up slightly, using his hands to gently remove your jumper, followed by your bra, leaving your upper body exposed to him. His eyes trail down your body, completely drinking in the sight of you. He doesn't need to say anything, you can see it all in his eyes: he looks at you as if you are the most precious and most beautiful work of art he has ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. He leans down again and his lips melt into yours. Your mouths moving together as if they had known each other for years.
You feel Druig hands slide down your body, the light touch causing goosebumps to rise to the surface of your skin. His hands reach the band of your trousers and he dips just his thumps under the fabric, tracing light circles on your hip bones. You can feel how wet you are already, literal centuries of desire dripping from your aching cunt. You whimper into Druig's mouth, his hands so close and yet so far from where you want him. You buck your hips up into his hands, hoping he gets the hint. Which, of course, he does.
Druig grabs the hem of your trousers and underwear, pulling them both off in one motion, finally revealing your entire self to him.
"My gods, you truly are divine" he states slowly, emphasising each individual word as his gaze wonders up and down your body.
His words send a wave of emotions through your body that goes straight to your heart, and to your pussy. He leans down on one arm to kiss you again. You feel his other hand travel down your side again until he reaches your hip. From your hip his fingers trace inwards, towards the centre of your body. His hand then finally, finally, moves lower until you feel his fingers brush through your folds. You both moan as he makes contact with your aching centre. He swipes his fingers up and down your slit a few times, collecting the slick there, before you feel two of his fingers land on your clit. A short gasp leaves your mouth as he begins to circle your clit, applying just the lightest pressure. You toss your head back slightly as the pleasure slowly starts to build within your body. Druig simply remains above you, taking in the look of your face as you squirm beneath him. He watches you, gauging your reactions to his movements.
Your hips are rocking in time to his motions, your hips in sync with his circles. His fingers then move away from your clit, dropping lower, until you feel them pushing at your entrance. A deep sigh escapes you as he slowly sinks his two fingers inside you. A small smirk appears on his face as he acknowledges the pure bliss that spreads across your own face. After gently pumping you a few times Druig then shifts his fingers inside you so that he can position his thumb to rub back on your clit again.
You're a withering mess beneath him, your hips again bucking up into his hands, urging him to go as deep as he can, using your body to tell him harder, faster. To which he obliges. He speeds up his actions, all the while never taking his eyes off your face. His two fingers pump deeper into you, his thumb circling faster on your clit, applying slightly more pressure. The pleasure starts to build even more, the wave feeling as though it's coming from all over your body, centring itself in your core. It takes little time for that wave to finally crash and your orgasm to wash over you as Druig continues to pump his fingers into you, letting you ride out your orgasm in its entirety. As you cum Druig places his lips on your open mouth, swallowing the sounds you make.
Your body is shaking slightly when Druig finally removes his fingers, bringing his them up to his mouth. He locks eyes with you as he sucks his own fingers into his mouth, sucking the flavour of you off them.
"Mmm you even taste divine, my love" he groans. You're speechless as he slides down your body, kissing a trail from your collarbones down to your breasts. Druig takes the time to worship each of your breasts, kissing and sucking at the skin surrounding your nipple before pulling the bud into his mouth, nipping ever so gently.
"Druig!" you moan breathily. His name is a prayer on your lips, your moans a song to his ears. The sounds you make go straight to his cock as it sits painfully hard in his jeans. You run your hands through his hair as he continues his movements downwards until his mouth finally reaches your centre. He places a small kiss at the top of your folds. You lift your head to look down at him just in time to see him look back up at you in the same moment he places his tongue on your clit. He flattens his tongue, applying a small amount of pressure. Your head once again is thrown back, your eyes squeezed shut as all your focus goes to the man between your legs. You begin to rock your hips again, pushing against Druig's mouth. A guttural moan sounds from Druig, clearly taking satisfaction from the pure pleasure he was providing you. The moan vibrates through his mouth and onto your clit, eliciting another moan from you in response.
Druig then moves his tongue even lower, licking at your entrance. You feel his tongue push inside you. But it's not enough, you want, need, more friction. Druig responds by pushing forward so his nose is rubbing you clit. And so with that he continues to flick his tongue in and out of you all the while rubbing you with his nose. You can barley contain the sounds you make as he does so, almost sure everyone else on the Domo would be able to hear you. But you didn't care. This was your first and potentially final night with the man you had loved for centuries, you were going to savour it.
Druig once again switches tactics and moves himself to place his tongue against your clit, this time licking and sucking at it. You were already close and the new sensations rolling through your body bring you right back to the precipice of climax. Druig's name once again leaves your lips as you tighten your fists in his hair and cum for the second time, your body convulsing, arching upwards. Druig again ensures you ride out the entirety of your orgasm by continuing to lap at you.
You feel yourself becoming almost too sensitive and you involuntarily push Druig's head away slightly. He takes this opportunity to sit up, wipe his face on his inner bicep, and crawl up you once again. He gives you no time to catch your breath before his lips are crashing into yours, his tongue invading your mouth, giving you a taste of yourself. This kiss feels different all of a sudden. It's desperate and messy, as though neither of you could ever get enough of this. Your bodies start to move together, you can feel his aching cock straining through his jeans as he rocks against you. Your hands move from his hair, running down his torso, scratching with your nails as you do so. You wanted to leave your own mark on him. When your hands finally reach the hem of his jeans you waste no time popping the button and unzipping them. You can feel Druig groan against your lips as you slip your hands under his pants and finally free his painfully hard cock. You grab him in your hand, collecting the precum leaking from his tip. You begin to pump him in your hand, squeezing ever so slightly, and twisting your hand around him as you do. You feel his breathing get heavier as your lips continue to collide. Druig starts fucking himself into your hand, clearly desperate for more friction. You're about to oblige by speeding up your movements when he suddenly grabs your wrist, stopping your motions. He stops kissing you for moment, squeezing his eyes shut, his mouth hanging open.
"Wait" he pants heavily, struggling to maintain this level of control when he's so clearly desperate for his own release. "I want us to finish together" he breathes. "I want to finish inside you" his voice barely a whisper.
You place your forehead on his and nod your head gently. You place another kiss to his lips as you move your hands off his cock and cling onto his back instead. He grabs his dick in one hand and guides it down to your cunt, rubbing the tip up and down your folds a few times. Then, finally, you feel him push his tip into your entrance. Your fingers curl, your nails digging into his back as he slowly sinks inside you, all the way to the hilt. Simultaneous sighs leaves your lips as Druig starts to move, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back inside. He does these long languid thrusts for a short while before slowly beginning to pick up the pace. Your body rocks against him, meeting thrust for thrust. Again it seems as though your bodies were made for each other, slotting against each other perfectly, your arched back curving perfectly against his hunched chest, your breasts pressed flush against bare chest as you hold each other as close as physically possible.
Your foreheads still touching, your breath mixing, your eyes locked together, your bodies moving to the same rhythm. This moment feels infinite, like all that exists, all that ever will exist, is just you and Druig, here and now, together at last.
And yet in the back of your mind you know it isn't. You know tomorrow will come around. Your thoughts overwhelm you and you feel a lone tear roll down your cheek. Druig notices and leans down to softly kiss the tear away. A thousand unspoken words pass between you, a thousand opportunities missed. But none of that mattered now.
I love you, and I am grateful for this moment, no matter how brief you open your mind to him, showing him everything, every emotion as it passes through you mind, through your body, you hope he feels just how much you love him. You hear a soft moan mixed with a small sob leave Druig and you know he's heard you.
"I love you, I love you" he pants as he continues to thrust into you, faster now, his pace getting sloppy, the desperation for release building.
"You are my everything" he whispers. Another tear slips down your cheek at his words.
You can feel your climax once again building in the pit of your stomach, the pleasure pooling in your centre. You dig your nails deeper into his shoulders as your third orgasm racks through your body, your toes curling, a loud gasp leaving your open mouth as you do so. Your clenching pussy and convulsing body finally push Druig over the edge right there with you, his hips stuttering and stilling, spilling inside you as his grunts fill your ears. The two of remain there for a minute, regaining your breath, looking into each other's eyes, again savouring this precious moment.
Eventually Druig silently pulls out of you, placing another chaste kiss on your lips. You whimper at his absence, the feeling of being suddenly empty. Druig walks to the bathroom and you hear the tap run quietly. He returns swiftly with a warm, damp cloth. Druig wipes you down gently, caressing and stroking your sensitive body softly, placing tender kisses on your skin as he goes. Once done with you he cleans himself off before throwing the cloth to the side. He climbs into the bed beside you, pulling you into his chest, enveloping you in his arms. No more words needed to be exchanged tonight. You simply needed to remain in his arms for the remainder of eternity, no matter how short that remainder may be.
And so the two of you eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms. Your naked bodies tangled in an impossible knot, skin touching wherever physically possible, no space left between you. Whatever tomorrow held, you would face it together. And should you die in the effort, you would do that together too.
A/N: this is the first time I’ve ever tried to write anything angsty so I hope it was okay. This also took me a horrendously long time to get done so firstly, sorry about the wait, and secondly, I really hope it was worth the wait!
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writersblockedx · 3 years
My Empty Lover
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Pairing - Druig x Eternal!Reader Summary - Sersi seeks out her fellow Eternals to stop the emergence. In doing so, she finds you, the fortune teller who can no longer remember her own past Warnings - Implications of suicide and depression. Eternals spoilers! Words - 2.8k
It had been years, decades, centuries even since Druig had last seen the Eternals. A group of people he fought along side, drew blood with, the closest thing he dare say he had to a family. But as Deviants fell and Thena got sicker, distance grew. Sides were took and people went their separate ways. Though, while some didn't dare to even make contact, others hadn't dared to leave another: Gilgamesh looked over Thena in a deserted area on Earth, Sprite went to and from Eternals and for the most part, you and Druig had been strung together.
With all Deviants gone, the two of you roamed the beauty of Earth together, collecting memorises and watching as the humans built and destroyed all that beauty. It was a repeated cycle that you couldn't help but dwell on at night. As time went on, thoughts emerged and actions were forced that could never be taken back and before Druig realised it, he was roaming the Earth alone. Only now, he couldn't see the beauty, only the war and the violence and the bitter world that was left.
When Sersi led the other Eternals to Druig, they all expected you to be right there with him. So they couldn't help but fall curious as the boy stood alone in his home of mind control. "Where's Y/n?" Sersi had asked, one of the first questions to fall from her lips after Druig settled on the current situation.
The boy stood staring at the blank wall ahead of him, the rest of the Eternals seated behind him as they watched, waiting for the pin to drop. "Safe."
A one word answer.
When the group last knew Druig, they could barely get him to shut up about you. The way he would string his winding thoughts together, mini little speeches explaining how your beauty matched against nature itself or how he adored the way your brain thought and worked. He sometimes struggled to find enough words to use. Yet here he stood, one word. Nothing more. Nothing less. But a word of which should have created assurance for the other Eternals had never seemed so worrisome.
"That's not very helpful." Sprite remarked.
Druig didn't reply, he didn't need to so he didn't. "She is okay, isn't she?" Ikaris almost threatened. His tone sounding as if he cared for the girl more than Druig had ever done.
He turned, facing his fellow Eternals, "She's fine."
"Then what aren't you telling us?" Sersi pressed as she analysed Druig's expression, searching for what he wasn't quite saying.
Saying this aloud was proving to be much harder than it had been running the memorises through Druig's own head. To have it spoken meant he could be judged. Whether he believed he knew best for you out of all of them, it didn't matter. The moment he caught a shred of what could be doubt over what he had done, it wasn't going to leave his head. So, the boy paused. He took the time to gaze at each of them, note their expressions before even opening his lips. "A lot of things happened. She took it to heart and if I hadn't done anything- I'm not sure what she might have done." The boy spoke, a long pause following before he broke the ice he was so delicately walking on. "I eased her memory."
They were all silent. The information was certainly not what any of them had been expecting and they fought to find a logical explanation as to why. Though, the only person who knew that was Druig. "God, you are stupid." Gilamesh commented with a huff.
Ikaris shook his head as a scoff fell from his lips and with crossed arms, he looked up at Druig with a deathly gaze. "One of us should have check on the two of you. Should have known you would have done something stupid." He spat, speaking down at Druig without even knowing the full context of what he had done.
"At least I was with her!" Druig fought, with the same harsh scowl written across his expression as was written over Ikaris. "None of you actually cared enough to check on either of us."
"Watch your words, Druig." Ikaris seethed, a threat strung into his words as the two stared back and fourth at another.
If they continued on, Sersi believed they weren't going to get out of this. They weren't going to get Druig on their side and they certainly weren't going to find your location. "What happened?" Sersi questioned, her tone soft compared to Ikaris as she stood from her seat.
Druig calmed just enough to tear his eyes from Ikaris and find the words to recall the event he always wished to forget. "Y/n befriended one of the humans, a young girl. She helped her, showed her funny little tricks and kept the girl from harm." He paused, glancing to the floor as he fought back the bitter memory. "You see, this girl in particular was, struggling. Her family was cruel and until Y/n came into her life, the girl was utterly alone." Another pause, another horrid memory resurfacing. "After a few years, Y/n thought the girl was getting better. Y/n had been the one to find her, she was bleeding, no pulse." Pause, the room filling with that same horrid memory as it settled across each Eternal. "Y/n couldn't help but blame herself. The only thing she hadn't seen coming and it broke her."
Every word Druig spoke seemed to break him just as much. And once he finally finished and looked back up, he felt almost relieved. No judgment stared back at him, only sympathy for the girl he adored. "You sacrificed your love for her happiness." Kingo played back. "It's beautifully depressing. Would make a great storyline for one of my movies."
"You won't be able to make another movie when Earth's gone." Sprite reminded him, a sharp pinch of the reality the group were currently stuck in.
"So you made a fortune teller forget her own past." Gilgamesh spoke, almost making Druig's actions seem stupid now. Yet, the point was ironic considering.
Sersi looked up from the floor, pulling from her thoughts. "How did you even do that?" She queried, a question yet to have passed through the other's heads yet.
"I found a women, not of Earth. She was powerful, powerful enough to erase even the strongest of minds."
"Okay, so where is this women now?" Ikaris added.
Druig could almost laugh at how impossible this was going to be. "She's dead." His words fell flat with the others. You not remember who you were, who they were, it wasn't just effecting you and Druig, it was now going to effect whether Earth survives the emergence.
A sigh came from across the room, "You are stupid then." Gilgamesh confirmed.
"Do you at least know where she is?" Again, Ikaris' words seemed demanding and seem to fall with a threat as he glared at Druig.
The boy had practically laughed back at Ikaris. "Of course I do."
And so, after they fought off the new deviants and mourned the death of Gilgamesh, they followed Druig to where he had kept you safe all these years.
It had been a troublesome few weeks. With half of the population back all at once, things struggled to function as they had done in the blip. Houses were being built as fast as the builders were able to and fishermen were working till they physically couldn't to feed the new half of the village. You kept yourself secluded for most of it. Double the noise. Double the time you spent tossing and turning in your bed.
Which would explain as to why you had fallen asleep snuggled into your living room armchair in the middle of the afternoon. And why you had jumped so much when a knock came at your door. Once the fear settled, you pulled yourself from the chair, chucking the blanket back to the floor.
Valkyrie had hardly been surprised when you pulled the door open, tired eyes starring back at her and scruffy clothes hanging from your body. "Aren't you meant to be busy?" You had asked with a raise brow.
The girl grinned back at you, hands tucked into her pockets. "I am." She paused as she shifted her footing slightly before continuing. "There's a group of people here, asking for you."
"They tourists?"
Valkyrine shook her head, "Nope. They know your name, know who you are and one of them seems to know this place more than just a small village on the coast." That could only scream a red flag.
"But I don't know enough people to know a group of them." You argued, believing that whoever these people were, they were mistaken. Or at least you hoped they were, from the sounds of things, you didn't really want to be dealing with this.
"Just speak to them." Valkyrie pleaded with a glimmer in her eyes. "For me?" She added, a childish smirk pulling at her lips.
You huffed yet straighten your back and tried to pull yourself together just enough for it to be acceptable. "Fine"
And you went to walk out the door, only stopped by Valkyrie's hand pushing you back gently. "You might want to put on some clothes that aren't pyjamas. These people seem pretty serious." You looked back down at your clothing then back up to Valkyrie; you had no idea what you had to do with 'pretty serious'.
But you did as the girl told you, changing into some more suitable clothing and making your way towards the coast line. The sea wasn't too high today, yet high enough that salt air consumed your smell and the waves crashed loudly against the rocks. A group of diverse people stood along the cliff edge. As you stared from a far, you couldn't pin point any one of them. But, as you slowly got closer, one of them stood out among them all.
There must have been almost nine of them. And they were all staring at you.
Something about the group seemed to send alarms off in your head. They're faces familiar, as if their names could fall right off your tongue if you tried hard enough. Before you were able to ask who they were, the centre boy stepped forward in front of the rest. "Y/n," He called, voice drowned in a thick Irish accent and, in way, seeming to comfort your nerves of the unknown figures. "We need to talk to you."
Swallowing, you looked at each of them. Some of them just as confused as you were, other's holding narrow eyes as if trying to work you out and then there was the boy in front of you. Brunette, leather jacket and boots. He looked far from a comfort, but your mind seemed settled, telling you this situation was safe because he was in it.
"Who are you?"
The boy looked back to the ones behind him before glancing back to you. "There's a lot we need to explain." That really hadn't given you much of an answer.
With a quick thought, you gestured your head towards your small cottage that sat close beside the sea front. "This way." You instructed the group before guiding the way back into your home.
To say the least, it was the most people ever packed into your small front room and kitchen. Some scattered around the kitchen table, other's leaning against counters and you rustling around making drinks for each of them. "It's a nice place you have, good view, lovely neighbours." One of them had compliment as his eyes dotted around the room.
You could almost have laughed; your house had never been messier. You never expected guests because you never had any. Yet, here you stood, searching for enough glasses for the group of people which occupied your house. "Thanks, bit of a downgrade from where I use to live though." You remarked. A normal remark but still it seemed to urge a few shared glanced of which you weren't able to interrupt. You walked towards the table, placing down each drink. "Everything okay?" You asked, as a reassurance in reaction to the concerned glances.
"Not quite." The youngest one of them all had commented, leant far from the others against a wall.
Your eyes shot to leather jacket boy, silently asking as to what was meant by that. He sighed, giving the girl a deathly glare as he walked passed. "You should sit, there's a few things to get through." You did as he said, taking a moment to once more look at each of them.
Druig was about to carry on, he had it all planned in his head, the best way to ease your mind into this unpredictable circumstance. Instead, Sersi couldn't help herself, her body on a timer as she faced Arishem herself. "Do you remember anything?" She interrogated, hastily.
You eyes shot to her, question having thrown you straight off. "What- What do you mean?" You were starting to think you were in a dream, almost like the moment when the patient from the Midgardian TV show would wake up from a years long coma, head swirled and thoughts torn apart.
Druig stared back at Sersi, glaring right into her pupils. "Let me do this, okay?" He told them before turning back to you, closer than anyone else in the room. "A lot has happened in the last few days and there's a few things that you can help us with."
Again, you laughed. "What am I going to help you with?" You looked back at the sixth foot tall, muscle man that stood behind, who you believed to be, Ikaris. He barely fit in between the floor and ceiling yet they were asking you for help.
"You'd be surprised." Druig remarked with a smirk, eyes caught up in your own for the first time since the boy had let you go. "Before you had your life on Asguard, you were someone else." He started, tone as soft as it could be as he stared with nothing but gentle eyes. "You were one of-"
"You were an eternal. You still are." The muscly one from afar cut in, breaking what seemed to be turning into an affectionate moment between you and Druig.
Druig huffed, his fist thudding against the wood of the table before he stood up from his chair with just enough force the chair moved slightly with him. "Did you not hear what I said?" He snapped, words dripping in frustration.
"We don't have time for this." The other man said before pushing himself pass Druig to focus on you. "The Earth is currently about to go through the emergence-"
"Ikaris stop it!" Druig fought.
Not that it had mattered, the man went on even with the objections. "This is when a celestial being is going to take the power from the planet and in doing so, will kill every living being in the process. Except us. Except you. Now, if you don't want all your friends that live here to die, then we're going to need your help."
The information kept going. You weren't who you thought you were, the world was going to end, everyone on New Asguard was going to die. You could barely keep up. The words tangled with your thoughts, knotted your mind and before you could even realise it, the air around you seemed to blur and it felt as if you were looking at the world through a mirror. You'd never wanted to escape an situation as badly as you had done then.
"Y/n?" Druig had asked first. When you didn't respond, he forced himself in front of Ikaris, crouching down to your level. "Y/n?" That time it was more desperate, more demanding that you give him some kind of assurance that you were still there.
"Is she alright?" Thena had asked, unusually calmed compared to Druig. Unlike him, Thena remembered you as an Eternal with a head of steel; whatever it was, she believed you to be okay.
All your brain could work out then and there was muddled sayings, a language that almost sounded foreign. It took all you energy just to mutter out a, "Excuse me." And with that, your left your own home in nothing but a hurry.
Druig was left to stare back at an empty space, trying to collect his thoughts. That seemed pointless now. So he jolted, he stood from his place and whipped around to face Ikaris. "Who's the stupid one now?" He queried with a clenched jaw in attempt to hold the other words which fought to speak. Words of which could only worsen a terrible situation.
"I'm not the one who erased who memories in the first place."
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 years
Part Three (the End!) : Druig X Damra Request
A/N: so much fun to write, thank you @redheadspark for a truly fabulous prompt
Summary: Druig can't stand the risks that his fellow Eternal Damra's powers put him and the others into. One night after a Deviant attacks the city of Babylon, he tells her exactly how he feels, only to realize that maybe he feels more than he originally thought...
Warnings: Implied Sex; Eternals Spoilers
Characters: Druig x Fem!Eternals!OC (Name is Damra, has powers over nature)
Taglist: @girl-with-an-orange-cat, @neo-latry, @pigeonsareprettysnazzy, @redheadspark, @mrsniallhoran505, @tired-night-owl, @sfnari, @nereidwhisperer, @shininfate, @candy031097, @reallysparklychaos
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3 Days Later Somewhere in the Indian Ocean
The mood on the Domo was tense as Sersi, Phastos, Damra, Druig, and Thena approached the site of Makkari’s beacon. Damra could feel her heart beating in her chest, her hands shaking slightly as she paced restlessly. The news of Ajack’s death had hit her hard; and her loss had been sharpened by the subsequent loss of Ikaris’, Sprite’s and Kingo’s support for their plan to stop the Emergence.
At first, Damra had had her doubts. She’d reminded the others of how staunchly Ajack had opposed the building of Babylon on the grounds that directly interfering with humanity’s course was against their mission. When she’d been told that Ajack had been in favor of stopping Tiamut from destroying Earth from the inside out, she had to admit she’d been surprised. Ajack had always preached devotion to Arishem’s designs, even if the others were not privy to the inner workings of his plans the way Ajack had been. Part of Damra had felt vindicated by Ajack’s support of protecting Earth and humanity; after all, that had been Damra’s only hope for creating Babylon in the first place.
That vindication paled in comparison to how she felt when she’d learned about Druig’s journey since their paths had last crossed. He hadn’t been the one to tell her - in fact, ever since their encounter outside her home, he’d scarcely looked at her. It had been Sersi who had told Damra about the battle they’d witnessed at Tenochtitlan and Druig’s decision to leave the others after Ajack forbade him to interfere in the killing. At first, Damra hadn’t believed a word Sersi said…
“You don’t expect me to believe that, do you?” Damra asked, turning away from Sersi, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Believe it or not, Damra, it’s the truth. He left us. He told Ajack he couldn’t take just standing by and watching anymore. All the suffering, all the wars, all the death. Of all of us, he’s the one that could have stopped it all… I’m sure it took a toll on him…” Sersi’s voice trailed off solemnly. Damra chewed on the inside of her lip, considering Sersi’s story.
“He never cared about any of that back in Babylon,” Damra replied, her voice barely above a whisper, trying to keep her voice from breaking. Stubborn tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, which she swiped away in irritation. She was getting tired of trying to hold back her emotions, and it seemed that as her self-control got weaker, her emotions only got stronger, more intense.
“He changed after Babylon… after that night.” Sersi said the last statement cautiously, watching Damra’s face closely for her reaction. Damra shot her old friend a sideways glance, struggling to keep her face as neutral as possible. Sersi’s statement felt like a test, and Damra wasn’t sure who was grading it.
“I doubt that. Druig will never change. He never has,” she replied harshly, batting away the flickers of hope that tried to flutter around in her chest. She fidgeted uncomfortably, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, forcing her gaze to stay fixed on the sunset drenched ocean outside of the Domo window.
Sersi sensed her friend’s unrest and reached out, laying a reassuring hand on Damra’s shoulder. Damra unconsciously shrank from it - it had been a long time since anyone had touched her, or since she’d had this much of a conversation - but Sersi kept it there, a soft smile on her face.
“He did change, Damra. Hurting you changed him. Losing you changed him.”
“It’s time.”
Phastos’ voice interrupted her reverie, causing her to startle as her mind reentered the moment. He had addressed all of them in the chamber. Damra shot a glance out of the nearest window; sure enough, a thick, black plume of smoke rising from a mountain over the jewel blue ocean confirmed that they’d arrived at the spot Makkari had found where Tiamut would begin to break through Earth’s crust.
Damra felt a pang of anxiety reverberate through her body like a taut wire as she glanced around the room at her companions. Their expressions were serious, thoughtful. Phastos gave her a gentle nod, a gesture of encouragement. Damra returned it with a smile. Despite the difficulties of the last few days, she was glad to see her oldest friend again.
As they all made their way towards the edges of the chamber, Damra saw Druig approaching her, his head down. He had been so uncharacteristically quiet that at times Damra had almost forgotten he was there. Almost.
As their paths converged, Damra felt his fingers lightly grip her upper arm. It sent shockwaves through her body, causing her breath to catch in her chest. Her feet rooted to the floor, her eyes dancing over his face, trying to read his expression. His grasp was gentle, and it matched the subdued tone of his voice when he spoke. “Be careful,” he muttered, so softly Damra doubted she had actually heard him correctly. For the briefest instant, he brought his gaze up to meet hers. The signature mischievous glint in his eyes Damra was so used to seeing was replaced by a pleading, breathtakingly vulnerable tenderness. The breath caught in her chest completely evaporated, leaving a vacuum in her lungs that she felt would surely swallow her whole.
As quickly as it had happened, the moment was over. Damra felt his fingers unlock from her arm, his gaze drop away from hers, and he crossed the rest of the chamber to the wall. Too stunned to speak, Damra remained immobilized, her breath coming back to her in ragged, desperate gasps that she struggled to keep from being too noticeable. She tried desperately to catch his eye again, a billion questions darting through her mind like sparks. With a studied avoidance, Druig never returned her gaze.
“Damra.” It was Thena’s voice this time. Impatiently, Thena motioned to the wall next to her. Mind still reeling, Damra forced her feet to carry her to the spot Thena indicated, her eyes still glued to Druig. Against every instinct she had, Damra felt her heart hammering against her ribs in unrestrained longing.
“Hey. You here with us?” Thena asked with a questioning glance as Damra let her armor materialize over her body, emanating from the sides of the Domo chamber. The sensation was familiar although it had been over two thousand years since Damra had felt it.
Damra nodded, trying to regain her composure, dropping her gaze to the floor. Thena was right; she needed to be fully present. The mission was too dangerous to afford distractions.
The remaining few moments passed in silence as everyone retreated to their private thoughts. Damra ran over the plan in her mind: get as close as possible, join the Uni Mind, let Druig put Tiamut to sleep.
Anxiety crackled through her veins as she realized just how much danger this mission placed Druig in. With a shake of her head, Damra tried to push that out of her mind. It was too late for revisions, and the stakes were too high for sentimentality.
“Here we go!” Phastos announced as the Domo came to a stop, hovering over the sandy beach of the volcanic island. As the landing ramp door opened, Damra was struck by an overwhelming smell of rotten eggs as the sulfur of the volcano assaulted her nostrils. With a deep inhale - something she regretted slightly, given the rancid smell - Damra followed the others out of the Domo and onto the volcanic island below…
45 minutes later
Damra sank to her knees in the salt water, a rib-splitting scream erupting from her throat as she let grief overtake her. The half-emerged Celestial loomed ominously on the horizon, now a hulking mass of granite thanks to Sersi.
It was difficult to imagine how their plan could have gone any more disastrously. They had all known that Ikaris was a formidable foe - arguably the most difficult adversary of their rank - but Damra felt confident that she wasn’t alone in feeling that she had grossly underestimated the lengths he was willing to go to in order to facilitate the Emergence. Damra knew she would die with the image of Ikaris’ destructive golden beams boring down on Druig seared into her memory.
Regret and bitterness closed around Damra’s throat like a vice. It felt unbearably cruel to have had him so close to her for the last few days; she felt like ripping herself apart for allowing her vanity and pride to keep her from seeking him out. All of their interactions since she’d first locked eyes on him leaning against the Domo three days ago flickered past her eyes once, twice, three times as silent sobs lacerated her lungs. There had been moments between them, infinitesimal exchanges, and Damra had let them all slip past her, all in the name of a wounded heart.
“Damra, I…” Phastos’ voice trailed off as he searched for words. Ultimately finding none, he opted instead to join her in the shallow water, letting the waves lap at his feet as he stood next to her. Damra leaned her head against his leg, clinging to him as if a strong wind would blow her away into the unending sea. Phastos gently ran his fingers through her auburn hair as she shook against him, salty tears dripping into the salty ocean.
“I let him die without telling him, Phastos,” Damra finally choked out between sobs. “Why didn’t I tell him?” She looked up, her eyes and nose reddened from crying, imploring him for an answer.
“No one could have known that… that this would happen,” Phastos finally replied haltingly, feeling his own grief - a faint reflection of Damra’s - tug at the edges of his voice. “He hurt you… you couldn’t have known…” The futility of his words caused Phastos to trail off, considering the toll that the mission had cost them all. Ajack, Ikaris, Druig. All gone.
“I should have told him,” Damra continued. “I should have told him.” She repeated it a few times, like a mantra, each repetition earning a redoubled surge of mournful cries. The layered sounds of Damra’s voice mixed with the waves. Phastos wasn’t sure how long it went on, but it turned oddly meditative and he found himself lost in his own thoughts as he left his grieving friend to hers.
“Told me what?”
That accent.
As if every fiber of her body had been touched by fire, Damra felt herself whip around in the direction of the voice before she’d consciously registered who it came from.
That familiar smirk, those bright blue eyes. Druig.
Leaping up from her crouched position, Damra flung herself towards him without a moment’s hesitation. Her exuberance earned a bright peel of laughter from Druig as he outstretched his arms to her. With an unspoken glance, a millennium of emotions passed between them in the moment before they embraced, Damra almost knocking him over with the force of her sprint.
When she felt his arms wrap around her, one hand cradling the back of her head as she nuzzled into his neck, Damra felt a weight lift out of her heart, as if she’d been walking through the last two thousand odd years with a boulder strapped to her soul. Her hands roamed across his back, trying to connect with every square inch of him all at once, as she relished the feeling of him in her arms: strong, warm, and alive.
“How did yo-”
Her question was interrupted as Druig’s lips found hers. Suspended in motion for a blissful breath, Damra felt a mixture of euphoria and lust sizzle through her blood. She returned the kiss greedily as his hands came to frame the sides of her face. Their breathing intermingled as their mouths moved together, hands prowling over each others’ bodies, the salty taste of her tears a faint reminder of just how close they had both come to losing this moment.
As their embrace crescendoed and softened, Damra pulled back from his kiss, running a thumb over his cheek, his lips, intertwining in his hair as she drank in the sight of him. Druig returned her gaze, that same indescribable tenderness she had seen earlier on the Domo shining back at her from his blue eyes. The rush of calm unique to two reunited lovers long separated washed over them.
Unable to resist the moment, Damra let her forehead come to rest against his as her eyes fluttered shut. “Really, Druig? After all this time?” she quipped, using the same words he’d used on her only a few days ago. The vivid emotions Damra had lived through made the three days feel like three centuries, and she laughed softly.
Druig brought her lips back to his, this kiss different from their last: shorter, simpler, but saturated with devotion. Damra fell motionless under the kiss, spellbound by it. He pulled away after a few tantalizing moments, that handsome smirk Damra knew so well dancing across his lips as he replied, his voice low and heavy with emotion: “always”...
Six Weeks Later
Damra awoke gently to the sensation of fingertips tracing curlicues on her back. A pale early morning light filtered in through the windows of her cabin, and she could hear the soft sighing of wind in the pine trees outside. The fire in the hearth had died down over the course of the night, leaving only barely glowing embers there, and a decided chill had settled in the room. The body next to her, however, was warm and radiant.
She lifted her head up, resting her chin on her hand as she looked sideways at Druig. He was lying awake on his back, one hand crooked under his head, the other dancing across her back. His eyes were on the ceiling, but when he noticed her movement he turned to look at her, a contented smile illuminating his lovely features.
“Hello, love,” he whispered, rolling towards her, wrapping an arm around her waist and dragging her closer to him. She turned towards him, zippering the long line of her body against his. He pressed a line of kisses along her hairline as he continued to run his fingers along her spine, stopping only when they hit the sheets bunched around her waist. Damra felt goosebumps shiver over her skin, a combination of the chill, the faintly ticklish sensation of his fingers, and a hungry coil awakening deep in her stomach. She leaned her face up to Druig’s, connecting with his lips for a languid kiss. Damra felt a passionate flame beginning to blaze in her heart. She deepened the kiss, wrapping a hand around Druig’s neck and pulling him into her as she pressed against him.
He let out a chuckle against her mouth when he realized the direction of her thoughts. “You’re insatiable,” he told her. The glint in his eyes told her that he shared her impatience, however. He rolled over on top of her, his arms framing her head as he pressed into another kiss before pulling back ever so slightly.
“You never told me what you wanted to say,” he said, playfully nuzzling her nose as he watched Darma squirm under him eagerly.
“What?” she asked, distracted by the sight of him hovering over her, the coil in her stomach constricting.
“You never told me what you wanted to say, that day by the ocean.” That day by the ocean had become their shared name for the day of Tiamut’s thwarted emergence, which also happened to be the first day of their life together.
Damra groaned, rolling her eyes and laughing. “Oh, Druig, you’re the insatiable one,” she teased, trying to distract him with kisses. She knew she wouldn’t be successful though; Druig was far too stubborn to allow her to get away with it.
“Please,” he murmured between kisses, earning another impatient groan from Damra. She pulled back, fixing him with a mock petulant pout. His gaze was serious, however, and honest. It melted her.
“Fine,” she replied, letting one of her hands rest gently on his cheek, stroking his cheek absentmindedly. “I was going to tell you I love you.”
Druig let the weight of her words linger heavy in the air. It was the first time either of them had said it aloud, even though it was an obviously mutual emotion. Something about it had felt off limits - perhaps it was the centuries they’d spent apart, the pressing need to make up for lost time, that kept them from sinking into the space between soft words. Druig smiled at her, a heartfelt happiness lighting up his eyes. Damra smiled back, content to enjoy the moment together, caught somewhere between daybreak and morning.
After a few breaths, Druig’s smile turned mischievous, and he bent back into her for a romantic, needy kiss. One of his hands found its way to her cheek, trailing down her neck and over her collarbone, and below. The coil in Damra’s stomach - momentarily quieted - roared back to life, and she arched into him. He chuckled again, but before the immediacy of other needs took over, he whispered back to her: “I love you too. Always.”
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Would you watch the stars with me? (Ajak x Fem!Reader) part 1
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Or 5 times you asked Ajak to see the stars with you and once she asked you.
For nonie, good job studying, hon 💕
Next part
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First time
You shouldn't be here. And you didn't mean lying on the ground, bleeding and waiting for help to arrive, no. You shouldn't have been on the mission to begin with. You were an Eternal of lesser powers, which means you were not a warrior. You were young, there was room for improvement, but you didn't have Thena's abilities or Gilgamesh's strength.
Your powers were related to nature, specifically water and animals, with whom you could talk. But the deviants were not normal animals, they were wild beasts with whom you could not dialogue, so that power was useless on the battlefield.
Usually, you stayed behind on the ship, alongside Phastos and Ajak, simply waiting for your friends to return and helping them recover if necessary. So what made you think you could help out in battle? You weren't sure, maybe the subtle way Ikaris hinted you were useless, or Ajak's look that promised otherwise. Whatever it was, you had made the mistake of going out. Maybe you should have stayed when your leader asked if you were sure you wanted to go. She had given you a chance to stay, but while you trusted the woman wouldn’t scold or tease you, you couldn't trust the rest of your teammates not to. So you went.
And of course, it had been a huge and miserable failure. You knew from the beginning that you would be a hindrance to others, so you made a mental note to stay out of it, only protecting as many people as you could. You weren't used to all this chaos, your reflexes weren't as fast as everyone else's. And that made you an easy target. You didn't even know what had happened, you just felt a strong blow to your side and suddenly you were flying through the air.
Your head received the worst when you hit the ground hard. For a few minutes, you didn't know what was going on around you, there was only a thud in your ears. Then you thought you heard a buzzing sound and something moved quickly next to you. A warm hand touched your face and you could see Makkari's figure when you slightly opened your eyes. You didn't know what she signed before quickly disappearing, but you were hoping she would go for help.
You looked up at the sky, which was beginning to turn dark. And the last thing you thought before losing consciousness was that the stars looked beautiful.
"Y/N, can you hear me?"
You grunted a bit as you struggled to open your eyes. You felt something warm around you and it took you a while to realize that someone was holding you. Your head didn't hurt anymore and if you were honest, you felt pretty good, just exhausted. You opened your eyes and met Ajak's worried gaze.
"What happened?" you asked confused
"I'd like to know" she replied "We almost lost you. If Makkari hadn't acted quickly-"
The way she interrupted herself and pulled you closer to her chest worried you. Ajak was a woman who knew how to stay calm even in the worst situations. You and the others could always count on her serenity. But listening to her like that terrified you. You thought you had just been knocked out, but be on the brink of death?
"You will not go out to the battlefield again" she told you firmly "At least not until you have trained"
"Maybe not even then," you muttered, "I've had too much action for a couple hundred years from now. I think I'd rather stay on the ship with you."
You noticed how the woman blushed slightly before clearing her throat and forcing a smile.
"Glad to hear it. You will still train with Thena, at least you will be able to defend yourself in an emergency"
You could have mentioned that as eternals, it was very difficult for you to be in "emergencies", especially if you didn't get off the ship. But you could feel that this was important to her so you just nodded.
You could feel that her powers were no longer affecting you. You were cured, but the prime eternal had not released you yet. You were fine with that, because she was warm and you felt safe, but you made a mental note to remember how protective she was holding you.
"Ajak?" you whispered after a while
"Would you watch the stars with me?"
The other woman blinked in bewilderment. She definitely didn't expect you to ask that, especially not after you almost died. But she wouldn't deny that it was a tempting idea. Anything that allowed her to spend more time with you was.
She was about to accept when you heard someone approach and Ikaris appeared after a few seconds. Your time together was up for the moment.
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howfarethestars · 3 years
wherever you go (i won’t be far to follow)
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pairing: druig x makkari
rating: t
word count: 1301
Makkari flipped over in her sleeping bag for the fifth time in the past half hour. The ever present urge to run made her legs twitch inside the (albeit comfortable) confides of her sweatpants. She hadn’t yet shaken off the day’s excitement, and while everyone else seemed to be drained after the Unimind, sleep refused to claim her.
She forced herself to still, if only so she could feel for vibrations in Ajak’s house. The sign of anyone else awake would be enough for her to leave this guest room and find them. She flattened her palms against the floor. One breath, two breaths. The gentle hum of Thena’s breathing beside her, the ever-present buzz of electronics throughout the house, and finally: footsteps in the kitchen. Heavy and familiar…Druig.
A grin swept across her features just as quickly as she could unzip her sleeping bag and stand. She left Thena sleeping soundly next to her and hurried to the kitchen. Ajak’s home was small, and even from the other end of the hallway, the light of the kitchen was bright. She saw Druig’s shadow pass over the floor, and she smiled again.
Her stomach twisted uncomfortably as she walked towards him. Not because of him, no never because of him, but because the image of him crash landing into the side of that mountain was still burned into her mind. No amount of it’s okay s would ever make that okay.
“I’m not stealing nothin’, Phastos,” Druig said, suddenly appearing in front of her with his eyes closed in almost-sleep. He cracked one eye open, and his entire demeanor shifted. He lifted his hands to sign, “Hello my Makaari.”
“Hello, Druig,” she said, letting her fingers linger by her temple as she signed his name. They stood in the warm orange light of the kitchen, neither of them making a move to do anything. The steady hum of the refrigerator buzzed in her chest. She frowned. One thing she would never understand is Phastos’ affinity for technology; she missed the natural rhythm of the earth. It’s partly why she secluded herself for so long.
“You want to go outside?” Druig asked, always so perceptive of her and her needs.
Makkari nodded, then held out her hand. He took it immediately, like a greedy toddler. They crept through the house, careful to avoid the planks of wood they’d learned were noisy, until they stepped out onto the porch.
The air was cold with the incoming winter. Makkari huffed out a cloud of white, smiling as she watched it dissipate into the star-dotted sky. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Druig looking at her with a half-grin. His head was bowed just slightly, eyes turned to her lips.
Makkari sighed. She lifted her hands to sign to him, but he grabbed her fingers before she could. She arched an eyebrow.
“I know you’re worried ‘bout me,” he whispered. The vibrations of his vocal cords thrummed through his fingers into hers. In the quiet of the night, all she could feel was him. “I’m alright, promise.”
He let go of her hands, then. “I’m not worried now. I thought I lost you,” she signed, tears welling in her eyes before she could stop them. “And I missed you.”
Druig nodded. “I know, Makkari, I know.”
She took his hand in hers and led him off the porch, and he followed without protest. They made their way to the dead tree a few yards away from the house. Makkari walked until she couldn’t sense the hum of the electricity inside anymore.
“I’m sorry I left without you,” Druig said as he sunk into the tall grass. Makkari followed him down and tucked herself into his side. Warm enveloped her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He kept his hands free to awkwardly sign in front of her. “I should’ve brought you with me.”
Makkari shook her head. “You did what you thought was right.”
Druig didn’t respond, except for leaning his head on her shoulder. They sat like that for a while, with Makkari silently mapping the constellations above them. A few minutes in, she cupped Druig’s chin and tilted his head up, pointing at Cygnus.
He pressed a soft, quick kiss to her jaw. So quick it almost didn’t count, but she felt it. “Not as pretty as you, beautiful,” he said, letting his lips brush her skin with every word. “I’m never leavin’ you again.”
Makkari’s skin flushed. “Druig.”
Druig’s fingers gently turned her face to his. Foreheads pressed together, noses touching. A beat passed where they were both too caught in the moment to do anything. Until Makkari closed the gap between them and kissed him deep. She flattened her palms against the sides of his face, and his arms tightened around her waist. They were as close to one another as two people could physically be, making up for all those decades apart.
Panting, Druig pulled back. “Too long. Waited too bleeding long.”
Makkari giggled. She pressed the sign for I love you against his chest, then kissed him again. His hand covered hers, rubbing her knuckles as they embraced.
“I love you, too.”
For so long all she had known was the world blurring past her; humans and lives burning away as quick as they were lit. Once Druig left, she’d had no idea where to go, and so she had stayed. The ship was her solace, the only place where she felt close to her family. Now her family was broken, missing many of its pieces. But she had Druig back, and with him came hope and love and light.
Makkari leaned back. She needed both hands for this. “You can’t leave me again,” she said, her movements fierce and sharp, “Whatever happens, we stick together. I’ll go wherever you go.”
Druig’s flat-lipped smile was bright enough to rival the stars above them. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Makkari nodded. “Good.”
“Actually we might better go somewhere,” he said, tilting his head. “I’m already sick of sleepin’ on the floor. Maybe we should get a house somewhere. Somewhere cold, somewhere quiet.”
“A mountain!” she signed excitedly, the vision of a shared future for the two of them making her lightheaded. She could see it; a cabin on a snowtop, a fire keeping their home warm, and the two of them together. “I would love that.”
“Once we finish this,” he said, nodding back to the house. This being their new mission, to find the other Eternals and save Earth and all the other systems out there. “I’ll find you the best house in the mountains that I can.”
Makkari kissed his forehead, right where she could feel his pulse thumping. Alive and well, alive and well. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him as tight as she could. Their mission was dangerous, and they both knew that. Visions of houses in the mountains were just that: visions. Things were so uncertain now.
“You think so loud, my sweet Makkari,” Druig said, leaning back to make sure she could see his lips loving. “We’ll be just fine.”
Makkari nodded. She ran her fingertips down the sides of his face, tracing the swell of his cheekbones and the curve of his jaw. No matter how long she stared at him, studied his face like it was one of the ancient books she collected, she never grew tired of it. She’d be content to watch him for all of her days.
She signed it again, this time with big sweeping, separate movements. She pointed to her chest, then crossed her arms over each other, and pressed her finger into his chest. I love you.
“I love you, too,” he said, “My beautiful, beautiful Makkari.”
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I just had an evil idea. What if one day Gilgamesh finally had to make good on his promise to kill Thena if the Mahd Wy'ry ever took over her completely? Maybe he deals with it alone or one of the others finds him, up to you. I know you're good with angst so this should be painful
Gil's chest constricted. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He just stared, trying to wrap his head around what was happening. "No...n-no, I-"
The Deviant--the demonic entity facing him dropped its shield onto the jungle floor. Its vines had reached around the Strongest Eternal and retrieved something to serve as a defense. It was a wall of flesh, used only to absorb the shock of a punch.
The body rolled and tumbled, limbs dead weight, blonde hair falling lightly in comparison. Her eyes were still open, and the white colour that had been fogging them cleared to reveal their usual green. It was dark, and they no longer held their shine. The Warrior Eternal was dead.
Gilgamesh's chest puffed as he tried to breathe. He couldn't. What he was seeing didn't make any sense to him. The face of Thena, his lifelong partner, was staring up at him. But it wasn't her. It didn't look like her. His powers dissipated, sparks of gold disappearing into the still and heavy air, a minimal light in the growing dark.
"That is truly a shame," the devil lamented. "Her powers would have been one of the most useful to me."
Gil couldn't understand the words it was saying either. He knelt--fell to his knees. He reached slowly, delicate as he grasped the shoulder of the woman he loved. "Thena?"
She had no response. Her body was heavy as he lifted her into his embrace. He had snapped her spine, destroyed it in a way even an Eternal wouldn't survive. Maybe it was the most merciful way, with Mahd Wy'ry clouding her mind and that thing holding her, maybe she hadn't known it was he who had landed the killing blow.
He didn't know if it was better if that thing was the last she had seen, or if it would have been better for her to see him, only for him to end her life the way he had. As violent as the nature of their powers were, he never wanted to turn that force unto her. Even in all his years thwarting the attacks of her episodes, he always did his best to protect her and himself.
"Oh, Thena," Gilgamesh whimpered. His breath still came sparingly, his throat constricted far too tight. He cradled her head against his chest, the way he would if she were merely having a terrible dream. He ran his fingers through her hair as he watched the golden lines of her energy pull away from her skin, leaving the grey remains of the physical body.
Gold glittered the air again as the Warrior Eternal's life left her in the last way possible. Their own took cautious and unbelieving steps towards them.
He felt the vines of that thing at his back. Horrific appendages made to do worse than end life: made to steal it. He set Thena down gently, unwilling to cause her any more unrest.
The trees quivered as he turned, roaring out the energy building up in his body. Rage and grief coursed through him as he turned and grabbed the creature. His hands were more than capable of crushing through its flesh, no matter what being of natural make or nightmare of the stars. He ripped its arms from its body.
Gilgamesh arched his hands up. He watched the shadow of his sledgehammer fists stretch over the beast's face before he brought them down. The forest blew back from the impact, even more than the last time he'd landed a punch like this. And he kept going.
Every hit, every strike, every scream he let out of his lungs for a loss of what else to do, that thing would suffer. He would make something incapable of death experience the loneliness of pain. He would make it understand what it meant to be alone--what it meant to fear.
The ground impacted from his strength. He continued. He swung his fists, the air bending around him, compressing and bursting, gold streaking through the dusk as he swung at it like an animal fighting for its life.
The thing was dead. He didn't care. He wanted it to be no more. He wanted to beat it down so small that it disappeared into the wind or bled into the core of the earth. His strength would prove that it was still good for something. Now that he had failed to protect his greatest love, he would enact the greatest punishment he could.
"Gil, stop it!"
They were calling him, but he couldn't hear them. He couldn't understand what they were saying. He kept seeing Thena's lifeless face, the feeling of her Cosmic Energy fading into nothing. Now that there was no more Thena, he didn't even feel like he was on Earth anymore. There was nothing to center and anchor him. He felt as if all of his senses had been shut off and there was only pain remaining.
He had never been without Thena's energy to match the rhythm of his, not in all their millennia together. And now, all the air in his lungs was gone, his blood was no longer flowing because his heart was empty and void. He was afloat, trying to follow what remained of Thena in pure stardust.
Gilgamesh roared one last time as he tore the thing apart. What was once its body cavity was forced open with his fingers like an agate, revealing its jagged insides. Its arms were strewn and its head simply was no more. And yet still looking at it only made him want to do more.
"That's enough," his brothers attempted to pull him away, out of the crater he had created.
He turned away, throwing them off of him. He walked back to Thena, laid where he had left her. Her sisters were leaning over her precious body, but he waved them away.
He picked her up again, cradling her head and her poor, broken back. He held her delicate shoulders, which used to curl into him, seeking his warmth. His fingers slid into the depths of her thick blonde hair. She already felt cold.
His tears fell onto her. Once her hand would wipe them away, but now it lay limp beside her. He rocked them back and forth, his body now unsteady without anything real at all for connection. He pressed his cheek to her hair, "my Thena."
He could hear their family moving behind him. They were building a fire, to release her body, to follow her Cosmic Energy back to the stars and their home. But he held her tighter.
You may have to kill her; that was what they once said. And he had said that was a chance he was willing to take. Because he would take any chance in the world to be with his Thena even one more day. And for beings without natural death, he didn't take it lightly.
But this wasn't right. He didn't want to build her a funeral pyre. He didn't want his eyes to watch a fire consume the life of a woman whose every second and minute and hour he would weave into a beautiful tapestry of if he could.
They should have been home. They would have been in Australia, at the home they had built together. He would bury her in the warm, red sands, under the tree she liked. Life without her would be pain but at least he could continue his mission.
His mission was never to protect earth. It wasn't to kill Deviants or serve some far away god. His mission was to protect Thena. It was to love and cherish the woman who had been by his side from the moment he opened his eyes. And he would have spent the rest of Eternity protecting her, until Earth ripped itself in half to mercifully swallow him up into oblivion.
They expected him to give her up. But this was the woman he loved. He held the body of his wife, as preciously as he would on any day, or any night.
Thena had once said that she didn't want to be the one to kill him. She had begged him to kill her first. He had never agreed, because he didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't think he was capable either. He didn't want to endure the pain of living without her, something surely even his strength couldn't weather.
"I kept my promise," he whispered against her forehead, pressing a kiss to it. What a terrible promise it was. He had taken the chance, but to live with it was something harder.
"Gil," Sersi's soft whisper reached him, her hand on his arm.
"Just wait for me, sweetheart," he cooed to his ever-sleeping wife. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and under her knees, picking her up for the last time. The pyre was ready. Even if it was already lit, he would lean into the fire gently, just to lie her to sleep the way she liked. "I'll come and find you."
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rosedproblems · 3 years
Trying not to think about the fact that the Eternals have been together far longer than what they remember. That they bonded so quickly not only because of a shared duty but because of this forgotten memories. Definitely not thinking about how loving each other was so engrained in their dna that no matter how long they spent apart they felt close and connected once more when they were together. And not making eye contact with how ikarus and sersi were naturally drawn together in their first moments when they were awoken, drawn by the bond they most likely had in past lifetimes. 100% not thinking about how destroying it must’ve been for Icarus to betray Ajak (as we saw with his breakdown after the fact) and how it pained him to even think about hurting sersi, causing him to drop to the ground in utter defeat by an invisible force of love that runs as deep as the particles he was made of. And looking away from how Thena was able to overcome her illness by remembering who her family was and what they meant to her, even when she forgot who she was herself. I’m definitely not thinking about how their love for each other was forgotten, but the muscle memory of being a family remained.
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redheadspark · 2 years
5 and 12 from the prompts where the humming song is Mine Forever by Lord Huron, please? Like reader is an Eternal and her and Druig are friends and he knows that she loves this song bc she's always humming it wherever she goes and he uses it to say he's in love with her...I don't know, I'll leave it to you to see how it goes.
Perfect pairing! Sorry for responding to this a day late! I hope you like it :)
5) Walking hand in hand
12) Humming a melody together
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Mine Forever
You had a pep in your step, almost a bounce in watch step you took as you were waltzing down the hallway of the Domo to the main meeting room. Your hips were swaying and your smile was on your face as you were humming a particular song that was in your head for some time. You couldn't help but, the song was catchy and almost a folky kind of tempo to it.
The rest of the ship still seemed to be asleep as you made your way to the kitchen, working up a appetite for something hearty and to wake you up. You've only been in space for about a week now, going off to find other Eternals that could be out there and trying to fulfill what they thought their mission was. It seemed like heavy task, and floating out in outer space seemed to be almost...natural for the four of you.
The warrior Thena, the speedster Makkari, the mind controller Druig, and yourself, the eternal who can adapt to any element or threat and survive. Or in a more scientific term: Reactive Adaption.
It was no wonder you were hard to kill at times when you battled a Deviant or went along with the ways of Earth and its evolution. Your body knew how to survive and never die: you sprouted gills when you were under water, you breathed through all the toxins or smoke in the air without suffocating, and your body created its own exoskeleton under enormous pressure. You were the being that could never die, not even by force. In all fairness, you yourself became a major threat and just as dangerous. Almost lethal.
Yet here you were, bopping your head to a corny song you fell in love with on the planet like some weirdo. You were a weirdo.
"It amazes me that you are this peppy so early in the morning, "
You giggled as you heard the mind controller, your best friend in the family of Eternals, stumbling in the kitchen area with a grumble in his voice and laziness in his feet.
"Druig, it's not that early," You replied over your shoulder as you got your eggs out and ready, "You want some?"
"Sure, thanks," He hummed, still sounding sleepy as you kept humming your song and then got out the pots and pans at the ready to use. You were cracking the eggs into the skillet, adding some more ingredients.
"What is that?" Druig asked suddenly ebbing you, though you rocked your Fahd to show they at your were listening as you moved the eggs around in the skillet with a spatula.
"What?" You countered, "We've talked about this: you need to be specific when you asked me something,"
"Har har," Druig said with some annoyance in his voice and it made you smile, "That song you're hummin'. What is it?"
"Oh," you replied, pausing for that moment when he asked you, "It's a song I heard back on Earth. It's called Mine Forever,"
"Sounds...interesting," He replied, though you looked over at him now. He was sporting bed head for certain on his left side, along with some creases and clearly was evident that he slept hard in his bed and he left an indent there. He was wearing a black shirt and red pants, almost mirroring his armor. The bleariness in his eyes as evident that he was still somewhat asleep as you smirked at him and pointed with your Spatula.
"You making fun of my singing?" You asked him, seeing him just chuckle and shrug.
"So what if I was? You’re....decent as it," Druig said, almost teasing you as you cocked your eyebrow at him.
"You're not singing yourself," You replied, going back to work on the breakfast that was sizzling away, "Anywho, I love the song and I love the words to it. It's quite poetic when you listen to it: Love is strange, I can't sleep without you. Maybe in the grave, I can't do it without you...It's kind of sad....really,"
Songs were meant to tell you things, that's what you thought at least. Some songs were filled with life and joy, proclaiming to all who heard how great life was and how much there was to see. Other songs were sad, almost with longing and with lingering feelings that held the person back.
With this song, it tugged at you and you never truly knew why. You didn't know if it was the soft melody and voice that as floating in and out like a cloud, or the tempo that made you think of a study heartbeat. Something had you gravitate back to this song, and it never really crossed your mind as to why.
"It sounds like a good song," Druig hummed behind you, no longing sounding coy and as if he was going to tease you. He sounded genuine when he said it, almost intrigued. You shook off that funk you were feeling, plating the eggs for the pair of your as you nodded your head.
"Leave it to the humans to make such songs that can move any heart," You explained, placing the plate of eggs in front of Druig as he was watching you. You grinned back, your hands on your hips as your motioned you head to him, "Even the weird hearts like yours,"
"Jerk," he replied as he reached down to take a bite. You just stuck on your tongue.
"Liar," You hummed back, seeing him grin as you joined him in your breakfast
It was hard seomtimes, being on the Domo and no longer on Earth. You missed all the nosies, all the colors and scents, hearing all the music in the world on that planet. You weren't sad to be on the Domo, not at all. You were happy to be with some of your family to help out Eternals that could still be out there, you felt like you were fulfilling something.
Still, there were times you felt a bit....incomplete.
Maybe it was the close quarters that you haven't had to dealt with for a good 500 years, before you all separated and split up. Or perhaps it was having him around consistently again and getting back into that friendly rhythm you both had together before earlier in your lives on earth. but being around Druig made your mind....wonder a bit.
Did you think about him like....that before?
It didn't help that the ship was a bit smaller than you remembered, seeing him around on the daily with snacks in hand or his nose in a book. You were grateful to have him back in your life, to hear his voice and laughter again to bring you a small amount of joy, and to se his face again that would make your heart flutter or almost stutter for a mere moment or two. Thinking of him would make your cheeks warm and almost red in blush, or have you loose your train of through for a split second. But there was something shifting underneath you, and it involved him.
It scared you so bad.
Your mind went back to that song that you would hum and sing sometimes on your own, and now that you were thinking about Druig in a new way, it almost felt like he would float into your mind when you hummed that song. That natural sensation of Druig and that song melting together organically seemed too good to be true, and you question if what you were feeling for him was expressed in your favorite song?
Everybody lies,
but i'd never doubt you....
Don't wanna die,
but I can't live without you....
Well, shit.
5 Days Later
A knock was heard at your door, making you look up as you were attempting to mend a hole in one of your favorite shirts. Druig was poking his head in, seeing what you were doing and he grinned.
"What are you up to in here?" He asked to ask, you slightly rolling your eyes.
"I happen to like this shirt and I wanna keep it around for some time," You explained, then packing the shirt with its thread and needle on the bed, "What's up?"
"I wanted to show you something," He said as he came into the room and closed the door behind him. He had seeming in his hands, hidden behind him while he walked over to sit with you on the bed while you moved your shirt and needle out of the way. Once you two were facing each other, he unveiled what he was hidden in his palms.
An old iPhone.
"You're gonna make a call out here in space?" you couldn't help but tease him about as he chuckled and then tapped a few things on the surface.
"Be nice," he reasoned, "Phastos gave me his old one. It has a library of music on here, you can listen to anything on this thing,"
"You've never had one of these, haven't you?" You questioned him in genuine curiosity.
"Never wanted one, and I didn't need one in the Amazon." Druig explained in a shrug as he finally found a song, "This sound familiar?"
You paused for a moment, then hearing the very song that was floating in your head for some time. The opening rhythm and tone, the soothing sounds of the vocals in the background and the gentle melody being heard between the pair of you. Your smile was grinning so wide as you were hearing the lyrics being sung out in the open air:
If you ever wanna see my face again, I wanna know
If you ever get lonely, please let me know
If you never wanna see my face again, I understand
If you forever gets lonely, take my hand
Your eyes were closed and you were swaying with the song, your soul was feeling lighter than ever from hearing this song and letting it fill you from top to bottom. You were humming, full on humming with no sign of stopping as the song was filling your bedroom.
"How'd did you find this song?" you asked as you kept your eyes closed and you were smiling like an idiot.
"I have my ways," he said to you, "And I figured you would want to hear this song as much as you wanted to,"
"Thank you," You thanked, hearing the song go into the chorus now as you felt yourself being wrapped up in it:
Don't laugh, you'll make me cry
So long, good luck, Goodbye
I know we will be together
In my mind, you're mine forever
In my mind, you're mine forever.....
There as something else that was heard in front of you as you were humming to the song, it made you pause for a split second. It was another sound there, right in fronton you, deep and almost sounding like it was following along with the iPhone.
Druig....was humming...your song with you.
You were amazed at what you were hearing and what was unfolding in front of you, almost making those small feelings and lingering thoughts about Druig come back up again. You two were humming a melody together, a melody you grew to love and clung onto over the last few days on the Domo. it was a melody, a song, that helped you and guided you. And to hear him hum along with it too, it was much more than that now.
"You...like the song?" you asked him in hesitance. He stopped humming then, almost loosing that new trance that was over you in hearing how his humming was getting under your skin and within your soul.
"I do," He answered with no hesitation, "I really like it, even after hearing it over 50 times,"
"Why so many times?" You asked to question Druig.
"Because of the lyrics and what they were sayin'. And I...well," He paused and rubbed the back of his neck for a brief moment like he was nervous to say what was on his mind. You said nothing, knowing not to push him when it came to him being raw with you. Yet as he looked at you, dead on in the eyes and he sat so still, you felt your old heart breaking and a new now forming. He breathed out:
"I want you to be mine forever,"
Before you knew it or stopped yourself, you launched yourself to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him soundly and letting your heart take over your insecure mind. He kissed you back instantly, the pair of you kissing softly and languidly as the song kept playing and giving you more fuel to the fire. You were beyond content in kissing him on your bed, not wishing to reply on maybes or what ifs. It was just as good to feel, to know, that Druig was in the same boat as you.
And as you felt him push you back into your bed, you pulling him to be over you and your fingers in his hair and his hands on your waist, your both heard the song continue to play on the iPhone as your love for one another expanded and blossomed:
I'm much too young to die,
So long, good luck, goodbye,
We will always be together,
In my mind, you're mine forever
In my mind, you're mind forever.
You two walked out to breakfast together, walking hand in hand with big grins on your faces. The song still played in your head as you were joking Makkari and Thena, never one letting go of each other's fingers and each other's heart. That was your song now, for the pair of you, and you both were satisfied.
The End.
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healingagoddess · 2 years
On this night
Request:  Hi! Could you do a oneshot or hc of how each of the female eternals would react to seeing the reader working out? Like they’re surprised on how strong their SO is? - anon
Warnings: English is not my first language. Mature language.
Notes: I am so sorry it took me forever to write this one. I am back to uni, and I graduate in less than a month. Been busy with finals and preparing for graduation. So, naturally, I wrote this to avoid working on my finals. :)
_ ✽ _
Sometimes training alone is what you need, it brings you peace and you get to know yourself more. Working out alone at night makes one feel alive. You know you are supposed to be at some human event that Ajak forces everyone to go, but it feels better to be doing something else that feels more like you. Thena was the one to lure you into the wild side of doing what you wanted; however, you end up doing what you were born to do. Being under the pale moonlight feels exciting, and the energy is completely different. You are out there killing deviants and calling it training. The rush of the thrill is so full of force and energy that feeds with your cosmic core.
On the other side of the woods a few eternals are taking part in the celebrations. Carefully observed by the gaze of the Prime Eternal Ajak, Thena stalks around the place in search of you.
“Have you seen Y/N?” She asks Sersi, who happens to be the most outstanding person in the dance floor.
Sersi, who is holding the hands of the people that dances around her turns to look at Thena. “I have not.” She replies.
“I have not seen her in a couple of hours.” Thena states.
“Oh.” Sersi says with concern, letting go of the people.
“If Ajak finds out she did not show up; she will be in big trouble.” Thena says in the same monotone voice of hers.
“Well, I am sure she is out there killing deviants.” Sersi whispers as to not be heard by the people celebrating.
They are both walking towards the exit when a sudden blur of red appears in front of them.
Where are you going? Makkari signs, she looks at them in disbelief. Ajak is looking at the both of you.
“Since when do we hide from Ajak?” Sersi, innocently asks and signs.
Thena tils her head to the side like saying ‘really, sersi?’, and then proposes as she signs. “Let’s split and keep her gaze on one of us. Eventually, she will move onto the others and we will escape.”
And so they do, but by the time they are on the entrance Ajak is waiting for them.
“Oh, no.” Sersi mutters.
Ajak raises her eyebrows at them. “Let’s keep her gaze on one of us? And we will escape?” She crosses her arms like a mother about to scold her children.
Thena keeps her composed figure, always on pose with calmness, but her eyes are a little wider than usual. Sersi looks so guilty, and like she is about to knee and beg for forgiveness. Makkari is more used to Ajak’s scolding, so she just throws her head back with her lips pressed in a tight line.
“Did Y/N already escape? Is she waiting for you somewhere?” Ajak asks with displeasure in her tone of voice, a frown forming on her face.
“That is the thing. She did not show up.” Sersi begins, then Thena pinches her side. “Ow!”
Ajak turns around to leave the party in search of you. She knows that you and Thena often meet up at night to ‘train’. But she also knows that you enjoy to do it alone, even if it is dangerous.
“Oh, this will be good.” Thena says.
Weren’t your worried about Ajak finding out? Makkari signs, confused
“Yeah, but she already knows. There is nothing else we can do but see how Ajak kills her.”
“That is not gonna happen; she will not kill her.”
“We will see.” And with that being said, Thena marches right after Ajak leaving two very concerned Eternals.
At some point they catch up to you, Ajak being the first to arrive followed by Thena who holds her back due to the exposure to deviants. Makkari walks a slower pace with Sersi as not to leave her walking into the woods alone. Nobody wants to distract you as you take two deviants. It could be dangerous to do so.
They stare as you move around fast and strong, murder written on your face. You are soaked in sweat and blood — but the blood is not yours. You can feel every muscle on your being as you soar into the air, every movement creates a friction that sends you into an energetic adrenaline.
“She is hot.”
Ajak turns towards Thena wide eyed.
“Thena!” Sersi says slightly embarrassed.
Makkari just sticks out her bottom lip and nods to Thena’s comment.
“What?” Thena asks. “You think it too. Look at you, you are so red.”
“I-” Sersi chokes on her own words, and looks down to compose herself.
“Thena.” Ajak says as a threat. “Behave.”
“Or Thena join.” The blonde warrior says earning a dangerous look from Ajak.
She really looks so hot. Makkari signs.
“Not you too.” Ajak says, but her face falls on you to appreciate and inspect if their words are true.
All four women stand there in complete awe as you kill off the deviants; Makkari is more observant than the others, but her body is so expressive and you can notice she is catching up on your excitement and her own. She tils her head to the side and smirks, she is bouncing with energy; Thena on the other hand only remains there, standing straight and with her head high. At some point she places her hands clasped on her back and keeps a teasing smirk; Sersi looks like she is completely enchanted and bewitched, she really needs to blink; and Ajak is the most unpredictable, she is so composed nobody would find out she is loving watching you train a little too much.
“We all agree she is amazing, right?” Sersi finally says.
“We know what you truly mean.” Thena says. “She is so sensual.”
“Thena.” Ajak closes her eyes, losing her patience.
Yeah, I noticed that too. She moves so sensual. Makkari agrees.
“I am sending both of you to the temple first thing in the morning.” Ajak warns playfully.
Thena smiles a wide toothy grin, she is challenging Ajak. “You know it, Ajak. You know she is so sensual.”
“Stop that.” Ajak warns once again, this time more serious.
And they would believe her if it weren’t for the fact that she was blushing, and that you were already done with the deviants and were only stirring. Their leader is the first one to approach you, and Thena shares a knowing glance with Makkari before approaching you too.
“You are supposed to be elsewhere.”
You turn around surprised to find your leader right there.
“Ajak.” You say surprised.
“No, no Ajak. Do you know how dangerous it is to be here alone? You are supposed to be out there with the humans.”
“She is not complaining. You gave us quite a show.” Thena comes to your rescue along with Makkari who simply nods once in agreement.
“I beg your pardon?” You say not understanding what they mean.
Ajak opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
“Oh, yes. You will beg.” Thena says with that smirk of hers.
Ajak shushes her putting a hand up to the blonde’s lips.
“I hope it doesn’t repeat again.” Ajak says before storming off.
“She is totally into you.” Thena says. “Wouldn’t be the only one. Grab a turn, I’d say.” And then she turns around leaving you there perplexed. Makkari links your arms and pulls you as you notice Sersi approaching too. All five of you march to the celebration. However, you notice how touchy and close all of them are being — except for Sersi, she is so shy. And since then, the women of the eternals begin to fight for your attention, confusing the rest of the eternals. You don’t mind, you like the attention.
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jbreenr · 3 years
Though there's no need anymore but…
So, the first thing we see in the movie is their powers, which I find awesome.
And the way they put on their suits? Yea!
Also, i love that Shang-Chi was in the M of MARVEL in the opening. Did you see him?
We also have a Dr. Strange mention when Dane asks Sersi if she's a wizard. I do wanna see him as a giraffe.
Dane, he's a baby and Sprite, she's so badass. Her powers, dude, how she multiplied herself AND Sersi? Woooow.
I mean, you can't tell Gemma was already in a MCU movie. Like, her characters are so freaking different and I live that.
And, imma tell you, my brother would yell “The King In The Noth!” every time Richard Madden was onscreen.
And i can't blame him, sorry.
I mean, Richard and Kit. Together. Again. We love them. We were both fangirling.
A mention of Thanos and the blip, people believing that the earthquake had something to do with that. Yeah, weird shit happens there wouldn't be surprised.
Well, Ikaris is, indeed, the most beautiful. And I don't accept other opinions.
Now, I don't know why everyone was so upset about that sex scene. There was nOTHING ONE COULD SEE! It wasn't explicit, it wasn't forced, and it wasn't even long!!!
Ajak choosing Sersi to replace her was something I should have seen coming. Why didn't I is a mystery.
Also, i already know she died. Except I did not think it would happen so early in the story.
Lemme just… MI ✨ TENOCHTITLAN ✨ HERMOSA, TE AMO. Though they didn't show you in your best of moments.
Sorry, I got distracted for a second.
For a sec I was like wtf is happening to Thena? But then we got the explanation of the Mahd' Wy'ry and it kind of made sense.
Knowing that somehow Druig was right but also knowing he couldn't interfere is like uuuuugh!!
But he did it anyway so… yeah.
Now, the DCEU is canon in the MCU. Batman and Alfred and freaking Clark Kent are more canon than Mephisto and Evan Peters' Quicksilver. I don't know how to feel about it.
Did anyone else feel bad about Gilgamesh's pie?):
Also, his friendship with Thena is beautiful. His way of bringing her back was, in my opinion, way better than Nat's lullaby to Hulk. Don't mind me, I don't like that pairing.
Wait, wait, wait. Gil fought with/alongside with Odin? Against Laufey? WTF? I need to know more.
So, there is no Olimpia, The World Forge is where the Eternals are MADE. *insert Scott Lang's voice* Their whole existence is a bunch of… bullshit?
Also, i was not expecting that deviant thing. Like, Arishem created them as well for the intelligent kind to appear. What - -?!
Sorry but Druig os asdfghjklñ, Kingo. He doesn't suck. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And Ikaris left Sersi because he died in the Red Wedding. Xd
No time for jokes? K, got it.
I love Karum, he's iconic.
And Thena is a baby. We must protect her at all cost.
Gil.): I can't believe he died too. Gotta admit that I sobbed. I didn't know you well but you'll always be remembered, my friend.
Like, hello!!! It wasn't forced, it was casual, natural and just fucking normal. And I love how it wasn't a big deal that had to be explained in the film because it is NORMAL.
Ikaris mentions the vibranium, and we saw this in the trailers but I just love how Wakanda and its open doors to the world are relevant.
I'm living for that reference of King Arthur being in love with Thena. Man, we all are and if you're not, you're lying yo yourself.
Okay, we know why Ikaris left Sersi now.
And the fact that thanks to Thanos the emergence was delayed? Was he a good guy?
Not a serious question but it makes you think though.
Now I understand why Ikaris was described as “loyal”.
Because, as I said, I knew Ajak died and I knew it was Ikaris who killed her, but I did not expect it that way!
Thena, sweetheart, you're a goddess and I love you, I'm so proud of you for getting rid of that deviant.
I don't know how to feel about Ikaris not being able to kill Sersi. Like, it's not actually a redemption arc, but the fact that he loved her so much he couldn't do it makes me like him.
Yeah, I said that. I understand why all of you hate him but I can't bring myself to do it. And I'm ready to physically fight whoever dares to say anything about him.
Now, Spite got everything she wanted, she's a human ajd I'm happy she got her happy ending.
Or the happiest she can be without Ikaris around.
We all knew he'd be there, but I got excited when Eros made his entrance. My inner fangirl screamed.
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