#Theo nott lore
suugarbabe · 4 months
theodore nott | lore
Theo was born to his father Tiberius Nott and his mother Selene. Tiberius is also Theo's middle name (but he heavily resents it)
Theo and Draco essentially grew up together as both of their father's were loyal followers of Voldemort
Theo's father was and still is a Death Eater (however he is forever imprisioned in Azkaban after the second wizarding war)
His mother became sick before he ever attended Hogwarts, around when he was five or so
Her illness was very rare and caused her to slowly lose all of her magic while simultaneously getting weaker and weaker
You would often find Theo at his mother's bedside at St. Mungo's
You wouldn't, however, find Tiberius there as he essentially began disowning his wife as soon as she started to lose her magic
Theo was there when his mother passed (he was about eight), which is why he was one of three students that could see Thestrals his fifth year (the other two being Luna and Harry)
Spending so much time at St. Mungo's is actually what made Theo want to get better at potions
Bby boy was one of 12 students able to continue on to advanced N.E.W.T. level potions
His time at St. Mungo's allowed him to really spend precious time with his mother, hearing her stories and her aspirations for him and getting to see what a kind and loving soul she was
Even though she was growing weaker and losing her own magic
She used their time together to try and teach him as many unique spells and magical oddities that she could
You will often be surprised that Theo knows a spell or how to make a potion because he seems to never be paying attention
While he had to do certain things at the command of his father, deep down Theo is a lover
Theo's rage comes from the loss of his mother and the spite of his father
Never really allowed to process what happened to his mom, Theo bottled those feelings and thus, it comes out as anger and rage (making him a great fighter)
Through and through, Theo is a protector, as that was something he wasn't able to do for his mother
In order to be the best protector he became an excellent observer
Thus, when everyone things Theo is in the background, nodding off or dismissing conversations
He’s actually taking in as much information as possible
Because you never know how useful information can be
All and all, while Theo has a raging RBF, he’s really just observant, protecting and caring
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
I keep seeing people being like "og Lorenzo wouldn't act like that did you even read the story?" (It was one TikTok) And the answer is no. I haven't. NO ONE WILL TELL ME WHAT IT IS WHERE THE FUCK DID THESE GUYS COME FROM I think it's like a draco Malfoy fanfic but like do you realize how many of those there are also like what if that Lorenzo mattheo or Theo are boring? Hm? Yeah didn't think about that one now did you
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phas3d · 3 months
Can you do slytherin boys head canons with ravenclaw reader who info dumps randomly
You're Smart || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
summary :: you have a habit of saying fun facts and explaining everything in great detail while they listen - it's not super ravenclaw based but u can imagine it :) THANK U FOR REQUESTINGG RAAAHHHH <333
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Hated it at first since it felt like you were trying to on up him
Would start to research more topics on his own to make sure you can't one up him on it
Turns this into a competition that's completely one sided for no reason LMAO
Stays up all night up just to learn the most niche and useless information of all time
But somehow, you always know more than him and beat him
Gets so frustrated by this because he can't stand not being the smartest know-it-all in the room
So he decides to try and make YOU seem stupid
Asks you super hard questions that no one could possibly know
But for some reason, you know it
This drives him even crazier cause he can't win LOL
But overtime, he grows to find it really useful and cute at times
He likes to see how passionate you are on different things
And he does like smart girls, so he starts to see it as a pro
Super annoyed by the fun facts and random info at the start
Mainly because he probably already knows it or he doesn't care for it
Because if he was interested, he would have searched it up already
So in his eyes, it seems like you're call him too lazy and dumb to want to search something up
So he tells you to shut up right away when he knows you're going to info dump
But sometimes, he genuinely doesn't know and he hates admitting that
He's super bad at social interactions, online culture, etc, so he does need help with those
But he's too egotistical to admit that
So he starts to just "ignore you" when you info dump
You'll explain the deep and complicated lore of Trisha Paytas and once you're done he'll say, "Huh? Oh I was spacing out."
But in reality, he was listening in depth and taking mental notes
So he starts to use this to his advantage since you do describe every very well
He starts to silently train you in a way
For example, he'll place a group of items in front of you, like a blue shirt next to a Slytherin hoodie
This will then remind you of Alvin and the Chipmunks so you dive into the deep lore of each actor
Doesn't really care much at first since he's always been a bit dumber than other kids
He assumed everything you were saying was common knowledge and that he was just dumb
But when others start to mention how smart you are, he's surprised
He has a smart s/o :O
Well, he always knew that but to find out that you were smarter than a majority of people gave him a confidence boost
Starts to rely on you for every single question he has possible
Even if he knows the answer, he just wants to see if he's right
He likes it when you info dump to him
Surprisingly, he's a really good listener when it comes to you
Loves listening to you talk for hours on end
He's not much of a talker, so having you there to info dump on him is really amusing
You're like a walking podcast for him to listen to
Likes to ask you questions too so you can switch topics
He's super proud of seeing how smart you are
Theo is pretty smart, the smartest out of the Slytherin boy group at least (Which isn't that hard) (Tom doesn't count LOL)
So it's nice for him to finally talk to someone that doesn't ask dumb ass questions every 5 minutes
It's like switching his brain off so he can just listen to you talk and explain
It makes him feel safer with you to know that you're so smart and into so many things
He also loves it because it makes it so easy to buy you a gift since he knows exactly what you like :)
You're both kinda in the same boat which is amazing and bad
He's also into info dumping and telling you about the niche history he found out
But so are you, so you two end up clashing and having different ideas
Like for example, you were both info dumping about the brand new live actions Avatar the Last Air Bender and you both had drastically different thoughts
Lorenzo thought a lot of it was inaccurate but you were defending it with your life
But in the end, you both just shut up because you accidentally switch topics mid way
He loves asking you questions about niche topics so he doesn't have to research them himself
Likes listening to you talk while he eats
Sometimes he'll facetime you while he has dinner so he can listen to you talk
And sometimes he even calls you before bed so you can talk him to sleep :)
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weasleyreidstyles · 3 months
Serendipity Headcannons; Mattheo Riddle
series masterlist
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A glimpse into our main boy's life leading up to sixth year (where Serendipity kicks off) – eventually going to do them for each character (the ones who are a constant in the series), except meadow since that's more reader-centric but let me know who i should do next (this is me putting off writing chapter 17 because its making me want to rip out my hair)
It actually ended up being so long (i got carried away) that i'll have to do a separate post for the nsfw😏 hcs that i also wrote down - if that's something that people want to see of course
warning(s): cannonical violence, mentions of parental death, menions of torture and abuse (tried to make this as mild as possible), allusions to self harm (literally one bullet point), mentions of blood supremacy/cannonical pureblood madness, mentions of alcohol consumption/drug use, mentions of being sick (sorry fellow emetaphobes), allusions to an ED
Obviously he's Voldemort's son (its a known fact; when his name was called shortly after Harry's during the Sorting Ceremony, people immediately began to fear him for his last name – avoided him in corridors and older students were horrible to him)
His mother died when he was born, so he never got to meet her. But she had loved Tom Riddle with all her heart, despite knowing what kind of person he was (I like the tom hughes fancast for an older version of him – TikTok editors have me influenced)
When he failed to kill baby Harry, Theodore Nott's mum took it upon herself to care for Mattheo (who was only several months older than Harry at the time) – she was close friends with Matt's mum
They may not be related by blood, but Matt considers Theo to be his brother as well as his best friend
Mattheo's childhood (up until he was eight) was relatively acquiescent, but obviously being the heir to the Dark Lord comes with its own traumas – he was plagued with nightmares he swears were real conversations with his father
When Theo's mum died, his father wasn't the nicest to either of the boys; they both grew to resent him – the man either ignored them, shouted at them or beat them senselessly (to build character)
They had a Governess in the years after Theo's mum died, so that they'd be well ahead of their peers once they got to Hogwarts - also a way to keep them out of Theo Nott Senior's way
During his sorting, the hat immediately placed him in Slytherin, but it wasn't as quick to choose, like it was with Draco or Blaise.
Harry had unconsciously made him public enemy number one when he found out who he was (I mean his dad did kill Harry's parents so) as well as Draco and co
Mattheo doesn't believe in the blood supremacy that is spouted around pureblood families – has never used 'mudblood' to insult anyone (draco take notes fr) – but thats only due to theo's mother and the way she raised her boys – also it would be so hypocritical because he's a halfblood (i think, idk the twisted lore of purebloods too deeply)
Professor Quirrell took a particular interest towards Mattheo (his dad was literally playing house on the back of the guys head)
He found out that Quirrell was Voldemort (?) pretty quickly when the Dark Mark was burned onto his left forearm – something that continuously happened in his nightmares so he thought he was in one when it happened
Partly why he didn't say anything – he was also weary that no one would believe him
He tried everything to get it off his skin – burning, scratching, spelling, even carving it out, but nothing worked. The Dark Mark was engraved onto his arm like it had buried itself within the very cell structure of his skin
He didn't gain as much attention as Harry did in first year. He went practically under the rader after the first couple of months, only interacting with his small group of friends (Theo, Draco, Blaise, Enzo and Pansy) and competing for the top academic spot in class – when Theo's father found out that both boys were being beaten for first place by a muggleborn (go Hermione!), he used the cruciatus curse on both of them - moreso on Theo :(
Second year was a completely different story however
When the Chamber of Secrets opened, people whispered that he could be the heir of Slytherin (because his father is literally Voldemort so technically they weren't wrong) and he didn't go as unnoticed as before
He developed a thick skin towards the insults and returned them with steely looks that sent people scurrying the other way
He began physically fighting some people when his restraint snapped at times though – he didn't have a way to relieve the tension from all the agression at this point
The only people who spoke to him with no fear were his friends
When the first student was petrified, he was brought into Dumbledore's office for questioning
During the dueling session, he watched in awe as Harry spoke to the snake but didn't dare say a word
He was the only one in his group that didn't bad mouth Harry at this time or call him the 'heir of Slytherin'
He's actually really smart (not at Ancient Runes though lol) and is among one of Professor Flitwick's favourite students
When Harry and Ron posed as Crabbe and Goyle you (Meadow) had posed as Pansy and he had thought it was strange to see her with the two of them, but she had a small crush on Draco in first and second year so he brushed it off as her trying to impress his friend
But he knew it wasn't her when Draco had mentioned Hermione (calling her a mudblood) and 'Pansy' had gone deathly still
He's been skilled at Occlimency for as long as he can remember, as has Theo. But Mattheo has a certain affinity (he calls it a curse) for hearing people thoughts without even uttering the spell – also why he's so good at preventing people like Dumbledore from using it on him
Wasn't aware of his father's diary being used to lure Harry to the Chamber of Secrets, but at one point he heard the whispers in the pipes and vehemently ignored it until it eventually stopped (big mistake, cus voldy holds grudges very well)
Once Ginny was rescued from the Chamber, he felt incredibly guilty even though he literally had no control of the situation – sent her an 'anonymous' gift basket as an apology (he knew it would never make up for what happened to her, but he hoped it would at least make her smile) – it did, she thought it was a gift from dumbledore though
One of the only times he was even a little kind to the Golden Trio and their friends
The summer after second year was hellish for him and Theo
The basilisk was obviously meant to kill Harry so Theo Nott Senior was angry that his master's big plan had failed (2 years running🤝)
Third year was more mild than the last (thank God, honestly)
Mattheo had made it onto the quidditch team now that half of them had left the year before
He's a beater and proud of it – lets out all that pent up agression on the field, which makes him one of the best in his house (dare i say whole school🤭)
Quidditch became his whole personality basically (he's a teenage boy duh – it's like the football obsessed idiots in the pub levels) and he came to love the attention it brought him – he was starting to be noticed by girls outside Slytherin and making enemies with the rival players
He decided then that he wanted to play quidditch professionally in the future – he would not be caught dead behind a desk in the Ministry (they probably wouldn't hire hom anyway, simply because he's a Riddle)
Because he was on the team, he was invited to more parties which he also enjoyed – the man can drink!
But he wasn't one to jump around like a madman like some people he saw at the parties. He and his friends (those on the team – Theo, Blaise and Draco) would sit around the sofas and play drinking games with others who were sat down – including you and some of your housemates at times – but never the Gryffindors
Sirius Black was on the loose which took the pressure of being Tom Riddle's son off his shoulders somewhat – no one actually dared to fuck with Mattheo now that he was a beater either
Buckbeak took a liking to him, surprisingly, as did the thestrals that only he, Theo and so few others could see
The dementors affected him as much as they affected Harry – he could hear his own mother's cries
During the boggart lesson, he was apprehensive of what he would see – would he see what he sees in his most horrifying nightmares? Or would it be something as trivial as a grindilow or something?
Safe to say he was glad that Professor Lupin stopped the lesson after Harry's turned into the dementor
Speaking of dementors, one of the only spells he cannot cast is the Patronus Charm – even his happiest memories are not strong enough to envoke the magic
People thought he helped Sirius into the castle at one point (absurd, i know)
He and Harry got into some arguments at times – Mattheo liked to provoke him for the fun of it, mostly so that competition on the quidditch field was filled with extra tension, but also because Harry and Ron are dickheads who like to talk shit about him and his friends (hypocrites because the Slytherins literally do the same thing lol)
This is the point where you're on his radar a bit more frequently – you, Ron and Hermione went to Hogsmeade a lot and were frequently in the same places as Mattheo and his friends
He does not like you at all, partly for the fact that you follow Harry and Dumbledore so blindly but also – you are one of the reasons he and theo get so much stick at home, along with hermione being top of the class, you are as well so he grows to resent you a little
He's always there when you're yelling at anyone who says something against your friends (usually Crabbe or Goyle – our mortal enemies fr)
When Sirius escaped the dementors people genuinely thought he helped (again, absurd i know)
Moving onto fourth year...he went to the Quidditch World Cup with Theo and Nott Senior disappeared after the match ended and festivities began
We all know what happened but when the Dark Mark appeared in the sky, Theo, Draco and Mattheo all looked at it in absolute horror, having heard the harrowing stories first hand from their families
Mattheo had a panic attack at the thought of his father returning – after the run in with him in first year, he's been certain that Voldemort isn't really dead, and this confirms it for him (because why the fuck would his father's mark appear out of nowhere?)
Because of that, the school year is off to a great start
He gets into fights left, right and centre – especially since quidditch has been cancelled in favour of hosting the Triwizard Tournament (i've obviously aged up the characters but lets pretend the age limit still exists in some capacity)
The Durmstrang students practically worshipped the ground he walked on – which was ego boosting to start with, but Mattheo quickly grew irritated by their constant infatuation with him – especially Karkaroff who always compared him to the great Tom Riddle or the 'Dark Lord' interchangeably
Whenever Professor Moody stared at him for too long, he got an odd sensation on his left forearm, where the mark sits, like spiders were scurrying and crawling around – he decides after the very first DADA lesson (unforgivable curses) that he did not like this professor.
There was just something off about him, but Mattheo couldn't quite figure out what – foolishly tried Occlimency but obviously it didn't work on the most infamous auror
Wasn't even surprised when Harry's name came out of the Goblet – he is coined 'Saint Potter' by the friendgroup (started of course by Draco)
He and Theo snuck out to the forbidden forest to see the dragons up close before the first task – almost got caught by Charlie Weasley, had Hagrid and Harry not showed up with Madame Maxine mere moments before he could spot them
He took a random girl from Beauxbatons to the Yule Ball because he did not want to deal with the hassle of Hogwarts gossip – but everyone gossiped about it anyway (busybodies)
Rumours went around about the two of them (you know like how Snape caught two people in the carriage🤭)
At this point, you were just his arch nemesis' best friend so you were not fully on his radar past sneering comments and jibes, but a small part of him can admit that you looked beautiful in your glittering dress (think Feyre starfall dress vibes)
The rest of the year went by uneventfully – he got on with his school work and remained one of the top of class except in Ancient Runes which theo tried to tutor him in....unsuccessfully
In the months leading up to the third task, Mattheo noticed Moody's skittish behaviour (also Karkaroff and weirdly...Snape) especially after Crouch was found murdered in the Forbidden Forest after the second task
On the day of the first task, he had the worst gut feeling he's ever felt – bigger than the day he found out that his surrogate mother had died
Sitting in the stands with his friends, near the back of the stadium, his arm begins to burn so painfully that he has to fight physically crying out at the crippling pain (Voldemort just got resurrected as a noseless alien)
Excuses himself to his friends' utter confusion and concern – Theo stops Pansy from running after him, letting him have space, somehow just knowing what Matt's sudden departure meant (he saw Mattheo cradle his left arm while he walked away)
Just before Mattheo walks through the exit, Harry apparates back with the trophy (portkey) and Cedric's dead body beneath him screaming that "Voldemort's back!"
He couldn't hold back the contents of his stomach at the statement because he knew it was true. He just knew it deep in his bones.
He had to hide behind the bleachers of the quidditch pitch while everyone was stampeding to leave, where he just sobbed and sobbed because he knew then what his future would be.
Theo found him an hour later and together they mourned for the future Mattheo had desperately always wanted
That summer was the worst he's ever experienced to date.
He met this snake-like version of his father, his only other memories being of a handsome man (Tom Hughes vibes) not whatever this thing was.
His father thanked Theo Nott Senior personally for taking such good care of his heir – this was such an ego boost for that horrid man
Mattheo was tortured into the perfect soldier that summer – tasked with training other Slytherins/purebloods into the regime
Its not very discernable but if his hands are still for long enough, they begin to shake unconsciously due to just how many times Voldemort used the cruciatus curse on him
His nightmares had become a reality that summer – he no longer slept, and only ate when Draco had to force him to
There was one silver lining at least
No one believed Harry Potter.
So Voldemort's army grew exponentially in secret, as did their knowledge of certain prophecies
We know that Professor Trelawney had the vision but Voldemort has a seer of his own – who made him aware of the order being in possession of a siphon but not able to say who it is (its meadow of course🤪🤪🤪)
His fifth year marked the start of the war, even if the otherside didn't know it just yet
At school, Harry started many explosive arguments with him, that he admittedly fed into a little bit out of pure amusement
His stoic facade was ever present this year. Not an expression painted his handsome face in the public eye. Rarely did anyone catch a glimmer of joy in those onyx eyes.
It was around this time, when he discovered that Harry was being taught Occlimency that you were doing some studying of your own
He heard the soft whisper of your thoughts in his head – a pleasant sound – mumbling little bits and pieces about the art, as if you were revising them over and over like a broken record
He knew you were Theo's patrol partner because Theo would not stop complaining about having to deal with one of Saint Potter's loyal followers (the two of you did not speak for 5 whole patrol sessions – lets say between September and November)
Thats when the idea sprang
Admittedly it started out as a way to satisfy his curiosity
He wanted to know why you were learning Occlimency and actually doing surprisingly well, despite not having someone to actively practice it on/with you, while Potter was not taking it seriously at all
So he asked Theo to try and befriend you – when asked why, he explained that he was curious and wanted to know if he hunch he had was right – his gut feelings are almost never wrong
Theo begins his task of slowly befriending you and relaying anything remotely important to Mattheo – no progress at first, until the two of you happen to bond over your hatred for the new DADA professor
He joins the Inquisitorial Squad because Theo's father wanted him to, and by extension said that the Dark Lord wanted his son to set an example too (lets not forget, in his prime Tom was literally the smartest in the school – was definitely head boy as well as an academic weapon)
This is how he finds out what Umbridge's detentions truly entailed
Speaking of Umbridge (she deserves her own tw actually), she had shown particular favouritism towards Mattheo and his friends, to anyone who was against Harry, really – never gave them detentions and let them off easily, even defended Mattheo's honour against Harry's 'heinous' accusations
But back to the detentions – both he and Theo found out about the blood quill around the same time
He was waiting for Theo to finish patrols so they could go smoke in the Astronomy Tower, when he overheard Umbridge talking to the two of you
Well actually she was talking to you – because apparently it was now against the rules for prefects to walk around past curfew (even though thats their literal role?) and she gave you a detention for it
When you asked why in Merlin's name Theo wasn't being treated the same, she said it's because he's on the Inquisitorial Squad and was therefore exempt from her detentions
You had detention the next day and did not show up to your next few patrols, but Mattheo saw the hints of a glamour covering your non-dominant hand (he would know because he's had a glamour over his scarred forearm for years)
Theo told him that you refused to admit that something was wrong - you hadn't even told your friends about whatever was bothering you
They found out by chance – a first year that had gotten lost was cradling their hand and the boys saw the words of the boy's own scrawl etched harshly into the flesh of his hand
When Matt was observing you in the library one day (happenstance, he's not a stalker lol), he was deducing how far along you were with Occlimency but found that you winced and held your head when he actively tried to enter your mind – not good for how long you'd been teaching yourself the art
So he gets Theo to talk to you mentally and the first time it happens is actually comical – you drop the contents of your potions incredients onto the floor out of shock before you whack Theo across the head with your hardbacked potions textbook
That's really how the two of you became friends, your friendship with Pansy following soon after
Now you're slowly building up the tolerance for Occlimency with a little help from a friend
Leading up to Christmas, the mark burns wickedly against his skin at all hours of the day
Then Arthur Weasley is attacked and Mattheo is surprised that no Weasley has come to deck him in the face for simply being Voldemort's son
Obviously no one does because everyone (barring you and Hermione) have been swept away to 12 Grimmauld Place
After Christmas he does get decked – George sends a bludger his way that most definitely had the power to break his entire arm (and definitely a few ribs); after the abysmal Christmas break he's had, he's almost tempted to let it happen – but his beater instincts kick in and he's pelting the bludger and all its momentous energy towards one of Gryffindor's chasers instead
His Dark Mark burns every time his father fails to retrieve his and Harry's prophecy
He begins to suspect that you are the siphoner when you perform wandless magic like its a second nature during breakfast one morning (you're using your magic to flip through the pages of your book, while you leisurely sip coffee, probably awaiting Granger's arrival)
His suspicions are more than confirmed when your magic seems to literally pulse like your pulling more of it from the air – it's almost indiscernible, but if he paid attention, he could see the symphonic ripple of your magic and the Great Hall's magic mingling in the air (and he knows Dumbledore can see it too)
He explains this to Theo without telling him so much that'll get him involved with what knowing this will mean for his brother
He passes all his O.W.Ls with a plethora Outstanding and Exceeds Expectations grades, except for Ancient Runes where he gets a mere Acceptable (which somehow still allows him to retake the class in his N.E.W.Ts options, funnily enough)
What's not funny is Voldemort's reaction to this anomaly of a result :(
Lets rewind to june 18th (aka battle of department of mysteries; RIP Sirius Black you icon, you legend)
The DA have just been busted (like two weeks/a week prior to the date above) and you're all in detention writing out the line "I must not disobey the Ministry" over and over again – to the point where it has become a permanent scar that you see everyday
Exams are happening and Harry has just been delivered a vision by Voldemort (he just passed out in a DADA exam🫣)
Saint Potter and his band of followers try to break into Umbrige's office and fail exponentially
The Inquisitorial Squad catch you all in the act of guarding the corridor outside her office while Harry, Ron and Hermione try and contact Sirius
You're all trapped in the office and everyone (including the Inquisitorial Squad) is shocked when she goes to cast the cruciatus on Potter – internally Matt is cringing and fighting the instinctive flinch
"You can't do that! It's illegal!" Your defence of harry is ignored as Umbridge puts Fudge picture face down – Matt swears your eyes burn a violent indigo, but it's gone in a blink
Hermione and Harry end up taking her to where 'Dumbledore's secret weapon' is and you lot are now all stuck with the Inquisitorial Squad
Theo actually only holds you loosely, and he's the same with Ginny – not forcefully holding her, but also not allowing her to break free at the same time
Crabbe and Goyle take Ron's bate and eat the Puking Pastilles from the Weasley twins' personal collection and you all escape
Then the battle eventually takes place and everyone knows that Voldemort truly has returned
Now onto the current timeline of Serendipity!!
Mattheo decides over summer that he wants to help the otherside desperately
Especially because Draco is now a Death Eater
And Enzo and Theo are set to become Death Eaters the following Christmas – punishment for what happened during the battle in June
Proposes the idea that he teach you Occlimency in exchange for you helping them get out – the group agrees and Theo and Pansy set out to persude you to help
Roll on the Serendipity plot where he slowly begins to actually care about you (scary feelings; unknown territory)
He's never felt this strongly about someone before, not in the way he feels about you
At first he enjoyed how infuriated you became with him; he also despised how many questions you would ask (but that was your nature and he grew accustomed to it)
You're the only one whose ever called him Théo, after the death of Theo's mother, the name was as good as dead to him, until you started calling him it – he never wanted you to stop
The feelings you invoke in him are what finally allow him to produce a full patronus – when the majestic form of a Hippogriff bursts from the tip of his wand, swirling and spiralling at the thought of you, he let out a genuine laugh
He's so soft for you – his persona changes in the blink of an eye at times – from cruel and brooding to gentle and compassionate
His friends have never seen him happier – admittedly were surprised to learn of your relationship, but when they watched the way the two of you interacted after you'd become a pariah to your old friends, they understood.
Mattheo is so protective of all his friends, and somehow he's even more protective of you – he had wanted to incinerate Harry and Ron on the spot for how they'd made you feel, but knew you would never forgive him for it, despite how badly they'd hurt you
He'd burn the world down if it meant you'd be safe, especially because you had the one power that his father desired to have in his ever growing arsenal
Mattheo always has to be touching you in some way (he's a physical touch kind of guy), whether that be a hand on your thigh when you're seated; an arm wrapped around you as you walk; interlocking pinkies, etc. He just loves feeling you near him.
You're such a typical Slytherin/Ravenclaw couple – your intellect amazing him all the time, and he's no longer miffed that you always beat him for a spot at the top in class – his ambitions and adamant loyalty are something that you admire dearly, and hold close to your heart
You both know without having to voice it that your love is unconditional and eternal. Its a love as rare as your magic.
(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff
@babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony
@dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf
@devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira @foxboyapologist @lafrone @lovely-maryj
@nromanovaswife @leeknows-wife @dracygf @wildlyobserving @ravenclawprincess33 @melllinaa @vellicora @lantsovheiress @emiliahoward @stunkbiggu @vcosette
@prongsprincessworld @mattiesgirl
@rachmmb @x-kermit-x @sun-fiower-seed @cas-planet @certaindreampost
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@lovely-blackinnon @hiireadstuff
@gimalo135 @elsafromcabinsix @moonlightreader649 @blueshome
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@navs-bhat @agent-tempest
@magimtz23 @y0urm0m12
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pizzaapeteer · 14 days
Hey I’m kinda new to the fandom and at first I thought these guys were actually casted as the 🐍 boys but I looked it up and they’re just in random shows. Was this like a fancast or something? How come everyone agreed to use the same actors when writing about the guys? I need to know the lore😭
Hi hi hi theeeee biggest apology for taking forever to respond. pls accept my love 💛🌟 SO, I haven't actually read any of the original fanfictions that Lorenzo (Enzo) Berkshire, Mattheo Riddle and Theodore Nott are from. Though I know Theo is canon, there is a fanfiction that gave him more of a personality and I believe where he got his fancast face from. If im correct all the original fanfiction for these characters started on wattpad. Please I apologise if I get any of this info incorrect its just what I've picked up myself or learnt from friends.
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Mattheo Riddle I believe he was created from the fanfiction Possessive by yasmineamaro. It's a draco Malfoy fic but he's a character that gets introduced in it. I only know this based off what friends have told me. I know his face claim is Benjamin Wadsworth and the most pics are taken from when he was in Deadly Class. Which I recommend watching if you haven't, it's a good show and he's gorgeous in it. Mattheo seems to be switched between Tom Riddles son/brother depending on who writes the fic, but is originally Tom and Bellatrix's son.
His original personality is also described as cold, possessive, jealous, or at least that's how I was introduced to the character and like to try mostly keep him. Of course, with fanfiction you can bend characters in a way that fits the plot or scenario of your fic and character (reader). The original fic looks to have been taken down, but this link explains what the book is about and Mattheo's character.
Lorenzo Berkshire Enzo I believe came from the fanfiction Filthy created by babynaomi. Another original Draco Malfoy fanfiction haha and him as more of a side character. His face claim is Louis Partridge original picked from Enola Holmes. Also he is adorable in that, especially the second film. Enzo in this fic is a fucking prick. He's a perverted, slimy git who manipulates and uses women. Again Louis is so adorable its easy to think of Enzo as super sweet, I try to find a blend between the two personalities. But always trying to remember that Enzo is a Slytherin for a reason. Pretty sure his mother is also bellatrix, so he’s suppose to be Mattheos half-brother and Draco’s cousin. Don’t quote me on that 🫢
Theodore Nott Theo is originally mentioned in the Harry Potter series and in the Cursed child. From what I know, he was a part of Draco Malfoy's gang, and his father was a death eater who was caught in the Order of the Pheonix with Lucius. Also that he invented the time turner in the Cursed child and sent to Azkaban by Harry as an adult. But his fanfiction which gives him more of a personality that I base my writing on at least, and the one I discovered he was in, is Secret and Masks by Emerald_Slytherin. His face claim is Lorenzo Zurzolo from the Italian show Baby. Also, another good show, and I fucking love his hair in that.
I'm not sure how everyone just came to agree but I bloody love that we all did. When I first got into them those were just the three guys already picked as face claims and I love them all and the personalities that have been picked. I hope this helped, I assume you already discovered this out since I took so long, but I appreciate you reaching out 💛 I need to read these og fics tbh
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leviosatothestars · 3 months
We’re going to ignore the fact that I absolutely forgot today is Remus’ birthday and instead I’m going to post something in honor of him :).
The concept of my fanfiction is how Tom Riddle/Voldemort’s reign had an affect on four different generations of women and the people they all loved. I’m white and grew up in a primarily white suburban town so I don’t feel like I’d be able to give women of color the justice they deserve, which is why the main characters are all white (Irish and Italian heritage).
People of color are prevalent in the story, including one of my other OCs and canonically POC in the Wizarding World. I don’t think anyone’s identities should be stripped from them, even if it’s a popular headcanon amongst the fandom and not canon.
Almost all of my OCs, even the ones that are not main characters, either are neurodivergent or have a disability and it plays a major role in their life because mental & chronic illnesses truly are that way. I myself am neurodivergent and chronically ill and I wanted more representation for people in these communities. It also doesn’t help that so many of the characters in the actual books/movies are obviously mentally ill and the “creator” (I will not say her name unless I’m ranting about how much I don’t like her) did not shine light onto how to help people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or any other mental illness.
I am also very anti Dumbledore and Snape and that’s prevalent in the fanfic as well. In my opinion, neither are good people, they are both very morally grey in a way that I cannot support (I say this because Mattheo Riddle is morally grey and I love him). I am a Percy Weasley supporter though and I hope people can understand why in my interpretation of him (he’s still very much like his canon self).
Oh, and most of the characters in my fanfic are LGBTQ+, including almost all of my OCs. In the Golden Trio era of the story there’s actually a friend group one of the main characters of that gen that’s only queer characters, from all four houses. That friend group holds a very special place in my heart because I’m sort of inspired by my hometown friend group.
I wanted my fanfic to have a heavier focus on characters that either didn’t not get enough attention in the movies or books or haven’t really in the fandom, such as: Oliver Wood, Emmeline Vance, Xenophilius Lovegood, Edgar Bones, Emma Vanity, Lucinda Talkalot, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Charlie Weasley, and Adrian Pucey. Fan favorites such as the Marauders, Fred & George Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, Regulus Black, and the Valkyries make an appearance or are central to this story.
I began writing this fanfiction in 2020, which was when I first watched the movies (I am not a Draco girly though and missed out on most of Dracotok), so my interpretation on some of these characters may be different than most of the Marauders fandom. Over time, I have tried to include different pieces of the fandom’s headcanons on the Marauders era characters (and Theo), but it’s still not the same because it’s my interpretation.
Some point soon I plan on posting a list of every character that appears in the fanfiction, which is nowhere near finished because my mind hops between the four gens whenever I write 😂, and I will be categorizing them by their Hogwarts houses.
I am very excited to introduce you all to the family of women in this story, their friends, and their love interests as well as explaining the lore of this Pureblood house that is not part of the Sacred 28.
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cherienymphe · 3 months
This is craaaazy. I mean I know that all characters are made up but this is a purely fanon character like what 😭
It’s so funny because some random girl on WATTPAD made him up several years ago and to this day people are still writing x readers and whatnot for him 💀 and there are a decent amount out there. Back when I was reading them a couple months ago there was never a shortage of stories to pick from for him. Enzo berkshire is also fake but idk what his origins are. He’s supposed to be Draco’s cousin and his fancast is Louis Partridge. I remember when word got out that he and Olivia Rodrigo were dating, someone was like “do you think she’s seen the slytherin boys reacts TIKTOKS?” Which is a whole nother form of lore. And then Theodore nott is canon but he was only briefly mentioned in the books… and once again, the slytherin boys fandom has made ample content for him 💀 his fancast is the Italian actor Lorenzo zurzolo, who was gatekept until pretty recently but now I think he’s becoming what you could call a “heartthrob” in Western media. And if I remember right, his character in the books isn’t canonically Italian but they always have him spewing some romantic Italian lines in the fanfics written about him just because his fancast is Italian 😭
Yes I've featured Theo in several of my own fics but I can't remember who the fancast was for him at the time. I have seen the Lorenzo as Theo edits and of course timothee is now the face of regulus. In addition, I've seen Louis featured but I had no idea his character was made up by the fandom too 😭 ngl the HP fandom scares me now because between the shifting and the react videos and fake characters it's just...a lot
Most of the HP videos that pop up on my fyp are either draco, tom, or black family related. I know my girl Sara Gadon is now the young narcissa fancast and for the life of me I can't remember the actress they've chosen to represent bella and andromeda
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reggieblk · 5 months
srry I'm new to harrymort and I'm unsure who enzo and mattheo are. if you feel up to it can I get a brief explanation or a nod in the right direction
omg it's fine! sorry that's just me and some friends fucking around hahha
Technically Mattheo and Lorenzo have nothing to do with Harrymort but let me give you a rundown on the lore.
Original Characters from some Wattpad Draco Malfoy x reader fics, Mattheo Riddle and Lorenzo Berkshire.
Now, there's been some debate and a lot of research on our part but Mattheo Riddle is, apparently, Tom's son. (Not his uncle/nephew like we originally thought). I'm gonna be honest, I can't even remember who Lorenzo is LOL but just another OC Slytherin boy from a Wattpad fic.
They're also very popular characters on TikTok and Tumblr as part of the Slytherin Bois TM (along with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, and even Tom sometimes when the girlies are feeling a little adventurous).
They've become very mainstream amongst HP characters x reader readers and writers.
Me and my friends are fujos so we like to jest that these 2 irrelevant OCs are in love with each other instead of y/n thus the silly ask I got LOL
Hope that cleared things up, though I'm guessing you're reading this like ???? which...fair and real tbh. I hope you have fun on your Harrymort journey, anon! x
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
From Across the Great Divide
From Across the Great Divide https://ift.tt/MHvxAyg by AccioMjolnir Hermione's life has gone through some seismic changes, and she's finally ready to turn a new leaf. She has taken a break and opened herself up to change. But little does she know just how much change she's about to experience. Words: 3116, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Soul Bond, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Mental connection, Shared sensations, muggle travel, Not Beta Read, american vacation, Muggle Technology, Muggle Life, Self-Reflection, mental bond, Playing Fast and Loose with Soulmate Bond Lore, This Fic Has Its Own Internal Lore Okay, trust me - Freeform, I'll Get You There, Don't worry, Draco Malfoy has a big dick, This Might Be The Opposite of a Slow Burn, If You Consider The Actual Timeline, I Don't Know How To Tag This I'll Just Stop Here, Eventual Smut, Fluffy with a dash of angst via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/U8PyMeX April 10, 2023 at 11:40PM
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splendidissimus · 10 months
Core Conceits
Splendidisssimus: The Unauthorised Draco Malfoy Biography
Stories spanning roughly 25 years of Draco's life from ~16 to ~40, featuring also his parents and Theo. Draco masters wandless magic. Theo is employed as Draco's researcher / assistant and then personal healer / caregiver.
Fair warning / assurance: I'm actually incapable of giving them a tragic ending. But man will they suffer a lot before they get out of it.
✨Observation✨ Draco Malfoy has a lot of interesting potential which ends up completely wasted, as far as I can tell. He seems to be genuinely good at, well, everything he acts arrogant about -- academics, Quidditch, dueling, influencing people. He is a genuinely hard worker. He's charismatic and clever. And all of that seems squandered after 5th year.
Secondary observation: being forced to work for Voldemort for two years while he lives in your very house is a perfect storm for CPTSD. Plus, life as a Malfoy is going to be very complicated for a while after Voldemort is defeated.
✨Plan✨ Explore where that potential could actually take him without being wildly OOC. Explore the actual ramifications of the books. Explore wizard society. Use Draco as a vehicle to address my serious humanitarian and lore issues with the Wizarding Worldbuilding.
✨The "Alternate" Part✨ Draco's assignment from Voldemort to kill Dumbledore also came with a time bomb -- a curse that progressively weakened him the longer he went without succeeding, and would have killed him at the 1 year mark: less than a week after Dumbledore actually died. This effect is permanent and leaves him physically weak and with a vastly diminished life expectancy.
And then have Draco accidentally dump a cauldron of Amortentia on Theo to turn it Draco Malfoy x Theodore Nott because reasons.
#splendidissimus writing for the stories.
#splendidissimus eu for supporting stories (not actually the "ages 16-40 Draco" stories, but things like stories about his parents or pre-school events).
#splendidissimus worldbuilding for headcanons and extrapolation / examinations of the worldbuilding I am taking to be true.
#scene from the books for scenes from the books written from Draco's perspective, or seeing his side of it.
#otp answers for answered prompts and questions about Theo and Draco
#character answers for answered prompts and questions about them individually.
Most of the stories are fluff and filler and musings, but some of them are actually key plot points for this whole universe, so here they are:
Voldemort's Defeat & Immediate Aftermath:
The Trial of Draco Malfoy
Summer After Hogwarts
Theo comes back / Draco's official diagnosis
Draco's Birthday // "I'm never going to leave you alone."
Inventory of Draco's health
Description of Nott house
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suugarbabe · 5 months
been thinking about writing blurbs on the lore of each of the Slytherin boys? Would you guys be interested in that?
Like kind of my belief in what each of their background are and ‘where they come from’ so to speak, just to maybe help anyone who reads my work to better understand why a character would react a certain way or have a certain behavior.
Because each thing I write I essentially take from the same general lore that I have for each boy for their personality; the storyline having minimal influence on their major personality, just tiny influences on little nuances based on the story, if that makes sense.
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killawayfanboys · 2 years
In a delirious and drunken manner I fell asleep while thinking about one of my wip. AND NOTHING IS WRITTEN DOWN. I WANNA SCREAM.
Good thing about this is I've worked out some canon and lore to work with.
I think I spent like 4 or 5 hours just trying to get comfortable enough to sleep while thinking about this trying to lull myself to not awake. This is a HP project btw so expect that.
My oc and Theodore Nott are in a relationship for about 2 ish years, starting at the end of book 3 to about the end of book 5. By book 6 they're no longer together due to Theo becoming a Death Eater and my oc joining the Order. They both know this about one another and it makes their conversations awkward.
My oc knows when Draco is attacked by Harry and instinctively comes to his aid. Showing up at the same time Snape does, and in a fit my oc almost tears Harry's throat out. After calming down a bit, my oc demands that Snape teach him the spells he created, specifically the counter curses.
My OC's patronus is a large Dragon.
Sirius Black doesn't die in book 5 here, because my oc nearly rips Bellatrix in half, getting himself nearby killed in the process.
At the beginning of book 4 Theodore sends a quick and vague letter to my oc about not going to the Quidditch world cup. Not that he was planning on going anyways, but it didn't help the sinking feeling he got when he read about what happened the next day.
My oc didn't know Cedric Diggory very well, but my oc is known as the best person to go to about Magical Creatures in the entire school. So Cedric comes to him for help on his tasks. After Cedric's death a small memorial is etched into the wall next to the Hufflepuff commons. Something My oc passes on a daily basis to get to the Slytherin commons, and each time he pauses just for a few moments. It reads: "The boy who sacrificed his own life to save another. A beloved son and friend."
The moment my oc realizes that his and Theodore's relationship has no future is when towards the middle of book 5, the two spend the night talking about their plans after Hogwarts. Theo wants a job in the Ministry, a place where his words have sway in the lives and citizenship of Magical People, like werewolves and Vampires. Where my oc, he wants to continue his work with Magical creatures and act as a ambassador to others like him (he's a werewolf). That night my oc falls deeper in love with Theodore Nott, but also realizes that in theory they two could never be happy with one another once adults. The next day they break up mutually.
Being estranged from his father, Remus Lupin makes joining the Order all the more weird. He's treated equally as a student and son, yet its awkward and tense between them. And when he learns he going to have a baby half brother he's not sure how to feel. When both Tonks and Remus die, he takes partial custody of baby Teddy, the other part is with Tonk's mother.
He's one of the few Slytherin's that joins Dumbledore's army in book 5, which eases the school's overall fear of him being a werewolf. He's no longer ignored but now has an actual social life outside of a few acquaintances and his roommates. (Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini.)
His relationship with Snape is complicated to say the least. Neither despise one another, but there's a lot of tension. Snape hates the fact that he's Lupin's kid, but so does my oc at times. Snape is his head of house and has to be involved with him every month to give him his wolvesbane potion. In book 6 when Snspe kills Dumbledore instead of Draco, my oc is actually relieved. He's been dealing with Draco all year who mentally is a mess. And now also a werewolf like himself.
Draco and my OC's relationship is never official until the War is over. But the two find solace in one another even on opposite sides of the conflict.
My oc and Theodore manage to stay friends even after the War, especially due to the fact that in the final conflict he, like Draco leaves the Death Eaters even if it means killing their parents.
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snow-in-the-desert · 3 years
Dramione Recommendations
Ok so, 2020 has been A LOT but on a personal note one of the most surprising things to happen was me discovering Dramione fanfiction and becoming unashamedly obsessed with it. I really didn’t see that coming but I’m here now and I’m here to stay. 
I think I started reading in the Dramione fandom around mid July last year?? (In all honesty I’ve lost any true sense of time’s progression at this point so I could be well off the mark with that) And I’ve decided to compile a list of all my favourite fics I’ve read so far. Why? I really just want to gush over all the amazing writers I have found through this fandom because y’all deserve it. 
Side note: If any of the authors actually sees this post just dm so I can buy you coffee or post you writing supplies or something idk I feel like that’s the least I can do for all your amazing work x
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
Ok I have to start with RN because this fic is pretty much the sole reason I decided to create an account with A03 or a tumblr or just decided to get involved with this fandom at all. 
I headcannon this story hard. But I think even if you aren’t a fan of Dramione you should just read this because it is so unbelievably good and well written and poignant and Draco’s sarcastic personality in this is truly a thing of beauty in this - I relate to his inner monologue’s on a deep personal level. 
I could rave about this story any time, any day of the week, just ask me. In fact, maybe I’ll just start a HeyJude19 fan club to fulfill that urge.
There are so many elements that I love but for the sake of brevity, RN is a beautifully told story of Draco and Hermione finding love and healing in a post-war HP setting. Heyjude19 had the very special ability of making me want to simulatenously laugh, cry and swoon with the power of her words. Just stop what you are doing and go read it now if you havent already, ok?  
I also really enjoyed reading Bells on a Hill, Beers, Potions and Unwise Notions and A Shift in Focus, if you are looking for smaller fics, definitely give these a go. They are all funny and heartfelt stoires that will make your tippy toes wriggle with glee. 
The Rights and Wrongs Series by @lovesbitca8
The Right Thing To Do, All The Wrong Things and The Auction are the holy trinity of Dramione writing. I have christened it thus, so mote it be. And frankly I’m not interested in any other opinion than that one, thank you very much!
After reading this series I don’t think I’ll be able to look back on the orginal HP books without thinking of Hermione’s and Draco’s memories of their time at Hogwarts in these fics as anything other than strictly cannon. 
So many things to love about this series but I think one of the major highlights was Hermione and Draco’s use of occlumency. LoveBitca8 created such beautiful visuals with how occlumency works as a magical practice and seeing Draco and Hermione so devoted to eachother to the point of safeguarding their inner most feelings to protect eachother was unbelievably romantic and poetic. 
Also the smut is divine ;)
Manacled by @senlinyu​
My heart will never be the same after reading this story. Like I actually can’t think about this fic without getting a lump at the back of my throat. I have never felt so emotionally ruined after reading anything, compared to the likes of this fic. Just please, please read it. To badly quote HP, reading Manacled will make you suffer but you’re going to be happy about it.
The flashbacks are a rollercoaster in of themselves but the way Hermione inadvertently refers to them when she is still in a state of memory loss was so heartbreaking to read. My heart still aches for them both. Also its a truly satisfying to see Draco and Hermione written in a way were they are both so fiercly protective of one another. They make my insides go soft. 
I also really enjoyed Snow Fall, Now Is A Gift and All You Want by the author but to be honest anything written by Senlinyu is always thoroughly enjoyable and worth a look. 
The Erised Effect by @adaprix​
Ada is QUEEN of dramione smut but ‘The Erised Effect’ is top tier. Its equal parts funny, romantic, sentimental and oh so sexy. Ada really knows how to build and build on sexual tension and doesn’t disappoint on the final delivery. I’m a big admirer of her writing style and just veraciously read whatever she posts but ‘The Erised Effect’ is just golden. A must read. (Also Pansy’s sexual fantasy in this story is a visual I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remove from my brain so thanks for that Ada)
Also quick side note: Adaprix’ stories were the first I read when I was looking into this fandom and it was enough to get me hooked on the pairing from the get go so I have that to thank Ada for too. I remember devouring all the stories she had posted to A03 and when I was done I was like... now what am I supposed to do with my life?? And that’s basically when I began to look deeper into the fandom and thus the course of my life in 2020 changed for the better. 
Some other stories I love by her are Break for Me, All My Sins, The Big 4-0, The Fucklust Series and The Flat in Bath. 
Clean by @olivieblake​
This 6th Year AU where Draco and Hermione work together on a class assignment and end up falling in love had me feeling all kinds of ways when I read it. I almost don’t know where to start but I think one of the stand out things for me was how immersed I felt in reading it. 
Hogwarts is captured really well, you get a good sense of class atmospheres, character nuances and behind the scenes of events that happen in HBP but from a Draco and Hermione’s perspectives. It’s well executed and intricate tapestry of a fic. With an excellent plot twist ending! 
Also Hermione and Draco’s relationship in this is equal parts fluffy and smutty and it just ticks all the right boxes that you want to see for those characters ;)
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm​
The angst in this one is just *chef’s kiss*
God I love this fic. The way Draco is portrayed is very true to his defensive and tetchy character in the original books but he is also given so much more depth. The way his diary entries are written are just so well executed. It’s a true testament to the author’s creative writing skill. And I LOVE how even though Draco is clearly in such a messed up place, he still has a basic level of self respect and dignity that he won’t tolerate being used or undervalued in his relationship with Hermione. 
Yep, I really love Draco’s characterisation in this one if you can’t tell.  But Hermione is also well written too. Her stuggles and trauma of returning to Hogwarts after war is described in a believable and grounded way. And my heart definitely ached for them both. I just wanted to wrap the pair of them in a big fuzzy blanket and tell them that everything will be alright. 
WANDS OUT! by @persephonestone​
This murder mystery / Dramione / Theo x Harry / AU crossover is everything I didn’t know I wanted until I read it. I felt like I was picked up and plonked right into an alternative dimension where all the characters of HP are just living it up in an Agatha Christie novel. 
It’s a funny and clever story that I found refreshing to read amongst all the other fanfics that are usually cemented in the HP timeline or universe. Theodore Nott in this fic is perfection he should be written like this in every fic from now on in my opinion. I couldn’t stop giggling any time he had a scene in the story.
And the ‘only one bed’ trope in this fic is 10/10. I don’t want to give spoilers but ohmygod. It hits all the right notes. 
The One With Technical Difficulties by cassielassie 
Cassielassie has an excellent three part series of Dramone called ‘The One with...” but I have to give special credit to this story in particular for one main reason. ELEVATOR TROPES. I can’t get enough of em. I think I have my early childhood viewings of NCIS to thank for my obsession with elevator tropes they just do something to me that simply cannot be explained with mere words. The palpable sexual tension of being in a broken down elevator with an ‘enemies to lovers’ pairing, a heated arguement breaks out followed by a discovery of mutual feelings and a romantic embrace...
Eugh. It gets me everytime. And this fic is no exception. I loved it for all the reasons I’ve already stated above but also for the attention to detail in Draco and Hermione’s careers makes this one particularly immersive. The dynamics between them established in this one-shot are convincingly portrayed and the chemistry between them is so undeniably hot. 
The Light is No Mystery by @masterofinfinities​
Yooo if you want to read a dramione fic that is a deep dive into Pureblood culture and Post-War recovery but is also a perfect allegory for discrimination and today’s political landscape of moral grandstanding for votes then look no further than this one. 
This story has a bit of everything. Intrigue, mystery, ptsd and recovery, enemies to lovers / secret relationship, government conspiracy and humour, to name a few. I eargerly await every update to this story and am anxious to know how it ends!
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen 
Finally! A fic that gives me the Ravenclaw representation I crave. I think I could recommend this fic on the lore depicted of Ravenclaw house alone. ‘The Stacks’ and Rowena Ravenclaw’s own ‘come and go room’ are just such cool details that I could see being real in the HP universe. 
This fic is so cosy and makes me feel like I’m just popping back into Hogwarts for another year. You get to see all the usuals like prof. Mcgongall, Nearly headless Nick, PEEVES, Hagrid, as well as learn more about minor characters from the other school houses. The story follows Hermione going to her day to day classes and there are interesting concepts about magic and alchemy that are explored. 
Draco and Hermione’s relationship in this one is of course very fluffy and heartfelt. But it’s the attention to detail that really makes this fic outstanding and the experience of reading it feels fleshed out and true to HP universe.
A shorter fic by HeartofAspen that I recommend is one called Set in Stone, it has an adventurous, Indianna Jones vibe to it, that I am so down for. 
Teachable Moments by @purplesugarquills
In this fic Hermione is an innocent little virgin determined to learn everything about sex. And Draco Malfoy is her tutor. If that isn’t enough to get you on board then I don’t know what is. Both Heartfelt and Steamy. PurpleSugarQuills writes smut so well but it’s the progression of their growing attachment and the nervous treading of new uncharted waters of romantic relationships for both of them that just adds a whole other level of feels to the story. Also chapter 9 is like reading poetry - its so good. Eugh just give it a read if you haven’t already.
Les Pèlerins by @pacific-rimbaud
This story is high art. It’s transcendent. Reading this story feels like the emotional equivalent of standing around a hundred glowing fairy lights, sipping hot cocoa and being wrapped in the loving embrace of a s/o. I can’t speak my praises highly enough or even become passably coherent in my words when I try to articulate a review. 
From the very first paragraph I felt like I was just whisked away on a Parisian holiday and I’ve never even bloody been to Paris but damn it if this story didn’t make me feel like I was there. The writing style is just so tactile and intense it’s like I could feel the cold winter air brush against me as I read it. Eugh I just completely fell in love with the story and the writer. 
New Year’s resolution. Read everything PacificRimbaud has ever posted online. 
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harrydracobang · 3 years
Harry/Draco Big Bang Fic & Art: The Secret Keeper (Mature)
Title: The Secret Keeper Author: @the-fools-errand Artist: @razielim Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Minor Draco/Pansy, Minor Draco/Theo Other Key Characters: Hermione Granger, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Original Character Rating: Mature Word Count: ~225,000 Era: 7th Year Hogwarts AU/ Canon Rewrite Content/Warnings: Strangers to Frenemies to Friends to Lovers, Alternating POV, Slow Burn, Self Discovery/ Closeted Feelings, Adorable Obliviousness, Golden Trio Shakeup, Accidental Magic, Parseltongue, Horcrux Hunting, Voldemort’s Rise to Power, Converted Death Eater, It’s a Wonderful Life Trope (Kinda), Legilimency, Divination, Pets, Room of Requirement, Morally Ambiguous Dumbledore, Betrayal, Unforgiveables, Torture, Implied Sexual Content, Ministry Corruption, Substance Abuse: Pensieve (not MC), Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Depictions of Violence, Mild Gore, Crime Scene Summary: Just like everyone else in the world, Draco Malfoy believed that Harry Potter died on the night Voldemort disappeared. But when a bespectacled boy turns up at Hogwarts under a Fidelius Charm cast by Dumbledore himself, Draco realises he might be the only one with the power to turn Harry over to the Dark Lord. The trouble is, he’s starting to think he doesn’t want to. Author's Notes: I couldn't be happier with where the boys end up after traversing this journey, and I hope readers will enjoy the deep explorations of lore, magical theory, and political and personal turmoil that accompany them along the way.
Thank you to my incredible artist, Razielim, who brought Draco and Harry to life through illustration. To Mars, who provided feedback at the very beginning and the very end. To E, M, and Z who are unrelentingly supportive. And of course, to my Alpha & Beta, @thehoneybeet.
HB, you are the Puff to my Claw. Thank you for the dozens of hours spent storyboarding, course correcting, and editing with me. The Secret Keeper would not exist without your impeccable eye for magical logic and character voice. When I was preoccupied with Draco’s split loyalties, you were always there to remind me how to weave in the oblivious love of two star crossed 17 year olds. Thank you with all my heart!
Artist's Notes: MALFOY REDEMPTION!! What more can I ask for than a chance to depict these two getting it right? A strained handshake that doesn't spell the end of negotiations, but a beginning. I've loved this adventure.
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
The Other Side of Mendacious People
the other side of mendacious people by Anonymous
Harry doesn't want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, but there's no way out of it now. And on top of that, Ron's angry at him and he told Hermione to stay with Ron, merlin knows he needs someone to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.
Theodore Nott sees Harry Potter alone in the library more days then not. He knows that Potter didn't put his name in the goblet, but Weasley seems to think otherwise and Granger seems content to let Potter die. So, Theo takes it upon himself to make sure that Potter doesn't die.
Words: 2881, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Weasley Family, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Dursley Family, Draco Malfoy, Hedwig, Blaise Zabini
Relationships: Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott, Theodore Nott & Blaise Zabini
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Eventual Romance, Triwizard Tournament, The Golden Trio, Familiars, Snakes, Harry Potter Has a Pet Snake, Crows, hermione has a crow, References to Norse Religion & Lore, theo lies to harry and himself, frequently, Arguments between friends, Dark Harry Potter, kind of, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Morally Grey Hermione Granger, hermiones hair is literally a birds nest, Not Beta Read, we die like cedric, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38378809
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utilitycaster · 4 years
Updated Class Choices in Actual Play: main PCs
Original post here, I’m just doing the whole thing again instead of reblogging or something like that. Since making this post I’ve fully caught up with NADDPod and RQG and there’s been several new D20 seasons, so LET’S GO
potential spoilers for anything that isn’t a one-shot in Critical Role, TAZ Balance or Graduation, NADDPod, RQG, Relics and Rarities, and all D20 seasons. Also for reference: I’m counting Trinyvale and The Mavrus Chronicles as main campaigns, as well as all the D20 sidequests.
If a player or a PC leaves/character dies mid-campaign the character still counts as a main PC, as does that player’s replacement if the player themselves didn’t leave (eg: both Scanlan and Taryon are considered main PCs for CR campaign 1).
In a couple cases I did have to guess regarding what the base class was, for characters who were multiclass builds from the start, and I’ll note that.
Rusty Quill Gaming is pathfinder rather than D&D, and subclasses don’t fully line up (as for classes, most do and I’m counting Cel’s class as Artificer/Alchemist subclass in D&D).
In the case of subclass or class changes, which has happened a few times in D20 in particular, I’ve noted the change
Keep reading if you want the actual information!
Fighter is the most common, with 11, plus two multiclass dips into fighter. And, like D&D at large, human fighter is a very popular race/class combination. Champion is the most common subclass, with four characters (Magnus from TAZ, Hardwon from NADDPod, Fabian from Fantasy High, and Veros from Relics and Rarities). All but Fabian are humans, at least to start off, and Fabian and later Hardwon are half-elves. Bertie from RQG likely would have been the champion archetype in D&D as well. There are two battlemasters (Boomer and Jet, both from D20), and then it’s all over the place. The multiclassers are both barbarians multiclassed into battlemaster (Grog and Amethar). Of the fighters, one multiclassed into a rogue, one into a bard, and one (Jet) switched into fighter having originally been a rogue.
[edit on Nov 28 per an anon ask - Magnus is actually a Battlemaster despite Big Champion Energy! which means of the fighter-as-main-class, we have 3 each of champions and battlemasters, and Bertie from RQG which is pathfinder, and then one each of gunslinger (Percy), eldritch knight (Theo), arcane archer (Hungry Dave), and echo knight (Henry)]
Cleric is next up with 10, plus three characters who multiclassed into cleric. There’s no clear favorite for subclass - grave is the only domain with two characters (Caduceus and Efink) and the rest vary. Two characters, Kristen Applebees and Zolf Smith, have changed domains (and deities) over the courses of their respective campaigns. All but one of the dwarven main characters in actual play has been a cleric, and there have been a few humans, but otherwise it’s again pretty scattered. The multiclasses have also not shown a clear favorite (1 war, 1 city, 1 tempest). Note: I considered Fia and Saccharina both to be multiclasses into cleric, as well as Bob; no cleric base classes have multiclassed into another class. All the multiclasses into cleric are other spellcasting classes (wizard, sorcerer, and bard).
Barbarian and rogue are tied with 9 characters each, plus one multiclass into barbarian and three into rogue.
Barbarian: three berserkers, two each of ancestral guardian and zealot, and one each of wild soul and storm herald. There are two half-orcs and otherwise no race preference. As mentioned, two multiclassed into battlemaster fighters; there’s also a multiclass from barbarian into sorcerer (Fitzroy) and artificer (Gorgug). The lone multiclass into barbarian is Moonshine Cybin, a druid.
Rogue: there are two arcane tricksters, two inquisitives, and two swashbucklers, plus an assassin, a mastermind, and Sasha Racket who in D&D would probably be a thief. Thanks to D20 being like “toy is a race now” it’s hard to say what the overall race breakdown is, even counting all A Crown of Candy characters as human variants, but there are 1.5 goblins (Nott/Veth being the 0.5) and three confirmed humans (Ruby Rocks, Sasha Racket, and Marcus St. Vincent). Of the multiclasses into rogue, two are rangers who chose the assassin subclass (Vex and Liam Wilhemina) and one is a fighter (Magnus Burnsides, subclass not clear). The two rogues who multiclassed are Vax, who took levels in vengeance paladin and one in druid, and Ruby, who took levels in shadow sorcerer. (note: Jet Rocks is counted as a fighter as she gave up her rogue class entirely, but she was a rogue to start)
Bard is next with 8 characters, all but one of whom (swords) is a lore subclass, with one multiclass into bard. Fig Faeth was formerly a college of whispers bard, but switched into lore during Fantasy High Live. There are two tieflings and two fairies from D20, who I believe use elf stats, plus a high elf, a human, a gnome, and an aasimar. The multiclass into bard is Fabian Seacaster, a fighter; the multiclasses from a bard base class are Fig (into hexblade) and Bob (into city cleric).
Druid and Paladin are the next most common, with six characters; there is one multiclass into druid and two into paladin (and Vax is responsible for most of this)
Druid: The only repeat subclass is circle of the shepherd (Kugrash and Lillith) - the rest all again all over the place, and all six have different races. The multiclass into druid is the aforementioned Vax (rogue and paladin); the only druid to multiclass out is the aforementioned Moonshine (into barbarian).
Paladin: two oath of devotion (one of which, Ricky Matsui, switched to oath of redemption), one oath of the ancients and for a while, vengeance (Beverly), one oathbreaker (Cody “Night Angel” Walsh) and two are from pathfinder and difficult to determine from a D&D standpoint (Grizzop, of Artemis, and Azu, of Aphrodite). The races are completely all over the place again. None of the paladins have multiclassed, but there are two multiclasses into paladin (Vax and Fjord, a rogue and warlock respectively, into oath of vengeance and oath of the open sea, also respectively).
We have a four-way tie for next most common, with five each of ranger, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard.
Ranger: two beast master, two gloomstalker, and a hunter. There are two half-elves (Vex and Nyack) and no other real patterns. No one has multiclassed into ranger, but Vex and Liam W. both as mentioned multiclassed into assassin rogues.
Sorcerer: three draconic, one storm, and one wild magic. Two are human, and there are no other preferences for race. One (Saccharina) multiclassed into tempest cleric, and there are two multiclasses into sorcerer, both from battle classes (Fitzroy, a barbarian, into wild magic, and Ruby, a rogue, into shadow).
Warlock: three are hexblades, because let’s face it that class is extremely cool, one is a celestial warlock and one is a genie. No significant race overlap (technically, Lapin Cadbury uses the human stat block, and Iga is human) (I am assuming pactwraiths have revenant stats but like. who knows). The common ground for multiclassing into warlock is “Emily Axford likes to play hexblades”, with both Fig and Sofia taking levels in it; Fjord is the only warlock to multiclass out, into oath of the open sea paladin.
Wizard: two transmutation, one divination, one necromancer, and one chronurgist. Two are high elves, with no other preferences for race; Fia is the only one to have multiclassed (into war cleric) and no one has multiclassed into wizard.
And finally, tied for last but with four each, we have monk and artificer.
Monk: no subclass overlap until Sofia switched to Way of Shadow, but three are humans and one is probably a human equivalent (bittyfolk from Tiny Heist) - the subclasses represented are Cobalt Soul, Drunken Master, Shadow, and Long Death. No multiclasses into monk (like ranger, monk doesn’t offer too many benefits in a multiclass dip) but Sofia Bicicleta took a level in hexblade warlock.
Artificer: despite not being made official until relatively recently, this caught up, thanks to Zonk Verbena Zirk Vervain. Three are either alchemists or probably the equivalent thereof (Taryon is based on the UA version but is pretty clearly not a gunsmith, and Cel’s class is technically Alchemist, not Artificer, but Artificer with the alchemist subclass is probably the closest 5e equivalent), and one is an artillerist; no race preference. None have multiclassed, but Gorgug (barbarian) has taken a level in artificer.
And finally, there is one Bloodhunter, Mollymauk Tealeaf/Lucien is his name, murdering Cerberus Assembly members is his game.
several other fun facts from the giant list I made to do this:
Number of characters who have switched races or bodies during their campaign: 3
Number of characters who have switched deities/patrons during their campaign: 7
Number of characters who have briefly not had a class while their party was mid-level, with said change representing a major turning point for their character, but then came back stronger than ever having addressed the negative behaviors they learned from a seafaring father figure and having acquired a new plot-relevant weapon, and immediately multiclassed into a class that uses charisma for spellcasting: only two but it’s weird it happened twice
Number of characters whose first name or nickname is a food or drink: 6
Number of characters whose first name or nickname is a food or drink from A Crown of Candy: 0
Number of characters who typically go by only one name (ie, actively do not use their last name or any titles): 18
Number of characters who go by a given name and title/descriptor (eg: Adjective Firstname, Firstname the Title, Firstname of the Place): 8
Number of characters with three-part names (first, middle, last): 2
Number of characters with four-part names (first, two middles/a two-word nickname, last): 3
Number of characters with no name: 1
Percival Friedrickstein Von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III: but you can call him Percy
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