#There'll be more later I assure you
Rayman Head Canons: Canon Character voice claims part 3:
Welcome back to another episode of Rayman head canons, Canon character voice claims PART 3
Ly the fairy:
Ly was another that had what I thought was different voice acting between the Great Escape and Revolution. The voice I have for Ly is the revolution one, echo effect and all.
Grand Minimus/Most Male Teensies:
The actual Grand Minimus. As in the real king of the teensies. 
I had to do…a lot of deep research for this one here and I am still not sure if i have the actual guy here correct. As there was actually a number of uncredited roles when i was looking for this one. This one was one of the uncredited voices here according to my research.
According to what i found while I was doing my deep research, the uncredited voice for ALL the teensies in this game and tend to be the versions I use voice wise for most of the males, including the one I specifically picked for Grand Minimus here in the projects, they were supposedly all done by Matt Hill.
-I cover Matt Hill more in depth in a Behind the Voice Actors post-
There were a LOT of teensies within Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc. Many of them with different versions of voice takes and overall accents. They all sound quite a bit similar to each other minus the teensie doctors, which for the record, I can’t find any names to credit for those three bozos and they DID have places within Rayman Retold.
The Matt Hill teensie voice you hear Minimus use is this specific one from the end of Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc’s intro level:
King Gumsi:
The child brat -i mean- king of the knaaren people! I wanted to use the one and only from Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc since THAT is the Gumsi we know about and I still use. 
Guys, I looked everywhere for this. I looked all over the internet for this. I searched imdb, I searched the behind the voice actor site, and I of course scoured the Raywiki’s. I SEARCHED EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET AND GOT THE SAME RESULT!
You know how I mentioned in the Grand Minimus section that there were A LOT of uncredited roles or simply “Additional” voice roles?
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Yeah, I have to use a voice clip sample here. Guys? If you watch my voice head canon/Voice Claim posts and you can provide me with some sources that prove this was a voice actor for some of these. PLEASE HIT ME UP, I BEG YOU!
Allow me to use my favorite clip as a voice reference:
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This includes an image reference because Razorwife is a bit on the obscure side of Rayman game characters, since she only had one appearance. Well if we wanna get technical: it was three, but these were all various console/region versions of the SAME game. Rayman M/Rayman Arena/Rayman Rush. Razorwife is the wife of the infamous Admiral Razorbeard and she appeared with him in these games not only as your opponent, but as an unlockable playable character in these games depending on the version you had. 
Razorwife did appear within Rayman Retold. She was going to be an important character within the plot lines that include her husband, Razorbeard.
There’s another reason I included a image of the character here. I have a feeling most of you know EXACTLY where I’m going with this one with the voice claim
…Julie Kavner. if you don't know who Julie Kavner is, you probably do know the character she voiced:
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rumbelleshowdown · 5 months
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Author: Veethree
Group: D
Prompts: Rumple sees Gideon’s birth. The beast is gone. Whispers.
Racing Back Home
Rumpelstiltskin held tight onto the reins.
At moments like this, he wished he could allow himself to use his power for his own needs. However, magic had a price. 
Selfishness made for an easy slide into darkness. 
Dark magic would eventually eat him alive.
Therefore, Rumpelstiltskin rode instead of flashing himself home.
He had abandoned the heavy armor and unnecessary weapons at the last inn, confident they would be cared for until he sent back for his things.
Even dishonest innkeepers would think twice of stealing from the Light One. 
While his magic wouldn't allow punishment for such paltry wrongs, a single whisper from him in the right ears would assure that travelers avoided the place.
Life had taught Rumpelstiltskin that where a conscience often failed to hold people to honesty, self-interest gave even the meanest souls a hearty kick in the right direction.
At the moment, however, Rumpelstiltskin would have gladly suffered the loss of his baggage if the inn had provided a faster horse.
The most important journey of his life, and he was tied to this nag!
Miles ahead, the head midwife was damning the Light One to Hades and back. "Big hero he is, bah!" She punctuated her disdain with a sharp tap of her ladle against the boiling pot. "Too afraid of a bit of hassle, like all the others. Hunting a beast, indeed. Running away, more like!"
Two younger women glanced at her nervously, but Angela had lived in this town since before Rumpelstiltskin had given his first spark of light magic. She had delivered his first child, too, and forced her way past a man grieving nearly to madness to prepare the boy for burial, too.
After that long evening, she had no fear to treat Rumpelstiltskin as she would any other idiot under her charge.
The man seemed to welcome the familiarity, more often than not. Poor bastard.
"I'll chase him with a broom, if he dares barge in drunk," she continued, adding a few herbs to the water. "See if I won't."
"Grandmother..." said her prospective successor, wringing her hands.
Months under her teaching, and the girl still couldn't understand how to distract a woman in labor.
"It's all right," came a tired voice from the bed. Rumpelstiltskin's second wife didn't look her usual pretty self, but women never did in these hours. "I know you mean well, Mistress Brown, but there'll be no need for that broom."
"Hmph." Angela served some of the fresh pain reliever, still puzzled at the chipped cup but willing enough to cosset new mothers. Especially those without a husband at their bedside. "We'll see, won't we?"
Unarmed and alone, he had become irresistible prey.
Rumpelstiltskin usually solved road thievery by stopping for a conversation and working out new job positions in nearby towns. Or, if the men had a thirst for violence rather than actual need, he delivered them in person to the nearest sheriff so they could have a fair trial.
Today, the three robbers were lucky not to be dumped straight in the Evil Queen's deepest dungeons. 
"I'll deal with you later," he told the panicked rabbits before releasing them from the freezing spell. "And I can't guarantee your safety beyond this clearing," he warned, tossing a quick protection spell around, "so I don't recommend leaving on your own. There are wolves nearby, you know."
His smirk vanished as he remounted his horse. That had been a half hour wasted.
Damn it.
Angela patted the girl's sweaty forehead with a fresh cloth. "There, there," she said softly, setting aside her harsher persona for later use. She might bop the Light One a few times just to make his wife smile. "Let it all out, sweeting."
"Maybe the beast in Nottingham managed to -"
"Out, Ruthie," she snapped at her granddaughter. It pained her to admit it, but the girl had no future in the business. She did well enough caring for their herb garden, so at least it was not all lost. "Don't listen to the little fool," she started soothing the struggling girl, but was relieved to find resolute blue eyes staring at her.
"My husband might be later than expected," she said clearly, ignoring her pain to make her point clear, "but his message said he's on his way. He is coming." Raising to a sitting position, she glared around, daring anybody to contradict her.
The younger women nodded in a hurry.
Angela herself was glad for the girl's fierceness. First births had happier results when the mother kept her strength.
"Of course, milady. The beast is gone and that boy is rushing back where he belongs." As she spoke, she helped the girl settle back on the pillows, aware than another contraction would hit soon. "Let's hope his child isn't in a hurry as well."
Rumpelstiltskin would have gladly throttled the carriage driver. Images of another rabbit crossed his mind, perhaps joined by white mice if he decided to transform the horses as well. 
Instead he took a deep breath and helped pull the carriage out of the mud.
A quick spell to heal a horse's leg followed. 
Rumpelstiltskin could spare the magic. That was the point of being the Light One.
He didn't heal the man's scratches, though.
Perhaps he would pay more attention the next time he drove after a heavy rain.
Angela would murder the Light One.
What was the point of all that fancy magic if their idiot Savior could never get home in time to see his children come to the world?
The girl panted, biting down another scream.
There was no need to spare a midwife such sounds, but Angela didn't bother to repeat herself. If a woman wanted to restrain herself on the birthing bed, it was her business.
"It hurts!"
"The babe is coming, milady," she said in an even tone. With a gesture, she motioned the other women to prepare the last details for the main event. "Won't be long now."
"Don't you dare 'milady' me now," the girl gritted out. "My name is Belle."
Angela arched an eyebrow.
It was well known that Rumpelstiltskin had gone courting far above his station. A duke's daughter! His magic and reputation, of course, had secured the match.
Seeing that stubborn expression on the girl's face, however, made Angela consider what that giant squire had let slip one time:
Perhaps it had been Rumpelstiltskin who had been romanced into a second marriage.
And perhaps the bride in question would have taken him to the altar with or without  her father's permission.
"Well, then." She grinned. "Time to push, Belle."
Rumpelstiltskin jumped off the horse and sent magic ahead to slam the door open, unwilling to lose even another second.
At the doorstep of their bedroom, he came to an abrupt halt, unprepared for the bevy of women in the room. However, he quickly found his Belle among the chaos.
"Belle," he cried out, pushing his way inside and relieved when the women quickly gave him space at his wife's side.
Belle smiled.
The bop of a ladle against his head made him yelp, but before he could complain, Belle was laughing.
He forgot even to glare at the old woman when Belle reached a hand out for him.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier," he told her, threading her fingers through his while his other hand worked a small spell to soothe her pain.  "I rode as fast as I dared."
Belle nodded. "I know. It's all right. You are here now."
Despite their year of marriage, he still felt off his footing at the lack of complaints over his mistakes. But Belle was always sincere even if---
"Out of the way, Rumpelstiltskin," Mistress Brown all but growled, a look in her eye that took Rumpelstiltskin back to boyhood. His aunts had worn that look when they meant business.
He squished himself closer to Belle, leaving as much space as humanly possible for the women. "Is there anything I can do, sweetheart?"
Belle shook her head.
Then she arched in pain and squeezed his hand.
Fighting ogres didn't hurt as much. 
Rumpelstiltskin only got a pitying look from the midwife.
"On the bright side," the woman said a little too gleefully, "if she breaks your bones you can heal yourself."
Hours later, Rumpelstiltskin was the only one still awake in the house. He just couldn't stop staring between his wife and their baby boy.
Careful not to shift the mattress and risk waking either mother or son, he traced the air above the newborn’s features again, marveling over and over at the tiny traces of himself and Belle.
"You mom fell asleep before she could tell you," he informed the boy in a loving whisper. "Your name is Gideon, for her second favorite hero."
Rumpelstiltskin smiled at the memory of that argument. Belle had wanted family names, and while they easily agreed on naming a baby girl after her mother, a choice for a boy was more difficult to settle.
Now that boy was here, and Rumpelstiltskin believed he would never stop smiling.
"Welcome home, Gid."
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ddelline · 7 months
wip wednesday (feat fresh fandom f*ckery)
blurb | "non-jjk wip posting? on the ddelline/aosc dash? straight to jail" - whoever reads this blog for jjk fic only, probably. sry if you are!!! I promise this =/= abandoning ship, I'm just dillying, dallying, dabbling. in mha. and bkdk. next to jjk that's where I've ended up putting my most obsessive behavior in the past few months; dipped my toe into the manga and emerged 4 months later as an unapologetic bakugō katsuki defender w early onset of bkdk brainrot. now if that interests you, there's wip fic to be had under the cut! if it doesn't, then rest assured that there'll be wip updates a-comin for 3 jjk projects in the near future, lol
premise | post-canon, pro hero setting; slow burn-ish getting together-premise; bkdk as roommates & established wonder duo-partners feat pro hero!shenanigans, sudden emotional realizations, domesticity, action, mixed media & more - also me attempting 2 write lighter, snarkier & dramedy-adjacent. evaluation pending, lmao. either way, wip writing under the cutttt
The sort of monumental, life-altering understanding that Katsuki’s experiencing, sadly, hadn’t hit him like a battering ram of iridescent, incandescent realization, topped off with cartoon hearts and biblical choirs, or whatever. The march towards death had begun with the most inane fucking single step, and here he is, feeling like an idiot, and feeling, like an idiot, every other hour since then. 
Katsuki knows he’s not the most emotionally intelligent person on the block, and he knows that he’s hitting new and consistent deduction-lows when it comes to him-and-Izuku each and every day now. Still, if there’s the possibility of getting a refund on your personal emotional breakthroughs—he’d like one.
He’s ducking beneath hastily drawn police tape, sweat sticky and sooty, hours later, making a beeline towards where the concrete dust-matte green cap of Izuku’s head centers a cluster of reporters. They’ve caught him halfway to where a team of EMTs are waiting, long suffering, to attend to him. Katsuki resists the urge to facepalm.
“—stically, how would you analyze this recent string of public showdowns that you’ve had to deal with? Do you make anything of the increased number of hostile villain encounters you’ve had in the past weeks?”
Izuku scratches his scalp, upsetting a few errant curls. “Y’know, I wouldn’t think much of them, in the sense you’re probably thinking of them. It’s true there have been a few major ‘public showdowns’, as you say,” God bless him (curse him, actually) but he actually makes double quotations to go along. “There’s a common denominator here, what you’re talking about—it’s the arrests you’ve featured on the evening segment a few times. Right?”
Izuku’s suit is torn: a jagged ugly line bisects his hero garb and compression sleeve from mid-tricep to mid-forearm. It’s displaying an ugly gash frothing with blood. As the clump of broadcast-vultures chuckle in tandem he continues—seemingly ignorant of his injury and Katsuki’s impending arrival both—gesticulating animatedly, “Any hostile confrontations we experience whilst on patrol would technically categorize as ‘public showdowns’, but we’ve had—oh, Kacch—Dynamight!”
It’s a scene like any other, on a kind of-interchangeable end of patrol-day: they’ve just squashed an armed robbery-slash-hostage situation, had half a block rupture beneath them during the ensuing chase (neither of them are at fault, Katsuki’ll have their insurance carrier know) and are now stuck doing the obligatory clean-up-and-press-junket half hour. Izuku’s elbow is bleeding something fierce whilst he’s talking to reporters; he’s clasping both palms and twining his fingers, untwines them and raises both arms to gesticulate; lowers his hands and re-clasps his palms—all as he does when he’s faced with press and has to talk ad hoc for extended periods of time.
None of this is particularly out of the ordinary; despite it or in spite of, Katsuki doesn’t know—the amalgamation of the above turns out to be why, when three mic’d up reporters make a narrow path into the cluster for Katsuki to enter into the throng, his first instinct, his knee-jerk reaction, is to be angry.
Izuku clasps his far shoulder. Katsuki shrugs his hand off and ducks near his ear. “You’re injured.”
“Huh? I’m not?” says Izuku quizzically. He looks around and about himself. Katsuki clocks the second he notices his own elbow: the spasm of a lone muscle in his cheek, the embarrassed grit of his jaw—the if you squeal in front of the press you die-look he spears Katsuki with before turning back to the pack. 
Izuku continues, bleeding but thoughtful: “What was I saying? Oh, yeah—I couldn’t talk about the ‘public showdowns’, as you say, without mentioning that any and all hostile confrontations we face on patrol belong to the same statistic. Really, they’re the same as they’ve always been—I wouldn’t say anything’s decreased or increased since a few years. Right?” He squares Katsuki with an inquisitive look.
Katsuki fights the urge to bare his teeth; he sucks down a deep breath, counts to five, and indulges his vulture-friendly maniac of a hero partner. “Because I’m not fucking lame I’m not gonna echo Pinky and say: ‘Another day, another slay.’” A few errant chuckles from the crowd; yeah, Katsuki’s a fucking comedian. “With that said, yeah, what Deku said—I dunno who was on site two days ago, DHN? JNN? JHT? I see all of you nodding, whatever; doesn’t matter—you’re drawing conjecture based on what you see. Shit happens when you’re not here, too.” Katsuki eyeballs the keeper of the JHT mic. “That doesn’t mean shit is happening. Not sure what the point of this is, but not everything’s a damn story—so I’m gonna take Hero Deku—” Katsuki snags Izuku by the collar, “—and go somewhere not where you lot are. He’s bleeding and you’re not. That’s not the end of the world either, in case that’s the doomsday headline you wanna draw up. That’s all. Scatter, fuckers!”
Izuku pouts when Katsuki drags him backwards through the clamoring throng of reporters. “We could’ve done a few more questions.”
Katsuki thinks: I knew I was fine dying for this asshole years ago.
Katsuki says: “We could’ve. We aren’t, though. Fuckface, you’re bleeding everywhere.”
Izuku glances down at himself. “It’s not that bad.”
“No? Tell that to the medteam, who’ll be the ones to explain to the public why unfortunately, due to erroneous judgment on the patient’s part, Pro Hero Deku lost mobility in his left arm a scant four years into his illustrious Symbol of Hope-era.” Katsuki squares him with a thin glare. “Also—tell that to your mom, who wants to put you on a direct flight to an isolated Siberian bunker where you can’t hurt yourself—she’s got a point.”
Izuku eyeballs him. “Kacchan,” he intones, “You’re overly dramatic sometimes.”
“Izuku,” Katsuki mocks, “You’re overly self-sacrificial all the time. Shut up and go see the EMTs.”
The march towards death had begun with the most inane fucking single step, and here he is, feeling, like an idiot, thinking: I knew I was fine dying for this asshole before I knew I was in dumb fucking love with him.
Well, go figure.
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tehuti88-art · 3 months
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7/5/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are Hermine Cranz and Claudia Detzer.
Frau Cranz is Andreas Cranz's nervous, chronically ill mother; he takes a job as the commandant's chauffeur to provide for her care, yet also makes money eavesdropping on his passengers for the resistance. Frau Detzer is Trudi Detzer's mother; she's fiercely protective and supportive of her daughter, who is recruited as a double agent for the resistance. Both mothers wish their children had much less dangerous jobs but it is what it is. There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
TUMBLR EDIT: Frau Cranz and Frau Detzer finally have first names! They didn't really need them (I've never given any to more important characters like Frau Bitterlich, or Schavitz...I wonder what Schavitz's name would be...?), but...well, here we are.
The rest of this entry will be written individually to avoid repetition.
I unfortunately don't have as much to share about Frau Detzer as about Frau Cranz, as she doesn't appear as much as the latter (who herself doesn't appear much). I can safely assume she's a rather progressive, forward-thinking sort, based on the life of her daughter Gertraud. Gertraud is born under the early Weimar Republic and given the name Gerwin...for Gerwin is a boy.
Frau Detzer loses her husband early on and so is left to raise Gerwin alone. A team of doctors confront her after the squalling infant is taken away. They have some...news to share with her. Gerwin is a boy, yes, born with external male genitalia...yet they've examined the baby, detecting some abnormalities, and they have their concerns. Frau Detzer demands to know what they're talking about. The doctors reply that they can't be absolutely certain until Gerwin is a little older...yet signs point toward him being intersex. "Intersex--?" Frau Detzer echoes, confused. "What does that mean? Is he healthy--? Is he going to live--?" Oh!--yes, yes!--the doctors reassure her--Gerwin is perfectly healthy, he'll live, don't worry. It's just that he has both male characteristics, and female characteristics. A hermaphrodite, if you will. Frau Detzer just stares. "Hermaphrodite," a doctor explains, "means both boy, and girl." Frau Detzer stares a moment more, then says, haltingly, "But...he's still my son...ja?" "Of course he is," the doctor says; "it's just that, at some future time...you may need to make some difficult decisions. As he gets older, it won't be so simple."
Frau Detzer is briefly silent, eyes growing glassy, before she takes a breath and replies, "Just as long as he's healthy and happy. That's all that matters."
She's allowed to take Gerwin home, though the doctors recommend a special clinic to take him to for periodic assessments and to keep track of his condition. As he gets older, they examine him further, and confirm the earlier suspicions that he possesses characteristics of both sexes. They caution that he may need surgery in the future, both to minimize the risk of potential disease or disorder, and to determine, for sure, whether this is the state he wishes to remain in. Frau Detzer is struck dumb at the thought that her son could become her...daughter? The doctor in charge of Gerwin's case assures her that such drastic action may not be necessary--Gerwin technically is a boy, there's no reason to think just yet that this might ever change--yet the possibility is there, so she should be ready for it. Frau Detzer does the only thing she can think of: finds all the books and medical journals on the subject that she can get her hands on, and starts reading. She does learn an awful lot--the clinic treating Gerwin is one of a kind, and at the forefront of such research--yet what she learns does little to allay her fears that she's in over her head. Still, she wants her son to have the best of everything, to be the happiest child he can be, so she tells herself to focus on that.
Gerwin grows into a sweet, well-behaved toddler, then a sweet, well-behaved boy. He enjoys walking around the city hand in hand with his mother, seeing the sights, ooh'ing and ahh'ing at the window displays, playing in the parks. Frau Detzer always watches him with a hawk's eye and a wistful half-smile. Wishing that his father were still there to see his son and feel as proud of him as she does. Gerwin smiles and waves--"Watch me, Mama!"--and splashes in the mud. Frau Detzer winces but smiles and waves back. She'll have to wash his clothes again but such is life as a parent, she supposes.
As they stroll along the sidewalk one day, Frau Detzer stops at a kiosk to buy a paper as Gerwin meanders around nearby peering in store windows. He bumps into something and jumps back just as the person he ran into turns and looks down at him. It's a woman chatting with her friends; she wears a long, sleek dress, a close-fitting cap with feathers, an elegant stole, and rings adorn her fingers. Most of all, Gerwin notices her shiny, bobbed hair, and her red red lipstick. Seeing him staring up at her with wide eyes, she smiles, red red lips parting to show white white teeth--"Ah, what a dear little child!"--and her voice is sweet and light like birds singing. Gerwin can't stop staring. Every inch of her is gorgeous.
"Gerwin--? Gerwin!" Frau Detzer, noticing he isn't beside her, briefly panics, then spots him staring at the lavishly dressed woman. Hurries to grasp his arm--"Gerwin, you gave me a scare!--I'm so sorry for him bothering you," she apologizes, but the elegant woman just waves a slender arm, smiling from ear to ear--"It's no bother at all, you have such a darling pretty child!"--and she even blows him a small kiss as Frau Detzer leads him away. Gerwin is uncharacteristically subdued the rest of the evening. Every shimmering, lovely aspect of the woman is burned in his brain. He can't stop thinking about her.
Frau Detzer preoccupies herself doing some chores the next day, then starts preparing lunch. Goes looking for Gerwin, who isn't to be seen anywhere on the lower level like usual. She thinks she hears movement in her room; puzzled, she peers inside, and spots Gerwin by the mirror. "Gerwin...?" she inquires; in response he whirls around, eyes big, smiling widely, and exclaims, "Look, Mama!" And yeah, Frau Detzer looks--she stares. Gerwin is draped in one of her own dresses, has one of her hats, and has her rouge on his cheeks and lipstick on his mouth. And he has the biggest, happiest smile.
Frau Detzer's heart skips a beat. "Gerwin!!" she exclaims in barely a whisper, rushes at him--his smile vanishes--and takes the lipstick and hat. "Come, get out of that, get out of that," she urges, pulling at the dress even as Gerwin protests, "But, Mama--!" "Go wash your face," she says, "time for lunch. Go on, go on now," and Gerwin turns and shuffles off to the bathroom, head down.
Frau Detzer tries to settle her nerves as she fixes their lunch. Gerwin appears, climbs up in his chair, peers at her as she sets down the food. He looks guilty but even more he looks sad. Frau Detzer hates that she made him feel that way.
Gerwin: "Mama...are you mad at me?"
Frau Detzer: *deep breath* "Nein, Liebe, I'm not mad at you. Just...worried."
Gerwin: "Why are you worried?"
Frau Detzer: "It's...hard to explain. Eat your lunch, Liebe."
*they eat in silence for a while*
Frau Detzer: "Gerwin...why did you dress yourself up like that? Have you done that before?"
Gerwin: "Nein. I just wanted to be pretty, like the lady said."
Frau Detzer: "But you're already a handsome little boy."
Gerwin: *protesting* "But I don't want to be a handsome little boy! I want to be pretty!" *looks at his clothes* "Why do you cut my hair so short and make me dress like this...?"
Frau Detzer: "Because this is how boys look, how they dress and wear their hair."
Gerwin: "But I don't want to look like a boy! I want to look like a girl!"
Frau Detzer's breath leaves her. Gerwin's eyes are so big and earnest, she knows he's speaking in all honesty, isn't just throwing a tantrum or saying something silly. "How long have you wanted this...?" she asks; "Since always," Gerwin says, and when she wonders why he never told her before, he furrows his brow and replies, "Because you never asked."
Frau Detzer returns to the clinic to consult the doctor, pours out her feelings and thoughts. She's conflicted and confused--she just wants her son--but also, she wants her son to be happy, and when he was wearing her dress and lipstick, he seemed happiest. The doctor says Gerwin is still too young to make such a decision on his own, but when he's a little older, the choice will be in his hands; Frau Detzer needs to mull it over, and have a good long talk with him. When the time comes, if he desires it, there are surgical options; until then, he can see what sort of life he wishes to live. Right now everything is up to Frau Detzer.
Frau Detzer sits Gerwin down and has a talk. When he's at school, he needs to dress like a boy, act like a boy. When he's at home, though, he can play with her dresses, try on her makeup, see how he feels. She hesitates briefly before opening a package she bought in the city. Within is a new dress, a little girl's size, with ribbons and stockings and shoes. Gerwin's eyes light up and his mouth opens wide. He hurries off with the package, returns shortly after, bows and laces clumsily tied, stockings already falling down--"Mama! Look at me, I'm pretty now!"--and spins in circles. "Mama!--teach me to put on makeup?--bitte, Mama?" he pleads, and Frau Detzer manages a small crooked smile, nodding, blinking to try to keep the tears from her eyes. He's so happy, spinning in circles and laughing, and she's so worried for him, how she'll keep him happy this way.
As time goes on it becomes painfully clear that Gerwin is pretty much decided on being a girl; he's quite unhappy having to dress and act as a boy in school, so Frau Detzer finally opts to have him tutored at home. He wears his dresses and makeup and grows his hair longer, and is happiest whenever he can be "pretty." He even develops small breasts, which embarrasses him at first, and concerns Frau Detzer, though the doctor explains that with Gerwin's particular intersex condition, gynecomastia is nothing to worry about. Gerwin starts wearing a brassiere, and his mood again improves. On followup visits to the clinic, they finally consult with the doctor about the best path forward. He outlines the options: Now that he's reached puberty, Gerwin will need a treatment for undescended testicles, to avoid future complications; and the doctor strongly recommends surgery to create a vaginal opening, as Gerwin possesses an enclosed vagina and partial uterus. As for his external genitalia, that's left up to him: Would he prefer it to be removed? Gerwin is nervous and undecided; "Mama...?" he says softly, "What should I do?" "It's up to you, Liebe," Frau Detzer murmurs, "whatever feels right." Gerwin ponders a moment, then asks, "If...if I keep it...I can still be pretty? I can still be a girl...?" "Of course," Frau Detzer reassures him, looking to the doctor; the doctor says he's had other patients who decided the same thing, and the process might be quicker this way, less invasive. It's recommended that Gerwin undergo the other procedure at age eighteen.
This doesn't go as planned. Frau Detzer and Gerwin haven't paid much attention to the new political party that took control, terminating the Weimar Republic and ushering in the Third Reich. They're shocked when the news spreads of the clinic being ransacked, the books and papers burned, and many of the staff arrested. It soon after shuts down. While still stunned and trying to figure out what's happening, the Detzers receive a visitor--the doctor in charge of Gerwin's case. Frau Detzer is so relieved to see he's alive and free that she hugs him, then peppers him with questions. Their alarm only grows when he describes the laws being passed against places like the clinic and people like Gerwin; he strongly advises them to leave the country. "Leave--?" Frau Detzer exclaims, "Where?--we have nowhere else to go." They decide to stay, though the doctor says Gerwin will have to remain as a girl now, and let no one know his secret, for their own safety. "There's no time left anymore to wait," he says, "I'm not sure how much longer I'll be around, so I wanted to make sure I've done all I can. If you're still willing, Gerwin, I'll do the surgery now, and I'll try to sort out how to move forward from there."
Gerwin looks numb with fear, but nods. The doctor names a time and place for them to show up, and leaves. They arrive at the location--an unassuming office in an easily missed building on a back street--and are getting ready to panic and bolt, when a nurse appears--they recognize her from the clinic--and ushers them toward the back. "I'm...I'm not so sure about this, Gerwin," Frau Detzer murmurs, when the nurse glances back and says with a small smile, "I couldn't help hearing. You're in excellent hands with the doctor. He helped me. Don't worry about these circumstances, he'll do the absolute best he can do for you."
The Detzers fill out forms, sign their names, are asked once more if they're fully willing to go through with the procedure. Gerwin is prepped, placed on a wheeled bed, and after a quick hug for his mother, taken away. Frau Detzer watches the medical team, scrubbed and ready, heading in; the lead doctor nods at her before they disappear. "It'll be a while," the nurse says, "sit and try to rest a bit." Frau Detzer obeys, though she can hardly think, she's so racked with fear. Wishes that Gerwin could have just been born a normal boy so neither of them would have to go through such terror. Then mentally berates herself--of course her Gerwin is normal--it's his circumstances that aren't, and that's not his fault. It's already late; she eventually dozes off. Day is just breaking through the windows when she feels her shoulder being shaken slightly, and jars awake from uneasy dreams. The nurse is leaning over her: "The doctor wants to speak with you," and behind her, she sees the doctor standing in the doorway, still in his scrubs. Frau Detzer sits up immediately, her insides in knots, and gets up to go to him. "Gerwin," she blurts out. "Is he--is he all right--?"
The doctor's expression tells her the answer, but--"She's fine," he says anyway, "come, come and talk to her," and he gestures for her to follow. Frau Detzer is let into Gerwin's room; he--she--is lying in the bed, blinking groggily. "Mama...?" she murmurs, and Frau Detzer places her hands on her cheeks, smooths her hair, kisses her forehead and coos. "My Gerwin," she says, trying not to cry, giving up and doing so anyway. "You're sure he's--she's--all right? It's all done?"
"There'll need to be some followup," the doctor says, "which will be tricky, considering, and not ideal; but we'll work it out." He says normally Gerwin would stay for at least a few days for supervision, yet it's too risky now; they'll give her a few more hours of rest before carefully moving her back to her home, where Frau Detzer can look after her, with a nurse stopping by to make sure all is progressing well. He briefly describes what sort of maintenance treatment may be required, if they can manage to work around the Reich's new policies--which have made this sort of treatment illegal--and then comes a question Frau Detzer hadn't expected: "By the way, you may wish to have a talk with your daughter, about what name she'd prefer to be called now. Obviously, 'Gerwin' will no longer suffice. Have you given it any thought...?" "Nein," Frau Detzer says, blinking, "I...I never even thought about that. He--she's just always been Gerwin to me." The doctor leaves to give them some time together, though Gerwin has no idea what name she'd like, either. The nurse appears and hands Frau Detzer a small book--"Here, I thought you might need this"--and Frau Detzer notices that it's a baby names book.
The two of them sit for a time browsing the names--Gerwin's head nodding and eyes drooping occasionally until she snaps awake--before finally she rubs her eyes and says, "None seem just right, how do I pick my name from a book...?" "Most names are never just right," Frau Detzer says, "people end up with unsuitable ones all the time." "Well...what were you going to name me?--if I'd been born a girl?" Gerwin asks, and Frau Detzer blinks, because it's the simplest answer she hadn't even considered. "Gertraud," she says; "we would have named you Gertraud."
"Gertraud," Gerwin muses, then, "Trudi." She peers at the ceiling a moment, then at her mother, and smiles. Frau Detzer knows that smile, and smiles back even though her eyes blur. Gerwin--Gertraud--yawns, so Frau Detzer murmurs, "You'll need your rest so we can get you back home...try to get some sleep now. I'll be right here when you wake." She kisses Gertraud's forehead, smooths her hair, watches her doze off. And believes she's never loved her child more than she does at that moment.
She informs the doctor of Gertraud's decision; "We'll need to write up some new records," he says to his team, and everyone sets to work; while the old file for Gerwin Detzer will still exist, they need a second record for Gertraud Detzer. The hurried process to create a daughter almost from scratch begins. Normally such a thing wouldn't be required, yet "Times have unfortunately changed, and we need to take precautions accordingly," the doctor advises. He promises the utmost discretion, but regretfully says he may not be able to see them again; he gives Frau Detzer all the information and resources he believes she'll need, the names of contacts and specialists who are still available and willing to help, tips for how to get the assistance she needs without alerting the authorities, and a heartfelt goodbye for Trudi--he clasps her hand between his own and wishes her luck--"You're a strong young lady, I fully believe you and your mother have everything you need to make this work," and he wishes them well, and retreats. After nightfall, the nurses help a wincing Trudi from her bed and into a wheelchair and then into a waiting car. The Detzers are driven home, and Trudi is helped back to her own bed. A medical assistant shakes Frau Detzer's hand--"Good luck, Frau Detzer, it's been our pleasure helping your daughter"--and once more, the two are left to navigate this uncertain new world on their own.
You can read more of Trudi's story, what she deals with during the war--including her icky relationship of convenience with SS Captain Erich Arzt, and how she cleverly turns this into a job as a double agent for the resistance Diamond Network--here: Trudi Detzer; Erich Arzt; Arno Spiegel.
Frau Detzer, of course, is aghast at learning what exactly Trudi ends up doing just to ensure their safety; even though Arzt keeps his promise to protect them from the rest of the SS and not reveal Trudi's secret, it's at a high price, and Frau Detzer can't help but feel guilty that she wasn't able to protect her better, herself. Trudi's insistence that she's made her own choice, and her mother has nothing to feel guilty about, doesn't do much to convince her, but there's little she can do. And then along comes Josef Diamant, who, in her eyes, isn't much better than Arzt: Both men want to utilize Trudi to achieve their own ends, even if for completely different reasons, and she resents this. The comparison isn't lost on Trudi, either; she comes right out and tells Gret Dannecker, who attempts to recruit her on Diamant's behalf, that she's being used as well, since this is just what men do. Gret agrees--like Trudi, she too dealt with sexual violence, from her stepfather--but she insists that, even if Diamant is merely using her, she chose to make herself useful. Trudi and Gret are on the same page; Trudi accepts the proposal to work for the Diamond Network, and along with Andreas Cranz serves as among their most successful civilian assets.
Cranz saves Trudi's skin more than once; she grows especially fond of him, as he treats her like an equal, calling her his Schwesterchen. Unlike with the other Diamond Network operatives, she never has any need to tell him about her past and he never feels any need to ask; it's just something that doesn't matter between them. The two are so close that when they meet again after the war, Frau Detzer briefly wonders if there's a little bit more to it...? Trudi's made it clear she's only interested in women, so no, there isn't anything more to it; yet she and Cranz look so happy to meet each other again, that Frau Detzer's disappointment melts and she can't help but smile a little. She notices the same look on the face of Cranz's mother and knows she's thinking the same thing. Their children's happiness is what matters most.
Cranz and Trudi head off arm in arm to catch up; after introducing themselves (and sighing wistfully over the dashed possibility of grandchildren), Frau Detzer and Frau Cranz do the same.
Please see also Hermine Cranz's entry.
[Claudia Detzer 2024 [‎Friday, ‎July ‎5, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:23 AM]]
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springbandit · 5 months
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"You'll thank me later." Riley assured the stranger, offering out a battered and broken umbrella. Several of the spokes were pointing in directions they were never designed to, and the picture that had once adorned the fabric had been worn away to little more than a smear of white plastic. "I know it's nice now, but, there'll be a downpour before you make it back to just about anywhere. I can smell it coming."
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 64 // The Confession // Day 48
Contents (Warnings): Wicks tells Lynette everything...or tries too (Angst, magic mentions, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on - A03
Side note: This will contain experimental writing; first person (Lynette's view) will be implemented alongside third person for the two other essential characters, (mostly) Alexander and (occasionally) Drake. All their text will be italicized for those third-person moments, with the characters' names in Bold at the start and their thoughts in Bold. There may be other characters I write for using this.
------------------------------------------------------------------- (Nov. 12th, Saturday)
I barely slept. Everything felt like a hazy layer of sick familiarity. I thought I had escaped it before. And today, felt lighter, maybe a relief. We were leaving soon. Everyone was sometimes or later. 
Wicks and I were packing in our room. He had his suitcase next to mine on the bed.
"Lentils, how did you like Garter?" Wicks asked with a smirk on his face. 
I reflected the smile, "he's-tall..."
Wicks exhaled and still smiled, "He was the first friend I met at the C.P.P.A. We were in training together as classless."
The door flying open interrupted Wicks's explanation. "HEY, YOU GUYS ARE TAKING WAY TOO LONG!" Charletta charged in and hugged me first. She got Wicks in it second. 
"We just started," I muttered. "You're the one that insisted we stay up until 4 a.m. at the bonfire."
"I wanted to spend more time with you guys before you leave!" Charletta squeezed further until I was pressed tightly into Wicks and her. I could smell Charletta's rose body wash and Wick's sandalwood, one clearer than I wanted. "I feel bad we couldn't hang out because of the wedding!" She sniffled. 
I felt Wicks pull away, freeing me from her suffocating grasp. 
"My birthday's coming up. We got plenty of time." Wicks assured her. 
Charletta gasped, "OH-" Embarrassment covered her face. She forgot his birthday was coming soon. And had yet to get him a gift. Not that I was any better. "Yeah! Of course!"
I'm finally free, and I let out a clear breath. "We have plenty of time to see each other again," I said with one more deep breath.
The thought hung in the back of his mind. He knew this was inevitable. He knew they'd tell her but he wished they had picked a different time.
Or...not at all. Wicks was on the opposite spectrum from the others, and his mother at one point shared that, but she couldn't bear to keep it hidden any longer.
One Month Earlier. He sat back on his new office and closed his eyes. "Transmission" from his father. It was similar to teleportation, except on a lessor scale. It sends thoughts and visuals to others from one mind to another. It requires a connection and agreement, generally. Even in his head, he could always hear the voice that was ever changed after he came back to them. "We're telling her at the wedding, because Charletta's getting married to a vampire beast named Ulysses Clemente." Padre said to him, We shouldn't. "Why now? Did Mom agree to this?" He heard Charletta voice in the background, his dad's power was frightening as he could capture the thoughts of others near him too, "we should have told her when we first took her in!" His dad and Charletta had been saying that for years. They always wanted to tell Lynette. But, they weren't around when Lynette started to fall like him and mom. "There's too much to hide..." His mom chimed in, he could tell by the trembles of her mind that she had been crying. "Then what? How can we ease her into it, we'd-I'd have to tell her everything..." He started to lower his head. She'll hate me. She'll never want to talk to me again. I can't lie to her if she asks. "There'll be plenty to tell her and plenty of time to tell her once it's over." His father said. "And if it ever gets to difficult to watch her-" Wicks snapped back immediately, "I'll take care of her." I won't abandon her. She never once did that to me. Not long after he had to cut it short, Garter came in with their coffee.
He wanted nothing more than to kill Ace now, most of his frustration redirected toward him and away from the other danger, Alexander. But, it was his fault. He shouldn't have trusted a friend of Ulysses and Charletta. He shouldn't trust anyone around her...or...no. I should have stayed with her. It doesn't matter if she wanted me around or not. I need to protect her.
That conversation and those thoughts never left his mind. He rubbed his thumb on the steer wheel leather chewing on those thoughts while he drove, until he heard his sister voice speak up.
"I'm going to quit the pizzeria." Her timid soft tone said out of the blue. The drive had been quiet, not a word about it had been mentioned since he first told her. "I've been thinking about it since you said it."
He glanced at her briefly before turning back to the road. "Really?!" He tried to hide his excitement. She actually listened to me.
"There's so much I don't understand, so much I don't know. And...I think you're right. I shouldn't involve myself in any of this." It came out with uncertainty, an unspoken unsureness. He knew she didn't want to give up.
She felt she needed to go on, Wicks knew that. Lentils was stubborn, she rarely ever gave up on anything once she started it. She had a determination he felt he lacked.
"I'm glad. And if you want later tonight, we can start our normal job hunting." He said with a smile.
There was a blanket of ease resting on his shoulders. He didn't think she was strong enough to handle everything that came with this. Just like humans, monsters were just as complicated or different. One world was enough.
He held back his cheer, he didn't want to stir her further. He could tell by the sound alone, she hated to say she was giving up.
Lynette nodded, "after you tell me what you can about magic...I still want to understand you-it all better.."
Wicks nodded. There's so much to tell you. He parked in their spot at the apartment and smiled. "Sounds like a plan."
Wicks was patient with me, but it didn't matter how many breaks he made between the information I couldn't retain it. He even tried giving me demonstrations using a little bit of magic, yet there were so many spells I couldn't keep track.
I only retained two things, variations and levels. As he explained every spell has its own category, and a spell in that category was called a variation. While every variation had a level at which the magic was used, it determined its power protentional. A small use of the spell force can knock over things like soda cans, while at higher levels it could tear someone apart.
At least that's what I assumed. He really said, "it could seriously hurt someone."
"Psychic Magic, one of my specialties. It deals with spells that require mental understanding and a link to your own mind and others. If you are unable to concentrate or think, you can't use it." he tapped his head. "The first variation is Understanding. It's a mental reading of your opponent. Weaker versions need permission from the person your trying to read, while at higher levels you can understand their mind without it. You'll be able to know their intentions..."
He looked over the worry on my face and smiled, "it can also be used to understand different languages. Like if you and I didn't speak the same language, if I used it on you, I'd be able to understand what you're trying to tell me. It's as if its translated into my head with the language I know."
I don't think I'd want to ever use anything like that if I could. I feel like I would have my heart broken WAY too many times with peoples thoughts. I nodded along. Wait, is that what June uses? I then shivered, maybe a different version? He said he projects his thoughts out. Because if he was reading my thoughts...
"Can you also share your thoughts?"
Wicks jolted at the question, "technically, yes."
He went to the next before I could ask further. "Mind Erasure Variation," Wicks said.
If I quit, I'll have to deal with that won't I...WAIT will I forget everything? The wedding too?!
"To erase some ones memory it usually involves you to be present during the events you're trying to erase and or have someone else who was present during the events. If you yourself weren't present/ or have anyone who was and you're trying to erase some ones memories it'll be near impossible, as you'll have to shift through their mind."
His tone shifted down an octave, "and you can end up losing your mind and messing up theirs."
I nodded. For some reason, his face looked like someone was twisting a blade in his stomach. I didn't know why but I tried to lighten his mood.
"Sucks that you can't erase any of those embarrassing moments I have of you rent free in my head." Though, after I said that simple joke. The question entered my head.
Any of them could have erased my memory, right?
He smiled, weakly.
I interrupted him before he continued, "do you replace those memories with what you want?"
His hazel hue fixated on me. He could see it in mine as I could see it in his. My heart squeezed.
"We generally use our own memories of events to conjure a false one in some ones head. Vague enough for them not to think to hard about it." There was a look of desperation.
My voice trembled as it left, "did any of you ever erase my memory?"
He sharply answered, "Madre, Padre, and Charletta never erased your memory."
His head tilted down, his jaw clenched with the nervous jitter of his leg. It shook the bar counter.
I couldn't ignore it, I had to know. "And-what about you...?" Lie to me, lie to me, tell me you didn't.
His eyes met mine again and he said the truth. "Lentils, let me explain.-"
I looked at him and I only whispered back, "you erased my memory..."
"There was this group-"
I held my head, I wasn't listening anymore. I could feel it spinning. Everything was spinning. I didn't understand it. I would drown without him, so why...
"How many times...how much did I lose..."
Wicks grabbed my shoulder, "listen to me."
I pulled away and stumbled off my chair. I strained my voice to shout, "HOW MUCH DID YOU TAKE FROM ME?!"
I could feel the rise and fall of my chest. It felt so strained as if it was bruised.
"Lentils, it was for a reason! You were stuck with what they did to you FOR THAT WHOLE WEEK!"
"WEEK!" I shook my head desperately. What did he make me forget, how many times has he made me forget things? "You said 24 hours is a limit for erasing some ones memory, why-did you mess up your mind, AND mine."
"It wasn't that simple, Lentils are you even listening to me!"
His stood right in front of me and sounded so far away. Like there was miles between us.
My chest heaved in tandem with my throbbing head.
I watched his mouth move, his eyes looked sincere and distraught. I wanted to hear him, hold him, pretend I didn't care.
"I just-I started to feel relieved...you were-" My eyes had bustled with hot water for days. I'm surprised they hadn't boiled.
His words still refused to reach me. What else has been a lie? Has he erased my memory whenever I've been inconvenient? How many times? When did I lose that week? Was it important?
It felt so hard to breathe, I clutched at my chest. Wicks stepped closer and I shook my head.
"How many times did you do this to me, and what did you take and change?"
He kept trying to get closer. I didn't stop backing up. I could see his eyes glistening over.
When is it necessary to ever do that? How do I know you're not lying now. How do I know it hasn't been more. How do I know any of you haven't been doing that my whole life! AND IF YOU HAVE WHY LEAVE ME WITH-
I heard two words from him, "missed work," and it clicked. Charletta and Wicks both hesitated whenever I mentioned the ducky place and my food poisoning...
"I didn't have food poisoning." My head wouldn't stop banging inside my skull, my vision started to blur, and I still couldn't breathe. His presence felt suffocating.
I have to leave. I thought to myself. His hand grabbed my arm as soon as I got my suitcase handle. We hadn't put anything away yet.
Please let go. I couldn't say it out loud. I didn't want to him. His grip was too strong to tug away from yet I knew I couldn't stay here. I didn't want him to erase it in my sleep.
"Lynette, just calm down, you can go to your room and think."
"I-don't-want-you-to-erase-my-memory-of-this-too." I whimpered in a weak croak, each word had a breath behind it.
"LET ME GO!" It hurt to shout. It burned. I pulled away and ran with my suitcase. I grabbed the keys to my car from the bowl next to the door. Wicks finally found the footing to pursue me.
And I slammed the door in his face.
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. It means a lot that I put out a story that people can enjoy! So, I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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nicosraf · 2 years
Want to ask if Asmodeus became associated with lust because what he almost did to Rosier? And is Rosier still an angel by the end or did he fall as well? It's left ambiguous and Rosier doesn't seem to have actively partake in the Rebellion so I assume he didn't fall? If so how will he and Asmodeus' dynamic play out post-fall?
Yes, Asmodeus' association with lust comes from him acting selfishly and doing that. He really does love Rosier, but he was desperate, inconsiderate, and fumbled the bag in that moment, so to speak skskjdhkffhdsl (There'll be more on him and "lust" later but, basically, yes this is the gist of it for now.)
Also, Rosier is implied to have fallen! Though he didn't really partake in the rebellion, he said he wanted to follow his friends:
‘Wherever you go, wherever Baal goes, wherever Asmodeus goes, I want to go too.’
Post-fall, Rosier and Asmodeus have a... dynamic, for sure. Asmodeus does regret what he did, I can assure you, but that doesn't really make up for it. Asmodeus is also, physically, a mess and Rosier looks after him. Things aren't all bad though! They have their good days.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 11 months
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Thursday, October 19, 2023
This is my second and last visit with Jacquie, Kimmer's aunt, before I leave tomorrow morning. In many ways, it's the most profound of the two visits if for no other reason than we'll not see each other again on this side.
That's not the only reason, though.
We'll get to that in a moment.
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Today we're here around the same time as yesterday. Kimmer's cousin has about an hour head start with his mother but assures us that she's been sleeping most of the time. Unlike the previous visit, Jacquie's spending more time sleeping. Her eyes are closed more than yesterday, her breathing's not as obvious, and she's not at all communicative. As if we're here visiting in the middle of the night.
No words for awhile when we arrive. No attempts at words. No movement, really.
She just is.
Jacquie's mouth is more closed than the day before while she's sleeping. I ask Kimmer why this is and Kimmer explains to me it's because today Jacquie's taking shallower breaths.
Also, she's not responding to our prompts as she did 24 hours before. She's not responding to the same stimuli.
She has more of a coma vibe going on which is unnerving at times.
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To check on Jacquie's basics, Kimmer fashions Jacquie's wrist with an auto blood pressure cuff, waits a moment while it does its thing, until the cuff calls out the results.
Totally normal.
Given Jacquie's nebulous condition, Kimmer asks out loud
"How do you do that???"
And in what I'll always remember as a classic moment, Jacquie, without opening her eyes, perpetrates a huge shrug of her shoulders while she's laying in bed. The universal sign for
"I dunno."
There's gonna be a lot of moments like this today. Straight up body language. Nonverbal. With eyes closed.
By 'n by, it's time for Jacquie's son to take his leave. He leans in to say "bye mom" and I catch that moment because it's so natural, as if set somewhere outside this room. As if he's a teenager back at home heading out the front door, turning his head, saying these two words over his shoulder for the briefest of moments...
"Bye mom."
And then he's away.
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At some point, Kimmer asks Alexa to play Keith Green, a worship music favorite of hers from back in the day. I think the music's similar to the kind of music performed at Jacquie's long time church. The reason I think this is because this music and not, for example, the soundtracks of Fiddler on the Roof, God Spell, and Jesus Christ Super Star don't elicit the same response.
Same response?
Yeah. Her hands and arms begin to move over her head, then come down a bit tracing slowly elegant patterns in the air above her body.
The motions aren't immediately defined for me. I mean, it's not obvious what they are, what they're trying to be. They're a kind of drowsy, deliberate facsimile of an almost lost memory. It's only when that old Methodist tune "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty" hits Alexa's speaker and Jacquie's arms go up immediately that I make the connection to the raising of hands during worship services.
Eventually the music ebbs... yet Jacquie is still in that moment. Arms and hands continue moving a little bit. Head from side to side a little bit.
So Kimmer asks her gently
"Are you in Dreamland?"
Jacquie softly groans as the next song picks up.
Later, Kimmer decides to have a little fun with her aunt because Jacquie's birthday's this coming Sunday. 81 years old. There'll be a little german chocolate cupcake party for her and, in order to talk it up, Kimmer declares
"It's your birthday on Sunday. Yeah, you'll be eighteen years old!!! Don't you feel eighteen years old?"
I immediately look back to Jacquie and, hand to God, she responds with the facial equivalent of a shrug. The right side of her lip pulls up a bit at the same time her right eye sort of winks, and her right cheek compresses.
Hand to God.
A facial shrug, it was so clear to me.
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Behind it all, the music's still playing, Jacquie's hands continue to trace patterns in the air, and then her hands settle on the plush elephant resting atop her chest. Slowly, deliberately, she uses both hands to grip the elephant then turns to me and says something that seems like it starts with the word "what".
So I say
"I don't know... what do you think?"
She responds with words I don't understand so I begin arranging the plush elephant in front of her so she can hold it more easily.
While I'm doing that, though, she looks directly at me and says
So I move the elephant to the bottom of the bed and I place the bear, the birthday bear, onto her hands.
She has it rest like that on her hands for awhile. Her eyes closed.
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By 'n by, her eyes open again briefly and Kimmer says
"Hi Jacquie! How're you doing, sweetie?"
Jacquie begins to carefully lean her head up and forward. Then slowly, she greets Kimmer.
The greeting begins well, not a ton of energy, though, and then slips away.
Kimmer encourages her.
"It's your bear, Jacquie. It's your birthday bear!"
And then
"Do you want me to sing you Happy Birthday?"
Jacquie's head lowers back onto her pillow. Her eyes closed. And Kimmer begins to sing slowly in her clear alto voice.
A birthday song for her favorite aunt.
She sings it all the way through from where she's sitting midway down the edge of the bed, leaning toward and above Jacquie as Jacquie sleeps peacefully.
Later, Kimmer asks her
"Are you still with us, Jacquie?"
From wherever she is in that moment, Jacquie musters a
So Kimmer says
"Hey sleepy girl. I love you."
And Jacquie replies with a lazy
Time passes.
The moment that catches me next is Keith Green, now singing from Alexa's speaker the song "Make My Life A Prayer To You". The moment's not even the whole song but a tiny piece of it.
"From ourselves and our despair, it comforts me to know you're really there."
I look up just then to catch Kimmer simply smiling at her aunt.
I don't know what to tell you. My mind naturally tagged that image as something special.
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If I've not mentioned it yet, I'll mention it now. We've each been holding one of Jacquie's hands this whole time. I'm holding her right hand. Kimmer's holding her left hand. This is our unbroken connection with Jacquie while we're here. Through our hands we're communicating what we feel as we feel it. Not intentionally. That's just how it works when you're holding someone else's hand in yours.
Time passes some more and, when I dip back into the moment, Keith Green's singing his song "(Until) Your Love Broke Through". He just reached the chorus that begins with the words "Like waking up from the longest dream..." which is where Kimmer's alto joins him in an easy way.
After a bit of this, Kimmer asks Jacquie
"Is my singing bothering you?"
And from wherever Jacquie is just then, she replies
A little later on, Kimmer reminds Jacquie
"I love you. And we love you very very much. I've always felt loved by you."
Followed by this:
"We're two peas in a pod."
That's true, by the way.
They are.
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In the end, Jacquie did make an appearance. In a different way, sure, but she did show up.
Kimmer and I talked about it later, trying to put our fingers on What is this version of Jacquie?
I wanna say lucid, but that's a hard sell when someone's eyes are closed most of the time. So instead I'll say intentional. I'll say deliberate.
Jacquie's hands and arms moved at her direction even with her eyes closed. When her eyes were open and she had something to say, she said it while looking at the person to whom she was speaking. In our final half hour, it struck both Kimmer and I that Jacquie was trying to communicate a lot of something to Kimmer. At one point, she had her right hand cupped behind Kimmer's back, she held eye contact with Kimmer, and sometimes she would touch or brush Kimmer's chin with the finger or fingers of her left hand.
Like she was trying to tell Kimmer something.
In a way, it's the most communication, a largely nonverbal communication, that I've seen from Jacquie over the last nine months and change.
She sustained it longer, is what I'm getting at. Even when it wasn't words. But then even when it was words, words we couldn't understand, there was tone enough in her voice to get the gist. Along with eye contact.
Along with touch.
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When we left, I didn't give that moment a lot of forethought.
I bent down low to wrap may left arm around Jacquie's back from the right side of her bed so I could embrace her as fully as possible. Then I kissed her right cheek and said
"Good night, Jacquie."
And then we were away.
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0 notes
tangleweave · 1 year
My question was more about her being worth it to you Stephen, meaning is she really worth your time? Don’t you deserve someone who can love you completely and not be a broken excuse of a person. How can you be sure she won’t hurt you like she has everyone else around her?
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[ Provocative Asks / Reference ]
The sorcerer offers an arched eyebrow. "Are you here to throw yourself at me as an alternative option? I've got to say, doesn't seem that attractive, if your method of making your case is to bash the competition." Then he blasts a scoff through his nose. "Maybe work on your fundamentals instead of flinging stones in this particular glass house, because there's nobody in Kamar-Taj who didn't come here a broken excuse of a person. Including me."
It's clear, though, that the student isn't satisfied to let the matter rest until he puts forth a more direct answer. He sighs. "All right, fine, you want a TEDtalk? To love completely is to know you'll be in pain. It's the nature of the beast. Love hurts. It bites, it stings, it scratches, it scars. But it also rebuilds and renews. It helps us endure and makes us want to be better. If there's someone out there that makes you feel all of that, rest assured, you've found someone worth loving. And maybe it'll end with a happily ever after, or maybe it'll end in tears... but as both pain and regret are constant companions of mine, it's not even a contest which one I prefer."
He raps his knuckles against the desk. "Write that down. There'll be a quiz later. Also, if I wasn't clear before..." His gaze hardens ever so slightly. "Friends call me Stephen. You can call me Doctor."
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dearcraziness · 1 year
Chapter 47.
An interesting new sunny day. It was very warm outside the window, bright rays of light gently touched the foliage of trees, bushes and other plants. The wind only occasionally stirred them, soon everything was quiet, and the soothing voices of birds were heard.
Everything was fine at home with friends, too : after breakfast, everyone began to do various interesting things : Bendy watered flowers in the garden ; Lara painted landscapes ; Alice sewed a new outfit ; Boris disassembled mechanisms.
Soon Bendy came into Lara's room. He saw her drawing and said, "Oh, Lau, what a wonderful landscape you are creating!... The colors are perfectly matched, and the plants are so neatly drawn..."
"Thank you, Bendy... I'm almost done, I only need to sketch a few more trees..."
"If you want, we can draw together... Or do you want to go to lunch now, princess?..."
"As you wish, dear... I think today I'll paint your stunning portrait again... Although you are much more beautiful in life than in drawings..."
"I like your art, your fascinating style..."
"Thank you very much, dearest... You're perfect in everything... By the way, sunshine, I wanted to ask..."
"Yes, cutie?..."
"Would you like to go to a magical island tomorrow?... Of course, we're going on a trip with friends, I think they'll be happy to join us..."
"No doubt... Which place place will we visit?..."
"To the island of Bright and Mysterious Wonders... Do you remember, we recently read a little article about it?... Such an island is definitely worth a visit..."
"I guess you're right... Of all the islands we read, this one seemed to me the most miraculous..."
"We should spend a few days there... Maybe even about a week to see as many sights as possible..."
"Then we'll begin our journey..."
"Our friends will definitely be interested in the idea of another adventure."
Soon pals gathered in the kitchen and, after lunch, discussed their joint plans.
"By the way, about tomorrow-" Bendy began. "Lara and I decided to visit one incredible, it's called the island of Bright and Mysterious Wonders and, judging by the name, we'll find a lot of miracles there..."
"Sounds good..." Boris answered, looking away. "Then today we should collect necessary items for the trip..."
"Also stuff for leisure," Bendy added. "For example, collections of sudoku, books..."
"Sketchbooks..." Lara smiled.
"Oh, and I'll take an embroidery kit..." Alice continued. "I'll sew there, just like at home..."
"This is all great, of course, but we'll need to explore the island..." Boris remarked.
"We will, don't worry," Bendy assured the mechanic. "And now - let's go pack up!..."
The magicians left the kitchen and went to their rooms. Boris folded some of his appliances, Alice put a sewing kit and several magazines.
"Only the supplies we'll need for the hike and some clothes have to be packed..." said Boris.
"And we're free..." the angel replied.
"Wow, Alice, how many magazines did you put in... Are you going to read them all on the island?..."
"If I have enough time... By the way, you also packed a lots of devices..."
"You're right, but I won't disassemble them as often as here... Pumpkin, we could read some of your magazines today..."
"Okay, I'd like to see an article about traveling on the islands..."
"But you've been reading it recently, dear..."
"I really like it..."
"Okay, whatever you say..."
Boris and Alice put some things in the rucksack and began to read. The magazine was really very entertaining and they carried away by reading, not noticing time passing by...
At this time, Bendy and Lara almost put everything together, talking about their views of the island.
"I think there'll be a lot of unusual plants and animals everywhere!..." Bendy began. "The landscape will fascinate with its impressive view, we'll walk along the crystal-clear coast, the palm trees and bushes..."
"And so it will take a long time..."
"Until evening comes, then we'll return to have dinner... It's going to be so great..."
"And so nice..."
"Good to know our opinions are quite similar, sweetie... I really hope you' like the island..."
"I think we all will..."
"You're right, dear, that's exactly how it will be... With you, I'm happy to go to any place, even to the end of the world... Starlight, if you want, we'll solve a couple of sudokus now..."
"I'll be happy..."
"Let's get started, tulip..."
Bendy took out the magazines, the magicians began to fill in the empty cells. The devils soon finished, Bendy cooked dinner, friends discussed tomorrow's adventure. After that, they returned to their rooms and engaged in calmer activities.
"Honey, don't you also think tomorrow will be a wonderful day?..." Boris asked Alice, who was looking into the distance.
"Of course I do..." Alice replied. "We're going to have a great time..."
"And so it will be... Anyway, I think it's time for us to go to bed... Sleep well, my angel..."
"Good night, my mechanic..."
Boris bent down and kissed Alice on the forehead. She smiled, as did he, hugging her. Then they went to bed and had marvelous, brilliant dreams...
Bendy and Lara, having finished sudoku, also decided to go to bed. Bendy put the magazines back in their place, sat down next to Lara, hugging her. The imp smiled, still looking down. Bendy looked at her tenderly, peering into her beautiful eyes...
"Lar, I think we'll spend a little more than a few days on the island to explore it better... But if suddenly is smaller than we expected, we'll go to another island!... And explore the landscapes of both..."
"I think it would be best... But if the island turns out to be big, it'll be enough for us..."
"You're right, berry, in any case, we'll have an unforgettable trip... You probably want to sleep now..."
"So do you, I suppose..."
"Yes, but if you wish, I'll be happy to talk with you some more... Although, tomorrow we need to get up early..."
"I think it's better to go to bed now..."
"Sweet dreams, my little demon..."
"Good night, my big demon... Tomorrow will be so exciting..."
"The adventure on the island will certainly delight us... Love you very much, Lora..."
The next morning, friends woke up quite early. After breakfast, they talked for a while and returned to their rooms. Bendy took the rucksack, he and Lara went out into the corridor. Soon Boris and Alice came out with their backpack. The friends went outside and watched the outstanding landscape in the garden for a while.
"What a wonderful day!... " Bendy noticed and smiled. "However, it's time for us to go to the island."
The others agreed, the musician snapped his fingers - magicians teleported immediately to the right place.
The island struck and pleasantly surprised guys: palm trees were absolutely everywhere, flowers of various colors and sizes surrounded them, the shore was crystal clear, soft yellow sand shimmered brightly under the rays of the sun, huge clouds floated across the light blue sky, the voices of birds flying nearby could be heard clearly. Pals came a little closer to the shore and stopped.
"Wow, what an impressive landscape!... Bendy exclaimed." As you can see, the island has a lot of miracles... "
" Marvelous place..." Lara said. "I can't wait to explore everything..."
"Then we shouldn't waste our time..." Alice smiled.
"Firstly, we need to unpack our stuff..." Boris notices. "Where is our house?..."
"A little further away, let's walk straight and find..." Bendy replied.
Friends soon saw the house. It was made of light fine wood. Going inside, the friends thought the house seemed smaller from the outside. Bendy and Lara entered their room and began unpacking things from their rucksack. Meanwhile, Boris and Alice went to their room and did the same. When pals finished, they had for lunch.
"Now we can go explore the island..." Bendy said. "I think we'll see many splendid sceneries here..."
"No doubt about it..." Boris replied. "This island is called magical for a reason..."
"Of course, most likely, remarkable things are hidden here, maybe even treasures..."
"I don't think so, but we'll definitely see something peculiar..."
Friends left the house and walked around the island for a while, admiring the landscape.
However, soon friends found wonders...
"What great stones, each of them has a special symbol!..." Bendy said with surprise. "Looks like runes..."
"But what do they mean?..." asked Lara.
"One moment... Here, on a large stone it's written: "Health", on a stone that's near - "Wealth", and on those four stones - "Love, friendship - the values of life"...
"Someone laid out the stones on purpose..." Boris answered. "Interesting..."
"And informative..." Alice added.
"Maybe runes are are drawn not only on the stones..." Lara smiled.
"Speaking of extraordinary things - look, the clock is hanging on the leaves of palm trees!..." Bendy exclaimed.
"Wow... Very strange..." Boris said. "Do their mechanisms need to be repaired?..."
"Most likely, these watches work steadily, they don't even have bolts which can be unscrewed in order to see the mechanism..." Bendy replied. "What an excellent place..."
"And so cozy..." Lara remarked. "I want to stay near the palm trees for a while..."
"We'll be here as long as you want, dear... The island is worth the a walk..."
"But then we will visit less places..." Boris retorted.
"We still have a lot of time to view other amazing sights..." Alice replied.
"You're right, tomorrow we'll see the rest..."
The magicians took a walk near the golden clock and after a while came out on a golden path dotted with flowers. The flowers grew quite large and bright, with interesting shades and shapes. Bendy gave Lara a bouquet of wonderful flowers, soon Boris also collected flowers for Alice.
Guys admired the landscape around and soon saw numreous miracles: some palm trees had a colored trunk, it seemed as if it was glowing; also on one tree hung a memo written in some ancient language. Bendy knew what language it was, translated everything that was written to his friends. The note described the meaning of love and friendship, their importance. There were other wonders on the island that friends managed to see. Soon darkness fell - the guys went back.
Friends entered the house, and after having dinner, returned to their rooms, doing their usual things.
It was late evening. The edge of the moon became visible from the window, and everyone went to bed... Each of the friends had fantastic, exciting dreams inspired by the impressions of the miraculous, incredible island...
The next morning Bendy woke up quite early, smiling, watching Lara sleep. Soon she woke up, and he said, "Good morning, Lora!... Did you have a nice rest, my dream girl?..."
"Sure... And you?..."
"Same... Now I'll cook us breakfast..."
The devils enjoyed their meals and left the house.
"Strawberry, which way are we going today?... We can explore the opposite shore of the island..."
"I just wanted to see the other side..."
"We'll certainly find even more miracles..."
Bendy and Lara went on and later saw a path lined with colorful cobblestones. Nearby there were stones covered with moss, shimmering in the rays of the sun. Bright red flowers and emerald palms grew all around.
"Wow, how spectacular it is here!..." Bendy exclaimed. "A truly magical landscape..."
"And very interesting ..." said Lara. - I'd like to know what awaits us at the end of the path..."
"We'll find out, sweetheart... Can you see the end of the path?...
"Yes, I can..."
"We are almost there..."
The devils saw a golden chest covered with gems. The magicians looked at the chest with admiration, and Bendy opened it. The chest contained gold jewelry, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, gold figurines.
"So there are treasures on the island..." said Bendy. "And, most interestingly, there's no lock on the chest - so no one needed to hide its contents..."
"Really unusual..." Lara thought. "Treasures are just lying here, apparently untouched..."
"We need to show the chest to our friends!... I think they'll also be impressed..."
The imps came back and entered the house. They noticed Boris and Alice approaching the kitchen, talking. The friends met, and Bendy told them about what he and Lara had found, much to the surprise of fellows.
Soon after meal time, guys were walking along the path and saw the chest.
"Wow, brilliant..." said Boris and opened it. "So many jewels inside... How did you find the key?..."
"We weren't," Bendy replied and smiled. "The chest wasn't locked..."
"Hmm, strange..."
"And wonderful at the same time..." Alice added. "I have never seen so many precious stones..."
"Neither have I..." Lara smiled.
"There are sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds..." Bendy listed. "Also amethysts, topazes, chrysolites..."
"And also many wonderful figures made of gold..." Boris remarked. "So, what are we going to do with these treasures?..."
"We'll leave them here..." Bendy replied. "I think they belong on the island... After all, the most valuable treasure is love and friendship!..."
"And the most necessary... " Lara said.
"It's prabably better if we don't take the gems," Alice looked at the jewels.
"You're right," Boris said. "Well, it was very interesting to look at the chest with real treasures... Where do we go next?..."
"Let's go right behind the path," Bendy replied.
Friends discovered large gray stones on which there were figures of frogs, near there were plants resembling clover. The guys looked at the place with interest, soon they noticed a small mine with a large waterfall. Exotic flowers grew on the stones near. The wizards saw other wonders: beautiful birds with an unusual bright color; butterflies whose wings struck with their size and color; leaves in the form of keys on some bushes; palm trees with foliage of dark blue and purple flowers.
Evening came, and friends came back. They decided to have dinner near the peaceful seashore, and Bendy prepared the meals, put the dishes on a small beach table. Everyone sat down, sharing their impressions after such adventure.
"This island holds countless amazing surprises and marvelous wonders..." Bendy said dreamily. "Wonder if we see the rest of the island..."
"Perhaps we should have a rest?..." Boris asked. "I'm rather tired from walking..."
"Well, we can take a break tomorrow," Bendy repled. "We still have a lot of time to explore the place..."
"Tomorrow we'll be relaxing on the beach..." Lara said. "Although, this trip didn't seem tedious to me at all, on the contrary, it's delightful..."
"A little rest won't hurt..." Alice noticed.
"Can't wait to draw here... Or solve sudoku..." Lara said.
"We can also read interesting travel stories or look through magazines about delightful plants..." Bendy added.
"See you tomorrow..." Boris smiled.
"Good night..."
Friends returned to their rooms and prepared for bed. The bright yellow moon came out from behind the clouds, coolness enveloped the island.
0 notes
hqcult · 3 years
EYELINER ## suna rintarou
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trying to apply his eyeliner would've been easy if only rintarou can keep his hands to himself.
. tw smut, dom suna, established relationship, fingering, oral f receiving, edging, dirty talk, slight exhibitionism, mind break, unprotected sex, pwp . wc 4k
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"ugh, he's gonna do it again." you mutter, eyeing suna's hand as it skims around your vanity desk for his favorite brand of eyeliner. for some reason everybody naturally finds themself drawn to suna rintarou, even if he was always so stoic and detached. 
you hate how girls would flock around him in parties as they stare at his kohl-lined eyes or at the painted black nail polish whenever you disappear to get a drink, knowing full well what kind of thoughts are running in their heads because you, for sure, thought of him the same way. alright. we get it. your boyfriend can be a hot mofo if he wants to be and his idgaf attitude just adds to the whole appeal.
we get it.
because you love him more than the stars in the galaxy combined, sometimes you can't help but feel jealous when people get too close to him. you really didn't want to be that type of girlfriend but sometimes you just like the assurance that he's all yours and nothing's wrong about that, right? plus, suna seems to exceptionally love when he gets you jealous and feral. he may always pretend otherwise but he loves staking his claim on you just as much as you liked being claimed by him. 
"are you done yet?" you say, staring at him from your bedroom door frame. 
atsumu was throwing a party tonight and you were all dressed up and ready to go, just patiently waiting for your boyfriend. 
suna replies a beat later, not bothering to meet your eyes. "just a minute."
you just want his attention all on you. you don't even want to go to this stupid party and see all these people shamelessly flirting with him even if you were right there by his side. you just want to have some alone time with suna rintarou. 
and you may or may not have just come up with an idea to make that happen.
"where's the eyeliner? the one i always use?"
"it's not there? i know i left it there. wait, let me look." 
you straighten up, walking towards him in your red leather mini skirt that can make any man's eyes sliver down to your ass. 
suna is sitting on your swivel chair, leaning back in a man spread as he clicks his tongue impatiently. he looks good even in a plain shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, his athletic and tall build enough to make any outfit look good.
"are you sure it's not in the drawers?"
"yes, i already checked."
you pout, making a show of muttering "i swore i threw it in here," under your breath as you maneuver around his spread legs to stand in between them, bending forward as you rummage around where he's already looked twice. 
you know he's staring at your ass. suna was never lowkey with how much he loves you in this leather mini-skirt. it's a miracle he hasn't landed a rough spank yet after getting a face full view of your ass. 
"wait a minute, maybe it rolled under my vanity."
so you get down on your knees, making sure your butt grazes the front of his jeans and just like you predicted, suna was half-hard already. 
it was truly such a stroke to your ego but you focus on the task at hand. 
you arched your ass up as you bend down to look for the little tube of eyeliner, slightly shaking it side to side as you "struggle" to get the eyeliner out from underneath the table. 
when your hands feel the cylindrical plastic, you retreat, sitting up straight again and proudly showing your boyfriend the eyeliner in your hands. 
you made sure your eyes were as huge and innocent as they look, kneeling in between his legs, shins tucked in and hands in your lap like a good girl. 
"i found it!"
you could've sworn you've seen his left eye twitch as he stared you down. you've been with him long enough to notice that look in his eyes. what are you playing at, huh?
you wait for him to speak but you can see all the gears turning in his head as he continues to stare at you. 
you wait anxiously for what he's going to do next. maybe he'll make you suck him off, or he'll throw you on the bed, or spank your ass because you were clearly teasing him—
"why don't you put my eyeliner on for me?"
you stand up, opening the tube in as he shuts his eyes. you try not to let your disappointment show too much. fine. maybe you can just have a quickie later while drunk in one of the rooms in the frat house. 
"why are you standing? come sit on my lap while you're doing it."
you were too busy removing the excess product off the brush to notice his eyes had taken a dark turn, contradicting the gentleness of his warm hands as it snakes around the back of your bare thighs pulling you closer. 
"no, i'll mess this—"
"i said sit."
delicious shivers create goosebumps on your skin. 
you know that tone. he only uses it when he's horny and he wants to bend you over. so maybe your game plan did work after all, yet you're staring at him dumbfounded with the eyeliner brush in midair. 
"come sit. i won't repeat myself." he leans back against the chair, manspreading as he waits for you. 
you scramble to straddle his strong thighs, muscles a manifestation of his hard work and dedication to volleyball. it was great to see him in action on the court but you'd rather he flexed those muscles when you ride his thighs. 
you cup his face, getting all up in his personal space to apply the eyeliner. 
you've long grown out of the honeymoon phase but why is your heart beating so damn fast right now?
your hands were shaking, perspiration was building up in your forehead, and you were holding your breath.
"are you nervous?"
"shut up, rin. 'm not."
when the brush first touches the lid of his eyes, a nimble finger traces the expanse of your whole slit over your panties. 
you pull the brush away, hissing in surprise. 
his sharp tone isn't what shut you up, it was the hand cupping your sex. the heel of his wrist slowly grazing against your sensitive clit. you drew a sharp breath. he smirks. 
"go on. continue, doll."
you want to hate the teasing lilt in his voice but you know deep down you love it.
you held your breath, diving in once again to the task at hand whilst trying to ready yourself from his ministrations. 
your hand slightly shakes as you start in the middle of his waterline, slowly tracing the bottom part of his eyes before making a small wing at the end. 
you've seen him apply his own eyeliner so much you have this down to an art form. everything would've been easy if only he kept his hands to himself. you try to ignore the digit still feathering over your slit or the hand wrapping around you to bunch your skirt up around the waist. 
for someone whose eyes are closed he's doing a damn good job navigating. but maybe that's how he shows you're his. he knows your body like the back of his hand, he knows what makes you tick, what makes you pant, what makes you moan in ecstasy. 
"i can never resist when you dress up all pretty for me. you know that, right, doll?"
applying the eyeliner to his waterline had been fairly easy. the lash line, on the other hand, proved difficult. especially when suna's upgraded from tracing your pussy lips to dangerously toying with the elastics of your panties, slipping his finger under before stretching it to slap your skin. 
as you try to connect the upper part of the eyeliner to the small wing you made from his waterline, you hissed. 
"why don’t you pull them down?"
he chuckles at your impatience and you slightly pull the brush away as he finally shoves the fabric down. you gasp when the cold hits your wet cunt. the scent of your essence unmistakable and you know suna's holding back from teasing. 
"as you wish, baby."
as suna grows bolder, the more your hands shook as you worked on his other eye. 
just as the tip of the brush touched his left eye's waterline, he pushed two fingers inside of you, dragging them against your walls in a lazy manner that was so distinctly him. he curls his fingers when he fucks it in before dragging them against your walls when he pulls it out, slightly scissoring you. he uses his other hand to draw figure 8’s against your clit. 
you swallow, trying your best to keep your hand still as a surgeon but you see the jagged little curves where your jolts of pleasure were too strong. 
you never should've provoked him to shove your underthings down, at least then you wouldn't have to suffer through his fingers. they were just so long, so thick, and so experienced when it comes to pleasuring you that you can never touch yourself anymore without craving suna's own fingers instead. 
you bit your lip, the hand that was cupping his jaw tightening as you try to fix the little mistakes here and there, hoping suna won't see them when he inspects your work in the mirror. it doesn't matter that he purposely set you up to fail. there'll be consequences if he isn't satisfied with what you did. may god have mercy on your horny little soul if rintarou thinks you were a bad girl. 
"you just hate losing, don't you?" you hiss, jolting when you feel him slap your cunt. your knees nearly buckled and you almost fell off the chair if not for his sturdy hand on the small of your back. 
"what are you talking about? i'm just fingering my girl like a winner."
just as you started outlining his left lash line, suna shoves a 3rd finger into your sopping cunt. loud squelching noises fill the room as your walls pulsate around his thick digits. the metal rings he wore brushing against your pussy lips as he fucks you knuckle-deep with three fingers. involuntarily, your own hips started moving to match his pace, shamelessly thrusting up everytime he shoves his fingers in.
he knows you so well. he doesn't even need to look at your face, he can feel you out by the noises you make. so good. so good. his fingers feel so good. fuck. fuck. fuck.
until he pulls them out of your sopping pussy. 
"rin," you whine, folding into his shoulder as you struggle to balance your kneeling self on the chair. you blindly reach down for his hand, urging him to put his fingers back in. "rin, please don't stop. please please please—”
"i told you to put my eyeliner, not fuck yourself on my fingers," he leans back on the chair, eyes still shut close while licking his digits clean. 
your lips press into a thin line, eyes dilated as a whine starts to threaten to pass your lips. you're sick of whatever game this is, you just want him to fuck you silly already! but as if sensing your thoughts, suna clicks his tongue and speaks. "hurry it up. we have a party to get to."
without his fingers to plug your cunny, your slick runs down the insides of your thighs. it's slow descent against your skin making goosebumps run up your arms, shivering as the cold hits your bare cunt. 
suna must've known your anguish, he could feel his jeans getting soaked but he didn't care and you wish to punch that smug smirk off his pretty face. 
your fingers stilled when you cupped his cheeks and leaned in to start applying a thin stroke of eyeliner to his water line. with a simple flick of the wrist you ended it with a little wing, just like how your boyfriend likes it. now, you just have to do his lash line and—
you let out an audible gasp when his fingers started feeling around your thighs, having an inkling idea of what he's tryna look for. true to what you expected, he traces the line of your dripping slick up your inner thighs until his fingers graze your nether lips, successfully collecting your essence. 
you stare entranced when suna brings them up to his lips, eyebrows furrowed and almost moaning aloud because of your taste. the fact that his eyes are closed made you want him even more. his fingers pop out of his mouth, but you get the feeling it wasn't enough. he wants more. suna wants you under his mercy. he wants to taste and ruin you until you're fucked out and lying in a pretty mess on the bed sheets. 
"so fucking sweet, my baby. you're this desperate for me? for my fingers?"
you snapped. you threw the makeup elsewhere in the room (though not before screwing it shut) before diving down to kiss him on the lips. all lust-filled and rough as you both channel the desires you have for each other. maybe suna was at his tipping point too, noting that he doesn't even bother to push you away. 
with his strong arms he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his torso, never breaking the kiss before literally throwing you down on the bed, knocking the air out your lungs. 
he's kneeling before the bed, the sheets ruffling when he pulls you to the edge by your calves, hot breath against your sex making you squirm. 
"my pretty thing," the kitten lick against your pussy drove you crazy, desperately bucking your hips up and suna chuckles condescendingly. "but such a bad fuckin' girl, aren't ya?"
you yelp when he slaps the side of your thigh. 
"who said you could kiss me?"
he pinches your clit hard as he enters your line of sight. suna has never seen you this pretty and desperate for him before. sweat making your skin glow, lips raw from your biting, eyes conveying your every lust-filled thought about him. the sight of you so riled up makes his dick ache and he wants so badly to fuck you already but bad girls don't get what they want just yet. you have to earn it. 
"i asked you a question. who the fuck told you that you could fucking kiss me?" the acid in his voice contrasts the gentle way he caresses the spot on your thigh where he had hit you. 
"no one."
you sob in pleasure when his hot tongue licks a stripe up your pussy before suckling on your clit. once. twice. sucking particularly hard on the third. before running his tongue swiftly over the bundle of nerves and kitten licking his way down your pussy lips. your thighs were shaking so hard he had to pin them down. he knows it's a sign that you're close, not that he's surprised, he's been stimulating your body for minutes now it was amazing you haven't cummed yet. 
but then he stops.
a thread of your slick dribbling down his chin as those cat eyes of his stare you down. he watches, enchanted by how your chest rises and falls. another sweet release he snatched away from you.
"i thought so. what does that make you?"
amazing how he manages to sound so normal, conversational even while he's literally edging you like there's no tomorrow. what do you expect? it's his favorite punishment. he gets to see you sob and beg for him like there's nothing in your mind but his cock and he loves it so much. loves seeing you bend and break for him to please. 
you sniffle, arm coming up to hide the frustrated tears in your eyes. "been… been a bad girl."
a hand slaps your thighs, brutal. eyes on rintarou when answering his questions. your eyes shoot up. 
"and who's bad girl have you been?"
this time he reaches forward to tweak your pebbled nipples. the sudden cold of the pads of his fingers making you gasp and spasm. your boyfriend straddles you and you shiver at the head of his glistening cock leaving trails on top of your thighs. but he doesn't make another move. when you sneakily try wiggling your hips for your sex to graze his dick, he slapped your thigh without holding back. you doubt it won't start leaving a handprint. you wait with bated breath when he grabs hold of his cock, the head angry and dripping, the only proof of his also growing desire for you. 
when he directs the head for it to graze your nether lips, you almost cried another fresh batch of tears. his hand quickly brushes up to wipe it away, though not before feeling his dick twitch. you know how much he loves seeing you cry from the overwhelming pleasure he can give you. 
"last time i checked, my name isn't yours. didn't i tell you to answer in full sentences when i'm fucki—"
"suna! suna rintarou! i've been sun-suna rintarou's bad girl!"
suna ducks to mark your neck and torso. he feels the goosebumps forming on your body. the heat enveloping the two of you as you both quickly shed any remaining pieces of clothing. he kisses you. sloppy. nothing but teeth clashing and tongues fighting for dominance as he cradles your face with his big hands, feeling the mushroom head of his cock grazing your thighs.
usually he'd appreciate you not cutting him off mid-sentence but he too has reached his own limits and right now all he can think about is drilling you to the mattress. "rin, please!" you sob, arms wrapping around his neck as you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
"shh. yes, doll. i hear ya." 
you were dripping wet enough that all it took is one deep thrust for him to bottom-out. usually you're quite hesitant when rintarou's rawing you but at this point right now, you doubt fucking with a condom would've felt this good. no thin plastic whatsoever that's separating you from him. when he starts to move, you both moan in ecstasy. the bed creaking under the weight of you both as he pistons his dick inside. "you feel so good, doll. so fucking wet and tight. look how wet you are. dripping for my cock, huh? this all for me? answer me!"
you hardly register his voice, the pleasure you've been craving since minutes ago now being crashed down upon you. it's overwhelming and you don't want it any other way. 
"yes," you pant. the tears still leaking from your eyes as you claw at his biceps. "yes. all-all for you, r-rin! just for you!"
he stubbornly keeps hitting the spot that'll make you keen and whine, suna forcing your hips down and sitting up with his palms at the sides of your head. he wants to see you come undone, he'd love to grab his phone and make this memory permanent but he doubts his camera can capture the real deal. your moans and pleas reaching his ears, spurring him on, the beautiful way your back arches of the mattress, the way you physically shook in pleasure and you screamed and worshipped his name.
"rin! oh my god, rin! fuck. 'm close," your voice breaks, hiccuping from the onslaught of tears you can't hold back as blinding pleasure grips you in a tight vice.
suna comes down to snake his arms around you, pulling you infinitely closer as one of his hands supports your lower back, manually moving your hips to match his frantic thrusts. "why you crying? bad girls should be tough, right? aren't—shit—aren't you a bad girl? hmm? bad girls like you shouldn't be crying."
you shake your head, looking pretty and desperate as you meet his eyes. "no, i'm not a bad—"
"yes. you are," you groan, his thrusts particularly hard to shut you up and make a point. "you're a very, very bad girl. you don't listen to me at all. bad girls don't even deserve to cum."
"no! no! rin, please!" you say, a blubbering mess as you bury your forehead into his neck, licking and suckling at his skin to get in his good side. "i'll be good. i promise! please, let me cum. rin! please, i'll be good. i'll be good! only your good—ah."
"you fucking bet you're my good girl," he hissed, biting your shoulder before moaning, pitched and wanton as it threatens to snap the stretched cord inside of you. but not yet. you can't. not unless he says so. "it's me that's making you feel this good. this is my pussy. my plaything. repeat what i said—doll! repeat what i said."
you cried, screaming in frustration as his cock stills inside of you and you know he won't move until you oblige. "this is…" you hiccup. "rin-rintarou's pu-pussy. i'm rintarou's play-plaything."
"what was that?" he asks, hips starting to rut against you again in full force. the headboard violently hitting the walls. when your hands scramble to cling onto something, you accidentally shove something off the bed but you couldn't care less. "louder, doll. i want the whole fucking neighborhood to hear you."
"this is rintarou's pussy. i'm rintarou's plaything." you say in your normal speaking voice, albeit shaky and almost incomprehensible as he holds you firm against him, his cock embedding it's shape and size into your sopping walls.
he hoists you up into a sitting position, his hips fucking up towards you and you only realize he did it when you see the window situated meters behind you two. curtains-drawn, open for the night breeze to billow in. he wasn't kidding. suna rintarou wants the neighbors to hear how good you're getting rawed. he wasn't kidding. he was not kidding.
"go on," he whispers, breathy and teasing. "you'll do it. you're a good girl for me arentcha?"
fuck. "this is rintarou's pussy! i'm rintarou's plaything!"
he licks a stripe up your neck, hands coming around your neck as he whispers into your ear the words you've been dying to hear. "cum, baby."
and your orgasm surges through your whole body in violent jolts, thick ropes of cum squirting out your pussy as you distantly hear him groaning, your walls tightening and sucking him in with every aggressive thrust. rintarou quickly finishes after you, teeth embedding themselves into your shoulder as he groans. you knew bruises will form and you're going to be sore as a bitch but you don't fucking care.
"rin, i love you." you say, grabbing a hold of his face as you stare deep into his eyes. and you don't understand why there's doubt clouding in your head when he takes a beat later to answer, when really, he just can't help the sudden wave of emotions festering in his stomach as he meets the gravity of your gaze. the love and devotion in your eyes as he can only hope that he could translate his emotions through his eyes, too.
he smiles, leaning in to give you a kiss. it's sweet and gentle, completely unlike the one he gave you a few minutes ago when in the throes of pleasure. no. you feel every bit of his love for you in this one kiss and you don't know why you ever doubted yourself, doubted him. you've been together for so long and you're it for him. 
"i love you, too."
but leave it to your darling rintarou to ruin the moment.
"but you'll never apply my eyeliner ever again."
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. a/n » this was so self-indulgent im sorry lmao
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
May I request a fluff fic or headcanons for Natan? I need content for that man.
"At least you put effort into it..?"
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Natan, You.
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; Yes, I agree. We all need content for that man. So here's me providing 20 of my fluffy headcanons. <3
Want to request? Click here.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective
Pronouns used for reader; 'They', 'Them', etc...
"Baking cake is hard! Well... maybe counting time is harder.."
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Natan would be one to correct you when you make a mistake on something. Not in a mean way, though!
He genuinely likes to educate you and make you explore a lot more than what you want. Only if you want that, of course.
Body worship king. Literally making you feel like the most loved person in the entire world.
Expect good night kisses after he comes back late from a conference, don't blame him though. He's too brainstormed to say anything! And he thinks that action that will comfort you, which it does.
But, even if he's tired. It's rest assured that you're greeted with the best morning meal that you'll get obsessed with if he comes home late a lot more. One thing about him and cooking, he's horrible at counting the time when baking a cake.
He's definitely the type to bring you into his workstation and show you all of his amazing inventions— He even showed you the hidden time machine he had invented, but hadn't shown off.
Expect warm baths together if you and him woke up early. Both of you need to rest, and that resting will be spent together.
Doesn't know how to initiate kisses, but one thing he does; Is that he cooks your favorite food, because you always give him a passionate kiss if he does that.
One secret he had; He thought that love was a waste of time. But after getting used to your relationship, he realized it was ridiculous.
He won't admit it when he's deprived of love— He's a prodigy! He'll repeat in his head. But you know him well enough to suffocate him with love.
Wanna know a horrible guilt he has? He went back in time to check if you were in a relationship before him. Don't blame him! He thinks he relies on you to keep the relationship going, and he tries to fix that!
Speaking of going back in time, he went back in time and saw you in your baby form. He may or may not have cradled you because you were too cute.
One embarrassing habit he has developed after being with you for a year..? He cuddles his pillow whenever you're not in the bed yet.
He honestly hadn't noticed how messy his whole house was until you started staying over. He changed his lifestyle after realizing how he put a burden on you by his messy attitude.
Please kiss this poor love deprived man. He deserves it, you'll get an award if you do it!
He was never interested in music until you brought a tape player under his computer. Since then, he had a certain interest in soft and steady music so he could focus while doing his work.
You definitely tried to slow dance together once. There, you found out how awkward he was in flexing his gorgeous body.
YOGA LESSONS. You made him take them because, one; His body'll be miserable when trying to move around fast— And two; You got an excuse to see him sweating. Yeah..
Bring him to a library, and he'll forget about his plans for tomorrow morning! He's one bookworm, but he doesn't have an excuse to go to the library. Except, the one and only; You.
Horribly terrible at telling the time. Yeah, it's ironic. He travels through time, but has to rely on his lover to remind him that there'll be a project deadline later at midnight.
After a long day of hoping to just go back to your comfortable, shared bed. You finally got the permission, given to you by your superior for you to leave. Not wasting a second, you tapped the stack of papers on your desk, leaving the papers with a booklet on top of it. You then gathered your personal things and left with a small wave to your fellow co-worker.
You thought about the current date, then facepalmed in defeat. It was your birthday, yet you're coming home at near midnight. Your poor boyfriend would be so upset if he prepared anything for you— Well, it's unlikely. But it was nice to think about him trying, failing miserably to try and count the time for when he should take out the cake.
You smiled at the small, imaginative memory and searched for your keys. You; Blindly, reached your apartment while imagining your boyfriend doing the most sweetest thing for you for your birthday. Well, unbeknownst to you, he was already trying just that.
Natan was trying his best to wait for the cake batter to bake, counting the time by the milisecond. He tried his best not to get distracted, in order to not mess up the perfect cake he was planning to make for you. He had already made the frosting for the coating— He couldn't mess up now.. Well, until he heard the shaking of your keys.
A literal, terrified shiver ran down his spine, breaking his focus. And he panicked, the time to take out the cake was nearing, and he had completely forgotten the time after he heard you. Panic, panic, panic!
Suddenly, there was a loud thud from the front door, earning Natan's attention and making him turn his head to look at the door. Apparently, there was a metal stuck from under the small gap of the flimsy, clearly unsafe, wooden door. His eyes lit up at the chance, and he quickly put on the baking gloves and took the— kind of baked cake out of the oven.
"Natan? Are you there? If you are, can you see if there's anything lodged underneath the door? It's stuck." You called out, huffing slightly and pulling out your keys from the keyhole and placing it back in your wallet. Shuffling was heard from behind the door, confusing you as Natan tried to clean up the messy-ly laid out equipment from the counter.
The frosting on the cake was... alright. Mostly because most of the frosting wasn't smoothed out. And the inside was probably needed a small more time for it to be fully baked. Natan mentally punched himself for the mediocre effort and used a small portion of your fondant collection to write out; 'Happy Birthday! My dear lover..'
He fixed a few disproportion on a few letters and hid the cake with a large bowl. Rushing to take the metal step out and allowing you to come inside— You immediately fell into his hold, hugging him tightly and snuggling into his warmth. "I missed you." You muttered out, muffled from your face being pressed againts his shoulder.
Natan returned the action, pulling you closer to him and stroking the spine on your back— Somehow comforting you, even past the shivers that kept running up your spine. "Have you noticed the date?" He whispered, you trail your thoughts back to your imaginations and nodded sheepishly. Not really caring if you miss it— now that you're here in his arms.
You felt your feet being dragged along his, then you were face to face with the darkness of Natan's palm. "I do hope you won't be disappointed with... how much I rushed." You heard him chuckle. A small hum rushed past your lips after he pulled his hand back, the dim light blinding your vision for a slight moment, until you saw the most adorable thing ever.
Natan wore an apron, and was holding out a poorly— yet adorable looking cake with a wish for you to have a happy birthday. The smalls sniffles you let out made Natan worry, and place the cake down to comfort you— But in seconds, you were back in his arms. Finger swiping a small amount of frosting into your mouth. Your mouth became watery in seconds, it tasted like the best frosting you ever had!
"Do you find it-."
"Of course I do! The frosting tastes like sweet berries, my favorite kind of berries, even!" You cut him off, leaning in to place a loving kiss on his lips. Completely wiping the doubt on his mind, and filling it with the desire to make you the most happiest you could be.
Maybe he should wait after you both finish the cake to give you the ring that he has been dying to give you, ever since... forever.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Take care of yourself! <3
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na-cafe · 3 years
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Characters: Taeyong x reader
Genre: fluff
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"Taeyong?" you call out your boyfriends name. You were in the kitchen and baking some cookies for the both of you. "Taeyong," you call out again just a little louder than the first time ( he probably didn't hear you over the Christmas music ).
"Yes, Y/N?" he peeked in the kitchen with sugar around his lips. "You need something?" he asked you and showed the rest of his sugared doughnut in his mouth; still not realizing the sweet white think around his lips.
"I need you to taste it." you turned to him face to face and laughed when you saw his mouth. "What were you doing?" you raised an eyebrow.
Also, the fact he is wearing a red sweatshirt with a Christmas tree on it and some 3D presents makes it more hilarious.
"What are you talking about?" clearly confused, he came closer to you. "I had just doughnut. Was I supposed to not eat it?" he slightly panicked ( it's because yesterday he ate some of the mashed potatoes and you weren't happy about it ).
"No, no, it's not that. You can eat the whole pack if you want," you assured him and grabbed some tissue so you could wipe his face. "But you were covered in sugar," you told him and throw away now dirty tissue.
"Oh, I didn't notice that," he said little embarrassed. "But what you wanted from me?" he changed the topic to the original one.
"It's okay." you smiled and kissed him on the lips that still tasted after sugar from the doughnut. "I want you to taste this," you repeated yourself and grabbed one experimental cookie. "I need to know if it's okay. I think I put too much sugar in it."
Taeyong took the cookie and bite into it. His facial expression changed from curious to a very surprised one and it make you a little unsure of it.
"Is it bad?" you asked. "It's too much sugar, right? I knew it." you released a deep breath and turned around back to the kitchen counter so you could start everything once again from step one ( the cookies before were a little burned ).
"Y/N, honey." Taeyong wrapped his arms around you from behind so he was back hugging you. "It tastes good," he told you. "I love these cookies so much."
"Really?" you turned just your head so you could see him. "Isn't there so much sugar?" you asked. "I swear I put too much."
"Stop with the sugar, Y/N." he laughed and kissed your cheek. "It was just the perfect amount in it. There is a lot of chocolate so if it's too much sugar, the chocolate beats it. But I love chocolate so it's okay."
"Fine, I'm sorry." you smiled. "I wanted to be sure," you said and paid your attention to the mess you made while making those cookies. "You can go back and eat your doughnuts. I'll be here for some time."
"Do you want me to help you?" he kissed you on side of your head. "It'll be quicker."
"You need to rest, Taeyong. You had a busy day so enjoy your deserved free time." you refused his help and started with cleaning.
"Well, okay. But if you would need help just say." he released you from his hug and disappeared from the kitchen.
After everything was clean you put cookies in a plastic bowl and went to the living room where was your boyfriend.
"Everything is done?" he smiled at you but when he noticed the bowl, you could see his mouth water at the sight.
"Yes, I'm done with everything." you returned the smile and shook your head when you realized that Taeyong is sending loving eyes to the cookies in your hand. "You and sweet thing." you sat down and gave the bowl to Taeyong. "Enjoy."
"You're not gonna have some?" he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. "You were working hard on them." he points out a fact ( you did work hard on them because a few mistakes were made, not just burned cookies but some issues with dough and other stuff ).
"Maybe later, if there'll be some left," you answered his question with a small teasing smile. "But just know, that if you eat them all within a few minutes, I'm not doing more." you made it clear because let's be honest, it was a nightmare.
"You will not?" his eyes widened in slight fear. "B-but... But what am I gonna do without these amazing cookies? I will need them tomorrow too." he tried to explain to make you bake some more cookies.
"No, Taeyong." you stayed with your statement. "I will not do more. You can make them if you want." you sight and closed your eyes in a relaxing motion.
"Oh no." he pouted. "I guess I need to save them but they are so good." he put the bowl on the table in front of you two. "Promise me you'll make them once again sometimes?" he looked at you with his puppy eyes that do things to you.
"Sometimes, yes." you nodded. "And stop with the look, you know I can't resist you." you had to look away because it have such an impact on you.
"I said sometimes so I'm happy with sometimes." he laughed and hugged. "Are my eyes too much to handle, Y/N?" and there he is with his teasing.
"Yes, those puppy eyes are just too much for me," you admitted and looked at him with a smile. "But I still love it and also the person who has those puppy eyes." you kissed him on the cheek.
"And I love you." he leaned to kiss you but stopped himself from doing that.
"Is something wrong?" you asked because you were very confused why he just didn't kiss you. It's unusual, it never happened actually.
"Wait here." was the only thing he said before he went away from the living room and leaving you very very confused.
In a few minutes, Taeyong was back and was hiding something behind his back. "Close your eyes please." you did as you were told. Then you could feel how Taeyong sat next to you ( where he was recently sitting ). "Now, open them."
"Taeyong, what are you doing?" you asked while opening your eyes. Instead of an answer, you were met with soft lips, slightly covered in sugar, on your lips.
"Mistletoe." he gave you a big smile after your kiss and looked up. You did the same and saw Taeyong's hand that was holding a mistletoe above your head.
"You're such romantic." you laughed and looked back at him. "I love you so much, Taeyong."
"I love you too, Y/N." he smiled at you. "The mistletoe is still up," he remarked which cost another laugh from you.
But you gave him the kiss.
A/N thank you so much for reading this little story. Hope you liked it and leave a heart ♡
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tehuti88-art · 3 months
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6/21/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Friedrich (last name never given), without cap (top drawing) and with cap (bottom drawing). He's a relatively minor, comic relief character (he frequently shows up at Lt. Hesse's office to try to woo his secretary, Hedy Rader), though he's also one of the few people Hesse finds trustworthy enough to confide in about a scandal plaguing the office. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a white Alsatian (German shepherd).
TUMBLR EDIT: Not much to say about Friedrich No-Name. The lovesick SS lieutenant first catches comrade Lt. Hesse's notice when he pops into his office at Allgemeine-SS headquarters requesting to speak with Hesse's newly appointed secretary, SS-Helfer Hedy Rader. (Hesse didn't desire a secretary, she was foisted upon him by his boss, and took to her new role with such fascist enthusiasm that he's always reluctant to ask her to do anything because she always wishes to do THE BEST JOB IN THE REICH.) Hesse says sure, let me fetch her for you, then is perplexed to realize she's abruptly disappeared. After a brief search he finds that she's locked herself in a storage room, and asks what's wrong; before she can answer, Friedrich loudly exclaims, "Meine Liebe?--bitte, come out! We can make this work!" Rader yells back from behind the door, "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU TO GO AWAY! GO AWAY!!" Hesse, thinking he's inadvertently gotten involved in a lovers' spat, starts to step aside, only to hear Rader shout, "Kamerad Hesse! If you're out there, bitte, make him go away!" Increasingly embarrassed--everyone in the neighboring offices is starting to peek in--Hesse murmurs to Friedrich, "It's obvious she doesn't wish to see you today, perhaps it's best if you go"; he expects an argument, but Friedrich pulls himself up and says in a quivering voice, "I'll respect Kameradin Rader's request, and go peacefully," yet then exclaims at the door, "Yet I shall try again later! My heart will not give you up, my Hedy!" The only response is a shrieked "GO--AWAY!!" Friedrich thanks Hesse, retreats, and Hesse is left standing by the door with all his comrades looking in the doors and windows at him, wondering WTF's going on. His ears start burning.
Everyone but Rader returns to work. Hesse goes to his desk and resumes typing when Rader presents herself, standing stiffly before his desk--"Sieg Heil!"--as always, there's an awkward moment before Hesse waves at her to lower her arm lest she get stuck like that. "Are you all right, Kameradin...?" he makes the mistake of asking, thinking perhaps that the other officer is an abusive ex. "I will persevere, Kamerad," Rader says; there's another pause, Hesse opens his mouth to dismiss her, then she blurts out, "I apologize for bringing such theatrics to your office. Kamerad Friedrich is my greatest shame. It was but a mistake, a single night of wanton passion, the likes of which I doubt I shall ever experience again, yet I regret it immensely to this day. It is true, I confess, he has skills...ways...of making a woman's body...just...mmmrrrmmrrrrr--" she clutches at her uniform and makes an indeterminate purring/growling sound, then clears her throat and stands straight again "--but as I said...it was a mere mistake, to which I own up, and I assure you it will not happen again. I shall now return to my work. Sieg Heil!" She salutes; Hesse stares at her for a befuddled moment before gesturing, and she returns to her desk. Hesse sits at his own desk staring off into space for a good long while until forcing himself to resume typing; he suddenly knows a lot more about his secretary than he ever wished to know, and feels like taking a shower.
Friedrich keeps his word, and repeatedly pops into Hesse's office at unexpected times to continue pleading his case and pledging his undying love to Rader, who always locks herself away when he arrives and screams at him to get lost. This becomes a regular thing, to the staid Hesse's chagrin. Rader keeps her own promise to keep Friedrich at arm's length (although she does engage in a brief fling with Hesse's associate, Master Sergeant Theodor Schulte)...for a time, at least. Friedrich manages at last to confront her face to face when she fails to lock herself away first, and falls to his knee in front of her, hands clasped. "Kameradin!" he cries, "Bitte! Just let me plead my case!" He struggles a moment to speak before saying, "I lose my words in your presence! I'd forgotten how lovely you truly are...brilliant...radiant...like Sunna, like Freya! The goddesses hide their faces in shame from your beauty!" Hesse looks at his short, frumpy, bespectacled, bucktoothed secretary and wonders if he needs his own eyes checked again. "Bitte, bitte, Meine Liebe," Friedrich implores, taking Rader's hand, "give me just one chance more to prove my worth. I know I'll always pale next to you, like the moon before the sun. Yet I'll hold second place gladly! Anything to have you back."
V-e-r-y long, uneasy pause. Rader gapes at Friedrich, starts quaking, and growls, "You show up...spouting all this nonsense...when you upset me IMMENSELY! How am I ever to trust you again?--when you did to me what you did? Why should I ever give you another chance--? Tell me this, or get out!"
Hesse figures the encounter was a single night only as Friedrich must have bailed out on Rader early in the morning, breaking her heart. He's not overly fond of Rader but she's growing on him, and he's always believed in defending women. He murmurs, "Would you like me to get rid of him again, Kameradin...?" Yet Friedrich just clasps Rader's hand harder, face lighting up, and speaks anew:
"A second chance! I vow on my honor to do better. To do best! To match with you, though you are matchless! I've been studying all the forbidden books I can find. There are techniques a man can learn, you see, things he can try, to increase his stamina and endurance, and keep up with his Liebe all night long. I've been practicing! No more leaving you wanting and still ready to go the next morning! I may still be the moon to your sun, but I'll be the full moon! Lighting up the night! There's so much I long to try with you, and absence has made my heart grow fonder! You have no idea the spell you've cast over me, I feel like a Berserker!"
By now Hesse is simply standing there, aghast, Lt. Paul Wozniak (who always enjoys office drama so popped in) staring with raised eyebrows. Schulte leans toward Hesse and says under his breath, "He's right, Boss, you have no idea what you're missing." Hesse just tries not to make too loud a noise swallowing his own nausea.
Rader stares at Friedrich for a moment, lip quivering, eyes glassy. Swallows. "My..." Her voice cracks. "My Friedrich," she manages, and his eyes light up again--"My Hedy!" He stands and they throw their arms around each other, then kiss--"Aw," Wozniak says, then, "Ew," and winces when the kiss--and their hands--get a bit too enthusiastic. Hesse throws up his own hands and finally hurries forward to pry the two apart.
"All right! All right!" he exclaims, his own voice oddly high pitched, pulling Friedrich and Rader away from each other. "All is well now! You've all made up! Just--go--finish making up somewhere else, bitte! Not in the middle of my office!!"
Friedrich and Rader hem and haw and smooth themselves down a bit, obviously flustered; "Kamerad Hesse is correct, this is hardly appropriate behavior for his office," Rader says, then, "Kamerad--do you require further assistance for today? If not, permission requested to depart for the evening. If so, bitte, let me know what needs doing, so I may finish my duties and head home posthaste."
Hesse waves. "Nein, I need nothing else, go on, go on. Have, uh, have fun."
Friedrich winds his arm around Rader's and bends down to whisper something in her ear. Rader's eyes go wide and her cheeks flush red--"Mmmrrrmmrrrrr," she says, coughs, and, "Per--ah--permission requested for an additional day off, Kamerad?--I--ah--might be a bit preoccupied--"
"Go on! Go!" Hesse grimaces and gestures almost hard enough to throw out his shoulder. "Permission granted! Just go!"
Friedrich and Rader hurriedly depart, Rader giggling hysterically when he whispers something else in her ear. After a brief pause Wozniak muses, "They'll make lovely children," to which Hesse exclaims, "All RIGHT! Don't put images in my head!!" and everyone heads back to work.
Friedrich plays little role in the actual plot, though following their boss's, Colonel Heidenreich's, murder, Hesse--temporarily placed in charge--finds himself increasingly skeptical of security at headquarters, and calls to his office the very few people there he believes he can trust: Schulte, Wozniak, Rader, and Friedrich. They all huddle around, perplexed and uneasy, as he fills them in on what he knows, and each promises to keep quiet about the investigation even around their fellows. So, although I know little about Friedrich himself, it at least says something that Hesse trusts him enough for this...probably because Rader trusts him.
Other than that, he isn't a character who's destined for much development, including obtaining a last name, though odder things have happened.
[Friedrich 2024 [‎Friday, ‎June ‎21, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:11 AM]]
[Friedrich 2024 2 [‎Friday, ‎June ‎21, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:23 AM]]
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sweet-rintarou · 4 years
Today was the day that you were to meet with the person you'll be establishing a relationship. Understand how it's worded that way, changing the entire concept of how a relationship work. It shouldn't be a business tactic, in order to bring media attention onto those in the relationship, but should be a way to join two different people in a romantic sense, filled with trust and genuine feelings between one another.
You've had your fair share of relationships, none of which were ever done to benefit one or the other, nor were they ever done in a way that mutual feelings were absent. You don't claim to still be in love with any of your exes, nor is there any bad blood, so your concept of love and romantic relationship is quite vanilla.
Now, the game has changed. You weren't ready, hell, who the fuck would be ready to have to date someone only for publicity? To risk having the secret be released to the media, it would ruin your name and you were highly aware of it. No matter how anyone wants to try to put it, Japan was still behind when it comes to gender equality, it was traditional and placed men on a higher pedestal. You knew that if word got out that you both faked a relationship to gain attention to each of your agendas, that you would receive more backlash than your "significant other".
"We'll always protect you, Y/n," Suga reassured you when you decided to voice out your concern after being out. It was now nine, the next day, and you had to meet with the CEO again at noon.
"And fans will understand," Terushima added, "even though there'll be people that are rude for no reason, there will always be those that truly care for you, and will back you up for anything."
You couldn't necessarily talk, most of your replies were of gratitude or heavy sighs. Ever since the conflict with Semi, it seemed that the world was going against you, that everything that were to occur in your life was going absolutely crazy, and nothing seems to be working out. You felt as if most of the negative attention was caused by you, and only you.
As noon came around, your feet dragged heavily against the marbled floor. The weight of what was to come prevented you from walking with the usual bounce of life that you used to sport. Once you entered the meeting room, you only spotted the CEO, his assistant, and two other people you didn't recognize. Everyone besides the five of you were in formal clothing—suit and tie—so it was safe to assume that the person you were to be together with was not here.
Seated across from the two you didn't know, the CEO cleared his throat.
"Alright, these are the representative of who you will be meeting with, Ms. Y/n," he started off, "unfortunately he is unable to attend, but because I also like surprises, I'll disclose his identity later on."
I hate surprised.
"Before we get into signing the agreement, there are obviously a set of rules that must be established between the two parties, which are us, Rei Records, and the second party of Ryo Agency.
"First and foremost; the fact that the relationship is only for business purposes should never be disclosed to anyone other the present parties, your "significant other" included–" you couldn't help but gag a bit "–no disclosing this to close friends or families, the media obviously."
"Second; the period of this agreement will last for 6 months, this will fit with the timeline of Silver Lining's album release, album promotion, with a national tour, and Ryo Agency's agenda of their client's movie release, movie promotion and tour as well."
So he's an actor. Admittedly, you weren't too caught up with the latest news in the entertainment industry other than the music industry of course, so your knowledge of any actors around your age was limited to those you've seen in western film productions.
Semi rose his hand, "Isn't a bit unfair that Y/n hasn't met with the guy? I'm sure he already knows who she is, right?"
"No, actually, neither of you know what each other look like, we haven't disclosed either of your identities to one another." The response garnered dumbfounded looks from the five of us.
"We can assure you that he is a decent man, there is no toxicity from his behaviour to our knowledge," CEO Yashimoto reassured, although it did little to calm your anxious thoughts. He continued, "You will meet with the young man tonight, at the agency's restaurant, there will be no paparazzi as this should be a chance for you two to get to know each other."
"Which agency?"
"This agency," his assistant snapped, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Anyway, your relationship will be publicised on Friday, which is two days from now."
Without allowing you to say anything, his assistant—you honestly don't bother to learn his name—pulled out sheets of paper, placing it in front of CEO Yashimoto and the opposite agency, the five of you only able to observe the exchange.
"Alright, you all may leave, and Y/n, be ready to be picked up at six."
"How is it six already?!" You screamed. The CEO's assistant knocking incessantly on your hotel door.
"What if I grab him and toss him out the window, do you think anyone will know?" Terushima asked, eyes wide with genuine curiosity. The four of you stared in concern.
"You know it's the thought that counts." Heaving an exasperated sigh–which sounded more like a grunt–you changed into presentable clothes before exiting the hotel room, your bandmates watching your back, clearly upset as well. I cannot cry, but fuck, do I want to.
With only a glare, the assistant guided you to the car and the drive to the restaurant was quiet and awkward.
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Monoma opened the door for you, allowing you to step out and he led the way towards the restaurant. Your hands were prepared to type the name once the words left his mouth, but his lips were sealed shut until you reached the entrance of the restaurant.
"Table under Yashimoto," he told the hostess, to which she led us to the table in the far back. A figure was clearly sitting in one of the seats, but you could barely recognize or make out the features with your deteriorating eyesight.
"Yo, Monoma, what's the guy's name?" He only casted a side-glance.
"I lied," he said, "with the fact that your phone is out now, I don't know where you'll send what I'm about to say."
"It's to my friends, no need to be so uptight," you retorted. "Fuck, fine." Stuffing your phone into your pocket, you'll just have to tell them when you get back.
"Hello," ignoring your presence, Monoma shifted his attention to the brunette by the table, to which the latter stood up upon the arrival of you. "This is Y/n L/n, the girl you were arranged with."
"Y/n, this is—"
"Oikawa. Tooru Oikawa," the brunette introduced himself, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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silver lining | w. ushijima smau
previous | masterlist | next
part twenty-four
author's note: lmao now that we have oikawa in the story there will be more crack between him, y/n and ushi :3 and fair warning, the next few parts will be in written format, so be prepared
taglist: @alienvarmint @amberalisa @naughtylittleweeb @tycrackculture @someone-you-dontknow @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @stargirlara @brownsugartease-blog @leviathans-watching @kenjiru @ushiwakaismybae @elianetsantana @kagebunshiin @koushiwrites @marajillana @wannakeillmyself @bokuto-buns @smolcactusqwq @ihateccmber @changkyun-not @mischevious-pixie @mochi-the-uwu @haengbokpixie @kiritokunuwu @kittyddandnyla @runningwitches @cevanswhre @mint-mai @that-random-emo-girl @franko-pop @bigchaosenergy @luhvsnoir @shadowpurr @milkyyamatobio @fueledbyapplepi (send an ask if you want to be added)
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Ok- first, the main ship here is Barbatos and MC, but I might've made this a bit longer than the other fics because I got carried away LOL
I'll let you know before you proceed, there'll be sad Mammon moments
Time is limited (Barbatos/MC)
"Isn't it about time you admit to your feelings?" The Demon Prince asked his servant, causing the butler to stop in his tracks and look at Diavolo with a calm smile.
"I don't think I know what you're talking about, My Lord." He answered as he placed the kettle down and stood beside Diavolo as his Lord is working on documents.
He hummed and looked at his servant with a straight face. "It's only a matter of time before they leave the Devildom, bottling it up would keep you distracted from time-to-time." He stated, aware that his servant is denying what he said.
Barbatos frowned and looked away. "I don't see why I couldn't handle it."
This made Diavolo furrow his eyebrows. "Barbatos." He called out, causing the butler to turn to his Lord. "...yes, my lord?"
"They aren't like us. Their time is limited, and you know that. I won't want to force you, I just wish to push the thought to you and consider it than regret about it in the end." His lord responded.
Barbatos forced a small smile on his face. "As you said, my lord... they aren't like us, I don't intend to burden them with my feelings."
This made Diavolo sigh in defeat as he turned back to his papers. "Well, I understand. However, if you ever come to change your mind, I'll let you go and meet them whenever." He said as he looked through his workload.
Barbatos stared at his Lord for a moment before going back to help him with work.
"You... WHAT?!" Mammon screeched as he looked at you surprised. You winced from his sudden outburst as his mouth is hung open.
"Mammon, please-" you were cut off as he whined and hugged your waist.
"But- why HIM??? You've got me, my brothers, a human, even an angel- ya really gotta hit Barbatos of all PEOPLE?" he ranted and looked up at you helplessly.
You smiled a little and ruffled his hair. "Didn't you say you'd support me no matter what happens?" You remind.
He froze and glared at you. "Yeah but not like THIS-" he shut up as he noticed your suddenly gloomy expression.
"O-Oi! Don't go lookin' sad at me now!"
You smiled sadly and looked down. "..do you think I have a chance?" You asked quietly, your first demon still heard it.
Oh how Mammon wanted to say no at that, but he doesn't want you sad like this. No matter how far his greed goes, he can't pull your happiness away from you.
He sighed in defeat and patted your back. "Look- cheer up, won't ya? Barbatos doesn't show his true emotions much, so don't lose hope just yet- ...here, remember Lord Diavolo announcin' a party? Don't ya wanna have a dance with him?" He comforted.
This lightened your mood a bit and smiled a little. "Thanks Mammon... you're the best." You responded.
This made the demon blush slightly and look away. "O-of course I am! I'm the GREAT Mammon after all!" He answered.
"Go to sleep already! I needa go and do something." He said as he stood up and was ready to leave, until...
"...no matter what happens, i'll always be your first man, right?" He asked, turning back to look at you.
You giggled and nodded without hesitation. "Yes, my one and only bestfriend." (Cue Levi crying in the corner- sorry-)
This made the avatar of greed smile. He loves you, but even he knows he'd rather want you to be happy even if it weren't with him.
Having to know he's still your first man, was enough for him somehow.
And so, he left and went to talk to Lucifer about your plan for the party.
The oldest was surprised, but still agreed and informed Diavolo about it.
The demon prince was more than delighted to help.
You walked around the ballroom, looking around in amazement.
It's your last day in the Devildom before heading back up to the human world, Diavolo had planned a party specifically for the exchange students.
Diavolo had noticed you and smiled, before glancing at an entranced Barbatos.
He grinned and ushered his Butler to approach you, making him look at his lord in slight panic.
He soon mouthed something to his servant. "At least indulge yourself, just this once."
Barbatos sighed in defeat as he walked over to you rather nervously. It looks like he can't compose himself this time.
You turned to look at him and smile brightly. "Hi Barbatos!" You greeted.
Ah, this just made Barbatos' heart sink even more. He smiled a little and went to kiss the top of your hand. "Greetings, MC."
Asmo looked at their direction and whistled. "Ooo~ he's smooth~"
Mammon grumbled and ate away on a backstabbing sandwich.
Satan looked at his older brother in curiosity. "You aren't going to stop them?" He asked.
"...why should I? They're happy, I don't wanna take that away." He answered. Catching Asmo and Satan off-guard.
The two were surprised with Mammon's sacrifice, so all they could do was Asmo giving him a comfort hug while Satan offered him another sandwich.
"Would you care for a dance?" Barbatos offered which made you hum happily, taking his hand as you both danced gracefully on the dance floor.
Barbatos had soon tucked your hair behind your ear as he smiled rather gently.
"You're wonderful, MC." He complimented. You smiled. "You think so? Well, you're amazing, Barbatos." You responded.
Diavolo watched the two happily with his arms crossed. Lucifer stood beside him.
"They look quite the match, Don't they?" Diavolo turned to look at Lucifer.
The avatar of pride hummed in agreement. He has to admit, you have quite a good taste.
Barbatos sighed sadly. "It was a mistake in my part for spending time with you in the last moments..." he said as he gripped onto your hand a little tighter, but not enough to hurt you.
You shook your head. "It's not, Barbatos. You're busy, I could understand that." You assured.
He stared down at you before, letting himself give in and lean closer. "...May I?" He asked.
You nodded as you both shared your first kiss on this very night. You smiled into the kiss, this was definitely going to be the most memorable moment of your whole life.
Diavolo looked at the both of you in surprise and grinned, turning to Lucifer like a happy child looking at his mother after seeing something he likes.
Lucifer chuckled and shook his head dismissively. Now Diavolo was happy to the roof, not only did Barbatos went in for it, Lucifer CHUCKLED.
Asmo squealed and snapped a picture with a huge smile.
And just when Satan was about to turn his attention back to Mammon, he had already left.
The 4th-born went to Lucifer and notify him about Mammon, so the eldest excused himself and went to look for his younger brother.
He found him at the garden, sitting on the grass while looking up with a sad smile.
He approached his brother. "I really expected you to go against them, I'm surprised you accepted it." He spoke through the silence as Mammon looked at him.
The 2nd-born laughed and shook his head. "I love em, Lucifer. I ain't that selfish, I'll need time but, i'll let go of them sooner or later." He responded.
This made the 1st-born smile and sit beside him, patting his younger brother's head. Mammon blushed in embarrassment but still rested his head on his brother's shoulder like the old days.
"...did I do the right thing?" He asked quietly, which wasn't really like him.
The eldest hummed and leaned his head on his brother's.
"Yes you did. I'm proud of you, Mammon."
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