#There's a lot of bullying and manipulative themes involved
neptunes-sol-angel · 2 months
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"I'm finna get this sh*t off my chest and lay it to rest". Pick the gif(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll for its corresponding message of me dissing your haters! 🐍🤭
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Pile One
Your haters are definitely people that are from your past which could consist of those who you’ve shared a close connection with and a group of individuals that were prominent in your childhood. These people made you discover both the positives and negatives that come with the feeling of being passionate, meaning at some point they made you feel really high about yourself and could have been the reason for one of your moments where you felt really low. You could have had an explosive argument with them or have experienced mounds of anger because they’ve betrayed you in a way that involves using your sensitivities as a way to manipulate you and degrade you. Just a lot of bullying energy here, maybe their goal was to make you feel less significant or capable and alone because of your interests that are considered taboo. They could be dark empaths or people pleasers who aren’t equipped enough to handle conflict without throwing someone, regardless of how close you are with them or how long you’ve known them for, under the bus and could also struggle with finding their own independence and confidence to stand up for those that they were supposed to love or what makes them authentic. I feel like your haters are just sore losers, they don’t know how to accept when they’ve lost. What’s pathetic is that they’ve spent so much time trying to get rid of you because they assumed it would make them superior or elevate them in a social circle. Your haters could show a lot of cowardice in a way that blocks them from being creative or gaining in their career, social network, or reputation.You and your haters could have similar backgrounds but cope very differently. They’re very impatient and could make impulsive and destructive choices for fast rewards that may feel beneficial when they gain them but turn ineffective as fast as when they received it. They’re great at conducting illusions though. At one point you could have seen them as crafty, but they’re a one trick pony. Their method in tearing someone down includes repetitively bringing up the same insults to cover up the fact that they can’t roast or really say anything truly jarring about you so they cling to that one thing to see if it will stick. I don’t even think your words are something that hurts you, it’s the fact that they intend to  stoop low is what hurts you. I see several themes of them trying to utilize shame. Shaming you for your quirks is the most obvious but I see a lot of sexual themes too. Your haters could have tried to make you feel as if you were less of the gender that you identify with or they’ve used slut shaming tactics with you which could have been severely traumatizing if you were really young and in school. They’re the type to not have anything else on you so they start making up stuff to again, see it sticks. I feel like you clapback at this by being who they’re not, which is someone that doesn’t care about what others have to say about them. You don’t answer to gossip or let someone convince you that your likes are what will keep you behind, you acknowledge that your likes are what makes you the shit and it shows in how people are positively drawn to you and want to see and hear more from you without you having to wear a mask for people to “like” you. Your haters can’t relate and that’s why they’re upset. You make them even more mad when you’re empowering and accepting yourself while they’re trying to expose you, even if they do it through lies, you’re like “Ok. This is who I am. Now what?” and this is how the tables turn.
What they did to you was a displacement of their own anger towards people they feel lower than which is a lot of people, including you. They got buck with you because they saw your kindness as a weakness and that was their mistake. What makes this pathetic is that they spent so much energy trying to get rid of you just to come back to see if they can have a seat at your table because they see you’re doing big things, that you’re happier without them, and that it’s no fun throwing away genuine people to impress people who don’t care at all about them. As much as they tried to make it seem like you’re invisible, you’re now in their minds rent free. What your haters don’t see coming, is how they’re about to recognize how extremely wrong in not just their actions towards you, but their judgment in how you weren’t going to be supported. It’s going to be very apparent for people in this pile on how much you guys are actually loved. You’re going to realize that the things that you felt like you missed out on in the past, actually never really mattered. Like for an example, you could have desired to “be like the cool kids” or just “normal,” because of the people that made you feel bad, but you’ll learn that your haters are the type to peak in high school or something that doesn’t really amount to anything in life compared to what you’ve been patiently building for yourself. Maybe you don’t see yourself as patient because you get frustrated, however, I see that it’s because you’ve actually always seen the value in yourself but you’ve dealt with people misunderstanding you which is something you’ve learned is out of your control but your anger is geared towards people who react so negatively to what they can’t be patient on or understand. I’m seeing changes with this that can look like reconciliation with family members who correct their behavior towards you instead of trying to control what you want to do with your life or enabling abusive behavior towards you or you could successfully build a community or a name for yourself where people look up to you or find inspiration from you to instill more confidence and self-love towards yourself but also some form of justice that they’re looking for.
The problem with your haters is they’re lost when it comes to finding their own personality and instead of working on that, they’d rather cling onto other people by shadowing them in some way but they still expect to outshine the source which isn’t at all how it works. They could be grifters or have the tendency to copy others or go after your “hand me downs” so that they can feel like they’re on your level. They’re the type to talk down on what you have but in private try to figure out how they can emulate you. Your name is still on their tongue and embedded in their brains long after you parted ways with them because it’s the only way that they can have relevancy. They’re like salt hating on all the other spices. If they spent more time working on their own flavor instead of trying to tear you down for what makes you stand out, then they would finally find themselves instead of making their bland nature everyone else’s problem. They lack seasoning and it shows in how they treat people. Unfortunately you can’t save them from that, so always remember that you don’t have to get even with them, their misery is already turning them every which way but loose. 
Pile Two
A wise woman named Beauteuss once said “How do you expect me to chase you? Baby, I’m so coquette cunt”. I feel like this is your energy and why you have your haters UPSET with you. You have a superpower that most people are afraid to step into or fail to acquire and control which is to stand on business. This comes so naturally to you that the bare minimum doesn’t even cross your mind when you interact with people. You could have a strong balance of venusian and martian energy, you’re charming and know how to have your way with others without seeming manipulative because you’re an open book. What you see is what you get, you mean what you say, you’re very honest with how you feel about others, and you’re bravely upfront about what you want. People could envy your love life or the attention that you get. They want to know your secret with how you have people wrapped around your finger. They want to know how you’re able to be in situations where you’re taken care of by people while still having authoritative people in a chokehold. In your haters’ mind, they see their connection with you as a wrestling match that they cannot win. Your haters tend to be people who are in your career field or environments both physical or virtual where there’s a competitive atmosphere. They have big personalities that are threatened by your resistance or nonchalant attitude to submit to anyone. It just seems like what you have when it comes to magnetism or magisterial prestige is the real deal that people around you can’t help but respect it even if they initially tried to overpower you. Their dominance is more of a defense mechanism, or like the equivalent of how animals exaggerate their features to scare away bigger predators. They have to create a facade in order to control the situation or others. They aren’t really secure with their accomplishments or faith in themselves because they can’t handle coexisting with people who have strong personalities.
Regardless of your gender, men see you as a threat because they feel like you’re better than them or that you should know your place. You do know your place and that’s the problem. You don’t allow romance to trick you out of your independence or stay in situations that don’t give you what you deserve or what you seek. You are a vibrant seducer, people tend to be engulfed by how you stimulate their self esteem and sexual desires but they mess up by thinking that you’re something to be possessed. Your lovers can turn into your enemies when they realize that they can’t control you or take you away from you wanting your own things. You could have been in multiple jobs where your boss had this mysterious hostility towards you even if you’re doing what you’re supposed to do and don’t really talk as much. It’s because they see that it’s destined for you to be your own boss and outgrow them in terms of professionalism. For people who think that they can’t relate to this energy because it seems exaggerated, it’s because the main thing that your haters fear about you is your potential which is why you attract people in one-sided competitions with you. You destroy your haters by seeing what they see in you. Some things for people are written in the stars, your haters see you as the kind of person who’s able to manifest luck, success, and specific luxuries based on how confident and appealing you are to others and how well life responds to your beliefs. They could be jealous of how what could be delusional or unrealistic for them comes into fruition in your life. They could actually try to believe that you have a big head until they see for themselves that you have physical evidence that back up your confidence and influence on others. Your haters just see you as a reflection of how feeble they are with wanting more for themselves. Your haters could be older people of the same sex as you because you remind them of what they don’t have anymore or regrets over things that they should have pursued in their youth. They could also be jealous of how sensually desirable you are to people both your age and older. They feel like other people see you as someone who can do no wrong. They want your grit, your ability to get things from others, your beauty, your canniness to destroy anyone who does you wrongly, your assertiveness to stand up for yourself, and your reluctance to settle for anything less. What riles your haters is how you don’t have to beg.
You don’t require anyone else’s permission on when and how you can take time for self care. Your colleagues wish they could be like you when it comes to prioritizing yourself or how you think and act like the job needs you more than you need it. You could have a talent for having multiple streams of income. I’m picking up a lot about platforms on social media or you being in an industry where people who may have more than you secretly admire what you bring to the table, but instead of seeing your gifts as something beneficial, they try to hide you or ignore you as a way to stagnate your growth. But I see that it never works because if you’re in a space where people don’t want to give you any credit, you don’t cry over it or invest more of your labor thinking that things will change, you move onto somewhere else and end up still living up to the purpose that people tried to keep you from reaching. This mindset translates itself to many different areas in your life, especially in love. You don’t chase after people withholding their respect for you and it shows your haters that they have a lot of growing to do and evaluation for toying with power dynamics is not serving them in the way that they think it is. You make your haters question if they truly have any finesse or not by making them overthink their position and credibility in life. You make them consider how they’ve been denying themselves from their inner prowess and how they’ve allowed their past failures to consume their competence for optimism and compassion. 
Pile Three
Your haters are obsessed with the fact that you don’t want anything to do with them. These are people who are used to playing back and forth games with other people. They’re so used to always being in drama and chaos or someone chasing after them to continue these same old messy cycles that it completely baffles them when you don’t engage with their toxicity. I’m seeing that you could be really patient with people who keep poking to get a reaction out of you until they go too far. You might cuss them out, but that’s about it. You say what you need to say and feel about this person and then you cut them off and move on with your life. The closure that you give to others is very brief or sharp, people may even consider it as foul, but you don’t do it for anyone’s liking or entertainment, you do it for yourself to release the stress that you’ve been carrying so that it can bring you to a start in your healing journey away from that conflict. Your haters are very lost when it comes to reality and their ego. I see this vision of two people playing a game, one person is constantly cheating throughout it, and when the other person finally decides to walk away, the cheater thinks that they’ve won. They’re proud of themselves until it settles in that they didn’t really win anything, you don’t care anymore, and you’re not coming back to play that game with them any longer and they’re dumbfounded yelling out to you “that’s it? You’re not playing anymore? Wait come back!” and you’re like no thanks, I’m good. I’m actually going to hold your hater’s hand and tell them in the nicest way possible that they need to find a life and that no one is concerned with them since they’ve driven out every single person that’s close to them from their life by being delusional and childish. They want to be the it person so bad by actually thinking that they have haters and that people are obsessed with them when no one cares enough to be. They rely on playing mind games with people to make it seem like they have influence on others and to boost their ego but they have no idea that it’s not the kind that they think. It’s getting to the point where if they’re into spirituality and feel like they’re being evil eyed, then it’s probably 100% true but not because they’re an icon or anything like that. People are wishing for their downfall because this hater does not know when to stop provoking others and will eventually get clocked if they don’t stop.
The universe is special with its timing but humans are faster when they want consequences to be dished out. But this person has a particular obsession with you because you got away unscathed the most from them. Things don’t have to be taken away from them or done to them for them to suffer. The punishment for them that’s going to hurt the most, is them seeing you live your best life, genuinely finding peace and healing away from the hurt that they were going to heavily imprint on your life. They’re going to have to witness you step by step, moving on and finding your groove back with yourself and newer connections with people who will treat you better. This is a teaching moment for them to understand that being toxic is not cute. They will meet their match and it won’t come from a person willing to stoop that low with them. They were mistaken to try their luck with you and now they’ll have no choice but to be haunted with this lingering feeling of you looking down on them forever even when you’re actually looking away (out of sight and out of mind). 
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
I notice your request is open and ur doing tr now- possibly request for a simple Yandere Baji hc?
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pairing : baji x gn!reader
summary : general yan! hc’s
⤷ cw : NSFW 18+, general yandere themes, violence, threats, manipulation, unhealthy relationships.
notes : i got a bit carried away… BUT i’m so glad you asked for this because i absolutely LOVE baji he’s one of my top favorite characters
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– honestly, i really have no idea how baji would go about making his darling his. he's a pretty unpredictable person so anything could be possible with him. i feel like he'd probably try to court you the "normal" way but get fed up if you continuously rejected his advances or if you don't fall for him fast enough, because along with his unpredictability, he's also very impatient.
– but it wouldn’t really be your fault if you kept rejecting him because he has no idea what he’s doing at all. he’s rough around the edges, aggressive, loud, violent—the list goes on. his way of trying to court you is a bit… skewed, and really, it may come off more as some weird form of bullying. he’ll shove little things into your hand and tell you to keep them, but it’s nothing like the usual chocolate or flowers, it’s probably things he stole from people he beat up that may or may not still have blood on them. he’ll force you to go on dates with him but again, it’s not like going to a restaurant or theme park, he’ll drag you with him to toman meetings where he’ll make you stand next to him and he’ll laugh with his friends about how scared you are being surrounded by all of them. and poor you thinks he’s making fun of you by doing all of this, and you’re just terrified that he’s gonna eventually beat you up or frame you for all the stolen things he’s given you when really, he just thinks you’re cute.
– but anyway, if it gets to the point where he grows impatient, it’s over for you and absolutely no one can save you. i don’t think he’ll kidnap you or anything like that, but he’ll definitely threaten you into a relationship with him. he’ll blackmail you by saying he’ll tell the police about those stolen things you have, or that you’re involved in gang activities. if that doesn’t work, he’ll threaten to hurt your family, which he has no qualms about. you start to take him seriously when your family gets a call from the hospital saying that your little brother has a broken leg and various bruises all over his body. there’s a little gift for you in your room when you get back from the hospital—a note that says he’s willing to do much more damage if you don’t come to your senses quickly, and you do.
– there’s this satisfied look in his eyes that makes your stomach churn with unease the next time you see him. but you ignore it and instead opt to tell him in nothing more than a wobbly whisper that you want to be with him. he’ll hum and give you a mock sympathetic look as he tell you how cute you are for mustering up the courage to confess to him, even if both of you know it’s fake—for now at least.
“aw, look at how cute you are. a shy little thing like you must like me a lot to have the courage to confess, hm?”
– a relationship with him is surprisingly normal if you don’t pay attention to the obvious power and control he has over you. you’re allowed to do what you want but baji has to approve it first. you’re allowed to go wherever you want because baji has a tracker on your phone that you better have with you at all times because if you don’t, he’ll find out through the person he has following you at all times. you can hang out with whoever you want but don’t blame him when you find out they’re in the hospital and won’t ever speak to you again. as long as you stay by his side and do what you’re told like a good little lover, then you’re fine.
– despite what you might think, baji wouldn’t really hurt his darling for disobeying. he takes more to threats of violence against the people you care about most rather than you. he might also deprive you of basic things like affection or attention, or social interaction. he’ll make you feel worthless to him, like you’re nothing more than an entertaining toy to him if you make him mad. he’ll only actually hurt you if you do something really bad like try to leave him or go to the cops. he won’t do anything irreversible, but two broken legs and bruised up throat will surely keep you from doing those things while also teaching you a lesson.
– most of his aggression comes out during sex. he loves to be buried deep inside of you, pumping in and out of you roughly because he just can’t get enough. it’s desperate, sloppy, and bruising. he’s left you unable to walk more times than you can probably count, but he takes good care of you afterwards so it cancels out. he also probably likes to let you ride him. he gets a real kick out of the way you nervously sit yourself on top of him, hands pressed against his chest as you bounce yourself on his dick. you get embarrassed and all worked up by the way he looks at you, eyes unmoving from your form and a half smirk on his lips. you’re huffing and whining while he’s just watching you become a mess on top of him. he loves it.
“look at you. you’re such a fucking mess. you like my dick that much, you slut?”
– he’s definitely a possessive bastard. whenever you’re together, especially in public or around other people, he’ll either have an arm tightly wrapped around you or he’ll make you stay close to him. if absolutely anyone has the audacity to touch you or talk to you, they’re practically a dead man. the only exceptions are his closest friends that he trusts around you, but even they have to be careful about what they do to or with you because he’s not gonna just let them do whatever. you’re still only his and that’s a fact that no one is getting around.
– he loves to call you nicknames that are low-key dehumanizing or degrading as a way to remind you that he literally owns you—you’re more than an object to him, but he can’t let you go getting a big head you know. little thing is his favorite cause you’re so small and helpless compared to him, but he might also call you his pet or slut. he also likes to add that possessive ‘my’ to whatever nickname he calls you cause you’re his little thing and you’re only his slut. on rare occasions he may call you softer things like baby or sweetheart, but only if he’s in a real good mood.
– generally, i think that baji isn’t all that bad. at least you have your freedom to some extent unlike with some of the other tokyo revengers characters that wouldn’t hesitate to lock you up forever. just be good and don’t do anything stupid and you’ll be fine.
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yunalinwrites · 7 months
jjk fics i'll never write (but maybe you will!)
i have a bunch of fic ideas i dont think i'll ever get to bc saved by the bell is taking rlly long and i don't have a lot of time (╥﹏╥)
i still wanna see them come to life tho so i think im just gonna throw them out there for anyone who wants to use lol
idk maybe ill write these eventually but even in that case im not gonna stop anyone else from using them as well
go ahead and alter however u like, but tag me if u use!! im letting u peek in my brain >:)
and even if ur not a writer these can just b like imagination prompts for when u go to bed LMAO
"love is work" - nanami kento x reader
summary: title is self-explanatory tbh--the idea that nanami kento views love as work could be applied to any scenario. but, i think it would be interesting for the reader to be the person he meets at the bakery. maybe the bakery is a family business, so the reader's work is literally driven by familial love. although, im not sure if that means they agree or disagree with nanami about love being work.
alternatively, the reader could be a co-worker of nanami's.
serving oneself vs. serving others
what makes love/work worth it?
"meet cute" - fushiguro megumi x reader
there are so many canon strangers to lovers opportunities with megumi lol.
like, being the person "hitting on" (asking for directions from) fushiguro during that one juju stroll.
or the person getting robbed and saved by the 1st year crew, also from juju stroll. (also applicable for yuji and nobara x reader)
there's also the light novel chapter where megumi and yuji stalk gojo at a maid cafe, so maybe the reader works at the maid cafe, and the very stoic but handsome megumi catches their eye. this scenario could also be applicable to yuji x reader or gojo x reader.
there's also an original scenario i was thinking of cuz megumi likes reading (specifically non fiction) so what if the reader was a worker at a book store or a librarian. maybe they know about sorcery already because they read a non-fic book about it and recognize his uniform when he walks in.
also i haven't seen a megumi x tsumiki's friend!reader, esp considering that one girl when tsumiki is confronting megumi about bullying lol. this one could have an interesting conflict bc that girl urged tsumiki to do the test of courage that ended up getting her cursed! so then how would megumi deal with his love interest (the reader) also being the person somewhat at fault for his sister's demise?
not a meet-cute prompt but generally i think it would b interesting in any megumi fic for gojo to be a conflict. like, as megumi's father figure, he doesn't want megumi to end up like him and suguru, so he's very hesitant about letting megumi fall in love with someone since "love is the most twisted curse of them all." but i think in the end, he might realize that love/the reader is exactly what will stop megumi from turning into suguru, so gojo ends up giving the reader his blessing.
"sugar makes blood thicker" - geto suguru x reader
tw: spoilers for gojo's past/hidden inventory/star plasma vessel/premature death arc, angst, DARK CONTENT, self-destructive behaviors, self-harm, eating disorders
summary: reader is a student at jujutsu high in 2006, alongside geto and gojo. reader is from the kamo clan and uses blood manipulation. they've been taught to keep a very strict diet to optimize the viscosity of their blood. just like how geto hates the taste of cursed spirits, reader hates the taste of their diet. they fall in love with each other, because they've finally met someone that makes them feel understood.
if you want to go even darker, the reader's technique may involve cutting (kind of like marie from gen v)
what's the point of fighting for a world that's done nothing for you in return? ("what has the world done for me lately?")
sugar makes blood thicker, which i can imagine is harder to control for a blood manipulation user
gojo satoru is the opposite of the reader: he eats however he pleases, which includes lots of sweets, so it's hard for the reader to be around him/doesn't like him. as a result, it's also hard for geto to have to pick sides between his best friend and the reader
ending: canon ending; geto chooses reader over gojo; they turn evil and run away together with nanako and mimiko. although it could also be interesting for geto to choose gojo over the reader, or if there's somehow a happy ending for everyone here.
I have no title for this one but gojo x megumi's older sister reader
self-explanatory. during the 2006 arc, after gojo kills toji. they raise megumi together <3
"if only i could go back" - any character x reader
summary: this is pretty self-indulgent lol this one's for everyone who wants to heal everyone's trauma and just have a happy ending lmao. i had this idea of the reader either being a sorcerer or a curse who has the power to grant one wish but in doing so sacrifices themselves (they die). so, obviously, they're in high demand by everyone:
megumi wants to heal his sister
gojo wants to bring suguru back
geto wants to rid the world of non-sorcerers
toji wants his wife back
shoko wants her friends back
some situations the reader may find themselves in are being held at the school so that nobody can use their power unless absolutely necessary. or maybe they were captured by the curse users.
technicalities about the reader's power: they can't grant their own wish, but they have full autonomy over whose wish they can grant, meaning the only way that someone could get their wish granted is through befriending and persuading the reader.
characters having to choose between their wish (which kills the reader) and their fondness of the reader (wanting the reader to stay)
will they truly be happy if their wishes are granted?
how does the reader feel about being the method of people's desires but not actually being the desire?
alr im done yapping
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limi-pie · 8 months
Longing or love pt. 2
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A/N: Heyo my lovely peaches, am back from inactivity. And I have finally overcome my laziness and procrastinating ass and managed to deliver pt. 2 of my hot, spicy and sexy🔞 ff, hehe.🙊🤤
Anyways, less talking and let's get into it, YUH‼️ Lemme know if you find something I can improve or do better, any form of feedback and support is highly appreciated! For the steamy scenes I highly recommend listening to TXT's "Sugar Ride Rush". 🔥👀
Previous part – Next part >
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta, (Specific) Female! Reader, and Lee Taeyong
Contains: Babygirl asf‼️Y/N, Professor! Taeyong, Boss/CEO! Yuta, Comedy, Complicated relationships, Classroom sex, Dark themes, Dysfunctional relationships, Estranged relationship, Financial struggles, Mature themes, Melodrama, NSFW, Secretly dating/hooking up, SMUT, Student/Office worker! Y/N, Romance, Slight age gap (nothing too serious or illegal, lmao. In other words they're all adults.) Unprotected sex, (homegirl is careless and dirty like that lmao. Just like me fr)
Warnings: Aftercare, abandonment (idk, I’m just adding it to be safe tbh), alcohol, absent parents, blowjob(m), bullying, breast sucking, breast play, consensual sex, cockwarming, cuddles, cursing, cunnilingus, cum eating, cum play, daddy issues, divored parents, drinking, dirty talk, exhibitionism (slight), face fucking, family dysfunctions, fingering, foreplay, gambling, gaslighting, hair pulling, harassment, kissing, manipulation, making out, oral sex (f), PDA, pregnancy (also mentioned), praise kink, public sex (semi), tattoos, titty-fucking, two-timing, teasing, unprotected sex, verbal abuse (feel free to let me know if there are thing I should add/update!)
Wordcount: 21,2K, honestly RIP☠️ and AM SORRY🙊
Disclaimer: (I wrote this fanfiction purely because of my wild imagination and finally let horniness loose‼️)
This piece of writing is fanmade and all just my imagination, I have no actual intentions of actually shipping NCT members like this nor do I mean they would behave/act like this in real life. Another thing, the main theme in this story has deep-rooted issues which involves an abusive, toxic and unhealthy relationship with a father, in other words ‘Daddy Issues’. If you have daddy issues (like myself) or is easily triggered by this kind of theme, then I suggest to read this with caution or not read it at all, up to you. It’s not severely bad but it’s a lot about losing trust, abandonment and mentally abuse, etc., see my warnings to get more clear discriptions to avoid feeling uncomfortable and such.
Finally, regardless if you have daddy issues or something else, please remember that you are deeply loved and that your past relationship with your parents don’t define you as a person.💚 Please, love yourself, cherish and take care of yourself, you’re an incredible person.
“Did you fire your tutor?” Yuta asked, eating a cookie and leaning against the kitchen counter when Yuka sighed, “yeah I did.” She huffed and crossed her arms, “–now it’s just time to find a new one…” She chewed her cookie. “I’m proud of you,” he smiled and hugged her, “–and sorry,” he muttered, patting her hair, “It’s okay, Papa.” She nodded, drinking a bit from her glass of milk.
“I’m sorry for making you do this.” Yuta muttered, protectively hugging her as she mumbled, “I wish we didn’t have to hide like this, Papa,” she pouted, cuddling into his chest. “I know, but these crazy reporters and paparazzi won’t leave us alone if they find out I have a daughter and you would get a lot of unnecessary questions, attention, and hate.” He patted her head, “I just want you to live a normal life not feel the pressure of me being a public figure; a CEO,” he confessed, patting her shoulder as she nodded understandingly.
“Papa…?” Yuka mumbled, lying in her bed as he tugged her in, “mhm, what is it, Sweetie?” He looked at her deeply, “are you seeing someone right now?” Her eyes were directed at the hickey on his collarbones, “oh, well,” he mumbled, “–not really, Yuka-chan,” Yuta laughed nervously, rubbing the side of his neck, ���liar. Papa’s definitely seeing some woman,” she scoffed sassily. “It might be just a fling, Yuka-chan, nothing serious,” he confessed, patting her hair.
“Just tell me once it’s a serious relationship… I want to meet her too, someday,” Yuka said, turning around as she closed her eyes. “When it happens I will, don’t worry,” Yuta promised, patting her shoulder as he left her room. For my 15-year-old teenage daughter, I really can’t fool her by lying, she picks up on things quickly. 
Dating wasn’t a problem for me, but it was rather a bit of a taboo since I already had a child. And now that I’m a single father, I’m often met with prejudices and stigma. I’ve been to several dates but none of them ever caught my attention or interest. After all, I’m no longer as carefree and naive as when I was young… Besides, I would never introduce a new woman to Yuka if I wasn’t 100% sure that she was the one. I just can’t ever bring myself or her to get attached to someone who could abandon and hurt us again…
Yuta went to his office room, wearing his eyeglasses, and began doing some important paperwork. In the dim light of his desk lamp, his right hand began signing on the piece of paper. “Meeting with Dori-Ani tomorrow, afterwards late dinner with Yuka-chan…” He mumbled to himself while noting it down in his calendar.  However, his head was filled with thoughts of you. That sweet smile of yours, the way your eyes drew attention to him. I should make it clear to Y/N before it gets too complicated… I can’t have a secret relationship with a coworker of mine and hide it from Yuka. It’ll hurt us all in the end.
You were lying in your bed, briefly reflecting on what had just occurred today. Giving your professor a blowjob during the day and then having sex with your Boss at night. You put your hands behind your head and let out a deep sigh. “Park Y/N, you’re really unbelievable sometimes,” you said to yourself and shook your head in slight disbelief, scoffing. You hummed and licked your lips.
“I’m really fucked up.” You confessed out loud before diving back into your deep thoughts.
Funny enough… Threesomes have always been on your bucket list, the intimacy of fucking two different guys at the same time was exhilarating to you. Not to mention the pure pleasure and excitement just by the thought of it. You smirked and nodded to yourself. Never done that before… but two-timing grown men. You poked the inside of your cheek before lying on your right side and resting your head on your forearm. Giving your professor Lee a blowjob wasn’t too bad, if you didn’t do it you would have to drop out! Besides, you lowkey enjoyed sucking on that tasty and big cock of his… You pouted, pursing your lips, and exhaled.
You were surprised though… Never in a million years would you have imagined or figured out that professor Lee Taeyong was secretly crushing on you. Especially with the way he demonstrated his disappointment in you and recalled the countless times of his unreasonable scolding. Then again hooking up with your Boss wasn’t part of your plan, it just happened and you didn’t hate it. You’ve also told yourself and were fully convinced that you were out of Yuta’s league and he probably wasn’t the slightest interested in you. This is probably true but you somehow had tiny hope, something about Nakamoto Yuta made you feel comfortable and safe.
“I wonder when… Mr. Taeyong fell in love with me, mmh~” you snuggled your pillow “–going to ask him tomorrow…” You mumbled, getting super drowsy as you closed your eyes. Your hand reached for your nightstand to turn off your lamp. “Enemies-to-lovers… huh?” You mumbled before succumbing to your sleep.
The next morning…
You woke up after sleeping so wonderfully, “mmh, last night was so incredible~” you stretched your arms and smiled, seeing the rays of sunlight through your blinds. You went over to the bathroom to pee and then wash your hands and face. You wore a white button t-shirt, a lavender-yellow pleated skirt, knock-off black Chanel straps, black stockings, and your black Dr. Martens boots. You wore your silver earrings and headed out to university.
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On the bus, you plugged your headphones in and listened to the soft melody of your current favorite song. 
🎶Bogo shipda malhago shipeo I miss you, ije neoneun eopjiman🎶 🎶niga eomneun haruga deo gireo deo gireo, haruga gilge neukkyeojyeo neo eopshi🎶
“I wish we were like yesterday, yesterday…” You were humming happily to Yesterday by CHOA as you made your way to your locker, “mmm, someone seems to be in a good mood today~” Yeonwoo giggled, opening her locker, “heh-heh, you could say I slept great yesterday.~” You snickered, winking at her as she gasped, “oh my god, did you hook up with someone again?” You giggled, grabbing your books and closing your locker.
“I’ll tell you all about it later, for now, let’s eat some breakfast and then head to class,” you smiled, all cheerful and excited. “Mmm~ you seem so interested in Mr. Lee’s classes now, did something happen?” Yeonwoo cooed, placing her notebook on the table. “Wh-what? No, I just realized that this year I won’t slack off anymore,” you pursed your lips, thinking about what happened yesterday between the two of you.
“–Wait, dance practice is canceled today?” You asked, eating some Shin Ramen cup noodles as Yeonwoo nodded, “yeah, Hyoyeon-Unnie is holding a meeting since more students wanted to join our dance team,” she added, eating her fruits. “Anyways, what’s up with your hook-up last night? Which university is it this time? Or is it another unemployed SoundCloud rapper?” She giggled, raising an eyebrow, “wh-what, he’s not a university student or a SoundCloud rapper. In fact, he’s a different league this time,” you prepped your hand to your cheek and blushed at the thought of him.
“Mhm, he’s a bit older and super handsome.~” You bit the tip of your nail and giggled, “yah, Park Y/N, have you lost your mind? Are you banging a rich Ahjussi?” Yeonwoo crossed her arms and stared at you in disbelief, “he’s not an Ahjussi! Jeez, do you really think I would stoop so low to go after someone twice my age?” You scoffed sassily before twirling your hair around your finger, slightly biting your bottom lip. “Then tell me who is it? Is it someone from your part-time job?” She asked, taking a sip of her strawberry milk.
“Maybe…? Ehehe, I hadn’t been fucked so good in a while~” You hummed, sipping your banana milk. “Aish, you’re so shameless,” Yeonwoo shook her head before finishing her meal. “One day you should go look for an actual nice boyfriend,” she said as you nodded. “Yeah, yeah, Mommy,” you waved your hand and got up.
“Could you book me an appointment with your hairstylist? I need to dye my hair,” you hummed, walking with Yeonwoo, arms locked as you made your way to class. “Mmm, you’re going to dye your hair?” She cooed as you nodded, “yeah~ I got paid extra from my part-time job, I’m thinking blonde highlights,” you smiled, walking up to your seats. “Mmh-mmh, I might also need a haircut.” She touched her split ends and laughed.
“But sure, I’ll book an appointment for us,” Yeonwoo said, “by the way, I've been thinking of getting a part-time job as a tutor,” she hummed, placing her books on the table, “oh really, how come? Isn’t working as a barista enough for you?” You asked, fixing your mascara with your small mirror. “Well, it’s just extra easy money on the side, my friend Taeha recommended a website I could use,” she smiled, drinking some water as professor Lee walked inside and greeted us all, “good morning everyone,” he looked around the classroom.
“I’ll tell you about it at lunch later,” Yeonwoo added, opening her notebook as professor Lee began to speak. “Right, so today, we will shortly be discussing the topics for this year’s exams.” You leaned forward and prepped your hand to your cheek eagerly, somewhat excited about today’s class. “It's really beautiful outside,” he leans on the desk, supporting himself. “–How about we work outside and enjoy the nice spring weather?” He suggested while smiling as everyone cheered.
It was strange, just one week ago Taeyong threatened you to drop out of Yonsei University, and just yesterday, you were eagerly sucking on his cock. But today he looked way hotter than usual.
“–Ms. Park, are you listening?” Professor asked as everyone looked at you, “huh? Sorry professor Lee, what were you talking about?” You bowed as Yeonwoo giggled, “Ms. Lee please tell her what she missed,” he sighed as she nodded, “we’re going to be doing some research and reading for this assignment next week, but he said since it’s such nice weather today, we can go and work outside.” She explained as you nodded, “oh that’s so great!” You smiled happily and exited the lecture hall, running to the grass immediately.
“Mmh-mmh!” You pulled the attached Chanel straps down, “this is so nice,” you hummed and took your shirt off, and placed your towel on the grass. Yeonwoo giggled and watched you wear your sunglasses as you lay down as she sat on the grass, “it is nice, however, you should focus on reading instead of sunbathing, silly,” Yeonwoo laughed, writing notes on her laptop.
“I’m kinda jealous of your gorgeous tanned skin, it glows in the sunlight, so sexy and smooth~” she hummed, rubbing your back as you read some articles, “mmh, you think so?” You looked back, feeling her stroke your lower back’s ‘Daddy’ tattoo as she giggled. “Still can’t believe you actually ended up doing it, hehe,” she traced her fingertips on it, spelling out the word.
“Well, I lost that dare after all,” you huffed, lowering your sunglasses sassily as Yeonwoo smiled proudly, “that’s true,” she patted your butt, “–and I’m a woman of my words,” you smirked and winked before popping a blueberry flavored lollipop into your mouth.
“That’s also true, oh Taeha has texted me,” Yeonwoo stroked your back as she texted back, “she wants to meet me in a few minutes since a mutual friend of ours wants to join the dance crew.” She read out loud while also scanning her sociology notes for any mistakes, “mmh, that’s great - the more, the merrier,” you smiled, fanning yourself with your hand. “I should use some sun lotion…” You huffed, kicking your feet.
“Ms. Lee, someone’s waiting for you, near the Yeonhi Hall,” Taeyong informed Yeonwoo as she nodded and ran away to greet Taeha, “what’s up, professor?” You hummed and looked at him while you were reading your book.
“Mhm, are you enjoying your studies or your sunbath, Ms. Park Y/N?” He crossed his arms, staring at you in utter disbelief. “Mmh, don’t worry - I’m multitasking, professor Lee,” you answered, playing with a pencil in your hand, he huffed as he suddenly took a quick glimpse at your smooth back.
“What a mischievous and naughty tattoo, you’ve on your lower back,” you looked at your ‘Daddy’ tattoo and chuckled, licking your lollipop, “and what about it?” You replied sassily and stared at him, “oh nothing, it’s just super sexy,” he laughed before clearing his throat. “Don’t forget sun lotion, the sun’s quite hot today. It's scorching,” Taeyong folded his arms as he turned around about to walk away, “–mmh, oh really? Mind helping me put some on, professor Lee?~” You cooed and snickered, waving the bottle of sun lotion.
He stared at you in disbelief and huffed, “mhm, wouldn’t you think that would be crossing the line, Ms. Park?” Taeyong scoffed and looked around before sitting down on the grass, “mmh, dunno, nobody’s around right now,” you cooed and continued reading your book. “Your friend Yeonwoo could be here any minute–”
“–I sent her over to get me a bottle of cold water,” you smiled and winked, showing your text message, “you’re really a sneaky one, aren’t you?” Taeyong scoffed and crouched down, pouring some sun lotion into his hands before rubbing it on your shoulders. “Wait, let me just,” you reached for your bra’s lock and unclasped it, “there, professor,” you placed your forearm on top of the other one whilst comfortably lying down, “that should be easier,” you hummed, resting your face on your arms as you relaxed.
This woman’s going to kill me… She’s clearly tormenting me.
“Don’t get used to this kind of treatment, Ms. Park,” he rubbed his hands on your back, his fingertips tracing your spine he rubbed your back, you hummed and placed your sunglasses on top of your head, “mmh, feels so good, professor,” you moaned and closed your eyes, feeling completely comfortable in your position. “You have such smooth skin,” he smiled, admiring your figure and the tattoos on your back and shoulders. He took a deep exhale, glancing at your ass as he tried hard to not get any wrong or dirty thoughts about you.
“Here too, professor,” you half-turned and patted on the back of your thighs before snickering, “my, you’re very demanding,” Taeyong exasperated, “you know… you’re sorta making it hard for me right now,” he sighed, rubbing your thighs as his fingertips a few inches away from sliding under your skirt. “How so?~” You asked dumbfoundedly, teasing him as you glanced at him while sucking on your lollipop as you bit your lips.
He scoffed, leaning down to whisper into your ear, “my hands are a few inches from grabbing your ass,” he bit his lips as you snickered and wiggled your ass. “Baby, quit testing and tempting me,” Taeyong patted and squeezed it as you whined a little, he pulled back and averted his eyes. He finally finished, rubbing the sun lotion on your thighs.
“Professor Taeyong?” You called as he turned, feeling you kiss him on the lips, “thank you,” you smiled as his eyes immediately dropped to your bare breasts, “you forgot to rub them with sun lotion, Taeyong,” you caressed his cheek, waving your lollipop and fluttering your eyes as he sucked his teeth, “don’t tempt me like this…” You kissed him, “pretty please, professor~” you asked kindly as he looked around, “this better be the last thing,” he hissed, rubbing his hands in sun lotion.
You nodded eagerly, supporting yourself with your arms behind you as Taeyong rubbed and fondled your breasts in lotion, “mmh, mmh…” You closed your eyes, enjoying the way his hands held and touched your breasts. He looked at you and then your chest, biting his bottom lip as he could clearly feel himself get a boner. You held him by the wrist, making his fingers rub and touch your areola as you blushed, “professor… aah…” you held onto his shoulders as his fingers were playing with your nipples. 
“T-there,” Taeyong said, pulling away as you giggled, “thank you professor Taeyong,” you cooed and then kissed him before popping your lollipop back into your mouth. “Y-yeah, no problem, quick put this on, silly idiot,” he huffed, putting your bra on as you giggled and put your arms up and then locking them around his neck, “sorry~ ehehe~” he closed it as you looked at him and leaned closer as he got a bit shy, “–anyways, class’s over,” he placed your arms down, blushing red as you hugged his arm in return.
You pursed your lips and pulled out your lollipop to look at him, “what?” Taeyong mumbled, “kiss me, Taeyong,” you closed your eyes as he looked around, “you’re such a troublemaker,” he hissed, cupping your cheek and pulling you into a quick kiss as you deepened it. “Mhm… You taste like blueberries.” He hummed, tasting the sweet flavor of your lips. You started to kiss him more and as much as he wanted to push you away, he simply couldn’t.
“Mmh, mmh, professor,” Taeyong embraced you and continued kissing you, “Y/N,” he whispered, pulling you on his lap as you held onto his shoulder, “professor,” you called out when the two of you began making out intensely, you closed your eyes and smiled. “You’re a great kisser professor,” you whispered, placing kisses along his jawline as he panted a bit. “Love your kisses, Baby,” he huffed and kept making out with you roughly, he placed small kisses on the side of your neck as you whined.
He snatched the lollipop from your hand and he put it inside his mouth, he smirked before making out with you roughly. Your tongues rolled and swirled around the round piece of candy. You moaned, swallowing the mixed saliva as it dripped from your chin. He left the lollipop in your mouth and smirked before kissing your neck. “Ooh professor…” You muttered completely dazed by the way he was making you feel. 
You felt something throb against you and looked down, you could clearly tell Taeyong was rock hard. You licked your lips and dropped the lollipop, you began stroking the outline of his zipper as he grunted, you looked into his eyes and smirked devilishly. He groaned as you silenced him by making out heavily.
The making-out session continued for several minutes as Taeyong slipped his hand under your skirt as you looked down and pulled him closer. “You like it?” Taeyong whispered, rubbing your thigh as you simply nodded, his hand started to rub on your panties, “aah…” You whimpered, feeling his palm press on your clothed pussy as he licked his lip. 
He decided to kiss you and slide his hand into your panties, you looked at him and blushed red before making out with him, “mhm, mhm, Beautiful,” he slowly made out with you, “aah…” Taeyong stuck his hand inside your panties and gently cupped your pussy. He pulled back and looked at the beautiful expressions you were making, his fingers traced up and down on your outer labia, “aah… ahh…” You moaned and panted lowly, he inserted two fingers inside your pussy as you threw your head back.
“You like it…?” Taeyong whispered into your ear, touching and rubbing your pussy, “–you like it when I touch you like this?” He cooed, fingering you deeply as you nodded, “love it so much, professor,” you nodded eagerly and smiled, blushing red. He pulled your panties to the side as you smirked and started to make out with him, “love it when you touch me, Taeyong,” you moaned, feeling him rub and finger you hastily as you arched your back. He smiled and kissed your lips, “love hearing you moan like that, Baby,” he whispered, rubbing your clit.
“Aah, ahh…” You moaned as Taeyong pressed his forehead against yours, “you sound so sexy like that,” he grazed your clit as you were starting to get super wet, “you’re so fucking wet,” he chuckled as you gasped, “not my fault your fingering is incredible,” you moaned as he pulled your panties’ waistband down, you helped him slid them to your knees as you kept making out with him.
You felt his fingers curling inside your wet pussy as you kept moaning in between your hot kisses. “You’re so damn wet, Baby,” Taeyong hissed, pulling his fingers out to taste your juices as he kissed you, he swirled his tongue around yours as saliva dripped from your lips. You blushed red and spread your legs as he rubbed you roughly, you ground against him and tried to keep your moans as low as possible.
“Ooh professor, Taeyong…” You gasped, feeling him finger you deeply, you wrapped your arms around him and rubbed yourself against his hand, you moaned into his ear as he smirked and chuckled. “Ahh, aah,” you stammered as he made out with you, swallowing your moans and whimpers. “Beautiful, mmh, mmh,” he hummed and squeezed your ass while kissing you like crazy as you gripped onto his shirt.
“–Y/N-ah!” You heard Yeonwoo’s voice call from a distance as he immediately pulled away from you. “Mmh, Taeyong…” You murmured, pressing your lips together as he looked down and put your panties back on you, “I know Babygirl,” Taeyong whispered as you kissed him one last time.
“Later,” Taeyong mumbled and got up quickly, fixing his tie as he walked off. On the pathway, Yeonwoo bowed to him as she ran over to you. “How’s reading going?” She smiled and sat next to you. You were still dazed from making out with him, you wore your sunglasses and tried to hide your smeared lipstick by covering your face in the book “–It’s going alright, just super boring…” You mumbled, nervously tagging some hair behind your ear when she suddenly snatched your book, “–hey! W–What are you doing?”
“Are you sure that you were reading this whole time?” Yeonwoo raised an eyebrow, staring at your lips as you pressed them together. Crap… she’s gonna know, I’m good as dead! You thought and sighed deeply, “you probably fell asleep and drooled all over this book while I was away,” she huffed, returning your book as you peeked at her innocently. “Ahaha, yeah you know me,” you laughed awkwardly. No way…! She’s actually buying this? You thought as she reached for something in her tote bag.
“Here, you must be thirsty sleeping in this heat,” Yeonwoo said, handing you a bottle of cold water, “ah thank you,” you smiled, taking a sip as you felt super refreshed afterward. “I had to go all the way around to the next vending machine since the closest one wasn’t working,” she frowned, checking her notebook while reading it.
I guess she did, thank God. It would’ve been so embarrassing if she caught me and professor making out here on the grass…
“Anyways, how’s your mother in the US?” Yeonwoo asked as you hummed, “I haven’t called her yet, should Facetime her later, I hadn’t really had time to catch up with her,” you replied, writing some keywords on your laptop. Taeyong observed you from afar behind a tree before sighing in relief.
Fuck, that was fucking close… He wiped the sweat off his forehead and chuckled. Y/N’s is a dangerous one, I’ve to be careful around such a woman. 
You headed to the cafeteria to eat lunch with Youngji and Yeonwoo, along with a random girl you hadn’t met before. “Get a lot of food to eat, Unnie, you seem so skinny these days,” Youngji said, placing some Kimchi on your tray as you giggled, walking to an empty table as you sat down, “so Y/N-ah, and Youngji, this is Nancy she’s a new member to the dance team,” Yeonwoo said, patting her back as she bowed as you did the same while smiling.
“Nice to meet you, Sunbae and Ms. Youngji,” Nancy greeted as Youngji smiled, bowing too, “no need to be so formal with us,” she added, eating her rice, “anyways, Yeonwoo, you said your friend Taeha used to work as a part-time tutor right?” You hummed, eating your pickled radish as she nodded, “yeah, this is the website,” she said, typing the link into your laptop. “–Though she was recently fired, it had nothing to do with her, it was just something personal with the student.” She explained, “Ms. Akiyoshi, huh? She looks like a good kid,” you hummed, checking her profile picture.
“Taeha said that Ms. Akiyoshi usually fires tutors after a third time’s visit, she doesn't know why,” Yeonwoo hummed, eating her veggies, “oh, that sounds super unreasonable. I mean if you’re doing a great job at teaching or helping her with homework - why would you fire her then?” Nancy asked, looking at us while eating her egg.
“Maybe the kid got issues or something, it’s weird though, how much did she pay Taeha?” Youngji asked, drinking her banana milk, “Taeha said it was definitely worth the money, I mean even on her last day. She received an extra envelope with 15.000₩ from Ms. Akiyoshi,” Yeonwoo nodded, drinking her strawberry milk, the large amount of cash mentioned caught your attention as you signed up on the website.
“–Oh maybe I should try tutoring too, I didn’t know you’d get so much from tutoring chaebol kids~” You snickered, cupping your cheek and thinking about the potential money you could earn by teaching a brat. “It’s not that easy, Y/N-ah, imagine you also have to do unusual chores probably even babysitting them, I mean snobby chaebol families aren’t kind-hearted people,” Yeonwoo warned as you were too busy fixing your profile on the tutor website, “she looks cute and kind,” you hummed, checking Ms. Akiyoshi’s profile. Youngji moved closer, “ah, she looks a bit fierce and stubborn, kinda like you Unnie,” she chuckled.
“I hope she’ll accept my request,” you sent your application and hoped for the best. “So Nancy, what’s your major?” You asked, looking at her with a soft smile, “ah, I major in English Language and Literature. You and Yeonwoo-Unnie are sociology majors right?” She replied as you both nodded. “What about you, Youngji?” She asked, looking at her. When a man walked up to your table and knocked on it.
“–Excuse me for suddenly interrupting young ladies, Ms. Park, could you kindly help me with organizing in the library after school?” Mr. Jeong asked as you smiled, “sure I’ll be there around 4:00 PM, professor Jeong” he nodded and bowed, “sweet, I’ll see you there then, enjoy your lunch, ladies.” He smiled before walking away as Youngji smirked.
“Who’s that hottie, have never seen that professor before,” she admired him as he walked away, “oh that’s foreign exchange English professor Jeong Jaehyun, he’s originally from the US. One of the new English professors here at Yonsei University,” Nancy explained, eating her fruits. “By the way, my major’s Music Composition,” Youngji smiled as we all giggled.
“Come see me later in my meeting room, okay?” - Professor Lee T.
You read the note that was placed inside your locker as you looked around to check your surroundings, ensuring no one saw Taeyong’s note. You didn’t expect a random meeting with him once again after school.
You knocked on the door, “hey, professor Lee. It’s Park Y/N, are you in there–?” Taeyong pulled you inside and immediately locked the door, kissing you passionately as you embraced him, “–mhm-mhm, Y/N, you kept me waiting~” he hummed in between your kisses as he carried you to the table.
“–Mmh… Professor Lee… Ooh…” You mumbled and gripped tightly onto his shirt, feeling slightly flustered when Taeyong made out with you roughly. “Mhm, you don’t know how desperate I was to see you after flashing your boobs to me earlier, Y/N~” he cooed, kissing your neck as you whined a little.
“You know, you could’ve just fucked me there, professor Taeyong.” You scoffed, feeling him caress your cheek as you furrowed your eyebrows, “my, you seriously have no shame, do you?” He huffed, hearing your answer, “says the one who removed my panties and was fucking fingering me in public,” you huffed, crossing your arms.
Taeyong laughed before giving you another kiss, “mhm, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did, Beautiful,” he added before holding you close, placing kisses all over your neck and collarbones. “We could’ve gone for a quickie,” you insisted, kissing him while winking. “I’m sure you would’ve liked it, you dirty pervert,” you teased as he kissed you roughly.
“Mhm, you wanted me to fuck you in the public space of Yonsei?” Taeyong scoffed, “–and for your dear Yeonwoo to see?” He added and smirked, tempting you with his words as you sighed, leaning against the edge of his table. “Uh-huh, mmh, I bet you’d enjoyed it~” you smirked, rubbing your knee against his boner as he groaned, “fuck, Baby.” He hissed, glancing at you almost admiring you. You locked your wrists around his neck as you made out with him, “mmh, professor,” you sighed as he kissed you roughly, he was so greedy of your lips, softly nibbling on them as he groaned.
Little Ms. Yonsei’s Goddess is such a tease… Holding back is becoming incredibly difficult for me. I might actually fuck her today…
“Y/N…” Taeyong pulled back, his eyes fixated on you and his forehead pressed against yours. “Mmh, professor,” You hummed, hugging him as he licked your neck. “Aah… Taeyong…” You muttered, feeling him suck on your collarbones. “–I’m getting hard, Babygirl.” Taeyong confessed as you looked at him. Surprisingly, you weren’t expecting him to straight up admit it.
“–So, are you going to fuck a student of yours?” You hummed, pushing him away as you tilted your head sassily, crossing your legs.
You were truly nothing but a menacing brat disguised as a young lady as if you weren’t super horny earlier for him and his attention.
You slid the Chanel straps off your shoulders as he poked the inside of his cheek. “Chanel huh?” Taeyong cooed, pulling it as you hummed, “it’s a knock-off, my ass is too broke to afford real designer things,” you admitted as you cupped his face before making out with him. “It almost could pass off as the real thing, want me to buy it for you?” He cooed as you fluttered your eyes.
“Would you do that for me, professor?” You tilted your head and held onto his shoulders before kissing him, “mhm, of course, I would.” No matter how many times you’d kiss him he could never have enough of you or your lips.
“Let’s continue from where we left off, professor,” you whispered, staring into his eyes that were full of lust as he nodded, deeply making out with you. His hands ran up and down on your back as you whined, feeling him swirl his tongue around yours. You were both panting slightly as he looked at you slowly unbuttoning your shirt.
“Can we really do this?” Taeyong looked at your bra and exhaled deeply, “hmm… You want to fuck your own student?” You taunted him, dangling your feet as he huffed before hesitating a bit. But in the end, he nodded slightly.
It’s funny how the tables had turned, yesterday he was demanding and so dominant. But it seems today you had him wrapped around your finger. You were clearly taking advantage of this situation.
“Mhm, I thought that you would never ask, professor,” you smirked, playing with his tie as you pulled him close, “fuck me good, Taeyong,” you said before making out with him again, “mhm~ good answer, Beautiful,” Taeyong chuckled in between your deep and passionate kisses, he unbuttoned his button-up shirt.
You didn’t mind getting fucked by your professor, especially not when he’s so fucking handsome, hot and super intelligent.
“Don’t be so rough, be good to me, okay?” You demanded as he nodded before embracing and kissing you. “You have no idea how long I’ve liked you and how much I wanted you, Park Y/N.” Taeyong conveyed, looking at you deeply as you fluttered your eyes.
“Mmh, are you head over heels for me, Mr. Taeyong–?” You mumbled, looking at him. “–And you’re as clueless as usual.” Taeyong scoffed, grabbing you by the chin and gently rubbing your bottom lip before kissing you hard. You giggled and closed your eyes before deepening the kiss. 
Professor Lee Taeyong, the man who never seemed to understand why everyone at the university admired or loved you finally understood now. You were outgoing, passionate, and incredibly beautiful; a killer personality. No one could resist your charms or your sweet smile.
“You like what you see, professor?” You took your shirt off and revealed yourself to him, he smirked and nodded in amusement, “oh Y/N, I definitely love what I’m seeing, Babygirl,” Taeyong poked the inside of his cheek and traced the material of your bra. He stepped back to take his shirt off, tossing it on the chair behind him as he flexed his abs to you. You whistled. “Damn, you’re fucking hot, professor,” you licked your lips, grabbing the edge of the table.
“Mhm, you think so?” You traced your fingertips on his abs as he smirked, “super hot,” you cooed, rubbing his torso as he slid your bra straps down. “Taeyong… Aah…” You whined, feeling him place kisses on your neck as he proceeded to take your bra off. You blushed red, seeing the way he looked and admired you. “Come here Baby,” he cooed, cupping your face and kissing you. Your chest pressed against his. You pulled him by the tie to make out with him. His hands ran up and down on your back as you two were making out like crazy.
The physical contact of your nipple rubbing against his turned you on, “aah… ahh…” You looked at him as he smirked and continued deepening his kisses with you.
And before you knew it, you couldn’t stop wanting more of him, his touch and his lips… His love for you…
“I like you so much, Baby,” Taeyong conveyed, kissing you deeply as you wrapped your arms around him. “Ooh… Taeyong, prove it to me then…” You hummed, feeling him place kisses and hickies on your neck and collarbones. “Mmh… My Taeyong…” You whined, feeling him press soft kisses on your breasts as you bit your lips. You could feel him grope and fondle your soft right breast in his warm hand. “Aah… Ahh…” You moaned, feeling him play and cup it so roughly that it was driving you crazy. “You have big and beautiful breasts,” he whispered, running his thumb over your nipple. You moaned, closing your eyes.
“Do you like it when I touch your boobs?” Taeyong scoffed, kissing your neck as you nodded desperately, “mmh, I love the feel of your veiny hands touching all over my tits, professor~” You licked your lips as he smirked, “just call me Taeyong, Beautiful.” He commanded and kissed your breasts. “Aah, ahh Taeyong…” You moaned, watching him motorboat them. “Mhm, Baby~” he cooed and kissed your nipples as he pulled back. You met each other with a sweet gaze then embraced each other. 
“Professor…” You mumbled, letting him play and shake your soft breasts as he hummed. You could barely keep it together with the way you were being touched. “Mhm, Beautiful?” Taeyong cooed, kissing you deeply and passionately, you ran your hand up and down his abs. “I want you to fuck me now.” You demanded, admiring and stroking his ‘Astro Boy’ tattoo as he chuckled, unbuckling his pants as he looked at his watch before holding you close. “Alright, don’t worry professor’s going to fuck you good, Beautiful.” He muttered, patting your hair.
“–Mhm, but we don’t have a lot of time Babygirl, I’ve a meeting after this,” Taeyong whispered as he stripped you off your panties, leaving you in your skirt. You greeted him with a deep warm kiss before pulling his pants down. “I know professor Taeyong,” you hummed, pulling his black Celine boxers down as his cock sprung out. You blushed at the sight of it. You rubbed him, several groans leaving his lips.
“Mhm, too bad we’ve time for only one round, I would’ve fucked you till the sun went down.” Taeyong replied as you hummed, he poked the inside of his cheek, stroking and pinching your right nipple, listening closely to your loud whines and moans of his name. “Aah… Ahh… Taeyong!” You mewled, watching him suck on it greedily. “Aah… You’re like a baby, Taeyong…” He held both of your breasts as he shook them a little, you leaned back, closed your eyes, and moaned loudly.
“Aah… Ahh… Taeyong… You’re such a pervert!” You blushed red, feeling yourself get wet once he rubbed your nipples against each other, “sorry, seeing you moan and whine like that is such a turn-on, Beautiful,” he hissed. “Not to mention how perfect they are,” he scoffed, staring and fondling your breasts before licking and sucking your left nipple, you caressed and pulled his hair, letting out some low moans as you hugged his head.
A few minutes had passed as your breasts were covered in his kisses and your nipples covered in his saliva, “ooh Taeyong…” He smirked, seeing you marked in his love bites, “such a pretty girl,” Taeyong smirked as you blushed red, leaning back when he groped and fondled both of them, you moaned. “You have such pretty boobs, you know that?” He whispered into your ear as you gripped onto his left shoulder, as he pulled his pants down. You noticed his big bulge in those Celine boxer briefs and were super excited. “Professor Taeyong…” You hummed and touched his cock, “you like my cock, hmm?” He huffed, feeling you stroke and rub him gently as he grunted. “Mmh, I can’t wait…” You nodded excitedly while jerking him off.
Taeyong chuckled before smirking. “Taeyong… I’m a bit nervous…” You mumbled as he took your skirt off. “Mhm, don’t worry I’ll take care of you, we can stop at any moment if you feel uncomfortable.” He reassured you, holding your hand as you nodded and spread your legs apart.
“Now let’s warm you up a little, Baby,” Taeyong cooed, placing kisses on your abdomen and torso before pulling your Calvin Klein thong down as you blushed, “mmh, Taeyong…” You felt his warm lips place kisses on your pussy as you looked down. “A-aah… A-Ahh…” You whined, feeling him kiss and lick your outer labia, “mhm, so tasty,” he hummed, licking his lips as he started to suck on your lip, you gripped his hair and stroked his head. “Aah… Ooh, professor…” You moaned lewdly, feeling him suck on your clit as you thrust a little against his mouth.
“M-more Taeyong, please,” you muttered, blushing red as you pressed your pussy against his chin, “ask and you should get, Beautiful,” Taeyong smirked before slipping his tongue inside your folds, licking and slurping all your juices. You pulled his hair and moaned loudly, arching your back and rocking your hips. “Ahh, ahh, Taeyong!” You held his head as he was sucking on your pussy, you got wetter with each second that passed. Then he licked all the juices, not letting a single drop go to waste. He detached himself from your pussy as he stood up, facing you and licking his lips.
Without a warning Taeyong looked at you deeply and shoved his big cock inside your pussy, you hugged him close, “aah!! Ahh! Taeyong…!” You cried at the stretch as he made out with you, “does it hurt?” He whispered under his rough panting. You squeezed his hand, shaking your head, “I’m not…” He fucked you at a fast pace, “–I’m not used to having such a big cock like yours enter me like that…!” You panted helplessly and heavily, trying to adjust to him as he watched you closely, admiring your loud and beautiful expressions.
“You look so adorable whining. But I know you can take it,” He chuckled, kissing you passionately as you ran your hands up and down his back. You inhaled and exhaled, his cock was so overwhelming and intense as a result; you cried a little, “nngh… Taeyong…” You whimpered, hugging him as you spread your shaking legs.
“Sorry, I’ll go slower, I was so excited that I got too impatient, forgive me, Y/N,” Taeyong whispered, cupping your cheek as he wiped the small tear away as you nodded before giving him a soft kiss. “It’s alright,” you replied through your shaken breath as he held you close to him, gently stroking your long black hair. “I’m also super excited and get so easily impatient too…” You hummed, locking your arms around his lower back and pulling him closer, his cock went deeper inside as you both moaned.
“Mmh-mmh… professor…” You moaned as he made out with you. “Fuck, fuck, feels so fucking great,” he cussed, lifting you in his arms as he was slipping in and out your pussy, leaving you frustrated with the way he was moving so hastily and impatiently.
“Aah… professor go slower, you pervert,” you hissed, grabbing onto his shoulders as Taeyong chuckled and smirked, “sorry, Beautiful, I will go slower,” he hummed before kissing you, he placed you down on the table again as he was going at a slower and enjoyable pace. You both moaned as you threw your head back. “So wet and warm, it feels so fucking nice, Baby,” he hissed into your ear as you kissed his neck.
A few blissful minutes passed as Taeyong finally started to fuck you steadily. “I can’t believe that we’re actually fucking right now… Aahh…” You whimpered, feeling him throb inside you, “yeah… I can’t believe it either, feels so unreal,” he threw his head back. “You’re squeezing me so tightly, Baby,” he groaned, feeling your pussy clench around him, you both let out moans. “Ohh, Taeyong you’re making me feel so good…” You whined, arching your back as he chuckled.
You began pushing against him too, wanting him to go faster as you were so needy for him. “Faster, faster, Taeyong! Ahh-aah!” The table was shaking as he kept thrusting, sweat forming on his forehead as you both moaned, “feels so incredible, Beautiful, you’re treating my cock so well,” Taeyong groaned, making out with you.
To think that having sex with your professor in a locked room could be this hot.
“Professor, I can’t believe it, I… just can’t,” you stammered, unable to form words with the way he fucked your pussy. His deep and rough thrusts were driving you to your limits, “you’re making me feel so good, Beautiful…” Taeyong whispered as you blushed red. He thrust a few times as you were panting a lot, “need a little lube, Baby?” He cooed, pulling the bottle of lubrication out of his pocket as you nodded desperately. “Mmh, you came prepared…?” You cooed, making out with him as he used a little lube on your pussy. “Mhm, don’t misunderstand me. I just masturbate here sometimes when I’m bored - that’s all, Baby.” He chuckled, placing his cock back inside as you both moaned, “much better, aah, ooh Taeyong…” You wrapped your legs around him tightly as he held onto your hips. 
You both maintained small and deep eye contact with each other. Your forehead pressed against his, ensuring you that you enjoyed this as much as he did. You look down to see where you were both connecting and blushed red, his cock fits your pussy so incredibly. Neither of you said a word. The only thing that could be heard were you two's loud moans and heavy panting.
“Ahh… Professor Taeyong, please go harder,” you whined, clawing onto his back with your nails, “Mhm, you want me to go faster, Baby?” Taeyong chuckled, going slower as you whined loudly, rolling your eyes as he teased and tormented you. “Mhm, you want to be fucked harder, Baby?” He smirked, thrusting in and out as you winced at the loud and wet sounds of skin slapping. “Don’t be mean to me, you asshole…” You pouted, biting his neck and leaving a hickey as he chuckled. “Alright, get ready ‘cause once I’m going hard I won’t slow down,” he whispered into your ear as you nodded desperately, making out with him.
Taeyong held onto your asscheeks, shoving you up and down on his cock. You grabbed onto his shoulders, those rough thrusts gave you a lot of pleasure. “Aah, aah, Taeyong… Mmh-mmh…” You moaned, feeling your breasts bounce up and down as he was fucking you at a faster pace. “Fuck, I’m getting close, Y/N,” Taeyong scoffed, feeling his precum inside you. “Ooh, Taeyong, d-don’t stop…” You moaned, holding onto him tightly as you were both desperate for your climaxes. He groaned loudly as his thrusts were getting sloppier, fucking you deeper, “ahh… ahhh…” You moaned as he sucked on your breast greedily.
“Mhm… I can’t believe I’m banging Yonsei’s precious and beloved Goddess.” He pulled back as you blushed, feeling shy by his statement. “Goddess? You too, professor Taeyong?” You held onto his shoulders as he pulled you closer, “you also believe in that bullshit rumor?” He let you feel the rough impact of his cock thrusting in and out, causing you to whine and whimper. “Of course I do, you’re Yonsei’s beautiful Goddess, every guy admires and likes you.” You blushed red, you didn’t like that statement of you being a Goddess. You strongly disliked being superior to others who deserved that title more than you did.
“I don’t want to be Yonsei University’s Goddess…” You whined, feeling him go deeper as you saw his bulge moving on your abdomen. He smirked with your silly reply, “mhm, then who do you want to be?” Taeyong cooed and looked into your eyes, fondling your right breast as you moaned, “I want to be yours,” you said flusteredly as he kissed you. “Is that your true answer or is it because I’m fucking you too good right now?” He kept thrusting as you rolled your eyes and gripped his waist before moaning loudly. “Mhm, too dazed to answer your professor?” He placed a hand on your ass as he groped it.
“Aah! Ahh! Taeyong…” You cried, feeling him get rougher as he was deeply fucking your pussy. “My what a greedy pussy, you look super sexy stretched around my cock like that.” Taeyong looked down to where you were connecting and smirked, kissing you deeply as you huffed, “love seeing you like this,” he chuckled as you cupped his face, “I like being fucked by you like this, professor,” you breathed heavily as the table was shaking, your hand gripping tightly on the back of his neck.
Taeyong chuckled, “mhm, good. I’m glad that you’re enjoying this as much as I am,” he hummed, gently biting on your earlobe as you grasped onto his back, “come to me whenever you need advice or something, I’m more than happy to help you out,” he added comfortingly as you felt him fuck you slower, you whimpered and nodded before holding onto him tightly.
“Can I come to you… if I’m horny?” You asked shyly, looking into his eyes as Taeyong chuckled at your request. “Of course, I’ll fuck you real good if you ever need it, Babygirl,” he smiled as you giggled before kissing him passionately, “mmh-mmh, professor, I like it,” you hummed in between your kisses, “I like the way you’re fucking me,” you hissed as he kept you close to him.
“I love the way you’re so wet and the way you clench around me, Baby,” he cooed, seeing your wet juices on his size as you moaned, feeling him suck on your collarbones, “aah… Ooh, Taeyong! Fuck me harder!” You screamed as he pinned you to the table, “fuck, Babygirl! I’ll fuck you good,” he huffed, looking at you deeply as you nodded in desperation. He lifted your legs, placing them on his shoulders as he fucked in this new position. 
He kept plunging into your pussy as you were screaming in pleasure, “ahh! Aah! Taeyong! Taeyong!” He lowered himself to make out with you, “such a good girl, keep screaming my name like that, Beautiful,” he embraced you closely and started panting into your ear. You were sweating and panting like crazy, never had you been fucked this good before except for yesterday…
“You okay?” Taeyong hissed, looking directly into your eyes as you nodded too dazed to even reply. You closed your eyes as he made out with you, his kisses left you so needy and greedy for him. And his thrusts felt so amazing, the way he moved inside was bliss to you. He placed your legs down as you instead wrapped them around his butt, he groaned loudly.
You weren’t sure of what to feel right now, professor Lee Taeyong was bringing you nothing but joy and pleasure. This man you once hated was making you feel so wanted and desired. You couldn’t help but simply enjoy this.
Your mouth was agape as you didn’t realize you were cumming all over him, “my, what a beautiful sight, Babygirl~” Taeyong hummed in pure amusement as you looked down before blushing red, “s-sorry…” you mumbled, seeing your juices drip down his legs as he chuckled, “mhm, what are you sorry for?” He lifted you as you sat up on the table, facing him, “for making such a wet mess on you… and for cumming first…” You muttered as he kissed you, “mhm, don’t be sorry, I like seeing you cum first that way I know I’m doing a good job of pleasing you.” He confessed as you nodded, a few seconds passed as you felt something hot squirt inside you.
“Aah…!” You winced, feeling him release his orgasm inside of your pussy, “fuck,” Taeyong moaned, placing his hands on the table as you hugged him, “o-ooh professor…” You felt more of his semen fill you up, “y-you really came inside me?” He rested his head on your shoulder as he embraced you, “sorry, I could barely keep it in,” he pulled out and sat down on the swivel chair, panting heavily, “sorry… I should’ve pulled out,” he breathed as you watched his semen seep out of your pussy and thought for a bit.
How could you let this happen…? Letting your very own professor fucking nut inside you?!
You grabbed onto the end of the table and panted heavily before poking the inside of your cheek. You looked at him and huffed, his tongue stuck out of his mouth as he nervously ran his hands through his black hair with blue highlights.
My, Taeyong looks so dangerously hot all dazed from cumming in you…
“Mmh… you perverted asshole,” you cussed at him as his eyes widened, “sorry, Y/N, I’m sorry,” Taeyong mumbled, rolling over to the desk in the corner as he opened the bottom drawer to grab a packet of wet wipes. “I swear that I didn’t mean to do it on purpose…” He returned to the table and said, completely ashamed. “Mmh… really?” you huffed, crossing your arms.
He’s so cute being so polite and apologetic about this. You’re truly a menace for secretly enjoying torturing him like this.
“I am, I’m truly sorry,” Taeyong repeated as he began wiping your thighs clean, you pursed your lips. “It’s alright, professor Taeyong.” You muttered, watching him wipe your pussy clean, “I’ll take a pill later,” you hummed when he finished cleaning you as you felt so deeply cared for. “Mhm, I’ll buy you one.” He smiled and looked at you, “you’re not mad at me, are you?” He asked and cupped your cheek, you kissed him, “of course not, I can’t be mad at you, professor,” you pouted your lips as he chuckled.
“You had me worried for a sec, you weren’t saying anything after I kept apologizing to you,” Taeyong huffed, placing his hands on the table as you hugged him close, “it’s because…” You bit your bottom lip, whispering into his ear. “It sorta felt good when you came inside me, Taeyong,” he closed his eyes and smirked, hearing your reply.
“Oh really?” Taeyong pulled back and looked at you, you nodded as he cupped your face before kissing you. “Mhm-mhm, see that’s what I like about you, Beautiful,” he patted your hair as you blushed and giggled, “I like you too, Taeyong,” You hummed happily as he scoffed, “you do?” He asked, wiping himself as you blushed. “Of course I do,” you confessed, stroking your hair, “what is there not to like about you, silly,” you giggled. “Mhm, tell me then, tell me what you like about me, Y/N,” he demanded and wore his boxers.
“Mmh, you’re so handsome, clever, and super cool,” you dangled your feet as Taeyong smirked, “mhm, what more?” He mused, he put on his unbuttoned shirt as you pulled him by the tie, twirling it around your wrist as you finally gripped it. “You’re good at being in control and fucking me with that big cock of yours,” you licked your lips and patted his torso. “Mhm, good answer, Baby,” he cooed, patting your hair as you smiled. “Mmh, professor~” you called as he held you close.
“Mhm what is it, Baby?~” He leaned in, kissing you, “mmh, you have cool and interesting tattoos, Taeyong.” You hummed, cuddling him as he kissed you softly, “mhm, you think so, Babygirl?” You nodded, kissing the ‘rude boy’ tattoo on his shoulder as he chuckled. “You too, Babygirl~ the hibiscus and pink rose tattoos on either side of your hip bones look fucking sexy and beautiful.” He lowered his head, kissing your rose tattoo as you giggled a bit.
“Must’ve hurt like crazy getting them, huh?” He huffed, placing deep kisses on your abdomen as you ran your hands through his hair, “mmh, I felt like I was going to die,” you hissed, feeling him suck on your hip bone.
“Mhm, wish we could stay like this forever,” you hummed, feeling him kiss your pussy as you threw your head back, “me too, Babygirl,” he licked your clit and smirked at you. “What is this meeting about?” You asked as he picked up your panties from the floor, helping you put them on, “just a meeting between new professors and faculty.” Taeyong said, helping you close your bra as he was staring at your breasts, “how boring,” you rolled your eyes before wrapping your hands around his neck, “mhm, I know,” he placed a few kisses on your lips as he stroked your back, “–mmh… I gotta go and help out in the library,” you muttered while he licked your neck before giving you a deep passionate kiss.
“–Understood, get going then,” Taeyong said, closing the buttons on your shirt as you bent over to pick up your skirt. He gawked at your ass and groped it, “you’ve such a nice ass, you know that?~” He cooed, patting your ass as you whined before smirking, “of course I do,” you replied cockingly as he squeezed it, “mhm, what a bold woman,” he scoffed as you turned around before pulling you in a tight hug.
You smiled at the way he embraced you, you sat on the table, “do you like me a lot, professor?” You hummed, crossing your legs and leaning back slightly, “mhm, of course, I do,” he confessed, rubbing your breast and causing a little moan from you. “What do you like about me?” You licked your lips as he stood up, “lots of things,” he groaned, feeling you rub and stroke his cock, “–what things, tell me,” you cooed, rubbing your knee against him, “your beauty and your voice,” you got off the table and stood. He smirked, gently slipping his hand under your skirt to squeeze your ass. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him, slowly making out with him.
“Mhm, we should stop before we start fucking the whole evening here, Baby,” Taeyong whispered, looking into your lustful eyes. “Mmh, it’s your fault… You make me so needy for you,” you hummed, letting go of him as he chuckled.
He stood up and began dressing himself. “So beautiful, it’s for good luck, hmm?” Taeyong cooed, looking at your right wrist’s green four-leaf clover tattoo in admiration, “mhm, I got this tiny four clover for good luck and good fortunes in the future.” You hummed, kissing his bird tattoo on his shoulder, “mmh, but your tattoos are even more beautiful and so unique.” You nodded, wearing your bra as he smiled softly, “mhm, I’m getting a new one soon, wanna come along?” He cooed, fixing his blazer and buckling his belt, “I’d love to, professor,” you smiled before kissing him as you were fully dressed.
“About the exams…” You mumbled, tugging some hair behind your ear. “Don’t worry about it, seeing how much you’ve improved since the last test. I’m sure you’ll pass it.” Taeyong smiled, fixing his tie as you tied your hair in a bun, “if you’ve any questions just text me,” he cooed, handing you his number on a tiny piece of paper as you blushed a bit. “Thank you. Right, I’ll get going then, see you next time professor Lee.” You blew a kiss and left as he chuckled, “such a fine woman.” He smirked when he just noticed your back tattoo.
You headed to the library and greeted Mr. Jeong, “ah there she is Miss Yonsei,” Mr. Jeong chuckled, pushing the cart with books. “Hello Sir, so where do you want me to start?” You asked and placed your hands on your hips, taking a glance at the shelves. “You can take this cart and just return these English literature books on shelf number 6.” He said as you nodded, pushing the cart. You saw the empty top row of the shelf 6. You grabbed 3 books and moved the ladder to the left. You started going up, gently placing each book.
About 30 minutes had passed as you were at a different shelf, removing some books. “–Careful you don’t fall, Miss,” a man said as you turned to look down, “ah professor Lee,” you said with a soft smile and small bow. Taeyong took a quick look left and right before holding his hand out to you, “thank you, professor,” you said, holding his hand as you carefully stepped down the ladder. You placed the books in the cart and started pushing it. “Well, if it isn’t Taeyong-Hyung,” Mr. Jeong said with a sly smile, “ah hello, Jaehyun-ssi,” Taeyong waved, and the two guys looked at each other.
Taeyong must be popular and friends with every faculty member, huh…?
“I’m all done with the tasks, Mr. Jeong,” you said and bowed, “good job, I knew that I could count on you, Miss Yonsei,” Jaehyun smiled, proudly patting your shoulder as Taeyong looked at his hand on your shoulder. “Tasks? That’s new, Jaehyun, you’re usually not the type to find tasks in the library too difficult.” He scoffed, and you pursed your lips at the sheer jealousy in Taeyong’s tone.
“Mhm, I like a bit of company - besides Miss Yonsei and I had a lot of fun talking about the US,” Jaehyun said and folded his arms, “isn’t that right, Miss?” He looked at you, “ah yes, Mr. Jeong and I are a great library team,” you smiled as Taeyong poked the inside of his cheek. “Anyways, I’m very sorry but I need to go now or else I’m going to miss my hair appointment!” You bowed and ran out of the library, covering your smile from literally busting into laughter at the sight of Taeyong’s tense jealousy.
You just finished getting your hair done. Now you were home and you changed into your black tight low-waisted shorts, attaching your black laced stockings and a white button-up shirt, you wore your red lipstick as you pursed your lips. “What a gorgeous woman,” you pointed at yourself in the mirror and smirked before taking a few selfies. You grabbed your tote bag and left your apartment. On the way out you uploaded the pictures onto your Instagram with the caption ‘the office’s baddest bit**’. You giggled, putting your phone away as you got on the subway.
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“Hello everyone,” you waved, walking into the main office and greeting your colleagues, “hello~ Y/N-ah,” Nayeon smiled and greeted you with a back hug, “you look so pretty today, Ms. Park,” Mina steepled, glancing at your somewhat daring outfit. “Ah, Park-ssi is here,” Momo hummed, lowering her glasses to take a quick glimpse at you. “Wah, so beautiful, hair done and everything, very chic,” she nodded as you twirled your hair, “thank you all, ehehe~” you giggled.
“You all seem to be extra hardworking today,” you replied, placing your tote bag on top of your table as Nayeon went back to her desk, “oh yeah, today’s client is extremely important,” she added, checking her computer as Momo nodded, “yup, it’s Boss Nakamoto’s high school friend,” Mina smiled, “Sakurada Dori, also a very famous actor in Japan.” Momo winked as they all giggled.
What’s the big deal with this Dori guy anyway…?
You shrugged your shoulders as Yuta walked out, greeting you before calling you to his office. You admired his back as you blushed a little, seeing him hold the door for you. You sat in the chair in front of his desk as Yuta sat down in his swivel chair. “As you’ve heard already, we’ll be having an important client today, so don’t screw up or throw a fit, okay?” He steepled his hands, looking at you, “alright, I understand, Nakamoto-nim,” you nodded, smacking your lips. You tugged some hair behind your ear, hoping he’d notice your new hairstyle.
“–Anyways, please help Ms. Im and Mr. Watanabe with our newest advertisement,” Yuta commanded as your mouth was left agape by his dismissive attitude. “Yes Sir, um excuse me, Nakamoto-nim?” You muttered, twirling your hair around your finger as you leaned forward, placing a hand on his desk. 
“Yes, Ms. Park?” Yuta averted his eyes, adjusting his glasses, and looked up for a second. “Do you notice anything different about me today?” You hummed, smiling and stroking the blonde highlights in your hair as he scoffed. 
“You’re wearing a very daring outfit today,” he huffed cockingly, “–but at least it isn’t see-through or translucent. Good job.” Yuta replied shortly as he went back to focus on his paperwork.
What the actual fuck? Is he this dense? How come he hasn’t noticed your new hairstyle!?
“–Never mind, Sir,” you sulked, getting up from your seat as you left his office. Holy shit, this man is so stupid, are Japanese men really this dense?! You sighed heavily and walked down the hall to the vending machine.
Yuta smirked and let out a small chuckle. “Such a silly woman,” he clicked his tongue. The blonde highlights with that long black hair suits her, how alluring.
“Oh what’s wrong, Ms. Park?” Mr. Watanabe asked concerningly and patted your shoulder, “nothing, I just can’t believe that men can be so dense and stupid,” you huffed sassily, grabbing your can of iced coffee from the vending machine.
“Wah, you really think so?” He chuckled as you opened your can of iced coffee, “no, I mean not you, Mr. Watanabe,” you felt flustered as he laughed, “just kidding, Ms. Park,” he laughed, grabbing his iced tea, “also, you look great with the blonde highlights in your hair.” He added before walking down the hall, “th-thank you, Mr. Watanabe,” you smiled and blushed a little, “oh please, just call me Haruto, no need to be so formal around me,” he chuckled. “But Mr. Watanabe you’re my superior, and I don’t want to seem rude–” you mumbled, following him to the conference room.
“You’re not being rude, Ms. Y/N,” he smiled and held the door open for you, “Ms. Y/N?” Nayeon repeated as you both entered, “what’s up with that, Mr. Watanabe?” She raised an eyebrow and cupped her cheek. “I guess Koreans really care about formality, huh?” Haruto chuckled, sitting down, “well, yeah, the Korean society is built on hierarchy and status,” you replied, sitting down and opening your pencil case.
“Sorry, me and Ms. Y/N were just discussing formality within the workspace,” Haruto told Nayeon as she shook her head. “You two always have strange conversations,” she sighed and got up, giggling.
“Alright, so the next commercial is L’oreal Paris,” Nayeon presented on the notice board, you nodded, noting down some ideas. “So the Boss wanted us to find an actress or a female idol to be in this commercial,” Mr. Watanabe said, checking his stacks of papers. “I see, hmm, let me check the internet,” you hummed, searching on the internet. “How about we have Park Gyuri from KARA–” you suggested when the door suddenly burst open.
“–Hey, hey, Nayeon-ah, he’s here!” Momo squealed, pointing in a certain direction, “omg, let me see!” Nayeon immediately got up to peek at the door, “well, here we go, all ladies are crazy for someone like Dori-chan,” Haruto sighed heavily before looking at you, but you were too busy checking your phone as you texted Yeonwoo, “hey! Are you even listening to me, Ms. Park,” he whined as you drew your attention back to him, “yeah sorry, Mr. Haruto, I was trying to find a female idol with the help of my friend, she used to be featured in plenty of drama series,” you explained briefly.
“It’s been a while, Ani,” Yuta said before greeting Mr. Sakurada Dori with a handshake and a small side hug, “it sure has been, this office has changed a bit since I was last here, hmm?” He hummed as he looked around, noticing the wall design and the windows.
“Konnichiwa, Sakurada-san,” Mina bowed and flashed a small smile at him. “I see, so it’s still the kind, pretty, and familiar faces working here,” Dori bowed too and smiled, “it's an honor to be working with you again, Sakurada-san,” Momo walked in and bowed, shaking his hand while blushing slightly.
“Annyeong, Sakurada-ssi,” Nayeon waved as she left the room to greet him, “well, seems like the party has started, let’s go and greet Dori-san too,” Haruto said as you nodded still texting Yeonwoo while exiting the room - only to be met with a surprise. There stood a tall, handsome Japanese man. Your mouth was agape as you simply stared at him. “Yo Dori-san, long time no see,” Haruto waved as they greeted and smiled at each other.
Holy shit… This is Dori Sakurada? This hottie is Nakamoto Yuta’s high school friend?!
“Oh, a new face, who’s this cute lady?” He smiled as you bowed. Cute…? Does this handsome gentleman think I’m cute? Your lips formed into a small smile, earning such a compliment was enough to put you in a chipper mood. “Hello, my name’s Park Y/N,” you bowed deeply, “it’s nice to meet you, Sir,” you said, still amazed by his presence. Nayeon stood next to Momo and winked. 
“Ms. Park, this is Sakurada Dori, a very important person to our company and a good friend of mine,” Yuta said as you nodded immediately, “ah I see! Sir, Mr. Sakurada, please after you,” you replied, holding the door open for him, “thank you Ms. Park,” Mr. Sakurada smiled, walking inside, “please treat him well,” Yuta added, Nayeon and Haruto walked inside as he closed the door.
“Right, so have you two considered an actress or female idol you could feature in this L’Oreal commercial?” Mr. Sakurada asked, checking his iPad as Watanabe started talking, “not quite, but Ms. Park is on the case, right?” He looked at you, “ah yes,” you smiled and nodded.
“Nakamoto-nim, it’s Park,” you knocked on the door, “come in,” you walked inside, holding a cup of coffee and locking the door, “what is it?” Yuta demanded, lowering his eyeglasses as he took a glimpse at you. “Well, since you’re working so hard I thought I’d bring you a cup of coffee,” you hummed, leaning against his desk as he nodded, “appreciate the thought, how’s the progress with the advertisement–?” You walked around his desk to give him a back hug. “–What are you doing?” He asked, looking at your arms resting around his neck as you leaned close to his cheek.
“–Why are you so cold? It’s just us two in here anyways,” you muttered, placing a kiss on his cheek, “mhm, I see,” Yuta scoffed before smirking, “what’s so funny?” You asked sassily before hugging him, he chuckled and patted your hand. “I must’ve banged you so good yesterday that you couldn’t forget about me, huh?” He huffed proudly as you blushed red and immediately let go of him, crossing your arms as you irked at his remark. “You’re so full of yourself, Nakamoto-nim,” you frowned as he began laughing a little. “Come onto my lap then, Princess,” he clapped his lap as you turned his chair and sat on it without hesitation.
“Nakamoto-nim, mmh~” you hummed, locking your arms around his shoulders as he looked at you in admiration. “Are you seeing someone else, Doll?” Yuta moved your hair to see a small visible hickey as you got nervous. “Will you be mad if I am…?” You fluttered your eyes innocently as he chuckled, “mhm, not really, I don’t care the slightest,” he scoffed, stroking the blonde strands of your hair as you pouted at his careless response, “–you know why?” He whispered into your ear and traced his thumb with your lips, “why…?” You mumbled, looking down at his thumb.
“–Because no one fucks you better than I do, Doll,” Yuta scoffed cockingly as you blushed red, “–you…!” You pouted and got completely flustered, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. “Mhm, what’s with that face?” He raised an eyebrow and scoffed, you stared at him.
This man is so fucking full of himself, isn’t he the slightest jealous? Man, whatever, his confident and careless personality is what I like the most about him anyway.
You leaned in before suddenly stopping. “–You want a kiss?” Yuta cooed, seeing you pursed your lips eagerly as you stared at him needily. “You’re so awful…” You furrowed your eyebrows as he chuckled before kissing you, “mhm, you think your Boss is a meanie?” He cupped your cheek, you remained silent and kissed him again, “mmh, no comment.” You crossed your arms as he stared at your chest, poking the inside of his cheek.
“I saw that,” you said, lifting yourself onto his desk, “not my fault, you’re so pretty, Princess,” Yuta mused and smirked at you, “am I just a pretty face to you?” You asked, “get back to work, Park, we’ll talk later.” He pointed at the door, waving his hand and signaling you to leave. You rolled your eyes and got off his desk, “understood, Nakamoto-nim.” You left his office.
“–Y/N-ssi, come here,” Nayeon called, waving her hand as she was seated near a table with Ms. Momo, Mr. Haruto, and Mr. Dori. “So Y/N-ssi here suggested that we should get Park Gyuri for this commercial, what do you think, Mr. Sakurada?” She asked, leaning forward eagerly you walked up to them when a strange unknown number showed on your phone screen, the display left a sour expression on your face.
“–Please, excuse me I have to take this call,” you bowed several times before excusing yourself. You headed up to the outdoors rooftop. The number was still calling you even after rejecting and hanging up for the 8th time now. You took a deep breath before finally answering. “–What is it now?” You replied coldly as you heard a soft chuckle. “You really haven’t changed, still a brat with no sense of discipline or respect–”
“–I have discipline and I do respect people, just not when it’s you, Appa.” You interrupted your dad as he scoffed, “that disgusting attitude is just like your stupid mother.” He huffed, “stop calling and bothering me if you’re just going to fucking nag at me!” You yelled as he sighed, “send me some money and I might stop calling you.” Your dad snickered as you exhaled in deep disappointment and frustration.
You knew this to be far from the truth, now and then he’ll always find your contact information or your email. Scolding you, verbally abusing you, and guilt-tripping you into giving him money so that he won’t interfere with you or your personal life. Even after paying for him countless times, he never keeps his word or promises that he will actually stay away from you.
“Please… Please just stop, Appa, I won’t give you any more money. I had enough of all this.” You stammered, lowering your head as you looked over the tall buildings. Your dad remained silent for a slight moment. “There’s no point in speaking to me or trying to financially manipulate me again anymore. I’m an adult now, so I don’t want to keep in touch with you. Don’t ever call me again.” You hung up and blocked the number, crouching down in defeat. Tears formed in your eyes as you hugged your knees when the wind blew smoke in your direction, you quickly wiped your tears away as Yuta stood nearby smoking. You accidentally made eye contact with him as he exhaled the smoke, you stood up and began walking towards the exit.
“Ms. Park, are you a smoker too?” Yuta asked, walking as he stopped right in front of you. “No, I don’t smoke cigarettes,” you replied coldly, rubbing your elbow. “Please excuse me, Nakamoto-nim but I have to get back to work,” you said and bowed politely before walking down to the office. He looked at you heading down before exhaling.
One part of you wanted to tell him how you felt and that you needed a hug, but another part of you didn’t want to be a burden and ask for others to pity you.
You walked down and saw Momo and Nayeon seated at their respective desks, doing paperwork, they flashed you a smile as you smiled back. “–So Miss Park, you talked about featuring this certain actress for the advertisement?” Mr. Sakurada sat next to you, holding his iPad and checking the beauty products for marketing. You looked over and nodded, “yes Sir, I was thinking maybe Ms. Park Gyuri from KARA,” you spoke while smiling slightly.
“Ms. Myoui, the Boss wants to have a word with you,” Haruto said, pointing to Yuta’s office. “Yes, I’ll be there in a second,” Mina stood up from her desk as she walked over to you. “Hey, Ms. Park, here I know you really like these,” Ms. Myoui said, placing a small bag of Japanese potato chips on your desk as you thanked her with a small bow. “Thank you, Ms. Myoui,” you smiled and appreciated her kindness. Dori looked over as she walked inside his office.
“You wanted to talk to me, Boss?” Mina closed the door as Yuta turned his swivel chair to face her, “yes, I want to ask you to do me a favor, please,” he said, steepling his hands together. “What is it, Boss?” She crossed her arms and stood in front of his desk. “Please keep an eye on Ms. Park, she seemed rather off, and upset when I stumbled upon her earlier on the rooftop area.” He voiced in concern, thinking about you.
“I see, I got it Boss, don’t worry,” Mina bowed. “Thank you Ms. Myoui, I knew I could count on you, “I’ll take my leave, Boss, then.” She said and left his office.
A few hours had passed…
“Alright, so I’ve spoken to Ms. Park Gyuri’s manager and she’s available next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday to film the advertisement,” you said, holding your clipboard to your chest. “Excellent, great work Miss Park,” Mr. Sakurada said, holding his hands together as he smiled at you. “Thank you, Sir, it’s an honor to be working with you on this great project,” you bowed deeply and smiled as Yuta walked out of his office.
“Ah, Yuta, I believe we should discuss the appointment with Ms. Park Gyuri,” Mr. Sakurada said to Yuta as they bowed, he nodded, “–if it’s not too urgent, may I suggest we talk over the phone, Dori-Ani?” He put on his coat while holding an umbrella when Mr. Sakurada folded his arms, “I see, you must have planned something with your daughter,” he nodded and smiled. “Alright Yuta, let’s discuss the matter over the phone then,” Yuta bowed and thanked him. You made slight eye contact with him as you bowed, seeing him walk past you.
“Great work today everyone, I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Yuta waved, walking away from the office, “say hi to little Yuka for us,” Momo waved and smiled, seeing him leave.
You felt a little weird, seeing him leave the office so soon. It was definitely uncommon for him to be in such a rush. This Yuka girl must mean a lot to him… Should you text him later…? You felt bad for the way you ignored him at the rooftop.
“So where are we eating tonight, Papa?” Yuka asked, opening the door to the passenger seat as she sat, “it’s a surprise, Yuka-chan,” Yuta said, kissing her forehead as she smiled and buckled her seatbelt. He drove off and smiled, looking at the mirror and thinking about you.
Y/N seemed off earlier, but she doesn’t seem to want to talk about it either. I might give her a call afterward. Yuta thought to himself, making a right turn.
Yuka and Yuta entered “Kushikatsu Kushien” restaurant, “good evening, reservation for Mr. Nakamato, please,” he bowed as the waiter bowed back and nodded, “yes, please follow me, Sir,” Yuka followed her father to a small table in the corner, “mmm, did you really have to make a reservation for this type of restaurant, Papa?” She sat and cupped her cheek, looking around. “I know back in Osaka, you can just drop by in these types of restaurants. But since we’re in Seoul and right around 6 PM is the hour when lots of customers enter.” He explained briefly as she nodded.
“I see, I wonder if their Kushikatsu is as good as Osaka’s,” Yuka hummed, “what do you want to drink?” Yuta asked, pointing at the menu cart, “I’ll go with strawberry Ramune, are you going for a beer, Papa?” She snickered as he shook his head, “no way, I’m not drinking when I’m our designated driver, Yuka-chan~” he chuckled in teasing manners as she giggled. “I’ll take the Coca-Cola.” He smiled and poked her forehead.
“So is Uncle Dori in Seoul?” Yuka steepled her hands, leaning forward as he nodded, “yeah, he arrived here a few days ago, today was his first day at the office,” he explained, “what kinds of skewers would you like, Yuka-chan?” Yuta asked, “mmm, let’s go for chicken, shrimp, and vegetable skewers,” she hummed and folded her arms as the waiter walked over, “are you ready to order Miss and Mister?” He asked, holding his notebook. “We would like to have 4 pieces of chicken skewers, 2 shrimp skewers, 2 zucchini skewers, 2 pumpkin skewers, and 3 quail eggs skewers, please,” Yuta said as the waiter quickly noted it down, “thank you, Miss, and Mister, can I offer you something to drink in the meantime?”
“Yes, please, one Coca-Cola for Papa and one strawberry Ramune for me, thank you,” Yuka replied and bowed, “understood, Miss, I’ll be right back,” he bowed and left. “Man, you’re right a lot of customers come here right at this time!” She looked around to see the whole restaurant’s tables filled with customers. “Mhm, your Papa’s very clever by making a reservation in this informal restaurant, huh?” Yuta smirked cockingly as she scoffed sassily, “right, I suppose Papa’s right this time,” she rolled her eyes before chuckling, the waiter came back and placed the drinks on the table.
“I miss Japan,” Yuka sighed, looking at him, “mhm, you miss your mother?” Yuta asked as he looked into her eyes as she avoided it, “not really, I like being and staying with you more, Papa,” she mumbled and pouted, he chuckled before ruffling her bangs. “Mhm, don’t say that she probably misses you a lot, Yuka-chan,” he added, smiling at her as she looked to her left side. “Probably, but I really want to go to Osaka and stay with Grandma,” she hummed, tapping her finger on the table as he chuckled. “Mhm, I see, when do you want to go to Japan?” He asked, checking his phone for flights while taking a sip from his Coca-Cola.
“You’re going with one of your friends right?” Yuta asked, looking at her, “mmm, maybe Chisa or Jurin, they have to get permission from their parents first, Papa,” Yuka pouted and nodded. “That’s true they don’t have a cool and chill Papa like me,” he chuckled and smirked, “Papa, you’re so full of yourself,” she crossed her arms and let out a soft scoff as the waiter placed the food down, “here are your skewers, enjoy,” the waiter said and bowed, “thank you so much,” she smiled and bowed.
“Itadakimasu!” Yuka said before grabbing a zucchini skewer and taking a bite. “How’s school lately, been doing okay with your classes?” Yuta asked, eating a chicken skewer as she hummed and nodded, “it’s been okay, I just need help with my English, I got a -C on my last English test…” She pouted, looking down as he patted her shoulder, “that’s okay, as long as you tried your best that’s all that really matters, Sweetie,” he smiled softly as she nodded and giggled, “I’ll always do my best, Papa!” Yuka smiled.
“Can I sleep at Jurin’s house tonight?” Yuka asked as Yuta parked the car, “did you two plan this, or is it all of a sudden?” He asked, opening the car door and helping her step out. “Jurin’s mother has a late shift tonight and she is staying with her nanny Lim. Jurin says that her mother is okay with me sleeping over,” he unlocked the door and held it as she walked inside, “mhm, it’s 8:30 PM,” he pushed the elevator button, “–you’ll have to pack your PJs and school uniform then if you want to have a sleepover.” He hummed as he walked inside the elevator, and she followed along.
“Yes, Papa, thank you!” Yuka hugged his arm in pure excitement as the elevator went up. Yuta chuckled and ruffled her hair, they exited said elevator and walked inside their apartment. She ran upstairs to pack her clothes, bag, and books. He sat on the couch, checking his phone while waiting for her downstairs. He looked at his contact list, considering if he should text you.
“Don’t stay up too late, I’ll pick you two up tomorrow early morning and then drop you off at school, understood?” Yuta said, before kissing Yuka’s cheek and giving her a small hug. “Mmm-mmm!” Yuka nodded eagerly and hugged Jurin, “hai Nakamoto-san!” Jurin replied as they both nodded, “drive home safe, Mister,” Nanny Lim said and bowed, “I will, thank you. Please look after them, Ms. Lim,” Yuta bowed as she did the same, he walked over to the car and waved before driving off.
“Nee, Yuka-chan, let’s make hot chocolate!” Jurin said, hugging her arm, Yuka nodded. “May we make hot chocolate, nanny Lim?” She asked as Ms. Lim nodded, “of course, let’s get inside and make it, girls.” She smiled as they all went inside.
You had just finished dance practice at the nearby dance studio. Once you exited the building, it started pouring down, “fucking shibal!” You cussed, trying to shield yourself from the rain with your black leather jacket. You walked a few meters when a car pulled up to the sideway, the numberplate seemed similar to you. You stopped walking as the driver walked out, holding a black umbrella. “What’s a stubborn lady doing here cussing in this downpour?” Yuta said before scoffing and holding the umbrella over you. “Nakamoto-nim… Good evening,” you bowed, putting your black leather jacket over your shoulders.
“Let’s go somewhere else, Y/N,” Yuta said, patting your shoulder as he held the car door open. You bowed and sat in the passenger seat, he closed the umbrella and the door then walked to the other side. He opened the door before sitting in the driver’s seat and began driving off.
“Weren’t you having dinner with Miss Yuka?” You asked as he stopped at the red light. “We did and she’s having a sleepover at her friend; Jurin’s house,” Yuta explained briefly as you held his hand, he looked at your hand and smiled. “Want to go to a hotel, Princess?~” He cooed as you nodded immediately while blushing. He drove a few streets down and parked the car.
“What time are your classes tomorrow?” Yuta asked as you walked out of the car, he held the umbrella over the two of you. You held his hand, slightly hugging his arm. “My classes start at 10:30 AM,” you whispered, looking around the fancy lobby, “–I’ll have to leave at 7:30 AM, I need to drop Yuka and Jurin at school tomorrow, just make sure to check out by 9:15 AM.” He said, closing the umbrella as you nodded. You two walked inside the hotel’s reception.
“I’d like to book a luxury room for tonight, check out tomorrow by 9:15 AM.” Yuta told the receptionist as she nodded, “right, your room number is 169 on the 4th floor.” She handed him the keycard, and you two walked to the elevator. “Sorry for my rude behavior on the rooftop earlier…” You mumbled as the elevator went up, “no need to apologize,” he placed a hand on your right shoulder before pulling you closer. “Gosh, you’re so cold, Princess,” he chuckled as you giggled, “I thought I was hot, I just finished dance practice.”
Yuta swiped the keycard and held the door as you went inside and took your heels off. “Did you eat dinner?” He asked, taking his coat off and hanging it on the coat rack. “I had a sandwich from 7/11. Do you mind if I take a shower first?” You asked, taking off your black leather jacket as he sat on the lean chair, “I don’t mind, go ahead, I’ll order us something nice, Princess,” he smiled, dialing the phone.
You went inside and started to undress, you took a warm bath and washed yourself thoroughly with the coconut-scented bar of soap. Nakamoto-nim’s so thoughtful, I really wanna make him happy tonight. You finished showering and dried yourself with the mini towel. Never knew that Nakamoto-nim would have a daughter… He’s so full of surprises.
You walked out, wearing the white bathrobe. “–Yeah, Dori-Ani, I think Wednesday at 3:45 PM. I mean, maybe we should book a small appointment on Friday too?” Yuta spoke on the phone while standing on the balcony, smoking. You walked out, hugging him from behind as he looked over his shoulder and smiled at you. I told myself to keep a distance from Y/N and to not make things more complicated for us all… Yet, here I am still wanting to be by her side.
“Well Dori-Ani, how about we discuss it further tomorrow morning?” Yuta said, exhaling as he turned around you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. “Mhm, I’ve to hang up, Ani… Something urgent came up–” he hung up and tossed his cigarette into the cigarette trash can.
“Mhm, that was a quick shower, Doll” Yuta hummed, carrying you in his arms as he sat on the couch, you were on his lap as you wrapped your arms around him before kissing him deeply. “Did you order room service?” You whispered, looking into his eyes as he nodded, averting his eyes to the table with different kinds of packets of beverages.
“What do you want to drink?” He asked, turning the kettle on as you kissed him. “Hot chocolate, please,” you slowly slid the bathrobe off your shoulders, revealing yourself in a clean lime green sports bra and black Kuromi panties. “Mhm, aren’t you cold?” He nudged your ass as you bit your lips, rubbing your hand underneath his shirt.
“I’m not cold when I’m on such a fine man’s lap~” You pursed your lips and locked your hands around his neck before slowly kissing him, “mhm, mhm, Princess,” Yuta hummed and smirked, watching you unbutton his shirt in amusement. “–Before we continue this, mind telling me about what exactly happened earlier on the rooftop?” He demanded, pulling back as he looked into your eyes you blinked your eyes a few times.
“Do I really have to…? I mean I already apologized to you, Nakamoto-nim…” You pouted, “mhm, Y/N, Doll. I’m not referring to your dismissive attitude.” He pulled you by the chin. “–I’m talking about why you were crouched down and all teary when I approached you,” Yuta scoffed as he patted your lower back. “…” You remained silent, looking down before speaking up. “I was on the phone with my Appa… Okay?” You explained, looking at him anxiously.
“I see, it must’ve been something serious and personal, correct?” Yuta asked, pouring hot water into the two cups filled with cocoa powder. You got off his lap and sat next to him on the couch. “No… It’s rather stupid and embarrassing. But I can trust you, right, Nakamoto-nim?” You asked, looking into his eyes as you held his hand.
“I’m all ears, don’t worry you’re safe with me but don’t feel obligated to tell me if you don’t want to, Princess,” Yuta reassured, caressing your hand. You took a deep sigh before starting to speak. “Appa and I are estranged. He and I don’t get along so that’s one of the reasons why I live on my own. He has a gambling addiction and is an alcoholic. It was so bad that I couldn’t live with him anymore.” You explained as your voice stammered a little.
“At first he would call to ask how I was doing before his drinking addiction worsened. But then his calls started to center around if could send him money or lend him money. He would always emotionally abuse me and manipulate me.”
“Even after changing my phone number multiple times, he’d always find a way to get a hold of me. If I don’t answer his stupid calls, he will go to my university to try and find me. To show them that I’m a horrible daughter for not taking care of her father, his phone calls are just him yelling and scolding me.” You gritted your teeth as tears started to run down your cheeks.
“I’m just tired of always hearing him nag and constantly belittling and degrading me,” you cried, wiping the tears away from your eyes. “S-Sorry…” You mumbled, “it’s fucking pathetic…” You whimpered, rubbing your eyes as Yuta hugged you closely. He patted your shoulder as he wiped the tears away with a napkin. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He said, looking into your eyes as he cupped your face before touching your forehead with his.
“He doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life if he’s such an asshole and terrible father to you, Y/N.” You looked down. “He doesn’t deserve your tears,” you looked up and felt a form of relief hearing those comforting words from Yuta. “Thank you for understanding me… Nakamoto-nim,” you nodded as he caressed your hair, you moved closer and kissed him passionately. He smiled, receiving those kisses from you. “Mhm, Princess,” he cooed, holding onto your lower back as you completely removed your bathrobe, letting it fall to the floor as you cupped his face and started to make out with him.
“You’re so dangerously hot, Nakamoto-nim…” You sighed, feeling him place kisses on your collarbones as Yuta smirked. “Mhm, not as hot as you,” he smirked, watching you lie down he lowered himself to leave kisses on your stomach. You looked down and blushed, “Nakamoto-nim…” You called, caressing his hair as you felt his kisses on your hip bone and abdomen.
“Please make me feel good tonight…” You pleaded as Yuta made eye contact with you, “I will, don’t worry, Princess.” He said holding your hand as he went down on you, feeling him cuddle your hip bone tattoos as he kissed them, you patted his hair and let out a small whine. He left a very visible hickey on your left hip bone and smiled at you.
“Really love that gorgeous hibiscus tattoo of yours, Princess,” Yuta scoffed, gently rubbing it as you hummed, watching him get on top of you again, “love it even more when you leave hickies on me, Nakamoto-nim,” you locked your wrists around his neck as he kissed you deeply. “Boss is going to treat you very special tonight,” he whispered into your ear as you blushed, seeing him carry you in bridal style as he gently placed you on the bed.
He slowly started to make out with you. “Ooh Nakamoto-nim…” You sighed, his kisses were getting hotter and deeper, you swirled your tongue around his and looked into his eyes as he huffed. “Ooh, ahh…” You moaned, seeing the mixed saliva drip from both of your chins.
Yuta’s eyes focused on yours then dropped to your cleavage, you quickly noticed and pulled his head to your chest. “M-Mmh, ooh Nakamoto-nim…” You whined, feeling his face cuddle your breasts. His hands slid under your back, unclasping your bra’s lock. He removed your bra and gently tugged it away on the nightstand, a happy smirk was stuck on his lips.
“Mmh~” You huffed and let both of your arms rest on either side of the bed as he smiled at the sight of your exposed breasts. “Goodness, they’re so fucking amazing, Princess,” Yuta cooed, fondling and feeling your breasts as you closed your eyes and furrowed your eyebrows. “Perfectly perky and round for me, mhm?” He cooed, rubbing your nipples with his thumbs.
“Ahh… Aah,” you moaned, feeling him rub circles around your nipples, “they’re so beautiful, Doll,” Yuta whispered before placing a kiss on your lips, “you really think so…?” You asked, blushing at his compliments as he nodded immediately before kissing your left nipple. “They’re so lovely, round and so soft, it makes me go crazy,” he cooed before swallowing it and sucking on it. You moaned at the physical contact of his warm and wet tongue to your sensitive nipple. You pulled a fistful of his hair as he fondled and squeezed your right breast. “Your lips feel so great, aah…” You moaned loudly as he kept playing with your breasts, you could feel the slight steaminess in your panties.
You looked into Yuta’s eyes, fluttering them and clearly indicating that you were needy. “Ooh Yuta, mmh, mmh,” you hummed in between his kisses, “how do you feel, Princess?” Yuta whispered, sliding his hand into your panties as you felt his palm rubbing up and down on your pussy. “I-I feel good, please don’t stop touching me…” You whined and ground against his palm as he pressed hot kisses on your neck.
“I like it when you touch me like that, I feel so good,” you panted as Yuta made out with you. “Tonight, just let me take care of everything, okay?” He whispered as you nodded eagerly and watched him closely as he pulled back. You looked down as he held onto the waistband of your panties, slowly undressing you. “Mhm, mhm, you’re giving me so many kisses, Princess,” he cooed, seeing how you were constantly smooching his lips. 
Yuta reached for the nightstand, grabbing a condom while unbuckling his belt. He removed his boxers and sighed, rolling the condom on his dick. He climbed over you, “Yuta…” You said, wrapping your arms around his neck. He placed a few soft kisses on your breasts, “aah, Yuta… Ahh…” You moaned, feeling him suck on your hardened nipple.
Yuta held onto your ass, maintaining small eye contact with you. “I’m going in, okay?” He whispered into your ear as you nodded desperately. “Just go in one push, I can handle it, Nakamoto-nim…” You pleaded and cupped his face, he pressed his lips together and lowered himself onto you. He carefully inserted all of his dick inside your pussy. He looked at your stomach and then at your eyes. “My such a needy woman you are tonight.”
“Nngh… A-ahh!” You moaned, grasping onto his back as Yuta groaned and panted a bit, “you okay, Princess?” He whispered, you nodded, moaning as he started to move. “Y-You’re so filling, Nakamoto-nim…” You smiled in relief, holding onto his shoulders as a tiny tear appeared in your left eye. You wrapped your left leg around him as he groaned.
“Your pussy’s always so good to me, Doll,” Yuta scoffed, moving in and out of your pussy as you moaned. “I love your dick so much, Nakamoto-nim…!” You screamed in pleasure as he smirked before making out with you, “mhm, still formal with your Boss even in the bedroom, mhm?” He cooed as you blushed red, “such a good girl, you really love my dick, huh?” He scoffed, slipping in and out of your pussy while you nodded eagerly.
He put his lips on yours, casually making out with you. He slipped his tongue on yours, slowly swirling around it as you gasped and moaned. His saliva dripped from your chin as you blushed red. “Well, I don’t want to be disrespectful and especially not my Boss…” You panted, looking into his eyes as he caressed your cheek before planting another kiss on your lips. “Mhm.” He smirked, giving a few rough thrusts as you moaned loudly.
“Let me hear you scream ‘Yuta’ that’s what I really want to hear tonight, Babydoll,” Yuta demanded as you looked into his eyes, you gripped onto the pillows when you received a few rough thrusts. Your juices were running down your thighs, “ah! Yuta! Aah! Yuta!” You screamed in pleasure as he smirked, “good girl, that’s what I like to hear,” he watched the way your breasts bounced up and down, each time he fucked you. “Y-Yuta, please!” You spread your legs widely as he dove deeper into you. “Mhm, you’re really vocal tonight, Princess,” he smirked at the way you constantly moaned and called his name. “Really love that, Doll~”
Yuta lifted you into his arms, fucking you while holding you. “Aah! Aah! Y-Yuta… Please!” You screamed, grasping onto his shoulders as you threw your head back. “Mhm, you’ve been so good, thought I’d give you a ‘special’ treatment tonight~” He whispered and smirked, rolling his hips as you could hear the constant sound of skin slapping. He was really pushing you beyond your limits tonight.
“Aah… Yuta, aah…” You moaned, arching your back as you maintained eye contact with him. “Mhm, keep moaning my name like that, Doll,” Yuta hummed, you wrapped your legs around him as his thrusts were fast and rough. He observed your lewd expressions as he felt himself get harder. You felt yourself getting overwhelmed and started to climax “Y-Yuta… Aah!” You screamed, squirting all over his size. “Goodness, what a sexy sight, Princess,” he chuckled, rubbing his hand on your inner thigh that was covered in your wetness.
You closed your eyes as Yuta made out with you, he held you close and continued fucking you. “A-Are you close…?” You panted and patted his ass, feeling so overstimulated as he scoffed, fondling your left breast. “Soon, just hold on, Doll.” He hissed through his teeth as his thrusts were starting to get sloppy. “For a man you really know how to last long…” You panted, rolling your eyes in slight fatigue. “Mhm, it’s because this sweet pussy really keeps me entertained for so long,” he cooed, seeing the mess run down your thighs as you blushed red.
A few seconds passed as he climaxed into the condom, and you were panting heavily “Fuck,” Yuta cussed as he placed you down on the bed again. He was above you, panting heavily. “Mmh, you’re so fucking incredible, Y-Yuta,” you breathed heavily and cupped his face before kissing him. “Mhm, likewise, Doll,” he smirked and lay next to you. “You’re so incredible in bed, my God,” you hummed, flipping onto your stomach.
“Such a beautiful woman,” Yuta cooed, placing kisses on your lower back’s ‘Daddy’ tattoo, “aah…” You whined, looking over your left shoulder as he groped your ass. “You have so many pretty tattoos,” he kissed your left shoulder, staring at the ‘69’ tattoo. He ran his hand on your stomach as it slowly reached your breast.
“Ahh… Y-Yuta…” You moaned, “wanna go for a second round?” He whispered into your ear as you nodded, standing on all fours, “you’re taking me from behind, right?” You looked back as he rubbed your ass, smearing his cum from earlier onto your buttlocks “mhm, gonna fuck your ass, Doll~” He smirked, disposing the used condom into the trash can. He sighed, grabbing a new condom and wearing it while getting into position.
Yuta placed his hands on top of yours before slipping his dick inside your pussy, “can you handle it, Princess?” He cooed, nibbling on your earlobe as you gasped, “aah, ahh…” You felt the few thrusts send chills down your spine, “this position is really amazing~ ahh…” You moaned, gripping onto the bedsheets as he kept fucking you, “good to hear you like this position,” he groaned and scoffed, “–your ass makes me so hard, Doll,” he held onto your waist. “I’m not really a fan of getting it from behind…” You whined, closing your eyes in slight frustration, “but you make it so enjoyable and pleasuring, Yuta… Ahh~” you moaned, feeling him roll his hips as you could feel him move deeply inside you.
“Mhm, Boss knows your body very well, Princess,” Yuta cooed, kissing the top of your ear as he moved up and down, the bed creaking a bit as you were both sweating and moaning. “Ooh Yuta…!” You screamed in pleasure, resting your head on the mattress, “you’re fucking incredible at taking this dick, Princess,” he praised you, squeezing your ass, you moaned and panted heavily.
“Yuta, please go rougher, I can take it…” You begged, “I want you to go harder,” he scoffed, “you like it when I’m rough?” He fucked you roughly as you screamed and nodded desperately. A few minutes had passed as you laid completely flat on your stomach, feeling him finally cum into the condom. “Ooh Yuta…” You panted, tears rolling down your eyes as he kissed your left cheek.
“Whew, that felt fucking amazing,” Yuta panted, slowly pulling out of your ass as he removed the condom to squirt on your ass and lower back. He watched his semen dripping on your ass. “My, I sure made a mess on you, Doll,” he cooed and licked his lips, discarding the condom into the trash can. He squeezed your ass as it was slightly covered in his ejaculation. You looked back and blushed, “you aimed to squirt on my ‘daddy’ tattoo, didn’t you?” You stared at him in disbelief and scoffed while still breathing heavily. He let out a soft chuckle and smiled at you blushing, “maybe~ that fine ass really needed my autograph,” you sat up as he kissed you deeply.
“Mmh, then why not just remove the condom altogether when you fuck me, Yuta…?~” You whispered, looking into his eyes while fluttering your eyes. “Mhm, I’m not getting a coworker of mine pregnant, Princess.” Yuta replied, pulling you by the chin as you pouted your lips receiving another kiss from him.
"You know birth control exists, right?” You added, rubbing the back of his neck as he smiled sweetly, “I know but let’s just enjoy safe sex, Doll,” he insisted as you rolled your eyes, “Nakamoto-nim so boring~” you teased as he laughed before standing up and lifting you over his left shoulder, “mhm, I’ll show you something that’s not so boring later,” he slapped your ass on the way to the bathroom.
You two finished washing off as you were ready for a third round of sex, this night felt incredible to the both of you, nonetheless.
Yuta was softly making out with you, a few giggles left your lips. “Mhm, Babydoll,” he cooed, admiring your simple yet complex beauty. He had a hard time believing you were a few years younger than him.
“I love spending time with you, Yuta.” You confessed and blushed red when Yuta smiled, picking the blonde highlights of your hair and stroking them, “so unbelievably charming,” he smirked as you flicked his forehead, “–too late for any compliments on my hair now, hmmph.” You scoffed sassily as he chuckled and looked at you with puppy eyes, “what? You didn’t compliment my hair at the office and you’re trying to make up for it now?” You whined, folding your arms as he pouted a bit.
“Mhm, you’re really one woman who needs constant attention and reassurance, huh?” Yuta cooed, patting your hair as you poked the inside of your cheek and remained silent. “Mhm, no words for your Boss?” He cupped your face, staring into your eyes as you looked down and blushed. He sat you on his lap and kissed you, “if you keep giving me the silent treatment, I’ll make you scream for me again, Princess,” you closed your eyes as he started to make out with you. His right hand dropped from the side of your jawline and slid down to your inner thigh, he started rubbing the area.
“Mmh… Mmh… Y-Yuta…” You whimpered, seeing him detach his tongue from yours. “Finally decided to speak up?” Yuta scoffed, pulling you by the chin with his left hand as you nodded. “Mmh. You’re such an asshole.” You crossed your arms as he chuckled, holding onto your ass. “You’re always playing so hard to get,” you pouted flusteredly, “why didn’t you compliment my hair at the office?” You huffed bratty as he chuckled.
“Because I can’t afford to be seen unprofessional and flirting with a colleague at work, Doll,” Yuta whispered as you licked your bottom lips. “Especially not when my high school friend is there, and you know that we can’t flirt in public or at the office, Princess.” He explained as you kissed his lips. “Do you like me?” You asked, holding onto his shoulders as he looked at you before dropping his gaze to your breasts.
“Don’t ask such silly questions,” Yuta huffed, gently rubbing his thumb over your areola, you whined, “of course I like you.” He continued, looking directly into your eyes before kissing you. “–But we can’t be a couple,” he added, looking at you deeply as you pouted at his response. “Is it because I’m not your type…?” You asked, fluttering your eyes as he held you close. “You’re too young for a man like me, Doll.” He replied honestly.
Hearing that sentence hurts your heart a little. You’ve always seen Nakamoto Yuta as the ideal man of your dreams, although he’s a bit older than you. You couldn’t help but hope he would one day fall for you, somehow.
“–Besides, you should find yourself a good-looking boyfriend, a kindhearted and responsible man.” Yuta pulled back before placing a soft kiss on your lips. “You’re so mean,” you huffed coldly, getting off his lap as you stood in between his legs. He poked the inside of his cheek, “mhm, your Boss being ‘mean’ is nothing new, Doll,” he cooed, groping your ass before stroking it. 
“I didn’t know you were the type to bring up the age-gap between us.” You scoffed, clenching your fist stubbornly. “ Yuta chuckled, spreading his legs widely as you were clearly distracted by his big hard dick. “Mhm, young women like you get so easily attached, hmm?” 
“I’m not that young, you make it sound like I’m an immature brat… I’m fucking 27 years old!” You huffed, crossing your arms as he chuckled, “mhm, my, my.~ You get so easily frustrated and agitated, huh?” He reached over to stroke your chin, you looked into his eyes innocently.
“You’re young and dumb that’s why you get easily attached to older men like me, Princess.” Yuta scoffed, looking at you with slight amusement as you pouted your lips. “You’re not that old…” You rubbed your arm, then blushed red as he moved his hips forward a little. “Mhm, 31 years, you don’t mind the four years gap between us?” He huffed cockily as you shook your head eagerly. He scoffed and he made you kneel in front of him.
"You need to learn some discipline,” he shoved his dick into your mouth as you started to suck him eagerly and obediently, “you look so pretty full of Boss’ dick,” he pulled your hair as tears formed in your eyes as he thrust a few times, causing you to gag as he sighed, slightly rolling his neck, “youngsters like you are stubborn, desperately falling in love with bad men like me,” he scoffed, watching you glare at him as he smiled.
“Mhm, what a sexy expression,” Yuta cooed as you started to deepthroat him. He rubbed the back of your neck and smiled, admiring how you were drooling all over his dick, “you really know how to make a man like me cum,” he scoffed, fucking your mouth a little as he started to cum down your throat. Your breasts were slightly covered in his semen as you giggled, licking your lips while tasting his load. “My, Boss is mean, I really left a mess on you,” he helped you stand up and placed you onto his lap.
You hugged him as Yuta leaned in for a few kisses, “mmh, I like it when you’re mean to me, Yuta…” You pouted, cuddling his chest as he patted your back. “–It makes me excited and super turned on~” you cooed and snickered, he looked into your eyes and chuckled, “what a naughty lady,” he stroked your chin before slowly making out with you. “Mmh, Yuta…” You lay on your back on the bed as he was next to you, cuddling your face, “mhm?” He hummed, embracing you close, “why can’t you be my boyfriend?” You hummed, resting your jaw in your palm as he chuckled.
“Y/N, don’t be foolish,” he scoffed, dismissing your sudden question as you fluttered your eyes and supported yourself with both hands on the mattress. “–But I’m not… I’m being serious, Yuta…” You admitted straightforwardly, deeply looking into his eyes. “You know…” Yuta whispered, stroking the blonde strands of your hair as he looked deeply at you. “You should find yourself a good boyfriend of appropriate age,” you pouted as he kissed your forehead. “But I want to date you…” You sulked as he chuckled, seeing you blush red as he gave you a short kiss on the lips.
“I’m a complicated and difficult man, Park Y/N, dating me isn’t easy.” Yuta confessed and cupped your cheek before continuing to speak, “I’m a single dad with a daughter from a previous marriage after all,” he sighed, pulling back whilst staring at the ceiling. “I don’t care if you’re a divorced man, I just want to be yours…” You insisted, placing your hands on his chest before kissing him softly. “You’re just confused, Y/N,” he told you, pressing his forehead against yours, “I’m not the right man for you,” he spoke when you looked into his eyes.
“–Yet, you find me attractive, don’t you?” You mumbled, placing his hand on your left breast as you fluttered your eyes, “of course I do, Princess,” Yuta scoffed, playing with your nipple as you gasped, “your fierce and passionate personality paired with that beautiful body of yours,” he leaned in, kissing your jawline before leaving a hickey on your collar bones, “–it’s hard for a man like me to not get attracted to you.” He admitted as you blushed red before making out with him.
The next morning...
“Gosh, aah!” You moaned, sitting on the counter as Yuta was roughly fucking you. “I know, Princess, it’s frustrating,” Yuta sighed, holding onto your knees as he kept going at a fast pace. “We’re going for only one round,” he placed a kiss on your lips as you closed your eyes, “–I have to drop the girls at school,” he threw his head back as you pulled him by the tie and made out with him. “I-It’s fine, as long as we get to bang before you go,” you wrapped your arms tightly around his shoulders. “–Then I’m more than happy,” you moaned, throwing your head as he hugged you close.
“My, didn’t know dicking you down could make a young lady this happy,” Yuta cooed and chuckled as you blushed red, closing your eyes flusteredly. “I can't help it… I’ve never been this turned on and so energetic before while having sex…” You whined, watching your breasts jiggle roughly as he held you closer, “mhm, you must really enjoy this, huh?” Your breasts were rubbing up and down against his chest as you whined and panted. “Are you dropping by the office later or is university holding you hostage?” He whispered, holding you in his arms as you rode him a little.
“I don’t know, I’m going to the office later that’s for sure…” You panted, watching the drops of yourself leak on the floor and down your ass. “Mhm, that’s my girl.” Yuta cooed and smirked before kissing you deeply. “Aah!” You screamed, climaxing when he groaned, cumming into his condom as you both panted heavily. “Y-You’re so incredible, Yuta,” you panted, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he smiled in relief. “Mhm, Boss knows this pussy too well, Princess,” he pulled out and discarded the used condom into the trash can. “What do you want to eat for breakfast?” He offered you the menu cart and sat on the couch, ready to dial the room service.
You jumped down from the counter and went to the bathroom to pee. Then you washed your pussy with hot water, “mmh, dunno, do they have waffles or pancakes?” You dried yourself with some tissues before slipping on your panties. “They have Belgian waffles with fruits, dark chocolate sauce, and whipping cream on the top.” Yuta said, putting on his boxers, you wore your sports bra. “They also have American-style pancakes with butter and syrup,” he added as you lay on the couch. “Mhm, I’ll go with Belgian waffles then,” you flipped onto your stomach, “American pancakes are too sweet for my taste,” dangling your feet back and forth. He put on his white t-shirt and took a quick glance on your ass before chuckling.
“Mhm, nothing’s sweeter than your pussy, Princess,” Yuta smirked, squeezing your ass, you stared at him and giggled, “you sure we can’t go for another quick round?” He shook his head and dialed the number, ordering breakfast for you. “Mhm, don’t tempt Boss like that, Doll,” he warned you, watching your hand rub and stroke the outline of his boxers.
Later that day...
“Papa, I’ve found a new tutor, her name’s Ms. Park,” Yuka said while face timing Yuta on the laptop, “ah, good job, Yuka-chan. You know what to do, right?” He asked her, “I’ll text you the important questions, right away,” he informed her and used his phone, playing with a pen in between his fingers. “So you basically want me to interrogate her?” She mumbled, “–sheesh Papa you’re too much,” she whined, rolling her eyes and frowning.
“You’re just going to ask her some questions, if she gets suspicious of you just tell her that you’re curious about her, that’s all,” Yuta added, taking a sip of his water bottle, “yes, understood Papa.” Yuka nodded, “anyways, where do you want to eat dinner?” He said, writing in his notebook as he looked at her, “mmm, I dunno,” she pouted and tugged some hair behind her ear, she looked rather irritated by something.
“You seem so tense today, is something wrong?” He asked, looking at her deeply as she shook her head. “I’m just tired, sorry for worrying you, Papa,” she mumbled before looking up, “take care, call me if you need me to come and get you,” he reassured as she nodded slightly, “see you, Papa.” She waved before hanging up.
“–Yah, there’s that weirdo Akiyoshi!” A boy walked up to Yuka when she stared at him, “what do you want now, Richard?” She scoffed, putting on her headphones as she tried to ignore him. “Listen to me, when I’m talking to you, bitch!” He yelled, snatching her headphones as she sneered, “hey, give it back!” Yuka yelled, reaching for them as he laughed, “wow you Japanese people seriously have no manners,” he waved them back and forth as she sighed.
“Richard, please give my headphones back,” she said as he raised an eyebrow, “that’s better, well then - how about you beg for it?” He laughed as someone pulled him by the hair, “–what is it that you don’t understand?” A girl tightened her grip around Richard’s hair as he whimpered like a little baby, “o-oww, stop it!” He yelled loudly.
“Chisa-chan…” Yuka mumbled, looking at her friend standing up for her. “Give Yuka-chan her headphones back before I make you bald, Richard,” Chisa demanded, pulling his hair tighter as he screamed, “okay! Okay! Here…” Richard placed the headphones on the table as she let go of his hair, he ran away cowardly.
“Chisa-chan, you saved me!” Yuka said happily before hugging her, “thank you,” she added as Chisa smiled in relief, “no problem, that chaebol guy’s full of himself,” she scoffed and sat across the table. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” She asked, looking at her as Yuka looked down.
“He just pulled me by the hair earlier during the break, but a teacher saw it…” She mumbled weakly, “I don’t feel the pain but I felt bad for lying to Papa about it…” Yuka confessed, reading her book. “You should tell him about that Richard, I’m sure your father could put him into place!” Chisa scoffed before opening a packet of strawberry Pocky, “you know that I don’t like being a burden to Papa…” She hummed before taking a piece of matcha Pocky, “I guess… then I’ll have to constantly watch you in case that chaebol brat shows up again.”
You wore a simple black floral crop top and a short skirt, along with a pair of sneakers as you grabbed your tote bag before heading out. These apartments were recently renovated, according to Yeonwoo. You followed the directions on Naver's map as you rang the doorbell. The door opened as you entered the building and headed up to the 9th floor.
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You gently knocked on the door as it opened, “mmm, you’re quite early, Ms. Park,” the little girl hummed, scanning you up and down. “Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Ms. Park Y/N, it’s nice to meet you, Ms. Akiyoshi.” You bowed as she left the door open for you to enter, “hi, my name’s Akiyoshi N. Yuka, please place your shoes on the shoe rack,” she said before walking into the living room.
You were surprised by how huge the apartment was, “here, please wear these slippers when you’re inside,” she said, placing a pair of slippers as you wore them, “ah thank you,” you bowed as she walked, naturally you followed her.
“Wow, you have a very nice place, Ms. Akiyoshi,” you looked around as she giggled, “mmm, you think so?” You nodded, “anyways, should we get started on your English lesson, Ms. Akiyoshi?” You asked, taking books out of your tote bag as she hummed, “ah yes, let’s go to the kitchen,” you followed her down the hallway that led to a fancy modern kitchen, a stainless steel gas top, and top-quality brand appliances. You noticed a few Japanese cookbooks on the shelf as she offered you to sit on the round leather stool near the kitchen counter. You bowed and sat.
Holy shit this chaebol kiddo must be fucking rich because this kitchen looks so unreal it’s like the one kitchen you can only see and afford in your dreams… 
“So do you have experience in teaching English, Ms. Park?” She asked you, “uh, yes. During high school I was abroad in the USA for about 2 years for an English program,” you answered as she noted it. “Do you live with your parents or do you live in a dorm?” She looked at you, “I live by myself, in a small apartment.”
This shit almost feels like a job interview. What’s with this chaebol kiddo…? Is she going to do a background check on me too?
“Alright, so you mentioned that you're a university student and that you have a part-time job at an advertisement company,” Akiyoshi hummed, flipping through a stack of papers, “wait, hold on, what do these questions have to do with our tutoring classes?” You asked, looking at her in confusion.
“Mmm, sorry, my dad told me to ask you these questions,” Akiyoshi hummed, smacking her lips as she rested her head in her palm, “but why?” You asked, looking at her in concern, “mmm, dunno you can say that I’m super wealthy,” she rolled her eyes and had a sly smile before meeting your eyes, “–and so I don’t need peasants to spread rumors or malicious comments about me and my father.” She scoffed sassily, staring at you.
“Ah I see, that makes sense,” you nodded sarcastically, fucking chaebol kid… “–sorry if I doubted you.” You mumbled, opening your English dictionary, “anyways, let’s get started,” you smiled as she moved closer and showed her homework, “today I need help with learning irregular verbs,” she hummed, pointing at her paper as you nodded.
“There are so many irregular verbs, how could I possibly memorize them all?” Akiyoshi pouted, writing down the past particle of to be. “Mmh, you can start by using them daily in conversations,” you suggested, smiling as she scoffed, “easy for you to say Ms. Abroad,” she rolled her eyes sassily.
Damn… Yeonwoo wasn’t joking when she said chaebol brats would be a challenge. In fact, it’s one hell of a challenge.
You stood up to stretch your arms. “Anyways, what’s your favorite subject, Ms. Akiyoshi?” You looked at her as she hummed, glancing at the ‘Daddy’ tattoo on your lower back. “Korean and chemistry,” she replied, handing her paper to you, “is it correct?” You looked and nodded, “yes, well done, Ms. Akiyoshi,” you folded your arms and smiled.
She traced her fingertips on your shoulder’s ‘69’ tattoo. “–Did you get those tattoos done here or in the States?” You looked at her, surprised, “well, most of them were done here, I only had my piercings done in the States,” you replied, pointing at the piercings in your right ear. “I see, I don’t really see the appeal in getting something that stays permanently on the body,” she twirled her hair around her finger, “well, they’re sorta meaningful you know,” you stroked the cross on your right arm.
“Mmm, my Papa says the same, he also has tattoos,” she tapped her fingertips on the counter, “care to stay a little for some tea?” She looked at you, “oh I’d love that, Ms. Akiyoshi,” you nodded and smiled, “hope you like Matcha,” she hummed, boiling some water on the stove, “Matcha… isn’t that some kind of Japanese tea?” You asked as she nodded, “correct, well I’m Japanese after all. It looks like you’ve been paying attention while stalking my profile, huh,” she added sassily as you laughed awkwardly, “you can say that…”
Man, what’s with this brat’s attitude? She’s seriously testing my patience…!
“Just kidding, don’t take it too personally, almost everyone knows what Matcha is,” she giggled, pouring hot water into a cup and whisking it with the powdered Matcha for you, “I wasn’t taking it personal…” you mumbled flusteredly as she scoffed, “oh you so were!” She laughed, handing you a cup as you thanked her.
“By the way, just call me Yuka, you don’t have to address me by my last name,” Yuka scoffed, “it’s too formal for me and I dislike that,” you nodded, “alright, I understand, Miss Yuka,” you sipped your tea and smiled, “wah, it’s really good, you’re excellent at brewing tea, Miss Yuka!” You praised her as she scoffed, “I know~ you could say that I'm a tea connoisseur,” she smirked as you giggled, “you sure are, never tasted Matcha made so delicious and this tasty.” You complimented her when she was staring at you up and down.
“What is it?” You asked, looking back at her. “Oh, nothing. It’s just that…” She spoke and stopped her sentence midway. –“That what?”
“–I’m just surprised to have such a pretty and stunning tutor this time, that's all, Ms. Park,” she pursed her lips and scoffed, you were slightly taken back by her sudden compliments. “Thank you, Yuka…” You blushed and showed a small smile, rubbing your arm shyly. “–That probably explains the many hickies you failed to hide, heh,” she raised an eyebrow before scoffing sassily, tapping the back of her neck while smirking.
“H-Hey Yuka, that’s so rude!” You yelled flusteredly as Yuka giggled, finishing her tea.
This feeling… Why does her sense of humor and teasing remind me of a certain and special someone…
“Thank you for teaching me today, Ms. Park,” Yuka bowed and looked at you wearing your shoes, “thank you for having me over,” you bowed too as she showed a small smile. “You know… your tanned skin is very beautiful, it reminds me of pretty Hyorin from SISTAR,” she admitted, looking at you. “Wah… You think so…? That’s too sweet, I’m getting flustered!” You giggled and blushed slightly. “Well, I’ll see you next time, bye-bye.” You smiled and waved, leaving her apartment.
Yuka smiled before dialing Chisa’s number, “so how did it go?” Chisa asked in curiosity, “mmm, it went quite well. I think this tutor’s quite extroverted this time, I like that,” she hummed, “anyways, when are you coming over? We can go buy snacks and game together,” Yuka smiled.
“Yah, I think I did okay on the tutoring gig,” you said nonchalantly on the phone with Youngji, “mmm, Unnie, you think so?” She huffed, applying mascara on her eyelashes, “coming to the nightclub in Itaewon, later?” You shrugged your shoulders while holding onto your tote bag, “mmh, dunno, maybe?” You walked towards the bus and got in.
A/N: My apologies for making it so damn looong, oof–!🤷🏻‍♀️😾
I think I'll try and make the upcoming parts a bit shorter because reading this and correcting it was a HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS. As per usual, thank you a million times for reading and looking at my fanfic. And most of all, thank you for all your patience and support. 💗
– Next part >
22 notes · View notes
atopvisenyashill · 2 months
🔥16, 24, 25 for the violence ask game
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
i mean the entire “dany will be the uncontested queen of westeros” boring bland been done a hundred times before ntm it’s not ~breaking the wheel~ she would essentially just be aegon the unlikely if he had dragons and we know that despite egg being a good goose at heart he wasn’t a particularly effective king! dany coming into her crown while everyone applauds does not engage with a single theme in this series. dany FAILING to get the crown? now that’s compelling!!!
for a slightly less “you talk that one to death” take, and probably a more cancelable one but i don’t think there has been any child on child bullying happening in this series. luke & jace think aemond is In On The Joke they have no idea that they’re hurting his feelings that much (which imo is clear when jace & aemond have that little missed moment at laena’s funeral! now that he knows aemond is bothered by the teasing bc jace, a bastard, is laughing at aemond, a true born targaryen, jace feels bad about it and aemond sees he feels bad about it and almost reaches for him!) and to me, that’s not bullying that’s children just not understanding boundaries yet. similarly, i don’t think sansa bullies arya; i think arya gives as good as she gets, and i also don’t think sansa is saying anything with malice. she makes those snide remarks about arya bc septa mordane does, and because sansa wants arya to be a “proper lady” so they can do proper lady stuff together. she’s very explicitly put out by arya running off with micah because she wanted to hang out!! arya and sansa both feel isolated at winterfell in their own ways bc they’re kids and a lot of kids feel like they don’t fit in - look at jon & theon too!
“what about aegon” what aegon does to aemond (and what aemond eventually does to aegon) is not “bullying” it’s way worse than that! bullying is like…when children see an “outsider” and isolate them with physical or verbal manipulation. what’s going on with those two is like out and out abusive family dynamics that’s not the same. “what about the driftmark brawl” i don’t know how to tell you that when an argument between children escalates to actual physical harm, it has left the realm of bullying and gone into “a fucking problem” 😭
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
objectively the most rancid is whenever anyone makes a single comparison involving arya & lyanna that isn’t comparing them to each other. sorry but “my favorite teenager is hotter than your favorite teenager” and “comparing these two practical toddlers to their parents is misogyny bc *fart noises*” is genuinely insane.
and for another less obvious take, i think there’s this weird discourse that pops up around kingsguard characters where people will just fully buy into the concepts of like, chivalry and courtly love being the ideal and say shit like “aemon is the best knight ever bc he died trying to save his evil brother” buddy if my lover OR brother died saving trump or even like, pritzker (who i genuinely like as a governor!) i would carve “died a loser” on their gravestone. why is it so virtuous to die for a bad man?? for a politician???? aegon was raping naerys practically NIGHTLY, let that bitch die!!!!!!! or the semi recent discourse about how arthur gerold and oswell were ~only protecting jon and lyanna~ or people unironically being like “jaime is a bad person for killing aerys” like how do you read affc and come away with this take.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
“bran/rhaenyra are boring” first of all if you got into the high fantasy series and are upset when characters are invested in the fantasy elements of their world, idk what to say but you played yourself. second of all mfers will say they only like the political story line but when rhaenyra talks about her birthright or bran uses magic to jack the throne suddenly it’s “we’ve already done this story before it’s boring”
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egg-emperor · 1 year
So, some of the people that judged you badly actually posted some form of similar Eggman content. Sounds like they only want to have the right about it I don't know how to explain this. Like it"s ok for them because they may see theirself as righteous or morally good I don't know so if it's from them it's ok no worries it's all love and peace but if it's from you or someone else it's not because you and others wrote something they don't like and that makes you the 'bad' guys and since they are the good ones they have to stop you regardless of the methods used because hey, they are the good ones they can't be wrong even if they truly did fcked up stuff to you right? Seriously, what the hell?
That sh"t is scary and you're actually right for calling out their behaviour, especially for all the things they did to you and spreading false things so others sided with them, making things worse than what they already were.
Who started that I don't know but no wonder they are full bullies and more.
Yeah it's just hypocrisy. Because while failing to tag something correctly is an issue like I have but always make sure to fix, some act like all my darker creations are wrong for me to make at all, despite having themes just as dark in their works.
I'll respect privacy but a few years ago there was an AU focused Sonic imprisoned in Forces and the tortuous abuse from Eggman. I was interested as someone who explores the concept too. But people tried to call this out and accuse the creators of all kinds of horrible things, just like what happened to me.
One main contributor is with the group that take issue with me and blocked me because of my take on Eggdad and possibly my staregg/eggline concept too. The other person I mentioned who is also involved with them, also blocked me after I interacted with their post where Metal bloodied up Sonic, which is ironic.
And another person in the circle drew "problematic content" years ago that I won't detail but some tried to bring it back and make accusations too. Like me, they even said they didn't like when people caused drama behind their back but proceeded to do the same as they contributed to the spread of the worst accusations I've gotten.
In both times people in that circle were called out, I defended their right to create/how it doesn't represent them as a person. They're not obligated to defend me but all I wanna know is if they can depict an actual 15 year old being abused or attacked with gore, why am I a bad guy for writing ageless AI Sage being manipulated by Eggman and a darker staregg/eggline concept?
The more I reflect on how hypocritical it is, the better I feel. Because I feel like some may only be taking issue with what I create as a reason to hate on me for other things about me that they don't like, or they're just against me because others say they should be and they want to avoid drama like before happening to them again.
A lot of them also seem to express moral righteousness too, so it's confusing and a bit concerning that they're okay with some things but not with others, and punish the others even if what they're okay with can be on the same level as or even worse. I just wish they hadn't fallen into this purity and call out culture and reflect on how we've actually been in the same boat.
And it's very sad for me not just for the horrible things I've been accused of but also because of how I looked up to these creators. Now I can't look at certain art on my blog I reblogged or the IDW cover without sadness and anxiety remembering what they did that hurt me.
But at least now I know to just stay in my little corner doing my own thing because these fandom cliques aren't worth the time when stuff like this happens lol
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writing-portfolio · 8 months
How do Artists and Writers Portray Escapism in Their Works?
Reality has always been an overwhelming experience, but over the past few years the amount of incredibly stressful events in the world have skyrocketed. The real world is insane. It's reasonable that we would come to rely on technology and stories as a brief respite. Whether it's Spending a few hours immersed in video games or getting lost in a book, almost everyone has indulged in escapism to some degree. Where things get interesting is when the media starts to form an opinion on us escaping into it. 
Dana Terrence’s Disney Cartoon, "The Owl House", tells the story of Luz, a neurodivergent and queer teenager who finds herself in a magical realm of witches and demons. She was meant to go to a summer camp to help her become more “normal” but instead spends the summer on the Boiling Isles, also called the Demon Realm. Here she has no trouble making friends, something she has always struggled to do in the Human Realm. She is also free to  express herself when doing so previously had always led to bullying from her peers. But when the summer ends she is forced to acknowledge her real life and the impact her absence has made on reality. By the end of the series, Luz has found a way to balance her life in the Demon Realm with her life in the Human Realm. 
Luz is a character who is very special to me and who I have a lot in common with. I would jump into that portal to the Demon Realm in an instant. Escapism is very appealing to kids who might feel alienated, especially in situations like school. The idea of being able to spend time in a world full of dragons, friends, and magic definitely sounds better than monotonous reality. For Luz, the Demon Realm is a chance to do what she wants with her life and be supported and understood while doing so.
"Deltarune" is a visual novel and RPG video game by Toby Fox. Similarly to Luz spending time in the Demon Realm, two of “Deltarune’s” protagonists, Kris and Susie, go on adventures in Dark Worlds. These Dark Worlds are filled with friends, puzzles, and magic. Both Susie and Kris are deeply neurodivergent coded and are both canonically queer. Susie also seems to have a very unstable home life. In the Dark Worlds these things are accepted or fade into the background. Each Dark World is designed around a common means of escape, like imagination or the internet.
There are a few concerning details in the game that condemn escapism, like two characters from the Dark Worlds. The first, Jevil, has seemingly lost the ability to tell the reality apart from games. He is completely disconnected from reality. The second, Spamton, is similar. He views the world as a game and does not view other people as “real”. Spamton has become lost in the endless void of the internet. He, like Jevil, has completely dissociated. These two characters may represent people who took escapism too far and lost touch. 
Videogames are themselves a common means of escape, so "Deltarune’s” theme is very much informed by its medium. No matter how you choose to play the game, escapism is always present. One route of the game, the Weird Route, casts escapism in a very negative light. In this route, Kris uses the excuse of unreality to emotionally manipulate and abuse Noel, a character who otherwise becomes close friends with Kris and the rest of the party. In the other routes of the game, escapism is only condemned indirectly through vague dialogue and characters like Spamton and Jevil.  
An RPG’s ability to tell different stories informed by hundreds of tiny choices that the player makes lends itself to portraying different degrees of escapism as a maladaptive coping mechanism. The player’s involvement in the story also makes any morels or themes present seem more personal. "Deltarune’s” theme of escapism is woven into every part of the game.
Another text with a strong theme of escapism is Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline”. In the book, Coraline, a young girl who is discontent with her life, finds a huge door in her parlor. It leads to a world not quite like her own. Everything is the same but slightly off. Everyone has buttons in the place of their eyes and uncanny valley features. At first, Coraline is willing to ignore this because the Other World is interesting and has delicious food and fun clothes. But the bloated rotten underbelly of the Other World quickly becomes apparent to Coraline. Inorder to stay in the Other World, she must stitch buttons into her eyes. By permanently stitching her eyes closed, Coraline is actively choosing to ignore everything disturbingly wrong with the Other World and accept its illusion of perfection. 
This text’s examination of escapism is definitely darker than the previous two. Coraline’s attempts to escape her real life are clearly shown to be maladaptive. Coraline realizes immediately that something is off in the other world but basically keeps going back there out of boredom. At one point the Other Mother, The book’s antagonist,  says “Nothing’s changed. You’ll go home. You’ll be bored. You’ll be ignored. No one will listen to you, really listen to you. You’re too clever and too quiet for them to understand. They don’t even get your name right.” (Gaiman, 64). As the Other Mother becomes more controlling, people in Coraline’s real life begin to disappear. Her parents and eccentric neighbors slowly disappear from her already remote community and soon Coraline has completely isolated herself. 
Being a novel, Coraline’s internal monologue is made clear to us. We can see her thought process and quickly become attached to her. Coraline is younger than the escapees of the previous two texts, but is maybe the most aware of what is happening to her. Her experience with the Other World is much like that of someone who has become dependent on escapism or disassociation and is trying to recover. Every time she thinks she has returned to reality she is dragged right back into the Other World. 
The Other Mother is the root of Coraline’s peril. Similar to how you can't get rid of a coping mechanism like maladaptive escapism before you have fixed what you are escaping from, Coraline cannot escape the Other World until she has defeated the Other Mother. 
“Coraline” casts escapism in a very negative light, but only in extreme contexts. Coraline loves make-believe and TV. She pretends to be an explorer. She makes up stories and has a very active imagination. These are all shown to be good things. It is only when Coraline tries to entirely escape from her reality that the text decides that her escapism has gone too far. 
The article “Why Escapism Can be Harmful” discusses why escapism can be a dangerous coping mechanism, like it is in “Coraline”. Lyn Reed, the author of this article and licensed therapist, discusses how constantly avoiding our struggles through escapism stops us from actually improving our lives. She describes people who rely too heavily on social media as a form of escape as addicts. Relying on escapism can lead to things like dissociative disorder, a separation from yourself or from reality. “The ultimate goal of escapism is the destruction of self” she states (Why Escapism Can be Harmful, Reed).
This is an informational text based on a pervasive issue trying to offer support to those affected. Unlike the other texts chosen, it is not an artistic exploration of an issue, but a resource trying to help actual people who struggle with it. Because of this, it is a lot more critical of escapism as a coping mechanism, but it also offers support to those who use it. Reed suggests doing things like spending time face to face with friends to begin to overcome the need to escape from your life. She makes a clear distinction. “Not all escapism is bad for you. It is important to identify why you need to escape. If you are running away from reality then the consequences are not likely to be good. But if you are accessing another world in order to gain some insights to bring back to this one – well, that IS good.” (Why Escapism Can be Harmful, Reed).
This is a distinction that can be found throughout all of these texts. In “The Owl House”, Luz’s arc required her to switch the mindset of her escapes to the Boiling Isles from “running away from reality” to “gaining insights to bring back” (Why Escapism Can be Harmful, Reed). This was not an easy journey for her. Dana Terrence clearly understood this distinction and incorporated it into her show. The same goes for “Coraline”. Imagining that you are a famous explorer for a day is good, but running away to the Other World is not. Toby Fox makes a similar distinction in “Deltarune”. Having fun in a Dark World is ok, but be careful not to end up like Jevil or Spamton. It's ok to check out from reality for a while. Just remember that the real world will still be there for you when you're done, with all of its problems, insanity, overwhelming anxiety, and messy, painful, real, beauty. 
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sokkastyles · 2 years
Reading ATLA: The Promise - pp94-158
The subplot with Toph and Sokka training her students is cute, but it’s not funny enough to be enjoyable as even comic relief, and Sokka’s character seems to be ONLY comic relief now. I’m really not surprised, because all of the characters have been flanderized, but the mistreatment of Sokka here is particularly egregious, especially since he’s the only brown skinned boy in the main cast.
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This is another page that’s been harped on to death already, but I just want to reiterate how tired I am of seeing Katara be made to feel guilty for prioritizing her own feelings. I’m going to choose to believe that Aang did genuinely want to feel closer to his people and that he isn’t just using it to be manipulative, but the thing is, why isn’t Katara allowed to share in this? Even if Katara felt left out because of her own jealousy, why doesn’t it ever occur to Aang to try and include her, especially since they mean so much to each other. Why is she not included in this part of his life (that coincidentally involves Aang being fawned over by tons of girls who are all in love with him)? This scene could have ended with Katara confessing to feeling left out, and Aang offering to teach her how to play the air flute or something. It would have been sweet and emphasized the comic’s theme of cultural exchange, as well as done a lot to portray the KA relationship as an equal relationship.
Zuko visits Ozai again and Ozai reveals the lesson of his story the previous night - it doesn’t matter whether the Fire Lord chooses to help the hawk or the turtle crab, because whatever side he chooses is the right one simply because he chose it. This sounds a lot like what Azula tells Long Feng about power in the series, that those with power are the ones who have the will to exert it. To Ozai, it doesn’t matter whether his decision is right or wrong, and being uncertain is a sign of weakness. Of course this is an immoral stance, and Zuko says he trusts Aang to do what’s right. Ozai asks Zuko if he trusts Aang more than he trusts himself. And then this happens:
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This is a good scene, actually, as heartbreaking as it is. Ozai is manipulating Zuko, and Ozai is right about power in one respect. Ozai has power over Zuko psychologically because he’s able to tap into what he knows Zuko’s weaknesses are. Even though Ozai is in prison and Zuko is the Fire Lord, Ozai is still Zuko’s father and Zuko spent sixteen years living under his thumb.
But ultimately, Ozai being able to boss Zuko around like this just shows that the only power Ozai really has is through being a bully.
It’s frustrating to see Zuko backsliding, and yes, the entire comic is frustrating for the way it retreads previously resolved conflicts, but it’s not unrealistic that Zuko, an abused kid, would still have this kind of reaction, no matter how many times he tells Ozai he’s not going to listen to him anymore. That kind of psychological dependence is hard to break. What’s frustrating is that Zuko has to be completely isolated in order to get to that point, which also involves every other character acting in ways that are OOC. Especially Iroh, who knows Ozai more than anyone and how dangerous he can be even when Zuko is out of his reach, should have foreseen the danger here. If only Ozai could have been put in a maximum security prison far away...perhaps in the middle of a boiling lake inside a volcano...I don’t know, I’m just spitballing here...Not just for Zuko’s safety but that also reduces the danger of anyone in the capital who might be sympathetic to Ozai staging an escape attempt. Especially considering that Iroh himself broke out of that prison without firebending at all.
There’s also a subplot where Kori’s boyfriend, Sneers, who was one of the protestors outside Yu Dao, says she has to choose whether she is Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom, but his name is Sneers, so.
Katara and Aang visit the Earth King and, hilariously, both talk at the same time over the other, Aang saying that the Fire Nation people don’t belong in the Earth Kingdom and Katara saying that Zuko is trying to defend the families living there. Literally nobody communicates in this comic, even when they’re trying to communicate!
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Kuei apparently has been taking a page from Ozai’s book of How to Become a Fascist Dictator because he decides that this is the moment that he needs to Be a Man (you tell him, Katara!) There’s something here about toxic masculinity and power dynamics. Kuei’s situation is similar to Zuko’s because he’s also been manipulated by his government and feels the need to prove himself as a strong leader, and the Earth Kingdom is also no doubt experiencing some serious political upheaval in the wake of the deposition of the Dai Li. 
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But we know that Zuko isn’t his father, because he doesn’t want to rule through fear and intimidation.
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So, Mai broke up with Zuko because he didn’t tell her he was going to visit Ozai, but she had a conversation with Suki behind his back about it - after she went behind Zuko’s back to fire his personal guards and put the Kyoshi Warriors in their place - and she’s mad about him keeping secrets?
I’ve also seen some criticism of Zuko here for ordering Mai to stay, but it was obviously something emotional said in the moment that he instantly regrets - and it didn’t work anyway. She also did the same thing to him at the end of ATLA when she told him never to break up with her again so like, turn about is fair play. Zuko doesn’t know why he says this, but like, this is the kind of behavior you learn if the person you’re in a relationship treats you that way. Also we just saw Zuko’s father order him around. It’s the trauma, bud. We won’t address any of this though, we’ll just pretend Zuko is going nuts because this poor kid hasn’t been gaslit enough in his life.
Zuko’s general comes in to tell him that the Earth King is marching against Yu Dao.
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The biggest problem with this is that it’s framed as Zuko turning evil instead of “Zuko needs therapy.” Oh, and to not be around his abusive father. 
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Zuko wanting to live for his mom, who left to save his life.
I do like the idea of Zuko and Aang having this shared psychic spirit connection.
Aang and Katara go to warn the people of Yu Dao to flee the city before the Earth King’s forces arrive, but get attacked themselves. Aang meets the Yu Dao chapter of his fan club, who have pretty much straight up appropriated Air Nomad culture, and gets really pissed off and then decides to double down on his stance that the nations have to be separate. Because THAT’S the message here folks, rather than “cultural appropriation is bad,” we’re going for “isolationism is good.”
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For the dca asks, I'm curious about 6, 10, 16, & 17
6. What's your favorite type of art or fic? What genre/flavor/style?
The ones that are catered specifically to me. Lol 😂 But in all seriousness, I'm not sure. I just like slice of life fanfic that explores dark themes. Sometimes fluff for fluffs sake is good too, but I always lean on the hurt/comfort part of things.
Like the comfort has to be earned and mean something for me.
10. What keeps you in this fandom despite the very small amount of canon content the DA had?
Ceph. Like singlehandedly they dragged me in here and now I can't leave.
But I think it's the amount of content for Security Breach and the AI being fully sentient now that provides me more content and makes me far more interested in the fandom back in the day when it was just all theories, horror and cursed screaming children.
16. What's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
Like outside from just the Glamrocks giving a thumbs up or "lol" at shipping the Daycare Attendent with y/n shananigans.
I love the Security Breach characters too much to see them relegated to background characters and supporting cast. Or just their in game base traits when so much time is given to develop the DA who has less screentime.
I know it's still early in my fic and people think my Monty is a bully, but we just haven't seen him enough and I have like the entirety of Monty lore planned out along with Chica's and Roxy's and DJMM.
I just want to see more characters involved in the story and plot outside of just the Daycare Attendent.
Especially characters like Vanny who a lot of fans like to pretend she doesn't exist.
I always feel Moon's relationship with Vanessa (and/or Vanny) is weird.
Moon knocks out Freddy and drags him to parts and service where Vanessa is waiting.
Vanessa tempts Gregory to check the main stage for a reward and Moon is waiting to instakill you.
It paints the picture of Moon being her little lapdog. More than the other Glamrocks who don't do anything special or specific for Vanny/Vanessa.
To just write Vanny out of the narrative like she's a figment of the past or never existed is really a disservice.
Security Breach was SUPPOSED to be Vanny's game. And yet, the fans won't give her any satisfaction in being the next generation of Afton.
She gets even less content than a stupid clown with anxiety and for some reason the fans are just.... uninterested in her?
If you go with the "Vanny and Vanessa are the same person" angle..... Then she's suffered even for longer and more horribly than Moon angst. Cause she's been physically stabbing children to death against her will.
Can you imagine the mental strain that can put someone under??? Like...during, before and after this? Knowing what you'll be forced to do, doing it and have done it, knowing this will all happen and there's nothing you can do?
This is almost like the Alphys situation in Undertale all over again. Where Alphy's accomplishments and angst is given to Sans or Gaster. And I can't help but be a little salty. Just a tad.
I am also including the eventual Blob and shambling Afton corpse in my fic as well.
I know not every fic can be a multi chaptered adventure that gives attention and love to everyone. It's just not realistic.
If you want to focus completely on the DA, that is also good and I won't stop y'all.
I just wish the others, but Vanny especially, and her relationship with the DA got more love.
17. What's something you'd like to see less of?
Sun Ass. Lol joking. You guys are doing God's work and I love the ass memes.
But if I'm serious. I would kinda just appreciate less manipulative Sun.
Like I get it. I do love myself some feral and cheeky Sun, but I kinda feel it's a little contradictory to his character presented in the game, the very short time we spend with him.
Like if my Sun is manipulative, he's only as manipulative as an average five year old.
Like I don't think the guy is a master of psychological manipulation and couldn't gaslight gatekeep girlboss his way out of a paper bag.
The worst I see him doing is stealing Protags keys and not being entirely truthful in motivations for doing so, but I always like perceiving him as a character who's easy to read and wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Like in-game, even if he didn't disclose the reasons he wanted the lights on, it was pretty clear that he was distressed before he fully jumps on the desk and screams at Gregory.
I just can't see him as being crafty or manipulative that much.
Or if he does, it's pretty obvious in his intentions. Like, it works for children, but not for adults.
"So you killed a man, let's talk about that"
"........wait..... SUN!!!"
Cheeky and manipulative Sun is alright. But I vastly prefer foot in mouth Sun. :3
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Ordinarily I do not indulge in callout posts, unless a person's mental health might be in serious danger - and it's not a petty lie somebody made up, providing no screenshots, or simple ones taken out of context.
I have received multiple messages now, proving to me that the Hellsing Discord server 'The Hellsing Fanserver' lead by 'Artillery' is unfortunately a place people need to be warned about.
While everyone could assure me they do offer good scans of the Hellsing manga, the members of the server indulged in:
- Purposefully misgendering people
- Making fun of triggers, trans people and people with severe mental illnesses
- Purposefully using triggers against other server members
- Manipulating other people to use the triggers against the person they concern and shifting the blame on them afterwards
- Bringing explicit sexual themes to a server with minors
Afterwards they would celebrate their 'success', making fun of the people they hurt.
The so called 'trolling' (though I wouldn't dare to call such a hurtful behaviour this) was encouraged on the server, so I would deem it an unsafe environment for everyone whose mental health might be affected by such things.
Please be careful if these things concern you and please do not encourage such behaviour.
It's not only hurtful, it is downright cruel.
The invitations, though the links are expired.
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Here you see some of the accounts that were directly involved.
Please be careful.
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Discord Accounts
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I can only assume alts mean something like alternative accounts he and his friends created in order to do these things, engaging others on the server to do the same.
He then proceeds to share the success of the hurtful behaviour on before mentioned Discord server, commenting such:
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^ The “he” they are referring to is a demi girl. And yes, on the other server the pronouns are clearly stated and everyone is asked to respect them.
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He is downright admitting openly to have his friends manipulated other people to use the triggers against another person.
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(For context: A server members triggers were ‘Borderlands” and ‘Kingdom Hearts’.
He stated this trigger a few hours before and unfortunately the mod, after a sleepless night, was unable to memorise it during that time so ‘Abd’ took advantage of it.
Another mod quickly drew attention to her mistake and of course she apologised to the person she triggered and was forgiven.)
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Unfortunately many screenshots - involving the sexual advances and the 'making fun of transgenders' are missing due to the default ban option of the server, but several eye witnesses were able to confirm them.
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There was a person pretending to be a transwoman to make fun of transpeople (The person was introducing themselves like: ‘Hello, I am a man, my pronouns are he/him, but I wish to be a woman’ It didn’t sound very genuine to the trans people on the server), people making up all sorts of triggers to make fun of people who have triggers, a person pretending to be a kin, and people, who were trying to spread paedophilic messages with spreading the news that ‘age is just a number’.
And in case people still believe it was an accident:
They deliberately threaten people and plan to hurt them, while making fun of their triggers.
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I’m truly lost for words…
For everyone who didn’t know: It is not your place to judge triggers and for the love of God, please don’t make fun of them.
You don’t know the history behind them. It’s good if you have none yourself, it really is, but it shouldn’t make you blind to another person’s suffering.
And you certainly shouldn’t encourage other people to “hunt” people with triggers “down” and “go to war” against them.
Also the owner of server is openly hostility against lgbtq + people - especially trans people - , PoC and antisemitic jokes are the norm there.
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They too use nationalist-socialist symbols as emojis in their servers, so people who are triggered by such symbols should be careful.
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“Jew Alert”
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Blaming one group for the action of singular people should us remind too much of darker parts in history.
I know people with the same experience, that doesnt mean they should actively seek out ot destroy the mental health of all trans people, because one of them hurt them.
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Let the submitted texts speak for themselves.
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And just in case if anybody believes those are fake:
As soon as Satan saw them, he pmed another person:
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Those screenshots are real. They are not fake, like he claims they are and he admits that making fun of trigger and trans people was part of his “troll introductions”.
And just in case anybody is wondering if there are truly toxic trolls on this server? This is a submission I got:
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When the original is:
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Im sorry.
What they did should speak for itself, but don't try to add lies here. Lies that are obviously having their origin in the server itself.
If you still believe the attacks on this blog didn't come from the server:
This is what Artillery posted as soon as he found this post.
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After this the attacks started [as you can see here], so don't tell me your server is not responsible and keep your NSFW implications out of a server with minors and away from this blog!
Also you being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact, that your server is not safe for minors, lgtbq+ people - especially transpeople - people with trauma and poc.
Even if you claims are real - your and your friends prejudices against the other groups remain.
Satan apologised openly and promised to take better care of people mental health.
The emojis however will remain, though we have been told they have specific channels for offensive jokes.
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“In our discussions with the tumblr group, we realized that the situation was far more complicated than we realized. There is a a third party, not associated with us or the tumblr group, who is deliberately spreading false information with the presumed agenda of causing drama and conflict between us. With this in mind, we've agreed the best course of action is to mutually end the escalation of conflict and apologize for what occured. Following that, I want to again make clear that nobody should be going after the tumblr group, their discord server, or anywhere other online spaces. We don't know where the tumblr trolls came from, but we do not support them. Their statements were racist, antisemitic, and violent. What we did in their server was wrong and a mistake. 
I want to personally apologize to a few specific people for what happened. Their server got raided, and during all of it we did not take their mental health into account, causing a lot of people to have panic attacks. Their triggers were invalidated, and people were manipulated. There were also a lot of innapropriate and offensive statements involved. While many things happened without my knowledge, it spiraled out of control because of the initial server raid, and I want to offer my sincerest apologies for that, and for everything else.”
He lied. He doesn’t regret anything.
Do you remember how he claimed he never ordered an attack on anybody?
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Yes.... that was a lie.
He did plan to attack, though one member - the one they would later throw out of the admin team stopped him from attacking more people.
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It should have given us red flags they would ban the only member from the team who was actively against the bullying.
And as we see here they did attack the second time as soon as the opportunity arouse when Artillery were sending people after us after saying we should suck his d*.
So he didnt learn a thing. Please survivors stay save.
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fanonical · 4 years
i've made this comparison here before, but i'll make it again - compare dumbledore and snape's stories as they relate to Shitty Choices The Characters Make, and you'll see a huge gulf
part of the theme of the last book is that dumbledore was hugely flawed. we learn that he sided with a genocidal dark wizard as a younger man, we learn that he was working behind the scenes to manipulate people into positions where he needed them - for the greater good, sure, but what does the greater good mean? when do the means not justify the ends, especially when the reasons for those means were not explained to the people involved? we're invited, through harry's turmoil at this, to reevaluate dumbledore with the lens that, no matter how well-intentioned he was or how much his actions lead to potential or actual good in the long run, he still did a lot of harm to people, and harry specifically.
then we get to snape. we learn something about snape in the last book that we are invited to reevaluate his actions around. we learn he was in love with lily. but the narrative treats these two things as though they are equal. as though dumbledore having good intentions but doing a lot of harm is the same as snape doing a lot of harm but also he was in love with harry's mum. because make no mistake, bullying children (such as his comments about hermione's teeth or threatening to poison trevor) and discriminating against his students based on their parents (everything with his dislike of harry) are not justified even a little by this revelation, or even the earlier revelation that snape was bullied by the marauders. yes, them bullying him was wrong, but that doesn't justify him becoming a death eater. but the book seems to want us to think this - harry seems to completely forgive snape in the epilogue, even going so far as to name a child after him. the same child that's also named after dumbledore
a good way to use this parallel would be to have snape, say, looking as though he is doing bad things throughout the books to maintain his cover but not being actively malicious to the children in his care. we see seeds of this in the books proper - the 'snape was trying to save me?' moment in philosopher's stone or him bringing in the order to help his worst enemy after the 'he's got padfoot in the place where it's hidden!' scene. there he looks as though he's done something bad, hexing harry and ignoring his warning respectively, but he's still ultimately come through and done the right thing. have him be cold to harry, maybe, enough that harry suspects him of wrongdoing, but not actively malicious or intentionally harmful and still coming through for him when needed.
because as-is? the arc reads as 'well he was bullied and was in love with a girl and that totally makes up for him joining a genocidal hate group'
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cheegu3 · 4 years
Hey there I was curious to see if you would write Stray Kids. If yes can you do yandere profiles for them. 🥺
Yess I love stray kids! some are shorter and some longer btw sorry for that
{Stray kids - Yandere profiles}
TW / Trigger Warning: yandere themes, violence, abusive relationships, mentions of suicide, blood, gaslighting/guilt-tripping
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Bang Chan
yandere type: 50/50
50/50 aka unpredictable like IU. He can be happy and nice one second then insult you the next, it all depends on his mood. But it is hard to keep up with his mood since it changes over the smallest things and sometimes because of nothing at all. His punishments would mostly be sexual due to pent up sexual energy. He can be very possessive. You are his and he will let the whole world know this, he loves marking you and being very close in public.
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yandere type: manipulative
Very manipulative. Will gaslight you and manipulate you extremely, to the point where you are broken. Like a robot who only does what its told and responds to commands, never speaks unless spoken to. This was how we wanted you. At first in your relationship, he will manipulate you by guilt-tripping you. Crying and making himself the victim in every situation but once you started to see through his ways, or rather your friends alarmed you. They said something was off about him, how he recovered so quickly after having a ‘’ mental-breakdown ‘’. So you started to inspect him and soon figured out he was faking it to gain sympathy. It was at this point that he would approach you differently, and you relationship differently, perhaps violently.
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yandere type: violent
Extremely violent. A temper like no other. Not like Chan, he is instead violent and scary every day. You are constantly flipping him off but he does like that you’re afraid of him. The fear gives him a rush and in some weird twisted way he loves you, a lot. Definitely has problems with showing affection but the longer you’re with him (without causing trouble) the more lenient and soft he will become towards you. Has plans to marry you and make you his forever and ever. He will 100% scare you away because of how violent he is but this will only make him angrier. You pushing him away will enrage him, leading to a few family deaths maybe...
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yandere type: psycho
Loves playing with you, similar to Soojin he loves degrading and making you as embarrassed as possible. It can involve him making comments to ruin your ego and boost his, and as soon as he says that comment you have two choices, he wins on either one. You keep your mouth shut or you talk back and get punished. That was one of his many rules, don’t talk back, don’t upset him, don’t disrespect him, let him punish you when he’s bored etc...He knows that he needs help or well, he doesn’t really care that he’s a psycho because he is convinced that you are different from his other playthings, he loves you. I guess bullying you is a way to show affection and assert dominance for him. May I add you will NEVER ever be on top, in the bedroom and otherwise.
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Han jisung
yandere type: obsessed, controlling & slight sadist
A complicated yandere. He responds to everything based on how you treat him, say or do. So if you basically let him do his thing and be clingy with you, he will just be obsessed but it wouldn’t be too obvious. You start to pull away you get kidnapped. You try to fight him and run away, he will lock you up. There’s no limits to what this man can do to make sure you are by his side. He only realizes his sadistic side when he is punishing you and weirdly gets turned on by it. He loved the way you’d look up at him, pleading with your eyes for him to stop. He loved to be needed by you, this is why you should never push him away.
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yandere type: stalker
ahh the stalker of the group. He sees nothing wrong with it and only, well not only because he actually enjoys stalking you, but also because he wants to get to know you before he approaches you. He knows all your favorite movies, music, clothes and celebrities. Will even go so far as to break in and hide, just watching you sleep or taking things. He knows your code and there’s no way of escaping him now. If you do not fall for him quickly he won’t hesitate to use force or blackmail you.
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yandere type: sweetheart
A sweetheart who will only be mad if he develops into the protective type and people hurt you in one way or another. He only wants you to be happy and will do anything for you. This can go overboard though if you don’t return his love and affections. Seungmin will do anything to make you notice him, and I mean ANYTHING. He knows you have a big heart so he will even pretend that he’s gonna commit suicide just to have you save him last minute.
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Jeongin (I.N)
yandere type: delusional
He’s convinced that you’re in love with him. That you want to be with him forever and ever and you just haven’t said it yet. Perhaps you needed encouragement..if he kidnaps you it’s to help you show it quicker and if you’re cold to him when he does it, he shrugs it off, you’re just nervous. If you turn him down, you’ve been brainwashed and your friends must go. There was no way of winning with him and you’d never be safe.
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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limi-pie · 2 years
Like a butterfly part 1
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A/N: Ello’ I’ve finally managed to pull through my laziness and correct part 1. I apologize for ghosting you guys and not updating regularly. ^^" Honestly the idea of Yuta being a tattoo artist and getting tattoos done by him is asdfghjkl, I can’t help but fangirl also let’s not forget his performance and his hot tattoos. (Lord have mercy.)
So I hope you guys enjoy this.
🦋 < Teaser – Next part >
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Female! Specific Reader
Contains: Non-idol AU, Tattoo AU, Tattoo artist! Nakamoto Yuta, Librarian! Y/N, Multi idols from different groups, Comedy, Friends to lovers, Romance, Complicated relationships, Hints of jealous Yuta, Mentions of cussing, piercings, and tattoos.
Warnings: Alcohol, drinking, smoking, cigarettes, light smut, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, hickies, oral sex (female) receiving, lying.
Wordcount: 7,960
Disclaimer: The reader I’ve created in this fanfiction is a woman of East Asian descent (she’s half-Japanese and half-Korean) and she has certain features and looks a certain way. The reason for this is that I wanted some more East Asian representation in Kpop fanfics! Some of these relationships between said persons are only meant to be considered fictional, in no way do I ship them in real life. They’re just there to add dynamic to the plot. (Also, because my multi fan ass just wants to have fun.) Please keep in mind that the way I’ve described the idols in this story is in no way real or representative of how they behave in real life, this is just based on my imagination.
Also in this fanfiction, some said persons are involved in an abusive, unhealthy and manipulative relationship. Please keep in mind that this is all fanmade and fiction. I don’t encourage this kind of terrible relationship and if you are in one, please seek help. Never put yourself second to anyone; remember that you’re important and loved. 💚
You stepped down from the ladder, the dangling name tag attached to your white cardigan ‘Miyoshi Y/N’. You’re an intelligent and hardworking woman in your mid-twenties, 24 years. Finding huge happiness in reading tons of Shoujo Romance mangas, and loving the romantic and sweet themes. Innocent, feminine, a bit timid, quiet, and introverted are usually the words people associate you with. In a way you were like a tiny timid turtle; you wouldn’t come out of your shell unless you felt comfortable around them. People always misunderstand your silence, it’s not that you hate speaking or interacting with them. It’s not easy to engage in speaking so comfortably with new people, it’s always such a challenge to even start the conversation.
You pushed the cart with books, carefully scanning the shelves in search of the biology section.
You were an only child of a Korean father and a Japanese mother, and growing up you had a hard time making lots of friends. Being a mixed kid was a struggle, you often got bullied or picked on for not ‘looking’ or ‘behaving’ like a specific ethnicity. You went to elementary and middle school in Japan. But you spent most of your adolescence and high school years in Korea. That’s where your love for reading began to bloom. It was your way of escaping the troubles, pain, and loneliness of your life. You found comfort in the world of books, how your mind could take you to different places.
You smiled, scanning a few books and placing them on the ‘returned’ shelf.
But that makes perfect sense as to why you work as a librarian after all! That’s right, getting to work at The National Library of Korea in Seocho-Gu was like a dream come true.
You yawned as you climbed up to the ladder’s third step, sorting out some newly arrived manga volumes in the Romance/Shoujo section. When a young man with jet-black hair and fair skin approached you.
“Excuse me, Miss, sorry if I’m bothering you but could you help me find something?”
The man looked at you as he was wearing a brown leather jacket, a black tank top underneath and some pair of black ripped jeans. You noticed the many piercings in his ears, black nail polish, and several silver rings covering his fingers. He gave off the bad boy or a typical troublemaker.
“Of course, Sir. What do you need help with?” You answered politely with a small smile as you put the books back onto the shelf as your eyes finally met.
Although you have a boyfriend… You had to admit he was dangerously hot for a bad boy. Somehow couldn’t keep your eyes off him even if you wanted to.
“Well, I need help with finding this book about butterflies, apparently these beautiful creatures have been very popular recently. Sorry let me explain, I work at a Tattoo Studio and I need some references to sketch them out. Lots of clients have been requesting butterfly tattoos. Sorry if I spoke too much.” He bowed his head as you stepped down from the ladder.
You couldn’t help but admire how passionately and confidently he was about his work, “my, that’s wonderful. I mean butterflies are unique and beautiful. But sure thing! I’ll help you find that book. Please follow me.” You said, bowing back and walking to the large shelf stacked with books about animals.
“I believe it should be on the uppermost shelf. Let me just get that for you.” You moved the ladder from the middle of the shelf to the left and carefully climbed up to the last step of it.
His hands reached out to hold the metal ladder, “let me just make sure I hold this for you. In case it moves around. I’d feel terrible if you fell.” He stated and looked up with a sweet smile on his face. “Ah, thank you,” You nodded and grabbed the book, stepping down. “Here you go, let’s go to the register so I can lend you the book.” He took the book, bowing his head as he followed me to the self-issue machine, “alright may I ask if you have the Korean Library Card?” The man nodded before, tugging his hand into his pocket and he pulled out a small wallet. He took the card out in a swift movement holding it between his index and middle finger.
“Here you go, Miss Miyoshi…” He said, looking at your name tag as you bowed, accepting the card with both of your hands. “Thank you.” You scanned the book and his card as the beeping sound of approval went through. “You have a month to return this book if you see any bruises or damages beforehand. Please contact the library as soon as possible.”
He took the book as you returned his card, “ah, thank you. May I ask a stupid question?” He looked at me waiting for your response. “Um, sure what is it, Sir?” The man asked the question in a foreign language when his voice changed slightly.
“もしかして、日本人ですか?” (Are you by any chance, Japanese?)
“ええと? もちろんです.” (Ehh? Of course I am.)
You’re not fully Japanese. You’re actually half Japanese and Korean. But speaking with this stranger you felt like not getting into too many details, fearing you would be met with prejudices.
You both chuckled, smiling at each other as you spoke in Korean again. “It’s very rare to find Japanese people in Seoul, so I was quite happy to find someone else like me.”
“中本。中本悠太です。はじめまして.” (I’m Nakamoto. Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.)
“Nice to meet you too, Nakamoto-san,” You replied to him in Japanese as you tugged some hair behind your ear. “Anyway thanks for all the help, I’ll take good care of this book.”
“またね.” (See you.) Nakamoto said as he turned around walking down the stairs as you admired his figure watching him as he left through the exit.
It was an unusual and rare encounter to stumble upon a Japanese person in Seoul.
You had a few hours left so you were just cleaning some empty dusty shelves just to kill time. It was finally 5:00 PM and you were off, the sun began to set soon, and the sky was a perfect mix of cold and warm contrasts. “Irene Unnie, I’m off.” You said, wrapping the blue scarf around your neck.
“Mhm. Great work today, Ms. Miyoshi. See you tomorrow and have a great evening.” You bowed and took your leave as you left through the back exit. You texted your dear boyfriend Bryce and made your way to Seocho station, waiting for the usual Line 2 to arrive.
You: “Hey, Babe.”
You: “I finished work, want to eat dinner together?”
You: “I’ve discovered this new restaurant nearby.”
You walked inside Line 2, headed towards Sindorim. Luckily you didn’t live too far away from the library, it was approximately 5-6 stops away and the trip would be around 20-30 minutes. Even closer to your roomie’s University, she studies at (SNU) Seoul National University. To your surprise, he replied for once and did not leave you on ‘read’.
Bryce: “I can't, I'm too busy right now and later tonight.”
Bryce: “Could you lend me some money?”
Bryce: “I’m quite broke. And I need a ride home.”
Although you really love Bryce, you wish he’d change and mature a bit. He always asks you for money, even though he got a full-time job as a waiter at a restaurant.
You: “How much is it this time?”
You felt frustrated with how often you’ve asked that same question within a month.
Bryce: “6,000₩.”
With a bit of hesitation, you sighed heavily before sending the money to him. “Always the same, nevertheless,” You told yourself as you saw that the station was Sindaebang and it was time for you to get off. You decided to dial your roommate, and she picked up while her voice sounded relaxed.
“What’s up, Y/N-Unnie?” The woman said while music was playing in the background. “Nothing much, have you eaten dinner yet, or are you with Jungkook? I’m almost home, just getting off the subway.”
“Hmmm? Didn’t you and Mr. Asshole Bryce have a dinner date tonight? Did that jerk stand you up again?” You could already imagine her raised eyebrows and frowned expression even though you only heard her voice. You used the elevator as you walked away from the station and headed toward your apartment building.
“No look, Chaeng it’s not like that.” You excused.
Who are you kidding…? Why do you always keep defending him…?
“Miyoshi Y/N. This is within 2 weeks and all he’s been doing is canceling all his plans and dates with you! Are you really okay dealing with this kind of bullshit? How many times are you gonna let it slide? Sheesh. When you’re home, we're going to talk about this.”
You knew Chaeyoung hates Bryce’s guts. But her scolding you make you feel sadder. You sighed as she hung up. Usually, she ends a phone call with a ‘see you at home’ or bye. But you could tell she was furious this time…
You went inside and headed to the first floor, you typed in the password halfway through as Chaeyoung opened the door before even letting you type the rest. “Come inside, we need to talk.” She said walking inside the kitchen, her voice was stern and serious, usually, Chaeng’s tone was playful and bright. But you suppose you’ve angered her by telling her that he stood you up once again and asked you for money. You hung your beige fall coat along with the tote bag on the coat rack and tugged your shoes on the shoe rack. “Sit down.” You sat down on the chair at our dinner table, looking up to see her with crossed arms.
“You’re mad. Aren’t you?” You said sheepishly, looking at her. “Mad? I am extremely outraged! Y/N, for fuck’s sake! He can’t just keep doing this to you!” She lashed out with her arm, pointing at the door. “Bryce can’t keep canceling all his dates with you and beg for money! That’s not what a real boyfriend would do!” You stood there dumbfounded not knowing how to respond so you chose to be silent. “Listen, I don’t want to be the one to break it to you. But–” You knew she had something hurtful to say but she chose not to say it, knowing it would most likely upset you. The tears started forming around your eyes as you felt yourself shake.
You’re used to Bryce scolding you and yelling at you. But it’s a different case when it’s your best friend, roommate, and childhood friend since you knew each other for so long. This was your first time hearing that raised voice of hers.
“Y/N. Miyoshi Y/N. You better not cry… Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry over a jerk like that!” Chaeyoung said desperately but you were already whimpering and weeping, “sorry. I’m sorry, Chaeyoung… I’m so stupid and such a big idiot…” You apologized, looking down at the floor, your voice shaking, “don’t apologize, please don’t say that to yourself.” She said, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a tight hug.
“Look I’m sorry for raising my voice at you and scolding you, Unnie. I just don’t want Bryce to keep disrespecting and mistreating you like that and making yourself feel small because of him.” You nodded, wiping the tears away as you hugged her with your free arm. “Next time he cancels on you like that, I won't let it slide so easily.” You sighed and nodded rather quickly, “anyways, no I didn’t eat. I actually finished class at 3:00 PM. But I just dropped by Jungkook’s place for some of his hoodies I’ve borrowed. He’s been getting a lot of night shifts in Daegu, so we’ve been face-timing a lot,” Chaeyoung chatted as you listened.
Unlike your hopeless relationship with Bryce, Jungkook seems to genuinely care about Chaeng. After all, they started dating 6 months ago.
“Wanna go and grab some delicious spicy blue crabs, Unnie?” Chaeyoung asked, holding her car keys up and rustling them. “I’d love to, Chaeng! Let me just change, these heels have been killing me all day!”
You wore a black knee-length skirt and some stockings underneath paired with a loose light blue sweater. “Are you ready, Chaeng?” You exclaimed, putting on your black Mary Jane shoes, “yeah I’m born ready, shall we go?” She said, wearing her black Converse sneakers, ripped denim jeans, and a white t-shirt.
Yuta went back to the tattoo studio as he showed the book to his co-workers. “Hey, you two. Check out these beautiful butterflies.”
“Thanks to the recent Korean Dramas, ‘NeverTheLess’ and ‘It’s Okay To Not Be Okay’ that have been so popular.” Ten voiced, cleaning the counter as Johnny swept the floor. “Hmm what should we eat for dinner?” He asked, looking at the two of them.
“On such a windy day how about some warm and cozy Soon-dubu Jji-gae?” Yuta suggested, flipping through the pages of his book.
“That doesn’t sound too bad, Johnny and I will get it while you keep an eye on the place.” Ten said, smiling as he got his leather jacket and helmet. “Right, we’ll be right back, Yuta,” Johnny said, walking out with him. When Yuta picked up his phone as a woman spoke.
“Ah Miya-chan, what’s up? You’re nearby?” He replied in Japanese, looking out the window.
“Well, I’m about to eat dinner. Wanna join us?”
“No, I'm alone at the studio right now, should we see each other tonight? Alright.” He hung up as he sketched some messy doodles of butterflies.
“Annyeonghaseyo, two spicy blue crabs, please.~” While Chaeyoung ordered as you waited for the waitress to find you a clean table. She seated you two at a table near the window as you bowed soon after Chaeyoung returned, sitting across from you. “It’ll be ready in less than 40 minutes or so,” she informed me when two guys walked by the window as she waved. They entered as Chaeyoung greeted them with a cool handshake, the one guy usually does when they greet each other.
“What’s up, Suh?” Chaeyoung said, leaning back a bit as she laughed, “sorry, you know I like joking around with your name, dude.” You got up and you bowed your head.
These two must be one of Chaeyoung’s many friends. You felt a bit overwhelmed since you aren’t used to being around people that you hardly know.
Chaeyoung wrapped an arm around me as she smiled, “this cutie pie right here is Y/N Miyoshi. Y/N, this tall giant is Johnny Suh and the sexy dude is Ten Lee.” The tall man bowed too as he smiled, “it’s nice to meet you Ms. Y/N.” Ten stepped forward, also greeting me, “yeah, it’s an honor meeting Chaeyoung’s cute roomie that she always talks so much about.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you two as well,” You said and smiled as Chaeyoung hugged you, “anyways what are you getting? Wanna eat together?” Your eyes widened at her words. “Chaeng…” You gently hit her shoulder as a warning, “we’re just going to order the Soon-dubu Jji-gae to the studio,” Johnny said, chuckling at me. “What about Osaka Prince? Is he at the studio or with Miyawaki-chan?” She asked, rubbing her shoulder and giggling at me. “He’s at the studio, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if she actually decides to visit or even call him.” Ten answered as he went to order.
“Say, do Osaka Prince and Miyawaki-chan have a thing going on between them, or are they just messing around?” Chaeyoung questioned, resting her chin on the back of her hand.
“I think they’re close but not dating, you feel me? Lately these days he’s just been very focused on his artwork. And Miya on her modeling career.” You stared at your phone, trying to distract yourself from not engaging in this conversation.
“Here’s your spicy blue crabs and a large bowl of hot steamed rice,” the waitress placed the plates of food on the table. You expressed your thanks, “man this looks way better than the last time we ordered it!”
Chaeyoung said as she grabbed a piece of crab. “Well, bon appetit to the both of you, later, Chae,” Johnny said, leaving with Ten who got their order. You used a spoon to scoop out the delicious spicy crab meat as you placed it on a riceball topped with a piece of seaweed.
You hummed in response to the tasty dinner as Chaeyoung smiled, “wah, it sure is intense, want to get a drink?” She asked, fanning her mouth as you nodded, “excuse me could we order some drinks, please?” The waitress caught your attention as she asked, “Sure, what would you like to drink?” The waitress held her pencil and notepad. “One banana milk and a glass of water–”
“–Strawberry Soju, pleaseee~” Chaeyoung interrupted as she giggled, chewing her rice. “Ehh? Chaeng, don't you have classes tomorrow morning? Is it alright for you to get this drunk on a Tuesday evening like this–?” You asked when she wrapped an arm around you, “–don’t worry, after all, you’ll make the best hangover soup, hehe.~” You sighed in response after finishing your meal.
“Alright, banana milk and a bottle of strawberry Soju coming right up,” she said, noting it down as she excused herself. “What time do you get up for your morning class tomorrow?” You asked, ready to set alarms cause she usually blacks out after drinking just one bottle. “Mine starts at 8:00 AM, it’s just art history and repetition of important keywords.” Chaeyoung said, texting on her phone, “ah that’s nice, well you always loved art so much. So I know you’ll be just fine,” You laughed, pointing at the tattoo behind her ear.
“Oh yeah. That reminds me that I need a new tattoo! Can you tag along with me, this Thursday? Jungkook has an investigation to do in Busan so unfortunately, he can’t join me this time,” she said, eating some rice in a piece of seaweed. “Umm, I don’t know, I’ve never been to a Tattoo Studio before Chaeng–”
“–That’s okay, you just have to be my moral support while I get the cherries done on my right shoulder,” giggling as her cute dimples appeared.
“Here are your drinks, sorry for the long wait,” the waitress placed them down, “enjoy.”
Chaeyoung popped the bottle open and took a long sip. “Say, did you meet any cute guys at the library today?~” She asked you all of a sudden, “ehh Chaeng? What are you talking about? I’m too focused while at work and besides, I got a boyfriend!” Finishing your banana milk as her question made you super flustered. “Aw come on, you’re in a good mood today. I can tell you met someone special,” pressing both of her arms on the table as she winked at me.
Was it that obviously written on your face?
“Well, I met this Japanese man who wanted a book about butterflies… It was work-related to his Tattoo Studio.” You mumbled, your cheeks slowly burning up with shyness. “Ahh, that’s sorta sweet. What was he like? Cute? Attractive? Strong? Handsome?” Chaeyoung asked question after question, “he had black jet hair, umm lots of piercings, and sorta gave me bad boy vibes. He seemed passionate about his work, a very sweet smile” You added, thinking back at him.
“You seem to be sorta crushing on him, Miyoshi.~” She pointed out as you tried to deny it, “Chaeng it’s not like that… I have a boyfriend and so what if I find him handsome?–” You covered your lousy mouth immediately after admitting that. “Oh my~ Y/N seems too naughty and mischievous, hehe~” Chaeyoung giggled, she was clearly already tipsy after emptying half of that Soju bottle.
“Look Chaeng, I’m not cheating on Bryce. Besides he was just a kind stranger, I don’t think I’ll ever meet him again.” You said with a subtle sad tone in your voice as you fidgeted with your plastic straw. “Well it’s not like it’s impossible, you know it’s all about chance.~” She smirked teasingly as you finished your banana milk and got up, “come on, let’s get you home, drunk strawberry,” wrapping her arm around you as she stood up. “Yeah, yeah. Mom.” She said, the bottle in her hand as you chuckled.
“You got any cigs?” She asked, straddling his lap as he kissed her neck. “I do. In my leather jacket, Miya-chan,” Yuta said, kissing her collarbones as his hands ran up and down her back. “Mhm~ Nakamoto-kun, you’re so handsome~” Miyawaki giggled, kissing him deeply, “so what time should we meet later?”
Yuta hummed, looking at the clock “let’s say 10:30 PM?” He suggested, rubbing her thigh slightly as he had a sly smirk. “Deal. Don’t keep me waiting,” she said, giving him a slightly mean look as he chuckled. “I’ll try, I’ll try.”
“Ohh so we got a visitor.” The tall man joked as he placed the plastic bag of food on the table. Ten followed him as he chuckled, “so she came after all, what’s up, Miyawaki?” He waved, grabbing a pair of chopsticks, “nothing much, just stopped by to say hi to Nakamoto-kun,” Miyawaki said, eyeing Johnny as she got off Yuta’s lap.
“What, did you order this time? Tteokbokki and Ramyun?” She walked over, checking the plastic bag, “no. Yuta wanted some warm and cozy Soon-dubu Jji-gae on a windy day like this.” Ten said, getting some bottles of Yakult from the refrigerator.
“Ohh yeah, we had to tell you that Chae and her cute roomie said hi.” Johnny said, handing him a bowl and a wooden spoon, “are you eating too, Miyawaki?”
Ten asked, holding out a bottle of Yakult. “Mmm, no. I think I should get going, see you later, Nakamoto-kun~” she said, kissing Yuta’s cheek as she left. “Always leaving so quickly, does she not like us?” Johnny asked, slurping the delicious spicy sauce. “Yeah, it feels like Ms. Miyawaki always seems to be in a hurry whenever we show up.” Ten added, drinking his Yakult. “It’s not like that. I mean she got a boyfriend and that's why she’s always rushing off,” he said, taking a sip of his Yakult, “she’s not my girlfriend, but she always comes to me whenever Hisashi is troubling her.”
We were finally home as your roomie was busy throwing up in the bathroom, you knew you’d had to go and get her some medicine. You knocked on the door, “everything alright, Chaeng?”
“Yuh… could you get me some meds?” She panted as you nodded in response, “just one packet?”
“Make it two… also some headache pills.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back,” You said, walking to get your shoes.
Yup. That’s your roommate, short, black pixie cut-styled hair, dark brown eyes, and fair skin. Son Chaeyoung, 23 years old, is a wild and outgoing woman who always parties and goes nightclubbing. Super creative and artistic, her sense of fashion is quite trendy, chic, sorta tomboyish, and highly influenced by street style. You rarely see Chaeng in skirts or dresses as she prefers pants or shorts. She’s studying Fine Arts and Performing Arts at Seoul National University, also known as “SNU”. She gets along with pretty much anyone due to her naturally extroverted and funny personality. She has been your roommate for almost 2 years now.
“Hello, may I ask for two packets of hangover medicine and a pack of headache pills?” You asked, walking to the counter of the pharmacy. “Of course, Miss, do you need anything else?” The cashier asked, “ah, no thank you,” You responded and bowed, paying.
“So what are you and Miyawaki Sakura?” Johnny asked, standing outside with him.
“Friends with benefits, only using each other solely for a short moment of embrace and pleasure,” Yuta said with a cigarette in his mouth, “so that we’re happy with ourselves.” A small flame lit as he inhaled and then exhaled the smoke. “Right, I guess it does work for some people. There’s no need to be in love or committed in that type of relationship I suppose.” Johnny shrugged, walking inside.
“I suppose not,” Yuta scoffed, watching the night sky as he sighed heavily.
“When is it ready?” Chaeyoung groaned, lying in her bed as you sat by her side. “In around 2 hours, I’m still boiling the ox bones for the flavorful broth.” Moving her bangs away you put a damp piece of cloth on Chaeyoung’s forehead.
“Man this sucks balls!” She yelled out frustrated, “well, if I remember correctly you’re the one who wanted to drink strawberry Soju on a Tuesday evening?” You replied sassily as she pouted.
“Next time, if I ever drink again on such an evening. Please, hit me as hard as you can, Y/N!” You laughed, poking her cheek, “alright, just get some rest. I’ll wake you up once it’s ready.”
You went back to the kitchen checking on the ox bones as you poured them into a sieve. Using the liquid for the broth added the napa cabbages, green chilis, minced garlic, and some Korean fermented soybean paste.
You opened your manga, ‘Say I Love You’, and began reading from where you left off last time. You were into the plot, how Mei was bullied and how she grew cautious of people around her as a result. In a way you could relate to that, not trusting anyone and being so cold. You drowned in the chapter when the male lead suddenly kissed her.
Suddenly the timer went off as the soup was ready. “Here you go, Chaeng.” You placed the tray of porridge and a glass of hot water. “Thank you, Unnie… You’ve saved me!” Chaeyoung exclaimed as she chuckled.
“I’ll let you eat and rest, if you need something just call me. I’ll be in the living room watching anime, okay?” You walked out glimpsing at her as she signaled a thumbs up.
Listening to the cheerful opening, ‘My Sweet Heart’ as you were watching Tokyo Mew Mew. Then suddenly your mother called her on the phone.
Ehh? Facetime? You guess mom has some good news. “Ah good evening, mom. What’s going on?”
“Mmm, I thought I’d call you to let you know that your aunt, Asami, is visiting Seoul with your niece, Ayaka.”
“Ah, that’s great news. When will they arrive?”
“Wednesday or Thursday, they’ll visit your uncle in Jeju Islands first.”
“How is everything with sweet Bryce?”
You didn’t feel like talking about him. But mom has no idea how it is between the two of us right now. You should tell her the truth.
“お母さん…” (Mom…)
“Yes, my dear Y/N?”
“When are you and Appa visiting Seoul again?”
You knew it. After all, you couldn’t bring yourself to explain what had happened between you two.
“Mmm, changing the subject all of a sudden, Y/N-chan? Is Bryce nearby? I want to say hi to him.”
“Bryce is studying with his classmates. Sorry that you can’t see him this time, mom.”
I’m sorry, mom. But you don’t want her to see you hurt.
“Alright, how’s Chaeyoung and her boyfriend?”
“Good, Chaeng’s sleeping right now. She has classes early in the morning tomorrow.”
“What are you watching?”
“Tokyo Mew Mew, but I have to go. I have a lot of work tomorrow.”
“おやすみなさい、お母さん.” (Good night, mom.)
“はい、またね.” (Yes, see you.)
You sighed, turning off the TV. “You should have told her the truth, Y/N, you idiot.” You scolded yourself, hugging your knees.
“Hmm, Nakamoto.~” The woman mumbled, kissing his neck as he traced his fingertips on her back. “Miya-chan,” Yuta whispered, unclasping her bra as she kissed his lips.
“I really like you, Nakamoto-kun.”
These deceiving and empty words of yours. They always gave me hope for our relationship, but I know that in the morning you’ll go back to him.
“I like you too, Miya-chan,” Yuta mumbled before kissing Miyawaki’s neck and collarbones as they embraced each other.
“Should I go down on you first?” Yuta asked, looking at her as she nodded. “I need you, Nakamoto-kun.”
He chuckled, pulling her panties down to her feet as she spread her legs. “Mmh, you’re not as sweet as you were the last time. You taste a bit more salty this time.” Yuta said, licking Miyawaki’s clit as he locked eyes with her.
“That’s because Hisashi is stressing me out.”
“You should just break up with that loser already if he’s not pleasing you in bed.” Yuta scoffed, licking her folds as he stuck two fingers inside her pussy.
“Ahh… it’s not that easy, you know, mmh… Nakamoto-kun.” Miyawaki pouted, throwing her head back. Yuta licked her folds roughly and thoroughly, getting a good taste of her. “I guess not,” Yuta scoffed, sucking on her swollen clit as he moved his tongue up and down her lips. “Ahh…! Besides, we’ve been together for 2 years now, we can’t just break up.” Miyawaki moaned as she came inside his mouth and he licked it clean.
That’s enough. I’m tired of always hearing that excuse.
“Then if your relationship is so serious, why do you always run back to me whenever you have problems with him? Am I your replacement for Hisashi?” Yuta scoffed, getting up as their eyes met in a mean glare.
“Yuta-kun… You know that’s not it. I…” Miyawaki stammered as she sat up. Yuta sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Sorry, I guess that was rude of me to say it like that,” Yuta said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Even if you were right, it gives you no right to speak like that to me, Nakamoto-kun.” Miyawaki belted as she began to put her panties and the rest of her clothes on.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. Don’t talk to me.”
The woman walked out, smacking the door. Yuta sighed, throwing himself on the bed as he stared at the ceiling.
“I’m such an asshole.” He had a sad smile plastered on his face, he closed his eyes.
“もしかして、日本人ですか?” (Are you by any chance Japanese?)
“ええと? もちろんです.” (Ehh? Of course I am.)
“It’s very rare to find Japanese people in Seoul, so I was quite happy to find someone else like me.”
“中本悠太です. はじめまして.” (I’m Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.)
“Nice to meet you too, Nakamoto-san.”
“Anyway thanks for all the help, I’ll take good care of this book.”
“またね.” (See you.)
Why am I thinking of that pretty woman? She’s like an angel.
Yuta woke up early as he brushed his teeth. “Hopefully Miya-chan isn’t too angry with what happened yesterday… Maybe I should call her later to make up.” He mumbled and started the shower.
The next morning you woke up early to make lunch for yourself and Chaeyoung.
Chaeng probably wants some tasty rice for lunch when she’s slightly hungover from yesterday. “Right, let me just add some fresh cherry tomatoes and lettuce too.”
“Morning’ Unnie,” Chaeyoung yawned as she rubbed her head, “feeling better, Chaeng?” She bopped her head.
“What do you want to eat? You asked, washing the pan under some hot water. “I’ll have some fried eggs and toast.” Chaeyoung hummed, putting the towel on her shoulder. “I’m gonna shower, do you want to use the bathroom before I do that?” You shook your head as she went to the bathroom.
“Um, what do you want to drink? Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?” Knocking on the door as you waited for her response.
“I’ll have some iced coffee, Unnie.” You heard the sound of water boiling in the kettle as you went back to the kitchen to cook breakfast.
“Thanks for always looking out for me, Unnie.” Chaeyoung smiled, eating her toast topped with fried eggs.
“No need to thank me, you’re my best friend and roommate after all. So it’s only natural we look out and take care of each other.” You responded, eating your steamed rice and pickled cucumbers.
“We really need to find you a new boyfriend soon, you gorgeous girl.” She giggled, sipping on iced coffee.
“What time do you finish classes?”
“Uhh, around 1-2 PM, why wanna hang out?”
“Yeah, maybe we can go shopping or eat lunch together?”
Chaeyoung nodded as she put on her sneakers, “see you later, Unnie.” You hugged her, “have a nice day at school, bye-bye.”
You put on a chiffon blouse and some loose pants. You greeted Ms. Irene as you began sitting in front of the computer, ordering a couple of new arrivals books.
“So what piercing do you want to get?” Yuta asked, showing him pictures of piercings.
“Just my right eyebrow, dude. Like the silver piercing.”
“Got it, Mark.”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about getting one for so long.”
“Why haven’t you gotten it sooner?”
“Been too busy with work and training. To even think about it, heh.”
“Woah! I didn’t know that you had gotten a new tattoo, Yuta.”
“Oh, this one? I got it a few weeks ago.” Yuta replied, lifting his shirt a bit as it revealed his beautiful butterfly.
“I got it to showcase what a butterfly tattoo would look like. But somehow this small tattoo turned out to be more meaningful and special to me.” He added, smiling to himself.
When Yuta thought back to when he first encountered Miyawaki Sakura…
“Say, what does this butterfly tattoo mean?” Miyaki asked, looking at his abs.
“The ugliness and pain of happiness, and lack of freedom. That’s what butterfly tattoos symbolize.” Yuta scoffed, finishing his glass of beer as she giggled. “That’s so cool, I kinda like that,” she smiled, hugging his arm.
“Yah, what’s up friends?” Chaeyoung entered as she placed her tote bag on the table. “What brings you here, Chae?” Johnny asked, folding his arms. “Yeah, don’t you have classes right now?” Ten added, looking at her. Mark greeted her as she did the same.
“Yes. I do. But my other class was canceled because our professor had a meeting to attend.”
“Anyways, I’m going to eat my lunch here. Is that okay?”
“As long as you share. Cause that looks really good, Chae.” Mark said, looking at her bento box.
“Well, it looks different from your usual healthy salad and fruits. Are you the one who made it?” Yuta asked, glancing at the onigiris, egg rolls, octopus hotdogs, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes. “No, it’s my lovely roomie who made it!” She snickered, eating an onigiri. “No way, the woman we met yesterday made this bento lunch for you?” Ten exclaimed, eating an egg roll.
This Japanese style of boxed bento looks incredible. I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.
Yuta took a bite of the riceball and then a bite of the egg roll. “Woah, this is really delicious.”
It’s almost as good as from home. Eating this sure brings me back… This is one of my favorite foods after all…
“Your roommate… What does she look like, Chaeyoung?”
“Mmm, are you curious, Osaka Prince?~” Chaeyoung teased as she held her phone up showing her lock screen. It was a picture of her and that woman, they were in tank tops doing silly faces.
It’s her… that woman. She lives with Chaeyoung. The librarian I met yesterday - that’s her. She looks even prettier than I remember.
“That’s Miyoshi Y/N, for you boys,” Chaeyoung said all proud as she ate her cherry tomatoes. Y/N… So that’s her name.
“So is she single?” Ten asked, poking his elbow at Mark. “Yo dude, why are you looking at me? You’re the one who needs a girlfriend, I’m way too busy with work.” Mark laughed, leaning back on the couch as he ate an egg roll wrapped in lettuce.
“Yo, back off boys, this pretty woman is sadly taken.”
It’s no surprise that a stunning woman like her is taken. Somehow it just hurts my heart a little. “By who?” Mark asked, “by some guy named Bryce, tch I hate him to guts.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. Bryce and Y/N, huh?
“Yuta-Hyung, are you stalking Ms. Miyoshi?” Mark asked, watching him scroll through Chaeyoung’s Instagram feed. “I just want to know her a little better, actually she works at the library not too far from here.”
You were stacking some unopened manga books on top of the shelf as you sighed, “Ms. Irene, I think we need to dust off the shelves before stacking more books on top.”
“Ah yes, let me just get the dust brush.” She walked to the staff’s room as you moved a couple of books on the edge. Then you went down, moving the ladder to the left side as you leaned against the shelf, checking your phone for any notifications.
Why won’t he answer me? I really miss Bryce…
You: “I want to see you later…”
You: “I really miss you.”
You sighed as Irene handed you the brush, “thank you, Ms. Irene,” she folded her arms, “just be careful, Ms. Miyoshi, alright?” She walked back to the counter, helping a woman that had borrowed a bunch of books.
You got up again but this time at the uppermost step of the ladder. It was shaking slightly as you began to dust it off. You tried to reach for the corner but felt your feet lose balance when you suddenly fell. “W-Woah!”
A couple of romance and Shoujo manga books were scattered all over the floor, along with your left heel too. The fall didn’t feel like anything. That was because someone had caught you, with the same black nail polish-painted hands, pierced ears, and dark black hair.
“–Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you?”
Somehow you landed on his lap, your right arm on his shoulder as your left hand was on his chest and his right hand was on your leg. In that instant, you were sorta taken aback by this kind of closure between you two.
In a way, it was too intimidating to meet his fine and flirtatious gaze. You looked down when and noticed the butterfly tattoo on his abs, “ah, sorry.” You mumbled, getting off his lap as his hand traced your leg, “wait,” Yuta said, reaching for your left heel as you got flustered. “It’s alright, I can do that myself, Nakamoto-san–” You answered.
“–You were the one who fell so let me at least help you a little.” He said, looking at you with his sexy eyes as he gently tugged your left foot into the heel.
Heh, we’re wearing the same color of nail polish. What’s this silver anklet on her left ankle? A tiny turtle shell… How cute.
“どうもありがとう…” (Thank you very much…)
“どういたしまして.” (You’re welcome.)
“I was dusting off the shelf when I reached for the corner, I lost balance and fell.” You explained briefly, standing up as you stroked your hair.
I didn’t think I’d meet him again… What’s Nakamoto-san doing here?
“It’s a good thing you’re alright, Miyoshi-san,” Yuta said, getting up as he flashed you a soft smile. He handed you a couple of “Kimi Ni Todoke” mangas that had fallen and you bowed. “Yes. Um, I should get back to work.” You mumbled, feeling your cheeks burn up as you turned to the shelf avoiding his gaze.
Nakamoto-san’s dangerous. He makes your heart skip a beat. It's best to not look him directly in the eyes. He’s probably just a player.
“Ah, actually I came here to borrow another book.” He said, chuckling as you turned around. “Ah, what book is it?”
How come, this beautiful and cute woman was taken by some guy? It’s no use but I can't help but fall for her.
“It’s actually a manga, it’s called ‘Perfect Crime’. It’s one of my favorites.” Yuta said, smirking slightly. “Alright. Then please follow me.” You said, tying your hair up in a ponytail.
“Here it is,” You said, handing him the manga. “Thank you. Mmh, your silver anklet is really pretty.” Yuta smirked, averting his eyes to your ankle. “Ehh? Oh, you mean on my ankle.” You turned your heel as the turtle shell jewelry was wiggling. “Yeah, it’s really cute.” Yuta pursed his lips, looking into your eyes.
What’s with this guy… Is he flirting with me…? “Thank you, turtles are actually my favorite animals.” You responded, scanning his book and ID card. “They’re interesting animals,” Yuta added, watching you.
“Here you go, Nakamoto-san.” You gave him the book as his hand touched yours, “thank you, Miyoshi-san.”
I don’t want it to be the last time I see Miyoshi Y/N. I’ll get another book again another day. If that means that I can keep seeing her then I don’t want it to end yet.
“You’re welcome, anyways I’ve got to go now. I’m off.”
“Ah hey Chaeng. Yeah, I’m just finished, let me just get my things.” You said, applying your brand new cherry lip balm as you pursed your lips. Yuta glanced over, eyes focused on your lips. He couldn’t help but admire your soft lips, wondering what it feels like to kiss them. He looked away as you looked back at him.
Those red lips are so pretty… makes me want to kiss them.
You walked towards the exit when Yuta poked your shoulder, naturally, you turned around.
How do I not lose you? I want to see you…
“Ano… will you be here tomorrow again?” Yuta asked, rubbing the back of his head. “Ehh?” You mumbled, not knowing how to respond to his question. “Sure I will. May I ask, why?” You put your phone in the purse as you looked at him. “I might need help with finding several manga and books. I’d figure you’d be able to find the original ones released in Japanese.”
“Ah well. Of course.” You replied, smiling softly at him as you headed down the stairs.
“またね、中本悠太さん.” (See you, Mr. Nakamoto Yuta.) You waved and looked back at him exiting the library.
“So you met him again? And getting a closeup of his butterfly tattoo, mmm?~” Chaeyoung teased, eating her spicy salad as you sighed. “I wasn’t looking at his abs intentionally, Chaeng… You know…” You mumbled as your cheeks were pink from blushing. “It’s not my fault he was wearing a white mesh shirt…”
“Sure, sure. It’s okay to look at other hot guys when your boyfriend is so shitty, Unnie.”
“Chaeng!” You exclaimed as she sighed, “really… Unnie, you should break up with him, besides there are much nicer guys than him. Like Johnny, Ten, and Osaka Prince, you know.” You sighed, eating your Vietnamese spring rolls.
Although she’s right you just can’t seem to admit it. Somehow you believe that Bryce could change for your sake. But if that was true then he wouldn't ignore you and actually answer your texts…
“But let’s not talk about him now. I’m doing my art project next month and the focus is on the female anatomy. I was wondering if you could be my muse for the project?” Chaeyoung asked, sliding a piece of paper on the table as you checked it out.
“That’s so interesting, what exactly would you want me to do?”
“I’m thinking of taking some pictures of you. Like this, would that be okay with you?” She asked, showing me a naked woman hiding her chest with a white blanket.
“You want me to be naked for your pictures and sketches…?” You mumbled, feeling very shy just the thought of that.
“I know it’s very out of your comfort zone but I’ll make sure to cover your breasts, nudity, and private parts. Also, I’m in a group with other girls and my professor is a woman too.”
“I’ll think about it, Chaeng. I mean it’s your art project so I won’t reject it. And besides, this means a lot to you, so I don’t mind doing it.” You added, drinking your mango basil seed drink as Chaeyoung’s eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Yay! Omg, thank you Y/N! Unnie, you’re the best!” She exclaimed, putting her hands together and expressing her gratitude for you. “No problem, Chaeng girl. Let’s go shopping now.”
“I can show you a few of my sketches later,” she hummed as you nodded.
“By the way, thanks for the bento you made earlier, it was so delicious! Even the boys loved it!” Chaeyoung said, chuckling as she locked arms with you.
“Ehh? You didn’t eat lunch on campus?”
“Nope, I finished class early after I discussed my project with the professor.”
“Let me guess it was Mr. Suh and Mr. Lee?” You asked as she giggled, “what’s with you using honorifics, just call them by their names.” Chaeyoung said and smiled.
“But I don’t know them that well…” You muttered, looking at her. “Unnie, they consider you as their friend, the tall guy’s Johnny, and the slim guy’s Ten,” Chaeyoung explained as you looked at her. She was being honest and genuine. “But I don’t know how to talk to them… I’m not as cool as you are–”
“–Y/N, don’t doubt yourself so much! You’re amazing and so cool. I’m lucky to have you as my roomie.”
“What do you think?” You asked, wearing a black leather miniskirt for the first time. Chaeyoung whistled and smirked, “wow, Y/N-Unnie you look so fine! So pretty!”
“You think so? Isn’t the length a bit too short?” You said shyly, looking at the way the skirt was sitting on your butt while posing in front of the mirror.
“So what? You should definitely wear it for the party!”
You turned around looking at the mirror reflection and how the skirt looked on you. “I don’t know what to pair this skirt with… I mean I usually don’t wear anything above my knees…” You sighed as Chaeyoung massaged your shoulders, “don’t worry about it, Unnie. I’ll help you out, any outfit paired with your beauty is going to be perfect!”
“This sports bra or the other one?” Chaeyoung asked, holding a sports bra in each hand.
“Mhm, I really like the white one. It’ll look so nice on you.” You said, smiling.
“What should we eat for dinner tonight?” Chaeyoung asked, opening the refrigerator as she looked over at me.
“Mmh, I don’t know. What about Kimchi Jjigae?”
“Sure thing. Let’s do that, Unnie.”
“We can add small pieces of chicken breast,” You said, opening the refrigerator and pulling out a plastic bag with raw chicken.
“You seem to be in quite a good mood, Yuta.” Ten said, drinking some water. “Mhm. I do?” He asked, drawing some birds on a piece of paper. “Yeah, earlier you were sulking and frowning a lot, I’d figure you fought with Miyawaki?” Ten asked as he sighed, “we did, she ended up leaving earlier yesterday. I should call her and apologize.”
“Don’t you want to break off things with her for a change, Yuta?” Johnny asked, checking the cash register as they looked at each other. “I probably should, I mean Miya-chan is already in a relationship. I can’t be her second choice all the time she gets into a fight with him.”
“Apologize? For what exactly, Yuta?”
“I got mad at her for always calling me whenever she fought with Hisashi.” Yuta scoffed, drinking a sip from his water bottle.
“Hmm, you and Miyawaki only see each other once or twice a week right?”
“That’s right, I thought it was better to hook up with Miyawaki every night,” Yuta admitted, rubbing the back of his head. “I hate sleeping alone.”
A/N: Thanks for reading, all likes, reblogs and comments mean a lot to me, let me know if you want me to add extra tags or something. 💞
< Teaser – Next part >
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teruthecreator · 3 years
okay. thoughts on the grad finale
gonna slap it under a readmore bc i’m Sure i’m gonna ramble. 
uh spoiler warning for the finale of taz graduation, as well as spoilers for the season in general.
also, these are my own thoughts of how the season went, what the themes were, etc! if you don’t agree with me, that’s fine! but i don’t wanna have a convo w you in the replies about it i’ll be honest. if you want to share your opinion so badly, make your own post, alright? that good? we cool?
aight. so. finale thoughts.
to make it short: i think the finale was a satisfying end of a very good arc. 
to expand upon that, let me share what i think the themes of graduation were and why the finale satisfies those themes. 
i made a post about this a while back (here it is if you want) but my honest belief was that the theme of graduation was self-reliance: the concept that you don’t allow yourself to be governed by forces that go against your own beliefs. this concept was coined by essayist ralph waldo emerson to talk about how the american people shouldn’t allow the government to create laws that go against the will of the people. now, understandably, this feels very anti-capitalist which is what i think a lot of fans believed was reflected through the season. 
but, in reality, self-reliance has more to do with being active in your government and making sure you’re being represented the way you want to be by your representatives. that’s sort of the vibe emerson was going for in his essay, and i think. in a sense? that translates to graduation. but i took self-reliance in the more metaphorical about breaking away from those things that are controlling you. which, in graduation, was A Lot Of Things. 
the way i saw it, there were two major groups that inflicted order upon the world and the thundermen--conveniently separated as order and chaos (not the deities though, just the concepts). 
the order half of control existed mostly through the school and the HOG. the HOG created the economic reliance on the heroes and villains system, which removed all literal meaning from those terms and turned them into bureaucratic titles. society existed under these very strict checks and balances; heroes and villains supplied money to the kingdom in terms of entertainment, which then boosted that kingdom’s creditability and allowed them to contribute more to nua’s economy, which then led heroes and villains to have a higher demand, thus perpetuating the cycle. it’s important to note that this term does not represent the sort of morality we expect for heroes and villains--hell, even the term “evil” turned into an arbitrary term used to show those heroes and villains who failed the system. this is the more prominent representation of control that the thundermen break away from in achieving their own self-reliance. they don’t see the value in a system that holds no real moral code (fitzroy Especially, but i’ll get into that in a bit), and can’t help the public when there’s actually a serious situation. as we saw with althea in the beginning, the HOG had no way to help the thundermen when they were dealing with the whole Demon Prince situation (as he had already placed some of his own people in there, proving these kind of systems are easily corruptible). so this wasn’t a system meant to Actually create heroes and villains--it was just a way of boosting the economy. 
the chaos half of control existed primarily through grey and Chaos. grey represented how chaos could be controlled, through various means. he planted that tree for the centaurs to fight over because he knew it would constantly create conflict, which he enjoyed. he kept the school under a watchful eye to prevent anyone from stepping out of line with his grand ideas, and used several manipulation tactics to try and get his way (most notably, his own admittance of grooming fitzroy into joining his side, which didn’t work). grey was the perfect example of how chaos does not automatically mean a lack of control. he was very controlling in how he did things because he had an endgoal: find hieronymous and have a war. but he didn’t even realize he was contributing to a greater idea, that being Chaos’s insistence on causing general disarray. as we realize now, Chaos’s plan was both for them and Order, but i’m leaving Order out for a second because they only really rear their head in towards the end. for the most part, audiences were led to assume that Chaos was the Big Bad(TM); they were the one pulling the strings, allowing things to happen to cause general chaos and disarray. them supplying random mortals with their endless power was a way to plant chaos into the world of nua; but it was a chaos they controlled. fitzroy resisting them was not simply a refusal to bend to Chaos, but it was resisting the control put on him through his magic. 
these systems were constricting the thundermen on both sides. when they thought they’d find help in one side, they were disappointed to find that there was nothing anyone could do. the only people who could fix their problems were...them. so they forged a new path, set new ideas, and became self-reliant. that’s what i think is the most important aspect of graduation; not the anti-capitalist implications of turning over the economic and political systems in place, but the idea that if nothing that is supposed to help you is actually helping that you can just...do your own thing! 
and i think that’s what the finale really shows, at the end of the day. that these forms of control were not doing anything helpful, and were in fact ruining the fabric of space-time! that’s where i think Order comes in because Order is really...the ultimate culmination of control. they are aware that Everything being done will benefit their cause. the HOG? well, they make sure everybody’s so incompetent that they can do their work. grey? well, he’ll contribute to the plan without even realizing it. they even manipulated Chaos and enacted their own form of control over Chaos to make sure that they had no reason to believe that this plan couldn’t go wrong. but Order knew. Order always knew there was a chance for error, and that chance was very great. but they didn’t care! so long as they had control of things, they could try a hundred times to get it right. they had no care for mortals, unlike Chaos. 
the thundermen showing Chaos the truth is the final jenga piece that collapses this tower of control. which is why the finale is so great. 
travis does a phenomenal job of incorporating chaos (general chaos) into the battle mechanics. it may be stupid and slightly arbitrary, but having them change forms randomly and having to adapt to those new circumstances really does exemplify the season!!! the thundermen were constantly forced into new situations (being sidekicks/henches, fitzroy becoming a villain, being let in on the heiro dog situation, the unbroken chain trial, joining forces w grey, etc.), and in all of them they simply found a way to adapt and keep working their way. which made the finale generally interesting and also thematically interesting! 
i think my favorite part of the entire fight scene is right at the end, when argo chucks the shark’s tooth necklace at Order. and time stops. and they’re given a choice. 
the fact that they leave it to a coin toss?? oh my god...how fucking FITTING!! like, that’s disorderly. that’s going your own way. it’s new, it’s terrifying, it has DIRE UNKNOWNS ON EITHER SIDE, but it’s what they do! and...it ends up working out! i think it would’ve worked out either way, but the fact that they left it up to chance really shows how they aren’t allowing anything to control their actions. 
first off, i loved hearing how Nua adapts to losing this very significant form of government/economic contributor and turns to more people-based work. citizens uniting together, fixing things, making amends, THAT’S SELF-RELIANCE BABEY!!! THAT’S THE WHOLE EMERSON SHIT! HAVING A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT THAT ACTUALLY HAS THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AT LARGE!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH THAT’S THE WHOLE SELF-RELIANCE THING!
now, i’ll break it down by characters: 
GOD. LOVE IT. FIRST OFF, absolutely ADORED how his character arc involved him stripping himself of these self-assigned titles because he actually has an identity that is all his own and he doesn’t NEED arbitrary titles to prove his worth because HE HAS IT IN HIMSELF. not to self-plug or anything, but that’s ssoss!fitzroy’s WHOLE SHIT. I’VE ALREADY BEEN ON THIS TRAIN, BITCH, AND TO KNOW I GOT IT SO RIGHT...GOD. FEELS GOOD. 
but also, i just really enjoy how his ending went in general. the fact that he doesn’t really know what he wants to do, so he just...does stuff he likes to do? that’s so good! because, if you remember, fitzroy had a Very set schedule of life events when the campaign started. he was going to get his wiggenstaffs degree, go back knight school, get his knight school degree, and then go to goodcastle. but all of that was based on a very limited understanding of himself. 
fitzroy’s character arc has primarily focused finding himself, specifically in terms of identity. for someone who was bullied for his past, the present formation of himself was Extremely important to fitzroy. he thought that shutting out his past and taking on this grandiose title of knighthood would make him something more than himself. he would no longer be fitzroy; the poor, country kid trying to make it in a big world. he’d be Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt; respected, honored, revered, with a title to prove it. 
he explains to fauxronymous (pre-reveal grey) that the reason he wanted to be a knight was because he wanted to assist in doing good. morally good. fitzroy has Always had a very clear sense of his morality; this comes through when he refuses Chaos on the basis of many people having to die if he agreed. but being a knight also had the added of bonus of a very respectable title that no one would want to look beyond, which fitzroy felt he needed because...i don’t think he Saw anything beyond that. in himself. he wasn’t himself for a very long time, and i don’t know if he ever thought he would be again. he’d wear this new identity, start a new life, and be happier....he hoped. 
then, things changed! and he started to realize that arbitrary titles don’t do shit because plenty of people with Big Important Titles ended up being Awful People! so he started to value himself For Himself; his wit, his humor, his strength, his magical prowess. and, i think, he started to wonder what knighthood was Really about. was it about upholding a moral good? or was it just another bureaucracy filled with people who won’t do shit when things get bad. 
i think this is why him becoming a lawyer is fitting. especially because of the reasoning he gives sylvia nite. now for A LOT OF PEOPLE, i’m sure they hear lawyer and assume some corporate hotshot who doesn’t give a shit about people. but fitzroy is Not applying to be a corporate laywer. he SPECIFICALLY telsl sylvia that he wants to help people who cannot help themselves, and he wants to do good in that way. THAT kind of lawyer is more of the pro-bono, district lawyer. the ones that don’t make crazy amounts of cash, but help those who cannot afford lawyers and represent them when the government is fucking them over. those lawyers don’t rely on title, they rely on principle. 
that’s the perfect representation of fitzroy’s growth. holding his identity within himself, while still trying to do good by those who need it. 
firbolg (aka gary) 
i think the firbolg’s ending is so unique but so...right for him. his character arc has really been focused around finding his family. he had one, in the beginning, in his clan. but that didn’t end up, y’know...working out that much. so he had to go out into the world alone--something that firbolg’s are rarely--and try and navigate these foreign spaces all by himself. 
we see very early on how he latches onto the idea of groups. he likes being considered a part of the thundermen; he very much hoists himself upon the CFO title and wears it proudly. i think, where fitzroy needed to find identity within himself, the firbolg needed to find it within other people. which is completely okay! he’s still an individual, but you can tell he finds comfort in numbers because that’s what he is used to. 
him going back to his clan was, i believe, his finally severance with his identity as “firbolg”. he would never be welcomed back to his clan, and one of the few people in his life who supported him was now dead. but his father was proud of him; his father was happy he seemed to find his own clan, even if it wasn’t with other firbolgs. from that moment on, i think the firbolg begins to try finding himself within the thundermen. within his friends.
so his epilogue is neat! it definitely captures the loneliness he feels on his own, and how he feels lost with himself without others. i think it might seem silly to some that he would become a gary, but i think it’s fitting. the garys were always present in his time at school, and they were always helpful. they didn’t mind how long it took him to talk because the gary’s are stone gargoyles--what the fuck do they care about time? it was a group that the firbolg saw as familiar to him--always willing to help, slow, stony, and attuned to a larger group. 
and i think the way gary takes this idea of unity and family and puts it into financial assistance just...it just ties everything together! we saw how attached he got to the concept of finances, thanks to his very confusing accounting class. so he had all of this new knowledge--this knowledge that represented a separation from firbolgs--and this new clan. and he used it to help other clans and families!! i think the fact that the Garys financial advice works specifically with groups is what makes this so fitting. because gary wants families to feel stable within themselves; he understands how finances can create struggle and divides, and he wants to provide relief. 
giving financial advice to communities so they rely on themselves and not the government (aka inviting them to be controlled once more) is a VERY self-reliant concept. not that i think gary’s goal is to have no social networks to exist, but he wants to give communities the ability to rely on one another and foster that feeling of togetherness. so groups aren’t fighting over things, but are trusting and loving and relying. 
just like gary’s always wanted. and just like what he has with the thundermen.
argo’s ending is probably the funniest, but also the sweetest. i think that argo’s character arc revolved around finding his place. we see how argo’s early personality and motivations revolved around his past. he very much had a revenge story since the start; he wanted to enact revenge on the commodore for murdering his mother, no matter what it took. which made him very limited!! in terms of the self. he saw himself less for what he was now, and what he was then. and what he couldn’t do then. 
we see how much he finds comfort in being a part of the thundermen, but also how he feels...out of place. i think this is because a part of him is still attached to his past and doesn’t think he can do anything beyond his set plan. the unbroken chain certainly contributes to this, by not only separating him from the trio but also reinforcing his connection to his past through his mother’s involvement in the unbroken chain. 
the commodore also being a part of the unbroken chain is, i think, what causes the shift from past to present within argo. his life’s goal is standing right in front of him--attached to the group his mother once was a part of--with his friends at his side. letting the thundermen in on his history is the start of bridging these two halves of argo. and the fact that the thundermen are so willing to helps makes argo feel more a part of the team and more a part of this reality. 
when he kills the commodore, it isn’t intense. it isn’t overly dramatic (minus the fight prior, which was BADASS), it isn’t crazily staged. it is argo, staring down the commodore who lies prone on the ground. 
he kills himself unceremoniously and completes his life-long mission. 
what becomes of him in the epilogue is the culimination of both past and present. he takes what he knows and loves (the sea, the mariah, sailing) and blends it with what he’s come to love now (his friends, this adventure, and making people happy). there are SO many instances where argo uses performance to his advantage. this man is piloted by clint mcelroy, of COURSE he’s going to have a flair for the dramatic. 
so for him to open up a themed cruiseline, based on the stories of him and his friends? SO FITTING. and it isn’t forcing himself to leave his past behind or to completely ignore his present circumstances. because he’s found a place in the now, in the merging of these two sides. and by merging them, he paints a bright future for himself. a future that is partially known, partially not. partially old, partially new.
but it’s all his. 
after that, i think their final scene is just...sweet. a nice, jovial, joking send-off to a nice season. it proves these people have grown and will continue to grow, even when we no longer see their story. it does exactly what graduation does--shows you a struggle, a triumph, and a glimpse into the future. 
i’ll miss it so much, but there’s nothing more i could’ve asked of this ending. it was exactly what it needed to be; nothing more, nothing less. 
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years
True Colors: An Emotionally Fantastic Serious Game Changer.
If we’re to look back at Reunion as Season 1′s dramatic pay off for Amphibia’s message of toxic friendships, as Anne & Sasha’s conflicting dynamic showed us, then True Colors is a colossal expansive note on this big theme of the series. True Colors makes Season 1′s finale look like a walk in the park for what angst goes down between our three main heroins in Season 2′s climatic resolution. Everything that can go wrong does go oh so painfully wrong for these three kids. Anne, to no one’s surprise, gets double crossed by Sasha leaving things between them a Hell of a lot more bitter than they were previously, as if that couldn’t already be topped when Sasha tried to kill the Plantars before. Anne has had enough of her lies and manipulation not being afraid to tell Sasha straight up how awful of a friend she’s been in general, even hitting her where it hurts most of all saying, “No, I’m done listening to you! I’m done trusting you! You’re a horrible person and I am done being FRIENDS with you!”, going so far as to get a shaken reaction out of Sasha dropping her brave face act, making this girl try to wipe away the frog family.
Right off the bat, True Colors makes it highly evident this isn’t just another story of stopping a bigger threat, but one hitting much closer to home, overall. Yes, King Andrias is certainly a dangerous villain, who makes his presence and intimidating nature known to the others by True Color’s final act, which despite this Amphibia isn’t entirely putting him at the forefront, rather focusing on a more intimate study of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s big emotional conflict. This finale knows exactly where to put its focus of importance on, so I love that instead of it being action packed we’re getting the spotlight shined on just how screwed up these three of a friendship have, in spite of Marcy claiming in The Dinner episode, “We’re supposed to be friends for life. We don’t split up!’ . Very ironic stuff right there, indeed.
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True Colors’ most powerful strength it adds to Amphibia’s ongoing profound story about healthy friendships is the thorough deconstruction of these girls defined “ideal relationship” as people. Before Anne came to the world of Amphibia this kid was afraid to stand up for what she believed in, even knowing especially well that stealing the calamity box was morally questionable, but did it anyway. Sasha was super manipulative, abusive, and used her power to control people, like she did a lot of toward Anne in their lives. Marcy, while very smart, wasn’t the most competent physically, who soon grew into being more independent without needing to rely on Anne always having to be there for her. These three were changed immensely by the events of being thrust into this world of sentient amphibian creatures. Anne benefited morally most out out of all three in taking up the mantle of responsibility and ironing out her own issues. She’s become a much stronger person all around. 
This episode asks us an important question though in nutshell with, “Have Sasha & Marcy truly changed for the better?”, since Anne has reached a point in her arc feeling genuinely content with who she’s become and the bonds that have been made with the Plantar family shown most notably with Sprig Plantar. Hence the whole purpose behind the song, It’s No Big Deal, with Anne feeling proud for who she is, yet not noticing a bigger issue right underneath her nose. That previous episode was meant to bring Anne’s happiness up only to bring it all crashing down in a devastating display of new revelations in True Colors. Every dramatic emotional beat isn’t just earned. Each significant moment is completely knocked out of the park by terrific voice acting, beautiful animation, and music composition that gave me serious emotional goosebumps. True Colors did exactly as Not What He Seems accomplished for Gravity Falls in shaking up its own respective dramatic stakes just when you thought it couldn’t get any higher for these protagonists. Shit seriously hits the fan here.
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Did it ever occur to you, Anne? Sasha? That one of you knew more, than she was letting on? That ONE of you might’ve gotten you stranded in Amphibia on purpose...?
The big bombshell twist of Marcy playing a part too in getting them into this whole debacle completely flips everything upside down. Sasha pushed Anne into taking the Calamity Box, yes, but if Marcy never sent that photo because of her desire to stay with them together forever, then they wouldn’t have been stranded in basically a world full of dangerous creatures and who knows what else. Easily my favorite part of the episode, considering it adds more nuance to a situation that defined Amphibia’s story. It wasn’t just one person’s fault at the end of the day. Sasha bullied Anne into taking the box, Anne didn’t put her foot down to make a stand for something morally questionable, and Marcy took advantage of them both to benefit her own selfish desires for supposedly a “happy ending” not involving them staying apart, due to her parents moving away for a new job. All three girls played an important part on why they got landed into Amphiba. It’s why Anne’s statement to King Andrias, “The three of us may have made some mistake, but you...You’re evil and I’m gonna stop you!”, holds such a real weight to it, as this story continues to solidify how genuinely fleshed out their dynamic is.
Marcy’s super desperate plea to be understood by Anne & Sasha when Andrias revealed her getting them thrown into Amphibia purposefully was hard to watch. On one hand, I felt for Marcy because she didn’t want real life circumstances to tear apart that close connection she had to Sasha & Anne. Sure, she could’ve just kept in touch with them over the phone or chatting online, too. However, Marcy had known them since very early childhood. When you’ve been so attached to someone it can be a devastating thing, depending on just how vulnerable you are emotionally, to start drifting apart. Marcy represents that embodiment of toxic need for togetherness and couldn’t bear to let a possibility, like moving away, throw a wrench into her happiness and friendship, as well.
Never mind Marcy wanting to stay permanently in a different reality, rather than face her’s, but it made this person feel like something more. It gave her a chance to feel truly special in being able to live out a fantasy dream of having such power and freedom that a kid, like herself, couldn’t have had. The freedom to know she is plenty capable of making it out there on her own without Anne having to watch this kid like a hawk. So, to have someone, or something, try taking it away from her terrified Marcy of facing a terrible truth. That she isn’t strong enough after all to live a life without Anne & Sasha by her side completely, where Marcy will never feel truly worthy enough to blossom into her own person. It’s why that line, “I just...didn’t want to be alone...”, carries such a deep pain to it all. Marcy just crumbles into pieces accepting her greatest weakness. As much as Marcy fumbled the ball big time, it’s so easy to empathize with her on the idea of feeling competent enough. Marcy never meant to hurt Anne or Sasha, but the sad crushing punchline is she very much did.
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Speaking of which, Anne had every right to be upset and mad, obviously. Anne has been missing so many things from her life before everything went off the wall. Hopping Mall especially highlighted Anne’s emotional desire to give anything just to hear her mother’s singing again. This teenager has been really dealing with a lot of grief in general quite honestly. Anne got into a high stakes battle against Sasha to save new friends, who’d practically became like an adopted family, which left the poor girl traumatized and heartbroken over the end result. She thought finding Marcy would help compensate for it and eventually be able to mend those complications with Sasha to boot. It’s simply painful to see it all blow up in Anne’s face to know not only Sasha betrayed her trust yet again, but realizing Marcy also played a part of responsibility in getting them thrown here. Matt Braly really just decided to slap future trust issues onto Anne finding out Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy were all super dishonest in their intentions at one point or another. Damn, I feel so bad for her.
It makes their embracing hug back in Marcy At The Gates so much harder to watch. Anne was super glad to see her again. Anne had wondered what became of Marcy or even possibly started to think she could even be alive at all. Then come to find out later on Marcy having intentionally ripped her away from a normal life must’ve felt worse then what happened with Sasha. Anne, already done with all of Sasha’s bullshit, thought she could at least expect better from Marcy not letting her down, but that too wasn’t the case. Marcy is very much as flawed as Sasha in what she has done. To think, Anne wanted so badly to get back home, yet she’s staring the very person dead in the eye, who ripped her away from it to begin with. Marcy knew Sasha would talk Anne into taking the box from that thrift shop, even if she wasn’t completely certain it would successfully teleport them away. Regardless of whatever good intentions someone can have in why they did what they did, it still doesn’t absolve them of said mistake. Fact of the matter is, Marcy tragically made her own bed, by choosing to mess with forces she couldn’t begin to comprehend and now has to face consequences, in spite of her not deserving them.
What really got to me was when Marcy tried to spin around Anne’s personal growth and close friendship with the Plantars as all entirely thanks to her. When she said, “I gave you this! I gave you everything!”, I was like, “Nope, that couldn’t be any further from the truth.”, seeing everything that has culminated in Anne’s journey of bettering herself. Marcy didn’t give Anne anything, but a one way ticket to cutting the kid off from her family, presuming she’d be fine with this idea. It’s all kinds of messed up, however what it boils down to is Marcy undermining Anne’s independence and agency. Anne’s moral judgement in decision making was what allowed her to create this new life she made for herself in Amphibia. Anne’s honesty as a whole led her down a path of togetherness, while Marcy’s lying landed her in a result of not wanting to be alone, costing her so much.
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“I don’t believe this. We were so focused on each other we couldn’t see what was right in front of us!”
True Colors excels at earning each of its emotional beats because they line up with character motivations down to the last letter. Anne doesn’t want to trust Sasha anymore because of their already rocky past, which leads to her helping King Andrias regain control of his kingdom. Sasha not keeping a lid on her temper, wanting to rule over Amphibia, and trying to reinforce that power dynamic with Anne & Marcy only made things worse for her image of a changed good friend. There wasn’t a chance in Hell Anne would hear Sasha’s reasoning after she flat out tried to take away her frog family, by attempting to use the Calamity Box a bit ago in the episode. Marcy wanted to believe there was a happily ever after in seeing this world traveling idea as their only chance for salvation as friends for life, but it turned out to be something much more sinister, when learning of Andrias’ backstory and his true scumbag nature. All three of their motivations come clashing together, blinding them from a much bigger danger. Something that effectively puts everyone at stake.
Amphibia’s Season 2 finale works so excellently, given it covers important dramatic elements it’s been stirring around since Season 1′s early rumblings. Amphibia is a story centered around people’s need for emotional connections. True Colors builds miraculously off what Reunion already did quite well in showing friendships can become rough and they are never easy to deal with. When you have to make a stand it can be a tough pill to swallow on the reality check of maybe this “good friend” of your’s isn’t as nice as you previously thought them to be. Anne having been hurt one too many times now by her former friend sends that message close to home, so much so even Sasha begins to question her morality as a human being. It poignantly encapsulates how this trio’s complex friendship is a serious growing issue needing to be reexamined, overall.
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What if Anne’s right..? What if I am a horrible person...?
Something I absolutely love to pieces about True Colors, also a testament to Season 2′s darn good writing, is how much introspective we get from each character on what they’re feeling. We’ve seen plenty of Sasha’s vulnerability before in other episodes centered on her issues, but now we’re getting to the root of it. Sasha is really taking everything more to heart, little by little. Sasha’s understanding what kind of an effect she has on people, seeing the damage it has caused made evident by Percy and Braddock in Barrel’s Warhammer. Grime once told her, “Some dreams have a price and not everyone is willing to pay it.”, where she’s questioning that idealism every passing minute the invasion plan proceeds further into reaching success. Sasha isn’t sure what to do with herself anymore feeling aimless. Those previous episodes had a real impact on her priorities more than she cared to let on with Sasha’s typical tough girl act. This kid has let her guard down more, which scares and confuses Sasha. She’s always used to playing the role of protector it contradicts everything Sasha stands for when the roles are totally reversed because now Anne has made her feel the tremendous change in their growth as individuals.
Sasha’s lifestyle has been all about control that after somewhat learning to be more considerate to Anne & Marcy’s feelings she feels beyond conflicted about what truly matters to her. The most screwed up part of it all is Sasha didn’t want to fight anymore, taking up a pacifist approach after seeing what King Andrias had been hiding from everyone. It’s a fitting punishment for Sasha to try bringing Anne over to work together once more, but getting her pleas for companionship outright ignored. Anne was correct that Sasha had wasted all the chances to be reasonable. Boonchuy tried to hear out Sasha before at The Third Temple. One wanted to start things over again to iron out their serious issues, but the other was driven by bitterness, while only remorseful to a degree at best, of seeing their once weak friend become so independent, mature, and stronger that it drove her up wall. Sasha wanted to take away that “problem” being the Plantars, since in her eyes they’re the source of Anne’s strength, driving a wedge further between the two girls in their heated Reunion 2.0 battle.
True Colors demonstrates the horrific price of no trust, communication, nor teamwork from the three main girls that Andrias smoothly took advantage of, as if they were fiddles. 
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“That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go.”
King Andrias is quite literally what I wanted Lunaris to be, where DuckTales’ Season 2 finale didn’t impress me on doing. He’s a serious big baddie to the main cast, who follows through on his threats of violence to demonstrate his wide array of arsenal and power. Andrias doesn’t just emotionally manipulate characters, like poor Marcy, but utterly crush them without an ounce of remorse for his actions. When he dropped Sprig out that window after Anne willingly let him have the Calamity Box back I thought they were legit gonna kill this boy off. The way Anne’s flashback montage of her good times with Sprig were eerily shot really didn’t help either on that note. Anne’s Calamity power finally activating is easily up there among stuff, like Dewey risking his life for Della’s disappearance in Last Crash, where the cinematography is shot and animated brilliantly. You feel Anne’s blind raging sadness in every hit she landed on those robots and Andrias. If anyone didn’t believe Sprig was like a little brother to Anne, then I dunno how anyone couldn’t view their bond anymore as such after this hugely defining scene. Anne went bloodthirsty when she believed Sprig to be dead further evidenced when she hugged him in relief afterwards exclaiming, “Sprig!? You’re alive!? Oh, thank goodness...”, which cuts deep so damn much.
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Anne was ready to fight every one of Andrias’ troops in that castle to the death, if need be. Before Sprig came back from falling, thanks to Marcy’s quick acting, to comfort Anne, her only goal was to slaughter every opponent in that throne room, along with making Andrias pay dearly for even daring to lay a single finger on anyone of the Plantars. I’m not gonna lie, this pivotal power up reminded me so much Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2 after Cell curb stomped Android 16 into pieces with a smirk on his face. Anne Boonchuy’s maddening outburst is a classic testament to the idea of, “Piss off the nicest person and they’ll make it their mission to instill the biggest kind of fear/terror into you.”. showing this kid at her most vulnerable mental state, yet. Sprig & Anne’s cathartic embrace really messed me up in reinforcing just how these two respect, love, and would go above any of their limitations to help the other out. Sprig’s “death” scene was a masterful bait by the writers into making us think someone was gonna die and it was gonna be a poor kid, no less.  
However, it was actually all just a bait and switch for the real, “Oh, shit. They really just did that”, moment with Marcy unexpectedly getting run through with Andrias’ gigantic sword. In a last ditch effort, Marcy wanted to atone for what she had a hand in getting them all into. Marcy was ironclad determined in making her own stand for what was right trying to save the people she endangered. Akin to what Sasha did in Reunion for saving Anne’s life, Marcy does the exact same here. Although, unfortunately this time, no one is here to protect Marcy from escaping death, like Grime catching Sasha from plummeting at Toad Tower. Marcy couldn’t react in time because she was so focused on helping her dear friends out. She wanted to prove to herself at least one time, “I’ve screwed up so much stuff with my friends. Maybe, just maybe. If I get my friends back home, it’ll prove I’m not an entirely crappy person for setting these events into motion.”. Marcy’s own deep seeded remorse is what saved Anne & the Plantars, while being the cause of her own untimely demise at Andrias’ hands.
This scene is what no doubt encouraged the warning sign for younger viewers Disney decided to make for them. It’s impressive how far Matt and his crew are willing to go for intense dramatic content. Andrias trying to crush Polly with his fist after destroying Frobo with casual ease, dropping Sprig out of the window from up sky high, and stabbing Marcy with his powerful sword displays his cold blooded brutality. Doesn’t matter who you are. If you get in the way of Andrias’ plans for multiverse domination, then he’ll throw anyone into their own grave, be it man, woman, or child. That’s the mark of a truly terrifying antagonist.
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Andrias didn’t care who had to be hurt or manipulated to get back the box, so he could invade other worlds with Earth being his next prime target for invasion. Marcy’s fate is a horrifyingly poetic statement, since Sasha stated to Anne in a flashback from Marcy At The Gates, “One of these days, she’s gonna get herself killed.”, with True Colors tying back to this line in a disturbing manner. Something that sends chills down my spine is we get to see the full extent of how far Andrias shoved the sword through her body. We don’t just see the entry point of where it hit her, but it even zooms out to show the whole thing. Real talk, I got serious Avatar The Last Airbender vibes from this scene. Reminded me so much of Aang getting suddenly zapped with lightning by Azula when he tried to enter the Avatar state. Marcy didn’t want to be alone so badly she ended up inevitably dying alone trying to send Anne back home to their reality. One Hell of a way to close off Marcy’s last moments in Season 2, until her inevitable resurrection happens in Season 3 now that King Andrias has her in a tube tank that looks tied to his master.
True Colors ends on a deeply bittersweet cliffhanger leaving the fates of Sasha & Grime totally unknown if they’ll get away by the skin of their teeth, or get captured by Andrias’ soldiers and robots. Anne finally returned home with the Plantars, but at a deadly cost of leaving her other close friends behind in Amphibia. After all the isolation, heartbreak, and endurance she went through with her frog family Anne finds herself at a total loss for words. Once again, Anne is in a state of solitude of not knowing if her friends are really okay or not, mirroring the start of Season 1 when she landed into Amphibia’s world. It’s safe to say to say that, “Finally me and it’s no big deal.”, lyrics have aged terribly for Anne’s realization of finding her own identity came at the expense of getting separated from friends she’s known since kindergarten. Definitely see Anne becoming a lot more protective of the Plantars now more than ever after watching Marcy drop to the ground from being stabbed in front of her eyes.
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Amphibia’s Season 2 finale is exactly how you capitalize on a winning story telling formula of dramatic writing, lovable characters with layered depth, and increasing the stakes of your story in an organic manner. True Colors is a finale that should be talked about for a long time to come, as it not only showed how worth the wait it was, but reinforces why Amphibia is a truly great series. It’s unafraid to take its characters to dark places in a way that feels totally earned.
Amphibia Season 2 is everything a sequel to a first film should be.
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