#There's a ton of symbolism in this but I'm not going into details lmao
lady-harrowhark · 1 year
What do you imagine weddings in the nine houses are like? Do you think they still wear white or abide by any more traditional pre-resurrection customs? Since Jod drew so much inspiration from both Rome and Catholicism (Catholic wedding doctrine is based on the ideas of free will marriage that were tradition in ancient Rome) I think it's likely but there has to be some insane necromancy element too. Maybe a riff on the eucharist from wedding masses? Also, how do you think it varies from house to house? You always have really fun and creative ideas about the world, so I thought I'd ask your opinion about one of my favorite random headcanons to think about. (P.S. I hope the eras concert was fun!!)
Oh gosh, first of all, that is incredibly flattering lol. Second... I actually hadn't given this just a ton of thought before getting this, so it's been fun to thing about!
I think they probably resemble Christian/Catholic wedding ceremonies enough to be recognizable as such, but I would love it if they were like, the funhouse mirror version of that. I LOVE the idea of the Eucharist being involved prominently, but maybe even at a more symbolic level? Like we could obviously tie that to the whole "consume the flesh" thing, but I just feel like Tamsyn could come up with a really cool play on that concept that would never even occur to me lol.
I kind of doubt they wear white; I don't really have a good rationale for this other than vibes. Just thinking about how we see a decent range of aesthetics across the clothing of the Houses, especially in color, it would track that they have differing customs for wedding/ceremonial attire as well. Like, I can't really imagine that the Sixth whole gray librarian thing translates into formalwear the same way that say, the Third does (although using the Third as an example feels like cheating, because I suspect they go over the top for EVERYTHING so no one was gonna be doing it like them anyway lmao).
As an aside, I'm pausing for a moment to push one of my most indulgent AtN bingo card items, which is Harrow wearing white. I know the Lyctor robes are like, iridescent white, but I mean purely white. With Alecto getting so much imagery around light, and how Harrow describes her in the Tomb as wearing wearing "a white shift", it could be a cool parallel. Oh also, now that I think about it, the whole thing about Harrow being a nun, i.e., "betrothed to the Locked Tomb". Plus like, there's something there about the way it would be close to but not exactly like the iridescent white of the Lyctor robes, like, John was trying to emulate that and could only achieve a flashy approximation. And something something Harrow setting aside the black of the Ninth something mumble. But mostly, I'm heart eyes over more wedding/marriage imagery for her and Gideon 🥰 (Idk what to make of that in contrast to the white that the Tower Princes wear, but it's entirely hypothetical at this point, which means that I can ignore anything that doesn't fit my agenda.)
On my last reread, one of the little details that I was actually really taken by was that Magnus is noted to be wearing a wedding ring. So that tradition still stands, at least for the Fifth, and I absolutely melted over it.
I would kind of assume the vibe of a wedding ceremony varies from House to House, maybe along the lines of what we know about the cultures of each and what they tend to emphasize. If that's the case, I would LOVE to see a Seventh wedding; I bet it's gorgeous and deliciously fucked up. I'm really really curious about the wedding that Tamsyn has mentioned being in AtN, especially because she mentioned party dresses, and you know how I love putting blorbos in outfits. I suspect that her saying that is a bit of a red herring... Like if I'm giving my best guess, there WILL be a wedding (an actual one, not just a symbolic Lyctorhood whatever wedding) BUT I don't it will be the focus. I could see it being used really neatly as backdrop for some heisty business, more of a plot device to get people all in one place or as a distraction. I'm not getting my hopes up to see the actual ceremony, I guess is what I'm saying. The real action might be happening in the next room over.
(and P.S. THANK YOU! It was AMAZING and honestly, probably the best night of my life and also I cried for basically the entire thing, I still cannot believe I was lucky enough to be there. I got to go with my best friends, who live quite far away from me and I hadn't seen since January, which made it that much more fun. We went to the second night, and we mostly stayed off our phones/away from any social media so that we could go in and be completely surprised without having seen anything about it, and I'm so glad we did! I wouldn't have held out if we were going to a different date lol.)
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crowtrobotx · 6 months
Chrysalis question time go!! will we be finding out anything more about Kris' past before she arrived in the village in the fic? We obvs already know the most important bits like her missing husband being the reason she was out there to begin with, but what about Lottie's maternal grandparents? Aunts, uncles, friends?
Also, this would either fall into irrelevant or major spoiler territory so feel free to skirt around this/ignore: do you think if Karl and Lottie ever made it to the States after they escaped the village, would he seek out his in-laws, even if out of pure curiosity?
(sorry I was slow at responding to this. I live in shame.) That is an interesting question! Thank you for asking. The answer is: I'm not really sure if there will be a reason in Chrysalis to bring anything up, but it's not out of the question for a side story or ficlet! Kris is more of a found family rather than blood family person; I slid in a little nod to her BFF and girlfriend who belongs to @grisailledreams in one chapter, but she does indeed have a fully fleshed out backstory beyond what she's mentioned. (Journalist, missing hubby etc.) It's just a matter of if it ends up becoming relevant... which it might or might not lol. I know "if it's relevant" is a funny thing for me to say given how much insane and unnecessary symbolic detail I throw in at the cost of like... literally anything else lmao but I do occasionally consciously leave a little bit to the imagination with characters sometimes! It's weird, blood relations for my OC's have never been something I've put a ton of stock in usually. I wonder if it's because I'm a hyper introverted only child who was only close with her immediate parents growing up? Time to stare in the mirror and psychoanalyze myself for 3 hours. As for the second question... hmm. Let's answer hypothetically lol. If Kris is alive and also not a big slobbering wolf monster now kept as the family dog (imagine her oversized dog house and purple rhinestone collar) she'd obviously have some explaining to do and would want everyone to meet. If she's dead/still a weremama then I think I would say Karl would learn about them for curiosity's sake (and to protect Lottie bc he'd be paranoid they'd try to come take her or something) but I don't really see him trying to meet them. They'd be too much of a painful reminder and he's got trust issues out the wazoo; Lottie's thoughts on the matter as she got older might sway him, though! I could actually see her being the more insistent one on meeting. Imagine you get a knock on your door one day and it's an over-caffeinated 20 year old trade school student screaming about how she's your grandchild and the most filthy man you've ever seen looming behind her.
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pumpkinnning · 1 year
leo you didn't know what you got yourself into, baby.
for the "know your ficwriter" thingy:
2; 4; 14; 15 & 16 (that's a lot i know, hehe, but i love to hear your thoughts)
ahah joke's on you i love ranting about my writing so thank you so much for humoring me <3
2 : Do you plan each chapter or do you write as you go ? I have an outline for at least a few chapters ahead, in general, with a scene list, but those often end up changing a lot as I actually write. I've never written a story without at least a little bit of an outline though, I don't like writing if I don't know where I am going, I need that flow of energy that the story gives me, if that makes sense
4 : Where do you find inspirations for new ideas ? I don't know, everywhere ? Writer is like one of the basic modes of my brain lmao so whenever any information or experience enters one of my first reactions is like, so how can I use this in a story ? And then it's constantly running scenarios and trying to fuse ideas into each other and I think that's when my stories come together - by making interesting mixes of stuff. Like a recipe or a potion lmao. There are a few big themes that come back constantly - like awe for big scary overwhelming forces of nature, loneliness, trauma, the sacred, the horrors and wonders of having a body, power, freedom, devotion, etc - and then I'm just looking for more specific lenses to explore them through. I honestly think if you're paying attention you can find ideas absolutely anywhere. That said when I'm blocked or my writing feels stale I love reading a good book or watching a cool movie because that regenerates my belief in the power of good storytelling. Or going somewhere I've never been to before.
14: how do you write emotional scenes ? Do you ever feel what the characters feel ? Do you draw from personal experiences ? Tbh for me all scenes are emotional, if there's no emotions it feels dead and there's no point in writing it. And yeah I'm very method with my writing, I need to feel it to be inspired - generally it's an enjoyable process, even for negative stuff it's cathartic. And yes, I draw a lot from personal experiences, not directly but transformed and amplified - writing is in general very therapeutic for me, even though I try to not go too far with that because it doesn't always make for the most interesting stuff to read haha.
15: How do you write smut scenes ? Do you get very visual or detailed ? How important is it to be realistic ? To me smut is a great way to get into the mindset and emotions of characters and peeling back some layers, so that's the most important thing to figure out - although sometimes it's just yeah that would be hot, does it fit the Theme lmfao. In real life it's silly to assign arbitrary meanings to particular acts but in a story it's very interesting to figure out what it symbolizes. I like writing kinky stuff as well because it makes that more explicit. In terms of details - no, not really, because honestly I think if a character's POV gets too fixated on details it means they're probably too in their heads and not really enjoying the experience so it can quickly feel artificial. I think the key is about picking the right details. But also it's just HARD to find words to describe that kind of stuff without sounding corny lmao. As for the realism, hm, as long as you can understand what everybody is doing and there's no weird impossible anatomy going on, I'm not THAT hung up on it, it's meant to be a fantasy anyway - but the best smut does tend to have some realistic moments at least because it's more human and interesting and sexy if it's not just acting out a perfect boring choreography.
16: how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now ? share one of them ? I have a shit ton of ideas but I am trying to be disciplined and not start anything until I have finished sanctuary. (except maybe a few short one shots like my solarpunk wizards AU). All sebchal for now. One I have been thinking about a lot is an absolutely insane multiverse thing with several seemingly unrelated stories that get framed in several different ways - one that happens in a decaying post apocalyptic seaside town ruled by the mob with haunted old hollywood vibes/romeo + juliet/also with illegal car racing and a bad ending ; one where Seb is a cult leader ; one where they're both women in a cyberpunk crap future where Seb is a bounty hunter and Charles is an escort and they end up teaming up against the kingpin that wants to make their lives miserable and then they leave town together ; anyway a few others i'm not sure if i'm ever going to get to it because it would be enormous but it's very fun to think about. also i really want to write a BDSM focused fic at some point. and maaaaaaybe a sanctuary sequel.
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loemius · 2 years
6, 13, 14 ^_^
khaire anon! thank you for this ask!! 6: Are there Gods you willfully don’t follow? What are the reasons behind this choice?
not really, to be honest. there are gods i don't talk to much, don't interact with often, or don't worship often, but i very much still respect and honor them as gods. i'm a firm believer that every god has their place, purpose, and job to do. i might not necessarily be close with every single god, but they are gods who deserve respect and piety, and to willfully choose to not follow one or at least respect and honor them would be foolish and impious in my opinion. 13: What are some devotional acts you actively engage in? i do a lot of different devotional activities, the most frequent one being research. i'm constantly talking about the gods or trying to learn more about them. i also paint as a devotional activity -- i actually go to university for fine art, and i've chosen to focus my artworks on representations of the theoi and greek myth, so i spend a good bit of time collecting references and looking at various artworks of the theoi. this also includes... a shit ton of research and planning. i spend at least a week just kicking around ideas and sketches before i even put brush to canvas, thinking about all the little details of the image and what it means, where i can squeeze in extra symbolism. paintings are a process and a conversation between the artist and audience, and the artist and the medium, and with these works, between me and the gods. i take them very seriously. i like to write poetry and prayers for the theoi as well. i used to keep a praxis journal but stopped once i got very sick, and i'd like to get back to that as well. 14: How would you define your Gods? (have fun with that one)
funny story about this one, i took an entire college class on the question 'how do we understand the sacred?' through the framework of religious studies. even after all the studying i've done, the answer to this question evades me. i find them in everything, everywhere. ultimately, i don't really think i can define the gods, and trying to even begin to conceptualize an answer makes my head spin LMAO. some things simply are, and for me, the gods are one of these things. wish i could provide you with an actual answer but really, i don't have one. thank you very much for all these questions! i hope you have a lovely [time of day]. may the gods bless and watch over you!
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clover-the-awesomest · 8 months
Okay! I made a little ask on your other account specifically for your AU :)
But, since we're on the topic of au's, I actually have a little recommendation for another one that you've probably heard of, but in my opinion, it's still pretty underrated and deserves all the love in the world. It's called the Little Brother au, and Sharkfinn, the creator of it, made an original character named Spot. It's basically a separated au where Spot is being raised by Draxum, except this Draxum is just a really good Dad, so that's nice for a change. There's a lot more that goes into it, but I don't wanna spoil anything. So just go check it out if that sounds interesting at all. It's just that after Cass's Apocalyptic Series ended, Finn's au has really gotten me through that tough pain of letting an amazing story go. So, maybe it could do the same for you.
Say, I've actually chatted with Finn a little bit about digital art and how he's made his au, so if you wanted, you could ask him some questions! I think he'd be happy to have another fellow oc au comic artist in the Tumblr space asking for some pointers :]
But that's just a suggestion. Regardless, I'm happy to see others make their own au's with their own storylines and characters and world building and all of that because it is my absolute DREAM to create my own fan works and share it with a fandom as big as this one. That's what sharing your passion is all about, man! It's my absolute happy place just interacting with the things I love and making others laugh and learning a thing or two along the way, yk?
But I gotta stop myself right there because I'll start rambling on-and-on about my love for this fandom because God knows I'd never stop, lol. Anyway, I'm happy to be here, so thank you for having me ❤️
I’m thinking of putting a comic up for your ask right now I’m so ready to get going with it
AAAAAAAAAAA but thank you for the suggestion and the motivation to keep going with this AU! It’s a pretty big project that I’ve had playing in my brain for the past couple years and it means a ton to me!
Totally forgot to even mention what it’s called lmao - It’s called the New Home AU. The name symbolizes Clover’s entrance into a new, healthier life and a new home with a new family. Her name also ties into some important details later down the line which is completely unintentional on my part, but I’m not saying what until someone asks for the answer on my blog~ I’m not teasing anything cuz I literally just realized this as I’m typing it but if anyone out there were to randomly be like “Hey why’s ur name Clover???” I’ll just make a response like “Hey yeah so uhh it’s cuz of this one random detail that I literally just noticed haha” I doubt someone would ask that and they don’t have to at all but it would be so hilarious if that happened right????
ANYWHIZZLE I think I’ve heard of this AU actually! I found an animatic around a year or so ago on YouTube of a smaller turtle brother being sad about the fact that he can’t do his bandages properly on his own and Raph comes in, offers to help, while the little guy remisces on his time with Draxum. Though that last bit had an ominous subtext to it so I’m gonna assume that’s not it… I’ll totally check this AU out though! Seems super fun!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
6x6 get a clue trying to liveblog during my family watch even tho I can't
lmao jesus I WAS RIGHT
Ah yes, the first apartment Nice place Nice orchid or flower or whatever remember rick's cockroach races? This place is genuinely really nice! Pi is so happy!
heck yeah dumpster diving I mean, chill castle.
Pi: What colour is it? RC: RC: Free oOH BEES (it is genuinely important! There is a job out there for everyone!) fruit on the table lol
crap it looks like there is no transcript on livejournal yay there is a dustjackets transcript on my second liveblog through aka my clip gathering run! RC: No, it’s not good. I was hoping for squalor. I was counting on squalor. Because Alexis cannot last in squalor. I was just hoping this whole thing would blow over. She would see Pi for the ambition free hippie that he is. And now he’s morphed into some … new age crusader? It’s a though he’s turned being a charming man-child into a career.
charming manchild into a career? KB: Now that doesn’t sound familiar, does it?
ryan is pretty but hair is too short. I used to look a lot like him but then he cut his hair & we were different & then I shaved my sides & looked way different & then I cut my hair over the top & now we look vaguely similar again lol See? called it, crucefix Where's all the blood tho? lanie & me same brain Remember when George Crabtree kept getting orders from murdoch but george already did all the stuff he needed to do? that's ryan in this moment. He is a detective in his own right he doesn't need beckett giving the orders
Ryan looks pretty, we know that, but dang esposito bisexual outfit right there (I need a pic of those two together, but ig I could get an individual pic of each)
RC: Maybe her dark secret has something to do with the dark ages
Castle might be right? coming from beckett? YES I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSCRIPT Yeah so uh you know what? A ton of pagan & occult symbols actually have their origins in christianity, & a lot of christian symbols come from other cultures & their paganism heathenry & mythology & stuff (esp in grecoroman period judeo-christian media, lots of grecoroman pagan crossover) I'm literally wearing pants with a water earth fire air alchemy symbols bc I'm a christowitch
Nice, get together for dinner every few months even tho u'r not that close...
RC: Which leaves us with my theory. Our victim was dabbling with black magic and she conjured up a demon. she did not conjure up a demon lmao
KB: Or maybe she ran afoul of some obscure religious sect and they sacrificed her to their pagan deity. well fuck you. maybe she got into trouble with the people in a people way, she disrespected their religion & they killed her for that, not bc of their pagan deity Ok but wait, bac in s1 Castle was really smart, he looked atbeckett, listened to her accent, & was able to determine intimate details about her life & her parent's death.
Washington Heights again
is this the freemason one? lmao (yes it is)
First intro babes!
RC: Ritual markings. Left by some unholy initiation. KB: They’re more like surgical scars. RC: *squints at it* (not clipping)
RC: I’m telling you, our monk, our victim, and these symbols are all connected Me: Yeah, the symbols are hers & the monk killed her. The connection is susannah richmond or w/e her names was
JE: Ah, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Castle might be right about this Da Vinci Code thing. *castle opens his mouth to gloat.* JE: don’t ruin it.
You can see esposito go to his pocket for one of those mint spray things
Ooh a nice sword! (esposito hoping he gets to play with a sword this ep) What kind of ink? Yeah lol where is the morgue in relation to the precinct
Nice location here
lmao it is the freemasons! Oh in the capital city in the privince next to mine has christian & greek folklore symbols & roads & churches & politicians. cool conspiracy theory stuff my uncle mentioned lol. or maybe like the cool booze bottle
She could have made that symbol up herself ooh idea: her hands were burned to hide the symbols (or the symbols burned her hands)
Nice writing!! (too well lined though) I love being multilingual Is castle a freemason?
"monk's dome" lol
Ryan is so smart! He checked medical criminal stuff! KR: So that pattern of scars on our monk’s dome was from a procedure called stereotactic brain surgery. KB: Okay, can that get us an ID? Because medical records are confidential. (I'm surprised that is true in the usa) KR: Prison records aren’t. I took a shot that the guy did some time. Nineteen men in the system had this surgery, but only one had scars that were an exact match to the monk. Benjamin Wade. He got surgery to remove a tumor while doing a stretch at Greenhaven for an attempted murder.
btw esposito outfit <3
Did you see ryan flick his hand like that when he touched the railing?
wait what if this is alexis' house? KR: Look at this place. I’m going to get hepatitis just breathing the air in. said "nypd" pretty quiet Lol drugs it's the monk! & a blonde woman! What if he can't talk?
lmao silent but deadly I'm making a lot less comments & it is harder to write them down & organize them & I am missing vital watching-pretty-people & visual clues by writing. I mean I partially touch type, but I am also watching what I write on the screen & not entirely touch typing so it is hard for me to do this while watching with my family. I'm able to type this paragraph so much rn because my lil bro is upstairs stirring a batch of nuts & bolts. It is also hard bc I am using the literary/verbal part of my brain to type while also using it to listen to the show, at least one is typing output & one is auditory input, but still, I am hard of hearing & I have captions on so... yeah
Wade: Actually, I am a monk. I just learned to think before I speak. I believe this guy, this monk.
Yeah I believe him, counsel Pointing to a mysterious stranger. also brown long hair not long brown hair? Bro he didn't think he NEEDED to remember details abt it "it's what sells the lie" & then he gives a detail RC & me: nice, wicked Freuidian detail XD why didn't you say that detail earlier too?
JE: Wait, you guys are on the same page about this guy? KB: Not exactly. I think he’s guilty because of his contact with the victim, the stalking, and his history of violence. RC: I think he’s guilty because of his contact with the victim, the stalking, and his role in a sinister conspiracy involving Freemasons. (clipping)
freemason black belt lmao glad I already quoted this
RC: Way better than that. He was a patriot spy. He wrote codes and cyphers during the American Revolution. Meaning, this letter could be the key to finding the great secret of the Masons, enshrined somewhere within the city. KB: Why, because you want it to be? RC: Partly. RC: And because it’s the only story that makes sense. A shadowy brotherhood guarding Rose’s secret for all eternity. Susannah got too close, so they sent their monk assassin to kill her.
mum: didn't he buy his bar bc there was a treasure underneath it?
sketch artist for the time not the sketch?
Impress me There are times i wish she'd stayed in DC esposito's face will clip that if I get the chance (yep)
interesting shirt beckett has there lol
"up to their hoods" lol (lol)
stained glass baby Castle has a copy of the letter?
ah the ash heap is the altar! Makes sense!
interesting prayer candle corner interesting audio too weird little guy with a mouth lmao lil bro: It looks like gandalf I think the pics of the symbols are these places, see the texture? btw the stations of the cross are rly dirty. need to be cleaned.
Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths or smth, right? he was thrown from a mountain (like me) & got ugly & also disabled? (btw from what I've heard from disbaled ppl, handicap is an outdated term but still used, cripple is a slur, & lame is a slur.)
since the 1700s? etna's forge! field trip third grade XD Nice scene with the low angle & fast walking
sexy place KB: Wow. This is incredible. Shouldn’t there be a docent or some sweaty guy hammering metal standing around? RC: Yeah. (he raises his voice in a british accent) Hello? Is there a smithy here about? We have travelled many a mile – (he’s interrupted by BECKETT’S hand on his arm) – is this annoying you?
Oooh. (he inspects them) Have it, want it, need it, got it, need it, got it, need it... (he did that with the cars too in s8) *pulls a sword on him* *castle just makes a comment* RC: Well now, that wouldn’t happen to be a double edged saber with a crenellated hilt, now would it? Zorro?
OH YEAH I FORGOT CASTLE WAS A FENCER"YOURE NOT SO BAD YOURSELF" PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCE where is beckett tho?? WHAT SIGN SHALL BE REVEALED? So did she beat him in the swordfight? what is this guy talking about? (clipping)
Good old ren faires. Why does beckett's phone beep when she opened the photo?
Like the ghost episode, he couldn't tear down the murder building bc it was a historical site (man looks like my culinary teacher)
2500 is a lot of money but ig if some ppl have spent more... Ah that's why it was so pretty, it was hand written Castle's scalp lol
she never acknowledges his sword fighting? I feel like ryan & even esposito would be impressed by this. except that yk... it was fake... KB: Castle, you didn’t really believe that this was going to lead to some great Freemason treasure, did you? RC: No. Of course not. That would be foolish. (BECKETT nods once, unconvinced) Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home to wallow in what is perhaps the most disappointing day of my crime solving career. KB: Okay. I’ll come by later and try to cheer you up. Me: *lenny face*
oh hey btw esposito has cut his hair!
IT IS THE SAME GUY KR: Well, his name and address are bogus. Everything on the application is. None of this information is real.
cheque in this context
Yeah they only showed a little bit of the dinner, I feel like it may have gotten worse as the dinner progressed Castle really IS a dad.
MR: Of course I'm right! Love her so much
Smart trace? No way. That would n't work. It would need to be straight on. IT'S A MAP!
esposito wearing ryan-core outfit here Ryan looks even more ryan-core WOW THEY ARE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT LMAO clipping the saga of tracking down the cab (also for the outfits lol)
castle walks Right Behind ryan like that lol so weird (he just... takes his place) (btw just noticed, ryan's shirt was not perfectly ironed. I love that fact.) *puts it on the board* castle is smart/sexy af except the shape was not /that/ good RC: the killer didn't want anyone else to figure it out Me: but susannah figured it out so other people surely also could
lil bro: put your hand in it DON'T PUT YOUR HAND IN IT she speaks french? AND russian? mum already saw the letter lol Oris. Oral. latin for mouth.
he's playing her (could clip but won't) (actually mu lil bro who is my voice of reason in my clipping suggested I do) I saw the thing was oddly broken, like it was pasted on the wall nah bro you would see a seam. You WOULD see a seam.
tomb? blood SWORD How can u tell they are fresh? it's stone castle u r not moving it.
I NOTICED the world ball! There are stars painted there!
The world turns! Mum: Booby trap? (remember tho, how does this work? do they have a hydraulic system? like the last treasure hunting episode, under the gun No they are FAKE half dimes Mum: I TOLD you about the booby trap WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN?
going to the chapel lol
He would not have made an anagram of his name candle wax IS a survival food... RC: Theodore Rose … is … head or toes. No. Theodore Rose … he do rooster. (he laughs) That’s inappropriate. Okay, Theodore Rose, Theodore Rose. Deer shot oreo. Oh, they didn’t have Oreos in the 1700s.
(on phone) What's up Beckett? We don't get to see the rescue, them making fun of caskett?
EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING-- MAKE THEM ASSUME IT IS JUST A GAME they just... got em out lmao, not showing us that
oh it WASN'T just a game! crowdsourced treasure hunt lol she would NOT know that sort of family lore lmao. I have a ton of family lore & don't know any of it, anything that cool or important.
not lonely, talking abt family lore oh it WAS a big family myth he's awkward. He killed her. Similar nose! As DNA similarities!
mum: half dimes? aren't they nickels? Wow. That is sad. "the people" aren't going to receive them, the historical museum will. You could have sold them to the museum to put your aunt in assisted living.
We get to see thier shoes! (& also ryan's pants match his jacket) Ah, I was wondering how she figured it out when noone else did! She had been to weddings there! both: here we go again RC: I gotta go see alexis JE: *frowns in confusion* The girl & the dad know, but not esposito. (clipped, probably best as a gif tho)
actions speak louder than words
Alexis doubts beckett? But she loves her! WAIT DID PI & ALEXIS PROPOSE?
Make-up ice-cream my beloved SAD "I need time to stop being mad" valid lol
Ok so I did NOT comment as much as I usually do & it was very rushed & I'm not pleased with this, & I did not get any clips or pics (like a pic of rysposito walking out there) but hopefully I'll get the chance to get them.
Uh yeah so where was I? I'm done this ep. Good for me. I really feel like I had smth else to say. Tbh all throughout the film I felt like I had smth mor eto say but I never got th echance.
Oh I remember what I had to say-- & I forgot again. Maybe I was going to say that I would watch it again no wait it was that I'm going to try watching other shows like this-- ok I have it written down now I can write my thought in a better way
Since s5 is due soon, way too soon, I'm going to try writing my liveblog without pausing it at much if at all, bc I have no time. I apparently take 3 hours to watch an episode instead of 1.5 which was my goal. I can do this. I must NOT pause it tho lol
Me: here doubling my liveblog so I could get clips
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kae-karo · 2 years
i hope this doesn't come across as rude or bothersome but you mentioned in another ask that you use your discord server for fic planning/writing/taking notes, and i was wondering whether you'd like to show or give some insight on it? like what channels and how it's built up essentially? it sounds pretty convenient and i was wondering what it looks like! (maybe it'd be something for me who keeps notes scattered in different docs and note apps and analog on grocery receipts.......)
hi dear!! oh my gosh not rude or bothersome at all lmao i'm more than happy to talk abt it! (i'm gonna put it below the cut tho cause it's a long boi)
ya so basically i have a personal discord which tbh i use for a LOT of stuff (beyond just fic planning) and i honestly can't recommend it enough??? generally apart from fic specific stuff i use it as a cache for links to art i really like or share often, random thoughts on genshin lore or other things, poetry, gift ideas for ppl in my life, to-do lists, cosplay concepts when i was more into cos, etc lmao
as for fic planning specifically!! the vast majority of my thoughts fall into a 'other projects' channel, which is my catchall for oneshot ideas, vague fic concepts, quotes, etc. fics end up with their own specific channel usually if they're longfic/chaptered or if i end up with just an overwhelming amount of ideas/thoughts about them lmao
one actually good diverse example of a channel i had was for chosen (x) where i had a TON of reference images for various zhongli imagery and symbols & i detailed out a lot of the thoughts i had on where those images should be carved on childe. i had a variety of scene ideas laid out although not all of them had a ton of detail, and i had dialogue snippets that i really wanted to use. i also wrote in a lot of the lore to make sure i had a coherent place to reference or adjust if needed, including some stuff that really didn't make it into the fic itself but needed to make sense in the background so that i could pull on it as required. notes as well for things i wanted to be sure to mention, cause they were relevant to the story but didn't come up right away or were part of the foreshadowing or i thought they needed clarifying somewhere.
i'm sure there are ways to be more efficient or organized about a fic, but this works well for me since i have discord on my phone and it's far less effort to pop into a channel and write some stuff down rather than navigate gdocs and look for a planning doc and make notes there. PLUS i only ever had planning docs usually for a fic i knew would be chaptered/long from the start, and didn't really have anywhere to put short ideas or random thoughts lmao
basically, here's my writing category in discord:
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although looking at this i could probably hide the kathb fic channel now that i'm done writing it lmao (i usually hide channels when the fic is finished, just so i don't overcrowd anything but don't lose stuff either lmao)
notes in these channels can manifest in a lot of ways but USUALLY it's dialogue or scene ideas that come to me when i'm busy with other stuff and i want to put down, or when it's something that won't happen for a while but idw forget (i am very forgetful). or just generally when i sit up at 3am with the perfect string of prose for a scene and i have to write it down RIGHT NOW or i'll lose it. this happens often enough that i keep my phone on my other projects discord channel when i go to bed so that if i do indeed wake up with an idea, i can just unlock my phone and start typing lmao
occasionally, i have actual research on certain things in those channels, or a timeline if things start to get messy (if you followed me in my bnha days, i had a channel for my fantasy dabihawks au that spiraled into a whole series and i really needed a coherent timeline for that) but for the most part it's scene and dialogue ideas! oh, and sometimes if there's art or smth that inspired the idea, i'll toss it in there too so i can reference it or be sure that i link to it when i post the fic. ah, and sometimes it's just stuff like this with minimal context lmao
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one of the bigger things for me that works really well is my other projects channel tho? that allows me to string stuff together and pin ideas and reply to other messages so i know what the heck i'm referring to when i just slap a line of dialogue or smth in there lmao. cause it used to be super hard for me to feel like a fic was gonna warrant its own planning gdoc, and something about putting a ton of notes directly into the fic doc below where i'm writing just never worked all that well for me lmao
it also serves as a great place for me to dump ideas and refer back to them easily, or expand upon them without having an actual fic doc somewhere? like, i have ideas i haven't actually started writing but i've added lots of notes and thoughts and stuff for, so it's great to have that somewhere easily accessible and searchable and all in one spot lmao
i'd say if ur standard modus operandi has been scattered notes everywhere, this is a huge upgrade in terms of being able to not only keep everything in one place but separate it out in an efficient way (you could probably get more efficient than i am, too, like having a category for specific ships/fandoms or even for a specific fic with channels for more specific purposes like research or dialogue or character notes, etc) - like, the whole thing is searchable, too, so if you misplace something or can't find it, you can still search for it in one single location. overall, cannot rec enough lmao
hope this helped a bit!!
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giransbunnywife · 2 years
I WOULD LOVE TO YES THANK YOU-- Some of these will be suggestive as is typical for us lmao
1. What is your favorite thing that your f/o does for you?
There's a lot of things that this man does that's my favorite, it's hard to pick! I love that when he buys me flowers, he always overthinks every detail. Talks with the shopkeep and makes sure that they're perfect, that the meaning of the flowers are right as he wants them. There's always that little element of symbolism in the flowers he brings, even if no one else can see them. Even if it's just a passing thing to everyone else, that's the time he takes with them for me.
I love that he will cancel all his meetings when I'm feeling sad or just need him there that day. If I'm missing him, he pushes back his calls to give me the much needed attention. If I'm in pain, he talks with me and makes sure that I let it all out with him.
2. Where did you first meet your f/o?
It really does depend on the situation considering I have a ton of aus with him lol but the main version is with my insert with Ash, they met at a bar... when she was in the middle of starting a bar fight... He had just so happened to be looking for her as a potential league recruit, and found her in an altercation with someone.
It's definitely an out of the box situation, but for them it fits pretty well XD
3. How do you and your f/o spend valentines day?
Oh, good lord, it really depends. Sometimes we'll stay in and just cuddle (and have sex) all day, with him pampering me silly. Other times he'll make me dinner, or take me out, whichever he's feeling, still pampering me as much as he can. And other times he'll book us a trip, and we'll be gone for weeks, never leaving the hotel room. He'll book me massages and make sure that I am treated like royalty. There really is no small thing when it comes to my man.
4. What couples costume do you think you and your f/o would dress up as for Halloween?
Oooooo now that's a good one! We've done quite a bit in the past that I have... less than liked. Those I won't mention, but I think this year this man might want to do something a little-- on the nose-- which is just mob boss and wife type fucking energy, because of course it is.
5. Movie night! What movie are you watching with your f/o and what snacks do you have?
Oh shit! I fucking love movie nights with this man, because we go hard with it. This man loves picking the stupidest and weirdest type shit to watch, just so we can laugh at it and enjoy it together. I don't have anything particular in mind right now, but just think of something outrageously stupid and bad. That's his favorite type of movie. Something B grade and shit, I'm sure.
And as for snacks, well, the typical stuff like popcorn and chocolates and chips/queso for me bc it's my go to snack. Sometimes if we've made brownies or bought them we'll have those. Basically anything and everything, because we're snack fiends. Sometimes Giran will bring out these new candies that he found to try for us during movie nights and chill nights and we'll have a taste test. It's just a fun time.
6. What hobbies do you and your f/o like to do together if any?
He'll watch me play video games since that's my favorite hobby, and sometimes I can even force him into playing some with me! It's a trip to watch him learn controls and ask a shit ton of questions about what the fuck we're even doing XD man never knows what he's doing with a lot of the games I play, so it's fun to watch him
Shopping, if you could classify it as a hobby (bc I do), is definitely a thing that we both do. That's something that he enjoys, especially if it's for things that he likes and that he collects (which is a boatload of cute shit). And he loves bringing me along with him to buy me new things, let me pick stuff out. We make a day out of it, and it's really nice to be pampered like that too lol
7. Where do you and your f/o go for ideal dates?
With this man, most of our dates are very luxurious, though it's not every time either. He can definitely plan a good simple date, but he loves to wine and dine me. He loves to take me to Jiro's and get me the most expensive meal and drinks, topping it all off with desert. He likes the atmosphere, and knows that I love it when he treats me like a queen.
There's also the dates where we get take out and stay in bed, watching movies and binging trashy reality tv. Those are also my favorite, because we can stay in bed and cuddle and make love. It's the being together and alone that we both really enjoy, because at the end of the day, that's what matters. Just being together.
8. Who deals with bugs in the house?
He does. I can't deal with them, and I will scream loud enough for him to know exactly what's going on. Though, sometimes, he can be a little bit overprotective if he can't read into that scream, but that's besides the point. He doesn't even like dealing with them himself, but he will roll up his sleeves and get it out as quickly as possible. Or call someone if it's bad enough. He's very quick to call up if need be lmao
9. Clothes swap! How amusing is it or how adorable is it?
Oh it's uhm... amusing lmao It probably wouldn't really happen, because he wouldn't be incredibly comfortable, but oh good lord. I mean I already where his shirts all over the house regardless, so it's definitely very adorable and a bit humorous I guess lmao
10. What does your f/o do when you’re having a bad day that always makes you feel better no matter what?
He's the king of making me feel better on my bad days. What he does really depends on the day, because if I'm having a bad mental day, he's very gentle and sweet. He'll keep all the lights off, make me a cup of hot chocolate, and just hold me in his arms. Speaking to me in gentle, reassuring words.
He'll make me laugh, and that's the biggest thing. He will be his extra fucking self, the goofiest that he's ever been, just to get a smile on my face. He's always the most out of the box whenever I'm having an off day, because he just wants to cheer me up. He always feels very at fault for when I'm having a bad day (though it never is), but he always feels like he failed. So helping me smile in some way is a good reminder that I'm going to be okay and that he's going to make sure that I know how much he cares. And that I'm worth it every time.
11. Sick day! What foes your f/o do to make you feel better?
When I'm sick, he'll cancel all his calls to sit with me. Make sure that I don't go anywhere and just do everything for me. I just love the way that he takes care of me every single time, without fail. He's always there one step of the way, and that means a lot to me.
12. What cheesy romance trope do you and your f/o embody the most?
Oh that's easy-- The lovesick husband trope. The man that will literally be at the bar, talking to someone, and just immediately cutting them off like "I miss my wife". And he just leaves. Like that.
Or the lovesick husband that is falling on her every word, looking at her with that melted smile on his face, eyes that have nothing in it but love and respect. Treating her like the queen that she is. No one else will ever shine as brightly as she will.
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azelda-scroggs · 3 years
Alright alright.
3, 5, 18, 20- Go!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Ack, it's in moments like those I hate my Wildbrain. I can't really think of anything? Usually it's more concepts that come to me first in fics - I've grown pretty good I think at "targeting" my ideas so that I end up writing no more, no less than what I really want to write. So if there's one scene I want to write, I'll write it. (I still end up with plans of thirty-two chapters for stories that I estimate to end up around one hundred and twenty thousand estimated words but I stand by my statement -). I draw sometimes when it's just a static scene, too. It takes me a ton more time but yeah.
One exception to that rule is the Bells of Notre-Dame AU (yes I am absolutely naming it like that), in which I have a one-shot planned out in much more detail than the main story. But I absolutely refuse to write the one-shot first.
However there are a couple of things that I have written and never shared outside of a closed circle because, simply set, nobody except those people would understand them. Those are snippets I wrote for the Swapped Species AU, in which each of the LU boy is basically not Hylian (and if they are, then they have some kind of special status or abillity). Yes, it's that one AU you hear so much about because of Guardian Wars lmao We have a whole server worth of lore, plot ideas, and headcanons and it's. Tough to put all that into a story so that anybody can just come in and understand what it's all about.
Anyway, since the question encouraged to share such scenes anyway, I'm going to do that in a separate post, so I'm sorry you're going to be spammed with pings tonight. (It's gonna be whumpy and depressing. Surprise surprise. x))
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Okay, that one is tough. (I say this for every question lmao) I don't tend to identify with characters so so much? To the contrary I try to put myself in their shoes. It's kinda the other way around. The projection I do is usually strictly curated and because of the vision of the character I have. It's rare that I go "omg this is so me."
That being said I had such a moment when I wrote Resilience. It's from Sky's POV and I wrote it while I had a similar moment of discouragement and drop in self-confidence. It took me completely by surprise but the thing basically wrote itself because of that. (The pacing was a mess. I've never edited a thing so much. But it wrote itself.) And there's a lot of things about Sky where I can relate to or empathise with him a lot, so yeah, I guess I'd say Sky.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
I answered this one here!
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I'm going to talk about And My Eyes Are Open again for this one :D
There's a lot I could talk about because there's a lot I'm trying to do in this fic, and I still have no idea if it'll work out - but there's one piece of symbolism I really really want to include in it and it's the comparison between Link and the sword. In the manga this idea is already there - the Master Sword is described as being "melted down, beaten and reborn from suffering," which is a rather personified way of speaking about a weapon, and later Hylia speaks of Link's spirit being "like a sword hammered and honed so that it would never break" (I love the overblown drama of the manga like it's not even funny), so that's where the idea came from. In every Zelda game the sword is Link's weapon from day 1, it's such an iconic part of the game; but Link is also, you could argue, a weapon himself, being sent by Hylia/Zelda/the king of Hyrule (in WW) or others on his quest, at great personal risk for himself. The two are very closely associated.
So that's definitely something I want to put into this story. At the start of the fic Link is in dire need of a better weapon, his own is too small, too weak, and overall very unsuited to his purpose. His friend Orville makes him a new one, which fits him much better; on the first mission on which he uses the sword, he has an apparition of the goddess Hylia sending him on his quest (which, to his chagrin, involves more frustrating politics than fighting and puzzles). The act of taking care of his sword soothes him when his mind is in turmoil please wipe that smile off your face. I didn't manage to include the sword in one key scene, but in the scenes that are yet to be written, there's another one where he accidentally dents the sword, immediately after which he undergoes a bit of a crisis of faith. When he is arrested and imprisoned, which of course marks the beginning of the end for him, his sword is broken (the broken sword being mentioned in the manga). He tries to prove his innocence by going through a trial by fire, I mean that literally. And at the end of the fic, his blacksmith friend reforges his sword as he resolves not to give up on hope. It's not the best symbolism ever written but I'm having a lot of fun thinking it up and putting it there; when I say Eyes is an incredibly self-indulgent fic this is exactly what I mean.
Oh, and this is supposed to be pre-Skyward Sword, I've tried to include some bird oracles à la Ancient Rome in my worldbuilding.
If you are not interested in Eyes too bad because I just wrote 300 words about it I would say I'm still pretty proud of the way I built The Longest Night, the fact that I open the story at dawn and close it at night on the same day with a revelation of what happened the night before (it's not a big ooo revelation but people have remarked on this! so it worked! I was so happy). I'm also proud of its title, considering it was supposed to be a direct continuation of Sunset pt. 3 (before, of course, we got the next parts).
Thank you so much for your ask! It was so fun to answer and I hope it's gonna be fun to read too, even though I was verrrry long-winded (but by now you should know that's how I am aha)
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hanalwayssolo · 3 years
1, 2, 10, 18, 20 for the writing asks!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
By 'current' projects, I'd take that as the ones actively consuming my brain, and they are:
What We Ought To Give, part 3 and final series under The Burden We Share. It's an Uncharted fanfic centered on my OC Darcy Kingsley and her absolutely tumultuous relationship with Sam Drake. For the progress, I'm on my last stretch for the remaining chapters (6 more to go!) and I am stressed lmao. Anyway, what I love most about it... a lot, strangely enough? I love Darcy and her twins, the special family dynamic, and the notion that you can still find love (and love can still find you!) at whatever age or phase in life you're in. Also, I rarely read stories that revolve around a woman in her late thirties/forties who gets to do shit that’s more than just about being a mother, that they can be both a mother AND whoever they want to be, so here’s that, too.
Laws of Motion, part 2 and final series under The Science of Us. A FFXV fanfic I had to put on hold because the lore is bigger than my own life!! 🤣  But I'm writing and rewriting bits and pieces just so I can keep it moving even at such a horribly slow pace. What I love most about it is the big-ass found family energy, my dearest baby Briony, my Messengers, Cor the (not so) Immortal falling in love with an actual immortal that is Candela. 🤍
Renegades. A BNHA fanfic that's been in progress for quite a while, and since I have no time to focus on it, it does pick at my brain with plotbunnies from time to time. Tells the story of people discovering their Quirks for the first time and how they come to terms with it. Features POVs of people from different parts of the world. What I love most about it: Kit Fujiwara, her friendships with Xiomara, Tala, Miguel, and Odessa.
2. Tell us about what you're most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.
There's this original story I've been keen on writing soon. The premise: it's set on one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines but also believed to be one of the most mysterious. Siquijor holds a special place in my heart, and so does Corazon, a former classics teacher who came home from NYC to look after her mother. But her homecoming is soon mired by the faces of past lovers who have wronged her, and memories are quite a trigger for her need for blood. 🥴
10. How would you describe your writing process?
A fucking mess, that’s what 🤧
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
God we can talk about this all day, but The Burden We Share in particular has tons of AUs. @oc-musings​ knows this all lmao
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I have a lot of these in What We Ought To Give!!!! 🥺  And I remember going on full on meta on this lovely reader who asked stuff about Darcy’s connection with the twins and how I’ve been hinting at that ever since the beginning of the chapter. As an avid reader, I love paying attention to details - like some nicknames matter, and how mannerisms are described, and I love incorporating these things into my writing. Just leaving a trail of crumbs and all that. 
Fun meta asks for writers
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machonachos · 6 years
Hey! I'm a bit deprived. . . I need my fix. We all do. So uh. . . Can you tell us what happens with our demon duo and the angel???? I heard there was brainwashing involved and I need to know so lore?? Plz?
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RIGHT SO.After Angelo finds out that Valak’s under Kocell’s control and there’s that whole awful confrontation, he’s really torn up. He can’t get through to Valak. He has no idea what this demon woman is capable of. But now at least he knows that Valak’s out there. And that’s enough give him hope, at least for now. Angelo’s gotta figure out how to get him back but he’s at a complete loss for what to do. His hands are basically tied behind his back because it’s not like he’s willing to hurt Valak.
Weeks go by. He’s been running scenarios in his head nonstop since their encounter but all of them play out poorly... until he remembers something. There may be someone who can help. Angelo remains dubious, but he digs through Valak’s things nonetheless until he finds his wallet and pulls out a business card. It’s been over a year since their honeymoon trip, so he’s not even sure if she’ll remember who they are. All he can do is hope as he pulls out his little flip phone and dials the number to the medium they’d met down in Louisiana.
Nevaeh picks up, and after a ton of awkward silence on the line, Angelo word-vomits the entire situation to the young medium and pleads for her help. She listens to him but doesn’t really see why she should help a demon in the first place and yet Angelo continues his desperate requests until she finally agrees, with the condition that he’s gotta fly her and her girlfriend up to New York and pay for their lodging too. (Nevaeh ends up having to walk Angelo through booking flights online and stuff because he’s a dumbass that doesn’t know how to use a computer lmao.) He flies them up literally the next day and explains the stuff with Kocell in more detail. Nevaeh tells him that she won’t be able to do much if she doesn’t know the exact demon that’s got Valak in her hold, but luckily Angelo remembers what her sigil looks like. One v long study montage filled with old tomes and forgotten passages later, they devise themselves a plan to take Kocell down.
Basically, Angelo needs to challenge her and get her to show up again with Valak in tow. Before the fight, Nevaeh will set up two incomplete salt circles with layers of binding symbols all around to increase their strength. She and her girlfriend will remain hidden as Angelo confronts Kocell and Valak, slowly leading them to the concealed salt circles. Once inside them, the girls run out and seal the circles and Nevaeh will recite the Bible passage that correlates to Kocell, expelling her back to the lowest layer of Hell. 
It’s a v risky plan that at first Nevaeh doesn’t even want to go through with because of the risk posed to her girlfriend, but in they end they all agree to carry it out. The medium does warn Angelo that there’s a chance Valak’s condition may stem from something else entirely, and that even if they do manage to pull this off, Valak may still not recognize him at all, but Angelo’s set on getting him back no matter what. So he goes out to track down a demon that can deliver his message over to Kocell.
And that’s when he gets a call... from Heaven.
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inkforhumanhands · 2 years
for the ask game: 12, 19, 26, 41, 57 & 68! feel free to pick & choose or do all of 'em!
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines? How far do you stray from them?
I generally try to outline if it's for anything longer than a one shot, but usually at some point I leave the outline, generally either because I'm so far into it that I already know what's going to happen pretty firmly in my head, or because my outline was so vague it didn't really make sense to keep following it too closely.
I usually start out on paper and then if I really am going full outline these days I either type it up in Word or in a private Discord thread. Here's my outline page for Conditionals, which was one of my more involved outlines lol. Good luck trying to read any of it!
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19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
My OCs are always there for a specific purpose and for no other reason. Very much "I need Matt and Foggy to have an RA so here's this guy named Todd" energy. That said I am fond of Marci's wlw brunch group from Out of the Darkness, Into the Limelight. One of them is based loosely on a college friend.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Oh man, literally so much of it lmao. The actual writing can be a drag sometimes, but I guess maybe editing since it delays my being able to post.
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
Good question... I really enjoy writing "extra" characters, like the Jester, for a good change of pace.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Depends on the fic! Conditionals was all about language motifs and metaphors and a general theme of anxiety. I also used a ton of metaphors in You Would Never Call Me Baby. My less artsy and more crack-leaning oneshots and such are less likely to contain anything all that complicated.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
Not really! I think I've been way more influenced by books over the years. :D
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