#They Know
rius-cave · 4 months
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Ok Adam
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emmster · 2 months
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Can these cats just let the man sleep?
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detectivehoffmann · 8 months
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twinsunstars · 24 days
Ezra: *steps one foot onto Lothal's lands after returning*
Every single loth-cat on the planet: *awakened*
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elitadream · 1 year
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Kids say the darndest things! xD
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inthedarktrees · 23 days
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I was curious what would happen.
“Apéritif" | Hannibal
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theslowesthnery · 2 months
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This is all I'm presenting! 😂
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They know what you are, they know your secrets. It’s to late.
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ghouljams · 7 months
Do the 141 share the same suspicions about android!Ghost as mechanic reader? Or are they oblivious because they don’t know what to look for? (Or maybe Price suspects something while the others don’t.)
There's something different in the way they treat Ghost. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is. They're close to Ghost, extraordinarily so, but most people are when they work with androids for long stretches. Humans tend to personify anything and everything when they're around them long enough. Maybe it's the sort of friendliness? You don't know but it's just different from the way people usually interact with androids.
They treat him like he's human.
You think that's the best way to describe it. You've started cataloguing the androids actions with the rest of the 141. He eats meals with them, exercises with them, Price pulls him aside for briefings, Soap shares jokes, Gaz argues over football. There's a level of comraderie that feels... human. Not just in the way they treat Ghost but in the way he treats them.
You notice things about androids, youre trained to notice every little jerk of a servo, every twitch of a malfunction. These arent malfunctions, these are- are Ghost. He cracks a joke about Price to Gaz and the other man has to hold in his giggles. He steals a chip from Soap's take away and holds onto it like he forgot he can't eat it. He knocks on Price's door with two knuckles, you've never seen an android do that, it's always a full, precise, knock. He stops by your workshop and lingers in the doorway.
It makes you feel watched, androids don't watch, but when you flip up your welding shield he's gone.
You submit the parts request to Price and he signs off on it no questions asked. Anything for Ghost it seems. You're smart enough not to ask. Maybe you should submit all your parts orders with Ghost's ID at the top.
"You broken?" Price asks, hardly looking up from the paperwork on his desk. Ghost says nothing, a questioning silence. Price can almost imagine the slight twitch of his brows, the apathetic turn of his eyes as he blinks waiting on the captain to explain. Price holds up your parts order form for him, "Don't make me ask again."
"Fine. Need a new vertebrae." Ghost tells him. Price sighs and signs the request for, slipping it into the out box.
"Wouldn't that be nice," he grumbles, dragging his fingers through his beard.
"I hear cybernetics these days are good," Ghost hums. Price glares at him.
"That your tight five?"
"Got some military humor too."
"You're hilarious," Price deadpans, going back to his papers, "dismissed-" Ghost turns to leave, "-and quit botherin' the mechanic, bot-docs 're jumpy enough as it is without you stalkin' 'em."
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classycookiexo · 3 months
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sunfyredefender77 · 15 days
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ash-eats-film · 2 months
I will never get over the fact that I stared Bruce Abbott and Jeffrey Combs in the eye and held a short conversation with them. And then when asked about their relationship at a Q&A during the making of ReAnimator, they moved like they were going to make out on stage and the audience (I’m sure FULL of Danbert fans) SCREAMED.
These are two grown men in their 70s and they KNOW.
They know about the ship guys SHUT IT DOWN IT’S GETTING META
Also Jeff swears like a sailor and I love it. Oh and when I got my copy of bride signed, I hadn’t noticed Bruce’s signature had smudged, but JEFF DID when he signed it. He literally walked over to the booth next to him where Bruce was and said “look what you fucked up, fix this for him”
I literally almost cried the way he SMACKED him with it and Bruce just said “I BET IT WAS YOUR FAULT FUCKER”
And then he fixed it and talked with me for a few more minutes about how he loves that they kept in touch after they finished making the movie and would literally go to baseball games together and hang out when they still lived close by THEY’RE TOO MUCH
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butraura · 11 months
I could be remembering wrong but I think it’s so telling that they’ve never referred to Buck as Chris’ “Uncle Buck”. Like it’s perfectly common for a close family friend to be called “uncle” or “aunt” in context of a kid because the parents consider that person family.
And it’s also evident and canon that Eddie and Chris consider Buck family (“there’s no one in the world I trust with my son more than you”, “if I die, you become Christopher’s legal guardian”, “he’s hanging out with his Buck today!”, “he was looking for Buck”, Chris calling Buck when worried about Eddie, Chris running away to Buck’s when upset with Eddie, Buck promising Chris he’ll always have him no matter what, Buck taking Chris on adventures an trips all the time, “Buck, can I spend Christmas with you?”, “Buck, can we go to your house and play video games?”, etc. etc. etc. ETC.).
So it’s crazy, insane, ridiculous, interesting that Chris and Eddie never even once refer to Buck as “Uncle Buck”, when it would work so seamlessly and would help further the narrative they’re desperately trying to push with Buck and Eddie being best friends/brothers.
The fact is, Buck is not an uncle figure to Chris. He’s not even just a friend. He’s a father that would move heaven and earth for his son. And calling it anything else would be a disservice to the relationship they’ve cultivated between Chris and Buck.
But it would be so easy. And the fact that they haven’t done that speaks volumes to me.
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arthursfuckinghat · 1 month
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"Eagle Flies.. he needs help.. they all need help.."
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arkiwii · 1 month
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X / X
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
No bc wtf is the IC's problem, treating Lucien and Eris the way they do? They've literally done nothing wrong. I think they're just threatened by that Vanserra rizz.
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