#They are loving and caring but ‘loving and caring parents’ is not synonymous with ‘good parents’
darkbluekies · 9 months
The OCs search history <3
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"How to take care of ptsd in partner"
"How to make someone stop crying"
"How to make your partner forgive you"
"Best restaurant"
"Dark web"
"Diamond ring/neckace/earrings/bracelet"
"Best steak"
"How to stop people from gawking at my partner"
"Protein powder"
"Best soap to wash away blood from skin"
"Best detergent to wash away blood from clothes"
"Best cleaning supplies to wash away blood from walls"
"Best spray to keep blood smell away"
"Five star restaurant booking"
"Why are my clothes thrown out the window?"
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Dr Kry:
"Book series without explicit scenes"
"Healthy recipes"
"How to frame someone for murder"
"Am I secretely perverted"
"Forged signatures without watermark"
"Protein shakes"
"What happens if you mix poision with alcohol"
"PG-13 rated movies without angst or horror"
"How to become an author?"
"How to know if your strict childhood has had any impact on your mental health"
"How to get over your phobia for germs?"
"Strong caffeine drinks"
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King Edmund (let's pretend he has internet for a hot minute):
"Is it really dictatorship if I let people complain"
"Ptsd test"
"Why doesn't my wife talk to me?"
"Nightmare analysis"
"How to cheer up an angry wife"
"Can a queen rule over a king?"
"How much alcohol can you drink before you get knocked out?"
"Beatiful dresses for a queen"
"Jewelry for a queen"
"Are public executions a good fear tactic?"
"How do women's anatomy work?"
"Can you punish theft by death?"
"Can you cook rats?"
"Why are little kids scared of me?"
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"Is drinkable bleach a thing????"
"What to do if your s/o is a fucking loser"
"Is saying 'you're an idiot' synonyms for 'i love you'?"
"Sexy outfits that doesn't make me look like a fucking clown"
"How to ask someone out on a date without sounding like a loser"
"Impressive date ideas"
"Alcohol that will make me forget today, yesterday, tomorrow and a week forward"
"Spare parts to motorcycle"
"Why am I so fucking cool?????"
"Why am I so fucking miserable?????"
"How to hug your s/o without it being cringe"
"How to make your motorcycle go much faster?"
"Boxing gloves"
"40 boxes of *your favorite snack*"
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"Aestethic wedding ideas"
"Is baby trapping illegal?"
"Is nepotism really that bad?"
"How to guilt trip someone"
"Utterly obsessed with my partner"
"How to be a good kisser"
"Dark web"
"Buy hitmen"
"How to bankruptcy someone"
"How to impress your partners parents"
"Best flowers for dates"
"Best hotel resorts for couples"
"Can you become a super model without school grades"
"Love poems"
"*your adress*"
"Best perfumes to seduce someone"
"*your instagram*"
"*your name*"
"How do I know if I'm blocked on social media"
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doberbutts · 1 month
I can't understand the idea that someone outside of an oppressed group cannot be victims of violence towards that oppressed group. That anon you deleted, the one who got mad and went "so cis people can experience transphobia!?!" Have you not read the news lately? What? What is happening to Imane Khalif right now? When you are past some arbitrary "acceptable range" of looks, behavior, etc., you become a target. As a cis woman who grew up in a conservative area, having "boyish interests" was enough for me to be subject to slurs and abuse. And it stuck around past that, because I have a small chest and broad shoulders, a long face. Whatever. Systems of oppression effect everyone under them because they all rely on "passing". You are required to reach a bar and to look and perform in certain ways and that bar is ever changing.
Well, that's why when someone was in my replies being upset that I asked how Khelif could be considered TME when transmisogyny was actively happening to her, one of the things I responded to said person was:
I don't understand how discussion the widespread effect of a systemic form of oppression and how it affects other things or is used as a weapon in other things, at all damages or erases the conversation that said systemic form of oppression is a problem. If anything, it's spreading further awareness.
I understand if the concern is that not enough people are caring about the trans women to whom transmisogyny happens on a regular basis, and are instead only ever caring about non trans fems and their relationship with being on the receiving end of transmisogyny. That is a problem, and it's one that does need to be talked about more often.
However I don't think any other form of oppression is specifically locked to only the people who identify as that oppressed demographic. Men experience misogyny. White people experience racism. Abled people experience ableism. "You throw like a girl" "you're not my daughter if you marry that black man" "what are you, deaf?" these are all things that are experienced by the "wrong" demographic, because in truth? The demographic doesn't matter.
These are systems we're talking about- the system of misogyny is what leads boys who fail to be masculine enough to be compared to girls as a way to state they are inferior, because the point is that with the system of misogyny, girls are inherently inferior to boys. Therefore, calling a boy a girl is calling him weaker, lesser, and not good enough.
The system of racism is what leads white parents to disown their children if their children date outside of their race. The point is that under the system of racism, interracial dating is seen as an aberration, and these racist parents then reject their own children for daring to love someone who is not white.
The system of ableism is what leads people to make comparisons to disability when bringing up someone's shortcomings. Disabled people are largely seen as failures in abled society, so by pointing to disability whenever faced with what is perceived as inadequacy, the system of ableism operates to continue to associate being disabled with worthlessness, and being abled with having worth.
Hell, it was not that long ago that "gay" and "retarded" were used as synonyms for "bad" and "stupid". Some people still use these words that way. It was a fucking Rick and Morty joke a few years ago, this isn't ancient history.
So when I'm told that I don't experience a system of oppression based solely on my labeled demographic and not on my actual lived experience, my immediate first thought is "that's not how systems of oppression work, literally everyone experiences these things in different ways, because that's what is meant when we call something systemic, it means the entire fucking system is built around this as a crux of logic"
Which is very weird to me then when someone tells me that by saying Khelif is/was experiencing transmisogyny, I'm erasing trans women. How? I genuinely don't understand how that's possible when I'm saying that the explicit hatred and fear of the trans woman boogeyman is what led us here in the first place. I am saying "this comes directly from people pushing transmisogynistic rulings for years and was always going to be the end result when they finally excluded all the actual trans women". I'm saying "it was bad logic when applied to trans women and it's bad logic even now, being applied to a [self-identified] perisex cisgender 'biological' woman and we should have put our foot down about it years ago when trans women and intersex women were actually competing".
Transmisogyny is a system of oppression. The system is functioning normally even when it fires at targets it's "not supposed to". That's what happens under systemic oppression. That's a feature, not a bug.
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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chaifootsteps · 24 days
I think the thing that bugs me most about the 'Stella was always evil and you guys just ignored the signs!' crowd is that they don't seem to realize there's like, scales to how bad characters are?
Stella of season 1 is classist, shrieks a lot and is focused more on her own needs, but there's a difference between that and who she is in season 2 - a 2D abusive monster who in her own words only exists to torment Stolas
the Stella of season 1 didn't seem like a nice person but there was enough room to imagine the marriage had at least been civil once even if it had never been loving (the photo of them all at Loo Loo Land suggests she came along for Via's sake, she phrases it 'our bed' not 'my bed' when she's angry at him for the affair)
fans point to her hogging the covers and not wanting to get up as signs but those arguing about who should get up to comfort a young child and one partner stealing the covers isn't signs of pure evil. it's a sign that Stella is focused on her own needs re: the covers, but not immediately getting up to Via doesn't make her evil since the writers didn't bother showing it's not a pattern that she doesn't pull her weight in the parenting department. same with her not saying good morning to Via when she's older - it's not unreasonable that she's a bit distracted by her husband cheating on her in that moment.
speaking of, the writers caused themselves problems with opening on the fallout of the cheating, because it leads most fans to assume that what they're seeing isn't Stella's usual self and we'd expect to see what her usual demeanor is later, when she isn't in the middle of being furious with Stolas.
the closest s1 gets to showing Stella as the flat baddie she'd become in s2 is her ordering the hit on Stolas, but again the writers fumbled the bag because we don't know if her doing that is unusual for them being in Hell or not. Were we really supposed to think Stella is uniquely bad in s1 when other characters yell at each other just as much as she yells at Stolas (Blitzo, Loona, even Moxxie sometimes) and other characters perform hits and act like attempted murder is nbd (IMP)?
Same with the lack of worldbuilding around how nobility works - fans claim she just cares Stolas slept with an imp 'like a plebian' but then the rest of the show is so wishywashy about whether it matters dating outside one's own social class that it comes off like she was just given this prejudice so she can look uniquely worse (even though Stolas is just as classist, just in a different more objectifying/fetishizing way)
Exactly. Seasons 1 Stella wasn't a pleasant person, but she still shared a bed with Stolas and was upset that he cheated on her in that bed specifically, used to go with Stolas and Via to Loo Loo Land, and the portrait of them together sees her looking almost happy. Stolas starts to say "We weren't in love," showing awareness of the root of the problem, that neither of them wanted this. All of that goes out the window with S2, where we're meant to believe Stella was evil incarnate since she was a toddler and Stolas is God's saddest victim.
Not that it would have saved her either way. In this fandom's mind, "raises voice to Stolas" and "a violent, irredeemable person who deserves humiliation and death" are synonymous.
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velieditss · 1 month
Forbidden Desires
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Pairing: Davos Blackwood x Bracken!reader
CW: Just Brackens being the Blackwoods' number 1 haters
Summary: It wasn’t your fault that your brothers' feud with the Blackwoods escalated into a deadly duel, nor that it cost lives, but now, it is your responsibility to make him hate you... or love you.
An: 🤭
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"You're mad!"
You shouted, pulling away from the fireplace. Your anger was mounting despite the day having just begun, and you shoved the poker back into its stand with a rough motion. Outside, a mischievous wind lashed the leaded windows with heavy raindrops and stinging sleet, its wild abandon mocking the oppression weighing down your spirit. The disordered tumult of dark clouds looming over the Bracken house mirrored your mood, accompanied by the fiery violet glare in your eyes as you stared furiously into the flames.
"You're all mad!" you shouted indignantly.
The word echoed in your mind. *Marriage.* What had once been a childhood dream had turned into a synonym for absurdity. It wasn’t that you were against marriage. Not at all! The education your mother had given you had prepared you to be a good wife. The problem was that, because of your brothers and their ridiculous duels with the Blackwoods, the situation had reached the ears of King Viserys.
And no, it wasn’t the first time the king had asked you to set aside your differences and maintain peace, but this time, their stupid fight had resulted in deaths, fires, and significant losses.
As a result, Viserys had ordered that, as a proof of goodwill to prevent it from happening again, the two families should unite in marriage.
"Why me?" you demanded, pointing at your entire family.
"Barbara is older; she should marry that ridiculous, dissolute Blackwood," you spat out the best insult you could muster in your moment of fury.
"I'm engaged, you fool," Barbara replied with a dismissive tone.
"For three years now. Be realistic and admit that Lord Banefort will never marry you!"
"Enough!" Lord Amos barked, silencing his two daughters.
You had never seen Davos Blackwood, nor had you cared to, but now you wished you had. In your mind, you pictured eyes too close together, a thin, hooked nose, lank hair sticking out and thin lips curled in a lascivious smile revealing small, yellow teeth. You completed your creation with a wart on the tip of a nearly nonexistent chin. The final image came into full splendor when you placed it on a scrawny, bony body.
Forced to bury the fantasies of youth, the prospect of married life held no pleasant promises. It was not at all strange for a young woman to reject the suitor her parents imposed upon her; what was strange was that they accepted the rejection and heeded the opinion of the affected party.
Lord Bracken brought one hand to his forehead, as if his head throbbed, and collapsed onto the sofa. He looked at his two sons, who had remained silent since the king’s representative had left.
"The king could overlook one duel, two duels caused surprise, and you were warned—and even those could have been overlooked because no one had died—but three, with deaths and fires..." your father sighed, exasperated.
"You could have refused," you accused.
"And be branded a coward? Of course, I couldn't refuse," Raylon replied. "At least this time, I nearly killed Davos; maybe the bastard will still die from his wounds, and we can put an end to this nonsense."
Restless, you walked to the window and, through the diamond-shaped panes, stared pensively at the cobbled path. The trees surrounding the village were skeletal, dark silhouettes behind the dense curtain of rain.
"Send her immediately," Olyver interrupted. "The Blackwood won’t accept her, and he'll be the one to lose a great deal of his fortune by paying a breach of contract."
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
You expected nothing else from him, who harbored not a shred of interest in you. Standing at six feet tall, nearly the same height as your father and just as handsome and robust as Amos had once been, Olyver had his flaws, but that didn’t make him any less attractive.
All the Brackens resembled each other, with the same black hair and light green eyes, the only variation being in height. Barbara and you had both surpassed your mother in height by a few inches, but Olyver and Raylon were as hedonistic as Prince Daemon. Or so they claimed; however, what was true was that, at their young age, they had already amassed a few mistresses. And yet, they had the audacity to seek the hands of Princesses Baela and Rhaena, before it was announced they would marry their cousins, of course.
"You two shouldn’t speak; you have no right after causing an atrocity that now forces us to mix our blood with those filthy Blackwoods," Lord Amos pointed at them.
"Those duels were insignificant, trivial. They were the first to draw their swords, Father," Raylon tried to justify.
Your father sighed and looked at you in silence, observing as you turned your back on them and simply listened.
"My daughter, I know you don’t like it—no one does—but these are the king's orders."
You averted your gaze to the path, feeling a dull pain, like a mild betrayal: you were just beginning to live, and already you were to become the wife of your worst enemy.
You had no desire to offer a kind smile to another, much less to one of those foolish dolts, and you sincerely hoped, even prayed, that some bridge, damaged by the rain, would collapse under the weight of the carriage transporting you, and both would be lost forever beneath the waters... you wouldn’t regret it too much. You were certain that the seven hells would be a more comfortable destination than the lands of the Blackwoods.
"So, when do I leave?" you asked resignedly, turning to face your family.
There was only a brief silence, a small one.
"You will depart at dawn tomorrow, with an escort and a lady-in-waiting."
They were sending you alone to the slaughterhouse. How amusing.
"Make him love you, my dear. Make him fall deeply in love with you, and you’ll enjoy a good life by his side," your mother whispered before you boarded the carriage.
As beautiful as that sounded, it was more likely the Blackwood would tie you to a stone and throw you into the sea to drown once you set foot in his castle.
The carriage, bearing the family crest, had stopped at the main gate. You supposed that family pride required your arrival at the enemy’s door to be grand. In addition to the coachman, you were escorted by two footmen; the servants accompanying you had received instructions: they were to return home with you immediately if you were not received. Otherwise, the servants (except for your personal maid) were to return to Stone Hedge in the carriage. Your last hope was to trust that they wouldn’t let you in and that Lord Samwell Blackwood didn’t care about losing a large sum of his fortune.
The emissary had first gone to the Bracken house. From Stone Hedge, it took half a week by carriage to reach the Blackwood home at Raventree Hall. The representative was already on his way and was only a day ahead of you, which meant that the Blackwoods were still unaware of your imminent arrival. If the news enraged them when they received it ("and rightly so," you thought), it would be like leaving yourself in the hands of the stranger.
You wished you had more than a single day to regain your composure before your arrival.
It would have been logical to wait for the Blackwoods' reaction, but the Brackens were truly confident that you would be rejected.
You still remembered what Olyver had said to you:
"Marry him first, then poison him," was all he said. "If you do it right, we can claim half their lands, or all of them."
Of course, as if the rest of his family wouldn’t fight back and, in the process, make the stone-throwing scenario a reality.
"And what if I end up liking him?" you had replied.
You didn’t have much faith that it would happen, but it could...
"You won’t like him. You’ll be loyal to your family and hate him."
However, you said nothing, and masked your shock at the suggestion. You knew he was wicked and resentful, even cruel, but... *bloodthirsty*? And yet, he was so handsome, enjoyed so many advantages, and was even the eldest son of his father...
Even so, you took the vial of poison in your hands and hid it among your clothes.
"Can you remind me once more, why do we hate the Blackwoods?"
Olyver shrugged.
"They’re despicable, but other than that, I don’t know," he replied, snorting. "But don’t cross us on this matter, sister. We don’t want to be related to them through marriage. Not again, I hate seeing the Blackwood name in our records. His death will eliminate any other demands the king might make of us."
You gestured towards the door, and he gave you such a wicked look for dismissing him that you thought he might punch you to emphasize what he had just told you—it wouldn’t have been the first time he did so. But Olyver was still focused on his intrigue, and before leaving, he said:
"As a widow, you’ll enjoy freedom, more freedom than a family or a husband could ever provide. Don’t forget that, sister."
It was ridiculous that the only thing you knew about the Blackwoods was that they wanted to see your family extinct. You didn’t know if Davos was a cold or unstable man; he might even be engaged to another woman, in love with someone else...
If you thought about it, you couldn’t pity him more than you already did.
Poor man and poor family, but if he dared to marry you and take a lover, you would burn his lands to the ground, down to the very foundations.
Chapter 2
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honey-flustered · 1 year
Too Quiet (Fluff)
YoungDad!Steve Harrington x YoungMom!Reader
Summary: You and Steve finally get a moment of peace until you’re reminded that you’re parents of two rambunctious toddlers and a puppy. Sometimes, quiet’s never a good sign.
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A/N: This fluffy thought came to me because I have a toddler niece and whenever she gets quiet we know she’s never up to any good. This also goes out to the parents who just need a little break from time to time. (Note: this has also been in my drafts for so long)
Word: 1.6k+
You appreciated the mundane. Boring can be good sometimes. Like for instance, neither you or Steve had any work that needed to be done. No errands, no chores, no 8-12-16 hour shifts. It was just a simple day where the two of you got to relax.
You found yourselves so comfortable, in fact, you hadn’t recognized that you were laid on the couch with your back against his chest, scrolling on your phone until he randomly cleared his throat.
You jolt up, looking back at him. “Whoa! When’d you get here?”
He looks up from his book, reading glasses slipping to the bridge of his nose. “I sacrifice my need to get up and pee for like 2 hours just to be your body pillow. My legs are asleep.”
You roll yourself around, facing him and wrapping your arms around his neck, “I’m sorry I’ve ignored you. It’s just so nice having these moments of downtime.”
He kisses your nose. “I understand, love. I’m really glad we don’t always have to talk to enjoy each other’s company. I like the comfortable silence.”
“Me too,” You grin. “Sometimes, I don’t always want to talk. Sometimes, I just want to scroll through my phone or eat a whole pot of mac ‘n’ cheese all by myself without the necessary judgment.”
“Weird way of bringing that up…but I get it.” Steve chuckles. “And you know what—since we’re throwing things out there—I’m so over people believing that being ‘boring’ is synonymous to being ‘old’. I mean, if I prefer staying home over going to parties it doesn’t mean I’m not still King Steve.”
“Exactly! Boring is the new fun! Like vanilla sex…it isn’t so bad.”
“It’s fantastic! We don’t always need the theatrics. It’s just so extra to have freaky sex all the time. Um, waiter, I’d like vanilla sex with a side of missionary please.”
You snort at his dorkiness. “I have to admit that I don’t always care to drink when we go out. I don’t always want to be a tipsy ditz all the time. Sometimes when I’m out with my friends, they make me feel bad about ordering just wine so I just lie and say that I’m drinking vodka when it’s only water in my glass. I’m just really good at pretending I’m drunk.”
“You’re goddamn Meryl Streep and Viola Davis combined when you act drunk, baby. I could use some pointers. I don’t always want to drink either but the boys…” Steve groans. “It’s always ‘Steve, chug down this beer’ and never ‘Steve, would you like some chamomile tea.’ I don’t drink tea but I just might start if someone offers me.”
“I’d offer you since you’re taking interest. Would you like me to make you some now?”
“Maybe later,” Steve curls his arms around you tight. “I like talking about being boring with you.”
“Yeah, I could be boring with you all the time. Like if I decided to crochet some shit for the hell of it, you wouldn’t judge.”
“Course I wouldn’t. I think you’d be the best crocheter ever and that’s saying a lot because there are a lot of great ones out there. I know this because I watched a youtube tutorial of crochet making…in full. I don’t plan to make a not one piece but I watched it anyway because I had time,” Steve shrugs. “And sometimes, even when I have plenty of time, I don’t always feel like styling my hair.”
You gasp, putting a hand to your chest. “Not the hair!”
“I can be too cool for cool.” He smiles smugly.
“I wanna wear a oversized clothes.” You rush out.
“You deserve it! I’ve seen the kind of clothes you’ve had to wear. Super tight. Not that it’s a bad thing, of course. I don’t always wanna dress in the latest fashion either.”
“I hate going to the beach nowadays. I get sand in all of my crevices and I end up finding sand around the house even weeks after.”
“I hate driving too fast.”
“I like gardening.”
“I like socks with sandals.”
“I’ve been leaning into buying those portraits with the words on them that say things like “home is where the heart is” or some corny thing like that”
“Eww, you mean the ‘live, laugh, love’ crap,” He laughs. “I’m sorry but we’re not that old.”
“Oh, please, I’m sure you’ve got worse.”
Steve thinks for a moment. “I guess I’ve always wanted to ask an employee if they’re working hard or hardly working.”
“Oh, nooo!” You cringe. “That’s horrible. Do you want them to hate you?”
“Alright, so I’m that kind of old, too.” He admits defeat.
“I think mom jeans aren’t as bad as everyone makes them to be.”
“I think dad jokes are the epitome of comedy and I’ve brushed up on some.”
“Ooo, tell me one!” You beam excitedly.
“Okay. What do you call a nose with no body?”
“Nobody knows."
You both join in laughter which soon dies down when the gears in each of your heads began to turn. The two of you stare in space, speechless and reflective of the conversation.
“Although, it is a bit quiet,” You say, breaking the silence. “Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, too quiet.”
“Not boring, though.”
“No, not boring. It’s a good boring if it is. But it’s like…something’s missing. Like we’re forgetting something important.”
“Or someone important?”
“Some…ones…” Steve says in a reflective tone, then his eyes bug out and so do yours as you come to the same realization.
The two of you exchanged looks and simultaneously yell. “Our babies?!”
The two of you jump up from the couch and heading in any direction the two believed the boys were in. You checked the pantry, he checked in the bottom cabinets. He checked the in the boys closet, you checked underneath the bed.
“How could have forgotten about them for two hours?!” Steve exclaims. “We’re terrible people! They’re literally all the reasons why we’re so old and boring now so how can we have forgotten?!”
“They’ve handled themselves just fine alone, babe.” You say trying to comfort him.
“You and I both know that when it gets quiet it’s never a good sign. They’re like Max from Max and Ruby and you know how sociopathic that bunny could be. Little Baby Blue hasn’t barked in 2 hours either. What could they have possibly done to him?” Steve says while running his hands through his hair.
The sounds of giggling from the master bedroom is enough to shake you and Steve to your core. The boys were for sure in there and possibly doing something that will cost you a lot of money to repair.
“For all we know they’ve just created armagedon in there,” You say, darting your eyes between the bedroom door and Steve. “Whatever happens, whatever we see…we must prepare ourselves. Some things may be damaged beyond repair and most likely there will be a lot of cleaning up to do…but we mustn’t take out our anger on the children. They’re children who are simply practicing their exploration and discovery skills.”
“Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one who found your game console submerged in a toilet bowl,” He clutches his chest. “You don’t know my pain.”
You groan, hearing more laughter from the boys. “What do think it is this time? Paint on the walls? The forbidden mudpie cake? Fisher Price Guillotine?”
“I don’t know. That’s the terrifying part. They always come up with the darnedest things,” Steve holds out his hand. “Hold it please, I’m not ready for this horror show.”
You swallow hard, taking his hand. Opening the masters bedroom, you see the twins with their thumbs in their mouths watching Saturday cartoons on the large bed. Little Baby Blue is wedged between the boys, relaxing as they both pet him with their free hands. Their eyes immediately dart to the two of you standing in the doorway like you’d just interrupted a nice moment.
“Mommy.” Oslo smiles and runs up to you.
“Daddy!” Bear runs into Steve’s arms.
“My boys,” You say in relief. “Mommy and Daddy are so sorry for not checking on you. We were very, very tired.”
“Das kay, mommy,” Oslo says, snuggling into your tummy. “Blue’s here with us.”
“Blue even gave us some things to eat.” Bear points to one side of the bed which was full of snacks from the pantry.
“I was wonderful where the Oreos went.” Steve says.
You pet Blue. “That’s a good boy! Maybe next time go for the healthier options in the fridge.” The dog huff and you raise your hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. I’ll cut you some slack. I know how hard it is watching two toddlers.”
“I’m going to whip us up some lunch and then we’ll go to the park for family fun day. How’s that sound, boys?” Steve says.
The boys jump up and down excitedly with Steve hyping up their mood. “Ok, but you have to go and get ready real quick. Think you two can do that like the big boys you are?”
“Yes!” They shout at once.
“Go on then after come down for the famous Harrington men’s sandwich.”
The boys run out of the room, Blur chasing after them.
You lean in to whisper to your husband, still in shock. “Everything’s neat. The boys were actually angels the entire day. Thanks to babysitter Blue.”
“I guess those two were having a relaxed day, too.” Steve quips.
Oslo enters the room, tugging your sweater. “Mommy, can you help me find my favorite sho”
“You mean the light up ones?”
Oslo nods and you take his hand, “Come on, we’ll look together.”
“Then, I’ll help Bear get dressed. We’re going to beat you guys!” Steve teases.
You all laugh enjoying the friendly competition. Although, you enjoyed the times where things get quiet. You couldn’t trade the moments of chaos and fun with your family for the world.
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stayinhellevator · 10 months
Shades Of Love
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Where you thought love was red but it was golden
Pairing: S.Coups x gn!Reader//Wonwoo x gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst//S2L, L2E
Word Count: 1922
Warning: Mentions of seggsy times(not explicit)
Playlist: Red and Daylight ~ Taylor Swift
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"Order 895 is ready. Please collect it."
You could hear your own voice booming in the buzzed cafeteria followed which a sturdy familiar young man walked towards the counter, flashing you his infamous gummy dimpled smile.
"Thank you! Now that I've had the best coffee that there is, my day would be better."
You shook your head at his antics and prepared his receipt as you tried to hide the smile that threatened to come out in order to not encourage his tactics. He did this every single day, coming to the cafe you worked at without fail with his regular order of an americano and melon bread and asked you out, also without fail.
However, you weren't quite ready to date and certainly not this handsome overly rich guy. He was so damn charming that nobody could ignore him, no matter how hard they tried to resist him, to you he seemed like a god damn celebrity and you, were just you. A broke final year college student, with big dreams, struggling with multiple part time jobs but that's what happens when your parents couldn't care any less about your existence. You had somehow survived school under their control and now you were almost done with your college all on your own and you were very proud of yourself. You had so much on your plate that you couldn't really prioritise a relationship in your life much less the attention that'd come upon you, with a guy like him.
"So are you free tonight? Tomorrow? Overmorrow?"
But he was also good at breaking your resolve; especially when he looked at you with that adorable puppy face and an even cuter pout on those luscious lips of his. And just like that, after six months of resistance, you had cracked.
"Real smooth Seungcheol, real smooth. I've to give this to you."
And you watched as his eyes glowed with a playfulness and he smirked at you in victory but you couldn't find it in yourself to dismiss his smugness.
Loving Choi Seungcheol was red.
He made you see the world through rose tinted glasses; everything that was so plain and cynical previously, now seemed bright and meaningful. You had something to look forward to every single day you woke up.
You'd think as time gradually passed, you'd come out of the honeymoon phase of your relationship but no Seungcheol made you feel special everyday, as if he was still courting you. He'd flirt with you, compliment you, voice out any and even a slight change in your look.
Bringing you your favourite flowers everyday without fail, taking you out on cute little dates frequently, going on a walk with his adorable fur baby like a happy family every evening and going as far as to pose like a trophy CEO boyfriend who'd pick you up from college every single day. Life with him seemed something straight like a rom-com fiction that you'd enjoy as a guilty pleasure.
He was passionate, if his constant pining of six months wasnt proof enough. He knew what he wanted and how to get it, be it opportunities, things or people. He did everything with all his heart, felt all kinds of emotions to their extreme. If he loved you, he'd travel to the ends of the world for you and God forbid if he hated you, he'd make sure he dragged you to that end and buried you in the deepest pits of hell. That's how passionate Choi Seungcheol is.
Seungcheol was also synonymous to a fiery lust that you'd never even imagined would burn through you. His kisses looked as hot as they felt when he imprinted them on every curve of your body. No matter how many times he took you, it never felt enough to either of you.
Because Seungcheol's emotions were limitless, so was his anger. Such was his anger that you'd rather die than be at the receiving end of his hostility. You first witnessed it when he found you getting uncomfortable with the gossip around your relationship in your campus and you'd swore to never explore that side of his passion.
In theory, it looked hot to see your boyfriend with such a burning determination in his eyes, jaws clenched in fury and knuckles fisted as if ready to get bloody if needed however, his violent rage sent chills down your spine because he really had no control over his actions when he went down that road.
And unfortunately for you, your worst fears had actually come true when the two of you ended up in an argument in your bedroom when you were supposed to be celebrating your fifth anniversary.
"Cheol! How did we end up here? It's not like you hadn't known of my plans for the future?"
You asked exasperatedly trying to make sense of this conversation. You had always wanted to own a cute cafe of your own with a bookshop above it and Cheol had always known about it. So how had he come from admiring your dreams to going against them?
"Because I thought you might change your plans baby. Today when mom asked me about our plans for future I realised we had never even discussed about our future. And now that I'm finally taking over the business I'd really like to settle down with you."
He tried to explain as best as he could but not enough to make sense to you. So was it his parents? You always knew they disapproved of your lifestyle and disinterest in fitting to theirs so did they say something to him?
"Cheol I never said that we can't get married. Of course I want to marry you and grow a family with you. However what I don't understand is, how does me wanting to establish a cafe of my own has anything to do with us getting married?"
You felt cornered the longer you watched his face that didn't soften even a bit with understanding and growing more determined every second.
"I'm more than capable enough to take care of you so what's the need to work?"
Your heart was pounding against your ribs so loud you swear you could hear it when you realised where this conversation was going. This wasn't your Cheol but Choi Seungcheol, the business man that his father was proud of.
"And you can still take care of me. I told you it's more about me fulfilling my dreams and not about survival or money anymore Cheol."
You could recognise the timidness in your wavering voice as you tried for the last time to save your relationship that was dangling by a single strand of thread.
"And how would it look that my wife is working in a cafe, even if you own it. People would think I don't provide well enough for you, there'd be too much gossip-"
He paused abruptly as he realised the look of growing horror on your face.
"So it's about your family's reputation and tabloids and not us anymore."
He shook his head desperately and scampered to his knees in front of you, trying to bring you back to him as you drifted away not just from him but even yourself.
"Baby please I didn't mean it that way."
He continued babbling but you couldn't hear him with the constant ringing in your ears.
You had always known it. So why did it still hurt?
Nearly three years later, as you stood outside your own cafe that you built with blood, sweat and tears literally, with pride all alone, Jeon Wonwoo came in your life with his warmth that thawed even the deepest corners of your heart, that seemed to be numb over the years of loneliness.
Wonwoo's compassion made everything seem easier than it actually was. Individually, you two were extremely reserved people who were neither interested in social interaction nor actively seeked it however together you two were like two perfectly fitting puzzle pieces. You remembered when you first met Wonwoo and were immediately intimidated by his persona however by the end of the day, it felt like you two had known each other since forever. And soon enough, it was to no one's surprise, you two were in a relationship.
Wonwoo was equally wise as he was warm; he knew how to make someone feel welcome but he also knew who actually deserved to be welcomed. He wasn't just your life partner, who knew how to handle you but also your business partner who provided his insights to your now joint venture. He owned the bookstore above your cafeteria that you two now jointly run. He was in every sense your missing brain cell.
Everything was easy with Wonwoo, even your arguments. You both tend to avoid arguing but when you do, he made it a point that you two never go to bed without resolving it and truly, it reassured you because you never want to be lonely, especially now that you've found him.
Wonwoo was thoroughly loyal and caring. He knew what you wanted before you could even acknowledge your emotions. You cherished every part of your life with him. Be it passing each other meaningful or sometimes even suggestive looks amidst the crowd of your cafe or snuggling up with each other with hands absent mindedly wandering on each other's skin with your favourite books in front of you.
Wonwoo was luxurious and not just materialistically. Every kiss that you placed on him felt like you touched the finest silks and likewise every kiss that he placed on you was as intoxicating as an expensive wine. It was sinful, addicting and never enough.
As regal as he was, he was also powerful, capable of making someone question their entire existence with just one look. His domineering aura also extended to a protectiveness over, which weirdly made you feel assured and safe but never suffocated.
As fine of a man as he was, of course he had a bit of a superiority complex but it never oppressed you or scared you. As long as you both were respectful of each other's boundaries and limits, everything was okay and that was an established fact. Besides, if he were a little too perfect, you think you'd be a little paranoid around him. So you guess you can bear a bit of his narcissism that his handsome face and compassionate heart deserved.
"Baby!? What are you thinking?"
A deep baritone that you could swear you felt vibrate deep within you brought you out of your musings as you faced your fiance who had joined you on the couch with two steaming cups of coffee.
"Thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life."
He smiled at you before wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he settled comfortably beside you in a snuggle.
"Hmm lucky you are. What would you have done without me?"
You give him a poker face before hitting him on the chest which made him laugh and hug you a little tighter.
"I love you so much!"
You placed a peck on his lips before smiling at him as you settled his glasses back up his nose.
"I love you more Woo!"
If he is the end result of all your struggles in every universe, then you'd gladly do it all over again.
You once believed love would be burning red but it was a shimmering gold for you and there's nothing you'd change about it.
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crownedwille · 6 months
I think what my problem with the 'bad parent Kristina' trope is, especially in fics, that it basically becomes synonym with evil Kristina which just isn't accurate. She is a bad parent, yes but she isn't this evil witch set on manipulating and destroying her son's life. You can actually be a good person and be a bad parent, those two things are not mutually exclusive. And you can do a shitty job at parenting but still love your child, there can even be affection and good moments, it's just not enough.
Another example is Micke - he's also not actually an abusive asshole but can be really sweet and he obviously loves and cares about his children very much. He wants them in his life and be there for them but that doesn't stop him from having his own problems and letting his kids down. You can love them but still fail your children. And even though you want what's best for them doesn't mean that you can provide it (in Micke's case) or actually act in their best interests (in Kristina's case).
Micke and Kristina are both very good examples on being good people with their own set of baggage who are bad parents that are trying in their own way but in the end simply can't be there for their children the way they should and sadly only hurt them instead of being the emotionally supporting guide they should be.
And it's okay to accept their complexities without erasing either all of their good or their bad qualities.
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angstics · 2 years
i understand why the black parade (the concept) is seen as a force of good (the name has cool imagery and “to joinnn the black parade” is a #epic moment). force of good as in synonym to emo communities, mcr fans, the general downtrodden. gerard is still called the leader of the black parade as in “king of the emos” when the actual leadringer persona constantly berated “my chemical romance” lol.
i like the black parade as a false promise. to start, the black parade is special to the patient since gerard describes the concept as people being welcomed to death by their happiest memory, which is reflected in the beginning of wttbp. the whole song is a conflict btwn “though your dead and gone believe me your memory will carry on” and “im just a man, im not a hero”. it’s an uneasy song. like all these people are telling the main character not to worry about dying because they’ll be remembered but they cant accept that because they dont think theyre worth remembering. “i dont care”—“we’ll carry on”.
mama and welcome parallel in a lot of ways, from the parental figures to the HUGE sound to the multi-part structure to the adoption of specialty music (cabaret v marching band). even “we’ll carry on” is echoed, with the addendum “when our brothers in arms are gone / so raise your glass high for tomorrow we die / and return from the ashes you call”. this is what the patient (“im just a man”) would say after hearing the black parade, echoing the sentiment with venomous anger instead of welcome’s almost sterile tone.
the idea of a false promise comes from the parade being presented as what the patient supposedly always wanted: to be unashamed, be the saviour, be REMEMBERED. as represented by their father and questioned by the patient. so for them to go to war to be remembered (“you made us oh so famous”) only to be unfulfilled by that (“we all go to hell”) shows the failures of the black parade (also represented on disenchanted: “lifelong wait for a hospital stay”). it’s a welcome that no longer fit the patient, whose childhood whims were disproven by what they learned from life.
this is why famous last words is sooo satisfying. they create their own acceptance of death. “i see you lying next to me” with the people they love, “with words i thought id never speak” with self-acceptance, “awake and unafraid, asleep or dead” and with their own fucking words. “i am not afraid to walk this world alone” they dont need to be remembered. there is no parade, there is no yearning for the past.
and while the black parade buried them as they were still screaming, famous last words leaves room for them to stay alive. agency and dignity, in life and death.
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zeno-zero · 2 months
Ra Min's children 🌸
Just a quick heads up ─ Roku and Ta Min are a t4t couple in my very own book. Ta Min is Korean, Roku is Filipino.
Roku comes from a political clan called Del Rosario which stood for 'of the rosary' in Spanish and Portuguese.
Ta is from a noble clan called the Min, which means 'sharp-minded' or' quick response'.
Questions or headcanons about them is greatly appreciative!
Oldest Daughter (Firebender) [16]: Seo-Yeon ─ Ta was the one who gave her name where Roku is still resting peacefully. When Roku finally woke up from his slumber, Ta asked if the name is suitable to which Roku agrees warmly. Seo alone means 'felicitous omen' or 'auspicious,' however if combined with Yeon, both means 'beautiful.'
She took after Ta Min's profession, becoming a diplomat as well. But after her father's death, she quitted the job to cake care of her mother. Knowing that Ta may not express it verbally, it can be tell that she needs help to dealt with this kind of pain.
Laidback and levelheaded, is stern when the circumstances are needed.
First-Born Son (Non-bender) [11]: Andrés ─ It means 'manly' or 'brave' which is a name originated from Spanish. However, Andrés is a name that symbolizes bravery the most. Its a name that has been given to him by Roku and oh boy.. Andrés does take his name seriously.
He inherited his father's carelessness for his well-being. Up to you to decide whether is that a good thing or a bad thing.
Was rowdy and full of surprises, while he does become respectful and understanding growing up - he was like his parents younger selves, just wanting to have fun and goof off. (By goofing off, I mean almost sending his parents into an early grave.)
Second-born Daughter (Non-bender) [9]: Adhika ─ A name that means 'honorable.' It's a unique and traditional filipino name. However, Adhika made herself up a nickname called 'Rina.' Aside from Ra Min, 'Rina' is a shorter version of their ship name! It's an inside joke between her, and the family.
During the 100 year old war, the playful subriquet slowly becomes her new name as a way to not be acknowledged as the Avatar's daughter.
She's a former vigilante spy, taking after her father and mother's profession.
Youngest Son (Firebender) [7]: Hyuk ─ In korean, it is mostly associated 'bright' synonyms. Mainly because of how his eyes are twinkling when he first opened them. It awes the parents wholeheartedly. Hyuk is born deaf, needing extra attention from both Roku and Ta Min. But overall, a really sweet boy.
He is observant and is quick-witted, figuring out the dots easily. While communication is definitely an option, sometimes it's not always the case on his behalf.
At first, he degrades himself for being born with a disability. He thought he dragged everyone down. With enough reassurance and love from the family that he isn't a burden, he accepted the fact that this is the true him.
Roku and Ta Min would take turns on naming their kids, while Roku only cares about the children's general health and is loved in any shape and form - he cherish the fact that how Ta Min took her time to name these little goobers, and put so much thought onto them. They had their fun approving and disapproving other names, even have their own little banters with each other while their babies are asleep soundly. Despite the pain that Roku still felt, he'd be fully relaxed and safe in the arms of his lover. Ta Min makes sure that Roku gets a checkup or two if his health is declining, sickly worried for him and its justified.
This took such a long time!! I was researching left and right in my tabs and everything, I even doubt what am I naming these children 😭. I tried giving them a little flavor other than simply giving them names. The Ra Min's children played a huge part during the war, which is another story.
My brain is terribly FRIED.
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
hello!! i have thoughts about the hunger au worldbuilding <3
okay so
will Grian ever have an encounter with the Watchers in the fic (you dont have to answer ofc)?? but if he did,, what would his reaction be???
are they looking for him? did they just let him leave??
because- like. from what i can remember they didnt have any malicious intent towards him?? like Watchers function on a completely different moral level so they didnt mean any harm they DID harm him, y'know? if that makes sense??
also! do they Watchers love him in the sense of like,, parent child love? or do they simply view him as their offspring TM
now that im typing this out i feel like this is all very spoilery ish so you probably wont be able to answer it, but!!! i had to try >:)
Hey bug anon!!! Dw i can answer these, thanks for asking!! :D
The Watchers wont be showing up in the main fic-- although theres definitely room for them to appear in future oneshots!!! That being said, uhhh.... Grian would NOT have a good reaction to seeing them again. He's got a lot of trauma surrounding them-- thats like, hardcore panic attack breakdown territory if he ever had another encounter.
And the Watchers are looking for him, actually-- community is such a big part of Watcher culture that its anathema to them that he'd ever even want to leave in the first place, and they worry a lot for his safety (considering hes both an integral piece of restoring their population, and because to them, striking out on your own is synonymous with death). They've been looking for him for years now, though by the time the fic takes place, that's tapered off from any active searching. These days, they only look where their feeding happens to take them (many of their colony assume he's dead, but some still hold out hope despite everything).
They didnt let him leave. Grian spent YEARS carefully watching them, cataloging their habits, learning how both they and his new body worked, before making a rapid and desperate escape. But they also didnt hold any malicious intent! Like you said, they just have a completely different moral structure, and ultimately, they were just following their customs. Community values dictate they stick together, so Grian's mad run for freedom took them all terribly by surprise, and was ultimately what gave him the leverage to successfully escape
I think the way Watchers parse the concept of love is very different from ours-- i hesitate to say they loved Grian if only because i dont feel like they define that feeling the same way Players would or even how we do irl. But they did deeply care. Juveniles are highly valued and taken care of by the entire community-- although Grian had the mind of an adult, not a freshly hatched juvenile, so that did make a slight difference in how they viewed him. I think a more accurate way to look at how they felt about him is that of a mentors and mentee relationship, where they taught him how to survive as one of them, and fully incorporated him as a member into their colony. He was genuinely cared for; in my head, i liken them to a well-meaning but very controlling family (though not a nuclear one)
Thanks again for the ask, bug anon!! :D it was nice to get a chance to talk about this!! I definitely want to write the Watchers proper at some point, so who knows-- maybe in a future oneshot, they might appear. Whether thats a pre-canon fic or a future one...... well, who's to say >:]
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saffigon · 6 months
Hey, sorry if this is too personal, but I was wondering if you or any loveless people you know of have kids? Or if you have any thoughts on being a good parent without love? Or is non-parenting a part of lovelessness?
I'm in the process of understanding my lovelessness again, as things have changed since I was super active in the loveless community. I think I am still loveless in some capacity, but that capacity is different.
Regardless, I don't know any loveless people that have kids, but I do want kids. I don't know if I have the capacity to love my kids (in the future), as I'm only 20 and the idea of actually having children is quite foreign at the moment. But I think even if I were to not love them, I could care for them and give them the emotion they deserve.
Overall, lovelessness isn't synonymous with a lack of emotion. It definitely can for some, and it's not a bad thing, but it's not universal. So I don't think that non-parenting is inherently a part of lovelessness, as loveless parents can still provide care and support for their children without loving them.
I think, from my young adult childless perspective, that being a good parent (or even a good partner) is not about the emotions you feel but instead how you treat other people. You can provide a good relationship with someone based on the respect and care you put into them without feeling love for them.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
I loved the mermaid Lup you wrote! Would you ever do mermaid Taako? ❤️
Look. It's not as if Taako wanted to be around humans. If anything, he was pretty content with being actively far away from humans. Sure, they were fun to screw around with. Like, if cha'boy wanted to go up on a rock and lure men into dangerous waters, who was gonna fault him? It's not like they had to be lured. Mermaid and Siren were not synonymous, thank you very much. He was an asshole but not Siren-level asshole, at least.
But when you gotta keep dragging your sister out of increasingly dangerous human-related situations, it's not like you really had a choice. And seeing Lup get captured? That was the exact situation Taako tried very hard to avoid. And even then! Even then, she comes back, with a shitty grin and safe and not too badly injured, and— she comes back, not only wanting to go out again to meet with humans, but wanting to go out soon. Wanting to go out to meet a specific human who wore way too much of that white gunk they put on their skin and smelled too strongly of chemicals.
Like what the fuck, Lup!
But Taako is chill. He's so chill and regular and normal. And as much as he hated it, he couldn't bring himself to say no to Lup. She used that to her advantage way too fucking much, but that was just what he had to live with right now.
Lup's human— Barry, according to Lup. What a fucking awful name, Barry. Ugh— would come out to the water every so often to chat with her. They found a big rock off the coast where the other humans rarely came, so they could talk "in peace". Taako waited nearby, watching with narrowed eyes. Even without fully knowing the language (Barry was "teaching" her. Taako pretended to not care but Lup went over it with him afterward, so whatever), he could see the Tension building.
Taako did not want to supervise his sister's dates. That's what this felt like. He felt like a shitty, overprotective parent who was way too interested in her love life. With a human. Grosseroni. Taako couldn't see the appeal.
Well, Taako hadn't seen the appeal. But today was… different.
He still had an eye on Lup, of course. But being dragged into so many meeting with Barry had made him a little more comfortable with leaving them alone— both because Barry said he'd rather die than let her get captured again and because Taako told Barry that he would die if Lup got captured again, and that Taako would be the one to do it— so we went a little further up the coast.
He and Lup used to hang out at a place like this as kids. A little rickety abandoned dock, so overgrown with weeds and algae that one of the legs had snapped straight off. The wood wasn't too far down, but it was currently housing several little clams and Taako was not about to get into another clam fight. He had enough with the last one, thank you. The dock was short enough to just qualify as a few pieces of wood nailed together.
But it was a good place to hang out away from the sun. He was an appropriate distance from his sister's love life, hangin' below a collapsed dock, trying not to get some clams upset at him. Life was good.
The wood above Taako shifted. He perked up, turning his ear toward the noise. There was a vibration shuddering through the water. He sunk down a bit further as the vibration increased. A few pebbles from the little beach nearby got kicked into the water. There was a muffled sound from above the wood, just over his head.
Here's the thing about humans: They never had good intentions. There was a reason he didn't like messing with them. Hell, the whole event with Lup being captured had only solidified that feeling. They were gross, they were mean, and Taako was good out here, thank you very much.
The wood shifted and Taako saw a fleshy hand wrap around on the boards. He ducked, going a little deeper to swim away unnoticed. The hand dropped the board as he did— fuckin' shadows, Taako hated the sun. He sped away, towards Lup and Barry and the big rocks, only looking back when he had safely hidden away between two big, sunken boulders.
Here's the thing about this human: He was hot as fuck.
He was nothing like Barry. Obviously, humans look different. Like, duh. It's not like every fuckin' catfish under the sea looked the same. Everyone and everything had the ability to be solely who they were. But Taako much preferred the vibe of this guy than he did Barry. Barry looked like what happened when Taako tried to catch a sea cucumber for dinner. The guy looked like if dolphins were as cool as they thought they were. He looked like a barracuda but a cool one and not the one who stole food from under Taako's arms. He looked like the rock back where they grew up, the one that seemed to always stay warm even if it got too cold everywhere else.
He looked good is what Taako was getting at. And he was kneeling, looking out over the sea. He was probably trying to find where Taako (and his stupid fucking shadow) had gone. His eyes scanned the horizon for a few more moments before turning his attention back to the dock. His the sl— slee— arms? fuck, Taako couldn't remember what the arms of shirts were called— were rolled up and he was reaching into the water, taking out pieces of the dock one at a time.
Taako looked back over his shoulder. Lup and Barry were in an animated discussion about some nerd shit, probably. She had her arms up on the shore, flicking her tail back and forth in the water.
He looked back toward the human at the shitty dock, who was wiping some algae off his hand and onto his— his… what the fuck did humans use to cover their legs? Taako didn't know that word yet. With a final flourish, he turned back to Lup and Barry, swimming toward them with intent.
"—so it's less like I'm allergic to milk and more like it'll just fuck me up—"
"Taako!" Lup said as Taako surfaced too, shaking his hair out. Ugh. He knew he was technically damp all the time, but personally, wet hair on his neck did not feel great. "We were just talking about—"
"I don't care," Taako said. And then, "Sorry. Not really, actually, I'm not sorry— hey, uh, do you— do either of you know the word for leg shirts?"
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imaaa · 6 months
1:20 a.m. is the time. the mattress in this rented room is too uncomfortable for my liking. these unfamiliar grey walls will take a while for me to get used to, considering i've been staying around white ones for too long. i have a corporate job to attend in about 9 hours; it'll be my fourth day. i should be sleeping. but i've made enough effort for sleep to arrive. the futility of the same made me give in to the urge of writing. i hope at 3, though, i am worn out enough to surrender myself to the luxury of sleeping.
a few years back, i would always make a point to my mother that one should not be consuming headache pills on a regular basis. but right now, the headache is too bad, the way it was yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. maybe i have the capacity to bear it. but now i am not that 19-year-old anymore who would speak against consuming the painkiller. i tell myself i understand mom now and take a pill and go to sleep. the headache eases but the guilt widens. the ache was not unbearable, and the medicine was not essential.
yesterday, my friend and i were discussing why i am a good fit for a marketing role. at one point, she said, “you have a jolly personality, that is why.” i was surprised for a moment hearing that, not because i am not jolly, because i am. but because it struck me that my writings never portray me that way. and it matters so much to me what my writings speak about me, and according to me, all they speak about is synonyms of melancholy i carry. joy does not demand to be wrapped in words, while gloom gets spilled every time. i know it is incredibly irrational, but i would choose feeling sadness over joy if that is what makes me hold my laptop at odd hours and pushes me to write.
i am sorry, i do not know what life looks like when you are not a student anymore under the direct care of her parents. i keep on spending money, and i have spent too much in less than a week. i tell my parents that i cannot understand where i am spending so much and that i am frustrated. but they tell me it is no big deal and i should not be worrying. they give me all the reasonings as to why i should be spending money and not be a stupid miser that i can be at times. i cannot explain how much i love them and how so much ease lies in those 8 p.m. video calls. and ease lies in this friend of mine who makes me giggle so much by just being herself. i was afraid that a corporate career would not leave me with time to write, but the case might be opposite. my role at my job might not be too great, but i think it will make me feel dissatisfied enough that ultimately, i will be resorting to writing to find some sort of satisfaction.
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hnwd · 11 months
Here a fanchild Reaper x Ink, live m'y sweet baby now youre in the multiverse haha !
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Physically Ether is not particularly tall, he is 1m69 tall, and has white and black bones mottled with spots or diamonds. On his forehead is a black diamond, his left eye has black eyelashes and black marks (three diamonds decreasing outwards) his right eye has white eyelashes and white marks). He does not have pupils with changing shapes, but his pupils are very colored in one to three colors, or even four, they can be of a single color at a time, the same or different, changing regularly in a fascinating spectacle. Ehter will mostly have his wings out, they are black and white, and their pattern changes according to his desire, we can therefore represent him freely with different wings of a mixture of black / white pattern, or a wing completely of one color and the other different, the two same ect ect, it’s up to you! (although Ether could make himself bigger, he doesn't do it because he feels in an unpleasant position in this case). He is also ambidextrous.
The name Ether, although it came from mutual agreement, came to each of the parents with different meanings that they hoped would influence the child's development. Ether for ink was both supposed to be a material medium filling space, a desire that his child never have the duality of wandering without a soul, but also in a darker sense of a story he had read , summarizing in his story that the Aether was synonymous with a stone of immortality in exchange for the blood of others. On Reaper's side, he accepted this name considering that it refers to the God Ether, god personifying the upper parts of the sky and its light.
Ether is not the first child of Ink and Reaper, they had a life long before with their respective partners, Reaper with Geno, then Geno becoming Error, Error with Ink then separation. However, Ether is the eldest child of this duo, he is rather neutral for children with the other partners.
Ether has a particular character, although he is extremely good at forming relationships, he generally considers himself detached from the crowd, even superior. This comes as much from his abilities as from his natural character, he loves chaos immensely, and appreciates creating and changing the destiny of others for his own amusement, a true free electron with a seductive smile he will rarely play fair against others. In reality he really likes games, board games, logic, although part of his joy comes from the fact that he wins easily by knowing the future, otherwise or he cannot, Ether will prove to be a a player terribly ready to face, with particularly keen logic and determination, we can recognize in his style of play, that of the gods of death and their Plans.
Ether is really chilly, to compensate for that ink created heated clothing for him that covers him completely, that's why Ether wears many layers of clothing, ironically, born on December 13 and loving winter he remains a eternally chilly lover of snowflakes.
Ether draws, although he doesn't have Ink's talent, he really likes drawing and painting, he loves colors and cute things, as much as sobriety and elegance.
Hermaphrodite, There is no preference on pronouns, nor on the fact of being bottom or top, he is a lover just as colorful and sparkling as Ink but also much more polite and gentleman than we think. These are more personal values than a real internet so you have to be careful not to misunderstand the signals it sends you. He has a favorite outfit, but otherwise he likes clothes of one kind or another and has done so since he was little.
Ether has several abilities, his main one which he developed from his birth was that of seeing the future, acts, actions, all this was disconcertingly easy, like a TV where he could move forward or change channels as he wanted. wish, his childhood was disconcertingly easy. Although this demigod does not have the ability to instill death with a simple touch, ether is a shape-shifter, in the most literal sense, being able to change his own bodily and magical structure to take another form, he does not use this power too much, quite simply because the pain he feels is truly terrible and exhausts him, he once described to his mother, Ink, that when he transformed he felt each of his bones break into pieces. middle of the song and his soul is torn in two before reforming into a new body. Aether's wings also come from this ability so he rarely puts them away. His last special ability is that of pact, as long as the person or person makes a pact with him, he can literally force people however he wants.
He also used this power against the gods of Reapertale, after learning that they mainly belittle the role of Reaper. There came a provocation to offer them the bars in a game and if that was the case they would all have to cede their role to Reaper, not having been taken seriously they accepted in an ironic way, pact validated, Ether blocked them in an infinite hour and forced them to play against yes recovering their power one by one, he nevertheless lost the tournament when Reaper arrived sensing that something was wrong, beating Ether he made him give back his powers and made him to apologize. This didn't influence their relationship, but it didn't help the relationship between the other gods either.
It can be considered in any camp whether neutral good bad, satars dances or Bads sanses
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adamwatchesmovies · 8 months
Palm Springs (2020)
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Palm Springs is a consistently funny, well-executed time-loop comedy full of unexpected depths. I’d seen it before, called it one of my favorite movies of 2020 but was a little hesitant when my coworkers suggested we watch it together. A movie this good I don’t want to watch over and over; I want to space out my viewings so I can forget the little details and re-capture some of the surprise I got the first time. My apprehension was unfounded, as it proved just as good on a rewatch. You don’t know what you’re getting into when you step into this movie.
On November 9, in Palm Springs, Sarah (Cristin Milioti) is shocked when Nyles (Andy Samberg) - a complete stranger - gives a touching speech at her sister’s wedding. While everyone celebrates, they connect privately. The next morning, Sarah wakes up. It’s still November 9th. Nyles has been stuck in a time loop. Every morning, he wakes up and it’s November 9th. Now, it's happening to Sarah too.
You expect a certain kind of humor from this concept. Nyles has done it all so he knows exactly what dance moves everyone will pull during the wedding reception - it makes him move on the floor like no one else could - and his time in the loop has made him so nonchalant about stuff like death it’s hilarious. That’s all well done but the big laughs come from his pairing with Sarah. She’s new to this, so he has to do his best to explain to her everything he already knows about this time loop, to no avail. It gets funnier when she accepts her fate and decides to make the best of it. With their life free of consequences, they pull elaborate pranks on the wedding guests, spring expertly coordinated and rehearsed dances “out of nowhere” and find endless ways to mess around and have a good time.
With excellent performances by Andy Samberg and Cristin Milloti - who have terrific chemistry, it’s easy to think this will be a nice, breezy rom-com that eventually gets solved when…. I dunno. The two declare their love for each other and break the time-loop spell or something? but there's more to the movie. Nyles has been stuck in the time loop for so long this is his life now. While everything may reset every day, it’s a vacation that will never end. He never has to work. He can do whatever he wants and never suffer the repercussions. Nothing he does matters, and he sees it as a good thing. Every morning he wakes up in a relationship with a woman who’s cheating on him (Meredith Hagner as Misty) but he doesn’t care. In fact, he likes it. If he ever wants sex, he knows what to say to her and on the days where he finds Misty intolerable, he’ll befriend someone else at the party. What’s there not to love about this perpetual Palm Springs? As he falls for Sarah, it feels as though things have just gotten better… but they aren’t, because she’s not like him. Breaking free from the time loop could be synonymous with that stage in a relationship where you move in together, meet each others’ parents, or get married. Moving forward is scary, it carries risks, but without those risks, what's the point? Sarah understands that the uncertain is what makes life living. The way our protagonists grow and the realizations they make along the way is often upsetting, which compliments the hilarity wonderfully. This is the kind of movie you can watch over and over and always find some new detail that makes you see just how well-written it is.
Palm Springs starts off as raunchy fun and then comes at you from the side with the heavy emotions. The blend is so smooth you look back and are surprised you didn’t see it coming. It packs so much into its story and characters you’ll be shocked it only lasted 90 minutes. This is a refreshingly romantic and uproarious movie - a new favorite for everyone who sees it. (September 16th, 2021)
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