#They give each other bouquets of flowers that mean “screw you” and cook each other meals that they lace with poison
itsallyscorner · 4 years
Hey Ally idk if you are taking requests at the moment but if you are could you write something really fluffy with either Sebastian or Bucky! I am just not having a good time right now and would really appreciate anything you got! If you need a more specific idea i can come up with one just let me know and obviously no rush ♥️
Hiya hun! I hope this brightens your day/night and gets your spirits up💛 Sending all my love and good energy to you, happy reading!
Flowers and Nutella
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Your body felt as if it were glued to the bed. The warm covers you’ve been wrapped in all night brought you comfort and served as a protection from the cold of the harsh world. Today had been one of those days. You know those days, the ones where you wake up and it seems like the world is out to ruin you. You didn’t want to get out of bed because it was like you were dreading of going through with the day.
The past week had been difficult. A failed mission; false leads that ended up being a mouse trap. You were put in charge of Peter, it had been one of the few Avengers mission he was allowed to come along on. You lot were supposed to collect data about an ex SHIELD agent selling alien weapons to different buyers, including Hydra members. The whole thing turned out to be a trapped, long story short, it ended up with Peter getting shot in the shoulder by one of the weapons. Thankfully, Banner and Dr.Cho knew how to patch it up so he was safe, back to the energetic bright eyed puppy he was.
The week had just been hard to get through completely. The affects of those events had finally taken its toll on you and decided to pile up on you during this gloomy morning. You didn’t plan on leaving your room. All you wanted was to watch things on Netflix, eat, and just stay in your safe haven. Your room.
You had been watching Gossip Girl once again when a knock was heard from your door. You didn’t feel like interacting with anyone so you didn’t answer it. A few minutes pass and the door slowly creeks.
Outside Bucky was dressed in gym shorts and a loose gray shirt. His hair was twisted up in a bun, something he had learned from you and grown to love. It was Saturday and the two of you usually had training sessions together in the morning. When you didn’t respond to your door he grew concerned. Usually you were up and going, bouncing on the balls of your feet as your pony tail swayed side to side.
His head peeks behind your door and the sight in front of him makes him furrow his brows. You were far from ready, barely even close. You were in bed, wrapped in your blankets, eyes heavy as you watched some show on your tv.
“(Y/n)? Doll?” He calls out to you, slowly entering your room. The atmosphere was heavy as he took in the darkness and chilling temperature in your room.
Your hair rustled against your pillow as you move your head to look at him. You squint at him as the light from the window poured into your room. Bucky had pulled open the curtains and turned up the thermostat in your room.
“Buck? Hey, what are you doing here?” You eye his attire and groan.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I forgot we had training today.” You apologized squeezing your eyes shut. It was as if you couldn’t do anything right lately.
Bucky waved you off settling himself beside your legs on your bed. He nudges your thigh with his elbow, “No worries. But are you okay? You never forget our training days and you’re usually bouncing from wall to wall by now.” His soft voice fills your room flowing like honey. You feel a swell in your chest at how comforting his voice was.
“What’s going on, darling?” He looks at you, eyes full of concern as they plead you to tell him what’s wrong. You sigh and push your cheek against your pillow. One of your arms curling underneath the cushion while the other gripped to your blanket.
You shrug the shadow of a smile on your chapped lips, “I don’t know. Just don’t feel up for anything today. I just want to lay here and rest.”
Bucky sends you a comforting smile as his large hand comes to rub the small of your back, “It’s alright, sometimes we need breaks from the outside world.”
A small smile forms on your lips, though it didn’t bring that crinkle by your eyes, a sign that you were genuinely happy.
He looks around before his sparkling blue eyes come to land on you again. “D’ya need anything before I head to the gym?”
You hum shaking your head, “Nope, thank you though.”
Bucky nods and claps his hands against his thigh. Getting up and leans forwards to poke your nose, “Alright. Give me a call if you need anything, I’ll be here.” You let out a simple, “mmk” as he turns to leave your room.
The door shuts behind him as he presses his back onto it. Screw the gym, he thought to himself. You were clearly upset and there was a voice in his head telling him to go fix it. You probably didn’t want him prodding in on your rest day but he just wanted to see a smile on your face.
His long legs take him to the kitchen where Wanda, Nat, and Sam were. “Ladies.” He greets them, nodding his head. A silent look was sent to him by Nat, probably because she hadn’t had her coffee yet. Wanda sends him a smile as she uses her powers to cook multiple dishes for breakfast.
“Sam.” He greets his friend who responds to him with a grunt. Bucky shoves himself to a stool at the counter as he tries to come up of ways to cheer you up.
Wanda glances at him, “I don’t think she would enjoy a picnic outside, she likes to stay in her room when she wants a break.”
Bucky’s eyes move from the marbled counters to the back of Wanda’s auburn hair. “Well what do you think she would like right now? I walked in and and she just looked so out of it.”
Natasha sighed as he inhaled the rich smell of coffee, “Barnes just leave her alone, she’s had a rough week, let her get some rest.”
Bucky grumbled a frown on his face, “But she looked so sad, I can’t just leave her like that.”
The elevator dings as the doors slide open. All heads turn towards the hall as they see Peter come out from the elevator. His backpack was slung over his shoulder as greeted all of them with a boyish grin.
“Hey guys!” A round of “mornings” is heard amongst the group as Peter enters the kitchen. He looks over Wanda’s shoulder as his hand reaches under her arm to grab a piece of bacon.
The witch rolls her eyes as she swats his back, “You could’ve burned your fingers, Pete.” She scolded him motherly.
“I’m fine, what’s up guys?” Peter answers with the strip of bacon hanging from his mouth. He places his backpack on the floor and joins the others at the counter. Bucky glances at the boy. Maybe he would know a way to cheer you up. The both of you had been hanging out together a lot since you were his mentor, besides Tony, of course.
“Parker, what’s something that’ll get (y/n) to cheer up?” The boy perks up at your name.
“Flowers and a jar of Nutella.” He answers almost immediately, a proud grin on his face. His quick answer earned him some looks from his older team mates.
“How would you know that, Parker?” Nat asks him, sitting in the stool beside him. Peter fiddles with his fingers as he adjusts himself in his seat. His mouth opens to answer but Sam interrupts him.
“Someone gotta crush on (y/n)?” Sam teases the teenager. Peter’s eyes widen as his cheeks turn rosy, a clutter of stutters coming out his out.
“N-No! I mean— she’s pretty, really pretty. Beautiful in fact, but no, I don’t—I don’t have a crush on Ms. (y/n).” He manages to defend himself. A poor attempt of a defense in Sam’s opinion. Sam shakes his head at the boy, “Buck, looks like you’ve got competition.”
Peter’s eyes almost fall out their sockets at the mention of Bucky. The boy stares at the metal arm that could choke and kill him in an instant. “No! You don’t have any competition Mr. Barnes, sir, I swear.”
Nat smirks from beside him as Wanda chimes from behind them, “I could read minds, Peter!” She sang.
“How do you even know she likes flowers and Nutella?” Natasha asks him.
“Um—I asked her to go to prom with me, remember? She said she’ll only go with me if I buy her flowers and a jar of Nutella.” Peter answers. Bucky was up at his feet at an instant, patting his shorts for his wallet. When he felt the bulky object he glanced at the elevator. Walking behind Peter, he pats the boy’s back with his metal hand. Peter jumps almost yelping in his seat.
“Thanks, Parker.” Bucky chuckles then walks to the elevator.
He takes a train to get around the city. He ends up at the nearest retail store, looking through the shelves for Nutella and other things you might like. Once he had two bags full of treats and gifts he approaches the man outside the store who had a cart full of flowers. He didn’t know if you had a preference, but he chose the brightest out of the bunch. To him it represented your personality and the effect you had on his life.
He rushes back to the compound, bags in each hand and a bouquet of flowers under each arm. The sight of him might’ve been funny, a large bulky man with arms full of colorful flowers, a teddy bear, and all the cheesy pick me up gifts. He enters the kitchen not bothering to greet the others. Though he stops to take out two spoons from the drawers. Steve looks at him curiously while Sam nods at him in approval.
He heads straight to your room, excited to give you all the gifts he’s gotten you. He knocks on the door with the top of his foot, “I’m coming in!” He struggles to twist the knob of the door but he somehow manages to get it to open.
He slams the door shut with his back and greets you with a wide smile. Your eyes widen at him in shock.
“Surprise!” He yells happily. You feel your lips tug themselves upwards at him. You shuffle around in your bed, moving the blankets out the way.
“What’s all this?” You ask him trying to peer into the bags. He places them on the floor, gesturing for you to sit back.
“Alright, first off, here’s some flowers.” He grins handing you the two colorful bouquets. A giggle erupts from you as you take them from him. You take a whiff of the flowers, the floral smell entering your senses.
He digs through the bag and pulls out a large jar of Nutella. You gasp as Bucky presents it to you with a golden spoon from the kitchen. He hands them to you then bends back down to go through the bag.
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted some snacks, so I got some cookies, your favorite chips, crackers, some wine. I didn’t bother getting a cup, just chug the bottle.” He explains placing each item onto your bed.
“I also got you a teddy bear. But they had too many and I didn’t know which one you’d like so I got the bear, a llama, and a dog.” He chuckles bopping your face with the llama’s snout. You laugh as you try to hold all of them in your arms.
“Oh yeah, and here’s some candy.” He places at least five boxes of different kinds of candy onto your lap. You look at him in awe, the joy bursting in your chest at his lovely gesture. The happiness soon became too much and your eyes began to water. The proud smile on Bucky’s face falters, his shoulders slumping. He crouches in front of you, hands beside your legs.
“No! Doll, what’s wrong? Was it the candy? Do you not like skittles? Or is it the Hershey’s kisses? I could take them back! Do you not like the llama?” Questions began to roll off his tongue as he stared up at you. His thumbs came up to wipe stray tear from your face. A laugh bubbles from your chest, your free hand gripping onto his wrist.
“No, Bucky, this is just—no one’s really done this for me before. Thank you.” You smile at him through your tears. “Thank you, I really really appreciate it. You didn’t have to do all of this honestly.” You sniffled fiddling with the plush llama’s fur.
“It’s fine doll, honestly. Anything to see that smile on your face.” He grins up at you, happy with himself that he got to bring the smile that formed crinkles to the side of your eyes. You giggle once again and place all the gifts on your bed, you leans towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hiding your face into his neck. Bucky sighs in content, his metal hand coming up to stroke circles onto your back.
“Thank you, Buck.” You whisper against the skin of his neck. Bucky presses a kiss to your temple, “Anytime darling.”
You pull away and organize the things on your bed. You sit against the headboard did your bed and motion for him to join you.
“I’m gonna need help eating all of this.” You tease him. He settles beside you, arm around your shoulder. He reaches for a pack of Reese’s and rips it open with his teeth.
“Well good thing I’m a super soldier.” He chuckles tuning into the movie on your tv. You get curious and look at him.
“How did you know about the flowers and Nutella though?” You question him with a raised brow.
“Spider-boy.” He answers mouth full of the peanut butter cups. You laugh and lean back into his arm. You reach for the jar of Nutella and twist it open, pealing of the gold seal. Your spoon dips into the chocolate, breaking the smooth surface.
Bucky glances at you, “Feelin’ better?”
The spoon hangs from the corner of your mouth, savoring the delicious spread, “Much better.”
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years
Could I get something for valentines day to do with the Shelby gang? I really don't mind what or who. I just feel like I need a little love for the day...
Valentines Day Head-Canons for the Shelby Family
A/N: Of course you can, anon! Hope you have a great day, whether you’re celebrating or not. It’s just a day, really, so I hope this cheers you up ;) Sending so much love x 
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This man would be nervous as hell that he’d mess up valentines day with you. He’s not exactly known for being the romantic of the family, nor does he have the sophistication of his younger siblings. In fact, he’s sometimes surprised you’re even with him at all. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, though. Oh no, this man is going all out for the day and nothing is too much for you. He’ll have asked everyone, and I mean everyone, for advice about what to do to make the day special. 
He’s not a many of many words so he lets his actions do the talking for him, giving you a massive bouquet of flowers as he comes to collect you for the evening. 
“Arthur, they’re beautiful. You really shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for me. I mean, you even got orchids - my favourites. How did you know?”
“I remember you told me before, eh? When we were at that place down in London. The one with the fancy window displays.”
“I can’t believe you remembered.”
But that’s Arthur. He’s utterly head over heels for you, which is probably why he turns bright red as you kiss him on the doorstep before hurrying back inside to put them in some water. 
He’d also make sure to open every door for you the entire night, refusing to let you even lift so much as a finger. 
In fact, he even pulls your chair out for you in the restaurant he’s taking you to, glaring at the waiter who was going to do it, in a clear sign to back away if he wants to escape with his life. 
“Arthur. I saw that. Behave.”
“I’m on my best behaviour, love. Promise.” 
“Oh really? What a shame, as I had kind of hoped you wouldn’t be, considering that I’m wearing your present underneath this dress.”
Arthur almost combusts there and then. 
Screw dinner - he wants to devour you and only you. Maybe that’s why he practically drags you out of the door at the end of the night, making you laugh as you hurry after him, the two of you fumbling with each other like horny teenagers.  
Needless to say, you spend the rest of the night wrapped in a tangle of limbs, lost in an haze of pleasure as you gift one another with your bodies. 
Now, considering his kids and the fact they are more than a handful, he knows just how important time spent with just the two of you is. That would be his first and biggest gift, getting one of the family to agree to watch the hell spawn long enough for you two to spend some time alone together. 
It’s just you and him for 24 hours of uninterrupted bliss, with no crying children or screaming babies to think about. 
True, it would be weird at first to have the house so quiet, but that’s exactly what you need for you and John to just talk to one another about anything and everything you’ve missed over the past few weeks. After all, he’d probably have been so busy with work he feels like he’s hardly seen you recently. 
He’s also remarkably in-tune with you and knows exactly how to spoil you rotten. 
“You do so much for me and the kids, it’s the least I can do, right? You deserve the world, but I guess I’ll have to do, eh?”
Who knew John Shelby was such a softie?
He’d have the day mapped out down to the finest detail: Breakfast in bed? check. A hot bath with wine and candles? Check. That new dress you had your eye on when you last went into town? Check. Making love for hours on every surface of the house? Triple check. 
He knows how lucky he is to have you and would spend all day making sure you knew. 
“At this rate, we’ll be having another little one to be bribe Polly to watch next year.”
“John Shelby! I swear to god I am not having another baby-“
“So you want me to put my clothes back on and not fuck you again?”
You wisely say nothing and kiss him instead. 
“As I thought.”
Considering how busy he normally is, the only gift you could ever want from him was that of time. Time away from the stresses of the company or his family and their never ending messes. 
It’s why you’re eager to subtly remind him about the date every chance you get in the weeks preceding it. 
Little do you know, he’s perfectly aware of the day. In fact, he has plans of his own cooked up for the both of you… you just didn’t need to know that yet. 
It makes the surprise all the more satisfying as he wakes you early the morning of, peppering you with kisses and encouraging you to get dressed. 
“I thought people usually tried to get people undressed on Valentines day?”
“Patience, love. It’s worth it, I promise.”
You laugh and trust him, unable to deny him anything when he looks genuinely happy for once. That in itself is a gift, as is the chance to spend the day riding with him around the estate you called home. 
Tommy is happiest on horse back, and you grin as you eye him clambering on his horse out front. 
You’re quick to follow, not surprised to see he’d had your horse readied too. He really had thought this out, down to the route you take. 
“This way, there are no phone calls or fucking distractions,” he explains, relieved at the utter delight in your eyes. “Not unless one of the staff want to grab a horse and come find us. Good luck to them.”
“They’d need it, especially if they’re stupid enough to risk me shooting them for disturbing us. They’d be idiots.”
Tommy laughs. 
Eventually, he’d stop you both, just on the edge of the woods, revealing the next surprise as he pulls out a blanket and basket (prepared with Frances’s help, of course). 
“A picnic, Tommy?” 
“I told you it was a surprise.” 
It’s the best surprise as you both sit there, drinking and laughing as the sky turns dark. 
That’s when he lights a fire for you both, letting you huddle close by the flames, eyes gazing at the stars above you. 
You listen to him telling you all about the constellations and the stories he learned as a child. The sound of his voice is heavenly and you could easily listen to him all night. 
So much so, you’re quick to wish the night would never end, letting you two stay like this, wrapped peacefully in each other’s arms forever. 
This literal angel is sweet as hell. Like, you better be prepared for the hand made card he’ll have made you… with Polly’s help, of course. He isn’t a hundred percent sure his spelling would have been right otherwise, but for you he’s willing to make the effort to try and write it for you. After all, you’ve more than likely been trying to help him learn to read and write since you started seeing one another. 
“Aunt Pol… is heart spelt with two t’s or one?”
“One, Finn.” 
“And does angel have a j in it?”
“No, Finn.”
Everyone else thought it was adorable and proof that he truly does love you. They’ve never seen him work so hard on anything in his life. 
Your own card is much simpler, because you wanted to make sure he could read it without too much difficulty. You also may or may not have got a bit carried away with drawing hearts and other sketches to fill it instead of trying to use long and complicated words about how much you loved him. 
However, neither one of you seem to care. You’re too happy with the cards you receive to care about your own possible mistakes. 
You’re also too busy admiring how much of an effort each of you made with your outfits for your date. Sure, it was just drinks and dancing with some of the other teenagers in Small Heath (basically Isiah and his girl) but you’d both gone full out for the occasion. 
“Is that suit new?”
“Maybe… John helped me pick it out. Why? Does it look stupid?”
“No, Finn Shelby. You look incredibly handsome,” you beam, toying with his lapels before linking his hand with yours. “I’ll be the luckiest girl there tonight.”
“And I’ll be the luckiest man.”
Oh yeah, you two are reals saps, just as most young lovers are. You’re all nervous glances, laughs and touches as you two dance the night away. 
It would also be the night Finn kisses you for the first night, summoning the courage to do it as he drops you off back at your house, just a little after curfew. 
It’s worth the risk and as you kiss him back he swears he’s flying the rest of the way home. 
Micheal has had his plans in place for weeks, making sure every little detail would be perfect for the two of you. He’s honestly looking forward to it, enough to welcome his mother’s advice as she throws suggestions and tips at him the week before. 
“Women like to feel special, Micheal. What about getting her a necklace? Or some chocolates? Fancy ones from France or something.” 
“Mum, thanks, but I’ve got it covered. Promise.”
“Are you sure?”
Micheal laughs and tries not to be offended at her obvious doubt. Then again, he’s not always had a track record of being the most romantic or thoughtful with women. Still, he really cares about you and he’s determined not to mess this up. 
It’s why he’s chosen the perfect place for you two to spend the evening together: your place. 
He’s determined to spend the time just the two of you, and what better way to impress you than cooking dinner for you? 
With the bottle of champagne he brought and your favourite records playing in the background, you’re quickly at ease, grinning as you watch him effortlessly chop, dice and season the dish he’s chosen. 
How is peeling a potato so sexy when he does it? 
It’s honestly impressive, but also because he’s putting so much effort into it which is a nice surprise. As is the way he dances around the kitchen with you whenever there’s a pause in the recipe or a particularly good song comes on. 
You’re surprised at his soft singing voice as he holds you, humming along. It’s rare he allows himself to be seen in such a way, relaxed with no one to judge him for being soft or a little off key.   In front of the other Shelbys he’s normally desperate to impress them, trying to be tough and nonchalant.
However, you know deep down he’s still the country boy you fell in love with when he first arrived in the city.  
By the time you’ve finished dinner, the candles have almost burned out and you know where the evening is headed as you both start to scurry off to your bedroom. 
Ada is probably the most relaxed of all the Shelby bunch when it comes to special occasions. This is Ada we’re talking about. She’s also probably the most sane of the bunch, so she knows how to act like a normal person. 
She doesn’t need anything big or fancy as a gift or some elaborate plan to make her fall head over heels. 
A day in the park, with Karl holding both your hands as you walk to the duck pond, is enough to make her look at you with utter adoration in her eyes. She loves how well you both get on, becoming a little family of you own. 
It’s why it’s no surprise you all have dinner together, with Karl helping to serve you as your two favourite people spoil you rotten. You normally eat together most days, even if Karl doesn’t normally wear a suit or call you ‘madame’ every time he passes you something like a mini waiter. 
Ada smirks at the sight, informing you it’s all Karl’s idea - as is the card he thrusts upon you.
“I made the card myself!”
“You did? Wow, Karl. Look how amazing it is. I love the glitter on the heart.” 
“I knew you would. Mum didn’t think so but I won.”
The look Ada gives you makes you want to laugh until you cry as you clearly sense the frustration she must have suffered in the pursuit of Karl’s artistry. It also explains why you’ve been finding glitter everywhere all week. 
“Well, I love it. Thank you - both.”
You press kisses to both of their cheeks, grinning as Ada purred something about giving you her card later once Karl’s in bed. You’re eager to return the favour, impatient to give her your own card and gift. 
It’s a framed photo of you all, taken one day when you’d all been at the local fair. 
The sight of it is enough to make Ada watery eyed as she gives you yours, watching as you unwrap it and gasp in delight. 
The book is the next in a series you’d recently started and fallen in love with. However, you were pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be released yet. 
“What can I say? Perks of having a librarian girlfriend with exclusive access to advanced copies we’re supposed to be holding on to until next month. I borrowed one and I’m sure they won’t notice.” 
“Ada Shelby. You stole a book for me?”
“Borrowed. Not stole.” 
You don’t care, too overwhelmed to do anything other than kiss her passionately. 
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 160
Chapter Summary - Life continues for Danielle and Tom as the world processes their news, some good, some bad and some plain ugly.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1 @black-ninja-blade
Those who were interested in the life of celebrities and those that called themselves critics and/or fans of Tom erupted in joy, revulsion, despair, anguish, excitement and several other emotions at the news of the engagement. Twitter was awash with comments, both from well-wishers and begrudgers. Celebrities who worked with both Tom and Danielle wishing congratulations, as well as the behind the scene crews from both of their different projects. Rumours became rife, theories began immediately. As like several times before, Danielle was accused of being pregnant, that they had to rush down the aisle before the baby came, others that she had his testicles in a vice on something and she was forcing him to do it, then there was those who believed it genuine, posting pictures of them at the Infinity War premiere, him looking at her lovingly as she gave him a nervous glance, the film footage of them with the Cumberbatch's at the South Bank Sky Awards, smiling and looking at each other happily, picture of them from different times, all showing the same expressions, content and love of one another.
A lot of people discussed the situation with Taylor, how she would react, many saying she couldn't care less, others that she would be seething, people tried to analyse her latest movements as that could give an indication as to her thoughts on it. Everyone had an opinion it seemed, from the celebrity news to social media, all swooping on the story to see if they could get something more from it.
Luke kept Tom posted on the general consensus but for the most part, he simply responded to the friends and family that contacted him regarding the announcement and many wanting to know the date for the ceremony. He explained that it would be the following year and promised to keep them informed, noting that to include even just close friends and family would make it a notable sized affair.
For her part, Danielle was harassed/deafened by Nacelle screeching excitedly down the phone at her at the announcement of her news via Viber beforehand as well as being given more than a few congrats from her extended family, including a very excited Siobhan who informed her that Laura was delighted for her, but their mother had seen Danielle's announcement as a form of “one-upmanship” on her cousin and that she was going to try and embarrass Laura. Laura knew this was not true and that her cousin was actually in a longer relationship and had known her fiance longer, not to mention, Danielle would never embarrass Mattie and Bridget in such a manner. Instead of being upset, Laura was actually asking Danielle to check the cost of dresses she had seen online that were apparently cheaper in Britain, she confirmed that they were and two dresses for a one-year-old were bought and sent to Ireland for Caoilfhionn with a note from Danielle that they were “her treat”.
When Danielle went to her office to get her paperwork sorted, she was startled to see a large bouquet of flowers from her workmates and a bottle of champagne on her desk, as well a smiling face on Helena, Amelia's replacement as she had indeed been sent to the US office on her request with a glowing letter of recommendation from Danielle.
She dealt with her paperwork with considerable ease before dealing with the countless phone calls she had to make.
“Danielle, I see congratulations are in order.” Waters declared down the phone. “It’s somewhat peculiar to see my wife open a magazine and see you and your fiance at a premiere but to see it make the front cover of the damn thing, I don't think I'll ever get used to that. I mean, a partner in our firm, front page news.”
“You must be thrilled with the publicity.” She scoffed.
“Well, it's not exactly bad for Safeguard to have you and our business name always put together. But in all seriousness, I'm delighted for you and Tom, he seems to actually have his head screwed on, for an actor. And he's very much mad about you.”
“I find myself concerned as to what the two of you discussed while I was on the phone that day at lunch.”
“He simply made it clear we don't treat you right and that come hell or high water, he's choosing you over everything. Having worked with actors for the entirety of my career, I can honestly say, Danielle, you two are different to most.”
“Thank you, Lucas. Now about the situation on set you were talking about.”
After work, Danielle went to an appointment she made without telling Tom, knowing he would fret. She spoke to the physiotherapist regarding her shoulder and was instructed how to tend to it. Her shoulder was also put in kinesiology tape to aid it to recover. She knew Tom would see that so she sighed and thanked her physiotherapist before heading home.
When she arrived, there was a smell of cooking wafting through the house. The mud on Mac's paws as he came towards her to greet her caused her to pause and cock her head slightly before she walked forward. “Tom?”
“Out the back.” The playful laugh in his voice caught her attention. When she walked out, she found her eyebrow raise.
There, in the garden was a children's paddling pool and in it, splashing around like a lunatic was Bobby, yapping and jumping at a floating tennis ball excitedly.
“Hello.” Tom smiled, looking proudly at her. “Do you like my purchase for the boys?”
“Not as much as Bobby does.” She leant up and kissed him. “What made you get this?”
“They looked so miserable in the heat and I googled what people are doing to help their dogs in this crazy weather and it's quite common apparently. Mac sat in it for a minute but Bobby will not leave it.”
“Good, that's great. It's the first time he has went fifteen seconds without panting since this all started.”
“How was work?”
“Boring, paperwork and phone calls mostly, but a lovely bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne were waiting on my desk.”
“Yes, and Lucas was congratulating us too on our phone call. Apparently, you're a sensible man….if such a thing exists.”
Tom growled playfully at her for her jestful comment. “How dare you. Here was I, making the beautiful lady a dinner and not only do you attack me but my entire gender.”
Danielle gave a slight noise and kissed him again. “I'm sorry, my sexy fiance. I am mean.”
Tom could not help smiling and looking at her hand to the antique ring he had placed there as a symbol of his love of her. “Well, when you call me that….”
Danielle laughed for a moment before leaning towards him and kissing him again. “I better get changed and put this paperwork away and after that, I can be all your again.”
“That sounds like a good deal to me.” He beamed and went back to the back door to ensure Bobby did not accidentally drown himself in his attempts to play with the ball.
Danielle returned to the kitchen shortly after and checked on the food to make sure the water was not running low. When she heard Tom walk up behind her and snake his arms around her waist, she smiled. “So, dare I ask the occasion?”
“You don't cook this unless you are in the best of moods, so what has you chirpy?”
A light chuckle passed Tom's lips. “You are so observant.”
“I know, it's sort of my job to be.”
“I am have completed my interviews with different women regarding the MeToo movement.”
“That's good, I mean, you know what I mean. How are you after it all?”
“It was exhausting just listening to them, so I find myself wondering how exhausted they are for talking about it and holding it.”
Danielle put her arms around his. “You are a strong man, Tom and you are so good to do this for these people.”
Tom pressed his lips to her shoulder for a moment before sliding his hands up and rubbing them. A moment later, Danielle hissed in pain and moved away. “What…?”
“My shoulder is a sore.”
“Oh, I'm sorry Darling. What happened?”
“Just a swollen muscle, it will be fine,” she dismissed.
Tom swallowed, worried about Danielle's health but knew better than to force his opinion, which was for her to step back from her training, on her. He watched as she moved the arm again and walked over to her backpack and removed the meals she had brought to work with her to keep to her diet and placed them by the sink. “You should consider going to a physio.”
“If it gets worse, I will,” she promised. “So what is your plan now, after everything with the movement?”
“I am not entirely sure, I will play it by ear. All I know is that it's opened my eyes to a lot, hearing how some women are treated, I was so blind to it all as a person. God knows what I never realised about those around me.”
Danielle nodded and mmhmm'd in agreement but unconsciously chewed the inside of her cheek as she washed out the empty containers.
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banashee · 4 years
 Second Time is the charm
 "Oh God, who's dead or dying?"
 Tony turns around, spatula in his hand and a confused look on his face.
 "Huh? No one is dead or in the process of getting there. I'm just cooking."
 "Yes you are. Which is why I'm asking."
 "Rude, Pepper." he gestures with the hand holding the spatula, accidentally flicking sauce in her general direction. "Oops, sorry 'bout that."
 Pepper looks at him, unimpressed. She does that a lot. Then, she dips a finger into the drop of sauce on the counter top, and in an spontaneous boost of bravery, tastes it. To her credit, she manages to keep a mostly straight face, even when her insides shrivel up at the sensation - there is a whole lot of salt and little else. Probably a bit of an burned aftertaste, too.
 Tony, however, is well practiced is reading her micro expressions - they've been friends for too long.
 "That bad?" he asks, and Pepper just looks at him, very very flatly and then nods.
 "Who are you planning to feed this to, and what horrible thing did they do to deserve this?" she asks, getting a glass from the cabinet and filling it with water from the fridge dispenser.
 Tony sighs, waving the spatula around as he talks, splattering sauce around the kitchen once again - Pepper tries to side steps the mess.
 “This was supposed to be a test run. You know the wedding anniversary is coming up and I was gonna surprise Clint with a nice dinner at home. He cooks all the time and I wanted to return the favor, but, well.” he waves at the half burned and over salted mess on the stove. Then, Tony dips a spoon into the pan to taste it - his face scrunches up in disgust and he drops the spoon into the sink and nearly dumps the pan after it, making a gagging noise and glares in the general direction of the ruined dinner.
 “Maybe not. Unless giving your partner food poisoning is considered romantic these days. Even then… Okay so this was a shit idea.” he grumbles, clearly annoyed and more than a little disappointed.
 Pepper has been typing on her phone ever since she learned the reason for the cooking attempt, making thoughtful noises. Now, she quickly walks over to stop Tony from making any harsh decisions right now. Gently, she grabs him by the shoulders, stirring him away from the stove. He lets her, and her next words are firm but reassuring.
 “Stop. Don’t move. Help is on the way.”
 As if on cue, footsteps come closer to the kitchen. A familiar voice says,
 “Please tell me nothing caught on fire.”
 And another sighs, “Oh dear.”
 In the doorway stand Bruce and Steve, clearly expecting the worst and prepared for everything. Tony would be offended but as it is, they’re his best hope right now. Pepper may be a good moral support, but she hates cooking, so he is actually happy to see those two.
 “Not yet but I’m working on it.” he quips back, grinning brightly for a few seconds with one of his million dollar showman fake smiles. Then his face falls.
 “Please help, I’m about to throw this whole thing out the window.”
 Pepper leaves them to it, with a small smile and a kiss to his cheek she turns to the door.
 “You got this. Just don’t attempt doing this alone on the day and you’ll be fine.”
 Meanwhile, Bruce inspects the concoction on the stove with a mildly curious expression that he’s often wearing in the lab, mainly when something unexpected and slightly concerning happens and he wants to see how it’ll work out. Steve, in good foresight, pulls out more ingredients from the refrigerator.  
 Both of them taste the sauce, despite Tony’s warning protests. They taste it very, very carefully and it’s a testament to their friendship that they do so - neither of them spits it back out but the cringe is enough.
 “Okay, let’s start neutralizing the salt for one.” Bruce decides, and who would have known that heavy cream and honey help with that - so does the stretching of the liquid. In the end, the three of them manage to salvage the meal, and even more so, are able to enjoy it despite the burned bits they need to pick from their plates.
 A little while later, when they clear the table and get to washing up, Steve says,
 “Let us help on the big day, alright? Just to be safe.”
 “Please do.” says Bruce, and Tony huffs a laugh as he stands in between them.
 “I hate you both.” he claims, but the fact that he’s got one arm wrapped around each of them and the happy smile on his face betray him. Pulling his friends close, he adds, “Really tho, thank you. I would totally screw this up otherwise.”
 “We know, that’s why we’re here.”
 “Oh, fuck you!” he scoffs, but they’re all laughing.
 On the morning of the second wedding anniversary, Tony wakes up to a text message from Clint.
     ‘On the way back rn, debrief on base after. Might even make it home on time! :) I Love you’  
 It brings a happy smile to his face, even early in the morning before he’s had coffee. This mission had come up last minute as always, and the possibility of them having to spend this day apart had been quite high. As it looks now, they might at least have a nice and quiet evening together, and it’s more than they could have hoped for.
 Tony types a reply,
     ‘Good morning beloved, that’s great news - you better get your ass over here asap, I miss you ;)’  
 Then he opens up another chat, his ongoing conversation with Natasha which for about 60%, consists of memes and links to obscure YouTube videos.
     ‘Hey-o, can you please let me know when you guys are wrapping up at HQ? Possibly distract Clint if you finish early? Gotta prepare a surprise. Should be done around 7-ish.’  
 Her reply comes almost instantly.
     ‘Sure thing. Happy anniversary :)’  
     ‘Thanks, Itsy-bitsy. You’re the best :)’  
     ‘I know.’  
 The day passes surprisingly fast, then. One moment, Tony is relaxing on the couch, drinking coffee while Lucky sprawls happily over his legs as he scratches the good spot behind his ears and then, his phone alarm goes off that tells him he’s got a cooking date with Steve and Bruce. And because these guys are amazing friends, they show up on the door to the penthouse just in time for the three of them to start preparing a nice three course dinner.
 It’s fun, and with the “adult supervision” Tony finds himself perfectly capable of doing this.
 Once upon a time, this would have been impossible.
 “Tony, you’re one of the smartest people alive and you have many talents - but cooking isn’t one of them.” he’s been told on more than one occasion, and it’s been true for most of his life. But things are different now - he wants to learn. He wants this small part of everyday life.
 Those last few years, he finds himself happier than he can remember being, possibly ever, and it feels simply amazing to have this - this life, this love. This      family    .
 Just as he’s put the main course into a low oven to keep warm, the door opens just in time for him to enter the hallway, and then Tony gets pulled into a embrace and lifted off his feet for a moment.  He holds on tight, then he pulls Clint down for a proper kiss to welcome him home.
 “Hey there.”
 “Hey yourself.”
 The two of them take their time in greeting each other, and despite being apart for only about a week, it feels like they haven’t seen each other in forever. And it’s their anniversary, for fuck’s sake. They’re allowed to be as sappy as they damn well please - at least until Lucky interrupts them because he’s tired of waiting and jumps up on Clint until he’s slobbered all over his face and happily demands cuddles right then and there.
 Dropping his duffle bag to the floor, Clint asks Tony what he would like to eat and it causes him to smile knowingly.
 “Can I cook for you?” he asks, and Clint looks at him, blinking.
 “Right now? I mean… Don’t take this the wrong way Babe but is that… Safe? We can just order something in if you want.”
 “Trick question, I already did. Well, I had help. So it won’t send us into the hospital if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
 “Wait, you-” Clint steps closer to him, gently placing his hands on Tony’s upper arms as he smiles at him. There is something soft in his eyes, and Tony falls in love all over again.
 “You made an effort to cook something for today even though you almost never do?”
 “Yeah, I- I wanted to do something nice for today, and I didn’t know when you’d be home so I didn’t book anything. Besides, you cook and bake all the time for us, for      me    , and well. I appreciate that a lot and I just wanted to do this for you. I had help, but yes. Come on!” He pulls him into the dining room, which he’d actually decorated. Nothing big, just a few candles and a bouquet of flowers but it does look nice.
 On the table, there is a large bottle of Asgardian mead, a gift for them that Thor left before he went to spend the weekend with Jane in New Mexico.  It’s strong, and more than even the two of them can finish in one evening. But it’s good, and they know it.
 The dinner is relaxed as always, and they enjoy each others company and the conversations - anything and everything they can talk about, and while Clint fills him in on the latest SHIELD gossip and rumors, some of which leave Tony laughing hard enough that he almost chokes on his mead, he tells him what has been going on back home, including the first dinner mishap and how their friends had saved his ass.
 In the meantime, Lucky has made himself comfortable under the table, chewing on one of his giant treats.
 They’re just starting on the main course - steaks with garlic potato casserole and roasted asparagus, when Clint says,
 “This is really good, Tony. Thank you. For the effort and for doing this.” He smiles, and reaches over with one hand, which he happily takes and squeezes back.
 “I’m glad you like it. And it makes me think that I should do this more often, since, well, you do it all the time. Seems fair to do my part, you know.”
 “You do other things all the time. It’s just… Both of us do different things, and that’s okay with me. I like to cook, you build and fix stuff.” He shrugs. “Love languages and all that.”
 A while ago, they’d talked about that for a bit, and it’s true. They show their love and affection in different ways sometimes, and that’s okay - they know and recognize these things by now, and it only helps them understand each other better.
 “Well, cooking is kinda fun.” Tony says then, and a big smile spreads all over Clint’s face.
 “We could do that together if you like. I could teach you and we could try new recipes!” He’s clearly excited about that, in this familiar and almost childlike way of his, and it’s all Tony can do to agree. God, he loves this man so much.
 By the time dessert is on the table, they share that and a pot of coffee and have moved their seats even closer together, ankles hooked around each other.
 “Oh hey, I’ve got a surprise for you, too.” Clint says then, as if he just remembered but he pulls and envelope from somewhere on his person which makes it clear he’s been waiting. The envelope is thick and slightly off-white - clearly good quality paper. Curiously, Tony opens it up.
 There is a card, and it looks handmade. Sturdy, structured paper, and two birds on the front - parrots on a tropical island.
 On the inside, there are just a few words written, in Clint’s familiar large scrawl, but it makes him smile widely.
     ‘Voucher for two weeks vacation on Bora Bora. All responsibilities back home are covered’     it says, followed by a time frame,       ‘Happy anniversary. I love you’    and a lopsidedly drawn heart.
 “Aw, that’s great! Thank you. How did you manage that all is covered?” Tony asks, beaming at Clint - it’s been too long since they actually had any time off without being interrupted via The End Of The World. And they’re in desperate need of a break and some alone time.
 Clint just grins. “Magic and good friends.” he says ominously, and leans close to Tony, pulling him into a soft kiss as he runs one hand through his dark hair.
 Once they break apart, Tony takes both of Clint’s hands in this, and despite being happy and content he looks a little bit nervous - there is no need to, he knows, but still. Clint seems to catch on to it, looking at him with his head crooked slightly to the side.
 “So, uh, dinner wasn’t the only surprise I had for tonight.” Tony says, and takes a deep breath.
 “This is kinda ridiculous, given for how long we’ve been together already and especially how that happened, but. I was wondering, would you like to marry me agan? Sober and properly this time?”
 The answer comes almost instantly, in the form of another long kiss and an enthusiastic “Yes, of course!”
 It takes them a while to let go of each other again. But they happily continue drinking coffee and eating chocolate mousse, simply enjoying the time together.
 “Same day?” Clint asks, pragmatic as always - neither of them is great at remembering important dates - two different wedding anniversaries would be too much for people like them who were to forget their own birthdays if it wasn’t for JARVIS and teammates who know them too well.
 “Yes, please. Everything else would just call for a disaster.”
 “It would. And hey, we can avoid Fake Elvis this time!”
 Tony laughs out loud. “I’m sure he will be heartbroken.”
 “Oh well.” Clint shrugs, grinning. “He’ll live.”
     Prompt No. 54: “Can I cook for you?”  
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mimymomo · 5 years
Orphydice/Weathering With You AU Part 1
Okay this AU has been bugging me all night so I have to scream about it to my unknowing followers. (Damn it Mo, not another AU! You don’t have time for this!!) Do not be alarmed inner me, this AU will mostly be confined to a list! This one in fact! Or another one is this one does on too long...
I know for a fact that no one in this fandom saw this movie so I’ll try to explain it as best as I can here:
Eurydice was a runaway. Even at the bitter age of 16, she knew what kind of situation she was in and it wasn’t a good one. Neglectful parents, living in a small town where everyone knew one another’s business but that didn’t mean they were gonna help you with shit.
She tried to get emancipated once, saved up a bunch of money from side temp jobs between school but that plan ended up dead in the water before she could jump off the diving board. Her parents found and stole her savings, her hard-earned money. They gave her hell for it, going around telling stores, not to hire their “problem child” and she couldn’t find a permanent job afterward.
So she ran. Hopped on a bus and set out for the city. While traveling, the weather got bad. The weather had been doing that more and more recently. Sure it was April and storms happened, but not violent snowstorms that lasted days and frozen over lakes and roads, inches piling high along street-sides. Or rain showers the flooded fields and drowned basements. Thunder and lightning shaking homes and striking trees. Winds sweeping children off their feet, soaring in the sky like a tangled kite.
One such storm occurred during the journey, heavy rains and violent winds, forcing the driver to make an emergency stop at a motel and wait out the storm. As Eurydice steps off the bus, one of her bags (a small drawstring sack) gets swept up in the wind aim the direction of the street and she gives chase. As she reaches down to grab her bag, she sees a light in the corner of her eyes, shining bright and drawing closer, closer.
Suddenly she’s yanked back as a honking car zooms by. She’s being held snug against someone’s chest, someone who smells of something floral and a hint of alcohol. “Gotta be careful, girl. Don’t wanna be turned into a pancake now do ya?”
Eurydice turns around and freezes- the woman is beautiful: long ankle-length dress the shade of healthy green grass, her brown curly hair is braided back, flowers of different colors twisted in the mix. Her eyes warm and attentive. She’s carrying a small bag herself, with what looks like a few bottles of wine sticking out the top.
She introduces herself as Persephone and before Eurydice knows it, they’re sharing a room together. Eurydice tried to protest but the woman clad in green insist already arranging a room with a double bed. A few hours later, they’re showered and laying on their beds, room service spread out on trays and Seph half finished with a crack open bottle.
Persephone tells Eurydice she was visiting her mother up north (her mom apparently owns a vineyard) however her trip was cut short when her husband demanded (her words) her to return. “That man,” Seph curses drunkenly, waving her bottle, the liquid sloshing around the funneled glass. Eurydice’s only know Seph for a few hours but she’s already enamored with the woman and her attitude.
The next day when they arrive at the station, Seph offers Eurydice a business with her information on it: “Anthomania” in flowery lettering along with an address and phone number. A flower shop.
“I never asked but what brings you to the city? I can tell from your expression that you’ve never been here before.” Eurydice wasn’t ready for that question. “Oh just visiting, uhh some...relatives! Yeah, relatives! For spring break.” Seph rolls her eyes, not believing the girl for a moment but deciding to play along anyway, “so you know where you’re heading then?” Eurydice nods and they separate.
The first week is a struggle. No one will hire her with her limitations (no resume/references, she’s underage and constantly asked where she should be in school, she doesn’t have an address nor her social security number, and she can’t give out all her information in fear of her name popping up on a missing child’s list). So to put it lightly...she’s kinda screwed. She’s been staying in a really cheap hostel living off corner store food. She gets in trouble for loitering a few times and once while rummaging through some trash she came across a gun and decides to keep it for safety reasons (this will be important later)
One day, thinking she’s walking into a job site, she accidentally stumbles into an old, rundown bar. There’s barely anyone in there besides two people sitting at a table in the far corner, a man passed out at the counter. The air smells musky, traces of pungent alcohol fill the air and also the smell of someone buttery. Eurydice’s stomach growls. She didn’t have money to spare on breakfast or lunch recently. She knows she shouldn’t but she takes a seat at one of the tables, her back facing the bar counter. She contemplates what she’s doing and maybe if she should go home. But that thought disappears just as quickly as it showed up.
Out of nowhere, a tray of two burger sliders and a basket of fries are set down in front of her, followed by a glass of water. Eurydice whips her head and is met with two hazel eyes, the prettiest eyes she’s ever seen. The boy is young but has a charm to him. Lanky and tall, his brown hair sticks up to the sky as if his fingers had just run through them. “Sorry if I’m overstepping but you looked hungry and lost so...” his voice is soft and awkward as hell, but she finds it endearing. “Also Mr. Hermes will be back soon and he probably won’t like seeing someone underage so I’d eat that quick.” “How do you know I’m underage?” Eurydice shoots back with a raised brow. The boy flushes pink, blood floods his cheeks, ears, and neck, “oh! I’m sorry! I just thought-”
Eurydice laughs, “I messing with you.” “Ohhh...okay,” the boy smiles, scratching lightly at his cheek. Eurydice finds herself fighting a blush as well. ‘Why is he so cute??’ “I can’t pay for this.” The boy waves her concerns off, “it’s on the house.”
Before she can argue and refuse, a customer yells for around round and the boy begins to shuffle away. “Thank you,” Eurydice butts in, “for the food, I mean.” The boy grins and walks away.
That burger and fries were the best food she’s had in years.
The next day, she finds herself standing outside Anthomania, the brick building sits on corner, wide windows that let you see completely inside the shop. It’s flowers, everywhere- flowers along the walls, in stands amidst the floors, in pots, small and large, arranged bouquets in buckets near the front. Eurydice steps in and is overwhelmed by the sweet scent, sunlight bleeding in from the washed windows. What catches her eye is a small bouquet of carnations: reds, pinks, and whites. “Didn’t expect to see you here so soon.”
Eurydice jumps and spins around to see Persephone with her arms crossed, her green dress replaced with a garden styled apron. The two catch up and Seph calls Eurydice out for lying about visiting relatives. Eurydice stays the rest of the workday and later as Seph is closing up shop, she intends to walk about to her hostel room but Seph offers her a ride. Once the get there Seph forces her to grab her things and pays the bill. And drives her to her place.
It’s huge, a mansion guarded by a gate at the edge of town. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside but eerily quiet and somehow suffocating in a way. She meets Seph’s husband, Hades. He works as a CEO of some company, mining? Electric? Eurydice doesn’t know. He doesn’t seem particularly fond of her especially after Persephone announces that girl would be staying with them for now on and being working as an assistant/apprentice at her flower shop. Hades fights her on this but the woman wins out in the end.
As the days go on Eurydice notices how dysfunctional the couple are. They definitely love each other but...oof. Eurydice, when she’s not working her shifts, starts cooking meals and cleaning around the house and starts winning over the man of the house and the three slowly start to become a sort of family in the following month.
One day a customer comes into the flower shop, bracing the stormy weather. He’s an older gentleman wearing a silver suit with dark skin and gray hair. He’s coughing hard but still cheery. Seph and the man catch up and Eurydice figures they must be close. She doesn’t mean to eavesdrop but she hears them talking about something crazy: an urban legend of a child blessed by the gods who can control the weather. She thinks it’s stupid and doesn’t realize she said that fact out loud.
“Maybe child but you never know,” the man chuckles. Seph laughs at Eurydice’s shocked face, “brother, this is Eurydice. She’s working for me as an apprentice as sorts.” The man shakes her hand and begins to cough harshly again. “You should really go and get that checked out,” Persephone persists. The man waves her off, “I’m aight, just a little cough from the weather. Plus money’s been tight with the bar and all plus the boy.” He buys a few bouquets to be delivered next week and leaves. Eurydice ponders about why he said, ‘it’s impossible,’ and she leaves it there.
She’s the one who has to make the delivery. Turns out it’s the same bar she met that boy at. She hesitantly walks inside hoping to see the boy but no dice. She drops off the flowers and says hello to the man who she still doesn’t know the name of and heads out. Halfway back to Anthomania she sees something that catches her eye, no, someone. ‘It’s that boy!’ He’s being dragged by two older men, his face nervous. She can instantly tell something is wrong. She follows them and sees them leading him down a dark alley in the direction of a shady building. Before she realizes she already running. She grabs the boy's hand and they’re off.
The two men chase after them and corner them, knocking Eurydice to the ground. Eurydice reaches into her bag and pulls out the gun. The men at first think it’s a fake and start to roughhouse the boy saying that he set them up and will have to pay which causes Eurydice’s blood to boil. She grips the gun tightly, her fingertips turning white, she trembles and her vision goes hazy from rain and adrenaline, then suddenly...bam!
A shot gets fired off.
No one was hit but everyone is shocked. The boy is surprisingly the first to recover and he pulls Eurydice to her feet and they run away.
The escape to an abandoned half-underground train station. Trains covered in moss and plant life lay there rusty as sunlight barely shines through dirty grime-covered windows. Despite its uncleanliness, there’s something magical about this place, Eurydice can feel it in her bones.
“Why did you do that? Where did you get the gun?” the boy asks, huffing and puffing, athleticism is not one of his strong suits. “I thought you were in trouble,” Eurydice fights back. “And I found it.” The boy dips his head, “my guardian is sick but he always says that he doesn’t have the money to spare to get checked out. I needed to make some extra money and they promised me a well-paying job at this not exactly savory club if I performed there.”
Eurydice gapes, she has so many thoughts running through her head she doesn’t know where to start so she just says, “you’re a performer?” The smiles, “yup, I sing and play guitar. Plus I write my own music. I never introduced myself huh? I’m Orpheus.” “Eurydice.”
“Do you want to see something cool?” Orpheus asks, acting as if the previous incident with the gun didn’t just happen. “I mean, sure but it’s kinda a mess out there,” Eurydice points out. Orpheus ignores her and offers out his hand. Eurydice takes it and they walk back to the entrance.
When they reach the outside, the sky is gray and cloudy. Rain and sleet pour from the sky mixing with the dirty dusting of snow on the ground.
“Would you like the weather to be better?” Orpheus asks. “I mean of course I would,” Eurydice shrugs, “but I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon.”
“I don’t know,” Orpheus says, his eyes shut lightly. “I think the weather can surprise you. Just watch.” Eurydice looks around not sure where she should be looking until...
“La, la la la, la la la~!” A heavenly voice rings out, echoing among the buildings.
Suddenly the rain stops and the clouds part and disappear from the sky. Rays of sunlight breach out coolers by a rich sea of blue. The sun...Eurydice hadn’t seen the sun in so long.
“Oh my god, you’re a weather child! You can control the weather!” Eurydice screams, turning to Orpheus who finishes his song as a small red flower appears in his palm. A red carnation.
He offers her the flower and smiles. “Yeah, I guess you could say that I am.”
Wow, I typed all of this and only got like...1/3 of the way into the movie...so part 2 coming soon? I love this movie and subsequent au so it’ll probably be out tomorrow if people want it?
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East Chicago Love Letter
“What time did you say she was flying in?” Myles questions as he continued to clip the ends of the floral arrangement. Dutch Hydrangeas and the Peony flower are Kary’s favorite. So as a small token of his love Enzo put together multiple bouquets for his wife. 
“Uh..should be around 8:30 maybe even nine o’clock. You think these look alright?” Enzo put the first bundle of flowers into an expensive, stained glass vase. He stepped back to get a better look at what he had put together. 
Myles finished off his bundle doing the same as his friend. Together in silence they admired the beautiful flowers that smell like a hint of lavender. Another one of Kary’s favorite things in life. 
“This is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you do for anybody.” Myles spoke up. He went around to the other side of the kitchen to fish around the refrigerator for a drink. 
“Yeah man I know. I just want this night to go well. I’ve been planning this since her last trip. I know Kary inside and out so I know she’ll love this.” Enzo prides himself in knowing the things his wife loves, hates, and anything in between. “How could she not? I picked every one of these flowers myself, cut ‘em, washed ‘em...the whole nine man.” He chuckled. 
“I don’t doubt you on that at all. Kary is a very lucky woman to have you in her life. I’m always praying for y’all and you know my mama is too.” Myles began to clean up the mess he made in Enzo’s kitchen whilst sipping on his most beloved drink combination. Bourbon and apple juice. 
“Thank you brother, I really appreciate that.” The men returned the kitchen to its original clean state and went about their individual business. 
———  ———-
Later That Evening...
Glancing at the time of his watch Enzo blew out a sharp breath as he put the finishing touches on his anniversary dinner. After Myles left, Enzo spent the remainder of his alone time prepping his home for his wife’s arrival. Kary has been traveling non-stop for work for the past month, striking deals, meeting with designers, hosting events etc. Mrs. Warren has been a very busy woman. Being that today is the couples five year wedding anniversary Enzo thought he would prepare his wife’s favorite dish. That being chicken marsala in a Sherry cream sauce and brown butter risotto. He bought her three floral arrangements with each bundle having the stems wrapped in one hundred dollar bills. 
In addition to the flowers, Enzo splurged on several designer fragrance bottles, the finest brands of mascara and lipstick tubes in all of Kary’s favorite shades. The receipts from his shopping spree didn’t put the slightest dent in his bank account. When it boils down to love and showing his appreciation for his woman, Enzo will go above and beyond. 
Fastening the second button from the top on my shirt I picked up my brush to run over my hair for the fifth time. I don’t know why I feel so nervous to see my wife. Maybe it’s because she’s been gone for over four weeks and my anticipation has reached its peak. Coming home after a long day's work to go to bed alone put me in a funk for the first two weeks of Kary’s absence. 
Around the week three day two mark, I shook the chip off my shoulder and went back to my old routine. Five a.m., I go on my three mile run. Afterward, I go through my usual morning hit list before going to work. Step out for lunch around two-thirty and head over to the ring for seventy minutes exactly. By four o’clock I’m back to work and home by seven on the dot. And finally after weeks of forcing myself to get out of my own head I get the love of my life back. 
I’m nervous to see her but it’s a good kind of nervous. The sound of the door opening scared the hell out of me. That’s when I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. 
“Enzo, baby, I’m home.” 
My heart began pounding in my chest as I rushed to finish getting dressed. Cleaning up behind myself I sifted through my mental checklist to ensure part two of my plan runs efficiently. 
Taking a deep breath I cut the lights and left the room. I followed the sound of Kary’s ‘oohs’ and ‘oh my gods’ coming to find her in the kitchen. Her curiosity almost got her into trouble but she managed to keep her hands put. 
“I didn’t expect you until later.” I said. Kary glanced over her shoulder, her eyes lighting up at the sight of me. I told Myles this suit was a great idea. 
“I thought I would surprise you by catching an earlier flight. Clearly you had the same idea with surprises. You set all this up for me?” She shrugged off her coat and closed the distance between us. 
I took a moment to check out all of my efforts, happy with the turn out. With flowers, candles, her gifts displayed nicely, and the scent of the meal I prepared I definitely earned some points for this. Eager to minimize our distance I met her halfway drinking in every inch of her that I could with these barriers in between us. By barriers I do mean our clothes. She must’ve gotten a temporary room to clean up and change in because this scent lingering on her body and clothes is new to me. 
“You took..a shower...without me?” I spoke and exhaled in between kisses. Kary gets a good laugh out of me pretending to be upset with some things she does without me around. I’m never truly bothered but it’s fulfilling to make her laugh at silly shit. 
“This was an exception E, I needed some serious TLC after that long flight.” Backing up to cup my face in the palm of her hands Kary searched both of my eyes in silence. The expanding grin on her face inspired my own. 
“Why are you smiling so much?” I asked of her. 
“I could ask you the same thing but I already know it’s because you’re happy to see me. How much did you miss me?” Kary’s hands busied themselves with my clothes as she examined me from head to toe. 
“Oh I can show you better than I can tell you. Ready to eat? I cooked for you and it’s ready. As am I.” I joked. She and I laughed in richness and ventured to our kitchen together. 
She went back to admiring the layout of our house with me not able to keep my hands off of her. It took me all of five minutes to realize that her skirt is brand new. It’s one of those skirts that come to the knees with buttons going down the center seam. The only difference from this particular style of skirts and others is that this one is fitting. Kary will throw on a dress any time of year but a skirt, she rarely will purchase. 
“I like this new outfit. When did you get this?” Getting a feel for the fabric I expressed the pleasure it brought to me beneath my fingers. 
“I was feeling adventurous and this little number happened to be marked down seventy percent off. I had a feeling you’d like it.” Kary stepped ahead and hustled around the kitchen not waiting for me. My all time favorite thing to watch is Kary fending for herself when she’s hungry. Whenever her craving for food is magnified she gets this look in her eye. In the beginning of our relationship I would place a story behind every little thing that attracted me to her. 
Now I just identify the attraction as attraction. I find it appealing and arousing when she showcases her need for the basics in life. Her will to eat is at the top of that list. 
“Mm..mama’s hungry.” Chucking at her maneuvering swiftly to fix two plates I caught her eye. 
She flipped me the bird and motioned for me to come closer and help her out. “Mama is hungry for many many things. Was Myles here? I’m getting the sense that he was. That lingering trace of Polo is hitting me in the face.” 
“He was for a little while, yeah. He told me to pass on a hello to you. That fool tried so hard to stick around for dinner but you already know how that conversation went.” I took over the ship again ushering her to sit at the table. “You go off to work for a month straight and here you are still putting in time? I don’t believe you. When did you ever sleep?” 
“Fixing a plate is nothing compared to what I was doing over the past four weeks. You spent all this time preparing all of this for me. I think the least I can do is help out a little.” Here goes the bargaining. Typical, overachieving, non-stop working Kary Santos-Warren. 
“Oh come on. Save me the good wife speech baby, I know what you are capable of. What are you drinking tonight? Red..white..water..” Carrying her plate over to her I matched her smirk. 
“I think I’ll switch it up tonight. Do we still have that Brandy?” She questioned me about it. 
Tipping my head to her I walked back into the kitchen to grab a plate for myself and the Brandy. She and I were given this forty five year aged liquor for Christmas. I put it away towards the back of our liquor cabinet saving it for a special occasion. Tonight is the best reason to open this bad boy up. 
Kary volunteered to bless our evening and our meal. Her speech touched me in a few ways due to some things that she spoke on. 
“You’re getting emotional? Wow, this isn’t the Enzo I know and love. What’s changed, lover boy?” Her bare foot tickled my pant leg before she continued on with raising the bottom half with her toes. 
The coolness of her toe pads gave me chills but I embraced them all. I’ve missed this woman terribly so nothing she can do will get on my nerves. 
“I’m not being emotional. Your blessing touched me deeper than usual that’s all. Talk to me about your trip. How was it? I wanna know everything.” Kary spilled every detail of what her work trip was like, not leaving any information out. 
Setting my empty glass aside I folded my hands behind my plate, drinking in her existence. She helped herself to seconds of dinner signifying that I outdid myself. I do have a fourth course for her, which is her absolute favorite. 
Kary licked her knife clean and gently set it down, giving me this intense eye. “I must say babe, that was amazing. I can tell you took your time with the sherry. Myles must have been busting your balls about not screwing up my sauce huh?” 
“God, you are so fucking smart. Yes, Myles was giving me the hardest time about the dinner period to be honest with you. He was practically with me all day until I kicked him out.” Rising from my seat I picked up her plate and mine, taking them both to the kitchen. 
“Is there more? Because quiero mas, por favor..” Kary sang out from the dining room table.
“Give me five minutes and I’ll be right back.” I guaranteed her. Removing my infamous banana bread from the oven I set up a small plate neatly for us to share. Removing the Brandy from the shelf I poured her and I another serving, rejoining her once again. “For you my queen. Open.” Seeing Kary’s mouth open visibly made my erection go from a three to an honest ten.  
Her eyelids closed along with her mouth around the fork. “God, I have missed the satisfying taste of your baking. You are the only person I know that can bring me this type of joy from food alone. Happy anniversary my love. You’ve given me the best escape from reality, the best life, so much joy, peace and happiness. In all of the years we have been together, I have never once felt unhappy or unimportant. You are my everything babe.” 
Although Kary and I have had difficulty in the past trying to get pregnant, maybe tonight is the night. Mashallah.
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Not As Planned
Brief Summary: When Your first year anniversary dinner with Peter doesn’t go exactly how he planned it.
Requested?: Yes / No
Give me a cute dinner date with Peter Parker
Words: 1068
Warnings: None I believe. Just cute and fluffy
Pairing: Peter Parker X Fem!Reader
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I looked in my full-length mirror smoothing out the dress I was wearing. I was doing finishing touches to my outfit as I waited for Peter to pick me up. I looked at myself smiling thinking how could I be so lucky to have a guy like Peter. I couldn't believe it had been a year since Peter and I had begun dating. It seemed like just yesterday that a stuttering Peter was at my locker asking me for a date. The doorbell rang cutting me out of my nostalgia. I looked in the mirror one final time before going to answer the door. My heels clicked against the hardwood floor of the apartment as I walked across and pulled open the door. Peter stood dressed in a nice tux and held a bouquet of flowers in his hands.  He smiled at me leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips.
"These are for you," he said handing you the flowers.
"Thank you, Pete. They're beautiful," I said.
"Yeah Aunt May helped me pick them out," He said blushing rubbing his neck. I chuckled a little going to get a vase and began filling it up with water. I looked over my shoulder at him grinning.
"Did Aunt May try to help you with your tie too," I said looking at his tie that he had obviously struggled with. He blushed harder looking down at his tie.
"She tried," He said messing with it.
"Hold on" I giggled turning off the tap and putting the flowers in The vase. I sat it on the counter and walked over to him fixing his tie. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist.
"How did you do that?" he asked.
"Magic," I said shrugging and then smiled leaning in and kissing him. We pulled back and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"You look beautiful" Peter whispered staring into my eyes and holding me closer.
"You too," I whispered just as quietly getting lost in his eyes. "I - I mean you look Handsome, not beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful y-you are I jus-" he cut me off with a kiss and laughed. He let go of me and grabbed my hand.
"Come on we're gonna be late." He said as we walked out of the apartment. The restaurant wasn't far from my apartment so we decided to walk. We walked hand in hand in a comfortable silence staring at the New York sky. We walked up to the restaurant a soft yellow glow coming through the windows and went inside.  The hostess smiled at us and asked for our reservation.
"Parker." She smiled at us and typed his name.
"I'm Sorry... You're not on the list." She said looking at us. Peter's face fell.
"A-Are you Sure," he said. She typed it in again and shook her head.
"Sorry Sir but you're not on the list." He looked crestfallen.
"Is there a chance you have an extra table," Peter asked hopefully only to be shot down.
"I'm sorry but you have to make a reservation in advance." She said sympathetically. Peter nodded his head sadly and lead me out the door. He opened the door and we heard the heavy patter of ran on the sidewalk. He sighed hanging his head.
"We can just have dinner back at my place," I said rubbing his arm.
"Yeah okay... I'm gonna cook though," he said giving me light smile. I nodded smiling at him too. "Stay in here I'm going to go get a cab." He kissed my forehead and walked out the door. Luckily He got a cab quickly but the rain was pouring so hard he was already completely soaked.  He opened the door and motioned me to come out. I ran out and felt the rain soak my dress. I hopped into the back of the cab with Peter following closely behind. I told the driver my address as peter closed the door. The driver pulled away and I rested my head against Peter's shoulder. "Don't I'm soaked."
"I am too don't worry," I said looking at him then laying my head back against his shoulder. I felt him lean his head on top of mine and watched as the city lights passed. We arrived at my apartment and paid the driver. We went up to my apartment and got changed into dry clothes. I sat down in the living room waiting for Peter to finish in the kitchen. An hour later I was watching TV when I heard Peter curse from the question. I turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen to find a burnt lasagna on the stove and Peter leaning against the counter with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and peeled his hands off his face to see him almost in tears.
"I'm sorry," He whispered.
"Hey no its okay," I cooed hugging him. We wrapped his arms around me nuzzling his head into my neck.
"I wanted this night to be perfect but I screwed it all up. I'm a horrible boyfriend." He mumbled into my hair holding me tight. I lifted his head with my hands and dried the tears that were slowly rolling down his face with my thumbs.
"Don't say that you didn't screw this night up at all and I could never have a more perfect boyfriend than you." I said looking him right in the eyes "I love you so much Peter Parker and nothing could change that." He smiled a little looking down.
"How is a girl as amazing as you going out with a guy like me," he said smiling and shaking his head "but I'm glad you are because I'm crazy in love with you." He leaned in and gave you a long passionate kiss. "How about I order us some pizza." I nodded my head smiling and headed back in the kitchen while Peter called for pizza. 15 minutes later the pizza was here and I walked to the dining table to find a bunch of candles lighting up the room and a pizza on the table.
"I know this night didn't go as planned but this is probably my favorite date yet," I said sitting down at the table.
"Really?" Peter asked from across the table.
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blvejeanbaby · 7 years
Yellow Flowers // Sirius Black
Pairing: (Young) Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader Word count: 4257 Prompt: Sirius and Y/N have been good friends their entire lives due to their families being very close-knit. Sirius knows about Y/N’s secret and when confronted with it, thinks of the perfect solution.
Possible trigger warning for abuse, also: swear words
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“The Blacks are coming over for supper tonight,” mother said as she started running her brush through my hair. We were seated in front of my big mirror, the one that reflected back my entire room. It was the one place in the house where most of the dark furniture did not wash out every other colour: there were vibrant greens and soft blues and the flowers on my desk and windowsill were a bright yellow, gifts of one of the Black boys who were to visit that night. I involuntarily smiled at the thought of that moment, the sheer memory of it always bringing a light blush to my cheeks; the moment that he came to me with two ridiculously big bouquets of flowers.
“Are those for mother?” I asked, having come down to greet the Black family in the hallway and staying behind to talk to their eldest son Sirius. He was of my age and we were in the same year at Hogwarts, same class even, but I was a Slytherin and he was a Gryffindor. Naturally, that stirred some rivalry in us whilst we were at school, but at home, we were friends. “No, silly, they’re for you.” Sirius held them out to me and seemed a little bit nervous about the whole ordeal. It was unusual for the Blacks to bring any gifts when visiting, except for around Christmas or birthdays. Usually, those gifts were not as pretty and colourful as Sirius’ flowers and mostly contained nasty hexes or were used to cast similar hexes onto others. Not necessarily what you’d like to get when you’re a 10 year old girl. Taken aback by his gift, I took them into my arms and admired their smell and colour. “These are beautiful, Sirius. Are they really for me?” “Yes, Y/N, they are.” He smiled and ran his hands through his long, dark hair, pushing it out of his face. I wished I could thank him in a different way, but I didn’t have the words to. Instead I gave him a huge smile in return and went to put the flowers in water.
I had wondered an endless amount about those flowers - why they were for me, why Sirius of all people would give me them. Was it because of his brother? Regulus was 3 years Sirius’ junior, and he was also sorted into Slytherin, just like me. He tried to fit in with the ‘cool’ crowd, those who had managed to become excellent in the Dark Arts and seemed to lure Regulus in effortlessly, but it earned the poor Black more teases than anything else. Because I had known Regulus all his life, I had decided to help him out whenever I noticed him getting teased, or sometimes bullied, again. I had assumed then that Sirius had given me those flowers to thank me for taking care of Regulus in his first year at school, in ways that Sirius himself couldn’t. When mother finished brushing my hair, she left me alone to get dressed and get ready for the rest of the day. Just like any other summer, I was forced to study a few days a week, and this was one of them. I sat down at my desk, glanced at the yellow flowers once more, before starting on my History of Magic homework. Once I got to a part about a warrior called Wulfric the Great, I remembered one remarkable moment.
Normally, a History of Magic lesson would pass quietly. Most students were either fast asleep or staring out of the window trying their best not to fall asleep, as professor Binns spoke in a monotone voice about Wulfric the Giantslayer. It could have been a very interesting story, had Binns not been such a boring teacher. I was trying my best to pay the leastet bit of attention, but found myself scribbling little flowers and hearts on the corner of my piece of parchment. My hand was stained with ink from rubbing over it while writing and with a sigh I put down my feather. I had to wash that ink of. “Need some water?” came a voice from behind me. I knew who sat behind me, and it certainly wasn’t the person who was at that moment talking to me. I spun around in my seat and was met with a spurt of water right in my face. It came from the tip of a wand, the tip of- “Sirius!” I exclaimed, not bothering to keep my voice down. As I had expected, Binns didn’t care about the disruption and continued talking, but all students had directed their attention to Sirius Black and Y/N Y/L/N. “Sorry,” he laughed, not really being sorry of course. Mostly Gryffindors were laughing, but some of the Slytherins were snickering as well. I cast them all angry looks and turned around in my seat, trying to dry my face with one of the drier parts of my cloak.
I smiled. Gryffindors and Slytherins were always at war with one another, but to me, Sirius was nothing if not charming whenever he pulled a prank on anyone. It was different when I was the target, but still I could not be angry at him. It was Sirius after all... It was a couple of hours later, when I finally finished the essay I had to write, when I heard the clinging of a bell that sounded all throughout the house. That bell could only mean one thing: the Blacks had arrived. I jumped up and practically ran to my mirror, making sure that every little strand of hair was smoothed down perfectly, and that my dress was not crinkly from sitting down in it for so many hours on end. “Y/N!” mother yelled up through the floorboards. I hurried downstairs, just in time for my father to open the door. He greeted Orion Black with a rough handshake, and his wife Walburga with some kisses to the cheek. He greeted the two boys with a handshake as well and then he showed Orion to the kitchen. They were out of sight after Orion had greeted mother. He never showed any interest to me. Walburga Black kissed my mother on the cheeks and then moved onto me as mother greeted her sons. “Y/N, I see you took out your best dress tonight. In honour of us, I suppose?” I laughed politely, as if she had made a joke. I knew for certain that it was truly an insult instead. Walburga and my mother disappeared to the kitchen and as usual, I was left with just Regulus and Sirius now. The brothers stood in silence for a moment, when they finally moved. Regulus just nodded at me and followed our parents to the kitchen, where he would resort to playing with our house elf. Sirius told me that out of everyone at Grimmauldplace, Regulus liked their house elf Kreacher the best. Maybe there was a reason he preferred enslaved creatures to the ones that could walk freely, like us. “Hi,” I said to Sirius, shuffling my feet a little bit. The first meeting after the end of term was always the most awkward, where we had to find our roles as childhood friends again. After all, at school we were almost enemies. There was always that playful wink of his in my direction, or that smile I gave him whenever I knew he was just pretending, but we were supposed to hate each other. That’s what Slytherins and Gryffindors have always done and will always continue to do. But that’s just simply not the way that Sirius and I were. “Let me show you your flowers.” I went up the stairs in front of him and led him to my room. We had just a couple of minutes until I would be called down again to help prepare dinner. My mother loved to cook whenever we had guests and would not leave anything up to our house elf if she deemed the visitors important enough. “They look good in your room,” said Sirius, wandering over to my desk and touching a petal gently. I knew they were not supposed to be alive anymore, but I managed to keep them alive through magic. I had instructed our house elf well and she would keep them alive for me. “Thank you.” I shut the door behind Sirius and myself and leaned against it, watching him look at the books on my desk. “I was just doing some History of Magic homework when you arrived,” I explained. “Always on top of your school work.” Sirius smiled at me. “I haven’t touched a single book yet.” “Didn’t think you had,” I said. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He spun around and for a second looked dangerously threatening, but I knew he was just joking and laughed. He cracked a smile as well and wandered over to investigate the flowers on the windowsill. “These are even more beautiful.” “They get that way under the right amount of sunlight,” I said. I had all of that knowledge from Herbology and had asked professor Sprout how to preserve blooming flowers. I distinctively remember having been red in the face by my own question, trying but failing to ignore the strange looks I was getting from the Hufflepuffs and other Slytherins in my class that had managed to overhear my question. “Sometimes I wonder why you weren’t put in Ravenclaw,” Sirius said thoughtfully. “Probably because I’m not intelligent enough.” “Nonsense,” he immediately protested. He opened his mouth to continue, but - “Y/N!” a voice called from downstairs. My mother. Immediately thereafter, a second voice joined it: “Sirius!” It was his mother. “Let’s go,” I said. We hurried downstairs and as I had expected, mother requested my presence in the kitchen. Walburga was told to sit down, even though she really wanted to help us - “No, please, I insist.” “It’ll be alright, Walburga, I do this all the time-” - and she and Sirius joined the people in the dining room, where Regulus, Orion and my father were undoubtedly talking about something unimportant. As soon as we were alone in the kitchen, mother turned to me, pointing at me with her spoon. “Don’t mess up the carrots this time, Y/N! I also want every single piece of cabbage to be shredded absolutely perfectly. If not, you know the consequences,” she said, after which she started stirring the food that was already in the pot, smelling deliciously. I started cutting up the many carrots, trying my best not to screw up. “Are the carrots ready? They need to be put in now.” I had just one carrot left to cut and my mother started getting inpatient. “With now, I mean now! Not just whenever you want to.” In my hurry to cut the last carrot, I accidentally made a cut in my finger, blood instantly seeping out of the wound and onto the pieces of carrot that were still on my chopping board. I stared at the mess I created for a bit longer than any other person would have. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you, child?” “No, mother, I swear-” I looked up at mother, who loomed over me threateningly. Her eyes held the same venomous look as a snake’s. “You know what the consequences are, Y/N. And this time there is no chance you can convince me you weren’t in the wrong.” Mother grabbed my uncut hand, the one I had been using to clutch my wounded one. “This is what dumb whores like you deserve!” She pushed my hand against the hot pot, first on side, than the other. Tears welled up in my eyes but I knew not to make a noise, or my punishment would be even worse. “Go and get cleaned up, you pig!” Mother pushed me away from the food. I stumbled and almost fell, but managed to stabilize myself. I hurried off before mother could hurtle more insults at me, up the stairs toward the bathroom, where we kept an emergency kit. I noticed I was getting blood everywhere - on the stairs, the carpet, the sink - but I had no choice for my other hand was burning so badly. I had never treated a burn with magic before and seeing as mother had burned my wandhand, I couldn’t easily heal my cut one. I wasn’t aware of the ruckus I was making, until I suddenly heard loud footsteps on the staircase. I held still, hoping, praying that it wasn’t going to be mother. Not mother, please, not mother wanting to tell me off for crying... Instead, there was a knock on the door. I held still at first, but an involuntary sob gave off my position. Shit, that hand really hurt. I held my breath, hoping I hadn’t been heard. Another knock. “Y/N, open up please.” I recognized that voice. It was Sirius. I managed to get even more blood anywhere while unlocking the door. It was swung open immediately, revealing a frantic Sirius on the other side of it. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “Come on,” he said. “No second to lose.” He took out his wand from his pocket and motioned for me to hold out my hands to him. He took the bleeding hand and muttered a few words, letting me weep silently. “Accio burn ointment,” he flicked his wand and a small vial of ointment shot out of the emergency kit. Sirius softly rubbed it onto my stinging skin, softening the pain immediately. I let out a sigh of release, but couldn’t put a stop to my tears. Sirius let bandages shoot out of his wand that he wrapped softly around my hand, covering up the burned areas perfectly. When he finished wrapping the bandage around it, he placed a kiss on top of my hand and pulled me in for a hug. He didn’t say anything, just held me there until we were called down for supper. I wondered if Sirius knew what had happened, if he knew what we were heading down toward. My mother. A monster at moments like this. But I loved her. I put away the emergency kit quickly and Sirius wiped away my tears softly. Without saying another word, we went downstairs, where I was forced to sit at a table with mother, who seemed utterly emotionless at the hurt she had caused me. I was used to it, but I saw how Sirius, who sat across from me, was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. But he wisely kept his mouth shut. He managed to stay calm until after dessert - the leftovers of a cake I had made just a day ago, which seemed ages looking back on it then - and even after tea. Finally, it was time for the Blacks to leave. Orion didn’t look at me, Walburga only nodded at me and said: “What a klutz you are,” in response to my bandaged hand and Regulus gave me a warm, shy smile before hurrying on to greet mother and father. Sirius stopped a little longer in front of me. “I have asked your father if he could take you to see me next week. Are you alright with that?” I nodded, because I felt warm inside from the way he had indirectly stuck up for me just now. He smiled at me and hugged me quickly, without our parents taking any notice. He was fast to kiss mothers’ cheeks and took a little bit longer to shake fathers’ hand. And then the Black family was gone.
It was indeed well into the next week when my father brought up the subject of the Blacks again. “Young Sirius has asked me if I would mind taking you to see him in London today,” father said. We were seated at the kitchen table after breakfast and our house elf was cleaning up around us. Mother was taking a bath upstairs, she was going off to Diagon Alley with a few of her friends that day and was excited to be out of the house for a minute. I thought I was going to spend the day in the house alone, with only our house elf as company. I would be able to read and wander around the house, but the prospect of seeing Sirius again, was even better. Father dropped mother off first at the Leaky Cauldron. I wondered why he hadn’t taken me to Grimmauldplace before, since the Ministry was practically around the corner from the Leaky Cauldron, but instead of dropping me on the other side of town, he drove around the block and dropped me off in front of the Leaky Cauldron as well. I raised an eyebrow at him, but my father shook his head and it made me not say anything. I only thanked him for driving me here. He nodded and left, racing down the street and disappearing from view. With a deep breath, I entered the Leaky Cauldron, afraid to come across my mother. But no, she wasn’t there, and in the corner of the Leaky Cauldron, I saw Sirius. However, he wasn’t alone, he had taken James. It took all of me not to turn around and leave this nasty old pub then and there, but the effort my father had put into me seeing Sirius that day, was enough to drive me further, through the pub, toward Sirius. “Y/N!” he greeted enthusiastically upon seeing me. He hugged me and then proceeded to introduce me to James, as if I had no idea who James Potter was. Of course I knew who he was - one of those annoying school friends of Sirius’. Tom the Innkeeper came over to us and the two boys ordered butterbeer while I ordered a pumpkin juice. We exchanged niceties and then James announced he had to go to the loo, leaving Sirius and I alone. “Why did you bring him?” I immediately asked. “How is your hand?” Sirius bounced back. “That’s not what I asked.” “I want an answer,” Sirius said. “And, has anything else happened in the last couple of days?” He knew. I knew then for sure that he knew. I didn’t know how much exactly, but it could have been everything. I stared down at the table as I shook my head, looking at my hand. It was no longer bandaged as it had been last Friday, but I could see the blisters and the redness of the burn lingering on my hand. A cruel reminder of what mother did to me for accidentally cutting my own hand while chopping carrots. “Look at me,” Sirius said. It was the different tone of voice that made me do as he said. “I’m moving out. I wanted to tell you last Friday, but now I’ve made things definite. James’ parents are nice enough to let me stay with them for the reminder of my school years. And, since that’s just two of them, I reckon that- Actually, I asked them.” “What? You asked them what?” “I asked them if you could stay as well. Even if it was just the rest of this summer. You can’t stay in that house anymore, Y/N... I know it happens more often than you want me to think. And not only when you’re preparing stew.” “Sirius, I can’t- I can’t stay with James and his parents. I barely know him-” “But you know me,” said Sirius. “Trust me. If you want, you can be out of James’ home within minutes, if you have another place to stay. Just please tell me you won’t go back to your mother, OK? Promise me. At least, not longer than to just grab a few things.” “Sirius- You can’t ask me this.” “I’m not asking you to. I’m telling you to.” He took my hands into his. “Come on. Do you want James to tell you that it’s fine? That you can be with us? If you don’t feel comfortable living in the same house as James, then at least think of me there. If you want we can rent out an apartment together as soon as we have the opportunity.” “Sirius-” “Sirius, if she doesn’t want it,” suddenly James appeared behind his friend, “you can’t force her to.” He said down in the chair he had previously been sitting in and took a sip of his butterbeer. “Y/N, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It’s just that Sirius is very concerned for you and he’d rather see you somewhere safe.” “You told him?” “I couldn’t keep it to myself,” said Sirius. I sighed and stood up. “I have to think this over, OK? On my own. I can’t promise you anything. Not yet.” “Where are you going?” Sirius asked upon me walking away from their table. “Out. I’ll be back soon.” I took a walk around the Muggle neighbourhood, looking around and thinking everything through. I’d love to be away from the house that has always been abusive to me. My mother was impossible to go in against and I knew my father was afraid of her in some way. That’s why he drove me here and why he approved of me seeing Sirius today. He knew that Sirius was going to ask me to move out of the house. I knew I wanted to talk to my father more than ever, so I made my way to the guest entrance of the Ministry of Magic. It was easy to get in as I had been there more often. The phonebooth lowered me to the Atrium and then I used an elevator to navigate to the right floor. I found my father sitting at his desk reading some report and scribbling little notes in the margins when he looked up and saw me. “Y/N.” He didn’t sound surprised. “Sirius has told me about his plan,” I said. “Has he?” Father took off his glasses and lay them down on his desk, focusing his eyes on me instead of the text in front of him. “What did you say?” “Nothing yet,” I admitted. “I need to know what you think.” “But it’s your choice to make,” he said. “The Black family has always offered us more than we can give back, but I know it hasn’t been easy on Sirius living in that house. Grimmauldplace is dark, and not everyone in that house has been treated well. I think he is making the right choice moving to James Potter.” “Do you think I would make the right choice if I were to move to James Potter?” “I know you’re not friends with him,” father said. “Sirius has told me that much. But I am willing to make sure that you can live somewhere else. First, you need to get out of the house and the only way I can see that happening right now, is if you allow Sirius to help you. I don’t want her to get her hands on you again.” I knew he was talking about mother. “Am I making the right choice?” “Do what you need to do, my darling. I will support you endlessly.” As I walked back to the Leaky Cauldron I repeated in my head what I was going to tell Sirius. I had so many responses in the back of my head that I was trying to pick the right one from, that every thought was starting to get all jumbled and messed up. I sighed as I pushed open the door, still not having decided upon the right way to tell him. Sirius and James were still at the table I had left them at, my untouched pumpkin juice sitting at the table as well. They had ordered food, I could see that from the crumbs on the empty plates in front of them, and they had been waiting all along for me to come back. Upon seeing me, Sirius instantly jumped up. I could see that he had been a nervous wreck all the while I had been gone. I didn’t know what to say, so I let my actions speak the truth for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him against me. “Thank you,” I whispered, before pressing my lips against his. He kissed back, but I could feel how surprised he was in how his hands touched my body, first my upperback and then the small of it. He pulled back. “Are you- are you coming with me to James?” I nodded. “Yes.” “Why?” “Because it’s what I need to do. Thank you for your flowers.” “That’s ages ago,” Sirius said, surprised I would bring them up now. “No. No, it’s not. Everytime I look at them I am reminded that I have you. That we have each other.” I smiled and hugged him now, tighter than ever. Then I quickly let go of him, went around the table and wrapped my arms around James as well. “Thank you! And your parents! I can’t wait to meet those kind souls!” James and Sirius exchanged a look that I couldn’t see. They knew my reaction was sincere, James was congratulating Sirius on his catch and they were secretly slapping each other on the back. All three of those simultaenously. I let go of James. “Now. Who wants stew?”
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lynyrdwrites · 7 years
Feysand with Feyre cooking for Rhys for their anniversary Modern AU
Okay, so this ended up taking a bit of a twist, and there was fire... but I hope you like it?
              She hadtaken lessons with Nesta
              (“It’s supposed to be  relaxing” – words spoken by her sister, through clenched teeth as she failed,once again, to follow  the most basic ofinstructions – “well, whoever decides to make me cook can damn well starve.”)
              Feyrehadn’t blown anyone away with her culinary skills by any means, but she hadmanaged to  be… adequate.  Since she didn’t have ambitions to be a fivestar chef, adequate had served Feyre perfectly well.
              Buttoday she had gotten a little ambitious. Now, Rhys would be home at any second, and Feyre was frantically rushingaround the kitchen finishing last minute details.  She mentally cursed herself, because she hadtimed everything perfectly, exceptshe’d gotten distracted with a painting, and it had screwed everything up.  Which wouldn’t have been such an issue… except she had gotten a bit ambitious withthe damn food.
              “Well now.” The voice was lowand throaty, and sent a shiver down Feyre’s spine.  She had been knelt down, looking into thestove, but jolted to her feet.  “That isa lovely view.”
              “You’re early!”Feyre squeaked out, her gaze shooting to the clock.  She let out an angry huff when she realizedthat, once again, she’d lost track of time and Rhys was actually a few minuteslate.  Rhys looked at the clock as well,then at her with an amused raise of his brow. But his amusement didn’t last long, replaced quickly by a dark, hungrylook.
              It wasstupid, that Feyre blushed at that look. In the three years since they had started dating, the things they had donein bed… well, it was just stupid, that anything Rhys did could still make herblush.  But the timer had interruptedher, as she had been getting dressed.  Sorather than the flirty little dress Mor had helped her find specifically fortoday, Feyre stood in the kitchen just in the royal blue lingerie that wasmeant to be a gift for later.  It camecomplete with garters and stockings, and Rhys’ gaze was absolutely fascinated as it focused on them.
              “Is thismy gift?” he asked, his grin roguish. Some hair fell over his forehead, and Feyre’s fingers itched to push itback.
              “Not yet,”Feyre replied slowly, the look in his eyes making her put the kitchen islandbetween them.  She saw a bouquet ofbright flowers in his hand – they were a little crushed with how tightly heheld them – and she nodded at them.  “Forme?”
              Rhyslooked down, his expression adorably confused, as though he had forgotten thathe held the bouquet at all.  Then, hisviolet eyes lit up and a slow, wicked smile curved his lips. Feyre recognizedthat smile all too well, and it made her stomach tighten.
              “Itis.  Come here, Feyre Darling, and I’llgive it to you.”
              “Or, youcould put it in a vase, while I go get dressed.”  
              Rhysprowled slowly around the island, and Feyre moved as well, keeping the surfacebetween them.  
              “Now,that seems like a waste,” Rhys purred, his eyes narrowing as he considered thespace between them.
              His nextmove was so surprising, that it caught Feyre off guard, making her slow toretreat.  Rhys physically vaulted himselfover the island, and by the time she realized she should move, he already hadher in his arms.
              “For you,”he stated with a smile, holding the bouquet up. Feyre looked at the poor, abused bundle, then at the island, wherepetals were scattered across the surface. She finally laughed, taking the flowers from him and setting them on thecounter before wrapping her arms around his neck.
              “You’reridiculous,” she stated, laughing as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers.
              “I’monly ridiculous with you,” Rhys replied, feathering his lips down herneck.  “The rest of the world isterrified of me.”
              It wasn’tentirely accurate – his friends and Feyre’s sisters didn’t fear him – but itwas  close enough to the truth that Feyrefelt her heart melt.  So when he kissedher again, Feyre went all too willingly, burying her fingers in his hair.
              Hishands stroked up the bare skin of her sides, and teased her breasts through thelace of her bra.  Feyre moaned into thekiss, and let him boost her onto the countertop. He stepped between her legs,and Feyre wrapped them around him, pulling him close.
              “Imissed you today,” he murmured against her skin, pressing his lips along theskin that swelled over the cups of her bras.
              “It wasthe same  as any other day,” Feyrereplied, stroking her fingers through his hair and looking down at the top  of his head fondly.  He removed his lips from her skin to grin upat her.
              “Ah, buttoday is our anniversary, Feyre. That makes it different.”
              Thistime, she leaned down to kiss him. Rhys’s hands stroked her legs as he happilykissed her back.
              “Do youremember the first time I saw you?”
              Feyrewrinkled her nose at the question, because she had been  with Tamlin back then, and  he was a mistake she preferred to forget.
              “Youwore a tanktop and jeans, and you looked completely disgusted with those idiotfrat boys.  And all I could think was I’ve been waiting for her.”
              “Yeah,and then you found out I was with Tamlin,” Feyre stroked Rhys’ face.  “Why the trip down memory lane?”
              “You’reworth remembering,” Rhys replied, his gaze solemn as he turned his face intoher palm, pressing a warm kiss to the center. She felt his lips curve, and hewas smirking when he looked at her again. “And that tiny tanktop is worth remembering.  One of the idiots spilled beer on you, and ittook all my will strength not to stare at your bra.  It was red.”
              Feyrefelt her cheeks flush, and Rhys laughed, making her scowl at him.
              “Prick,”she muttered darkly, her hand coming out to grasp his tie and pull him closer.
              “Your prick,” Rhys replied, and theykissed again, this time Rhys’ fingers playing with the lacy garters, sliding upto tease her through the tiny scrap masquerading as panties. Feyre gasped intohis  mouth, always so responsive to histouch.   “You’re wet for me.”
              It tookseveral minutes  of Rhys teasing herbefore she  realized something wasn’tquite right. Her eyes popped open to see…
              She shovedRhys away as she realized that, in her distraction, she had forgotten all aboutthe meal, which  was now filling thekitchen with smoke.  Rhys dove for the stovedials as Feyre went for the fire extinguisher.  When  she came back, Rhys openedthe oven door, and Feyre directed the foam inside.
              It all happenedin the  space of mere moments, but itleft them both  breathing hard, lookingat each other with wide eyes.
              “Chinese?”Rhys  suggested, opening the window toclear out the smoke.  “We can replacethat tomorrow.”
              “Okay,”Feyre replied.  “Yeah. Chinese. I’m blamingyou for this.”
              Rhysjust laughed, and went for the takeout menus.
              An hourlater, they both sprawled in the living room, their hair a mess, having goneback to their previous activities as they awaited take out. The garters andstockings were in shreds…somewhere, and Feyre wore Rhys’ shirt unbuttoned overher panties and bra while he was shirtless. He had been entirely too smug whenhe had gone to pay for the takeout, her love bite bright and obvious on one ofhis pecs.
              “I loveyou,” Feyre said, from where she reclined against him, happily eating chickenfried rice. She held some up to Rhys, who grinned and accepted the offering.
              “I loveyou too,” he replied.  He adjustedhimself, so Feyre could cuddle against him even more comfortably. When she  looked back at her rice, she froze.
              Therewas Rhys’ hand, holding a velvet box. She dropped the fried rice, and it was sheer luck that prevented it fromspiling across the floor.
              “Rhys?”she asked, her voice a whisper.
              “Openit, Feyre,” he murmured, his voice warm against her ear.
              She did,her hands steadier than  she thought theywould  be.  And there it was… the ring she had beenadmiring the previous week  with   Amren – that little sneak.  She took a sharp breath.
              She hadbeen here before, being proposed to.  Shehad been terrified.  She’d thought thatwas normal.
              Butthere was nothing terrifying about this ring, about this relationship.  There wasjust…certainty.
              This was right.
              “Yes,” shesaid, looking up at Rhys.
              “Yeah?”he had been nervous, she realized, this beautiful man that had helped her findherself, both as an individual   andthen, later, as a them. He’d been nervous, still was, but Feyre had never beenmore sure of anything.
              “Yeah,”  she replied, her smile huge, making him smile in return.  “Let’s do it.”
              The ringfit perfectly, but that was no surprise.
              After all,Feyre and Rhys fit perfectly too.
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