#They're also cannibals but y'know
certified3nakin · 4 months
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Meet the Disassemblers! (Aka, I wanted to share my design for Serial Designation K [blue], and doodled something up to show off the other two.)
In order:
Blue - Serial Designation K
Red - Serial Designation Y
Pink - Serial Designation S
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overly-verbose · 3 months
I'm just thinking that Uraume is a great cook, but the real masterpieces are made up of people. I understand that Sukuna will be a little uncomfortable eating people's kebabs (that usually scares teenagers, you know). BUT. The moral mobility of His Evil Majesty's mentality simply says to me: Find the enemy, and the big guy will finally get a nice meal. He worked so hard, he deserves dinner. ("Fu_k, Marry, Eat" game. Start). SO. ONE DAY. People tempura — yes or no? How much Curse is in our King?
Uraume is indeed a great cook, ridiculously even lol
- I mean afaik it's canon that, whilst human meat is supposedly difficult to prepare well, they managed to do it; which is one of the main reasons why Sukuna kept them around aside from the fact that they're a powerful sorcerer lol
(he most probably liked the unaltered taste by itself too (he did in my Series Canon for sure), but Uraume made it additionally enjoyable - so for Mr. I Do What I Want it was definitely a unique plus lol)
As for SIkuna eating people, hmm
Although he's pretty deeply in denial about it, he doesn't actually directly feel anything negative at the prospect
(as showed in Part 4, he actually found the little taste of Yuji's blood he got by accident ridiculously enjoyable, if in terms of Identity Issues and 'Ah Shit That's The Kid's Blood' extremely distressing as well. What a fun combination)
- it's Everything Else around it that makes him uneasy; like the fact that he Knows It's Wrong, The Kids Would Most Freaking Likely Not Like it, and just overall the Character Dissonance he feels about it all
because how the fuck can he be a protective inner marshmallow that would just like to hug the kids, and give them headpats, and heal their wounds, and just overall take care of them as best as he can 🥺
and someone that gets absolutely freaking giddy at the idea and acts of violence and bloodshed (as long as it doesn't involve Some People but especially if it involves Other Ones) at the same time y'know?
(sorry bro, you're not gonna get any less contradictory anytime soon if ever - have fun being yourself, whatever that means, lol
Complex characterisation and all that ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ)
But returning to the topic; I won't say anything about further down the timeline
(he might, he might not, who knows, probably not in a way that would upset the kids too much if anything but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
but there is this one particular, hm, person that would fit all boxes in terms of being a mostly guiltless but still tasty snack, though not as tasty as possible, who miight be meeting him relatively soon (how??)
- and SIkuna wouldn't even need to break any promises with Yuji (oop spoiler 👀) to indeed have a spooky snack!
So, before anything as sophisticated as tempura - there may be moreso sashimi :] *HeeHee HoHo's a bit as lighting strikes in the background and I comically jump in surprise because wtf the sky's clear-????*
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kyouka-supremacy · 9 months
Alright is there anyone on here familiar with store.kadokawa.co or chara-ani.com (... or who can read Japanese) who can help me navigate the websites
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deva-arts · 1 year
Seraphina, a bit of a bird , a bit of a human . Maybe. But, my question. When she eats eggs, is it technically cannibalism?
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Long answer: no. Short answer, no.
#vincenttag#nathanieltag#soniasanderstag#amontag#let amon be croccy as a treat#Oc rambles in the tags tag#everyone but nate and sera is sitting on the floor. it's cozier in a pile i guess. they do this a lot.#nate is the only one interested in this all because he's a big nerd when it comes to people's inner workings#literally and metaphorically! dude loves biology and psychology. what a nerd. what a goof. someone staple a 'kick me' sign on his sweater.#vincent just eats raw things sometimes. for no reason. he thinks it's a way to quote 'learn food better' but then he does this sh*t#vince also thinks it's cool and edgy. it is not. no one is okay with this. just eat your meals cooked and stay in your lane vincent#sera hates the bird comparisons because she's heard so much of it. puns. jokes. gags. nicknames. getting birdseed for christmas.#Made an entire presentation only to confuse her friends further on the bird situation#sonia's three moods are “flirty” “happy” and “Ick”#Amon likes to nap in his other form since he doesn't use it and it gets uncomfy after a while. Woken up for this... He barely rests as is :#To answer the age old question#no it is not cannibalism. they are not birds and if they still have traces of bird DNA it is definitely not from chicken or fowl#birds eat other birds all the time too. from eating eggs to eating their own eggs to eating smaller birds- they're like fish in that sense.#Sera used to order chicken a lot when with her former partners to try and dispel the 'but bird though' thoughts before they manifested#It did not work.#vince has a tendency of ripping all of his shirt sleeves and backs off instead of. y'know. getting them tailored. Sonia sobs every time#sera gave nate a similar 'watch' to hers. when activated it becomes a handy dandy lethal weapon! he has to wear it to sleep 'just in case.'#sera strapped it to his wrist saying 'don't worry. it isn't dangerous. to us.' and he hasn't slept the same since. yay vigilante waifu!#ARK_SYSTEMA#Seraphinatag#art#artwork#digital art#my art#my artwork
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
orphaned cannibal adoption AU- Charlie BURSTING in the hotel front doors, striking the iconic lion king pose, and proudly presenting the cannibal kid to the other hotel denizens
Charlie: "GUYS OH MY GOSH LOOK LOOK LOOK!" (waggles the kid happily) "A KID!!!!!!!!! Kid, say hi!"
Cannibal Kid: “Hi…”
Husk: "What the fuck is this? Child labor??"
Vaggie: "No."
Cannibal Kid: (dangling in Charlie’s grip) "I'm VERY high up right now."
Charlie: "Do you like it? The hotel? The high up-ness? The other people living here? We can change ANYTHING you like! You are my child now, and I'm melting like silly putty in your tiny, tiny hands!"
Angel Dust: "Thrillin', toots. Who carried."
Cannibal Kid: "Small hands are useful for getting things out of tight spaces."
Charlie: "I did!"
Vaggie: "Do I wanna know what kinds of things you usually get from what kinds of spaces?"
Angel Dust: "Huh. Would'a thought it'd be Vaginal Area over here."
Cannibal Kid: "Internal organs. From still warm bodies."
Vaggie: "Great."
Charlie: "I carried our new kid here ALLLLLLL the way from Cannibal Town! On my shoulders! Just like how my dad used to do with me!! Only I didn’t turn into a horse or a kangaroo or-"
Niffty: "Aww, that's a long way to walk!" (raises hand) "THEY CAN SNACK ON MY HAND IF THEY'RE HUNGRY!"
Vaggie: "Niffty, Rosie packed a lunch."
Niffty: "NOOOOOOOO...!!!"
Vaggie: "And it's adoption, Angel Dust you asshole. Also try keeping the swearing to a G rating okay."
Husk: "You fucking first."
Vaggie: "Fuck."
Cannibal Kid: "Don't worry. Auntie Rosie taught me to only put nice things in my mouth."
Charlie: "Ooooh like candy?!" (realizing cannibal) "Or, wait-"
Cannibal Kid: "Like eyeballs."
Husk: (SNORTS)
Angel Dust: "Ouchie~"
Vaggie: "What? What? Wanna share something with the room, dingbat!?"
Angel Dust: "I meannnnnn- 's not like you're exactly well equipped to feed your new kid, are ya Vagginator? That's kinda... EYE-ronic."
Husk: (snorts so hard his fur fluffs up)
Niffty: "I have an eye I HAVE AN EYE!!! It's BIG and ROUND and-"
Vaggie: "No."
Cannibal Kid: "Aw."
Vaggie: "Oh for- Husk, just, break a bottle and let Niffty have the glass or something. This is too much sudden family bonding happening right now."
Husk: "Let me fucking empty one first." (starts chugging)
Vaggie: (SIGHS)
Charlie: "Right." (lowers kid to eye level) (her eye level, not vaggie’s) "Have you ever heard... of gummy worms?"
Cannibal Kid: "No. But I ate someone named Gary Wormwood once."
Charlie: "That's pretty close!"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, no it's not."
Charlie: "Vaggie, as the mothers, our kid's 'best so far' is always more than good enough for us, it's AMAZING."
Cannibal Kid: "He wasn't that great."
Angel Dust: "Leavin' totally mid Gary to rot somewhere back in creepy Cannibal Town, what's the name of your own sweet little murder baby?"
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "Uh.... Charlie, are you gonna...?"
Charlie: "I mean you're the one who clicked with them, I thought you'd be doing the big introductions!"
Vaggie: "I'd love too, sweetie, but I don't actually... y'know."
Charlie: "What?"
Vaggie: “…um.”
Angel Dust: "...you don't know their fuckin' name, do ya?"
Charlie: "WHAT!?"
Vaggie: "It, it never came up! I thought I'd find out when you said it!"
Angel Dust: "Oh fuck me with a plastic dick- Neither of ya's gay morons know's the kid's name???"
Cannibal Kid: "It's Annie."
Annie: "Short for Annabelle."
Hotel Crew: “……”
Vaggie: "....like, Annabelle the… cannibal?"
Annie: "Tragically."
Charlie: "Oh but that's. A. Lovely name."
Annie: "My dead parents thought they were both really funny." (flat stare) "They weren't."
Angel Dust: “Sucks to be you, kid. Sorry ‘bout your old man and lady.”
Annie: “It’s okay. They didn’t own a hotel.”
Charlie: “Ahhaha! This is a horrible thing to say, but- I feel like your FIRST life changing experience with us will be learning the true meaning of family!”
Annie: “Since you’re the princess of hell, what does that make me?”
Vaggie: “A normal kid who’s mom is princess of hell.”
Annie: “Dang.”
Angel Dust: “Oh I’m gonna LOVE bein’ your uncle! You’ve got piz-zazz don’t ya~?”
Annie: “No.” (pulls Razzle out from under their coat) “His name’s Razzle.”
Angel Dust: “That ain’t exactly what I meant-”
Annie: “I know. I was just being funnier than you.”
Husk: “Ha! Now this is MY kinda kid!”
Angel Dust: “Yeah sure whatever, I’m still gonna be a waaay cooler uncle than you, so… uhhh… Vaggie-boner, why’s your girlfriend making that noise?”
Vaggie: “The ‘eeeeee’ing?”
Angel Dust: “Yeah.”
Vaggie: “It’s one of her happy sounds.”
Angel Dust: “What the fuck is she so happy about. Didn’t she get over the whole burst of motherly endorphins thing while signin’ adoption papers over in Eats-your-face-burg?”
Vaggie: “I mean, you did kinda just make it sound like you think of her as family.”
Angel Dust: “Of course you gays are family! What the fuck???”
Husk: “….you fucking idiot. Now you’ve made them both cry.”
Niffty: “I wish that was meeee…”
Annie: “I think they’re tears of joy." (dabs tear on finger and tries it) "Tastes like it, anyway. Too sweet.” (pulls face) "Blegh."
Niffty: “Emotional pain from the AGONIZING realization of everything that’d been CUT AWAY FROM YOU LIKE A KNIFE TO YOUR HEART at the same moment someone VIOLENTLY SHOVES a brand new PAINFULLY BEATING HEART into the EMPTY CAVITY that used to hold your BRUTALLY CRUSHED DREAMS… can be fun too…”
Angel Dust: “….”
Husk: “….”
Annie: “Aunt Niffty, you’re so cool.”
Niffty: “Really!? I’m also gonna let you play with KNIVES!!!”
Angel Dust: “-no, no you won’t. No. Both of ya’s listen carefully- the word of the day is ‘N’… ‘O’.”
Annie: “Knife starts with a ‘K’.”
Husk: “He wasn’t spelling knife.”
Annie: “He could've been if he’d started it with a ‘K’.”
Annie: "So is this the true meaning of family?"
Vaggie: "It's....close enough."
Annie: “Okay. I like it here, tall mom. It’s soggy, because you’re crying on me, but it’s nice.”
Vaggie: “There-there, sweetie. Maybe try to not break our kid’s eardrums on the first day?”
Husk: “You’re still crying out of your one fucking eye-”
Vaggie: “Shut up.”
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gaycrittercentral · 11 months
Welp it’s not Halloween anymore (and actually these pictures are from last year hkkhljhl) but who give a shit y'all wanna see my goofy lil Sam costume :D if you were here for my Halloween stream then you already saw this but if not then LOOKIT MY SUIT BOY
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Fun fact, I made all this last year and meant to post it then but I was just too lazy whoops. So I'm tryin to do better this time around, lmaoooo. Anyway yeah! Samb costume!! If you wanna hear how I made some of the elements for this and gathered up the rest, feel free to check out my ramblings under the cut :Dc
This was such a fun project. A lot of elements were of course just staples of businesswear, like I found the suit jacket at H&M and the pants at Target (and hemmed them because I love men's pants but they don't love my short-ass legs), but some parts were a bit more complicated. The hat, for example, I also found at Target, but it had the wrong kind of band, so I just took that off and hand sewed on a length of wide black ribbon in its place. I ain't no milliner or haberdasher or what have you but I feel like it came out pretty ok! And the ears were an element that I figured would be a fun addition lol, they are made of fleece I believe? I forget. I gave them a bit of soft stuffing so they're basically two soft pillows, and then safety-pinned them into the inner brim of the hat--that way I can look like a normal person if I ever decide to wear the hat in public lmao.
The tie was an absolute delight to work on. And also torture. Y'know, kind of a 'why not both' moment. I ended up reverse engineering a tie I already had and cannibalizing its inner fabric to make the new one, since I knew I wasn't going to wear the original. The new tie is made with a silky blue fabric that isn't silk that I don't remember what it is because I have a sponge for a brain. Sorry ^^; But basically I replaced the original outer part of the tie with my new fabric and sewed her up by hand (it's not really a machine job as far as I can tell), then painted on the stripes with watered down black fabric paint. I had hoped that watering it down would prevent it from making the fabric stiff, but that didn't end up working because it required so many layers to be opaque, oof. There's probably better ways to go about it, so if you're making your own Sam tie it's worth it to do some more research! Plus, they do sell regular blue ties out there that you could paint. I'm just insane. And tbh I wish I had just bought one but at least I can say I've made a tie now lmaoooo
And I suppose the last element of this is the paper bag Max puppet! I love him so dearly, he was a delight to make ^^ I'd tell you how to make him but why do that when obviously I learned from the original? Make sure to put one in your car ok it's really important
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God I love this comic. And I also dearly dearly love how faithfully they adapted it in the cartoon <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Anyway that's it that's all I got!! Also because I've never worn this thing out of the house it doesn't have shoes to go with, I just got some brown socks. I figure it fits with Sam as a shoe-hating person lmaooo. ok that's all bye thanks for looking hope y'all had a happy Halloween!!!!
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lacrimosathedark · 6 months
I have a very specific Hazbin AU idea and no actual plot so I'll throw it out there.
Human AU, specifically with Rosie and Alastor in a marriage of convenience. Alastor finds no interest in anyone but finds Rosie delightful, and Rosie has perhaps been "mysteriously" widowed a few times and need the financial support for The Times.
I don't think Alastor was a cannibal when he was alive, but it's part of Rosie's identity, so maybe when he kills people, he, like...gives them to her? idk cannibalism makes me real uncomfy but I thought it'd be an almost funny dynamic. It's certainly a way to dispose of a body without having to dump it somewhere(and thus getting shot in the fucking face).
Also funny dynamic, queer human Vox really likes Alastor and catches his very fruity vibes, but Alastor 1. has -1000 interest in Vox's very existence, and 2. doesn't understand the "coded language" Vox uses because Alastor isn't really in queer circles. Not that he'd horribly mind, but he's not gonna put in the effort to be in them, yknow? So Alastor is there, completely fucking oblivious with a sinister smile while Vox is fuming in frustration over failing to hit on him.
...and maybe a special little girl and her daddy make him just a little bit better of a person and a lot more happy. Just, y'know, if you wanna.
And teeny Charlie can have Auntie Rosie as the cool aunt she was made to be. They watch musicals together and Rosie is a very exuberant audience when Charlie tries to replicate them as a one-girl show by herself.
Oh, this would also be a fun setting for a certain pimp to maybe lose his head. Figuratively or literally. Preferably literally.
ADDING BECAUSE I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER THING: Rosie meeting Angel and thinking he's an absolute darling, and thn finding out about his situationwith Valentino and going to Alastor like, "Alastor, sweetie, could you be a doll and get me something real special to eat? I've got a very specific craving." Alastor objects solely because he's such a powerful figure that it would draw attention to them, and points out it would also leave a power vacuum and a number of vulnerable people more vulnerable.
So Rosie decides to run a competing brothel out of her Emporium, and ends taking a lot of business and workers from Valentino.
It's so funny to me to imagine aroace Alastor just having casual interactions with like a room full of sex workers, completely unfazed, listening to their sordid tales.
And if the subjects of some of those stories go missing, well, who's to know what happened, right?
But mostly I want QPP Alastor/Rosie without the label being married not cuz they're in love but because society is silly and they're besties. Who maybe sometimes do murders together.
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coff-in · 4 months
I'd like to request a Reader who is Ashleys twin x Ashley and Andrew were she's worse than Ashley (to an extent) like we're she'd basically bully Andrew but in a loving way y'know?
Ashley and Reader grew up differently, Reader was Non verbal for most of her life (only in child hood), she also was a bit more nicer and accepting but acts like Ashley when it comes to Andrew. Reader would have a bunch of friends but she counts Ashley has the bestest friend of them all
This is after the sacrifice. Readers gift is regeneration or super healing but comes with the cost of needing to eat human flesh or else she black out and devours someone even if it is her beloveds. Also she would say the most out of pocket stuff
For example were Andrew would TRY to assert dominance but would get absolutely flamed by reader, she'd say sum shit like "I am starting to think your not the top...your like at the way bottom, like your the dirt me and Ashley walk on."
Reader would also be a biter too. Andrew probably has a faint scar from her biting him.
notes from coff-in: :( i'm sorry this took so long!! that's on me, sincerest apologies ⭐️ anon.
[fem] reader-insert, brief NSFW mention (the word sex comes up like twice), incest (due to the NSFW mention)
i remember jumping on top of this older guy in elementary school because i liked him and he told me off by saying "people don't bully the people they like." this is the same with [reader] and andrew except andrew lets it happen because he doesn't wanna deal with [reader] pitching a fit later at home when he denies her. [reader] biting is something he'd have to teach her how to curb, though, especially once they get older and people start getting the wrong ideas... he'd let her bite him at home though. ashley doesn't mind the biting at all and may even bite back. so what if people look at them weirdly? this is how they show love to each other! who cares what those fucking hussies and whores think anyway?
one thing ashley does mind is [reader]'s friends. there's a deep possessive jealousy that courses threw her when she sees [reader] with her friends. she'd tell [reader] that they only hang out with her because they're a bunch of fucking floozies that are using her! they don't care about her like leyley does or like andy does! and of course [reader] would listen to leyley, because she's her best-est friend, her #1!
andrew would get pissed off at [reader] back/shit talking. "you're the fucking dirt me and ashley walk on" and he'd just grasp her face like he did ashley on the bridge in decay and whisper to her "you wanna fucking try me?" god the hate sex would go crazy... the thing is, it might not even be hate sex per say. i doubt either of them genuinely hate each other but they just can't be honest about their feelings. andrew constantly denies and deflects his feelings while [reader] shows her attraction by bullying, belittling, or biting him. though if she's like ashley in the way she acts then she's pretty open with her attraction/attachment to andrew, maybe it's just her insecurity that flares up into violent aggression.
[reader]'s gift of regeneration would... be a bit of an issue. i think andrew would like to stop killing people if only because it could cause issues down the line if they get caught. i think ashley is all down for carving humans for dinner. there's definitely a small argument between them whether or not they continue their group cannibalism or they just kill for [reader]. i could even see them trying to make a deal with the entity to get rid of the "black out at eat the nearest human" part of the gift/curse if not all of it all together. like, sure it benefits them in the short term but what about after killing their parents and getting new IDs? it'd be kinda suspicious that these new neighbors just move in and then suddenly people start going missing. it depends on how often [reader] has to feed, too. maybe they could keep some (hu)meat in their freezer.
i wonder what andrew and ashley would taste like... i keep thinking salty. idk know why. maybe due to sweat or smth
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psshaw · 4 months
Has anyone ever said that you seem like you'd enjoy the lore for warhammer (specifically the fantasy one)'s flesh-eater courts? (in-universe flavor of vampiric cannibals) Because they really should be saying that.
Y'KNOW my friend @neonjawbone has gotten really into WH lately and I've been catching a lot of glimpses of different stuff from her! I kinda see the appeal, even if it seems like there's no room for me to make it irreverent because it's ALREADY so tongue-in-cheek. Also I wish everyone wasn't rotting. Also I'm scared to look too far in because then I'd have to learn all the lore and, like, stuff you gotta buy, haha.
Are the flesh-eater courts the ones who hallucinate that they're not actually super gross? That was a neat idea. I really enjoy all the brain problems everyone seems to have in this universe.
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cycle-hit · 8 months
kotoko, the child eaters, and her family
and lucky. strap in man its gonna be a wild ride (watch out for the discussions of cannibalism below the keep reading line if youre uncomfortable with that sort of thing)
the countrymen came upon the corpse of a boy of 15 (whom roulet had smothered and eaten). two wolves, one later identified as roulet's brother (this'll be important) and the other as Roulet's cousin, were also found eating the boy's corpse. roulet admitted that his parents were the ones who gave him the salve to turn into a wolf, yet the court found his parents to be "respectable, pious" people.
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roulet's parents who had given him the means to devour? to smother with the paws he gains upon transformation? the parents who offered no home to a roulet living in poverty? if roulet's brother and cousin had found him so easily, surely his parents could have to? roulet's parents, who's only statement in court is evidence that roulet's brother and cousin should not be held at fault like roulet is because they were "engaged at a distance", and dont come to defend roulet at all? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD i have less to say here, mostly just to do with WHO the wolf devours. it is the grandmother the wolf devours by pretending to be little red riding hood, the grandmother who the wolf impersonates to devour little red riding hood whole. SATURN/CRONOS (credit to @viewingthevoid for pointing out kotokos possible relation to saturn, check their post out !) cronos, upon receiving the prophecy that his sired children would overthrow him, proceeded to devour them all in an attempt to stop it. what is it that they say about the sins of the father, again...? LUCKY this one's where it starts to be a bit of a stretch. and relies on other theories that arent necessarily confirmed to be true. lucky and the kidnapper appear to be physically similar- both of them have the same pattern of freckles, both wear an outfit in black and white.
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if lucky and her kidnapper really were related- her kidnapper would've had to be her brother. i think this also makes sense as to why we never see or hear of lucky's family- because they're the ones kotoko was going after. they're the ones who could've easily made lucky retract her statement, because the kidnapper's father, trying so hard to defend him, is HER father too. now we go to another theory: the girl in pink in harrow is a younger kotoko.
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interestingly, we still see "lucky's brother" here, as a shadow standing over kotoko yet not an actual physical appearance of him like every other shot. and surely he couldnt look EXACTLY the same in the past as he does in harrow, right? what if it isn't "lucky's brother", but rather a stand in for kotoko's brother? what if the reason why kotoko's first murder was lucky's brother is because kotoko saw what happened to herself in him, in lucky? in what would happen to lucky. jacques roulet's parents completely leave him in the dust, but the murdered boy's father is the first to hear his screams. cronos, a father, devours his own children. if kotoko's indirect "victim" really was lucky, if someone ELSE killed lucky after kotoko left her on that street (to protect, out of false anger from lack of understanding?)- would it have not been her father? desperate to stop the company's name from being smeared anymore? knowing he can cover it all up if he just wraps up loose ends? if he "devours" his own child, he can stop her from "overthrowing" him. KOTOKO oh, hey kotoko! whats that? oh cool, an interrogation question about your fami-
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OH. HAHA. YOUR GRANDMOTHER? LIKE...LIKE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD? YOUR. YOUR FATHER? YOUR...OLDER BROTHER? haha. wow kotoko. that sure was a strict and direct to the point description of your family too. y'know, all of the other prisoners indulge way more details about their families, and you're the only one who doesnt! in fact, this is the only information kotoko has ever given us about her family! wow! that's strange. I...WONDER...WHY. (did her parents, her family, leave her in the dust like jacques roulet, too? did they "give" her the ability to become a wolf, to devour? was her grandmother consumed by the "wolf" before devouring her too? what did her father do to her after what her older brother could've done? did her mother go along with it all?) (kotoko oh my god watch out! the sins of the father! dont leave lucky behind! THE. THE CYCLE. KOTOKO. KOTOKO!!!!) (theres another post i want to make one day, about how roulet's parents were "pious" people, about how roulet was sentenced to a "madhouse" because he had "forgotten god", about how cronos was apart of greek religion, about how kotoko's second voice drama is called "YONAH", how she speaks of "sinners" so much, how she calls what she does "karmic retribution", how she mirrors AMANE so much...about how amane looks like lucky too, about the sins of the father, about how her reaching to the sky in deep cover can represent both her reaching for lucky and "reaching for the heavens"...religious trauma kotoko is REAL and CAN hurt you)
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Steven Universe Anon here
Y'know what's funny? Rebecca had the absolute guts to put in genocidal dictators/"space Nazis" in her CHILDRENS SHOW
And Viv does nothing but put gay people and sex workers in Hell 💀 She has murderers/cannibals/rapists/hardcore drug addicts down there, but those are the obvious, safe options. (I'd also say it's risky to put drug addicts down there too)
But she has no actual balls to tackle anything heavier than that. I know the argument is "God/Heaven are obviously massive dicks and who they pick and choose is unfair. Gay people shouldn't go to Hell and that's the whole point" but like... it's just a bad look.
And I have issues with the way the Diamonds were handled, but they were never forgiven. They're actually complex characters who are grieving from their loss, but they're also horrible horrible characters. But, at least Rebecca actually gave them SOMETHING to work towards being good. Like Yellow Diamond repairing gems, and White Diamond going down to those she used to deem as lesser beings. I feel those things were rushed (because of CN I'm sure), but at least Rebecca tried.
She also never flipped out at any critism and handled things far more maturely.
I don't see Viv doing anything of that nature in her "super mature R rated show".
Full disclosure, I've never liked when people refer to the Diamonds as Nazis. That's not cool, that's a real thing that killed real people. But yes, the Diamonds are genocidal dictators and complete monsters. They're alien rocks that carve up everything around them and take it for themselves. It's the only thing they've ever known how to be.
What Rebecca did with them was incredibly ballsy, because she allowed them to be monsters, and to explore why they are the way they are, and ultimately to have them make the conscious choice to try a better way of living, all without making excuses for them. They're capable of loving immensely, and it's that love that brings out the best in them, and they do put the work into changing, but Steven's never really comfortable around them at all.
Steven Universe was so ridiculously good for what it was. I don't think Viv's capable of creating something with that many layers.
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leniisreallycool · 2 months
My favorite ao3 tags:
Disappointing grammarly and my family at the same time
He A Sneaky Boyo 
Oh shit they all have trauma
Inappropriate use of highly advanced prosthetics
Kidnapping, new family, threatening
Forevver alone
Some plot if you search hard enough
Reader is also a stripper
Reader has thicc thighs, they save and destroy lives
His wife cheated
Skeleton clown
I need to stop staying up so late
Mean thugs
 No beta reader we die like Epstein
Fake gecko disease, I don't know how geckos work
Does this count as monsterfucker if they were once human
Secret children
Y/n is definatly screwed in the head 
Slice of life, oral sex
Temporary character death
and you don't want to fuck this owl man but this is what you must do to survive
Kinks included
No Spoilers For Game of Thrones
I Can't Believe I Wrote This
non-consensual cannibalism
No beta I'm deteriorating my metal state
Y/n is hot
Sex near a corpse, bad kind of choking, good kind of choking
Romance, kinda
Accidental drug use
Drunken shenanigans
It's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you
MC smokes like a chimney
Cannibalism puns
Reader is a naive little shit
Am I using him to make up for my daddy issues?, yes. yes I am 😈
I was drunk when I wrote this
I'm sorry, not actually it was hot in my head
Everything I know about being a nun comes from a TV show
The Author Regrets Nothing
Shakespeare shivers in his boots whenever he reads my writing
Running from the cops as a form of bonding
Biting, there's always biting with this guy
Fake relationship to real relationship speed run 
y'know what they say! one woman's horrific reality breaking haunting is another man's entertainment!
Watch me pretend to know how radios work
Please Do Not Think I Condone Or Endorse This Shit
Bad swamp dates
Copious Amounts Of Smoking And Sweet Tea
fuck it this is enemies and lovers right here they can be both
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ro-botany · 7 months
The Grimleal Archives
Hello! I recently found myself motivated to start collecting the huge body of work produced by my fellow Grimleal (and also myself) into an off-site archive, for safekeeping. Just in case, y'know? I enjoy every one of these posts and don't want them lost.
So yeah. This is a big drive folder, split into a few smaller category folders, containing a wide array of analysis posts covering Grima/Robin and all kinds of topics and characters related to them.
All of them are of varying length and style, and are written by different authors, so opinions fluctuate from post to post. This also isn't nearly every post that exists on the topic.
I'm collecting new posts to add to the archives all the time, so if there's a post you want added be sure to let me know!
Accolades under the cut:
Many thanks to @felikatze for compiling the Grimleal Studies Masterpost, which I referenced heavily for the initial wave of filling the Archives.
And many more thanks to our diligent scholars, without whom we wouldn't have so many awesome essayposts to read! They include, but are not limited to:
They're all very cool and you should check them out.
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Tillie finally posted the cover for Book 3 and it’s so gorgeous imo! It’ll be coming out in June 2025
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Oh suuuuuure, Tillie, just drop the Book 3 cover on me while I'm at work and can't post about it, that's fiiiiiiiiine.
But yes, Tillie Walden posted the cover for Book 3 and honestly? I actually like it, y'all.
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I really like the colors here, they're lovely.
So, we've got Clementine, Ricca, Olivia, Fen, and the cat, Dr. Barnwell featured on the cover pretty predominantly, which is interesting given the designs of the previous covers.
Doing a little bit more research, I also found this:
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"Clementine suffers a loss unlike anything she's ever faced"... I mean, I have some doubts about that given I've, y'know, played the games and know a lot about the losses Clementine's suffered.
The darkest turn I could see would be Olivia losing her baby... which Clementine has been with someone who lost her baby before: Christa. I mean, if Tillie pulls out a walker baby in this final installment, I'll be surprised... though we should keep in mind that Tillie herself had a baby not too long ago, so I don't know how willing she is to take that route, y'know? It's an exceptionally dark topic to begin with, but she's written about some other very serious and heavy topics so if she's willing, I'm willing to give it a go.
But listen... "The Gardener"?? Tell me more?? If they're the new antagonist, please be better than Miss Morro?? I beg of you??? The implications of someone, a "mentor," called The Gardener that offers her a new family, and a "new way of living"???? "but at what cost"???
Y'all, are they joining a cult? Please tell me they're joining a cult.
Clementine had that line about cults in Book One. Foreshadowing? Tillie, you genius.
I'm only partially joking. Book One was the perfect set up for a cannibalism plot twist and it just... didn't do that. Book Two could've done something way more interesting with Miss Morro, but just... didn't.
So maybe this time it really will just go for it.
My promise still stands though: If Amos comes back as a twist villain, the book gets an immediate 5/5 stars, no questions asked.
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narrators-journal · 6 months
Yandere prompt list
Fuck it, we ball. The rules for this are much like kinktober! But I WILL take x reader asks, and I'll also write my own scenarios for a few of these, as you've seen with the last two scenarios lol. Also, these aren't smutty, they're more horror leaning, and that is on purpose since like I've said, I wanna write some more creepy things, y'know?
An eye for an eye (Death of a loved one)
You were always mine (ex boyfriend)
Every breath you take (stalking)
sticks and stones may break my bones (Broken bones)
double trouble (multiple yandere)
The friendzone (platonic Yandere)
A romantic date (play pretend)
Dinner parties are so much fun (Cannibalism)
knock knock (breaking in)
Finders keepers (kidnapping)
We’re the same, you and I (Darling is a yandere too)
A monster for a keeper (monster!Yandere)
Smile for the picture (stalker photos)
Shrine maiden (Shrines)
water issues (anything to do with water
Caller unknown (creepy calls)
Everyone should know who you belong to (markings)
Wake up (drugging)
By any means necessary (Yandere dies)
Gold star for trying (attempted escape)
Love notes (creepy letters)
Gifts (finding gifts from the yandere)
Together forever (Darling dies)
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
hi I absolutely love your writing!!! may I request the upper moons walking in/hearing reader singing a love song that they're so sure is about them, along with their reactions?
not necessary to add, but it'd be funny if reader had that song playing in their head over and over due to how in love they are while in the middle of a meeting with muzan and him going "what the fuck, who is this for, you're pathetic"
thank you so much for your time!
My brain after reading this ask in bethesda game quest format: *skyrim quest initiation drums* Find a song that at least have love included that represents the Uppermoons.
I loved this concept, call me cringe or whatever but if you have never liked a musical song (movie songs included, don't you go on denial. If you liked disney the stfu) or appreciate a good Opera (the LUNGS these people have, try singing in a threater loud enough for everyone to hear you without a mic, I dare you), then you're missing something.
I'm very sorry for the wait, I hope you like this one too. Thank you for the request too, it's something different and I had fun with it.
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Uppermoons and GN reader confessing over a song (Musical AU with modern music and spotify/music youtube)
Songs used: [vid with lyrics + translation if needed]
Gyutaro - Your love is my drug (Kesha)
Gyokko - Prisoner (Jeffree Star)
Sekido - Dark red (Steve Lacy)
Karaku - Perro fiel (Shakira ft. Nicky Jam)
Urogi - Balada (Gusttavo Lima)
Aizetsu - Name of love (Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix)
Nakime - Boyfriend (Dove Cameron)
Akaza - Love story (Indila)
Douma - Shut up and listen (Nicholas Bonnin)
Kokushibou - Tsuki no curse (Reika Okina)
Warnings: My broken taste in music, sexual content mentioned (in song), sexual content implied, slight drug use mentioned (in song), Akaza sings in french and slight angst, yandere behavior (in song),
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"Maybe I need some rehab. Or maybe just need some sleep. I got a sick obsession. I'm seein' it in my dreams." Holy SHIT you listen Kesha? He listens Kesha too! His sister was the one to introduce him to the artist and, he admits, the songs are very catchy. "What you got, boy, is hard to find! I think about all the time.I'm all strung out, my heart is fried. I just can't get you off my mind" "Your love is my drug" is not really his favorite from her, "blah blah blah" and "cannibal" take that prize by far (no, it's not because it's fun to sing as if he was high, he doesn't sing... at all... no, Daki, he just said he would not-)
"Because your love, your love! Your love is my drug! Your love, your love, your love!" Fuck. He really didn't mean to, he just... did it. You look at him surprised, you didn't even know he was around. Still you laugh a bit with him as he keeps singing as he forces you into his shoulder and back like he does with Daki. "I said your love, your love, your love is my drug! Your love, your love, your love!" He moves slightly, careful not to drop you, he just looks so active and joyful.
You are addicted to this side of him to, this one it barely shows, that side of him that is actually fun to be with, chaotic and messy the same way he is intimate and caring. This is your guy. "But left to my own devices I'm addicted, it's a crisis. My friends think I've gone crazy." He interrupts again. "OH! I like this part! My judgment's getting kinda hazy. My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a lovesick crackhead." You let him keep singing, until it gets to a part that is important to you, in ehich you get off Gyutaro to cup his face in your hands, making eye contact.
"I don't care what people say. The rush is worth the price I pay. I get so high when you're with me. But crash and crave you when you leave." There, you got it, you see his eyes glow a little as he keeps looking at you, face blushing. He gets it. He always gets it, even when he doesn't want to. "Wow. Ne, just... wow. This song is perfect for you, y'know?" You chuckle a little at that. "How about you? Do you also feel like that?" He looks at the other side a bit embarrased before nodding. "I do, ne. The song is good. Really good." Maybe that is why you spend the rest of the night singing it, along with other songs from Kesha. It was lovely (Also, he nails it at blah blah blah), you wilk repite it again.
"I got no regrets. And I remember the day that we met. There was no way that I could forget you.So I followed you home. And I waited 'til you were alone." Ok, Gyokko doesn't even own a home, staying at the house of his victims for a week or so doesn't count, even if you have followed him to one or two of them. He was the one to invite you, the behaviors of this song is not yours. If it had to be someone's, it would be Gyokko's. "And I know this seems so wrong. But I'm just a lovesick criminal."
"Oh! I knew you had good taste, but this is amazing!" You never stfu faster than that, closing your mouth the second you heard Gyokko's voice. You turn around and he seems... cheerful. "You can arrest me, baby, I don't wanna leave. Lock me up, throw away the key. I don't care if I'm in trouble deep. I'm addicted to your love." He keeps singing it, moving with the beat. You knew the song was his taste, but you didn't expect this outcome. "I love that song. One of my favorites. And the fact that you love it too! It's magnificent!" Still, if he is aware of the main reason you like the song, he doesn't let it show.
"I'll be your prisoner. I'll be your prisoner tonight." You keep goin, not knowing if it's to pretend nothing happened or if you are just vibing with it, but you both keep going. "I, I, I, I'm under your spell. And I just can't get enough!" You don't talk about it until you finish the song, but... you will, you can sense it. But you can also see Gyokko smiling, enjoying the time with you. "I'm prepared for all the consequences." "Believe me, I have the worst intentions." "I'm prepared for all the consequences! Believe me, believe me!"
You will be fine.
Sekido is NOT going to apologize, he never even thought about it. Sure, he was rude to you and maybe crossed a line or two, but you made him angry first. You also crossed the line this time! He doesn't even remember what you said to each other, but he remember it was bad. Why would he apologize if he is wondering if he even should forgive you. "Something bad is 'bout to happen to me. I don't know it, but I feel it coming. Might be so sad, might leave my nose running. I just hope she don't wanna leave me." He stopped when he heard your voice.
Sekido was never the one to plead, he was never the one to even ask for things. He is by far the most prideful of the clones. But if you were actually to go, to leave- "Don't you give me up, please don't give up. Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby. Only you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you, babe. Only you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you." Wouldn't he beg like this, so pitiful and needy, because even if he doesn't want to admit it... he loves you. "Y/N."
He interrupts you, making you just realize he is there. "Is this... how you feel. Or am I reading this wrong?" He gets close slowly, but you can't really answer. You also don't want to be the one to apologize first, to admit you need him as much as he needs you without knowing what he is feeling. After some seconds of silence Sekido looks away and starts singing what you just sand, but more like a murmur, if the lips separated less then it would onlu be a hum. "Don't you give me up, please don't give up. Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby." It sounds sincere. It is.
None of you apologizes, you both just keep... singing and huming. Just staying together, not wanting to leave. At all.
"C'mon, what were you humming, hot-stuff? I heard you just now. I promise not to laugh even if it's a lame virging song." He is teasing you. Of course he is, but he won't leave you alone until you obey. "How about you sing it? Since the song is clearly stuck in your head." How did he actually convince you? Only Karaku knows, but in the end you do as he says. Maybe you wanted this, to take it out of your chest. He has no way you actually think about him everytime you hum this song. Is like conffesing without actually doing so. "Aquí estás. Ya no puedes detenerte. ¿Dónde vas? Si estoy loco por tenerte." He seems to recognize the song, raising an eyebrow while smirking. "¿Cómo lo iba a saber? Que te vería otra vez. Tú me confundes no sé qué hacer...." You stop.
This is embarrasing, you better leav- "Yo lo que quiero es pasarla bien. Yo tengo miedo de que me guste, y me haga enloquecer. Si eso pasa yo seguiré. Contigo aquí como un perro fiel." Oh.... oh. He likes the song, and you don't know why, but that alone raises your confidence. Specially when he grabs your hand to make you spin around, as if dancing, laughing cheerfuly and loudly when you follow the lead. "Yo tengo miedo de que me guste, y me haga enloquecer." "Like that! Keep it up." You do, sometimes he moves as if to dance, mostly keeping himself roamimg around you, interrupting to sing himself or cheer up at times.
"Dicen que tú eres peligrosa. No le hago caso a esas cosas. Dime qué está pasando. Me tienes como un loco, soy un loco enamorado, eh." "Crazy man in love", that parts come from your heart, because you are in love. He puts one hand behind your head and the other in your waist before going the next part. "Quiero saber cuánto me vas a insistir. Y hasta dónde llegarías por mí. Siento mucho la espera. Pero valdrá la pena cuando te esté besando." "When I kiss you", and he just finishes the verse by doing so. And damn if it isn't worth every damn second of yearning. He speaks again after pulling apart, only inches away from your face. "Best love confession ever, hot-stuff. Very nice to use a "romantic" language. Keep coming for me and I'll keep you as mine, got it?"
What else were you meant to do but nod? Damn, you don't have to be a genius to know where the night is going. And you are going to like it.
For context... You were singing, only to stop when Urogi appeared from the sky. Now he has been following you "C'mon, sing again. PLISS? I like that song, I promise. I just want to hear you sing it." It took less than an hour of whining and puppy-eyes to convince you.
"Eu já lavei o meu carro, regulei o som. Já 'tá tudo preparado, vem que o brega é bom. Menina fica a vontade, entre e faça a festa. Me liga mais tarde, vou adorar, vamos nessa" And Urogi interrupts, to your surprise, singing the next part as he flies around you, grabbing your hands in his, exagerating movements as if dancing. "Gata, me liga, mais tarde tem balada! Quero curtir com você na madrugada! Dançar, pular até o Sol raiar! C'MON, IT'S YOUR TURN Y/N!" You follow the song and repear that same fragment before Urogi steals the next part again.
"O tchê tcherere tchê tchê! Tcherere tchê tchê! Tchê, tchê, tchê!" The song barely says anything at all. It's barely has content, but... it fits Urogi. It's more a thing of vibe than of actual words. "Se você me olhar vou querer te pegar. E depois namorar, curtição. Que hoje vai rolar." Really, it's simple, the song could be sintesized in a "let's party and if I catch your eye let's stay together the whole night", but it's cheerful, full of joy, very light... very Urogi. Maybe that is why you like it.
You are unsure if Urogi gets what you are really feeling, but he gets completely the song. And he does want to stay with you and have fun the whole night. It's a win. You will be able to explain things to him later, but for now. "Gusttavo Lima!"
"If I told you this was only gonna hurt. If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn. Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first? Do it all in the name of love?" Just after you finish that part you feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn around to see Aizetsu. You blush at the realization he found you singing, though he is blushing too. "Would you mind if I sing with you?" He doesn't explain himself futher as he asks shyly, you can only nod as he takes a breath to continue the song.
"Would you let me lead you even when you're blind? In the darkness, in the middle of the night. In the silence, when there's no one by your side." He looks at you as if waiting you to join, smiling softly as he offers his hand. "Would you call in the name of love?" You take it. "In the name of love, name of love. In the name of love, name of love. In the name of." You basically also hum together the instrumental, in a softer version. You spare glances on each other, deep and adoring.
"When there's madness, when there's poison in your head." It's almost as if you were actually talking. "When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed." You sure get that Aizetsu means it. Every word of it, that is why he wanted to sing with you. "I will hold you in the depths of your despair." "And it's all in the name of love" And so. "I wanna testify." "Scream in the holy light." "You bring me back to life." And it's all in the name of love. That you look at each other, hold your hands, talk. Because you do talk once you both finish.
"I love you a lot. Do you.. it would make me sad if you were not singing for me like I was singing for you.... but I would unders-" you must interrupt him "I was singing for you too." He smiles softly at you. "Can.... can I kiss you? Please?" No, because you kiss him first. What a lovely song, lovely night, and lovely romance.
"I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit." Not the type of melody Nakime is used to, the opposite, but it's a nice song. "Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman." You sing with the most care, because you know she is watching, she is hearing, even if you can't see her. This is her castle, after all.
You know what you are doing, the message that you are giving. Nakime loves music, what better way to confess than with a song. And this is a song which just... vibes with her. You have no idea if she has ever heard it before, but it seems it doesn't matter. "I don't need to tell you twice. All the ways he can't suffice. If I could give you some advice. I would leave with me tonight." It doesn't, because she is talented in her art. So she plays the biwa, making a beat for you to follow. "The universe must have divined this, mmm, mmm. Ladies first, baby, I insist."
"I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit. Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman." She sings this part with you, using the biwa to also change the settings. It gets a bit dizzy, but you love the display. She is very proud of her power. "Plus all my clothes would fit." She sings that part alone once you are both in the same room.
You look at her, she smiles at you. Seeing you are not going to sing anymore, she speaks. "I liked your song. Let's do this again some time. It's a date." She says, just before leaving you in your home. A date... you are proud of yourself, that's it. The lesbian power of the song did it trick, like you knew it would. You. Won.
Akaza doesn't know why he hasn't shown himself, he just... got lost in the song. It's one he knows, the melody,, the lyrics, the meaning... "Il n'est pas fou. Il l'aime c'est tout. Il la voit partout. Il l'attend debout. Debout une rose à la main. Non, non plus rien ne le retient." It's a lovely song, he can't think other way to describe it that is not deppressing, to be honest, and he doesn't want to think this song as sad, even if his chest aches a bit with it. "Dans sa love story!" "It's a love story", as said before, he knows the lyrics, he knows the meaning, and Akaza likes it. You keep singing for a while before even realizing he is there, but one second you open your eyes and turn around, facing the golden eyes.
"Em... how long have you been standing there?" You ask embarrased, blushing as Akaza also has some red in his cheeks. He doesn't answer your question, just takes some steps forward to grab gently yet firm, somehow desesperate, your hands into his. "Can you please keep singing? Please?" He asks twice, looking away as he whispers the secon pleading. You decide to just keep singing. "Je serai riche. Et je t'offrirai tout mon or. Et si tu t'en fiches. Je t'attendrai sur le port. Et si tu m'ignores...." "And if you ignore me...."
You know, you have seen, that Akaza is mourning, yearning, or something. You don't know, he himself doesn't know, but that nostalgia and melancholy.... sometimes you feel it takes him away from you. That is why you didn't want him to listen you sing about him, to confess. Because you are unsure id he will "Je t'offrirai mon dernier souffle de vie." "Give you the las breath of my life" and yet he keeps singing for you without letting your hands go. "Dans ma love story!"
"Et il y a toi..." Akaza waits for you to continue, tender and adoring eyes, "Et il y a moi." Yes! There is you. There is! And you are hopeful Akaza is there, is here, too."Et personne n'y croit. Mais l'amour fait d'un fou un roi. Et si tu m'ignores.... J'me battrai encore et encore!" "C'est ta love story!" You take that as a confession, and it shows in your blushed face and adoring eyes, he seems to agree in it. "C'est ta love story!" And of course, you join. "C'est l'histoire d'une vie! Love story!" You just look at each other, not bothering with the world, and giving in to tentation. You both kiss.
(And actually have to talk things through AFTER, you know? This is not a musical, as romantic as it was.)
"Shut up and listen. Look at my eyes, don't tell me lies. I need you to tell me truth." You started singing on your own, but Douma got in the room, looking curious. He doesn't move besides closing the door besides him, doesn't speak, just... stands ghere, watching you. But part of you feels like he is urging for more. It's hard to tell, because he always urging for more of everything. "You gotta be clear, tell me the details. I gotta know as much as it hurts. I need you to tell me the truth." More violence, food, attention, power, sensations, pain... it's unclear most of the times. It becomes really hard to tell if he actually likes you.
"Bet you like it when I show up in a gown. Let my body work it out, slow your grind. Don't tell me to stop it, just let me on top and. Baby, you want it, yeah." He sings after you repeat the same part, maybe he hust wanted to do that. If it's because he wants to share the song with you or if he is just messing around... Douma himself probably isn't 100% sure. "When you tie me, do it slow, forget the time. Move position, take me south, ease your mind. Don't tell me to stop it, just let me on top and. Baby, you want it, yeah." He goes to grab you, to press his body against you. He understands the lyrics, not being able to recognize emotions doesn't make him stupid or inmune to sex. This is probably how the night will end.
Maybe it's better that way. "Slow it down if you need to, oh. Show me how just to please you. Ooh, work it out in the sheets. Do me and see through, I want to you feel you." Staying safe, showing intimacy in a way Douma can actually understand it, instead of leaving him guessing and wondering how he should feel. How a normal human, even a normal demon, would feel. You wish these things could be explainede with words in a language Douma fully knows. But the language is not the problem, nor is Douma or you.
You spend the night together, limbs tangling both bodies. Douma is content, satified, you too. Even if you feel like there a lot more things to say, but there is hardly a moment or a way to do so....
"Tsuki no kaasu tsumetai yume no naka de....." If you ask Kokushibou, music that is not in japanese is not real music. He is stuck in his own ass, always too focused on tradition and hierarchy and how japan is the "raising sun" blah blah blah. Sometimes he gets very annoying like that, to the point loving him does feel like a curse. "Kotoba no nai sekai de. Bokura wa ai wo kataru. Itsuka kimi ni todoku made..." wait a sec- Kokushibou is behind you, isn't he? You turn around and yep, he is. "Kokushibou-san...."
He keeps quiet for a while, like always, until he finally thinks he has something worth saying. "I like that song. Can you keep singing for me?" You really wanted to say no, but you also wanted to sing for him. After all, this song is recorded in your mind just for him. "Tsuki no kaasu. Tsumetai yume no naka kara. Kimi wo tooku tsuresaritakute. Dokomade yukeru. Ai wo shinjite ii basho made." Maybe another person, demon or human, would have joined and singed with you. Kokushibou did not.
"Dokomade yukeru. Ai wo shinjite ii basho made. Yoru no mukou futari dake de." Ypu finished the song for him, barely getting any reaction. This song is really perfect for you both. "Thank you for singing for me." He barely understands, it's not a surprise for you to have to actually explain it. "I did it because that is how I feel about you." Silence again, you are more than used to it. Kokushibou is not a person of intimacy, of sharing feelings, he clearly doesn't know how to answer back, and part of you feels guilty for putting him in the situation of having to. "I see."
He leaves after that, and you know he will evade you for at least a week or two from know own. If you are lucky he will want to talk about it after that and tell you he feels the same. But until then... it's a "Moon's curse in this icy dream."
Muzan: And then Nakime is going to su-
*Song from above starts playing in the background*
Muzan: Excu- *looking around* ..... Who is playing....?
Akaza: Is something wrong, Muzan-sama?
Muzan: Am I the only one hearing this?
Gyutaro: ..... I don't hear anything.
Nakime: Sorry.
Kokushibou: Hmn?
. . .
Y/N humming with the song on their head: Mhmnhmnhmn mhn hmn hmn mhn.
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