#They're both awful
lestappenforever · 2 months
Pro-Kelly and/or pro-Jos?
Get out of my ask box. You're on the wrong blog.
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wildfang-art · 2 months
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A couple of WIPs I am working on - I have even more than these ... I am so scatter-brained and often frustrated with my artwork that I never end up finishing them, so I thought I should maybe at least share a few WIPs :") Hoping I *can* finish them sometime. Alas! Romencken my beloved, my beloved Romencken ... I have many strong feelings for these two, and it's lovely to be very into something again. I'm also thankful for everyone who write fanfiction for these two because those fuel my passion even further! <3<3<3
(How typical is it for me to fall for the Toxic Yaoi couple? Very. Do I have any regrets? Nah.)
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dcviated · 8 months
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At least it isn't as stacked as the reverse.
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bingo!!! :: eira
Oh my, that was the sound of a marker being opened, wasn't it? Sure enough Eira has the paper in her hand and is poring over it not unlike a teacher. The tip of carmine red hovers over each entry, judging its veracity.
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"You are not humble." Another scratch. "Neither would I consider you princely." Yet another strike begins but her expression is faltering. "Generous is pushing it... Tch, fine. Take that one." There's a lot of things marked here she can't exactly argue. And... have some merit to them in how they make her feel.
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"What? Are you after a prize for scoring three points?"
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ahbutimavillain · 10 months
footsie :^)
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The move startles him at first and he glances around to be sure no one has noticed. Then his gaze settles on her own across from him and one quick look is enough to know it had certainly been no accident. Her expression appears inviting yet challenging, which is, in and of itself, inviting. This he meets with an inviting grin of his own. Whatever she wants, he's a wiling participant.
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pinacoladamatata · 8 months
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I realize now I've never really had anyone. not really. nothing that compares to you.
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finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #27
When Dick's parent's fell, his first thought was, "This can't be happening." His second thought was, "What's going to happen to me and my brother now?"
The answer? His brother was older than him, much older. Old enough that he could stay with the circus. But Dick? Dick couldn't stay with Danny. He was too young.
So Bruce Wayne took him in, offered to take Danny in too. Dick begged his brother to join him, but Danny didn't. He smiled at Dick, ruffled his hair, and told him he'd be waiting at the circus for when Dick returned. Promised to send postcards and letters.
Then he was gone. And Dick never returned to the circus.
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junipum · 8 months
s5e16 house takes methadone, it cures his pain completely, and when cuddy says he can’t take it at her hospital, he basically quits without a second thought. he's fully choosing a painless life over one that he's comfortable with and knows inside out, despite the recurring issue with him and change, be it positive or negative. whether this is destructive behavior, or if it's truly what he's willing to give up is your interpretation, but either way, he's choosing being pain free over anything else in his life, as he's done time and time again.
he will literally try ANYTHING to feel physically okay because he's so accustomed to living in constant agony. he's done extremely dangerous things to stop, delay, or even mildly treat it (experimental drugs, faking cancer for meds, life threatening treatments, etc). in the scene on the coma bus with amber, though its a hallucination, he has to rely on his own guilt/subconscious to pull him away from the choice of life or death. he's more than tempted to give up and accept death right then and there, because it "doesn't hurt here," and because he believes wilson will hate him if he comes out of it alive.
and THEN, you have the C word. when he willingly gives up the last of his vicodin to help wilson feel better. because as much pain as he himself is in, he doesn't want wilson to ever experience anything similar, and if he can even help just a little bit, it will be worth it. he couldn't give up pain relief for anybody in his life except for wilson. cuddy and stacy, two women i do believe he loved, were not enough for him to give that up. not his job, not his intellect, and not his pain relief. but for wilson? barely a second of hesitation. he can throw away his vicodin, his physical health, and entire being away if it means he can be with wilson, in any capacity and as unhinged as they are.
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gremnda · 9 months
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Girlfail boyfriends
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cheebuss · 9 months
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TF2 but Warrior Cat.... also just Miss Pauling and Sniper (for now) bc i'm lazy
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 months
ppl askin who quid cookie taken by <-<
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The world may never know~
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fis-paprikas · 3 months
vane as flint's antithesis. vane as the one who's upfront and honest and clear about his goals. the one who truly and genuinely believes that freedom means something. the one who consistantly and vehemently refuses to be ashamed of what he is.
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nibbelraz · 1 year
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They're dating
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arohuacheng · 7 months
imagining the story from pei ming's perspective is rlly funny i think. this god from all that time ago ascends again (you were there for the first two times) and immediately waltzes into a situation that fucks something up for your descendant (putting both of your reputations on the line, messing up how hard your descendant worked to become a god and how hard you worked to ensure that he would have that chance) and then refuses to let you smooth the situation out and on TOP of that your friend's little sister (who hates you and who you are trying to look out for by request of your friend) is on your case about it too. so you've gotta work all that out and then like. you chill for a little bit (still kind of upset about your descendant) until your friend undergoes a heavenly calamity. and then in the space of like A Day the god from earlier shows up again with a fucking ghost king, your friend dies, the little sister you're supposed to be looking out for disappears, and everything just kinda goes to shit. so you're like. grieving. trying to process everything. until your OTHER close friend goes off the fucking rails with the spirit of that guy she murdered, and then you get called out to the spooky ghost mountain where you're confronted with the girl whose death YOU were essentially responsible for and have never really come to terms with, and then like. you just kind of hang out with these gay people until everything resolves itself. fight some ghosts. fight the heavenly emperor. get your friend to stop being evil for a little while so she can fix the filing systems. and then you just have to keep being the god of love i guess
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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amaya's first night bartending at maria and jess's bar went as well as he could have hoped. they showed off their skills, performed a few bar tricks, and even caught the eye of a local named cassie.
neither of them were feeling each other's personalities, but you don't need personality to kiss each other senseless in a dingy bar bathroom.
cassie by @deehya :3c
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canisalbus · 6 months
my headcanon is that machete would be a great motorsports driver, specifically stock cars not f1. But modern au machete can't drive.
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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The way Akutagawa NEEDS to show off IN FRONT OF ATSUSHI. It's not just to prove a point to Dazai. He really has the urge to prove Atsushi he's the superior one.
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