#They've really improved on drawing the long hair
foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Hey! If you don't mind sharing, I'd be interested to hear more about your chronic illness diagnosis journey (I also get that it can be a private thing!).
I've been struggling for the last 5 or so years with chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle pain and brain fog, and my doctors have checked a bunch of different things. EBV, thyroid, vitamin D, "are you sure you're not just depressed" and they've now gone for ME/CFS. A part of that just doesn't feel right to me because I feel like they should have done more tests or walked me through alternatives before settling! Especially because it fluctuates so much. Sometimes I can't leave the house, sometimes I have to borrow a wheelchair if I'm in a shop, sometimes I can walk 5000 steps??
Love and support for you and your gluten free adventure - potatoes, rice and polenta tend to be pretty good for me when I want something bready! (Doesn't quite hit the spot as well as buttered toast does though...)
My decline was really painfully gradual. I didn’t realize why things were getting so much harder. It manifested first with friction between my beloved because they were frustrated I was always too tired to run little errands myself. I went to the doctor and talked about my fatigue but was assured I was fine. I went on Chinese herbs and they buoyed up my reserves so I could keep functioning.
That went on for months, just getting more and more tired. I’d wake up sobbing because I wasn’t any more rested than I’d gone to bed. I went to a new doctor at that point. I got diagnosed with anemia until my blood work came back normal and then I was told I was fine.
Then I started fainting. My hair was falling out. I went to a different doctor. She ran my blood. I got told I was fine, but that maybe I had a food allergy. She slapped me with a full elimination diet that broke my spirit. I did feel some minor improvement but I wasn’t healthy by any means.
Finally, my good friend who is a doctor said that’s enough. She was in a different state but she was furious that I wasn’t getting any help. She ran my blood on a bunch of different ailment tests that were less well known. She tested for antibodies to EBV. If you have over 20 they consider you to have an active infection.
I had over 700 which is when they stop bothering to count.
I was so chock full of virus I was pound for pound virus by that point.
Then came the hard part. Knowing you’re bursting at the seams with a virus doesn’t make it easy to treat. The virus was living in me, in my cells. Too much of the medication and my body would start siccing it’s defenses against its own tissue.
I went on a bonanza of supplements. There was syrups to boost energy, pills to increase my immune system, antivirals, iron and vitamin D because those were kinda low. It was a three times a day regime of medicines.
My initial dose of antiviral was too high. I experienced a pain unlike what any mortal should bear as a result, dropping to the ground to writhe in agony when it hit. My dosage got lowered and my progress crept along.
I started school sometime in there and barely kept my head afloat above coursework. My stress load from school correlated to how much energy I had and I longed to finish my degree and just prioritize feeling better.
Then things got worse. My original doctor friend let her prescription rights for my state lapse, it didn’t make financial sense to keep them. A different friend from yet another state wrote my antivirals for a while but eventually I needed a new doctor.
I found another, this time a naturopathic doctor like my friends, hoping I’d keep receiving good care in that scope of practice. I didn’t. I had the most painful blood draw of my life in her office, writhing in agony, then didn’t hear back from her. I got ghosted by my doctor. When I pestered her for results she wrote me a script for antivirals but that was all.
I’d find out about eight months later when my health was declining and my friends demanded to see my blood work that my iron had been dangerously low but she hadn’t bothered to tell me. I got on iron supplements and staggered along.
Through precision time management I could budget my functional time into schoolwork then collapse to recuperate. It was working, but barely.
When my scrip on antivirals ran out I hunted once again for a doctor. This time I’d realized that any good care I’d gotten was when I’d made a personal connection with the doctor, a rare privilege not many people got. So I sought out a friend of a friend, someone I’d seen on occasion in the doctory social circle.
I have never been more happy with a doctor. She tested my viral numbers and pronounced herself satisfied that it was in check but was suspicious that although my thyroid numbers always looked normal that something was going on there. She ran more tests and lo. A thyroid imbalance.
Around that time I’d sunk into needing the chair. I stopped functioning, it was almost as bad as my first collapse. And yet again the fun part of getting my thyroid in balance was a delicate balance of making sure I wasn’t taking too much and hurting myself.
That balancing act took about a year to stabilize. I was still so weak from years of fatigue and inactivity. An able bodied person cannot imagine how hard it is to build up from ground zero on all your muscles. And the worst part was any time I felt tired I was terrified I was going to slip back down into the depths of exhaustion.
Then my beloved and I got Wyvern the puppy. And before we realized we had both somehow developed allergies to dogs and had to break our hearts giving him up, he saved me the last time.
Potty training meant I had to get up every two hours to take him out. I didn’t have to walk far but I had to do it consistently. Every single day I’d go to bed aching in every muscle, terrified to wake up. But every day I woke up with energy and was able to do it again.
It was like puppy boot camp, and I was able to go longer and farther every walk. By the time we realized we couldn’t keep him I was mobile again, I hadn’t needed my chair at all. When we said goodbye to him I promised I wouldn’t lose the progress he helped me make.
Now I finally, for the first time in six years, feel healthy again. I can go on long walks, I can run little errands for my beloved, I can fill my days with activity and wake up to do it again the next day. It’s the most amazing thing.
I hope you can stumble upon a doctor who can listen to you and help you. I know how hard things can get, but sometimes they can get better.
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sneakyfordethklok · 8 months
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Murderface Headcanons
Appearance, backstory, and other related hcs for my favorite stinky scrimblo.
He's 5'11", surprisingly tall. He's about a quarter of an inch short of 6 feet. Though, honestly he would look taller if he wasn't around Skwisgaar and Nathan all the time.
He's quite heavy, over 200 lbs. However, despite his physique, there's an surprising strength to him, especially in his arms. He worked outside for most of his life before joining Dethklok, and he retains some of that muscle to this day. However, he lacks the stamina and determination to ever really defend himself, and can't fight worth a damn.
He's around 28 years old.
He deals with eczema, specifically atopic dermatitis. He is unfortunately very bad about genuinely taking care of it, even though he has creams for it. He's just very stubborn.
How I draw his hair is more closely inspired by Geezer Butler, the bassist of Black Sabbath, whom Murderface is based off of. Dense dark brown curls, but Murderface as usual takes poor care of himself. His hair is dry, his scalp oily and rife with dandruff, and he rarely brushes it. As a result, its quite matted and frizzy, with lots of dead ends and uncontrolled curls.
Speaking of taking poor care of himself... He's a bit stinky.
Seriously. He doesn't shower enough. And rarely wears cologne or deodorant. Though, rather than necessarily being a gross slob, it comes from him never being taught to look after himself as a child. He was quite neglected, and so he never even was taught how to properly wash his hair or himself.
He grew up in the deep south, but his parents were living in Jersey before their demise. His grandparents' house is a simple one-story property, with white siding and a green roof. The windows were always covered with thick blinds, and the porch had a ramp up the three steps for Stella and Thunderbolt. An ancient porch swing that didn't exactly look safe anymore sat on their porch for as long as he could remember.
Stella and Thunderbolt Murderface were terrible hoarders. Really, the whole house was a maze of trash and rot. The second you stepped inside, you could smell the piss and shit from Stella's yappy little dogs that William always despised. How much of a fire hazard and generally unsafe environment it was influenced his interest in fire safety as an adult.
His grandparents abused and neglected him frequently. Murderface was never given affection, positive reinforcement, encouragement of any kind really, and not an ounce of acceptance or interest in who he was. It was always expected that he do whatever they say without question.. else his grandfather would get The Belt.
Murderface lived in the basement of the home, which was surprisingly one of the least cluttered parts of the house. He had his own bathroom and living area down there, on top of his room, and he spent most of his youth in that cellar. He picked up his first guitar, acoustic, at age 13, and bought a bass at 15. He's been playing ever since.
His internalized homophobia was heavily fueled by his abusive upbringing, and generally unaccepting environment. Murderface knew there was something different about him, but he always overcompensated for his bisexuality by fixating on perving on women. His childhood room's walls and ceilings were plastered with cut outs from nudie mags and the Victoria Secret and Sear's catalogues by the time he was 15.
He was a chronic bedwetter until he was almost 10 years old, and the ridicule and beatings as punishment didn't exactly help him improve. Part of his fixation on urinating in inappropriate places may be fueled by this trauma.. not to mention the cause of the bedwetting itself stemmed from the abuse he suffered at their hands to begin with.
He joined Dethklok a few months after he turned 18, and was almost 19 when Toki joined af 16. They've been close friends since Toki joined, being the two youngest members of the band. Despite their arguing, it's a beneficial relationship.
Personally, I like to think the band is in a big polycule, but Murderface and Toki (Warface) is one of my main pairings.
His main kinks are BDSM, degradation, humiliation, impact-play, pet-play, bondage, edging, masochism, and body worship.
He can get overly excited from the smallest things. Just a gentle touch on his arm, looking at him a certain way— it all gets him going. He's big on physical touch, though he would never admit it, and not only desires affection but gives it constantly. He caresses, touches, and kisses at any chance given. In general, he's very needy. Especially during sex, he wants all of your attention and affection and gets very upset when he's denied.
Mostly the submissive type, but he can get in a mood sometimes where he just needs to fuck. And he can be very aggressive about it. Because he's likely much bigger than most partners he'd have, he can overpower easily and be pretty rough if he's in the mood for it. Spanking, choking, hitting, biting, etc are all on the table with him.
When he's in a subby mood (which is usually), he's a total brat until he's pushed to the edge. Defiant, snarky, and mouthy. He'll disobey orders, talk back, and generally be a disobedient slut. That is, until he's edged, teased, and overstimulated enough. He'll go from complaining to begging pretty damn quickly.
When it comes to his downstairs... William is excessively hairy everywhere, but especially in his pubic area. There's a thick nest of hair above the base of his dick, so dark brown its almost black. He's about 6 or so inches in length, but he has a pretty.. well, girthy one for lack of a better word. It has to be big enough to play bass with, after all.
Yea. He has calluses. On his cock. Its Murderface idk what you expected.
He won't admit it, but he loves being on bottom with male partners.
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lollytea · 9 months
(About the Dana post)
Like he's holding a clipboard! I'm willing to bet Willow just slid under him with some encouraging chant to hype up the team, and Hunter just went "ah yes spot for me"
What if I explode
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YEAHHHHH!!! Talking about this sketch and the implications makes me very unwell. Also the little gesture of happily resting his chin in her palm is just like something a sweet doggy would do before looking up at you with confused yet earnest eyes and then wagging his tail hopefully. He's so doggy like to me. Do you know what I mean? You know what I mean <333
Agsbdjnk the clipboard. A silly little sketch but with visual storytelling. It's absolutely tryouts or something similar. I imagine that Willow is the only EE player that is dedicated to playing longterm while the others have a lot of fun during their time on the team but eventually move on to other ventures after a year or two. Once Boscha improves her behaviour after FTF, I could see Skara wanting to return to playing grudgby. She seemed to really love it. So Willow and Hunter are on the ball near immediately to find a replacement. And with the Flyer Derby renaissance Willow has lowkey started at Hexside, there's a way bigger turn out than the last time she needed recruits.
Judging by Hunter's level of relaxed contentment and Willow not giving it much notice, a good chunk of time has passed since the events of W&D. They're very attuned to each other, having probably been joined at the hip for a while now.
(We're gonna ignore the fact that Hunter doesn't have his post TTT scars. Presumably Dana just forgot agsbdjk.)
Definitely post grom I imagine. If you compare Hunter's body language in both pics
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In the left pic, I don't think he's unwilling to be touched. He's definitely excited about wherever the FUCK this is going. But he looks stiff and his smile is twitchy, clearly nervous. Which implies that he's not that used to Willow being so touchy with him and he's a little out of his depth. My headcanon is that grom was when they officially got together, after months of situationship shenanigans. With that little idea in mind, this is just the beginning of their relationship.
When it comes to the pic on the right, I imagine it's also quite early in the dating stage. Early enough that they've only just broached the exciting world of more intimately affectionate touches. Which Hunter has evidently not built up an immunity to yet. Still melts every time.
Yeah that is definitely a boy who has only been in a relationship long enough to discover that he loves the feeling of his face being held, but also a boy who's so comfortable in his relationship that he's not shy about seeking out affection when he wants it. Even in public.
So he's still swoony but not shy about it anymore. So I'd say a few weeks-a month or two into dating.
(Also the haircuts align with this little timeline I've made up in my head. Willow has cut her hair short for grom, while it's in the season 2 short stubby braids during tryouts. So it HAS grown out but only a little. Meanwhile Hunter's hair has grown out a bit during grom, but looks recently trimmed during tryouts. There's no real significance to this. I watched a Dana livestream once where she said she'd rather just draw short hair Hunter because the long hair noodle is annoying to draw. But asgbknk! I like to make up implications where there are none. Anyway my hc is that Willow and Hunter do not just decide on a signature hair length and keep it forever. They spend the next three years bouncing back and forth between long and short styles.)
ANYWAY Willow is absolutely hyping Hunter the fuck up as the Golden Star of her team!! The best and the brightest!! Her pride and joy as a Captain. The purpose is to get the candidates all excited to do their best to get a spot on this epic team so they can play alongside him, but Hunter misinterprets Willow's praise as sweet talk and smiles and blushes appropriately.
Agsbdjnk it's so funny. He totally understood that the goal was to get their potential players PUMPED and he was excellently playing along with riling them up. But that glowing review of his character distracted him and now he thinks they're flirting. So the super cool badass disposition he had adapted for the newbies was promptly thrown out the window because hehehehe my girlfriend is so nice to me 🥰 Bro has forgotten where he is. Head empty.
So when Willow juts out a hand to aggressively present ✨️Him✨️ to the audience, Hunter's already gooey brain just says put chin in hand because sweet girl soft girl my girl.
Willow is a little thrown off but when she feels the weight of his face but just rolls with it and keeps going. She even gives him an affectionate little caress. I think she recognizes that he's misunderstood the tone a bit and has decided to not tell him. He usually gets very embarrassed when its pointed out that he's made a social error and she doesn't wanna do that to him. It's harmless and its cute, who cares? He's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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k3llyb3an · 26 days
Please tell me about Sir Pentious (your special snake man)!! OwO
2, 7, 12, and 24!!!
I let this sit for so long I forgot what numbers these questions pertained to and had to go digging through my nightmare of an untagged hellscape blog to find them again -- ALRIGHT LETS GO!!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
My favorite canon thing about Sir Pentious is that by being in hell it's clear that however he lived his life, he wasn't a good person. But even though he's not a good person he's not a bad enough person to really succeed in any meaningful way when it comes to being in hell either.
There's a scene where the Vees -- who are all very successful at being their worst selves -- discuss putting a mole in the Hazbin Hotel and in prior scenes you can see the kind of lesser sinners who are all employed by them but still offer some sort of value to them. And then they discuss needing a sinner who's even more pathetic, more desperate and worth less than every down on their luck sinner they've already employed. Yet memorable enough in these qualities to immediately seek them out -- which ends up being Sir Pentious.
There's something very interesting to me about someone who wasn't a good enough person to end up topside but even when they try as hard as they can to indulge in their worst qualities they're not terrible enough to make any kind of impact in a place where terrible people thrive. It's a fun dichotomy to play with.
Charlie forgave him for betraying her trust in him and she was kind to him when he was at his lowest and there's something so endearing about him internalizing that second chance and that kindness and wanting to return it to her a thousand fold. He wanted to be a better person because she knew he could be a better person even if he wasn't able to see that himself in a place where you're encouraged to indulge every vice and flaw you have.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Something the fandom does when it comes to Sir Pentious that I like is they all draw his human form with this black luxurious long hair and I'm so into it. It's anachronistic for his time period sure but I love designs that play around with physical and societal expectations of gender. If he doesn't have it in his human form canonly I'm going to be despondent. Also he needs some grey in there.
Also since he died when he was 40-something towards the end of the Victorian era everyone draws him with eyebags and sickly with visible cheekbones and it's so much more fun than seeing hot young tumblr twink #13245241.
And some of the fandom pretty much decided he's bottom heavy and a little overweight which I adore because I'm constantly craving some body type diversity -- and Hazbin Hotel is a canon that desperately needs it.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
A headcanon that I have for this character is that he was dumped in the room with the other seraphim because he shook up the order of things so much through his redemption that he is a seraphim now. His new form in heaven has a few attributes that both Emily and Sera have also seem to have?
Also Lucifer (who in this canon is supposed to be a fallen seraphim angel i think) and Sir Pentious have many qualities in common so they would be an interesting foil to one another as the seraphim who fell to hell with sinners and the sinner who rose to heaven as a seraphim.
And he kept his snake form when he ascended, is heavily associated with fire, and his most impressive invention is his zeppelin he used to fly around hell in which could all have been a nod to one of the meanings of seraphim being 'fiery flying serpent.'
If he's not that's fine too because I think being able to improve yourself as a person and letting love into your heart is peak but I think it would be a neat little perk for the first redeemed sinner in all perpetuity. Also it'd cause nothing but problems for heaven which I'd love.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Another character from another fandom that reminds you of them is… mmm. He's a little bit of feliks (silly and inventive) and a little bit of roderich (soft and quick to anger) and a little bit of francis (pathetic and romantic) if you ask me.
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galewindstudios · 3 months
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3 Idiots and a Cadillac (and 2 Visitors)
Official Fullbody Refs + Height Chart Completed!! :D
[Design Blabbing Below; Beware, it gets long haha]
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Amp, 38 Years Old, 6'8 (203.20cm)
I finally got the stylisation of his face down! I feel his old ref was sort of a weird outlier style-wise. Changed his upper piercings from industrials to just rectangular ones. Either works but the only other oc in this world with silver piercings is Tiff. Theirs are rectangles and I really wanted to make everyone feel like they all fit in the same world, per se. I'll still probably draw him with indstrials occasionally though :) I may or may not have... tailored his jeans a little. Phff nah, couldn't be me. 👁️👁️ Hopefully his sass has stayed relatively the same haha. I also finally draew the tuft of hair under his chest hair and made his nails/belt/lipstick/eyebags the same colour!
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Geoff, 34 Years Old, 6'4 (193.04cm)
Geoff!! I think my fat anatomy really improved. I thickened up his legs and ankles some. Also I made his skin a smidge darker because I forgot my sun-deprived skin colour was not a good representation of a mixed-skin tone. His hair is less of a gradient now and more texture-d from one colour to the other. Also finally making the red rims of his eyes official. Also!! Also!! I snazzed out his cargo shorts! More pockets!! And a weird...lanyard...suspender thingy & black earrings as an homage to Geoff's 80's punk-ass(grunge? I... I am regrettably out of touch with fashion.). His left arm is also badly burned due to his habit of letting it rest on the open window in the sun when he drives around. Too bad it's also the arm JWD loves hugging. Lastly, I made his nails this dark colour with a pink shine to it! Just really adding a lot of pink lol
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Jackwagon Daniels, 5'7 (170.18cm)
It's corpse man! I definitely leaned into his dead...ness more. I made him more skinny, like his skin is pulling at his muscles and bones, and added some wrinkles too! Also added some drippy-corpse-liquefying details like on his foot. And I made his tan more like a sight burn (owuch). His hair is slowly gets bigger with every redesign... and I'm here for it lmao. Also! Detail! I added! JWD's fingernails, at the base, are blue/purplish! It's due to his death and I did battle wanting to make his lips-area blue too... but ultimately decided his smile is super big so it would only add unneeded noise. His jeans are more worn at the knees from his car repairing gigs back in Louisiana. And lastly, and it's strange I've written so much for him when hardly anything was changed lol, his eye dots! They're now sort of green-ish at the bottoms!
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Tiffany, 29 Years Old, 5'6 (167.64cm)
Them!!! I had a lot of fun adding more accessories/colours! I added nail polish that reflects their treasured umbrella on both their fingers and toes. Also changed out their boring exercise shorts for ~Swim Trunks~!!! I think the pattern would change depending on how they feel. I also added a much needed tan and sun freckles as well! I kept their hair style the same but added darker roots. They've stayed pretty true to their original design, tbh.
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Larch, 28 Years Old, 5'5 (165.1cm)
Lastly the elusive boy who only shows up when I draw Amp! There aren't many posted comparisons of him, but just know he probably went through the most change. I fixed up his anatomy; both with how the fat on his body rests/keeping him round, and making him look short. I have a weird issue with giving short fat people I draw skinny legs, which makes zero sense now that I know what I'm doing. (Also.... stretch marks...on his flanks... my beloved.) I've yet to """""officially""""" make a map for his vitiligo and mostly just care that it's in the right spots (shoulders/neck, right side of face around eye, tits and lower rib cage, wrists, inner fingers, and belly button area)! He used to wear shorts but I revoked them for sweats because he is a fashion disaster. Socks and sandals are also his forte, and I love him for that. He drinks a lot of beer (Amp's way of trying to comfort him) so I added that and a cig as well. He sort of just idles around wherever Amp is, frowning at the ground; poor guy. He also has mirrored tunnels in his ears, and his hair got darkened and less blond! Suffice to say, I am very happy with his redesign! He feels a lot more 'him' if that makes sense!
~ Anyway! Thanks for reading if you got this far, I really appreciate the interest, if any. Here's a gold star and also a little treat as well;
Have a lovely day, and thanks for listening to me ramble about my boys! 😌😌
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asksoldieron · 11 months
SO-12: The Spirit of Harpo Marx
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Alight at the Window (SO-12) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Awwwwww, ya know? Awwwwww ❤️!
Poor Erik is in ⚡🔋no shape🔋⚡ to communicate, but he's doing his best. Maggie has no idea whether he's messing with her on purpose, or what's wrong with him, but she won't let him go. They'll get to him eventually. (I've just finished that part, actually. They've got him! Uh. Sorta. At least he's... safe now? 😅Oh, I can't say that with a straight face.)
This is the last of my queued posts/instalments, and I have no idea where my reading and drawing ability will be when it goes live. If I can't update you on my condition (and the condition of the next six instalments) I'll hafta have the spouse type a note for me. I want to do six more right away, or I might take a two week break, or - if I'm really struggling - it'll be a break of indeterminate length. I hope I'll be okay to just keep going, my Patrons have been so patient this year. Thanks, y'all.
But, either way, there will be a break at some point, because I'll have a while where I can't write or draw and that's going to eat up my backlog. Also, recent updates have done more stupid things to my theme and I think the site needs a redesign - maybe including some radical simplification. I'm just not mobile friendly and I can't make the current format behave. People with better eyesight than me do a lot of reading on their phones.
I have no idea how to build a community and I'm flailing, really, but maybe if I can get the interface more convenient, more people will like me? (I have no idea. Probably they won't.)
Look, though! You've got some extra art to tide you over! And a song!
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I'm not in love with how Erik's design looks right now - he looks like a train wreck, but he should look like a train wreck. Nobody is going to fix his hair. I still feel self-conscious about it. He used to be cute. I've got to do a full-body rendering of how he'll clean up, but I don't have time for it now.
However, I did do a page of something trying to get comfortable with his ability to emote in train reck form. I don't have time to finish it, but I think it looks cool so I'm sharing.
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This is potentially a way for me to serve you the music without lyric backgrounds that you can't read! It's very labour-intensive, but I was figuring out how to do it and it might get a little easier with practice. Also, my current tablet is struggling with the resolution and I plan to update it by the end of the year - depending on sale prices.
After I saw Hedwig and the Angry Inch, I found out the original Off-Broadway incarnation had filked music with lyrics by John Cameron Mitchell. 🥹😊I'm calling it! This is something other people sharing my identity do to tell their stories! Filk musicals are an enby thing! We do not give a shit about the music industry's copyrights! I'm performing nonbinary correctly!
So here's the lyrics again, and maybe I'll give you the rest in comic form as my vision and my tools improve.
You Are Found! (based on "We Are Young" by fun.) I need a minute, I… I don’t know if I’m ready yet I’m tryin’ to get my shit together, Maggie, please don’t be upset My family must be looking for me somewhere very near Guess I knew you must be coming but I can’t believe you’re here, and… It’s been forever since I’ve seen your face I know you want to take me home But although it hurts to do this work they need my help for what it’s worth —  Oh, gods I’m not sure if I wanna go So maybe if, next time you see me, You can take me by the hand, You’ll steal me away At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down No, I wanna go home I’m just not done I guess that I, I just hoped We could visit and I’d get right back to work But I can’t go yet So I must forget 'Cause I think you’ll hafta steal me away At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down Steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Come steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Come steal me away at last (na na na na na na) The gods have their own plan (na na na na na na) But I’m just one weary man (na na na na na na) So you're gonna hafta steal me away at last (na na na na na na) I have so much to do (na na na na na na) How can I go with you? (na na na na na na) So you're gonna hafta steal me away (na na na na na na) At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down So maybe if, next time you see me, You can take me by the hand You’ll steal me away at last
See you soon! Ha, I hope!
Late edit: Two week break, folks. No drawing ability yet, so we're stuck with it. I still hope to get you the next six by the end of the year. I'll keep you posted!
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babygurltash · 8 months
OC Name Meaning
Hi, I'm about two weeks late to this - thanks so much for the tag, @sillyliterature! :D
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
I'll do my BG3 Tavs (+ my Durge) and also some of my Shepards! <33
Laurel: My first, and main, Tav!! They're a Seldarine drow warlock with the Folk Hero background (I went in blind and didn't realize Wyll has the same class & background, oops). They've always tried really hard to forge relationships with all kinds of people to 'prove' that not all drow are evil and/or Lolth worshippers. Since their mom raised them to be a selfless hero who would improve public perception of drow like she does, they were named after the crown of leaves that would be given to heroes and victors in our world... which has been a heavy burden to bear. In meeting Lae'zel, they learned that it's completely possible to not care what others think of you or how you 'represent your race' - and it's taught them to be themself, instead of some ideal of a 'perfect' drow.
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Estelle: My tiefling sorcerer that I made specifically to romance Astarion with! Estelle was born to a tiefling general and a marid (evil water devil). Their mother, the general, wanted a child who would have strong powers and an even stronger mind - that's how she chose Estelle's father. However, Estelle had a soft heart and no mind for strategy. Their parents abandoned them on the streets as a result. This made Estelle grow angry and cold, and they vowed to tap into their own strength, join the army, and get revenge on the parents who saw them as worthless. The Nautiloid got them before they ever made it off the streets though. I borrowed their name from a character I love in Arslan Senki - she disguises herself as a boy to join the army and fight for what she believes in, so I thought it was fitting.
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Tharien: My sister told me she had a dream where I made a D&D character and called him Tharien, so I made a BG3 character with that name, hahaha. He's my little murder freak who's going to destroy the grove and romance Minthara!
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Valiska: My first, and so far only, Durge. I really wanted to play with the contrast between the monstrous and the beautiful, so I chose a race that's seen as monstrous (half-orc) and gave her soft, beautiful hair. She's also a bard because she wants to add loveliness to the world, and hates the violence within her very much. 'Valiska' as a name kind of just came to me, I think it rolls off the tongue nicely and thought it suited her appearance somehow.
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Seren: The githyanki cleric I made for my co-op pt with my bf! They're a cleric of Tyr with a strong moral code that leaves little room for subtlety or nuance. I named them after a character I like (again), this time from Magi: Princess Serendine. Magi's Serendine is brave and stubborn, and she learns that the country she believed in so strongly is actually rotten on the inside. I wanted my Seren to go through a similar arc, and they share a lot of Magi's Seren's traits, so I found the name very fitting.
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Aria: My first Shepard!! I once again went in blind - imagine my surprise when I got to ME2 and met Aria T'Loak...
Aria Shepard is Earthborn, and was found on the steps of an orphanage in the middle of an opera performance at the nearby theater. Her caretakers heard the music and named her accordingly. She's always shut away the more poetic, soft side of herself in order to survive her harsh realities. That changes when she meets Thane, who draws out her most vulnerable self almost without trying. I'm still in the middle of writing a long (very long) fic about her and Thane that I'm hoping to maybe start publishing soon.
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Ares: A renegade Shepard is something that can actually be so personal, as I learned when I made Ares. She's a tough career soldier who's wholly dedicated to the Alliance and its ideals, so ME2 has been a fun ride so far. I wanted her name to be equally tough and not too feminine, because she's nonbinary. When the idea hit me to name her after the god of war, I couldn't stop thinking about it until I sat down and completed her character creation.
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Tobi: The Shepard I made so I could finally romance Tali! Tobi is a Colonist who has spent years hiding behind false identities. When the Batarians came and took his family, he ran until his legs gave out and his cousin Tobias had to carry him to safety. Tobias was then caught and killed. The incident shook Tobi up so badly that he kind of lost his sense of self, and instead took on Tobias' name and identity. He joined the Alliance under that false name, two years too young to be legally allowed to do so. Hackett figures out what happened eventually, but by that point, Tobi Shepard is an indispensible part of the military and is already of age. No one's called Tobi by his given name since his family died, and he prefers to keep it that way... though he's told Tali his story in private.
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No-pressure tagging: @megatraven @aevallare @choccy-zefirka @jotarowan and anyone else who feels like it, feel free to say I tagged you!!
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2022 Creators Self-Love Extravaganza!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2022. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love!
Considering myself tagged by @onedivinemisfit ;) thanks!! Similarly, if anyone wants to do this and hasn't been tagged yet, I tag you! <3
Hug Lessons
I was so pleased to finally get this drawn on paper after it had lived in my head for so long :) Still makes me laugh to imagine this interaction between them...
2. Drinks and Hijinks
Gosh this took me SO LONG to finish! I'm proud of the work I put into it and the overall finished piece, especially considering how I find clothes and poses verrry difficult to draw :') I like seeing the whole gang together, and it was my first time properly drawing Zen!
3. Soirée Away
A fic that I had a great time writing! I got pretty immersed in the scenes and was happy with the outcome~ Dramatic Eisetsu was super fun to write :D
4. Chat Noir Obi
Like I said before poses and clothes are tricky for me, and this is a full-body pose, in other words, a moment of triumph. I have a whole list of ML au notes that I might build on one day, and if it gets me improving full body poses and clothes then it certainly is miraculous, ahaha
5. Concern...
A smally but a goody! I really like her expression and the detail I got into her hair and collar :) Also: Bun Shirayuki!!
Some honourable mentions:
Pillow Talk Part 2 (finally completed it omg)
The Sassassins
Blanket Obi being a Mood
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popdesign-vent · 2 years
Personally I think Whisperwillow's/Kiwi-rot's designs are gorgeous but they've 100% become afflicted by the cs and popufur mindset. Mod, would you be wiling to do a breakdown on their design style?
hell yeah let's gooo
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So immediately we have a theme of light pastels with low contrast, black and white with small color pops (usually red) and webcore. We also have bodies that are largely triangular, with a small torso and wide set lower legs. This is pretty common in popfurs but I will say that diversifying the bodies you draw will vastly improve your work. Same with hairstyles and texture. Introducing curls and more unique styles beyond default long and short would really help this artist's work shine.
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fine design overall, not the most unique but the anatomy is stylized nicely and the design is balanced well with the yellow star accents leading to the face and the smaller accessories clustering around the face as well.
As a personal note I would have dropped the chevron on the leg just because the clouds are enough detail already and you risk leading the eye astray with weird patterns that don't contribute to the theme.
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I understand the aim of cyberpunk aesthetics is to be very colorful and eye-catching, but the markings are placed rather thoughtlessly and it feels cluttered. dropping either the leg chevrons or the stomach and thigh markings would help greatly with this issue. The arcade carpet pattern on the arms is cute, but it feels weird to have a design in a style as simple as this one have so many colors. I think that keeping to one rainbow pallette rather than having two of each color in varying intensities would really do you a favor.
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This one is really nice tbh! It reads to me as early game concepting and the balance of the large curved horns, small frame, and the veil leading into the tail creates a really pleasing visual track to follow. The colors are cohesive and the yellow leading into the main color pop, the red, is really lovely and minimizes clutter while keeping the design impactful.
If there's one big thing I would criticize, it's the sizing and placement of the fur texturing. I talked about big medium small principles in another crit post, but essentially, all the tail fur spikes are about the same length and size, same with the hair chunks. It leads to a more static design and I think this artist could really be a great designer if they pushed harder for stronger and more conscious use of design principles.
Overall I like the designer and I'll be using some of what I found in their style in my own. I hope they keep drawing and improving in the direction that benefits them best without the stagnation that tends to come with adoptables.
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handinlovablehand · 2 years
Here are some thoughts/reflection/process things re: the Tallahassee comic. Since this is my art blog, I figured this was the best spot to put it! Lots of images and pretty long, so I've thrown it below a cut.
This is the first time I've seriously worked with Microns and a lot of 'em since... oh, lord, 2020. I'm pretty sure I've done some other stuff along those lines, but here are examples and an emulation of the style digitally:
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(Respectively, May 2020, March 2020, and September 2020. Apologies for quality on the first two; I had to rely on old photos.)
Compare with this spread from the comic:
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I'm still not super comfortable with backgrounds (or cars; all the shots at the beginning are framed VERY carefully so that I do not have to draw one), but you can see that they've gotten a lot better. The sparseness of the floor was intentional - I wanted to create the effect of an infinite-looking space, with the ceiling fan to provide depth. There's a bit more depth and weightiness than in that drawing of Karkat or the seagulls.
That's partially because the house is as much of a character in Tallahassee as its narrators. Aside from the space in the liner notes devoted to describing their environment, there's also quite a bit in the album itself. There isn't much physically happening in the notes, either, so I had to rely on shots of the house in order to fill panel space. Three cheers for symbolism and vivid imagery!
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To pull up another page, I've also gotten A LOT better with natural environments in particular. I'm quite proud of that rose bush and the fence, although I could've taken a little more care while filling it in and the lighting leaves something to be desired.
Speaking of, my attempts at lighting are quite a bit more solid, but still not perfect. Consistency isn't great, and I have some qualms about the Alphas' hair and the shadow cast by the Alpha Male sitting up, but what can ya do? At least I'm drawing shadows being cast by things, haha.
I think the attic, the window shots, and "knocked down" panels look the best light-wise. I was trying to convey bright moonlight, and I think I did a pretty good job! I adore the curtains. A solid runner-up is the open door; I wanted to use it as a reverse light source, of sorts. In retrospect, I could have spaced the door shots out a bit more to make it feel more ominous.
Craft-wise, there's also a lot of improvement. Normally, I'd do a longform, easy-to-fuck-up project like Tallahassee digitally. However, I forgot my drawing tablet stylus in a very stupid place that I won't return to for a few months. So, I've been going back to pen and paper again.
I felt very confident right out of the gate, which is very strange considering it was the first time I'd used many of those pens for art in a hot minute! I actually did another casual-ish piece with Microns and gel pens in my sketchbook a few weeks before this, shown below:
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but while I was VERY excited about my use of color, I wasn't super fond of the ink work. That's because I fucked up before I even started.
My sketchbook is, er, a sketchbook. The pages are pretty rough. I learned while working on the comic that technical pens are meant for use on smooth paper, and will often appear spotty/inconsistent on the rougher stuff. You can REALLY see it on the frame around the magpie. I switched to standard-issue copier paper in the comic, which plays much nicer with them. Sketch paper also frays brush pens. Oops! Guess that explains what happened to one of those poor, poor souls...
I got my first set of Microns in 2017-ish. I was really only interested in the fixed-width pens; I'd tried a brush pen earlier on and HATED. IT. With a burning passion. My hands have always been pretty unsteady, but it was worse when I was younger, so my lines looked godawful. The set came with a brush pen, though, and I made many valiant attempts to use it. In my sketchbook. Which inevitably frayed it terribly and rendered it unusable for most purposes.
I used the set quite a bit, but infrequently enough that I've still got most of them! My 005 is going strong, but the 05 is lost, and the 1 and 03 are not long for this world. I've known the 03 is on death's door for a while now, but the 1 just started giving out on me while working on Tallahassee. I tried to replace both, but instead ended up with a 2. It worked out, though; I used it to fill in large, dark spaces. I really should've been using an alcohol marker, hence the streakiness.
Back to the brush pen, I ended up getting another set in 2019 that was all brushes, but this time with colors! "It will be different now," I told myself. "I'm a better artist. I'm stronger, and I do colored lines digitally. So I will use a brush pen, and I will like it." I did not use those brush pens and I hated them. But I did end up with a mercifully unspoiled black brush pen thanks to those, and also a red.
All three of the brushes I've named make an appearance here. I used the frayed pen to texture the grass and the Spanish moss; it ended up perfect for soft, fluffy things. I used the healthy and whole one for the tree branches and the Alphas on the "knocked down" page to lend them a more organic feel. The red makes its appearance on the last page.
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It's the staircase on the left. I drew the lines with the red brush, then VERY, VERY, VERY carefully colored around them with the black. The red lettering was done by writing it out in pencil, writing over them in red gel pen, then VERY, VERY, VERY carefully tracing around them with a black pen and filling things in. Do not do that. It is stupidly time-consuming. If I pull a similar trick next time, I'm just going to write with my white gel pen and then go over it again with my red brush.
For the sake of my sanity and yours, I will not discuss that process in any more depth. I will also abstain from telling you about the hellish nightmare that was trying to print copies to distribute as zines, because DEAR FUCKING LORD.
I've already spent an hour writing this, and I've got quite a bit to do today! So I'll end it off here. Thanks for reading this!
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shinydelirium · 3 years
OH MY GOD!!!!!
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goodieghosty · 3 years
Logan had been a scholar when they met. A studious man. A little serious, but kind hearted. He meant well. He spent hours each day in his study, creating meticulous notes and drawing diagrams. When he ran out of room or places to store his findings, he'd bind them in a book.
And Logan had many of these books. Books in general, really. And scrolls. No bookcase could ever hold the amount he had.
He wanted to share his findings with his peers, but none would heed him. He wasn't of noble blood like the rest of them, and as such his word meant little. Which was rather unfortunate, for he had much to say.
He'd often ramble to himself as the sun settled on the horizon. He'd talk as though he weren't alone, as if he were having a chat with a friend. It helped him think, get the gears going. Made issues easier to spot.
And during one of these times, unbeknownst to himself, he'd gave the audience he so desperately craved.
Patton wasn't normally inclined to set foot in a mortal's home without their knowledge. But this was different. And, as he sat in the window, one could argue that he had yet to step into the dark haired man's study.
He had seen Logan around while he did his usual work. Saw how he was so blatantly ignored. And that didn't sit right with him. This man was clearly passionate about his studies. He had every right to speak and be heard.
And Patton would listen to him, each night for the past... oh he didn't even know how long. He figured it was time he made himself known.
"You make a lot of points." He spoke up from behind him, a deep laugh echoing through Logan's home when the spooked scholar jumped. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."
Logan is staring right at this... this-no, no this was no man. Not with that ethereal glow about him.
"May I come in?" Ah, yes. He was sitting in his window, one leg bent with his elbow resting on it, and his other hovering just an inch above the floor. He had one arm keeping himself steady and braced-but after Logan gave a nod(because what else was he meant to do?)all he could focus on was the fluid movement of the god's robes when he stepped inside.
Logan finds his voice, "What... what can I do for you?" He asks the god, watching him move about his study with quiet interest. But his words seem to surprise him.
"What can you do for me? I've been around for thousands of years and you're the first to ask me that." He smiles, and Logan finds himself melting at the dimples.
This god was quite handsome. And the face was familiar-Patton. This was Patton. But-what did a fertility god want with him? He dealt with judgment as well-but surely Logan hadn't done anything to call for divine intervention. He's thinking all of this, but he's also thinking about how none of the depictions of Patton have gotten the freckles right.
"I have a feeling, tell me if I'm right." Patton moves closer, walking slowly around Logan. "I believe... you wish to improve the lives of those around you. To make things more..." he feels as though he's being appraised. "Efficient. Is that right?"
He nods, leaning against his desk. If only to keep himself steady.
Patton's lips twitch, "Use your words, you were given a voice for a reason." He chuckles.
"I-yes, but..."
"But the people won't hear you. I noticed. Must admit I've been watching you for while. Unfortunately, I can't do much in way of making them listen... but, I have a proposal."
Logan knew all too well that mortal dealings with gods could go many ways-and they weren't always good. "And that would be..."
"Take my hand, and become a god. You could do so much more with time and eternity at your fingertips."
Logan stood, slack jawed. "I... a mortal cannot just-godhood is for-for legends! Heroes! Those who have faced countless trials and I-I am but a scholar. I've done nothing special. "
"You are so much more. I see great potential in you, Logan. Heroes become gods because of the good they've done, but you? You can become a god to do the good."
This was a lot for Logan to wrap his head around. "I... may I think it over?" What if this was a dream? Yes. He's asleep at his desk again.
Patton smiles, "Of course. It's a big decision after all." He stands before him, "But I don't believe in parting without leaving a gift, so..." he thinks for a moment, fingers tapping along his chin. "Ah, I know." He snaps his fingers, and a basket of fresh fruit has appeared on Logan's desk. "I'm a little limited on what I can create," he tells him, taking a grape from the basket. "But I've been told my fruits are quite exceptional."
Logan should not be staring at the god's soft, sweet lips as he raises the grape to it.
"Ah, where are my manners?" Patton's laughter will not be leaving Logan's mind anytime soon. The god offers Logan the grape, the same one that had just brushed his own lips but moments before. The scholar would have normally been repulsed, but he finds himself accepting this treat. It's... exceptionally sweet. But he can't quite focus on the taste when Patton's fingers ghost his bottom lip.
"I do hope you accept my offer, Logan." Patton smiles, gone by the next blink.
Logan stands in his office, hand to his mouth. Did... did he just have an indirect kiss with the god of fertility?
His thoughts are interrupted by a gentle breeze, reminding him that his window is open. And with the wind he can still hear the god's voice. "Sleep well, Logan."
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childofaura · 2 years
Oh this one will be fun.
Cuboon's obviously got one specialty:
But that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of positive aspects of Cuboon's art quality (and it doesn't mean tiddies are a bad thing in and of themselves lol). It's pretty clear that they've improved since the first time they were drawing for FEH, especially when you look at New Year's Dagr and Nott (Probably my favorite piece from them). And they've been shown to draw both male and female characters with Reinhardt and Lukas (though it's obvious they've drawn more females). They're probably Reinhardt's best artist if you ask me, I'm not a fan of Ballroom Reinhardt or Resplendent Reinhardt. Posework is pretty good most of the time (though Summer Byleth and Rhea is their weakest in terms of pose work). They draw long hair like ribbons which is really pretty and works well for motion.
The one thing I'll argue that I have criticism on is that they tend to draw female characters with very similar faces (except for Igrene and Kagero, I will give them that). The female characters almost seem to have no nose, even when they're turned to the side their nose profile isn't very strong. Their outfit design for alts can be hit or miss, Resplendent Lyn, Ninja Igrene, and Duo Dagr/Nott look great but Easter Kagero and Summer Byleth look underwhelming (but Rhea looks fine). And then there's Halloween Kagero, which I just have a grudge against the choice of outfit because it's not very Halloween-ey.
Still a skilled artist though, 8/10.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal Ninjago season 13!!! 🤩🤩 (3/4)
I am enjoying the season A LOT. The reveal has been thrown already, everything seems to be leading towards something special about Rock Mom and I couldn't hope for something better!! I know Lou will be back so I guess a flashback?... I'M SO EXCITED 💕💕
Alright, let's start!!
Side note, we're past the season and no Nexo Knights reference. Me sad, but me not quitting like ninja!! 💪💪
Korgran of METALONIA?!?! WHERE KARLOF COMES FROM!!! Oh you just love to feed me with good throwbacks, now do you Ninjago crew 😍
Plundar the thief, yeah, the attire gives it away although it is nice. And Fungus... huh... well that explains the mushrooms on the hat I guess 😅
Yep, there we go, a party of adventurers, the DnD situation promised 👈👈 He said loot, I saw a 20 faced dice, nice nice
In these recent seasons adventurers just won't like to do adventures for one reason or another, first uncle Powers, now these guys? I mean Ninjago is in danger every freaking time and you risk your life at every step and there's a new formidable villain every like five seconds but... huh... what was my point again?
THE ANIME STYLE IS BACK 😂😂 Oh boy I can tell we're in for a train to crazy town
I'm thinking this dude looks a lot like He-Man... of course he does, the HECK, am I noticing this just now? 😑
I do agree with mister Korgran's father reluctance about talking like that (I saw too many anime characters like that 😂), but Karlof uses the third person too. Either it's common in Metalonia, or there's a general lack of education there 😅 (I LOVE METAL BOY I MISS HIM 🖤🖤)
Talking axe that doesn't talk, nice 😂
Okay... okay, I need a moment
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This is too cute. I know her head is a bit too big but LOOK AT THEM 💛🤍💛🤍 Has Chompy never grown?... wait he did got big that one time... okay... okay, never mind
Well that's a pretty nice party, you got your barbarian, your magic user and your rogue. Kinda misses a healer but still... tomorrow I'm doing a DnD session with my friends and I wanna sound like I know stuff 😂
I just noticed that I haven't seen hidden trap doors like that since Chen, the ABC of villains right there my friends 👆
So the King didn't become evil just because of the skull, he actually wished to obtain it and use the dark power. I get that he wants to defend the city but he is basically remorceless about everything else, so he is guilty. Also DRAGON ABUSER 😡
Poor Vania, but she overcame her Skylor situation very quickly. Proud 💛
There we go with the encouragement, you go Rocky!! We have a crazy Skull dude to turn into dust!! 👿👿
Wait, a promise he made a long time ago? Rock mom?
Oh holy FSM, my heart 💔
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MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH. Cole as a kid, Lou is back, Rock Mom IS SICK AND WILL DIE, all the drawings, the picture of them together 😭😭
I cannot, freaking, this kid doesn't want his mom to be sick and he's gotten into troubles at school and she wants him to fight and be strong and right and SHE HAS HIS SAME EYEBROWS 😢😢😢😢😢😢
This scene was really heartbreaking, such a genuine situation with a kid that wants her mom to be fine and proud of him 🖤
Just looked at her VA and it's Erin Matthews 🤩 So first I'm counting it as a Nexo Knights reference just because MACY AND ROBIN ❤🖤❤🖤 Second, wasn't "the mom" going to be voiced by Jillian? Is it... is it Maya? Is she coming back? MAYBE NEXT SEASON??? NYA SEASON?!?!? 🤯🤯
Oh, we're moving on? So... so there's still the stuff about Rock Mom's past to uncover, still unsure if she was the one of the blades for the two tribes
The connection between Cole and his mom is the earth itself, I'm loving this concept so much. It's true that he never found himself this deep into his element before, the Caves of Despair were mines but never this deep. This really is rock bottom... HECK YEAH
Well Cole...
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Welcome to the colored eyes because of elemental power ninja team!! 💚❤🧡 (without counting the forbidden scroll moments) I LOVE WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! I'M GETTING SO PROUD AND EMOTIONAL!!! I'M PROUDOTIONAL!!! 🤯
Aww, Cole saving his son sensei, very nice. They did save each other a lot 🤷‍♀️
This place reminds me a lot of the Fire Temple where Kai got himself into trouble in season 1 but then saved Lloyd, one of my favorite and most memorable episode of the show... I'M TOO NOSTALGIC RIGHT NOW LET'S MOVE ON
Wu's spinjitzu!! Always nice to see it 😊 And yes Adam is a good boy, and for my arachnophobia is a little freaky saying it 😅
Ah, good Plundar, Cole needs all the appreciation of the world because HE IS SUCH A GOOD PERSON AND AMAZING WARRIOR AND I LOVE HIM AAAAAA
This is probably my favorite episode for now, got Rock Mom, got elemental powers, got a lot of Cole in all of his glory: the leader with a clear smart mind able to lead even strangers, with big heart for what's important 👏👏
I feel like this season is giving him glory, I'm curious about how it will end!!
Okay I know it's the name of the dragon... and it gets me a little antsy 😅
Back to the munce! Still doing as good as ever I see! 😅 And lol, you can't blame Nya for not being nice Jay! Although she is kinda best friends with Ronin who double crossed her multiple times... okay, I see your reasoning Bluebell
There we go, Nya making them listen. I honestly could have seen her just grabbing one of them and make them fly through the the room, still cool though 😎
Back to the geckles! Also doing as good as ever! 😅 These little purple guys are so dang cute, seeing my flame babe trying to lead is so PRECIOUS, and even more PRECIOUS is Zane giving him support... and a rock in the face 🤍🤍
Gotta say
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I'm more and more fascinated by their culture 😂😂
Aww little Gleck, everything had started with him after all... wait... HER NAME IS LILLY?!?! ROCK MOM HAS A NAME!!! AND SHE IS GILLIE/MILLIE!!! I KNEW IT!!! 🤩🤩
I think I saw the name somewhere, didn't think it was actually her. I always headcanoned her as Gaia, but Lilly is a very sweet name too 💕
It is pretty nice that even though we as viewers didn't know what happened to Lilly, the ninja knew. It's obvious, they've known each other for so long, but still. It feels nice to see this 😊
Oh-oh, Skull dude is up to something... and he said the title 👈👈
Zane keeps being the sweetest thing ever created, le cute dude 🤍🤍 Never thought I'd see Tin Can and Hothead discussing about lies while two slugs race each other...
I don't know if it's the new animation but the armored suits look CRAZY GOOD, the metal and the details are awesome!! I approve the suits of this season 👍
Pff, they are talking down his sister, if he knew they would be literally toasted 🔥
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HUG HUG BEAUTIFUL LEGO HUG!!! And she lifts him up, omg the Smith siblings are back and they are so CUTE 😍
Yep, only he can talk down his sister... and possibly be annihilated right after 😅
Oh, the dragon that almost destroyed the two tribes... OH THE DRAGON THAT ALMOST DESTROYED THE TWO TRIBES!!! 😱😱
The cringe Kai, the cringe never leaves you alone you beautiful idiot ❤
I cannot believe the animators managed to make Lloyd's LEGO hair swoosh, I must applaude them 👏👏👏 Also POOR BABY ON THE GROUND GIVE HIM A VACATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
Well aren't things getting even more complicated 😅 Where is Cole? We need season superstar pronto!
Awww, major throwback to the show's most famous motto right in the title! NINJA NEVER QUIT!!! LET'S GO THEN!!! 🤩
The upply team! With the lava beast back... I could easily make comment about how it could be a representation of Cole's feelings since it's LAVA with EARTH and FIRE, and he is running from them... I'M JUST RAMBLING MOVING ON 🖤❤🖤❤
Cole misses the Caves of Despair maybe, he wants to have a round with the carts like in Possession 😂 Was that why he knew it was going to work eventually? That would be histerical, especially since back then they all almost fell into the lava 😅😅
The Heart of the Mountain? Secret temple of the masters of Earth? Possibly hidden in Shintaro? Spinjitzu Burst? Wu, let me ask you this... just in case... is there... perhaps...
He is definitely and officially old, only reason why he keeps forgetting to warn people about stuff 😑 I mean, it's not major like with Morro or Aspheera, I guess it's an improvement?... kinda?
So you learn spinjitzu burst if you're surrounded by your element, that sounds pretty awesome! I wonder how it could be with all the others, this can open up kinda like a quest for the true potential but with different places and lots of OP powers and I'M INTO IT 🤩🤩🤩
Okay season, I get it
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YOU WANNA MAKE ME CRY 😭😭 I love this aztec vibe, so cool and appropriate she looks STUN 🖤
I didn't expect this much introspection about Cole, I thought it was going to be kinda last minute like with Jay in Prime Empire. I'm so thankful it's not like that, freaking yes. YES. GO COLE BURST OUT!!
... okay, take your time sweetie, no rush. The other ninja are just going to be fried but eh, happens all the time 🤷‍♀️
VANIA MAH GIRL 💕 I understand Wu, I mean the guys kinda learned all they needed already back when they started to train Lloyd. Ever since then, they had been not master and students, but just family. And you always need family, no matter how far you go 🖤
Awwww, Wu! You got your own development too! 👍 So nice to hear "ninja never quit" again, can't be too sure but it's been a while 😍
Let's hope the guys are doing fine resisting while Team Cole arrives 😎😎
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thewolfmanslayer · 3 years
Honestly the amount of people who say artists and writers should do stuff for free, or try to rip them off on comissions still royally piss me off.
I think the worst part of it is the entitlement, I dont want to make this too much about generations but a lot of commissioners are millenial/Gen z's who grew up on the "steal and pirate everything" mentality, take everything that you can because no one else is going to hand it to you. which I can get behind, when you are screwing over MULTI BILLION DOLLAR COMPANIES. NOT THE STRUGGLING ARTISTS AND WRITERS who are trying to keep food on the table as desperately as you probably are!
It's simple, you wouldn't walk into a restaurant, order food and tell the server "sorry I don't have any money, but I've got like a few thousand followers on social media, I can get your name out there, get the restaurant some exposure" NO! They don't need "exposure" they need you to pay the damn bill!
On top of that, most of these artists and writers ALREADY HAVE FOLLOWINGS. They already have thousands of people following them, waiting for the chance to get a commission, who are willing to pay for said commission, they don't need "exposure" when they're already out there! He'll even the artists and writers with a few hundred don't need it, they'll get more followers as time goes by, their skill alone will see to it.
And what is with people trying to get free art and writing? It's not going to work! You can't harass someone until they cave, trust me, you'll be long since blocked before you even have the opportunity. I don't do comissions, online anyways, but my own friends and family, people who actually know me STILL PAY ME whenever they ask for me to do art for them because they KNOW it takes TIME AND EFFORT.
How many times do we need to have this discussion???? Like when is it going to finally click that people who need to pay their bills just as much as you do AREN'T going to do this shit for free!?
Here's the thing about art and writing, that you've heard a billion times but still aren't getting; IT. TAKES. TIME. AND. EFFORT. TO. GET. DONE. the art isn't going to magically appear and the writing isn't going to suddenly write itself, if either were so convenient YOU WOULDNT BE ASKING AN ARTIST OR WRITER IN THE FIRST PLACE!
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Look at that, you see that? The first picture I did back in 2012-13, the picture beside it? I did that TWO YEARS AGO. I didn't suddenly know exactly what to do, or had anything close to a god given talent for drawing (I'm not that talented). The first picture WAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST I COULD DO AT THE TIME THAT I MADE IT. In the time between these two drawings I admittedly took a break from art, but then I got back into it four years ago. EVEN STILL that was four YEARS of starting over from the basics, relearning everything, learning new things, wanting to actually improve my art.
Which, guess what, DID NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. It was HOURS UPON HOURS of my limited free time as an adult drawing over and over and over and over again, every single goddamn day to get to the point that I was able to make that redraw look as good as it does in comparison. He'll, my art now puts them both to shame! Because I spent the time improving my quality!!
Now look at these artists doing comissions, they've probably put EVEN MORE of their time to get that good! They've put in LITERAL YEARS of sweat, blood, tears, frustrations and dedicated hardwork. Some did the same as me, self teaching and lots of practice, others probably had to go to school, which definitely wasn't cheap. But all of us put in that time and effort TO REACH THESE POINTS. Of being better artists, developing our styles, getting faster at drawing.
And maybe you think that this is super easy, right? That I or every other artist can just fire some art off and boom its good and done in like an hour?
Even now it takes me several hours a day OVER MANY DAYS to make something exceptionally good! It doesn't matter how good an artist is, it still. Takes. Time.
Maybe the issue is that you don't understand how much actually goes into art, let me break it down for you, the steps that most people follow to finish ONE drawing.
-Rough draft: general character outline, get a feel for what I want to draw.
-Rough sketch: I start doing a bit of pencil to start filling in details like mouth, nose, eyes, hair, clothes. Ect.
-Penciling: I go over the rough sketch and clean everything up, maybe do some editing, this is when you can start making out all the details.
-Ink: I trace over the finished pencil with a pen tool and actually have the line art, everything looks clean, presentable, it actually looks like a character now. I'll spend time editing this and possibly redoing the inking many times over to get to a point where I like it.
-Flat color: I decide on which colors to use for skin tone, clothes accessories. Ect.
-Shading/highlights: I figure out where my light source is and how strong it is, I then apply the correct amount of lighting and shadows to the color to give it depth, I also have determine the texture of skin, clothes and accessories to make everything look real and natural.
-Blending: I smooth out the shading and highlights so that it looks more natural and isn't too hard (noticeable difference between color) so that it looks as natural as possible.
-Finish: I go over last minute details, finish any editing or corrections that need to be done. Once it's good I call it a day.
Each process is longer in length then the previous, with the exception of the final editing (as long as everything looks good) and even the rough draft can take some time. Over all this is SEVERAL HOURS of work for a SINGLE DRAWING.
So is it sinking in yet? How much is put into doing even a single character drawing? God forbid if its done with background. This isn't a "scratch a pen around and be done with it in ten minutes" kinda deal, no, this is SEVERAL HOURS OF SOMEONES LIFE BEING PUT INTO THIS
And if you still have the AUDACITY to try and wrangle free art from an artist then there's no helping you, you're just a selfish piece of shit, no question and I want nothing to do with you.
Someone might say "But I got free art/writing from.-" look I don't give a shit if someone did something for you THAT ONE TIME, these other artists and writers? Totally seperate and different people. You're one freebie experience does not, and should not apply to other artists and writers.
"But what if I really want this commission but don't have the money right now?" Well, that's tough shit. Save up and properly commission them when you can, it's not their problem.
"But what if I'm in a really bad financial situation and really want it?" That sucks, and I'm sorry, but again, not their problem. Chances are this is their only source of income and they need to make money so that they don't end up in a similar situation.
"They have a gift! They should share it!" What kind of cheap ass- LOOK, just because someone is talented or really good at something does not automatically obligate them to do anything for total strangers in anyway shape or form. These are living, breathing people, the same as you. They need to eat, they need to pay rent/mortgages, they need to pay vet bills, send their kids to college, do their taxes and everything else that YOU YOURSELF need to do. Asking anyone to spend their time doing something for free, when that something is how THEY ARE SURVIVING is beyond asinine. Not only that, this obviously isn't a hobby to them, it is very clearly THEIR JOB. Would you want to do a job where you didn't get paid at all? Doing a shit ton of work for absolutely nothing? No? Didn't think so.
"It shouldn't be about the money!" Well unfortunately, as with almost every other job, it is. We live in a world where we desperately need to make money in order to survive. That's the painful fact of the matter. If money never had to be an issue ever again then this would be a very different story. But it's not, plain and simple as can be.
Look, these people are just like you, artists and writers who are just trying to get by in a shitty ass world, using the one thing they have that let's them have an income. Leave them be, don't try and trick them, guilt them, or cuss them out when you don't get your way. Either properly comission or leave them the hell alone, plain and simple.
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devilfic · 2 years
Oh right!!! I vaguely remember the zack thing being a meme or something like that. When i saw it i was like... okay?? Why is this suddenly becoming a thing?? But yeah it was pretty nice.
I have listened to stray kids, yeah. I think back door is a pretty cool song, and i've heard little bits of god's menu. I haven't listened to any of their other songs though, but i'll try and let you know.
I totally understand what you mean by being a bit too animated but if you don't like his gaming stuff, then i really have to recommend you his bigger projects! Like his latest "in space with markiplier" is pretty cool. It's basically a dating game with the choose-your-own-adventure kind of a deal, except it's not a dating game (unless we're talking about his other project called "a date with markiplier" in which the scenario really is a date). Personally, i think they are very fun. If you're not into it, that's fine tho!
Hmmm.... i think i've been drawing for like... 8 years now? It started with anime, as with many people. And i used to draw like, every day, but these days i don't draw that much. It's nice to see how much i've improved over the years though, i'm sure you know that feeling!!
Honestly, i don't feel okay. Have you ever just... made a decision out of kindness and over-confidence, then later regretting it? Even though you had good intentions?? Yeah, that's basically what happened. But i have to go through with this particular decision until october, and it's draining me. Hhhhhh sorry if i'm bothering you with my problems....
Anyway, WHAT. I cannot believe i accidentally gave you the idea to write those headcanons?? Oh my god. Okay. Uhhhhhh now i guess i'm gonna put my stranger things request ideas for another time. I'm still gonna send you a request of a different fandom in another ask. It's... well... i'm pretty sure it's something that'll make you go like "Yep.. i thought so..."
Ya know, i recently finished "our flag means death" which you probably have heard of, or even watched already. And it made me realize that maybe i have a type when it comes to fictional characters. A lot of characters i like (in a kinda romantic way) are long-haired men, sometimes with a dark colored aesthetic, as seen from stranger things's eddie, my hero academia's aizawa, and our flag means death's blackbeard. Now... i dont know what to do with this information haha.. but oh well, do you have a type for fictional people??
(also, i'm glad you don't mind long asks! i just find it nice, like writing a letter to someone, so yeah)
those were good times, I'm telling ya ^^
and please do, they've got some bangers I will say
actually you know what,,, I'd been intending to watch those big projects of his at some point because the amount of effort and quality it looks like he put into them is WILD. my friend was really pumped about in space with markiplier earlier this year because she's been a fan of his for years, and it looks really fun. should I start with the older ones and work my way up or does it not really matter (I'm thinking about easter eggs and such)?
oh wow that's impressive!! and drawing everyday, I bet you've got tons of your old stuff around to look at and reminisce over ^^ but I super get ya, I'm a big advocator for keeping ur old art no matter if you think it's cringe or not because one day you'll really want to look back on it. I've still got old fics from when I was younger that I look at to see how much I've improved
you're not bothering me at all! I asked cause I wanted to know, and yeah ;-; I've been in your place before. committing to something out of kindness is always a great idea until you realize,,, some days will be more difficult to show up for than others. I commend you for doing your best to try and see it through, and if it really gets too much, please don't force yourself to keep going. I dunno your exact situation but nothing is worth sacrificing your own physical/mental health over
no you don't have to!! honestly, request whatever you like. you just inspired me to do that one because I hadn't thought of doing group headcanons for them yet. but also I did see your request and think exactly that asjksjfsf I'm excited though. any reason to dig that story up is a good one
I GET WHAT YOU MEAN. the dark-haired brooders have taken several generations of simps by storm, I being one of them. my type isn't too different from you. I actually made a comprehensive list of characters I like (most I simp for, some I just admire) and most of them are either people with anger issues/murderous tendencies or sarcastic charmers. the odd sunshine is thrown in there every once in a while *cough cough* legoshi *cough cough* noe archiviste *cough cough* prompto. man, woman, whatever you are... ur not safe from me if u fall into one of these categories. according to my friends, I also just straight up have a thing for blonds. it's not intentional O.o
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