#Thieves & Beggars
oldschoolfrp · 6 months
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Preparing to spring an ambush from three directions (Didier Guiserix, 2-page poster in Casus Belli 25, April 1985)
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uncreativeuser27 · 9 months
So, as my brother @chaosismynamemf has mentioned, we're working on a Pirate!Wilbur story :D Ergo, I made some art for my favorite little trio!
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According to Procreate, this took me a little over 12 hours. I also didn't do any "proper shading", but I like it anyways lol
Like I said, this is a project that my brother and I are working on. We have so much written, but only two chapters out right now, so if you're interested, check it out >>>>
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rockwithbibberly · 6 months
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Beggars and Thieves, 1991.
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cryptic-klepto · 7 months
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Laus reginae criminis.
(All praise to the Queen of Criminals)
Inter fures honor est.
(There is honor among thieves.)
Laverna absconde manus meas.
(Laverna hide my hands.)
Oculi eorum.
(May their eyes be blinded.)
Surdae sint aures eorum.
(Let their ears be deaf.)
Benidictum sit Sacrementum Furti.
(Blessed is the Sacrament of Theft)
Laverna me absconde.
(Laverna hide me.)
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bellamontwasright · 2 years
I think that if Martin and Joanelle first met under normal circumstances that Martin-the-priest would vocally dislike her. Not that it's unfair, if Joanelle lived in Kvatch she'd be selling skooma to the beggars outside the chapel and would be obstinate at best when confronted.
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pritvolny · 2 years
theirs was no palace made of gold.    the longhouse was sturdy and warm against the winter wind blowing outside,  and the firepit welcomed him with a rush of heat.   he had snuck in without expecting his partner to be awake,   hair mussed and bloodied,  the open cut on his bottom lip now frozen against snow.     nikolai had gotten used to  distance  between them,   had accepted it as a fact of matter when the cherusci stood at an arm’s length from him at gatherings,   when he’d chosen a separate bed at the furthest corner of the room,   when he’d take his meals outside in the sun just to be away from  him—    but when a darting figure closed in on him in quick strides,   footsteps silent like a ghost gliding across the wooden flooring,   nikolai was surprised.    it showed on his face too,   he assumed,   when the other stopped mid-stride gaping at him wide-eyed.   
the distance was unchanged,   but suddenly there was  purpose  behind it.   
@daylighter‘s hands were tightened into fists beside him,   his body stiffened like iron,  and he said,   ‘ you’ve been gone so long,   I thought something must have happened to you. ’
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 ❛   cherusci,   ❜     he sighed,  a soft laugh teetering at the edges of the word-name.    ❛   don’t say you were worried for me?    it threatens your reputation.   ❜    the distance between them lessened like a wave rising and falling against a shore when nikolai stepped forward.    ❛   I wouldn’t have had to leave if you hadn’t stabbed that man’s hand at the feast.   ❜     he peeked over the rigid shoulder at the bed,   furs and linen intact,   untouched.    confusion grew tenfold,   was there truth to the purpose behind their distance?       ❛   have you not slept this entire time?   ❜
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
holy fuck?
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cfaugust · 6 months
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❛❛   eden teach .  ❜❜   ― ⚔️ ― entering the multiverse… 
verse : descendants (main) [default is arc 003, others by request only]
arc 001 : pre film on the isle. set before the events of the first descendants film. ⌜thieves and beggars⌟.
arc 002 : during films. set at any point during the film series and taking place strictly on the isle of the lost. ⌜hoist the colours⌟.
arc 003 : post descendants 3. set after the events of the series. after the new barrier spell is cast, eden moves her ship to an auradon port. while wary of what this new future may hold, she encourages her crew to make their own choices in their new home. she wants what’s best for all of them, and truly believes the opportunities in auradon may be the way to help them achieve their happy endings. ⌜the seas be ours⌟.
au 001 : villains win au. a decree is made to give four children of the isle a chance, and with it a wicked plan put in place. a wand successfully stolen from the museum. villains freed to take revenge on those who had wronged them. heroes take what they can and run, hiding out for fear of being locked away on the isle of the lost if caught. the children of auradon are spared a life of imprisonment, though are left little more than scraps unless they manage to win favor with the villains and the vks. it is a new dark age for auradon, and one that has no end in sight. ⌜never shall we die⌟.
au 002 : auradon raised au. adopted in infancy by elizabeth and will turner, eden is brought up outside of the barrier in auradon. she’s granted the title of princess of the pirates, as elizabeth is their king, and is a bit softer around the edges than she would’ve been if raised on the isle. which isn’t to say she’s not dangerous. after all, she still carries the blood of the most vicious breed of mermaid known to man, and no one raised by pirates is ever truly soft. ⌜on stranger tides⌟.
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verse 002 : fandomless
arc 001 : raised by her mother after a messy divorce in her early childhood, eden has spent most of her life in the water. training religiously to be at the top of her class, she’s an olympic swimmer with more than a couple of medals to her name. ⌜moonlight serenade⌟.
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verse 003 : pirates of the caribbean
arc 001 : eden was raised by her mother and the mermaids of whitecap bay, and never once thought to seek out her father. because honestly, fuck that bastard for abandoning her. that said, she does harbor a curiosity towards the world of man. a curiosity rivaled only by her distrust of humans. likely what has led to her strike first and as questions later. but hey, at least that ensures she’ll keep you alive long enough to get the answers. not a common trait amongst the devil fish of whitecap bay. perhaps one day she’ll make her way to land and finally fulfill her need for exploration, but she knows that’ll have to wait until she’s found just the right guide. ⌜power of the sea⌟.
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verse 004 : supernatural
arc 001 : a survivalist at heart, eden is a vicious mermaid who will siren song you off a short pier without a second thought. she’s done a fantastic job of flying under the hunter radar so far, only resorting to using her abilities to kill when absolutely necessary. she has no intention of going down easy if ever confronted, so it might just be best to avoid this fish. ⌜hello beastie⌟.
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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insomtiny · 10 months
no scene in any movie will ever go as hard as the opening scene of pirates of the carribean at world's end
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umbracirrus · 1 year
Sometimes I find myself thinking "what if some of my ocs weren't Dragonborn/Hero of Kvatch?" and admittedly I do want to write that for some of them...
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rockwithbibberly · 6 months
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Beggars and Thieves, 1991.
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jaybe11 · 2 years
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undertheorangetree · 1 year
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Summary- After a incident on the streets of King's Landing, Aemond must ensure that his wife knows how to defend herself.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. Female Reader. Shoddy self defence advice. Choking. Dry humping. Wrestling as foreplay. Cunnilingus. Biting. Mildly feral sex.
Author's Note- I don’t really have anything to say for myself with this one other than that’s my favourite gif of him. As always, full story is on AO3 link beloow :)
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She had never been the object of Aemond Targaryen's ire. The closest she has ever gotten is a cold glare after too sharp a word, a slow, calming sigh followed by a very measured warning. She had seen it before, of course. When a match in the training yard goes a hair too far, when a lord had made some unseemly comment about his sister, even when a servant had accidentally knocked a plate from the table on a particularly bad day and let it shatter on the floor. She knew her husband had a bad temper but still, she has never fallen victim to it. He was careful with that around her and she had been quite sure she never would. That is, until today.
Aemond had stormed into the Grand Maester's surgery like a bear prepared to savage a hunter, eye wild and fists clenched. He had forced the door open so aggressively that she and the maester both flinched, the sound like a crash of thunder over the previously quiet room. He did nothing but stand here for a moment after he entered, taking very heavy breaths as he glared at them both, before finally managing to grind out a question, the words grating together like steel on steel.
"What happened?"
Though it is a question it does not sound like one. It is more demand than request, leaving no room for refusal.
Maester Orwyle has more composure than she does. As she stares at Aemond in poorly contained shock, Orwyle answers. "Little more than a few bumps and bruises, my prince. Nothing you need worry about."
Aemond's eye immediately flicks back to her, his impatience growing as he waits for her to fill in the blanks. She sighs wearily.
"I am fine. We ventured a little too close to Flea Bottom and a few men decided to get too familiar. Nothing happened."
"Nothing happened? Where was your guard?"
"I held them back at first. I thought I could defuse the situation myself. It seemed only a little bit of tension and I did not see the use in troubling them. I had it in hand."
"You are the trouble they are meant to attend to. And you did not have it in hand, look at your arm."
Begrudgingly, she looks down at her arm. The maester had been right in his assessment of bumps and bruises, the black and blue ring around her wrist an indication of it, but she thinks her ego is the thing that has been hurt most of it. She had made it a habit to venture into the city to aid the poor. Usually with Helaena, but she had made an exception today as her good sister was too far along in her pregnancy to manage walking about on stones all day. The smallfolk were usually kind to her but of course she usually did not go into Flea Bottom. She spent her time in the more lucrative parts of the city, buying alms and spending time with orphans and widowed mothers and the like. Those who would be more receptive to her company and well wishes- and the handfuls of coin she had a tendency to give away.
However, it seemed as though that rumour had made its way into the streets of Flea Bottom, as when they arrived at the border between it and the Street of the Sisters, a small group of men had been waiting. They had approached civilly enough, more akin to beggars than thieves, and she had encouraged Ser Arryk to sheathe his sword when she had heard the sound of metal scraping the scabbard. They only wish to talk, she had assured him, and who am I to deny them that? At first, it had only been that. A simple conversation between herself and the men. But then the largest of them had grown impatient and lunged forward to grab her and it had all fallen apart from there. She had come away from it mostly unscathed- which is more than she could say for the man who had grabbed her. A bruised wrist from his hand, a sore arm from Ser Arryk's when he had dragged her away, a small cut on her brow, and a bruise on her hip from when she had fallen. She had considered herself rather lucky at the end of it, but it is clear Aemond did not share her opinion on the matter.
"It was only a small altercation and I am fine."
"A small altercation that should not have happened at all."
She sighs tiredly before turning to face the maester. He takes the pause in conversation as his cue to flee, once again assuring them that her injuries are minor before taking his leave. The door closes heavily behind him and then they are alone. That fact seems to do little to calm him, his face still looking like a storm, feet planted stubbornly in place next to the door.
She suppresses the urge to sigh again. "A handful of bruises and a tiny cut are not worth upsetting yourself over."
He scoffs. "You forget just how you received them then."
She stands then, making her way toward him. He remains petulant, though she thinks she can see him beginning to soften a hair when she grabs hold of his arms. He looks at her for only a moment before his eye travels upward, all but glaring at the gash now adorning her hairline. His hand comes up to her forehead, running his thumb along the wound.
"I don't like the idea of you going into the city if this is how they intend on treating you."
She tuts. "The actions of a few do not represent the many."
That manages to pull something that almost looks like a smile from him. "A philosopher now, are you?"
"You are not the only one with access to the Red Keep's library." Her grip on him tightens, shaking him lightly, but the half smile disappears when he looks down at her bruised wrist again. This time she does nothing to hide her sigh. "Nothing happened, my love."
"Nor will it again."
He presses a kiss to her forehead, careful to avoid the wound but a bit too rough to be considered sweet, before pulling the door behind them open and guiding her outside.
Read the rest here
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Monsterhunt: Savogorg, Demon of Deliciousness
Demons reflect the most destructive impulses of the living and while most default to primal feelings like fear, pain, and despair... the feeling this saccharine salamander embodies could best be described as "the irresistible urge to stick your finger in a freshly frosted cake".
Driven by an indulgent need to taste all the finest things without ever worrying about hunger Savogorg crashes feasts, burgles pantries, and pinches pies from windowsills heedless of the chaos it causes in the process.
It takes an act of supreme immoderation to summon the demon of deliciousness, an inability to be satisfied that goes so far beyond hedonism that it wounds the soul. A ruler who beggars the realm with their elaborate feasts, An epicurean restaurateur who seeks ever more exotic experiences for her exclusive clientele, the taverncook who insists that this time he'll finally be able to make his grandmother's recipe as good as he remembers it. Those that suffer this affliction find themselves beset by bouts of reckless appetite, and with every mouthful the demon's stake upon them grows until it is finally able to manifest in the world.
Adventure Hooks:
Everyone knew it was a bad omen when the earl's secondborn shot the white stag. Legends of earning lordship be damned, it was plain as day the creature was beloved by the forest goddess. Butchery and trophytaking was bad enough, but to serve the flesh to your spoiled friends only to spit it out as "gamey"... now that truelove was worthy of some divine wrath. Now the noble lad wanders the wood in a state of ragged confusion, delirious from hunger and mushrooms and fermented berries, sometimes asking passersby for help, sometimes attempting to bite them. Folk susspect he's become a werewolf, and the earl is offering a rich reward to those who can bring his boy back and break the curse, while his firstborn is willing to pay extra to ensure that doesn't happen. She's become convinced her brother desires her inheritance, and what could it hurt if he stayed mad?
A prestigious culinary competition has been thrown into chaos after a series of disastrous incidents and atleast one contestant going missing. This is an excuse to riff off your favourite baking shows while the party plays detective trying to find who's eating the supplies... and the staff.
There's no such thing as forbidden snacks when you're a hunger demon. Having slithered into an elven temple dedicated to the god of earth and wine, Savogorg has laid it's greedy fingers on a sacred artifact in the form of a heavily laden bunch of grapes each sculpted from a precious gemstone and swallowed it whole. Ignorant of the demon's existnace the elves are incensed at this trespass, and begin hunting and questioning would be thieves. Tracking the demon might be easier than expected, as the holy artifact has given it divine indigestion, and the amphibious fiend keeps burping up minor mirracles as it moves about the city looking for a place to sleep off its tumymache.
Challenges & Complications:
Despite it's bulk, the demon's squishy body allows it to pass through any opening the size of a fist, allowing it to slip into unexpected places through drains, chimneys, and cracked doors, leaving behind only a sugary slime. This also allows it to unexpected escapes should it be cornered by the party. Experementation may reveal that extensive cold damage may cause the demon's body to semi-solidfy, preventing this ability.
As a demon of appetite, Savogorg is sustained by the act of eating, and will freely regain hitpoints anytime it focuses on chowing down rather than fighting the party, or if it's swallowed one of them whole. Poison can be useful here, souring its stomach and preventing it from actively eating anything more.
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eyelinertestosterone · 3 months
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