#This by far was not a common style lmao
bijoumikhawal · 1 year
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Random doodle of a wealthy pre-Union Qåmtsu woman. The dress is transparent except for the front and back panel, and is worn over a sprang bodysuit. If someone wanted to be especially risqué, they'd wear a bodysuit dyed to a similar color as their skin.
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hiddenbeks · 8 months
5, 12, 13, 17 & 29 for liah hehehe <3
WOOHOOOO let's go this ask game is licherally perfect for liah. thank you red!!!!
(oc battle asks)
5. fighting style?
liah is a soldier and jedi guardian so she heavily emphasizes melee combat with fast and powerful strikes, aiming to dispatch her opponent before they can react or counterattack! she doesn't use force powers much besides augmenting her speed and mobility and the occasional force push when needed. she's a much more physical jedi than bastila or jolee for example.
jedi guardians can also use force jump to instantly close the distance to enemies and it's perfect for liah because she is the frontline fighter and will gladly jump right into the fray before the rest of the party has even drawn their weapons. just picture her zooming and flipping and spinning across the battlefield and just. destroying her enemies with the sheer force of her momentum. god she's so cool. in one in-game dialogue carth says "you've got the skills of an elite commando" and it's like. so true bestie.....
also liah uses a double-bladed lightsaber right. as a padawan she learned that the double-bladed lightsaber can deal more damage but is also more difficult to master than the common single-bladed one so obviously she decided she would have to master it. to challenge herself and to prove that she can. and also because the idea of being more powerful fascinated her. this was absolutely not a red flag and did not herald her fall to the dark side at all
12. what is their attitude towards winning?
to liah winning is something to be proud of and proof that all her training is paying off! she is confident in her skills and she goes into almost every battle with the mindset that she will win. and in a life-or-death situation she will of course do everything she can to ensure victory but in a less serious encounter - like the duel ring on taris - it's more about the opportunity to challenge herself and see how far she can push herself and how much better she can get. i mean she still takes it seriously and expects to win lmao but being the adrenaline junkie she is she's also there to have a good time and enjoy the thrill of the fight.
13. what is their attitude towards losing?
due to her (sometimes unfounded) confidence liah tends to forget that she's not invincible and can actually lose? and when she loses she becomes weirdly frustrated and retreats into the mini gym she set up inside the ebon hawk to blow off steam on the punching bag. but once the shock and anger wears off and her mind is clear she will meditate on what she can learn from the loss. and then she goes back to training to work on her weaknesses so she won't lose next time. it's that unwavering shonen protag style resolve baby
17. speed, strength or strategy?
speed and strength in equal measure? she's not stupid (i gave her 14 int in character creation bc a guide told me to ok) or incapable of devising strategies when a situation calls for it but she is reckless and so certain of her own abilities that most of the time she thinks she doesn't need any strategy besides "lightsaber go wWwoooOom"
this of course doesn't always work and liah will have to confront the harsh truth that she has weaknesses that the others can cover with their strengths. she eventually learns to listen to the more cautious companions and work together with them as a team 🫶
29. who do they want to fight the most?
carth lol... verbally at least. in an actual fight liah would most likely curb-stomp him so it's a good thing their arguments never turn physical. or do they 😳
to give a proper answer tho... malak i guess? like yea she wants to stop him but after the Reveal it becomes personal and she wants to 1v1 malak and will stop at nothing to strike him down herself. also not to get too deep abt this but like... she probably wants to fight herself more than anyone. would love to kick her own ass. unfortunately she can't fight herself physically but damn if she doesn't have some inner war with herself going on 24/7. it's rough.
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
Happy 2 Year Anniversary to The Chara Timeline ✨
I FINALLY made drawing references for you guys, yippie!✨
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It’s wild how long I’ve been working on this comic without reference sheets. I’m never that consistent with my art style, so I figured it was a waste of time 🫥💀😔 this is my first full comic okay…
Thoughts and Feelings About the Comic Below ❤️💖💕💞
Wow. It’s been 2 years??? I thought I would be done with this comic in 2 months! I don’t know whether to feel worried or accomplished!!
(With months between each update, I understand why it’s been 2 years. I’m a slow writer and artist and well- many things have come up in my life that had to come first, like my sisters wedding! 💞 and college 😅)
I want to thank my family and friends (WHO DO NOT READ THIS COMIC- THANK GOD) 💕 AND I want to THANK YOU! The readers! 💐💐
You guys are relentless! I’m as impatient as traffic and yet you guys wait for weeks or months at a time for like 4 pages?! You guys don’t even complain!!! I truly want to thank you all for that ❤️ it helps me so much. Being busy and getting burnt out are common and it helps me feel relaxed that i'm not on a timer. Literally tho- you guys keep this comic chugging I swear. Tysm 💐
Unorganized rambling about the comic ahead :) ⭐️🔥
My feelings with this comic are actually so complicated. On one hand I hate looking at my older art because GOD IT LOOKS SO OFF I want to stab it, and then on the other hand I am so so proud of myself for even continuing it this far. Ngl the weird route has been one of my favorite parts of this comic. It took me FOREVER to figure out an ending, but damn do I still get chills >:) hehe.
I’m still miffed that I named this project “Deltarune: The Chara Timeline” I could have gone for something so much COOLER. Doesn’t help I use like 7 different titles for it either. We got Deltarune the Chara timeline, Deltarune chara timeline, THE Chara timeline, chara timeline, Ct??? Man,,, I’m crazy. I take after my family so hard. We have 3 names for each of our dogs 💀.
Comic/Animation Tip i have learned. It is VERY GOOD to make the character relatively simple in design. Shape language is also super important, ((but I never really got around to doing that before I was half way through the comic, woops.)) These things can make ur process go by so much faster. This whole comic has been a HUGE learning curve. LIKE OH MY GOD. I had to learn how to draw backgrounds, write dialogue, plan a story, learn how to draw fast and draw noses (which god damn I really still can’t). And I had to learn how the heck to squeeze art into a tiny page and make it not look grainy. It's intense!
Anyways.... this has been such an awesome opportunity! Thanks Toby Fox!
I totally ran out of “art time” for my iPad and wanted to finish this today. So it’s a bit rushed. I’ll add weapons and possibly the other characters later :)
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Oh shi- I forgot to add this grainy image of the next few pages lmao
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astrow1zar6 · 10 months
Astro Observations-07
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Libra Venuses tend to stay in relationships that they aren’t happy in if it looks good to the outside world
Gemini moons gossip ALOT. They usually don’t mean harm by its just second nature for them because it’s hard for them to keep things in
Sagittarius suns tend to act like they are better than others (even if they are)
I notice common birthdates for famous ppl are the 15th, 11th, 3rd, 6th, 24th and 23rd
All libra risings have amazing hair, they don’t get enough credit for. It’s an effortlessly perfect look
Gemini/Aqua Venuses are usually androgynous
Taurus risings are what you’d expect aqua risings to look like. I lot of them have multicolored hair or have a more alternative style/aesthetic
Mars in Pisces men never usually make the first move whether it be when asking someone out, talking to them or sex. They find it a lot easier when the other person takes initiative
A lot of cancer moons have bad social anxiety. I’ve seen a lot rarely ever leave their home
I think Gemini suns are way more freaky than Scorpio suns
Gemini placements are either really bad at social cues or amazing conversationalists
Taurus placements tend to hog down their food like a vacuum lmao especially the (sun and mars) they can devour their plate in seconds.
Libra suns and Pisces suns are a really good match and no one ever talks about it
Having a fire grand trine is the luckiest of all the trines. Less likely to be lazy with talents because of the high motivation and optimism the fire element gives
The biggest liar I ever mets big three was a Leo rising, Libra sun and a Pisces moon
Scorpio Venus men love mysterious complex women. Attracted to a woman with a very dark personality/aesthetic.
Aries moons can be very disrespectful and burn a lot of bridges because they didn’t get what they wanted
Pisces women with Aries placements enjoy going for men that are already taken🫠
Pisces moon men are the biggest SIMPS
Lilith in Pisces probably struggled with addiction at some point I’m their lives (drugs/alcohol)
Capricorn placements are hyper aware of their surroundings which is why they always look so put together. Their image means a lot to them because many have had trauma with being embarrassed for the way they presented themselves causing them to be super aware of how they come off which is why they can come off grumpy or uptight, this is especially true with the (rising and moon)
Mutable sun men usually have commitment issues
Scorpio mars women do not take it well when they are broken up with😭 the types to get very vengeful and petty to get your attention back on them. I had one go so far to say I’ll kill myself if you leave (my ex) can be very emotionally manipulative when they feel they are losing someone. Big control issues.
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oacest · 8 days
wait wait wait wait regarding your last reblog tags, what do you mean after the brit awards liam straddled noel and simulated masturbation?? what is this why don't i know about this?? elaborate please
good news, anon! this question caused us to go on a quest that culminated in successfully solving a mystery that has plagued us for months! quite a while ago we found this undated, uncredited pic of a Q magazine article that begins as follows:
liam gallagher lying down and simulating masturbation in front of noel during oasis's july wembley stadium strangeness might be considered uncouth behaviour towards your own kith and kin. but such cain and abel-style ructions play a sizeable role in rock tradition - and it never, ever ends happily.
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since there wasn't a date, and the whole picture spread is of their rolling around/straddling/...whateverelseisgoingonthere shenanigans, and nowhere else had we seen references to liam lying down in a sexual context (as he arguably is here) we ASSUMED it had been written after and in response to the brit awards, which made the reference to 'july wembley strangeness' puzzling, since they hadn't done wembley at that point. despite searching high and low, we couldn't find any further clarifying info and ultimately gave it up as one of those bizarrely tactful elidings of their Odd Behaviour so common in the british media (or sloppy journalism, also common to british news media).
however! as it happens, all three of us are physically in the same place rn (having our annual oasism conference) and as we lay around on the floor thinking about this ask, our large brains pulsating in sync, it occurred to us that if this article was indeed a retrospective, post the infamous 2000 wembley gig (which was indeed in july), then we actually knew EXACTLY the "simulated masturbation" it was referencing.
the speed at which the editing here cuts away from liam going in for a clear grope of himself is PRETTY TELLING, and is indeed proof of that aforementioned british media eliding, suggesting that to deserve being called "simulated masturbation" it probably went on longer and much more vigorously than what's suggested in this clip lmao. we'll leave the fact that he does it immediately after squeezing noel's bum and only once noel starts addressing the crowd up to your interpretation :)
so long story short: there was no (as far as we know) simulated masturbation at the brit awards. however, there WAS some at wembley, and more than what they're letting us see. 😡😡😡 we must overthrow the culture of corruption that silences women liam!
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innuendostudios · 3 months
by a wide margin the weirdest video essay I've ever release: List of Songs that Represent "Smart Music" Ranked from Most to Least Appropriate to Put in a Video Essay
this video is sponsored by Nebula, where you can watch ad-free and (sometimes, slightly) better edited versions of my videos for 40% off an annual subscription. just follow this link.
as a quick note: YouTube has already demonetized this video, as two different corporations are claiming copyright on recordings they do not own the copyright to - both are Creative Commons recordings of public domain music, that, in one case, YouTube has misidentified as a different recording, and, in the other, YouTube has the music in its database as under copyright despite it being having been released under CC BY-SA 3.0. I am disputing these false claims and will (hopefully) get whatever money I am owed, but, for now, YouTube is not paying me a dime for this.
so it would be a bigger help than usual if you would either watch the video on Nebula or back me on Patreon.
thanks. transcript below the cut!
List of Songs That Represent “Smart Music” Ranked From Most To Least Appropriate To Put In A Video Essay (And Presented In Drill Bit Order).
1. Clair de Lune, Debussy
This has been top dog ever since the teaser for Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and cemented its position against challengers with a showcase in Everything Everywhere All at Once. Said film could have been the shark-jumping moment where the song was irretrievably lost to irony, given directors Kwan and Scheinert (Daniels)’s style mercilessly marries the aesthetics of prestige and shitpost. Yes, despite its silliness, EEAAO is achingly sincere, but could the general public be trusted to recognize that? But then it won Best Picture, so apparently yes! Beautiful, delicate, to score a film or video with Clair de Lune signals a desire to be seen not only as an intellectual, but as an aesthete. The song could lose potency if the Clair de Lune sequence were parodied enough, but how does one parody EEAAO???
9. Gymnopedie No. 1, Satie
I fear we must, as a society, and as a community of video essayists, move on from Gymnopedie No. 1. It held the title longer than, I think, any champion previous, and for that it deserves merit. But its time is over. It is, like the phrase “mad dated,” mad dated. It is saying “lmao” out loud. Did you know the original screenplay for 2005 film The Island specifically stated that, in the weird culty enclave in which the film opens, Gymnopedie No. 1 must be playing over the loudspeaker? I don’t think Michael Bay followed that directive (I’m not rewatching the movie to find out), but that is how long this was the “Smart Music” song - since 5 months after YouTube launched. If you must - absolutely must - put Satie in a video essay, use Gnossienne No. 1, though it too is on its way to passe. At this point I’m prepared to say Vexations or GTFO.
2. Ave Maria, Schubert/Liszt
Nothing was certain after Satie vacated the throne, and for a while it seemed we might have a Starks vs. Baratheons situation between Schubert and Debussy. Following several appearances in pretentious YouTube videos, the Ave Maria made its strongest showing yet by scoring the opening scene of the grimdarkest Batman film so far, an entire twenty days before getting fully Lannister’d by Everything Everywhere All at Once. Unbowed, unbent, and unbroken, still she nips at the heels of the king, and may yet take his place. No one else poses a comparable threat. Hers is a curious strategy, being a religious, Christmas, and even classic Disney standard now repurposed as “Smart Music;” she gets a big boost every December, but can she take the top spot before this cyclical exposure nudges her back into a prior niche?
8. Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven
If you were in a film program in the mid-2000s, you are sick to death of Moonlight Sonata. Also if you were in a music class where you were asked to determine a song’s time signature by ear - how am I supposed to tell the difference between waltz time and 4/4 with all triplets without the sheet music in front of me? To say scoring a video with Moonlight Sonata is a hack move - you’d have to be a hack to not already know! This was the soundtrack to the blind cave salamander level of Earthworm Jim 2, there’s no coming back from that! I mean, the association with Tallarico Studios alone… It’s done. Roll over, Beethoven.
3. Cello Suite No. 1 (Prelude), Bach
This one is firmly-rooted. It is not going anywhere, both in the sense that nothing could soon push it off the list but it’s hard to imagine rising any higher. It is just slightly too beautiful, too expressive, too legato to fall into the stiffness of Habanera or the pomposity of a De Beers ad, but just close enough to them in tone to always read as a hipper alternative. So you’ll never be overexposed, but never go that long without hearing the Yo-Yo Ma version. And so here it stays, third on the podium, solid bronze, the waterbender, the Plup; with you as always is Prelude to Cello Suite No. 1. (Frankly surprised it took us this long to get to Johann, but don’t worry - he’ll be Bach.)
7. Air on the G String, Bach/Wilhelmj
Told ya. It’s not that she isn’t a beautiful piece of music, and it’s not that she already had her time. In truth, she never got her flowers. Inasmuch as she had a run, it was squished between the omnipresences of Beethoven and Satie. You’ll still hear from her now and then; she crops up, like a lucky penny. And you’ll smile, every time, but you know the stars in your eyes are not present joy, but nostalgia. A fondness for what was and what could’ve been - what should have been. Why - why couldn’t this have had the legs of Gymnopedie? I mean, even the Fucking Champs version - could that have made a run? Could TikTok pick up on it? But comes the day you have to accept - if it was gonna happen, it would’ve happened by now. Air on the G String grows weary; let her rest.
4. Duo des Fleurs, Delibes
Bit of a dark horse, this one. Didn’t exactly come out of nowhere - it’s been here the whole time - but you didn’t see it coming! It’s like that time I went snorkeling, and I wondered, “Where are the fish?” I was told there would be tropical fish, but all I saw was blue. Then I caught one flitting by my head and, as soon my eyes registered the shape, I realized they were everywhere! I just hadn’t taken them in. This is the one that makes you ask, where did I hear that before? Was this the one at the end of Margaret? No! How did it go? How do I hum dyads? But then it shows up and, oh yeah, that’s the one! The really pretty one. I knew it’d come around again. Has staying power, could make a run for the top if it sees an opening, but seemingly content, for now, to dance around the periphery, appreciated when heard if only half-remembered the next day.
6. Prelude in E Minor Op. 28 No. 4, Chopin
The bottom end of acceptability. Anything lower, you must avoid. But you can use Prelude in E. It is a risk, and it takes skill. But you can use Prelude in E. It is not for the faint of heart. This is the ending of Fez we’re talking about here. This is that one TED Talk about how everyone loves classical music they just don’t know it yet. This was all over Anatomy of a Fall. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer something lighter? Nocturne in E-flat [Op. 9 No. 2] is very nice. Prelude has just enough penetration that some people are going to recognize it, and enough clout that those who do are going to expect things of the person who puts it in a video essay. You can’t just throw this under a rant about The Snyder Cut. But you can - with care, with effort, and with grace - use Prelude in E.
5. Spiegel im Spiegel, Part
We are not ready for Spiegel im Spiegel. The rare “Smart Music” that is, rather than classical, contemporary minimalist. This is - I have been led to believe - all over the film festival circuit. It is the go-to for aspiring arthouse directors. So I assume it is only a matter of time until it reaches general cultural awareness. But we - the YouTube video essay community - are not, at this point in time, pretentious enough to pull off Spiegel im Spiegel. This is not a statement on the song: it is a lovely, sparse, and unpretentious piece of music, which is why pretentious people are drawn to it. And we are not there yet. But I believe in us.
The List of Songs that Represent “Smart Music” is not ranked by quality; they are all, as a baseline, masterpieces. They are ordered, instead, by their possession of antipodal qualities. Beethoven’s Fifth may be a beautiful piece but it’s too well-known - to the casual listener, it reads only as “classical music.” Vltava is a beautiful piece, but it’s not recognizable enough - to most, it will read only as “music.” Pachelbel’s Canon works in too many contexts. Mozart’s Lacrimosa no longer works in any context but “Shit’s About To Go Off.” The Song that Represents “Smart Music” must balance these humors: suggestive, but not too specific; recognizable, but not overfamiliar. The kind of thing one imagines cultured people listen to, and fancies oneself cultured for having noticed it. Just popular enough to signify obscurity to a large number of people.
This impossibility of being both popular and obscure is what keeps the list in motion. Many songs drift back into obscurity before reaching the top, but, once in the primary position, a song begins its slow procession to overexposure. And when, at last, it is too popular to be niche, it does not slip to number 2; it plummets to the bottom, as did Icarus.
Due to this slow but constant movement, new songs will, at intervals, join the ranks, taking the place of those that became gauche. And if, dear listener, you were aiming to trendset, to score your next whatever-it-is-you-do with the newest Song to Represent “Smart Music,” and were I a gambling man… Bach’s Prelude in C. And I’ll tell you why: it appears in the Netflix series Bodies alongside Chopin (#6), mirroring Satie’s dual appearance in The Queen’s Gambit (#9); its arpeggiated structure makes it usable in scenarios similar to the Cello Suite (#3) (Johann did love him some broken chords); and it forms the basis of the Gounod version of Ave Maria, if you would like a Cool Person’s Alternative to Schubert (#2). You may feel I’m playing too safe, but I tell you truly: this song is due. But if I can impart one piece of wisdom let it be this: whatever you do, whoever you are, you cannot use Fur Elise. You cannot. You can’t do it. It can’t be allowed. Don’t fu-
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redr0sewrites · 5 months
Since i saw that you are writing about ITSV/ATSV can i request something about Hobbie x F reader who has opposite life and aesthetic? They have so much in common but at the same time they are so oppositive like the reader play the piano and dress like old money girl aesthetic?
🥀Cw: none, just fluff!!!
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listen, we all know Hobie isn't big on labels or commitment, but when itt comes to you? he's genuinely WHIPPED like you are HIS girl
you guys definitely have an opposite couples aesthetic, with him being so spunky and outgoing while you are much more calculating and reserved. he's great at getting you to loosen up a little, and you end up being the one keeping him in check!!
listen, the old money aesthetic is all about looking classy and refined, and Hobie is the exact opposite of that. he probably thought you were a bit snobby when he first met you, but felt bad about making assumptions once he genuinely got to know you and realized how sweet you are
Hobie probably finds your style really interesting, the same way you find his style intriguing. whenever he sees clothes that you'd like or accessories that match your style, he always buys steals them for you!!!!
once he learns you know how to play the piano??? he's SMITTEN. he seems like he'd enjoy a partner who can play an instrument, and would love to just listen in and hum along as you play. he would let you teach him how to play piano, but only if you let him teach you how to play guitar as well!!!
Hobie would give you SOOOO many song recommendations to play, and in turn he'd play some songs for you!!
your guys' music tastes definitely make an impact on eachother. you've got him listening to lana del ray and laufey, which is SO out of character for him!!! he ends up actually enjoying some of ur music taste, even though he'd never admit it. in the meantime, you're music taste has now been expanded and bands like Three Days Grace, Meatloaf, INXS, and Green Day are now in your playlists !!!
Hobie keeps you up to date on a lot of activism and stuff like that, and would def bring you to punk rallies and rock concerts even though you don't fit in at ALL. everyone knows not to mess with you tho because he always stays nearby, and his hand is practically glued to your waist all night
since you're so fem, Hobie would TOTALLY let you do his makeup!!!! if you ever need to practice, or your trying out a new lip combo or mascara, he's more than willing to be your muse !!!
Hobie is the life of the party, he's genuinely so chaotic and all ober the place, and more often than not you're the one making sure he doesn't go too far. especially if you are in the spider society, theres been a multitude of times where you've had to put a hand on his shoulder and restrain him from fucking DECKING miguel (lmao)
on the flip side, he convinces you to loosen up a little and be yourself. you don't have to be perfect all the time, and when you're around Hobie, you can always be yourself. he genuinely loves you sooo much, flaws and all
you guys are genuinely SUCH a power couple- opposites attract fr ‼️
RAHHH THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! sorry this is so short i didn't really have any full fledged scenarios in mind but PLEEEASSSEEE feel free to request more!!!! i loved this req sm hehe- ive been FIGHTING a writing slump recently urgrhrhrg
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So I am aware that I am the only person making Edward II content as far as I can see, bUT if you are writing/drawing my guy then here is some advice from a MASSIVE Edward II nerd:
let's discuss Edward's appearance in excessive detail (yay)
Ok so. The basics: he had blond curly hair that reached his shoulders, parted in the middle in the style of the time. And a beard. Or at least he does in his effigy, in which we can imagine he is 43, his age at the time of death.
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I mean. Let's take a moment to appreciate his hair. It is A Look that I want to emulate with all my heart ands soul. Just me? Fine.
In earlier depictions of him he is clean shaven. For example, this drawing of him when he was accepting the title of Prince of Wales from his father
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look at my little guy (literally little, because the picture turned out tiddly and I don't know why). Lmao. Anyway, here are some more pictures of Edward II.
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I sometimes see people say that this is a young Edward III, but as this was produced in 1326 I doubt it. I rarely see drawings of royalty before they become active in politics, which Edward III at the tender age of 14 had not yet become. So it's more likely that this is just a very youthful looking Edward II.
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Again, this is probably Edward II. It's not specified, but it was produced during his reign so we can safely assume it's the man himself.
ok, so those are some drawings of him, what next?
unfortunately we don't know what his eye colour or complexion was. I'd imagine his eyes were probably blue or grey as it's quite rare to have blond hair and dark eyes. Also (and yes, I am looking too deeply into this, but shush), both his parents had dark hair, so for him to have lighter coloured hair would suggest a lack of pigmentation in hair and eyes, which would also lead to poor eyesight. (I can confirm this because I have the same problem. Both my parents have dark brown hair and dark eyes but I am blond and blue eyed as the pigmentation in my hair and eyes didn't develop as quickly as normal - it's common for white people to be blond when born and then for their hair to darken, but with me this is happening much more slowly than it did for my parents. As a result my eyesight is so bad that I can't buy glasses frames thick enough to contain the lenses lmao.)
here are what some of Edward's contemporaries had to say about him (quotes taken from Kathryn Warner's excellent blog)
"tall and strong, a fine figure of a handsome man"
"fair of body and great of strength"
"of a well-formed and a handsome person"
"one of the strongest men of his realm"
(To be honest the fact that he was super hot seems to be his only redeeming feature in the eyes of the monks.)
Edward enjoyed 'unkingly' activities such as digging ditches, thatching roofs and doing blacksmith work, so we can imagine that he was really strong (the quotes back this up). His father, Edward I, was six foot two so Edward II would have been pretty tall too.
So, in conclusion, if you're writing/drawing Edward II give him awesome hair. Give him dirt under his fingernails. Give him muscles. For the love of God don't turn him into the Braveheart version.
(also, when I look up references to the muscular structure most of the drawings that come up look like they're on steroids. don't put Edward on steroids. The strongest men in the world don't have ridiculously defined muscles. They just look 'bulky' or 'barrel chested'. So yeah :).)
Hope this helps!!! If not, at least this has been an excuse to ramble about Edward II.
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cuttleimagines · 2 months
𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚍𝚞𝚛'𝚜 𝙶𝚊𝚝𝚎 3 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍 𝚁𝚊𝚐𝚎
𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚍 𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜?
Also yay! First post! <3
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚞𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊 𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚘𝚘
Contains: Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karlach, Halsin, Minsc, Jahiera, and Minthara
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Minsc has literally no room for road rage and he knows it. He is by far the worst driver out of all the companions.
Not ONLY that, but he literally has a hamster therapist to bond with about the drivers around him
He’d see someone literally fucking street racing and have the most content face on
“Ah, Boo, he must be late for his appointment. I would’ve done the same in his shoes.🤷‍♂️”
Minsc is going below the speed limit all the time because honestly he’s just happy to be there.
If he ever gets hit he’ll settle for a quick conversation about trading insurances but will probably just get it fixed later and forget about it
People get mad at him but he’s so unbothered lmao
We love Minsc in this household he has the best non existent road rage.
Is strangely always calm at the wheel, a very courteous driver like Minsc but more softcore
waves at people to go even when he has the right of way so he gets pushed around a lot on the road lmao
The only way I can see him getting fed up is if it happens back to back and someone almost fucking kills him 😭 which is honestly the bottom of the fucking barrel
Honestly he just questions whether or not people actually USE their fucking mirrors to LOOK and SEE if anyone's there BEFORE they merge
Purposefully REFUSES to tailgate even a little bit because he can't be asked to rear end somebody because they brake-checked him.
It's very rare he ever reacts negatively at all, just kinda goes "Okay, people aren't always going to be the smartest, perhaps they're still learning."
Wyll, baby, they're driving a dingy pickup truck with a customized muffler 💀
Honestly if you ever ride passenger with this guy, you're probably gonna be getting mad FOR him because he just doesn't react to people genuinely being stupid on the road.
Overall, just a "get through it and move on" type of driver
If anyone's ever sitting passenger with him you're lucky because you get to fucking pass out on long car trips and not worry about whether or not mans is gonna fall asleep at the wheel or crash.
VERY good driver, probably the best out of all of the other companions
Type of person to flash at someone or wave at them if their gas door is open or something's falling off their car
Like Wyll, a pretty courteous driver, but gets a little annoyed if people don't give him the right of way when it's his turn
Does a little eyebrow quirk whenever someone cuts him off but ends up turning into an "I pity the new drivers of this generation" speech
If people are being dumb back to back he probably needs to pull over and just take a hot minute before getting back on the road
Overall, though, he tries to be civil and not let his anger get the better of him
Is probably the funniest when it comes to the mild version of road rage
"I didn't realize turn signals were growing out of style, considering nobody seems to use them."
"Wow! Look how much progress you made!" He says to the car that sped past him only to get one car ahead in the busy lane
"The light is green, sir! You accelerate when the light turns green! A common mistake, I know!"
"Do you think this poor lad knows you yield to turn right on a red and don't wait for the light to turn green? The education system has most definitely gone downhill nowadays, let me tell you."
Talks a lot of shit and laughs while doing it, mainly just out of disbelief that, yes, people are genuinely this stupid.
If he genuinely gets upset, he's honestly more disappointed than anything else
God, he's such a fucking DAD
Pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance when someone tries to merge in his lane when he's in their blind spot
Overall, likes to bond with his passenger over how dumb other people are but won't usually go past that point.
Isn't really bothered by other people not knowing how to drive.
Okay bear with me I'm aware it's strange to see the literal barbarian of the party over here but hear me out
Karlach really only rages when people are dicks to innocents and to the people who tormented her. I can't see her getting mad unless she's in the passenger seat. Then it's going down.
She's the one getting mad for Wyll whenever he's driving.
Says "yikes" before she almost gets in a collision but is one of those women who are just quiet while desperately trying not to hit the other car
A PERFECT maneuverer, gets in that motherfucking parking spot no questions asked
She's kind of an "Anyway!" type of driver whenever people are stupid on the road. She can smell bad drivers and just speeds past them.
"Nope, not dealing with your shit today. Bye!"
The only reason she's lower than Gale is because she's got some hardcore road rage but only when she's not the one driving.
Because how in the hell are you gonna make my friend's driving experience bad?? I'll kill you??
Thinks everybody sucks at driving except her
And genuinely?? She is a very good driver, knows all the rules and is very aware of her surroundings
The reason why I don’t put Lae’zel in the worst category is because normally with her road rage, she’s typically the type to deal with it and move on.
I do also think that when it comes a time that people are idiots and she needs to try and get out of it alive, she’s much like Karlach and are radio silent during near-death situations.
Please, please keep in mind that that silence is temporary, though. If anyone DARES hit her car that she paid for on the road, they’re pulling over and having a nice little chat.
Nice as in getting their dick ripped off, sure.
“Now, you’re going to tell me exactly why you thought it would be a smart idea to blind me with your headlights and expect to not get collided.”
She’s verbally tearing them limb from limb, criticizing the driving school they went to, demanding the address of the DMV that gave them their damned license.
“Whoever gave you a passing grade must have a brain hemorrhage, truly. I cannot fathom the idiocy it takes to put someone like you anywhere near a vehicle.”
Okay, yeah, she talks shit. She'll say it to their faces, and behind their backs.
Very chill driver otherwise and is just trying to get where she's trying to go
Like Halsin, she's also fairly safe, braking in advance if she sees shit and looking at both sides of a crosswalk to make sure some fuckwad isn't gonna sprint to the other side before she drives over it.
You don't usually see her road rage due to how accommodating she is in case of dumbasses but when she does she roasts the shit out of them
Racist when it comes to car makes and their drivers lmao
"Dodge Ram drivers are all the same, I swear." She'll grumble, flashing her lights at people who don't turn off their brights at night.
Total tailgater but only when she's alone.
"It wouldn't kill you to go the damned speed limit every once and a while, you know."
Definitely thinks she's the best driver out of all the companions
Whenever she has to pull to the side of the road after someone hit her they're shitting their pants
"I'm sorry I didn't see you--" "Oh, you didn't see me? Didn't see the bright-colored car directly beside you before you merged over? Are you sure your eyes are okay to drive with?"
Literally will not shut the fuck up over how terrible this new generation is at driving
Any time she gets on the freeway it looks like she's looking in 15 directions at once every three seconds
Also a very good driver but definitely not accommodative for idiots on the road.
You WILL let her merge. Definitely a horn-honker.
It's so embarrassing because she'll honk her horn at fucking everything.
Someone goes first at a stop sign when it was her turn? Honk.
Someone turns left at an unprotected light when they're supposed to wait for her? Honk.
Someone misses their exit and goes off the road even though they weren't even in front of her? HONK.
She treats it like a damn wrong button.
If a car speeds past her only to end up one car in front of her, she'll physically put her hands up in confusion and go "WHAT WAS THE POINT???"
"All these young people with so many places to go. You'd think it would kill them to stop and smell the flowers every once and a while."
Lord help the fucking soul that pisses off Minthara on the road.
I theorize that Minthara is a very, very aggressive driver. She is the first one to speed off when the light turns green.
She’s the motherfucker behind you on the freeway with headlights full blast because you DARED to go the speed limit for 2 seconds.
Flashes her brights quick enough to kill someone with epilepsy at the wheel whenever they accidentally leave their brights on
I feel like it’s obvious at this point but Minthara isn’t vocal in her road rage. Her actions speak enough for her.
She’ll mutter shit under her breath but honestly it just sounds like she’s putting a damn hex on them.
Likes to drive with no music like the fucking sociopath she is
If someone hits her, she’ll brake check and give them a worse-looking car. She needs to have the last say.
Which, yes, she’s just like that one guy in the tiktok who speeds after a car that hit and ran him, screaming on the mic “HE HIT ME AND TRYNA LEAVE!!! HE HIT ME AND TRYNA LEAVEEEE!”
That is Minthara.
You WILL regret driving anywhere in her vicinity.
Such a motherfucking chaotic driver. His road rage isn't bad in the sense of yelling behind the wheel. The lengths he goes to prove a point are what put him down here.
For example, if someone's tailgating him, he'll stop. Not a mere brake check. A stop. And he'll get rear-ended, just to get that fucking insurance money.
He prefers an untouched car, don't get me wrong, but he welcomes people to be idiots on the road.
He's also the type to drive motorcyclists off the road.
"Oh, you like to go fast? I can go fast too. Here, let me demonstrate."
Type of person to write notes on people's parked cars about how much they suck at parking
Once he wrote a fake ticket for someone who parked in his favorite spot at a particular joint he frequents.
His insurance hates him 😭
Is so petty with his road rage
If you're on his ass when he's already going 10 over, guess what? We're going 10 under now. The whole time.
Flips people off if they're lucky
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Headcanons about Paani and Natquik's relationship and how they met? 👀
uh well actually ik it's kinda wild n out there but I headcanon they met like this:
/s /lh fhdhdjdbsk sorry I'm not 100% sure what you want from me here?? 😅
but!! as for their relationship—at the end of that ep Paani says he's going to stay with Natquik for a little while, so that they can continue to study the flowing water that they found together, but we never actually get to see this ourselves. so!! it's extremely possible that Paani and Natquik are buddy-buddy now, but we just haven't gotten to see them interact since their friendship started!!
so 👀. some hcs 🤲 ↓
474637942749 years ago I made a post talking about how while yes, Paani is obviously a lot like Kwazii, he also has just as much in common with Barnacles. it's just more subtle.
I think that during their time together, Natquik probably would've picked up on that. Natquik's been alone for forever, and has been shown struggling when he's forced to share private space with others—but I think once he started to notice Paani's similarities to Barnacles, he became an infinitely more tolerable roommate.
... however.
one of Natquik's biggest grievances with Red (*the red fox) was how he ruined what would've been his "peaceful and quiet" vacation.
and. um.
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... that's not exactly Paani's specialty.
so they likely had to get used to each other's *style* the hard way at first.
Paani's not the type to intentionally start conflict, or even get outwardly annoyed with others (from what we've seen so far anyway). he's very easygoing, and even if it confuses him, I can see him accepting the way Natquik works pretty quickly.
but he does have a habit of doing things without asking first, or considering how his actions may indirectly affect others before doing them, in the name of The Greater Good™ (such as stealing the GUP-H so he could bring water to the elephants). the Octonauts can forgive him easily, because he *does* usually end up saving the day,
but. uh.
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Natquik's not as chill (ironically) with that.
so!! it's sorta less of them having to get used to each other, and more Natquik having to get used to Paani lol
Paani absolutely ended up meeting Natquik's penguin fam while he was staying with him, and they immediately loved him (as all birds he meets do), which GREATLY helped Natquik warm up to him.
maybe they also told Paani about how Natquik's just having a hard time, 'cause of how long he spent alone. and Paani, who was alone for an indefinite length of time himself, until he was found by the Octonauts... decides to open up to Natquik.
they talk for a bit.
then Boom! Friendship™ 🌠🌈 [INSERT CONFETTI CANONS 🎉🥳] !!
okay there was probably more to it than that, but we don't know how LONG they were roomies for—could've been only a few days, or a month, max, knowing Paani's dislike of staying put for too long lmao.
either way, I'd love to see them meet again, after having gotten to know each other. I think they'd make a really cool dynamic, if they were to go out on a real adventure or mission together. they MET in that episode, but they didn't really interact much—Paani was on his own, and Natquik was with Dashi in the Octoray.
and Natquik desperately needs more screentime anyway 👁️👁️
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
👍psychoanalyze ur kabru playlist now boy
yes I shall #1 boykisser... 🫡
ask game thing
anyway formatting the last post was kinda hell for me. which is why I'll do the same exact formatting for this one...
(rambling all over the place is commencing)
1. Valley of The Dolls by MARINA
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baby. where do i freaking begin.
"In the valley of the dolls, we sleep" -> his adoptive mother, Milsiril, is a big fan of collecting dolls. Like, plushies of everything. She animates them to fight, but they're also there to soothe her. She also adopts a lot of children from short-lived races who don't have a family and she got allegations that she treats them all like her dolls lmao... I mean she kind of does in the sense that they're all precious to her. She does respect their autonomy but uhhh still living with such a doting and overbearing/overprotective mother makes u wanna break outta the dollhouse the cage . be free . hashtag transgenderism also gosh im getting off topic . anyway i bet Kabru slept with a lotta those dolls. in his comfy bed . that he left behind because hes not abt that life mama he wanna see the world and save it and get killed in dungeons. boy.
"Got a hole inside of me / Living with identities / That do not belong to me" -> Grouping these lyrics together because it makes sense for my twisted narrative i mean my very real and based takes. Anyway, he's got a hole inside of him the void in his heart (in his mind) and thats why. his autism and ptsd masking swag. thats as eloquent as i can put it. theres a lot more i can say though
"In my life, I got this far" -> He survived the tragedy of Utaya his hometown . the bloodbath because of the dungeon. It has to be for a purpose ™ . It's because he has to save the world from suffering the same fate and it's his burden to bear it's his purpose it was why he survived (the survivor's guilt... goodness man. trauma processing of all time. :[ )
"Now I'm ready for the last hoorah" -> boy . letting these panels speak for itself. putting it under the cut because spoilers for the peeps seeing this maintagged and they're not caught up with manga .
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yeah boy hes falling. fallen. uhm. in the pit. Ready for the last hoorah in this case like. yeah 🤣 just leaving it up to laios (Liar . kabru and mithrun dungeon adventure speedrun)
"Dying like a shooting star" -> guy keeps dying. not even like a shooting star really. well. ig hes going out in style somewhat id getting crushed by Falin's chimera dragon claw counts as shooting star style
2. Lip Sinking by The Hoosiers
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We all know Sash does not play about The Hoosiers which is why I have 26 damn The Hoosiers songs on there I should get awarded tbh .
Now Lip Sinking is really good because it's another one of those scammer / masking guy anthems i keep talking about. These lyrics in Verse 5 in particular is really easy to match to Kabru's character moment™ though, so let's break it down.
"I float above my body" -> Common depersonalization experience. For trauma reasons, Kabru probably feels like this a lot sometimes but specifically in this scene...
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(apologies for no alt text peeps . but this is the friendship confession scene for those in the know if it hasnt loaded in yet)
anyway, back to the show (psychoanalyzing Kabru) . I think this disconnect with his words VS his thoughts and his heart is so real. Like. seeing urself out of ur body is again a depersonalization thing, and idk if hes feeling depersonalization in this moment specifically but he was really out of it and in a sort of , scrambled and intensely anxious state. His usually calm and cool persona slash facade is Crumbling and man he hates that .
"Must be out of my mind / Cos I watch myself / Getting it wrong everytime" -> He's like. man what the hell am I saying
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letting the page speak for itself again because It's like. its there i mean its in tha text what am I supposed to dissect hes dissecting himself already 🤭😭 okay. 'What am I saying' 'I can't find the words' so true man idk what the hell im saying either rn
"I can't tell you how I'm really feeling" -> because he doesn't know his own emotions. He thinks he does, he has been so good at controlling them and like being fake about what he's truly feeling in his heart, adjusting his personality for others' sake. So they trust him, believe in him, listen to him. But for Laios, how does he even say anything? Before this, the words just spilling out, he didn't even know how he felt about Laios. It sounds ridiculous even to himself and that's why he clamps his mouth afterwards but indeed it Is what he was truly feeling all along... (and then Laios thinks he's lying and hes like "NO BITCH!!!? what?!!!?! im being vulnerable and honest rn?!?" )
"Cuz I'm just lip-syncing" -> for so long that's what he's been doing. lip syncing, saying things he doesn't really mean to influence others' perception of him... but this time his mouth moved faster than his mind racing with thoughts. that he's able to convey what he truly wanted all along and finally admit to himself and his own consciousness. like. aaaahgh. man hes so special to meeee....
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bonus: the outro's lyrics is rlly good aha. he can finally say what he actually feels... he can be #real.
3. Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
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This one is . a lot of vibes I think.
"Are we allies or enemies? / This will be the death of me / This will be the death of me" -> He legit says this to Laios . like hes still wondering if they're allies or enemies . Technically he doesn't want them to be enemies. he's cautious but he knows Laios isn't really a bad guy but like, his mind just keeps fixating on Laios and the steps he takes to get the dungeon under control so. hes desperately trying to figure it out because goodness this guy is so. waugh
"All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore / This will be the death of me" -> his mental conflict is sooo tasty to me. like . all is fair in love and war !!! any method is justifiable !!! means justifies the ends but also he understands that in the end he can't fully wrap his head around Laios' love of monsters but he knows that Laios will be the one to conquer the dungeon because he also loves his family. He can't fight with him anymore and he can't "kill" him anymore because somehow this man has wormed his way in. well, he never wanted him dead in the first place but I find that he often thinks about killing him to save humanity from his... well. freakishness (complimentary) (concerning sometimes) ;;; but in the end Kabru lets him go and is willing to trust and support Laios till the end ... also once again the repetitiveness of "this will be the death of me" because he's stressed as helll!!!!
"What happens now, do we have another go?" -> I think this is post-Marcille being talked down out of being dungeon lord . Kabru's probably like ok so now what. well. Laios goes its my turn with the dungeon lording 😭😭 (and shit goes down) (but its okay he got it covered)
"Do we bow out and take our seperate roads?" -> Now this is probably when they're (the whole gang) is like "WHERE'S LAIOS DID HE DIE?" no he lives guys its fine. and namari toshiro and kabru run at him in relief. wauh. and also ofc the whole people coming together to eat faligon meat and save Falin ... yippeee... so yeah they don't go seperate roads because Kabru is like yeah imma be Laios' pr manager . #royaladvisor . sticking with him fr fr
"I'll admit I had my doubts / But I want to be let in, not out / But I want to be let in, not out" -> again the repetition ... of him wanting to help. I've mostly been talking abt how this entire song is Kabru's conflicted thoughts @ Laios but this can also be Kabru lending a helping hand to Mithrun at the end of everything. Because he's the one to like help Mithrun realize that there is a purpose to living and like . new desires and ppl who care abt him... but also yeah Kabru "i want to be let in, not out" because he wants to help out Laios with running the new kingdom instead of being in the background again and being ignored ahhaa he wants to be friends for real (and maybe even . lovers. lets go gay people)
ANYWAYYY YEAH THATS THE END WOOOOO idk how to close this out. happy belated birthday kabru and ty juno for sending this in ajshjdhsb :33 ♡
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genericpuff · 11 months
How do you feel about LO fans reading Rekindled? I mean, I know Rekindled wasn't created only for the critical side of the fandom to read, but have you ever had LO fans that read Rekindled coming at you because of your anti lo posts?
Honestly, I find I don't get that much harassment for it here, which has been great. One of the most common criticisms I get are accusations that I'm "riding off Rachel's coattails", but considering I'm making this comic entirely from the ground up, for free, in a way that fuses my style with Rachel's (which means it's still fairly distinguishable from LO) technically I'm harming Rachel's bottom line far less than the legitimate fans who draw Rachel's style 1:1 and sell adoptables and commissions LMAO (and that's not to be accusatory, I think it's neat that there are artists who can replicate it that well, but idk why people get mad at me for doing literally the same thing and I'm not even profiting off it lol it's literally just because I'm a critic and not a diehard fan). And if I didn't genuinely enjoy working on this project beyond getting fake internet points, then I would have dropped it from the starting gun, I'm not good at committing myself to new projects (yaaay ADHD).
I think it helps that I (intentionally) don't use the general LO hashtags, I try to stay away from using any fan-focused hashtags because ultimately the work I do isn't necessarily going to be meant for them and I don't want it getting recommended to them if that's not the kind of thing they wanna see. Of course, that won't stop fans from finding it, but if they're getting recommended stuff from the anti community, then chances are it's because they've already been lurking in it. If a fan of LO finds my work, they're more than free to read it and if they enjoy it, great! I was a fan once too, the comic itself isn't so much for the anti's and "haters" as much as it is for people like me who used to adore this comic and wanted more than what we got.
Considering LO is going to be ending by mid next year, Rekindled will very likely be going on long after it, so who knows, it might even become a new favorite for fans who want more LO-style H x P content. Of course, it'll come with all the layers of salt that come loaded with my content, but that's what we have the Dillyhub mirror for now ;)
I find I tend to get more pushback on Instagram and I can only assume it's because IG's recommendation algorithms work a little differently. I thiiink IG might be suggesting accounts that are followed by other accounts (so through mutuals) so if a fan is following the same people I am (ex. editolympus is one I can think of off the top of my head), regardless of whether or not those accounts use the same hashtags I do, I get recommended to them. I imagine it's a pain for people who don't want to be seeing my content but they can take their own advice for once - don't like it, don't read it ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭
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lxkeee · 6 months
I've only found out about you recently (since I'm pretty new to Tumblr) and I am obsessed with your writing style and creativity!! I've been a writer for a while, writing one shots, fics and headcanons on wattpad and in my notebooks ever since I was like 10 and also writing my own book (WIP) so recently I wanted to try Tumblr, too! And I think it's more fun than wattpad and journals, tbh.
Truth is, I've been in some sort of writing slump (which happens every single time my works don't get acknowledged, I get in a new fandom or feel kinda stressed with home life - now being a mix of all three), and I just wanted to ask you the following questions:
Do you have a certain request you've wanted to make towards a writing creator on Tumblr/idea you've wanted to write yourself that you can give up on and share for me to get back on track? You seriously don't have to, I'm just looking for something to write myself. (You can check out the only thing I have posted right now- just to maybe get a feel of my writing style? I write anything but smut).
Anyway, thanks for reading. Seriously, I love your writing!
Claire <3
Oooooohh slumps are certainly a common thing, I can understand that^^ even though most of us write fanfics for free and with it being our choice, we can't help but to lose motivation to write when our works aren't exposed as much to the readers.
Hmm I suggest adding more and more tags to your works? Tags that revolve around the piece you're writing.
Also, note to the readers... Reblogs, comments, and likes will be appreciated so do it>:)
As for an idea that you can write onnnn... Hmmm...
I have a few in mind... (These ideas are Hazbin Hotel related okay...)
1. Lucifer x cupid! Reader
2. Lucifer x death! Reader
3. Lucifer x Columbina! Reader
4. Lucifer x Azazel! Reader
So far these are some ideas I've been wanting to read/write but don't have the time to do at the moment but anyone is free to use it as an inspiration.
This goes to my other published works too, you can write fanfiction based on the fanfics I wrote lmao.
Hope this helps^^
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hi again, i’m the guy who requested hobie x trans vigilante reader and i LOVED IT. the details felt so true to his character and all in all it was an amazing read. you’re definitely one of, if not my favorite spiderverse writer. (btw, your spidersona sounds very interesting.) so, as expected, i have another request for you!
if you’d like, will you do a hobie x masc reader where they’re in bands? of course, hobie would be a part of a punk group, but maybe reader is in a metal one? they keep running into each other at shows and people think they might not get along, but they instantly get comfortable around each other. it’d be cute if they wore the other’s merch and showed up to some gigs. thank you :)
hobie’s punk, you’re metal (band edition)
hobie brown x masc!reader
had me gripping my knee, tucking hair behind my ear and kicking my feet fr ily tysm - if you’re planning to keep coming back (more than welcome <3) feel free to give me some kinda name to call you ! claim an emoji if you’d like or give me some kinda alias if you’d like, or remain anon, completely up to you !!
anyway such a slay idea thank you so much !
i’m gonna have to be a little brief w details cause i know hobie’s band is completely different in the comics and i have no fuckin clue what’s going on w this hobie’s band, no clue if gwen’s the drummer or what so mans being BRIEF but as far as i’m aware hobie does all of his gigs as “spider-punk” so secret identity still stands. i’m not gonna call him that cause he doesn’t like the name, but you know what i’m tryna insinuate
i’m a guy who can listen to all types of music so i enjoyed indulging in punk and metal music to get a better feel for this, so thank you !
i tried to do research into style, music and history so i hope this is half decent lmao
also wanna stress that i know there’s a shit ton of political stuff when it comes to punk and metal scenes, i ain’t touching it and i want none of you to ask me about it
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader
requests: OPEN actually begging for them im stuck in a car tomorrow
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
AIGHT ! so you twos both belong to bands that are pretty prominent in london, and if someone doesn’t know one then they’ll eventually learn about the other
you both like to perform at these smaller gigs instead of going mainstream, and it results in you two bumping shoulders every now and again
now, it’s impossible to miss hobie since he’s dressed as a punk spider-man
the same can apply to you if you choose to also have a secret identity lmao
but it’s on sight
it’s a common thing for people to think that punk and metal fans are like cats and dogs (an expression, animals are lovely.) for some fuckin reason
so naturally, both of your fans had always speculated the day that you crossed paths
what would you do ? fist fight ? poke hobie’s eyes out w the 🤘 gesture ? dear god will hobie swing his guitar at you ?!?!
no lmao
it’s like two old friends meeting, you guys have definitely heard of each other before but not yet met, so you’re both pretty psyched to see each other in the flesh !
it’s more like a “Ayy! my guy!” kinda thing instead of typical london stabbing
friendly hug, accidentally get impaled on a spike, that kinda thing
if your fans are sane they’re just kinda like “oh dope lmao” instead of “NOOOOOOOO” because who tf would
instead, opens doors to unlimited possibilities
friendly rivalry ? i think so
depending on what you play/your role in the band, you can get competitive for funsies
if you’re both guitarists you’ve got this ongoing joke about who’s the better one, shows are dope whenever you two are competing cause you go above and beyond for the sake of bragging rights
you win, metal takes a lot more out of a man (from the research i’ve done metal takes more “skill” in a literal sense, way more going on w the cords, correct me if i’m wrong)
hobie insists there are no losers, of course (he doesn’t believe in losing)
hella friendly banter, nudges, cutely whiplashing each other w water at shows whenever you spot the other in a crowd while they’re performing
collaboration ? possibly, imagine that shit
speculation of you two dating ? no because hobie doesn’t like labels
i’m gonna let u decide if hobie is the typa guy to kiss whoever else is on stage w him
back to secret identities for a little- aight so we all know hobie’s identity is a secret because he’s this spider-lad saving london, a conversation starter fr
in the events that you bring it up, he’ll probably just brush it off and tell you to focus on your scene, not in a mean condescending way but because he’d rather talk about music together since it’s his passion
depending on where your guys’ relationship goes determined if he’d reveal his secret identity to you or not, same applies to you if you have a secret identity
but i’ll leave that up to you
back to the gigs ! if you two ever spot each other in the crowds, it’s on sight
wether you recognise each other as your alter egos or secret identities, you will be either drowned by the end of the gig or mercilessly stared at
don’t think hobie would bring people up on stage unless you’re both performing, it can be a super awkward thing, other people might be uncomfortable and also favouritism aint his thing
wear each others merch, see what happens
you don’t have a secret identity and you wear it casually ? will likely catch the eyes of the media and words will spread
i cant actually imagine hobie having official merch, i think he’d like it more if his fans just made things so there’s not that whole “poser” stuff i’ve been seeing (again if i’m wrong and band shirts have significance other than sentimental value let me know)
punk is about diy, so he’d love his fans all the more if the “merch” he had was super unique diy stuff all hand made by his fans :]
so hobie either makes you merch, or you make your own ! he’ll probably make his own merch of you band, too
absolutely wears it to gigs, why wouldn’t he ? how fuckin punk is that ammarite
trade guitar picks, do it
you’re both real comfortable around each other, it’s an honest treat to cross paths whenever you’re both at a gig and if you guys become friends outside of it, that’s all the better
slaps stickers on your instruments case while walking by you, they have accumulated overtime
a lot of friendly call outs at the start or throughout shows, shit like “this one goes out to y/n, he ate my fuckin sandwich” before playing or probably banter along the lines of “refund his show and come to mine instead, it just makes sense” if your shows aren’t free
i expect you to do the same
you are each others worse nightmare
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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samiwife · 1 year
Hi again can you do Headcanons and Preferences for Julian Casablancas ? I never found nothing about him, I would really love + the way you think and write it's perfect!
Of course! I love doing these. By far my favorite things to write! Also thanks for the support and request!!!! <3
Headcanon and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Julian Casablancas)
Tumblr media
𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Always sings for you
Tries to take you on tour but you always say no
Playing with his hair is a constant
You wear his leather jackets
He always wraps his arms around you
He's unbelievably funny
He's also very wise and mindful
You could talk to him for HOURS
Sleeps face down like a corpse (haha, I'M SORRY)
He's insecure about his lips (thinks they're too thin)
He always snuggles his head in your chest
You make fun of his style a lot
Gets jealous easily
Pouts when he's jealous
He doesn't know it but he has MUSCLES
Radiates gentlemen vibes
Does everything for you like opening car doors, carrying you to bed, etc
He makes funny faces when alone with him
Speaks so many languages
Loves touring
Eats so little (it concerns you)
He drinks and smokes (which you hate)
Wears nice black boots with tank tops
When he wears belts, it kills you
Chugs energy drinks
Draws a lot but also writes song lyrics a lot
His smile is everything
Flirts with his fans
Has the funniest stares when he looks at you
You sometimes help dye his hair
Very medium-sounding moans during sex
HOWEVER, he is very good at doing oral
His tongue is a skill
Him fingering you drives you crazy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He sings when he's alone
Gets slightly embarrassed when you hear him sing
Has a lot of vintage music stuff like a CD player and records
Would wear fake mustaches to make you laugh
He loves to make you smile or laugh
Holds your hand when you're scared
Piggyback rides are common
He may be insecure about his lips but he is a good kisser
Loves eating dessert
Would choose sweets rather than an actual meal
Loves comedy films and watches them with you all the time
Hates studying and books (thinks they're for nerds)
Also hates going shopping but does it for you
He can be very mean sometimes
He makes fun of you like how you make fun of him
Playfully pushes you and hits you
Always fake cry when you slightly hit him
He always wears funny T-shirts
Also loves Disney movies
Has an undying love for Mickey Mouse (LMAO)
Makes his own loom bracelets
You mock him for having a shirt that looks like a mechanic would wear
His morning voice is so hot
Rides his bike but he sometimes falls off it
Great with babies but terrible with kids
He tries to act like an older brother in front of kids
He acts like a father with babies
Overpacks while traveling
His nails are always clean and neat
Has crooked teeth but it's okay
For some odd reason, he loves playing golf
Hates cold weather
Always looks like a grandma when the weather is cold
He gets sick easily
You steal his necklaces and bracelets
His favorite vacation spot is NYC
Speaks fluent French
Speaks French to confuse you
He's kinda dumb but you always teach him
He loves music class
Has strong political views
Loves learning about philosophy
Loves learning about space and planets
Has glow in the dark stars around his bedroom
Has the weirdest decorations in his room like a rocksalt lamp and stalker-like pictures of you
His favorite animals are lizards
He tries to skateboard but he keeps falling
Lastly, he kisses you a lot on the lips, cheek, chest, and much more. He also tries his best to make a better life for you. He talks about marriage a lot with you.
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spandexual · 27 days
Shippy ask: who are your greatest hero/villain rivals to ever do it in a sentai
Insane (eh, only mildly) question: what's your most common "you sort of put my kink in this show but you did it WRONG so I'm just annoyed you came so close now"
Clothing advice: any advice for coordinating stuff in the bodysuit region to look like streetwear because I've seen a few people on the wild in them looking great lately and I would enjoy secretly feeling like a starship captain
I mean have you seen Gekiranger. Have You Guys Seen Gekiranger. I know you specifically have but You, Reading This, Have You Seen Gekiranger? Tiger vs. Lion, literally feral untamed wild child raised by pandas in the forest vs elegant arrogant ambitious little princeling with a simpering girlknight at his side, purity and fury vs corruption and bitterness... You Guys... Jan and Leo (and I'm not calling him fucking Rio he's a LION the same way no one calls Mele the CHAMELEON "Mere" despite that being what dumbshit John Toei wrote in the mook) are the absolute peak of sentai hero/villain ships. Actually I would say the peak of toku hero/villain ships entirely. gaijug is just below and then like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis far underneath those two is like, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh actually idk, whatever KR hero/villain ship ppl have convinced themselves is peak ig. KR doesn't do very good hero/villain come to think of it. I guess it's because of all the main/secondary like how every sentai has its red/sixth (and usually red/blue too but I feel like that's not actually as common as ppl make it out to be, I think a lot of it is people just wanting an episode 1 ship)
Honestly, if my kinks show up in shows at all, they're often done perfectly bc people don't think they're sexual so don't have to pretend they're not (eg. The Stig being essentially a moto-drone like WOW) or the entire premise of the show is based around it (... like Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, even though the suits have not been as sexy as I'd like lately) lmao. I did get a bit annoyed at The Orville for giving Isaac (very sexy faceless kind of evil robot) a human appearance and emotions at first but the whole arc was his sexy milf doctor girlfriend going "ehhh actually I like you more when you're a sexy faceless kind of evil robot" which is incredibly based (as is the fact his sexy milf doctor girlfriend is The Sexy Outfit Wearer of the show a la Deanna Troi despite being a canon mother of a teenage boy and visibly middle-aged). ummm but I think all shows should have more crossdressing that isn't for jokes and more femdom or at least FLRs that aren't "bitch wife controls wimp man" coz like ew
Bodysuits are pretty easy to style casually! If you're talking more leotard style that are like a top with a crotch and no legs then a really sexy thing to do is wear low waisted bottoms so the skin on your hips is showing. Kind of like an advanced whaletail lol. Looks best if the bottoms are big baggy jeans/trackies or really slutty tiny pleated/otherwise voluminous miniskirts, I'd stay away from anything tight, small top big bottom energy yk. If you're talking about the full-body tight catsuit type, I think they're always gonna look a bit costumey, but you can still style them. Wearing a cropped/waist-length non-tight jacket over the top always looks super cool, look at 80s Rogue from X-Men! A floor-length coat would look cool too, rather than balancing the silhouette like with the baggy jeans or puffy jacket, it reduces the sex-costumey look by de-dramatising the silhouette by giving it a solid background. There's a lot of ways to play around! Bodysuits are essentially an inner layer the way tshirts and leggings used to be lol so you can honestly do whatever but I think if you want to be stylish you can't go wrong with the balancing act.
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