#This came from a conversation I had with a classmate where we both agreed that Gale would be an awesome dad
kylobith · 9 months
The Little Tiefling (Gale of Waterdeep x Tav)
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Word count: 2,955
One afternoon, as Tav takes a nap, Gale seizes the opportunity to bond with their three-month-old daughter by reading her a story.
Clad in his purple robes, Gale closes the bedroom door as softly as he can, wincing as the hinges and the wood creak. Before walking away, he perks up his ears, awaiting any grumble or moan from the other side. Nothing.
Relieved that he was gentle enough not to wake his partner, he tiptoes to the stairs, only to be interrupted by a loud cry. Months ago, he would have pictured himself whimpering and sobbing along upon hearing this sound so often in a row. Still, now that he was in the thick of it, nothing could eff the smile on his face. Sure, some days are more demanding than others, but he is more than grateful to any deity above to have been granted the privilege to experience it. It is a second chance, one most craved and prayed for.
So, Gale renounces the little free time he planned for himself rather gladly. He slithers towards the nursery at the end of the hallway, careful not to cause any more ruckus than the baby already does. Once inside, his face illuminates at the sight of the squirming little thing in her crib, grabbing at the air while screaming her lungs out.
‘Hey there, sunshine,’ he coos. ‘Awake already, aren't we?’
He bends over the cot and picks up his daughter, pressing a few kisses to her cheek before cradling her in his arms. In a mere instant, he is a man transformed. Tenderness and affection radiate from his twinkling eyes while the most beaming grin burns onto his cheeks. As he has so often done since he first beheld his partner, he cannot help but think that his arms were designed for two things: for holding his beloved Tav and for carrying his child.
Gale caresses the thick, feathery hair on the child's head, kissing her forehead while rocking her. Sooner than he anticipated, the baby calms down, but a nose scrunch remains on her little face. He walks out of the nursery and heads downstairs, momentarily setting her down into her lounge chair in the kitchen so he can prepare a bottle. He sings to the two of them all the while, occasionally spinning on his heel to coo the lyrics at his daughter while making silly faces. She watches her father with round eyes, drooling over her knuckles.
With a giggle, he picks her up and takes the bottle to the living room, feeding her on the couch.
‘Sorry, little one, it's just us this afternoon. Mum needed a break.’
His daughter eyes him again, her face finally relaxing now that she is eating. He chuckles and extends his index finger to poke her tiny nose.
‘But that means that you and I can catch up a little! So, tell me, how's life treating you?’
Silence. Of course, there would be.
‘Oh, I see! Many new things to explore, huh? Don't worry, that never stops. That's what’s so exciting about life if you ask me.’
The suckling noises fill the air, and he could not be more elated to have this quiet moment with his baby.
‘You know, adventures will await you at every corner of the world,’ he speaks fondly, already imagining her growing up. ‘It will be up to you to accept challenges or to deny them. Of course, you won't always do exactly what you like every time, and that's quite alright. You'll need that to evolve and enlighten yourself beyond books. But when you feel uncomfortable engaging in something, know you have the right to say no. It’ll spare you much heartbreak and pain, trust me. Promise you'll do just that?’
He stares at his daughter briefly before laughing to himself.
‘That's right, you're just a baby. I'll take your silence as a promise for now, though. Sorry that your old man needs a little reassurance now and then. He'll need much more once you grow up, especially if you dabble in magic. Don't want you summoning a bloodthirsty creature and unleashing it on the city, now, do we?’
Gale grins and gazes at the girl, remaining silent as she drinks the rest of the bottle. Once he finishes the feeding routine, he carries her around the house on a whim, showing her the view from each window and pointing at everything to be seen. He tells her about the bustling streets of Baldur’s Gate, the sweet smells whenever he passes the baker and how he always needs to restrain himself from heading inside to buy several pastries. He reminisces about strange encounters with locals and foreigners alike, those noteworthy enough for him to still grin whenever they cross his mind. He describes the hammering in the smithy in intricate detail, portraying it loud enough to resonate through the neighbouring streets.
When the baby fusses, he shoots glances around.
‘Oh, of course! Where's your owlbear, now?’
Before the child cries, he finds the little stuffed toy in the dining room, probably put away on top of the cabinet when Tav was too exhausted to think about where to put it. He grabs it and playfully rubs the toy's velvet beak against his daughter's nose, producing silly sounds he never thought he would indulge in when he was still single. The baby laughs, warming his heart and softening his traits.
‘How I love you, little one. Never doubt that.’
With another kiss on her forehead, he takes her to his library, which they now partly use as a playroom for the girl. The bottom shelves are long cleared of any of Gale's books, instead filled with baskets containing toys, games, emergency pacifiers, and bibs. It has become a new thing for Tara to nibble on the pacifiers as of late. It happens so often now that Tav has considered dedicating a separate budget for them alone.
A quilted throw lays on the ground, already dotted with stuffed toys and rattles. So much love has been woven into this blanket, skilfully created and sewn together by Tav during the pregnancy. Each square represents essential milestones in their lives, a work still in progress. A purple and black hole in a rock with a hand sticking out of it is embroidered on the first square, a playful nod to how Gale and Tav met. The following one pictures a serene scene by a campfire between the two, then the third shows them connected to the Weave. Tav's favourite square of all shows them under a colourful starry sky, the moment when she understood that she fell in love with the quirky wizard.
Other squares show Gale's proposal, their wedding, their new house, Tara, and her pregnancy. Another one features the two of them holding their newborn daughter, doting upon her. Possibly the most joyful event in their lives so far.
Gale gently places the child on the throw and sits next to her, not caring whether the belt of his robes is undoing itself, leaving the hems to gape around his torso. He shakes one of the rattles in front of her, but she seems more interested in nibbling the stuffed owlbear gifted by Karlach. He chuckles, knowing she would melt on the spot if she knew about it.
As father and daughter play and bond, it occurs to him that life could not improve from there. This is it, the pinnacle of his happiness. Teaching on weekdays while having enough time to coddle his wife and daughter, to study and read while petting Tara… No, it truly cannot get better than this.
When he senses that the child grows sleepy again, he puts down the toys and takes her in his arms.
‘Dozing off already? Am I this boring? Ah, I guess. One day, you will think that your mum and I are the dullest people you've ever met, but if only you knew why we became so…’
The girl yawns, and he giggles. No matter how often it occurred, it always filled him with such warmth.
‘But I think that your mum would kill me if I told you the story when you're not old enough. Or at all, actually. You need not be burdened with such things.’
Sitting her up on his hand, clutching her against his chest, he walks her over to a specific section of his library, making her look at the books.
‘Any favourite for today, duckling?’
Another yawn. Gale kisses the top of her head and finds his attention caught by a particular book in his collection. A beautiful edition, bound in green leather with gold embossings. It is one of the first books he purchased when Tav was expecting, in one of his many children's books rampages in the city. He wished to ensure that his child would never run out of stories to escape reality to, that their creativity would constantly be challenged and encouraged, and that the world would come to them when they could not take them into the world yet.
Sometimes, when the excitement or anxiety of becoming a parent seized him at night and ebbed him away from sleep's shores, he would pick one of the books and read to Tav's belly, caressing it with his fingertips lightly enough not to awake or disturb her. And just like that, fear would drift away, enabling him to swim back to the land of dreams.
‘How about The Little Tiefling, mh?’
Tilting his torso back, he reaches for the book and paces towards the armchair in the corner by the window. He sits down, propping his daughter against him and letting her curl up naturally, letting the sun filter through the windows onto her angelic face. His fingertips caress the embossed cover and flip it open to the first page.
‘The Little Tiefling,’ he announces with a hint of pride.
He clears his throat and adjusts his position to make them both more comfortable before starting to read aloud.
‘Once upon a time, there was a little tiefling named Yalaia. According to her mother, she had the most beautiful auburn hair, but according to her father, she had the cutest button nose in the realm. But there was one thing that Yalaia wished for above all else: horns.’
The door creaks open, and Gale's eyes dart to it, only to find Tara nudging it open and rubbing against the doorpost. With a grin playing on his lips, he beckoned her over with a nod.
‘Oh, hi, Tara! Come to listen to the story, too? Come in!’
The tressym, understanding her friend's every word, happily hops into the room. She comes to rub against his bare calves for an instant before leaping onto the armchair and sitting on top of it. Emitting a loud purr, she nuzzles his hair, earning a chuckle from the wizard. He balances the book on his knee for a second to pet her on the neck and wings. When the baby fusses, he kisses the girl's forehead and continues to read.
‘Her mother had elegantly curved horns, reminding her of fauns. Her father had proud and sturdy ones, making him look taller than he was. But Yalaia only had nubs above her brows.’
The baby yawns, and he gently strokes her bent leg with his thumb.
‘One morning, as she headed outside to meet her friends to play, she found with horror that they all had small horns protruding from their foreheads. But not Yalaia. As they played, she stared, wishing her turn would come. As her parents tucked her in that night, she wished to wake up with horns. And she did so every night that followed. Sadly, she woke up every morning with nubs.’
Above him, perched up on the backrest, Tara tilts her head to gaze at the beautifully painted illustrations.
‘When she saw that more of her friends grew their horns as if it was the easiest thing in the world, Yalaia felt rather sad. She felt that she did not fit in and was different from other tieflings. Now, as she prayed for horns every night, she did so with tears brimming her eyes. But it was not enough.’
Gale kisses his daughter's forehead again, seeing that she is nodding off.
‘As her favourite uncle came to visit with her cousins one day, she was shocked to discover that all her younger cousins already adorned shiny horns. So, between lunch and dessert, she snuck out of the house and ran away. It seemed that she did not belong. Perhaps she was no tiefling at all.
‘Worrying as soon as she left their sight, Yalaia's family relentlessly looked for her, calling her name. Neighbours and friends, shopkeepers and strangers joined the search, hoping to find Yalaia safe and sound and bring her home. They went through every house, every garden, every shop, every cellar, every attic, every chest and every barrel. They combed the streets, the hills, the riverside. When her mother ventured into the forest, calling out for her daughter, her cries were met by a whimper.
‘Huddled up by a rock in the middle of the woods, Yalaia sniffled and wiped her tears, relieved to see her mother. After running for hours to hide, she lost all sense of direction in the dense forest. She had turned and paced forever until she decided to remain by the rock. Whatever she was expecting to come for her was not her mother, so the joy to be found was only sweeter.
‘Yalaia’s mother cradled her in her arms, tears dripping onto her hair. What a fright it had been! She told Yalaia of everyone joining the family to search for her and how everybody was so concerned that all activity had ceased. The blacksmith had climbed the hills to see the landscape better in hopes of finding her, while her friends had retraced their paths to every place they explored together.
‘“Mama,” said Yalaia, “why would they look for me? I am different. I look different. Why were they not happy that I left?”
‘Yalaia's mother was saddened to hear such words from her daughter. But then, with the brightest smile only a mother can bestow, she replied, “Because you are one of us. You may think you are different, but we all are in our own ways. The baker does not always see eye-to-eye with the guard, yet when celebrations come, they dine merrily at the same table and share the same wine. Everyone has a place among us, and so do you, no matter who you are or what you look like. You are one of us.”
‘“But Mama, I don't have horns, and all my friends and cousins do!”
‘Her mother smiled and pulled her locket from beneath her dress, opening it to reveal two painted portraits. On the left, a young tiefling with orange skin smiled at the onlooker, while on the right, an even younger one with a reddish complexion did the same. Their pose was not their only common trait. Both children lacked horns.
‘“Do you see the girl on the left?” Yalaia's mother asked. “It was me when I was a bit older than you. I did not have horns yet, which made me sad, too. But I came to learn that everybody is different and evolves at their own pace. There is no wrong way to grow, no wrong way to belong to your people. All you need is to be kind and accepting. Everything will come in time, with a little bit of patience.”
‘And so, Yalaia hugged her mother, reassured her that nothing was wrong with her. Together, they left the forest and happily announced the good news of Yalaia’s return. Everyone was merry that day to know that the little tiefling was found. That night, she did not wish for horns, only for her kin to fare well. And when she awoke in the morning, two little horns were on her forehead.’
Gale gazes down at his daughter and smiles from ear to ear as he finds her fast asleep.
‘The end.’
‘Don't you think it's a bit of a complex story for a three-month-old?’
His eyes dart towards the door, only to find a dishevelled Tav leaning against the doorpost with a grin. Even with deep circles underneath her eyes and knots in her hair, she looks as radiant as ever to him.
‘There you are, my dear,’ he chimes. ‘Didn't you want to nap longer?’
‘Couldn't bring myself to it. I missed you both too much.’
‘I see.’
Gale laughs and puts the book aside, carrying the sleeping baby to Tav.
‘She and I had a lovely afternoon. She was an absolute sweetheart.’
‘That's good to know. How long has it been since you fed her?’
‘About two hours ago.’
‘Mmh. It's almost time again, then.’
She takes the little girl from his arms and props her up against her shoulder, cupping the back of her head and kissing her hair. Tav’s attention is drawn to a pile of boxes in a corner, and she sighs.
‘You still haven't dealt with those?’
‘I meant to do it this afternoon, but I got carried away playing with her and all,’ Gale admits, scratching the back of his head. ‘Don't worry, I'll get to it today.’
‘At least return Astarion's gift first. That's the first one I want out.’
Gale follows Tav out of the library, lovingly holding her by the waist.
‘My First Wine-Tasting Kit. Who even gives that to a baby?’
‘The question is: who sells that in the first place?’
Both chuckle and exit the room, closing the door behind them to return to their cocoon and family life, leaving Tara to curl up on the warm armchair.
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Tag: @emmanuellececchi
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aettuddae · 9 months
hole in one. — 141. it'll be heaven.
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⌕ synopsis: at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, where everyone is battling to be the center of attention, yu jimin is just a regular. people want her because of her beauty, but all she cares about is sharing her freaky stuff with her friends and passing her subjects. although there's one thing that might push her out of her comfort zone, revenge. when nakamura kazuha, one of the richest and most well-known students of NCU, starts to spread gossip about her for thousands of followers to see, jimin decides to get back by taking away the thing kazuha cares about the most: her perfect girlfriend, the young golf star, kwon haru.
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masterlist | prev
[written chapter]
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"guys, i ran out of battery on my phone." reported seungkwan from his seat.
"i told you to charge it before you left." reproached yunjin.
"i got distracted by leveling up in candy crush and forgot." defended the boy.
"how many students are there?" questioned minhyuk with an irritated tone. "i'm hungry."
"me too, i didn't have breakfast." shared juyeon.
"why didn't you have breakfast?" asked ningning.
"i didn't have time." explained the older keeping her eyes on the stage where students continued to pass by to receive their graduation diplomas. "minhyuk was supposed to go wake me up, but the bastard showed up fifteen minutes before we had to leave." she reminisced in frustration.
"at least i remembered to come get you." said the jock.
"no, it's okay, i already know you, i should have predicted it." dismissed.
"excuse me? we're all entitled to one last chance." he lashed out with mock offense.
"you never got anywhere early in your whole life, you're not starting now." replied eunseo.
"i can change..."
"... uchinaga aeri." the voice of an older teacher echoed through the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was taking place, grabbing the attention of the entire group of friends and thus interrupting their conversation.
"up, up!" commanded juyeon.
everyone stood up and began to applaud their friend as she was taking her diploma. haru, minhyuk and juyeon with their phones held high recording the whole process as if they were three proud parents, the last two even shouting some chants of pride and love to the japanese girl, who wanted to die of embarrassment and made countenances at them telling them to shut their mouths. they were genuinely happy for their best friend.
aeri received her certificate, had her picture taken with it and then proceeded to walk off the stage towards her spot again and let the event continue with the next students.
haru was in a good mood that day, of course she was. her best friend was graduating, and in the same class was the girl she loved, who she would finally have in the flesh next to her after agreeing that they were going to be fine. it was a good day.
the golfer followed giselle with her eyes until she was in her chair, and then she tried to locate jimin among her classmates, but it was such a large group that even if she tried to look for them alphabetically, she wasn't being able to find her.
as her eyes wandered around the place in search of her favorite human, she came across someone she hadn't expected to see at all,
nakamura kazuha.
the girl was standing next to an empty seat, presumably hers, at the edge of the small aisle that formed between the student area and the guest's, trying to get a better view of the proceedings.
it had been almost as long since she had last seen kazuha as it had been since she had seen karina before the wedding, so the girl was a particular sighting, to say the least.
kazuha was still living in seoul and playing golf at the rottary club, as usual. the last kwon had heard, she had joined a professional team.
kazuha possibly felt the watchful eye on her, as she turned to look for the reason why she felt observed, finding her ex with a dumbfounded and slightly goofy expression. as they made eye contact, they both gave each other a shy smile and the younger girl raised her hand, waving it and greeting haru.
the sudden feeling of familiarity came over her, and the eldest began to walk past her friends until she could step out of the small place where their seats were and approach the girl.
"hey." greeted her, somewhat hesitantly.
"hey." returned the chestnut with a big smile on her face.
"hey." repeated letting out a nervous giggle, then looking to the side and giving a nod to sakura and eunchae, the japanese girl's mates, who were accompanying her.
"i didn't imagine you'd come over." she shrugged.
"how can i not approach when i haven't seen you in years?" she settled in next to her, both of them with their eyes towards the scenario.
"well, it's not like we were splendidly two years ago." she remarked. "how have you been?" she wondered looking sideways at her.
"bad," kwon went silent, contemplating her answer, eliciting a frown of concern from the girl. "but i'm fine now." she assured her.
"are you sure?" she put her hand on her back to show reassurance. "what happened?"
"don't worry, i'm serious." she nodded her head, reinforcing her words. "i don't know if you know i moved..."
"of course i know, haru." she cut in, her tone carrying a hint of sadness.
"well, it was the moving, the new town," it was obvious she wasn't going to mention the main reason for her pain to her former girlfriend. "i couldn't play golf for a long time." she added, downplaying her words. "you know, it was hard." she concluded. "but i'm fine now, really, how have you been?" she rested her gaze on her, expectant for an answer.
"i've been fine." she assured calmly, removing her touch from haru's body. "i'm on a team, my teammates are good, they are talented. we will prepare to participate in the championship next year." she said defiantly.
"oh, then we'll be rivals." she cocked her head confidently and stretched out her hand for kazuha to shake. "may the best one win."
"you say that because you're the best." she narrowed her eyes, judging her. "and aside from golf..." she folded her arms, thinking. "i don't know, not much has happened." she sighed not knowing what to tell. "i graduated last week." she commented. "you didn't come." chastised kazuha, as an innocent comment.
"sorry." haru lowered her head, an ashamed smile on her lips. "you went to mine even when we had been broken up for months, i should have go since i was in town."
"don't worry, haru, just kidding." she gave her a gentle nudge with her elbow. "you didn't have to come." she understood. "it's enough that you came over to talk to me now." she brought her hand to the back of her neck and squeezed from both sides playfully to comfort her, causing them both to laugh. "you came to see aeri?" she changed topics, returning to the situation they were in.
"yes, obviously, we all came." she took a glance at where her friend was sitting. "and well, jimin too." she admitted, feeling out the younger girl's reaction.
"oh." her mouth hung slightly open and her eyebrows raised as she processed what she had just been told. "so, you two...?" she raised her index finger to point at her, then wagged it around as if trying to finish her sentence with her gestures.
"it's complicated." she sentenced. "we met again recently." she didn't want to give away too much information.
"sure." she took a moment. "i hope you two do well." she encouraged, seemingly sincere.
"thank you, zuha."
"tell her that..." she took a big breath of air, gathering courage to let her pride go. "that i'm so sorry."
both pairs of eyes met for the first time in the entire talk, and haru saw in her a glimmer of the kazuha she once loved. a kazuha who could become tender and sensitive, a kazuha only she seemed to have known.
"i know it's not going to change anything." her hands danced in the air illustrating her attempt to explain herself. "or maybe after all this time it doesn't matter anymore." she closed her eyes for a second, recomposing herself. "but if you can, and want, tell her i'm really sorry." she lifted her eyelids, letting her guard down.
"i will."
haru felt something inside her stir, the memories. seeing kazuha in that place felt surreal to her, but apart from that talking to her brought back a feeling that mixed both the familiar and the unfamiliar. she could never hate her, after all, haru had always been one of the few people who couldn't do that at all. seeing her there, being a bit of who she once was, blinded something in her brain, and her first instinct was to lean in and hug her.
"it's good to see you." she whispered, her chin resting lightly on her shoulder. "and it's good to hear you're sorry." she moved her hand along her back.
"i want to apologize to you too, haru." at that moment, she finally dared to raise her arms and reciprocate the woman's gesture. "sorry for ruining that nice thing we had." her voice sounded a little shaky.
"i don't need you to apologize to me." she shook her head even if the girl wouldn't see it. "i chose long ago to keep only the good parts of your time in my life."
the older girl stood up straight, breaking the hold they had on each other. she arranged her locks behind her ears and connected their gazes, which were flooded with nostalgia and affection. between the two of them, there was no more romance, but there would always remain the deep adoration you have for someone who was once your confidante and security.
"... yu jimin." this time it was a female professor's voice that announced the name, interrupting the moment. again kwon had not heard the introduction.
"oh shit." exclaimed kazuha in surprise. "your girlfriend." she centered her focus on the student body area. "go!" she put her hands on her arm and began to push her back into her seat.
"kazuha, it was good to see you-"
"yeah, yeah, we'll meet again when we compete, now go, jimin is graduating." she didn't let her finish, rushing her.
"wow, you've changed."
"go!" she insisted, ending in both of them letting out a few laughs at the interaction and haru returning to her seat.
the athlete took out her cellphone as she had done with aeri, and pointed it at jimin, who was walking up to the stage. with great joy on her face she took a few photos of her as she received her diploma, then locked the device and put it away so she could applaud her and watch her personally.
when karina stood for her picture with the certificate that she had finished her studies, by coincidence, or a bit because she was looking for it, she found haru in the audience, and couldn't help but stop and admire her as she was happy for her. so in the final image she was not even looking at the camera, but to the side, full of love.
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the ceremony was over and the group of friends had ventured out in search of the new graduates, parting in each other's close circle.
minhyuk, eunseo and haru were with giselle and her parents, showering the girl with hugs, affection, congratulations, and taking pictures of her. each one posed with her individually for the camera, and then they did it all together, then with the parents. they would have enough documentation of that moment to fill an album so they would have to forget the picture they had taken of her earlier where she was begging her friends to keep quiet.
minhyuk even cried, claiming he couldn't believe that the youngest of the group had already finished her college years. they had met when they were just teenagers, and now they all had degrees and their futures planned.
jimin was first greeted by her family, who warmly congratulated her on her achievement, and then her friends arrived, who, of course, started a magazine-worthy photo session in the middle of the auditorium. seungkwan even lifted up ningning, who was holding a phone with the flashlight on, in order to properly illuminate the picture that winter was taking of yunjin and jimin.
after, they became involved in a hyped conversation, but the girl could not stop diverting her interest to the group surrounding the uchinagas.
she had already been welcomed and showered with compliments for what she had accomplished, she just wanted to run to haru and have her close finally. but over there, they kept crying and hugging each other sentimentally.
it was while her loved ones were talking about the different job offers karina had on the table for her future, that she turned to see what was going on in the other gathering of people and noticed a bored haru, as they were not doing anything in particular, she was distracted scanning what was going on in her surroundings.
she took the opportunity as her own and excitedly ran towards the oldest, who noticed her approaching her euphorically and opened her arms waiting. jimin's body crashed into haru's, with enough intensity that the latter slightly lost her balance and had to take a few steps backward, dragging yu.
"how is my favorite graduate?"
she wrapped her arms around jimin, with one holding her body tightly and one hand wandering through her hair subtly. the younger clinging to her waist as if there was a hurricane around and the girl was the only thing she could hold on to.
"actually, that offended me." giselle's voice was heard from behind.
"you're my favorite too." she detached her hand from the blackhaired's back to point her finger at her friend.
"you can't have two favorites." aeri held her waist and brought all her weight to one leg as she judged with her gaze.
"later you discuss it." karina made a rambunctious gesture indicating for them to be quiet. "hello." she whispered, as she pressed her forehead together with the haru's.
"hello." she replied in the same volume, just for her to hear, showing all her teeth from the joy she felt. "i'm so proud of you, princess."
"thank you, baby." they stared at each other stupidly for a few moments. "i missed you." she added, finally being able to say it to her face.
"i missed you too." she lifted herself up a little, getting to the height to leave a delicate kiss on her nose. "you look good." she exclaimed in amusement taking a few steps back so she could observe her full body, their hands enlaced.
"don't i?" she took one foot off the ground giving a short hop and cocked her head to one side with a cheeky expression. "i'm the most adorable economist." she ran her hair making it fly back, continuing the joke.
haru's smile spread even wider and her eyes, or what could be seen from between those cavities that formed moons as they narrowed, sparkled as they followed karina. the girl could no longer contain the wave of beautiful emotions beating against her chest, and she walked briskly to catch the younger girl again and lift her into the air, spinning around, accompanied by her giggles.
the golfer slowly stopped, but before she set her down, jimin took the chance to use the hold on her neck and the closeness to her ear to murmur to her, in a tone that mixed melancholy and absolute happiness: "being like this with you seems like a dream."
"don't worry." she released the girl once her feet were on the ground. "it's not." she caressed her cheek tenderly. "i'm really here, and i'm happy to be." she reassured, comforting the girl.
jimin stopped to admire her. even with her words, she found it hard to understand that she was real. she felt like it was an angel in front of her. she loved her, in such an overwhelming way that jimin thought it escaped from her heart and took over her whole body, leaving no room for her blood, organs or veins. she loved her with all that she was.
"come!" the younger girl exclaimed abruptly after remembering something, startling the sportswoman with her sudden change of attitude. she took her hand and then started walking quickly.
they approached where jimin's acquaintances were standing, stopping short in front of them. haru felt a little shy since she had never met the girl's parents. off to the side, her friends watched the scene proudly, after all they had accompanied her through in those two years.
"mom, dad, this is my girlfriend." she held out her hand to the girl, who bowed as a greeting of respect to the elders, but looked a little puzzled. seeing her reaction, yu realized the label she had used and felt nervous. "my thing." that wasn't good either. "my haru." she corrected herself. "this is haru."
"so you are haru..." the man said, taking in the person in front of him.
"the golfer!" the lady recalled.
"that's what people know me for." agreed kwon, extending her hand to the couple.
"jimin used to make us watch your matches when she was at home." commented the father, causing the named one to cover her embarrassed face. "you know, i really like golf too..."
to no one's surprise, everyone got along well. haru was incredibly likeable after all, and it filled jimin's soul to see the most important people in her life excitedly engaged in conversation.
a few minutes later, giselle approached them to remind that they were all going to eat at a restaurant later to celebrate. there was a reception for all the graduates, but they preferred to go with their best friends.
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they had been there for at least two hours, but they had only started eating. although everyone had been drinking and chatting since they arrived.
it was amazing how the two groups had found each other and managed to get along, despite the things that had happened between them.
at one end of the table were seungkwan and minhyuk, the latter had his arm around the back of the other's chair, wrapping it around him. they were distracted in a debate about whether fries tasted better with ketchup or cheese, and it was endearing to see how the chef never stopped laughing at anything that came out of his boyfriend's mouth, while the golfer gets fascinated listening to the things he told. they had a nice relationship, they understood each other in humor, and had similar tastes, they were boyfriends and friends at the same time.
the rest of the girls were sitting one on each side, across the table. it wasn't an abysmal distance, but they were still carrying on an almost shouting conversation, laughing uproariously, with eunseo leading the chatter they were engaged in, which was largely gossip. to one side of the oldest redhead, minjeong was quiet and smiling, drinking her beer and stealing loving glances at her now wife.
and in one corner, haru and karina were in their chairs next to each other. the older one's hand rested comfortably on the graduate's leg, who was brushing her fingers along the other's body in search of contact. both were attentively listening to what the others were saying and would let out a giggle when someone made a funny comment. sometimes starting short exchanges of words only between them, but mostly just enjoying the moment.
juyeon was trying to explain something to yunjin, who was looking at the others with bewilderment as she didn't understand what she was hearing. the girl's expression was funny to her friends, even to jimin, who burst out laughing when she saw her and leaned on haru for support. once it passed, she stayed in that position, with her head on the golfer's shoulder, and after a moment, she wrapped the arm that the girl had holding her with her own, clinging completely to her.
"i love you." said the blackhaired, leaving a kiss on haru's cheek.
"i love you." she reciprocated, turning her head so she could look at her face.
"sorry for introducing you as my girlfriend to my parents today." she casually mentioned.
"no worries, i guess i will be at some point anyway." she shrugged with plenty of attitude.
"oh? so that's how you think..." she gave her a playful pinch. "if so, then why aren't you right now?" she bit her lip expectantly, embarrassed that her heart was pounding at the inquisitions of what she had said.
"you haven't asked me yet." haru explained without giving it much thought and then leaned over to pick up her glass and take a swig of her drink.
"do i have to ask you? i was waiting for you to ask me." she pointed a finger at herself.
"no, clearly you have to ask me." she sipped again, looking defiantly at her over the glass.
"would you be my girlfriend?" karina asked hurriedly, so fast the words were barely understood. her eyes painted with anticipation.
"you're asking me here? with minhyuk present?" she exclaimed ironically.
"what did i do now?" questioned the boy across the table.
"you don't care." the girl dismissed him without even turning to look at him, getting him to throw his hands up in the air in disbelief.
"you must have done something." eunseo accused him, triggering one of their silly arguments.
"come with me." jimin got up from her seat and started walking. haru obeyed and went after her.
"where are you going?" the sportsman vociferated.
"you don't care." repeated her best friend.
"kwon haru, i'm not liking your antics!" he complained offended.
the two girls continued on their way, jimin sure of where she was leading and haru, a little lost, behind her. they arrived at an almost completely unoccupied side of the restaurant, from the main hall of the place you couldn't see clearly and there were few tables, at the end of it, a double glass door that the now economist opened to pass through, the one who was following her also passing by it.
behind it, there was a rather small backyard, which was blocked by trees and bushes. beyond the decorative forestation, there was a concrete wall that could not even be seen among so many leaves and trunks. lights hung from the tops and branches, and there was even a small bench on one side. haru presumed that this place was specially designed for smokers, but at that moment it was empty.
"how did you find this place?" kwon inquired, her eyes on the small lamps above her.
"when i went to the bathroom i got the wrong direction and ended up here." she laughed shyly.
"it's pretty." she lowered her eyes, turning back to jimin.
"like you." she returned witty.
"and you." she added roguishly. "and you brought me here to...?" she raised an eyebrow mischievously.
"kwon haru," she put her hands behind her back, feet together and puffed out her chest, pretending to look like a prince about to make an announcement. "would you do me the honor..."
she paused to search her pockets for something, observe her fingers, and then surveyed her surroundings. she dropped her gaze to the ground, turning only with her upper body so that she could analyze behind her back. she leaned over and held a cigarette butt between her fingers, then extended it toward haru.
"is it antiromantic if i ask you to be my girlfriend with a cigarette butt?" she pouted. "i don't have a ring to give you."
"wait." haru was now the one digging through every crevice of her clothes looking for something that would work. she picked up her wallet and checked it. "is it any use proposing to me with a bill?"
"that's even less romantic than the cigarette." she dropped her arms on either side of her body listlessly.
"a picture of my mom?"
"my id?" she continued without stopping checking.
"put that down, put that down." she approached her and pushed down the girl's hands holding her billfold.
"i didn't find anything either, sorry." she put the object away and made a regretful grimace.
"would you like to be my girlfriend?" she said again, unexpectedly.
"don't you need a ring, then?" the woman caught her face between her palms, creating an eye contact that exuded sweetness.
"i'll buy you one for our first anniversary." she promised, her voice soft, only dedicated to her. "and on the next one, and the one after that, and when i ask you to marry me." she held haru's waist. "although i'm so sure you're the love of my life that i might ask you to marry me before any anniversary."
"one step at a time, princess, we're here now." stopped the older one, laughing adoringly at such ideas.
"be my girlfriend." she asked again. "i love you, i don't want to not have you by my side, and i swear i will never ever again do anything to take you away from me. my place is with you."
"of course i will be your girlfriend." haru accepted.
upon hearing the answer, karina bounced on her feet on the spot because of the exhilaration that exploded inside her. she fleetingly pulled the girl from the back of her neck so they could join in a kiss to seal the pact.
it was the first kiss they had shared in two years that carried no pain behind it. all it brought was new beginnings and love. it was safety, and light. the promise that from now on, they both had a place to return to and a refuge for when everything got rough.
jimin's lips caressed haru's with affability, taking the exchange calmly, wanting to express all the stunning chaos she unleashed within herself through that gesture. the opposite held her figure gently, holding her as close to herself as possible as if trying to keep her from leaving again.
they broke the union carefully, still remaining over each other, their noses touching, their lips no more than an inch apart, "haru, let's move to busan." she suggested suddenly.
"what?" she frowned in surprise after hearing what the younger girl had just said.
"or come back to seoul." she added without thinking about what she was saying. she didn't have to as it had been on her mind for days.
"what are you talking about?" she let the girl go and walked a bit away.
"or i can move to incheon." she continued.
"wow, stop right there." she pointed her finger at her signaling to calm down. "what?" she reiterated.
"is that," she gulped in a breath of air, her grimace turning desperate. "you don't live here." she burst the bubble. "and i know we've been avoiding the subject voluntarily, but in two days you go back home, and then we'll be apart again." she began biting her nails.
haru was silent. she knew that what karina was telling her was the inevitable reality, and that they would soon have to part ways one more time, but she had chosen not to worry about it and somehow managed to forget.
"haru, i love you." she affirmed again. "and i'm tired of losing you, so if you tell me that in incheon you're happy, i wouldn't hesitate for a second to move there so i could be with you." she was sure of what she was saying. "but tell me the truth, is incheon for you? do you live the life you want there?"
the golfer knew she didn't. she had two friends in that city, one of whom was juyeon. she played on a team with people she didn't care about. she didn't feel full on her drive in the mornings to go to her training, she didn't even go for a walk in the streets like she often used to do in seoul.
what was there in Incheon for her? what was there in incheon that was hers?
she left seoul because it generated sadness in her, but if she had to be honest, thinking about incheon also made her feel miserable.
"busan?" she blurted out hesitantly after a moment in silence.
"weren't we happy when we were in busan?"
yes. the answer was clearly yes. depending on how you wanted to look at it, it was the place where it all started. where they admitted they felt things for each other and gave those emotions a place to be explored. despite being surrounded by people, it had felt like only they had been there. together. their own universe.
"just you and me?" she hesitated.
"well, we can take juyeon if you want, but she won't live with us." she said jokingly. "oh, and a cat." she finished seriously.
"you, me and a cat?" a smile began to tug at the corner of her mouth.
"what do you say?" she inquired hopefully, unable to hide that she was already excited.
"busan." she shook her head up and down, saying yes. "you and me."
karina let out the highest pitched squeal she had ever projected in her life, she ran towards haru almost as if flying, not even noticing how she came to be held to her girlfriend like a koala bear, her legs clinging to her waist, haru holding her tightly, contentment present in every part of their beings.
"and a cat." she stated again.
"yes, my princess, us and a cat." she guaranteed.
"and we will never separate again." jimin pulled away a little so she could look into her eyes.
"never." haru backed up her words, then moved closer and joined in a kiss.
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— the end.
[a/n: thanks to everyone who read, 141 chapters wouldn't have happened without the support this story had. ♡]
— taglist: @runawaymazola @chaenniefirst @livelaughchoerry @rinapomu @jeindall777 @petruchiosstuff @sewiouslyz @yvesismywife @vvyuqi @aeriniee @chaewoni3
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
[SMUT] TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader - “Double Fantasy”
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Another one-shot inspired from the vibe and some bits of the meaning behind the song “Double Fantasy” by The Weeknd ft. Future aside from the sexual part of it as I created my own story instead. Enjoy reading!
WARNING: contains mature content, R+18 smut
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It's a crowded and lively atmosphere around your alma maters gymnasium as it currently held the alumni party tonight where your batch in the mechanical engineering course belongs to one of its features.
You've been meeting up some of your friends and acquaintances after having long time no interactions with them. It still surprises you a lot that some of them still recognizes you but in similarity, they all have just one compliment they gave at you: your look entirely changed.
You weren't the same normal skinny, average looking, four-eyed guy that mostly bullies would come for to tease you or for girls to decline your appearance as not suitable for their liking. This time is different, they expressed their impressions on your improved look.
In the present, you seem way more expensive looking, more neatly dressed, more built body with muscles visible now on your body, and last but not least is your new haircut. All of it are just simply perfect to you.
But those aren't belong to your priorities. You didn't brought yourself here to use it on flirting with anyone. This night is for reuniting with anybody else except for this one particular person you had in mind anticipatingly waiting for her arrival.
"How have you been doing all these years man?" Your college friend since your freshman days named Ryan asked after exchanging typical unique gestures at each other.
"Doing great, man. Well, what I can say? We're now standing right here with the one thing that kept us on going before." You answered after you drank a glass of cold pineapple juice.
"Yeah damn right. Feels like we're living with our hands get to do whatever we wanted, don't we?" Ryan agreed.
"Mmhmm. And I already started plenty of what I could think of to repay myself and my family after all the hardwork we've been through. To be honest, I'm still in disbelief that I can walk around and live with the rest of my life carrying my name now with a word "engineer" on it." You said. "Part of me still can't move on that I finally did it."
You chuckled as Ryan smiled at you proudly. He gave you a soft hit to the shoulder. "Don't be, man. Always think that you deserve it. That opportunity was handed to you on a silver platter, and trust me; I did believe you can make it because you're just simply the best out of us."
"Wow." You gave a small laugh. "Thanks for that awe-inspiring words, Engr. Mun. But seriously, I don't want to take all the praise here for myself. You guys did great too."
"You're welcome, Engr. Park." He smirked.
Your conversation went into a halt as both went silent to admire the happenings around you. Batchmates reconciling with their fellow friends and former teachers, laughing and talking about everything great that happened to them in post-graduation, colorful designated place that adds to the energy inside.
Although, your lips slightly shifted into a frown when you realized that the one you've been looking for is still not around. It's been like 25 mins that long since you came here so far.
"You're looking for her, huh."
"Uh-heh what?"
Ryan sniffled a laugh before exhaling refreshingly over his softdrink.
"I haven't seen any sign of her, dude. In fact, she's the only classmate of ours who still aren't in here. She's the only one left in our batch." Ryan clarified.
Your face couldn't help but to show disappointment and sadness a bit more obviously, puffing your cheeks then huffing a huge warm air in a mix of your desperation just to get a glimpse of her for tonight.
"Yeah, I know." You said with a low tone. "I guess she won't come."
"Damn, mate. After all this time?" Ryan asked unbelievably, leaning his head closer at you.
You only nod. Aside from the countless times you and that woman shared nothing but bad blood from one another, you can't deny that there's this side of you that you can't avoid yourself being attracted from her.
There's so many reasons. It was ridiculous and sure, confusing. Why would you even develop a likedness over someone who hates you so much?
"I'm sorry, man. Who knows, maybe you'll see her again soon?"
You shrugged, you don't have any idea of the possibilities. Sure, destiny could led you both again to cross paths someday; but it will always remain the same as usual: you are the only one who'll enjoy seeing her in front of you. It will always be one-sided.
You attempted moving on and letting go your feelings for her, but she couldn't just leave you alone. She's living in the same world as you are, so you get to witness her sometimes in advertisements or even news sites about some of her contributions and works she's done on her own career as an engineer too.
Her face that always include in all of these doesn't help your stage. The more you get to see her, the more you just kept to like having it again.
"I'm not expecting anymore. You know her, she probably completely forgot about us. She don't need to come here because what's for to visit, you know?" You sighed, taking another sip again of your juice.
"I get your point. I remember how she's always the baddest in our class. Everyone hates her for that, and at first though you sincerely are too but..."
"Me too. I never thought it would end up being one of the things that I love about her." You smiled at the recollection of those memories.
"Excuse me for a while. I'll just head to the restroom."
"No worries, take your time mate."
You left the table and made your way to the direction leading to the restroom of the school. Meanwhile, Ryan who was about to grab some plate for a food; has noticed something he was mistaken of something he thought at first would be very unlikely to happen.
"Speaking of the devil." He muttered.
While you're walking, you grabbed your phone as you felt a vibration inside your pocket. You pulled it up and viewed for any notification, only to fail when a force just collided with your body that sent your butt landing into the ground.
You groaned for a second and checked on your phone that is now laying on the hard ground beside you, before you heard a same aching sound mimicking the level of pain you've felt from that.
"Miss, are you okay?" You noticed that it's a woman who is brushing her arm fron the dust sticked onto her skin.
"Aish, that hurts. Who the h-"
She was complaining about the collision before it got interrupted when you tried to approach the lady and in your both astounishment; you recognized each other instantly just by looking at each other's faces.
Your classmate slash rival who graduated Magna Cum Laude and turned out to be a fellow successful licensed engineer like you and the only crush you had in college named Yoo Jeongyeon... is in front of you.
Your eyes widened as well as hers, surprised that you did got to finally see her even though you almost give up searching and waiting for her to arrive. Jeongyeon on the other hand, didn't expected your immediate contact with you... which rather resulted from a little accident.
But oh well, she still hates you... and everything you do unpleases her which means everything is a big deal when it comes exclusively about you.
Both spoke each other's names, befuddled.
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't n-" You were about to offer your hand from assistance but Jeongyeon slaps it away.
"Get that off from me. I don't need your help." She slowly stood up from the ground on her own instead.
You just observed that she looks undeniably goegous and hot tonight, wearing a black sleeveless dress with her laced coiled around her shoulder exposed, her skirt that highlight those long, smooth legs covered in black stockings that only had her thick thighs remained left alone. Those average height heels tops it all off for her footwear.
"Look at how perverted you are, staring at me like I am a food for you to devour." Your senses got resnapped when Jeongyeon smashed you with her Louis Vuitton shoulder bag as she caught your stare.
"Ouch! I-I'm not thinking like that okay?!"
"You never changed, you sick freak! Ugh, until now you still disgust me." Jeongyeon acted horribly at the sight of you receiving a guilt trip from her, but you have no idea that Jeongyeon was thinking otherwise.
You look great... hell, fabulous or whatever words she can come up to maximize that description and equal the level of how eye-capturing your apperance.
Back at college, she could only tell you secretly after unleashing wrath over whatever you do that you are handsome, cute or leave a positive comment at some of the things she noticed that makes her heart swell atleast.
To be fair, Jeongyeon is just the same as you. She always liked you and probably always will be. Her grumpyness and cold-hearted personality was natural at first until it turns out to be just a strategy of her to prevent herself being too obvious that she was slowly developing feelings from her whenever she observes that your personality opposites from her.
Those smile, those cute tired and irritated expressions you create, everything you do whenever she puts up an act in front of you always gives a overwhelming effect deep inside of her.
She wish she could tell you, how much she wanted to claim you right away and make her yours especially that nobody seems to have an interest on you before; but only if you understand how much she finds it difficult to do so too.
And now that she's looking in your eyes again personally for the first time after 2 years, she can tell that it will be more challenging for her as times progresses further. Any girls out there can fell in love with this new version of you, and her regret and anger to blame not only to herself but to someone else for holding back consumes her more that she couldn't have done it sooner before your roads went apart to pursue your dreams seperately for 2 years.
"Wait, can you just calm down first Jeong?" You tried to pacify her but she only returns an even more aggressive remark.
"Okay okay! I deeply apologize for what I did. It's entirely my fault that I was not focusing on my way that's why I didn't noticed you." You calmly said, in order to keep things low as it should be and stop the chances of ruining her night or... both of you if this still goes on.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes and swaying her short bobbed cut length hair behind her ear. "That's because you're stupid. That's what you always are, anyway. Like I said, you never changed... just like how per-"
"Goddamnit, if only you let me finish what I was about to say about that." Your voice sharpened, Jeongyeon observed that you are now building up your own frustration and irritation brought by her demeanor. She shivered a bit, her mouth agaped at the tiny grunt that blended with your voice.
Completely serious and unimpressed, not allowing her to call you that for false accusations or even a joke because you're not even went here to play around especially when you just met her again tonight.
"T-then what is it?! I can see it right through you, don't you dare lie with me YN!"
"I was not thinking at you that way because I WAS MORE FOCUSED AT HOW PERFECT YOU LOOK IN YOUR OUTFIT!" You succeededly raised your volume at the end. Jeongyeon heard that loud and clear, which caused her to blush hardly at your sudden compliment.
"W-what did you say?" She fakely asked.
"I said... I-You look beautiful, Jeongyeon. That's what it caught my attention." You tilted your head away from her, too embarassed and nervous at the same time that you had to repeat saying it to her while concerning at how it would make you seem different because of those words you chose.
She smirked, you heard her footsteps as she goes near at you. You shuddered when she is now standing inches away at you.
"Aww, what is that? Are you trying to hit on me now, YN?" Jeongyeon suspiciously asked in a mocking tone.
She can see how you looked tensed near her and quickly wondered that it was the words you told her that made you like that. Your shyness made her decide to atleast play a little game with you. She missed doing teasing and belittling you like this since college.
"Good thing that I'll allow that, you had to remind but I know it's true..." Jeongyeon said nonchalantly. She pushed her head closer beside your head, lips almost in your ear. "Especially, when it's coming from a handsome man like you, YN." she blew a soft warm breath that gave you a legitimate goosebumps.
You gulped, not even quite sure if you heard or perceived it exactly. Did she meant saying that to you? This Jeongyeon was very weird if that so, you thought. She never heard any praise coming from her because in your side, you believed that from her pespective you are just nothing but a second rate, greedy, unattractive and fake student to her.
"Alright, step aside idiot. I'm already late because of that stupid traffic. I ain't going to waste more time talking to you." She pushed you aside as you watched her walked away from you while having her reddened face and tightlipped smile all over her lips because of what she received from you and did in return.
An hour and a half later, you noticed that Jeongyeon was just sitting alone in her table, playing around with her fork stabbed in a sliced cake that she's eating unappetizingly. You felt bad that out of everyone around in the gymnasium, she is the only one alone and looked completely unamused.
You know that she hates you, but this admirer side of you is giving you the urge to console her and initiate a plan to somehow help her because you can't just stand seeing her like this when tonight doesn't intend to make not a single attendee to be left alone.
"Hey." You called her as you reached her table.
"What do you want?" She glared, her grip on the fork tightened.
"Why aren't you hanging out with the rest of them?"
"I don't feel like it. I got bored already." She exhaustedly said.
"Cmon, Jeong. The night is still young. The party is still ongoing. You can't just stay there like that."
"No need. I changed my mind. I'm about to leave now."
She slowly stood in her seat and grabbed her bag. Your hesitation and unapproval of her choice encourages you further to stop her.
"Wait, Jeong! Are you serious, it's too early?"
"What am I going to do here? Sit here and do nothing?" She looked at you and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Y-you're not. I was about to ask you if I could somehow... join your side tonight." You said to her. She just stared at you in silence. "I don't want you to leave because I... I-I want you see you more, even just for tonight. I know you hate me, but can you just forget about it all for tonight and have fun with me, please?"
Her heartbeat intensified, her uplifted emotions filling up her insides, blood rushing fast as it forms another enormous blush both in her cheeks. She was truly touched and delighted at your pleads.
She loves the idea of that invitation. This is the opportunity right here. It's all free, it's just you and her tonight, they are not around for Jeongyeon to be stopped. This time, she's not going to reject or decline you by forcing herself on you.
"You want to join me?" You nodded. "Good. Then let's get out of here together." It took you aback seconds later that she's now pulling your wrist to drag you with her outside of the campus and throw you in the car.
"Mr. Boo, drive us home please."
"Noted, madame. Greetings to you, sir." The middle aged man complied. He sat in the drivers seat and took control of the wheel as he began to drive ahead to the destination.
"J-jeongyeon?! What is this, why are-"
"Shut up. Be quiet or else I might change my mind and throw you out here instantly while we're on the road."
You got terrified at Jeongyeon's intimidating aura and dangerous warning. You don't want to mess with this seriousness of her, so you listened and watched the view of the streets in Seoul being passed until both of you finally reached her own place.
"Thanks, Mr. Boo. You can rest now for today."
"Thank you, Miss Yoo. Have a good night to both of you." He bowed and went to his room.
"Oh we're definitely are." She whispered, devilishly smirking inside her head. "And you, follow me."
You just trailed with her from behind, still confused why did she have to bring you all the way in her house. She was never like this, was her boredness that intense for her to switch like this that you never imagined she can be doing this to you being taken into her own place.
You two went upstairs, Jeongyeon faced a door of this one room she picked. "Jeongyeon, why do you want me to be-"
"Get in." She opened the door and pushed you inside. Witnessing the interior of the room, you predicted that this had to be owned by a woman because of all the things that can only be owned by-
That's where you paused analyzing the situation you are in. You weren't mistaken that room you are stepping in is definitely owned by Jeongyeon herself. Your curiosity grew as to why did she have to even put you along with her in her private space.
As soon as she locked the door, she pulled your coat and rotated your body around, pushing you to the wall and cornering you in her arms.
"J-jeongyeon?! What are you doing?!"
"You wanted to fun with me, right? Here we are. I was thinking of something we can enjoy the night by just... being alone together."
Her expression had gone completely turned into a sultry and alluring type. She caressed your chest before tugging your necktie.
"I want you. Now."
She tugged your necktie and pulled your head closer at hers, crashing your lips into a messy duel of kiss, brushing and swirling your tongues at one another.
You always find her so enticing, attractive and charming before, and you never thought that this introduction of her new side to you would turn you on right away.
Not wanting to be left behind, you informed her that it's not only her who's also keeping this hungry and needy side, so you decided to join her flow by being the one to take control of her this time.
You seperated from the kiss and spun her around, switching your positions. She is the one who is now trapped in your guard, your hands gripping her shoulders tightly. "You really want this, Jeongyeon?"
"Yes! Please, you can have your way in on me this time. Whatever you want, I'll be the one who'll get low on you. Just please... fuck me! Make me yours!" She begged, squeezing her thighs together at the increasing arousal she's feeling.
"Be grateful that I need you too. Now get off your knees and show me how much you want this."
You pressed your hand to the top of head to help her lower down herself. She meets the level of your crotch as she slowly unbuckles your belt while you helped her strip down your pants and have it left crumpled in your ankle.
She removes your boxers that held confine on your 8-inch cock that sprung out close enough for Jeongyeon to be shocked and salivated at its enormous and delectable size.
Holding your cock with her firm hand, she gave it a little squeeze to feel the softness of your meat before she began stroking your length from the base.
"I didn't knew you were so big, YN." she bit her lips as she continued pumping your shaft as she combined it this time with her thumb circling your tip, giving you a tickling yet satisfying feeling. "Perhaps I belittled you too harshly."
"Yeah you did, now suck that cock for me and show me how accountable you are."
She directed your tip to her exposed tongue, performing a lick to its slip before rotating around your penis' mushroom head and gently pushing your cock slowly into her mouth where she began blowing your cock.
The sounds of her slurps and hums echoed in the room. Vibrations thats she create for those lustful noises passes on to your dick that is stuffed to her mouth which adds to the pleasure and drives you more insane.
Her sight of her hungrily tracing and wetting your shaft with her slick tongue, not wanting a spot uncovered makes you crave more and more of her service. As soon as you felt her head bobbing faster, you matched her pace as you moved your hips back and forth to fuck her mouth relentlessly.
Holding her head to push further, that was enough for Jeongyeon to experience a deepthroat of your payment. "Fuck yeah Jeongyeon keep going. God, such now I know you're such a great cocksucker don't you." You said with chorus of relaxed breaths streaming out of your mouth as you kept on pushing forward as you are now holding her head as your handle to support her.
She removes your cock to her mouth and looked at you intensely while she began to turn her attention now on your hanging full testicles, massaging it by wiggling it using her fingers. "I will always be like that only for you, master."
Master? Did she just called you that?
A bright light twinkled in your head as you finally had an idea. She has now fully presented you her submissive side, so why don't you just love being the dominant and show her how rightful and deserving is the one she's serving for this kind of gift.
"Oh, so I'm your master now huh." You cupped her chin and raised it to point her sight at your towering figure. "That makes you my slave, do you want to be like that for me?"
"Yes! It would be an honor to be your slave, master. Especially to be the one who can get access of your huge cock."
You forcefully opened her mouth and inserted your length again on her as you rapidly had her engulf it over and over. "Then freaking take it, slave. I'm close on cumming, and I want you to swallow every drop of it do you understand?!"
"Mmmhhmphhh mmmphhh!" She just furiously nodded as a gesture of her initiation. Mixture of drops of her saliva and your pre-cum were now tapping the tiles of her bedroom.
Three more strokes to go and you unleashed quite a loud roar as you fired streaks of your natural white fluid into her available mouth. "OHHH... OHHH YES YES THAT'S IT SLAVE. QUENCH YOUR THIRST WITH MY CUM."
You pulled back and slipped your cock out of her mouth, allowing her to gasp, cough and exhale freely from all the air that were restricted by your hardened wood that pre-occupied her.
"Show me." You tugged her hair upwards and silently instructed her to open her mouth which she did. Impressively, no traces of your cum were found.
"Damn, YN... when did you had this side of yours." Jeongyeon chuckled as she stood to face you, breaking the roleplay for a while.
"I don't know, I should be asking the same as you." You shrugged, combing her short hair from behind.
"Have you always craved to have a moment like this, hmm?"
"Maybe. I couldn't tell, but I'm sure I was looking forward more on my feelings I've been keeping in store you since our college days."
Jeongyeon blinked faster as she tried to comprehend what did you just told her. She was about to ask you if that means exactly what she's thinking, but you were so eager to return back to your session and knowing she is willing to join you tonight since she's the one who wanted this, she went back to submit for you rather; setting aside that question for later.
"Enough talking. Let's get this done with."
She yelped as you spinned her body around, taking off her sleeveless upper garment and throwing it aside, revealing her lace clad black bra that is almost doing a good job holding her breasts together.
This is the first time you had to have a closer look of these beautiful pair of mounds of hers. You recalled that you can't avoid before having a glimpse of some sneak peeks of the outline of her boobs due to the tightness of her uniform she picks to wear sometimes.
This is a once in a lifetime moment, so you got into the work quickly as you let her watch you grab her covered breasts, kneading and squeezing it like a dough to your hands. So soft, so bouncy. You heard her moan from your touch before you shut it with your mouth as you kissed her again.
Taking off your hands for a while, earning a slight disapproval from Jeongyeon but she kept it discreet as she discovered where you're heading next.
Raising the hem of her skirt, you kneeled and viewed the line of her black underwear tracing the curvy gap of her handful ass.
Unbuttoning the skirt, you removed it and threw it aside too, joining her unfolded dress to the floor which she was wearing earlier.
Her full view of her body wearing nothing but a set of dark lingerie and some long stockings trailing her long legs and squishing a bit of her fat thighs makes you suffer from the intense horniness you're containing inside of you.
"Holy shit, you look so fuckable Jeongyeon." you muttered as you travelled your eyes around at her.
You stood up, removing your clothes; revealing your jam-packed abs and muscles that made Jeongyeon whimper and bit her lip in hungriness at how mouth watering your jacked body is.
She kissed you again, this time in a passionate style. You grasped her ass and roughly squeezed it before lifting her up and throwing her at the bed.
"I can't help it anymore, master wants to taste you so bad."
"Yes please, I'm begging for you master. Eat me! Indulge my body!"
You grunted at how sexy and seducive Jeongyeon sounded with that. Hooking the bands of her panties, you removed it out of her legs, her prized possession now visible clearly in your eyes.
Spreading her thighs apart, you crawled as you teased her leaking slit for a little, toying the needy and defeated crush of yours before you proceeded to give her what she's anticipating, a long deep licks of your tongue to her velvety walls.
Jeongyeon escapes a long moan at your warm touch, holding and enjoying the feeling of your active buds capturing the sweet tangy feeling of her fluid.
"Oohhh ahhh.... oh yes yes master that's it! My pussy, mmpph suck on those harder! God, I'M CLOSE!"
You want that incoming orgasm of hers to arrive as soon as possible, so you combined your actions with a hyper movement of your fingers, clawing deep beneath her begging hole as you furiously pecked and rubbed her taut clit and her slit until she finally went over the limit.
Sprays of her juice aimed at your awaiting mouth and face, contributing a wet mess that you didn't mind at all. You were just gonna clean that up by drinking as much of it as you can.
You retreated between her thighs before going back only for a different position, kneeling at her thighs with your dick playing with her pussy as you dragged it along to her slit.
"Don't play with me master, give it t-"
You slapped her thigh, causing her to get interrupted. "DON'T RUSH YOUR MASTER! WHO HAS THE CONTROL HERE?"
"I-It's YOU! It's you, master. I'n sorry if I was-"
"Shut up, you want this so badly right? I'll give it to you."
You quickly drilled her pussy with your throbbing shaft without any more build up, her body convulating as she lets out screams and moans from the intensity of your banging into her body.
Splitting her legs apart as much as how flexible they can get, you retrieved it back to your shoulders and leaned closer where you can give Jeongyeon a kiss while her knees are now touching her shoulders as you kept on pounding her roughly.
"FUCKING TAKE IT YOU SLUT! YOU DON'T MIND ME CALLING YOU THAT HUH? I BET YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT ME FUCKING YOU WHOLE NIGHT THAT'S WHY YOU BROUGHT ME HERE. THAT MEANS YOU CAN ENDURE THIS AS LONGER AS I WANT RIGHT?!" You wrapped your hands around her neck as you gave weight into it to slowly choke her during the aggressive fucking.
"YES MASTER!!! OH GOD SO ROUGH!!! YOU'RE MAKING ME SO FULL! UGHHH" She said with a croaky voice as she grasped your arms giving support for your hands blocking her airways.
"Good to know." You demonically grinned at her response. Unclipping the cups of her bra, you released her swinging ample breasts and sucked those aroused nipples that added to the shockwaves of the pleasure she's feeling.
"Roll around!" You authoritatively told her. She followed, her back figure are the one that is now presented to you. That bomb of an ass she got for you had you the urge to slap it repeatedly, making her whimper and moan at every reddened handprint you left.
To get her ready, you buried your face on the valley of her cake, tonguing her asshole to make it wet so it can be easily accessible and prevent her from hurting too much. You knew this is her first time just like you and despite you are the one dominating the sex, ofcourse you are still concerned for the safety of your lover.
After giving a practical lube to her hole, you aligned your shaft at it. "Are you ready?"
"Y-yes. Just please... be gentle at first. I'm quite nervous." She said. Her soft tone made you smile. That was completely without any participation of your heated sensation with her, that was simply her expecting her trust to be given by you to not hurt her on this one.
"Don't worry, you can count on me Jeong. We can stop if you feel so." You patted her asscheek as you gently drove your length on her now gaped hole.
You saw her fist curling, probably from the pain. Getting more concerned, your instinct guessed for you the stop for a while and let her sink in the feeling. Fortunately, you were right and she was blushing at how understanding you are as always.
Few seconds later, she gave you to goal signal with a trusting nod. "Go deeper, YN." You listened, fully injecting your cock into the insides of her ass.
"Jeongyeon, you're gripping me so tight!"
"Keep going, master! Make me feel good again!"
It was like a switch she turned on. You shifted back to your beastly side, slowly making your pounds and thrusts in an increasing speed with the help of the force and strength you're pouring into it.
Holding her lips like a handle as you fucked her on her hands and knees, you decided to relocate into the undersides of her arms as you looped it around and locked it, pulling her upright and fuck her senseless in a full nelson grip.
"What now, Jeongyeon? It doesn't hurt anymore, so you're desperately want me to fuck again so bad I may have to bury my cock balls deep in your ass until we sleep." You said straight to her lips as she kept on fidgeting on her hold while she gets ruthlessly being pounded from behind.
She doesn't even notice that her eyes are now rolling from the back of her head and tongue slowly splitting out at how it feels so good being penetrated like there's no tomorrow. "We'll going to train that slutty hole until I can get to use it whatever we want."
"I-I don't care, master. As long as you give me your cum, that's what matters to me."
"Then buckle up because I'm going to shoot it out on you again."
The loud claps of your body began to rise and go faster as well as her vibrating moans and sweats dripping out each other skin, another batch of stickly load were unleashed into her ravaged hole.
You and her let out an exhausted breaths, giving yourselves time to rest for a minute. As you recovered your stamina back, you sat and leaned your back on the headboard. You patted the space beneath you, instructing Jeongyeon on what she's going to do next.
That's it. Very simple. You lend her your still erected cock into her hands as you spreaded your legs wider to give her more space to lay her body on her torso while she gives you the best blowjob and deepthroat she can perform for cleansing.
You noticed that you were about to cum again, but you thought of one more position you would like to do that has to do with Jeongyeon's attractive curvy frame.
"Move aside, I'll lay and I want you to ride me with your back facing me."
"Yes, master."
She gave one last peck of lovely kiss into your cockhead before she allows you to lay down for her to carefully straddle your lower half and direct your pointed shaft straight to her used hole.
Her weight presses down, your cock once again invading her walls as she sat and began grinding on your lap, bouncing further to increases the intensity of the fucking she's giving you.
You had to just lay there and admire the view of her breathtaking back frame, her supple ass rippling at the contact it takes from crashing down to your pelvis.
"Ughhhh... mmm.. o-oh fuck master this is so good... mmmhhh" Jeongyeon keeps on mumbling and whimpering unconsciously as she savors the pleasure of your length rubbing her insides and your tip poking her womb.
"I'm so close, Jeongyeon!" You rose up to grab her body and drag her down to make her lay on top of you. Arms coiled around her midsection and her large breast being roughly squished and groped. Your bodies are now stacked together with your cock still buried into her pussy.
You did the favor to fuck her with all your might until you reach your very end. Jeongyeon was very surprised and impressed at this position that you were still able to make her feel overloaded despite being riled up atop of your body thanks to how big and long your gifted cock is.
Few more strokes to give and again, you fired your last release deep that you can offer inside her for tonight. Both of you breathe deeply at the exhaustion, entirely spent and barely had to energy to engage into another round with Jeongyeon.
You gently laid the collapsed Jeongyeon to the other side of the bed as you slowly stood up and went for her kitchen to grab yourselves two glasses of water.
As you headed back to her bedroom, you were completely astounded at what you discovered.
Jeongyeon is curled, hugging her knees as you heard her noticeable cries being hidden by the positioning of her head.
"Jeongyeon?" You placed the glasses on the top of her small cabinet as you came up to approach her for assistance. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I-I don't know..." She shook her head as she felt your weight sink the softness of the cushion of her bed. "I'm just happy I guess... with everything."
"Tears of joy?" She nodded.
"I just remembered what you said to me earlier while we're doing it." Jeongyeon faced you, her watery and droopy eyes observed you.
"What part of it?"
"Y-you said... you were looking forward about the feeling you have in store for me since we were in college." Jeongyeon said. Your eyes widened a little, not because you were shocked that you don't realized you said. You were aware of what you're saying, it's just that you didn't expected that she'll bring that up again.
"Does that mean s-something, YN?" She asked you.
You sighed and frowned, feeling nervous and sad about the call you're about to receive in return when you finally unveil to her about this secret you've been hiding for so long.
"It is."
Jeongyeon's eyes were the ones that showcased a pure reaction of shock.
"I was in love with you, Jeongyeon. Until now I still am."
She confirmed it for herself and she couldn't believe it. The man she was secretly admiring thinking there will never be a chance for her to get reciprocated because of her trashy and evil attitude is literally confessing his love for her to prove her wrong.
"W-what? Y-you do?"
You nodded with guilt. You sat properly beside her who is still eyeing you. "Strange, right? How could I ever fell in love with somebody who hates me with ever fiber of her body, who sees me as a disruptor and a rival in the class to gain attention of the school around us from our intelligence and somebody who will never feel the same as mine. Hell, you can't even stand having me being your friend."
Jeongyeon lowered her head, she was hurt at the slap of reality you did to her. It was all her fault and she's telling the exact same thing she was highly believing in. You were making so much sense on her behalf.
"After we graduated, I lost you... but I just let it aside because I knew you won't mind it anyway. You may be even thanking the heavens that you can finally get rid of me. But ofcourse, it hurts. Knowing that your crush doesn't care as much as you can give for her no matter how much she's causing you pain."
You can't endure the agony and suffering all compiled within you over these years that you dealt with, as your eyelid felt heavy and streams of tears fell in your cheeks.
Jeongyeon was hurt even more at the amount of heartbreak she was unintentionally causing you. She just learnt today that it was not only her who's hurting after all this time. It was like you two are truly meant to feel what you both can feel for one another.
"I tried to to get you out of my heart but it's so hard. You come here after 2 years and you made it even worse. Now I don't even understand why did we end up in your room, temperature rising as our bodies united while we're both trapped between our arms." You looked at her who is staring embarassing on her entwined hands.
"Why did we do it even though it's wrong?" You asked her with a mix of curiosity and confusion.
Jeongyeon wiped out the tears were almost about to mess her face more. She sniffed and swallowed some confidence before she got to eventually tell you the main reason why she was encouraged and left without any other choice to do it with you.
"I... I didn't had to fight it anymore." She shrugged while staring at the unknown, too drowned at the deep trances of her explaination she has to share for you.
"What do you mean?"
"The way how I treat you before, I never intended to continue it longer." Jeongyeon said as she took a trip down memory line back to those times where the entire backstory of what actually happened behind the cold, jealous and hatred shell of hers that she had to wear whenever you're around her everytime.
"I never want to... be harsh or rude about you because, that's the contrast of what I actually want to act whenever I'm having you near me....
YN, I fell in love in you too."
You jerked your head aside, looking at her incredulously, the adrenaline of panic and bewilderment was striking you alternatively as you learnt her revelation that turned your world upside down.
Yoo Jeongyeon was indeed having a crush on you also. You can't process and reevaulate that statement she made you learn about.
"I still can remember the very first time you were the only one to made me smile at your ridiculous acts. Your sillyness you use to share your jokes to me while we were taking a break for our math competition, it was the start of the cracks that appeared on the walls I built around me for so long.
I kept myself away from everyone because I thought at first they will just be a distraction and irrelevant to my goals and accomplishments in class, but ever since I got to met you and discover more about you... I was mistaken. Closeness and connections on other people you find an interest... is what keeps you move forward in many ways unimaginable.
So I observed and checked on you secretly, while still wearing the mask to protect the personality I was mostly well known for. And you were so nice, so gentleman, so handsome and cute that I couldn't help but to reconsider things that I should try... disregard this disguise and try being nice for the first time all because of you.
But suddenly, it didn't happen. M-my parents-"
You leaned closer, looking at her intently as you patiently waited for her next words to say. "What about them? What did they do?"
Jeongyeon sniffed and heaved from the cries she's slightly making again. You guessed that her parents must have brought a devastating impact to her.
"They didn't liked about my growth of likedness for you. They knew about you when I first introduced you them as part of my reports from my studies, and I wasn't holding any signs of strange feelings for you at that time. They portrayed you as my enemy, so when they learnt that you're the one I'm having a crush with... I-I received a scolding from them.
They expressed their dislikedness for you, they reminded me of what I should do rather to you and that is to humiliate and surpass you in our academic status. You aren’t even qualified to their standards.  All they think about was the pressure they're putting on me to my studies just so they can brag something to everyone without sincerely being proud at what I did." Jeongyeon said as she sobbed harder. You didn't waited anymore to let her finish first, comforting her instantly with your warm cuddle.
"I was at this close to make you mine too, YN. I could've told you earlier that I love you too but I'm sorry if I had to make you wait for 3 years with me. It took us so long." She continues to break down on your shoulder. Your heart was tearing apart witnessing the vulnerability of your girl.
"Shhhh... calm your cries, Jeong. Don't drain yourself thinking about it all. That's enough." You murmured, repeatedly patting her on the head and rocking her body in ease.
"That's why when I had to see you again, you made me reminded that we're both grown ups now and we don't have to live from our parent's control. I didn't care anymore if it's inappopriate, it was never like that for me. Loving you was a blessing in disguise, YN."
She faced you and cupper your cheeks. You did the same thing and both were put theirselves into the midst of another kiss filled with nothing but love and freedom that the destiny has also granted both of you to receive at last.
"I just want to join you and follow wherever you go, YN. I want us to last longer. Please, I love you so much." She buried her face on your chest.
"You don't have to worry about that, Jeongyeon. From now on, we'll get to love each other without allowing anyone to get into our way. Our relationship stands tall until we stay strong in the end."
You tightened your hug around Jeongyeon as you took the time of silence between each other to be overwhelmed with joy, gratitude, relief and love for this heartful and wholesome moment you get to experience with the woman you never thought that you already succeeded on winning her heart not even acquiring any efforts to make.
Now you truly believe that she's probably thinking you are the right one despite the prohibited relationship and you are indeed prepared to be there on her side to support her and fight for each other's love no matter what happen.
"Thank you by the way, YN. I really enjoyed it." She said, referring to your first sex with her tonight that you easily understood.
You smiled, glad that you were able to satisfy and achieve the expectations and standards she may be looking for this kind of activity. "I do too, Jeong. That was one of the best things I've ever had."
"Be honest with me though, have you really fantasized or illusioned about this? Cause I'm going to be honest, you really made our sex better with your dominant side. It was like you were prepared for it to occur and you gave it all tonight. That was hot and very unusual of you. I almost didn’t recognized you." She asked while eliciting a chuckle at the replay of what she witnessed from your intimate-crazed self that is unrecognizable to the one she is currently spending time in relaxation to her bed.
You sighed, surrendering yourself from being cornered by her question. "Okay, fine! I do get horny sometimes even before in our college days! I also had a boner couple of times when you wear those uniform that compresses the outline of your bra. Do you even know how busty you are?" You said as you squeezed one of her breasts.
She laughed at your remark while almost getting aroused against your erotic touch. "I knew I was right that you're such a pervert. That's why you loved how I look in my lingeries huh."
"Yeah yeah, you got it correct. Happy?" You rolled your eyes and pouted as you sulk. Jeongyeon found his boyfriend being adorable when he's getting teased.
"Yup. Happy." She smiled and pinched your cheek, causing you to blush harder when you glanced at her shining grin. "Jokes aside, it's pretty fine and completely normal to have that kind of moment. It's part of our puberty to boost our hormone's sensitivity. I'm thankful you never crossed the line before though like... attempting to sexualize or harass me."
"Oh I would never do that. My respect never disappeared for girls like you, Jeongyeon." She smiled appreciatingly.
"I desired about us doing it too before YN, so don't worry."
"Then you admit you're a pervert as what you suspect me?"
"Dumbass, it's not!" She slapped your shoulder which you hissed and ouched at the stinging pain.
"Okay! I'm sorry, I'll stop." You burst out a laughter at Jeongyeon's deadly yet cute glare.
"Thank you for helping me fulfill our fantasies... or should I say our double fantasy together at once, YN."
"Same here, Jeongyeon. And I'm so lucky to have it with you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, babe."
One last kiss is all it takes before both fell asleep to end your memorable night with your former rival and now... your first ever-and definitely the last-girlfriend to have on her own room where you'll be expecting a future intimate scenarios you could make together with her, with Jeongyeon, just as same as what you two did in your own way of celebrating your reconciliation and newly established relationship with her.
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kindheart525 · 7 months
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Prophecy had to get away from everypony as fast as she could. Not even a semester into high school and she blew it! She didn’t want to be seen by any of her classmates ever again, she just wanted to go home and never leave. 
But since she didn’t want skipping school to be on her record on top of skipping a class, an empty classroom had to do.
Once she entered the first room she could find, she slammed the door and let out a loud sigh of relief. Alone at last.
“Hi there!”
Prophecy practically jumped out of her skin at the voice, already on edge from everything else going on. She was not alone after all.
“Calm down. There’s nopony else here.”
Another, more monotone voice assured her.
Nopony else here? There’s two other ponies in this room!
Prophecy thought panickedly to herself, finally looking up to see the two ponies she now shared this room with. There was a grey earth pony with spots on her coat that looked like moon craters, and the pegasus beside her was adorned with all kinds of colorful necklaces and barrettes. Both of them had books open, but they didn’t look so upset at being interrupted as merely curious about her presence.
“Would you like some lavender tea?”
The pegasus asked, gesturing towards a thermos and some cups set up on the table.
“Lavender oil contains chemicals called terpenes. Two of them, linalool and linalyl acetate, are supposed to calm you down. Chamomile tea is also really relaxing, I can make some for you later if you’re not allergic. You’d know if you’re allergic to daisies or marigolds, or ragweed too. I’ve got lots of herbs in my garden at home!”
Prophecy could tell that this pegasus filly was really smart and friendly, but what she perceived as being invited to her home this quickly made her overwhelmed. She was barely processing even meeting these ponies.
The earth pony seemed to notice her distress as she started with the most basic step of introducing herself.
“I’m Astor by the way, Astor Anomaly. This is Milkweed. We come here to study whenever we have gym.”
“It beats running around in a crowded room with everypony!”
Prophecy couldn’t help but chuckle at Milkweed’s comment, she had to agree with this sentiment. It beat being in any classroom where everypony was looking at you. Both of these fillies seemed to get it, she instantly started to feel a bit more at ease.
“You can sit with us if you’d like. Or wherever. We’re just studying, we won’t bother you if you have something to do.”
“Oh, no. I don’t…I mean, I’d love to! I’m Prophecy.”
She rose to her hooves and shyly made her way over to their table. Although they seemed nice and she was put much more at ease, she was still terrified that she’d get another vision and destroy this budding friendship. She’d already done it once.
“So what class did you come from? Music? That one can be a lot too. All those noisy instruments and everything, I hate that freshmares have to take it. See, I’m autistic, I just can’t deal with that stuff.”
Milkweed started to make conversation, but her eyes were focused on the book in front of her, more like she was catching up with a longtime friend than getting to know somepony new.
“No actually, I got out of…Equish.”
Prophecy was embarrassed to admit it, getting out of a class so quiet, and she didn’t even have a real reason for it. Well she sort of did, but that vision could have been fake and she could have been wasting everypony’s time.
Part of her didn’t want to share any more, but something about these fillies made them super easy to talk to. Plus she was desperate for some friends. So the whole story came out before she could stop herself.
“It’s stupid, really, I kept having these like…oracle visions. It’s what I have my cutie mark in, I’ve had these visions since I was a filly. But whenever it happens it’s just so stressful, I embarrassed myself in front of the whole class and I can’t go back! That…that’s not weird, is it?”
Astor and Milkweed looked about as nonchalant now as they did before she started telling her story, like it didn’t faze them at all.
“A fortune teller? That’s so interesting! I bet you could help a lot of ponies with that talent. It fits with your name too, Prophecy! Astor’s dad is Starswirl the Bearded and I don’t think even he has that power.”
“You don’t need to tell ponies who my dad is, Milkweed.”
Astor wasn’t exactly embarrassed by her dad, but she did know he was something of a celebrity and she didn’t want the attention that came with it. 
“Oh, nice. My brother studies with him.”
Was all Prophecy had to say about that, and Astor was pleasantly surprised. She didn’t make a big fanfare about it at all, and that’s when Astor realized that she and Milkweed might have found another friend who would see them for who they were.
“I’d love to help ponies, I really would. But my visions come so suddenly, it’s hard to predict when they will come and if it’ll be in time to help the ones who need it. And it hurts so much, if I did this all the time who knows what it could do to my health.”
Prophecy indeed knew and she had her own Savta as an example, but she didn’t want to think of meeting the same fate.
“Did you have any magical toys as a filly? I’m not sure what effect they could have on oracle magic, but a lot of unicorns use them to learn to control their magic bursts.”
Astor offered her own suggestion, though she imagined it was already obvious to the unicorn in front of her.
“I did!”
Prophecy became a bit nostalgic remembering how much fun she’d had with her puzzle toys when she was younger.
“It’s been awhile, though. I suppose I’m too old for them now.”
“You only outgrow things when you want to!”
Milkweed countered her, putting a more optimistic spin on her longing.
“I have almost all the same stim toys I had when I was little, just more and bigger ones now! They still help, so why not?”
Milkweed chomped down on one of her necklaces and giggled, fluttering her wings for effect.
“I bet you just need bigger tools to help you with your magic. Like a crystal ball, or other things like that.”
She gasped, suddenly struck with an idea.
“You could open a shop with all that stuff! Once you get the hang of your magic you could make a job out of it and help as many ponies as you want!”
“You really think so?”
Prophecy smiled bashfully, humbled that Milkweed thought her capable of something so great.
“Yeah! We can look for some books and figure out how you can do it, in the library!”
Milkweed started making a beeline from the classroom, fluttering her wings excitedly all the way. She was on a mission but Prophecy still had some lingering doubts.
“How do we know I can do it without overworking myself?”
“You don’t.”
Astor answered her frankly, but with a hint of a smile on her face.
“But at least you can try it out.”
Previous: School Supply Next: Rotten Tomatoes
Background by DragonChaser123
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grandwretch · 1 year
ok pudding pops. i figured we were all jonesing for some fanfic really bad rn so here's what i actually have written for 'only i must wander' ch 3. i'll be deleting once ao3 is back up, and i'll try to have the rest of the chapter up soon. kisses.
Steve and Robin weren't exactly best friends. 
They tried. Or, well, Robin did. Steve kinda did what he had always done at work, which was keep out of everyone's way and try not to fuck up too hard. Robin, though, was putting in the effort. Not an hour went by without Robin popping out of nowhere to try and start a conversation. Usually about some gossip she'd heard about their classmates or one of the few movies they'd both seen. Steve usually did his best to keep up with her, never being the first to stop talking and walk away, but it felt– 
It felt a lot like high school did. Robin's smile never reached her eyes, and it only put more pressure on Steve to follow suit. Be normal, the weight on his shoulders whispered, and everything will be okay. So when she spoke, Steve answered, a smile on his face. 
No matter how plastic and saccharine it tasted.
The kids didn't exactly make it easier. Dustin was even more desperate for them to be best friends than Robin was. It was hard to begrudge the kid the connection, though, when he had spent the longest in isolation. He'd been alone amongst humans before El and Steve even had any words for what was wrong with them. What was Steve supposed to do, tell him to stop showing up and asking questions? 
Max was worse. She forgave a lot less than Steve and Dustin, and still showed up at least once a week for her shift of threatening glares. Steve had tried to warn her off of it, and Max had snorted. 
"If I can take down my brother, I'm not worried about a bitchy fox demon, or whatever," Max said, as unimpressed by monsters as only a pre-teen could be. Steve wasn't even sure when El had told her about the Wesen thing, although he couldn't exactly pretend to be surprised. They'd never been very subtle around her. 
So, yeah, they were both under a lot of pressure to be besties. Enough pressure to guarantee they would never be anything even approaching 'close'. Which Steve was fine with. He was finally getting used to all his friends being nerdy middle schoolers. What would he even talk to a friend about? … Basketball? Steve hadn't watched a game in months. March had flown by without Steve even catching a single game. Not that Robin would even be interested in basketball, and– 
Steve shook his head, and focused on wiping bits of ice cream off the glass counter.
He did not want to be friends with Robin. 
Dustin didn't care, though, as he came in and slammed his backpack down in an empty booth. "Steve!" he greeted, if that could even be called a hello. "Where's Robin?" 
"I don't know," Steve said, even though Robin was in the back room, where she'd spent every other break since they'd started working together. That wasn't the point, though. "Why do you care?" 
"I've got news!" Dustin crowed, "Big news!" 
"What's he talking about now?" Robin asked from the door, arms folded. 
Steve rolled his eyes. One day, the universe would teach Dustin that his antics wouldn't always get him everything he wanted. One day. Steve hoped he was there to see it. "I've got no idea," Steve said, throwing his towel down on the counter in resignation. "He came in and started screaming." 
"So El was telling me and Max about your big plan," Dustin said to Steve, and Steve watched Robin's eyebrows shoot way up behind her bangs. 
"Jesus Christ," Steve muttered. "You guys gossip more than every cheerleader in our school put together." 
"What 'big plan'?" Robin said, an appropriate amount of sarcasm behind Dustin's emphasis of the phrase. 
"There's no big plan. There's a–" Steve turned to Dustin, trying to get the words through his thick little skull. "There's an agreed upon procedure between me and Hop, should there ever be a threat large enough–" 
"What the fuck do you think procedure means?" Dustin asked, every inch as bitchy as Steve had trained him to be.
"Yeah, well it sounds a lot less fucking ominous than a thirteen year old going around talking about my big plans with the police chief, doesn't it?" Steve hissed. He knocked his knuckles on Dustin's shoulder, following him as Dustin tried to squirm away from the rapping. "Did you even think about trying to explain why Hop would be working on a plan with a professional ice-cream scooper?" 
"Can someone please explain this plan to me?" Robin said, volume increasing to be heard over Dustin's squawks of protest. 
"Steve's going to be a good Grimm!" Dustin said, cheerily, dodging Steve's swiping hand. 
"Jesus," Steve cursed again as Robin turned a disbelieving stare onto him. "It's not like that! I was talking to Hop about what happens if my parents show back up. We decided we should have a plan in place if they or any other Grimms start sniffing around Hawkins. That's all." 
Robin looked at Steve for a long moment. "You said that Hexenbiest friend of yours was Chief Hopper's daughter, right?" 
Steve winced. "Kinda. She was part of a case a couple years ago, and she hasn't been allowed outside much, but–" 
Robin shook her head. "Believe me, I don't want to know. Hexenbiest blood can be used in all kinds of potions and shit. The last thing I need, as a Fuchsbau, is to get involved with whatever all that's about." 
Steve didn't even know what to say to that, so he turned to Dustin. "Why are you here, Henderson?" 
"I'm calling the plan into action!" Dustin said, his limbs flailing as if he'd been saying that this entire time, Steve, you idiot.  "I would have called in a Code Red, but it's not…" His eyes darted to Robin, then back to Steve. "You know." 
"There's a Grimm in Hawkins?" Steve asked, his voice flat with disbelief. 
"I don't think so?" 
Steve rolled his eyes. "Henderson…" 
"No, come on! There's– Look," Dustin said, holding one finger up as he reached for his backpack. He pulled out one of last semester's folders, green with 'English' crossed out on the front. Underneath, he'd written 'Wesen stuff'. 
"Really subtle," Steve said. 
Dustin ignored him, pulling a stack of newspaper clippings out of the folder. They were rather large, for clippings, not at all like the small sports write-ups that Steve's mom used to clip out for him. No, these were big, front-page articles, with big black-and-white pictures accompanying them. Dustin's handwriting was in the margins, tiny scrawled notes and circles and arrows and– 
Steve shook his head, trying not to let the sudden wealth of information overwhelm him. He felt like this should be the kind of thing Nancy would work on, probably was the kind of thing she had done in the past few years. Definitely not the job for him, who had trouble pulling together a decent book report. 
"So I was spying on my mom's phone call," Dustin began, which inspired a new round of cursing from Steve. "Shut up, Steve, this is important." 
"Your mom not killing us is important," Steve hissed. 
"My mom is a middle-aged beaver woman, and you're a nineteen year old killing machine," Dustin said, ignoring Steve's flinch. "I think you'll be okay."
Robin came around the counter to stand on Dustin's other side, leaning over his shoulder to peer at the collection of wrinkled newspapers. "Focus, boys," she said, her hands smoothing out the topmost clipping, which featured a large black and white photo of a kid. He was about the age Dustin had been when Steve first met him, grinning wide in front of Fort Worth Elementary. "What is all this?" 
"This is what my mom was talking about," Dustin said, his gaze snapping back to his research. "He went missing last week." 
Nausea roiled in Steve's stomach, and he forced himself to look away from the bright grin as he struggled with his own gag reflex. It was a little silly, since he hadn't even known Will when it happened– had been a fucking shit about it, even –but he hadn't been able to stomach missing kids since '83. Not even in movies. That was one of the reasons O'Donnell hated him so much– She'd tried to make him read some awful book about a missing little girl, and he'd refused. Hired some nerd to write the report. She knew it, and he knew she knew it, but he couldn't read it. Couldn't think about some mom, sick to death with worry, and a bunch of men who thought she was crazy. It made him want to crawl out of his skin, made him want to launch the book through the police station window with Lucas's slingshot, made him want to make every teacher who'd whispered behind the Byers' backs eat the pages the words were printed on. 
It made him want to pay for the words he couldn't take back with blood. 
"Dustin, not every… Kids go missing all the time, buddy." Steve tried to be calm, the reasonable older brother, as his own hands started to shake. "Will was a special circumstance, you know that, right?"
"Oh, shit," Robin mumbled. 
"This isn't about Will," Dustin said, although Steve could tell from the way that Dustin's eyes were suddenly big and round with grief that it had, at one point, been very much about Will. "My mom called her friend in Fort Worth, and they were talking about the investigation, and they– He's a klaustreich."
Steve had no idea what that meant, but the German was enough of a giveaway to get the gist. "This kid is a Wesen?"
Even as Dustin nodded, Robin was snorting and shaking her head. "If he's a klaustreich, it was the dad. It's always the dad." 
"Hey," Steve said, weakly. It was hard to fight Wesen prejudice when he had absolutely no idea what the stereotypes were supposed to be. It certainly didn't sound flattering, though. 
"It's almost always the dad for humans, too," Robin said, a flush of embarrassment across her face. 
Steve and Dustin exchanged a look. "Dads aside," Steve said quickly, because talking parents never went well for him, especially with any of the kids present, "it doesn't matter who did it, because this isn't any of our business.The police will handle this, Dustin, I don't know why–" 
"Because he wasn't the only one!" Dustin moved the newspaper to the side, revealing another black and white photo of a smiling child. And then another. And another. More and more pictures were revealed, until the children devolved into a blur of grey and sepia. "In the past four years, more than 38 kids have gone missing in adjacent counties alone." 
"That's impossible," Robin said, immediately. "Someone would have done something, eventually. They would have caught the guy. There would be– There would be fucking dogs and search parties–" 
"Oh, like there was for Will Byers?" Steve said, his tongue numb. He almost didn't mean it, didn't want to be saying it, but all he could think about was that fake body of Will's. His own voice, asking if Jonathan had killed him. "Kids go missing all the time," he repeated. 
Robin was quiet for a moment. "So the guy who took Will…" 
"No," Steve and Dustin said at the same time. 
"That was completely different," Dustin said, "and it's handled." 
"One of us would have noticed if there were that many kids involved," Steve said, trying to make himself believe it. "And they wouldn't still be going missing." 
"I thought they never caught the guy who did it?" Robin asked. 
Another glance. "I made sure of it," Steve said, his voice firm enough to broadcast that he would not respond well to pushing. Not exactly stellar for his new serial killer reputation, but there was no way in hell he was telling Robin about the Upside Down. She wouldn't believe it, anyway, Wesen and magic and shit notwithstanding. Whatever created the Upside Down, it wasn't a furry little guy. It was something sinister, and the last thing he needed was it to get its claws into Wesen society. 
Robin's eyes narrowed, her gaze analyzing Steve's face, before she nodded and looked away. "Alright, so what's your theory, beaver boy?" 
Dustin sighed. "After I left the library, the trail went kinda cold. It's not like a thirteen year old can call grieving families and expect answers, you know?" 
"That's why you should bring this to Hopper," Steve said, tapping the folder. "You know, an actual adult? And a cop, by the way. The people who would actually have a good chance of–" 
"A wesen family would never talk to a human cop," Robin said, then shrugged at Steve's sharp look. "Sorry, man, it's true. We have a thing about handling our own disputes." 
"Alright, well…" Steve huffed. It wasn't that he couldn't appreciate the sentiment, but he was pretty sure that when Robin said 'handling it', she was using a definition like his own: Beating the shit out of it with a bat and then setting it on fire. "That's one family that won't talk, but that leaves almost two dozen–" 
"More are Wesen," Robin said, and then leaned over to tap at a picture on the table. The kid was older than Dustin, probably around Robin's age. He beamed out of the grey, proudly wearing his letterman's jacket, a football tucked under his arm. "That's Carter Ridley. Goes to school in Jackson. His dad comes into my mom's shop sometimes. They're jagerbars." 
"Hunter bears?" Dustin translated, his nose wrinkling. 
"They used to be beserkers, in the old country. Now they're mostly yuppies," Robin said, shrugging. "Still built like a fucking mountain, though." 
"Huh," Dustin said, looking thoughtful. 
"Alright, so two families…" Steve tried, but Robin shot him a look that left him feeling small. 
"If someone is hunting Wesen kids, two is enough." 
"Hunting any kid is bad enough," Dustin corrected, but his face was still unfocused in deep thought. "It does take a special kind of person to capture two predator kids, though…"
"What?" Steve frowned doubtfully down at the picture. "He's, like, fifteen, sixteen? He's big, but he's not going to take out a full grown man." 
"He's a sixteen year old jaegerbar," Robin repeated. "They used to hunt humans for sport at that age. No dad with a beer gut is going to be able to take a jagerbar raging on teenage hormones." 
"So what?" 
"So it's a Wesen that's doing this," Dustin said, determined. "Something powerful. Something evil." 
"That's your job, right?" Robin said, turning to Steve. 
"I'm not a fucking–" Steve paused, frazzled. "I mean, I am. But, like… ethnically. I'm not going to start hunting criminal Wesen and killing them! That's insane!" 
"So we're just supposed to let them keep doing it?" Dustin said, whirling around. 
"No! Or… maybe? I don't fucking know, Dustin. Why didn't you take this shit to Hop? He knows about this Wesen shit, now. I'm sure if he knew about this, he would do something about it." Probably not as much or as fast as Dustin wanted, but Steve had never known Hopper to just sit around and let a kid hurt like that. He would stop this. He would. 
"You really want to send your father figure after a monster that'll tear him apart?" Robin asked. She didn't even sound upset about it, just… curious. Which Steve thought was rather rich, considering she'd never even met Hopper in the context of Steve. Rich and cruel. 
"Steve," Dustin said, before Steve could even gather his thoughts enough to tear into Robin like he wanted to. The kid's voice was solemn, deep in the way he only got when he was on the edge of tears. "I know. But when has bringing an adult into this ever fucking solved anything?"
Steve wanted to protest. They'd helped– Hopper and Joyce and even those stupid science guys, they had all helped. Been instrumental, really. But Steve couldn't deny that sometimes it made things harder. They just didn't understand, sometimes, why things had to be done a certain way. Whatever help they would give had to be wheedled out of them, piece by piece, usually at a cost greater than originally revealed. And that was only if they didn't die; Steve hadn't known Bob, but he had watched Joyce cry into Hopper's chest about it, which was more than enough to solidify the danger in his mind. 
He loved Joyce and Hopper. He did. But they weren't the reason they were all still alive. Nancy was. El was. And, sometimes, when someone needed to take the hit, Steve was. 
"Okay," Steve said, his shoulders going lax in resignation. "Alright. But if we're going to look into this, we're going to do it right. Now…" What would Nancy do? he asked himself. "We need to know how many of these kids are actually Wesen. Any ideas?" 
"You could show up to their house and see if their parents woge?" Dustin said. 
"I might have an idea," Robin said, "but you both have to promise not to fucking touch anything."  
"There is no way you can make me promise that without telling me what it is I'm not touching," Dustin said, extremely seriously. "That's entrapment." 
Robin sighed, chewing off all the lipstick on her bottom lip. "Okay," she said, finally, "my dad's shop is the only Wesen apothecary outside of Indianapolis. If any of their families have ever needed anything a human shop wouldn't handle, they'll be on his ledger." 
"Alright, so…. " Steve shrugged. "Would he let us see it?" 
Snorting, Robin replied, "Absolutely not. But if his darling daughter were to accidentally leave the back door unlocked the next time it's her turn to clean…" 
"Oh, good, another crime," Steve said, rolling his eyes. A quick glance at Dustin proved he would be no help in finding an alternative. Glee was written across the kid's face so patently that even Steve didn't have to puzzle it out. It's for the kids, Steve reminded himself. 
"Since when do you care about what's legal, Harrington?" Robin said. "You've been drinking since the cradle." 
"Like you said," Steve said dismissively. "Police chief. Father figure." 
"Steve has, like, chronic parental issues," Dustin informed Robin, sotto voice. 
"They're fucking terminal," Dustin continued, ignoring Steve's sighs of complaint. 
"When are we fucking doing this?" Steve cut in, voice harsh with frustration. 
Robin's face went blank in thought for a moment, running through the days in her head. "I'm supposed to clean up after inventory on Thursday," she said, shrugging. "That's the earliest I'll be able to get you in." 
Six days. That was more than enough time for the more rational parts of Steve's brain to take back over, more than enough time to talk Dustin out of this heroism kick. He found himself nodding, more than willing to put this off for another week. 
"It'll just have to wait, then," Steve said, and tried not to sound too pleased about it. 
Despite Steve's efforts, the next six days didn't lessen Robin and Dustin's insistence on playing the hero. In fact, Steve found himself on tenterhooks every night. He watched the evening news with an intensity he had given very little since graduation. 
The six o'clock news, then the ten– The morning news on the weekend, anchors and time slots that Steve usually slept through. He watched them all with his heart in his throat, every cell of him focused on the prayer that he wouldn't see another sunny, ignorant smile on the screen. Every night passed without a new addition to their list, but that did nothing to soothe the mounting frenzy in Steve's chest. Instead, he could only wonder what they were missing, if there were kids slipping through their fingers unnoticed. 
Saturday morning when the anchors said goodbye, the local channel started reruns of old episodes of Batman. Steve, numb with anxiety, stayed curled in his father's pristine armchair and let them play. Primary colors and musical stings blurred together in his bleary mind. 
He'd never been a huge superhero kid, not like Dustin and Mike, but there had been no one in his elementary school who didn't sometimes watch Batman. There wasn't much that he remembered. The characters were all unfamiliar and cartoonish, but the apathy made Adam West's booming voice softer. It soothed the shake of Steve's hands. 
In one scene, Batman rushed onto the docks, a bomb in his hands. There was nowhere to go, no way to save the unbothered masses around him. It was supposed to be funny; Steve recognized the slapstick body language, the sigh in West's voice. There were baby ducks in the water, for fuck's sake. He had thought it was hilarious, once, in the way sheltered little kids always did. 
Steve pulled his legs a little tighter against his body, watching the fuse burn down. The exaggerated resignation had grown too familiar to be laughable. He sat and he watched Batman accept that this bomb was going to go off in his hands, so it wouldn't go off on anyone else's, and it didn't make Steve upset. It didn't make him uncomfortable. 
It made him nod, approving. Because Steve knew that if he found himself with a bomb in his hands, he would keep holding it. Would curve himself around it, letting it go off. 
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb," Batman told him, and Steve clicked the television off. Maybe it was time to go back to bed.
The rest of the week wasn't easier. Work helped, the distraction as good for Steve as it had ever been, but Robin didn't. Her obsession had gotten its teeth into Dustin's little mystery, and there was very little else she was willing to talk about. Even when Steve managed to change the subject, he could see the missing smiles in the shadows behind her eyes. In time, she would lapse back into theories and ramblings about some story she had heard, once-upon-a-time. Steve was never sure how many of these stories were facts and how many were legends. The both seemed equally real to Robin, and by Thursday night, he had heard every word the Buckley clan had to offer.
He wished he could blame her. That terrible feeling got its claws into him every time, the paranoia and the guilt and the shame, and it would feel so much better if he could take it out on her. Steve knew it would. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He could feel the frustration bubbling up in his chest, taste the bitter words on his tongue. It didn't matter how long she rambled, though, every time he turned to face her, his voice refused to cooperate. Maybe it was too easy, he thought as she rambled through another legend too horrific to listen to. Even as Robin spoke, she broadcasted her fear louder than her voice. Every curiosity revealed another nightmare she'd never beaten. It wouldn't feel as good now, when he knew she was so fragile. 
Or maybe he didn't want to be an asshole anymore. 
So listened to every awful theory she had, and then drove home to find Henderson on his doorstep with his own set of ideas. Dustin's were at least a little less gory, but he had even less to work with than Robin did. Most of his 'theories', if they could even be called that, were cribbed from cop shows and nursery rhymes. The kind of thing his mother filled his head with so he wouldn't talk to strangers. They had never worked, because Dustin had never met a problem he didn't want to interrogate to death, but they left their mark all the same. So Steve soothed his fears, did his best to not sound too  sarcastic when he assured Dustin that the bogeyman didn't exist, and then shooed Dustin off to bed. 
Every night was the same, a shift of horror movie plots followed by a thirteen year old's best attempt at paranormal theory.
When the sun finally set on Thursday, Steve expected to feel relieved. After a week of fending off the worst of Robin and Dustin's impulses, he would finally be able to prove this wasn't their problem. All it would take was a quick look at Mr. Buckley's ledgers, and all three of them could finally move on.
Steve tried to remind himself of that, blocking Dustin's chattering voice out as he turned the thoughts over in his mind again and again. They did little to help the rising anxiety, though, the edges worn smooth with handling like well-eroded stones. Steve's fingers flexed against the steering wheel. The closer it got to go-time, the worse Steve felt. The air felt heavy around him, so thick he could imagine it darkening like in one of Dustin's movies. 
"You are, like, the worst criminal in the world," Dustin said, halfway through shoving a Twizzler into his mouth. 
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" 
"You literally look like you're about to throw up," Dustin said, poking at Steve's cheek with his licorice. 
Being able to grab the candy out of Dustin's hand without looking was probably the only thing Steve's Grimm abilities had ever been good for. He tossed it through his open window, his other hand covering Dustin's mouth– Well, the kid's entire face, really. Steve wasn't trying to shut him up as much as annoy him into submission. 
"You know, you could stand to take this a little more seriously," Steve said, frowning. "Jesus, where is Robin? She said eight, right?" 
"It's only 8:15, man," Dustin said, leaning his seat back. "Chill." 
"How is it that I'm the only one who believes there isn't a fucking serial killer on the loose and I'm still the only person taking this shit seriously?" he muttered to himself. He needed a fucking cigarette, but he knew Robin would bitch incessantly if she smelled smoke on him. Steve had no idea how he'd picked up another nerd to tell him what to do, or why he even cared about what she said– 
"Steve, seriously, fucking breathe." 
Steve heaved, realizing his lungs had stopped working a thousand thoughts ago. "Thanks," he wheezed. 
"No problem."
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a-quiet-feeling · 2 years
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*Opens a very beautiful, electrified box*
We talkin' canon?
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This man entered Erik's life first in a DREAM! A dream that came to him on his birthday.
He didn't think too TOO much of it because he's had dreams where he wasn't quite himself before, so this didn't feel too crazy.
But eventually, having seen this man in his dream, when he gains access to Level 5 spells, he uses this mental image to Scry on Goro for the first time. From that point forward, Erik sets aside a bit of his better judgement and continues to Scry on Goro pretty regularly--
THOUGH eventually, it comes to some good and the Scry leads to the party picking Goro up from a situation that would have proven to be life threatening!
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From that point forward, Erik and Goro slowly get to know one another better as Goro remains attached to the party.
One BIG note being that he has been cursed with magic that wipes his memory after every business week (every 5 days). Having woken up suddenly in the middle of nowhere naught but seven years ago with no recollection of who or where he was, Erik empathized deeply with Goro and since has been dedicated to finding a way to fix this ailment, and even moreso when he finds out their circumstances may be linked.
Then commences a very bumpy rollercoaster that is Erik trying to keep up with the storm of a person that Goro is~
Now, let's talk DYNAMICS. Both in Canon and in AU.
You're probably thinking Erik? Himbo! Goro? HIMBO! Himbo on himbo action. Sort of?
But Goro is not as airheaded as he might seem, it's just that he's just sort of overwhelmed all the time, having to learn a lot of things from basically 0 so often. He's actually quite attentive and quite insightful, just really impulsive and reckless!
Erik, on the other hand, not the sharpest, but he's got a lot to offer in terms of intuition and being scrappy! His instincts are pretty en pointe but he's going to say some stupid sounding stuff.
Think of them more like this:
A man (Erik) who has lived his whole life with no direction or personal ambition and another person (Goro) who gives him the motivation to be more curious about his (Erik's) past, present and future.
There are times when Erik, who has always felt lost in his own shoes, feels like he can be helpful and teach someone who is genuinely interested in learning from him and that is really fulfilling to Erik. Someone he can dote on a little bit and welcomes it and that's really satisfying.
When Goro smiles and looks like he's having fun and comfortable, Erik's heart and stomach melts and he feels at ease. Erik obviously cares very dearly for his team mates at the moment, they've really helped him with a lot of his stuff, but there's something about Goro that hits different, you know?
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In Modern AU, it's a bit different because I picture their relationship a bit different since there's no magic curse that wipes Goro's memory every 5 days. I've employed the estranged childhood friend returns trope on their relationship.
Erik is an older university student that lives just off campus in a two room apartment that he used to share with a classmate before he moved in with his older sister. Needing a roommate to keep afloat on rent, Erik puts out for applications and impulsively accepts the first one he saw that suited his needs and suddenly his new roommate is moving in?
Erik, a bit confused and overwhelmed by the unknowns of his decision, opens the door to his apartment to find a handsome person who claims to be his new roommate. I wrote about this to friends before:
Erik helping Jude move his stuff out and get over to Wyn's apartment since they agree to live together for a portion of the school year while Wyn readjusts to being back in school (I kind of headcanon that she took some time off but comes back when things get back on track with her). The conversation is really chill, like, J: "Hey man, I'm sorry I asked to move out so suddenly, I know things are really busy on your side--" E: "It's all good, Jude! Don't worry about me one bit. If it makes you feel any better, someone's already applied! I think I'm going to just let them move in--" J: "You should-- really interview people you're thinking about living with--" E: "It'll be just fine! I'm trusting my gut on this one, and my gut says it's a good applicant!" J: ….
Fast forward to Goro driving all his stuff over to the dorm / apartment really early in the morning, waiting at the front of the building after Erik tells him that he'd be down to help him move his stuff in bright and early. No sign of the Erik.
Goro was given a key to the building and apartment preemptively and fiddles with his keys at the unit door, pushes the door open and it opens about halfway before it hits something. Cue Erik dead asleep, sitting on the floor after having just taken his shoes off the night prior, after what was probably a full day of both classes and errands around the entire campus.
Goro: 😐😬😰"Hey… Man, are you alright?" Pulls at his shoulder and tries to gently shake him awake.
Erik, stirs pretty quickly and kind of wakes abruptly; he gets up half squinting and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes; "O-Oh crap, I'm so sorry-- You're the new guy, right? I'm so sorry- I said I'd help you move in--" Finally opens his eyes and their stupidly saturated, complementary coloured eyes meet. Goro and Erik in unison, like -- "Have we met before?"
My brain is so filled with them--- So so sorry to anyone who has to see this HAHAHA~
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tau1tvec · 1 year
In response to anonymous below. It seems to me that the problem for many in this situation is not at all that their photos from the game are worse than others. Here everything is much more global. I'm not saying anything, but probably the point is that people do not have enough attention and approval in real life. There are not enough people who could share their interests. Many in this way try to raise their self-esteem. After all, if they are praised, it means they receive recognition, it means they are good or talented. But the problem is that the simbler community is not really where you should look for a way to raise your self-esteem. My advice to anonymous. Don't try for someone else, play for yourself. Enjoy it. The more you try to keep up with those who do what you think is better, the less motivation you will have to go further. And this applies to everything in life. Not just posts on tumblr. When I first came to Tumblr, I didn’t post anything for a year. I just followed people and liked them. But then, when I started sharing photos, at some point I caught myself thinking that when I start building or creating a Sim, I first of all think about how it will be appreciated on Tumblr. Will others like it? And I stopped enjoying my game. Because it has become a pursuit of the perfect picture. And still it did not turn out perfect, because others were better. I stopped playing and uploading photos. But then I realized that I miss my game. And I began to just play, sometimes share moments from my game and not wait for the approval of others in the form of likes. I am always glad to likes and comments, and this is very important. But I try not to take it as motivation. Even if my photo gets 1 or 2 likes, I'll just move on. It just doesn't matter. Although you may not think so now. Sorry for such a big text and my bad english.
No need to apologize, and I know you're just responding to anon, but I'd also like to respond to this as well, bc I agree with some points, but am wrestling with some.
Firstly there is nothing wrong with turning to online spaces for peer validation. I know it isn't the case everywhere in the world, but this isn't the late 90's, the majority of ppl on this site fall in an age group that was basically raised online, all the time, an online that was so normalized, it's even how you kept up with your irl friends, classmates, coworkers, and family, and a lot of ppl still do this.
There is no difference to me between an elderly man posting a new birdhouse he built on Facebook with other bird enthusiasts, and a teenager showing off their sims blorbos in their cute new cc outfits on Tumblr with other teenagers. Both these people are looking for peer validation, and sometimes yes that can help one's self-esteem, and there's nothing at all wrong with that. For teens, this is actually a part of their adolescent development, if you've got a teen of you're own you know what I'm talking about, and have had a conversation with their pediatrician about "screen time", which is why they encourage both parents and teens to work together to make sure it's managed in a healthy way, so you are absolutely right on that one. Simblr shouldn't be a person's only outlet to build self-esteem, and this isn't an issue that only harms younger ppl, even adults are constantly being encouraged to continue keeping and building irl connections. The ramifications of social media harms us all.
This is human nature, we are meant to want to connect with, love, and bring joy to others, we want to fit in, bc it's how our ancestors quite literally survived. This is how shame worked to govern societies prior to modern day law and order. The problem is a lot of how modern society has been for years is that it's focused on an individualist mentality, despite the fact that our bodies and minds are built for a community mentality.
Okay, now that I got that out I appreciate your concern, and your suggestions, I've used this method myself a few times, and it's certainly helped me rekindle my love for just playing games in general, and letting the creation of content for it be second, I've also picked up other outlets to escape and be creative, some new, some old, and many that don't involve a screen, or a screen name.
I'm a lot better for it, but I understand that this isn't easy or attainable ( whether physically or financially ) for others, so I really wish others would try and remember than when you see ppl like last anon cross your dash.
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liacontilde · 30 days
TXT - The Fanfic: CHAPTER 15
The guys and I hung out for a couple of weeks without Katarina. It finally felt like we had picked up our friendship right where we left off. On the other hand, Kai was keeping his word about pretending that kiss never happened. My friendship with him remained exactly the same as always; in fact, we seemed closer than ever.
Additionally, I managed to get Yeonjun to convince Katarina to meet up with me the following Friday. I was a bit nervous. I wasn't sure if my plan would work, which is why we decided to meet at Taehyun's shed, just in case there was any problem.
Friday arrived. I was the first to arrive at the agreed time, waiting at the entrance of the house. After a while, Katarina arrived with Yeonjun, who waved at me from a distance before kissing his girlfriend and going inside Taehyun's house.
Katarina approached me with a serious expression, and we entered the shed without having exchanged any words. I thought she would take a seat on the couch, but instead, she sat in the chair she had used during our other meetings. I sat next to her, and we both remained silent for a few moments before starting to talk.
"Why did you want to see me?" she asked coldly, crossing her arms.
"I just wanted to clear some things up with you..." I began, a bit timidly.
"If it's about Kai, Yeonjun already told me you're just good friends," she said, looking away, clearly unwilling to engage in a conversation.
"It's not just that..." I continued. "It's more that... I tried to befriend you from the beginning, and it didn't work out. I thought that now that Roseanne and Nancy are gone, maybe you and I could try to get along."
She looked at me, puzzled. I noticed her attitude shifting slightly, but she maintained a cold and distant demeanor.
"Why would you want to be friends with me?"
"Well... You're Yeonjun's girlfriend. So, you're the only other girl in the group. Don't you think it would be nice if we were friends?" I suggested.
"I know Yeonjun would like that," she sighed. "But I don't know you much, and from what little I've seen, we don't have much in common."
"I know. I've noticed that," I shrugged. "But that doesn't mean we can't get along." I paused. "I mean, in a way, you remind me a lot of Yeonjun."
"What do you mean?" she asked, curious.
"Maybe I'm wrong, but... Both of you can seem a bit harsh at first. People who don't filter their words and have a rather cruel sense of humor... But neither of you are that bad. And if I look back and compare you to the other girls... You were never that mean with me."
Katarina looked at me seriously. Somehow, I had caught her attention, and she was processing the information I had given her. Her body language relaxed a bit, and she responded.
"Those girls were driven by jealousy. I'm not a jealous person. Although, well, it's not like your relationship with Yeonjun is that close... Compared to Kai... I really thought there was something between the two of you." She laughed, not even looking at me.
"Kai is just my friend..." I quickly defended myself. "And I suppose, Yeonjun has told you about Soobin," I anticipated.
"I know about you and Soobin," she laughed again. "I guess you have a knack for attracting unpopular guys."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, confused.
"I mean that both Soobin and Kai are pretty unpopular at school. That shouldn't be a big secret to you if you've known them for so long."
She was half-right. I knew Soobin had never been very popular at school, but I didn't know anything about Kai. He never mentioned it. Not even when we were kids.
"I know Soobin has had a lot of problems with his classmates. That's precisely what led him to become friends with the guys."
"And that's also what led Kai to befriend them too. Kai never had any friends until he came along," she explained. "And tell me, if you've never been to school, what led you to be friends with them?" she wanted to know.
"Kai has been my friend since we were very young. I almost have no memories from before I met him. Soobin, on the other hand, moved across the street from my house when we were not even eight years old, which was precisely when he started school."
"True," Katarina recalled. "I assume that the fact that they were friends before school started was your doing, wasn't it?"
"More or less," I sighed. "It was actually pure coincidence that they met before starting school."
"It was the best thing that could have happened to both of them," she said, nodding.
The girl was still speaking to me somewhat distantly, but in a way, we were both listening carefully to each other's contributions. She seemed sincere and willing to talk.
"I really appreciate you agreeing to talk with me. I think I needed this information."
"I'm more comfortable than I thought I would be," she said, leaning her elbow on the back of the chair. "But you should be careful about how much trust you place in Kai... especially if you're waiting for another guy," she warned with a hint of concern.
"Why?" I asked, confused.
"I'm not sure, but if I doubted your relationship and it's not because of you... it's very likely that he likes you..."
"Me? Kai?" I was surprised for a second, though it didn't take long to remember the kiss.
My expression grew more serious as I tried to process the possibility that Katarina might be right. I looked down at the floor and stayed silent for a few moments.
"If that's the case... I think I would understand a lot of things..." I said without lifting my head.
"I've never seen anyone defend another person the way Kai did the other day," she said, searching for my gaze with a serious expression, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Only love would drive someone to do that."
"It's not the first time he's done it..." I pointed out.
"As I said, be careful... Things are fine now... But when Soobin comes back, it could get awkward."
"I'd like to keep pretending I don't know anything," I lamented.
"Good luck..." She crossed her arms again, looking away.
There was a long silence between us. I hadn't expected to have such a deep conversation with someone who was practically a stranger and with whom I hadn't gotten along just moments before.
"You're more mature than I thought," I remarked.
"So are you. The way you usually act, I took you for someone more childish," she apologized. "Anyway, even though I like you, I don't think you're the type of person I would normally hang out with."
"Neither do I," I replied with a small smile. "We're not the same kind of person."
"Still... I would meet with you again to talk like this. It feels good to have a serious conversation with someone and feel heard."
"I agree," I said, smiling broadly.
For a moment, we both considered leaving the shed, but I interrupted those plans by asking.
"How did you start dating Yeonjun?"
The girl smiled before answering and settled back into her chair.
"It's a really silly story," she laughed. "The school organized a little event, and... As is typical for me, I looked for a guy to hook up with after the meeting. Which most people do," she justified herself. "I had been eyeing Yeonjun for a while and was waiting for that day to make a move on him... What I didn't know was that he was planning the same thing," she smiled at me.
"Wow, sounds like school is a lot of fun," I laughed.
"You wouldn't like it," she immediately countered. "It's a hostile place. If you don't believe me, ask Kai or Soobin. Besides, you seem like a smart girl. You don't need it," she dissuaded me.
"I'm glad Yeonjun found someone like you: someone like him, but with whom someone can have a serious conversation," I explained, returning to the main topic.
"I'm glad to know that you're the kind of person he hangs out with outside of school."
"I wish you the best with Yeonjun... But I'd like to know somehow... that if you and he were to break up, we'd still see each other."
"I'm sure we would," she immediately replied. "I wouldn't hold a grudge or anything like that," she smiled at me.
"Good," I returned her smile.
Finally, we left the shed and found Taehyun and Yeonjun, who came out to meet us when we knocked on the door of the house.
Katarina went straight to Yeonjun, who hugged her and kept his arm around her shoulders.
"How was it?" he asked with a smile, seeing us in good spirits.
"Very good," she quickly responded.
"Eye-opening," I added, without giving too much detail.
The girl smiled at me, and then Yeonjun left with her. Taehyun asked me again what we had talked about, but I was vague with him again. I preferred to keep our conversation private.
He kindly walked me home and then said goodbye with a hug until the next day.
Next Saturday, we met again at the same place. Although the temperatures were clearly starting to feel much more like spring, the intimacy provided by Taehyun's shed was still comfortable.
Yeonjun came accompanied by Katarina, who greeted me warmly when she saw me. At that moment, I noticed Kai looking at the two of us and smiling in surprise.
"Did you end up talking to her yesterday? How did it go?" he asked in a low voice.
"It went really well," I smiled at him. "We both learned a lot from each other, and I guess you could say we get along now."
"No hard feelings?" he wanted to make sure.
"No hard feelings," I confirmed.
Soon, we were all gathered there. Even though the dynamics had changed a lot since the two girls were gone, Kai and I continued to keep our spots on the floor.
However, after a while, my shoulders started to ache, and I tried to find a better position while stretching a bit discreetly.
"Are you okay?" Kai asked, noticing my discomfort.
"Yeah, it's just my back hurts," I said, trying to act more normally.
"Do you need a massage?" Kai asked, moving a bit closer.
I leaned back at his movement. In my mind, I remembered Katarina's words. I needed to start setting some boundaries with Kai if I didn't want things to get awkward with Soobin later on.
"No, I'm fine," I said quickly.
The truth was, I could have used that massage, but I wanted to stick to my decision. Despite everything, our conversation wasn't private; the rest seemed to have heard it all.
"Do you want to switch spots?" Beomgyu offered, getting up from the couch.
"Yes, thank you," I said, standing up and taking the new seat.
I looked at Katarina, who nodded at me discreetly, letting me know I had done the right thing. Then I looked at Kai. He didn't seem to have given the situation much thought, so I relaxed and continued enjoying the evening.
The conversations flowed lively until Taehyun decided to bring out a bottle of alcohol again. He and Yeonjun took the first sips and then started passing it around to the others. I was a bit surprised to see Kai take a sip as well. Soon after, Beomgyu passed me the bottle, but I immediately handed it to Taehyun.
"You don't want any?" he asked with some surprise.
"No," I shook my head with a slight expression of disgust.
"Alright…" he replied, taking another sip.
"Lía's not going to drink?" I heard Yeonjun say.
"You saw that it doesn't make he feel well. She's free not to drink if she doesn't want to," Kai immediately defended me.
"I can speak for myself," I said, aware that Kai always went out of his way to defend me.
When I said this, Kai's expression became a bit more serious. I didn't know if I had made him uncomfortable, but it was about time I started standing up for myself when it came to expressing what I think or feel.
The guys kept drinking until the bottle was empty. The atmosphere was lively, especially with the buzz from the alcohol. I laughed along with them despite being sober, appreciating the freedom of feeling that way. I didn't want to feel like I did that one time again.
When it got late, we cleaned up and went outside. Even though the days were starting to get warmer, the nights were still very cold.
I approached Kai cheerfully. I had noticed that he hadn't spoken to me directly all afternoon, and I wanted to check if he was feeling uncomfortable.
"Hey, Kai. Are you going to be able to walk me home in this state?"
Kai turned to me with a serious expression. It had been a while since he'd looked at me like that.
"Can't you walk home alone too?" he said, sounding a bit annoyed.
I noticed the other guys turning towards us when they heard Kai's slightly raised voice.
"Hey! What's going on over there?" Taehyun approached, a little worried.
"Nothing. It's nothing," Kai replied.
"Walk her home, Kai. It's not safe for her to go alone at this hour," Katarina interrupted, probably feeling responsible for the advice she had given me.
Kai didn't say anything else. We said goodbye to the rest of the group, and he began to walk me home.
"Sorry for acting weird today," I apologized once we were a bit farther away from the group.
"When you turned down the massage, it seemed odd, but then you were really short with me for no reason. What the hell is going on? What did I do?" he complained, clearly upset.
"Nothing! You didn't do anything," I excused him, lowering my head. "Someone gave me advice, and I didn't know how to interpret the instructions."
"Someone told you to be short with me?" he got even more upset.
"No! Of course not!"
"Then what?" he waited for an explanation.
"Someone told me that I shouldn't have such a close relationship with you because it was strange," I finally said.
He looked at me with a confused expression, and then it seemed like everything clicked in his head.
"Katarina told you that, didn't she?" he got defensive. "I knew she was trouble..."
"She's right," I interrupted. "Maybe I shouldn't be so close to you. I should treat you more like I treat everyone else..."
"I'm your best friend, Lía. I don't think anyone would mind if you're closer to me than to others, right?"
"Maybe not now. But what would Soobin think if, when he comes back from Korea, he saw me sleeping on top of you?" I justified myself. "Katarina said that you and I often look like a couple, and I wouldn't like that to continue when Soobin comes back."
Kai rubbed his face and turned away, putting some distance between us.
"I'm thinking long-term, Kai. I'd rather start now than cut everything off abruptly later."
He paced in circles for a few more moments, then approached me again.
"Soobin isn't the type of guy who would get jealous, Lía. He knows you and I are friends and has always respected that. What makes you think that would change now?"
"The fact that you and I have taken too many liberties and gotten too comfortable in his absence," I finally said, referring to the night he spent at my house and the kiss we shared.
When I said this, he seemed to understand my point of view a bit more, though his first concern was how much Katarina knew about what had happened.
"Did you tell her about...?"
"No," I answered immediately. "Of course, I didn't say anything. No one knows. Literally no one," I promised.
"Alright," he sighed. "I think you're right... We should set some boundaries. I accept that. But please, the solution isn't to push me away."
"I know. I already told you I didn't handle it well," I apologized.
"We already agreed that I wouldn't sleep over at your place again. We haven't even talked about the kiss. What else do you want to change?"
"I don't know..." I admitted. "Honestly, I would have liked that massage... But I should start standing up for myself more." I moved a little closer to him and took his hand to get his attention. "I know it's hard for you to control yourself when someone bothers me... But trust me. I have a temper too. I know I could defend myself if someone bothers me. I've gotten too comfortable hiding behind you every time I've had a conflict."
"I understand... Yeah, you're right, it's hard for me to control myself," he sighed, still holding my hand.
"For now, let's just change that, okay?" I smiled at him.
"Alright," he agreed, smiling back. "How's your back? Does it still hurt?"
"Not so much. Just a little in the neck and maybe the shoulders... It helped when Beomgyu switched spots with me," I said, rubbing the areas that felt tense.
"Come here," he said, moving behind me and giving me a quick but focused massage on the spots I had mentioned. "Better?"
"Yes. Thank you."
Kai walked me the rest of the way home. Despite having drunk, he wasn't too affected, so after saying goodbye to me, he didn't have much trouble getting back.
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maria021015 · 3 months
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“Okay, you two wait out here and keep watch.” Zaida instructed the redhead and brunette in front of her as they reached Danny’s hospital room at Beacon Memorial. She pointed a stern finger at Cora. “And you make sure you keep your hands to yourself this time.”
Cora simply rolled her eyes and collapsed into one of the chairs lining the hallway as both Zaida and Stiles snuck into the room silently.
“Here we go, just the two of us. Investigating. Doing what we do best.” Stiles whispered excitedly as he shut the door behind them with a quiet click.
“You mean snooping?” Zaida smirked and the boy’s expression immediately shifted into a disappointed glare.
“No, I don’t mean snooping, and you know that I don’t mean snooping.” He shot back as he stepped towards their sleeping classmate who seemed completely unconscious as he lay back, tucked into bed. Stiles reached out and tapped the boy on the face a few times to check, his touches becoming harder as he went on. “Danny, you awake? Danny?”
“He will be if you keep doing that!” Zaida whisper-shouted and slapped the boy’s arm, urging him to hurry up and get on with what they came here to do. She took Danny’s phone from the bedside table and began searching through his messages for any clues. In the meantime, Stiles bent down and slowly unzipped Danny’s backpack, rifling through its contents for any clues.
“What are you doing?” Danny’s weak mumble caused both Stiles and Zaida to freeze.
“I'm not doing anything, Danny. This is just a dream you're having…” Stiles paused his actions.
“Are you going through my stuff?” The clearly drugged-out boy questioned, still not having noticed Zaida on the other side of the room.
“Right, but only in the dream, remember? Dream. Dreaming.” Stiles repeated.
“Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?” Danny continued, his voice sounding weaker by the second as his medication-induced fatigue began to reclaim him.
“I don't know that, Danny, okay?” Stiles snapped irritatedly. “It's your dream. Take responsibility for it. Now shut up and go back to sleep.”
“Oh God,” Zaida muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at the boy’s antics and continuing to search through Danny’s messages. She decided to stop that when she stumbled upon a conversation between him and Ethan that she wished she could erase form her memory.
“Danny-boy, you might've actually found something here…” Stiles mumbled, drawing her attention away from the phone as she placed it back where she had retrieved it from.
“What’d you find?” She asked, kneeling behind him to peer over his shoulder to look at a research proposal for a paper titled ‘Telluric Currents’. Harris’ handwriting was scrawled along the top.
I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudoscience. Not suitable for class.
“Bingo,” Zaida hissed and took the paper from Stiles’ hands.
“See, we make a great team.” Stiles turned his head to look at her and it was only then that Zaida realised how close they were to one another.
“Yeah, but that’s old information, right?” She let out a small puff of laughter, her heart beating quickly, sending the blood in her ears thrumming.
“Right,” He agreed, his amber eyes softening. “Nice shirt by the way.”
“Oh, yeah, I was gonna give it back to you at school, but things kind of went to shit again so it slipped my mind.” Zaida stumbled over her words, hands reaching towards her waist to untie the sleeves of his flannel.
“No, you keep it. It looks good on you.” Stiles' hands moved to cover hers, stilling their movement. “I’ve got plenty, anyway.”
“Oh…thanks.” She blinked in surprise and Stiles savoured the sight of a slight flush in her cheeks.
There was a slight rap of knuckles against the door, and the sudden sound caused the two to pull apart, getting to their feet awkwardly. “We should get outta here before someone sees us.” Zaida cleared her throat.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re probably right.” Stiles nodded in agreement, watching her head toward the door with a smile on his face. God, he loved seeing her wearing his clothes.
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“Hey, did you see what Allison found?” Zaida spoke into the phone as she, Stiles, Lydia and Cora headed through the hospital back towards the Jeep.
“Yeah, her dad’s been tracking the places where people have been taken and where the bodies have been found. There are also six extra marks - we think they’re predictions.” Scott explained on loud-speaker. “Deaton's got to be at one of the six locations, but they're all over town. I don't know how we can get to all of them fast enough.”
“Well, we might not have to. Danny was doing a project on something for Mr. Harris' physics class, and I think it actually means something.” Stiles interjected, leaning in so he could be heard clearly.
“What project?” Scott questioned from the other side of the line.
“Something on…” Stiles gestured for Zaida to show him the paper they had nabbed from Danny’s bag. “Telluric currents.”
“...Did you say currents?” The werewolf clarified after a brief hesitation, which made Zaida think that it meant something to him.
“Yeah…” Stiles confirmed. “Why?”
“Just meet me at the Clinic.” Scott instructed, swiftly hanging up.
“Why are we going to the animal clinic?” Cora questioned.
“Why are you still here?” Zaida shot back, genuinely not understanding why the beta was still tagging along.
“It sounds to me like you need all the help you can get.” The young hale snarked stubbornly.
“Yeah, and I’m yet to see any actual help from you.” Zaida scoffed.
“When we do find Deaton, there’s no guarantee that he’s going to be alone. If we run into the Darach, we’re going to need a werewolf or two on our side.” Stiles reasoned and Zaida hated that he had a point.
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“Okay, so what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?” Cora asked once they spread Danny’s documents over one of the many metal tables in the clinic, all crowding around it.
“Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right?” Stiles explained, tapping on the scrawled note on the front page of the report. “Now, look at this - this is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal.”
"I strongly advise you to choose another topic. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudoscience. Not suitable for class." Lydia read it aloud.
“Harris wasn't just a sacrifice - he knew something.” Scott noted.
“That explains why Danny was a target too - he just didn’t fit the sacrificial requirements.” Zaida added.
“Now, check this out - Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right? Danny had one, too.” Stiles unfolded a larger piece of paper that indeed had a map of Beacon Hills printed on it with multiple markings. “Danny marked all the telluric currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon - you wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through the earth is around this town.”
“Stiles, you remember how I said the Celtics used to make sacrificial offerings to nature? Maybe Druids are like nymphs. I draw my powers from the element I’m connected to, and the Darach must draw power from nature, like the ground.” Zaida drew the dots together. “These currents would amplify that. The sacrifices have to be offered on the natural energy lines - like an exchange of power.”
“That actually makes sense. It’s why the Darach has been kidnapping victims and killing them at other locations.” The boy nodded.
“Stiles, look. They match!” Scott pointed out the similarities between the lines on Danny’s map and the marked points on Chris Argent’s, tracing them onto the larger map with a coloured marker.
“All right, there's multiple places, right? Where they're kidnapped and then the place where their body was found.” Scott pointed out crosses marked for both locations, all a little distance either side of current lines.
“Look, that's right on the telluric current.” Lydia tapped on the midpoint between the two markings.
“So, maybe where the sacrifices happen is somewhere in between where they’re taken from and where their bodies are found?” Scott deduced.
“Let me see that.” Stiles pulled Chris’ map towards himself, tracing along the lines near the animal clinic that led to marked spots where nothing had happened yet. “You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. Gotta be somewhere in between, right?”
“I wonder if the power from the currents is stronger where they overlap.” Zaida reasoned as she inspected the map, a painted nail tapping over all of the places where the flows intersected.
“Stop.” Cora instructed and Stiles’ finger froze over a familiar destination on the map - it was the closest intersection of currents to the animal clinic. Beacon Hills National Bank. “He's in the vault - the same vault.”
“Guys, hold on-” Lydia started hesitantly but Stiles cut her off.
“Lydia, we don't have time-” The boy began, but then Cora interrupted him, checking her phone.
“It's Boyd.” She stated in alarm. “The plan didn't work. They cut the power.”
“If Aiden is there I can try and talk him out of it.” Lydia offered her help, hoping that the boy might listen to her.
“It's just like he said…” Scott mumbled under his breath.
“Just like who said?” Zaida caught his words, frowning in confusion. Scott didn’t answer her, he simply pursed his lips. “Scott, just like who said?”
“Deucalion. He was at the school. He warned me that someone was going to die tonight - either Derek, or Deaton. He knew I’d have to choose between them.” The werewolf answered reluctantly.
“He was trying to get into your head. Don’t let him.” Zaida warned, her gut twisting at the mention of the man - especially now knowing that he had only been a short distance away and she’d been none the wiser. "You don't need to choose."
“We need to think about this for a moment.” Lydia attempted to play the level-headed advocate.
“Go. I can save Deaton myself.” Scott nodded at the redhead and brunette beta.
“What? Scott, what about us?” Stiles asked, referring to himself and Zaida.
“Cora and Lydia can't get there fast enough without you.” Scott pointed out the girls’ lack of transport. “Go. We can save both of them.”
“...I’m coming with you.” Zaida spoke up, surprising them all when they realised she was speaking to Scott. She felt incredibly torn between her desire to protect Stiles, Lydia and Isaac, and her concerns about Scott going alone. Ultimately, the deciding factor was that there wasn’t much she could do in front of the alphas anyway. “I can’t expose my abilities to Deucalion, but I might be able to help you.”
“Okay,” Scott yielded, nodding in acceptance.
“Alright. Let’s go,” Stiles sighed in defeat and the group began moving out towards the car park.
“Hey, just be careful, alright?” Stiles gripped Zaida’s arm gently as the others headed out, pulling her towards him to talk in hushed tones. “If anything happens-”
“I’ll call you.” She promised, her heart warming at his display of concern for her. “You be careful too, okay? Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Since when do I ever do anything stupid?” He chuckled lightly and Zaida sent him a pointed expression that very clearly communicated, ‘all the time’.
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“This place is creepy as hell. I hate it already and I’ve only been here for like five minutes. I don’t know how Boyd, Erica and Cora spent months here without going crazy.” Zaida whispered as she and Scott crept through the abandoned bank. As with all abandoned buildings, there was an eeriness blanketed over the thick darkness. “Also, how are there so many abandoned buildings in such a small town? The Hale house, the warehouse district, the railway depot, the mall, this bank…”
“It’s all part of that Beacon Hills charm, I guess.” Scott shrugged, leading the way to the vault where he had found Boyd and Cora all those weeks ago.
When they approached the vault the large circular door was open, moonlight streaming across the concrete beneath their feet. A shadow shifted between the light, and both Zaida and Scott’s eyes followed the stretch of black on the floor until their gazes were met with the figure of a man suspended by his wrists in mid-air.
“Doc?” Zaida’s voice came out in a hoarse whisper in her rising fear.
The man simply grunted as he lifted himself higher to catch a ragged breath, just barely holding himself there for a split-second before dropping back down. Soon he’d lose all of his strength and wouldn’t be able to pull himself up enough to breathe. Scott rushed forward towards his boss but was swiftly shoved backwards through the air with a bright flash of light. Zaida stepped forward, kneeling to peer through the heavy blackness at the floor. Reaching out her fingertips brushed an impenetrable force and light danced around the contact point between herself and the barrier.
“Mountain Ash.” She muttered bitterly. Before the girl could try and make a move, Scott got to his feet and threw himself at the barrier once more, groaning as he pushed against it with all of his strength. A blue light illuminated the room, causing Zaida to squint against it.
“Scott, there’s no use!” She pleaded, but the boy continued to push, his eyes glowing yellow and then - much to Zaida’s surprise - shifting into a far richer, deeper, and warmer colour. Did she really just see what she thought she saw?
When Scott was inevitably thrown to the floor once more, Zaida drew on her own power, pulling at the moisture in the air until a sphere formed, hovering above her palm. At her will, the substance morphed into a thin wall akin to a piece of paper. She snapped her palms outwards, flicking the water like a jet. The sharp pressure was enough to sever the ropes binding the veterinarian, and he dropped to a heap on the floor with a heavy grunt, immediately going silent. Scott got his feet under him once more and the two of them stood side by side, watching the unconscious man helplessly. As soon as Zaida’s racing pulse began to calm itself, the sound of heavy footsteps growing closer and louder struck anxiety into her breath once more.
“How do we get in there?” Zaida questioned frantically. She didn’t want to leave the man, but she also really didn’t want to be caught by the Darach either.
“Scott! Zaida! What are you kids doing here?” A familiar voice cut through the tense silence and Zaida’s tense muscles sagged in relief.
“Oh, thank God it’s you!” She exclaimed and clutched her heart as Sheriff Stilinski scanned the room with his gun, consciously focusing on slowing her breathing. Once he determined there was no imminent danger, Noah hurried forward through the Mountain Ash to Deaton’s side. His boots caught on the powder and broke the seal, allowing Zaida and Scott to follow him.
“Alan?” Noah checked the man’s vitals and Deaton came to, still appearing slightly disoriented, but alive. “Okay, back it up kids. Give him some space.”
“It’s about time we got a win,” Zaida whispered to Scott as they both stepped away and the Sheriff handled Deaton, getting him to his feet and leading him over to rest against a wall.
“We don’t know that yet,” Scott replied, his jaw locking with worry as his mind went to their friends. Zaida had her blocks firmly in place, but not for the first time tonight she had to resist the urge to open the doorway to that corridor and check on them. There was nothing she could do from here. The only purpose it would serve would be to worry herself further. Besides, if one of them was hurt she would feel it through her blocks anyway. It was that knowledge that reassured her enough to keep her curiosity in check.
“How'd you find us?” Scott asked Noah when he finally decided Deaton was in stable condition.
“The vials in the clinic with the Celtic symbols on 'em? I knew that one of 'em looked familiar…” The man answered and Zaida knew he was referring to the bank logo that Allison had used to track the place down.
“Sheriff, thank you,” Deaton’s voice was scratchier than usual, but he retained that placid quality that he was so well known for. “For being one hell of a detective.”
“You bet.” Noah nodded with a thankful smile. “Let's get you an ambulance.”
When the Sheriff moved away to speak into his radio, Deaton took the opportunity to beckon Scott and Zaida over. “Your eyes were red! Bright red!” The doctor expressed, an excited glint in his dark eyes.
“I saw that too! I thought maybe it was a trick of the light or something…” Zaida noted, her own eyes widening at the confirmation of what she’d witnessed.
“How is that possible?” Scott gaped at them both in shock.
“Paramedics are on their way! I'll be back in half a minute.” Noah called over from the entrance to the vault before disappearing outside.
“It's rare - it's something that doesn't happen within a hundred years. But, every once in a while, a Beta can become an Alpha without having to steal or take that power.” Deaton spoke quietly through heavy breaths, explaining the phenomenon as though he was particularly familiar with it. “They call it a True Alpha. It's one that rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will.”
“...You knew this would happen.” Scott decided after staring at the man analytically.
“I believed. From the moment I knew you were bitten, I believed.” The vet nodded proudly, looking at Scott as if he were his own son. Zaida hadn’t experienced anything even remotely close to that with her bosses at her job over summer - they’d simply occasionally thanked her by buying her lunch or giving her expired or damaged stock. But it was clear that Scott and Deaton’s bond ran much deeper than that.
“...You're not the only one.” Scott mumbled coming to the realisation before Zaida even began to consider it.
“No.” Deaton pursed his lips grimly. “Deucalion isn't after Derek - he's after you.”
“So everything he’s been doing to Derek and his pack…he’s been pushing Scott to see what choices he’ll make. He’s been pushing him to become a True Alpha faster.” Zaida added, dread sinking in her stomach.
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“If we head to the loft maybe we can still get there in time to help.” Scott suggested as they walked out onto the street, headed towards his motorbike.
“Hold on - it's Stiles,” Zaida held up a hand to silence the werewolf before answering her buzzing mobile. “Hey, Deaton’s safe. Is it over? Are you guys okay?”
“It went wrong - everything went so wrong. Boyd…Boyd is dead.” Stiles’ shaky voice blurred through the phone.
“How? What happened?” Scott leaned in, muscles tensing in alarm as something heavy weighed on both of their chests at the news.
“We turned the power back on when we got here, but it didn’t work. Kali, Boyd and Derek all got electrocuted, but Kali recovered first. The twins…uh, they held Derek in place and Kali- she threw Boyd onto Derek’s claws.” Stiles swallowed audibly. “She- she forced Derek to kill him, and she said…if he didn’t join them by the next full moon, she was coming after the rest of the pack.”
“Oh my God,” Zaida gasped, imagining how awful it must have been to witness such a thing. She hadn’t known Boyd very well at all, but to Isaac, Cora and Derek, he was family. “How is everyone handling it?”
“Well, Isaac, Cora and Ms Blake stayed with Derek-” The boy began but Zaida’s brows drew together in confusion.
“Ms Blake? Our English teacher Ms Blake? What was she doing there?” The brunette interrupted.
“Well, apparently she and Derek are like together now which is…weird, to say the least.” The boy answered.
“Gross,” Zaida cringed at the thought. “How’s Lydia?”
“Yeah, she’s taking it kinda hard. She really thought Aiden might come through for her, but after what we saw…I don’t think we’ll be finding her in Coach’s office anytime soon.” Stiles sighed and it was a heavy sound full of exhaustion and dismay.
“And you? Are you alright?” Zaida checked in with the boy and silence greeted her for a moment longer than usual.
“Yeah, just peachy.” He lied and Scott shot her a worried look.
“Do you…uh,” The girl cleared her throat awkwardly, trying to brush her offering off as something casual. She wanted to be there for him desperately, the way he had always been there for her. “Do you want me to come over?”
“...You know, Lydia probably needs you right now.” Stiles answered lowly after a longer hesitation and dejection stung in Zaida’s chest.
“Right, of course.” She took in a deep, stabilising breath. “Well, I’ll see you at school, then.”
She didn’t wait for Stiles to answer before she hung up. Of course it was about Lydia. Zaida tried not to be jealous, she really did, but it was becoming harder and harder to hold it back.
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“Lyds?” Zaida whispered into the dark room as she placed her house keys down on the dresser top. Scott had just dropped her off on his bike, waiting for her to let herself inside before speeding off home. Zaida wasn’t sure if the redhead was asleep until she heard quiet sobbing interrupted by the occasional sniffle. Once her hazel eyes adjusted to the darkness she could see Lydia’s form curled under the blankets as she cried.
“Oh, honey.” The brunette coed and crawled onto the mattress, drawing the girl into her arms. Her heart broke for Lydia, even though she’d warned her time and time again about Aiden. “It’s okay. Everything is gonna be okay.”
“I thought that maybe…he might listen to me,” She swallowed deeply. “But he just held Derek there as Kali impaled Boyd on his claws. He didn’t even just watch, he helped.”
“I hate to say I told you so, and I won’t right now because it’s not the time, but know that you will be hearing it later.” Zaida sighed and patted the girl’s hair in a soothing motion.
“You were right - I should have listened to you.” Lydia agreed in a small voice.
“You tried. All you could have done was try.” The brunette reassured her.
“He didn’t flinch, he didn’t even feel bad.” The redhead shook her head in disbelief as if she were replaying the moment in her head. “Why do I always go for the bad guys?”
“You’re a romantic, Lyds.” Zaida hugged her tighter. “But all the brains in the world can’t fix a boy unless he wants to change.”
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cursingtoji · 3 years
Baby One More Time . ִָˑ ⊹ ٬ ✦
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my piece for the Oops! ...I Did it Again Collab <3
⊱ pimp!Toji x escort!reader
⊱ Summary: you find yourself in a situation where you would do anything for money, including become an escort, and even though your boss makes it clear that he doesn't fuck his girls you can't help yourself when you notice how lonely he is.
⊱ Warnings: dom!Toji, f!reader, oral (f -> m), hand-job, facial, one spank, dacryphilia, slutty school girl outfit, boss x employee relationship, semi-public setting, pet names: baby, sweetheart, reader calls him sir a couple of times, Nobara plays a small part here, every character is 20+, 3k words.
༺♡︎ JJK M.List ♡︎ Main M.List ♡︎༻
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Being convinced by your boyfriend to move into this expensive city didn't seem like a bad decision at first knowing he had a good income to keep both of you living there and attending college.
Although being dumped by him was not in your plans.
After a few months struggling, the only thing you knew for sure was that you couldn't keep going the way you were, bills were accumulating to the point you started to second guess if those gigs you were doing would be enough to keep you in college.
They wouldn’t.
You had to drop out in order to find a day job, which was heartbreaking since your college program was the best in the country.
About three months in as a gym receptionist, you found a former classmate that started to go to the gym you worked at and she asked about you, noticing you were not attending any classes, so you told all about the failed relationship and financial struggle story. You talked for about an hour until she told you as a joke you should get a nightly job, which you joked back saying if it paid well you would take it just so you could keep studying during the day.
The conversation seemed to get more serious when she said she knew a girl that got paid very well.
At first you thought she meant stripper.
But once you actually got to meet the said girl you realized it was way more than dancing on a pole.
"Our boss arranges private parties and takes us there, those rich bastards pay good money just to have hot babes walking around or just sitting on their laps. Luxury clubs also hire us to attract men to the paid vip area" Nobara explained, she was super pretty and when you met her in a coffee shop as arranged by your former classmate she was wearing high-end brand clothes. So you believed her.
"But what about...?"
"Sex?" she laughed, "Our boss is the best, really. During the private parties we have an arrangement, if a guy wants you, you tell him pussy it's not included in the package, but he can pay you directly for it, you can come up with any number. Toji takes his cut from the party and let us take all the money we can make in private, even if you don't have sex with anyone during these parties you still get a share in the end".
You listened and asked her all the questions that came up in your head, almost two hours later you were convinced.
"Great! I'll tell Toji about you then you two can set up a meeting" the idea of meeting a pimp was terrifying and your to-be coworker saw that in your face, "Oh don't worry, he may looks intimidating, but is actually super chill, the only thing you have to worry about is not falling for those piercing green eyes".
Not falling in love with a pimp? Pff yeah, I can do that.
Or that was what you thought before actually seeing possibly the most handsome man you ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Nobara arranged the encounter, texting you the address of an expensive bar in the center of the city and giving some suggestions about what you should wear. Nothing too appealing, but enough to let him see your “assets”.
Arriving there earlier than the agreed time, you ordered only a cup of water, getting a weird look from the waiter.
The first impression you had of Toji when he called your name in a question was something between fear and lust. Your eyes met his green ones looking down at you sitting at a corner table, like a hawk looking at his prey.
Well... he could be slightly uglier to help you keep your word.
But Nobara was right, besides his whole aura intimidating you in the beginning, a few minutes into the conversation he already made you feel comfortable. Toji already knew the reason why you wanted to work for him since Nobara gave him a summary.
As the conversation progressed you tried to emphasize you have never done that kind of thing before.
“So, are you a virgin?” he asked shamelessly.
“No!” you blurted out louder than intended, face heating immediately after, an amusing smile crossing Toji features, but before he could say anything the waiter came to your table, a completely different expression on his face now.
“Sir, can I get you anything tonight?” he addressed Toji very respectfully. Toji ordered two glasses of scotch that cost around what you earned in a week, although scotch was not your thing you tried to keep up with him during the conversation. He told you the general rules and about the people who hired his services.
By the end of the night he paid the bill, leaving a generous tip for someone that only had a couple glasses of scotch, and insisted on dropping you home.
“There’s one more thing, sweetheart” he called when you opened the door to leave the car after a silent but comfortable ride. You turned your head to him, getting shivers from the way he looked at you, “I don’t sleep with my girls, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
The job ended up being more lucrative than you thought, one month in you had enough to drop your day job, two months in you decided to move out of your shitty apartment, in the third month you were already set in a better place in the core of the city. All of that and all you had to do was walk around in tight dresses, sometimes bikinis, and give some handjobs or orals when they were willing to pay for your rates.
You grew close to Nobara, so whenever you two were alone before or after a job you asked about Toji. Once she told you what she knew about his love life.
“I used to date his niece so that's confidential information okay?” she winked at you, “Maki said he was also a escort in his twenties” your jaw dropped.
“No way,” you smiled.
“Yes way! And hear me out: he only left cause he got married” your smile died down, “But she left him some years later and he used the money and contacts he still had to start this ‘business’.”
“Wait, so he isn't married anymore?” you asked and Nobara shook her head, “No girlfriends?”
“Well there's only so much I know, but I’m still friends with Maki and she never said anything about it, so I guess he never dated anyone after his ex-wife.”
After that conversation you began to pay more attention to Toji and how he behaved.
At this one specific club, you and the other girls were hired to stay on the VIP floor or hang out on the dancefloor to attract customers into paying for the “VIP” experience on the floor above. With the differential that you all had to wear skimpy school girls outfits which was that night's theme.
Toji seemed to be familiar with that club, he soon found an even more exclusive place to sit and observe, a separate and huge couch inside a VIP booth. Some men had rented the other booths, getting the company of your colleagues, but you noticed Toji was alone in his, with only a drink in hand.
So, when the VIP area already seemed full you marched to Toji’s booth, Ijichi, a man you grew familiar with was guarding his booth.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked once he spotted you standing by the red rope that separated the inside of the booth from the outside.
“Nothing” you assured, Toji was always attentive, making sure all his girls were okay. “You just look lonely, so I thought about keeping you company for a while” you placed your hands behind your back, posing innocently.
“Ijichi” Toji called the men guarding his booth so he could let you pass, Ijichi was always around, sometimes driving, sometimes just acting like some kind of assistant to Toji during meetings, you once referred to him as his bodyguard making Nobara laugh till she teared up.
“Please Toji doesn’t need any kind of bodyguard'' you remembered her saying. Indeed if anyone was to be a bodyguard was Toji himself, always ready to beat someone if they were abusive to his girls.
You walked to his side, your high heels tapping loudly on the floor, his muscled arm fell on your shoulders when you sat down.
The song coming from the dancefloor was loud enough so that the people in the VIP area had to talk directly into each other's ear to be heard.
“Lookin’ good” Toji complimented, lips brushing on your ear, he was a great boss and you had to remind yourself of that fact every time he called you by a pet name or lingered his hand on your lower back for a second too long.
The only one that seemed to have noticed it too was Nobara, calling you the boss’s favorite here and there as a joke.
“You think so?” you asked fidgeting with your tiny skirt, if you could even call it that.
“Hell yeah” he affirmed in a husky voice, flexing the arm across your shoulders to play with one of your high pigtails, which you had done to match the whole school girl aesthetic.
“It's not good for the boss to be alone, it sends a bad impression” you murmured in a playful tone, turning your body to face him, his arm dropping to your lower back, the exposed skin right above the hem of the skirt.
“I don’t mind,” he replied, with how close your faces were. You didn’t have to talk in each other's ears to be heard.
“I do” you shyly placed your hand on his abdomen, playing with a button of his black dress shirt. The tight piece accentuated his body so well... any women that spotted this delicious single man on a private booth tried their shot, you have seen some of them approaching, but Ijichi had orders to not let anyone beside his girls in, so Toji wouldn’t get distracted, “We know how to stand for ourselves. Besides, the club has security guards everywhere, you should enjoy a bit too” you looked at his perfect jawline letting your gaze drop to the open buttons of his shirt.
“Mmm should I?” his hand caressed your lower back, fingers slightly dipping into the hem of your skirt.
You hummed, leaning to kiss his jaw sweetly feeling his hand squeeze your hip and murmuring your name in a warning tone.
“I won’t tell anyone” you mewled in his ear, dropping your head to leave open mouth kisses on his neck.
Fuck he smelled so good. Everything about your boss intoxicated you.
He groaned and you could actually feel the vibration of the sound with your lips on his throat.
His hand was still on your hip, his chest was rising and falling quickly, Toji was holding himself back, you could feel it.
“You can touch me, you know?” you mewled, kissing his jaw. Reaching back you moved his hand down to your ass.
“Sweetheart…” he bit his lip, fighting himself, yet his hand squeezed the flesh of your ass without any hesitation.
“I want to make you feel good” you cried in his ear, biting his lobe. Toji sighed.
“This is going to be a one time thing, understood?” he grips your jaw making you look directly into his eyes.
Pouting, you remained in silence, not wanting to agree to it.
“Don’t look at me like that” he hissed slightly shaking his head, not needing you to verbally protest his demands to understand you did not want this to be a one time thing.
With his hand still holding your jaw, you let out a whine, reaching for his belt, palm brushing against his growing crotch.
“Ijichi” Toji calls again, releasing your face, free from his grip you returned to his neck, this time you were more audacious, sucking and biting the skin as Toji ordered his assistent to close the curtains that thankfully existed or you would be giving the VIP area a show.
From the corner of your eye you saw Ijichi quickly close the curtains, with a very embarrassed face.
Now you had the place all for yourselves, only the blue and purple lights inside the booth to illuminate the small space.
“Go on” he leaned back on the couch spreading his delicious thighs, “Make me feel good” his palm hit your ass in a light spank.
“Yes, sir” you moaned, immediately getting on your knees and between his thighs.
You thought you would never emotionally recover from being dumped, you kept yourself busy with work as much as you could to avoid thinking about your ex. Yet now you realize that being dumped by him was for the best, your finances were never this good.
And if he hadn't dumped you, you wouldn't be choking on the biggest cock you have ever seen.
Toji was holding himself back from bucking his hips up, your pace was slow but even then you were blinking some tears down your face, mixed with saliva and pre-cum dripping from your chin, Toji thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was beyond wrong for him to be fucking one of his girls.
The number one rule of drug dealing was: never get high on your own supply.
The same thing applied to him, he knew it would be only a matter of time until things went south if he slept with one of them.
So far it has been easy, his girls do what he tells them to do, and never attempt anything else with him.
But you were such a tease, in these three months working for Toji you always insisted that he pick you up instead of Ijichi, always asking his opinions on your outfits and maybe even some help zipping up your dress. It was easy, natural even, for him to develop a soft spot for you.
It was supposed to be just a soft spot, not letting it go further, but how can he hold himself back when your lipstick was all over his dick? His impressive length disappearing inside your mouth. The sight of his bulge in your throat was such a turn on for him, he knew he would be jerking off to this memory in the future.
“Come on, don't tell me you can't take anymore” he smiled from above you when you released him to catch a breath, lips parted as you breath heavily, face glowing from tears, sweat and saliva.
You were still holding Toji by his base, pumping him rhythmically. He reached for your face, index finger under your chin as his thumb rubs your bottom lip, ruining whatever lipstick was still there.
“I was looking forward to paint that pretty face.”
Oh and you were desperate to have his cum all over your pretty face too.
With his admission you went back down, sucking his red tip and circling it with your tongue, while still pumping his base, his cock throbbed when you took more of him, hollowing your cheeks as he groaned.
“Fuck, look what you do to me” you had to hold back a smile, instead squeezing his muscular thigh to let him know that you heard his drunk confession.
His hand moved to your head, grabbing both of your pigtails at once as he guided your movements up and down his shaft.
Toji made a metal note to thank the club owner for the whole school girl theme that he initially thought it was dumb.
'Cause now, seeing your thighs rubbing together in that ridiculously short skirt and cleavage well displayed in the white button shirt tied under your breasts made him reconsider his fantasies.
“Sucking me so good…” you looked up only to see his adam's apple bob when finding your equally lusted eyes, throwing his head back when your hand found his balls, lightly massaging them while working on his dick as he cursed and tightened the grip on your hair. Toji was so big, so heavy on your tongue you couldn't help but gag on it.
“That’s right, keep going like this, baby” he had never called you baby before, some other pet names that made your heart skips a beat, but in that moment baby sounded so intimate you moaned around him, the thing he needed to pull you away roughly by your pigtails and fulfill his desire to paint your face white with his cum, some of it landing on your mouth and having him hissing when you held his balls a little tighter.
“Fuck” he let go of your hair a few seconds later to pat his thigh, extending one hand to help you get off the floor.
You sat on his leg, waiting for the next order. Feeling his cum sliding off your face, you swiped some of it with your thumb, bringing it to your mouth.
“So good for me” he praised.
He knew he should have ended things there, push his now soft cock back to his pants and tell you to go clean yourself, that's what he should've done, and he was about to when…
“Kiss me, Toji?”
Why did you have to ask him that?
Why did you have to ask him that with big teary eyes and lips glistening with his cum?
How could he refuse that?
“Come here, love” he took your face, guiding it towards his, where he wasted no time in swallowing you whole, not giving a shit about the cum all over you, in fact, it only turned him on more.
You placed your small hands on his arms for support, since you felt like you could fall anytime, too drunk on his kisses, the way he moved his tongue, interlacing it with yours made you unconsciously rub yourself on his muscular thigh, thinking about his tongue deep inside your cunt, and the way he held you by your ass, helping your pace on his thigh was too much.
If you weren't head over heels for your pimp until then, you were now.
Thankfully the party was almost over, after you two cleaned up with a tissue that was in his pocket you found your way out of the booth as Toji told Ijichi to go get the car.
“Hey, want a martini?” Nobara offered when you approached.
“Sure, why not?” you accepted, undoing your pigtails now that they were ruined and letting your hair fall.
“Working hard as I can see, sweetheart” she mocked using a deep voice to mimic the way Toji called you.
“What?” you asked a little alarmed, did she see you coming out of his booth?
While sipping on her drink, Nobara looked down at your knees, making you realize they were a deep shade of red and purple.
“Ah, yeah” you laughed awkwardly, “This one guy worth the bruises.”
“Really? How much did he pay?” she asked curious.
“Let’s go girls” Toji approached cutting the conversation as you gave Nobara an apologetic look, taking the arm Toji gave you as Nobara took the other on your way out of the club.
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© all content belongs to cursingtoji; do not repost!!
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yanderechuu · 3 years
yandere!Class 1A x fem!reader
Summary: You are being forced out of your shell by your classmates, but now it seems more for their on benefit than that of your own.
Warning: anxiety, stalking
For someone who resented public attention, it came with shock when you announced you had wanted to become a hero.
You were the definition of social anxiety, often finding solace within the four corners of your room, and if not, then the kitchen of your house would do. So the worst form of betrayal your guardian could ever do to you was to send you off to U.A. dorms, practically miles away from the comfort of your own home. In the worst attempt to guilt-trip them, you claimed they were disowning you; still, they were adamant of the opportunity that you’d ease on socializing. 
What you didn’t know was that your guardian had warned your homeroom teacher of your current ‘predicament’ (they’d call it a predicament; you’d call it your own nature), and requested if possible that you’d be compelled to engage in social interaction until you were comfortable with it. Aizawa agreed, seeing to it that if your own guardian personally addressed it to him, then it must really be a matter not to be taken lightly of. He had seen your tendencies, too - like when you would be called out for recitation, always having the answer at the tip of your tongue, wanting to roll it out so you could sit down. In the end, you would never find the courage to respond, and your classmates would assume that you didn’t know the answer to the question, while only you and your teacher would know otherwise. You were silent about your opinions during group hero training, only ever abiding whatever your classmates’ plans were, despite the little hiccups and uncertainties you would recognize in secret (but they were rare, anyway, as most of the time you only heeded those of Bakugou’s or Midoriya’s or Yaoyorozu’s).
Only when your guardian had approached him did Aizawa come to realize that, oh, he had never really heard you speak. Now that he thought about it, what did your voice sound like? The last time he heard it was when you had asked an incoherent query after homeroom lessons regarding hero laws. He had asked you to repeat it again, and again, and again, until when he had said, “sorry?” you bore this flushed, troubled look, raising your hands in front of you and waving them, exclaiming, “n-nothing, never mind. Sorry.”
He never understood what you were supposed to say, that was until he rectified the short essay quizzes held by the end of the period, where you got less than half percent correct. You had a different perspective of the hero law discussed, and Aizawa was willing to bet that your attempted question was about the lesson prior. Ever since then he took it as a habit to ask if you - specifically - had any questions regarding homeroom discussions. You would cower in embarrassment, knowing that the root of his habit came from when you had asked him something he couldn’t even hear, nevertheless you found it in yourself to respond by nodding. At least now you didn’t have to muster up the courage to approach him since he would approach you instead. 
Anyway, it was already much apparent to him that you had a dilemma with your social life (if you ever even had one), and so he addressed this to the class once when you were called to the faculty to ‘discuss’ things with Present Mic, your English teacher (Aizawa just told him to keep you busy as he spoke to his class).
Most expressed their concern, especially when he said that this could affect your hero affiliation in times of inevitable joint cooperation or recruiting of sidekicks and whatnot. It was not necessarily their responsibility, Aizawa expounded, but if possible, then they should get you to interact with them as much. Mina was most resolved in getting to befriend someone like you, a little bit ahead of Izuku, who wanted to befriend you partly due to his curiosity of your quirk. The rest thought of this as a casual ordeal, and a few saw to it as a bothersome matter that could be handled by the social butterflies of the class. 
Being approached by Izuku and his friends was the least of your expectations when recess began. Usually, you’d prepare your own lunch to prevent having to go to the crowded place, and eat in peace inside the classroom with Aoyama who normally paid you no mind. He would give you a cheese or two, but it was nothing that you couldn’t deal with. Besides, the cheese actually tasted delicious. 
Izuku insisted you come with them to the cafeteria, and when you gave him only an anxious and weirded-out look, Uraraka saved you both from awkwardness by pushing you out of the classroom door - to which her touch you quivered at. In the corridors, Iida gave a lecture about how being with friends helped with your general health - you didn’t know whatever the hell he meant by that, because you weren’t even friends with them. Shoto kept giving you glances from time to time, and when you both met eyes, you were the first to break contact; he found himself smiling lightly in amusement. You ransacked your brain for excuses to avoid being around them, but before you knew it, you were urged to sit down on their usual table, where also Jirou, Momo, and Hagakure sat. You were on the corner of the table - across Izuku and beside Uraraka - overwhelmed and irate by the abrupt proceeding of things. This was coercion - they didn’t even ask if you were okay with it - and, quite frankly, a burst of your own personal bubble. You wanted out, but how could you, when you couldn’t even find it in yourself to stand up?
Their conversations were sundry; in any of them, you engaged in none. Even Shoto was more participative than normal in attempts to get you along. It was then when they realized they had not a single information about you. Hagakure didn’t even know your first name, as Aizawa only ever called you by your last, and when the rest of your classmates clarified it was ‘(y/n),’ she complimented it, as if it would help you be at ease around them.
“Oh, what a pretty name!” She exclaimed. “It kind of fits well with... (n/n)[nickname]. Can I call you (n/n)-chan? Like Tsuyu-chan!”
“...well,” you voiced out in the most minimal volume, and their happiness upon hearing your voice was sickeningly evident. You sighed, “sure.”
Even Iida dedicated himself to calling you that. That was okay, you thought, because it wasn’t like you would be spending almost all the time with them. Right; this was a one time thing. Never gonna happen again. You’d commit unalive before it could. 
But you didn’t commit fast enough.
By the time dismissal came you rushed out of the classroom and to the restroom to avoid meeting with Izuku and his friends just in case they also had plans on robbing you of your personal time in dismissal. You went to a restroom that was not on the floor level of class 1A - you were sure your female classmates would spend minutes upon minutes in there - and waited for thirty minutes. You literally counted 1,800 seconds in your mind as it was the only way to withhold the bubbling anxiety inside you without looking like an oddball, doing box-breathing techniques alone and all that - though some students from different classes were wondering why you remained on your spot in that restroom. 
Upon mentally saying the last second, you dashed out of the restroom and to the school building entrance, passing by your homeroom teacher on the way but not bothering to spare him a greeting. You hoped he would assume you just did not see him as you were brisk-walking. He would later on probably ask why you were still in school thirty minutes past dismissal.
U.A. dorms came to view and never had a bigger wave of relief washed over you. Today had been a hectic day, and you congratulated yourself for enduring the school hours that included socializing; perhaps you deserved a reward after all this. There was a quaint café a couple of minutes away from U.A., beside a convenience store; maybe you should try the sweets there on the weekend. No one knew about it, as it did not look like one, but that was why you decided to try it out. Small, tranquil, and picturesque - exactly what you needed.
Quietly, you opened the entrance door, and slipped in headfirst to see if you could go inside undetected. Unfortunately for you, you came in unexpected eye contact with Denki.
“(Y/n), hey!” He called from the dining area, smiling brightly. That was weird; you didn’t remember being first-name bases with him, and were disarrayed with the fact that he just greeted you when he normally wouldn’t. “Where’d you come from that you returned this late?”
“U-um, uh,” you looked down, “I... walked slowly...”
“Well you sure took your time. C’mere, Bakugou’s cooking.”
“I’m only doing it ‘cause you won’t shut up unless I do it, damn Pikachu!” Yelled the cook. 
This time, you just had to refuse. “N-no thanks, I’m... I’m busy.”
Just as you proceeded to stroll your way to your room, you came into an abrupt halt by Kirishima, who was sitting on the common room, waiting for Bakugou’s cooking.
“Busy with what?”
“We have no homework given for the weekend.” He explained, looking at you from over the sofa. “So... what’s keeping you busy?”
At this point, not only was he the one to stare at you, but so were Denki and Bakugou, who skeptically raised a brow in anticipation of your answer; in anticipation of your presence in the common room, as if he was expecting that you’d try out his cooking, too. Shoto and Izuku ended their conversation at once upon seeing you by the dorm elevator, halted and wide-eyed, like a deer caught on headlights.
For your small, silent, anxiety-stricken self, this was too much.
“C-can you...” you pleaded, voice scarcely above a whisper, “can you not...”
You wanted to voice out if they could stop looking at you like that - surely they could, couldn’t they? You felt supremely inferior to their stares and it didn’t help that most of them were deemed a few of the strongest in the class. It felt like they were going to use their quirk on you and, against them, your quirk was rendered futile.
You ran to the opposite hallway, opting to walk the set of stairs to your dorm level in lieu of using the elevator. You heard Kirishima’s yell of your name - “(y/n), wait!” - but made no attempt to slow down for him to catch up to you. He didn’t follow you, anyway, only abruptly standing from the cushion when you made a run for it along the hall, then falling back down in defeat, with a sigh escaping his lips.
“Man, she’s like Amajiki-senpai but kind of worse.”
“Well?” Denki queried. “Aren’t you gonna go after her?”
“I want to, but I feel like she’ll just... ignore me.”
Denki sighed. “And you say you’re a man.”
“Hey, I am!” He slumped on the couch. “I just know the right timing, which isn’t now. Probably later, or when Mina’s around. Maybe she’s more comfortable with girls.”
That was a funny joke, because your anxiety doesn’t discriminate, and you were uncomfortable around boys and girls and nonbinaries and basically everyone and everything in and beyond the gender spectrum either way. 
You didn’t think of going out to fill your stomach before going to sleep, fearing the tension between you and your classmates who had witness the small encounter prior. By the time evening came, though, a knock was heard on your room’s entrance. You opened it begrudgingly, and in front of you appeared the face of the pinkette. Beside her was Kirishima.
“Hi, (y/n)!” Mina exclaimed brightly, much like how Denki had a few hours ago. “I know you haven’t eaten dinner yet. Come on!”
You were about to decline such a generous offer, but just then, your stomach churned in agreement against your will.
As you three walked the corridor towards the stairs, Kirishima sauntered beside your form.
“Hey, uh, sorry about a while ago. I knew you weren’t comfortable with us but I still persisted with asking.”
He appeared to be genuinely sincere with the apology, with his palm on the back of his neck and eyes averting to everywhere but you, and the faint red on his cheek made him look less intimidating.
“It’s... it’s fine, you know.” Again, your voice was practically just an exhale. You turned the other way. “I’m sorry for running away like that. It was rude.”
Because of your consideration to apologize on your behalf, he found the confidence to grin at you without guilt. “It’s completely fine! At least now we’re on good terms, yeah?”
This interaction didn’t stop you from preferring to be alone in your room. But you were hungry, and your stomach wasn’t relenting. As you sat on the corner of the sofa in the common room, Sero, with a grin, handed you your plate of [favorite dish].
“It’s your favorite food, right? Bakugou insisted to make it just for you.”
You slightly smiled at the thoughtfulness.
Then your face dropped in shock.
And so did the others’.
You blinked once, twice, then slowly looked at him in unnerved suspicion. “How did you know?”
“You sound like a stalker, Sero!” Denki whined abhorrently. “Freaking creep. Trust me, (y/n), it’s just that we noticed you always pack that for lunch. I got to say, though, I don’t blame you for liking [favorite dish].” He took a piece from your plate.
Alright, that sounded reasonable. Anything to keep you from the aching paranoia that they were actually watching what you did.
“And here I was trying to start things pleasant with (y/n).” Sero dramatically heaved, though somehow he still exuded this chilling vibe. It barely helped you with having to be around all these social butterflies. 
From the other side of the common room were Momo, Jirou, and Hagakure, who played with a bunny borrowed from Koda. It didn’t help you at all that they spotted you from your place in the sofa. 
“(N/n)-chan!” Along with your gaze, the rest of your classmates with you looked at them. “Wanna hold Koda’s pet rabbit? Right here!”
“No!” Yelled Mina right beside you, bringing a faint ring to your ears. You weren’t used to noise, having been always keeping to yourself. She brought you into a tight side embrace, and although she felt you tense under her hold, she ignored it for the sake of saying, “(y/n)’s staying here.”
“Unfair! You’ve had your share of time with her,” what? There was a planned time of when you were supposed to hang out with one group and the other? “now it’s our turn!”
“Please, you’ve had your time during recess! The rest of the night, she spends it with us.” Mina explained, nodding in agreement to herself. Her friends within her clique seemed to like the idea. Oh no. You did not want to spend the rest of your night with people you barely even knew. What would they do to you? Why were they being so revoltingly clingy all of a sudden? 
Again, you wanted out, pleading yourself to convene the courage to say that- 
“No, I don’t want to hang out with you, I just want to go back to the solace of my own room, just watch or read or sleep or anything else that won’t have anything to do with socializing with you all!”
Unfortunately, that was all just in your head.
“I don’t mean to intervene personally, but,” Momo started, promptly leaving her cup of tea on the table, “during recess, she talked mostly to Midoriya and Uraraka. I think it’s about time I get to be with her.”
“But I didn’t get to be with her at all.” Sero counterargued. “Therefore, she’s staying right here.”
Jirou derided, “As if she wants to get along with you. (Y/n), you wanna pet this rabbit or not?”
“Don’t bribe her with something that isn’t even yours!” Exclaimed Kirishima.
“Well, is she yours?”
“N-not at all, but neither is she yours!”
“(N/n)-chan, come here, pretty please?”
“I’m telling you! She's already comfortable here. See? All snug and comfy in my arms.”
“You’re not giving her a chance to decide where she wants to be!”
“Shut the hell up, you damn extras.” Bakugou’s voice, albeit neither soft nor strong in volume, was the loudest of them all. His presence was also the strongest and most intimidating, and you were unable to suppress the reflex to recoil when he leaned on you from behind the sofa, breathing practically against your neck. “(Y/n) stays here.”
The decision was determined from then on. Frustration was prominent on Momo and Jirou’s countenances, and Hagakure was silent for the rest of the night, going back to Koda’s room in order to return his pet rabbit. Mina moved you to the center of the couch so Bakugou could sit on your other side, and when he did, you felt the strong radiance of heatwaves from his body. He would be a perfect cuddler for the winter season. It always felt too cold or too hot whenever you were with people, but you refused to make a personal heater out of him.
“Alright!” From beneath you where he sat, Denki exclaimed. “Who’s up for a horror movie?”
It was not like you had much of a choice, anyway. Whether you loved it or not, a horror movie was being played in the common room’s television, and you had to sit throughout the whole two hours of it with all of Bakugou’s squad hovering around you. You weren’t sure what was scarier; the film, or the fact that discourse broke just a few minutes ago regarding whom you were ending up with. But if anything, you’d rather watch this alone than with these outlandish people claiming to be your friends and acting as if they didn’t ignore you and tend to their own business just yesterday.
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may-day-voice · 3 years
When You Walk In On Him
1st Edition w/ Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou & Shouto Todoroki | 172732014
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0NtH0ilwp1c
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1124883964-oneshots-pro-hero-au-172732014-when-you-walk-in-on
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“I’m home… Izuku?” you called while you removed your shoes by the front door. Not a word. No reply. You shrugged, though you wondered about Midoriya, recalling his earlier call informing you that he was on his way from work.
“Maybe he got caught up with something,” you murmured, removing your jacket and throwing it on the couch.
You sighed inwardly with a smile, removing pieces of your clothes on the way in towards the bedroom. It had been a long day, in and out of the office. After a reconnaissance mission in inner Musatafu, you needed to rid yourself of the gunpowder you felt all over. By the time you reached the bedroom, you were already down to your undergarments.
You hummed while you stretched your limbs, gathering a few clean clothes before you made your way to the bathroom. A nice shower was what you needed. And then bingeing something on stream made for a relaxing afternoon, at least until you heard from Midoriya. This did not occur often, but dating the Number One came with compromise. Even more so now that you were engaged. You were more than thankful that it hadn’t made the news unlike Bakugou and Todoroki’s engagement.
Your thoughts however were rear-ended once you opened the bathroom door, eyes met by the warm moist condensation and a very naked Hero with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. His scars were bare to see, his skin freshly drenched from what you assumed was a hot shower before he turned his emerald eyes onto you, frozen by the sight.
You stood speechless. You had seen him many times but it had always amazed you about the sheer size of his body, the scars that painted his story, and despite all of this, his face relaxed and drenched still with this boyish charm.
“Izuku?” You softly spoke, catching his eye, slightly drowsy from the warmth of the bathroom. Oh those sleepy, bedroom eyes-
“Hey Cutie,” he spoke, almost sultry for a brief moment.
That was the shower talking.
“Are you done?” You asked while you cleared your throat, your clothes hugged tightly against your chest.
You watched Midoriya walk towards you, hand on his towel before he leaned against the doorframe, only allowing a small opening for you to slide past, should you decide to do so. You couldn’t tell if your cheeks were burning from the fluster or if the air was getting to you before he closed his face onto yours, kissing your cheek.
“I could be, or I could have another one with you,” he teased, watching your eyes widen a little.
“Have you been speaking with Kaminari lately?” You asked after a moment of silence.
Then that happy smile crossed his face, his cheerful old self.
“Very funny,” he replied, allowing you access into the bathroom. “Shower’s all yours. I’ll start dinner.”
Midoriya walked past, his hulking figure making its way to the bedroom. You couldn’t help but stare. It never got old, ever since you first laid eyes on his body.
“I would have agreed to your invitation, you know,” you spoke with a smirk before waltzing into the bathroom.
You didn’t witness it, but you heard Midoriya’s hitch in his voice before you shut the door.
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KATSUKI BAKUGOU | The Invitation
You checked on the time, knowing you'd arrived earlier than what Bakugou had planned. Yet having to wait ten minutes outside of his apartment was becoming a concern. Bakugou was a man of timing, not so much as his former classmate Iida, but never was he this late in responding to anything. With the exception of his reunion you recalled, but neither of you were in a rush for anything today.
“Katsuki?” You called from the front door, hearing nothing, which was odd.
You fished out for your keys, picking through them until you found your key to his apartment. Ever since his proposal, the both of you had agreed to have a copy of each other’s apartment key. It made sense to do so now, both personally and professionally. Too many times had there been a few missions either of you crashed at each other’s places. Your recollection of your recent ones brought a wry smile to your face.
Opening his front door, you peeked inside to find nobody. You recalled texting him earlier about meeting him today, reciting the words in your head:
Just come over Lightweight. I had a bad day.
That was code. And you knew what for. Again, Bakugou wasn’t the greatest in sharing his feelings, but if he needed comfort, he demanded it.
You stepped into his studio apartment, tapping your toes to rid yourself of the slight strain on your ankles. The new braces were still getting broken into, as was your strength training, sending soreness in your calves and your shoulders. Of all days, it was one where every part of your body was radiating tightness, constantly rolling your joints and stretching as much as you could.
You eyed around the empty apartment to only hear the distant sound of a shower running momentarily before it stopped. It caught your attention when its doors opened, revealing a very wet, smouldering Bakugou with nothing but his towel around his waist. His hair sat in a mess atop his head, something you originally thought was impossible for all these years, yet his face looked serene, almost relaxed until his steely gaze turned on you.
Your eyes darted between his red stare and his chest, littered with scars here and there. And still very wet.
“I… should’ve waited,” you cautiously spoke while you stepped backwards towards the front door.
“Why? You’re here now,” gruffly commented Bakugou while he walked towards you.
“Well now I feel rude for abusing my privileges with the apartment key so-“
Bakugou immediately shut the front door behind you, leaving you trapped between it and him, his skin still radiating with the heat from the shower he had moments ago. You pressed against the door, more so to avoid his wet skin, yet his face edged closer to yours, spotting your eyes still staring at his chest.
“What’s the matter? It’s not like you haven't seen this before,” he teased with a smirk.
“Well yeah, but maybe you should be a host and make yourself decent,” you suggested. “You said you had a bad day.”
“I did,” he purred with his lips close to your ear. “But this is making it so much better.”
Your eyes turned away from the embarrassment before he pulled himself away to kiss you deeply, feeling the moisture still linger from his skin. You felt his chuckle reverberate through you until he walked away, leaving you by the door, dumbstruck.
“Get comfortable on the couch, Twinkle Toes,” he ordered warmly while he walked back into the steamy bathroom.
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The boxes began to climb the more you brought them in from the truck, wiping the sweat from your brow with a sigh. It took the weekend, but all the heavy lifting was organized by Todoroki while you brought the smaller items from your last place into his townhouse. Many months had passed with conversation between the both of you about moving in together, one that was suggested by Todoroki. Now engaged to the Pro-Hero, you had discussed what items to keep and which ones to offload, only to have them stored somewhere courtesy of Todoroki.
Closing the front door, you felt relieved it was a quiet Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was a circus from the media and paparazzi, chuckling at Todoroki’s reaction when they tried every attempt to take sneaky photos of you moving in with him - hell freezing over. Literally.
Now all you wanted was to wash off the dust, sweat, and grime. You could feel your hair crawling away while you looked around the townhouse, half-filled with boxes of your things. A shower felt like a great idea.
You remembered the floor plan, where everything was, and Todoroki had been very open about using anything whenever you needed or wanted. Without another thought, you made your way to the bathroom, stripping your clothes while you did. Todoroki was still at work and wouldn’t be arriving at the doors until the next hour - just enough time for you to wash up.
Now down to your undergarments, you reached for the handle of the bathroom door, turning and pushing it open to be hit by the heat immediately. As if the sweat on your skin was already a nuisance, the moisture in the air only made it feel even more uncomfortable. Then again, why was the bathroom so humid? Through the heat, you peered to spot a tall figure by the vanity mirror, his long hair clinging onto his back while he fixed his towel across his hips.
Todoroki stared at you, aloof despite his topless form. His fingers ran through his long locks, still wet from the assumed shower he had recently enjoyed.
“When did you get home?” You asked immediately, trying to avoid the squeak in your voice.
“Not long ago,” he voiced calmly.
“But I didn’t see you.”
“Maybe we missed each other.”
“I'm leaving now,” you announced while you started to swing the door shut.
“Why?” Questioned Todoroki, catching you from shutting the door. You eyed him still wet from the shower with a small smile on his face, his eyes drowsy from the steam. “We just got here,” he mused, still with smiling bedroom eyes. “I can help you put your things together.”
“When you get yourself dried and dressed and not so…” You bit your lip trying to push those thoughts from your head. “I need a shower before we start unpacking things.”
Suddenly the door swung open, taking you with it until you stood before Todoroki’s bare chest, still holding onto the towel that tied tightly around his hips. It wasn’t new to you, but barging in without checking first was already a novice mistake. And in your undergarments.
All you found was that smile on his face, leaning in to kiss you atop the head.
“Okay Love,” he agreed while he walked past you through the door. “Take your time.”
You couldn’t help that fluster from his body heat and the shower he recently had. At the very least, you weren’t worried about washing away the filth from the move, closing the door behind you.
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definitelyseven · 3 years
hurts so good | twelve (final)
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
You sat down quietly across from him and next to your attorney. It had been three weeks since you last saw Jinyoung, three weeks since he agreed to the divorce. You only heard from him when he asked to meet to sign the papers.
“Thank you Mrs. Park for coming to meet us. My client said the both of you mutually agreed to sign today’s papers. Is that correct?” 
“Yes that’s correct,” you responded as Jinyoung’s lawyer slid over some papers. Your lawyer intercepts the papers and begins scanning the document. 
“My client is generously offering $20,000 a month for the next 40 years or a one time check of $10 million,” he revealed. You stared at Jinyoung in shock.
“No,” you denied. “No, I don’t want your money.”
“Mrs. Park, I urge you to reconsider this. It’s his responsibility to take care of you,” your lawyer reminded you.
“It’s Y/N and I can take care of myself,” you argued.
“How?” Jinyoung finally said. “You have no job, no house. Your father still gambles,” he exposed. 
“That is none of your concern. I will figure it out. I will find a job. I don’t want your money. I don’t want to owe you anything,” you continued to explain.
“Just take the fucking money, Y/N! Don’t be so stubborn,” he exclaimed. You glared at him. “I’m sorry,” he sighed, knowing he’s going to lose this battle against you.
“Moving on to the next thing-,” his lawyer began to speak before you interrupted him.
“I don’t want a single thing from him. I’m not interested in what else is on that list.” 
His lawyer looked over a Jinyoung, who had his arms crossed against his chest. He sighed again, nodding in agreement. He leans over to the table, “I want to talk to you alone.”
“No. My client will not be speaking with anyone without me present,” your lawyer declined.
“Don’t worry, we won’t be negotiating anything. My lawyer will leave to fix these papers, won’t you?” he instructed.
“Yes, that’s right. Mr. Lee, please follow me.”
“It’s alright. I’ll be okay,” you assured your lawyer. He nods leaving you alone with Jinyoung as he helps prepare the divorce papers. He stares at you in silence as you avoid his gaze. 
“You wanted to talk?” you asked him.
He sighed lightly before leaning forwards once again. “This may be the last time we ever speak to each other like this - face to face.”
You gave him a subtle smile, nodding in agreement. “I will always be thankful for you and your family. You saved us and that will never change, no matter what happens between us.”
“I appreciate that,” he said. “Father loved you, no matter how harsh he was.”
You smiled weakly, “He loved you too.”
There was another long silence between the both of you. Now that you think of it, you and Jinyoung never had a peaceful conversation before. If he wasn’t being mean to you, he was yelling at you. 
“I know Jisoo came to see you. I know she told you some stuff,” he said softly. “I should’ve been the one who told you and I’m sorry I never did. I’m sorry I never showed you.”
You held your breath. Never in a million years did you expect him to apologize.
“I hope the next person you love, you’ll be better to her than you were to me.”
His eyes began to swell, slightly turning pinkish. “She told me you thought I always loved her.” You looked down at your lap because you knew it was true even if they denied it. “Do you still believe that?”
“Look at where we’re at, Jinyoung. It doesn’t matter what I believe.” 
“It does! It does matter. I may have never showed or told you that I loved you but I never loved anyone else. Not once,” he confessed. 
“Every time we fought, you always ran to her. You always picked her, sided with her and I was the one in the way. What else was I supposed to think?” you questioned. 
Jinyoung sighed. “February 14, 2013.”
“W-what?,” you stuttered with tears in your eyes.
“It was our senior year of high school.” 
You remembered now. You had finally mustered enough courage to confess to Jinyoung. You hand-made heart shaped chocolates for him but he rejected you brutally even front of all your classmates.
“The night before - Jaebum stayed up all night making you chocolates. I overheard him confessing to the housekeeper that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. What gave him the right?” he asked, rhetorically.
“He never told me about this. I never received his chocolates,” you said, confused. 
“I was so angry at him. He took my father away from me and now he wanted you! He wanted to take everything...everyone away from me!” he shouted. “I knew I couldn’t let him have you so I had to beat him to it. I had to tell you I liked you before he did.”
“Then why did you reject me?” you asked. 
“I had this elaborate plan - to make you fall in love with me, to be together until Jaebum couldn’t handle it anymore and leave. But the moment I looked into your eyes that day, I didn’t have the guts to do it. I couldn’t confess to liking you out of spite,” he revealed. “But what I didn’t expect was for you to confess first.”
“You broke my heart then too.”
“I didn’t know if I liked you because I actually liked you or if I liked you to get back at Jaebum. You would’ve never forgiven me if you found out I confessed out of spite,” he said almost in tears. “I tried so hard to differentiate the two but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t know what to do and it drove me nuts. A couple of days later, it finally came to me. I thought if I was meaner to you, maybe...just maybe I would stop having those feelings for you. Maybe I could finally stop thinking about you.”
You stared at him quietly, taking in every word he said. Tears rolled down your face as the droplets of tears landed on the table. 
“It worked,” he chuckled, bitterly. “The meaner I was to you, the easier it was to forget you. And every time I did something nice for you, I had to do something ten times worse the next time. Seeing how much pain you were in...it broke me but it always reminded me that my intentions were never pure to begin with. That’s why I always went to Jisoo. I confided in her.”
“Why did you ask me to marry you then?”
“He had already beat me at marriage - marrying the girl Father chose. Nothing would hurt him more than knowing I had you and he could never. I admit I ended up using you,” he revealed as tears fall from the corner of his eyes. You lifted your head up, staring at the ceiling as tears continued to fall down the side of your cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized. 
“H-how can you say you love me when you used me?!” you sobbed. 
“I knew it was wrong! I regretted it instantly but it was too late. You needed the money...” he whimpered. “If I could go back and change it I would. I would’ve loved you properly, cherished you..” he begged. 
“God!” you whimpered to yourself. “Why did you do this to me?! I was happy! I had a boyfriend!” you cried, angrily.
“I know. I know. I’m so sorry,” he continued to apologize.
“I’m not some fucking reward you can claim when you feel like it! I loved you! I thought if I worked harder, tried harder, that you would start to love me! I was praying you’d change for me!” you continued to shout. “Are you that damaged that you had to break someone else to make yourself feel better?”
“I was 16! I never felt the way I felt for you with anyone in my life! How was I supposed to react? Tell me! What was I supposed to do?!” he shouted back.
You sobbed into your hand.
“I know this doesn’t justify all the shitty things I’ve done to you. You endured things no one should have to experience,” he explained.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“Y/N, I’m telling you not because I want you to forgive me! I’m going to sign the papers regardless. All I wanted was to be honest about my feelings for once in my goddamn life,” he said. 
You blinked slowly, letting the remaining tears in your eyes fall. You took a deep breath in. “When were you able to tell?”
“Our wedding night,” he answered. “Watching you walk down the aisle in that white dress. You took my breath away and in that moment I knew. I knew I loved you this whole time. It was never about competing with Jaebum. I was just afraid to let myself fall in love.”
“If you loved me so much, why did you sleep with other women? Why did you cheat?”
“Because with them, I never had to worry about falling in love. They mean nothing to me,” he explained.
“But they don’t know that! They think you like them that’s why they sleep with you, Jinyoung.”
“They know I’m married.”
“To someone you don’t love. They think they can Mrs. Park one day,” you sighed. “Stop playing with people’s feelings. Don’t hurt anyone else,” you asked, nicely. You paused, “If there’s one last thing you can do for me is learn to let go. What your Father did to your Mother was unfair and cruel but you don’t have to repeat the pattern. Learn to love the people you’re supposed to love. You’ll find that you have more people on your side than you know.”
“Will you be?”
“Oh Jinyoung…” you called out as you reached for his hand. You gripped it tightly. “I will always be on your side even if I’m not physically there with you.”
There was a light knock on the door. You let go of Jinyoung’s hand and wiped the leftover tears on your cheeks away.
“Come in,” he called.
“The papers are finalized. All that’s left is your signature.” The lawyers handed you each a pen. You scanned through the document until you reached the bottom of the page.
“I know you don’t want money but it will always be here if you need it. You just call me, okay?” Jinyoung asked, softly. You nodded but you knew you would never be calling him.
You uncapped the pen and began signing with Jinyoung following suite until you reached the final page. 
This was it. No more Jinyoung.
“If we can do this over again, would you?” Jinyoung asked, spontaneously. “If you knew what you know now, would you still have said yes to me?”
You looked up from the papers and stared at him - taking in all his features one the last time. “Yes.” You scribbled your signature on the last page before standing up. “Goodbye Jinyoung. Take care.”
Four months. Four months of no pain, no tears, no Jinyoung. You moved away from the city to get away from the fast pace lifestyle, the busy streets and the people. You were content here. You spent your days helping an old couple sell fruit and pies in a small shop by a rest stop. The pay wasn’t nearly as much as a corporation but it didn’t matter to you. You could finally be yourself. You didn’t have to worry about being the perfect wife or worry if your husband loved you enough to come home that night. All that seemed trivial here. 
“How much are the apple pies?” you hear someone asked. You scurried out to the front to greet the customer. 
“They’re $5-” you began to respond before coming to a stop as you laid eyes on the man in front of you. “I- how did you know I was here?”
“I didn’t,” he responded. “I was taking your advice and finally letting go. I gave up my position at the company and decided to move here to live a more simple life.”
“Why here?”
“I-I don’t know...this was the first place I thought of,” he mumbled. “I guess I remembered you saying how much you wanted to move here when it was time to retire.”
“You remembered that?”
“Of course I do. I remember everything you told me even if it seemed like I wasn’t listening,” he explained. “So how much are the pies?”
“$5 each,” you said hesitantly as you handed him a pie.
“I honestly didn’t come here to purposely look for you. I know the last thing you wanted was to see me. I can leave if it bothers you,” he offered.
“No...who am I to not allow you to be here.”
“Okay then. I’ll see you around then,” he smiled before waving goodbye.
You returned the smile and watched him drive away. You thought you would be angry seeing him; maybe even feel hurt. But nothing. You didn’t feel any of those things. In fact, your heart raced at the sight of him. 
Maybe this was fate. Maybe it was God’s way of telling you this is your second chance. 
Whatever it was, no matter how it ends this time, you knew it wasn’t going to hurt as much as the first. 
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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beom1e · 3 years
everybody had the soul watch app, because everybody was curious to meet their soulmate. it was an app that told you when or how and gave you hints, but never who. and due to all the pressure, you downloaded the app too... just to find out you didn’t even have a soulmate after all.
PAIRING yang jungwon x gn! reader
THEMES soulmates au, highschool au, fluff, humour
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matching jewellery was a trend among soulmates when it came to being a highschool student. those that had found theirs wanted to show it off, basically shoving it into the faces of those that were still searching. walking down the corridors was a constant reminder that you didn’t have a soulmate for yourself, as matched couples would walk hand-in-hand with shiny bracelets or be seen wearing those missing piece style necklaces.
mondays. after freeing yourself from the couple-filled hallways, you sat down at your desk and placed your books onto the table with a huff. trying to block out your classmate bragging about meeting their soulmate over the weekend, you noisily checked around in your bag for your pencil case.
then came the clicking of your teacher’s heels as she entered the classroom, and there was a rush of students finding their seats. the squeaking of chair legs and quiet chatter only made you more annoyed at the world. to say discovering you were soulmate-less a few weeks prior had put you in a permanent bad mood would be an understatement.
but everything lit up as soon as yang jungwon appeared in the doorway. he apologised for being late, cheeks flushed and hair windswept. heat rose to your own cheeks at the sight of his sorry smile.
much to your dismay, he was a few seats to the back and to the right of you. he disappeared from your sight, making you slump sadly in your seat.
‘today is international soulmate day,’ your teacher smiled, setting her powerpoint up behind her. ‘as you all may know. there are many types of soulmate links out there, but i want to know about yours. so research and write about it — its origin, its rarity — and hand it in at the end of class.’
not sure what to do, you raised your hand. ‘what if you don’t have a soulmate?’ at the sound of your voice, jungwon looked up from his notebook. he didn’t have a soulmate either.
‘everybody has a soulmate, y/n,’ she reminded you. ‘maybe you entered your details into soul watch incorrectly.’
‘i don’t have a soulmate either,’ jungwon spoke up. you turned in your seat. ‘so what do we do instead?’
‘this is the first time i’m hearing of people being soulmate-less,’ she chuckled awkwardly, slightly panicked. ‘well, you’re both part of the student board aren’t you? just head down to the main hall and help the others set up for the soulmate dance.’
the soulmate dance. just the thought of it made you roll your eyes. you’d never attended, because you didn’t show interest in finding out until those few weeks ago, but you knew how cheesy it was. it was like every other kind of dance, totally cliché and super boring. except, you got to bring your soulmate.
you packed up your things as quickly as possible. as horrible it would be having to decorate for a stupid highschool dance that you wouldn’t even attend, at least jungwon would be at your side. and he must’ve understood your suffering, especially during international soulmate week on international soulmate day that just happened to fall on a monday.
you slung your bag onto your shoulder and followed jungwon out of the door. he walked slightly ahead of you, holding open each door for you which you quietly thanked him for.
when you made it to the main hall, the bright pink colour palette made your eyes burn. ‘this is going to be a long week,’ jungwon sighed, dropping his bag and leaving you at the door. mentally agreeing, you placed your own bag down beside his.
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you sort of felt bad for jungwon. it was depressing to know that you weren’t ‘destined’ for anyone, and that you’d have to find someone the old way. he seemed even less of a fan of soulmate week than you were, but he did seem really down about not having a soulmate of his own.
it was wednesday morning and you’d missed your bus. annoyed with yourself, you had to run to the nearest bus stop in hopes another bus would arrive soon. that was where you saw jungwon and his friends, all of them being upperclassmen.
trying not to be seen, you awkwardly leaned against the outside of the shelter and looked off to the side. ‘it’s not like i like them,’ jungwon argued, which earned a few laughs from the boys. ‘why would i ask them to the soulmate dance if we’re not soulmates?’
‘because you don’t want to spend saturday studying alone in your room?’ sunoo teased, ‘if they’re not matched, then you can ask them. no big deal.’
the bus pulled up in front of them. you waited for them to get on before following, avoiding eye contact and taking a seat at the back. ‘good morning, y/n,’ jake turned around to face you. ‘i didn’t know you take this bus.’
‘i don’t,’ you awkwardly replied. ‘i was late and missed my own bus.’
‘are you going to the dance on saturday?’ sunoo also joined in, smiling brightly at you.
‘oh, uh,’ you nervously fiddled with the straps of your bag. ‘no, i don’t have a soulmate.’
‘well, we were just telling little wonie here that you don’t need a soulmate to go,’ jay patted jungwon’s head, making the younger boy complain about him messing up his hair. ‘you could come with us.’
‘thank you...’ shifting uncomfortably in your seat, you looked between all of the boys who were staring eagerly at you. ‘for the offer... but i don’t want to go. it means a lot, i just don’t do school dances.’
the bus conversation was probably the most awkward thing that happened to you that day. or during lunch time, when you took a seat on a bench facing the sports field. there was jungwon once again, playing around with the same friends. you watched as jake gave up on running around and collapsed to the floor, with everyone mirroring his actions seconds later.
you’d always had a crush on jungwon. he was always so sweet and polite, with the perfect balance between humour and seriousness. you saw him as someone you could easily rely on and trust, despite never being close to him. his cheeks always had this natural blush and his laugh was addictive, and he looked so serious whenever he was concentrating. you felt your heart racing whenever he was around, but you never had the courage to confess to him.
as you got lost in your thoughts, you made eye contact with him across the field. panicked, you began packing your things away and into your bag. then you left, trying not to move too quickly so that it didn’t look suspicious.
after classes, you were called into the main hall once again. knowing today you’d have to be painting, you grabbed your change of clothes from your locker and headed into the changing rooms. coming back into the hall, you were met with jake and sunghoon covering each other in the baby pink paint.
you slipped past them and looked around for something to do. and then someone tapped on your shoulder. it was sunoo, who asked if you could help him with painting the banner. jungwon passed by you, sending you a soft smile before hurrying off towards jay. how did he seem to be everywhere?
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on friday afternoon, as you were exhausted from all the decorating you’d been doing, you were so glad to be able to go home and enjoy your weekend. the whole week had been a complete disaster, and you now had a strong dislike towards the colour pink. but much to your dismay, the head of the student board asked you to attend the soulmate dance in order to keep an eye on the students. why he chose you specifically, you had no idea.
so on saturday morning, you tried your best to drag yourself out of bed. though you really didn’t want to dress up for a highschool dance, there was an outfit you had in mind. things weren’t going to change, you weren’t going to randomly get a soulmate, but you stupidly had hope things could change.
you spent most of the day considering backing out, but gave in because you didn’t want to disappoint your classmate. you arrived at the main hall an hour and a half before the event, ready to set things up.
a few students were around, moving tables to either side of the hall. a large red carpet was being rolled through the centre of the room, leading out onto the school gardens. you turned around at the sound of your name, bumping into the source. they reached for your hand, preventing you from toppling over.
a shock of electricity shot through your arm, forcing you to snatch your hand back. ‘i’m so sorry,’ the voice spoke, and much to your dismay, it was jungwon.
you felt your heart racing again, heat rising to your cheeks in an instant. ‘it’s ok,’ you reassured him. ‘it was my fault, so i’m the one that’s sorry.’
‘well,’ he smiled. ‘i guess i’ll see you around.’
honestly, you felt like an idiot. he heard loud and clear just a few days ago that you didn’t want to go to the soulmate dance, but here you were. maybe he would realise you were being forced into it, but if he didn’t, then that would be humiliating.
you shook your head to clear yourself of all the thoughts. ‘y/n,’ turning on the spot, you were met with the sight of jay coming towards you. ‘you’re looking lost. i thought you weren’t coming.’
‘change of plan,’ you simply replied. ‘i was asked to help set up some things.’
‘well, i need help carrying some things in from the truck outside,’ he offered. ‘if you’d like to help.’ nodding, you followed behind him at a distance.
the sky was clear — not a single cloud in sight — and the sun was shining brightly. the back doors of the truck were open, workers from the catering company lowering large bottles of drinks onto the ground. jay gestured towards the cluster of fruit juice bottles before grabbing one for himself.
they were heavy, but you managed. walking at jay’s side, you couldn’t think of a conversation starter to make it all a little less awkward. but thankfully, or maybe not, he spoke up first. ‘you do know that jungwon has a crush on you, right?’
the bottle fell from your grip. panicked, you reached forward to catch it again. clearly the universe was on your side in that moment, because it didn’t split.
‘uh, no,’ you forced out a laugh, feeling your entire body heat up. ‘i did not know that.’
‘he denies it,’ jay shrugged, helping you lift the heavy bottle back up from the ground. ‘but we all see the way he looks at you. after he found out you were soulmate-less too, he wanted to ask you to the dance tonight. but when you said you weren’t going, he gave up on that idea.’
what were you supposed to say to that? as you placed the bottles beside the snack table, jay pushed them under it. turning around to see jungwon on the other side of the hall, you felt yourself swallowing your words before leaving to the outside again.
but avoiding jungwon wasn’t as easy as you had hoped. he seemed to be in your line of sight at all times and in all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were avoiding him. after all, if what jay said was true, then the feelings were mutual. still, you couldn’t shift your mind away from the shock you had felt at his touch. you thought maybe you were going crazy and had imagined it, until your phone buzzed with a notification.
leaving jay to bring in the rest of the drinks, you leaned against the exterior wall and pulled out your phone. a notification from soul watch lit up your phone, 0 days until you meet your soulmate. eyes wide, you looked around the area, hoping to see someone checking their phone in that same moment. was that even possible?
you weren’t sure what to do. search for your soulmate? or would they just come naturally to you? did this mean jay was your soulmate? it was a possibility, considering you were with him when the notification came through.
‘you coming inside?’ speak of the devil. you quickly hid you phone, putting on a fake smile and nodding. ‘people will start arriving soon.’
as soon as the hall began to fill up with people, you wished you had never came back inside. you really needed some time and space to think everything through. there was that electricity when jungwon had helped you up, but then you should’ve gotten the notification in that moment, right?
you grabbed your phone from your bag, going out into an empty corridor. sliding down the wall beside the door and pulling up the soul watch app, you searched your profile for details. but all the information it had was about your soulmate link, which happened to be a countdown. and now that the countdown was over, there were no more hints?
you were in complete disbelief, but the soulmate dance wasn’t the place to be researching this.
‘i guess you got it too,’ you looked up to see jungwon. ‘you’ve been avoiding me all day, so you must’ve.’
‘i have not been avoiding you,’ but the redness of your cheeks suggested otherwise. ‘and got what? i don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘a sudden notification that you’ve possibly met your soulmate...?’ he sat down beside you.
‘well actually,’ you could’ve laughed at how stupid you were about to sound. ‘i was avoiding you because of what jay said earlier. and i thought there was no way you could be my soulmate otherwise i would’ve received the notification after we bumped into each other.’
‘who else could possibly be your soulmate?’
‘what’s that supposed to mean?’ you turned your head to make eye contact. he quickly looked away and down at the floor, wishing he hadn’t been so bold with his last statement. jungwon was never this forward with people he wasn’t yet close to.
‘i know jay told you that i like you,’ he admitted. ‘and i’ve always known that you like me back. i just never thought to bring it up because i didn’t have a soulmate, and i thought you would have one.’
‘but you have a soulmate now,’ you reminded him, a smile lighting up your features. ‘or... however that works. do you think it has to do with us touching for the first time back then?’
‘you felt that too?!’ his eyes widened as he stared back at you. ‘i thought i was going crazy.’
‘do you want to go back inside?’ you gestured to the door into the main hall. jungwon shook his head, standing up and holding his hand out to you.
‘we could...’ he trailed off, looking behind himself at the exit. ‘or we could ditch this snooze fest and do something fun instead... like go to an arcade?’
‘sounds like a plan,’ you took his hand, letting him pull you up from the ground. he checked if the coast was clear before running towards the exit, the sound of your laughter filling the empty corridor.
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The Bet (Bakugou x reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x female reader Word count: 2,653 Warnings: 18+, orgasm denial, over stimulation Notes: An excellent idea I had one day. I was originally going to send this idea in an ask to @lady-bakuhoe (especially since the idea came from something she said once), but I never got around to it and then realized I could write it for Bakugou’s birthday bash. I hope this is good, this is my second 18+ fic and the first one to actually have vaginal penetration, so I hope I did it justice.
"Bakugou's hot, but he's probably terrible at sex," you said to a friend once.
You were in your workshop. And your friend was free and decided to come around. She was an old classmate from U.A.’s support course. You rarely saw each other since graduating. But whenever you did see her, it was always an enjoyable experience. So it was decided that you would catch up while you were working.
The conversation somehow led to the point where she started pondering how the pro heroes could do the deed. Of course, she mainly mentioned the popular ones. Which led her to mention Bakugou.
"What was that!?" Bakugou came barreling into the room. A vein bulging from his forehead.
Perhaps it would have been best if you remembered that you were finishing up a project for Bakugou. And that he was in the next room waiting for it to be done. You didn’t know him well the first two years in U.A., but the last year you were given the task of inventing something for him. Ever since then, you had taken more jobs for him and became friends of a sort.
It was too late to take your words back now, and you just had to roll with it. Plus, it was the truth.
"I said you'd be terrible at sex."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you could be! How do you know? Last I checked, you still had your v-card."
"Does he really?" Your friend asked, her emotions a combination of shock and amusement.
"Yeah." You laughed.
"Shut up! I'd be the best at it, and you know it!"
"No, I bet you wouldn’t."
"I bet would!"
"Prove it!"
"Fine! Let's settle this right now!"
His words catch you off guard, but you aren't losing to him. "O-okay! As long as you're paying for the hotel room."
You and Bakugou left the room. You looking up a good place on your phone. And your friend sat there, wide eyed, with her mouth gaping.
It went how you expected.
You asked for a room, after having Bakugou’s promise that he'd pay you back. You texted him the room number so he could sneak in from the back without being noticed. Lord knew the media internet would go crazy if they saw pro-hero Dynamite enter a hotel room with some girl. Especially if anyone happened to notice condoms in his pocket. You also made sure to text your friend later and make her promise not to tell anyone.
He was very clearly inexperienced. Jackhammering into you, not even pay attention to your clit. Eventually he did remember that you had to please the other person to be good at sex. But his attempts were clumsy.
You had to remind him to stay quiet several times when his growls got too loud. In an embarrassingly short amount of time, he came and struggled to hide his exhaustion. It ended there.
"See, you're terrible at it. Not even close to cumming." You told him. And with that, you left to go get your vibrator.
It was a while until you saw him again. You were called into another city for work, and was just getting back. And it just so happened that you were back when it was Bakugou’s birthday.
Kirishima and a few other classmates from his U.A. days arranged a party at his place, one you were doubtful that Bakugou had agreed to. You were invited, which surprised you, but you accepted. You did your best to converse, but it was difficult when you didn’t know most of them particularly well. You mostly hung around Bakugou.
As evening bled into night, people slowly began leaving. You hadn’t left yet because you, quite frankly, had nothing better to do. Though, you thought it would be nice if you could catch up with Bakugou alone.
The conversation was fairly mundane. Work, news. At least both of your workplaces were fairly interesting. He had the usual angry bite to his voice, but you expected it of him at this point. You were asking him about how the improvement you finished for him was working out, when he had a faraway look in his eyes. His cheeks had turned a red color. You asked him what he was thinking about.
"We still haven't settled our bet!" He said.
"Our bet! You said I was bad at sex!"
"This again? I thought we settled it. And, as I said, you were bad at it."
"No! That was just a fluke! We're gonna do it again!"
You let out a sigh. "Nothing's going to change. We already did it once and know the answer."
"You're just saying that because you're afraid you're going to lose." He pointed at you.
That was it.
"No," you glared, "I'm not."
"Then what's stopping you!?"
"Nothing!" You stood up. "Where’s the bedroom?"
With a smirk, he pointed with his thumb.
How did you get yourself into this? Well, you said you didn’t have anything better to do.
You confidently strode over to the bed. Throwing the bottom half of your clothes off, you got onto the mattress and waited. He wasted no time in undoing his belt with a quick jingle, and climbed over you. You felt the bed dip under your combined weight as he ran a finger against your folds.
He pushed one finger into your hole. Last time he had just tried to shove his length in, which is why his new behavior confused you. Though you didn’t dwell on it. Your tight walls clamped down on his finger as he added a second one. You hissed at the stretch. He shoved them in and out of you, knuckles deep. His fingers brushed against your sensitive spot. You bit your lip in an attempt to not buck into his fingers.
"Everything alright?"
The words alone would have made you believe he was genuinely concerned. But you saw his face, his smirk. His words dripped with sarcasm.
"Yeah, of course. Just waiting for you to actually be good at this," you retorted.
Your comment didn’t seem to have any effect on his ego. He twisted his digits around, until they brushed against a spot that almost made you lose your composure.
You hoped he didn't notice, but he must have, because he applied more pressure to it. The sheets bunched up in your hands as you grasped at anything to stop the moan that threatened to escape from your throat.
Your breaths became labored and inconsistent. To your embarrassment, you could hear the wet slide of his finger that came out only to hit the spot once more. A pressure built up inside of you, begging to be released the more intense it became.
A long whine escaped from you, still heard even with your mouth closed. Your thoughts blurred. You were close. You tried to resist at first, but was slowly surrendering.
Almost as soon as you had come to accept it, it stopped. Your heart rate quickened as if facing a fatal misfortune.
"What? You weren’t going to cum if I'm bad at sex, right? Or do you want to be wrong?"
No. Your pride was on the line and you weren’t losing.
He got on top of you. You sunk further into the mattress with his arms caging you in. You could smell yourself on his fingers. He tugged down his pants and boxers, finally releasing his cock from its confines.
You pursed your lips at seeing how large it was. You didn’t think you'd see it again after the first time. The blond ripped a condom out of the crinkling plastic and put it on.
He ran the tip along your slit. It pushed against your clit. You grasped the covers and bit your lip to conceal a whine. Collecting your arousal. This was different from last time. He just stuck it in.
He was taking so long to just stick it in! Your hole clenched around nothing in anticipation. It was almost like he was being slow on purpose. Making you desperate for him after you challenged him.
You must have accidentally shown some of your frustration on your face. He leaned in with a smirk. His breath fanning your warm face as his tip pushed even harder against your sensitive bud. You let out a gasp.
"What's wrong, princess?" He said mockingly. Enjoying your pain. God, you wished you could punch him.
"Nothing, just wonder when y--" he suddenly pushed into you, not even letting you finish.
Your mouth gaped open and eyes widened, feeling him invade your pussy. His smirk grew and he repositioned himself. His mouth was at your neck. You could feel his sharp breaths on you.
"You can't handle my cock when I haven't even moved yet?" His growls vibrated against your skin. "Need me to stay still even longer?"
You couldn't let him win. You were never going to give him that satisfaction. "No," you lied.
You regretted it immediately. His length started pistoning in and out of you. So fast you almost lost yourself.
His hips slightly adjusted their thrusts. Confusion began to show on your face until it twisted back into shocked pleasure when he hit that perfect spot. You couldn’t stop a moan from tumbling out of your mouth. That little ba-
"Ah-hh!" He kept hitting it at an unforgiving pace.
“Heh. You’re enjoying it this much already?”
“No--” you were cut off by a moan escaping your throat. “God, right there.”
You could feel him grin as he began biting your neck. Licking, and teasing where you were most sensitive. All the while, he moved a hand down to your neglected clit. He rubbed circular motions into it. A small moan tumbled out of you.
You could feel it, a heat intensifying again. A lot faster after being edged the first time. It was coming. You were going to cum. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you were so close.
He must have been able to tell. Because he slowed. Oh, he slowed to a painful pace. Your eyes went wide in panic.
"What are you doing?! Why did you--?" One quick thrust interrupted you before slowing again. You were hating this new habit of his.
"Nothing. Just not letting you cum until you beg for it. So beg."
You shook your head. You were dripping. Your primal instincts screaming at you. But you had enough wits about you to not sacrifice your dignity.
He shrugged, the slightest bit of irritation in his face. "Suit yourself."
He continued at the same, slow, painful pace. You withheld a whine of quickly losing the promise of a release. Gradually he began going faster. Consistent, quick claps filled the room once more. You twisted the soft sheets in your hand. Trying to hide how quickly the pressure was built up again.
He was making an absolute mess out of your pussy and of you.
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to get fucked real good.” His pace was relentless. Words couldn’t even form in your head from the overstimulation.
Almost there. Almost- then any sort of stimulation stopped again.
You felt like crying. No, you were crying. Desperate to meet your end. Your attempts to be subtle while helpless grinding on his cock was pathetic. And you knew it.
He let you fall from your high, only to build you back up again. Your body writhing, feeling every cell in your body overheating.
"What's wrong? Need me to make you feel good? Need me to finish you off? That's right! You need me right now. Me and my cock."
Your mind was too clouded to even create a witty response. He wasn't this good last time! What happened?
Your eyes went wide at this realization. "How are you--?"
"I did my research."
"I thought Midoriya was the only one who would- ah-h!"
"Don't," he gave an extra hard thrust, hitting your cervix, "say his name. I should be," he pounded into you at every word like a punctuation, "the only person you can even think of right now."
You frantically nodded, completely forgetting about the competition you had made this out to be.
A strong arm wrapped around you, holding you against him. He grinned while staring at your face, contorting in pleasure.
You let out a long whine, combined with a sob. "Please," you said, forgetting everything. Screw your dignity and pride. You couldn’t take this anymore.
"Please what?" He teased, savoring the victory on his tongue.
"Please," you mindlessly babbled. Tears rolled down your face as your resolve shattered, "please let me cum. Please. Please. Please."
"Well, all you had to do was ask." He hit the perfect spot in you. Over and over again, while rolling your clit between his fingers.
Almost instantly, it all returned and you felt yourself gushing all over him. Relief and euphoria flooding through you. He kept thrusting into you during your orgasm, making your brain spark and sputter.
As you started to come down from your high, was when he came undone. He grunted and gave one shove to the hilt, creating a large wet slap.
He slumped over somewhat, having lost his rigid energy from before. He pulled out of you. Your own liquid running out and making your skin sensitive to the air. Your breaths were still deep. You tried to pull yourself together as quickly as you could and started to sit up.
"No way, sister." He pushed you back down by your shoulders. He threw the used condom to the side and put a new one on in a fluid motion. He was already hard again… "We're not done yet."
He pushed calculated thrusts into your sopping pussy. Continuing at a pace only a hero could so short after cummimg. His strong hands clamped down on your hip, letting him roll into you more easily. Constant pressure to your g-spot made your eyelids flutter.
It built up and snapped all over again. You moaned out gibberish deliriously. Waves of pleasure washing over you becoming harder to stand.
He showed no sign of stopping. Angling himself to ram into that spot mercilessly. He adjusts his hand to allow his thumb access to your clit. He lifted up your shirt and bra and leaned down to lick and nibble at your breasts. You tried to pull away, the overstimulation being too much, but he held you down.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Body heating up so much you thought you would catch fire. He shoved you over the edge once again. And again. Reminding you of a computer stalling, only to perform the action you wanted far too many times.
His face was twisted in a determined concentration before it finally relaxed in a groan. Finally he came again. He let out a long sigh before letting himself fall on the bed next to you, sweat glistening on his toned body.
You both lay there. Recovering your energy, trying not to give into exhaustion demands to fall asleep. Apparently it took more out of him than he let on. You tried to ignore how wet you felt.
You breathed heavily. Trying to catch your breath. "That was… better."
"Better? Do you know how many times you came?"
"Yeah. But, just," you took a deep breath every word, "not sure. I would have to try again, to really know. It could have been a fluke." You were too tired to even acknowledge your pathetic argument.
"There’s no way it could have been a fluke!"
"It was the last time, according to you. Why can't it be one again." Trying to remember you schedule was getting easier as you came down, but was still hard. "I'm busy tomorrow. Next week?"
"Three days from now."
But you would only have to wait for two.
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