#This game literally revived my art block
tearsjuiice · 10 months
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Dead Plate be like 🍽 🍋👂
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6switcher · 3 months
★We March as one!★
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Hello! I'm Hugh (or Fisher), my pronouns are he/they, and I'm a minor. My main blog is @shingetsu-online. welcome to my rhythm heaven blog!!
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I have beaten Megamix & RH DS, and I'm currently playing Fever. my favorite rhythm games are lockstep (I literally perfected it /srs), tap troupe, karate man (especially KM2 from fever), ringside, dj school, and space soccer!
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All of the art that I post myself or reblog from my main is MINE!! this includes the art on this very pinned post, which was drawn in miiverse :DD (specifically the pretendo revival, juxtaposition!!)
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basic/standard dni criteria, no TERFs, pro/comshippers, or NSFW here either. i also block freely, so there's that too.
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alright, that's basically it!! :D have fun trying not to get sick of my bullshit lmao /j
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enddaysengine · 2 years
Divine Scions (Scion)
I haven’t written nearly enough about Scion, so let’s fix that. If you’re following my blog because we deep dive into the mythological roots of RPG monsters, I've got news because this is the game for you.
Scions are the divine children and chosen. They are people who have stepped beyond mere mortality and, at a bare minimum, become capital-H Heroes. Eventually, they can ascend to become Demigods on the route to becoming true divinities. Not every Scion walks that path, but they all have the potential.
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These Scions come from many walks of life. Herakles and Percy Jackson are examples of Born Scions, the literal offspring of a deity. Odysseus could be a Chosen Scion, he isn’t Athena’s literal flesh and blood, but she’s bestowed his favour. Ask and Embla are created Scions, carved by Odin and his brothers from tree trunks. Rama, Krishna, and the other avatars are Vishnu’s Incarnations, his manifestation in the mortal world. So are pretty much any comic book depiction of a deity fighting alongside superheroes, as are reincarnated Heroes, Demigods, and Gods. (If you want more examples, they are on Hero p. 18-20.)
As you can see from their possible origins, Scions are a diverse lot, just as their patron/parents are. They often reflect their divine sponsor’s interests, but they rarely are sycophants and never mooks. Each one is literally the Hero of their own story, a protagonist around which new myths crystallize. In RPG terms, they are walking plothooks, with the motives, magic, and fame to stir up stories wherever they go. Storyguides shouldn’t be using them as Faceless Goon #3, even when playing God, Scion’s top-tier game. Scions are heroic, they may also be tragic, but they are never meaningless.
Sun Wukong is dead. Red Boy finally caught the Monkey King with his true True Samādhi Fire; even the Victorious Fighting Buddha couldn’t survive that. The Shén pantheon, however, is unbothered. Sun Wukong left behind many Scions - both Born and Incarnate - one of whom will surely rise to claim his Divine Mantle and revive him. They are holding a martial arts tournament to determine the best candidates! Other fighters are welcome to enter to prove their prowess or to win the future Monkey King’s favour. All competitors must beware of the interference of Red Boy, White Eyebrow, and Erlang Shen, each of whom just wants a break from dealing with that damned macaque!
In the World, poetry and song recount Legends born last week and two blocks away. The epics of old, like the Iliad and the Mahabharata, have their place, but rap battles in the clubs and poetry slams down at the Arts Commons are just as important and influential. The beef that’s on everyone’s lips right now is between Farah Baqri, a Scion of Sraosha, and Hannah Yamada, a Scion of Susano-O. Both women are masterful poets and rappers, like their divine patrons. While the city is deeply divided about who will win their upcoming battle, the two Scions are close friends. Still, they know leaning into their rivalry helps them to play into their respective Legends and grow in power. However, lots of money has been thrown down on backroom gambling tables, and the less ethical bookies in town are looking for a way to fix the match.
Ayotli Castillo, an urban planner and daughter of Chalchihuitlicue, has a plan to power her apotheosis. The Mexicah capital Tenochtitlan once floated upon the great lake Texcoco, which has steadily been drained as Mexico City grew. Ayotli plans to restore the lake to its original grandeur by transforming Mexico City into a floating capital. Doing so without harming the 21 million people in the area will be a mighty Deed, one that Ayotli needs the aid of other Heroes to complete.
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soopticboop · 4 years
If you don’t know me, hi! My name is Boop, I’m 24, Irish, and been a fan of Jack’s and been in his community for 4 years now! I’ve been posting PMA messages and art and I’ve made some cool friends here!
And I really want the tumblr community to really rise up and come back and be the huge ass hub of memes, art, gifs, clips and more!!
🎉Presenting, the JSE Community Revival Project!🎉
It literally couldn’t be simpler- if you’re a fan of Jack’s, then join in!!💚
Doesn’t matter if you’ve been a fan for 5 years or 5 minutes, have 5000 followers or 5. Doesn’t matter about your race, sexuality, gender, religion. As long as you’re here (and a nice person), then you’re welcome!! ❤️
Here’s how you can contribute!
Come into the #jacksepticeye tag and just talk! Found today’s video funny? Found a quote from a video from 3 years ago? Want recommendations on what to watch next? Hang out!
Those ego boys are fucking fun and it’s fun to theorise, so join the flames, tell us what you think, and find others to freak out with you!! (plz respect each other’s ideas plz thx)
Draw art!
Share your creativity with us, you beautiful artists!!
Make memes!
We love memes. A lot.
Make gifs!
Instagiffer and Giphy Capture are great ways to make gifs!
Write stories!
We love!!! creativity!!!
Share funny JSE clips!
It’s a great way to share your favourite moments over the years!
Talk about your favourite series!
There are so many games Jack’s played that I absolutely adore. Video games are the best??
Community events!
These are always fun!! Every week or so we could come up with fun titles to get some fun activity in the tag- for example, when did everyone first find Jack? Favourite standalone video? Favourite moment? Community art competition or appreciate week? Hell yeah!
Life’s too short. Let’s just spread as much joy as we can. It’s more fun to be kind to each other. No hate, no fighting. I would love for this to be a wonderful, safe space! If someone is making you unhappy or uncomfortable then don’t talk back and/or block them. I just want people to be happy! :D
Spread Positive Mental Attitude!!
Jack’s the PMA man and that’s what this is all about!! Having fun, having a good time, picking each other up when we’re down, and just being here! Because we all matter, we’re all important, we’re all valid ❤️
So here’s to a beautiful community, a wonderful friendship, and a phenomenal family!!
See you in the tag! ❤️☺️
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datawyrms · 4 years
That’s Robophobic!
Is K1-B0 really too sensitive about being a robot, a far too long rambling thing digging through every bit of dialogue he has.
short answer: no. long answer: HOLD ON FOLKS I’N SERIOUS ABOUT EVERY BIT OF TEXT as i’m bored and i’m going to spit ideas about my Favourite good robot at you all day. It’s entire prologue and first chapter I am serious this thing is huge and way too many words.  Also spoilers everywhere so uh. Don’t...look at this if you haven’t finished V3ok.
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Keebo doesn’t talk or do anything in this bit! He’s just there. Up front for the splash and then hiding in the back afterwards. Officially according to the art book he is in fact a robot at this point in time as well. He’s just covered up and apparently doesn’t have to have those lines on his face or the ear-analogues he’s got most of the game. The More You Know. (not that this should stop anyone from havin fun in fan work. do what makes you happy!) I mostly point it out as Being A Robot is a massive part of Keebo’s character, so the fact he’s always one isn’t really that surprising. We’ll get into that more when he actually...has lines... oh and the mild theory of Monodam basically being Keebo’s Bear Equivalent, they have similar plot beats/character progression though the Monokubs are shaky in general so :v MOVING ON
Ultimate Revival
aka we meet Keebo and Kokichi ‘properly’ for the first time. The pair should generally be the 6/7th students protag bumps into. (me replaying and going ‘lol Tsumugi makes herself the first not Shuichi person Kaede should canonically meet by the placements’) Get used to Kokichi, a massive amount of Keebo’s dialogue is with, in response of, or directed at him, and this introduction is a testament to that. You meet them mid interaction!
Kokichi- Heeey! Wait for meee!
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That boy in white is chasing that other boy in the funny clothes... What's happening here?   
Great opening robot. You spend most of the time lonely but the first we see of you is running away from someone. (It’s an interesting difference to how he reacts to Kaede/Shuichi in their first FTEs.) That, and apparently Kaede doesn’t peg Keebo as a robot here. Shuichi says he’s ‘chasing somebody’, so he might have noticed.
Kokichi: C’mooon! Wait up! Lemme touch your body a little! I've always wanted to be friends with a robot! Kaede: What? A robot!? K1-B0: ...What is it? Are you another robophobe?  I have a recording function. If you make any robophobic remarks, I will see you in court. 
keebs you don’t have the money to take anything to court but we’ll let you keep that delusion ok. and you’re probably legally counted as property In fairness, the robot lad is not making the best first impression! Kokichi is kinda childish by just assuming he should get to touch the robot, but he is genuinely interested at this point. It’s easy to read this as Keebo being too touchy. He’s sensitive about that being a robot is the ONLY thing you care about. So Kokichi wanting to be friends with a robot and being grabby...well there he goes getting defensive. (and it turns out he probably has reasons to not like grabby hands. kaede)
Kaede:  Wait...you're a robot!? Are you, for reals, a robot!?  Shuichi:  A-Are you...one of the Monokubs—   K1-B0:  Do not compare me to those toys! I am not just any old robot! 
Keebo is completely justified here, visually he isn’t even close to a Monokub or an Exisal, and lacks a split two tone theme. Would you want to be compared to a Monokub? No. No you would not. He’s also showing at bit of that pride here, calling them ‘toys’, though they do seem as capable as thinking as he is. (keebo is also a robophobe oh no.)
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Oh look it’s the reason you have SO MANY NAMES. Some people prefer the ‘Kiibo’ shortening, but all the screenshots are going to say Keebo so we’re gonna be consistent. We are never going to see another character refer to him as K1-B0, but everything interface wise will call him this. We might not think you’re a person, but we’ll use your preferred name no problem. probably because k1-b0 is a mouthful
Kaede:  A robot and...supreme leader? Neither of them make any sense. Kokichi: By the way, I learned the hard way that a robot's breath smells like gasoline. K1-B0: My breath does not smell like gasoline! I am powered by electricity! Kokichi: Nee—heehee...I'm just kidding. K1-B0: ...You're not funny. Kokichi:   Of course you don't think I'm funny. Robots can't understand human humor to begin with! K1-B0:  D-Don't mock me! I have studied the complete history of stand-up comedy! 
Things we learn: These two are weird. That, and Keebo is kind of terrible at interacting with people. He takes the lie/joke at face value, hesitates when corrected that it is a joke (But doesn’t go saying ROBOPHOBIA this time). and each time he’s responding he’s trying to prove something. The little stammer seems like Keebo knows he’s bad at it but darn it he’s going to tell you about the things he can do. Like study stand-up comedy. (Poorly)
Kaede: I think you should've just watched stand-up comedy instead of studying it...   K1-B0: Plus, I may have the appearance of a robot, but I am a high school student just like you Shuichi: You're a high school student? K1-B0: I was created by Professor Idabashi, the leading authority in the field of robotics...  He installed in me a "strong AI," capable of learning and maturing like a human brain. That's why, at the time of my creation, I didn't know anything. I was like a baby...  But the professor raised me like I was his own child. He taught me so many things... Until finally, he enrolled me in high school. And now I stand here before you all! See? I’m just like everyone else! Kokichi: Hey, do robots have dicks? K1-B0: Please do not ask ridiculous questions! Kokichi: Nee-heehee... I only asked because your backstory is pretty flaccid for a robot. Kaede: Well, I can see how being a robot might be enough to be called the Ultimate Robot...
Keebs loves talking about himself, this like the longest intro block of text. Then the justification to why Keebo is Pretty Garbage at fitting in! He speaks rather formally and uses contractions less often than he could and spends a lot of time clarifying things you could probably assume. His entire life up to this point he’s basically been home schooled by a leading robotics expert from scratch, and we don’t even know for how long. He doesn’t mention any other people, and even via FTEs and Salmon mode he never refers to having any other close relations or friends. (This isn’t uncommon for most of the cast there isn’t a ton of FTE time to bring up things that don’t matter, but they’ll usually MENTION other people/activities that you could reasonably assume would involve others.)  He says he was raised ‘like his own child’ but Keebo might have zero actual context to what a family relationship looks like! Kaede’s mental crack nudges at this, maybe our robot friend ‘knows’ what something is, but has he actually experienced it? Is he just assuming his experience is ‘close enough’ to whatever he was taught? We don’t know! For all we know Keebo has only been operational for like three years. He’s incredibly aware he’s a robot, he doesn’t use words like born and always clarifies he was like a baby or a child, but not literally so. So constantly being reminded like he doesn’t already know that might be annoying for him. Really he’s asking for respect and to be treated like an equal...but he’s expressing it by saying he’s the same as everyone.  Also: We’re just meeting him and we’ve already got two people going ‘this is a disappointing robot’. Kaede doesn’t even think he’s much of an Ultimate right now, and we all know Kokichi’s thoughts :v This trend will continue.
Kaede: Hey... Everything he's said so far has sounded like a lie, so that's gotta be a lie too, right? K1-B0: Just leave him alone. Everything he has been saying has been a lie. ...He's a far more suspicious person than I am, that's for sure. Kokichi: Well, of course you're not a suspicious person, because robots aren't people, silly. K1-B0: Grgh...! Kokichi: Oh, you mad? Are you gonna hit me with a rocket punch? K1-B0: I don't have that function! Kokichi: Aw maaan, you’re boring.
Keebo will use ‘person’ to describe himself! Never human. It’s likely the main conflict he’s having is having a different definition for ‘personhood’ than most of his fellow classmates. If you’re into marine life, you might know about how dolphins and whales seem intelligent enough that considering them ‘non human persons’ was/is bandied about sometimes, and the whole issue with that is well, we’re humans. Everything we judge is going to related to the human experience. (National Geographic had a neat article on the topic in 2015 I think?) Keebo is not coming from that experience. He knows he can think and feel like all the others, so of course if he needs a word, it’s ‘person’. Note how he doesn’t actually argue back when Kokichi says he isn’t one. They’re both ‘right’ in a sense, even if Keebo clearly doesn’t like it.
K1-B0:  I may have the appearance of a robot, but I am a high school student just like you. From one high school student to another, I hope we can all get along! Kokichi: Who creates a robot without a rocket punch? Why do you even exist?
Yes, even in post conversation dialogue Kokichi comes along for the ride. Here Keebo goes trying to use ‘high school student’ as a describer instead of person since he is undeniably a student. The fact he flips from being proud of what he is to downplaying the fact he’s a robot is pretty interesting and the first look at the difficulty he’s going to be having. Fitting in=Respect.  While Kokichi is digging for more info, but Keebo doesn’t elaborate or react to the repeated rocket punch reference :v Shuichi and Kaede only comment on Kokichi in the post dialogue, so nothing to add from them.
Then we get to the gym. Kaede chastises Himiko for being lazy and then Keebo decides to add his thoughts. With an apology. This boy can’t decide if he has all the confidence or none of it.
K1-B0: Pardon me, but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike. Kokichi: D-don’t say that... I’m so scared... I don’t know what to do... Angie: There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us. Kokichi: Phew! That’s a relief!
oh look a Keebo line immediately followed by a Kokichi one i wonder if this will be a trend. Kokichi points out that Keebo phrased ‘uh we might be in danger’ rather poorly with his little emotion flip flop. We know that Keebo means it in the best way possible, he wants the best for everyone, but it’s unnecessary. Yes, nothing has happened, but they all know they’ve been kidnapped by weird colourful bears. Are you restating for the audience at home Keebs? (...he could be. Inner voice is a fun can of worms. we’ll get to that.) He doesn’t speak again until the killing game is announced.
Tenko: W—Wait a second. What did you say? K1-B0: I-If I heard him correctly— Monodam: KILLING-GAME
There he goes taking someone completely literally. Then not even getting to finish his sentence because Monodam cuts him off. The Monokubs do their jabroni throwdown thing annnnd Tsumugi: In a situation like this, is he just going to watch!? K1-B0: Either way, it's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else—  Monokuma: Now, now, now... Kaede: What? Monokuma: My cute little cubs... You gotta knock off this awful fighting...
Cutting off other robots is apparently a family trait, because Monokuma does it here too! The fact Keebo is instantly suggesting running also shows he’s not really the aggressive sort. When you see his profile image in the Monopad you might think he’d be a scary sort of fighter bot. Buuuutnope. The Monobear gang do their chattering/properly introduce Monokuma
Maki: Headmaster? K1-B0: It appears to be some sort of autonomous robot with a built-in A.l., like me... Monotaro: Dong dong dong! The Exisals are different, though! They're brainless buckets of bolts!
He does recognize Monokuma/kubs as similar to himself here instead of continuing on with the current question of ‘how is this thing a headmaster of anything’. Keebo would probably be the expert on this, but no one asked. Time and place for information is also something Keebo is terrible at :v Monokuma: It's just...when I said it before, I kinda just phoned it in and now I feel awkward... I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game. Kaede: K-Killing game? Us? K1-B0: Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!? Monokuma: Huh? You guys don't wanna do it?  
‘Maybe he’s joking like Kokichi was earlier!’ Sorry robot friend, Monokuma is not joking. Keebs cares about death, even if reasonably he could be as ‘replaceable’ as Monokuma (Though we sort of know he isn’t based on Tsumugi’s mentioning that she’s glad he ‘made it to the end’.)  Keebo doesn’t comment again after this
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He is the second to show up after Kaede in the into though! Considering he is a ‘protagonist’ (for the ‘real world’) that’s not too surprising, while Shuichi is hiding in the 5th spot, after Rantaro.
Chapter 1
ohboy here we go. With the entire cast alive, Keebs is very much a background character. What’s his first line as everyone is learning the rules of the killing game?
Tsumugi: But...we looked all over that wall and there wasn't a single hole. K1-B0:  Now wait just a second. If there's no opening in the wall... Then how did we get inside these walls in the first place? Tsumugi:  ...Oh, good point.
Correcting Tsumugi. No horrified reactions or anything, but oh That Isn’t Logical I Will Correct You. Especially in group settings, Keebo generally sticks to factual statements, unless he’s being goaded. Once again, he has nothing else to say after this! But before you have Gonta open the manhole cover, Keebo shows up in Kokichi’s dialogue if you talk to him.  aka this is optional content.
Kokichi: Whoa, look at all these weeds. This place could definitely use a groundskeeper. Right, Kee—boy!? K1-B0: Why are you telling me that? Furthermore... I would prefer you address me as "Keebo." Kokichi: But you can pull weeds. Right, Kee-boy? K1-B0:  I can do all sorts of things just as well as any person! Kokichi: As well as any person...? But...you're not a person. K1-B0: Th-That's discrimination... Robophobic discrimination...
I don’t have anything to say, time to hassle the robot is a pretty common tactic for Kokichi. He’s also the only one to nickname Keebo a second time. No one else will be calling him Keeboy. It’s curious how he pulls Keebo into this conversation, and how Keebo doesn’t really seem to know how to react to it and just tries to correct Kokichi about his name. We can add our second example of him actually going ‘robophobia’ to the list though :v He seems a bit offended that he’s being underestimated/having the suggestion floated that he can only pull weeds and basically does a low key brag about his abilities ‘all sorts of things’. In fairness, ‘as well as any person’ isn’t exactly a useful metric for ability. People vary a lot! Again he doesn’t deny that he ‘isn’t a person’, by going ‘robophobia’ he’s practically agreeing. If you talk to Keebo directly...
K1-B0: ...There is a monitor here, too. That aside, this is a rather remote location to install a communication device... K1-B0: ...lt's a pointless expenditure, wouldn't you agree?
He’s making observations about the area alone and trying to be useful by posing a question. That, and getting someone to agree with you is a decent tactic to becoming more friendly, and it’s a pretty easy thing to agree with... He’s not actually being useful, since we have no reason to care why Monokuma would make pointless expenditures, but he’s trying. This is also the most dialogue any single person has (Kurumi gets close, but only has one textbox to Keebo’s two.) Time to lift a manhole cover aaaannnnd
Angie: Awwww, this manhole cover looks heavy. Can we even lift it? K1-B0:  I can try. Keebo placed his hands on the manhole cover, and with all his strength he—Grgh...! Grrrrrrrrrrrrgh...! How embarrassing. It won't even budge. Angie:  Huhhh? A robot's not even strong enough to move it? K1-B0: Oh, don't worry. My physical strength is approximate to that of a strong senior citizen. Miu: Th-That's fuckin' pathetic! K1-B0: Th-The professor did not want a repeat of the tragedy that occurred during trial production. Tsumugi: Umm... Now I'm just plain curious about what happened during that trial...
Yes, the first time Miu ever interacts with Keebo, she calls him pathetic. :v His want to help overroad the common sense that he probably wouldn’t be able to lift it at all. It is also possible Kokichi’s comments made him want ho show he can do things. Even though he literally can’t do this. Tsumugi was very much me at this moment, going ‘wait explain that please’ but no one else really cares so he won’t be clarifying. The fact he just goes there was a tragedy in trial production and no one bats an eye is low key hilarious to me. He’s just so matter of fact about it. Gonta then makes the cover look like a paper plate.
Kokichi: But Gonta is sooo much more reliable than some bean—counting robot. K1-B0:  Are you...talking about me? Because I can count many things, not just beans.
His objection is that he can count lots of stuff. Not that he’s a bean-counting robot, or less useful than Gonta. Keebo is adorable, okay. Keebo doesn’t speak again after this, meaning we’re back in optional dialogue time! This is right outside the death road of despair.
Miu: You're too weak, Keebo! Lemme remodel you and I'll make you the strongest robot ever! First, I'll soup up your crotch plate by installin' a nice, thick one, just how I like it! Hah-hahaha!
Miu is Miu. Keebo doesn’t respond to this! It is fun to see Miu’s already excited that there’s a robot around that isn’t evil to tinker with, but we don’t know how he feels about it for the moment. Her lab isn’t even open yet and she STILL is talking about remodling new robot pal :v (and yes i am putting down dialogue that relates to Keebo even if he doesn’t react/isn’t present for it. Knowing what the other characters think of him is important too.)
K1-B0: ...It's quite dusty in here. Prolonged exposure to this polluted air may be detrimental to one's health. Angie: Whaaat? Polluted air bothers you? But you don't even breathe air, right? K1-B0: W—Well, that is... While it's true that I do not breathe, I also do not like polluted air any more than you do. Kokichi: I see, you have a function for sensing poisonous gases! Well then, lead the way! K1-B0: N—No! I don't have that function! Do I look like a canary to you? Kokichi: Whaaat, you don't? Then you're even more useless than a canary! K1-B0: Grgh...
oh did you think he’d have a conversation without Kokichi. WRONG. Poor Keebo is already a bit flustered by being called out as different again when he was mostly just making an observation like he did upstairs. The whole not breathing thing is a pretty big difference and he’s instantly going I STILL DON’T LIKE IT, even though originally he might have just meant everyone’s health in general. Being able to sense poison gasses would probably be a helpful skill, and it’s a reasonable deduction...buuuut since he doesn’t have that it just gets to be an easy jab at him instead. The fact Keebo instantly goes for the canary comparison when as a robot he could be reasonably expected to not die because of the gasses is a bit odd, but sets him up wonderfully for a roast :v Keebo is one of the few that gets to ‘...’ at the death road failure, but doesn’t comment again until everyone is rallying themselves for another shot.
Tenko: My body is ready! You can tell by how outta control my pit sweat is! Kaede: E—Everyone! K1-B0: Isn’t it premature to say what we’ll do after we escape? Assumptions are all but useless. Kokichi: Geez, you're clueless... Why am I not surprised that a robot can't read the air? K1-B0: Robots can read the air! Thanks to innovations in pollutant-detecting technology, I— Kaito: Anyway, it doesn’t matter if Monokuma says it’s impossible! We’ll show him what we can do!
Kaito has joined the ‘people who cut off Keebo mid sentence’ club. Keebo is TERRIBLE at interacting. The question is probably genuine, logically they’re thinking too far ahead but like he’s told...now is not the time to be throwing reality in people’s faces Keebs. Or for desperately trying to prove yourself as able to read the air by completely misunderstanding what Kokichi is saying. he’s such a little disaster. i adore this silly robot. Once Kokichi calls Kaede out for ‘torturing’ everyone, K1-B0: Given the circumstance...the most logical course of action would be to give up...
No mentions of how he’s feeling. Just logic and trying to relate it to facts. I assume he expects feelings to be ignored so he sticks to facts for that reason...but that’s just my reading. He does it again when Rantaro speaks up.
Rantaro: Hey, guys? Just...as a warning...We shouldn’t let our guards down. We’ll be easy targets at night. Gonta: C-Cuz of killing game, you mean? K1-B0: I see no need to worry about something as illogical as murder taking place here. Rantaro: I know, I know. Just a warning.
Even though he says there’s no need to worry, he’s absolutely sporting a worried sprite. Yet he goes for saying it’s illogical for murder to be taking place. He can’t see any way doing such a thing would be justified at the moment, and you can see Keebo is a bit of a stickler for things ‘making logical sense’. When he’s not just taking the advice of a voice in his head anyway. We don’t hear from him again until the next morning in the dining hall.
Korekiyo: Now...all of us have arrived.  Kehehe...I'm glad. It looks as though there were no victims. K1-B0: But of course! Kokichi: By the way...are you okay, Kaede? Kaede: Huh? What do you mean? Kokichi: Well...you looked pretty bummed out after everyone started blaming you yesterday. Tsumugi: H-Hey... What are you doing all of— Kokichi: Seriously, you guys are so mean. Poor girl... She tried her best to encourage everyone, and you sore losers got mad at her anyway. K1-B0: What's the point of bringing that up again? Tenko: Actually...didn’t *you* blame Kaede first?
Oh look, Keebo’s being positive. Since everyone lived and he can confidently say that now. He’s also showing that Understanding Kokichi For Dummies was not in his hard drive, but he is trying to figure him out a little. Why did you bring it up? They don’t know, because Tenko gives him an easy out here. Not that he was likely going to answer anyway, but hey! A direct question! Which he follows up on after the rest of the class squabbles about it here..
Kokichi: Phew, cool beans! Now everything’s settled! K1-B0: ...But you did blame her first, didn't you? Kokichi: Well, that was a lie. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. Did you know half my lies are actually told with good intentions? Himiko: Now *that* sounds like a lie.
Kokichi actually answers! Genuinely, no less, even though he’s already got his lying reputation by this point. Kokichi is surprisingly up front with Keebo a decent chunk of the time, even if most of the time it’s just His Opinion On The Robot. Maybe he knows no one’s gonna take anything he says to Keebo very seriously now that he’s laid out the constant mockery groundwork. and then monokuma shows up
Maki: ...Motivation to kill? Monokuma: In short, a motive! That oughta add some mystery to the proceedings! Even if a killer is exposed, they could whip up a sob story to deceive everyone! K1-B0: Wh-What are you saying? Your logic is impossible to understand...! Monokuma: I will now announce the first motive! Make sure  you record this moment for prosperity! Now then, the special motive I’ve prepared is called the First Blood Perk!  Wow! For the first murder that occurs, no class trial will be held! Can you believe it? That means the first one to kill someone will get to graduate, no strings attached! Maki: No class trial will be held? Monokuma: I'm sorry that I made the class trial seem more important than it really is... So for the first murder, I've decided not to hold a class trial at all. Please just relax, calm down and kill! After all, the first one’s free! Miu: Huh? That's all!? We just gotta kill someone to get outta here!? K1-B0: "That's all"!? What's that supposed to mean!? Please just calm down! Tenko: First Blood Perk!? Don't make it sound like some kind of game show bonus!
Keebo is super anti-murder, though it’s sort of funny how his plea to Miu is very close to Monkuma’s own wording to ‘just calm down’. He doesn’t understand why you’d want to kill someone or make someone kill another, and seems genuinely surprised someone would do it based on how he reacts to Miu here. Leaving is not a justifiable reason to murder for Keebo, and we get that fact pretty fast. Then he just watches until Kaito gets himself in trouble by threatening Monokuma.
Monosuke: Youse bastards better pay attention! This is what happens when you mess with us! Kaito: Wh...what? What are you guys planning to do? K1-B0: P-Please, don't! Kaede: Run, Kaito!
More pleading to reconsider, because watching people die is Not Fun. Asking the Monokubs to not do something over encouraging Kaito is a bit notable though, no one really tries to reason with them. Keebo might not like them, or like being compared to them, but still seems to think they might be able to be reasoned with. They are AIs like him after all...and he doesn’t remark on anything after Monotaro messes up and crushes Monokuma either. I wonder if watching Monokuma die bothered him at all. (I think it might have, on the walk to the library Shuichi takes Kaede on, Keebo is one of the few characters that isn’t around to talk to.) You don’t see him again until the next morning where he’s hanging out near the main entrance.
K1-B0: Good morning, Kaede. Kaede: Morning, Keebo. K1-B0: Everyone appears to have gathered at the dining hall again. Kaede: Yup, looks like it. K1-B0: I'm thinking about heading over there as well, but... ... Kaede: But? K1-B0: Oh, nothing. I was just wondering...when someone is going to come rescue us. It's been almost a full day since Monokuma was dispatched, but our situation hasn't changed. I'm just speculating, but what if... ...only Monokuma knew about this place? What if this location is not on any map? What if...no one is coming to rescue us? Kaede: Huh? K1-B0: Maybe...we'll just be forgotten, and no one will ever find us again... Kaede: D-Don’t say that! Besides, we should be trying to escape, not waiting for someone to rescue us! K1-B0: Y-Yes...I apologize. I was overthinking things. It would be impossible to discreetly construct a facility such as this in the first place. Plus, if the professor knew I was missing, he would not rest until he found me. With his technology, he would rescue us! No matter where on earth this place is! Kaede: Yeah... K1-B0: On the other hand...it *has* only been one day. As much as we'd love to go home right now, we must wait in a calm, dignified manner! (you need to talk to him a second time to get this line)   
This poor boy has thought himself into a tizzy and is looking to Kaede for some of that positive thinking that he’s not super great at. He goes from ‘good morning’ to ‘oh it’s nothing but I’m worried we’ll never be found :v’ in two seconds flat. Keebo DOESN’T SLEEP. He’s probably been overthinking all night! He has no trouble finding reasons to not worry once Kaede shakes him out of it, and once again shows us he thinks a great deal about the professor who made him. Look at him going all ‘we must wait calmly’ like it wasn’t just him having a miniature breakdown there. Keebs is fond of ‘we’. Not a shock, since Fitting In and being part of the group is kinda big deal for him. At breakfast he’s taken the whole ‘don’t worry’ thing to heart.
Gonta: But...when someone coming to get us? K1-B0: Whoever does...I assume they will come today. There's no need to worry. Rantaro: ...
he’s probably a bit over positive in thinking they’ll be rescued in a single day after Monokuma’s demise though. Logically they’re going to be saved, therefore it should be quick. Keebo kinda runs down bad logic paths like this to extremes instead of staying a middle ground. there’s levels between we’re all gonna be stuck forever and rescue today keebo.
Monokuma: After dying in a tragic car accident, I've been reborn as a Yo-Kai! Call me Jibakuma, kuma! K1-B0: Jibakuma...? Monokuma: From now on, I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy, kuma! You might feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you'll get used to it. 
Keebo’s the only one to even sort of play along. Considering he has everyone call him something other that his name, I can see him continuing to use ‘Jibakuma’ if Monokuma had kept up the bit for more than ten seconds :v audience stand in keebs always on standby if a bit is falling flat for the other participants. Next motive gets given, Kubs do their shitk with the one of a kind thing and Kaede: Of course! We never left! K1-B0: Why are you doing this!? How much suffering do you want to put us through!? Monokuma: I see... Well, if you're suffering, you all better hurry up and start the killing game. Puhuhu... then you can say bye-bye to the suffering.
monokuma is directly answering the audience at this point I swear. Keebs does do a decent amount of the ‘obvious protag questions’...it is kinda his job. It’s interesting in hindsight. Bears leave, panic happens.
Kaito: W-We can’t panic about something like this. I’ll...do something about it. K1-B0: ...Did you have a course of action in mind? Kaito: I'm...gonna start thinking of one right now!
Kaito is so salty about Keebo pointing out he has no actual plan that he doesn’t invite him to the ‘fight Monokuma’ meeting on the final day. (or doesn’t trust a robot/think he’d help after the manhole debacle.) Keebs, once again bringing down the mood with reality/ genuine questions he doesn’t think through very well. (And honestly Kaito’s whole believing in people thing is inherently illogical, so they don’t really see eye to eye...) They then discuss fighting back.
Ryoma: You're going to go against those machines barehanded? Isn't that too reckless? Tenko: B-But...we have to do it! If we don't, we'll die! K1-B0: Wait! We still have plenty of time to calculate all possible options— Korekiyo: We’ve no time to be indecisive. We are being urged to make a decision... To die fighting... Or die from the time limit.
That’s four members of the cut Keebo off club. :v Keebo might react in the moment, but when it comes to making a plan? Yeah he’d rather take the time to think over everything, but apparently that’s not an option here so he gets trampled over.
Kaede: Miu! You better not do anything shady, okay!? K1-B0: There is no need to worry, is there? No one is going to...kill anyone, right? Himiko: If someone is going to kill, they should just go for the robot. K1-B0: That's even worse!
It really isn’t Keebo’s day. Korekiyo goes right into talking about ‘why does everyone think killing is wrong’ here, no one goes ‘hey maybe don’t threaten the robot’. Poor guy hesitates to even say kill and then gets told he should die first and no one stands up for him. being keebo is suffering. People start leaving and Rantaro starts being Mysterious
Kaede: Ultimate Hunt? What is that...? I've never heard of it. K1-B0: What about it?  Rantaro: ...Nothing, forget it.
Curious robot is curious. That and is doing the whole protag thing again by following on weird unanswered questions, not that it goes anywhere this time. When you talk to him after Rantaro leaves, he’s still thinking about it.
K1-B0: That Ultimate Hunt Rantaro mentioned...what do you suppose it is? ...Any theories, Kaede? Kaede: I don't know... It's the first time I've heard of it... K1-B0: It sounds so...violent. It sounds like it involves us somehow...No, disregard that. Nobody has any clue what it could mean, so it is illogical to continue thinking about it. Our more pressing concern...is the current predicament we find ourselves in. Kaede: Yeah, you're right... K1-B0: We have until nighttime, two days from now... What should we do until then? (once again you need to talk to him a second time for this line.)
He’s pretty much on the right track, but dismisses it before he can drop into that overthinking spiral he was doing earlier in the day, and decides to refocus on the current problem, probably trying to be helpful again. Yet again, reason why is ‘it’s illogical’ to keep worrying about it. Of course, he doesn’t actually have any ideas here. Logic can only take you so far Keebs. He has nothing else to contribute until Free Time. If you chat to him in the first time slot...
K1-B0: A killing game... Why are we being forced to do such a thing? I cannot believe we're being subjected to this purely for the entertainment value!
Keebo has apparently found the script and read chapter six. oknotreally, he’s clearly basing this off the fact it’s called a game and Monokuma basically answered his ‘why are you doing this’ with ‘lolcuzican’, and can’t accept this as a valid reason. Yet he’s not gonna get another one! In time slot two he’s hanging out at the gym
K1-B0: I'm tired of everyone's prejudices! Yes, I'm a robot. But I'm also a high school student like everyone else, you know!?
Himiko literally said kill him first, I think he’s allowed to be a bit miffed about being treated differently. He’s still not arguing that he’s not different, but wants to be treated the same way the others are in ways they can be. sadly for Keebs he is this game’s easy target and he will not be getting a break ever and he needs a hug. Instead we’re going to make a mockery of him again when Shuichi recruits Kaede for operation ‘Get Miu to Make Stuff For Us’ as go near the Casino area.
Kaede: Morning Keebo. K1-B0: Ah, good morning. Your timing is impeccable. I have something I wish to ask you both. Shuichi: Huh? What is it, Keebo? K1-B0: What are your thoughts on this door? No matter how hard I try, it will not open... Kaede: Um, well...it doesn't seem like an exit... K1-B0: What do you think is on the other side of this wall? Kokichi: Why don’t you fly over and see for yourself? K1-B0: Whoa—!? Shuichi: K-Kokichi!? Kokichi: C’mon! I wanna see you fly! Robots have jet packs or whatever under their feet, right? K1-B0: ... Kokichi: Whaaat? You...don’t...? K1-B0: ...No, I don't. Kokichi: ...Have a dick? K1-B0: Wh-What are you talking about!? Kokichi: Oh yeah! If you had a jet pack... then you could've flown over the wall and called for help! K1-B0: ... Kokichi: Geeeez! You're just a huge disappointment, Keebo! K1-B0: ... Kaede: K-Keebo? K1-B0: ...I’m fine. Please just let it be. I...don't like sci-fi functions like flight. Kaede: But aren't you already pretty sci-fi? K1-B0: ... Kaede: Um...it might be better to leave them alone... 
Oh look a big semi important conversation. Keebo’s just asking questions again, he seems to put a lot of importance on what other people think over what he personally does. (he listens to a voice in his head that he knows isn’t himself. listening to other people first is probably preprogramed into him so he’s more malleable >> You can also take it as having a lot of doubts about himself.) Of course, neither Kaede or Shuichi can have any more idea than he does about the wall and what’s beyond it, but he’s asking anyway! Then Kokichi shows up and completely redirects the conversation to Keebo’s abilities again. And robot just can’t follow this! He knows he’s going to disappoint Kokichi ability wise again and clams up instead of stating yes or no clearly here, it takes a second nudge to get an answer. Honestly it reads like he feels bad that the reason he can’t fly is because of something he personally doesn’t like, so he’s unable to help again. He just assures Kaede he’s fine and then clams up again. He’s probably not fine! Like Kaede thinks, Keebo is..pretty sci-fi on his own, but he’s not elaborating on why he doesn’t like that sort of thing. It makes him stand out too much, it makes him less ‘like everyone else’ is probably a safe bet though. And all of this is completely missable dialogue :v In free time slot three he’s in the B classroom alone.
K1-B0: ...Tsumugi just asked me if I can perform a "rocket punch." Why does everyone automatically assume that robots have a rocket punch function!? I don't have a violent function like that! 
it’s a common robot trope, but keebo doesn’t know this, apparently. But hey, bonus reafirrming that Keebo would consider rocket punching violent, and probably doesn’t have any other similar features. Nor does he want any. (For now.) In time slot 4, the final one...
K1-B0: ...At this rate, the time limit will expire before we know it. We must take action somehow... 
He’s worried again! That, and still using ‘we’. Killing someone and only looking out for himself isn’t an option here. He does have good reason to be worried though, if you swing on by to talk to Himiko at this time... Himiko: The time limit is tomorrow night... Maybe...we should kill the robot? Kaede: That's just a joke...right? 
seriously himiko you’re a jerk. I get it, you’re magic and he’s all science and wouldn’t buy a magic trick for a second but you have seen him around for a few days now and are just calling him ‘the robot’ and saying someone should kill him!  For the second time! At least he’s not in the room this time but come on! Himiko clearly has a division between human life and Keebo’s life, and she’s going to stay that way, Which, fair enough, a human can value human life over other forms of life (and guess what we usually do) but...he’s literally sitting and talking with you guys and in the exact same boat. He’s closer to human than a lot of things... After this free time we don’t see him at all until it’s corpse time. So I’ll throw down his Kaede FTEs now. With all the options. As I’m nuts.
K1-B0: If you have come to talk to me...that can only mean you are interested in me, right Kaede? I certainly do not mind. After all, I am the Ultimate Robot. Naturally, I will attract interest. Kaede: Yeah, I've never talked to such a human-like robot before... Well, any robot, really. Hey, if you don't mind... Can I ask you a question? K1-B0: By all means, ask me anything. Oh, but I cannot answer any questions about the technology used to create me. Kaede: Don't worry, I won't ask anything too difficult! Okay, first question...do you sleep at night? K1-B0: I have no need for sleep. However, it is necessary to recharge my power cells. Kaede: Oh, so you recharge! K1-B0: Yes, but I am still conscious while I recharge, so it's not quite the same as human sleep...A single charge generates a week's worth of power, so I don't need to do it very often. Kaede: Ooh, for one week, I see... I always assumed robots needed a lot of electricity. K1-B0: That's what's so incredible about me! My energy efficiency is truly incomparable! Kaede: Hmmm... K1-B0: ...That's it? Kaede: Huh? Was he expecting me to be more excited? To be honest, it's not *that* amazing... May I ask you another question, then? K1-B0: Yes, go ahead... Kaede: Do you eat? K1-B0: ...No... Kaede: Huh? He looks pretty down... Sorry, did I say something wrong? K1-B0: No, I'm sorry too...Though I cannot eat, food still looks delicious to me. The unfairness of it all pains me... Kaede: Yeah, that seems pretty rough. Do you like girls? K1-B0: ...Huh? Kaede: Are you attracted to human girls? Or do you prefer female robots? K1-B0: Are you suggesting...that robots should stick with their own kind? Kaede: I didn't mean it like that! I was just curious! Honest! K1-B0: Then...are you saying...that you...and me...? Kaede: Th-That's not it, either! K1-B0: ...Of course. I apologize for being overly self-conscious. I have never felt romantic attraction, so I cannot answer questions on that subject. Kaede: How do you feel about the Roomba? K1-B0: You mean...the disc-shaped cleaning robot that scoots along the floor Kaede: Yeah, that! Do you see them as, like, younger siblings or something? K1-B0:  ...Kaede, it's very robophobic to suggest that robots are only good for cleaning. You should know that I am completely different from that simple machine. Kaede: But you guys are basically the same, more or less...so I was just wondering K1-B0: That does not matter. If I am comparable to a human, that thing is comparable to a microbe. Kaede: But compared to Roombas, you're losing in the popularity department. K1-B0: Why, that's—! Kaede: I'm kidding! Really! K1-B0: Krgh...! Human jokes are rather vexing...! Kaede: I continued to ask Keebo some questions... Well, that's all! Thanks for answering them, Keebo! K1-B0: Yes, of course...You're the first person to ask me so many questions, one after the other. Kaede: Oh! Was I being too forward? K1-B0: No, that's not what I meant. I just thought......being treated like that isn't so bad. It's actually...kind of fun.
hooboy that’s a lot. Robot is just looking for some validation and is not gonna get it in the ways he thinks he should! One week battery life is incredibly impressive but Kaede sure doesn’t think so, or care to know why that is. She is pretty nice though, overall. Oh and the fact Keebo has a built in company secrets thing is kinda funny. Maybe that’s why he’s garbage with computers, he can’t blab if he doesn’t know jack :v. Mostly we just reconfirm that Keebo is pretty bad at talking to people and probably hasn’t met all that many. He also takes the ‘liking girl’s question really badly and backpedals into being offended when really he just doesn’t have an answer at all. Since he doesn’t know what love is. He actually apologizes for freaking out here, so apparently getting touchy is just his default reaction. :p You can see when he actually has time to explain why he doesn’t like a thing he’ll actually do so, and seems more reasonable when he can. Of course he doesn’t like being compared to something that scoots along, doesn’t think and cleans. They’re both robots, but really not on the same level...and Keebo isn’t quite sure how he’s going to handle that. He says it’s rude to say they’re only good for cleaning...but you can kind of tell he mostly means in relation to himself/robots as intelligent as he is. So instead he just sounds weird and inconsistent...and robophobic himself considering he thinks he’s better than other robots :v Even if it is a joke...Kaede is probably right about the roombas being more popular than Keebs. Also who the heck made him think food looks good when he can’t eat. That’s just mean.
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Kaede’s blurb about him for the FTE is pretty positive too, when you see Shuichi’s they’re quite different. (Though their rank one FTEs are INCREDIBLY SIMILAR. because this is how Keebo introduces himself to people. By assuming they want to know about him and flailing. aka terribly. this poor robot. he’s probably only met other people interested in robotics before now.) So we move to FTE 2, where Kaede shows she’s an impulsive little imp when she wants to be!
Kaede: I'm chatting with Keebo again today, but... K1-B0: ...Kaede, is something troubling you? Kaede: N-No! It's nothing.  To be honest, something's been bothering me, and I can't really focus on our conversation.There's a button on Keebo's neck... What does it do? It's calling out to me... I wanna push the button! *thud* K1-B0: Hm? What was that sound? Kaede: Whatever that sound was, it occurred at the exact right time...Because when Keebo turned around, his neck was completely defenseless...Oh, god! The button is like screaming, "Don't push me! Don't push me!" But I'm definitely gonna push the button! *click!* 
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(great job you broke him kaede. they do a ... back and forth like five times, just stare at it for a bit.) No reaction...? Keebo!? I called his name and circled around him... K1-B0: ... Kaede: Whaaaaat!? Keebo was completely frozen! Like a toy out of batteries...M-Maybe that was the emergency stop button!? Wh-What should I do!? Maybe if I push it again, it'll fix him...? Hoping that was the case, I pressed the button again. *click!* K1-B0: ... Kaede: ... K1-B0:  Wha—!? Kaede, why are you in front of me? Weren't you behind me earlier? A-And why are you so close to me? Kaede: I-I'm so glad... You're back to normal... K1-B0: Huh? What do you mean? Kaede: U-Um...well, I noticed a button on your neck, so I pushed it K1-B0: What—!? You discovered this button!? Kaede: I-I'm so sorry! It was tempting me! Was that the emergency stop button? K1-B0: ...Yes. It's there just in case my AI or essential functions encounter problems. Kaede: I didn't know you had such a function... K1-B0: Kaede...you know my secret now... Kaede: I-If it's a secret, then you should've hid it better! K1-B0: But what good is an emergency button that cannot be easily found in an emergency? Kaede: But there are people who might push it for fun...like me... K1-B0: ...That's true. I will forward your feedback to the professor when we get out of here. Kaede: Yeah, good idea... K1-B0: But...Kaede, that means you will have influenced my design. Which means you will have played a role in my creation. Kaede: Huh? You're exaggerating. K1-B0: It's no exaggeration. If Professor Idabashi can be considered my "father"...Then you, Kaede, will be my "mother." So I shall call you mom. Kaede: M-M-Mom!? What!? K1-B0: ...That was a joke. Kaede: U-Um... K1-B0: It's payback for messing with my body. You deserve at least that much. Kaede: Ha...hahaha... I'm so sorry, Keebo. A robot making a joke... That's pretty cool. The title of Ultimate Robot really suits him. K1-B0: Um, Kaede... Do you think you can keep that button a secret from everyone? Kaede: Yeah, don't worry. Kokichi definitely can't find out about his button. That would be a huge problem...
Keebo spends a good chunk of his own FTE completely frozen up :v That, and Keebo has this collar covering nearly all of his neck and half of his face! How did you get to it? Or are you calling the collar his neck. He’s probably had to deal with literally getting his buttons pushed before, but Kaede does apologize so he seems more okay with it than he’d usually be. (Really as long as you say sorry he’s generally okay...he wants you to like him.) Also, having that button probably isn’t a ton of fun, even if it’s important. He was completely unaware of what happened and a bit disoriented because of it. Yet he still has time to defend the professor about the placement of the stop button. (As I seriously doubt he had any say in where it is, Kaede! Don’t go pushing random buttons on people!) The fact he gets back at her with an attempt at a joke this time is pretty cute, considering he just previously said jokes are difficult for him. He’s learning! That and the fact both of them instantly go ‘Kokichi must never know’ is just ‘yes, hilarious.’ He’s pretty lucky she keeps it secret and no one else finds out. As an aside, Kaede can ask Rantaro what she thinks of people, and Keebo is an option.
Rantaro: Nah, it's nothing. By the way, who's the most...unique person here, in your eyes? Kaede:  Keebo... Rantaro: Being a robot is interesting enough that his personality barely matters. But you know, I think Keebo is on our side... Kaede: What do you mean, on our side? Rantaro: Have you ever heard of the Three Laws of Robotics? The long and short of it is...robots can't harm people. If Keebo's creator was a good scientist, he would have programmed that into Keebo's AI. We're all human, so we can assume that he's on our side...Of course, I'm just guessing
He probably wouldn’t appreciate his personality not having to matter, but Rantaro basically seems to trust Keebo here. Because he’s a robot :v Unfortunately, he doesn’t trust him enough to let him in on the survivor perk thing...he probably would have lived if Keebo came along to his ill advised library search. It’s much harder to sneak up on two people with a shot putt ball. speaking of shot putt balls, time to get past the part where he dies. Since Keebs is hiding out his room, he gets summoned by the body discovery announcement.
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He doesn’t get it, and understandably panics a little, and doesn’t really interact with anyone, they’re all doing their own expressions of dismay. Miu’s does come after his though. What finally gets him talking again? Being worried he won’t be much help.
Kirumi: Do not fret. Just imagine this as something out of a police drama or detective manga. Right, Shuichi? Shuichi: R-Right... K1-B0: I'm in trouble... I've never watched police dramas or read detective manga! Korekiyo: Well...there's no need to think so hard. We need only converse with the corpse... A corpse is not simply a dead person. That is just an assumption made by the living. Yes! By coming face to face with the corpse, you will learn a great many things! (yes that is it exactly.)
Really though, how long has Keebo been ‘alive’? He’s never so much as looked at entire genre even once? You had time for the entire history of stand up and didn’t look at detectives? Shuichi taking charge a little does get him a bit more positive though.
K1-B0: As novice investigators, logic dictates that we work together rather than give in to paranoia.
Teamwork makes the dream work :v He also goes ahead and does the protagonist thing again here.
Kaede: We’ll all escape from here! I’ll make sure of it! K1-B0: So, let's get started. 
He’s the first one to say ‘okay let’s do the thing.’ He’s also the first to react when Kaede says...
Kaede: The mastermind killed Rantaro... K1-B0: ...Mastermind? I’m sorry, what are we talking about?
Asking clarifying questions is Keebo’s part time job at this rate. Most of the other characters have no idea what Kaede is going on about here! This exchange is ten times funnier when you know Kaede is actually right, Tsumugi’s sprite is on screen when she says this and everything. Keebo also trusts Monophanie at her word when it comes to developing the camera film.
K1-B0: And she said she had to follow the rules, so I don’t think she’d destroy evidence. 
He doesn’t say how he thinks very often! Though in this case he’s probably speaking from experience...he’s a robot too, and might have rules he absolutely has to follow. (Such as not talking about how he was created.) Gonta is the other one who trusts her...but Gonta is kind of a sweetheart that trusts almost anyone so :v. Angie also sort of does? But really, the ones who trust are all in the ‘probably not taken seriously’ camp. He continues to be a team player during the investigation.
Kirumi: I do not intend to offer a suggestion that would further arouse suspicion, but... K1-B0: No, that's logical! Please speak your mind, Kirumi! Kaito: It's not something you should be proud to say... but I guess we don't have a choice. After all, if we don't find out who the culprit is, we'll all be killed. 
Keebs with the logic train again, with Kaito there going ‘I Do Not Like’, seeing as it’s kinda hard to believe in your friends while suspecting them. He almost seems to be chastising Keebo here, since he’s unapologetically for the ‘stick in groups’ plan. Of course robot lad knows someone is dead, someone here had to have done it, taking all precautions therefore is only being sensible. In the investigation proper he hangs out in the classroom they kept watch in with Korekiyo, since he actually listens when they say stay in groups.
K1-B0: Kaede, Shuichi! I would like to ask you two a question! You were on lookout inside this classroom, right? Kaede: Yeah. From here, we could keep an eye on the basement, and it was close to the library, too. Shuichi: That’s our alibi. We were both in this classroom when the murder occurred. K1-B0: I see... Then the probability that you two committed the crime is extremely low... By the way...were you two together the entire time? Shuichi: No...I did leave for a bit to see what was happening in the basement. But besides that, we were together the whole time, until the receiver went off. Kaede: Y-Yeah, that's right... K1-B0: ...I understand. Thank you very much. Kaede: Is that all you wanted to ask? K1-B0 Oh, may I ask you one more question? Specifically, about that vent... It appears to be connected to this classroom. The air duct in the basement hallway leads to it... Shuichi: Yes, I was also concerned about this vent... That’s why we kept watch in this classroom. Kaede: Because the culprit wouldn't be able to use this vent if we're in here on lookout. K1-B0: Under those circumstances, it would be difficult to sneak into the library from here. Shuichi: Kaede stacked up books in front of the library vent as well. With those in the way, it would be even harder for someone to go in and out. K1-B0: Really? I will be sure to save that important piece of information to my memory bank. I hope my line of questioning has not offended either of you. It is necessary, so that we may find the truth. Kaede: Keebo, you totally sounded like a detective or a lawyer just now! Oh! Maybe you were a detective or a lawyer in a past life!
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Keebo does not appreciate your absolute nonsense Kaede. Even if you’re meaning it as a complement. He’s trying pretty hard, noticing the vent and asking for alibis and trying to puzzle out what happened. He is of course, pretty wrong about these two being unlikely culprits for being here since he hasn’t considered how the murder occurred, but he’s already admitted to not being good at this. He even apologizes for being rude, he’s so worried about making people not like him! Yet he still gets prickly about the robot thing, but really Kaede should we be talking about past lives when there’s a smashed avocado downstairs at this very moment?
Kaede: Hey Keebo, what were you doing and where during the body discovery announcement?  K1-B0: Ah... My alibi.  ... ... (we get his glitching out sprite here :v) Kaede: ...Um, are you glitching right now? K1-B0: No, I'm just searching for the right words. In all honesty I was alone in my room, so I admit my alibi is not altogether reliable... Kaede: So...you don't have an alibi? K1-B0: But Ryoma said he was alone in his room, too. Kaede: Geez, way to throw him under the bus K1-B0:  Huh!? Th-That was not my intention! Kaede: But I see... Both Keebo and Ryoma don't have an alibi... That means, it's possible one of those two is the mastermind... K1-B0: Umm... Am I under suspicion because I don't have an alibi? Kaede: No... I won't suspect you just because you don't have an alibi. And I’m not saying that because you’re a robot or anything! I’m not robophobic at all! K1-B0: Thank you very much. But...you don't need to be so PC. 
Don’t throw Ryomas under busses. Though this is more of ‘I’m stating a fact’ and not really thinking how that comes off again. Well, really you should be under suspicion Keebo, but Kaede already knows who the culprit is and is trying to make you feel better since you’re clearly anxious about it. So she leans into your weak point...and you tell her it’s fine and she doesn’t need to do that. Now is that because her outright saying she not a robophobe makes you feel silly, or are you so worried about inconveniencing your friends you’re just automatically downgrading the importance of your feelings? keebo doesn’t know what he wants. So who’s the one to ask the protagonist about the last bit of evidence they get?
K1-B0: ...Kaede! Are those the developed photos?
zero points for guessing designated audience insert. I have a question and wish to ask it is just how he rolls, especially early on when everyone needs time to talk.
K1-B0: There is one more photo of the front entrance, correct? 
as you see.  A+ for consistency.
Kaede: The camera pointed at the front entrance only snapped these four photos... K1-B0: Neither Rantaro nor anyone else who could be the culprit are in the photos... Ryoma: Did they both enter through the back door, then? 
Adding his two cents, though he’s basically stating the obvious. Hmm. Is it really his two cents when he’s just making factual comments? Ryoma’s the one who actually moves the thought to the next question that needs to be answered.
Ryoma: Could the culprit have gone into the hidden door? K1-B0: Yes, that is a possibility. Korekiyo: For now, let us see the next picture. There is one remaining, isn't there? 
Validating other people’s assumptions but not adding any of his own here.  
Shuichi: But that would mean that Rantaro noticed it... He saw...our hidden camera... K1-B0: Moving the bookcase triggers the sensor, which in turn activates the camera, right? The bookcase appears to have already been moved, so why did the sensor activate...? Tenko: Who cares!? What happened to the culprit!? How come they're not in any of the photos!? 
Tenko, Keebo cares. That’s why he asked.  He’s either not quite understanding how the sensor works...or he’s pointing out the bookcase has moved more than it should have to trigger the sensor a second time. So we know someone came out of the mastermind lair when Rantaro got distracted by the flash. We will never touch on this again! We know the door can automatically close, but it’s in the exact same position despite the camera interval timers. this is probably just oversight but it is kind of funny to think this could have been a giveaway.
Kaede: We just need to expose the mastermind in this class trial! And then everything, including this killing game...will come to an end. K1-B0: Yes, that's right.
Gotta stick to those safe tiny bits of encouragement eh Keebs? even if he’s wrong
K1-B0: I'm sorry, I can't even posit a guess as to who the culprit might be...But I haven't given up! I assure you, we will avenge Rantaro!
‘I have nothing useful to add, so I’m going to use odd words and restate my willingness to help.’ The choice of ‘avenge’ is pretty interesting though. Keebs isn’t big on violence, and we’re not going to be avenging Rantaro with a song and dance number here, we’re gonna get someone else dead. Perhaps we’re getting a tiny peek at the ends justify the means Keebo who only really gets to come out to play in chapter six. or he’s just mimicking the other’s sentiments and not thinking too hard about what avenging would mean :v
Keade: An...elevator? K1-B0: Does he want us to board it?
K1-B0: This is an authentic replica of a courtroom
No it’s not! Well maybe it is in ronpa world. oh god does he know what they look like because he was literally built for this. is this why he threatens with lawsuits.
Tenko: First, let's breathe in! And breathe out! We need to remember our "No, No, No's"! “No pushing! No running! No talking!” K1-B0: But communication is the foundation of any discussion!
The human is confusing me, and we’ve been here for like five seconds. He can’t think of a good way to start, so he’s stuck just pointing out things that might be problems, such as not talking :v
Ryoma: The mastermind, huh? Odds are, it's one of us... Kokichi: It's Kee-boy over here! Everyone else thinks so too! K1-B0: D-Does everyone really think that...!? Kaede: We'll get to the bottom of this... 
He can instantly buy into the idea that everyone suspects him. Even when it’s coming from Kokichi. Kaede sort of denies it, but this poor boy. He’s trying so hard and wants to do his best but has no trouble at all going ‘yeah everyone doubts me’. Maybe that’s a protag thing, with how Shuichi freaks out when you present the wrong evidence :v (THEY’LL THINK I’M A FRAUD)
Kaede: Because, Rantaro didn't have the card key to open the hidden door. You'd think the mastermind would have that card key on him, right? K1-B0: Perhaps the culprit took the card key after killing Rantaro? Shuichi: But none of the pictures show Rantaro holding the card key. So I don't really think he had the key at all
Time for Keebo to make little logical guesses and generally be wrong, since this is Kaede and Shuichi’s trial to run. Someone’s gotta double down on Rantaro possibly being the mastermind I suppose. 
Ryoma: To lure Rantaro to the library...and kill him K1-B0: Does that mean the culprit and the mastermind are one in the same? Korekiyo: Hmm... That does seem plausible. It’s very likely the mastermind knew about Kaede and Shuichi’s trap. Kaede: The mastermind knew about our trap this whole time?
Yes, but actually no. Ryoma, Keebo and Korekiyo are absolutely correct here, even though we won’t be getting the correct answer. It’s kind of impressive that the ‘real world’ protag and his Investigation Buddy have the actual right answer here. (Kiyo and Keebs were together after all). Ryoma’s showing up a lot near Keebo’s dialogue too :v The most unexpected trio ever.
K1-B0: So you knew nothing about the trap in the library? Miu: I'm tellin' ya, I had no idea! Not like it matters...cuz I never went to the library, okay!? Ryoma: The person who made the cameras...would've known their blind spots, too.
Keebo Ryoma tag team...to get the agree statement Kaede needs. I don’t think Keebo has really talked to Miu beyond her calling him pathetic once still.
Ryoma: Cool your jets, kid. Korekiyo: Tsumugi and Kirumi were both in the dining hall as well. K1-B0: We can dismiss those four as potential culprits if they were together the entire time. Korekiyo: No...not the entire time. At one point, Tsumugi went to the restroom. Tsumugi: Oh...so you brought that up after all...It's true. I went to the restroom closest to the dining hall.
I really didn’t notice how often these guys are paired together but now I keep seeing them. Kiyo corrects Keebo like a good Investigation Buddy and brings up a damning clue even. THAT WE WON”T USE AAAAA
Tenko: I would never punch a foe from behind! A true aikido master would never do something so dishonorable! K1-B0: Punching is permitted in aikido!? Tenko: Yes! Neo-Aikido even uses wooden swords! Maki: All you've proven is that you're an idiot.
A distraction conversation in the mass panic debate, but the fact Keebo is so baffled here is funny to me. I suppose he’d be more interested in self defense styles like aikido. Gonta also mentions  ‘ Not person... Robot? Like Keebo? ‘ when talking to Angie. Keebo Is Not A Person is a pretty common sentiment in the class :v
Tsumugi: The A/V Room's sliding door doesn't open, so you can't get into the hallway. K1-B0: If you cannot enter the hallway, how would you open the rear door to the library? Kirumi: Although you cannot fit your whole body through the sliding door, an arm would suffice. It would be possible if you used a particular item in the A/V Room.
Keebo doesn’t talk a ton in this trial because Lots Of People need screentime, but here he is to ask more questions now that we’ve moved past the correct culprit and are moving on to the ‘acceptable’ culprit. He continues to follow Kirumi’s logic path after this exchange too.
Kirumi: Yes, the act of throwing a shot put ball could lead one to use it as a weapon. K1-B0: Even if a person couldn't fit through the space, a shot put ball certainly would.
He doesn’t see the contradiction Kaede does in the whole open bookcase thing, after all. So he’s just helping in making Gonta look suspicious.
Kokichi: Yup! A walking, talking Roomba can't compare to a mighty beast like Gonta! K1-B0: That Roomba remark...is probably not about me, as l have a variety of custodial functions.
Yes, I’m sure everyone totally believes he believes that. While your rebuttal is ‘i can do lots of types of cleaning over a roomba’. This robot, I swear. I tell Kaede off for assuming robots should just need to clean but to prove myself to Kokichi I will talk about how good I am at cleaning things. (Amusing, Kaede apparently magically remembers this, she brings up Keebo’s cleaning function in one of her Salmon mode library dates :v) Also: Kokichi proving to himself that he can derail the robot REALLY EASILY if he wants to be distracting in trials. Keebo doesn’t participate again until another robot crack sets him off. 
Tsumugi: We don't even know if they're a guy or not, though, right? Himiko: Or if they're even human... K1-B0: Are you referring to me?
Himiko doesn’t like you Keebo, I’m sorry. Who else could she be referring to? The fact Tsumugi is saying this to Kaito’s ‘culprit should man up and confess’ thing though? Ha
Angie: The culprit was hiding in the library the whole time, before Kaede and Shuichi even placed the cameras. K1-B0: Where would they have hidden? Angie: Inside the hidden door! Ryoma: So you’re sayin’ the culprit was lyin’ in wait there? Korekiyo: If that's true, the suspects...are those who were alone at time of the incident.
Oh look, Keebo is talking when proof of the real culprit shows up, and asks the question that brings up that proof. Angie’s right! Kiyo is going a bit too far in suspecting Keebo and Ryoma here, but they’d be on the right track if it wasn’t for that chalk dust in the card reader :v 
Kirumi: So the real question is how the culprit entered and exited the library. K1-B0: We cannot continue until we address that problem first! Korekiyo: It’s quite the mystery. How did the killer avoid being caught by the cameras?
He’s helping a little here in making sure the discussion stays on this topic, but Investigation Buddy Kiyo is the one doing the work again. Keebs, you are really showing your inner Makoto :v
Miu: Eureka! I know how the culprit got in the library-- the front door! K1-B0: Um... Have you been paying attention? The camera would've taken their picture. Miu: Not if the culprit timed their movements around the camera intervals!
He’s so exasperated by her by saying something that goes against hard evidence/logic. He hasn’t even considered such a thing like camera intervals. He’s pretty bad about thinking of stuff that goes against ‘facts’. Sadly we won’t get more robot sass for a bit. But hey, we got some.
Miu: The three cameras that Kaediot and Poo-ichi placed go off when they pick up movement. From there, it takes 30 seconds for the film to auto-roll to the next photo. K1-B0: So, for 30 seconds, anyone could've entered the library without their photo being taken!? Kirumi: That may have been enough time to kill Rantaro and exit the library...
Thank you for summarizing for the audience Keebo, I think they figured that out. He’s perfectly happy to work with Miu even if he was just snarking at her for not paying attention. She just needed a logical reason and now he’s on board, no problems. This is probably the first non-aggressive/in agreement bit the two have, depending on how you read their other interactions.
Korekiyo: I see. Then he caused the receiver to go off in front of Kaede to trick her. Shuichi: ... K1-B0: It's certainly plausible, considering that Shuichi knew about the intervals.
Ryoma, since the receiver trick is his idea is the one who gets Keebo on the Suspecting Shuichi bandwagon. The fact Kiyo talks right before he decides it’s plausible is just amusing. He keeps following them, but doesn’t seem very sure. He doesn’t join in for the following debate.
Kaede: So that’s why there’s no way Shuichi could’ve turned off the receiver! Shuichi: ... K1-B0: If that is true, then the entire premise of the argument thus far is wrong... Kirumi: Is this true, Kaede?
He doesn’t actually ask if it’s true, just what it would mean if it was. I’m not sure if I’d rather take it as he doesn’t really buy it or not, she doesn’t seem like a great liar, but Keebo is pretty garbage at reading things. I don’t really think be buys it yet personally (he does later once hearing ‘why would I lie’), that why he doesn’t want to ask, but I can see it being the other way, in he does completely and he’s bummed that they’re back to square one.
Korekiyo: Or perhaps...you wanted to cover for Shuichi, even at the cost of your life. Shuichi: ...Huh?
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Kokichi: Words from a true heartless robot! Emotions are only for meatbags! K1-B0: That is a harmful stereotype. I can produce heartfelt remarks through calculations! Tsumugi: Like "less than three"? Those kinds of calculations?
Mugi’s just here to dunk on a robot. Keebo is actually showing how different he is from everyone here. Even though he’s a big team player, he can’t fathom why someone would risk death for a lie for someone else. Kokichi is going to give Keebo a real life example someday, but it seems like Keebo is a tiiiny bit selfish here, or really just very lonely. He doesn’t have a strong enough relationship with anyone to make this idea seem possible, that and he’s not much of a liar. It’s not a shock Kokichi jumps on him here to try and figure out if this is just a shortcoming or Keebo just doesn’t feel much in general, but Keebo’s angry response probably clued him in. Even if he needs to clarify he’s doing so via calculations. Maybe you;re a bit too honest, Keeboy. (Also, given what we learn in his third FTE, a bit strange. His previous self killed himself over risking hurting the professor again...but perhaps he’s not counting that because it’s not a lie?) Either way, he’s taking Kaede’s lie as 100% truth at this point.
Miu: So we all agree that Poo-ichi did it!? Then let's just vote already! K1-B0: No, I think it’s too soon to determine the culprit. Tsumugi: Umm...I agree. I sort of can't believe that Shuichi is the culprit.
mugi i swear to god you just love flaunting don’t you. Keebo’s the first to go ‘actually let’s not die killing tthe wrong person’, so good for him. Against Miu, again. you two have a rocky start huh.
Ryoma: If Shuichi had the receiver, it could have been disguised. K1-B0: Kaede is the one who actually had the receiver!
Robot is gonna be the one taking the lie in the debate scrum and using it as a weapon. She said she didn’t lie, it is a fact now, and he’s sticking with it. He really flip flops on how much he wants to trust people. I think he wants to trust everyone generally, but then he gets in that logic zone and starts being suspicious again. Thaaat and the voice in his head often probably tells him to get off the logic track and believe. He listens to it when he ‘doesn’t know what to do’, and let’s be real Keebo is almost in a constant state of ‘what do’. The less confident he is, the more likely he’s going to be nudged into being trusting...
Kaito: Whoa! The brightness is totally different! K1-B0: Same room, circumstance, and camera. And yet, there is a disparity in brightness...
Reiterating and expanding on what Kaito said here, but he’s letting Shuichi explain it instead of trying to do so himself. It’s this sort of thing that makes me think his confidence is incredibly fragile >>
Shuichi: ...Kaede is the culprit. K1-B0: Huh!?
Keebo has identified the new protagonist and is now reacting to them first instead of False Protagonist. I suppose it makes sense he’s first to react a decent chunk of the time...he does have a computer for a brain. Quick on the update, sometimes. Not that he knows what to say beyond being baffled.
Shuichi: How Kaede killed Rantaro with the shot put ball...should become clear when you consider where she used it. K1-B0: Where she used the shot put ball?
Keebo you were in the room and pointed out the vent, come on buddy. but i was serious about how he’s figured out who he should be listening to most closely again.
Shuichi: ...She rolled it. She rolled the shot from the first floor classroom and hit Rantaro. K1-B0: I am skeptical that she could perform such a feat of accuracy...
see? Of course in his confusion the thing he personally investigated has just dropped right out of his hard drive. :v It does egg Shuichi on so he’ll continue explaining. It’s his show now. To the point Keebo stays silent until we get to Kaede’s motivations.
Shuichi: You weren’t persuaded by Monokuma...and you weren't trying to save yourself. What you were trying to do...was kill the mastermind! K1-B0: Kill...the mastermind? Shuichi:  Kaede wasn't targeting Rantaro. She was targeting the mastermind. She was trying to end this killing game... She was trying to save us all. ...Isn't that right, Kaede?
Keebo just loves to pretend to be Solid Snake. He’s been really quiet otherwise, this isn’t a good time. Kaede was one of the friendliest people to him, too.
Kaede: ... K1-B0: Kaede, what would possess you to do something like this?
Even after hearing how it played out (well, everyone thinks it played out) he still doesn’t get it. She did it to kill the mastermind, but he just can’t see why you’d ever take such a step. Maybe he wants to hear it from her, but it’s still a gut punch.
Kaede: I felt like if I didn't do this, then Rantaro's death would have been meaningless. K1-B0: We were searching for both the culprit and the mastermind during this class trial. Angie: Ah, Kaede did mention that.
What can you say to something like that? His death is ‘meaningless’ in a way, but the truth about him will come about later. (too bad keebo’s is the MOST meaningless) Keebo just chooses to stick to stating the facts, as if that’ll help it make more sense. Not that it probably does. He still has questions.
K1-B0: But, Kaede, why did you set such a convoluted trap? If your intent was to kill the mastermind, there was no reason for you to cover your tracks. Kaito: Isn't it obvious? It's because...she didn't want Shuichi to know.
Kaito is way better at figuring out people’s motivations, especially if driven by emotion. Keebo’s question is sensible...but it is probably rather obvious to everyone else there. He’s accepted she killed with a reason, though we don’t know if he thinks it was a good reason. Being tricked like this...it couldn’t have been good for anyone. He doesn’t stand up to the Exisals. He’s not going to throw his life away.
Kaede: Even after I'm gone...my wish will still be here. So I’m counting on you all! I’m entrusting my wish to every one of you! I believe in you! I believe that you all will make it through this, somehow! You guys better live! Don't go dying on me now! End this ridiculous killing game, survive, and get the hell out of this place! And then...be friends after you escape, okay? I think you’ll all be the best of friends. K1-B0: Affirmative, Kaede...
He will agree to try and make her wish come true. (before everyone else. he’s quick on the draw for this kind of thing.) Of course...no one takes her death well.
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A horrible mess Keebo, a horrible mess. Of course, he can still pull himself together if a question needs to be asked.
Monokuma: ...Hate you? Puhuhu...who can say? That's your job to figure out. If you really wanna know what's going on, you're gonna have to work for it. ...Though the corpse formerly known as Rantaro may have had a hunch. Gonta: ...Huh? K1-B0: What do you mean? What was Rantaro's hunch? Monokuma: Puhuhu... What, indeed?
Posing for the camera, that bear. Unfortunately, Keebo doesn’t really pursue what Rantaro’s hunch might have been...or if he does, Shuichi isn’t around to see him do it. Or maybe he mentions it in a one off line and I’ve forgotten. We’ll see.
Tenko: Wh-what kinda d-degenerate male... cries in p-public...? It’s so r-rude... Keebo: But, Tenko, you're crying too. Ryoma: Now's not the time to point that out, Keebo. Just let it be.
Ryoma’s a good guy, he’s figured out Keebo doesn’t really mean anything by it, and he’s genuinely confused by Tenko’s illogical statement. No mockery or anything, just tells him to let it go for now. Of course he’s trying to get more easily answered questions figured out when you’re stuck dealing with ones like ‘why did Kaede have to die’, ‘why did it have to be so cruel’ or ‘what secrets do we know nothing about’. He’d rather be distracted right now.
Kaito: Clench your teeth! K1-B0: Kaito! You are supposed to say that *before* you hit him!
An easy fact that can be applied, so he speaks up. He’ll be speaking up when Kaito does a repeat performance later, too. Kaito and Keebo get on each others case sometimes :v But now it’s Keebo’s turn to be a bit insensitive. 
Shuichi: ...I'm fine.
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Gonta: Gonta not sure it waste of time. But Gonta agree, fighting not good...
That was a pretty emotional moment between people mourning a lost one with Kaito trying to get Shuichi to stand up and fight back annnnnd Keebo’s calling it a waste of time. Oooof, he is bad at people. Gonta disagrees, though to Keebo it’s logically just a waste. He can’t see what they’re gaining here, or the point of fighting between friends like this. We know in hindsight that Shuichi kind of needs this, but our robot pal doesn’t. That, and violence is never really entering his acceptable solution list. Not yet.
Shuichi: Sorry, you should go ahead without me... K1-B0: ...Why? Is there a reason you wish to stay in a place like this? Shuichi: I want to be alone for a while. Just for a little bit.
must...respond...to...protagonist...Cannot understand why you want to stay in the place Kaede just died and you got punched in. Shuichi kinda gives a non answer, but Keebo doesn’t press. Probably because he’s not going to understand the answer anyway. That’s in for chapter one!
Why did I do this? Cus I’m in the mood to replay it and I am going to babble about my favourite who deserves better. The other kids a bit too, I do like them all but mostly the robot lad.
Also congratulations if you got this far, you’re just as nuts as I am! please share your own hot takes/ things you just realized from all the quotes shoved in here. I probably should have worked on my fanfics instead of doing this :v (I have a bunch on Keebo as Verl on A03, if you are like ‘yeas i want more ravings from this mad being’) ...I’ll be back with Chapter two later...
36 notes · View notes
skittymon · 4 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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weaselandfriends · 5 years
Hymnstoke Intermission
Andrew Hussie had the courtesy to drop some thoughts on the Epilogues, the full text of which can be found here. As you can probably tell, it’s dense, so I’ll summarize what I consider the key points.
1. Hussie intended the Epilogues to be “conceptually distinct” from the main narrative of Homestuck (i.e., Acts 1 through 7).
2. Hussie intended the Epilogues to set new narrative stakes and establish a way for the narrative to continue (as opposed to the traditional idea of an “Epilogue” as something that resolves what came before).
3. By labeling the Epilogues as “Epilogues” while not adhering to traditional expectations of what an epilogue entails, Hussie intended to prompt readers to question storytelling concepts and the agenda of the storyteller.
4. Hussie intended to cede his authorial control over the Homestuck story and “pass the torch” to the fandom.
5. Hussie intended to prompt the fandom to develop skills like “critical discussion, dealing constructively with negative feelings resulting from the media they consume, interacting with each other in more meaningful ways, and trying to understand different points of view outside of the factions within fandom that can become very hardened over time.”
I actually disagree with several of Hussie’s conclusions, which probably sounds hilariously presumptuous. But if Hussie truly wants the fandom to develop skills in critical discussion, and to foster and understand different viewpoints, while also ceding his authorial control over the work, then his word being “Word of God” has to be called into question. Act 6 of Homestuck already does this; Hussie’s author avatar is literally killed followed by a flash titled DOTA. DOTA, of course, being short for “Death of the Author,” a frequently-cited essay by Roland Barthes that argues that author's intentions can neither be wholly known nor taken as the sole interpretation of a work.
It’s arguable whether Hussie’s shout out to this essay is meant to be an endorsement of its thesis, and I think a claim could be made that the DOTA in Homestuck is inherently parodic; Hussie’s author avatar continues to exist and influence the story even after his “death,” and at times (such as the Meenah walkarounds) the author avatar appears to give direct statements of the author’s intentions behind certain creative decisions. In fact, the DOTA flash itself marks one of the Hussie avatar’s most direct interactions with the story, as it is during this flash that he gives Vriska the Ring of Life.
Even now, Hussie’s actions contradict his claims, at least to some extent; he cedes narrative control and promotes differing critical interpretations at the same time he dumps a tremendous block of text explaining the intentions and goals of his work. An author’s statement on “what the story means” usually affirms his or her control and quashes differing viewpoints, after all. But it’s not something new. Homestuck has always blurred the line behind author and fan. Some of Hussie’s statements I don’t take as major revelations but rather reiterations of themes that have been clear since Act 1.
If you have read my more recent Hymnstoke posts, you can probably guess which of Hussie’s points I disagree with. In particular, I think the Epilogues are too thematically important to Homestuck to be treated with the kind of “take it or leave it”/“canon or non-canon” ambivalence Hussie claims in his post. Or maybe it’s more that I wish it didn’t have that kind of ambivalence? Because his logic is sound; the Epilogues are presented in a way that sets them apart from “Homestuck Proper.” The AO3 fan fiction cover page, the prose, the way they’re organized as a distinct entity on the website, all of these elements contribute to and support Hussie’s claim of separation. Perhaps, then, my counterargument is that the Epilogues shouldn’t have been displayed this way; that they should have been a fundamental part of the story, one that is unquestionably considered “canon.”
Without the Epilogues, the ending of Homestuck is bad. Really bad. Game of Thrones bad. The original ending of Homestuck fails Homestuck on every conceivable level. It’s a poor resolution of the plot, as it relies on a deus ex machina (Alt!Calliope) while leaving tons of smaller narrative elements completely unresolved. It’s a poor resolution of the characters, as most of them wind up being irrelevant (even those given absurd amounts of screen time, like Jake) and their personal issues are resolved off-screen during a timeskip. It’s a poor resolution of the themes, as despite constant statements that one can’t cheat their way to “development,” that is exactly what happens when Vriska is revived and fixes everyone’s problems instantly. It’s a poor resolution of the structure or form, as what was a tightly-wound machine narrative that relied on innumerable tiny parts sliding into perfect order ended with a big dumb fight scene where people just whap each other over and over until the good guys whap hard enough to win. Beyond the fact that the ending is “happy,” I still can’t find much good to say about it even after years of turning it over in my head.
And during the hiatus-strewn period that marked Homestuck’s end, Hussie was noticeably scant on dropping essays about his intentions.
The Epilogues redeem so much of what went wrong with the ending of Homestuck. I won’t delve into the specifics in this post, as I should probably save it for a more comprehensive series of posts about the Epilogues. But from that perspective, it feels to me as though the Epilogues should not be divorced from Homestuck so thoroughly.
But see, my disagreement with Hussie on this point is a bit disingenuous for another reason. Because, like his claims of ceding authorial control, he’s contradictory here too. Consider these points:
1. Hussie intended the Epilogues to be the launching point of future story developments.
2. Hussie, ceding his own control, intended these future developments to be created by the fans.
3. Hussie designed the Epilogues so that the fans could accept or deny them outright, consider them “canon” or “non-canon.”
If the Epilogues are the breeding ground for Homestuck’s future, then that part of the fandom that denies them renders themselves inert. Without the Epilogues, Homestuck is over. It’s done. The window of our Pynchonian party is closed. All life has petered out; no energy enters to sustain it. The Epilogues open the window. Denying the Epilogues kills the story, and thus the fandom; accepting them leaves room open for the future. And if the part of the fandom that rejects the Epilogues withers and dies, that means only the fandom that accepts them will remain. Ultimately, the Epilogues will be considered canon by the Homestuck fandom, because those who disagree will no longer be part of the fandom, at least the active one.
That probably sounds imperious. But it’s not something I want; the people who deny the Epilogues ought to have a voice as well, and nobody is stopping them from providing their opinions. But I have a hard time imagining that people who deny the Epilogues will stick around in a fandom for a work now defined by the Epilogues. As such, many of Hussie’s conciliatory claims fall flat or seem overly idealistic. Can the fandom continue as a divided house on such a fundamental line when future developments to the Homestuck story will be based on the Epilogues? The canonical arguments for which books belonged in the Bible did not end in blithe harmony; one viewpoint prevailed and all schismatics extinguished. Obviously there will be no burnings at the stake over Homestuck canon, but in a world where there are so many options for entertainment, those who do not accept Homestuck’s active element will probably leave of their own volition.
There's also a third option, expressed by one of the commentators on the Reddit thread I link at the beginning of this post.
Here's my suggestion for you, Hussman. Big subversion, you'll like it: Make "Homestuck 2" and then not have anything form [sic] Homestuck in it at all and just make the story you actually want to make.
The Homestuck fandom might die, but the “Hussie” fandom will survive, as long as Hussie himself continues to create art. Before the Epilogues, I often expressed a similar sentiment. I wanted Hussie to get away from Homestuck, make something new, even if it was just something short and far less ambitious than Homestuck. I think Hussie is a strong storyteller and writer in his own right, and he did not merely “get lucky” with Homestuck the way a hack gets lucky when their trashily-written novel strikes a perfect chord with the culture and sells millions. If Hussie does actually intend to cede authorial control and leave Homestuck to the fandom, then what is his next move? Retirement at 40? I hope not.
Those were my hastily-written thoughts on Hussie’s commentary. While at times contradictory, I consider Hussie’s claims and actions in line with themes established throughout Homestuck. But I also question whether his storytelling decisions will be able to achieve the result he desires for the fandom.
Whether he or we can achieve it, I do agree with Hussie’s hope to create a fandom that is smarter, more willing to view the work with a critical lens, to discuss with one another, to understand each other’s viewpoints, to deal with difficult subject matter. I think a lot of people can be scared to delve deeply into a work, either because they only want their entertainment to be light escapism or because they feel gatekept by not knowing a lot about literary criticism as a field of study. Maybe escapism is fine, but it’s not the only use of art. Treat the stories you like as art and really ask yourself what you like about them, what makes them good, and especially what it means that those things make it good. Those questions will serve a fitting substitute for an understanding of postmodern literary trends of the 20th century.
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar’s Fairy Godmother
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Top of the morning to you fellow Pineheads, it’s the squiggle meister here with another Pinehead headcanon. Last year May 8th, I shared this musing post based on a question asked by @darleenas-art regarding the group going to Atlas. In this post, I shared an idea about the heroes meeting a character inspired by the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. This is what I said:
“…Imagine if…Team RWBY and Team JNOR attract the eye of a renowned Atlesian fashion designer/stylist like the character Cinna from the Hunger Games series.
This particular designer is well known around Atlas for the fabricated masterpieces he’s crafted with the ole school technique of fusing dust with fabrics. However lately the designer has been suffering from a harsh block of creativity…at least until he meets our heroes for the first time. We haven’t seen much of dust-infused fashion since Cinder Fall in V2.
Imagine…this Atlesian designer being assigned to supply the team with Atlesian wear and/or tailor original designs for events for our heroes are invited to attend in Atlas. Fellow Hunger Games fans, remember Katniss’ Girl on Fire and Mockingjay dresses from the first and second films?
I want Ruby to have something like that—a gorgeous red dress fashioned from red fire dust that even reacts to her semblance so that if she twirls or uses her speed, it creates this gorgeous vortex of burning red rose petals around her. And as an added feature, it even has a hood to match the silver-eyed girl’s taste. I want Ruby to have a dress like that sooo bad!
Even better, imagine…Team RWBY and Team JNOR receiving new threads for the Atlas Arc—special-made clothes that were designed to support and in some cases even amplify (somehow) each of their individual weapons and semblances while appearing ultra stylish so that the gang can kick ass in style.
 We have yet to meet an actual character in RWBY who is tasked with literally designing clothes for our main heroes, particularly combat-ready fashion. Oh! Let that be the name of their collection: COMBAT READY.
Y’know what I want now for the Atlas Arc? Can RWBY have its very own gender bent Edna Mode character inspired by Cinna from the Hunger Games but mostly based off of the Fairy God Mother from the Cinderella fairytale in terms of personality; voiced by Tim Gunn from Project Runaway?
What? If anyone’s going to voice a fashion designer/stylist animated character, let it be big boy himself. I don’t care how RoosterTeeth do it but I want it to happen. Somehow.
They got Michael B Jordon, a.k.a The Killmonger from Black Panther, for the future gen: Lock series. They can totally get Tim Gunn to voice a character in RWBY, right? Right.
 Make it work…”
This is what I said last year. I’ve been thinking about this theory lately a lot so I figured I’d revisit it again. Since Ruby Rose found her mentor in Maria Calavera, for the Atlas Arc, I really want to see this fashion designer character based off of the Fairy Godmother. And what would make this idea even better is if this designer takes a special shine to Oscar since he reminds them of their son that passed away years ago.
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The reason I want Oscar to have his own Fairy Godmother (or father, either can work) is because I’m picturing a scene where there is some dance or charity ball that the heroes have to attend for a mission or something and the Gala is of course hosted by the Schnee Dust Company or sponsored by it so naturally Jacque Schnee and Whitley Schnee are attendants.
Remember that theory post I made about Weiss needing a favour from Whitley and Whitley only granting it to her on the terms of Ruby agreed to accompany him to the gala as his date? So as a favour to Weiss, Ruby begrudgingly agrees to attend the gala with Whitley while Oscar shows up as Weiss’ date to the gala.
As an alternate version of this concept, imagine if…there is some kind of annual Winter Ball hosted by the Atlas Academy and sponsored by the SDC that the heroes decide to attend as a sort of cool down after an open invitation from Team FNKY.
Oscar bucks up the courage to ask Ruby to be his date to the dance to his surprise, she agrees. In my head I picture Oscar asking Ruby right in front of the listening ears of their respective teams, especially Jaune, Nora and Ren.
After Ruby says yes, at first Oscar tries to play it cool as if he isn’t internally screaming and doing summersaults at the idea of a night of dancing with his crush. However the instant Ruby walks away and Oscar is back with his team, the JNPR squad just break out in delighted squeals and cheers as Jaune, Nora and Ren each show their support of Oscar finally getting his chance with Ruby.
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Another reason why I want Oscar to join with JNR and revive Team JNPR. I can totally see Jaune, Nora and Ren becoming Oscar’s surrogate big brothers and sister being all super supportive of him especially when he starts expressing his crush on Ruby.
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So Oscar is all set to go the dance with Ruby but doesn’t have anything to wear. So the JNPR squad roll out to help Oscar pick out his tux for the dance while doing a little group shopping themselves. At some point the JNPR squad run into Oscar’s Fairy Godmother---in my head I christened her Poppy Merlin (because she’s a magician with dust-infused fabrics and creates mystical designs that works wonders for her clients)---while shopping in one of her stores.
The minute Poppy hears that Oscar needs a tux for a date with Ruby, she immediately, in a rather overdramatic fashion orders that Oscar be permitted to not touch any of the other tuxedos in the store calling them ‘garbage’ and insisting that Oscar gets a Poppy Merlin original---basically she offers to tailor Oscar a one of a kind tux specially for the dance and it’s an offer that Oscar unfortunately could not refuse since Poppy would not take no for an answer.
Ya’ll know how much I like promoting that #EverybodyAdoptsOscar hastag so I would love it if Oscar gets his own Fairy Godmother who is a fashion designer. Overall I just want to see a fashion designer character introduced in RWBY especially one who infuses dust into their fabrics.
The only time we’ve seen this technique done is with Cinder Fall in V2 and then it’s never see again in another volume. I want to see  more dust infused fashion and of all the Kingdoms that could bring this to us, Atlas is the place to be because I’m still envisioning Atlas being like the Capitol from the Hunger Games.
I keep making a lot of references to the Hunger Games with RWBY because that’s how I feel the Atlas Arc will be like once the group arrive in Atlas. Atlas is going to probably look like the Capitol… or y’know Wakanda. One of those things. And since Atlas has made mainly strides with its technology, I’d like to think it’s also known for its fashion too.
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Really want an Atlesian fashion designer who works wonders with dust-infused fabrics, based off the Fairy Godmother who also takes a liking to Oscar. Probably asking too much here but it’s something I’d love to see if possible.
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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dlamp-dictator · 5 years
Allen’s Friday Update
And once again it is time for the Friday Update, and on schedule as well. Yeah, sorry for the wait last time, folks. I only had the one job today, so nothing’s distracting me from my weekly update this time around. And this one’s a lot more video game focused.
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So I was playing a bit of Samurai Shodown V Special in order to get hyped for the PS4 release/remake/revival of the series. The game was on sale and I was curious about the basics of the gameplay. I wanted to get accustomed to the feel of what a Samurai Shodown game was about before getting the newest version.
And man, I hate Samurai Shodown V Special. For reasons I’ll get into later.
But I remembered I had bought The Last Blade 2, a sort of spiritual successor to the Samurai Shodown series, about a year or so back and decided to redownload and play it for a bit. 
And man do I enjoy this old classic. 
The sprites a little lower quality than Under Night or even some older KOF titles, but the gameplay is simple and solid, the animations are pretty cool and flashy, and I had a lot of fun playing Hibiki and Kojiroh, who are now my new favorite mains. The game plays like a littler version of Samurai Shodown. Still more defensive and timing-based like it’s predecessor, but asks you to choose between speedy combos or powerful normals. All characters have a deflect ability that you have to time for big damage for being observant and patient. The game wants you to be patient, but gives you some options if you just want to push buttons and be offensive. 
And... y’know, literally everything isn’t as punishable as it is in Samurai Shodown, so that’s another plus. I really wish I got into this game back when it was popular, it’s the perfect mix of offensive and defensive for me. I hope me talking about it now gets some people curious to jump back in and give it a quick shot. These online servers need some more activity in them, if only for some mini tournament on the side somewhere. 
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While I don’t own Judgment, I have been watching the cutscenes on youtube as a way to pass the time while doing a big cleanup/remodeling of my room. Without spoiling things, the game’s main story is real tight. To the point that I’m wondering if the side stories add or subject from it. I’ve been watching the English dub of the game so far, and minus an issue that is very difficult for me personally to get over, the cast is fine, great even. I’ll have to hear more of the original voices when I buy this game around August to give a full opinion, but for now I’d say, at least from the story, the game is gripping. A good mix of Yakuza’s crime drama with Ace Attorney’s court drama. 
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Like I said, I hated Samurai Shodown V Special. The lack of a tutorial really made understanding the mechanics frustrating to infuriating, the opponent’s AI knew the game much further than I did, literally everything is punishable on block. That game wasn’t a fun time for me, so even though I preordered the PS4 remake/revival/release of Samurai Shodown I was wary. 
And after playing the game for a few hours, I like it so far. The characters look great, the animations are flashy, the artistry in this game is just amazing. You can tell the people behind this put love into every hour, minute, and second they had into this game. It’s something can appreciate and respect as a fan of fighting games and games in general.
I like everything about this game except actually playing it. 
Yeah... Again, I can appreciate the work put into it, but it’s got the same issue I have with Samurai Shodown V Special. Almost everything is punishable, timing and patience is key, and really wants you to slow down and think. And asking a guy that mainly plays Blazblue/Under Night, specifically rushdown characters like Hibiki, Tsubaki, Linne, and Wagner, to play slowly, methodically, and defensively is like asking for American Football Player to play Rugby. Yeah, it’s kind of similar, but the mindset is so different that you might as well be playing a different game. 
And boy the game’s wonky netplay is making this game with high focus on well-timed blocks really unpleasant. Maybe I’m just unlucky with some of my connections, but I’ve been burnt more by bad connections than not. 
So far I’m not impressed, at least by the actual act of playing the game. Again, the art, animations, and characters are great. But the actual game, especially that final boss just... kill my interest. I’m gonna’ keep going with it, but... yeah, not the greatest first impression so far.
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And finally, The Rising of the Shield Hero anime has concluded. I enjoyed my time with it overall, but my opinion hasn’t changed. This is a good Isekai series, but there are a lot of good Isekai series as of 2019. This was good, but nothing great or outstanding. Not as painful or deconstructive as Re:Zero, not as humorous or entertaining as Konosuba, and I was getting flashy of Goblin Slayer and Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash while watching this all throughout. It’s not great, but it is good. I’d honestly recommend Grimgar before this it’s going in a similar direct and is a shorter watch, but if you want to see a decent Isekai I’d recommend this one. 
That’s it for the Update. I’m slowly getting to work on the Dictator’s Works for Kyo and Reyna, the Rambling on AFK Arena will ideally be happening this weekend as well, and I’ll be posting the second/final highlights of the DUTAC stuff . I also got a lot of new manga recently, so expect next week’s update to be more manga focused. Anyway, I’ll see you all later.
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felroki · 6 years
I’ve watched Dirty Computer and I’ve had A Thought
This is not going to be about philosophy, or gender theory, or how Janelle Monáe (Blessed be Her name) single-handedly invented at least 3 musical genres and personally saved my soul and cured my depression, which all could certainly be dissected at great length, but right now I want to talk about something that is somewhat marginal to the entirety of the artistic accomplishment or its message, but gave me an interesting, and almost prophetic insight.
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The aesthetic.
It’s rapidly become a cliché that “80's nostalgia” is totally in, and if someone feels particularly self-congratulatory, they might even point out that XY piece of media is trying to “cash in on the 80s nostalgia wave” (almost word for word the same, every time). However, while it’s hard to miss that you can almost cut the nostalgia in the air, and I’m certain that there exist forces that try to cash in on it with no motivation other than money, these comments are fundamentally missing a much greater picture that I’m foreseeing.
Consider the following list of things (not intended to be exhaustive, just a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now:)
Wildstar, esp. certain aesthetic choices.
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Vaporwave, and other similar musical -wave genres that have sprung up recently (which I admittedly know little about, but I’ve heard some examples).
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80′s inspiration in various genres of music in general.
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The reboot of some 80′s movies with a particular, highly specific aesthetic.
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Other movies that are not a reboot of anything but nourish themselves from the same source in either subtle or direct ways.
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Youtubers feeling the need to revisit various forms of media from that era and give new thoughts about it.
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Revival and reinvention of pixel art (especially in indie games.)
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The return of some elements in the mainstream-ish fashion that I would consider goth (or at least goth-inspired)
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Generally some fashion trends that I don’t quite know how to pinpoint but you just know it when you see it.
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Like geysers springing across the plains, they rear their heads, superficially in different locations in the lattice of culture yet draw from (and pour into) the very same source underneath. Occasionally the 70's or 90's seep into this well, but even in spite of that they somehow manage to remain remarkably universal in their presentation. 
I wouldn’t call it any sort of objective starting point, especially since a lot of abovementioned trends predate it, but still... do you remember when in 2015 we caught up with Back to the Future 2 and someone asked: so, where are the hoverboards? I think that was the moment, the question that spoke it into existence in the most narrow and literal sense, as we all had a mass realization that we are already living in the distant, and usually dystopian, yet simultaneously neon bright future that 80s media was so fond of depicting, and something in the collective, creative consciousness has just never been the same ever since.
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What particularly fascinates me is the constantly pervasive idea of rethinking. We can do the 80′s again, but slightly differently. There is an element that transcends simple allusions and references which, to my mind, more often than not goes way beyond than being a soulless, unimaginative cash grab: a deconstruction of the 80's using its blocks to build a fantastic world that would exist in the future even compared to our own current timeline - even we are not sure exactly when, suspended somewhere on the fabric of time weightlessly afloat, but we do know that our past is common.
It’s a futuristic 80's alternative universe.
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Mark my words. You heard it here first, peeps (Probably?)
In the very near future we will see the rise of this new 80′s thing becoming its own style and AU in the same way that steampunk has become its own and rather well-defined subculture and aesthetic over time a few years ago. We will see things like 80′s style retrofuturistic fiction and redraws of canon characters and OCs alike... actually, I could have sworn I have seen that already. Just glancing at the above examples should give an idea how tremendous the interest is. Technically this style already exists. People can’t get enough of it. I personally have already pledged my soul to this aesthetic before I even knew it, all it’s waiting for to really take off and soar is a name.
So what should it be called? 
I think it would be hysterical if we just called it the Dirty Computer AU in Janelle Monáe’s honor but if anyone reblogs this, I’m sure there will be someone in the comments who comes up with something both supremely punny and entirely original, so....
Let’s crowdsource a name!
PS (written a bit later cause I forgot to free this post from my drafts for weeks)
Even if you dont self-identify as weebs, I want all of you who can stomach some violence and body horror to put this anime on your watching list if you haven’t seen it already. It takes place in 2019 (next year!) it’s one of the most impactful pieces of modern media, it’s aesthetically super cool, but also deeply philosophical in content, AND both the soundtrack and the animation are an incredible artistic feat.
This has been sitting among my drafts long enough that the E3 has already happened in-between, and I had time to realize/remember that this AU, technically speaking, already has a name. I don’t know if it’s THE ultimate name that encompasses every aspect of the phenomenon but to be honest, it’s close enough for me:
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sunshinetoday · 7 years
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“It’s been 17 weeks since our favourite show is back in production!! Let’s see what happened in this week. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. week summaries.
*Clicking on links will take you to the original posting of the video/article/tweet… X marks the posting of linked content on Tumblr. It takes you to the post of the Tumblrino who posted it here.*
This busy week started off with some great filming news; Someone walked thru the set and saw Gillian Anderson reading her script...  (X) We got a video of Brick from the make-up trailer! And a picture of Brick from the same trailer.  
And then, it happened. THE PICTURE of MULDER AND SCULLY IN BED, CUDDLING!!!! According to the new BTS video... The screenshot is not the best, but we have one, at least. It is exactly what we would expect from CC. Mulder’s face is weird, Scully is completely under the sheet. Like literally not a single inch of skin can be seen. But her head is on Mulder’s shoulder and they are sharing a romantic moment. On a sofa. That’s all that we saw and of course, it went how it always goes...we had more questions than we had answers. One thing is for certain, tho. Many many people are gonna go after CC in a very violent way, in case this turns out to be another cheap trick... 😄😄😄 Anyhow, here are some theories and summaries:
Looks like Mulder and Scully GET IT ON on Mulder’s sofa!! @youokay-mulder
msr 2018 @youreadarkwizard
Expectation vs Reailty/Or Fan Fiction vs The actual show @hekapolis
So, David says that “there are “definite intimations of hanky-panky” between the pair, beginning in the revival’s third episode” -->doppelganger episode
Chris Carter proved it again, that having no show bible, nor actual memories/knowledge of his show serves him well; “ We’re not used to Scully looking up at UFOs.  We’re not used to looking at Mulder at death’s door.” Could someone email Chris and make him watch his show?! The subject of the email: Platonic Activity. 🙈🙈  
Talking about continuity...One more thing has been revealed in the new video; Welcome back ‘Jeffrey completely perfect, no scar on his pretty face Spender’!!
Thursday arrived and with it, a new #tbt from @gillianaofficial “Looks like we found the upside down first…but in the future. #tbt #TheXFiles aaaaand we got lucky this time, as not only Gillian but David also shared one of his rare #tbt pics. “#TBT to the time when @marilynmanson and I played 🎸 together!”  
And just as awesome as this week started, it continued on when  @gillianaofficial shared another intriguing #BTS  “Praying to the Goddess Media. One. Last. Time.“  @BryanFuller #TheXFiles #bts @davidduchovny  
Fox Mulder is standing in a church, wearing a black tuxedo!!! Other fandoms would be crazy happy, that a wedding is in sight, but here, at the X-files fandom we’ve been tortured, tricked and hurt so many times that this is us: IT IS A FUNERAL. SCULLY IS DEAD. WILLIAM IS DEAD. EVERYONE IS DEAD. So, yes. Chris Carter made sure that we are paranoid and we learnt our lesson. Believe nothing, doubt everything...and fix everything. So here is the MSR wedding picture, we all needed @justholdinghandsok
Next filming day, next pictures by Gillian and David. They shared the same pic of Gillian & her Gilly-box. David Duchovny:  It’s official...longest Gillyboard in history! #TheXFiles #bts  Gillian Anderson: “Awe look at that itsy red mark next to my platform! What wee little earthling is set to grovel at my feet?!” (X) Not much later, thanks to some Photoshop skills, came another post:  Like father like son. @brick_duchovny davidduchovny 
David gave an interview to the Australian press, where he talked about Season 11:  “I was only going to watch one but I had to keep going, they are fantastic, I’m not bulls—ing you, I am not selling it,” he says. (X)
Filming continued at Garibaldi Park, which looks gorgeous at this time of the year. And so Gillian posted a video on Monday. “Smoothing out my bits” (X)  
Filming news:
#TheXFiles already done on Vancouver's 500 block Hamilton Street today. That was fast.(X)
It is #TheXFiles filming inside of St. Andrew's Wesley Church today. (X)
The X-files filming,  St. Andrews-Wesley United Church (X)
From Carlena Britch on the X-Files season 11 set
#TheXFiles will be filming at & around Garibaldi Park in North Vancouver on Wednesday & Thursday. (X) 
it’s looking great out there! They have created a fake playground, and the street is lined w “police”cars. (X)
The X-files filming, Lynn Canyon Park, night shoot
@thexfiles filming LynnCanyonPark (X)
Press of the week:
The X-Files' David Duchovny Hints at 'Hanky-Panky' for Mulder and Scully (and New Footage Backs Him Up) (X
No Government Agency has jurisdiction over The Truth - Deep State
Gillian Anderson And David Duchovny Celebrate An 'X-Files' Anniversary Together On Twitter (X)
The 'X-Files' revival continues with a mobile game (X)
9 hit TV shows NO-ONE thought would be a success, from Game of Thrones to Doctor Who (X)
Disney's bid for Fox assets gains momentum: sources (X)
Videos/Photos this week:
Season 10 Cliffhanger | THE X-FILES
2 New Cast Promotional Photos & New Featurette (X)
Promo images for The X-Files Event Series: The Second Chapter
In other news this week;
Channel 5 to premiere new Agatha Christie movie adaptation starring Gillian Anderson and Glenn Close (X)
American Gods EPs Bryan Fuller and Michael Green Exit Ahead of Season 2 (X)
David Duchovny on why you should listen to singers with “bad voices” as he preps Australian tour (X)
Gillian Anderson to Headline New Agatha Christie Adaptation (X)
Some awesome gifsets, pictures, videos and fan arts:
Breaking News - Mulder and Scully are fucking @ccoble
Are you okay? I’m fine... @muld-r
What the fuck dude, do you even know what show this is?  @fistful-of-fandom
We are not used to looking at Mulder at deaths door @platonic-activity
The bed sharing is out there @startwreck
Amazing, amazing December wallpaper from @a-january-girl
they know one (1) pose @youreadarkwizard
Seriously, what is with The Gillovnys and being accident prone?! 😂😂😂😂  @abbycorasmom
12/01/17 -  “I won’t let you go alone.” Can you tell me the name of the episode featured at #33? @thexfilesbasement
NEW FANVID,  ✘/ Believer BY @scullygrl9
History of the Gilly-Box &  Kim Manners - ‘Rock from Mars’ Tribute, Season 10 by me
I think this is it for our 17th week! *Let me know if I missed something or if you have suggestions what to include in the next week summary, feel free to message me anytime*
Lots of love, fam! For another great week ahead!  ❤️ 👽😄👽
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unifyingleaguelore · 7 years
My Opinions of Swain's Potential Direction
As someone who follows Updates and Champion Design, I'll give my perspective and opinion.
They'll definitely try to design a Controller; "Controllers are defensive casters that oversee the battlefield by protecting and opening up opportunities for their allies. A subclass of Controllers is Disruptors - Disruptors specialize in locking down opponents or, in some cases, entire battlefields by creating intense zones of threat that only foolish enemies would dare wade through. Although not as reliant on their friends as Enchanters, the fragile and immobile Disruptors greatly benefit from allied presence - both to deter incoming danger and to help capitalize on targets they’ve locked down." - RiotStatikk. This feels like the best direction to take Swain in thematically and mechanically to preserve the character that Swain currently presents.
The elements in Swain's current kit that are "iconic," that are easily recognized and ingrained the League community's mind.
[Q] Decrepify - It's pretty much the second thing that comes to mind after saying "Swain." This is going to either get relegated to being a part of another move or extremely played up. If it were played down the theme of crows cleaning up the battlefield is something that will likely be played up, perhaps this could be shifted into something similar to Jhin's Trap - that killing enemies makes their corpses into activated traps, perhaps something similar could be done? Otherwise, this ability will be transferred into a strong part of his new kit with some new mechanics that are key to his skill rotation.
[W] Nevermove - Even though I'm fairly certain this will be significantly played down or changed completely in function, it's appearance is something that everyone remembers about fighting Swain. Controlling the flow of battle is something this skill definitely achieves, but feels lackluster when you miss it.
[R] Ravenous Flock - You know how I said Decrepify is the second thing people think of? This is the first. Big angry birdman sucking out your soul like a pissed dementor coming from an aviary. This will be incorporated in a big way, either his passive or ult will contain this iconic transformation ability. If any inspirations are to be had for creating this thematic; Generals and mythic tyrants such Vortigern, Genghis Khan, Hannibal Barca, and Alexander the Great who have mythic auras surrounding them. Commanding the siege from the backlines before unleashing hell like a warrior-king after carefully laid plans - adds flavor and player fantasy.
Elements that'll definitely be removed or extremely downplayed and changed drastically. 
[Passive] Carrion Renewal - They've been building up Swain in the lore as Betrayer, a Military Genius, a Tyrant willing to take necessary steps to conquer Valoran. Reaping rewards from the dead seems like it'll applied to his new kit, but not this. Mana renewal isn't exciting as healing nor something Riot approves of kindly, something will be done to alleviate mana issue, but this has gotta to go since so many Mages have striking similar passives and bring Swain a better in-game identity.
[E] Torment - This skill is literally boring, a point and click mini-Deathfire Grasp and Riot has has probably had this is their iron sights since DFG's removal. I understand that Swain mains might enjoy it for it's raw power, but the way it's animated and how it functions puts it first on the chopping block.
Themes (not Mechanics), that'll potentially be a part of the new Swain. 
Blood Cult - They've been hinted at, and this could be a chance to explore it since what pairs better than blood, war and ravens?
The Black Rose & Necromancy - This isn't potential, this is for certain. The esoteric, secret wisdom and magic is something entwined with him now after Sion's Lore revealed a peek into the narrative's view of Swain in-canon: "The elder Darkwill was well versed in the art of necromancy. It will take me decades to pore through his library of grimoires, but that will be time I can steal, as he did." Necromantic magic, stealing resources from the dead is nicely paired with the raven thematic. Rioter Reav3 even commented on delving more into Swain's Warlock theme!
Grand General & Noxian Revival - Swain's personality I imagine is much like an amalgamation of Frank Underwood, Julius Caesar, Tywin Lannister and Odin. Manipulative, cunning, and thrives in hectic environments as well as being associated with dark themes such as death, betrayal, and conquest. He's definitely a man in pursuit of knowledge and power at any cost and he knows how to draw others to side as well. Working in the shadows however isn't his gist, sure he does it, but his real ability is how he maneuvers in a public eye to his favor while remaining unrevealed in his dark machinations. Him being able to control the pace and flow of a battle is something that should be emphasized.
As the new Grand General after the death of Keiran Darkwill, we've yet to see his intentions and direction for Noxus (which most of my lore presumption includes solidifying Noxus as Unitary State controlled by the Military - since it currently feels more like the lovechild of the Byzantine Empire, French Aristocracy, and the Classical Roman Empire).
So, I definitely feel he'll get an array of voice lines suited to this, to express the enigmatic and charismatic nature he should possess. This should also play into the renaming of his abilities into things that are more appropriate for wizened, scheming conqueror
This all I have in mind right now. Any feedback (including mistakes I've made) is appreciated.
TL;DR - Swain might become a Disruptor keeping his Q,W, and R skills in some way. He might become more ruthless as a character and a champion with subthemes of Necromancy, Blood Magic, & Conquest.
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I've thoroughly enjoyed the Claudine/Frollo headcannons, do you have any in mind for Esmeralda/Phoebus? If the sequel movies are wiped from this universe, that means their son doesn't exist (or not yet). Also, do you have another headcannon for onesided fresme on frollo's part? How would he handle being unable to obtain her in this universe?
Ilike to believe the sequels and spin-offs are valid, as the bookseries (which is, as of the Rise of the Isle of the Lost, is canon…to a certain extent) makes reference to characters that could onlyexist outside of the original movies, such as:
Diegode Vil, presumably the child of Ivy de Vil from the 101 DalmatiansTV series, or a descendant from the rest of the extended de Vilfamily, and
Jade,Jay’s cousin and presumably the daughter of Nasira, Jafar’ssister from the Aladdin video game series
There’sa level of personal bias, with the amount of work I’ve already putinto expanding the world with my own ideas, but I think we can allagree that the Isle and Auradon would be a whole lot less interestingif we didn’t have the likes of:
Mozenrath(Aladdin animated series) acting as Maleficent’s longsuffering middle manager, and personal chew toy as an “inferiormagical being,”
LadyWaltham (Tarzan animated series) adding an element of sympathyto the Isle of the Lost with her regretting her brother Clayton andher nephew are still on there and unable to return, and
LadyCaine (Tangled: Before Ever After), who adds a deliciouselement of grayness and a MASSIVE stain on the otherwise pristinereputation all sympathetic Disney monarchs have.
Ontothe headcanons:
Phoebusbecomes one of the new Captains of the Guard in France once theoriginal forces are merged with, or completely replaced by the newlyestablished Auradon Royal Guard. Though the actual administrative andexecutive power lies much higher up the ranks (such as theCommander-In-Chief, Beast), he himself is an incredibly influentialmember, well-known and well-loved by the citizenship and the fellowsoldiers he patrols the streets with.
Auradonhad to rely heavily on translators, human and machine, or translatingmagic during its tumultuous first years, as everyone struggled tofind one common language for every state to use as the internationalstandard (it’s English still). A LOT of things get lost intranslation or don’t translate too good into another language, orsomeone gets VERY offended when someone who is fluent in both Frenchand Chinese tells you exactly what they meant, and howunflattering it is.
Andthis isn’t even going into all the numerous cultural clashes andfaux paus, such as one unfortunate Louisiana chef realizing you’renot supposed to serve pork to most Agrahbans until he was alreadyuncovering the dish...
Phoebusbridges the gap through his calm, professional demeanor, alwaysshowing politeness and civility to everyone whoever they may be, andof course, his sense of humour, given “a real workout” when hehas to figure out how to make someone laugh with universallyunderstood comedy (someone falling face first into a pile of horsedung), non-verbal humour (wearing a silly, pink, fuzzy bunny earswhilst on duty), and using simple plays on word that foreigners caneasily get, or are tailored specifically to their language.
“Inever quite realized eggs could be such a huge source of humour,”he muses when he has to speak to Spanish speaking citizens.
However,his usefulness quickly dwindled as the culture clashes settled down,people started learning English, and of course, the already olderPhoebus found himself growing ever older and unable to keep up withthe rapid pace of advancement and pop culture references in Auradon,not to mention his disadvantage of “not being gifted a smartphonefor my first birthday.”
Hehas an incredibly cushy administrative position that pays well,commands respect from his soldiers still, and gives him great hoursto spend with his family and other pursuits, but as he’s no longergoing out (or being allowed) on patrols and interacting personallywith the people in his jurisdiction, he can’t help but wonder ifhe’s just being eased into the idea of retirement, and Auradon issimply too nice to boot him for the much feared “chainsaw HR” ofsome corporations from BGU London.
(Forthose not familiar with the term, “chainsaw HR” is when entiredivisions, and numbers into the hundreds are suddenly, and oftentimeswithout proper recompense or retirement packages, fired or forcedinto early retirement.
It’sa play on the term “axed” for being suddenly fired, and chainsawsbeing a modern, much more efficient tool for the same job as aliteral ax.)
It’ssafe to say that at the age of 55 or so, and having already lived oneillustrious career then a brief revival, he’s having a midlifecrisis, not helped by the fact that many other Auradonians about hisage are feeling as obsolete as last year’s ayGem.
(“Butit came out just a year ago!”
“Yeah,but they updated to a new, much better firmware and hardwarearchitecture, all the hot new apps don’t even bother with legacyupdates.”)
Esmerelda has fared much better.
Shehas become an activist in this world, using the power of theinternet, the normalization of the “other,” and the erasure ofthe national and ethnic boundaries that once separated communities tohelp her fellow Romani people (I won’t use “gypsies,” as that’san offensive term to them), and other marginalized, and forgottengroups, such as much of the Wild Fae population.
Shealso owns and teaches at a dance studio, using them to train the nextgeneration of performers (“Be they for the street, the stage, orthe screen”), and waging a subtle campaign to remove the stigma forblatant and shameless use of sexuality.
I’vealways known Auradon is a conservative wet dream in many respects,and the fact that ripping a tiny tear in your skirt is considered“scandalous” by teenagers says a lot.
Beforeyou ask, YES, Esmerelda is still as desired and lusted afternow as she was BGU—probably even more so, now that we have thecombined populations of all the states, and she is a very popular andcommon presence on the internet.
Beforeyou also ask, Phoebus has long gotten over it and considers it “partof the package.”
Sheis one of the most knowledgeable and well-versed with moderntechnology out of the “Travellers” (Auradonians who were adultsor close to it Before Great Uniting), seeing as her troupe ofperformers have always been highly adaptable and all to ready to dowhatever it takes to survive, fit in with the locale they have foundthemselves in, and afterwards, thrive.
Thatthey have generally relied on being couriers and brokers ofinformation, and the internet basically being a giant free market ofinformation has helped GREATLY.
Withher religion, she still isn’t 100% on the existence of God, onlyever praying to Him during times of crisis or as a show of good faithwith the religious institutions of Auradon, but the Greek Pantheonhas given her hope that Supreme Beings like Him do exist.
“Atthe very least, He’s been very light on throwing down lightningbolts from up on high.”
(Thoughmuch less murderous and many other negative traits than the original,Disney Zeus is still INCREDIBLY fond of “warning shots.”)
Andonce more, before you ask, I can seriously see her making a cameo inthe canon as a guest dance instructor for the Descendants, if sheisn’t already a full-time staff member of Auradon Prep, and yes,she would definitely mentor Evie by showing her much healthier waysof expressing her sexuality and femininity without feeling like she’sdegrading herself, or turning herself into a “slab of meat in thebutcher’s window.”
Zephyrwas born BGU, and if my idea that the states had been communicatingfor a few years before the idea of fusing is canon, has a veryunique perspective of being a “Traveler Tot,” living with theideas and concepts imported over through the portals andcommunication crystals, before he got to live it in Auradon when thetechnology and materials could be more easily accessed and produced.
Heis still hyperactive and excitable as ever, though most of that wasbeing channeled into a combination of soldier training and becoming acircus performer like his parents; in his mind, there really isn’tmuch difference between the two, as they both require incrediblephysical skill and endurance, a sharp and creative mind, andrelentless, dedicated training, day-in, day-out.
“Itall really comes down to what you mean when you say you ‘slayedthem,’” he says.
Thisquickly changes in Auradon when he finds himself addicted to HeroRising, the video game that Carlos was seen playing during hisfirst night in Auradon. While initially Phoebus sees it as a good wayfor him to blow off all his excess energy and get some physicaltraining done, and Esmerelda tolerates it as he’s not going offstealing and rearranging stop signs, it evolves into something muchmore for him in time.
Atfirst, he’s the best player on the block, then in theneighbourhood, then the school, then the city, then the state, andfinally, one of the Hall of Famers in Auradon. As he grows older, hejust barely passes his high school subjects as a conditional for hissponsors support and working with the Hero Rising developersas a PR person, community idol AKA a “Paragon,” and beta tester.The height of his fame and success comes when the latest release,Hero Rising: The Lost Legion, features a new playablecharacter based off of him, and his unique dance-like fighting style:
Trueto the name, his life is sent into a spin cycle after that.
Afew years pass, a new Hero Rising is released, and everyone isgushing over the new characters, and Twister gives up his place onthe cover art alongside the series “cornerstones” to give them achance to shine.
NewParagons are brought in as the old guard goes off to college, retiresfrom the business into different, less-demanding pursuits, or isquietly given a send-off as they simply aren’t as salable nor asgood as they were a few years ago.
Zephyrquickly realizes that while he’s still got it, these new kids areinsane, and have so many advantages he didn’t, like muchbetter nutrition, a much more generous school schedule, and havingthe infrastructure, the audience, and the sponsors for Hero RisingParagons already there, rather than helping spearhead them.
Hecontinues on, making less and less public appearances, awkwardlybeing one of the only adult Paragons in crowds increasingly filledwith little kids and teenagers, and new characters based off the newParagons get the spotlight.
“Everyonealready knows Twister, and played him to death in all the specialinstance maps, the players want someone new!”
Thedeath-knell of his career and the cold, hard slap from Reality comeswhen Twister is removed from the roster due to development costs, andthe fact that Zephyr’s fees and royalties were considered too highfor the relatively lower cost of a new, fresh face who the fans aremuch more eager to see digitized.
Heand Phoebus both find themselves facing obsolescence, being leftbehind by a world that has simply moved too fast for them and leftthem in its dust, as they were only ever good at one thing each:fighting, either real bad guys or fictional ones.
Andso, with Esmerelda’s love and support, the two go off to reeducatethemselves and train in the new industries and careers Auradondemands, incidentally becoming the inspiration for the blockbusterfeel good movie of eight years from this time of writing:
Thestory of how a father and son went back to college, forced to startfrom scratch in a brand new world, learning new tricks, makingstrange friends, and doing a whole lot of growing up they didn’tknow they still needed to do.
Nowonto Frollo:
Helaments his permanent loss of Esmerelda (unlike the other Villains,he harbours no fantasies of Claudine getting him off the Isle—notwhen there’s still so much Good Work to be done here in this landof Sinners and Nonbelievers), and takes the disastrous results of hisobsession and lusting after her as a cautionary tale, the catastrophethat befalls those who turn away from God and the Right Path, and howthey take the whole world down with them.
Publicly,he is “that” preacher yelling about modesty, the sanctity ofmarriage and sexuality, and how pretty much everyone on theIsle is damned for engaging in such scandalous, salacious acts likepremarital sex, sexual intercourse without the intention ofprocreation, and of course, homosexuality.
Privately,he seeks a form of redemption by raising a good, Christian child inClaudine, the child he would have born with Esmerelda and raised ifcircumstances had been different (yeee-eep), and is looking for awoman with whom he can have a much healthier relationship with, toshow someone from this Isle what marriage and the word “love”truly means than the perversion the Islanders have turned it into.
Asboth Claudine and Not Esmerelda will attest to, he’s failedmiserably on both counts, but as usual, is blissfully unaware ofeither.
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swipestream · 6 years
Sensor Sweep: Merritt, Howard, Merle Constiner, D&D, Warhammer
Book Collecting (DMR Books): As important to me as Abraham Grace Merritt (I prefer his byline – A. Merritt) is, it constantly surprises me that there are still many today who have never heard of him.  Actually – let me walk that back a bit.  It used to surprise me.  I’ve seen that blank look so many times by now that the follow-up comment comes all-too automatically as I try to place Merritt in some context the rest of the world understands: “He was a famous pulp author who was admired by Lovecraft and Howard…”
And then it kind of trails off when some reply: “Howard?”  “Lovecraft?”  “Pulp what?”
What’s a pulp-story-loving guy to do?
  Authors (DMR Books): The merits of Robert E. Howard’s fiction have long been overshadowed by public perception of him as a one-dimensional writer of simple-minded adventure and fantasy stories. This is particularly the case when recognition of him is conflated with the image of “Conan the Barbarian”: in some minds, the two are virtually indistinguishable. (I recall reading a reference to Howard some time ago in which he was referred to as “a Texas bodybuilder,” which is true as far as it goes but is on par with identifying the Pope as a bachelor—also literally true, as far as it goes, but not quite the whole story.)
  History (Men of the West): The ancient Chapel of Cilliechriost, in the parish of Urray, in Ross-shire, was the scene of one of the bloodiest acts of ferocity and revenge that history has recorded. The original building has long since disappeared, but the lonely and beautifully situated burying-ground is still in use. The tragedy originated in the many quarrels which arose between two great chiefs of the North Highlands—Mackenzie of Kintail and Macdonell of Glengarry. As usual, the dispute was regarding land, but it is difficult to arrive at the degree of blame to which each party was entitled; enough that there was bad blood between these two paladins of the North. Of course, the quarrel was not allowed to go to sleep for lack of action on the part of their friends and clansmen.
  RPG (Black Gate): I just purchased a copy of the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, “a rules-light game system modelled on the classic RPG rules of the early 1980’s”, which is code for an Old School Revival (OSR) game based on the old D&D mechanics that Wizards of the Coast released under open license some twenty(!) or so years ago.
The thing about OSR games is you never quite know whether they are reviving the experience or just the rules of yesteryear’s roleplaying. The two are different because the world has changed.
  Authors (Pulp Flakes): The definition of an “adult Western,” Steve Allen says, is that 20 years ago a cowboy was in love with his horse; today, he’s still in love with his horse— but he worries about it.
Merle Constiner, Butler County author who lives in a 130-year-old house in Monroe finds that adding some Western lore to his writing activities brings variety into his profession. Constiner, who in the past has written historical short stories and novelettes for magazines, has recently finished his second Western novel.
    Gaming (Dreams of Mythic Fantasy): Echoes From Fomalhaut #04: Revenge of the Frogs by Gabor Lux. Published by First Hungarian d20 Society. Available from the Publisher in Print/PDF combo for $8.00. (PDF forthcoming and will be available on DTRPG.) 40 pages.
A 40-page fanzine featuring adventures and GM-friendly campaign materials for Advanced old-school RPG rules, with cover art by Matthew Ray, and illustrations by Denis McCarthy, Stefan Poag, and Andrew Walter. This issue contains… 
  Gaming (Old Skulling): I love the Adventure Title Generator in the Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells – Addendum book and the one in Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells. I think they are so inspiring. When I generate a name, they always come with visual imagens in my mind and immediate plots that could transpire with a story with that name.
But a friend of mine has come up with a cool way to start a game using the Adventure Title Generator and make the players do all the work. His name is Filipe “Pep” and he calls this the “I Know What You Did Last Adventure” method!
  Gaming (Monsters and Manuals): Until last year, I did not know there was such a thing as “Age of Sigmar”. Currently, my knowledge of the setting extends to its wikipedia page. I ought to hate it. I do, happily, hate aspects of it. The names are horrendous – not just the druadin=dwarves, orruks=orcs nonsense, but the terrible unimaginative pseudo-exotic rubbish monolingual English speakers come up with when they try to think of a place name that sounds fantastical (“Ghur”, “Ghyran”, “Ulgu” – give me “Bretonnia” any day). The “Stormcast Eternals” concept is dreadful (you can just imagine the conversation in the board room: “People love Space Marines. We’ve got to find some way to get Space Marines into Warhammer”).
  Fiction (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): Zaklog the Great, John C. Wright, and Nate discuss the Robert E. Howard poem “Solomon Kane’s Homecoming” in this recent podcast.
My take on this…? The guy that acts like a T-800 terminator cast in multiple year(s) long Taken scenarios is going to continue soldiering away on the vengeance front until he drops.
More importantly, if you’re talking Solomon Kane, then you’ve got to have Howard’s pulp fantasy Africa. Africa, the Dark Continent, land of shadows and horror, of bewitchment and sorcery, into which all evil things had been banished before the growing light of the western world! (One more reason why the Solomon Kane movie isn’t a Solomon Kane movie, y’all!).
  Amateur Press (Don Herron): First Brian alerts me to the fact that REHupa mailings from the estate of Carl Osman are on the block at eBay (some with deadlines today).
Now he sends at least tentative proof that Carl is in fact a goner, with an online obit.
When Carl was in REHupa he titled his zine The Burkburnett Papers — at the time he was living in 926 Cropper in the burg of Burkburnett, Texas. Since Carl Osman isn’t that uncommon a name, Leno needed to reconcile the info that Obit Carl was a resident of Baraboo, Wisconsin at the time of his death. He does so in classic deductive style:
  Authors (Charles Gramlich): Black Gate Interview, with Seth Lindberg.
As far as publications and other literary endeavors go, January 2019 has been the most successful month that I’ve had in a long time. Quite a lot of things have appeared. I figured it was worth a blog post. Helps me keep everything straight myself, so here they are—in no particular order.
Interview. I did an article a couple of years ago for Weird Fiction Review #7 on the “beautiful and repellent” in the work of such Weird Tales authors as Robert E. Howard, C. L. Moore, and Clark Ashton Smith. Seth Lindberg, a fine writer himself, did an interview with me about that subject and it went up early today over on Black Gate. We get into some interesting topics so you might enjoy checking it out.
  Fiction (Too Much Horror Fiction): From a mind deranged springs this ludicrous, bat-shit bonkers sleaze-horror novel. This is the book that’s either the zenith or the nadir of paperback pulp-horror fiction. In fact I feel guilty selling it as either because as of today, this book is impossible to obtain for less than $300, and it is not worth that no matter where it stands on the horror scale. Eat Them Alive—its title alone appealing to our basest fears, crude and simplistic as a tabloid headline, humanity reduced to food—is truly garbage. There’s no percentage in arguing otherwise. And yet…
  RPG (Playing at the World): Back when D&D turned 40 in 2014, I put up a post about the date I favored for celebrating its anniversary: the last Sunday in January. Today, January 27, is the last Sunday in January 2019, and the day that I will be tipping a glass to Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and the many others who made D&D possible 45 years ago. Above is an excerpt from a letter that Gygax sent to Arneson — as it reads, just days away from the printing.
  Gaming (Pulsipher Game Design): This is from a quora question: “James Simonse wants an answer to: What are some examples of badly balanced board games?” Rather than list some unbalanced games, I want to talk about unbalance itself. It isn’t always clear whether a game is unbalanced. Perhaps a group of players haven’t figured it out, and as a result one side or another enjoys a big advantage or disadvantage. Or “the jury may still be out”. Take Scythe as an example. It’s a popular game, though released only recently.
Sensor Sweep: Merritt, Howard, Merle Constiner, D&D, Warhammer published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
0 notes
hotspreadpage · 6 years
Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today
In late 2016, pundits declared 2017 whould be the year virtual reality won mass adoption. And yet here we are, well into 2018, still waiting for it to fully materialize.
Are we kind of, nearly, almost there? John Bucher, virtual reality producer and consultant, makes the case for trying the medium even if it’s not fully ready for prime time, with examples of brands actively experimenting with virtual and augmented reality.
But before we begin, let’s get a couple definitions out of the way.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How Virtual Reality Could Change Content Marketing
Virtual reality vs. augmented reality
Virtual reality immerses you in an environment that’s either make-believe (e.g., video games), intended to replicate real life (e.g., a flight simulation), or somewhere in the real world (e.g., scuba diving in the Bahamas). The most common VR headsets are those that hold your mobile phone in front of your eyes while blocking out light, such as Google Cardboard; more high-end options include Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. A VR viewer is opaque. You can’t see through it.
Augmented reality combines digital elements and the real world, adding an augmented layer to what you can see. An AR viewer is transparent, whether literally (e.g., Google Glass) or digitally (e.g., seeing the world in front of you “through” your mobile screen in Pokémon Go).
John is a renowned strategist, communicator, and cultural mythologist based in Hollywood. He is the author of six books, including the bestselling Storytelling for Virtual Reality.
John has worked with a wide range of media brands, including HBO, DC Comics, The History Channel, A24 Films, and The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, and has served as a consultant and writer for numerous film, television, and virtual reality projects. John has spoken on five continents about using the power of story to reframe how products, individuals, organizations, cultures, and nations are viewed.
CCO: How do you feel about the ways brands have used VR to date? Are you hopeful or frustrated by the examples you encounter?
John: Brands for a number of years have mastered the art of storytelling to audiences in order to engage them in products. VR offers a new way to tell stories to an audience. It’s a storytelling medium that goes far beyond novelty; it allows you to immerse your audience in the stories you’re telling, and it affects the brain differently than a flat-screen version of the same story.
#VR lets you immerse your audience in stories & affects the brain differently. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
While brands have been somewhat cautious and slow to move into VR, I think the early experiments have been good. It’s a new language for communicating with audiences, and brands are still figuring out how to best tell stories with this new medium. And it’s significant that brands are doing it at all since there hasn’t been a mass adoption of VR just yet. VR is a popular buzzword, but as far as everyone having a headset … we’re not quite there.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: A Year Full of ‘No Way!?’ Moments for CCO Magazine
CCO: Which brands have made the deepest inroads with VR?
John: There are brands doing interesting things with VR. The New York Times is a great example, but even brands like Nike are using VR in interesting ways. (See below for more about those examples.)
Brands that keep experimenting with VR will be the most successful because the way to figure out how to best use the medium is to keep creating small projects on a limited basis. Today’s VR projects may reach small audiences, but they teach brand leaders the medium and how to communicate with this form of storytelling. If you look at the early days of cinema, you see a similar pattern. Creators have to invent, then perfect, and articulate new visual languages before they can be used with mass audiences.
Creators have to invent, perfect, & articulate new visual languages before they can be used. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 13 Smart Brands Using Technology to Power Their Content
CCO: How about less obvious applications for VR?
John: I think it’s more exciting to look at the companies doing innovative things with augmented reality (AR) in the current space. Some of the fashion magazines are offering opportunities for advertisers to align products with editorial in the same issue. Magazines like Time are introducing new ways to read print by overlaying AR. They are essentially taking the product they’ve been successful with for years and finding new ways to bring it to audiences that might have left the medium altogether. It’s possible these new methods and ways of approaching emerging technology can help to revive a dying industry; using AR, publishers are figuring out ways to engage audiences with new lenses and ways of interacting rather than reinventing their product from the ground up.
Another really interesting example are the many comic book companies figuring out ways to use AR to make comic books come alive. They are adding motion and action to what was a static medium.
In all these examples, when you’re able to take what has been a static image and create something that has dynamic motion, it’s of high interest to advertisers. It draws the eye in ways static images can’t.
Create dynamic motion content to draw eyes that static images can’t, says @johnkbucher. #augmentedreality Click To Tweet
There’s really interesting work being done in the food industry as well, where companies are trying to create AR experiences that appeal to foodies. Recipes, cake decoration, and even technology that can scan certain foods to determine if they have cooked long enough are all being developed for AR applications. Creators of this technology are using the tools people already have, their smartphones, to add practical functionality to their daily experiences – something that lies at the core mission of so many brands.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Chatbots, AI, and Context: Top Takeaways From Intelligent Content Conference
CCO: Are there types of stories (even archetypes) particularly well suited to VR?
John: Much of my background is in the intersection of story and psychology. One of the most successful ways to tell a story in any medium is to establish a protagonist. Who’s the character you should be rooting for? Great storytelling also relies on some sort of conflict, ideally embodied in an antagonist. It’s difficult in our culture because we don’t like to demonize people, but a story is most successful when you can identify some sort of human factor standing in the way of the protagonist. I advise clients that in order to determine what content is going to resonate most, they must create a conflict of some kind and find ways to humanize it. It must be a nuanced approach, but it can be highly effective if you have creators who understand how to navigate the desires and motivations of their audience.
#Content resonates when it has humanized conflict, says @johnkbucher. #writingtips Read more>> Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: The Content Marketer’s Guide to Story Structure
CCO: What do you find particularly exciting about this moment in VR adoption?
John: AR is going to be a real gateway into VR experiences for many people. Most consumers have AR capabilities on their smartphones and likely don’t even know it. This is low-hanging fruit for brands to connect to their audiences. Pokémon Go was a lot of people’s introduction to AR at scale, but now we have everything from makeup and clothing companies showing you how you look in their products to car companies showing you what it looks like to sit inside the car they manufacture. And many of these projects open the door to even more immersive experiences through virtual reality.
The Art of the Cart: How Retail Brands Can Cash in on Content Marketing
Content Marketing Is No Leisurely Feat in the Travel Industry
CCO: What are the best applications for VR vs. AR?
John: AR is similar to VR in many ways but there are some specifics that differentiate the two, especially if you’re trying to tell a story to your audience using AR.
AR is most successful when you provide the audience a sense of agency – or a way for them to feel they are controlling what they are seeing, not just augmenting it. If you tell an audience: you can use this interface to see yourself wearing a shirt we produce, they may say, “The shirt looks nice, but I’d like to see what it looks like in blue and purple.” That’s very important. You need to not only provide the augmented reality experience, but also give users the agency to make the experience immersive.
Give your audience the sense they can control their #augmentedreality experience. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
CCO: Describe the far horizon. What excites you most?
John: I’m interested in seeing how VR will play a part in making the world a better place. For example, we are able to capture places and moments that exist right now using VR. You can film your nephew’s birthday party now with VR technology, and then in 20 years put on a headset and relive the experience in a way that’s very vivid and realistic. Being able to replay experiences that were meaningful in your life – and to do so in a very realistic way – is the most exciting opportunity that the technology presents us with as human beings. And it’s important to remember that advertisers aren’t necessarily excluded from these types of experiences. In fact, they could play a major role. In that captured memory, you’ll see products – the cake, the soda everyone drank, the gifts – and create associations.
Virtual reality examples of media and consumer brands
Investigative journalism brands have been the early pioneers in how to tell stories with virtual reality. The New York Times runs a dedicated VR channel called nytvr. It holds a library of videos beautifully filmed in places readers cannot ordinarily visit. As the channel’s editors explain: “Stand alongside Iraqi forces during a battle with ISIS. Walk on a planet 3 billion miles from the sun. Join our award-winning journalists at the center of it all.”
Frontline’s award-winning documentary, After Solitary, gives viewers a haunting look at what it feels like to live in solitary confinement and the sequela follows prisoners long after they are released.
VR and AR projects from brands sometimes feel like flash over substance, but John says experimentation is critical for brands to get a feel for this new medium.
Nike shot out of the gate early; three years ago, it was publishing 360 videos – long before most of us knew what they were. More recently, Nike developed a conceptual video to show how it imagines product design will change in the near future. In the video, a designer builds a shoe in midair, using an AR headset to see and manipulate a running shoe design, and haptic sensory feedback to give the feeling of a physical product in the designer’s hands. While designers at Nike aren’t designing shoes using AR (yet), Nike is offering a much more limited AR experience in-store for customers who want to style their own sneakers.
.@Nike offers in-store #augmentedreality for customers who want to style their sneakers. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
Future of virtual reality adoption
Of the over 6 million VR headsets shipped in 2016, most were lower-tech devices that require a smartphone to view the content, such as the Samsung Gear VR. However, according to games market research firm SuperData, there were 800,000 fewer Samsung Gear VR headsets shipped in 2017. And while the Oculus Rift represents a more immersive, high-tech VR experience, the company only sold 326,000 headsets in 2017. Without more sales of higher-tech headsets like the Oculus Rift, the audience for truly immersive VR experiences is limited.
Adoption of VR in non-U.S. markets
John points out that while adoption of VR in the United States has been slow, the medium is gaining ground in other regions, particularly APAC countries and the Middle East. “Any brand communicating with international audiences is having the conversation about VR,” he says.
Tech ready for faster uptake
As VR technology advances, there’s optimism that applications will broaden and the price for consumer headsets will come down. In 2018, several major brands are releasing standalone VR headsets that will be significantly cheaper than any predecessors. These are some of the biggest barrier-bashing advances:
Volumetric photogrammetry
It’s safe to say that in its current form developing VR experiences is extremely complex. It entails setting up multiple cameras to capture a 360-degree sphere of video inputs, as well as various angles and depths. Stitching all those takes into a seamless whole is extremely labor intensive.
With volumetric photogrammetry, there are no multiple takes edited in post-production. As TechCrunch explains, “Using the volumetric capture method, footage of a real person is recorded from various viewpoints, after which software analyzes, compresses, and recreates all the viewpoints of a fully volumetric 3D human.” And even more than making the process less painstaking, volumetric photogrammetry translates to a vastly superior VR experience for the viewer.
Inside-out tracking
Advanced VR headsets require expensive computers to run, and users must stay tethered to those computers – which puts a major damper on game play. Yet a new solution called “inside-out tracking” uses sensors built into the headset to track movement rather than the external computer, meaning they can ditch the wire. Time reports that Intel, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook are all testing the technology.
Six degrees of freedom (6DOF)
A handful of headsets scheduled to be released in 2019, including the Oculus Santa Cruz, will include what’s called “six degrees of freedom.” Rather than simply tracking the movement of your head, a 6DOF headset tracks your body as well – opening a much wider set of options for gameplay and VR experiences.
Lowered pricing
Perhaps the most promising development of all is what appears to be lower consumer pricing for vastly improved VR and AR technology. Both HTC and Facebook dropped pricing of their flagship VR headsets in late 2017 – the HTC Vive dropping from roughly $800 to $600 before the 2017 holiday buying season. And analysts expect the entry point for VR headsets will continue to drop in the coming year.
A version of this article originally appeared in the February issue of  Chief Content Officer. Sign up to receive your free subscription to our bimonthly, print magazine.
Learn more about the tomorrow of AR and VR at Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7 in Cleveland, Ohio. Register today for best rates and use code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today syndicated from https://hotspread.wordpress.com
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lucyariablog · 6 years
Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today
In late 2016, pundits declared 2017 whould be the year virtual reality won mass adoption. And yet here we are, well into 2018, still waiting for it to fully materialize.
Are we kind of, nearly, almost there? John Bucher, virtual reality producer and consultant, makes the case for trying the medium even if it’s not fully ready for prime time, with examples of brands actively experimenting with virtual and augmented reality.
But before we begin, let’s get a couple definitions out of the way.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How Virtual Reality Could Change Content Marketing
Virtual reality vs. augmented reality
Virtual reality immerses you in an environment that’s either make-believe (e.g., video games), intended to replicate real life (e.g., a flight simulation), or somewhere in the real world (e.g., scuba diving in the Bahamas). The most common VR headsets are those that hold your mobile phone in front of your eyes while blocking out light, such as Google Cardboard; more high-end options include Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. A VR viewer is opaque. You can’t see through it.
Augmented reality combines digital elements and the real world, adding an augmented layer to what you can see. An AR viewer is transparent, whether literally (e.g., Google Glass) or digitally (e.g., seeing the world in front of you “through” your mobile screen in Pokémon Go).
John is a renowned strategist, communicator, and cultural mythologist based in Hollywood. He is the author of six books, including the bestselling Storytelling for Virtual Reality.
John has worked with a wide range of media brands, including HBO, DC Comics, The History Channel, A24 Films, and The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, and has served as a consultant and writer for numerous film, television, and virtual reality projects. John has spoken on five continents about using the power of story to reframe how products, individuals, organizations, cultures, and nations are viewed.
CCO: How do you feel about the ways brands have used VR to date? Are you hopeful or frustrated by the examples you encounter?
John: Brands for a number of years have mastered the art of storytelling to audiences in order to engage them in products. VR offers a new way to tell stories to an audience. It’s a storytelling medium that goes far beyond novelty; it allows you to immerse your audience in the stories you’re telling, and it affects the brain differently than a flat-screen version of the same story.
#VR lets you immerse your audience in stories & affects the brain differently. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
While brands have been somewhat cautious and slow to move into VR, I think the early experiments have been good. It’s a new language for communicating with audiences, and brands are still figuring out how to best tell stories with this new medium. And it’s significant that brands are doing it at all since there hasn’t been a mass adoption of VR just yet. VR is a popular buzzword, but as far as everyone having a headset … we’re not quite there.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: A Year Full of ‘No Way!?’ Moments for CCO Magazine
CCO: Which brands have made the deepest inroads with VR?
John: There are brands doing interesting things with VR. The New York Times is a great example, but even brands like Nike are using VR in interesting ways. (See below for more about those examples.)
Brands that keep experimenting with VR will be the most successful because the way to figure out how to best use the medium is to keep creating small projects on a limited basis. Today’s VR projects may reach small audiences, but they teach brand leaders the medium and how to communicate with this form of storytelling. If you look at the early days of cinema, you see a similar pattern. Creators have to invent, then perfect, and articulate new visual languages before they can be used with mass audiences.
Creators have to invent, perfect, & articulate new visual languages before they can be used. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 13 Smart Brands Using Technology to Power Their Content
CCO: How about less obvious applications for VR?
John: I think it’s more exciting to look at the companies doing innovative things with augmented reality (AR) in the current space. Some of the fashion magazines are offering opportunities for advertisers to align products with editorial in the same issue. Magazines like Time are introducing new ways to read print by overlaying AR. They are essentially taking the product they’ve been successful with for years and finding new ways to bring it to audiences that might have left the medium altogether. It’s possible these new methods and ways of approaching emerging technology can help to revive a dying industry; using AR, publishers are figuring out ways to engage audiences with new lenses and ways of interacting rather than reinventing their product from the ground up.
Another really interesting example are the many comic book companies figuring out ways to use AR to make comic books come alive. They are adding motion and action to what was a static medium.
In all these examples, when you’re able to take what has been a static image and create something that has dynamic motion, it’s of high interest to advertisers. It draws the eye in ways static images can’t.
Create dynamic motion content to draw eyes that static images can’t, says @johnkbucher. #augmentedreality Click To Tweet
There’s really interesting work being done in the food industry as well, where companies are trying to create AR experiences that appeal to foodies. Recipes, cake decoration, and even technology that can scan certain foods to determine if they have cooked long enough are all being developed for AR applications. Creators of this technology are using the tools people already have, their smartphones, to add practical functionality to their daily experiences – something that lies at the core mission of so many brands.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Chatbots, AI, and Context: Top Takeaways From Intelligent Content Conference
CCO: Are there types of stories (even archetypes) particularly well suited to VR?
John: Much of my background is in the intersection of story and psychology. One of the most successful ways to tell a story in any medium is to establish a protagonist. Who’s the character you should be rooting for? Great storytelling also relies on some sort of conflict, ideally embodied in an antagonist. It’s difficult in our culture because we don’t like to demonize people, but a story is most successful when you can identify some sort of human factor standing in the way of the protagonist. I advise clients that in order to determine what content is going to resonate most, they must create a conflict of some kind and find ways to humanize it. It must be a nuanced approach, but it can be highly effective if you have creators who understand how to navigate the desires and motivations of their audience.
#Content resonates when it has humanized conflict, says @johnkbucher. #writingtips Read more>> Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: The Content Marketer’s Guide to Story Structure
CCO: What do you find particularly exciting about this moment in VR adoption?
John: AR is going to be a real gateway into VR experiences for many people. Most consumers have AR capabilities on their smartphones and likely don’t even know it. This is low-hanging fruit for brands to connect to their audiences. Pokémon Go was a lot of people’s introduction to AR at scale, but now we have everything from makeup and clothing companies showing you how you look in their products to car companies showing you what it looks like to sit inside the car they manufacture. And many of these projects open the door to even more immersive experiences through virtual reality.
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Content Marketing Is No Leisurely Feat in the Travel Industry
CCO: What are the best applications for VR vs. AR?
John: AR is similar to VR in many ways but there are some specifics that differentiate the two, especially if you’re trying to tell a story to your audience using AR.
AR is most successful when you provide the audience a sense of agency – or a way for them to feel they are controlling what they are seeing, not just augmenting it. If you tell an audience: you can use this interface to see yourself wearing a shirt we produce, they may say, “The shirt looks nice, but I’d like to see what it looks like in blue and purple.” That’s very important. You need to not only provide the augmented reality experience, but also give users the agency to make the experience immersive.
Give your audience the sense they can control their #augmentedreality experience. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
CCO: Describe the far horizon. What excites you most?
John: I’m interested in seeing how VR will play a part in making the world a better place. For example, we are able to capture places and moments that exist right now using VR. You can film your nephew’s birthday party now with VR technology, and then in 20 years put on a headset and relive the experience in a way that’s very vivid and realistic. Being able to replay experiences that were meaningful in your life – and to do so in a very realistic way – is the most exciting opportunity that the technology presents us with as human beings. And it’s important to remember that advertisers aren’t necessarily excluded from these types of experiences. In fact, they could play a major role. In that captured memory, you’ll see products – the cake, the soda everyone drank, the gifts – and create associations.
Virtual reality examples of media and consumer brands
Investigative journalism brands have been the early pioneers in how to tell stories with virtual reality. The New York Times runs a dedicated VR channel called nytvr. It holds a library of videos beautifully filmed in places readers cannot ordinarily visit. As the channel’s editors explain: “Stand alongside Iraqi forces during a battle with ISIS. Walk on a planet 3 billion miles from the sun. Join our award-winning journalists at the center of it all.”
Frontline’s award-winning documentary, After Solitary, gives viewers a haunting look at what it feels like to live in solitary confinement and the sequela follows prisoners long after they are released.
VR and AR projects from brands sometimes feel like flash over substance, but John says experimentation is critical for brands to get a feel for this new medium.
Nike shot out of the gate early; three years ago, it was publishing 360 videos – long before most of us knew what they were. More recently, Nike developed a conceptual video to show how it imagines product design will change in the near future. In the video, a designer builds a shoe in midair, using an AR headset to see and manipulate a running shoe design, and haptic sensory feedback to give the feeling of a physical product in the designer’s hands. While designers at Nike aren’t designing shoes using AR (yet), Nike is offering a much more limited AR experience in-store for customers who want to style their own sneakers.
.@Nike offers in-store #augmentedreality for customers who want to style their sneakers. @johnkbucher Click To Tweet
Future of virtual reality adoption
Of the over 6 million VR headsets shipped in 2016, most were lower-tech devices that require a smartphone to view the content, such as the Samsung Gear VR. However, according to games market research firm SuperData, there were 800,000 fewer Samsung Gear VR headsets shipped in 2017. And while the Oculus Rift represents a more immersive, high-tech VR experience, the company only sold 326,000 headsets in 2017. Without more sales of higher-tech headsets like the Oculus Rift, the audience for truly immersive VR experiences is limited.
Adoption of VR in non-U.S. markets
John points out that while adoption of VR in the United States has been slow, the medium is gaining ground in other regions, particularly APAC countries and the Middle East. “Any brand communicating with international audiences is having the conversation about VR,” he says.
Tech ready for faster uptake
As VR technology advances, there’s optimism that applications will broaden and the price for consumer headsets will come down. In 2018, several major brands are releasing standalone VR headsets that will be significantly cheaper than any predecessors. These are some of the biggest barrier-bashing advances:
Volumetric photogrammetry
It’s safe to say that in its current form developing VR experiences is extremely complex. It entails setting up multiple cameras to capture a 360-degree sphere of video inputs, as well as various angles and depths. Stitching all those takes into a seamless whole is extremely labor intensive.
With volumetric photogrammetry, there are no multiple takes edited in post-production. As TechCrunch explains, “Using the volumetric capture method, footage of a real person is recorded from various viewpoints, after which software analyzes, compresses, and recreates all the viewpoints of a fully volumetric 3D human.” And even more than making the process less painstaking, volumetric photogrammetry translates to a vastly superior VR experience for the viewer.
Inside-out tracking
Advanced VR headsets require expensive computers to run, and users must stay tethered to those computers – which puts a major damper on game play. Yet a new solution called “inside-out tracking” uses sensors built into the headset to track movement rather than the external computer, meaning they can ditch the wire. Time reports that Intel, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook are all testing the technology.
Six degrees of freedom (6DOF)
A handful of headsets scheduled to be released in 2019, including the Oculus Santa Cruz, will include what’s called “six degrees of freedom.” Rather than simply tracking the movement of your head, a 6DOF headset tracks your body as well – opening a much wider set of options for gameplay and VR experiences.
Lowered pricing
Perhaps the most promising development of all is what appears to be lower consumer pricing for vastly improved VR and AR technology. Both HTC and Facebook dropped pricing of their flagship VR headsets in late 2017 – the HTC Vive dropping from roughly $800 to $600 before the 2017 holiday buying season. And analysts expect the entry point for VR headsets will continue to drop in the coming year.
A version of this article originally appeared in the February issue of  Chief Content Officer. Sign up to receive your free subscription to our bimonthly, print magazine.
Learn more about the tomorrow of AR and VR at Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7 in Cleveland, Ohio. Register today for best rates and use code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/05/brands-plunge-vr/
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