#This is entirely about stuff the listener actually did or the beliefs the hold
One thing I find incredibly interesting about ZSakuVA and his series 'The Nobel Trials' is actually the character of the listener.
And I know you all are thinking:
"Umbra... It is a self insert listener..."
But just hear me out.
Zaros, as a very far leftist, embodies most of the beliefs that I hold true in my day to day existence. About opening everything to the public and providing better education, healthcare, food ect to all.
But the thing is we aren't Zaros we are essentially elon musk's kid. Granted the listener's mother does seem very kind but that kind of wealth and the established listener's character makes them seem unnaturally callous. Which quite frankly they are.
But that's no fun to me.
So instead I have been coming up with the most petty and slightly devil's advocate counterarguments to every single claim that Zaros is making about this listener. Also as well as considering why the listener acts the way they do. I plan on making this in a list because I find this so entertaining. It will probably be called something like #Zaros' listener's character study.
This post I'm mainly use as a PSA to say that this is merely a character analysis. Zaros, while he does have his flaws, I objectivly agree with politically so far in the series (Ep 2). This is all a bit of banter and I hope you all can enjoy as much as I do!
Umbra 🕯
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To Have & To Hold: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel - Moon Knight (Mafia AU)
Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader, Jake Lockley x F!Reader
Summary: To ensure you’re always safe even after his passing, your father, a mob boss, makes you marry his right hand, Marc Spector. You don’t necessarily hate Marc, but you don’t get along either. Therefore, this marriage of convenience may be a bit difficult for you.
Series Masterlist
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You and Marc sit across from each other at a restaurant. Your father had made a reservation for the two of you in a private room. You slump back, arms crossed over your chest, glaring at the bubbles in your champagne.
Marc sits up, back straight. He's alert but his eyes are on you, watching you. It's been fairly silent between the two of you since you both arrived to the restaurant.
He finally speaks up, "You gonna speak or somethin'?"
"Why would you agree to this?" you look at him in disbelief, "I mean, besides being my dad's successor in the business, what could you possibly gain marrying me?"
"Is it hard to believe that I care about you?" he responds with his own question which makes you snort.
"Marc, yes, you've worked for my father for a long time. We see each other a lot, but I wouldn't necessarily count us as friends."
A server comes and refills your glass, even though you've barely had a sip, and refills Marc's whiskey. Marc gives him a nod of thanks and when they're gone, he looks back to you. He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, "Listen, I owe your father a lot. He's done a lot for me. You wanna know why I'm marrying you? Because I owe him and, despite your belief, I care about you."
You scoff, you seem to be doing that a lot since earlier today, "Right, sure. Whatever. If we're actually going through with this, I get to plan ninety percent of this wedding. Got it?"
Marc holds his hands up and leans back in his chair, "Whatever you want, sunshine." He proceeds to open the menu and take a look, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving and I'm tired of waiting for you to get out with this mood," he waves his hand in your direction.
You roll your own eyes and take a look at the menu. This is going to be a long dinner.
Plates empty, stomachs full, and three glasses of champagne later, the dinner was finally over. You and Marc made, surprisingly, good conversation. He asked you about your charity organization. Throughout the entire time, Marc kept his focus on you, nodding and occasionally pushing for you to share more.
You asked about him, however, he wasn't very keen to talk about his past. You understood. You remember when he started working for you dad. All your father told you was that he's had a troubled past, but he gets stuff done. So your father took him under his wing. From what Marc told you, he was a former Marine and mercenary.
"I wanted to serve my country but...in the process, I hurt a lot of people." You could see the regret in his eyes.
"No offense, Marc, but if you don't like hurting people, getting into the mafia business isn't necessarily a way to-I don't know-cleanse your soul?"
He shrugged, "I learned to turn that all off. I don't always rough people up, like you may think. I do reconnaissance sometimes or, ya know, trail after Miss Sunshine," he nodded towards you and you stuck your tongue at him. He smirked and his eyes darkened. You suddenly felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze and began to down more of your champagne.
Now, the dinner is over and you're sleepy.
You stand up and collect your things. Neither of you had to pay because the server told you that your father handled it. As the two of you exited the restaurant, Marc's hand went to your lower back as he guided you to the sidewalk.
"Did you drive here?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I took an uber. They should be here soon."
"Cancel it." Marc doesn't ask but demands.
You wave away his demand, "I'll be fine."
"Y/N," he gives you a warning tone, "Cancel. It."
You glare at him and say with as much ferocity, "Make. Me."
He swiftly pulls your phone from your grasp and you're immediately trying to get it back.
"Wah-hey! Marc! Give it back!" your pleads are deaf on his ears as he manages to unlock your phone, go to the Uber app, and cancels your ride. As soon as he does so, he pockets your phone.
On cue, the valet drives up with Marc's car, "Get in." He opens the passenger door for you and waits.
You sigh in defeat as you climb into his Rolls Royce Cullinan. He closes the door behind you and hands the valet some cash before thanking him and getting in.
He snorts when he sees you checking out his car, "What's wrong?"
"Didn't expect you to have a car like this."
"Seatbelt on," he reminds you. After he sees you buckle up, he explains, "I never had anything super nice. Figured since your dad paid me so well, I'd buy a nice car."
"You seemed like a Tesla guy to me."
"Fuck Tesla," Marc says and that makes you laugh for some reason. His own smile makes a way on his face and he quickly glances your way before focusing back on the road.
A part of you wants to compliment his smile but...is that weird? Is it weird to tell your future fiance that you're being forced to marry that his smile is nice? Maybe?
Too many mental gymnastics made you eventually decide not to say thing. The rest of the ride is silent, but not an awkward or tense silence like before dinner started.
He doesn't say anything until the car rolls up to your apartment building. He quickly rushes out and helps you out, guiding you to the door, where your doorman, Stan, opens it for you.
Before you enter, you turn to Marc, "Um, tonight was...nice?"
He nods, "I know this is gonna be hard for you. But I would like to be friends if we're marrying each other."
"Right. Yeah, that-that makes sense."
"You'll probably be seeing more of me too."
"Of course," you're suddenly unsure of what else to say Marc and he could probably sense this.
"Good night, sunshine. Sweet dreams."
"Yeah, thanks. You too." you give him a small wave before walking into your building. Through the window, you watch him drive away.
When you're finally in your apartment, you get into your jammies and launch yourself into bed. You recall how tonight and...wait...why do you feel all fluttery inside???
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mintytealfox · 2 months
For the dragon's AU, what would happen if Alice found out Norton was a dragon.
-listens to Game of Thrones dragon noises to get back in to dragon characterizing mindset cause their sound design for them poor bbys were A++ oh my GOSH Rhaegal was my favorite and they did him so dirty for no reason what the heck I am still sad about it ahhhh-
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I can cry some more about that LATER lol ;; ANYWAYS
OOOOOOOOOO LETS DO THIS THING 👀 So my first thoughts are that Norton definitely wouldn't purposely reveal his dragon form unless it couldn't be helped for some reason, or deemed it necessary I think during their time together, of him basically following her around everywhere, he didn't transform a singular time and I can see that paying a toll on him 👀 like using a magic spell for W A Y too long So I am sure Alice will be seeing these signs and wondering what the cause is. Wondering if he is cursed and has to deal with chronic issues that are progressing as time continues only for SOMETHING to happen and the truth comes out~
Now for the actual switch and how it happens 🤔
Maybe he gets injured and that is the last straw his back can take, so the human form just breaks and he turns back into a dragon or he is given an ultimatum, show his true self or something happens to Alice. Or Alice is just thrown from a building or something so he chooses to transform to help her 🤔 Either way, him finally showing his dragon form would be dope lol
As for Alice's reaction, I think it would depend on how the transformation happens, but I can see her ultimately being cool with it in the end regardless lol
But I can see her being concerned at first, I am sure there are ideas and beliefs about dragons, that would make a person concerned when met face to face with one, that would be hard to break. But then all those little hints that Norton would drop in his actions or words would start to pop up in her mind as she pieces it all together. -Like how he tends to hold onto things and is possessive over stuff he deems as his -When he sleeps he just surrounds himself with everything that is in the room they are staying in, just bringing it all into a big mess nest lol After that first night Alice made sure she always has enough money for two rooms cause she aint dealing with that -wheeze- -How he can smell food, usually bread, from ridiculously far away -and How he is like a 'magnet' (heh) for finding minerals The list goes on honestly LOL so she would come around and be able to drop the taboo-ness of it all
Norton likely notices the hesitation at first and then decides to sabotage the entire 'relationship' they had in an effort to protect himself and continue to believe he is better alone and use all this as further proof that humans are the worst.
so yea that is gonna have to be fixed heh
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
I just reread strange trails and I'd love to know your inspirations for it! Your ideas behind the worldbuilding, the genesis of the plot, all that good stuff if you'd like to share!
the backstory
im a college student and was unemployed all summer. in order to pass the time while waiting for local jobs to reject me i started a crochet project. throughout pretty much the entire month of june. and possibly also may. i would make my squares and listen to the strange trails album. straight through. every day. i may have gone a little bit insane.
but it's okay. i'm already insane.
lord huron (the band who made the album) has like. lore. am i familiar with this lore? no i am not. am i aware nonetheless that there is lore? yes absolutely. if you listen to their discography there's definitely lore -- recurring themes (resurrection, adventuring, magical seductive women, etc), motifs (depends on the album but strange trails is big on flowers, trees, snow, although there is one song that's set in the desert), characters (they keep mentioning a guy called the world ender.) anyHway the point of all of this is that the music is [solid 7.5 out of 10 but it scratches my exact brain itches] and very evocative of the imagery and idea of a deeper world. my favourite off the album (and one of my favourites in the discography) is la belle fleur sauvage, which tells the listener about a long perilous quest for some mythical thing (a flower. also a woman. metaphor), although one of the ones whose imagery i enjoyed the most is frozen pines, which is a little less concrete but invokes images of cold, the side of a mountain, strange happenings, etc.
the idea
those songs are definitely the most direct inspiration for it but unfortunately my process for developing ideas is kind of terrible because it involves less "sitting down and coming up with stuff" and more "wait for a 60% formed idea to smack you upside the head like rapunzel in tangled and her cast-iron frying pan." which quinn and his sad little corpse did.
if you go back far enough in the quinnfic tag on my blog u can see the post right after it Happened. the idea was literally "quinn hughes carries a corpse up a mountain, and horror."
so i take this little piece of grit from which my pearl of questionable moral integrity will be built and i ask it questions. first off: quinn, why are you on that mountain? who is the corpse? is anyone else with you? soon enough petey decided to join him (although quinn is and was always the protagonist/pov character). the body was The Ghost Of Vancouver before it was brock over top of that.
another inspiration, which i realize i'm leaving out, is this
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this is artist grayson perry's work "hold your beliefs lightly" from tomb of the unknown craftsman, and this image of a long perilous upward journey towards some sacred place really combined together with la belle fleur sauvage to form the base idea of the world for the work.
and of course why would you carry a corpse up a mountain to some sacred place if you couldn't resurrect it at the end?
im big on metaphor. if i'm writing something long it has to have a Point to it, some larger theme than romance and stuff (this is mostly because i'm bad at writing romance)(and also big on curses and the like.) and also because quinn hughes asexual barb i never fucked/i never fucked/all my life man, fucks sake. this was also being written right before the peak of Canucks Captaincy Debate, and in our hearts didn't we all know quinn was going to be the one to wear the c?
so it became pretty clear pretty quick that as well as my attempt at writing horror that this was going to be a quinn character study -- and this is where i should talk about my other fic scheherazade.
in scheherazade, auston actually doesn't make a lot of choices -- he tags along, arguing with the narrator/bill, and only starts to take an active role in the way the story is going near the end, when he finally gets sick of it all. quinn, however, is not at all the same kind of person as auston. he's less artistic and more practical; an older brother instead of a younger one; jewish; not nearly so squeamish. he takes an active role in the story from the very beginning, showing up to the base of the mountain with his pack full, both prepared and not for what lies ahead.
the mountain
vancouver is smack in the middle of the north shore mountains, so there's a million hiking trails about, but the one i can most easily think of (as someone who hasn't been to vancouver in several years) is the grouse grind trail, a popular and fairly short trail that the canucks prospects actually do every year, so i knew quinn and petey (both vancouver draftees) would be familiar. i've never actually done the grouse grind, which was part of the reason i decided to kind of. toy with reality. you can't call me out on inaccuracy when it's Not Real On Purpose (although the sign at the 1/4 mark is copied directly from photos i've seen.)
petey and the plot
once i added petey, i knew i'd have to get rid of him -- a lot of the scene ideas were quinn-only, and petey's way too sarcastic and useless (AFFECTIONATE) to engage seriously with the ideas presented to him like quinn would and did. so i needed to divide them up.
the original plot idea from the outline is actually pretty similar up until the end of chapter 6 (the conversation w the ghost), but it differs in a few crucial ways -- one, quinn breaks down again, crying and everything, and two, he actually does go through with the resurrection instead of using his wish to get petey down the mountain safely. i realized around then that this wouldn't work with the quinn i'd created, especially after his argument with the ghost: he's far less focused on glory than stability, less interested in the cup or his contract and more interested in the safe long bet than high rolling. in a cold, wet environment like the mountain it's a lot easier to get hypothermia without noticing than it is in a dry environment, even if the dry environment is several degrees colder than the wet one. and quinn would know that, having seen petey's thin little sweater and knowing his stubborn ass is going to freeze.
so after that it became about hypothermia. i actually had a bit of a writing pause after this because i knew i was going off-outline, so i had to kind of inch ahead until i knew where i was going. but i'm happy with how it turned out!
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mochiajclayne · 2 years
The blame goes to Road to Ninja universe (both movie and Tenten's infinite tsukuyomi dream) and I know Menma looks like Naruto and Sasuke's kid but hear me out:
Naruto and Menma as twins then falling in love with twin brothers Charasuke and Sasuke but set in modern au.
- Honestly everyone is alive because Nart and Sauce are traumatized enough in canon.
- Naruto and Sasuke definitely established relationship because they're whipped for each other (but it took them years to be boyfriends because these two took slow burn and ran away with it).
- Naruto and Menma are the best twins and in this au, I will...
Let's be honest though, Menma can't handle Naruto's randomness all the time but he will always lend an ear to listen to Naruto's all-time hyperfixation: Sasuke.
- Chara and Sasuke actually gets along contrary to everyone's belief. And Chara isn't dumb by all means but he's pretty much a himbo womanizer.
- Sasuke and Menma are friends and Naruto always say they do "smart stuffs" together but little did he know that Menma talks about Chara to Sasuke all the time aka complain about his flirty shenanigans aka Chara's nonstop attempts on kissing him.
- Menma rants calmly and state the problem directly to Sasuke but would go all out rambling to Naruto and he has a scheduled rant at 9 pm sharp.
- Chara is pretty much confident with his kissing skills and sexuality and Menma is really tense and serious all the time so a kiss will definitely ease the tension (he is just a helpful bro 👀).
- Sasuke is pretty much convinced that Menma likes Chara but doesn't comment on that. Naruto, on the other hand, considers the possibility because double dates, sue him for finding that wholesome.
- Charasuke, for the life of him, can't tell Naruto and Menma apart to the point that Chara kissed Naruto by mistake and Sasuke punched him almost immediately.
Chara, nursing his punched jaw: How can you tell them apart?
Sasuke, glaring: One of them is my boyfriend.
- Chara wouldn't skip on dates but will always turn them down to spend time with his family, especially when traditions are in concern. Only a few people knows this side of Chara (aka his entire family).
- Chara fell first but Menma fell harder. (In actuality, they're both whipped but Menma is better at holding it in while Chara is literally gestures, feelings, and sweet nothings.)
- Chara confessed first because excuse you, romance is his area of expertise. Menma is skeptical due to obvious reasons.
- Chara is pretty much in love with everyone like how Naruto is good to all people and Sasuke and Menma share a silent agreement to that.
- LISTEN. Menma and Sasuke as the protective twin.
- But hear me out: Chara flirting with girls so that they won't fawn over Sasuke (since the other feels uncomfortable with it).
- Menma being the #1 Naruto defender because people like to compare both of them and Menma calls bullshit because Naruto might not learn in a conventional way but it doesn't mean, he's automatically dumb.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Elliot talking about how he hates bullies this week made me think again about Rafael and how out of line he was at the end of last season. Calling Elliot a bully and saying Olivia loves him because she has daddy issues just felt like Rafael almost willfully choosing to see their relationship in a vulgar way. It reeked of self-pity and I can't decide if it was out of character or not. He's feeling hurt and maybe a little petty, but Rafa can do petty sometimes. I'm also irritated with the idea that Rafa had really been doing what was best for Liv whether she wanted it or not. She set a boundary and he chose to ignore it and instead of apologizing is just getting pissed at her for not being over it. If it was just that, I could see them getting past it, but I believe the Stabler family is going to become Olivia's family and even if they never get married, the Stabler kids will be something like her stepchildren and I have a hard time seeing Olivia asking any of them to share company with their mother's murderer's lawyer which would put him on the sideline of her life in a best case scenario. Anyway, I actually was meaning to ask your opinion. Did you feel like Rafa was out of character in the season finale? Did you think he was saying he was in love with Liv? What do you think their path forward looks like and/or what do you want to see? Feel free to answer any or none of those questions.
rafa can be petty, and he is always quick with a sharp remark, warranted or not; the man's trademark in court is saying absolutely outlandish things and then saying "withdrawn" before he gets in trouble (which no lawyer would get away with for very long it must be said).
i think that the rafa scenes at the end of last season were less about rafa as a character and more about the character of the men putting the words in his mouth. they want us to believe he was doing the right thing for liv - bc they either do not realize or do not care that he violated her boundaries, they think that violation is justified which is. uh. telling. they want us to sympathize with him, even when he's saying fucked up stuff like "when you're done feeling betrayed by me", which smacks of a fucked up attitude towards women that i don't think rafa holds. rafa knows next to nothing about elliot but dubs him a bully - that is not about rafa's beliefs, that is about the walrus's longstanding grudge against elliot as a character which frankly has no basis in canon.
now, that being said. we have seen rafa react to seeing olivia with other people before. he handled the cassidy reveal pretty well, but at that point he's fairly new to the squad. when he found out about tucker he got angry, reported her, and got her kicked out of svu (not necessarily his intention, but a foreseeable consequence of his actions). it isn't entirely out of character for rafa to be moody and petulant about olivia's connection to another man who he believes isn't good enough for her. that is very much in the category of things rafa might do.
but again the way he did it felt Wrong, to me. and the daddy issues thing! oh my god! that was so out of bounds. even for him that felt like a bridge too far, a sort of "wait, what?" moment that i haven't really reconciled.
rafa says that olivia loves elliot unconditionally; did he never wonder why? did he never wonder what elliot had done to deserve it? rafa didn't listen to olivia, but at the end of the day rafa is not real. rafa is the creation of real people, who also chose not to allow olivia to speak for herself. they chose to keep that character quiet and pontificate about her feelings from another, much more patronizing, point of view. and that shit is never gonna sit right with me fam.
rafa deserved better.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
Hi if I may I wanna request LS hcs, like what's their reaction to reader getting injured in a mission and calling the bois to drive to pick them up? Like, through the call they could just tell sth bad happened to reader. (And can u make it gn? Thx very much I love ur writings!!)
thank u sm!!! 🥺 and i make everything gender neutral by default so no worries there my love (i want these boys to care for my they/themmie ass)
la squadra helping their injured partner home 🤕
risotto ✂️
the moment risotto heard something off in your voice, a quaver or unsteady breath, his heart stopped. he'll ask if you're injured, and when you say yes, he's already up and on his way
he keeps calm, and first of all he's making sure it's not bad enough that you need a hospital. if you reassure him honestly that it's not that severe, he tells you to stay put and wait for him and he doesn't waste a second. he may insist you stay on the phone with one of the others while he drives.
and he's driving as fast as he can without being reckless. you're so important to him, and even if he's reassured that you're not dying, the thought of you hurt and alone--his heart can't take it. all that mattered was getting to you and making sure you're safe, so he didn't ask yet how the injury happened--but if someone hurt you and they're still alive, they won't be for much longer. and he won't make it quick, he thinks with his jaw clenched and a hard grip on the steering wheel.
but he's all gentleness with you when he gets there. he's relieved beyond belief that you are, in fact, alive, but his heart is in his throat seeing you injured. if you'll let him, he'll pick you up and place you in the passenger seat. he looks you over and does quick fixes to last you until you get home.
he's still tense in the car. he'll ask how it happened; if it was an accident or the target you already dealt with, he'll be reassured. if it was someone else who's still kickin, he's already making plans. but still, his focus is you. at every red light, he's taking a hand off the wheel to rest on your shoulder, your knee, to hold your hand, just to soothe him that you're there. eventually, you just keep one hand on his knee. he can't express how grateful he is for your grounding presence.
you've done well. just... be more careful, amore.
he can breathe again once you're both safe at home and you can be properly patched up. he'll stay with you until you fall asleep, then stay a little longer.
prosciutto 🚬
something is wrong. it's not a question. explain that you're injured, and he's on his way. you're not hospital injured, but he doesn't waste his time. he'll want to know immediately what happened and will scold you for being reckless, but he's just shaken. he's determined to stay calm for you though and keep you calm.
he will definitely get one of the others to stay on the phone with you while he drives (and he's going as fast as he can). he's not taking any chances. if you got hurt again after calling him, when he's supposed to look out for you, he'd never forgive himself.
he's also turning the whole mission over in his head (from what you've told him) while he's goin, and tapping his finger on the steering wheel, because yes injuries happen, but.... he can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. you've told him the extent of it, but he's conjuring up a whole other round of scolding when he sees it in person.
but then he does see you, and all that goes out the window, because his nurturing instincts kick in and all he can think of is taking care of you. he's speaking softly and hushes you soothingly if you make a pained noise. he doesn't want to linger, so he gathers you quickly to the car and takes off again
he's instructing you on breathing through the pain in a calm tone. helping you focus keeps him focused, too. when you get home, he's all gentle touches as you're being treated, and he does the forehead touch to ground himself in your presence.
pesci 🎣
is everything okay? he's all worried, cause you don't sound okay. you say you're injured, and his throat gets tight. he promises you he'll be right there, lay low and keep yourself safe he's getting there as fast as he can!!!
and he rushes. he's kinda freaking out. he's more than kinda freaking out actually because you're all alone and you're hurt and the thought of it makes his eyes prick, but he steadies himself because he can't drive if he's crying and he's gotta get to you. you're his partner, you called him, you put your faith in him and he will not let you down
the moment he sees you he's spilling apologies that he didn't come with you for the mission because maybe he could've prevented this. you tell him not to blame himself. he swallows and nods and VERY gently helps you into the car, he's terrified of getting you more hurt. his hands are shaky while he gets you stable and comfortable but he doesn't half ass it in the slightest.
he glances over at you when he can but he drives Very carefully on the way home, he wants to keep you safe. he'll ask you to tell him about the mission, or offers to just listen if you want to talk about something else, get your mind off it.
he fusses and frets over you when you get home but he's relieved that you're safe. if someone hurt you and you didn't get to them first--yeah, they're dead meat. no more mr. nice fishy.
formaggio 🧀
he'll be like, babe u good??? tell him you're injured and he says not to worry, he'll be right there, hang tight okay? he's gonna get you home safe, he loves u.
he keeps a rather level head because he's just focused entirely on you, on making sure you're gonna be okay cause what kind of boyfriend would he be otherwise?? he can't help but feel like, even when you're down and out, you're his guiding star.
when he reaches you he's showering you in reassuring affection, he's looking you over and doting on you with all his fond pet names, kissing your cheeks. he holds you close as he helps you to the car and insists you take it easy, let him do all the legwork here okay? you're not hospital injured so he's a bit more relaxed, helps you relax, he'll get you home and you'll be all patched up, don't worry about a thing.
he drives carefully, but he keeps one hand on your knee or holds your hand. he'll ask you to tell him about the mission and praise you for your work, and injuries happen so if you're worried about it don't be, you did amazing. he'll generally just fill the space and try to cheer you up, make you laugh. if he does get you laughing, he's smiling and giving you a little squeeze. he loves your laugh.
he makes a big show of ayyy i'll take care of you when you're home, absolutely dotes on you and if he's not cuddling you he's fetching you whatever you need.
illuso ✨
his throat dries up and he goes entirely tense when he hears something off in your voice. what's wrong. he'll say it in a way that's both hushed and sharp, more an insistence than a question, he's not mad he's just extremely fucking apprehensive. tell him you're injured, and he'll feel more rigid than a statue for a moment. he'll ask how bad, you say not hospital bad but you need help getting home, and then he's moving fast and direct and telling you he's on his way right now, do not move.
oh honey he is speeding. he's speeding and taking any detours he knows (and he knows everything he's the info guy) and probably flipping off whoever honks at him without even a glance. his eyes are straight ahead and glaring at the road because you're hurt and he wasn't fucking there so on god he's gonna be so fucking there now.
something in his chest twists seeing you hurt. he's insistent but gentle in checking you over, not wanting to overlook a scrape, and is extremely careful helping you to the car. he doesn't speed home, but the only thing on his mind is getting you there so your wounds can be treated. he's still very stiff and he doesn't say much, but he will quietly ask what happened. hearing about how you got hurt makes his jaw twitch, especially if someone hurt you.
expect him to hover. he only really relaxes when ur all patched up, and he'll sigh and play with your hair, and once it's just the two of you he'll gently kiss your forehead.
if you were hurt by someone and they're still alive, he will find them and make sure they are very much not alive with his own hands, probably by the end of the night if he has any say in it
melone 🍈
he's very calm. tell him you're injured and he's in medic mode, gently telling you to give him the rundown. he's already making quick assessments about it, decides based on your injuries/your preference whether he takes a car or his motorbike (the bike is faster but the car is more stable). he'll ask one of the others to stay on the phone with you and keep you calm while he gets there.
stay put, amore. don't strain yourself, and don't worry. i'm on my way right now.
he keeps his level head but he's still going as fast as he can. if he opted for the bike, he's taking detours through alleys to get to you quicker. he doesn't give himself room to worry, he knows how to stabilize himself so he can take care of you.
when he gets to you, he's methodical and efficient but sweet, speaking softly and praising and encouraging. he gets the most immediate stuff out of the way so he can get you home, and once you're settled in the car/on the bike, he kisses your cheek before taking off.
if you're on the bike, he has you in front with your back to his chest, and feeling comforted by holding you close. either way, he drives carefully and still keeps his calm, gentle tone. once you're all patched up at home, he gives you a long, loving kiss.
ghiaccio ❄️
he'll say you sound off, and there's a spike of worry. say you're injured and he's bolting up and going WHAT!!!!! stay there and DONT FUCK URSELF UP MORE he's on his way rn
ghiaccio already drives like a maniac (which is ironic considering how protective he is of his car) but YOU'RE hurt and alone? nuh uh. not on his watch. he's running red lights, leaning over the steering wheel with his eyes on the prize, and grinding his teeth. he's kicking himself for not coming with you on the mission.
when his car screeches to a halt he's just vaulting over the open convertible to u and demanding let me see let me see what happened etc. he's not harsh at all tho especially in how he checks you over and fusses, he gets ur ass in the car and takes u directly home. he wants to be fast but he also doesn't want to jostle u so he drives like, marginally carefully, by his standards
if someone injured you and they're still alive, he shouts he'll get the bitch himself. he'll also say in his ranting that he should have been there with you. you tell him honestly that it's not his fault; he just grumbles.
he hovers and snaps at the others if they're not extremely gentle with you as you get patched up. once it's just the two of you, he clings (carefully). be more careful, dumbass, he mutters, and kisses your cheek.
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
reach sorbet first, and his eyes will narrow at your strained voice, as if he could just glare at whatever was bothering you to make it go away. he's already up and his hands are twitching when he asks what's wrong, and at that point gelato pesters him to go on speaker. reach gelato first, he'll just ask right away if you're hurt, and when you say yes, he puts you on speaker without sorbet having to do anything.
they're already on their way, and one keeps you on the line while the other drives. and no matter who it is, they're driving like a fucking crazy person, running every red light and tires squealing. gelato does most of the talking, like always. he's asking you about the injuries, trying to keep your spirits up, and praising you for a job well done on the mission. he'll ask how the injury happened, and his tone is still light, but you know your boyfriends have murder on their minds if someone hurt you. and if someone did, and you didn't get to them first, gelato will go, hmm. we'll fix that. sorbet agrees with mmhm.
once they're there (and they're there very fast), they're both looking you over and doing quick fixes with gentle hands. gelato will coo at you for how brave and tough you are, and sorbet may just pull you into his lap and nuzzle your cheeks together. he will probably carry you to the car even if you can walk fine.
whoever isn't driving will gently cuddle you and cover ur face in kisses in the backseat, and they're driving more carefully now so as not to throw you around. gelato will chatter about whatever to help you feel alright, and sorbet will get his quips in. getting you to laugh is a victory.
one of them is literally always touching you. if someone else is tending to your wounds and they try to fuss about one or the other being in the way, they'll tell em to deal with it as long as it isn't bothering you. get ready to be squished (carefully) between two cuddly boyfriends until you're better; they love you so much and just want to care for you, it hurts their hearts that you got hurt without them there, so they're not letting you go now.
if someone hurt you and they're still kickin, they'll ask if you want to be there to do em in, or if they can go ahead. if you want to be there, they'll pace about having to wait because the thought of someone who dared to hurt you still breathing makes their hands itch, but they Will wait until you've healed up some. you take the reins on the hit in that case, and they'll be happy to follow your lead. if you say they can go ahead, they both grin. they're gonna leave that fucker as a smear when they're done.
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 years
for your fave ships what do you think the first dates would be
i'm going to assume you mean for aot, but if not, i'm sorry!! you can send in a follow-up if i misunderstood.
i love them, but eren and mikasa definitely do a super duper awkward restaurant date as their first and it's so strange, they can barely talk to each other because neither of them know what to say. they've been in love with each other long before this, so they have no idea how to function now that it's out in the open. they both text armin privately and he encourages them to relax. eventually they start talking and smiling shyly, and exchange a couple of kisses once they leave the restaurant.
jean and armin go to one of those like. indoor parks. they're cheap, they're fun, and the two of them have the literal time of their lives playing laser tag and going bowling. they try everything there, and end the night playing at the arcade. jean gets so many tickets and blows them all on a whoopee cushion that's definitely going to break right away, which armin politely objects to, but jean just snickers and talks about how he's going to get eren so good next week. just a lot of armin shaking his head with a fond smile at his dumbass boyfriend.
annie thinks it's so fucking cheesy, but mikasa takes her to her favorite spot as a child, which is just this random tree and at first she's like ??? but then mikasa talks about all the times she's spent with her friends, how that old swing broke once, how they often just fell asleep under it, and annie is obsessed with the way mikasa has that soft smile on her face. they end up carving their initials in the three and annie rests her head on mikasa's lap.
it takes about three whole hours for petra to decide what she wants to wear, and she only chooses like five minutes before levi gets there. they're been friends for a long time, she shouldn't feel this nervous, but she can't help it. they go to a different cafe than the one they usually frequent to get coffee. it's quiet, but comfortable, and when levi compliments the necklace that she chose to wear, petra blushes so hard that she has to down her entire glass of water all at once.
okay, this one isn't original but junior high's influence just makes me say that bertholdt and annie go to a fair. they went all the time as children, and now everything's different even if reiner is still somewhere there spying on them. besides the arts and crafts station, they also visit stations where you can take a picture, do trivia, win prizes. they don't kiss kiss but annie kisses his cheek and bertholdt just isn't really on earth for the rest of the week.
bungee. jumping. historia is kinda terrified, but she did tell ymir that she was up for whatever she decided to do, and she's been trying to do more daring stuff for a while anyways. once she gets up there, her breathing is a bit heavy, but ymir squeezes and kisses her hand and tells she absolutely doesn't need to prove anything to anyone, and that's what convinces historia to make the leap. she enjoys it immensely. later, her and ymir fall asleep in the car.
onyankopon brings hange to a night club because they both just need a break. they need a night of fun! and when i say they stay there until 3 am dancing...yes, the place is open all night, but no one has enough energy to stay there that long besides the two of them. onyankopon's literal favorite thing to do that night is twirling hange under his arm. afterwards they barely make it to his house because of how exhausted they are, and still manage to talk outside the door for a whole hour before he just invites them in.
sasha is very confused when mikasa tells her that she thinks they should go to a parade, but she goes along with it happily. when they get there, though, mikasa tells her that she's actually managed to score a way for them to be on one of the floats. sasha nearly screams in delight, and when they actually get on the float, she convinces mikasa to wave at random people, blow kisses, all that jazz. they take a couple thousand selfies.
erwin and levi's goal is unironically to make people wish they were them. they're both fans of the city, so they'll make a day out of just going to all their favorite spots, wearing out the same brand dashing coats that they buy together. the final thing they do is go the highest building/tower in the city and go to the top floor where erwin wraps his arms around levi and rests his chin on his head as they watch the bright lights flash across their eyes. he leaves a soft kiss at the top of his head too.
this one is the weirdest and also the most fun - eren and jean just fucking. disappear. it's like a whole week later that everyone realized they decided to go camping without informing any of their friends. of course these two stay bickering all weekend, but they also enjoy a breath of fresh air and a chance to be with each other without anyone's obnoxious teasing. there's definitely a moment where they'll be arguing about something stupid like whether or not they're allowed to make a fire or not and it ends up with them making out against a random tree.
mostly everyone would think that armin and annie would have a very awkward first date, but they actually decide to get tickets to a trampoline place and have the absolute night of their lives. there's a few kids, some teens, and then armin and annie laughing as they jump in squares next to each other. annie is also surprisingly nervous about jumping into the pit, but with some encouragement, she does it - and completely goes flailing. armin has never laughed harder in his life.
reiner treats bertholdt out to a whole ass cruise. not like one of those corporate ones that just take you away for a month, but like one of those that you can stay on for a few hours, sail around and eat and try the activities on board. to no one's surprise, their favorite thing to do while on the ship is listen to the fabulous singer the ship has. when they hold hands across the table, neither of them can stop from blushing, but neither of them take their hands away either.
levi is frustrated beyond belief that him and hange have had like five first dates, because the first four are either interrupted or something goes wrong, so he is determined that nothing will happen this time. five hours later, he has no idea how they ended up nearly getting arrested and he's all grumpy, but hange cups his cheeks and kisses his forehead and tells him that they wouldn't have it any other way. he decides to just roll with it after that.
clammy hands and twitching fingers are basically connie's best friends the week before his first date with his best friend. he's afraid, right, because what if this is a mistake and everything is ruined? that nervousness is very quickly squashed down when him and sasha reach the rock climbing place. they fall into their usual dynamic very quickly, sticking their tongues out at each other as they try to climb higher than everyone else there. the only difference is that when they grab a soda, they get one drink and two straws.
they deserve it. eren takes armin sightseeing to like. a natural wonder of the world. i'm talking something like the grand canyon. then eren entertains himself by pulling a "this is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you" kinda line and armin pretends like he didn't enjoy it immensely. they get a motel room for the night, grin nervously when they see there's only one bed, and wake up all tangled in each other before they go to eat some very crappy breakfast food.
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Summary: You’d spent the last year and a half pretending to hate Ransom Drysdale. One Christmas trip could break that facade.
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Black!Reader (though it’s pretty inclusive. It’s just what I had in my head when I wrote it)
Warnings: And there was only one bed, enemies to lovers, fluff, smut, swearing, secret crush, daddy kink
Words: 7K
(A/N: Yes. I pretty much wrote a Hallmark movie. Yes it is also based on Gorgeous by Taylor Swift because I’d also hate Ransom Drysdale for making me fall in love with his stupidly handsome face. No I will not be taking questions.)
Tagging: @titty-teetee @queenoftheworldisdead @olyvoyl @liquorlaughslove​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @mariahthelioness29 @donutloverxo @navybrat817​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @hqneyyincc​ @iam-laiya​ @zaddychris​ @emjayewrites​
Contrary to popular belief, you didn’t hate Ransom. Sure, his smug smile made you want to punch him in the face sometimes. But you kind of liked the vein that popped out on the side of his head when you did something to irritate him. Or the way he rolled his eyes at you when you did something to annoy him. And you annoyed him a lot. It was like you couldn’t help yourself.
To be honest you kind of like those things too much. Not that you’d ever admit it out loud. Imagine everyone finding out that you had some little primary school like crush on this asshole. Down to the point where you’d push him into sand to prove that you didn’t like him in the slightest.
Since your best friend was marrying his best friend, you were spending way too much time with him. You thought you’d done a good job at convincing Monica, your best friend, that you absolutely couldn’t stand him. She seemed to buy it since every eye roll was appropriately placed anytime you thought you might laugh at one of his rude jokes.
So, when your best friend asked you to accompany her and her fiancé to visit his family, you were positive. It might be nice seeing how these super rich people did the holidays. You’d met them a few times and they’d been super nice. Nothing like how Ransom or your own boyfriend’s family came off as stuck up as hell. Also, you were kind of dying to see the decor.
Until that day came. “I’m sorry!” Ava said for the millionth time since she’d told you the news when she’d FaceTimed you. That not only was Ransom coming, you’d have to ride with him in his Beemer because she’d packed more than she’d expected and there’d be no more room in Simon’s car.
You groaned softly, wrinkling up your nose. Your cats rubbing themselves against you because they knew you were leaving and loved to get all needy when you did that. You were already having a hard morning so this was kind of the last thing that you needed. “Maybe I shouldn’t go,” you suggested, even though you were supposed to be leaving in about five minutes.
She pouted. “But I need you there so I won’t be bored.”
“You know David,” your own boyfriend who was not going with you because he had to work and also because you weren’t sure he’d be your boyfriend by the time you came home, “hates Ransom.” It still made for a good excuse, though.
“What he won’t know, won’t kill him?” She shrugged. “Look it won’t even be that bad! It’s just the car ride.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, for four hours.”
“Just do this for me,” she whined. “Please. I’d do it for you.”
“Fine, but next time my boss has one of those boring dinners at his house, I’m making you go with me.”
She gasped. “Deal!”
There was a honk outside and it was safe to say who it was. You rolled your eyes. “You’re so lucky I love you because I’m already annoyed.” You peeked outside the window to see him aggressively honking.
Fucking asshole.
Once you’d hung up with Ava, you grabbed your bags so you could hurry out of the house. Luckily David was already at work so you didn’t have to explain to him why you were getting in the car with him. Ransom seemed to like getting under his skin, which you’d noticed is what he did to most people. Including you, but it seemed to be for a different reason than most people had.
“Hey,” you greeted him, as you struggled to carry your stuff to the trunk. Even though you were trying to keep this facade up, you didn’t want to be rude.
“Can you hurry? We’re on a strict timeline, Buttercup.”
You hated when he called you that. “First, don’t call me that. Second, maybe I’d finish sooner if you’d help.”
There was this smirk on his lips as he finally opened up his car door so he could take one of the bags out of your hands and then the others. “Did you pack your entire closet?” He asked as he tried to make it all fit in the trunk.
“I have a lot of needs,” you retorted.
“That’s probably why you need that sugar daddy, huh,” he said. This is why David didn’t like him. Okay yeah maybe you’re twenty-six with a forty-seven-year-old boyfriend. Sure, he brought you nice things, but what was wrong with that.
“He’s my boyfriend,” you made a point to emphasize. You weren’t going to tell Ransom Drysdale that you were with your boyfriend because he was your daddy dom. That’d be fucking stupid.
“Look, sugar daddy boyfriend whatever,” he said, dismissing you. “I just think you should pack lighter.”
“Whatever. Aren’t we on a tight schedule or something?” You rolled your eyes before going over to the passenger seat.
“Hey, hey, hey!” He stopped you to open the door himself. “I don’t need you to scratch my shit. You have to handle with care.”
You tried not to laugh which made you bite your bottom lip instead making you taste the mint chapstick you’d just put on. “You’re such a control freak,” you said, having to brush passed him so you could sit.
He didn’t say anything as he closed it gently.
The ride had been pretty boring so far. You yawned a few times. Wiggled in your seat trying to get comfortable. He surprisingly pulled over to get you coffee and even got you your blanket so you could curl up at some point.
If you weren’t trying to hate him, you may have swooned. He also said it’s because he didn’t feel like hearing you complain so maybe less swooning anyway. You reached for the radio and he smacked your hand away. “Ow!” You gasped.
“I’m just fucking with you.” He laughed, glancing over as you glared at him.
“Dick,” you mumbled under your breath as you reached forward again to change the station.
“What was that?” He asked.
“I said you’re a dick,” you repeated, sitting down as a song you liked started playing.
He groaned. “I hate this song.”
“Too bad,” you snickered.
“Need I remind you that this is my car, Buttercup?”
You narrowed your eyes at him because he called you that damn nickname. “Whatever. At least it wasn’t that Dad stuff you listen to.”
“Should you really be the one making fun of Dads?” He laughed.
“Hey! David doesn’t even want kids.”
He raised his eyebrow. “You don’t?” He asked looking genuinely surprised at that.
“I mean... maybe. I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Do you?”
“Well, I hate kids, but maybe for the right women. Who knows?” He once again took a quick glance at you, with this small dorky smile on his face.
That was surprising. You felt yourself starting to get to where your heart was swelling in your chest. “Why are we talking about this, you weirdo.”
He chuckled as you cross your arms in front of your chest as you looked out the window.
For the rest of the car ride only the music filled the silence. You wanted to say something. Thought about at least trying. Every time you started to open your mouth no sound came out.
You’d look at him while he focused on the road. Just because you couldn’t like him didn’t mean you couldn’t look at him, right? Though it was bothering you that there was a hole in his cashmere sweater.
“I’ll open your door,” he said getting out. You waited for him to open your side, but you heard the trunk pop open. You turned around watching him take out your four bags along with his. How the fuck was he so strong.
He opened up your car door finally. “Do you want me to take some?” You asked him with a frown as he closed the door with his elbow.
“It’s okay,” he replied already walking off. You scurried behind him trying to catch up.
Ava and Simon were right behind you. Ave got out and went to hug you. “See I told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” she said. “Wait why is Random holding all your stuff?”
You shrugged. “He insisted.”
“Weird,” she replied.
Simon’s family was pretty nice, but they were so busy doting on the happy couple you were kind of ignored. It was actually kind of nice because when you met David’s family, they pretty much scrutinized everything you did. His mother was honestly the bane of your existence. Like, lady, if your son hadn’t had a kid by now how was that your fault.
That was another thing that made you treat Ransom the way you did. You’d met Linda a few times now and she already hated you. You could only imagine how she was towards his girlfriends. You’d only seen the tip of the iceberg of the insanity of the Thrombeys, though Harlan had been nice every time you’d met him.
“Okay, so, it turns out that one of Simon’s cousins decided to come at last minute and uh,” Ava took a deep breath, “you two have to share a room okay, bye!” She tried to grab Simon’s hand, but you managed to catch her first.
“What,” you said a little too loudly so you lower your voice, “the hell, Ava.”
“You’re shitting me,” Ransom groaned.
“It won’t be so bad just think of it as a sleepover. Maybe he can paint your nails and you two can do face masks together,” she started rambling off.
You weren’t as amused. “Or maybe me and you could share.”
“Hell no! I’ve slept in a bed with you. You’re a cuddler.” She frowned. “Besides I wanna sleep with my boo.”
“You’re the worst best friend ever,” you told her. “Fine, but he’s sleeping on the floor.”
“Like hell I am,” Ransom said.
“I have a boyfriend!” You reminded them. “I can’t sleep in a bed with another guy. Especially Ransom.”
He raised an eyebrow. “We’ve been over this, Buttercup. You don’t have a boyfriend; you have a sugar daddy.”
You huffed. “Alright that’s it I’m calling an Uber.”
“And paying a hundred bucks to get home?” Ava rolled her eyes. “Come on just tough it out.”
“I hope you know that I hate you now,” you told her.
“Good. We’ll work it out in couple’s therapy.”
The first night was awful. It felt like you couldn’t sleep. While Ransom seemed to sleep like a baby on the other side of the wall of pillows, you’d built between the two of you.
Even when you’d tried to move away from him, he’d just hold you in place. At some point you just had to accept your fate. At least you were cozy. So, you just kind of let it happen because who knows if this could again. When you actually woke up, he was already gone. You were neatly tucked under the comforter.
As you were finishing up your face routine and making yourself look presentable, Ransom was coming back in. You’d never seen him with sweats on before because he was usually such a preppy asshole, but he looked good. “Morning.”
“Morning,” you mumbled.
“How’d you sleep?” He asked.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why? You didn’t do something did you?”
“Me? Never?” He smirked before walking passed you and into the bathroom.
You walked through the house, taking in the way everything was beautifully decorated for the holiday. Honestly this place was house porn. “Good morning!” Simon’s mom, Trish, greeted you as you walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” you replied with a grin.
“Did you sleep okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, it was perfect,” you answered.
“Breakfast will be ready soon so why don’t you go wake up Simon and Ava.”
You nodded. “Yeah of course.” God they were too nice. Maybe you need to be around rich people more often.
Oh wait, no. David’s family came from money and they were awful. Also see Ransom.
Simon had come to answer the door, freshly showered. Ava was just coming out of the bathroom. “Morning,” he said.
“Morning. Your mom said breakfast is going to be ready.”
He nodded. “Okay. Babe, you ready?”
“You go ahead,” she told him. “Y/N, c’mere.”
You and Simon exchanged looks and he shrugged. “Guess I’ll get Ransom.”
Ava waited until he was completely out of the room before motioning for you to close the door. “So,” this shit eating grin appeared on her face, “how was it?”
“How was what?”
“Sleeping with Ransom.” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “How was it?”
You shrugged. “We put a pillow wall up.” You really didn’t want to mention the cuddling.
“What? That’s it?” She groaned. “I always thought he’d be a bed hog.”
“I stayed on my side, he stayed on his.”
“That’s boring. I at least thought you’d have something to talk shit about.” She sighed. As far as you knew her and Ransom got along. She just found it super entertaining how you bitched about him.
The two of you went to sit in the dining room, waiting for everyone else. Trish sat down not to long after bringing the two of you mimosas. “Oh my gosh thank you!” Ava said getting up to hug her mother-in-law.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” She grinned. “So, Y/N, how long have you and Ransom been together?” She winked, bringing her champagne flute to her mouth. “I always said that Ransom just needs to find a sweet girl to settle down with. Maybe melt down that cold exterior he puts up. You know he really is a sweet boy.”
It was a good thing you hadn’t even been able to take a sip because you probably would have choked on it. “Her and Ransom aren’t together,” Ava answered before you could.
Her jaw dropped. “Oh, I just thought because you were fine sharing a room.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay.”
Ransom took a seat beside you while Simon sat on the other side of Ava. Trish looked between the two of you because this table was huge and Ransom could have sat anywhere else. He could have sat on the other side of Simon if he’d wanted to.
Breakfast went by pretty uneventfully, though the pancakes the housekeeper made were kind of to die for. “So, what are you kids planning for today?” Simon’s dad, Warren, asked as plates started being cleared away.
“Well, Ava’s never been ice skating,” Simon said.
“That’ll be fun,” Trish said. To be honest you were kind of nervous about ice skating. You’d done it before, but ate shit hard. “Is this your first time, too?” She asked you.
“No,” you replied. “I’m not very good at it, though.”
“I’m sure Ransom can help you,” she said with a grin.
Ransom groaned softly beside you. “Yeah of course.”
  As soon as you got on the ice you could feel yourself going down. Ransom grabbed onto you to hold you up. “Don’t eat shit on me already,” he said with a smirk on his face.
“If I go down, I’m taking you with me,” you snap back at him.
He rolled his eyes. “Let’s just get this over with.”
It was a good thing you’d bought these leggings that were fluffy on the inside and this jacket you were wearing was cozy because it was freezing out here. Ransom had to
At some point you kind of started to think that you had the hang of it. Like maybe you could actually do it. He started to slowly let go of you, but the minute you started to feel unsteady he’d grab your hand. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” he said sighing softy. He stood for a minute holding your hand so he could skate with you to the middle of the rink. “Hey can we talk about something. Really quick?”
You nodded. “Sure.”
“Hey, so,” he looked down at you with this almost nervous look on his face. “There’s been something I wanted to say, but I wasn’t really sure how to before.”
You nodded. “Yeah, what’s up.”
“Um,” he sighed. “Well, okay, so I-“ well he didn’t get to finish as this asshole barreled into you. “Y/N!”
You hit the ice pretty hard almost bouncing up as you came back down. “What the hell!”
Ransom immediately helped you up. “Watch where you’re fucking going!” He yelled back after the guy who’d already started skating away without even saying sorry. “Are you okay?
“My leg like hurts really bad,” you felt yourself tear up because you’re a little baby.
He sighed. “Shit, okay,” he said. “Are you okay to stand?”
“Oh my gosh!” Ava came over to the two of you. “Are you okay? I told Simon to go tell security. That guys been such an asshole this whole time.”
“Yeah thanks,” you said.
“Here why don’t we got some hot chocolate,” Ransom said.
It felt so nice being back in your boots. Ransom had you sit before going to get the drinks. You couldn’t help yourself as you rubbed over the spot on your leg that had been hurting super bad. Wincing at the tenderness.
“How’s your leg?” Ransom asked, sitting beside you with the steaming beverages in hand.
You brought your cup up to your mouth loving the warmth against your cold nose. “It’s fine,” you answered.
He reached down to touch the spot making you jump. He laughed. “Wow usually I have to get a girl naked before they start reacting like that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to play off as annoyed, but it didn’t work since you couldn’t help yourself as a smile spread on your face. “Oh, shut up.” You blew at the steam before taking a sip. “So, what did you wanna talk to me about?”
“It’s.... it’s nothing,” he said picking at some lint on his coat, suddenly getting all quiet. He took a sip of his own drink.
Here’s where you made a mistake. Which is the mistake that got you into this in the first place. Because every time you looked into his eyes, seeing those long lashes framing those deep blue eyes made you feel like you might drown in them.
And you fucking looked into them. After that first time you told yourself to never do that again. That it’s what made you trick yourself into thinking that you liked him the first time. No. He was just so close.
You pretty much fought yourself on this for the rest of the day. Even during the little shopping trip that the two of you dragged the boys to when you’d been debating with yourself if you wanted to buy this gorgeous coat or this really dress. Not that you needed more of either.
“Here just get both,” Ransom grumbled, taking out his card.
“What!” You gasped. “No, I can’t ask you to do that!”
He shook his head. “It’s okay. Just wear it for the Christmas party.”
“But I already have a dress,” you said.
“Look, I’m sure your sugar daddy buys you very nice things at Forever 21, but I insist.”
You rolled your eyes as he quickly handed the worker his card. “Hey!”
“Too late,” he replied with a shrug that smug smile on his face.
You looked down at the glass as your things were being wrapped up nice and neat. The gold necklace had a diamond moon pendent. It looked so delicate and would have gone so good with that dress.
“You like it?” He asked, noticing.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” you said. “But this is already too much.”
“C‘mon, we have to get back for dinner,” Ava said as Ransom grabbed the shopping bags.
At some point every night the pillows would end up on the floor and you’d end up nestled into the crook of his neck. He’d have his arms around you until you’d roll over onto your side where he’d wrap himself around you again. Then you’d wake up to him gone because he went on his runs at the ass crack of dawn. You noticed how you’d be snuggly tucked into bed each time.
A part of you wanted to feel bad. That you were away and cuddling with another man every night. It was hard to feel guilty when you weren’t sure if your boyfriend was taking advantage of you being gone not that he knew that you knew. He was probably in some club, too, doing you don’t even want to know what. You knew when you left that you may be going home to end things.
You were trying not to think about it. Hell, you hadn’t even told Ava. You wanted everyone to have a good holiday and not worry. Besides you wanted to have fun. Which is why the four of you were going to some club tonight.
The four of you had went to dinner at this really nice restaurant. There were a few times when you’d caught Ransom looking at you all weird. “What?” You wrinkled your nose.
He cleared his throat before going back to picking at the salmon on his plate. “Nothing.”
As the drinks finally started flowing, you started to get a little loose. Ransom was sitting beside you being all sulky as he sipped from the glass of whiskey on ice.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. Okay to be honest maybe you were more than a little loose, but you were just trying to have some fun.
“Nothing.” He glanced over at you then back to his drink.
“Hey,” this girl sat on the other side of him. “My friend was wondering if you wanted to dance.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why couldn’t your friend ask me herself?”
“She’s a little shy, but she’s cute.”
Ransom glanced over at you. “Nah. I’m just sitting here with my friend.”
The girl pouted, but finally left. You snickered. “I’m just sitting here with my friend,” you mimicked. “What too cool to dance?”
“Because I don’t know. I didn’t feel like it.” He shrugged then took another sip of his drink. “Do you wanna dance maybe?” He finally looked over at you and you were almost hypnotized, but managed to keep your composure.
“With you?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, Buttercup, with my grandpa.”
You laughed once again ignoring the nickname. Maybe it was kind of growing on you. It only took a year and a half. You stood up. “Fine, but you better not stomp on my feet.”
“I might on purpose.” He got up standing in front of you. For a minute you thought he might kiss you until he grabbed your hand to pull you onto the dance floor.
You didn’t want to admit this either, but you were having fun hanging out with Ransom. Ava and Simon were understandably in their own little bubble of love and you didn’t want to interrupt.
After the club Simon had the bright idea of going in the hot tub to warm up. Since you were all a little tipsy that sounded like a great idea.
You had to wear your long sweater out of the house since it was freezing. You in your own little space while Ransom seemed to scoot way to close to you. The four of you were just talking mostly. Enjoying the hot water after being in the freezing cold.
All of you were talking when Ava gave Simon a kiss, which got deeper to the point where they were showing you way more than you needed to see. “I think I speak for both of us in that we really do not want to witness the two of you procreating,” Ransom said.
Ava made a face at him while Simon laughed. He whispered in her ear where she pecked his lips again. The both of them started getting out right after. “We’ll see you two in the morning.” He grinned.
“Goodnight!” She said.
“Night,” you and Ransom said in unison.
You went to the side that your incredibly horny friends had been on which had been across from him. His eyes were closed with his head tilted back. You splashed water at him making him jump a little.
“Hey!” He splashed you back. You laughed as you did it a second time. “Alright, alright,” he said.
You did it again for good measure. “Can’t have someone seeing you have too much fun.”
He went back to his previous position this time putting his muscular arms on the ledge. You wouldn’t care to admit how long you stared at his biceps and shoulders. Then taking the quickest glance at his abs. Then that neck that you kind of wanted to put your mouth on. This is bullshit.
Why was he allowed to be this hot? It couldn’t be enough that he was an asshole. He had to be hot about it. Okay you looked at his pecs and tried to see if you could get a glance of what may have been in his swim trunk. Whatever.
“What are you doing?” He caught you, a smirk appearing on his annoyingly perfect face.
“It’s called minding my own business,” you replied. “You should try it.”
He laughed. “You’re such a brat.” You shrugged turning your head to look at nothing. “Is that what your sugar daddy sees in you?”
“He’s not my sugar daddy. I mean he buys me things like for my birthday, but... that’s not what our relationship is about. I don’t even know if we are in a relationship anymore.” You don’t know why you were spilling all of this to Ransom of all people.
Ransom frowned. “What happened?”
You looked down and sighed blowing out your cheeks after. “Well...” you sighed again. Your stomach was turning now. “You have to take it to your grave.”
“I won’t tell anyone.”
You rolled your eyes. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
You sighed, biting your lip weighing in your options. On one hand it wasn’t Ransom’s business. You really hadn’t told Ava this. You didn’t want her to worry.
“So, he’s not my sugar daddy,” you said, hoping he got the hint.
You could tell he did by the grin on his face and the way he raised his eyebrows. “You?” He explained. “No there’s no way and here I always thought you’d be boring in bed.”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up no you didn’t.”
“I took you for a dead fish kind of girl,” he teased. “It’s always the cute ones.”
Your eyes widened at what he said. Then so did his when he realized what he said. “Anyway, so yeah that’s how we started off as,” you decided to ignore what he’d just said.
“Alright so go on.”
“Yeah, so it turns out I’m not the only one,” you said. “He’s been going to these clubs and he doesn’t think that I know.”
His jaw dropped. “This is the plot twist I really wasn’t expecting. I gotta tell ya.”
You shook your head. “Shut up.” You splashed him again.
“Stop!” He laughed, doing it back to you.
As you kept splashing at him, he came over to you, grabbing your hands to keep you from doing it again. “Let go of me.” You laughed.
“No.” He wasn’t laughing anymore. Just looking at you. Fuck he was putting you under his spell. You were supposed to not looking into his eyes. How did you make this mistake so many times? “Y/N, I... don’t make things weird.”
“What?” You laughed.
“Yeah. Don’t make this weird,” he said again softly before brushing his lips against yours finally.
“And here I’d always heard that you were a ladies man, Ransom,” you teased. “That was kind of weak.”
“Yeah, well maybe you bring out the worst in me.” A dopey smile had spread across his face. It was okay because there was one on yours too.
“Oh whatever.” You rolled your eyes still smiling. He leaned over to kiss you again but you put your hand against his lips to stop him. “I’m getting kind of tired actually.”
You walked back to your room. All wrapped in your sweater because fuck it was freezing now. You also wouldn’t say this out loud, but his lips felt really nice. As you made it to the bedroom the two of you were sharing, he came on not too far after, grabbing your arm to pull you into a kiss. He’s so dramatic.
As his lips worked against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He felt so good. You can’t remember the last time David kissed you like this. “Fuck it’s actually really cold,” Ransom said.
You laughed. “I know I’m freezing.”
“How about we take a shower,” he said. “Maybe we could save some water together?”
“Oh yeah. We would totally be helping the environment.”
He grabbed you hand to lead you the rest of the way. You pulled off your wet clothes. As soon as you felt time hot water on your skin, you moaned. “
Jesus Christ, why not shower in hell,” he hissed.
“I’m already there.” You threw your arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss you again. Pawing at your ass. He was so close this time.
You tried to act like nothing had happened as you finished getting ready for bed. As you got all settled under the covers, you felt your body finally start to warm up. He slid in next to you. This was the first time that you didn’t even attempt to put the wall of pillows up.
He pulled you all close to him. “You little shit! Are you naked?” You gasped.
He laughed. “Yeah. I don’t even know why you bothered.”
“Who said I was going to do anything with you?”
“Well, what if I tell you that,” he said, grabbing a handful of your ass, “I actually maybe sort of have feelings for you.”
Ah fuck.
Well, obviously.
But, ah fuck.
Why were you supposed to hate him again?
Because he was a giant asshole. He was rude to the help. Rude to everyone. Even you. Yet you still liked his stupid smug smile. That annoying laugh. You liked how he’d been surprisingly good company for this whole trip. Liked how he was holding you right now. You were pretty sure he could get an ugly haircut and you’d still like him. How he looked at you even when he was irritated with you.
Waiting for you to say something back.
“I... I have feelings for you, too.” You bit your lip after like you were nervous about what he might say back.
“Yeah?” He said with another dopey smile covering his face.
You nodded right before he bridged the gap first. Pressing your lips to his. His mouth moving ever so softly against yours. Like he was afraid you’d run away if he moved to quickly.
You deepened it and he finally pushed you down on your back. Ransom grabbed the back of your leg so you’d wrap it around his waist. Fuck he was already growing against you. “I still can’t believe you got dressed,” he pulled away to whisper in your ear. “You should have known I was just going to take everything off.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ever think that’s part of the fun.”
He chuckled before kissing you again. “Oh yeah?” He pulled away so he could start pulling down your sleep shorts. “You wanted me to take your clothes off?” You nodded, looking into his eyes. He hissed. “Didn’t even put-on panties, dirty girl.”
You laughed. “Do you like it?”
“Oh, I really, really like it.” He reached down to rub his hand up and down your slit. “What a pretty little pussy.”
You gasped. “Fuck.” His hands felt so good on you. He’d barely even touched you and it felt so, so good. Finally, his finger grazed your clit. He traced along it in a circle. “Stop teasing me!” You whined.
“Be patient, Buttercup.” He smirked.
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Shit,” he stopped, “I don’t have a condom.”
You shrugged. “I’m on birth control.”
He smirked. “Yeah, you want me to fuck you raw, Baby. Want me to cum in you?” He leaned back down to kiss your neck this time. His thumb was pressing into your clit now. Going on sweet, sweet circles. He stopped for a minute to pull off your top.
When you were fully naked and he finally put his mouth on your nipples, you needed him to just fuck you. “Please, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He went back to kissing your neck. “Yeah? You want me to be your daddy? Want me to take care of you.”
“God, yes.”
He lined himself up at your entrance. Looking into your eyes as he started to push into you. You closed your eyes tightly. “No, no open your eyes. I want you to look at me while I fuck you,” he commanded.
You nodded doing as you were told as he made you stretch over the thick head of his cock. You were so fucking wet just from him touching you like that. Your skin felt like it was on fire. You cried out as he inched into you. Fuck he was bigger than you’d expected. He was making you feel so full.
“Ransom,” you whimpered, he started out with shallow thrusts not going all the way in.
“Fuck, you’re fucking tight,” he groaned. “Can you even take it?”
You nodded. “I can take it, Daddy.”
He steadied his hips before finally shoving himself all the way inside of you. You gasped as he started fucking into you going so deep. Little droplets of tears formed in the corners of your eyes.
He was fucking you so good, your brain went blank. All you wanted was him. Wanted him to never stop fucking you. “Oh my god,” you whined.
“Yeah. Feels good?”
You nodded as you tried to take it. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Daddy making you feel good?” He panted. “Daddy’s gonna always make your pussy feel good, Baby. I’m gonna take care of you. Buy you whatever you want. Give you every fucking thing your boyfriend wouldn’t.”
Your pussy was gripping his dick like a vice. How were you so close already. “Please?”
“Is that what you want?” He asked in that condescending voice, you’d always hated, but fuck he was going to make you cum because of it. “Want me to buy you nice things. Be your boyfriend. Give you a fucking family.”
If he wasn’t balls deep inside of you, you would have probably reacted differently to him confessing that he wanted something with you. More than just this, but fuck hearing it like this only made you that more far gone. “Yes!” You moaned a little too loudly.
He clamped his hand over your mouth to shush you. “Shhh, Baby. You don’t want everyone to hear you getting dicked down do you? Want everyone to hear me fucking you?”
You shook your head, but stopped as you tilted your head back because you couldn’t stop it. Your eyes got all glazed over as your orgasm hit. 
“That’s it, cum for me.” He breathed. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum in your pussy.”
“Yes,” you whimpered. You could feel him so deep in your stomach. You can’t remember the last time you got fucked like this. No one else had ever been able to do this to you. 
As he finally couldn’t hold out anymore, cumming deep inside of you he still moved his hips. Making sure you got all of him.
He laid on top of you for a minute, not pulling you as you both came down from your orgasms. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. How the hell were you going to explain this to everyone. 
He rolled beside you before pulling you into his arms. You rested your head on his shoulder. Still trying to catch your breath. “Fuck.” He laughed. 
You chuckled. “I know.”
“Why did we wait so long to do that again?” He asked.
“Because I hated you.” You didn’t mean to let out a bigger laugh because your lower half was way too sore for that. 
He rolled his eyes. “Bullshit. No, you didn’t.”
“I wanted to.”
“Brat.” He chuckled. “I just... I meant everything I said.”
“That I wanna be with you...” he replied. “That I wanna make an honest woman outta you.” You rolled your eyes, trying to maintain that damn facade. He was making it hard because this smile spread across your face. “I’ll even let you live with me when you pack your shit out of that old man’s house.”
“Moving so quickly? Ransom, I’m shocked at you.”
“Look, I’ve put up with your shit for a year a half already,” he explained, “I already know that I want you.”
“You fucking sap!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don’t you suck my dick about it?” He rolled his eyes.
You shrugged. “Okay.”
You didn’t fall asleep until the sun was already coming up. Every time you tried before that; Ransom would start kissing your neck. You were exhausted, but satisfied in a way you hadn’t been in a long time.
You woke up to rustling on the bed. You tried to feel for him because although you were still cozy you wanted his warmth, but he wasn’t there. “Ransom?” You yawned, peeking your eyes open to him fixing the comforter. 
“Hey, Baby,” he said with a smile on his face. He leaned over to kiss your forehead. “I gotta go, okay. I have some errands I have to run.”
You nodded, before wrapping your arms around him. He held you to him tightly kissing your forehead more. “Do you have to?”
“Mhmm,” he replied. “I told Simon I’d help him with this surprise for Ava
“Okay. I love you,” you replied sleepily before dozing off again. He smiled down at you before laying you back down, kissing your forehead before leaving. 
You woke up again to Ava jumping up and down on your bed. “Get up!” She cheered. 
“What are you twelve?” You grumbled. Then your eyes cracked open when you fucking realized you’d told Ransom that you loved him. “Oh no.”
“What? Wait, are you naked?” She raised both of her eyebrows as she got settled beside you in bed. “Did you and Ransom...”
You shook your head, suddenly feeling like you might puke. You fucking told Ransom Drysdale that you loved him. “What? No. I just got really hot last night.”
“Where’s your pillow wall?” She asked with a smirk.
“We were too drunk last night to remember?” 
“Bitch, you slept with Ransom Drysdale!” She gasped. “What about David?”
“Um... David and I are... I was already going to end things with him.
This annoyingly shit eating grin spread across her face. “You dirty slut. Okay, well, I don’t think Simon would mind if you stayed with us until you got back on your feet.”
“Actually, I already found a place. I just... I didn’t want to ruin your fun, ya know.”
She sighed. “Y/N, I’m your best friend. Your problems are my problems. I wouldn’t have cared if you told me. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You smiled. 
“So...” another smile spread across her face, “how was it?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking.” You laid back down, turning on your side and ignored her as she continued to ask questions.
You got your nails done with Ava, Trish, and Simon’s sister. Still thinking about what you’d said to Ransom. Nerves had started to settle in that you’d done something wrong. Raking your brain trying to remember if he’d even said anything back. You couldn’t remember.
It was Christmas Eve now and there was supposed to be this super fancy party today that the family apparently threw every year. Of course, you were going to wear the dress Ransom had bought you. There was no question. It fit in more. Besides okay maybe you wanted to look pretty for him whatever.
Neither him or Simon had come back by the time everyone started getting ready. You did your makeup in Ava’s room before going back to yours to get dressed. The was a knock on the door as you’d just finished.
“Hey,” Ransom leaned down to kiss your cheek lightly to not mess up your makeup. Setting down a little gift bag on the bed. “You look... you look beautiful.”
You were going to have to get used to him being nice to you. “Thank you.” 
“Sorry, it took so long. You know Simon. Has to go above and beyond.” He chuckled. 
You waited for him to get ready, checking your phone. David had been texting you throughout the trip. Not that you ever responded. You thought when you’d get to the end of this trip, you’d be dreading the drive home. Instead, you were hopeful of what was to come. 
"So, I kind of got you something,” he said before the two of you could leave the room.
You frowned. “I didn’t get you anything back.”
“That’s okay. I don’t think either of us were expecting this,” he replied. “I just wanted you to know I was serious about everything.”
He clenched his jaw as he grabbed the bag he’d placed, taking out a jewelry box which he handed you. You looked up at him with those big eyes. “I saw you looking at it at that store so...”
“You’re such a sap,” you sniffled.
He smiled. “I just... when you told me I love you this morning, I didn’t say it back. I wanted to say it when I gave you this so... I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You nodded and he pulled you to him, hugging you tightly. You really didn’t want to mess up your makeup so you forced yourself not to tear up. Except lipstick be damned because you were not, not going to kiss him.
It was taking you everything to not hold his hand as the two of you walked into where the party was starting to pick up a little. He looked so cute in his red sweater. Simon and Ava were being doted on by his grandparents. 
“So, Ava kind of figured it out,” you said as he handed you a glass of champagne. 
“How?” He asked.
“You didn’t lock the door and I was still naked under the covered.”
He snickered. “Should have given her an eye full.”
You shook your head. “I’ll give you an eye full.”
“You already did, Buttercup.” He shrugged.
“Why do you call me that?” You rolled your eyes.
His face started to get all red. You’d never thought in all your days you’d see Ransom blush. Between the two confessing your feelings for one another, of you having sex, you accidently telling him you love him, and him telling you that he wanted to be with you, making him blush made you feel like you’d won whatever game the two of you had been playing.
He sighed. “Well, okay, so when me and my cousin Meg were younger, she was obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls. I didn’t want to admit that I kind of liked it. Your bad attitude reminds me of Buttercup. She was my favorite.” He rolled his eyes looking away from you like he was embarrassed.
“You’re shitting me.” This smile spread across your face.
“Shut up.” He wrinkled up his nose.
“Never would have guessed that under all that wool and assholeness was a sweetheart waiting to burst out of the seams,” you teased him.
“You’re so lucky I think you’re pretty or else I think I might drop kick you.” He sighed.
Christmas Day passed by nicely and easily. Mostly with everyone relaxing. You spent most of it tucked into Ransom’s side drinking hot chocolate watching Christmas movies with everyone because at this point the two of you are just a cliche. Which was fine because you liked it. 
He’d whisper I love you in your ear. Or pull you under the mistletoe because he’s corny. Ava and Simon teased you while Trish swore that she called it, which she kind of did.
When it was time go home you were a little sad. You liked being in this little bubble with him. Now you’d have to go home and deal with having to officially break up with David and having to talk Ransom out of taunting him. Of course, Ava and Simon offered up their place until you got on your feet, but him being him pretty much demanded that you live with him.
Normally you would kick yourself for moving so quickly and you don’t know why, but you saw something in him. Of course, you weren’t going to be able to move all of your stuff out today, but there were two very important things that you needed. David wasn’t even there when you got home. He was probably still at his parents.
“Hope you like cats because I’m not leaving them,” you’d told him as you packed them into their carriers. 
He groaned, throwing his head back. “Fine, but you’re giving me a blowjob as soon as we get home.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you said before placing a wet kiss on his cheek just to annoy him.  
“Hey, you wanna have sex in his bed before we go?” He asked with a smirk.
“You’re an awful person, you know that?” You put your hands on his chest. “Of course I do.”
“God, I love you.” He grinned before pressing his lips to yours. 
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tuesunpokokohua · 3 years
I’m going to say it now: Achilles having ADHD makes more sense than him not having it.
From his arguments with Agamemnon, we can see that he is fussy. He is stubborn. He WILL have his way or else nobody will. He hears other points of view but he cannot fully process or understand it. Instead, he will spend a lot of his time distancing himself from people, holding that grudge and all that anger, whenever he’s not launching into large speeches about why he’s right.
Another thing. A quote, “Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is the man who hides one thing in his heart but speaks another” speaks of how he hates dishonesty. He doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t understand other people as well we he could. Odysseus even speaks of this in ‘Circe’ by Madeline Miller, when he says that Achilles was a good fighter but not a good soldier and everyday was a new battle to convince him to stay in the war and stay focused.
And focus is our next thing. He’s curious and his focus is in all the areas people didn’t want it to be in. He questioned why he was there, he questioned the motivations of almost everyone around him, when others thought he should be focusing on coming up with new ideas to improve the Greeks’ situation in the war. Achilles didn’t listen. He did what he wanted to do. Nobody could make him do anything except that, as is the same with many neurodivergent people because that’s the way our brains are programmed to think.
Another thing is that he would leave parties early, even his own, long before others would. He could only stand loud noises for a time then would take a soothing swim and go back to bed, far away from any noise. He wasn’t even really that talkative when he didn’t have to be either. He preferred to have some time to relax on his own or with those he most liked and trusted, like Patroclus and Automedon and Antilochus and Ajax. Like many neurodivergent people, he did what needed to be done but a bit more than that would be very draining for him. He was sensitive and emotions were overwhelmingly strong for him (he could only mask for a while). He never pretended that they weren’t.
Other than what he struggled with, we could see that he was lively and passionate. Even in times of war, he was trying to make the best of things by his throwing parties and playing instruments. Something that is also overlooked was his criticisms of the other Greek leaders for ordering others to fight and not facing the consequences of their own actions and letting that haunt them as it did their men. It is overlooked that he never forced even servants to do anything that they didn’t want to, at least not in anything that I’ve ever read about him personally. It seems uncharacteristic of him anyway, even in a world where it was common. Anyway, it was awkward to ever have conversations with them and he didn’t oppose their capture (there wasn’t much he could have done there anyway without support), there’s no denying that but physically, they were safe. He wasn’t against Patroclus befriending them either. It was all partly why he was angry with the whole situation of Briseis being taken away (because then she wasn’t safe and actually, he knew how it felt as he went through a few forced marriages and a forced consummation). But of course, he was too stubborn, at the end of the day and we know that he regretted everything in that entire war, as seen in most things he’s in, especially in the Hades game. He regretted the lives lost and the ones destroyed. He may have been a dick but at least he was self-aware and that and the shades of the dead haunted him for it, even in his sleep (gotta love a bit of PTSD 😐).
None of this by any means is made to excuse the stuff he did but to analyse his character and the true depths of it. It is also my belief that he went to war both for diplomatic reasons (to make friends with the other Greek city states surrounding Phthia as he was a prince) and for petty reasons, these being that his mother forced him into a marriage he didn’t want, to defy the prophecy about him dying young, so he chose to defy her and follow it instead. It sounds like something he would do.
So yeah, that’s pretty much my hot take on the Trojan War. Not everyone is going to agree with it but oh well. It is what it is.
Note: ADHD AFFECTS EVERYONE DIFFERENTLY!!! Nobody is going to experience it in the same way.
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deadpresidents · 3 years
We Remember: When 9/11 Forged a Genuinely United States of America
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Today, we remember.
We remember that the weather was perfect throughout nearly the entire country on that Tuesday morning. We remember where we were when we heard about the first plane hitting the tower. We remember what we thought as the new just began to trickle in. We remember our horror as we watched the second plane hit the South tower. We remember the evacuations -- people running out of our monuments of freedom and democracy, our centers of government and finance, and spilling out on to the streets of our nation’s capital. We remember the dust and debris chasing thousands of New Yorkers through the streets of our most iconic city. We remember the smoke rising from the Pentagon. We remember that impact site in Pennsylvania -- a smoldering hole in an empty field instead of the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building because Americans decided to fight back. We remember watching the towers fall.
We remember the fear, the chaos, the sadness, and the feeling of not knowing what was happening or when it would end. We remember a feeling that Americans were not used to experiencing up to September 11, 2001: the helpless feeling of being attacked as went about our normal lives. We no longer remember what it felt like on September 10th.
Do you remember pointing fingers? Do remember placing blame? Do you remember partisanship? I remember patriotism. Not bumper sticker and window decals. Genuine patriotism. I remember flags and candles and donating water and giving blood and having a new appreciation for first responders. I remember that, for at least one week, we weren’t Democrats or Republicans. I remember that we were Americans. I remember that we cared a little bit more about each other for at least a couple of weeks.
When Democrat Lyndon Johnson was the Senate Majority Leader and Republican Dwight Eisenhower was President of the United States, LBJ -- one of the most intense, passionate, partisan political animals in our history -- never attacked President Eisenhower. It wasn’t because LBJ agreed with Eisenhower’s policies. It wasn’t because LBJ was scared. It was because, as LBJ explained in 1953 in a comment that has an unfortunately haunting connection to 9/11, “If you’re in an airplane, and you’re flying somewhere, you don’t run up to the cockpit and attack the pilot. Mr. Eisenhower is the only President we’ve got.”
The only President we’ve got.
We all want to head in the same direction. We all want to move forward. We all want to progress and be happy and healthy and safe. But now, more than ever, our country’s prosperity is crippled by divisive partisanship. As World War I and World War II approached and the world realized that we are clearly connected on a global level, the people who seemed the most out-of-touch -- the people who were wrong -- were the isolationists. In both of those great wars, the isolationists were proven wrong. Yet, in the span of our grandparents’ lives we have regressed to the point where most Americans have become individual isolationists -- not isolationism on a national level, but on a personal level. We’ve tried to disconnect from the people in our own country -- especially if they look, love, or think differently than us. Don’t you remember how powerful it felt after 9/11 to be united? Don’t you remember how we helped each other in so many different ways?
I guess I could be cynical. I guess I could remember the look on President George W. Bush’s face when his Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, whispered news of the attacks in the President’s ear as he sat in a Florida classroom. I guess I could remember The Pet Goat, and the fact that Bush didn’t immediately get up, sprint from the room, and change out of his Clark Kent clothes into the Superman suit. I guess I could remember Air Force One zig-zagging across the country, the only plane in the air besides military escorts and combat air patrols over our major cities. I guess I could remember the surveillance videos of the well-dressed hijackers walking through airport terminals that morning before they turned our planes into weapons. I guess I could remember that the passengers of Flight 93 didn’t actually get through the cockpit door and force the plane to crash into that Pennsylvania field. I guess I could remember our government’s alphabet agencies -- the FBI, CIA, NSA, and everyone else listening in on our world -- being unable to work together and stop the attacks from happening in the first place. I guess I could choose to remember those things, but that doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t make 9/11 anything but a success to those who tried to frighten and frustrate and intimidate us through terrorism.
This is what I choose to remember:
I remember that the passengers of Flight 93 tried to get into that cockpit. I remember that their plane didn’t make it to Washington, D.C., and even if they never actually breached the cockpit and physically forced the plane into that meadow in Pennsylvania themselves, they certainly fought back and forced the hijackers to abort the mission that they had planned. That plane didn’t crash into the White House or the Capitol, and that’s not because the hijackers got lost.
I remember driving to the wedding rehearsal for two of my best friends on the Friday after the attacks, feeling bad for them that they were getting married in the shadow of 9/11. I remember being amazed at thousands of people in the streets of Sacramento -- neighborhood after neighborhood, thousands of miles away from any of the attack sites -- holding a candlelight vigil. I remember that it was then, as I drove through the silence of these peaceful vigils, with flags and flames and tears all around me, that I thought, “We’re going to be okay.”
I remember George W. Bush -- a President I never voted for -- who, like all of us, was a bit unsteady with his words in the hours immediately following the attacks as he processed the magnitude of what we were living through. But I remember how he found his footing and found his voice quickly and began to speak for all of us. I remember him returning to Washington, D.C. that night, against the wishes of his government and his Secret Service protection. I remember how this President -- a President I didn’t agree with, a President I never cast a supportive ballot for or whose campaign I ever donated a cent to, a President whose beliefs were diametrically opposed to almost everything that I believe in -- went to Ground Zero and met with the families of those who were dead or missing, and gave them all the time they needed with him.
I remember how that President visited the rescue workers at Ground Zero. I remember, more than anything else, how President Bush climbed on to a pile of rubble from the fallen towers of the World Trade Center, grabbed a bullhorn and began to speak, but was interrupted by the workers yelling, “We can’t hear you!”
I remember that the President -- the only President we had at the time -- shouted to these exhausted, weary, grieving, heroic rescuers, “Well, I can hear you! And the people who knocked these buildings down are gonna hear from all of us soon!” I remember that it was genuine, that there was nothing manufactured about that moment, and that, despite all of his faults and deficiencies, George W. Bush said exactly what those people -- our people -- needed to hear. As the workers chanted, “USA! USA! USA!”, I remember thinking that I didn’t vote for him and I won’t vote for him in 2004, but at that moment he was my President and I was proud of him.
As we look back, we can’t help but think about everything else that has come out of 9/11 -- the interminable war in Afghanistan, the unjust and unnecessary war in Iraq, the humiliating and annoying experience that flying in an airplane became in this country -- but I think about that stuff pretty much every day, and I feel like this should always be a day where we think differently.
So, even if it’s just for this day, I’m going to think about those flags and candles and President Bush on top of the rubble of the World Trade Center with a bullhorn. I’m going to think about being an American -- just like I was in the weeks following 9/11 -- rather than who I voted for or what team I like or any of the millions of things that divide us and can get back to tearing us apart tomorrow like they did yesterday.
I’m going to remember thinking, “That’s my President,” as President Bush spoke to the rescue workers, just as I did a few weeks later when he went to Yankee Stadium for Game 3 of the World Series, strapped on a bulky bulletproof vest under his FDNY jacket, walked to the pitcher’s mound, and with millions of Americans watching on television, with thousands of rabid New Yorkers watching in the stands, and with Derek Jeter’s words of warning (”Don’t bounce it or they’ll boo you”) rattling around in his head, threw a perfect strike.
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I’ll remember thinking, “That’s my President,” about a guy I never voted for and didn’t agree with, and I’ll hope that you do that when the guy you didn’t vote for and didn’t agree with says the right words, does the right things, and throws a strike when our nation needs it -- not because you’re a Democrat or a Republican, but because you’re an American and that’s the only President we’ve got. We don’t have to disagree about everything just because we don’t agree about most things, and we don’t have to like everything about one another to understand that, sometimes, we need each other.
What do you remember?
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 20, part three(!)
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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This episode has so much crucially important stuff in it I had to write 3 posts about it! Part one is here, part two is here. 
Don't Start None, Won't Be None
Lan Wangji has never had a real fight with Wei Wuxian before--remember, in their rooftop fight Wei Wuxian never even drew his sword. And since this is going to be a verbal fight, Lan Wangji is going to lose, badly. He's an elegant and articulate speaker, but he's not quick with words, and he speaks directly and sincerely. Weaponized speech is not his area at all, so he's pretty much bringing a knife to a gunfight. A guqin to a flute fight. Whatever. He tries to turn it into a physical confrontation, twice, but Jiang Cheng holds him back.
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This throwdown is 100% about religion and orthodoxy; something that is fundamental to both of these young men's lives. Lan Wangji has made it his mission to be as orthodox as possible, doing shit like volunteering to be beaten for drinking when he didn't choose to drink. He's constantly overwhelmed by emotion, and the Lan rules are a source of regulation and safety for him. His emotions around Wei Wuxian are among the most overwhelming he's got, possibly only second to his feelings about his mom.
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Right now his feelings are extra overwhelming. 
It's complicated because his relationship with Wei Wuxian literally started off with him punishing Wei Wuxian for heterodoxy. All that time they spent together in the library? Was because Wei Wuxian talked--JUST talked--about using resentful energy for cultivation. Which is precisely the ability he's just shown them, along with a style of killing enemies that's borderline evil and definitely, DEFINITELY unsportsmanlike.
So this is not, Lan Wangji is lovingly worried about Wei Wuxian and Wei Wuxian is pushing him away to avoid an uncomfortable conversation. This is Lan Wangji freaking out because his entire system of belief is being challenged and he's in love with the person who's challenging it.  
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Wei Wuxian has shown up to the party wearing an International Mr. Leather tee shirt with a enamel pin stuck to it that says "I get my kicks on route 666" and Lan Wangji just. cannot. deal.  
Never Start a Fight But Always Finish One
Wei Wuxian has a couple of options here. One is to accept, kindly, that he and his friend can't be friends any more because of religion. In this option, in order to preserve his friend's comfortable sense of being right, he would have to tacitly accept that he himself is bad in some way, and allow his friend to keep having his value system, while walking away from him.  
The other choice is to hit so hard that he makes his friend feel really, really bad, and potentially rocks him off of his comfortable foundation. In the short term, the friendship breaks, but if it forces him to actually question his value system, it might lay the groundwork for a new, more accepting friendship.  Anyone who is queer with an anti-queer-religious best friend is probably familiar with this dilemma.
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Wei Wuxian chooses the second option, and goes all in from the first moment, calling Lan Wangji "Lan Er Gongzi" and then upgrading to "Hanguang Jun" and even bowing. If it's possible to bow sarcastically, that's what Wei Wuxian is doing. Then he meets his eyes and sticks his chin out, essentially saying "how do you like them apples?"
(more after the cut!)
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Lan Wangji's feelings are probably hurt, but he's too busy being mad to show it, and he goes straight to grilling Wei Wuxian, asking him about the killing, the talismans, and giving up the sword, all while Jiang Cheng stands by and wonders what the fuck is happening. 
Lan Wangji is making a fundamental error here, which is he's speaking as if he's an authority instead of as a peer. Wei Wuxian has only ever accepted one authority in his entire life, and that was Jiang Fengmian. Jiang Cheng is the one who, for a change, is approaching as a worried friend, while Lan Wangji approaches as if he has the right to call Wei Wuxian to account.  
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Wei Wuxian won't answer his questions and is getting in his face, provoking him in a very quiet and controlled way, and Lan Wangji responds by just being really aggressive. It's interesting to see Wei Wuxian completely mastering his emotions while Lan Wangji is completely....not.  Wei Wuxian pushes harder, saying he's being rude, saying he's being a bad friend.  Which doesn't make any difference to Lan Wanji, who keeps pressing for an answer while Jiang Cheng wonders what the fuck is happening.
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Come to Gusu
Wei Wuxian says he already explained, that it's complicated, it will take time to explain, so then Lan Wangji makes the utterly dumbassed demand that Wei Wuxian return to Gusu with him to explain it. What, exactly, is his plan? Bring Wei Wuxian to Gusu and have Lan Xichen (at the very least) and probably also Lan Qiren help him to convince Wei Wuxian that resentful cultivation is bad? How is that likely to work out? Let's have our own flashback, to that classroom interaction that led to the punishment in the library.
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Lan Qiren: How will you make sure the resentful energy will only listen to you and not harm others? [Note: he's not wrong, Wei Wuxian] Wei Wuxian: I haven't figured that out yet ["details," as OP's dad used to say] Lan Qiren: If you did, the cultivation world would not allow your existence [i.e. we, the Lan Clan of Gusu, will kill your ass]
Lan Wangji probably doesn't think he's threatening Wei Wuxian with death by inviting him to Gusu, but he kinda is, if Lan Qiren was serious back then.  Lan Wangji is so upset and fearful that he's not really thinking clearly at this point. He loves Wei Wuxian and he's certain that cultivating with resentful energy will destroy him. [Note: he's not wrong, Wei Wuxian]  But Wei Wuxian is beyond fear. He's already been destroyed once.
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Wei Wuxian rips on Gusu and then says, in a super-provocative way, that he prefers Yunmeng, which prompts Lan Wangji to say "don't joke around" as angrily as possible. 
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This part of the interaction always confuses me because...shouldn't he prefer Yunmeng? He's actually from there and lives there and belongs there and stuff? He's just saying "I think I'll go with my brother" yet WWX and LWJ both act like he said he'd rather go to Demon City.
Lan Wangji takes a big step forward and Jiang Cheng blocks him while Wei Wuxian continues to act unperturbed and puzzled while holding his demon flute out in between them. 
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Finally, FINALLY, Wei Wuxian calls him Lan Zhan, and asks him a serious question: What do you really want. Lan Wangji calms down for a second--although he keeps leaning into Jiang Cheng's sword block--and gets to the point, which is that the unorthodox path is dangerous, and harmful to his temperament.  
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Kill one turtle together and you think you're the boss of me
So, these dudes are talking about 2 different levels of unacceptable cultivation, in this episode and the next few. Netflix translates these as "wicked tricks" and "crafty tricks," which both sound absolutely ludicrous in English, so I'm going to use my own preferred terms, going forward.  
I think what they are calling "Wicked Tricks," which includes spirit snatching and feeding people to the murder turtle on purpose in order to harvest their resentment could be translated as Heresy--adhering to a forbidden belief or practice; standing in opposition to Orthodoxy.  
Edit: After rewatching Episode 35, in which Nie Huaisang explains why their whole blade thing doesn’t count as “wicked tricks,” I’ve changed my mind about what to call this. NHS says that “wicked tricks” specifically involve the use of humans & human spirits (killing, sacrificing, etc.). Which means Necromancy is probably the better term for this particular type of cultivation, although it is still (also) Heresy. 
"Crafty Tricks," which is using resentful energy to raise and control already-dead people (ghosts and zombies) as well as just generally using resentment for basic stuff like beating Jin Zixuan's ass, could be translated as Heterodoxy--deviating from the accepted belief or practice, but not to the point of complete opposition.
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Wei Wuxian laughs while Lan Wangji tries to be convincing, but since Lan Wangji is just repeating what he's been taught, he's not making much headway. Instead of saying "there's no exception throughout history" he could have, instead, gone with his own actual observations, such as "you are acting like a sadistic prick" or "you seem amazingly miserable" or "you aren't hugging your brother, what the fuck is that about?" But no.
Wei Wuxian responds to the charge of heresy by saying nuh-uh, and explains his methods, sort of, while going back to calling him Lan Er Gongzi. Lan Er Gongzi responds by actually literally yelling at him, and saying he's not allowed to decide for himself about what he's doing, as if the words "allowed to" have ever meant a goddamn thing to Wei Wuxian.
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At this point Wei Wuxian is done. He goes and gets right up in Lan Wangji's face and sticks a metaphorical knife right in his heart, smiling as he does it. "How do others know my temperament?" he asks; "and why should it be their concern?" i.e. you are not in my heart. 
This makes Lan Wangji so mad he calls Wei Wuxian "Wei Wuxian" for possibly the only time in the show, and he also flashes a whole bunch of angry teeth. (Gifset here). In a callback to the JFM-YZY fight back in Lotus Pier before the war, Wei Wuxian just calmly says "Lan Wangji" back at him, and then tells him to go fuck himself.
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Jiang Cheng still doesn't understand what the fuck is happening, but this is a sentiment he understands, so he also tells Lan Wangji to go fuck himself, reminding him that Wei Wuxian is Jiang clan property and it's not the Lans' place to discipline him. Adding "and I'm not going to discipline him any way, look how good he is at killing people!"
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji continue to stare into each others' eyes from a distance so close that it really should lead to making out, but they are both much too angry for that. 
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Wei Wuxian is as cold as we ever see him, smiling as he silently confirms: I do not belong to you. Lan Wangji glares back, his anger maybe finally giving way, a little bit, to being hurt.
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Finish Him!
Wen Chao picks this moment to wake up and crawl over to the trio, begging Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng to save his life, since he presumably knows it's pointless to beg Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian turns around and gives him the EXACT SAME dead-eyed smile he just gave Lan Wangji, and kicks him.
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Then he tells Lan Wangji to please leave so he and his brother can finish torturing this dude to death, and caps it with an official Jiang Clan eye roll.  
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Lan Wangji, poor bb, just throws in the towel, and turns and leaves, the anger finally starting to leave his face and be replaced with something else...chagrin, maybe? Or maybe just softer anger, for the moment. 
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After he's out of sight Wei Wuxian turns and looks after him sadly, all of the cruelty and hardness gone from his expression, while Wen Chao says "forgive me,"  possibly voicing what Wei Wuxian is thinking.
Lan Wangji walks out the front gate, troubled, and hears Wen Chao scream. He stops and replays the most pointed part of the fight in his head - the part where Wei Wuxian asked him, "who do you think you are?" Lan Wangji went into the fight believing he was completely right and was entitled to judge Wei Wuxian, but he's come out of it with his certainty shaken. 
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Family Time
The Yunmeng brothers go to the ancestral shrine in Lotus Pier even though the whole "reclaiming Lotus Pier" scene doesn't happen until Episode 24. So apparently they just kind of sneak into the the shrine, and then sneak back out. Or, you know, continuity error.  Anyway Wei Wuxian is nothing if not adept at sneaking around death-related places.
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Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng bow and offer incense. It's nice that the Wens didn't fuck up everybody's name plaques when they were in control of the place...or the tassels, candles, etc. 
Wei Wuxian quietly tells Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian that he did what they asked--taking care of Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli--and they can rest now. Nosy parker Jiang Cheng wants to know what he's saying, but Wei Wuxian just changes the subject. 
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They talk about going to Qinghe for the final combat of the Sunshot Campaign. Wei Wuxian says that's why he returned, which...dude, you can't even pretend you came back to be with your loved ones? Ouch. Jiang Cheng doesn't really react to that, but he's happy when Wei Wuxian says he wants to see Jiang Yanli. Wei Wuxian wants to know if she's ok and if she's mad at him, and Jiang Cheng says wait and see, because direct answers are not the Jiang Clan way.
Jiang Yanli is helping tend to the wounded, and we see her telling a particularly fussy wounded dude to suck it up and stop complaining. 
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When Wei Wuxian shows up she totally stops paying attention to the wounded dude so that she can smile at Wei Wuxian. 
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He looks back at her tearfully, briefly managing to smile but then just trying to hold it together. He has been to hell and back, and doing his very best to hide it, but when he sees the person who loves him most--the person who will NOT spend 20 minutes yelling at him as soon as they see him--he starts to crack open.
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Transformers Siege (WFC) character review!(1/2)
Instead of separating from decepticons and autobots (mainly because of the Predacons and maximals), I’m going to put them in order of which bots I really feel like talking about the most! So, here we go!
*watch for swearing, spoilers, and possible thirst.
/Also, alt modes will NOT be available for this series. They kinda don’t transform too much, and when they do, they hardly let me get a shot, sooo/
Optimus Prime!!; 
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This Optimus did a full 180 for not only my opinion, but for his own characterization. This Optimus started out as impulsive, reckless, ignorant of other’s opinions, and quite frankly, was just frustrating to deal with. He was the one who essentially sent the Cybertron into a total fuck storm, and as such, doomed MANY lives, including the one of his love, Elita one. Honestly, Optimus is kinda. Dumb, honestly? He literally sent the live source of Cybertron into the vastness of space, just to keep Megatron from winning the war. Literally, EVERYONE hated him at the start, from Bumblebee to Ratchet. Then, get this- he learned from his mistakes. From Skylynx, to the Optimus Primal, to the soul of Elita, to Optimus and Ratchet and even Megatron- he had so many influences telling him what he did wrong. Towards the end of the series, he became the classic, noble, somewhat self conscious mech we all grew to know and love. Honestly? 9/10. He isn’t perfect. Far from it, but damn Optimus KNOWS this, and that’s so great- I can go all day, you guys (also that one moment where he asked Megatron to forgive him at gunpoint, such a good fucking scene).
Elita one!!; 
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I love her. SO much. She’s a QUEEN. She has been ignored, she has been held hostage, she’s been punched and kicked and shot at-my girl has been through hell. And she carries it WELL. Not only is she FINE, but she is bold, smart, and she is STUBBORN in her beliefs. She is also a natural born leader, and I honestly and really appreciate her. Her death was honestly one of the sadder moments, but her soul’s reunion with Optimus was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. I wish we saw more of her, honestly and desperately (plus she has so many character interactions, there’s SO many ways you can go about her character, it’s incredible). 10/10 my girl is a fighter and she was so ride or die for Optimus (even though I lowkey ship her with those three little cons, ya’ll know the ones) 💕.
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Every Megatron has something different about them. For example, this series has two Megatron’s (three because Galvatron), but we’re talking about the Megatron that we start the series with. The sort of ‘G1’ Megatron. This Megatron has a few...issues. Lips aside, this Megatron has a few things I’d change about him. He’s insane, he’s incredibly selfish, and honestly? His character interactions leave something to be desired, in my opinion. However, he does have a blend of good traits. You guys remember Prime Wars Megatron? How this man refused to go down without being ‘fuck you’ to his opponent? This Megatron had those moments, telling Galvatron right the fuck off when he tried to present him with a decision to join him. I love a Megatron that refuses to back down. I also appreciated the regret he clearly has for stuff he did (we all remember what happened to that one power plant), and I appreciate that In a Megatron. Couple that with the pompous villain aesthetic (he had his own pictures hung up on a wall for fucks sakes). However, he isn’t my favorite Megatron (that’s a tie between Prime/Prime Wars Megatron). 7/10. Fun in some cases, but not someone I think I’ll deem my favorite Megatron.
Megatron!!(beast wars);
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This Megatron was kinda doomed from the start. From the issue with his VA (not everyone can be David Kaye, but still), to the odd way he simped over the other Megatron, kinda made me dislike seeing him on the screen. Don’t me wrong, he wasn’t AWFUL, and like everyone else on the show he LOOKED good and his VA did...okay. Listen, he had a REALLY good simp voice. But beast wars Megatron actually saw the old Megatron as an old fool. Now he suddenly worships him? It kinda makes this Megatron look pathetic, and I’m not really into it. 4/10. I’m sorry, but I appreciated him more when he wasn’t on screen.
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He did like. Nothing in this series. He only really spoke to tell Optimus what he did. He’s just so cute and I liked hearing him speak. Not the same Ironhide voice, but still I love him terribly 10/10 he is but a baby waby.
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He did like, two things in total in this series, and BOTH made me feel something. He also misses his brother Sunny and it honestly hurt me. Someone hold and support him, 8/10 this precious bundle of red-
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This Skyfire actually starts off as not only a decepticon, but a HIGH ranking decepticon, pretty much Megatron’s second hand. He was pretty decepticon motivated, up until Megatron decided the whole genocide of an entire race was too much for her. Honestly his role was a LOT like MTMTE Impactor in this series. A close believer changed to the opposite side, because Megatron’s dumbass got carried away. This Skyfire died, but up until that, he was determined to help the cause. He was literally willing to have a bomb implanted into him just to prove he was with the autobots. He was bold, stubborn, and everyone he interacted with was GREAT. 8/10. Tbh, probably my second favorite Skyfire (hard to compete with Cyberverse).
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Pretty much the first time I’ve seen him in a show (at least noticeably) and I appreciated his little debut here. Impactor betrayed the decepticon, and in the best way possible. Not because he thought the cause was wrong, but because he got a super hot medic boyfriend, who JUST so happens to be an autobot. Seriously, ratchet fixed his booboos and Impactor just went ‘Listen I’d die for you’. Did anyone but Ratchet trust him? Nope. Did Mirage like him? Nope. Did we give a shit because he was very literally, ride or die for Ratchet? Also nope. Like this dude deadass was willing to go through the ‘we don’t trust decepticons’ bullshit, JUST because Ratchet swept him off his feet. 10/10, Impactor didn’t deserve to die, he deserved to be the hostile gay to suit the hostile lesbian that was Blackarachnia. 💜
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This Ratchet was like. The ONLY Ratchet I’ve ever seen, who just fucking hated Optimus. Seriously, this dude just wanted to be alone with his husband. Wanted NO part of Optimus, no part of Bumblebee, NO ONE. He’s sarcastic, bitter, and he WILL give you shit over Impactor or any of his patients. He’s a sour/sweet old man and even though I wish I saw him more, I love him and adore him with my big ol’ heart. 9/10, everyone can eat my ass I’m not over Impactor still.
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Chaotic bastard. Smartass, dumbass, gay ass, and the first character to say ‘ass’, I love him. He doesn’t play much in terms of actual plot stuff (he’s like, a support character tbh) but the few times he was on screen, I loved him. It was like someone gave Danny Devito a PHD. 8/10, just needed to be able to give more one liners like he deserved.
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A Bad Option for Close Quarters
A/N: Hey there, Prince Oberyn party people! Before we get started in this one, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone for all the encouragement and kind things that you had to say after I posted the first part of this collection. I was and still am nervous to take on Oberyn, so reading the comments that you left really made me feel less nervous. You are Great!! 
A/N 2: And now I have to talk about serious stuff- this part does have some sensitive material in it that may be difficult for some to read. I don’t normally put big red warning stickers on my work, but this one feels like it warrants it. Please as always read the content warnings and if you are still unsure, know that you can always send me a message to ask specifics. 
Warning: language, violence, blood, injury, abuse (physical & sexual in nature) death, NO LIKE ALL THE WARNINGS APPLY. general brothel un-pleasantry. 
Word Count: 4.9k
Summary: Oberyn has made it clear that you are his favorite way to pass the time while he is in King’s Landing, and you are perfectly happy with that. But not everyone is.  
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“‘Bout fuckin’ time.” 
You heard him before you saw him, lined up a few heads behind the front of the procession of prostitutes spilling into the brothel’s main chamber, but there was no mistaking his rough voice or the lowborn accent he tried so hard to hide when he spoke in the presence of others. Shit. You had known him long enough to pick him out from a legion of men by sound alone. Or smell. 
It was Gannon Yast, a foot soldier in the Lannister army who had saved up his coins for years to purchase his surname from a forger on the black market. Like you, he had been born on the streets of King’s Landing, and like you, he was just another drop in the bay, another bastard bearing the name Waters. But unlike you who knew what you were, Gannon had always been subject to outlandish fantasies and truly believed the lies he told about himself and his upbringing. He had been spinning them in his own mind for so long that by now there was surely an elaborate tapestry depicting the lineage of a House that had never existed. 
House Yast. The very thought made you roll your eyes. His sigil could be the pot he bought himself to piss in on a shit brown background. 
The penalty for falsifying documents such as the ones that Gannon had illicitly procured ranged from execution to public flogging and time in the dungeons beneath the Red Keep. To him, imprisonment in a cell was no worse than suffering the flea bitten life his birth name chained him to. Since he wasn’t so bold as to impersonate a nobleman, he knew that he wouldn’t lose his head, and to him it was worth the gamble. 
You didn’t share his viewpoint. You had heard stories, rumors, about female prisoners and the things that had been done to them at the hands of the Gold Cloaks, and while you had no idea how true they were you were not at all interested in finding out. If you were going to get fucked by Lannister guards and soldiers, you may as well be paid for it. Forged proclamation of respectable provenance wasn’t the only way out of King’s Landing, and you’d also been saving your spare coins, few and far between as they may be, for passage across the Narrow Sea and out of Westeros. Even if it would take you a lifetime to save, you would rather hoard what you could over decades than spend even one night in those dank caverns. 
Unless Oberyn actually… You had done your best not to dwell on the offer he had made you to leave the city with him, to live free in the Kingdom of Dorne. He hadn’t mentioned it again though you had been with him several times since. Six. Six times in eleven days. It wasn’t as though you were the only one of Litlefinger’s whores that the Prince and his paramour came to see. The only one he chose every time though. The only one he spent an entire night with. You shook your head and followed Dria, one of the other girls who had been there nearly as long as you had, into the chamber where Gannon and two others were waiting. Even if he truly meant to make good on his offer, his departure from King’s Landing was still weeks away. Anything could happen in that much time. He could make promises to half the whores here about- 
The thin curtain separating the hallway from the main reception chamber was still billowing near your ankles when you felt Gannon’s meaty hand close securely around your wrist. He yanked you straight out of line, much to the dismay of the other men in the room, the girls in front of and behind you scrambling out of the way so as not to get tripped up by your sudden departure from the lineup. Biting the inside of your cheek to hide the grimace on your face at the twisting and pinching of your skin beneath his rough fingers, you stumbled into his hold. Shit. From the corner of your eye you saw Dria sneering at you as she draped herself over the shoulder of one of the other infantry men, and you knew it was because she was bitter about how much time you’d been spending with Oberyn and Ellaria while she and the others were left to serve the lesser customers like Gannon and his acquaintances. Jealous witch. 
You didn’t have the chance to sling a glare back at her, Gannon spinning you around to catch your chin in his free hand, the other releasing your wrist to grab at your ass. Squeezing both to the point of pain, you let out a small muffled sound as he brought your face close to his own. 
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t that fuck-drunk prince’s prized little cunt.” His breath reeked of stale ale and whatever the slop stalls were serving up in their brown bowls that week, his clothes and hair soaked in the bodily stench of a soldier who had been away for long months. He drew his lips into a vicious grin, continuing to grope your flesh through the gauzy sash that barely covered you. The stark contrast between his touch and Oberyn’s made your skin crawl and your stomach turn. You knew that the next time you saw the Prince you’d likely be riddled in bruises and marks left behind by Gannon’s greedy grip and forceful fingers. What will he think of that? 
Your mind provided a quick answer, the way he had looked at you when you told him how you ended up working as a whore in King’s Landing flashing in your memory, his eyes filling with pain, anger and dark fire. He won’t like it. At all. 
Dria’s shrill laughter met your ear as the man she’d been pawing at picked her up and brought her into one of the private pleasure chambers, the door slamming behind them. The third man in the room seemed happy enough where he was, two of the remaining girls already stripping each other of their sashes and teasing him with the perfumed fabric. Those unselected by the men were already shuffling back down the hall, waiting to be called when the next batch of customers arrived. You longed to join them even if it meant forgoing pay for the afternoon, but wishful thinking wouldn’t get you out of this. 
Nothing could. 
You’d been anticipating this encounter since you caught word that the Lannisters were bolstering security around the city leading up to the Royal Wedding. You knew that meant low ranking soldiers like Gannon would be flooding the inns and brothels. The fact that Oberyn had been monopolizing you, keeping you from giving Gannon the homecoming he clearly thought he was entitled to only exacerbated the man’s jealous anger, his lack of patience, his belief that he was owed things from you and your body.  
The man who was currently claiming as much of you as his fingers and thumbs could fit between them broke through your thoughts, continuing to snarl his displeasure over your recent unavailability. “You had me settle for scraps while you fucked that southern shit,” he snarled, spit flying from his lips to land on your cheek. “Every time I came looking for this,” the hand that had been squeezing your ass slipped between your legs as though you of all people needed him to explain why he was in a brothel. You winced, every last fiber of your being trying to recoil from him and finding nowhere to go. “Every fucking time, you were in that room bouncing on that peacock’s prick.” He turned you roughly towards the room that you had utilized several times with Oberyn on his visits and shoved you towards it. “I could hear you in there. You made me fuck scraps while I listened to that and-”  
“I didn’t make you fuck anything, Gannon.” Knowing that you were only making him angrier in your struggle didn’t stop you, and even though he was twice your strength you did what you could to resist the way that he was steering you into the private chamber. “It isn’t my fault that you have to buy time in bed with a woman because no one who wasn’t forced to fuck you ever would.” You bit your words at him only because his flesh was too far from your teeth. “It isn’t my fault that-” 
He timed his backhand with the slamming of the door that he had just pushed you through, releasing his grip and driving the knuckles of his right hand across your face so that you fell hard to the stone floor. Your knees and palms made blunt contact and you knew that as soon as the white hot ache tearing through your skull subsided, pain would erupt over those areas too. Fuck. Letting out a small groan, you tried to crawl away if only just to turn back towards him to see the next blow coming, one scuffed and scraped palm coming up to your already swelling cheek. You could feel warm blood pooling in the shallow cut there, saw a drop fall to the floor as you inched yourself closer to the wall, and though you knew it was likely that he would hit you again, while your body throbbed with the raw, abusive way he was handling you, you didn’t regret saying what you did. 
Gannon Waters was a pile of shit in the gutter, and no forger could change that no matter how fancy the calligraphy on the falsified lineage documents looked. He was foul and filthy and that had nothing to do with which surname he paid for. He was a rotten being and it had nothing to do with where he was born or how many golden coins he could rub together, and suddenly you couldn’t bear to keep those opinions from leaping from your tongue. Not when you’d seen and known better men well before you ever even met Oberyn. The men you served were not always like Gannon, seeking only to assert dominance and demean the unlucky prostitute who didn't feel quite as unlucky until he put his hands on them. Not all of them were despicable and suddenly you had reached a threshold for what you were willing to accept without at least letting loose your venomous feelings, consequences be damned. 
Before you could get too far though, you felt his tight grip wrap around your ankle to yank you back towards him, your knees both hitting the floor again as he did. You let out another involuntary cry, trying in vain to kick free of his grasp, aiming for his chin if at all possible. He thwarted your attempts with another hard pull, dragging you closer so that he could hold himself above you, trapping you between his limbs with one hand pressed firmly over your mouth. “You’re going to regret the day you turned me down, you little cunt.” He seethed as he tore at the sash that somehow still covered your lower half as he dropped his heavy weight on you, the hilt of the sword he still wore and the buckle of his belt scraping at your skin to leave indents. “You could have been my wife, could have had a name, but you wanted to be whore, and I am going to make you regret that choice no matter how many times you fuck that Dornish dog. I’m going to make you regret that until the day that you die, do you hear me?” 
“I hear you.” 
It was Oberyn’s voice that you heard next, and at first you thought it was just a trick that your mind was playing on you, dizzy from the strike and the fall, wishful thoughts sweeping in to carry you away from consciousness. What? How is..?
The dangerous vibration in Gannon’s voice, the unhinged way that his eyes were twitching, the crushing grip he had on you, all of it made your world shrink to just those things, just what you could see and feel and hear. Which meant that you hadn’t noticed the door bursting open, hadn’t heard the shouts or the hurried footsteps of two figures as they rushed inside, hadn’t fully registered what was happening as Gannon was hoisted off of you and slammed into the hardwood table that stood in the center of the room. Someone was pulling you to your feet, wrapping a pair of warm arms around you, murmuring your name and pleading with you to look at them. 
Shaking in shock, you managed to turn your head and focus your eyes, blinking them furiously to force the room to stop spinning. Ellaria? As soon as you recognized the woman you let yourself collapse into her, feeling as she let out a sigh and strengthened her hold on you to keep you on your feet. “You’re alright now.” She spoke softly in your ear as she led you closer to the small table beside the bed where a wash bin and cloth had been set out. “Come here.” Without letting go of you, she reached for the white cloth and dipped it in the cool water before bringing it up to your cheek, the soothing relief of the soft fabric instant as she gently pressed it there. She continued to hush and soothe you, letting you lean into her, and more quickly than you would have thought possible you felt your breathing return to normal, the adrenaline still pounding behind your eyeballs, but allowing you to make sense of what was happening at least. 
Oberyn and Ellaria… they must have come in just after… and then they-      
“I heard you,” Oberyn growled at the man again as he used his agility to duck Gannon’s reactionary swing, slamming him into the table’s surface once more. Using the momentary disorientation, Oberyn disarmed the man before Gannon could fully unsheath his long sword, simultaneously forcing the man into a seated position in one of the chairs that hadn’t gotten knocked to the ground in the fray. “Now tell me why I should let you live.” He moved one hand to the back of Gannon’s neck and pressed hard until the man began to choke out, gasping and gesturing to the Lannister crest emblazoned on the leather chestpiece he wore, and Oberyn released his grip enough to lean back and glance down at the embroidered lions, a look of mock appraisal pulling his handsome features into a cruel mask. “A soldier? Is that what you are trying to say? That I should let you live because you are a soldier?” He scoffed, shaking his head as he tossed the sword aside. “No, no, no,” Oberyn chided, the skin over the knuckles of his left hand stretched tight over the other man’s neck as Gannon fought to free himself from the Red Viper’s hold. “You are not a soldier.” 
The dented steel clattered noisily against the stone floor, skidding halfway across the room to where you and Ellaria stood, the woman stopping its momentum by placing the sole of her sandal atop the flat width of the blade. She still had one arm around your waist, the opposite hand still covering yours to help you keep the cool cloth pressed to your bloodied cheek. Eyes never leaving Oberyn, she turned only enough to whisper into your ear. “He’s going to make that swine pay for what he did to you,” she told you, leaving a comforting kiss on your uninjured cheek. “I promise.” 
You didn’t doubt it. Ignoring the ache, your upper lip curled as you eyed the man who struck you. “Good.” From the corner of your eye you saw Ellaria’s mouth lift into a grin at your response while Oberyn shifted his grip from behind Gannon’s head to one of his wrists, forcing his fingers to splay open atop the carved wood. 
“You are not a soldier,” the Prince went on, “I am sure of this because a soldier would know better than to draw his longsword in such close quarters. No, I don’t think Lannisters have soldiers. That word implies training. Dedication. Skill.” Leaning closer, he paused to allow his voice to fill with disdain, then looked over to where Ellaria’s foot held the weapon in place. “You are just a sack of meat with a pointy sword that is too far away to save you now.” Gannon began a string of swears then, but Oberyn didn’t let him finish it, cutting him off with a question. “Do you know why King’s Landing is such an ugly place?” He used his free hand to grab the sniveling, shaking excuse for a soldier by the jaw. 
You shivered, watching his fingers dig in with enough force to leave deep bruises if not crack the bones beneath them.  How are those the same hands that he- With a rough twist he forced Gannon’s face in your direction, left hand still pining the other man’s wrist to the table. The man who only moments before had been holding you down even more harshly actually had the audacity to shoot you a pleading glance, the fear in his eyes begging you to call off the attack. Fuck you, Gannon. You narrowed your eyes at him and spat blood onto the blade Oberyn had stripped him of. 
Dropping his level he lined himself up directly beside the coward. Releasing the man’s chin as roughly as he’d grabbed it, he turned in your direction. You saw a quick flash of pain in his eyes as he looked at you, and though it was gone before you were truly sure it was there, you felt it in your chest. Oh, Oberyn, it’s… I’m alright. 
As though he could hear your thoughts, he blinked and the remnants of the flash were gone, replaced with renewed anger. He swiveled his head to face Gannon once more. “Because worthless fucking shits like you destroy all the beautiful things.” With lightning speed he reached for the short dagger hanging from his own belt to unsheath it and dragged it across the tabletop. Gannon’s chair shifted as he tried in a desperate panic to distance himself from the glinting edge of the razor sharp weapon, the rounded legs scraping the stone floor as Oberyn brought the crooked dagger to hover over the man’s pinky finger. “Do you know what we do to men like you in Dorne?” He rested the edge of the dagger between the top and middle knuckles of Gannon’s last two digits, a thin crimson line appearing beneath the blade before it had even had the chance to bite into the skin there. 
“Oberyn, wait.” You called out his name, raising the hand you’d been clutching onto Ellaria’s forearm with to stop him from removing Gannon’s fingers. His forehead creased in confusion, the woman beside you drawing a breath to protest your seemingly merciful request. But you only waited long enough for a spark of relief to flicker in Gannon’s eyes, your own burning with hate- for Gannon and men like him- and that flicker fizzled to nothing as he realized that you had no plans to grant him mercy. “It was the other hand that he struck me with.” 
Flashing a grin as quick as the blade he held, Oberyn switched Gannon’s hands so that it was his dominant one to take the punishment, and in a testament of just how sharp the Red Viper of Dorne kept his knives, removed the top portion of the man’s four fingers with almost no pressure needed, the detached parts rolling over the table, no longer a piece of the man’s body, now just bits of waste. Gannon let out a nearly inhuman howl of pain as he keeled over onto the floor in a bloody heap, clutching the gushing stumps above his knuckles that used to be fingers. Though you had never had a digit cut off and couldn’t begin to guess at how it would feel, the sounds coming from the man were twisted, inverted almost, turning into a shriek, his face contorted as though he was being consumed in flames you couldn’t see. Finally, writhing his way to his feet, Gannon scrambled from the room, his screams still audible even as he fled the brothel. 
You hadn’t even realized that you’d stepped away from Ellaria, not until you were reaching for the handle of the dagger that Oberyn had released once he’d finished carrying out the sentence he had passed on Gannon. But before you could close your fingers around the hilt, you felt and then saw Oberyn’s hands coming from behind you to cover yours, stopping you. Pressing your hands into your own stomach, he pulled you back gently but urgently into his chest, his lips immediately finding a home behind your ear where he kissed your name. “You’re safe.” His breath hit your skin in a wave as he slowly turned you in his arms to look you over. Satisfied that you hadn’t been more seriously injured than you were, he relaxed but only slightly. 
Sticking one hand out wordlessly behind himself, he waited for Ellaria to pass him the cloth she had been using to clean your cheek, his eyes glued to your face as he brought the cloth there, dabbing so feather light that you hardly felt a thing. You did feel the weight in his eyes as he looked at you though, and you could tell that what he and his paramour had walked in on had shaken him. Just as your lips parted, intending to whisper his name, his eyebrows came together, a crease forming between them to turn his expression even more grave and it silenced you. Cradling your face between his large palms, he kept you framed  between his bent forearms as he spoke. “You must never touch one of my blades unless I place it in your hand, do you understand?” 
Sucking in a breath, your eyes widened as they flicked back to the blade where it still sat atop the table. You had heard the rumors about the poisons that the Dornish Prince coated his weapons with, and as the sunlight filtered through the window, you saw it shining a dark sickly green color and everything fell into place. That was why he was in so much pain, that’s… he- You looked back at Oberyn then, your chest heaving as you wrapped your head around everything. “You… poisoned him?” 
“He deserved worse.” You watched his nostrils flare, something fiery roaring to life in his eyes. “For what he did to you, he deserves-” 
“Will he die?” You asked without flinching, without your voice wavering, giving him no reason to believe that you were off put by how he had handled Gannon. 
His upper lip curled slightly as he answered, his voice dropping lower. “Not right away.” You inhaled a breath through your nose. He will, then. You caught what he wasn’t saying, that the poison he had used was not only responsible for the increased pain sensitivity, but that it would also masquerade as infection soon enough, sickening the man well beyond the point of saving before he’d even shown signs of illness. 
“Good.” You narrowed your eyes to add emphasis, wanting him to know that you were entirely supportive of the fate he’d subjected Gannon to. He did it to himself. 
Oberyn tilted his head to one side as Ellaria stepped around to take the cloth back from him, the pair of them existing in such harmony with each other that they didn’t even need to communicate verbally. She laid her hand on his arm, moving closer to press her lips to his bicep, kissing him through his robe. Though she didn’t even make contact with his skin, the action was so intimate that their connection was almost tangible. They’re so… Despite the pain you were still in and the shock that still coursed through your veins, the pure beauty in the way that they loved one another wasn’t lost on you. Most people would never have even a fraction of what they gave each other, what they allowed one another to have, what they encouraged each other to experience. You knew that no matter how long you would be involved in their lives, even if you did end up going back to Dorne with them, there was nothing that you or anyone could do to come between Oberyn and Ellaria. It was gorgeous, the way that they respected and supported each other, and you knew that most people wouldn’t understand it, but that didn’t matter to you, or to them. 
Ellaria leaned over to tuck a piece of your hair out of your eyes, sweeping her fingertips over your swollen cheek. “This will fade, I promise.” She gave you a smile then that was softer than you had a feeling she liked to appear to anyone but Oberyn, then leaned in to speak into your ear. “Let him take care of you. He… he needs to know you’re alright.” Dropping a soft peck to your eyebrow, she pulled back and gave you a minute nod, and then she was heading for the door without another glance or word. 
Once it had clicked shut, Oberyn took both of your hands in his and led you slowly backwards to the bed, pausing when he felt his calves hit it to shift his grip to your waist. As he sat on the edge, he pulled you into his lap, and you let him fold you close to his body. But instead of staying there, he slid his arms beneath your legs and around your torso, moving both of you backwards towards the pillows until he had enough space to lay you down. Completely bare, the sash you’d been wearing torn in bloodied pieces on the floor, he let his eyes roam every bit of you, taking stock of the bruises and scrapes, the scratches and red marks that you’d received before he and Ellaria had come to your aid. Then, without warning, his eyes were on yours, and they were spilling over with need, but it wasn’t the same kind of need that you’d seen there before. 
He needs to know you’re alright. 
You heard the other woman’s words echo in your mind, and you knew that this was what she meant. Licking at your lips, you reached for his jaw, fingers grazing the deceptively soft hair that covered it, and you felt him lean into your touch, eyes closed for several beats. “I’m alright, Oberyn,” you kept your voice as even as you could, knowing that it would help convince him that while you were hurt, it could have been far worse. “I’m alright, because you and-” 
“I am sorry that I could not stop him sooner.” He hadn’t waited for you to finish speaking, nor had he opened his eyes, and the way that the muscles in his throat contracted as he swallowed told you that there was more to what he was feeling than you knew. 
“I...Its-” His eyes opened as you swept your thumb over his cheek. “You have nothing to apologize for.” 
“Yes- I do.” He shook his head slightly and took your hand in both of his. Bringing it to his lips, he fit the knuckle of your middle finger between his lips, dragging it along the seam of them before kissing the very end of it. “I have my reasons,” he said, “for why I… why seeing this happening was-” he swore under his breath and swallowed again. “Something…monstrous happened to...to my sister.” You felt your heart break at the sadness in his usually vivacious tone, and you wanted to say something to comfort him, but you fought the urge, remembering what Ellaria had said. “I do not wish to talk about that with you tonight, not while you are…” He brought one hand to your abdomen, fingers finding a divot left there by the press of Gannon’s metallic sword hilt against your skin. “Not while you are in need of my care.” He carefully lowered himself to lay beside you, letting his touch travel over your body to caress each bruise, and then his lips were raking over the cut on your cheek, impossibly close but so gentle that even though the skin was raw and angry, it didn’t hurt at all. “I will tell you about her one day. I… I want you to know me, understand me. And you cannot do that without learning about her.” You wanted to know whatever he would tell you, even if hearing it would shatter your heart all over again. “But not tonight. Tonight…” he looked into your eyes then, that need still there. “Tonight, let me take care of you, my wild thing.” Though it wasn’t sexual, the burn in his desire to tend to you purely to help heal your wounds, you couldn’t help the way that your stomach flipped and your heart lurched, because that somehow made it mean even more. “I will not rest, he went on as you hummed at the sensation of the backs of his fingers trailing over the purplish marks on your arm, “until I have made my penance to every part of you that he touched.” 
You fell asleep that night to his fingers in your hair, his lips resting against the crown of your head as you lay against his chest, not a single mark left untended by the Prince.    
THANK YOU FOR READING! If you would like to be added to or removed from the tag list please feel free  to let me know. And like I said up top: if you have any requests or ideas that you would like to see for these two, send an ask and I will see what I can do!
tags: @something-tofightfor @gollyderek @pheedraws @valkblue @alraedesigns @beefcakebarnes​ @persie33ik @fific7​ @g0ldenlush​ @insiespeckagain  @thisgirl-knm​ @writeforfandoms​ @paracosmenthusiast​
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trashcanfills · 3 years
Stain | Akaguro Chizome Basic Headcanons
Just trying my own hand at this thing and lets see how it goes!
Outwardly presents a stoic and rather calm persona. This man is rarely fazed much by anything being the cool collected person he is, from what we have seen from the initial interactions with other characters.
However he demonstrates an incredibly strong sense of passion for his cause, which is to eliminate fake heroes in society, due to his belief that the hero industry has corrupted the true meaning of the world hero, and that people have forgotten what it means to be one.
Incredibly smart and practical, seeing as how he has strategically picked off who he deemed as fake heroes and how he has managed to come up with killing them such that it keeps to his own strengths and fighting style. Incredibly determined too, seeing how fucking strong he is, being able to fight very well against 3 students with combat-oriented quirks and utilises his quirk rather efficiently.
That said though he isn’t without his flaws. Once he has decided on something, it becomes very hard to move from his set ways. He has his own beliefs and opinions that are very well justified from experiences. He would likely listen you out on your own opinions based on various topics like hero society, but don’t let that think he will agree, or compromise his own beliefs. He seems to be the kind of person to only change his worldview through personal experience. Telling him about your experiences is not going to make him budge from his stance on killing heroes. He knows what he’s doing is wrong, but he sees it as a necessary sacrifice in order to create the better world he envisioned.
Of course we are all aware his has incredibly high exacting standards, what with all the heroes he has killed for not being able to match up to his ideals, to the point that only All Might so far is be considered a true hero. I know he acknowledges Izuku and Shouto, but they are only heroes in training that show good potential, not yet an actual true hero but he is aware they might make it there some day. Because of such expectations, if you plan to go for any form of hero career, you are going to get judged and scrutinised iMMENSELY. The moment he sees something he doesn’t like or approve, well uhhh...please avoid going patrols alone or seeking out dark alleys.
Those exacting high standards would likely apply to anyone wanting/is a Pro-Hero. He’s neutral to civilians and bystanders in general cus they didnt choose to sign up for the public service that is Heroism. His idea is if you choose to or want to become a Pro-Hero, you better be following the intentions of a hero-in-making, since Pro-Heroes are essentially doing a public service to help others whenever they are in trouble. That being said, he won’t be as harsh on someone if they are a normal civilian, and would be approving if you display kind and selfless qualities. It’s for this reason I can see him highly likely to be attracted to a civilian, cus someone so ordinary being a hero in everyday life, without pursuing fame or glory in todays celebrity hero culture? He will hold some form of admiration for you.
Highly likely doesn’t mean always though! If you are a Pro-Hero he approves of, well you have absolutely nothing to worry about! He would most likely leave you alone since you are a true hero like All Might. Whether he interacts with you or not is an entirely different story since he is on the wrong side of the law you know. And because of what he does...he feels better off not to interact with the true heroes due to their clashing ideals and all, plus seeing himself as a necessary evil. He could be inclined to interact with a hero he approves more often if he finds that they share similar ideals, which is really fascinating and rare since not many people in the hero industry he has met think that way, or consider it.
And as for villains...uhhh this one is kinda a bit touchy of a subject. In his younger days as a vigilante, he would see villains indiscriminately and just kill them. Now though, since he became a villain himself, he would be more open to meeting villains since it is possible some can work for a noble cause like him. He does work with some as shown in the spin-off bnha manga, though begrudgingly lol considering that girl with the bee quirk is pretty villainous and he did promise he would kill her at some point. So he DOES occasionally work together with other villains sometimes if it is necessary to accomplish his goals. Of course, he still has some form of standards for villains, in which they strive towards a form of purpose, seeing how he gets irritated at Tomura when it seemed liked he only wanted to destroy society and All Might cus why not. Violence without conviction or purpose is just unnecessary, and well you see how this guy is all about conviction.
Likely does not really have many relationships with people, whether platonic or romantic. This man has rather controversial views on hero society, and seeing his rather high/extreme standards on what Heroes should be makes him a bit isolated. Not that he minds much, you know. In fact, he would have consciously made that decision given the road he has decided upon himself. He’s giving up any form of selfish desires he has for the sake of committing to this vision of his, and that would include abstaining from any form of interactions with loved ones. Heck I even see it possible for him to push them away from him since he doesnt want them to be dragged down in this hellhole he has dugged himself, nor does he want them to be associated with a serial killer like him.
Whew ok I think thats a number of basic stuff I have with him. I would prob post more soon. Keep an eye out for that!
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boatemhole · 3 years
crossfire | a hermitcraft x dreamsmp crossover
ohhh boy oh boy. remember that hc x dsmp crossover i was talking about a while back? the one with ranboo and zed? well, i finally finished writing it! i can be found here on wattpad, or if you don’t have it you can read it under the cut :D
this is actually more hermitcraft-centered than dsmp, so heads-up for that. i don’t watch too much dsmp so i tried to keep it as vague as possible for ranboo’s parts. i had a lot of help from my friends on that bit
word count: 2115 tws: swearing, mentions of wars
Ranboo wasn't sure where he was, but it definitely wasn't the Dream SMP.
The place he found himself in had buildings that seemed to stretch upwards forever. There was no consistency in the block palettes; each build had its own distinct style. Some were larger than the others--one build that looked like a town hall seemed to overlook the rest of the builds. Ranboo could even see more buildings that were in the background and seemed to have their own islands.
What was this place? Was this someone's base? It was huge. It seemed to go on forever.
For some reason, the grass hadn't spread around the island completely yet. He noticed some large patches of dirt that looked freshly dugout. Little sprouts of grass had started to grow, but it hadn't completely covered the dirt yet.
As Ranboo wandered the area, he heard a small moo. Turning around, he saw a lone mooshroom, its red and white hide looking out of place among the green grass. He vaguely remembered that mooshrooms are supposed to be in mycelium islands, not regular ones like this.
How did this one get here, then? Poor thing.
Had this place been a mushroom island before? It would explain the still-spreading grass. Whoever owned this place must have put in so much time and effort here between the builds and the replaced mycelium. It was incredible. The look of this place was chaotic--so many different styles crammed together--but, at the same time, there was a certain harmony it had.
Ranboo slowly walked up to the mooshroom as to not scare it. When the cow approached him, he held out a hand and petted it a bit, feeling surprising sympathy for the animal. It was taken out of its natural habit and was alone now.
Kind of how he had found himself here, in this place he had no idea how to navigate.
As he petted the mooshroom, he thought he heard a firework sound off in the background. When he looked around, though, there was nothing.
Oh, yeah. Where were all the people? Where was the person that built this place?
Then, he looked up and saw someone flying above him.
Ranboo didn't recognize the grayish-purple wings strapped onto the man's back. They looked light, but they managed to catch the wind so the person who had the wings strapped to them glided around easily. Instead of feathers, these wings had a more silky, transparent look to them. There were only two main parts of the set, and they functioned pretty simply. The two parts just expanded whenever the person was in flight.
The person noticed Ranboo, too, and he landed on the ground. It wasn't anyone Ranboo recognized. They had light blonde hair, violet eyes, and a brown tunic. He was wearing diamond armor--no netherite. And instead of a chestplate, he was wearing those wings.
From the look on his face, he didn't recognize Ranboo, either.
The guy gave Ranboo that confused once-over, like he wasn't sure who--or what--he was looking at. He must have looked very odd compared to the other person's attire.
"Um...how did you get here?" he said after a moment. "I, uh, haven't seen you around before."
Ranboo sighed inwardly. "Honestly, I don't even know myself."
He reached into his inventory for his memory book, but after a few moments of digging around for it...he didn't find it. He opened his backpack all the way to look for it, but it wasn't there.
He started to panic a bit. He didn't like going anywhere without his memory book--he tended to forget things a lot, and he wrote them down in his book so he didn't forget. Without it, he constantly forgot important things...like how he'd gotten here.
The other person noticed his panic and hurriedly gave him a "calm-down" gesture. "Hey, don't worry about it," he said quickly. "I'm sure there's a reason why you're here."
"I'm Zedaph, by the way," he added as an afterthought. "You can call me Zed. For now, why don't I take you to Xisuma? He might know something about all this."
Zedaph? Xisuma? Who the hell were these people?
"Listen, I don't think I'm supposed to be here--" Ranboo said, looking around as if he could somehow find an exit out of this place. "I'm part of a different SMP, not...whatever this one is. I don't even know what this place is--I belong to the Dream SMP."
Zed paused as something occurred to him. "Wait--hold on, you're a part of the Dream SMP?"
Ranboo was a bit confused at Zed's sudden curiosity. "Uh, yeah. Why?"
Zed leaned against a shop's storefront, petting the mooshroom Ranboo found earlier idly. "What is it like?"
Ranboo was really confused now. Zed had changed topics at the speed of light. "Uh, what is what like?"
"The Dream SMP."
When Ranboo raised an eyebrow, Zed continued.
"Well, we've heard some things about that SMP. It's kind of infamous. Big reputation. I don't really know how to explain this, but uh...we've heard that conflicts on that server are more...major?" His voice went up an octave. "More serious? Than other SMPs, at least."
"Oh, um. Yeah." Ranboo was careful choosing his words, knowing he was treading on a ground littered with landmines. "What about it?"
"Well, compared to a place like here--Hermitcraft--we have more, uh, lighthearted conflicts. Not entirely serious, you know?" Zed cleared his throat awkwardly and glanced to the side.
So this was Hermitcraft. Just like how Zed said the DSMP was well-known, people knew the Hermitcraft server well, too. Specifically their big, grindy builds. Ranboo should have known that's where he was. This place definitely did Hermitcraft justice.
Zed was still looking at him curiously. Ranboo knew he wasn't going to let this go until he said something about it--he seemed like that kind of person.
"Well, I'm probably not the best person to turn to for this kind of stuff," Ranboo started.
"Hey, you're the only DSMP member who's appeared in our server randomly," Zed joked with a little laugh. "You're my only source. You can probably say something ridiculous that would never happen here and I'd have to believe you."
"Okay. A place called L'Manburg was blown up three times by three different people at three different times." Ranboo put on his best deadpan face, though Zed probably couldn't see it behind his mask and sunglasses.
Zed stared at him for a count of five. "...You're not joking, are you?"
"Nope. Actually happened."
"Um...wow. Okay." Zed didn't seem to know what to do with that info. That kind of stuff was probably unheard of in a place like this. "H-how did that happen anyway? What prompts someone to blow up this place thrice? What did it do to deserve that?"
Ranboo went stiff. Zed had hit a sensitive spot. "Wars. Conflict in the server. So many sides taken, the SMP is split in half."
"And...what side are you on?" Zed asked softly.
Zed leaned back, surprised by the answer. "Oh, um...can I ask why? If you're comfy saying it, of course."
"No, it's okay." Ranboo took a deep breath before continuing.
"I have this policy. 'Choose people, not sides.' Every conflict on this server has started out because of two conflicting beliefs. Then, people start taking the side of one belief. Then, it just...escalates from there. I don't choose a side because that's going to solve nothing. Instead, I choose people. Of course, I want all this conflict to be over.
"But it never stops."
He trailed off as he realized he'd started rambling. "Uh, crap, you probably didn't want to hear all that, though--I'm sorry--"
"No, no, it's okay," Zed said quickly. "It's just...y'see, on Hermitcraft, our wars are more...lighthearted. Not as serious. I've said this before. There's no real conflict, just servermates messing around with each other."
"I wish I could experience that kind of thing," Ranboo muttered. It made sense that a place like this didn't have a lot of real conflict. It was like a haven of some sort to Ranboo. A special place that was unachievable in his own server.
"...I can't imagine going to actual war when it's my friends who are on the opposing side," Zed continued. "I mean, sure, we've had wars before, but it's always lighthearted roleplay. We're not actually mad at each other, y'know?"
He was silent for a moment before adding on one last bit. "Though some...recent wars...have gotten a bit more out of hand."
"How about you?" Ranboo asked. "What side are you on for these wars?"
"Would you believe me if I said 'none', too?" Zed said with a smile.
"Not for the reasons you are. It's just...not my thing. I don't usually get involved in big server events. I have my own projects I want to work on. Though I have these two friends—Tango and Impulse—who always get involved. And they always end up on opposite teams."
"What's that like after the war is over?"
"Weird. It didn't use to be like this, but there's this...lingering tension now. Like I said earlier, the wars are getting a bit more serious, and it takes me a while longer to break the ice again between 'em. It's not like immediately after the war things go back to normal. Not anymore."
Ranboo let out a small puff of laughter. "Seems like we each have our own problems, huh?"
"...Yeah. Seems like it."
Ranboo's smile faded, and he sighed. "I wish I could be a part of a really close server like this. It seems fun."
"What do you mean?"
"Well...let's just say I don't really have any close friends on the DSMP."
"...You don't?"
Ranboo instantly regretted oversharing with Zed. The reason why he never told people about this is that they tended to go "Oh, poor you"! and baby you afterward.
Why did he share this with Zed, anyway? Out of all the people he could have confessed to...why a Hermit? They had it easy over here. How could he understand? Why not talk to someone on the DSMP who could?
But...Zed continued to surprise him with what he said.
"If you want...I can be your first real friend."
Ranboo did a double-take. Out of all the things Zed had said—and some of them had seemed downright foreign to him—this is what surprised him the most. He didn't go "Poor thing! Do you want a hug?" or awkwardly change the subject...he listened. More importantly, he understood.
And that was something Ranboo wasn't used to.
He realized Zed was waiting for an answer, and he awkwardly cleared his throat. He couldn't say anything that could properly convey the...happiness he felt when Zed offered to be his friend. Yes, that was it. He didn't realize how lonely he'd felt before.
Even if he did have people he hung out with more on the DSMP, he never felt close to them. That wasn't something he felt with Zed. For whatever reason, in the short time he'd talked to him, Ranboo felt like he could relate to him. A lot. They had to deal with the same kind of problem, even if their conflicts were on opposite ends. They were two sides of the same coin.
"...Yeah," he said after a moment longer. "I'd like that."
Zed smiled a bit, and Ranboo did have to read too deep into it to know that he was thinking along the same lines as he was right now. He was that kind of person.
After a moment of silence, Zed cleared his throat. "Um. Though...you know you can't stay here forever. You have your own server, and the whitelist will kick you out sooner or later. You belong in the Dream SMP. Not here. As much as I'd like you to stay."
Ranboo laughed as a thought occurred to him. "It was never meant to be, huh?"
"But--before the whitelist kicks you out, we should make the most of the time left. I don't know if I'll see you again, y'know? And I want to hear about everything in the DSMP."
Ranboo felt a smile grow on his face. Zed delivering bad news, then immediately following with a hopeful smile afterward was something he'd do. He was glad he met Zed today...even if it was under the weirdest circumstances he'd ever encountered. And he'd seen some pretty odd things.
"Yeah. C'mon, let's go find somewhere to sit." Zed got up from his sitting spot, brushed off the dirt, and gestured for Ranboo to follow him. "I'll tell you what's happening in my server, and you can tell me about yours!"
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