#This is just the tip of the iceberg too
qsmp-yaoi-island · 11 months
I absolutely love this event and it's been really fun if not a little scuffed, but I cannot stop going insane over the lore implications of this
The one thing I can't stop thinking about is where are the eggs actually? Before they went missing they showed up covered in dirt, cracked, and had no memory of why they looked like this. It was really glossed over because of the double waystone and furniture thievery going on but isn't that really weird? They were taken somewhere and allowed back before disappearing completely, and it makes no damn sense. Did they manage to escape being captured the first time, and if so why didn't they remember anything?
Also the Federation saying they didn't know where the eggs were, but also saying they were running from something. Not captured, taken, or kidnapped, but "ran away". Did the Eye Man eventually capture them, and that's why they sent the islanders to get them back? Where on earth does the Dark Cucurucho fit into all this, like is he working for the Eye Man or an opposing force (wtf about the book he gave Forever????) ? Didn't they specifically send the islanders away to clean up the dark matter?
AND THE CODE STRUCTURES. Why did the new pop up structures which are 90% confirmed to be code related have pictures of the eggs. Were the codes really trying to help save the eggs, and if so why aren't they helping them out of the death game?
My personal theory is that I genuinely think that purgatory doesn't actually have the eggs but Dark Cucrucho does, and they're working to get them back while they send the islanders away to stop causing problems in the mean time.
Too many questions not enough answers. It's driving me crazy
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mothielad · 1 year
Actual quotes of things I’ve overheard today at my public middle school.
“Bro you are a teenage m e n a c e”
“Alex, I won’t stand for your shenanigans any longer”
“LUCAS HAS AN EGG! RUN!!” *blood curdling scream*
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neilarmstrongssmile · 1 month
Ok, I need too talk about it. The Five x Lila thing is uncomfortable and kinda gross to me. But mabye I'm not seeing the vision/my discomfort is not the reason it's a bad idea necesarilly. So... here are some reasons besides that on why it's just a bad idea:
1. Why give Five a love story at all? He had a love story, has had it the whole show - love for his family. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve romantic love (with an actual human), but knowing it's the last season and knowing they have only 6 eposodes mabye don't? Introducing the romance in the second to last episode? And developing it through a montague? It's not enough time
2. What's the purpose of the subway station to the story? The only characters on it are Five and Lila (later also Lila's family + Claire), they don't accomplish anything with it, don't find anything useful, don't learn anything new. It's an excuse to have them get lost there, so that they could fall in love. IT'S THE LAST SEASON! Don't waste a cool location like that! Why didn't other characters get there? Why didn't they get Bennifer there and put Ben on one train and Jennifer on another while they think of another permanent safe solution? Use the subway station for actual plot or get rid of it - and that way we don't have the out-of-character falling in love crap
3. Ok, thay are lost, it's been years, they are loosing hope, they are clinging to the only other real thing. There's no guilt? No talk of Diego, Lila's children? There's no false start? They just kiss, remark it's not weird and live idyllicly together? I don't need depressing scenes of them crying for their family and hating themselves for being together, but what we got was not a relationship created by necessity but a normal falling in love story as if Lila isn't MARRIED CURRENTLY to Five's BROTHER! There should be some weirdness, some discussion of what exactly their relationship is, what would happen if they managed to come back. It's inconsistent (with previous characterisation but that's another thing) - are they genuinly in love, or using each other? Is Lila trully happy and in love, or pretending, while being desperate to come back to reality with Diego and her kids? They seem really in love, but after Five finally (5 months!?!?? WTF that's gross) shows Lila the notebook and she leaves she makes it seem as if she's choosing Diego and her marriage. But then she cannot answer 'Do you love him?', gives Five longing glances, is holding his hand... I know that she could be confused and unsure but it doesn't seem as if she doesn't know, it seems like she acts in the way for all the scenes to be dramatic even if it contradicts what happened previously.
4. So they manage to go back, Lila doesn't immedietly confess to Diego, and when the truth comes out Five is mad? He is in the wrong! He went after his brother's wife, he should be apologetic, he should feel weird to be in Diego's home, not combative. Yeah, your love life is complicated and not everything is roses after your return but it's on you YOU WENT AFTER A MARRIED WOMAN! WITH KIDS! And you're mad at her husband for being mad at you? No, he should be ashamed. And ok, get mad later, say that you were finally happy, and now it's gone, scream it at Lila or Diego, but not from the get go. That makes him seem like such a scumbag .
5. You wanted Five to have a romance. In my opinion unnecessary, but do you. You wanted it to be with Lila. In my opinion very weird choice, but sure. Why have Lila and Diego married? We have a 6 year time skip. They could have been just co-parenting and no longer together (and never married). Why make a subplot where Diego thinks Lila is cheating on him (as a joke) to then make it a reality? Why not have Diego and Lila have this season to grow close as friends and co-parent as a unit after years of conflict and have Diego be supportive of this weird incestuous relationship? (TUA unfortunately is no stranger to that, and UA already has weird and complicated relationships all around) instead of falling apart in such a fashion? IT'S THE LAST SEASON at the very least have all our main characters go out without conflict with each other. Five's lat words to Diego were 'I'm gonna kill you'.
It seems they made this whole thing as messy as possible, but then didn't dive deep into the mess to have some actual drama, didn't adress the mess, didn't vindicate any of those characters. And if you're just creating mess and don't engage with it, and it's THE LAST SEASON mabye you should've just left it alone - Lila and Diego together and happy, and Five doing everything to be witg his family, safe. I'm dissapointed.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Ok fuck it I’m so sleep deprived I am going to parasocialize on main:
Champagne Problems came on my playlist when I was in the car this morning and it struck me that “you told your family for a reason, you couldn’t keep it in” kind of parallels how much wedding/marriage imagery was all over the Lover album with her telling the world she was ready to marry this person and in turn everyone expecting it to happen imminently but then by evermore we started getting all the relationship breakdown stories because no one was celebrating anymore 😵‍💫
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The thing I love about Victorian and Edwardian fashion is that even if I don't like a piece of clothing, even if it's an affront to God and the most unfortunate combination of colours and drapery, I am ALWAYS stunned into appreciation when I see the details. The amount of minute, manual attention paid to each square centimetre of cloth is mindblowing. I can just imagine someone stooping over that corner of sleeve sewing on each individual bead or lining up the waist tape in a work dress or arranging the frills with a host of finicky pins. I wish each piece of my clothing was as unique and full of dedication and character
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ferahntics · 1 year
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@startistdoodles​ and I have been occupied, to say the least, and created our Magnum Opus that is Quidia 😂❤ (Quiver Knight and Sidia Knight)
This started off as a joke and a ‘haha if they were a couple they’d be cranky all the time’ and it just kind of. Torpedoed itself off the coast into a full-blown in-depth ship with development and we’re losing our minds.
So of course we threw this together, Star drew the many Sidias, the wedding drawing above and the adorable bonding moment in the post below, I drew Quivers and handled the graphic design portion. This was insanely fun to do aaaaa 💕💕💕
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Here’s the blank for the 5 minute template!
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ways journalists have really described alex turner and miles kane:
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"Wearing matching outfits, gazing into each other's eyes, talking about their instant connection… Alex and Miles' claims that they wrote the Shadow Puppets' album about 'a girl' weren't fooling anyone. Quite simply Alex and Miles are hopelessly, madly, enviably in love with each other. Please lads, just be true to yourselves, embrace your feelings, and have a massive snog - we can't bear the tension any more."    - NME
“If there’s one sexual dynamic at work tonight at the Usher Hall, it’s homoeroticism. The Last Brokeback Mountaineers are a camp pair of strutting cocks, to be sure.”  - The Wee Review
"Speaking to them together feels like interrupting a conversation that's been going on since 2005." - NME
“Looking over at his manspreading counterpart, Kane gleefully points at Turner’s exposed bulge. Not wanting to be rude, I look away.” - SPIN
“Watching them finish each others’ sentences, agonise over their answers to how well they know each other and embrace when it’s time to leave... well, you’d need a heart made of Hoosiers CDs not to find it incredibly sickly sweet.” - NME
“Alex Turner and Miles Kane turn towards each other with fond looks when we suggest they’re best friends. Like doodle in each other’s notebooks BFF status. After spending 15 minutes with them though, we’re pretty convinced they’re going to grow old together in matching tracksuits.” - Sidewalk Hustle
“Miles Kane looks like he’s gagging for a great big man-hug (and maybe more...) off his buddy. These two have spent overly long admiring themselves and each other.” -  The Wee Review
“As soon as I decide to just get started without Kane, Turner accidentally Facetimes him from his pocket, and the two erupt into a fit of giggles, our conversation veering off course for the third time in as many minutes.” - Consequence
“While Turner stares on the ground during his answers, Kane watches him like a lovestruck teenager from the side.” - Musikexpress
“Say this for Lennon and McCartney, or Plant and Page: they never had their own romantic rock ‘n’ roll portmanteau. But “Milex”—Miles Kane and Alex Turner, for the uninitiated—have just that enviable kind of bromance. The two even moved to Los Angeles in tandem a few years ago. No wonder multiple “Milex” pages have cropped up on Tumblr, breathlessly re-posting the duo’s every embrace and droll quip; there is fan fiction, too, the kind that would make a coal miner blush.” - Interview Magazine
'"Alex Turner is like a princess in need of his prince Miles's assistance to get down from a tower." - Dutch Review
"You'd be forgiven for barely noticing anything beyond the front of the stage, though. Like a pair of teenagers egging each other on, Turner and Kane are the most infatuated frontmen since the Pete Doherty and Carl Barat." - Hot Press
"If Miles Kane had a 'hard on' for being a front-man before The Last Shadow Puppets, he's grabbed the opportunity Turner's patronage presented him with both hands. So to speak." - Q Magazine
"The feeling is contagious too, as though we're looking in on star-crossed lovers finally reunited." - Hot Press
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The longer I watch “Bob’s Burgers,” the more I’m convinced the Belchers REALLY ARE all five different shades of autism. 😂😂😂
Six plus Gayle.
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s-lycopersicum · 6 months
Maybe the next development in my character arc should be hornyposting...
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sincerityisscarity · 8 months
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Abigail Hobbs // Daddy issues
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koqabear · 11 months
dreamer is everything i wanted and more bye guys i’m deactivating!
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soullessjack · 9 months
reading the new responses and I would just like to say that I am personally kissing every one of u who brought up jack being a prop 🫵😙
and on the flip side I am begging every “mentally a baby/ baby on the inside” response to please actually watch the show with a smidgeon of critical brain power
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delta-chan · 8 months
I am very interested in Higgs's role in Death Stranding 2 because Kojima is never straighforward and the way he's presented is sort of fascinating. He seems to have fixated on BB's theme, is fascinated by Lou and knows something about her that Sam doesn't, and what he says at the end of the trailer doesn't sound sarcastic or malicious.
Those who did the BB factory quest know that Higgs is intimately familiar with the BB creation process as well as the little buggers themselves and worked to dismantle the factory with Fragile's mom. Whatever he noticed about Lou, he probably has some experience with as someone with low-level DOOMs. He may likewise become invested in the whole Lou situation.
It likely has something to do with that freaky-ass "BB-28 died before you ever met Lou" information.
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houseofscribbles · 5 months
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Some visual notes on the robotics of ISO! Also, an extra mess notes about them under the read more :]
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sassyandclassy94 · 4 months
Here’s a headcanon created by me and @i-am-a-lost-girl16 about our fictional Bobby Moch
His girl/wife is the ultimate girl’s girl. One of the crew’s girls has a problem? She’s got a remedy for it.
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dragonji · 4 months
FINALLY home . unforch the fervor for expounding my thoughts on qyz has passed and left only exhaustion and a desire to play my viddy james in its place so will not be doing that tonight✌️ It Is on the list though and when I get around to it..... ohhh none of u are ready for the truths I shall speak.........
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