#This is kind of clunky and could be smoothed out
fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Local woman downloads favourite game onto computer only to realise she likes it much better on switch, 15 dead 73 injured
#stardew on switch just feels… correct. idk#maybe it’s just because i’m so used to the controls. i mean rotating furniture is a whole ass process but other than that everything is just#so smooth and so fast to do. pc feels so clunky to me idk#maybe once i get used to it i’ll be zooming idk. like the controls make sense but i still can’t get my head around them#maybe i’m just not used to playing games on my computer lol. apart from the sims but that’s 90% clicking stuff#it also annoys the hell out of me that the e and f keys are so close to wasd because i’m always accidentally clicking them and bringing up#my inventory or journal and it drives me insane#is there a way to disable that? like i’d be fine just pressing escape to get in the pause menu & physically clicking on my journal#numbers & tab to switch tools around is genius though; no further notes#i honestly would’ve continued playing on switch forever but 1) there’s only so much you can do and i want to add mods (sve for certain#and maybe ridgeside & always raining in the valley if i can) so that i can have a damn near infinite amount of content#and 2) my friend doesn’t have a switch and she wants to play co-op#like could we get another joycon; connect my switch to her tv (my tv would never work) and play that way? almost definitely#but it works out cheaper for both of us to buy a whole ass copy of the game than for us to go halves on a controller#the controller also wouldn’t be used for very much whereas a copy of stardew on each of our computers will definitely get played#as long as i can fucking get my head around the controls that is#i’m so glad it’s the kind of game you can take your time in lmao#personal
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jarofstyles · 4 months
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy- Patreon
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Hello! We’ve been getting asks about what our series are about, and we wanted to show you guys a little piece of what we have on there 🫶 this is a series about rancher and cowboy h, and Y/N is very happy to be getting a job out on the infamous ranch with her passion for the horses and the beauty of the land.
WC- 1.6k
Here is our sneak peek! You can join us on Patreon for multiple exclusive series (100+ pieces) and early access to our writing.
The place was fucking gorgeous… but that didn’t seem to compare to the cowboy showing her around. Jesus Christ, the man was something of a movie star quality man.
He was polite and charming. Holding his hand out to take hers when they’d have to move over a bit of rougher terrain, his calloused fingers gently caressing hers with a sly smile. The hat on his head shaded his eyes so he could look properly, giving her eye contact the entire time. Chillingly hot eye contact that had her feeling a bit weak in the knees. Soft green, greener than the grass in the fields that sprawled the ranch.
“I think you’d like workin’ here. It’s a family for sure.” He hummed, moving his hat off to brush his longer locks out of his face and adjusting the hat back on. He was bronzed and golden skinned from working outside, a light dusting of freckles just barely visible from her distance. Carved cheekbones and sharp jawline but dimples deeper than the valley, he was a god like being standing in front of her with a sweet disposition he probably hid a bit from others.
“I think so, yes. It’s my dream. You know? It’s a bit cheesy to some at the school… everyone’s always dreaming to run off to the city. But I love the place. The animals. The air.” She murmured, looking around the ranch. Y/N was hyper aware of the warm form of the man next to her, and the fact he was looking at her. Never had she experienced such an attentive man in terms of talking to her. No checking of his phone, no looking away.
She also was unaware of how Harry was genuinely a bit in awe of her. The starry eyed cowboy drinking in her essence and watching carefully as she spoke. Observing the details he hadn’t managed before. Beating himself up over not having known her before. Because, how? A girl in their area who wanted to stay? Who genuinely loved his land? That was a rarity. It wasn’t going to take much to have him be taken with her.
“I think that’s Amazin’.” He smiled, placing his hand on the small of her back and leading her towards the barn where their personal horses were kept. “You’re like me then. Content with home. Everyone says… they want wild adventures. Don’t even bother lookin’ in their own backyard. And that’s a damn shame, cause there’s plenty.” He spoke as they walked. Her eyes trailed his petal pink lips, the slight stubble left on the skin on his face, the radiance in his entire being. Harry was truly one of a kind. Even with dirt smudged on his jeans, clunky cowboy boots and the occasional scratch on his hand he managed to be graceful and smooth.
“Exactly.” She chirped, excited that he got it. “To me… there’s nothing like the festivals downtown. Learning to make new things. Finding a new watering hole or mapping out the land. I love the bonfires and cookouts. I don’t know. I find there’s a beauty in simplicity.” She turned to look at him, eyes squinted for a moment before they adjusted to the sun. It was beautiful outside despite the heat. The blue skies elevated her mood, but she did think that it was mostly attributed to the man guiding her around.
Harry felt his heart swell and a round of hopeful caterpillar‘s making their cocoons inside of his stomach. So many times he’s been hoping to find someone of a similar mindset. Someone he could get close to and not worry about them wanting to run off later down the line. It just felt… nice. Comforting. Knowing someone else felt the same as he did.
“You get me, Sweets.” He lightly flexed his hand on her back as his smile widened. Harry was a skeptic romantic. Meaning he held his cards close before he let them show. He’s flirt and tease but playfully. It wasn’t real unless he felt secure. Something he felt more and more of each time this pretty girl opened her mouth. A dangerous combination for him.
His approval made her giddy, having to stop herself from skipping as he opened the barn door up with a creaky slide. “We’re getting new doors on the barn so it doesn’t cause such a ruckus. But this barn is for our personal horses. I’ve got a few, but my soul partner is right over here.” He led her over to a large black stallion. A white star shaped mark right between his eyes. “His name is Perseus. Or Percy, for short.” He grinned widely at the giggle that left her mouth, his hand stroking over his nose with gentle affection.
“Percy, hm?” She looked at Harry for approval before stroking the side of the horse’s strong neck. “What a beautiful big boy.” A gentle coo had the hose sighing. A sign of relaxation, making her beam. “Yes, you are a strong, Handsome one. I can tell.” Her hands worked over the front of the horse with a cooed affection that had Harry- in simpler terms- about to act up.
He was far closer to his horses than people realized. He loved his animals and had a special connection to them, but especially Percy. His best friend. He’d gotten him for his 21st, and ever since they’d been attached at the hip. “Oh, he likes you.” His deep voice rumbled through her stomach and almost made her jump. “He doesn’t usually take to stranger so fast. Got ‘im begging for attention. He will eat it up when he like ‘ya.”
So would Harry. He felt a little pathetic being jealous for wanting the girl to be stroking at his face like that. She had smooth hands.
“Does he get that from his Daddy?”
The giggled tease had Harry caught of guard but sent him into a laugh, head thrown back at the gall. This woman was something else… and it was calling right to him. A bit of banter was sexy. Especially teasing.
“Maybe so. But it takes a special woman to get men like us to behave like mere pups.” He hummed, leaning his hip against the stall door.
“Mhm. I bet that’s true.” She looked at him from under her lashes with a coy smile before returning her attention to the stallion.
I’ll be damned. He thought. This was the fastest a woman had managed to tangle Harry up in a lasso, but it seemed like he was pulling it tighter than she had even meant to.
“How many personal horses are then?” Her question snapped him out of his fantasy in his mind. Not an appropriate one to be having about a staff member but Harry knew that in his gut, she would be far more than that.
“I have 3. Percy, here.” He nudged his chin towards him. “Then we’ve got Athena. And Cash.” He pointed towards a paint mare and a chestnut… what seemed to be thoroughbred stallion. “Those are mine. Over there are my fathers two, and my mothers one though she doesn’t ride often. Hers is used more for riding lessons and all that. Sister got some too. So… 8. We got room for two more personal. Staff and ranch hands, if they got ‘Em, keep them in the commercial barns. There’s a lot of ‘em here.” Though she knew that. “I’m assuming you’ll like to spend time with all of them.”
“Well… Percy is a favorite so far.” She grinned towards the horse. “But you’d be right. I adore all animals but horses.. they’re a soft spot for me. I want to have a few of my own one day.” She said it shyly. It was stupid to be shy and Y/N knew that. Harry got it more than anymore but there was still that residual shame she felt from peers when she said she was happy where she was and wanted to keep going. She didn’t have the same wanderlust as everyone else.
“Hey.” He took a risk, gently lifting her chin up with his thumb. “Nothin’ wrong with that. Don’t know why you’re embarrassed when m’the one who just gushed over lovin’ my horses.” He teased lightly, keeping those pretty eyes of hers locked with his. “I’m glad… I’ve met someone who’s like me. Everyone in a rush to leave and fail to see how much fun and how beautiful life can be when you enjoy what you’ve got. The horses, the nature, everything. Everyone at school has those big city dreams. That’s fine n’dandy for them, but you n’me? We get it. We like how we were raised and we are comfortable being here. Don’t let ‘em haunt you. You can be open here. In fact… I’d love to see more of you like that. It’s not every day you come across a pretty little thing with a good head on her shoulders. My momma will eat you up and be happy you’re around. Some sense, she’ll say.” He gently stroked her chin before letting his hand drop. It was pathetic for her to miss the rough pad of the finger on her smooth skin, but she did.
“Yeah?” She asked shyly, looking up at him while shifting back and forth from heel to toe. A childlike comfort that Harry found to be fucking adorable.
“Yeah, Darlin’. Don’t worry about any of ‘em here. You’ve got me… and a whole load of other folks who have pride in loving where they’re from. “ he paused, taking in the sparkly flint in her eyes though she was a bit shy. It made him feel all the more eager to protect her, to make her see she was one of them. “I think you’ll fit in here just fine.”
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weasleykisses · 6 months
You’re So Pretty III (Remus x Reader)
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A/n: Remus wants more than anything to kiss you, but he just cant. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but avoiding you is even worse. (Also, note that reader in this is shorter than Remus since he’s like 6’2 canonically. Im really sorry if you’re taller than him)
Word count: 6.2k
Sirius had snatched her up from the couch and spun her around in so many circles she felt dizzy. The skirt to her dress swung back and forth. Music from the old, muggle record player rang out in the common room. Y/N couldn’t stop laughing. She moved so gleefully, barefooted on the carpet to keep her from falling over some clunky shoes.
James was dancing with Lily, and Y/N felt her chest inflate with a bit of pride. For James getting the girl he’s always been dreaming of, and for Lily finally facing her biggest fear of loving that mischievous boy.
She felt light as air. The spiked hot chocolate running through her veins, the smell of peppermint and pine needles in the air, and the flickering light from the fireplace behind her. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed so hard, nor could she remember a time she felt this alive.
Remus sat on the couch, not a drop of liquor running through him. He preferred to stay sober anyway, just to make sure everyone made it out unharmed. He couldn’t help but stare at her though, Y/N L/N, with the most beautiful smile he’d ever laid eyes on. She was dancing with Sirius, as her friend twirled her around and dipped her backwards a bit, causing a squeal to leave her lips.
The two of them looked so incredibly happy to be with each other. Remus felt like he was intruding on their privacy just sitting there taking a peek. The way she smiled so brightly at Sirius, her cheeks flushed and her corners of her eyes crinkled from smiling so much. He could hear her laughter and the way she yelped and clung to him when he dipped her a bit too far back.
Remus was convinced that those two belonged together. They had such a strong friendship. It ruined his mood whenever he saw them so close with each other, not having come to terms with his eventual heartbreak no matter how hard he tried.
When Sirius let go so he could go pour himself another drink, Peter was quick to jump in his place, taking Y/N by the hands and dancing back and forth to the upbeat song. Peter was always quite shy around girls, but Y/N made him feel comfortable. She was just so soft and sweet, kind to a fault. Remus Lupin understood why everyone was so endeared by the girl.
Y/N didn’t mind his furry little problem. Despite all his fears and his doubts, she promised him time and time again that she didn’t mind that he was a werewolf. She would sit in the infirmary for hours just holding his hand and telling him jokes, trying to cheer him up the best she could given the circumstances.
Every time he looked at her, he felt a pang in his chest. Something so strong he thought he might be having a heart attack at times. She would gaze at him with that dreamy look in her eyes, and he would positively melt under her glance, under her smile. She was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
She was too good for him. Y/N was pure and innocent, never one to get in trouble or hurt anyone else. He was a monster, that much was clear enough. He could harm her if she ever found a way to interfere with his transformation. She might be okay with things now, but if they got any closer, there was a good chance he might chase her away. Still, it was tempting to stand up and wrap his arms around her to dance just like his friends did.
Yet, he wasn’t them. He wasn’t a harmless flirt like Sirius Black, nor was he a quidditch star and hopeless romantic like James Potter, he wasn’t even friendly like Peter Pettigrew. He was just himself, the guy who turned into a beast every full moon and injured himself horribly every time. He was the guy who had scars all over his body, certainly too ugly in comparison with her smooth, soft skin.
So he buried his nose further into the novel he was reading and tried not to think about her. He tried to tune out her contagious laughter, and the beat of the songs. Godric, he tried.
She clutched at Peter’s hands and swung her hips to the music. Even through her slightly tipsy haze, she could feel tension running off Remus into the common room. His hesitation was palpable. Quietly, she excused herself from her dance with the short blond boy, saying she was just gonna get another shot before returning.
She made her way to the coffee table in front of Remus’ seat on the couch. She poured a bit of hot cocoa into her mug and just enough fire whisky for a kick.
“Remus,” she hummed, taking a seat beside him. He shivered at the touch of her thigh flush against his. She was so warm. Her fingers tapped at the edge of his novel, urging for him to shut it.
“Y/N,” he replied, watching as she took a sip of her drink and sighed, feeling that familiar burn in her throat. “Taking a break for a minute?”
“I suppose, but I came over to see you. You don’t seem like you’re having a good time,” the girl told him softly, “Don’t you want to dance with us? Or at least with me?”
His heart skipped a beat at her question. Yes, he would very much want to dance with the girl of his dreams, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. He was just so afraid of messing up.
“I’m just people watching.”
“Oh, come on now. I promise I won’t laugh if you step on my feet,” she giggled, poking him gently in the side. “I’d love to get at least one dance in with each one of you. I’ve already danced with Sirius, Peter, and Jamie. You’re the final piece of the puzzle.”
“Sweetheart, try as you might, I’m not getting up to dance around, even if it is with you.” She felt her heart skip a beat at the nickname. Sure, everyone had names for her, but coming from the dirty blond felt so much more enchanting. She loved when he called her sweetheart, darling, or love. Maybe he used the same terms with other girls, she didn’t know, but she still felt special regardless.
She grabbed the book from out of his hands and stuck the bookmark in between the pages to save his spot. Quickly she took another sip from her mug before extending a hand to him. “Please. For me, Remus,” she asked.
His heart couldn’t say no, even if his brain was begging him to. He took her hand in his, which normally he wouldn’t think so much about, only now he felt like his skin was burning up.
He just liked her so much. He was completely, madly in love with her.
Marlene stood by the record player, looking through Lily’s collection of vinyls, finally deciding on one. Her eyes found their way up to Y/N, where she winked with a little smirk on her lips. The expression confused her for a moment until the record started playing a much slower song than the previous one.
That snake. The betrayal she felt from her friend was too real.
She turned to peer up at Remus, giving him an awkward grin. “We can wait until the next song if you like. This one is more up James and Lily’s alley,” she said nervously, trying not to make it weirder than it already was. Her hand had slipped from his to fiddle with her other hand, picking at her chipping nail polish.
He knew she was right. Maybe they should wait until the next peppy song. Only, he really didn’t want to. He wanted to pull her close to his chest, hold her hands, and twirl her around. Remus shook his head, taking her hand back in his.
Her heart was racing. He wanted to dance with her. Even if it was awfully romantic, he still wanted to. For a moment, she felt hope building up in her chest that this crush she had on him wasn’t unrequited after all. She still smothered down the thought however, considering it more of a fever dream than the truth.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, while his gentle hands sat on her waist. Everything around her was so overwhelming, the touch against her waist, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, the feeling of Marlene and Dorcas staring from their place at the record player. Her eyes couldn’t meet his, instead peering down at her feet.
He took that opportunity to gaze at her; how bashful she was, the way her cheeks were flushed and her nervous smile, her gaze focused down on the floor no doubt because she was embarrassed.
How could she be so comfortable around Sirius for dozens of songs, yet so nervous when it came to a single dance with him? Did she not want to dance with him? Was he too close? He didn’t know what was going through her mind, but naturally his brain went to the worst case scenarios before the positive ones.
“Did you have a fun time tonight?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah. It’s been great. Wish you’d joined the festivities a little earlier though,” she commented, “I know you’re not shy.”
“I just liked seeing everyone happy together. That’s more than enough.”
She nodded, agreeing with him. He was also so observant, watching everyone while they fooled around. He never instigated pranks, but you could bet he was there watching from the side. He was always there trying to make things better for everyone. There were so many things to appreciate about him, like how he offered her chocolate when she was hurt, or when he would sit in the Astronomy tower with her when she was crying.
“I want to see you happy, too,” she told him. “You’re always looking out for everyone else, but what about you?”
“Just being with you is enough,” he confessed, but quickly corrected himself, feeling a bit too awkward with that answer, “With all of you guys, of course.”
If only he’d have kept the first statement, she thought. Of course she wasn’t special like that. She didn’t brighten his day, not like the others did. She was the least beautiful of all the girls, not the smartest either. Remus liked smart girls. Ones that would sit and read with him, study together, talk about random things for hours. She wasn’t that smart, not like the Ravenclaw girls.
Lily was still dancing with James as she peered behind Remus, and Sirius was trying to get Marlene to slow dance despite her opposition to the idea. Peter sat at the table drinking another cup of hot cocoa, but his eyes would trail up every now and then to his group of friends, noticing things about everyone. No doubt the boy noticed the way Remus was staring down at her with puppy love in his eyes, or the way she was now stumbling a bit on her feet as the nerves got to her.
It was wonderful, she thought, as his hands held onto her waist a little tighter, as if she was going to blow away in the wind. Everything was so perfect. The twinkling of the lights around the room, the wreaths with mistletoe hanging from them, the big Christmas tree towards the center of the room lit up with enchanted candles. The windows were frosted over from the snow that day, and she could see the individual snowflakes sparkling when the light hit them just right. It was beautiful.
Y/N was beautiful.
He wanted to kiss her. He never wanted to kiss anyone more than he did right then as the girl pressed her body closer to his so they were rocking back and forth. His heart beat against her ear that rested on his chest, and he prayed it wasn’t racing.
He reached down, tilting her chin up with one hand, the other still wrapped tightly around her. Finally, she had to gaze up at him instead of wandering the room.
It felt like he was going to kiss her. She couldn’t think of anything else. By Godric, she wanted to be kissed by him. It would complete what she already thought was a perfect night. To finally get a kiss from the boy she’d come to fancy far more than she should.
“Rem, what is it?” She whispered. He felt himself leaning closer, but paused before he could go any further.
He opened his mouth to say something, anything really. Yet, no words came out. He just stared at her e/c eyes for a moment before a wave of guilt washed over him.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be holding her so close. He shouldn’t be falling in love with her. He didn’t deserve to. A monster, that’s all he was. A disgusting and dangerous beast. Even if she disagreed, it wasn’t fair to her. He hated that his friends helped him with his problem, and he hated even more the thought of Y/N getting swept up into it as well.
He dropped both his hands from her body and took a step back, his eyes now glued to the floor. “I don’t know what came over me, Y/N. I should go.”
As if she could keep him from leaving, the girl grabbed his hand. It broke her heart when he tore his hand from her grip, walking over to the table and grabbing his book for the night.
“Remus, I’m sorry. Whatever I did wrong, I’ll fix it. You don’t have to leave,” she tried to reason with him, practically begging for him not to go. She felt like she’d fucked everything up somehow, made him uncomfortable. She knew it was a wrong idea to dance to this song with him. To try and make something that was just friendly into something romantic.
He just sighed, shaking his head. “You didn’t do anything.”
She watched as he walked up the stairs to the dorm rooms, listening to the door shut and the handle click into place. Her shoulders slumped and she caught the eyes of Marlene and Dorcas by the record player, seeing their sympathetic expressions.
It was okay if Remus didn’t like her back. She wouldn’t have a problem with that. It just hurt to know he didn’t want to do something as simple as dance with her. It hurt to know that he grimaced when he looked down at her. That the sight of her made him want to run away.
She suddenly felt sick. With a thud, she plopped down on the couch beside Sirius and Peter, picking up her mug to take a long sip. “Mind pouring me another, Siri?” Y/N asked, holding out her cup to him.
“Y/N, Moony really didn’t mean anything by it. He’s just confused,” Sirius tried to reassure her, but she only shook her glass, waiting for her drink. At least she could get so drunk she forgot about everything that happened. The raven haired boy poured her another shot.
“It’s okay. I don’t even know why I’m disappointed. We’re only friends.”
Peter looked at Sirius knowingly. Everyone knew except for her and perhaps Remus, but he was good at picking up on things. She didn’t want to be friends, but she couldn’t just ask him out. It was too intimidating.
“Listen, you’re a great girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you, you know that, right?” Sirius asked her, and Peter was quick to nod in agreement.
“I don’t like Remus.” That was a blatant lie.
“Well, if you did, don’t give up on him. He’s rough around the edges, but he really is a good guy.”
She knew he was a good guy. That’s why she fell for him in the first place. He was so kind and charming. Remus was so smart too, leaving her swoon whenever he tutored her in something she struggled with.
She tried to hide her expression, looking off to the floor away from the boys. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, and she bit her lip to hide her quickened breaths. It was always hard accepting the fact that Remus didn’t like her, not in the way she liked him.
“Oh no, angel, please don’t cry,” Sirius pleaded, noticing the way her eyes had begun glistening with fresh tears. He raised his hand, one lifting her head softly while the other ran a thumb across her cheeks, brushing away the droplets that fell. “I promise, it’s going to be okay.”
“Then why does he do that?” She asked, quite pathetically. She appreciated Sirius for talking to her about this, and chose to keep her secret safe and sound. “He leads me on and then runs away. Does he not realize what he’s doing?” She wiped the tears from her eyes but they were quick to gather again. Remus had to make everything so difficult sometimes.
She was so confused in how she felt. On one hand, she absolutely, without a doubt, loved Remus Lupin with all her heart. On the other hand, she felt like giving up. Time and time again he made her feel special, made her feel loved and cared for, only for him to correct himself. He would leave her standing there, crestfallen and thinking she had done something wrong.
A sob escaped her lips, and she was quick to latch onto Sirius. Her hands clutched at the back of his shirt while she pressed her face into his collar. She just cried while he brushed down her hair and rubbed her back comfortingly. She could count on the Black to be there whenever something happened between her and his best mate.
“Y/N, you’re a catch if I’ve ever seen one. Don’t let ol’ Moony bring you down,” Peter tried to soothe her, reaching up to place a hand on her knee.
“He doesn’t deserve you, angel,” Sirius muttered against her head.
Despite his soothing, she kept crying until she’d run out of tears for the night. She bid Sirius a goodnight before heading into her dorm. She curled tightly into a ball once in the comfort of her own bed. In her hands was Remus’ sweater, which she hugged to her chest. She was such a dumbass for getting attached to an emotionally unavailable boy.
The worst part is, no matter what he did, she still loved him.
“You absolute prat! You’ve got to stop fucking with her feelings,” Sirius scolded after entering their dorm room and shutting the door so anyone left lingering in the halls or the common room couldn’t eavesdrop. He glared at his friend who laid in his bed with a pillow covering his head.
“Leave me alone, Pads,” the boy groaned, refusing to move the pillow from his head, instead hugging it tighter to his face. A part of him wished he could smother himself and make all of this end.
Sirius rolled his eyes, walking over to his own bed and sitting back against the headboard while his feet stretched toward the end of the bed. He crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t have to make her cry.”
“She cried?”
“Yeah, not that you stuck around to see it. She thinks you hate her. That you’re disgusted by her,” Sirius told him with a scowl. He was awfully protective of the girl, finding her shyness adorable and her excitement for the little things in life to be admirable. It sucked seeing her chasing after someone and having her heart broken time and time again.
He’d never tell Remus that Y/N had a crush on him. That wasn’t his place. However, he wouldn’t let Remus get away with treating her like shit while they were “just friends”.
Remus sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, finally tearing the pillow off his face and letting it drop to the floor. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Maybe bloody kiss her when you’re clearly thinking about it. Ever thought of that?”
“And if she doesn’t like me? Then what?”
Remus was still convinced Y/N had a thing for Sirius. She was always smiling when she was with him. She let him flirt with her all he wanted and he noticed the way her face flushed when he was particularly bold. He noticed them hanging out when no one else was around. He noticed all of it, and it hung over him like a storm cloud. Genuinely, it made him feel so isolated. His best mate and the only girl he’d ever really cared for like this, together doing Godric knows what.
“Then you go back to being friends. Does she seem like the judgemental type?”
“No, but it would be awkward.”
“Only if you make it awkward.”
Remus sighed deeply, rolling over on his side to face his friend, his head propped up in his palm. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t be with her.”
Sirius already knew all about what Remus was talking about. He had droned on about it before, how he was so afraid of him being a werewolf and being in a relationship with anyone, much less Y/N. “Don’t start with the self-deprecating shit, mate. You know she doesn’t care if you’re a werewolf or not.” It was a pretty lousy excuse if you asked him. “She loves you, Moony.”
“She does not love me,” Remus argued back, confident in his reply, more confident than he was in most anything in the world. She loves you, he wanted to say. The thought was headache inducing, making him sick to the stomach.
And that was the end of it. No matter what Sirius said, it all went right through Remus. He was determined to keep this girl at arms’ length, even if it tore him up inside to do so. She was just so lovely. She plagued his every waking thought when she was in the room, or even when someone simply mentioned her. Yet, she didn’t care for him that way. They just happened to be friends.
Not to mention the boy was far from blind when it came to love, like the ones he read about in his novels. The looks and touches he’d seen between Y/N and his friend were remarkably full of love and care, something she didn’t have with him. If only Sirius could see that, maybe then he could be the one to make her happy. Instead, he was here lecturing him on how to make Y/N happy. Perhaps if he wasn’t such a flirt, none of this would even be a problem.
He just groaned into his pillow and shut himself out from the world around him, no longer responding to what Sirius had to say to him. He was done. He was done with all this nonsense. All this romance bullshit, no matter how much it made his heart race or the gears turn in his mind. He was done.
Only, that was harder said than done when seeing her in person after that night.
She continued to be lovely, friendly, normal - only now he could sense the waves of sadness and discomfort that poured off her person when the group hung out together.
Her heart ached since Remus ran away from her. He had done similar before, but she always forgave him. He was complicated. He was secretive with his emotions. That was one of many things she’d come to respect about him after knowing him for so many years.
She cried that night, and when the other girls came to bed, they comforted her. She didn’t have to tell them what happened. They already knew. It seemed like everyone around her knew about her crush on him.
But life goes on, and she woke up the next morning to the rest of the girls getting ready for class. She pinched her cheeks to bring some life into them, and watched as her smile turned up in the mirror, making sure it was as genuine as it usually was. She was a strong girl, and one incredibly handsome and charming boy was not going to bring her crumbling down. She’d done enough crying.
Sitting next to Remus at the table was far from comfortable, but she was able to do it. She just leaned a little bit further into Sirius’ side than she normally would, something that made Remus feel more defeated than anything. He had given up on pursuing her, almost entirely, only the remnants of his heart still yearning for her. As he watched the way she cuddled up on him, it wasn’t hard to see she found comfort in the raven haired boy.
He could only sigh to himself, dipping his spoon into his porridge for another depressing bite.
She also talked a bit more with James than she ever would in one sitting, with the two of them having so little in common. She took the time to compliment all the girls on their hair and makeup that morning. She talked to Lily about their Potions class that afternoon, and the book she had propped up in front of her. Anything to keep herself from having to discuss with Remus what happened that night before. Anything to avoid talking to him in general, actually.
Breakfast went by slowly, as did their Transfiguration class where Y/N sat in her normal seat beside her friend, who she desperately wanted to be more-than-a-friend. She tried to think of a way she could find herself escaping this terribly unfortunate situation involving unrequited love. She could confess to the boy on the off chance he actually did reciprocate, but that seemed highly unlikely.
She could try and find someone else to fancy for the rest of their seventh year, but she doubted that would happen. He was just so perfect, no one else would compare. No one looked like him, nor did they sound like him or smell the same. There was no one as intelligent as him besides sweet Lily, and she certainly wasn’t going to fancy the red headed girl.
The only option seemed to be just living with her crush until it naturally went away. As miserable as that suggestion seemed, it was the most sound of all her ideas.
She found herself so distracted that she didn’t even notice when McGonagall called on her, “Miss L/N, please do answer the question.”
The seconds passed like minutes and she found her mouth growing dry from embarrassment. How could she be so careless? She almost never zoned out during class, much less found herself being challenged by a professor. She wasn’t lovestruck like James, was she?
Just as she was about to admit defeat, Remus tapped the edge of his notebook. Written down was the word, “avifors spell” which she quickly found herself repeating aloud.
“Thank you. Please pay attention, everyone.”
An exhale of relief left her lips, and she peered over at Remus with grateful eyes. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ and he just nodded with a small smile.
She tried to ignore how he made her feel the rest of their day together. When they studied in the library because it was a Thursday and they weren’t going to break their schedule, she tried smothering the butterflies that fluttered. She felt his soft gaze trained on her as she stared down at her homework. She tried her hardest to swallow her gasp when he leaned over her shoulder, his face dangerously close to hers, pointing out her mistakes on the worksheet. She desperately wished she could ignore the smell of parchment and chocolate wafting off his body as he spoke to her.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” he asked, breaking her from her daze. She nodded, quickly marking the paper where he had questioned one of her answers. “We can stop for the day, if you want-”
“You’re probably right. I feel like my brain is totally fried from all this studying,” she replied quickly, shutting her textbook and setting her quill on the table beside her worksheets. She was dying to finish up this study session so she could crawl back into her bed and pretend that she didn’t spend the first half of the day with her massive crush who definitely didn’t like her back.
He furrowed a brow, having thought the day’s session had gone by quite fast. He didn’t like it. Usually she sat with him for a good hour or two just discussing the day, talking about books and gossip and whatever else she had on her mind. Instead, it seemed she was running away from him. He should have expected that though, knowing what he had done the night before.
Regardless, he packed up his belongings right alongside her, making sure the last of his inkwells was thoughtfully tucked away before motioning for her to follow him out into the hallways. With a ducked head, she followed him, not wanting to seem weird going her own way when they normally would walk back to the common room together. She tried to ignore the shivers that went down her spine when their fingers skimmed against each other walking side by side.
If she were brave, or maybe stupid, she would have reached out to hold his hand. She itched to touch him. To feel him pressed against her again like the night before when they danced together. God, she just wanted to hold his hand. It wasn’t crude or vulgar at all, but she felt so inappropriate - so wrong for wanting him when he clearly wasn’t interested in her.
Perhaps he could sense her trepidation, or maybe she was just very obvious in how uncomfortable she felt, but he cautiously approached the topic, “Darling?” he asked quietly, with all the sincerity and care he normally displayed.
She couldn’t deny the skip of her heart at the sweet nickname, one of many that he used for her. Whether she was his dove, love, or darling, it made her heart jump. “Yes, Remus?” she replied, stopping and turning to look back at him, craning her neck up to meet his eyes, his gorgeous eyes that caught the sunlight coming in from the windows, honey brown and golden.
“I can tell something is wrong,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck and fluffing up his hair nervously.
“Really, it’s okay-”
“No, it’s really not,” he said firmly, Sirius’ lecture from the night before running through his mind. He thought of her crying when he ran off to his dormitory, feeling like shit after being abandoned like that. He thought of her that morning at breakfast doing her best to ignore him, biting her lip to keep the frown from reaching her lips. He continued, “I’m so stupid. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel unwanted.”
Unexpectedly, Remus reached out, taking one of her delicate hands in his own, running a thumb along her knuckles. She stood there as calmly as she could, but her heart was beating a mile a minute and she prayed to Godric that he couldn’t tell from her expression. He was too busy worrying about his own racing heart and sudden dry mouth to notice anyway. “I was scared.”
She asked, so quiet it was a wonder he even heard her, “Scared of what?”
He took a deep breath before explaining himself, drawing her towards the corner of the corridor, away from prying eyes. She felt herself grow even more flushed, knowing they were tucked in this secluded little corner while he held her hand so carefully in his own. She had that familiar feeling creep up and sink its fangs into her, daring her to act on thoughts she shouldn’t be having. Thoughts that entailed reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. Thoughts of grabbing his cheeks in her hands and pulling him down to meet her halfway.
The heavy grandfather clock at the end of the hall ticked as time slowly passed, and she waited with baited breath for him to reply.
“Scared of how much you mean to me. You’re my best friend, Y/N. I know you’re a smart girl, and you’re incredibly brave, but you know I have my problems…” he tried to say.
“Remus! Shush. You know that means nothing to me. You’ll always be my best friend no matter what.”
“Which is exactly why you’re blind to the reality that I am dangerous, and I don’t want you getting into harm’s way,” he argued back as she stared at him, her eyes glazed over with something he didn’t quite recognize. “I’m worried about you. I care about you so fucking much, Y/N.”
“But, the more time you spend with me, the closer you get to seeing the worst parts of me. That’s what I’m scared of.” He paused, his chest lifting heavily and falling back down. “I need you to understand that. I-I need you, and I can’t keep you if I scare you away.” His words shook, and she felt his hands begin to shake as they held onto her own. She clutched him a bit tighter, trying to calm him down.
She swore her heart nearly stopped beating in her chest at his words, those desperate words that fell from his lips. It was almost like he was telling her he loved her. Almost.
But they were only best friends. He’d made that clear.
“I care about you, too, Remus. I’ll do whatever is best for you. That’s what I want.”
“What’s best for me is that you’re happy and safe.”
She flushed at his words, finding herself growing hot in the face and lowering her head to hide her flustered expression. He had such a way with words, one that made her positively swoon. How did he not notice? He was awfully charming and romantic for someone who seemingly refused to even try and date.
The words hung off his lips, waiting to fall out in the open after all this time. I love you, he wanted to say. I love you so fucking much it hurts, he wanted to cry. Yet, he couldn’t do it.
He peered over her shoulder at the walkway, catching sight of James and Sirius walking down the corridor towards them. He motioned in their direction, and quickly he dropped her hand, taking a modest step away from her. With confusion and hurt in her eyes, she looked back to him as the blood drained from her cheeks. Was he embarrassed to be close to her around his guy friends? Was holding her hand that serious of a crime that it warranted such abruptness?
Much to her displeasure, she was caught off guard when Remus seemingly bumped her in Sirius’ direction, actually causing her to stumble into the dark-haired boy and latch onto his arms to steady herself.
She turned back to peer at him, questioning what he was doing, only to find his eyes glued elsewhere. He stared at the broom that James held in his hands, the one he was excitedly talking about. His eyes were clearly just there so he could avoid her gaze, one that flashed with heartache. That boy sure had a way with breaking hearts, she thought, feeling herself beginning to fall limp against her other friend.
“Why hello, angel,” Sirius laughed, helping her regain her footing. The laughter from his mouth, however, was awkward, and his eyes flashed nervously between Remus and Y/N as they had come to do so often recently. He sensed the tension, and he noticed the sadness that plagued Y/N like a rain cloud perpetually above her head. “Not interrupting, are we?” he asked cautiously.
“No, we were just talking.” But he knew that was a lie. James seemed to be the only one oblivious to the situation at hand. She frowned, her eyes leaving Remus and lifting to find those of her concerned friend. “Hey, Sirius, James.”
“Hey, guys. We were just heading to the dining hall for lunch. You coming with?”
“Sure,” Y/N said, but Remus had other plans.
“Actually, I have somewhere I’ve got to be. I’ll see you at dinner though,” Remus said, waving to his friends as he took a few steps backward. The three of them watched him go, and when he finally turned the corner, Y/N let her shoulders drop heavily, a sigh leaving her lips. So much for the little moment they were having before.
He certainly had a habit of running away when she needed him there the most, didn’t he?
Part Four is out. (Honestly, as I write this I’m finding myself rooting for Sirius a bit ngl. Should I do two endings, one for Sirius and one for Remus perhaps?)
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swampstew · 8 months
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It's October! SPOOPY TIME ~ *throws ghost shaped confetti* ~ I am so excited to start this fun event! Reminder that this is a costume contest that YOU can vote in on October 29~ Vote for my mans, he worked really hard🥺
Character: Eustass "The Sexiest Captain" Kid Summary: Kid is going to steal the show away with his costume. He's a known murderer after all, and he's going to slay this contest as this villain everyone loves to hate. Word Count: 1,031
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“OI! KILL! Get in here!” Eustass Kid angrily yelled from his room. He stared at his hulking form in the floor length mirror he had stolen from some place or another, eyeing the material laid over his body as he tried to piece together his idea.
The door pushed open as his best friend came through, hauling some pieces of metal behind him. Piling it next to Kid’s desk, Killer finally sized the redhead up, tilting his head as he inspected the idea Kid was toying with.
“When you said you wanted to be Sauron, I kind of assumed you’d go all in with an impressive armor -plated outfit. The helmet is coming out fine and I got the materials for the spikes but…what exactly are you trying to do here?”
Kid rolled his eyes, “It’s a costume CONTEST, Killer. I need to appeal to all of the judges.”
“I see. So you’re going for…skanky horror?”
“More like monstrously fuckable.”
“Well you’re on the right track. I’ll leave you to it.”
With a nod, Kid took the helmet prototype off his head, pulled the metal sheet plates from his body, and stepped out of the floor-length mesh skirt he pinned together.
His plan was to go as his favorite character. The baddest bastard in all of literature – Sauron Thee Lord of the Rings. He already knew the judges had personal tastes and preferences, and if he could hit all of them he knew he’d be the undisputed winner. Alvida liked to gawk, Buggy liked flashy, Mihawk liked weapons, and Crocodile just showed up for the party but had a soft spot for the classics.
The contest was in a few weeks so there was no time to fuck around. With a determined look on his face, Kid gathered his scraps and blueprints, spread his materials on the long work table, and grabbed his hammer to begin flattening the steel.
Strike upon strike echoed in his room as Kid worked. First, he flattened the metal sheets and used his body to shape the plates of his armor around his muscles, making sure to bend the metal to heavily emphasize the contours of his jagged edged form. When all the individual, scandalously modified armor components were formed, he welded the units together to create his costume – it consisted of: an extreme crop top plackart with connecting pieces for the pauldrons, couters, vambraces, spaulders, and rerebraces; tassets and extremely short cuisses that stopped mid-thigh for his groin; greaves for his legs; the helmet and bevor; the mace; and jagged additions to his sword.
Next was making the imposing spiky pieces that decorated the helmet, shoulder plates, thigh plates and shoes. Kid took thicker pieces of metal and manipulated their shapes to his design: long, wicked looking slats that could slice you up if you didn’t watch out. He also made spindly spikes in varying sizes, making much more than he would probably end up needing. Kid then soldered each addition to the base of the armor; the smell of iron, tin, and fire leaving a heavy odor in the air that lingered even with all the windows open.
The weeks passed as he worked on his project a little every day, determined to meet his deadline and take home the prize. Kid poured his sweat and blood into shaping, sanding, buffing, smoothing, shining, painting, and sealing each individual piece of his costume. The only time he asked for help was when he needed Heat to sew fabrics together. Kid might be able to bend metal to his will but not even he could thread something as small as string to needle with his thick, clunky fingers.
At long last the day of the costume contest arrived. The crew was pre-gaming and helping each other dress for the party. Kid didn’t want anyone to see him until he was fully dressed, locking himself in his room to shower and get ready.
With freshly dried hair that he didn’t bother to style, Kid placed his trusty welding goggles on his bed as he looked at his outfit. With a confident grin, the redhead dropped his towel to the floor.
Slipping on the first layer, Kid pulled tight black shorts over his underwear, the ends of the cotton spandex shorts had been sewn together with the mesh fabric to create leggings that he could tuck into his amor-plated sabatons. He pulled on a long-sleeved, extreme crop top made of the same cotton spandex and mesh, which did nothing to hide his nipples. Eyeing the way the mesh made his muscles look, Kid started the next layer.
Pulling up the tassets that were reminiscent of his belted war kilt, the cuisses sat comfortably over his thighs and looked menacing with the slats and spikes, as did his greaves. Over his torso he put on the customized plackart – it ran down to his forearms right over the mesh, covered his collarbones but stopped short just above his pecs. Stepping into the metal plated boots, Kid’s outfit was nearly complete.
With a quick hand, Kid swiped on burgundy lipstick and heavy, smoky black eyeshadow. From the closet he pulled out the new fur cloak he had Killer dye from maroon to black, snapping the clasp in place to hang from the backs of the pauldrons, between where the jagged spikes were soldered into the steel. Brushing his hair back he slid the helmet over his face, the generous gaps in the visor were just enough to show a passing glance of his makeup. Taking a step back, he pulled out a bottle of posing oil to make his exposed muscles gleam, rubbing it deeply into his skin.
For the final touch, Kid picked up 10 pointed claw rings he made with the extra metal he had, sliding each over his fingers where they sat snugly. Grabbing his sword and mace, he walked back to the mirror and gave himself a final verdict.
Frightening. Deadly. Slutty. Scary.
With a grin and some badass poses, he took a few selfies with the cam-snail before he left the room. Roaring out to his crew, “Alright let’s crash this party Kid Pirates style!”
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snalzhttps · 5 months
IM GOING TO. ramble about an uty headcanon/theory? now SPOILERS
SO THIS is a drawing in Kanako’s room of what appears to be Axis, its meant to be Axis right! (theres an obvious drawing of Dalv too so she’s drawing other characters and we are meant to assume she knows them)
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BUT something that sticks out to me is that the heart on Axis’ chest is upside down! (and there are other slight differences too - no gear, lightbulb, or ear things?)
I love the sibling dynamic Axis and Kanako headcanons and drawings they are like my favourite thing, but if Kanako had met Axis 014, how would she get these details wrong?
These could just be errors in memory or artistic ability, she seems very young after all, BUT THAT ANSWER IS WAY LESS FUN THAN RANDOM SPECULATION!!!!!!!
SO. My little headcanon theory is that this drawing is a design that Kanako came up with for a guard robot that Chujin asked her to draw, then he modelled Axis (014 at the least) off of. Kanako is a young monster who wouldn’t know humans had upward facing souls, and only ever seen/known about monsters downward facing souls, so would draw a heart shape that way (then Chujin changed this when building Axis, for some reason)
There is no *proof* for this other than the idea that Kanako is “gifted like her father too” (which is most likely supposed to be referring to the fact they are boss monsters considering the trailed off “she’s a” following), but I like to imagine its also about a creating/art talent since the accompanying picture of Kanako has her painting the mask. Implying to me that Chujin and Kanako could have drawn/created things together and one day the idea of designing a robot (since it was on Chujin’s mind from the steamworks employee reports and letters) came up.
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And THAT is where Axis’ (kind of clunky and strange compared to a more sleek and smooth looking robot like guardener that was being built and designed at the same time, showing the capabilities of robot designs) design comes from (this also could explain why the other robot parts in Chujin’s office look a good bit different to how Axis 014 looks).
There is Also nothing to my memory that strictly DISPROVES this, HOWEVER consider this fun value pillar, the fun value pillars in the dark ruins tell the story of the day the integrity human attacked Dalv, Kanako was there, and Chujin sent Axis (014 as we know from his geno route confession and giving exp) after them, killing them accidentally, right?
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And it was Dalv (also known to draw, and was attacked by integrity, and is now in the dark ruins) who is the one who drew on these pillars right? So that implies that Dalv saw what happened (most unlikely because Axis followed integrity to Waterfall), heard what happened (unknown from who) or figured out/imagined what happened. In any case it implies that he saw Axis at least once, enough to draw him (even abstractly like this).
I’ve seen the assumption that Axis was there in Snowdin with Chujin, Kanako, and Dalv, (which is fun to think about i think AND matches dalv seeing/knowing axis) BUT in the first Chujin tape where he discusses the event he says no one was there to protect Kanako, which you'd think Axis would be doing if he was there in Snowdin with them.
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But where Axis actually was is more ambiguous. In the secret secret tape Chujin says he “should’ve stayed” implying to me that he left the scene to go get Axis from the Steamworks/his office lab basement/wherever, meaning that Dalv couldn’t have seen Axis on that occasion. I also feel like if Axis was in Snowdin it would have been mentioned at some point by someone.
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So this scenario doesn’t explain how Dalv saw Axis to be able to draw him. While if Axis WAS in Snowdin that doesnt explain how Kanako would get so many details wrong drawing him, especially if they spent a lot of time/more than one time together.
FURTHERMORE the pacifist route shows that Ceroba and Axis have never seen eachother before either (Chujin also didn’t add Ceroba to Axis’ authorised list by default, implying he didn’t think they’d ever come across eachother?) So if Chujin had Axis and Kanako meet this had to somehow be without Ceroba knowing At All.
(HOWEVER since Ceroba watched Chujin’s tapes she is lying in some way during the pacifist Steamworks because she would have heard the name “Axis” and found out how Chujin got the Integrity soul, so should know more than she lets on about his robotics projects.)
This also implies that Ceroba hasn’t been in Kanako’s room in a long time, maybe even before Kanako fell down, or she would have seen the Axis drawing on the floor. It makes sense that she would avoid Kanako’s room though.
FOR MY FINAL “HOWEVER” I will say that this raises the question of Why the Axis drawing is still on the floor with a pencil, this kind of implies that it might have been the last/most recent thing that Kanako drew, or had gotten out to look at/add too. If Axis 014 is based off the drawing it would be a long time between the Initial drawing -> Chujin builds and codes 014 -> The Snowdin event -> Chujin experiments and falls down -> Kanako falls down -> the events of the game
BUT even between the Snowdin event (the latest time Kanako could have seen Axis, since after that i imagine Chujin would have kept him fully confined to the Steamworks since he was “dangerous”) and the events of the game thats still quite a long time for the drawing to be sat there, so maybe that doesn’t mean much.
THE EXPLANATION I THOUGHT OF MADE ME SO SAD but i have to include this thought, that after the Snowdin event, and especially with Chujin getting very absorbed in his work then starting to fall down, Kanako would have stopped drawing and just left all of her work around her room, and had the Axis one out as it reminded her of Chujin.
ANYWAY i would LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, its very very possible im missing something obvious im a bit silly, if so please tell me haha. Also i love both possibilities of if Axis was in Snowdin or not AND the sibling Axis and Kanako headcanons… the LAST thing i want is to discourage those hc’s they are so cute.
In any case i just think the *concept* of a scientist who wants to perfect his (so far failed) guard robot to protect people, asking his daughter (the monster who he undoubtedly would want to protect most in the world) to design that robot, then getting so lost in his grand pursuit to protect monsterkind that he fails in nearly every way (leaving Kanako at the scene to try and get Axis to apprehend integrity, Axis’ programming messing up leading to him violently killing integrity, leading then to Chujin experimenting on himself and falling down, then the daughter he wanted to protect most falling down the same way because of the work he left behind) REALLY breaks my heart.
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bamboopanda27 · 4 months
I might be in the minority here, but I gotta say, it's kind of disappointing to see so many negative reactions towards Silent Hill 2 Remake. I get that Konami doesn't exactly have the best track record with how they've handled the series in recent years. I understand that people have reservations about Bloober Team's involvement and why that is. I know that the original Silent Hill 2 is a very beloved game. And of course, people are entitled to their own opinions.
However, I feel like I see way too much of people just absolutely hating on something online these days, rather than waiting for it to come out and giving it a fair chance. I've lost track of all the times people have completely rallied against a game, show, movie, etc. based off just a few scenes or bits of dialogue. It takes more than that to truly experience and judge media for yourself.
In the case of Silent Hill 2 Remake, I've also already seen numerous rants about things like James having too much expression in certain scenes and being able to block/guard against attacks. I saw that first point floating around online after the teaser trailer released and that was literally the only information to go on. Now, people are complaining about how the combat looks. I feel like people are forgetting or neglecting that Silent Hill has never really had smooth combat. It's always been clunky and awkward to some extent. In my opinion, combat has consistently been the worst part of each Silent Hill game I've played. Story, characters, and atmosphere have been the much stronger parts for me. If anything, it looks like the combat in SH2R will still be an improvement from the original. Just from the brief clips shown in the gameplay trailer, it already appears to be much smoother and more modernized without being too action oriented.
Another thing that bothers me is the trailer even discloses the game is still in development. This isn't a finished product yet, and it's very possible the combat will be more polished once it's done. It could also have been changed quite a bit by then. I think people need to actually wait for the finished game to come out, then experience it for themselves. Like I said before, there's too much of bashing things without ever giving them a fair chance and instead assuming that they'll be terrible, awful, trash, and a myriad of other negative descriptors from the very beginning.
Maybe the game will turn out to be bad and I'll end up feeling disappointed by it. For now though, I'd rather give it the benefit of the doubt and believe it has the potential to be good. I'd rather wait to play the game myself and form my overall opinion on it then.
All this to say I'm frustrated by how quickly and easily people completely dismiss things without giving them a proper chance first. And specifically, it's frustrating to see how much of that type of sentiment has been directed towards Silent Hill 2 Remake, a game that's still in development and doesn't even have a release date yet. At this point, it honestly feels like some people are nitpicking every bit of information or footage that comes out and finding everything "wrong" with it that they possibly can.
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kireijae · 2 years
ldh. 12:39am
pairing: haechan x fem!reader
genre: borderline smut, fluff? i think ?, established relationship
warnings: mentions of alcohol. again, borderline smut minors pls go to the top right corner and hit that exit button👍🏻; smut warnings: petnames (princess), dacryphilia mention, dom!haechan, begging. no smut actually happens though i-
a/n: casually dressed haechan makes me casually a wh— also this is as close to smut as i’ve ever got pls be kind to me (still not edited though oop) and again, inspired by ‘fill it up’
♡‧₊˚ ↴
haechan had no right to look that good. light brown cargo pants and a too-big 127 shirt could never look that good on anyone else.
it was the way he sat with his legs spread on the couch across the table from you. the way he leaned back on the armrest and looked down at you from your place on the floor. a cushion was placed under you for comfort, but honestly you’d rather have used the pink haired boy as a cushion.
the watch on his wrist had an effect on you too. all clunky; making the delicacy of his hands and fingers stand out.
he wasn’t saying much, but everything he did say was like honey. if the other 8 boys hadn’t been there you would have jumped his bones long ago.
“haechan,” taeil called, “are you gonna drink?”
“uhh i’ll have some soju, yeah,” he responded.
“joining the competition?” taeyong asked, raising his eyebrows teasingly.
haechan made a sound as if to say ‘of course’ but he looked over at you. your eyes were dark and not only from the low lighting of the room. he knew that look and if he drank he knew he’d never get to see what caused it. drunk haechan was sleepy haechan.
“i’m good actually,” he said, looking back to taeyong, “i have schedules tomorrow.”
“scared?” taeyong quipped, making the whole group, including you, burst out laughing.
haechan laughed along and didn’t say anything back to taeyong, letting the moment slide passed. he knew he could out drink everyone there. except maybe johnny. so he didn’t feel the need to defend himself.
as everyone began to sag into their tipsiness, you got up got a soda from the fridge behind the group. both to keep your hands busy and to have an excuse to go sit near (or on) your boyfriend. yuta was half asleep, his body slung back on the couch so it wasn’t awkward when you sat in haechan’s lap despite their close proximity on the sofa.
haechan’s arm slid around your waist and his face found its way into your neck.
“are you sleepy?” he asked lowly, still gently rubbing your skin with the tip of his nose and his plump lips.
“mm-mm,” you hummed in the negative.
over the next half hour each of the others went off to sleep. first mark, then taeyong once he’d got over his talkative drunk phase. the others followed suit soon after, leaving yuta on the sofa. it was impossible to wake him up and move him when he was out like that.
“come, baby,” haechan whispered to you, patting your side to get you to stand up.
the two of you migrated to your room in the house. your skin began to tingle as haechan closed and then locked the door to the room.
he walked over to sit on the bed and pulled you to stand between his legs. you went further than he had intended, though, and crawled into his lap, straddling him.
“what got you so worked up, huh?” he asked, looking into your eyes. they were still as dark as before, likely moreso.
“what do you mean?” you feigned innocence, knowing it got him riled up in the perfect way.
“you know,” he pulled your torso closer to his, “you were staring at me, my hands, my legs, my lips…”
“i’m not allowed to look at you?” you moved your hands from their position on his biceps and placed your arms around his neck.
“not like that,” haechan leaned in, placing his lips on yours roughly. the kiss contrasted with the way you’d both been going about this. it was hot, heavy, sloppy. not smooth and cautious as your flirting and hinting had been.
he pulled your hips directly onto his making you grind yourself on him. you hummed into his mouth at finally getting some friction after so long.
the two of you made out for a while, letting the tension rise more and more with each action. he pushed his hands up and down your thighs, squeezing every once in a while. you pushed your hands under his shirt, feeling his stomach and gliding your hands up to his shoulders, pulling his shirt up in the process.
“take it off please,” you whined between kisses.
“i’d be able to if you stopped kissing me,” he shot back, smiling into your mouth before pulling away and pulling his shirt off.
“these too,” you stuck two of your fingers past the waistband of his pants and pulled lightly.
haechan pulled you closer again, into another kiss. you nearly forgot your request as he moved his kisses down to your jawline, then your neck. all while his hands heightened the buzzing need in your body by rubbing your sides through your clothes.
“i wanna taste you first, princess.”
you whined, “i’m wet enough already. please, hyuckie.”
“exactly, baby. that’s why i wanna taste.”
before the words could properly sink into your lust dulled mind, you were on your back. haechan pulled your jeans and underwear off your legs and began kissing your thighs.
“please hyuckie,” you said again, whining getting louder, “do something.”
“ask one more time,” he said cockily, pausing all ministrations to listen to your request.
“please, hyuck. make me feel good.”
“one more,” a smirk grew on his face.
“please!” you were sure you could be heard on the other side of the door. “i’ll cry if you don’t do something.”
haechan’s smirk grew wider.
“and you’ll cry if i do.”
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light-arted · 2 years
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Quick little concept of a Palisman Belos because I had the thought recently that if you wanted to do an ending for Belos other than "he's dead, thank god" having him be reborn as/transform into a Palisman could be an interesting concept. (Or a palistrom tree, for that matter.)
I don't think this is likely but I wanted to at least toss the idea out there!
(Tragically, his monster form is kind of hard to smooth out into a staff topper creature that isn't kind of clunky looking, due to the fact he is a top heavy fella made mostly out of gangly limbs.)
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sigmabateman · 11 months
thank you so much @velvetcrowbar444 for tagging me to talk about 5 things im obsessed with at the moment!!
this got longer than i anticipated so im putting it under the cut, but for simplicity's sake i'll tag people up here: @nights-decay, @boycentriccplot, @flaming-tsunami, @sourgelatin no pressure though of course!
persona 5... ok i have to be honest ive been really reluctant to talk about this on here and its why ive been quiet the past at least week or so. no idea why. i guess cause its so different from the stuff i usually post about that i feel like, embarrassed? but i started playing persona 5 royal around may and really liked it but i didnt have the time to properly get into it until now and it has completely taken over my life entirely without me even realising. to be honest i could obsess over like a rock on the ground if i saw it at the right time in my life but hands down persona 5 is one the best if not the best game ive ever played in my life. the story is engaging, the characters are distinctive and realistic and i really really care about all of them, the gameplay is so much fun and combat is buttery fucking smooth like nothing ive ever played before, the music is top tier and what got me interested in the game in the first place, and the ART DIRECTION. it speaks for itself to be honest ESPECIALLY compared to the older games. i was shocked starting persona 4 because of how different it is to persona 5 like, persona 5 has SUCH a distinct visual identity as well as tone, themes, imagery etc it is all just so stunning and perfect and i want to live in it. but i think about it so often like literally 24/7 that i may as well be. i <3 persona 5 and i <3 YUSUKE KITAGAWA. he's definitely my favourite character and he came out of NOWHERE but hes actually everything in the world to me. one of the characters ever.
persona 4 is it a copout to say that? i did try and condense both games into one bullet point but 1. they're such a mainstay in my life right now i was struggling to think of more points and 2. it kind of lost its precision and didn't effectively convey just how personapilled i am right now. i originally wasn't gonna play 4, all i knew is that it was more difficult and less good so i thought i should stay away. but if you go anywhere persona-related on the internet (which i would warn against, the fandom is a fucking cesspit the likes of which i havent seen in a long time as an obscure-shit-enjoyer) you'll quickly run into adachi. and as a lover of men with high-pitched voices and sexypedia entries... i couldn't stay away. before even starting the game i had made a d6 and d20 with different adachis on each face so really it was just a matter of time. and you know what... it's not that bad. the graphics were a SHOCKING step down but i find the low(er) poly style really charming. the adachi model is too cute T_T whenever i see it in the game world i just wanna sit with it for ages. i wonder if i could get it like 3d printed so i could keep him on my desk with me at all times... its bad for me ! the combat is fucking clunky espeically compared to 5 and i kind of hate it but that just makes it more rewarding when i can finally stop LOL. some of the characters (especially the main few (yosuke, chie, yukiko)) took a bit to grow on me but its kind of sweet.. its like authentic.. our relationship is growing as i get to know them better... but dojima and nanako ive loved since i first set eyes on them. too cute. it makes me feel so fatherless. its like.. a lot more magnetic than i expected it to be. i love it even with all its flaws. i saw a meme about it being like twin peaks and thats kind of so real. and you know i love a murder mystery... so yeah tldr i like persona now. but its hard to talk about it on here because it is such a big fandom but not like an active one like spiderman or like good omens or whatever slightly more normal people are watching so its kind of intimidating. maybe ill get over myself, maybe ill go silent for 3 months until i get into something new. we'll see i guess LOL
my gender identity TUMBLR MOMENT I KNOW but i dont know.. ive had a lot of time to myself recently and its kind of brought things to the surface that i just didnt have time or space to think about before. turns out there was a LOT OF STUFF i was repressing without even knowing. like that tweet 'im probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn'. i posted on instagram "gender around cis people: boy, gender around trans people: girlboy, gender by myself: computer program" and that kind of sums it up i think. can i coin like.. complicatedgender. where your answer to the question "whats your gender?" is "it's complicated..." cause thats me. its just COMPLICATED okay!!!! but my pronouns havent changed or anything so its chilllllll
going to bed at a reasonable time. i phrased that like a joke answer but its true. i downloaded pokemon sleep and now i go to bed at 11:30pm cause at 11 i get a notification saying my pokemon are sleepy and shit i gotta take care of my pokemon!! i dont even know if its doing me any good to be honest like i dont feel much better when i wake up but making myself get into bed and shut my eyes means more thinking time and to be honest my favourite activity is thinking. even if as silly as it sounds i never give myself time to do it. its playing a weirdly big role in my life rn so yeah id say im obsessed with it!!!
this asmr video. im secretly always posting about asmr so really i could just say that, but like, ASMR | The Mortician (No Talking – You're Dead) specifically is such a mainstay i can feel its influence seeping into my life like an infection. this video would actually show up in my recommended for YEARS but i never watched it. gave me a major ick for some reason. but then i got into this guys stuff and saw it again and thought id give it a go and now its like an extra limb. fuck my 3rd bullet point, this is my gender identity. i could not articulate in words what it is about the mortician that i love so much, but i really really do. i am certifiably obsessed. cant believe i made it through this whole thing without mentioning alex. but there you are. yay this was fun :D
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skelleste · 5 months
2023 Art Summary
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Some of the many things I worked on over the past 365 days. More details below.
Happy New Year!
Just like last year, 2023 was full of even more character art, including a brand spanking new OC. You haven't seen much of the comic yet, because it's not done, but there's been progress on that in the background as well. I also started commissions last March. None are featured in this post so I could focus more on original art, but I wanted to give a special thank-you to all my past commissioners. Not a single one of you were a customer service nightmare, in fact it was quite the opposite. I appreciate everyone who's been kind enough to give me work and treat me well.
The rest of this post is going to be some of my favorite pieces by month, and a little about them. I usually spare my followers from most details in my posts, because there's often not much of interest to the public to say, so this is mostly self indulgent.
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I decided to revisit Tom and Maudlin, as I hadn't drawn them much since creating them. Whenever I make a new character of importance, I try to go out of my way to put them in varied poses and expressions so that I am able to understand how their bodies work by the time I need them for a real project. It's also a great way to explore their personalities, although I feel that I'll have to push Tom's emotional side more in the future.
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Props for the comic! It sucks to have to design things on the fly, so it helps to have notable objects designed beforehand. Especially if it's important to the plot. Some of these appear in more panels than others, but it smooths out the comic process nevertheless to have ample references on hand.
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More character designs to spare me from designing mid-comic production. If they don't have lines in the comic, then I ask random people to assign names to them to make it fun, and because it's easier to keep straight who's who when they're not named Man 1 and Man 2. Left to right, they are Johnifer (you can already see why I name the ones with dialogue myself), Wanda, Jean Vincent, Booker, Charles, Maribelle, and Gertrude.
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It'd be silly of me to pretend as if 90% of my output isn't shitposts. When you dedicate most of your art time to a project, then you're not going to end up making any other art unless you satisfy primitive monkey brain somehow. In my case, that's usually addressed by drawing funny shit. Early this year is when I discovered how easy it is to crack jokes with Scatterbrain. This goofiness is now embedded into her personality permanently. Expect more of this.
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April-June is when I do my Art Fight preppin', which usually consists of me making a list of my most neglected OCs and giving them some attention. I also try to get around to eventually making all of them a reference sheet in this style, just so they have something standardized between them. This year, Walla Walla had her turn. She's a shitpost character, so I won't be drawing her much again, but she's a good excuse to draw some J-fashion doodles. My interests outside of cartoon stupidity don't really make it into my art often, so she's a minor outlet for some of it.
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I've made even more character designs this year than last year, but they were all background characters, making Raoul the only new important one. He's been officially-unofficially written into the story since 2022, but it's very hard for me to make OCs that are written before they are designed. Everyone else was designed first and assigned a role in the plot later, so he got put off for a good while. I finally got around to it though, after I killed some darlings. He is now an all-new species, and I modified the chain design to something less clunky compared to what would be historically accurate.
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July is, of course, Art Fight month. All other art is put on pause. This year, my favorite attack was a drawing of Enchanted Bones for my friend Bugles. I drew the character independently from the background, which is why the lighting situation is as unfortunate as it is, but we don't talk about that. Thank you to everyone who attacked me and made awesome art, I'll revenge you maybe in a few years. Sorry for the wait, but the backlog is mighty long.
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Stanson got a slight redesign in the last year, so he can fit with the style of the comic better. He's actually the oldest character out of the bunch. I had no purpose for Scott when I made him and threw them together in the same folder. I had a few one-off designs that I figured I'd keep around in case I ever did an OCT, but these two got yoinked out of it when I started getting story ideas for the them. Stanson is a cowboy (not really), so it became a western setting to make sense of it. I plan on giving him the same sketchpage treatment the other characters have gotten, but I've been putting it off purposely for a while. You'll just have to wait.
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And there it is, the inevitable page of Raoul getting into various mischief (and subsequently getting his ass beat half of the time). He has a very abrasive personality that gets him into trouble. I don't want the comic to be heavily action-based, but he naturally lands himself in these positions and it lets me draw characters in new situations. His introduction to the story is still a long way off at this point, but I can't wait to pit him against Scott in some slapstick shenanigans.
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Spooky month is incredibly busy for me in real life, so there isn't as much time for art as I'd like there to be. That's why I dedicated all my time that month to trying to get Halloween art done in time. I've been a fan of Homestar Runner since childhood, and as soon as I thought that Raoul would pull off a Jigen Daisuke look, I knew I wanted to do a full Homestar-esque set of costumes. The other ideas quickly fell into place. My version came out way more detailed than theirs usually are though. The spirit of Halloween possessed me.
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I started going full gear on the comic around this time (I think 28 hours in one week when I stayed home), so there's an absence of polished personal art here. Scatterbrain eating some spaghetti is my placeholder art for "I worked on a website a bunch instead". It's far from done, but I've made major strides since then.
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A secret santa gift for my friend, Toby! I continued doing mostly comic work, but I also made room for a secret santa and scheduled a bunch of art trades to complete between December and March. The rest still have to be completed, so you'll see that throughout 2024. Anyway, Toby's OC, Thomas, is based on the state of Michigan. I plastered him on a postcard in front of a highway sign with some Robins because they're the state bird.
There were many more drawings of course, and you can find them scrolling through my Tumblr, or on my DeviantART (I switched to Tumblr as my main site in late August). I hope the new year brings many improvements and happiness for everyone. Last year my goal was simply to start on the comic, which I did, but it was also to get it uploadable, which I didn't. I'm gonna have to aim for the same goal again. Life things were largely fine but still tumultuous enough to throw me off-course, but now my most dangerous family member has moved out and it should be somewhat safer to live here. Not 100% safe though. It never will be. I generally avoid talking about the comic extensively as I won't have a solid release date for some time, so this is the last you'll hear of it for now outside of the rare WIP screenshot. Wish me luck and have a wonderful new year!
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dyingstars-if · 1 year
hi! I've read that arens giving love language is gift giving and that their gifts can be kinda creepy. can I ask what kind of gifts can mc expect? if its not too spoilery of course!
ngl my first thought was about a cat who brings mice/birds/whatever was caught into its humans bed. thinking about aren dropping a mouse in mcs bed in the middle of the night like "for you <3" made laugh tbh
here’s an example from the demo. forgive me, it’s unedited so it’s really clunky, but it gives you an idea of what mc is dealing with.
there was a box on your bed.
you stare at it, wondering where it came from. you couldn’t imagine it being from krios or ez or any of the unseelies as krios decreed that no one was to enter your bedroom without your permission. so, if it was from them, it would have been left outside your door or in the living area. it could have been from rune, but they would have given that away in about five moments with how obviously they were trying to get you to go back to your room.
that left…
you immediately recoil into yourself, eyes darting to the balcony as if you’d see the assassin lounging there in the dying sun. they’re not, so you allow yourself to focus back on the box.
it’s beautiful from what you can see. made of old wood, ornately carved with gems inlaid, and silver hinges that seemed to shimmer like moonglow on the water.
you cautiously approach and reach out your hands to unclasp it.
*you do it as quickly as possible, just throwing the top open and bracing for whatever was inside. [+ reckless]
*you do it as carefully as possible, slowly clicking open the clasp and pulling the lid up to look inside. [+ cautious]
your eyes go wide and a scream locks in your throat as you look down at what’s nestled in the blood-red silk lining.
you couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, could scarcely breathe.
that’s when you notice the smooth black card that had been previously overshadowed by the other contents of the box.
you reach out with numb fingers, pick the card up and flip it over to see pretty gold lettering on the other side.
my heart beats for you.
a shiver slides down your spine at the sudden feel of lips against your ear. “do take good care of it, little fae, i don’t have too many of those lying around.”
you spin around to confront them, and find nothing. there’s no one else here.
just you and the thud thud thud of a beating heart in a box.
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que-serra-serra · 1 year
[Serennedy] Lucky shot
Against his better judgment, Leon takes Luis to the shooting gallery. Rated Explicit | 4.2k words | ao3 link
Leon took a steadying breath and focused on the feel of the unfamiliar gun in his hands.
A row of cardboard pirates appeared and Leon shot each of them in turn, left to right; one, two, three, four…four—
“Ooh, and a miss!” Came a mocking callout from behind him.
Leon tuned it out and kept his eye on the range. This would be the wave with two of the bonus skulls, and—there!
Leon blasted the cardboard bird with his shotgun and the spread took down one of the sailors too.
“Dios mío, now he is shooting civilians? That's dirty!”
Gritting his teeth, Leon kept going. He was one of the top marksmen in his training program, had been able to snipe distances other agents could only dream of, yet this clunky shotgun and stupid, rigged game—
“Bravo, bravo!” Obnoxious clapping sounded from behind him. “You somehow managed to hit everything except the target! Such skill!”
And that was when Leon slammed the shotgun onto the bench and whipped around to glare at his companion.
“You got something to say!?” he snapped.
Luis was smiling, leaned cockily against a barrel with his pistol dangling from his hand.
“Only that you've been at this for an hour and somehow only seem to be getting worse with time,” Luis said.
Anger flashed through Leon. “Yeah? I'd like to see you try.”
“Haven’t exactly gotten a chance to, since you've been hogging all the fun for yourself…” Luis gave an exaggerated shrug.
A lightbulb went off in Leon's head. “Tell you what,” he said. “You go on and try, and I can provide the snide comments.”
Leon tried to keep the smugness out of his voice. Luis being forced to put his money where his mouth was—and subsequently failing at it—would surely knock the arrogant man down a peg.
“Oh?” Luis raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. “And if I beat your score?”
Leon scoffed: he’d seen Luis in a gunfight. That wasn’t going to happen. “Depends. How much are you willing to lose?”
“So cocky,” Luis sighed. “So, if I manage to outscore you in three tries…”
“One try,” Leon corrected. He wasn’t about to let someone else hog the whole shooting gallery when there were still prizes to be won.
“One try? Should not be a problem.” Luis smirked as he sauntered up to the range, and Leon couldn't wait to wipe that stupid grin off his face. “Then I win the bet.”
“Sure,” Leon said. “And if you lose, you’ll be shutting up for ten minutes every time I tell you to.”
“Aww, cielito, I thought you enjoyed hearing my velvety smooth voice,” Luis said.
Leon rolled his eyes in lieu of replying.
“And if I win…” Luis continued.
“Not gonna happen.”
“When I win, you’ll do a favor for me,” Luis said.
Leon frowned: he’d learned not to take anything at face value with this man. Luis had been sketchy about his past from the get go, from giving a fake identity and having inexplicable knowledge of the sickness plaguing the area, to only recently revealing that he’d been born in this village. 
Leon should have known better than to trust him, and yet…
“What kind of favor?” Leon asked.
Luis grinned, leaning back against the bench and drawing Leon’s eyes downward to…
The obvious bulge tenting his jeans.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Leon spat, neck flaming hot with embarrassment. “Are you always horny?”
Luis shrugged, completely unbothered. “Most of the time, yes. But especially after watching a sexy blond handling guns for the last hour.”
Something warm stirred in Leon's gut at the compliment even as he wanted to argue that his hair wasn’t even blond.
Instead, Leon scoffed and said “You’re insane.”
“On the contrary, I am a simple man with simple pleasures.” Luis smirked. “So? Do we have a deal? One round of shooting; if I lose, you win my silence on command, and if I win, you will do me a sexual favor?”
Leon barely resisted the urge to slam his head against the nearest wall and lament what the fuck his life had become.
But it wasn’t like Luis had any chance of winning. Even if he looked good standing there, with that goddamn smirk and making bedroom eyes at Leon with an obvious hard-on, the only thing that would come out of this was Leon receiving a much-needed mute button when it came to the Spaniard’s excessive rambling.
Why Leon actually felt disappointed by that fact was a mystery.
“Fine. Deal,” Leon said.
Luis winked. “You got it, amigo.” 
Luis turned to the shooting gallery while Leon took his earlier spot leaning against the barrel to watch the humiliation. 
Luis pressed the button to start a new round, raising his pistol…
“Hold on,” Leon said. “You’re supposed to use the shotty.”
Luis simply laughed and called out, “Not part of our deal!”
Leon’s protest was drowned out by a series of quick shots at the row of targets that appeared. Each of the pirates went down, yet the sailors were completely unharmed.
After the first wave, Luis reloaded his pistol and glanced over his shoulder with a smirk.
Leon’s face heated. “Beginner’s luck,” he said.
Rather than reply, Luis proceeded to demolish the following wave with his pistol—even hitting the damn birds that Leon couldn’t manage despite the spread of the shotgun to help him.
Wave after wave, Luis flawlessly completed the task before him. Each time his pistol rang out, a target went down and his score kept racking up.
Leon could only lean against the barrel and stare, his earlier snark long since forgotten, as Luis stood there in his stupid leather jacket wholly unfit for combat and completed the round with perfect precision.
Once the flashing lights of the bonus time ended and the machine gleefully proclaimed a new high score, Luis turned around with a grin and raised his pistol to blow at the no doubt piping hot muzzle.
Leon’s erection—when the fuck had that happened?—twitched happily at the theatrical display.
“So, amigo…” Luis spoke up and Leon very nearly jumped. This was probably the longest he’d seen Luis go without talking. “It seems that I won our little bet."
Leon cleared his throat, not trusting his voice. “And it seems to me like you cheated.”
Luis chuckled. “The pistol? Come now, querido, we both know you would have done even worse without the shotgun.”
Annoyance flared through Leon but somehow seemed to shoot straight to his already throbbing dick. “Wanna tell me how the fuck you’re so good at this? Are you just one of those guys who gets performance issues any time there’s real combat involved?”
“Oh trust me, cariño, I can perform very well under all kinds of circumstances,” Luis said, looking up through his lashes. 
Leon’s sweaty palms gripped the barrel’s edge tighter.
“But, I should probably have mentioned that I’ve been coming here for months to practice,” Luis said casually.
Leon huffed. “I knew it. Cheater.”
Luis grinned. “It’s only cheating if you break the rules.” He stalked towards Leon, then, hips swaying with every step. “And no matter how you look at it, I won our bet.”
With Leon leaned back like this, Luis was taller than him when he stepped close, almost looming over Leon. Surprisingly, Leon found he didn’t mind that in the slightest.
“Fine,” Leon said, trying to put animosity into his voice that he no longer even felt. “What do you want?”
Luis sighed and shook his head, leaning closer still. “Straight to the point, eh? You yanquis have no thoughts to romance.”
Without preamble, Luis kissed Leon, crowding him against the barrel and his hands coming up to cradle Leon’s head.
And somewhere between Luis’ tongue slipping in to caress Leon’s own and Luis’ thigh pressing between his legs, Leon groaned in both frustration and arousal alike and stopped pretending not to want it.
He brought one hand up to tangle in Luis’ greasy hair and grabbed a handful of leather jacket with the other. Luis hummed as Leon shoved his tongue between those clever lips, taking control of the kiss while holding the other man in place, lightly tugging on his hair.
“Mm,” Luis murmured against his lips and ground his thigh more firmly against Leon’s hardness. “I didn’t anticipate you to be so eager, guapo.”
“Yeah, well,” Leon huffed, pushing his hips up. “Hot dude, good with guns… you might have been onto something.”
Leon felt more than saw Luis’ smile against his mouth before they were kissing again. Affectionate pooled in his gut and mixed with the arousal already there; this was the first time Leon had openly acknowledged the—by now, obvious—attraction between them.
“Oh, corazon,” Luis said upon pulling away, before moving down to kiss at Leon’s neck. “Mi cielito, muy precioso.”
Leon swallowed a moan as Luis kept kissing at his neck and murmuring things he probably had no idea that Leon could understand. Clever hands left Leon’s face to trail down his torso, catching the hem of his t-shirt and pulling up.
“Mierda, look at you,” Luis breathed, looking down as inch upon inch of Leon’s abdomen and pecs were revealed. “So beautiful; I just want to eat you.”
Leon huffed a dry chuckle. “Get in line. I’m pretty sure some of the villagers were planning on making a soup out of me.”
“No, no, no,” Luis shook his head as he trailed his mouth down, over Leon’s shirt now bunched up under his armpits, until his face sat between naked pecs. “That would be absolutely tragic. You are much too pretty to be made into a stew.”
“Uh. Thanks?”
“Mm,” Luis hummed and brushed his lips over a nipple.
“Oh, fuck,” Leon cursed, arousal surging through him like lightning.
“Ah, you like that?” Luis said, then proceeded to kiss and lap at the nipple, making Leon bite back an embarrassing whimper.
When he felt the light scrape of teeth against the sensitive bud, Leon gasped and tightened the hand still resting on Luis’ nape.
“Harder,” he commanded.
“Dios mío, corazoncito,” Luis sounded out of breath, murmuring against Leon’s pec. “You drive me crazy.”
Teeth tugged sharply on Leon’s nipple and he trembled at the feeling, cock throbbing in the confines of his pants. A sinful tongue proceeded to lap at the bud trapped between teeth and Leon couldn’t suppress his noises this time. His head tilted back as he roughly squeezed around a handful of Luis’ hair and earned a husky groan, the vibrations traveling from Luis’ lips to his nipple in a delicious feedback loop.
As Luis’ mouth worked over his chest with teeth and tongue, a warm hand appeared out of nowhere to cup Leon’s erection through his pants.
“Jesus, Luis…” Leon breathed, grinding against the man’s palm to chase the much-needed friction to his cock.
Luis moaned, maybe in agreement, still nipping and kissing Leon’s nipple while his hand set to massaging Leon’s hard cock through his pants.
Leon knew he could come like this. He was too high-strung to make it last, and Luis’ mouth and hand felt way too good after days of nothing but death and violence. 
It would be so easy to get lost in this simple pleasure, tucked away in the relative safety of the merchant’s basement with the man who had slowly but surely wormed his way not only into Leon’s pants but also his heart—
But this wasn’t about him.
“Luis,” Leon tried, yanking on Luis’ hair to get his attention.
That only spurred Luis on, making him moan and rub over Leon’s pants with renewed vigor.
“Hey, asshole,” Leon tried instead.
That seemed to do the trick, as Luis’ head lifted and he looked up at Leon with a crease in his brow.
“Are we suddenly moving to humiliation?” Luis asked. “Because I don’t mind; it is a little surprising, I’ll admit, but after the chain bondage and role playing earlier—”
Leon rolled his eyes and silenced the rambling by shoving his tongue down Luis’ throat.
When Leon pulled away from the kiss, Luis was blinking in confusion. “Getting some mixed signals here, amigo.”
“Just reminding you that I’m the one who owes you a favor, not the other way around,” Leon said.
And that was all it took for the smile to be back in full force.
“Ah, bonito, you almost had me frightened.” Luis leaned his head on Leon’s naked abdomen, dangerously close to where Leon was still throbbing, and looked up at him with a knowing smirk. “Has anyone told you not to look a gift Luis in the mouth? I was very much enjoying myself, and I thought you were too.”
“I was,” Leon said. “Just wanted to, you know… get our deal out of the way.”
Luis raised a thoroughly unimpressed eyebrow and Leon closed his eyes and mentally kicked himself: that was no way to speak to someone he was sharing an intimate moment with. Leon’s ruthless communication methods may have served him well in the field, but in private it always seemed to end up with him putting his foot in his mouth.
“Ah, you Americans and your insistence to kill romance,” Luis sighed. “How difficult is it to live in the moment?”
But he was still smiling, placing a kiss on Leon's abs and his hand still making acquaintances with Leon’s crotch, lightly massaging even throughout this extremely unsexy conversation.
“Sorry,” Leon offered, trying not to grind against Luis’ hand too much. “I just… Fair’s fair.”
“Well, fortunately for you, I already decided what I want for my prize,” Luis smiled, pressing more firmly on Leon’s erection.
Leon bit his lip to suppress a groan and tried to keep his focus on the conversation. “Yeah, uh… what is it?” 
“This.” Luis squeezed Leon’s length through his pants. “My mouth on you.”
Leon’s horny, stupid brain took a second too long to catch up. “Huh?” he asked, but Luis only kept smiling and massaging him. “Wait—you wanna use the… sexual favor,” he grit out with some difficulty. “To blow me?”
Luis smiled as innocently as anyone with a handful of cock could. “Sí.”
“What the fuck,” Leon said. “That’s just—oh, god…”
Luis’ other hand had crept up Leon’s side and was now tweaking the earlier neglected nipple, creating a frizzling line of pleasure between his chest and his dick.
“Are you questioning my sexual preferences, querido?” Luis smirked. “Is a man not allowed to want to see a beauty like you unravel before them, to feel you pulsing in his mouth?”
“Fu—uck.” Leon wasn’t proud of the way his voice cracked at the word.
“Exactly,” Luis agreed. “Now what do you say? Can I pleasure you with my mouth? Suck you down until you are trembling your release down my throat? Hm?”
Luis twisted Leon’s nipple and rubbed over the head of his cock and Leon was dangerously close to coming on the spot.
“Yeah,” Leon panted. “God, yes, do it.”
“With pleasure,” Luis purred. 
Instantly, both hands left Leon’s body and instead worked frantically over his zipper, pausing only to push at Leon's hips until Leon got the hint and hopped up to sit on the barrel.
In no time at all, Luis had Leon’s fly open and was shoving a hand into his boxers, immediately gripping hard flesh. The rough warmness of his palm contrasting with the cool metal of his rings had Leon making a strained moan.
“Oh, Leon, look at you…” Luis breathed as he pulled out Leon’s leaking cock. “Dios mío, but you are beautiful all over. So pretty and pink down here.”
The words shot a hot flash of both shame and arousal through Leon’s entire body. For a moment, Luis simply stood there between his legs, slowly pumping Leon’s cock and looking at it like he was having some sort of religious experience. 
Leon’s body trembled from anticipation; soon, he’d get Luis’ mouth on him. He’d get to be inside Luis, cock enveloped in wet heat, making Luis moan and have to keep quiet, focusing on pleasuring Leon just as intently as he focused on the shooting range earlier.
Luis licked his lips and leaned in and god, this was really happening, Leon would finally get a break from all the shit that had been going on these last few days, from the cult and kidnapping and the parasite—
Shit. The parasite.
“Wait!” Leon said, grabbing Luis’ shoulder to halt him. He didn’t miss the annoyed sigh as Luis pulled back to stare up at him, unimpressed, but he had to ask—couldn’t risk hurting Luis. “Are you… will the parasite transmit to you if we…?”
Luis’ features relaxed into a smile. “Oh, but you are sweet.” He shuffled into a better position, kneeling properly on the floor. “But no, the parasite is not infectious at this stage and certainly not under the suppressant. Even then, mucous membrane contact isn’t nearly enough to transmit it. You have nothing to worry about.”
Leon sagged in relief. It was good that Luis knew so much about this stuff—maybe his history at Umbrella wasn't all bad. “Okay.”
“Now, was there anything else…? Luis said, teasingly sliding his hand up and down Leon’s cock.
“No, that’s—that was all,” Leon panted. “Shit, Luis, please—”
“I’ve got you, cariño,” Luis murmured, and then took the tip of Leon’s cock into his mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” Leon groaned, the hand on Luis' shoulder reflexively shooting up to grab a handful of his hair again. “Luis, fuck…”
Luis’ cocky hum was even better like this, the vibrations caressing the sensitive skin of Leon’s cock. Luis bobbed up and then back down, working over the tip and spreading spit and precum all over the head and dripping down the shaft.
“Holy shit,” Leon cursed.
He grabbed the edge of the barrel with his free hand to steady himself as Luis kept working over him. Luis was slowly but surely increasing the pace and swiping his tongue over the head each time he pulled up, moaning softly all the while—like he was the one getting off on this, and not Leon.
Leon couldn't remember the last time he felt this good; as nice as their first encounter had been, being pleasured by Luis’ hot mouth was something else entirely. It had been so long since anyone had given Leon head, and even longer since anyone had been this enthusiastic about it.
Something poked Leon in the thigh and he belatedly opened his eyes, not recalling when they’d slid shut, and looked down.
Luis smiled at getting his attention—as much as anyone could smile with their mouth full of cock—and stopped poking Leon’s leg in favor of pushing down on Leon’s hand still tangled in his hair.
Luis’ head lowered under their hands, making him take more of Leon’s cock and punching a gasp out of Leon. Luis pulled back up until only the tip of Leon’s dick rested in his mouth, looking up at him with blue eyes shimmering with meaning.
“You want me to…?” Leon said.
He pushed down on Luis’ head, forcing his mouth down Leon’s cock and earning a muffled moan. He did it again, a little further this time, before gently pulling Luis back up.
“This alright?” Leon asked.
This time, the answering groan sounded impatient. Luis glared up at him, his hand slapping back on top of Leon’s and pushing, until Leon’s cock bumped against the back of his throat and, fuck, it felt good, that pressure against his pulsing tip, but Luis was choking, his throat convulsing around Leon’s length—
Except Luis only moaned, loud and filthy and his eyelids fluttered shut even as wetness pricked by the corner of his lashes.
“Oh,” Leon breathed when Luis’ hand dropped away, giving over control to Leon. “You like this?”
He pushed Luis’ head back down, his cock sliding into the clenching throat. Luis choked out a garbled moan and reached a hand down to stroke his own recently freed erection.
Leon chuckled breathlessly and tightened his grip. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
It was surprisingly easy, falling into this new dynamic; with Luis’ enthusiastic moans and the way he was very obviously stroking himself in time with Leon fucking his mouth, Leon could let some of that carefully coiled control slip.  
He guided Luis up and down over his throbbing cock, muscles flexing with the effort of as he used more and more force. He alternated between pushing Luis as deep as he could go, holding him there until he was gagging, and pulling him up to shallowly thrust the tip of his cock between slick lips, occasionally tugging roughly at his hair to coax out more of his moans.
Spit ran down Luis’ stubbled jaw and his lashes clumped together with unshed tears, his throat working around Leon’s cock every time Leon forced him deep. The sight had no business being as arousing as it was, yet Leon could only bite his lip and guide Luis faster, deeper, already feeling his orgasm fast approaching.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Leon breathed.
Luis actually whimpered at that, tightening his lips impossibly around Leon’s cock, not showing any signs of pulling away; freely offering himself for Leon’s pleasure, like he wanted Leon to come down his throat.
Leon’s cock throbbed with the reminder of just how much Luis was getting off on this, on being used by Leon, letting him fuck his mouth as he pleased and—and god, Leon wanted to claim him.
“Luis—fuck, Luis,” Leon said. “Can I come on your face?”
And when Luis only hummed his approval and looked up at Leon through his wet lashes, deep blue eyes swimming with an ocean of want, that was all it took.
Leon’s hips shot up off of the barrel and he thrust wildly into Luis’ mouth once, twice, and then pulled Luis’ head up and gushed his release over the normally smug face now wrecked with arousal. He watched his come hit Luis’ wet, open mouth, watched it land on his cheek and his chin while Luis only moaned.
It was too much. Overwhelmed, Leon squeezed his eyes shut and only faintly heard the murmurs of “Oh, Leon, so good, querido, so beautiful.”
And as the arousal slowly faded along with his orgasm, some of Leon’s brain cells finally returned. What the hell had he just done?
Reluctantly, Leon released the death grip he had on Luis’ hair and opened his eyes.
Leon's face flamed hot with shame as he saw his depravity all over Luis: the man’s face was streaked with come, some even dripping down his neck and down his jacket. 
“Jesus,” Leon breathed.
“You really have an obsession with marking me, eh?” Luis grinned, his voice hoarse but thankfully not seeming terribly offended. He looked down and huffed a sigh. “Mierda, you even hit my jacket again.”
Leon swallowed his comment about how ugly he found the jacket in favor of a simple “Sorry.” 
He grabbed a clean-seeming rag from a nearby shelf and wiped at Luis’ face. Luis half-heartedly swatted at him, with protests of "Come on, I can clean myself up", but then laughed as Leon accidentally poked him in the eye while wiping his drying tears. 
"Stop squirming," Leon ordered.
"Fine, fine," Luis snickered but obeyed. "Didn't know you were such a mother hen."
Leon finished cleaning the mess he'd made of Luis to the best of his abilities, trying to be gentle to offset some of the roughness that had overtaken him earlier.
It was strangely…domestic. Leon was inexplicably hit by an image of Luis sprawled out on the couch in Leon’s apartment in the States, sated and lazy and laughing at something he said, until Leon yanked him into a kiss—
Leon cleared his throat and looked away, hoping that his bangs hid his reddening face. "There. That should do it."
"Such a gentleman," Luis said. "Maybe not all yanquis are hopeless with romance, hm?"
Luis smirked and buttoned his pants, and Leon only now realized that he hadn't seen him come.
“So, uh,” Leon said. “Can I��� do you want a hand, or…?”
Luis cocked his head. “Oh!” he exclaimed. “No, I took care of it myself. As you can see.” He grinned and nodded to the barrel.
Leon looked down and saw a very incriminating spot of white goo dripping down the side of the barrel. He felt his face flush even more: Luis had really come from that, from having his mouth full of cock and being roughly used by Leon.
And for the first time in years, Leon wasn't sure how to proceed. He had so many things to say, about whatever this was between them, about the affection making him want to constantly be near Luis, even as the other man had the capability to get on every last of his nerves, and about how he’d caught himself thinking about Luis still being there when this was all over...
“And you didn’t think to clean it up?” Was what came out of Leon’s mouth instead.
Luis grinned lazily, occupied with collecting his tokens from the machine by the shooting gallery.
"Loser of the bet is on cleanup duty," he said, then sauntered up the stairs. "Hurry, Sancho, or you won't get to see me winning the Luis figurine for you!"
Leon huffed out a silent laugh. He’d have to tip the merchant well in exchange for his discretion once this was all over.
Now, he simply followed after the spoiled, infuriating man who had somehow managed to win Leon's affection in addition to their dumb bet.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Weapon Buddies AU?
Initiation has passed and Weiss ends up with Ruby's Sniper/Scythe and Pyrrha's Sword/Spear/Rifle on her team. Even the crude Yang with her Shotgun/Gauntlets made an positive impression. The three got, in her 'expert' opinion very well and intricately made weapons on Beacon among the first years. Even if their owners' personalities are rather diverse.
There's also the second year, Coco, with the handbag that is somehow a minigun?!
There's plenty of beautiful people around with equally beautiful wea- wait, beautiful people?
In other words, Gay Awakening Weiss but in combination with weapons.
Weiss looked up from her textbook to watch her team as they cleaned their weapons. Normally she’d try to protest coming to the locker rooms to clean their weapons after class, but the more she saw them, the more she wanted to get to know their inner workings. 
Ruby’s scythe, as she could only describe it, was a monstrosity. The blade was longer and wider than most people used for swords, and while Ruby made sure to only use the blunt end of if, it still made her fear for her life that someone was going to get hurt with the way she spun it around effortlessly, even if most of that was her standing still and watching her partner flex her muscles. Then, there was the fact that it could transform into a sniper rifle. More practical, sure, but still meant that she had to trust her to have a steady hand. Though, with the tight grip she used to hold her weapon, and the way it was built with her own body in mind… 
Weiss shook her head to try to push the thoughts of her mind. Ruby was interesting, but she was only really interested in her weapon, not to play babysitter. Her eyes went to Yang’s bracelets of Ember Celica, and while crude for gauntlets, she did have to admit that being able to conceal them as wristbands was genius on her part. They werent all that clunky, could allow her to keep her weapons on her without issue, they definitely made her arms stand out more while showing off her toned arms without distracting. 
Weiss paused once more as thoughts of Yang, and not just Ember Celica, started to run through her mind. It had to be normal to think of your teammates when thinking of their weapons, right? Afterall, weapons are windows into a huntress’ soul, telling you about what they’re like, who they are as a huntress, and whether or not you could trust them to have your back when it really counted. 
Then there was Pyrrha and her spear that seemed to seamlessly change into a rifle she could shoot from the hip. The shield and spear combination seemed simple and a bit more primitive, but Weiss couldnt deny the way that Pyrrha handled it. Each smooth stroke, every strike she made was as precise as the last. It was no wonder she had been undefeated in tournaments all over and something of a celebrity. And the armor she wore certainly matched. The gold accenting her eyes and weapon well, the tight fight of the armor to display just the kind of athletic body she had…
Weiss caught a glimpse of the blush on her  cheeks in the reflection of one of the lockers, quickly turning away to try to hide it from her teammates. This was time for her to spend with her team to check out their weapons, to see the inner workings and finally try to find a middle ground between her and her teammates that was more than just school. Instead, every thought of her teammates’ weapons ultimately led her to thinking of them and the way they looked and moved while using their weapons, the way her heart beat as she watched them train… 
“Everything okay Weiss?” Ruby asked. 
Weiss pulled out of her thoughts and looked back at her textbook, glancing at Ruby out of the corner of her eye. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just… studying. Cant spend too much time with weapons, right?” 
“I’m finished cleaning mine if you want to help me put it together again.” 
Weiss’s cheeks started to redden once more at the thought of helping Ruby put Crescent Rose back together, fingers shaking as she slowly turned the page of her textbook. Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of touching Ruby’s hand by accident while moving a few small pieces into place. “I-I shouldnt. You know, weapons are a… a uh intimate piece of technology and I wouldnt want to hurt you- her! I wouldnt want to hurt her.” 
“I know you wont hurt her.” Ruby gently sat her weapon parts down and stretched a bit. “Besides, you did say you wanted to know more about how she worked. This would be the best chance, right?” 
“I-it would…” Weiss took a breath to try to calm herself and gently ran a finger across her forehead. She paused when she noticed she felt a bit damp, cheeks still red and heart racing in her chest. Without a second thought she closed her book, packed it up and started to rush out of the locker room. “But I’m not sure I’m feeling well.” 
Yang looked up from her own weapons. “Would you like one of us to-” 
“No! I-I mean, I wouldnt want to pull you away from your weapon maintenance and I can make it to the infirmary without too much issue. I’ll let you know once I’m there, okay?” 
“If you’re sure.” 
Weiss nodded and waited until she was out of the locker room to start running down the halls and to the nearest stairwell to check herself over. She pressed a couple fingers to her wrist and counted the heart beats over a minute while keeping an eye on herself with the camera of her scroll. Once she finished counting, she wrote down the number and then checked her vitals on her scroll, making sure to run through the last time she took her anxiety medication. 
Her thoughts started to stray to a few of the other students she had seen train, Coco in particular catching her eye as her heart continued to race. She slowly slumped against the wall as she tried to only think of Coco’s weapon, finding herself thinking of the upperclassman herself and not just the weapon. With a heavy sigh, she finally closed her scroll and dropped it to the ground with a clatter. “Dammit.” 
“Something wrong?” 
Weiss looked up at Blake and sighed. “I’m fine. Just… trying to figure something out.” 
“Something I can help with?” Blake asked. 
“Not unless you can tell me what’s wrong with me.” Weiss paused for a moment, then looked down at the floor. “Besides my family name and the SDC.” 
Blake nodded and offered a hand to Weiss. “Then lets get some tea.” 
“At this hour? The cafeteria isnt open and it’ll be nightfall by the time we get to Vale.” 
“And I know a place that serves tea late.” 
Weiss sighed and put her scroll away as she stood up. “Alright, I’ll go.”
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k00293433 · 2 months
After taking a little break from casting and looking at doing something else, I decided to return to my pipe forms, as to start anything new now felt counter productive as my heart wasn’t really in it. I wanted to take these forms as far as I could go, so I went back to the plaster room!!
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This process turned out to be much more difficult as it was before, as the mold has weathered over time and cracks were beginning to grow, meaning that when I cast my final pipe, it flowed almost immediately out the sides!!
Regardless of this they were eventually completed, however a little worse for wear (the size of the seam has grown considerably!!)
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After this I began to wrap blue wool around each pipe. I used this fine wool as I liked the contrast between the hard, smooth clunky plaster form and the soft fine fabric. I also like how you can still see the plaster poking through.
Once these were both wrapped, I began to join the pipes with a tunnel of wool, tangled in the middle, showing some kind of miscommunication. When making this I also thought of the tin can telephone toy, a simplified version of a mobile phone, just as my pipes have become simplified versions of human beings.
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I also experimented with my plaster puddles. I painted some, to see how the paint would react with the paint and felt that this gave the effect of flesh. I also began to experiment with writing words on them, with the intention of placing them around my sculptures, to give words to these little private conversations.
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undead-merman · 2 years
oh my god i am in heaven thank you so much for putting out so much monster boy content. i saw you mentioning you'd think asmo would be an alarune and i was wondering if you could write nsfw with him? can you put vine sex somewhere?
I feel like Asmodeus would be a lonely flower, wanting a place to call home but due to his nature of attacking humans he can't. Also I feel like I wrote Alarune Asmodeus before but I got new ideas.
Alarune Asmodeus with GN-Reader SFW and NSFW
Lovely roses adorn his body, sprouting at random along his light sap green skin. They move, bloom, and even sift color based on his emotions. They normally take on a more pinkish salmon color. The more open he is with his emotions, the wider the flowers are. If he’s trying to hide his emotions or even ignore them, the flowers close up and can even dull in color.  
His hair is silky and colored a mossy green and filled with rose leaves. He spends a lot of time running his fingers through his hair to keep it smooth.  
He sits on top of a humongous rose. The petals can stretch much farther than his body, and even the outer petals can be longer than an average human. Much like the other roses on his body, this one can shift colors and move as well. If he feels like he’s in danger, he can close himself up completely. 
He has several vines which he can use to move or even move things. He has a few vines that have sharp thorns decorating the outside of them. His body, mostly his arms and sides, can quickly shoot out thorns. 
Other vines are smooth and, unlike the thorny ones, he uses these not for moving or defense but to move and manipulate things that his arms can’t reach.        
Floral Drifting
Asmodeus is a drifter. As much as he could stay in one place and just have humans flock to him like bees to honey, some humans might get the wrong idea and try to slay him. They can be such jealous creatures. So he drifts around, following the warmer winds.  
He uses his nectary and floral scent, which he uses his petals to waft around, to lure in his prey. He doesn’t ‘eat’ his prey like carnivores; he pulls their fluids out to feed himself. And even then, sometimes it’s not enough. He likes quality fluids. 
At night, he tucks his vines into the soil and sleeps, closing up his petals. 
Sometimes, during the rainy days, as the forest settles and the animals tucker away in their homes, he finds himself a bit lonely. It’s so quiet and only has the rain to keep the silence away.     
Spending time with you
He was charmed by your little gardener's getup, stained overalls, straw hat, and clunky boots. How adorable, but when he tried to draw you in it didn’t work? He tried again and still nothing. 
But even then, without being charmed, you called out how dry his roots looked. He was about to stick you full of thorns when you started watering him. It was gentle, and somehow he found himself enjoying the feeling. Well, he’ll let it go this time, maybe. 
You come and visit him to take care of him, helping to pluck his dead leaves and even sift and soften the soil for him to rest in at night. You even fertilize it for him, even though he prefers to fertilize through absorbing essence. This isn’t too bad. He finds it cute! Soon, after just these few small acts, every time he sees you his flowers burst out and turn yellow or peach.
But the more time you care for him and even just spend time with him, the more his flowers curl up and turn purple. 
Even after learning about what he does to humans and you still care for him, he clings to you. You are such an innocent and kind little human! What a treasure compared to some of those other humans. 
There might come a day when some people from town find out about the monster in the woods. He knew it would happen, though he doesn’t want to leave you. You’ve found a special place in his green heart. But just as he finds the willpower to go you sneak him to your house and offer your greenhouse to hide it. It’s so warm and filled with so many well-taken care-of plants. He can hear them singing nothing but good things about you. 
Well, if you went through all the trouble to set him up a space he’ll happily take it. Make sure to take care of him darling!       
He loves kissing. Tasting your human saliva and feeling your tongue inside his mouth. His mouth tastes like rose tea and despite how his scent doesn’t affect you, his kisses and spit cause an aphrodisiac effect. 
Once he’s seen you all worked up he’ll use his vines to pick you up and slowly peels off your clothes, smiling and giddy like he’s unwrapping a piece of candy. He makes a show of it and compliments you up and down, talking about each part of your body that he enjoys.  
He’ll pull you back to his body so he can feel his skin against yours as he grinds his vines against your sex and your entrance, kissing you and hugging you as close as possible as his flower petals flutter in excitement. He all but tries to fuck your mouth with his tongue and leaves you breathless as drool leaks from both your mouths. 
While he’s grinding on you, he feels like you have his hands grabbing the meat of your ass, kneading it and feeling the warmth through his fingers.     
When he finally pushes inside you, his flowers flutter and morph into a deep red and he lets out a breathy moan. The air is thick with a heavenly honey-like smell. His vines fill you perfectly. 
He likes having you as close as possible, but he doesn’t mind using his vines to hold you up and swirl his vines around you and stuff you. Even your mouth will be filled with his vines. 
The vines let out a nectar smelling like slime that trails down your legs and mouth, making them easier and easier to thrust as deep as possible. He wants to feel as much as he can. h  
He’ll go as gently as you want. He knows that humans are soft and gentle creatures, but if you want him to be rougher, he can be. The vines thrust into you, he masturbates watching you as well as feeling your velvety heat in all his vines. He might try to fit more of his vines inside you if he can. 
When he cums, he makes sure to pull you close so he can see you covered in his essence. And when you cum he drinks down as much of your bodily fluids as he can.    
 He once again pulls you close and his vines drink up your fluids, leaving you surprisingly clean and refreshed. All the while, he nuzzles you and praises you, telling you over and over how wonderful you felt and tasted. You are so perfect for a human. A perfect match for him.
He’ll close his petals around both of you. Humans can get cold after sex, don’t they? Worry not, darling, he can prevent that! 
His petals are fully bloomed and are a true red as he smiles down at you. He doesn’t seem to care that you can see how he feels.    
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adamwatchesmovies · 10 months
Isle of Dogs (2018)
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Isle of Dogs is such a unique film it’s hard to categorize it. There’s comedy but the story isn’t afraid to be emotional. It’s animated… but not made for kids. The dialogue is partially in English, the rest is in Japanese and there are no subtitles. There’s nothing else like it out there, which makes it fascinating from beginning to end.
In Japan, 2038, Megasaki City's Mayor Kobayashi (voiced by Kunichi Nomura) uses a sudden dog-flu epidemic as an excuse to banish all the city's dogs to Trash Island. Six months later, his adopted nephew, Atari (voiced by Koyu Rankin), travels to the island to rescue his beloved pet, Spot. With the help of a pack of dogs - Chief (Bryan Cranston), Rex (Edward Norton), King (Bob Balaban), Duke (Jeff Goldblum), and Boss (Billy Murray) - he navigates the perilous terrain. Meanwhile, dog-lovers on the mainland try to find a cure for the dog-flu.
The visuals strike you immediately. Rather than try and have silky-smooth stop-motion animation, director Wes Anderson shows us the animator's "finger prints" on all of the dogs. You can tell by each animal's fur where the models have been manipulated for each shot. The color palette is gorgeous, even when you’re looking at mounds of trash. Every frame is worthy of being hung up on your wall. The backgrounds are so full of detail you could look at them for hours, admiring the composition, framing, and different hues used to emphasize the mood of each scene. Smoke is created with little white tuffs, TV screens cut to traditional 2D animation, we see traditional Japanese-style paintings - there's always something new.
The story’s absurdity perfectly matches the deadpan humour. All five dogs in the pack accompanying Atari are alphas - you can tell because their names are all synonymous with “leader". This means they have to vote on every decision. It’s ridiculous in the best way. The uniquely comedic tone means you never know what's next. You think we’re headed into a dramatic moment, that this character is dead - that’s a shock but it fits in the movie - but then the movie will point out that there’s NO WAY things would go that way and reveals the scene you just saw as a fantasy. You’re so taken aback it might take you a second to laugh but you’ll be in stitches.
It’s a bold film that experiments and innovates at each opportunity… except for one. As mentioned earlier, the film is set in Japan but most of the dialogue is in English to show that dogs and people can kind of understand each other a little bit but ultimately speak different languages. The dogs in this movie don’t actually speak English but for the audience’s purpose, they do. There are also other characters which speak English - real English. They often say things to help us fill in the details. It isn’t clunky exposition but it does make you wish the film was not in two but THREE languages. Two for the humans and one for the canines so there would be a true separation between the species. Is that worth docking points for? I don't think so.
Isle of Dogs does things that in any other movie would be called sloppy. In one scene, Mayor Kobayashi leaves a critical piece of information lying around. Someone he doesn't want seeing it finds the information. The fact that it’s there makes no sense but the character who discovers this info does nothing with it. Ultimately, it's unnecessary to that particular storyline but for the film as a whole, it's important. It fills the viewers in on something that’s coming later. Rather than be stuck on the surprise when it arrives, you sit back and have a laugh at the characters’ reactions. It’s so unconventional it's perfect and could only work in a film like this one.
Like most of Wes Anderson's other projects, Isle of Dogs is so off-beat it will leave some viewers behind. Let it sit with you for a while. Better yet, watch it along with other Wes Anderson movies. Let yourself fall into the groove. You'll see. Isle of Dogs gets better with each rewatch. (August 21, 2020)
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