#This isn't Leo bashing
Okay don't get me wrong, I LOVE Leo but when he said he's worth more than 2 or 3 Frank's 😭 <<<<<<<<
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For the Casey Raised by Shredder AU what is the dynamic between Splinter, Casey and Karai? (and Leo too ig) Like Splinter would want Karai with him cause that's his daughter but would Casey want that? cause it'd feel like he's losing his sister. Like whats Karai thoughts too?
Karai is honestly not bothered.
She knows her history.
Knows Splinters her biological father.
But she's happy with her life as it is that she doesn't see any point of changing it.
Karai adores Shredder who adores her just as if not more.
Why leave and be told to fight him?
She also absolutely loves Casey, they are siblings in all but blood.
They may not be her bio family but knowing all she does Karai chooses them.
Will always choose them.
Casey gets to know the turtles and go hey cousins this is cool.
And becomes genuinely close to them.
Karai isn't bothered, she doesn't really care to meet them and her true identity is known unlike Casey's.
Aka Oroku Casey isn't known to them but Casey Jones is.
Splinter wants his child back but she doesn't want to go.
She's built a life for herself, she's happy.
Leo is with Splinter on this and his... Crush on her is something Casey wants to erase from his memory.
Karai upon finding that out throws a knife at Leo everytime he tries to flirt.
As she should.
While Casey yells "dude?! Isn't she your sister?! What kinda anime are you watching man?!"
Also Karai seeing how Splinters teachings and such deeply affected Leo to the point he carries the whole world on his shoulders.
That he is the only one to defeat the Shredder.
That he must be perfect in all he does as a son, brother and leader.
While her father always ressures her she's enough, holding her when she's afraid and not wanting his kids involved in this old feud.
.... Yeah she sees it as a no brainer.
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tmnt-l0v3rrr · 2 months
Yan! Rottmnt x Reader Headcanons
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Kidnapping, loss of privacy, being watched, forced touch, unhealthy relationships, abuse, beatings, Obsession, shock collars, and overall yandere and unhealthy topics.
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Now, he really hates seeing you upset. But, part of him remembers that if you don't learn now you never will, he is an older brother after all.
His punishments aren't near the worst of the bunch. Raph's punishments are more inconvenient than anything, not being allowed to leave his room whatsoever, doing laps around the lair, are the minor ones, they do progress the worst of the action you do.
If you try to run away you lose all and any privacy you had. Zero time alone at all, it's suffocating.
It's time for you to shower? He's right outside the curtain the whole time, he isn't afraid to look in if he hears something out of the ordinary. Bathroom? He's looking away but you can even lose that. Changing? Unless it's undergarments his eyes aren't leaving you.
You aren't allowed to face the door when you two sleep, you're kept facing the wall cradled by Raph, he'll chain you to the bed if he has to.
In summary, privacy loss is one of his most used punishments. He'd never hit you, on purpose….
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Now, he isn't super sure how to punish someone humanely… He just isn't sure on how else to get you to listen.
For the little things, like talking back or refusing to do a dumb activity with him, he can be cold or manipulative. He could spit something at you like “Really? All I want to do is love and spend time with you and all you ever do is ignore me or be ungrateful! All I want is to love you, let me love you, dear.”
He will also pinch you for small mistakes, like say you say something he doesn't exactly agree with, Leo will simply pinch, normally on the neck, it works, his pinches hurt like a bitch. Or he'll flick you, those also hurt.
He worries, alot, so if you try to run away?
He throws a fit, screaming, crying the whole ordeal. He will get to you, lock the door on his train car. Yell, so loud your ears ring. Screaming about how mad he is, how you should never do that and how dangerous it is.
In his fit of rage, it will likely get physical.
Maybe grabbing you by the collar… throwing you against the wall, screaming at you, he'll kick your legs and bash until they bleed and are bruised.
He didn't mean to, he is just too worried about you, he can't let you leave. No matter how much it hurts.
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By far he Is the worst, he knows what you did is wrong and won't feel bad, you did this to yourself. It was your choice.
Now, almost all of his punishments are with a shock collar he made, one like he made for Leo awhile ago, but it has different settings and is remote controlled. (He can also control it with his tech gauntlet) Based on what you do is how bad the shock will be, it is normally at a 2 for small mistakes. A quick zap is it.
Now, if you try to escape? That's where it gets bad. What were you thinking?
Once he finds you, you're in big trouble. The collar will go off, the highest setting. Over and over. You'll be lugged back to where you started being shocked and yelled at.
Like his blue coded brother, he isn't too sure how to be humane. Whatever he does, it's gonna leave a mark.
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He is somewhere along with Raph, he's more disappointed than anything when you mess up badly. He is rare to punish, he doesn't want to see you in pain or upset. It's just hard for him to see. It hurts.
For small mistakes he'll give you a small scolding and that's it. Nothing to scare you. He doesn't want to scare you anymore then he already has.
If you try to escape, he reminds himself that you're human, you're scared. Your world was torn apart by him. He had to be gentle.
He will take you back to the lair, tied up with his mystic chains, leaving no room to squirm. Along with his older brother, you'll lose privacy and with Mikey, you'll be treated like a helpless child.
You can't do anything alone or without help. It's truly embarrassing. You're not allowed to even brush your own hair. Pretty much everything is taken away from you. It sucks.
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hotheadedhero · 3 months
hey, can I ask for hsc tmnt 2012 ( leo sonnie mikey raph) how do they behave around your boobs, how do they react to you shaking them, touching them, random situations, e.g. when they hug to greet you and I feel your breasts pressing against his plastron
AN: I got iddy biddy tiddies so I had to think real good on this one XD
Boob Behaviour
All characters are aged up
Warnings: slightly suggestive but mostly safe by "typical" NSFW standards
2012 Turtles x Reader
Not something to initially cross his mind or retract his attention from something in a typical day-to-day. That isn't to say that he doesn't love them but most of his adoration for you is centred around who you are as a person. He never wants to come across as the type of guy who shamelessly oggles you. Perhaps that's because he has an overly adjusted sense of being respectful.
However, low-cut tops are a different story entirely. It takes him off guard when you walk into the lair and he catches a glimpse of cleavage. His cheeks will surely burn and he has to try his best to keep his cool for the rest of the day. Matters aren't helped if you decide to train with him and they jiggle about with your movements. You look amazing.
He'll look for excuses to touch them and sometimes it's just to annoy you. At random points in the day, he will just jab the side of your boob and walk off as if he didn't do anything, playing coy. He isn't past poking you right in the nipple either because it just gets the best jolts out of you. You love him but you can't always say you appreciate it.
Although, you can proudly say that you threw a curve ball when you stuck your chest in his face during one of your impromptu wrestling matches. You can only imagine the stars he must have been seen. The look on his face was priceless and you definitely paid for it later. Worth it, though.
Easily flustered when it comes to your chest. He isn't the type to gawk or even make a big deal out of them but it's the moments when you hug his arm and they press into him that really make him short-circuit. It doesn't matter how long you've been together, you still make him nervous.
It especially doesn't help when you become lost in thought or space out and absentmindedly hold your breasts. You could be working on your computer and one of your hands will just cup them as you type. He can't hold a conversation with you very well when you naively squeeze them like that. Maybe one day he'll get used to it.
Almost an innocent fascination when he realises how squishy they are. He manages to not be as bashful as one might think him to be. They're a part of your body and another part of you that he loves just as much as the rest of you. Why should he get so shy around a body part? That's all it is at the end of the day.
When he's lying on top of you, he likes to wrap his arms around your waist and rub his face in them. Sometimes it's to get a laugh out of you, which it does, and other times it's just because he finds them comfortable. Either way, you never have any complaints considering how sweet he is. Boy, neither does he.
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Guess I got to start this blog somewhere
How would they react to waking up with a boner next to you 
For some reason I can't really write lighthearted things for Alan, sigh
Not really nsfw but kinda suggestive?
If earth could swallow them they would accept it in a heartbeat. 
Poor sweet Kaito is the first one I think that would accidentally get too excited to be sleeping next to his SO and get hard. He is already suffering, don't look at him disgusted, he WILL cry.
Luca is startled like it's the first time happening, apologizing for putting you in an awkward situation. Pat his shoulder and tell him it's alright.
Alan still has some kind of complex of seeing himself as too worn out, a killer and a criminal, and in contrast seeing his partner in a much better light. When he gets hard while sleeping together he almost feels like when he is cleaned the blood off of his fists after an underground fight, whatever rag he grabbed now tainted too.
Sweet baby Subaru feels oh, so bad at the slightest feeling he might be imposing himself on you at any point, be it date plans, shared activities or what to eat for dinner. He removes himself out of the  situation and sends a three paragraph long text apologizing and understanding if you want to break up and not see him anymore.
Doesn't make a big deal out it if you don't react badly
Sho reads books, even if it doesn't look like it, and knows that morning wood usually doesn't happen because of sexual stimuli. Sho also gets a bit bashful at having woken next to you like that, tsk-ing at your teases while he looks away.
‘boys are just like that' Haku might cover with a pillow if you feel uncomfortable or awkward but he will be cracking jokes about the situation to lighten up the mood.
Is like ‘whatever’ and doesn't do anything to hide it
Jin, as nonchalant as ever, doesn't think much about it, he might go to the bathroom and fix his problem if you fuss a bit but otherwise he will stay lying down listening to music.
Towa is a free spirit and rarely cares about morals or common decency, doing as he pleases most of the time, it's no wonder he looks curious when you get surprised at the tent in his pants.
Ed decides it isn't that big of a deal, when you live for so long some insecurities and things you get embarrassed about start mattering less and less. 
Even if Subaru did his best teaching him, Lyca doesn't understand many human sensibilities, like not smelling people or yelling when someone talks smack, it's no wonder he almost seems surprised at your reaction 
Makes you feel like you are the weird one for even noticing 
Leo, the little bitch he always is, will find a way to make it awkward, be it saying you are a perv for looking far down to accuse you of planning it.
Ren is a somewhat mixed case bc on one hand he makes you feel like the weirdo ‘why are you so interested in my groin. Sexual harassment’ but on the other he is internally crying at how awkward it's.
Good luck even getting into that situation 
If you think you can catch Thoma off guard nice try —at least so early into the relationship— he prides himself in being able to act the part of a gentleman so even if it happened you wouldn't wake up or even notice.
Haru is too tired, too busy and doesn't have enough time to cuddle with you to sleep.
Can Zenji even get an erection?
Good luck getting Rui comfortable enough with getting close to sleep next to each other.
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randoimago · 11 months
Headcanons of Gale, Wyll, Halsin, and Astarion with shy s/o?
Having a Shy S/O
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Wyll
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!!
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Not only are you filling his stomach, but you're filling his ego. He revels anytime he notices how flustered you get with his flirting. Even when he toned it down a touch to be softer for you, noticing the nervousness and how you seem bashful makes him smirk a tad.
He wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable with his affections, he'd never do that to you. But he does enjoy when he illicits such reaction from you. Finds it almost as delicious as your blood.
Thinks that most people are below him so he isn't really one to step up and talk to others on your behalf. But if he notices you starting to be a bit overwhelmed due to your shyness then he'll sigh and tell the other person to make their point and piss off.
He has to remind himself about your shyness now and then just because he's such an open and friendly guy. The first time you met (after he was saved from almost certain death) he reached over to shake your hand without thinking twice. So he apologizes for any unnecessary flustering he causes you.
Can't help but admire how sweet you look when you are flustered and bashful. Wants to shower you in affection, but holds back just so it doesn't overwhelm you.
Will gladly step up and do any and all talking if you're too shy to deal with people. Of course, he ends up rambling a bit and you might need to tug on his sleeve or something (if you're lucky, the other person might just walk away, although it'll make Gale grumble a bit).
There's a barely noticeable smirk on his face when he sees how easily flustered he can make you. Doesn't do it on purpose, he just flirts with you naturally and a chuckled apology falls from his lips when he sees you getting flustered from his words.
Halsin is a big guy so he doesn't mind stepping in front of you in case you want to hide due to other people's presence. He's fine with taking the lead. He finds it very adorable if you do hide behind him.
If you'd like, he could become an emotional support bear for you now and then if you do start feeling a tad overwhelmed. Might have to settle for being a cat depending on the location (but he doesn't stop purring for you so hopefully that helps fuel your confidence a bit).
Oh he finds your shyness to be quite adorable. He won't tease you about it though as he can be shy with his own affections at times.
He'll move at your pace, not wanting to overwhelm or scare you. Light kisses to the top of your head, briefly touching your hand with his. Just something simple and gentle to let you know that he loves you, but nothing that'll make you too flustered (even though he would find that precious).
But Wyll is happy to step in and speak on your behalf if you trust him to do so. He understands being overwhelmed by so much attention. And while he might still have some self consciousness with his new appearance, he'll still gladly step in for your comfort.
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@reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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litiyerses · 9 months
calypso having an emotion-centered character and being viewed & getting treated as the ‘evil woman’ is actually a reflection of how every woman's emotions are villainized when they’re shown vividly and are a main part of their character in popular media.
in general media and riordanverse specifically, women with emotions are always looked down upon because showing emotions is regarded as a dramatic act so when a female character shows and acts on their emotiotions they get degraded and instantly despised because of it. this is done with every single female character while male characters who show emotion are treated like saints and found worthy of self redemption. this happened with annabeth when she didn’t want to believe luke was the bad guy and wanted to try bring him back because she was manipulated by him her entire life, meanwhile luke, who did batshit crimes like causing hundreds of innocent deaths, manipulating little girls by flirting with them, admitting his crush to a 16 year-old at his ripe age of 23, is remembered as a hero and considered ‘redeemed himself’ after sacrificing himself while annabeth was called insufferable when she didn’t believe he was evil in the first place. let’s not forget piper, who’s a lesbian that was forced into a relationship with a man by a goddess and thought she was in the wrong for not feeling right with jason. during the entire relationship she was experiencing a very hard comphet and couldn’t figure herself out because of the fake memories, everybody was bashing her when she was acting confused, when she was, in fact confused. i have a longer post about this specific topic, so if you guys wanna check it out it’s right here. 
 coming back to calypso, first we need to clear out the misconceptions about her curse on percy that affected annabeth. she wasn't blind nor was personally attacking annabeth, her curse was to make someone feel like how she was feeling all time and that’s why percy and annabeth couldn’t reach out to one another while being right next to each other. annabeth’s blindness came from the titan she defeated in the sea of monsters and is actually the first curse to be put by the arai on them, so it has nothing to do with calypso. the curse was affecting annabeth because she happened to be the person percy loved and was right next to him. if percy was there alone either percy would feel alone and abandoned or the curse wouldn’t affect him at all, since there’s no person he can go back to save. and the curse itself wasn’t even a death wish type of curse she just wanted to be heard, be acknowledged and wanted free off her island. not to forget the curse wasn't harming or killing any of them yet it’s still demonized more than by literally every other thing that happened in the books. nothing luke has ever done is seen as evil as her curse just because it was by her and i’m pretty positive if something like this was shown in pjo by luke it would be glossed over and romanticized in the fandom. further proof of how a male character's actions get brushed off and forgiven easily but soon a female character does something even slightly questionable they get villainized on the spot.
she is also despised because she doesn't let everyone's favorite man get away with his misogynistic stuff. calypso doesn't treat leo any worse than he treats her. whenever she starts arguing it is a response to something leo has said or done, which in the most case she's in the right but leo gets so much slack from his past and being fandom favorite to be held accountable for the way he treats people. he's always been written as a misogynist, he never treated any women with any respect. he always had some sort of disrespect for every female character he seems have some sort of closure with like piper, hazel, calypso, the list goes on, but yet calypso is always expected to be more 'tolerable and understanding' bc of his trauma, as if every single character in the series isn't written upon a single trauma they had and have their character built on it. and he always had a problem dealing with others and their emotions and instead of expecting him to be working to change that, calypso is expected to adjust his manners.
oddly enough, she's also expected to show some gratitude towards leo for saving her, when she never asked him to do so and not for a second believed that he was actually going to come back when he said he would. is she grateful that he came back and freed her? yes. should she feel any obligations to make him feel greater because of it? NO. everything leo did for calypso was his and only his choice and nobody else's. calypso is happy that he did so, but expecting her to tolarate every single thing he does solely because of that is wrong.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
On Repeat
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// Click for HQ
Whew,,, I finally finished these! Thank you @elderwisp / @elksun / @living-undead / @dejasenti99 AND @yukikocloud FOR THE TAGS!!!! Holy wow :0
Tagging :
@circusjuney / @butteredfrogs / @mmonetsims / @flovoid
@birdietrait / @venriliz / @retrotrait / @mattodore
plus anyone else who wants to do this! Also feel free to ignore esp if you've alr done this, idk who has and hasn't im sorry 😭😭
// Extras under the cut - below is very long, so open w/ caution if you don't wanna scroll a lot 😭
This has taken the piss outta me (albeit fun), so i'm kinda just gonna explain how I think the featured line in particular is akin to the OC/Ship and not the entire song... as much as I'd love to 😭 Also it's just SUPER hard (for me) to find songs that I relate to my OCs, lyrics as well so skdjhnsjk
Roo's Song Oil & Water by Origami Button "When did I become like the ones I never thought I'd welcome in my home"
The above line in particular is quite literally Roo in the current story/character arc- He's looking at himself from a third person view and going "Oh. I am what I hate." He's looking at his old self, in college, and how he treated Leo, to now, looking at his present self and seeing the way he creeps on Leo, how he clings to him despite being several states over. Roo looks at the progression of his stalker-ish behavior, his obsession, how it went from just general clinginess that Leo could bear, to something completely unbearable after 7 years of no contact, it saddens him. So taking it quite literally, if he was at his own door and he knew how awful he was, he would slam the door on himself. A painful self reflection for him :')
Leo's Song Truth or Dare by Ricky Montgomery "Hiding in the closet, trying not to vomit, didn't even want it"
The entire first verse for this song can be applicable to Leo. As a teenager (15-16), Leo went HEAVY on drugs as a form of escapism from his parents, of course they'd always find him and get on his ass HARD for doing that shit. After a while of being sober, Leo started going to house parties, great idea- Flash forward to his third house party, and he finally cut his year long sober streak for drugs. as many as he could fit in his body. He had terrible influences around him so they encouraged him to do this shit, it didn't take long for his body to feel the god awful effects of taking so many drugs, so he ended up in the bathroom for a while- He tried to hold back the vomit because he was,,, partially enjoying his high, but he couldn't hold it back for long and ended up passing out, but not before nearly gutting himself from vomiting so much. Cut forward in time, and people got worried, bashed open the bathroom door and found Leo's unconscious body slumped over the toilet 🙃 Obv he came out fine, but it's a major moment in his life, because looking back on it, he realizes that wasn't what he wanted, he just wanted attention, he wanted to be cool, he wanted to be rebellious, but he didn't want to (nearly) kill himself. The render isn't one-to-one with the situation, but the lyrics are accurate so :3
Onia's Song Bloodstream by Soccer Mommy Scene used in render "Now a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink and there's a pale girl staring through the mirror at me"
Overall, the song talks about how the artist (Soccer Mommy) has lost her childhood innocence and how she wants to go back to her childhood and putting Onia's Sheep in Wolf's clothing motif aside, Onia misses being a child, and misses not knowing the pain and burden of being the complete opposite of what her parents wanted, so she spirals over this a lot, and like the lyrics say, "a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink," She tends to lean towards harming herself, in this case, her hands, and her knuckles- I can't draw or simulate blood in either blender or GIMP, so the red light is supposed to simulate the blood-sodden sink that she's standing over, and of course, "pale girl," is Onia, she's staring at herself, but additionally I like to think she's staring past the mirror, or staring through it (wink wink), she's spacing out and thinking about who she should've been, or who she could've been.
Hero's Song Following Eyes by Soccer Mommy "An awful feeling started creeping over me and what I saw was like no horror I had seen"
I'm keeping this short and sweet. It's not easy to find a song (that I like) that's about being haunted or cursed so. I had to re-use her song from her intro post, which isn't bad, but I did hope to find a new song kdsjhnsjk Anyways. Hero's cursed, pretty much anywhere she goes, she is forced to perceive ~the horrors~, sometimes she's forced into a blank space, a void (SOMETIMES,,, not a lot,,, rarely moreso), where she'll be tormented for who even knows how long, this moment in particular, she was walking along this catwalk in the dark, she eventually felt something that felt similar to someone dragging their fingers up your spine, in a moment of fear, she turned around and just. saw. She looked onto this,,, being, what she saw was "like no horror I had seen,,," Although to be fair, the creature isn't all that horrifying (which in my defense.. I'm a blender novice so </333)
The Hiraeth Song Nomu by Good Kid "Four eyes entwined draw four separate lines and none of them point to you"
I think this song overall is a perfect example of Roo and Leo's relationship both after Leo's confession and after Roo tried to reconnect with Leo. After Leo confessed, he tried to keep their relationship going, but it didn't work out, so he gave up (Roo didn't realize Leo was pulling such a weight and he just let their friendship fall out) After Roo tried to reconnect (aka the CURRENT storyline), Roo has been trying to keep things together and has been trying to make things work, but Leo has long-since given up on their friendship as a whole. Now in terms of the lyric above; Post-Confession, every conversation they had together would not be the same, they couldn't look each other in the eyes, their eyes would connect momentarily and separate almost immediately; Nowadays, if they WERE to be living together or near each other, they just would NOT be able to talk to each other, because Leo would be fed up with Roo and trying to avoid as much eye contact and general verbal+physical contact as possible with him. Roo, on the other hand, is just terrible with eye contact so he would have a terrible time trying to engage in eye contact with Leo.
The Ithanel / It's All Wrong Song From Eden by Hozier "Babe there's something broken about this but I might be hoping about this oh what a sin"
Ithuriel and Nanel's entire relationship is inherently toxic, they are not toxic to each other, but the underlying (or moreso, the OVERWHELMING OVERLYING) dangers of this relationship makes it toxic, broken in a way. Nanel risks her life going to see Ithuriel outside of work-related interactions and Ithuriel risks her life by just. seeing, talking to and loving Nanel. Whether they know (they do) or care (they dont) about these dangers, they still want this relationship, they live on, literal, prayers that they are not caught and that they can continue to love each other in peace, but overall, their relationship, in the eyes of the heavenly council (ehhh W.I.P term for IAW lore stuff), is a sin, and nothing but a sin.
Ithuriel's Song What You Mean by Rome Hero Foxes "Cause every little god damn thing you do makes me wanna get close to you"
The lyrics speak for themselves... Ithuriel is very dedicated to Nanel, and literally every waking moment of seeing and knowing Nanel drives Ithuriel up the walls because she loves her so much.
Nanel's Song Future Me Hates Me by The Beths "It's getting dangerous, I could get hurt, I know, I've counted up the cons, they far outweight the pros."
This is semi-foreshadowing, but Nanel knows that her and Ithuriel's relationship is forbidden, wrong (not cuz its gay necessarily,, 😭), and the way Ithuriel's heavenly role works means that their relationship status and every interaction outside of a required interaction is a risky game of one or both of them being punished and sentenced to death. But ! Nanel loves Ithuriel wayyyy too much to let how insanely dangerous their relationship is to get in the way of them loving and being with e/o.
Nirvana's Song 1999 by Beabadoobee "And I'm not wasting time again, closure instead of s^x, and I'm not wasting time again" Idk if I need to censor s^x but i am justttt in case...
Oof, Nirvana... Nirvana has always been sxually active, she's always had one-night-stands with other men, she's tried to continue things after that ONS, but it never works, she's tried to have relationships with women, but they just use her for s^x. She's tired of wasting time with people who just want her for her body, she's tired of s^x, she just wants, well, closure, she wants someone who will love her for her, she wants a relationship without s^x, or at least isn't s^x-focused, she just wants to know someone will love her past her body. Although aforementioned is all just a habit so she will unfortunately end up right back where she started and continue this uncomfortable and sad spiral.
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Hypocrisy in the TMNT Fandom
I may come back to this topic at a later date, but I feel like I need to address the hypocrisy in the TMNT fandom when it comes to how 12 Donnie is treated for his crush on April, compared to other characters such as Bayverse Mikey and Mutant Mayhem Leo, or I might explode. Do I condone everything that 12 Donnie does in the name of his crush on April? No. Do I sometimes find the cringiness of his actions unbearable (keeping in mind that he is my favourite character in 12)? Absolutely. But is there context behind his actions that often gets ignored? Yes. Do the fandom vilify or make fun of behaviour from him that they let slide in other characters? 100% yes.
People love to bash 12 Donnie for his actions, without even considering the reasons behind them (poor choices from the show writers aside). April is the first human his age that Donnie really sees and gets to interact with. He's a deeply insecure character, who feels out of place even amongst his family and, as people have pointed out before me, April represents a wider level of acceptance to Donnie. If a pretty human girl can love him, maybe there is hope for him gaining wider acceptance from humanity. I do think he has genuine feelings for her, but I also believe that part of his obsessiveness is a desire to be more human, or at least be accepted by humans, and he subconsciously views gaining the love of a human to be a part of this. 12 Donnie (like most Donatellos), is keenly aware that he will never get what he wants, or deserves.
He is a genius, and that will never be acknowledged by the world. He will never get everything a human genius would get. He doesn't get go to school, or go shopping for new resources, or make friends who share his interests. He risks his life saving the world over and over again, only to be seen as a villain for the way he looks.
That's part of why he sees 12 Casey as such a threat, Casey is human and doesn't need the same level of acceptance that Donatello does. He already has everything that Donnie wants (he can go to school, make other friends etc), but yet he still wants to be with April. The first human to show Donnie any acceptance. One of the only people to even tentatively seem interested in Donnie's science. If April chooses Casey over Donnie, then that truly does mean that Donnie, as a mutant, and a nerdy outcast mutant to boot, can never find love or acceptance, (again, this would be Donnie's perspective, and it is not April's duty to validate Donnie's self worth by getting in a relationship with him - that being said, the mixed signals she sent definitely didn't help matters).
Also, his stalking is creepy, but this is a kid who grew up with no social interaction besides his brothers, watching shows that provably had dubious ideas of romance. All of his ideas of romance are influenced by media, which isn't exactly a healthy way to gain an understanding of how to express those feelings. And when he knows the exact distance to her apartment, I always thought that he was just insanely good at estimating distances? He's shown to be able to make advanced calculations around distances and things in seconds on the show, so this never really seemed that bad to me, even if the show itself deemed it creepy?
Moreover, for the most part, he does genuinely follow April when he believes she is in danger, or when she is distancing herself from them (again, absolutely not a healthy thought process, but he misses her and wants her safe, and thinks is the best way to handle it). Is it still wrong? Yes. But should Donnie as a character be completely dragged for this for eternity? Not really. Also, can we please move past reducing Donnie's character to nothing more than his failures at flirting?
There is also the fact that April definitely did flirt back with him on numerous occasions. Whether or not this was done consciously, or to manipulate him, or whatever, is a rant for another day, but 12 Donnie definitely does have reasons to believe that April could want a relationship with him. She kisses him, on the mouth, right after he had told her that he was going to stop with his behaviour.
People also genuinely forgive 12 Leo flirting with his sister more than they do Donnie calling April his sweet chinchilla (and yes, Leo and Karai are still flirty even after the reveal that they are siblings, though it is thankfully toned down later on, and though I've seen people jumping through hoops trying to deny it). And Leo's flirting with Karai (even before the reveal), is equally as cringy as Donnie's. He's the poster boy for the 'I can fix them' mentality, even when the person he was trying to fix was actively trying to destroy everyone he cared about. 12 Leo also puts his brothers in danger due to his obsession with Karai, hurting them both physically and mentally, but a lot of people sweep this under the rug and only focus on times that 12 Donnie puts the others in danger due to his crush on April, or see this as a positive thing, showing how Leo never gives up on the people he cares about.
Moving on, 12 Donnie can be possessive of April (again, not great behaviour, and not something I particularly enjoy or condone), but 12 Mikey is the same way about Renet, and no one mentions it? Donnie hugs her (or says he could hug her, I can't quite remember the exact context), and Mikey gets all pissy about it? He's known Renet for barely any length of time, and they have no relationship at this point, but he gets annoyed at Donnie having a friendly interaction with her, as if it hasnt been well established that Donnie is only interested in April? Why is this more acceptable than when Donnie gets annoyed at Casey (a confirmed love rival), shows off about being close to April?
Additionally, why are Bayverse Mikey and Mayhem Leo hardly ever given the same treatment as 12 Donnie? I see countless crossovers where 12 Donnie is given endless shit for his bad flirting, especially as it's towards someone who the other counterparts see as a sister figure, with hardly any of them ignoring how unfair it is to criticise 12 Dee for seeing April differently to the others when their circumstances are different, or bringing up anyone else's behaviour.
Bayverse Mikey is just as bad! In fact, some of the things that he says are far worse than anything 12 Donnie has said, and it just gets brushed over? Even in crossover fics where 12 Dee gets slaughtered for his crush, no one brings up the downright crude things Bay Mikey says?
He constantly calls her a babe (I think 90s Mikey also makes similar comments), and even says 'she's so hot I can feel my shell tightening' which is hella gross tbh. Sure, 'sweet chinchilla' is weird, but it's far less demeaning than babe? And Mikey keeps this attitude up throughout both films? Why is this treated as being more acceptable than 12 Donnie's behaviour? This is even worse as Bay April is clearly an adult compared to the teenage turtles, and is clearly depicted as an older sister figure. At least in 12 there is only a year age gap, and neither April nor her father had anything to do with them when they were babies.
Hell, a few chaarcters (I think 03 Mikey and either 90s Raph or Mikey) make a joke about getting to 'keep her' when they bring an unconscious April back to the lair, and no one bats an eye?? It's played off as a joke, but even so, it's still freaky, and I've never seen anyone mention it before. They don't even get admonished for it!
Also, Mayhem Leo is absolutely just as much of a cringefail flirt as 12 Don, but everyone is acting like he comes across as so much better?! We've only had one movie with him so far, but his behaviour so far isn't all that different to 12 Don's?
They basically act the same way upon their first meeting. The rooftop scene when he first sees her is almost exactly the same as the scene in 12. And the comment about her beautiful, perfect mouth? If 12 Donnie said that he'd be slaughtered, but because it was Mayhem Leo, it's considered cute? When 12 Donnie gets super excited about getting April's number even though they already have it on the fridge it's embarrassing, but when Mayhem Leo tries to get Mayhem Donnie's phone to swipe her number it's endearing? Both ramble and get nervous around her, but people think this is sweet from Mayhem Leo but annoying from 12 Don.
Plus, Mayhem Leo has far more experience with humans than 12 Donnie. He has been going outside of the lair for a while, he has definitely seen other girls before. In 12, Donnie had never left the lair before the night he saw April, she's genuinely the first girl he's ever seen in person.
This point may also be a little unfair as we only have the Mayhem movie at the moment, compared to entire seasons of the 12 TV show, but it's also irritating me a bit how many people are acting like Mayhem Leo has far more of a chance with April than 12 Donnie did, purely because she agreed to go to prom with him, ignoring her line about how it was just as friends, and the many instances in 12 where April reciprocated Donnie's flirtation (again, April kissed him on the lips in the cartoon. It is canon that she did so).
Why are there so many double standards around the turtles having crushes? Either address all of their behaviour, or stop throwing 12 Donnie's flirting in our faces. It's exhausting seeing people openly bashing 12 Donnie, ignoring all of his great characteristics due to his crush, and then turning around and glorifying 12 Leo, Bay Mikey, or Mayhem Leo, or just ignoring their behaviour. It's grating to see almost every chat fic (even ones I thoroughly enjoy!!), have a seemingly obligatory bash 12 Donnie's crush and flirting chapter, yet hardly ever address the way any of the others behave.
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i-am-a-living-god · 6 months
More TMNC doodles! (Weapons addition!)
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Aight so, I realized that I cant just assign their actual weapons to them, because well, they're cats. That would be super unpractical! It'd be like bringing a fork to a knife fight.
So due to cats wielding human weapons being useless, (and I can't give them just claws because they will be fighting human Ninjas with swords, that'd be to dangerous.) I gave some of them strap on weapons for their forepaw.
I gave this kind of weapon to Leo and Mikey.
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I gave Leo sharp gauntlet things. They are a strap-on knife thingy, they are a sheet of curved metal with knives on the backside. Basically, the idea is that instead of ripping people apart with claws, he can run past them, and leave a deep wound before the person realizes what's happening.
The gauntlets were also inspired by shredder a bit.
The cats collective fighting style is very, quick, and evasive as possible. Because they are small cats, they are at a severe disadvantage.
So they try to finish the fight as quickly as possible, with minimal blows.
They use their small size to their advantage, and easily blend into shadows. (It also helps that they can hide in plain sight.) This allows them to get the jump on people, the element of surprise is usually on their side.
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So I gave Mikey tonfa's, (I drew them wrong, so use your imagination.) I chose this weapons, because 1. They spin, And 2. They work well with the whole, strapped to the forepaw thing.
Overall I felt like this was a good fit for Mikey.
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Do Donnie doesn't have a forepaw weapon yet, as in, I couldn't think of one that would suit him.
So instead I just gave him a bō staff, but smaller and easier to wield for a cat. I realized that I could still give him the bō because it isn't that heavy, and he could hold ig in his mouth, or maneuver it around with his paws and it would be a non-issue for the most part.
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So Raph, I feel like he would be way bigger on the whole claws thing. Like if I gave him a special weapon, he would still use his claws and teeth for the most part.
But he can't just do that, because he's going up against humans with swords! So I gave him a minny sai, so he can use it improperly and stab with it to his little hearts content.
I also gave him a spiked cuff around his tail, I feel like he'd enjoy bashing people with it. And also a little wrist cuff with a spike on it.
All the cats have a little cuff with a spike on their tail, as an extra little weapon, but Raph actually uses his. So the cuff they wear on their tails, Raph wears on his forepaw.
Unlike the turtles, the cats don't usually wear their battle gear 24/7 they only wear it when going outside. (They often sneak out without it though.)
More of this shitty little au!
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evanhamato · 7 months
Hello! I’d like to request a rottmnt (Casey, cass and April too if you want too!) Headcanons x reader (both crushing on each other / pining) and reader is extremely clumsy? And gets bruised so easily (seriously, I noticed last night I bruised my palm / fingers pretty bad and I don’t even remember how I did that, like, nothing major happened, just BOOM hand got hurt) and they try to hide it or not make it a big deal cuz they doesn’t want to “cause trouble” or worry anyone, and they get really bashful with ppl taking care of them?
Please and thank you, hope you have a good day
[ Clutz ]
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ROTTMNT x GN!Reader who is clumsy
A/N: YES. this is exactly like me!! also im sorry for the delay in posts!! im trying to do 2 asks a day but with how much asks im getting i assume that wont be working?? anyways, thank you anon for requesting and i hope you heal quickly <3! P.S: I LOVEDD WRITING THIS ONEEE!!
Relationships: Romantic
TW: Injuries, treating injuries, fluff, worry, kisses, cuddling
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He knows before you even tell him.
He subconsciously searches his brothers, what makes you think he wont search you?
Eventually when you are forced to tell him while he was patching you up, he gets a little upset.
Regardless, he understands. (Being the eldest and all.)
Don't think he doesn't check on you extra though.
Weekly checkups, also comes with weekly cuddles and kisses.
Warns you if there's anywhere you can get injured from a mistake.
If he see's you fall or bump into something, he'll check the area around 15 minutes later to see if it bruised, it's going to be bruised regardless.
He never runs out of supplies?? What logic is this??
Regardless, total sweetheart.
To be honest, he only notices after a week or two after a hard mission.
Are you not healing? Are they new?
When you go to get your bandages changed, he asks you about them.
You explain and he lets out an 'ooh' before pouting.
You, a hassle, a burden? That's the dumbest thing he's ever heard.
Gets ice for your bruises right away whenever you bump into stuff.
Prevent the bruising as much as possible, right?
Throws his hand out when he see's you're going to hurt yourself.
Always ends up with him trying to lean over the table and falling himself.
Mutual pining? Nah. Mutual idiots. /aff Bonus:
His medical supplies keep going missing. Wonder where they went.
Please. For the love of god. STAY OUT THE LAB.
Clumsy + chemicals + metal = owchie.
Knew about the clumsiness and bruising, not about how you felt.
Taking Dr. Feelings instructions, he tries to comfort you.
He ends up messing up and saying something goofy, you suddenly can't take him serious anymore.
Later in your relationship, he gains the habit of giving your bruises a small kiss. (It started with you bugging him about how your "boo-boos" needed kisses.)
Guides you away from dangerous things without you realizing.
He isn't good with words so, unlike his brothers, he'll straight up tell you while helping you that you are not a burden.
Actions may be more powerful than words but, words get the point across easier.
He does his best, he's trying, I swear.
Poor guy doesn't notice the bruises until after you open up.
Don't think he didn't notice you shying away though. He is Dr. Feelings after all.
Mikey doesn't quite have enough skills to patch you up so he goes to Leo, to stay safe.
Regardless of excuses, you are in fact scheduled for a meeting with the Dr. himself.
After said session, expect affection statistics to go HAYWIRE.
He has a shell, you can't get hurt if he's clinging onto you, right?
Plus, more love!
Asks Donnie if there's anything scientific behind the injuries, he just wants to try to reduce it as much as possible.
Simple cuts or scratches?
You get the "feel better" band-aids. (Band-Aids with motivational sentences on them. Prescribed by Dr. Feelings himself.)
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random HC's I have for the lads
Leo sweats a lot in the night, like a lot and he's super embarrassed by it
(controversial) Donnie is a lord of the rings nerd, not a Harry Potter nerd
Mikey is secretly everyone's fave brother but none of the others will ever admit that
Raph actually enjoys ballroom dancing, he just thinks he's too clumsy so he never tells anyone he can
Raph is also super into meme culture and him and Donnie regularly exchange the best ones they find
Leo has seen every season of friends and can't fucking stand a single one of them. He has no idea why he watched it all.
Mikey can speak a few languages (he thought Spanish sounded cool) and is pretty good at picking it up
Donnie hates getting tech stuff as gifts but is so hard to buy for that no one knows what else to get him (he'll start dropping not-so-subtle hints like "sure would be nice if *someone* could get me a popcorn maker for Christmas...")
Leo and Splinter aren't as close as everyone thinks, Leo kinda resents being the one in charge 24/7
Darkest sense of humour actually goes to Mikey, he just gets told off for it the most so he's learnt to shut up
Raph suffers with bad nightmares
The only extrovert is Mikey, Raph is somewhere in-between
Leo has 0 rizz/game. super awkward when he has a crush
Donnie, however, isn't as bashful and shy as you'd think....
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vrmxlho · 2 years
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bruh i posted my fucking hcs while i was in middle of writing them 😕 anyway here it is copied and pasted:
omg aiku is so fucking ajfsdkhjbf every time i see him i go feral,,,, ALSO YES MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ GOKURAKUGAI THE ART IS BEAUTIFUL +++ i'm pretty sure this is gonna be ooc because i'm really just making shit up so i apologise in advance lmaoo +++ also im sorry its so short i have no idea what to write 😭
cw: swearing + not proofread because who wants to relive this nightmare??? + probably really ooc but this is my blog so i will do as i please honestly 😒 + suggestive but nothing sexual
his love language is either physical touch or giving gifts
he absolutely adores holding you and he always physically on you, either an arm over your shoulder or a hand on your knee, sometimes he even makes you put your legs on his simply because he likes it that way
but at the same time he is 100% the most infuriating person alive and he prides himself in being annoying
at least he's funny ig
he's constantly teasing you, flirting with you excessively
if he hadn't already told everyone in his life that you were his s/o people would've still been able to guess as much
he's like an annoying puppy who always follows you around asking you to play
he's also incredibly petty, like if you ignore him by mistake or leave him on read because the conversation had ended he's purposefully going to do the same to you
even if the subject of the conversation is actually quite important
nothing can get in the way of his pettiness
"leo, can you please fucking answer me???" he only looked at you briefly before continuing with his stupid hair. it had only been like this for about five minutes but you honestly felt like it had been a century. he was being so fucking annoying. "leonardo luna i swear to god, if you don't fucking answer me this instant i'm going to bash your head in." "i'd still be really attractive though, so i don't really-" "will you please stay on topic for once in your life?" "annoying isn't it?" "THE CONVERSATION HAD ENDED YOU SAID 'OK' AND THAT WAS THE END WHAT ELSE WAS THERE TO ADD????" "you can always add an 'i love you'." "boy. be fucking for real."
forgot to mention that he's also rlly vain
by that i mean he pretends to be vain
he pretend to care about his looks more than he actually does because he thinks its funny
it is sometimes
i am a firm believer that he was one of those kids that was fascinated by the ocean and just any type of water body
he wanted to pursue geography and maybe be a marine biologist before he became a football pro
that's why is his ideal date is renting a boat and going to sea caves to scuba dive in
he insisted on the two of you taking scuba diving lessons together because he wanted to swim with sharks and sea turtles
i feel like he was a summer baby, specifically a leo
because my irl best friend is a leo leonardo
he's also the type to collect shells and make shell necklaces for you
once tried convincing you to change your name to sally and start a seashell business because he thought it would be really funny???
he's naturally funny but at times he says the dumbest things unironically
his favourite way to destress is to have long bubble baths with you while you both chatter about your day
not necessarily in a sexual way
he just enjoys being physically close to you while also being surrounded by water
leonardo luna was exhausted. you could tell as soon as he entered the house. his usually bright and blindingly positive aura had dulled. his eyes looked distant and he walked with a sway. fatigue made his limbs heavy and he hummed softly before he collapsed on the sofa. "are you okay? leo?" he had already begun snoring slightly when you finally reached him. you chuckled a bit. you wouldn't mind leaving him like this. he looked so cute. his silky hair falling gently on his nose and his cheeks a bit red from the slight chill in the air. but he smelled. reeked of sweat. he must've been too tired to even shower after practice. you weren't about to let him sleep in his sweat, it was simply gross. so first, you tried pulling him off. but not only was he a massive man who weighed a lot more than the usual groceries you carried. he was also resisting making it even harder for you make him budge. so you kissed his forehead, hoping it would wake him up. nothing. this time you pinched him. which worked, because now he was stirring. he opened his eyes which burned with anger and frowned at you. "come have a shower with me." suddenly his eyes were wide and bright again. he basically jumped off the sofa and carried you to the bathroom. he was tired but he didn't mind the extra exhaustion that would come from carrying another human being, since it was you. as soon as you got to the bathroom he basically ripped your clothes off and you were in the shower giving him a massage. then washing his hair and running your hand over his back soothingly. he didn't look tired anymore, it seemed like your presence had woken him up. or perhaps he just didn't want to miss out on your touch. "how was practise?" "couldn't stop thinking about you."
his kisses are always hot and passionate
loves holding your face when he kisses you
as if its the last time he will
he loves how his hands are big enough to hold your entire cheek
your first kiss wasn't awkward at all except for the fact that it was in front of the paparazzi because he loves PDA
unless you genuinely hate it he's always holding your hand in front of the cameras, kissing you, full on making out and everything
is a failure in the kitchen but is surprisingly good at following instructions
you'll never have to cut an onion when he's around!!
real men cry 👍
you've made it
you are now dating the hottest man on earth, the biggest playboy in the world has settled down
cuz you're just as hot
but that's exactly what makes him so possessive and jealous
it's not that he doesn't trust you he's just a little insecure, why else do you think he always broke up with his previous flings?
he's scared that if you got to see him for who he really was (as if you haven't already ☠️)
however, whenever he sees you talking to someone he doesn't particularly like he'll come up beside you and pull you close to him by the waist
and if you look uncomfortable he'll literally take you to another setting so you feel better
his love language is words of affirmation!!
he loves hearing how much you love him and how much you wanna spend time with him and how you'd kill for him
but at the same time he absolutely loves teasing you and making you get all flustered
oliver had been feeling down. he didn't really know why. it was 3am and he had this deep pit of despair in his stomach. you looked so peaceful on the bed, sleeping softly and scrunching the blanket up a bit. "how can someone so perfect want to be with me?" "if you're going to be so depressing i might actually break up with you..." you had turned around to stare at him with your tired barely open eyes. you weren't a light sleeper per se but your deep connection to aiku meant that you could feel something was off even if you couldn't see if with your own eyes. "sorry, did i wake you?" he moved back into bed. pulling the sheets over you a bit. "you know i love you right? and i wouldn't even dream about leaving your or whatever you were worrying about." "but-" "no, shut the fuck up. it's late," you pulled his arms around your body and placed yourself right onto his chest, " and i'm cold, so do your job. warm up the bed."
bought you an emerald promise ring after the first date because he instantly fell in love with you and he's suddenly discovered that he was actually a big romantic
(emerald to represent his left eye, left being the side the body your heart is in)
as a playboy, the first date was all a ploy to impress you but also give the impression that he wasn't available so breaking things off or ghosting you wouldn't be a hassle
he took you to a fancy restaurant
for once he wasn't two timing you
anyway after all this he took you to the beach to go on a walk where he asked you if you wanted to go skinny dipping
it was his first challenge, if yes, it would be fun, if no, then he had a reason to break things off with you
but the look of indifference you gave him made him crave more
he could already feel his cheeks heating up and from that day onwards he couldn't stop thinking about you like at all
after you got into an actual relationship you both avoid going back to that restaurant because of just how dull that night was
now your dates consist of going to the arcade, doing some karaoke and then maybe watching a movie while living off of buttery popcorn
he honestly has such a beautiful singing voice
would definitely be an idol if he weren't a footballer
he's a huge ABBA fan i can feel it in my soul
his ideal date is having a picnic by the beach and then playing beach volley until you both decide it's too hot and go for a swim
honestly any summer activity would be his ideal date
oliver aiku was probably breaking countless laws right now. it was the end of summer, the nights were short but warm with the skies clear, starry and gorgeous. aiku wanted to celebrate by firing his homemade fireworks he had spent about 2 months making. and you were certain that this was illegal. but he didn't care. "oli- i don't think this is safe..." "don't worry about it, i'm here to protect you." you could almost hear the smirk he was wearing. "you're no lawyer, i won't be breaking the law with you." "oh you're no fun." he looked at you with fake disappointment. frankly, if you weren't in a good mood you would've just left him to his frolicsomeness but you were also sort of intrigued. you really wanted to see what two months of firework building could get you. "make sure we don't get caught." "i'm no amateur love."
likes pulling your hair when kissing
and he's not one to give one quick kiss and run, they need to be deep every single time
pecks on the lips are meaningless in his eyes
he's also one to engage in PDA
he absolutely loves kissing in front of people he dislikes
to sort of one-up them
kisses you all the fucking time for absolutely no reason
you'd think the novelty would have worn off after being kissed so much but it really doesn't
somehow he keeps getting better at kissing
is he practicing behind your back????? (no, i'm jking)
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turtlecleric · 22 hours
Happy late birthday!!
Just wanted to share my grain of thoughts that while people theorized about a possible confrontation in your latest text about Leon/Leo/Reader, all I could think off was Leon finding himself doing this again, like ravaging reader, no matter if we're awake, conscious or not, because... He tasted heaven, and come on. He'd keep wanting more of what he got. He knows it's wrong, that it isn't HIS time-line, his lover, it's just isn't his. But we were, even if just for a night, a few minutes, we were his, and it felt right amidst the wrong. So what if he wanted more? What if he got more? Even if it makes him a terrible person?
And also there's reader, that, not to bash out on our Leo, but he still has a long way to work and learn, and yes, it's a little mean, but wouldn't reader rather keep having those mind-blowing love sessions with someone who actually knows what he's doing?
Me thinks. But whatever I'm just rambling!!
Thank you nonnie!
Ohhhh that would be a dark way to go, wouldn't it? Leon deciding that he's already fucked up beyond repair anyway. And it made him feel good for the first time in a long, long time. Reminded him what it used to feel like, being with you. So he decides to... keep an eye out for more opportunities. Take advantage of those opportunities when they do arise. He's already a terrible person, isn't he? Why not? If it makes the ache in his chest ease for a time and no one finds out or gets hurt... it might be hard for him to stop himself, knowing that, on top of everything else, he's making you feel good, even if you don't remember.
Idk if I'd ever write the reader knowingly cheating, because. Well. I know this may be surprising given what I frequently write, but that just feels so icky, to have the reader do something like that on purpose. It's one thing to have the characters do terrible things. It's another to have the reader do terrible things. I can't explain it well, I suppose 😅
Thanks for the ask! Hope you're well 😊
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leisi-lilacdreams · 1 year
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my first fanart for a fic i've come to greatly enjoy (meaning yes, there are more fanart for other fics down the line)
no scene in particular, but it's the vibes i get from these two
In this world (it's just us)
it's a 2012x2018 crossover fic with some disturbing scenes so keep that in mind
i just love how the authors really dives into the whole "designed to be weapons of mass destruction" while still keeping their silly goober selves. When they're by themselves they're more like in the show, when they're with others they're slowing becoming villains lol
In one chapter they kill some Purple Dragons grunts and in another Donnie is chowing down on goldfish crackers cause it's the only safe food he can stomach at the time
26 chapters and they still haven't met their counterparts author please i beg of you when??? OTL
the most recent chapters have leo's mystic powers taking on more siren powers and hooo boy that did things to me 👀
slight warning: the fic isn't 2012!april friendly. it's not to the level of bashing, put she's def not painted in the best light.
bloody version under cut
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found a lot of blood brushes in the CSP asset store and had fun lol
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nickfurysrighteye · 9 months
i wonder why the capsules were built vertically. i guess maybe, from a scenografic perspective, making the trio sleep standing up was a way to make them weirder, make them "less human" because it's not something a person normally does, a reminder that at their core they're just a science experiment.
even if we consider only the story, without thinking of it as a disney show somebody wrote, if we just consider how the story goes what i said before still makes sense.
before leo's arrival, donald never thought of adam, bree and chase as real kids, they were an experiment for him, he kept them away from the outside world, fed them like animals and trained them. it would only make sense making them sleep in an "inhumane" way. to him, they weren't exactly humans so he didn't treat them as such.
before anyone says anything i want to be clear: this isn't a post against donald. i'm not a fan of him nor his parenting choises but i'm not bashing him, i just always foud odd they sleep standing up and i wanted to analyze it. lastly, please excuse my english, it's late I'm tired and it's not my first language, thank you and goodnight :)
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