#This ship has officially grown on me she loves her they like each other love each other even
acemakes-art143 · 10 months
look at this I'm living up to my username once again and making art
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Silly lebsian pompom :]
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anime-owo-kage-san · 3 months
Unpopular (?) Opinion: I want Crymini to happen before or during the “Huskerdust” development.
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(This is speaking in the sense IF Huskerdust would be canon. And don’t argue about whether it is or isn’t pls. I said IF, to stay vague about it.)
Okay. Obviously I don’t want her to show at EXACTLY the first episode of the next season. But, I would like for Crymini to show up in season 2.
I’ve heard some say that it wouldn’t be appropriate timing, because Husk ‘already has Angel to deal with’. So, it would be better for her to show up after some more development between Angel and Husk, otherwise she might be getting in the way of their development with each other.
But, for me? I say her showing up ‘early’ might work:
In the pilot, Husk says “I’ve lost the ability to love years ago.” And ofc, that’s the perfect line to give to a character who will eventually learn to love again.
He finally started liking Angel, but he doesn’t ‘love’ Angel just yet.
And, while I honestly ship these two to double death —I don’t think Husk learning to ‘love again’ should start with Angel (A.k.a ‘his potential love interest’).
I personally think it should start with Crymini (a.k.a ‘the child figure’).
It could just come from my personal belief, that not every character who grew cold should find a ‘love interest’ to break their walls down. (Not saying that they can’t have a love interest. They absolutely can. But, my point is ‘finding love’, can be more than just in a romantic sense). ——I just think it might suit Husk better if this is what happened first, before he and Angel; while he opened some vulnerable parts of himself to Angel, he opens up his softer, wiser, and more protective side for a kid who needs guidance (speaking from how I assume Crymini would be portrayed, until she’s official).
And Angel? ——Husk has done good for him, by listening to his problems, and cheering him up during Loser Baby. Now, it’s time to see some Angel doing good for Husk (and maybe minor angsty feels); he sees the family-like relationship between the two, and decides to give Husk space.
Angel would think to himself, ‘I’m a grown-ass adult. I can handle myself. Husk should focus on that kid. She definitely needs him more than I do.’
So, he’d bitch about his work a lot less to Husk, thinking it would help not overwhelm him. Might even let Husk bitch to him instead, when Crymini becomes a handful, because everyone else usually leaves it to Husk since he’s the closest to her. And Angel listens to it all.
And maybe from all of this, it’ll remind Angel about the rocky relationship he had with his family (namely his father and brother), and admire how nice Husk is to a rebellious kid who he hasn’t known for that long yet. (Cue falling in love with a guy who’s good with kids.)
Husk eventually notices that Angel comes to him a lot less now, when he had a bad day , and confronts him about it. They have a heart to heart about it, and came to an agreement to rant to each other about their busy day.
Then some eventual Angel and Crymini relationship, when he runs into the same club as her. Then takes it upon himself to watch over her from afar because Husk wasn’t there, but starts hovering over her like he did with Niffty. (Okay, I’m writing a fanfic at this point.)
But, I hope you all get what I mean here; Husk CAN love Angel when he learns to love again, but learning to love again doesn’t HAVE to start with Angel.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
My Heart Never Knows
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: ahh i’m so happy we finally got to explore another side of jake and neytiri and y/n’s relationship, plus a little ronal and y/n for your sisterly angst. i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: mentions of seizure, mentions of an I.V., swearing, mentions of epilepsy, mentions of death, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Fifteen- Songcord
“It feels like my lungs are collapsing. Yet, I’m still breathing. I don’t know how.”
Kisre snorts from across the room, ignoring the glare you send her.
“You two just need to… get over it.”
“I want to get over! You forget Ronal. She’s stubborn. She thinks I betrayed her, but, I-”
The words die in your throat, because you can’t even put into words what has happened to you. Love is only a part of it, nothing else fits quite right. You feel- encompassed, whole. A belonging. Like this is the place you were always meant to be, the people you were always meant to know, and you find yourself wanting for nothing.
Kisre sighs, bringing you back to reality, grounding you. “I know. I do forget that. But you forget- the both of you forget- that you are sisters.”
A month since the web fell apart, and besides for the initial strain, the random feeling of Ronal’s absence, you are happy.
Lo’ak has long since been ungrounded, back out into the village, doing whatever the children do.
Ronal still let’s Neytiri study under her, albeit with a sneer on her face, and they never talk, unless it’s about the task at hand.
Jake is often off as well most of the day, and without Ronal to shadow, you find yourself with nothing to do. You spend your days with Kisre and some other friends, weaving baskets or nets, gathering fruits and nuts for your respective dinners.
But, you have gone home long ago, feigning tiredness, and now you add to your songcord to fill your mind.
You add one for Jake and Neytiri, one for you mating, one for the day you officially moved in with them. You add one for each of the children, preemptively add one for the return of your soul sister.
Her absence is one you have grown used to, your heart simply growing around the hole she leaves.
It’s a rare day- the children are still off playing, and you’re alone in the house, until footsteps come.
You hum to yourself as you work, feeling eyes on you, but you know who it is. You can sense them, feel them, smell them. You know them in distraction and you’re sure you would know them in death.
“Are you just going to stare?”
“Admiring, sweetheart,” Jake corrects, feeling him come closer to you.
He gets to the ground, laying on his back and placing his head in your lap just as you finish tying off the songcord. You hiss, but he only smiles, and your anger fades. How could you be mad at your mate?
He lets out a pleased sound, weakly lifting up his hand to place it on your cheek. “This,” he sighs, closing his eyes, “is the life.”
“The life?” Neytiri muses, sitting down across from you, close enough that your knees touch hers, leans forward so she fills your field of vision. She is all you can see, he is all you can feel, and it is everything. They are everything.
“The life.” Jake affirms, and Neytiri smiles fondly at him before noticing the songcord still in your hands.
“You added more,” she notes, reaching out and grabbing it from you. “Sing it to me.”
You sing it and they listen, Jake’s thumb rubbing your cheekbone, Neytiri staring at the songcord, following each bead as you sing the lyrics.
You decide there’s no need for complicated words to describe what you feel with them. You just feel like everything.
You watch the human machine land, a helicopter, Jake said. You were not scared at first, but you knew.
You knew what happened further out to sea- the demon ship, killing tulkun, and the humans so many years ago destroying Hometree.
So easily, the messenger had whispered. It fell to them like a leaf. Like nothing.
When you had left to see the commotion, too many people already crowding the mauri, you hadn’t been scared. You heard the murmurs as it approached, jet black with blue stripes, a reminder of all the humans were capable of.
When it had landed, it had blown the wind like a storm, but it wasn’t the storm you were used to- it was different, a totem of death. You weren’t sure how Jake could even stand to look at it.
When it started to land, you tore your eyes away from it, looking to the ground in front of you, seeing Jake stand right in front of it.
You had spent so long denying yourself him, and the bliss with him you had felt this past month was otherworldly. You wouldn’t lose him now.
“Jake! Jake!” you called, but he couldn’t hear you over the wind, and you could barely see him over the sand being whipped up.
Something burned in you, and you faintly realized that you were scared. For him, for yourself, for your newfound family and happiness. When you reach him, the wind almost pushing you back, you’re just barely able to touch his shoulder with your fingertips before he is turning, grabbing you and pulling you tight to his chest.
His arm is strong and sure around your waist, and you can feel his muscles moving under you as you bury your face in his chest, his arm moving up and down.
The helicopter starts to land, and you feel the chaos start to taper off, Jake cupping the back of your head with your other hand.
“It’s fine,” you hear him murmur, lips close to your ear, “it’s all fine, babygirl. Norm!” he greets, and the man in question- an Avatar, you guess, by the look of his Na’vi features and human clothes- nods back. You see his eyes linger on you for a moment-
“Let’s get the gear!” he shouts, instead of questioning who you are, why Jake’s arm is around you, or why his lips are in your hair.
“Neteyam!” Jake shouts, and your hands scramble for purchase when you feel him pushing you away because he is your safety, you anchor in the face of the unknown- your dam, stopping you from falling apart at the sight of the humans.
“Jake- Jake, no-”
“Take her and keep them back,”
Neteyam grabs your hand in his own, leading you over to the people gathered.
Tonowari comes forward, places a hand on your shoulder as he looks over you. His eyes narrow on Neteyam.
“Your father better know what he’s doing, boy.”
But he doesn’t speak of just the safety of his people, he speaks for the safety of you.
Her hand is cold and clammy in yours.
It has been, all night, ever since she returned. You don’t know why you thought it would be any different. The human lists off what is not wrong with her, and you feel the urge to hiss.
Your eyes scan over her again, ignoring the looks of the confused avatar, the confused human. His voice dies in his throat. It’s hard to ignore their technology, but Kiri, a sweet girl who you have come to love and think of as your own is more important. Your eyes narrow on something sticking out of her arm.
“Don’t!” the Avatar shouts as you reach over, seeing a clear liquid moving inside the tube. Nothing you know goes into a body like that, and you feel your stomach curl.
“What is this?” you ask, as the Avatar’s arm clamps around your wrist.
You jump back and hiss, slamming into Neytiri’s legs.
“I-I’m sorry-” he stammers, and you feel Neytiri crouch behind you, her arms circle around you. She hisses, daring them to speak, to come closer, to present any threat to her mate.
“Hey, hey,” Jake says, walking over with his hands out. “It’s alright. They’re trying to help, Y/N.”
The Avatar asks something in a strange dialect, the one of the humans, you guess, and you feel the urge to hiss again. You don’t know what’s he’s saying, and it scares you. But, Jake responds in Na’vi.
“Yes. She stays. She’s our mate.”
Their eyes trail over to you again, and Neytiri’s fingers dig into flesh above your collarbone. You feel the anger in her chest, hear her heavy breaths.
She is already on edge with Kiri being sick, but seeing you scared sets her off.
There is something like that, something in the air, when it comes to mates. A sort of understanding in the air, a deeper connection, and sometimes you almost swear you can hear Jake and Neytiri’s thoughts.
You know what Neytiri is thinking now. She is not angry. She is scared.
They work more, saying more words, sometimes in the human language, you assume because their is no words for it in Na’vi.
Ronal looks to you as she enters, quickly looks away. Neytiri drops your hand, walking over to her quickly.
You see the disgust on your sister’s face, the pure horror at the human technology. She does not understand it, so she fears it. You fear it too.
Something foolish flares in your chest- perhaps you can bond over that?
“I see that I am not needed,” she sneers, moving to leave. Neytiri hisses and grabs her hand.
“You are Tsahìk.”
The floor is quiet as you pad across it, the small sounds of the human machines being the only thing you can hear.
“Ronal,” you whisper, and she tears her eyes away from Neytiri. She only looks at you for a second before her eyes lower to the floor. “Sister. Please.”
She looks up at you for another moment, and you eyes flick anxiously between her and Kiri.
Something softens in her face, before the wall is back up again and it was as if it was never there.
“Then move these things,” she says, and there is silence for a moment.
“Out!” Neytiri screeches- and the people who were supposed to help your girl scramble. “You have done nothing!”
Not wanting to disrupt Ronal, you leave with Jake and the Avatar, the human looking into the mauri anxiously.
You stay away from him, instead sitting at Jake’s side, eyes fixed on Kiri. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, talks to the Avatar- Norm- as Jake has properly introduced you two.
“She said she could feel Eywa, she could hear her heartbeat.” There words are background noise, and you don’t process them, too busy silently praying, staring at Kiri as if she will suddenly rise, smile and ask why you are staring.
“That is classic…”
You turn at the sound of a foreign words coming from Jake’s mouth, the emotion he speaks it with. Fear, you realize.
“Uh- frontal lobe epilepsy,” Norm says, and the words almost hurt your ears. You shake your head, trying to banish the memory of the odd sound.
“You see visions and experience religious ecstasy like the one she described.”
The human joins you, comically small next to the three of you, and Jake sighs heavily and kisses your hair.
“Plugging into the spirit tree is some sort of trigger for her.” Norm continues, and the words connect in your mind. “You definitely can’t let her do that anymore.”
“What?” Jake asks, voicing your thoughts. “Ever?”
“They are fools,” you hiss, pulling Jake’s arm tighter around yourself. “They know nothing of us, of our customs. They know nothing of Eywa,” you sneer.
“Jake…” the human says, “Y/N. It’s a simple matter. If she seizes underwater like that again- she could die.”
You feel Jake tense next to you, his shoulder flexing around you.
“Kiri…” you whisper, thinking of the joy she will be deprived of. You look back to her again, feeling sick suddenly.
It is a blur, shoving Jake’s arm off of you, heading into the mauri, because Ronal can still save her if you are near her, yes?
Too entranced in the movement, the healing, she doesn’t notice you come in. Neytiri does, reaching for you, grabbing your hand and pulling you down next to her.
The next minute or so passes torturously, until Tuk gasps, grabs Kiri’s hand.
“Kiri! You’re awake,” she coos, and you watch as Kiri stirs, until your eyes pull to Ronal.
She leans back on her heels, arm resting on Kiri’s leg.
Her eyes meet yours through the sound of Kiri’s cries.
“Thank you, sister, thank you,” you whisper, before you grab Kiri’s other hand and raise it to your lips.
You think you will add another bead to your songcord.
@sully-stick-together @corrupt-cadaver420 @jadynchronicle @imthefunniestpersonalive @fangil101 @mashiromochi @rey26 @soothinghummerz @myheartfollower @pwallettes @melodykisses @ghoulfiendz @fanboyluvr @itsyaspwr @khaleesihavilliard @capbrie @nothingfuninthislife @faceaeter @thetrashindrakensroom @makeup-stuff-and-such @my-dearest-agent @miyamuraaaa @xoxovienna @arschbohrer @amazingaries @ssc7514 @milf-lover-23 @w3ird11 @littlexscarletxwitch @tiajk @kuldren @blackgirlwriting @tojigirl @trulyrogers @aeslenya @3okutos-3ig-toe @peterparkeeperer @ambria @homeispandora @hxgemxscles @ripnevillestrevor @amiets2 @reallysparklychaos @ok-boke @dumb-fawkin-bitch @nerd-squad-headquarters @abaker74 @ara-a-bird
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animebw · 3 months
Hey there! I know emotions are running high right now, and this episode really hit hard. But for some reason, I feel like this might actually be a better path for developing KumiRei's relationship and their character arcs.
As you so eloquently put it, Kumiko is both less and more serious about their love than Reina, which has always made me hesitant to fully ship them. Kumiko's acceptance that she would eventually have to let Reina go, while still believing their relationship will survive, has always bothered me. Reina is obviously head over heels for Kumiko, even considering (though I think she never would have actually done it and gone wherever her own prospects are the best - exactly what Kumiko expected of her) following her to a decent music-related college in Japan. Until now, Kumiko has seemed a bit too nonchalant (save for the concerned expression after the America revelation) about wanting a future together as much as Reina does.
As painful as this episode is, it finally shows in a way we’ve never seen before that Kumiko explicitly wants that too, and they are both deeply upset about potentially losing one another. It also beautifully illustrates Kumiko's growth as a character—she truly is Reina's equal now, not musically, but in their strength of character and core beliefs. This time, sticking to their convictions has hurt them, but it's also what they love about each other.
I had my doubts about KumiRei going canon (or as canon as KyoAni can get away with), but now I think that’s where we're headed. They need to separate their relationship from music because it has grown far beyond that, and this final blow might help with that. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.
This is so eloquently put, kudos. And for what it's worth, Kumiko losing the auditions is apparently a change from the source material- she actually wins in the original novels- so all bets on what to expect in the final episode are officially off. KyoAni's never been afraid to make massive changes in its adaptations, to take stories from what they were and make them into something new. They've done that several times with Eupho alone already.
Is the chance high?
Not really, if I'm being honest.
But after spending so many years convincing myself they'd never be brave enough to let it happen... suddenly I find myself hoping again.
I find myself sincerely, earnestly hoping that a miracle is possible.
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ril-sillyart1st · 26 days
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BATMM FF AU: "Understand my ship in 5 mintunes" meme!
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My own version of this meme! Full credits to gibbarts for the template and inspired by @dead-cat-batmm, @ask-the-blasher-fam, @meliskindachildishlol and more. (Sorry for the tags, just let me know if you don't want to be tagged so I could remove"@")
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Drawings itself:
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And yeah I didn't fully render instead because I thought it would look too much for an god-damned little work lol.
Chibi Blaze Flarelyn and Crusher Flarelyn:
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Going to make their reference sheet and exes version next! :3
Just a heads-up: this will have both SFW and NSFW parts!
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Their bar thingy information:
"who's the big spoon and little spoon?"
They're both a big and little spoon (they switch), though Crusher was at first the big spoon when their relationship started and Blaze was still kinda short but after Blaze's 26 birthday she grown older and taller than his boyfriend making them also the big spoon.
Crusher was the clingy one when it comes to waking up.
Blaze just loves to use Crusher's chest as his pillow sometimes (same goes to Crusher) but this mostly happened when they were boyfriends at that time.
And Crusher likes to use Blaze's belly and sometimes his ass as his pillow.
"Who borrows and lends their clothes?"
Pretty much they kinda also both lend each other's clothes swap because both are plus size though Crusher is way bigger than Blaze so it's more rare for Crusher to borrow their partner's shirt because it's too fitted on them. That one cat shirt ended being Crusher's shirt instead because it was bigger than his size (the one that has a cat with pizza everywhere on space), they really, really loved that shirt so much that they never gotten to give it back to Blaze every again lol but Blaze wasn't mad at all because she actually didn't like that shirt that much if they're being quite honest.
After their third date, Crusher has once again stole another cat shirt from his boyfriend that also fits perfectly on them. (It was two shirts this time!)
"who doesn't and does use pet names?"
Blaze and Crusher actually kind of rarely use pet names (ex: love, smarty-pants, etc) when mostly flirting! When they're having a normal conversation or fighting they'll use their real names.
Though this stops when they got married as it got more fewer for them to call each other pet names. This is where they start calling each other "daddy" and supposedly "dad" (parental role names).
When it was their first time making love, they started to call each other pet names again (ex: sexy, love, etc).
Though Crusher was kind of shy to call Blaze "sexy" while getting all the fun he gets from his husband.
Does this part even still about pet names? Prob not but I'll add this little lore anyways.
After Crusher was tested as "positive" in his pregnancy test he was in full joy to have his own child after being a former child psychologist, child therapist and taking care of children in his younger adulthood (aka babysitting).
Crusher was hoping for the best for his future daughter (Fiar) to say "daddy" as her first word. 👀
But it was "dada"!? Fiar's first word was "dada" instead of "dad" which Blaze wasn't expecting her to say the least. Blaze tried so many types to get his daughter to say "dad" instead but "dada" was his official parental name.
"who's introverted and extroverted?"
Both are socialized trucks (aka extroverts).
"who's affectionate through words and who's affectionate through actions?"
Blaze's way of flirt is being affectionate through her words more than his actions. Even few words would make Crusher's engine explodes from overheating due to easily get fluttered.
Crusher's flirting is through actions instead. Though Blaze isn't the type of truck who would easily be so giggly and fluttered like them but that doesn't mean Blaze can't get fluttered at times sometimes.
"who confesses first?"
Crusher always wanted to confess first but his weak ass was too shy to say it to Blaze so they waited for him instead which didn't last too long for Blaze to say what his confidence ass want to say to his love.
Blaze was having butterflies in his stomach when he confesses to them, which Crusher felt the same as well.
"who's a scary cat and who isn't for a bug?" (TW: mentioned about bugs and k🫧lling a r🌊ach!)
Crusher happens to have a love-hate relationship towards non-pest bugs, they do still find some bugs cool! Their favorite bug would be a dragonfly! And speaking of dragonfly, Crusher have a little dragonfly friend named "hasty", they met them when they where in the garden watering their plants.
Blaze in the other hand loves non-pest bugs as they find them delightful.
Though the only bug both would obviously kill will be a roach and any pest bugs that are harmful to anyone.
"who can and cannot cook and bake?"
Both can cook and bake but Blaze only knows a few recipes from other sweets but isn't a afraid to get out of her comfort zone when it comes to new stuff which same goes to Crusher themselves.
When it comes to Blaze making pancakes, it always tasted weird because some parts of the pancake are still dough and uncooked and this is why Blaze can only make waffles and other breakfast food instead.
"Who likes and dislikes PDA?"
Blaze loves to tease and flirt Crusher time to time Infront of their friends, not to exactly embarrassed his boyfriend but rather as a playful romantic act as she just loves Crusher's reaction to it.
Blaze only do it if they're with their friends at a safe spot despite Axle City is LGBTQIA+ friendly.
"who's overprotective and who's chill?"
Both are quite overprotective to one another especially Blaze. But it got a little chiller when they got married.
When they have Fiar (their daughter), the two were protective but not overprotective towards her and one another.
"who has more relationship experience?"
Crusher used to date someone in senior collage life who just used them for live streaming and videos but good thing Pickle helped them try to break up with thier ex girlfriend, Maritime aka Gas Guzzler.
Blaze didn't dated anyone in her life not until Crusher themselves. Blaze has been asking advises from his parents when he was 15 years old.
when Blaze finally dated Crusher, his parents were worried and was having second opinions on dating someone who's his frenemies but she told them that Crusher was slowly turning good that they don't need to be worried about, Blaze could handle this one his own. (which he was right, Crusher was now a good truck and he handle it properly in his own).
"Their horny level"
Like I mentioned earlier about their first time making love, both where really ready to not just have a baby but also wanted to get the fun started in their marriage.
Blaze was patiently waiting for this to happen for some time now. This man was ready to have a blast with his spouse, Crusher.
Both are getting to enjoy the fun, as both are equally giving each other the love. (They're basically doing the "ho-ho-ha-ha" funny number position 👀)
Blaze was mostly the top when she was 😻 her husband so goodly, Crusher was way louder than Blaze though good thing that the neighborhood didn't heard them (somehow lol 👀).
Both Blaze and Crusher gave each other 💕 marks which Crusher looks more obvious than Blaze.
"Awkwardness level"
Crusher is way more to get the awkwardness level than Blaze despite being extrovert.
"Jealousy level"
Crusher pretty much can still get easily jealous at his own boyfriend and future husband at time especially on race though he's trying to not get insecure about it and enjoy the race instead.
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And I didn't put their relationship lore here because it would take me forever to think and I want it to separate the lore somewhere else.
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Turns out my brain never knows when to stop (😅), so now I have even more plot bunnies for Descendants and I thought I’d share them with you!! Keep in mind that I probably won’t do official intro posts for most of these, but you can still feel free to ask me questions about them if you want!!
Bella Wolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, poly Carlos/Jane ship, Fivel Stewart FC. A member of the VKs, despite being a total sweetheart for a villain kid and never really wanting to be evil, because she was the only kid who tried to befriend Evie when she had her mother were exiled and she and Evie have been stuck like glue ever since. Not originally selected to go to Auradon, but the VKs managed to sneak her through the barrier and Ben decided to let her stay. Genuinely befriends Jane pretty quickly since they’re both really sweet and quiet, and doesn’t necessarily like her friends using the girl, but she goes along with it and it breaks her heart to distance herself from Jane after Family Day. Has also had a crush on Carlos forever but doesn’t realize she likes Jane too until after Jane and Carlos start dating, and she thinks she’s missed her chance with both of them until they approach her about being a part of their relationship. Has been purely in human form, like her dad, for most of her life because of the magic blocker on the Isle, but when she gets to Auradon she discovers that she can shift into a wolf and back at will, and also has heightened senses and reflexes, which she uses to join the tourney team after it becomes more inclusive after the second movie.
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Charlotte Cogsworth, daughter of Cogsworth, Gil ship, India Eisley FC. Homeschooled in Auradon’s palace for most of her life, because she’s been in training to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an advisor in Ben’s future court and also because Cogsworth is a very protective father, but Ben manages to convince his parents to convince her father to let her go to Auradon Prep shortly before the VKs come to Auradon (and she almost gets pulled out of school again when Cogsworth learns about villain kids coming, but thankfully it doesn’t happen). A bit socially inept since she hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids her age other than Ben, but a very sweet and fiercely intelligent girl who’s accepting of the VKs right away. Offers to tutor the Sea Three and catch them up on any education they might lack after Ben brings them to Auradon after the second movie, and falls in love with Gil that way. Absolute besties with Ben since they grew up together, and is also really good friends with Lonnie and Evie and Doug (and also forms a kind of unexpected friendship with Uma after a while). Her father nearly has a heart attack when he finds out she’s dating Gaston’s son, but he eventually comes around.
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Beauregard “Beau” Beast, son of Belle and Adam, poly Harry/Jay ship. Younger than Ben by less than a year, but has always grown up in his brother’s shadow as the “spare heir”; even though Ben never tried to make him feel less than, he’s always known that his father didn’t care about him the same way, that he was meant to just be Ben’s right hand and nothing else. Inherited his mother’s love for reading and knowledge and has spent most of his life locked in his room or the palace library studying history and politics, hoping that he could become a well-known senator or ambassador to another kingdom. A bit wary of the VKs at first, but eventually befriends all of them and starts dating Jay (to Adam’s consternation, especially since Ben’s already dating Mal), and winds up being the one Uma’s pirate crew kidnaps instead of Ben when they go to the Isle to bring Mal home. He and Harry are intruiged by each other and flirt a little while he’s captive (awkwardly on Beau’s part), but he finds out after the Sea Three come to Auradon that Jay and Harry were actually involved for a short while before the fight between the VKs and Uma’s crew got really bad. Eventually Jay and Beau realize that they (still, on Jay’s part) have actual genuine feelings for Harry, and invite him to be part of their relationship. Beau is very sweet but intensely awkward and insecure due to never being the first choice growing up, but as he gains more friends and starts dating Jay and Harry he’s able to come out of his shell and starts being able to stand up for himself.
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Wesley Darling, son of Wendy Darling, Mal ship, Tom Holland FC. The son of Wendy and the man she married after becoming a writer and putting Neverland behind her, but there are rumours that he’s actually Peter Pan’s son because of all the mischief he gets into. Hates Auradon’s thinking of “moving past” magic and how perfect and prim everyone pretends to be, so he’s constantly pulling pranks and getting into trouble with Fairy Godmother. Immediately recognizes that Ben’s under a love spell because he sees him eat the spelled cookie and approaches Mal about it, not to confront her or rat her out but just because he’s impressed by her prank skills (he obviously doesn’t realize that it’s part of a bigger plan). He and Mal fall in love leading up to the coronation, and Wesley is so relieved when she chooses good and admits to Ben that she doesn’t have any feelings for him - which he’s fine with because he’s a good friend and genuinely likes Wesley - so they can be together. The very definition of a class clown, laid-back and mischievous and doesn’t take a lot seriously, but also a lot smarter than most people think and would do anything for the people he cares about.
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Aurora Andersen, daughter of Ariel and Eric, poly Mal/Evie ship, Zendaya Coleman FC. Ariel and Eric’s younger child, after her older sister Melody who’s already graduated Auradon Prep. Shares her mother’s curiousity and sense of adventure, and so she makes a strong effort to befriend the VKs when they first come to Auradon. Realizes she has feelings for both Evie and Mal after they almost steal the wand at the coronation, and is thrilled when they choose good and decide to stay in Auradon. Confesses to them sometime between the first and second movies, and they all become Auradon Prep’s power throuple. Pretty much exactly like Ariel in terms of personality, bold and inquisitive and kind, but with Eric’s occasional recklessness thrown in. Can change between mermaid and human forms at will, thanks to Fairy Godmother’s magic. Wanted to be on Auradon Prep’s swim team but it was deemed unfair since she’s a mermaid, so she settles on joining the R.O.A.R. team after Lonnie becomes captain.
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Delfina Madrigal, daughter of Dolores Madrigal, Lonnie ship, Rachel Zegler FC. Daughter of Dolores and Mariano, and the oldest of the five children that her father always wanted. Received a gift from the family miracle on her fifth birthday like the rest of her family, becoming able to create illusions through her singing voice. Homeschooled for a good portion of her life, like most Madrigals, but Mirabel, now head of the family, decided she and a few of her cousins should be allowed to go to Auradon Prep after the coronation, since she thought that King Adam’s attitude towards magic might be changing. A clumsy lesbian disaster, a bit like her Tía Mirabel, who gets an insta-crush on Lonnie and whose brain tends to stop working when she’s around her. The two of them get together shortly after the events of the second movie, and Delfina attends all of Lonnie’s R.O.A.R. tournaments religiously despite not really knowing anything about the sport. A bit quiet and nervous like her mother, but also has her quiet strength and her tía’s tendency to let her mouth run faster than her brain. Joins Auradon Prep’s acapella club and makes them into sensations, due to her gift making their performances into full spectacles.
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Theodore “Theo” Maldonia, child of Tiana and Naveen, Chad ship, Jonathan Daviss FC. He/they kid of Tiana and Naveen and heir to the throne of Maldonia. Very studious, quiet, and dedicated to learning how to be the best ruler he can be, but also doesn’t have very many friends as a result. Unexpectedly winds up becoming close to Chad after being assigned to tutor him when he starts failing a class, and actually helps him to reconsider his ways and mindset when the VKs come to Auradon. They develop a crush on him eventually but acknowledge that he still has a ways to go before becoming a better person, so it’s a while before he asks him out, but they’re very cute when they do get together. Through dating Chad, Theo starts to come out of their shell a little, and becomes really good friends with Doug and Carlos. A member of the Auradon Prep student council, and eventually becomes the tourney coach’s assistant as an effort for them to better learn how to plan strategies.
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Maizie Hatter, child of the Mad Hatter, poly VKs ship, Erin Kellyman FC. Wacky non-binary sweetheart, and a complete outcast in Auradon, as most kids from Wonderland are, due to their odd style and outlandish personality. When the VKs originally come to Auradon (already all dating each other), they try to befriend Maizie because they figure it will be easy to convince them to help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand, but all four of them find themselves falling in love with Maizie over time. After they all choose good at the coronation - and Mal profusely apologizes to Ben for the love spell and explains that she doesn’t really have feelings for him - they ask Maizie to be a part of their relationship, which they’re only too happy to do. An incredible artist and lover of tea who forms Auradon Prep’s art club with Mal and gets all four of their partners addicted to rose hip tea. Exactly what you’d expect the child of the Mad Hatter to be, wacky and curious and often living inside their own head, but also a lot more observant and smart than people expect. Becomes besties with Ben after the events of the first movie when they start to become more accepted by Auradon society and, later, the Sea Three.
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Tagging my Descendants besties: @auxiliarydetective, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @cecexwrites, @come-along-pond, and @manyfandomocs!!
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shanmthebrave · 15 days
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Our Meaningful Moments on the Sofa ~ An AzuLeo mini-fic (much fluff)
A little something for you all to enjoy while I suffer from period cramps and a small gift for being super patient while waiting for the AzuLeo fanfic coming to A03 this Friday. Have fun reading!
Much thanks to you all that love AzuLeo. Even tho I’m busy due to school, I will continue to raise the AzuLeo banner. We’re going to make this ship popular, no matter what. Love you guys!
TW: He/him Leo
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At a small apartment in Germany, there was a young couple sitting on a small sofa, cuddling together in a blanket.
The blonde German looked over at his dark haired girlfriend from Peru, and couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked, cuddling beside him on the sofa, a warm, half-empty cup of coffee in her hands.
Having grown up in a warm climate, the cheerful, energetic lady was shivering from the cold. The man simply giggled as she shakily clutched his long sleeve and the blanket surrounding them, digging her face into his shoulder.
As she heard his giggle, she looked up at him, a pouty expression on her face.
“W-What is it, Leo?”
“Haha, sorry about that. You just look adorable.”
“Pfft, you always say that! You’re just trying to flatter me to get away with poking fun at me. No fair, dummy.” She let go of his sleeve and crossed her arms, placing down the cup on the nearby coffee table.
“Oh, I’m a dummy? Bold words, Azu. Coming from the girl who refused to let me turn on the heater and insisted your coffee alone could warm you up.” This statement seemed to trigger her.
“S-Shut up!” Leo could only laugh. He gently ruffled her hair.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I just can’t help it. I thought you were okay with it, considering we’re…official.”
“…” A slight blush appeared on her face.
The two had just began dating a few months ago. Due to living on different corners of the world, they could not be together often. However, this didn’t stop the blossoming couple from finding ways and time slots to see each other during their breaks, along with daily calls and texts. The two long to be together more often, yet due to her father, the most they could do was for Azucena to visit Leo in Germany once a month. LDR was hard, yet the two made it work.
“Y’know…” Azucena spoke, as she wrapped her arms around his. “I don’t mind it that much…” Leo laughed softly in response.
“Of course you wouldn’t.”
“Well, you were always a nervous wreck…even way before we began dating…I’m so happy you’re becoming more daring now~” Her voice was now lower and a bit seductive.
“W-Wha?!” A blush formed on his face from her voice alone. Azucena just knew how to push his buttons, and she doesn’t even need to try.
“Awh, why so shy now~? You’re so cute.” She scooted closer and crawled onto his lap. She then proceeded to squish his reddened cheeks.
“Y-You…you do so many things to me…”
Leo tilts his head down, holds her cheek in his palm, and presses a soft kiss on her cheek.
“…” Leo looked away, his entire face heating up.
“You’re really daring now, are you, Leo~?”
“You’re just itching to kiss me, aren’t you~?”
“Oh, darling, admit it. You love it when we’re this close together…in each other’s arms…sharing sweet kisses…right~?”
“What has this turned into, a teasing match to you begging me for kisses?!”
“Awwwwh, but I want another kiss now, Leo!”
Leo froze at her words. She wants more?! He was completely convinced he wasn’t a good kisser.
“A-Azu, I don’t know if…they’re even good.” Much to his dismay, she frowned at that statement. Goodness, how he hated seeing her sad…
“B-But…I love them…why would you assume your kisses are bad?”
“I- I just…you deserve all the best, and look at me, I-”
Azucena frowned even more.
“Azu, please don’t look at me like that.”
“You hurt me, Leo.” She got off his lap and began distancing herself, taking the blanket a bit forcefully and turning her back towards him. Leo could only berate himself inside as he saw her frown.
“I- I’m sorry…please don’t be sad…I…”
As Leo shifted closer to her, however, he heard a sniffle. Oh no. She’s crying.
“Leo, YOU’RE THE WORST!!!” He thought to himself.
“Azu…” She turned around as he finally managed to choke out her name. His heart broke seeing the tears in her eyes.
“I- I’m sorry. I know you hate hearing me self-deprecate myself like that. You’re already dealing enough thanks to your dad and your work, and I’m meant to be enjoying this time we have, yet all I’ve done was unintentionally push you away of the fear that…I can’t give you enough.”
“…” She rubbed her tears away, yet more flowed out. Leo hastened to scoot over to her and rub all her tears away with his sleeve.
“You know I love you, right? I just want to give you the best.” He said as he pulls her close.
“L-Leo…” She finally muttered in a shaky voice. “You’re the best. For me.”
He couldn’t really believe what he was hearing. However, he felt Azu slipping her hands into his, looking at him with her sparkling grey eyes, filled with love, light, and affection. It made him want to believe her.
“Yes. I love you too…you’re my light, my source of warmth, my pillar, the shoulder I can cry on…and most importantly: the love of my life.”
“You have no idea how happy you make me with your presence in my life alone. You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Haha, of course~”
He smiled at her words. “Good. Cause I want you to know that you’re such a wonderful woman, and I have no idea how I pulled you.” She giggled in response.
“I mean it, Azucena. I love you. So much.” He pulled her into a warm embrace. She quickly wrapped her arms around him tightly.
“Leo…I love you, too.”
The two finally shared a small, gentle kiss. It started as a gentle pecking, but it slowly grew more passionate.
The two coffee lovers would obviously have their fair share of trouble navigating the rabbit hole known as romance, but as long as they had each other, they’ll overcome anything.
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zukossocialskills · 1 year
hello i'm starting to read the atlas six so i thought that it would be a good idea to share my first impressions of each character based only on the official art. do not bully me, i'm probably wrong about everything
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N°1: Callum Nova
he looks like a rich kid bc he's blonde and has a champagne thingy
smug probably
he also looks like he loves himself
typical talented kid turned egotistical asshole??
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N°2: Tristan Caine
"look at me i'm tough"
also punchable
but maybe he's just a misunderstood troubled kid with a bad childhood and idk
he has definitely killed people before
kaz brekker type of guy
emotionally constipated
he and the previous guy hate each other
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N°3: Parisa Kamali
obviously likes books
the nerdy one
probably the one i will relate to
has beef with the first one
knows how to makeup
is also shipped with that man
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N°4: Reina Mori
cute as in pretty
shy but only bc she won't talk to anyone
mad all the time
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N°5: Nico de Varona
leo valdez/james potter variant
makes fun of everyone
"i'm actually dead inside"
acts like he loves himself but my man fights against his own emotions everyday and is constantly losing
probably the love interest of the main female character tbh
basic but cool
adhd coded bc in books there's always the autistic coded and the adhd coded
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N°6: Libby Rhodes
main female character
enemies to lovers w grown leo valdez
has time powers
has no friends
doesn't know how to makeup but nerdy girl teaches her bc women supporting women
probably had an "i'm not like other girls" phase but now she's really nice
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N°7: Gideon Drake
gay gay homosexual gay
secretly a monster based on the doodles
or maybe he can talk to monsters??? idk what this book is about
had a crush on emotionally constipated one but obviously didn't work
uwu-boyed by the fandom
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
pt 1 + pt 2 + pt 3 + pt 4 + pt 5 + pt 6 + end
It was five years before the siblings saw each other again.
By chance they were at the same port for supplies. It was hard to miss the other by their matching blue hair and red noses. Sis was at the docks, checking off the list as the crew brought things over as Buggy sauntered off his own ship, looking as proud as he could with a pretty girl on his arm.
Sis happened to look in his direction, pausing for a moment as she took in the sight of her little brother. He had grown up in the last few years, put on muscle even, his hair pulled back into a ponytail and longer than before.
Things had changed in the last five years for the two siblings. Sis and Marco married, a large wedding officiated by their captain who had commented It's about time when the two newlyweds shared their first kiss. They thought of having kids, something they had talked about for a while but it was just waiting for the right time. Now she was five months pregnant, waiting to meet their kid and happy they would be raised among a wonderful crew that was a family.
Leaving her brother behind years ago had been difficult for Sis, but she knew the two of them needed to grow without the other.
Buggy couldn't believe his luck that Sunny waited for him for years, always happy to see him pop by the shop she apprenticed at. He was trying to be a good man for her, bringing her flowers, gifts from his journeys, thrilling stories of piracy, but all she wanted was to have him in her arms whenever he stopped by, relieved he was okay. They had parted on... Okay terms from Lougetown. He was afraid of being alone again, wondering if he'd ever meet someone as nice as her but she invited him to come visit her whenever he could and well, he took her up on that offer.
When they were 18 and had their first kiss, Buggy said he loved her and would marry her.
Now he got to hold her hand and walk to the street, looking smug that he had the prettiest girl as his wife.
He froze when he heard his name, turning to see Sis standing there with her list, looking amused to see her little brother was now taller than her. He looked her over with a frown on his face. She looked the same except for her growing stomach and the smile on her face.
"How are you?" She asked, her little brother seemingly in shock, a loss for words as he looked between his sister and his wife.
"I-I got married." He said, suddenly feeling nervous about sharing such a detail. He had no way of telling her, no way to be sure she was even still alive, but he didn't want her to be upset that she missed out on something like that. "I mean, we just got married. A few weeks ago."
"That's wonderful!" Sis held her hand up to show off her ring to him. "Going on four years with Marco."
"What?! You married bird boy?!" Buggy looked shocked and slightly disgusted by that. "Really?!"
Sunny pinched his arm gently, shutting him up before she smiled at Sis. "You must be Thistle! He's told me about you. I'm Sunny."
"Did he really?" Sis glanced at Buggy with a grin. "I'm scared to know what he said."
"All good things." Sunny smiled. "It's wonderful to meet you!"
Sis looked her over and nodded, wondering if this was the girl from years ago that she saw her brother with. There was no way to know for sure. She looked between the two. "So what are you two getting up to here?"
"We need supplies." Buggy mumbled, crossing his arms as he looked away from his sister. "We, um, are finishing up our honeymoon."
"Ha! You're so cute." Sis laughed. "I hope it was fun."
"Yea, well..." Buggy gestures to his sister's stomach. "What have you been up to?! We had fun but you've been clearly up to something."
"You're going to be an uncle, Buggy." Sis told him as she patted her stomach. "In another few months."
"Oh, congratulations!" Sunny said. "That's wonderful!"
"Thank you." Sis chuckled. "It's going to be fun having a newborn on a ship but we'll manage."
"You're having a baby?! With who?!" Buggy demanded. His sister and wife shared an amused look before Sis looked back at her brother.
"With Marco, my husband."
"With that bird brained idiot?!"
"Buggy!" Sunny scolded but Sis laughed.
"It's been almost ten years, Buggy, stop holding a grudge." Sis told him, shaking her head with a smile. Buggy made a face and crossed his arms while Sunny patted his cheek gently.
"He's so silly." Sunny sighed and Buggy glared at her. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek; he seemed to relax at that, his cheeks pink. "We're heading to lunch if you'd like to join us. I'd love to hear stories of him as a kid."
"Yea? I have a few good stories." Sis grinned.
"And bring your husband if he's available!" Sunny added. Buggy shook his head but Sis nodded.
"I'll go find him."
Buggy didn't want to admit it but it was nice seeing how Marco took care of his sister, like pulling her chair out for her, holding the door open, little gestures like that. Was that the sort of things men did for their wives? He glanced at Sunny. She was chatting with Marco, the two talking about her apprenticeship, the mutual pirates they had met and known. Buggy didn't want to hear that conversation. He knew how lucky he was that Sunny chose him but he got uneasy whenever she talked about past clients.
Sis liked Sunny. The young woman seemed genuinely kind and loved her brother. Sis saw the way she looked at Buggy when he spoke, a look of pure adoration on her face. She shared some of her food with him, made sure his drink was never empty, and even wiped his face with a napkin when he was finished eating. Buggy turned red when she did that but allowed it.
After lunch, they headed back to the docks. Sunny and Buggy were holding hands while Marco and Sis walked side by side, his hand on her back to steer her towards the ship to keep her from wandering off after some cats they saw. She pouted at her husband when they passed the cats but didn't argue. They didn't have room for any more.
Sunny was the one to give out the hugs, insisting they arrange visits somehow, especially once the baby was born so Buggy could meet the kid. Sis liked that idea. She wouldn't mind seeing him a little more now that she could see how happy he was.
Buggy wasn't overly fond of saying goodbye now. His arms were crossed and he was scowling as Marco waved and headed back to the ship. Sunny went to wait for Buggy over by some crates, leaving the siblings alone. He glanced in Marco's direction before looking back at Sis.
"I'm glad... You're being taken care of, even if it's that guy." He mumbled; she smiled and shook her head.
"He's a good guy, Buggy." She told him, knowing she wouldn't be convincing him any time soon. "I'm happy you have someone like Sunny in your life. You take care of her, understand?"
"I-I do!" He shot back. "She-She just... She was there for me in Lougetown. She helped me out, okay? So of course I'll take care of her! She's been taking care of me since I met her!" He pointed at his sister. "You make sure that bird brained idiot takes care of you or I'll deal with him!"
"Of course, Buggy." Sis chuckled. "I'll make sure you're the first to know if I ever need help."
Buggy grumbled and scratched the back of his head, unsure how to properly end this. He needs to get back to the ship and get going and no doubt his sister did as well. He glanced over at Sunny, she wasn't looking at him, waiting for him to come back. Quickly he walked over to his sister, gave her an awkward hug, and hurried back to his wife, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her along to their ship.
Sis allowed it, patting him on the head before he left, shaking her head before she went back to her own ship. She was happy he seemed to be doing well, that he was happy at least.
Hopefully they won't be strangers anymore.
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ipsen · 1 year
Kishou and Eto: A Tangled Web of Hatred, Fear, and Apathy
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(Alternatively: Good God They Are Horrible For Each Other But Like Actually)
Let’s talk about this slow motion car crash. Buckle up, this one’s actually really long. Subtext, amirite, fellas?
This connection is fascinating. It came out of basically left field if you were like me and could not predict a story to save your life when re was coming out (even when it was foreshadowed as far back as tg 141). The two “pinnacles” of humankind and ghoulkind were working together the whole time!! Amazing. It also spawned lots of content for a brand new ship because now they’ve canonically interacted! Very cool.
And while “two broken souls try to fix the world that wronged them and maybe fall in love along the way” is a good trope and I love it, I want to talk about the aspect of this relationship that is most appealing to me that I don’t see talked about often: the story of a revolutionary who, instead of being finally given the tools to change the world, is instead yanked up by strings and thrown about by the whims of a child having a temper tantrum.
When sourcing, I use (ch X) to refer to the original series and (re X) to refer to re (there’s also some (jack X) for tg jack). And, as always, I’m looking at the official translations. Under the cut.
First, the age gap. no one talks about the age gap even though it’s like the most important part
Anyways, let’s lay the groundwork for their first meeting. It looks like this:
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(re 86)
Does this area look familiar? It should:
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(re 62)
This is Eto’s hiding spot when she’s 14. We can also infer that Noroi is no longer around because of a few things. Bit of a tangent, but it’s important we contextualize her mindset when she meets Arima.
Noroi raised Eto in the 24th ward, and we can probably assume she would have grown up down there with him if things had gone fine. However:
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(re 66)
We can assume V interfered with that setup. Not only that, but Eto’s first appearance on the CCG’s radar was in the 24th ward, where she killed Kasuka Mado. An angry ukaku-type ghoul kills one of Akira’s parents after losing an important adult figure in their life. Now, where have I heard that before...?
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(ch 16)
There it is.
The difference between Touka+Hinami and Eto+Eto again is that the former are not alone in their pain. They have Anteiku, they have each other. As a result, they are able to heal from the past and move on with their lives. Eto did not have this luxury, and the pain and rage (she’s freakishly similar to Touka) were allowed to manifest. It didn’t help that Eto was familiar with cannibalism at a young age (24th ward culture is freaky like that) and developed a full kakuja by fourteen. Horrifying thought, if you ask me.
So Eto is lonely, she is angry, she wants to change the world through extreme targeted violence. We know it’s targeted violence because Aogiri never attacks civilian areas: they only attack certain targets that can get them what they want (Kanou’s nurse, for example) as well as CCG property (Cochlea being the big one). Her hatred is reserved solely for those who deserve it, which is a pattern that follows her through her entire life.
Let’s move on to Arima.
By the time Arima meets Eto, he has experienced the events of Jack. So he is familiar with the workings of the Garden, the Washuu, and V as a whole, and has interacted with a ghoul that was a bit more sentient and aware of herself than he’d like:
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(jack 7) (“Maybe they [the Washuu] want to be human...” -- Arima, from re 83)
He’s 19 when he finally encounters Eto at her shrine. Evidence:
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(re 74)
So there’s a 5-6 year age gap between eto and arima when they first meet. They are basically at two completely different stages of their lives, being an extremely young teenager and someone on the cusp of adulthood (context: during TG’s and re’s run, the age of a legal adult in Japan was 20. It’s been lowered to 18 since April 2022. Flabbergasting, if you ask me).
I’ve stated this before, but the best way to look at Arima and Eto is to look at a similar age gap:
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(re 142)
They are an inversion of Kaneki and Hinami. We can also highlight the similarities further because Eto and Hinami have met before and Eto implies that they are similar:
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(tg 114)
Eto only ever gives out advice-- cruel and otherwise-- to those that remind her of herself. The Yasuhisas and Kanae both reflected some aspect of her that she wants to correct, but that’s beside the point.
(She’s also alluding to her collaborating with Arima with this line, as Hinami is 14 during this chapter as well.)
Anyways, we know that Hinami is one of Eto’s foils, alongside Touka. All three women are women who crave love and affection from parental figures who have either died (Hinami’s dad+Ryouko, Hikari, Ukina) or were just never there when they were needed most (Kuzen, Arata). So what we can apply to one, we can generally apply to the others as well.
Hinami takes to Kaneki very easily and very early on. She’s very lonely, even when Ryouko was alive, due to not really having any friends her age (or friends at all, honestly). Having lost her father, she is also (subconsciously) looking for an older male figure to take his place (hence Big Brother Ken, the sweetheart). In the same vein, Touka acquiesces to Kuzen’s request for her to take school because she is lonely, even though Ayato is Right There (but also he doesn’t really Get Her), because again, no friends her age as well as No Dad.
We can easily apply this phenomenon to Eto with Arima. A young, lonely girl with no real friends her age or parental figures in her life is seeking a replacement for the hole that left in her. She also wants to upend the narrative that ghouls and humans have to kill each other to survive. As someone both stuck in the middle and someone with very personal connections to the origins of that narrative, she wants to destroy the “us vs. them” mindset.
Enter the strongest investigator in the history of the universe: Kishou Arima. And he wants to help her. Unfortunately for Eto, though, the world is cruel, and Kishou Arima is not a Ken Kaneki or a Kuzen.
Let’s see how he interacts with people, shall we?
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(tg 73)
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(re 8)
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(re 45)
Now, Arima’s not exactly mean, but he’s... overwhelming. It’s not condescension, it’s more... unawareness. Tactless.
I’m sure some of you have been in Akira’s, Haise’s, or Hirako’s shoes before. Someone who is just typically Correct and wrapped up in their own thoughts, that you have little choice but to accept it. Arima’s worldview is completely twisted around his strength as a fighter, to the point that he can’t understand others.
It’s sad, because he also craves connection and friendship and love like everyone else in the series. Unfortunately, he is also a perpetrator of that “not being good enough” feeling that goes around the CCG.
He was trained by Kaiko, after all. Heartless bastard.
So we can imply that the dynamic he had with Eto wasn’t very different from anyone else in his circle. We can also see the effect this had on Eto herself using the advice she gives out to our favorite points of discussion, the Yasuhisas and Kanae:
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(tg 98) (side note: i actually wrote a fanfiction about this scene. read it here! It’s called “Toddle, Toddle” on AO3 if you don’t trust my links.)
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(re 43)
So, as Eto worked more and more with Arima, she became more and more aware of Arima’s actual goals/nature, which don’t align with her own. She’s perceptive like that, but it’s likely that by the time she Caught On, it’s too late. After all, everyone listens to Kishou Arima. Everyone likes Kishou Arima.
Eto values control, but she is never the one truly in control. So she projects onto others in a vain attempt to seem like she has some semblance of control over her own actions and her own life. Such as becoming an author, one of the few things she actually enjoys doing.
So, if Kishou Arima were to say “Sen Takatsuki is a ghoul”, that’s one more thing she’d lose control over. One thing too many.
But what is Arima’s actual goal? Well, children are prone to tantrums, aren’t they? They like to break things, using what they know to do so. He’s known to use his quinques masterfully to kill. But Arima doesn’t exclusively have literal quinques. He has metaphorical ones, too:
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(re 52)
While on the subject, Haise’s got an interesting pose there, doesn’t he? But it looks so familiar...
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(re 69)
Not quite...
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Bingo. (not to shoot myself in the foot when we’re almost at the end but they should kiss bc of this. arima’s broken toys smashing together like barbie dolls. it’s the ultimate fuck-you)
Poor girl doesn’t even have the luxury of having two arms when this happens. Arima took advantage of her weakened state to rope her into what is basically a childish rebellion.
He often goes into the 24th ward to exterminate ghouls. Ghouls that are not a part of Aogiri, presumably. However, this is counterproductive in the long run; how do you recruit ghouls into a ghoul organization if their numbers are continuously dwindling? You can’t change the world like that.
But Arima, with the OEK as his secret identity, is not actually affected by this. He will still have the praise and love he craves from the CCG. He wants both things. He can’t choose. So he doesn’t. Because no one can stop him. Who would stop Kishou Arima? Who would stop the God of the CCG? Who would stop the King?
It’s a childish rebellion because if it fails, then he doesn’t face any real consequences. No one would listen to the whims of Tatara or the One-Eyed Owl; they already have humongous targets on their heads, and they’re part of the Aogiri Tree, the organization with the largest Dove kill count in history (besides the Clowns, probably). If Arima actually cared, he’d at least stop killing ghouls en masse like he did with the Anteiku raid or his regular forays into the 24th ward with his squad that can see him. That’s the bottom line.
Of course, V being all over the world probably discourages him, but he could have at least tried to lean more into his identity as king instead of trying to compromise between both sides of him. But that doesn’t really matter to him, does it? None of it really matters. After all:
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So yeah, that’s Eto and Arima’s imbalanced power dynamic featuring my silly little rambling. Did it make sense? Who knows!
Thanks for reading!
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bunbeeplays · 6 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 50 - Telling HR (The H Stands for Hilary)
Oh. Word spreads fast, I guess. They should probably tell Xander's family before they hear it from someone else.
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You know these two love their shower woohoo!
Well, apparently Ophelia takes her phone into the shower with her, because Becca calls her with a very urgent question. Of course she tells her to say yes!
Talk about multitasking!
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Newly discovered neat freak Xander helps Ophelia out with laundry.
Xander: Why do you have your initials on all your clothes labels? What are you, ten? Ophelia: I used to do my laundry at a laundromat and I didn't want to accidentally take someone else's panties home. Sue me!
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Ophelia: Now that things are official, we should probably tell Hilary and Hector, right?
Xander: Definitely.
Ophelia: It's going to be weird to look my boss in the eye and tell her I'm dating her brother.
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Hilary is managing the restaurant while their parents are away but she can make time for her baby brother.
Hilary: Alexander, what a surprise! You don’t have a shift today. And Ophelia, hello.
Xander: Hey, Hil. Can we talk?
Hilary: Sure. Is it work-related?
Xander: Sort of.
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Ophelia can’t help but feel awkward. This is not only her boss, but her boyfriend’s sister. She doesn’t know how to say it.
Ophelia: Xander and I have started seeing each other. Romantically. Like, as a couple. That date.
Xander: Smooth, babe.
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Hilary takes a second and nods.
Hilary: I see. Thank you for letting me know. Obviously Hector and I don’t discourage workplace relationships, as it’d be a bit hypocritical. I trust you both to keep things professional.
Ophelia: Of course. Thank you.
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Hilary: Okay, that was my reaction as your boss. Now, Xander, as your sister, let me just say I’m thrilled for you two. I’m happy you found someone good for you. Come here.
It’s kind of weird getting a hug from your boss, but Hilary actually gives great hugs.
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Xander: You don’t seem that surprised.
Hilary: That’s because I’m not, Alexander, I was just trying to be polite.
Xander: So you knew?
Hilary: I figured you were seeing someone, since our parents say you’ve been spending the night elsewhere half the time.
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Ophelia: Oh. But you didn’t know it was me?
Hilary: Not until I was helping Mom with housework the other day. I was doing Xander’s laundry and found a thong with the initials OL on the tag mixed in. Doesn’t take a detective to crack that case.
Ophelia: Oh my Watcher.
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Hilary: Don’t be embarrassed, dear. I was young and in love once too. But now that it’s out in the open…
She turns to her brother.
Hilary: Alexander Amir, stealing a woman’s underwear? You were raised better than that!
Xander: I didn’t! I must have grabbed it by accident!
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Hilary: I'll choose to believe that. Oh, Ophelia, we were going to go to the Spice Festival this Friday with Hector and the kids. Would you like to join us?
Ophelia: That sounds fun but I don't want to intrude on family time.
Hilary: Oh, nonsense. We'd love to have you.
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Ophelia: Thank you, I'd love to go!
Xander: I know you met the kids already but I can't wait to reintroduce you as my girlfriend. Jace has been asking me since he was a toddler why I'm single. According to him grown-ups are all supposed to be married.
I think Hilary ships it.
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Hilary has to go tell the chef to actually cook and not just stand outside on the sidewalk, so she leaves the lovebirds alone.
Xander: Well, that went better than I thought.
Ophelia: Yeah, we really lucked out.
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Xander: Looks like the hard part's over.
Ophelia: Yep. So now that we don't have to stress… Haha, you got in trouble, Alexander Amir!
Xander laughs as she blows a raspberry at him.
Xander: I don't want to hear it, Ophelia Marie! You probably snuck that thong into my stuff!
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Ophelia: When do you think I can meet your parents?
Xander: I called them this morning and told them because I didn't want to wait, but we can probably have dinner with them the day after they get home. They're going to love you, I just know it.
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quinloki · 8 months
What's this - someone who actually wants to hear about my OC? Like, willingly???    (Of course, this led to me not knowing where to start and overthinking every detail, and long story short, this took me almost two hours to write. But also, I’m so happy I have an excuse to share her with someone.)
My character is a sea witch named Blue, who was enslaved from an early age due to her ability to manipulate the ocean. Think water bender, only for saltwater. 
The crew meets her early in the Grand Line when she wrecks the Going Merry on the island of her current captor. He conveniently ran the island’s only shipyard and used Blue’s powers to manipulate the tides to lure in (and then wreck) ships, which he would then fix at a huge cost. 
Luffy and the others are the first people to show her kindness in a long, long time. So when she finds out her owner plans to turn them over to the Marines for the bounty, she decides to help them escape. Of course, things go wrong; she’s found out, and everything leads up to a huge battle to take down the operation and free her in the process.
I focus a lot of her story on learning how to become a person. Her whole life, she’s been treated as a tool to be used, so even though she’s free, she has no sense of identity or purpose and no clue how to move through the normal world. Each of the Strawhats helps her figure it out in one way or another, and she slowly goes from being this blank slate to a lively, compassionate person who finds joy in the smallest things.
Anyway, I ship her with Zoro (or Sanji and Zoro when I’m feeling a certain way 😉). I like to think they’re a good contrast; she softens his hard edges, and he helps her sharpen hers. I’ve spent way too much time world-building the history of her people and how they tie into the world. I’ve been in and out of the One Piece fandom since the 4kids days, so Blue is one of my oldest OCs. She’s changed a lot over the years as I’ve grown as a person and as a writer. The live-action rekindled my love for the series, so I’ve been catching up on the anime for the past few months. It’s been fun to visit with her again and imagine how her story has progressed through these latest arcs.
Ok, I'm done. Byeeeeeeee.
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I love Blue! \o/ The name immediately made me think of Breath of Fire and Breath of Fire 2 - Blue is an amazing Naga wizard you can recruit and she's always powerful (super cool looking too).
But then we got to Water-bending! Yes! I love it. A non-DF style control of the world around you. A derivative of how fishman karate works /nod nod/ it's a great build for an OC.
I'm so glad the Live Action rekindled your enjoyment of One Piece, and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying catching back up. I have *not* been into One Piece since the 4kids days, but I do remember it airing back in those days. (I was watching Reboot and DBZ >.> ) I only started watching like mid-2022, and then just dove into writing because of it.
Eeeeee, thank you so much for sharing about Blue =3
If you write anything official for her, or have already, please let me know. I'd love to read it ^_^ <3
Ship it Good ask game
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cdyssey · 2 years
Maggie’s Abbott/Yellowjackets Masterpost
For my organization. :’) |  Last Updated: 8/23/23
Abbott Elementary:
Drill Day [Tumblr / AO3] → After Abbott Elementary's now traditional Drill Day—which requires the teachers and students to practice four mandated emergency drills over the course of a single day—Barbara checks on her own: Gregory, Jacob, Janine, and, of course, Melissa.
Wounds [Tumblr / AO3] → After Barbara accidentally cuts her hand in the break room, Melissa is there to clean up the wound; however, ever since Draymond's visit at the school, there has been an unspoken tension dividing the space between the two women like a knife.
I’ve Been Loving You Too Long [AO3] → Work Wives/Teddie collaboration fic with @straperine (Michael), my beloved. (2/4 Chapters)
Zipper [Tumblr / AO3] → Frankly, Barbara Howard has never had so much trouble with a damn zipper before. A Secret Santa gift for athenaseden.
Trust Me [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa had to put someone down as her emergency contact. A Secret Santa gift for Michael.
From the Classroom:
A collection of prompts and one-shots I've written for Abbott Elementary. Mostly Barbara/Melissa. Prompts open!
Baby [AO3] → Barbara and Melissa call each other baby in front of their coworkers.
Fix You [Tumblr / AO3] → The Abbott staff meets up at a bar after work, and a guy hits on Melissa and Barbara becomes protective.
Tattoo [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara finds it hot that Melissa has a tattoo.
Birthdays [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa snaps at Janine and makes her cry. Some cute mothery apologies follow.
Crab Bisque [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara is desperately craving her late mother's crab bisque, she calls Melissa over to help her make it.
Horrible [Tumblr / AO3] → After the events of 2x09, Melissa and Barbara quickly realize how horrible they had been.
The Art Teacher [Tumblr / AO3] → Pre-relationship Melissa/Barbara where Barb is getting jealous over Mel’s new fling? Could be a new teacher who’s a woman as well?
Hard Candy Christmas [Tumblr / AO3] → After their holiday dinner, Melissa and Barbara ensure that a tipsy Jacob makes it home safely.
Aunt Mel [Tumblr / AO3] → Before Open House is officially over, Taylor pays her Aunt Mel a visit. Set during 1x10.
Silent Night [Tumblr / AO3] → Au where Mel and Barb live together happily and spend a cozy snow day at home thanks to a torrential blizzard/storm. They do all the blissful domestic things like bake/cook, watch movies, cuddle, read, dance, etc. Either the girls are smaller and they build forts/play, or they’ve grown up and moved out by then, whichever! :’)
Sea Barbara [Tumblr / AO3] → One year after her divorce with Gerald, Sea Barbara is a little in love with everyone... including, and perhaps specifically, her best friend.
The View [AO3] → Melissa simply watches her wife as she works in their shared garden, enamored, so in love.
Barbara and Melissa, Pt. 1 [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara and Melissa discover that their husbands are cheating on them—and with each other, no less—their lives as they have known them are suddenly and dramatically upended. Grace and Frankie AU (Pt. I).
Advocate [Tumblr / AO3] → Pizza date??
Lies [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara has a flat tire at her church, Melissa goes to help her. Of course she does. (Post-2x13).
Promise [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara and Melissa - microprompt: You scared me."
Irredeemable [Tumblr / AO3] → Ava and Barbara either as a ship or a dynamic: “Irredeemable.”
Texts [Tumblr / AO3] → Ava & Melissa platonic. “Speaking of Barb...”
Good Mood Day [Tumblr / AO3] → It's a classic Schemmenti good mood day. (It's been a while.)
Valentine’s Day [Tumblr / AO3] → On Valentine's Day, Barbara and Melissa have their worst fight yet. [Pre-2.14 Fic]
Valentine’s Night [Tumblr / AO3] → After her airport date with Gerald, Barbara can't help but call and check up on Melissa. [Post-2.14]
One Bed [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara and Melissa get to their conference hotel room, they're unduly shocked that there is only one bed. [Post-2.16] | The wonderful @gatalentan made a recording of their favorite part of “One Bed.” Hhhgh, it made me so emo!! Check it out!
Three Women and a Glass of Wine [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara and Ava go over to Melissa's house to come up with a plan of action against Legendary Charters. (Regrettably, there is wine involved.) [Post-2.17]
Apology Gifts [Tumblr / AO3] → Though they've already reconciled, Melissa and Barbara also exchange apology gifts. [Post-2.18]
No Children [Tumblr / AO3] → Would you be willing to write more about Melissa and having kids?
Tired [Tumblr / AO3] → In the week since Gerald's test results came back abnormal, Barbara Howard has been so tired. [Pre-2.15]
Different World [Tumblr / AO3] → I re-read your gardening fic recently where Mel's staring at Barb and is heart-eyes at her and it's just so nice, so anything along those lines would be lovely.
Human [Tumblr / AO3] → A quiet moment between Barbara and Janine after they return to the school from their shopping trip. [2.21 Spoilers]
Heavenly Moments [Tumblr / AO3] → Unable to sleep at the Franklin Institute, Barbara searches for Melissa. [2.22 Spoilers]
Wreck [Tumblr / AO3] → When Melissa's nana dies, Barbara is there for her.
Facetious [Tumblr / AO3] → After the end of yet another long work day, Melissa comes to collect Barbara. [Post-1.01]
Blueberry Pie [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa brings Barbara a blueberry pie as an apology. [Post-1.02]
This is mostly just a compilation of the bigger/longer stuff, but generally, I post liveblogs, meta, and shorter posts under #maggie blogs! And then you can find any art I do under #maggie doodles.
Abbott 1.06 Rewatch
Abbott 2.14 Thoughts
Abbott 2.15 Thoughts
Abbott 2.19 Thoughts
Abbott 2.22 Reactions
Abbott Elementary: 31 Prompts
Abbott Elementary S1-2 Bracket: You can find all the polls and other posts in my tag #abbott bracket!
Abbott Elementary + Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out
Abbott Rewatch: Anything I’ve personally made for it!! <3 You can find the main blog at @abbottrewatch.
Barbara Meta (2.13)
Discord WW Fic with Michael
Janine and Ayesha Drabble [post-2.18]
Maggie’s Abbott End of S2 Bingo [Last 3 Eps.] [Update 3]
Maggie’s Work Wives Bingo
Melissa + Thanksgiving Headcanons
Pieces that Fit Together [about Mel post-2.11] — Feat. Michael
Pre-2.16 Work Wives Conference Drabble
Random Work Wives Headcanons
Some domestic Work Wives headcanons!
Thoughts on Abbott women and their relationships to the cameras.
uQuiz: Which Abbott Elementary woman are you?
Work Wives Pre-2.16 Conference Drabble
Baby Shower + Steel Magnolias Thoughts (2.03)
Four tickets to the Barbie movie, please.
I’ve had Bruce for a day and a half.
Jackie + Poppies Edit
Jeff and Shauna Thoughts
Lottie’s Gay Compound
Just a little Yellowjackets uQuiz!
Shauna and Callie Meta (2.02)
Shauna and Motherhood Meta (2.06)
Shauna Meta (2.07)
Taissa the Cringefail Girlflop Thoughts (2.06)
Taissa the Dirt-Eating Lesbian
Yellowjackets + The Righteous Gemstones
Yellowjackets S2 Finale Bingo [Update]
Yellowjackets + Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out
Yellowjackets 2.02 Thoughts
Yellowjackets 2.03 Thoughts
Yellowjackets 2.04 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.05 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.06 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.07 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.08 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.09 Reactions
Brink [Tumblr / AO3] → Shauna and Taissa have made it somewhat of a dirty habit now, calling each other, checking-in, at least once or twice a week—even though they damn well know they shouldn't.
Good Mother [Tumblr / AO3] →  When Shauna returns home from the motel, she's surprised to find that Callie waited up for her.
Safe [Tumblr / AO3] → On the night before Natalie's funeral, Tai finds herself on Shauna's doorstep.
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Is Duster x Kumatora actually canon? What's your opnion about it?
I've already spoken on Kumadust on my main, but tl;dr, I don't like it; I'll answer your questions in the order received.
As far as I am aware, Kumadust has little to no basis in canon. Now, mind you, I have only played Mother 3 up to Chapter 2, almost Chapter 3 (old PC, suck at combos, I'll get there eventually but TOTK has been very distracting), but as you can tell, I am very involved in the fandom for it and would have likely found out if the ship was intentional. This was the best thread I could remember on the matter in case you're curious.
Now, on my part, the best "support" I can think of are post-release art like this:
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[Id: Two images of Kumatora and Duster next to each other. In the first, Kumatora is smirking while holding an ice cream while Duster is wearing a black cap and looking at her with his arm behind his head. In the second, both of them are on a two-person bicycle with Kumatora driving and Duster sitting sideways with his arm up.]
However, these never appeared in-game and seem to a particular quirk of one of Mother 3's staff members, Nobuhiro Imagawa, long after the release of the game. You know about "official fan art"? That's basically what this is at this point. It's just one person and not Itoi who actually has a say in stuff. Plus, they're just standing there? Like?
Anyway, I'll get to the point: the real bread and butter.
I don't like it because of the the pretty clear age gap implied here.
Duster and Kumatora have a familiar relationship to me as does the entire main cast where Duster is like the uncle to borderline siblings at this point Lucas and Kumatora. And it's not just an age gap. I have very substantial reason to believe Kumatora is a minor. Exhibit A, your honor:
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[Id: A comparison of Kumatora labeled "before time skip" on the left and "after time skip" on the right. A green line shows that the Kumatora on the right is one pixel taller.]
She grows taller over the time skip! You know what this means? She's still going through or only recently underwent puberty! More before and after, top to bottom:
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[Id: Ten sprites of Kumatora. The top five are before the time skip and the bottom five are after it.]
Note the three-quarters pose where she seems to be curvier after the time skip judging by the hoodie's collar. That's a youngun if you're still growing like this over a three year span!
Now you could say, "Oh, but she works at Club Titiboo, that's clearly a bar! She has to be older than twenty then! Delayed puberty!" Okay, right off the bat, legal drinking age is highly dependent on where you're at. In some places, it's even sixteen! Secondly, take one look at the Pigmasks and the fact that their leader is Porky to ask if they give one hoot about child labor laws? In fact, I think Porky would love to make a law to allow minors everywhere; you cannot trust this one bit.
Meanwhile, I don't really have to say much to say for Duster that isn't obvious. He's clearly an adult. He's got a pretty common balding pattern, facial hair, doesn't grow one inch or pixel over the time skip: Duster's a grown man.
Shipping a minor and a clear adult is an automatic no from me. I guess you could still argue somehow that Kumatora is an adult, but I think you're just grasping at straws at that point.
That is all I will say on the matter for now. This isn't a shipping blog. Go ask a shipping blog. Goodbye.
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duhragonball · 9 months
I know this is probably the bare minimum to ask for, but one thing I kind of wish the 3-chapter prequel mini-story gave to Goten was to have him be far more successful with the ladies compared to Trunks. It would have served as a bit of interesting irony (to me, at least). Trunks, a member of the wealthy Briefs family, having issues getting a date while Goten, a farm boy from the mountains, could pick up dates like it's second-nature to him.
I mean, that's a nice gag, I suppose, but the Mai business would get in the way. It's impossible to tell how much game Trunks has with the ladies while he's constantly pining for Mai (and Cleangod, apparently). Goten kind of has him beat by default, simply because he isn't wasting his time on someone who clearly has no interest in him.
The thing is, I feel like there's too much focus on Big Goten as a romantic deal. All I ever hear of is who he's dating or who he should be dating. In Z he's got a date on the day of the tournament. In GT he's dating Palace and he teaches her how to eat. In fanworks it's always a question of which ship he's plugged into. He's with Marron, he's with Bulla, he's with Trunks, he's with Palace, etc. etc.
And that's fine, but I think it sidesteps the matter of who Teen/Adult Goten is as a character. Take away the love interests. Take away Trunks, take away Goku and Gohan. What have you got left? What's the hook? Why do we care about a grown-up version of Goten? What's the draw?
I'm not saying there isn't one, or that there can't be one, but the official material has never really cracked that nut. Toriyama could do it, because he did it with Goku and Gohan. He just hasn't had any motivation to give Goten the same treatment. I'll even go as far as to say Toyotaro could do it, but he hasn't done it yet. His big idea for Goten was to have him go to high school and be a super hero, which is just a Xerox of his older brother's exploits. Maybe Goten can go into entomology too...
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, let's use Launch as an example. She's a sorely underutilized character, and the fanbase has always wanted to see more done with her, just like Goten. The difference is that Launch has this core concept that's really easy to latch onto. She changes personality when she sneezes. Sometimes she's a violent criminal, and other times she's mild and unassuming.
And it's not a lot compared to major characters like Goku and Bulma, but it's still enough to figure out how to write a standalone Launch story. You can have her date Tien or Raditz or anyone else you want, but you can also just do Launch all by herself, living her life and dealing with her dual personalities.
You can get some mileage out of Goten being a ladies' man, but it needs a little more. Yamcha was a hopeless romantic, but he was terrified of women, and when he finally got over his fear, he still struggled to figure out how to balance relationships with martial arts. Bulma's always been boy-crazy, but instead of just picking out a boyfriend she invented a radar to track down a magic dragon to get an ideal boyfriend. That says a lot about the character, regardless of whether she actually gets a love interest or not.
To be fair, I imagine this is something Goten fic authors contend with all the time. Each of them probably has their own approach to the character, some working better than others. But when DBS Chapter 88 came out, all I saw were people going "Oh boy, he can date Chok and Fayra now!" and that sounds like it's just sidestepping the fundamental problem with the character.
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tufta · 1 year
I finished watching droners and here is my opinion. I'll try to keep the first part spoiler free, and later I'll move on to the ships.
The finale was intense and I really, really liked it. It had some pacing issues, that's for sure, but over all it were two well done episodes. I especially liked part two, it was one of the best episodes, with the highest stakes, good angst and drama and best action scenes. Absolutely love it
Over all, looking at a plot, action, and pacing I would give this show a solid 6/10, but, because it was really fun to watch, I'm sticking with 7/10 score. I don't really understand why English broadcaster changed the order of the episodes? Its stupid and show makes less sense bc of that, but oh well. I watched it with original order.
The finale left with an open note for season two and I'm really excited for it. I know it's been airing in France already, but it seems that we have to wait a little longer for it to get to the rest of the countries. Although checking the screenshots here on Tumblr and Bill Otomo's Twitter and Instagram makes me think, that the new season will be even better. That's good. I think the show is following the typical formula - first season just quick episodic adventures, and in the second we will get into the lore. And I'm excited for that! These screenshots and official art seem really promising and I can't wait to watch season 2!
I already talked about most of the characters in one of my previous posts, but I want to add that I have grown really fond of Monk, his episode was really good. Also Adam officially became one of my favorite characters.
NOW ONTO THE SHIPS - and there will be spoilers, so be warned!
I'll start from my favorite ship, which is Corto x Hannah. They should be endgame. But Disney is broadcasting this in other countries and we know what they did to The Owl House so unfortunately I think this ship will never happen. But I can have a glimmer of hope, right? There were screenshots of Hannah and some random, where the girl was kissing Hannah so maybe? I think the chances are slim but I will have this ship in my heart. Hannah is a mean lesbian to me and she's cool. She matches Cortos energy and I feel Catradora vibes from them. Only they would be better and healthier for each other, bc Catradora was really toxic for a long, long time. Corto and Hannah are cute togheter, both skilled, they complete each other and motivate each other to be better. I see a strong enemies to rivals to friends to lovers potential here and I'm all in for it! I love them
Next we have Sun x Corto. It was hinted A LOT in the show, not even subtle. And they are cute togheter, I liked them a lot, but after the finale... I think that Sun should have trusted Corto more and support her in that moment. And even tho he kinda did, he left her then, even though he knew that it was important to her. I wanted him to be more involved, more proactive. And I get his perspective, but still, it was for Corto. And this was kind of like a betrayal, at least for me. I still think they are cute tho, but I think that Corto will move on after that
And with that we are smoothly moving to my second favorite ship, Corto x Manta. They are kind of like Corto and Hannah but just straight hah. I really like them. After the Polaris predicament i was totally sold on this ship. I love it. Corto motivates Manta, she pushed him to do the thing he was so afraid of. Manta is a character that has such a big potential and his relationship with Corto is a really good opportunity to explore that. I like his redesign too! Also saw people saying that they changed his character even though we don't have second season released globally yet, and, well, in my opinion that's just character growth. If Corto can't be with Hannah I want her to be with Manta. I wrote a fic about them even hah 💀
Last thing, Manta x Shino. I think they are cute, I saw that people ship them and it's a nice ship. They don't have too many interactions but I shipped characters that were from two different shows so I totally understand that people ship those two. I'm not the biggest fan but I like them!
I will draw fanarts and write fanfiction. I want this fandom to get bigger, couse the show is really good :3
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