#This took me 3 hours pls just be kind 😭
darkclouud9 · 5 months
this took so long I had to edit it 17 billion times before growing okay with it. it looks. okay.
cloud ☁️
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anashins · 9 months
Could we get a ocxJaehyun where he’s kinda insecure cos oc doesn’t show she’s jealous (just not a situation where he tries to make her jealous on purpose pls🥺) and when he confronts her about it she’s like “you have no idea how jealous I am, I mean look at yourself 😭😭😭” so the rest of the story may be smth fluffy like healthy communication or just smut lmao.
Pls <3
Pairing: Jaehyun x You
Genre: light angst, fluff, romance, a bit suggestive in the end
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: After posting a picture of you and your male best friend, your boyfriend turns very jealous. After all, you're always so casual about his life, so he assumes the reason behind is that you don't find him attractive and wait for someone better to come around. If only he knew.
A/N: Thank you for requesting! I went through this 2 days ago with my bf, this hit very close to home haha
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“Having dinner with my best friend in the whole wide world!”
Jaehyun read the caption on your Instagram story post over and over again while his stomach dropped in the process.
The fact that the photo you had posted did not only show food, but a guy having his arm around your shoulder while you were leaning close to him put him into a rage. And his members were his target. 
Jaehyun tossed his phone back into his bag and returned to the others who were currently learning a new choreography. By the change of his facial expression alone, Taeyong could tell that his mood had entirely shifted within an instant - something that unfortunately happened too many times lately.
“What’s wrong?”
he asked with his serious leader-voice, having predicted the outcome of this situation already and wanting to prevent it at all cost. There was no way Jaehyun would disturb the entire dance practice with his jealous mood again.
How he stood there though, with the corners of his lips facing downwards, eyes dark and arms folded across his chest, now everyone was alarmed and the leader had to look over their friendship for once and put Jaehyun in his place. Again.
“If it’s nothing, then act like it. We have a concert coming up,” Taeyong addressed him. “Otherwise I will have to send you away.”
Jaehyun just grumbled something, but remained silent. His friends rather had him silent than taking it out on everyone though, which was why nobody talked to him for the remaining hours again.
When practice was over, Taeyong walked up to him and took him aside.
“I’m telling you this not only as your leader anymore, but as your friend too, okay? Talk it out with her. Either that or you won’t be allowed on your phone during practice, Jaehyun. I’m serious. Everytime something like this happens, your mood is eating you up and everyone feels it. You can’t concentrate, you can’t memorize the moves, you cannot work with the others. This has to end.”
“I’m sorry.” Jaehyun dropped his head along with his shoulders, and Taeyong felt guilty, but he had to do what he was supposed to do. 
He patted his friend’s back. “It’ll be fine.” And with a grin, he added, “I mean, look at you. You’re Jeong Jaehyun. You don’t have any rivals.”
“Hey, how was your day?” you asked Jaehyun after entering his apartment.
You were in a relatively good mood as you had had a great day with your best friend who was visiting the country for a month, and since he was living abroad the majority of the time, you tried spending so much with each other as possible.
The possibility of it irking Jaehyun had only crossed your mind when he started commenting on the photos you posted kind of snarky like “Oh, you’re out together again today?”, but since he hadn’t said anything directly, you had just brushed this feeling off.
Today though, he didn’t look good at all, it was written all over his face, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it with a fake smile that he usually reserved for cringy fancalls. 
“Are you okay?” you asked when you followed him into the living room. “You can tell me, you know?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just…” He took a deep breather. “I haven’t heard from you all day.” 
“I’m sorry, I was busy. You know I’m rarely on my phone when I'm with people. I don’t want them to feel like I prioritize anything else over my time with them.”
He shrugged. “But there is always enough time to post on your Instagram story.”
Jaehyun could have bitten into his own tongue as he was usually very composed, but before he could redeem himself, you had already put the puzzle pieces together. 
He was jealous.
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I’m just-’”
You got on your tiptoes and cupped his face. “Jaehyun… please tell me exactly what’s wrong. You know there is nothing to worry about since he has a girlfriend too and that’s just how we are together. I always told you that.” 
He averted his eyes, but you remained yours. “You’re always so casual and excited about everything. You like all my posts, my stories, comment encouragingly and supportingly on them, no matter when and no matter with who. Even if I don’t find time to reply to you, even if something holds me back from returning you the same energy. Am I the only one who cares?”
“Care about what?”
“That someone might take you away from me.”
“Jaehyun…” You tilted your head. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you never reacted the same way as I. No matter where I am, what I do or what kind of videos and pictures pop up online. You never seem to be bothered, and yet here I am, not being able to return this feeling, because even when a guy looks at you, I want to get you out of his eyesight. Does it mean I’m just not that attractive in your eyes, so you’re not worried at all? I genuinely want to know.”
Your mouth stood open over the fact that your boyfriend, possibly almost every girl in your age range’s ideal type, was assuming you didn’t find him handsome. His perfect face, that graced screens, placards, phones and everyone could stare at whenever and how often they wanted. He thought he wasn’t attractive, because you didn’t show jealousy.
Of course you were jealous as hell.
You brushed with your thumbs over his cheeks, trying to ease him. “Every day, so many people get to see this handsome face and experience your kind character. Just look at yourself. Of course I’m jealous too. Sometimes, especially when you’re touring, they see you more often than I, and I get to backtrack everything online, what you’re doing and saying, after them, after strangers. And the things they write… I don’t want to see, but I cannot close my eyes. At times, the pain gets so unbearable that I have to log off and trust that you eventually call me and tell me about everything.”
Jaehyun frowned and his former dark mien shifted into a frown. “I didn’t know all that.”
“Of course you wouldn’t know, because would that benefit me in any way? No. I trust you and only you. Everyone else doesn’t matter. I don’t have any influence, so I try to distance myself from it. So, I’m sorry if you ever feel like I don’t find you attractive enough, because I don’t show it in that kind of way. It’s just… I will always get painfully reminded that so many other people feel that way too. And every single one of them would take you away from me in an instant if they ever get the opportunity.”
"Nobody will.”
“I know.”
Something inside Jaehyun cracked when he saw you being so honest and also so confident about it. So, you were feeling the same about the other, you just had different ways to express and cope with it. 
Jaehyun took your hand into his and kissed your palm. “I’m sorry for being so insecure sometimes and not having more faith. We love each other, we want to be with each other, I shouldn’t make you feel down with my problem. I should be more like you. It’s the healthier way. Please show me how.”
“Baby steps,” you told him and took his hand into yours. “But first, let me prove to you how attractive I find you.”
“Maybe it will take you more than one time to convince me.”
“That’s fine.”
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chuusins · 2 years
hi i saw your work and i loved it!
Can i pls ask for hcs for hua cheng with f!reader that is like mother to him? Plus hua cheng intodusing xie lian to reader? If you dont like the idea just ignore this.
Have a nice day/night!
im sorry for taking so long to answer this 😭 i got caught up with things and completely forgot about the request, and times when i did remember it i would just tell myself I'd to it later and then forget! im so sorry..
pairings ; hua cheng + mother!reader (platonic) , hua cheng + xie lian
warnings ; none really, just fluff. reader is intended to be female, since they are seen as hua cheng's "mother" figure. let me know if i need to add more.
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hua cheng loves you, you're so kind to him and act like a mother for him.
i could be incorrect, but i believe hua cheng wasn't at all close to his biological mother, especially now considering his status and the fact she'd be long dead, along with his father.
when hua cheng thinks he's "ugly" or "not enough", you reassure him, letting him know that's he's beautiful in his own unique way, and that's he's fine the way he is and doesn't need to change.
hua cheng feels safe around you. safe enough to tell you about himself, and to not dislike you. he trusts you, and you also trust him.
you would have known about his (not very) little crush on the crown prince of xianle, xie lian, since he would talk to you for hours about xie lian sometimes.
when xie lian entered ghost city and met hua cheng again there, hua cheng would've introduced you to xie lian almost immediately.
xie lian also liked you. you were calm and reassuring, something i don't think you'd usually find in ghost city or the heavenly capital (unless you're lucky.)
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that's all the hcs I have. <3 thank u for requesting, and sorry again it took so long.
masterlists n rules
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sunofpandora · 5 days
 V I R A G O                   
Chapter 5
Honey, you’re familiar.
Neteyam x fem!omaticaya!reader
Mentions of dick sucking and eating pussy???? IT'S A JOKE GUYS I SWEAR JUST READ AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND GIVE ME A CHANCE!! 
Anxiety/mentions of hunger/mentions of not eating/ heights/ sex jokes/murder jokes?? Neteyam has like, one dirty thought?
Synopsis:  Y/n and Lo’ak spend some time together at the lake, and return to the omatikaya to join the sullys for the communal clan meal. Jake and y/n have a heart to heart.
Extra characters:
Kyuna: Omaticaya clan member
Popiti: Omaticaya child, Tuk’s best friend according to the visual dictionary.
Authors note:
HI GUYS! Did you miss me?? It’s okay to say no 😭. I’m in such a good mood guys and you won’t believe why 😏 and because I am in such a good mood, I have decided to give you guys some fluffy  sully family feels before the next chapter, where neteyam and Y/n will start their training! As just a reminder, please remember to go back and read chapter 3 (all 3 parts if you can) bc I have a feeling that not a ton of people have.
This chapter is what I call a direct chapter. This means that the events in this chapter are happening on the same day as the ones in chapter 4 (found on my masterlist.). Ik it’s been awhile so pls feel free to refresh your memory
 “Damn that thing is huge.”
“So big and juicy looking…”
“I can’t wait to have that thing inside of me…mmm….my mouth is just watering thinking about it.”
“Lo’ak. Shut the fuck up.”
Lo’ak cackled, shoving you playfully.
“C’mon sis you know I play around.”
You huffed, trying to keep up being unamused with his sexual innuendos. 
“Lo’ak it’s not funny.”
“Yes it is.”
You thwacked him with your tail, hissing at him lowly, making him shut up immediately.
“You know for someone who complained about neteyam moaning into a fruit, you talk a lot of shit.”
Lo’ak shrugged.
“Is it so wrong to admire a fruit for its nice curves??”
It was inevitable that Lo’ak would bother you like this while you tried to focus. It wasn’t anything new. And while you were practicing the art of perpetual kindness, the occasional sex joke from Lo’ak deserved a whack of your tail, did it not?
You huffed, dropping your shoulders and letting your stance slip. You had been out in the woods with Lo’ak for the last 2 hours. Just exploring and enjoying conversation and gossip as usual, your bow slung around your torso and a few arrows, sharpened and freshly fletched at the ready in case of trouble.
It wasn’t trouble you were trying to shoot right now, luckily. Your current target was the fresh bunch of fruits that glistened under the canopy’s kisses of sunlight leaking through the foliage.
Lo’ak shifted on his feet.
“I could just shimmy up there and cut them down at the stem.”
You rolled your eyes, fondly recalling how about 5 minutes ago he tried that and fell on his ass…7 times.
“No, Lo’ak. I don’t want you injured. We’re doing it my way now.”
You raised your arm again, placing your arrow against the string of your bow, carefully constructing your once slipping stance to its previous position.
You took a breath, widening yourself at the proper angle, the sweet sound of the stretch your bowstring was a gentle satisfaction. You felt your nose twitch as the fletching of the arrows brush your nostrils.
You can feel Lo’ak’s eyes on you. Tracing the way your muscles tensed and stretched, enamored by your skill. It seemed as if everyone was. 
To be honest, it would have felt weird if it was anyone else other than Lo’ak.
You finally released, watching the arrow fly up and into the tree, the sound of the vine snapping as the arrow pierced straight through the stem that hung the fruits by the bunch to the branch resonated through the moistened air.
The fruits fell with a thud, you let out a satisfied sigh.
“There we go.”
You hummed, handing Lo’ak your bow as you squatted to swing the fruits over your shoulder.
Lo’ak was quiet for a moment. Just staring at your weapon as you stood to your feet.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You queried, stepping over the few stones to stand with him.
He shrugged, a smile allowing itself to sink upon his features.
“Nothing. I just feel like I should be more formal. I’m in the presence of our clan’s mighty archer.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing him as you started to walk down the path you came.
“Shut up.”
“No im serious. I should’ve done my hair or fixed up my outfit-“
“You’re not funny.”
“My mom says I’m funny.”
He puts his hands on his hips, chin high as if his existence was the height of humanity’s greatest accomplishments.
“Yourn mom also tells Tuk that babies come from flowers. So she’s extremely reliable, it seems.”
Lo’ak gasped frantically, dramatically tumbling over his steps and clutching his chest as if he’s entering cardiac arrest.
“You fiend of a woman! How dare you speak to me with such a tounge!?”
“Oh suck my dick Lo’ak.”
“Eat me out y/n!”
Lo’ak leaned against a tree, posing seductively. Spreading his legs and falling his hands around to gesture to his loins.
You covered your mouth and nose, gagging for effect. 
“Put it away Lo’ak, phew, I KNOW it stinks up in there.”
“It smells delectable.”
“Mo’at had a heart attack scare last time she washed your loincloth. I wouldn’t count on it.”
Lo’ak flipped you off.
You both couldn’t restrain yourselves from the ugly cackles that erupt from your throat.
Your laughter weaving floridly around the forest before soaking into the late afternoons sunrays. The sky blushed it’s shadowed hues into breathtaking. It was at this time when the sun settled its intensity and ceased staining the world with its harsh tones, when the night crept behind a curtain of clouds.
Lo’ak and you continued to wonder around, Lo’ak carrying the fruit in the woven satchel bag that hung by it’s strap over his shoulder, your hands remained free, feeling the diminutive weight of the bow on your back, reaching out every now and then to swing on a branch or hurl yourself over a log.
“So, question for you.”
Lo’ak started, throwing himself over a rock to land on the patch of moss.
“Uh huh.”
“If we were to go swimming right now, would we be late going back to high camp?”
You think for a moment.
“Not if we make it quick. Try not to lose your loincloth in the rapids again.”
You snickered, recalling the incident during a fishing trip that your fathers took you on when you were both 12,
Jogging off before he could pull your tail or pinch your ankle or grab your leg or something obnoxious
“For fucks sake, will you ever let that go!?”
A boisterous laugh leaves you as you doubled over against a tree.
“No. It’s so funny.”
“Shut the fuck up. Listen-“
“I’m listening!”
“No you’re not, you're laughing!”
Another cackle leaves you. You wave a hand around, as if to rid the air of your own facetiousness.
“Okay— okay. I’m done. I’m done laughing. I promise.”
The wheezing endnotes of your breathless words betray you, and another fit of laughter leaves you. Lo’ak joins, and your chest starts to ache with the amount of breath that presses through your fits of giggles.
Lo’ak swings an arm around your shoulder throwing you both of balance, as if your steps weren’t already unparalleled and uncoordinated.
“No because- how did you lose your fucking loincloth—“
You rasped, your eyes squeezing shut.
Sounds that you’re almost 89% sure resemble some animal dying leave you and Lo’ak in sync.
And all the shit you’ve been through the last few days seem to just melt away when you’re laughing with your best friend so hard you can’t breathe.
After a few minutes, the chorus of chortles and raspy sentences cease. 
“Oh eywa. You’re a fucking idiot.”
You sigh, shoving him lightly.
“So are you. We’re a package deal.”
He pushes you before sprinting towards the river.
“Lo’ak! Fuck— wait up.”
Lo’ak’s smile was different from Neteyam’s. Neteyam’s was full of warmth and sunlight. Saturn’s rings sulking in a lightning storm of gold gilded gardens. 
Lo’ak’s smile was made of healing boyish hearts and oddly shaped persuasion. Flames and rings of smoke that radiated its warmth beneath incandescent skin. Rattling notes of wooden beads clinking together and a fragile temperament.
He throws himself in the water with a running start, an accented yelp echoed like a final chord striking before a late curtain call of a sunset evening’s songs.
Your laugh is loud, it shakes your body as his head emerges from the water.
“Come on. Don’t be a wuss.”
You took a breath, diving in the water.
You felt your body slicing through the surface, the air around you revisions itself into a 
You enjoyed swimming. And you were actually really good at it. There was something about being in the water that was so soothing, sirenic sensations that seemed to lift the world into light.
Your vision consolidated, surrendering to the soft undercurrents that brushed along your skin.
You motioned your arms and legs forward, propelling yourself through the water. You swiftly raised your head above the water, feeling the surface break as you retreated for air.
As the film of aqua haze vanishes back to the thickened victorious viridescent shades  painted the jungle. The light leaked through the canopy, reigning a rutilant warm glow, burned by the late afternoon sun.
Lo’ak’s silhouette blackens, shadowed by the thick line of fire that forms itself into the shape of sunlight.
“You’re crazy good at that.”
“At what?”
 Your mother and father were traders.  
Well, really, your father was.
Your father’s family were the representatives for your clan while traveling and trading for years. 
His family had an almost nomadic lifestyle and spent much of their time away from hometree and the clan. The olo’eyktan of the clan at the time, Lo’ak’s grandfather, followed the tradition of leaders many years before him of entrusting your father’s family to be the ones to travel by ikran away from home in seasonal patterns to trade resources and gather new information to report and bring back to the clan. Its a system that has been in place for many years.
As a child, you occasionally traveled with your parents. Visiting the planes where the tipani resided, and even the beaches under the cliffs where the tayrangi dwelled. When you were little, you loved to swim in the oceans with the other tayrangi children. 
You shrugged. Rubbing the back of your neck, your braids strung loosely about behind you, some  some swaying across the surface of the water and other sinking against your back. 
“My parents took me when they traveled east a lot. Remember? I guess I’ve built up some swimming skills.”
Lo’ak nodded, glancing down at the water before flicking his gaze back towards you.
“Do you think you’ll do it?”
“Do what?”
“Travel. Like your parents did.”
You think for a moment. Letting the silence settle. There was a time, where you and Lo’ak were dumb and 12 years old would stay up past dark quietly sneaking around the clan to steal some snacks and climb the yovo fruit trees that surrounded your village, the one you lived in before high camp. You would whisper about your plans for the future. How one day, you both would pack up your ikran saddles and fly off to a far away land, explore and travel the uncharted territories of Pandora together, and return when the journey ended on your own terms.
You hummed, thinking of how possibilities place themselves into puzzle pieces so quickly with time.
He nods, paddling around.
“Remember when we were kids? And we always talked about running away? Convincing my dad to bring back our old trading systems? Just going wherever we wanted? No nagging, no worries, just a bullshit-free life.”
You splashed your face with some water, the refreshing coolness washes down your neck.
“Should we really leave the clan like that?”
Lo’ak snorted.
“Please. I think they’ll be fine. The trade needed to be brought back anyways. There are resources we could use and it’s good to strengthen our connections with the other clans and blah blah blah.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
He swam to you, his expression statued a seriousness that was almost unfamiliar to his usual demeanor. 
“But I want to be real for a moment. I don’t want to be stuck here forever. You hear what Norm and max say. Pandora is huge. It’s too big for us to just stay in the forest for the rest of our lives.”
You frowned, a heaviness blanketed your heart that you couldn't quite name.
“Your family will miss you.”
Lo’ak laughed, but it was thin and forced, almost bitter.
“No. I don’t think they would.”
You shook your head, knowing that wasn’t true.
“Lo’ak. They love you.”
“My siblings and you may love me. But I don’t think the great Toruk Makto always likes me.”
“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he does like you, and that hes just afraid of loosing you?? Because you are so much like him, so much of a mirror into his own youth, he knows the mistakes he made.”
Lo’ak was quiet for a moment. His voice was softer this time, this tell-tale of a familial tragedy that unconditionally refused to acknowledge one’s individuality. Where Jake and Lo’ak walked the thin line of being a mirror that refused reflection, a window that showed you what you prayed you would never see. History’s cruel rhyme schemes never surprised you. Not anymore. 
The hoarseness in his voice edged his tone, you could tell he was disassociating from the conversation.  
“That has nothing to do with me.”
“I think he’s still learning to make peace with that. You never really grow out of growing.”
Silence settled between you before it was shattered by the heavy sweep of water that crashes onto your face.
You cough up some of the water, slapping Lo’ak’s shoulder.
“What the fuck was that for?!”
“Stop being so fucking smart.”
He whined, dunking his head under water.
You rolled your eyes. Yanking him up by his forearm. 
“Lo’ak, I’m serious.”
He glared.
“And I’m not in the mood.”
“Your dad doesn’t hate you. He just-“
“I never said he hates me. I said he doesn’t like me. You don’t have to like someone in order to love them.”
“That’s not— Lo’ak I’m sure-“
That was your cue to close the curtain on that conversation. It pained you to know that Lo’ak thought like that. But you knew he would open up. Eventually.
Your mouth tapped shut. Your lips pressing into a thin line. 
He sighed, running his hands down his face roughly.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Not at you. It’s just-“
“It’s okay, Lo. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
And of course, what kind of awkwardness couldn’t be avoided with a change of topic??
You swam next to him, splashing him playfully.
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s wait a few weeks, we’ll pull together something to present to jake. We can meet with him and discuss if he’ll let us travel and revive the trade.”
In all, it wasn’t a bad idea. Which was rare for Lo’ak. The least you could do was give him the opportunity. 
He smiled at you. And before you could say anything, he whooped wildly like a child, his elbow thrown around your neck, forcing you to wade abruptly closer.
“Aye! Y/n! I knew you could come around. We’re going to be such badass travelers.”
You chuckled, patting his back.
“As if I would say no to you.”
“If you did I might have to spit in your food.”
He announces proudly, floating on his back.
You gag.
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’m distinguished.”
He corrects, reaching out his arms and moving them slowly in a paddle motion.
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Water was forgiving. Maybe that’s why you felt so familiar with it.
You haven’t felt forgiven for a lot of things in your life. Not now, anyways.
Underwater was where the sun’s warmth didn’t feel so harsh. You never had trouble discerning the safety and the solitude of land. 
You took a breath before submerging yourself under the 
The vault of the sky caves around its azure dome as light bent and broadened across the surface, stretching the sunset into a  henotic harmony. 
You dived deeper. Your arms pushed you forward, like wings guiding a bird through the skies.
The opaque world of glass rests under the world. The shadows of the depths are drunken words spreading orisons that seem like obstinate Orphics. 
mazarine whispers, and cyan and cerulean sing. 
Your thoughts seem to retreat to the uninhibited corners of your mind as you remain nantant.
Nothing could reach you here.
Well, maybe Lo’ak’s bitchy screeching.
“Y/n! Dude! Come on!”
He yanks you out of the water, his arm uncomfortably clamped around your waist like a child trying to retrieve a toy by fishing it out of water blindly.
You sputtered out the water that rushed to your face with the unexpected motion, so lost in your haze of serenity you barely heard Lo’ak the first time.
You coughed, squirming as he threw you into the plush riverbank grass.
“Shit! Sorry!”
He patted- well more like slapped your back roughly to try and aid your recovery.
“Sorry, sorry. You just weren’t coming up for air. I called your name like 10 times.”
You whacked him with your tail, and he hissed and held the spot on his arm.
“I don’t like being manhandled.”
You rasped, clearing the water from your throat.
“Dude who the fuck cares! My dad will handle us into a ditch if we’re not back in time!” 
₊⋆⁺☀︎₊☾⁺☀︎₊𖦹✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⁺☀︎₊ 
“Keep going!”
You yelled over your shoulder, scrambling over branches and through the brush. 
You jumped over a rock, slinging yourself up a step with a vine, looping around to check on Lo’ak, who was halfway seen sprinting to catch up with you.
“Shit! My bow-!”
“Don’t worry! I grabbed it back at the lake!”
He calls back to you.
“Just keep going!”
You nodded, nearly tripping as you sprang forward once again.
You raised two fingers to your lips, pressing air as the shriek of a whistle left you.
The flap of wings you heard wasn’t that far away.
You stopped at when you reached a cleaning, turning around to see Lo’ak skid to a stop.
Kailo landed infront of you both, you Quickly mounted him, throwing your bow in the holster on the side of the saddle.
“Hey buddy.”
Lo’ak cooed in a rushed manner, quickly giving him a few pats before hopping on behind you. You reached back, pulling him up. He wrapped an arm around your neck, hiking up his legs.
You asked, turning around to meet Lo’ak’s eyes. He was out of breath, chest heaving.
“Uh huh— SHIT.”
You took off before he could answer, gently digging your heels into the sides of the saddle, pulling the strapped reign as Kailo took off.
Lo’ak tightened his hold using his elbow around your neck, his upright headlock was no unfamiliarity whenever you gave him rides.
But this is Lo’ak we’re talking about. Of course he got comfortable quickly.
There was a comfort to flying with Lo’ak.
It made you feel like a little kid again. Carrying eachother around on your backs, playing games and doing stupid things for stupid reasons because there was a time where being stupid was fun and okay.
And maybe, with Lo’ak, being stupid wasn’t so bad.
You banked left, diving through the center of an arched mountain over the forest. Lo’ak cheered and whooped, throwing his hands up, before cursing and holding onto you again after realizing he almost lost his balance.
His palm roughly cupped your shoulder as he sat himself up a bit higher, looking out onto the world below.
You climb a lift of air before directing Kailo to drop, a straight dive down the waterfall. Once you leveled out again, you and Lo’ak both leaned to the side, letting your fingertips skim the surface of the lake below.
You were never carelesss or reckless with Kailo. He was one of the fastest ikran your clan had ever seen, plus he was larger than most average ikran. That was no excuse to go flying so fast you fling yourself off the saddle.
But occasionally, you let yourself go.
“Please please please go faster!”
Lo’ak yelled, his volume competing wit. The wind.
“What? No. Any faster and we’ll crash into something.”
Eh, why not? He’s had a rough couple of days. So have you.
You dived down again, grinning as you joined Lo’ak in his wild bouts of yelling.
But the fun didn’t last forever. Ahead, high camp came into view.
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You could feel Lo’ak’s hand shaking slightly as you both touched down through the large entrance crevice of high camp.
“Dad’s gonna kill us.”
Lo’ak groaned, sliding off the saddle behind you, petting Kailo a few times.
“Just relax and let me do the talking.”
You shook your head, giving his shoulder a small squeeze.
“It’ll be okay, I promise.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know everything.”
“Where the hell have you crotch stains been!?”
And you sure as hell knew who that voice belonged to.
Lo’ak jumped a bit, turning to see Jake barging himself towards you both.
Lo’ak muttered under his breath. So quietly he might not have said it all.
He hung his head, a few of his braids swinging over his shoulders, he shifted uncomfortably on his feet, only glancing up once to look at you.
A few heads turned, some na’vi bearing witness to the spectacle of their olo’eyktan yelling at his kids.
And boy, he did not look happy.
Lo’ak puts both hands up, something you’ve noticed Neteyam do when Jake got heated like this. As if trying to calm a raging animal from attacking.
“Dad, I know this looks bad.”
“I would be concerned if you thought this didn’t ‘look bad’, Lo’ak.”
Jake bit back, his taller figure looming over his son.
Lo’ak bit his lip, his fingers twitch as his fingers dangle at his sides.
“You disobeyed me.”
The space between his brow wrinkles offensively.
“How did I disobey you?”
“I asked you, I asked ALL of your siblings this morning to let y/n rest and i found out you two go off on a joyride!?”
“Slow down Jake or you’ll have a heart attack.”
You sigh, stepping forward until your gaze is paralleled with his.
Lo’ak snorts, but he quickly masks his amusement as Jake sends him a glare, then he sends you one.
“You and I will talk later, I can only deal with one delinquent at a time.”
He waves you away.
“No, since you have enough to dish out for Lo’ak here, i’m sure there;s plenty for us to share.”
You felt like a teenager edged with attitude, especially when you loved and respected Jake so much. But seeing Lo’ak get wrung out all the time was exhausting. 
“Jake this wasn’t Lo’ak’s fault.”
Lo’aks shaking fingers stilled, the ghost your side, gesturing to you that you didn’t have t0 take this for him.
“I’m the one that suggested we go for a ride. We took kailo and went to the lake for a few hours. Cleared my head. Did some meditating just like you suggested.”
You nudge him playfully, but the man didn;t look amused. Conflicted was probably the right word.
“Either way, I said he was to stay away from you for at least a day.”
“Jake, he doesn;t run up my blood pressure like he does yours. He’s fine. No one was hurt. Nothing happened, and Lo’ak didn’t want me to go alone.”
You Lo’ak a look, commionucating silently with your eyes.
Dude. say something.
Lo’ak nods, fishing himself out of a daze.
“R-right. Yes. right, we just went to the lake, dad.”
Jake sighed, rubbing his fingers to his temple, attempting to soothe the brewing headache, virtue to the usual shenanigans Lo’ak and you could never seem to shake.’
“Guys, i really don’t think that-”
“Wait! The only reason we stayed longer is because Lo’ak wanted to grab these.”
You grabbed the satchel that rested on Lo’aks hip, opening the woven flap to display the fruits you gathered earlier.
You gently thwacked lo’ak with your tail, and he immeditaaly caught the jist.
“I know theyre mom’s favorites.”
Lo’ak batted his eyes while you gave jake a sickeningly sweet smile.
He groaned, turning away.
“Out of my sight. Both of you. Now.”
“Okay thanks! Love you dad!!”
You and Lo’ak sprinted across the camp, submerged in your own laughter. You scurried mo’at;s tent, shutting the flap when he turned to you.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Eywa wouldn't let us face battles if she knew we were going to do it alone.” 
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Neteyam’s pov, the sullys tent:
My mother hates crowds. It’s not something I’ve inherited. 
You can tell by the way she shrinks behind my father or grandmother when we have clan gatherings. The way she resorts to fidgeting with her songchord or holding Tuk’s hand to distract herself from the ocean of eyes that are standing in front of her.
Tonight the clan eats communally. We do it every once in a while. My grandmother told me that the people did it every night before hometree was destroyed, but as time faded, so did our habits, I suppose.
Maybe thats why tonight, as my family prepares to leave for communal meal, the air is uneasy and tense.
Kiri and I had been home almost all day, watching Tuk while my grandmother rested and my mother attended to her duties around high camp.
It feels empty without my father, Lo’ak, and y/n.
My mothers voice pulls my attention.
“Neteyam, go wake your grandmother.”
She kneeled down in the corner, tending to Tuk, trying to pick the leaves out of her hair.
“Uh huh. Give me a second.”
I set the freshly washed bowls I just finished scrubbing down in the pile where we left all our dishes. 
I turned to see my grandmother, currently 18ft deep in her beyond-afternoon nap. 
I sighed, stretching my arms behind my back, locking my fingers together to soothe the tightness in my muscles as I walk my way over to her.
I tap her shoulder, her snores blaring lowly.
I sigh. Waking up my grandmother was usually a two man job.
“Grandmother? Grandmother???”
She stirs, but doesn’t wake.
I poke her shoulder lightly with my fingers.
She gasps awake, flinging her arm at my face, I step back, flinching at the action.
She sits up, squinting at me before her gaze softens.
“Neteyam, I’m sorry. I thought you were your father.”
“So you were planning to smack my father?”
“That’s beyond the point. I had the most wonderful dream.”
She reminisced dreamily.
I shifted on my feet awkwardly.
“That’s wonderful, grandmother. But I woke you because-“
“Quiet boy. I’m speaking.”
Great. Just what I was aiming to avoid.
I straighten, a rough breath falling from my lips. Settling in for the haul of whatever was to come.
“Apologies, Tsahik. You were saying?”
She begins.
“It was many years ago…when your mother told me she was with child.”
“Uh huh.”
“And then once she started, eywa she just wouldn’t stop..one child after another..”
I catch my mother glaring out of the corner of my eye.
“Neteyam, I think your grandmother can get up on her own.”
She hisses.
Grandmother waves her off.
“Don’t listen to her, boy. Go fetch my cane.”
My mother throws her arms up to express exaggeration.
“You don’t need a cane, Sa’nok.”
I stand warily between the two of them.
“And you don’t need to be sneaking off with your husband every few nights.”
My grandmother shoots back.
Maybe there was a reason for my father’s constant headaches.
It’s kiri’s voice that grasps my attention. I turn to see her enter the Marui with a half-weaved basket in her hands.
“Neteyam, while the golden girls are fighting, you might wanna take the time to worry about yourself.”
I shake my head, protesting gently. Something keeping me tied to multitasking bites at the back of my mind.
“No, I got it.”
She gives me a look, setting the basket-in-progress down and crossing her arms.
“Neteyam, you have been chasing Tuk around all day, helping mother clean, and as much as I know you enjoy being serenaded by grandmothers snoring, you need a break.”
“Kiri, really I'm fine.”
“I wasn’t asking. Go.”
Arguing with Kiri was useless. There was no competing with full-bodied ambition when ignited. 
I surrender. Retreating behind the curtain of the divider between the two areas of my family’s home.
I busy myself with personal tasks. Sharpening my knife, rummaging through lo’ak’s hammock to retrieve the armbands I know for a fact he's stolen from me. Again.
About 1o minutes had passed. I had found 8 armbands when I heard the familiar voice of my father as he entered the tent.
I slip under the divider sheet to see him. He alternates looks between Lo’ak and Y/n as they shuffle inside.
My mother sighs in relief, as if my father is the shower of fresh rain after a drought.  She holds Tuk on her hip as she squirms and giggles.
“Where have you been? There is much that needs to be done.”
My father pauses as he takes in each dilemma. 
Kiri and Grandmother arguing in the corner.
My mother is holding an overly-hyper tuk.
Lo’ak and Y/n laughing for whatever reason.
And me. Peeking out from behind the sheet.
“I can see that.”
He affirms, reaching out to take tuk off my mother’s hands.
running his hand down her back in soothing circles, trying to get both of them to calm down.
My father knows my mother is full of love. He also knows when not enough of that love is kept for herself.
Lo’ak stares at our parents, his expression of mild disgust.
“Do you two want a moment alone?”
A laugh follows, my eyes ascertaining to its source.
Her. Oh it’s her. 
It’s her.
She stands behind Lo’ak, a lean azure frame. Droplets gleam and scintillate as they slide down her skin. Her bangles and bracelets shine under the fractured light. I try so hard not to stare. I try to focus on anything. Anything at all. Anything that won’t make me feel like I’m staring at a woman who’s wet and shiny like some kind of pervert. 
Fuck. That sounded like I was describing a river rock or something.
‘wEt aNd sHiNy.’ 19 years old, future Olo’eyktan of your clan  and you can’t even talk. I feel like the ground envelops me in quicksand, my lungs famine for air. Eywa, she was pretty.
‘Pretty’ feels like a disparagement. Makes me feel inarticulate for lacking a better word. Beautiful. Stunning. Hot? Is hot weird? She is hot. Is that weird? Am I weird?
If there is another word. I’ll find it
Her braids cascade down her back, a crown of curls and waves Unwinding at the where the braids end, the curls I sometimes imagine spilling through my fingers while I capture sweet sounds that fall from her lips.
Am I weird for this? 
My father speaks, yanking me out of my haze.
“Baby, I can always call off the clan gathering if you’re not feeling a crowd tonight.”
He adjusts Tuk on his hip, picking a leaf out of her hair.
My mother shakes her head.
“No. I’m alright. There is just much to be done before we leave…”
My dad nods graciously, placing Tuk back to her feet again.
“Say no more. We’ll get everyone outta here in one piece.”
“Were you planning on us leaving disembodied?”
Kiri asks, her tone welcoming sarcasm in its arms.
Lo’ak chimes in.
“Can I swap out my loincloth real quick? I hate having the wet weaving slapping against me every time I walk.”
“Then why would you get wet?”
Kiri asks, rather harshly.
“Why do you cut your hair like that knowing your forehead is too big?”
“It astounds me how every day you talk about my forehead. Did you know they almost had to cut mom open because your head was so abnormally enormous??”
Lo’ak looks at my mom with incredulous eyes. 
“Ma she’s lying. Right?”
My mom evades any squander of the moment as she turns to duck under the divider flap to where  my parents slept.
“Ma’Jake, I’m going to change my top before we leave.”
Lo’ak falls to his knees, a dramatic anguished groan leaves him.
“Oh shit. I’m a freak. I’m a freak with a huge head.”
“You’re not a freak. You just have your fathers genes. I’m sure Jake was unusually large as well.” y/n comforts him, gesturing to my father.
“The hell I wasn’t.” My dad pipes up, trying to wrestle Tuk into sitting still.
Kiri shrugs, leaning against the wooden pillar to the side of the sheet as she fidgets with one of Y/n’s braids, standing behind her.
“I think we should banish Lo’ak for the attempted murder of the Tsahik daughter.”
I snicker, nudging Kiri 
“Mother would have joined eywa doing what she loved. Screaming at father.”
She laughed, tossing her head back.
Lo’ak’s jaw drops, he tries to speak but only a string of syllables come out.
“That’s not fucking fair.”
My dad glares at all three of us.
“Watch your mouth boy. And what did I say about plotting murder during dinner.”
Y/n blinks, tilting her head.
“We aren’t eating dinner.”
“I don’t give a damn-!
Okay, you know what? New rule. No discussing murder. Period.”
Kiri clicks her tongue, the usual gleam flickering across her irises.
“Can we discuss manslaughter?”
The sentence teases its own tone.
She places her palms against one another in a paring position before pointing them outwards towards my father.
Y/n mimics her.
“If we can’t discuss it can we at least plan one? Me and Kiri have already worked out a date and time.”
“And we have a target.”
Kiri adds, nodding confidently.
“For the love of god, I will put all of you on time out. And your grandmother can join you.”
My father threatens. Glaring at all of us.
Grandmother speaks as she slowly arises from her sitting spot on the floor, Lo’ak assisting her by holding her arm.
“Good. That will give me and the children time to plot against you.”
She speaks matter-of-factly.
I laugh, watching Tuk’s big eyes travel between my father and the rest of us as she tries to keep up with the conversation.
We all turn to see my mother as her figure is guided back through the divider, a new top now covering her chest.
It had flowers on it, delicately placed in a pattern over her breasts. Vines braided over her shoulders to hold the garment in place.
My fathers eyes take the shape of stars as he sees her, the sun setting outside and him both share a flicker of breath as she moves toward us.
“Are we ready?”
She asks, placing some of her braids behind her shoulder.
My father whistles, a hand coming up to cover the grin that etched its way onto his face.
“Goddamn. You look..”
“Like a pretty flower!”
Tuk chirps, clapping excitedly as she runs to my mother, hugging her waist.
“I was gonna say gorgeous, but yeah. That works too.”
Gorgeous. That’s the word I was looking for.
She giggles as she strides her way over to him, He takes a step behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist, another hand tracing circles in her hip.
“Y/n made this one.”
She murmurs, speaking quietly for my father.
“Do you like it?”
“Kids’ got taste. It’s stunning. Do a spin for me.”
My dad nods approvingly, Y/n feigns cockiness, posing and swaying her hips.
“Of course I have taste. The best there is, no doubt.”
Out of all of the fabrics, all the leaves and flowers and materials on the planet, I think her smile always looks the most stunning.
“You know who else has taste?”
My father whispers, clearly not quiet enough, the endnotes a purr.
My mother gasps, it twirls into a chuckle.
“Ma’Jake, the children are watching.”
“Kids, look away!”
My dad demands, kissing my mothers cheek as she squirms in his arms.
“Oh I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Kiri gags, clearly not fawning over my parents' affections the way y/n or tuk is.
My grandmother wedges herself between my parents, poking my fathers chest.
“Enough of this. It is time to depart. Before you both go and make another child I will have to deal with it.”
That was my fathers cue as he sighs dramatically, scooping up a squirming Tuk and twirling her around like a princess.
“Alright family let’s get going. Roll tide.”
“Roll tide!”
Tuk mimics my fathers lingo as we exit the tent, single file. 
Tuk scurries infront of me. Hopping vigorously to squeeze her way in between my parents as they walk ahead of us. 
Lo’ak and Kiri take turns bickering with grandmother, keeping their paces ahead of me.
I saunter off behind them. The cool air and dwindling distant conversations plexure in the atmosphere. Families talking, children laughing, all coalesce into a chorus that ceases its journey where the darkening night sky ends.
I turn as I feel a tap on my shoulder,
Big, doe-like gold eyes invade my gaze. Those eyes are my vice. My biggest sorrow and my greatest gift.
The auric hues captivate me. The gleam so picturesque the shadows run for shelter. 
She’s still wet from the river. The shine from the droplets define her features, tracing every curve, clinging to every dip.
I feel ensnared in her equivalent of hypnosis. The expanse of her throat, the coves of her eyelids, every inch of her has me infatuated.
She doesn’t look like she belongs here. Her features lack those of a mortal being in regularity. A deity you’d sacrifice yourself for in the form of a disguise.
“Oh— you.”
Oh wow. That must make women swoon. ‘Oh. You.’ Might as well have said ‘ew. It’s you.’
Pull yourself together!
She recoils, its so slight you might not have noticed it at all.
She’s nervous. 
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to check up on you.”
Her steps find competence as they match my own. Her fingers lock together as she strides with them behind her back.
I awkwardly shuffle to keep pace with her.
“Oh, no. Please don’t apologize.”
I wave my hands stupidly, as if she’s hard of hearing and needs to have everything signaled. 
I clear my throat, clearing the hoarseness. Letting a silence settle before I realize what she’s said.
“You..wanted to check on me?”
She nods, her eyes meeting mine for a 
moment. She’s only a few inches shorter than me. It always reminds me of how she teased me when we were kids, saying I’d never catch up to her height. 
“Yeah. Well, I mean, I just…Lo’ak told me you were acting a little…off? This morning?”
Oh. You mean where you consumed every single one of my waking thoughts? This morning where I woke up still imaging you hugging me? This morning? Where I woke up stunned, paralyzed, drunken in enamorment of how on eywa’s green ground you could possibly be real when you have beauty of such extravagance?
“I have no idea what you speak of.”
I shrug,  crossing my arms over my chest.
She’s skeptical.
“Oh. I see.”
“Yup. Nothing wrong.”
“So, you weren’t moaning into a a fruit this morning?”
A who-was-moaning-into-a what?
“What are you talking about?”
She laughs, shaking her head.
“I just heard from a friend, that you were…excited for breakfast.”
Oh, the joy of having siblings.
I groan.
“No, that was a misunderstanding.”
She nods, trying to regain seriousness.
“Of course..I figured it was.”
Her cheeks puff slightly, harboring laughter.
I would probably be annoyed if it was anyone but her. and if her laugh wasn’t my favorite sound.
“Okay, you know what? It was early, I was tired-“
“Oh please. I’ve known you since you could walk. You’ve always been a morning person.”
I scoff, trying to pretend she wasn’t right.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Neteyam, I’m going to be your teacher soon. You should confide in me,”
Her arm accidentally brushes mine as we walk.
“So I should know if there’s something between you and that fruit that might interfere with your focus.”
I sigh, shaking my head, my tail gently swishing behind me.
“Say it with me now. Okay? 1..2..3…you’ve been spending too much time with Lo’ak.”
She chortles, recoiling at the sound.
I doesn’t phase me.
Not one bit.
“It’s the other way around.”
She argues.
“I can’t disagree. Last week I caught him wearing one of your armbands..”
“The one your father gifted me after completing my rites of passage?”
“Amber stones, arrowed weaving?”
She snaps her fingers.
“That’s the one! The bastard. I’ve been searching for weeks.”
I chuckle, catching a glimpse of her profile at the side of my gaze.
“I don’t blame him, you know.”
My voice carried a sincereness that seemed out of place with the conversation.
She looks at me, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“For looking up to you.”
She scoffs.
“No. I’m serious.”
And as much as I regret cutting her off, the way she said my name, so tired, as if it was worn.
“You are one of the strongest warriors this clan has ever seen. I know that for a fact. I hear the way my parents speak of you. The way the people look at you, the way the children braid their hair to look like you. Everyone loves and admires you. I know for a fact I lov-“
She slows for a millisecond. That’s all it took to correct myself. Her steps only broke its pace as consciousness calculated on the ledge of what i knew so well I almost said.
“I love admiring you. I hope you know that.”
She shifts slightly, her fingers fidgeting with one another instead of being held behind her. I can tell my words are an impudent invasion that scratch and claw at the walls she’s built.
“You don’t have to say things like that.”
All I can do is smile.
“I wasn’t born with jesters privilege, I’m only saying what I know. I’m not glorifying you.”
And suddenly, i forgot the concept of boundaries.
I blame the aureate iridescence in the paradox of her irises. 
“You just don’t give yourself enough credit.”
She looks at me, confusion capturing her.
“What are you talking about?”
I shrug.
“You’ve saved lives. Protected our clan. Defended us against the sky people. What more can you ask of yourself?”
She stops walking this time. Her eyes staring straight ahead of us. 
Her head turns slowly to stare at me. It’s not a look of offense, or fear.
My hand reaches for her back, my palm placed against the small of it.
“It’s just something to think about.”
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Y/n’s pov 
You stare at him as if he's shown you colors for the first time. Epiphanies impulse under your skin, their unwelcomed and you’re unprepared.
As you approach the large area where other clan members have already sat down with their families, sharing food and laughter, you find yourself wandering astray.
“Give yourself more credit.”
Credit for what? What did you do to deserve praise?
Protected others? It wasn’t a task. It was second nature. If you didn't, what else would they ate from you?
What were you if not the sword and shield? What would you become the day the war ended?
There was no credit to be given. There was nothing to be given because there was nothing left. Because you refuse to repeat your mistakes. To suffer at another’s hand, to suffocate under the wreckage of what was built only to be torn down. Cankered, tattered, stained fingers clutching at the flesh that stretched across your bones, bruises worn like badges of honor. 
You were afraid. So afraid of being sheltered and delicate. Being blinded and impetuous. 
“Y/n. Come sit with me.”
You feel an arm link with yours, and you catch Kiri at your side.
The stray braids that hung by her neck like vines from a canopy of verdant haven swung while she walked. She guides you out of your solivangant sondering.
Her gestures were laconic. Her eyes marbled over with a generous concern as she whisked you away, grabbing a wooden bowl for herself and one for you as well where they were being distributed.
“Are you alright, dear? You’re zoning out a ton.” She whispers, placing a hand on your back.
You shake every former thought from your head, washing your mind clean.
“No, it is nothing. It’s foolish.”
“It’s not foolish if it’s bothering you.”
She corrects, looking down as she gathers some meat onto her plate from the communal fire.
You shift on your feet, eyes trailing her movements.
“I’m fine. I just..suppose i haven’t eaten enough today. Its making me spacey and slow.”
She nods slowly, her tail lightly swishing behind her.
“Well then, take this plate.”
She hands you the plate she had just finished filling with roasted sturmbeast, and squares of yovo fruit.
You shake your head graciously, handing it back yo her mindlessly.
“Oh Kiri no– no this was yours.”
She scoffs, waving you off.
“I'm more than capable of making myself a new plate.”
She smiles at you, and the familiarity of it is a comfort. 
The frail dark bangs that wisped lightly above her eyebrows sweep subtly in the night breeze, the weightless braids that hang on the sides of her head swing softly, you reach your hands out and tuck a strand behind her ear, your fingertips grazing the subtle honey-oak streaks, a delicacy in your touch as if you were handling something a fragile as a flower petal.
“You’re so good to me.” Your tone was beatific, gentle.
She smiles smugly, dragging her fingers across where your collarbones rose and fell upon each drawn breath before handing you the plate once again.
“I’m keeping you alive and fed.”
Lo’ak peaks himself from behind kiri, his tail swishing.
“Kiri can you make my plate next?”
Her smile drops.
“No. Make your own damn plate.”
She rolls her eyes, grabbing another wooden piece to start piling with food for herself.
Lo’ak gawks, offended.
“You made Y/n’s no problem!”
“That’s because I like y/n. I tolerate you.”
You laugh as Kiri links her arm with yours, whisking you away to the large dwelling in the center of highcamp.
A large fire with meat cooking over it, and families scattered into their little circles and sat around the ground, people weaving in and out to reach their group.
Some families wave to you, calling out thanks as you walked, because it was you who had hunted the sturmbeest with neteyam they were eating now.
Kiri and you found a seat next to Mo’at. Neytiri, Lo’ak, Tuk, Neteyam, and Jake had not returned yet, so you 3 waited.
“Did you girls get everything you need?”
Mo’at asks, resting her hand atop her knee.
You nodded, taking a seat.
“Yes ma’tsahik. We did.”
There was an unspoken formality between you and Mo’at. Despite her knowing you since you were born. An implicit etiquette that’s been emplaced in you ever since childhood.
She reaches out for your arms, her nails scarcely printing tiny marks on your palm as she inspects your wrist and hand.
“Your cuts are healing.” She informs you, somehow knowing even though your incises from the day before are not visible anymore.
You figured the cuts you got from spider's mask would heal relatively quickly. However, the memories of the accident would leave a different kind of scar. 
You gently placed your hand back in your lap, your gaze only flicking away from Mo’at to see Tuk skipping towards your small sitting area with a bow in her hand.
“The lake water might have sped up the process. It’s not bothering me, though. Just another couple cuts to add to my collection.”
Kiri giggles, nudging your arm.
“Another paint stroke to complete the masterpiece. Maybe we should hang you up next to tuk’s artwork.”
You snicker, making room for the smaller na’vi in question as she scurries to your side, snuggling herself in place next to you on the log.
“Healing cannot be rushed, child. Scars are more than just victories. It’s time you know that.”
Tuk gasps just as Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Neytiri find their places in the circle. 
She peers her head over your shoulder, looking down at your palm.
“It’s gonna be a scar??”
She blinked up at you with those big, disquieted, doleful eyes. She concernedly fumbled with your fingers, and you have to quickly gather her bowl into your lap with your other hand before it tips off her own with all of her movement.
“Oh no Tuk. I’m okay, love.” You kissed the top of her head, smiling at the way her nose twitched when you did.
“Do you want a kiss? To make it better.”
“Awh, sure. Thank you.”
She presses her lips to your bandaged palm.
“Mwah! All better.”  her sweet and stagey movements make you melt, proudly admiring her work.
“Thank you, Tuk-tuk.”
She sits back down, and you hand over her bowl.
She starts to eat, carefully picking the seeds out of her fruit slices.
“Are scars good or bad?”
She muffles through a mouthfull of juices.
Jake shrugs, leaning over to wipe the corners of her mouth with his thumb.
“Depends who you ask.”
Neytiri nods, her hand pressed to her chest briefly as she swallowed her bite before speaking.
‘Your father is correct. Scars are pieces of our memories. We carry them with us.”
“Nothing to be ashamed of, either. Back where i come from we wear our scars like badges of honor.”
Jake chimes in, setting his elbow on his knee, his back stretching forward.
Mo’at scoffed.
“Don’t listen to your father, children.”
Waving him off, she took a sip from her herbal tea. 
Jake frowned, wincing as if he were in a cramping-kinda pain.
“Oh, I think I just got a new one.”
“A what?”
Neytiri inquires, concerned, confused, placing a hand on her husbands back.
“A new scar?”
“From what?”
“My mother in law..agh, how she wounds me.”
Neytiri hisses, a smile breaking from her and my fathers lips. 
Mo’at is unamused.
Jake shakes his head as his laughter dies out.
“Come on, I mean, it’s symbolic.”
“Symbolic of what? Stupidity?”
Mo’at chuckled.
“Of bravery. Strength. Survival.”
Jake defies the Tsahik gently.
“Scars are cool.”
Lo’ak agrees half-mindedly, munching and speaking with a full mouth in a similar manner to Tuk.
“Look at y/n. Her scars are badass as fuck.”
You kept your head down. Stuck between accepting it as a compliment or perceiving it as pernicious.
“Lo’ak, we do not speak of others bodies.”
Neytiri sterns.
“Right, and how many times have i told you to watch that mouth.” 
Jake rebuked Lo’ak’s word choice rigorously, pinching the back of his neck lightly.
Lo’ak shrunk away from his touch, receiving it with nothing much than a scrunch of his face before continuing.
“Scars are like ways of saying ‘I got through it’. You know? I mean, I’d rather have a scar than the other alternatives.”
Neytiri opened her legs the slightest bit, propping up one crossed as she displayed the inner of her thigh. With delicate fingers, she traced over a darkened discoloration, a jagged scar that dragged across the surface.
“This scar appeared shortly after giving birth to Tuktirey.”
She explained, her tone soothing and benign. 
You leaned forward, getting a closer glimpse at it.
Tuk pouted, guilt striking her expression.
“I did that? I’m sorry.”
You gently drew her closer to your side, a small laugh that was horribly compressed left you.
“No, Tuk. You didn’t do it. Some mothers get them after having babies. It’s normal.”
You explained.
Neytiri nodded, smiling graciously at you for explaining so gently.
“That’s right. And it has been with me ever since that day. It’s a symbol. Like your father says. Celebrating the day of arrival for a gift in my life.”
She gently runs her slender fingers down Tuk’s cheek in an affectionate stroke, Tuk giggles at the sensation.
Jake took a swig from his cup.
“Hell, if that’s not strength, I don’t know what is. I know I sure as hell couldn’t do it.”
“Ew dad. We know. We know how the male body works.”
Kiri retorted, appalled.
“I’m surprised mom doesn’t have a scar from giving birth to Lo’ak and his big head.”
Neteyam mumbles into his cup, clearly not quietly enough.
A laugh was shared around the circle, even Neteyam shaking with chuckles as his head hung low for the moment.
Tuk looked at you, big eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“You have scars. Do you like them??”
The circle became silent for a moment.
Neytiri and Jake both hissed in unison, their tone hesitant, scold-like.
“Tuk, we don’t ask such things.”
Neteyam, always the 3rd parent, corrects softly.
Tuk glances back at you, the sully’s eyes tracking her gaze.
You shook your head, clearing your throat of the hoarsness.
“No, no. Its alright. I mean, we were talking about it, right? No harm in asking.”
You turned to tuk, your eyes softening at the sight of her.
“Most of them, yes. They are symbols, like your father says. Scars are like..stories. Every single one has a place of origin, epitomes of remaining unbroken.”
“I like this one.”
Tuk points to the scar on your shoulder, the zig-zag imprint that dragged across the plate of your acromion almost resembling lightning.
You smiled, letting her trace her smaller fingers over it.
“So do i.”
You whisper.
Neytiri smiles at the both of you. Her gaze holds its tender warmth, radiating its warmth like a sun ray washing your soul.
“My beautiful girls.” She coos, reaching out to kiss Tuk’s head and Tuk a braid behind your ear.
She turns to Kiri, side-gazing at Lo’ak and Neteyam.
“All of you are beautiful. No matter how many scars you have, you are all so much more than what lies on your skin.”
“We’re not beautiful Neteyam and I are stoic, unfeeling, we don’t have time for that.”
Lo’ak affirms, proudly slinging an arm around Neteyam, making him lurch to the side awkwardly, a couple of fruit slices roll off his plate due to the action.
“Lo’ak, my food.” Neteyam swats Lo’ak away.
Neytiri pouts, “No, both of my sons are beautiful.”
She grabs Neteyam’s face, peppering it with kisses before she does the same to Lo’ak.
Lo’ak groans, floundering in her hold.
“Ma, come on..stop..Okay, okay, stop. I’m not beautiful, I’m handsome.”
Neytiri taps his nose with her finger. “You’re both.”
 She giggles.
“You’re neither, you hell-raiser.”
Kiri hisses blatantly.
The air remained unscathed of burden as laughter simmered in the air, you found nepenthe with the Sully family, making the night seem so endless it could stretch into the stratosphere. 
You laughed as you spun Tuk around by her arms, the meaningless balter keeping her entertained her laughter.
“Again! Again!”
She laughs, jumping up and down, reaching up to be spun around again.
You smile, grabbing her arms.
“Okay, okay- ready? 1…2..3..”
Supporting her tightly by her forearms, you swing her around as her squeals of laughter flood your ears.
“Y/n, you up for a quick flight?”
It was Jake’s voice that beckoned your attention. You turned away from playing with tuk to see him gathering the wooden bowls in his arms to haul back to the sully’s tent.
“Right now?”
He nods, shifting the pile in his arms. “Yeah. I mean, do you have something planned?”
You can’t remember the last time Jake Sully willingly encouraged anyone in his family to go on ikran out after dark since the return of the Rda unless it was him and Neytiri for the occasional date night.
You turn to Neytiri,  who only gives Jake a pensive look.
“Will you be out late?”
He shakes his head.
“Of course not, baby. Just taking Y/n out for a little nighttime crusade.”
Neytiri nods, slowly and pensively as she hands the bowls in her hands over to Neteyam.
There’s a stretch of quiet that spreads through the air. High camp was settling down for the evening. Families gathering up their food and families and eating ware and retreating back to their tents and huts for rest. It was unusual to be out past that tim unless Jake had arranged a patrol group.
“Where are you guys even going this late?” Lo’ak queries intrepidly.  
Jake shrugs, starting to walk behind Mo’at, who held hands with Tuk and walked alongside Kiri back towards the sully’s tent.
“Just got something’s to discuss.”
Jake’s answers are succinct and ambiguous.
Neteyam rears himself closer to Jake, his steps carefully matching pace with his father as he carted the woven sack of sitting mats under his arm.
“Will you be discussing the next raid? I can accompany you both if needed, father.”
He glances at you preventively, as if desiring to shape himself into a shield around you.
Jake causally declined his offer, patting his shoulder supportively.
“I think we’re good for tonight, son. You can rest easy.”
Neteyam nods, but you can tell he’s chastened. Jake always kept Lo’ak and Neteyam in this constant cage that clipped their wings, keeping them away from the fighting.
But something tells you this wasn’t about raid planning, or even the war.
Jake hands the pile in his arms off to Kiri, who mumbles under her breath as she tries to catch up with Mo’at. He turns to you, “Y/n, why don’t you run along and gear up Kailo. I’ll meet you at the crevice in a few minutes.”
Before you could answer, Neytiri appears behind him, her eyes softening soothingly, her gaze condemning with concern.
“Please be safe. Both of you.”
She whispered, placing a hand on your cheek and reaching up to kiss Jake’s shoulder.
“Baby, nothing will happen to her or me as long as I’m there.”
Neytiri doesn’t seem consoled.
“Y/n, please keep an eye on him.”
She sighs.
You chuckle, letting her kiss your hairline.
“I promise.”
She cracks a small smile, Jake reaches for her palm. Ghosting her fingertips across her lip, kissing the heel of her palm.
As if committing the feel of her skin to memory, even if he’s not away from her for long.
“Don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.”
He winks at her, his eyes drifting to the cinch of her waist.
“Ew gross.”
You recoil, scrunching up your nose at Jake.
He rolls his eyes, waving you off.
“Go. Get your ikran ready. I’ll be there in a bit.”
You nod, jogging off to the rookery where your clans ikrans resided.
The air tonight was warm. Undertones of a glass remnants and tattered clouds. You were halfway to the crevice, quieting yourself with your inner thoughts, when you paused at the call of your name.
A juvenile voice echoes behind you. High pitched and distinct.
You turn around, and a small Na’vi child comes into view. She has yellow feathers in her hair. A woven grass top and braids that reached her shoulder blades. 
Popiti. She was one of your students. She was apart of the group of children Makeyo and you taught archery lessons.
“Popiti! What are you doing here, evi’? (Child, affectionate.)
She scampered to you, wrapping her arms around your waist, smiling wide.
“She wanted to come say thank you.”
Another voice gathered your attention.
A taller Na’vi slowly sweeps her way out of the shadows. Tall. Feminine. Her steps were rushed. They lacked gracefulness. Her confidence was pure forgery, wearing a mask made of fool's gold and a fetish for mystique.
You greeted, your face rather neutral.
Kyuna was only older than you by a year. Regardless of your age, you always surpassed her in most aspects.
She could never finish a hunt. Meanwhile you were dragging home freshly arrows skin-deep in a yerik.
Everyone is valued in your clan. That was a known fact. But it was you who was named the Olo’eyktan a strongest warrior.
You were stronger. Faster. Smarter. 
It made you feel a bit guilty, how often so many didn’t make any effort to make your transcendence discreet. 
She smiled at you. It was thin. Fake. Feigning any ounce of genuine decency.
“Popiti here wanted to thank you for y tonight’s meal. It was you who hunted the sturmbeast, right?”
You nodded, still stroking the top of Popiti’s head affectionately
“Yes. I was. It was my pleasure, Popiti.”
You smiled graciously down at the little girl who beamed up at you as if you were everything she ever wanted to become.
“When I get big, I’m going to be a warrior just like you. I’m gonna have a beautiful bow, with carvings and beads just like yours! And I’m gonna have-“
Your heart melts a bit as she rambles on, every word idolizing you.
A sudden hand on her head cuts her off. Kyuna pulls her closer in the opposite direction. Her ability to endure the nicety’s hanging by a thread. 
“Popiti, why don’t you run along home.”
Her smile pathetically conceals the bite in her tone.
“But I don’t know how-“
With a small, sad wave, the smaller Na’vi huffs and stomps away.
You tilt your head back up to Kyuna.
When your eyes met hers, you can tell she’s frustrated just by the mere sight of you.
You cleared your throat, trying to rid the awkward intermission from the air.
“It was nice of her to thank me in person. She’s a good kid.”
Kyuna’s arms remained crossed, her gaze distant, occupied with other things
“Mhm. I’m surprised you had time to see her, after all, you’re always busy with the Olo’eyktan or..or those Sully boys.”
Lo’ak and Neteyam were both men but whatever.
She clicks her tongue, raking your figure up and down.
You forced a laugh.
“Well, I am living with them after all.”
“And sleeping with them.”
You snap your head up. The comment a little too dour to be a meaningless joke.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh! Y/n, I’m sorry.”
She suddenly gasps, her hand flying to cover her mouth that hangs wide open like an animal expecting food.
“I would never mean it like that, I just meant that ever since the clan decided to come up here to the mountains, everybody’s tents became a little…disorganized. Right? You’re sleeping in a hammock with Lo’ak? So I’ve heard.”
You don’t know where the fuck she would even ‘hear’ that from.
You straightened, your patience running thin and your tolerance for jealousy incredibly low.
“It’s two separate hammocks woven together. We’re not sleeping ontop of one another.”
You elaborated, chuckling to yourself.
“Can you even imagine sleeping so close to one of them? Well, I’m sure some would want to imagine it.”
Your tone carried a clear enmity.
Her cheeks flushed, her tail swishing fervently behind her.
Shes nervous now. What happened to all of that confidence?
“Well, I hope I don’t strike you as someone who’s desperate.”
“Oh no, of course not. That’s what makes people so good at it.”
You smiled, locking your fingers together behind your back.
She’s stunned for a moment. Stilling as her imperceptible brain struggles to process everything that’s been said.
“Well, I must be going. I have to meet with the Olo’eyktan. But I wish you a good night, Kyuna.”
She snaps out of her daze.
“H-huh? Oh. Oh yes, good night, Y/n.”
She stares at you. A mix of awe and envy compete for sovereignty.
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“What are we doing here?”
You and Jake had flown into the night, and landed on one of the mountain tops, the flat rock making space for you both as he sat across from you.
“Have a seat, Y/n.”
You didn’t know why he had brought you there. And you were feeling anxious for n some unknown reason. When you left, Jake insisted you leave your bow and other weapons at home. He promised that you didn’t need them. But how could he know that? How can he possibly understand the stability you felt when those objects were near?
Death, chaos, war, grief, it didn’t wait for anyone. Ever.
“Am I in trouble?”
You asked, nervously shifting on your feet. The rest of the world seemed to drift farther and farther away.
“Because If I did something wrong, I can fix it. I promise.”
“Jake this is killing me just tell me why-“
You felt his large palms cup your biceps, holding you still.
“Take a deep breath.”
He said softly.
You looked at him puzzled before inhaling in, holding it for a good 3 seconds then exhaling out.
“Attagirl. Are we calm now?”
You nodded, finally sitting across from him, crossing your legs.
He smiled at you, clearly proud of himself.
“Y/n, welcome to your very first therapy session.”
You begged the finest pardon?
You froze. 
Did you hear him right?
Therapy. The word sounded familiar. Then you remember that day he told you about it when you both went hunting.
Should you laugh? Be pissed? Both?
“What the hell are you talking about. Jake?”
He shrugged.
“Well, I’m no professional-“
“But I’d figured this would help with…”
He considers his next words, opting for gesturing to your entire self with his hands, 
“Jake, I love you. I really do. You’ve done so much for me over the years. But I’m about 2 minutes away from rocking your shit.”
Not paying any mind to the threat. Jake waves his arms, ridding your frustration from the air.
“You know what, let’s start over. And please. Just give this a chance, yeah?”
Jake leaned back, locking his fingers together and resting them on his stomach.
“Usually this kind of thing starts with a simple introduction.
Hi, my name is Jake. And I will be your therapist this evening.”
“Jake you know my name.”
He nods.
“Maybe I know your name yes, but I’m here to know your soul and what energy you put out into the universe.”
“Are you stroking out? What the fuck are you talking about.”
He groans.
“Come on kid, bare with me.”
You sigh defeatedly.
“Okay. Okay. Hi. My name is y/n. And I’m an adrenaline addict. Better?”
“…well, we had to start somewhere.”
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Authors note:
Stay hating Kyuna. Ik your itching like a bitch without your eczema cream 💕🫶🏽
lol anyways, I hope you guys Enjoyed this chapter. It’s very rushed but I had so much writing sully family fluff. And starting next chapter, we’ll get into Neteyam starting his training with Y/n. And you best believe there is some tension 😌 also you’re gonna have mini therapy sessions with Jake from now on. Remember when they discussed that in chapter 3?? lol.
But I wanted to share a little life update with you guys. I hope you don’t mind. For those of you who don't know, I’m in a relationship. And yes, sme of you probably know him as the guy who was the victim of my cgi faces avatar experiment 🤭
Now, I don't want anyone thinking I'm bragging or ‘rubbing it in others' faces)’…you guys are the first people I've told. I'm still in shock about it. The point of telling you guys this is that love is beautiful, and I don't think my writing can even begin to express the full extent of that. And one of the many things I love is writing for you guys. I know you guys have never met me and probably never will, and I'm just some person tapping away about blue aliens and posting my silly little rants from time to time, but please know that I appreciate all of you. Every single one of you who read, support, comment, like, repost, my anons, my followers, the friends I've made here, I hope I make you guys as happy as you all have made me. I can’t wait to share my fics and creations with all of you. One of the reasons I love writing for ‘y/n’ and reader inserts is because as someone who has read y/Insert fics, I know how special they can make us feel. So long rant short, I hope I make you guys feel like sexy, gorgeous, devastatingly beautiful, badass bitches yall are ☾⁺☀︎₊𖦹✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⁺☀︎₊ ⁺☀︎₊☾⁺☀︎₊ ⋆⁺𖦹₊⋆⁺☀︎₊
Taglist 🪐🌑🪻
@fluorynn (my guest of honor 👑)
@isnt-itstrange @thebestrouge
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sariixxx · 1 year
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𝗠. 𝗙𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 ღ
You were chilling in your dorm, bored as hell.
Nobara and the others were already sleeping, which you had been waiting for.
That meant you finally got to hang out with your lovely boyfriend, Megumi.
'Gumi <3
'Gumi <3
Will you come over now or what?
Aw are you missing me that much? 😻😻
'Gumi <3
You know what I take it back. I'll lock my dorm door.
'Gumi <3
too bad
🥹🥹 pls
'Gumi <3
fine be quiet thi
Alr see you in 10
'Gumi <3
Why so long?
I can't just straight walk to the boys's dorms idiot. Gojo will make me run laps around the whole school 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
'Gumi <3
Ugh fine, hurry up tho
Awwww you do miss me
'Gumi <3
Start moving idiot <3
A slight grin makes its way to your face as you see Megumi's last message.
Should I change before going over?
You think about it for a second but then decide that the sweatpants and oversized T-Shirt will do it.
Your head peeks out of your room as you watch the empty hallway.
Then you close the door and try to walk as quiet as possible.
After some minutes you arrive at your destination and knock on the door quietly.
Soon after Megumi opens, immediately pulls you inside by the arm, and picks you up in an embrace.
Your eyes soften at the sweet act.
Normally he was more closed off and had a hard time showing affection but today was probably your lucky day.
You hug him back until he places you on his bed, gently.
"What took you so long??", he murmured against your chest, him kneeling in front of you while you sit comfortably.
"Well I had to pick a route so nobody would see me... Also I kind of stole some snacks from the kitchen.", you grin and shove your hands into your pockets.
"Here you go!", you hold out your hands and he just smiles and shakes his head, "Unbelievable."
He takes one of the snacks and lays down on his bed.
"How was your day?", he asks, gesturing you to lay down beside him.
You do as he tells you and say, "Meh I trained with Maki today. She was ruthless, but it was still cool. Ohh and Gojo told me soon I will go on a mission. With Inumaki!! Isn't that cool?"
"With Toge? Since when do we carry out mission with 2nd years?", he raises an eyebrow.
"Well Gojo said since I'm a grade 1 I could easily take part in more advanced missions. So he set me up with Inumaki, since he's the highest ranked right now.", you say while munching your food.
He nods, a little in thought, "I see."
"Is that a problem?", you ask tilting your head to the side.
"Huh- no no of courso not! Just... be careful.", he mumbles.
You chuckle a little, "Oh come on that's not all, is it?"
Mehumi groans and puts his arm over his face, "I'd rather have me going with you."
You blink, twice and then smile so bright, you can't hold it in.
"I want to kiss you so bad right now, you have no idea Megs.", you whisper.
He blushes, hard, "What the hell why would you randomly say that-"
You cut him off by hovering over him, put your hands beside his head and kiss his lips.
You could swear you heard him whimper so you grin into the kiss.
"You're adorable, you know that? And sooo pretty, you could be a super model! Like so beautiful, literally my pretty boy!", you blabber while putting butterfly kisses all over his face.
If he wasn't red before, he definitely is now.
Cheeks so dark you think he'd faint any point and lips glistening as if he just made out with you for hours.
"Stop.. you're so embarrassing..", he mumbles trying to cover his face.
You giggle and hold his hand form in place and kiss him once again.
His arms wander up your waist as you sink down on him and breathe heavily.
"But like- I really mean it Megumi. You're the only one for me. You really are my pretty boy.", you say after ending the kiss.
And somehow he can't tell you to cut it out, because for some reason, his heart never beat faster than right now.
Knowing that you thought of him so highly, thought of him as your pretty boy.
That alone made him feel the happiest he's ever been.
255 notes · View notes
erxxi3 · 1 year
hi kyle it's moss, they are here with an ada wong request, but don't feel pressured writing it if it's not for your taste (or you can change ada for whoever you want, it's kinda free form)💕
— (this is some kind of au but what kind, nobody knows) it's friday night, movie night where chris, claire, leon, luis, ada, and you get together at one of your guys' place with snacks, drinks, everything that is needed to have fun. as always, ada and you take the couch to yourselves with a giant blanket, you sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers. oh how she can't help herself and how she is so grateful everyone is focusing on the loud movie that is playing, she has plenty of space and opportunity to let her hands wander around your body and more...
hope you have fun with this mess 🤭 again, do not feel pressured to write it, only if you'd like
This request was really good anyways I just love ada wong bc she is the best girl besides Jill.
Have fun with your requested fic Moss and this took me a while to write although it was not hard work for me!! &lt;3
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— Thats it baby, Focus on me.
Pairings: Ada wong x Fem! Reader
Summary: What the request said bc I can’t say anymore things 😭
Cw. Secret relationship w ada wong, slight mommy kink, fingering, cunnilingus, getting heard/caught by Claire, body worship, praise, wlw, kissing session + marks being left, and fluff at the end. NOT PROOF READ AND PLS LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING!
Character Count: 13.1k
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It was a friday night, which meant a movie night with the group (chris, claire, leon, luis, ada, and you) getting together at your place to watch a couple of crappy horror movies in a circle on the floor of your living room while the rest of your friends go about their own business. you've already made popcorn and have a bunch of beer in front of you, as well as soda and milk for all of them. leon is sitting next to you, his arm slung around the back of your couch while the other hand rests on your shoulder.
when he sees a movement out of the corner of his eye he reaches up and turns off the TV, just because he doesn't want people to startle at the sound of the tv being turned on, then turns to face you. he's got that dopey grin on his face and you can feel yourself turning red. you know that you like it when he looks at you, but you also know that it might be too much.
So instead you try to avoid another deep conversation, turning the TV back on putting on a three hour long movie, and bringing out this gigantic blanket throwing it over everyone except ada because she happened to have brought one from your bedroom. Although, before she had went to grab it you told her that it was fine with you.
Ada has been acting weird ever since you and Leon had been becoming close friends, though not in an awkward way. she'd always been pretty easy going, which was how you knew that you were totally into her even if she didn't seem to notice it.
What had made it harder for you was that there wasn't really anything else to talk about when you were hanging out with ada. About the time the movie will start, you try to get comfortable on the floor, as you are sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers.
It was a little uncomfortable, so you try to move back, but she moves forward pushing herself closer until your thighs touch, then sliding your arms around your waist pressing her hands behind your back. she starts playing with the hem of your shirt. her lips brush your ear and you shiver.
"You don't wanna do that," you murmur quietly so that no one else can hear the two of you, but the movie is loud they are probably not going to. she pulls away. "it wouldn't be right." you whisper still trying to move back without making a big deal out of it. you're embarrassed about the whole thing but even more to be caught by the others with ada.
"Maybe we can go to your room." she whispers to you making your cheeks flushed red.
You are sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers. you're sure it'll be ok. if anyone would notice it, it's ada. and she hasn't mentioned it once. but that just means that she's thinking about it, so maybe the whole thing isn't such a bad idea. She pulls back. "I guess," you murmur. she gets up slowly and takes your hand as you get up and follow her upstairs, stopping outside of your door. she leans down giving you a peck. then pulls away again looking shyly at your feet.
you smile at her softly then open your door and step inside closing it behind you. ada follows in and you walk over to your bed, she sits down. you sit next to her and give her a kiss. it feels different than your first one, or the ones that came after it. there's something more to that feeling.
you pull apart a second later. "We should probably lock the door..” she mumbles looking embarrassed as she pulls the door shut. “you know.. for safety reasons.” you nod, “yeah, good idea…” you murmur blushing hard. she kisses you again and you both end up crawling onto your bed. she straddles your lap.
you take a deep breath, you know exactly where this is going.
"i think we should.." you pause biting your lip and leaning forward so that your noses touch. "should uh…" you start kissing her neck trailing soft kisses down to her collarbone and back up again. This goes on for a couple of minutes until the two of you stop. "are you.. ready?" she asks quietly hoping that the answer won't be yes. ada nods slightly, smiling a bit. you lean up and kiss her deeply for several seconds.
she tastes so sweet just like candy.
she lays you down and begin kissing every inch of your skin that you have exposed . ada runs her hands through your hair and you hold onto her tightly. you feel ada's tongue trace patterns on your stomach and her mouth makes its way to your breasts. you moan. "oh god..." she murmurs pulling your top off and taking it over her head. you reach up running your fingers through her hair and gently tugging. ada giggles. she kisses and nibbles down your body until you are completely naked under her hands, then you pull back. "are you ready for me now?" she murmurs moving closer to kiss your neck again.
Humming in response, just knowing ada loves to be rough but knows when you aren't ready to go all the way. "alright baby... i'm gonna show you how much I love you..." you feel ada's teeth bite lightly into your neck, leaving an impression that she likes it but she also knows that your limits.
"Good girl... now let me mark you~" your eyes drift closed at those words, while you let her. she traces her tongue across the top of your left breast and then traces it down towards your belly button. she trails light touches along your abdomen and back up until she finally reaches your pubic bone. you squirm. "oh baby..." you whine. ada smiles at you. "you're ready." you nod.
"let's do it.." you say in a husky voice. ada looks up at you for a second then starts to work on getting rid of your pants and underwear until you're both lying naked on your bed together. you look at each other in awe. ada smiles. "let's make it quick okay.." she says kissing you again. your mind races with thoughts of all the things you wanted to do with ada. she begins moving her hips up and down gently rubbing circles around your clitoris causing a sharp gasp to escape your lips.
"fuck.." you moan. ada continues to grind into your body at a steady pace. you run a hand through her hair as she rocks into you. "oh god.." you moan again. ada stops moving suddenly, "don't come yet okay.. i can tell you're almost there.." she says kissing your cheek. you close your eyes, "come on.. please.." you whimper desperately. you want her so badly but you also want everything to slow down so that it feels like you're coming alive.
ada gives you a last long kiss. "give me a moment," she murmurs getting up off of you to take her own panties off. "hold on my baby.." she whispers in your ear. "just give me a minute.” you're not sure why she says it so softly, she always calls you baby in public but when you have sex with her it doesn't feel intimate at all, just comforting. she crawls back on top of you, then presses her lips against yours and she slips a finger inside of you.
you moan, "ah.." she moves the digit inside faster. "that's it.. that's the spot...” you moan. she rubs her finger against you, making you moan louder. "so tight.." she murmurs nuzzling your neck, "just let go baby, let go.." you feel her hand slip inside you and slide all the way to your clit and rubbing vigorously. you groan softly "oh yeah..” she continues to press her lips against yours. "oh fuck.." you moan and close your eyes, feeling waves of pleasure hitting your core. your legs wrap round ada's waist.
She starts to move her fingers a faster and you can already feel your body tensing up. you moan again, your hands squeezing onto her sides as another wave of pleasure hits you. "shhh, baby..” she hushes holding your hips firmly, keeping the pace steady and fast.
"it's alright..” you moan and your grip on her tightens. "it's okay baby....” her voice is filled with excitement. "faster.." you beg her. you can't stand it anymore your hips bucking upwards. you feel ada pull out and grab a pillow from the bed and place it under your back and she starts thrusting. "ah shit...” you groan, grabbing the pillow tighter. "you're so beautiful.. such a nice body.." she murmurs against your neck.
Throwing your head back, in closure to climaxing, as her words of praise are sending you to cloud 9 while her fingers work you like magic. "hnnn!" you cry out . "almost there...hold out a bit longer...just focus on me.” she whispers whipping away the tears from your face with her other hand.
The state you were in made ada capture this moment as if it was a vivid dream, you trembling underneath her not being able to hold out any longer while you were crying and gasping for air, your body tensed up and shaking, your arms wrapped around her torso in ectascy.
You had never felt anything like this before. you didn't expect the intensity that came with it, you thought it'd be a little less intense, but it was even better. you could taste yourself on her lips and she kissed you softly. "your mine..” she whispers and places a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you shudder as she continues pumping her fingers into you. "God— Ada!” you moaned her name as you put your head into her chest trying to muffle all the sounds that came from you besides the sqeltching wetness of your pussy being pounded by her fingers.
"m` close....” you groan feeling as though you might faint from orgasm. you can feel sticky liquid trickling down your plush thighs as her fingers continue pounding into you. "yes-- gonna cum.." you blurt out following a pornographic moan gripping onto the sheets beneath you. "I've gotcha baby, keep making those sweet sounds for me..” you feel your whole body tightening in response to her pleasurable tone and you feel the tension leave your body. "ahhh..” you let out a soft moan releasing on her fingers and the grey sheets beneath you.
Ada lowered herself down and began lapping the juices running from your cunt as she praises you with such words as: "you did so well..” and "you taste so fucking amazing just like how I imagined.."
Ada says smirkingly at you before pressing a lingering kiss on your cunt, then the two of you heard loud footsteps coming towards the locked door. "fuck!!” you shriek covering your crotch with one hand. "shit shit shit shit shit..." ada said scrambling for your clothes as you scrambled around for yours which you were still wearing.
You both pulled your pants on quickly as the footsteps came closer to the door. Telling ada to hide somewhere because they can’t know that you two are secre together. Walking towards the door and unlocking it, cracking it slight, you said “Yes?” and it was Leon outside the door telling you that the others are heading out, but that Claire wanted to talk to you.
He calls Claire and leaves the both of you alone to talk. “Listen…I don’t want to be that type of person to say this, but I heard everything.” The silence became loud as you stared at her with a blank ass stare , unable to believe what she had just told you. "what do you mean?” you ask.
"I overheard the whole thing, you and ada in your room, And we were sitting downstairs just chatting about the movie, but I was trying to keep quiet about your business.” She pauses waiting for you to reply. you sigh heavily. "we should probably stop this conversation here because I’ve got to meet with sherry right now...” she nods. “I see..could you keep this between you and me?”
“yeah..yeah no problem.”
“i'll get going now.." Claire says walking away and back downstairs leaving.
"Alright..talk later." You nod, closing the door behind you slowly and looking concerned , you turn around only to find ada standing by the door watching you. "hey babe..what did she say to you?" She asks.
"she knew."
"She knows we're seeing each other, but she said she would keep quiet about this and not tell the others.” You say, looking down, not wanting to look her in the eye.
"wow.." she takes a deep breath and wraps her arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her. "she's a good listener... but she cares about us. I don't wanna be exposed to the others and she knows how I feel.” You sigh, "yeah she does.” ada mumbled. "look at me." she pulls your chin up to look at her face. "no matter what happens, if they find out about our relationship let them..”
"Let them think what they wanna,” you shake your head slightly, "they can't make us break up because of some stupid rumors they hear, and I'm not breaking up with you over something like this." She kisses you gently, "I love you..”.
“I love you too.” You smile lightly holding her hand in yours and caressing it softly. "however,” she began to speak, "I still think we should tell them tonight, so they can stop pestering us..”
"And you think this will help us?” you said puzzled
"well you haven't mentioned our relationship yet to them, so maybe i’ll send a message to the groupchat and finally leave us be.” You said grabbing your phone off the nightstand texting the groupchat about your relationship with ada and that you’ve been keeping it a secret from everyone, and to keep their noses out of your affairs.
After a couple hours later, you went to sleep in ada's arms after dinner and bath. you woke up in a tangle of limbs. ‘i hope she’s okay sleeping next to me..’ you think snuggling into ada more, enjoying her warmth, she stirs in her sleep and moves towards you wrapping her arms tightly around you in a hug. you smile softly and drift off to sleep again.
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so I was looking thru ur pinned post and saw that u wrote for Harry Potter and was wondering if you would do a fic for George Weasley? ( fem reader pls) but basically, I was just kind of thinking of an introverted Gryffindor who loves books and George meets them and they both (very obvious to others) have a crush on each other? Maybe George just asks them for book recs even tho he had no interest in reading before just so he can find a way to talk to the reader? I know you have a lot of fics in the making so take ur time please<3
A HP REQUEST?? This is amazing I'm so excited to be branching out from maze runner again, and I absolutely love this request it's super cute ❤❤. Ty for being so kind and sweet as well :)
Umm :D So I wrote the above ^^^ response as soon as the request came in and now... IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS IM SO SORRY ANON!! Hope you're still out there to read 😭
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It's a love story
George Weasley x fem!reader
I am not British *thumbs up in australian* so prepare either for out-of-place non-british dialogue or cringe attempts to fit into the universe. idk which one it's gonna be so I guess we'll find out
3.1k words
Warnings: language (swearing)
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You turn the corner and register a flash of red hair before colliding hard with a body.
You groan as you sit up, staring around to see your books have been knocked out of your arms and onto the floor.
"Fuck, sorry, listen I've gotta-"
You turn in surprise as Filch marches down the corridor, fist raised with an expression of rage on his face.
"Shit," you whisper.
"Yeah," says the person who knocked you over, who you've now found is none other than George Weasley. Of course, the guy you've kinda sorta maybe liked for years is only talking to you after literally bowling you over.
"Here." He points his wand and charms all your books into little palm-sized rectangles, before gathering them up and stuffing them in his pockets. "We've gotta go."
"Where?" you stare around the empty corridor, unable to find a decent hiding spot.
"Follow me." George leads you over to a dusty-looking tapestry and ducks behind it.
"What the-"
"Come on!" he reaches out and grabs your hand, tugging you in.
You stumble through the gap between the tapestry and the wall, practically falling into George's chest.
"Sorry," you mutter, and you're glad it's dark because you can feel your face blushing like crazy.
"I know you're 'round 'ere, Weasley," you hear Filch snarl from outside.
You hear him muttering to himself as his footsteps eventually recede, and you let out a breath. "He's gone."
You turn to push through the tapestry to get out, only to be met with a thin slab of solid stone. "What-"
George winces. "Yeah, once you get in here it closes for about half an hour."
"Half an hour?" you repeat incredulously.
You can barely see his nod in the dark. "I mean, one of them closes for two hours once you get in, so half isn't too bad."
There's beat of silence, before, "Lumos."
The tip of George's wand lights up, illuminating the small space. "Oh, it's you," he says, seemingly on instinct the moment the light appears.
He seems to catch himself, shaking his head. "Nevermind, just- Here, sit down."
You sit down on the floor with your legs crossed, heart skipping a beat as your knee brushes against his in the cramped space.
"We're in the same Transfiguration class, aren't we?" asks George.
"Yeah." You're pleasantly surprised by that. You tend to be pretty quiet in class, mostly keeping to yourself.
"You're always the first person to get a new transfiguration successfully. Bird to glass on the first try, right?"
"I- yes," you say, warming at the recognition of the hard work you've always put into Transfiguration.
He nods. "Took me the whole lesson to get that one right. Hey, I never caught your name in class?"
"It's L/n," you say. "Y/n L/n."
"Good to meet ya, Y/n," he grins. "I'm George."
"I know," you can't help but say, smiling slightly.
"Oh, your books." George empties his pockets of your miniaturised books. "Engorgio." He waves his wand over them, changing them back to their normal size.
"Thanks," you say, pulling them towards you and stacking them up.
"You read a lot?"
You smile to yourself, picturing the dozens of books you go through in a term. "Just a bit."
"Sure," says George, eyeing the four novels sitting in front of you now.
Before long, you reach out and push against the tapestry, finding it to be cloth again instead of stone.
"Time to go?" George stands and pushes through, and you follow him into the corridor.
"Finally," you say, stretching before grabbing your books.
"Sorry about earlier," says George with a sheepish smile. "And for trapping you for half an hour."
You shake your head. "It's okay."
He grins at you. "Alright then, see you 'round, Y/n."
You stand still, rooted to the ground as he leaves, waving behind him, and something in you clicks. Oh shit.
Any thoughts about George a put aside for the night when you settle down with your book.
The common room late at night is your happy place. Most people are sleeping in the dorms, save for a couple 6th years finishing their assignments.
You tune out their little whisperings as you sit beside the crackling fire, and you can just pretend you're alone in the common room, getting lost in your book.
Before long, you're actually alone, with the remaining people all retreating to their dorms - except for one that you haven't noticed.
George is sitting across the room, barely paying attention to the essay he's meant to be editing. Every so often, he glances up at you without you noticing.
After years of sharing the same Transfig class, something about you has piqued George's interest, though he's always tried to mark it down as pure curiosity.
He can't believe it's taken literally knocking you to the ground to get your attention, and he doesn't understand how he hadn't properly met you before earlier that day. But now, he can't seem to resist the strange pull you have on him.
Get yourself together, you've only met once, idiot. George frowns as he silently berates himself, but he can't help but watch as you repeatedly flick away a strand of hair that keeps falling into your eyes.
Fuck it. Go talk to her.
George stands abruptly, nearly knocking over a goblet in the process.
You, the oblivious centre of all his thoughts for the past few hours, are still just sitting beside the fire, reading your book.
You jerk slightly in surprise, grabbing your book as it starts sliding out of your lap.
"Um, hi. What's up?" you manage to say coolly.
George blanks. He hadn't exactly come in with a plan. He glances down at the assignment he'd been working on; good enough. "Did you finish that work Flitwick gave us?"
"I haven't yet," you say slowly, slightly confused as to why he's here. "I've just gotta write a conclusion and edit the rest."
"I haven't got a clue how to write the damn conclusion," says George, flopping down beside you and complaining about the rigid essay structure.
You realise as he's talking that it's strangely intimate. Earlier, you'd been sitting on the floor with your back leaning on a couch and your knees up, braced against the coffee table.
Now, you're both wedged between said couch and table, and despite the generous space between the two of you, you feel oddly close to him.
"Can I read yours?" he asks, pointing to where your assignment has been sitting since you gave up and decided to just read your book.
"Sure," you say, sliding it to him.
He leans against the couch as he skims your work, fingers tapping absent-mindedly.
"God you write like a professor, Y/n," comments George. "...the fuck are all these words- incandescence?"
"I... read a little," you say with a little smile, cheeks warming at the way your name sounds in his mouth.
He glances up at you. "This is brilliant. So you've just got the conclusion to do?"
You nod, taking back the assignment as he pushes it to you.
You end up staying up way longer than you'd intended, talking to George as the conversation topic quickly strays away from any Charms essays.
By the time you go to your dorms, you haven't even finished your conclusion.
"Mate, you're not nearly as subtle as you think you are," says Fred, elbowing his brother.
George elbows him right back. "What're you on about?"
"The staring," says Fred, grin teasing. "It's getting embarrassing. If whatever little crush you've now got starts affecting my reputation, we're gonna have to have a chat about this twin thing."
George rolls his eyes. "Git."
"So..." Fred drags out the word. "Who is it then?"
He jerks his chin towards the group of girls on the other side of the Gryffindor breakfast table, where George had been conspicuously staring at you all morning.
"The one on the left - Y/L/N, she's in our Transfig class."
"Oh!" says Fred, eyes lighting up in understanding. "Oh she's great, I did a project with her once. Quiet type, bookish. Fun, though. Pretty, too," he adds, raising an eyebrow at George.
"Shut it," retorts George. "What should I do then?"
"I don't fuckin' know Georgie, just go talk to her. Ask for book recommendations or something."
"That's... actually a decent idea."
" 'course it is," says Fred. "Anything to get you guys together as fast as possible so I don't have to deal with your lovesick horsecrap."
A Quidditch game has just finished (Gryffindor victory, of course), and you're avoiding the inevitable party in the common room. You can enjoy parties on a good day, but you're just not feeling it right now.
So you're in the library, wandering around as you wait for dinner.
"Y/n!" You turn to see George doing a weird half-run toward you, not wanting to be yelled at for running in the library.
"Oh, George. Hey."
"I figured you'd be in here," he says.
"You figured...?"
"Well," he raises an eyebrow at you. "Since you read a little."
You huff out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "So why were you looking for me?"
You try to listen as he speaks, but you're immediately distracted by just about everything about him.
His cheeks are flushed red, probably cause he just transitioned from the cold outside to the heated library, and his hair is windswept and slightly wet from melted snowflakes.
He's gotten rid of his Quidditch gear, but it's strange to see him in just the casual clothes students usually wear in the dorms and common room again.
And he's still speaking. Pay attention, Y/n.
"Anyways, I just wanted to find you, cause you know, hobbies... and literature, are really... important. And the Christmas holidays are coming up. So I just wanted to ask if you had any recommendations."
You frown slightly as you remember it's only the start of November, and he barrels on, almost seeming nervous.
"For books, I mean. To read, over the holidays. I don't, uh- come in here very often, so I don't know what's good. You seemed like a good person to ask." He scrubs a hand over the back of his neck as he speaks, giving you a hopeful smile.
"I am," you say with a smirk. You straighten up confidently, banishing any nervousness because books; books you can do.
"Great," says George. "What've you got for me, Y/L/N?"
"Well what kind of books do you like?"
His grin falters. "Um-"
"Fiction, non-fiction, stories, biographies?"
"Sure." You navigate to another aisle, moving into the more fiction-y section. "Action, ooh- historical, adventure, romance?" You lift an eyebrow at the last one.
"I-" He clears his throat, and you smile slightly to yourself. "Action is good, I think," he says uncertainly.
You scan the shelf currently at your eye level, before picking out a book. "I love this one," you tell him. "Pretty fast paced, which might be good for you. Also, dragons."
"Dragons," he repeats. "Great."
"How many books are you looking for?" you ask.
"Just one, I think. I wanna... get into reading, before the holidays start."
"Sure," you say, holding the book out to him.
It's like sun breaking through, when he smiles in return. "Do you think we could meet up?" he begins. "To talk about the book once I've read it?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you smile. "And you have to tell me what you like, so I can recommend you the next one."
Ever since giving George that first book you've started seeing him almost every day.
The two of you can be found huddled together in the little nooks around the library, or behind the greenhouses, or down by the lake, talking about books and school and everything in between.
But soon the holidays arrive, and you're saying goodbye to him and the rest of your friends.
Your parents are being forced to travel a lot over Christmas for work, so the first month of the holiday flies by in a whirlwind of tea in the morning with the few remaining students in Hogwarts, long peaceful walks on the grounds, and lots and lots of reading.
You've devoured a row of books in the library by the time Christmas has passed, and you've planned to go through another row, when George materialises in the common room one day, two weeks after Christmas.
"George?" you exclaim, spotting him in the common room.
He turns as he hears your voice, and his face splits into a wide grin. Without hesitation, he runs up to you and pulls you into a hug, lifting you just slightly above the floor.
Your heart swells as his laughter rings in the air, and suddenly everything is complete.
"I missed you so much," you tell him, almost surprised at your own admission. Truth is, Hogwarts is beautiful during Christmas, but it's a little lonely with everyone else having gone home.
George's responding smile is worth the wait though, and he tosses an arm around your shoulder as he leads you out of the common room.
"C'mon, it's a Hogsmeade day. No time to waste!"
The two of you settle down at a table in the Three Broomsticks, grabbing Butterbeers as you go.
"Alright then, Weasley. Did you get through the holiday book I got you?"
He smiles. "I did. And you know what I was thinking when I read it?"
"Y/n would hate Chaolie, and she'd love Alosia."
You blink in surprise. "I- yeah, those are my exact thoughts on the book."
George smirks. "See? I know you."
"I mean yeah, I loved every chapter Alosia was in; she's my favourite. Typical, I know, everyone likes the side characters, but god, Allo would've been so much better as a main character than fucking Chaolie. G.T.L. is brilliant- we know that, she fits insane arcs and storylines into a single book, but please,-"
George listens, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth, as you continue rambling animatedly about the book, your hands gesturing enthusiastically as you speak.
"And the cover: gorgeous. You know stories like this can have the silliest cover art if they're not done well, and the choice to go almost muggle-style with a non-moving cover is perfect."
You brush a stray piece of hair away from your face, oblivious to the way George tracks the movement, desperately wanting to reach out and tuck it behind your ear for you.
The bell on the door chimes and you look over George's shoulder to see a bunch of familiar redheads walking in.
"Ah, Y/n," says Fred, floating towards your table. "Lovely to finally see you again after having to hear so much about you over Christmas."
You giggle as George thumps his brother with his book, face turning almost as red as his hair. "Stupid- git."
"This is the Y/n?" says Ron, another one of George's brothers.
His sister joins in too. "Ah, so you're the reason we had to come back early."
"Early?" you repeat, confused.
"Enough," snaps George. "Piss off, all of you," he says, fruitlessly shoving his siblings away from your table.
He groans. "Come on Y/n, we're leaving." He tugs on your hand, and you snort as his family's antics as you down the last sip of Butterbeer and hop off your seat.
"Until we meet again, Y/n." Fred salutes you as you exit, and you laugh as you wave to the rest of the Weasleys.
"Sorry about them," says George, slightly pink in the cheeks.
"Don't worry," you laugh. "It's fine. But what did Ginny mean when- hey!"
You're cut off as George yanks off his scarf and starts wrapping it around your neck and face. "...It's cold out," he explains weakly as you give him a look.
You pin him down with your gaze, and he sighs. "Fine."
He grabs your hand and leads you away from the Three Broomsticks, brushing snow off a park bench before sitting down.
Every memory he's had with you, every moment he's spent falling for you, flashes through his head.
The shy smile you had in your first few days of meeting, which he could only describe as cute, the mischievous glint in your eye when you'd almost recommended him a romance book, your laugh that he's memorised the sound of... damn it, he better not fuck this up.
You sit down beside him, giving him a concerned look.
"Okay, here it is," he says abruptly. "I like you."
You blink, caught off guard.
"You're so- you're bright," he says. "There's this light in you, and it's so fucking bright, and people don't see it. I don't get that. But whatever, they don't matter. I just mean, I've been pretty much blinded by you since we met... well, since I knocked you over running from Filch. I- god, fuck this metaphor. The point is, every time I'm not with you, I'm just wishing that I was. Cause I like you, and I wish- I'd hoped, that maybe you like me back?"
You're still silent, your brain trying to catch up with what your ears are hearing.
But George takes the silence differently. "It- it's okay if you don't. You know, I don't want to pressure you, at all. It's completely-"
"George." You take his hand. "I like you too, so damn much. I was just... I've never done this before. I didn't know if I should ask you out, or confess, or anything."
George lets out an incredulous breath. "Oh. Well then."
He rests his forehead against yours. "Y/n, will you do me the great honour of becoming my girlfriend."
You're smiling so much it almost hurts. "I'd love to," you whisper.
It's only on your first date, that you realise; "You know, we've practically be dating this whole time."
"What do you mean?" asks George, digging into his icecream.
"Meeting up, just the two of us. We've been doing it for ages, except we thought it was just book meetings."
The spoon stills halfway to George's mouth. "...fuck."
You snort, "We're both idiots, aren't we."
"Could've saved me so much grief if I'd known we were already dating. It was well shit, overthinking everything over the holidays."
"You mean when you missed me so much you convinced your whole family to come back to school early?"
"Sod off," he replies, nudging your foot and grinning. "You thought it was cute, anyway."
"I did."
There's a beat, before; "Kissing," you say, pointing your spoon at him. "We weren't totally dating, cause we didn't kiss."
"Right," agrees George, nodding. "Speaking of..."
You let out a laugh, setting your icecream down on the table, and then you let him pull you in.
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Alosia, Chaolie, and GTL are just silly little details cause I can't help myself. Thank you for tolerating my self-indulgent easter eggs.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed my first fic in the HP universe <3
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celestie0 · 19 days
Girl I was balls deep in my attempt to make fanart for u a couple months ago
Like I had the reference pictures collated and I sat my ass down and picked up an pencil with the intention of actually drawing something after ages
cause basically I became a lil sad cause I felt like I forgot to draw bc last year in school I took an external art subject and it didn’t occur to me that doing a hands on subject through distance study wasn’t the brightest idea
anyway that fucked me over and led to me dropping and taking up fucking legal studies 😭
Even though I’m a bit more STEM based I can still fw the wordy subjects but not this someone pls save me why am I being assessed on the bi cameral structure of parliament
saur yh I’m super lazy as is with anything so that situation just put me off drawing and art completely
congrats to me setting every world record for yip yapping and going off track
ummm yh for context it was like my 10th read through of the kickoff chapter 6 scene that compelled me to collate a bunch of reference pics that ranged from twitter smut comics to bathroom sinks and eventually I gave up because anatomy is a bitch
I changed into a dress with the same type of neckline I think reader was wearing bc of the way it tucks under her boobies and I was this close to just shamelessly positioning myself in front of the mirror to make my own references
then ofc I got distracted by a half baked portrait of Rose from titanic that I drew when I was like 15 and ended up drawing a two hour long remake of the same picture
only for my friend to tell me it looks like Mary Shelly’s ghost
Should I know who that is
To be fair it looked nothing like her but I mean it was an improvement from thinking all my ability just went poof and I drew better when I was 15
never the less I was somewhat disappointed with the product and I haven’t drawn since
wait I wanna show u actually lemme try
the Mary Shelly in question
do these links work I’m scared I’m gonna accidentally leak personal details or my whole camera roll lol
also IM NOT AN ARTIST don’t judge me peeps I’m just a girl idek how to drive yet
I feel bad every time I send an ask I feel like I’m force feeding u Ellie babes u have the patience and commitment of a saint
I want to 😞🫶 but alas prospect of fanart from me will most likely never see the light of day
that crack scene in ihm was tempting tho everything u write is just so visual
♥️ mwah my gorgeous gorgeous writer wifey
hellooo my dear PLS the ramble of this ask is legendary and i found it very entertaining xD
ouuu the dress that reader wears in ch6 of kickoff is actually based on a dress that i own, here's some pictures of it!! i'm curious if the dress you have is similar!! but yea this is the official outfit reference hahah
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looking at it now it's kind of a mild sweetheart neckline lol n yea def tucks under the boobs very nicely xd i was actually gonna sell it on depop a couple months ago when i did a closet cleanout but i was like nahhh i gotta keep it bc it inspired that scene
taking your OWN reference pictures sounds so badass. and its ok babe it's the thought that counts haha <3 i feel u about the losing passion/talent in art thooo aaa i used to draw too but ehh hobbies fizzle
ahh i can't see the cloud photos :(( but anywho thanks for the yap my dear!! i ate it up. also side note but i'm so glad my writing comes off visual to you!! i always worry there's not enough description in my scenes so that's reassuring to hear. much love!
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luvrsofbts · 2 years
Can you write a fluffy jimin oneshot where he gets jealous of your new puppy bc u were drowning the puppy in attention leaving jimin behind.
Clingy, fluffy, whiney Jimin is my weakness 😩
Puppy Love
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Summary: You didn’t think your 27 year old boyfriend would act this way after you’ve gotten a puppy.
A/N: HI BABE idk if you are alive 😭 but here is this long, overdue writing for you <3 forgive me pls I stopped writing for months and then here I am, back ?? Hopefully this goes well. Enjoy!
When Tae and his dog, Yeontan, came over to visit the new apartment that Jimin and you have just finished moving into, you couldn’t help the aggressive cuteness growing in your heart. You decided that maybe getting a new puppy would be good for Jimin and you, and your little apartment.
“Really? That’ll be great! We could have pet play dates!” Tae exclaimed over the phone after you have just told him about your idea.
“I know right! And it’ll be a great surprise too!” You reply, already imagining Jimin’s reaction.
“Alright, I have to go now, but let me know how it goes!” Tae said his goodbye as you agreed.
You jumped off your shared bed excitedly, in a hurry to put on your shoes and get the newest family member today. Jimin was still at work, so you had all day to get a puppy until he came home.
“And this is Levi. We found him on the side of a road on a rainy day, so we took him in,” The worker said, showing you the light brown puppy.
“Oh my gosh, he is so cute!” You grinned from ear to ear, playing with the puppy a little bit.
“He seems to really like you; he’s never this energetic when people come to see him,” She commented, admiring how the puppy instantly started to play with you.
“Really? Wow, maybe he’s the one,” You gasped, picking up the puppy and holding him to your chest.
“Well, if that’s so, then Levi finally has a home to go to!”
You nodded, looking back at the puppy in your arms.
“And this is your new home, buddy! Do you like it?” You giggled as you opened Levi’s cage, letting him explore his new home as he barked happily.
“Daddy’s not home yet, but in the meantime, why don’t we set up your stuff and toys?” You kind of splurged on Levi’s needs, but you couldn’t help it! You loved the puppy too much.
After a long evening of putting up Levi’s stuff, it was already 10pm, meaning that Jimin will be home any minute now.
You picked up the small puppy in your arms, walking to the front door just as Jimin came in.
“Hey ba- is that a puppy?” Jimin gaped, looking at the tiny little creature in your arms.
“Surprise! This is Levi, the newest addition to this family,” You exclaimed, showing him Levi.
“Oh my gosh, baby, he’s so cute. You got us a puppy?” He laughed, taking the puppy from you.
“Yep! I figured since we moved into a new apartment together, why not get a pet too?”
“You are so cute, pretty girl. This is great; I love you,” Jimin smiled before giving you a peck on the lips.
“I love you too, minnie,” You reply before giving a kiss to Levi as well.
“Baaabe, when are you coming to bed?” Jimin whined from your shared bed.
“Soon! I’m almost done teaching Levi this trick,”
“You two have been going at it for almost three hours now! Don’t you miss me?” He frowned.
“I always miss you, you big baby. Just give me five more minutes and then I’ll come to bed,” You teased.
After 15 minutes, you still weren’t in bed and Jimin had become even whinier.
“Levi’s taking up all of your attention and I don’t like it,” Jimin pouted as he stood in front of you, frowning while giving you the saddest eyes.
“Jimin, he’s a puppy, of course he’s going to need all of my attention. You should be giving him attention too, you are the dad!”
“I already gave him a lot of attention earlier! It’s time to go to bed!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll be with you in a minute,” You promised, taking the furball into your arms and walking over to his bed.
“Time to go to bed, buddy. Mommy will play with you tomorrow morning, okay?” You whispered to Levi before putting him down. He circled his bed a few times before finally going to sleep.
You admired your puppy before turning and walking back to the bed, where your cute boyfriend laid in, all snuggled up with a pouty face, waiting for you.
“My clingy baby, have I been neglecting you?” You giggled, sliding into the warm bed next to Jimin.
“Yes. Now you have to give me extra cuddles,” He murmured.
You hummed.
“-and kisses, and hugs, and attention,”
You laughed at his neediness, “Okay, minnie. Anything else?”
“Hmm. No, just want you to love me now,”
“That I will definitely do,” You assured him, running your hand through his fluffy mop of hair.
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sukirichi · 2 months
SUKI SUKI SUKI !! good evening, cly’s here, y’know what that means: PART 3 of my rambles <3
disregarding the ending, this chapter made me really happy :(( it made me feel a little spark of hope that maybe all will be alright, you know? it gave me some sort of peace after this incredibly stressful weeks of mine 😭 to be fair, the whole story just gives me sanctuary for an hour or so as i take my time reading it. whether i’m outside or sitting in the comfort of my home, your writing never fails to let me escape a reality i’d rather not face 🥹
ANYWAY regarding the ending tho, i was already thinking that rin was too good to be true omfg 😭😭 it was stressing me out like girl pls look under his bed or something because i cannot be trusting his ass after all the shit he put our girl y/n thru 😒😒😒 i can’t rly complain much about the start and middle tho bcs it all really made me happy </3 i js kept thinking like WHAT IF there was an alternate universe where everything was so peaceful and dtd was js pure fluff 🥰 BUT no suki said no 💔
&& excuse me i initially suspected that the pastries were messed with but ig we’ll never know
i already had a weird feeling that something was up when the housewarming party started bc hello, wdym she’s looking sick and having cravings AND I KNEW I WAS RIGHT!!! IM NEVERRRR WRONG oh god i want to see rin’s face after all this, then i just want to slap him sort of idk ACTUALLY I HAVE A THEORY!! HEAR ME OUT (i’ll sound delusional for this but idc 😞), what if rin and iris actually DID broke up,, ig a little farfetched but what if rin avoiding iris for y/n made him wake up a bit and yk, he fully committed to it,, so what if the father ISN’T rin and maybe it’s iris’ way of trying to stay in the royal family? either pretending that it was rin’s or omi’s 🤔🤔 LIKE THAT’S THE FUTURE HEIR RIGHT THERE!! EITHER ONE’S CHILD ARE VALUABLE OMFG?!? like the obvious conclusion here is that rintarou’s the father, but what if he isn’t and she’s pregnant with another man OR WHAT IF SHE’S PREGNANT AND ANOTHER BROTHER IS THE FATHER OH MY GOD cly galaxy brain frfrfr
i need to see what’s next n i hope y/n can still find peace in that house, i don’t want it to be short lived sigh 😞 anw THANK U FOR THE CHAPTER SUKI I ATEEEE IT UP 🙏🙏🙏
hi hi, always happy to hear your rambles !! and aaww wait that’s so sweet ! ik dtd can be a heavy read because it has angst and lots of drama but to hear you say my writings feel like a sanctuary... i can’t think of a bigger compliment, i’m a little in awe 🥹🫶🏻 ALSO OMG i think about this a lot too like what if in an alternative universe, tobio has become a pro volleyball player and let go of his title to pursue his passion, akaashi has also dropped his titles to live a simple life in the kingdom helping the people, iris never existed LMAO and kiyoomi is happily curled up in the swings on his porch at itachiyama while he reads a book and rinyn were happily married 🥹
YES couldn’t have said it better myself but either one’s child would be just as valuable bcos they’re both princes so if iris really did use her pregnancy as leverage, she’d have secured her future alr 🥲 OH NO ANOTHER BROTHER? i can’t see any of the other princes wanting iris like that but... i think if atsumu had like seven shots and was drunk out his mind, he might give it a go. anyways thank you so much !! i appreciate the time you took to send me this message and am always looking forward to hearing everyone’s theories + thank you SO MUCH for the support and kind words. means the world to me, truly 🥺🌷
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irritablepoe · 2 months
i saw ur post abt ur meds and i’m having the same trouble, so i hope i don't intrude (but if i do just tell me, i’m going to be alright w it ) but a little ‘hack’ i do is i set myself up to be like oh it's there might just take it anyway
by observing my ‘switch of places during the day’ which is just, bed, desk, water dispenser 😭 but what i do is,,,place the meds where i usually am close to the time where i need to take them!! ex.
i go to my desk @ 4am bc whatever entity thought it would be fucking funny to make me wake up in cold sweat @ 4 am nearly everyday, and i go straight to my desk to distract myself so i often place my meds the night before near my pen tablet or notebook so it's visible easily, and i get the welp it's there gotta yake it ig,,,
i go back to nap and catch a lil more sleep at around 6am and reach for my vape under my pillow to lull me so i put it next to the vape under my pillow and the might as well take it strikes again
i snack a lot towards the evening and have to take melatonin so i put it on top of my chips/cookie packet so when i reach for the snack it's there again!!
it doesn't always work but a lot of times it does so i just count on that hshshs
ALSO carry a water bottle / tumbler w u, or any drink pleasant to u (which i prefer more bc i will take my meds just to get another sip), so that u dont have to get water from a tap or dispenser each time to drink so there's less hindrances bc the tiniest hindrance also puts me off ad annoys me and i end up just ignoring the meds hshwhshhsha
PLS DONT BE OBLIGATED TO LIKE, TRY IM ONLY SHARINGSHHWHS bc it has helped me a lot of times!! it does take some preparation the night before but i jus think of it as scattering traps for myself HSUSHWHWH
ily!! be nice to urself!! <33333
hi hello, sorry this took so long to answer, i was out yesterday dfhskdhfhsd
i'm sorry you're having the same problem but i hope you can manage <3
the thing is with my meds that one of them i have to take when i haven't eaten yet (and i can't eat for half an hour) and the other one i have to eat afterwards to get it out of my mouth basically, so it's basically ideally this: med 1 (and med 3, but med 3 is allergy pills, that's not as important when i take it most of the time) -> half an hour of waiting -> med 2 -> eat. but i always eat after med 1 and it's sooo annoying when i realise oh shit i have to eat another thing now to take med 2 bc i have not gotten used to it yet hffhskjfhshd
i also had an organizer for meds but i'm too lazy to fill it up AND they changed the package of my important meds so it's less on one template (?) basically which makes it every 14 days instead of 25 days to refill it at my nightstand, which is also sometimes forget.
but yeah it's also the placement that is the problem and i actually put med 2 more in front of me now so i don't forget thank youu so much for being concerned about me and thank you for the idea <333 ily too and be kind to yourself today as well :3
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harrys-bf · 3 years
Fake social media | H.S x fem!reader (she/her)
A/N: Not proofread! As usual please send some feedback💌 so i know u liked it!! Also, you cannot take my work and put it in another platform, thanks <3
I only did this for fun tbh, so it might be shitty, still took me two hours to make but as long as i get to post more shit im fine 😭
Face claim: Ashley Moore!!
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liked by harrystyles, zendaya, and 2,468,762 others
@yourinstagram: He fell after this pic was taken 💀
view 23,687 comments
@yourinstagram: unfortunately I don’t but he fell so funny tbh, the poor man had a little cut on his hand and now he has a scar 😭😭
@harrystyles: No need to share my embarrassing and vulnerable moment.
@yourinstagram: ayee you mad🥱
@harrystyles: Can you like… not?
@youinstagram: I don’t think i know what youre talking about to be honest 🤨
y/nfan1: PLS Y/N ILYSM 😭😭
@harryfan5: She’s so disrespectful, Harry just asked her not to post this kind of things and she doesn’t care🙄
@gemmastyles: This is just how they treat each other, this isn’t your relationship, mind your business
@yourinstagram: dang 😭
harry&y/nmyparents: PURR GEMMA💅💅💅
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmachan and 5,752,816 others
@harrystyles: my muse.
view 56,797 comments
@yourinstagram: i love you so much <3
@harrystyles: I love you more.
@1dfan: You guys warm my heart i swear 💖
@harryfan7: lindos mis papis <33 (translation: my parents are so cute)
@y/nfan: If I don’t have this kind of relationship, I don’t want anything 💔
harryfan8: fr
@taylorswift: You guys are so cute!!
( liked by harrystyles )
@yourinstagram: we love you tay!! 💞
harryfan3: I really love this kind of interactions, it warms my heart sm 😩
y/nfan1: ^^ FRR SAME
@gemmachan: I love you both so much!
( liked by harrystyles )
@youinstagram: AND WE LOVE YOU
@gemmastyles: When’s the wedding?
@y/nfan: who isnt waiting for the wedding? everyone at this point is rotting for them 😭
@yourinstagram: @harrystyles yo?? fr when’s the proposal? 🧐
( liked by harrystyles )
@pillowpersonpp: Awww💖💖
@yourinstagram: MWAH *kiss* 😚
@harryfan1: I love that y/n is always trying to reply to people in the commets and never leaves behind any kind of celebrity
@y/nfan5: ^^^^IKR
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liked by harrystyles, lilireinhart and 3,634 others
@yourinstagram: golden.
view 25,716,083 comments
@yourbestfriend: YOU LOOK AMAZINGGG!!!
@yourinstagram: ILYY
@y/nfan: MOMMY👹👹👹
harryfan9: Harry is so lucky to have her
( liked by harrystyles )
@harryfan2: Im not surprised, that man has been head over heels since he met her 😭
@annetwist: You look amazing darling!!
@yourinstagram: thank you so much anne!! ily
@annetwist: I love you too dear 💗
@harryfan1: i can rest in peace after this interaction 😩💞
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liked by harryfan6, potato.directioner and 12,824 others
@harryupdates: Harry with y/n yesterday at oregon!!
view 3,478 comments
@harryfan1: PLS why are they in oregon?
@harryupdates: i think theyre there for some type of photoshoot for y/n
@y/nfan5: aww and he went with her, how cute😩
@harryfan6: Me and my sister didn’t want to interrupt them so we didn’t come up to them and they seemed so grateful for that, im just happy I got to see them for a while <3
@harryfan3: How did they seem to you?
@harryfan6: They seemed pretty happy together and harry was in a way looking romantic tbh, he kept his hand at her waist or at the back of her neck playing with y/n’s hair, istg they were so cute, they were laughing all the time and the way he looked at her was absolutely amazing, i literally have never seen someone so in love 😭
@y/nfan8: they really do deserve each other 😭💔
@harryfan6: that’s so cute, im kinda jealous but y/n is bae so Im not really upset😩
@harryfan5: ^FR
@harryfan8: ^^IKR
@harryfan2: ^^^we all feel that way bestie 😭
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liked by harrystyles, hunterschafer, and 2,860,527 others
@yourinstagram: photo dump of the week!!
@harrystyles: pls you know you’re not supposed to post the last photo right?
@yourinstagram: damn, am i in trouble? @jefezoff
@jefezoff: damn it y/n
@yourinstagram: umm what do i do now? @harrystyles
@harrystyles: HAHAHAHAJ
@harry&ynfan4: PLS Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO
@adele: You look lovely my dear y/n!
@yourinstagram: i love you so much, thank you!! <33
@harrystyles: and I don’t look lovely too adele? why does it only have to be her? im on the post too.
@yourinstagram: you’re so dramatic, when YOU post a pic about YOURSELF in YOUR profile then everybody will tell you you look lovely, but that is until you post something so it will be in a couple of years 🙄
@harrystyles: she’s so wild.
@yourinstagram: and you’re still with me, i wonder why.
@harrystyles: i wonder why too
@harryfan6: I have no idea but im loving it 😭
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sunghun · 3 years
heeseung as your skater boyfriend
requested; yep 😋
warnings; some cursing
note; so anon said with heeseung, jungwon, or riki and i was like what the hell, let’s do all three which then turned into what the hell may as well do all the members. so uhhhh yeah. idk when i’ll get around to doing the rest of them but enjoy heeseung’s in the meantime :)
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when you first met...
the way you and heeseung first met was uhhhh
kind of a disaster lol
like you were just walking down the sidewalk with ur headphones in
do your own thing, minding your own business, etc.
when all of the sudden there was someone screaming “MOVE!”
and you were knocked onto the ground with a cute boy on top of you???
like ,,,,,,, really cute
however you were too busy gasping for breath after having the wind knocked out of you to freak out over having a hot guy on top of you
heeseung of course was low-key freaking out
and you just kinda . wheezed
“i’ve been better”
pls :( bby boy felt so bad :((
i say like he’s not two years older than me
and so to make up for practically running you over with his skateboard
he took you to get some ice cream
which you thought was so sweet of him :’)
until he made fun of what flavour you chose
“really? mint choco?? i didn’t take you as someone who liked to eat toothpaste.”
and you just looked at him 😐
“right, right. sorry.”
but as the two of you sat outside the ice cream shop and talked you were trying not to lose your shit
bc like? hello??
not only is this dude Cute As Fuck but he’s also really funny? and just like an amazing person in general???
yes you only met him two hours ago but the heart does not take time into consideration when falling in love
when he finally confessed...
he didn’t confess
you did
like the two of have been really good friends for a few months now
and while you love just being with him in general
your massive crush that gets like 800000x bigger every time you’re together is kinda making you lose your mind :/
so during one of the rare times that the two of you were at the skatepark by yourselves
you finally just fucking . snap
the sun had mostly set, the moon was starting to come out, and everything just had a ✨magical✨ feel to it
including heeseung
mans looked pretty as hell :[
he was trying to talk you into letting him teach you how to skateboard
but you weren’t listening to a word he was saying
“-and i just think it’d really benefit your-“
“kiss me.”
literally the 😲 emoji
you rolled your eyes and scoffed which he found weirdly hot
“i’ve been in love with you for like two months, loser. so are you gonna shut up and kiss me or do i have to ghost you forever out of embar-“
yes he interrupted you with a kiss, yes it was the best kiss you ever had 🙄
when you started dating...
everyone is so done with you omg
literally all over each other all the time??
like ppl are starting wonder if u’re actually glued at the hip 🤨🤨
but also ur friends use any opportunity to tease you about it
“eW did you just kiss him on the cheek?? no one wants to see that 🤢”
“shut up niki”
so many chill but cute dates :((
and heeseung loooves just going ok walks with you
especially around sunset/dusk when everything looks more romantic 😭😭
complains about you stealing his clothes but he actually loves it??
omg but he almost combusted that one time you got fed up with his whining and just threw one of your hoodies at him
“there, now we’re even.”
even if you just did it jokingly….well.
jokes on you now bc he’s keeping it forever.
he also really likes the way you smell!!
he just finds everything abt you to be super comforting :(
if he’s having trouble sleeping will shamelessly beg you to come over and cuddle him no matter what time it is
“heeseung it’s 3 in the morning i’m not coming over.”
“pleaseeee baby? i can’t sleep at all :( and being with you always puts me at ease :(( don’t you love me :(((“
“……i’ll be there in 10.”
“kay 🥰“
speaking of cuddling 🤔🤔
his favourite way to do it is with you on your back and him on his side with his arms wrapped around and his head all snuggled into ur neck
especially loves it if you play with his hair 🥺🥺
omg but imagine like you wanna learn how to skateboard
but you don’t wanna do it in front of ppl in case you mess up and embarrass yourself
so he takes you to the park at like 2 AM when no one else is there and teaches you so won’t be scared of anyone seeing you fall :(
which just makes you fall even MORE in love with him bc :( how is so kind and wonderful and considerate :((
even after you get super good at skating you guys would still go to the park late at night when no one else is there
and just spend time with each other and being stupid and young and in love
basically skater boyfriend heeseung is a dream and i just made myself feel extremely single
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jayflrt · 2 years
Heyy, I'm back. How are you ? It's been some time since my last ask. This one's going to be a bit long :)
First and foremost, diamond league ??? This smau has me giggling like a school girl. Where do you get unhinged ideas from. Please teach me miss, your humour is just chef's kiss :))
Also, i finished up with my school, yayy !! Got a 94% overall, and a perfect 100/100 in psychology. I also scored a 96/100 in english, which apparently hard to get considering all the writing skills part.
And finally, i took a major decison, which was to take a gap year. It has been amazing till now, and i hope it stays that way :)) During this gap year, I'll be prepping up for the medical exam of my country, it is one of the toughest exams to clear due to the number of people who sit for it. My teachers are very confident that I'll be able to clear it with a top rank, I'm honestly just hoping for the best.
I would really like to sayyy a big thank you, for writing your spiderman jake fic - I'll save you (again). That fic was my major source of comfort during my exam days as well as the time during which i was taking some vv important life decisons. Honestly, that particular story became such a source of happiness and a means of a escape for me during that tough time. I mean people usually think fic writing is for fun. But Honestly, you people and your fics are such a source of comfort and they do have an impact on people's life. So thank you again, for writing story that i now call my safe place </3
Also, I got into svt recently :)) and f1 as well. And i celebrated my birthday in another city !! My parents surprised me with a birthday trip and since we loved the place so much the trip got extended by 7 days ?? we went through 3 different cities in a span of 15 days :))
Also, i would love to know How are you doing, How's your job ?
Have an amazing day/night ahead 🌻
- 🌿
OMG hihi 🌿 anon !!! how have u been?? 🥰💖 it’s been so long HAHAH i hope you’ve been taking care <3
AHHH IM GLAD UR LIKING DIAMOND LEAGUE :’) thank you sm for checking it out! i’m sure you’ve been busy so that means a lot 🤧🤧 ALSO CONGRATS WOOOO 94% is an amazing score great job!!! 💝💝 omg the psychology major in me is BUZZING so proud of u for that 100/100 :’)) and congrats on english as well!! it can be tricky so that’s such an accomplishment <33
a gap year is a great choice !! :o i hope you have a fulfilling one 🥰 sometimes i wish i took a gap year tbh HAHAH but omg med exams are brutal but i wish you all the best !! i’m sure you’ll do golden >:) and oh my gosh i didn’t realize my jake fic helped you out that much 😭😭💖💖 that makes me so happy omg thank you sm for reading it and i’m rlly glad it was able to provide you some comfort !! i rlly loved writing that fic so it makes me so incredibly grateful to see you enjoying it so much :’) THIS MADE MY ENTIRE WEEK PLS im so honored that my writing had that much of an impact :(( it rlly touches my heart and i’m so happy to provide that kind of space for you ♡
AHHH SVT 🥳🥳🥳 i love them omg i’ve been binging gose again lately HAHAH who are your biases?? :o also a bday trip sounds so fun! i hope you had a great time 💗💗 it sounds like you had fun even tho you had to buckle down and study sometimes !! :’) i hope you’re having a great day/night btw 🥰
also i’ve been doing pretty good !! my internship’s wrapping up so i’m just tying up loose ends and putting together the last work i have for this week 🤧 i’ve also been gaming a lot LMFAO (rip my 102 hours on omori) hbu?? :o
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Help i- im having troubles like- whenever i imagine a hq boy i imagine his stage play actor??? I keep trying to watch his movies and get crumbs but i cant find any😭😭😭 this didnt happen since like '12 with big time rush?? Ksgxjshs so emberrassing times qwp anyways how was today?? Was work hard today?? Are u waiting for school to start??
Its long years of practice my dear senpai🙏 with the help of having to get up around 5.30 to get to school every day for years! But jokes aside i tried sleeping for long and the longest was 9 only one time X3 but its just my biological clock? I naturally wake uo without any alarms! I definitely would use scold on u if i see u run on low sleep or too much coffee. So i hope u can get ur well deserved rest tonight😊 and yes those dreams..😫✊ very much needed
We get to choose just one minor. But im sure english and german is good too!! Im;; this will be my third semester;;; im such a newbie X33 but haha;; *nervous laugh* i cant really;;; i kinda failed in that;;;; but i sent a happy bday tweet to a haisute actor in japanese so thats something X33 but yjshak 6 years?? Thats so long!! How long do u have back?? Do u enjoy it?? Do u have cool native teachers?? And did u rest well???
KOUHAI-CHAN!! So sorry that it took me so long 🥺 take some love before you start reading this, cause I have a lot to spare hehe~ 💖💖
And aren‘t they on YouTube? I think I once saw that they were on YouTube, but I could be wrong 🥺
Woah, I need to practice that too!! I’ll try to get up early tomorrow 😫😫 9 hours omg- your body is amazing 😳
Let’s say it like that: I’ll get lots of rest tonight 🥺 hope you‘ll get some rest too!!
What did you choose as minor? Does it change like every semester? The concept is just so wild, that you can choose a random minor omg 😳 so you need 3 more semesters right? And do you know what you will do after it? 💖
And weeeeeeell- I had to change universities, so I got kind of thrown back from my sixth semester to the third, sooo- it will take a few years until I‘m done, but I can‘t complain, cause I actually try to enjoy my time as a student ✊🏻 I need to get a master too, that’s why it will take a bit longer 🥺
Anyways: I hope you had a nice day and tell me what you did today!! 💖💖
Stay hydrated! 💖✊🏻
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kyunsies · 2 years
Hi Mädch 💖💖💖💖
I just quit my job last week and I'm so relieved 😭😭😭 I was really suffering at my workplace and now I'm feeling so much better already. It kinda sucks because the work itself was really enjoyable,but the environment and bosses were not so great.. but now I'm out of there!!
I visited my out-of-state sister for four days this week and was able to relax, and I spent my birthday (yesterday!) driving five hours home, which was honestly kinda nice!! I got to listen to all my fun kpop tunes and just enjoy the relaxing drive 🥰 and my parents took me out to dinner and bought me new shoes when I got home 🥰
I'm giving myself a month off until I start looking for a new job just to relax and recharge, etc etc. I feel super lucky that I'm able to do that at all! I'm living with my parents and they aren't making me pay rent or anything, so I'm very grateful.
🥳🎉🎊 MÄDCH, RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎊🎉🥳
I'm so proud of you!! Even though I was only here for your last year of schooling I can really tell you are full of so much love and enthusiasm for your career and those you will be working with and you will be SUCH a great fantastic excellent nurse 😊💖💖 I'm so excited and thrilled for your future, I know you will be amazing 🤩
So that's my long update for this week 😅 Lots and lots of love!!! Minji 🌟
[ @dkbtho ] hello my dear !!! how are you doing today?
oh my gosh, you quit your job !!!! i'm so sorry you were so unhappy it's aways a bit of a hard pill to swallow going to work everyday and liking what you do but in the same light hating the ppl you are surrounded with ;____; it's not an easy thing to do but i'm really glad you advocated for yourself !!!! and i hope u spend this time relaxing a bit before you have to start looking for a job <3
oh yes i remember you mentioned you two had one more sister !!! i hope she is doing well <3 also OH MY GOSH HAPPY FREAKING LATE BIRTHDAY AHHHHHH i hope u were able to spend it well but it seems that you did !!!!!!!! i wish you nothing but lots of love and happiness for you too angel <3 also DLKFJFKLJ PLS you are sooo me, i love long drives for that reason, just listening to my kpop songs on full blast and doing a bit of mindless driving on a long stretch of road :) oooo what kind of dinner did you have? do you prefer a specific dish on your birthday? for me it's italian food LDKFJ but if i'm being honest i crave italian food all the time sdklfj <3 and WHAT KIND OF SHOES DID THEY BUY YOUUUU that's always so exciting !!! you are a sho person or not really? i know some ppl are really into collecting shoes but for me i literally have like 2 pairs of heels 2 pairs of tennis shoes and 1 pair of sandals LDSKJF i never feel i have enough for anything ;_____;
but that's good you're taking time for yourself before you start looking at jobs again !!! it's a good move esp since your previous job made you stressed with the whole environment :( and i was gonna say AREN'T YOU LIVING W YOUR SIS but then i was like omg wait she's a married woman now LDKFJ but it will all work out for you bub and your parents are being really generous for you <3
but ALSO SDLKFJSDFLKJ ANGEL !!!!! THANK U SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!! it's so weird to think i have an official title to my name now ,,,,,,,,,,,,, isn't that insane sldkjf gosh when i saw my results of my exam i started balling bc all of these years of hardships and tireless work has paid off and i feel so grateful for my whole experience, i feel grateful that iw as able to go to a university that was able to prepare me well and give me a great education and it makes me even MORE THANKFUL that i got to share it with all of you lovely friends on here who more or less got me through it all in one shape or form ;_______; so THANK YOU !!!!!! SO MUCH !!!!!!!! it really means the whole wide world for me truly angel !!!!!!
thank you for updating me on your life it's always nice to catch up w you and it means a lot that you consider stopping by <3 have a good weekend too love <3
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