#This will pass
pixlokita · 1 year
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haleyincarnate · 1 year
Heartbreak is just a house you visit. Heartbreak is just a house you visit. Heartbreak is just a house you visit.
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celticcatgirl2 · 24 days
My crush took me off close friends on Instagram out of the blue…but she still follows me everywhere she did and she’s still in my discord server…what’s going on? I’m so scared and confused….
She is also doing REALLY REALLY badly in general related to her reaction to her past relationship and I’m so worried about her…
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talshiargirlfriend · 9 months
It’s a “ball up all your WiP and toss them in the bin, then strike a match” kind of day here. How do you deal with that feeling?
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doulayogimama · 3 months
Really struggling already with exhaustion. I know it’s only 6 weeks of this feeling and then by week 10-12 it eases up. But I feel like a terrible mom.
She has been watching TV a lot today. I went to CVS and could hardly stand up. I had to lean on something while waiting in line for the pharmacist.
Kevin will take her out at 6p to go scooting and adventuring outside but I am… not doing well with that. I want to be roller blading mom. Not a stay home and lay down saying “I’m sick” all day mom.
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serenityquest · 4 months
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tamamoarts · 11 months
Nobody tell me the current TTCC drama please, I wish to remain ignorant!
Also, please stop claiming the cogs are your OCs now. They really aren't. There are still good people on the team, and they belong to the game and community.
You didn't create these characters, and it's really annoying when you just "take" them from a team thats still full of good people.
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spiritagay · 4 months
it's nearly 2am so I can admit freely that i am SAD
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
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kawaii-overboard · 5 months
I just want to talk to you. About everything.
I want to send you pictures of the sunset or show you what I bought at the grocery store. I want to share the random ideas I have at 2pm or 2am. I want to send you the songs I listen to and tell you what I did at work today. Every experience I have whether it’s insignificant or something major, I want to share them with you.
And I don’t even know why..
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laughinglynx · 5 months
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
I know this is a dumb thing to be upset about but I was supposed to have my hair done tomorrow and it got canceled again. I’ve been trying to have it fixed since MARCH.
I also know this is a huge privilege to have the opportunity to get it done and I recognize that!!
I’m just so frustrated because I don’t feel pretty and was hoping this would boost my self esteem since it’s been down for a while (I’m having issues with my skin and I’m frustrated about it). Anyways, I won’t complain anymore. I’m just tired of feeling like this and really needed this.
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calmmyfears · 2 years
don't force feelings upon yourself. if you don't feel festive today, that's okay. if you don't feel grateful today, that's okay. if you don't feel happy today, that's okay. it doesn't help you any further to force yourself to feel what you are not feeling. let yourself be in all your beautiful glory. you will get through this. feel whatever you need to feel.
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Best thing about being home alone is that you can use the toilet without locking the door and listen to music outloud and create an outlandish combination of food that your parents might think is a culinary abominationbut you think is mighty delish.
I think I wanna move out soon.
But in this economy?
Haha no♡
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I realized I have a crush on someone
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To all the people who went through a break up or are grieving one during/just before/ just after NYE: I understand you. You're not alone. It's okay to feel pain right now, you don't have to force yourself to forget just because it's a new year. There is so much love, and now you don't know where to put it, it doesn't have a place anymore. So it turns into grief. It's only natural if you feel this way. Give time to yourself this year. Try, for yourself, just try. One step at a time.
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