#Thor series
pascaloverx · 7 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author. this chapter has a slightly steamy part but nothing heavy.
chapter one chapter three
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Chapter Two
"Your Highness." You say looking at Thor with a meaningful look. He knows it's important not to give away the idea that you two have an affair. Especially in front of important people. And certainly Steve was important.
"Thor tell me, how did you get a Royal Guard so efficient? She was the first to question my presence here." Steve says looking impressed, which makes you curious. Have you won the admiration of yet another prince?
"She is extremely efficient at what she does. That's exactly why she's head of the Royal Guard and my trusted person." Thor responds by trying to appear more authoritative than usual.
"And she's about to give your royal highnesses privacy. If I may." You say, bowing in front of the two and turning to leave. But from afar you see a shadow and decide to check the corridor.
"I hope you know I can have your head for eavesdropping on a royal conversation." You say to whoever might be in the hallway, but before you can draw your sword to threaten the person, they reveal themselves to you.
"I see that Asgard's training is still as good as it was when you were a simple guard." James Barnes speaks as he looks worried that you will stick your sword in him.
"What is the biggest idiot of all time doing so far from his kingdom?" Your speech seems a bit mocking and James laughs. You and Barnes used to train together when you were younger. He, who was born in Asgard, decided to explore other kingdoms.
"I came after my favorite pupil. It seems you are protecting the future King." Barnes speaks pointing his head towards the two princes who are inside the trophy room.
"You know very well that I wanted to be head of the Royal Guard. And you, I assume, are accompanying Prince Steve." You say as you analyze Barnes. He looks just as hot as the last time you saw him. You and him had an affair before he turned his back on Asgard.
"You won't be surprised to know that I am the Chief of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Kyrax. I always knew Asgard already had the perfect Chief of the Royal Guard, so it's my luck to have decided to serve in another realm." Barnes says, trying to flatter you. The truth is, the two of you used to compete to see who would become the Chief of the Royal Guard ever since you met.
"I hope it was worth it, leaving your kingdom to serve another is extremely foolish. But I'm glad Prince Steve has you around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the Royal Ball that's happening later." You say, petulantly. You harbored a certain resentment towards James. He betrayed the kingdom that you both valued so much because he was sure he wouldn't be better than you.
"I missed you." James murmurs as he grabs your arm. The clanking of his armor against yours makes a horrendous, skin-crawling noise. You look at him, without a reaction. As you're about to respond, you notice Thor and Prince Steve are behind you. You move your arm away from Barnes' hands, wondering how long they've been there.
"Are we interrupting something?" Thor asks, clearly annoyed, while Prince Steve strangely seems to just be observing your reactions intently. You could swear you saw him smile slyly.
"Your Highness. Y/N and I were just talking about old times. I must say, it's a pleasure to see you both together." Barnes says, composing himself and stepping back a bit from you. He seems to seek support from Prince Steve, who nods slightly as if to say 'I'll get you out of this.'
"Indeed, Barnes, it's a pleasure to stand beside Asgard in moments like these. That being said, I look forward to seeing you at the Royal Ball later, Prince Thor. And you too, Chief of the Guard. Now, Barnes and I will retire to my luxurious chambers." Prince Steve says strangely, keeping his gaze on you. As if you intrigued him. Thor, like you, seemed to have noticed and appeared bothered, but he only nodded and let Steve lead Barnes away. When you turned to leave, he grabbed you. Your body was pressed against the cold wall of the Grand Asgardian Castle while the future King was extremely close to you.
You had two options, to give in or resist. But something inside you, like a warning, reminded you that this could be one of the last times you could do this. So you pulled Thor towards you with all the strength you had and kissed him. It was almost a violent kiss because in a way you're angry with Thor. He acts as if he has no choice at all, but he doesn't allow you to move on. Thor however seemed to like it, he held you firmly by the waist as if he wanted to grab you and never let go again. The taste of Thor's mouth was almost etched in your mouth. You felt your intimate area becoming increasingly wet as Thor's firm hands passed through your armor. Damn that fucking armor. Not that the royal robes allow you to play Thor the way you'd like. You then nibble on Thor's lips as if you want to tease him at the same time as you want to leave him wanting more. You bite his bottom lip hard enough that it bleeds a little but that only turns him on more. Your kiss, besides taking your breath away, now tastes like blood but that doesn't stop you from continuing.
"Is this all jealousy?" You ask as Thor kisses your neck, almost kissing the armor, and he smiles.
"She says while almost devouring me for being about to spend a night surrounded by women. Or do you think I don't know why my lip was bitten?" You smile, thinking that it seems Prince Thor really knows you. You kiss him lightly as if apologizing.
"It's just a keepsake. Soon this won't happen anymore, and all we'll have are these memories. Treasure them, Your Highness." You say, stepping away from Thor and giving him a final goodbye peck. He seems somewhat taken aback, but you're too busy thinking about how dangerous yet extremely exciting this situation is.
The night arrives quickly as you busy yourself with organizing security and ensuring the Royal Guard is prepared for the event. That's when Loki knocks on the door, all gleeful as if he's about to burst with happiness. You're not in your event armor yet, so you're somewhat inadequately dressed for the occasion, but you open the door as Loki continues to babble your name while knocking.
"I bet you'd prefer Thor here right now, but I bring good news. The grand King Odin has asked me to inform you that you should dress in a beautiful gown. It seems that a certain someone is interested in you. So, no armor tonight. Someone will bring you some dress options since I imagine you don't have any or if you do, they're not suitable for the Ball. Good luck. I always knew you would find something better than my dear brother, but you've outdone yourself. Just wait until he finds out. Anyway, I'll get ready. See you later, and um… remember to smile." Loki speaks so fast that you almost get lost, and he doesn't give you time to react or ask who he's referring to.
Soon, two maids arrive with options of attire and various preparations to make you presentable. Every second that passed while several people who usually only attend to royalty were fussing over you, you felt that something was wrong. And suddenly, the moment arrives. It's time for the Ball.
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carl0s0ter0oo1 · 9 months
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A cool variant cover to the Immortal Thor 9 for April 2024
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lesliecabj-blog · 2 years
Nobody Agent
A.N: this is my first time writing any type of story. So I’m so sorry for any mistakes. I am in between a Bucky story or a Tony story. I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers trope and I love angst so there will be a lot of it. Any notes, reblogs or recommendations are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
A.N#2 eventual smut. Slow burner.
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“You are kicking ass girl!” Your friend Aura exclaimed.
You were in the O.S.S compound gym training after your latest mission had not gone the way you had wanted it to. The mission had been successful except that your partner Jordan had come out injured out of it. To you that was unacceptable. You knew that some if not most of these missions were life or death.
“Not good enough,” you panted between breaths.
Aura rolled her eyes. Of course you, the perfectionist, were not satisfied with TKO’ing almost all the agents that were going up against you.
“Y/N you’ve been at this for almost 2 hours. You can take a break you know.”
“No.” You said flatly.
“Agent Miles.” Damn it. That was your cue to stop. You turned around to see who had called you by your on field name and saw that Nick Fury was the one who had said your name.
“Director,” you said dropping your guard and stepping off the training mats. Thankfully your opponent had stopped as soon as they had heard Fury too.
“Agent Miles, I thought you would be up in your quarters resting from your recent mission.” Fury said.
“I couldn’t sleep, sir.” You kept your answers short. That’s how you always needed to be. Not say more than what could be necessary. It prevented misunderstandings and opening up to people was not your thing. Especially not to the director of the O.S.S.
“Well I need you to rest up. There is another mission you are being assigned to.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Usually there would be at least 1 week in between missions to allow your body to heal and rest. This must be something pretty important, although it still made your wonder what Fury might need you to do when there were at least 30 other agents in the compound able to do the same thing you could.
“Sir, I just got back last night from my mission—“
“That doesn’t seem to stop you from training, why would it stop you from doing this.” He interrupted. “My office, one hour for a mission recon.” And with that he stepped out leaving you with more questions than answers as Nick Fury usually did.
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Was the only thing you could think of saying. After 5 years in the agency it came as second nature to you.
“What do you think it is?” Aura broke the silence that Fury left.
“No idea,” you replied as you started to clean and put the mats away around you.
“Leave it, I’ll do it. Go shower and freshen up before you have to meet Fury at his office. He might not give you much to get things in order before your mission.”
“You’re the best!” You said as you gave her a tight side hug that lifted her slightly off the ground.
“Don’t you forget it!” She yelled out to you as you ran out of the training room.
Thankfully your room wasn’t too far from the training center that you still had a majority of the hour left to freshen up.
As you entered your room you noticed your mission bag still on your bed as you had left it 2 hours ago making a mental note that you probably had to put in new mission clothes in there before leaving to see Nick. You wondered if you should take it to his office in case you were needed immediately or if they would give you some time to come back to your room again.
Walking into your bathroom already naked and leaving your dirty clothes in the hamper you took a look in the mirror. Apart from your constant unhappiness with your body you started noticing the different shades of bruises that indicated the different stages of healing. One particularly nasty one started to show from this recent mission right above your rib cage. Sore to the touch you decided that you would eventually need a hot bath with some salts when you had more than an hour to relax.
Stepping in to the hot shower felt like heaven and you wondered why you hadn’t done that last night. The guilt from the mission still eating at you. It was supposed to be a fairly simple mission that ended up with you and your partner coming too close to an explosion. You had been far enough that the explosion had only thrown you a couple feet that had caused the bruises that you saw. Your partner was not as lucky. He was a little too close to the explosion and was thrown against a nearby brick wall knocking him out and breaking an arm. You had gotten to him in time and were able to help him to back to the quinjet.
After your shower you got out and wrapped one towel on your torso and the other around your hair. You checked the clock and noticed you still had 30 minutes left till you had to meet Fury. You decided to wear your mission outfit. Not that you had much of any other choice, you knew that you were going to have to be prepared for whatever mission Fury set for you. After drying off your hair and putting it in a high bun you started refreshing your mission bag. Taking out previously worn clothes with blood on it, you put it on the hazard hamper. The compound provided you with washing machines in the units but anything that had been used in the mission that came back with blood or anything else had to go to the lab in case there was useful information that could pertain to each case and mission.
Looking at the watch again, you noticed you now had 10 minutes left to meet Fury. You decide to head out as nervousness starts to creep up on you. You hadn’t sensed any urgency in Fury when he mentioned that you had another mission to go to but the fact that it was so close to the last one, you wondered if you were about to be reprimanded for how it had gone. Although you logically knew you couldn’t have done anything to avoid the explosion, you still felt a pang of guilt. That didn’t not help in thinking that this might be it and that Nick Fury was going to fire you.
Not much after knocking on Fury’s door you hear a faint yet calm “come in.” Stepping in you see that he is not alone. He is accompanied by non other than Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and behind his desk, Nick Fury. You tried not to show your confusion but as always you usually failed at that.
“Agent Miles,” Fury said. “Come In and take a seat. This is Tony Stark and Pepper Potts from the Avengers Team. Stark,” Fury continued. “Pepper this is agent Y/N Miles.”
“Pleasure,” you gave a slight smile as you shook hands with Pepper. She returned a full smile at you. Stark was more serious, which surprised you. You followed the media when it came to the Avengers. After all, it was everyones goal to become one of them. They were the O.S.S celebrities practically. Everything that was said about Stark was that he was arrogant and usually said more than he should sometimes. Hard to control, the fact that he was almost speechless right now, did nothing to help your nerves.
“Tony,” Pepper nudged him slightly.
You had been holding your hand out to shake for a few seconds and the billionaire had still not shaken it. To say you were star struck and probably had dozed off had creeped him out and made him regret his decision at being at this meeting anyway.
“Oh right,” Tony jolted back. “Agent Miles, pleasure. Please sit.” He said as he pointed to the third chair next to him.
“So, agent,” Fury started. “You might be a little confused as to why you are here.”
“A little yeah,” you quietly replied. You weren’t usually shy when it came to talking to Fury. Quite the opposite. There had been sometimes that you didn’t agree with certain decisions from the director and you were quick to voice your opinions without fearing repercussions. This however you knew was different. If Tony Stark was involved, you must have done something wrong.
“Agent you are being assigned to an undercover mission. You will be watching a few suspects of trading Super Soldier Serum across the globe.” Fury continued. “You know what the Super Soldier Serum is right?”
You nodded.
You knew that Captain America had gotten the Serum back in the 40’s. You also knew that Captain America’s best friend had also been tortured and been given the Serum. He was referred to as the Winter Soldier when he first came out in the media but had no idea what his name was. Only that the media had mentioned that the Winter Soldier name was a sore spot to him. Christ, you needed a life other than following the Avengers in the media.
Fury continued, “You’ll be stationed in one part of the country for a few weeks, depending on how long it takes you to get the information we need, then you’ll be transferred to another for the same mission to look at another suspect for the same crime. Most likely with a different partner. We will straighten out the details as we go.”
The mission didn’t sound too difficult you thought.
“Your first partner will be Sargent James Barnes.” Fury said.
The confusion on your face must have been apparent as he sighed and said “formerly known as the Winter Soldier.”
Oh, that was his name, James Barnes.
You nodded again as you started to understand the mission. You looked at Stark who was not fiddling with his thumbs.
“Ms. Potts here is to go over some documents with you that you will need to sign before joining the Avengers.”
Mouth slightly agape, you didn’t know what to say and just stuttered while trying to find the right words to say. This had always been a dream of yours and you had always worked harder than anyone to achieve it, so why was it so hard to believe that you had finally done it.
“Can we speed it along, Fury,” Stark finally spoke up. He sounded irritated but you assumed that he probably had a million things to do rather than welcoming a nobody agent to the Avengers.
Fury sighed, clearly annoyed with interruption. “Stark is here to set up your account with the A.I. that is used in the Avengers tower. As it is his A.I. only he can do it. If you really were concerned about your time Stark then you would’ve given access to Pepper to set up the accounts.”
“Uh I’m sorry, I never intended some nobody agents to join the Avengers and didn’t think that I,” he put an emphasis on the I. “Would have to add anyone into Avengers towers without my consent.”
Nobody agent? You knew that the missions you did could not compare to what the Avengers did but nobody agent, coming from the Tony Stark stung like a slap to the face.
“Tony!” Pepper breathed out. “I’m sorry agent we won’t take more of your time. Can you sign these papers. They are for insurance, liability and the contract with the Avengers.”
“Insurance?” You asked
“Yes, as Avengers sometimes there is damage that may be caused. Damage that the Avengers Company has to pay for. We are essentially just adding you to our policy. This also would give a 4 million dollar payout life insurance if anything were to happen to you.”
“Oh we don’t have to worry about that, I don’t have a family.”
Pepper smiled understandingly, “or your next of kin.”
“What are the other papers?” You asked.
“The other ones are just parts of the contract with the Avengers Company. You’ll get a handbook notating all the rules, regulations and expectations that you are to live within while you are at the compound. For example,” she continued. “There are no maids in the compound, this is to ensure the safety of our team members in coming across any possible double agents, you will be responsible for cleaning your messes, keeping your quarters cleaned. No dating within the team and training accordingly to improve and maintain any skills that you have to perform the best you possibly can when missions are to be assigned.”
The rules sounded easy enough and you wondered what other rules could be on the Avengers handbook. You were a pretty neat person, not the cleanest but definitely not the worst.
Dating within the team? Easy. You were already kinda seeing someone from the O.S.S compound. Rumlow. He was one of the top agents in the compound. Known to have done a few missions with the Avengers already. You were going to have to ask him to help you once you could talk to him again.
Training? Easy. You did that everyday religiously already.
“Jesus, I can practically hear you thinking, agent.” Tony snarked.
“Any questions?” Pepper asked as she ignored Tony’s rudeness.
“No, I think I understand so far.”
You signed the papers and left the room. You couldn’t believe that your hard work was paying off. At this point the adrenaline of just having joined the Avengers kept you going back to your room. You hadn’t yet realized how tired you were, that as soon as you rested your head on your pillow you were already dreaming of your upcoming assignment.
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
Lightening and Arrows
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Be My Date Sold Together Pizza Anytime Crutches Wild Wild West Blue Tank Top Concussion Honeys, I'm Home!
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powerbottom-thor · 1 year
If Thor is not in the Loki series, I’m not gonna watch it😤
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stevenrogered · 11 months
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THOR (2011) / LOKI 2x06 (2023)
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rosemilo · 3 months
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✨️ Loki in suits ✨️
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manny-jacinto · 1 year
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#wake up babe, new enemies to lovers dropped
GEN V (2023-)
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supermarvelgirl15 · 11 months
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The World's Tree
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Thor (2011)
Loki (2023) — 2.06 “Glorious Purpose”
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pascaloverx · 6 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
chapter two chapter four
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Chapter Three
Cursed be Asgard, cursed be Thor, Odin, and all who came before them. You think as soon as you feel your breath grow heavy, thanks to the tight dress you're being forced to wear. Whoever is responsible for you wearing this damn dress will pay.
"My dear, I knew you would look beautiful in this dress. Seeing you tonight, all dressed up for your first formal ball, is like seeing my own daughter." Queen Frigga says as soon as you descend the stairs to the main hall of Asgard's castle. You smile, thinking that she always wanted you to get closer to the royal family, hoping that maybe you could straighten out Loki. To her misfortune, the son who captured your heart was precisely the one who shouldn't have.
"Your Majesty, I believe my attire is inappropriate for my role in this realm. I don't want to be ungrateful, but I am the Chief of the Royal Guard, not…" You speak to the Queen Frigga as you observe the proceedings within the official hall, nobles are dancing and gossiping everywhere. Thor keeps staring at you, even though this ball is about him finding the new queen.
"In the world we live in, no one can afford to be just one thing. You are as much the Chief of the Royal Guard as you are a beautiful woman deserving of the great chance to find a marriage. In fact, a marriage almost as important as that of the Future King. Your purpose, Y/N, is much greater than you imagine." Queen Frigga speaks mysteriously, lightly touching your shoulder before moving towards the other guests at the ball.
As you look ahead, Thor is talking to the Princess of the Kingdom of Elvok, Jane Foster. He seems interested in her. His eyes seem incredibly focused on what she's doing, as if they're following the sway of her dress as they dance almost in front of you. And you had already anticipated that it would be like this.
"You should dance too. Perhaps in the company of a certain Prince Steve, who may or may not have a proposal for you." Steve says behind your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and you look at him angrily.
"You must be responsible for me being dressed like this, aren't you?" You would kill him if you could. He seems to find it amusing as he puts his hand in front of you and guides you to where everyone is dancing with their partners. He deliberately positions himself close to where Thor was dancing with Jane.
"Allow me to say that you look stunning. But yes, I am responsible for you wearing a dress now. In fact, I needed to check if you would be willing." Steve says enigmatically as he guides you in a dance that seems to attract everyone's attention. It must be because you've never been seen in such an informal context before, wearing a dress and dancing with a prince.
"Willing to what?" You ask curiously, trying not to think about what the rest of the hall is doing. Now your complete attention is on your dance with Steve.
"To rule the people of Kyrax with me. Side by side. As my…" Prince Steve just suggested that you become Queen?
"And what about tradition?" You ask as you try to keep up with the dance rhythm, without stumbling. It's obvious that you would like to be the damn Queen. But not Steve's. Not of Kyrax.
"Kyrax wants a Queen with a firm hand who knows how to lead. I want a strong partner. You led Asgard like no one else, no realm that tried to attack Asgard succeeded. Personally, I think Thor should marry you. Since he clearly feels something for you and you would be a perfect Queen. But tough luck for him. I've already proposed this to King Odin." You then stop dancing, looking surprised at Steve.
"Can I think about it, given the fact that you're indirectly asking for my hand in marriage, right?" You ask almost in a whisper. There's a certain dread in the idea of being found out that you've been proposed to.
"You can, and know that I won't do any harm to Asgard if you refuse. Take it for what it is. A man asking you to be his wife." Steve says, ending the dance officially and stepping away. Your eyes scan the hall, searching for Thor. Deep down in your heart, you want to tell him about this and allow yourself to be vulnerable. But he's gone.
"He disappeared with Princess Jane. They've been gone together for a few minutes now. Dad is happy about it; maybe they'll manage to get married tonight. Actually, two weddings. I can't believe you managed to capture the Future Kings of two realms." Loki says, startling you, as he lightly takes hold of your waist to guide you into a new dance. You're too nervous to react to the provocation, so you sigh.
"Let's say I want to know where your brother is specifically, would you take me there?" You ask near Loki's ear, and he firmly holds your hand, guiding you close to Thor's room. That son of a bitch, did he take the princess to his room?
"I'd love to see the show, but someone has to distract the great King Odin. I'll let you deal with your little boyfriend. At least try to cause some damage, to him of course." Loki says, disappearing shortly after, all smiles.
You then gently knock on the door in the way you do when you want to alert Thor that you're about to enter. You then gently knock on the door in the way you do when you want to alert Thor that you're about to enter. You hear noises coming from inside the room and decide to wait not too far away. Jane discreetly exits Thor's room, heading towards the nobles. And then you feel humiliation. Feeling jealous of Thor wouldn't make you better. Currently, the best thing for you is to accept Steve's proposal and forget about Thor and Asgard.
"We need to talk, dove." Thor says, holding your waist and pulling you into the room. Now it seems you're going to have a relationship discussion, and you're not ready for it.
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carl0s0ter0oo1 · 9 months
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Immortal Thor#9 for April, 2024
THE ENCHANTRESS OF WORLDS! The Son of Odin came to the citadel of Roxxon—to make war for the sake of the Earth herself. But his enemies were waiting to steal from him the one thing that was Thor's alone…and they had crafted the foulest of weapons to do it. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR…and of the trap he could not escape. Comic · 28 pages · $4.99
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Look at him flying a ship across the water:
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My mans would've loved riding a JetSki
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fighto-art · 3 months
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Loki (2011) they could never make me hate you babe
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emeryhiro · 11 months
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This scene was so beautiful.
I can only imagine Loki ending up back on his timeline at the end of all of this and starting to frantically search for Thor and Mobius.
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“remember that time i got so angry at my father and brother i held the whole city of new york hostage…” loki stfu, that was like two weeks ago for you. we know you’re dramatic but godDAMN
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c0ffinfl0p · 4 months
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