#Thread;Winging it
kazxmp · 1 year
We’re All Winging It
Starter for @mpinsoo
Kaz can’t say he had ever in his life offered to help someone get into makeup, nor had he ever agreed to take some time out of his day for someone on his instagram. But there’s a first for everything and Kaz happened to not be in a shitty mood, so here he was, backpack full of makeup, chains jingling as he walked up to Insoo’s place. Only seeing the guy in pictures he had tried to match the foundation colors he had but knowing photos really did no justice... he had damn near every color he had in his damn bag. Thing probably weighed ten pounds alone.
For once the tattoo artist was on time, he really only had so much time between clients to do this, but at the same time... if he took his time here and made them wait they would wait. 
“Yo. Insoo? I brought my shit.” his tone was flat as is normally was, but really he was kinda excited to do another type of art on someone else even as he spoke through the door accompanied with a singular hard knock. 
Once inside and settled, Kaz’ plethora of makeup took up rows and rows next to their knees as they sit on the floor criss cross facing each other. Insoo had already told him over DM the look he wanted to learn so he only brought his warm tones colors and different shimmers, from liquid eyeshadow to gel liner, it would be impossible for him not to have something here that matched the undertone of Insoo’s skin.  Looking at him up close, Insoo had warm toned skin, but his undertones actually hinted at cooler tones. Using too dull of a pink would turn out more mauve with layers than it would be the light airy pink the other wanted. With delicate fingers he brushes over the ridges of the palettes-not needing to see the insides to know-pulling out three of the ones he thinks will work. It’s even quick work to figure out which foundation he needs. A light cream that didn’t have much coverage but mitigated redness, and as he squeezes it on the back of his hand and dabs the blender into it he smiles, looking down at his hands. 
“Alright kid, let’s get you prime fuckable for your little date. Home boy’s gonna be sweatin when you walk in.” It was no secret Kaz loved sex. Even when he wasn’t involved, he thinks everyone deserves some pipe or whatever they like, so he was honestly even more ready for this spur of the moment makeup session because he heard it was for a date. “And if he don’t look like he just saw the holy fucking trinity when he sees you? Get you a new date.” 
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willofasherah · 11 months
seeing everyone just mindlessly sign up for threads despite all the clear warning signs feels like I’m living in Sailor Moon or a magical girl anime episode where the Monster of the Day just set up shop over night and their product is literally draining your lifeforce for the Dark Kingdom but people keep going there
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harmonysanreads · 3 months
aventurine and sunday have practically dragged me back into hsr brainrot help
aventurine’s all for the gleam and glow, the high life, price tags still hanging off his most recent — and undeniably expensive — purchase for you. he’s casual and flirty, but is there a point where he can get out-flirted? what would it be like to have the tables turn and see him flustered for once?
sunday’s responsible, caring, and overall has a look of complete and total perfection. the wings behind his ears are very pretty — would he allow them to be touched, given that the two of you in private? do they subconsciously move and react when he feels strongly towards things, or does he have better self control than that? or are they a bit ticklish, perhaps... (my friend told me that it’s supposed to be “be not afraid”, not “do be giggling and kicking your feet” 😭)
- 🕯️
My dear🕯️anon is cooking again
Aventurine is definitely one of the highest spending yanderes and by that, I mean to the point of being ridiculous. Even if he's not giving you gifts, he's throwing fresh cash at any chance he gets and you can't quite predict when he'll do it.
I've also been trying to figure out the general pattern of his speech and I've heard people mention he isn't an outright flirt and all the instances where he's come close to 'flirting' you'll notice it's him trying to turn the tables in his favor. He's a master at the art of speaking and holding a conversation with him is like walking on a thin rope while balancing five books on your head. I think, if you just don't give up when playing these mental gymnastics with him, he'll be charmed.
Sunday's wings are probably very sensitive and I think it's best you don't touch them without permission, just to soften his mood. I've also had this thought that Sunday would give you one of his feathers as a token of friendship/trust/promise in the early stages of your 'relationship'.
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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muckwalk · 23 days
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just a little guy
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autisticandroids · 6 hours
CASTIEL: Stop. What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me - not love, not respect, just fear.
[youtube with closed captions]
a godstiel pity party. i'd like to thank an anon i got way back in february of 2021.
#spn#vid#spnamvarchive#so fun fact i started making this more than a year ago. got it 90% done. and then was like no this isn't working#i will come back to this later.#it turns out that i needed to make some videos about cas and angels (the love club + help i'm alive amvs)#in order to make this one. anyway this video is about french mistake robert singer voice season six#i really struggled with it because i could NOT find the thread until i realized that it needed to be literally godstiel pov#it's about love and desire and jealousy and hurt and omnidirectional rage <3#it's about the fact that cas is so utterly dependent on dean for his self-image - however dean sees him that's it#it's about having a moment of reflection about lashing out before you do it but doing it anyway#it's about taking cruelty and dishing it out#and crucially. it's about being pregnant#mpregpocalypse#fun fact: i made a post about working on three season six amvs all the way back in nov. 2022#and only now have they come to fruition (this one + love club + metric)#anyway. have you heard that cas is obsessed#the thing is i do kinda want to add some specific director's commentary here. like the first verse is about cas being like.#incredibly deeply emotionally vulnerable to dean. as in: his emotional state and self-image is totally dominated by what dean thinks of him#and if dean is mad at him. and then the second verse is about... dean upsetting him and him responding to that by Killing Everybody lol#like he has a moment of reflection ['certain regrettable things are now required of me' + killing rachel] where he's like i've 1) also done#bad things and 2) i feel bad about it so maybe i will regret Killing Everyone. but then he does it anyway due to everybody keeps turning#on him. i feel like the rest of the amv is self evident. i guess i should note that 'share a paradise' is about how both of them have#a nostalgic view of the early days of their relationship when it wasn't Like This lol. but everything else i think is self evident.#oh and the reason the other angels flash onscreen with their burned wings at the end is i'm EVOKING the image of cas' wings burning. even#though it doesn't happen. i'm evoking it
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casgirlsam · 11 months
Ethical CEOs exist apparently
in a world of Bob Igers and David Zaslavs, there is Sam Reich
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(from sam's twitter)
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54625 · 3 months
So a while ago I made this post
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TLDR: Which popular MCYT fanon things do you dislike?
And I've been wanting to do a follow up ever since because it was so fun to read through everyone's opinions; it's great to see people speak their minds in a little space where they can do so without hurting anyone directly. So since it has been a good few months and things about content creators and servers have changed since, there are probably new things people want to get off their chests.
So I'm pretty much just asking the exact same question again. What MCYT fanons and headcanons wind you up?
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
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May your day be full of joyous whimsy, and things made just because you can
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dramatisperscnae · 8 months
closed starter for @cxpedcrusxder's Grim, because why tf not >w>
He's not exactly sure just what good coming here will do, but he's got to know. He's got to see for himself. After that very public arrest, after everything…the media's had a field day with this, but even at fifteen years old Dick knows the media doesn't always give the full picture.
So here he is. Sneaking into Gotham's most secure mental hospital in the dead of night, to do…what, exactly? Satisfy his own curiosity? Maybe. The man he's coming to see has a pretty twisted view of how things should be in this city, and Dick wants to know why. No one else will tell him. Possibly no one else can.
The people at the orphanage tell him not to ask questions like that. They worry about him. They'd probably worry a lot more if they knew where he is now, what he's doing. They'd definitely worry if they knew he's been sneaking out regularly since he'd cme to live there in the first place, but that's a different issue.
The hallways are quiet as Dick slips carefully down them. They always are at this hour; he's been watching the guard rotation and routine for a while now, taking stock of the various security measures. He won't have much time to talk, once he finds the right room, but he'll have some.
And there it is. Arguably the most secure room in this entire facility, due to the nature and abilities of the man it holds. A man who may or may not actually be awake at this hour, but Dick's going to find out. He knocks at the door - a transparent affair made of reinforced, just-about-everything-proof glass that removes any sense of privacy this man has - and steps back a pace, arms folded. "…Anyone awake in there?"
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sn0wbat · 5 months
← part 1 🦇
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fun fact, they are almost the same age frida was when rune went to sleep. funny how time works
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wall-e-gorl · 6 months
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Arlaen and the Raven Queen, making a choice
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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ameliiorate · 3 months
☀︎ — random starter #2 for @romanticlcver ☀︎ — based on
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"I'm glad you're okay." His undereye is already throbbing, and it would surely be the size of a goose egg by the next morning. Key is unbothered by all of it. A few bruises and scrapes are nothing in comparison to the pressure of relief that overcomes him. He wishes that he had been able to do more, but he's far from being all that physically strong, more of a scrapper and a survivor than a fighter. Still, whether it had been his presence or the fact that he had fought back at all, the perpetrators had ran off in a hurry before more damage could be done, and that's all that matters to him.
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rhysie · 4 months
a hard pill to swallow ... rhys not telling feyre during her pregnancy is not as ooc as u think it is
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moonys-library · 2 months
______ the only book boyfriend ever
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