ashleybenlove · 1 month
Callum working through his complicated feelings about Avizandum/Thunder.
"Because that was Zym's dad." 😭
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sioster · 6 months
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Save me (Gromowy Upadek) save me... save me.. (Gromoey Upadek) save me ...
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Bonus apperance of Dyinghope the obligatory kid edgy main character (actually she isn't one. Thunderfall is.) and Burningmane the mountain of fur who has trouble walking.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Aaravos' phantom horse was actually a unicorn.
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freinhardt56 · 2 years
It hurts my soul to see a narrative of my people's liberation reimagined as an imperial conquest. I fucking love the Dragon Prince.
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The sun on my face is gentle in its warmth, and the smell of rain lingers in the air. Siya calls me from inside; mornfeast is ready, and it smells wonderful. She lays the last tray down with a flourish, grinning at me to make sure I noticed.
“Thank you, dear.” I kiss her forehead before sitting down. “I promise I’ll finish early enough to help you one day.”
“Darling, you know I love doing this for you. And I couldn’t get up before dawn if you put the sunscreecher on my head at sunrise.” The visual nearly makes me cackle, but with her food already in my mouth, I manage to keep it to a snort. “You make sure all the animals are happy and the crops are growing. I'll make sure you don’t starve doing it.”
“I can cook, you know.”
“Mhm. I think the Ponthians would disagree.”
“That was one time! I didn’t know sunfruit would do that in the cold!”
She just smiles and glances at the sweetbread I’ve eaten a quarter of. “I should take some of this now, it’s going fast.”
“I love you.”
“...I have faced the armies of every kingdom in this land and only you can ever win against me.” I love you too, dear.
“Are you going to the market today?”
“Yeah, is there anything you need?”
“Besides you? Not really.”
“You can’t just say that.” Oh?
I stand in the doorway and brush her hair behind her ear, my hand resting on her face. “Why not? It’s true.”
The indignant face she makes can’t override the pink tinge to her skin. “We’ve been married for centuries and this still happens.” It’s quiet enough that she might have been thinking out loud.
“I love you too, moonwing. Now go, I’ll clean up here.” I kiss her cheek before I let her pass and hear her mutter something as she leaves. Gods above and below, let us never be less in love than we are now.
Most of them are gone, you know.
The voice in my head is familiar, if unexpected.
It’s been a while. You sound…
Weak. I know. You are my last tether to this world.
You don’t contact me often. What’s wrong?
I would not ask anything more of you if it were not important.
I know.
I will not sully your memory of this place. Speak to me in the sunfruit field when you are ready.
Well… that can’t be anything good. I was a bit quicker than usual putting away the dishes and wrapping up the leftovers. My spine prickled as I walked to the field, where the blossoms glowed red in the sunlight as they drank in light magic. Adilet was the reason I was here, alive, instead of dead in a gutter puddle 3000 years ago. I had served him faithfully for many centuries, enough for a mutual respect to grow between us. I could see the wispy shape of his form now, catching the light like a cluster of glowflies at sunset. He seemed to be drawing from the sunfruit to maintain a corporeal presence; with the state of his power, I couldn’t blame him. He turned to face me as I kneeled, shoes sinking into the soft soil.
“Rise, Ecarra, Warrior of the Seven Kingdoms.”
“My lord. For what purpose am I called?”
His expression, even in this shifting form, was grim. “What do you know of the time before the gods?”
His hand reached toward me. “There is something you must see.”
I placed my palm in his and darkness swallowed us.
“Before humans, before the gods, there was the Era of Dragons.”
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Thunderfall Official Lore Post - 1
This is the first lore post of many, believe me. I have plenty of worldbuilding to lay out on the table! This is likely the first of two I'll post before Chapter one.. (of course that's not cemented as a timeframe, but it's a loose estimate.)
If you have any questions, or smth, feel free to comment or toss an ask in my inbox, and I will reply if/when I can.
So, with all that laid out in the open– without further adieu, enjoy!
@jakersdaboss (other names can be added, just ask 💜)
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(Vibrutian official height ref + gender size differences)
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The giants of Vibrutas, the Vibrutian’s, were a primarily closed off race (atleast to any other intelligent life-forms besides themselves), until Earth’s satellite dishes shot a myriad of signals and messages into the vaccum of deep space.
They are not a friendly sort, or most of them prefer not to be. They are divided up into a multitude of cultures, and some pay tribute and thanks to different deities from their homeworld. (Which will be explored in a different post, once I sort out the details.)
Vibrutian’s have sexual dimorphism displayed in their race; with the females usually being bigger, and having brighter coloration, and the males being smaller and having duller colors. Of course that is not to say that sometimes, in some cases, men could have more vivid coloring, and Women could be more de-saturation; but it isn't common.
Most, if not all Vibrutian’s have very sharp canines, since they are primarily carnivores, Although omnivores are quite common too for the more rustic folk that prefer to live off of farmland. But, they have a unique little quirk; the more predatorily inclined vibrutian’s, have their teeth needing “maintenance” every couple days, or they will get dull. So to prevent this, they usually gnaw or chew on hard objects to sharpen them.
They have bioluminescent markings that span most of their bodies, and change as they get older, becoming more and more intricate with time. These markings are capable of flashing on command, which has made another sub-communication for their kind; and the markings shift between colors depending on how they feel. Like..mood lights!
They are extremely vocal, and often more than not, have special sounds they reserve for being affectionate with a partner, ex- trilling, purring, or even a low growl. So, a growl that a human could perceive as aggressive, is actually more of an "I love you!" sound for them.
Vibrutian’s have complex language all their own, but when speaking to other lifeforms they usually just use a small translator that they can clip onto their helmets or uniforms. But these translators don't tend to be used often..
Minor addition, there are several kinds of dimorphism in their species.. Ex: rare eye-colors, the women actually have lower pitched vocalization than men do, and some markings are more common in certain genders than others.
They have INCREDIBLE hearing, a great sense of smell, and stellar night-vision! Their ears are extremely sensitive though, and a loud noise can easily stun or incapacitate a Vibrutian.
They're fantastic trackers and usually always find what they're after, which is how humans were rocketed to the brink of extinction so quickly.
Their pupils and markings reflect what kind of behavior they will have, but their pupils also contribute to their rarity, as some pupil types are rarer than others. For example, there is one pupil type that is so rare, it's considered a mere legend.
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Their teeth also have a lot to do with the individual giant’s behavior; Dulled, rounded canines are mostly for less predatory, and less aggression prone giants, or perhaps those more adapted to eating plants than meat. Sharper, curved or jagged canines are more common in the aggressive sort.
Vibrutian’s are one of the biggest races that exist in the world of Thunderfall; and their heights vary depending on the age of the giant. Adults are in the ranges of 100–120, Teens are from 90—100, etc.
Last but not least, a deeper lore teaser: They are very reverent of the moon, even when it is not the same one from their homeworld.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Character Introduction - Valen Cassidy (Scrapyard Boys)
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⚡・・About/General Info ・・⚡
A street urchin despised by the government of New Omnium, Valen was once the son of a celebrated journalist - his mother was a woman who was on the verge of uncovering and exposing the true schemes going on under the surface of their city's elite, when she was suspiciously killed. Valen was then almost sent by the government to the mysterious Spectre Academies - a training ground for mutant youths, beloved by the public but which holds dark secrets within - but before they could, Valen managed to escape, utilizing his Electrokinesis powers to neutralize the agents and allow him to escape into the lower districts of the city, where he disappeared from the grid. Valen grew into a rebellious and defiantly angry young man, classified as one of the city's Top 10 Most Dangerous mutant outlaws, a target to be eliminated. With the help of his chaotic crew of other superpowered street urchins, Valen finds himself following his mother's footsteps - but this time through a vigilante route - to expose their city's dystopic regime and find out the truth behind the billionaire industries that built it. And slowly, they start to figure out that the origins of mutant powers in humanity was not quite what they were led to believe, and that the strange occurances happening all around the city were not mere coincidences.
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⚡・・More Info ・・⚡
Pronouns - He/Him Current Role - Protagonist, Part of the Main Cast Appearance - Valen has very, very long, curly, and voluminous golden blond hair, messily styled and which he takes a lot of pride in. His eyes are a deep electric blue, like the color of lightning or electricity, which is fitting given one of his main powers is Electrokinesis. He is average height, though on the shorter end of the spectrum for someone in his late teens (when the main story starts), but he is very strong - freakishly so, for someone who is so lanky and whose powers have nothing to do with strength. He wears ripped-up denim vests with customized patches, an old, dark black shirt with the logo of his favorite rock band, also ripped-up jean pants and bright red long-neck sneakers, as well as tin rings and cheap necklaces. He has a menacing look that usually pushes others away, like a brewing lightning storm.
Personality Types:
✶ Enneagram: 8w7
Occupation: Street Urchin, Vigilante, Rebel Powers: Eletrokinesis, Eletrical Conduction, Storm Manipulation, and the likes! Sexuality: Straight Alias: Thunderfall
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✶ Character Playlist
Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
So Far Away - Staind
King For A Day - Pierce The Veil
overwhelmed - Royal & The Serpent
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Heat of The Moment - Asia
Buy The Stars - Marina & The Diamonds
And More!!!
✶ Tags:
#wip scrapyard boys #oc: valen cassidy #oc: thunderfall
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Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives @differentnighttale, @wyked-ao3
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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wheretwofacesmeet · 1 year
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Nyx can see us
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celestialowlryx · 4 months
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THE DRAGON PRINCE ↳ Book 3 "Sun" Chapter 6 • "Thunderfall"
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bat-snake · 18 days
My take on a distant future AU (that depends on Aaravos sacrificing so much energy into finally ensuring Leola's return that he has to abandon his mortal form for a bit - much to her heartbreak) and so
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I have no idea how to connect all of these things and have a few vague ideas about who the New Gang is (one of them is a Moonshadow/Sunfire elf with a human grandma, who works for the Katolis Historical Society as a tour guide and she is e x h u s t e d)
There are so many more humans that figured out how to connect to a primal source, but it's like a small rural town's worth because it's still very hard to connect and requires a lot of introspection.
I'm trying to decide if Leola has just one child (named after Callum) or if she has two (named after Callum and Claudia). She's also looking after one of the New Gang, who is also in a coma. But because she connected to the Star primal and she couldn't handle the depths of Infinity, and not because of The Thing that knocked out all the elf kids under 10.
Zym is going strong as the Dragon King and is pretty well adored. Especially since Thunderfall is a thriving integrated city at this point.
And of course, aside from a Molly Gru-esque "How dare you come to me now, when I am this??? (burnt out and exhausted and lonely)" response to his return, Leola makes a pretty clear threat regarding Aaravos and his grandchild(ren).
Basically a "If I even hear a hint that you are pulling destructive stings for my child(ren) that you did for me, I will personally put you in a pearl myself and I will bind myself to it because I know how. Anyway! Humans figured out how to capture an obscura reflection! They put mirrors in a tiny box! I have mourned so many human friends that I am about to snap! The light in side me is dying! I really need you to just be my dad right now or I am going to lose it!"
There's a Rayllum grandchild running around as the new guardian of the Moon Nexus. Her name is Odette. (Which I. Realize now is ironic name choice with the whole "moon touching the lake" thing and was not deliberate on my part but I'm sticking to it. Give her eleven swans I guess)
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 3 months
Researching lunar calendar for fanfic purposes, and to make it match the timeframe of TDP, I searched for 2019-2021. Obviously, the lunar cycles don't quite match up (Callum's 17th birthday wouldn't have fallen on a full moon, but creative liberties), so the closest one would be on July 23, aka the "Full Buck / Thunder Moon"
And WHOA is that LOADED. Buck as in deer, deer as in the Rayla/Claudia foils (Claudia killed a deer, Rayla spared one but she was asked to kill people and repeatedly refuses to do it...). Thunder as in Storm Dragons, Thunderfall, Avizandum, and Callum's Sky Magehood. Thought it interesting and wanted to share!
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2x08 The Book of Destiny
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3x06 Thunderfall
Look, it’s of course about Harrow as a character and the ways in which he feels chained by the cycle yet also horrified by dark magic, but it’s ALSO about the Callum and Viren parallels
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rayla1101 · 1 year
( Insert Audio: I hate him, he's the one that took my mother. Oh. Looking at him, seeing him)
I really love this scene between Rayla & Callum talking about Avizandum & the cycle of Hatred.
Scene from Season 3 Episode 6: Thunderfall.
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Rayla finally indulging in big feelings time 🥰 and obviously helping Callum a lot 😊
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raayllum · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’ve seen anyone comment about how “similar” tdp is to ATLA or even people going far as to claim that tdp is a “ripoff” esp with the Soren, Claudia, Viren arcs in comparison to Zuko, Azula, Ozai. I personally find Soren more similar in characterization (though not entirely the same) to Steve Palchuck from the Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia series (not sure if you watched or not) and if any character comes to mind about being similar to Zuko, it’s definitely Hunter from the Owl House in terms of characterization and arcs. Idk if you’ve done a meta about this before but I love reading your thoughts (if you’re interested ofc).
So I have done a couple of metas on ATLA x TDP, mostly noting the thematic similarities between them (bloodbending and dark magic, pre-S4's puppeteering too lol!) and between Rayllum and Kataang as developing relationships. Meta comparing "Thunderfall" and "The Southern Raiders" here, meta talking about Kataang and Rayllum (s1-s2 as it was written pre-s3) here.
Also a more opinion based piece on why I could get behind Rayllum but have never really been a romantic Zutara fan (I see them far more as narrative siblings, which is still one of my favourite metas I have ever done)
I am a big Trollhunters fan (reblog more about it on main @thethiefandtheairbender and various other cartoons like SU, HTTYD, OTGW, Infinity Train, etc) and I adore Steve, but I don't think I'd really compare Soren to him, simply because while I love Steve and his development, Soren's development is undeniably deeper and more pyschological, I think.
That said the ATLA character that reminds me the most of Soren is Sokka. Goofy, prone to joking regardless of if the situation calls for it ( "Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?") just to get a rise out of people, lmao, sometimes overly confident or reliant on their battle prowess, and desperate to prove themselves to their fathers. Sokka's attitude particularly in early book 1 reminds me of Soren's in s1, as well as their more skeptic attitude and relationships with their more magically inclined younger sisters
For Callum, he reminds me the most of Katara and Mai (again, true before S4, but interesting to see how much he shut down the way Mai largely did due to her family relationship, so again, kinda fun that worked out). Caring sibling, fast and harsh temper, strong in magic but untrained, artistic and precise (hi Mai), ride or die for their loved ones above all else, even above morals. For Rayla, she's basically running parallel arcs to Zuko and Aang in a lot of ways: grumpy, banished, immediately protects the sibling duo she encounters, facial markings, guilt complex galore (hi Aang). Rayllum is a good blend of all their personalities tbh
For Claudia, she reminds the most of Azula, and Katara, and Zuko, due to her loyalty to her father, willingness to do anything for her family, and being marked by the same sort of dual visual storytelling that Zuko's scar had.
And Hunter from the Owl House was definitely one of my faves! I think he falls into a category a lot of more modern day redemptions do, though, in terms of not letting their character actually be messy enough for long enough that it feels like maybe redemption isn't in the cards (hi Claudia my beloved, you excellent subversion sweetie). Or they go too far and don't give enough reason for a character to effectively redeem themselves (eyes SPOP with a long sigh). And just to clarify, I do think Claudia will have a redemption arc, but I appreciate how we're going about it thus far.
It's funny bc in some ways while Zuko has never been my favourite archetype (particularly for male characters), my protagonist in my og work is a bit like him: lost, angry, easily resentful, and she's my baby.
I think I'm just kinda over arcs of "Oh my father figure is Bad / imperialism is bad"? Because 1) Zuko did it so well and 2) I wanna see stories that go beyond those things or do new things with those concepts (please no more "rich white lesbian girl with a mean family" arcs I am. so tired). I think that's why I like TDP so much, because dark magic thematically and its explorations of self destructive behaviour add a lot of layers and interesting aspects to all the dynamics that I don't see most other media for this age demographic kinda taking advantage of, tbh
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sioster · 1 year
I was supposed to do dsmp mlp designs but then I drew my warrior kitty as a pony 💀 dw I'm going to do the block men now, Thunderfall was a warm up
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