#Tina fell
deafchild2000 · 9 months
Inheritance Character Profile: Meredith Fell
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• Meredith Ieisha Fell-Moore
• June 6th, 1985 (Mystic Falls, Age 43)
• Alive
• Volunteer (Formerly)
• Intern and resident at Buffalo Hospital (Formerly)
• Physician at Mystic Falls Hospital (Formerly)
• Locum Tenum at Duke University (Formerly)
• Physician in Anchorage, Alaska (Formerly)
• Head of Internal Medicine at Mystic Falls Hospital
• Mer, Merri (by Michael and Elise)
• Doc
• Iaso (by Elise)
• Dr. Meredith Moore
• Mrs. Fell-Moore
• Doc, Blood Doctor (by Harmony)
• Meredith Grey
• Meredith Moore, M.D.
• Merry (by Dante)
• Aunt Meredith (by BJ)
• Human
• Female
•Thomas Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Honoria Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Franklin Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Tobias Fell † (Paternal Relative)
•Tripp Cooke † (Paternal Relative)
•Mr. Zachary Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Logan Fell † (Paternal Cousin)
•Blair Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Tina Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Valerie Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Violet Fell † (Paternal Relative)
•Margaret Ruth Fell † (Paternal Great-Grandmother)
•Marjorie Ann Fell † (Paternal Grandmother)
•Michael Fell (Father)
•Elise Samaha-Fell (Mother)
•Dante Moore (Husband)
•Abigail Moore (Sister-in-Law)
•June Moore (Daughter)
• 5'7" (Feet)
• 1.70 (Meters)
• Brown
• Brown
Early History
Meredith Fell was born in Mystic Falls in 1985 to Michael Fell, a neurosurgeon, and Elise Samaha-Fell, a banker. As a child, her grandmother, Marjorie Ann, told her stories about woman named Samantha Gilbert When she was 16, she was made aware of vampires by her parents. Her father helped hone Meredith's mental strength so she wouldn't become reliant on vervain. As a teenager, Meredith dated Brian Walters, but on her prom night, he dumped her on Wickery Bridge. She never forgave him, nor did she ever get over her distaste for the bridge.
She went to New York for college for graduation and stayed for a few years before deciding to move back to Mystic Falls shortly after her father became the Medical Director of Mystic Falls Hospital. When she came home, she came across her grandmother's journal and marveled at the possibility of vampire blood's healing properties. However, it seemed her grandmother was unwilling to say more about the party or who hosted it, so she couldn't learn more.
On September 26, 2010, Alaric was hit by a car and transported to the hospital, she saw that Alaric was on his feet after treating him despite the severity of his wounds. Alaric thanks Dr. Fell for helping him but she rebuffs him, asking him to call her Meredith. She is suspicious and verbalizes that she believes he may have a guardian angel or a pact with the Devil. Alaric says that it's a little bit of both and leaves.
On October 10th, Meredith meets Alaric again at the Wickery Bridge Restoration Fundraiser. She is very forward in revealing to him that she knows about vampires. The same night, she gets into an argument with her ex-boyfriend Brian Walters, where Alaric intervenes. Before leaving, Brian warns Alaric that Meredith is a psycho. Meredith thanks Alaric for jumping to her defense but has to leave after being paged. The next morning Meredith runs into Alaric at The Grill. Both were depressed as Alaric had just dropped Jeremy off at the airport, and Meredith had just lost a patient. The same morning, the body of Meredith's ex-boyfriend Brian Walters was found in the woods by a hiker. Oddly, he was staked in the heart, even though he wasn't a vampire.
10 days later, Damon was suspicious of her ties to the murder of her ex-boyfriend, Brian Walters. When Damon spots Alaric and Meredith having lunch at The Grill, he warns Alaric to be careful as he finds it suspicious that she signed the death certificate of her ex-boyfriend. Damon makes a follow-up visit to the hospital and accuses Meredith of being a murderer. She vervains him, and takes his blood. Later when Alaric confronts Meredith about this, she tells him she took Damon's blood to save her patients because she hates losing them. To further emphasize her point, she brings him to a severely injured Bill Forbes, who suffered from an actual animal attack, whom Meredith injects with vampire blood to fasten the healing process. That night, bringing Meredith to his home, Alaric reveals he's a vampire hunter & shows her his stakes. He explains the Gilbert Ring to Meredith. They flirt, and she asks him if he believes she's supernatural, to which he answers he can't be too careful. They encounter an awkward moment when Elena comes home to find Meredith and Alaric about to kiss. On her way home, Meredith recalled what Alaric told her about his ring and remembered the stories her grandmother told her about Samantha Gilbert. Taking a detour to her childhood home to find her parents were out, she went into the attic where they kept some of her grandmother's things. After going through a few boxes, she found a journal - one belonging to Samantha Gilbert.
The next day, Meredith meets Caroline for the first time. She assures Caroline that her father's situation is better after the accident. Being a little humorous, Meredith jokes with Caroline about Bill's temper. When fingers start to point to Meredith about the murders, Alaric starts to believe Meredith is the serial killer, but Elena defends Meredith stating that his love life can't be that complicated. After Alaric is attacked, Sheriff Forbes tells Elena that Meredith couldn't have done it because she was in the operating room all night. The next day, Meredith was confronted by her distant cousin, Tina Fell, with the news of Bill Forbes's death as a human and failure to transition. Shocked at the news, she asks her how she found out and learns he was a mentor to her boyfriend, Barry, and after learning from him that a "Dr. Fell" was his primary doctor when Bill went in, it didn't take Tina long to realize it was Meredith who injected him with it. Surprised and a bit impressed, Meredith proceeded that the vampire blood was used as a last resort, and - without breaking confidentiality - Bill had come in with injuries that warranted the use of the blood. Tina remarks that someone died and it's on her hands now before asking how she even came up with such a practice, to which Meredith brought out her grandmother's journal that detailed what happened at a New Year's Eve party in 1957. Watching her cousin read her journal, she was surprised when Tina declared that she was keeping the journal until further notice and demanded that Meredith stop using vampire blood before she made a mistake she couldn't take back.
Guilty about what she indirectly caused, she went back to Samantha's diary to try to figure out what had happened to a man she had previously seen as very much human and alive. Upon going through everything, she began formulating a hunch. But first, she called in a few favors. Over the next two days, she got the dagger that killed Brian "on loan" and everything regarding his death while compiling a file of Alaric's history to collaborate a terrifying possibility - that he was the Mystic Falls Serial Killer. And Bill's death likely occurred because she made him a target, by presenting him to Alaric (easy to find) and giving him vampire blood (a reason to be killed).
On the 23rd, after getting beaten up by Klaus to save Kol, Meredith takes Alaric to her house to check for possible injuries. Alaric wanted to leave to search for Elena, but she assured him that the Salvatores were on the job and to just stay the night. While Meredith slept, Alaric woke up and accidentally stumbled upon a picture of the crime scene of her ex-boyfriend. Next to it was the same dagger that had killed him. Meredith wakes up and sees that Alaric has found evidence in her apartment of the killings. "You weren't supposed to see that," she says before pointing a gun at him and shooting him. She called Sheriff Forbes and told her to come detain Alaric while she healed him with vampire blood. She explained that she believed Alaric was responsible for the murders, but likely doesn't know he's doing it. And as hard as it was, Liz could agree.
The next morning, Elena confronts Meredith about her accusations toward Alaric while she's walking into the hospital. Meredith defends her actions by telling Elena that Alaric was arrested four times before he was 21 and that Isobel had two restraining orders against him before they were married. Later that night, Elena and Matt break into Meredith's apartment to find evidence to incriminate Meredith instead of Alaric. Elena claims that the Fells keep their secrets buried in their closet, so they should check there. She searches Meredith's closet and finds a hidden compartment that contains a box. Elena and Matt go through the box and find Samantha Gilbert's diary and Brian's coroner's report with a different time of death than what was reported. Meredith soon arrives home and Elena and Matt hide in her closet. After they think they heard her leave, they open the door to find her standing there. Meredith reports the two and they are taken in for questioning by Sheriff Forbes.
After Alaric is released, Meredith goes to the Gilbert House to explain herself, where she assures that the Gilbert ring is causing him to kill members of the council. She believes he even self-inflicted himself so he wouldn't be complicated and throw everyone off their guard. Elena descends the staircase at that moment, after having read Samantha's diary, and agrees with Meredith that he's the killer.
A few days later, Meredith searches for any mental damage the Gilbert Ring may have had on Alaric by using an MRI, yet the results do not show brain damage. Meredith mentions that her business is not vampires, but saving people. After they have exhausted all medical solutions, they contact Bonnie. Bonnie thinks she can help Alaric by using a spell that requires some herbs and a personal artifact from before his breakdown. Elena goes to Alaric's apartment to retrieve his old wedding ring, leaving Alaric and Meredith at the Gilbert house. However, Alaric begins to act strangely (The Darkness) and attacks Meredith, causing her serious injury. Stefan and Elena arrive in time and Stefan gives Meredith his blood and she recovers.
On November 5th, Damon goes to Meredith at the Hospital and she asks how Alaric is doing with Bonnie's herbs. Damon tells her Alaric had lied about leaving town and taking Bonnie's herbs. After Esther uses Alaric to make another Original, Alaric decides not to turn. When he walks outside of the mausoleum, everyone he knows and loves including Meredith is waiting to say goodbyes. Meredith stays and watches over Alaric as he dies, and gives him sedatives to make his death painless. She tells Damon to comfort him during his last moments and she leaves heartbroken.
The next day, Jeremy takes Elena to the hospital where Meredith tells him she has a concussion and just needs some rest. When Meredith goes to her office, Alaric is waiting for her, scaring her due to his apparent survival. He is the Darkness now. He tells her he is having her medical license revoked for secretly giving her patients vampire blood. He also empties her vampire blood bank and demands she release Elena into his care. He leaves Meredith crying in her office. She immediately called Damon, who explained that Alaric was magically linked to Elena, so as long as she lives, so does Alaric. That night, she was on call in the ER when Stefan brought Elena in, unconscious. Explaining that she and Matt went over Wichkery Bridge in his truck and Elena had drowned, he sent her to the hospital for help. Unbeknownst to Alaric, Meredith had one last tube of vampire blood on her when he destroyed the rest. So she used it on Elena. When Jeremy came rushing into the ER in panic, Meredith assured him that his sister was okay. However, Damon stormed into the hospital demanding to to know where Elena was. Meredith reveals that she lied to Jeremy earlier that night about Elena's condition because he was so distraught. She secretly had given Elena some vampire blood due to a cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding of the brain). But her injuries ended up being too severe, which resulted in Elena awakening as a vampire in transition.
Within the next 24 hours, Pastor Young unexpectedly arrives at the hospital and tells Meredith that he's putting out extra security measures on the blood bank. Later on, she alongside Elizabeth Forbes, Matt Donovan, and Damon discussed a way to find Stefan and Elena. She was relieved to know the two eventually made it out, however remorseful that Elena, unlike Bill, had to finish transitioning to survive.
On the 22nd, Damon calls Meredith for help after he gets trapped with a bomb in Connor's trailer. While cutting the arrows out of Damon, she sees him rejecting a call from Elena. Meredith tells him he's a good brother, seeing that he's trapped in a bomb while Stefan is "playing vampire" with Elena, who broke his heart. Meredith tells him he does a really good job acting like it doesn't suck. She then successfully frees Damon from the bomb by cutting the arrows out of his chest.
Damon, Klaus, Jeremy, and Meredith planned to trap Connor to question him. Jeremy and Connor secretly follow Meredith, who is wearing a bandage on her neck making it look like she's been fed off into the storage room. Connor goes into the room but finds his bombs, along with Damon and Klaus. After Connor activates the bomb blowing up the storage room, Meredith was very unhappy with what happened, stating that there are sick patients who don't need a bomb so close to their rooms. Damon assures her no one got hurt, and offers her to have a drink with him. She says no and that she's not his new partner in crime, and to fix things with Elena and Stefan and not to let his pride leave him all alone.
The following days later, she chose to voluntarily surrender her medical license and stay at home. She was comforted by her mom, who stocked her fridge with Lebanese comfort food while helping her clean her apartment. Elise listened to her daughter's woes (over Alaric, the potential loss of her career, her arrogance with vampire blood, and the inconvenience of being unable to get over patients' loss which resulted in her cheating death with said blood to begin with.) Elise tells her to take it one day at a time - one problem at a time - in Arabic. That it's good she acknowledges her shortcomings now than when it's too late. Whether it was the blood or an inevitable drinking problem, Meredith was playing a risky game and got caught - ironically by the supernatural itself. She can't change or take back what happened to Bill Forbes or Elena Gilbert, so the only thing she can learn is that cheating death has a cost. While Elise is no doctor, she told her patient loss is inevitable - hence why medical practice is called "practice" for a reason. She also tells her, from what she gathered, that Alaric was a good, yet troubled man that tangled with vampires until they became his end. In the end, medical suspension is good for Meredith. She can either reflect and decide it isn't for her or try again and do the best she can within her abilities alone.
Some time afterward, Meredith managed to keep her medical license due to the dubious factors regarding complaints made by the deceased Alaric & Pastor Young. Her father pulled her to the side, however, and explained while he may have done some "schmoozing" on his part to help her situation, Meredith was advised to lay low and find a new residency outside of Mystic Falls - for her protection and her career.
Meredith was later visited by Tina, who came by to return Marjorie Ann's journal and to apologize for the way she acted. Given certain events and the mistakes she's made herself, she understandably forgives her due to acting on her boyfriend's loss. Tina had heard Meredith had managed to keep her license, a salvaged good from Pastor Young's death. Meredith mentally added Alaric's passing as well. When she asks what she would do next, Meredith admits she's taking her father's advice and begins the initial beginnings of applying for a medical license in North Carolina. After taking her mother's advice, she reflected and realized she liked being a doctor but failed to accept she couldn't save everyone and it led to making the wrong choices in a precarious time. She didn't see herself exploiting vampire blood for a long time, if ever, and decided to go back to practicing within her human capabilities. Her dad reached out to a contact in Durham and considering their medical advancements - it seems like a good place to start over.
On December 1st, she resigned from Mystic Falls Hospital and left town decided to stay with some old friends from her college days in Pennsylvania for what would be through the holidays. Learning that one of them was a locum tenen, an occupation she once considered but turned down, Meredith realizes having a contract with a hospital might help reduce her anxiety and help allow her to do what she loves without putting too much strain on herself. While there, she meets a man named Dante, who's also on a bit of a vacation before they lose touch. Her father would call her that night and tell her that Carol Lockwood was dead.
After that, she opted to extend her stay and volunteer her services, with references sent in, at the local free clinic that reminded her of her pre-med days. With patients not in life-or-death scenarios and in need of everyday care, it helped her slowly move on from her need to cheat and remember the humanity in what she does. Sometime later, she got the chance to have an interview at Duke University Hospital, which is one of the hospitals she wanted to be at. She ended up deciding to work at the hospital, but as a locum tenen for the hospital instead of a permanent attending.
After New Year's, she came back to Mystic Falls to get her affairs in order before going between Virginia and North Carolina to find lodging and getting to know the city. Her father didn't completely understand her reasoning for being a "substitute physician" over something permanent, but Meredith lucked out that they had a position open and explained it was more likely to keep her out of trouble.
On February 5th, Meredith was contacted by Stefan and Caroline concerning Jeremy's body after he was killed by Silas. Shocked to hear of his demise, she demands they tell her what happened - staggered to hear about Silas and so many new details, especially regarding a cure for vampirism. She examined his body and concluded that he died from a broken neck and extreme blood loss, leaving him in a state of rigor mortis, which causes muscles to tighten and lose flexibility. Meredith stated that if they continued to keep the body, he would start to bloat. She asks Elena to release his body into her care so they can arrange a good funeral for him, but Elena, fueled with the hope that the Gilbert Ring will revive him, attacks Meredith and angrily throws her against the wall. Elena shouts that he isn't dead magic is the only way to revive him, and that she needs Bonnie. Her outburst frightens Meredith. Stefan restrains Elena from hurting Meredith out of rage, but she calms down when Matt arrives and sees Jeremy dead.
Meredith and Stefan stayed with Jeremy's body when Matt took Elena out of the house. Meredith covered Jeremy with a sheet and turned up the air-conditioning to help preserve the body, though she knew it wouldn't help for long. She sat on the stairs and spoke with Stefan. He confessed to her that after years of watching people die, the pain of the loss never stopped. She agreed and said that she saw death every day and the denial was the worst part. It was the next day that she heard of the unthinkable - or unsurprising - of the burnt remains of the Gilbert House and if she had to guess, Jeremy's remains as well. This was enough to convince her it was time to make her departure from Mystic Falls.
Living in Durham became an exhilarating experience. She had fallen in love with the hospital and met all kinds of people. She'd found a new cafe, explored whatever events had to offer, new restaurants to try, and a lot more. But things got interesting when, sometime in March, Meredith ran into Dante at the hospital, or rather, Dr. Dante Moore of Pediatrics. Surprised to see each other since December, they made plans to catch up. Meredith and Dante became fast friends and even introduced her to his older sister, Abigail, who also worked at the hospital as a neuro-oncologist. Eventually, Meredith caught on that she was falling for him fast, and considering her disastrous love life, tried to keep it strictly as friends. But Dante was open about his feelings for her and wanted Meredith to take a chance on him. "A lot of beer and ice cream later", Meredith came to the conclusion that after living life on the edge and Alaric nearly killing her - she realized life was too short to not risk a chance on a possibility.
In May, Meredith came to visit & attend the Fell Family Gathering, catching up with most of her relatives. However, she noticed that Tina wasn't looking well. Considering she survived to see her high school graduation, she wouldn't be surprised if it all finally caught up to her. But when she sees the tiredness, the frequent bathroom breaks, and the sick expression on her face when their uncle releases smoke from the grill, Meredith's medical knowledge came into play. When Tina went to use the bathroom again, she followed her and found her vomiting. Helping her by pulling her hair back, once Tina was decent, Meredith didn't pull back any punches and asked her about her period. It took the teenager a minute to consider the possibility she was pregnant and asked Meredith to buy the tests, which she happily did despite the looks she got at the store. When she got the tests to Tina and it came back positive, she consoled her and let her know that she had options and should tell the father. When she returned to Durham, she spent the night at Dante's home. The next few days, however, Dante was acting strange and dodging Meredith. One day, he asked Meredith to come over to dinner and to dress fancy. She came over and found he decked out his home in a romantic manner and made her favorites. Just when he brought out dessert, a miniature cake, she took a bite and felt something in her mouth. Pulling it out and cleaning it, she saw it was an engagement ring and Dante proposed. Thinking out loud, she asked why and he essentially explained how he fell for her in Pennsylvania and how he felt it was more than just a chance that they found each other again. He knows it's fast and considering that they have a "package" on the way soon, he couldn't deny what he felt and wanted to make it official. In his rehearsed speech, Meredith caught onto the "package" part, and realizing what he said, he told her how he accidentally knocked over her travel bag when she spent the night after returning from Virginia and a pregnancy test fell out. Turns out, Meredith had an extra pregnancy test she forgot to give Tina and Dante assumed she was either pregnant or suspected she was. The situation was so hysterical that she just had to laugh and promptly explained what happened when she visited her family. Seeing the sheepish look on his face, she asked if he was only proposing to her because he thought she was pregnant. He admitted he saw her as his future wife from the moment they met and a baby, albeit early, was just the icing on the cake. Surprisingly, Meredith said yes to his proposal but told him kids could wait a little longer.
At some point, they are invited for a brief stay in Anchorage, Alaska with some friends from work. To Meredith's surprise, she enjoyed it so much. The temperature wasn't a deal breaker since she survived winters in New York. It was the friendliness, culture, and community that stuck with her. And she justified that doctors were always needed in Alaska. However, she wondered if she was thinking without regard for Dante and herself. But surprisingly, Dante was on board. However, both sides of their families had a hard time accepting this idea.
After securing jobs in Anchorage, they made the move to Alaska. Then, after getting a permanent attending in a hospital, Meredith found out she was pregnant in September. Meredith and Dante got married in December, with a small ceremony including friends and immediate family. Her father tried to convince her to come back to Mystic Falls to have her baby, but she declined. On June 16th, 2012, they had a baby girl named June Alicia after the month she would be born and late paternal grandmother. They kept in touch with video calls and visits over the years.
In 2025, sometime after June's 13th birthday, Elise called Meredith and told her that her father had a heart attack. She hurried onto the first plane she could get and made it to Mystic Falls as fast. Seeing her father look so sick, she stayed by his side until he woke up. Surprised to see her, her dad asked where the rest of her family was, to which she answered that it was just her. The doctors believed his heart was wearing out on him and while he's normally taken good care of himself, it's not good. Meredith asks if there is anything she can do to which he has a surprising request: Move back home. The entire near-death experience made her father realize that he wants his family around him if he does die. Meredith called Dante had told him what was happening. It didn't sound fair to ask them to pick up the lives they made in Anchorage for the last 13 years and wanted to consider if it would be okay if she just stayed behind. But Dante wasn't having it, saying they were a team. Granted, telling June wasn't exactly going to be great, both of them had family that wasn't exactly thrilled with them going to Alaska in the first place, and coming back to the Lower 48 might not be too much of a bad idea. Surprised by how supportive he was, she'd sworn she'd make it up to him...and June if she took the news badly.
Meredith and her family had a bit of a chaotic move to Mystic Falls, not just due to sending in their notice and making their home a rental house in case they visited, but also warming June up to the idea. She loved her grandfather, but she would be starting school in a whole new environment and it was hard. Meredith was given a job as Head of Internal Medicine while Dante found an opening for an attending pediatrician. She also reunited with Tina, having heard of her becoming a successful reporter & reopening the council while being the "bane" of Alaric and Caroline's existence since their boarding school was opened. She mostly chose not to hear anything of the town's other "dynamics", but occasionally she slipped tidbits into various conversations over the years. From Alaric's and Jeremy's revival to the town citizens' being possessed by witches and then being supernatural-free for a few months, and last but not least, Stefan and Damon becoming human and the former dying. Everything else just showed Meredith she was right for leaving when she did, and as far as her opinion of the Salvatore Boarding School went - "Anything that can go wrong, will or already had gone wrong". It also meant she'd eventually have to tell June about vampires when the time came.
Meredith eventually reunited with Alaric and met his daughters, Lizzie and Josie. She was shocked, appalled, and amazed by what he'd gone through after he'd come back - from the loss of his wife to the amazing circumstances of the twins' birth (while not an OBGYN, her mind started trying to understand the science behind Caroline's pregnancy and how the girls' type of magic made the pregnancy sustainable). But overall, Meredith made the mental comparison that the Alaric she knew and the Alaric that came back were two different people. And so was she, and perhaps it was for the best they never worked out.
One night in 2026, Meredith was leaving the hospital for the night when a car pulled up and two teenage girls called out for help when they pulled an unconscious, young girl from the backseat. Meredith hurried to help and asked what happened. Shining a flashlight in her eyes, Meredith saw her pupils dilated but instantly smelled the stench of alcohol on her breath - immediately letting her know she was drinking and this was likely alcohol poisoning. Medics came and immediately put her on a gurney before rolling her into the hospital, Meredith following with the two girls behind her. She managed to get their names, Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux, and asked for the girl's name & age as well, whose name was Harmony Kenner, age 15. Seeing their hesitance, she asks them what happened, to which they reluctantly relayed how they were at a party in the woods and it was only as they were driving back that they noticed something was wrong with their friend and pulled over to feel her pulse was weak. After managing to get the names and phone numbers of their parents, she sent Dante a quick text that she was running late and decided to stick around until their parents came. They arrived, but the one who surprised her was Bonnie Bennett, who rushed in asking for Harmony. Meredith took her aside and led her to Harmony's room and had to ask what her connection was to her. Bonnie revealed she's been the girl's legal guardian since February and that she was 14, not 15. Meredith told her what she knew of her condition, which mostly resulted in getting her stomach pumped. Distraught, Bonnie says she should have seen this coming, but Meredith assures her that she'll be okay and will be in the hospital for a few days. But Bonnie says she needs two days at best. When Meredith asks why, Bonnie looks around and asks if they could talk in private. Meredith finds an empty room and Bonnie gets to the point: Harmony had vampire blood in her. Eyes widened, Meredith asks if the other girls gave it to her, which she denies because the vampire blood in Harmony is pure - natural. And with that, Meredith's jaw drops as Bonnie reveals Harmony is Klaus Mikaelson's biological daughter.
Though Meredith is a kind, honest, protective, and loyal friend, she is surrounded by an aura of mystery and secrets, which caused some suspicion when unexplained deaths began occurring in Mystic Falls. Her ex-boyfriend Brian Walters described Meredith as a psychopath and a dangerous woman. So far, this has proved untrue. Meredith has a very calm demeanor, is not easily shaken, and very keen on her surroundings. She is also supportive and tries to protect the innocent.
However, after the blow from Alaric's loss and nearly having her license revoked, Meredith sought to rehabilitate from her use of vampire blood and relearn how to accept the ability to help people with her capabilities. This also played a part in her having a new adventurous outlook on life - which led to her whirlwind marriage to her husband, Dante, and moving to Alaska.
Years later, upon returning to Mystic Falls as a wife and mother, she is still very much the same person as she was as she left. However, it becomes increasingly clear to her that so much has changed, danger still lurks in Mystic Falls and it has made her much more protective of her family's wellbeing and those of the town more than ever.
Physical Appearance
Meredith is a beautiful, slim, and fairly tall woman. She stands at 5' 7, has brown eyes, and slightly wavy dark brown hair. She dresses casually, but at the same time, professionally, due to her occupation as a doctor. Meredith is a natural beauty who does not wear much makeup. She briefly cut her hair slightly shorter and made the color a lighter shade of brown before leaving Mystic Falls. However, upon her arrival back into town, Meredith's hair has grown lightly past her shoulders and has lightened her hair.
•Meredith is of Old Welsh origin, and the meaning is "great, noted ruler".
•Ieisha is of Arabic and Lebanese origins, which means "Alive or she who lives."
•Fell is of Norse and English origins, and it means "from the rough hill".
•Moore is from Middle English meaning 'moor', 'marsh', 'fen', 'area of uncultivated land', and "stately and noble".
• Her zodiac is a Gemini.
• Meredith is part Lebanese on her mother's side.
• She can't speak Arabic but grew up understanding it because of her mother.
• She was told about vampires at 16 as per Fell Tradition.
• Meredith volunteered at Mystic Falls Hospital as a teen.
•⬆️ She dressed as a Candy Striper for Halloween only once and stopped because of the catcalls.
• Meredith stated she learned about the Darkness from Samantha Gilbert's diary and the stories her grandma told her.
• She hates Valentine's Day.
• Meredith hates mustard.
• Elise called her Iaso, after the goddess of cures and remedies due to Meredith using vampire blood's healing factor as a cheat.
• Meredith was Miss Mystic Falls in 2003 at age 18.
• After high school graduation, she left Mystic Falls to attend SUNY in New York.
•⬆️ She attended medical school in Brooklyn under an Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine program.
• She is the only survivor of the 2010 Mystic Falls Serial Killer because she was healed with Vampire Blood. (Alaric doesn't count since he attacked himself.)
• Meredith didn't attend the Mikaelson Ball because she wasn't interested in a "immortal family freak show". Plus, she was on call that night.
• Meredith drinks after losing a patient.
•⬆️ Dante helped her find a better coping mechanism to curb it.
• Due to the loss of the Town Council, Meredith's medical license wasn't revoked but was "suggested" by her father to leave town and lie low.
• She owns two guns and a hunting knife.
• Meredith once killed a grizzly bear in self-defense.
• Unlike her daughter, she can't ice skate. But she does like hiking and rafting.
• She and Mason Lockwood had a secret fling during a trip to Florida for vacation in 2007.
• Meredith was an active drinker, especially after losing a patient.
•⬆️ Dante helped her curb her problem which chocolate and granola bars.
• Meredith has not told Dante about the supernatural in Mystic Falls.
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royalarchivist · 1 year
For those who missed it, here’s Phil slam-dunking Quackity’s face into his birthday cake LMFAO, I love their friendship dynamic
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kristiliqua · 4 months
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purposechef · 5 months
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Don't ask, Tina.
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thegoldencontracts · 4 days
no no you don’t understand, jade’s mushroom plush is a poisonous species. it’s a devious villain just like him… cause he is totally the epitome of evil… so if anything, having robert on his bed proves how malicious he is… cuddling with it shows how evil he can be
Indeed, Jade's little mushroom plushie is extremely evil, and commanding! The plushie... Named Robert... Who he keeps insisting is incredibly handsome...
If he ever shows it to you or I, I'm afraid to say he should expect laughter. Not because it's stupid or laughable to sleep with plushies, but rather, because he's trying so hard to make this plushie seem intimidating when it just- isn't. It's not scary Jade. I'm afraid you're not, in fact, a heatless creature of sadistic pain.
Jade will never admit to anyone how often he snuggles withc Robert the mushroom plushie. If you somehow manage to get in his room while he's not on guard, you might find him snuggling the plushie with a content sigh. You will then promptly be made to swear a vow of silence.
B-But you guys just don't get it, okay? Jade's mushroom plushie is the most intimidating, devious creature to ever exist. Just like him It's not cute, and neither is he. Indeed, he's so evil, cold, and cunning, leaving most humans quaking in fear... Just like Robert. They truly are a villainous duo.
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But what if Christine is deranged about Raoul. What if Erik broke into her room when she wasn't there so he could snoop like a creep, and found a Helga Pataki-esque shrine to this boy she met at the beach years ago. A mannequin head with a wig like his hair is the centerpiece. Erik finds journals filled with erotic friendfiction of the two of them. What if.
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 5 days
slowly coming to terms with the fact that me not watching the three story episodes means i'm missing out on prime tinimmy scenes
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angelpaperclip · 6 months
With Etoiles calling Tubbo 'Toby' more often, if Tubbo ever calls him 'Rayenne', you'll hear about me in the news. I can't emotionally handle that. I'll jump into the river (i live close to a river). Just the thought of Tubbo struggling to pronounce his name at first but trying really hard because he wants to return the favor. I'll jump into the river. You won't hear from me again.
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ellenthefox · 5 months
I'm not sure how canon to QSMP mousey's vtuber lore is but for those who haven't seen it, this is who the character ironmouse is supposed to be, I have to wonder how they've worked her demon lore in with Tina and BBHs. Genuinely, It's something I've thought about since she joined:
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flaine · 1 year
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“My name is Tina! Tina. Cohen. Chang.” ↳ insp
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
bully-ieve it or not might be the best jimmy jr episode in terms of him being an actual dumbass but also somehow the level-headed one in the group w/ a genuinely good heart he's just very stupid and doesn't know how to express himself <3 that and the sky kiss episode
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deafchild2000 · 2 years
Inheritance Profile: Tina Fell
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• Tina Honoria Fell
• October 2nd, 1993 (Mystic Falls, Age 34)
• Alive
• High School Student (Graduated)
• Editor of Timberwolves School Paper (Formerly)
• Volunteer (Formerly)
• Miss Mystic Falls contestant
• Georgetown University Student (Graduated)
• News Writer/Columnist for The Hoya (Formerly)
• Screenwriter (Formerly)
• TV Producer (Formerly)
• Reporter (Currently)
• T, Tee
• Timmy Turner (by Blair Fell)
• Mom, Ma (by BJ)
• Ms. Fell
• Mrs. Whitmore
• Human
• Female
• Thomas Fell † (Ancestor)
• Honoria Fell † (Ancestor)
• Edith Fell (Ancestor)
• Marjorie Ann Fell (Ancestor)
• Tobias Fell † (Relative)
• Logan Fell † (Relative)
• Thomas Fell III † (Relative)
• Blair Fell (Cousin)
• Valerie Fell (Cousin)
• Mr. Fell (Distant Uncle)
• Violet Fell (removed cousin) ✝
• Meredith Fell (Relative)
• June Fell-Moore (niece removed)
• Franklin Fell (Great Grandfather) ✝
• Timothy King-Fell (Father)
• Karen Fell (Mother)
• Sarah Whitmore (Mother-in-law) ✝
• Bartholomew Whitmore (Husband)
• Bartholomew Fell Jr. (Son)
• 5'5" (feet)
• 1.65 (meters)
• Blonde
• Blue
Early History
Born to one of Mystic Falls's Founding Families, Tina Fell was born into a wealthy, influential lineage. With her mom, Karen (a lawyer), and her father, Timothy (an accountant), she never wanted for anything. Growing up in a Founding Family, she knew most of the other families and their children (Gilberts, Lockwoods, Forbes, etc), but was not truly close to them. She also didn't realize that behind their public appearances, they were also tasked with protecting the town from vampires. Because of this, she grew up a bit entitled and spoiled. With a dozen uncles, aunts, and cousins, Tina grew up learning how to value family, though as her parents were the voice of the Fells for the Founders' Council, it put her in the spotlight and Tina sought to give herself a bad reputation to remove it.
On October 2nd, 2007, during her 13th birthday, Tina was gifted a 19th-century golden locket from her great grandfather, Franklin Fell who said it originally belonged to his mother, who got it from hers and originally belonged to Tina's ancestor/namesake, Honoria Fell. She initially didn't like it, but after breaking the original chain and the locket undamaged, she began to cherish it and wear it ever since.
On September 8th, 2009, Tina was driving from the Back to School Party in the woods when she was pulled over & arrested for a DUI. After her parents had come to the station and bailed her out, she was given silent treatment throughout the entire drive home. When they got home, Karen was furious with her and asked how she could be so irresponsible. Tina didn't believe she drank that much, but her mother argued that someone else should've taken her home or that she was planning on being in an accident. She was later grounded until further notice. At school, she heard from her friends that Vicki Donovan was attacked at the party and was in the hospital. After a month, she had a hearing with her mom as her lawyer, who took off jail time but had to pay a fine and do 50 hours of community service. Initially pissed, she felt guilty for the DUI and for making her parents upset with her, so she sucked it up and proceeded to do her service however sporadic it was. Her mom found her an opening volunteering as an assistant for an archivist at the Historical Society and since her family owns the local news station, her Uncle Logan offered her a volunteer job shadowing the news camera operator.
With the upcoming Founders' Party and Heritage Display, she helped organize the displays and placings. She was helping the conservators handle the original registry of the first Founders' Party and caught the names of "Stefan Salvatore" and "Damon Salvatore" on the registry. Vaguely remembering one of them as the new student, she initially figures he must be named after his ancestor like she was. Tina attends the party with her parents, presenting a silver teapot and a minuscule replica of the original Fell's Church. However, unbeknownst to her, Karen and Timothy attended the first vampire-related Council meeting in nearly 17 years.
Sometime in October, Tina was part of a school trash pickup organized by one of the students, Bartholomew Whitmore (who preferred to be called "Barry"). Initially finding him very handsome, she worked up the nerve to talk to him and playfully teased him about his "atrocious name" before they decided to become friends.
On Career Night, Tina was permitted to attend to help another reporter showcase their careers since she'd been told Logan had left for an assignment out of town. There, Tina met up with Barry, who visited their booth, and discovered Tina was one of the editors for the Timberwolves school paper, saying she should go into journalism. Flattered, Tina didn't believe she belongs in Journalism as she just did it because she wanted to. However, when Barry said he had no idea about his future, she encouraged him to find a career that "didn't feel like work".
That night, they found out her uncle, Logan Fell, was found dead. It left her depressed as he had been almost like her mentor and supportive of her since her DUI charge. At the funeral, to her surprise, Barry and his adoptive mom, Sarah, attend the funeral to pay their respects. She isn't able to officially meet her, but thanks to Barry for attending. Some time afterward, Tina was asked by Barry to attend the 50s Decade Dance. It lifted Tina's spirits and while having fun, she realizes she might see Barry as more than a friend. They continued meeting up and had fun in December at the Christmas Tree Lighting Festival before spending the following Christmas with their families.
In February, Karen reminds her of the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant coming up. Tina has regrets since she signed up because her mother pushed for it and wished she hadn't. And this feeling of regret isn't helped when she learns her cousin, Blair (Miss Mystic Falls's current titleholder) was also on the Founder's court again that year - turning the event into a family competition. Realizing she needed the "perfect" date, she finds the opportunity and asks Barry to be her escort. He agrees, but only if she "officially" meets Sarah first. On that weekend, she dressed up and wanted to leave a good impression. He introduced them, leaving Tina naturally charming and winning his mom over. Tina was the first to raise an eyebrow, finally connecting the Whitmore name to the college her parents attended while coming to learn that Sarah is an orphan and Barry is her only family - making her very protective of him. However, she liked that about her very much and managed to get her "blessing" to let Barry escort her to the pageant. Later on, while out looking for dresses, Tina and Blair talk and she admitted that she's falling for Barry and isn't sure whether she could confess. Blair advised her to see if Barry wanted to kiss her, saying that if he leaned in, he liked her. But if he doesn't? Then he wasn't worth it. Tina wasn't sure at first but takes the suggestion before picking out a coral, halter dress from a drift store. Blair proposed they skip dance rehearsal to find out and, despite knowing she's purposely being sabotaged, Tina decided to do just that. The next day, Tina convinced him to skip dance practice to go to The Falls and swim in the quarry, where they come close to kissing until Tina's phone goes off - Blair calling to tell her that she and Barry need to see Carol Lockwood make up the rehearsal they missed. That night, Blair called asking if the plan worked, which much to Tina's delight, it does. Three nights later, they're personally escorted to the last dance rehearsal and nearly kiss again midway into practice when Carol stopped them, telling them to flirt with their eyes and not with their lips - making them both blush. Sometime later, during the interviews, Tina is purposely honest about her DUI and knows this will lessen her chances of being Miss Mystic Falls.
On the day of the event, Tina and her mom road to Founders' Hall with Blair & her aunt. Karen disliked her dress choice but never fails to compliment how beautiful Tina is and notes that she saw Barry waiting for her.
When it was time for the pageant to start, Tina gracefully descends the staircase, smiling and happily taking in Barry's breathtaking expression on his face before leading her to the dancefloor. Throughout the dance, Barry kept his eyes solely on Tina's, and the two couldn't help the break into smiles and get lost in themselves before the dance came to an end. Before the judges made their decisions, Tina confessed that she knew she wasn't going to win. She only did the pageant because her mother prompted her to and her answers were a matter of self-sabotage. Barry doubted it, but saw the honesty in her eyes and assured her that he didn't regret dancing with her whether she won or not. To her surprise, Barry confesses to liking her. Once the shock wore off, Tina was excitingly expressed that her feelings are very much mutual. They lean in to kiss but are stopped when they hear the judges made their decision and Barry tells her to go. She gets up on stage with the other contestants and briefly notices Barry wasn't in the crowd. She does find herself sighing in relief when it's announced by Mayor Richard Lockwood that Caroline Forbes won the title of Miss Mystic Falls. She looked into the crowd and was pleased to see Barry clapping amongst the crowd. With her mom's blessing, Barry took Tina out to the Mystic Grill before dropping her off at her house and walking her to her doorstep, where he attempts to kiss her when her parents opened the door and they jumped apart. Karen was happy to meet him officially while her husband stared him down. Sensing the tension and realizing they interrupted something, Karen offered to welcome him in - to which he declined to head home. Surprisingly, Karen brought up the annual Fell Gathering and asked Barry to join them. Barry started to decline but Tina gave him a hopeful look that made him agree. Once Tina and her parents went inside, she realized that the night couldn't end like this. So she opened the door and called out to him, running down the walkway before launching herself into his arms to passionately kiss him, smiling into it happily as he returns the gesture. She went to bed happily sleeping on Cloud 9.
On February 14th, it's Valentine's Day. Tina arrived to get him & saw Barry had small bouquets to give to Tina, her mom, and her other relatives. Touched, she gingerly accepted the flowers. She drove him to her ancestral home where the gathering took place but stopped halfway. He asked why and Tina, mortified, timidly admitted she forgot that the home used to be a plantation. She internally berated herself because she was so focused on Barry meeting her family that she forgot that: They lived in the South and her family history had slavery involved - and she was taking him to a plantation house that has been in her family for over a century. Barry must have realized what she was saying because he says it doesn't bother him. It's history and he knows that: the girl he likes is White and comes from a prominent family that shares a side of history that was painful to his race. He admits that he expected this, but he's more concerned about making a good impression on Tina's current family members. Hearing this calmed Tina's nerves and helped her believe this gathering could go off without a hitch. At the plantation, she watched Barry get along well with the Fell Family, including the kids and elders. She was red-faced while Barry blushed at being asked if he saw himself marrying Tina, and seeing him get along with the children made her imagine him as a father and for a split second fantasized about being one to hers - much to her embarrassment. It was going smoothly until Franklin complimented him and called him a slur. Shocked and angry, she watched as Barry stormed off. Offended, she nearly shouted at Franklin but her dad held her back. She began ranting at how unfair and disrespectful that was, and he agreed but had to remind her that Franklin had Alzheimer's and he grew up under that discriminatory influence. It was a slip of a tongue for a nearly 70-year-old man with memory loss, and before the time he got sick, he changed with the times. But regardless, it happened and if Tina was gonna pursue a person of color, then she must be prepared to face obstacles like this. Her mother uses her younger cousin & Tina's aunt, Meredith, as an example since her mother is Lebanese and faced a bit when marrying her uncle. This calmed Tina down and helped her realize that facing discrimination is gonna be a part of dating Barry and accepted it. She goes to look for Barry until she finds one of the doors open in one of the cabins on the land. Realizing it was possibly Barry, Tina went rushing in, profusely apologizing for her great grandfather and saying he has Alzheimer's but isn't using that as an excuse. Tina starts to say she didn't blame him if he never wanted to speak to her again, but Barry stops her and shows her what he found - a diary depicting of life of one of the slaves - before asking if she would help him find the graves. Agreeing, they spent the remainder of the day finding the tombstones of the former slaves and freed ones who lived there in the past in a cemetery she was very familiar with after explaining that her family owned two sets of cemeteries, one on the grounds of the former Fell's Church and the other on the plantation. Tina says they should talk about race because if they don't talk about it right then, not wanting that to be an obstacle, and admitting she wants to see how [their relationship] goes. They have a long discussion, and Tina realizes just how privileged she's lived. He grew up learning his racial identity with a caucasian mother willing to learn beside him. Tina was far from racist with a mostly accepting family and acknowledges her history. Barry admits that he likes her family and that he likes her most of all, leading them to kiss.
At dinner, Karen asks Barry if he's excited about being with Tina on the Miss Mystic Falls Court float for the parade. However, Tina notices Barry stiffen with a look of realization before revealing that he has to leave town for a "family emergency"  in Charleston and forgot to tell Tina that they won't be able to make it back in time. Tina became upset at this because she'd fantasized about being on the float with him, but Barry swears he'll make it up to her at the Carnival when he gets back. Tina proceeds to spend the remaining week with him before he leaves that Saturday, kissing him before his mom came to pick him up.
To Karen and her cousins' amusement, Tina started sulking and already missed her boyfriend, despite his frequent texts. Blair and Tina even began bickering because of it. Tina told Carol that Barry had left, which left her surprised to hear she'd have Amber Bradley's escort as his replacement since she wasn't a part of the court due to not attending the pageant. Taking this as news, she shamefully recalled that Amber went missing from the pageant that day. Because of this, Tina went to see Amber to find out what happened. At her house, Amber's adopted sister, Aimee, opened the door and let her in. She met Amber, who was fidgeting nervously. She said she had gone for a walk and got lost in the woods which is why she wasn't in the pageant. But Tina feels that something is off, especially since she wearing a scarf around her neck...inside her own home. Tina asked Aimee to give her space to talk to Amber and slowly began distracting her by telling her about how she fell in love with Barry. This helps Amber let down her guard, admitting she suffers from anxiety, and that was what Tina wanted to know. Amber admitted she was in the woods but only because she was taken there by someone. When Tina asks who, Amber starts to have an anxiety attack and Aimee comes rushing in, telling her to leave. Tina does, but right before she leaves the house, she quickly snoops around and found a bag of herbs on the kitchen counter. Unable to recognize it, Tina stashed a small amount in her purse before she left the Bradley residence.
When she got home, she located books on gardening and botany in her family library to discover what the herb was. She finds the scientific name - "Verbena" or common vervain - and reads all its benefits in herbalism and traditional medicine, including treatment for anxiety. Somewhat understanding why Amber would need it, she begins putting the books away when she finds an old herbarium. The book had a pressed vervain herb in it with descriptions inside that didn't match what she read in the others. The next day, she went to the Mystic Falls Library and pick through folklore and mythology books possibly involving the plant. She was turning around when she bumped into a man and her books fell over. Apologizing, she bent down to pick them up and the man helped her. Introducing himself as John, he commented on her interest in herb lore. Tina admits she thinks she's on a wild goose chase, but John advised her that myths always have some truth in them. He asks what she's looking for as he knows a bit himself, and Tina admits she's looking into "verbena". To her surprise, he uses the word "vervain" and points out that one of the books in her hand is an excellent place to look. He bids her farewell and leaves. She checked out the books plus the one John pointed out, spending the night studying them. Intrigued at what superstitions follows the plant from all over the world (Egypt, Celtic, Greek, and Roman), what she found most fascinating is that it's used to ward against evil and purify sacred places and dwellings. Taking what John said to heart, Tina found herself reading the line "...is also said to bring help to you when you need it, no matter how dire your situation" as she slips vervain into her locket. Karen knocked on her door, scaring and causing Tina to quickly hid the books from plain sight. Karen had a plate and asked her to ensure Franklin ate dinner. Tina agreed and took the plate to his room. She found him muttering again while holding a picture of her late great-grandmother, Helen. She puts the plate down and plays "Beyond The Sea" on his record player. She slowly coaxes him back to the present as she tries to feed him when he starts to recite old news reports. Considering this as normal and he was a former news reporter, she continues to feed him until he starts reciting a news report from June 12th of 1953 about an animal attack at the Salvatore Boarding House. When he mentions a nephew, she is surprised to hear the name "Stefan" come out. She begins to press him for more information when he stops talking and begins addressing Tina. He apologizes for his words at the gathering to Barry, but Tina tells him he was forgiven and continues feeding him. However, she finds herself curious about the news report.
The day before Founders' Day, she went to the news station as a favor from the archivists to find any news footage from the previous Founders' Day parades for a commemorative video. Taking advantage of this, she used the task to scroll through the digital archives to find old news footage from the 50s. She finds the one from June 12th of 1953 and nearly falls out of her chair in shock when she recognized Stefan Salvatore in the background. She watches it again and notices little things, like how the body of Joseph Salvatore had come out of the house rather than from the woods if it was an animal attack and that Stefan's appearance isn't that of grief but worry. Logging out of the video and getting what she came for, she left the station and dropped off the footage before heading straight home. From there, she recollects everything she knows: The Founders' Party earlier that year & the name of "Stefan Salvatore" on the 146-year-old registry display; Amber's disappearance from the pageant, wearing a scarf tightly around her neck & her body language while telling her how someone took her away; Vervain being used to help Amber and it's supernatural uses against "evil"; Actual footage of student she's seen around school appearing in her great grandfather's news report. It's impossible but Tina has seen too many movies to play dumb: Vampires are real and Stefan Salvatore's one of them. It shook her to the core and she wants to believe she's overreaching and also wants to text Barry her discovery. But she doesn't because she could be wrong. She spends the night at dinner watching her parents and then just realizes that they seem anxious and nervous about something. When she asks, she just gets an answer that it's over preparations for the parade.
On the day of the Founders' Day Parade, Tina inwardly dreaded the day. At the school, she had her pick of a costume to wear & sent Barry a picture of her dressed in a white Civil War Era dress with a pink ribbon, beaming at the reply he sent. Her mom had her hair done up and mildly complained that Blair was trying to one-up her with a pink dress with white ribbons. She noticed her mother trying to take off her necklace with the vervain in it to exchange it and Tina hastily stops her. Karen raises an eyebrow and Tina cleverly says she wants to keep it on as it's a piece of history and her ancestor was part of the first Founder's Party. Satisfied and pleased with her explanation, she lets her keep it on. Right as it's time to get on the float, she spots Stefan Salvatore with Elena Gilbert and tries to school her uneasiness with a cheerful expression as she and her escort board the float with Blair and her escort standing in between them. Throughout the entire parade, Tina managed to convince herself vampires don't exist and that she's just a normal girl at a historic parade. After the spectacle was over, Tina stayed behind to help clean up and didn't tell her mom. She was the last to leave when a man approached her, catching her by surprise. She tries to walk past him, but he grabs her arm and looks her in the eyes to tell him to come with her. Tina felt an "itch" in her brain, like she was supposed to do as he said, and resisted. Seeing the man become agitated, he demands she comes with him and the "itch" gets stronger but she overcomes it quicker. Tina has a split-second realization that he was a vampire and trying to mind control but something was stopping it from taking effect. Understanding she was in danger, she pretended to be under his control and he dragged her to the back exit of the school. However, once he stepped out, Tina snatched her arm back and pull his arm in between the door before slamming down on it, crushing his arm. He held his arm in pain and grabbed after her other hand but she dropped and kicked his shin before slapping his hand off and pulling hers out of his grip. She struck his face twice and pushed him to the ground before grabbing the nearest fire extinguisher and smashing it dead first in his head. Hearing footsteps behind her, she quickly turns and aims for the extinguisher but it was quickly intercepted by John, much to her surprise. He looks behind her at the down vampire and praises her, to which she admitted she takes martial arts. Not taking any chances, he pulls out a gun and shoots the vampire with wooden bullets, scaring Tina, to ensure the vampire doesn't get up. He calls for a deputy to come to get him while escorting Tina to safety. Tina briefly freaks out but he assures her the vampire was already dead, to begin with. She's taken to her parents at a secure location and happily reunited with them. Karen says it's about time they explain things to her, but Tina beats her to it, saying she knows about vampires. This surprised her parents while John just grins in good humor, saying he knew Tina was smart. Karen reintroduces "John" as John Gilbert, a member of the council and vampire hunter. When Tina didn't come straight to them, they sent John to get her. He tells them how she took out a vampire by herself and she did a lot better than her ancestor. John proceeds to tell them how he suspected Tina was becoming aware of vampires since he found her researching vervain and considering how she fought against a vampire, he realized Tina must have learned that vervain protects her from compulsion. Looking at her, Tina felt sheepish and said she only just learned it when the vampire tried to command her to go with him.
From there, Tina explains how she realized vampires were real from the Salvatores' names on the registry to visiting Amber and finding vervain in her kitchen, to Franklin's Alzheimer's giving her a clue that led to his old news report with Stefan in it. She quickly adds that adding vervain to her locket was a spur of the moment. John claps, very impressed she deduced so much in a limited time. He admits Amber was on vervain because he was trying to locate the Tomb vampires and believed Amber was attacked by one & compelled to forget, thus giving her vervain to drink as tea to wean off the compulsion and recall...only to find out Stefan Salvatore was who attacked her. Seeing her confused about the Tomb Vampires, John explains everything from the beginning: How Thomas and Honoria Fell discovered vampires in town, and along with the Founding Families, successfully trapped vampires in a tomb under the Fell's Church in 1864 with the use of the Gilbert Device - an item meant to send out a high pitch frequency that incapacitated vampires for 5 minutes. Yet they didn't account for newly transitioned vampires, humans who died with vampire blood in their system, being created and coming after those involved. He tells her that he finds it ironic Stefan was the vampire she figured out first since he killed her namesake, a fact he learned from his ancestor's, Johnathan Gilbert, journal. However, the reason the vampires were out was that someone freed them and they were out for revenge, targeting the Founding Families. He suspects that one got impatient and that's why he went after Tina. He proceeds to tell the Fells to get to safety while he deals with the vampires. Before he leaves, Tina thanks him for saving her, to which he says she saved herself and believes she'd make a good investigator. John pulls out Honoria Fell's journal and gives it to her, saying he found it in the house their leader was staying in.
Tina is taken to the plantation where she meets up with her cousin and many family members. On the drive there, her parents explain the Founding Council and their job to push out or eliminate any vampires that come to town. When Tina asked what her parents' role was, she was surprised to hear they cover up any vampire-related deaths and collateral damage - "Mystic Falls Cleanup Crew since 1864". Tina reads Honoria's journal, with excerpts from Jonathan's journal, of how Stefan drained her of her blood. Shocked that her namesake met a gruesome end, she understands why John found it great Tina learned to protect herself in time. She read about the town's history with vampires and all their strengths & weaknesses. Vervain protects people against mind control - compulsion - as long as it's worn or ingested. It also hurts vampires as well if ingested or makes skin contact. And it didn't purify places, but she gathered as long as it was in a water system and supplied to the town, that would keep vampires away. Tina found some vampiric cliches were true: Blood feeding, invitation, and the staking through the heart. However, elements like silver, holy items, garlic, and mirrors were false or created to hide their true weaknesses. It was overwhelming, but she had her family to help her. She was surprised even Blair knew, but the only reason Tina was out of the loop was that she was supposed to be told on her 16th birthday, but the DUI had her parents questioning if she could handle the truth. Inwardly wincing that this was partially her fault, she says she's not gonna make the same mistake again. And when asked what she's gonna tell Barry, Tina admits she wants to keep this from him as long as possible. The next morning came with grave news: While the vampires were taken out during the fireworks, Richard Lockwood was somehow affected by the Gilbert device and died alongside them. And to her surprise, Stefan Salvatore isn't among them.
The next day, Tina commented on Carol planning her husband's memorial in a span of a few days. She and her parents came to pay their respects for her and her son's loss. She calls Barry and brings him up to speed that Mayor Lockwood died in an "accident" during Founders' Day. She texted him if he was home, but he says not yet. She saw Sheriff Forbes look upset and politely asked her why, only to learn Caroline's in the hospital because she got in a car accident with Tyler Lockwood, who was luckily okay. Tina thought of Richard being lumped in with the Tomb Vampires because he reacted to the Gilbert Device & found it strange that the car accident happened at all, leaving her to suspect the device affected Tyler as well - causing the crash.
The next night, she and her cousins attend the Carnival. She was trying to have fun, but Barry wasn't answering her texts and she sulking, must to their amusement. But when Tina felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist, she reacted instinctually. She elbowed her assailant in the face & kneed them in the groin before throwing them to the ground. Quickly realizing it was Barry, Tina hastily apologized and helped him get ice. She continues apologizing but Barry blames himself for it and apologizes. When asked when he got home, he admitted the other day but wanted to surprise her. Touched, Tina kisses him. After that, they enjoy the carnival until they make it to the Ferris Wheel. They get to the top when, as warned, the Wheel stalls. Taking advantage of this, they have a romantic moment. Tina had debated over telling Barry what she knew, but changed her mind and kisses him. However, she notices Barry looking at something behind her and turns to see what's happening on the ground on the outskirts of the carnival. Not being able to see, she had a eureka moment and pulls out her new Nokia phone to zoom in & film what was going on. To her horror, they watch on screen as Caroline Forbes kills someone (Carter, she'd learned later), Damon Salvatore attempt to kill her, Elena and Stefan stop him, and Bonnie Bennett attempt to light him on fire using what could only be described as magic. By the time the ride proceeded to work again, Tina was shaken. She'd read about the witch, Emily Bennett, from Jonathan's excerpts but seeing witchcraft outright was alarming. Barry took her straight home without words between them. As soon as Tina walked in the door, she immediately went to the parents and showed them the video. Aware of who the Council members are, she recognized how dangerous it just became for Sherriff Forbes now that her daughter was a vampire. Timothy advised her to delete the video for her safety but Karen suggested she keep a separate recording, which Tina did. She asked her parents what to do about Barry, and was surprised she was permitted to tell him the truth.
The next day, Tina sent Barry a text to meet her at the Falls. There, the two sat awkwardly until Barry proposes they just say the first thing on their mind. At the count of three, they simultaneously blurt out the revelation of vampires. Surprised, they ask each other when the other learned of their existence. Barry explains he knew all his life and the "curse" following his mom while Tina explains how a follow-up on Amber Bradley led to her finding vervain and Franklin's recollection leading her to find Stefan in one of his old news reports. She was told right after the parade that a vampire tried to kidnap her but she defended herself until John Gilbert arrived. Barry was concerned but amazed at her feats. They spent the rest of the day explaining their sides of recent events. Barry was surprised to hear of the council & her family's role in covering up vampire-related deaths. Tina was appalled to know Damon would one day kill Sarah and how close he was to dying by him when she left his side at the pageant. Barry says with Caroline a vampire, Founders' Day was beginning to look like opening night to a "long, ugly shitshow" heading towards Mystic Falls and Tina couldn't agree more.
Eventually, Barry and Tina's parents meet for the first time. Pulling their resources together, Tina's family offers to give Sarah a seat on the council given their shared history. But Sarah refused, seeing as dealing with vampires is what destroyed her family and the last thing she wanted was to tempt Damon into going after Barry again. Instead, she demanded protection for Barry - especially if anything happens to her. Barry was angry she excluded herself from that but calmed down. Sarah gave them everything they needed about Damon while the Fells gave them everything they knew about the dealings in town recently. Feeling she also has a duty to the town, Tina volunteers to be the eyes and ears in the school, much to Barry's surprise. Not wanting her to get hurt, Barry offers his help if needed - which her mother uses to make him a co-organizer of Volunteer Day for Mystic Falls' Historic Society. Since continuously working with society, Tina has made enough connections to know who to ask for all things supernatural-related. On that day, her mom made it privy to her that the land her family donated a bunch of money to build a new park on was a secret burial ground for the incinerated tomb vampires. She briefly met up with Barry at the construction site and frowned when they noticed the Salvatores arrive. During the day, she helped with the building until she got thirsty. Tina went to get lemonade when she saw Damon talking to someone near the lemonade stands. She acted casual while eavesdropping as she got her drink. She sat nearby and pretended to play on her phone when she saw him drink lemonade and began spitting it out and coughing. After tasting to see her lemonade's fine, she realizes someone slipped vervain into the beverage. She hastily tells Barry what happens, worried someone on the council might have seen it. Tina eventually noticed Sheriff Forbes and two other deputies go into the woods and did not return. Realizing they must know Damon and Stefan are vampires, she and Barry go search for her until they find an opening and call for help.
During the planning for the Masquerade Ball at Lockwood Mansion, Barry got her and him two tickets. Realizing he was picking up on her stress, he asked her to go running with him. She joins him on a run and once they take a break, she admits that the supernatural has made her feel her mortality and she'd started taking martial arts more seriously to defend herself. She's surprised to hear Barry is using firearms now but understands when he confessed to feeling the same way at the possibility of fighting something supernatural. He states it's okay to be scared of something different but bravery means pushing through fear. On the night of the masquerade ball, Barry and Tina arrive and blend in with the crowd. Barry sees that Elena's there, Tina catches a glimpse of her and tells him she's not Elena because she wouldn't wear a dress like that. Realizing something's up, they dance and inch closer to the Elena-lookalike dancing with Stefan. Tina lets Barry guides him closer to eavesdrop. He spins Tina around briefly and sees her eyes glued on Aimee walking towards them. Tina tries to break free from Barry to save Aimee from walking straight into danger, but Barry held her back just as they hear two audible snaps Tina turns to see Stefan holding Aimee, shoved lifelessly into his arms. Tina's moved to a secure location as she breaks down from what she witnessed. Distraught, she cried out at Barry for stopping her from saving Aimee to how callously her classmate was slain & no one noticed. Barry rationalized that not saving Aimee was painful for him too, but they can't do anything if they're dead. Barry temporarily left her to look around and Tina blends into the crowd. She ends up eavesdropping on Bonnie and Jeremy and follows them out in secret to see the real Elena outside. However, she notices her screaming & spasming in pain and Bonnie saying she's "linked to Katherine", whom Tina guessed was the lookalike. Tina gasped as saw blood and understood something bad must be happening to "Katherine" if Elena could feel it. Seeing Jeremy rush back inside, Tina quietly followed and blended into the crowd again.
A small while later, Tina looks up to see Barry running towards her. Noticing the frantic expression on her face, she asks what happens and he shows her a picture of a girl's body, whom she recognized as Aimee's best friend - Sarah Morris - before telling her they had to leave and they did. They called their parents and met up at Barry's house to explain everything. While hearing Barry's accounts of what he saw from his hiding spot, she wasn't surprised to discover vampires and witches weren't the only supernaturals staying in Mystic Falls. It cleared up the mystery of the Lockwoods. She explained that Richard Lockwood's death only happened because he reacted to the Gilbert Device, which she knew took down vampires but now understood it goes beyond just vampires. If she had to guess - with Tyler still in the range of the device, that caused the car accident with Caroline. For this, Tina deduces he must be a werewolf. Calling it cliche, she'd seen enough movies to know "where there are vampires, werewolves aren't far behind". Her parents' phones go off but they know what it's about. Tina asks what they can do about locating Aimee's body, which is unlikely unless they want to get caught. Tina asks permission to spend the night, which Barry readily offers his guestroom. Tina's dad reluctantly agrees and Sarah gives her some spare clothes. She tries to fall asleep, but she kept envisioning Aimee dying and the sound of her spine snapping kept her awake until she started crying. Realizing she needed Barry, she left the guestroom to go to his room, and luckily enough, he opens the door and his arms to her embrace. She spends the night sobbing as the reality of their violent surroundings sink in. The next day, they could barely look at the missing posters for Aimee as they paid their respects to Sarah's memorial. Tina briefly spots Amber looking at the memorial before walking away.
Realizing the injustice of their deaths, Tina throws herself into martial arts and defense training. Then, after long debating, she finds a surveillance store and gets her hands on voice recorders, hidden cameras, GPS trackers, and more. She decided if she was going to spy on the school and know what was happening, she needed to have eyes & ears everywhere and maybe places outside as well. She had GPSs put under Damon and Stefan's cars and used cameras from the news station to tail them if she could. She was volunteering at the station when she was tasked to give possible news stories to the editors. Out of curiosity, she looked through them and dropped the papers. Quickly picking them up, she read through one story that caught her eye: Amber Bradley committed suicide days ago. Distraught, she gave the task to someone else and found an empty room to cry in. The next day, she went to the Bradley residence without telling anyone, where an open casket funeral was being held. She found Amber's mom, who explained to her that Amber wasn't the same after Aimee disappeared. Tina wasn't sure if Amber knew a vampire attacked & killed her sister, or if it was the trauma from the pageant and Aimee's disappearance that did it for her, but she found herself grieving nonetheless. She tried to find comfort in Barry, but he was busy between training under Bill Forbes and track. Not to mention, her parents were stepping down and her Aunt Meredith was taking over for them & she felt more comfortable trusting her discoveries with her parents. Because of this, she managed to meet up with Barry and proposed they took a break. It wasn't a definite break-up but time apart to relearn how to be friends.
With the up-and-coming Historical Society Tea Party coming up and being hosted at the Lockwood Mansion, Tina arrived early to place hidden cameras all over the house. During the party, she sees Damon Salvatore and Elijah Smith, a new guy she suspected was a vampire, exit a room that had her camera. Waiting to be sure neither of them returned, she went in and retrieved it to watch in privacy. Watching the video, she's proven right that Elijah is a vampire as they fight and the man overpowered Damon easily, singlehandedly! Seeing someone vastly stronger than Damon call himself an "original", Tina comes to the shocking revelation the first vampires had come to town. She meets up with Barry and shows him the video. That night, she tells her parents and shows them the video. They don't want her involved as she now has something that could get her killed. But she states she already was when she realized there was a vampire strong enough to take down the vampire who'd be Sarah Whitmore's would-be murderer. She attempted to live a normal life until she starts feeling unsafe in school, especially in History with Alaric Saltzman. To distract herself, she joins the committee for the 60s Dance and realizes Barry's a part of it. It's initially awkward and they accidentally flirt but get along seldomly well. She noticed Barry trying to ask her something but changed his mind, which gives her time to excuse herself to check on the cameras she has placed all over the school and add a new one in the cafeteria. On the night of the dance, Tina notices by chance that Bonnie disappeared. She follows her until she realizes she's heading in the direction of the cafeteria, where Tina takes a key to leave the building and reenter the kitchen. There's a brief earthquake and almost everything with electricity explodes as sparks down like a rain shower. Tina barely manages to save her camera in time until she's found by Barry. They both watch Bonnie using her magic and dying after attacking Alaric, who's not Alaric but someone named Klaus who body-jumped him. They escape as fast as they can and Barry demands an explanation. Tina tells him how she's been spying on everyone and coming to understand what's been happening before reporting it back to her family. After explaining, Barry hugs her, happy to know she's safe but hates that she's risking her life. Tina argues that as long as she lives in Mystic Falls, people lose loved ones, and she is never truly safe, which leads to an argument that inadvertently brings to Barry declaring his love for her. Barry admits he's loved Tina for a while, but was scared to tell her. To his surprise, Tina feels the same and they decide to get back together, albeit taking it slow.
Days later, numerous people disappear and bodies come up torn apart. She sees that Bonnie's also alive, surmising she faked her supposed death at the dance. Tina was made aware of John Gilbert's death, which saddened her because she always wanted to meet up with him and didn't know he was in town. Barry takes her to see "Gone With The Wind" to ignore the sinister forces lurking in the town. Without the added pressure of school, she devotes the summer to training and her boyfriend. On his 18th birthday, Tina gifts him a new jacket. To her surprise, Bill sends him a gun with wooden bullets because he believes he's ready to fend against vampires.
Despite preparations for Night of Illuminations, Tina attends Senior Prank Night with Barry and the other seniors, videotaping the event for "memorial purposes". They end up making out in a classroom when they hear a commotion outside. Following it to the gym, they watch as a man calling himself Klaus has two students at his mercy with Elena, Stefan, and Bonnie arguing with him. Tina pulls out her camera and begins recording before a teenage girl he called his sister, Rebekah, dragged Tyler into the room. Demanding Elena and Bonnie fix his "hybrids", they watch in horror as Klaus fed Tyler his blood and snapped his neck before Stefan fed to the students. Barry pulled Tina out of there and left the school. The next day, she saw Tyler, still alive, from a distance - deducing Tyler was somehow a werewolf/vampire hybrid. 
Following the Night of Illuminations, Tina felt uneasy, like she was being watched. She chalked it to warranted paranoia until she got a phone call. To her shock, it was her Uncle Logan. Proving that it was him, he gave her instructions to go to his cabin. Upon arrival, Tina was shocked to see him in the flesh and happily hugged him. However, she quickly noticed his discomfort with her necklace and explained everything. She was shocked to know that the "assignment" he left for was a cover for his death and that until he "officially" died, he was a vampire. He wasn't proud of the things he tried to commit, but he trusted her as the only Fell that knew something about the inner workings of Mystic Fells and asked her to bring her to her parents. She agreed and saw how shocked her parents were when they saw Logan. He told them he didn't blame them for covering up his death as he didn't think he deserved to live with what he could've done.
On the night of the party, Tina texted Barry to stay home, hoping he wouldn't be at the event. However, to her chagrin, Barry came to her place and saw Logan. He explained how he was briefly back from the dead - from an afterlife specifically for the supernatural since he died a vampire - and that those from that afterlife are now walking about. Amongst those were the Tomb Vampires they killed, choosing to prey on the Founding Families once more. While Barry called his mom to warn her, Logan pulls her aside and tells him that there are underground tunnels under the old Lockwood Cellars under the ruins of the old Lockwood mansion. He tells her to find them and record everything for future use. Eventually, Logan disappears and it seems that all the ghosts have done the same - however, Tina's Uncle Tobias was killed. Tina finds comfort in Barry when he attends the funeral with her at the plantation. Later on, Tina goes to the Historical Society to follow Logan's advice and finds the old cellars. There, she finds tunnels with cave drawings that she takes extensive pictures of. She later had it translated to understand it's Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah's origin story...and that it was an entire family turned into vampires. She gives what she learned to her family for safekeeping.
Later on, Tina and Barry attend Homecoming, but the gym floods and are moved to Lockwood Mansion. Between the both of them on vervain, Barry has his growing mental control & the vervain watch while Tina has vervain in her locket. They watch on as Klaus returns and calls the dance a "wake" for his father. Barry stealthily gets Tina out of there until a hybrid followed them. Tina watches the hybrid attempt to compel Barry to stay, she jumped when her boyfriend pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, temporarily incapacitating him. Barry got Tina into his car and drove until they were out of Mystic Falls. They spent the night at a hotel and she wore Barry's spare gym clothes. She called her parents, who told her it was good to get out of town. They returned the next day, with both their families worried. She hated watching Barry's paranoia get the best of him, but it was thanks to Bill's phone call that told them most of the hybrids were taken out. This finally got Barry to relax, but not completely. She volunteered to hold the Bridge Restoration Fundraiser and arrived early to plant hidden cameras. She sees more new faces in town, which disturbed her. She later learns Brian Walters, Meridith's ex and the town's medical examiner, was found dead. Considering they were last seen fighting, she knows that makes her a suspect.
On October 2nd, Tina had her 18th birthday but kept it low-key with a simple birthday dinner with her family and doesn't ask for any gifts. Because a reporter called in sick at the last minute, Tina took over to cover the class trip to the "Exhibition of the First Immortal" hosted by Dr. Atticus Shane. It caught her attention considering the immortality of vampires and wondered if they were connected. She recorded the exhibit on a tape-recorded as Shane told the story of Silas, the First Immortal, and knew something was off like it was a story built to hide the truth. Tina betted her entire family history that events of the story were a lot more complicated than it sounded and Silas wasn't so much of a victim Shane made him out to be. And why not mention his "true love" by name? She tried to continue to catch up to him, but she wasn't able to ask any questions. But the next day, she arrived early at school and went to the classroom Shane used and removed a voice recorder she had hidden under his desk. Talking about a "hunter's mark", "hunter's curse", and torment, Tina had another idea that another cliche was in town: vampire hunters, only these had supernatural attributes that didn't end well for vampires. A "Little Gilbert" was Jeremy Gilbert. She was unable to find out more, but if she had to guess, Elena was majorly involved. But the next day, she saw Elena was fine.
A week later, Barry called her to tell her Bill Forbes died and she rushed to his home to be by his side. Barry explains to her Bill's last words, which shocked her: Bill died in transition, a stage between mortality and vampirism. Because he was in an accident, a doctor used vampire blood to heal him, - - which is the murderer's MO: Killing vampires and anyone associated with them. Tina asked who gave him the blood, but all he got was a "Dr. Fell" and she quickly realized it was Meredith. She eventually confronts her aunt at her apartment, angry on Barry's behalf and her own, for using vampire blood so recklessly. Meredith explains it was usually for last resort, for things that modern medicine couldn't help. Tina remarks that now someone died for it and now it's on her. She even asks her what possessed her to even start using vampire blood like that in the first. Meredith goes into her closet and pulls out a journal from a Fell ancestor, Marjorie Ann Fell, who described her hand being cut & healed after drinking vampire blood at a New Years' Eve party in 1957. Once Tina read the name of the man hosting the party, Aaron Whitmore, she realized she was reading the origin story of why Damon's after the Whitmore line & and the connection between her and Barry's families. She took the journal from Meredith and told her to stop using vampire blood before leaving. She called Sarah Whitmore that night to tell her what she found but was surprised Sarah wasn't. Her grandmother explained everything to her, but the fact the Fells had a handwritten account did surprise her. Sarah's family is paying for the actions of one, and she'd do everything to ensure Barry survived her because Damon was "a petty vampire who doesn't care about whose innocent or guilty as long as he has his revenge."
The next day, invitations were sent out throughout the town inviting everyone to a ball for a new family in town - The Mikaelsons. After some consideration (and begging her parents), Tina asked Barry to be her date to the Mikaelson Ball, wanting to see every member of the first vampire family. Picking out a black and lavender ballgown, she didn't miss the breathtaking expression when he first saw her at the ball. They end up mingling and eavesdropping until the entire immortal family comes together on the stairwell. They initially danced together until one of the Mikaelsons, Kol, wanted to dance with Tina. However, Tina politely refused, and Kol asked again. Tina felt an "itch" in her head and feels herself paralyze when she realizes Kol is trying to compel her against her will. Barry must've caught on too as he stepped in and offered to dance with him himself, surprising both of them - which Kol took in good humor but declined. They both sighed in relief once he was out of sight, relaxed that he hadn't caught onto them, and Barry tried to stay by Tina's side for the rest of the night. Tina attempted to maneuver around and caught bits and pieces from the other Mikaelsons but not enough to know their plans without getting caught. They left the party afterward and reported that they hadn't been able to get anything. Barry comforted Tina when she expressed disgust over her near compulsion.
A few days later, Tina was shocked to learn Alaric outed Caroline and Tyler as vampires, causing Sherrif Forbes and Carol Lockwood to resign from their seats along with Meredith. Effectively, that meant no members from founding families were allowed in the council, leaving it full of civilians. But nothing shocked her more than when Pastor Young blew up his home with the new council with him, along with the town's vervain supply. Karen temporarily filled in the seat for the Fells when Mayor Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes returned to the newly made Council. Tina attended the memorial with Barry and their families. She was moved by Tyler's speech until he was shot down in front of the church. Tina commended Carol for calling an ambulance to keep his cover - assuming she'd known before he was outed.
Sometime later, Tina met up with Meredith, who was leaving Mystic Falls to start over now that her medical license was suspended. She gave back Marjorie Ann's journal and tells her she was sorry for acting the way she did. Meredith tells her she understands as she was angry for the ones she loves. Her cousin tells her she's moving to Durham, North Carolina, and wants to see where life takes her.
Tina was busy holiday shopping as preparations for the Winter Wonderland were underway. She noticed Carol did it early to give the town a distraction that could go on for so long. Tina was surprised to hear Barry was torn between spending Christmas with her family vs Christmas with his mom and told him it was his choice to make. Surprisingly, they felt the night went off without a hitch and kissed underneath a mistletoe. They were walking when Barry noticed Tyler, unhinged, looking at something floating in the fountain. Following his gaze, they walked towards it to see Tyler pull out a body and dashed forward to see it was the now late Mayor Carol Lockwood.
Over the next few days, everything was chaotic. With the council needing a new leader, her parents stepped in. Everyone In-The-Know knew a vampire killed the mayor, and Tina betted on Klaus - just to hurt Tyler. When Barry said he was spending Christmas in Charleston, he seemed sad about it. So, she encouraged him to invite her along. He initially asked her parents' permission and was surprised they agreed, feeling the distance was good for her and concerned for her safety. Later on that day, he asked and Tina instantaneously agreed. That year, Tina gave Barry an organizer while he gifted her a charm bracelet and a fountain pen.
They returned shortly after New Years and paid respects to the late mayor at a school assembly. She noticed Tyler walk off and feels like she's gotten a glimpse of a future she didn't want to see. Tina kept note of a lot of things (Jeremy Gilbert's death, the Gilbert house burning down, Elena's major personality shift before disappearing for weeks & return). She tried connecting them but chose to live as normally as possible.
Weeks before Prom, Tina is amazed to see Barry's promposal by reenacting the iconic boombox scene from her favorite movie "Say Anything" outside her bedroom window (with her parent's permission), which she happily accepts. She brings him to her room and he also uses this as a moment to talk about the future. She was surprised and happy Barry was getting college offers while she hadn't settled on a college yet (her parents forbade her from considering Whitmore or Duke). When she asked him what he saw, Barry replied he saw her - in any compacity allowed. They made out for a bit until Tina's mother calls them down for dinner.
On Prom Night, Karen helps her into her blush-pink dress and cries tears of joy. Upon opening the door, Tina descend the stairs in her dress just as Barry walks through the door. After taking pictures, they left for Prom. The night was fun and seemingly uneventful. The couple was surprised to see Matt crowned Prom King & Bonnie crowned Prom Queen. They decided to leave early and spend it at an inn for dinner. It dawned on Barry that they had survived to see graduation, which Tina felt was a cause for a celebration. She stole a bottle of wine and they got drunk before having sex for the first time in a room they hastily brought. The next morning, they realized what they did but couldn't find it in themselves to regret it (however, they got a stern scolding for not returning home sooner).
After finals were over, Tina believed she could relax as a high school graduate. She had decided to go to Georgetown and possibly share an apartment with Barry since he was going to Howard University. But then, Tina got sick. It started with vomiting at night until she was unable to keep anything down without turning green. Meredith, briefly visiting from Durham, came to her and asked about her last period. Realizing she hasn't had it and initially blamed it on stress from preparing for college, she had to consider the possibility she was pregnant. Asking for help, Meredith brought the test and Tina waited 5 agonizing minutes until she checked to see positive signs on the bathroom counter. Knowing she couldn't delay such news, Tina sent him a text to meet her at "their place". Barry went to the Falls and Tina told him that she was pregnant. Tina was amazed that the first question that came out of his mouth was to ask her to marry him. The next day, they met up and Barry seemed to process what happened the other day because he texted her to meet him at the quarry. When they met up, the first thing he did was apologize - which Tina readily accepted since she knew it was a huge bomb she dropped on him but was oddly pleased to hear that he was willing to go that far to commit. Barry said that he stood with whatever choice she was. When Tina admitted she wanted to see her options about keeping it, she asked Barry to be with her to tell her parents and come to the first appointment with her. Barry suggested they tell their parents together since it was useless delaying it on his end and - with doctors running in her family - discovery was inevitable. Tina agreed because she had family over the other day and some looked at her like they already knew. That weekend, Tina waited for Barry to bring Sarah to her house to have lunch with her parents so they could drop the news. To their surprise, after the shock, Tina's parents weren't overly furious (Karen suspected) and knew Barry enough that he wouldn't abandon Tina. Sarah, however, became tearful and left the room, much to Barry's dismay. She gave him a comforting expression before he followed her while she was left with her parents. Tina had her first appointment with Barry and their moms at her side. The doctor not only confirmed Tina's pregnancy but did an ultrasound. At the sight of her unborn fetus, Tina knew she wasn't going to change her mind about keeping the baby anytime soon. For "security purposes", Barry moved in with the Fells but to outsiders, it would be believed that Sarah kicked him out. Barry and Tina had gone out on a date the night before graduation when Mystic Falls had a major power outage. 
On Graduation Day, Tina walked across the stage and got her diploma from Mayor Rudy Hopkins. Tina met up with her parents and aunt and uncle with Blair, who also graduated before heading to the plantation to see the rest of the Fell Family for the graduation BBQ and to announce the news. Surprisingly, mostly everyone was accepting of the news. The women almost immediately began discussing her baby shower until Tina stopped them, not even sure if she want to know the gender yet. Later on, Tina showed Barry her acceptance letter to Georgetown University on a partial scholarship. They moved to D.C. into a downtown apartment they reluctantly accepted from their families. Barry continued to keep in contact with his mom, who chose to move back to her home in Charleston, with him and Tina frequently calling her and sending her updates on his unborn child. 
During breakfast one day, Barry got a phone call from the police in South Carolina that Sarah Whitmore was found dead in her home, a burglary gone wrong. He broke down in tears, Tina cradled him in her arms as she consoles him now that his biggest nightmare comes true. She watched Barry work through his grief and anger, even having to talk sense into him when he initially wanted to drop everything and kill Damon. Her mom had friends that helped Barry get his affairs in order so he would go to Charleston. With Tina by his side, he met a lawyer at her home, who gave him condolences for his loss and read him her will and a letter to him. The will stated that her home and life insurance was his, as well as a hefty inheritance she set up once she adopted him that he will receive upon his 21st birthday. When the lawyer left, Barry hastily said he would get rid of everything since it all reminded him of his mom. Tina tried to change his mind, which led to an argument where she walked out. Tina tried to understand what Barry was going through, what he always knew would happen and cried because she couldn't help him.
That night, Barry apologized to Tina and told her about the letter Sarah left for him to read. Tina realized he had a change of heart knowing Sarah was always thinking of him and knew he wasn't getting rid of the house. They swore that if their baby was a girl, they'll name her "Sarah". Out of curiosity, Barry did ask what they wanted to name the baby if it was a boy. Timidly, Tina admitted she wanted to name the baby after him, which he thought was a joke but found she was dead serious. His name was the first topic she used when they first met, so it felt deserving. He considered "Bill" or "William" for Bill Forbes, but it didn't fit either and decided to wait until they found out.
On August 15th, 2011, shortly before school started, Barry and Tina went to the 18th-week appointment and found out they were expecting a boy. Some time afterward, Tina manages to get a spot on The Hoya as a news writer. However, she did face the challenges of being an expectant mother, changes with pregnancy, working, and being a student, but the biggest came when she faced prejudice for being Barry's caucasian girlfriend, especially from some of Barry's friends and classmates - one made a disgusting pass at her and disrespected her. However, Barry stood by her and shut down anyone who tried to disrespect her and their future family. Because of this, they found true friends that accepted them. Tina learned more about how to care for a black child and what her son will have to face growing up.
9 months since they conceived, Barry and Tina decided to give birth in Mystic Falls with her family. They stayed in one of the cabins on the plantation for the remaining days until Tina's water broke. It was a superstition that Fells must be born in Mystic Falls and her mother reasoned that even if she had to go to the hospital, it was cheaper in Virginia than in D.C. On January 20th, 2012, their baby boy was born with the help of one of the Fells, who was a retired midwife. They name him Bartholomew Aaron Fell Jr. (whom they nicknamed "BJ") - giving him Tina's name to protect him from danger. She disliked the implications behind it but understood.
Weeks later, Barry tells Tina about a man who came to see him on campus. He claimed he was a representative from Whitmore College. The night she was held up working, he had invited him over and explained that his cousin, Aaron Whitmore the 4th, had died and as the "Surviving Whitmore", he stands to inherit everything that belonged to his mother's family: Their fortune, properties, and more. Shocked but recalling how their families share history, she pointed out that being a Whitmore was just as important part of BJ's history as being a Fell. After careful consideration and advice, she's with Barry when he accepted the Whitmore legacy as long as certain things are aside for BJ until he's a certain age and he isn't an active member on the boards unless necessary.
Sometime in May, Tina receives a call from her parents with shocking news: An Anti-Magic barrier has been erected over Mystic Falls, effectively removing all magical creatures from the town. They wait until school ends to visit her parents and arrive when BJ is 5 months old, the first time since he was born. Learning that vampires were forced to leave, as well as any other possible supernaturals in town powerless, Tina and Barry are offered to come back as it would be safe to live close to family. They consider it, but ultimately decline as they didn't want to believe this unexpected event will last.
On July 20th, 2012, Barry brought Tina and 6-month-old BJ to stay in Charleston to pay their respects on the first anniversary of Sarah's death and visit her grave as well as the rest of her family's. They decide to make this a yearly tradition. 
In December of 2012, when Tina and Barry were unable to go home for Christmas, Blair called her to tell them that the border was gone, meaning the supernatural could return to Mystic Falls.
In November of 2014, The Fells visited Barry & Tina for Thanksgiving. Unbeknownst to her, Barry used this opportunity to get their blessing to propose to Tina, to which they agreed.
On May 9th, 2015, Tina and BJ sat in the crowd, cheering loudly as they watched Barry graduate from Howard University with a degree in Public Relations. At her graduation from Georgetown with a degree in Journalism on May 15th, 2015, Tina was shocked to see Barry walk up on stage with their son and let him run to her with a small black box. When she opened it, she looked down to see Barry down on one knee and proposing, which she very much said yes to, in front of their friends and family.
Shortly afterward, after much consideration, they move back to Mystic Falls and live in a renovated cabin on the Fell plantation as a temporary home. Barry accepted a job with Mystic Falls' Historical Society while Tina got a newswriter position at WPKW9. Between work, BJ, and wedding planning, Tina felt as if they might as well elope. So, it was a surprise when Barry was the one who approached her about eloping, seeing as they'd been living like a married couple already. Tina would've agreed...if it wasn't the wrath of her entire family reigning down on them she had to worry about it. After a while, they accepted getting married on the plantation and skipped over the honeymoon for another time. However, Tina came across an entry from a Fell ancestor, Hellena, who married under a special tree that she believed would "gift" them a long, happy marriage. A week before their wedding, Barry brought Tina to the outskirts of the plantation to a tree with Helena and her possible betrothed's initials and secretly eloped with BJ and her younger cousin, Violet, as witnesses. Officially, Bartholomew Whitmore joined hands in holy matrimony with Tina Fell on February 7th, 2016, with 4-year-old BJ as the ring bearer. At their wedding reception, "All I Need" by Within Temptations (the song they danced to at Miss Mystic Falls) was played as their first dance as a married couple.
By 2017, Tina got promoted to TV Producer while Barry is working as a Fundraiser for the Historical Society. One day, Tina met up with Caroline Forbes, who moved back to town with her daughters. Noting how much she still looks 17 even with a mature look and lifestyle, they chat and she slowly began letting BJ have playdates with her twin girls, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman (the surname of her former history teacher she also noticed). However, she truly forgot to tell Barry of this new development. So, when he found out, he was pissed because people have been going missing, and believed she was using this to chase a lead. Appalled he would think that or she would put their son in potential danger, they had a major argument that made Tina put Barry out of the house for the night. The next day, he brought her flowers and talked. Initially, the playdates are innocent and the kids get along, however, she did notice Caroline seemed preoccupied - making her suspect she knows something. However, Tina admitted she should have figured Caroline might be connected or involved since Salvatores are never far behind when people go missing.
During the events leading up to the 158th Annual Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Barry had taken to being BJ to work since Violet was entering the pageant and Tina was involved (for work and family reasons). However, on the day of the pageant, Tina agrees to help Violet since her mom is out of town. During the pageant, aside from noticing Caroline is taking part again, she sees a woman on Damon's arm and gets the feeling she should steer clear of her. Much to her surprise, Caroline claims a gas leak in the kitchen, which she can only guess means trouble but tries to call Barry to no avail before she's escorted out before she can get Violet out of Founders' Hall. She tried sneaking in and outright breaking in. By the time, she managed to get in, it was nearly nightfall before she was given clearance to go in. She rushed in and found Caroline holding Violet, when she called out to her, Violet rushed towards her and nearly recoiled when she touched Tina's locket. Without words, she exchange silent glances, pleading with Caroline to be wrong, but all she got was an affirmation: Violet was in transition. Against her better judgment, she left them and went home to her family. When she told Barry the news, he was furious and asked if they should consider leaving Mystic Falls again. Tina admitted she temporarily left Violet with Caroline as she's the only vampire that she can give a sliver of trust in teaching her cousin how to cope. Later that night, Violet came to see them but BJ was the one who opened the door. Tina caught sight of Violet's eyes changing and veins sticking out at the sight of her son and Barry rushed forward to pull him back before she charged at him. But luckily the young girl wasn't able to enter the house - as she wasn't invited in as a vampire. Horrified at what her instincts almost made her do, Violet sped away. The next day, Barry and Tina went out searching for her. However, they hid when they noticed Stefan Salvatore walking out of a bar with blood on his hands. Once they were sure he was gone, they slowly walked into the bar and she screamed in horror at the scene of the dead bodies littered among the bar...and Violet, staked to death on the ground. Barry called her parents, who had someone cover up the crime scene. Afterward, Tina was listless while Barry became her emotional support like she was his when Sarah died as she tearfully informed her family, including Violet's mother.
On February 18th, the Whitmore-Fells attended one of the most terrible, youngest funerals the Fells had to plan in nearly 10 years. Tina was deep in grief with Barry holding her hand and keeping BJ close as they put Violet Fell's body to rest. She never imagined explaining the concept of "death" to BJ his favorite cousin once he asked her why she hasn't come to see him. But due to these events, Tina hardened herself - an act she hadn't done since she left for college. She brutally cut off contact with Caroline, refusing to let BJ near her girls, and began looking to restart the council once more. She left Mystic Falls and chose to return to raise her family in., this tome including founding families and civilians because this has gone on for too long. When Barry found out her intentions, he disagreed because of how the last ones ended. But Tina argues that's her point: Violet just turned 16. Sixteen, undead, and then, very much dead. So, someone has to answer that. Once she brought up how much longer it would be until they were covering up BJ's death, Barry saw her point but told her to be discreet. But eventually, BJ started asking why he couldn't see Lizzie and Josie, and Tina wasn't giving him a direct answer. So, she scheduled a meeting at Founders' Hall, only to find herself face-to-face with Caroline. Tina tried to leave until Caroline just asks her for a minute of her time before dropping the bomb that Barry arranged for their meeting. Caroline first apologizes for Violet and everything that's happened, but Tina bounces back that she's always been part of the problem the minute the Salvatores arrived. Confused, Caroline asks what she's talking about before Tina pulls out her phone and opens up an old video of Caroline killing Carter 8 years ago. Tina explains she has a good idea of almost everything that has happened in town before they all graduated and demands it stops now. Recognizing that Tina wasn't playing around, Caroline asks her what she wants. Tina demands an explanation for why her cousin died and gets a long, winded explanation of what happened since graduation. Removing her shock, Tina gets a better understanding of how Caroline's friends have been the cause of most of the town's major issues yet have been saving the town as well. She expected Caroline was holding back a few things as well. Tina decides to spill forth a few of her secrets, especially the espionage - that very much surprised Caroline. In the end, they made an agreement that Caroline fills the Forbes seat on the council. They call it a "truce", however, Caroline broaches the topic of their kids' play dates, which Tina is willing to continue as long as her girls don't hurt her son. When she got home, she explained everything to her husband before sentencing him to sleep on the couch until further notice.
A few days prior, the Whitmore-Fell Family received wedding invitations to Caroline and Stefan's weddings with notes that explained certain things (ie. Stefan being human and completely repentant). Tina wanted to scoff as if that let him off the hook for every death he caused in her family. Between her issues with the younger Salvatore and Barry's issues with Damon, it was nothing but pure duty& curiosity to see how this wedding goes. They left BJ with Tina's parents, much to the little boy's temper tantrum. The wedding was held at Lockwood Mansion (Tina noticed that most of the guests were compelled and Barry visited Tyler Lockwood's headstone). Aside from Damon being ordained, the wedding went off without a hitch. However, Stefan made it a point to come to speak to Tina and apologize about killing Violet, but despite polite words, Tina purposely used double meanings to ensure the former vampire got the message he wasn't forgiven. The reception was sent off without a hitch and would be fine...had Kelly Donovan not taken over Damon's speech and announced she was a living corpse on her last legs before the Founder's Bell chimed throughout the town just as the Lockwood Mansion exploded. Realizing he saw Caroline's twins go in there, Tina tried to run in but Barry held her back. Luckily, it seemed the fire from inside the mansion vacated itself from the premises and Bonnie & the girls exited, unharmed. They got to her parents and hastily took BJ to leave Mystic Falls. The town was under a gas leak threat and ordered to evacuate, which the couple understood were code words for the entire town potentially ceasing from existence. With the formal clothes on their back, Barry quickly packed their emergency luggage in the car and left the town immediately. However, they soon got a call that Mystic Falls was still standing and returned. Upon there, Tina knew something was different.
From the weeks following on, aside from learning Hell - a once very real place - now ceased to exist, Tina learned that Stefan Salvatore died that same night and to even more shocking news: Damon Salvatore was human now. After decades of fearing for his mom's life, his own, and her inevitable murder, Tina knew Barry had to find a way to live with the fact a vampire who murdered a family line was now a vulnerable human (but no doubt protected). Tina didn't know what made him & his late brother humans again but made peace she would never forgive him. The vampire that killed members of her family was gone as Tina sent flowers of condolences to Caroline...as well as a note saying their playdates are permanently canceled.
Over a year, things changed. Tina noted Matt Donovan became Sheriff, Elena Gilbert was amongst the townspeople again after she'd "gone missing" almost 6 years prior, and there was nothing supernatural happening. Tina (now promoted to Reporter) manage to revive the Council once more, Barry choosing to share the Fell seat with her and made the Salvatore seat "honorary". It was peaceful, however, it didn't last long: Caroline Forbes-Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman proposed building a boarding school for teenage supernaturals. Tina almost attacked her with Barry holding her back as she rejected the proposal instantly and left the Council with varying degrees of opinions. After the meeting, Caroline tried to confront them but Tina lashed out, unleashing just how well aware she was of everything that happened in Mystic Falls, not to mention the countless unwarranted deaths her family had to cover up. She almost mentioned Sarah until Barry stopped her and coldly said he disagreed with bringing a wave of "literal teenagers with beyond natural abilities" into town. That night, Tina and her husband spent all night watching their almost 8-year-old son sleep in his bed. She remembered Amber and Aimee, the loss of the entire Lockwood line collapsing on the council, Carter, and many more whose deaths were covered up for the sake of peace.
However, Caroline managed to get some of the other members on board and secure enough votes for approval. There were stipulations: The school was gonna need a separate water system because vervain was going to be regularly put in the town's water upon opening. Furthermore, if Salvatore can go a full year without any civilians from the town being killed by their students, the Council will back off. If they fail, the school is closed for good. Tina hoped they'd fail. She didn't want there to be a day her son was brutalized because of the school's inability to control their students. However, in February 2019, the bodies of Mystic Falls students in the woods. One often was a girl named Inez, whose mother was on the council and now hysterically planning a funeral. It was what Tina hoped for and regretted, but now the council had ammunition to go after Salvatore. Tina knew it was supernatural because, among the burns, one body of a teenage boy had his arm completely ripped off - according to the medical examiner. Eyes were on the school, but nobody was able to identify what happened as Salvatore had an alibi. But Tina knew they were guilty - as she should as the daughter from a founding family whose reputation was built on cover-ups. After that, Tina and Barry decided to warn BJ away from the students as he got older and decided to tell him the truth about the supernatural when he turned 16.
Tina is a free-spirited, slightly vain young woman who lived for herself without care. As a member of a founding family, she never wanted anything. She can be arrogant and get into the tiniest pieces of gossip. But she doesn't always like traditions, as she self-sabotaged her chances of winning Miss Mystic Falls. However, she has strong values of family and felt ashamed for getting a DUI. It was noted her naivety and immaturity which caused the DUI was why her parents held back from telling her the truth about vampires. However, she has expressed her willingness to change her ways and grow. And she initially didn't know about her prospects but did come to find herself drawn to journalism as an editor on the school paper and volunteering at the news station. She's also a hopeless romantic at heart.
Upon discovering the supernatural, she felt it was her duty as a member of her family to understand the threats to Mystic Falls. However, she was faced with warranted fear and insecurity matched with a willingness to overcome those weaknesses that came with the risk of spying on those far more superior than her. Tina also proved to be very intelligent, piecing together the truth of vampirism just in time before Founders' Day and accurately guessing key events. She also has a gift for espionage as she managed to videotape, photograph, and record many events and details about evils that swept through town. She also developed a deeper sense of empathy for those whose lives were irreversibly touched and collaterally damaged by the supernatural, such as her family, Amber and Aimee Bradley, or her husband, Barry. However, despite those fear, her love for Barry Whitmore has been her lifeline throughout the years as they bonded through loss, friendship, and willingness to learn from the past.
As an adult, Tina grew to become a strong, independent woman who becomes fiercely protective of her family. Despite becoming a young parent straight out of high school, she was determined to be a great mother and have a great college experience. Tina has a great relationship with her son and is never afraid to show her fun side when granted, nor is she afraid to embarrass him. She also put her foot down on her stance against the supernatural, especially when Caroline Forbes opened the Salvatore Boarding School and let teen vampires, werewolves, and witches enter the town. Her prejudice against vampires remains strong, though she may be willing to accept change so long as it's not a threat to her livelihood, town, or family.
Physical Appearance
Tina is a beautiful caucasian woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and an hourglass figure. She mostly wears her hair loose and wears fashionable clothing. Her favorite jewelry to wear is a locket that formerly belonged to Honoria Fell, her ancestor, and namesake, that she keeps filled with vervain.
As a teenager, she wore her hair long and straight and favored light, girly clothes. However, she adopted more practical clothing for her espionage missions. She's also never afraid to dress up in cute dresses.
As an adult, she cut her hair shoulder-length and wore it in curls, and wore more mature outfits to work and breathier clothing at home.
• Tina is a female given name. The word itself may have originated from Old English Tyne/Tyna/Tina, meaning "river".
• Honoria is the Latin origin, and the meaning is "woman of honor".
• Fell is of Norse and English origins, and it means "from the rough hill".
• By being a member of the Fell Family, Tina's rich.
• Tina's middle name, Honoria, is from her ancestor, Honoria Fell.
• On her 13th birthday, she inherited a locket that used to belong to Honoria and would later put vervain in it to ward against vampires.
• With her marriage to Barry, the Fells (a Founding Family) and the Whitmores (Whitmore College, assets, fortune & Augustine Society) are merged with historical ties to the vampiric side of Mystic Falls.
• Tina's birthday is October 2nd, making her zodiac sign a Libra.
• Tina has read the journals of Honoria Fell, Marjorie Ann Fell, and excerpts from Jonathan Gilbert's journal.
• Her favorite movie is "Say Anything" and her favorite scene is the iconic Boombox scene.
• While not extensive, she was helped by John Gilbert in a similar way Bill Forbes helped Barry Whitmore.
• Tina is the 3rd known teenage pregnancy after Isobel Flemming and Katherine Pierce.
•⬆️ Tina was able to keep and raise her son, BJ - unlike Isobel, who gave her daughter, Elena, away to the Gilbert Family, and Katherine, whose daughter, Nadia Petrova, was taken from her.
• Tina participated in Miss Mystic Falls in 2010 with Barry as her escort.
•⬆️ Tina originally didn't want to be a part of the pageant but her mother persuaded her.
•⬆️⬆️ Her son, Bartholomew Fell Jr. would escort Harmony Kenner to Miss Mystic Falls in 2028.
• Like her ancestor, Franklin Fell, and her uncle, Logan Fell, Tina's a reporter.
•⬆️ Her family owns the WPKW9 news network.
• Tina began finding out about the supernatural when she unknowingly discovered the use of vervain against vampires.
• Without being a part of the Mystic Falls gang, she has figured out a lot of events that have happened in Mystic Falls.
• Tina spent high school spying to get her information - with help.
• Tina finding out Stefan Salvatore was a vampire through the news station's digital archives is the same way Elena Gilbert found out.
• She initially let her son have playdates with Caroline Forbes's twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie.
•⬆️ This ended after her then-fiance, Stefan Salvatore, turned her younger cousin, Violet Fell, into a vampire and killed her.
• She has a blackbelt in Martial Arts.
• Tina was part of the Hoya newspaper while attending Georgetown University.
• Tina restarted the Town Council, including Founding Families and civilians to counter supernatural activity in Mystic Falls.
•⬆️ Tina shares the Fell seat with her husband, Barry.
• Tina was almost compelled by Kol Mikaelson.
• Tina was against the founding of Salvatore Boarding School because it posed warranted risks to the town and her son's safety.
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minthara · 1 year
saw Hans Zimmer live today it ruled
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goatyoat · 1 year
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
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Hey guys, just wanted to say I annoyed @tinadablackthorn so much that I’m a human being again. Nice.
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