#but they all fell under guest stars
goatyoat · 2 years
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bluerosefox · 5 months
The Flow of Time
Hmmm *has done a lot of deaged Danny prompts/ideas*
Let's shake things up a bit shall we???
Deaged Tim!
Tim, or rather Red Robin, was turned into a child Ra's (to steal and raise him as his evil heir)
And as he's about to be saved by the Bats. He hears what was sound of a ticking clock before he begins to fall.
And he tumbled and fell like Alice falling into Wonderland.
"CW what did you do?" A tired voice asked
"What I had to. Should I had left him there, they would had failed and he would had lead his world from the shadows under the false Immortal's teachings....A world does not need be in ruin to be on its path of horror and destruction, Daniel." Came the response.
"Ancients..." swore the other voice under their breath.
"Raise him well and in due time his once family will find him again. He will awaken confused and questioning, his past foggy to a point in his mind. Just make sure he is ready for it. The flow of time between worlds can be both kind and cruel." We're the words said.
"Clockwork wait! What does that-"
That was all Tim heard as he tried to wake up, but he quickly fell back asleep when a hand gently petted his head, snuggled and bundled up in a dark purple cloak and the sounds of ticking clocks all around him worked like a strange lullaby.
When he woke up next, Tim found himself in a small bedroom, a guest room that once been someone's actual bedroom judging from the glow in the dark stars still on the ceiling above. But it seemed to had been turned into a spare room for guests from how there wasn't anything else personal in the room besides basic stuff.
Tim, confused and wondering where he was and how he got there jumped when he heard the door open and meet the eyes of a young adult with black hair and blue eyes.
"Hello Tim, good to see you're awake. My name is Danny Fenton and... Welcome to my worlds version of Earth I guess."
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undiscovered-horizon · 11 months
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[Zoro knows your father would never let him date you. That doesn't stop him from climbing through your window in the middle of the night.]
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The night is hot and humid but you feel unbelievably cold. Part of you wants to blame Roronoa Zoro for that state of things, although you know only your lovesick heart is to blame. Ever since you accidentally fell asleep against him while watching the stars, each night without him is a dread. The kingsize bed feels overwhelmingly big and empty, despite being the same bed you've been sleeping in your whole life.
You're sitting at your vanity, blindly staring at your reflection in the mirror, the activities of your nightly routine long forgotten. The nightgown you're wearing is so thin it's almost see-through and yet you still feel sweat running down your back. You've opened the window and unbuttoned half of the garment but it changed nothing. Monsoon season is truly uncomfortable.
"You look nice," a low voice speaks behind you.
Your blood runs cold as your heart halts for a moment. Quick enough to give yourself whiplash, you look over your shoulder at the unforeseen guest.
Zoro is sitting on your windowsill, back comfortably leaning against the window frame. His swords are propped up against the wall. It seems that he has been perched there for a while now, quietly watching you in your natural habitat. Beads of sweat on his forehead are glistening in the twilight of your candle-lit room. His hair, a deep shade of green, looks almost black in the darkness of the night. The intense look in his eyes makes you flustered, almost forcing you to look away. Still, something about his presence is so magnetic, you can't force your head away.
The initial dread of someone being in your room with you subsides but then another terror creeps in - the terror of someone stationed barely two rooms away. The very same man who sees anything pirate-related as problems that require violence as the solution. Even pirate hunters.
Nervously, you clench your hands into tight fists. "Do you have the slightest idea what my dad will do if he finds you here?" you hiss at Zoro, afraid that any sound would awaken your father.
The thought of 'You're worth it' is the first thing that crosses his mind. But no matter how true, Zoro can't find the courage to let such vulnerability be known.
"I don't care," he answers. Zoro gets up from the windowsill and lays in your bed with such casualness as though there is nothing out of the ordinary in his behaviour. Like he's not risking bodily harm to be within the confines of your bedroom.
You watch him in shock, eyes wide open. "He could come in at any moment, Zoro."
But he's just laying there, hands under his head as he's staring at you out of the corner of his eye. "Your old man's sleeping like a log," he states, uninterested.
The short moment of silence between you is filled with your father's muffled snoring. It's still a mystery to you how your mother can sleep with him in the same bed and wake up well-rested in the morning.
"Well, what if he wasn't?" you continue to argue but you already feel the need to do good by your father withdrawing, its place taken by something much more motivating and hard to explain. A calling, one might say.
"Just come here." Zoro motions at you.
Your flowy gown shuffles quietly as you get up from the chair by the vanity and gently lay on top of Zoro on your bed. As the familiar scent of wood, hay and metal hits your nostrils, you can feel all of your muscles immediately relax. All of the tension you carry in your shoulders and back is suddenly gone. In some unconscious reflex, one of his arms circles your waist, keeping you firmly in place. The strength of his hold couldn't be challenged even by a fatherly wrath.
Despite neither of you saying anything for a good moment, your bedroom is not filled with silence. Various sounds of the tropical island are pouring in through the open window: rustling bushes, laughter of late-night drinkers, cicadas, packs of stray dogs barking at each other in the distance. And, above all, the calming hum of the sea as its waves rhythmically wash the shore. The music of life as it follows its mundane, routine path.
"I can't sleep without you," you finally whisper against his firm chest.
"Me too," he admits quietly.
Although Zoro knows how ridiculous of a euphemism this really is, he never lets on. All of his waking hours are accompanied by thinking of you ('Are you safe? Are you alright? Do you miss him? Are you taking care of yourself? Do you ne-'). He's gone from taking multiple naps a day to barely one, only because he feels desperately uncomfortable sleeping alone as though his physiology knows that something important is missing. And when Zoro does finally fall asleep, you appear in his dreams. Sometimes he wakes up with the memory of your scent and touch lingering for a moment until he comes to his senses.
"Will you be here in the morning?" you ask hesitantly. It's selfish to ask Zoro to stick his neck out like that but at the same time, you desperately don't want this moment to end.
"Do you want me to?" he whispers.
As you nod, your cheek rubs against his chest.
You feel his chin resting on top of your head, further encircling you in a tight hold like a child who refuses to let go of their favourite toy. Perhaps Zoro is not the best with words but his actions tell you more than enough - if he could, he'd keep you close just like that until his last day. But knowing this moment ought to end in a few short hours, he wishes to memorize every detail of the way your body fits his.
That night Zoro wasn't sleeping in his own bed but still, he felt he was home.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 4 months
1. prepping (restaurant owner!harry x chef!y/n)
summary: you landed your dream job as a line cook at harry styles' prestigious haus kitchen restaurant in chicago. the tough chef job demands focus, but it's really hard when your boss looks like harry styles.
words: 4.3k
warnings: nothing major in this one
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Your palms were sweating as you gripped the steering wheel, driving through downtown Chicago towards your new job. You kept glancing down at the address on the printed directions, double checking that you were heading the right way. The last thing you wanted was to be late on your first day.
Ever since getting your culinary degree, you had applied to what felt like hundreds of restaurant jobs, desperate to get your foot in the door of a real professional kitchen. But very few places wanted to hire someone so fresh out of school with no actual experience. 
Finally, after months of dead ends, you had landed a line cook position at Haus Kitchen - one of the hottest farm-to-table restaurants in the city. You could scarcely believe your luck when you got the call saying you were hired.
Haus was the brainchild of Harry Styles, international superstar singer turned chef. After his chart-topping solo music career, Harry had traded in artist life to pursue his lifelong passion for cooking. Using his accumulated wealth, he opened up Haus five years ago to rave reviews, quickly earning a well deserved Michelin star.
You vividly remembered watching Harry's transition from a pop idol to dashing culinary entrepreneur play out in the media. As a teenage girl, you had been obsessed with him during his One Direction days.
Your bedroom walls were plastered with Harry's posters and you had relentlessly played their songs, sighing over his tousled hair and pouty lips. Then as you got older and Harry went solo, your boyband crush evolved into more of an intense celebrity infatuation as he cultivated a cool, rebellious image.
There were countless gossipy blind items about his infamous hellraising, flings with models and socialites, and run-ins with the law. You had followed all the scandalous Harry headlines with rapt attention - from getting papped stumbling out of nightclubs with an endless parade of beautiful women to getting arrested for drug possession outside Soho clubs. 
But finally in his late 20s, seemingly bored of rockstar debauchery, Harry had pivoted to reset his image as a knowledgeable culinary entrepreneur. You admired how he transformed from tabloid bad boy into a refined, successful businessman and chef.
He began studying haute cuisine under the tutelage of famous European chefs, traveling abroad to hone his skills further. While continuing to record new musical projects independently, Harry started establishing himself in the culinary world through guest stints on TV cooking shows and food/wine events.
With his brooding good looks, charming personality, and serious culinary chops, the world fell for Harry's new sophisticated image. Before long, he was the subject of breathless puff pieces in food magazines as "the sexiest Renaissance man in the kitchen." It seemed natural when Harry soon opened up his passion project Haus to capitalize on his popularity and love of food.
Now nearing your mid-20s, your teenage fannish obsession had cooled into more of an admiring celebrity crush. You had stayed aware of Harry's journey, but your priorities were focused on graduating culinary school at the top of your class and finding your own big break in the Chicago restaurant scene.
So when you landed a job at Harry's iconic Haus, it almost didn't feel real. Not only would you be working at one of the city's most exclusive spots, but under the same roof as a chef you had admired for ages.
Not that you expected to have any real personal contact with Harry himself, you reminded yourself as you merged onto the exit for downtown. He was an internationally famous mega-celebrity who had to have hundreds of staffers, not to mention being handsomely paid to just be the smiling face of the business while professional kitchen vets like Paul Thomason handled the day-to-day operations.
Still, you had to admit to yourself that a tiny part of you tingled at the mere idea of being in the same building as Harry Styles...hopefully catching a glimpse of that handsome, endlessly charming man in the flesh...
You shook your head dismissively and double checked the directions again, annoyed at getting so easily distracted. This was your big break, your first serious job in the industry. You needed to bring your A-game and focus, not dwell on silly celebrity daydreams.
It was your fantasies of becoming a respected chef that needed to take priority.
You pulled into the parking lot for the restaurant, double checking that you had the address right. The sleek, modern building had a neon "Haus Kitchen" sign glowing over opulent double-door entrances flanked by velvet ropes and cheerful outdoor seating areas.
Taking a steadying breath, you cut the engine and sat for a moment, giving yourself a pep talk. This was it. No more messing around doing coursework or labs - this was the major leagues with all the intensity of a real professional kitchen. You had to bring it all day, every day.
As you climbed out of your beat-up Honda, you smoothed down your spotless new chef's whites, making sure everything looked pressed and presentable. With your knife kit tucked under your arm, you walked towards the entrance with purpose, chin held high.
From the moment you stepped through the doors, it was like being transported into another world. The smell of simmering sauces, roasting meats, and freshly baked bread envaded your senses. Even hours before opening, the energy and hustle for dinner prep was palpable.
Off to the left was the main dining room you had studied photos of online - effortlessly cool with vaulted exposed wooden beam ceilings, brick accents, and casually modern decor. Pendant lighting glowed cozily over tables draped in white linens and rustic chandeliers hung over plush tufted leather banquettes. A lively bar area centered the space, stocked with top-shelf liquors and backed by a dazzling display of custom glassware.
In the distance ahead, you could hear the clamoring of the kitchen in full swing. Your stomach did a nervous flip - this was it. Taking another fortifying breath, you headed through the archway.
You emerged into a large, sleek open kitchen layout, all stainless steel and butcher block islands. Uniformed cooks were buzzing at their stations like a well-oiled machine under the barked commands of an older, stocky man you immediately recognized as Head Chef Paul Thomason.
Despite his gruff reputation, watching Thomason in action was nothing short of mesmerizing. He moved between stations with the easy grace of a conductor, sampling sauces, tweaking seasonings, and directing the workflow with gruff orders. There was no wasted movement or micro-expression as he continually tasted and perfected dishes, alternating between thoughtful contemplation and decisive action.
Though you had only seen Thomason in pictures and television appearances, his fierce focus and mastery were unmistakable. This was what true professional kitchen expertise looked like in the flesh.
Feeling like a mouse that had wandered into the lair of a lion, you hovered near the entrance, uncertain of what to do next. The kitchen team flowed around you in a choreographed dance, deftly ignoring your presence as they prepped and plated flawlessly.
After a few minutes of anxious loitering, the intimidating Thomason seemed to finally notice you. His grizzled features contorted as he scowled, looking you up and down through eyes squinted with decades of kitchen smoke exposure.
"You must be the new kid," he said gruffly, crossing his bulky tattooed arms over his broad chest. Even without raising his voice, Thomason had a rumbling bass that easily carried over the kitchen's clanging din. "Christ, you're shorter than I expected. Think you've got what it takes to keep up around here?"
You nervously clutched your knife kit closer while trying to not look as flustered as you felt. "Y-yes, chef!" 
You swallowed hard, hyper aware of everyone around you now watching the interaction. "I, uh...I came ready to work as hard as it takes. Whatever you need from me."
Thomason grunted, squinting at you for another long moment in consideration. Then he jerked his head towards the back. "Get changed out quick and meet me back here in 5. I'll get you started on prep and we'll see what you're made of. Don't keep me waiting."
"Yes, chef!" you responded immediately, wincing at how high your voice had gone up an octave.
Without another word, Thomason turned and strode back into the controlled chaos of the line, immediately redirecting his attention to sauces and garnishes. Letting out a shaky breath, you scurried towards the changing rooms, heart jackhammering.
Well, you were officially in the thick of things now...
You hustled back out to the kitchen, trying not to look frazzled from your rushed change. A young Hispanic line cook spotted you and waved you over to his station.
"You the newbie?" he asked, not unkindly. When you nodded, he jerked his head towards the walk-in refrigerator. "Thomason wants you to start by breaking down some of the produce delivery for prep."
"Got it, thanks," you replied, eager to prove yourself. The line cook gestured you through the door into the immense chilled walk-in.
You blinked as your eyes adjusted to the cold, taking in the sights and smells of the impressive stockpile. Shelves upon shelves were stocked with an array of fresh seasonal produce - crates bursting with leafy greens, bushels of root vegetables, flats of vibrantly colored tomatoes, exotic fruits, and mushroom varieties you had only read about.  
Your culinary school had humble basics for ingredients, nothing like the bounty of locally-sourced, meticulously selected provisions that Haus Kitchen demanded. You felt a thrill at getting to work with such an extraordinary pantry.
Respirating clouds puffed from your mouth as you scanned the inventory tagging system. You had been taught similar protocols in your food safety courses, but there was something exhilarating about putting that knowledge into practice in a real professional environment.
Grabbing a stack of plastic totes, you made a game plan for which items to start prepping first based on perishability levels and what would be needed for that evening's specials. Though you started out slow at first, you steadily built up a cadence of meticulously cleaning, trimming, and sorting into appropriate storage containers.  
By the time Thomason stuck his head in to check on you an hour later, you had developed an efficient system and made solid progress through a mountain of deliveries.
The head chef grunted in approval as he inspected your neat stacks of prepped produce, crossing his arms as he looked you up and down with a critical eye.
"Not bad, kid," he rumbled. "Clearly know which end of a knife to use, at least. C'mon back out, got some protein fabrication for you to tackle next."
You diligently followed Thomason back out to the main kitchen, wiping some sweat from your brow with your sleeve. Despite the industrial cooling system, the heat blazing from the ovens and range tops made the open kitchen feel like a furnace.
As Thomason led you to a stainless steel butcher's block island, you couldn't help but gawk at the array of gleaming knives hanging from magnetic strips overhead. The blades were works of art - sleek, razor sharp, and clearly extremely expensive.
Gesturing you over, Thomason grabbed a boning knife and twirled it deftly before handing it to you. "Let's see how you handle breaking this down."
He gave the block a solid smack with his meaty palm, indicating for you to get started on the glistening slab of beef tenderloin before you. Taking a steadying breath, you gripped the bone-handled knife firmly and leaned over the cutting board.
"Yes chef," you murmured before carefully piercing the thick cut of meat, angling the blade with practiced precision from all your training.
Around you, the kitchen bustled with the usual rattling pans, sizzling ranges, and Thomason's occasional barked orders. But as you fell into the rhythm of deftly separating fat and sinew, the noises began to fade from your awareness.  
You were completely focused on your knife work, confidently sawing through the tender flesh as you reduced the tenderloin down to portions and trimmings for other stations to further break down. It was meditative, almost hypnotic, the way you instinctively slid the blade along rendered paths of butchery.
After your initial intimidation of the intense Haus environment, you started to find your groove and calm amidst the choreographed insanity surrounding you. You were so laser-focused on the satisfaction of properly executing each slicing technique that the rest of the kitchen chaos became mere white noise.
You had no idea how long you stayed absorbed in the butchery, but eventually you became aware of a presence at your elbow. Glancing up, you nearly jumped to see Harry Styles watching you work with an unreadable expression, hands shoved into the pockets of his slim-fitting slacks.
His dress shirt was rolled up to his elbows and the fitted cotton fabric clung to his toned arms and chest, a few chest hairs peeking out of his slightly undone top button. A single necklace rested in the divot between his sculpted collarbones, drawing your eye to the alluring hollow of his throat as he swallowed hard.
You froze mid-slice, mesmerized by watching the tendons in Harry's wrist and forearm flex as his hands flexed restlessly in his trouser pockets. After a beat, his pillowy lips curved into an easy smile, crinkling the delicate crow's feet at the corners of his kaleidoscope green eyes.
"Afternoon," Harry said in that lazy, husky drawl that used to make millions of fans swoon. He flicked his eyes down to your handiwork before bringing them back up to your face. "Looking good there, newbie."
You blinked, not trusting your ears for a moment before realizing with a jolt that Harry was very much real and quite close. Like, unnecessarily close for your over-stimulated brain to handle.
"Uh...I-I, um...th-thank you?" you croaked out, wanting to cringe at how lame you sounded. Get it together, this wasn't the time to geek out–you instructed yourself.
But Harry didn't seem to notice your fumbling, simply giving you a dimpled half-smile before reaching around you to snag a stray piece of trimming from the butcher's block. He inspected it contemplatively before popping it into his mouth, those plump lips wrapping obscenely around the bite as he chewed and ruminated with relish.
"Perfection," he declared after swallowing, shooting you another crooked grin like you were co-conspirators sharing an inside joke. With a subtle wink, Harry pivoted on his boot heel and sauntered off, whistling a jaunty tune.
As he retreated, you risked a glance down at his form-fitting trousers shamelessly admiring the way the fine fabric cupped the ample curves of his pert backside. Even at his age, Harry Styles had the muscle-toned body of a man decades younger - long, lean muscles taut under golden tanned skin.
You blinked hard and shook your head, annoyed at catching yourself ogling your new boss like a drooling fangirl. Pull it together! This was totally inappropriate and unprofessional. You had zero business daydreaming about someone who gave you your paycheck, no matter how obscenely famous and heartthrob-ishly handsome they were.
Firmly re-focusing on your knife work, you determinedly put Harry from your mind and tried to re-immerse yourself in the rhythm and refuge of the butchery. But the memory of his distractingly lush mouth so close kept replaying over and over, preventing you from recapturing your previous sense of meditative flow. 
Dammit, you needed to get a grip! This kind of inappropriate crush on your employer was exactly the kind of silly, immature behavior that would make you look like a unprofessional joke in a serious kitchen environment. Blowing an opportunity like this was not an option.
Later, as you untied your apron strings and joined the team in breaking down the last stations for cleaning at closing, Thomason sidled up alongside you. You braced yourself for more of his typical gruff rebukes or criticisms.
Instead, the veteran chef simply gave you a long, considered look before saying gruffly, "You did good work today, kid. I can already tell you got the stuff to handle it around here if you keep your head down."
You blinked up at him in surprise before managing a small smile. "Thank you, chef. I really appreciate that."
Thomason grunted noncommittally before wandering off, likely to oversee something else. As you tidied your workstation, you couldn't help feeling a small glow of pride. Despite the craziness of your first day, you had seemingly passed this initial trial with flying colors.
As you left through the back entrance into the quiet night air, you took a deep breath and allowed yourself a satisfied smile. Maybe, just maybe, you really did have what it took to succeed in this highly competitive environment after all. For tonight at least, you had handled the punishing pace and standards. Tomorrow was another day to prove yourself all over again.
Your day started before sunrise the next morning, brewing a strong coffee and reviewing the notes you had taken the previous evening about which menu items needed prepping. By the time you arrived at Haus, reinvigorated by the crisp morning air, the kitchen was already a hive of activity in preparation for lunch service. 
The intense scrutiny under which you worked only amplified with the daylight. Every slice, every sauté was carried out under the watchful eyes of Chef Thomason and his steely gaze. More than once, you felt his presence looming over your shoulder, inspecting your work with the same critical eye as a diamond cutter examining a flawless gem.
"This slice is uneven," he barked, startling you. You flinched, resisting the urge to make excuses as he continued, "The portions all need to be identical for plating. Paying attention to details like that is the difference between a sloppy meal and a stellar one. Don't let it happen again."
"Yes, chef," you replied tightly, making a minor adjustment to your knife work. Though his words stung, you had to admit Thomason was completely right. In a restaurant of this caliber, any minor imperfection could spell disaster.  
You redoubled your efforts, pouring all of your concentration into each preparation, each plate. By the time the end of your shift rolled around, you were drenched in sweat, your feet screaming from being on them for 12 hours straight. But you had successfully made it through day two without any major mishaps.
As the whirlwind of dinner service finally calmed to a stopping point, you stood in the kitchen obediently waiting for Thomason's inspection and inevitable critique. But to your surprise, he merely gave a curt nod of approval before waving you off.
"Not bad, newbie," he grunted. "Get a good night's rest. We'll need you back bright and early tomorrow."
Those few gruff words of acceptance warmed you more than any high praise could have. For Thomason, a man of very few words, his small nod seemed to indicate you were, for the moment, living up to his exceedingly high standards.
The high from that small victory buoyed your spirits as you made your way towards the back exit, already dreaming of the few hours of sleep you might be able to grab before starting the cycle over again. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you nearly bowled someone over coming around a corner.
"Whoa there!"  
You froze, looking up into the grinning, mirthful eyes of Harry Styles himself. Up close, the force of his charm and magnetism practically crackled in the air around him like a physical force. His sweater clung distractingly to his lithe, muscular frame and his chestnut hair was casually tousled. A pair of small diamond studs glinted in each ear.
"Sorry about that, H-Harry," you stammered, resisting the urge to take a flustered step back. You were vividly aware of just how little physical space separated the two of you. "I wasn't watching where I was going."
If he noticed your frazzled state up close, Harry didn't let on. His pink lips merely curved in an easy, dimpled smile. "No need to apologize. I don't usually make a habit of lurking around blind corners, to be fair."
You laughed before you could stop yourself, surprised at how easily he was putting you at ease despite your elevated heart rate. Up close, Harry's eyes weren't just green - an entire kaleidoscope of colors ranging from jade to emerald to amber seemed to shift and dance in his gaze. It was...dazzling, frankly.
Clearing your throat, you forced yourself to take a subtle step backwards, putting a more professional amount of space between the two of you. The last thing you needed was to do something wildly inappropriate that would get you fired before the end of your first week.
"Still, I should have been paying better attention to my surroundings," you replied, aiming for a respectful, levelheaded tone. "It's been a really intense couple of days just trying to stay on top of everything."
Harry nodded in understanding, arching one perfectly sculpted brow. "Thomason hasn't let up on you at all, I take it?" 
When you shook your head ruefully, he chuckled. "I know that seems like his permanent state - gruff, perpetually unsatisfied, and grumpy as a hibernating bear. But honestly, the fact that he hasn't fired you already is a good sign you're doing well."
You blinked at him in surprise. "Wait...really? But he critiques everything! I feel like I've gotten nothing but corrections so far."
"Exactly." Harry's dimples flashed as he grinned. "That's how you know he sees potential in you. If Thomason didn't think you had what it took, he wouldn't waste his breath giving feedback. He'd just cut you loose and hire someone else to start over."
His words were like a soothing balm on the anxiety and self-doubt you'd been carrying around for the past couple of days. You hadn't realized that Thomason's critical approach was actually a twisted form of acceptance and mentorship. The revelation caused the hard knot of tension between your shoulder blades to finally release.
"Huh," you exhaled, unable to stop the small smile tugging at your lips as you finally understood Thomason's tough love. "I guess I should take that as a compliment then."
"Absolutely," Harry agreed with an approving nod. Then his expression softened around the edges, growing earnest as his gaze searched yours. "Look, I know it's a huge adjustment and the pace here can be absolutely brutal starting out. But for what it's worth...I think you've got what it takes to be something really special in this kitchen."
You felt yourself flush at his unexpected praise, your stomach fluttering with a swarm of nervous butterflies. Harry held your eyes for a lingering moment before seeming to mentally collect himself.
Clearing his throat, he flashed you one more crooked grin. "But don't take my word for it - the proof will be in your work. Stay focused and trust the process. I've got faith you can handle it."
With that, he brushed past you, his shoulder grazing yours in a way that made your entire body buzz with friction. As Harry sauntered off down the hallway, you couldn't stop yourself from turning to watch his retreating form - the easy, rolling gait, the tantalizing sway of his hips below the slim cut of his trousers, the tousled waves of his chestnut hair.
You let out a shaky exhale, feeling off-balance and electrified all at once. Get a grip, you scolded yourself firmly. That was your boss - your incredibly famous, wealthy, and wildly attractive boss. Daydreaming was a one-way ticket to catching inappropriate feelings and potentially torpedoing your entire career before it even started.
And yet...you couldn't quite silence the part of your brain reliving Harry's velvet tone and intense eye contact as he professed having faith in your abilities. Just the casual warmth of his voice and proximity had set your heart pounding in a way it hadn't since you were a hormonal teenager, utterly dazzled by his rock star persona.
Shaking your head, you forced yourself to turn on your heel and head for the exit. Overthinking could only lead to dangerous territory. You needed to stay laser-focused on your work - that was the only way to succeed at Haus and make your culinary dreams a reality.
As you stepped out into the fresh evening air, you paused for a moment on the deserted back stoop, closing your eyes and taking a few centering breaths. When you opened them again, you felt the last fluttering tendrils of Harry's heated presence dissipate, replaced by a familiar sense of determined calm.
This job was your priority now, not silly schoolgirl crushes or indulging fantasies about your wildly unattainable boss. You knew better than to get distracted by daydreams that could only lead to self-sabotage. 
With a decisive nod, you strode towards your car with renewed focus. You would prove yourself at Haus through your skills and work ethic alone. No other agenda, no unprofessional entanglements allowed. 
Your passion was cuisine, creating nourishing dishes that delighted - that had to remain your sole priority. You couldn't afford any distractions from that lest you squander this incredible opportunity. Steadying your breathing, you looked forward with fresh clarity and resolve.
Tomorrow was a new day to earn your place in Harry's formidable kitchen. And this time, you vowed, you were utterly prepared to meet the challenge with your complete and undivided focus.
tell me if you like this! this is an idea for a new series that will probably have 6 parts??? i guess. but do tell me if you like it! because there's no use in writing when nobody reads 😭😭
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mimi-cee-genshin · 1 year
A Slight of Hand Makes Colour - Lyney x f!reader
Summary: You think Lyney hates you. He's never used his charm on you. Lynette's response? If you look behind his ear, just under the stands of his hair, the answer will magically appear. (A cute and heartwarming getting together fic that I hope will make you smile.)
Other info: fluff, cute, some hurt/comfort, some pining, family, getting together, yes I know it's "sleight of hand", 2.5k words
"Does Lyney hate me?"
You sat in front of the cafe with Lynette, enjoying a late night drink, and typically you'd be enjoying the silence and scenery together. But your thoughts slipped out of your mouth before you could snatch them back, ruining the peaceful moment you were having.
"Forget what I said," you said, eyes darting back to your drink.
Lynette placed her cup down and put a new cake slice on her plate. "Why do you ask?" she said with no hint of shock on her face.
"No. It was a stupid question." You took a sip, hoping she'd drop the topic.
"I see… Have you finally begun to wonder why Lyney has never used his charm on you?" she asked.
Your drink went down your throat the wrong way and you began to cough. "How did you know?" you asked, a little embarrassed.
"I could tell from how you were eyeing him as he welcomed our newest guest," she explained.
Nothing got past Lynette. You knew better than to try to hide anything from her. You'd often wondered if her greatest talent was actually reading minds.
She was right. You had never noticed the slight difference in Lyney's behavior towards you, even though you had known the twins for a long time now. He had always treated you with care and respect, but lately, you felt ill whenever he showered others with his suave words. You used to be happy just to see him smile.
You sighed, knowing exactly why you felt this way. You just didn't want to admit it.
"I think it's the right time to tell you this," Lynette said.
"Hm?" you asked. "Tell me what?"
"There's a reason why Lyney acts differently around you," she said.
You raised your brow, but you placed your cup down anyway and to listen for her next words.
"I'll give you a hint," she said. "If you look behind his ear, just under his strands of hair, you might figure out why he treats you this way."
What? It was always hard to tell what Lynette was thinking because of the lack of emotion on her face. But even if she'd crack a joke once in a while, she wouldn't do so when you had a genuine concern.
Lynette took another sip of her cup and returned back to standby mode, drifting somewhere within the stars.
You weren't sure what to make of her comment
It was four in the afternoon and the workshop needed to be cleaned before you could start any work. You took the vacuum, which Lynette fortunately didn't break yet, and removed the sawdust on the floor from this morning.
Next, you wiped down the workshop's two-way mirror, knowing Lyney would need it to test another trick today. The majority of the cleaning fell on you, which you didn't mind. You used to be a maid after all – a maid to a cold and cruel mistress. You had never expected to see the twins again after her downfall.
Lyney walked to the entrance after the doorbell had rung and greeted the lady here for a delivery. You smiled as he chatted up a storm with her, always happy to meet new people, and he even added a magic trick to top it off.
"And that concludes today's mini show," he said, returning his hat on his head. "With your lovely shirt and trousers, I hope to see your excellent style at my next performance."
Ah. Another compliment, another knot in your stomach.
At the door, Lyney received the package which reached just above his eyes when he carried it. You placed your rag down and got the other package that was left at the front door.
"Thank you, Y/n," he said with a smile.
It was a short and simple statement of appreciation, which you typically didn't mind. Yet, he didn't say, 'Thank you. Whatever would I do without you.' Nor did he say, 'You're just as reliable as always. Why, I must ensure that you never leave us!' You'd often hear these words when he talked to your co-workers.
But not with you.
You placed the package on the table beside the retrofitted vase and the room went quiet. The two of you typically didn't mind a comfortable silence, but today felt different. You went on with your work anyway, cleaning up the scraps on the work table as Lyney worked at his desk. He didn't even hum a tune as he usually did when the others were around. It was only silent with you.
You sighed, thinking you would've noticed earlier if you were as observant as Lynette. You weren't sure if the subtle difference in behavior was something you should be concerned about.
Once you were done cleaning, you peeked over Lyney's shoulder as he sketched out a mechanism he'd need for a trick. He smiled at you and pointed to the drawing, explaining to you how the system worked.
"But if I place this gear here, its axel would obstruct the door of the hidden compartment," he told you. "I'm not really sure how to solve this one."
"I see…" you said, pulling out a stool beside him. "You said the axel needs to be at least an inch long... Could you add a slot for it on the door itself?"
He placed his pencil's end on his cheek. "That could work since it's hidden anyway," he said.
He continued to alternate between thinking and drawing, often erasing his paper and even getting another sheet to redraw it. You had always admired the work he put into his shows. You enjoyed watching him passionate about his craft.
"If you look behind his ear, just under his strands of hair, you might figure out why he treats you this way," Lynette had said.
You lifted your hand up to brush his hair away from his right ear.
Lyney's pencil stopped moving and his hand was frozen in place. "W-what are you doing, Y/n?"
You were right. There was nothing there. You didn't expect anything, but you thought maybe there could've been a secret magic trick the twins set up for you. There was nothing of that sort.
And then you saw it.
"Lyney, why is your ear…"
His hand rushed to cover his ear. "I-It just turns red sometimes. That's all," he explained. "It's unfortunate that most of my tricks are done at a distance, so I don't have any plans to create tricks that involve me turning red."
"What are you even talking about–"
His hand… He was tapping his finger and counting down from five. Lyney would only do this to activate his 'performance mode', when he needed to calm his nerves.
"Lyney, is there something wrong–"
"Oh, would you look at the time... The sun is about to set," he said, leaving his chair.
"Lyney, wait!"
The pieces from the broken vase were scattered next to your knees and under the table. Memories flooded back of your mistress's twisted scowl and piercing eyes, and you quickly bowed your head and apologized. Your breathing became shallow and your eyes didn't leave the floor.
A fan of cards appeared in front of your face.
"Now you see them, and now you…"–he pulled the cards together–"Hey, hold on a moment, why didn't the vase disappear?" Lyney said before sighing. "I guess we'll have to do it the old fashioned way."
You looked up to see Lyney's smile and outstretched hand.
"Would you like to be my assistant for today?"
You had never forgotten how you first met Lyney. Two magicians on a secret mission and your mistress and her husband had a lot to hide. And yet, Lyney had taken the time to redirect your mistress's anger and given you a hand, just like he was doing now.
You took his hand and stood to your feet, not once leaving your eyes from his.
"Now, where were… uh…" he said, breaking eye contact. He released his grip from you hand, but you held him even tighter. "You're not going to let go, are you?" he said, running his hand on the back of his neck.
"No," you said. "I'm not."
You wanted an answer. You wanted to hear it – that this man in front of you was attracted to you. A wonderful magician who won you over not only because of his magic tricks and charisma, but also because of his kindness, hard work, and love for his siblings. And yet this same person whom you admired all this time had the tips of his ears burning red at your gentle touch.
"Lyney…" you managed to say. "Do you like me?"
He sighed and laughed a little. "I guess the cat's out of the bag. There isn't a way for me to escape out of this one, is there?"
You shook your head.
He gave you a gentle smile. "Do you remember our second meeting?" he said. "When you showed up at our rendezvous point?"
Panic had covered his face when he saw you instead of Lynette, his posture revealing he wouldn't hesitate to attack you if you had harmed her in any way. You had to quickly explain how you hid Lynette in a storage room after she almost blew her cover.
"You had come up with a detailed plan that helped Lynette escape and sacrificed your own food for her as she hid. And you did all of this while you were terrified of your mistress. How could I not have fallen for you then and there?"
You had never realized that Lynette noticed you gave her your food. You would've done it for anyone, knowing what the punishment would've been if she was caught.
"Anyway, that's the story of my one-sided love. We should really fix up the vase that had fallen earlier," he said, quickly returning to the scattered pieces.
"Lyney, but…"
"Be careful now, or you might get hurt. I wouldn't want to see any tears on that beautiful face of yours–" His eyes saw the mirror behind you before he covered his face. "Um… pretend you didn't see that."
You grabbed his face and pulled it back, observing his red blush up close.
"Uh…" he said, eyes darting away. "What are you doing–"
"You know, I wondered why you never used your smooth words on me," you told him. "Why did you hide it?"
He took your hands from his face and placed them back by your sides. "Nothing good would come out of it," he said with a sigh. "Especially with my association with the Fatui."
"And what if I want to take the risk?" you said, still clinging onto his hand.
"You've always meant a lot to me Lyney, even before my feelings turned romantic," you told him. "I've taken risks for you before. And I'm willing to do it again."
He lifted his other hand to fix a strand of hair on your head, gently pushing it back and getting a better look at your face. "You shouldn't do that to yourself, Y/n. You deserve more than that."
"We can work together," you said. "Just like we always have."
He pulled his hand out of your grip. "I… I can't," he told you. "I can't do it. How…" His voice wavered as he turned away from you. "How can I take care of you too?"
A door clicked open and you turned to look behind you. Lynette had walked into the workshop from the other room.
"Oh…" Lyney looked at her with a nervous smile. "Did you see all of that?"
Lynette pointed to the two-way mirror. You wouldn't be surprised if she heard the whole conversation.
"Lyney," she said. "Do you remember when we jumped off the cliff, and you shielded my fall before going unconscious?"
"What?" he said, turning towards her. "How could I forget? That was the day you received your vision."
Lynette placed her hand on her chest. "You've taken care of me so much for as long as I could remember," she said. "But I love you too and care dearly for Y/n as well. So if any issues arise because of your relationship with her, let me help. I'll protect you."
"I…" Lyney lowered his eyes.
"I'll be alright, because as always…" she began.
"... Lynette is by my side," Lyney finished. Yet his shoulders sagged. "I… I don't know Lynette. What if something goes horribly wrong? I don't want Y/n to take the fall too."
"Don't worry," she told him, shaking her head. "I've already gotten some ideas to get you two out of any sticky situation. Keep it a secret as long as possible and I'll prepare for any contingency plans for whatever comes up."
"I'm still not so sure…" he said.
"Both of you are also discreet and know how to keep secrets," she continued. "The rest of the family would be excited and 'Father' would be fine with it as long as she doesn't hinder any missions. We both know that won't be a problem."
You stared at Lynette, amazed she thought all of this through. She really wanted this to work out, wanted us to work out.
Lyney placed his hand on his chin and thought for a long while. Both you and Lynette gave him a chance to think and didn't mind the silence he needed.
"So what's your plan?" he finally asked.
"For now, the biggest issue is that Lyney needs to figure out how to stop blushing." Lynette turned to you. "I figured that giving you the hint would get Lyney the help he needed with that."
"You gave her a hint?" exclaimed Lyney. "About my blushing? Lynette… I told you to keep it a secret."
"It was going to show sooner or later," she said. "Better here in the workshop than in public."
"Oh Lynette…" Lyney whined. "I can't believe you were the one who started this."
The tips of your mouth tugged back into a grin, seeing Lyney's arms relax a little. "So is that all he needs to do?" you asked. "Just stop blushing?"
"It's not that easy," Lyney said, a bit embarrassed. "Which was why I've been cautious with my words around you."
"Then why don't you practice now?" you said with a smile.
"Practice flirting me until you can stop going red."
"I… uh…"
"What? Is the great magician who's a master at winning hearts actually at a loss for words?" you teased.
"I can't help it. You leave me breathless," he whined, sounding more like a complaint than a flirty remark. Yet his face turned red once again. He looked up at the two way mirror behind you and covered his face with both hands. "Okay, I need help," he said through his fingers.
"Keep practicing on me," you said with a smile.
"Can't we start tomorrow?"
"Nope. You need to make up for all the times I got jealous."
"You got jealous?"
You giggled as you scooped up his hand. "Of course I did. I just wish Lynette had given me the hint earlier."
I hope you liked it. Please check out my other fics if you're interested. :)
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cheesus-doodles · 1 month
Left Behind in Unsolicited Matrimony
Yandere Kalim
Masterlist | Beyond the Glitter of Gold
still can't think of a good title :/ been stuck on this fic for so long it's not even funny ;-; not edited cause I'm just happy to get it out finally!! (p.s. i play en server with no spoilers so no spoilers please)
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“W-wait,” Kalim stammered out, the tanned boy looking uncharacteristically even as the celebrations around him continued on without missing a beat. Heartbeat hammering away in his ears, garnet red eyes that would fit right in amidst the priceless stones of the Asim family’s collection were wide as they glanced between his parents. “What do you mean?”
”We have to celebrate your engagement, of course,” his father chuckled, gesturing at the full-on festival playing out in front of him, the gold and priceless jewels twinkling like stars down from the ceiling of the grand hall. “How could we not? It is a most joyous occasion.”
His heart skipped countless beats as it set a vicious beat in his chest, though his mind seemed to barely notice, thoughts pounding away against his skull like a jackhammer. The world around him felt like it was swirling along with the dancing guests even as he stood in place, his feet rooted in place as if an old tree from a bygone era. And his face looked the part as well, drained of all blood, every breath feeling more like a fight against heaving up everything he had eaten in the past twelve hours. 
Engagement. An engagement. Of all things to deal with- Mind whirling, the tanned boy would have succumbed to his jelly legs if his mother hadn’t been holding on to him. What should he do now?
”Oh don’t worry about anything dear, we’ll have everything settled,” his mother reassured as she lightly squeezed his hand, no doubt mistaking the growing look of horror on his face for nervousness. “You don’t have to do anything at all.”
That was the furthest thing from his concern, was what he wanted to scream at the thought of his lungs, though Kalim couldn’t exactly voice that sentiment, the ornate gold jewelry that decorated his tanned skin jingling slightly as his arms fell listlessly to his side. What had gone wrong for him to be in this situation? “But why?” The Scarabia housewarden asked shakily. “I thought-” 
“Well, we set it all up for you as a surprise! Your birthday is so soon, we couldn’t help it,” the older lady continued, grinning from ear to ear as she nudged her son playfully, her eyes slightly glassy as she harkened back to those good ol’ days. “And we found the perfect girl for you. You remember her, don’t you Kalim? That girl you tailed around so much when the two of you were kids.”
Yet despite his parents’ hearty laughs as they exchanged memories and stories about the silly, happy child from his past, the glitter and glamor and the cheers that surrounded him, no matter how he tried with his usual brightside glasses, Kalim couldn’t make himself see the upside of this situation he found himself in. Turning it upside down, inside out, all he could see was that should he simply agree, there would be but a single path for him to follow, a path he had no will to see through, and no way out. 
Because there was no future the white-haired boy wanted to be a part of that didn’t include you.
To his right, a nameless servant scrambling forward caught Kalim’s eye, the man respectfully pouring out another glass of wine for the Asim matriarch before disappearing back into the shadows. It wasn’t anything momentous by any stretch of the imagination - in fact, it would have happened dozens of times a day, but that was all it took to drag the thought of you straight to the front of his brain again: the silent labor of the Asim staff would have been another part of his life he wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for you pointing it out. You were everywhere, everything.
And then of course, the question of you. What about you?
Whirling around, eyes that could have been mistaken for shimmering rubies under the candlelight of the chandeliers overhead desperately searched the joyous, dancing crowds for you. And he found you quickly enough in a quiet corner of the hall, one gentle hand wrapped delicately around a glass of some kind, your silhouette hidden partially behind a set of drapes. Yes, there would be where he expected you to be, given you had always preferred the calm and silence as opposed to this chaotic party vibe not too dissimilar to Scarabia’s on a regular day.
This was supposed to have been nothing more than a prime opportunity to show you the wonders and splendors of his homeland, the Land of the Scalding Sands. Sure, you weren’t particularly favorable towards the riches and glamor that were the cornerstone of his life, refusing to accept even a single bangle that he hardly knew existed without being all but begged and whined into giving in; but the white-haired housewarden wanted you to see what laid beyond just the Asim family and their vast wealth. The depth of history of the land and people that grew side by side, the vibrant colors of its culture and heritage; there was so much to be seen and experienced. He fell in love with it, its past, present and future, over and over again, so maybe you would too.
All daydreams of the could-be were however shattered in an instant, when from a slight shift of your figure revealed your companion to be none other than Leona Kingscholar, that braided mane of dark brown hair and lion ears unmistaken. 
Kalim’s gut dropped. Wait. When was he invited? More importantly, why were you talking to him?
All logic pointed to Leona having been invited by the Asim family, being the second prince of the Sunset Savannah and Kalim’s upperclassman. But watching you chattering along with the tanned beastman without missing a beat like old friends, it didn’t feel right for him to just be standing here. And you only confirmed his worst fears when you chuckled at something the Savanaclaw housewarden said, to which the other laughed along, his hair swaying elegantly with his moment with an ease Kalim would never hope to be able to achieve. Was that a blush on your cheeks?! 
The niggling doubt started to emerge, a trickle at first, taunting voices emerging like a hidden spring seeping out of freshly defrosted ground. And then it began to pour out as the floodgates opened, an uncontrollable torrent. You had no interest in Kalim, they whispered, no matter what he did. You would never be interested in him, not while he still had so many competitors for your eye. 
Jealousy that Kalim never knew he possessed snared his heart, ugly, ugly feelings that he never wanted to acknowledge he even had in him making themselves known.
All he could see was you and Leona, the rest of the world blurred into a background blob, the ringing in his ears only growing louder with every passing second as your infuriating conversation continued blissfully unaware of his stares.
If only. If only Leona wasn’t there. There was nothing more that Kalim wanted in the moment but to hurt the Sunset Savannah prince, wanted to get rid of him, to make sure he leaves and never be able to speak with you again; the feeling churned deep in his chest, a rage ignited that he couldn’t seem to control, his fists both balled up tight to his side. He could make it happen, couldn’t he? The voices taunted, the light breeze as if they were brushing up against his ear. Even if he wasn’t royalty and Leona was, Kalim could wield the might of his family and make it happen.
You seemed to have felt his stare on you, the Scarabia housewarden subtly noted, as you shifted, looking around for the gaze on you.
It took but a blink as your eyes met his for Kalim to shake back to reality, watching your face visibly brighten as you started to make your way towards him, threading your way through the crowd as you eagerly waved in his direction. His world instantly lightened along with your expression, his once-heavy heart even starting to flutter slightly, though that warm feeling didn’t last long, his parents still musing the good ol’ times to the side catching the corner of his eyes.
Actually, come to think of it, this really was one of those times he rather you weren’t here.
It was too late for that now, and the grin he forced himself to wear felt unusually uncomfortable.
”Here you are, Kalim! We’ve been looking all over for you,” your footsteps stuttered to a pause, and you leaned in slightly, the concern washing over your expression. “You look pale! Are you alright?”
“Oh! You must be the classmates we’ve heard so much about!” The Asim matriarch stepped forward, grabbing your hand and giving it an enthusiastic shake. “Welcome to the Scalding Sands! Kalim’s just a bit too nervous right now since we’ll be announcing his engagement."
But you didn’t seem to notice the horror once more setting in on the young Asim’s face as that wretched word fell out of his mother’s mouth again, your hand instead flying up to cover your mouth in surprise. “Oh! Congratulations Kalim!” His gaze instantly snapped to you. No. It wasn’t true. You weren’t supposed to know that. He didn’t want to be engaged. 
What the white-haired boy wanted was to deny, deny, deny everything and anything to you, but his mouth was dry and his voice didn’t seem to want to work. And so all he could do was watch.
“Yes, thank you,” his father graciously accepted, shaking your hand once his mother finally let go. “We’re so very excited.”
“I’m sure you have a lot to discuss, so I will take my leave,” you politely nodded, excusing yourself from the situation. 
Leona wasn’t far behind, that infuriating smirk decorating his face as he too said his congratulations before sauntering off after you, and Kalim’s garnet eyes trailing your pair up till the two of you disappeared from the hall to parts unknown.
He was the one that had asked to bring friends over, and had been caught with his metaphorical pants down. How was he supposed to get out of this situation now? Chasing after you was what his heart was screaming at him, and dealing with Leona his mind, yet he simply stood, rooted to the spot, usual impulsive nature nowhere to be found.
“-so, would you like to meet her?”
Kalim turned almost robotically at the question, his gaze blank, unfocused. “What?”
“Your finance,” his father clarified rather unhelpfully, the older man tiptoeing slightly to look around the vast hall. “I’m sure she’s somewhere here, I can call her over-”
“M-maybe later,” Kalim interjected hastily, though as much as he wanted to chase after you immediately, that would have to wait. “How bout, how bout I-” Scanning the hall instead and leaving his sentence uncompleted, Jamil was easy enough to pick out amidst the sea of guests dressed to the nines, his simple outfit and golden hair ornaments making enough of a contrast to highlight the needle in the haystack. And no doubt his trusted friend and vice-housewarden had seen what had gone down, judging from those furrowed eyebrows and concerned stare. 
A quick nod from the other and Jamil was off, quick footsteps carrying the black-haired boy down the same path you had taken just minutes earlier.
With that situation now under careful watch, Kalim turned back to his parents, laughing nervously. “How bout I go and check on the guests first?
He needed to get to you.
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badbtssmut · 9 months
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Every week your boyfriend’s friends come over for a game of poker and a round of fucking.
Admin note: originally a stepincest fic but rewritten to a Namjoon and best friends smut, some parts changed or rewritten
Contains: free use, passed around, riding, rug burns, double penetration vaginal, anal, words like slut and whore, blowjobs and handjobs, missionary, doggy
Admitting to your boyfriend that the idea of his friends’ cocks inside of you, was terrifying to say the least. You were so convinced that he’d snap, get upset or would look at you with disgust but to your surprise, you got none of that. Instead, you were met with a gentle smile and a warm embrace.
“I want to see their cocks in that sweet pussy too.”
Your boyfriend was amazing in bed, Namjoon’s cock made you see stars and you could never get enough of bouncing on his cock, but his friends’ cocks made you feel pleasure in more ways than one.
Tonight, it was the usual night; poker night. Or rather, something was different. Instead of four of his friends, two more tagged along, which you didn’t mind one bit.
The men were seated around the table, a few bottles of beer scattered around the surface along with their cards and chips. Namjoon was at the head of the table, his chair slightly pulled back from the edge to make room for you as you straddled him.
“Who is winning?” You asked, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder as you ground your hips against his, his hardening length straining against his jeans.
He smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against him.
You felt the material of the leather jacket press against your back, and you knew what you were wearing was driving him wild. It was a simple, white button down, but you had taken your bra off before you went downstairs and the thin material was see-through and did nothing to hide your hard nipples.
You wore a skirt as well, short and black and a bit frilly around the edges, something Namjoon had bought for you the week before, and a pair of white thigh highs.
"You are." Namjoon whispered in your ear, his fingers trailing under your skirt and teasing your soaked cunt. “Please, go get us some snacks?” He requested, pushing you off his lap and patting your ass, and so you went to the kitchen.
You popped open two bags of chips and crackers and placed them on a big plate, pausing as you first unbuttoned your shirt and let it slip off your body, leaving you in nothing but the skirt and socks.
After you added the drinks and a bowl of candy, you brought the tray out, the men looking at you with lust in their eyes, some looking at you and back to Namjoon in surprise, as you walked out, your breasts jiggling with every step.
“See? Didn’t I tell you she has nice tits? They’re as soft as they look let me tell you that.” Yoongi whispered to the man sitting next to him, Jungkook.
“Damn.” The new friend, Jungkook, muttered, unable to keep his eyes off them.
You sat the platter on the coffee table and went to sit on Namjoon’s lap again. He leaned in to kiss you and his hand trailed to your back, unzipping your skirt before pulling it off you and dropping it to the floor.
The game continued, and you saw the men all take out their cocks one by one and start stroking, clearly turned on by your presence.
“Go on, go give our guests a ride.” Namjoon whispered in your ear as he pushed you off his lap once more. And you were barely standing on your own for a second until someone yanked you closer and you fell on Hoseok’s lap, his cock pressing against your soaked folds.
Hoseok wasted no time in lining his length up with your pussy and thrusting into you, and you moaned as you sank down, his girth stretching you deliciously.
“Always so soaking wet, do you wait on us all day, angel? Can’t wait till we fill you up? Is that it?” Hoseok ran his tongue over your neck, causing you to shiver.
“Yes, get so wet thinking about your cocks.” You admitted, causing Yoongi to stroke harder out of anticipation as he was next.
“What a good girl.” Jimin cooed, leaning over the table and pressing a kiss against your lips. You moaned against his mouth as Hoseok trusted into you. He pulled away and you let out a small breath.
You rested your arms on the table, the wood cold under your palms as you began bouncing on Hoseok’s length, moaning every time his cock hit the sweet spot deep inside you. The poker game continued, along with some casual chatting, all men glancing your way here and there as they eagerly awaited their turns.
When you were done with Hoseok, a hand shot to your arm and pulled you off him, pushing you towards another lap.
Yoongi held you in place with one hand as the other guided his cock into you, and the angle was deeper than with Hoseok, his cock hitting places you didn’t know were there.
“Y/N, shit, you can take cock so well, must’ve practiced a lot, didn’t you?” Yoongi’s hand traveled to your tits, groping on the left boob.
And just like that, you rode all of the men until they all had their turns with you, but it didn’t end there.
It was only the start.
The poker table was left abandoned as you and the men moved to the livingroom, some sitting on the couches, others leaning on the wall or standing.
In front of them was you on the living room carpet, Jungkook pounding into you, his hand on your throat as he choked you and fucked you. You were on your back, hands clawing at the soft rug and mouth hanging open, whorish moans and cries leaving your lips. Seokjin tapped his cock against your mouth, making you look at him, and you took his cock between your lips, sucking him eagerly as Jungkook pounded you. The man could no longer hold back as he became overwhelmed by the hornyness he felt as he watched how you were passed around.
“Told you so.” Taehyung chuckled. “She loves cock so much, she can keep on going forever if we’d let her.” He crossed his arms as he watched the younger grip onto you tighter, sweat rolling down his face as he couldn’t get enough.
It was pure bliss, being stuffed at both ends, and soon enough Jungkook and Seokjin had switched places, Jungkook fucking your throat now as he tugged on your hair, making you look at the others who were jerking off, watching the show. Yoongi joined your side and wrapped your fingers around his cock, guiding them up and down his length, and your other free hand was wrapped around Taehyung’s cock.
It was chaotic, the men went crazy for you. Everytime there was an empty spot, they’d rush in to take it, and they nearly fought over who got to pound into that sweet pussy this time. One moment you were riding Taehyung, and the next you were giving Namjoon a blowjob. It was overwhelming but so fucking hot how they went crazy for you.
“Fuck, if you think her pussy is tight, you need to try that ass, holy shit it's heaven." Jimin moaned, his eyes squeezed shut as he thrust into you, hands holding your legs wide apart, spreading you open for him.
The men didn’t needed to be told that again, all impatiently waiting for their turn. They couldn't wait to have your ass, the mere thought of having their cocks in your ass making their cocks throb.
You were on all fours, ass raised up in the air, face pressed into the carpet as the guys fucked you from behind one by one. They were rough, and the carpet burned your skin, but you didn’t care. Your body was sore and sensitive from the hours of constant fucking, your holes used and abused, but you wanted more.
They were like animals in heat, and you were their only outlet.
You had a break for a few minutes, and so did the guys, before Namjoon pulled you onto the couch, onto his lap.
“I don’t know how the fuck you do this, you can never have enough, huh? Always wanting more?” Namjoon spoke as he kissed you.
"Can't help it, love the way you all fuck me, I want more, always more." You admitted, your words breathy and weak.
You heard the men murmur something amongst themselves and the next thing you knew, the guys were surrounding the couch, their cocks in hand.
"Go on, put them in your mouth." Namjoon said as he spread your legs wide apart, exposing your dripping pussy to everyone, his fingers spreading your folds, showing everyone how soaked you were.
Your hands grabbed ahold of the two closest dicks, pumping them a few times before putting them in your mouth. Namjoon scooted back against the sofa and your body rested back against his.
"Grab the rest of the cocks, sweetie. Let them have your hands." Namjoon ordered and you reached for the other cocks, wrapping your fingers around them.
Your head was spinning from the sudden overload, the men surrounding you, the cocks in your hands and mouth and the feel of Namjoon's thick length buried deep in your ass.
You felt someone’s tip push against your pussy, and soon enough, their cock was sliding in, Taehyung beginning to fuck you as the others used your hands and mouth.
“What a good girl, taking in two cocks at the same time.” Namjoon was thrusting his hips upwards, his cock pounding into you as the others fucked your mouth and pussy, and you were a mess, a whiny, whimpering, moaning mess.
"Shit, her hands feel so good."
"Yeah, and her pussy, so tight."
"You like sucking my dick, princess?"
You couldn't reply, not when the guys were stuffing your mouth and pussy, but you could make sure they enjoyed themselves.
Taehyung panted as he slammed into your pussy, his head dropping to rest on your shoulder. "Ah, she's milking my cock so well, shit, you are such a good whore, never met someone this good before.” Taehyung whispered.
"She loves being praised, don't you babygirl?" Namjoon said as his hips snapped upwards and you moaned around the cock in your mouth, the vibrations making Yoongi groan.
"Fuuuck, she's so wet. Shit, she's really into this."
"Of course she is, she's a slut."
Then, you felt another cock brush against your folds, and you looked down to see Hoseok lining himself up with your already stuffed pussy, ready to slide in. Taehyung moved up, making room for him.
“Are you sure you can take all this cock?” Namjoon teased, but then, Hoseok began thrusting and you couldn’t form any words, your mind and body overwhelmed by pleasure.
"Fuck, this feels so good, so tight." Hoseok moaned, the men's moans filling the room.
You couldn’t think, couldn't focus on anything except the cocks filling you up, stretching you, and the sounds the guys made, their praises and their curses, the way their cocks twitched in your hands and mouth and how they throbbed in your holes.
“Ah! Ah!” You could barely moan, the sound muffled by the cocks in your mouth, your eyes rolled back at the sensation— fuck, you were so stuffed. You glanced down to look at your pussy and the sight was filthy, the three cocks pumping in and out of your stretched holes, you didn’t even know your body could do this.
Taehyung increased his speed, his teeth gritted as he pounded into you, his thrusts becoming frantic, his cock twitching, and then he came, his cum filling your pussy, the white substance leaking out of your filled hole.
Taehyung left but his spot was soon taken by the others, and they all kept going, fucking you, filling you up.
They took turns, and it went on for what seemed like hours, the men coming one after another, until only Namjoon was left.
Namjoon laid you down on the couch before he lined his length up with your pussy and slid in, fucking you into the sofa, the piece of furniture shaking under you, the wooden feet scraping the floor.
You were a whimpering, moaning, fucked out mess, unable to even beg for more. Namjoon was pounding into you, his hips slamming into yours, his hands digging into the soft skin of your thighs as he pulled your legs wider apart.
“Look at you, covered in cum, all holes used and abused, and you’re still taking cock, aren't you? Such a good slutty girl." Namjoon's cock brushed against a spot that made you whimper and he smirked, focusing his thrusts on that spot, his thumb moving to rub against your clit.
It was all too much, the pleasure overwhelming. You couldn’t take it, your body spasming, toes curling as an intense orgasm washed over you.
And, a second later, you felt a hot load fill your pussy and Namjoon collapsed on top of you, his cock twitching inside you, still filling you up.
You were spent, completely exhausted, but you had loved every single second of it, and so did the men.
You panted, taking deep breaths, it was intense, and as you laid there, you started to think to yourself how lucky you were that you managed to find so many trustworthy men to fuck.
When it was time to leave, the men stood in a row to give you a farewell kiss, and it was just you and Namjoon.
“Did you have fun?” He asked as he pulled you onto his lap.
“Yeah.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around him.
“Good. We did too.” Namjoon leaned in, pressing his lips against yours.
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aettuddae · 4 months
business matter — chapter 42.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
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a blonde-haired girl wakes up after hearing commotion in her apartment. voices, disguised in whispers, but still loud enough to cause a disturbance. it sounded like two people fighting in the distance. she got up from the bed disoriented, her heart beating rapidly at the thought that something bad was happening to one of her members. with her vision blurred by not having yet gotten used to the tangible world, she roamed around her room. visualizing her acoustic guitar, she wobbled to it and reached out to grab it, trying to shake the sleep from her body along the way.
she opened the door to her room with a rough yank on the handle and hurriedly ran down the hallway, raising the instrument over her shoulder, ready to throw it or use it as a hammer at whoever had barged into her home.
"come in!"
"i don't want to!"
“i told you to take off your shoes and come in!”
“i'm not going to let you see my socks… WHY DOES SHE HAVE A GUITAR!?”
"what's going on!?"
winter dropped the guitar and admired the situation anxiously, swaying from side to side as if at any moment she would have to run away. in front of her was her leader, with her elaborate makeup and elegant wardrobe, barefoot and stressed, pulling on the arm of jang serim, who was in the hallway, clinging to the door frame, refusing to enter, objectively more disheveled than her member. there was a strong aroma of alcohol in the air, and after assimilating what was happening, she understood that it was coming from the guest.
“serim is drunk and she doesn't want to go in.” karina explained with annoyance in her voice, lifting her leg and resting her foot against the wall so she could increase the force with which she was pulling serim into the apartment.
"why?" the youngest took a few steps until she was next to her member, stopping to look at the oldest of the three in confusion.
“it's just,” karina let go of the other party, causing her to fall sitting on the floor. “she says it's not respectful to come in drunk when other people are sleeping here.”
“i am a well-mannered baby.” serim spoke, forming a pout with her lips, but her words were barely understood since they came out in a blur. after that, she lost her balance and fell on her back.
“oh, she's gone.” winter judged.
“she didn't eat anything before drinking." her roommate explained, walking over to the girl who was on the ground.
"she didn't?" the vocalist followed her.
“she didn't, because she wanted to make me upset!” karina complained as she put her hands under serim's arms to lift her up.
"that's true." jang admitted and then began to laugh frantically.
"be quiet." karina ordered, using all of her strength to move her inside while minjeong pulled her legs.
“we had to leave early because the idiot got drunk, so our manager brought us here.” she continued contextualizing as she carried the eldest. “when we were in the car i managed to get her to unlock her phone and i notified her staff, but they will come in an hour, so she has to stay here until then.”
once in the living room, she let go of serim, instructing winter to do the same, letting her fall. the blow and roar woke up the member of heaven, who clumsily stood up, leaving her standing statically with her back to both aespa.
"where am i?" she questioned, lost as she analyzed the place and realized that she didn't know it.
she abruptly turned around, trying to discover the entire room, only to find the girls who had their eyes glued to her. winter couldn't contain her laughter and karina was rubbing her temple with a burdened grimace.
"oh, it's you." serim left the alert position in which she was and her face showed disappointment when she met the dark haired woman. “and giselle!” she regained her energy upon seeing the other person and pointed at winter excitedly.
“i'm winter.” she said simply and laughed covering her mouth.
"please don't rob us!” ningning exclaimed, appearing from behind her friends in her pajamas, throwing various stuffed toys into the air, trying to hurt the criminal who was in her house, but not hitting anyone because she had her eyes closed in fear.
“giselle!” the drunk girl repeated before the arrival of a new individual.
"where?" the youngest opened her eyes to look for the japanese one, finding the disastrous situation. “jimin!” she squealed with displeasure.
“no, i'm serim from heaven.” she introduced herself politely.
“i am jimin." karina corrected her coldly.
“no, you are karina.” she shook her head. “i know because i had to repeat it many times to learn it.”
“why didn't you tell me that serim was here?” the maknae protested, fixing her hair.
“because i shouldn't be here,” the oldest remembered.
"oh no…" vocalized minjeong.
"stay still!" the leader of aespa shouted, going to catch the girl who began to run towards the door.
“she's so funny.” ningning said as she bit her lip and undid the last button on her pajama shirt.
"what is she doing?" jang murmured to karina, who had successfully caught her, staring at the chinese woman, while being held firmly by her waist by yu so that she wouldn't run away again, but this one only looked at her out of the corner of her eye angrily.
"what's going on?" giselle joined the meeting, appearing down the hallway with hiro in her arms.
“giselle!” the guest threw her hands in the air happily. “and the dog i definitely don't hate." she pointed at the animal.
“serim is drunk and she has to wait here for a moment until her manager comes to pick her up." karina repeated. “sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep, i'll take her to my room,” she noticed.
“can she come to my room?” ningning intervened.
“ning!” aeri reproached her.
"alright." serim accepted, trying to walk in her direction.
"get away from my baby." jimin nagged at her, hitting her arm.
"then can i sleep with giselle?" she wondered with a strange hint of innocence.
"serim!" the main rapper amended her.
"cheater..." ning muttered in disbelief.
"stop." karina pretended to start crying while she tried to keep the eldest still.
"why not me?" asked winter offended, as her leader started to drag the guest to her room.
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the puppy had decided to change his sleeping partner and entered karina's room following her and serim. once the animal was inside, the resident closed the door. the vocalist stood in the center, looking vacantly around her, her body moving beyond her control due to the alcohol in her system.
hiro walked past her, heading to her bed. with a single jump, he went up and lay down comfortably. he looked warm and happy, so serim was tempted to try it on her behalf, walking there and then plopping down on the mattress.
"sleep and i'll let you know when your manager comes." karina advised seriously, leaning her back against the door.
“i shouldn't fall asleep in your bed." said the oldest, but ironically her eyes closed on their own and her words came out in whispers.
"i'd rather you fall asleep than keep talking."
"you are so mean." she took a big breath of air trying to regain clarity, raising her head a little and resting her weight on her elbows so as not to fall asleep. “it's your own room, are you going to stand there?”
“do you want me to lay with you?” she crossed her arms.
“it's your bed." she made obvious. “and i think we are already committed enough to each other to share it.” she let her head fall against the pillow.
karina looked at her from where she was, taking a moment to think. she began to wander removing all the accessories and makeup that she had on her, finally leaving her earrings on the nightstand and sitting next to her workmate. serim had her eyes closed, but she lifted her eyelids when she felt the weight next to her. she looked at the younger from below, who was focused on watching what her dog was doing. since he was asleep, serim, still intoxicated, realized that she was just trying to avoid eye contact.
“see that we can coexist?” she tried to break the ice.
“didn't i tell you to go to sleep?” she contradicted bitterly.
“you're more irritable than usual." she observed, doing her best to speak properly.
“i have to live with you,” she answered, still not looking at her. “and then when we have an event you get drunk.”
"i don't think is that." she dismissed without getting affected. “you are like this because of your boyfriend.”
“can you not mention it?” she blurted abruptly, quickly turning her head so that she couldn't see her expression, and fixing the position of her body.
“see how is that?” knowing that she was right she laughed, and because of her drunkenness, she couldn't stop it.
“no, i'm sorry, but you're not always right.” she frowned and finally turned to her. "can you stop?" she asked seeing that she wouldn't.
“serim, it's crazy how happy it makes to be right.” she criticized her angrily. “serim!” she held her shoulders with her hands as if she was about to shake her to make her reason, but she only exerted pressure to hoard her attention, intending to make her shut up. the named one connected her eyes with hers and little by little she stopped her fit of laughter. she raised one of her hands and placed it on karina's, which was on her shoulder. keeping the smile on her face, she explored the features of the blackhaired woman with her gaze, who would keep her grip until serim's joy was erased from her face. serim gently squeezed the hand she was touching and accompanied it with an unconscious lip bite.
“i can't believe you, you're horny already.” she quickly pulled away from the older one. "gross."
“you were very close!” she noted merrily. “and i'm not horny, i just have a lot of love to give.”
she let her arms fall spread all over the bed, accidentally resting her right one on the other's lap, making them both look at it expectantly. they remained silent, still. the atmosphere was peculiar, there was a different tension than the one that usually created between them, and it seemed as if one of them made an abrupt movement, it would dissipate. in the dancer's gaze, it was clear that she wanted jang to stop touching her, but nothing in her body language matched that, she did not move to push her away. the vocalist slowly raised her limb, gently bringing it up to the girl's face, to touch her cheek and caress it, gaining her attention, getting her to observe her without any emotion.
“karina,” she called and received a hum. “you know that if you kissed me now i wouldn't remember it tomorrow, right?” with her knuckles she tenderly drew her traits.
“i don't want to kiss you." she stated, still in the same position.
“stop thinking about that guy.” she ran the tip of her thumb over her bottom lip.
“while you ask me to kiss you?” she took the focus off of her. “he is my boyfriend, i can't cheat on him.”
"cheat? but if you're not together and he hasn't spoken to you for two weeks." she let out a giggle full of irony. “and i'm not asking you to kiss me, i'm just saying that if you wanted to i wouldn't stop you.” she leaned on her forearm, slightly separating herself from the mattress.
“we are taking a break." she lowered her head.
“whatever that means.” she took her chin between her fingers and made karina face her.
“if you don't want to, why don't you get away?”
the girl hadn't noticed how she leaned into serim's touch, and how it had drawn her into her personal space. they were at the perfect distance so that they could touch each other just by lowering her head a little, and so that the smell of alcohol the oldest one emanated made her a little dizzy.
serim was right, wasn't she? jongin had disappeared. at first, she didn't believe that he would be so brutal, but who had been her boyfriend for over a year simply asked her for some time and erased himself from her life from one day to the next. and now she didn't know what he was doing, or where their relationship stood.
what does taking a break mean? if he had already cheated on his ex, what could assure her that while they were apart he would not be with other girls? is it okay to want to make him feel bad for leaving her?
if they weren't together as of now, it wouldn't be infidelity, right? serim was probably right. as usual.
karina leaned in, reaching the older girl's lips with hers and trapping them in a kiss. serim moved her grip, sliding her hand down her cheek to her nape, and from there she pulled her closer. the dark haired woman moved closer to the center of the bed, held her opponent's face from both sides and gently pushed her, making her lie down completely again, remaining on top of her.
they were kissing slowly, but intensely. in the end, it was not a loving kiss, but one motivated purely by desire, attraction, and resentment, they did not have to be sweet with each other when they could continue battling as they always did. they pressed against each other and held themselves as close as they could, karina's nails were digging into serim's cheeks, who could only concentrate on maintaining resistance so as not to completely lose control.
until the screen of her phone turned on, and more than it concerned her, it was yu who moved far from her to see where the light was coming from.
“your manager is calling you, he must be downstairs.” she straightened up, sitting properly on the bed and stretching her arm out to reach the device.
“no, he's not.” the senior refused and lifted herself, trapping her face in her touch again to connect their pupils, running her lips from her shoulder to her neck, causing her to close her eyes enjoying the attention, a sign that told her to continue on karina's jaw and cheek, until it reached her mouth another time and they kept going as if the phone wasn't still vibrating.
leaning on the embrace that serim had on her waist, biting her lips while she got lost between them and met her tongue, she convinced herself that she could vent her anger towards jang in this way more often. although she would surely change her mind as soon as it was over. and suddenly she forgot how jongin had treated her. although she would surely remember after serim left.
they were completely immersed in each other, until hiro's growl replaced the silence of the room, forcing them to put an end to it to check what was happening to the dog, who was standing firmly ready to throw a tantrum.
“it seems like someone is jealous..." the drunken one pointed out in a flirtatious tone, making jimin laugh.
perhaps the first time she made her laugh.
“it's okay, don't worry.” the puppy's owner spoke softly to calm him down.
when she made sure that hiro was already appeased, serim took advantage of her grip on karina's torso and hugged her carefully, but also surely, to which she responded by reconnecting their lips, but not for a long time.
serim's scream was possibly heard on the upper and lower floors of the dormitory and woke up all the members again. the girl jumped on her feet over the bed due to the pain and since she was still completely numb she lost her balance and fell to the floor, which made her yell again.
all as a result of the fact that hiro had not really chilled out and as soon as he saw that his guardian was still kissing someone else he couldn't stand the wrath and bit hard the hand that the stranger had on jimin's waist.
“i can't believe i just made out with this loser.” karina talked to herself, covering her face in shame. “i'll cure you and you'll leave, your manager has already waited too long for you.”
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— taglist [CLOSED]: @yoontoonwhs @cwpiqwon @aliceiwk @xen248 @gtfoiydlyj @rinapomu @aeriuchinarga @multiliker @somedaydream @impossiblesharkcashrebel @yjiminswallet @haerinsloverr @yerimbrit @73vyn @dni-unavailable @lovemariana @sewiouslyz @yeetaberry127 @masuowo @yallatalla @aerithykly @chaenniefirst @minfolio @xszn @starrynini05 @hotluvlet @wmnrhot @mineige @lisaswifey @brocoliisscared @fae-the-wanderer
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chilling-seavey · 6 months
Nothing Looks the Same in the Light (ln4 op81)
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↳ A/N I use my Wham! obsession every chance I can get. This song was playing as I was cleaning my apartment and this idea played in my mind like a movie.
↳ Inspired By 'Nothing Looks the Same in the Light' by Wham!
↳ Summary: "I watch you breathe, I cannot sleep. I touch your hair, I kiss your skin, and hope the morning sun won’t wake you too soon [...] Nothing looks the same in the light. Only a fool like me would take to heart the things you said you meant last night."
↳ Pairings: Lando Norris x Oscar Piastri
↳ Word Count: 1364
↳ Warnings: Might tug at your heartstrings. Contains an open ending...and I know how you all hate those whoops
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The sunrise cascaded ribbons of golden light across the crisp white sheets of the king size bed, weaving and dancing over the two forms that lay motionless in the sea of linen. It was a calm and quiet morning, the four wallpapered walls of the five-star hotel protecting its timid guests as they slept soundly. The sunkissed bedclothes embraced the two young men, shielding their bare skin from the chill of the air conditioner and the shame that might have arisen with the dawn of a new day. 
Last night was a whirlwind. A race, a podium, a drunken confession. The memories were hazy and choppy, unclear, mortifying. 
Lando was wide awake. 
He couldn’t remember when exactly he had woken up - he knew that he had slept at least somewhat - but he seemed to have watched the sun creep up the wall as it rose for the last however long. He had laid there, unmoving, unblinking, for at least an hour, not wanting to risk rousing the person who took up the other half of the bed alongside him. He didn’t want to have to face the reality of his situation right away. 
Oscar was too sweet to kick him out, he knew that much at least. 
Selfishly, Lando wanted to bask in this moment just a little longer. Just long enough to appreciate the purgatory that lingered between a clueless slumber and the awkward conversation that would certainly arise once Oscar woke up. Hopefully the orange sun streaming in through the sheer curtains wouldn’t wake him too soon. 
Besides, Oscar looked so angelic as he slept. 
Faint, peaceful breaths fanned across the pillow from the slumbering younger of the two, the only sound in the silent room. Lando was captivated by the gentle motion of Oscar’s body as he breathed; the way his chest rose and fell slowly but surely under his cautious arm that had wrapped around his middle sometime in the middle of the night. Oscar was always the calmer of the two, always the observer. Now, in the morning light, Lando gladly took that label for his own. 
Sleep deprived green eyes stared at the freckles that dotted the warm skin of the young man beside him in picture perfect constellations. Moving cautiously, Lando set the pad of his index finger against one of them at the base of his neck and then traced the invisible path to another across his shoulder. Goosebumps rose in his wake across the pale skin and Lando’s lip perked up faintly at the corner. He leaned in the few centimetres between them to softly press his lips to one of the freckles in a timid kiss. 
Oscar smelt like champagne and sunshine, an ode of citrus in his hair from the hotel shampoo, hints of alcohol from the night before that now tingled on Lando’s lips, and he took an opportunity to just breathe him in. Fresh and sweet. They were pressed so close together that Lando’s nose was almost touching the nape of his neck and his selfish fingers ghosted up the top of Oscar’s spine, over each vertebrae, to finally caress through the roots of his messy brown hair.
Lando had never done this before; shared a bed with a man. Certainly not one who was his teammate if nothing else. There were boundaries in this career that one dare not cross. In such a public position, Lando didn’t have the space to risk the opportunity for rumours, so he kept everyone at an arm's length away.
But it always felt so right with Oscar. From the moment they met Lando knew he was royally fucked. 
Lando had always been the more experienced of the two in all aspects of racing, of Formula 1, of the whirlwind world in which they were a part of. Here, now, Lando felt entirely clueless. He was a slave to the passing of time and the inevitable approaching moment of which he would have to look Oscar in the eyes and hear that this was a mistake. 
Curse the celebratory champagne for coaxing a drunken confession out of him. Maybe he should have listened to George and stayed away from alcohol on race weekends. 
Blinking slowly, trying to piece together the night before, Lando could see visions of Oscar in the darkness of his eyelids. His stupid little pout, his bashful eye roll, his whispered voice slurring his accent with the consequence of too many drinks. 
“Take your time...”
The tentative touch of his hands on his skin, their limbs entangled, plush lips pressed together in between tiny whimpers of desire gone unsaid. 
The memory made him shiver, his heart squeezing in his chest. This was why he never let himself get close to anyone. This was why he prioritized racing over anything else. Stupid, stupid feelings. 
Lando was startled by a faint car horn blaring from somewhere outside the hotel, startling him from the peace. The sharp sound had Oscar shifting in his sleep with a sigh through his nose, hands folding under his cheek against the pillow. Lando’s arm snaked back around Oscar’s waist, tucked safely over the duvet, and he tightened his grip just enough to pull him closer until their bodies were moulded together in parallel shapes. All he could do was wait and see what would become of this. Soon Oscar would be waking up and what would that bring? 
Lando felt like a fool.
He felt like a fool for ever thinking that Oscar would want him back, for thinking that Oscar would wake up and not have regrets about everything that happened the night before, and, especially, for throwing caution into the wind and confessing his feelings to his teammate like some meek love-sick puppy. How pathetic. Lando wanted the sunrise to swallow him up and incinerate him into a dimwitted pile of ash.
With his arm absolutely motionless around Oscar’s waist, Lando’s palm was pressed gently to his stomach, feeling the warmth of his skin under the duvet and the firm muscle of his lean body. Oscar’s abdomen rose and fell with every breath, moving Lando’s gentle hand along with it. In, and out. In, and out. It was almost lulling Lando back to sleep, letting his mind focus on that serene moment where it was easy to pretend that everything was perfect and right there in that hotel room bed was where he was always meant to be. 
The sudden change in Oscar’s steady breathing had Lando stiffening in cold anxiety, keeping himself frozen still as Oscar inhaled deeply and let it out with a soft heavenly sigh as he awoke. The rustle of the sheets as he stirred and stretched was the only sound in the room and it was almost deafening. Lando watched the muscles of Oscar’s back flex and move as he turned over to face the ceiling, hands raising to rub his red-rimmed brown eyes, still exhausted and, now too, hungover. 
Lando dared not breathe, as if it wasn’t glaringly obvious that he was clearly present in the bed beside him. 
Finally, Oscar rested his hands gently over the blankets around his chest and he lolled his head to the side to look at Lando under slightly furrowed brows. The faintest hint of a pout on his face had Lando almost shying away under the covers, his heart racing with adoration and his stomach twisting with anxiety. Even still, Lando couldn’t get himself to look away from his eyes, his arm still around his middle and their legs crudely tangled under the wrinkled sheets. 
It was as if it took a few seconds for Oscar to process who he was looking at but, even as he did, his expression stayed stagnant, rich brown eyes squinting in the morning light that poured in through the windows. Lando swore he had never seen brown eyes sparkle the way Oscar’s did in that moment. Neither of them moved. 
Oscar cleared his throat slightly before trying to speak, breaking the silent uncertainty that lingered between them in that moment, his voice deep and raspy and his accent thick, “Hey.”
Somewhere, in the distance, a bird sang.
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My Very Extensive Tag List™: @wetforwolff
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None of the original writing on this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
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charrlote365 · 3 months
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Forever Summer
Reference Idol: fromis_9 SONG HAYOUNG Word Count: 37.064
Tags: Mostly fluff , Kpop idol, fantasy, fromis_9, Song Hayoung
I fell asleep on the beach today, the sand felt like a comforting blanket. The sound of the waves and the gentle caress of the ocean breeze sent me into a deep slumber. In my dream, I saw her. Hayoung. She was as radiant as ever, her long hair shined like silk in the sunlight. She leaned in close, her fingers delicately stroking my face, and her sweet smile filled me with a warmth that I had missed for so long.
"Do you remember our promise?" she whispered, like a melody from our past.
I woke up abruptly, the dream dissipating like morning mist. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the sea sparkled under the midday sun, but a sense of sadness lingered. It had been years since I last saw Hayoung, and yet, she still visited my dreams as if no time had passed at all.
I sat up, brushing the sand off my clothes, and gazed out at the horizon. Life on Seonhae Island had a way of making time feel fluid, yet my memories of Hayoung remained vivid and unchanging. I loved her then, and I realized I still loved her now. But she was in Seoul, living a life that seemed impossible to reach.
After high school, Hayoung had moved to Seoul to pursue her dream of becoming an idol. She succeeded, of course. Her talent and determination made her a star, adored by flovers. I followed her career from afar, watching every performance and buying every album. Yet, despite the pride I felt, there was always an underlying sadness, a longing for the days when she was just a girl with dreams, sharing secrets with me under the big tree besides our school which now has been abandoned due to declining birth rates on the island.
At 28, I had settled into a routine on the island, working at my family's fishing business. The days were predictable, and while I found comfort in the familiarity within the island with all the residents, there was always a part of me that longed for something more, something that had gone long time ago along with Hayoung's departure.
One afternoon, as I was mending nets by the dock, my mother approached me with a smile that hinted she was up to something. “We have guests arriving today. I need you to help with the preparations.”
I was puzzled but didn’t question it. It was common for us to have family friends visit during the summer. I went doing my tasks, setting up the dining area and helping with the cooking. As evening fell, the doorbell rang, and my heart dropped when I saw who stepped through the door.
It was Hayoung.
She looked as radiant as ever, wearing a red dress that completed her graceful figure. The color suited her, making her look even more beautiful, if that was possible. There was a softness in her eyes that I remembered from our childhood. For a moment, time stood still. All the years melted away, and it felt like it was just the two of us again, as if she had never left.
Before I could say anything, she spotted our dog, Jjangi, who jumped towards her with excitement. Hayoung dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around Jjangi, her laughter filling the room.
"Jjangi! I missed you so much," she said, burying her face in his fur. Jjangi wagged his tail furiously, clearly just as happy to see her.
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Watching her embracing Jjangi, I felt a surge of emotion. It was as if all the yearnings I had kept buried for years resurfaced in an instant. She looked so natural, so at home, and I realized just how much I had missed her.
“It’s been a long time,” she said, while hugging Jjangi. Her eyes met mine, her voice made my heart fluttered.
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I could barely find my voice. “Hayoung… welcome home.”
As we sat down for dinner, our parents distributed the cutleries. Both families gathered around the table, the atmosphere filled with warmth and nostalgia. Midway through the meal, our parents began reminiscing about the past, laughing about our childhood antics. Suddenly, my mother mentioned, half-jokingly to me, "Do you remember once you said you're going to marry Hayoung?"
Hayoung's mother chimed in, "Ah! yes, yes! You even said it in front us! You two were so adorable together. It would be nice if that came true. Should we do it for real this time?"
The families laughed together, the sound filling the room with warmth. I laughed along, but a sense of panic stirred within me. Could they actually be serious? The thought of marrying Haying, is a dream I'd held for years, yet the talks about it seemed too sudden and overwhelming.
As if on cue, Hayoung's father added, "You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you two got married this summer. It’s the perfect opportunity since Hayoung is back for a while."
I glanced at Hayoung, worried that this sudden talk would burden her. She was still an idol, after all, with a demanding career. She didn't say anything, but I noticed her sneaking glances at me, trying to see my reaction.
Hayoung’s silence made me even more nervous, but she continued to steal secret looks at me, her expression was unreadable. The rest of the dinner continued with more light-hearted chatter, but the thought of our parents' suggestion lingered in the air, creating a mix of excitement and anxiety within me.
After dinner, Hayoung and her parents went home. As the night deepened, I found myself restless, looking up to ceiling of my room, replaying the events of the evening in my mind. I couldn't shake the memory of Hayoung's secretive glances and all the casual yet significant talk of marriage.
As I was closing my eyes, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Hayoung, accompanied by a selfie of her silly look.
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"Hey you, jigeum mwohae?" she texted.
I smiled at her familiar, confident approach. Despite the years apart, she seemed just as comfortable as she always had.
"Not much, just thinking about how crazy tonight was," I replied.
"Yeah, our parents sure know how to make things interesting haha," she responded with a laughing emoji. "All the nostalgic talks tonight reminds me of how we were in high school. I think I was kinda tomboyish and silly back then."
I chuckled, instantly transported back to those wild days. "Oh, you're 1000% right! You still remember you once cold punched the bullies into the freezing pond at school during early winter since they were trying to take our money? It was so chaotic they all were sent to hospital afterwards"
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Hayoung's laughter echoed through her texts. "Hahahahaha… someone had to keep things in order and interesting! And you were the one who got panicked and afraid that they might actually die from that."
"hahaha.. they looked so pathetic I thought they were really in danger. That's right, and without you probably they would still bully me until now" I said with a smile emote. "You always did whatever you think right to do."
We continued chatting, the conversation flowing as easily as it had years ago. It felt like no time had passed at all between us.
After a while, Hayoung sent another message. "Hey, are you free tomorrow? I was thinking of roaming around the neighborhood, kinda miss this place a lot, could you accompany me?"
My heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending time with her. "Of course, I'd love to. What time?"
"How about we meet at 10 AM by the old tree?"
"Sounds perfect. See you then."
As I put my phone down, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Tomorrow would be a revisit memories and perhaps the start of something new. With Hayoung back on the island, anything seemed possible.
The next day the sun rose with a soft, golden light filtering through the leaves, as if promising a perfect summer morning. I waited at the old big tree, anticipation stirring within me as I saw Hayoung approaching. She appeared from the path horizon, covered with beautiful white dress that seemed to shine in the morning sun. It was the type of dress I had always admired on her, the simplicity, yet elegance of it showing her natural beauty.
As she drew near, I couldn't help but smile. "You look amazing," I said, my voice genuine and warm.
A faint blush colored her cheeks as she smiled back. "Thank you," she replied, her eyes showed appreciation. "I thought you'd like it."
Her words sent a flutter through my heart, and for a moment, I struggled to find my composure. Hayoung had a way of effortlessly charming me, just as she always had.
The first place we ventured was into the forest, right behind our school, the air alive with the scent of pine and earth. There's nothing scary about the forest, we both knew everything about that place as if its our second home. As we searched for the flowers she loved, Hayoung's laughter echoed among the trees, filling me with a sense of joy and nostalgia. At one point, she suddenly handed me all the flowers we have gathered and turned to me with a playful grin.
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"Race you to that hill!" she exclaimed, pointing ahead.
I grinned, unable to resist her infectious energy. "You're on!" I replied, taking off after her.
We ran through the forest, our laughter mingling with the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds. The path opened up to a hill with a vast area of short grass, stretching out like a green carpet. The hill was quite high, offering a breathtaking overview of the entire island. The sea shimmered in the distance, and the rooftops of our small town were nestled among the trees below. Windmills scattered around, complimenting the whole look. The scenery was beautiful and romantic, a perfect backdrop for our day together.
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As we reached the clearing, Hayoung suddenly stumbled and fell onto the soft grass. I rushed to her side, concerned.
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching out a hand to help her up.
Hayoung looked up at me with a playful smile and instead of taking my hand, she pulled me down beside her. "I'm fine, sit here with me" she said, laughing. "Come on, let's just lay here and enjoy the view."
Reluctantly, I lay down next to her, the cold grass contrast to the warm sun. We lay there side by side, gazing up at the clear blue sky and the beautiful scenery of the island spread out before us.
"This is perfect," Hayoung murmured, her voice soft and content. "I missed this place so much."
I turned my head to look at her, my heart almost bursted with affection. "Yeah, and it's the best with you here."
We lay in comfortable silence for a while, feeling in the beauty of the moment. Then, Hayoung broke the quiet, her tone sound thoughtful. "You know, about our parents brought up that whole marriage proposal thing last night."
I felt a brief anxiety but kept my voice steady. "Yeah, they did. It was a bit of a surprise."
Hayoung turned her head to face me, her eyes serious yet kind. "Do you remember when you proposed to me in front of our parents? We were just kids."
A smile tugged at my lips as the memory resurfaced. "How could I forget? I even prepared with a bouquet of flowers I gathered from the forest."
She laughed softly, the sound blending with the gentle rustle of the grass. "You were so earnest about it, too. I remember thinking it was the most romantic thing ever."
"Do you remember," I began, turning my head to look at her, "how you ran away up here after I proposed to you in front of your parents?"
Hayoung laughed, the sound like a sweet echo of our past. "of course, I do. I got shy and embarrassed. I thought running away to this hill would help me to calm down."
"Then I chased after you," I continued, smiling at the memory. "And when I found you here, I proposed again. You then asked me what I could offer if you said yes."
Hayoung's eyes sparkled with amusement and nostalgia. "Yes, and since you're just a kid, you said you don't have money but you'd always love me and stay by my side."
I nodded, "And I meant every word. But you didn't answer right away. You asked for some time to think, but never actually replied."
Hayoung's expression grew thoughtful. "I was so young and didn't know what to say back then. But now, even after years later, I have proof of how true your words were."
"Do you still fulfill your promises?" she asked softly, her eyes staring mine.
"I do," I replied, my voice steady with conviction. "I always kept them. I've always loved you and stayed loyal to you, even when you were in Seoul. Everyone in town knows how much you mean to me. They always ask about you, and I always eager to tell how well you're doing in Seoul, keep supporting you from here and waiting for you to come back home is the best I could do."
Hayoung's eyes suddenly glistened with unshed tears, and she nodded. "I know. People in town kept telling me about it before I saw you this morning. I didn't know whether to believe them until now."
She took a deep breath, her gaze intense, holding her tears. "Oppa, propose to me again," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. This was the first time she addressed me that way. "Right here, with the flowers in your hand."
My heart pounded as I stood up, gathering a handful of the delicate wildflowers we collected together in the forest. I knelt down in front of her, the flowers trembling slightly in my grasp.
"Hayoung," I began, my voice filled with love and sincerity, "I've loved you since we were kids, and that love has only grown stronger over the years. I promised to always be by your side, to cherish and support you in everything you do, I kept that promise in the past, even now, and I will always be in future. Will you accept my love?"
Tears finally streamed down Hayoung's face as she looked at me, her smile radiant and full of joy. "Yes," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Yes, I accept your love".
At that moment, an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness washed over me. It was as if that heavy burden I had carried for years had been lifted, replaced by a warmth that spread through my entire being. My heart swelled with love, and I felt an unbreakable connection between us, stronger than anything I had ever known. All the years of waiting, hoping, and remaining loyal to her had led to this perfect moment. My eyes started to blurred up by the tears of my own as I realized that she truly felt the same way.
My hands trembled slightly as I gently touched her face, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. I leaned in, and our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, filled with all the emotions we had kept inside for so long. It was gentle at first, an explorative kiss, but then it deepened, becoming more passionate as years of longing and love pouring out from our deepest heart. I felt Hayoung's hands slide up to my shoulders, her touch warm and reassuring.
The whole world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in that moment. The kiss expressed all our promises, dreams, and a future we both wanted to build together. As we finally pulled back, breathless and with our foreheads resting against each other, the sun started to set behind us, casting a golden glow over the island and sealing our love in the beauty of that perfect summer evening.
"This better than I imagined," Hayoung whispered, her eyes looked deeply to me, a bright smile complimented her lips.
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As the sun set behind us, Hayoung and I stood up, hand in hand, ready to head back to her house. The path down the hill was still clear, and we walked slowly, savoring every second of the moment. Our fingers interlaced, and I felt a deep sense of contentment and belonging.
As we made our way through the neighborhood, people began to notice us. Familiar faces turned toward us, and I saw smiles spreading across them. The older couples, who had known us since we were kids, nodded approvingly. The younger ones whispered excitedly to each other. It was as if the entire neighborhood had been waiting for this moment as much as we had.
One elderly lady, Mrs. Park, who used to be our homeroom teacher, clapped her hands together slowly and beamed at us. "It's about time, you two," she called out, raising her thumb up, giving approvals.
Hayoung and I exchanged a shy glance, both of us blushing slightly. Despite the embarrassment, we couldn't help but smile back at everyone. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and affection, making our happiness even felt real.
Hayoung giggled softly and squeezed my hand. "It's nice to see everyone so happy for us," she said, her voice filled with delight.
I nodded, feeling my heart filled with pride and love. "Yeah, it really is."
As we arrived at Hayoung's house, we noticed the absence of her parents' car in the driveway. The house was quiet and dark, just a single light on the porch. We exchanged a glance, realizing we were alone for the first time under the roof as a couple.
"Looks like my parents aren't home yet," Hayoung said, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and slight awkwardness.
"Yeah, I guess it's just us," I replied, feeling a tiny bit of nervousness.
We stepped inside, the familiar warmth of her home surrounding us. Hayoung closed the door behind us, and we sat down in the dining room for a moment, unsure of what to do next. The silence felt heavier than usual, filled with the unspoken tension.
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"Um, do you want something to drink?" Hayoung offered, breaking the silence.
"S-Sure," I said, grateful for the distraction.
She walked into the kitchen, and I followed her, trying to act natural. As she poured us both some water, I couldn't help but notice how different everything felt. The playful ease we had shared all day seemed to have been replaced by a newfound shyness.
We sipped our water in silence, standing in the kitchen. I glanced at the clock and then back at Hayoung. "I should probably get going," I said, not wanting to think something inappropriate towards her.
Hayoung's face fell slightly, but she quickly masked it with a smile. "Oh, um, it would be nice if you at least stay for dinner. I mean, if you want to."
Her invitation made my heart race, but the nervousness got the better of me. "I.. Maybe another time?"
She nodded, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Another time."
I felt a pang of regret as I left her house, the door closing softly behind me after we waved a good bye. As I walked down the path towards home, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was making a mistake. Yet, just a few minutes later, my phone buzzed with a message from Hayoung and a selfie of her.
"Oppa, it's already late at night and I think you must be hungry, I don't want you to feel hungry so…I decided that I'll be your dinner tonight.. Please come back? 😊"
Her message, along with her nude selfie made me stop in my tracks. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding hard as I turned around and ran my way back to her house quickly.
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When I knocked on the door, Hayoung opened it almost immediately, she was wearing nothing but a white apron. A raccoon-like smile was on her face. "Changed your mind, Oppa?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.
"Yeah," I said, smiling back. "I think I'm just too hungry of you tonight."
As I said that, I moved towards her and started kissing her aggresively. I was eating her lips as if they're tuna sushi, making a big smooch sound for every breath, I gently bit her lips and suck them hard. Hayoung seemed to be affected by the whole atmosphere as she also started biting my tongue and pulled them inside her mouth. Our breath getting heavier and as our body curled in close together, I could see the lower part of her apron is now a bit wet from her love juice.
"Let's move to your room?", I asked, almost a whisper to her ear. "Y-yes, I think we should", Hanyang answered with an uncontrollable breath. She gripped my fingers softly, our fingers intertwined together in the warmth of the whole atmosphere and with that, Hanyang guided me to her room. Even though we had known each other for very long time, this would be my first time I got into her bed room. My heart's pounding harder by all the anticipations.
Hayoung opened the door, and we stepped inside, taking in the space. Her room was cozy and inviting, with a soft white paint on the walls and soft warm lights strung along walls. Photos and posters filled the walls, a mix of memories from her childhood and her journey as an idol. A bookshelf filled with books lined at one wall, and a comfy bed with a heap of pillows sat in the center.
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Hayoung's smile widened, and she squeezed my hands gently. "I'm so happy now. It feels like everything is so perfect since ever we met again", She shyly said.
She turned her back to me, lifting her hair to reveal the delicate part of her nape. "Oppa," Hayoung said, breaking the silence. "Would you take off this apron for me?." while looking back at me with the soft look. I gulped, frozen for seconds while looking at her bare back and ass cheeks for the first time. I moved closer, my fingers trembling slightly as I untie the apron slowly from her back. The proximity was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and I could feel the warmth radiating from her.
I couldn't stop myself from kissing her nape. Hayoung slightly raised her shoulder as she felt ticklish from the kiss. Her body smelled really nice, there's slight hint of flower, light perfume and… a hint of close to baby powder scent. My right hand started to travel to her breast, feeling them from behind.. I found it really sexy, my hand groped while my fingers started to pinch and teasing her nips. Hayoung didn't say anything, but she occasionally twitched and let out small moans and I found them so cute.
"Y-yaa.. why am I the one who's naked here?" she lamented while her hands started to get into my pants. "Eh?", she said half surprised, "Has it always been this big?". My little ego felt a slight jolt of happiness as she found my dick as what she favored. "No, it's not always that big, it got that big probably because of you?", I jokingly teased her. She let out a bright smile, she looked so cute yet sexy with those big breasts of her.
Hayoung then squatted down and started to remove my jeans, leaving me with just my shirt and boxer. She began stroking gently from the outer layer of my boxer, I got excited and some pre-cum started to wet my boxer and it leaked a bit to the surface. "Oh? What's this?", Hayoung wondering. "I-it's my love juice, got some out because I love you that much", I joked. Hayoung couldn't hold her laugh hearing my reply, she found it romantic yet naughty. She then started to smell them, putting her nose closer to the tip of my dick and she licked it slowly. She seemed to be enjoying the taste as she tried to put it inside her mouth. She bit my boxer and pulled them down, leaving my dick to be free, exposing it to the air.
She then looked closely to my erected dick with so much curiosity and that showed clearly from her racoon-like eyes. This must be something new to her as she's always tried to pretend like she doesn't like erotic stuffs. "They look so stiff, does it hurt? Should I slowly lick it?", she asked while looking at me to the eye. "No, not yet, you know right? Ladies first? Let me lick yours first". Hanyang face got redder. I pulled her hand gently and rested her on her bed. I spread wide her legs up to the air but she got shy so she tried to hide her pussy with both of her hands. Her eyes locked onto mine, she wanted to do it but all these new naughty things we did all of sudden made her scared a bit.
"It's okay, Hanyang, I'll do it gently, you trust me?", I said to calm her down. She nodded and let go of her hands from her pussy. I could see her pussy clearly as blue sky now. diamond shaped pubic hair, small labia and distinct pink colour inside her complimented the view of the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen in my life. Her pussy was wet and kept oozing some transparent, sticky liquid. I kissed her clits and started to suck them gently. I tried to put my finger into her hole but found out how short it was due to her hymen.
Realizing this, I just put my forefinger halfway, and bent them up, trying to rub the g-spot gently, building up the tense while kept sucking her clit. She began biting her finger, trying to hold her voice out, she kept looking at me with the face filled with ecstasy. She suddenly grabbed my hair and pushed it harder into her pussy as her body arching up, I grabbed her ass cheeks with my left hand to hold them up. Not long after, she finally let out big moan as her body twitched hard. I immediately knew she just come.
It's time to stick it in. I stood up and started to position myself into missionary to put my dick inside her. "Are we really doing this?", I asked her wondering if she's ready of what's going to happen next. She didn't say anything but a nod, signaling that she's ready to do it. I gently put my dick inside her, it was really tight and my dick tip reached her hymen. I slowly pushed them harder, and finally, it broke. Hanyang face mirrored a slight pain she felt as she grabbed my shoulder with her finger nails and scratched my back. It felt hurt but as she went the same thing, I didn't even dare to complain. A trail of blood started to stream down from her pussy and my dick was now completely inside her yet I didn't dare to move. I lowered my shoulder and we're now facing each other closely. "Are you okay?", I asked trying make sure that she's not hurting. "I-I am okay, just don't move yet", she answered.
With my hard rock dick still inside her, I felt the intimacy and comfort filled in the room. I could see every detail of Hayoung's face, the curve of her thick lips, the innocence in her eyes, the red blush on her cheeks. Everything looked so perfect the way it was.
"Do you remember the last time we were this close?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper.
My eyes looked up, trying to remember if such thing existed. "Yeah, probably when we used to study together. We would sit together at my desk, facing each other as close as this".
She chuckled softly. "And you always found a way to distract us from studying."
"Wasn't that my job?" I teased. "To make sure you took breaks and enjoyed life a little?"
"Well, you were very good at it," she admitted, her eyes smiled. "And you still are. I don't even feel in pain anymore." I reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, my fingers comfortably placed on her cheek.
"Hayoung," I said softly. "Should I begin to move?", confirming again that she didn't feel hurt. "Yes", she answered. With that, I began to move gently, ensuring that every move conveyed my true feelings to her, they weren't just lust, but sense of love, care, loyalty and responsibility.
Hanyang started to let out small moans, her expression started to show that she's enjoying it. "Oppa, It started to feel good, you can move faster now". I quickened my pace, creating slapping sound that echoed around the room. My eyes kept locked on her face, saving every memory of her expression in this intimate moment.
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I moved gradually faster, the pace was blurring my sanity, I groped her breasts hard and Hayoung let out a loud moan. We kissed and ate out each other while retaining our hips pace. "Hanyang, I think I'm going to cum, let me do it outside", I declared with heavy breath as I could no longer hold it. "No, its okay, cum inside me, fill me with everything you've got. It's safe day, don't worry about it", she replied with uncontrollable voice.
She then suddenly folded her legs inwards, locking me in place, ensuring that I didn't pull out, pushing me even deeper that within seconds, I finally came. "Hanyangg!! I'm comingg!!", I shouted hard, releasing as much semen into her womb. Although I knew it's her safe day, deep inside I slightly hoped that she got pregnant.
Hayoung felt the burst of my semen inside her stomach. She slightly peeked down, my semen and the blood from her hymen seemed to mixed up, spilling out from her pussy. She then looked into my eyes and slightly nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "We finally did it."
"I love you, Hanyang" I whispered, the words coming straight from my heart.
"I love you too," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity and warmth. "More than words can express."
Our quiet, intimate moment was interrupted by the growl of our stomachs. We looked at each other and we both laughed, realizing we had skipped dinner in all the excitement.
"It's almost 10 PM," I said, glancing at the clock. "We should probably eat something."
Hayoung nodded, her eyes still teary. "Are you going to cook? I'm starving, but I could use a bath after today."
"Sure, I'll cook something up," I replied, feeling a bit more confident now. "You can go relax."
She gave me a grateful smile before heading to the bathroom. I made my way out of her room to the kitchen, determined to make something special for her. The sound of the rain tapping against the windows provided a soothing white noise as I worked.
Knowing how much Hayoung loved seafood, I decided to make a simple yet comforting dish, jjukkumi bokkeum (spicy stir-fried baby octopus) with a side of rice and some banchan (Korean side dishes). The aroma of spicy octopus, garlic, and sesame oil filled the kitchen, mingling with the sound of the rain. Once everything was ready, I plated the food and carefully carried it back to Hayoung's room.
When I arrived, Hayoung was just stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel. Her hair was damp, and she looked refreshed and beautiful. She smiled when she saw me with the food.
"That smells amazing," she said, her eyes lighting up.
"Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells," I replied with a grin, setting the plates on her bedside table.
She changed into a comfortable dress and joined me on the bed. The rain continued to fall heavier outside, creating a cozy atmosphere. We ate together, exchanging smiles and gentle touches. At one point, I reached out and took a piece of chili on her cheeks, while brushing a strand of wet hair from her face.
"This is delicious!," Hayoung said. "I missed home cooked food like this."
"I'm glad you like it," I said, feeling a sense of pride.
As we finished our meal, the rain intensified, drumming steadily against the roof. It was clear that Hayoung's parents wouldn't be able to make it back home tonight, and I realized that I would probably be staying here too.
"Looks like I'm not going anywhere," I said, glancing at the rain-soaked window.
Hayoung looked at me with a shy smile. "I don't mind. In fact, I'd like it if you stayed."
I stood up, stretching a bit. "I should probably take a bath too," I said, feeling a bit self-conscious.
Hayoung shook her head, her smile mischievous. "No? You don't need though?," she said, her eyes were playful. "You always smell good."
I chuckled, feeling my cheeks warm. "My sweat smells good? Really? Well, okay, If you say so."
"I do," she insisted, tugging me back onto the bed. "Come, stay here with me in bed."
We settled back on the bed, the remnants of our meal pushed aside. The room felt even cozier with the sound of the rain enveloping us. I took her hand, and we lay back down, side by side, facing each other.
"Thank you for dinner," she whispered, her eyes locked onto mine, her smile brightened.
"And thank you for being here," I replied, squeezing her hand gently.
"You know," she said softly, "this feels like a dream. Like we're really living together, like husband and wife."
I smiled, my heart felt the warmth. "It does, doesn't it? I can't wait for the day I become your real husband."
She blushed, her eyes shining with happiness. "Me too. I've always imagined what it would be like to come home to you, to spend every evening like this."
Hayoung shifted closer, her head resting against my shoulder. "I love you," she whispered, her voice filled with honesty.
"I love you too," I replied, feeling a deep sense of contentment. I put my hand around her shoulder, pulling her closer under the warm blanket we shared. So many things had happened today, and every single moment felt like a dream. As I thought about it all, I realized Hayoung had already fallen asleep on my shoulder. We both fell asleep in each other's embrace, closing the never forgotten day in our whole life with each other's warmth.
Morning arrived, and I was gently woken by Hayoung’s soft voice. "Oppa, wake up," she whispered, her hand gently shaking my shoulder.
I opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep, and found myself staring into her smiling face. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, and I felt relieved. This wasn’t a dream. It was real, and she was here with me.
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“Good morning,” I said, my voice husky from sleep.
“Good morning,” she replied, her smile widening.
As we prepared to leave the room, Hayoung grabbed my arm, interlocking her arm with mine, making me feel like we were a real husband and wife sharing our first morning together. It was a simple gesture, but it filled me with warmth and happiness.
However, as we opened the door, we were greeted by the playful grins of both Hayoung’s parents and mine. They stood there, clearly amused, and it was clear evidence that they knew exactly what happened last night.
“Good morning, lovebirds!” Hayoung’s father said with a chuckle.
My mother added, “Hayoung-ah, due to the heavy rain last night, your parents stayed over at our house last night. When they checked the CCTV in the dining room from their phone, they saw you two. It was lovely to see how happy you both were. I bet both of you had the most amazing night yesterday”. She said while teasing us.
Both Hayoung and I blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. We were promptly led to the dining room where breakfast was already prepared by our parents.
As we settled down for breakfast, the teasing didn’t stop. “So,” Hayoung’s mother began, her eyes filled with mischief, “When are you two planning to get married?”
I nearly choked on my food, caught off guard by the directness of the question. I glanced at Hayoung, who met my eyes with a calm, reassuring smile.
“Well,” I began hesitantly, “We havent…”
Hayoung suddenly squeezed my thigh under the table. I looked at her in surprise, and she gave me a mischievous grin, nodding ever so subtly as if urging me to say the otherwise. It was a clear signal to me, a signal that said she was ready for us to make this decision together.
Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I continued, “We’ve decided to get engaged this summer,” I said, my voice steadier now.
Hearing this, our parents expressed their happiness and approvals. “Now that’s the news I want to hear!” my father exclaimed.
“We’re so happy for you both,” Hayoung’s mother added. “It’s going to be a perfect summer this year.”
.... I always loved Summer season. The season with a gentle warmth that seemed to embrace our island, our home. And now, it was the perfect season for our engagement party, a celebration in the eventful evening that brought together not just our families and friends, but the entire community that had watched us grow up together.
The venue was decorated with vibrant colors of summer, with strings of fairy lights twinkling overhead and tables filled with bouquets of flowers. A large banner proclaimed, "Congratulations Hayoung & Y/N!" in cheerful letters, celebrating the culmination of our long journey from childhood friends to soon-to-be official husband and wife.
During the party, the fromis_9 members joined in the celebrations wholeheartedly, mingling with guests, enjoying the food, and even participating in some of the traditional dances performed to celebrate the engagement. Their presence added the excitement and glamour to the event, turning it into a memorable occasion not just for Hayoung and me, but for everyone who attended.
The engagement ceremony itself was heartfelt and meaningful. Hayoung looked radiant in a traditional Korean hanbok, her smile lighting up as she stood beside me, wearing an outfit that felt like a perfect fit for the occasion. We exchanged rings, symbols of our commitment and love, amidst applause and happy tears from our loved ones.
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During the event, there was a slideshow playing on a large screen, showcasing photos of us growing up together. From playful days in kindergarten to high school, the slideshow captured our journey through the years. It was a touching reminder of how far we had come and the unwavering support we had received from our families and community.
Among the guests, including friends and business partners from Seoul, where I would soon join Hayoung. It was decided that I would work at my parents' business branch there, ensuring that Seoul branch blooms into a bigger business.
As the evening deepens, Hayoung and I found a quiet moment together under the sky filled with stars. We looked around at the warm gathering of our friends and family, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and love. This summer, which had started with a simple reunion, had become a season of a long awaited love fulfilled and new promises made.
Holding each other's hand gently, we knew that our journey together was just beginning, filled with endless possibilities and the unwavering support of those who had watched us grow from childhood friends to partners in both love and life, until death do us apart. -End.
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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Happy Monday Everyone! So I have a new series for you that I will be dropping either one chapter a week or multiple chapters this week, I am still deciding.
This series came way of a message/ask from @hobby27 she asked:
"I would love something with Jensen and reader. He sees her when he’s at a convention and he’s bonkers for her. She isn’t so interested in a relationship with him because of the fame. So he has to woo her. Make her understand that he’s not a typical movie/tv star. Slow burn."
So I give you the Limelight series- It's a Jensen x reader (plus size, curvy girl) story, Jensen meets the reader in a bar, he falls fist, she is reluctant of course, but secretly she fell for him the second he walked through the door. So can a small town girl and a celebrity make it work?
Warnings for the whole series: language, multi-pov and switching between the pov mid chapters (sorry I can't help it), Jensen coming off aggressive for a hot second but then cooling off. Some douche side characters and some lovable ones, body shaming, angst, fluff, swoon, Jared is there and Micha is mention.
This story takes place an AU where Jensen is not married but Jared is and has kids.
This chapter is 2K+. Feedback, likes and reblogs are always welcomed. Please don't post as your own work, this is my work.
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Chapter 1
You weren't sure what possessed you to come out tonight. The city is a small lakeside tourist trap in the height of summer. It's Friday night, so it's already going to be busy. Add the fact that the first-ever Supernatural convention is taking place in a town over, and there are rumors that some cast members might appear in small-town Haven. Has every woman, single or not, out looking to catch the eye of Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles.
You, on the other hand, couldn't care less. That's not to say you didn't think both men weren't great actors. You're the first to put your 'Supernatural number one fan card' against anyone. You watched the show religiously, even re-watched it whenever you needed comfort or a break from the world.  You had also fallen into reading and writing a few fanfics under a pen name. 
You also weren't immune to their handsome good looks; both are sexy men in their own right. You lean more towards Jensen than Jared if you had to choose. Something about those hypnotic green eyes  and the 'Dean voice.' God, that got you through some lonely nights, for sure.
So why aren't you going boy-crazy at the fact that your celebrity crush was just one city over, or for that matter, could be in the same bar as you right now? One, you are a realist: the likelihood of him coming out, or you actually seeing him, is slim, if not nonexistent. Second, the idea of celebrity life - living in the limelight, having all eyes on you, never getting a moment to yourself - no thank you. You will take being an anonymous nobody and being able to look and act however you want without ending up on the front page of the gossip rags.
Pushing your way through the crowd of the local dive bar, you survey the crowd to see the overabundance of female to men ratio. You finally squeeze past and grab the last open barstool at the corner, next to where the wait staff come to grab their orders. Saying hi to the waitress as she loads up her tray, you take a seat and wave over at the bartender. 
"Well, look what the cat dragged in." The bartender, James, gives you a smile and wink.
Stuffing the bar towel in his back pocket, he walks to you and tosses a cardboard coaster. "Didn't think you would be one of those desperate celebrity chasers." He jokes.
He places his hands on the bar and leans towards you. His lean, muscular frame is accented by his dark denim jeans and black button-down, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, showing off the nice tan he's been working on.
Shaking your head at him, "Now, James, I wouldn't knock your guest too loud; God knows you're not mad at the extra business…or the female clientele." You quip, picking up the coaster to fiddle with. 
You survey the room and guess it's a two to five-ratio of guys to girls in the bar tonight. "Besides, I wanted a drink." Letting out a sigh, you try to convince yourself that's why.
Not buying it, but not having the heart to call you out on your bullshit this early in the night, James gives you a nod, "OK, sure, so the usual?" He asks as he grabs the tequila to make you a margarita.
"You know my weakness."
"That I do."
Later that night
You felt good and relaxed over an hour in and two margaritas down. The day's stress dissipates, and you're glad you came out. Besides chatting with James every time he had a few minutes, you also got to reconnect with some of the other bar staff you hadn't seen. 
The crowd has started to thin out, with news that the cast members were staying in the city to party. Sightings of them all over at the more trendy bars had the sober guests heading out and the not-so-sober ones heading home. James let the last waitress clock out early, leaving only you and James. James made his way back over to you.
"So, you're still here. Thought you would have hightailed it to the city by now." He jokes, running a hand through his dark, short locks. His blue eyes locked with yours.
"I told you, I just came out for a drink, not to hunt down a celebrity. Besides, we never get to hang out anymore.  Why is that?" you question, pushing your empty glass toward James in a not-so-subtle attempt to have him refill it. 
He takes the hint.  Grabbing the glass, he slightly laughs at this, "Come on, Y/N, we see each other. I mean, yeah, not as much anymore, what with me taking over this place and you working in the city more on your art. How is that going? Are you happy with your decision?" He asks, saying so much with those questions. He finishes up your drink and sets it down.
You were happy with your choice; it was for the best. Even if it meant you gave up half of the bar and steady income so you could pursue your passion. You're about to answer him when the sound of the front doors opens. Looking over, you can't believe your eyes when you see, fucking Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki walk through the doors. 
You snap your head back after staring at them both for what seems like forever. Fuck, they both look even better in person.
"No fucking way!" James almost screams out. You look up at him to see he is nearly hyperventilating.
"OK, James, you got to calm down." You counsel, slightly put off by him freaking out when he, on multiple occasions, would tease you for liking the show. Watching him flap his hands and pull out the bar rag to wipe the sweat from his forehead as his cheeks red. 
You had to call him on this. "Are you a fan?"
He looks over to you, sees the twinkling of mischief behind your eyes, and sighs, "OK, fine, yes." He quips back in defeat that his big secret is out.
"I watched the show, and so did you." He tries to defend himself.
"Yeah, and I was open about it. You were the one that made fun of me every time I talked about it. Bitch."
"Jerk." James quips back out of reflex, which gets you to point at him.
"Hey, can we get a pitcher of whatever the house draft is?" Deep and smooth, his voice hits you like a freight train, pulling James and you out of your impending tiff and back to reality. A reality where Jensen Ackles is standing ten feet away from you, on the other side of the bar, wanting to get a pitcher of beer. 
He is standing there in well-fitted light-wash jeans and a faded blue T-shirt. Sunglasses hang off the v-neckline and a baseball cap tuck in his back pocket. Your eyes lock with his, and the rumors are true—they are green like a fairy princess.
You look away and see Jared sitting with two other guys at a table. They are not actors from the show; they must be friends or bodyguards. 
"Umm…Yeah, man, coming right up. Just the one?" James stammers as he reaches the well to pull the pitcher. 
"Umm…better make it two, Jared's a big guy and all." Jensen jokes. Pulling his eyes from you to the bartender.
"Umm…you got a kitchen back there?" He questions, trying to keep the small talk up so he can stay here for a few more minutes. There is something about you; he can't place it, but it's like he's drawn to you. 
"Yeah, but our cook bailed on me tonight," James replies. Setting the pitchers on the bar. Scrabbling when he sees Jensen's slight disappointment in the lack of food.
"But I am sure Y/N wouldn't mind going back there and whipping up something." Turning his attention to you and giving you a shit-eating grin.
Your head snaps up to look over at James and Jensen. "What?" You question, wondering why he dragged you into this.
"Yeah, she's an excellent cook, chef really, she actually…"
"I am sure my cooking wouldn't match your sophisticated palate." Cutting off James before he can give Jensen your life story, giving him a stare down that conveys 'shut the fuck up.'
James has a habit of making your accomplishments sound grander than they were. He takes up the role of a proud parent, which you never ask him to do. 
Y/N, hmm, beautiful name. Letting the name roll around in his head. Jensen takes this opportunity with your eyes, shooting daggers at the bartender to let his eyes take you all in. She is in light-wash jeans, tall black boots, and a leather jacket over a vintage concert t-shirt that hugs her curves in all the right places. She's giving off a 'don't fuck with me vibe,' but he can tell it's just a front.  
"Darling, don't let celebrity status fool you. We're just a group of guys out for a few drinks and looking for good local food." Giving a smile to seal the deal.
His voice pulls her attention back to him, and he can see the front crumble away, her cheeks tinting pink.
"Jared there will eat just about anything you put before him." He says, thumbing back towards the guys. 
You look over his shoulder to see Jared and the two other guys watching your interaction. Jared gives you a half smile.
"Jensen, stop harassing the girl already. I can't take this guy anywhere." He jokes and turns his attention back to his buddies.  
Getting up from the barstool, you put some money on the bar, "I should be going, night James." Keep your voice low and as even as possible.
You can feel yourself becoming embarrassed by the seconds with all the attention on you. Unfortunately, you must walk past Jensen and his friends' table to get to the door. As you walk past the table, one of the anonymous guys pipes up.
"Seriously, I am starving. Why did we even come out this way? Dumb bitch, not like she doesn't know her way around a kitchen, just look at her." He spits out. 
You know you should keep walking; it's not like you haven't heard your fair share of fat jokes and comments about you before. Especially from drunk, pretty boys. Something about this time, though.  Maybe it's because it's in front of your celebrity crushes. After all, you have a few drinks in you as well. Whatever it is, you turn on your heels so you can face the douchebag.
"Oh, real original, ass. God, you must be the brains of the group." You spat back. Placing your hands on your hips to really show off your frame. 
He doesn't say anything at first. He is your typical frat boy, with short blonde hair and brown eyes staring back at you. You can see the wheels turning in his head. The other anonymous guy sitting next to him is a carbon copy of him, but he is looking across the booth to Jared for some kind of help.
"Dude, Evan, come on," Jared says, giving him a look of dismay that he just said those things. Turning his attention to you, "I am sorry…" He starts to apologize to him.
You hold up your hand to stop him. "It's fine, really." You reply, giving him a half smile. You're tired, and dragging this out any longer is not something you want to do tonight.
"Yeah, Jared, it's fine. A bitch like that, this is probably the most attention she has had from a guy in a long time." Evan jokes and playfully punches the guy next to him, wanting some backup on his 'stellar' dig at the local girl. 
Turning away from them, shocked that he is still talking, you just want to escape. Your eyes lock with Jensen, but his attention is on the table. He's fuming and looks like he is about to punch Evan. He starts the short walk towards the table.
"What the fuck…" he yells.
Stepping in his path, he stops just inches from you when you put your hand on his chest. The feel of your hand on him, you standing right before him, snaps him back.
"Well, we wouldn't want you boys to starve now, would we?" You say sweetly. Your voice is low and even. Knowing that you need to diffuse this situation before a bar brawl breaks out and somehow the gossip rags hear about it. 
The feel of his shirt under your fingers as you lightly tap his chest is soft. You would give anything to stay like this for a bit longer, taking in his smell of whiskey and leather. That's the one thing the fanfic girls and guys got right. Maybe they got other things right, too, your mind wonders.
You give Jensen a smile and turn to face the table. "Do you guys have any allergies I need to know about?" Your question, "Don't need to have anyone go into anaphylactic shock and have the media all up in my ass."
The two unknowns say nothing and seem interested in the countertop, then looking up at you. You don't blame them. Seeing the fury that Jensen was in, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
Jared also looks pissed at them, glaring at them both before replying. "No, I think we're all good."
Giving a short nod, you turn back, seeing Jensen's eyes lock on you now. He has calmed down a bit, but he also looks slightly disappointed. You cock your head to the side.
"Hey, you OK?" You question, your voice low, only for him to hear.
He takes a second, giving you a nod. He clears his throat. "Yeah, umm…I am sorry…" he starts apologizing, but you stop him. 
"It's fine, Jensen. If you haven't noticed, I am a big girl in multiple ways." You wink at him and pat his chest before side-stepping him and heading back towards the kitchen.  
Back to the bar, you shuck off your jacket and toss it to James. "Good because, honestly, I don't care." You quip back to let them all know you could give a rat's ass what their dietary needs were.
This gets a laugh out of Jensen, pulling him back into a better head space. He can see more of her; the short-sleeved gray t-shirt contrasts sharply with her deep purple hair. Letting his eyes roam over her beautiful curves, god, he wishes he was the only one that came out tonight. She is feisty and can hold her own. Her voice is heaven, and he wants to listen to her talk all night.
"I'll have some food right out." Saying over your shoulder as you push open the kitchen doors. 
To Be Continued.....
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The Spoiled Treatment ~ *Jamil Viper*
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Summary: Jamil works so hard for everyone he cares about. It hurts your heart that no one takes care of him in turn. That's why you take it on yourself to spoil him rotten.
Pairing: Jamil Viper X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 768
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @moonitsune @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
A/N: This is a request!
Jamil worked harder than any other Scarabia student you knew and it broke your heart. You understood why he did it; his family worked for Kalim's and he cared very much for the future of his dorm, though he'd never admit it out loud. But that didn’t mean he needed to work himself half to death. So you came up with a brilliant plan in an effort to help him relax.
When he woke up on the day of your plan, you surprised him with breakfast in bed. Instantly, he was suspicious of your behavior and your motives.
"What's all this?" He skeptically asked, staring at the food before him.
"Well, you do so much for Kalim and the rest of the students in Scarabia, but you never take any time for yourself." You sheepishly explain, shifting your weight from foot to foot. "So I thought I would do something special to show you how much we all appreciate you. And before you ask, Kalim is spending the whole day with his family back in Scalding Sands. The rest of Scarabia is out of the dorm as well. It's just you and me, and I am determined to spoil you rotten today!"
You held the food you made for him up to his nose to stop him from protesting. "You can't back out of this, Now, eat up! We have a long day of doing nothing ahead of us!"
Though he seemed reluctant, Jamil finished his meal, which made you smile as he admitted to how delicious it was. Following breakfast, you brought him to one of the spare dorms that was used for the many guests that come over at the request of Kalim. You had completely transformed the room to look like a day spa. It was a lot of work and it was all done behind Jamil's back, but you were proud of what you accomplished. Jamil, on the other hand, was a little annoyed, but let it slide because of the puppy dog eyes you flashed at him.
He enjoyed a warm, relaxing bath as you gently washed his hair. When he changed into a fluffy robe, you brushed and braided his hair with deft fingers.
"You're pretty good at this." He mused as he let your fingers run through his soft, silky hair. "I might just have to ask you to braid my hair more often."
"I'd be honored." You gushed before tying off and beginning to massage his shoulders. 
He flinched at your touch. "What are you doing now?"
"I'm sure you're all wound up tighter than a clock and I was right. I'm just trying to ease some of the tension in your shoulders." You explain. "Just relax, please. Today is all about you."
It turns out, it was a lot harder to get him to relax than you anticipated. He was so jumpy every time you tried to do something nice for him. He also looked guilty when he thought you weren't looking, as if he should be helping you in some way. But you would not be deterred. You were going to show him how much you appreciated him because he deserved it.
You gave Jamil a mani-pedi and a hand massage. You allowed him to assist you with making lunch and he was definitely in his element as he showed you how to make traditional dishes from Scalding Sands. You couldn't stop complimenting him on his amazing cooking skills and his blush made you praise him even more.
After lunch, the two of you built a pillow fort, which was pretty elaborate thanks to Kalim's obsession with pillows. When you both were settled in comfy clothes and full of snacks, you turned on a movie marathon. As the hours ticked by, you watched as Jamil became more and more relaxed. It seemed your plan was finally working.
Dinner consisted of more comfort food for Jamil before you led him outside to stargaze. You both told stories about the stars above, leaning against each other, cuddling under a blanket. You almost fell asleep listening to the sweet lull of his voice, when you were startled by the sound of fireworks.
Jamil smirked and pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "What a finale, I must say."
You shook your head. "The fireworks weren't me."
He furrowed his brows before realization dawned on both of you at the same time. "Kalim."
A laugh escaped you. "Of course! I should've known!"
"Still," He pulled you closer. "Thank you."
"Of course." You nod and kiss him. "Anything for you."
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Here's the idea what if bastardreader just straight up decided yeah I'm dipping because of this!
It's like her birthday right? And the thing is though she just wants a simple birthday but of course her family goes all out and she feels overwhelmed and the thing is though the thing that breaks the camel's back is the fact that one of the noble ladies has spread of rumor about her being well let's just say w and she did not take that kindly and she decided yeah I'm going to be nice kidding I'm not going to be nice so she just grabs a glass of wine and just straight up dumped it on her I'm just exposes her right there and she just leaves the room because she's just so done!.
So basically how I imagine it though is that she basically gets dressed in a nice black dress and the dress though has like big yet small pearls on her chest like I don't know how to describe it but like it's almost like one of those chest accessories and she wears this nice black shoes such as boots to make it easier for her and basically just at the final touch of pearl the thingy or whatever
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And yeah also those are like the gloves for the reader's dress and by the way the reader just decided to just take cannibal and they both just rolled off in the night to go chill together and plus she went to go to her comfort place because it's better than being there so yeah how do you think it would play out and how do you think they react though oh yeah by the way the reader returns basically just walking back to her room and trying to take off the stuff that she got don't worry she ate and she fine and she also has very nice pearl earrings yeah
Daemon was about to do it himself (perhaps nick a bit off the top of her hair, if you catch my drift), but before he can, you take matters into your own hands and he's so proud <3
He's unfazed as he watches the noblewoman shriek and shudder as wine soaks her ornate hair and dress, sputtering and glaring around, hopeful to see the royal family act upon this disgraceful behaviour. (Rhaenyra is pointedly staring at the woman in anger, and Daemon is calmly sipping his wine).
Rhaenyra would probably go after you to comfort you, as Daemon attends to the rude guest who insulted his daughter. Now unlike Daemon, who would've forbidden you going out alone, Rhaenyra is sympathetic. She knows what it's like feeling suffocated, and atop she's feeling a little deflated for overwhelming you. She just wanted everyone to know how adored you are.
Before you can attempt to plead for her to let you leave, she helps clasp your dress up and fix your hair. Speaking softly over your shoulder to not stay out too late, and to take caution with straying too far, all with a softened and anxious smile. Her hands grasp at your arms and stray there for a lingering moment, like she's fighting herself to not let you go- but she does, eventually.
Cannibal is more than happy when he spots you approaching, awakening him from his slumber as you call his name. He lumbers over and lets you clamber on, taking to the skies and the stars, and wherever you see fit for some quiet time. (Cannibal loves quiet time).
Your siblings would be anxious once your mother discreetly announces that you've left, Jace especially is eager to follow and make sure you're under his watchful eye- but his mother forbids him with a single hard look and sympathetic squeeze upon his bicep. As if to tell him to stay put. You'll be back, and much more content.
Daemon and Alicent are the most reactive when you arrive.
Alicent is pale and shaken, smoothing over your wind tussled hair and searching for any injuries or wounds, like a worrisome hen over her chick. Don't do that again, she'll stress, breathing in relief once you're back in the castle safe and in one piece. You may trust your dragon, but she does not. The whole time you were gone she couldn't help but configure all the horrible things that could happen to you out there alone on that monster of a dragon. What if you fell? Into the ocean to drown, or pummeled towards the ground like a stone? She hates that you ride without a saddle on that wild beast. She'll want to see you to bed herself, just to make sure you're alright.
Daemon is... Disappointed. A concerned and stern dad who's just caught his daughter sneaking back into the house at 3am after partying, basically lol
You could have very well found peace in your room. Where you could be kept under watch and protection. Not lumbering off on that old wild dragon of yours. Who's to say you won't try to make a run for it? Then he'll have to go through the hassle of getting you back. It's unlikely he'll sleep at all until you get back, even if you attempt to slither back into the castle at 3-4 in the morning, you'll find waiting by the entrance with crossed arms and a firm look on his face. He may scold you, his voice even and calm and his gaze cold and calculated, but he was worried.
Rhaenyra had to talk him down from trying to follow after you with Caraxes. He would not stop pacing for hours until your return.
As you casually walk back to your room, fixing your wind tussled hair and jewellery, you'll probably get followed back by Jace and Luke (Jace is scolding you whilst Luke tries to hug you)
Whilst Rhaenyra and Alicent trail behind. Both eager to see you to bed, tolerating one another's presence for just a little longer. (The tension would be crazy)
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hottpinkpenguin · 1 year
AAAAAH I JUST FOUND YOU AND I LOVE YOUR WORK 🫶🤍 please release more smut 🙈 HAHAHAHAH more nikolai lantsov too please 🥰🥵
can you do a smut with "This won't hurt." "Like hell it won't." HAHAHAHAHAHHA nikolai lantso x reader 🙈
thank youuuu 😘🫶🤍
Hurt Me - Nikolai Lantsov X Fem!Reader
18+ only!!! MINORS DNI
A/N: apparently the cure for the terrible writer's block I've had is absolute filthy smut! who knew?! thanks anon for this request, and i'm sorry it took me so long to get to it! i'm finally back y'all!!!!!!!!! Word Count: 3,658 Warnings: unprotected sex; anal sex; oral sex mutual; praise kink; fingering; no lube (don't do that); sprinkles of Dom/Sub vibes but super minor
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“Doesn’t everyone love a little pain with their pleasure?”
Nikolai threw the covers off his body, rolling over with an exasperated sigh in the stifling darkness of his bedchamber. Ever since he’d heard you say those words over one too many glasses of kvas last week, he couldn’t think of anything else. Let alone sleep. Each time he dreamt, his mind tormented him with fantasies that left him sweating, restless, and hard. 
That was his predicament now. The dream he’d just woken from was receding from his consciousness as his mind fully surfaced out of sleep. Part of him welcomed the reprieve from his insatiable lust, but part of him lamented the loss of what had felt so real. He grabbed at the fading flickers of his dream: the sound of your breathing as it quickened, the feeling of your soft skin under his palms, the sight of you straddling his lap, your hips driving down onto his hard cock, chasing your high and pulling him closer to his own… 
“God damn it.” He sat up in bed, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. A faint sheen of sweat danced across his shirtless torso. His dick was hardening the more he clung to the sensations of his dreams. He stood from the bed, frustrated in all the wrong ways, and strode over to the double doors that opened onto the private balcony overlooking the Grand Palace’s summer garden. It was a warm, humid night; a sheer curtain of clouds obscured the stars and cast a hazy ring around the moon. A gentle breeze blew the sweet scent of night jasmine into the bedchamber, cooling the sweat on his chest. Nikolai tried to still his breathing, forcing his mind away from reminiscing about you and onto less gratifying topics. 
His efforts paid off for a few moments, his mind momentarily landing on unrelated nonsense like the guest list for his family’s upcoming ball and the names of long-disputed Ravkan territories. But, inevitably, Nikolai’s mind fell idle and turned back to you. At least he wasn’t hard now, but the dying embers of his desire wouldn’t require much encouragement to reignite. 
Never going to happen, he chided himself sternly, swatting away images of your sensual face. These images were true memories - not the conjurings of his sleeping psyche. You were his brother’s betrothed, after all. Even if it was an arranged marriage, Nikolai shuddered to contemplate the implications of seeing his desires through. Most of all, the implications for you, if the secret was ever discovered… 
She’s not happy with the match though. Surely, something could be arranged. 
Nikolai’s hopeful side - or maybe it was just his sexually frustrated side? - tossed back poorly thought-out rebuttals to the arguments of logic and propriety. Before long, he was lost in thought, his brows furrowed and his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe to his balcony. The two sides of him warred with each other, all while a simmering passion threatened to boil over once again.
He was so distracted by his own thoughts that he missed the first knock on his door. The second one was louder, more insistent. He startled, an irrational guilt overcoming him as he wondered for a split second if he’d awoken someone, maybe by calling out your name in his sleep or some similarly mortifying mishap. Shaking that thought from his head, he made his way over to the door that led into the hallway from his chamber. He opened the door a crack, surprised that anyone else would be awake at this late hour. 
The sight of your eyes, wide and pleading, shimmering in the darkness of the hallway ignited the need that had thrown him out of his dreams. His mouth went dry as he stumbled over his tongue. 
“What are you doing?” he whispered urgently through the cracked doorway. You cast a nervous glance down the darkened hallway before leaning close, so close Nikolai could smell the hint of bergamot and orange peel from your shampoo. 
“Please, can I come in?” Your voice was low and rough, like it had been dragged over gravel. Nikolai felt his cock twitch appreciatively. He grit his teeth as he contemplated for the briefest moment whether to acquiesce or not. You were here - right here - and there was something in the rise and fall of your chest that told him why you had come to his chamber in the dead of night. His dream was so close he could literally smell it. 
Vasily will have her killed if you do this. 
The thought came from a small and quickly shrinking part of his mind, but it sent ice through his veins. Nikolai knew it was true. If Vasily found out that Nikolai had a midnight rendezvous with his bride-to-be, even if the meeting went no further than conversation, Vasily’s preening arrogance at securing your hand in marriage would turn murderous in an instant. That rage wouldn’t land on his younger brother, but on you. 
“Y/n, you shouldn’t be h-”
“I know, Niko. But please… I need you.”
Your eyes swallowed Nikolai’s arguments, and before he had the conscious thought to do so, he stepped aside and swung the door open to allow you through.
You entered with a serene confidence that stunned Nikolai. Before the door had quietly latched back into place, you had connected your lips with his. A husky groan of relief clawed its way out of your throat at the contact, and Nikolai felt the last paper-thin wall of resistance snap. He grabbed at you, his hands ripping through the lace-trimmed silk of your nightgown with ease to expose your back and shoulders to him. 
“We really shouldn’t,” he argued pointlessly between gasping breaths as the two of you explored each others’ mouths. You shushed him by twining your hands in his hair and thrusting your tongue past his lips. Both of you knew this was a horrendous, dangerous, and potentially damning decision, but the chance for turning back had passed you both by long ago. This had become inevitable between the two of you long before tonight, Nikolai realized as he latched his mouth onto the soft skin at the base of your neck, grabbing a fistful of your hair and gently pulling your head back to expose your jawline and the moon-drenched top of your breasts to him.
Nikolai felt his cock stiffen against the warmth of you, your hips grinding down against the top of his leg. Your hands were all over him, nails grazing over his exposed chest, up over his shoulders and down the planes of his shoulder blades. He felt drunk, surrounded by you as he let his greedy mouth dive down to your breasts. He pulled the half-tattered gown down, letting it glide over your ass to the floor like water. Your breasts were full, nipples hard against the night air. He grabbed one, kneading the sensitive bud between his fingers as his mouth latched to the other. You gasped, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him down onto you as your body rose into his mouth. He heard you moan his name, the sound even sweeter than the pale approximation he’d managed to conjure in his dreams. He watched as one of your hands shifted from his skin to yours, trailing down the front of your stomach until it buried itself between your legs. Your pace quickened as the combination of his mouth and hands on your breasts complimented the arousal you offered yourself with your fingers. Nikolai could smell your sex as you continued to touch yourself, melting further into passion with each passing moment. 
“The bed,” he commanded, pushing you rougher than needed towards the disarray of sheets and pillows where he slept. You obeyed, your eyes sparkling at the note of control that tinted his words. Doesn’t everyone like a little pain with their pleasure? Your words flooded back to him, suddenly giving him an idea. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice a breathless growl. You didn’t hesitate, nodding as you sank down onto the bed and began working on the lacings of his trousers. Nikolai let you undress him fully, his dick springing free of his pants eagerly. He watched with undiluted need as you licked a long stripe from the base of his cock to the head, moaning slightly as you took his length into your mouth.
“Fuck, that’s good.” He threw his head back, his hands coming to the back of your head, coaxing you lower onto his member. The sensation of your lips wrapping around his shaft, your tongue dancing on the sensitive head, and your hands confidently pressing on a spot directly behind his balls made him see stars. You began to work your mouth up and down on his cock, bottoming out at the back of your throat each time. Nikolai’s heart shuddered in his chest, the muscles of his back and buttocks squeezing as he found himself shockingly close to orgasm far too soon for his liking. 
Using what very little composure he had left, he pulled your head off of him. You pouted up at him, the glint of frustration in your eye told him that you knew exactly how close you’d had him to losing control and that you liked it.
“I need you inside me.” Nikolai shivered at your words, mesmerized as you leaned back on the bed, exposing yourself to him invitingly. Your pussy was swollen and glistening with wetness. Normally, Nikolai would have driven himself inside you right then and there, risking a premature end to the passion for the bliss of feeling his cock totally surrounded by you. But, if Nikolai’s plan for mixing pain with pleasure was going to come to fruition, he needed you wetter and he needed himself further from climax.
He joined you on the bed, kneeling in between your legs and guiding your thighs onto his shoulders. You propped your head up on a mountain of pillows, excitement all over your face as you registered what was to come. You wanted a view, and he was more than happy to oblige.
He closed his mouth over your pussy, his tongue lapping at the juice. You gasped, arching your back and writhing on the soft sheets. 
“Nikolai, my God, that’s good.” Your praise egged him on, and he let his lips quickly find their way to your clit. Gently, he danced his tongue over it in a figure-eight pattern, alternating in a few flicks and sucks. The sounds that spilled out of you were quickly becoming less coherent, your body beginning to tighten, legs trembling ever so slightly. Nikolai pressed his hands against the back of your ass, bending your legs towards your breast and giving him a better angle before diving back into your pussy. He let his movements become less calculated, his tongue and lips slapping and slurping against you. You cried out, quickly stifling yourself with a hand over your mouth. He glanced up at you, your eyes falling closed under heavy lids. You were close to breaking loose, your pussy beginning to clench and your body quivering like a leaf in a strong breeze. Nikolai let one of your legs go, penetrating you with two quick fingers. His mouth returned to focus on your clit while his fingers began to stroke quickly and forcefully at the throbbing walls of your vagina. 
“My god, Nikolai, I’m gonna cum!” You were trying to quiet yourself, but pleasure had warped the edges of your perception and dulled your care for caution. Your words felt like a vice around Nikolai’s own pleasure. He ground his lips down onto your clit as you began to mewl and quake under him, his fingers drenching in the evidence of your pleasure as your sex contracted on them. He lapped and thrust you through your orgasm, watching as your face contorted in pure bliss, your breasts heaving and your thighs shaking. Nikolai forced himself to commit the vision and the taste of your pleasure to memory. He guided you down the other side of your orgasm, and when you finally sat up to look down at him, cheeks flushed and forehead beaded with sweat, Nikolai let himself up from between your legs. 
“You’re going to ruin me for other men, you know,” you told him breathlessly. “I’ll never have enough of you.” Nikolai’s pride roared at the praise, his heart pounding on the inside of his ribs. 
“Flip over.” Although it was a command, Nikolai knew you heard the promise in his words: there’s more to come. You obliged, rolling onto your belly as you picked your hips off of the sheets. You looked back at him, a mix of curiosity and impatience as Nikolai spat into his hand. 
“We can’t risk it,” he explained as he stroked his spit over his stiff cock. “I won’t risk anything happening to you if Vasily finds out.” For a brief moment, your expression turned serious. You understood what Nikolai was referring to. Your wedding to Vasily was still months away - plenty of time to begin showing if, Saints forbid, this led to a pregnancy. Neither of you could risk that, but especially not you. 
You’d never done what Nikolai was suggesting before, and although you’d always been curious, you felt a prick of anxiety. Something in your eyes must have betrayed your fear, because Nikolai stretched forward, hovering his body over you as he balanced on strong forearms. He kissed you, this kiss less fiery than the ones you’d shared earlier at the doorway. It had a note of softness to it, reassurance. 
“Only if you want to,” he murmured against your lips. The warmth of his body around you, the sound of his calm voice twining around your ears, melted away the nervous energy. 
“I want to,” you replied softly, lips reconnecting with his. He reared back, coming up to kneel on his knees. He grabbed your hips and raised them until they were level with his own. His cock waited expectantly, slick with his own spit and girthy.
“This won’t hurt,” he offered in what you knew was meant to be reassuring. 
You looked back at him with a sly smirk. “Like hell it won’t,” you shot back. You felt Nikolai line himself up with your ass, pressing gently at your entrance. The sensation was different, the tightness much more than what you’d expected. You felt him hesitate - you knew he was waiting for a sign from you, for you to lead him. 
You pressed your hips backward slowly. He steadied his slick cock in his hands, and you watched as he bit his own lip, staring down at the sight of you accepting his length. 
You gasped as you felt the full pressure of his head enter your body, stretching you in a blinding spasm. He stilled, looking up at you questioningly. The sight of him - chest heaving with exertion but his attention wholly devoted to you, letting you take control - relaxed you. You felt the muscles squeezing his dick release. In a moment of impulse, you drove your hips back with a hard jerk until his cock was completely sheathed in your ass. It was incredible, a mix of pain and bliss you’d never felt before. Your pussy twitched appreciatively, and you felt the beginnings of another climax begin to bubble in your core.
“We all love pain and pleasure, Nikolai,” you told him as his mouth fell open into a wide O, his eyes rolling back in his head at the sensation. “Take it.”
His eyes snapped to you, and you nodded, confirming that you’d just given him the permission to let loose. His hands gripped onto your hip bones as he slid himself backwards, his dick almost completely springing free before he buried himself inside you once again. Over and over he thrusted, in and out, his movements hard but controlled. The sound of slapping skin filled the room. You felt him bend forward, one hand finding its way to your clit. He continued to pound into you, the new sensation exciting and gratifying. When he began to dance his fingertips around your pink bud in small, controlled circles, you felt the edge of bliss roar up to meet you. 
You reached backwards, steadying yourself up on all fours with one hand as the other grabbed at the back of his thigh. You met his own forward thrusts with a backward hitch of your own. Nikolai gasped, his free hand digging into the flesh on your hip. 
“I’ve dreamt of you for so long,” he muttered, his words halting as he continued to pound you from behind. His movements were getting less controlled, and your attention was wavering as your orgasm began to overtake your awareness. You felt yourself slacken slightly under him. The hand he’d devoted to your clit retreated, finding its way back to your hip for better leverage. You replaced his fingers with your own, moaning his name in encouragement. 
“I’m close, baby,” he replied gruffly. His pace quickened until his thrusts knocked the air from your lungs, your knees practically levitating off the bed as he took you with the roughness his own orgasm needed.
You fell apart against him as he slammed into you, over and over again. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, your entire body convulsing with a new pleasure. Your fingers coaxed your clit to its fever pitch. You let yourself slacken slightly as Nikolai’s hips drove into you one last time. He reached down and pulled you up until you were flush against him, your back against his warm torso. He buried his face in your hair as you felt his cock release inside you, your name sighing in and out of his mouth with each breath. The two of you plummeted together into bliss, each of you lost to the moment. Only the heat between your bodies and the feel of his strong arms wrapped across your chest tethered your mind to the ground. The rest of you floated on a torrent of blossoming bliss. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that, tangled together like vines. It was long enough that you felt him begin to soften inside you. Bodily needs forced the two of you to come down from the clouds. He withdrew from you gently, cooing soft praise into your ear as he kissed your neck. 
“You were so good for me,” he whispered. The sound sent shivers up and down your spine. You twisted around to kiss him, your lips finding his easily. He was trembling somewhat, overstimulated. You smiled against his lips, a hand tracing the hard edge of his jaw. 
“Get me a towel?” you asked. Nikolai’s eyes opened, and he nodded eagerly. His commanding demeanor evaporated, replaced by an assiduous lover. He clumsily shuffled off the bed, dragging his trousers on haphazardly as he hurried over the wash basin in the corner of his chamber. He doused two cloths in the water, warmed from the underside by still-glowing embers from the now cold fireplace, and returned to you. He offered you one which you used to clean yourself, while the other he gently wiped across your brow and down your neck. He lifted the hair from your neck, dabbing at the base of your skull and along your collarbones. You’d broken into a sweat from the night’s exertions, but it was quickly cooling on your skin as you felt your body sliding towards what promised to be a deep sleep. The warmth from the washcloth felt divine against your skin. You groaned appreciatively as Nikolai ran the cloth down the length of your arms before moving on to your breasts. You let him continue to attend to you as you sank into his bed. 
You wondered if he’d argue with you spending the night. It wasn’t the wise decision by any means, and it only increased the risk of Vasily finding out. You still had many hours before the palace servants would begin their morning rounds of stoking fires and heating tub water. They would be the first to discover you missing your own chamber and displaced in Nikolai’s bed. You trusted your own hand servants to keep the secret, but knew nothing of Nikolai’s personal staff. 
But, much to your contentment, he offered no rebuttal. Instead, he wiped you down with tender attentiveness and pulled the warm blankets over your naked body. You heard him wring out the washcloths into the basin. A few moments later, he slid into bed next to you. You turned your back to him and he molded against your body, an arm weaving around your side to hold you close. When he stilled behind you, you could feel the whisper of his breath tickling your ear and the reassuring beat of his heart against your back. 
“You’re not the only one who’s ruined, you know.” His voice was so quiet it almost didn’t pull you up from the fog of sleep. He planted a soft kiss just beneath your earlobe. You squirmed deeper into his embrace, a smile playing across your lips. 
“I’m afraid, my prince,” you replied after a few moments, “that this will indeed hurt.” 
Both of you knew that you were speaking to the kind of hurt that stays with you, a hurt that bruises your heart and bends your life under its weight. But neither of you were willing to forgo the pleasure you’d found tonight. You were in too deep now, and the future would have to take care of itself. 
“That’s alright, love. We all like a little pain with our pleasure.” 
You giggled at Nikolai’s quip, snuggling against him once more. For the first time since meeting, you each found an uninterrupted, dreamless sleep…
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n0t0lucky · 16 days
¤ Goatman / Jeffrey Bonavita ¤
~~General Headcanons~~
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my first time doing something like that._. /im thirsty for past month in case of his content, art is not enough!!
》he loved working at Hawthorne Exotic Zoo from the stars, eaven before that for sure found stray dog and/or cat as his friends.
》At the beginning of that 'job' had issues with bigger animals during feeding time. Being cornered with a bucket of fish by few bears or tiped over by lions to take steaks just to fight for it among themselves.
》Huge, maybe not super tall, but he's visibly hunged, due to his problem with knook-knee and added weight of big horns, and space in the cage.
》 strong enough to lift a bear or two, did so in the past for sure.
》always wanted to go see the circus, but was threatened by Mr.G that they'll hurt him.
》when he was a bit older, would sneek out at night when Mr.Gardener was asleep, to see the performance at the Hullabaloo Circus.
》he has a dairy with each animal that was in the zoo, theyr own names, preferences, dislikes, specific way of acting and markings to ease recognision, probably gave it few times to his boss, who didn't had much use for it in the end ,and gave role of Beast Tamer to Jeffrey.
》i belive he likes to draw animals, so the notebook had to include some tiny sketchof of them.
》with time, as he helped around the zoo, he grew closer to animals than his caretaker, with resulted in seeing them as his real family and he was the one who needs to take care of them, He was just giveing them a place to be.
》 didn't had much experience with humans, observation was all he did, untill the "meet and great" era, where he lead guests to interact with animals under his guide, teaching mostly younger kids, how to imitate sounds and comunicate with sayd species.
》taught monkey capuchins and lemurs to fetch stuff for him, at the start it would be something simple like a pen, dairy, bag of snack; that would be handet half empty for some reason and keys.
》personally striked Mr.Gardener to dust, for everything he did to him and his 'family'
》Jeffrey is.. people say he's horrendous. But he wasnt always this way. was treated as one of the animals after longer period if being against Mr.Gardener's plans for the Zoo
》He loses control over himself at violet moon (werewolf stye would say). It is rare situation, once in two years, with could be reason of him being chained in the cage durning blue moons phases.
》durning that time, most shows woud be canceled, due too incressed agresion of all animals, including him. Zoned out, acting agresive toward his boss, resulting in being caged together with bigger critters.
》schackles on his wrist, head and ankle are a reminder of what happened, he lost his only family, yet it was a prison. Now, everyone from there is free.. expect him stuck at the mannor now.
》Jeffrey has PTSD, due to everything that happened, he's scared of closed off spaces. pretty ironic looking at his skills, but it triggers "fight or flight" in him. He once again trapped in a cage, having that boiling felling inside.. he needs to strike harder to get freed
》feeds local critters together with Bane at daily basics.
》definitely bff with Morro, both being keept in closure in the past, and haveing animal friends.
》befrends anyone in the manor who likes animals, no matter if they are hunter or survivor. He enjoys sharing his hobby with others.
》for sure has some Cat Lovers club activities on hunters side with Ann and Alva.
》never saw sooo huge Lizard, woud mistake Luchino at first for a comodo dragon in human clothes, will get stared at in disgust. but later happily will listen about all kinds of reptiles from both Professors and Reptilian and would share some of his experiences with haired animals at the zoo, to them.
》when he sees cat's scattered around the map during a match, Jeffrey's sure to give every single one a scratch if he sees one. Durnign chase, after downing survs, woud turn back to spot he saw one and pet it, then later chair his pray.
》Man plays on pan's flute, surely likes to do so in mannors garden, if noticed may apologize for disturbing who found him and move to different spot, he was main performer in Hawthorne Zoo, it is not stage fright.
》 if it's Antonio who noticed him, he will complement the melody and tr to recreate it on his violin. Ifit'ss Frederick.. he's definitely going to call out how bad the notes sound, and he would do it better, making Jeff simply stare at him coldly and walk away without a word. Until the next match..
》if you ask him to stay, he'll asks you if ther are any requests for him to play on the instrument.
~Jeffrey simps ¤ Including Reader~
》 sometimes when you call him, instead of 'what is it?' or 'yes?' You get 'baah' or 'rawr' in responce. Embarrassed about it a bit, not letting you notice, but his ears turn slightly red and start to twitch.
》 not used to physical tough from a human.. but after some time he would not let you go. Could say he's a big cat, with horns ofcorse! you are traped in his grip, until he says so.
》 he has horns as we know, so prepare for some headbutts. Rare but not non-existing urge to smack something with his horns, may be reason he's hiting them with his hand so offten.
》seeing him without the uniform? Oh boy, hes covered in scars on his back. He doesn't like them, but you say they are beautiful and show how much he went through. Bonus: if you try to trace them, he shiverss slightly.
》 instead of kisses would simply rub noses together or his face against yours.
》loves going on night walks with you watching stars, listening to nature surrounding you both, that's what he always wished for; freedom.
If no one got my people, i got them! can we get an amen?
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