#honoria fell
mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
The way they pronounce Honoria in TVD <<< the way they pronounce Honoria in Julia Quinn novels
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princess-ibri · 10 months
Care to share some of your headcanons about The Southern Isles and its royal family?
So I go off Elizabeth Rudnick's "Frozen Heart" book for the most part, so yeah Han's whole family is kinda aweful, makes sense why he'd turn out that way :/
For his family, his father is King Gudbrand, and his mother is Queen Honoria (her younger sister Constantina is the mother of Prince Charming in Cinderella)
Here's what I had in my notes for his brothers and their families, names that are bolded come from the book
Caleb--Crown Prince of Southern Isles and heir to the throne, married to Princess Irina of Westberg, they have two daughters and a son
Peder-King Consort of Ingvarr, two daughters
Lars--Prince Consort of Westerberg, Daughter is Princess Cassandra
Ruddi/Runo-- Twins. Married at one point to duchesses but Outlaws now (yes they're the Stabbington Brothers, don't @ me it works and it's funny)
Elias--King Consort of Norberg, wife Queen Abigal and daughter princess Chloe
Mateo, Mikkel and Marius--Triplets. All married to minor nobility of various kingdoms, 2 boys and a girl between them
Theodor--married no children
Esben married no children
Hans was a suprise baby (and an unwanted one at that 💔 )
Yeah basically his family supplies grooms to half the kingdoms in the Everrealm xD
The Southern Isles was originally people by a banished group from one of the Northern kingdoms, back in the Everrealm's viking days, after they fell out of favor with the current king.
Their leader originally owned a fiefdom in the west of the country, hence his surname "Vestergaard" which became "Westergaard" over the years.
The power of the Southern Isles used to be a bigger deal in the old more warlike/sea faring days, both for their navy and as a needful port/place of defense. But as times and technology changed they've fallen by the wayside, and have tried to retain their failing power through alliances, but the king is very bitter about his sons all being Consorts only and not kings by right. Heck of a guy :p
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 month
Full Episode Commentary
2x15: The Dinner Party
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"With the dying embers of the fire at Fell's Church, the scourge of the vampires had passed. And though war raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night... Or so we thought. For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths had begat new monsters."
They open with Elena reading Johnathon Gilbert's journal. He wrote about the 27 vampires they led to Fell's Church with the plan to burn them, and how they didn't expect new vampires. He's referring to the Salvatore brothers. It's through current timeline that you can see the truth of Damon in 1864. Katherine shifts to Elena.
All of their flashbacks in this episode would've taken place soon after Stefan fed on his father and forced Damon to turn. The Dinner Party literally opens with a flashback of Johnathon Gilbert with his family at the dinner table. "I saw the vampire who killed me. I recognized him. It was Stefan Salvatore." Johnathon's line is every bit Elijah and Damon. "I killed you. You were dead." Johnathon survived because of his Gilbert ring. Elijah survived because he's an Original. Stefan ate three people in this single shot: Johnathon, Thomas, and Honoria.
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It's because of Johnathon's Gilbert ring that Elena is able to read the truth about Stefan. Even though Elena is adopted, she's still a Gilbert. Her adoptive father was her blood uncle. Johnathon Gilbert was her blood. While Elena reads this journal, Stefan is out skipping stones in the lake. So much for a romantic getaway lol. I suppose Stefan is still pissed that Elena plans to self-sacrifice. The more this episode moves along, the more I laugh about it.
Damon contacts Stefan to tell him about his plan to kill Elijah. This is where things get interesting because Damon isn't stupid. He plans to visit Katherine to make sure the dagger works because the silver didn't work on Mason and the regular stake didn't work on Elijah. That's basically what the tail end of their conversation is about -making sure the dagger works on Elijah because Damon put himself at risk with both Mason and Elijah. "Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us." The perfect line for their series finale.
"Men are very territorial." This is true for both the Salvatores. Elijah and Jenna are having a historical conversation. You'll understand the position Bonnie's in when they get to 8x16 just by listening to Elijah and Jenna. The Bennetts are the true founding family of Mystic Falls. Nothing like patriarchs. Can't have women in power, no siree. They burned 100 witches in Mystic Falls and dubbed themselves the founders. Elijah is trying to find out where the 100 witches burned, and he's trying to find it without anyone finding out why he wants to find it. Unfortunately for him, Damon is the only one who knows of its location. While Stefan has his extras like Johnathon Gilbert, Damon has his extras... like Emily. He knows where she burned because she's the one who told him Katherine survived. They had a deal.
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I would place Emily's death somewhere after Damon's final flashback in 1x20 and before his first flashback in 2x15. I base this on Damon's comments in 1x20 and Katherine's comments in 2x16. Because Katherine faked her death, she must've put a death trigger in place for Emily. Something similar to John's threat to Damon in 1x18, only Katherine actually carried it out. Like John, Elijah isn't ignorant to the fact that Alaric is Damon's buddy and Jenna is blind to the existence of supernatural. "You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up." lol… Elijah is fun. I view him like I view Damon. They're everything I'd expect a vampire to be.
Poor Jeremy. He was hoping Bonnie thought about him as much as he thought about her. She starts talking about a spell rather than their kiss. These two witches are the entire reason they dagger Elijah just to have Elena turn around and pull the dagger out. It's absurd to me that Elena can trust Elijah's two witches to protect all of her loved ones, but she can't trust Damon and Bonnie. You'll hear me complain about this more when I re-watch Bonnie's fake death. At any rate, Luka knows Bonnie did something to him, and he's demanding to know what she did. Jeremy is insanely protective of Bonnie, so yeah... his feelings run deep.
The problem isn't so much their plans. It's their constant failure to follow through. If you're gonna dagger Elijah, keep the dagger in. If Matt plans to take Elena out of town in 3x22, best he keep driving. Altering plans midway is a good way to screw yourself. That's why Alaric daggers Elijah. He knows it's necessary to protect Elena.
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Dear Elena, here's your sign. If you can't handle reading about Stefan, you won't be able to handle dating him. Stefan and Elena are the only two at the lake house, yet Stefan startles her when he walks in.
Elena: Are you still mad? Stefan: Yeah, I'm still mad.
This moment sounds a lot like 4x2 lol
Elena: He describes you as a monster. Stefan: That's what I was. I want you to know the truth, but I want you to hear it from me.
This is where I take issue with Stefan continuing to blind Elena. He speaks as if he's no longer a vampire, as if he's no longer a monster. It's also another instance in which Stefan only gives Elena the truth because Elena had already discovered that truth for herself. He should've told Elena this story when he was painting Damon a monster back in 1x13. Instead, he basically painted Damon as the only monster in 1x13.
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"I want you to know the truth. But I want you to hear it from me." This is Stefan's way of saying his side is the only side that matters. That's why Damon twice told Elena that she doesn't have the full story. If Stefan wanted her to know the truth, she would've already known it, and she'd know the whole of it. This isn't about Stefan wanting her to know the truth, it's about Stefan cleaning up his lying mess.
They pull flashbacks to 1864 because they're gonna show how Lexi came into Stefan's life. I can already say with certainty that Elena is only getting what Stefan gives her, so she's not getting the full detail. That's why Elena should've continued reading Johnathon's journal. Better she get the whole story rather than Stefan's half story bullshit.
Stefan: I took it to the darkest place I could. Elena: I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. I can handle it.
This shows in Stefan's own wording, as Elena assumes in 3x3 that she already saw Stefan in his darkest periods.
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Damon: We have to be more careful than this. More clever. Like Katherine was. Stefan: Look where that got her.
Damon can't stay with Stefan when he talks of Katherine this way. More so in the fact that Stefan is the entire reason she was caught. Katherine is Damon's hot button. They already made this clear with Mr. Tanner in 1x3. She's the very reason he leaves Stefan with Lexi in 1864. I'd so much as say Katherine is likely why Damon left Lexi on the rooftop in 1977. From his pov, Katherine isn't dead, she's trapped in a tomb for 145 years. The difference is the emotion he'd feel while Lexi is using Katherine to flip his humanity switch. Neither Stefan or Lexi were intelligent enough to realize the truth. Had Katherine actually died, Damon would've already moved on. He's torturing them because they're dropping Katherine's name in ignorance.
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This is a parallel they've buried in 2x15. It's the whole of 3x5, straight down to Damon offering to compel Elena. It's what happens when the truth sounds like a lie. Yes, that's how blind Stefan has Elena in the first two seasons. THIS is why Stelena is over in season 3. Elena doesn't just fall for Damon. She un-falls for Stefan.
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Damon: You sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous? Andie: Kinda do.
Elijah and Damon both pick up on Alaric's jealousy. Well, Damon knows jealousy when he hears it… because of Stefan lol. "Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas." I love it when Damon compliments Andie. He's gonna turn her dinner party into a killing party. He heads on over to see Katherine because he doesn't wanna dagger Elijah and find out it doesn't work. That would be the quickest way for him to get killed. I mean… he already tried to kill him with a coat rack and failed lol. He did the same with Mason, tried to kill him with a silver knife and failed. This scene of Damon and Katherine is every bit what it would've looked like had Katherine been in the tomb for 145 years. Damon feeding her human blood to get her going.
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"I've come bearing gifts. I didn't have time to properly shop, but I did get a couple of things." I consider Damon a fashion savant, so I guarantee he picked out something Katherine would actually wear. "Wow, that blood did the trick. You're almost pretty again." Damon is hilarious in this scene. Unfortunately for him, Katherine is about to manipulate his ass. "Guess who's back in town? Your old friend, John Gilbert." Damon is easy to manipulate, it's just a matter of knowing his buttons. Katherine does. This scene is written opposite Delena's scene at Isobel's office. The best way to get Damon to do what you want… tell him what he's not gonna do, what he shouldn't do, or what you don't want him to do. Rebels enjoy breaking the rules. Because Katherine wants Damon to dagger Elijah, she's gonna tell him not to dagger Elijah. This manipulation is only gonna add to what Damon already knows. So when he uses Katherine to insult Elena in 2x3, yeah… this is gonna make him hate Katherine all the more. Whether Damon daggered Elijah or he had a human like Alaric dagger Elijah didn't matter, Katherine still would've gotten out of the tomb. She had no reason not to tell him. Either Katherine doesn't believe Damon is capable of human friendship, or she truly wants him to die. "And you don't have any friends. So, no more lying." Perhaps Alaric's comment in this episode explains Katherine's reason for not telling Damon about the dagger. Perhaps Katherine sees Damon as she sees herself. The woman sent 26 of her friends to burn at Fell's Church for the sake of faking her death because they weren't her friends, so Alaric's comment about Damon fits in with Katherine. I could totally see this being the reason she wouldn't tell Damon the dagger would kill him if he used it. She thinks he has no human friends to do it for him. Either way, she pretends that she had no idea John is back in town. This is part of her lie.
Damon: Well, thank you... you've told me everything I need to know. Katherine: I've told you nothing.
Damon should've taken Katherine at her word. She's telling the truth, which is the manipulation. It's what happens when the truth sounds like a lie. With the 27 vampires that were led to Fell's Church, it's easy to forget that the Battle of Willow Creek wasn't just about vampires. There was an actual war going on. Stefan tells Elena that's why he was never caught. War gave him an endless blood supply, so he didn't really have to hide his kills. It's because vampires can't sense other vampires that Stefan assumes Lexi is human. Elijah actually had to smell Elena to know that she's human. I don't hate Lexi, but I do consider her overrated. Damon is protective of Elena because he's in love with her and because she's the voice of his humanity. If Elena is going to die in the ritual, then Damon might as well die along with her. I feel that's the entire point of Elena dying, then Damon nearly dying. Damon knows exactly what he is without Elena. Probably best to imagine where Stefan would be had he never met Lexi. That's what they're doing to Damon while trying to sacrifice Elena in this ritual.
Stefan: Talking about her brings up things that I'd rather forget. Elena: Like Damon killing her?
The reason they're now trying to kill Elena. The difference between Stefan and Lexi and Damon and Elena is 145 years. Stefan always had Lexi. "Trust is the key to any relationship. I mean, I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything." This is at the top of my list of reasons to love Delena. It wouldn't take Damon an entire season to tell Elena that he killed Johnathon Gilbert. He would've told her in 1x13. Damon is more likely to hide his good qualities. That's why it takes him more than a season to tell Elena about the dream he gave to Rose in 2x12. While Andie talks to Jenna about Damon telling her everything, it's probably a good idea to remember that he told her he kills people and he likes it. Similar to Caroline's confession to Alaric in season 3 lol.
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"There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed awesome ones." It's best to keep this line in mind with every plan they have. Everyone needs to be on the same page, that's why awesome ideas are poorly executed. Elena's awesome idea to self-sacrifice will be poorly executed because Damon isn't on the same page with the rest of them. "Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way. Okay?" lol… Damon is still lying to Alaric. He's like Katherine in this episode. He fully believes they're all safe because he went and spoke with Katherine about the dagger.
I love this scene with Andie. Damon is grabbing the dagger out of the box and dipping it in ash. It feels just like Mason all over again, only it's Elijah. John shows up to this dinner party. "When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games." That's honesty for you. He's there to see two vampires die in one shot. An exciting moment for him, that's how much he hates vampires. "You did like it, right?" lol... I hate the Jeremy and Bonnie ship, but Jeremy is adorable af. He wants to know if Bonnie enjoyed their kiss. "Because, you know... although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah isn't stupid, but he has yet to see just how capable of murder Damon is. He won't see it until the Salvatore fight.
Elijah: They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire.
Damon's like… thank you for telling me you wanna know where Emily died. Now why would you wanna know that? And he's so not gonna buy "historian curiosity" while Elijah has two witches in his corner lol. Damon has need to hold onto Emily's death location because it's what makes Bonnie their secret weapon. As I've said before, he's like Katherine in the fact that information is power. That's why he won't tell Stefan that he's the reason Elena fed him her blood in 2x5. That's why he won't so much as tell Stefan that he's the one who met Elena first. Damon holds onto as much as he can, and only uses it when he feels the desire to. Such is the case when he outs Stefan for sleeping with Rebekah in 4x12 lol. It's because of this, Damon is also the kind of person you need to know how to torture for information because you're not gonna take his power. That's why, even though he didn't have the moonstone, Damon wouldn't tell Jules that Elijah had it.
"Johnathan Gilbert got crazier and crazier. I guess that's what happens when you spend your life obsessed with vampires." This is coming from the mouth of a girl that's currently dating one while being blind to the reality of him lol. Stefan is still mad at Elena for planning to self-sacrifice and keeping that a secret from him. At the same time, he knows of Damon's plan to kill Elijah and he's keeping that a secret from her. It's now 2x15, and this couple is still lying to each other. How a couple that continuously lies to each other is considered epic is beyond me. I honestly hate how they split this dagger journal because they make Elena look like an idiot.
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Elena: It must be brandished by humans alone, for it will bring death to all demons who wield it. Stefan: John's trying to get Damon killed.
The dagger is similiar to the hunter's curse, but straight-up kills. This is John's second attempt on Damon's life. 'I think I've been very clear with you, Ric. I want my ring back." This is also the second time John mentioned expecting the ring back. I suppose it's the Gilbert of it all. Damon asks Elijah why he's looking for the witch burial ground. He won't know why until Jonas dies and hands Bonnie that information. Damon will only give up the location to the witch he trusts. And he won't just tell Bonnie where it is. He'll take her there. "It's a funny thing about books. Before they existed, people actually had memories." Elijah is referring to journals, and it's a good thing Elena was reading Johnathon's or Damon would be dead.
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lol… John has no idea why he's getting this look. At this point, Elena is the only person that can stop Damon from killing him because John just tried to kill him - again.
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This right here is John's death. Everything that was possible without hate. It's sorta like Elena with her necklace and Pearl with her Gilbert device. The dagger would've been the perfect apology, but John wanted a dead Original and a dead Damon because of his hatred for vampires. There are three relevant witch spells in season 2. One shows the truth of the other. The third reveals their direction for season 3. I'll pull that collage together when I get closer to Klaus' ritual.
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"Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle-slash-father? Of course, she hates him, so there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list."
lol... this entire scene is funny. I also laugh when Alaric daggers Elijah because no one expected it. Andie expected Damon to do it as he planned. John didn't know just how ballsy Alaric is. Damon does, but he didn't expect the favor. "What good is talking if you and Damon are just gonna lie to me?" I can't stop smh over just how ridiculous this question is. What good is talking about the future if you're just gonna lie to Stefan about having one? I hate the level of hyprocrisy with Stefan and Elena. It's too much. "Because once you can hurt, you can love. Love, Stefan. That's the point. Everything is intensified when you're a vampire. When we hurt, we really hurt. But when we love…" This part of Lexi's intro is relevant to Delena. It is Elena's life, but she acts like she has no brother, no friends, no boyfriend. I don't think she knows the full effect of suicide. If she did, she'd fight for them... her loved ones.
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What would've been possible if only Stefan could find it in himself to love vampires. Her eyes remind me of Elena the night she first met Damon. "Lexi showed me that there was another way. And from that day forward, I started fighting for it. For my own survival." Elena fights for like two episodes and returns to her plan to self-sacrifice. Stefan didn't do shit, he simply stalled her. She'd rather die for love than fight for it, which is every bit what she will do... for Damon.
Stefan: Needed a place to crash, so I brought her home with me. Stefan: My wife is out there waiting for me to come home to her.
I can see the series finale in this episode. The 145 years Stefan spent with Lexi becomes Damon's human life with Elena. What they do with Caroline and Lexi is nuts. That's where Stefan's truth shines the brighest. Like I said… what would've been possible if only Stefan could find it in himself to love vampires. That's why he ends up with Lexi in Peace.
"Hey, I am your friend, damn it. And you don't have any friends. So, no more lying." So, the problem with Damon and Alaric… Alaric is wanting to protect Jenna and Damon is wanting to protect Elena, and the two collide on the trust issue. What Alaric doesn't understand is that a plan to kill an Original requires a certain level of comfort. He's not just any vampire Damon can approach on the street and dagger. Jenna being there is partly why it works. A reason Klaus has two women at their dinner in season 3 lol. The women are meant to act as distractions. Otherwise it's a room full of testosterone. He lied to Alaric for the same reason Katherine lied to him. He wanted to get the job done. It takes a long time for him to build the kind of trust Alaric deserves, and equally, to get him to work as a team. He wanted to get the job done - and do it on his own. He prefers being the lone ranger.
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"And as long as the dagger stays in place, the Original, for all intents and purposes, is dead." This is where the writers made Elena look like an idiot. I know that she's not used to killing, but it's not common for people to leave their murder weapons in their victims lol... so yeah, she should've already told Stefan about this part. They basically made Elena look like an idiot for the sake of selling a reason for Jonas to take Bonnie's power. "If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." Elijah did warn them. He's now going after Elena.
Poor kids. Bonnie and Jeremy are having a romantic moment, and Jonas bursts in to take her power.
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We get this whole thing at the cabin similar to the coins with Slater and Rose and the tempered glass. Elijah will be tossing some rocks. "He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire just like Katherine did." I can't stop laughing at Elijah. I'm not sure whose plan this was, but it's hilarious to watch Elena threaten him while he thinks she's joking. First season, it was Damon threatening to turn Elena. Second season, Elena threatening to turn herself. Third season, Stefan threatening to turn Elena. See where this is going lol. Elena demands Elijah give her his word to build his desperation to heal her. The more desperate he is, the more likely he'll be blinded by the dagger that's coming from her directly.
The best way to see season 1 Stefan is to watch season 2 Alaric. Both Damon and Stefan have parallels with Alaric as they continue their Isobel/Katherine parallels. Alaric asks Elena permission to tell Jenna everything about him being a hunter and Isobel being a vampire so he can have an honest relationship with her. Stefan didn't need permission because it was his truth to tell, and he kept it from Elena anyway. Jenna basically dies to show the audience what would've happened to Elena had Stefan's secret remained a secret. To put it simply… Elena only survives Klaus' ritual because Damon wanted her to know she was dating a vampire (Stefan). That's why Damon is the one to get Elena to safety. I'll collage this concept once I get to Klaus' ritual. "You want it? Take it. It's yours. And after what you did to Damon… You're gonna need it more than me." This is one of my top favorite Dalaric moments. Alaric knows how dangerous Damon is. He would know because Damon killed him in self-defense...
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"Let me recap... You tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?"
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Damon takes the moonstone from Elijah's pocket when they toss him in the cellar. Know what you see in season 3. The letter Damon puts in Elijah's pocket where the moonstone was. It's fun to watch season 3 because of the implications. "You know, you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way." Elena can't change the game and expect Damon to play by the same rules. It doesn't work that way, so the moment she chooses to stop fighting is the moment Damon is done doing things her way. Faking Bonnie's death isn't for Elena, it's for Bonnie.
Damon: Seems like she's had a change of attitude. How did you get through to her? Stefan: I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way. Damon: Lexi? Stefan: Yeah. You remember her?
A reason Elena doesn't throw Damon's past actions in his face. Guilting Damon does nothing but make Stefan feel better. More so after spending the day in his own ripper guilt. That's what this moment is about. Stefan's guilt.
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It wasn't hate, it was love that got the best of Damon. Like I sid, both Stefan and Lexi dropped Katherine's name in ignorance. Damon's truth is shown in their scene cut. That's why they cut from Damon and Lexi in 1864 to Damon and Katherine in current timeline. LOVE got the best of Damon. Every bit the reason Stefan dies to take Katherine to hell. Everything Damon goes through with Katherine… it makes him all the better for Elena. That's why Datherine's scenes are important af.
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Lexi: My God, you're a ripper. There are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts. You're the bad parts. Well...we're going to have to change that.
I still love this moment even though Stefan feels the need to guilt Damon. I love it because Damon needs to feel what he took from Stefan when he killed Lexi, and he feels it just in knowing his own relationship with Elena. Because yes, Elena is Damon's Lexi. He'll feel it even more in season 3 when Stefan goes full-blown ripper. Lexi's absence will be everything as Damon will return to his big brother role. The best way for me to explain Delena is to say that Stefan first meeting Lexi IS Damon first meeting Elena. That's literally everything you need to know.
The most important thing about this Datherine scene is the truth of "how" Katherine ruined Damon. It's the Delena/Steroline parallel.
Damon: I thought you broke my heart, so I ripped open Aaron's neck: THAT is how much control you have over me.  Elena: And I'm still here: That's how much control you have over me! 
Damon and Elena have equal control over each other because they're in love with each other.
Stefan: That's because you're a control freak who's lost control. I feel the same way when I'm around you. That's what falling for somebody is. It's being vulnerable. It's giving up control.
Similarly, Stefan and Caroline have equal control over each other because they're in love with each other.
Katherine: And I'm still here. Elena: And I'm still here:
THAT'S how Katherine ruined Damon. She had COMPLETE control, not equal control. And she had complete control because she didn't fall for Damon. That's why this scene matters. It's not just the scene cut, it's the whole of both scenes combined. THIS is the very core of Damon's character journey and the very truth of his character. Fans would feel the same way had Elena strung Stefan along for 145 years just to tell him it was always Damon. Just look at the petty shit they do bitch about. That's why the Damon hate is ridiculous. Be happy that Elena respected Stefan enough to let him go when she did because he could've had it a whole lot worse. He could've had it like Damon.
I'm just gonna end this post by saying that they're pushing Damon to a level of desperation similar to Elijah's when he watches Elena stab herself. They want him to get desperate enough to feed Elena his blood. That's why it's one thing right after another. Slater de-spelling the moonstone for Damon gets ruined by Elijah. Rose helping protect Elena for Damon gets ruined when Jules kills her with her bite. Elena will end up screwing Damon's plan to dagger Elijah when she pulls the dagger back out. Katherine will top it off, and when she does, she'll take the moonstone with her. So yeah… he will get desperate. Just remember that it's not only about love for Damon. It's about Elena's role in his life. She's his Lexi.
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wordspin-shares · 8 months
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Chapter summaries for those following the story on [FFN] or [AO3] who wish to refresh their memory due to my infrequent updates. The list will be updated whenever a new chapter is posted.
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Chapter 1 Summary
On the first day of the new school year at Mystic Falls High School, 28-year-old art teacher Claire Duval and her class briefly meet an intriguing stranger, though his identity remains a mystery to all. On her way home, Claire finds a stray kitten outside the Mystic Grill and adopts it, naming it Cicero. That night she has a vivid nightmare about a girl attacked in the woods, and although she can't recall much, it leaves her shaken.
Bits of the nightmare worm into her consciousness the next day, and after school Claire visits Sheila Bennett to talk.
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Chapter 2 Summary
Claire hears of Vicki Donovan's being attacked by a wild animal during the annual Back-to-School Party the previous night. She doesn't have time to dwell on the fact, as her free periods are taken up by parent-teacher conferences. She meets with both her friend Jenna Sommers and Carol Lockwood, to discuss Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood respectively. After school she meets up with Jenna and they go to the Coffee Ground, where Jenna expresses her worries about Jeremy.
The next day finds Claire in a very good mood, something that the school's Italian teacher remarks upon. After taking Cicero to the vet, Claire goes to the Night of the Comet Festival, held in the town square after dusk. She takes to sketching the scene and people around her. Leaving the celebration, she visits her father's music teaching studio nearby, climbing to the roof to watch the square below. She calls her sister who lives in Baltimore, and as the two talk, Claire feels the energy that had fueled her during the day return. She begins waltzing alone, but stops abruptly, getting the sensation someone is watching her. Seeing no-one, she sits and sketches for a while.
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Chapter 3 Summary
Claire has another dream of someone being attacked, not in the woods but in an open space, which leaves her shaken. This time flashes of the dream revisit her while she is teaching, visibly affecting her to the point of her students noticing. During lunch break she is told that the new student and football team wide receiver is a distant relation of one of the Founding Families of Mystic Falls, the Salvatores. That evening as Jenna's niece Elena invited her friend Bonnie and her new boyfriend Stefan to dinner, Claire and Jenna have a movie night at Claire's house, with Claire cooking.
The next evening Claire goes to the first school football match of the season, which is ultimately canceled due to history teacher and football coach William Tanner's being attacked and killed by a wild animal in the high school parking lot. The attack brings fragments of old memories to the forefront of Claire's mind, and she goes home in search of the boxed history notes of her mother, who is a historian researching Mystic Falls. She finds newspaper clippings concerning old animal attacks in town and remembers that her grandparents had found one of the victims in 1953. She also finds mention that Thomas and Honoria Fell were killed by a wild animal in 1864. The first doubts concerning the true nature of the attacks enter her mind.
A little over two weeks later, attending the Founders' Party at the Lockwood Mansion, Claire catches a brief glance of someone watching her as she dances with biology teacher Martin Cott, but when she looks again, no-one is there.
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Chapter 4 Summary
A couple of days later, Claire takes Sheila to Wickery Pond for the latter's birthday, and they talk about Claire's dreams. Two days later, at the high school car wash fundraiser Claire sees Bonnie unknowingly use magic on a fellow student, and afterwards Sheila calls her to confirm a vision she had. That night Claire has a very vivid dream of a man looking for something in the woods. He comes upon a young man and a girl, shoots the man and raises what looks like a piece of wood over his heart. The dream shifts and Claire realizes there is a third man there, one she thinks looks somehow familiar, and the girl is now bent over a body. After suddenly jolting awake, Claire spends the day on edge, and then hears news of three bodies found burned beyond recognition in the old cemetery. She begins thinking that there is something off about the explanations given for this occurrence and the previous animal attacks — both recent and old. She recalls something her great-grandmother said, and the realization shocks her.
The rest of October passes without incident, the only news being Vicki Donovan's and Logan Fell's leaving town. Much of Claire's free time is taken up by preparations for the high school Halloween Party. She attends as a chaperone, manning the outdoor punch bar. Near the end of the evening she bumps into the stranger who had watched her class on the first day of school and feels a chill spread through her. An old conversation with her grandmother comes to the forefront of her mind, and realization hits once more.
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Chapter 5 Summary
The next day Claire tells Sheila of the previous night's encounter, also telling her she feels something's going to happen and that she doesn't want to be a part of it. The end of the month is highlighted by the arrival of the new history teacher, and at the beginning of December Claire runs into a newly returned Logan Fell. The meeting leaves her on high alert, but after seeing him at the high school's Career Night, she is afterwards told by Sheriff Forbes that he is going out of town again.
Two days later, a distraught Jenna tells Claire that Elena found out she is adopted and is angry at her for not sharing the fact.
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Chapter 6 Summary
Chaperoning at the school's Decade Dance, Claire learns that the stranger she had been crossing paths with since the beginning of the school year is Stefan Salvatore's older brother, and realization comes once more.
Later that week, she has a recurring bad dream featuring Sheila and goes for an early morning jog to clear her mind. The sense of foreboding doesn't leave her even after Sheila reassures her she is fine. Two days later, Bonnie calls her to tell her Sheila has passed away.
At the funeral reception, Bonnie gives Claire a silver four-leaf clover pendant and a note from Sheila. Claire recognizes the pendant as the one belonging to her grandmother which she had given to Sheila's mother years before. She recalls she had never seen either of them wear it. Bonnie tells her the pendant was meant to return to her.
Claire decides to begin wearing the pendant on her birthday. On that same day, her sister tells her she is pregnant. Claire celebrates her birthday at the Mystic Grill.
A few days later, at the Founders' Day Fundraiser and Bachelor Raffle, Claire finds out Damon Salvatore's name.
Near the end of January, while on a long walk at night, Claire is attacked by a vampire close to the woods. She escapes, running into Damon. When the vampire approaches her again, he bursts into flames and dies. Claire's eyes take on the hue of fire, revealing the fact she is a witch.
Damon invites her to his house to get cleaned up. Once there, they begin talking, and he tells her the vampire who attacked her was one of the twenty-six trapped in the tomb under Fell's Church. It is revealed that Claire has known about the supernatural in town, and she tells Damon that only Sheila Bennett knew about the fact that her father's family are witches.
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Chapter 7 Summary
Claire and Damon meet again at the Founders' Day Kick-off Party, where Claire realizes that Damon and Stefan are the Salvatores from 1864, as well as that Damon was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to animal attacks throughout the years. The week following the party, Claire is kept busy preparing for the Founders' Day Celebration.
She and Damon meet a third time at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, where Damon approaches her by saying the tomb vampires have left town. Wanting to keep a sense of normalcy to her life, Claire tells him that she doesn't need to know any details. Further conversations lead to her to gain knowledge of Ric's history with Damon and his being a vampire hunter, Isobel Flemming's being turned into a vampire by Damon, and Stefan's addiction to human blood.
A week later, Damon finds Claire's house by accident. They begin talking, and she invites him inside, where they spend hours conversing about both supernatural and non-supernatural topics. Cicero does not take a liking to Damon.
Before the Founders' Day Celebration, Claire has a dream about people and fire in a dark room. At the celebration she sees people crumpling to the ground for no apparent reason, and the sheriff's deputies rounding them up. She recalls what Damon had told her about the Gilbert device, and her dream, but reasons with herself that the first had been deactivated and the second was nothing like what she was seeing at the moment, and ultimately leaves. When she goes for a late-night jog afterwards to calm her mind, she comes upon him, but he is unwilling to talk about what's troubling him.
That same night Claire has a dream of Damon killing Jeremy.
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ancientwastedlores · 1 year
Find Part 1 and Part 2 here
A few hours before the wedding, the atmosphere was a tangible mixture of nervous anticipation and frenzied excitement. Kate was on the bride's side, caught up in a whirl of satin and lace, champagne and laughter, as Honoria readied herself to step into the new phase of her life. She looked breathtaking, radiant in her happiness - or maybe it was the glint of relief that reflected in her eyes as the reality of retaining her inheritance drew nearer.
On the other side, things were starkly different. You were with Tom, helping him with the last-minute preparations. His suit hung untouched, the rich fabric glimmering under the soft light. The cufflinks, a gift from his mother, lay neatly on the dresser. His groomsmen's gifts, hand-picked by you, were wrapped meticulously, awaiting distribution.
Yet, there was a palpable tension in the air. Tom was quiet, his silence unnerving. His friends looked worried, stealing glances at him and whispering amongst themselves. Their jovial banter from the previous night had disappeared, replaced by an uneasy quietude.
"Tom," you began, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He flinched slightly, startled, and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
He laughed humorlessly, running a hand through his hair. "What do you think, Y/N?"
The air around you shifted as the groomsmen recognized something was going on. The group excused itself from the room, leaving you alone with Tom. He watched them leave before turning to look at you, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions.
“You still have time. You can still leave.” 
"I can't, Y/N," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have no choice."
"But you do, Tom," you insisted, holding his gaze. "You always have a choice."
For a moment, he looked like he might argue. But then he sighed, dropping his gaze to the floor. "I can't let Honoria lose everything. And it's not just about the money or the inheritance. It's... it's about her dignity. Her legacy."
"And what about you, Tom?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. "What about your happiness?"
Tom fell silent, his expression hard to read. "I... I don't know, Y/N."
You looked at him, your heart aching. You had seen this man in moments of joy and sadness and watched him prepare for the biggest day of his life with a resignation that was heartbreaking. And now, as you stood there, you realized just how deeply you cared for him.
The silence stretched on, filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions. Finally, you decided to break it, "Tom, I..."
He held his finger against your lips, the touch igniting a fire inside you. "Y/N, don't. I can't... I can't hear it right now."
"But, Tom..."
"I appreciate everything you've done for me. For us," he said, his voice hoarse. "I just... I need some time."
Nodding, you excused yourself, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. 
MASTERLIST (find the next chapters here!)
Requests are open!
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redwayfarers · 11 months
🖊 ahh I don't know who so I'm gonna give two categories: Wayfarer of your choice OR new OC you are excited to talk about!
ty for dropping by! <3 since i've been missing my wayfarer kids something fierce, so have some wayfarer kiddos! here's some honoria for you :)
picrew link
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🖊 she's from sathir but her father, justinian, isn't. he's an ayadan melusine warrior that did helped the court of sarin, and over time, after he and his first wife parted ways, he married a minor-ish elven noblewoman of sarin's court named galla and they had honoria and her two siblings :)
honoria is also very much attached to her father, who didn't shun her for being a magianis, who loved and defended her, as did her mother. the decision to join the wayfarers was honoria's own, and even though she grew close to cenric and views him as a second father after being his apprentice, she never really shook off her father's name, ionneon, in honor of him.
when the spire fell (since in my extended verse honoria and thesor sereno are older wayfarers who are spire survivors) she took a very injured thesor to her father in sathir to recover, where they spent some time living with the clan. i have an old fic about it, if anyone's curious to read! i love oria and thesor's relationship, they're platonic life partners and they're so funny together. i care them lots!!!
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She staggered off the elevator, and the helmeted Oathsworn didn't even move. Maintaining a death grip on her congomen she held it up to the Skull.
Nothing happened. She'd already been locked out of the dynasty suites.
There was a delay, and the double doors opened. She wasn't sure if the machine spirits were being slow or one of the door guards was being kind. Either was still upsetting.
Stifling a sob she walked past the statue fountain and... oh there was a cart. All her possessions tossed in haphazardly, she could see the stuffed swan hat askew. And everything smelled burnt.
There was no porter, and additional bags and cases lay around. Nobody was helping her. She grabbed the cart and... where was she even going?
She didn't know. She wasn't being marooned but still cast off. Where was she going to go?
Would she have somewhere to sleep?
Could she claim the ballroom?
She had no idea, and with a sob she tried pulling the cart. It didn't budge, and that was the point Honoria fell to her knees again and began to wail.
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deafchild2000 · 1 year
Inheritance Character Profile: Meredith Fell
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• Meredith Ieisha Fell-Moore
• June 6th, 1985 (Mystic Falls, Age 43)
• Alive
• Volunteer (Formerly)
• Intern and resident at Buffalo Hospital (Formerly)
• Physician at Mystic Falls Hospital (Formerly)
• Locum Tenum at Duke University (Formerly)
• Physician in Anchorage, Alaska (Formerly)
• Head of Internal Medicine at Mystic Falls Hospital
• Mer, Merri (by Michael and Elise)
• Doc
• Iaso (by Elise)
• Dr. Meredith Moore
• Mrs. Fell-Moore
• Doc, Blood Doctor (by Harmony)
• Meredith Grey
• Meredith Moore, M.D.
• Merry (by Dante)
• Aunt Meredith (by BJ)
• Human
• Female
•Thomas Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Honoria Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Franklin Fell † (Paternal Ancestor)
•Tobias Fell † (Paternal Relative)
•Tripp Cooke † (Paternal Relative)
•Mr. Zachary Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Logan Fell † (Paternal Cousin)
•Blair Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Tina Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Valerie Fell (Paternal Relative)
•Violet Fell † (Paternal Relative)
•Margaret Ruth Fell † (Paternal Great-Grandmother)
•Marjorie Ann Fell † (Paternal Grandmother)
•Michael Fell (Father)
•Elise Samaha-Fell (Mother)
•Dante Moore (Husband)
•Abigail Moore (Sister-in-Law)
•June Moore (Daughter)
• 5'7" (Feet)
• 1.70 (Meters)
• Brown
• Brown
Early History
Meredith Fell was born in Mystic Falls in 1985 to Michael Fell, a neurosurgeon, and Elise Samaha-Fell, a banker. As a child, her grandmother, Marjorie Ann, told her stories about woman named Samantha Gilbert When she was 16, she was made aware of vampires by her parents. Her father helped hone Meredith's mental strength so she wouldn't become reliant on vervain. As a teenager, Meredith dated Brian Walters, but on her prom night, he dumped her on Wickery Bridge. She never forgave him, nor did she ever get over her distaste for the bridge.
She went to New York for college for graduation and stayed for a few years before deciding to move back to Mystic Falls shortly after her father became the Medical Director of Mystic Falls Hospital. When she came home, she came across her grandmother's journal and marveled at the possibility of vampire blood's healing properties. However, it seemed her grandmother was unwilling to say more about the party or who hosted it, so she couldn't learn more.
On September 26, 2010, Alaric was hit by a car and transported to the hospital, she saw that Alaric was on his feet after treating him despite the severity of his wounds. Alaric thanks Dr. Fell for helping him but she rebuffs him, asking him to call her Meredith. She is suspicious and verbalizes that she believes he may have a guardian angel or a pact with the Devil. Alaric says that it's a little bit of both and leaves.
On October 10th, Meredith meets Alaric again at the Wickery Bridge Restoration Fundraiser. She is very forward in revealing to him that she knows about vampires. The same night, she gets into an argument with her ex-boyfriend Brian Walters, where Alaric intervenes. Before leaving, Brian warns Alaric that Meredith is a psycho. Meredith thanks Alaric for jumping to her defense but has to leave after being paged. The next morning Meredith runs into Alaric at The Grill. Both were depressed as Alaric had just dropped Jeremy off at the airport, and Meredith had just lost a patient. The same morning, the body of Meredith's ex-boyfriend Brian Walters was found in the woods by a hiker. Oddly, he was staked in the heart, even though he wasn't a vampire.
10 days later, Damon was suspicious of her ties to the murder of her ex-boyfriend, Brian Walters. When Damon spots Alaric and Meredith having lunch at The Grill, he warns Alaric to be careful as he finds it suspicious that she signed the death certificate of her ex-boyfriend. Damon makes a follow-up visit to the hospital and accuses Meredith of being a murderer. She vervains him, and takes his blood. Later when Alaric confronts Meredith about this, she tells him she took Damon's blood to save her patients because she hates losing them. To further emphasize her point, she brings him to a severely injured Bill Forbes, who suffered from an actual animal attack, whom Meredith injects with vampire blood to fasten the healing process. That night, bringing Meredith to his home, Alaric reveals he's a vampire hunter & shows her his stakes. He explains the Gilbert Ring to Meredith. They flirt, and she asks him if he believes she's supernatural, to which he answers he can't be too careful. They encounter an awkward moment when Elena comes home to find Meredith and Alaric about to kiss. On her way home, Meredith recalled what Alaric told her about his ring and remembered the stories her grandmother told her about Samantha Gilbert. Taking a detour to her childhood home to find her parents were out, she went into the attic where they kept some of her grandmother's things. After going through a few boxes, she found a journal - one belonging to Samantha Gilbert.
The next day, Meredith meets Caroline for the first time. She assures Caroline that her father's situation is better after the accident. Being a little humorous, Meredith jokes with Caroline about Bill's temper. When fingers start to point to Meredith about the murders, Alaric starts to believe Meredith is the serial killer, but Elena defends Meredith stating that his love life can't be that complicated. After Alaric is attacked, Sheriff Forbes tells Elena that Meredith couldn't have done it because she was in the operating room all night. The next day, Meredith was confronted by her distant cousin, Tina Fell, with the news of Bill Forbes's death as a human and failure to transition. Shocked at the news, she asks her how she found out and learns he was a mentor to her boyfriend, Barry, and after learning from him that a "Dr. Fell" was his primary doctor when Bill went in, it didn't take Tina long to realize it was Meredith who injected him with it. Surprised and a bit impressed, Meredith proceeded that the vampire blood was used as a last resort, and - without breaking confidentiality - Bill had come in with injuries that warranted the use of the blood. Tina remarks that someone died and it's on her hands now before asking how she even came up with such a practice, to which Meredith brought out her grandmother's journal that detailed what happened at a New Year's Eve party in 1957. Watching her cousin read her journal, she was surprised when Tina declared that she was keeping the journal until further notice and demanded that Meredith stop using vampire blood before she made a mistake she couldn't take back.
Guilty about what she indirectly caused, she went back to Samantha's diary to try to figure out what had happened to a man she had previously seen as very much human and alive. Upon going through everything, she began formulating a hunch. But first, she called in a few favors. Over the next two days, she got the dagger that killed Brian "on loan" and everything regarding his death while compiling a file of Alaric's history to collaborate a terrifying possibility - that he was the Mystic Falls Serial Killer. And Bill's death likely occurred because she made him a target, by presenting him to Alaric (easy to find) and giving him vampire blood (a reason to be killed).
On the 23rd, after getting beaten up by Klaus to save Kol, Meredith takes Alaric to her house to check for possible injuries. Alaric wanted to leave to search for Elena, but she assured him that the Salvatores were on the job and to just stay the night. While Meredith slept, Alaric woke up and accidentally stumbled upon a picture of the crime scene of her ex-boyfriend. Next to it was the same dagger that had killed him. Meredith wakes up and sees that Alaric has found evidence in her apartment of the killings. "You weren't supposed to see that," she says before pointing a gun at him and shooting him. She called Sheriff Forbes and told her to come detain Alaric while she healed him with vampire blood. She explained that she believed Alaric was responsible for the murders, but likely doesn't know he's doing it. And as hard as it was, Liz could agree.
The next morning, Elena confronts Meredith about her accusations toward Alaric while she's walking into the hospital. Meredith defends her actions by telling Elena that Alaric was arrested four times before he was 21 and that Isobel had two restraining orders against him before they were married. Later that night, Elena and Matt break into Meredith's apartment to find evidence to incriminate Meredith instead of Alaric. Elena claims that the Fells keep their secrets buried in their closet, so they should check there. She searches Meredith's closet and finds a hidden compartment that contains a box. Elena and Matt go through the box and find Samantha Gilbert's diary and Brian's coroner's report with a different time of death than what was reported. Meredith soon arrives home and Elena and Matt hide in her closet. After they think they heard her leave, they open the door to find her standing there. Meredith reports the two and they are taken in for questioning by Sheriff Forbes.
After Alaric is released, Meredith goes to the Gilbert House to explain herself, where she assures that the Gilbert ring is causing him to kill members of the council. She believes he even self-inflicted himself so he wouldn't be complicated and throw everyone off their guard. Elena descends the staircase at that moment, after having read Samantha's diary, and agrees with Meredith that he's the killer.
A few days later, Meredith searches for any mental damage the Gilbert Ring may have had on Alaric by using an MRI, yet the results do not show brain damage. Meredith mentions that her business is not vampires, but saving people. After they have exhausted all medical solutions, they contact Bonnie. Bonnie thinks she can help Alaric by using a spell that requires some herbs and a personal artifact from before his breakdown. Elena goes to Alaric's apartment to retrieve his old wedding ring, leaving Alaric and Meredith at the Gilbert house. However, Alaric begins to act strangely (The Darkness) and attacks Meredith, causing her serious injury. Stefan and Elena arrive in time and Stefan gives Meredith his blood and she recovers.
On November 5th, Damon goes to Meredith at the Hospital and she asks how Alaric is doing with Bonnie's herbs. Damon tells her Alaric had lied about leaving town and taking Bonnie's herbs. After Esther uses Alaric to make another Original, Alaric decides not to turn. When he walks outside of the mausoleum, everyone he knows and loves including Meredith is waiting to say goodbyes. Meredith stays and watches over Alaric as he dies, and gives him sedatives to make his death painless. She tells Damon to comfort him during his last moments and she leaves heartbroken.
The next day, Jeremy takes Elena to the hospital where Meredith tells him she has a concussion and just needs some rest. When Meredith goes to her office, Alaric is waiting for her, scaring her due to his apparent survival. He is the Darkness now. He tells her he is having her medical license revoked for secretly giving her patients vampire blood. He also empties her vampire blood bank and demands she release Elena into his care. He leaves Meredith crying in her office. She immediately called Damon, who explained that Alaric was magically linked to Elena, so as long as she lives, so does Alaric. That night, she was on call in the ER when Stefan brought Elena in, unconscious. Explaining that she and Matt went over Wichkery Bridge in his truck and Elena had drowned, he sent her to the hospital for help. Unbeknownst to Alaric, Meredith had one last tube of vampire blood on her when he destroyed the rest. So she used it on Elena. When Jeremy came rushing into the ER in panic, Meredith assured him that his sister was okay. However, Damon stormed into the hospital demanding to to know where Elena was. Meredith reveals that she lied to Jeremy earlier that night about Elena's condition because he was so distraught. She secretly had given Elena some vampire blood due to a cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding of the brain). But her injuries ended up being too severe, which resulted in Elena awakening as a vampire in transition.
Within the next 24 hours, Pastor Young unexpectedly arrives at the hospital and tells Meredith that he's putting out extra security measures on the blood bank. Later on, she alongside Elizabeth Forbes, Matt Donovan, and Damon discussed a way to find Stefan and Elena. She was relieved to know the two eventually made it out, however remorseful that Elena, unlike Bill, had to finish transitioning to survive.
On the 22nd, Damon calls Meredith for help after he gets trapped with a bomb in Connor's trailer. While cutting the arrows out of Damon, she sees him rejecting a call from Elena. Meredith tells him he's a good brother, seeing that he's trapped in a bomb while Stefan is "playing vampire" with Elena, who broke his heart. Meredith tells him he does a really good job acting like it doesn't suck. She then successfully frees Damon from the bomb by cutting the arrows out of his chest.
Damon, Klaus, Jeremy, and Meredith planned to trap Connor to question him. Jeremy and Connor secretly follow Meredith, who is wearing a bandage on her neck making it look like she's been fed off into the storage room. Connor goes into the room but finds his bombs, along with Damon and Klaus. After Connor activates the bomb blowing up the storage room, Meredith was very unhappy with what happened, stating that there are sick patients who don't need a bomb so close to their rooms. Damon assures her no one got hurt, and offers her to have a drink with him. She says no and that she's not his new partner in crime, and to fix things with Elena and Stefan and not to let his pride leave him all alone.
The following days later, she chose to voluntarily surrender her medical license and stay at home. She was comforted by her mom, who stocked her fridge with Lebanese comfort food while helping her clean her apartment. Elise listened to her daughter's woes (over Alaric, the potential loss of her career, her arrogance with vampire blood, and the inconvenience of being unable to get over patients' loss which resulted in her cheating death with said blood to begin with.) Elise tells her to take it one day at a time - one problem at a time - in Arabic. That it's good she acknowledges her shortcomings now than when it's too late. Whether it was the blood or an inevitable drinking problem, Meredith was playing a risky game and got caught - ironically by the supernatural itself. She can't change or take back what happened to Bill Forbes or Elena Gilbert, so the only thing she can learn is that cheating death has a cost. While Elise is no doctor, she told her patient loss is inevitable - hence why medical practice is called "practice" for a reason. She also tells her, from what she gathered, that Alaric was a good, yet troubled man that tangled with vampires until they became his end. In the end, medical suspension is good for Meredith. She can either reflect and decide it isn't for her or try again and do the best she can within her abilities alone.
Some time afterward, Meredith managed to keep her medical license due to the dubious factors regarding complaints made by the deceased Alaric & Pastor Young. Her father pulled her to the side, however, and explained while he may have done some "schmoozing" on his part to help her situation, Meredith was advised to lay low and find a new residency outside of Mystic Falls - for her protection and her career.
Meredith was later visited by Tina, who came by to return Marjorie Ann's journal and to apologize for the way she acted. Given certain events and the mistakes she's made herself, she understandably forgives her due to acting on her boyfriend's loss. Tina had heard Meredith had managed to keep her license, a salvaged good from Pastor Young's death. Meredith mentally added Alaric's passing as well. When she asks what she would do next, Meredith admits she's taking her father's advice and begins the initial beginnings of applying for a medical license in North Carolina. After taking her mother's advice, she reflected and realized she liked being a doctor but failed to accept she couldn't save everyone and it led to making the wrong choices in a precarious time. She didn't see herself exploiting vampire blood for a long time, if ever, and decided to go back to practicing within her human capabilities. Her dad reached out to a contact in Durham and considering their medical advancements - it seems like a good place to start over.
On December 1st, she resigned from Mystic Falls Hospital and left town decided to stay with some old friends from her college days in Pennsylvania for what would be through the holidays. Learning that one of them was a locum tenen, an occupation she once considered but turned down, Meredith realizes having a contract with a hospital might help reduce her anxiety and help allow her to do what she loves without putting too much strain on herself. While there, she meets a man named Dante, who's also on a bit of a vacation before they lose touch. Her father would call her that night and tell her that Carol Lockwood was dead.
After that, she opted to extend her stay and volunteer her services, with references sent in, at the local free clinic that reminded her of her pre-med days. With patients not in life-or-death scenarios and in need of everyday care, it helped her slowly move on from her need to cheat and remember the humanity in what she does. Sometime later, she got the chance to have an interview at Duke University Hospital, which is one of the hospitals she wanted to be at. She ended up deciding to work at the hospital, but as a locum tenen for the hospital instead of a permanent attending.
After New Year's, she came back to Mystic Falls to get her affairs in order before going between Virginia and North Carolina to find lodging and getting to know the city. Her father didn't completely understand her reasoning for being a "substitute physician" over something permanent, but Meredith lucked out that they had a position open and explained it was more likely to keep her out of trouble.
On February 5th, Meredith was contacted by Stefan and Caroline concerning Jeremy's body after he was killed by Silas. Shocked to hear of his demise, she demands they tell her what happened - staggered to hear about Silas and so many new details, especially regarding a cure for vampirism. She examined his body and concluded that he died from a broken neck and extreme blood loss, leaving him in a state of rigor mortis, which causes muscles to tighten and lose flexibility. Meredith stated that if they continued to keep the body, he would start to bloat. She asks Elena to release his body into her care so they can arrange a good funeral for him, but Elena, fueled with the hope that the Gilbert Ring will revive him, attacks Meredith and angrily throws her against the wall. Elena shouts that he isn't dead magic is the only way to revive him, and that she needs Bonnie. Her outburst frightens Meredith. Stefan restrains Elena from hurting Meredith out of rage, but she calms down when Matt arrives and sees Jeremy dead.
Meredith and Stefan stayed with Jeremy's body when Matt took Elena out of the house. Meredith covered Jeremy with a sheet and turned up the air-conditioning to help preserve the body, though she knew it wouldn't help for long. She sat on the stairs and spoke with Stefan. He confessed to her that after years of watching people die, the pain of the loss never stopped. She agreed and said that she saw death every day and the denial was the worst part. It was the next day that she heard of the unthinkable - or unsurprising - of the burnt remains of the Gilbert House and if she had to guess, Jeremy's remains as well. This was enough to convince her it was time to make her departure from Mystic Falls.
Living in Durham became an exhilarating experience. She had fallen in love with the hospital and met all kinds of people. She'd found a new cafe, explored whatever events had to offer, new restaurants to try, and a lot more. But things got interesting when, sometime in March, Meredith ran into Dante at the hospital, or rather, Dr. Dante Moore of Pediatrics. Surprised to see each other since December, they made plans to catch up. Meredith and Dante became fast friends and even introduced her to his older sister, Abigail, who also worked at the hospital as a neuro-oncologist. Eventually, Meredith caught on that she was falling for him fast, and considering her disastrous love life, tried to keep it strictly as friends. But Dante was open about his feelings for her and wanted Meredith to take a chance on him. "A lot of beer and ice cream later", Meredith came to the conclusion that after living life on the edge and Alaric nearly killing her - she realized life was too short to not risk a chance on a possibility.
In May, Meredith came to visit & attend the Fell Family Gathering, catching up with most of her relatives. However, she noticed that Tina wasn't looking well. Considering she survived to see her high school graduation, she wouldn't be surprised if it all finally caught up to her. But when she sees the tiredness, the frequent bathroom breaks, and the sick expression on her face when their uncle releases smoke from the grill, Meredith's medical knowledge came into play. When Tina went to use the bathroom again, she followed her and found her vomiting. Helping her by pulling her hair back, once Tina was decent, Meredith didn't pull back any punches and asked her about her period. It took the teenager a minute to consider the possibility she was pregnant and asked Meredith to buy the tests, which she happily did despite the looks she got at the store. When she got the tests to Tina and it came back positive, she consoled her and let her know that she had options and should tell the father. When she returned to Durham, she spent the night at Dante's home. The next few days, however, Dante was acting strange and dodging Meredith. One day, he asked Meredith to come over to dinner and to dress fancy. She came over and found he decked out his home in a romantic manner and made her favorites. Just when he brought out dessert, a miniature cake, she took a bite and felt something in her mouth. Pulling it out and cleaning it, she saw it was an engagement ring and Dante proposed. Thinking out loud, she asked why and he essentially explained how he fell for her in Pennsylvania and how he felt it was more than just a chance that they found each other again. He knows it's fast and considering that they have a "package" on the way soon, he couldn't deny what he felt and wanted to make it official. In his rehearsed speech, Meredith caught onto the "package" part, and realizing what he said, he told her how he accidentally knocked over her travel bag when she spent the night after returning from Virginia and a pregnancy test fell out. Turns out, Meredith had an extra pregnancy test she forgot to give Tina and Dante assumed she was either pregnant or suspected she was. The situation was so hysterical that she just had to laugh and promptly explained what happened when she visited her family. Seeing the sheepish look on his face, she asked if he was only proposing to her because he thought she was pregnant. He admitted he saw her as his future wife from the moment they met and a baby, albeit early, was just the icing on the cake. Surprisingly, Meredith said yes to his proposal but told him kids could wait a little longer.
At some point, they are invited for a brief stay in Anchorage, Alaska with some friends from work. To Meredith's surprise, she enjoyed it so much. The temperature wasn't a deal breaker since she survived winters in New York. It was the friendliness, culture, and community that stuck with her. And she justified that doctors were always needed in Alaska. However, she wondered if she was thinking without regard for Dante and herself. But surprisingly, Dante was on board. However, both sides of their families had a hard time accepting this idea.
After securing jobs in Anchorage, they made the move to Alaska. Then, after getting a permanent attending in a hospital, Meredith found out she was pregnant in September. Meredith and Dante got married in December, with a small ceremony including friends and immediate family. Her father tried to convince her to come back to Mystic Falls to have her baby, but she declined. On June 16th, 2012, they had a baby girl named June Alicia after the month she would be born and late paternal grandmother. They kept in touch with video calls and visits over the years.
In 2025, sometime after June's 13th birthday, Elise called Meredith and told her that her father had a heart attack. She hurried onto the first plane she could get and made it to Mystic Falls as fast. Seeing her father look so sick, she stayed by his side until he woke up. Surprised to see her, her dad asked where the rest of her family was, to which she answered that it was just her. The doctors believed his heart was wearing out on him and while he's normally taken good care of himself, it's not good. Meredith asks if there is anything she can do to which he has a surprising request: Move back home. The entire near-death experience made her father realize that he wants his family around him if he does die. Meredith called Dante had told him what was happening. It didn't sound fair to ask them to pick up the lives they made in Anchorage for the last 13 years and wanted to consider if it would be okay if she just stayed behind. But Dante wasn't having it, saying they were a team. Granted, telling June wasn't exactly going to be great, both of them had family that wasn't exactly thrilled with them going to Alaska in the first place, and coming back to the Lower 48 might not be too much of a bad idea. Surprised by how supportive he was, she'd sworn she'd make it up to him...and June if she took the news badly.
Meredith and her family had a bit of a chaotic move to Mystic Falls, not just due to sending in their notice and making their home a rental house in case they visited, but also warming June up to the idea. She loved her grandfather, but she would be starting school in a whole new environment and it was hard. Meredith was given a job as Head of Internal Medicine while Dante found an opening for an attending pediatrician. She also reunited with Tina, having heard of her becoming a successful reporter & reopening the council while being the "bane" of Alaric and Caroline's existence since their boarding school was opened. She mostly chose not to hear anything of the town's other "dynamics", but occasionally she slipped tidbits into various conversations over the years. From Alaric's and Jeremy's revival to the town citizens' being possessed by witches and then being supernatural-free for a few months, and last but not least, Stefan and Damon becoming human and the former dying. Everything else just showed Meredith she was right for leaving when she did, and as far as her opinion of the Salvatore Boarding School went - "Anything that can go wrong, will or already had gone wrong". It also meant she'd eventually have to tell June about vampires when the time came.
Meredith eventually reunited with Alaric and met his daughters, Lizzie and Josie. She was shocked, appalled, and amazed by what he'd gone through after he'd come back - from the loss of his wife to the amazing circumstances of the twins' birth (while not an OBGYN, her mind started trying to understand the science behind Caroline's pregnancy and how the girls' type of magic made the pregnancy sustainable). But overall, Meredith made the mental comparison that the Alaric she knew and the Alaric that came back were two different people. And so was she, and perhaps it was for the best they never worked out.
One night in 2026, Meredith was leaving the hospital for the night when a car pulled up and two teenage girls called out for help when they pulled an unconscious, young girl from the backseat. Meredith hurried to help and asked what happened. Shining a flashlight in her eyes, Meredith saw her pupils dilated but instantly smelled the stench of alcohol on her breath - immediately letting her know she was drinking and this was likely alcohol poisoning. Medics came and immediately put her on a gurney before rolling her into the hospital, Meredith following with the two girls behind her. She managed to get their names, Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux, and asked for the girl's name & age as well, whose name was Harmony Kenner, age 15. Seeing their hesitance, she asks them what happened, to which they reluctantly relayed how they were at a party in the woods and it was only as they were driving back that they noticed something was wrong with their friend and pulled over to feel her pulse was weak. After managing to get the names and phone numbers of their parents, she sent Dante a quick text that she was running late and decided to stick around until their parents came. They arrived, but the one who surprised her was Bonnie Bennett, who rushed in asking for Harmony. Meredith took her aside and led her to Harmony's room and had to ask what her connection was to her. Bonnie revealed she's been the girl's legal guardian since February and that she was 14, not 15. Meredith told her what she knew of her condition, which mostly resulted in getting her stomach pumped. Distraught, Bonnie says she should have seen this coming, but Meredith assures her that she'll be okay and will be in the hospital for a few days. But Bonnie says she needs two days at best. When Meredith asks why, Bonnie looks around and asks if they could talk in private. Meredith finds an empty room and Bonnie gets to the point: Harmony had vampire blood in her. Eyes widened, Meredith asks if the other girls gave it to her, which she denies because the vampire blood in Harmony is pure - natural. And with that, Meredith's jaw drops as Bonnie reveals Harmony is Klaus Mikaelson's biological daughter.
Though Meredith is a kind, honest, protective, and loyal friend, she is surrounded by an aura of mystery and secrets, which caused some suspicion when unexplained deaths began occurring in Mystic Falls. Her ex-boyfriend Brian Walters described Meredith as a psychopath and a dangerous woman. So far, this has proved untrue. Meredith has a very calm demeanor, is not easily shaken, and very keen on her surroundings. She is also supportive and tries to protect the innocent.
However, after the blow from Alaric's loss and nearly having her license revoked, Meredith sought to rehabilitate from her use of vampire blood and relearn how to accept the ability to help people with her capabilities. This also played a part in her having a new adventurous outlook on life - which led to her whirlwind marriage to her husband, Dante, and moving to Alaska.
Years later, upon returning to Mystic Falls as a wife and mother, she is still very much the same person as she was as she left. However, it becomes increasingly clear to her that so much has changed, danger still lurks in Mystic Falls and it has made her much more protective of her family's wellbeing and those of the town more than ever.
Physical Appearance
Meredith is a beautiful, slim, and fairly tall woman. She stands at 5' 7, has brown eyes, and slightly wavy dark brown hair. She dresses casually, but at the same time, professionally, due to her occupation as a doctor. Meredith is a natural beauty who does not wear much makeup. She briefly cut her hair slightly shorter and made the color a lighter shade of brown before leaving Mystic Falls. However, upon her arrival back into town, Meredith's hair has grown lightly past her shoulders and has lightened her hair.
•Meredith is of Old Welsh origin, and the meaning is "great, noted ruler".
•Ieisha is of Arabic and Lebanese origins, which means "Alive or she who lives."
•Fell is of Norse and English origins, and it means "from the rough hill".
•Moore is from Middle English meaning 'moor', 'marsh', 'fen', 'area of uncultivated land', and "stately and noble".
• Her zodiac is a Gemini.
• Meredith is part Lebanese on her mother's side.
• She can't speak Arabic but grew up understanding it because of her mother.
• She was told about vampires at 16 as per Fell Tradition.
• Meredith volunteered at Mystic Falls Hospital as a teen.
•⬆️ She dressed as a Candy Striper for Halloween only once and stopped because of the catcalls.
• Meredith stated she learned about the Darkness from Samantha Gilbert's diary and the stories her grandma told her.
• She hates Valentine's Day.
• Meredith hates mustard.
• Elise called her Iaso, after the goddess of cures and remedies due to Meredith using vampire blood's healing factor as a cheat.
• Meredith was Miss Mystic Falls in 2003 at age 18.
• After high school graduation, she left Mystic Falls to attend SUNY in New York.
•⬆️ She attended medical school in Brooklyn under an Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine program.
• She is the only survivor of the 2010 Mystic Falls Serial Killer because she was healed with Vampire Blood. (Alaric doesn't count since he attacked himself.)
• Meredith didn't attend the Mikaelson Ball because she wasn't interested in a "immortal family freak show". Plus, she was on call that night.
• Meredith drinks after losing a patient.
•⬆️ Dante helped her find a better coping mechanism to curb it.
• Due to the loss of the Town Council, Meredith's medical license wasn't revoked but was "suggested" by her father to leave town and lie low.
• She owns two guns and a hunting knife.
• Meredith once killed a grizzly bear in self-defense.
• Unlike her daughter, she can't ice skate. But she does like hiking and rafting.
• She and Mason Lockwood had a secret fling during a trip to Florida for vacation in 2007.
• Meredith was an active drinker, especially after losing a patient.
•⬆️ Dante helped her curb her problem which chocolate and granola bars.
• Meredith has not told Dante about the supernatural in Mystic Falls.
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No Shadow Without Light - Ch2
Chapter Two: New Friends
Chapter One
Summary: Honoria makes a new friend while her relationship with Sebastian grows more complicated. Quidditch tryouts loom, and the answers to Anne’s curse may lie within reach.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
Honoria opened her mouth to ask what their defense against the dark arts teacher wanted, but Sebastian turned on his heel and walked on. “Let’s go.”
She had to trot to keep up with his long strides. “Is anything the matter?”
“Tryouts went well, I take it?” Sebastian didn’t look at her, and his voice held that same clipped edge.
“What’s with that tone?” She couldn’t keep the indignation from her own voice.
“What tone?”
Honoria first realized that her new Ravenclaw “friends” were going to be problem when she was on her way to the library. Her arms were laden with several books, and she had almost made it to the library door when the Ravenclaw girls appeared. One was tall and lanky, with dirty blond hair. The other was shorter, round, with hair as black as the animal of her house. Honoria vaguely knew them; they were in the year above her and were the same girls she and Poppy had seen on the Hogwarts Express.
Instead of walking past her, the girls split to walk on each side of Honoria, winging her shoulders with their own as they shoved to get past. The books tumbled from her hands and Honoria stopped with a sigh. She glanced over her shoulder at the girls. The tall one laughed, the shorter one just sneered at her. Saying nothing, Honoria bent down to retrieve her books.
“Are you all right? Here, let me help.”
Honoria didn’t recognize the voice, and looked up to find a pair of bright blue eyes looking at her. They belonged to a Hufflepuff boy Honoria had not met properly, but she recognized his messy blonde curls and freckled cheeks. He was a fellow Hufflepuff in the year above her. Reeves, she’d hear him called.
“Thank you.”
“I’m Oliver, by the way. Oliver Reeves.”
“Honoria Dashwood.”
“Of course,” said Oliver, pink blooming beneath his freckles. “Everyone know the Hero of Hogwarts.”
“Just Honoria is fine.”
“What did you do to get on Millicent and Cynthia’s bad side?” Oliver asked, looking at the retreating Ravenclaws.
“Took a breath, I suppose,” said Honoria with a shrug. “I have too much studying to do to care, to be honest.”
“I’m on my way to the library, too. Shall we?”
Oliver gestured toward the door and fell into step beside her. “Great news about Quidditch this year. Tryouts are next week - are you going?”
“I am, actually. I’ve never played, but I’m rather good on a broom.”
Oliver smiled. “Yes, I think we’ve all heard Imelda’s frustrations at you beating her times last year.”
That earned a grin from Honoria. “Just barely.”
“That’s all it takes.” Oliver pushed open the library door, waiting for Honoria to go through first. “See you later, yeah?”
Honoria only nodded in response as Oliver made his way through the bookshelves. She found a free table that afforded a little privacy. As she spread out her books, she noted the butterflies in her stomach that had accompanied her walk with Oliver. Those left her feeling very confused, indeed.
After a few hours studying for her real classes, Honoria turned her attention to what she had truly come to the library for: ancient magic. In the chaos of Ranrok’s threat last year, she hadn’t been able to pursue whether ancient magic could cure Anne Sallow’s curse. Honoria was certain it could, though not in the way Isidora Morganach might have tried. She had thought about it all summer, and Honoria was convinced that Rookwood had used some kind of corrupted ancient magic from the repository underneath Rookwood castle. In turn, surely the pure ancient magic that she could wield was the key to breaking it.
But figuring out how to do that, without going down the same path as Isidora, was going to be a challenge. She planned to ask the keepers, but at the moment their portraits were empty and she didn’t have time to waste. So she would scour the library, including the restricted section, for even the smallest reference to ancient magic.
A History of Rare Magics looked promising, and Honoria was so intent on the pages she skimmed that she didn’t hear footsteps behind her. Stifling a yelp at the hand on her shoulder, Honoria whirled around to see Sebastian behind her.
“What are you so engrossed in?” He asked, wearing that crooked smile she loved so much.
Honoria put a hand over her heart. “Just some research for history of magic, nothing exciting.”
She had decided early on that she wasn’t going to tell Sebastian what she was working on. It wouldn’t do to get his hopes up and then disappoint him if she couldn’t cure Anne.
He took the words at face value. “If you say so. I’ve just come from double potions. Thought it would be good to get some peace and quiet with a book for a while.”
They went back to Honoria’s table, but the way Sebastian was drumming his fingers on the top of his book suggested he wasn’t really interested in reading.
“Have you heard from Anne at all?” Honoria asked quietly. She still skimmed the pages of the book, looking for words relevant to her search.
“No. She’s written Ominis, so I know that she’s all right. She still doesn’t want to see me.” Honoria’s heart broke at his downtrodden voice.
“I’m sure she needs time, Sebastian. You can’t take back what happened, even if you have learned your lesson.”
“I know that.” Was he angry or sad? She couldn’t tell. “I will figure out how to cure her. Then maybe I can make her understand why I did what I did.”
Honoria barely heard him. Her attention was on the book. There it was. The reference she had been searching for, the one thing that might help her unlock the mystery of Anne’s curse. But she needed to talk to the Keepers.
“Honoria? Are you listening to me?”
Honoria snapped her book shut. “Sorry, Sebastian, I have to go.”
“You’re blowing me off for history of magic?”
“I’m sorry, Sebastian, but it’s important. I’ll talk to you later.”
Honoria could feel his stare boring into her as she gathered her books and rushed for the door.
The map chamber was empty. Honoria tried waiting, calling for the Keepers by name, and knocking on the portrait frames. She even fooled around with the ancient magic wand, hoping they might sense her mischief and come to scold her. Any attention would be welcome if she could just get them to speak with her.
Two hours later, nothing had worked and she risked missing out on dinner in the Great Hall. Heaving a sigh, she made her way up the stairs, all the while thinking of how she might contact the Keepers.
At the Hufflepuff table, she found herself sandwiched between Poppy and Adelaide, while Oliver had managed to sit opposite her with his own seventh year friends. Even from the other end of the Great Hall, she caught Sebastian looking at her, his face unreadable.
He probably thought she didn’t care about Anne anymore. That she had just moved on after dealing with Ranrok. Was he angry that she had yet to find a way to help his sister, that she wasn’t doing more to try and heal the rift between them?
With NEWT classes keeping them busy, it was hard enough finding time for friends. But if she was going to figure out how to use ancient magic to end Anne’s curse, it would take most of her free time. She would just have to hope that when Sebastian knew *why she was so busy, he would forgive her for seeming distant.
Quidditch tryouts were even more hectic than Honoria expected. After the sport had been canceled last year, everyone wanted to play. And though there were 3 chasers needed, the most of any position on the team, she had plenty of competition.
On her way down the pitch, where the other team hopefuls were gathering around the captain, she looked for Oliver. Guilt pricked at her for the thought, but she reminded herself that Sebastian hadn’t spoken to her about… whatever their relationship was. Maybe a summer apart had given him time to realize he didn’t want to be anything more than friends.
Honoria had to admit to herself that maybe she just enjoyed the attention. A kind smile from a handsome boy without thoughts of dying sisters or ancient magic to cast a shadow.
But there was no sign of the blonde curls or blue eyes she sought. Until she reached the rest of the Hufflepuff team, and got her first look at their Quidditch captain. He was all blonde curls and blue eyes and a smile that widened when he saw Honoria appear. Because of course he was.
Tryouts consisted of drills for each of the positions. For chasers, that meant practicing a few passes and making ten shots at the goals. They would be against the team’s current keeper, Captain Reeves, so he could assess their talent first hand.
Honoria scored 7 of the 10 shots she made. The other three were narrow misses, with Oliver only just managing to knock the quaffle away in time. “You’re definitely looking at a spot on the team. A little more practice and you might be unstoppable,” he told her.
Honoria stayed for the rest of the day, scoping out the competition and picking up pointers from those with more experience with the game. It was late in the afternoon when Oliver dismissed them, promising to let them know the results soon.
“Coming back to the common room?” Someone asked him.
He pointed to the wooden box at his feet. “Just need to take the equipment chest back.”
“I’ll give you a hand,” Honoria volunteered. She almost regretted it. She only wanted to be nice.
Oliver flashed her his charming smile, and a flutter of butterflies returned to her stomach. But being around him was easier with the chest between them, carrying it up to Kogawa’s office.
Out of breath, they each sat their end down and straightened. Turning to each other to say thanks, there were now mere inches between them. Startled by the revelation, Oliver and Honoria both froze, looking awkwardly into each other’s eyes.
Oliver finally broke the silence. “I’ll post the roster in the common room tonight. I don’t think it will take long to make my decisions.”
“Right,” said Honoria, stumbling over the word. “Can’t wait.”
“Sorry to interrupt.” Sebastian’s tight voice cut through the air. His jaw was clenched, and he had fixed Oliver with a narrow stare. “Honoria, professor Hecat is asking to see us.”
Oliver was cool in the face of Sebastian’s ire. “We just finished up, actually. See you later, Honoria.”
Honoria opened her mouth to ask what their defense against the dark arts teacher wanted, but Sebastian turned on his heel and walked on. “Let’s go.”
She had to trot to keep up with his long strides. “Is anything the matter?”
“Tryouts went well, I take it?” Sebastian didn’t look at her, and his voice held that same clipped edge.
“What’s with that tone?” She couldn’t keep the indignation from her own voice.
“What tone?”
Honoria scoffed. “Fine. Are you at least going to tell me why we’re being summoned by Professor Hecat?”
“Hecat wants to put on a dueling demonstration for the new first years. Thought we’d be a good choice to show off. We’re to go to her office for the details.”
A duel with Sebastian? Having an excuse to decimate him in front of an audience again was incredibly appealing right now. “Sounds fantastic,” she snapped.
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
CharlesHawk and Charles for the asks.
Oh, Charles.
CharlesHawk| send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: I've never actively shipped them, but if I did it would start with Sons and Bowlers.
my thoughts: I acknowledge that they have potential. I've read some excellent CharlesHawk fics, and I'm happy to read more. They're just not quite my thing. I do really like the idea of Charles leaving behind many of his Republican ways and making a life with Hawkeye.
What makes me happy about them: the balance. Hawkeye tears down Charles' walls and preconceptions, and Charles can really support Hawkeye emotionally and balance out some of his mania.
What makes me sad about them: the war. That's what I said about BJ and Hawkeye too, but it's true. I really don't think they'd be together without the incomprehensible losses and tragedies of war, and it makes me sad.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I actually don't think anything I've seen in CharlesHawk fic annoys me. Oh, except for when one of them is using the other because they can't have someone else. If they're gonna be together, I want them to be invested in each other.
things I look for in fanfic: I mostly only read CharlesHawk based on recommendations, so I'm not actively looking for much. But I guess one of the things I really love to see is genuine mutual concern. There's one fic where they just start calling each other, and it's so sweet. I also enjoy adding Donna to the mix.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hawkeye could end up with Trapper or BJ or alone or with someone not from canon. Charles I like with Donna.
My happily ever after for them: I don't really know. It just occurred to me that it would be really sweet if Hawkeye brought him back to music by way of musical theater. And putting on records and dancing. And eventually transitioning Charles back to classical once he can.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Charles is the big spoon when Hawkeye has nightmares and Hawkeye is the big spoon when Charles does. They both need to be held.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: ooh, I see them people-watching. Hawkeye making up stories about passersby to infuriate Charles until Charles finally gives in and makes up his own stories. This literally just occurred to me and would be so cute.
Charles| Give me a character & I will tell you
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I'm mostly content with how canon treated Charles. Maybe more Charles & Klinger interaction - they had so much potential as friends.
my OTP: Charles/Donna. I love that Donna fell for him when he "let his hair down" and they fell for each other a bit again when they had the chance.
my crossover ship: I'm terrible at crossover ships, so I have no idea. No one is good enough for Charles (I do love him).
a headcanon fact: I owe this to several fanfics out there, but Charles knows sign language and he and Honoria have sibling slang and sign snarky things across ballrooms during fundraisers.
How I feel about this character: I love him dearly for his character growth. I was drawn in by cribbage (it's a whole thing - cribbage on a floppy disc was literally my first computer game) and my love for him was cemented by Mahler. Although I wish he wouldn't play french horn - it hurts. His moments of learning are some of the best on the show. He comes so far. And DOS is brilliant. Also, his pranks are the best (both DOS and Charles).
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Donna, that french woman whose name I forget, and that's pretty much it. Although it would be hilarious if he were to meet Trapper back in Boston and reminisce about the 4077 and then start dating.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I want so much more of his friendship with Klinger. He has a lot to learn from Klinger, and I just love that moment when Klinger lets him know that he knows what he did for the orphans in Death Takes a Holiday.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I have a really hard time with finding unpopular opinions - I think I just don't know what's popular/unpopular. I guess maybe that I don't think he's attractive?
Thanks for the ask! I don't think about Charles enough, so this was challenging and fun.
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anothanobody · 2 years
Not me showing my inner history nerd. I’m glad you liked it tho. If I had it in me to be a writer maybe I’d have a go at it myself, but I’d rather show it to you! The story of Honoria’s letter is good because we are certain she sent it, but not why! Attila understood it as a wedding proposal and claimed the entire Roman Empire as dowry! He attacked to ‘save his beloved and claim his right’. This nuance makes it perfect for opportunist conqueror Eren x princess Mikasa who made a huge mistake
if you’d like to write tho i’d help like we collaborate or something if you want to. but yeah thank you for sharing. i’m a bit of a nerd too tbh we cool in here💀 but like i fell off at school years later lmfaoo think about it we have an harry potter au, talk about anime characters and history, we losers 😭😭😭 nahhh we stick together tho.
but what would the path be after conquering? we can either have some princess mikasa angry or sad that all of her people died at the end and an infatuated conqueror that will take her as a bride forced or not? we can make this an au tbh since caged is a bit different and already in works. what you think about it?
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bloodieash · 2 years
My Current Muses
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Given name: Maria Valdez Nicknames/Alias: Charlotte Williams, Lottie, McWilliams, Mazey, Pup Fandom: 911, Hawaii 5-0 (and extended CBS crossover verse) Story: Fun Fact: Lottie spent most of her formative childhood in the witness protection program Pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/lottie-williams/
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Given Name: Honoria-Clarice Annabelle Fell Nicknames/Alias: Clarice Fell, Clarice Morganstern, Clarice Fairchild, Clary Fairchild, Reese, Belle Fandom: Shadowhunters, Vampire Diaries Story: Ispa Scientia Potestas est, Where Angels Fear to Thread Fun Fact: Reese is an alternate reality version of Clary from Mystic Falls Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/reese-fell/
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Given Name: Ruthie Joan Bryce Nicknames/Alias: Number 5.5, Firefly, RJ, Ruthie, Jo Fandom: Umbrella Academy Story: For Whom the Bell Tolls Fun Fact: RJ has mapped the entire Academy which makes her even better at hide and seek than Five Pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/rj-bryce/
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Given Name: Octavia Hargreeves Nicknames/Alias: Number 8, The Pixie, Tavia, V Fandom: Umbrella Academy Story: For Whom the Bell Tolls Fun Fact: Octavia is one of the leading forensic specialists in the country and often guest lectures at different colleges Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/octavia-hargreeves/
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Given Name: Desta Nicknames/Alias: Persephone James, Percy, PJ, Steph, Charlie, Anne, Mary, Dorthea, Bridgette Fandom: Vampire Diaries, Originals Story: Turning the Page Fun Fact: Persephone's car is the same type of car Desta has driven since the model came out, a volkswagon beetle pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/persephone-james/
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Given Name: Nova Grace Fandom: Star Wars (prequel era) Story: Fault in our Stars Fun Fact: Nova is a girl from our world who was shoved into the Star Wars universe because the force thought it would be funny to pit a short girl full of rage against Palpatine Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/starnight96/nova-grace/
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trustalliance · 2 years
Elixir of immortality mtg tcg
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Elixir of immortality mtg tcg series#
In Kill 'Em All, Rayna forfeits her remaining life, giving it up to Bonnie, however, moments before she plunges the dagger through her heart, her and the Shamon betray Damon, passing all the traits and qualities of Huntress to Bonnie. The Shaman mentioned that the tea would make Rayna Cruz strong, and immune to magic. The tea itself was part of a ritual cast by the Eight Everlastings. In This Woman's Work, the tea of protection was introduced in a flashback. It was also revealed that the cure was in the form of a potion. Qetsiyah was so furious at this betrayal that she created the Other Side and the Cure for immortality, in an effort to punish him by forcing him to be stuck with her on the Other Side for eternity. However, Qetsiyah was left standing at the altar, only to learn that Silas had stolen the Immortality elixir, which he had shared with his true love, Amara. Qetsiyah was under the impression that Silas and her would drink the elixir at their wedding. In Original Sin, it is revealed that the Immortality spell that was used to turn Silas and Amara into Immortals was created in the form of an elixir created by the powerful witch, Qetsiyah. Esther also binds the last remaining white oak stake to the Gilbert Ring, meaning that the stake will not burn up in its victim. Binding to the blood of Elena gives Esther the ability to bind Alaric's life to Elena's not that of the white oak. Esther uses the same spell she used a thousand years ago but instead of using the blood of Tatia, the spell is bound to the blood of Elena, another Petrova doppelganger. Esther channels the magical hotspot where Klaus killed her a thousand years ago. In Do Not Go Gentle, she recreates the potion, but with Alaric. After, he made them drink the blood of a nearby villager, completing the ritual and thus, creating the first vampires. After drinking the wine, he drove his sword through each of his children's hearts. That night, Esther mixed the blood of Tatia, the first Petrova doppelganger, into the wine her children were to drink at supper. She called upon the sun for life and the white oak tree for immortality. Esther performed the spell that enhanced the doppelganger blood. Making an Immortality potion using blood from Amara's doppelgänger line. In Ordinary People, it was revealed that the Original Vampires were created by Esther with a modified Immortality Spell based on Qetsiyah's elixir. It's unknown if this would still work or not, considering it's unknown if it only works in doppelgängers or any supernatural being. The life-restoring elixir is likely still in Elijah's possession. 518 years later, Elijah planned to giving the elixir to Elena, however after being forced to drink vampire blood, the potion's effect became useless. However, Katerina escaped before knowing of the elixir, and became a vampire instead. In The Last Day, it was revealed that in 1492, Elijah had requested a potion that would resurrect Katerina after the sacrifice ritual. Showing the elixir to Katherine which burnt her, she warned her of the council's growing threat. She sold it at her apothecary order to be inconspicuous even though she was a vampire herself. In Children of the Damned, it was revealed that in 1864, Pearl was providing vervain given by Honoria Fell in the form of an elixir to the townspeople in order to combat the vampires in town.
Elixir of immortality mtg tcg series#
Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series Season One
1 Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series.
If you have a way to untap it, you can activate the ability multiple times in response to itself. Wotc Paying the activation cost of Elixir of Immortality’s ability doesn’t cause it to leave the battlefield. You are considered to have shuffled each affected library (even if, as a shortcut, each player physically shuffles their own library). Wotc If you gain control of another player’s Elixir of Immortality and activate it, the Elixir of Immortality will be shuffled into its owner’s library and the cards in your graveyard will be shuffled into your library. Wotc As the ability resolves, you’ll shuffle Elixir of Immortality into its owner’s library directly from the battlefield, if it’s still there. If it’s anywhere else by that time, including in another player’s graveyard, it remains where it is and you shuffle just your graveyard into your library. Wotc If Elixir of Immortality is in your graveyard at the time the ability resolves, you’ll still wind up shuffling it into your library because you shuffle your entire graveyard into your library.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Guys! 4th of May was @jwk54 's birthday!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
And they had a very special request!:
And oh my goodness, do I have any special requests?!? Sticking with a Greg and Lucy: I’d love to know, after Greg decides to be a full-time dad, what happens with Lucy’s career? Does she rise through ranks of Bridgerton and Sons?
Which, I mean: You know me, when Have I ever refused a Greg and Lucy request! I love those two little adorable dorks.
And I think that again, after Gregory actually became a lawyer himself (though he practiced for only a short while before he left), Anthony tried to poach Lucy from Kate. So here's a little bit about Lucy, and her career at Bridgerton and Sons
Lucy Abernathy supposed she had been much luckier in her first job out of high school than she had any right to expect. She'd been nervous when she interviewed with Janet Stirling, freshly 18 and eager, more than anything to prove to her Uncle that she didn't need his help at all. He had told her she didn't need to go to university Girl's Like you don't need degrees, Lucinda besides, you'd never survive in the real world She'd tutted, and something desperately like defiance had raged in her for maybe the first time as she's flicked through job listings that night. The next week she walked in and sat behind the desk in the foyer Lucy Abernathy Reception engraved on a brass nameplate and felt as though she had a purpose for the first time ever. And it felt amazing.
She'd been nervous again when she'd arrived on her first day as an executive assistant setting her things carefully down on her desk, outside the office door now bearing the nameplate Katharine Sheffield and wondered a little desperately what Miss Sheffield would be like. And honestly, she had no idea she'd been shepherded away by Janet and given her new set of keys for the office she was now posted in front of, filing cabinets etc and Janet had smiled kindly at her and said Kate seems lovely, and you're going to be great at this Lucy. She's in with Mr Bridgerton now, shouldn't be too long. And Lucy had nodded jerkily and gone to wait outside Mr Bridgerton's office only to overhear quite possibly the most audacious thing she'd ever heard a woman do in the workplace. Are you always like this!? Anthony squawked indignantly and a woman's voice called out Have a good day Mr Bridgerton. Before a woman who certainly didn't look anywhere near as imposing as she'd sounded on the other side of the door, her dark hair tumbling about her face in waves as she closed her eyes for a moment. and still, even though there was an alarming air of confidence about her, There was something that instantly drew Lucy in Lucy,I think you and I are going to get along very well. And For nearly 7 years, they had. Lucy had sat out side Kate's office while her life changed around her. While Lucy fell in love, and got married, and became an auntie, became a mother, she sat at that desk. Until she didn't anymore.
Lucy had been nervous about going back to work after having Katie. Gregory had kissed her on the cheek and said You're amazing! We love you! As he handed her the lunch he'd made her in a Supergirl tin lunchbox and stood at the door waving their tiny daughter's hand at her with such a proud smile on his face that she had wanted to sit behind the wheel of her car and cry. Everything is going to be just the same She told herself the whole way there. It's going to be fine and then she got to her desk and saw another nameplate on it Honoria Smythe-Smith Executive assistant and her brow had furrowed in confusion, an her heart had sunk as she'd stood there clutching her lunch box ridiculously as she watched Kate, also just back from maternity leave, walking down the hall listening to another young girl saying Mrs Bridgerton, we have a very busy schedule ahead of us. Lucy was glancing around the office in confusion, wondering what the absolute fuck was going on when she heard her brother in law's voice close by her. What are you doing over here Lucy? You should be by your new office. And she'd looked up, startled Anthony smirking infuriatingly as he gestured across the office to where Gregory had worked, the nameplate replaced with Lucy-Abernathy Bridgerton office manager and tears had welled up in her eyes, sticking to her throat as she choked out Surely there must be someone else? Anthony hummed We don't have any sons here I'm afraid, but I'm rather pleased with the family I do have here. And then he strode across the bullpen and disappeared into his office, leaving her standing outside her office thinking not for the first time that perhaps answering that job listing had been the best decision she ever made.
Of course when Kate sidles into her office 4 times a day saying Lucy, please. Just come with me for old time's sake! I'll let you pick the music, no Mariah I promise! Honoria's fine but I miss you! It's hard to stay stern.
Happy Birthday My pal!
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ancientwastedlores · 1 year
Find Part 1 here
A few hours before the wedding, the atmosphere was a tangible mixture of nervous anticipation and frenzied excitement. Kate was on the bride's side, caught up in a whirl of satin and lace, champagne and laughter, as Honoria readied herself to step into the new phase of her life. She looked breathtaking, radiant in her happiness - or maybe it was the glint of relief that reflected in her eyes as the reality of retaining her inheritance drew nearer.
On the other side, things were starkly different. You were with Tom, helping him with the last-minute preparations. His suit hung untouched, the rich fabric glimmering under the soft light. The cufflinks, a gift from his mother, lay neatly on the dresser. His groomsmen's gifts, hand-picked by you, were wrapped meticulously, awaiting distribution.
Yet, there was a palpable tension in the air. Tom was quiet, his silence unnerving. His friends looked worried, stealing glances at him and whispering amongst themselves. Their jovial banter from the previous night had disappeared, replaced by an uneasy quietude.
"Tom," you began, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He flinched slightly, startled, and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
He laughed humorlessly, running a hand through his hair. "What do you think, Y/N?"
The air around you shifted as the groomsmen recognized something was going on. The group excused itself from the room, leaving you alone with Tom. He watched them leave before turning to look at you, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions.
“You still have time. You can still leave.” 
"I can't, Y/N," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have no choice."
"But you do, Tom," you insisted, holding his gaze. "You always have a choice."
For a moment, he looked like he might argue. But then he sighed, dropping his gaze to the floor. "I can't let Honoria lose everything. And it's not just about the money or the inheritance. It's... it's about her dignity. Her legacy."
"And what about you, Tom?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. "What about your happiness?"
Tom fell silent, his expression hard to read. "I... I don't know, Y/N."
You looked at him, your heart aching. You had seen this man in moments of joy and sadness and watched him prepare for the biggest day of his life with a resignation that was heartbreaking. And now, as you stood there, you realized just how deeply you cared for him.
The silence stretched on, filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions. Finally, you decided to break it, "Tom, I..."
He held his finger against your lips, the touch igniting a fire inside you. "Y/N, don't. I can't... I can't hear it right now."
"But, Tom..."
"I appreciate everything you've done for me. For us," he said, his voice hoarse. "I just... I need some time."
Nodding, you excused yourself, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. 
The next time you saw Tom, he was in a suit. The sight of it took your breath away, and you couldn’t stop your heart from dropping to your knees. He looked gorgeous, almost surreal. The impeccably tailored suit hugged his form, accentuating his lean physique. His hair was styled to perfection, a few stray locks playfully falling over his forehead. And his eyes, oh, his eyes were a tumult of emotions - nervousness, anticipation, and a hidden sadness that only you seemed to perceive.
He went on to distribute the groomsmen's gifts, each one met with a chorus of appreciative remarks and brotherly jests. His friends clapped his back and murmured words of encouragement into his ear, but all their joviality couldn’t mask the concern in their eyes.
And then, it was time for his speech. Tom stood at the head of the room, his gaze scanning over his friends and family. The room fell into a hushed silence as he cleared his throat.
"I want to thank all of you for being here," he began, his voice steady. "This day...this day wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you."
You watched from the sidelines, your heart echoing with a dull ache. The air seemed to thin around you as you saw him standing there, on the brink of a decision that he wasn't entirely at peace with. It felt like watching a scene from a tragic play, beautiful yet heartbreaking.
The car ride to the venue was quiet. The bustling cityscape of London rushed by in a blur, reflecting your tumultuous thoughts. Beside you, Tom sat, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery, lost in his thoughts.
And then, he broke the silence.
"Y/N..." he murmured, turning to look at you. His voice was soft, hesitant as if he was grappling with the words. "There's something I need to tell you."
Your heart pounded in your chest, a flurry of emotions coursing through you. "Yes, Tom?" you managed to ask, bracing yourself for what was to come.
"I..." he began, faltering for a moment before taking a deep breath, "... I care for you. More than I should, more than is appropriate, given... everything."
Your breath hitched in your throat. "Tom..."
"No, let me finish," he said, a hint of desperation in his voice. "I know it's too late. I know that... well, I am about to marry Honoria. But I... I can't stand the thought of not telling you how I feel."
Your heart felt heavy in your chest. All the unsaid words, all the hidden emotions - they were out in the open now. But it was too late. A sense of bittersweet relief washed over you tinged with regret and an inexplicable pain. But for now, you could do nothing but offer him a weak smile and a whispered, "I know, Tom. I know."
MASTERLIST (find the next chapters here!)
Chapter 3 of Freed by Fate here
Requests are open!
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