#Tldr good film should watch
cherryredcheol · 4 months
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tldr: all the way minghao uses your nickname a/n: i really like this one
murmurs: in the early hours of the morning
“dove,” he pushed your hair back off your forehead as he tried to wake you gently. the combination of an early morning arrival at the airport and a long line at security had left you both tired when you reached the private lounge. settling into plush armchairs across from one another, neither of you said anything, happy to just relax before boarding. he didn’t notice you’d dozed off until he looked up.
“you should eat something before we board.” you’d been together long enough now that he knew you’d be very grumpy later if you didn’t eat breakfast. he also knew this flight wasn’t long enough for a meal to be served so if you didn’t eat now you wouldn’t until you were back home and by then you’d be starving and he didn’t want that. 
“come on, dove, let me see those eyes,” he felt bad for waking you when you clearly needed the rest, but he knew you’d thank him once you had food in your belly. the four hours it took to get from hong kong back to seoul could be spent behind the darkness of your eyelids but right now he was determined to get you breakfast. “they have your favorite…”
scoffs: when he can’t tell if you’re kidding
“dove.” he’s shocked. when you asked him so sweetly this morning if you could pick his outfit for the day, he didn’t think twice before telling you yes. he trusted your sense of style and knew that you knew what he liked to wear. he had total faith in you, excited to spend the day in clothes you picked specifically for him. he had an interview this afternoon and it thrilled him that he would be filmed wearing your outfit and no one would even know but you two. 
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” looking in the mirror he’s horrified. met with the sight of clashing colors, patterns, and textures, he knows he can’t go out like this. he’s not sure where it all went wrong. you have such good taste, it was one of the many things he loved about you, but came up with this? pulling his eyes away from the clothes, he met your gaze in the reflection and saw your smirk. 
he turned to you, incredulous over your prank but relieved that you hadn’t been sincere in your choices. he was worried he was going to have to hurt your feelings by changing. “i have to leave soon and you’ve wasted time on this silly trick. go pick me out a real outfit, dove.” he pointed to the closet and watched your smile widen at his teasing words as you crossed the room to pick something sincerely this time. “make me look nice!”
probes: because he thinks you’ve had too much screen time
“dove?” he knows you asked to be left alone but that doesn’t feel right when you’re so clearly stressed. he’d been at your apartment for 30 minutes and you had not looked up from your laptop the entire time. he’s pretty sure you haven’t looked up from it all day and he’s worried you might be starting to fuse to your desk chair. he came over for movie night, excited because it was his choice this week, but at this point, he’d just be glad to see your eyes. 
“have you eaten today?” he was going to be persistent about this. you needed a break and he was not going to stop until you took one for the rest of the night, with him. he knew you had a lot on your plate and there was a lot that needed to get done but running yourself into the ground wasn’t going to accomplish anything. he was standing behind you, hands rubbing gently on your shoulders, offering support but also letting you know he wasn’t going to be leaving you alone anytime soon. 
“save your work and let’s order take-out.” his tone is a little strict but he wants you to take him seriously and listen. clearly understanding this, he watches your cursor travel across the screen to the save icon and feels satisfied when you push the computer closed. he smiles when you turn in the chair and stand to greet him properly, happy that you were not becoming one with your chair. he wraps you up in his arms and presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “you’re going to love my movie pick tonight.”
marvels: as you walk through the door
“dove,” he’s rendered near speechless at the sight of you walking out from the bathroom. dressed in your comfy pajamas, he can’t tear his eyes away. scrubbed clean and glowy from your products, he swears you shine brighter than any star he's ever seen. suddenly the mattress he’s stretched out on feels a little too cold without you. 
“you look so beautiful,” he compliments you with so much sincerity, hoping to convey how much he means it, hoping you can feel it. you were his sense of calm in the craziness of his life. strong, steady, and always here for him, he aspired to be the same for you. seeing you so soft, lit from the back by the vanity light, he was so sure you were it for him. 
“come join me,” he pouts at you, already anticipating the comforting weight of you in his arms, too impatient to wait any longer. his pout morphs into a smile watching you scurry to the bed, flopping onto the empty side he’s saved just for you. he’ll save a side of the bed for you for the rest of his life if you’d let him. “come here, dove. give me a good night kiss.” 
teases: while trying to encourage a new career move
“dove” he sing-songs from the other side of the space, trying to grab your attention. it was late, or early depending on interpretation, and only the two of you were left in the practice room. he was fooling around with different steps and filming some challenges. you were more than content to sit and watch, never much of a dancer. 
“come dance with me,” he holds a hand out to you, palm open and facing up in an invitation. you eye him wearily, his smile a touch too manic to not be interpreted as mischievous. you heave yourself off the floor, crossing the room to him, accepting his outstretched hand. the music playing isn’t something you recognize but it’s soft and sweet and sets the mood perfectly as he draws you close to his chest, swaying gently back and forth. 
“you could be a decent dancer with a little practice. probably not as good as me though,” he whispers this, trying to preserve the serene, romantic mood that had been set. but your giggles shatter the illusion, breaking the quiet and dragging him into his own fit of laughter. the moment was ruined, but he supposed laughing with you was just as romantic as a slow dance. 
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maxwapan · 9 months
Instead of posting pointless callouts, use your brains.
tldr: some of yall need to learn what a fucking block button is
Genuinely what is so hard about pressing the block button? Like omg I promise no one cares about your fuckass callout posts or rants. Like some of these people are embarrassing as hell. If you get triggered by shit on the internet, it’s YOUR decision on wether or not you want to interact or block and move on with your life. Like brother, i’m not going to throw a fit and freak out over some post that just so happened to contain weird shit on it. You know what I do? I MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE. Because I got better shit to worry about than some random ass fic on tumblr.
You like ddlg? Cool. Doesn’t hurt me or anyone, I don’t care. You like incest? Good for you! You like noncon? Okay! Like do y’all see how easy it is to just smile and nod? Trust, policing what people post and enjoy, is not going to change shit. It’s just annoying as fuck. People pick and choose, because some of the shit you all consume wouldn’t be considered normal either, going by what you all say.
According to all of your logic, blood kinks, knife kinks, gun kinks, piss kinks, and etc. should not be normalized either. Murder shouldn’t be written about, especially gore. Which is fucking moronic, considering how RE is built on violence and gore. Please, learn how to separate fiction from reality.
Many people are fans of iconic slasher films and horror movies. Michael Myers is a rapist and a murderer. But guess what? No one CARES! Because he’s not REAL. I could go on with so much more examples, but you should get the point by now. Hopefully. Dark content is everywhere, why is it now that it’s weird? Makes no fucking sense.
I get that some of you don’t want your precious white boy’s image to be tainted or defamed or whatever, but trust, Leon Kennedy is not reading these fics nor would he care. ‘He’s not a rapist or into incest!’, well he also wouldn’t call you ‘sweetheart’ or whatever cheesy bs fluff fics contain nowadays. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? It’s all OOC. We KNOW he’s not a horrible person or an incredibly affectionate lover, but people write whatever they want. And no one’s going to stop them! Not the posts clogging up the tags or the weird asks.
There’s so much more, but the main arguments that keep being repeated are ‘it’s weird’ and ‘if you write about it, you’re probably going to do it in real life’. That take is so fucking stupid I can’t help but laugh. Same bs as white moms claiming their son is going to shoot some place out just because he plays violent video games. The whole point? SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY. And if you don’t like something? IGNORE IT? Why are you willingly engaging like omg are you stupid or dumb.
OH AND. ‘kids could see this!’ When will you all learn that no matter what you do, you cannot control what a person sees or decides to interact with. Especially minors. I’m willing to bet half of a smut writers followers are minors. Guess what? People lie all the time, about their ages and whatever else. It’s the fucking internet, of course they do. It’s not the responsibility of the blog owner to take care of children. The most they could do is plaster a big fat MDNI on their blog, that’s it. It’s the job of the parents to control what their kid watches or consumes, and we can’t exactly help with that. So don’t pretend to gaf about minors like omg.
Anyways. I’m too lazy to continue writing like I just needed to say this because some of you are slow. Me and many others are going to continue to write whatever the fuck we want. In conclusion? Block if you don’t like it LMAO. I don’t care about what some rando has to say on the internet.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys; Nathan; Rachel; David; Samba/BTS; Vote for OFMD on GLAAD; Watch Parties; Watch Party Polls; Pirate Experts; Uncle Ed; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Rhys Darby =
Looks like Rhys is taking a page from Taika's book and doing some advertising this week!
Src: Rhys' IG, Rosie's IG
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= Nathan Foad =
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Love's Labor Lost
Nathan will be playing Costard in Love's Labor Lost! ROYAL SHAKESPEARE THEATRE STRATFORD-UPON-AVON11 APR - 18 MAY 2024 More info!
= Rachel House =
Rachel's new movie The Mountain has been selected for the Sydney Film Festival 2024!
Src: Rachel's IG
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= David Jenkins =
Chaos Dad saying what we're all thinking.
Src: David Jenkins' IG
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= Samba Schutte =
More BTS from Samba! This time improvising from the Revenge crews!
Tumblr Link to the Vid / Src: Samba's IG
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== Vote for OFMD on GLADD! ==
Hey crew! GLAAD is opening up Fan Favorites for their May 11th ceremony! Let's see if we can't get OFMD one of those awards! Requires an email, and it's not in the inital dropdown, you'll need to add Other.
Please Vote! Img Src: Irene Adler's IG
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== Active Watch Parties ==
Taskmaster NZ Series 1 Watch Party with @saveofmdcrewmates! When: April 3-12 (W,F, Su -2 eps each) Time: 11 am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm BST Where to watch: YouTube, TVNZ, Channel 4
Twitter Hashtags:
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== Poll Going on for Watch Parties ==
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Twitter Poll going on by @iamadequate1 regarding two questions:
Should WP start times be the same for Europe and the US?
Is it useful for each WP to have its own separate hashtag?
Please vote when you get a chance if you use twitter. Full Thread
== Pirate Experts ==
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== Uncle Ed ==
Some of you may have been seeing the theme of "uncle edward" going around and if you're wondering what it is-- well look no further! @eddiepeaches had a really great post (which is where it originated), please check it out!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's Cast Card is Abshir! Good to see Devon Stewart getting some love! Thank you @melvisik!
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= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
This weeks episode features an interview with Vico Ortiz!
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Where to Watch: Big Gay Energy Youtube
Where to Listen: BGEPod
Big Gay Podcast Patreon!
== Love Notes ==
Evening/Morning m'dears. Hopefully today was a bit easier! We got quite a few crumbs of bts / script info today and lots and lots of Rhys which certainly raised some people's spirits.
I just wanted to send a reminder out today that lovelies, you are so much more than what others think of you. You are so much more than what you think of yourself even most days. You are such an inspiration, and you've been doing a really amazing job, even if you've had bad days. I'm sure you're tired of hearing that, but that's too bad because I'm gonna keep saying it until you get it in your beautiful brain that you are doing great. So many things are going on, and everyday, bad or good, you are getting through them. If someone was unkind to you today, I'm so sorry, and I hope they haven't made you feel too down on yourself. If they did, just know, you are a force to be reckoned with. They can be spiteful and hateful, but you are a wonderful force that keeps on kicking ass.
You deserve kindness in this world, no matter what, you hear me?
No matter what.
You're doing great, so give yourself a big ol hug for me and the rest of the crew, and know you are an absolute gem. <3 You're gonna get there, wherever you're trying to go. Keep going!
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Love Notes Image Src: @ BethEvans IG.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Don't ask me what theme this is 👀
Taika Gif Courtesy of @darkinerry Darby Gif Courtesy of @wastingyourgum
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fand0mswithbunny · 2 months
this is so different from the other posts i do but fuck it. descendants 4: rise of red review, spoilers ofc, we still boycott disney's ass, pirate this movie like uma and her crew ate the intro of this movie instead of watching this from disney+
keep reading if youve seen it or dont care about spoilers but tldr: if you havent seen it and see this as a spin off movie instead of a 4th installment, i say go watch it. its basically how i feel about the 2024 mean girls movie, im just here for certain characters, dynamics and songs, and a bit of the actual plot, its fun but definitely not for everyone, i liked parts of the movie/plots tho
okay honestly overall, despite the fucking terrible rushed ass ending, i still honestly enjoyed a lot of aspects of this movie.
songs, generally i liked. yeah its all pop-y but yk, none of them were unbearable, i loop red, whats my name (red vers.) and love aint it what about it
the editing was. a choice at times. like it will cut at the most random moments and when red was being transported and fell from that. pipe. thing in the castle it was so. disney channel editing core LIKE OKAY I KNOWW OFC IT IS but grahhhhhHH
the cg was good, direction was. also a choice at times. idk how to explain it but it felt like every scene was being directed like a music video and not like a MOVIE esp the lighting oh my god idk what it is but its so GLOWY AND WEIRDD
the characters themselves, i love the main cast, red, chloe, ella, bridget, etc. were all cool. IM A FIRM RED/CHLOE SHIPPER THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS IDC and i also liked the dynamic they have with their past moms it was nice
oh yeah i dont mind how they wrote mal, evie, jay, and ben outta the story, i mean they gotta explain their absence yk. and i loved the carlos tribute, you can tell china was genuinely not acting in that tribute scene.
the vks were. okay. i dont mind that literally every villain/princess/disney protag goes to high school. this whole series basically feature length fanfiction anyway, idc personally about that. its weird URSULAS SISTER was the main antagonist. like i get having a completely new villain aside from the vks parents or something but. ursulas. sister??? besides you could tell me shes ursula and ill believe you.
its nice seeing filipino prince charming thats it thats all i gotta say RAHHH PHILIPPINES BABYYY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MY MANS GOT THAT 'PINO RIZZ OKAYYY
the plot was actually fun, but yeah I WISH WE COULDVE SEEN CASTLECOMING WE WERE ROBBED OF THAT i knew when red and chloe got the book there was like 10 minutes left in the film but cmonn we couldve had Morgie, I DONT KNOW somehow freeing the rest of the vks and them STEALING THE POCKETWATCH AND RED AND CHLOE HAVING TO GET IT BACK, GET ANOTHER 30 MINUTES IN THE FILM MAYBE, ANOTHER ACTION SEQUENCE, CASTLECOMING. but its finee im sure theres a fanfiction in the works somewhere that has that exact premise because thats what fanfic is for babyyyy
imagine. during the dance chloe and red are scrambling to find the watch, they see the vks, they find bridget crying because her best friend isnt there, she thinks ella bailed on her, they have to find the watch but, they gotta make her feel better right? red comforts her while chloe chases after them to find the watch, ella comes to the dance late after deciding, fuck my stepmom, get your hands dirty parallels, something something, the four of them all stopping the vks together, THEN they travel back.
i should just write a fix it fic for this movie at this point damnn i impressed myself
but yeah the ending does leave a lot of plot holes, if bridget didnt change from the past WHO DID, if Red even CONSIDERED a VK in this timeline? if not then WHO IS IT?? IS IT CHLOE?? its hella rushed, its ass, but i guess we'll find out in the 5th movie ig
also i thought they were totally setting it up for Ella to be the one that humiliated Bridget in the past, like the "I saw through her" in Love Ain't It we NEVER GOT ANY CLOSURE FROM THAT WHAT HAPPENED?? sighhh its okay its fine
i see this movie as a spin off movie rather than a 4th installment of the universe because it pretty much is, like its basically its OWN universe with the lack of the og cast and new characters. i unofficially coin it as the "Descendants: Redverse" because it just makes more sense
so many questions, mainly WHY, but yeah, still liked it, would rewatch. certain. parts of it. but honestly? a 7/10. leaning towards a 7.5
is this a recommendation? not sure, depending on who you are you could totally love this film or hate it, i say give it a chance and completely ignore the busted ass ending <3
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grace-williams-xo · 5 months
There is much discussion on the internet about how many seasons of Bridgerton we’ll get, and how it will be approached. I have a wild theory, if you wanna TLDR and skip the ramblings then scroll down to the bold.
While 8 seems far fetched, a lot of people are thinking 6 but I increasingly don’t even think that will happen (or if it does, it won’t happen well).
Jonny has said he’s committed to Bridgerton, and making whatever he projects he gets work around it, and that he/kanthony will be at all the siblings weddings. His commitment to the show and increasing career is well displayed in s3. He’s only in the first of the four eps (tbd for the second half, let’s hope more!) but he filmed Fellow Travellers at the same time (watch it if you haven’t) and Wicked also at a similar time. I think we can count on him/kanthony making at minimum 1–2 appearances per season, regardless of how long it lasts.
Arguably the other biggest star of the show rn is Nicola, so will be interesting to see what she does in Bridgerton s4. There’s a trend of the lead actor/s taking a back seat in the season following their spotlight, so wouldn’t be surprising if it happened also with Polin/Nicola and Luke Newton.
Now, the core of the issue is the remaining stories. (Preface, I haven’t read any of the books but I know most of the general plots). Consensus is that Benedict will be s4; and (or maybe but) all the s3 Benedict press is talking about him going through changes, evolution and inching toward the marriage mart. One could say this is set up for s4, but that doesn’t feel entirely right to me. The only plot that needs the set up is Polin because of the friends to lovers arc, and we got that in s2. (If there’s more benophie set up that makes sense that I’m not aware of, let me know!)
While I know Francesca is popular with book readers, and her character steps up in s3, we can agree that the next most popular sibling is Eloise. Eloise’s story is also the most hotly debated about how authentic the show should be to the books. I know many book readers want Eloise’s story to stay mostly as it is, and while the more I read about it the more I come around to it, I think that a problem is posed by the fact that Marina’s character is much more significant and invested in the series than the books (so I hear).
On the note of Gregory and Hyacinth, I also think that the viewers are too attached and invested to them as children to want to see them as serious romantic partners with anyone. This isn’t even touching on the fact s8 would be released in (crikey I just did the maths) probably 2030 or 2031 😭
In my head there are three possible options for the future of the show. (Four, three good options).
1. Six seasons: with Benedict, Eloise and Francesca all getting a season. (Approx 2025, 2027 and 2028 release) (I think this would be the best option if the got their act together and made/released the seasons faster, but as the actors get busier I don’t see that happening)
2. Five seasons: with Benedict and Eloise getting a season. (The best (realistic) option imo).
3. Four seasons: Benedict season four, no Eloise. (The worst option imo).
4. Four seasons: Benedict season three AND four, Eloise season four. This is kinda why I made this post. Stay with me, hear me out.
All the indications that Benedict is evolving and stepping into the marriage mart this season make me think that they could be doing a lot more set up/start of the story than necessary for a brother who isn’t the lead yet. Beneloise are such an iconic duo that I think them falling in love together would be so fun. If they followed the book, then Eloise’s love is kinda long distance anyway. If they did do something different with Eloise (contentious, ik, I’m in two minds) and made her queer and/or not get married then it could also work well.
I don’t think this is the best outcome, I just think it might be the best outcome if we only get four seasons. The actors are all increasingly busy, and many (Claudia and Nicola especially) are already playing characters far younger than their characters.
Please let me know your thoughts on this rambling, especially if you’ve read the books. Tell me what will or won’t work!
–GW xo
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lilmagiceverywhere · 7 months
i don't normally go to bat for disney but strange world was criminally slept on
LIKE. yeah its disney.
strange world was SUCH A GOOD FILM!!
and sometimes i think its important to recognize the individual filmmakers and animators outside of the corporation they work for. they're the ones whk make the art, disney just sells it
plus disney did it criminal with ths promotion of the film. grr
anyway. first of all, aesthetically, the film is amazing. its got sort of eco futuristic solarpunk vibes, i mean, LOOK AT THIS!!
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and yeah we can make fun of the "first gay disney character" trope all we want but the gay character in this film, ethan, is one of the main characters, and his romance with his crush is treated normally. it's a bit pushed to the side as the movie goes on but its so cute look at them!!!!!!
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AND THE STORY!! it focuses on the relationships between fathers and sons, between Jaeger (old guy) and Searcher (adult man) and Searcher and his son Ethan. it's about breaking away of your father's expectations but ending up like them. it's about how to heal the rifts generationally. it's such an interesting dynamic and focus for the story
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BUT ITS ALSO ABOUT MORE THAN THAT! its got a strong environmental push in the film that i wasn't expecting. how should we, as humans, deal with an energy crisis when it is actively causing damage to the planet? how do we save the planet?
its kinda the environmental messaging that puts the onus on the collective people to save our planet than the billonare companies that make up like 90% of carbon emissions but it's still a good message to teach people of all ages that they can make their lives more eco friendly and that they can help save the planet
TLDR: Strange World is a good movie please watch it thank you
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je-lurk · 2 months
I am trying to learn french on my own. Do you know any good tv shows or movies in French? (with subtitles or without) I like comedies :)
So, uh. I went maybe a little bit overboard. I just spent an hour on these recs. But the good news is the french films I watched are almost exclusively comedies, so you’ll only get that. (I’ll add here that if you want to chat with someone either in French or about any of these recs (or both) my DMs are wide open)
Films (exclusively French classics):
Louis de Funès : La Soupe aux Choux (personal favorite, I’ve watched it so many times), L’Aile ou la Cuisse, Rabbi Jacob, Le Grand Restaurant… (they’re all very good, I recommend you see the others, they’re mostly classics)
Les Nuls/Alain Chabat : La Cité de la Peur, Asterix et Obélix Mission Cleopatre (2002)… (these two are the most iconic)
Jean Dujardin : The Artist, OSS 117 (Le Caire, Nid d’espion (1) Rio ne répond plus (2). Apparently the 3rd one is a little less good)
Other : La Chèvre, Le Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire, le Père Noël est une ordure, le Dîner de Cons (and truly so many others)
Kaamelott (never saw it but I know it’s good)
Webseries, if you’re into this:
La Flander’s Company : follows the employees of a company leasing supervillains. 5 seasons, the first one doesn’t seem to add much but it’s important world building. And fun. About 10h total? Automatic subtitles and translation seem to be accurate
Noob : follows the Noob guild in the MMORPG Horizon. It’s exactly what you think it is, it’s gorgeous. 11 seasons, 22h. The progression in production is phenomenal
Le visiteur du futur : self explanatory. A good summary would be: « Regarde ces vidéos ! Sinon, voilà ce qui va se passer ! » 4 seasons, 1 film. I have not seen the film but I heard it’s good. Also much shorter than the others. And it has subtitles!
Questions cône : 2 seasons (should be under 10 hours), +1 that comes out haphazardly. I suggest you only watch the first 2 seasons. Not because the 3rd isn’t good but because it’s a completely new narrative arc and it’s far from being done.
I’ll explain this one a little because I just binged it (again) and I think it can be easy to abandon it because of a certain character (I love him but he begins with 0 redeeming quality) and the humor that can get at times super fucking weird and/or immature (but this what happens when you make videos in the 2010’s).
Anyway, now that I’ve talked about the cons, this series begins as filmmaking tutorials, basically. The story gets weaved into it, in part as an example for the concepts we learn. Let’s keep it spoiler free and just say that the concepts explored are super interesting, and the worldbuilding is imo done extremely well, as it works as a subversion of the "tutorial" genre (and generally of the 2010’s french youtube).
I think you should at least reach ep 13 before deciding whether to drop the series.
Tldr: I love it and I need people to talk about it with because I am going mad, but no pressure. If it’s not for you it’s not for you and it’s fully understandable.
Also, there are some videos in this playlist that do not strictly belong to the series (and even some that have 0 link, except the apparitions of some of the characters). You don’t have to watch them to fully appreciate whatever is going on, but it’s additional character interaction in a framework different from the series.
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personinthepalace · 4 months
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I saw a community production of Legally Blonde the Musical over the weekend! Will share my rambling thoughts below the cut:
so I judge lbtm productions by THE DOOR(TM) bc door discourse so let’s talk about that first:
so I've been analyzing the show’s sizzle reel a bit too much haha, but from the staging I figured that there wouldn't be a door during the ballad. I said this to my friend but then she pointed out that the program literally says elle's door so I got excited
however I was right and there was no door :(
so what happened instead was that they wheeled out elle's desk and bed and luggage for her room. (oh and before that they turned on little lights that made it looked like a starry night while elle was singing the first part - very pretty). emmett comes "into" elle's room with the two champagne glasses, they sing, she cries, elle then takes her suitcase and exits through the main stage doors (these doors are the same ones used for harvard, callahan's office, courtroom, paulette's salon etc - it’s the doors seen in the video above)
so we have emmett in elle's room and elle out of her room
emmett sings *what about love* and THEN elle comes out of one of the side doors (like closet doors) and starts singing. so I guess she is still outside?? very hard to tell
but there are some steps so elle is singing from the top step, emmett on the bottom
and by the end of the song, elle has come down the steps and elle and emmett sing the ending back to back (but not touching each other)
also I would like to note that emmett tries to touch elle (to stop her from walking away) but elle flinches which I thought was a good touch
so yeah tldr: no physical door (but elle did walk out some doors), emmett is singing from inside elle's room(?), but at least he didn't confess his love to her face so yay?
now from the beginning:
there was a lot of the barbie movie soundtrack playing during the preshow haha
so they definitely updated the show to the present day - there was a selfie circle light thing, everyone had iphones and ipads but I feel like they updated it in a very organic way. didn't feel forced or fake which sadly I feel like happens in a few updated versions (say regents park). also the ways they updated certain moments was quite clever - will get into it later
so the beginning has the girls doing the tiktok dance in front of the light circle for elle and then there was no candle lighting instead they said something along the lines of "find your light"
the store manager is a guy
okay clever modern day update! elle gives her phone to one of the restaurant customers so that they could film the "proposal". but then after seeing that warner didn't propose yet, she took her phone back
at "does look like the face of harvard law", the admissions guy is addressing the audience! there was a pause so we all shouted yeah! and he looked at us like we lost our minds haha
the admissions guy saying *ethnic movement* was followed by a pause and a big gasp from the audience for some reason
there was no marching band just cheer leaders and there were two guys in skirts
oh one of the guys has a character called kiki later (the gay guy in paulette's salon) and he is basically the best background character - he had the best outfits and omigod walking around in heels and later wore the cutest boots. yeah best background character
emmett is now a class of 2019. also he hasn't slept since 2016 (it should have been more haha)
aaron tries to shake enid's hand when she introduces herself but then she gets very enid and then he just backs away haha
bruiser watches rupaul drag race. oh yeah they had actual dogs on stage! very small very cute
elle pulls out a hydroflask and an E statue thing to put on her desk
emmett didn't sing along during blood in the water which I really like
paulette has a playlist instead of a cd. vivienne came into the salon and paid kiki for a gift bag of sorts
elle has a hello kitty toy and emmett threatened to throw it in the trash haha
no more redbull they drink celsius now. also I love that they drink from the same can
another clever update! elle texts warner during chip on your shoulder. so things like *and grandma bootsie!* is sent as like a second text. (we can hear the text sound). and the christmas message is a voice memo
oh yeah and when elle introduces emmett to paulette, she takes him by the hand and walks him towards paulette which I thought was cute
omigod so during the part where elle and paulette try to communicate behind emmett's back - paulette holds the shampoo bottle like it's a dick and we all lost it hahaha
after elle gives callahan her resume, she walks towards emmett and circle around him and they're both silenting squealing and then elle walks off stage squealing haha
they did not have a handshake during chip on my shoulder. nor did emmett do any silly dance
so much better - callahan sends out the results by email so everyone is looking at their phone
also I didn't catch if warner gave his phone to someone to film or someone was just filming on their own phone but someone was filming warner's proposal to vivienne
emmett was on stage for most of so much better and when he left with the rest of the people he gave elle two thumbs up
brooke now has an app, callahan does not speak twitter or tiktok
brooke was doing the long jumprope at one point - I forget what it's called like two people are holding the rope and brooke is jumping
emmett: we are here to whip up your legal defense *does some awkward dancing* it was very funny haha
okay so emmett was wearing his bag during this whole time and during take it like a man, he gives it to elle and then she wears it for the rest of the number (I just love that addition haha)
also this emmett wears glasses and it took me a while to notice/realize but after his makeover, he no longer wears glasses for the rest of the show
this kyle had a lot of kyle swagger haha. he walks through the audience, he freaking adjusts his belt, holds the package like *that* obviously, bends over a lot - a lot of kyle haha
and then when he comes back for his stylist, and elle is like do it - elle and paulette look at each other, nod, and then jump and did a chest bump - I was totally not expecting that and everyone was laughing at that haha
during the bend and snap scene, elle says that it works on straight and bi men
the news reporter reporting the trial is now replace with the delta nus watching the news coverage on a phone (and the reporter is a voice over) - I thought it was a nice addition!
my friend said that a fun update that they should have done was paulette and kyle taking an uber instead of an ambulance to the hospital haha
when elle tests the bend and snap on nikkos, there is a guard standing next to him and the guard’s eyes bulges out (he reacts haha) every time elle does it (and nikkos doesn’t) and it was very funny
I didn't notice it but my friend pointed out that elle doesn't sing during gay or european. I figured that it was so she can rest for a song. my friend said that it's bc elle already knows that she's right and doesn't need to reason it out like everyone else. I guess both can be true haha
I completely forgot to look out for carlos during the song but there was no need bc he wasn't sitting with the cast - he busted in through the stage doors haha
my friend said it would have been funny if carlos was sitting in the audience and honestly now I want that to happen in a production now hahaha
also carlos and nikkos are both dressed in black
callahan actually pushes elle against the wall (side of the stage) when he kisses her - it is like a full on make out but then she pushes him off her and then slaps him
warner walks and sees them kissing and then immediately walks out. vivienne stays long enough to see the slap
okay talked about the ballad already haha
when emmett says *and I don’t have to hit on interns professor*, elle’s dad rises a bit but elle’s mom pulls him down and they talk - really like that detail. gotta love parents concerned for their daughter
oh instead of it being just like apprentice, the delta nus call brooke a girlboss
the scene of the crime now comes with pink caution tape - very funny seeing them pulling it across the front of the stage haha
the court stenographer is a guy! The way he sang back *omigod we rock!* was very funny haha
during find my way, callahan comes out and glares at emmett when it’s said that his wife hired emmett to handle their messy divorce
paulette gives her cards to audience members in the front row!
elle is in a pink graduation gown
elle gets the ring from paulette and then proposes to emmett. he spins her around
curtain call: they all stood in one line and sang while doing different poses
overall it was great!! better than we expected haha - my friend and I have our nitpicks haha but we had a great time :) (main letdown was no door haha) also yay for filipino elle :)
also! some random thoughts that we had from watching this production:
- how did warner get the internship? like he didn't work as hard as the other people (we're assuming). we now figure that it might be that warner's dad called in a favor
- callahan's wife getting a divorce - that means that elle and emmett must have told her? And they must have reported him to the school so did harvard fire him? does he still have his law firm? my friend thinks that he is a slimy enough lawyer - that he got to keep both positions. I like to think that he got fired
- patrick page would make a great callahan
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astriexxe · 6 months
Here is my very long post about what I think of Les Misérables (2012) after watching it again recently
Tldr: the music which should be great somehow just isn't, the camera angles are fucking weird, Russel Crowe isn't as bad as I expected, Hugh Jackman was worse than I remembered
When I watched Les Misérables (2012) the first time it was the first experience I'd had of Les mis other than the odd YouTube video of one day more (or occasionally do you hear the people sing). I didn't know what it was about I didn't know many of the songs.
I found it fairly boring, the music was ok, the middle section with the revolution was the highlight. My favourite character was Javert followed by Enjolras (but that's biased because I'm a moulin rouge and n2n fan and it was Aaron tveit).
When I watched it back I entirely expected to hate Russell Crowe as Javert but have more respect for the music and the rest of the film as I have since watched the staged concerts and been to see it live and it's fucking great I love it.
I was wrong the music still sucked and I still found it kind of boring despite absolutely loving the stage production.
The orchestra is too quiet I think which means the music loses a lot of it's grandeur and the bad singing is more obvious.
Russel Crowe has a weird tone when singing (this we already knew) and when compared to other Javert's he sucks but when compared to Hugh Jackman it's a relief whenever it's his part because holy fuck Hugh Jackman was bad. Russel Crowe honestly wasn't that bad, I quite like his Javert from an acting perspective and the singing was alright, I know when I first watched the film stars was my favourite song (just imagine how amazed I was when I heard Philip Quast's version). I wish Javert's suicide was better in the film.
Hugh Jackman was far worse than I remembered him being perhaps I have more to compare him to now, bring him home was awful that's not how that should be sung and he had me bored for like the entire bit at the start where it's basically just him (end of prologue/ VJ's soliloquy).
One day more was a bit messy but not as bad as I was expecting.
The scenery was pretty epic like they had some great cinematic shots (ship at the start, the Seine, the cliff during VJ's soliloquy) like a big musical like Les Mis deserves some cool shots like that.
The camera angles were fucking weird. I find how shows use different camera angles quite interesting but I can't figure Les Mis out, it doesn't enhance the story or characters or anything it's just distracting and adds to how boring it is. I thought the camera angles during VJ's soliloquy looked like he was vlogging. Some dramatic shots could have helped that scene a lot I think. The camera angles got a little more exciting but the weird close ups were a theme and I personally think they were poorly used and distracting.
The Thenardiers were pretty good the first time I watched it but like having seen the show since it just doesn't work they're nowhere near as funny.
When my friend watched Les Mis and said she didn't like how all the dialogue was sung and I was like ok maybe she just doesn't like sung through musicals fair enough. No the film is just weird. They like added bits of sung dialogue but they seem to have forgotten to give these bits any tune.
VJ got a new song which was a bit of a shock because honestly I don't remember it from the first time round, I think the concept of the song is pretty cool but poorly written (it was sort of boring and didn't feel like it fit with the musical).
Les Amis were once again a highlight, the pace picks up, the singing gets better, all in all it's a good chunk of the film.
Fantine was better than I remembered and Anne Hathaway went for acting over singing in I Dreamed a Dream which worked but only because it was a film.
Eddie Redmayne was good as was Sam Barks I enjoyed their bits.
Aaron Tveit was also good you can tell which of the actors are theatre actors because they can act and sing at the same time (/hj). And of course respect to George Blagden.
The child actors (I don't know their names) were also great!
Yeah I think that's it if anyone read this to the end congrats on making it
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
In your opinion, is it worth watching Supernatural if you missed the superwholock craze and your only exposure has been meta posts
my darling anon, i’m a supernatural fan, i’m going to say yes. BUT. with caveats. one; depends on the meta you’ve been exposed to, because if you’ve been told by tumblr gifs it’ll be an epic love story between that dude and his angel, i’m so sorry to disappoint you but that’s not what the show is about. but if the meta you’ve gotten is about the actual themes of the show, go right ahead.
(to be clear, like, there’s still stuff to dig into for destiel. i just wouldn’t want you to go in expecting a romcom in a horror story.)
CAVEAT TWO: you gotta understand that supernatural is really like 5 or 6 shows in a trenchcoat building on top of one another. like s1-3 are pretty solidly their own show, cut down early by the writer’s strike and even delineated nicely by being filmed on. film. rather than digitally. s4-5 are their own thing. s1-5 are their own complete arc, and honestly, you can just watch that and have a pretty good time with some genuinely fantastically put together television. and then after that s6 is kinda its own thing, 7-8 too, 9-11, and then 12-15 i just lump together as Bad but im sure someone else would actually classify them by arc or whatever.
okay god we’re putting a cut now im not gonna shut up im sorry
i think more people should watch s1-5 of supernatural. it’s silly, it’s scary, it’s full of fucked up shit and things that will mess you up for life (affectionate). and then i say watch the rest until you don’t enjoy it and then drop it. don’t feel obligated to watch all 15 cause it loses the plot Fast and it also. gets bad. like if you want my rec, i say stick it out till s11 and then if you can stand it, s12 for [SPOILER] coming back to life. but i would never in my life tell anyone to watch s13-15 unless they had literally nothing left to do and a gun to their head. i watched it but im not a good role model.
uhhh what else should you know. oh, yeah, there’s a lot of references to non-con/rape in it, some of them the show takes seriously and some it’ll play for laughs with some 2010s era misogyny. there’s also a lot of moments that, depending on how charitable you feel like being, are either poorly thought out or straight out racist or homophobic. the show does very little to address its misogyny, homophobia, or racism until it gets put down like a dog behind a shed. i’m telling you this to prepare you for it, because i think engaging with the show is still worth something, especially if you take the time to entangle those elements and examine how the writers have used them to justify a world in which two white guys roll into town, kill a scary monster with extrajudicial justice to save the suburban families, and leave.
and then, of course, if u watch it you can also come yell at me about it :3
uhm. but seriously. supernatural is a complicated show. but it’s worth watching. there’s a lot of good in there with the bad. the way it approaches angels and heaven in the early seasons especially is so fucking fascinating, so if you like religious stuff at all, i’d say go in for it. the acting can be. well. the main guys range from ‘holy shit this is stressing me out to watch it’s so good’ to ‘okay’ to ‘jesus fucking christ please get the camera off of him.’ (and if you watch the show, i’ll let you guess which is which lmao.) but a lot of the people who come in to play side characters kill it in their roles. shout out to jdm. there for like 3 episodes purely to fuck me up forever. lifechanging performance, i’m so serious.
tldr: supernatural is genuinely a good show, for a while, and when it ain’t, it’s still fun, and when it stops being that, just put the show down. just keep your expectations in check regarding what the show is telling you it’s about and don’t expect it to be more. (like. feel free to fantasize about what if it Was more, i sure do, but don’t let that cloud your vision on what the show, as it stands, really is about and is trying to say.) and be prepared for the messy shit it’ll hit you with along the way.
and the fandom is pretty neat too, so long as you use the block button liberally <3
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raayllum · 1 year
What do you think of tdp's rating potentially changing for s6? Personally I'm all for it because I'm on the younger side of the fandom (not a minor but I definitely was when I started the show) and it's nice that the show is growing with me, but I've heard complaints that the increasing darkness doesn't fit well with some of tdp's less mature aspects/humor. One of my favorite artists dropped the show because of it, which is a little disheartening since I thought s5 was absolutely amazing.
Honestly I thought S3 was pushing the lid on Y7 with some of the final ep violence / some elements of the Aaravos-Viren-dark magic body horror, so I think realistically S4 (because of the Ibis scene) and s5 (gestures to - half the season) should absolutely be rated PG. Y7 tv shows tend to get away with a lot more than G-rated films (at least since the mid 2000s I think) so I think that skews stuff as well.
As for the humour, even when it doesn't work for me (personally S1, S5, and S4 have had the best humour for me) it's almost all character based so I give it a pass. Like soo many people acted like the goofiness in S4 or fart jokes were baseless / a personal offense, but 1) Claudia's always had bathroom humour and while it's never been something I found funny, I appreciated it for its character consistency and that a girl gets the gross out humour at all bc we just don't see that a lot, and 2) teens and adolescents make bad jokes all the time. I make fart jokes all the time. I don't really want 'em in my media, but I do think they're funny, and I like that the characters in my media think they're funny because yeah... Bad puns, stupid jokes, being ridiculous with your friends, even or especially in times of crisis - sounds pretty grounded in realism to me.
I think part of the disconnect people have with humour (and less 'mature' humour, which - my favourite Shakespeare joke is the "do you bite your thumb at me sir" from Romeo and Juliet which shows my 'maturity' level when it comes to laughs, lmao) vs the rest of the show is... People outside of the age demographic being unwilling to accept that they're outside of the age demographic. Like drop TDP for any reason you want, of course, but
It's like - I didn't love the episodes in She-ra about "learning how to be a good friend," but I'd be dumb if I genuinely complained about it because this show is For Kids and it's catering to them first and foremost. It's not supposed to cater all parts of itself to my age demographic, nevermind my taste and no art does that, even stuff that is for my age demographic because it's an unrealistic choice to put on media. TDP is a little different since they've gone on record stating that its for Families, so that warrants something a little more 'mature' by proxy (and I very much think the show reflects that) but like - it's for families, and that means reflecting all those elements, too. Including humour (some for adults, some for tweens/teens/etc).
TLDR; emotionally scared because I love all the kiddos but very glad overall about the rating change, cause I'd rather people be warned ahead of time / be able to make informed choices about what they want to watch / consume.
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bender-of-life · 8 months
"This movie should have been rated R!" "This movie should have been scary!" "This isn't the FNaF I know!"
These are quite a few complaints that I've seen about the FNaF movie. What a lot of people have yet to comprehend is that this movie and the subsequent films that will follow it are made to be in their own universe, just like the Silver Eyes trilogy and the games themselves as well as any other official FNaF book. No, it wouldn't have ever been rated R because Scott acknowledges that the community covers a wide age range some of the youngest fans are about 10-ish years old and I'm on the older end of the spectrum being 23. I've been around since the beginning too mind you.
That being said, a lot of people went into this film expecting blood, guts, gore, graphic depictions of violence, and more. Knowing today's standards in the film industry this never would have been possible even for an R rated film. An R-rated motion picture, in the view of the board, contains some adult material. The film may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually oriented nudity, ||drug abuse|| or other elements, so that parents are counseled to take this rating very seriously.
The older half of the fandom tends to believe that they are entitled to the dark and gory nature of the game's history without acknowledging that the fandom has kids in it too. You can thank the unrestricted internet access given to iPad kids for this. Scott knows that on some level, he has to reign it in in order to pander to the parents of the younger community members. At the end of the day it really boils down to going into a film with certain expectations despite having potentially watching one or several of the movie trailers.
Something we do get in terms of the violence and 'gore' is seeing several corpses, watching a young woman get bitten in half, seeing a cupcake tear into a kid's face, and the famous springlock scene. And it's all done with expert camera angles and making good use of lighting and tasteful censorship. People just don't want to acknowledge that Scott has spoiled us for years.
tldr; I'm getting real sick of seeing people complaining about the FNaF movie months later.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/02/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; SambaSchutte; Vico Ortiz; Captain's Orders; AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies; Saturday "Masculinity" Fuckery; March 3 Reminders; FOTC and Short Poppies Watch Party Polls; Our Flag Turns 2; The Pirates Watch party; New Watch Party: Next Goal Wins; Repo News; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
= Cast&Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
Samba's new short film "I Keep Bumping Into Candy Maldonado" is screening tomorrow Mar 3 @ 10 am at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival! If you happen to be there, give it a watch!
Src: Samba's Instagram Story
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= Vico Ortiz =
Vico's out here re-tweeting the AdoptOurCrew #TheseThems Watch Party! Way to go @adoptourcrew!
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= Today was Captains Orders!=
Several folks got out and took some time to enjoy nature! I only got a few permissions to share so if I get more, I'll add more tomorrow! Thank you to @lucyrosebutler for sharing! The last two images are me and my sad dry state. Bonus, my nugget before he ran off.
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== AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies ==
Our lovely crew-mates @AdoptOurCrew are back again with more #SaturdaySillies! This time around it's Pirate Connections! Want to know how to play? Check out the guide. If you already have twitter, please visit the Adopt Our Crew Thread to play! Don't have twitter? No problem! Their links to the Pirate Connections are below!
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Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Game 5
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Game 6
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== Saturday Fuckery! ==
Our darling @RedsiesWorld on twitter started up a fuckery! Various crew members managed to lots of positive, healthy masculinity posts running through the #MasculinitySaturday tag!
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== Reminders for March 3 ==
= FOTC/Short Poppies Watch Party Polls =
Have you voted yet for times for the Flight of the Conchords or Short Poppies Watch Party? @iamadequate1 still has the polls up!
How should ep breakdown in a Mon-Fri week be for the 12 eps of FotC S1?
What is a good hashtag for a FotC watch party?
What is a good hashtag for a Short Poppies watch party?
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= #OurFlagTurns2! =
Our friends over at @AdoptOurCrew are hosting several questions on twitter regarding #OurFlagTurns2! If you're on twitter, please respond on their feed, otherwise, if you want to respond on any other platform, just add the hashtag #OurFlagTurns2!
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Mar 3: The Pirates! Watch Party! 
This is a family friendly movie so bring the kids! Or the adults-- or anyone you know, really, as long as it's not against their will! Sunday March 3rd, 3 PM EST, 12 PM PST, 8 PM GMT!
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== New Watch Parties! =
March 8th - Next Goal Wins!
When: 8 pm GMT / 3 pm EST / 12 pm PST
Thank you @lamentus1 for the info! Now available to buy in the UK: £11.99 @ Apple (https://tinyurl.com/mr3p6bvm) and £9.99 or £11.99 @ Amazon https://tinyurl.com/2fwdmezz.
(US fans can watch on Hulu, and Disney Plus)
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Repo News ==
Hey all! Sorry it took so long.. I finally got the Renewal Repo Resources up with approved resources this time. I also added a new permission form so if you'd like to offer up your creations to be added to the repo for the purpose of sharing (with or without credit) you can do so and choose how your creations will get to be used. If anything on that form doesn't make sense or doesn't include something you feel needs to be included, please reach out to me! I got lots of feedback but I know there's always room for improvement, and I want to make sure I'm covering everyone's bases.
Please Note: This form is for shareable media. For "Fan Spotlight" I'll still be reaching out individually and those will be in a completely different part of the repo and not for sharing purposes.
OFMD Renewal Repo Sharable Media Submission / Permission Form
== Articles ==
Anti-Warner Bros. Sentiment Grows as Major Boycott Gains Traction (A shout out to @adoptourcrew in it! woo!)
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope if you were able to get outside today that it helped a bit with giving you some relief. Nature really can be healing, as the captain says. If you weren't I hope you got to do something fun, like make a gif, read a fanfiction, eat something you love, and get some rest. Just wanted to remind you that you can do anything. You can write that fic. You can draw that art. You can learn that language, or that subject you want. You can get that new job, or take that break. You can make it through another day, even when it feels like you can't. Remember that. I believe in you <3 The crew believes in you <3 If you don't already, one day I know you'll believe in you too. Sending all the love <3 To Quote @bossbabe.inc "yes the fuck you can".
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
The gif theme tonight is "Strut your stuff". Rhys Gif Courtesy of @lacefuneral Taika Gif Courtesy of @fuckyeahworldoftaika
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ackee · 1 year
I havent seen the barbie movie yet as ive been deciding if i should or not. May i ask what you thought was if thats fine? Lol i just wanna know what id be getting to if i did no hate👌🏽
i will start with the positives. the set design and styling/outfits were top notch! ken was very funny sometimes!
but for the negatives. i will be brief. (1/6463823574958)
it's.. a slog to get through honestly. i thought that i was being a hater about how much i wanted it to be over but i was watching it with my best friend, and SHE was the one who asked how much time was left with it 😭 we both were mad only an hour had passed (felt like two), AND there was an entire 48 mins left.
the feminism in it is so.. surface level. like i dont expect anything big from a Brand (because real feminism aint gon tell you to buy mattel products at the end of the day LOL), but it is so 2013 it hurts. again, maybe if this movie dropped an entire decade ago it'd be groundbreaking, but in 2023? i have heard 16 yr olds on tiktok be more eloquent than this. the film tries to say SO many things and ultimately says nothing at all.
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do you see how this 'ending explained' video is only 6 minutes long?
they also tried to like, satirize "overly woke" people and had a character call barbie a fascist and i just was so tired. i was already tired but that line just made me tireder.
a movie making conservatives mad doesn't always translate into a good movie. it's a film for millennials to make gifs about to use in twitter arguments. an ad to buy more barbie products. a well made mid mess.
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the-crimson · 1 year
TLDR: stop saying a character is Gaslighting another character when they are just lying to them. Gaslighting is a serious form of abuse. Stop it.
Alright I’m deleting my last post and trying again. I’m going to assume that a lot of people in fandom don’t actually know what Gaslighting is and I’m going to explain what it is and why I don’t think people in the qsmp fandom should be slinging it left and right like they are.
Gaslighting is a very specific form of abuse that involves consistently lying to your victim in an attempt to make them in capable of telling reality from fiction. The abuser completely degrades their victims sense of self until they can only rely on the abuser to tell them what is and is not real.
Gaslighting is about gaining complete control over the victim’s thoughts and actions by making them incapable of trusting their own experiences and memories. This is not an immediate thing and is often pared with social and/or physical isolation. Gaslighting is consistent day after day undermining of a persons senses and experiences until they rely completely on their abuser to tell them what is real.
And a lot of times it’s so subtle that the victim won’t realize what’s happening until they’ve completely lost their sense of self and are left with psychological trauma and programming that is going to take years or decades of therapy to undo.
If you want to see this in action, watch the 1944 film Gaslight - the film that gave this form of abuse it’s name. Tangled is also actually a really good modern example of both gaslighting and how it damages a persons sense of individuality and sanity
Gaslighting is not a joke and the phrase “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” has done irreversible damage to the public’s understanding of the word. Gaslighting can lead to suicide and often causes severe psychological damage in survivors that takes years to undo.
A character in the qsmp lying to another character about something isn’t gaslighting them. It’s just lying. If a character is lying to another character to get them to do something - that is called manipulation.
So for the love of what ever gods you believe in STOP casually saying a character is gaslighting someone in the qsmp if they are just lying to them. Gaslighting is a specific form of abuse that causes severe psychological trauma. It is not a haha funny thing. Please stop misusing it.
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24-guy · 4 months
What would you recommend for a first Saw movie, and/or what order would you recommend watching them?
Oo. Okay.
I mean. I'll always be a reccomender of the release order (so that's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3D, Jigsaw, Spiral, 10). The first movie isn't gory at all so it's a good judge on if you get queazy or not at implied stuff versus shown.
You could go with timeline order, but that relies on your understanding of certain character's appearances since Saw X (takes place between the first two) has an end credit scene with a character who doesn't show up until the 3rd movie, so that's two movies after it. Other than that, it's exactly the same. It's just that Saw X takes place second cronologically.
TLDR; I'd reccomend release order. So you start with Saw 2004, then go to Saw II, and so on and so forth.
If you want to go the extra mile, and maybe are uncertain about watching the movies, there's also Saw 0.5, which is the colloquial name for Saw 2003, a short film the creators made with the inital idea for saw. It has no canonical standing - as far as I'm aware - to the main series' lore, but it does have the bear trap. So. Take that as you will. That's on youtube, so if you're interested either search "Saw 0.5" or "Saw 2003" and you should get it, pretty easily.
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