#Tog fic idea
Joe/Nicky meet-cute idea!
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This adorable story from Twitter but as a Joe/Nicky meet-cute! 💕
Nicky is the plant dad with a ton of precious potted plants by his front door. Joe is the sleep-deprived sweetheart of a food delivery guy (an artist trying to nake ends meet) who knocks over the pot. He apologies so sincerely, all big, sad bambi eyes, that Nicky finds himself comforting Joe and telling him he didn't need to worry about it.
Joe is so moved by Nicky's kindness that he comes by a couple of days later with a replacement pot -beautifully hand painted, of course, because this is Joe! - with the sweetest apology note. Nicky, in turn, is so incredibly touched (and also, let's face it, smitten) that he insists he repay Joe by making him dinner.
And that's how Nicky ends up cooking for his food delivery guy and eventually marrying him. And they live happily ever after surrounded by Nicky's plants, all in beautiful hand-painted pots (which Joe now makes for a living and is pretty successful at selling!).
The end 🥰🪴🌷☘️
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deiaiko · 3 months
#20.1 Sulk
Her footsteps echoed through the hallway, stopping in front of one particular room where her god resided in. She knocked on the door to make her presence known, not expecting her god to answer. Not today, at least.
Hwaryun opened the door and saw her god curled up on the sofa. He peeked at her and quickly looked disinterested at her presence. She considered it better than getting herself kicked out before she could talk some sense into him.
She invited herself in and went straight to the pantry. "Grace couldn't come today, so he asked me to look after you. Would you like some tea?"
Her god didn't answer, but he did perk up at the name. She brewed him a cup of tea anyway, adding a little more sugar than she would have liked for herself since her god had a sweet tooth. She set his cup on the coffee table and took a seat on an unoccupied sofa next to him.
Viole sat more upright, still hugging the sofa pillow. He gave her a once over before he went back to staring into the far off distance. "Why can't Hyung come?"
Hwaryun took a sip of her tea before answering, "He said he needs time for himself."
"Is it because of me?" Viole mumbled into the pillow, eyes shadowed by his long bangs.
"No. He's grieving for his late friends."
"Oh." Viole loosened the grip on the pillow, although only momentarily. "Can I see him?"
'I want to be there for him' was what his gaze seemed to say. Her god was such a compassionate person; it was endearing. Still, she had to shake her head. "You won't be of any help to him with your plate full."
"Why? What does that mean?"
"You have a lot on your mind. It's better to sort them out first before helping someone else." Hwaryun traced the edge of her cup, "Do you want me to guess or would you like to tell them yourself? Putting words into your thoughts will help you to untangle it."
Viole blinked. "I don't know. I feel bad."
Hwaryun hummed. "Do you know the cause of it?
"...Rachel." Viole turned his head away. "My chest aches whenever she comes to mind."
"She betrayed your trust, didn't she? It's expected that you feel that way."
"I've been…I just wanted to help her. Yet…" Viole trailed off. "I know I have forgiven her for making me live like this. But…"
When Viole couldn't find any words to continue, she decided to help him fill in the blanks. "You feel sad and angry because it feels like you're wasting your time thinking about how to get her back, only for her to walk away from you."
Viole buried his face on the pillow, staying quiet.
Hwaryun decided to help herself to the cookie jar on the coffee table and pulled out a book from her pocket. Opening the bookmarked page, she began reading where she left off while she waited for her god to gather his thoughts.
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Moments later Viole shifted on his seat and mumbled, "Miss Hwaryun, why should I keep going?"
"To climb the tower?" Hwaryun didn't look up, even though her book was quite boring. "Or to be FUG's slayer?"
Viole stiffened at the latter question. Unlike the book, her god was easier and more interesting to read.
Hwaryun took another sip from her half empty cup. "Well, if you refuse to be a slayer, then what would you be?"
Viole didn't reply. It wasn't like they gave him enough time to think about it before.
"Being FUG's slayer isn't that bad, you know? You have backup here, and we will support you with whatever we have. Connections, money, information. I'm sure Jinsung, Grace or Agni had told you how important those are to help you climb the tower."
Viole bit his lip, "I know that. But that's–"
But nothing they could offer would satisfy him, Hwaryun knew. Because her god didn’t care about money or fame. What he wanted was companionship, his cherished friends, and FUG had cruelly taken that away from him. However, "Believe me, it could be a lot worse than what you have now."
"How much worse could it be?" Viole's voice cracked a little. "I just…want to be with my friends, is it too much to ask?"
"Is it?" Hwaryun clapped the book close, eyeing the untouched tea on the table before looking to its owner in his eyes. "Considering everything I've seen in my lifetime, you're quite lucky your friends are still around."
Viole blinked, staring back at her with a look that could kill. She realized she had worded it like a threat.
"Don't take me wrong, I'm just saying that in general. The tower is just a cruel place, and people who climb it know that they must put their lives on the line to get what they seek. People kill and die for a lot of reasons, and we are no exceptions." Hwaryun placed her finger on her eyepatch, "This eye could have been my life, if I didn't dodge in time. Did you get what I mean?"
Viole frowned. "Then what do I do? I don't want to lose anyone anymore."
Hwaryun hummed thoughtfully, "That is impossible. All you can afford is to do your best by getting stronger, so at the very least, you won't see them get killed in front of you."
Fear reflected in Viole's eyes and he gritted his teeth. "How could you say such a thing?!"
"It's not impossible. If Hansung were to take Khun and Rak as a hostage, would you be able to fight back and win before he's able to hurt them, or worse?"
Viole bit his lip.
"Hansung wouldn't do that, don't worry. But I couldn't say the same thing with other rankers and regulars that will come across you."
Viole considered her words for a long time. "...I don't think I would be okay if I lost them."
"I know." It would be just like what happened with Jinsung.
Viole suddenly jumped down on his feet, staring sharply at her. "They are all still alive, right? My friends, I mean."
"Yes, they are. Grace would have told you otherwise if anything were to happen."
"Then, do you happen to know who Hyung's friends that's…?
Hwaryun shook her head, "No. None that we knew of."
"Ah." The sulking brokenhearted boy he was before was no more, and Hwaryun couldn't help but smile at her beloved god. "Do you think I can help him somehow?"
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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catofadifferentcolor · 7 months
Terrible Fic Idea #76: The Old Guard, but make it Harry Potter
I've read a lot of Master of Death!Harry Potter fics over the years and one thing that struck me is how so many of the canon MoD tropes - never aging, inability to stay dead - also can be said for The Old Guard's flavor of immortality. So I thought, why not?
Or: What if Harry Potter was raised by The Old Guard?
Just imagine it:
Six months after Merrick, on the night of 31 October, 2019, The Old Guard is woken by dreams of Voldemort killing the Potter Family.
The Guard are not unaware of magic - it's their running theory that something about their magic turning inwards at the time of their first death causes their immortality, rendering them near-squibs who cannot age or die - but they live very much on the fringes of the magical world. And even then most of their contact is with the goblin nation, who couldn't care less about wizards. So it takes some time for them to realize what and who and where.
Their search is not helped by the fact that the child they come to realize is the new immortal is largely kept in a cupboard and rarely allowed to leave the house, rendering them only the tiniest of dream details to search with. They finally manage to track down Harry a year before he's due to start primary school, c. late 2022-early 2023.
Everyone is confused as to why the immortal Harry Potter is aging - and he's very clearly immortal, having survived both the Killing Curse and the Dursley's neglect - but figure he'll stop aging once he reaches adulthood. Which is good, because none of them had any idea what they'd do with an immortal toddler.
Joe and Nicky raise Harry, who is rechristened Hari al-Kaysani after it wins the vote. Harry Potter disappears from the Hogwarts Book of Names, but since only the incoming first year names are readable at any given time, no one notices for years.
(This is helped by Mrs. Figg being conveniently away on holiday when the Dursley's are found neatly murdered in their bed. Dudley is left with most of his memory wiped at a hospital in Plymouth, is taken into foster care, and is eventually adopted by a nice elderly couple. He takes over their antique restoration business when they retire - and is very surprised when the children he and his partner have via surrogate have magic.)
And so it is a very different Hari who attends Hogwarts in 2029 - still a little marked from his childhood traumas, but with a loving, supportive family who have taught him to do no harm but take no shit. His humor is perhaps more morbid than the average 11 year old's, but he is kind and stubborn and has a sense of justice that could double as a knife. He is, naturally, a Hufflepuff.
Hari's school years largely follow canon in plot, if not followthrough. As no one makes the connection between Harry Potter - portrayed in media as an Anglo Gryffindor child savior - and Hari al-Kaysani - hard-working international desi student - he's largely separate from what drama still exists.
First year has the school in a tizzy over Harry Potter's "disappearance", with a few details re: his placement at the Dursley's coming to light in the papers. All this largely passes Hari by until Quirrel decides to kidnap him to use to get past the Mirror. This goes as well as canon, with Hari having to kill Quirrel - and dying himself for the first time since his adoption. His parents are livid and threaten to pull him from Hogwarts unless safety measures improve.
Second year has the petrifications, which Hari doesn't mention to his family, wanting to stay at Hogwarts. This backfires on him when he more or less is dragged into the Chamber by a bewitched Ginny and ends up killing the basilisk. And dying again. Hari exits the Chamber to find his family in full battle gear, preparing to rescue him - and gets the lecture of his life. As does Dumbledore, for being even more careless with student safety. And Ginny, for writing in a cursed book.
This is also when Dumbledore starts to suspect Hari is Harry Potter and adjusts his plans accordingly.
Third year is fairly quiet despite Sirius' breakout. Most of the drama occurs outside the school.
Nicky, having managed to leverage the danger Hari has been in the last two years into a seat on the Hogwarts board of governors, starts ruthlessly pushing for a reform of Hogwarts' security measures and bylaws. He not only manages to block Dementors from Hogwarts, but get most of his concerns addressed. It is one his ward updates which identifies both Sirius and Wormtail on the school grounds. Both get their trials, with Sirius going free and Wormtail being imprisoned.
Nicky manages to use this and his family name to gain a seat on the Wizengamot, which Joe takes up with a more subtle brand of ruthlessness that have all involved ruing the day they agreed to it.
Fourth year goes well, until the Goblet names "Harry Potter" as the fourth champion. As magic is about intent, it doesn't matter that Hari has never thought of himself by that name - he hadn't known his name at all at the Dursleys - the fact that the person who entered him intended for The Boy-Who-Lived to compete in the Tournament and Hari once defeated Voldemort is enough for the Goblet.
Despite Nicky and Joe's best attempts, Hari is still forced to compete. As a result Andy takes up residence at the school as "headmistress" of Hari's unnamed fourth school and makes life a pain for certain responsible parties.
This leads to a lot of drama involving several people being angry he "disguised" himself to attend Hogwarts, "lied" to them about who he was, and/or failed to live up to their expectations. The most drama should come from Sirius, who is angry Hari "hid" from him after his trial.
The Third Task ends as with canon - but with Voldie a little less snakelike and a little more rational, thanks to the immortality in Hari's blood. (And Andy, ever suspicious, manages to catch out fake Moody and reveals him far more publicly, in a way Fudge can't deny.)
Fifth Year goes better than canon. Thanks to Andy capturing Crouch, the public is aware someone tried to revive Voldie. Most believe they failed and it's a fake wandering around causing chaos, but at least they're somewhat aware of the danger.
Fudge is ousted from office, Andy is put in place as the new DADA teacher, and Dumbledore slowly tries to rope Hari back into his schemes, not realizing the Horcrux in him died with Hari during his second death (age 24 months, the Dursley's having left him locked in a hot car) - indeed having no idea of Hari's immortality at all.
The more Dumbledore tries to groom Hari, the more his family makes life difficult for the Headmaster. This should include Booker publishing a better researched, less sensational version of Rita's biography - which has Dumbledore sacked from all his positions but headmaster, though not for lack of trying.
The Guard spends most of the year trying to figure out how Voldie achieved his immortality and what his Horcruxes might be. The Order continues their ineffective business with the prophesy, leading to a big battle in the Ministry in which no children take part but several order members are killed, including Sirius.
Hari, despite never having been close to his godfather in this AU, inherits all - including the Locket.
Sixth Year has Dumbledore try to pull Hari in to private lessons, which is parents refuse to allow. The Guard quietly finds and destroys all the remaining Horcruxes save Nagini - and the ring, which Dumbledore found first. Snape kills a dying Dumbledore at his request when the Death Eaters attack the school at the end of the year... while on the grounds Nile kills a snake and Andy beheads a newly-mortal Voldemort with her labrys.
As the public believe this Voldemort is a pretender, this only gets them limited fame. Which is better for all involved.
(Snape escapes Azkaban only by sharing his memories of Dumbledore's death at his trial, but is asked not to return to Hogwarts.)
Seventh Year is a normal school year, with the adults mopping up Death Eaters on the outside - until the very end of the year, when a rogue Voldemort supporter AKs Hari in the middle of the Great Hall. Andy, who is still DADA teacher, removes the body before he can revive, and thus ends their child hero as far as the Wizarding World is concerned. In "grief" his family disappears from public and in a handful of generations Harry Potter is largely relegated to the history books.
After his death at 17, Hari stops aging and his active magic turns inwards, much like the others. Becoming a near-squib is quite a change, but he has his family and is old enough to join them on their missions in the muggle world. It's not the destiny others hoped for him, but he's happy and loved and, in the end, that's all that matters.
Bonuses include: 1) An exploration of what it means to be desi in the British Wizarding World. Extra bonus points if Hari's background is Pakistani Muslim, simply because I don't think I've seen it done before and I think it could be fascinating, particularly given Joe and Nicky's own backgrounds; 2) An exploration of what it means to be squib or near-squib in the Wizarding World. This shouldn't be a straight linear things are so much better than the past, where we just killed our squibs, but include many ups and downs in treatment throughout history - and the acknowledgement that while squibs are treated much better than they were two hundred years ago, they're still treated much worse than they were a thousand years ago; 3) the Wizarding World being presented as deeply flawed, but no more so than any government of its era. Political polarization and unwillingness to compromise should be at the root of many of its problems. Joe, during his tenure in the Wizengamot, should be renowned for gathering opposing politicians in a room, sitting them down, and forcing them to talk about their issues like unruly children; 4) A misguided Dumbledore who genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing, and 5) Hari starting a societal revolution by being the first at Hogwarts to have a smart phone that works with magic, thank you Uncle Booker.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back to me if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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artgroves · 2 years
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“To first blood?” Nicolo asks, but even as he says the words his mouth pulls down, rueful, at Yusuf’s raising brows. What is first blood to people like them?
For so universal a mixture by @wrenaspun - In which duelling to the death becomes the most intimate engagement in the world.
Thanks to the @theoldguardevents Reversebang <3
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non-un-topo · 19 days
Got inspired to make original fiction at the worst time because I'm too busy and can't draw my silly little guys (gn). I'm suffering.
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negotiumcrucis · 2 years
Hi! It is just me or the last Luca/Marwan pic is giving such an omegaverse vibes? pregnant Omega Nicky (with a great ass) basking in the Sun while alpha Joe is trying to protect him
Sorry, nonny! You sent me this a while ago, but life has been pretty chaotic, so let it be known that I have been thinking about this ask ever since then and, in short, HELL YEAH The Pic has e v e r y t h i n g
Not only did it assure us all that Joe's precious curls are safe and LONGER, but also reminded this whole fandom of how privileged Nicky is in the ass department and, of course, I have to mention The Tummy™ ~ so you're absolutely correct, the omegaverse vibes are *:・゚✧perfect✧・゚:*
I can so easily imagine a scenario where alpha!Joe and omega!Nicky became infertile due to the whole immortal business, so they went through centuries without ever contemplating the possibility of having kids of their own and that was fine by them for they always had each other... but after Kozak's experiments something drastically changed and Nicky goes through the first full-blown heat since 1099 (which, hm, is basically the plot of a super fluff Christmas fic I wrote with the amazing @instantpeach back in December) and maybe Joe's rut aligns with it and boom -- Nicky is pregnant for the first time ever!
And Joe is obviously besotted by the news, and he can't quite believe it when Nicky finally tells him -- of course, he had sensed something was off when Nicky's scent abruptly changed -- but then after his suspicions are confirmed, Joe is not-so-secretly trying not to freak the hell out. It's all too new, and he is happy beyond words, but also so, so scared and Joe starts reading everything on the subject (with Nile and Copley's help), and man, if only Nicky would just let Joe take care of him, because what if something happens to them...
But Nicky-it’s-not-our-time-yet-Di-Genova pretty much believes everything is meant to be so ALL WILL BE WELL and how can Joe argue with his mate? Obviously, Nicky doesn't put himself through unnecessary risks, but just imagine it... Nicky has let his beard grow so they can be incognito for this new mission (it took Joe and Andy some convincing they should even take the mission, but Nicky and Nile won the argument in the end), and it's summer and there's a heatwave and now Nicky has cravings on top of everything else, so at some point he just gets up from the shade and starts walking towards a gelato stand without a mask on because his beard itches like hell and again, it's so hot, so Nicky also begins to remove his shirt so he can free his arms and be only on his t-shirt...
That's when he picks up Joe's sharp scent as his mate catches up with him, carrying an umbrella, and Nicky has to admit the shadow is very welcome, but Joe's presence is even more so. He smiles when he feels Joe's hand on the small of his back, and he wishes they were alone so Joe could touch his growing stomach as well... Nicky's bump is barely visible yet, but he has started to feel some movement for the past week and Nicky simply cannot wait for it to become strong enough so Joe can feel it too... ◕.◕
Well, thanks so much for the ask! I know I spent a couple of months without sharing any new omegaverse content, but thanks to one of my TOG Reverse Bang projects (in collaboration with the lovely @pochiperpe90) I am happy to announce I am back on my omegaverse bullshit (◕‿◕✿) and no, don't worry, my other omegaverse wip isn't abandoned, I promise I will get back to it as soon as possible!
Also, in a related-ish note, you know I went through my blog's archive to retrieve the link for the pic in question... and just look at the number of notes the post had right as I checked it?
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As a very wise man once said...
it's like destiny ♥‿♥
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cryingatships · 2 years
Because we're still stuck at the beginning of the tog wedding arc-
Baam is the only son and heir to the wealthy Grace family, one of most powerful in the land, but comparatively new in the aristocratic circle. He is engaged to marry Khun Maria, a daughter from the ancient noble house of Khuns, well known for their bloodline, but struggling from financial troubles as of late. During a visit to the Khun Estate, Maria introduces Baam to her brother, Khun Aguero Agnis, who had come from studying abroad for the holidays. Khun Aguero Agnis is everything opposite of Baam's betrothed. He's stubborn, sarcastic, with a vocabulary much too unsuitable for either the dinner table or the parlour, and has some rather controversial opinions about the world.
Baam ought to stay away from him. After all, the purpose of his visit is getting close to his future wife, and Khun Aguero plays little role in that.
But as he gets to know Khun more, Baam starts questioning his life too.
Maria is busy discussing fashion with her sisters, choosing fabric during the seamstress' visit, or taking walks to the town. There are too many moments when Baam is left in the sole company of Khun Aguero.
They start speaking. Long talks in the parlour about the new laws, discussions of love, and even on the forbidden topic of sexuality, long walk along the lake, through the garden where their hands brush each other's, and they stay quiet, savouring the solitary beauty of autumn.
As the day becomes shorter and cooler, the two men are forced to retreat into the parlour, lounge next to the fire during the evenings. The darkness of heavy curtains, light coming only from the fireplace and the few candles around the room, creates an atmosphere all too cozy, all too encouraging to the human heart to develop feelings of a romantic nature.
On a cold eve in late autumn, when Maria was busy writing a letter in her study, Baam kisses the blue haired Khun boy, who looks too much like his sister, yet all too different from her softness.
It is a sin, a crime, yet Baam's heart flutters with things he has never felt before. Why should something incriminating make one feel this winderful? "You have won." He mutters against Aguero's lips. Indeed, he has, Baam now believes his theories on human love and sexuality much more than he had before, perhaps even wholly.
"No, I think I've lost." He hears Aguero whisper back.
In the end, Baam breaks his engagement. Maria isn't mad, just a little worried about the future interactions and mockery she'll face in high society. But she still shits on Khun cause why not bully lil brother when she gets the chance ayo
khunbaam don't get married, cause same sex marriage isn't legally valid in the era this is set in. But they DO have a small ceremony with supportive friends and even a few family members and become 'partners'. Khun becomes an author well known many many ages later for his writings and theories on human sexuality, gender, equality etc. Baam becomes a very successful businessman during his life time and uses his money to give them the life they deserve (aka spoil khun) and also find orgs that help queer ppl in need of assistance. Historians of their time have documented these two as highly successful individuals, 'roommates' and has taken note of their 'great friendship'. >:)
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purplelapislazuli · 2 years
Obsessed over this new game called the Cum League where 2 men fight to be the one that makes the other one come first. In 1 minute. One is the attacker and the other the defender. You lose if you come first.
Now I can't stop thinking about how hilarious this prompt would be for a fic. Imagine encountering your ex there. Or meeting someone and become rivals
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blackhairedjjun · 4 months
the forest of you
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pairing: choi soobin x gn reader | genre / tropes: fluff, cottagecore au, fantasy au, prince!soobin x witch!reader, mutual pining, just very soft vibes | word count: 1.9k | warnings: none, just a little (friendly) teasing
summary: prince soobin lives undercover as a commoner as part of a royal tradition, and you are the local potion-maker tasked with caring for him and magically maintaining his disguise. you take him to the forest one day to forage for ingredients, and you start to realize just how much you need him with you.
author's notes: i wrote this after binge-listening to soobin's forest cover, it was just soooo comforting and beautiful 🥰🥰 this fic isn't that overtly romantic since i mostly focused on recreating the comforting vibes and message of the original cover, but the pining is still there (i hope). the premise of this story is based on an idea i had some time ago but never turned into a fic, i do have ideas for fics in the same setting though!
(support by reblogging banner by @/cafekitsune)
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“y’know, soobin, you’ve become less scared of the forest since you got here,” you say, swinging your herb basket back and forth as you walk.
“oh really?” the prince stares at you, his mouth agape at first before morphing into his familiar dimpled smile. cute. “i suppose that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“it’s a very good thing. having company with me is nice.”
soobin trails behind you as you trudge down the worn dirt paths of the forest, trees on all sides towering over you. you hum as you walk, eyes on the lookout for anything of use in your potions: flowers, berries, mushrooms, seeds, leaves, even fallen bird feathers. from time to time you turn back to glance at your ward, who follows at a comfortable pace while gazing at the canopy above him.
he stops in his tracks and points at a patch of mushrooms growing on the bark of a tree. the mushrooms are at his eye level, above your head. “wait, these are the ones you use for my disguise potion, right?”
“that’s right! i missed that 一 thank goodness i’ve got a tall person helping me out.”
soobin pries the mushrooms from the bark hands it to you, a proud grin on his face. you can’t help but smile yourself in admiration, and your smile only grows when his hands brush yours while he places them in your basket. “thank you,” you whisper.
now you walk side-by-side through the forest, and you much prefer it this way. even with his princely nature hidden, you find something reassuring about his presence: soobin towers over you, but he moves slowly, deliberately matching his stride to yours, even the swinging of his arms in sync. he stays close by you, as if protecting you from anything that might leap out of the forest, and your arms nearly brush his a few times.
every now and then you stop to take something from the forest: a cluster of deep red berries, a yellow-green fern growing in swirling patterns, a flower so white it practically shines on the forest floor. soobin gazes at you intently as you do your job, and you’re so engrossed in your work that you miss the soft smile that crosses his face while he observes.
“did you really do all this by yourself before i came here?” he asks as you step through a narrow space between two gnarled trees. in the distance some birds begin to caw, but you don’t even flinch at the sound.
“pretty much. i’m used to it, i guess.”
“and you weren’t lonely or scared? that’s really cool, y/n.”
“i wasn’t always like this,” you say as you pry another mushroom from some tree bark for soobin’s disguise potion. “the first time i went on my own, i wanted to prove to my parents that i could forage by myself. y’know, be a real witch and everything. but i was shaking the whole time... and i missed my parents so much. they used to point out the different birds to me while they foraged, or they’d just look at me all excited if they found a rare ingredient. and that’s what i missed the most, just having someone to be with.”
soobin presses his lips together as he listens to you. you’ve been foraging on your own for years, and though you tell yourself that you’re used to it, your heart aches at the memory. you turn to face him and your eyes meet. 
“i get what you mean,” he says. “when i first came here for my incognito period, i remember missing everyone a lot. my parents and all the palace staff... kai, beomgyu... your cottage was so quiet in comparison. not that it’s a bad place, it’s just...”
“not home?”
soobin nods, his gaze falling to the dried leaves on the forest floor. the two of you continue walking through the forest, stopping only a few minutes later so that you can collect a few wild berries from a bush.
“it feels more like home now, though,” soobin says as he crouches down to help you. “i like the smell of the herbs from your garden and how toasty the cauldron room is. and helping you is, ah, it’s fun... you care about your potions so much and i like watching you work.”
you laugh softly to yourself, turning away as you feel a warmth spread through your cheeks. “it’s... well, i’m used to it. and having you around has helped a lot.”
“sometimes i feel more like a bother than a help. you work so fast!”
“don’t say that, you’re plenty helpful. look at you right now, i would have missed some of the berries hidden here if it weren’t for you.”
with the berries collected and placed in your basket, you stand up at the same time. you don’t realize at first how close soobin is standing to you, but your eyes meet his and you can’t bring it in yourself to look away. the prince gazes at you as if trying to speak without words, as if telling you from his presence alone that everything will be alright.
he reminds you of the forest too, you think: tall and quiet and seemingly stern, but filled with a cool comfort all his own. 
your mutual reverie is broken by the cawing of a nearby flock of birds. soobin jumps and nearly falls; you grab onto his hand and you both wobble before he finds his balance.
“it’s一it’s fine.” your hand is still holding onto his, and your cheeks feel hot. “we should keep moving.”
the two of you continue through the forest, taking care not to travel too deep but stay at the periphery. soobin stays close to you, and you thread your arm through his 一 this will slow your pace, but you don’t mind.
“by the way, i changed the measurements of the disguise potion a bit,” you say as soobin crouches down to pick some flowerbuds. “i’m not sure if you felt any difference.”
“oh really? it felt the same to me.” he shrugs and places the flowerbuds in your basket. “i always feel... disoriented when i use it.”
“i know, that’s why i was trying to change it...”
“don’t worry about it too much.” soobin glances up at a tree branch right above him, and a cool breeze blows down on both of you. “it’s just... when i’m a prince, i feel shy from all the people watching me, but when i’m disguised, it feels odd not being recognized, as if no one cares about me. does that make sense?”
you’re quiet for a few moments. you glance up at the canopy, then back at soobin; prince or not, there’s something about him that feels right at home here. 
“i see what you mean... being around others is exhausting, but being by yourself is lonely. right?”
“yeah, exactly.”
“what about being with me?” you give him a teasing grin. “do you ever get sick of me?”
he grins right back at you, even rolling his eyes for dramatic effect. “yeah, i get totally sick of you. when i become prince again i’m banishing you so that i never see you again.”
“you could never do that, i bet. who’s going to make the potions of soothing to help you fall asleep, huh?”
“i’ve been stuck with you long enough that i could make it myself!”
you elbow him gently and you both laugh. the sound rings through the forest, and it makes the place seem smaller and warmer than it is.
you’ve often wondered what will happen when soobin’s incognito period ends and he goes back to his princely role. when the royal family first approached you to help with their son’s journey 一 apparently an old tradition to help future monarchs stay in touch with the common folk 一 you didn’t think much of it. you’d get an apprentice, make a few extra potions of disguise for him, then collect a hefty royal commission after eighteen months. at first, it had been nothing more than a chance to get an extra pair of hands and supplement your income as a potion-making witch.
but as you walk through the forest, arm in arm with soobin, you realize that you like the new routine you’ve established. the young prince helps you sell potions and make bread for meals, and more than once you’ve caught him giving harsh glares at rude customers who want to use your potions for nefarious purposes. and though his accompaniment to your weekly forages were originally nothing more than an excuse to get some help, you now find it impossible to imagine going on them without him.
soobin and the forest and you: in your mind they all fit together.
you’re so lost in your thoughts that he has to move in front of you to catch your attention. “y/n?”
“oh 一 sorry!”
“you know i was just kidding, right?”
“about banishing you, i mean,” he says. “i like being around you too much.”
“ah 一 yeah! d-don’t worry, i know,” you say, and now even your ears are warm together with your cheeks. “and um, thank you.”
you blink a few times and glance around. the trees have become more gnarled and more densely packed together. you realize that the two of you are starting to approach the heart of the forest; go any deeper and things will get dangerous, not just from wild animals but also from wild magic. “uh, we should... go back...”
soobin nods and waits for you to lead the way before falling in beside you. again he offers his arm, and you thread yours around it. with his free hand he offers to carry your basket for you; it has gotten heavier from the foraging you’ve been doing. you shake your head and give him a polite smile, letting him know that you can carry it just fine, but the gesture opens up a lightness in your heart.
the walk back to the main road is quiet, but not awkwardly so. such moments of silence are not uncommon with soobin, but they have a comfort all their own; the prince smiles to himself as he walks, taking the time to admire the lush green canopy above or the carpet of flowers and ferns growing in between the tree roots. you find yourself sneaking glances at him and following his gaze to whatever plant has caught his attention 一 you’re so used to forest forages that you’ve forgotten how to stop and admire the scenery.
can you really imagine the forest without him? you feel his arm wound around yours, anchoring you, and it reminds you of the tree roots beneath your feet.
by the time you reach the edge of the forest, the sun has started to set and the sky has turned orange. rays of yellow light peek through the remains of the canopy. you put your free hand up to your face to block out the most blinding rays, and soobin tightens his grip around your arm. 
“let’s go home?” he says. 
you turn to him and smile. he looks radiant in this light.
“let’s go home.”
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indigo-constellation · 2 months
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roleswap au things! more thoughts under the cut
In this au, clara was found by isidor as a baby out on the steppe, and adopted into the burakh family, much like in canon artemy leaves tog to go study, but in this one he actually gets a degree. On the other hand daniil starts by being the founder of the thanatica but leaves for tog and dies in the first outbreak. A year after that (4 years before the game would take place) artemy joins the thanatica and becomes it's head. While clara is trained as the menkhu
I have a lot of stuff planned for this au and a whole fic I want to write about it but shhhhh not yet I have many ideas and wips first
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Dance with me? (Roronoa Zoro x f!reader)
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Summary: you try to convince Zoro to dance to a slow song with you.
A/n: okay so i love dancing. And i love Zoro. So i thought: why not have Zoro dancing?! And then this idea came out 🤣 it's kinda short, just cause i wanted to write down this scenario ajskajakja i hope you like it though 🩷 this was slightly inspired by Selena Gomez's Body Heat. This song isn't as slow as the song i imagine them dancing to in the fic but the lyrics fit sooo well 🤭 also let's pretend there's a band playing at the Baratie lmaooo
Warnings: drinking, swearing, maybe ooc Zoro (i just had to get this man dancing yk ajskajksja)
"We're connected by the sun
And all of the stars above
You melt me and my body feels no shame
And I don't care tonight
If it burns too bright
'Cause, baby, that's why I came"
You were at the Baratie celebrating after very a successful mission!
Luffy and Usopp were inside eating as much as they could (like always lol) and you were outside watching the band play and the people dance.
Sitting with you and sharing drinks, there were your best friend Nami and your crush Roronoa Zoro.
Yep, you were crushing on the moss haired swordsman ever since you joined the straw hats.
You thought about confessing to him several times, but you were really afraid of being rejected and making things awkward at the Going Merry. No, you couldn't risk that, not when you loved your crew that much.
What you didn't know is that the pretty swordsman felt exactly the same, even though he tried to fight that feeling everytime you flashed your beautiful smile at him.
yeah two idiots secretly in love with each other oh well ajskajskaj
The three of you were just relaxing and drinking when the band started playing one of your favorite songs. It was a slow and romantic song that touched deep into your heart.
- oh my gosh, i love this song - you closed your eyes and started swaying to the beat. It felt wonderful.
You weren't sure if it was the alcohol making you brave or if you just couldn't stand hiding your feelings anymore, but you turned to face Zoro and you were so certain of what you were saying even he was a bit surprised.
- come on, dance with me - you said, very sure of your words.
- what? No. I don't do "dancing", (Y/N). - Zoro replied, crossing his arms and looking away, knowing very well that if he kept looking at your beautiful eyes he was going to give in at some point.
- please, it's just one song... i can lead you - you said almost pleading.
You approached him and put your small hand on his strong arm (yep, the alcohol definitely was making you brave). That's when he couldn't resist anymore and turned to look at you.
- please, Zoro... for me?
The way you said that and tilted your head slightly to the side made Zoro feel something deep inside of him he never had felt before. How could he say no to you?
He rolled his eyes:
- okay, okay... but just one song. Make it quick.
You were so happy you nearly jumped out of your seat.
- yay!! It'll be short, i promise. Let's go! - you said clapping and happily standing up.
He got up too and you grabbed his hand to lead him to the dance area. Yes, you just grabbed the Roronoa Zoro's hand and pulled him with you. Maybe it weren't the drinks, maybe you were just really determined to be with him ajskajskaj
When you got there, you started giving him the directions.
- okay, you have to put your hands here - you grabbed both his hands and placed them on your waist. The touch was so soft and intimate it made your whole skin tingle - and i go here - you placed your arms around his neck.
You could feel he was still a bit suspicious about the whole thing for how tense his muscles felt, but you decided you were going to make that a good time for both of you.
- hey, you're tense - you said softly - just... relax, okay? I know it may seem scary but dancing is supposed to be fun. You don't have to be a pro to enjoy it, just... feel it. It's just you and I having a good time together. No pressure at all.
Little did you know Zoro wasn't feeling nervous because of the dancing. Well, maybe a bit (he had never done that before ajskajskaj), but it wasn't the main reason.
He was nervous for being that close to you. God knows what he could do being so close to the girl he had been crushing on for so long.
You ran your hands through his shoulders and arms, trying to calm him down and feeling his strong muscles slowly relaxing under your touch.
- now you just focus on the beat and move along. When i move right, you move right. When i go back, you go forward. Just... feel it and enjoy - you said kindly and you started moving with the song.
You both moved smoothly through the dance floor and it felt amazing.
- see, it's not that hard. I'm sure you've faced bigger challenges than this one, pirate hunter - you emphasized these two words in a mocking way.
That made him chuckle and look down, feeling a bit shy.
Yes! You made him laugh 🤩 you loved knowing you were the one to create such cute sight.
On the other hand: fuck, you made him laugh 💀 everytime he smiled it made you weak on your knees and you couldn't even think straight.
That's when you closed your eyes and rested your head on his chest, while you both just moved along to the beat. It was such a blissful moment, dancing to a song you loved and sharing it with a person you loved too.
Being there with him, enjoying the beat, feeling safe in Zoro's arms... you felt like you could live in that moment forever.
When you lifted your head and looked into his eyes again, it was like the rest of the world disappeared. There was just the two of you, holding each other and sharing loving looks.
You were so close and you could feel his eyes staring at your lips. You took that as a sign.
You cupped his cheek and slowly went in for a kiss.
Was that really happening?! You wanted to pinch yourself to check if all of that wasn't actually another delulu dream of yours.
But it was real. You could feel it.
The kiss was soft and sweet, but also full of emotion.
When you parted you were blushing madly so you just hid your face on his chest again and went back to dancing. This time you could feel he laid his head on top of yours too and that made your heart so warm. And that's because you didn't know he was enjoying it so much he had his eyes closed too, or else you would have exploded.
You knew at some point later you and Zoro would have to discuss feelings and stuff, but at that moment all that mattered was enjoying now.
You stayed like that for another few seconds until the song ended and everyone started clapping at the band. You and Zoro parted and smiled at each other. crap there was that pretty smile again
- see, you nailed it! - you said playfully punching him - thank you for coming with me, it was so nice. And i kept my promise, short and quick - you chuckled.
- yeah... now i kinda wish it lasted longer though - he said trying to look away to hide the small blush that was on his cheeks. Now besides smiling!Zoro, you also had him blushing?! It was definitely a dream.
You hooked your arm in his and led him out the dance area.
When you were going back to your seats, you saw Nami staring at you with a smug face. Damn, was she watching the whole thing?! Prepare for teasing in 3, 2...
- what a show, huh? - Nami said smirking and raising her eyebrows.
- shut up, Nami - Zoro said nonchalantly as he sat down and crossed his arms again, with that "100% done" face of his to try to hide the faint blush that was still on his cheeks.
You just chuckled and sat down for another drink, still feeling the bliss of that amazing moment you had just lived.
And you know what, the night was just beginning. Who knows what else could happen 😉
"Let's go all night
Just you and me
If you're the flame, I'm kerosene"
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catofadifferentcolor · 10 months
Terrible Fic Ideas #60: The Old Guard, but make it Percy Jackson
I was not intending on falling headfirst into another fandom. Nor was I intending to come up with another crazy PJO crossover that somehow manages not to be crack, but I discovered The Old Guard last weekend and this is the end result.
Or: What if, post-movie, the Guard decided to lay low at the one place Merrick's people could never find them: Camp Half-Blood?
Bear with me:
For most of history, "the cradle of western civilization" has been in Europe, as befitting a throughly European idea. But Europe is a big place - and even bigger when you don't have modern transportation to fall back on. A common rule of thumb for medieval travel goes something like 1 day sailing = 7 days on horseback = 21 days walking.
Plus sending satyrs to scope out likely schools is a lovely idea in an era with compulsory public education, but less likely to work in an era where even universities are few on the ground.
All that being said, I imagine it would have been ridiculously easy for demigods to slip through the cracks and never make their way to CHB or CJ, not once suspecting they were anything other than fully human. This is especially true of demigods without spectacular active powers like creating hurricanes or summoning the dead.
As there's no canonical reason why the members of the Old Guard are immortal, there's no reason they can't be demigods who slipped through the cracks, died, and became immortal because of their divine ancestry. It's a rare quirk of genetics that shows up only in 1 in a 10,000 demigods, most often in those who lack any active powers and show only the passive traits of their divine parent - and, therefore, have no idea that they're demigods at all until much, much later in the game.
For the purposes of this fic: Quỳnh and Lykon are descended from southeast asian and subsaharan pantheons of which modern historians have only limited knowledge. Andy is the daughter of Dyḗus, the PIE sky god considered to be equivalent to Zeus, and thus is something like Zeus' stepdaughter. Nicky is the only child of Neptune born in the last two millennia, Joe the son of Apollo in his Greek incarnation, and Nile the daughter of Mars. I went back and forth for possible divine parents for Booker, but ultimately decided to make him a son of Dionysus in this AU. None of them exhibit anything that might be called a power, but have certain talents and personality traits that mark them distinctly as of divine descent.
Just imagine it:
Following Merrick, the Guard needs to lay low. They have many safe houses but no way of knowing how many are compromised. In the end, they decide to go to the one place Merrick can be assured not to find them: Camp Half-Blood.
They get halfway to Ramsgate before realizing the UK probably no longer counts as "the cradle of Western civilization". With a little bit of divine intervention, they find their way to Long Island.
CHB is not unused to people showing up bloody on their doorstep, but most campers have never seen one adult demigod, let alone five. The fact that two of them are Roman and one predates Zeus himself is startling, as I picture this happening in the summer immediately after TLO, before Hera kidnaps Percy.
There's some tension, partly because of the Greek/Roman thing, partly because some campers are bitter these well-trained adults didn't show up to help during the Battle of the Labyrinth/Battle of Manhattan. (The answer - that they just didn't know Kronos was rising - doesn't help much, but the masterclasses they give on various fighting techniques do.)
Percy spends more time at CHB during the next few months than he ever has - after all, who knows when he'll next get to see a non-monstrous half-brother? Nicky may be the son of his father's Roman incarnation - the only one born since Sextus Pompeius to hear him tell it - but he's still family. An ideal big brother really. This does not keep Percy from being kidnapped or the events of HOO from happening, but it does mean there are more people keeping an eye out for him, and when the Argo II runs into trouble in Europe a few people they can call for backup.
But otherwise I have very little plot for this and a lot of scenes of a long few months where CHB and the Guard interact, but then largely go their separate ways until the kids need to phone a friend. This includes: 1) Booker spending a lot of time with his father and remaining half-brother, which gives him both family and the therapist he needs. It's not a magical fix-all, but it starts the path of healing; 2) Nile freaking out over the demigod thing as well as the immortality, but finds comfort in her Ares half-siblings, and generally realizing that while she may have lost her mortal family she never has to be alone, even if she decides being a member of an immortal army isn't for her; 3) Andy teaching all the children all the weapons, because as much as he hates baby demigods having to fight she'd rather teach them how to survive than turn a blind eye to it; and 4) Percy worrying Nicky and Joe are camping out in a cave on the edge of camp because they've been made to feel unwelcome because of the Roman/gay/immortal thing, only to turn permanently red after they kindly explain to him why two adults in a loving relationship might want space for themselves after a traumatic event.
Bonuses include: 1) At least one long digression on how one goes from killing each other multiple times outside the gates of Jerusalem to immortal husbands who are still in the honeymoon stage after 97 decades. This should include a lot of digression on what it takes to have a healthy relationship of any sort, among other related subjects, and hopefully highlight the line between healthy desire to spend one's lives together and unhealthy codependence enough so that MoA's judo throw is avoided; 2) The drama of at least one divine parent beyond Dionysus appearing on scene at some point. Extra bonus points if it's Neptune, who honestly hasn't realized he fathered a demigod child in the last two thousand years. Extra extra bonus points if it's curmudgeonly victorian fisherman Neptune; and 3) Percy upon finding out about Quỳnh immediately offering to go out to Dogger Bank and ask the marine life about a woman in an iron coffin.
And that's it really - not a lot of plot, just a lot of disconnected scenes. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I have a lot respect for you but it's frustrating to the discussion on fandom and racism boiled down to a few fic interpretation arguments and then thoroughly dismissed.
That's inevitable when the campaign gave off vibes that were so strongly at odds with its assertion that it wasn't about which fic is bad.
I think the other problem is that none of us have any actual answers other than better blocking features or more ways to customize search for a given user.
How do you solve racism?
I don't think callouts are that useful most of the time, though I will signal boost when fairly credible posts about situations like that TOG one come around. I think privately giving friends support is useful, but that's not something you do at scale or that you mandate for other people. I don't think that shadowbanning fic by removing it from basic AO3 searches is desirable. I don't think increasing one ship vs. another's content is meaningful. I do think posts about gross media tropes can be useful if they're well-researched.
I was watching a speech by Beverly Daniel Tatum the other day, and she was talking about strategies that work offline. A lot of it boiled down to raising kids in multicultural neighborhoods and sending them to diverse schools. She had some examples where it had worked, but getting people to stop being NIMBY assholes so that housing and schools can actually be fixed is extremely difficult.
I think a lot of problems in fandom are symptoms that show up far downstream of the actual causes, and it's not that easy to solve anything here. It's not that we shouldn't oppose racism, but most of the suggestions I've seen just don't address what's actually going on (like canon screwing over a character and making them less popular as a consequence). A lot of fandom activism strikes me as rats in a barrel. People cling to the illusion that they can fix things here because it's less daunting than the reality that they're going to have to fight Hollywood or that they're not going to see that much success in their lifetime even if they do their activism well.
A nonwhite friend said something to me the other day about just wanting to stop hearing about anti-racist activism in fandom, full stop. They don't come here for that, and they're tired. I think it's a common sentiment and is part of why more of the informed people don't weigh in.
I post the majority of asks I get. If people have stories about fandom racism, I'll post them. It's just that the ones I've gotten are all like "I was harassed for writing my own identity wrong" with a plea to chill the fuck out and stop assuming things.
If people have practical suggestions, I'll post those too. I just think few of us have any really useful ideas.
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tranakin-skywalker · 9 months
Wait you're making a fic for your torgruta au?? Tell me more please
Yeah, I've been thinking about writing a fic about it for a while now. Most likely it's going to be a series of oneshots so I can hop around to different parts of the story I find interesting.
A lot of the ideas are coming from the hyena discord, so I can't claim them as my own. But they are just too good to pass up. Like togruta making infrasound with their montrals and constantly projecting their moods. So when Anakin first gets to the Temple he's constantly screaming for him mom at a pitch that only other togruta can hear.
I've decided that that's actually how he first meets Ahsoka. She hears him making his lost, scared, where's mom, where's family sounds and seeks him out to comfort him. Ahsoka would be about four here, and would have left Shili recently enough that she could still remember what those noises mean, even if Tatooine togruta sound different from Shili togruta. (to a Shili tog Anakin's distressed noises sound like he's being maimed, but that's just because of the generational trauma and general awfulness of being a togruta on Tatooine. What they would think of the vocalizations he makes when actually being maimed we will not think about)
So Anakin and Ahsoka end up growing up together right from the start, and the main reason Anakin is so insistent on being knighted early is so that Ahsoka can be his padawan. It's a private thought he has to himself at first, but as Ahsoka gets older and no masters are showing any interest in taking her on she starts to panic. Anakin tells her that he'll just have to get knighted before she ages out so that he can be her master. And then the Clone War starts and he realizes that keeping his promise means bringing her onto the battlefield with him where she could die and he's not sure if he'll be enough to keep her alive :)
Because Shmi is a togruta too she does not get bought by Cleigg Lars. I am just. not dealing with the implications of that. (Listen. I want to read Shmi's marriage to him as a good thing, but I have a very hard time doing that.)
Now, there's actually a comic (Legands, I think, not Disney canon) where Gardulla goes to Watto and tries to buy Anakin back after he wins the Boonta Eve Classic. So have some fun thoughts about what would have happened to Anakin if he hadn't gone with Qui-Gon.
In the fic, Gardulla goes to buy Anakin but of course he left with the Jedi, so Gardulla decides she'll take Shmi as payment for Watto's debts. After all, if Shmi already had one child who turned out to be a talented podracer, well, she might have more. Hence the younger sibling that comes about shortly after Anakin leaves.
When Anakin goes back to Tatooine because of the nightmares about his mom he finds out that Watto sold his mom back to Gardulla and has to go to her to buy his mom's freedom. Which would be traumatic, on multiple levels. Anakin finds out that a month before he arrived, Shmi tried to escape with the sister Anakin didn't know he had, and Gardulla had their chips detonated. Gardulla even gives him their triggered remotes as proof.
(Of course unbeknownst to Anakin, Shmi and the sister survived and are living with a village of other escaped togruta.)
A lot of canon still happens the same, including Anakin's fall, Order 66, Mustafar, etc. But when Bail Organa sees Ahsoka at Padme's funeral he tells her that he can take her to a mutual friend of theirs. Ahsoka thinks (hopes) it's Anakin at first, and is devastated when she realizes it's Obi-Wan (and then hates herself for feeling disappointment because she should be happy that Obi-Wan is still alive, but he's not Anakin, and this means that Anakin must be dead).
There's no Lars family and the Organas would have a harder time explaining a non-human daughter, so Ahsoka and Obi-Wan end up taking care of the twins. They eventually find their way to Tatooine because it's out of the Empire's notice and, well, because it's a connection to Anakin (Ahsoka's trying to hold onto anything she can that connects her to her brother and Obi-Wan is in his self-harming phase.)
And it's there that they eventually run into a little community of togruta and a woman who looks suspiciously like Anakin who has the last name Skywalker. But hey, Shmi gets to meet her grandkids at least. Even if it happens at the same time that she finds out that son she thought she'd sent away to a better life and hasn't seen in 13 years is dead. (Obi-Wan sees how much Anakin's death destroys Shmi and decides to never, ever tell her what he became. Vader will be his burden and it's a secret he will take to his grave. Anakin Vader is dead, and he'll save them from ever finding out how it really happened)
Of course, 15 years later Ahsoka goes to rescue some rebels from a walking death omen in black when she realizes the infrasound calls he's shrieking out of his mangled montrals is devastatingly familiar.
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loneliestluvr · 5 months
guys i need an acotar/tog/cc reader possibly fic writing bestie PLEASEEEEE i need someone i can share all my ideas w and ramble to and obviously you can too. IM BEGGING.
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justallihere · 3 months
So I think you mentioned your writing SJM book is TOG, and ACOTAR is probably your least favorite saga from her. So then, how come you’ve written fanfics for ACOTAR but not TOG ?
I didn’t read TOG (yet), but from what I’ve gathered the world is a bit more complex - so maybe that’s why ?
Just curious here !
Yes TOG is my favorite, and I think that’s a big reason why I haven’t written fic for it—I love it and that world and the characters mean a lot to me and I’m sort of hesitant to jump right in because it’s so important to me just the way it is. There aren’t a lot of moments that I go “what if this was different?” like I do with ACOTAR and FW. I have one fic idea in mind for TOG, which is an AU (shocker) of Aelin and Rowan’s first meeting but it would be long and I haven’t really thought about it too hard
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