frickingnerd · 3 months
poly relationship with tsuyu asui & fumikage tokoyami
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pairing: tsuyu asui x gn!reader x fumikage tokoyami
tags: polyamorous relationship, wholesome fluff, soft & lowkey relationship, great communication, goth x cottagecore
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the three of you are such a calm and healthy couple!
word about your relationship doesn't spread immediately, as both tsuyu and tokoyami are private people who don't like to brag about who they are dating
but once people figure out you three are a couple, they envy you for your seemingly perfect relationship!
tokoyami and tsuyu are great at communicating, so if any troubles come up, you three talk things out immediately, before things can get worse!
they never pressure you to do things you aren't comfortable with either, encouraging you to take small steps in the relationship
due to tokoyami being a goth, he likes to take tsuyu and you to concerts for dates and introduce you to the kinda music he's into!
meanwhile tsuyu, the cottagecore girlfriend that she is, likes nature dates! whether it's a picnic in the woods or a walk in the park, tsuyu loves it!
but calm dates in your dorms are a thing too! tokoyami buys snacks and puts on his favorite music, while tsuyu bakes cookies and the three of you talk all day and night!
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Ships that I like
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bluestarjay · 3 months
Guys, I love Tokoyami, and he has really great ships, but HOW DOES HE KISS??? Someone, please let me know bc I cannot fathom how kissing someone would work,,, like obviously people can like kiss his cheeks, forehead, or beak, yk, but he can't kiss on the mouth,,, what's he gonna do on his wedding day??? That's kinda a joke bc I'm sure there are alternatives for that, but fr tho if I couldn't kiss, I'd be so sad like wdym I can't shower my partner or my dogs in kisses???
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 3 months
Do you ship it?
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animinarts · 7 months
Shipuary Day 21:
TokoTsuyu (Fumikage Tokoyami x Tsuyu Asui)
My Hero Academia
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honey-katsu · 6 days
take her to the moon for me - ao3
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 here
Aizawa and a few of his students were given a job from the Hero Commission: stop the yakuza group known as the Bulls from selling any more quirk enhancement drugs. It should have been simple. Sneak in, destroy the drugs, and get out before anyone notices.
But of course, things never go as planned.
Warning (for all parts): violence, major character death, grief/mourning, panic attack/flashbacks
note before we begin: i am chickenKatsu on ao3. I do not give anyone the right to repost my work to another platform unless I’m asked then properly credited. Please support me on ao3 if you like it!
This raid had gone terribly awry. Aizawa and a few of his students–Kaminari, Asui, Shinso, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Tokoyami,–were given a job from the Hero Commission: stop the yakuza group known as the Bulls from selling any more quirk enhancement drugs. It should have been simple. Sneak in, destroy the drugs, and get out before anyone notices. 
When they got to the warehouses they were supposed to destroy, Midoriya had discovered a hidden entrance. It led to a complex underground network of tunnels. From what he could tell, Midoriya assumed these tunnels connected almost every warehouse in the prefecture, making their simple mission impossible. Aizawa and his students were about to leave and report back to the Commission when they were ambushed by yakuza lackeys, forcing them deep into the unknown labyrinth.
Which brought them to their current situation. Battered, bruised, and running on dwindling adrenaline, lost in the Bulls’ tunnels, and facing off against everyone they came across. 
Aizawa’s eyes were extremely dry from overuse, despite the fact that he tried to use his quirk infrequently. Asui’s skin and tongue were also too dry, seeing as her frog quirk required her to always stay moist. Kaminari  had already reached his limit even though he tried to conserve his energy like Midoriya suggested. Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami were just tired from how long they had been fighting; their quirks placed great strain on their bodies. Shinso’s voice was hoarse and pretty much unusable. Uraraka had thrown up at least 3 times now and seemed like she might do it again soon. Bakugou’s arms were on fire, muscles strained from so many explosions. Midoriya had broken his bones again, but he wasn't the only one; almost everyone had a broken bone or had sustained a major injury somewhere.
And Yaoyorozu… She was a lifesaver. She looked like she was ready to drop at any second, but she was the only reason they had lasted this long. Since they had been down in the yakuza's tunnels, Yaoyorozu had been making support items to ease everyone’s pain: medicine for Uraraka’s stomach, lozenges for Shinso’s strained throat, painkillers for Bakugou’s sore arms, eye drops for Aizawa, and emergency medical supplies for everyone’s injuries. She also created a bucket for Todoroki so he can melt his ice for Asui’s use. Along with the constant outflow of support items, Yaoyorozu also continued to try and make contact with the Hero Commission. After a while, she quit trying, assuming a jamming quirk or how far they were underground was interfering with communications.
The group traveled as quietly as they could, their aching bodies weighing them down like lead. At last, they felt a breeze, the smell of a forest drifting on the faint wind.
However, none of them noticed the villain waiting around the corner. A humongous fist shot out from behind the wall and grabbed the nearest hero. Tokoyami slammed against the wall, cracking it on impact. Dazed, he slid down the wall as the villain removed his hand and stepped into the hall. 
He was a giant, barely fitting in the cramped tunnels. He was as tall as a tower yet had to slouch in the tunnels. Short, white hair covered his muscular body. His sharp horns shone in the dim underground lighting. His cow-like face curved up in a smile. “Master said there were bugs causin’ trouble. Think I found them,” he said in a low, gravelly voice.
Before Aizawa could stop them, Midoriya and Bakugou rushed forward, launching attack after powerful attack. But each kick or explosion irritated their target, unfazed by their efforts.
“Damn flies,” he muttered, squashing Bakugou with the wave of a giant hand. The other caught Midoriya. The reckless kid struggled and squirmed in his grasp like a worm. The villain threw him down on Bakugou, who was just starting to get back up, knocking them to the ground.
Asui quickly lept into action, snatching the two out from under the villain and back to the group. Yaoyorozu and Uraraka immediately assessed their injuries. Tokoyami had started to get back up. He was ready to fight again until he saw the state of his teammates. Their most powerful close-combat fighters were down or unable to fight, leaving him, Todoroki, and Aizawa to face off against the giant.
Kirishima growled and positioned himself between the villain and his classmates, activating his quirk with what little energy he had left. Kaminari hung to the back with Todoroki, ready to protect their friends. It was ill-advised to use their quirks now. Kaminari was too close to his limit and didn't want to electrocute anyone. Todoroki would fight if he absolutely had to. Flames would only fill the hall with smoke, and Yaoyorozu didn't have enough energy left to create masks for everyone. Ice would freeze everyone except him. Or the villain could break it, deadly icicles ready to pierce anyone in their path. Plus, their opponent blocked their only way out.
“I am the Chianina, strongest of the Bulls,” the large villain growled, beating his chest proudly. “Challenge me if you dare!” 
“What now, Aizawa-sensei?” whispered Tokoyami as he carefully rejoined the group. 
Aizawa studied the villain before them. He was sturdy and undoubtedly had the strength to pummel them into dust. His animal-based mutant quirk gave him an advantage in close combat, which wasn’t good for them. Close-combat wasn’t an option, and their only long-range fighters couldn’t utilize their abilities in this enclosed, cramped space. 
“Protect your classmates and escape as soon as you can,” Aizawa said quickly. “I’ll give you an opening.”
“But Sensei--”
Before Tokoyami could protest, Aizawa rushed forward. He nimbly dodged his opponent’s swings, darting around him. He whipped out a knife and sliced his legs, torso, and any other area he could reach. Any time the Chianina tried to attack his students, Aizawa would use his capture weapon to stop him.
Soon, the villain got annoyed. With a roar, he swung. This punch was much faster and stronger than before, so Aizawa didn't have time to avoid the attack. The Chianina’s fist rammed into Aizawa’s face. Pain exploded from his nose and his goggles shattered. 
With a small growl, Aizawa charged again, completely ignoring the pain. Since his quirk wouldn't help against a mutant, he put all his energy into fighting the giant in front of him. However, his attacks weren't as successful as before. The villain had already learned his attack pattern, and Aizawa was easily overpowered. Effortlessly, the Chianina ripped his capture weapon with a swing of his massive horns. He barreled into Aizawa and choke slammed him, pinning him down. The force knocked the knives out of Aizawa’s grasp.
The Chianina laughed triumphantly. “Got you know, little fly.”
“Aizawa-sensei!” cried Midoriya. Before he or any other student of Class 2-A could rush over to help, Aizawa activated his quirk with a glare that said, Move and you’re expelled. He met each and every one of his students’ eyes as his vision began to blur.
Midoriya was barely able to hold back his anger. Uraraka tried to stifle her sobs. Yaoyorozu cried in Todoroki’s arms as he gave a slight nod to his teacher, determination and regret ablaze in his eyes. Kirishima held back a raging Bakugou, struggling to contain his own tears. Kaminari was too shocked to move, squeezing Shinso’s hand as if he were his life line. Shinso trembled, his lips pressed in a grimace of fear and understanding. Asui did her best to keep Tokoyami calm as he grappled with Dark Shadow and his emotions, terrified of what was to come. 
The sound of stampeding footsteps echoed through the halls. The villain smiled, pushing harder on Aizawa. A strangled noise escaped Aizawa’s throat. He clawed at the huge hands around his neck in a futile attempt to free himself.
The giant villain roared with laughter. “You can’t save him now, little heroes. My buddies are coming for me, and they’ll enjoy killing you boys. But not before we have our fun with the girls!” He roared with disgusting  laughter
 “Go!” Aizawa grunted, the wind escaping his lungs and not returning. “Don’t… get caught!”
For a moment, none of his students moved. Todoroki was the first to take action, scooping up Yaoyorozu and sprinting. The second to hop into action was Asui. Taking Tokoyami by the hand, she wrapped her tongue around Kaminari and Shinso and dragged them to the exit. Kirishima effortlessly carried Bakugou, who had stilled at his teacher’s demand, over his shoulder. Uraraka was next, alleviating Asui’s burden by nullifying the gravity of those she carried. She pulled at Midoriya, but he wouldn’t budge. Tears streamed down his freckled cheeks, a mix of emotions swirling in his mind, plans and calculations running through his brain. 
That Problem Child, stubborn as ever. Aizawa glared harder at him. Midoriya flinched a little, eyes fixed on his teacher.
Leave. I’ll catch up, I promise, Aizawa’s gaze said.
That finally got Midoriya to allow himself to be led away by Uraraka. “We’ll be waiting, Aizawa-sensei,” Izuku called, “so make sure you come back, too!”
The villain’s reinforcements arrived just as Class 2-A’s footsteps disappeared. Aizawa couldn’t focus on what was happening anymore. His oxygen-deprived body was numb, yet burned and screamed for air.  Nothing he could do would save him. Both he and his students knew that, yet he was glad they had still listened to him. 
Now that they were safe, Aizawa stopped trying. Every action tired him like he had gone 72 hours with no sleep and no coffee. Instead, he just laid there beneath the villain’s grasp. He couldn’t see anything anymore.
Aizawa could vaguely hear the villains mocking him, but he didn't care. Tears pricked at his eyes, cascading down his cheeks, full of lost warmth and fresh regret. But he couldn’t feel the Chianina’s grip on his throat. He couldn’t feel his aching bones. He couldn’t feel anything but burning desire to win this fight, to leave, to go back to his family.
There was so much he still wanted to do before he died. He wanted to open a cafe with Hizashi when they retired. He wanted to adopt Eri soon, so she could be surrounded by love and cats for the rest of her life. He wanted to help his Problem Child learn how to love himself more. He wanted to do the same for so many of his students... There was still so much he had left to teach his class, still so much he wanted to tell them. But now, Aizawa had run out of time.
Sorry, kids. I don’t think I’m getting out of this. But I’m glad it was me, not you...
Hizashi was worried. It had been hours since Aizawa and a few students of 2-A had left for their mission. He didn't know the details, but he knew 12 fucking hours was way too long. No one had been able to contact them, not even the Hero Commission. Hizashi and the rest of Class 2-A—Iida, Jiro, Koda, Soji, Hagakure, Ashido, Ojiro, Sero, Aoyama, and Sato—had gathered in the dorms. They found little solace in each others’ presence, fretting over their classmates’ and teacher’s safety.
Suddenly, the doors burst open, the missing students stumbling through. Immediately, Hizashi knew something was wrong. His students were beaten, bruised, and absolutely broken. They barely made it through the door before they collapsed into each other’s arms. They were all gasping for air, fatigued and weeping. Even Todoroki and Bakugou were shamelessly crying. Their worried classmates rushed to their sides, relieved they were back.
“We were so worried! No one could contact you for hours!”
“Oh my god, why didn't you guys go to the hospital? Look at you!”
“Thank god you’re back! Where were you?”
“Hey… are you okay?”
Hizashi quickly counted everyone. Kaminari, Asui, Shinso, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Tokoyami—good, everyone returned. They were safe within the walls of UA… but where was Shota? Where was his husband?
Hizashi didn't want to press the students, seeing as they were exhausted physically and emotionally. But panic began to rise in his chest. Every second that passed when his husband didn't walk through the door filled him with dread. He studied the little heroes, noting every scratch and bandaged wound. Their injuries were serious but not fatal, and Hizashi wondered why Shota hadn’t made them go directly to the hospital.
Midoriya abruptly stood and made his way over to Hizashi, careful not to step on his sobbing teammates. A few watched with concern as he met Hizashi’s eyes with a grim expression on his tear-stained face.
“Present Mic-sensei,” he said quietly. “Aizawa-sensei…”
He struggled to bring himself to speak, but the tears came back in full force. Instead, he reached into his pocket and handed it’s contents to Hizashi.
Shota’s goggles. A few small pieces of it, anyway. 
Hizashi forgot to breathe. He stared at the yellow pieces, cradling them as if they were a fragile child. His husband’s goggles… his husband was okay, right? I mean, this isn't the first time his goggles have been smashed, rationalized Hizashi. Granted, the last time they were broken had been when Oboro...
“Mic-sensei.” Midoriya’s voice sounded light years away, chattering a mile a minute. “We got trapped in a labyrinth of tunnels that the yakuza used to secretly transport quirk-enhancing drugs and we tried to contact the Commission but communications were jammed so we just had to look for an exit. Then we finally found one and we thought we were finally going to get out of there. We let our guard down. I let my guard down. And we didn't notice a giant villain waiting to ambush us. He was so strong and we were so tired and he had a bull mutant quirk that made him really, really strong. He called himself the Chianina. Aizawa-sensei was forced to confront him to save us but the villain was stronger and we escaped and waited for him but he never caught up like he promised and I—” Midoriya cut himself off, barely able to form coherent words. He took a deep, shaky breath, fighting back another wave of sobs and steeling himself. Sad eyes met unbelieving ones as Hizashi tried his best to hold it together. 
“I’m sorry, Mic-sensei. He’s gone.”
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nissabug · 2 years
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so many children,,, denchi is 12 and kairo is 16, while the twins are 15!
Denchi has a powerful electric quirk but would rather go into music, and kairo will immediately beat up anyone that looks at her funny
Kagetsumi wants to be a hero while her sister likes writing stories and poetry
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thingsoverheardatua · 2 years
Tokoyami: Why would I make them so uncomfortable?
Asui: Probably has to do with your reputation.
Tokoyami: I have a reputation?
Asui: They feel your methods are-
Dark Shadow: ‘Spooky’?
Tokoyami: Do you think I’m spooky?
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smol explanations
EraserMic (aizawaxyamada) tired + loud = perfect
KiriMina (kirishimaxmina) loving himbo bf + girlboss = perfect
BakuCamie (bakugoxcamie) angry competitive bf + "trendy" gf = iconic power couple
IzuOcha (MidoriyaxUraraka) softie bf + precious gf = trulove
TokoTsuyu (tokoyamixAsui) goth bf + cottagecore gf = asthetic dreams
KamiJirou (kaminarixjirou) himbo supportive bf + shy(kinda) music gf = A perfect Bi queen and her Pan husband
Huwumi (hawksxfuyumi) energetic adhd bf + soft careing gf = adorable ship that comes w/ hilarious in-law endeavor moments also not as toxic as dabihawks but still funny brother-in-law moments "hey we're gonna have a family dinner next week" ".......so touya'll be there?" "....yes" "......he tried to k!ll be before" ".......I know babe just try and get along this time" "iT's NoT mY fAuLt ThAt He HaTeS mE!!" "..........didnt you kill his friend with the copy quirk tho?" ".....yea" "........"
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phoenixofthegreenwood · 3 months
Do You Love Me? Is a My Hero Acadamia Fanfiction about a romance between Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami. Follow the young pair as they discover their feelings for each other and prepare for an upcoming school dance.
If you’re interested in this story then please give it a read! It’s my first every Fanfiction so it start off a bit cringe, but it gets better as the story goes.
Read it on Wattpad here
Or on AO3 here
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Oh and the cover is by a friend of mine if you were wondering.
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black-cat-charm · 11 months
mha ship moodboards
some moodboards for my favorite Mha ships, might make more later:3
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jd145 · 5 months
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"Who has all the answers on how to raise a child?"
My entry for the MHA rarepair bang held by @/rarestofthemall on twitter!
This drawing was inspired by a story from MHA Smash, which is where Dark Shadow's design comes from as well.
However this is not all, there is also a story written by the lovely CasterShellWrites, which can be read here. Trust me, they did a great job!
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d34d-f1sh-1n-r4t-tr4p · 7 months
Haha fankid dump
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Dekuyama, kacchako, tokotsuyu, spinneraki
todoiida, kirimina, kamijirou, dabiskep
kudoichi, AFOmight, sniperhaul, monoshin
TBA more info of them
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vizzy740 · 1 year
Tsuyu liked working with Tokoyami. He was serious and hardworking, and he had a good amount of restraint. He didn’t go headfirst into anything without thinking it through first.
That was most of the reason that she was happy to partner up with him for another hero training exercise.
Another part was that she liked him. Romantically, Tsuyu wasn’t the type to waffle about her feelings. She was blunt. Sometimes, that made her come off as rude, and that was fine.
Tsuyu and Tokoyami were to fight Ochako and Bakugo.
The activity was meant to practice cooperation and combo moves, where pairs of students were expected to collaborate together to defeat/arrest their opponents.
Given Bakugo and Ochako’s strength and ingenuity, the fight was likely to be a challenge even if Bakugo didn’t let himself work with Ochako. Unfortunately for Tsuyu and Tokoyami, he was in the mood to work with people. Their opponents made the first move, with Ochako flinging Bakugo at Tokoyami.
Tsuyu, from her place on the ground, quickly moved Tokoyami to the roof of a nearby two story building. She herself leapt up a few stories, staying in position to move her less agile partner if necessary. 
Bakugo took the move in stride, and used his quirk to propel himself back up to his classmate. He didn’t need more than a single explosion to get himself up, which was strange. She’d watched Bakugo practice—like almost everyone in their class did— she knew that he needed multiple explosions to fight against gravity, but…
Ochako’s quirk.
Tsuyu moved Tokoyami up to a higher building. Bakugo easily dodges Dark Shadow’s attack. In the afternoon light Tokoyami’s quirk was weakened, and neither of them expected to win against Bakugo and Ochako in these conditions.
Tsuyu surveyed for the next place to put him for their strategy to come to fruition, and watched for Ochako as well. She had to be somewhere nearby. With comms, it didn’t have to be within earshot, but Ochako had to be close enough to help with support if need be. She wouldn’t get a good score on the exam if she stayed behind.
As Bakugo shoots himself back towards Tokoyami, Tsuyu grabs her ally again with her quirk.
Instead of placing him atop another building, she holds him near the ledge of a nearby skyscraper, with windows that spread across from end to end of the building. He kicks in the glass, and when it shatters, it leaves a large enough hole for him to climb into.
Once he’s inside, Tsuyu climbs up the building she’s holding onto, and leaps over to the rooftop of the building Tokoyami is in.
It’s flat, but with enough structures present to allow Tsuyu to not end  up in a melee scenario, where she’d definitely lose to Ochako and her training with Gunhead.
Tsuyu hears a shuffling noise behind her, and just as she’s about to ready herself for an oncoming attack, Ochako tackles her to the ground.
Before Ochako can get Tsuyu cuffed— defeating her for this training exercise— Tsuyu wraps Ochako’s waist with her tongue and flings her away, giving Tsuyu the time to stand up and go on the offensive.
They continue fighting, neither one able to get the upper hand without the other redirecting and returning them back to equals.
Then, “Lord Explosion Murder has been neutralized. I’ve kept injuries to myself to a minimum, but the floors have taken some damage.” Tsuyu heard in her ear piece, “Ready for Phase 3”
Good, they were on time, “I’ll come down then.” Tsuyu responded, jumping away just in time to avoid Ochako’s attack. She hopped over to the door down into the building.
“Good job,” Ochako told Tsuyu.
“You did well too, dealing with Bakugo must have been a challenge.” Tsuyu responded.
Ochako shrugged, “Yeah, he’s really stubborn, but he’s getting better. He respects me, which is good. Even though I ended up mostly in support, he still actually collaborated, I don’t think he would’ve let me use my quirk on him before.”
“Yeah.” Tsuyu responded. “I’m going to check on Tokoyami. Bakugo really did give his ‘plus ultra’ today, like usual.”
Tsuyu found Tokoyami in Recovery Girl’s office. He was sitting with his legs dangling off the edge of a cot, talking to his quirk, Dark Shadow. Probably waiting for Recovery Girl to come back and give them the okay to leave after treating Midoriya for whatever injuries he gave himself in this exercise.
“Hello Tokoyami, Dark Shadow,” Tsuyu greeted the two
“Tsu!” Dark Shadow exclaimed happily, like he usually did when he saw Tsuyu.
Tokoyami glared at his quirk as it came up to Tsuyu.
“You’re just waiting for Recovery Girl to come back and okay you, right?” She asked.
Tokoyami nods as Dark Shadow says, “Pet me!” in his petulant, immature voice.
She does as the quirk asks, then returns to watching Tokoyami, who has since looked down, not meeting her eyes. He didn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular, just avoiding eye contact.
Even before she liked him, she had felt a bit of kinship for the boy. Tsuyu had trouble conveying emotions, and her face usually stayed in the same position unless her emotions were extreme, and because of Tokoyami’s bird head, he probably had similar problems.
However now, it was a bit more of a hindrance, as she couldn’t tell his expression.
She circled through a few ideas of what had caused the reaction, before deciding the most likely. She stopped petting his quirk, and squatted down in front of the other boy to look up into his eyes, “Did I make you feel uncomfortable?”
Tokoyami finally looked back at her, but didn’t reply.
“Should I ask Dark Shadow?” Tsuyu had seen before that asking his quirk was an easy way to get a quick answer about how Tokoyami was feeling, since they were so integrally tied together.
“No.” Tokoyami responded quickly, his tone somewhat panicked..
“Then how am I supposed to find out why you stopped looking at me?” Tsuyu asked, “I don’t want to make the same mistake again.”
“Fumikage is just stupid.” Dark Shadow interjected.
“I’m not–” Tokoyami started.
“Then why are we here?” Dark Shadow asked.
“Because of hero training?” Tsuyu says, slightly unsurely.
“Not– not me getting hurt, Dark Shadow means…” Tokoyami answers, though it doesn’t tell Tsuyu much. He mumbles about a mad banquet of darkness, then speaks up again, “What Dark Shadow means is you’re right, you did make me uncomfortable, but… it wasn’t that I didn’t like it, I just…
A silence falls over, Tokoyami still not giving an answer.
“What?” Tsuyu asks, “I care about you. I like you even, I want to be able to be near you and for you to be comfortable with it, to want me to be near you, to feel the same way I do. If that means I shouldn’t touch Dark Shadow again, then that’s okay.”
Dark Shadow interjects with a rejection, that Tsuyu is allowed to touch it whenever she wants, but Tsuyu ignores it.
“You like me?” Tokoyami asks.
“Yes.” Tsuyu answers.
“Like-like I suppose.” Tsuyu returns.
“I… like you too.” Tokoyami returns, his voice soft. “That’s why I didn’t want you to touch Dark Shadow, he… gives away things that I don’t want people to know. If you want to pet Dark Shadow, you can do that… since you know now.”
“Thank you for telling me.” Tsuyu says, moving to pet Tokoyami’s quirk again. “Would you like to go on a date once you can leave?”
“Yes, I’d like that.”
“Good, where do you want to go?”
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cha0tic-n1ghtmar3 · 2 years
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Convo between me and @child-of-cha0s about Tokoyami
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camiemina · 1 year
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more of these because i think they're funny and also because I DON'T HAVE SHIP MOMENTS
no hate if you actually ship the others, this is all lighthearted <3
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