#Tomoe: ... maybe when shes older
lyneylover · 1 year
How yan! heizou, kazuha and tighnari would kidnap their fem!s/o
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Order: Beautiful Red Rose W/ Strawberry Cheesecake and no sides or toppings for heizou, kazuha, and tighnari!
This Order is for a close friend of mine! I hope everyone enjoys this(sorry if some are oc T-T)
CW: Yandere content, kidnapping, knocking the reader out (Heizou and kazuha's part), mentions of a dead friend (Kazuha's part), mentions of breeding (Tighnari's part), spiking drink/food (Tighnari's part), guilt-tripping (Tighnari's part)
Word count: 1.2k
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You met Heizou through being assigned to be his kohai in the Tenryou Commission.
At first, Heizou thought nothing greatly of it and pictured you to be like the others in the Tenryou Commission.
That was until he saw you for the first time. He was amazed at how you solved the case and caught the culprit so quickly.
At that moment Heizou felt excited to have someone who could solve cases like he does. Heizou felt you were the perfect one for him and that you were for ONLY HIM.
Now this brings us to where we are now Heizou taking you out to an escape room that he made himself promising that this would be a fun way to test your skills. If only you knew his real intention maybe you could've stopped this from happening.
You not knowing the life-changing event that would unfold in just a few hours agree to go to the escape room Heizou made. Which would be the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life.
Heizou waved at Y/n when she got to the address he gave her "Y/N OVER HERE!" you turn your head over in his direction and begin walking over to him. You began looking at the escape room weirdly 'Is this the escape room?' you think to yourself not noticing Heizou was talking to you "Hey Y/n are you even listening to my instructions about the escape room?". Heizou snaps his fingers in front of your face snapping you out of your thoughts "A-ah yeah I'm listening!" Heizou cocks his eyebrow at you "Alright then let's go my dear detective." Heizou grabs your hand gently and pulls you into the escape room.
As soon as you step into the escape room you begin looking around. After a while of looking around you find a key and a locked door "Hey Heizou I think I found the key to this door." Heizou grins and walks over to you "Oh really, it seems my dear little detective is finding many things in very little time." You blush lightly at his praise and turn to open the door with the key. Once you open the door you see a note attached to a rose hanging on a string from the ceiling. Thinking this was another clue you go and grab the note and the second you read it your heart stops. The note says 'Sweet dreams.' in red ink, before you can even turn around and say something you feel something being put over your mouth and nose. Before you pass out you hear Heizou say "Don't worry my dear little detective I'll take good care of you~" Heizou finally has you all to himself.
Kazuha first met you when he was trying to escape some people from the Tenryou Commission and you so kindly gave him a place to hide.
You hid him in your house until everything settled down outside, you even patched up his scratches and gave him food and water so he wouldn't be exhausted.
In that time he found out that you were a rich merchants daughter and that your older brother also had a vision but was taken away by the Tenryou Commission.
During the time you spent with Kazuha he felt himself having a special connection with you. He wanted to know more about you, he wanted to talk to you more, he wanted more of that kindness you gave him, he wanted you.....No.....HE NEEDED YOU.
Kazuha started thinking of a plan on how to get you to come with him but first he had to earn your trust.
He started telling you why the Tenryou commission was after him and about his dead friend Tomo and how he took his vision before it died out he showed you the dead vision.
When the time for Kazuha to leave came he begged you to come with him "Y/n please! Come with me we can travel around Teyvat together." She looks at him with sad eyes and then she began to speak "I'm sorry Kazuha but I belong here with my family and friends but maybe we will meet again sometime soon Kazuha, good luck." with that she started to walk away.
Kazuha sighs before making his finale decision as soon as Y/n turns around to walk away he knocks her out and brings her to Beidou's ship telling her that you were his partner and that you had collapsed from exhaustion. When he gets the ok from Beidou he takes you to the room he was given he begins tucking you under the cover after he's finished he caresses your cheek before kissing you forehead and whispering "I'm sorry Y/n but I already lost Tomo I can't lose you too dove I hope you understand that I NEED YOU." Kazuha kisses your forehead one last time before going to talk to captain Beidou.
You were a new forest ranger when Tighnari first met you.
You were assigned to be his assistant and help him with Collei whenever he couldn't do it at that moment.
Of course Tighnari protested to this saying he didn't need the help and that you would just get in his way when he was doing stuff but eventually he gave in and agreed to take you in.
Tighnari would watch over you closely every time you did something especially when you helped with Collei he thought you would do something wrong.
But that thought quickly vanished when he seen how happy Collei was with you and how you made sure nothing happened to her. It made his heart melt with pure happiness and joy that Collei was happy with you.
But this caused something else to snap in him when he seen you acting as a mother figure to Collei. He felt that you would be an amazing mother and slowly he started feeling you would be the perfect FOREVER mate for him and then there it was the urge to breed you and make you his forever.
When your time with Tighnari was over and you had the choice to leave he thought you would stay with him and Collei. Oh but how wrong he was when he found out that you would be leaving the next day, he stormed to your room asking you why you decided to leave him and Collei. When you tell him that you want to try and be on your own now he was enraged "SO YOU WOULD JUST LEAVE COLLEI AFTER THAT? AFTER ALL SHES TOLD YOU. DON'T YOU SEE SHE NEEDS YOU HERE WITH HER." you flinch at him yelling at you "T-tighnari please calm down."
He begins yelling again "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND COLLEI NEEDS YOU. I NEED YOU." once Tighnari sees the look in your eyes he calms down and sighs before saying "At least have one last dinner with us." he smiles softly when he sees you nod your head slightly. When the time to eat dinner comes he hands you your bowl and your drink and watches as you eat and talk to Collei. After eating and finishing your drink you start to feel light headed before collapsing on the floor.
Collei quickly runs over to you "MASTER TIGHNARI IS SHE OK?" Tighnari sighs and smiles to himself before putting on a worried face "I'll check her out, Collei go get some rest" Collei nods before heading to her room. Tighnari picks you up and carries you to his room before laying you on the bed he chuckles to himself "I can't wait to breed you and get married then we'll be the PERFECT FAMILY." He smiles at you one last time before going to check on Collei.
I had so much fun writing this order! and I totally didn't get the idea for heizou from that one voice line- also r.i.p tomo you will be missed man 😔
I hope you enjoyed your order Jessica<3
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Isn't too much of a stretch to theorize that Felix could've been lying to Marinette about his abusive experience under Colt during the play in representation (at the very least exaggerating a few things) just to gain sympathy. Unlike Colt, we see Gabriel and Audrey abuse their children onscreen but for Colt, we only have Felix's play and speech in pretension as evidence. Also, the play reveals that Colt abused Felix since he was a toddler and we know his motive for abusing Felix is that he blamed Felix for his illness because Felix was a senti. So does that mean Colt got sick soon after Felix was born? Does that mean Emelie got sick when Adrien was very young. Could Felix be exaggerating about the abuse experience saying he was mistreated ever since he was very young or the actual truth was that he was abused when he got older when the effects of the damaged peacock miraculous got stronger? Or maybe I'm being stupid and that Felix being portrayed as a toddler was a metaphor for childhood innocence. Also, he said his father was 1000 times worse than Tomoe which I think was an exaggeration to earn sympathy from Kagami. I still think Colt was abusive but not as devil-like as Felix is making him out to be. I think Colt was slightly worse than Gabe . NOT trying to downplay his abuse ( Felix deserves a better father) but for it to be revealed that Felix was exaggerating and lying about a few things would make his character even more fascinating and will show that old habits die hard. These are just my opinions though. What do you think ?
I think Felix was being honest about his dad. I don't think he would willingly portray himself as a victim, since he seems to look down on Adrien for not being able to fight back. I don't think he's the type of person who wants to admit that he wasn't able to fight back against Colt (which is not his fault, to be very clear), so I don't think he'd say it if it wasn't true.
I think the reason Colt comes off as worse than Gabriel is because the show itself doesn't think Gabriel is abusive. So, they portray him in a more sympathetic light and give him more humanizing moments while the only thing we know about Colt is that he was an abusive jackass. I don't think that Colt is actually worse than Gabriel, because both of them do pretty much the same thing. It just feels to me like that point of Felix's play is to make Gabriel seem more sympathetic by making Colt out to be worse, and I don't want to buy into that narrative, especially since the show has shown us that Gabriel isn't much different. We know that he is perfectly capable of smacking his son into the Eiffel Tower and traumatizing him with the body of his dead mother to take advantage of him, so no, I don't agree that Colt is worse than Gabriel. I know that it's a really strange thing to fixate on, but I really dislike the way the show uses Colt Fathom to try to make us believe that Gabriel isn't a monster too.
As for the timeline, Colt supposedly got sick after using the Peacock Miraculous to create Felix, and Emelie got sick around the same time. Supposedly Emelie "vanished" first, and Colt died soon after. Gabriel managed to put Emelie in that pod thing before she passed away completely, but Colt died for real. Felix being portrayed as toddler is exactly what it says on the tin, that Colt used the Amok liberally to control his son's thoughts and actions, even when he was just a toddler (and I do dislike when the show pretends that this makes Colt worse than Gabriel, because Gabriel was doing the same thing. What's even worse is that Adrien has two Amoks, so Gabriel and Emelie were controlling Adrien's mind simultaneously. Shit is so fucked up and the show doesn't care if it means they get to push their "just a man who loves his family" agenda).
Anyway, Felix is definitely capable of lying and manipulating others, but I do think we're supposed to believe that Colt is exactly like he was portrayed as. It could have been interesting if he was lying, but I don't think that's the case.
Thank you for your ask!
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irenewsky · 8 months
Anime I watched in 2023 (Part 2)
If you came here from the part 1, I thank you and I appreciate you. Now, this part of the list will include some shows I wanted highlight and some extras. Okay, that's it. Let's go!
Some of my older lists:
My favourite animes (Old. Tells of my tastes back in, like, 2018-2020 or something. Updated list coming once I get around to it)
Feel good anime Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Blue Lock
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Yoichi Isagi is a member of his high school’s soccer team and during one of their important games, he makes a decision that costs their team a chance of going to the nationals. Bitter and disappointed, Isagi returns home only to find a letter from the Japan Football Union waiting for him. He has been chosen to be a candidate for a new projects called ”Blue Lock”. The competition is tough and ruthless. Who will make it through to the end?
24 episodes - sports
Everyone and their mother watched this one for sure. I might hate irl soccer due to finding it extremely boring (sorry irl soccer fans), but this one I really liked due to it making the sport actually interesting for me. I gotta also say that I found their eyes kinda unsettling when they entered their ”monster modes” (I can not say that with a straight face lol) but other than that, the animation was quite good.
Moriarty the Patriot
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In the late 19th century Britain, William James Moriarty and his accomplices with nobles’ blood on their hands work together on a grand plan to bring down the system that favours aristocracy. A mathematician by day and a crime consultant by night, William James Moriarty is about to meet his match - one gentleman called Sherlock Holmes.
24 episodes and 2 OVAs - drama, thriller, mystery
Love me some more victorian era Sherlock Holmes shenanigans. I was so late to this one but it was still so worth the watch (and the read. The manga is just *chef’s kiss*)
*Mastermind by Taylor Swift playing in the distance* Honestly, imagine meeting you soulmate (platonic or otherwise) and them being on the completely other side of law from you. The drama of it all. (Yes, I’m very normal about these two)
Dr. Stone (Season 3 + Nanami Ryuusui Extra)
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Over 3700 years ago, a mysterious beam of light enveloped every human into a layer of stone. To stay conscious, Ishigami Senku started to count seconds from the moment he was petrified. When he manages to break free from the stone in the spring of the year 5738, the human civilisation as he knew it had already disappeared. What will happen from now on? What will happen to rest of the petrified people? Are there others who have depetrified?
3 seasons + Nanami Ryuusui extra - action, adventure, comedy, drama, sci-fi, shonen
You will find this anime/manga on my updated favourites list, I’m warning you in advance.
I love, love, love this anime so much. It follows the manga so well and yes, I do recommend the manga for anyone interested. It’s really, really good and didn’t let me down unlike some others have. Also, it’s so refreshing to have a main character who is actively very much uninterested in sex and romance. How aro and ace of him (personal headcanon, no need to fight me for it)
BRB gonna go make myself a Gen Asagiri cosplay. My favourite scheming gremlin.
Tomo-chan Is a Girl!
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Tomo is a high school girl with a crush on her long time bestfriend, a boy named Junichiro. She tries to confess to him but unfortunately she has been placed into the friendzone from where it seems almost impossible to escape from. With Tomo being very tomboyish and physically strong, it’s just hard for Junichiro to see her as a girl. Will she get out of the friendzone? Maybe she should get some help from her other friends…
13 episodes - romance, comedy
I didn’t think I would like it as much as I did. ’Childhood bestfriends to lovers’ trope with a healthy sprinkling of pining, chaos and ridiculousness. Delicious.
Romantic Killer
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Anzu, a high school girl obsessed with video games, cats and chocolate and fully uninterested in romance, gets assigned a wizard that is going to do everything in their power to create the perfect love life for her. Anzu, however, is having none of it. Game on, you stupid wizard!
12 episodes - comedy, romace, supernatural
I kind of have a lot to say about this one, so buckle up. As an aroace person (who also, coincidentally, loves cats, chocolate and video games) I found the premise a bit annoying at first. I do love, well, love, but it pissed me off that romance was treated as an ”end all, be all” kind of thing and everything else as irrelevant rubbish. Trying to force someone into a relationship via magical means felt wrong. You could say I’m reading too much into this and yes, maybe I am, seeing as the premise was a ”to counteract the low birth rates” gag, but I’m also entitled to my own opinion and critiquing hetero- and amatonormativity.
Regardless, I ended up actually quite liking the anime as it progressed. The backstories for the characters were interesting and I found myself really loving Anzu’s headstrong personality. She doesn’t let the wizard push her around and stands her ground quite often. I really appreciated that. Also the humour in the show did make me laugh quite often, which is always a plus. That being said, I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to whack the wizard around the ears. Annoying little thing, that one is.
Sasaki and Miyano
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Yoshikazu Miyano, the schools resident BL loving student, meets his senpai named Shuumei Sasaki after he saves Miyano’s classmate from being bullied. This chance encounter and Miyano accidentally revealing his interest towards BL bring the two together and from that day onwards Sasaki is stuck to him like glue.
13 episodes and an OVA - Romance (BL), drama
My VPN worked its ass off when I read this manga on some shady ass website lmao. I just had to know what happens after the point where the anime ends.
Very sweet. Do recommend.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting
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Kirishima Toru works for the Sakuragi family. One day the head of the yakuza crime family summons him and tasks him with the duty of taking care of his daughter, Yaeka. How will this ”demon of Sakuragi” handle his new responsibility of watching over her?
12 episodes - comedy
This filled the hole in my heart that Spy x Family ending left at the time. Really heartwarming and I loved the bonds the characters in this show had.
The Salaryman’s Club
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Shiratori Mikoto is really good at badminton. That is until an incident in the Interhigh leaves him unable to play how he wants to. Things start to change when he gets a job at Sunlight Beverages and joins their weak and amateurish badminton team.
12 episodes - sports
I saw no one talk about this??? Anyway, I liked this one. A lot. There might a little bias on my side since I actually practiced badminton when I was younger, but I think I would have liked this regardless! The characters had nice dynamics and liked the aspect of ’salarymen by day, badminton players by night’. Have you even lived if you haven’t experienced the highs and lows of corporate world badminton?
And finally, we have a few honorable mentions without descriptions, only vibes and opinions:
Latest season of Tokyo Revengers (Chifuyu truly is the bestest of boys, the homiest of homies. I also read the manga in its entirety. That one I have… a lot of opinions about, not all of them good)
Our Dating Story: the Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me (this one was just okay for me. I actually don’t know if I ever finished it… Well, I’m gonna have to accept the fact that I’m just not someone who enjoys the ’established relationship’ trope…)
Trigun Stampede (I’m not usually scifi kind of person but this one I really enjoyed!)
Komi Can’t Communicate (Not much to say about this one. It was very nice and I particularly liked the way Tadano almost seemed like he was able to read minds hahaha)
The latest season of Demon Slayer (Honestly, a little disappointed. It felt simultaniously very slow and very fast. Also, kinda boring compared to the last arcs. Still decent tho)
Spy x Family (Ah, Spy Family, my beloved. I liked this one a lot)
Chainsaw Man (Gotta admit, I was a little traumatized by the episode 7. I have never wanted to crawl out of my own skin more while watching anime, than I did while watching that episode. The skipping and pausing I had to do with that one… Damn. Other than that one episode, I liked this one enough to finish it)
My Dress-Up Darling (mixed feelings about this one. I just wanted a nice anime about cosplay and sewing and ended up getting fanservice and sexualization of minors. I’m in my mid to late 20s, I don’t need that shit. Just feels weird and wrong. I did finish it, albeit I did skip all the fanservicey scenes)
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the-sleepysiren · 6 months
✨️ honestly, Tomo or Aya would be really fun to see!
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This one was very interesting since they both are legendary/mythicals - and of course I choose baby Aya so lets see how the results are! ^^
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Technically Aya isnt a hybrid or anything BUT she is a legendary and no one really knows in this au what they look like and have only slight idea of it - so I feel like society wouldnt really believe her if she said she is a ogerpon, but again she wouldnt really be mingling with people because every legendary has a duty here
Now would Aya be :
in Black Jack?
a shadow pokemon?
a cursed pokemon?
a cleanser?
a shrine maid?
maybe non above? Ding!
Sheee would be either made also by Xerneas or my own ogerpon as a help of maintaining nature and help to protect it when needed - for now she assist's the older ogerpon but when she will get older she will have her own little space to run
I think thats pretty much it sooo,,,, REF REVEAL
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I changed only a little bit about her - I tried to make her resemble a blooming leaf/flower to signify shes just a lil babey still ;;
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Chapter 3 of my reincarnation fic!
“Donnie? What’s wrong? What happened?” Mikey unfolds his legs and kneels down next to him, breaking the hand holding.
He doesn’t respond, seeming like he’s somewhere else at the moment.
Splinter walks over and gently pats his shoulder.
Donnie gasps sharply at the touch. Instead of looking at his father, his attention turns towards Leo. Their hands were still held together so Donnie uses that fact to pull Leo into a close and desperate hug. Leo quickly hugs him back just as tight, noticing that he’s starting to shake.
“Blue, take Purple to his room. No one should try doing this again until we know what’s going on.”
Leo nods at Splinter and tries to carry Donnie.
“No! I’m fine, we need to keep going.” He insists while still not letting go of Leo.
“You don’t look like you’re fine!” Mikey frowns.
“What happened Donnie? You’re still shaking!” Raph adds.
Donnie takes a breath.
“I….felt something at the end. That’s it. There was nothing dangerous. I want to see what happens next.”
“What did you feel to make you cry?” Mikey questions with worry.
“They weren’t my feelings. They were Tomo’s.” Donnie slowly let’s go of Leo.
“But they kind of are us? Or they were us? It’s so confusing….”
“Whatever it is, ya felt it. You need a second to handle it at least. How about me and Mikey try it again and we let you know if anything important happens?” Raph suggests.
“Clearly none of you are going to let me continue so I guess I’ll have to agree.” Donnie grumbles.
“Glad you’re seeing reason. Let’s go watch a guy do a review of different number sequences or something.” Leo smiles softly and leads him away.
“Are you sure you want to do this? It could happen again.” Splinter looks at them with concern.
“I told him we would do this and I meant it. Don’t worry, I know we can handle it.” Raph smiles encouragingly.
Splinter sighs.
“Okay. I’ll be right here.”
“Thanks, pops. Your ready Mikey?”
He nods with determination and goes back to his seat, holding Raph’s hand.
They close their eyes and activate their ninpo again.
Mikey finds himself running through a forest.
“Tora! Slow down! Please! We can’t go this fast the whole time!”
Her hair and yukata moved at the same brutal pace in the wind that she did in front of him.
“Maybe you can’t! I could go on forever!”
The raggedness of her breathing and the trembling of her legs proved just how much she was lying.
“You’re going to get hurt!”
“Don’t tell me what to do! I can take care of myself!” She turns her head back towards him which means she doesn’t see the root sticking out of the ground in front of her.
Kosuke has no time to warn her before her foot hooks under it and she face plants so hard her mask goes flying off the side of her face.
He quickly catches up to her and kneels down.
“Are you okay…?”
She lifts up her face with a deep frown and big eyes. From this close, he can tell she’s gotten a little older than she was in the last memory.
“I-I’m fine. I…am….a big girl.” She stands up and wipes the dirt off her yukata.
“You’re way braver than me, I always start crying when I fall.” Kosuke comments as he looks around nearby.
Tora puts her hands on her hips and huffs proudly.
“I guess I’m on track for being stronger than boys already!”
“Here it is! I found your mask.”
He sees Tora pat the side of her head before reaching out to take it.
“I didn’t know it….fell off….” She looks down at it with a devastated face.
He walks closer, seeing that it now has a long crack in it.
“Oh no…I’m sorry Tora.”
She doesn’t look at him at all as she pulls the mask to her chest then falls to her knees.
“Tora!? What’s wrong!?”
She takes a deep breath before letting out a loud wail. Kosuke is caught off guard by the large tears dripping down her face.
“I-It’s okay! We can get you a knew one! A better one!”
“We….we can’t…an…aniki b-bought this for me!” She continues to sob.
Mikey feels some cold sense of dread in his stomach.
Was he feeling it? Or was it what Kosuke was feeling?
Where were Aoi and Tomo?
Were they not here because Leo and Donnie weren’t?
“H-He can buy you another one when he gets better! And we’re helping him do that!”
He remembers now, vaguely. Aoi was sick. Badly sick. With what, he didn’t know.
Tora sniffles and breathes shakily.
“What….what if we can’t….? What if we’re too late? I’m slowing us down!” She stands up and tries to run again.
Kosuke grabs her arm.
“I think we need to talk before we go anywhere!”
“Let go of me! We have to keep moving!”
“Stop right now before I have to make you!” He screams.
She quits trying to move but a few tears keep rolling down her cheeks.
“I’m….I’m sorry for yelling like that….but you’re not okay. I know this is scary-“
“I’m not scared!”
“You don’t have to pretend that you aren’t! Just because you’re trying to be strong doesn’t mean nothing is scary! I know I’m scared! Aoi is nice and we’re only family because of him! He does so much that….I don’t know what we’ll do without him if we can’t get that medicine. I’m scared that we’ll fall apart. Tomo.….Tomo can’t lose someone again either. I’m afraid we’ll lose both of them….”
Tora’s face softens
“I….I don’t want that either….I-I…I am scared, too….”
Kosuke gently hugs her, holding her close and putting a hand on the back of her head so he can pet her hair.
“Then here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to have our scared time, then we’re going to keep going. We’re going to get that medicine and help him. We won’t lose anybody. Okay?“
She nods and leans into his touch.
Mikey wonders if this is why so many people scoop him up. The urge to protect someone smaller than you is so strong.
The urge to protect someone from themselves is too but he knew that feeling well already.
After a little while they collect themselves and keep on with their journey.
Tora is largely quiet until eventually she finally says something.
“I’m sorry…..”
“About what?”
“Saying not to tell me what to do….Aoi told me to listen to you….and I didn’t do that.”
“It’s okay, I get it. I’m not the person that makes you feel safest.”
“Yeah. You can feel safe with some people, but there’s a different kind of safe you feel with certain people. I feel that way with Tomo.”
“You guys have been our brothers for a year and you still haven’t told us more about you.” She complains.
“What you don’t know about us….are things that hurt to say.”
“Oh….hurt where?”
“The heart. The stomach too kind of. My brain, sometimes.”
“How does it hurt so many places?”
“Because when you get hurt by something that isn’t a weapon or a hand, there’s nothing on your body to fix.”
“How do you fix it then?”
“I’m not really sure, but having you, Aoi and Tomo around helps.”
Tora is quiet for a few moments again.
“Me not feeling safest with you doesn’t make you sad?”
“It does a little, but that’s because I want to be a good big brother. I’ve never done that before. I wasn’t very good at being a little brother either so it’s hard to learn both at the same time.”
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Talk like nobody likes you.”
“Well….it’s hard to know if people do….”
“But you say things like you don’t like yourself either.”
“You say I don’t feel safest with you and that you’re not good at being a brother. That’s not something you should say to yourself.”
“Tora, you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Well I’m going to! You are a good brother. You don’t treat me like I’m just a girl. You’re helping me help Aoi, and you got me to stop crying. If I didn’t feel safest with you I wouldn’t be your sister, and I’m a good sister too.” She smiles proudly.
Kosuke smiles back softly.
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“But you still don’t believe it?”
“I’m sorry….it’s not because of you. A lot of people….they told me things. Those things are part of what made me hurt. They said them so many times I remember it pretty well.”
“Then I’ll just have to tell you that you’re a good brother more times than they’ve said all those wrong things about you.”
Kosuke chuckles.
“You’re the most determined person I have ever met Tora.”
“That’s why I’m named after a tiger. Aoi said I’m just as fierce.”
“He’s not wrong.”
“Part of your name means to help. That means you can’t be that bad.”
“I don’t think I’m all bad….Tomo picked me after all.”
“Picked you?”
Kosuke looks down at the ground.
“We’re not blood related.”
“Aoi and I aren’t either.”
“You sound so surprised!”
“You’re the closest siblings I’ve ever seen!”
“Because he is my brother, and so are you. So is Tomo. Blood doesn’t mean anything. Whoever left all of us at our orphanages were probably related to us. Aoi isn’t and he’s never abandoned me.”
“You don’t get upset that they didn’t want you?”
“They didn’t deserve me. Doesn’t matter if they wanted me or not. All of you deserve me and I deserve you. We picked each other so we have a way better family than people who gave us up!”
“….I think….you may have found a way fix one thing for me.”
She smiles proudly once again.
The memory shifts slightly like time is moving forward. Tora and Kosuke made it to a village.
Something informs Mikey that this is where they’ll find what they’re looking for.
They talk to several different people until one of them is able to give directions to the healer that lives there.
Once they get to him they explain the situation and are able to obtain a special herb. Mikey could guess that it was something that wasn’t available wherever they had come from.
The memory shifts once again. The two of them had traveled back the route they came in on and back to the original village they left.
Despite being back, a sense of urgency never left. Slowing down for anything even now would be bad.
They rush to enter a temple, breathing heavily while moving past healers. Tora slams open the sliding door where they see Tomo holding Aoi’s hand as the latter lays on the ground.
Mikey feels like his heart is beating super fast as Kosuke’s eyes scan over Aoi. The rise and fall of his chest makes the anxiety he feels dissipate a little.
“Thank the gods.” Tomo says shakily.
He seems somewhat relieved too, but not a lot. Aoi must have gotten worse while they were gone.
Tora runs to one of the healers and hands her the herbal ingredient they had worked so hard to get.
The healer immediately gets to work into making the ingredient into a paste. They carefully watch as the healer gently helps Aoi sit up.
He smiles at them tiredly, face flushed with fever. It looked like his body had been battling with it for a while now. Probably the whole time they were out.
From the patch over his eye, he has been fighting something else before this too.
“Th-Thanks. That was fast….”
Tora and Kosuke sit at his side.
“You’re going to get better after this, right?”
“O-Of course. Better….maybe even stronger….” He wheezes but smiles more.
The healer carefully begins removing the bandages.
To Mikey’s horror, Aoi’s eye is missing.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 15 Intuition
Spoilers below (And we are finally all caught up so the episodes can be watched in order from 1 to 20th
-Glaciator again?
-Wait is this Elation?
-Oh he is using the snake to guide his akuma. That is clever. But with that ability he should be able to win
-WAIT the lucky charm changed! OH SNAP! THE lucky charm changes to be exactly what is needed for the situation. So even with the snake miraculous... IT GETS HARD COUNTERED BY THE LADYBUG!
-I WAS RIGHT! IT IS ELATION! ... Why would he choose the ice cream man of ALL People though. Granted I love Elation so I wont complain
-So Gabriel realizes that the snake wont work against Lucky charm.
-So I really like how it is show all the OTHER ways the akuma got beaten. Implying that Gabriel was using the snake to advise his akuma in the most optimal way.
-So if it isnt lucky charm that stops him, its Chat noir's unpredicatability. Or... BAD LUCK
-So it confirmed that the user doesnt get rewinded by the time shift. MEANING. When Adrien used the rewind 25,913 times. Which means Adrien spent at most 3 months time doing that. So Adrien is 3 months older than he should be
-Gabriel has a weird ass heartbeat from cataclysm. So he has accelerated his death basically. AWESOME.
-Damn so Gabriel has only a few weeks left at most and Nathalie isnt fairing much better. Nathalie is telling him they need to think of a way that Adrien wont be left on his own when they die.
-For once, I almost pity him. Mainly cause Nathalie is there to make him TRY and change.
-Marinette is so adorkable.
-Gabriel is litterally dying right behind adrien and the boy is to engrossed by his cute girl friend to notice. Maybe he really is Gabriel's son XD
-It took him falling for him to actually hang up. I know I should feel bad... BUT its gabriel.
-Gabriel using the miraculous like a junkie.
-He is using the snake to talk with Tomoe to convince her. TRUELY he is sacrificing everything
-SHE CAN HEAR HIS WEIRD HEARTBEAT!? Well i guess the lesson is HONESTY is what is needed when you want to make an evil scheme
-You already know this is going to become f***ing horrible because they are livestreaming a space launch.
-Huh... lila isnt there. How weird.
-ADA! Adorable. Markov has a little sister AI. Cant wait to see her get akumatized
-Kim your your dumbassery is no longer charming to me.
-Gabriel jealous of Ms.Kante's healthy heart.
-She is so cool.
-Oh no! He just removed the sensors so she cant sense her.
-Monarch you evil bastard.
-Ada got depressed
-Markov in the french dub is adorable
-Monarch is preping for war right now.
-He made an ASTEROID!
-What is he doing!?
-Okay see, this is devious. I like this plan.
-Adrien saw an opportunity to be a good boy friend AND get out of class. That is Prime behavior
-Monarch knew they would split up
-He akumatizes his SECOND ai
-OH that looks so slick! its a giant robot!
-OH DAMN! he trapped her in space!
-Wait... if the miraculous gets removed.... OH S***! SHE GONNA DIE
-Oh damn!
-He timed it right this time.
-Chat noir you absolute TROLL! He used the second chance against him by grabbing his ring hand.
-Well now chat noir is gonna get stunned! Oh no!
-Monarch was too hyperfocused on Chat noir to come up with a convincing lie, Thus bugfighter learned the truth.
-Monarch didnt think this through. How many restarts is it now
-He couldnt think of a successful idea and had to give up.
-So he collapsed and Nathalie found him.
-Gabriel told Adrien he would try and spend more time with him it would be sweet if I didnt know it was a LIE
-Ladybug asking chat noir if its weird Monarch never uses Second chance... while Chat noir is like "We lucky he doesnt."
I think if there was an episode that would make me feel sympathy for Gabriel... it would be this one. Too bad I still dont.
Its a solid episode, explaining the actual negatives of the snake miraculous in his condition. Gabriel so desperate to win that he failed to see the obvious solution.
He is so obsessed with the miraculous he is like a drug addict unable to stop his addiction.
I think this is the best episode I have seen in terms of writing on the later half of season 5 so far.
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twilightknight17 · 2 years
So opinions on P5x?
"But why, tho?"
I get it. I do. Money, obviously. But like, if you wanted to make money, you could have done a lot of other things. Even a lot of other mobile games.
But this thing... The implied scenario from the trailers contradicts so many things in the established canon. If they were going to do something non-canon just for fun, like the crossovers with other mobile games, they could have gone a better route. If they had offered up a game that was "create your character and go on Mementos missions with the Phantom Thieves", I would not be remotely as disgruntled with the concept.
But no, we've got a redheaded protag whose thief outfit looks like a Joker knockoff (which we already got with Sumi??), and a new animal mascot who can also turn into a vehicle?? Even though there's a specific cognitive reason why Mona can turn into a bus. There's no particular reason why the owl should be able to be a van, other than being the "Morgana" of the group. The other three kids... eh. I dunno. The two we don't have names for have nice thief gear, I guess. The other girl kinda just looks like Chie in Tomoe's outfit.
(And the owl's codename is "Cattle"? WHY?)
I like the persona designs, and god, I love the aquarium Velvet Room. But even the Velvet Room is fucking me up. Is that Igor, or is it Yald? Igor was locked in the isolation cell. It can't be him. This can't be post-canon, because Mementos is gone. Why would Yald give some other group of kids access to the nav? Why are the attendant's eyes the wrong color? Why is she named after one of the Pleiades (P2????) instead of a Frankenstein character?
(As Jade put it, did Nameless cheat on Belladonna? XDDD)
I guess I just don't understand why they did this thing, that seems like such a mess story-wise, rather than the multitude of other things they could have done that people would eat up.
Mobile game of Goro solving cases in the backstory?
Mobile game of the Shadow Ops hunting down Maruki to ask him how the hell he had an outer god in his head and didn't die?
Twitch simulator where you run Akane's livestream?
Royal sequel to parallel Scramble?
Just make Star Forneus or the Featherman video game???
Ports of P1 and P2? Put them all on Switch, do it do it do it do it.
Properly-translated version of Eternal Punishment?
Hell, straight-up remakes of the older games.
Or just like... work on P6.
Don't just give us P5 again but with a different group of kids that we don't care about. One of the bosses in the trailer just looks like Shadow Kamoshida, for fuck's sake. The same part-time jobs, the same minigames, it's just stupid. It's a waste of time, when they could be working on better things.
In conclusion, I don't want this. From what I've seen, most people don't want this. And apparently right now, there's no plans for it to even release outside of China, so we can just set it in the recycling bin and ignore it. And none of these people are showing up in Hours, so no one better ask. XDDDD
Well, maybe the aquarium. But the aquarium is cool. :'D
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ghostofashina · 1 year
So, it seems that Wolf only have scars of wounds he got before Kuro's divine blood. Looking at Severance Ending cutscene, you can see the scar his father gave him by that backstab.
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It's a small, but cool detail.
But, when it comes to Tengu skin, you find another scar by his left side in his belly. Check out:
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(screenshot by terebon'ka on steam)
You can see the scar in his chest again, and the other one at his belly. So, if he really only has old scars, this one must be even more older than the chest one.
And I don't think we have a official story about it (if I'm wrong please, send it).
Isshin has a similar one, under his belly button, there was a few discussions if it was a seppuku attempt or caused by Tomoe. Since Sekiro doesn't know Tomoe, I also don't think he would try seppuku. But, both of them is cared by one same doctor: Emma.
Giving her sake, she will tell you about a shinobi she once treated, but he wouldn't speak to her about his pain or anything else. She even asks Wolf if that doesn't sound familiar to him and, because of his memory loss, he has no clue.
Emma was a doctor since child and she knew Tomoe personally. At that time, I wouldn't be surprised if Isshin (as he mentioned after drinking sake) had fought Lady Tomoe and got badly hurt, and then Emma took care of him, closed the wound and did help it heal.
So, based on this: it could be a very similar thing to what happened to Sekiro.
Maybe Emma really had met him before, to heal a bad wound, and that scar could be a reference to it. I like that anyways, true or not.
(If there's anything wrong, please correct me. Maybe it's just a detail for the skin and nothing else. Anyways, I liked it as a headcanon. What do you guys think?)
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
p l e a s e expand on that hunger games au whenever you get the chance it’s too good
Do you want more or Raph and Mona’s game
More of the 75 game
Character backgrounds?
This idea is in its infancy
Let’s start with Leo
I think Leo is the first one to win in his district in a long time. So long in fact that he didn’t have a mentor when he won his game. Maybe the capital assigned him one but it wasn’t someone from his district.
His win was a major upset.
Maybe he was doing well in his games but he also didn’t want to kill anyone if he didn’t have to. I picture him teaming up with someone from district 3 (maybe a younger kid) this endears him to Casey the kid one the prior year but he would have given anything for the comfort Leo is providing this kid from his district.
His teammate is killed in front of him and he takes out their attacker, his first kill of the games. That’s how he got his twin swords.
I think taking another kids life while watching his friend bleed out would deeply traumatize him. He’s ready to do want he needs to survive but he’s not looking for a fight.
Now how the game ends is up for debate. I have kinda linked Leo to Annie and Usagi to Finnick, so maybe the game makers get board of Leo avoiding fights (he’s strategically avoiding them or baiting careers into traps) and several other competitors are hiding so they cause and earthquake to drawl them out which results in a dam breaking and flooding the arena. Leo has to listen to his fellow tributes drown knowing he can do nothing to help them.
The other option is Leo goes on the offensive and uses his strategy and skills to take out the other tributes (maybe only careers are left)
Either way he’s an upset victor and he has shown that he is a strategic thinker. He’s shown that he’s dangerous
Now let’s take a look at Usagi
I think there are at least three victors from Usagi’s district.
Katsuichi is the oldest and has played the game the longest he’s not the first winner but he’s up there in years (I don’t think as old as mags maybe more of a haymitch- oh yes I like that he won the 50 games)
Tomoe Ame wine a few years before Usagi won making her a little older than him.
And Usagi who won the 70th games.
I don’t think Usagi gave Leo to much notice in his own games. It’s best not to get attached to any tributes until they are victors
When Leo arrives with his tributes for the 74 game Katsuichi can’t help but look out for him. He’s the first mentor to that district. He doesn’t know the capital games or how they will use him. Katsuichi sends over Usagi to help him out and from there Usagi takes an interest in Leo (the kids extremely smart)
He helps Leo stay safe (victors need to look out for one another) even before he starts helping him win sponsors for Raph and Mona
I think the victors get a few special privileges, like moving between floors when the tributes aren’t there.
Once Usagi is helping Leo he will often join Leo on his floor to watch the games with him so he’s not alone if anything happens to his brother.
This is also where they plan out sponsorship deals and strategies.
Casey won his games much like Beetee, setting up a trap for his opponents.
He was the youngest victor ever and it’s in part to Cassandra couching him (I still haven’t settled on if she is his mom or sister yet)
But he is deeply traumatized by his games and very rarely feels safe.
When he watched Leo’s game he desperately wished Leo had been with him in his game. None of the other players tried to watch out for the younger kids like Leo does. Though he realizes that would mean he would have had to kill Leo to win
The next year he wants to meet Leo and thank him for watching out for their younger tribute (they meet on Leo’s victory tour) they hit it off well and he is Leo’s first victor friend
Since Casey is only one game removed from Leo he does not have the experience or connections. That’s Cassandra’s job as she doesn’t want Casey around some of those people. Leo also tries to watch over casey when it comes to capital people cementing their friendship even more (note Leo has no clue what he’s doing but he will to pick a fight for the kid, something Usagi has to save him from)
What truly cements them is actually Raph’s actions. Once again district 3 has a young tribute, this time a 12 year old. And Raph’s big brother instincts are all over her. He tries his best to protect her but he loses her (think rue) Leo is devastated for his brother as he watches him mourn the girl much the same way he had mourned the boy the previous year. Usagi is with him in Leo’s floor trying to comfort Leo, when the elevator dings.
Here comes Casey. He freezes when he sees Usagi as he wasn’t expecting another district champion to be here. He offers to leave but Leo reaches out to him. He needs all the comfort he can get right now. Casey gets that as that’s what he needs to right now.
The three curl up on the couch watching Raph mourn and decorate the body. Casey tells Leo that he and Cassandra had just gotten some food to send to the girl and they wanted to redirect it to Raph if that was okay with him.
It’s the first true cross district support. It also cements Leo and Casey as big bro, little bro
Raph and Usagi
Let change gears and look at 75 games
I already told you that Raph doesn’t like Usagi because he sees the image the capital puts out for him. He also so the capital heart throb and fan favorite kiss Leo on the cheek. He doesn’t want this bunny playing head games with his brother
Usagi knows Raph’s important to Leo but Raph doesn’t have to be this abrasive does he?
It is a mutual dislike (not because Usagi wants to dislike him but Raph is making really hard for them to get along)
Until Mona almost dies in the games.
Raph near loses his mind, but it’s Usagi that saves her. This softens Raph to Usagi as he starts to see him as someone who actually cares rather than someone who’s just using them. If Usagi didn’t care he would have just let Mona die, it be one less person in his way.
When they and Casey get stuck with the jabber jay. Usagi and Raph loses it both of them screaming out for Leo. Raph is shocked that Usagi is also tearing through the woods looking for Leo like his own life depends one it. Casey tries his best to tell them it’s not real. But Usagi argues that the Jabber Jays only repeat sounds they have heard before. Meaning that Leo had to make those screams at some point.
Leo is currently safe watching three people he loves argue about his safety while they are in the middle of a death arena.
It make it even worst when the three of them make it out and Leo doesn’t.
This is some of what I got so far. Please ask more questions to help shape this out.
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kankuroplease · 1 year
Let me present a (big) age gap pairing that’s appropriate imo since y’all talking bout it.
Tomoe x mei Terumi- hear me out:
Kpz mentioned that tomoe would be interested in her technically speaking + it’s canon that mei is desperately looking for a husband
I tried to do some math on their age gap and since I’m assuming that tomoe is around danzos age, who was still alive during meis late 20s, tomoes and meis age gap would be around 30 years 🙂
They’re both consenting adults who didn’t know each other when mei was younger so even though the thought of this might be something some have to get used to, it shouldn’t be problematic
I hc that tomoe keeps his young spirit and cool personality regardless of him growing older and I can def see them getting along and being quite flirtatious
Tomoe would also still be very attractive since he’d keep up his silver, middle aged, muscular physique with the help of this jutsu and I’m convinced that middle aged men are also meis type she was kinda seductive around ao js
So idk maybe they’d get to know each other during the shinobi alliance and once they come to the realization that tomoe messed around enough and is ready to settle down and that mei wants nothing more than to get married to a qualified classy strong shinobi they start going out???
The only thing that bothers me about age gaps is the proximity to the younger one in their youth, which in this case, wouldn’t be an issue.
But Tomoe also likes guys and he’s poly. So throw in Ao and you have a deal. Two mist sugar babies/lovers in one shop 🤣
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
If I may request a sort of prequel to Impromptu Interrogation; while ReDestro is getting strong armed by the LOV, reader is getting just as hard a time from Trumpet, Geten, and Skeptic in the room over?
oh my god this is honestly hilarious, absolutely i will write that!!
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
[Part one]
Re-Destro x Reader; but sans Re-Destro in this part LMAO; MLA being a big wacky family
[Content warnings: Mentions of spying/privacy invasion, curtesy of Skeptic; Geten being a lil mean, but what else is new]
Word count: 937
[[Note: I write all my xReaders in third person and non-descript, so that others can insert either themselves or their OCs if they want!]]
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
»»—— Impromptu Interrogation Pt. 2 ——««
Nervous, shaking hands continuously fiddle with the various edges and buttons of their outfit, a clear sign of [Name]'s anxiety of the upcoming dinner with the CEO of Detnerat himself. They sit on a couch of the drawing room, accompanied by the other original members of the Meta Liberation Army. Chitose sat next to them, a blue hand resting gently on their shoulder, while the rest of the group is spread out around the room.
Koku stood next to one of the large windows, glass of whiskey in hand, gazing out of the pristinely clean glass like a brooding Victorian wife. Tomoyasu was hunched over his laptop, rapidly typing away on the couch opposite of them, and providing the only sound in the room besides the clinking of ice in Koku's glass. From one of the further corners of the room, Geten sat on a cushioned chair fiddling with a knick knack from one of the decor shelves.
"I assure you, dear, that it'll be totally fine," Chitose's sweet voice broke the semi-silence of the room, bringing [Name] out of their stupor. "Rikiya is such an forgiving man, even if things go bad, he'll understand."
A scoff comes from Tomoyasu, drawing the attention of the two in front of him. "Right, understanding. We'll go with that," he grumbles, not once pausing in his typing.
Chitose responds with a huff. "Y'know, you don't have to be here, right? None of you do, in fact," the purple-haired woman purses her lips in annoyance, eyes squinting at her coworkers.
"And miss the chance to see off [Name] to dinner with the boss?" Koku replies with a grin, pushing off from his spot leaning next to the window to make his way closer to the group. "It's like getting to see your own kid off on their first date! I've always wanted that feeling," he takes a seat in one of the armchairs near the couches, taking a sip from his glass.
Though none of them could see it, they absolutely felt Geten roll his eyes at the older man.
Koku continued with his little monologue once he swallowed the alcohol. "Besides, we all know Tomo's only here cause he's worried about the boss, since he's such as kiss-ass to Re-Destro."
"I am not worried, you asshat," Tomoyasu hisses back at him, finally pausing in his work to glare at the other through his long bangs.
Chitose snorts at Koku's small response of 'So you admit you're a kiss-ass?', breaking the tension between the two by speaking up. "Oh? Not worried at all?" A smile graces her lips as she reaches over and plucks a tiny, black device from within [Name]'s clothes. "Is that why you bugged them with this?" Her smile only grows when she sees the long-haired man grind his teeth from behind his lips, trying desperately to come up with an excuse. When her colleague failed to provide a response, Chitose gave a triumphant huff as she flicks the device back at Tomoyasu. "Weirdo."
"Maybe Re-Destro asked him to," calls a voice from the other end of the room, reminding everyone of Geten's presence. "This 'date' could just be for information, after all."
"Nonsense!" Both Chitose and Koku exclaim in unison, nearly jumping out of their seats in objection, startling both Tomoyasu and [Name].
Geten merely rolls his eyes, yet again, his hood down for once so that everyone could see his indifference to the situation. With arms crossed, he leans back in his seat, opting to observe the group again.
Tomoyasu grunts out a response, before slamming his laptop closed. "The boy has a point, you know."
"Oh shut up," Chitose is quick to snap back. "You just want an excuse for your weird spying habit," she responds, turning herself to once again address the main person in the topic, [Name]. "Now, don't listen to them. I assure you that this is indeed a real, genuine date," the blue woman replaces her hand on the other's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Hell, Rikiya even came to me and Koku for dating advice more times than we can count! He looked just as nervous as a lovesick school boy."
[Name], once they recovered from the sheer absurdity of the events that just occurred, took a deep breath and offered a grateful smile to the woman next to them. "Thank you, Chi, you've been a big help," they say just before Chitose pulls them into a sudden hug, squealing as she tugs them up off the couch.
"Of course! Now go, it's almost time, and it's a little bit of a walk to the room he's in," she explains, carefully nudging them towards the door.
Koku sets his drink down on the coffee table between the couches, making his way over to the duo. "Would you like me to walk with you there? It'll likely be easier on your nerves to have someone to chat with."
[Name] shakes their head, shooting the man a kind smile as they open the door. "No thanks, but I appreciate the offer. I'll probably be lost in my own thoughts, anyway," they reply. "Thank you guys, also. Or... well, just you and Chi, really," they give a lighthearted chuckle and a wave to the group, before finally disappearing through the doors.
Chitose waits for the doors to close completely before whirling around to face Tomoyasu and Geten. "What is wrong with you two?" There's a silent pause in the room, no one daring to speak, until Geten decides to pipe in with:
"Do you want the long or short answer to that?"
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Blog Changes For The New Year
Changes Complete thank you for putting up with all these OOC updates. So first new muses
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Tomoe (the fan made Kyururu rewrite) - A human created by the cerulean queen as opposed to standstar like Kaban, she's an easy going artist and maybe Kaban's rival?
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Domestic Dog - Tomoe's Friend partner, a somewhat melancholy but otherwise typical Dog Friend who considers Tomoe her best friend.
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Blackbuck - An Idol who sees herself as a supervillain but wouldn't actually hurt anyone (think Santania from Gabriel Dropout)
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Chinese White Dolphin - The older sister figure among the Dolphin Friends who live in the sea around Kyushu.
In other news I did drop Towa as a muse, this affects no one honestly since I never got around to throwing her at anyone when I did muse her, I also changed Cerval's name to Cellval but I will continue to use Cerulean on this account I also added a seasonal friends section for seasonal event muses and rewrote some bios to connect new muses and old muses. Such as Okapi being Blackbuck's rival and Cellvall and Caracal are now best friends.
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sennamybeloved · 1 year
AHEM. i have successfully split my ghost of tsushima s/i up into three different versions with slightly story variations that should account for each of my f/os, including crushes.
lane’s origin story is the same in every version: she is a woman from the kingdom of sweden. she had a tense relationship with her family and was often regarded as strange or undesirable. she fled home when she was an older teen because her father wanted to marry her off into a slightly richer family. she’s been living nomadically for the entirety of her adult life, which is..a long time. she became stranded in tsushima after washing up on its shores during a storm. she intended on leaving for the mainland as soon as possible, but she got distracted by tsushima’s beauty. she became even more stranded when the mongols invaded, leaving her unable to escape.
her story varies depending on which character(s) she meets first!
#1 — the mongol empire’s second-in-command: this is the most canon version of lane’s story. she is captured by khotun khan when she sort of just…wanders onto castle kanada’s grounds, and is held as a prisoner for some time. khotun implores her to translate the journals she’s been keeping during her time in tsushima, which she does happily. her journals contain some very useful information about tsushima’s people and the samurai. because of this, she is freed and becomes an informant of sorts. her and khotun become friends, and later they become lovers. lane joins him on the battlefield as one of his warriors. her actions during the war are barbaric, brutal, and honestly pretty sadistic—it even frightens khotun a little bit, but she proves herself to be a loyal asset, friend, and lover, so she stays by his side until the end. after he dies, she turns on the mongols, proving that she was only really loyal to him and never to his empire. this version of lane is a pure villain. she is paired with khotun, and perhaps tomoe in the future.
#2 — a good guy, but still unhinged: instead of being wooed into brutality and having her worst qualities emphasized by khotun khan, lane ends up with one or more of the heroes of tsushima, in which she is taught to use her bloodlust for good- if that’s even possible. she is a violent woman, but she does not hurt the things she loves, and in this version she falls in love with tsushima and it’s people instead of the khan. there are slight variations depending on who she ends up with (ex: she is imprisoned at azamo bay with taka in one ver, found in the woods by lady masako in another) but they all end up the same: lane is a Good Guy and is happily in love with someone. she is paired with taka, masako, maybe yuna, maybe some others.
#3 — fox possession: strangely enough, this version of lane is not actually lane at all! it is a nine-tailed fox that killed lane during her early weeks in tsushima and took on her name and appearance. not many details about this fox’s story, only that she ends up with jin and maybe yuna. i owed this one to myself as a nine-tailed fox kin.
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wlwhoa · 2 years
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Have we ever talked about who this other woman that was in Andre's hideaway in Sole Crusher is? bc she kinda looks like an older Kagami. Maybe she's a younger Tomoe? I remember overlooking it when I first saw this ep bc I didn't really get it, but knowing what we know now about Kagami, and the fact that she's in here with a pic of Emelie....... 👀
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
13 Days of AUs- The Eighth Day of Christmas: A MomoDeku AU
Summary: On the 13 days of Christmas, Music gave to me… 13 different POTSOD AUs! Each contains a different pairing and different plots but within: a collection of plot line that will appear in the main series… though have fun figuring them out! (Including a few pairings that will appear~)
  Yaoyorozu Momo hummed as she searched through the kitchen drawer, frowning as time passed. The woman wore a pantsuit with perfect make-up, her bob cut perfectly settled around her face.
 “Honey?” The noirette called after a while of searching. “Where are the keys?”
 “For dad’s place?” Yaoyorozu Izumi asked, coming into the kitchen. Unlike her wife, she wore a warm sweater paired with jeans, with her green hair in a curly ponytail. In her arms, she carried their youngest child at age three, Hana. “I have them in my purse, babe, though we probably won’t need them. Dad said Kurogiri is available if we want. His therapy went weird the last few days, and he just wants to get back to work.” Izumi snorted. “Not that I blame him. Finding out you probably were a crazy scientist’s experiment on a corpse, and somehow the corpse woke up would be… unsettling.” 
 “Corpse?” Hana asked, tugging on her mother’s sweater. The little girl had messy dark hair, the light making it look greenish as she looked at them with wide dark eyes mimicking Momo’s. “Dead boy?”
 “Yeah, that’s what corpse means,” Izumi said absentmindedly. Momo nodded her agreement, closing the drawer.
 “Well, then, no need to hunt for the keys. Will Tomura be there?” Momo asked.
 “He is. Spinner, too; I think they’re finally admitting to dating. Dabi and Z, maybe. It’ll depend on if Z isn’t doing any freelancer work.” Izumi mused. “And if Dabi got fired again.”
 “Kurogiri will just rehire him,” Momo said with a giggle. 
 “Unca Kurogiri is a softie,” Hana said wisely. 
 “That he is,” both adults agreed. A new person walked into the kitchen, carrying a book. The boy beamed upon seeing his mothers before he came scurrying right over. He had dark hair and bright green eyes that sparkled as he looked at them.
 “Mama! Mom! Are we going soon?” Yaoyorozu Mitsukuni said eagerly. 
 “Soon, baby, we have to wait for Tomoe and Hina.” Izumi told him. Momo nodded as she opened the cupboards to pull out some food. “Babe, Dad said he had gotten some blood-based food for Mitsu.” 
 “Really?” Momo asked. “Huh, that’s good then.” She put the box away. “Much better than other places we go to.”
 “You can say the Galas.” Mitsukuni said, grinning at the look his mother gave him. “What? The only ones who have food I can eat are hosted by Grandmother and Grandfather or by Uncle Toyo.”
 “The heir to the Yaoyorozu empire, and they refuse to cater to your dietary needs,” Momo sniffed. “Fools.” 
 “I’m gonna ruin them when I’m older!” Mitsukuni chirped. Izumi snorted as Momo nodded her agreement.
 “I don’t know who he gets that from,” Izumi muttered. “We’re both terrifying when we need to be.”
 “I blame your father and my mother,” Momo said. A door on the far side of the kitchen opened to allow in two adult women younger than Izumi and Momo. One had two-toned skin that looked stitched together, paired with button eyes and ribbon-like hair. Her clothes were a corset paired with tight leather pants over a fishnet shirt. Next to her was a pink-haired woman wearing a pair of pastel pink overalls and a soft yellow shirt. Buttons covered her overalls, and her hair was in pigtails.
 “Hi, Ma! Hi Mom!” Yaoyorozu Tomoe said as she waved. She removed her shoes to put on her black slippers, and Hina removed her bright pink sandals to slip on a pair of pink ones.
 “Hello, Tomoe!” Izumi waved at her eldest daughter. “Momo, can you text Kurogiri?” Momo obeyed her wife as Tomoe came over to kiss her mother’s cheek, pausing to rub her stitched mouth. “You okay?”
 “I had to burst open the mouth stitches for my mission two nights ago. My mouth hurts so bad.” Tomoe admitted. 
 “She’s been complaining all day,” Hina said. “And I told her she needs to be doing her mouth exercises, but it’s always, ‘I never use them, Hina!’ Then she does need to use them, and here we are.”
 “Rude,” Tomoe muttered, winking at her girlfriend to tell her it was a joke. 
 “Tomoe…” Izumi said. Tomoe sighed.
 “I know, Ma. It’s just that, like… there’s this sidekick at the agency who makes comments about it when I do them, and while Hawks has cracked down on said comments, they’re fucking annoying, you know?” Tomoe sighed. “And they’re this side of the line, so it’s not like I can call out sexual harassment.”
 “I’ll look it into,” Momo said darkly as a portal opened up. The family walked through it without another thought to end up in a living room. A man who looked covered in a flickering mist had a hand up to open the portal. His blue eyes looked exhausted. But Izumi’s attention was caught by two others. 
 “Shouta? Hizashi?” She asked in surprise at seeing her coworkers and former teachers.
 “Sup listeners?” The blonde man of the duo asked, grinning. The former hero Present Mic had retired two years before from heroics and focused on teaching. He was nearing his fifties, after all. Similar with Eraserhead, or Aizawa Shouta. They were old, tired and ready to let the younger generation handle things, focusing fully on teaching heroics. 
 “Problem children,” Shouta said. “We were spending time with….”
 “Oboro,” Kurogiri said softly. “You guys can call me Oboro. But you…” he motioned to the Yaoyorozu family, “can call me Kurogiri still.”
 “Thank you,” Momo said. The issue of Kurogiri would always be tricky. But they tried to respect his wishes as much as possible. Kurogiri bowed his head and headed to the stairs, his friends trailing him. 
 “Text when you wish for me to send you home,” the portal opener said. The family agreed and watched them go. That was when a door opened, and a blue-haired man stepped out.
 “Izumi, Momo. Brats.” Tomura said, nodding at the group. Behind him, Spinner poked his head out, the lizard mutation. 
 “Spiny!” Tomoe cheered, prompting a groan.
 “You’re twenty-two Tomoe,” Spinner told her, though he was smiling. “Stop calling me that.”
 “Never!” Tomoe said, going to give him and Tomura a hug. The blue-haired man rolled his eyes but hugged his niece, as did Spinner.
 “Hi, Tomura,” Izumi said, putting Hana down, who toddled right over to pull on her uncle’s pants. Mitsukuni bounced over to bug Spinner about starting his business at a young age. “Dad doing good?”
 “He is. The surgeries to reconstruct his face went well. He doesn’t look like he used to, but that’s alright.” Tomura said. “He can breathe a little easier.”
 “Oh good,” Izumi said. Another door opened, and the group turned to see a tall man in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank coming out of it. “Dad!” Izumi went over to him. “You could have waited….”
 “Oh no, I’m not going to just be a lump,” the man said through his mask. He squinted at Izumi. “Not now. You look beautiful, honey.” 
 “Oh god,” Izumi said, tears filling her eyes. “You can see!” She threw her arms around her father, and the entire room burst into chaos. 
 When it quieted down, Izumi sat in a chair next to his father while her children and Hina were sitting on a couch. Tomura and Spinner occupied an armchair while Momo sat in the other. Izumi held onto her father’s hand, looking thrilled.
 “God. It’s been like seventeen years. Plus five!” Izumi laughed.
 “What happened?” Hana asked curiously, her wife and intelligent eyes staring at her grandfather.
 “I got between a fight with a hero and a supervillain,” explained Midoriya Hisashi. “I survived but as you know Hana, I was badly injured.”
 “It’s what inspired me to start the organization for civilians caught in the crossfire. Before, it was only a tiny sum given to them, but I’ve campaigned to have it be, so all expenses are paid,” Izumi told her daughter. Hana nodded, frowning. Perhaps most people would be unnerved by the intelligence a toddler like her had, but given her siblings and parents, no one was too confused.
 “How did you become a hero, Mama?” Hana asked. “Was it cause of grandpa’s injuries?” Izumi hummed.
 “Well, no. I’d always wanted to be a hero. It was just everyone had been against me….”
-In this AU AFO learned of Izumi’s pregnancy when it happened and went: fuck you no. He took her in, and claimed he’d told Inko that he was back in Japan but injured so he was staying with a specialist but she never took Izumi to see him. More people believed him. 
 AFO decided to retire until his daughter was done heroics, which now is when he no longer has family who are heroes. Tomura had his memories tweaked so he wouldn’t do anything against the rule. I couldn’t decided if Izumi is Quirkless, has OFA or AFO gave her a Quirk so I’m leaving it as unknown for now. 
-Kurogiri ended up going to a lot of school events as the babysitter/butler/taxi. Due to this his programming was slowly wearing off. AFO decided hey: let’s have fun and came up with the story that he found Kurogiri one day running around after escaping a captor.  So people know he’s Oboro he’s just got a lot of therapy over ‘being a corpse/half dead’ thing.
-Mitsukuni (yeah I named him after the character you’re thinking of) has a blood-based Quirk where he needs to consume blood. When he eats blood he becomes highly intelligent and his analysis becomes wildly strong. Hana is named after Tomura’s sister and she will find out she had her Mom’s Quirk creation.
-This story is something I’d honestly like to explore more even if I don’t have Tomoe and have it part of POTSOD or have it IzuMomo because of the fact I would love to write a non-crack AU where AFO retires until his son/daughter is no longer a hero. Because it’s a fun idea but all of them end up crack. Seriously.
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drawnaghht · 1 year
not sure if anyone here or or elsewhere in newer websites has mentioned this already but.... technically, isn't Tomoe Ame also a "two first names" kind of name? I don't think anyone assumes either name is her last name tho if they've read the comic... Now i'm thinking about going down this thread of thought to see what I find, just out of curiosity, since I've seen different stuff said about her name specifically.
I know she's named after a candy Stan once liked as a child called Tomoe Ame (トモエ飴) but also loosely on Tomoe Gozen, a real-life samurai who lived during the late Heian period and took part in the conflict that led to the first shogunate. I think some sources also say that while Tomoe "is her given name, Ame is her family name" - like this info page of the UY RP game in the HERO System Role--playing game.
But I wonder if older Usagi fans have brought this up about her name before? Or had arguments about it?
There is this Talk page, dating from 2005 and 2008 under the Wikipedia page for UY characters;
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"Ok, so "Ame" is her given name and "Tomoe" is her family name? I thought it was the other way around." (2005)
"Ok, that's backwards. See her official bio page:" (2005)
"But her bio reads "Ame Tomoe"..." (2008)
The Usagi Yohimbo fanwiki also has this trivia (as do other similar "fandom.com" wikis:
"Sakai claims to have based the character's appearance on female Japanese martial arts star Etsuko Shiomi, a member of Sonny Chiba's "Japan Action Club"."
But I cannot find this info or sources for these so I will have to check these later when I'm less tired x3 Basically, when it comes to fanwiki's, you can't always trust them. Having been a sole moderator for another fanwiki for years, I know just how many people like to add misinfo or their own headcanons or other things they've heard onto official/unofficial wikis, meaning most trivia without some source (like even what book or episode it was mentioned in), is a bit useless info in many cases. Sometimes I think that maybe I should make a Samurai Rabbit fanwiki, just to have one with legit info and have one new place to discuss things about the show itself but.... lol i am so tired of fandomcom wikis haha
Here is the official cast page info about her btw:
"Tomoe Ame is an anthropomorphic cat who is loosely based on the famous female samurai, Tomoe Gozen.[7][8] (Tomoe Ame is also a brand of Japanese candy.) She is a samurai of the Geishu clan and serves as Lord Noriyuki's personal bodyguard and closest adviser. She also happens to be a very close friend of Miyamoto Usagi, whom she and Lord Noriyuki first met in the story "Lone Rabbit And Child" (from "Book #1: The Ronin"), as they were being pursued by assassins that Lord Hikiji hired to kill the young lord. Usagi was able to help protect Lord Noriyuki as they made their way back to the Geishu manor, even when Tomoe almost died from drowning in a fast-moving river after being attacked by an assassin disguised as a ferryman. After recovering, she has become very grateful to Usagi, and the two have helped each other out many times since. In the events of "Book #4: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy", Tomoe was captured by a villainous lord after discovering his scheme to assassinate the Shogun, and it was up to Usagi to rescue her. Even though Usagi and Tomoe have been very good friends as well as partners in combat, it is believed that the two have deep feelings for each other that go beyond mere friendship, as seen in the story "Chanoyu" ("Book #22: Tomoe's Story"). However, recently, Lord Noriyuki is preparing to form an arranged marriage between her with another lord. An animated version of Tomoe Ame appears in an episode of the 2003 TMNT animated series "The Real World - Part 1".\"
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So not much about the name again besides what already knew before haha ^^;
I'm still waiting for the Tomoe Ame book to come back in storage at my local book shop so I can order it, but until then, I'll probably slowly continue reading UY where I can and start a list for info shared abt the characters in the books.
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