#Too many people treat it like a hobby lol
pnkhalo · 28 days
sometimes I think about why humans continue to have children in such a evil world. I promise I’m not pessimistic all the time but OMG this world can be so fcking evil. I sometimes wonder if I should have kids just off that alone. Black children at that. (That’s been on my mind as of late)
Hey 💕
I completely sympathize with your feelings on this.
I am pretty decided that I don’t want children for a myriad of reasons not even beginning with the state of the current world.
Ultimately, you know what’s best for you, so I’d definitely lean into what your gut is telling you. Having children is a calling that a person should be 110% certain they want to do.
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astrow1zar6 · 6 months
Astrology Observations- 013
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I notice Cap Mercurys think so maturely even from such a very young age. These were those kids that always wanted to hang around people older than them. They are old souls at heart and sometimes it’s harder for them to connect with more childlike energies. People their age can see them as boring because of their serious demeanor.
Leo Risings never like to show the sides to them that make them look bad in anyway. These people have big egos so any assumption from others that they aren’t anything but great can take a big toll on their self esteem. They come off so confident but most are really insecure & don’t think they are interesting so they tend exaggerate a lot of facts about them to keep people thinking they are really interesting and amazing. (U guys don’t need ti do that people already think you are before you even speak)
Capricorn risings always look so annoyed when people are speaking to them. Most of the time they are. They have very honest expressions and when someone says something stupid or uninteresting they are more willing to show their uninterested while most are just willing to smile and take it out of being polite. This is why they can come off as rude or snobbish but really the just don’t have time for bullshit. (I definitely think Wednesday Addams has this placement) many don’t know they are being rude but most don’t have the energy to be fake if they really don’t like what the others saying. Very Real people many mistake them for being Scorpio risings.
Venus in Scorpios were probably shamed a lot for their their sex appeal/drives. I notice these people have a very provocative vibe to them that causes a lot of ppl to sexualize them ( especially the women). I’ve seen women with this placement be virgins and still get slut shamed. People always assume they sleep with mad people even if it’s not true.
Moon in 5th housers are actually very secretive about their talents. A lot are so talented but most tend to keep their hobbies and interests to themselves unless they really trust you.
When someone with Venus in the 7th house likes you they will talk about their future a lot with you. This one guy had a big crush on me and would always joke about getting married and starting a life someday ( he made it sound as a joke but in a way I can tell he meant it). Also can be obsessed with weddings. I have a friend with this placement who says she’ll only wanna get married to experience having her dream wedding lol
Venus in 2nd house women always have people buying them things bro. They don’t even have to ask and men will be buying them expensive gifts or paying for their food or trips. Definition of pretty privilege.
Mars in Aquarius like very eccentric things in bed. It’s almost like they enjoy the opposite of what should be expected in bed. Like the women would like to take normally the male role in bed and vice versa a man with this placement could like a very submissive role. The weirder and more out of place the more turned on they get. Can also be really experimental they are willing to try anything once even if it’s outlandish.
Mars in Aries are usually natural athletes. They have amazing endurance and can become pros faster than most.
Virgo moons usually have bad stomach problems or eating disorders. They are also always giving unsolicited advice no one asked for. They feel this need to solve everything but it can come off as kinda judgmental.
Mars in Pisces are usually victims to bullying. They usually have a hard time asserting themselves and standing up so they get pushed around a lot easier by stronger more dominant energies.
Cap moons are always in denial of their feelings
Mars Square Venus synastry can be really awkward at times in a friendship. Theres this bizarre sexual and touchy tension usually that both aren’t fully comfortable with. The mars person can come off a little too strong and can treat the Venus as if they own them. This attraction can be one sided sometimes with the mars person wanting the Venus and the Venus getting repulsed and distancing themselves. I’ve seen the mars person get jealous if the Venus would hang out with others whether it be other friends or family. And if the Venus is dating someone else this can get really heated on the mars end. Venus will feel the attraction but I notice it’s not as strong.
Venus in 5th house synastry is soooooo flirty. These are those cheesy cringey couples that are always acting like little kids around eachother. It’s actually a really sweet placement. This person will be able to bring out your inner child.
Venus in Libras are always crushing on someone. They jump into relationships I think faster than people with Venus in Aries the only difference is that they can maintain longer term partnerships & don’t bore as quick (even if their feelings are a little superficial). They just don’t know what to do with themselves when they are alone.
Scorpio risings I notice get really strong reactions out of people (like Lilith/asc people) their words make others blood boil even if they really don’t say anything offensive or rude. Most people are jealous of their authenticity which is why a lot of Scorpio risings are quiet and not as willing to open up. People just hate on them so intensely for the littlest things. They also have this ability to know if people are genuine or not which can be intrusive to certain people causing intense reactions. They can see thru everyone’s mask which can make other feel uncomfortable to be around them. This is why they usually have few friends and the friends they do have are as authentic as themselves. Literal human lie detectors
Men that have a water sun with a water moon are BIG SIMPS
Cancer sun women will be passively rude to you if they don’t like you or are jealous of you. They won’t straight say it but they will say little comments in a nice way that’s actually really rude. Then usually play victim if confronted
Everyone’s crush in high-school was either a Scorpio sun or a Libra sun/rising. Tell me I’m lying
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livinahey · 8 months
Random astro obs bcs y not
Warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse and trauma
scorpio luminaries & luminaries aspect to pluto (especially harsh aspect) almost be always know when something/someone is gonna do no good to you. If they warn you ab something then just follow them. Bcs what they say is scarily often end up being true
Also, if from the first meet these natives STRONGLY dislike you even though you didnt do anything then yeah.... Youre the problem lol. No matter if youre everyone crush, everyone sweetheart, or whatever is that. Again, like I said before, they seems to always know when something/someone is not good
These natives can also scared of themselves bcs of this
I think we admire ppl who have our mars sign as their sun sign
Sag sun with water moon women makes the loyal partner 🥺🤧 be it business partner, in friendship, or as a lover. Don't leave them.
When you see mars square pluto native gets bad mood or even angry.... RUN
Bcs they can be so violent at that time and you dont want to see that
Same goes to cap moon 💀
Women with moon square bml (black moon lilith) always have the best glow ups ✨✨🤧 im so proud (and bit jealous lol) of you dear
Mercury in leo degrees (5, 17, 29) being sooooo charming. They be say "hi" only and you already weak(???) lol
Leo venus 🤝 cant go a day without boasting what they love, be it their hobbies, their job, their loved ones, their pet, or even the place where they live lol. So passionate
I'm not surprised if theyre the one that have many posts on their social media account
Ppl with big 6 at 6 degrees (virgo degree) can be seen as villain
Moon conjunct jupiter synastry: when the moon person getting humiliated/disrespect, the jupiter person be defending the moon person. Also, the moon person can have soft spot for the jupiter person
Natal aspects to sun i like are sun conjunct mars and sun-pluto any major aspects. The word "sexy" is literally made for them lol.
women with cap or cancer mars plsssss check again the man you choose to date or even marry. Bcs i often see these women end up experience being abused severely by their man in their relationship. Men often being intimidated by these women yet still wanna date them. These women do dating man that seems cool and amazing or even adorable person outside BUT UNFORTUNATELY it turns out that the man are the worst person ever. At worst case, the man's family dislike these women due to jealousy towards them. No matter how bad these women get treated by the man, the man's family will still defend the man and treated these women as if theyre the problem 💔
Also, these women can dealing with fucking crazy men that cannot accept being rejected by them atleast once in their life. Scary af
Gemini moon/mars are naturally funny without even trying ✋😭
Sag/pisces rising 🤝 always have ppl crushing over them and even become worshipping them
Libra rising are so beautiful and it seems unbelievable
Cancer rising and their terrible mood swing 🤕 yet still look like the most calm and unbothered person ever
Mercury-bml aspects culture is having what they say being questioned. And if they have sun-uranus aspects too then.... Good luck trying to understand them 🥴
Mercury-bml aspects is underrated funny placements imo. They be say questionable thing but idk i find it funny tho 😩
Scorpio rising and having traumatic experience/memories when they young that seems keep haunting them even until they become old :(
Also they often get disappointed by their family :( they can give all their family members a mountain of gold, being so kind to them to the point they forgetting their own needs and this scorpio rising still getting unappreciated & bad treatment. PLS APPRECIATE SCORPIO RISING IN UR LIFE !!❤‍🩹🫂 they are one of sincere people that often attracts evil eye that doesnt wanna see them being success
Whats with earth rising and having this disgusted/judging look 🥲
They can look at you normally and you will feel that theyre judging you even if they arent
Sag rising and leo rising 🤝 having beef with eachother
Same goes to taurus sun x gemini sun
Cap sun x virgo sun friendship be the weird yet funny pair
Every leo placement always have virgo placement in their life
They can have love-hate relationship with eachother tho lol.
And the same goes to every cap placement that always have aries placement in their life
You either love the opposite sex that has the same mars sign as you OR going "mehh" of them
Earth rising 🤝 secured financially. Maybe you never catched them worry ab not having money to save their life
Hey thank you for reading this so far!! I do these obs not bcs I wanna gain followers or what but bcs I found these things give me joy hehe ✌🏻 english isnt my first language so apologize for any grammar mistakes. be safe out there!! 🫂✨
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punksocks · 1 year
My Opinions on the Moon Signs
(Btw I’m going to reply soon, sorry life and work has been very busy this June ;0)
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Aries moon- The definition of passionate. They can be outgoing and a lot of fun. Definitely super charismatic people. Determinators (more than Aries sun sometimes imo), they’re going to get what they want done. They also really hate not being listened to or treated as the leaders in the room. When they’re mad they get passive aggressive asf and so pissy. Every Aries moon I’ve known has basically refused to be personable while they’re upset. No matter if they were older or younger than me (my grandfather was an Aries moon). They’re loud when they’re happy and loud then distressingly quiet when they’re upset. They stay mad until they decide not to be mad anymore. Then they’ll never talk about it again and be so jovial you could never guess they were upset 2 minutes ago. Good time friends and great at entertaining a crowd though.
Taurus moon- I’m biased bc my partner has this and I love them :0. Softies. They’re grounded and caring, like no one will help soothe you more than a Taurus moon. They’re really giving but it depends what they feel resource rich in. Like if they have a lot of control over their time they’ll spend days on you. But if they grew up during constant instability and financial stress they have a hard time being flexible with giving money or moving house or things like that. They’ll come around if you can show them that they can keep their physical safety. In fact, I think it’s easiest to change a Taurus moon’s mind out of all the fixed moons (in my experience).Also, They really like it when you call them on their shit and shoot straight with them. Also food, they love good food. Any tactile good time really. They’ll make you feel special if you give them affection.
Gemini moon- I don’t have a ton of experience here. Chatty but keep more to themselves than Gemini suns. Only shows you certain parts of themselves, they always have a lot on their minds. The poster child overthinkers of the zodiac (and virgo moons too ofc). Funny tho, always a sense of humor and philosophy about just about every situation.
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Cancer moon- Sweethearts. Exalted placement for a reason. Really good at sensing problems/insecurities and putting words to them. They can catch crushes easily. They need to get as much validation as they give. Like a lot. That’s one of their emotional love languages. Can be comforting or very manipulative it depends on how developed they are. One of the most creative people I ever met was a cancer moon, they were super talented and recieved a lot of praise for their great work. A sweetheart that had a lot of creative hobbies and was close to their family. Daydreamed quite a bit, but no more than any other water sign placement.
Leo moon- They don’t need to be the center of attention as often as people think, but they do need to be listened to. It means a lot to them. Can be really aggressive as kids for a period of time then they grow into themselves and can be pretty chill. Maybe a bit too chill about things they aren’t passionate about. They light up when they’re excited though. Also, they can be super competitive, like they can get in their feelings about losing at something they’re trying to show off in. (Like a video game or team sport or what have you)
Virgo moon- Very thoughtful and insightful people. They’re able to pick through and see little imperfections in people that others can not. Whether they use those powers for good or evil is truly up to them. (I have had many friends use this power for good and a relative or two use this power for evil). Everyone I’ve met with this placement has been so seriously beautiful and so aesthetically put together, idk how they do it. Doesn’t love to be called on their shit lol, you must be gentle with criticism unless you know them very very well. But they have a lot that’s on their mind and a bit they’re insecure about so you may accidentally start beef by saying something. But super perceptive people, a delight to gossip with (mercurial moons love to bond over gossip) and they have great ideas. If you have a problem to solve or analyze they’ll often have a set of solutions.
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Libra moon- don’t know a ton of them. Not super well anyway. They can be very intelligent and understand a lot about the things they like. And they bluff/charm their way through everything else. Most likely to act differently around different people to try to be the person they think whoever they’re talking to will like.
Scorpio moon- usually very goth/dark style, or they’re drawn to it. Usually just radiate intensity. But also more detached from more situations than I expect every time? They have had a lot of emotional hardships growing up and so they kind of expect to get hurt again by those they’re close to. It’s like a callous for them. If they let you in you’re very special. The developed ones are such sweethearts. Knew a manipulative one that was underdeveloped and crazy tho ngl. Like that person seemed violent and like they wanted to burn the world to feel warm. So either very sweet and stand-offish or just destructive asl.
Sagittarius moon- not my cleanest set of experiences ngl. If you’re like having a good time with one then they’re funny and can be the life of the party. Can also not know how to be emotionally supportive, but will attempt it. But my mom was my bad experience and there was a lot of explosive anger at little things mixed with being immature about others emotions. Throwing a book across the room because she didn’t understand what her (post grad) homework was or coming home angry and yelling after a bad day of work without so much as saying hi. And a lot of being mad at me and other kids for not being instantly emotionally soothed yknow? Like if I needed to sit in silence and process that would tick her off and set off a chain reaction. Explosive anger. Also forcing themselves to laugh loudly after an argument to feel better (Aries moon grandfather did this too I don’t get it). This is mainly underdeveloped energy though. I had a friend with this moon placement and they had a hard time processing their emotions and would usually breakdown for a moment then get back up again. Also people with this placement tend to get most romantically interested in unavailable people imo.
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Capricorn moon- me! And a lot of people I connected with briefly and deeply. Having terrible mothers and bonding over it lol. High standards for others even higher standards for themselves. Seems emotionally distant but will break down and cry when they feel safe and are probably alone. And they have a playlist for feeling sad I bet. You either are someone that they tell when they cry or you never know. Has to work out of seeing emotions they were shamed for as a sign of weakness. Gifts are their love language and if they can’t find the words to tell you how they feel about you they will often buy you something you mentioned you always wanted or something you needed off hand. Sentimental types, trouble right expressing it. Will talk to you about everything if they like you and nothing if they don’t. Capricorn placement most likely to go into isolation mode to really consider their relationships and place in life. Might grow suddenly distant if they feel neglected or betrayed. Underdeveloped ones are removed from their emotions in a dangerous way and in denial about all the healing they need to do.
Aquarius moon- also another set of messy personal experiences. Can come up with really out of the box solutions. Seem to either be revolutionary or very very conservative. Like most of the Aquarius moons I’ve known have been men so grain of salt but they would be the ones to most constantly say “a good woman does x” or “if you have that attitude you won’t get married” or throw shade on “girly” hobbies. You can’t change their mind. Even if you present evidence or a sound argument, hardest to get through to of all the fixed signs imo. Sometimes they’ll come back having changed their own mind. Maybe they googled whatever you said and started to believe you. But they’re not going to say you changed their mind. It’s something that they have to believe they made themselves come around on. They often have an independent sense of right and wrong. Sometimes very intelligent, sometimes just bluffing their way through it. Always will respond to opinions though. Can be really funny people, sometimes on accident. Allergic to routine and desk jobs. Usually… detached. Like if they care about you, they’re going to express it in an abstract or private way. Can be hard to tell if they care at all in my personal experiences ngl. My dad is an underdeveloped Aquarius moon and he’d often tell me to swallow my emotions and repress them and go with the way things were. (I don’t talk to my parents anymore lol, they’re narcissistic people)
Pisces moon- I’ve only known a few personally. Sometimes really surprisingly basic. Sometimes they’re just made of magic and they see the world in a whole different way. Emotionally in-tuned with people around them. If their environment is misanthropic then they’re more likely to be. If their environment is upbeat then they’re more likely to be. Most likely to grow up to be like their family/peers but assume they’re not imo. Sentimental with the folks they’re close to.
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hazbinpage · 5 months
Lucifer x Reader HCs
(In which your relationship is romantic and you both live in the hotel.)
WC is 1741
(A/N: I love Lucifer so much. What a man. That being said, he's probably really OOC in this: we've only seen his character in a select few situations, none of which demonstrate how he treats his romantic partner or bonds with people he doesn't know, and I haven't read enough fics about him to decide what I like. Additionally, I'm not the best at writing romance at this point, so hopefully nothing is too off lol! With the disclaimers out of the way, please enjoy and lmk what you think! :))
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-He isn't very fond of sinners, and while his perspective on them has changed since joining the hotel, his opinion certainly hasn't flipped 180 degrees. How could it have? Good deeds never made the news in Hell, and the dead he was forced to interact with were powerful. Powerful sinners were never innocent; no one becomes an overlord by accident. Centuries upon centuries of talking to the powerful, witnessing only violence and hatred, will not be undone by a single moment of comradery in war — a battle where he couldn't know if the sinners were acting solely in their own self-interest.
-This is why, when you first arrive at the hotel, he's fairly aloof. He'll be polite, of course; he has no reason not to be (especially while lowkey still trying to win over his daughter), but will hold himself distant.
-Despite this, he admits you're kinda cute....
-You don't see him often, which doesn't help with his distance — he isn't used to being around so many people, and while he's pretty charismatic and extroverted, he's also still depressed and has a habit of self-isolating when he's going through it (which is often). He only really comes out for his daughter's sake.
-To get to know him faster than his changing perspective and mental challenges would otherwise allow, you could: one, approach him directly! Be friendly, open, and interested in his hobbies. This only works if you do the same for the others, though. If you don't, he might see your advances as manipulation. Two, you could develop a relationship with Charlie. Support her, believe in her cause, and have her back. He'll see you helping his daughter and will want to understand you further. Three, you could talk about ducks. That'll get him. He'll approach you eventually and strike up a conversation.
-If you don't do any of these things, that's fine; he'll just get to know you at the same pace that he gets to know the others. He'll slowly open up to the idea that not all sinners are violent psychopaths, become more comfortable with the rest of the crew, and realize how well he connects with you over a period of several months.
- Lucifer catches feelings pretty fast once you start hanging out for real. He's enamored with you: not only are you cute as fuck, but his daughter loves you, and you're the nicest sinner he's ever met (while kindest of the damned is not a hard-earned title, it's one he appreciates nonetheless).
-Once he realizes he's caught feelings, he'll ask Charlie for permission to ask you out. He doesn't want to pursue you if she isn't comfortable with it; she's already got familial issues, and he doesn't want a sudden shift in the family dynamic to hurt her further. If she says yes (which, if she likes you, she probably will), he'll ask you out to dinner.
-Prepare for the first date to be really awkward. Even if you've known him for a while at this point, he's incredibly nervous — he hasn't done anything romantic in a good while, and the last time he tried a relationship, it didn't work out. The whole time, he's fumbling over his words and cringing at himself, saying things he doesn't mean to while trying to be suave. When he escorts you back home after a very bumpy evening, he'll be downtrodden. He messed things up, just as he knew he would, and now you probably hate him; thoughts of self-loathing and regret swirl in his mind until you say you'll pay him back next time (he blinks up at you owlishly. "Next time? Like...another date?" You confirm his thoughts. "Oh--- oh! Yes, absolutely! I mean, no, no need to pay me back; of course not, but next time sounds good! How does this Saturday at 3 sound?").
-A couple of dates in, and he's feeling more confident, which reflects in his now far more self-assured demeanor and smooth language. He's a silver-tongued devil, after all, and he has to live up to his name.
-If all goes well, after about a month, he realizes he wants you to be his partner. He, once again, gets Charlie's permission and brainstorms with some of your friends about how to pop the question. Initially, he wants to impress you, pulling out the big guns and whisking you off your feet on the balcony of a lavish black-tie restaurant rented for just the two of you. After some discussion among your peers and deliberation of his own, though, he decides to do something else. He invites you to his tower, where he's prepared a handmade dinner with candles and soft music in the background. The food isn't particularly good (he can't cook very well and enlisted Vaggie and Nifty's help to make his dish edible), and the smoke from the candles stopped being pleasant about a half an hour in, but regardless, you both have a wonderful time, laughing about his lack of culinary skills and the excessively warm room. He asks if you would like to be his lover at the end of the evening, nervous but somehow also self-assured, and is overjoyed when you say yes. The next day, he parades you around the hotel, bragging that you said yes and talking about you to anyone who'd listen.
-If he wasn't big on physical affection before he got so lonely, he is now. While his hands might not constantly be on you, they've come close to that, especially if he's going through a hard time. Expect lots of hand-holding, arm-looping, cuddling, and kissing. He likes resting his head on yours (or your shoulder, depending on how tall you are) while he wraps his arms around you (or the reverse — he loves being cradled), you both sitting together on the couch. He also has a habit of rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of your hand while holding it.
-Smother his face with kisses, his cartoony heart-eyes expression will look a tenth lovestruck as he feels.
-You receive frequent duck memes, duck-themed gifts, and duck dissertations. He doesn't go around parading his interest, but if he trusts you, he can't keep himself from wanting to share everything about his hyperfixation. He's concerned about being annoying, though, and while you could try to curb his insecurity by telling him he's not, the best reassurance is to match his energy: talk about your own obsessions and be just as weird about them as he is. Not only does he feel better about himself, but he gets to talk with you for extended periods of time, your eyes alight and grin large. He'll probably try to get into whatever you talk about, wanting to connect with you further.
-He likes giving you gifts in general. Especially those that show you're in a relationship with him, like wearable apple or goat paraphernalia. While he does enjoy gift-giving for its own sake, he's insecure and doesn't want anyone to think they can cross him by taking you. If you give him anything duck-themed, handmade, or (heavens help him) both, especially without reason? He will melt. He loves it; he can feel the thought and effort you put in for him and feels known and loved.
- He’s kinda clingy; he likes being around you as often as possible and gets nervous if you're gone too long; if you leave for more than a day, he's like a koala when you return. It's comforting to him to know where you are, but it’s even more comforting when you tell him how much you love him before you go. His self-esteem isn't at a record low, but it certainly isn't high, and he has huge abandonment issues. Every once in a while, because of this, he'll grow distant; his thoughts of being undeserving or theories about how you're going to leave him become too much, and he semi-subconsciously pulls away to protect himself. Be patient with him during these times; show him how much you care and how you would never leave. Tell him you love him as he is. The first time you say so, he'll cry in your arms and snuggle you for hours.
-He'll become less clingy and insecure as your relationship goes on, but will always rather be with you than alone.
- He's majorly protective. He knows what it's like in Hell, and he knows that by dating you, he's put a target on your back, which only adds to your lack of safety. He will pull all the strings he has in order to keep you safe, whether that means accompanying you when you're out and about, actively keeping you away from overlords, or tracking your phone without your knowledge. He feels bad about some of his less savory means of protection, but not bad enough to stop. The thought of your death haunts him too much to let you be.
-Similarly, though he won't ever admit it, your redemption keeps him up at night. If you're redeemed and go up to heaven, he can't see you anymore — maybe ever. He knows you want to better yourself and tries his best to support you in your improvement, but sometimes his fear gets to be too much. In those moments, he has to spend some time alone before he tries to sabotage your progress in any way — any more than he already has.
-It's hard to tell what his love language is because he uses all of them. He wants to spend time with you (though he will give you a break if you need one; he understands needing to be alone, even if it makes him nervous), give you gifts, be touchy, do things for you, and tell you how wonderful he thinks you are. He wants you to know just how much he cares in every way he can and will be receptive to any form of love in return.
-He doesn't use as many pet names as some of the rest of the cast would, but he does use them! He likes calling you sweetheart and angel-eyes the most.
-Overall, he has a lot of insecurities and mental health problems to work through, but tries his best to be the best partner he can be for you. It's hard work to improve himself, but if you'll have him, he'll stay by your side forever.
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genericpuff · 21 days
(You can delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable) Do you think I should give up on my dream of being a webcomic artist? It's been what I'd been wanting to for years yet from what I'm hearing, it's hard to get money and an audience and that the mainstream webcomic hosting platforms don't treat their creators well. It doesn't help that while my art is decent, I don't really know how to create webcomics beyond like really short 4-5 panel comics even though I'd been drawing for many years. There's also the issue of my ADHD making it difficult to commit to stuff but then again at least that can be hopefully fixed once I get medicated. So, now the career of a webcomic artist sounds like a pipe dream at best. Is it worth pursuing, even if I don't make much money with it?
"Do you think I should give up on my dream of being a webcomic artist?"
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And this isn't just for you, anon, this is for everyone who follows my nonsense here.
Yes, it's hard to build an audience.
It's even harder to make money.
You should still make webcomics if you really want to do it.
The only practical piece of advice I can give you from the perspective of someone who's been doing this for years is to manage your expectations. Because that's the biggest mistake a lot of webcomic artists make (and I too, made this mistake) they go into it setting the bar that it HAS to result in them making a living off it, getting famous off it, etc. when that's unfortunately only the reality for the 1% who get lucky or have an advantage that the other 99% don't have. And then, of course, failing to meet those ridiculously high expectations makes the fall hurt that much harder if you fail, especially with odds like that stacked against you. That's not to say you shouldn't set a bar for yourself, but you have to set it in a place that's reasonable. Especially if you're an artist with ADHD (same, mood), we have a REAL bad habit of setting the bar unreasonably high for ourselves when we're still learning and getting our feet wet (it's why we're always taking on new hobbies after getting inspired by musicians or crafters and then getting immediately discouraged when we're not suddenly able to do the thing with that same amount of skill).
Set the bar in a reasonable place with reasonable expectations, and then when you MEET that bar, you'll have even more motivation and confidence to aim higher. What won't give you confidence is setting the bar alongside the pros who have been at this for years, because not only will it take way too long to hit that for you to see results, you might give up before you even come close because of how far away the bar is.
A career as a webcomic artist is about as guaranteed as making a career out of Youtube. But being a webcomic artist, period? You can do it. Anyone can do it. I'm still doing it in spite of everything. Like, I cannot even fully express to you just how much of what I do here is the culmination of a long list of failures. My art, my writing, the stuff I do here is built on the corpses of my failures. But those failures were still important, they had to happen to make me into the person and artist I am today. That person is STILL making mistakes, and that artist is STILL not rich LOL Failure is scary, but fear of failure is the true killer of joy and growth.
Do not tie the merit of being a webcomic artist to how much money you can (or can't) make out of it. Just like with starting a Youtube channel, you shouldn't go into it expecting money and fame right out the gate, but there are equal amounts of joy and experience you can gain by doing it. There's a reason people say you have to do it out of love and passion first because ultimately that's all you'll have to keep carrying you through if and when you fail to meet your goals. You don't have to be sure if you'll still want to do it a year from now or five years from now, none of that matters. If you want to do it now, then do it.
Make your 4-5 panel comics if that's what you enjoy doing. Make whatever tickles your fancy. Acknowledge your fears and doubts, thank them for their opinion, and do it anyways. "What if it ends up being a waste of time?" The time will pass anyways. Worst case, at least you'll be able to say you did it. That's better than never trying and regretting it in the end.
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Feral just like me frfr. Sometimes I too, lose my marbles and have to bite somebody lol. One of the things that gets me the absolute most about this AU is that feral and Simon are stuck in this never ending feedback loop. The more "feral" feral gets and the more they lean on Simon, the more Simon is like, "Yes, they needed me, and needed this, see how right I am about taking them?" And so he's completely justified in his actions, and the way he treats Feral. Meanwhile, the more he treats feral like a little creature, the more they lean into the unspoken rules and change themselves into what Simon is making them, the more they prove to Simon (and also kinda themselves, YAY STOCKHOLM) that they did need him, causing the feedback loop to continue. I just have so many thoughts about the whole thing, and it's killing me (in a delicious way).
Does feral get internet privileges/electronics privileges? I'm kinda half and half on it, because A) she could reach out to other people and B) maybe it keeps her a little less feral than Simon wants bc it reminds her of her old life. But, it's also a pretty good source of entertainment and given that Simon liked Feral before she was really feral, I have a hard time seeing him forcing her to give up something like that, that might be really important to her. and if somebody told me I couldn't play my silly little games anymore, I think that would tick me off real bad. Because he definitely wants to cut her off from the world, but he doesn't want to change everything about her, including her hobbies.
I might be talking crazy, I think the brain worms are acting up again. (Also, that Price and obedient piece was so good *chef's kiss* just what the doctor ordered lol)
-🏺 (EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD, may your pillows always be warm in winter and cold in the summer)
Hey 🏺!! I am adoring the Thoughts™️ and that is an absolutely brilliant analysis and very much something that has become canon to this universe.
As far as internet privileges go - in the beginning she was not allowed internet. As far as he’s concerned there’s plenty of tv with all the streaming services and apps, even YouTube! She’s also got books and crafts and journals and other things to distract her. However if it’s something she really wants later on and asks for, she’d be allowed supervised internet time. As in, he’s in the same room keeping an eye on things. She’s welcome to her games, but no social media accounts since people can be on most of them without making an account.
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gyusimp · 6 months
modern Gyutaro x reader (fluff) who has like A TON of money and spends it on buying him things he always wanted/surprising him with a little too much presents.
°•Gyutaro x Rich reader Headcanons•°
I wrote this on a break at work and I just realized that you actually requested a Modern AU and I didn't remember 😭 pls forgive me, if you want other headcanons in a Modern AU please let me know and I'll fix my mistake but don't hate me lol
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• You were the daughter of a great businessman in Japan, there were not many wealthy people at this time so everyone who knew who your father was treated you with immense respect, worthy of royalty. Your dad is a businessman looking to expand his income in several branches, not just one, so when he had the crazy idea of opening a tea house in the Yoshiwara Entertainment District everything was a success just like his other businesses.
• You had an entrepreneurial spirit just like him, so instead of settling for the allowances you received from him, you preferred to get to work and help him in each of his new businesses no matter what it was and thus generate your own profits at his side and his new success in Yoshiwara was no exception.
• You helped manage the house and organize the girls who worked there. Everything was very normal until after a few months you found out that there was a rumor of a creature that sneaked through the walls of brothels to steal pretty girls and turn them into its food. You didn't believe this children's story until one night you were face to face with that creepy creature with jutting bones, messy greenish hair, an imposing gaze and a merciless smile. The way you begged for your life before him seemed interesting and very different from what he was used to seeing so you awakened something inside him that made him let you live.
• Eventually you returned to see him again and again until with each of his visits the fear faded and you were able to slowly trust the other until you formed the strangest friendship you had ever had.
• Gyutaro was the Upper Moon 06, at first you didn't understand it but he explained how everything worked. You told him about you and he about him until the bond between the two of you grew closer and closer. Knowing more about Gyutaro and the shortcomings he had in his past made you feel the need to give him absolutely everything that he was deprived of in his human life, both material and emotional.
• His affectionate greetings towards you increased and made your and his heart race, every time he came you gave him things like expensive outfits to show him how handsome he was, pretty haoris to cover him from the cold and complete collections of books so that he might have a new hobby, even very expensive fragrances that he would never wear.
• All of this overwhelmed Gyutaro and made him think that you were a bit stupid wasting all your money like that. Not so much about wasting those things on a demon because someone like Douma would maybe use all those gifts, but about wasting your money on someone as insignificant and unpleasant as him. You noticed that he didn't reject your gifts at first but then he started to "forget" them after his visits and that made you feel a little bad. You asked him if he didn't like the color of that shirt or if it wasn't his size, if that perfume didn't match him or something like that and there he told you to stop wasting your money on him.
• It was new for him to receive so much attention from someone, positive attention and it confused him a lot but in the end he managed to explain everything to you and in the end you felt a little more relieved.
• You wanted to win over Gyutaro because you were starting to like him but you didn't want him to be misinterpreted as if you wanted to buy him, you were just someone who was very thoughtful with the people you loved and your pocketbook allowed you to give very unique gifts. But now you had to go a little slower so as not to overwhelm Gyutaro, so you would save the exaggerated and expensive gifts for later, although you couldn't help but give the boy a beautiful bouquet of flowers every time he came to see you and paint a noticeable blush all over  his face when you handed it to him.
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obae-me · 2 months
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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hobisstar · 9 months
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What are you hiding from love?| Yandere!Jk x Reader III
Summary: Being in a relationship with Jungkook you’ve always noticed the signs, the red flags if you will. Being so in love with him you ignored them, until the people you loved dearly started disappearing one by one.
Warnings: Murder, Jungkook victim blaming ( like he will say i killed you because you are too stupid or whatever), Possessiveness, Mentions of Smut, Controlling, Locking up YN, Attempt Suicide.
Viewers Discretion is advised.
Taglist: vante 🫶🏾
A/N: This is made to be scary! That is all. I honestly dont like mixing smut with yandere because i read yandere fics to be spooked not horny lol. This chapter will contain attempt suicide.
2 months.
2 bloody months.
It’s been 2 months since yn found out about what jungkook does as a so called hobby.
He’s promised to let her roam around the house if need be and that he didn’t break.
The only thing was when he was at work or out of the house, he made sure she was in his office locked away from the eye.
Yn currently, was tired. Tired of being treated so nicely but so terribly at the the same time. He loves her but keeps her locked away. Why?
She swore she’d never tell a soul about anything that she has seen, as long as he lets her live peacefully, that is.
But, every day Jungkook left for work, Yn was thinking of different ways to get out. Being locked up the only way out was the window.
Residing on the 5th floor of the apartment building, the window was the only option. That was death awaiting her. Yn knew that.
But what else was left to live for? When your lover has had so many hidden lies, a life you never imagined. A life you assumed wasn’t even in his blood.
The signs were always there. But being so love yn ignored the flags.
Thinking maybe he just wants to make sure I am protected, maybe he wants to keep me safe.
This all was things she thought of plenty of times.
With a rush of adrenaline Yn went into thinking. Yes, the window is the only option, but she didn’t want to die. Maybe she could just break the window open and attempt to jump, maybe someone would see her and come help her right?
Without any other thinking she started punching at the window. Hurting yes, but the pain was washed away with the feeling of wanting to be free.
Yn continued to punch at the window seeing little cracks and not caring if her first and hands where covered in blood. She wanted out.
“One more hit..” she thought and with that one hit she heard the glass shatter and freedom was waiting for her.
Looking down she saw the ground and her heart dropped to her stomach. Would this really be the end? Al because of the being locked up? I mean he loves her, but it was suffocating.
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Jungkook was smiling as he got out of his car with dinner and flowers. He stepped into the building and seen his neighbor standing at the front desk. He waved but she looked worried.
“Jungkook! Oh thank god your here! I think someone broke into your home! I headed glass shatter-“
Dashing to the elevator he aggressively pressed the button. “Fucking come on!” He yelled impatiently as if he didn’t just press the button 1 second ago.
He kicked the door and went for the emergency stairs. 5 cases of stairs? No problem. His heart was in his stomach but he swore he could hear it in his ears. She wouldn’t hurt herself to just get away from him would she? Of course not… or maybe Jungkook was wrong. What if someone broke in and oh god…
With that thought he finally reached the stairs and lucky for him there home was right next to the emergency exit. Jungkook quite literally kicked the door down and saw Bam barking at the office door.
“Baby! Baby are you in there?” He yelled through the door ,not hearing a response. Without thinking he kicked the door handle a few times and it fell to the ground.
Pushing the door open he entered the cold room and gasped.
Yn was sitting on the window frame backwards. Facing the door, well now him, Yn let a tear roll down her cheek. “Baby… whatever you are thinking about doing right now… we can talk it out, yeah? We don’t have to get hurt while doing this…” he calmly approaches her talking small but huge steps towards her.
The softness of his voice made her only want to lean back faster. “ we can’t talk, Jungkook. I’m done being in here…”, “ is that was this is about? Baby, I’ll stop locking you in here for good but please get down from the window…” at this point Jungkook was crying without even noticing he was crying.
“No! I want to be free I want to leave.” Yn stated and scooted back even more feeling the glass stab her in her hands and In the back of her thigh.
“Let me go…” she mumbled looking back at him and he froze.
“You-Your doing this… to leave me? Why aren’t I good to you?” He moved closer carefully, not wanting her to leave. “I don’t want to die! But if this is the only way to get away from you then I’m willing to take that risk…”
Without thinking Jungkook jumped and grabbed her pulling her off the window quickly which sent her into gasping feeling the glass that was in her thigh come out.
She didn’t fight she didn’t cry. What’s the point? Yn knew she wasn’t going to jump she loved her life but just didn’t like the part of this. She felt jungkook wrap her in his arms and he cried as loud as he ever cried.
It’s only begun, maybe she can use this as a way to get out of here? What if he went crazy and killed her himself? What if he actually pushed her out that window? So many thoughts ran through her head at the moment of being in his arms.
“Never say that again baby,” he looked at her tears dropping from his eyes to his cheeks, down to his shirt. “ I love you too much to loose you, why don’t you understand that?”
Maybe this was the end. Maybe this was just a sign to let her go in Jungkook eyes.
She was willing to kill herself then be with him…
He had a decision to make
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
(13) Fake Rumors - from the vault
I have been going through some old rumors from the fake house & decided to share some. whether these may be new to you or not, but i hope you still enjoy them as much as I did looking back. I feel like in the fandom, we’ve only ever been active when it comes to lrlg and the 49 fakes. the rest of the information that fall in between aren’t as talked about or depends on the topic. as with all other bjyx material, i want a place to store some parts of it. 🤍
these are sort of random, the ones that I had saved and found again. treat it all as fiction.
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( someone please make an AU fic or edit for this xz and wyb. there is a story here. look at them. 😍😍😍 )
i have traveled a long way, you have dreamed a long time. many lonely nights drift like fallen leaves but it always finds a way….🍃🍂
(1) this one was posted for the new year 🎉
XZ: Get me a courier later
🧔‍♂️:What is it? It’s so light
XZ: made-up parts, Legos.
*XZ talking to a staff so he can send out some lego parts. I think it’s light because what he is sending are “parts” that WYB is missing and he found them for him. I truly like the idea of XZ spoiling WYB when it comes to his hobbies and him being invested in it too even if he isn’t necessarily a fan too. true love! and well, reminded me of the rumored lego set gift during the early days of cql filming.
(2) have you eaten?
About the backstage live broadcast of a recent event on the same stage
WYB:Have you eaten yet?
XZ: *shakes head*
WYB: Come have dinner with me later
XZ: Who else? (Looking over it, I don’t know what I’m looking for)
WYB: Stop looking for it. I’ll send it to you next time.
Supplement: Teacher W watched Teacher X take off his makeup before leaving together.
*The usual WYB making sure that XZ eats and him waiting for his gege so they can eat with each other. Even after the CQL filming, as long as they are at the same event they will try and be together. Tho instances of that have been so rare to 0 nowadays because of the amount of eyes on them.
(3) the forbidden book lol
The crew's study period
WYB: Where is the erotic book? I want to read it.
XZ: Suddenly got up and left.
*This is one of my faves even if it’s so short! Library Pavilion behind the scenes & rumors is the gift that keeps on giving. I wouldn’t put it pass WYB to troll ZZ with this.
Here’s a GIF for you to bring you back to that time🤍
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(4) call me maybe? 📱
There was a period last year where everyone had to learn rap, usually🐂 learned the fastest but he was absent-minded that time🐂 was looking at us eating delicious food while resting, it seems that he is thinking his rap, he seemed to be even more tired. At this time, staff handed over the phone and he left immediately to pick it up.
He called him, and when he came back he didn't have any special expression, but he felt refreshed. 
(5) praising
WYB: I really like to be praised by everyone and feel "wow" from everyone, so every time Da Zhen's family praises me crazily, I will secretly write it down and send it to him.
XZ: I am also a part-time praise captain. Every time I praise,None of them are the same.He can often keep up with the facts.
WYB: I don’t understand a lot of Internet slang.
XZ: I always hurt him by saying, "No, you don't even know this joke, so WYB doesn't go online?" Just. very good. Laughing, every time I feel hurt, I secretly say "He is better than me. I'm young, I know everything." What kind of tone is this? One time during a video, XZ sang "Darling, come and save me." Seeing WYB's ears slowly become red and coughed. Who can tell me what’s going on with these lyrics?
(6) baking shenanigans
The puff pastry made by XZ is very delicious, WYB will also work with XZ to help when he has time. He’s busy getting started, and they will also do some weird things. If there is a strange taste, try it with the people around you.
Once WYB squeezed minced garlic into the pastry and mixed chili powder, but forgot to mark it, XZ ate it, pinched the back of the neck and squeezed the flesh of the face "Teacher Trained WYB”
*IM CACKLING AT THIS OMG WYB 😂😂😂 what flavor of pastry is that????
(7) another one about eating
Aling period
WYB: Why are you back?
XZ: Come back for dinner, there will be a show in the afternoon
WYB: Aren’t you going to eat with your friends?
XZ: I didn’t agree when someone wanted to invite me, it was too stupid.
WYB: xls It’s so difficult to eat normally today
XZ: You haven’t eaten it, have you?
WYB: Nope. I just thought you were back.
(8) checking the weather
XZ: “The weather doesn’t look like it’s going to rain...(Look 📱)
👤: "It should be sunny..."
XZ: “I just saw📱the weather forecast showed it’s going to rain soon.
👤: How is that possible? It’s obviously sunny. "(春📱)
XZ: "Huh?" (👤♥Two people facing each other📱)
XZ: Overcast to light rain to moderate rain.
👤: What you are looking at is the weather
XZ: Oh my God, so embarrassing...
XZ forgot to switch cities. no one will know the city WYB was in that day if I don’t tell you.
*This one hits different cause for this rumor, they are in different cities but in the same country. Lately, there are times that they are in diff countries so do they look at the weather their too? 🥹🥹🥹
I can’t relate to their obsession with the weather, but if that gives them a sense of connection to each other then it’s fine.
(9) raining
💚Supplement: It’s when the temperature gradually rises. At that time, it rained in June.
💚Holding an umbrella💚❤️talking all the way
❤️Start standing on the right side of 💚
💚Hold the umbrella and tilt it in the direction of ❤️
❤️Thick clothes💚Left half of light-colored thin clothes
The edges are wet and very transparent.
❤️Just keep pushing the umbrella in the direction of 💚
I wanted to block 💚 a little more, but found it was fine.
After seeing the effect, I found an opportunity to move it to the left side of 💚
Then 💚 the right half also got wet
Both centered and symmetrical….…..
(10) them and their parents.
Regarding their parents, I currently know the older one’s mom and dad can also surf the internet, and talk about about their CP and their impression of WYB is good. But his mother actually really wants to have a grandchild. His father is very indifferent when the older one comes home. I'm sure his mother won't be able to bear it. She asked him bluntly, the older ones always focus on work to fool her in the past. In July this year not only did he tell the truth to his family but took the younger one back with him.
It’s time for dinner at home, and the younger one is very nervous. He is afraid that the family will think he is not good enough. He bought a lot of things and piled them up for backup. He sprayed perfume and dressed properly and pretended. The older one made him want to laugh when he looks at him, just fool around. The younger one calls him a big bastard.
The mother on the table was holding jianguo and said she could only count on her to give birth to a litter of grandsons.
* I know that talk about their parents is sensitive and would always lead to more discussion, but again, treat this as fiction. and tbh, who could resist WYB as a son in law??? It I had a son and he brings home WYB as a boyfriend I will be very happy. I also feel soft that XZ is trying to tease and make WYB laugh.
What happened last year
WYB: Is it delicious?
XZ: (nodding while eating) Yeah, it’s quite delicious.
WYB: What about others?
XZ: Wait a minute...Wow, I just ate that, this one has no taste.
WYB: Is it too spicy?
XZ: It’s okay, but my tongue is numb and I can’t taste other flavors.
WYB: Wait a minute, drink some water. Is it really that spicy?
XZ: Try it yourself. You didn't keep it for yourself? Wasn't it sent from you?
WYB: I didn't take it apart. Bring it to me.
Then XZ really ate so much that he left two packets and took them back to WYB.
(You send it to me and I will bring it back to you. What kind of trick is this?)
What happened this year
XZ: It’s been too cold these two days.
👤: Southern kids.
XZ: :Then northerners also feel cold. Cold is cold.
(Okay, I know you have northerners in your family, next one)
👤When teasing XZ and WYB, XZ’s response was, “Hahaha” and send out red envelopes. As expected of Boss XZ.
I saw other people's submissions and came to do some post-sale service. I heard that XZ sang to put WYB to sleep. I know that there is indeed mmxhn, and there is a six-character song related to snow. (There are probably others somewhere that I don’t know about)
(12) like a fairy
XXX was wearing Iwj's white clothes for the first time
XX: Fairy, descended to earth to overcome the tribulation
XXX: Isn’t fairy a dog? You have so much information but no good words.
XX: Compliment you for being good-looking and handsome.wls, wow, so handsome!
XXX: xls looks better than me, our xls is so beautiful, ancestor of Yiling
XX: Stop, stop, it’s so shameful
*My favorite kind of rumor is when WYB goes gremlin on XZ! 😂😂😂😂
(13) cravings
WYB has been craving for "cai cai rice" recently, XZ told him many times that spring is not so good to have wild vegetables, even if they are cooked. WYB said he doesn’t care about wild vegetables he just wants to eat the vegetable rice cooked by XZ, but I don’t have that. It smells good, I just want to eat it.
In the end, he still didn’t get the cabbage meal, but freshly baked dumplings. WYB got a bargain and acted nice, he was acting coquettishly while eating.
* Oh to be WYB and have someone like XZ cook for youuuu 😍😍😍😍
P.S : this ye mi and xiao zhan AU pairing is living in my mind rent free. 🥵🥵🥵
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2knightt · 1 year
OMG DARLING! YOU NEED TO DO: Johnny W A motherly s/o 😱😱
↳heaven is calling my name₊˚✧
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➬ johhny cade x motherly!reader
a/n:i love it when i get a req from you😭 the nicknames got me giggling n shit. TWO FICS IN A ROW!! i am on a ROLL.
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his type. definitely his type.
confides in you?? for everything??
“y/n, i was so stressed out today. why are there so many chocolate bar options? i was freaking out in the middle of walmart for 15 minutes.”
“aw, i’m sorry johnnycakes. but, did you at least get your chocolate bar?”
“…no. some little kid started to rush me so i walked off.”
please just listen to him. no matter whatever he says, just listen.
it makes him happy to know he doesn’t have to just have his head down and nod all the time.
“and then—wait, i’m talkin’ to much, ain’t i? sorry, doll. i didn’t mean to ramble.”
“johnny, don’t apologize when you did nothing wrong. what happened next? did dallas do anything?”
he just stares at you lovingly and sighs like he’s dreaming.
“yeah—he punched the guy. you look real pretty right now.”
“he what?”
reassure him for everything. he needs it, so badly.
“johnny, it’s okay. what you are feeling is okay. everything is going to be just fine.”
“you think?”
“i know so, love.
he’ll try his best to reassure you too! he knows that even though you’re a nice person, it gets tough for you too.
“baby, it’s okay. i’m here for you, i always will be. you’re smart, smarter than i’ll ever be. stop worrying about something so small, please?”
you comforting him makes him feel like he saved a whole town in his past life!
you basically force him to lay down and tell you all his problems like a cliché therapist.
“and i just don’t know if i’ll ever reach his level. he’s tuff, strong, and don’t take nothin’ from nobody. while i’m seen as a wuss, the pet of the gang.”
you nod your head, tilting your glasses down as you write stuff on a clipboard.
you just rub his arm while he talks. you never interrupt johnny while he vents to you.
n’ he likes it that way. when people interrupt him while he’s talking, it makes him not wanna talk again.
offer him food. legitimately, offer him food whenever.
he’s so grateful for it😭.
“would you like some tea? coffee? pepsi?”
“pepsi sounds nice.”
“i’ll get it for you, johnny, don’t you move an inch.”
when you leave he’s giggling and kicking his feet!!
he loves being treated like a princess. he told me so!
teach him how to bake it’d be a fun thing for him.
not for you though, since it’s johnnys first time baking he’s gonna be really nervous.
he misses the bowl when cracking an egg, puts too much milk and sugar, stirring to slow, all that.
but shockingly, the finished product is really good.
you definitely encourage him to grow more and more, to get out of his shell.
you take him everywhere you go to show him other things he could be doing, and he doesn’t mind.
you motivate him to try new hobbies, ones he never thought he’d try.
like you even got him into knitting! he thinks it’s a calming activity.
until steve and sodapop walked in on him knitting. wasn’t so fun no more.
“are you knitting, dude?”
“hell yeah man, knit me a sweater.”
“…hop off my back guys.”
being his cheerleader>>
he gets so happy when you cheer him on it’s so sweet.
“yeah, n then we won the rumble.”
“i’m so proud of you, johhny! that’s so cool!”
normalize writing notes for johnny cade to make him feel loved.
when you leave them for him, whenever, he gets so giddy with joy.
“whatcha readin’ there, johnnycakes?”
“a note y/n gave me.”
“oooo you inlove, huh?”
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may 20th, 2023. 11:19AM.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
tagged by @darthdutton, thank you so much for the fun tag game and sorry I took so long to get to it! I’ve been on a much needed social media fast 🙏🏼.
are you named after anyone? No, I don’t think so. I think my dad just didn’t like my almost-name and liked the idea of me being “victorious”. Turns out the only way I’ve lived up to my name is by owning a bunch of dolls, wanting to be treated like a Queen and wanting to meet my Albert.
when was the last time you cried? um. In the shower about a week ago? I had to euthanize my 15 year old dog and I was suddenly struck by the grief of her loss since she’s been in my life for so long. 
do you have kids? I have three kittens.
do you use sarcasm a lot? only all the time.
what sports do you play/have you played?  Anything in physical education class at school. I always sucked at sports and was the last one to get picked when making teams. It was so embarrassing lol. I’m a good skier tho!
what's the first thing you notice about other people? idk, great question! I’ll pay more attention.
eye color? Dark brown.
scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies! Nothing against happy endings but... they gotta be realistic for me to like them.
any special talents? Overthinking.
where were you born? Wouldn’t you like to know?!!!!!! Even though I was raised in Mexico, I was born in the United States. I am privileged with a USAmerican passport.
what are your hobbies? watching anime, reading, writing, listening to music, dancing,trying out new restaurants/cafes, going on trips ( hate to copy ,but damn we do have the same taste x2)
do you have any pets? More like too many pets. I just euthanized my Min Pin, so now I only have 4 cats and a Border Collie. But I’ll be giving up 2 of the kittens up for adoption and most likely releasing Momo (the mom) once I spay her. 
how tall are you? Wouldn’t you like to know?!!!!! Average height in the US, tall in Mexico.
fave subject in school? Psychology, Math, Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics
dream job? idk because I've had amazing jobs where I felt so lucky to get paid to do work that I do but I’ve evolved... it used to be Marketing but I would like to get paid to use my Psychology nerdery next.
No pressure tags @justafrenchlondoner @sixth-vip @noa-ciharu @yamat0 @momoyamaguchi @linkspooky @incensuous @queen-asiad @ashleyfonthescreamofcreation
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yuikomoriemo · 2 months
Diabolik lovers Scenario/Headcanon: FATHER EDITION
(All art posted belongs to rejet-)
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-Finding out: Firstly- he'd think its a joke his s/o made up but after a while he knew it wasn't a joke and be overjoyed that he'd be a father.
-How he'd raise them: He'll definitely try to be less strict than his mother and give his children more freedom than he ever got and teach his children what any parent wants them to learn, to be respectful,kind and know right and wrong
-How he acts around his kids and who he doesn't want them to associate with : He'd be extra protective and most likely depending on their relationship he'd not let reiji near them same as reiji wouldn't let shu near his kids.
-How many would he prefer and would he prefer a son/sor daughter/s: Shu would prefer either 1 or 2 and as for a son or daughter? preferably want to have sons because he wouldn't know how to treat a daughter.
-Punishments: He'd be a chill, relaxed dad and hardly ever punish his child/children unless it was something seriously bad their child done like break something on purpose, lie about something really serious or they fight, yeah he'd ground them for a week/few weeks lol- as for corporal punishment he'd slap himself before even thinking of rasing a hand at his child, he's against hitting and spanking as punishment(EXACTLY WHY HE'D NOT LET THEM NEAR KANATO OR REIJI-)
-If his s/o yells at their child he'd defend the child most of the time-(Most likely causing a shift between him and s/os relationship for a while-)
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-Finding out: He'd not be suprised knowing it had to have happened eventually, of course he'd be happy about it but he'd be seriously protective of his s/o, what they eat , where they go etc-
-How he'd raise them: He'd be strict but not as strict as his mother and obviously let them see the outside world but he'd expect his child/children to succeed in everything to do with intellect and wouldn't let them interact with people who are "unsuccessful", However after a long talk with his s/o half of that wouldn't happen on their watch.
-How he acts around his kids:OOFFF...protective as hell and VERY judgemental of what they do as a hobby and like shus he'd not let them near shu depending on their relationship
-How many would he prefer and would he prefer a son/s or daughter/s: He'd want to have 2 and he'd preferably want one a boy one a girl.
-Punishment: ...this is where a lot of abused becomes abuser happens- Reiji would at first be harsh with punishments not caring about how serious or not his child's misbehaviour was and what they done he'd hit and ground them end of story, but that would go wrong obviously because his s/o is obviously against it and angry at reiji for not hearing their child out and comfort them. Of course he'd stop at a CERTAIN extent (NOT ENOUGH REIJI) and hear them out.
-He'd prefer his s/o to yell knowing that they can be bad cop too when their child does something wrong but due to reijis methods, they'd not yell as much since their kid would be to scared to mess up.
(Hence,Reiji unfortunately is like his mother until the kid grows up and reiji hopes that they won't be like them..causing a very big strain in their relationship years later)
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-Finding out: Oh he'd be absolutely NOT ready, from the amount of relationships he's been in he'd feel utterly shock and regret getting their s/o pregnant and at first he'd try get out of being a dad arguing it's his s/os fault this happened and leave until he realised that not only will he lose his s/o he's abandoning a child like his father did to him and the others so he'd come back apologising with tears and promise his s/o he'd be there for good now and that he would never leave again.
-How he'd raise them: Like shu He'd be a chill relaxed dad and he's never strict with his kids at all unless it's about how they treat their mother(He won't stand them being angry at his s/o-)
-How he acts around his kids: He'd be protective but give them their privacy and trust them to make right decisions, He'd be a fun dad make them laugh, practically willing to do anything they want to do (Even if they force laito in a small princess dress and do bad makeup XD)
-How many would he prefer and would he want a son or daughter: if it is possible ONE ONLY NO TWINS OR TRIPLETS..MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS He'd be willing to raise another with his s/o but until then ONE ONLY, As for having a son or daughter he wouldn't really care He'd treat them the same he sees no difference, but if his first born was a girl He'd want the next one to be a boy, same for the first one born a boy. (He'd be terrified of his teenage daughter that's a fact-)
-Punishment:Depending on the severity of what his child does the furthest He'd go is grounding them from tech/going out late/toys for a month, he would raise his voice but He'd never raise a hand at his child ever.
-He'd expect his s/o to side with him and yell too.
(I can picture a funny scenario with them both being mad ill quickly type it just for fun)
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-Finding out: He'd be angry at his s/o for this but eventually he'd get over it and take care of his s/o the entire way but He'd throw tantrums when his s/o isn't careful.
-How he'd raise them:He'd spoil his child/children rotten and sometimes forget he's a dad and be childish himself, but of course he'd raise them to be kind-(I WONDER HOW TOO LMAO)
-How he'd act around them: He'd feel jealous at first even some hatred because his s/o pays more attention to their child but he'd get over it once their not a baby anymore and happily play with them.
-How many would he prefer and would they prefer a son or a daughter: He was angry to begin with so only one and without hesitation he'd want a girl
-Punishment: Well he wouldn't be strict but he'd be sadistic with his punishments,(only if something happens to teddy or they bother him) Which is making them eat ice cream for a whole day and locking them in his doll room for a full night(OF COURSE...HIS S/O WOULD BE AGAINST IT ALL BUT he's forceful so, both of them end up in the doll room-)
-He'd do all the yelling-
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-Finding out: He'd be terrified and kinda have a mental breakdown because he's scared he'll treat the kid like his mother treated him and cry about it saying how awful he'll be, he can't be trusted around their child, he'll hurt them badly. His s/o will comfort him throughout everything and then ayato would get over that fear with s/os support.
-How he'd raise them:He'd be cautious with them as babies having s/o there everytime not wanting to be alone with their child, still having the fear that he'll accidentally hurt them but after the baby phase he'd be fun and reckless with them but somewhat responsible and teach them that too.
-How he'd act towards them:He'd be protective and pay attention to everything they do unlike his mother and He'd always try get them into sports like he is (Mainly basketball) and would never force them to be successful and accept their efforts(basketball- that's a different story-)
-How many would he prefer and would he want a son or daughter: He wasn't even sure about having ONE LET ALONE MORE THAN ONE but then again if his s/o ended up having triplets He'd happily start what his mother never even attempted too, Rasing them equally and paying attention, As for wanting a son or a daughter, he'd prefer having boys but if he had a girl nothing would be any different- EXCEPT WHEN SHE'S A TEENAGER WHICH IS WHEN ESTRICTO AYATO AWAKENS!(in all honesty he'd do the same if he had a son- I'll write a scenario at the end-)
-Punishment: Nahhhh..unless they did something really bad he'd ground them for a month to a year if he had to- that's only if they Disrespect him and his S/o,Bully another kid for any reason and breaking stuff on purpose.
-He'd yell at his s/o for yelling and then HE'D YELL AT THEIR CHILD(JERK-)
[Scenario 1:Daughter edition]
Daughter: Hmmm...eleven-ish?
Ayato: 9-ish!
They both shake on it and ayato realises he doesn't understand negotiation- but before he can stop her she's gone.
Ayato:Hmmm..too much like me...NO HANKY PANKY!
Daughter:*Proud of what she achieved*
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[Scenario 2:Son edition)(its two different situations-]
Son(SCARED AF): Dad...its a school night- I'm just going to study at a friend's house
Ayato: ...be home by midnight kid and remember *SNNNNNNIP* it'll come off so be careful *Leaves the room*
Son: *Processing wtf just happened*
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-Finding out:Like most of his brothers he'd be shocked and terrified but quickly gets over it after seeing him and his s/o's bundle of joy.
-How he'd raise them:He'd be gentle and like his mother but saner, of course he'd treat them equally and teach them respect and morals.
-How he'd act towards them: He'd be distant when their child does their thing but if they want him to join he'd join them, eventually he'd grow out of that when their older but still be protective.
-How many would he prefer and would he want a son or daughter:He'd like to have twins- surprisingly lmao since he knows sometimes one is impossible in pregnancies,He'd prefer to have daughters than sons because he wouldn't know what to do with a son-
-Punishment: Necessary but he wouldn't be like his brothers(Except ayato and laito and shu) He'd never raise a hand but oh boy he would YELL MORE THAN WHAT IS NORMAL.
-he'd not let his s/o yells he'd only yell-
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lookingfts · 1 month
You are amazing!
All these bonus snippets have been such a treat
Have we heard anything from Like I see you Kanthony? They're one of my favs and I need to know how many times they've had sex at Kate's office
Thank you!
Also please know that I’m still working through my asks. I have at least two dozen unanswered ones, and every time I answer one, I get three more lol. So if I haven’t responded to yours yet, I will get to it when I have a chance!
*sexy snippet below*
Come let me in.
It takes a second for Kate to process his text. She checks her watch – it’s a little after seven, and there are still a handful of people in the office, preparing for a big corporate case.
She grabs her badge and heads downstairs, swiping him in. The tension seeps out of her body at the sight of her boyfriend, holding a bag of takeout from the sushi place she loves.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Kate sighs, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a sweet, lingering kiss. “But thank you.”
He cracks a crooked grin. “I had fully selfish motives. I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” she admits, scrunching up her face at how utterly sappy she’s gotten since they started dating. They both have demanding jobs, and some weeks their schedules don’t align all that well, though they try their best to make time for each other. “Do you want to eat in my office?”
“Yeah.” Kate takes him to her floor, and he says hi to several of her coworkers on the way, asking them about their families or their hobbies. He really can charm anyone and everyone.
They eat at her desk, chatting about their days and her case, and it’s exactly what she needed. For the first time all day, she feels relaxed and happy. Somewhere along the line, Anthony has become her favorite person.
He earns that designation even more when he cleans up the remnants of the food and comes up behind her chair, rubbing his hands over her shoulders. Kate practically melts into the touch, a soft sigh falling from her lips. “You’re so tense, honey.”
“I’ve just been sitting for too long,” she says, rubbing her hand over his muscular forearm. “God, that feels good.”
Anthony digs his thumbs into her shoulders, loosening the tightness there, and the sigh turns into more of a moan. He’s so talented with his hands.
He works her over like that for a while, until her body starts to unwind and release. Gently brushing her hair aside, he presses a kiss to her neck, then another, and she shivers. “Anthony…”
“I can help you,” he whispers in her ear, nipping at the lobe, and Kate realizes that he remembers her fantasy of getting fucked at work. Offering to make it a reality.
“I don’t-,” Kate pants as he sucks a bruise into her neck. “There are other people here.”
Anthony’s hand wanders lower, cupping her breast as he teases a hard nipple between his fingers. “Your door is locked. No one can see. You just need to try really hard to be quiet.”
That condescending motherfucker. It shouldn’t turn her on as much as it does, it really shouldn’t.
She wants it. Wants him so badly she can’t breathe. But Kate knows she can’t let go on her own. “I need…” she breathes as he pinches her nipple. “I need…”
“You need me to make you?” he growls, low and filthy.
Kate shudders. “Yes.”
Suddenly, his hands leave her, and Kate nearly whimpers at the loss. He spins her chair to the side, getting on his knees, his eyes pitch black as he looks up at her. “Cover your mouth, baby. You don’t need your coworkers to know what a little slut you are when I’m fucking you.”
Clasping a hand over her lips, she moans at the degradation. Kate lifts her hips as he tugs her damp knickers down her legs, immediately stuffing them into the pocket of his trousers. She won’t be getting those back, she already knows.
Spreading her thighs apart, Anthony gazes at her bare cunt under her skirt, shaking his head. “You’re so wet, Kate. You’re lucky I showed up. You’ve just been sitting here trying to work when what you really needed was to come home and let me take care of this needy little cunt.”
She gets impossibly wetter at that, and Anthony clearly notices, licking his lips. “Please,” Kate whispers, laying back in the chair. “Please, your mouth.”
“What about my mouth?”
Fuck, he’s going to make her say it. Anthony has always demanded her desires in explicit detail, but it feels especially wanton here, in the place where she has worked so hard to be taken seriously.
“Suck on my clit,” she says, her voice breathy but firm. “And put three fingers inside me.”
Anthony grins wickedly, swinging her right leg over his shoulder to hold her open and lowering his head. The first swipe of his tongue feels like lightning, searing through her body, and she puts her hand back in place to muffle her shaky cry.
He does exactly as she asks, laving her clit with his velvet soft mouth as he stretches her open on two fingers, slowly working in a third. Kate feels equal parts vulnerable and powerful, all soft and sloppy around his fingers, but with the most beautiful man in the world on his knees for her.
She’s so fucking full like this, his thick fingers claiming every empty space inside her, crooking to rub the spot that makes her leak arousal all over his hand. Anthony sucks her clit forcefully, keeping his eyes locked on hers, never breaking the contact. Kate thinks she’ll pass out at the sight of his perfect face buried in her cunt, at the clear pleasure he gets from worshipping her like this.
Kate has no choice but to come, hard, wetness slicking his chin as he greedily laps her up. Her walls squeeze Anthony’s fingers tight, and they both moan at the sensation.
Delicately, he pulls out of her as she slumps against the chair, gasping for breath. His hands run over her thighs, smearing arousal on her skin until she’s painted in it. “What the fuck,” she pants, at a loss for any other words.
“You needed that so bad,” Anthony murmurs, digging his nails into her thighs. “That’s my fault. I knew you were stressed at work. Needed me to fix it for you.”
He’s hard in his trousers, tenting rather obviously, and Kate aches for him. She’s as greedy as he is, wants to be filled up, consumed, controlled. Wants her pleasure forced out of her.
“Fuck me,” she begs, running her hand through his disheveled hair. “Bend me over my desk and make me take it.”
Anthony groans loudly against her thigh, sinking his teeth into the fragile flesh there. He’s utterly gorgeous like this, all blown pupils and swollen lips, staring at her like he wants to destroy her.
“Get on the fucking desk,” he orders, voice hoarse from the effort of staying quiet. Kate stands on shaky legs, carefully moving her laptop and her papers to the side. She rucks her skirt up around her waist as she leans over the desk, all open and exposed to him, her head resting against her arm.
His fingers dance along the swell of her arse, a pleased noise coming from his throat as he strokes her soft skin. Then they dip lower, teasing her wet folds, and Kate whines into her arm.
“So pretty,” Anthony praises, teasing her clit. “You’ve never done this with anyone else, have you? But you can’t help spreading your legs. Your little cunt knows it was made for me.”
Tears prick her eyes at the force of her need. He’s right. It’s only ever been him that can make her body respond like this, break down all her walls and drive her out of her mind. “Please,” she whimpers. “I love you, please.”
That’s the key; it always has been, ever since the first time she whispered it against his skin while he was fucking her slowly and tenderly in his bed. More than her submission, more than her screams of pleasure, he wants her confessions of love.
“I love you too,” he breathes, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. “Stay quiet, honey.”
He fucks right into her, trusting that she’s wet and relaxed enough to take him all the way. And she does, easily, her body rocking forward with the motion as she muffles her moans.
He fucks her, and she takes it. Willingly, eagerly, pushing back against him as much as he’ll let her. Anthony lays one hand on her upper back to keep her down, the other in a harsh grip on her hip, and Kate thinks she could happily die like this.
“Pull my hair,” she moans, and Anthony immediately gathers up her loose curls in his fist and tugs. The pain-pleasure at her scalp makes her feel delirious, and her orgasm is so close she can taste it on her tongue.
Distantly, she realizes that the desk is scraping against the floor, and she hopes to god that everyone else has already left. Though it’s an open secret that several of her coworkers are hooking up, and likely doing so in the office, so she doesn’t think they would rat her out even if they could hear.
She grips the edge as Anthony pounds her into the desk and then she’s shattering again, gushing onto him, keening his name. Anthony makes a rough noise and comes inside her, a welcome warmth between her thighs as her body fully relaxes.
Anthony sits in her chair, pulling her into his lap. Kate curls up against his chest, face tucked into his neck, finding a warmth and security in his arms that she doesn’t think she’s ever felt anywhere else.
“Better?” he asks, sliding his arms around her waist and holding her tight.
“So much better,” Kate sighs, nuzzling his neck. “Let’s just stay here for a while, and then you can take me home.”
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forfluxsake · 5 months
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a personal slash solitary blog where i publish my doodles, have hobbies, and do anything typical of the average person
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utmv server ad
before i write anything else, i’m promoting my utmv (undertale multiverse) server. JOIN PARTYCHROMA TODAY! FOREVER LINK: https://discord.gg/sATaZ8WZDh
if you aren’t sensitive to bold text, fonts, weird symbols, and eyestrainy gradient rainbow themes, join partychroma. it’s a neverending party for people who’re into undertale or deltarune aus and the like. it’s quiet for the time being, which is why i’m hoping people find this post
we are welcoming of anybody who’s willing to have a good time. the server provides funny roleplay channels, a place to showcase your creations, roles, incredible people, and more. i put effort into it and stuff so that’s great
…a better, less half-hearted advertisement can be found on disboard. hope to see you there!
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about me
if you’re wondering who i am, hi
i’m flux.
i am a male and i use he/him/she/her pronouns. that’s all you need to know to respect my existence. if you have any questions direct them to the asks feature i just enabled
what do i like doing? doodling, writing, listening to some funky tunes; learning… i’m not picky about creative activities, but i do tend to procrastinate. my hyperfixations are seasonal and i suffer from being unable to let go of past phases. the list of my interests is infinite. if you care, i enjoy a variety of indie rpgs, object shows, args slash creepypastas, webcomics, and television shows.
cartoon series pique my interest the most.
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(be my friend)
i’m a minor. this much information is self explanatory as to how you should approach me. obviously don’t interact with me if you are a nsfw age-restricted page, but also don’t attempt to send me weird asks
i don’t talk about politics.
i think being friends with me requires a lot of patience. sure, you may friend me on my discord, o5fo, but understand that i’m terrible at one on one conversation. if you don’t get straight to the point, i will most likely not respond.
preferably keep contact with me through our shared communities or mutual servers and not direct messages.
if i’ve crossed a line, i encourage people to express their discomfort. nothing is gained from radio silence. (it’s not like i’m not anxious as well LOL don’t be shy to contact me [on dis] if it’s important)
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what to expect
this blog is sfw, though it’s prone to having violent and dangerous content, mostly because i’ve drawn a fair amount of works with blood or upsetting themes. be wary of who you follow, always, and take steps to protect yourself online. take advantage of the filter tool to block tags that trigger you.
i will occasionally open art requests. but i won’t do too many at a time.
i might touch on some uncomfortable topics while i’m maintaining this nostalgia-seeking blog, especially about past controversies in the communities i was in since i was a child. and depending on the post, i will treat the flaws in said communities seriously or jokingly. please do not take it the wrong way if i redraw those memories.
assume everything i say is light-hearted for the sake of everybody; spare yourself the trouble of thinking i’m trying to invalidate people’s experiences. i never want to come off that way
fanart. expect a handful of art in general. uncolored/whiteboard doodles are abundant. i have ocs- but i’m anything but organized.
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that’s a wrap
i wasn’t prepared to end this post
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