adafruit · 1 year
👆👀👂🎹🎧🔊📷🔬🔍💻🎵🎶 Typing can delight the senses. Touch. Sight. Sound. Your fingertips each contain over 3,000 touch receptors. Your eyes see at roughly 576 megapixels of resolution. Your ears hear a range of frequencies from ~20 Hz to 20,000 Hz at a dynamic range of 0dB to 130dB. 
With all of these sensory inputs, you owe it to yourself to select some keycaps that feel great to the touch, look beautiful, and sound just right as you clack away on your mechanical keyboard or macropad!
Shop Now
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eachainn · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "eachainn "?
Oh, lord. Well, I can give you 10 of my favorites in no particular order.
Down to Agincourt - seperis (Supernatural)
Like a Comet Streaming On - Sineala (Avengers)
A Dawn of Wyverns - touchreceptors (Code Geass)
Snow Flowers - muckraker (Code Geass)
Knight and Mage - strikedawn (Tales of Zestiria)
Pharos of My Soul - pengiesama (Tales of Zestiria)
and so my heart beats wildly - lily_winterwood (MDZS)
what else is there? - mme_anxious (MDZS)
terror & desire intertwined - rupertgayes (Supernatural)
Phone a Friend - noviembre (Supernatural)
I will say this fluctuates depending on the fandom I'm reading heavily in at the moment to lean more heavily towards those fics.
eachainn came around when my other username (spirithorse, which is why my AO3 is still that) was taken. So I looked for another horse based username and eachainn came up, and it's rarely taken. I've seen it mean brown horse or just a name connected to horse, which works for me.
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acidproofnotebook · 2 years
The restuarant scene in update 221 (ch 174/176) is more interesting than it looks
Thanks to @touchreceptors for this quick translation:
Okay, so the restaurant dinner is revealing a LOT. I don't know about WC content but at the moment I don't think Tatsumaki is really there to wring Psykos's neck. Yet.
Quick TL of the key moments from this page:
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from the top left panel:
Tats: "They're after Psykos."
Tats: "She might be a monster but i'm not handing her over to those guys. I'm gonna put on an act, so cooperate with me."
Fubuki: "Sis, you're actually planning on shielding* Psykos....??!" (*verb used is "shelter, shield, hide away" )
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aulel-process · 4 years
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So I’m going to go with the Britannian coat of arms as the floor mosaic and I’m digging it because it’s irreverent - Suzaku and Lelouch fucking on the symbol of the empire they overthrow. Heavy handed and too literal maybe, but it’s a start. I can’t get out of my head certain notions of what art should be or what art should aspire to after studying it academically. When I made art as a kid, I was just chasing a feeling of inspiration. Some works triggered it and it was always aesthetic in nature and I wanted to make work that could trigger that feeling of inspiration in myself. But then after years of consuming the cultural canon of works deemed important enough to remember historically and then being tasked with aspiring to create work in that same heritage, I have a hard time silencing the expectations behind making art. I feel as if I should write a manifesto, a declaration that upturns the social order, channel all the efforts of constructing a visual language into a doctrine with an -ism (postmodernism, cubism, precisionism, deconstructivism etc...) and that work without this overarching artist’s statement is somehow not meaningful or worthwhile. It also probably ties into much more worrisome ego needs - if a person can’t make art that is “merely decorative” or “merely pretty” because such art pales in importance to art that challenges the status quo of our current times, then that suggests some problematic egocentric needs for importance. Or perhaps not... I suppose it’s not wrong for people to want to feel a sense of meaning or purpose, to feel like the art they make and all the efforts they put into it serves some larger cause than just being easy on the eyes. But this also sounds like feeling the need to justify art’s right to exist (and maybe that is just a personal struggle that comes from parents dismissing art as not important, not worthwhile to begin with...). Why is just wanting to do something for pleasure not enough? Why is it even part of human nature to begin with that a ‘holier-than-though’ complex could arise (I’m hearing parental voices again of “you’re not doing heart surgery”, as if only literally saving lives is the only thing worth doing in life).. I’m going to throw in papal keys into the picture too... not because I have anything against religion but because humans too often manage to twist even good intentions into harmful ones (i.e. becoming doctors not to actually help others but to use it to lord themselves over others with a holier-than-though attitude... not to mention that holier-than-though comes from religion to begin with, so why not just include all symbols of power... irreverence to it all)... of course everything that I criticize in others (my parents most especially) are also the parts of myself I most can’t stand... I don’t know... I suppose what I really want to show irreverence to is the idols I truly worship... there’s a quote that I can’t find right now on how everyone worships something and it’s that something which will consume and destroy you... that’s an extreme way to look at one’s core values but sure, it’s poetic... Much as I would like to give the middle finger to all the social conditioning in various forms I’ve received, I can’t... not really... it’s all jumbled up... this is just a messy stream of consciousness drivel...
Anyhow... a last closing thought... I do like this NC-17 suzalulu fanfic for this great sacrilegious scene where Lelouch, no Julius, uses the imperial scepter as a dildo haha... Julius embodies irreverence, it’s what I love about his ridiculous character... anyhow, here is the fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4730039?view_adult=true
Edit: Oh no... Now I really want to draw the scene of Julius using the scepter as a dildo :O
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natsuyuujn · 5 years
Hello! Thanks so much for the lovely Natsuyuu icons!! I was wondering if you could release the non-santa hat versions of movie!Natsume with the tiny nyanko on his shoulder? :D I'd love to use them for dreamwidth icons! Will credit of course
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Thank you so much! Right click and save. Credit will be appreciated c: Enjoy!
the icon page has been updated.
requests are now closed.
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goodlucktai · 7 years
oh my gosh, so many great prompts! I hope you don't mind if I just drop a bunch on you for your consideration! 1, 8, 15, 43 & 62 for tanunatsu (i'm yearning most for 43 and 62 if I had to narrow it down!), and when I saw 75 I instantly thought of nishinatsu and cannot unsee it, so that would be just lovely too. 98 for kitanishi or kita+nishi, perhaps exaggeratedly offended on Natsume's behalf at a not-so-nice remark? Bless you and thank you for always writing such lovely fic for this fandom!
writing prompts1: “do you want me to leave?”
Natsume’s head is bowed, face hidden in his hands, and although he’s utterly silent Kaname knows he’s crying. 
Kaname has never been around to see this part. Natsume has friends among the ayakashi, and Ponta, for all his bark and bluster, is a good and loyal companion to Natsume when it matters most – 
but somehow, Kaname has never thought about this. That for all the meetings, there are just as many partings. That even for someone like Natsume, who has already said goodbye to so much, the goodbyes never get easier with time. 
Aching for him, Kaname says, “Natsume? Do you want me to leave?”
Natsume’s breath hitches, and he shakes his head furiously. Kaname takes it as permission to sit down beside him. He doesn’t have time to come up with anything comforting before Natsume is leaning into his side, hiding his tear-stained face against Kaname’s shoulder, and then all Kaname has to do is put an around him. 
“Was she happy?” he asks, of the spirit he only barely got a glimpse of before she parted the world. Natsume nods a moment later. Carefully, Kaname adds, “Would you mind – telling me about her?”
He hopes this is the right thing to ask. Natsume is so often the only one left to mourn these invisible figures, and there’s nothing Kaname can do with his burden but help him carry it.
There’s a long moment where Kaname isn’t sure what Natsume’s answer will be. Then, without lifting his head or moving out of Kaname’s arm, he says, “Her name was Airi. She was a white jasmine tree.” 
He talks about her for the better part of an hour, sitting with Kaname under a starry canopy. More than he’s ever had to say about himself, he talks about a little mountain spirit that no one else will miss, and how much she loved the peaches Taki brought her, and what hopes she held for the future. 
She was kind, and she was a bright place in Natsume’s life for the short time he knew her, and despite that her memory will be a painful one. A lot of good things are like that, ending in sorrow because they end at all. 
Kaname wonders if there’s such a thing as a painless encounter. He hopes, for Natsume’s sake, that it’s possible to find goodness in someone and keep it, no matter what comes after. 
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privatekururugi · 7 years
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@touchreceptors although I am ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING BECAUSE CONFIRMATION THAT THEY FUCKING TALKED IS SO GOOD, I’m also even more livid because THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT, PLOT MOVING EVENT AND INSTEAD OF SHOWING US THEY JUST STUCK A LINE IN THERE. IN THE PREVIEW, NO LESS. I swear on everything if the unaired scenes don’t involve the time skip and the suzalulu that came with it I’m going to rage quit sO HaRd.
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nourishingmyroots · 5 years
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The beginning of the integumentry system was today. This will be a quick course, only 5 days but so much information packed into those days. #integumentarysystem #touchreceptors #receptors #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #collegestudent #steminist #studentlife #collegelife #student #massagestudent #massagetherapystudent #studygram #studystudystudy #integumentary https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvwj9zDg3W_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yqrnt5jbw2wh
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riikgks · 8 years
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codetrainwreck · 6 years
Lelouch of the Re;surrection Summary
This summary is extremely outdated/wrong and only here still for historical purposes. alchimique doesn’t speak Japanese at all so it was bound to be wrong in places.
I made a new, accurate summary after actually seeing the movie myself in Japan which you can view here.
This summary compilation post was sourced from:
My friend alchimique who went to Japan and saw the movie (check out the merchandise and cafe pics on her Twitter!)
An anon from /m/ who also saw the movie and posted the movie pamphlet pictures
Japanese Twitter
touchreceptor’s summary, she also saw the movie!
Australians who saw the movie at the Madman anime festival
Screenshots used are from the existing trailers, review screenshots, KMF lineart, the movie pamphlet, and also the week 6 Japanese theater film strip bonus item. Major spoilers, obviously.
I have 3 disclaimers:
This summary is not perfect
No, I haven’t seen it yet either
I am, and always have been, a Schneizel fangirl only. I don’t ship Lelouch with anyone and I don’t have an agenda here. I have to say this at the start because depending on who/what you ship, this summary is going to make you question reality.
There are more pictures of Eyebrows-kun than other characters because he’s pretty and I’m the person compiling this so enjoy like, all of his appearances lmao.
(If you need a primer to Zilkhstan characters/stuff/lore, check out this post)
Opening scene is the first 5mins from the BD/DVD fan disk that was released before: Tamaki makes a 2nd cafe. Ohgi and Villetta are there with their son, Naoto, named after Kallen’s brother / Ohgi’s friend. We get narration that world is at peace. Nunnally is helping with refugees in the desert area near Zilkhstan. They get ambushed. Shalio is able to “predict” (we’ll get to that later) all of Suzaku’s movements thanks to his sister’s Shamna’s prophecies. There’s a trap set in the desert where Suzaku’s KMF lands. Suzaku and Nunnally get captured.
After Suzaku’s captured, it cuts to a portable TV in back of a truck showing cartoons of a cat and dog on a trampoline and a kid is pointing and giggling at them. The cartoons get interrupted by news about Nunnally and Zero going missing. CC lowers the volume and talks to Jeremiah. It pans to right to reveal a person wearing a tan cloak/poncho and white shirt and pants. And a familiar hat. Hat flutters away. It’s Lelouch. But his eyes are glassy and he’s like an empty husk. (The familiar clothes/hat is the cart driver outfit from the end of the R2 TV anime. However, the cart driver scene doesn’t exist in the recap movie and Re;surrection timeline. Additionally, it’s clear from Lelouch’s mental state that he couldn’t do something like drive a cart w/o CC’s help.)
(If you’d like to know more about how they got Lelouch’s body, check this separate post with an explanation from the movie pamphlet)
Cue “Kono sekai de”.
CC is seen traveling with Lelouch. She’s walking with a giant pack on her back while he walks slowly in front of her wearing a bandana on his head and a white shirt. Then he’s in the back of a truck (no bandana) just sitting around until turbulence causes him to fall over.
CC is seen driving the truck but then it breaks down. She tries to pay a mechanic to fix it but he refuses. They then take a train. Lelouch is seen ambling down the narrow hallway while CC struggles with the pack and she ends up falling and getting stuck while Lelouch doesn’t notice. There’s a nighttime scene at a open air structure and Lelouch is seen sitting on a stone wall in the dark. A spotlight passes over him and CC drags him down out of sight.
Lelouch is seen lagging behind so she nudges him along. Eventually they tag along with other refugees on a truck along a train track. He’s wearing a poncho and is squatting down as she’s making arrangements. He gets up when she puts her pack back on and then follows her quietly.
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Then they’re seen going into town and they’re in their hotel. Both are dressed in local clothing. Lelouch is laying on the carpet watching Milly interview Shestal on the news with big blank eyes. CC realizes this while she’s cooking local cuisine (meat buns, naan-like bread, etc) and then switches the program to the same cartoons on the portable TV as before.
On the TV, Milly was talking about “The Puzzlement in Hashvess”. Milly is still a reporter and Rivalz is now her errand boy. There was news about Nunnally and Zero being MIA.
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CC puts the food on a middle eastern dining style mat. We see that Lelouch has a Code on his throat. It looks like a shadow there. Lelouch picks up a bun and squeezes it. It starts oozing meat juices (clear at first, then turns red) and THIS FREAKS HIM OUT. He screams a lot and accidentally punches CC in the nose and makes her bleed. She calms him down as he tries to run away.
He’s still glassy-eyed half-dead doll person at this point. CC looks outside and sees a suspicious truck. She hides sleeping Lelouch in his bed behind a curtain and gets READY TO FIGHT. Turns out it’s Kallen. CC asks why she’s there, and Kallen says they (her/Sayoko/Lloyd) were sent to save Nunnally.
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But it turns out that The Bad Guys (a squad of assassins led by Kujapat, all from the Geass Cult) followed them. Kujapat shoots CC because if she was a tourist, she wouldn’t be in this particular location. After, Kujapat Geasses Kallen, making him her ally and her real allies her enemies, so Kallen ends up fighting Sayoko and Lloyd cause she sees them both as Kujapat. Sayoko subdues Kallen. CC tries to shoot Kujapat as he escapes but she misses. After, Kallen is released from Kujapat’s Geass and he tries to Geass CC instead, but of course it doesn’t work and him and the bad guys scram.
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CC remembers Lelouch is still there. He’s quietly freaking out behind the curtain in a ball. Kallen notices him and goes “O_O” and everyone else is like “Oh. Is that LELOUCH?” The sight of other people makes Zombie Lelouch freak the fuck out. CC explains that this isn’t the same Lelouch they knew before.
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Cut to EVIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. Suzaku is tied up in his dungeon thing. Shalio wheels up and is like “Sup, Suzaku.” Gets mad at him and whips him a bit. Shalio has a camera that displays different parts of Suzaku’s body zoomed in / CSI enhanced as well. Shalio is then called to do something and leaves Suzaku all alone. Also, Suzaku’s spinkick is such a meme even in-universe that they identified Suzaku was the new Zero because of it.
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Cut back to CC and the gang. They’re in Sayoko’s truck now. Lelouch is looking through a kaleidoscope and drinking something at the same time. Liquid dribbles down his chin and someone (CC?) wipes it away. Kallen asks what the hell is going on with Lelouch. CC explains that she revived him in body only, but now she needs to get back into Cs’ World to grab his soul, and an entrance to Cs’ World is under the Great Prison of Sorrow in the Gimsurat Flats. Kallen starts crying and thinks this is all terrible.
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They take their truck and drive it to the prison (that one in the rocky place with the bridge) and Sayoko disguises herself as a man while the others disguise selves as prisoners (the white suits). Lloyd stays in the truck. Sayoko leads them in and then she and Kallen kick the shit out of everyone. CC gives the prison key card to one of the prisoners and the prisoners let themselves out and arm themselves.
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Lelouch is confused. CC leads them all to the Gate of Alam - this chamber with a door with the Geass signal on it (it’s got softer curves). Kallen tries to Lelouch it’s okay, but she gets upset when Lelouch just stares blankly at her. She starts crying, and Lelouch tries to comfort her and pet her hair (reacting to her sorrow) and she ends up bawling into his shoulder/chest. She doesn’t like it when he looks at her with his zombie vegetable stare. The Gate of Alam is covered by water. CC activates the flood gates, revealing the door and a V-shaped path with a stepping stone in the middle.
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CC activates the door and transports herself and Lelouch to Cs world. Sayoko and Kallen (skin under eyes puffy) chat a bit. Meanwhile Lloyd is doing some hacking into the facilities and creeps on Suzaku who is still alone in the dungeon and is like “oh this won’t do~~”. As it conveniently turns out, the door they need is also right under the prison Suzaku is in.
Scenes with most of the new Zilkhstan characters. At the temple in the capital city, Kujapat tells Shamna about CC and teases Shestal. (Supposedly, he teases him for being a pretty face on TV. Poor Shestal. Not his fault he was born super pretty. orz)
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Back to Cs’ World, we see beams of light representing Lelouch and CC and they land in a rocky place with that purple orb from the trailer. They approach. Lelouch is still confused as fuck. CC then sees Marianne and Charles inside the orb with a look of disdain. CC remarks that she can’t believe Charles still hasn’t let go of Lelouch after all of this time. They don’t speak but just appear and then disappear. As she touches it, it turns into orange and black ash.
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C.C’s shaken by it but tries touching the orb anyways. I think there’s a particle effect that happens (the chaotic stuff we see in the trailer) and Lelouch FREAKS OUT and screams as he stumbles backwards and disappears. (You see the common theme here so far...)
Cut back to Kallen and Sayoko. As it turns out, the “prisoners” that CC freed to use as a distraction are not actually prisoners. They’re hired hands working for Zilkhstan to bamboozle CC and the gang in exchange for KMFs. Sayoko is subdued by a bald skinny dude with a killer beyblade and sticky gunk. Kallen is subdued by Bitool. The ass from the trailer is hers.
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Cut back to Cs’ World. CC reaches for him but misses. CC is seen flying/floating about trying to find him. Various silhouettes appear here (such as Euphy). The last silhouette is Charles. The silhouettes all reach out then fall. Then you see a hand reaching for a bright light. Finally, CC wakes up in front of the door. The prisoners are there and have Lloyd/Sayoko/Kallen in burrito things. Then they shoot CC a bunch.
(For the longer explanation from the pamphlet about this particular scene in Cs’ World, please see this post)
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So she’s just bleeding on the ground and then we see another figure standing in front of the door on this little stone step (there’s a channel of water running to the door; stone steps). And it’s..... LELOUCH.
Lelouch is back. And his mark is RED (sometimes it’s red, sometimes it’s like a scar). He tells all of the fake prisoners to kill themselves, and they do. Lloyd and Sayoko (she wasn’t Geassed in the recap movies) cover their eyes. Lelouch pulls CC out of the water and tells her that he’s back, and that they’ll have something to talk about later. He has both Code and Geass and there’s a new animation effect when he uses his Geass. But when other characters use Geass, the animation effects are the same as during R2.
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Cut back to Suzaku. Suzaku is bandaged (very much like in episode 2) and it’s night time. He stirs to see Lelouch sitting on the ledge of a large window. Lelouch has Geassed a guard and a doctor (to patch up Suzaku). Moonlit. Lelouch is chilling and looking at a portable computer from Lloyd, casually talking to Suzaku. Suzaku gets up and staggers towards him and asks, “Is it really you?”
And then Suzaku ever so gently touches Lelouch’s face with his index finger to make sure Lelouch is real. The touch had higher budget than CC flying through Cs’ World. It’s close up of Lelouch’s lips and cheek and you can see how soft his skin is and that he isn’t a ghost.
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CC and Kallen chat. CC mentions to Kallen that Lelouch intended to die and what she was doing here is out of her own selfishness.
Suzaku’s very emotional about Lelouch’s return, but Lelouch is just like “cool”. Suzaku asks him how he’s alive, what he’s been doing, etc. Lelouch tells him he’ll accept any punishment, so Suzaku punches him and starts screaming. Part of this scene is semi-graphic. The other part is abstract silhouettes (for some reason it goes white and the figures are blue/white/purple colors). CC has to pull Suzaku back before he beats Lelouch back to death. It’s the part from the trailer where he goes, “CC...” then collapses.
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Suzaku takes a fucking chill pill and is now wearing a prisoner outfit too. Then they meet with Lloyd, who’s driving a KMF. It turns out that Bitool is still alive as he wasn’t with the other fake prisoners when Lelouch told them to die. Lelouch and CC are in a control room. Lelouch has that portable computer thing again. CC is there. Kallen runs in and hugs Lelouch. Suzaku comes in in his prisoner outfit and hops into one of the KMFs.
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Outside of the prison, Shestal and a group of soldiers have traveled through the desert (following the earlier scene w/the Zilkhstan characters) and surrounded the compound. Lelouch is seen Geassing prisoners as “Lelouch vi Britannia”, reaches out via sound-only to taunt Shestal by insulting his family and calling him a dumbass, then issues commands to Sayoko, “K1″ (Suzaku), and the Geassed prisoners.
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A fight breaks out. Because Shestal is in fact a complete dumbass (and also Sunrise hates me), he gets pissed and goes down below to where Suzaku’s room was at and breaks open the window with his KMF, the Jarja Bakah. (They don’t even say the name of his KMF in the movie, so I don’t think we’re ever getting an official romanization for this LOL.)
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This is the part from the trailer where he says he’s here to get Zero. Except Lelouch and the gang are long gone and have left a Sakuradite bomb trap behind for Shestal which takes out him + the other floors in the prison. (Given the fate of his Akito character who also died after 5mins, I guess Legendary FGO Space Whale Nobunaga Shimazaki is destined to never live long in Geass stuff. Maybe there’s an eyebrow threading salon in the afterlife. Dude is so pretty but then those eyebrows haunt my dreams.)
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Sometime after Shestal dies, Volvona asks for permission to go kick Zero’s ass to avenge his son. Shamna, however, tells him not to do this because of her “prophecy”. (We’ll come back to what actually happened here later.) Nunnally is seen in a tank on Shamna’s ceiling.
Meanwhile, at UFN HQ, Schneizel, Kannon and Rakshata are discussing their options for getting Nunnally and Zero back. Schneizel’s Geass isn’t always on. He only gets red rings in his eyes when he’s talking about Zero. Also there are the Indian teenager engineers working under Rakshata. Schneizel refers to them all as geniuses.
There’s a map during this scene that puts Zilkhstan around current day Pakistan and India.
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(Also Schneizel is wearing glasses when he’s at his desk here and he looks really fucking handsome. His wardrobe has changed to be more form fitting and modern and he just looks like he’s everyone’s dad[dy] now. Holy fuck. I’ve spent 13 years drooling over this guy after seeing him flick his bangs around in the opening of the very first episode of the first season and this is just WL;K4L234KFJLK234019284IFSJKKLASFJ14L243JKL23K4324JK43KKLWKLDAKJLDAJKSDKJLAKSLD!!1111 I’M NOT A FUNCTIONAL HUMAN BEING ANYMORE.)
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Lelouch suits up into his Zero outfit. This time he’ll taking up the Zero mantle as “Lelouch Lamperouge” rather than “Lelouch vi Britannia”. Suzaku looks on with a frowny face. CC, who has apparently had enough of this fucking movie already, is drinking a martini by the window.
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Meanwhile, Shirley is shopping. She tries to call CC on her phone, but she doesn’t answer. After, she meets up with Milly and Rivalz. Milly just got back from Zilkhstan.
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Lelouch and the gang meet up with Cornelia and many other returning characters such as Guilford (not blind), Tamaki (wearing a white bancho jacket with a heart on the back w/Zero’s name written on it; JP twitter seemed to really like this lol), and Ohgi. Cornelia has a new outfit and a gun-sword.
Because Cornelia is like the only smart person there at the time, she’s the only person who is remotely hesitant about Lelouch’s return and such. Lelouch takes off his helmet and reveals himself to her. Everyone else chimes in and gets her to help. Tamaki also leans on her gun-sword. She’s upset that Lelouch is alive while Euphy remains dead, but she agrees to help them rescue Nunnally.
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Some more people show up, including Jeremiah, Anya, Cecile and Nina. They chill at a local town and Cecile makes a gross drink for Lloyd that almost kills him. Outdoors, Tamaki and Ohgi are being dumb. Ohgi tries to kill himself after thanking Lelouch for Japan, but Lelouch-Jesus stops him from doing it and also forgives him.
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Suzaku is talking to Cornelia in the town (she brought him a hot drink) when he notices Lelouch do the collar up signal from their youth for “let’s talk on the roof”. (Reportedly, this gesture is out of focus and only noticeable if you’re a fujoshi.) Up on top of a tower, Lelouch is on his tablet thing again, looking over a memory card full of info from Kaguya.
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Lelouch encourages Suzaku to say whatever he needs to say cause Lelouch himself doesn’t understand his resurrection or if it was actually successful or if he’ll roll over and die tomorrow. Suzaku says there’s two things that he wants to say to Lelouch. The first is that he believes Lelouch should become Zero again. He starts to say the second thing, but he stops when he notices that Lelouch is watching Ohgi and Villetta’s wedding video which Kaguya included on the memory card.
The wedding was super duper extra and you also see other characters, like Minami from the Black Knights cutting the cake. Schneizel and Kannon got retconned into being wedding guests. Suzaku tells Lelouch that everyone’s been doing well since he died. Then the wedding video focuses on Nunnally who is happy and having fun. One of them mentions Suzaku’s unspoken line. Suzaku finishes it by saying that he’s happy Lelouch is back and how lonely the world is without him.
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Suzaku asks Lelouch what he’ll do after everything is resolved It pans down to Kallen and CC on the lower level, who are having a similar conversation. CC looks kind of sad.
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(To give you an idea of the pacing, we have now reached roughly the 1/2 way through the film point.)
We are back with Shamna hanging out on her royal couch with her 6 booby guards. Shamna has Nunnally in a sensory deprivation chamber on her ceiling. Shamna is trying to use the Gate of Alam in her temple to enter Cs’ World to do Evil Villain Things. Shamna uses Nunnally to enter Cs’ World and reaches for an orb, but she fails and is teleported back out.
Seemingly, Nunnally’s connection to both Charles and Lelouch makes her connection to Cs’ World strong.
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Lelouch is disguised and goes to an outdoor train platform in desert and Geasses two of the workers and also all of the passengers on the train. By middle of night / early morning, all of the returning cast have new mechs and gear. Lelouch tells Suzaku and Kallen to fight in the desert while everyone else goes to the urban area to rescue Nunnally. They sneak their KMFs onto the trains then jump out of them.
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CC gets a new outfit that doesn’t have pants. She gets into 2 seater KMF with Lelouch called the Gekkoi. (If you’ve seen Gundam, it’s reportedly similar to a Zeong.)
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Communications are jammed for Lelouch and the gang. Lelouch and CC are isolated. Lelouch starts freaking out. CC asks him if he’s given up. Lelouch has no idea how to win against this enemy. That’s when CC calms him by taking a gun out and putting it against his forehead (but this scene is difficult to take seriously because of her pilot outfit and the way the scene is framed). CC asks him, “Does it feel like despair? Cause that’s been my whole existence.” Lelouch chills after CC outdoes his edginess. He starts writing down theories about what’s going on as he’s talking to CC, who has sensed Shamna’s power. It’s written in English and list is seriously like: “They seem to KNOW EVERYTHING!!1111”
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Eventually, Lelouch and CC land in Shamna’s room and shoot the guards all to death while Shamna’s laying in her own Avatar pod chamber thing. Shama’s chamber opens up. Lelouch shoots Shamna with the gun on the KMF. But this is a trap - it triggers her Geass. Her eyes glow and the sigil is yellow.
As it turns out, Shamna’s Geass rewinds time 6 hours back whenever she dies. She doesn’t actually see “prophecies”, she just knows what happens then she shoots herself to force the time rewind and looks like a fucking prophet. In the earlier scene after Shestal dies, she has seemingly allowed Volvona to go after Zero, it doesn’t end very well, then she goes back in time to stop him. (Why doesn’t she just go back in time and prevent Shestal from dying in the fucking first place? Holy shit. Sunrise fucking hates me.)
So, this turns into the Edge of Tomorrow / All You Need is Kill. Shamna retains her memories when time rewinds. Her power hasn’t always been like this, but this change occurred after Lelouch made a request to [God / Cs’ World / the Collective Unconscious / Jupiter] to let time keep ticking.
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After going back, she’s now in a large bathing area naked with Shalio. She has her hands on his shoulders behind him and tells him he can leave things to her. The camera pans slowly and reveals she has a Code on her lower belly. Like Lelouch, she has both a Code + Geass.
Reset 1: Lelouch is stopped from reaching Shamna because she’s ready this time around. Shamna tries to get into Cs’ World again, but fails. Schneizel arrives in Zilkhstan with Kannon on a helicopter. Volvona comes to speak with Shamna and says that the Britannians want to talk. Shamna shoots herself in front of Volvona and her guards.
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Reset 2: Gino, Tohdoh, Chiba and Hong Gu are attempting [democracy]. (The blonde lady next to Tohdoh is a character from the ending stills of the Miraculous Birthday.) Jeremiah and Anya are in the urban area in Zilkhstan. Jeremiah destroys a power plant with a KMF that shoots orange juice laser beams. With the power out, Shamna has to wait for it come back up. Except Shamna does not have time for this shit, so she shoots herself again.
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Reset 3: Lelouch and CC try again. This time around, Shamna sees Jupiter but wakes up in her chamber again and sees her guards on the ground, and assumes they’ve died again. But 2 of them are still alive, and they get up and restrain Lelouch. Buuut, it turns out that Lelouch Geassed the other guards, so the 4 of them them get up and surround Shamna. She asks Lelouch if he’s going to tell her to kill herself, but instead he orders her to sleep so she can’t rewind time again. He then sets a bomb to explode her temple after 10 hours.
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In the desert above the city, Kallen has been fighting Bitool and Suzaku has been fighting Shalio.
Kallen kills Bitool. Bitool was piloting a Guard Scorpion mech called the Batalaran Do that can resist the Radiation Wave due to its strong armor. In order to beat him, Kallen has to ditch the new armor on the Guren. Her new Guren armor blows up after she launches out of an energy bubble she was trapped in, and she apologizes to Shanti, one of the Indian teenagers working under Rakshata who made the new gear for the Guren and Lancelot.
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Shalio beats Lancelot sIN into the ground (its wings are smoking), causing Suzaku’s live Geass to trigger. Shalio is both stupid strong and screaming about his sister. Like Kallen, Suzaku relies on the old Lancelot gear in order to defeat Shalio - after his new wings are busted, Suzaku uses the old energy wings.
Suzaku lands a critical hit and blows up Shalio. He’s yelling about Shamna cause he can’t feel her presence anymore, and thus can’t get “prophecies” from her anymore. Every loop, Shamna has been getting updates on the battle so she’s been telling Shalio and the others how to adjust plans. There’s a scene full of red and black scribble lines where Shamna screams and dies w/o resetting time. Her Geass can’t save her because No One Fucking Knows Why.
Cornelia and Volvona fight each other (apparently a rematch battle of sorts; they’ve clashed before). Cornelia corners him and thinks he should pursue a peaceful option. However, Volvona orders his troops to fire at both of them so he can sacrifice himself to take out Cornelia. But since the army has quit receiving “prophecies” from Shamna, Volvona is the highest ranking person left and now kinda in charge of the country so the army doesn’t actually want to sacrifice him.
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Nina turned into MacGuyver so she kills Kujapat and the other assassins by dropping a wire from a KMF into water and electrocuting them to death. Cecile gets shot but no one covered her wound and people are worried she isn’t gonna make it. It’s clear that Lloyd is more connected to people now. After Cecile gets shot, he’s holding her. (Presumably, he feels bad about not protecting her - him and Nina have Cool Glasses that project Blaze Luminous shields.) Sayoko, Ohgi and Tamaki are in the urban area but it’s revealed after 12-13 years that Ohgi is about as good at running as Lelouch is.
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Lelouch and CC go to get Nunnally out of the tank, but she’s in Cs’ World. They use Shamna as a route into Cs’ World. Lelouch finds Nunnally there through the fog laying on the ground. She wakes up and sees him and is shocked. They’re swallowed by black particles in Cs’ World. Lelouch holds her to his chest with the black and white filtering effect. Lelouch starts to Geass the approaching black mass, but then changes his mind, saying that Geass is his sin.
Following, a giant pair of rainbow hands emerges from the darkness, lifting the two up and the scenery turns colorful again with literal rainbows, and they’re safely teleported out of Cs’ World. Lelouch recognizes these hands as the people who helped him earlier when Cs’ World tried to consume him. In the real world, Shamna’s Temple explodes. The towns people of Gralbahd notice it.
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While Lelouch is getting Nunnally, CC talks with Shamna as a distraction. It turns out that Lelouch’s Code is from Charles (hence the location of it on his body), but his Code and Shamna’s are both “incomplete” or “corrupted” (these words are the descriptions used by Japanese Twitter, I do not know what an “incomplete Code” is supposed to be). It’s explained here that Shamna’s goal was to use Cs’ World to make the world more fair for Zilkhstan. As a mercenary country, their economy was screwed pretty hard by Zero Requiem. However, she doesn’t want to return to being a mercenary culture, she wants them to be able to have peace too. (So... why not join the UFN?)
The movie pamphlet doesn’t mention fixing Zilkhstan at all, but rather that she’s doing this for Shalio’s sake since he’s disabled, similar to Lelouch’s goal in the anime. These can certainly be the same goal, but the pamphlet explains it differently.
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Lelouch wakes up. Nunnally, Suzaku and Kallen are all there. They look outside and see shooting stars. The Ashford gang sees it too. Lelouch fulfilled his promise to see the fireworks with everyone. Lelouch talks with Nunnally. She begs him to be with her now, but she’s grown up now and doesn’t “need” him anymore. She’s sad, but she still smiles as Suzaku looks on. Kallen and Suzaku part ways; Suzaku now in a blue hoodie with the Zero suit in his arms.
The movie pamphlet contains pictures and a piece of the script where everyone parts ways.
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CC is packed up already and is about to join a refugee caravan. Kallen comes and gives her the imitation Cheese plush. CC intends to depart. Then we see that Lelouch has run to catch up to her and is out of breath (lol). He says he wants to go with her, she tells him to stay with Nunnally or hit up Shirley, but he says that Nunnally doesn’t need him anymore and it’s too late for him to contact Shirley. CC tries to brush him off by saying she doesn’t even have a name. Lelouch replies that she can call him LL (pronounced L2), for Lelouch Lamperouge. CC starts crying and the 2 hold hands while walking through the refugee caravan together. “Revive” plays here.
During the credits, we see a bunch of pictures:
Cecile recovers while Milly jabs Lloyd. Cecile looks annoyed about it.
Nunnally holding a puppy while hanging out with Kaguya + the Chinese Empress + the assumed EU girl (from the Miraculous Birthday ending stills) and they’ve all got matching outfits
Zerozaku visits the candle place from R2
Arthur is chilling w/another cat (btw, according to a staff member, Arthur is a girl cat)
Kallen with the new Indian engineers who hang out w/Rakshata (see: the Guren manga), Kallen is apologizing to Shanti for blowing up the Guren armor
Jeremiah and Anya are back on the orange farm with Sayoko hidden in a bush
Volvona and Cornelia sign a treaty with odd metallic heart in background while Gino, Kaguya, and the blonde girl’s secretary look on
Shirley gets a phone call
Villetta and Chiba are making food in the kitchen while Tohdoh has a child in a harness (unknown if it’s Villetta and Ohgi’s son or if Tohdoh and Chiba had a kid)
Ohgi reading a doujinshi about Tamaki’s love for Zero
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In the post-credits scene, we see Lelouch and CC in front of a pile of bodies. They’re wearing complimentary black outfits that super extra fabulous and blingy. Lelouch has a rose choker. CC has a black transparent veil. Lelouch and CC have gone off to find other Geass users, take the power from those who can’t control it, and find those with the power to control it. The camera is facing Lelouch’s back. We hear him give the speech about how “The power of the King may isolate you”. He turns around to face who he’s talking to - you, the audience.
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eachainn · 7 years
I’m so sorry @touchreceptors​ but this AU of your AU won’t leave me alone. That and I wanted to write Suzaku’s mother. But I choose to mostly blame you. (Sequel to this and this.) Same general warnings (A/B/O dynamics and mention of mpreg) still apply.
The training field went silent as Kururugi Tomoe stepped out onto it. Everyone turned to look at her, as she made her way close to the center where Tohdoh was directing maneuvers. 
She stopped before him, waiting long enough for the man to bow before she inclined her head herself, Suzaku catching the smile that flitted across her face before his mother settled back into a manner that was more appropriate for a shogun’s mate.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to steal my son away from you, Master Tohdoh.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Suzaku was already sliding off of Arthur’s back and tossing the deer’s reins to Kallen. He didn’t look back to see if she had caught them, it was more important to walk across the field towards his mother.
Even with the careful language she used, it was clear that there was something important that she wanted him for and it wouldn’t do to keep her waiting.
Tomoe gave him a quick glance before turning and walking off, Suzaku waiting for the sweep of her kimono to pass him by before falling into step behind her. 
As he went, he could hear the rest of the riders mumbling to themselves, the gossip wheel already turning. He was sure that Tohdoh would stop them soon enough and turn their attention back to their training, but that didn’t stop his own mind from working.
It was no secret that a caravan had arrived in Edo that morning, moving by horse-drawn carriage and wagons that were a strange sight in Ashigaru. Most work in the city was done with human pulled carts or, if the case warranted it and a permit was had, using the shaggy coated, specially bred Serow. Horses were something used in the great plains to their south and east, and even those were small ponies. These were horses that certainly came from Avrupa, and that meant something important. That meant diplomacy.
Suzaku bit his lip, preferring that to flinching.
His father was not the most diplomatic of men. There were plenty of broken and beaten clans in Ashigaru, a ruined country in Avrupa and the recent diplomatic mess in Westros to prove that. It was why most affairs were handled by Kururugi Genbu’s mate or the six Rōjū. Considering the circumstances, Suzaku would have thought that the delegation would have come to find his mother first, but it was obvious that something had gotten mixed up and it was very likely they had met his father first.
He swallowed and stepped up to walk beside his mother, watching her face for a moment before speaking in a low voice. “How bad is it?”
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye before shaking her head. She reached out to pat his arm, letting her hand linger there for a moment before dropping it away. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
That almost made Suzaku laugh, because it was just the answer that he expected of his mother.
Before she had been Kururugi Tomoe, she had been Chōsokabe Tomoe, one of the best onna-bugeisha to come out of the family. Her father had trained the great Tohdoh Kyoshiro and there had been rumors of a marriage between the two of them until one fateful night. Suzaku still heard his grandfather curse that night, although more because he had lost a capable pair of hands around the estate and a strong warrior than because he regretted the marriage.
According to everything he had heard, his parents had met by chance and then Genbu had demanded Tomoe to prove herself with all the brash posturing of a young son of the shogun. Apparently, he had lasted less than a minute every time he had challenged her. Somewhere between the falls and the next challenge, they had fallen in love.
Everyone had expected a tempestuous marriage, as it was well known that two alphas would always butt heads, but the two of them managed and managed well. Suzaku couldn’t remember a time when his parents weren’t in love. Most of the supplicants might see the stern shogun and his carefully reserved lady, but the rest of the palace staff knew the truth. It was in the way that Genbu was always resting a hand on Tomoe’s arm or around her waist if he thought they were alone. It was in the way that Tomoe would sit up with him and help him practice speeches or go over lists until they both had it memorized. It was in the chases through the gardens that Suzaku tried his best not to hear from his window. Under any other circumstances, the entire country would have wondered why Suzaku was an only child, save for the fact that it was notoriously hard for alpha women to conceive.
It had taken Tomoe eight years to have him, and there was a small row of three graves to mark what could have been his siblings. Suzaku still remembered peeking into his parents rooms to see Genbu pressing kisses to his mother’s face as she had cried.
She still called Genbu her stirrup, the thing that kept her steady and allowed her to preform to her best ability, and it never failed to bring a smile to his father’s face.
He shook his head to clear it, trying to study his mother’s face for more clues but it was frustratingly neutral. Suzaku sighed, looking around at the palace as they approached it. “By handled...”
“I stepped in before it got too difficult to solve. Everything had been put into place and we have a guest waiting for us out in the private garden.” Tomoe turned to look at him, her nose wrinkling. Suzaku was taken aback by her expression, surprised when his mother shooed him off. “Suzaku, you reek!”
“I’ve been practicing all day.”
“I can see that.” Tomoe scanned him over, reaching out to pick at the sleeve of his kimono. Suzaku was sure that she had immediately spotted the stain from breakfast when he had rushed to finish and get out to practice. He was glad that he wasn’t on her other side, because she’d see the small bloodstain from where Arthur had gotten him by surprise that morning. But the bloodstain was hardly the most damning. Suzaku was sure that he had a light coating of dust on him from riding with the rest of the Elite Guard and practicing with them on foot. He was sure that he smelled of deer and sweat too.
His mother dropped his sleeve with a despairing sound. “Just like your father, I swear. You were going to let me walk you right in there like this, weren’t you.”
“No.” Suzaku edged away from her sheepishly. “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
“It’s well in hand.” She made a shooing motion towards him again. “Now go, and for gods’ sake bathe. I’ll have someone bring you the appropriate clothes. I’ll entertain our guest until you are ready, but don’t dally or get distracted. I’ll send someone after you and they won’t be as nice as I am.”
Suzaku took a step back, intending to run towards the bathhouse but he stopped. He looked back over at his mother, catching the slight movement in her kimono near the hem that mean she was tapping her foot, a sure sign of trouble. Still, he couldn’t leave until he was sure. “Will you be alright?”
“If you don’t take hours.” There was a spark of mirth in her eyes that she didn’t let show on her face. “I am more than capable of handling this, Suzaku. Now go.”
Suzaku didn’t wait to be asked again, sprinting along the side of the castle as he tried to push down his curiosity. He would meet their guest soon enough and, the faster he made himself presentable, the faster he would be able to satisfy his curiosity.
It was impossible to run in all the exacting layers of the formal kimono, at least not in a way that wouldn’t end up staining it or ruining all the careful folding and tucking. Even in his excitement, Suzaku didn’t dare to anger his mother like that. If she had thought that this arrangement was appropriate, then he wasn’t going to argue, not even when it was similar to what he had wore to the two meetings with prospective mates.
He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, settling for a steady walk. He wasn’t running late but he was well aware of the passage of time. His mother couldn’t be expected to entertain their guest forever, and certainly they had to avoid having his father ruin everything that Tomoe was working on. If this was a diplomat from Avrupa or, even better, Westros, then this might be their chance to smooth things over.
Suzaku swallowed and patted down the front of his kimono, his fingers lingering over the delicately embroidered phoenixes that practically blended in with the rest of the fabric. If the formal nature of the outfit wasn’t worrying enough, the particular kimono was, if only because his mother always said that it was the best one he owned because it brought out his eyes.
If she had chosen it for today, then there was a very special reason, and that made him nervous.
He tried to push away his nervousness as he stepped down into the private gardens. He slowed his pace just enough to look around, easily spotting his mother by her colorful clothing. It took him until he was closer to recognize the man kneeling to one side of the table.
Suzaku’s heart skipped a beat, his whole body jerking to a stop as the stared at Lelouch.
Lelouch wasn’t supposed to be here, he was supposed to be waiting back in Westros as bored as he always complained that he was. That he wasn’t made a smile cross his face, the smile only widening when Lelouch looked up at him.
There was no way that the smile that Suzaku saw in response was anything but fond.
He didn’t have long to take it in because his mother was motioning for him to come over, and it was a order he couldn’t ignore. Not when Lelouch was right there.
He walked over, kneeling across from Lelouch without his mother having to tell him where she had placed him in her grand plan. If she smiled at him, he didn’t know because he was too busy staring at Lelouch.
Barely anything had changed since the last time he had seen the prince, save for the fact that he looked more worn. The long trip across the Narrow Sea, then through Avrupa could do that, but that didn’t stop the urge to gather Lelouch into his arms. He wanted to tuck Lelouch against himself and breathe him in, see how well he’d remembered the scent of lavender in the months they had passed since they had last seen each other. It wouldn’t have changed too much, even with the hard travel.
Suzaku hadn’t realized he was leaning over until he felt the prod of his mother’s fan in his side. He glanced over at her, seeing amusement in her eyes before she gave a small shake of her head. That was enough to make Suzaku sit back, trying his best not to slump in disappointment.
So it was to be business then. 
He could handle that, but not if it was just going to be business. He wasn’t sure he could be in the same country as Lelouch without wanting.
He swallowed and bowed his head, giving Lelouch a nod of equals. “Prince Lelouch.”
“I thought I corrected you of that habit while you were in Pendragon.” Lelouch gave him a weary smile. “It’s just, Lelouch, please.”
“Lelouch...” Suzaku found he had nothing else to say. He felt a blush rise along his cheeks, quickly ducking his head before he could say anything more.
He heard Lelouch chuckle, the sound just making him want to edge closer because it was a welcoming sound. He held himself in place, only looking up when his mother cleared her throat.
From the look on her face, she expected something more from him, but Suzaku couldn’t quite tell what. 
Tomoe could carry out whole conversations with her facial expressions, a skill that Suzaku had never quite picked up. He was more like his father, a straightforward soldier. 
She held his gaze for a moment more before sighing and resting her fan on the table. “Prince Lelouch was just telling me that he’s been recently assigned to Ashigaru as official ambassador from Westros.”
Suzaku tensed. “But your father-”
“Is probably glad to be rid of me.” Lelouch took a careful sip of his tea, sighing after he swallowed. “I managed to play a trick on him, one that he won’t appreciate once he finds out.”
Suzaku frowned, trying to work out what Lelouch had meant. He had known the basics of Westrosi politics when he had gone over with his father, but he hadn’t kept up with it. He’d been thoroughly distracted by Lelouch for most of the visit.
Thankfully, Lelouch took pity on him. “There was a matter of her inheritance that needed to be settled and marriage rights. They were settled to both mine and Nunnally’s satisfaction, but not to my father’s. The Hand of the King and I thought it would be best if my...talents were elsewhere. I suggested Ashigaru, since there is much our two countries need to work to understand. Considering my...experience with your people, Schneizel and I thought I would be the best candidate.”
Suzaku was sure that he was blushing now, but he very carefully kept his mouth shut. There was no reason for his mother to find out just what he had gotten up to in Pendragon. Or, at least, not have to acknowledge it. Knowing his father, Genbu had already told her everything that he knew.
He cleared his throat, about to ask after Nunnally when his mother leaned forward. “Would you like some more tea, Prince Lelouch?”
“Please.” Lelouch reached up to rub at his throat. “The road here was very dusty.”
“We’re due for a storm soon enough, if the clouds are threatening right.” Tomoe cast an eye on the clouds, her attention seeming to be taken by them.
Suzaku glanced between her and Lelouch before carefully moving to reach for one of the teapots. He would have thought that his mother would be paying more careful attention to their guest, especially after all the lectures he had sat through.
He eyed both the teapots before taking the one closest to him. From its warmth and the weight to it, it was the freshest of the two. Suzaku eyed the second one, sparing a brief thought to why it was still there. He shifted in place ready to pour for Lelouch when his mother reached out to touch his arm.
“Not that one, Suzaku. That one’s for you.” She nudged his arm back before reaching for the second pot.
Suzaku watched as she poured Lelouch a cup, recognizing the tea by its color and aroma. It was the one that Tomoe used herself and the one was considered the best for the those hoping to become pregnant. 
Or those who were already pregnant.
He set the teapot down more roughly than he had meant to, Suzaku ignoring the clatter and the look that his mother shot him. He was too busy trying to count back the months and days, but the numbers were a jumble in his head. It was all he could do to look Lelouch up and down.
There was a lot hidden by the robe that Lelouch wore, Suzaku’s eyes following the lines of phoenixes on it without really processing what he was seeing. All that he knew was that it cast Lelouch’s figure into shadow and it was only by looking that he could really see the soft round to Lelouch’s stomach.
He must have made a sound because he felt his mother’s hand on his arm. But he couldn’t look at her, not when Lelouch had gone from confident to worried. 
Lelouch turned his teacup slightly, his gaze fixed on it rather than on him. He remained silent for a moment before speaking slowly and quietly. “I...I don’t mean this as an insult. Or as a snare. I did have to leave Westros for a while, and this was a reason. And I did come here because we desperately needed an ambassador and-”
Lelouch cut himself off, his frown deepening. 
Suzaku found himself leaning forward, waiting for Lelouch’s next words. When they didn’t come, he rocked back onto his heels. He stared at Lelouch for a moment, watching as Lelouch looked between his tea and him. 
There was something in Lelouch’s expression, and that Suzaku couldn’t read it quite right frustrated him.
He considered the proper course of action for a moment before ignoring it. He couldn’t feel his mother’s restraining hand on his arm, nor could he see her out of the corner of his eye. As long as she wasn’t close, he wouldn’t have to stand by protocol.
Suzaku stood up, watching as Lelouch started, his eyes going wide. He held Lelouch’s gaze as he came around the side of the table, dropping to his knees beside Lelouch.
Lelouch twisted to face him, the prince tugging the robe closer to him. It made Suzaku want to nudge it open, but he didn’t dare. Not yet.
He reached out to cup Lelouch’s cheek, breathing a sigh when Lelouch leaned into his palm. He ran his thumb over Lelouch’s lips, watching his expression carefully. “Why did you come here?”
“For every reason I told you...and then some.” Lelouch paused for a moment, his gaze finally flicking up and holding Suzaku’s. “I missed you.”
It was a costly admission, for either one of their positions, but especially for Lelouch. The prince kept himself so guarded and closed in, and the only time Suzaku had heard anything remotely like it had been when Lelouch was sure of his control on the situation. 
This was nothing like those times and there was nothing for him to do but make an admission of equal cost. 
“Will you stay?”
It was a plea, Suzaku not bothering to keep it out of his voice. And, from the way that Lelouch’s eyes went wide, he realized that.
Lelouch seemed more flustered by the question, but at least he didn’t look away.
He kept silent for a long moment before dropping his voice to a whisper. “Do you want me too?”
“Yes.” Suzaku moved his hand so he was cupping the back of Lelouch’s head. “For as long as you want to. Forever. For until the sun goes out and the moon cries for loneliness.”
Lelouch smiled at that, the expression wavering somewhat as he reached out to press a hand over Suzaku’s heart. “Were you doing that?”
Suzaku nodded, inching closer. “I missed my sun and stars.”
Lelouch’s smile grew wider, his fingers curling in the fabric of Suzaku’s kimono. “Show me, my beautiful moon.”
Suzaku didn’t need more encouragement. He pulled Lelouch close, wrapping his arms carefully around Lelouch as he kissed him.
Ashigaru - The fictional equivalent to Japan. Avrupa - The fictional equivalent to the Code Geass AU, situated on Essos.
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lansizhuis · 6 years
giveaway raffle
Hello! Regarding the MDZS monthly postcard set giveaway raffle, I used random.org to draw the names of the 2 winners. Congratulations to @touchreceptors and @wolfstar-kaishin! Kindly DM me once you see this. <3
Thank you so much to everyone who joined! I’m gonna plan the next giveaway next month haha See you guys then~
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touchreceptors · 6 years
alright guys, I’m not happy about this, I know the exodus from tumblr was a long time coming but because there hasn’t been any good alternative and because i never anticipated shit on this scale, I didn’t do any back ups and I still have tons of stuff sitting in my likes that I need to reblog to make sure those posts get saved when I import this blog ;A;
but it has to be done, and so I’m going to do it.
I don’t even post or reblog much “adult” content (i haven’t seen any flags go up on the content I’ve posted or reblogged recently) but I do like my occasional smutty fanart and i did like discovering new content and new fandoms here and reading everyone’s tags when they reblog stuff from me. I’m SO sad that some of that is going to go, RIP
anyway, here’s what’s going to happen:
My tumblr will stay up (if it’s allowed to stay up, hahah fuck you staff) but I probably won’t be hanging around as much anymore - if pretty gifs and art are still around i’ll maybe pop in occasionally for those
Pillowfort.io is being recommended as a good alternative and I’m excited to start using it, but it’s still in development and I don’t have an account yet. I’ll update with more information once I have it
I will be transforming my old, unused Wordpress account into a backup for this blog in the meantime, and you can find/follow/reblog from me there at touchreceptors.wordpress.com 
I’ll probably start importing this weekend though, and not just yet, and that’s because
I have a fuck ton of likes I still want to reblog so I apologize profusely in advance because starting tonight your dashes are going to be flooded. I’ll try to queue stuff as much as I can but in light of the Dec 17th deadline (and since I’m going to try to import this blog before that) this is inevitable. I am so so sorry. Please feel free to unfollow if the flood bothers you (expect an influx of MDZS, Natsume, and aesthetic posts, mostly) - no hard feelings, other people are probably gonna be deleting their blogs anyway and I’m just trying to save all the content I want while I can
You can also find me on twitter as touchreceptors and on dreamwidth as hupostasis 
I have no plans to back up @fyeahsuzalulu at this time. If you’d like to help out as admin or similar, please contact me via tumblr message or twitter.
Even shorter summary:
This blog will soon be backed up to touchreceptors.wordpress.com until a better alternative can be found
Starting shortly, I will most probably flood everyone with reblogs. Sorry and feel free to unfollow.
Twitter: touchreceptors (fastest way to contact me if you need something)
Dreamwidth: hupostasis
Ao3: touchreceptors 
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goodlucktai · 7 years
If you're up for it, I'd love to see more of all 4 of them from the natsuyuu soulmates AU! (it was so good, gosh) Perhaps something from Tanuma's or Natsume's POV this time? I'm curious to know what it was/is like for the two of them too!
companion piece to this prompt !
When Kaname actually gets the job offer, he almost turns it down. He only applied in the first place on a whim, and it’s such a big move, and he’s not the brave, bold kind of person who would leap on an opportunity like this –
But as if sensing his doubts, the counter on Kaname’s wrist moves. It hasn’t so much as flickered in years, and now it starts to go up instead of down.
And Kaname’s hands move on autopilot, tapping out a return email with his heart in his throat.
Thank you, he writes, and Yes, I can start immediately, and I look forward to working with you.
The numbers still again. Kaname puts his head in his hands and wonders if it eight a.m. is too early to go back to bed. Then he picks up the phone to call his father and closest friends and inform them he’s moving six hours away, by the end of the week actually, and do they know where he should start looking for affordable sublets in Osaka?
Shibata is still looking up at him like he’s crazy two days later, but he helps Kaname pack with only minimal complaining.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” he asks before he leaves, when Kaname’s apartment has been stripped to bare walls and cardboard boxes and Kaname is wrapping the last of his plates in newspaper. “I mean – this isn’t like you.”
Kaname musters a smile, almost sick with nerves. It isn’t like him. But –
He looks at the still numbers on his arm and thinks, somehow, this might be the right move to make.
Or it’s entirely the wrong move.
Kaname gets off the train with his single rolling suitcase and promptly has a panic attack in one of the station bathrooms. He should have thought about this. He’s an idiot and everything is going to be terrible. He’s hours away from his only family, he doesn’t know anyone in this city, he doesn’t know where to go, what is he doing here?
A text to Shibata finds Kaname on a conference call moments later with both Shibata and Taki, who bully and cajole him respectively back into some semblance of mostly functional human being.
“Do you have your inhaler?” Shibata demands, prompting Kaname to pat down his pockets and confirm that he does, in fact, have his inhaler. “Good. You better take care of yourself, idiot. I swear, if I have to come after you I’m going to be severely annoyed.”
But he’ll come after Kaname if Kaname needs him to, won’t hesitate to bail on work and hop on a train if he thinks Kaname isn’t okay, and knowing that is a much-needed comfort. Kaname smiles, and his hands, clenched into shaking fists in the fabric of his jeans, finally loose.
He’s in a new place, and hours away from the people who love him, but he isn’t in another country. He isn’t so far removed that he’ll never see them again.
“We’ll come see you the second you get settled,” Taki tells him kindly. “I’m so excited for you! You’re going to do so great!”
“Of course he is. Call us back when you get to your creepy Craigslist apartment, Tanuma!”
Kaname laughs as he hangs up, and the warmth of the laughter stays with him as he braves the busy station and drags his suitcase after him into the sunny streets. With his friends in the front of his mind, it’s that much easier to breathe.
Kaname isn’t sure when the rest of his things are due to be delivered, so getting settled into his modest apartment is the work of about five minutes. In that it takes him four minutes to get the door unlocked, and once inside he shoves his suitcase into the bedroom, shrugs out of his jacket, and collapses face-first into the musty sofa the previous tenant left behind.
The city traffic is loud even through the closed window, and someone in the hallway is banging violently on a door.
Home, Kaname thinks, and rolls onto his back. He stretches his arms out above him, and tugs back the sleeve on his left arm to see if his counter is still –
“Oh,” he whispers, as the numbers continue to spin lower and lower with dizzying speed.
Kaname sits up slowly, tucking his legs underneath him, and cradles his wrist closer with a careful hand. He sits that way for a long time, until shadows stretch across the floor as noon slinks closer to evening and his phone fills the room with Shibata’s ringtone because he forgot to call his friends back. 
The counter finally slows somewhere around the nineteen hour mark, and only the seconds are left ticking by.
19:14:38 and he’s never, ever been this close.
Home, he thinks again, with a hope so heavy it could probably crush him.
Two of his neighbors turn out to be young men his own age, who introduce themselves as Kitamoto and Nishimura. They’re kind and welcoming, despite Kaname’s terribly awkward first impression, and Nishimura is almost relentlessly friendly. Kaname can’t help thinking he and Taki would get along like a house on fire, and the similarities between them have Kaname warming to Nishimura almost immediately.
“If you just moved in, you probably have no food at your place,” Nishimura says with all the certainty of someone having lived this truth himself at one point. “We can show you around and stuff later, but for now you should come over for dinner tonight! We’re making omurice. We’re awesome at omurice.”
“It’s the only thing we know how to cook,” Kitamoto amends dryly, and steers Nishimura away by the shoulders. “Sorry for taking up so much of your time. We’ll see you tonight.”
They’re a soulmate pair if Kaname has ever seen one, and he watches them bicker their way down the hall with a smile. Rubs the numbers on his wrist with an ache and a longing, and only a small amount of light-headed fear.
“I’m not surprised you’ve made friends already,” his father says kindly when Kaname calls him with what little news he has to offer about his first day in Osaka. “You were always a popular boy.”
That is a bold-faced lie, but Kaname was certainly never without friends, and that’s probably what his father means anyway. His eyes are glued to the counter on his wrist, as they always are anymore, and he’s dying to bring it up at the same time he’s terrified of jinxing the whole thing away.
He’ll keep it to himself a little while longer. There’s only four hours left to go, anyway.
Kaname stands outside his neighbor’s door with his fist poised to knock and thinks this is probably exactly where he’s meant to be standing, because the numbers on his arm are still moving, and it’s fourteen seconds, and he knocks, and now it’s nine, and now six –
And the door opens, and Kaname pulls his eyes away from the zeros on his wrist. It isn’t Nishimura or Kitamoto waiting there to greet him, but he wasn’t really expecting either of them. He looks into wide amber eyes and feels the breath go out of his lungs in a rush.
His other half touches Kaname’s cheek reverently, with fingers that tremble. Kaname covers his hand with one of his own and holds on.
It’s been a long and lonely life without him, and Kaname has waited every single day for this moment, for this man specifically, and now he can only stand here and soak up the sight of the rest of his life, greedily and with extreme prejudice.
“I’ve waited to meet you for so long,” he murmurs, and his soulmate’s breath shudders. He looks as terrified as Kaname feels, and every bit as longing, and tragically lovely.
Beautiful, Kaname thinks, with both an artist’s eye and a hopeless heart, beautiful.
Natsume Takashi lives alone, and has always lived alone. Even as a child, he was often by himself. He has no family and no home outside his little one-bedroom apartment, and his only companion is his fat, spoiled cat.  
“I came to this city because it was brand-new to me,” Takashi says, “and I wanted a fresh start.”
He’s unguarded as he speaks into the dimly lit room at large. They’re tucked together on his sofa, the window open to let in the autumn breeze, and Kaname pulls him just a little bit closer.
Takashi is fragile, despite the iron resilience that brought him this far, and devastatingly lonely – and worse than that, accustomed to loneliness.
“I wish I had found you sooner,” Kaname tells him quietly, and feels Takashi lean away just enough to look up at him.
“It’s thanks to you we met at all,” his other half tells him firmly. “I would never have had the nerve to do what you did – to make such a big move, on such a small chance.” He shakes his head, admiring and affectionate as he adds, “You’re amazing, Kaname.”
It’s the first time anyone has told him that. Sickly, shrinking Kaname, who could hardly join in PE more than a dozen times a year, who passed through school like a shadow and relied on his two bright and fiery friends all those times he got lost in the crowd or fumbled up his words, who locked himself in a bathroom stall the day he arrived in this new city and wanted nothing more than to run back home.
But Takashi is smiling up at him without cruelty, honeyed eyes like something out of a fairy tale – and if he’s the one saying it, maybe it’s true after all.
Maybe it could be true. Maybe, for Takashi, he wants it to be.
“I can’t believe you uprooted your whole life just to chase your heart like a shojo hero,” Shibata fumes. “You’re ridiculous!”
“He’s wonderful,” Takashi contests immediately, reaching over to smooth the fringe out of Kaname’s eyes. Kaname feels himself flush hotly and aims a stupid grin at the Skype window open on Kitamoto’s laptop.
Taki’s eyes are shining, her hands folded in front of an impossibly wide smile, and even Shibata can’t maintain his scowl for long.
“Ugh, gross,” he says, with the hint of a grin. “You two deserve each other.”  
“Oh, and make sure you send over those pictures of the two of you that you promised me. Don’t give me that look, Tanuma, you promised!”
Takashi groans, and Nishimura laughs brightly from the other side of the living room. Ponta waddles over to make himself comfortable in Kaname’s lap, and the apartment smells like the omelets Kitamoto is cooking for dinner, and Kaname’s childhood friends are making plans to come visit sometime soon. Takashi smiles freely more and more with each day, and those smiles make every single minute Kaname waited for this worthwhile.
Home, Kaname thinks, and this time he means it.
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seiipoots · 7 years
Top 10 Favourite Female Characters
Rules: list 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
gosh i haven’t done one of these in a while but thank you sweetie @touchreceptors for the tag!! (*U*)/ ❤
in no specific order:
Buttercup - The Powerpuff Girls
Aranea Highwind - Final Fantasy XV
Sailor Uranus/Tenou Haruka & Sailor Jupiter/Kino Makoto - Sailor Moon
Mulan - Mulan
Raven - Teen Titans
Elizabeth Midford, Francis Midford & Angelina Dalles/Madam Red - Kuroshitsuji
Yamamoto Isabella - Paradise Kiss
Ryugasaki Momoko & Shirayuri Ichigo/Ichiko - Shimotsuma Monogatari
Brittnay Matthews & Trisha Cappelletti - The Most Popular Girls in School
Medusa - Greek Mythology (laughs i’m not sure if this counts?)
Roxanne/Roxy Morton & Gazelle - Kingsman
tagging some lovely people who appreciate ladies as much as i do!! ❤ ❤ ❤ @s-shivering, @bunburyist, @capitaineoblivious, @rainwaltz, @vitaminrose, @luxurioushope, @goldmintt, @thelegendofcloud, @aesterismo, @luunaria & @nom-ad
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codetrainwreck · 6 years
2 part ask
From @midnyghtmadnes​
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This response is kinda long, so it’s hidden behind a read more lol.
As I said in the summary, I haven’t seen the movie. All of the summary stuff and info is from 2 people who’ve seen + the movie pamphlet. But I’m still interested in seeing it. I’m going to Japan in April and I’ll be seeing it as many times as I can if it’s still in theaters. My reasons for wanting to see it, however, are because of Cute Boys.
My attachment to Geass has nothing to do with Lelouch or the setting or the story or [whatever]. I have been 110% completely invested in this series ever since Schneizel turned around in the first opening of the first episode. I’m pretty weak to cute blonde dudes w/nice bangs. CLAMP designs are truly powerful. He appears in the movie in glasses and he looks pretty hot so uhhhh regardless of story, plot, etc things, the movie somehow has something for me. As an added bonus, there’s also this green haired pretty boy voiced by one of my favorite VAs. 👀👀👀
However, compared to the original TV anime, honestly I’m just rolling my eyes. “The Gate that CC uses is below the prison that Suzaku JUST SO HAPPENS to be held at”. Is there only one fucking prison in all of Zilkhstan? Then Chamna’s Geass is to rewind time by 6 hours when she dies. Uhm, so like, why can’t she just daisy chain that shit? Also, “Shirley used her status as a normal college student to take Lelouch’s corpse to France w/o being monitored” except accompanying her was Schneizel, who is the recently appointed #2 of the UFN and was probably already relatively famous?
Stuff like Lelouch and Nunnally’s relationship really makes me scratch my head as well. I get that they were trying to make a comparison between Chamna/Chalio and Lelouch/Nunnally - “Wow Chalio is completely dependent on Chamna but Nunnally can live without Lelouch“. Him leaving her doesn’t bother me - his plan in the TV show was pretty clearly to leave her side one day. It’s the speed and way that it happens in the movie that is seriously “wtf”. Like, your little sister watched you fucking die and held your hand as you died and witnessed you take your last breath and she was probably traumatized as fuck and you’re just bailing 5 seconds after she wakes up? Dude, Lelouch, can you maybe chill and wait at least a day or something?
And then, about world building and setting and such... The plot of the movie largely feels without consequence. No one talks about Zero Requiem. Not as in, “no one talks about how Emperor Lelouch was a big dick and then he died”, but like, “what was happened to the world since then” isn’t really expanded upon. We go from Kallen’s ending narration where she says, “Of course, there are still problems in the world, but people are working on fixing them”... to a 2 year time skip where Everything is Awesome except in Zilkhstan apparently.
I don’t even know what to assume happened off-screen: Did Kaguya, Nunnally, the Chinese Empress, and their presumably European friend make a 4 girl idol band that went to tour to different countries and got other countries to join the UFN? Did Schneizel, who now isn’t allowed to blow up the capitals of all first world countries, have to Do Things the Hard Way and in 2 fucking years he just fixed like 80% of everything?
One of the things Taniguchi has mentioned in Re;surrection interviews is about using the recap movies + Re;surrection universe as a jumping off point for new Geass. To be completely honest, I am kind of “meh” about that whole idea.
Fictional stories typically revolve around a conflict. Sometimes it’s an internal character conflict which requires the characters to grow, sometimes it’s a conflict that involves the whole world. Every single Geass spinoff has been about Some Form of Conflict. The one that seems to have been adopted into canon the most is Oz the Reflection, which is a story told parallel to the main conflict of Lelouch of the Rebellion.
The elements of Geass that people like have become very obvious over the years: “Give us Lelouch dicking people and waving his hands fabulously and pressing a single button to blow up All the Ground.” Every single fucking Geass spinoff has a Lelouch clone (Dash in Renya) or just Literally Lelouch (Akito) and I think it’s annoying.
So, how would they even make something else in this setting? The world becomes Even More Awesome because Papa Eyebrows has Zilkhstan joining the UFN at the end of the movie. Having more made up countries who are not part of the UFN presenting a challenge(?) for our heroes just to become friends with everyone at the end would be the same shit repeated again.
I feel like a, “10,000 years in the future” setting would largely be a repeat as well: “Oh no, peace was destroyed over time, let’s fight until the world is at peace again”.
Meanwhile, Lelouch. Well, let’s see: Lelouch’s internal conflicts with his parents have looooooooong been resolved. He has removed himself from the world stage and leaves the Zero identity in Suzaku’s hands. @touchreceptors noted that even his personality seems completely different in the movie. Lelouch hints about him and CC going off to “find the fragments of Geass” at the end of the movie. (This is potentially a reference to the web series which is also called “Fragments”, but who knows.)
And that’s like... the biggest expanded universe hook we have? What are they gonna do - show Lelouch -- who’s personality got neutered since he got revived -- and CC -- who’s personality got rewritten in the recap movies to be a 1 dimensional object orbiting around Lelouch -- traveling somehow w/o Lelouch being recognized and finding ~Fragments of the Geass~ while occasionally running into old characters? I would absolutely still watch that hoping for the occasional Schneizel cameo but I wouldn’t be thrilled about it.
Personally, if I were in charge of making a new Geass thing, I would skip this stupid Plot Extension with the Geass fragments and just make Code Geass: Fumoffu or Code Geass: Carnival Phantasm...
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