#Tracer headcanons
ovwechoes · 2 months
'Worst Habit' Headcanons!
Here's some sfw headcanons for what I think Overwatch members' worst habits are c: (I rambled a bit so it's under the cut as per usual)
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Winston: It's obvious that Winston loves peanut butter, which is fine in and of itself. I think he has a really bad habit of leaving empty pots around the Overwatch HQs, especially his room though. That, and making the worst combinations imaginable. Like peanut butter and spicy chips, or peanut butter and eggs, that sort of thing. He would convince everyone to try it, and feel rejected if they didn't. It's his worst habit but not necessarily a toxic one; otherwise he's a pretty sensible individual.
Lena Oxton / Tracer: Tracer's worst habit is definitely picking at her nails. She tends to do so as a self soothing action, but she doesn't know when to stop and it causes her to have scabs sometimes that Emily has to mend for her. It's something she's aware of but nothing helps to stop her from doing so; she's tried picking stones, those zit popping toys, everything. Nothing feels as good as picking her skin when she's anxious.
Mei-Ling Zhou / Mei: When Mei's in a low mood and is struggling mentally, she sometimes finds it hard to avoid not talking down herself, or viewing herself negatively. It seeps into the atmosphere in HQ, and it's something that she struggles to get herself out of. Once the bad thoughts start, she can't control them and struggles to do so, especially when they involve her survivor's guilt.
Genji Shimada / Genji: Genji used to have several bad habits he's learned to stop over the years, like playing games in his bed, eating unhealthy food too much, smoking probably at one point or another. But he still cant shake the bad habit of skipping training sometimes because he can't be bothered. If he's not in the mood, there's no way he's gonna be seen in the gym strength and ability training unless Brigitte drags him there.
Reinhardt Wilhelm / Reinhardt: Reinhardt has a tendency to overdramatise everything; from his speech to his stories. This applies too to his emotions, and he feels them too close to his heart as though his skin was made of paper. He struggles with his ability to regulate his emotions, and it's something he's aware of but views it as something positive, rather than negative. He wouldn't admit that it's his worst habit, but everyone around him would.
Brigitte Lindholm / Brigitte: Brigitte takes care of herself very well; she views the human body as a machine that needs rest, supplements, nutrition, etc. But her worst habit is remembering to drink when she's working on something or busy with a mission. The amount of times Angela has had to admit her for dehydration isn't even funny, and Reinhardt is always getting yelled at by Torbjorn for 'letting it happen to her'. It's one of those things where when Brigitte is focused on something, she forgets everything else going on.
Angela Ziegler / Mercy: Angela has a very bad problem with doomscrolling online. Once she starts, she cant stop even when she gets ads telling her to take a break. She doesn't necessarily enjoy it, and it keeps her up late into the night, but it's a distraction for her from everything going on in the world. Don't ask to see her app usage history; it'll entirely be instagram reels and tiktok with like 9hrs a day average usage.
Echo: Sometimes, Echo fails to match her responses to the mood of the situation. She tends to take a direct and neutral stance on everything, so her worst habit is that sometimes she comes off as though she's playing devil's advocate, when she isn't. She's just simply showing all aspects that the person she's talking to might not have considered. She's a very logical being, but the way in which she does this sometimes comes off negatively on other people.
Vivian Chase / Sojourn: With Vivian, I can imagine she has a bad habit of getting stuck in nostalgic loops. She likes to look back on the past, understand what happened and what went wrong, but if she lets herself do it too much or for too long, she lingers on her mistakes and it affects her mentally. Similarly to Mei, she feels survivors guilt and feels ashamed for the events in Canada that happened to her sister and niece years ago. Vivian loves a blast from the past, but struggles to regulate how far back to go and how much to think about it.
Lúcio Correia dos Santos / Lucio: Lucio has a very bad habit of staying up too late, working on music or plans for the next day, to the point where he misses sleep and is extremely groggy in the morning. It's something he gets distracted with and loses track of time with. It doesn't help either that he has time blindness and gets lost in the music.
Cole Cassidy / Cassidy: Smoking is his worst habit; everyone working in Overwatch will tell you that. He refuses to try vaping, and prefers cigars to anything else. His cough is disgusting at times, and he has nicotine rush every morning after his first cigar, which makes it hard for anyone to talk to him and get a response from him properly. It's something he has no intention of stopping, as he's here to live a good life not a long one, but everyone has an issue with it when he smokes around them because his favourite brand absolutely reeks.
Fareeha Amari / Pharah: Fareeha holds grudges too long; she struggles with forgiveness and moving forwards. She won't admit it, but it's something that affects her relationship to her family and previous friends. If she's wronged as well, it only takes that one moment for her to give up emotionally and mentally on that friendship. It's not rational, and she understands that, but it's something she views as another form of protection, like armour against people who could hurt her or abandon her.
Jean-Baptiste Augustin / Baptiste: Baptiste is a bad influence when it comes to drinking and has a bad habit of not knowing his own limit. To this day, he still wonders how he's the first one to be absolutely drunk when everyone else around him is barely tipsy (even after he's had 3 shots one after another of fireball on an empty stomach). He indulges in it too much and he doesn't know his own limit to drinking, so you can imagine Cole and Angela have had to comfort him while his head's in the toilet bowl.
Aleksandra Zaryanova / Zarya: Zarya has a tendency to give everyone grace and understanding, even when they don't deserve it. She gives people too many chances, and too many opportunities to use her. It's something she's working on, but she views the world in a more positive light than others and wants to keep the optimism she has for other people.
Hana Song / D.Va: Hana has been told for years she holds herself to too high standards with her work and efforts in Overwatch, and she works herself to the bone. It's something she doesn't view as wrong, but it impacts her body and mind SEVERELY. Angela and Brigitte have had several conversations about taking breaks and not pushing herself too hard with staying up late for work, skipping meals, exhausting herself on missions, etc. It's her worst habit and even she would agree, but she doesn't intend to change it when it gives her the results they need.
Bastion: Bastion's worst habit is getting distracted easily; he's like a kid in a candy shop sometimes with the places Overwatch takes him, and he loves to show Ganymede everything he finds and take them places he enjoyed. It's bothersome sometimes, especially if he's nowhere to be found on a mission because he's busy showing Ganymede the other birds near their temporary station. It is what it is though, and seeing Bastion happy and on their side is something they appreciate.
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mythawolf · 7 months
Some of my Tracer Headcanons:
-The slipstream gave her PTSD. She doesn’t have nightmares as often very more, thankfully and makes sure to tell her therapist when she has.
-She’s the person to go to for advice when an Overwatch Agent realises they’re LGBTQ or is questioning. I actually did a fic about that on my AO3!
-She and Brigitte have a sisterly relationship. When her chronal accelerator was first built it worked but needed modification, so Winston sent her to Tobjorn’s, where she met Brigitte. Where did I get this? Their interaction in the “Zero Hour” cinematic.
-She convinces Hana to see a therapist.
-Her blaster have a stun mode and a lethal mode. She usually uses the former when not fighting drones.
She has trouble with self worth and used to worry she was a burden to everyone else.
Angela is a sort of mother figure to her, despite her not being much older.
When she’s angry, you’ll wish she yells. She gets all cold and doesn’t really talk to you and within the hour you’ll be begging for forgiveness.
Whenever she needs an injection she needs to be held - not just because she hates needles, but to keep her still.
That’s all I can think of now! Comment and tell me what you think!
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foppishmuses · 2 years
Lena was still a queer punk as a teenager (had a mohawk had an edgy phase smoked snuck out to go to concerts and gay bars) she just was also on her phone looking at yaoi fanart of the latest star wars at those gay bars
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nickeverdeen · 7 months
Overwatch characters and their PDA
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Given Genji’s reserved nature and background as a disciplined ninja, his enjoyment of public displays of affection (PDA) would likely be moderate.
Hand Holding: Genji would intertwine his fingers with yours, showing a secure and intimate connection between you two while walking together
Hand on Lower Back: While navigating through crowds or walking side by side, Genji would place his hand gently on his lover’s lower back, offering subtle guidance and protection
Forehead Kiss: In a moment of tenderness, Genji would lean in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, conveying affection and care in a discreet yet meaningful way
Cheek or Temple Touch: Genji would lightly brush his lips against his partner’s cheek or temple, showing affection in a gentle and respectful manner
Arm Around Shoulder: During moments of closeness or comfort, Genji would drape his arm lightly around your shoulder, offering support and solidarity while maintaining a sense of respect for your personal space
These gestures reflect Genji’s reserved yet caring demeanor, emphasizing his desire to express love and connection to his partner in a subtle and respectful manner, even in public settings
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She appreciates opportunities to express her love and affection for her partner openly, but she also values maintaining a level of respect and consideration for others’ comfort in public settings. Therefore, while she enjoys showing affection, she may do so in a tasteful and mindful manner.
Hand Holding: Mei would happily hold your hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and closeness
Hugs: Mei’s warm and nurturing nature would lead her to readily give you hugs, wrapping her arms around you in a tight and comforting embrace
Cheek Kisses: Mei would affectionately kiss you on the cheek, expressing her love and fondness for you in a sweet and gentle manner
Arm Linking: Mei might loop her arm through yours arm or link elbows while walking, showing a sense of intimacy and companionship
Shoulder Lean: When standing or sitting together, Mei might lean her head or shoulder against lover’s, seeking closeness and physical contact
These gestures reflect Mei’s affectionate and caring nature, as she expresses her love openly and warmly in public settings with her partner
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Sombra appreciates the opportunity to show affection for her partner openly and boldly, and she enjoys the playful and flirtatious interactions that come with it. However, she also values maintaining a level of control and discretion, so she may not engage in PDA excessively or in situations where it could attract unwanted attention.
Arm Wrapping: Sombra confidently wraps her arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you close as you walk together, showing a sense of possession and intimacy
Playful Shoulder Bump: Sombra playfully bumps her shoulder against yours as you walk, adding a touch of flirtation and playfulness to your interaction
Hip Touch: Sombra assertively places her hand on your hip, guiding you or pulling you closer in a confident and affectionate gesture
Quick Kisses: Sombra steals quick kisses from her lover, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and excitement to their interactions
Hair Play: Sombra playfully runs her fingers through her partner’s hair or tucks a strand behind their ear, adding a flirtatious and intimate touch to their interaction
These gestures reflect Sombra’s confident and assertive personality, as she shows her affection for her partner in bold and playful ways that suit her.
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Given Tracer’s lively and outgoing personality, she likely enjoys public displays of affection (PDA) to a considerable extent. Tracer’s enthusiasm and warmth make her naturally inclined to engage in PDA, but she also respects boundaries and would adjust her behavior based on her girlfriend’s comfort level and the situation.
Hand Holding: Tracer enthusiastically holds her girlfriend’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, radiating joy and affection
Quick Kisses: Tracer frequently steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and warmth to your interactions
Hugs: Tracer enthusiastically embraces you in tight and energetic hugs, lifting you off the ground or spinning you around in a joyful display of affection
Shoulder Bumps: Tracer playfully bumps her shoulder against you as you walk, adding a touch of playful intimacy to your interaction
Back Pats: Tracer affectionately pats her girlfriend’s back or shoulders in a friendly and reassuring manner, showing her support and affection openly
These gestures reflect Tracer’s spirited and affectionate nature, as she shows her love and affection for her girlfriend in a lively, enthusiastic, and playful manner that I’d personally say suits her
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While she appreciates opportunities to express her affection for her partner openly, she also values professionalism and may prefer to keep displays of affection subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Overall, while she enjoys showing her love openly, she may do so in a more reserved and considerate manner.
Hand Holding: Mercy gently holds her partner’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and support
Arm Around Shoulder: Mercy might place her arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering comfort and closeness in a protective gesture
Forehead Kiss: In moments of tenderness, Mercy leans in to give you a soft kiss on the forehead, conveying affection and care
Cheek Caress: Mercy affectionately caresses her your cheek with her fingertips, expressing warmth and love in a gentle manner
Hugs: Mercy embraces her lover in warm and comforting hugs, wrapping her arms around them in a nurturing display of affection
These gestures reflect Mercy’s nurturing and compassionate nature, as she expresses her love and affection for her partner in gentle and caring ways that provide comfort and support.
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While he appreciates opportunities to express his affection for his partner openly, he also values his personal space and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Additionally, McCree’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and prioritizes mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: McCree casually holds your hand, intertwining your fingers as you walk together, showing a sense of unity and closeness
Arm Around Shoulder: Cassidy may drape his arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Quick Kisses: He steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding a touch of affection and spontaneity to your interactions
Shoulder Lean: While standing or sitting together, Cassidy leans his shoulder against yours, seeking physical contact and closeness in a relaxed and casual manner
Hand on Lower Back: McCree places his hand on your lower back while navigating through a crowd or entering a room, guiding you with a gentle touch while showing a sense of protectiveness
These gestures reflect McCree’s laid-back and affectionate nature, as he shows his love and affection for his partner in a casual, supportive, and playful manner that suits his cowboy persona
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While he may appreciate moments of intimacy with his partner, he values privacy and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and reserved, especially in public settings. Additionally, Hanzo’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and values mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: Hanzo gently holds your hand, showing a subtle yet meaningful connection as you walk together
Arm Around Waist: Hanzo may place his arm around your waist while standing or walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Forehead Rest: In moments of intimacy, Hanzo may rest his forehead against yours, conveying a sense of closeness and trust
Shoulder Touch: Hanzo lightly touches his lover’s shoulder in a gesture of support or reassurance, showing his affection in a subtle and understated manner
Quick Kisses: Hanzo may offer quick and discreet kisses to his partner, whether it’s a soft peck on the cheek or a brief kiss on the lips, adding a touch of affection in a reserved manner
These gestures reflect Hanzo’s reserved yet genuine affection for his partner, as he shows his love and care in subtle and understated ways that reflect his stoic demeanor.
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froggibus · 3 months
Pride - Soldier 76, Pharah, Baptiste, Tracer, Venture & Lifeweaver
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Pairings: Soldier 76 x gn! reader, Pharah x gn! reader, Baptiste x gn! reader, Tracer & Emily x gn! reader, Venture x gn! reader, Lifeweaver x gn! reader
Genre: fun fluffy hcs
Summary: how it would be going to pride w your queer fav
CW: nonspecific relationship w the heroes, canon sexualities/genders, lots of fun pride stuff, pride festival, Soldier being an old man
sorry hi i know pride month is over but i really wanted to include it in our event so here it is! i really wanted to include lucio & other fun characters here but it was so much writing i only did the ones who are canonically queer!
This is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Soldier 76:
not his first Pride, won’t be his last
he’s probably a little wistful the whole time, since he last attended with Vincent
his grumpy old man demeanor drops for a day and he actually lets himself enjoy it
all the young people there LOVE him and he ends up ‘adopting’ at least three kids
reminisces the whole time and probably says “back in my day” at least once
you may have to convince him to actually indulge in fun stuff like temp tattoos and flags
but then he gets SUPER into it and drags you around to get as much stuff as possible
gets hit on at least once by someone half his age and his face is an INFERNO for like ten minutes afterwards
wants to get drinks and appetizers at a bar after and chat about your day
will let you take one (1) picture of the two of you to commemorate it
(he’ll definitely keep the picture in his wallet—but he’ll never tell you)
not her first Pride either, but she doesn’t go very often cause she’s married to her work
wears her sexy ass leather jacket even though it’s probably boiling outside
“Fareeha you’re going to boil in that”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this is my summer leather”
gets one temp tattoo of the lesbian flag on her cheek and that’s it for her
shows it off in every single picture the two of you take together 
doesn’t take many of her own pictures but will indulge you for every one of yours
her strong ass will let you ride on her shoulders to see any performances you want
or if you’re not cool with that, she has no shame and will body her way through the crowd to help you get a better view
loves fruity rainbow drinks and will always have one in her hand
wears her aviators even after the sun goes down
definitely checks if Baptiste is doing anything & tries to set up a rendezvous with him at a club later
she is THE most fun to party with if you’re able to pry her away from her work
more than likely his first Pride  (at least, since he’s been out of the closet)
probably ended up attending a few before and hanging out in the med tent as an ally
if he wasn’t going with you, Pharah would’ve 10000% taken him with her
super excited to be taking you with him this year 
and to actually be partaking in the celebrations
covers both of you in those cute rainbow temporary tattoos
like they’re EVERYWHERE
total mom friend—he has water, tylenol & advil, wet wipes, snacks, sunscreen & anything else you could possibly need
that doesn’t mean he’s not indulging in any fun colourful drinks at the bars later tho
indulges in any free things offered with him
and totally ends the day with like ten different friendship bracelets
wants to take pictures of EVERYTHING and ends up with a million selfies of the two of you
you’re out from 11am to 3am & you bet your ass he’s waking you up at noon the next day for brunch
wants to go next year & hand out little care bags to everyone you meet
her and Emily insist on taking you with them
they go every year so long as Lena isn’t working (rare)
they (Emily) have got everything figured out, so you can just chill and come along with them
Lena totally goes all out with her outfits & insists you all match somehow
they bring a digital camera to take lots & lots of pictures of everything
prepare to be outside from dawn till dusk
Lena probably gets recognized a few times and takes pictures with every person who asks
she buys a TON of memorabilia and will absolutely buy anything you look at for you
even tho she’s probably tried everything they have to offer, she wants to make sure you also try it
Emily has to stop and remind her to slow down and to eat/drink
they have some cute tradition where they go to the restaurant they want to on their first date & have some drinks and appetizers
even tho it’s their thing, they’ll gladly invite you along & make sure you’re included
and if you’re into it, Lena will absolutely try to play matchmaker for you so you’re not lonely
huge dork ass LOVES Pride
they’re a little awkward cause of the big crowds & stuff, but deep down they thrive on it
not nearly as out there with their outfit as Tracer, but they’ll definitely dress according to theme
makes their own little bags of crystals to give out to friends they make there + coordinates them according to different pride flags
makes an extra special one for you too to thank you for coming with them
buys ice cream whenever they see a stand & offers to share with you 
at least one child asks them if they’re a boy or a girl
Sloan just shrugs at them
despite their awkwardness, everybody you meet there LOVES Sloan & they end the day with a million different pins + friendship bracelets
anytime there’s something cool, they want to take a pic with you in front of it
even just random fountains and stuff
if someone’s performing, they HAVE to go and at least check it out, but you’ll probably get dragged into watching a long ass magic show
they might take you for a drink and a snack after, but they’re not the type to go to a club or anything
more than likely they want to have a game night or marathon some movies at home to unwind afterwards
not his first Pride, but the first one he’s been able to enjoy since leaving Vishkar
the most well dressed & insists on dressing you as well
weaves flowers & plants through his hair to make a pretty rainbow (and will do the same for you if you ask!)
lots & lots of biodegradable glitter that he made himself
wants to get there super early to offer his aid to any of the med stations set up & give them his number incase they need him
brings his own biodegradable confetti and gives bags to all the stands to hand out
loves live performances & wants to attend each one
he WILL be dancing and expects you to dance with him, no matter how awkward you feel
usually the best at remembering his sunscreen & water but probably forgets until he starts to feel the effects
wants to stay until everything shuts down and make sure everything is cleaned up correctly
so many pictures that your face will hurt from smiling for the cameras by the end of the day
his Instagram story is probably filled with those same pics
if anyone compliments his hair, he WILL offer to braid theirs with flowers for them on the spot
takes you out to a nice dinner before you guys go home
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Overwatch Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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wildissylupus · 20 days
The most insufferable Overwatch team up for Talon would be Lena and Cassidy cause they will not stop messing with Widow and Reaper.
It's also because the respective match up is Reaper vs a long ranged fighter who knows his fighting and Widow vs a close ranged fighter she can't get the jump on, but that's surprisingly second to the fact that they just get under Reaper and Widows skin.
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Hmm okay Mirrorwatch had an interesting choice by them killing off Ramattra though I understand the reason why they would do that.
Yes we all know that Tracer killed him simple as that. Though a part of me finds that a bit too easy you also got to remember she's basically the Reaper of Mirrorwatch.
Remember "Alive" I hardly doubt it was the same when Tracer blinked away from Widow's bullet. As much as I like that headcanon of the same thing with Widow moving out of the way with the plus bomb hitting the target.
I don't think that was the case, I do think Widow tried to stop Tracer from killing Ramattra but she didn't use Widow to kill Ram instead I think it gave Tracer the opportunity that the bullet missed Ram causing a panic making Tracer blink to Ram before sticking her plus bomb onto him. And we all know how that ends.
But that just's my headcanon is it brutal? oh 100% remember Mondatta had a mercy kill as for Ramattra his was brutal.
Though that's just my two cents of the matter.
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lovedrruunk · 6 months
Overwatch nightmare blunt rotation and why ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
From scariest to tamest
Junkrat, I don’t think I need to explain much… you’ll take a hit and next thing you know he’s trying to convince you into amputating his right leg. I think overall it’d be a terrifying experience, also he def laced the blunt with some homemade contraption he made. NOTHING good will come out of this and you will most definitely wake up in a hospital bed
Junker queen, will actually try to FIGHT YOU… YOU ARE NOT WINNING !!!! An hour in and she’ll be chasing you around the house playing fnaf 4 irl. She’s actually so scary and will have you crying. After three hours of pure horror she’ll blink and just be like “huh?”……..she forgot about everything and is back to normal….
Moira, you’ll take a hit and next thing you know she’s trying to convince you into letting HER amputate YOUR right leg… She’s stressed out 24/7 so the only reason she’s not lacing it with some potion in order to use u as an experiment is because she also needs a hit..so….better than junkrat I’d say…
Tracer, not scary but really annoying. As much as I LOVE her she’s a yapper and will NOT shut up…. Will have your ears ringing and her mood swings would be terrible to deal with
Hanzo, the ultimate TRAUMA DUMPER !!!! WE DON’T CARE !!!!! Will be crying telling you about how he had to kill his own brother only for him to come back scarred and robotic and you’ll just have to be like ohhhhh I’m so sorry you had to go through that ohhhh….. will have all your pillows covered in tears and snot…disgusting…
Venture, GUYS…. Let’s be so for real they’re tracer part 2… by the end of the night you’ll know every rock type and crystal ever discovered. Will give you a 2 hour recap of Steven universe that you can’t escape from. They’ll also get really hungry and literally raid your fridge
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ottizmelkoido · 5 months
Overwatch edit wips :D
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myfavisqueer · 9 months
tracer from overwatch is a bambi lesbian! (canonically lesbian)
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shadykazama · 4 months
I just told my friend my genes accept Venture because I'm from the USA and they're the other two thirds of the CUM zone (Canada, United States, Mexico) 😭
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I feel like Sloan would laugh so fucking hard if they heard that shit. Like would never stop quoting it.
"Prepare for the CUM team!"
"Get CUMmed on!"
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Me staring at what I've created
Please send help
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ovwechoes · 2 months
DPS Girls & Concert Headcanons!
It's finally arrived; each of the OVW DPS girls have plans to attend a concert, but who would they each go see? These are my personal headcanons (SFW)!
It's somewhat long so it's under the cut - enjoy and let me know any thoughts you have c:
Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" / Ashe: Ashe is the type of girl who would do anything and drop however much she could to see Ella Langley, Riley Green, and Johnny Cash tribute acts. She loves the idea of cowboys and the wild west, and loves country music alongside it. Neil Young is another she appreciates and would do anything to see as well, for the nostalgia of course.
Echo: Echo's not the type to fixate on music, and enjoys vicariously through concert videos online. However, if she was to go see someone, it would be an artist who she knows the people she's going with enjoy as well. She values the importance of music, but there isn't a specific artist I can imagine her being into enough to go see them live.
Mei-Ling Zhou / Mei: Mei's mostly interested in classical music; it helps her to focus as background noise or relax when she's had a stressful week. I can imagine she'd go to concerts in opera halls for classical music iterations and sit there, silently enjoying herself. However, I think she'd pay to see artists such as Iron & Wine, Bon Iver, and other indie folk musicians. Indie folk is one of those guilty pleasures that helps her focus in the same ways as classical but has substance beyond instruments. She values it and would enjoy herself (as long as she had someone to come with her ofc).
Fareeha Amari / Pharah: She'll tell you if the conversation ever came up that she would pay anything to go back in time and see Queen live. She absolutely adores them, but tribute acts to her never do them justice. That's who I think Pharah would go to see if she could live. However, Fareeha also loves classic rock as a genre and would do anything to see AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, etc. She would go solo or with other people, she's not too bothered and she knows how to protect herself if anything happened. All she's interested in is hearing the music through her feet and enjoying it live, seeing everyone around her and embracing the rock culture.
Vivian Chase / Sojourn: Sojourn's a fan of classical jazz; she loves to sit with a whiskey on the rocks, in a dingy bar and enjoy the music so she doesn't tend to go to concerts as much as she used to. However, when she was younger and in Overwatch as it's lead commander, she used to always make an effort to try and see alternative rock artists like Imagine Dragons, Arctic Monkeys, and The Strokes. Whenever she listens to them now, she gets thrown into the past and wouldn't refuse a ticket to see them for old time's sake.
Olivia Colomar / Sombra: She definitely enjoys EDM and goes to raves moreso than concerts; she enjoys club culture and has been known to indulge in everything about them. She was first exposed to The Prodigy, and her love for EDM kept growing from there. The Prodigy, Deadmau5 and Skrillex would be the ones I could see her wanting to see the most live at a rave.
Satya Vaswani / Symmetra: We know that Symmetra has a more eclectic side with her sashay emote, so one of the most obvious things I could think of her enjoying would be drag brunches moreso than a concert. She would love the feeling of the music through your body, the dancing, the interactions happening in front of her. I think she'd enjoy night performances in concert halls as well, especially with strobe lights and voguing; it would be autism heaven for her. However, I think she appreciates modern classical music that helps her unwind and relax, especially if she's overwhelmed or overstimulated with the work that she's trying to complete at tht moment. Artists such as RuPaul, Philip Glass, and Tycho would definitely be on her radar though (if she decided to go to a concert).
Lena Oxton / Tracer: Tracer's got a very upbeat attitude, and it seems very likely she would enjoy pop artists, especially if she's struggling with things mentally or with guilt. It helps distract her, so she would definitely agree to see artists such as Chappel Roan, Lady Gaga, and Charli XCX. She enjoys being able to dance in the crowd to their music, screaming her heart out with whoever she's with or with total strangers. Alternatively, she used to heavily enjoy pop-rock artists such as Paramore, and would make an effort to see them when she could. It's still close to her heart, so I don't think she'd decline seeing them live still.
Amelie Lacroix / Widowmaker: Widow's a fan of classical ballet music; it reminds her of a time she was herself, and it brings back the emotions she once felt to some degree. She would pay anything to see them performed live by an orchestra, or even during a ballet, just to be able to feel like a normal woman again. Widow would never decline to a concert that features music from the artists such as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Felix Mendelssohn.
I'll be making a version with the overwatch DPS males next! Any thoughts or opinions about these are always accepted, and my asks are open to any and all requests <3
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
I have a special set of headcannons regarding some of the Overwatch heroes and how they do in bar fights, the last one is the one that is most dangerous
Cole is the only who tries to calm everyone down during the fight, until he gets hit by someone and then he loses all composure, then he just starts punching at everyone, he usually doesn’t end it but he doles out a lot of black eyes and bruises
Ashe won’t get involved unless one of her people is involved, she gets hit, or she started it and there is no in between. She will end it most of the time, so long as she is very very drunk, otherwise it’s a toss up if she wins or not because she’s trying to be strategic during the fight if she’s even somewhat sober and there is no strategy in a bar fight
If Mauga is in a bar and he’s not on business hours then he is the one who either causes the start of the fight or is the one who just starts it and he is terrifying to fight in a bar fight purely because with two hearts he has a way higher alcohol tolerance and that means he either has drunk way more alcohol than everyone who drunk way stronger stuff than everyone, usually both. If he’s on business hours then he ensures no fights start and he will immediately break them up if they start because he doesn’t like it when something gets in the way of his fun. If he’s working as a bartender for a mission then unless the bar fight would benefit his mission then he won’t let any start
Reinhardt in a bar fight is like trying to imitate David going against Goliath but without any weapon, a dumb way to die. Because when Reinhardt starts drinking he really starts drinking and then the next thing you know several tables are broken one of the windows is shattered and the door is hanging on by one hinge
Brigitte started drinking to imitate Rein but then it turned into her loving to drink people under the table and winning bets for it. If she starts fighting pray she doesn’t have any tools nearby because when Brig is drunk she starts making the weirdest things from scratch (that would fit right in among the junkers seriously why don’t Brig and Torb have Junker skins?) and not even she knows what they do and by the end of several people are in what they assume are supposed to be nets and other got a rope tied around one leg but it never pulled them down and one guy somehow got his prosthetic eye upgraded and it now shoots lasers
Mercy and Moira both have similar styles in a bar fight. While they do drink they rarely go to a bar as they don’t like being far from their work, but when they do and a fight breaks out they will use their expertise the anatomy to incapacitate everyone who comes at them, they will always be some of the last few standing, then they’ll start healing people up while giving them sass
Torbjorn will go for the shins and the drunks keep missing him because of his height until he hits them in the shin or the crotch, he will fight dirty and all will fear the drunk dwarf, I cannot explain this any better, the others have some sort of code when in a bar fight, Torbjorn doesn’t he will just fight like a possessed Chihuahua, in one bar fight he actually bit Rein’s crotch he has no limits when in one
But who among the roster is the most dangerous in a bar fight? Who causes the most damage and has absolutely no limits when fighting? It’s Tracer, no look Lena loves bar fights and she fights dirtier than anyone could possibly think and that’s before the Slipstream Incident. Before she went off to join Overwatch she was known as Earbiter because she was known to bite people’s ears, sometimes if she was drunk enough she’d almost rip them off. She won’t start one but she will be the only one left standing when it’s done. But what makes her so dangerous in a bar fight is the fact that unlike the others, she can escalate it to something bigger. If she gets into a bar fight then other bars start fighting and before anyone realizes the city is in one giant brawl. A good example of how much she can escalate is if Doomfist had been in London instead of Singapore when he was captured then Lena would’ve gotten thrown into a bar, taken someone’s shot while having lost her guns somewhere, and then things just go from there and suddenly there is fire everywhere and someone ripped the gauntlet off of Doomfist and someone else used it against him and he keeps getting attacked by everywhere and he can’t predict it and then people realize that Earbiter is back and suddenly even more people are joining the brawl and Doomfist is embedded in a wall somehow by a big guy with a scar on his ear and the Prime Minister just broke a chair on Doomfist trying to hit Lena cursing her out for a bar fight they had several years ago and suddenly all of London has gone brawl happy. By the end of it Lena is the only one left standing and she’s dragging Doomfist’s battered body over to the drop ship and no one knows if she was the one who knocked him out she was blinking everywhere. Essentially, the people of London don’t know Tracer as Lena Oxton the plucky pilot, they know her as Lena Oxton the Earbiter, alongside a few more colorful names
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foppishmuses · 2 years
I know canon does not indicate that Tracer is a nerd about anything except punk music but canon gives very little indication of most aspects of their lives, she's my muse and I feel like she's so enthusiastic about everything that would extend to nerdy things. She LOVES being a superhero, to the point of giving herself a catchphrase, so she definitely reads comics. She gives me "queer sci fi fan" vibes and her first Halloween costume was the 115th doctor. She's like a weird mix of nerd and jock, all the other kids on track thought she was annoying because she'd constantly try to talk to them about her Beatles slash fanfic.
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gaycer-as-tracer · 8 months
Would you mind sharing Tracer and Emily headcanons?
omg you have no idea, I can, I will and I do talk about them.for hours for anyone who's willing to listen.
Usually I have more AU based headcanons but here are some general ones!
They first met during uprising when Tracer saved Emily's life, but got to talk months later when Tracer visited a coffeeshop in the rebuild London, Emily recognized her as the girl that saved her life and offers to buy her a coffee.
Emily's mom/family absolutely LOVE Lena, she's like another daughter to them
She has a sister with two kids and they love it when its babysitting session with their aunt and her gf
Emily is always cold. She's always freezing, Lena is a human heater and that makes her the perfect cuddle partner
Because of Em being cold, they spend vacations in warmer climates (referring to the stormrising voiceline Tracer has)
Lena likes to wake up early and go for a jog and Em loves to sleep in
Sometimes when Lena wakes up early and is already done with her run she makes her girlfriend breakfast
Em has caught her more than once doing a kitchen concert while making breakfast
The other Overwatch members have bets on who proposes and when
Lena gets down and the ring out first, but Em also pulls out a ring
Emily's nicknames from Lena include love, Em, Emmy, princess (especially after questwatch)
Em sometimes calls Lena darling when she wants to annoy her
Winston is ofc best man at the wedding
(The kids are a headcanon I took from the creative @nic990sstuff, if you wanna hear more maybe ask them c: shoutout to you, Hades of Lemon Tea)
They get two kids, the first one is just a baby Emily found during the Omnic crisis, his name is Dion. He's more focused on her
After a few years they have a "biological" one, he's named Noah and more Lena's kid
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astarlow · 2 years
How they greet you in the new Overwatch
Characters: Brigitte, D.Va, Echo, Mercy, Pharah, Tracer, Zarya
Word count: 811
Form: Headcanons
Warning: None
Synopsis: Overwatch is back again! And so are the agents
A/n: Hope everyone is having fun with Overwatch 2
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🐈it's exciting, a tingling sensation all through your body
🐈she’s pumped to finally join Overwatch, with Reinhardt and all too familiar faces
🐈As well as new faces too, after all, this is a situation that calls for meeting people!
🐈She mostly stays with Reinhardt and people she has known all her life
🐈Slowly, she gets out of her comfort zone and goes to talk to other agents, including you
🐈Tells you funny anecdotes about her family! As well as her cats
🐈Also invites you to a sleepover with agents she knows well
🐰she's new to this just as much as you
🐰though she has been in a similar environment with MEKA, to be in  Overwatch for her is a dream coming live to her
🐰Still, she's D.Va and knows better than to make her nervousness show
🐰she's going to greet you warmly, making you feel right at home
🐰she has a way with her words and around her, you feel confident
"You're new here? No worries, I joined Overwatch a few weeks ago too. Let's explore this together player 2!"
🐰if you reside in a room not far from her, she asks if you want to play some games with her. Streaming or not, she's happy if you accept her request. After all, a friendly face around those parts wouldn't hurt
🐰playing pranks on agents are a great way for you two to grow closer together. A good laugh is always appreciated!
🤖It'll be overwhelming with her. For as much as she wishes to understand, so many things have changed during her absence
🤖it is hard to come back after many years of sleep. Fortunately, you're here with her!
🤖you teach her about today's world while she teaches you all you need to know while you stay at Overwatch
🤖There are many changes but Winston and Athena keep her updated about the situation and she relays you the information
🤖she tells you facts about her creator and some anecdotes about Overwatch's golden age
🤖she appreciates it if you stay with her during her repairs
🕊️it's rewarding as much as it is terrifying
🕊️in her words "Overwatch was shut down for a reason" She witnessed it firsthand and for many years, she believed "it's best it stays that way."
🕊️it appears her view changed since she stood in  Overwatch's headquarters
🕊️she rewards your interventions as much as she reprimands your mistakes
🕊️she wants you to learn in this environment, without repeating the mistakes of your predecessor.
🕊️that is one of the reasons she's here, among countless others including but not limited to patch you up.
🐦it's going to be demanding as much as challenging
🐦another kid who dreamt about joining Overwatch but never could.
🐦she grew up with them though, and she's going to set the bar high
🐦she knows what it was like to be with them, the atmosphere and their training (to Ana's dismay)
🐦she trains you and gives you tips here and there
🐦she knows training is important but having a good teacher also is and she aspires to be one as well as an excellent agent
🌈She's so happy to see new recruits coming in even if Overwatch is still deemed illegal
🌈there's some hope at last!
🌈she's going to hug you to welcome you then give you a tour of their base while telling bits of story here and there
"Here is Angela's office! Or Mercy if you prefer. Sometimes you can also find Genji here to keep company to Angela. Though most of the time, you should just be here if you have wounds or a check-up"
"Does it mean I'll often find you here too?"
"I mean sometimes- hey! What are you implying love?"
🌈Sleepovers with other agents are a must and she includes you too. There's nothing better to strengthen a bond. And she can't keep her excitement to herself so she needs to share it with others
🌈she invites you to her morning jogging and would be over the moon if you accept.  If you can't, she understands and will invite you to do something else. There are so many things out there, for sure at least one of them will please you!
💪It's going to be slow and even intimidating at first
💪Though you're quick to notice she's gentle and kind
💪she welcomes you steadily, explaining to you what you might have not understood through other agents
💪She's new to this too and she doesn't hesitate to tell you that. There's no shame in it, and you're here to save the world too isn't it? Then you have nothing to worry about
💪if you make mistakes, she's going to reassure you. As long as it didn't cost anyone's life, you're fine.
💪shares breakfast with you if you're a morning bird.
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