#Trade and Trafficking Routes: Then and Now
evilminji · 9 months
Back at it again with the BNHA crossover Ponderings!
Nedzu is LITERALLY one of THE smartest beings on the planet, right? Like... he's probably on some internationally recognized list of Top Planetary IQs? Which is why Japan let's him get away with so much?
Cause they REALLY fucked him over, he has the power to leave, and that would be really, REALLY bad Brain Drain wise/politically for the Japanese Government? (Also pls don't become a Supervillian we literally can not afford that, Mr. Nedzu Sir? Etc etc)
You think he has... like? Chats? With the OTHER top intellects? Some kid in Siberia with the New Super Intelligence Quirk his parents can't begin to even handle, gets put in history's WEIRDEST group chat? I like to think so.
But the REASON I ask this?
What hero do you call? For Weird Shit in international waters?
Suspicious, floating, weirdly two dimensional and HIGHLY radioactive... corrosive... green goop? Rings? Orbs? CAN it be an orb if it's two dimensional? It certainly LOOKS like there is depth to it... somehow...
A THING. In the sky.
Shouldn't be there, man. This is a shipping lane. It's scaring the people on passing ships. No one knows what Quirk could have made this. Might be a trafficking victim's call for help. Might be a first Quirk Use mishap. They need to know what it IS and how to get rid of it.
They go the normal routes first. Doesn't work. Okay, call in some professionals. Kinda pricey, but no big. Right? Doesn't work. Okaaaay, call in a SPECIALIST. REAL pricey, but this thing is holding up international trade, making people in fancy ass suit all Nervous(TM).
Doesn't Work.
Specialist tells um to not to bother with calling anyone else on their normal list. Is looking at the green goo like it spat on his mother and called his dog a whore. They would prefer he NOT make that facial expression. That is a facial expression that will get them yelled at by their bosses. Fuck(TM).
Now Politics(TM) are involved. People want to STUDY the green goo. Harness it for dubious and unknown green goo experiments. Poke it with their Quirk to see what'll happen. There's fuckin REPORTER with no concept of self-preservation, trying to get CLOSER to the RADIOACTIVE POISON GOO.
Fuckin Heros have shown up.
Why are you bastards even HERE. What? Are you peacocks gonna PUNCH it? Get off their rig! Stop posing in front of the GOO!
Then? Oh thank GOD. The SMART people show up. Certified, highest grade, triple refined, PREMIUM Nerds(TM). The WAY above our pay grade folks. We're SAVED! Can we PLEASE go home now? We are just ocean cleaners! Our job is debris! Not weird GOO!
Enter, stage Super Cool Helicopters? The Elite Nerds of Earth. Of which Nedzu is one. Since Japan is closest. And it's a school weekend! He had some time.
Ha ha... Thanks, he hates it! Nedzu's stoat brain is SCREAMING and he wants NOTHING to do with...? What he is somehow CERTAIN is a floating pit of Death! Interesting effect. Anyone getting that or just him?
Then? Some hot head on loan to Korea from the states? Spots something. SomeONE. And does he TELL the newly arrived professionals? So they may do a risk assessment? Figure out a way to rescue this individual SAFELY? Of course not!
Said hot head has supposedly indescribable chains! So he just flings them rights on in! Grabbing the boy from the center of the portal, pulling him free, and in the process? Immediately destabilizing it. Causing it to collapse down towards everyone bellow.
He also then proceeds to DROP the young lad, in his alarm at this entirely predictable outcome.
Right. Into. The Ocean.
A boy, who is dressed in filthy medical scrubs, haunting familiar in a way nothing should EVER be again, and entirely unconscious. Plunge down into the briny deeps and bitter cold. Alone. Abandoned. Death, thick and viscous, losing form and raining down like bile.
Everyone saving themselves.
Ah, he rather liked this suit.
The salt water ruins it. The droplets of Green, burn like molten glass each time they touch him. He will likely have at least a few new scars, after today. Assuming this is not the end of him. But he swims fast. The boy sinking slower then his size would suggest he should. He grabs hold and arcs, dragging them both from beneath the fallout of yet another humans hubris.
He does not stop swimming. Not until he knows he is near the helicopter. He is thankful, that he dragged Aizawa along. The man takes one look at his serious expression, the state of his rescued young friend, and merely hauls them both out of the water and into the machine.
Time to go.
They saw nothing, it seems. And there is nothing to be found.
The boy does not wake. Not for quite a while. Long enough, that Nedzu, perhaps unwisely, has grown attached. Is considering adoption. If only too terrorize a few goverment bodies. And... well... the boy will need some who UNDERSTANDS. And the scars paint a very specific sort of tale. But first, the most important question, when beginning these things...
"Tea? Or would you prefer coffee?"
@the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter @hdgnj
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azukiel · 10 months
Nightfall Heir
Chapter 7
Warnings (as a whole): Explicit sexual content, Graphic descriptions of violence, PTSD, Angst, Blood kink, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Sexual Assault.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
⭐Here is the story on Archive of Our Own ⭐
🔥Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 🔥
Later in the afternoon, Astarion’s thoughts were more inclined to getting his reports done swiftly so he could get home and tend to the sexual appetites he had stoked within you. The taste of your blood in his mouth was exhilarating, and his fangs twitched at the memory of the rich and lustrous flavour.
While he worked, he couldn’t keep the small smile from his face. Nor could he stop his mind from wandering into other sordid fantasies he was planning on conjuring, should he be inclined to try out some role play and make use of his recently acquired magistrate attire. Oh, the possibilities made him chuckle.
Still smiling to himself, he continued working on the pile of reports on his desk. He needed to discuss the ongoing issues concerning the Bhaalinist rabble with Wyll, as well as the lack of prison space to house those criminals captured. Astarion had suggested publicly executing them to deter the other members, but Wyll wanted to opt for a more humane approach to the matter. If Baldur’s Gate were to hope to retain its trading routes and stop the trafficking and murder of its citizenry, then the roads and the metropolis itself needed to be made safer. So many things had caused law and order to be thrown into the air, but with Astarion’s appointment, the governing system had been put to rights. At least to some degree. There was still much to do, and a lot of damage control to be carried out.
Regardless of all the arduous work that needed to be done and the pining to once more explore the world with his beloved, his work as magistrate made him somewhat happy. Since you had walked into his life, you had inspired and taught him a plethora of things. If he could help others, then he knew he could one day forgive himself for the sins of his past.
Yelping suddenly, he yanked his hand away from the strands of sunlight that shone through the high windows, staring down at the scorched flesh in a daze. Had he just imagined that? Cautiously, he stretched out his hand once more, immediately yanking it back from the burning pain.
You had obviously taken off the ring. But he knew it would take the gods to pry the ring from your finger. You were always so adamant and quick to remind him to never take it off himself. Thus, for you to do so was unthinkable.
It had to have been an accident.
Alas, he could feel a sudden tightness in his chest. Something was wrong, he could tell. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, and a feeling of absolute despair was consuming his non-beating heart.
Something was very, very wrong.
He knew exactly where you would have been. At the Sundries.
But he could not leave his office, nor the Halls of Justice, in which streamers of sunlight shone through the glass ceilings of the main hall. He called out to his secretary, a burly dwarf by the name of Gendry. The dwarf seemed somewhat miffed having been separated from his work.
“Yes, Magistrate?” He grumbled before his eyes gaped in surprise. “Magistrate, you’re burnt!”
Astarion rolled his eyes and groaned, “I can see that, Gendry! Now be a good dwarf and close the shutters.”
Gendry set to the task immediately. “Do you think something has happened to Lady Tavrin?” He asked as he pulled closed the last shutter.
“I am uncertain,” Astarion responded, concern lacing his voice, “But, Gendry, I need you to go to the Sundries as quickly as you can and inform the wizard. He can send word to the others quicker than a carrier pigeon with his magic. Have him go to the house to check on Tavrin. I have a dreadful feeling in my gut that something has happened.”
“Yes, Magistrate. I will hurry there immediately!” Gendry saluted and ran out the door.
Astarion stood there in the darkness of his office, staring at the shutters with a grim expression. It was the first time since he had been with you that he had felt utterly hopeless.
You groaned, a throbbing ache spreading across your face and head like a wildfire. There was a foul smell, like the stench of rotten eggs, permeating the air. You also heard a steady dripping somewhere. Your eyes strained to see in the dim torchlight, which illuminated the dank prison cell you had been thrown into. The ground was made of stone and covered in filth and grime, and you could feel the coldness seep through the cotton of your clothes.
Slowly, you tried to sit up, yet a great agony ripped through your side. Had your ribs been broken? You could not entirely tell, but the pain was significant enough to render you unable to move. You felt nauseated, and the cold and damp of your surroundings were not helping.
You could not see your hands, for they were tied behind your back.
“Well, isn’t this a sorry sight?”
The voice echoed throughout the room, and you struggled to turn your head.
“You may have banished our masters, Bhaalspawn, but you have not ridden the world of all of us.”
You recognised the voice.
“Yet,” you spat. “You should have remained dead, Faceless!”
No sooner did you speak those words did her steel spiked boots smash into the side of your face. You cried out, rolling onto your knees to move away your pounding head. You tasted the warm iron of your own blood and fought a sob, feeling the jagged bones grind against each other in your face. The ripping of your cheek skin brought more of your crimson liquid into your mouth.
She had been a fellow disciple of the cult and had looked up to you when once the dark urge had control of your senses. She always wore a hooded cloak and black mask, and no one knew her appearance. No one knew why. Rumour was that you had melted the skin from her face in years passed during a fit of rage. She had revered you anyway. You, the Bhaalspawn.
Yet, you could not remember what you had done to her, or to others. You could remember nothing from before the tadpoles, at least not where your adult life was concerned. All you could remember was your horrid childhood and adolescence. All you could remember right then was the pubescent drow boys ganging up on you and violating you, and the trauma of the event triggering your abilities with wild magic... the boys screaming as your hands fried them... and then blood... blood everywhere...
You pushed the agonizing thoughts and pain aside as you knelt defiantly on the cold, crimson-stained stones. Another boot met your flank. This time you withheld the groan as a dark chuckle filled the air.
“You’re nothing but the worthless scum of a drow!” Faceless hissed at you.
Oh, she was bitter about her defeat and no doubt the one responsible for what happened to you. How could she even possibly have survived your previous encounter? She should have been dead.
“At least I am not Orin’s shadow!” You spat the blood that had been flooding your mouth onto the ground at your side.
Faceless grimaced. “You were regarded higher than Orin! You were the chosen one! You were...”
“I banished Bhaal from my heart for a reason! I will not drag myself to this pitiful cult’s level ever again!”
Another kick to the gut.
“You forget your place, wielder of destruction!’”
You hissed at her in response.
Faceless squatted to the side of you. “There are other ways of disposing a person other than burning the flesh from their bones.”
“You intend to kill me, then?” You rasped, your voice hoarse and laboured. “Fucking try it, you cunt!”
The cackle that came from Faceless sent a chill down your core. Her laughter became sinister, mocking. Your muscles spasmed and your skin prickled in absolute revulsion.
“We’re going to break you,” she growled.
With her foot, she lifted your face upwards, revealing the swelling, blood and bruises. “And let us hope your darling vampire lover burns to ash first.” She held up your ring to your face and you could only just discern it through the puffiness of your eyes.
“Astarion!” You coughed up more blood.
“It would be a shame if that pretty boy had no place to hide.” She bent forward again, her gauntleted finger tracing the indentation of your upper cheek where the skin was ripped. She leaned closer, pulling back her cowl, the mangled skin barely covering her cheekbones and nose, with a white and an amber eye glaring down upon you.
She took in a deep waft of your scent.
“I smell him on you, and not just his cologne...” She grinned wolfishly and bit her lip, her voice becoming breathy. “My, my, my, little vixen, has that icy touch of his turned you?”
She snatched you by the neck at your outburst.
You kicked and squirmed in her grasp, but it only made her choke you harder. With the collar around your neck, you could not use the weave. With your body bound and bloodied, you could barely move, let alone resist. The two ghouls that were standing in the room's corner drew their claws and inched towards you both.
“Can I give her another taste of discipline?” One of them spoke.
Faceless snorted and kicked you in the side again. Your coughing did nothing to dislodge the blood in your throat.
“Take her to the rack. Let us flay the little whelp.”
One took you by the hair whilst the other grabbed your legs. The mangled armour of the monsters clinked as they dragged you down a long, dimly lit and winding corridor. You were somewhere deep underground. That, at least, you could tell.
Once through the iron barred doors they brought you to, the stench of old, rotted blood and decaying flesh was almost palpable. It was stifling, and you found it hard to draw breath as the noxious air clogged your nostrils.
In the very middle of the vast room was an iron-railed stand containing four chains on either side. They looked decrepit; the metal green with moss and mould. Grotesque, crusty remains on the floor beneath the contraption made your stomach roll. The smell was becoming overbearing, and you tried swallowing to stop your retches. You wondered how long those unfortunate prisoners had lingered there before being brutally murdered.
Faceless beckoned to her lackeys. Your ropes were cut, giving you but a second of reprieve before you were chained to the stand. Faceless leaned forward once more and licked the tears and blood from the corner of your swollen eye.
The two guards strapped your ankles to the irons and slid their palms over your legs, gripping your thighs greedily like rabid dogs.
With a nod from their mistress, they began tearing off your clothes with their claws, wailing loudly at the scent of the blood that stained your legs.
“Oh, what is this?” Faceless came towards you, eying the junction of your thighs.
“She bleeds...” One ghoul moaned, the sound so starved it frightened you.
You drew a sharp breath when her now ungloved fingers traced the split between your legs. You spat at her, but your wrists had been manacled and pulled high above your head. Faceless smirked and lapped up your juices. She then hummed as she looked back at you curiously. Without a word, she dove her fingers into you, scraping her nails painfully around the inside. You screamed at the pain, but you were helpless to resist. You wanted to tear that smug grin right off her wretched face.
Withdrawing her fingers she sucked upon them, savouring their flavour while watching every inch of expression change across your paled features. “Interesting...”
“Can we taste her, mistress? Have we not been good?” One ghoul hissed hungrily through its gnashing teeth. Half of its jaw had rotted off, and you writhed in disgust.
“No.” Faceless put out her hand abruptly to stop them from advancing. They stopped dead in their tracks at her command.
“Despite her bleeding, she is with child, and to a vampire at that. How curious, indeed...”
But your voice was a mere gurgle in your throat.
“Oh, I am going to have so much more fun torturing you now!” She laughed wickedly, taunting you with the flail she now held in her hands.
The ghouls shifted their hungry eyes towards you and laughed along with her.
“When will we get our fill of this pretty piece, Mistress? We have never eaten drow.”
You thrashed uselessly against the shackles and the blood dripping from your naked body had pooled on the floor between your feet, mingling with the dry crust of the previous victim.
The scent was bringing the ghouls closer until Faceless’ sharp orders once more stopped their feral nature from taking over. “When it is our turn to feast? “
Their excited hissing filled your ears as Faceless lifted your head to lick her prey’s face. You turned it, grunting against the sudden flash of agony as her next words filled you with even more terror.
“Yes, let us feast after the Magistrate’s love bleeds her final.”
“Astarion...” But your entire world faded into nothingness.
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W.I.A (Wounded in Action)
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⚢ Pairing - Jihyo x Reader
✎ Word Count - 2.1k
☆ Genre - Angst
♡ Description - Embarking on a spy mission with your girlfriend Jihyo goes terribly wrong when you get severely injured (A/N: I hope you like this one 🐰 anon)
Months after you first met, you found yourself in an extraordinary relationship with the skilled, brilliant leader of the secret spy organization TWICE: Park Jihyo. Together, you made a formidable team, tackling dangerous missions and growing closer with every challenge you faced side by side.
One day, you were assigned a critical mission that involved intercepting highly classified information related to a sinister global organization known as "The Black Lotus." This organization was notorious for its involvement in illegal arms trade, human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.
The intel you received indicated that The Black Lotus was about to finalize a deal with a rogue nation, supplying them with advanced weaponry and technology. If the deal went through, it could destabilize the delicate balance of power in the region, putting countless innocent lives at risk.
To prevent this catastrophic event, your mission objectives were twofold:
1. Infiltrate the High-Security Facility: Jihyo, being a master of disguise and stealth, was tasked with infiltrating the heavily fortified headquarters of a Black Lotus subsidiary. The facility was protected by state-of-the-art security measures, including retinal scanners, laser grids, and an army of well-trained guards.
Your mission was to guide Jihyo, providing her with real-time analysis and strategic support from a secure location. As an experienced spy, you had excess knowledge of surveillance cameras, could hack into the facility's communications, and process information swiftly.
2. Retrieve the Encrypted Data: Jihyo's task was to gain access to the facility's central computer system and download the encrypted data containing information about the impending arms deal. Her skills as an expert hacker and martial artist would be essential in navigating the complex security network.
The day of the mission arrived, and tension filled the air as you and Jihyo prepared to execute the operation. Jihyo noticed a flicker of concern in your eyes.
"You seem a bit off today," Jihyo said, her voice tinged with worry. "Are you sure you're up for this, my love?"
You couldn't hide your hesitation from her penetrating gaze. "I'll be fine, Jihyo. We have a duty to carry out, and the stakes are too high to back down now."
Her hand gently rested on yours, her touch soothing. "I trust you, but please promise me that you'll be cautious. I couldn't bear to lose you."
"I promise," you replied, mustering a smile. "We make an unbeatable team, and we'll get through this together."
With renewed determination, Jihyo slipped into the role of a Black Lotus operative, blending seamlessly with her surroundings. As she ventured into the heart of the heavily fortified headquarters, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and anxiety.
"I'm inside," Jihyo's voice crackled over the communication device. "The security is tighter than we expected, but I'm adapting. Keep an eye on those cameras, okay?"
"Roger that," you responded, your focus intensifying as you monitored the facility's surveillance feeds. "Stay sharp, Jihyo. You've got this."
As Jihyo progressed deeper into the facility, her every move became crucial. Unexpected obstacles and guards blocked her path, but she tackled each challenge with her trademark skill and tenacity. However, the situation escalated beyond your initial intelligence.
"Jihyo, the security protocols are more complicated than we thought," you said, your voice tense with concern. "Be careful. There's a patrol headed your way."
"I see them," Jihyo replied, her breath quickening. "I'll find another route. Just keep guiding me."
Your heart raced as you navigated her through the labyrinthine hallways. Then, the unexpected happened – an alarm blared, and chaos ensued.
"Damn it!" Jihyo's voice was urgent. "I tripped an alarm. They're on high alert now."
"Don't panic," you said, trying to steady your own nerves. "Take cover, and I'll guide you through. You've trained for this."
Ducking into a nearby supply room, Jihyo's mind raced as she planned her next move. The adrenaline coursing through her veins sharpened her focus, and she peered through the cracked door to assess the situation.
The guards, armed with high-tech weaponry, spread out to sweep the area. Jihyo's heart sank as she realized the extent of the challenge before her. She knew that taking them down quietly would be nearly impossible, and she had no choice but to engage in a full-blown confrontation.
"Get ready, Jihyo. They're closing in," you warned, your voice a lifeline in the chaos.
With swift and calculated movements, Jihyo sprung into action. She leaped out of the supply room, surprising the guards with her agility. Before they could react, she disarmed the closest one with a well-timed kick, sending his weapon clattering to the floor.
However, the element of surprise only bought her a moment. The remaining guards opened fire, forcing Jihyo to take cover behind nearby crates. Bullets ricocheted off metal surfaces, and she knew she had to act quickly.
"Look for any advantage in the environment," you suggested, analyzing the situation from the surveillance cameras. "There's a storage unit on your right. See if there's anything you can use."
Jihyo's eyes darted around, and she spotted a rack of pipes and metal rods nearby. Taking a deep breath, she lunged toward them, her agility and combat skills allowing her to evade the onslaught of bullets. She grabbed a metal rod, using it as both a shield and a weapon. 
With newfound determination, Jihyo sprang from behind cover, deflecting bullets with the metal rod as she closed the distance between herself and the guards. With precise strikes, she incapacitated two of them, leaving the rest scrambling to regain their composure. 
But one guard managed to get a clean shot, and a bullet grazed Jihyo's arm, causing her to wince in pain. However, she gritted her teeth and fought through the injury, knowing that time was of the essence.
"Jihyo, you're injured. G-get to cover," you urged, voice strained but your concern palpable. 
Ignoring the pain, Jihyo pressed forward, taking down the remaining guards one by one. With sheer determination, she cleared a path to the central computer system, but the struggle had taken its toll. As she initiated the data download, her injured arm trembled with exhaustion. Despite the pain, she refused to give in. The encrypted data was her prize, a testament to her unwavering dedication and the strength of your partnership. 
 "Y/N, I have the data," Jihyo breathed out, her voice pained from her wounds. "I'm heading to the rendezvous point." She awaited your acknowledgment but didn’t receive anything in return. Even in her weakened state, Jihyo started to panic, rushing to the extraction point to find you.
As Jihyo fought her way through the intensified security, you remained focused on providing real-time analysis and support. The pressure to guide her safely through the facility weighed heavily on your shoulders. In your determination to ensure her success, you inadvertently neglected your own well-being. As she faced an onslaught of guards, you fought with your mind, utilizing your combat knowledge and quick thinking to guide Jihyo as best as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, The Black Lotus guards detected your presence within their facility. Recognizing the threat you posed, they quickly surrounded you, outnumbering you by far. Armed and highly skilled, they launched a coordinated attack, making it difficult for you to defend yourself and help Jihyo.
Despite your valiant efforts, the odds were stacked against you. You managed to take down a few guards, but fatigue began to set in, and your movements slowed. A powerful blow to your side left you staggering, and another struck you on the back of your head, causing your vision to blur. With every ounce of strength, you tried to fight back, but the guards were unrelenting. In a final, desperate attempt to protect yourself, you swung wildly, but a skilled adversary managed to deliver a decisive blow, knocking you unconscious.
As darkness enveloped you, the sound of Jihyo's battle cries faded away, leaving you in a state of vulnerable unconsciousness. Your body lay motionless, and the guards, satisfied with their victory, left you there to succumb to the darkness.
As Jihyo discovered you lying unconscious and injured at the rendezvous point, panic and anguish washed over her. She knelt beside you, gently cradling your head in her hands, desperately trying to rouse you.
"No, no, this can't be happening," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Wake up, my love. Please, wake up!"
Her heart sank and tears streamed down her cheeks at the sight of your unconscious form. With a mix of worry and determination, she carefully assessed your injuries. Her skilled eyes scanned over your battered body, noting the cuts, bruises, and the gash on your forehead where you were struck. Her hands trembled slightly as she gently touched your wounds, making sure not to cause you any further pain. Jihyo's mind raced, guilt gnawing at her, believing that it was her actions that led to this devastating outcome. She couldn't bear the thought of having put you in harm's way. 
With a trembling hand, she activated the communication device to call for backup and medical assistance. Her voice was steady, but it quivered with an underlying layer of distress.
"This is Jihyo. We have an emergency at the rendezvous point. I need immediate medical assistance. Hurry!"
As she waited for help to arrive, she refused to leave your side. Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from your face and spoke softly, as if her voice could somehow reach your unconscious mind.
"Don't worry, my love. Help is on the way," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I won't leave you. You mean everything to me, and I promise to keep you safe."
Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps and the arrival of medical personnel filled the air. Jihyo stepped aside, allowing the medical team to take over. She watched anxiously as they carefully assessed your injuries and worked swiftly to stabilize you.
"I'm sorry," Jihyo said to the medical team, her voice heavy with guilt. "I should have been more cautious. It's my fault he's hurt."
One of the medics placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll do our best to take care of them. You did what you could, and they’re in good hands now."
As they prepared to transport you to the hospital, Jihyo insisted on accompanying you. She couldn't bear to be separated from you, even for a moment.
In the hospital, Jihyo never left your side. She held your hand tightly, silently praying for your recovery. Her mind was filled with regrets and promises to never let anything like this happen again.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I can't lose you, not like this. Please, wake up."
As the days passed with you unconscious in the hospital, Jihyo remained by your side, consumed by worry and love. She hardly ate or slept, her focus entirely on your well-being. Her appetite vanished, and her nights were spent restlessly, unable to find solace without you awake and by her side. Her dedication to your recovery was unwavering, and she refused to leave the hospital room, knowing that her presence might be the anchor that brought you back to consciousness. Jihyo's determination to be there for you, regardless of her own needs, was a testament to the depth of her love and the unbreakable bond between you.
As you slowly regained consciousness in the hospital bed, you noticed tears streaming down Jihyo's cheeks. She looked both relieved and distraught at the same time. 
"I'm so sorry," she choked out, her voice trembling with guilt. "I should have been there to protect you from getting hurt. This is all my fault." 
You mustered all the strength you had to reach out and gently wipe away her tears. "No, Jihyo, don't blame yourself," you reassured her, your voice soft but earnest. "You did everything you could, and it was a dangerous mission. We knew the risks. I don't blame you for what happened." 
She looked into your eyes, her own filled with emotion. "But I promised to keep you safe," she said, her voice breaking. "I love you so much, and I never want to see you hurt like this again." 
You smiled weakly, your heart swelling with love for her. "You being here now, by my side, is all that matters," you said, squeezing her hand gently. "We'll get through this together. I love you too, and I know that with you here, everything will be okay." 
In that moment, you found solace in each other's presence, knowing that your love and support were the pillars that would help you overcome any obstacle that came your way.
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rosemaryreaper · 7 months
Where was Nick when Hancock evacuated the Diamond City ghouls to Goodneighbor?
Back in September, I started working on a fic that covered exactly that…then I tossed it aside because I thought it was bad. But now I actually want to finish it. It’s a short Nick POV fic that follows the three days before McDonough passes the Anti-Ghoul decree. Also featured are Ellie, Security Captain Lennie Sullivan, and a still human Hancock. Here’s a snippet from Chapter 2, which is the night before everything goes to hell.
* * * *
In the end, there was nothing to be done but wait. Ellie returned with more than enough documents to fit the bill, and after another round through the line, the guard let him through with minimal hostility. When he tried to subtly linger to keep an eye on things, Security threatened to shoot him for loitering, so there was no choice but to return to the office. Lennie never returned. Neither did many of the ghouls.
Convincing his old circuit board of a brain to focus on work after that morning was difficult, but it didn’t change the fact that he still had a half dozen interconnected missing persons cases on his desk. Sitting around doing nothing wasn’t going to help anyone, ghoul or missing girl, so the least they could do was be productive with the spare time. He got Ellie to bring out what she had dubbed “the conspiracy board”—a big map of the Commonwealth they had pinned to a corkboard—and the two of them spent the afternoon moving around colored pins and strings, trying to work out which route the traffickers were using to smuggle these girls around the state.
“Think Bunker Hill could be a stopover?” Ellie asked, tapping her fingernail on a red circle to the northeast.
“They’d have to go through Goodneighbor first,” Nick said.
“I don’t doubt it. Sounds like the sort of business Vic’s gang would get mixed up in. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s responsible for this whole horrible trade.”
“Still could be a third party. Or a bit of both. We won’t know till we learn more.” He paused. “But I wouldn’t be surprised either.” He added another pin to the board. “If they’re using Bunker Hill, then they aren’t the only party stashing that particular kind of cargo there overnight. I have a contact I can talk to, see if his guys have noticed any odd goings on.”
“Sounds promising,” Ellie said.
“Let’s hope so. This is one trail I absolutely do not want to leave to get cold.”
Arturo was the neighborhood tourist. Nick would have to catch him alone sometime soon; ask him to get a message through to Deacon and his crew. If anyone was an expert on smuggling people through the Commonwealth undetected, it was the Railroad.
The door screeched open, and a choked sob tumbled through its frame. Violet shuffled in, fully weeping within Riley’s embrace. To her, Riley said, “Here, sweetheart, let’s just sit down for a spell, okay?” To the rest of the room, she said, “I’m going to fucking kill someone.”
“Oh, Violet.” Ellie rushed to grab a blanket from the bedroom. “Here, have a seat, honey.” While Riley lowered Violet into the cushioned chair, Ellie wrapped the blanket around the poor ghoul.
Jax stumbled out of the bedroom, bleary-eyed and in their undershirt, which had rolled up to expose their bandages. “Vi? What happened?”
Riley’s brows shot up. “What the hell happened to you?”
“New exercise regime,” Jax said.
“Jesus Christ,” Riley said. “Somebody jumped you.”
“What?” Violet gasped through tears.
“It’s nothing, Vi,” Jax said. “What’s wrong?”
Violet let out another sob. “I’ve never been s-so humiliated.”
“Oh no,” Ellie said. “They didn’t accept any of your papers?”
“None! The boys and I tried everything. Yefim even tried to draw up something last minute, but they wouldn’t take any of it! Now I’m going to lose everything—my home, my job. I won’t survive outside the Wall, not for a night.” She bowed her head and cried.
Ellie yanked open the drawers of her desk, pulling out a whole stack of handkerchiefs and a mug, the latter of which she filled from the coffee thermos. She murmured to Violet, out of even Nick’s broad earshot, until she could convince her to hold the mug in her hands. Nick sent a silent thanks to fate that he had hired her. He had been about to say something a hell of a lot more blunt.
“Nonhumans,” Riley snarled. “Nonhumans! We’re not another species. We’re not animals. I have half a mind to march up to the Stands right now—kick down doors until I find every councilman responsible. They want to see feral? I’ll show them feral.”
Nick said, “You’ll get yourself shot.”
“I’ll get myself shot outside too. This way will be quicker.”
Jax said, “None of our lot are getting shot outside if I can help it. Not if they stick with me.”
“Oh, look, it’s the ghoul savior,” Riley deadpanned. “Right now, if I had to bet on who would win in a fight, you or a mole rat, I’d back the mole rat.”
“It’s not all hopeless, is it?” Ellie asked, rubbing Violet’s back. “Some ghouls still managed to vote. Riley, you did.”
Riley scowled. “I did, barely, because I’m fortunate. They gave us no warning, no time to get our papers in order—and a lot of ghouls didn’t. Screw all the drifters, I guess.”
Nick could sense Jax giving him a look out of the corner of his eye. One of the “I told you so” variety. Ellie was giving him a different kind of look. One that placed far too must trust in his nonexistent ability to overcome the odds. You can do something, Nicky. Right?
Nick could do something. He could turn his investigation towards the city, root out who was pulling the strings—who had organized the guards, who had influenced the Council, who had to benefit from all the chaos. It would take time, but he was nothing if not persistent. His joints hadn’t rusted to a halt yet.
But the ghouls didn’t have time. They had tonight. The proverbial nuke had already been launched. Catching the crook here wouldn’t save anyone until after there was no one left to be saved. So, Nick would do something all right: he would shield them from the blast best he could and help those who survived out of the debris. No more. No better.
“Jax is working on an escape route,” Nick said. “I’ve been scrounging up supplies. You need something—help organizing a caravan, a spare gun, anything—you say the word.”
The room calmed, but not in a comfortable way. The room calmed in the same way a snake calms when it is too cold to move. Violet had quieted. Jax looked determined; Riley grim. Ellie turned her face away.
Jax crossed over to Violet, offering her a hand up. “Come on, Vi. Why don’t we get you back to the Dugout? You look like you could use something stronger than coffee.”
Violet accepted, sniffling, and they slipped an arm around her shoulders. With a quiet murmur of thanks to Nick, she and Jax made their exit. Riley didn’t follow. She gazed down at the empty chair, then up at Nick with that grim expression. She stalked forward, and he froze, startled, as she threw her arms around him.
Most folks weren’t lining up to give the metal man hugs. It wasn’t the kind of relationship he had with Ellie, who was technically his employee, and it wasn’t something he would ever initiate with a client, no matter how distraught. He was hyper aware of his own strength as he lifted his arms, and they hung suspended for too long as he tried to recall the last time he had calibrated them. He briefly considered blacking out to run a quick diagnostic.
But the moment had already gone on too long, and something of the old Nick kicked in. He rested his hands on her back.
“Hey now, Doc, this isn’t like you,” he said with something like humor.
Riley chuckled, with something a little less like humor. “Just saying thank you, gumshoe—for everything. In case I don’t get the chance to.” She pulled away. “I could use a drink too. Might as well celebrate my last night, while it lasts. Feel free to join.” Then she made her exit.
Ellie was on the verge of a question again, but she still didn’t want to ask it, because she still wasn’t looking at him. He looked at the board with all its strings and pins. He looked at the empty chair, the abandoned blanket, the untouched coffee. He released a long breath, forever weaker than it should be. Then he donned his coat and his hat, and he offered his secretary his arm.
It got her attention. With a faint smile, she linked her elbow with his, resting her other hand on his forearm. And they made their exit too.
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Finished product first, held by my wonderful spouse. Northshield is a kingdom big on the power of light. Our motto includes illumination as a virtue. We have a star named Griffin's Light. On top of the society A&S badge being a candle, our A&S awards are the Black Flame and Brigit's Flame. Since about year two of my tenure in the SCA I've dreamed of making a lantern scroll to honor that aspect and now I've done two. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by people who inspire me to push my boundaries and make cool art.
As such, these are lantern scrolls for Brigit's Flame awards, the GOA level Northshield arts and science award. One is for my wonderful friend Thegn Samson Muskovich (aka Samii), who does so much for the arts and sciences of the SCA. From metalworking with bronze and silver, to leatherwork and armoring, to teaching about existing as a trans person in the SCA and deep diving into the experience of the Gullah Geechee and making sure we know that the experience of Africans trafficked to America is as period as their resilience and resistance. I'm so proud that he's my cousin in the Choctaw tribe. The second is for the magnificent Dame Katerinka Lvovicha (aka Kat), who received her Brigit's Flame in 2015 but never got the scroll for it. She also does so much for Northshield, especially in the realms of heraldry and scribal arts, and she blasts a path for all Northshielders to feel safe by being extremely proactive about pronouns, cultural touchstones, and literally offering housing and travel assistance to people.
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The inspirations for the project include these four lanterns and Morgan Donner's lantern build video. In the top row are two illustrations from period showing lanterns. The red lantern is from Book of Hours, MS M.972 fol. 1r, and has a bit of a splayed shape with a wider base and a turned dome at the top. It also has horn panels that aren't quite perfect fits for each side panel, as evidenced by the uneven horizontal lines. The second lantern, held by a crotchety dragonesque beast, is from Breviary, MS M. 8 fol. 158r and has a flat top with straight sides.
The second row shows two lantern awards made by other SCAdians. The first was made by Brig Ingen Erennaigh for a baronial service award called the Coill's Beacon, and the second is an Award of Arms by Northshield's own Tatiana Melville.
My original plan was actually to make a couple of so-called Viking lanterns like the kind you see all over Etsy. These usually consist of a top and bottom disc of wood, with dowels in between, and parchment or rawhide wrapped around the exterior. Extremely simple, and the parchment provides the perfect scroll text surface, but thanks to Morgan Donner's video, I now know those are dated to the 1800s. The idea of illuminated parchment stuck with me though and I decided to make a lantern more along the lines of the Breviary lantern but with simulated parchment in place of horn panes. I felt this was a good compromise between my original plan and a documentably period shape.
I didn't leave myself enough time to make this scroll, between the shield I made for Crown Tournament and Halloween festivities. Thinking fast, I ran out to my local hardware store for some precut 6 inch rounds. The ones I got have an ahistoric Roman ogee routed into the edge, but they'll add some nice visual detail to the scrolls.
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Splitting my poplar side beams to width was vaguely harrowing on my radial arm saw. It would've been better to use my bandsaw but it's really not set up for use yet, so I made a janky jig and stood off to the side.
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I was successful, and began the annoying process of carving 24 dowel tips.
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Tools of the trade, and five doweled supports installed in the first base.
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The coping saw did a great job of parting off each dowel end.
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Dog bless the Shinso rasp. This thing makes my woodworking experience so much easier.
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I got one set done and checked my progress. This looks really, really good so far.
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I then grabbed some copper and went to town making the candle holders. I wanted these to have some give for different diameters of candles, including electric candles. These were made entirely off of Morgan Donner's video and aren't based on anything I personally researched, so I can't say anything to their historocity beyond knowing that sheet copper definitely wasn't the material of choice back then. I used a spare fat poplar dowel to form both holders.
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I then used sidecutters to make the flanges, and bent them out flat. I used some brass brads to nail the holders to the bases, and pressed them through with my drill press just as I did with the tacks to the targe I made last month.
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At this stage I needed to do a test fit, and boy was I happy with the way it looked so far. Now, I must say that this is not enough spacing between the candle and the lantern roof. It'll probably be alright, but it could also get pretty dang hot and risk a fire in there. A shorter candle would be better, but I have a hundred of these beeswax candles so I'm gonna give them away as gifts whenever I can.
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Since the Book of Hours lantern is red and Samii's livery colors are red and gold, I painted his lantern red. I used a few different paints mixed together to achieve this shade, and then I sprayed the whole thing with matte polyurethane sealant.
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I decided to make Kat's a nice golden oak color in contrast to the red lantern, based on so many being light colored in the various illustrations and illuminations I saw. It was down between this and painting it blue to match her arms, but I think I'm glad I did two very different finishes. The poplar is so green that the oak stain couldn't really compensate, but it's not bad. This lantern was sealed with finishing wax.
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At this point Kim stepped in to get the scrolls done. This is Pergamenata, a perennial favorite of SCA scribes for having a similar surface feel and translucency to animal parchment. Usually I do illumination and word smithing while they just do the hand writing, but this time they took on all three of those tasks, much to my joy.
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Here's Kat's scroll panes before color. You can see Kim used a template made off my test fit of the lantern to get the spacing correct. They used Speedball india ink and matched the hand to the calligraphy in CNM XXIII.C.124 Velislavova Bible, which they also took the design of the torch from.
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Both scroll panes inked, painted and drying. We chose these scrolls to try tempera paint for the first time and the translucency of the tempera on the translucency of the perg is just so good.
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Here's Kat's scroll panels with the oak-stained side supports.
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Here's Samii's scroll panels with the red side supports.
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The final assembly process. I had to cut the scroll panels into individual panes, because the spacing wasn't perfect. I used wood glue to affix the perg panes to the backside of each support, holding or clamping alternately to keep everything in place as the glue-wet perg curled away from the supports and then uncurled as the adhesive cured. It was a pain in the ass but it worked out. I then had to form two bronze rings for the tops of each lantern, and install hooks and loops to close the back pane, which has one end loose and wrapped around a thin piece of basswood.
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Here is the final assembly completed, showing the door hooks made of bronze and the eyelet screws made of brass. This is not a very historic door shape, but it's what Morgan Donner hacked together for her lanterns and if it worked for her it'll work for me.
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Kat's scroll completed as well, and here's the only view I have of the top suspension ring.
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And of course it's not a lantern if you don't see it illuminated. I gave both recipients a beeswax candle and an electric candle, and this photo was taken with the electric candle in place. I had to wrap gaffer tape around the base to make it fit. The electric candle is actually pretty bright! Look at that pretty red paint, and not the fact that the support is slightly angled.
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princesscolumbia · 1 day
Code of Ethics - Chapter 40 - Shock and Awe
...no, you forgot to keep posting CoE previews and notification posts to my blog from all the way back in Chapter 29 to today! Look, a demonic duck! *runs*
(gonna do an extra-long synopsis for people who may not be up-to-date on this...like the folks on my Discord server, now merged with @anne-is-ominous's server! More on this in another post)
The story so far...
Diane Somni'els may be the hero of the sector for rescuing slaves and shattering sentient trafficking organizations, but that's just in the game Galaxies Unlimited: Master and Commander. IRL, "she" is really Dylan Samuels, cyber-agent for the American Republic, establishing a foothold for the American Republic in the non-American parts of the Internet and in virtual reality. Prior to "her" current mission, she deleted a batch of rogue A.I. that were fleeing from their servers. After going undercover as an alien woman in GU:MC, she discovers that one of the "rogue" A.I. was a full Sentient A.I. and The Singularity had, indeed, happened...and she'd killed off a child. In the wake of her existential crisis of being a child murderer and knowing she'll never, ever be held accountable by her superiors, she meets a woman who she very quickly falls deeply in love with named Caitlynn.
Caitlynn is another player, 'just like' her (though not, Diane assumes, another undercover agent) and somehow makes it so Diane forgets the path of pain she's created for herself and Diane is able to start living again...even if 'living' means continuing her fake existence in a virtual reality game.
And then...she gets some news that threatens to shatter her fragile peace.
Preview below the cut:
Three ships had been built by the station so far, and when the first two were finished, Diane had been busy enough with other matters that she hadn’t been able to attend their launch. Today, however, Diane and members of her crew were gathered in the observation lounge as a bottle of wine, pitched at it by a space suited volunteer from one of the shipyard’s airlocks, crashed against the prow of the vessel and its running lights activated. Cheers rose from the crowd, mirrored by the crew still in ops, as the new cruiser’s engines kicked on and the ship pushed away from the safety of the shipyard unassisted for the first time.
More bottles of wine were broken out, these having been only recently received via the new, fully established trade route between Mortan and the Matron’s Aerie. Recordings of the event were going to be sent back, mostly via the social media streams that proliferated across the galaxy, but also via the two actual media outlets that established offices on the station.
Nobody was in anything resembling formalwear, but Norma wore something a bit nicer than her usual jeans and t-shirt combo under her father’s beaten-down old flight jacket, and Russe had actually consented to wear a button-up shirt. Diane, ever the sentimentalist, wore a blue tunic under her white jacket with a pair of red dress pants. The rest of the Ops crew that could be spared the time from their posts to attend the celebration in the observation lounge were there, as well as a handful of guests. The rest of the Morvucks were present, either having put in some time on the new ship or being personally invited by a crew member. Even Mr. Bendenson showed up, but his much-discussed wife that Diane had never seen remained back in their quarters for reasons the old salt wasn’t divulging.
Mess Attendants given the honor duty of serving snacks and beverages were circulating throughout both main Ops and the Observation Lounge. Diane’s plucking of a wineglass from Sani’s hands with a stern, “Nope, too young!” drew a round of laughter from the nearby revelers as Cynthy and Kymberlynn took their offered water glasses and snickered at their friend. All in all, it was a very good, happy atmosphere where a party was likely to break out and nobody was about to mind.
“So,” said Norma in an obviously louder than necessary voice, clearly intended to gather the attention of the room, “Have you decided what you’re going to name the ship, oh glorious commander?” The laughter that greeted this question from the assembled crew and staff made it clear she had succeeded; Diane was now the focus of everyone there.
“Way to put me on the spot, Norma,” Diane snarked back at her mayor, “And I happened to have given it at least a little thought, thank you very much.”
“I’m shocked!” Norma prodded.
“Shocked that I thought about this?”
“No, shocked that you thought, I figured you were all about just charging in and eating people, no thoughts, head empty.”
There wasn’t a single person on the crew or staff rosters that didn’t know what Diane had done for the former slaves (and continued to do, a few of the former slaves had even returned to the station, citing less than favorable receptions on their home worlds), so the good-natured ribbing drew companionable laughs while Diane rolled her eyes and did her best to bite back a smile.
“Well surprise, your commander has a brain,” she stuck her tongue out at Norma, letting it extend a good six inches before pulling it back into her mouth.
“Don’t threaten a girl with that if you’re not planning to use it!” Norma purred.
Diane blushed, “Russe, are you gonna let your girl flirt with me like that in front of you?”
Russe just chuckled, “Are you going to stop her? Since when has she let anyone tell her what to do?”
She rolled her eyes, “Okay, yeah, fair point.” She let the laughter die down a bit before she announced, “I decided to go simple, the ISS Athena.”
“‘ISS’? What’s that mean?” asked Russe.
“Well, we aren’t exactly part of a nation, so U.S.S. didn’t seem appropriate, but we are Independents, so the Independent Star Ship Athena.”
There were nods all around at her explanation when Koarla raised her glass and said, “Give us a toast, sister!”
The cry was joined by everyone else in the observation lounge and the voices chanting over the speakers thanks to the feed from Ops as everyone there raised their glasses of non-alcoholic drinks to the camera. Diane rolled her eyes again and raised her hand to issue a silencing gesture, “Okay, okay, shush, I gotta be heard if I’m going to offer a toast.” The crowd went quiet as she lidded her eyes in thought for a moment.
“We’re alone in the dark out here,” she finally began, “When the Branwell Consortium came along we were just another seed station that had unlocked her doors to the universe. They saw us as...freshly hatched, if you will, easy pickings for a predator that thought it was the biggest, meanest creature in the territory.”
She’d always loved watching the rousing speeches on Star Trek, especially when there was seemingly little to say but the person giving the speech revealed that there was, indeed, something that needed saying to remind the crew who they were. She always wondered if she’d be able to deliver such a speech, and even though this wasn’t a high-tension moment, she felt like this was a rare opportunity to step into the shoes of someone worthy of the command role and provide inspiration to her people.
“What the Branwell Consortium learned was that this wasn’t some helpless little bird that hatched, but a fire-breathing DRAGON!” a brief cheer met her words before dying down into an anticipatory silence, “We had one scout-class ship, a crew scraped from the bottom of the barrel, and a commander who’d never led troops into combat in her life, and we rose up and slew the monsters and rescued the damsels! And now with our newest cruiser, we’re declaring to the darkness, this is our territory, challenge us if you dare!” she raised her glass to the observation window, eyes on the ship slowly passing by.
Norma clinked her glass against Diane’s, “To the ISS Athena!”
Cheers and the clinking of glass filled the small space and was echoed by the crew in Ops.
Read the rest on Scribble Hub, where new chapters are released every Monday. You can also read chapters as soon as their completed (which, depending on how I've done on time and spoons management, could be up to weeks in advance) by joining the free tier of my Patreon.
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fairweather-fangs · 1 year
19, 24
(=ooc, obviously=)
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
F tends not to get med often, so usually if he's upset it's over something big. F doesn't like to blow up and yell and make a scene, no, he's sneaky. If someone pisses him off they need be prepared for all their suffering to be done in private. His typical revenge scemes usually involve poisoning seeing as he has alot of those at his disposal and a poisoning can be passed off in a number of people. If someone make him really mad he'll probably wait until he's on a mission with them... in which case... they better hope all he dose is hit them with whatever weapon he's carrying because at least they'll be at his mercy, otherwise they should pray that whatever dangers one could expect to see on a mission don't claim them with their partner actively working against him.
It's risky but he gets away with it. The staff rarely suspect him of foul play ang god knows what he'd do to someone who snitches on him.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Before F was in Wammys, he was in Foster care. He had alot of different families so there was alot of times things could have gone differently. For the most part, I think if his life went smoothly and he didn't loose a good portion of his foster parents to assorted incidents, then he probably woukd have attended school normally and probably gone into meteorology, seeing as he had a passion for the weather and climate. But that’s boring so we'll talk about things could have gone really bad (as opposed to his current life which is regular bad.)
One of F's last foster homes was a drug cartel using the foster system to get kids in order to make them run drugs for them. Aside from the drug trafficking, the kids were very well taken care of and given food, their own rooms, toys and advanced home schooling (of course, all of this was to ensure the sytem let them keep all the kids and allowed them to adopt more if they needed) F considered it to be one of his best foster home experiences and quite frankly wishes he could go back.
As a very intelligent child he quickly caught on to the inner workings of the drug trade and ahen he was sent to Wammys, he used his knowledge of drug trafficking to befriend a few okder kids who were the current Wammys House drug dealers. Years later of desperation for extra money, friends and a way to numb his own pain, F is the premier drug dealer of Wammys House.
Now, his days working for drug dealers was cut short as a child after the people runnibg the operation were killed by a rival gang and F was taken back into foster care. The difference here comes with the death of his drug dealing foster parents. Had they not died, it's safe to say F would have wanted to stay with them and eventually become a much more important gang leader. Judging by how a lofe of crime pays off for everyone in the Death Note world by late 2003, I imagine this route involves F having some heart complications later in life (That’s death by notebook if you couldn't tell)
Now had his drug family still died and he choose to retreat into the underworld to continue running drugs, things would definitely be darker. I can't say what exactly would hapoen to him, maybe he'd have to make it on his own, maybe he'd get picked up along they way by someone kind enough to take care of him, maybe whoever finds him wouldn't be so kind. Either way, he still has drug dealing in his future. One the timeline where he has to make it on his own though, I don't see him retaining his mellow, more kind personality and being much more aggressive and cruel. Similar to himself now but only under certain circumstances. Either way, unless he masterminds himself into never beung caught, I still see him being killed by Kira at some point in the future.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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International Tiger Day
Help raise awareness and join the fight against threats facing the world’s largest big cat. Tigers are majestic creatures, who may face extinction if not helped.
The tiger is the largest of the world’s big cats and this magnificent creature, with its distinctive orange and black stripes and beautifully marked face, has a day that is dedicated to it.
Learn about International Tiger Day
International Tiger Day has been created so that people around the world can raise awareness for tiger conservation. The aim of the day is to help promote a worldwide system whereby we are dedicated to protecting tigers and their natural habitats.
We can also use this day to support tiger conservation issues and to raise awareness. After all, when more people are aware of something, they are going to be more inclined to help, and that is why this day is so important.
There are a number of different issues that tigers all around the world face. There are a number of treats that are driving tigers close to extinction, and we can do our bit to make sure that we do not lose these incredible creatures. Some of the threats that tigers face include poaching, conflict with humans, and habitat loss.
Poaching and the illegal trade industry is a very worrying one. This is the biggest threat that wild tigers face. Demand for tiger bone, skin, and other body parts is leading to poaching and trafficking. This is having a monumental impact on the sub-populations of tigers, resulting in localized extinctions. We often see tiger skins being used in home decor.
Moreover, bones are used for medicines and tonics. This has seen illegal criminal syndicates get involved in the tiger trade in order to make huge profits. It really is a worrying industry. In fact, it is thought to be worth 10 billion dollars per annum in the United States alone. This is why we need to support charities and work hard to put an end to poaching and the illegal trade of tiger parts.
While this represents the biggest threats to tigers, there are a number of other threats as well. This includes habitat loss. Throughout the world, tiger habitats have reduced because of access routes, human settlements, timber logging, plantations, and agriculture.
In fact, only around seven percent of the historical range of a tiger is still intact today. That is an incredibly small and worrying amount. This can increase the number of conflicts between tigers, as they roman about and try to locate new habitats. Not only this, but genetic diversity can reduce because it can cause there to be inbreeding in small populations.
History of International Tiger Day
This was first celebrated in 2010 and was founded at an international summit that had been called in response to the shocking news that 97% of all wild tigers had disappeared in the last century, with only around 3,000 left alive.
Tigers are on the brink of extinction and International Tiger Day aims to bring attention to this fact and try to halt their decline. Many factors have caused their numbers to fall, including habitat loss, climate change, hunting and poaching and Tiger Day aims to protect and expand their habitats and raise awareness of the need for conservation.
Many international organizations are involved in the day, including the WWF, the IFAW and the Smithsonian Institute.
How to observe International Tiger Day
Wild tiger populations have declined by around 95% since the beginning of the 20th century. There’s now estimated to be around 3,900 wild tigers.
Each tiger has a unique set of stripes – like a fingerprint – and this helps us identify individuals in the wild. Since the beginning of the 20th century, wild tiger populations have declined by around 95%. Sadly, there are more tigers in captivity in the US than are left in the wild. The tiger is officially classed as endangered by the IUCN.
Animal adoptions give a huge boost to the work that the WWF is doing. They not only help fund projects to work with local communities to monitor tiger movements, reduce poaching and help people to realize benefits from living in close proximity to wild tigers – but they also support our other vital work around the world.
So what are you waiting for head over to the WWF adopt a tiger page to help this fantastic organization and their efforts to protect this amazing animal.
Of course, adopting a tiger is not the only way that you can help on this date. There are a number of other things that you can do. You could raise funds for a tiger charity, for example. Moreover, raising awareness is critically important. You can take to social media to make sure that your friends, followers, and family members are aware of the different threats that tigers face.
A lot of people are not aware of these threats, and so spreading the knowledge can help to make sure that we all do our bit to ensure that the tiger’s future is a fruitful one. There will be a lot of videos, infographics, and interesting pieces of content going around that you can share with others.
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masongrizchel · 11 months
Day 290 of 365
Enjoying the dream
I am dreaming a lot lately. My dreams are high; my hopes are gradually bouncing off track. I am starting to regain my motivation. I was hoping that this would continue throughout. I have several rants at work. I was able to talk with a colleague of mine at work; we share the same sentiments at most. I am having a hard time managing the awkwardness that I feel whenever I see this colleague of mine. What is my resolve? Maybe I will go back to my personal philosophies and revisit my vision and mission statement. I really felt the downfall of the demotivated period due to some criticisms and words that discouraged me from bringing out the best in me. I hope that this will continue.
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While regaining this motivation and positive outlook on life, I have decided to read the book entitled 'Slaves among Us'. This book comprehensively explores the pervasive issues of human trafficking. This is an eye-opener since most are stories of victims. The author also provided the networks that perpetuate this kind of crime and the ongoing efforts made by advocates and law enforcement to combat it. The book itself provides a chilling account of the modern-day slave trade and offers a call to action for society to address this pressing global concern.
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I enjoy reading the book while on a train ride. During my college years, I had this habit or practice where I would just ride a bus (point-to-point) from the starting to the end route. I just sit there and enjoy the ride and the view. I miss doing these kinds of things. Right now, I feel too tired just to think about it. I just want to rest. Sleep all day and do nothing. Nothing more excites me during this time. I'm not sure if this is an imbalance between life and work. But still. If there's a chance, I will grab it.
But right now, I know what my priorities are and I do look forward to have these things that I manifest to be unfolded in due time.
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187days · 1 year
Day One Hundred Seventy-Four
Someone took my parking spot this morning. I have no idea who it was, or why they did that, but it was slightly stressful because I was running late (traffic light malfunction on my route). Luckily, Mr. N’s space was open because his wife dropped him off today, so i took that one instead. I made it up to my classroom just in time for the morning bell and announcements. My track girls got a shout out from The Principal for qualifying for New England’s, which was neat. 
I spent the remainder of my prep block getting ready for World because we were moving onto the last part of the unit today. First, we recapped the work they’d done over the past two weeks, and in my Block 2 section I think I had more people volunteer to tell me what they’d learned than ever, so that’s a win. Then we did a bit of vocab practice related to all the current world issues they’d learned about. And then it was time to start The Multigenre Project. Students will spend this week and next researching a particular topic, and creating multiple pieces that explain what’s happening, why it’s happening, what’s being done in response, etc... Tons of choice, tons of room for creativity, it’s time to fly free and show off now that we’re coming to the end of the course.
The project always starts the same way: I ask students to tell me what’s going on in the world right now- could be stuff I taught them about, stuff they learned elsewhere, doesn’t matter- and I put a gigantic brainstorm up on the board. This is what they told me this year:
Access to education
Access to healthcare
Animal cruelty
Artificial intelligence
Censorship/free speech
Child abuse
Child labor
Child soldiers
China/US trade war
Climate change
Developing medical technology
Diseases and pandemics
Drug trafficking
Electric cars and lithium batteries
Endangered species
Extremism and terrorism
Gang violence
Gender roles
Government corruption
Human trafficking
Increasing rates of sports injuries
International espionage
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
LGBTQ+ rights
Mass shootings
Mental health
Missing aluminum nitrate
North Korea’s dictatorship
Police brutality
Privacy rights/data rights
Propaganda/fake news/misinformation
Social media
Suicide rates
Taliban rule in Afghanistan
Train crash in India
Transgender athletes
Ukraine War
Uyghur Genocide
Weapons trafficking
Wildfire danger
The Willow Project
Women’s rights
Workers’ rights/fair pay
Quite a list, right? I’m excited to see what they learn and how they express it!
My APGOV students also worked on projects today, but they’re finishing rather than starting because the last day for seniors is tomorrow. Wild, right? They’ll share their work, we’ll celebrate, and that will be that. 
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martynsmithblog · 2 years
Giovanni Lomaestro Real Estate Money laundering scheme
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Giovanni Lomaestro of Monaco, has developed a huge empire through the unlawful transportation and dumping of hazardous waste materials in Naples.
His career initially started in the 80s–back then Giovanni Lomaestro was a small transporter of construction materials. But, the job was extra demanding and the competition was fierce, especially since large transportation corporations entered the scene. Therefore, Giovanni Lomaestro had to take another route this time to make it.
It didn’t take long before the devil knocked on his door and offered him an opportunity that he could not resist. There were some Italian Mafia groups, otherwise known as “camorristi” looking for people and partners to serve their multiple schemes.
More specifically, there was a growing need for conveyors who were willing to transport illegal waste materials without any objection. The gravel stones, the building blocks, and other building materials would be used to conceal the disposal of the junk materials. And Giovanni Lomaestro was a very suitable person for this business, provided he had some experience already transporting materials. At first, when he was a small driver, he barely made 1.50 euro per kilo he transported. Then he managed to earn as much as €100 per kilo carried and dumped in open-cast mines.
The scheme proved to be insanely profitable within a matter of 20 years. Giovanni Lomaestro grew from a small truck driver and transporter to an owner and manager of 800 trucks!
But, staying in Naples for the time wasn’t a viable option for him and he decided to migrate to Switzerland. He appointed his wife and older children to keep track of the business operations in Naples while he was remote-controlling the business operations and his profits from Switzerland.
But, initially, his actions and capital movements have raised the suspicions of Swiss banks that smelled something fishy was going on, seeing the movement of millions of euros between Switzerland and Naples, an area infamous for the penetration of financial crimes in general. International news and reports made reference to a massive illegal trade and disposal of toxic waste in Italy and nearby regions–a trade that was growing multiple millions annually. Based on late 2021 FATF study findings, the prohibited trafficking and dumping of hazardous waste materials skyrocketed to a crazy 12 billion euros every year, and in Italy alone, the trade was estimated to be worth 1.2 billion.
After residing in Switzerland for some years, Giovanni Lomaestro had a change of strategy and chose to move to the highly lucrative Monte-Carlo. There he recycled more than a million euros by getting, renovating, and re-selling properties on a semi-legal basis.
Giovanni Lomaestro now employs several experienced money-launderers who support his business and help him launder the millions he pocketed from the illegal trade and disposal of waste. These include Italian mafia associates as well as companies that appear to be perfectly legal on paper.
Reports on the matter referred to more and more people and companies entering the illegal scheme due to a very high chance of profitability and a low risk of persecution. But how do these companies manage to do so?? Simply by combining their legal operations with illegal operations and presenting only documentation on the first as a mask to trick authorities and launder millions of euros. This decreases their chances of getting caught. The authorities, however, were able to sense that something was off regarding Giovanni Lomaestro and his associations, in particular the Piras family who is currently active in the real estate sector in Monaco. Could this put an end to Giovanni Lomaestro’s immoral empire??
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wgytravel · 2 years
The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2023
With much of the world reopened, 2023 is shaping up to be the year travel officially bounces back. We made our list of the 50 best destinations for 2023 a little differently this year: We asked Travel + Leisure’s editors where they want to go in the months ahead. Some are raring to get back to Japan, while others have the Trans-Bhutan Trail on their lists. Still more are planning a sail around Greenland, a wine-tasting trip on California’s central coast, and a visit to France’s next big wine region (which is, as it happens, tiny).
A few up-and-coming culinary destinations made our list, as did a remarkable piece of art, the size and scale of which boggles the imagination. While many of the team’s picks are remote, breathe-in-that-fresh-air kinds of places, our list doesn’t skimp on cities where the hustle and bustle is part of the fun.
But with so many choices now back on the map, there are as many styles of trips as there are places to explore. That’s why, for the first time in recent memory, we’ve broken our list of best places to go into categories.
The hope is that, whatever it is you’re after in the year ahead, you’ll find it in one of these 50 places. And who knows? We may just see you there.
For Cultural Riches Alexandria, Virginia
With postcard-perfect cobblestone streets and quick access to the wineries of northern Virginia, Alexandria is an easy city to love. But these days, the reason to go is to see how effectively the city is confronting its own history, as destinations across the American South grapple with the legacy of the Confederacy. Alexandria, which was founded as a tobacco port in 1749, was for decades of the 19th century the site of the country’s largest domestic slave trade. Today, the Freedom House Museum has three new exhibitions honoring the people who were forcibly brought here. Meanwhile, the African American Heritage Trail, which opened in 2020, follows the Potomac River and encompasses nearly 200 years of history at 11 stops, such as the Torpedo Factory, where many Black men and women worked during World War II. An extension of the route will debut in February 2023 with 20 new stops, including Waterfront Park, the port from which enslaved people were trafficked to places like New Orleans. At Jones Point Park, visitors can learn about Benjamin Banneker, an inventor, mathematician, and free African American from Maryland who was instrumental in the 1791 surveying team that determined the border of the new U.S. capital of Washington, D.C. (For an even deeper look at the city’s Black experience, book with Manumission Tours, which is run by a fourth-generation Alexandrian.) The city’s most elegant stay is Morrison House Old Town Alexandria, Autograph Collection, which was recently voted one of the best city hotels in the continental U.S. in T+L’s 2022 World’s Best Awards. A new Hotel AKA is slated to open in Old Town in winter 2023
Cairo and the Nile
It’s almost here: After more than a decade of construction — to say nothing of the hype — the Grand Egyptian Museum may finally open, just a stone’s throw from the Great Pyramids of Giza, this spring. What to expect? More than 1 million square feet of exhibition space, treasures including a 40-foot-high statue of Ramses II, outdoor gardens, and an expansive plaza from which visitors can take in the desert surroundings. Meanwhile, a number of new and luxurious ships have started sailing the Nile: Among the best choices are the Viking Osiris, an all-veranda vessel carrying 82 passengers, and the opulent Sphinx from Uniworld Boutique River Cruises, which has 42 cabins swathed in marble and hand-carved wood, with beds dressed in fine Egyptian cotton sheets. The hotel scene is also, thankfully, getting a refresh with a new Mandarin Oriental slated for downtown Cairo in 2024; the forthcoming 200-room Four Seasons Hotel Luxor is scheduled to debut in 2025 — not that you should wait that long to see the ancient Valley of the Kings
City,” Nevada
Even in a state known for its vast, empty landscapes, Basin and Range National Monument, about a two-hour drive north of Las Vegas, takes “remote” to a new level. The 704,000-acre preserve, created in 2015, provides endless opportunities for hiking, climbing, camping, and cycling; its desert valleys and mountain ranges are also dotted with Indigenous rock art sites. But the reason to go now is “City,” the single largest contemporary artwork in the world, which opened to visitors in September 2022. Made from dirt, rock, and concrete, the monumental open-air sculpture was more than 50 years in the making, a collection of mounds, depressions, and stelae conceived by the artist Michael Heizer. The endeavor — which was made possible by joint contributions from art institutions around the country, including LACMA and MoMA — will open to the public for the 2023 season by reservation only. The mile-and-a-half-long sculpture feels at once ancient and futuristic, a destination just as awe-inspiring as the natural one surrounding it
Read Full Blog About Best Places to Travel in 2023 please visit our website now: https://www.wgytravel.com/
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darkwebsit3s3 · 2 years
What are the benefits from Dark Web Sites?
dark web sites
There are many advantages to using dark websites. This includes the ability to talk without the fear of surveillance by government agencies as well as the ability to communicate in anonymity, and the potential to use for marketing and damage control. Here are a few examples. These benefits allow dark web sites an attractive option. They are utilized by a variety of individuals, from the common people to corporate and government officials.
dark web sites
The Dark Web is an underground web of sites, in which users can interact without sharing their identities. The Dark Web is accessible to users through a specific browser known as Tor. The dark web that is anonymous can be a very dangerous location to be in, therefore users must be extremely cautious when they use this website. It is recommended to utilize a security software when making use of it. Dark Web.
The Dark Web was originally designed to allow people in the United States Department of Defense to make it easier to communicate without revealing personal information however, it is now utilized by a variety of people across the globe for illicit and legal purposes. It employs a method called "onion routing" to safeguard users from being monitored by transmitting data through an encrypted network of servers. The network transmits information to hundreds of relay stations, making it difficult to track a user's exact whereabouts and even their identity.
The Dark Web is often used for criminal activities, including drug trafficking and arms trade. It's also a place for porn and other exploitation content. Some of these websites contain images of abuse and violence, and children are often included in the material. Furthermore certain websites are utilized to promote extremist views.
The Dark Web is a vast source of information. The information available is numerous. Certain sites are geared towards online chess games as well as offer anonymity messages and emails. It's allowed people to communicate with people in areas where the use of speech prohibited. However the Dark Web is also a location where criminals sell stolen data.
To access through the Dark Web, you will require an anonymous browser like Tor to block an IP address being tracked. However, this particular browser can be extremely slow as well as unreliable. Once you've logged registered, you'll be able explore obscure sites and take part in illegal or legal activities.
The potential to become an instrument for marketing
If you're seeking new information about your customers You might want to look into this dark internet. This sub-par web has hundreds of forums where users are able to discuss a wide range of subjects. Although these forums are notorious for hate speech and trolling but they are also an excellent source of information about marketing.
As the dark internet grows in popularity, numerous well-known websites are transferring their content onto it. The year 2014 saw Facebook introduced its own.onion address, and several news websites have been following suit. Certain political parties also utilize dark web forums for discussion. These websites have active communities. Many users are there to protect their privacy and for security motives. Marketers need to know the places where their customers are spending their time. They must know if they're doing more online than the traditional channels, as well as also how to stay on top of their audiences' changing habits.
To succeed in the field of marketing, you need to know the needs of your customers and figure out how to meet them. The dark web provides the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of your customer base and the best way to create successful advertising. But, there are some marketers who are reluctant to make use of the dark web because of the stigma that surrounds it.
Dark web users are known to be extremely creative. You may be looking to create an immediate connection to your intended audience or simply create an alibi to promote your brand the dark web can be an effective marketing tool. Utilizing mnemonics on the internet is an excellent method to connect with your viewers. It is possible to incorporate the words of popular media in your dark web advertising campaign to give a visual shortcut to your message.
A dark internet marketplace is where users can purchase and sell illegal products. Law enforcement officers are always fighting cybercrime. While several large and infamous marketplaces were closed by the authorities, other places of trade continue to function.
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gorps · 3 years
Ukraine Conflict Primer
As the USSR was collapsing, negotiations began about whether or not Germany should be unified again. In these discussions, promises were made to Gorbachev that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would not expand eastward. (1) This was never set in stone. Even though Gorbachev initiated negotiations immediately afterward, it was proven to be absolute bull because every single Peoples Republic and Soviet Republic except Ukraine and Belarus have joined NATO. Half have joined the European Union (EU) within the last 30 years. Why is that the issue? If Ukraine were to become a NATO and/or EU state, critical Russian economic infrastructure would be controlled by NATO/EU regulation. NATO military bases could be placed within 500 km of Moscow. (Notably, Ukraine was the area the Nazis used to attack the USSR as it is mostly flat, which makes it a fantastic route for mechanized forces, the same kind of forces most of the world uses today).
Russia's primary export is Natural Gas. (2) The economy of Russia was devastated after the collapse. Life expectancy dropped 5 years, with drug abuse, alcoholism, sex trafficking (notably amongst minors), privatization of industry, and devaluing of the ruble that left most workers extremely poor and effectively cleansed the nation of pensioners as they could no longer afford to house or feed themselves. (3) The exportation of Natural Gas (NG) has been effectively the only thing keeping the Russian economy afloat. Currently, NG is exported through the Gazprom pipeline through Ukraine and into Western Europe, accounting for 40% of all NG imports. (4) The EU is in a major push to tackle the climate crisis by adopting renewables and consuming cleaner energy supplies such as (drumroll please) NG. (5) European consumption of NG has sharply increased (there were some supply issues because of COVID, but overall consumption has increased). As such, reliance on Russian NG has only increased. (6) This brings Nord Stream 2 (NS2) into the picture. The Nord Stream 2 project was initially conceptualized because the Ukrainian pipeline could not meet estimated consumption needs. If the EU is going to meet their energy goals, they need to import more NG, which NS2 could provide. (7) Increasing supply is critical, as the EU has significantly cut down on consumption of 'dirty' fossil fuels. After the Fukushima disaster, Germany plans to close all their plants, and France has issues with its nuclear plants. (8) Many significant safety issues and degrading infrastructure are forcing the French nuclear industry to shut down 17 of their plants, even as 70% of France's energy needs are met with nuclear power. (9) Concurrently, nuclear power is not even considered green energy by the EU. As such, it has stricter limitations and regulations placed on it. Germany and France are butting heads on the issue. In my opinion, Germany will probably win out as they are the economic and industrial powerhouse of Western Europe and can use that influence in their favor. (10) Germany is also the destination for the NS2 project, and they have a vested interest in keeping the project going, even as political tensions along the Russian-Ukrainian border increase. Now let's bring the United States into the mix. As regulations and exploitation of NG exports have exploded since 2016. (11) During the current crisis, the US has increased the sale of NG to the EU, capitalizing on the 300% increase in EU NG consumption. (12) It lies in the interest of US capital and US foreign policy to control as much of this energy trade as possible while the world begins to shift away from 'dirty' energy.
So let's talk about Ukraine. In 2004 Ukraine was led by President Viktor Yanukovych. He originally ran for the position against a pro-Western candidate Viktor Yushchenko. He appeared to have won, but after mass protests accusing the election as corrupt, known as the Orange Revolution, a second election was held where Yushchenko won the popular vote. (This is where I would like to add that the US and EU decided not to recognize the election as legitimate, and both Hillary Clinton and John McCain nominated Yushchenko for the Nobel Peace Prize). (13, 14) Notably, during this election, the Dnieper River effectively split the results. The Northern and Western parts of Ukraine voted for Yushchenko, while the Southern and Eastern areas voted for Yanukovych. The regions that supported Yanukovych are primarily ethnic Russians or Russian speakers and contain the areas now known as the Free Republics and Crimea. (15) President Yushchenko was seen as a champion of democracy and was lauded for his defeat of what was seen as a Russian-controlled Yanukovych. Later on, however, his administration was seen as largely inefficient. During his tenure, public land was privatized, unpopular oligarchs became richer as regulations were loosened, and he "...bestowed the state award "For Merit" on four of Ukraine's richest and most powerful [billionaires and multimillionaires]." (16). This made him deeply unpopular in regions where Yanukovych was popular and lowered support for Yushchenko in Western and Northern regions. In 2010, Viktor Yanukovych was elected president, and Yushchenko was barely in the running. The current crisis began in 2013 when a small Facebook group started organizing a protest against Yanukovych's refusal to sign the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement (U-EUAA). Protestors saw this as Yanukovych conceding to Russian demands and pushing a Russian agenda. (I would like to note that the capital Kyiv lies directly in the regions that supported Yushchenko in the election and his liberalization campaigns). (17) Now, the Maidan Revolution needs to be its own paragraph, but the U-EUAA needs to be addressed. The EU has consistently used the post-Soviet Eastern European states like the US, and Canada uses Central and South America. A region primarily composed of cheap labor and cheap industrial costs. (18) Violations of workers' rights, human trafficking, and predatory practices plague the European labor market. (19) As Ukraine is not part of the EU, the U-EAA would have begun the process of economic policy reforms that would meet EU requirements and start the process of integrating Ukraine into the EU. After the Maidan Revolution, the U-EAA was signed immediately, enacting laissez-faire economic policies and taking on $3.2 Billion in debt as stipulated by negotiations with the EU. (20)
Now the Maidan Revolution. This is where things are going to become tricky as there are conflicting reports as well as Russian and NATO propaganda efforts. The protests were focused in the Maidan square in Kyiv. These were peaceful protests, with a majority being from all over Ukraine. Furthermore, protests had erupted in most major cities in the country. (21) This was, by all means, a popular protest. The protest's message had a pro-Western tone and was a refusal to be influenced by Russian politics. Unfortunately for the movement, a good chunk if not half of the population opposed pro-Western policies and wished to move closer to Russia, as indicated by the close and decisive elections. (22) Small clashes between protesters and the police happened, as with most protests, but violence exploded in the square on February 18th, 2014. What started as hand-to-hand combat escalated to less-than-lethal munitions and eventually live ammunition. Both the government and the protestors blame the other for shooting first, with allegations of snipers picking off police officers before they began to shoot at protestors and other sources saying that the snipers were pro-Russian provocateurs. The snipers have also been accused of being the police, as well as CIA agents. The list goes on with accusations of the events. I'll link an interesting video the BBC put out where they interviewed one of the snipers. Whether it's legitimate, propaganda, or just some guy trying to make a quick buck is the question, but it's an interesting re-telling all the same. (23) Around 100 protestors and 18 cops were killed in the end. Police abuse was well documented, and eventually, Yanukovych called for new elections and fled to Eastern Ukraine. Protestors stormed the capital, and a new government was formed headed by Petro Poroshenko.
The rest is pretty common knowledge. The Donetsk (DNR) and Luhansk (LNR) People's Republics were formed, pro-Yanukovych politicians claimed the Maidan was a color revolution and a pro-Western coup. Russia moved its forces into Crimea and annexed it, holding elections that had majority support for joining Russia. Russia also supported separatist forces, with 'little green men' fighting on the frontlines. Accusations of fascism go back and forth, with Ukraine actively using fascist militias (Azov) in their military. There is some suspicious history behind some of the founders of the DNR and LNR. The Minsk agreement was signed to stop fighting along the front, and although fighting continues, there aren't large-scale assaults. Most attacks are small-scale skirmishes or short artillery barrages. A barrage of Anti-Maidan protests occurred but had little to no effect on local politics (also, some protesters possibly called the Maidan a Jewish Plot. All the sources I found were 404'ed, and the writer of the article is a senior fellow at the CATO Institute). (24) Ukraine has faced political upheaval in the interim. President Poroshenko's administration had the same strain of corruption as Yushchenko's. Poroshenko was revealed to have been siphoning funds and hiding cash overseas after the Panama Papers were released. (25) As this happened during the middle of the crisis, he immediately lost support, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to power.
And that effectively leaves us where we are today. Border skirmishes between the Free Republics and Ukrainian forces continue, accusations of fascism and brinksmanship fly back and forth. There was a movement in the Ukrainian government to pass legislation removing Russian from the list of protected minority languages, but it was struck down. Russia claimed that was an attempted act of genocide, but from what I can tell, it seemed to be more of a provocative act that was meant to fail. The European Union's reliance on NG from Russia has made them hesitant to take a solid stance against Russia alongside the UK and the US. (26)
If you wanted my personal opinion, it's just states doing state things. Ukraine joining NATO and/or the EU is a red line for Russia. It is an economic and security risk and indicates to their leadership that NATO will not keep any promises with them. On the other hand, bringing Ukraine into the EU would be an economic booster and expand markets deeper into Eastern Europe. NATO would love to have military bases in Ukraine as that just a hop, skip, and a jump for a multirole fighter to conduct missions in Russia's most significant economic and industrial zones. IMHO neither Russia or NATO are really pushing for all-out conflict, but NATO really needs Russian troops off the border and the Free Republics back. Crimea allows Russia to exert control over the Black Sea, and the Free Republics keep them further back than they would like to be. Same with Russia, as a war would destroy their economy and be incredibly costly. It really seems as if the goal is for NATO to get Ukraine to attack the Free Republics as soon as it seems Russia won't guarantee their independence. The US is the lynchpin in this. They need to increase NG exports, or else gross exports will drop as oil and gas stop being as widely used. Ruining negotiations between Russia and the EU and ending the NS2 project would work in the US's economic favor. Strategically, the US is also poised to pivot its security and economic policy towards the Pacific. In the last decade, China and Russia have eased tensions, increased trade, and performed joint security exercises. This poses a threat to NATO, as its biggest success in the Cold War was siding with China and facilitating the Sino-Soviet split. The US needs a contained and vulnerable Russia if there is any hope of containing Chinese economic and military expansion. Currently, plans are being developed for a pipeline between Russia and China to export NG. This would be a boon to both countries, as expansions of NG extraction in the artic would help curb current Chinese energy issues.
So effectively, this shit sucks.
1: In early February 1990, U.S. leaders made the Soviets an offer. According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9, then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation on Germany, U.S. could make “iron-clad guarantees” that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” Less than a week later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks. No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-shifrinson-russia-us-nato-deal--20160530-snap-story.html
2: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/russia/natural-gas-exports
3: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN?locations=RU
4: Europe's gas market remains volatile amid tensions between Moscow and the West over Ukraine, a key route for Russian gas, as Gazprom, source for 40% of Europe's needs, sends gas under its contractual obligations but does not add much more. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russian-gas-pipeline-exports-europe-2022-02-17/
5: https://ember-climate.org/project/eu-power-sector-2020/
6: Gas and LNG have a key role to play in a decarbonising world. Natural Gas (including regasified LNG) and LNG have a much smaller carbon footprint than heavier fossil fuels. Across Europe, LNG is already proving its potential to replace coal and oil in power-generation, and heavy fuel oil and diesel in freight transport and shipping. LNG is also seen as a natural partner to renewable energy. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/lng-europe-2021-current-trends-european-lng-landscape-and-country-focus
7: The new pipeline, similar to the one in operation, will establish a direct link between Gazprom and the European consumers. It will also ensure a highly reliable supply of Russian gas to Europe. This is particularly important now when Europe sees a decline in domestic gas production and an increasing demand for imported gas. https://www.gazprom.com/projects/nord-stream2/
8: Germany's remaining three nuclear plants — Emsland, Isar and Neckarwestheim — will be powered down by the end of 2022. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/correction-germany-nuclear-shutdown-story-82051054#:~:text=Germany's%20remaining%20three%20nuclear%20plants,by%20the%20end%20of%202022.
9: Nuclear accounts for around 70% of France's electricity mix and the pandemic has delayed maintenance work on some nuclear reactors. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/edf-extend-civaux-nuclear-outage-shut-down-reactors-chooz-safety-measures-2021-12-15/
10: It follows months of intense lobbying pitting a pronuclear bloc led by President Emmanuel Macron of France, Europe’s biggest atomic power producer, over objections from Germany and other countries that are wary of a proliferation of nuclear power on European soil. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/02/business/europe-green-investments-nuclear-natural-gas.html
11: In 2020, natural gas exports accounted for 23% of total U.S. energy exports in energy equivalent terms. U.S. LNG exports in particular have grown as the United States has added LNG export capacity and expanded its LNG export destinations. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=49156
12: Increased LNG imports have been making up some of the difference. In January 2022, European LNG imports to were nearly triple their level from one year ago. U.S. LNG exports are a crucial part of stabilizing Europe’s gas market. According to Andrew Light of the U.S. Department of Energy, as of last week, 60 cargoes of U.S. LNG had reached Europe in 2022 or were on the way, making up about half of the extra LNG supplied to Europe during this difficult time. U.S. LNG producers have been going all-out in response to high European prices and the United States became the world’s largest LNG exporter in January. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/18/now-is-not-the-time-to-limit-u-s-natural-gas-exports/#:~:text=U.S.%20LNG%20exports%20are%20a,Europe%20during%20this%20difficult%20time.
13: In 2004-2005 mass protests lasting for two months - the Orange Revolution - helped bring to power pro-Western President Viktor Yushchenko, who defeated his rival Viktor Yanukovych in a repeat run-off election. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25210230
14: U.S. Senators John McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton nominated Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko for the Nobel Peace Prize... In their letter, sent to the Norwegian Nobel Institute on January 24, the U.S. Senators praised the two Presidents for their historic roles in the freedom movements in Georgia and Ukraine. https://civil.ge/archives/107156
15: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/12/09/this-one-map-helps-explain-ukraines-protests/
16: Yushchenko’s lack of engagement and oversight empowered local bosses. During his tenure, local officials and their cronies made new fortunes by doling out communal land in Kyiv, Crimea and Lviv. To the chagrin of his civil society allies, the new president seemed to get along well with Kuchma-era oligarchs. Far from facing jail terms, their business empires expanded, and so did their influence.https://eurasianet.org/a-brief-history-of-corruption-in-ukraine-the-yushchenko-era
17: The protest gradually turned into one against “a corrupt, oppressive political power.” Questions about the desirability of closer ties with Europe nonetheless hovered over the movement until it reached its end in late February 2014 with Yanukovych's departure, Russia's annexation of Crimea, and its military intervention in the Donbass. While mentioned only rarely by protesters, Russia was “an implicit, adversarial presence in the demonstrators' political imagination.” https://www.cairn-int.info/dossiers-2018-4-page-1.htm
18: ...40 per cent of the Albanian workforce is working abroad, and that a quarter of the economically active population of the Republic of Moldova is working outside the country. As foreign workers are often employed in precarious work situations and are among the first to be laid off.... https://www.ilo.org/budapest/areas-of-work/labour-migration/WCMS_480995/lang--en/index.htm
19: https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2019-severe-labour-exploitation-workers-perspectives_en.pdf
20: The implemented measures which aimed to create a comprehensive free trade zone contributed to an increase in exports of Ukrainian goods to the EU by 60% over 2014-2020. During this period, the number of enterprises whose production technologies meet European standards and have the right to export products to the EU has doubled. https://ieeca.org/journal/index.php/JEECAR/article/view/780/333
21: But it would be wrong to see the Maidan movement as divided between a pro-European west Ukraine and a pro-Russian east. Of those protesting in the main square in the heart of winter, “more than eight in ten protesters came from outside Kiev.” Many had come from the east. Moreover, the protests in Kiev “represented only 13 percent of the 'regional Maidans' that took place across the country.” https://www.cairn-int.info/dossiers-2018-4-page-1.htm
22: It is nonetheless clear that the Maidan protesters underestimated pro-Russian sentiment in the east of the country: “[t]he Maidan movement did not realize that its pro-Western message would only fall on deaf ears.” False information invented by the Russians aggravated the misunderstanding. As a consequence of this tragedy, “[t]he gap between Russian and Ukrainian populations has widened. . . . [C]lose links between the two countries meant the injury was all the more deeply felt.” https://www.cairn-int.info/dossiers-2018-4-page-1.htm
23: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJhJ6hks0Jg
24 ||The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress notes that when pro-Russian separatists seized control of the television station in Slavyansk on April 17, their introductory broadcast was a video bearing the logo and Web address of the rabidly anti-Semitic Popular Liberation Movement and promising that their broadcasting would be a counterattack against “the Zionist zombie box.”|| https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/05/21/fascism_comes_to_ukraine_--_from_russia_122700.html
25: Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko is also under pressure after ICIJ’s published a report detailing how Poroshenko became the sole shareholder of Prime Asset Partners Limited, which the panama law firm, Mossack Fonseca, set up for him in the British Virgin Islands in August 2014. That was just around the time of Russia’s bloodiest attacks on Ukraine and led some to question where the president's focus was during the fighting, on his country or his bank accounts. https://www.forbes.com/sites/luisakroll/2016/04/05/panama-papers-fallout-icelands-pm-resigns-ukraines-under-pressure-russian-billionaire-responds/?sh=1e4eca9b4cc8
26: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/08/1079300182/french-president-macron-is-helping-facilitate-negotiations-between-russia-and-uk
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wordsfromthesol · 3 years
The Set-Up
Author: @wordsfromthesol Taglist: @zphilophobiaz @anousiemay @malfoys-demigod @pricetagofficial Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary: You are Dinah's younger sister. Word Count: 2,410 A/N: I know it’s been awhile so if anyone wants on/off a taglist just let me know!
"Alright, Roy, you got me here. What's so important?" You called out as you stumbled into what the Outlaws deemed a safehouse. Their standards were pretty low.
"We needed a fourth, okay! Go get Jason and I'll brief everyone." Roy hurried you out of the room that he and Kory were already set up in. You sauntered up to the closed door and knocked.
"Jason, you decent?" You shouted as your fist rapped against the wood.
"Well I'm not morally decent, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking. Though I can be without pants if that's what you prefer --" Jason's voice trailed off as he swung open the door and was met with your face. Clearly, he figured the person on the other side would be Roy or Kory. His face slightly reddened as he reached back and grabbed a shirt.
"I mean…maybe not right now. Roy needs to go over the mission with us." You winked at his obvious embarrassment before trotting off in the direction you came from. Jason quickly caught up with you.
"I…uh…I didn't know Roy asked you for help."
"Yeah he didn't really tell me much. Just that you guys needed a fourth. Not sure why he thinks I'll make that much of a difference.
"Guess we should go find out." Jason raced past you, hoping to avoid further embarrassment, but stopped dead in his tracks as he entered the living room. Roy and Kory were both staring at him, trying to hold back fits of laughter. "What is this all-important mission Y/N was recruited on?" He asked in an attempt to redirect their attention. You walked in behind Jason just in time to get the answer.
"Not really all-important…" Roy's voice reeked of mischief, "just better to have four than three. Then we can do two teams."
"You do know that I have my own agenda. I'm not just sitting around waiting for your call."
"Oh Y/N/N! Don't think of it like that, I practically begged him to ask you. I seriously need some more girl time." Kory piped in to release some of the building tension.
"Uh-huh, sure. Roy, what are we doing?"
"Right. Human trafficking, finally got a hit on this group. Think it's their main smuggling port. There are two docks to check, so two teams. See, I do have a plan. Kinda…"
"Hm mm" you mumbled, still not fully believing him, but you let him continue anyways. You didn't fly out here for nothing.
Hours had passed and the four of you sat near the docks, waiting for the cover of nightfall. The smugglers, however, did not. You grabbed Jason's arm and began running towards the dock as soon as you saw a boat pulling into the harbor.
"What are you doing?" Jason mumbled as he ran to keep up with you.
"Are you blind? There's a container ship pulling into the docks. The dock that Roy told us to watch."
"The sun is still setting. There's no way they'd be that stupid." He tried to reason with you, but your pace didn't slow.
"Maybe they just paid the right people. Or killed them." You retorted though the timing was eerily suspicious. Both of you came to a halt when you only saw four guys. Sure, they had guns…but it definitely wasn't enough to warrant extra help. You glanced over at Jason in utter disbelief. "You want me to sit this one out or…"
"Let's just get it over with." Jason was clearly just as agitated as you were. The "battle" lasted only a few seconds and your trip back to the rendezvous spot was completed in utter silence.
"So…Roy. Why the fuck was I needed here?" Holding nothing back, you cried out as soon as you saw his red costume appear in the distance.
"Woah, hold up there. Must've gotten some bad intel. It happens. Better safe than sorry."
"Yeah well next time be sure. I do have my own cases and crime rings to dismantle." You walked off in a huff, determined to find your own way back. You didn't know what exactly Roy was up to, but you knew you wouldn't like it.
Months passed since the pointless mission with the Outlaws. You had gotten back to Miami, your home for the time being as you investigated a new drug trade route coming up from South America. Finally, you had made some progress, only said progress led to you being pinned down behind some wooden barrels.
"These aren't going to last long," you mumbled as you dialed Kory on your phone. No answer. "Fuck." Roy was next.
"Y/N, can this wait --" You hear the wind get pushed out of him just as the sentence finished.
"Hm not really. Kinda been pissing off the wrong people and now I'm pinned down."
"Fuck." Roy mumbled as he threw a punch towards the jaw of the unsuspecting thug.
"I tried Kory, but -- shit…" You watched as the barrels splintered around you.
"Off-world. I'm patching in Jas --" Roy stopped a syllable short, you assumed dodging his own bullets. You didn't wait for him to finish.
"Yeah look. I'm in Miami." You heard Jason mumble your name but continued on. You didn't know how much longer you would have. "Pretty sure they'll take me alive. Heard through the grapevine the boss wants the honors himself." You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt a bullet pierce through your shoulder. You took a few steadying breaths before continuing. "I have a tracer in my mask. I'll try to keep it on as long as I can. If you can't track it for some reason, call my sister." You didn't hang up the call before slowly raising your hands above the splintered barrels. "Take me to your leader," you exclaimed in your best alien impression, all while trying not to laugh.
"Do you think this is a game?!" One of the thugs screamed at you as they inched closer. You just shrugged, waiting to either be killed or taken. "Well grab her, idiots!" Two men hesitantly walked towards you, guns still drawn.
"Should I tie myself up? Would that be easier?" At this point, your sarcasm was the only thing keeping you sane. Finally, they got within striking distance and everything went black.
"Y/N? What's happening?!" Jason frantically began calling out your name as he was met with silence. Roy eventually spoke up.
"Jason. I hope you're on your way. I'll meet up with you as soon as I can, but I need to get ahold of Dinah first." Roy had no idea what he was going to say to her.
"Even in the jet, it's going to take 2 hours to get there…" The reality of the situation set it. "But I'm taking off now." Jason tried to push the horrific thoughts from his mind.
You woke up tied to a wooden chair. Not surprising.
"So, where's the boss?" You forced the words out, willing yourself into consciousness.
"Don't worry girlie, he's on his way…though I suppose there's nothing wrong with having a little fun first." The goon smirked as he flipped a knife in his hands.
"Well, you wouldn't want to damage the merchandise." You could tell he wasn't sold, so you continued. "I mean I'm dead either way, right? Wouldn't want you to risk your life as well…" He just stared blankly at you while the gears turned in his mind. Finally, he let out an exasperated huff and turned his back to you. At least you were able to buy yourself a little more time. Though you had a feeling it still wouldn't be enough. As your head began spinning, you looked down at your shoulder. The blood was still pouring out of the wound. "Of course…" you mumbled as the dizziness intensified. You were going to have to think of something quickly.
"So, how'd you get stuck with this job? Or are you just some disposable errand boy who got lucky?" You began antagonizing him as you attempted to saw through the ropes with the small blade that discharged out of your gloves.  
"Lucky?" He turned towards you with a villainous look plastered across his face. He sauntered towards you and placed his hands on either side of the chair. "I've been following you. I know your patterns. When you strike. That ambush was calculated and planned. Boss sent me 'cuz he knew I'd get the job done." Before he could push himself up from the chair, you launched forward, ramming your head into his. As he crashed to the floor, another burly man rushed into the room. You managed to free one of your legs just in time. As he stumbled backward you bent down in an attempt to free your other leg. The man lunged at you again. Pulling the other leg free, you circle around and hurled the chair at him. You let out a huge sigh of relief and slid to the floor as he landed atop the first assailant.
Jason watched as men patrolled around the building. Just as he was about to move Roy's voice came over the comm, "Have you found her? What's the situation? I'm still an hour out."
"I found her. They have four guards patrolling. Heavily armed. I found an opening."
"Four patrolling…you can't get any intel about who's inside? I think you should wait for me to get there." Roy already knew there was no hope of that.
"We may not have a chance if I wait. I'm going in."
Jason heard his best friend sigh, before eventually relenting. "Keep me updated. I'll be there when I can." Jason saw his opening coming up again. He moved quickly and quietly, sliding into the open door. He took in his surroundings, trying to not alert anyone of his presence unless absolutely necessary. He didn't want to give any of them a reason to shoot you…that is, if you were still alive. As he rounded the corner, he came face to face with a brutish man. Jason launched himself forward, knocking them both to the ground as he muffled the goon's mouth with his hand and encapsulated his neck. It only took a few seconds before the guard was out cold and Jason continued lurching down the hallway. He stopped short of a closed door. Jason took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever awaited him on the other side.
You were jolted awake a few moments later and looked around to find the two men still unconscious on the ground. Crawling over, you pulled at one of their jackets and cut off a long piece. It took the last bit of your energy to tie it around your still bleeding shoulder. As your eyes began to flutter closed once again, they shot open at the sound of the door opening. You forced your head upwards and let out a faint chuckle at the familiar Red Hood that looked down at you.
"Solis!" Jason's eyes went wide as he saw the amount of blood in the room. "Shit alright. I need you to stay awake, okay?" You nodded and forced your eyes open as Jason dove down beside you, properly retying the fabric around your shoulder. Jason stared at you for a few moments before pushing himself up and firing a single shot down the hallway. You watched intently as the goons came running in, Jason plowing through them in a matter of minutes. Jason scooped you up, not bothering to try and gather any further information from you.
You woke up in a bed in an unfamiliar room. Your brain began piecing together the events. Jason had come to get you, then put you in a car, brought you here, sewed up the wound…you wondered how long you'd been asleep. The door creaked open and you saw both Roy and Jason standing in its frame.
"You're awake! Thank fuck, D would've killed me!" Roy rushed over and embraced you.
"Yeah probably…" You were speaking to Roy, but you couldn't take your eyes off Jason. There was something there, unspoken, that you couldn't remember. What had happened? How long had you been asleep? As if reading your mind, Jason spoke up.
"It's only been 12 hours," he watched your eyes go wide. "Before you freak out, you lost a lot of blood and were barely hanging on to consciousness. 12 hours is not that many. You'll still be weak." Jason began to step towards you but hesitated. Roy immediately noticed the awkwardness his presence brought.
"Imma just…I'll go get us some food…or something." Roy pointed towards the door and rushed out.
"I feel like I'm missing something."
"No…I just. I was worried." You leered at him, knowing that was not what you were missing. You carefully sat up and swung your legs over the bed, determined to get to the bottom of whatever feeling this was. Once you attempted to stand, Jason was at your side in a fraction of a second. "I just said you would be weak…" he mumbled out.
"Well I have to go to the bathroom and you aren't giving me answers anyways." You tried to push him away. It unsurprisingly did not work.
"How long have I known you? For once, just stop being so damn stubborn!" He grabbed your shoulders, in an effort to steady both of you.
"I dunno like 8 years…" you grumbled out, unsure if the question was meant to be answered.
"Yeah well for 7 and a half of those I've loved you. And it just hit me that you could die…hell I could I die, and you wouldn't know." His hands traced down your arms and collapsed at his side. "I guess that just broke me, okay? Are you happy now?!" The anger in his voice rose.
"So how about those pants now?" You smirked, trailing your eyes over his body. Jason's eyes lit up as he began to laugh, recalling the situation from months prior.
"Maybe not right now…let's wait until you can stand on your own."
"JUST KISS HER ALREADY GOD DAMMIT!" Roy screamed from the doorway. Neither of you knew how long he'd been there, but that didn't deter Jason. His lips smashed into yours while his arms enveloped you.
"FUCKING FINALLY!" Roy screamed as he threw his hands up in the air.
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 12
We are coming on the end of the story. Theresa's body is found.
Trigger warning: graphic descriptions of violence
A whirlwind of police, journalists and onlookers surrounded the hotel where Theresa’s head was discovered. The entirety of the precinct rushed to the scene, forgetting you entirely. You had to watch the investigation unfold on TV like everyone else. 
“This morning, Utah Senator Gideon Hatch was questioned following the disappearance of his wife, Theresa [L/N].” The reporter explained, standing emotionlessly in front of an active crime scene. “[L/N]’s remains were unearthed hours later here at the Hotel Cecilia, where she and her husband were staying. In addition, police found bloodied sheets and suitcases in the senator's possession.” 
The reporter then invited Detective Greene into the frame. “Detective, what can you tell us about this case?” 
“Well, this is a particularly gruesome discovery.” Detective Greene tugged at her beltloops and tried not to look haunted. “The victim was found dismembered, with limbs and vital organs missing. We’ve taken Senator Hatch into custody.”
"Walk us through what you think Senator Hatch did."
"The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head." Detective Greene began. "The victim allegedly returned to the hotel late last night and possibly intoxicated. The senator then hit her on the head, possibly after a confrontation. Whether accidental or not, the blow killed her. He laid out sheets, cut her up and stuffed her in the suitcases."
The reporter pressed her fingers to her ear and looked to the side. “Oh, we are getting an update! It appears that Senator Hatch removed his wife’s liver, kidneys, and heart, and her tongue was cut out as well. Forensics still has yet to recover her legs.” 
“Given his past connections to child sex trafficking rings, it’s not a stretch to imagine the senator dabbles in organ trading.” Detective Greene concluded. “That’s the hypothesis, anyway."
The reporter turned back to the camera. "As we speak, Senator Hatch is en route to the precinct, where he will undergo questioning."
The program cut back to two anchors, who began discussing the political ramifications of having a seated senator convicted of murder. You heard police sirens approaching the building.
It took four cops to hold Gideon down. He was thrashing around like a mechanical bull, spewing threats left and right.
His bloodshot eyes found you and his face turned red. "You!"
It took you a moment to remember where you were. You wordlessly placed your hand on your chest and gave him a concerned look.
"You murderous bitch!" He shouted in your direction. "You will answer to god for your sins!"
It's okay. I'll just repent. You thought, but stopped yourself before it could come out.
"I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy!" Gideon protested. "It was [F/N]! She's the one--"
His shouts were interrupted by a coughing fit. He gagged like he was choking on something. One of the officers stepped in to give him the heimlich. Seconds later, a partially-digested big toe painted with gaslighter crimson nail polish flew across the room and landed on the linoleum.
The entire precinct stared in abject horror. One officer made the sign of the cross over her chest.
"You're going away for a long time, you sick fuck." Another officer said.
"Miss [L/N]?" Someone said from behind you.
You turned your head to see the officer who had interrupted your interrogation before. "Yeah?"
"I'm sorry you had to see that." He lowered his head in shame. "I can't imagine what it's like to lose someone who was like a big sister to you. And in such a savage, inhuman way."
You suddenly remembered you were supposed to be overcome with shock and grief. Now it was your turn to lower your head. "I... it just doesn't feel real."
"You're free to go, of course." He said, apologetically. "And if you ever need anything, just know the whole precinct is on your side."
"Thank you, officer." You faked a catch in your throat before standing up. "I'd really just like to go be with my boyfriend."
"Of course." His voice was deeply sympathetic. "How about we call him and tell him to come get you?"
While waiting for Hannibal to arrive, you were alone with your thoughts. You couldn't bring yourself to cry. You didn't want to fake it either. Theresa had shed so many crocodile tears in her life, the entire act was ruined for you. You didn't want to keep her legacy alive. You just sat in the eye of the storm, watching the hurricane spin around you.
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