#Travers mentioned
freedomforthewin · 11 months
Theseus and the Donkey Prank
*Newt stares at Tina.*
Newt: Theseus is a donkey?
Tina: *matter of factly* He has the ears of a donkey. And the voice. He's...braying.
*Newt tries to hide his amusement.*
Newt: He's...braying?
Tina: Yes.
*Newt tries to keep a straight face, but after a few seconds, he bursts out laughing.*
Tina: *trying to suppress a smile* It's not funny, Newt.
Newt: *attempting to compose himself* No. No, this is serious. Theseus has the ears of a donkey...and he's braying...
*Newt erupts in laughter.*
Tina: *amusedly* The poor man. He looked so pitiful.
*Newt chuckles for a bit.*
Newt: *composing himself* We should get him to McGonagall. She'll probably know how to fix this.
Tina: Who's McGonagall?
Newt: She's the Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.
Tina: Ah. Then, yes. That sounds good.
Tina: Wait, if we take him to her, other people that will be around will see him like this. I don't think he's going to agree to that.
Newt: *thinking* I'll have him go into my case and take my case with me. When we're alone with her, then I'll open it and he can come out.
Tina: Great.
*They head to the ministry and walk to Theseus's office.*
Newt: *grinning* You know, Travers, Theseus's superior, is an even bigger donkey than Theseus is. Yet, he's the one who turned Theseus into an actual donkey.
Tina: *chuckling* Well, technically it wasn't actually Travers that did this. It was that poltergeist from your school that caused an explosion and took over Travers's body while everyone else was distracted.
Newt: Haha, yes. But, still!
Tina: *agreeing* Still.
*Newt shakes his head and sighs.*
Newt: Peeves always did love playing pranks. I've never known of him to possess people to play pranks though.
Tina: First time for everything!
Newt: Yeah.
*After a few moments, Newt speaks again.*
Newt: Albus is going to love this. Well, him and McGonagall. But, Albus especially, considering Peeves took over Travers after Travers placed Admonitors on Albus.
Tina: *laughing* Albus got his payback: Peeves is in Travers's body and causing mayhem.
*Newt laughs with her.*
*Just then, Newt and Tina arrive at Theseus's office. They come into the room and find Theseus in the same spot Tina had found him earlier: on the floor and hidden behind his desk.*
*Newt tries not to smile, but fails miserably. Theseus glares at him which makes him burst out laughing. An annoyed expression replaces the glare on Theseus's face, and he looks off to the side. Newt sighs and shakes his head at his brother, Newt's smile a mix of sympathy and amusement.*
*Newt then explains the plan to Theseus, who begrudgingly brays his agreement to it.*
*Newt opens his case and looks at Theseus, waiting.*
*Theseus stays where he is for a few moments. Then, he tries to stand, but his legs immediately give out. He lands on the floor. Everyone looks confused, including him. Then, Theseus begins to realize how he was going to have to move. He makes a whining sound. Then, he slowly gets on all fours and makes his way over, his head held low, his face turning red from embarrassment.*
*When the older brother gets to the case, he stops, raises his head to look at Newt, and then lowers it and looks back down at the opened case. Theseus begins to whimper.*
Newt: *soothingly* It's alright.
*Newt, knowing how much Theseus likes physical affection, begins to pet one of Theseus's donkey ears.*
Newt: It's alright.
*Theseus closes his eyes. He leans his head against Newt's hand, letting himself feel the physical affection. After a few moments, a hint of a smile begins to etch its way across Theseus's face as Newt pets Theseus's donkey ear. Cooing sounds come from Theseus's throat. Newt smiles at him.*
*When Theseus looks a little better, Newt helps Theseus get into the case, and then Newt closes the case.*
Newt: *to Tina* Alright, let's go.
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civetcider · 3 months
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Traver's new car (she/her)
and robert their deer neighbor (he/him) he's just some guy with a wife and 2 kids who was kinda homophobic but than his son came out as gay and now he still sometimes says kinda off stuff about it but everybody lets it slide since at least he's trying, extra bit under the cut
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iron-parkr · 1 year
There have been so many times when I've wanted to include Della/Della's name in TSB but haven't because I'm worried it would confuse people since I've only just started writing her very much unpublished fic. I always debate with myself if I should just drop the little hints of Della anyway and then I always chicken out
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ganondoodle · 4 months
totk cataclysm event wasnt just a great (but utterly missed) opportunity to change the map in techincally little ways that has drastic consequences both in stakes and in gameplay (like i mentioned before, flooding the gerudo desert would have meant devastating consequences for its ecosystem- like imagine little islands of sand still poking out, acting as a sort of last doomed refuge for sandseals- but also cahnged the entire gameplay of it, good chance to introduce some neat new ways to surf on water like a new ridable creature or an ice shield freezing a path while you surf on it, the gerudo being forced to save the city from drowing in various means or now living on the roofs, trying to adapt by building boats ect - also call back to older games?? since totk loves that so much ..-, vah naboris serving as the savest refuge being high above the water, even if non functional; similarly takign away ALL water from the zora region, gaving it all dry out would imemdiately turn into something way different and could mean death for the zora- forcing them to move to the lower parts of akkala for example- maybe vah ruta is still halfway functioning bc the faith the zora have to mipha, dorephan and sidon is, while not enough to keep it fully functional, but enough to generate some water so the most stubborn or brave zora set up around it like a last oasis; i know its somewhat done with death mountain but the gorons dont really suffer from it bc their only problem is a drugged rock that makes them mean and lazy ..- what about collapsing or exploding it, leaving a large crater that over the course of the game could start to grow with plant life since vulcanic earth is so fertile- some never seen before ones that was dormant in the lava and now that its cooled off is springing to life, which might seem good at first but for the area and its wildlife means loss of their habitat; the rito freezing over, but actually having to move, maybe into the tabantha canyon, building their new makeshift homes in between the walls of it- generally just switiching things around a bit would have done so much wihtout having to edit every last detail ((seriously tho, how did this game take so long given that botw took similar but they did that ENTIRE main map as detailed as it is AND made it all coherent with itself and its themes- im ranting again ..)
-but it ALSO would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce new weather types created by the sudden change in environment, somethign like a super strong wind that slows you when walking agaisnt and lets you jump much farther when with it- a darkness thing that clouds the world in utter darkness with only little light getting through anything that is caused by mushrooms from the udnerground invading the surface and their spores snuffs out all light (which could explain the weird darkness in the ruins from botw too!!), or just simply mist! making everything misty changes the entire feel of any environment drastically- you could make vertain enemies spawn only in certain weather conditions, lessening the repetive overuse of them; and that is only on the surface- what if the sky had sunbeams so strong it sets anything on fire if you dare to leave the shadows- to comabt it get a armor with a giant hat!! the underground could have been filled with different environments in the first place, but then of course thered be those dark spores of mushrooms, an entire forest you have to carefully travers other wise making them release their spores and make it all more difficult, glowy mushrooms, MORE glowy mushroms, theres so many weird ass shrooms IRL you could take inspo from!! maybe soemthing like a forest of kelp, long flowy plants obstructing view and making you anxious by any movement- there could be one thats a mimic or infected with miasma, slightly off color and its knobs are malice eyes that open only if it thinks you cant see it
(also for the idea of taking botws stuff and recontextualizing it, the guardians or shrines, now non fucntional, could be infected my miasma sometimes, maybe randomly to keep you guessing- an overgrown shrine suddenly lifting itself up with hands clawing at you when you get too close or do sth wrong to distrub it- similar with guardians tho the effect might be less since you know them as a threat already- or sth i mentioned in another post, a tower being used as a weapon by a gigatic miasma monster- the one in the gerudo region with the bottomless pit for example, perfect for an arena for you to run around in the spiral while its swinging at you etc etc)
JUST taking what botw had and mixing it up, expanding on it, even if technically little change, it could do so much but in the actual game death mountain and rito is the only ones that saw anything of a change like it, and it largely .. didnt change anything or was reversible easily, and had no actual consquences that meant anything, neither stakes nor environmental or narratively (the gerudo felt like it at first but its also largely reversible, its just kinda .. adding a bit of city)
i hhhhhhhhhhhhhh have so many thoughts still, i am just better at holding them back .... also dont wanna annoy lmao
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Symbolism & Recurring Motifs
other have already made posts about punarvasu's connection to butterflies but i thought id add to it
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Miranda Kerr (Punarvasu Moon)
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Drew Barrymore (Punarvasu Moon) with her famous butterfly tattoo
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Drew with butterfly wings, from the movie "Ever After" (a unique Punarvasu interpretation of Cinderella)
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Dita Von Teese (Punarvasu Ketu), walking for Jean Paul Gauthier
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Margot Robbie (Punarvasu rising) in a Chanel butterfly print dress.
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Dua Lipa (Punarvasu moon) wearing a dress with butterfly detailing. Dua has a well documented obsession with butterflies and her current ig pfp also features a butterfly. Her recent collection La Vacanza with Versace heavily features butterflies!!
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Shakira (Punarvasu Moon) wearing Dua's butterfly shirt from her La Vacanza collection
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Previously mentioned Pisces' connection to butterflies and here's Revati Moon, Angelina Jolie wearing a butterfly top!!
2. Here are a few more examples of Pisces rashi folks playing mermaids/aquatic roles
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Gemma Ward, played Tamara in the Pirates of the Caribbean. She has Revati Moon & Jupiter (her atmakaraka) and Rahu in UBP
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dont ask me what this look has to do with mermaids, to me its just a very mermaidcore look 🤣🤣🤣 and Emrata is UBP moon
3.Gana in Vedic astrology represents one’s nature. There are 3 types of ganas: Deva Gana (Divine), Rakshasa Gana (Demonic) and Manushya Gana (Human). now obviously not everyone with deva gana naks are going to be the nicest people ever, your gana is about what you project, people with deva ganas are perceived to be good people whereas those with rakshasa gana are either known for being shrewd and cunning or in some cases, have a really terrible reputation/other generally dislike them or may see them as "fake".
Rakshasa Gana: Ashlesha, Krittika, Mula, Dhanistha, Chitra, Magha, Vishakha, Jyestha and Shatabhisha
Deva Gana: Mrigashirsha, Ashwini, Revati, Punarvasu, Pushya, Swati, Hasta, and Anuradha.
Manushya Gana: Rohini, Bharani, Ardra, Shravana and Purvaphalguni, Purva bhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Uttaraphalguni 
Actors who have played Angels in movies often have deva gana nakshatras.
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Tilda Swinton plays Gabriel in Constantine and she has Swati Sun & Punarvasu Mars (amatyakaraka)
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Buck Henry, who plays an angel in Heaven Can Wait has Pushya Moon, Punarvasu Jupiter & Revati Rahu
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Christopher Walken plays Gabriel in The Prophecy. He has Revati Sun & Punarvasu Jupiter
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Henry Travers, who plays an angel in Its A Wonderful Life. He has Hasta Moon, Revati Mars atmakaraka and Ketu in Swati
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Alan Rickman plays an angel in Dogma. He has Swati Moon, Punarvasu Mars & Saturn (his atmakaraka) and Rahu in Mrigashira
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Emma Thompson, plays an angel in Angels in America. She has Ashwini Sun, Punarvasu Moon, Hasta Rahu and Revati Ketu.
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Emmanuelle Beart plays an angel in Date with an Angel. She has Revati Jupiter amatyakaraka and Rahu in Punarvasu
4. Actors who play the Devil often have rakshasa gana nakshatras
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Peter Stormare plays the Devil in Constantine and he has Magha sun and Ashlesha mercury & mars (his atmakaraka & amatyakaraka respectively)
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Shatabhisha sun Peter Fonda plays the Devil in Ghost Rider
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Magha sun Robert De Niro plays the Devil in Angel Heart
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Vishaka Sun Tom Ellis plays Lucifer in Lucifer
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Chitra stellium, Viggo Mortensen, plays the Devil in The Prophecy
5. Mrigashira & Rohini both have serpent yoni. the lore of UBP and Ashlesha also features serpents heavily. needless to say, these natives are often depicted with serpents in the media.
In vedic astrology, your yoni animal is said to represent the way you express your sexuality and sexual desire. Serpent yoni natives are known for their intense, hypnotic sensuality and they crave for very passionate, fervent and often, extreme sexual experiences.
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Elizabeth Hurley has Mrigashira sun & mercury with Rohini jupiter and rahu.
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Jennifer Lawrence has Ashlesha sun & Mrigashira moon
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Devon Aoki has Ashlesha sun. She has also spoken about growing up with pet snakes.
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Salma Hayek has UBP moon and Ashlesha venus atmakaraka. speaking of filming this scene, Salma has often said that due to her phobia of snakes, she went into a trance to perform her sensuous dance. if you've watched this scene, you'll see how her performance has an almost serpentine quality to it, she moves in a very hypnotic and captivating way.
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Rohini sun, Mrigashira mercury atmakaraka, UBP mars, Angelina Jolie with a snake.
Jolie has openly spoken about experimenting with BDSM and how much she likes knife play and what-not. Serpent yoni, sexual freakishness at its best (add to it, her Revati moon, another nak known for being sexually strange lol). She also had pet snakes growing up.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Identification in the Wizarding World
I don't remember how I got to thinking about it, but wizards in Harry Potter don't seem to really have IDs... like no license cards or social security numbers, and that kind of begs the question of how you prove you are who you are. So I went to the books to see if it was ever answered, and to my surprise — it was.
Wands are their IDs
I'm gonna explain where in the books it's written and how it seems to work since I just didn't really see anyone mention it, and I found it curious. I'm not sure if it was just me who was a bit dumb and didn't notice it or what, but I do want to write about it.
“Madam Lestrange!” said the goblin, evidently startled. “Dear me! How- how may I help you today?” “I wish to enter my vault,” said Hermione. The old goblin seemed to recoil a little. Harry glanced around. Not only was Travers hanging back, watching, but several other goblins had looked up from their work to stare at Hermione. “You have . . . identification?” asked the goblin. “Identification? I-I have never been asked for identification before!” said Hermione. “They know!” whispered Griphook in Harry’s ear, “They must have been warned there might be an imposter!” “Your wand will do, madam,” said the goblin. He held out a slightly trembling hand, and in a dreadful blast of realization Harry knew that the goblins of Gringotts were aware that Bellatrix’s wand had been stolen.
(Deathly Hollows, page 452)
So, I'll start with this scene in Deathly Hollows, in which a Gringott's Goblin outright says a wand can be used for identification. The Golden Trio here shows the disadvantage of such an identification method, as wands can be stolen. And besides, how would a wand even work for identification? Like, how does it prove you are who you say you are?
Well, I think I know how wands are supposed to function as identification, and it's not as bad and easily fakable as it may seem. I'm not saying it's perfect, but if implemented correctly it isn't the worst they could come up with.
After all, everyone has a wand (at least in the Western Wizarding World) and everyone carries their wand with them everywhere and at all times. Not only that, but wands are unique enough to work as an ID. Wand description is broken into 6 components of its making: wood, core, flexibility, length, the wandmaker, and how long it's been in use, making each wand unique to the specific individual wielding it. Therefore a wand is something reasonable to use to identify individuals.
So, how is it supposed to work?
“Wand weighing?” Harry repeated nervously. “We have to check that your wands are fully functional, no problems, you know, as they’re your most important tools in the tasks ahead,”
(Goblet of Fire, page 303)
Wand weighing.
In GOF, the wand weighing is shown to tell the characteristics of each wand, and if we jump ahead to Arthur Weasley's and Harry's arrival in the ministry for Harry's trial in OOTP:
“Visitor to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium.”
(Order of the Phoenix, page 126)
“Wand,” grunted the security wizard at Harry, putting down the golden instrument and holding out his hand. Harry produced his wand. The wizard dropped it onto a strange brass instrument, which looked something like a set of scales with only one dish. It began to vibrate. A narrow strip of parchment came speeding out of a slit in the base. The wizard tore this off and read the writing upon it. “Eleven inches, phoenix-feather core, been in use four years. That correct?” “Yes,” said Harry nervously. “I keep this,” said the wizard, impaling the slip of parchment on a small brass spike. “You get this back,” he added, thrusting the wand at Harry.
(Order of the Phoenix, page 128)
We see exactly how wand weighing (the brass scale Harry describes) is meant to identify. This device prints out the makings of the wand when it was sold, and probably more information than Eric at the security desk reads out. He then asks Harry if it's correct because wands don't have their making and when they were bought written on them. This means only the wand's owner would supposedly remember all the details of the wandmaker, make, and when it was bought, then by asking about it, it can be revealed if the wand was stolen or not.
It's not a great method, but it's something.
It's not any dramatic revelation about the Wizarding World, I just didn't really see wands being used as IDs in the fandom and I found it interesting. I just really am interested in the Wizarding World as a culture and how it works. IDs are just part of it.
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suzukiblu · 8 months
I wanted to write something self-indulgent and decided to use that power to also make @miri-tiazan happy by adding to the wet nurse omegaverse. ❤️
"A wet nurse, Father, really?" Damian asks, looking unimpressed. The League of Assassins isn't much for hired wet nurses, Bruce knows–not even loyal servants, but especially not unknown outsiders. If a pup isn't getting nursed by a worthy packmate, then that pup isn't particularly valued or expected to grow up to be of much use to either Ra's or the League. Or grow up at all, in most cases.
And Damian has been dubious about Lor since the day he showed up, unsurprisingly, but also seems to have lumped him in under the same reaction he'd probably have had to Jon having gotten a new pet, so it could be worse, really. Damian typically likes pets, for one thing, so the idea of Lor being nursed by a servant has been less than ideal to him. Bruce will take that over Damian hating the pup any day.
"We did talk about it at breakfast," he reminds him. Damian looks no less unimpressed.
"Yes, and I assumed you would come to your senses and summon Todd back to the manor," he retorts disdainfully. "Not employ the first poorly-dressed stray you picked up off the street simply for lack of the last one you did."
"He's dressed fine, Damian," Tim says, scowling at him.
"Just don't diss the jacket, brat," Carl says with an easy shrug, otherwise ignoring Damian and just peering at Jon curiously. Bruce doesn't comment on the obvious transgression of an unrelated omega insulting one of his pups, given that said pup started it and also he doesn't expect Carl to have traditional pack manners at this point anyway. "Did you want some?"
"Huh?" Jon says, blinking at him.
"Like a snack or whatever," Carl clarifies, adjusting his grip on Lor. "Kiddo's drunk me pretty dry, but I think he's about done for now, so like, if you want any . . ."
Right, Bruce thinks, just barely raising an eyebrow as Travers looks speechlessly mortified. Well, further total lack of pack manners in Carl proven. He didn't even ask Clark before offering that.
"Oh," Jon says, looking a little flustered and not looking at Clark. "Um–but you're here for Chris."
"Yeah, so?" Carl says with a shrug. "I get milked up real quick, I'll have plenty more for him later. Not like I've got anyone else to feed right now anyway, they cleared my whole client list for this."
Bruce narrows his eyes. A client list? How much milk is Carl producing, to have a full list of clients? There's no way an omega his age who isn't on lactation stimulants should have enough milk for multiple clients.
Unless he very, very recently lost a full litter, anyway. That's the only reason Bruce can think of that he'd have that much milk.
Hell. And the agency just sent him out this soon?
Well, it would explain Carl claiming to be disinterested in pups and preferring to pump over doing direct nursing, but also explain the immediate triggering of a feral bond like that when actually directly faced with a distressed pup in need of something he had to offer. And Jon is Lor's brother now, so it's not a surprise that Carl would offer him his milk too. He's got to be sensing some of Lor's developing pack bonds, even a step removed from them; he's probably getting some attachment spillover.
Good sign for how Lor's new bonds are settling in, at least, Bruce supposes.
"Um . . ." Jon says, and keeps not looking at Clark. Bruce carefully doesn't think about exactly how long it's been since the kid had to go cold-turkey weaning on omega milk, mostly because of the circumstances around said weaning.
And Clark . . .
Clark's jaw tightens, just briefly, and then he smiles.
"It's alright if you'd like to, Jon," he says reassuringly, and Jon is a perceptive enough kid to look uncertain about the validity of that statement, but also clearly does want to at least try Carl's milk. Which, well, he did mention Carl smelling good to him. That's probably a good sign too, really, since Jon's got Kryptonian blood himself. Bodes well for Lor's tolerance for Carl's milk if the only other available Kryptonian pup likes the scent of it, hopefully.
But also, Bruce does know the last time Jon nursed it was from Clark, and it didn't end well.
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kilfeur · 4 months
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Je trouve ces sauts d'humeur bien plus présents face à Alastor. Sans compter que le fait qu'il ignore qui est le démon de la radio montrant justement qu'il est distant mais aussi négligeant en tant que seigneur envers son peuple. Ce dernier s'amuse exprès à le provoquer et se faire bien voir par Charlie en la brossant au sens du poil en la félicitant et la touchant même. Alors qu'on a montré que justement Alastor a une aversion de toucher ou d'être touché. Ces compliments sont aussi ce que Charlie cherche à travers son père qui par sa visite bien qu'il veut être présent veut aussi faire bonne image.
I find these mood swings much more present with Alastor. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't know who the radio demon is, which just goes to show how distant he is, but also how negligent he is as a lord towards his own people. The radio demon takes pleasure in provoking him and making Charlie look good, rubbing her up the right way, congratulating her and even touching her. Alastor has been shown to have an aversion to touching or being touched. His compliments are also what Charlie is looking for from his father, who wants to make a good impression with his visit, even though he wants to be present.
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ephemerasnape · 1 month
Just A Little Blood, Redux (Audio) 🔞🔞🔞
Finally redid this audio at long last. I replaced a lot of horrid "MC/You" sound effects with better ones from @rookwoodswife. I also made it slightly less nice. It's still not my best work but it's unique in its own way.
Rookwood gets ahold of you and punishes you -- with his wand and with his cock. RAPE "This is for Selwyn. Morgan. Travers. All the others you slaughtered without a thought."
Victor Rookwood x You/MC
F!Listener / Rape / Torture / Daddy Kink / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Dirty Talk / Villain Diatribe / Dead Dove Do Not Eat / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC
Transcription beneath the cut!
Rookwood: Crucio!
You/MC:  Cries in agony
Rookwood: Where’s your ancient magic now?
Do you realize how many of my men you’ve killed, not to mention the goblin helm and dragon you stole? Or do you just kill so casually you've already lost count?
You/MC: Please, I’m sorry!
Rookwood: It’s far too late for apologies, little one. You’re gonna take whatever daddy wants to give you
You/MC: Whimpering,
the sound of a buckle being undone
You/MC: Cries in pain/surprise
sounds of skin slapping together rhythmically. 
Rookwood: Aw sweetheart, I know it hurts, but you’re making daddy feel so good.
Just a little blood. Nothing a strong obstinate little girl like you couldn’t handle. 
Groans Take it.
This is for Selwyn. Morgan. Travers. All the others you slaughtered without a thought.
For Rookwood Castle, my family home which you violated.
For Horntail Hall, all the lives lost there. All the poacher children you orphaned. This is nothing more than you deserve. 
Fuck! Gods yes.
*Speed of slapping increases*
*Rookwood groans. Skin slapping together slows and stops.*
Mmm.. *heavy breathing*
*He lights a match, inhales* 
Now that that unpleasantness is out of the way...
What am I to do with you?
Transcription courtesy of @berserkerrose - thank you!
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civetside · 4 months
that other anon mentioned your ocs, would you be willing to point out where we can see/read about them? 👀 i love your tlt art and id love to see your oc stuff too but idk how to find them shfkdk
all my original stuff i post over on my main blog @civetcider ! be warned tho, on there it's nothing but silly stinky FURRIES and that's way i try to take care and make sure my human artwork is separate from my FURRY work cuz i know those are very different audiences haha i am an avid day dreamer so i have lots of ideas for human OCs i've just never bothered to write down or anything so maybe one day ill try n do that!
if any TLTers are interested in my funny goober furries tho the ones i would want you to take a look at would probably be my OCs oakley and traver, a black bear and kit fox butch4butch couple who like fishing, i've been making comics for them here and there when i have the time, i really want to do more of them soon, you can find those here, here and HERE
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
hiya, i just read ur 2022(i think??) post about israel hands and the connection with israel hynde, and i was wondering if u remembered ur source?? i cant find anything linking him to cpt. bartholomew roberts, or any specifics regarding his personal characteristics (such as the leg injury u mentioned). ive gone through execution records and found his notation of his trial and hanging, but nothing else. no probs if u dont have it anymore or dont recall, or got the info another way. thanks!!
Hi, I can still remember four of them because I wrote them down somewhere else than the others. Unfortunately, I lost my notebook, which contained all the sources, texts and so on. But here are the four sources.
Tom B. Haber: Robert Louis Stevenson and Israel Hands. In: The English Journal, Vol. 32, No. 7
Travers: Pirates: A History. The History Press, 2012
Breverton: The Pirate Dictionary. Pelican Publishing, 2007
Charles Johnson: A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates. Ch. Rivington, J. Lacy, and J. Stone, 1724
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34to42 · 1 month
I am so excited/nervous/scared for season 2 of this awesome show that I figured it might be fun to write out what I hope DOESN’T happen once the show comes back as Netflix historically doesn’t have a great track record with second seasons of their original shows.
- Peter dies at the end of the season. I know this is what Gabriel Basso mentioned he sees as a future for the character in an interview, but I really, really, really hope they give Peter a happier ending
- Rose is in only one or two episodes. I desperately need to see them interacting more than this
- Peter has some sort of romantic interaction with a fellow Night Agent or specifically with whichever character Brittany Snow is playing. Absolutely NOTHING against Brittany Snow as an actress but I really liked that Rose is played by a woman of colour and would love to see her remain as the main and only romantic interest
- A few of the character descriptions released on Instagram indicate a storyline involving the Iranian embassy and I just really hope anything they show regarding this isn’t horribly racist
- the character of President Travers being replaced by a male actor. It was refreshing to see Travers be a female president and I would love if they continued with that
- For the show to forget storylines started in season 1 that are still unfinished, such as Jim’s article, Farr being arrested, and Wick still be being in the wind
Would love to hear what you are or aren’t looking for in season 2!
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Cruel - Slight Yandere!Demon King!Jackson Wang X Reader
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Slight Yandere AU & Demon AU- Based off of Cruel by Jackson Wang
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Jackson X Reader
Words: 3,421
Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So I know this isn’t the update I mentioned earlier but as soon as I watched the MV and listened to this song I was hit by the inspiration and motivation freight train (which, honestly, is quite surprising for me as of late) so I really wanted to get this written and posted. I think this MV is honestly going to be one of my favourites, it’s just so amazing and the aesthetic is right up my alley oof.... anyways, I really hope you all like this one even if it’s a bit short! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
They took you. They thought they could keep him away from you, but oh, how wrong they were. 
Nobody touches what’s his and gets away with it, least of all if that someone is you.
They took you away from him, and now they must pay.
The underworld can be a cruel place, not meant for the feint of heart. It takes a brave soul to be able to travers its expanses unless you are one of the Seven rulers of the land. One of which has been missing for centuries, leaving the Six remaining to divvy up the territories, and rule over those that remain.
Everyone knows the most basic rule: it is not a land for humans.
Until one was brought here against their will.
Of the Seven rulers, Five Queens and One King remained. Led by Queen Selkie, the Five Queens plotted against the King, for he should not be sharing a bed with someone else. A mortal no less. A mortal who had no idea of the demon they let into their home every night.
Thus, you were kidnapped in the middle of the night. Torn right from within his grasp, weakened by the power of Four under the Fifth, who commanded your capture upon learning of his connection to you.
If she couldn’t have him, no one can.
Selkie’s love for Jackson was strong, her desire for him twisting deep into the darkest parts of her soul. What she didn’t realize, though, was that he was the same way. Only, his darkness ran deeper; was stronger, and all because of you.
Which is exactly why they had to take you from him, to lure him right into their trap once and for all.
It was no easy feat, kidnapping you right from beneath his nose, but they did it. Too many of their underlings lost their lives keeping him busy long enough for the Queens to bring you back to the underworld. By the time Jackson had arrived, his shirt had already been torn to shreds, his skin bathed in the blood of the damned.
Phasing into the underworld in a haze of smoke, Jackson’s feet touch the ashen wasteland of his home. Fires already burn around him as he breathes in the all too familiar toxic fumes. No flame blazes as bright, or as intensely, as his eyes do. Eyes which frantically search for any sign of you.
Taking a step forward, Jackson puffs out a breath of flames, needing to expel some of the pent up energy he’s created fighting off the underlings from earlier. Besides, if he doesn’t find you soon, he may just go insane. That is, if he hasn’t already.
Luckily, it doesn’t look as if he’ll have to look very far, for one of the Four materializes before him, a dagger held in her hand.
“Where are they?” Jackson’s voice is but a growl as he locks eyes with the Queen in front of him.
Her own eyes burn gold as they meet his own, a hiss passing her lips, “soon to be dead. As they should be.”
A roar escapes him as Jackson lunges for the Queen. Extending his arm, he gravitates her body towards his, catching her by surprise as he lands the first hit. Her eyes widen as he mockingly caresses the side of her face, cupping her jaw in his hand.
The dagger falls to the ground as her lips part. The fury blazing within his eyes is like nothing that she’s ever seen before. Incurring the wrath of the One King is not something any one of them should have taken lightly, but now, faced with the full force of Jackson’s rage, his insanity, she cannot stop the tremor that runs through her body.
What have they done?
Moving quickly, the Queen slaps his arm away, bringing her other hand up to wrap around his neck. Unfortunately, she isn’t fast enough, and Jackson shoves her off of him in the next moment. 
He scowls, the Three other Queens materializing out of thin air to surround him.
“You won’t get away with this,” he spits, eyes like liquid gold.
The Four Queens manage to bind him, the Three raising their daggers to strike as one whispers in his ear, “we already have.”
A flash and he’s turned the tables, flinging the Three off of him with a force strong enough to have them dropping their daggers. The Fourth, now trapped in his embrace, struggles to free herself as his hands sear their touch onto her skin.
Tracing his one hand up to her neck, the Queen can feel her essence following in its path. Her lips part, a fiery hue escaping past them as Jackson sucks the soul right out of her. The other Three can only watch on in horror as their sister gets thrown to the side, her body now an empty husk of what it once was.
A battle cry leaves the Queens’ lips as the Three lunge at Jackson.
Taking advantage of their blind rage, Jackson easily lets himself be caught by the Three. Again, he traps one in his arms, sucking the soul right out of her as the other Two claw at him from behind.
“No!” The Two shriek as they watch yet another one of their sisters fall to the ground.
Jackson smirks, grabbing onto each Queen behind him by the neck as he uses his newly gained power to obtain the both of their souls simultaneously. As the fiery wisps enter his system, his whole body glows. Golden veins light up his skin as the Two fall to the ground, lifeless and empty.
For a moment, Jackson stands there, his eyes closed as he lets this new power wash over him. Never before has he felt so alive. Well, other than when he’s with you, of course.
Calming his racing heart, his eyes flare open, gaze lit with the flames of insanity he carries within him now. Nothing will stop him from getting you back. Nothing.
Slowly, Jackson begins to advance towards the throne that sits between the two High Pillars of the underworld. A throne which he knows Selkie has wanted to share with him since the dawn of time.
He scowls, and this time, his rage escapes him in the form of another breath of flame as he raises his head to the scorched sky above. How dare Selkie take away what’s his. How dare she touch you. If she thinks this works in her favour, then she is sadly mistaken. 
The only two things on Jackson’s mind now are killing her, and saving you.
Finally, he reaches the bottom of the stairs leading up to the throne. Looking upwards, Jackson inhales the smoke from his lungs. His golden eyes burn the brightest they ever have, like liquid flame, as he slowly begins the ascent to the throne.
The moment his head breaches the peak of the stairs, a gasp is escaping your lips. Never before have you see the look in Jackson’s golden eyes. The look of a crazed man, who has been betrayed, but will also stop at nothing to reclaim what has been taken from him. 
With wide eyes, you assess his figure. 
Black blood covers almost every inch of his bare torso, smeared along his neck and all over his hands. You swallow your suddenly dry throat as he meets your gaze, and he looks almost relieved to see that you’re still breathing.
There you sit, beaten and bloody on the ground, dirt covering your wounds. Never has he felt so close to you, yet so far away at the same time.
Selkie sits smugly on the throne before him, her legs crossed as she twirls a dagger in her hands. It’ll only take him a minute to wipe that smirk right off of her face, but he still cannot stop the relief from racing through him at seeing that you’re still alive.
His brow nearly furrows. How are you still alive? The climate of the underworld would kill any normal mortal. Unless Selkie has done something to you.
“Jackson.” His name is but a plea from your lips.
So badly does he want to speak, to tell you that he’s here, and that nothing else is going to hurt you. Except, he cannot, for Selkie beats him to it.
“See.” She hisses, a chuckle falling from her lips. “See what a demon he’s become.”
Jackson’s eyes flash briefly to glare at Selkie before softening his gaze to look at you. His heart nearly stops right then and there. You can’t be looking at him in fear, can you? No, that can’t be it. You know he would never hurt you, but who knows what lies Selkie has fed you to further her own desires.
“What have you done to them?” Jackson turns his intense gaze to the Queen before him once more.
“Me?” Selkie hums, pausing the twirling of her dagger as she looks down upon him in her throne. “Why, I simply told them the truth.” She stands. “About who you are.” She takes a single step down from her throne. “What you are.” She takes another, each phrase accented by her slow decent down the stairs of her throne. “What you become.” Another. “Your desires.” Until finally, she’s on even ground with him, standing directly beside you as you brace your hands in the dirt before you. “And how you’re only using them to get what you want.”
A silence settles over the three of you as Selkie’s words sink in. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper, you speak.
“I never said I believed you.”
“Silence!” Selkie’s eyes flare gold as she backhands you across the face, your whole body crashing into the ground as dust rises at the impact.
Jackson sees red.
“Touch them again and it will be the last thing you ever do.” His voice is but a growl as his eyes flare gold, his fists clenching at his sides.
“Honestly, I don’t know what you see in a pathetic mortal,” Selkie rolls her eyes, shrugging off her jacket while cracking her neck. “You deserve a Queen. One that is both strong and cunning. Not some weakling.”
“A Queen, you say?” Jackson hums, mockingly, tilting his head slightly as he look at Selkie before him, her golden, spiked crown glinting through the hazy atmosphere. He smirks. “I already have one.”
With those words, they both lunge for each other. Selkie raises her dagger to strike, but Jackson is quick to counter, grabbing both her wrists in his own. In an instant, Selkie drops her blade, it skidding to the side as she knees Jackson in the stomach. Not even a second later, she uses her powers to flick him away.
Dragging his hand on the ground to steady himself, Jackson skids to a stop, snapping his head up to look at the slowly approaching Selkie. Taking a stand, she waves a hand in the air, making the rocks surrounding her levitate. With a flick of her wrist, she sends the stones flying at Jackson, who easily dodges them. 
Landing back on his feet, Jackson is quick to look around seeing as Selkie has seemingly disappeared. You can see the furrow in his brow as she appears behind him, and you panic.
“Behind you!” You shout, just in time, too, for Jackson manages to duck beneath her next blow.
Turning around, the two come face to face once more. Selkie goes to strike him next, but Jackson parries her blow, managing to get in a hit on her ribs and sending her stumbling back.
She glares at him, and then you. Only, before she can even take another step in your direction, Jackson is stepping between the two of you. All you can see of him now is his back, but you know from the scowl that Selkie wears that she is not pleased about this turn of event.
“Your fight is with me.” He states, voice low and ominous, like the threat of an oncoming storm. “When I’m done with you, there will be nothing left.”
Selkie flexes her fingers, nails sharpening into claws. “You’ll come to regret those words.”
Again, Selkie lunges at him, swiping at his neck with her claws. Luckily, Jackson manages to dodge in time, only to get hit by the kick she sends his way right after. Stumbling forward, she uses this to her advantage, landing another blow to his side and causing him to tumble to his knees.
“Jackson!” Your voice comes out frantic as you watch Selkie hoist him up by his neck.
With her fingers digging into his skin, she uses her powers to raise them both off the ground. She smirks.
“Now, look at where that vain desire got you.” Selkie chastises mockingly, shaking her head in the process. “We could have had it all, you know? Power. Glory. Everything.” She tightens the hold she has around his neck as Jackson chokes out a gasp. “We could have been so good together, but you went and threw it all away for some human.”
Jackson can do nothing but struggle, Selkie’s powers binding him in the air as she maintains the hold she has on his neck. Slowly, she brings both of her hands up to caress the sides of his face, still keeping him bound using her powers. He grits his teeth, golden eyes ablaze as he meets her own.
“The sad part is I now have to kill you,” her eyes flit to you who Jackson can clearly see looking on in horror from over her shoulder, “and I think I’m going to enjoy it. Though, not as much as killing them.”
In an instant, his eyes widen, lips parting in protest at her words. However, before he can say anything, he can feel his soul leaving his body as she sucks the essence right out of him. Those same fiery veins that lit up his skin appear on hers, trailing down her neck as she drains the life right out of him.
Once she’s satisfied, she releases the hold she has on him. Instantly, a portal appears behind Jackson’s body, the dark clouds swirling within as Selkie flicks her wrist, sending him flying through the air. With another flick of her wrist, the portal disappears, Jackson along with it.
Carefully, her feet touch the ground and she’s turning to you once more. You, who sits there, surprisingly still, as shock courses through your body. Jackson couldn’t have been defeated so easily. It’s not possible.
Looking up at Selkie, you watch as she approaches you menacingly, a smirk clear on her features. However, what you’re not expecting, is for a dark smoke to start swirling behind her. You blink.
“Now, to dispose of you.” She snarls, teeth bared as her claws extend once more.
Just as she raises a hand to strike you down, her whole body freeze. Horror paints her face as she feels an arm snake around her torso, a separate hand wrapping around her throat.
“I thought I told you,” Jackson’s voice is low as he speaks from right beside her ear, “I’ll kill you if you touch them again.”
With a spray of blood, Jackson rips her throat out with a snarl on his face. As her ruined body falls to the ground, he absorbs the essence of her soul, the fiery substance setting his eyes ablaze once more.
Taking a deep breath while closing his eyes for a moment, he steadies his breathing. A moment later, his golden eyes are snapping open, locking onto your trembling figure.
“It’s okay,” his voice comes out much softer now, his eyes holding nothing but that fondness for you that you’ve come to know from him so well. “I’m here now. You’re safe.”
Instantly, his arms are around you, pulling you into his chest as your own wrap around his torso. Gently, he rubs circles into your back, using his powers to heal you all the while. Surprisingly, you have not shed a single tear.
“Please tell me you don’t have any more crazy exes,” you mumble, and he lets out a laugh in disbelief.
Slowly, he pulls away to look into your eyes. “I don’t know what’s more shocking. The fact that you’re taking this so well, or the fact that you thought she was my ex.”
“She wasn’t your ex?” Your brow furrows, and immediately his one hand moves to smooth the creases from your forehead.
“She did this because I wouldn’t be with her,” he replies.
This only causes your frown to deepen, “crazy bitch.”
He chuckles, a subtle smile tugging at his lips. “You don’t know the half of it.”
A small silence settles over the both of you as he continues to hold you in his arms, your head now resting on his chest. That is, until he’s breaking it once more.
“Still, you’re taking this surprisingly well.” He repeats his words from earlier.
You take a brief pause before answering, as if you’re hesitant to say your next words. “I’ve always known you were different.”
“Oh?” Jackson cannot help but be surprised. “You have, have you?”
“You’re not very good at controlling your eyes when you get emotional.” You reply, a small smirk causing the corner of your lips to tug upwards.
“I’m not?” He sounds quite appalled by this revelation.
Grabbing his face in your hands, you caress his cheeks. In an instant, you’re bringing your lips to his, wordlessly conveying how grateful you are for him, especially in this moment.
Pulling away slightly, you look into his eyes. Eyes which have once again flared gold as he continues to stare at you with that lovestruck expression on his face.
“See,” you hum, smile clear on your features. “Exactly my point.”
He doesn’t even need to look at himself to know that you’re right. After all, he can already see the glow of his eyes in the reflection of yours. An image of which that has him tightening his grip around you subconsciously.
“I thought you were going to be terrified of me,” he whispers, his gaze now downcast. “When I got here, I thought you were scared of me.”
“I could never be scared of you.” Your words set his heart racing in his chest. “If anything, I was terrified of losing you.”
“You don’t know how much those words resonate with me right now,” he says, staring deeply into your eyes. “I don’t know how I could go on without you.”
A subtle grin begins to tug at the corner of your lips, “you’re being melodramatic.”
“I’m not.” Jackson shakes his head, resting his forehead on yours as he grabs your one hand in his. 
For a moment, all is silent. Even the fires burning around you seem to have gone quiet as the two of you revel in each other’s presence. Nothing could come between you now, and Jackson will always be there to make sure of it.
“Stay with me.” His words are but a whisper on the wind, but you still manage to hear them. “Rule at my side, where you are always meant to be. Never leave me, and I will never leave you. I promise you, for as long as we both shall live, nothing will ever harm you, or take you away from me again.”
You smile, giving his hand a slight squeeze with your own. “Always.”
With those words, his lips are on your once more. 
Slowly, he pulls you closer, one hand finding purchase on the back of your neck while the other grips your waist. Carefully, he parts your lips with his own, breathing his essence into you. 
Your whole body heats, veins of liquid fire igniting along your skin as his power washes over you. Never have you felt more alive.
Keeping your eyes closed for the moment, you feel him pull away, somewhat reluctantly. The weight of his forehead pressing against yours grounds you once more as you feel your head spin.
“I’m yours and you’re mine.” His chest rumbles with every word that he speaks. 
You can only hum in response, your eyes opening to stare deeply into his own. The molten gold hue he sees igniting within your gaze is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. 
He smirks. “Forever.”
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Supernova - Sneak Preview/Snippet
Based on this poll, one of the two winners for snippets was Supernova! I'm giving you all a snippet, and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! No context, but I think you can guess what's happening ;)
“First things first—Millie’s a Muggle. She doesn’t know anything about magic, and it’s got to stay that way. That includes your morphing.”
“What?” Dora sputtered. “You’re married to her!”
“Yes, and we live in a Muggle neighborhood. I don’t need a letter from the Ministry every time they detect magic here. I’m the only wizard for miles. We do everything the Muggle way here.”
“What if you have kids? Won’t they—”
Ted’s lips came together and he shook his head. 
“That’s not a topic I need to visit anytime soon,” he said. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I need you to promise me you won’t perform any magic—you shouldn’t be doing so anyway—and learn to do everything by hand.” 
Dora gaped at Ted, aghast at what she was hearing. She had nothing against Muggleborns, but to spend her summer without magic? 
“That’s a non-negotiable,” Ted said sternly. “I promised your mother I would keep you safe. She understood my limitations.” 
“Wait—Mama actually wanted me here? Here? Not Iris’s or, or—”
“Here, Dora.” Ted sighed and put his face in his hands. “This house. This is your home now.” 
“Home? I hardly know you! I want to go to Iris’s—or Maisie’s, even, if I’ve got to live like a Muggle—” Dora stood up to get to the guest room, but Ted grabbed her wrist to hold her back. 
A sudden sense of terror overcame her. She was transported back to the library at Travers Court, and instead of Ted grabbing her wrist, it was Claudius. 
“No, no, no! Get off! GET OFF!” Dora screamed. She fell to the floor in a heap, terrified and abruptly crying, her wand too far away for her to protect herself. She crawled on the shaggy carpet, desperate to get away from the madman her mother wrongly trusted, but she hit an invisible barrier. 
“Dora, Dora, stop!” Ted shouted. “I’m not going to hurt you! I’m not your brother! I’m still Ted—Ted Tonks—a Healer! I’m not Claudius, and I will never hurt you, I promise!”
The mention of Claudius had Dora’s head spinning. No one had known about that, much less believed it when Andromeda tried to defend herself in her trial. The Aurors dismissed the story, even when Dora tried to corroborate it, but Ted believed them. 
The man who had just dropped his wand on the floor and put his hands up believed Dora and Andromeda. Ted fell to his knees, keeping his hands up in the air, and blinked at her. 
“Dora, I’m sorry. I know he hurt you. I didn’t mean to frighten you, and I promise, on my own life, you’ll never be hurt here. I promised your mother I would take care of you if something happened to her. I won’t hurt you, sweetheart. We need to talk about a few things, and I need you to listen. Can you stay for a few minutes and listen? If—if you don’t like what I say—I’ll take you to your friend’s house. Please hear me out.”
Dora was backed into an invisible corner. She held her knees against her chest, her face wet with tears, and tried to focus her gaze on Ted. But the feeling of his hand on her wrist, and all the nightmares it inspired, continued to terrify her and made her tremble against the wood-paneled wall.
“You know me. I’m still just Ted, the Muggleborn Healer from St. Mungo’s,” he continued, falling back on his heels. He kept his hands visible and his gaze on hers. “Your mother and I knew each other, long ago when we went to school together. We were friends—very close friends—and everything had to change when we were out of school.”
Ted sighed and rubbed his eyes with his palms. Dora wiped away the tears from her face and found his eyes glistening, much to her astonishment. 
“I was in love with your mother, Dora. I loved her more than anyone I ever knew. She—I think she felt the same way, even if she said she didn’t—and she had to live a life that I couldn’t give her because of who I am. She had to marry your . . . Byron. She had to marry Byron Travers.” 
The revelation of Ted’s love for Andromeda was enough to momentarily let the terrible memories of Claudius disappear. Dora sat up straighter, but still holding herself tightly against the wall, and stared, her attention transfixed on the Muggleborn declaring his love for her pureblood mother. 
“I moved on as best as I could. That day you met me in Diagon Alley—that was the first time I had seen her since we had to say goodbye—that was the day I learned a secret your mother had been keeping from me for over eleven years.” Ted’s body trembled and he closed his eyes briefly. Taking a deep breath, he continued. 
“What I found out . . . it changed my life. It’s going to change yours. No one but your mother and I know the truth . . . and before you ask, even Millie doesn’t know what I’m going to tell you. I’m going to tell her when she gets back—God only knows how she’ll take it. It’s not going to be easy for any of us.” 
Dora had stopped crying and her vision cleared somewhat. Her nose was running, but she wiped it against her knees and gaped, openmouthed, hanging on every word that Ted was telling her. He ran his hand through his hair and tilted his head back. 
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @qwertynerd97, cat, and Necer0s; the wet nurse omegaverse.
"Here, let’s just set up on the coffee table, why don’t we," Bruce says, pushing the scant few knick-knacks and books on it down to the far end and sparing a last calculating glance for Carl, who has a hand on both Lor and Jon’s backs and is petting them both with heavy, steady strokes as he goes back to that low and rumbling purring. Jon is visibly melting into him; Lor is already functionally a liquid. 
Bruce is still a little concerned that Lor might have difficulty digesting human milk, but all things considered, this seems to be going unexpectedly well. Apparently the list of prioritized nutrients he sent over to all those agencies is finally paying off. 
Carl keeps purring like a very quiet engine and clearly doesn't care about anyone else in the room at all, including Tim and Damian. Tim looks a little relieved by that, for some reason; Damian just looks irritated. Bruce doubts he'd ever want to nurse from a wet nurse, considering, but not being offered the opportunity probably still feels like an insult to him. Still, he's not in Lor's pack, never mind his and Jon's not-quite-formed pack bonds that everyone else has been politely not mentioning in order to avoid making a thing. It's normal for pups to try and pack up with their friends, especially when they're particularly close ones, even if said packing up doesn't always succeed or pan out in the long term. 
It's just not normal for Damian, so again, they've all been avoiding mentioning it just yet. 
“Yes, of course, Alpha Wayne,” Travers says stiffly, setting out her paperwork on the coffee table in a tidy, easy-access arrangement. She's more than a little questionable as a chaperone, but at least she's efficient, Bruce supposes, which means her personal files should be easy enough to investigate when he asks Barbara to break into them. “The contract is the standard setup, but of course we can go over it as thoroughly as you’d like. Er–well, actually, if you’d like Carly to do direct nursing, it’ll be the A contract, not the B, but I have copies of that too.” 
Small favors, Bruce thinks. Saves waiting for the office to email or fax it over, at least. 
“Sounds good,” he says, leaning over the coffee table to glance at the papers she’s laying out. “Alright to take a look, Clark?” 
“That’s fine, yes,” Clark says, flicking his eyes away from Jon and Lor and Carl and putting on a pleasant smile as he steps up beside Bruce and looks down at the papers himself. He makes a show of adjusting his glasses and leaning over too, as if he isn’t in possession of vision that could read paperwork with a font half this size from the opposite end of a football field without so much as squinting. Tim visibly resists the urge to come over too, being Tim and always wanting as much information as possible. Alfred has more patience and Damian just isn’t interested, Jon and Lor are both understandably distracted, and Carl is just continuing to ignore everyone that isn’t actively cuddled up to him, so otherwise they have all the space in the world. 
“We strive to keep the contracts as straightforward as possible, of course, but there are a few necessary clauses and disclaimers,” Travers says, gesturing at the paperwork as she lays out the last sheet, and then proceeds to explain said clauses and disclaimers in agonizing detail. Bruce listens to and absorbs the information, resenting the entire conversation as something that could’ve absolutely been an email and also half the length it currently is, but keeps a touch of attention on Carl and the pups. 
Jon ducks his head against Carl’s chest when he finishes nursing and . . . sniffs, once, very quietly. And then blinks, very quickly. 
Clark’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t say anything. Bruce decides to defer to him. 
Carl does not, and starts purring louder and drags Jon up to bury his face in the scent gland in his throat without even bothering to fix his shirt. His pheromones are clumsy, unrefined things, not the kind of clear and straightforward communication that an omega his age should know how to push through their scent, but they’re still omega-sweet and all-encompassing enough to fill up the room. He smells not quite comforting, perhaps, but warm and sweet as milk and strong and solid and present: the kind of protective and certain and promised scent that Bruce is more used to associating with powerful and secure omegas like Clark and Diana than random stray civilians who’ve barely presented. 
So it’s not particularly surprising when Jon plasters himself against Carl and lets out a very, very quiet sob against his scent gland. Carl wraps his arm tighter around him and purrs at him as he inexpertly nuzzles his hair. Damian bristles, glaring at Carl, and for some reason Tim’s face is very red, but Alfred projects soothing reassurance through his own pheromones and Damian’s hackles . . . well, they don’t go down, exactly, but he also doesn’t try to attack Carl, so Bruce will take it. 
Clark swallows, looking pained, and keeps his eyes on the paperwork. 
So yes, he’s very upset about this, if he’s not going to Jon right now. 
Travers looks stressed again but doesn’t say anything about the situation, just keeps carefully explaining the contracts. They do seem to be fairly standard arrangements from what Bruce has researched in regards to wet nurse agencies, and there aren’t any particular red flags so far. Some unnecessarily archaic language and a bit of benevolent sexism on behalf of Carl, who rolls his eyes when he hears it, but nothing explicitly concerning. Bruce glances towards Clark, because Clark’s the omega here and therefore likelier to notice an abuse an alpha might not, but he doesn’t look concerned either. Well–about Jon, obviously, but not the contract. 
“And of course the agency can arrange an alpha, for propriety’s sake,” Travers continues, and then Bruce finds himself very concerned. 
“I'm sorry?” he says as Clark bristles beside him. Bruce attempts to find any possible way to interpret that “of course” that doesn’t involve a goddamn arranged mating in the interest of him not having to worry about an omega under his roof having the right to make any paternity claims against him if they just so “happen” to get pupped. Politely phrased, obviously, because they’re in mixed company and the Waterton Agency has manners, but still no kind of subtle for anyone who knows those manners. 
“The fuck do they need with an alpha?” Carl asks, wrinkling his nose in confusion, and Bruce is reminded that Carl does not know those manners. Which means Carl has no idea what Travers just offered on his behalf. 
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thewarmestplacetohide · 5 months
Dread by the Decade: The Invisible Man
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Source Material: The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells Year: 1933 Genre: Sci-Fi Horror Rating: Approved (Suggested: PG-13) Country: United States Language: English Runtime: 1 hour 11 minutes
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Director: James Whale Writer: R. C. Sherriff Cinematographer: Arthur Edeson Editor: Ted Kent Composer: Heinz Roemheld Cast: Gloria Stuart, Claude Rains, William Harrigan, Henry Travers, Una O'Connor
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Plot: A scientist creates a potion that turns him invisible at the cost of his sanity.
Review: A fun, if occasionally silly, sci-fi horror with an unsettling central concept, exceptional special effects, and memorable set pieces.
Overall Rating: 4/5
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Story: 3.5/5 - Interesting and tense, though some elements feel like they could have been explored more, such as Jack's initial experiments. Some comedic bits also go on for a bit too long.
Performances: 4/5 - Everyone does a very solid job, including Rains, who often has to rely solely on his voice.
Cinematography: 4/5 - Some really clever camerawork when displaying Jack's invisibility.
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Editing: 3.5/5
Music: 3/5
Effects & Props: 5/5 - Just amazing. Pretty much every scene involving Jack looks remarkable, especially when he's undressing.
Sets: 3.5/5 - Not terribly memorable but they don't really need to be. Well laid out and dressed.
Costumes, Hair, & Make-Up: 4.5/5 - Jack's look as the Invisible Man is deservedly iconic.
Trigger Warnings:
Mild violence
Brief mention of animal abuse
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