#Triple h fanfiction
f1loverleclerc · 26 days
** Double the Love**
Summary: Roman Reigns and his wife Shyla finally welcome their newborn twins. 
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Shyla 
Warning: Fluffy. 
Word count: 772
The sun had barely begun to rise, casting a soft golden glow through the windows of the cozy nursery. Roman Reigns stood by the cribs, his heart swelling with joy at the sight of his newborn twins. Shyla, his partner in crime and the love of his life, was still resting comfortably in their bedroom, a well-deserved slumber following a long night of labor.
He gazed down at the two little bundles swaddled snugly in their blankets. One twin, a girl with a tuft of dark hair that mirrored her father’s, grinned in her sleep, while her brother, with a slightly lighter shade, let out a soft coo. Roman couldn’t help but smile; they were perfect.
As if sensing his gaze, Shyla stirred and stretched, her sleepy eyes blinking open to meet his. A warm smile spread across her face when she realized the time. “Good morning, superstar,” she teased, her voice still thick with sleep.
“Good morning, mama,” he replied, stepping closer to the bed. He kissed her forehead gently before looking back at their children. “Can you believe we made those two?”
Shyla chuckled softly, her heart brimming with love. “We sure did. Look at them—they’re incredible.”
He scooped her hand in his, and together, they approached the cribs. Roman leaned down to give each baby a soft kiss, his heart racing with an overwhelming sense of responsibility and love. “They’re so tiny. Do you think they know how much we love them already?” he asked, glancing at Shyla.
“Of course they do,” she said, her voice tender as she reached down to caress their cheeks. “They can feel it. Just like I felt it when you were holding me during labor.”
“Yeah, about that,” he said, his tone turning playful. “You should’ve seen me—like a deer in headlights! I was trying so hard not to panic!”
Shyla laughed, remembering the moment when Roman had clutched her hand, whispering words of encouragement, even as his own nerves showed through. “You did great, babe. You were my rock.”
“And now I’m a dad of twins!” He puffed out his chest with mock bravado, causing Shyla to giggle. “What’s next? Superhero capes?”
“Only if you wear one, too,” she quipped, her eyes sparkling. 
Roman laughed, imagining the two of them in matching capes, dashing around the house chasing after their little ones. The thought brought him immense joy, knowing that their family was growing, and each day would bring new adventures.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Shyla suggested, “How about we take some pictures? I want to capture this moment forever.”
With a nod, Roman pulled out his phone, setting it up for a quick selfie. They crowded around the cribs, beaming with pride as he snapped the photo. Their smiles were radiant, each glance shared between them filled with the promise of a beautiful future.
“Perfect!” Shyla declared. “Now we just need to figure out names.” 
Roman raised an eyebrow, excitement flickering in his eyes. “I like the sound of ‘Rocky’ and ‘Raina.’”
“Very on-brand,” she teased. “But how about we try something unique? Something that tells our story?”
After tossing around ideas, they finally settled on Maeve and Milo. Each name felt right, resonating with the love they shared. 
“Welcome to the world, Maeve and Milo,” Roman whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “You’ve got the best parents waiting for you.”
As the day unfolded, they found themselves enveloped in a whirlwind of joy and laughter. Family and friends visited, bringing gifts and sharing stories, and each moment only seemed to strengthen their bond.
Later, as night fell and silence wrapped around their home, Roman and Shyla took turns rocking the twins to sleep. The soft sounds of the nursery echoed through their hearts as they exchanged sleepy smiles.
“Can you believe we did it?” Roman whispered as he settled into the rocking chair beside Shyla.
“Every day with you is a blessing,” she murmured, leaning against him. “And now we have doubled the joy.”
With contentment settling in their hearts, Roman rested his head against hers, reflecting on how their lives had changed. Together, they drifted into the peaceful rhythm of parenthood, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would guide them through it all.
In that small nursery, amid the gentle breaths of their sleeping twins, Roman realized there was nothing more magical than this—double the love, double the laughter, and a lifetime of memories waiting to be made.
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acute-scary · 9 days
Between the Ropes… a Jey Uso x Rhea Ripley fanfic.
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Chapter 9: One More Time?
Theme Warning: Mention of Abortion
It was Saturday morning when Jey was jolted awake by his phone ringing insistently. Groggy and disoriented, he glanced at the screen to see Paul Levesque’s name flashing. With a resigned sigh, he answered, knowing this call was likely work-related.
“Hey, Jey. I need you for a wellness drug check,” Paul said, his tone professional but firm. “We’ve had two wrestlers test positive for drugs.”
Jey’s heart sank. The timing was terrible, but he knew better than to argue with Paul. “Which medical center do I need to go to in San Fran?”
There was a brief pause before Paul responded, “Actually, I need you to come to Portland.”
Jey frowned, rubbing his eyes. “Portland? I was hoping to see my regular doctor here in San Fran. Can’t it wait?”
Paul’s voice was unyielding. “The doctor in Portland is already set up and paid for. We need you there today.”
Jey’s frustration mounted. “I can’t just drop everything and fly to Portland on short notice. Why can’t it wait until Monday? I’ve got things lined up today.”
Paul’s tone hardened, leaving no room for negotiation. “Jey, this isn’t a request—it’s an order. The situation is critical, and the arrangements are made. We need you there today, and that’s final.”
Jey felt a surge of anger. “Portland is the last place I want to be right now. Is there something else going on that you’re not telling me? Why so urgent?”
Paul’s voice took on an authoritative edge. “I’m not at liberty to discuss all the details, but you need to trust that this is important. I’ve made it clear—Portland, today, no excuses. If you can’t make it, we’ll handle it differently.”
Jey’s jaw tightened, but he knew arguing further would be futile. Paul’s tone brooked no dissent, and he was well aware of the consequences of defying him. Reluctantly, he conceded, “Alright, I’ll go. What time do you need me there?”
“Head straight to the medical center when you get in. And Jey, don’t keep us waiting. This is a high-priority matter,” Paul instructed before hanging up.
As Jey lay back in bed, staring at the ceiling, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than just a routine check. He quickly got up, starting to pack a small bag. Jey pulled out his phone and ordered an Uber, three minutes away … The thought of Portland, the city where his recent conflicts and unresolved feelings lay, added to his frustration. Why was Paul so insistent on Portland? What was the real reason behind the urgency? Jey tried to push these thoughts aside, knowing he had to approach the day with the professionalism expected of him. When Jey started tossing his clothes into his bag with unrestrained force, the noise roused Takecia from a restless sleep. Bleary-eyed, she stumbled into the master bedroom, her irritation evident.
“What’s going on?” Takecia demanded, her voice tinged with annoyance. “Why are you packing your stuff? You just got home.”
Jey, frustrated and still groggy, zipped his bag with more force than necessary. “Paul called me. I’ve got to go to Portland for some wellness check. Apparently, it’s urgent.”
Takecia’s eyes widened, her mood shifting from tiredness to frustration. “Portland? We had plans for today. Can’t it wait? You’ve barely been here.”
Jey slammed the bag shut, his irritation boiling over. “I don’t have a choice. Paul’s insistent, and I can’t just blow off a work directive. Why do you always have to question everything I do?”
Takecia folded her arms, her patience wearing thin. “I’m not questioning. I’m just asking why you’re leaving when we had plans. I was looking forward to spending the day together, maybe I don’t know .. have sex?????”
Jey’s anger flared. “Plans? Sex? This is work, Takecia. It’s not like I can just ignore it because you had a nice day planned. It’s not all about you.”
Takecia’s face flushed with indignation. “It’s not all about me? You know what? Maybe if you didn’t have your head so far up your own ass, you’d realize how much this affects me. I’m not some afterthought you can just shove aside whenever it’s convenient for you!”
Jey’s face hardened, his frustration evident. “Don’t start with me. I’m not in the mood for a fight. I’ve got to get going.”
“Good,” Takecia snapped back, her voice sharp. “Because I’m not going to waste my energy arguing with you. If you want to act like a selfish jerk, that’s on you. Just remember who’s here for you when you’re done playing the hero for your boss.”
Jey, feeling the weight of her words, grabbed his bag and headed for the door. He cast one last glance at Takecia, seeing the hurt and anger etched on her face. He knew she wasn’t one to be fucked with, but the mix of guilt and anger gnawed at him as he walked out of the house and into the Uber.
As he left, Jey’s mind was a storm of conflicting emotions. The urgency of the situation, the looming confrontation with Paul, the fight with Rhea, now the fallout with Takecia—all of it weighed heavily on him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the day ahead was going to be far from straightforward.
After this I need a fucking vacation..
Rhea’s Saturday morning unfolded quietly, with her lying awake in the hotel suite she shared with Damian. The remnants of a restless night clung to her as she noticed Damian still asleep, exhausted from his late return from Seattle.
A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. Quickly pulling on some clothes, Rhea opened the door to find one of Paul’s assistants standing there, holding a folder.
“Mrs. Adams?” the assistant began. “I’ve been instructed to inform you that you have a meeting with a doctor today at 12 p.m. at Broadway Medical Clinic. Paul will also be present.”
Rhea’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why do I need to see a doctor?”
The assistant’s face remained neutral. “I don’t have the specifics, but it’s crucial. Paul insisted.”
Rhea’s unease grew. “Thank you.”
As the assistant left, Rhea shut the door and leaned against it, grappling with the sudden urgency of the situation. Her mind raced, struggling to understand the reason behind this unexpected appointment and Paul’s insistence. Rhea glanced at the clock in the living room, 10:22 AM.
Determined to handle the day with some semblance of control, Rhea prepared herself, her thoughts tangled between anxiety and anticipation. The weight of the appointment loomed large, hinting at a pivotal moment she wasn’t quite prepared for.
Rhea arrived at Broadway Medical Clinic, her mind still racing with questions. The limousine parked outside caught her attention as she approached. The window rolled down, revealing Paul’s familiar, reassuring smile.
“Rhea, good to see you,” Paul said warmly. “Please, come in. Let’s discuss this inside.”
Reluctantly, Rhea slid into the back of the limo, taking a seat across from Paul. She glanced around, feeling a surge of unease. “Why the secrecy? Why couldn’t we meet at the hotel or somewhere less… intimidating?”
Paul’s expression softened. “Rhea, I understand this must be overwhelming. I wanted to address a few important matters with you personally. First and foremost, I know about the affair with Jey Uso. It’s come to my attention that there’s a possibility you might be pregnant. To address this, we’ll need to perform a pregnancy test and a Non-Invasive Paternity Test to confirm any claims.”
Rhea’s heart sank. “You’re serious? I don’t want to do this. It’s personal.”
Paul’s tone remained calm, but his voice held a firmness. “I understand your reluctance, but it’s crucial for both your career and the company’s reputation. If you refuse to cooperate, I will have no choice but to suspend you for six months. Upon your return, you will be moved to SmackDown. It’s a significant adjustment, and I’d prefer to avoid that if possible.”
Rhea’s eyes widened in shock. “You’re threatening my career?”
Paul leaned forward slightly, his tone fatherly yet authoritative. “I’m not threatening you, Rhea. I’m trying to help you navigate a difficult situation. This is about ensuring clarity and fairness for everyone involved. I’m here to support you, but we need to address this issue head-on.”
Rhea sat back, her mind racing. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on her. She had hoped to avoid such scrutiny, but now, the reality of her choices and their consequences loomed larger than ever.
Paul had lied to Damian, it was his own way of keeping everything secretive, now if Rhea were to go and do anything, he would at least know.
Paul observed Rhea’s anxious demeanor, his expression softening further. “Rhea, I need you to understand something important,” he said gently. “This isn’t just about enforcing rules or punishing anyone. I genuinely care about you and your career. This situation is complex, and it’s crucial we handle it with transparency and integrity.”
Rhea looked at him, confusion and frustration battling within her. “But why should you even care about me in all this? Why make such a big deal out of it?”
Paul took a deep breath, his voice steady. “I’m trying to protect you, Rhea. The wrestling world is unforgiving, and any hint of scandal can follow you for years. By addressing this directly and honestly, we can avoid more significant issues down the line. I want to ensure that when you look back to work, your reputation and career remained intact and scandal free. This is about preserving your future and ensuring you have the best chance to still be Hall of Fame material.”
Rhea’s shoulders slumped slightly as she absorbed his words. Paul’s tone was sincere, and despite her fears, she could sense his genuine concern. “So, you’re really trying to help me?”
“Yes,” Paul affirmed. “I know this is difficult and uncomfortable, but I’m here to support you through it. We need to face this head-on, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way. Let’s get through this, and we can focus on your future. No one is here.. just the doctor and the tech and they have all signed NDA’s. Let’s go in.”
Rhea took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of relief and resignation. Paul’s commitment to her well-being and career gave her a small measure of comfort, even as she faced the daunting tests ahead.
Rhea followed the assistant into the treatment room, her heart pounding. The room was sterile and clinical, a different setting compared to the luxury of the limo. She was handed a small cup and directed to the bathroom. Inside, she took a deep breath, peeing into the cup and placing it in the mini privacy box provided. Her mind raced as she returned to the treatment room.
After about ten minutes, Rhea was guided to another room where a technician waited with a sonogram machine. The technician greeted her kindly and prepared the equipment. Rhea lay down on the examination table, her anxiety mounting as the technician applied gel to her abdomen and began the scan. The screen flickered with images, but her thoughts were elsewhere.
Meanwhile, Jey arrived at the medical center, still grappling with the sudden urgency of Paul’s request. He was greeted by one of Paul’s assistants and led to the waiting room. Paul soon joined him, his demeanor calm and professional.
“Jey,” Paul said, extending a hand. “Thank you for coming on such short notice. We’re conducting a routine wellness check. It includes a drug test and an oral swab. It’s standard procedure.”
Jey nodded, trying to mask his confusion and frustration. “Okay, but why Portland? I thought this could be done in San Francisco.”
Paul smiled reassuringly. “I understand your concern. We have a full facility here for these checks, and it’s easier to manage everything in one place. You’ll need to wait about 30 minutes in the treatment room for the results. It’s all part of keeping things thorough and transparent.”
Jey agreed reluctantly, still uncertain about the reasons behind the sudden move. He was led to the treatment room and left to wait. As he settled into the room, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than a routine drug test.
Back in the sonogram room, Rhea stared at the ceiling, trying to focus on the technician’s soothing voice explaining the process. Her mind was a swirl of worry and confusion about what the results might reveal and how they would affect her life moving forward.
After arriving in the treatment room, Jey was guided through the routine drug test procedures. He first provided a urine sample, then had blood drawn for further testing. The doctor, a middle-aged man with a calm demeanor, pulled out an oral swab test. Jey noticed a tube labeled with the marking “FAT” and furrowed his brow in confusion.
“Is that supposed to mean something?” Jey asked, his curiosity piqued.
The doctor, sensing Jey’s concern, offered a reassuring smile. “No, it’s just a label for our tracking system. It doesn’t have any bearing on you personally. Just open your mouth, and I’ll get the sample.”
Jey complied, opening his mouth as the doctor swabbed the inside of his cheek. He tried to shake off his unease and pulled out his phone, scrolling through messages and social media to pass the time.
Meanwhile, Rhea was in a similar situation. After finishing her sonogram, the technician performed an oral swab. Rhea watched as the technician pulled out a test tube marked with the label “ADA.” She raised an eyebrow and let out a small chuckle. “I guess that means I’m an Australian With A Disability ” she joked, trying to lighten the mood despite her apprehension.
The technician offered a polite smile as she completed the swab, taking a quick sample from the inside of Rhea’s cheek. “It’s just a standard label for our tracking system,” the technician explained.
As Jey waited for his test results, he glanced around the room, trying to ignore the growing discomfort in his stomach. He continued scrolling through his phone, but his mind kept drifting back to the uncertainties surrounding his current predicament. The ambiguity of the situation only heightened his sense of unease.
Paul sat in a quiet corner of the clinic, the documents from the doctor spread out before him. His fingers gripped the edges of the papers as he scanned the results, his face growing increasingly somber. The tests had confirmed what he dreaded: Joshua Fatu was indeed the father of Demi Adams’ 13-week-old fetus. The revelation was disheartening, as Paul had hoped the situation could be managed without exposing such personal and professional turmoil.
The doctor approached Paul, carrying a folder filled with additional information. “Given the nature of Rhea's career and the physical demands it involves,” the doctor began, his tone measured and professional, “there’s a significant risk of miscarriage if she continues with the pregnancy. We also have information on her options, including abortion services and the timeframes within which she can choose to terminate the pregnancy if she decides that’s the best course of action.”
Paul's mind raced as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. He considered the impact this news would have on Rhea’s career, her personal life, and the broader implications for WWE. He felt a deep sense of responsibility not only for Rhea's wellbeing but also for managing the fallout within the organization.
Paul took a deep breath, preparing himself for the difficult conversations that lay ahead. He needed to approach Rhea with sensitivity and support, ensuring she understood her options and the potential consequences of each. The weight of the decision ahead was immense, and Paul knew that navigating this situation with care and respect was crucial for everyone involved.
Paul’s mind manage to focus from the implications of the test results as he directed his assistants to handle the next steps with precision. He knew that managing the situation required utmost control and discretion.
“Make sure both Jey and Rhea are brought to the Ritz Carlton without encountering each other,” Paul instructed firmly. “Arrange for separate transportation for each of them. One of you should go to Rhea’s room and wait with her until her Uber arrives. The other will do the same for Jey. Ensure there are no crossings between them until they reach the conference room. It’s essential that we keep everything in order.”
Paul’s assistants nodded in understanding and set off to carry out his instructions. Paul’s reasoning was clear: by controlling the timing and logistics of their arrivals, he could maintain order and avoid any unnecessary confrontation or complications. The last thing he wanted was for Jey and Rhea to have a run-in before he had the chance to discuss their options and the future course of action with them separately.
Jey's frustration simmered as the assistant hovered around him, ensuring every detail of their ride was handled with meticulous care. "Can’t you just give me some space?" Jey snapped, glaring at the assistant who remained by his side, ready to accompany him in the Uber. The assistant offered a sympathetic but professional smile, clearly aware of Jey’s annoyance but remaining steadfast in their duty.
Meanwhile, Rhea's anxiety was palpable. As the assistant accompanied her to the Uber, she tried to steady her breathing, her fear evident. The ride felt interminable, each moment stretching as she worried about what awaited her. Her heart raced as she tried to focus on calming thoughts, but the assistant's presence offered little comfort.
Paul, fully aware of the need for discretion, made his own preparations. As soon as his assistants had left to escort Jey and Rhea, Paul had slipped into his limo, ensuring the ride was quiet and uninterrupted. He needed to arrive at the Ritz Carlton before his two guests and avoid drawing any attention. The strategy was clear: maintain control and minimize visibility.
Pulling into the hotel, Paul bypassed the main entrance, directing the driver to use the service entrance. With practiced efficiency, he made his way through the back corridors to the conference room. The space had been set up in advance, ready for the tense discussions that lay ahead. Paul carefully avoided any visible contact with hotel staff or other guests, ensuring that he remained an unseen player in the unfolding drama.
About fifteen minutes later, the first of his expected guests arrived. Rhea walked into the conference room, her expression a mix of apprehension and determination.
Rhea sat down as her body tensed with anticipation. The room’s sterile environment felt cold and unwelcoming, accentuated by its harsh lighting and minimalist décor. She stared at the empty chair opposite her, trying to steady her racing thoughts. The silence was almost unbearable, punctuated only by the occasional shuffle of papers or the hum of the air conditioning.
Paul, seated at the head of the table, remained silent and composed, his gaze fixed on the door as if anticipating someone's arrival. His quiet demeanor added to the weight of the situation, making Rhea’s anxiety even more palpable.
The door opened, and Jey stepped inside. His expression was a volatile mix of surprise, frustration, and concern. As soon as his eyes landed on Rhea, a deep silence fell over the room. The sight of her brought back a flood of emotions he had been trying to contain.
Jey hesitated momentarily, his gaze locked with Rhea’s. The weight of their shared past and the gravity of the current situation seemed to crush them both. He walked towards the empty chair and sat down with a deliberate, almost mechanical motion. The chair between them now felt like an impenetrable barrier.
The silence stretched between them, thick and heavy. Rhea’s thoughts churned with regret and uncertainty. She couldn’t escape the realization of how their once-passionate relationship had spiraled into secrecy and betrayal. As she looked at Jey, a pang of guilt and sorrow overwhelmed her. She wondered if they could ever mend what had been broken.
Jey’s mind was equally chaotic. His frustration was evident, but he struggled to keep it in check. He couldn’t understand why Paul had orchestrated this meeting or what was to come. The room felt claustrophobic, and he questioned whether there was any hope for resolution. As he glanced at Rhea, he saw his own pain mirrored in her eyes.
Paul remained silent, observing the scene with a stoic expression. His presence loomed large, a constant reminder of the power dynamics at play. He had orchestrated this meeting to ensure control and to make sure that everything proceeded as he deemed necessary.
The room was charged with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. As Jey and Rhea sat in their respective chairs, separated by a chasm of their own making, the difficult conversations that lay ahead felt almost insurmountable. Paul’s gaze shifted between them, his silence a deliberate tactic as he prepared to address the complexities of their situation.
Paul finally broke the silence, his voice firm. “Thank you both for coming. The tests you both did today confirm everything…. ”
Jey’s face drained of color. “There must be a mistake.”
Rhea’s frustration boiled over. “Jey, the tests are clear. I’m pregnant, and you can’t just ignore it. We have to confront this.”
Jey’s disbelief morphed into agitation. “I can’t handle this right now. It’s too much.”
Rhea’s voice grew sharp. “So now it’s too much for you? I’m the one who has to deal with this, and you’re acting like it’s an inconvenience for you!”
Jey’s anger flared. “It’s not just about me! This is overwhelming, and I don’t know how to process it.”
Rhea’s expression was one of pained determination. “You know what? Maybe I should just get an abortion. It’s clear you’re not ready to face this.”
Jey’s eyes widened. “You’re seriously talking about ending it?”
Rhea’s face was resolute. “What choice do I have? You’re not prepared to deal with this, and I’m left to handle it alone.”
Paul tried to interject, his voice steady. “Rhea, let’s focus on discussing all options and support rather than immediate decisions.”
But before Paul could say more, Jey’s voice cracked. “Rhea, wait. I know I’ve messed up, and I don’t know how to fix this, but… I… I do …” Jey struggled and Rhea freaked out, she knew what he was trying to say.
Rhea looked at Jey, her skepticism evident. “Do you really love me, Jey? Honestly it’s hard to believe after everything.”
Paul stepped in, his tone unexpectedly personal. “Jey, I am going to be honest, I once loved a woman named Joanie, Rhea you know who she is. Joanie was the woman I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. It was a profound connection, but then Stephanie came into my life. Ever since then I keep an open mind when it comes to affairs because Love is complex and can be overshadowed by circumstances. Understanding and effort is crucial.”
Rhea stood abruptly, her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t deal with this right now. I need to be alone.”
Without waiting for a response, Rhea walked out of the room, leaving Jey and Paul behind.
Paul sighed and turned to Jey. “I understand this is a lot to process. I need an answer from both of you by Monday. I need to know how you plan to proceed, both for the sake of your personal lives and the future of your careers.”
Jey sat in stunned silence, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation. The weight of Paul’s ultimatum pressed down on him, as he faced the daunting task of finding a resolution to the turbulent situation.
Paul left the room, heading to his limo with the intent of keeping control over the next steps. The conference room remained heavy with unspoken tension, leaving Jey to finally decide to be a man do what he should have done in the first place. He made his way out of the conference room and headed up the elevator to familiar floor. He knew where to go…
Jey stood in front of the hotel suite door, tension rippling through his body. He knocked again, harder this time, and when Damian finally opened it, Jey's heart was already in his throat. Damian's face was impassive, his eyes narrowing slightly as he leaned against the door frame, arms crossed.
"Where is she?" Jey's voice was rough, on edge. He had no time for small talk, no patience for anything except seeing Rhea.
Damian tilted his head slightly, clearly weighing how much he wanted to say. "She’s not here."
Jey let out a frustrated breath, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Damian, don’t play with me right now, man. Where is she?”
Damian’s expression didn’t change, but there was something in his eyes—something protective, maybe even a little weary. “I don’t know. She just needed space.”
Jey’s chest tightened. He knew what that meant. Rhea had a way of disappearing when things got too heavy, when she needed to be alone with her thoughts. He remembered something she had said to him once in passing, during one of their many late-night conversations. “I'm always on a rooftop. It's like the best place to be when I need to be fully away from someone."
His mind locked onto that, his heart thudding against his ribcage. Without another word to Damian, he turned and strode down the hallway, his steps quick and determined. He knew exactly where she’d be.
The cold air hit Jey like a slap as he stepped onto the rooftop, the city skyline stretched out before him. There she was, just as he thought—standing near the edge, her arms wrapped around herself, staring into the distance like the world could somehow drown out everything that was happening between them.
His heart clenched as he approached her, each step slow and careful, like he was trying not to spook her. “Rhea,” he called softly, the wind carrying his voice toward her.
She didn’t turn, but her body stiffened, as if she’d been expecting him.
“I remember what you said,” Jey continued, his voice rough with emotion. “About always coming to the rooftop when you needed to get away from someone.”
Rhea exhaled, but still, she didn’t move. Jey could feel the tension, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. He was tired of it, tired of hiding, tired of pretending this thing between them wasn’t tearing them both apart.
“I went to the suite,” he said, his voice louder, more forceful. “Damian told me you needed space. But I’m done with space. I’m done running from this. From us.”
Finally, Rhea turned, her eyes wide with a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, maybe even fear. “Us?” she repeated, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. “What the hell is us, Jey?” Her accent coming out more.
He took another step forward, his chest tight with the weight of everything he had been holding back. “It’s everything. It’s me and you. It’s real, Rhea.”
Rhea shook her head, taking a step back as if she couldn’t bear to hear what he was saying. “No. No, this isn’t real. This is a mess.”
Jey clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. “It’s real to me! I can’t keep pretending like this doesn’t mean something.”
Rhea’s eyes flashed with anger, her voice rising. “What are you even saying, Jey? You’ve got a wife. You’ve got kids. You think you can just blow that up for—what? For some affair?”
Jey’s heart pounded, his voice breaking as he spoke. “I love my kids, Rhea. You know that. I love them more than anything. But I’m not in love with Takecia anymore. I haven’t been for a long time.”
Rhea flinched, her eyes searching his face for something—anything—that made sense in this chaos. “And what? You think this is love? Sneaking around, lying to everyone? Lying to ourselves?”
“Yes!” Jey shouted, his emotions crashing down like a wave. “Yes, I do. I love you, Rhea.”
The words hung in the air, and for a moment, it felt like the entire world had stopped. But instead of softening, instead of those words pulling her closer, Rhea’s face hardened.
“No, you don’t,” she said, her voice cold, sharp. “You don’t love me. You just don’t want to lose me. And that’s not the same thing.”
Jey’s heart plummeted. “You don’t mean that,” he whispered, but there was no conviction in his voice, no strength left to fight.
Rhea looked away, her arms wrapped tighter around herself. “What are we even doing, Jey? You want me to blow up my life, your life, for this? You think you can just walk away from Takecia, from your kids, and everything will be fine? Do you remember Chyna?? I do! Hunter left her! He had an affair and he left her! She went on a downward spiral after Hunter left her! I don’t want to be responsible for Takecia going on a downward spiral..” Rhea said as she turned back to see Jey.
“I’ll leave her,” Jey said, his voice desperate. “If you leave Matt, I’ll leave her. We can start over. We can have a real chance.”
Rhea laughed, but it was a bitter, hollow sound. “You’re insane. You can’t just walk away from your family like that. This isn’t some fantasy, Jey. This is real life.”
Jey felt his frustration rise again, felt the need to make her understand. “I’m already walking away. I’ve been gone for a long time. You’re the only thing that makes sense to me anymore, Rhea. Don’t you see that?”
Rhea’s eyes filled with tears, her voice trembling. “You think this is love? This is chaos, Jey. This is destruction. And I’m not going to be the one to burn everything down.”
Jey reached for her, but she stepped back, shaking her head. “I can’t do this,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind. “I can’t.”
“Rhea, please,” Jey’s voice cracked, his desperation evident. “Don’t do this. Don’t walk away.”
Rhea looked at him, her eyes filled with pain and anger. “I don’t have any other choice..”
As Rhea's hand closed around the rooftop door, Jey grabbed her wrist with a desperation that shook her to her core. Before she could react, before the protests could leave her lips, Jey spun her around with such force that her breath caught in her throat.
His eyes were wild, burning with a mix of fear, regret, and something else-something darker, something that terrified and thrilled her at the same time. He didn't wait for permission. His lips slammed into hers, hard and frantic, with a hunger that consumed every inch of her.
This wasn't a kiss. This was an explosion.
At first, Rhea resisted, her hands pushing weakly against his chest, trying to maintain the last thread of control she had left. But Jey didn't stop. His hands cupped her face, his fingers tangling roughly in her hair as he held her in place, refusing to let her go. His kiss was demanding, raw, a battle against the space between them, and for a moment, it was as if he was trying to erase all the pain, the betrayal, the uncertainty with the force of his lips alone.
The intensity of it left her gasping for air, but he wouldn't relent. He kissed her deeper, harder, as if this was the only way he could communicate everything he felt-everything he'd been holding back for months. And as the fire in her chest grew, the dam she'd been holding inside finally broke.
Rhea gave in.
Her resistance melted away, her body collapsing into his as her hands clawed at his shirt, pulling him closer. She kissed him back with everything she had, matching his intensity, pouring her anger, confusion, and desire into him. Every wall, every hesitation, shattered.
This was no longer about control. This was about release-about giving in to the one thing that made sense in the chaos of their lives.
Jey's hands slid down her back, gripping her waist with a fierceness that sent a shiver down her spine. He pulled her flush against him, leaving no space between their bodies. Their hearts pounded together, frantic, desperate, as if this was the last kiss they'd ever share. His lips devoured hers with such force it almost hurt, but she didn't care.
Rhea could feel every emotion, every unsaid word, every ounce of regret, passion, and longing in the way Jey kissed her. It was like he was trying to make her understand without words-trying to tell her that she was it for him.
That no matter how messy their lives had become, no matter how broken everything was, this kiss... this was real.
Her fingers tangled in his hair, her body pressing impossibly closer as she surrendered completely. The rooftop, the skyline, everything around them disappeared. There was no Portland, no hotel suite, no Damian, no Takecia.
It was just them-Rhea and Jey, locked in a moment that felt like it could tear them both apart.
And maybe it would.
As the kiss deepened, Rhea felt everything inside her unravel. The pregnancy, the fights, the push, the lies—none of it mattered right now. All that mattered was the way Jey kissed her, the way his lips moved against hers like this was the only way to keep them alive.
She moaned softly into his mouth, her body trembling under his touch as he held her like he'd never let her go. His kiss was frantic, urgent, filled with a desperation that mirrored her own. Every emotion she had been burying for months came rushing to the surface, overwhelming her, drowning her in him.
When they finally broke apart, gasping for air, their foreheads rested against each other, their breath mingling in the cool night air. Rhea's chest heaved, her pulse racing as if her heart was trying to claw its way out of her chest.
Jey's voice was rough, low, as he whispered, "I love my kids, Rhea. But I'm not in love with Takecia. I've never felt like this about anyone."
She stared at him, her lips still tingling from the intensity of the kiss, her mind spinning. The words hung between them, heavy and impossible. She didn't know what to say-what to feel.
"'l will leave her," Jey continued, his hands still gripping her waist like he was afraid she'd slip away. "If you leave Matt, I'll leave her. We can do this... we can be together."
Rhea's heart twisted painfully in her chest. She wanted to believe him-God, she wanted to believe him so badly. But the weight of everything crushed down on her. Was this real?
Could they really make it work? Could they survive everything they'd done?
Her lips parted, the words she wanted to say stuck in her throat. She looked into his eyes, searching for something-some kind of answer, some kind of reassurance. But all she saw was the same fear and desperation she felt.
"I don't know if I can do this," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Jey... I don't know."
Jey's hand moved to her cheek, his thumb brushing away the tear that had slipped free. "I love you," he said, his voice fierce, unrelenting.
"I love you, Rhea. I don't care what it takes. I'll prove it. I'll leave her."
She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, her heart breaking under the weight of his words.
But before she could respond, before she could even think, Jey pulled her in again, his lips crashing against hers with even more intensity than before. This kiss was different. It was a promise-a vow. He kissed her like it was the last chance he had to show her how much he meant it.
Rhea's mind screamed at her to stop, but her body didn't listen. She kissed him back, pouring everything into that one final, desperate kiss.
Because in that moment, they both knew-they were too far gone to turn back now.
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tameodesza · 4 months
꒰ modus operandi ₊ ⠀᱖⠀⠀꒱
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ Pornstar!Shawn x Director!Bret ⋆⭒˚。⋆
♡ Summary: Bret had worked a lot of odd jobs throughout his career, but he never thought his film degree would lead him to the set of a porno.
♡ a/n: This ended up being way longer than I expected, as always. AO3 link.
NSFW 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Bret was a seasoned film director in Hollywood. He’d worked numerous gigs throughout his career – commercials, sitcoms, low-budget indie films, and a short stint as a cameraman for some obscure wrestling federation in his younger years.
He’d done it all – or so he thought.
When an industry friend called one day asking him to direct a project on short notice, he wished he hadn’t broken his rule of not answering his landline on his day off.
He’d barely gotten the phone off the hook when he heard the distressed voice over the line. “Bret! Buddy! Need a huge favor. My director backed out last minute. Can you fill in?”
 “What happened to your guy?”
“Fucked off to Aruba. Something about his ex trying to serve him with child support papers. Now I’m out a director! Please, Bret. I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
Bret leaned a shoulder against his cheap wallpaper, pinching the bridge of his nose. He should’ve hung up right then. But work had been a little slow for him lately, and with his bills piling up, it was unwise to turn down any work.
Bret hid his sigh as he asked, “What’s it for?”
Bret almost backed out of the project himself once he learned the details. But he couldn’t turn down the money. It was almost three times the amount he made on his last project. So after a day of briefing and understanding his requirements, Bret pulled up to a discreet film lot second-guessing his life choices.
Now, Bret had worked a lot of odd jobs throughout his career, but he never thought his film degree would lead him to the set of a porno.
Red leather couches, neon lights, and a lingering smell of sex greeted him as soon as he walked through the doors. He looked like a deer in headlights as his eyes scanned the room. He was far from modest, but he wasn’t sure what to expect working in such a lewd environment.
Then his eyes landed on the star of this project – Shawn Michaels.
Shawn was one of the most popular adult film stars on the scene. Many dubbed him as porn’s ‘Golden Boy,’ a name he earned due to his beauty, charm, and onscreen performance that left his viewers lusting for more. He was a hot commodity, but his success hadn’t come without sacrifice.
Despite his profession, Shawn, in fact, did not bareback his way to the top. The rumor spread like wildfire early in his career when people speculated on his quick rise in the business. With the amount of people Shawn came across promising him roles for a quick fuck, the idea wasn’t farfetched. But Shawn liked to believe he still had a sprinkle of morals left and turned down every offer.
Instead, it took working on a handful of crappy deals, unsafe work environments, and sketchy underground projects that probably never saw the light of day for him to catch the eye of some important people. Through rounds of networking, he managed to get signed to one of the top agencies in adult entertainment, Heartbreak Talent.
With his agency behind him, Shawn rose from the underground and began working on high profile projects with some of the most popular porn stars in the business. No longer was he meeting up in some dude’s moldy basement, but rather an actual set with regulations. He began pumping out quality content and selling his own merch on the side to make more money. When he began getting invitations to attend events put together for the top stars in the business, he knew he’d reached the upper echelon of adult entertainment.
Shawn sat in his makeup chair dressed in nothing but a white robe. He never understood the need to powder his face when all he was going to do was sweat it off. But he’d long given up on trying to understand the things they did.
He trailed his fingers through his styled hair to fluff it up a bit but came to a stop when he spotted Bret’s unfamiliar face in the mirror. Fit, tan, pretty eyes, and curly brown hair? The man was gorgeous, Shawn mentally declared as his eyes tracked Bret’s movement across the room.
Shawn almost mistook him for an actor with those looks, but soon realized the attractive man was the director. Shawn was accustomed to working with the same few directors, so it was a rarity to see someone new. And luckily for him, the beautiful man was directing the final scene of his project – a three-part series centered on Shawn banging the pizza guy.
Shawn smiled as his eyes shifted to the deep voiced man walking up behind him wearing a cheap shirt with a pizza logo in the center. It was his favorite co-star, Big Dick Diesel. Favorite because working with him always felt easy and they made a lot of money together with their onscreen chemistry.
Shawn snickered, tilting his head back to peer at the man. “Glad to see you got your lines memorized.”
“It’s easy when it’s my only line along with ‘You ordered an extra large?’”
They laughed quietly between themselves. “Yeah, I’m not expecting to win any Oscars with these cheesy lines. No pun intended.”
The sound of skin slapping, leather squeaking, and exaggerated moans filled the air as Diesel jackhammered his dick into Shawn’s ass. Shawn rested against Diesel’s chest, allowing his body to be used like a toy while his eyes flirted with the camera. He gave another loud moan and threw his head back when Diesel wrapped a hand around his cock.
“Yes, big daddy. Fuck me, fuck me! Don’t stop. Fuck!”
Shawn was in his element, and though much of his onscreen performance was an act, Diesel was one of few co-stars able to squeeze a real moan out of him. But as seamlessly as the shoot was going, something had been bothering the blond. And the source was the man behind the camera.
Shawn was used to directors praising him throughout scenes, commenting on how hot he was, how great his ass looked, or how good he took dick. It was a huge boost to his ego and encouraged him to pull out more tricks for the camera. But between sucking off Diesel and riding the man’s dick into oblivion, Shawn couldn’t help but notice how quiet the new director was.
Instead of ogling over Shawn, Bret kept a straight face, only speaking when directing Shawn and Diesel to change angles. It was strictly professional, something that Shawn wasn’t used to. It had him second-guessing his performance, wondering if Bret was too nice to tell him if he was ruining the shot.
After a final hard thrust, Diesel abruptly stilled, filling his condom with cum as Shawn continued to ride him through his climax. The blond came soon after, and Bret never felt more like a perv as held the shot on the cum oozing down Shawn’s dick.
Shawn ended the scene with his last line, “How’s that for a tip,” a dopey smile plastered on his face as he gave Diesel a kiss.
Bret was gone as soon as he yelled ‘cut’, robbing Shawn of seeing his beautiful face once more. Shawn sank back into Diesel, letting out a slow breath as the man lazily wrapped his arms around him. He squinted when Diesel pulled out, never getting used to dismounting the larger man.  
An assistant brought over a pair of robes, and after getting dressed they made plans to meet up at the bar later that night. Diesel was one of few people Shawn could fuck and go out drinking like nothing happened, something he cherish about their friendship.
Shawn was late to leave, choosing to freshen up at the studio since it was closer to the bar. Upon leaving the building, he was pleasantly surprised to find Bret standing on the curb waiting for his ride. Something told him to keep walking, especially because Bret seemed to be of few words. But that only made the blond that much more curious.
“Hey.” Shawn approached with a dazzling smile.
Bret was barely able to make eye contact. It felt odd having a normal conversation with the blond after seeing so much of him exposed. “Hey.”
There was a long pause that Bret didn’t seem likely to fill. Shawn shifted his feet in the awkward silence, pulling out a cigarette as a distraction. Before he could light it, he noticed Bret eyeing the stick. “You smoke?”
Bret averted his eyes. “Trying to kick the habit.”
“Oh.” Shawn swiftly put the cigarette back in the cartridge.
The conversation was drier than the Sahara desert, but that didn’t stop Shawn from shooting his shot. He moved closer to Bret, examining him with inquisitive eyes. He was cute, even cuter up close. “Have you acted before?”
Bret crinkled a brow. “No…why?”
“Oh, nothing. Just wondering why a pretty face like yours stays hidden behind the camera.”
Bret’s cheeks heated up, taken aback by the unexpected compliment. Shawn smirked, knowing he had Bret right where he wanted him.
But just then, Bret spotted his ride cruising up the street. He found his words, answering curtly, “I’m not interested in the spotlight.” Then he grabbed his camera bag, entering his brother’s brown Cadillac before it could come to a complete stop.
Shawn watched longingly as the car pulled off with even more interest in the mysterious director.
Bret eyed Shawn’s image in the rearview mirror with conflicting thoughts of his own. But his thoughts were interrupted when Owen asked blatantly, “So how’s the porn gig?”
Bret shifted his eyes from the mirror to Owen with a look of annoyance. “I really wish you wouldn’t call it that.”
“Pardon me. How’s the ‘adult entertainment’ gig?” Owen said with a shit-eating grin.
Bret sighed into his palm, wishing he hadn’t told Owen. He wanted to keep it under wraps, but with his car being in the shop, he had no choice but to let his nosy brother know why he suddenly needed a ride to an obscure location across town. The only comfort he had was knowing Owen would keep it to himself. Bret didn’t want to give his family another reason to clown him on his career choice. Though his parents were supportive, his siblings never believed he’d make it in Hollywood despite the success he’d had.
He answered flatly. “It’s a job.”
“Oh, it’s more than just a job-”
“Owen. Please. I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
“…You’re no fun.”
“Think he’s straight?” Shawn seriously asked after slamming his shot glass on the counter.
Diesel smiled into his drink, knowing the director had caught Shawn’s eye. He shrugged. “Don’t know. Makes it a whole lot more awkward he’s shooting gay porn if so.”
“He’s so cute,” Shawn blurted. Subtlety had never been his expertise. “It wouldn’t be fair if he’s straight.”
“Talk to him and find out then.”
“I tried. Getting a conversation out of him is like trying to squeeze water out of bread. It ain’t gonna happen.”
Diesel snorted. “Well, maybe that’s a good thing. You know the number one rule in the business. Never fall for y-”
“Your co-star, yes I know.” He’d learned that the hard way with Marty. “But no one ever said anything about the director, Dies.” Shawn gave a mischievous grin and Diesel could only shake his head as he ordered another drink.
Bret was asked (begged) to work on a few more projects, many of which starred Shawn. Apparently, the previous director was still on the run, and Bret’s impressive camerawork made him the top choice for a replacement.
When Shawn realized that Bret was directing more of his films, that began his mission to find any stupid excuse to talk to Bret. He likened the man to an old car’s engine. He just needed to be warmed up before running properly. They needed to get on speaking terms and he’d woo the man in no time.
He pulled out all the stops - asking Bret which angle he looked better in, asking Bret to roll the footage back after finishing a scene, and asking Bret of his opinion on outfits he should wear, even though there were stylists on set with more qualified opinions. 
The process was slow and steady. Bret remained standoffish for a while, finding Shawn’s chatty nature annoying at first. But with each attempt, it seemed that Shawn was able to get a bit more conversation out of the quiet director.
Shawn draped a robe around himself as he huddled closely to the monitor. He’d just finished up a scene with another top star, Hunter Helmsley, before making his way over to Bret. “Wow. My ass looks great.”
Bret glanced sideways at the blond, rolling his eyes with the shake of his head. He hadn’t known Shawn for long, but he was quick to learn of the blond’s self-obsession. Then he noticed Shawn’s sudden frown, his eyes laser focused on the screen. “What’s wrong?”
“Can you cut that in post?”
Bret scrunched his brows, looking back at the screen that showed Shawn on his knees blowing Hunter. “Why?”
“You don’t see that? The way my stomach folds there?” He pointed towards the bottom of the screen. “It’s unflattering.”
Bret looked closely, rewinding and pausing the video to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. Honestly, Shawn looked fine. But the look in Shawn’s eyes told Bret the blond didn’t feel the same. It was an eye-opening moment for him as he realized the confident blond struggled with the image of himself.
“Shawn, I promise you it looks fine.”
Shawn gave a doe-eyed look. “Really?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Shawn looked back at the screen, finding it hard to believe. But he believed Bret was being honest. He was too blunt not to be. “Ok. I trust your opinion. Thanks, Bret.”
Shawn’s a genius. He was sure of it when he thought of a plan to get Bret alone. His agency had asked for him to submit some updated promotional photos to use on their website, and Shawn knew just who to ask for help.
Bret grew suspicious when he pulled up to the ‘set location,’ which was nothing more than Shawn’s high-rise condo. His mind raced on the elevator ride up, clashing against the slow classical music that played around him, as he speculated over the real reason Shawn invited him to his home.
Bret first toyed with the idea of it being a setup. Maybe he was going to get robbed of his expensive camera equipment. But, no. Shawn didn’t seem like the type of person to do that. Then he wondered if he had the wrong address. But that couldn’t be when the concierge had expected his arrival and pointed him to the direction of Shawn’s suite.
Once the elevator dinged, he settled on Shawn’s request being legit. He was due for new pictures, and Bret was great with cameras. Of course the blond would ask for his help. He was psyching himself out for nothing.
But when Shawn answered the door with his signature smile and messy hair, scantily clad in a see-through white silk robe with his lingerie slightly visible beneath, Bret was unsure of the blond’s intentions.
“Don’t be shy. Come in.” Shawn opened the door wider and Bret’s nose was hit with the inviting smell of his expensive cologne.
Bret entered hesitantly, but his nerves settled upon seeing the white backdrop in Shawn’s living room. When Shawn rounded him after closing the door, Bret pointed to his attire and asked, “Is this for the photoshoot?”
Shawn smirked as he walked backwards, opening his robe to reveal the white lace thong underneath. “Of course. What else would it be for?” Bret chose not to answer.
It started out innocently enough with Bret directing Shawn to flattering poses before taking a picture. But Shawn was a natural and didn’t need much direction. He knew just what his viewers would want to see.
Things took a turn when Shawn began flirting with Bret in his not-so-subtle manner. “Hey, can you pull this down a bit?”
Bret was busy looking through the photos when he glanced up to see Shawn on his knees with backside facing him. Shawn had rid himself of his robe, leaving ass cheeks exposed in his thong. He threw his head over his shoulder, waiting for Bret to take the bait.
Bret’s breath hitched before swallowing spit down his dry throat. It was funny, really. He’d seen the blond naked so many times, and in more compromising positions than the one he was currently in. But it was something about being alone in Shawn’s home that seemed so…intimate? Inappropriate? Yeah, that was it.
Or maybe Bret was thinking on it too much. The photoshoot was for porn promotional photos. It’s nothing out of the norm given the circumstances.
Bret cleared his throat. “Sure.” He set down his camera then walked over and kneeled behind the blond, unaware of Shawn’s growing smile. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of the thin fabric. “How low?”
Shawn turned his head inches from Bret’s face. “Just below the crack. Gotta leave them wanting more, you know?”
Bret gulped audibly in their close proximity, his eyes flitting between Shawn’s eyes and his lips. He was toeing a dangerous line and needed to stop himself before crossing it. “Right.” He looked away and turned his attention back to Shawn’s thong, tugging it down to Shawn’s liking.
It was hard for Shawn to hide his disappointment when Bret walked back to his camera.
Diesel knew Shawn was down bad when the blond called him over to drink at his condo that night.
Shawn nursed a bottle of Hennessy as he moped, “I don’t think he’s gay!” You’d think someone cut off Shawn’s hair the way he was in hysterics.
Diesel chuckled, “Because he didn’t fuck you as soon as he walked in?”
“Maybe he’s a gentleman.”
“Or straight, like I said.” He took another swig.
Diesel should have been more compassionate, but he thought this was hilarious. Shawn always got whatever and whoever he wanted. Always. This was the first time Shawn was so verklempt over a man not fawning over him, and frankly, Diesel thought it was a humbling experience.
“Well, I don’t think you throwing yourself at him’s the answer. Look at how long it took for him to say more than a few words to you. You’ve gotta take it slow.”
“I’ll lose a race to a turtle if I go any slower.” He flopped on the side of his couch, whining in the cushion.
Diesel rolled his eyes at the dramatic blond.
Bret sat at his desk looking through the photos he’d taken. Shawn made it seem like he needed the photos urgently, so Bret wanted to make sure he had some good ones picked out of the batch. His finger hovered on the ‘next’ button when he came across a photo that brought a tender smile to his face. It was an off-guard photo he’d taken of Shawn as the blond pulled a piece of lint out of his hair. It was a softer image of Shawn, one that wasn’t full of the lust his company wanted, but one that spoke of an innocence behind those lustful eyes. Bret thought Shawn looked prettiest this way when he wasn’t trying to put on for the camera.
Though it wasn’t obvious to Shawn, Bret was dealing with his own conflicted feelings towards him. Bret met many beautiful people in his line of work, and none of them compared to Shawn. But he knew better than to dip his toe in the water when it came to talent. He’d seen many men and women get blackballed in Hollywood as a result of onset relationships that went wrong. Bret took his career too seriously to risk it.
But he’d be lying if he said his mood didn’t lift when Shawn spoke to him. Or that he didn’t miss Shawn’s presence when he worked on projects the blond wasn’t a part of. Even if Bret didn’t have much to say, he just liked listening to Shawn talk, the blond always having an interesting story to tell.
He’d smile whenever Shawn complimented him, even more so when Shawn would shout triumphantly at the fact that he was able to will away Bret’s signature frown. There were also the few times when Shawn brushed past him and sent a wave of butterflies in his stomach that he tried to ignore. But the butterflies would soon dissipate after yelling ‘action’ and filming Shawn fucking or getting fucked by other men.
Shawn was at the top of their business for a reason. He was a showman, putting on a performance that would leave anyone watching with envy. Bret knew himself well enough to know that a fling between them wouldn’t work. He was a jealous man, something he wasn’t proud of. And with Shawn’s line of work, it would be a tough pill to swallow watching the blond share his body with someone else.
Filming Shawn with his well-endowed screen partners, like Diesel and Hunter, didn’t make Bret feel any better when he wondered if he’d be able to please Shawn all the same.
Bret set down his camera, coming to the conclusion that he needed to keep the blond an arm’s length away for both of their sakes. But that was easier said than done.
As Bret predicted, working on set with Shawn became much more difficult once feelings got involved. No matter how much he told himself to ignore it, seeing Shawn being taken by a man, sometimes multiple men at once, was hard for Bret to stomach.
It became even tougher filming rough scenes where Bret couldn’t discern if Shawn’s pain was real or part of the act. It took a mental toll on Bret because he actually cared for the guy.
There came a point where it was too much and Bret had to intervene.
“Cut! Let’s reset, guys. The lighting’s off.” Truth was Bret needed an excuse to give Shawn a break from the abuse his body endured.
His skin raised in nasty welts across his chest from the whip his screen partner, Undertaker, had been using.
“You ok?” he asked Shawn who laid on a table, breathing heavily. He seemed out of it but gave a shaky smile.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
But that wasn’t nearly as bad as the time Shawn struggled for air as his co-star, Razor Ramon, forced his mouth down on his cock as he came, ignoring Shawn’s frantic taps on his thigh.
Bret was close to stopping filming, but just as he moved, Razor pulled Shawn’s back head, causing the blond to cough up spit and cum that hadn’t made it down his throat. What was even more bizarre was the fact that those around him seemed unphased as if they were desensitized to the brutality of what happened to Shawn.
Bret called for someone to bring over a towel and he helped clean up Shawn’s face. “I’m fine, Bret.” His voice was rough with misuse.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t sound like it. But before Bret could further question him, Shawn grabbed a robe and left the room without another word. Bret was concerned but gave Shawn the space he clearly needed.
Bret waited for the room to clear out to address Razor. The man had just zipped up his duffle bag when Bret approached. “You nearly killed him, you know that?”
Razor turned around with a lifted brow. His accent was thick, toothpick hanging out of his mouth as he said, “Listen here, chico. I don’t tell you how to direct. So don’t tell me how to fuck. If you got a problem with it, go back to directing insurance commercials.”
He flicked his toothpick in Bret’s face before stalking out of the room.
Bret realized there was something more between him and Shawn when they began hanging out outside of work. It started as Shawn asking Bret to spot him at the gym the one time Diesel couldn’t come. Bret should’ve said no, especially with how complicated things were with Shawn. And with how left the photoshoot went, there was no telling what Shawn would pull out from his hat of tricks. But how could he turn Shawn down when begged him with those baby blues.
Surprisingly, they’d done just as Shawn asked – spotted him. Nothing more. So when Shawn began asking Bret to join him on other outings, he didn’t see any problems with it. If anything, Bret looked forward to it. It gave him a reason to get out the house and experience new things he probably wouldn’t have had it not been for Shawn, such as wine tastings and apple picking. It was something so pure about seeing Shawn get excited about finding the juiciest apple in the orchard.
Through these outings, Bret got to see a different side of Shawn that only those closest to him saw. He got to know him not as the Heartbreak agency’s sex symbol, but as Shawn the person.
Having Bret’s company meant more to Shawn than Bret could ever know. As much of a socialite as Shawn was, he had very few real friends. It could get lonely sometimes when everyone was too busy to hang out with him. But Bret always seemed to make time.
It was during a morning hike that Bret learned the most about Shawn.
They sat down at a picnic table, needing a break from their hike. Shawn chuckled as Bret tried to hide his exhaustion. He handed over his water bottle since Bret hadn’t brought his own. “Here. Drink up.” Bret cautiously eyed the bottle and Shawn said, “I promise I don’t have cooties. Scouts honor.”
Bret snorted and grabbed the bottle. He took a few sips and handed it back. “Thanks. I should’ve brought my own. Wasn’t expecting it to be so hot today.”
“Oh, please. This is nothing compared to Texas.”
“The accent didn’t give it away?” Shawn snickered and took a sip of water. “I’m from Texas. Born and raised.”
“How’d you end up out here?”
“The same as most of us – the age old tale of dreaming to make it as an actor in Hollywood.” He turned his head, looking at the Hollywood sign in the distance. “Except it didn’t work out for me. Or maybe it did, depending on how you look at it. It takes a bit of acting skills to do porn, right?”
Bret had never given much thought to what Shawn did before porn, but he hadn’t expected to hear he was a struggling actor. “How’d you get into adult entertainment?”
“I was desperate for money. I’d managed to score a few commercials, but the pay didn’t even cover half of my bills. One day, I saw this ad asking for a nude male performer. I wasn’t entirely sure what the gig was for. Something about taking candid photos, but I didn’t care. I needed the 300 bucks.”
Bret’s eyes widened. “Only $300?!”
“Hey, I told you I was desperate!” Shawn laughed loudly. “If it makes it any better, they upped the pay to $500 when I agreed to have sex on camera.”
It didn’t make it any better. “And showing up to a random location for sex didn’t scare you?”
Shawn waved a flippant hand. “It was fine. The ladies were nice.”
Shawn curled a brow, entertained by Bret’s reaction. “Is that so shocking?”
“Kind of. I mean, I just thought you only did gay porn.”
“I did whatever paid the bills. It’s a shame, really.”
“There’s no shame in that.”
“You don’t think so?”
“No. You did what you needed to survive and have been fortunate enough to make a living out of it. You should be proud, Shawn.”
Bret expected that to put a smile on the blond’s face. But a somber mood came over Shawn as he looked away with a faraway look.
Shawn whispered, “If only my family thought the same.” The words left him quicker than he realized. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to get personal. Forget I said anything.”
“No, no, it’s ok.” Bret reached out a hand, breaking his arms-length rule as he placed his hand on Shawn’s shoulder. “Your family. Do they…are they not supportive?” He could relate with that.
Shawn gave a laugh that didn’t reach his eyes. “Nope…They disowned me. Dad wasn’t particularly happy to learn we had a porn star in the family.” He looked down at his hands, not wanting to see Bret’s pity.
“Oh, Shawn.” Bret rubbed his hand gently on Shawn’s shoulder in comfort. “How did they find out?”
Shawn sighed. “It’s embarrassing really. My dad’s neighbor called him over after finding a gay porn magazine under his son’s bed. I was on the cover, wearing nothing but a Christmas-themed G-string.”
Shawn had fond memories of that photoshoot. It was the first time he’d met Hunter, kickstarting their decade-long friendship. It just sucked that the memory was overshadowed by the events that followed.
“Once the secret was out, he cut off all ties with me. Said I was a cancer and needed to repent for my sins. Everyone else in the family followed suit and I haven’t spoken to them in nearly ten years.”
That was a hit to Bret’s chest. He couldn’t imagine the hurt Shawn had gone through. He had his battles with his own family, and he knew they’d have a lot of questions if they ever found out he directed porn. But he also knew his parents would never even consider disowning him. It bothered him that someone as bright as Shawn went through something so dark.
Bret scooted closer and said, “I’m so sorry you went through that, Shawn. You didn’t deserve that.”
Shawn struggled to believe that. He’d spent many years wondering why he couldn’t have gone for a normal job like his siblings. Wondering why he gave up so easily on acting when the going got tough. He brought his family so much embarrassment and shame, it was hard not to believe he deserved to get thrown out of the family. But Bret’s words brought him some comfort.
“Thanks, Bret.” He let out a breath, contemplating what he’d say next. “Since I’m being so honest, can I tell you something I haven’t told anybody else?”
“Of course.”
Shawn stalled. “I’m…I’ve been thinking about leaving the industry.” Bret’s eyes bulged at the announcement. “I know it’s crazy. Porn has done me a lot of good. It’s gotten me out of a rough place in my life and I’ll always be grateful. But,” Shawn sighed heavily.
Bret could practically feel the stress radiating off Shawn. “It’s taken its toll on you,” Bret finished for him.
Shawn looked relieved. “Exactly. I feel a little guilty saying it because I’m so lucky to be as successful as I am. But time is finite. Looks fade. And I don’t know how much longer I can depend on my appearance for money.”
Bret nodded. “That’s valid. What’s stopping you from making the jump?”
“I’m scared, Bret. I tried going the traditional route, working an honest job, but this is where it landed me. This lifestyle is all I’ve ever known. What if it’s the only thing I’m good for?”
Shawn’s eyes began to water, and Bret quickly soothed, “Hey. Hey listen to me. You’re worth so much more than this, Shawn. So much more. You’re the only one holding yourself back from making that leap. No one else is, but you. If you decide to stay in the industry, that’s fine. It doesn’t lower your worth as a person. But if you really want to leave, I will be here to support you 100%. I mean it.”
Shawn was touched, his eyes watering again from Bret’s kind words. He’d never had anyone put so much faith in him. He’d been afraid to tell his industry friends about his thoughts on leaving, knowing they’d selfishly want him to stay. And part of him thought Bret would feel the same way.
But the sincerity behind Bret’s words moved Shawn so much that he couldn’t help but kiss him in gratitude. The kiss was short, and Shawn was quick to pull away realizing what he’d done. “Shit. I’m sor-”
Bret placed a hand on the back of Shawn’s neck, pulling him into another kiss before he could finish. Bret shouldn’t be doing this. He really shouldn’t. It went against every rule of caution he set for himself. But he didn’t care that he was breaking the rules of professionalism. He didn’t care if Shawn would never be his. All he cared about was sharing this moment with a guy he’d grown to care about.
They were both breathless, eyes half-lidded when he pulled away. “I’ve been wanting to do that for some time.”
Shawn gave a bright smile as he internally celebrated. He couldn’t wait to rub it in Diesel’s face. “Me too.”
They hooked up as soon as they made it back to Shawn’s condo. The door had barely closed when Bret pinned Shawn against the door, liplocking with him until they both couldn’t breathe.
A trail of clothes was left on the way to Shawn’s bedroom, and they fell onto Shawn’s California king bed in a naked heap. If Bret was nervous about his performance, it didn’t show that night.
Shawn allowed Bret to take control, the blond responding positively to every intimate touch. Bret was so tender with him, something Shawn rarely experienced in his sex life. Every part of him was sensitive and for the first time in a while, sex didn’t feel like a job. He didn’t feel the need to perform or be over the top. He wasn’t having sex for millions of people to see, but for him and Bret only.
Every kiss, every moan, every plea for Bret to fuck him harder were all genuine. It was an intense moment for both of them, and they felt even more connected to each other when they came.
“I want to be with you.”
They both uttered those words at different times in the night – Shawn when Bret pinned him against the door, and Bret when Shawn laid on his chest dozing off in post-nut clarity.
Bonus (because idk when to stop writing lol):
🥀 Shawn doesn’t leave adult entertainment 100%. After getting with Bret, he cut out pornos entirely, but still participated in some semi-nude risqué photoshoots. He’d even posed in Playgirl one time. The crew tried so hard to get him naked, but Shawn wasn’t showing his dick to anyone but Bret. It was a good compromise. He could still show off his body but wasn’t getting fucked by other men. The money wasn’t as quick as Shawn was used to, but he still made a decent living.
🥀 The adjustment was harder for his peers more than it was for Shawn. They threw a big going away party and his friend Goldust pleaded for Shawn not to rob the world of ever seeing his perfect ass.
🥀 Shawn still got asked to make random appearances in videos, mainly by Goldust. They’d filmed many threesomes together, and the payday was always worth it. But he shut down every request as he didn’t want to risk anything with Bret.
🥀 Bret still directed porn here and there whenever his industry friend asked. But he eventually stopped when he received a short call from the man: “Hey. Our guy’s back. Turns out the kid wasn’t his. So he’ll be taking over the next project. Thanks for your help, Bret!”
🥀 Bret entertains the idea of him and Shawn making their own sextape. Surprisingly, Shawn was the hesitant one as he was no longer interested in having his intimate moments caught on camera. They tried it once, and watching the tape back made Shawn realize how hot they looked together
🥀 Out of all of Shawn’s filming partners, Bret thought Hunter was the oddest by far. Their scenes usually consisted of a mix between dad jokes and comedic sketches before blowing each other.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
triple h x mcmahon!reader x shawn where reader betrays her family to join DX?
Not your little girl anymore || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Hunter has been nagging you about joining DX for weeks. You decide it's time.
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The tension had been building for weeks. Triple H had been relentless, cornering you whenever he could, whispering in your ear, planting seeds of doubt and intrigue. The question of loyalty weighed heavily on your mind, as you were caught in the crossfire of a family feud unlike any other.
For generations, the McMahons had been a dynasty, a legacy in the wrestling world. Vince McMahon, your father, had built an empire. But now, D-Generation X was pulling you away, beckoning you to the rebellious side of the ring. It was an offer you couldn't ignore any longer.
Tonight, the standoff reached its climax in the center of the ring. Your father, Vince, stood on one side, the embodiment of tradition and authority, and Triple H, with his sly smile and leather jacket, represented the defiance of DX on the other.
You watched from the middle, torn between family and a different kind of family. The crowd roared, fully aware that your decision could change the landscape of WWF forever.
Finally, you made your choice. You turned your back on your father, on the legacy you had been born into, and joined Triple H and DX. The moment was electric. The cheers and boos from the crowd were deafening.
Hunter was pleased, his plan had worked. He reached out, pulling you closer to him, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. It was done; you were now part of DX, and Triple H wasn't shy about marking his territory.
As the two of you started to walk away from the ring, leaving your father seething in the center, Hunter's hand slipped into the back pocket of your jeans. He stopped suddenly, pausing the two of you at the top of the ramp.
With a wicked grin, he leaned in and claimed your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It wasn't just about your newfound alliance; it was a declaration of possession. You were no longer Vince McMahon's little girl. You were Triple H's woman now, and he made sure your father knew it.
The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and jeers as the kiss continued, a symbol of the changing of the guard, and the beginning of a new era in your wrestling career and personal life. You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with trepidation as you embarked on this new path with Triple H and DX.
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wrxsslin-hours · 9 months
A oneshot where Hunter finds out about Shawn's messy love life
a/n: I saw this art post by @seraphskater and my hand slipped. Also inspired by that one good ass fic by @tameodesza go check em out!
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Hunter Hearst Helmsley was a man of taste. He preferred the finer things in life, those wrapped in gold and silk. He had the tendency to follow around what he believed was good enough for him. This was how Shawn found himself being shadowed by the blueblood every second of the day. Shawn didn’t mind it; the hawk-nosed blonde was easy on the eyes if Shawn squinted hard enough. Hunter was posh to a fault, Shawn found out, but he didn’t complain as long as Hunter made him feel like a million bucks; it did wonders for his already inflated ego. It didn’t take long for Hunter to start pursuing Shawn for something beyond his little schoolboy crush. All it took was a bouquet as big as Shawn and toothachingly sweet words (and the dirty tricks he had to do to keep Shawn WWF Champion, but Hunter digresses).
Shawn was easy to please which was why Hunter already expected the other man’s colorful love life. What he didn’t expect was how really messy it would be.
“Wait, you dated Ramon?”
“Dated is a strong word.”
Shawn snuggled closer to Hunter’s side; his legs wrapped with Hunter’s own. He pressed a kiss on the corners of his lips, hair still tangled with the leaves and petals from the behemoth of a bouquet Hunter gave him hours ago. “You know, if you want to date me, you have to deal with my seven exes.”
Hunter sputtered, “Seven?” The smaller blonde pouted, his nose scrunched, “I’m hot merchandise, everyone wants a piece of the heartbreak kid.”
The blueblood pulled Shawn closer to his chest and Shawn was more than happy to lay on something bigger than the hotel bed pillows. “And who exactly has gotten a taste of the heartbreak kid?” Hunter asked, curious.
Shawn hummed in thought, mind scraping for all the details he may have already forgotten, “Well.”
Marty Janetty
- If Hunter had to ask Marty, the former rocker would say that he was Shawn’s first everything. First kiss, first love (Shawn begs to differ), first lay. It was only natural for them to get together after starting out as a tag team.
- The chemistry between them in the ring translated into their personal lives. Marty was the more laid-back, easygoing one, balancing out Shawn’s flamboyance. Their opposing personalities seemed to complement each other well. Keyword: seemed.
- They dated for most of their time as The Midnight Rockers. Seen each other at their lowest when sharing half a granola bar for dinner, Marty being Shawn’s shoulder when the high demands of traveling from show to show took a toll on him.
- Marty found that chasing after Shawn was way harder than chasing after tag team gold. It took him months to convince Shawn to have them share a bed, let alone to get a kiss from him. Hunter could see why.
- Marty wasn’t a dead ringer for Shawn’s taste in men. He wasn’t tall, shorter than Shawn clearly. He wasn’t big either. It makes Hunter wonder how they became an item in the first place (“He was the only guy I spent time with for more than a show,” Shawn explained, “I have needs y’know”).
- Marty had a controlling hand, easily jealous, and it left a sour taste in Shawn’s mouth. Shawn lost count of how many times they had an argument that sparked from Shawn looking at another man for longer than a few seconds. Shawn wasn’t that much of a fan of being trapped in a cage. So, it was safe to say that their relationship was doomed from the start. But Shawn let it go on anyway.
- Tension built up when Shawn was given the green light to start his singles career. He knew how Marty would react to the news, so Shawn decided not to tell him anything about it until he had to throw Marty through the barber shop window.
- Shawn broke off the relationship after that. Not much love was lost between them since there wasn’t that much to begin with. Now all their interactions involved Shawn immediately turning the other direction when they made eye contact. If it wasn’t for Diesel, Shawn’s newly hired bodyguard, Marty would’ve tormented him relentlessly, or worse: wanted him back.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
The Sensational Sherri
- Shawn had this sugar mommy thing going on with Sherri. It was short-lived but it was the best few months Shawn’s ever experienced. She fed into Shawn’s ideas of his over-the-top ring gear and has bought him his endless array of jewelry.
- It only took Shawn to bat his lashes for Sherri to go on and convince the Million Dollar Man to give her the money to buy what Shawn wanted. From earrings to hats to luxury hotel rooms, Shawn got it all.
- The Sensational Sherri gave Shawn direction after being split from Marty and Shawn wasn’t quite sure how it would play out. But Shawn’s uncertainty was stomped out from Sherri’s experience. She raised his stock, so to speak.
- From an outsider’s view, they definitely had a thing going on. Shawn wasn’t even aware that he was in a sugar mommy relationship until a few years later.
- Shawn got pegged, 100%
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
- The two met at a convenience store of a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Shawn saw the top of Diesel’s head poke beyond the metal shelves of liquor and soda cans, and like a moth to a flame, Shawn hunted the other down.
- He was huge, was Shawn’s first thought. All legs and muscle. The moment Shawn had to tilt his head up just to make eye contact with the man, it was over for him. Braincells gone. He wanted to climb that man like a tree.
- Shawn did the most cliché thing imaginable to try and get the other man’s attention. And it involved him “accidentally” bumping into Diesel and spilling the bottle of water in his hands. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Shawn exclaimed in the most fake-friendly voice he could muster. “Let me buy you another one; I’m so clumsy.”
- Diesel was taken aback. Was that deep ass voice coming from that guy? Christ. He didn’t even try to fight the laugh that escaped his lips when Shawn started pawing at the wet stain on his shirt's sleeve, obviously coping a feel of his bicep.
- “You’re really tall, do you wrestle?” “I truck.”
- The blonde pouted, hand wrapped around Diesel’s arm, “You ever get lonely?” he asked, not-so-subtly. Diesel, bless his heart, was a weak man when it came to blondes. Shawn was a hundred ways of pretty, and Diesel would be stupid to refuse the other’s advances. He does get lonely, thank you very much.
- And that was how Diesel found himself with a naked blonde man sleeping on the makeshift bed in the back of his ten-wheeled truck. That post-nut clarity hits him real strong.
- They had breakfast in a diner and, through the moment of spontaneous confidence, Shawn offered him a job. A bodyguard gig. The offer left Diesel in a pause, the soggy eggs on his fork slipped and fell back on the plate with a splat. “A what?”
- Shawn’s smile widened as he nodded in a way that reminded Diesel of the bobbleheads he collected on his truck’s dashboard. “Come on Big Daddy, you got the build.” Shawn tried to convince, “Pays better too.”
- Diesel hadn’t been given that big of a decision since he made the choice to dye his hair black. His eyes traced from Shawn’s beauty mark to the skin of his chest that peeked from his too-large shirt. The silence that followed it made Shawn pout. The blonde grabbed a napkin and scribbled his number before he tucked it in Diesel’s hands. “I’m not kidding about it, y’know,” he kissed Diesel on the cheek, “Give me a call when you make up your mind.”
- Diesel watched the man disappear beyond the diner doors and he was left with his thoughts.
- It didn’t take long for Diesel to actually call him back. And Shawn was absolutely ecstatic.
- So, there he was, following Shawn to the ring and watching his new employer dance around. They got together soon after. But it was short-lived, the two decided they were better off as friends instead of lovers. The breakup ended miles better than Shawn’s last one. Good on them.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Razor Ramon
- Shawn thought Razor was the most annoying man alive. And Razor didn’t have any good words to say about Shawn either. They were both stubborn and didn’t know how to take “no” like proper functional adults. It only took Razor spitting his toothpick on Shawn’s lap for them to start squabbling every chance they get. Diesel became their impromptu babysitter whenever that happened.
- They had this situationship going on that confused everyone to no end. One second, they were best buddies; then the next moment, Razor was trying to choke Shawn for mocking his accent. It went on like that for most of their budding friendship. There always seemed to be this tension between the two that was heavy and pungent.
- They boned. No surprise. It was a friends-with-benefits, no-strings-attached thing. They wouldn’t call themselves an item by any means. They always found themselves in bed together after every match they had. And there were no complaints from either of them. The morning-afters seemed to be the sweetest, with Shawn ordering hotel breakfast for the both of them while Razor would untangle the knots in Shawn’s hair made from the night before. It was a moment of comfortable silence, only broken by the rustle of the bed sheets and the noise of the television.
- They started being friendly the more they spent time together, and that led to Razor becoming a part of Shawn and Diesel’s ragtag crew. They made some sort of system together, having each other’s back whenever it calls for it. Best believe, the trio became everyone’s problem in the locker room afterward.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Sycho Sid
- Even Shawn wonders how he had the audacity to even consider Sid as a potential boyfriend. Shawn had the aching suspicion he made that decision when he was black out drunk one night.
- This all happened after an argument Shawn had with Diesel, and in a sorry attempt to make his former boyfriend jealous, he got himself a new bodyguard in the not-so-mentally there Sid.
- Shawn tried to make it work. Tried.
- But Sid was more interested in the gold wrapped around Shawn’s waist than Shawn himself.
- It was a fruitless attempt on Shawn’s part and he immediately stopped trying when Sid laughed all on Shawn’s face. The blonde can still remember the smell of his breath and it still makes him gag to this day.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
- Shawn can’t even wrap his head around the idea of how he managed to convince the Undertaker to date him. He’d like to think his good looks did it for him.
- In true Shawn fashion, the blonde saw one wrestler that towered over him, and it was over. He was afraid of the Undertaker at first, but in all honesty, who wasn’t? He was an enigma. Came into the wrestling scene wearing all black, hair covering most of his face, and a tub-of-lard of a man following him around with his squeak-toy voice. Maybe Shawn’s thing for taller men overshadowed all the other red flags that said men might carry.
- Shawn didn’t believe the Undertaker was essentially a walking corpse, but after laying his head on his bare chest and hearing no heartbeat, he started to rethink his life choice. (“Okay, it was kinda hot.” Hunter made a face, “Shawn-“)
- Despite their odd pairing, Shawn and the Undertaker surprisingly hit it off. The Deadman turned out to be a gentle giant, and Shawn couldn’t help but be drawn to him. To Shawn's surprise, Taker knew a thing or two about motorcycles. Lord knows how he got into it in the first place.
- Their relationship started off as Shawn treating Taker as some sort of wall, talking on and on about anything and everything. And Taker, not knowing how to respond to Shawn's endless rants, never bothered to interrupt him. That was how Taker got up to date with the latest locker room drama, which to none of his surprise, had Shawn as the center of most of them.
- Shawn became a permanent fixture in Taker’s somewhat dreary routine. Shawn’s deep voice was a nice contrast to Bearer’s and Taker welcomed the change with open arms.
- They decided to end their relationship when Shawn realized that Taker still had some of his own stuff to figure out, particularly the brother-related ones. It was a quiet affair, both in good terms. But that still didn’t stop Shawn from talking Taker’s ear off.
- When come the time that Taker’s heart starts to beat again, he was sure that Shawn was one of the reasons for his second chance to life.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Bret Hart
- This was one of the relationships where Shawn genuinely saw himself loving Bret for the rest of their lives. They started out as friends when Bret, like the angel he was, offered some encouraging words to a still-green Shawn Michaels back in the early nineties. It meant more to Shawn than Bret realized, especially considering that Shawn was in a rather low moment in his career, unsure of how he was going to be used in the business. He’s heard of all the stories of how new talent became jobbers immediately after they debuted, and Shawn was worried he was going to be one of them. But Bret had more trust in Shawn than Shawn had in himself. The blonde can still remember how Bret complimented his form. It made the Texan blush a whole bright shade of red.
- They didn’t start out as all-out friends like what happened between Diesel and Shawn. They were acquaintances in the locker room, sharing small waves and the occasional “Nice match.” They had this unspoken respect for one another, and it continued to bloom as the years went by.
- Shawn had the tendency to fall slowly and hard. As much as he wants to deny it, his small spark for Bret was there since the very start, and it only got bigger when he entered the WWF championship scene. Shawn made a name for himself big enough to be a contender for gold. And that meant he spent more time with the Hitman.
- Their time together in the ring extended out of the ring too. It started small, sharing stories in the locker room and drinking together in bars after a show. And then they went on dates, sharing hotel rooms, and sitting next to each other during those long-hour flights.
- They shared their first kiss one random night while sharing a bottle of beer on the balcony of their shared hotel room. And it continued to something more in bed.
- It was afterward when they decided it was best for both of them if they only did hookups. Mostly because neither of them could ever bring themselves up to admit their feelings. Maybe it’s arrogance, maybe it’s a fear of commitment. Either way, they stayed casual, and it was neither of them wanted.
- They fell off like how they fell in love: slowly. They started arguing, having fights more than anything else, and it all collapsed on itself. Sometimes, Shawn would wonder what would happen if they did confess.
- This was one of the relationships that actually hurt.
Hunter stared at the ceiling, listening to Shawn’s voice fade in and out of sleepiness. The smaller man yawned, “But that was years ago,” he assured. And Hunter hugged him tighter. The blueblood smacked his lips after a stretch of silence, “They won’t just start beating up when we tell everyone of our status, would they?”
“I don’t think so.” Shawn placed a kiss on Hunter’s lips and smiled, “But I’m pretty sure Sid would beat you up just because he feels like it.”
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goreinfested · 2 months
Okay I caved I haven’t written in years so I might not be any good BUT I’m taking requests ( THEYRE NOW CLOSED ) TO WRITE ABOUT ANY OF THE PPL BELOW: (Sidenote I’d love to start out with headcanons for them bc I’m rusty and unsure if I could do you all justice with a whole fic and can/will write for male/female/non binary readers :3 )
Triple h
Randy orton
Cody Rhodes
Dominick mysterio
Rey mysterio
Cm punk
Stone cold Steve Austin
The undertaker
drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Jey uso
Roman reigns
Jeff hardy
Aj Lee
John cena
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tolietpaperdreams · 30 days
Warned You Chapter 1 (Shawnter)
Who’s ready for some messy Shawnter angst??
Chapter one of Warned You is here!!! This first chapter absolutely kicked my butt lol.
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Enjoy my darlings :))
I'm gonna go drink box wine and watch Despicable Me 4 now
There was only a certain amount of pain someone could take before they did something drastic. Shawn was right on the verge of doing exactly that, and he was going to bring the only person he still cared about with him. But as much as he kicked and pushed, Hunter was the only one who stuck around.
The drugs and drinking were so out of hand that everyone in the business had practically given up on him. Hunter had become the only constant good thing in his life, and somehow Shawn still managed to act like a dickhead. He couldn't help how much his back was killing him though, he had to do what he could to numb the pain.
Everyone in the locker room thought he was a jackass, so it felt like the only one who still saw him as a person was Hunter. Chyna still checked in, but she didn't deserve to be burdened with Shawn’s short attitude and snappy remarks. Neither did Hunter, but he was the only one who didn't take it personally. He was just in so much pain.
If it was as easy as explaining to everyone that he didn't mean it, he would have done that by now. But no one wanted to hear excuses, people wanted apologies, and Shawn wasn't brave enough for that. At least not yet.
So he ended up throwing back more pills, even though his body had gotten used to them, and they didn’t work as well; the beer didn’t taste like anything going down, either. All he knew was that it hurt and he wanted it to stop, and the more pills and booze he threw back, the less he felt.
The show was a disaster that night on his end, even if the audience couldn't tell. Shawn slurred his words and he couldn't move smoothly in the ring anymore, it was embarrassing.
As the pills and the alcohol ran through his system while he sat alone in his hotel room, he wracked his brain on what to do. To his detriment, he could still think at all and that's what he needed to stop.
So he decided to wander. The hotel bar had too many people, and going out in town alone wasn’t a good idea. So that's how he ended up at Hunter’s hotel room door, banging and yelling for his friend to answer.
As soon as the younger man opened the door, his eyes went wide, “Hey man, you don’t look good, ”
“Thanks-” Shawn mumbled and pushed his into the room, Hunter following.
Shawn could tell that Hunter was confused, but he was grateful he hadn’t asked any questions. He welcomed himself to the mini-fridge and rummaged through it, looking for any sort of alcohol, but was unsuccessful. He groaned and slammed it closed before sitting on the edge of the bed. Hunter waited a moment then did the same; an awkward silence forming.
Shawn leaned his head against Hunter’s shoulder, “Fuckin’ hurts…”
He knew he sounded pitiful but there was nothing he could do about it; he was sweating and could barely sit up straight because his back felt like it was literally going to paralyze him. He wished he was able to put it all into words, but his brain wouldn’t let him, so he sat there waiting for Hunter to kick him out.
Hunter didn’t do that, though; they stayed like that for a while before the younger man stood. Shawn immediately missed having someone to lean against, his back protesting the small movements it took for him to adjust.
“Here,” Hunter grabbed a water from the mini fridge, “Drink this.”
“They’re not working anymore,” Shawn grabbed the water bottle.
“What’s not working?” Hunter sat down again and Shawn leaned his weight on him, sighing at the pressure taken off his back.
Shawn took a swig of the water before saying, “The pills.”
“Drinking probably doesn't help,” Hunter made a face like he regretted saying that the moment it came out of his mouth.
“You don't know how bad it is,” Shawn exhaled. He was much more coherent than he wanted to be, “I’m not even drunk.”
“You’re sweating, Shawn,” Hunter furrowed his brow, his tone gentle but firm.
“I know that,” Shawn tossed the water bottle to the side and buried his face into his hands, “The pills aren't working, the alcohol isn't helping, I'm stuck. I feel like shit all the time, and Vince is definitely gonna knock me off the totem pole soon.”
Hunter sighed and moved a hand to gently run up and down Shawn’s back. They had been here before, and it always ended up going the same way. Shawn would gripe and moan and Hunter would comfort him in the only way he knew how, which was to just sit there and let him.
“Maybe you need a break-”
“I don't need a break, Hunt. We’ve talked about this,” Shawn could tell he was starting to get irritated, but the last thing he wanted was to take his frustration out on Hunter.
Shawn was looking for a quick fix, not actual advice. He had an idea in the back of his mind; one he wasn't sure he should act on, but it was something that could numb him for the time being.
It could ruin their friendship, which was truly the last good thing Shawn had, but he was desperate. Desperate for a distraction.
Shawn sat up, as much as his back would allow; Hunter continued the light rubbing on his back, ever the pleaser.
Maybe it was a bad idea, but Shawn wasn’t known for hesitating whenever it came to something risky.
“Tell me to stop if it’s not what you want, okay?” Shawn looked his best friend in the eyes.
Barely having time to register, Hunter merely responded with, “Huh?”
Shawn kissed him instead of answering. It was a firm kiss, very tight-lipped, but it wasn't cold. It was almost like two kids sharing their first kiss, awkward and unsure.
So the first time wasn't as romantic as Shawn pictured, but it still felt right. Soft and gentle, like he needed.
Surprisingly, Hunter didn’t pull away. In fact, he leaned into it more than Shawn did. The initial tension had softened and Hunter gently cupped Shawn’s face with his free hand.
“Please, Hunter,” Shawn was the first to speak, their lips still mere inches from each other.
Their noses brushed, and Shawn relished in the feeling of Hunter’s hand on his cheek. He was always so warm and comforting.
“I need a distraction,” Shawn moved to kiss him again, but Hunter pulled back a little.
“Shawn, I don't know-” Hunter’s face was flush, and Shawn could tell he was going through some sort of inner right and wrong turmoil at the moment.
“I already told you I'm not drunk,” Shawn said, wanting to close the space between them again. He was buzzed, not incoherent like he wished he was.
Hunter hesitated, moving his hand to rest on Shawn’s hip. Their foreheads still touched, and he acted like he wanted to lean more into it but couldn't let himself, “Shawn-”
“I know you've wanted this for a long time,” Shawn put a hand on Hunter’s thigh, “You couldn't expect me not to notice.”
That much was true. Hunter had practically given signals from day one that he was interested in Shawn, but so was everyone. A big reason Shawn kept him around was because Hunter had the self-control not to act on it. He had put his own feelings to the side in order to keep their friendship alive, but here Shawn was throwing it away, anyway.
“I don't want you to regret it,” Hunter let out, tone low and soft.
Shawn thought about it for a moment. Would he regret it? Probably not, he’d seen what Hunter was working with plenty of times in the locker room, but emotionally? Who knew?
He had his own stirrings for Hunter that he’d pushed to the side as well; he didn't want to poison the younger man. But what was so bad about one time? They were both adults, they could handle it in a mature way. So he hoped.
“I just-” Shawn moved his hand to lightly skim the bare skin underneath Hunter’s shirt, causing him to shudder, “I think it might help.”
Hunter didn't say anything, their lips grazed against each other again, but neither party pushed fully into the kiss.
“We don't have to if you don't want to,” Shawn wanted to make that very clear.
This was merely a situation in which one friend would be helping out another. Nothing serious, but if Hunter was uncomfortable, Shawn would never put him in that situation.
“No, no, I want to,” Hunter sighed again, “I’m just thinking about everything that comes after.”
“Don’t,” Shawn kissed him again, “Don’t think about anything.”
Shawn crawled into Hunter’s lap, legs straddling the bigger man. Everything that came after this, didn't matter, because it felt good right now. Of course, Shawn had his own reservations, but he was just so excited to feel something else for a while that he threw them to the wind.
Hunter’s hands settled on Shawn’s hips and squeezed, “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Shawn pushed Hunter flat onto his back with a grin, “Shut up and fuck me.”
That's how it started. Just one time.
Then just one time, turned into two. Then two into three, and then they stopped counting. By that point, they just decided they could be friends with benefits. Hunter was able to help alleviate some of Shawn’s pain, and in return, they both got orgasms out of it. It was a win-win.
Friends with benefits didn't stay behind in the other’s hotel room to curl up together, though. They also didn't tend to each other after a match or make sure the other wasn't injured, but it was what Shawn and Hunter had always done. Now, it was just more intimate.
Shawn didn't realize he didn't want Hunter to be with anyone else till he felt white-hot anger at the sight of a fan getting too close for comfort one night after a show. He took Hunter back to the hotel room that night, which they had so conveniently booked together, and showed him exactly how he felt.
After that, they became exclusive. It went unspoken, but they both knew. They could read each other better than anyone else. Hunter could tell when Shawn’s mood was plummeting just with a look, and vice versa.
Jealousy was never usually a problem for Shawn. He was used to people fawning and fighting over him, but for some reason with Hunter he felt so possessive; he wanted him all to himself. It wasn't until about six months into their newfound relationship that Shawn’s insecurity really began to show.
He was being sent home for an unforeseen amount of time to heal his back. That meant he’d be alone, and Hunter would be on the road without him. He was sulking after the disaster that was Wrestlemania Fourteen; Steve Austin had handed him his ass and practically sent him home with a boot up it.
“I’ll be home every week,” Hunter tried to soothe.
Shawn had gotten the news earlier that day, he wasn't medically cleared anymore and it was just too risky keeping him out on the road. It was a devastating blow, but it wasn't like he had much of a choice. He had to heal or find another job.
“Your home,” Shawn was facing the wall curled up on the bed in their hotel room, “Not my home.”
“I can come to you, Shawn. You know I will,” Hunter said as he settled behind Shawn, pulling him in by his hips so they spooned.
He placed a gentle kiss on Shawn’s bare shoulder and rubbed his chest; anything to lessen the ache.
Shawn held on to the hand that was rubbing his chest, “I know, but you also know I don’t like being alone.”
There was a stretch of quiet. Shawn couldn’t help but feel like he was being selfish, even if he had just gotten the worst news of his life.
Hunter sat himself up on an elbow and tilted Shawn’s chin so they were looking at each other, “Move in.”
“What?” Shawn’s gut dropped.
“I know it hasn’t been that long since we started this,” Hunter said as he traced his thumb across Shawn’s jawline, “But we’ve known each other a long time. You’d only be by yourself for a day or two a week, and then I’ll be right beside you the rest of the time.”
Averting his gaze slightly, Shawn thought about it. It wasn’t the worst idea in the world. It’s not like he had much to worry about in Texas, and he could always go back if needed. This could be their first real test as a couple, and what better place to heal than by his favorite person’s side?
“Okay,” Shawn smiled, “Let’s do it.”
“Yeah?” Hunter grinned right back.
“Of course,” Shawn pulled him into a tender kiss, letting all the nerves and uncertainty flutter away.
Maybe some time off wouldn’t be so bad after all.
The move hadn’t been terrible, and neither was settling in, the only bad thing was the days when Shawn was alone.
Hunter would get up at whatever time in the morning before dawn, and leave a groggy Shawn with a cup of coffee on the bedside table, a reminder to do his physical therapy, and a loving kiss.
Which in itself wasn’t a bad thing. It made Shawn feel so cared for and adored, no one had ever made him coffee before. And the fact that Hunter was doing it that early in the morning right before a flight? Shawn was spoiled and he loved it. He just wanted Hunter to stay in bed a little longer.
The house felt so empty without Hunter in it. Shawn had gotten used to living far from Texas, as much as he missed it, but wandering around a big empty house all day like a miserable housewife was not the best experience.
The pills and alcohol had slowed down tremendously in the time he and Hunter had been together, but some days were better than others. Shawn’s back still caused him trouble and there was no way he’d be able to get through the day without at least a little bit of help.
Mostly, with the physical therapy and having Hunter to support him, Shawn was able to survive on a normal dose until his scheduled surgery. Hunter didn’t keep alcohol in the house and Shawn didn’t want to disturb their peace, but sometimes the bar called his name on nights when his partner was gone.
Nothing would ever happen, though. He’d just go get enough alcohol in his system to feel a good buzz then sleep it off in the morning. If Hunter ever noticed when he came home, he didn’t say anything.
Hunter also never talked about work that much. Shawn couldn’t bear to watch Raw alone, it just made him feel more like he was missing out. So he was officially out of the loop.
The only real friends he had left were Kevin and Scott, but they were long gone in WCW. Chyna was still a good friend, but he had worn her patience thin and he didn’t want to bother her, she had been through enough. Kevin or Scott would call to check in every now and then, but the conversation would always end up about the one person he never wanted to hear from.
“Bret asked about you,” Kevin said over the phone one day.
Shawn audibly scoffed, “What did he want this time?”
“He asked how you were healing up,” Kevin’s voice was nonchalant.
Shawn was leaning against the kitchen counter, playing with the telephone cord, “Like he cares.”
“Sounds like he does,” Kevin offered.
“Why? So he can beat the shit out of me and injure me once I'm healthy?” Shawn gripped the phone tight.
“Listen man, I don’t claim to know what went down between you two on or off stage but Bret’s not a bad guy.”
That was the problem. Bret wasn’t a bad guy. All the anger and frustration that Shawn felt at hearing the man’s name wasn’t toward him, it was toward himself.
Shawn took a deep breath, “I’m with Hunter now. Tell him not to worry about me.”
“Alright, alright,” Kevin paused for a moment, “How does Hunter feel about it?”
Rolling his eyes, Shawn sighed, “We haven’t talked much about it. It’s the past.”
“Yeah but, with the way it ended and everything? I don’t know how I’d feel if I were in Hunter’s shoes,” Kevin added, his voice on the line sounding unsure.
“You weren’t there. You have no idea what happened,” Shawn was quick on the defensive.
“Shawn, buddy. I love you man, but the whole world knows what happened between you and Bret.”
Normally, Shawn would slam the phone back on the receiver and stomp away, but he reminded himself that he was currently lacking quite a few friends. He wanted to keep the ones he had left.
“Everyone knows about the Screwjob, but nobody understands-”
“What happened behind closed doors?” Kevin finished for him.
Shawn sighed, “Yeah…”
Shawn and Hunter had only been friends when the Screwjob went down. Hunter had been fully aware of Shawn’s relationship with Bret at the time and never made a big deal about it, so what was there to talk about?
The fighting? The screaming? How toxic and bad they were for each other? How Hunter had witnessed Shawn drunkenly call Bret on the hotel phone a month after the Screwjob and cry as he begged him to take him back?
They weren’t good for each other that much was clear. Two prideful egos that clashed way too hard. It never would have worked, and it didn’t. But when they were good, they were amazing.
In the beginning, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The sex was always good, even when they were mad at each other, which was often.
But Bret didn’t communicate well and would push down all his emotions, and Shawn was quite the opposite. So when Bret was upset about something, he wouldn’t talk about it until Shawn lost his mind trying to figure out what was wrong.
Maybe it was the fact that Hunter had seen the absolute worst side of their relationship, and he’d hop at any opportunity to comfort Shawn in his time of need. Like whenever Bret would say something hurtful or they had been fighting.
Shawn always thought that Hunter did it out of genuine friendship, not because he had an ulterior motive. Bret would get jealous and say that Hunter was just using him to make a name for himself, and in turn, Shawn would yell about how Hunter was the only person who really gave a shit about him. In the end, Hunter never pressed the subject so Shawn never brought it up.
As far as he was concerned, Bret was in the past. Hunter was his present and future. Kevin was just putting words in his head.
Shawn was really clingy that afternoon when Hunter came home. He barely made it through the door before Shawn practically pounced on him. There was no making it to the bedroom, so they had sex on the couch.
With every thrust of Hunter’s hips, Shawn could forget about that dumb conversation with Kevin. His sole focus on his partner and making him feel good, no having to think.
He moaned Hunter’s name and scratched his nails down the larger man’s spine; held him close and kissed him with passion. Hunter was his world and he wanted to get lost in the feeling of the other man above him. No more insecurity, no thoughts of the past; just now.
When they were done and cleaned up, Shawn still stuck within three feet of Hunter for the rest of the evening. He found himself wrapping his arms around Hunter’s waist and burying his face in the bigger man’s back as he put some dishes away in the kitchen.
After settling on the couch after dinner, it felt like Shawn couldn’t get close enough. He didn’t care what was on the TV, he just wanted to be as near Hunter as possible.
“What’s gotten into you?” Hunter asked as Shawn tried to burrow closer, practically throwing himself across his lap.
“What?” Shawn replied, words muffled from his face being squished into the crook of Hunter’s neck.
Hunter slid his hand up and down Shawn’s hip, “You’re acting like I went off to war or something.”
Shawn pulled his face back to look his partner in the eyes, “I just missed you, is that bad?”
“No, not at all,” Hunter’s tone got softer, “I’m just making sure you’re alright.”
“M’fine,” Was all Shawn bothered to respond.
He didn’t want to ruin the night with the fact that he was feeling violently insecure or that Kevin had told him that Bret was asking about him, which in turn brought up old emotions that he thought he had gotten over or the fact that his brain was making up delusions about Hunter genuinely caring about him.
“You don’t seem fine,” Hunter tried again.
“Just want you near, that’s all,” Shawn buried his face into Hunter’s neck again, ending the conversation there.
Sometimes Shawn hated himself and his thoughts more than anything.
The surgery came and went, making Shawn all the more miserable. Hunter even took time off to see that he was healing properly and the guilt he felt only grew. Hunter shouldn’t be wasting his time making sure Shawn could walk to the kitchen when he had a career to keep building.
“I’m gonna lose my mind,” Shawn whined.
He was stuck lying on the couch for most of the day the last few weeks as his wound healed, and the idleness was starting to get to him. If he wasn’t knocked out by the pills, he was staring blankly at the TV while Hunter practically ran circles around the house making sure he was comfortable.
Being stuck was so mentally draining; Shawn felt useless and he wanted to give up. He’d probably never wrestle again anyway so what was the point? He’d just rot on the couch and wait for Hunter to get bored and finally leave him.
“Here,” Hunter approached from the kitchen with a plate and glass, “You need to eat.”
“Not hungry,” Shawn deadpanned.
Hunter let out a frustrated sigh, it was clear that Shawn’s attitude about the entire situation was starting to get to him.
“I know things don’t look good right now, babe. But I’ve been doing everything I can to make this process easy for you,” Hunter sat down the plate and glass and turned to walk away.
Shawn should’ve said something. Should’ve asked him to stay, but there was no point. Life was beating him up one step at a time.
He flipped channels for a bit until he came across Raw. He only stopped to torture himself, because why pick up the mood now? Seeing the wrestling world continue on without him surely wouldn't make him fall into a darker hole. He might as well turn on Nitro and watch Bret hang out with Kevin and Scott; that would be better than this.
The segment changed from some squash match to a pretape from a few weeks prior; Hunter popped up on screen. Seeing Hunter continue to grow and succeed was good, if anyone deserved it, it was him. But something was different, he still came out with Chyna to the DX intro but Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, and X-Pac followed.
Okay, so a few more members were added to make up for the loss of himself, that's not the worst thing in the world. Hunter seemed to be the one leading the charge, so that was normal. Something just didn't sit right with Shawn, maybe it was the feeling of missing out but it kind of looked like Hunter was using everyone else to do his dirty work.
“Hunter?” Shawn called, his voice cracking at the end as he painfully tried to sit himself up.
“What?” Hunter replied, sounding like he was still irritated from earlier. He appeared from around the corner, “Are you done having an attitude?”
Shawn winced as he adjusted himself on the couch and waved the remote at the TV gesturing, “What’s this?”
“What’s what?” Hunter took in what Shawn was talking about and shrugged, “It’s nothing, I told you we were still doing the DX thing.”
“I know that, but,” Shawn paused momentarily, “It doesn't look the same.”
Hunter moved to sit on the couch next to his partner, “Well it’s not gonna be the same without you, you know that.”
“Hunter you know what I mean, they look like your goon squad or something,” Shawn sighed, “That’s not DX.”
“Why do you care?” Hunter grabbed the remote from Shawn’s hand and changed the channel, “It’s TV?”
Something just wasn't sitting right with Shawn and he didn't know what it was. Maybe he had too much time on his hands, but part of him felt like Hunter wasn’t telling him the whole truth.
“It just doesn't feel genuine,” Shawn gave the younger man a look.
Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose, “You’re really giving me a hard time for the way I'm acting on television?”
“No, I just-”
Hunter interrupted him, “No, Shawn. Listen, I've been nothing but patient. I get it, you're having a hard time, but the world doesn't revolve around you. All you need to do right now is focus on healing and then when you're back in the ring, things can go your way.”
The bigger man stood, tossing the remote in Shawn’s lap, “I’m gonna work out, I’ll be in the garage if you need something.”
But Hunter was already around the corner and headed towards the garage, and Shawn was left to his own devices. Feeling like an idiot, He leaned his head back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. His self-destruction was starting to affect his relationship, and that had to stop.
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delilahcalicocat · 4 months
Can i please request a Triple H x reader smut?. Set somewhere after WM40?
A/N: of course <3 I set this in the timeline of, the Raw after WM40, hope you don't mind! <3 (also help. The amount of pure filth in this...)
{Rating: Smut}
{Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Swearing, Crying, Teasing, A bunch of shit-}
{Pairing: Triple H x Fem!Reader}
You sat there backstage, in H's lap.
Cody was kicking off the show as per usual. But this wasn't a normal night.
It was the RAW after the Grandest 2 nights of all.
You were of course in your dress you wore for Night 2 when you had said 'ARE YOU READY?'
It was quite short. It went right to your thigh, a little lower though.
But the dress was noticed by H this night..
As you noticed his hand was eerily close to the end of your ass. Fingers just barely ghosting your pussy.
Suddenly you got caught off guard by him kissing you and then abruptly pinning you down on his desk.
He didn't even bother to undress you since you both had a segment in like 45 minutes.
He just moved your panties to the side. There wasn't exactly time for the vanilla lovey-dovey typical things you'd do.
This was with Force. The force of him fucking up into you making you cry out in pleasure.
You were so close, but because you would've gotten punished later.
You had to hold it off, choked squeaky moans escaping your lips every now and then.
As soon as He finished, that sent you over the edge. A silent scream as you finally released..
your eyes were puffy from tears but you didn't care. After all you had to fix yourself to look decent since there was 5 minutes to your segment with H..
"Maybe we should do that more.. it changes up everything from the usual stuff.." You remarked
"I don't know, we'll see. Darling." Oh no.. that nickname...
That nickname was your sign to run. Because later. You wouldn't be able to walk..
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darlakane · 2 months
I may or may not have sat down and finally wrote a Shawn ficlet again. Hunter's obviously also in it. Just a short little thing, but I miss writing my boys. 💚
And their drama. And the angst. And the pining.
Maybe it's time to work on some of those WIPs and ideas again.
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wendydarlingfics · 3 months
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Shawn Michaels/Original Female Character(s), Triple H (Professional Wrestling)/Original Female Character(s), Stephanie McMahon/Triple H, Randy Orton/Original Female Character(s), John Cena/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Shawn Michaels, Original Child Character(s), Triple H (Professional Wrestling), Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon Jr., Linda McMahon, Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, John Cena Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Married Couple, Married Life, Separations, Family, Children, Family Drama, Angst, Romance, Non-Linear Narrative, Slow Build, Age Difference, Older Man/Younger Woman, First Kiss, First Crush, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Underage Sex Summary: Miranda McMahon and her husband are separated. When her son asks for the story of how she met his father, Miranda takes a trip down memory lane. One full of nostalgia and one that may lead her to make a lot of realizations about her life.
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maskedhydra · 4 months
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tameodesza · 28 days
the bodyguard
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₊˚ʚ Bodyguard!Kevin x Male Escort!Shawn ⁺ॱ˖
₊˚ʚ Summary: Men threw themselves at Shawn all the time, but he felt empty inside. He was an object used to fulfill their needs. And at the end of the day, they went back to their lives, to their loved ones who were unaware of their dirty little secret named Shawn Michaels. AO3
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Shawn’s fingers clawed at soft silk sheets. Moans flowed out of his mouth like a broken faucet as he rode his client until they were both seeing stars. Large hands tightened around his waist before the man took over, thrusting into Shawn at a rate that told him he was close.  
“Come on, daddy. Give it to me,” Shawn encouraged, his voice cracking at the end. 
After another hard thrust, Shawn was sent over the edge. He fell over in a heap, his arms no longer able to hold himself up as he came undone. He laid limp as his body continued to be used, come smearing between their stomachs at the force. It wasn’t long before the man went still, holding Shawn in place with a low groan as he spilled into his condom. 
Their hearts pounded in tandem, breaths ragged from exertion. The dewy sheen of their sweaty skin reflected off the flames of cinnamon-scented candles scattered around the fancy hotel room. Shawn took a deep breath, sighing blissfully at the spicy aroma that collided with the heavy smell of sex. It wasn’t typical for Shawn to linger, but this was his final client of the night – Hunter Helmsley. So, he was in no rush. 
Shawn buried his head into Hunter’s neck, wincing as the man pulled out. He shifted to rest on his elbow, a lazy smile on his lips as he watched Hunter tug off the condom and toss it aside. Just as Hunter reached for his clothes, Shawn said, “Come lay with me.” 
It was a command that had Hunter blinking in surprise, but he was quick to settle back in bed with the blond bombshell. “I thought you didn't do pillow talk.” 
Shawn trailed a finger across Hunter’s broad chest with a sly grin. “I make exceptions for my favorites.” 
“Favorites, huh? How many you got?” 
Shawn’s hand traveled slowly up Hunter’s chest, settling on the side of his neck. “You really wanna know?” 
He didn't. Part of the fun for Hunter was pretending that Shawn only had eyes for him. Hunter raised a hand, placing it softly onto Shawn’s cheek. “How much I gotta pay to be your only one?”  
Shawn lifted a brow in interest. He trailed his hand back down Hunter’s chest, swirling a finger teasingly around Hunter’s left nipple. “Depends on how much you think I’m worth, baby.”  
And there goes that charm that made men puddy in Shawn’s hands, the confidence he’d built since his stripping days.  
He was young, too young – freshly turned 18 – when he first hit the pole. It had been out of pure desperation and sheer survival to make some quick money after getting kicked out of his parents’ house. He knew it was coming. His parents had been counting down the days until Shawn would no longer be their concern. He had a troubled youth, and with his strict religious upbringing, he’d been a disappointment to the family one too many times. But no amount of preparation could've prepared him for how hard life would become. 
From hole-in-the-wall strip joints to discreet gentlemen’s clubs, Shawn went wherever the money was. With a pretty face like his, he became a hot commodity. But in just a short few years, he wanted out. Though stripping paid his bills, it was a cut-throat business. His inexperience had been taken advantage of. Promoters were shady. Dancers would smile in his face and stab him in the back. Men became too handsy. He’d been robbed after leaving the club twice – once at gunpoint. It had gotten scary, and it wasn't worth losing his life. 
Everything changed the night Shawn worked at a gentlemen’s club near the richer part of town. He got approached by a high profiler, Ric Flair. Shawn was used to guys hitting on him, but the request the man made was odd – accompany him to some social event as arm candy. Shawn initially brushed him off, but when Ric pulled out a stack of cash, offering him thousands of dollars for his time, that’s when Shawn learned how much his pretty face was worth. 
Ric was a well-connected man, and through him, Shawn was able to meet some of his most elite clients. Doctors, lawyers, top execs – all wealthy men that funded a lifestyle Shawn could only dream of. He played the game. He learned how to swindle men, how to make them feel special, how to make them fall in love with him. He learned how to adapt and become whoever they wanted him to be. 
They all seemed to have their own reasons for his services. Some were on the down low, married, or just looking for a good time with a cute guy. Shawn never cared to ask. He only cared about the money. He was lucky enough to not have to take his clothes off for most of them. But the more money got thrown his way, the blurrier the line between escorting and prostitution became. 
It was through Ric that Shawn met Hunter. Admittedly, Shawn knew more about him than he should – entertainment exec, closeted bisexual, unhappy marriage, hates his wife, staying in it for the kids. But Hunter was one of the sweeter guys Shawn serviced and one of his top spenders. It became the norm for Shawn to receive Rolexes, diamonds, and expensive cologne that Hunter would request Shawn to only wear for him. He spoiled him rotten, so the blond didn’t mind learning the little details of Hunter’s life that would slip into conversation. 
“You’re worth so much more than you know.” Hunter treaded a hand through Shawn’s hair, pulling the blond closer until their foreheads touched. He whispered, “You have no idea how much I want to make you mine.” 
Shawn’s smirk deepened. Men were too easy. “You have no idea how many times I've heard that. But it means so much more coming from you, daddy.”  
“Oh, yeah?” Hunter’s eyes went to Shawn’s lips, shifting closer until they’re just a breath away.  
Before he could move further, Shawn stopped him. “Ah, ah. You know the rules. Lips are off limits.” Except for one man. 
Just then, they heard a firm knock. Shawn’s eyes flitted to the door before looking back at Hunter. “Time’s up. Make sure to tip Diesel on the way out.” 
Hunter let out a deep sigh. He knew the drill by now, but it didn't make leaving any easier. “Sure thing.” He slinked out of bed and grabbed his boxers from the floor. Shawn made himself comfortable, taking in Hunter’s sculpted body one last time as he got dressed. 
After slipping on his shoes, Hunter pulled his wallet from his pocket, leaving a wad of cash on the nightstand. “Same time next week?” 
Shawn eyeballed the cash, noting that Hunter overpaid. “Whatever you want. I’m yours, Mr. Helmsley.” 
Hunter would’ve melted in a puddle had it not been for the persistent knock on the door reminding him to leave. He nearly jumped back when he opened the door to Shawn’s seven-foot- tall bodyguard looming over him like he was ready to pounce. Hunter slipped him a $100 bill as he exited the room, already thinking of another excuse to tell his wife, Stephanie. 
Diesel shut the door behind him, taking off his dark shades to observe the room. Shawn’s laced lingerie lay discarded on the floor near his skimpy robe. Money sat untouched on the nightstand. Candles still burned as sex lingered in the air. A used condom littered the floor. His boss was sprawled out on the bed, looking completely spent. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Shawn gave a slack smile when his eyes met Diesel’s, making grabby hands towards his bodyguard. Diesel rounded the bed to Shawn’s side before sitting next to him. He placed a hand on Shawn’s head, tucking away loose hairs that were stuck to his face.  
“Are you good?” Shawn nodded, humming in content as Diesel lightly scratched his scalp. “Did he treat you well?” After another nod, Diesel said, “Use your words.” 
“Yes, big daddy.” A blush rushed to Diesel’s cheeks despite his stoic expression. Shawn snorted, always getting a kick out of making him squirm. But his laughter died down when he noticed Diesel reaching for the comforter. “You don’t believe me?” 
Diesel didn’t respond and Shawn didn’t fight him when he pulled back the comforter. Diesel went still when he saw the light bruises on Shawn’s hips and thighs.  
Shawn sat up with a sigh, hugging his knees to his chest. “Don’t look like that, big guy. I let him do it. Riding dick ain’t for the faint-hearted.” And when you rode dick as good as him, he couldn’t blame Hunter for wanting to keep a tight grip.  
That put Diesel a little at ease. He had to rough up a few of Shawn’s clients in the past who seemed to not understand the concept of consent.  
Diesel reached out a hand, rubbing at the knee that usually gave Shawn trouble. A slow smile spread onto Shawn’s lips. Diesel’s hands were always more tender than anyone who ever touched him. But his smile wavered when Diesel asked, “How long do you plan to keep doing this? You don’t have to-” 
“Hey. No being captain save-a-hoe.”  
“I’m not. I’m just asking. I mean, you’ve been doing this for a while now. You’ve made good money. You should give yourself a break.” 
Shawn was quiet for a moment. “I already told you – when I save up enough money to buy a ranch and get you a truck.” 
“When all of this is over and I’m retired on my ranch, you deserve to focus on yourself for once. Start that trucking company you always wanted and hit the road.” 
It was a sweet gesture, one that made Diesel appreciate Shawn more than the blond knew. But at the moment, Shawn was his main priority. 
“Shawn, I don’t need a truck. I just need for you to be ok.” 
“I am,” Shawn emphasized. “Seriously. Stop worrying so much. You’ll get wrinkles.” 
That got a small smile from Diesel, which Shawn took as a win. “Unlike you, I don’t get paid for my looks. I’m paid to worry about you, blondie. Do you remember the last time you told me not to worry? You ended the session with your hair ripped out.” 
Shawn exhaled, subconsciously touching the spot where his hair had filled in. “Yeah. Bret was a kinky bastard, wasn’t he?” That was putting it lightly. 
It happened in Shawn’s early escorting days. The days before he knew what his boundaries were. Bret had been one of Shawn’s rougher clients. Shawn assumed he had some internalized homophobia based on their interactions. Their sessions were usually filled with gay slurs and hate sex that bordered on sadism.  
There were many times that Shawn should have walked away. But Bret paid really well. Shawn couldn’t afford not to keep up with his new expensive lifestyle. However, Diesel wasn’t happy to see the mess that Bret always left behind.  
The last straw came when Diesel was forced to stand by and hear Shawn’s muffled cries coming through the hotel door. He couldn’t tell if Shawn was really hurt or if it was part of the act, but Shawn never allowed him to enter until the session was over. When Bret left, Diesel hurried inside to find Shawn curled on the floor in the fetal crying, loose strands of hair surrounding him and his body covered in raised welts. It took hours of comforting Shawn to get him out of the poor headspace he was in.  
Shawn never told him what all happened that night, but it was the catalyst for them to create safe words and signals for Diesel to stop the session if things became too much.  
Shawn reached for Diesel’s hand, saying lightly, “Hunter’s one of the good ones, remember? If something went down, I would tell you. Promise.” 
Diesel looked down at their hands. He gave Shawn’s hand a squeeze, which was returned by the blond. “Did you at least finish this time?” 
Shawn answered as if it was obvious. “I always finish with Hunter. That nose of his isn’t the only thing that’s big on him.” 
“Didn’t need the details.” 
Shawn snickered and playfully tugged at Diesel’s arm. “But Kev-” 
“It’s Diesel,” he corrected.  
“Not to me.”  
There was a pregnant pause as they looked into each other’s softening gazes. Their relationship had been an odd one from the start. They met when Diesel worked security at one of the clubs Shawn stripped at. After Shawn got robbed the second time, Diesel offered to take Shawn home every night. Shawn didn’t have many friends, so he appreciated having someone look after him. When Shawn decided to do escorting full time, Diesel was the only person he trusted to keep him safe. 
They hooked up a few times between then and now, but made sure not to go any further than that. It made escorting much easier when feelings weren’t involved. But it was easier said than done. Shawn was a huge flirt. Diesel was a huge cuddler. Shawn was a good kisser. Diesel was a good fuck. The waters grew murky as they shifted between coworkers, friends with benefits, and something more complicated. 
Diesel glanced at the clock. “It’s getting late. Do you need anything? Water? Snacks?” 
Diesel lifted a brow with a humored breath. “Me? Well, lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.” He was expecting Shawn to laugh as well, but all he received was a faraway look in Shawn’s eyes. 
“Why do you stay?” Diesel tilted his head, the abrupt question catching him off-guard. But Shawn didn’t give him a chance to respond. “Everyone leaves me, Kev. Family. Friends. Clients. But you? After all of these years, you’re still here. Why?” 
The question floated between them, echoing in Diesel’s head as he searched for an answer. In short, Shawn was his boss. Paid him handsomely. Gave him whatever days off he needed. Why would he ever want to leave the job? 
But that was a copout answer.  
It wasn't about the job. They had history. Diesel was one of few people that saw Shawn for more than his body. They got to know each other beyond the surface. He was more than a bodyguard. He was his friend, his protector, his emotional support human. And on lonely nights, his lover. As much as Shawn depended on him, Diesel depended on the blond just the same. Shawn had a hold on him, except this time it wasn’t a strategic ploy to get money or expensive jewelry like with other men. It was an organic connection between them.  
But that answer was deep, too deep for what they were. So, he said what needed to be said without saying too much. “Because I care about you.” Diesel held his gaze with Shawn, letting those words sink in. “I’m here because I want to be, not because I have to be, Shawn. And the day you decide to leave this lifestyle, I’ll still be here, protecting you from whatever comes your way.” 
Shawn wasn’t sure what he expected to hear, but that was exactly what he needed to hear. Men threw themselves at him all the time, but he still couldn't help but feel empty inside. He was just an object used to fulfill their needs. And at the end of the day, they went back to their lives, to their loved ones who were unaware of their dirty little secret named Shawn Michaels.  
Sometimes, he just needed to be reminded that he wasn’t alone, that he had more to offer than his body. Fortunately, he had Diesel by his side. 
Shawn nodded with a small smile. “Thank you.” And that was all that needed to be said.  
Diesel took a good look at Shawn and knew his role. “Alright, let’s get you nice and clean. It’s been a long night.” 
Shawn reached out his hands with a pout like a greedy child. “Carry me?” 
Diesel had to hold back his eye roll, but he did as he was told. Shawn giggled gleefully when Diesel scooped him out of bed bridal style. “Oh, how I love a man that takes care of me.” 
That’s how their nights usually ended – Diesel tending to Shawn after a session, cleaning him, dressing him, tucking him in bed, counting the money they made for the day. And sometimes, when it got later in the night, Shawn would give Diesel a soft kiss that grew into something more, a kiss that held a secret that neither would acknowledge in the morning. 
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Triple H x fem! michaels! reader where he meets her and falls for her?
Love at first sight || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Your brother introduces you to his fellow stablemates in D-Generation X. You take a particular liking to Hunter.
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It was a chilly evening, and the neon lights of a crowded bar cast a warm, inviting glow onto the pavement outside. You stood there, adjusting the collar of your leather jacket and trying to calm the fluttering in your chest. Your brother Shawn had finally convinced you to meet his friends from D-Generation X, a group of legendary wrestlers. You had always been close to Shawn, and the thought of meeting his friends was both exciting and nerve-wracking.
As you walked into the bar, you were immediately greeted by a cacophony of laughter, cheers, and familiar faces. Shawn's friends, the members of DX, were gathered around a table, beers in hand. Shawn waved you over, and you joined the group.
"Everyone, this is my little sister," Shawn announced with a grin, placing a protective arm around your shoulder. "Y/N, meet the DX crew."
You exchanged polite greetings and handshakes with the various members of the group, your eyes scanning the faces. Then you locked eyes with a man who introduced himself as Hunter, but Shawn affectionately called him "Triple H."
Hunter was a commanding presence, with rugged good looks and a charismatic smile that could melt anyone's heart. He extended his hand to you, and as you shook it, a jolt of electricity seemed to pass between you. There was an immediate connection, a sense that you had known each other for far longer than a few seconds.
Throughout the evening, you found yourself drawn to Hunter. You chatted effortlessly, sharing stories and laughter as if you'd been friends forever. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of existence.
As the night wore on, Shawn and the others gradually faded into the background, their conversations becoming nothing more than a distant hum. You and Hunter found a quiet corner, away from the hustle and bustle of the bar. The conversation grew more intimate, the air charged with an undeniable attraction.
"Y/N," Hunter said, his voice low and husky, "I have to admit, meeting you tonight has been the best part of my day."
A shiver ran down your spine as he leaned in closer. Without hesitation, you met him halfway, your lips finding his in a passionate kiss. The world seemed to vanish around you, leaving only the two of you entangled in each other's embrace.
When you finally pulled away, your heart raced, and you couldn't help but smile. Hunter's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, and he whispered, "I've never believed in love at first sight until now."
You chuckled softly. "Me neither, but there's something about you, Hunter."
And just like that, as quickly as you'd met, you both fell headlong into a whirlwind romance. In the midst of the chaotic world of professional wrestling, you and Triple H had found something rare and beautiful – a love that transcended the spotlight and the ring, a love that would endure the test of time.
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thlayli-ra · 9 months
'You left us no choice, Punk.' The Leader bristled at his old moniker. 'Your community was growing too large, too dangerous.'
'We never posed a threat to you-'
'You were raising an army! An army who revolved entirely around you, revered you as their god.'
'Have your men check our stores! All's you'll find is the grain we grew in our fields, the meat and wool from our animals-'
'You turned good people away from the church. Poisoned them against their king.'
'Your king is a tyrant! His subjects suffer at his feet and he doesn't give a shit,' the Leader's voice grew in volume, drawing the attention of every man around them. 'They flocked to me because I shared in their suffering, I knew what it was like to starve, to scrape and claw for every morsel that was thrown my way. I fought for them, I spoke up for them. I was their voice. The Voice of the Voiceless!'
'And did your 'voiceless' know how you once fought for that very 'tyrant'?'
'HE LEFT ME FOR DEAD!' The Leader's voice cut through the silent night like a sharpened dagger. His face had turned as red as the moon hanging low in the sky, venom seeping from every pore. 'You left me for dead. On that battlefield, when I fell from my horse and dashed my head, you stood over me, you saw my breath fog in the air... and you did nothing! You turned your face away and left me to die!'
The Kingsguard glared back, his features hard. 'You were dangerous back then too.'
How come my smut always turns political?
(Excerpt from chapter one of my new medieval vampire au which I hope to post tomorrow night. The exchange is between CM Punk (the Leader) and Triple H (the Kingsguard))
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sydsaint · 1 year
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Y'all seeing the vision???? Because I'm seeing the vision.
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tolietpaperdreams · 5 days
Warned You Chapter 4 (Shawnter)
Little bit of a filler chapter here folks, but I promise it’s on purpose. Oh the drama of it all. 💕 Also let it be known that despite having had like 3, I have no idea how concussions work.
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(it’s steamy but not in the cool fun way, more in the ✨the girls are fighting✨ way) Enjoy. <3
The next morning when Hunter walked through the door, Shawn was on him immediately. He hadn't slept well, spending the entire night overcome by anxiety and his ever-running mind. Shawn dreaded seeing Bret, but he was so worried about Hunter’s well-being that every other feeling was dwarfed in comparison.
Shawn was frantic the moment he laid eyes on his partner, “Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? I made you that tea you like- I’ll stay up with-”
Hunter, ever the patient man that he was, gave Shawn a look that said ‘too much’ as he entered the house. He appreciated Shawn’s concern, but he needed peace and quiet at the moment.
“I’m alright, baby,” Hunter gave Shawn’s jaw a loving caress and kissed him with enough purpose to quell his lover’s worrying, “I just want a shower and to lie down.”
Shawn had to resist the urge to jump on Hunter and cling to him like a baby chimp. Ultimately, he knew Hunter was fine, it was only a minor concussion, but the thought of anything coming to harm his partner filled him with such rage and fear.
“I just don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you,” Shawn admitted in a small voice.
He could see Hunter melt right there, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Shawn wrapped his arms around Hunter’s waist, nuzzling into the bigger man’s shoulder, “Promise?”
“I promise,” Hunter placed a kiss on the top of Shawn’s head.
“Listen, this is all sweet and everything, but would it kill one of you guys to help with all these bags?” Bret interrupted from the doorway.
He was holding about three carry-ons and dragging two bigger suitcases behind him. If Shawn was in any better of a mood, he would have laughed, but right now, he was just annoyed about being taken out of the moment with Hunter.
“Sorry, can't. My back’s acting up,” Shawn feigned pain, placing a hand on his lower back.
Hunter huffed and furrowed his brow, “Shawn, don't start-”
“He’s a big guy, he’s got it,” Shawn gestured to where Bret was standing, drowning in bags, “You said he's here to help.”
“Fine,” Bret rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, “Don’t know why I expected better.”
Shawn clenched his jaw at Bret’s statement. He was better than that; he wasn't the same person he was a year ago, Bret just didn't know that. But being a better person meant Shawn had to do things he didn't want to. So he swallowed his pride and walked over to help with the bags.
The relief on Hunter’s face was evident, so Shawn didn't feel too terrible. Once the bag situation was handled and Shawn begrudgingly showed Bret where the guest room was, he was finally able to settle a little.
The tea that he made in anticipation of Hunter coming home had gone cold so he dumped it out and started again. Bret seemed to be hiding upstairs and Hunter was probably going to take a long time in the shower, so that left Shawn to brood with his thoughts.
Drinking obviously was not an option, but that didn't mean the craving went away. Shawn had been doing well for a while, and he didn't plan to break his sobriety streak anytime soon, but when things got stressful and the thoughts grew worse, the temptation would arise.
He thought about maybe throwing back an extra painkiller to help him relax in such an odd situation, but he quickly shut that thought down. He needed to be there for Hunter. He needed to be coherent. There was no way Shawn was going to let his ex try to take care of his current partner, not without a fight at least.
As the new batch of tea steeped, Shawn went to the bedroom to hide and wait for Hunter to get out of the shower. Sulking, he flopped on the bed and did his best to zone out to the sound of the water in the adjacent room.
It was a while before he finally heard the water turn off and the beautiful sight of Hunter glistening wet with a towel around his waist emerged.
“Oh don’t look so pitiful, Shawn,” Hunter puffed as he used an extra towel to dry his hair.
Shawn sat up, doing his best not to be perceived as ‘pitiful,’ he was more annoyed than anything, “Couldn’t we have gotten your Mom or Dad to come down?”
“You know they both still work, I can't ask them to take time off,” Hunter explained.
He moved to grab his suitcase to put on the bed, but Shawn got up and beat him to it. Shawn might be hurt, but Hunter was the one that needed to rest right now.
“I’ll unpack, you just get dressed,” Shawn urged, even though he was unhappy with the situation, “We could've gotten my Mom to come here, you know she loves you.”
Hunter was pulling some clothes from the dresser, “Yes, I know. She's a very lovely woman, but I wouldn't ask her to come all the way here to dote after me.”
“She would-”
“Shawn,” Hunter exhaled, frustrated, “I get it- the situation is not ideal, but Bret’s already here. Don't you think this is a good opportunity for you to make things right with him? Like we talked about?”
Shawn frowned. It would be a good chance to finally get the burden of guilt off his shoulders, but he didn't want to be forced into it.
“You didn't give me a warning. I can't say no because it's technically your house, but I live here too, Hunter.”
“It’s our house Shawn, not just mine. And I'm sorry, if I had any other choice you know I wouldn't have done this,” Hunter tossed both towels to the side and got dressed.
Shawn didn't know if he believed that Hunter would've made a different decision given other circumstances, it felt more like his partner was thrusting a test upon him. But fighting it was futile. He thought about telling Hunter that he could just go to Texas until everything blew over, but that would start an even bigger argument. Maybe Shawn was learning when to keep his mouth closed.
Hunter turned to his partner and gave Shawn an ultimatum, “You can sit here and pout or you can come curl up on the couch with me. Your choice.”
“I had to make new tea, so I’ll come out,” Shawn said after opening Hunter’s suitcase, he’d just unpack later before they went to bed, “I’m still mad, though.”
“I know babe,” Hunter gave his lover a small smile, beckoning him out of the bedroom.
Dinner that night was awkward. Bret seemed to have no issue making himself at home, he even cooked. Which of course, Shawn protested, but Bret seemed to remember that the blonde was not very competent in the kitchen the last time they had been together.
“You let him cook for you?” Bret asked in disbelief.
Hunter chuckled and shook his head, “Absolutely not.”
Furrowing his brow, Shawn gave Hunter an upset look. How dare he side with Bret, the traitor. Shawn hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to Hunter about how the two had secretly been working together behind his back, but was he just supposed to sit there and let Bret bully him in his own home?
“We can order a pizza or something,” Shawn stood from the kitchen table, moving to grab the phone mounted on the wall.
Before he could pull the phone off the receiver he felt a hand cover his own; a hand he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“I’ve got it covered,” Bret locked eyes with Shawn, his hand staying strongly on top.
A chill ran down Shawn’s spine and he yanked his hand away. Bret still kept his gaze firmly locked in. The audacity of this guy was insane, sure he was trying to help, and maybe Shawn wasn't the best cook in the world, but having Bret one-up him did nothing to quell his attitude.
Shawn turned to look at Hunter still sitting at the table, asking him if saw what just happened with his eyes. Hunter simply shrugged, either not willing to get involved or too tired to care.
Shawn took a deep breath; he wouldn’t start a fight. As much as he wanted to. Hunter deserved a few days of healing before Shawn really laid into him. If this was some sort of revenge that Bret felt like he was owed, Shawn wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
The three of them sat at the table when the food was ready; Shawn couldn’t bring himself to make any sort of small talk. He simply looked between Hunter and Bret, realizing how ridiculous the current situation was.
“So,” Bret taped his fork on his plate, “Shawn, you wanna handle the dishes?”
Shawn froze, leaving his steak half-cut and dropping his cutlery, “Huh?”
“Just seeing if you wanted to handle the dishes since I cooked,” Bret shrugged, nonchalantly.
“Are you giving me chores in my own house?” Shawn looked bewildered.
“Shawn-” Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose, “That’s not-”
“Oh no no no, don’t worry about it,” Shawn said in a sarcastic tone, “I’ll handle it.”
He was beginning to wonder what it would take to get someone deported to Canada.
Begrudgingly, Shawn did the dishes and put away the leftovers after they were done eating. He wanted to point out how he was planning on doing them anyway without Bret’s input, but he refrained.
Bret eventually left the table, giving Hunter a pat on the shoulder before heading upstairs. The big man sat there with a strained look on his face. His head was clearly bothering him and Shawn felt an ache in his chest at the sight.
“You wanna go lay down, Hunt?” Shawn asked, concernedly.
Being in a healthy relationship for the first time in his life meant that Shawn had to put his feelings on the back burner sometimes. He knew that he’d already stressed out his partner enough with his resistance to having Bret around, and he wasn't exactly happy about them working together either, but seeing Hunter in pain still hurt him.
Hunter nodded and got up slowly before making his way to their room. Once the kitchen was cleaned up, Shawn found his partner curled up on their bed in the dark. He knew it was because of the light sensitivity, but the big man still looked so pitiful.
“Hunt? You okay?” Shawn entered the room, closing the door softly. He had to remind himself not to turn a light on.
Hunter only groaned in response, he hadn't even bothered to change clothes or get under the covers.
Shawn turned on a bedside lamp, hoping it wouldn't be too bright for Hunter, “Come on babe, let’s get you changed and then you can go to bed.”
“I forgot how much concussions suck,” Hunter sat up, his fingers massaging his temples.
Shawn moved to help Hunter with his t-shirt but was stopped by the bigger man pulling him in by the waist. Hunter buried his face into Shawn’s stomach, clenching his eyes closed to avoid any sort of light.
Instinctively, Shawn wrapped his arms around Hunter’s shoulders, one hand coming up to thread into his hair. As grim as the situation was, it felt nice to be needed.
“M’sorry,” Hunter mumbled, arms holding Shawn tightly.
He didn't know how to respond. He scratched the back of Hunter’s head in the way he knew he liked, but no answers came. Hunter was his rock, he worked so hard to keep them both together, to keep Shawn sane.
Shawn just shook his head and leaned down to kiss the crown of Hunter’s head, “Maybe you’re the crazy one.”
Hunter huffed a laugh, “Maybe,” He looked up at Shawn with his deep brown eyes, “Can we go to bed now?”
The way Hunter was so menacing and big in the ring, but such a puddle of mush around his partner made Shawn’s heart pitter-patter. In reality, Hunter was a big softy and it made Shawn feel special that he was allowed to see that side.
Shawn leaned down and they shared a tender kiss, “Of course.”
Shawn was up early the next morning, feeling slightly better about the night before. He took his medication, did some stretches, and headed into the garage for a workout; that way Hunter was able to rest and he could burn off some stress.
It was frustrating not being able to workout at the level he was used to, but he was learning to take it day by day. He mainly focused on his upper body and sweating as much as he could, the bike being the best option to get his heart rate up without straining his back.
An hour in, Shawn felt great, he felt strong and his day was off to a good start, much better than the day before. He was cooling off after a particularly heavy bench when he could hear rustling from inside the house.
It was about time for Shawn to go in and make some coffee anyway so whether it was Hunter finally awake or Bret tearing apart the kitchen, Shawn had to power through. He held back his groan of disappointment as he was met with the latter.
Bret looked up from where he was trying to figure out the coffee machine and paused.
Shawn wasn’t frugal, the entire world had seen his ass a time or two, but standing in the kitchen shirtless with Bret staring at him suddenly made him feel very shy.
“Good workout?” Bret asked, breaking his gaze quickly.
Shawn cleared his throat and tried to be cordial, “Yeah, it was fine. I’ll get the coffee, don’t worry about it.”
“Cool, cool,” Bret stepped away, “How’s the healing coming along?”
He caught the way Bret’s eyes lingered on his body one more time and felt his cheeks flush. Bastard.
“Good,” Shawn was bad at small talk, it was all or nothing when it came to him and right now, he wanted nothing with Bret.
Before Bret could respond, Shawn was saved by the phone ringing. He’d take any escape he could get and grabbed the phone from the receiver.
“Hey Shawn! It’s Owen.”
Oh goodie.
It wasn’t that Shawn wasn’t happy to hear from Owen, in fact, maybe the younger Hart brother could talk some sense into Bret, and remind him to keep his eyes to himself. It was far too early in the morning for all that.
“Hey man, how’s it going?” Shawn avoided looking at Bret who’d taken a seat at the table.
“Pretty good, Hunter doing okay?” Owen asked, his voice chipper as usual.
“Yeah he’s sleeping,” Shawn responded, resisting the urge to ask why he was really calling.
Now that the pleasantries were out of the way, Owen actually started talking, “So… How’s living with Bret again?”
Shawn glanced over at said Hart brother who was pretending to be distracted by something else, and sighed, “You know we never lived together.”
He watched as Bret raised his eyebrows, clearly listening.
“Well, yeah whatever,” Owen chuckled to himself, “I take it things have been a little rough?”
“It’s only been a day,” Shawn sighed.
“So that’s a yes?” Owen pressed.
There was no point in lying, “Yes.”
The younger Hart brother laughed to himself again before continuing, “Okay, lemme talk to Bret. I’ll make sure he behaves.”
Shawn got Bret’s attention and waved him over, “It’s your brother.”
“I have a lot of those,” Bret replied, taking the phone from him.
Shawn rolled his eyes and headed down the hallway, “Figure it out.”
He really needed to find a shirt.
There really was no plan for the day, and that freaked Shawn out. Yesterday, he was mainly concerned about making sure Hunter was settled in, but now he felt himself getting antsy.
Being home alone with nothing to do was one thing but having nothing to distract him from Bret being in his house was another. The brunette had talked to Owen on the phone for almost an hour while Shawn tried his best to go about his morning routine.
He’d showered, found a shirt, and started the coffee; there wasn’t much else to do. Shawn wouldn’t eat till Hunter was up anyway so the only thing he could do was wait around. He felt like he was walking on eggshells.
Any interaction with Bret was tense and awkward, and Shawn did his absolute best to not lash out at anything and everything the man said, but he felt like a cornered dog. He didn’t know what Bret’s intentions were, and that left him very on edge.
“Is it cool if Owen comes down for a day or two?” Bret asked casually as he entered the living room, making himself right at home on the couch opposite Shawn.
A middle man.
Shawn stopped himself from blurting out an immediate yes, “I’ll talk to Hunter about it when he wakes up.”
Bret nodded in response and a small silence took over.
“He’s good to you,” Bret stated, a hint of awkwardness in his words.
Was Bret laying out some sort of bait? Or was he being genuine? It was hard to tell, but as Shawn sipped his coffee, he decided to play it safe.
“He is,” Was all he offered in return.
Bret’s eyes shifted, he looked around the living room as if he were trying to find something to talk about.
Shawn couldn’t handle the silence and took the bait, “Why did you come here?”
It looked like Bret was taken aback by Shawn’s boldness for a moment.
“Don't bullshit me, Bret-”
“You didn't give me a chance to say anything, dickhead,” Bret responded with a scoff.
That was the Hitman that Shawn was used to. Angry and standoffish over the little things. Was Shawn pushing the buttons he remembered Bret having a bit? Yes, but if it got him answers quicker, he’d do it.
“How are you suddenly buddy-buddy with Hunter? Last I remember, you didn't like having him around,” Shawn accused.
“At the time, I thought he was going to steal you from me,” Bret said with a shrug, “Turns out I was right.”
“You know that's not how it happened,” Shawn jumped on the defensive, “He was there after you left me.”
“So he was your backup plan?” Bret furrowed a brow.
Shawn could feel the white-hot anger rise throughout his body. Things hadn’t happened very conventionally, but Shawn would never stand back and let someone call his partner ‘a backup plan.’
Bret saw the way Shawn’s body language shifted and held both his hands up in surrender, “Listen, that might not be how it happened, but word is that you jumped into his arms as soon as I was gone.”
Was this high school? Who was walking around wasting their time talking about other people’s relationships like they didn't have their own lives to deal with?
Shawn caved to the hypothetical, “So what if it was? You were gone the night of Survivor Series anyway, why would you care who I’m sleeping with? You want some revenge, you've got it. My back is fucked, no one wants anything to do with me in the company, and you’ve turned my boyfriend against me, congrats.”
“No one’s turned me against you, Shawn,” Hunter emerged from around the corner, finally out of bed. He yawned and stretched for a moment before bending down to place a kiss on the top of Shawn’s head, “And I thought we talked about you playing nice while you're here,” He gestured to Bret.
“My bad,” Bret let out a laugh, “You know how easy he is to rile up.”
Shawn felt like he was in the middle of some sort of mind game and that Hunter was in on it. Even after that entire conversation, Shawn still had no answers. All he could do was sit there.
“You heard all that, right?” Shawn asked, dumbfounded, “You heard everything he said?”
Hunter took Shawn’s empty mug from him, “Yeah, but I know how things actually happened and so do you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.”
“Maybe you should listen to Hunter, it might actually do you some good,” Bret sneered.
Shawn opened his mouth to retort but was satisfied enough when Hunter punched the brunette in the shoulder as he walked by. It seemed playful enough and all Bret did was rub his shoulder in response. Shawn could only wish that Hunter missed and hit his face.
“My house, my rules,” Hunter called from the kitchen.
Shawn wanted to stick his tongue out at Bret like an upset child, but he refrained. The brunette seemed to get some sort of satisfaction out of getting under Shawn’s skin, so he wouldn't play his games anymore.
How was Hunter so unaffected? It didn't seem to bother him at all that Bret just called him Shawn’s backup plan. Did he genuinely not care? Or was he just hiding his frustration?
Hunter could be heard moving pots and pans in the kitchen, and Shawn took the opportunity to scorn Bret for himself, “If you're here to help, why don't you go help with breakfast?”
“You’re such a dick, I don't know how Hunter puts up with your ass,” Bret snipped, standing and heading into the kitchen.
“Because it’s a good ass!” Shawn yelled. He hoped it was loud enough to be heard across the house.
“I am begging you to let Owen come over for a few days,” Shawn pleaded with Hunter after breakfast.
Bret had gone back upstairs to change into his workout clothes while Shawn was left to deal with the dishes again.
“You don't have to ask me to have a friend over, you're a grown man,” Hunter gave his partner a puzzled look.
“Well I sure as hell don't feel like it,” He could feel his Southern accent slip out a little bit, as it always did when he was angry, “You said it yourself, ‘your house, your rules.’ And Owen isn't my friend.”
“I told you, it’s just as much yours as it is mine,” Hunter replied, “If he isn't your friend, then why do you want him to come over so badly?”
“Because he’ll be able to distract Bret and maybe the asshole will leave me alone,” Shawn said it like it was obvious.
“He’s just letting off steam, it’s hardly day two. If he was really being disrespectful, I’d kick him out in a second,” Hunter offered.
Shawn scrubbed on a plate harder than necessary, “So him calling you my ‘backup plan’ really didn't bother you?”
Hunter shook his head with a shrug, “Not really. I’m secure about us, babe.”
As sweet as that was, Shawn just couldn't understand how Hunter had such little emotion involved in this situation. Maybe because he had seen everything go down from the sidelines and how bad it was, but he also witnessed how much of a mess Shawn had been.
“I just think if it was the other way around, and your ex was here to ‘help out’ you’d be a little pissed,” Shawn tried to reason.
“Shawn, you wouldn't let any of my exes within a hundred miles of me, let alone in the house,” Hunter huffed a laugh.
“Exactly! How are you not seething with anger and jealousy?!” Shawn held up his soapy hands, getting dishwater all over the counter.
“Because, I told you, I’m secure about us. Do you want me to not trust you?”
“Of course, I want you to trust me, and don't think I'm not still upset about you guys working together, I just don’t- I don't get how you're so calm!” Shawn splashed his hands back into the sink to take his anger out on a poor cup.
Hunter sighed and finally gave in, “Y’know what? Fine. Fine, Shawn. You win. I’ll tell him to pack up his shit and I’ll take him to the airport this afternoon.”
“I didn’t say that!” Shawn gave up on the dishes and rinsed his hands, too upset to bother finishing.
“Then what do you want? I thought we already talked about this,” Hunter looked like he wanted to pull his hair out, the bigger man’s patience had run thin.
“Woah- Trouble in paradise?” Bret asked as he entered the kitchen.
Shawn spoke through his teeth, “Everything’s fine.”
Bret grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, “Sorry to interrupt, but Hunter, you wanna get a workout in if you’re feeling up to it?”
Hunter waited a moment, eyeing Shawn before looking at Bret, “Yeah, a light push day shouldn’t hurt anything,” He stood and left the room.
The silence that followed was deafening. Shawn had no idea who Bret was trying to save from the argument but it really didn’t matter.
“I’ll leave if it’s causing you that much grief,” Bret offered, taking a swig from the bottle.
Shawn bit down on the inside of his cheek till he could taste blood and said again, “Everything’s fine.”
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