#Tsukiuta Stage Play
synestheticdragon · 1 month
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Tsukiuta's alternate world of "Zanshin".
A dark, post-apocalyptic, action video game world, where soldiers fight literally heart to heart and blade to blade to try to retake the world overrun by monsters.
"Zanshin" (Japanese: 残心) is a state of awareness; of relaxed alertness, in Japanese martial arts. A literal translation of zanshin is "remaining mind". (by Harupedia wikipedia)
Having *just* realized that the Kanji for the title and for the marial arts philosophy are different, I started investigating.
The title "斬心" can also be read as "Zanshin" and translates to "slashing heart".
Very fitting for a world where their swords are literally imbued with their hearts.
Awesome, I thought, two perfectly fitting meanings in one.
Then I found the kanji "慙"
When the kanji are combined like this the meaning becomes "shame", to blame oneself for not being virtuous; to blame oneself for not being correct.
Which is. Another whole central theme of the stage play. Regret, shame, desperation, sacrifice, one's heart being one's greatest weapon and greatest weakness.
Three ways to read three different meanings. In JUST the title. This is why I love Tsukiuta world building
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I'm curious, is there any TTRPGs based around music? Either music making, or with music as a central theme.
THEME: Musical Games
Hello friend, I have a mix for you - games about musicians, games that use music, and games that leave you with a playlist at the end!
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Spicepunk 1977, by Nick Kornek.
From their secret headquarters inside Big Ben groups of Spice Girls in tour busses are dispatched to solve all of the world’s most dangerous problems with girl power and music.
It is a better world, a brighter world, a SPICE WORLD.
SPICEPUNK 1997 is a rule-light tabletop roleplaying game set in the fantastical world of the Spice Girls. Play as a Spice Girl of your own creation and prepare yourself for the unexpected as your SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!
SPICEPUNK 1997 was created by Nick Kornek & Jeanne Elizabeth Vachon. It is based on Lasers & Feelings by John Harper
If you’ve ever wanted to be Car Mechanic Spice, Space Spice, or any other kind of Spice Girl, this is the game for you. You’ll decide on a Spicealty, create a tour bus, and get ready to save the world! Using Lasers and Feelings, Spicepunk 1977 calls the roll where you hit your chosen number “Spice Up Your Life”, which recommends using Story Cubes. If you don’t have Story Cubes, using something like Tarot Cards, a Codenames Deck, or anything with randomized, general images might work as a good substitute.
Sing as One, by Naomi Norbez.
Sing As One! is a TTRPG about being a singer in an up-and-coming group of young superstars.  All of you came from different paths of life, and have varied ambitions & goals, but are coming together in your quest to make music!
This game is inspired by franchises like Uta No Prince Sama, B-Project, Tsukipro/Tsukiuta, and aoppella.  Idol franchises are about fantasy fulfillment, and this TTRPG reflects that.  This game is centered on creating cool characters, quick sessions, and simple but fun gameplay.
Create your very own pop group using this 2-page game! This game uses d4s, d6s and d10s. There are two modes of play: inside and outside battles called Faceoffs. In Faceoffs, your characters will attempt to overcome obstacles or opponents, such as rival bands, rabid fans, or your own self-doubt. You’ll roll against your opponent’s skills. In contrast, outside Faceoffs, you’ll be rolling against a pre-determined level to do things like convincing another actor to participate in your music video, breaking into your manager’s car, or smuggling as much fast food as you can into your dormitory without security finding out.
This game is still in its beta stage, so you’re working with just the rules and a hint towards the kind of setting the game is designed for. If you want to use this game for more than a simple one-shot, I’d recommend using some of your session 0 time to talk about the world these pop stars inhabit - is it in the past? The future? On another planet? It’s up to you!
RoadTrip: The Musical RPG, by AgentDolly.
You are a few friends are going on a road trip, where are you going to go, who are you going to meet, and what music will you listen to along the way? These and many other questions will be answered in Road Trip: The Musical.
Road Trip: The Musical is a game designed for 1-5 players, and while it's recommended that you be actively on a road trip while playing, it is not required. To play, all you need is a way to make a playlist, this could be Spotify, an iPod touch, a CD, or just a piece of paper and a pen. All that matters is that you can keep track of the soundtrack for your road trip.
Each player will have a different role, such as The Driver, the Navigator, or the Snack Captain. Each role comes with a special ability, such as “I’ll turn this car around”, or “Pit Stop”. This allows you to affect song choices as long as they fit certain criteria! At the end of the game, you’ll have a playlist for the group to listen to when you actually hit the road, and you can remember the game you used to create it whenever you’re on the move.
Jukebox, by jarofeyes.
Jukebox is a musical roleplaying game, played over 4 hours, with 3-4 friends and a karaoke setup. You’ll play a cast of characters who are all struggling in their own way against an overwhelming challenge. During three acts, hidden longings will be revealed, grievances will be aired, and songs will be sung. Will old wounds and personal drama doom you all to failure? Or will you change and grow just in time to save the day?
Jukebox requires no preparation and is GM-less. This is a chance for you and your friends to write your very own musical, using your favourite songs. You will design an opening setting, and create characters with their own personal challenges, while using a deck of cards as your randomization tool. This might be worth looking into if you have a group of friends that needs to stretch their legs a bit, or need their roleplaying sessions broken up into chunks.
Super Holo Bards, by anniedisaster09.
Super Holo Bards is A Transformational, Totally Sensational Bardic Adventure game borrowing a few game creation elements from Lasers and Feelings. This game can be played with 1-5 players and has optional rules for a GM also known as the Band Manager if one is wanted/desired.
This is a game about heroes with magical instruments - your characters are secretly super-musicians, using your powers for good. The game has a built-in setting that feels renaissance-fantasy in nature, but changing the options on the GM guide tables and the player backgrounds is all you should need to put your characters in whatever setting you desire. Each player has the ability to cast magical spells, as well as the ability to transform into your heroic self! Be warned though, the transformation doesn’t last - and you need time to recharge after using a spell. If you like Lasers & Feelings but you want a little bit more to the game, Super Holo Bards might be worth checking out!
Damn the Man, Save the Music, by Turtlebun.
In Damn the Man, you’ll juggle the responsibilities of a day that will determine the future of your record store, all while trying to accomplish a big personal goal. Can you confess your love to your crush and find the money that went missing from the cash box? Can you pay off your debt to your parents while promoting tonight’s big show? The clock is ticking and you’ve got until midnight to try.
Damn the Man is inspired by movies like Empire Records, Dazed and Confused, and a love for the ’90s. It’s silly and tender and no familiarity with the source material is necessary to enjoy the game.
This game is built with a lot of support tools for nervous GMs. It plays over the course of three acts, and uses playing cards to help determine what kinds of troubles the players encounter. It includes examples of play and a great outline of safety tools. By the end of the game, you'll know whether or not the store is saved or not. The game uses playbooks making character creation a little bit quicker and easier - all in all, a great option if you want to introduce roleplaying to someone new.
VOID 1680AM, by Bannerless Games.
Night after night, you sit alone with your thoughts, your music, and a microphone. Whether you come to your radio show with somber attitude or joyful spirit, you use the music that moves you to etch something fleeting and beautiful into the big empty.
There are other voices in the darkness. With a deck of cards, a six-sided die and a stack of music, you will build a playlist, invent and interact with Callers to your show, and evolve their stories over as many broadcasts as you like. No matter their motivations, they simply must be heard. In that way, you are very alike.
VOID 1680 AM includes rules for single-session and ongoing play, instructions to have your show broadcast on the airwaves as an Affiliate, and even a way to add your voice to a library of Callers that other DJs can use in their own games.
This game is inspired by Anamnesis, the 1988 film Talk Radio and Long Haul 1983.It aims to replicate the feeling of attempting to make connections with people who can only talk to you over the phone. You’ll create a cast of callers and craft a playlist based on their hopes, needs, and desires. If you want to run through a one-and-done game, you can do that, but this game also includes ways to create a series of connected stories. If you’re interested, you can check out the Press Kit before buying the whole thing!
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kanasmusings · 1 year
[Masterpost] Tsukiuta Kitan “Taikyoku Denki” Drama CD Translations
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Hi, hi~! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, huh...! Life has been giving me a bit of a runaround, and I’ve been distracted by EnStars and Blue Lock lately, but I’m happy to be posting stuff again~! I want to start this blog up again with Tsukiuta’s “Taikyoku Denki” drama CD! Thank you again to @melynir​ for requesting~ ^^
The stage is one of my absolute favorites, and I’m so happy to see what they added/incorporated into the drama CD! Hearing the dialogues spoken by the voice actors added a whole new charm to the script~ Also, you can never really go wrong when you’ve got Suwabe Junichi voicing Doutaku--!  o(≧▽≦)o (I know he’s a bad guy, but when bad guys have hot voices, you can’t help but make questionable choices!)
Other Taikyoku Denki Translations: PAMPHLET | STAGE PLAY
I updated the stage play subtitles to match the drama translation dialogue, so please download the updated one ^^
For those who want to purchase a physical copy of the drama, here’s where you can buy them: MOVIC | CDJapan | Animate JP
Anyhow, tracklist and translations under the cut, enjoy~!
Drama Track 00: “Tsukiuta Kitan. ‘Taikyoku Denki’”
Drama Track 01: “Prologue - Meeting”
Drama Track 02: “Chapter 01 - Intercultural Exchange”
Drama Track 03: “Chapter 02 - Humans and Higher Demons”
Drama Track 04: “Chapter 03 - The Changing World”
Drama Track 05: “Chapter 04 - United Front”
Drama Track 06: “Chapter 05 - The Search for Doutaku”
Drama Track 07: “Chapter 06 - The Decisive Battle”
Drama Track 08: “Chapter 07 - An Eternal Promise”
Bonus Drama Track: “Until the Golden Orchid Blooms”
※ Please don’t re-post or re-translate these without permission!!!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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tthel · 1 year
My first ever Whumptober submission!
I added my fic on Ao3 to the collection, so I guess it'll show up later?
No. 3 "Make it stop" (Couldn't actually work the phrase into the story, but it is heavily implied)
No. 12 Insomnia
Fandom: Tsukiuta, Tsukista
Hajime had welcomed the expansion into theatre.
Everyone had been proud when the middle pairs had been cast in Yumemigusa - Hajime in particular as Arata had learned to work with his natural stoicism, and Shun had strutted like a peacock at the praise You and Yoru had received.
And then the world had shifted and there had been swords and fighting and blood and sickness and death and Mikaduki-san who wasn’t Mikaduki-san. 
Shun had managed to work his magic to save both You and Arata (and why did Hajime have overlapping memories of both) but the effects had been far-reaching.
Gravi and Procella had given up their tickets to stay with their actors backstage. Hajime had lost count of the times he had comforted a silently crying Aoi, or seen Shun holding a panicking Yoru, walked in on Kai talking to a pale, quiet You, or Haru gripping a deathly blank Arata. He had seen Shun’s guilt over treating the incident so lightly at the beginning, and Arata and You flinch every time they’d seen a hospital for months.
Both groups had slept in one common room or the other until the nightmares stopped.
Rabbit’s Kingdom had been… strange.  Hajime and Shun had decided to keep the existence of the book private until they saw how everyone reacted to the play, and the other members had been both surprised and relieved to learn why they were suddenly unwilling to let their leaders out of sight. 
Hajime had been unable to sleep for weeks, both after Shun’s reading of the novel and the performances, haunted by visions of black- and white-gloved hands wrapped around Shun’s throat, Shun’s peaceful expression as he waited - expected - to die (by Hajime’s hand, or by his own when that failed). Shun’s despair and loneliness given form and murdering everyone - no matter that that part had only been a vision.
The sound of Shun’s soft call as he and his other self lay dying.
All of it had seen him on nearly nightly walks around the dorms, and sleeping in his counterpart’s room more often than not.
(The filming of Tsukino Empire had gone smoothly enough, except for the scene in the centre of the world, where Shun was prepared for Hajime to kill him. Again. 
Shun had stuck close with an apologetic look and quiet reminders that it was his character, not him, and that this universe wasn’t one they had visited. 
Hajime still hadn’t slept.
“Please stop asking me to kill you.”)
Zanshin had been the final straw.
That isekai trip had been a series of firsts that Hajime would have been content never experiencing: the first time Shun had warned against a world, the first time one of them had been kidnapped, the first time someone had been tortured, the first time Hajime had been certain one of his friends would die.
The first time without Shun.
The first time Hajime had seen Shun scream like that at someone.
The rest of the experience had become normal at this point.
Shun refusing to let Hajime, Haru, and Kai out of his sight for weeks.
Sleeping together in the common area to deal with everyone’s nightmares.
Shun staggering, nearly hysterical, into their arms at the end of each performance as the “last boss” amid the concerned looks from Quell and SolidS.
Finally, after the seniors had shared the story of what happened in Zanshin, the groups came to a decision.
Six Gravity and Procellarum would be taking a break from the stage for the foreseeable future.
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mysteriousmissfsart · 2 years
Attention every TSUKIUTA lover!
We’re finally getting an animated Tsukiuta movie and it’s “Rabbits kingdom”!!!!!!!!🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎊🥳🥳🥳
I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since I watched the stage play! We’re finally getting an animated movie with the original character voices!
My little tsukiuta heart can’t wait!😭😭😭
It’s going to be released in a year-
December 2023-
It’s so far away but I’m still excited!!
I cried a lot while watching the play so I bet I’m going to cry even more for the movie.
Here are some screenshots if you haven’t seen the announcement yet:
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finoalcielo · 2 years
Hello!! Thank you so much for all your translations!!! Just wondering if you were planning to translate the ALIVESTAGE Tsukihana Kagura play?
Hi anon-san!
Unfortunately I won’t be able to translate the alivestage since I haven’t bought it. My wallet is only deep enough to get a one or two stages per year. So I typically try to stick to tsukiuta.
Though if I recall correctly, I believe there are already subs for the alivestage tsukihana kagura.
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Flavor of Love: Team cookies and cream in-depth description
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Perhaps one of the more complex flavors I have introduced, these characters are half and half. What I mean is that they have two switches to them, but it never contrasts one another like cookies and cream. I don’t mean they have two different personas either, rather they’re like a celebrity on and off stage. One moment they seem all cool and the next they’re cowering in fear from dinosaurs. But it never comes over a shock or gap moe. Upon discovery of a character such as these you’ll find yourself intrigued and wanting more. 
Another thing which should be mentioned is their way of love. For each cookie and cream member, they have a unique way of showing love. Some might give you tons of gifts daily, others may play little shows for you to watch. When you have a team cookie and cream member pinning for you do watch out for their action of love. 
Link to other in-depth descriptions: 2 Lines & A Circle : Complete flavor of love list! (tumblr.com)
Link to where it all started: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavors of love: chocolate edition So I was... (tumblr.com)
Once again, it’s a rare flavor so I couldn’t find many but here we go!
Shimotsuki Shun from Tsukiuta 
Karno from Star Crossed Myth 
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crehador · 1 year
re: Aoi Shouta voicing Rui's brother -- it's because he played them both in the original drama CDs 10 years ago. Also, if you like Haru, check out the stage plays with Matsuda Gaku (plays 6-10). He's wonderful and Tsukino Empire has the best HajiHaru. Really all the ones with him and Menjo Kentaro (6-8), they had the best chemistry. Tsukino Empire 2 (which is SQS) is also a must see.
thank u for the shoutan info but once again 😂 i am watching tsukiuta for the voice actors and only for the voice actors
it is genuinely a joy to see how much love the fandom has for the stage plays! but again they are not for me unless the cast is literally the same as the cast of the anime
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chennmei · 5 years
Rabbits Kingdom Stage Play
Video by: Tsukista Fansub Vietsub by: Tsukista Fansub Engsub by: Phạm Mai Thục Đoan Re-Edit by: Me
We don’t own anything, we just translate the current vietsub to engsub. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sClzv8YByvk
Arata: Probably..... Is Hajime-san hungry? I bought some apples Lapan: Hey! There’s nothing to do with that Kakeru: Maybe Lapan: *Shock* Koi: Indeed, Hajime-san also skipped his meals recently Lapan: Is this true ? Unwell because of a lack of nutrients? Soma no Bigkuri Surprise, isn’t it ? Kakeru: What’s that!? Cool! I want you to do the...the.. Something that in the name of Justice protects peace Sailor M... Lapan: *stop kakaeru* Kakeru: Can I see it? I’m sorry , i know this is a bit of too much but i really want to see it Lapan: MOON LAPAN POWER MAKE UP!! To protect the Earth but the face is not pretty enough Sailor Lapan! .............. Kakeru, koi-dono with Arata-dono too All three Oh come on all three of you Come on~ ................. Arata: At a meal, there always has 3 boxes of strawberry milk that i like, Sailor Kapibara Koi: Must always be fashionable, Sailor Paris Collection Kakeru: Is fighting suddenly hungry, What should i do ??? I’m gonna eat right after the fight is over, Sailor Mogumogu ( sailor of eating and drinking ) Aoi: Protecting peace is important, Love Pruning Bonsai, Sailor Prince Lapan: 5 of us were here to fight to protect world peace, And when we combine it will become-- Haru: You guys....should go to work on protecting the Moon
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kireiaoi · 7 years
[ENG] TsukiSta Tri! School Revolution! Special Lesson - Rui cut
Shun and Kai like a proud father, while You and Yoru like a worried father and mother. Why did you keep it a secret from Iku? So that he isn’t jealous, hm?
Rui is so cute! Kawai wa seigi! 
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synestheticdragon · 6 months
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I love watching the quiet, everyday character growth in the anime.
Hajime is probably born, and definitely raised, as an overachiever and knows he is difficult to get close to.
I love watching him realize that he can be ambitious and aim for perfection and be the smartest guy in the room and his friends will stick with him. And then he can be imperfect and not know the answers and be rather dense at times and his friends will still stick with him.
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura - Stage Play Plot
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Ryota and I have been talking about it both here and on twitter, so you already know we were working (or more like cracking our brains) on this.
Let me say this first, the entire team (Ryota and Chrome) agreed this is more Chinese than Japanese and you can’t change our minds ヽ(_ _ヽ) // the kanji, the horror. Kudos to those two for suffering with me (aka assisting me and helping out with the proofreading).
If you like my work, consider donating or commissioning me, I use all the money I receive to get (rare?) items like this and translate them. The link is at the bottom of the post~ 
Please don’t repost/reuse/retranslate my work. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
Paying no mind to the sounds of this fleeting world, the King of Flowers threads the dance of Tsukihana Kagura.
A [song]. Yet not a [song].
A [dance]. Yet not a [dance].
Even without the honors from the so-called [King of Flowers], a celebration where the [flowers] dance, the “Tsukihana Festival”, shall begin!
―—— Not here, somewhere apart from this world.
There lie twelve island countries, floating above the ocean in a flower-like shape. Once every few years, in each of these countries, those who live in grace and are referred to as [flowers], shall compete not with their swords, but with their beauty.
World View
■ The World
This world consists of 13 countries floating above the ocean.
Lying in the centre of the world is a large island called “Mushiki”. Islands of about the same size surround Mushiki radially, as if they were a flower blooming over a large desert. The appearance likewise makes the residents refer to themselves and these countries as “flowers”.
■ The History of the World
① Prehistoric Era
There was a time when the 13 islands were joined by land, forming one continent.
In the centre of the continent rested a massive volcano named Kataku, which converged the entire volcanic activity from the area and actively erupted on countless occasions.
As a result, the ground around the base of the volcano is thought to have expanded, eventually becoming large enough to be called a continent.
This vast land expanded radially along the mountain range until it divided together with some neighbouring areas and developed their own individual ecosystems.
Somewhere in the northern part of the continent, humanity ended up planting its roots.
Following their migration towards the south, their area of activity broadened and it seemed soon the entire continent became inhabited.
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② Antiquity (First Half)
❶ [The First Blooming]  - Before and After (approximately 600 000~10 000 years ago)
The large-scale seismic shift which occurred due to a tectonic plate rift and also caused the radial fragmentation of the continent, then provoked a massive eruption from the Kataku Volcano. This was later named ‘The First Blooming’. 
The tremendous force of the eruption gave birth to an enormous caldera in the centre of the continent (later becoming the inland sea). Subsequently, the plate rifts and the caldera led to the separation of the continent into different areas.
Scattered in various regions and unable to come in contact with each other, mankind gave up on further exchanges from that point on and all areas followed their own evolution and development.
❷ Kurobana Period (approximately 10 000~4000 years ago)
The period of time when the Kataku Volcano and its volcanic chain became dormant.
As the climate and the environment regained their stability, humanity once again started to practice exchanges between regions. When mankind proceeded to share the knowledge and techniques they developed in separation, their cultural level instantly improved.
The construction of large cities brought along a drastic increase in population numbers, and soon countries were born in every zone. 
‘Shikkoku’ and ‘Geppaku’, the oldest existing countries, are said to have been born around this time.
❸ Shirohana Period (approximately 4000~1300 years ago)
Around this time, almost the entire continent had a cultural living secured. Moreover, disciplines like academics and arts were flourishing.
The exchanges between the nations became more and more popular, but at the same time, attracted conflicts and clashes due to differences in values and ideologies.
❹ Akahana Period (approximately 1300~1000 years ago)
Starting with the small conflicts between fellow small countries and continuing with the head-on collisions of the major nations, this time period brought on the first large-scale war in history.
In a world where a diverse set of values and ideologies exist, fires that have started cannot be quenched easily. Furthermore, advancements in technology and the invention of gunpowder and explosives supported those ideologies. Under the principles of each island’s doctrine, they were to send out one great candidate to determine who will be the Great Ruler of all nations in order to unify the continent. The remaining islands would stand together with the champion of the world.
As war or disputes would always occur somewhere, the public order domain had suffered the most throughout the world.
A lot of blood was shed even outside the battlefield.
From that point on, the entire continent was thrown into chaos for around 300 years, a period known as the dark age.
❺ [The Second Blooming] - Before and After (approximately 1000 years ago)
The chaos installed by the dark age came forcefully to an end as another seismic shift hit the continent and the Kataku Volcano released another violent eruption (known as ‘The Second Blooming’). 
The valley created around the volcano by the rift expanded even further and was flooded by seawater, separating the 13 islands completely.
③ Antiquity (Second Half)
❶ [The Second Blooming] - Before and After (approximately 1000 years ago)
The unexpected calamity that divided the 13 islands completely should have eliminated all life, including humanity.
However, even though humans resorted to quite a substantial number of sacrifices, they tried to make it through the crisis with their own power, too.
Countries that foresaw the large-scale eruption tried to minimize casualties and joined hands.
Anticipating what could happen in the future, people made physical walls using special techniques, analysed scientific data, geology, etc…...
The countries that opted to join forces and brought pieces of their own wisdom managed to survive The Second Blooming, becoming the twelve countries that exist in the present.
❷ Tsukihana Period (approximately 1000 years ago~present)
Because of the previous calamities, much knowledge and craft skills were lost. Humanity’s history continued. However, compared to the Second Blooming, the loss of civilization development was significantly less. (It has been said that roughly 1000 years of cultural advancement had been undone.)
In relation to this, engineering and techniques that were often used by the military were strictly governed by the National Institution in order to avoid a repeat of the Akahana Period’s tragedy. It seemed as though they purposely abdicated themselves as well. ※ Studies call these techniques and knowledge that were lost and could not be reproduced again as Pre-Blooming Techniques or “Budding Techniques”.
The 12 nations wrote the following joint declaration:
① War must be abandoned once and for all in order to ensure permanent peace. ② The path to mutual understanding, mutual support, and mutual growth shall be paved through dialogue and not through military power.
“The bloodshed is over. We narrow our eyes as we look to the sun, and when the moon glimmers above our heads in this very sky, we shall bloom into dignified flowers.” (The final paragraph of the joint declaration)
Four years have passed since this declaration was signed.
The first Tsukihana Festival is about to start.
■ The Current Circumstances of the World
■ A World of Harmony ■
In the next 100 years following The Second Blooming, the twelve nations’ miraculous efforts to protect the joint declaration managed to keep any dispute or confrontation on a low scale.
All the countries dropped their weapons in favour of a peaceful world.
■ The Council of the Twelve Nations ■
① As border crossing was still a major problem, the nations have decided to resolve rising conflicts by means of thorough discussions and assembled the highest ranking decision-making body known as the “The Council of the Twelve Nations”. 
② The Council of the Twelve Nations is hosted by an appointed country for only four years, and it cannot be elected successively. If a country doesn’t become a host for more than 20 years, the following year it is automatically appointed.
③ The hosting nation’s leader will be dispatched to the official residence for hosts located in Mushiki. In order to avoid any emergencies, the commander of the Allied Forces is also dispatched together with them.
④ The nations have adopted a “rule by majority” policy and should there be a case where the votes are tied 6 to 6, the Council will adapt the plan suggested by the host country.
■ Deciding the Host Country for the Tsukihana Festival ■
The Chairman of the Twelve Nations Council is one who holds tremendous political power. In order to avoid military conflict, the Chairman is elected through the Tsukihana Festival wherein the nations battle in the fine arts of kagura.
This originates from the legend about a person who danced the Kagura and calmed the volcano during the Second Blooming.
Although the idea of fighting with “beauty” instead of “strength” has a strong political connotation for the common people, it also offers a strong sense of recreation for them. It is evidence of how peaceful the world actually is.
Each Country’s Circumstances
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● Among the twelve nations, this country has the longest history and the strongest military force.
● Even though the Allied Forces of the Twelve Nations Council is under their direct control, they take a defensive stance.
● Warriors originating from Shikkoku are known for journeying throughout the world and doing good deeds, which earned them a high respect.
● National Trait ●
Daring and resolute / Imperturbable
● Once focusing on the development of dyeing and making fabrics for clothes, this country has as many family crafting skills as it has craftsmen.
● They also have a wholesale district dedicated solely to preparing garments or props for the Kagura. During the time of the Tsukihana Festival, it’s crowded with people.
● Their specialty is ‘tsukimi udon’
● Local Colour ●
Repayment for indebtedness / Gentle and sincere
● A country prominent not only for their large number of mining sites, but also for their industrial skills.
● They invented gunpowder and explosives. This knowledge is kept under strict control, and thus only state agencies are allowed to learn about it.
● One of their specialties is the Akane Festival, a festival where they dance for 3 days and 3 nights continuously.
● Local Colour ●
Sticking to their original intentions / Intense passion
● This mysterious yet profound country is well versed in foreseeing the future and reading the stars.
● They only choose to settle when they find the place they want to reside in for life. They are people who hold a peculiar sense of values. Many of its residents choose to travel.
● Their territory is surrounded by fog.
● One of their special products is the ‘Shingon Rice Cake’.
● Local Colour ●
Wayfaring people who go on pilgrimages / Belief in destiny
● This country has a deep connection to water. They are a religious nation and believe the dragon god to be a symbol of nature. Many of them are gentle spirits.
● They are among the leaders in the rice production field, which is considered a staple food in this world.
● Their specialty is ‘kudukiri’. You don’t even feel it going down your throat.
● Local Colour ●
Clean and serene like still water / Unrelenting
● This nation is well versed in astronomy and geology. They possess an enormous national library filled with data they collected in the past.
● They have many hot springs, which attract a large number of people.
● Their specialty is ‘Napoli-san’, tomato-flavored noodles.
● National Trait ●
Mature consideration / Healthy food for healthy bodies
● Out of all twelve nations, this mysterious country has a history as long as Shikkoku’s.
● Their strange skills can cause miracles and seem to be passed down within each household.
● Each of them has a peculiar view on life and religion, being required to find and serve their own god.
● National Trait ●
Enjoying life to the fullest / Peaceful life without worry
● This country has the biggest theatre in the world and a national school dedicated to the study of plays.
● Because many of them also work as carpenters and architects, they can easily make a living by working for the Tsukihana Festival’s stage.
● Their specialty is a ‘musical play’ that brings together dancing, singing, and drama.
● National Trait ●
Unyielding diligence in studies / Undying patience
● An academic city that has many schools specializing in various fields. People gather here to seek knowledge.
● Their national school has sub-branches in all 12 countries. It is also said that Seiran is the best place where one could learn about the twelve nations.
● They are experts in making a large variety of ‘bentos’.
● Local Colour ●
There’s a blue sky right behind the clouds / Sincerity that could move heaven
● This country has an entire district dedicated to entertainment, managing to gather all types of people. Any type of amusement can be provided.
● The real attractions for sight-seeing are after dark. There are vigilante corps around to keep people safe.
● Their specialty is the ‘adzuki bean mochi’.
● Local Colour ●
Unfettered and flexible / Trusting to chance
● This country is a major agricultural power, strangely possessing the most fertile soils in all the world.
● It is said that the current kagura was inspired by the dance they perform here to celebrate the harvest.
● Local Colour ●
Everything is bound to change・Being thankful for every single uttered word
● A mysterious country covered by desert. They possess a certain “skill” that is a trade secret.
● The capital city is the world’s largest gambling house and is a source of income that enriches the national treasury.
● Their specialties are “suna tamago” which are made by boiling eggs in hot sand.
● Local Colour ●
Consulting the past to learn about the future / Independent spirits who stand on their own
Tsukihana Festival
■ About the Tsukihana Festival ① The Significance Behind the Tsukihana Festival 
As mentioned before, despite the political implications behind the selection of the country that will host the Tsukihana Festival, it is generally a major recreational event that surpasses even the national framework. (Reference: ‘Deciding the Host Country for the Tsukihana Festival’ from ‘World View’, page 8)
After the hosting country is decided, the chairman (king) of the twelve nations (flowers) is named ‘King of Flowers’.
② Summary
A brief summary of the Tsukihana Festival is presented below.
■ It is held on a special site located in the centre of the world, on the Mushiki Island every four years.
■ In addition to the "Hana Awase" that determines the greatest "King of Flowers", there will also be a collection of (see below): theater programs, amusements, performances, and exhibits from each nation. People from all across the continent come, items are gathered, and money is collected.
A part of the profit earned from the festival goes to the Council of the Twelve Nations.
■ The festival and the Hana Awase gets broadcast in real-time using combined technologies from Mokuran and Geppaku.
■ Hana Awase 
The representatives for each country will dance a kagura performance that incorporates their nation’s techniques, music, and expressions. They compete against each other with these concepts of “beauty.”
The dancers who participate as the representatives for their nations (flowers), are hence called “Flower Dancers”. This was born under the concept of: “Kagura dancers are not people but are flowers when they dance.” As such, the dancers refer to themselves with a “flower name” for the performance.
Because the nation’s dignity is at stake, it has since been a great honor for someone to be chosen as a “Flower Dancer.”
❶ The Process of Selecting Flower Dancers
Since each nation is essentially able to decide freely, the standards and methods for choosing vary from one nation to the other.  
In general, public announcements are made and the participants are decided through domestic screening. In addition, there are nations where a certain family carries the tradition generationally, nations who determine dancers via fortune-telling, nations that choose from the vocational schools that train dancers, and so on.
❷ Requirements for Becoming a Flower Dancer
Some nations have a very detailed list of requirements, but the most common ones for the Twelve Nations are:
More than three generations of their family must have been a part of the country.
They should be physically and mentally healthy.
Once the Dancer has become the King of Flowers, it is impossible for them to be re-elected.
There are very simple rules that should be followed regardless of age or gender.
Essentially, as long as they haven’t become the King of Flowers yet, they can be participants for as many times as they want (though, they may be restricted accordingly due to their own nation’s policies).
For this reason, it is not rare to hear of people who have dedicated most of their life to the Hana Awase. 
❸ Rules Regarding the Dances for the Hana Awase
Failure to comply with the rules will result in disqualification.
The time allotted is 10 minutes.
Props and other such tools can be brought and used, but things larger than the dancer or things that can move sporadically (like machines, skills, any form of magic) are not allowed.
Do not look down on, attack, or criticize another dancer or another participating nation.
Costumes, choreography, music, and other such expressions that are sexual, violent, or abusive in nature, as well as any conduct that violates public order and morals are strictly not allowed. 
Each nation should have a total of 10 dancers participating.
Tsukihana Kagura
■ About Tsukihana Kagura ❶  The dances performed at the Tsukihana Festival, especially for Hana Awase, are referred to as “Tsukihana Kagura.”
❷ Although the dance is called ‘Kagura’, it is not necessarily dedicated to a “god.” Since this is a world where a wide variety of ideologies and religious views co-exist, there are various perceptions of “god”. In addition, there are also those who are non-believers. Therefore, the “Tsukihana Kagura” is not dedicated to a specific “god” but rather, a dance for personal beliefs. It is dedicated to praying for each nation’s permanent peace and well-being.
❸ In a world where “beauty” is used instead of mere “strength,” performing arts like dancing are highly regarded as a symbol of “beauty.” Courtship, farewell, joy, sorrow. There are various songs and dances for all of these instances.
Paying no mind to the sounds of this fleeting world, the King of Flowers threads the dance of Tsukihana Kagura.
T/N: (prepare yourself, this will be a ride)
Kataku (花托) means 'torus' or 'receptacle' and it's (botany) the thickened part of a stem from which the flower organs grow. Look up some flower diagrams and you'll it looks a bit like the volcano sketch.
Literally translated, tsukimi udon (月見うどん) means 'moon viewing udon'
Kudukiri (葛きり) is 'kudzu starch noodles'
Hana Awase (花あわせ) can be translated 'Flower(s) Gathering'
Kagura (神楽) is a bit more tricky. 神 means 'god' and 楽 means 'music/comfort', so basically something like 'god entertainment'. You could think of it as ancient Shinto music and dancing I suppose.
//I thought they'd be more
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kanasmusings · 2 years
[Masterpost] Tsukiuta Drama CD - Gekka Kitan Yumemigusa - Tsuki no Sho Translations
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Hello~! It’s been a while since I last posted, but I’m back with more Tsukiuta~! This time, I bring you “Yumemigusa - Tsuki no Sho” (Moon Chapter)! Boy, I thought I would do quite well to control my emotions when listening to this series, but alas... I was not blessed with the ability to not be emotional when it comes to Yumemigusa  。゚(TヮT)゚。
Yumemigusa’s Moon Chapter is largely still the same story as Sakura’s, except for a few key details. Unlike Sakura, Moon focuses on You and Yoru! It’s still as sad and as angsty as Sakura, so be ready with a box of tissues when you listen!
Next on the queue would be the translations for the Taikyoku Denki pamphlet~! After that will be more VAZZROCK~! I have a lot to catch up with in terms of bi-Color S4, but I’m slowly making progress. Thank you for your patience~!   \(^▽^)/
Thank you to @melynir​ for requesting and for updating me about the state of progress with ryuukia’s plans to work on these! 
CD is still available for order here for those who want their own copies.
For those who want to get into the stage play version of this, Blu-ray is still available for orders here (Movic).
Tracklist and links under the cut, enjoy~!
[Disc 1]
Track 1: “Prologue・Under the Moon”
Track 2: “Enveloped by a White Light”
Track 3: “The Country of Yamato”
Track 4: “Act 01: A Man All Too Familiar with Despair ”
Track 5: “Act 02: Storytellers of the World”
Track 6: “What Aches the Heart”
[Disc 2]
Track 1: “Act 3: Storyteller of a Lost World”
Track 2: “Moon・Memories of White”
Track 3: “Beyond the Darkness”
Track 4: “Yumemigusa - Tsuki-”
[Bonus Disc]
Track 1: “Cherry Blossoms of a New Dawn - Moon Chapter”
※ “Reimei no Sakura” is actually the alternate ending that comes with the regular edition Blu-ray of Sakura/Tsuki no Sho.
※ They voiced it for the drama CD, but the content from the actual alternate ending is word-for-word from the BD! I did just copy-paste my own translations, but made a few minor edits along the way, so please keep that in mind, thank you~!
※ I know there’s an issue with clicking links on mobile, so I’m slowly working on updating these all on WordPress during my free time. Thank you for your patience ^^
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate these under any circumstances without permission!!!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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eclipshift · 4 years
Hey there! Is anybody interested in doing a split for tsukiuta stageplay 9 (shiawase awase)? I have one other person interested at the moment, and I’d love to include more people of they’re interested!
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myluckyse7ven · 4 years
Ok...so...I watched Tsukipro the animation 'cause of my obsession with Gravi and Procella
And now I'm whipped for Quell and Growth ^^
I checked S.Q.S, Tsukipro Live etc. etc...
I need help ~
Tsukipro is ruining my life T-T
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rotantrm · 6 years
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So this stage focuses on the junior group- Rui,Iku,Koi and Kakeru!!!!
More info on the Tsukista twitter ⏬⏬⏬
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More visuals are on their twitter. My favourite visuals 😍😍😍 Aoi-Chan and You’s!!!!
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Also some of the pets are coming back!!! Also CROQUETTE!!!!! This puppy boy is my fav 😊
For once i’m online when they release the visuals and such.
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