#Tw animal abuse mention
bearfools · 4 months
a few things i think people should know.
not directed at anyone in particular, but ive received multiple messages (some deleted, some not) from people and i think ill make a post about some stuff i wanna clear up as a therian.
i am aware that im bodily human, im aware that this will not change.
i am aware that acting wild (or as someone said, "gross" and "ill mannered") does not make me an animal
no, i am not a little kid discovering new terms on the internet and using them for clout. i am an 18 year old man who had been questioning therianthropy for a very long time
no, i am not offended by people saying silly hateful things, ive seen about every basic piece of therian hate (directed at me and also other people) and none of it bothers me
no, i am not in any way attracted to animals and i do not partake in any kind of animal abuse. its weird that people assume that right after saying "youre human!!" like am i a beast or not make up your mind lmao?
no, i dont mind if you ask "silly" questions, in a community as misunderstood as therians/alterhumans i am always happy to help people understand
yes, i believe in past lives. though i do not believe theyre fully to blame for my therianthropy and i dont think every kintype of mine has a detailed backstory. i was likely many animals before i was human and i dont kin anything but bears
i had like one person ask if this was a religious thing, its not, idk how common of a misconception that is but i wanted to put it out there. im not outwardly religious, im agnostic but unbothered by any other beliefs
yes, im aware that animals live outside in the cold with diseases and predators, i am grateful for the things i am given that wild animals are not.
no, you cant hunt me (and also, what the hell? again, if youre arguing that im human then why would you hunt me?)
"how do you know your beliefs are real?" i dont. im simply a person on this earth, same as you, i dont know what lies after death, i dont know what lies before birth, but i prefer my "weird" beliefs over never believing in anything.
after i made that post about young therians (thank you all for the love by the way!) i had a few comments along the lines of "messy eating is human/making faces and acting like an animal doesnt make you an animal" i know, i know that im not a bear, i know that what i do is not limited to therians. I know kids play as animals all the time! but at the end of the day i'm happy. are you? does leaving spiteful messages make you happy?
do you send a comment on tumblr and stare at your reflection in the screen and feel fulfilled? im asking genuinely, because if it doesnt make you happy, then why do it? it doesnt affect me, worst case scenario im annoyed and then dont interact. Do you think that ill hear you say "youre not a bear" and then go "oh my bad" and delete my account? as if i havent been told those exact words my whole life (even before i knew what the internet was!)
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
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Mimli and Smeagie's first interaction with humans went rather smoothly 😁😁 ....kinda.
Transcript under the cut:
Mimli: Ugh, people.
Meredith: Howdy! We’re the Roswells. Welcome to Strangerville.
[(Ted's) Only here because it’s his “duty” as mayor.]
Mimli: Greetings! My name is Mimli.
Meredith: I'm Meredith and Ted is the mayor. Please let us know if you need anything.
Smeagie: Borf borf!!
Mimli: Um Smeagie... Your disguise...
Ted: What in tarnation is that thing????
Mimli: Ahem... You see, my poor dog here was a victim of awful animal experimentation. I saved him. Smeagie has been through enough. Please be kind to him.
[Smeagie looks at Ted in agreement even though it's all lies.]
Smeagie: Wow, Mimli is good at this!
Meredith: Teddy! The poor dog is traumatized. What kind of welcome is this?
Ted: Oh... I'm sorry.
Ted: Excuse me. I need to get going now. It's... work stuff...
Meredith: Again welcome and so sorry, Mimli and Smeagie!
Smeagie: I messed up badly...
Mimli: No worries! Stop by anytime. Please don't actually...
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lavenderpanic · 11 months
I love thinking about Bucky and Steve volunteering post-Endgame so here is where I think they would volunteer.
My headcanon for Bucky is an animal shelter. He sees one of those sappy ASPCA commercials and it upsets him so badly that he decides he needs to start volunteering. At first, he mostly like feeds and cleans little kitties and puppies, which he loves. He loves how even the teeny little kittens don't see him as a threat. They meow and lick at his fingers and it just makes him feel so warm and fuzzy inside because everybody else in the world sees him as a murderer but they just see him as the nice guy who brings them food and gives them belly scratches. But after a while, Bucky finds himself drawn to the "aggressive dogs." The ones that the shelter says are pretty much doomed to die there. The ones who were thrown into dogfighting when they were just puppies, the ones who never knew kindness. The pitties with big, sad eyes who bark at anyone who tries to touch them. He offers to help with them one day, because he's strong enough that he doesn't have to worry about being bitten or anything. They don't bite at Bucky, though. He knows how to move, how to reach for them, how to show them that they won't be met with violence. They don't understand what Bucky went through, but they seem to trust him in a unique way.
My headcanon for Steve is a children's hospital. Everyone kinda figures he's doing the whole "superhero who visits sick kids" thing, mostly for publicity, but he starts going back often and forming friendships with these kids and their families, and soon enough he's practically an uncle to most of the kids there. He knows the strength they have, just to stay alive, he remembers it all too well. They all marvel at his muscles and his shield, but he knows he was stronger pre-serum than he ever was after. They see themselves in him, they tell him they're getting medicine that's going to make them better "just like him" and they ask him if getting the serum was scary during their infusions. He shares Sarah Rogers' wisdom with their parents. He makes silly sketches of whatever the kids request, and they always giggle at his old-fashioned jokes and his inability to grasp modern slang. They ask him if he knew Abraham Lincoln or Cleopatra and he makes up elaborate stories to keep them entertained.
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antiendovents · 3 months
today we saw a endo supporter use the fucking ai overview feature as proper research to back up their claims on how endo systems exist.
how smart /s
(🥕 tag please?)
jeez-- i wonder if they realise that it also said you can / should smoke when pregnant and that dogs can be safely left in hot cars no matter what?? like its not at all reliable
also, yeah you can have that tag
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eri-pl · 13 days
But what about the Silmaril's rights?
Or "the erason why the Feanorians shouldn't get them, which may be somwhat compelling even to the more pro-feanorian of you (because it's not about the Sindar)" (to be clear: my goal is not to invalidate the Sindar)
So, the Silmarils are alive. They do have feelings: they enjoy the light (I will not give quotes because my book is in Polish, but it's in their description). This may be a hyperbole or something, like Balrog's wings of shadow, but I'm not sure it is. Elves, with their ability to perceive other minds, would probably not attribute feelings to something that doesn't have them. Not in a serious text like the Annals of Aman.
How did Feanor make them, you ask? He cannot create life. Yes. He didn't create them in the strict sens, or even in the typical artistic sub-creation sense. He bred them. He created them like an artisan gardener creates a living chair from a willow. He bred them from the light of the Trees, and they are offspring of the Trees.
Does it mean they belong to Yavanna? No, I don't think so. In the logic of modernday agricultural corporation or dog breeder they would, but I don't think she would see them as more hers than every plant is hers. More beloved by her, maybe. Maybe not. She has no problem with the idea of them dying, so probably less.
I'm not going to make claims on who they legally belong to under this or that law, that's not the point of the post.
The point is that they are creatures with feelings. And they love light, they metabolize light, they probably need light to thrive. And Feanor in his later days keeps them closed in a dark treasury. And Melkor keeps them on his evil face (considering their nature I would be very unsurprised if the burning of the evil caused them as much pain as the burned person) in a dark fortress.
That's animal magical jewel abuse.
And the sons of Feanor who want to claim them, would also all cause pain to them. Sure, ok, maybe they would keep the gems in a bright, uncovered place where they could see their cousins (sun and moon) and shine for all to see and not be closed like a pupy in a cage. Maybe they would not touch them.
Both of those seem extremely unlikely, considering all facts. SoF are reasonable, and the reasonable thing to do with the Silmarils is to keep them secret, keep them safe in a dark, closed place. (And if you think they would give the jewels proper enrichment, look into my eyes and say: "Yes, I think that the sons of Feanor would put empathy for other living being over their oath".)
(Yes, I know thay have trauma. This post is not about hating them. It is about whether they are fit to take good care of magical jewels. Unprocessed trauma doesn't help in that. they need emotional support jewels, and the Silmarils are not trained for that, they do have a trauma of their own.)
And the Silmaril loved Luthien, oh how itloved her, she shone so bright and the gem drank it and gave it back and it was wonderful it was killing her but she loved this little creature too much to care.
It's complicated. You have a (magical and somewhat holy puppy) who one guy bred and abused (because he didn't know how to care for it and was made distrustful of the people who could teach him, and he had unprocessed trauma), then he died and now his sons believe they'd all go to hell if they don't get the puppy and keep it safe in a tiny cage, and there's the girl who stole the puppy from a terrible guy who abused it (because he's Like That), and it's so happy with her and then there's all that mess.
(I imagine them as some weird thing between animal, plant and magic... they don't talk or move, but they do feel a lot.)
So, as I asked in the title: what about their rights?
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rainandsugarcane2000 · 2 months
i call my cat puppy
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wof-adoption-au · 3 months
Was Winter's case more abuse or neglect? This dragon fascinates me.
Primarily abuse, from what we can tell. He's listed as abuse/neglect because we were tipped in on an abandonment case. The rescue team showed up, and he was locked in a little cage with burns and open sores covering the poor thing's wings.
~ ❄️
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bittcnneck · 11 months
Lacey is a huge people pleaser. The dream she saw in Lacey's petshop and also the whole lacey's diner just backs it up. She loves animals. She used to have a dog before her uncle got rid of it. Now she wants a cat. If she loves them so much, why would she harm a bunny and a turtle in her petshop? Because she was asked to. The pets had to be perfect. They had to look exactly how the costumers wanted them. And she did not want to dissapoint them. Even if it meant harming the animals. She wants people to like her, to be proud of her, to appriciate her, to be happy with her service. So much so that she is willing to harm an animal as long as it means the costumer will leave satisfied.
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in laceys diner, when she ends up being late and the costumers leave, she starts calling herself names like "failure, dissapointment" and harms herself. All because she failed her costumers. She could not satisfy them. So she punished herself by harming herself mentally and physically. She tried so hard. But the poor girl ended up breaking down.
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ghxst-system · 4 months
If you cannot care for animals and/or plants you shouldn't be caring for children.
Case and point:
Our body's mother.
Abuses animals, kills plants ... Abused both her kids lol.
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pulim-v · 2 years
Am I over it? No. Will I ever be over it? No. Can I meme about it? Sure!
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lyn-ne · 1 month
i think that showing dogs that you’ll hit them aggressively if they don’t take medicine or whatever for content is in fact abuse ❤️
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astrangewoman · 11 months
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our Shirley girl died sometime yesterday/last night. Marshal said she’s our little spell-maker, dying on the new moon and solar eclipse.
I had a feeling when I woke up this morning that she was gone. she was severely abused and neglected before a friend of ours stole her from someone’s yard and brought her yo us. we don’t know the severity of what all she went through before we got her, but she had leg issues from basically living squatted down during the early weeks/months of her life.
she loved her “hydrotherapy” (aka swimming in her kiddie pool), her bonded mate Lavern (they were in a f/f relationship, which is apparently common in Lavern’s breed), lettuce of any kind, and “flying” around the yard (we’d carry her around and let her flap her wings bc she was never truly able to fly as a jumbo pekin).
she lived a happy life here with us for a year and a half, and she was such a gift. my sweet, smiley girl.
please send any love or prayers, if that’s your kinda thing. we’re hurting over here at the Funny Farm 💔 it never gets easier, but giving these babies the life we do is always worth the pain of losing them when it’s their time.
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twistedappletree · 9 months
It’s PRIYA! ✨💞☀️💞✨
Some more about her under the cut below the pic bc her story is a bit rough but she’s such a sweet precious pretty baby fr 🥺🥀
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First of all, she responds SO WELL to Priya. I think she likes the name and pronunciation because of how bright it is. I also got her some fancy hemp-based strawberry lime hibiscus doggy perfume since I can’t give her a bath yet because of her surgery staples. 🌺
Basically, her original owners surrendered her because there were medical complications with her pregnancy and they didn’t want to deal with it. They took her to the shelter way too late so her babies had to be aborted and she’s extremely depressed because of it. She was in the very last kennel in the back so she wasn’t getting viewed much by potential adopters and she was there so long without getting any interest that they scheduled her to be euthanized to make more room in the shelter. No one even offered to foster her. 💔
It’s also very clear that she was abused, likely by a man. Even while I was at the shelter, she gravitated towards me and stayed away from the male employees (who aren’t bad people btw, it’s just that her trauma makes her afraid of them).
She’s not doing this anymore but she squinted and lowered her head when I first tried to pet her, as though she was expecting to be hit. I also took her outside to show her her new backyard and where she can go potty but she thought I was kicking her out for the night so she went into the corner of the yard and made a little nest out of dry leaves to sleep in 😭
I had to lead her back into the house by her leash because she wouldn’t come back in ajdhajdha like nooooo baby you sleep inside and wherever you want! On the couch, my bed, your new doggy bed with all your fluffy blankets—no leaves!
It’s only been a few nights but she’s already learning that she’s in a safe place and she’s SO gentle and respectful with my cat! Misako is still freaked out by her but she already lived with my Great Dane before she passed so she knows big dogs and I’m already seeing a lot of improvement in her attitude towards Priya.
She’s also not jealous of her and shunning me for it which was the main thing I was worried about because my kitty is my baby lmaooo (but Priya’s my baby too now!)
She’s still extremely tired from her surgeries so I can’t take her on any strenuous walks or outings but she gets her staples out next week and a regular check up to make sure she’s okay. She looks like she has some breathing problems and also has a weird bump on her nose so we’re gonna get that checked out. Hoping it’s nothing serious 😭 she’s only 2 years old but she walks around and has the energy levels of an old lady ajdhajdhAJDHAD
Pretty, pretty Priya. I love her sm 💞🥺💞
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antiendovents · 4 months
Atlas duo's creator here, got called a dog rapist and told to slit due to believing in reality shifting so that's fun. (I'm debating on following through tonight.)
please don't do it. I know it's hard, harassment is the worst, it's horrible and you don't deserve it. Take a break, turn of anon on your blog and step away. It might seem hard but it can help to take breaks and just get away from it all. Don't follow through, don't listen to them, they don't know anything. You are not a dog rapist, it was not your fault and you should not hurt yourself, especially not because people don't like what you believe in. Your beliefs are your beliefs, you aren't hurting anyone and you don't deserve hate for them. Please go take care of yourself, take a break. We love you (platonically) and we love what you're doing, you don't deserve this.
I know I've said it a lot, but please step away and take care of yourself, especially if it's affecting you this much. If needed turn off the ask box entirely, block anyone who says bad things, if you have other mods on the blog maybe they can help you with blocking people? Either way please know we are here for you, you are loved and cared about. Don't listen to the people telling you these things, they're stupid and unreliable. You're an amazing person and you don't deserve this. No one deserves this.
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aviancataclysm · 16 days
just because i dont care about animal death doesn't mean i kill or torture animals nor does it mean i endorse people who make animals suffer
apathy does not equal moral failure
but people dont seem to realise that. nor do they seem to understand that caring about many things all the time gets extremely exhausting
this applies to many things, including politics
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lordofryoshimacoast · 19 days
I hate being horsekin sometimes because my YouTube is filled with dumbass takes about horses needing to be free (there's only like one true wild horse species left. The rest are DOMESTIC.) or fucking awful hoof neglect cases
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