#Tw: night terrors
Whumpee, who has night terrors, has never had anyone to comfort them. When they meet Caretaker, a gruff and stoic person, they don't want them to think they're a burden, so they try to stay awake using caffeine and distractions.
After they get injured in some sort of altercation, they fall asleep out of physical exhaustion on Caretaker's couch. They wake up screaming, startling Caretaker.
Caretaker's soft side begins to shine through as Whumpee apologizes, much to Caretaker's confusion.
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annahxredaxted · 2 years
Just a dream
Characters: milo/sweetheart
Tw: nightmare / cheating (in dream)
“Hah you really thought I’d stick around with you? The shortest weakest wolf I’ve ever fucking seen?” They cackled grabbing a man’s arm “he’s better then you anyway” and they walked away. My heart sank to my stomach, I tried to scream I tried to beg for them back but I couldn’t it’s like my voice was lost, caught in my throat, and I couldn’t get it back. No. Sweetheart please, please!
I woke up, panting, sweating, breathing heavier than I have in a long time. I was on the verge of tears, I turned to my side to check, to make sure they were still there.
I turned to see my mate, dead asleep, lightly snoring into my side, but they jolted up. I guess my sudden reaction was woke them.
“M-milo?” They said half asleep, one eye still closed
“Hey sweetheart,” I whispered “it’s nothing go back to sleep.” I blew it off like it was nothing.
They opened their other eye to be greeted by my fake smile. I don’t know why the hell I thought I could hide it from them.
“Milo? What’s wrong?” They asked leaning in for a hug; which I rejected
“Nothing, nothing, go back to sleep.” I said once more.
“Milo.” They said raising an eyebrow in disbelief
“Sweetheart.” I retaliated
They leaned closer, mouth by my ear, I could feel their warm breath grazing it.
“If it was nothing you wouldn’t have woken up.” They said, kissing my ear, softly, leaning back up to make eye contact and they smiled warmly.
“I- damn it. I had a nightmare.” I mumbled
“Oh milo..” they said hugging me tightly, putting their hand on the back of my head, gently nudging it into the crook of their neck.
I grabbed them by the waist and pulled them closer, allowing myself to be completely vulnerable, and I just started sobbing. My tears soaking their shirt, and I started to pull away
“No, no, it’s okay it’s just a shirt milo.” They pulled me closer, shushing me, stroking my back.
They started humming, while I was a mess in their arms, no matter what they didn’t let go. They didn’t let go. They stayed. It was a dream.
“Hey.” They whispered I looked up at them in acknowledgment
“Do you wanna tell me what happened in this nightmare?” They asked, not pushing, not demanding, just a kind question.
I shrugged and started attempting to speak. They didn’t rush me. They just looked, with their big beautiful eyes and nodded along.
“I- well- I dreamt that..,” I started taking a deep breath, in through the mouth out the nose.
“, I dreamt that you cheated on me..”I murmured. They looked almost upset. Not at me, just sad I thought that.
“Oh milo..” they hugged me again.
“I’m so so sorry. I swear I would never do something like that. I promise.” There was genuine concern in that promise.
“Yeah I know.” I said looking down.
“I know you know. But just because maybe you know that logically doesn’t mean you know that, emotionally. It’s okay to be upset. C’mere.” They hugged me again.
“I love you so much sweetheart. I can’t explain all the shit you’ve helped me through.” I said pulling them in by their waist to lay on my chest, breathing at a steady rate again.
“You don’t need to explain.” They reassured
“And I love you to milo. With all that I am. And don’t be afraid to wake me up whenever, you have a nightmare okay?” They said looking up at me with a genuine expression
“Yeah, but that’s a two way street. That means you gotta too.”I said.
“Okay I promise.” They held out their pinky and i intertwined it with mine and we made a promise. Too be there for each other. Always
I softly pulled them in for a kiss, rubbing my hands up and down their back.
“Goodnight milo.” They whispered
“Goodnight sweetheart. And thank you.”
They lied their head on my chest and quickly fell back asleep. And so did I.
The end.
@itsdaifuku @shellssstuff @verrverii @youisagayhooman @darlin-collins
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beenovel · 2 years
What do you see?
What do you see
Trapped behind your eyes
Silver pools of starlight
Melting to the forest floor
Or fire, dancing through the trees
Every caress deadly
Billowing curtains
Weightless in the breeze
Or waves beating stones into blood
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⚠️TW: Trauma, War, Night terrors ⚠️
Night Terror//Reblog To Roleplay
It was like he was back in wars, fighting for his life, everywhere he looked there was the sound of gunshots and the screams of bots dying or from injuries, but what was worse was seeing those he called family going down one by one, the other Guardians, because of the Decepticons, it was brutal...it was too much.
Omega gasped a little as he awoke from recharge and immediately transformed, his hands transforming into his weapons, for a moment it was like he was seeing the battlefield, bodies laying everywhere, but as he came to his senses he realised that he was outside the Autobots' base, on Earth, back in the present. He huffed out a sigh of relief and retracted his weapons, he glanced around, hoping no one had heard anything.
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calebcresswell · 2 years
🤫 for a secret I’ve never told my partner
i’ve only ever kept it from merle because i knew she’d worry but it was also something i’d rather have talked to her about on my own terms and not because you stupid witches want to mess with our free will and force us to speak the truth.
she knows that i suffer from really strong and vivid night terrors since harry’s passing, especially when she’s not around. but sometimes they get so bad i can’t breathe and wake up suffocating or i suffer sleep paralysis for long periods of time and i just... i’ve never told her until now i guess. i’m sorry you had to hear it this way, merle. please don’t worry about me, i promise i’m trying to deal with it.
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godspecd · 2 years
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where: the iron islands, the sea tower when : month 4 of the seven months of hell in westeros who : ames harlaw @amesharlaw
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if only someone could see the two harlaw sisters. how horribly broken they had been. in this scene, one could hear how the rushed steps of the remaining elder harlaw uncle attempting to climb the roped bridge that divided this tour to the rest of the great keep in pyke. he was summoned by one of dyana’s handmaidens, as they soon came to realize just critical of a state their lady had become. thank god dyana’s staff was all paid handsomely for their ability to keep their mouths SHUT. a long tradition in the harlaw family, her mother would tell her to continue it. after all, who wanted their house to be gossiped about outside of the walls of the great keep? or even within it? it also helped that dyana was just desperately in need to ensure aurore never heard of her breakdowns. she didn’t need to be reminded how much stronger her sister had been, how her sister could just silently clench her fists on a sponge and scrub away at a boat to get her feelings out. 
dyana’s will had been finalized, hidden away and stashed somewhere in the great keep. her great council had significantly decreased, aurore’s seat now being replaced with victarion. all were made aware that dyana had made a will, but only sigfryd and ames were made aware of where to find it if she didn’t have to write a new one. the thoughts that plagued her mind were tremendous, hauntingly so. her dreams wouldn’t leave her alone and she tried to hide in the sea tower the day before. yet, upon waking up to yet another night terror, her cries wouldn’t stop. she didn’t have her nuse maiden anymore to comfort her, nor did she have euron and lani to remind her to stop screaming. after all, she was dreadfully scary as euron remarked once.
she would find herself gasping for air and curled up in a ball against the black cold old stone of the tower when her uncle arrived. it was a breathing alike hyperventilation. if she stopped, she would die. if she stopped, the cold air would stop entering her lungs. if she stopped, she would begin to taste the horrible taste of ash in her throat. the heat of her own body was an enemy as it only felt to escalate to unbearable levels. her fingernails scratched at her arms as if flames still danced near them, enough to cause her panic. she was awake, the night terror ended but this...this attack wasn’t. she felt like she lost everything in king’s landing, anything in front of her was forgotten as she only could hear the giggles of alanis harlaw in the fire slowly turn to screams. aurore’s hand was above the bush that just lit aflame in front of her. dyana saw it turn to ash right before her hands. davios’ firm grip on her was long lost already, his touch and the memory provided no comfort. she was alone in the pyre, with only the phantoms of her family both dead and alive telling her to just give up. 
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TW: nightmares, processing trauma, implied SA, smoking and sobriety
Dreams, I used to have vivid dreams, so real I could taste and feel them. I was a child when I started having chases, unending darkness and monsters in my dreams. I didn’t like dreaming very much at that point, the cheery landscapes and bright colors becoming more rare. When I would go over to my Grandmother’s I would dream of the water, being under the waves. Without fail I’d startle awake, because what person can breathe water? None! and the next night I would be confused, water again? and in my growing awareness I would again realize I shouldn’t be under for so long and jolt up in bed. Now the third night is special, I remember I’m sleeping and as I explore the deep wonder fills me.
Dreams... I dreamed of having a family. A husband and 2.5 kids the good ol American apple pie, white picket fence life. I held my hands to my stomach more times than I could count, breathing deep into my belly to stretch and stretch that area to see what I could look like pregnant.  I dreamed of legacy and having grandkids in my kitchen baking pies and cakes, just like my grandma does with me now.
I don’t like dreaming anymore, when peaceful waves and the warm sun were replaced with the dark, monsters, and serial killers I despaired. My therapist said years of smoking turned my dreams into something I couldn’t remember, when I stopped, my dreams sprung forth. Five months I dreamed of things trying to kill me, five months of not sleeping longer than four hours at a time. I’m not sober anymore. Part of me is disappointed, but the other part of me is so thankful to finally be able to rest. Does that make me bad? I don’t think so... Using something natural directly from the ground doesn’t bother me, but as they say, moderation. 
I don’t have dreams for my future anymore. I was a tortured child, angry. Holding onto everything bad in my life, blaming myself. I still want to find my person, but I know more now, men, women, NB, doesn’t matter to me anymore. What concerns me is myself, how can I be with someone when the idea of someone touching me makes me pale, or having someone look at me with lust in their eyes makes me want to run the opposite direction. how do I give myself freely when all I’ve ever known was being taken. I’ve lost pieces of myself in places I ran too fast and far from, not that I would want to go back to look for them. I find myself going back and forth over the having my own child thing, it just keeps tripping me up. I don’t think I would like pregnancy, and if I decide to not have my own children adoption is and option-expensive but an option. I desperately want a family, but don’t like giving the idea too much light. More than anything I want to be known
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gravemud · 1 year
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There You Are
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orreanintrepidness · 2 years
Just woke up from some fuckin horrid night terror so like... asks would be VERY welcome rn. I'll try and answer what I can but if I fall asleep again I'll get them when I wake
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acefusti138 · 2 years
not me being fucked up out of my mind after the first surgery of my life, begging my best friend literally incoherently for any form of comfort because I was having nightmares and night terrors thanks to the anesthesia, and get nothing. fucking NOTHING. just ‘you should be resting 🥺’ AS IF MY BODY WASNT SO STRESSED FROM SURGERY I WASNT LITERALLY LAYING IN MY BED SHAKING, BARELY ABLE TO KEEP MY EYES OPEN BUT TRYING TO FORCE MYSELF TO STAY AWAKE BECAUSE GOING TO SLEEP MEANT MY BRAIN WAS GOING TO PROVIDE ME WITH NOTHING BUT WONDERFUL IMAGES OF ALL KINDS OF TORTURE AND PAIN.
so instead i laid in my bed bawling every time I managed to wake up after some new fucked up scenario destroyed every last ounce of peace my body had. eventually my mum had to leave an important work call just to lay with me until I could calm down enough to drink a little bit of water and eat something before i made myself sick. as if the stress of having a surgery that could very well severely limit the entire rest of my life and livelihood at 22 years old hadn’t already stressed me out so severely over the past two months that I started pretty heavily using CBD just to fucking sleep, along with pretty intense thoughts of s*** h***. which i told said best friend about multiple times, and usually just got ‘yeah but like i have chronic fatigue and have a sleep disorder too, so maybe just deal with it?’ in response.
i’ve dropped everything to comfort them when they need it. even if they don’t always say they need it at first; i do my damnedest to make sure they know I’m always there for them— they’ve been my best friend for ten years, since we were in the sixth grade. but god fucking forbid i be selfish and ask them to do the same. like damn, sorry i’m having a severe mental episode after months of extreme mental issues because my entire lifestyle and livelihood that i’m going to college and paying thousands for may all go down the drain. sorry i begged for comfort while anesthesia, stress and being off my anxiety meds for said procedure weren’t enough to warrant a fucking response.
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raethethey · 2 years
must fucking terrifying nightmare ever.
《《was falling asleep in a sleeping bag/tent and dad walked by to give me smth to fall asleep better. said it was his restless leg syndrome meds. called it torrent??. i had like 7 of them in my hand for some reason. he thought he dropped one on my pillow and tried looking for it. searched under my pillow too. i said i need water to take these. so i get up and cant fucking see a thing. start walking on a sandy path. hes nowhere to be found anymore (i only ever saw his hand). my sister randomly pops up in front of me and is now leading me on this path. i grab a stick and start putting perpendicular ditch marks into the path to tell me where ive been. sister comments, says she does the same thing. we eventually come up on a bend in the path (my vision is a little better i can see the sand and trees around me). i say wait a sec. i know where i am. i turn around and happen upon and old building. looks kinda like a tiny church/the building where you would rent these kayaks and paddle boats at a vacation spot i know well. suddenly the entire vacation spot appears and im standing on the beach i know very well. but the kayak shack is still a bathroom. i cant see anything inside but i know the toilet is there smwhere. i try turning on my flashlight on my phone. it turns on for a split sec and then never again. as i sit on this toilet i wonder to myself, i need to get to the shop/game center this place has for some internet bc its the only place with some stable wifi. and for some reason thats when i realise im dreaming. so i finish using the restroom and walk out (now holding a lot more stuff?? sunglasses, a blur which i can only identify as my hanquokka stuffie bc its blue and brown, a bag that usually holds my money, earplugs, and rocks and crystals, and smth else. as my sister and i make our way back to the tent i was sleeping in i say 'im dreaming' to her. shes like lol no you arent. and i say 'yes i am. youre wearing sunglasses in a pitch black area. i need to wake up. watch this' and all of a sudden the sandy path we are walking on is actually a dock and theres a large lake in front of us. i fucking leap off and she freaks out cuz why the fuck would i just jump into a lake in the middle of the night holding all this important shit?!. a flash scene happens and shes now standing over my dripping body, assumingly done resecitating me. i still know im dreaming. then that reality fades out and another fades in. im now in a supermarket like a target or ikea (never been in an ikea btw) and im being dragged around by what i can only assume are my parents in this reality as a cat (who i look at and just know is actually my sister) drags a cart behind her that has a large portrait of smone (a king george i think) in the cart. my parents (keanu reeves and jamie lee curtis with a fluffy auburn bob haircut) are fighting as they pull my arms to where they want me to go. im resisting bc i still know im dreaming. i start shaking my head violently. a ringing in my ears starts and i am now experiencing the dream world in 4d instead of my usual 3rd person pov. and i can feel my real head moving just a tad. i start shaking more violently and the dreamworld "moves farther away and gets smaller" (kinda like if you were watching a youtube video on your phone right up against your eyes and then moved it away to arms length)》》 i am now awake. groggy as fuck and hot and sweating. i open my eyes and check the time: 3:34 am. i turn on my phone. blinded by the bright light knowing i need to write this out for some reason.
so yeah it wasnt even all that terrifying of a nightmare it was just terrifying in the sense that i knew i was dreaming and couldnt wake up for the longest time. i lump it in with my nightmares because i didnt really have control over what was happening. (i can lucid dream 80% of the time. 19% of the time i have no dreams. that 1% are nightmares)
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Trigger Warning: Disturbing Imagery
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Don’t close your eyes.
…I’m sorry.
…brace yourself before hitting “next.”
First I Prev I Next
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beesonhoneytoast · 11 months
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“I’m hopeless without you.”
♡ Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader ♡
synopsis: on his day off, mike hears that you were involved in some freak accident at work. he wastes no time in getting dressed and driving to your workplace. however, when he calls you, something bizarre happens. cws: hurt/comfort, established relationship, mike being a narcoleptic mess and a disaster pansexual (?), crying, confusing dreams for reality
~800 words | divider creds @firefly-graphics
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Mike runs out into the living room, putting on his shirt as he rushed out of his bedroom.
Abby is lying on her stomach watching cartoons but turns her head at the sound of her big brother shuffling around and panting. “Mike?” She called for him.
“Y/n was involved in an accident. I don’t have time to call anyone to watch you, so get your shoes on. We’re going to find them.” He explained, hopping on one foot as he put his shoes on. He grabbed the keys as Abby slipped her little Mary Janes on. 
The two Schmidts went outside and Abby rushed to the backseat on the passenger side of Mike’s car. 
Mike got the front door of the house locked after a moment (as trying to do anything with trembling hands is understandably very difficult). Mike slammed on the gas after hurriedly backing out of the driveway, and he pulled out his flip-phone, selected your number on it, and put it to his ear. Every time, however, he was sent to voicemail. He left a message every time he was. 
“Y/n, it's me, Mike.” 
“If you're alive, Y/n, please reach out if you can.” 
“Please Y/n, I- I'm hopeless without you.” 
“Okay. The third time wasn't the charm, neither was the fourth. Maybe the fifth time will be the one? I dunno. I have no idea if or when you'll hear this, but... Ever since I've known you, I've felt... So at home. You're the only person I know who seems to care about me, and- I… I can't lose you. Please.” Mike said into the phone.
“Mike?” Your voice came from the receiver, laughing slightly.
Mike’s heart nearly leaped out of his ribcage. “Y/N?!” He shouted. He was so alarmed because your voice sounded perfectly okay. “This- isn't some sort of prank, right?” He whispered in denial. 
Your airy chuckles came crackling over the phone. “Mike, I'm okay. I'm at work. I just went on break and saw you were sending me like, three or four voicemails. Is everything okay?” You asked him seriously now.
Mike pulled over on the side of the street and teared up in disbelief. He ran a hand through his hair after putting the car in Park. 
Abby was very confused by this entire situation. She was looking out the windows with her brows scrunched. “What's going on, Mike?” She asked. 
“Ah, I hear a certain little girl is there with you?” You teased. 
“Yeah, uh…” Mike mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. “Listen, I- I have no idea what happened. I just heard you were in danger and I panicked and didn't think things through and-” 
“Oh, Mike. I'm coming over to you. Are you out of the house already?” You asked.
“I'm… right next to your work building, actually.” Mike chuckled breathily. 
“Ah, I see. I'll be right out, okay?” You told him. 
“M’kay.” He muttered, sniffling slightly, causing you to frown. 
“I’ll see you outside.” You said before hanging up. 
Mike pulled into a parking spot in front of your workplace and you walked right out the front door and trotted towards his car. He couldn't believe it. 
There you were, perfectly fine and alive. You got in on the passenger side of the car. “Hi, Mike.” You greeted him softly. 
And just like that, the man crumbled, and tears spilled. He hid his face in his hands and his shoulders shook with each sob. 
“Oh, come here, buddy.” You cooed, unbuckling his seatbelt and hugging him over the console between the both of your seats. You pet his messy hair softly. Clearly, he had been in a rush to get here to you, for he didn't have the time to brush his hair and get himself tidy. “It's okay. I'm here, I'm okay, I'm alive.” You whispered reassuringly, holding him to your chest as best as you could in this awkward setting of the front seats in his car. 
Eventually, you had all gotten home and you made dinner, as you felt obligated to, considering you unintentionally scared Mike that day. 
Once Abby was sent to bed, Mike revealed that he had a dream that you had gotten into an accident at work, and to him, it felt so real that he believed it was reality. 
“I’m so sorry that happened, baby. Dreams are so weird.” You told him, hugging him for the nth time that night. 
Mike had a special little spot under your chin and on your collarbone where he could just bury his face into. He whimpered softly, holding your shirt in his balled fists. 
You kissed his forehead softly as he relaxed in your arms, moving his head down so it was now in your lap, resting against your thighs and using them for pillows. You played with his hair and hummed softly, the quiet sound of your singing gently lulling him to sleep, and soon you found yourself joining Mike in the realm of dreams.
>> end.
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story written by @beesonhoneytoast. characters belong to five nights at freddy’s © 2014
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serxinns · 5 months
Hi :)
Could you please write a platonic scenario of father Aizawa in which his daughter (she is in her teen years) has a really bad nightmare so she goes to his room crying and saying she is scared?
Hope you have a great day
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TW: Gore and limbs being decapitated readers death (only in her dream)
You've been often getting those night terrors that made you afraid of going to sleep, you tried staying up secretly watching TV to pass the time but Your father caught you one day and sternly told you to go to bed so all you had to do was either stare on your phone or stare up on the client but alas sleep overtakes you were knocked out
You heard screaming from the distance and footsteps running past you desperate to get away from it but failed when the creature got close to them and their pleading for mercy and help ended with a sickening crunch You covered your mouth tears streamed down your cheeks its growls sounded like a mix of a dying Animal and a human moaning in pain it kept searching and searching for more prey a man was across from you staring at you with the same reaction you had..terrified his eyes where blood shot red and there seems to be an injury on his lower waist when he saw that it was gone he looked at you for the last time and sprinted you heard nothing but footsteps from the man then seconds later you heard that thing crawling quickly towards the poor man screams and pleading for mercy were heard then there were silence and sickening crunching noises you couldn't take it anymore and threw up which the creature heard it slithered up to you now you and whatever that thing was close to each other you can see the man's arm still dangling from it mouth..the thing grabbed you with his sharp claws hovering you over his mouth and-
The sound of thunder woke you up your clothes were dammed in sweat your face was soaked with tears all you could hear was your heavy breathing and tears you silently got up to go the bathroom to clean up, you grabbed your comfort plush and went upstairs your legs shaking and wobbling a bit but managed to make it in the bathroom "y/n? What are you doing up late?" you turned and your dad was shocked to see your horrified and soaked face he ran up to you grabbed your shoulders and kneel down to your level "Oh sweetie you've been crying are you alright did something happen"
you tried to explain but your voice was filled with mumbles due to the sobs and spit in there and just held onto him and cried your father didn't know what was going on but hugged you "cmon kid you sleeping in my room" he picked up you up and the 2 of you headed to his room, he turned on the lights and gently put you down and tucked you in "Now do you want to tell me about your bad dream or you'll explain in the morning" you hesitated for a second to tried to even explain "in the morning.." your dad signed and softly smiled at you, he kissed you on the forehead and wrapped his arms protectively around you
Next time he shouldn't added that much sleeping pills in your drink as a punishment for staying up the last time..but it rewarded him in the end to cuddle up with his beloved daughter~
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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My PTSD school nightmares
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jmiehyter · 21 days
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