#Two ball bowling bag with wheels
munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Summary: After you attend Harris's birthday party, Eddie's forced to confront some big feelings, and a Valentine's date has the two of you navigating a much different type of big feeling.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (f! receiving), fingering, protected p in v, slight breeding kink, very fluffy smut, brief mention of parental abandonment
WC: 8.6k
Chapter 12/20
Eddie's card credit to @girlwiththerubyslippers Mixtape credit to @lofaewrites Divider credit to @saradika
The mingled scents of wood polisher, stale cigarette smoke, and old frying oil invade your nostrils the second you step into Hawkins Lanes. Bowling balls thud as they make contact with the fiberglass lanes, subsequently crashing into the waiting pins. You offer a smile at the exasperated teenager clearly nursing a hangover, holding back a dry heave as he sprays a pair of red and blue shoes with a can of deodorizer that, given the undertones of pungent sweat permeating the air, is likely well past expired.
“I’m here for Harris Munson’s birthday party?” It comes out like a question rather than a definitive statement, and you hold up the gift bag in your hand like it’s some kind of evidence.
The teenager jerks a thumb towards the back left of the building, not bothering to look up. “Party room’s down there,” he mumbles, and you thank him as you walk along the pink and purple carpet.
You’ve arrived a little early, hoping to steal a few moments with Eddie before the chaos of the day begins. Wayne is the only one in the small room, stretching to hang up a sign proudly declaring ‘Happy Birthday,’ each letter a different color of the rainbow. He grins when he sees you approaching, and you hold one end of the sign in place as he adheres it to the door frame with Scotch tape.
“Good to see y’again, darlin’.” Wayne greets you with a grin, taping your side of the banner. 
You put your arm down and return his smile. “You, too!” you chirp, glancing around the room. “Where can I put Harris’s present?”
The older man points to an empty table off to the side. “Right over there should be good,” he figures aloud. “Ed just took Harris to the little boys’ room, but they’ll letcha know otherwise.”
You nod, gently placing the bright yellow bag atop a table covered with a Hot Wheels-themed cloth. Amusement dances on your lips at the realization that Eddie must have splurged on decorations; it’s far better quality than one from the local 99-cent store. 
“Ms. Sweetheart! You’re at my birthday party!” Harris’s enthusiastic voice captures your attention, and you spin around just as he’s launching himself into your arms. A tiny human rocketship. 
“I am!” You laugh, motioning towards the gift table, “and I left your present over there.” 
Harris’s face lights up and he starts towards it, arms outstretched and ready to tear through the tissue paper, but the sound of his dad clearing his throat stops him in his tracks. 
“Remember,” Eddie says, keeping his tone calm but firm, “we’re gonna open everything once all your friends are here, after we eat cake.”
Harris juts out his lower lip in a pout. “But Daddy,” he protests, “I wanna open it now!” He stomps his foot indignantly, and you have to suppress a laugh at how silly it looks with the clown-esque bowling shoe on. 
“Harris, can you wait until you open the ones from your friends?” You phrase it like a favor, hoping to appeal to him that way. “I’m really excited about what I got you and I want them to see you open it, too.” Of course, you couldn’t care less about what a bunch of random four- and five-year-olds think about your gift, but you had to think quickly before the whine escalated to a tantrum. 
He releases a sigh of exasperation but ultimately concedes. “Okay, I guess I can wait.”
Eddie mouths thank you and winks as the four of you walk out to the lanes to wait for Harris’s friends. You feel a hand slip into yours, too small to be Eddie’s, and beam when Harris looks up at you with pure joy.
“Daddy! Grampa Wayne! I’m holding Ms. Sweetheart’s hand!” he exclaims, baby teeth on full display
Eddie ruffles Harris's hair. “I’m jealous.” If prompted, he’ll claim that he’s envious that his son chose to hold your hand instead of his. But you and him–and Wayne, let’s be real–know the real meaning behind his statement.
As Harris’s friends arrive and the birthday boy greets each of them with a hug, you and Eddie spring into action and line them up to get fitted for shoes. There are five kids, three boys and two girls, and though you recognize them as Ms. Marion’s students, you don’t know any of them by name. The bowling shoe laces are flimsy, and a few of them struggle with the fine motor skills necessary to tie them.
“Can I help you with that?” you ask one boy, who nods and extends his leg towards you. You crouch down and rest his foot on your knee as you double-knot the laces. When you finish, you look up to see that the rest of the kids have formed a line for your shoe-tying expertise.
Eddie returns from dropping off the guests’ gifts in the party room, laughing when he stumbles upon the queue of children. “You don’t have to do all that, Sweetheart,” he tells you, using his hands to assess the weight of different bowling balls before distributing them to the kids.
You shrug as you finish tying the last shoes. “I don’t mind.”
Eddie has reserved two lanes for the party, and before anyone can figure out who will be bowling where, Harris is tugging on his Black Sabbath t-shirt.
“We wanna play in teams,” he reports matter-of-factly. You’re not sure who ‘we’ refers to, since you didn’t see him corroborating with any of his friends, but you don’t question it aloud. “Team Harris and Team Daddy.”
Eddie gasps with feigned offense, bringing his palm to his heart. “What? You don’t want me on your team?”
“Nope.” Harris shakes his head, curls swaying back and forth. “I want Ms. Sweetheart on my team.” He pauses as he glances around the group, eyes brightening when his gaze lands on the eldest Munson. “You can have Grampa Wayne.”
“Old man’s probably gonna break a hip.” Eddie grumbles teasingly, picking up a red marbled bowling ball and hoisting it up to his chest.
Wayne scratches the top of his head. “And yet I can still kick your ass.” He keeps his voice low so that little ears can’t hear, but you and Eddie can, and you tuck your lips into your mouth so none of the kids catch on.
Harris is up first, squatting down and using two hands to roll the ball down the lane. His method proves to be somewhat effective when he knocks down a few pins, and the scoreboard screen flashes a giant number 5. 
“That’s how many years I am!” Harris proudly announces, skipping back to where the rest of his team is standing. He cocks his head at the ball return’s open mouth for the neon green ball that Eddie had handed him earlier, eagerly scooping it up when he spots it. Assuming the same stance, he once again rolls the ball and successfully topples two more pins.
Eddie raises his brows incredulously. “Hmm, let me try that strategy.”
“I don’t think there’s enough pins for all of your years,” you quip, and Eddie sticks out his tongue in your direction before mimicking Harris’s approach, knees aligned with his toes. He draws the ball back between his legs and releases it a few inches ahead of him, smirking as it cascades down the lane.
His cockiness is apparently earned, since he gets a strike. He attempts a victory moonwalk, clumsily dragging one foot behind the other in a manner that would make Michael Jackson regret ever making the move popular. The heel of his shoe catches on the floor and he stumbles backwards, landing on his ass.
The kids burst out into peals of laughter, and you and Wayne join in once it is evident that Eddie’s not hurt, only embarrassed. You stoop down, clutching your ball between your palms as you grin. “That’s what you get for gloating,” you whisper in his ear, a joking lilt in your voice. “Try setting a good example for the kids next time.”
Unbeknownst to you, one of the kids, Kelly, strikes up a conversation with Harris while you’re up to bowl. “Is that your mommy?” she asks him, strawberry blonde pigtails softly swishing as she looks over at you.
“No, but she’s gonna be my mommy soon!” Harris replies happily. “She and my daddy are gonna fall in love and then she’ll be my mommy.” His voice lowers as concern mars his words. “But don’t tell anyone, okay? Because it’s my birthday cake wish and I need it to come true.”
Kelly nods, taking this obligation seriously, and she averts her gaze when she spots you walking back to the ball return. Since you’d only knocked down eight pins, you take another turn, slipping your thumb, middle, and ring fingers into the holes, frowning when you don’t get the spare you’d hoped for. 
Harris’s chipperness brings a smile back to your face. “Ms. Sweetheart, can you teach me how to bowl like a grown-up?” He blinks a few times, hammering in his naturally docile nature.
“Of course!”
When it’s Harris’s turn again, Eddie watches you go up with him. It’s noisy, but he zeros in on your sweet tone among the clattering of bowling pins and cacophonous conversations.
“See, you put your middle finger and ring finger here, and your thumb here,” you’re gently explaining. “And then you lift the ball back just a bit, bring it forward, and let it go.” You go through all of the motions without actually letting go of the ball, Harris’s eyes glued to your every move. “You try.”
Harris follows your instructions, pink tongue poking from his mouth in sheer concentration, and knocks down a single pin. Eddie braces himself for his disappointment, maybe even escalation to a tantrum, so he’s pleased when his son spins back with a wide, toothy smile.
“I did it! I knocked it down!”
“You’re amazing! I’m so proud of you, Harris.” Eddie’s posture softens as Harris runs into your arms and gives you a giant hug, tiny fingers digging into your biceps as he squishes the side of his face just below your collarbones. When he does this, Eddie notices that Harris’s cheeks have lost some of their chubbiness; his son’s baby-like features subtly disappearing to make way for attributes of the older child he’s growing into. It brings a slight pang to his heart, and he swallows the emotion and focuses instead on the bonding moment between you and the not-so-little boy.
There’s a shared love; more than that, there’s trust. Harris knows he can rely on you to teach him with kindness and patience, that you won’t berate him or yell at him for doing something incorrectly. You’re his Ms. Sweetheart.
Wayne takes note of the goofy smile adorning his nephew’s face, nudging him before he drops the bowling ball on his foot. “I know you’re in love with her, but she ain’t worth losing your toes over.”
Eddie’s face flushes pink, the tips of his ears burning now that he's been caught. “I’m not in love with her, Wayne.” At least, I didn’t think I was yet, but now I might be.
“Whatever you say,” Wayne mutters under his breath, taking careful steps towards the lane. “You, uh, might wanna wipe the drool from your chin before you take your turn, though.”
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Team Harris ultimately wins, mostly because Wayne throws the game so the birthday boy can have a victorious moment. You, Eddie, and Wayne quickly corral the kids into the party room, seating them at a large rectangular table for cake and presents before anyone can take offense over the game results. The three of you breathe silent sighs of relief when you easily shift their focus to the next activity.
Eddie pulls his lighter from his back pocket, flicking it on and lighting the five thin blue and white striped candles unevenly jabbed through the chocolate frosted homemade cake. He picks up the plate, supporting it from the bottom as he leads the group in a hilariously off-key rendition of Happy Birthday.
Harris squeezes his eyes shut before blowing out the flames with gusto, a big grin on his face when he opens them again.
Feeling a hand clap on his shoulder, Eddie swivels his body to see his uncle armed with a disposable Kodak camera. “Let me get a picture of you and the birthday boy,” Wayne insists, peering through the little viewfinder and snapping a photo. Eddie’s crouched down, right arm slung over Harris’s shoulders. Both of them wear matching smiles; the only difference is that Harris is still sporting his baby teeth. 
“Now Ms. Sweetheart!” the little Munson declares. Eddie goes to leave, pressing his palms to his knees and standing up, but Harris grabs his wrist and pulls him back. “No, Daddy. You and me and Ms. Sweetheart together!”
You shuffle over to stand on Harris’s other side. When you place your hand on his upper back, Eddie’s slides over yours, the two of you and Harris chiming “cheese!” in enthusiastic unison. 
Blinking from the brightness of the flash, you extend your arm and make a ‘gimme’ motion with your hand. “Let me get one of the three of you,” you say to Wayne, who begrudgingly places the camera in your outstretched palm. 
Eddie pulls him in closer. “Alright, Munson men. Flex those muscles!” You giggle as the three of them bend their arms to show off whatever biceps they have. 
“Ms. Sweetheart, who’s got the biggest muscles?” Harris asks as you lower the camera. 
You scrunch up your nose as though seriously contemplating the question. “Um, me, obviously!” You smack your own bicep, sending Harris into hysterics.
“That’s so silly!” he cackles, glancing up at Eddie. “Daddy, isn’t Ms. Sweetheart so silly?”
You expect him to agree with his son, but he just puts his hands on his shoulders and gives a quick squeeze as he says, “Nah, she’s the strongest person I know.” Your stomach flip-flops when he peers at you through his impossibly long lashes. He picks up the plate and brings it over to the smaller, empty table. “Let’s cut this cake before the kids start revolting.”
The two of you use plastic knives and forks to divide the cake into slivers and toss them onto paper plates. Once all of the kids have their slices, Eddie licks the excess frosting from his fingers and hands you a plate. 
“Havin’ fun?” He carefully wraps the question in a joking tone, but you can tell that he’s genuinely curious about whether you’re enjoying yourself. 
You spear a piece of your slice with the plastic fork. “I am, actually.” The chocolate melts in your mouth, and your tongue glides over your lips to catch any crumbs. “I haven’t been bowling since I was a kid.”
“And it shows,” he teases, wincing when you flick his cheek. “Hey, now—violence is never the answer. What values are you instilling in these impressionable young minds?”
Harris pops up from his seat, waving an empty plate. Whatever cake bits were left on it have tumbled to the floor. “Daddy, I’m done! Can I open my presents now?”
“Jesus, did you inhale that thing?” Eddie wonders aloud, but ultimately agrees. He grabs a bunch of thin napkins and wipes Harris’s hands and face, laughing when the boy sputters as the paper presses against his lips. “Har Bear, you don’t wanna get your presents all messy.”
Once he’s all cleaned up, Harris grabs each of the gifts and brings them to his seat at the head of the table. He tears through brightly colored wrapping paper at lightning speed. Eddie tries to keep track of who gave what as his son unveils a Hot Wheels track from Charlie and his brother Brendan, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure from Kelly, a G.I. Joe from Emma, and—regrettably—a tub of Gak from Zachary. He makes a mental note to pick up a harmonica or a kazoo or something else noisy when that kid’s birthday rolls around. 
The last gift left is from you, and you twiddle your thumbs as you await Harris’s reaction. Should I have gotten him a toy?
“It’s a stencil kit,” you feel the need to explain, as though you wouldn’t be able to handle the embarrassment of him asking what it is. “So you can trace shapes for your art. It’s got all different ones: food, animals, holidays…” You clamp your mouth shut, willing yourself to stop talking. 
Your panic is short-lived; Harris’s brown eyes light up as he runs to you and wraps his arms around your legs in another giant hug. “I’m gonna draw you so much things!” he promises, gazing up at you excitedly. 
“I can’t wait to see what you make me.” A drawing from Harris holds a deeper meaning than you ever realized. It’s more than a simple display of creativity; it’s a symbol of love and acceptance into his life. 
He looks at his dad now with pleading eyes. “Can Ms. Sweetheart come to our house after the party so I can draw her a picture? Please?” He stretches out the last word so that it has at least five syllables. 
Eddie looks at you expectantly, a timid smile on his lips. “Well?”
“I think that’s a great idea.” Your response earns you another quick squeeze from Harris before he darts back to his seat to further inspect his gifts. 
Eddie’s warm voice is low in your ear, his fingertips ghosting the small of your back in a manner that lets you—and only you—know how starved he is for touch. “And you can help me get rid of that slime thing, too.”
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Once the party has ended and you, Eddie, and Harris are back at their apartment, the cherubic boy takes the stenciling kit into his room. 
“I’m gonna do art in here so you can’t peek,” he declares, clutching the kit to his chest as though there’s already something to hide. 
Eddie chuckles, raking a hand through his curls. “Okay, bud. We’ll be out here, watching TV. You go be a little artíst.”
Once he hears the bedroom door click shut, Eddie puts the TV on a random channel and plops on the couch with a soft oof. You sit down next to him and he puts his arm around you, allowing you to snuggle in closer. The shirt fabric against his underarms is slightly damp with the day’s sweat, but you’re far too comfortable to even consider it an issue. 
Your unsuccessful attempt at stifling a yawn has Eddie grinning. “Can’t hang with the kids anymore?” he goads, lips flush against your scalp. 
“It’s exhausting being on the winning team,” you playfully retort, adding in an over-the -top fake yawn to drive home your point. “Not that you would know.”
“Oh, yeah?” He pulls you closer to pepper kisses across your neck and cheek until you’re a giggling mess. Satisfied with his handiwork, he allows himself to sink deeper into the cushions and lets out a yawn of his own. 
You rest your head on his shoulder, gently brushing his curls back so they’re not in your eyes. A hum of contentment escapes you as you fully relax for the first time today. 
You feel a slight nudge on your chin as Eddie tilts it upwards and kisses your lips. The gloss you’d applied before the party is long gone, a casualty of conversation and cake consumption, but he has no complaints. 
“Been wanting to do this all day,” he murmurs, shooting shivers down your spine. “And when I saw you helping Harris? Baby, I just…” he searches for accurate words. Nothing he can think of seems to fully convey the depth of his feelings, but he tries his best. “I’m so fucking lucky. We’re so fucking lucky.”
The feeling of your body against his relaxes him further; a marvelous white noise replaces the plethora of overanalyzed problems constantly buzzing through his brain. The heaviness of sleep falls over both of you, and you shift your body even closer to his in a primitive quest for the safety his presence brings. Whatever show is on the fuzzy TV set is now a dull hum until it’s muted by the dreams your subconscious brings.
Eddie only stirs fifteen minutes later when the bedroom door hinges give a soft squeak, ears trained to pick up on Harris’s innocuous noises that often precede chaos. Grogginess overpowers attentiveness, so he misses the smile on his son’s face and the way he whispers, “my birthday wish is coming true.”
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Gray clouds cover Hawkins the next day, drenching the small town in cold rain. And while Eddie is certainly grateful that it’s not snowing, this means that he has to find indoor activities to keep his endlessly energetic son occupied. 
Luckily, Harris is still enamored with his birthday gifts, particularly the stenciling kit you’d given him. He sits at the kitchen table now, tracing an outline of a cow on a Valentine for his classmate. Eddie’s not quite sure of the correlation between the animal and the holiday, but he’s learned that some battles are best left unfought.
 “That looks great, Har Bear.”
“I know.” Harris agrees, not looking up from his drawing as he says, “Daddy, you should make a Valentime for Ms. Sweetheart.” Before Eddie can answer, Harris slides over a piece of red paper and a black marker.
“I should, huh?” Remembering a trick he learned back in elementary school, Eddie folds the paper and draws half of a heart against the crease. He has to use Harris’s blunted safety scissors, much too small for his fingers, to cut the paper. Pleased when he sees that it actually resembles a heart, Eddie taps the marker against his dimpled chin as he contemplates what to write. “You really like Ms. Sweetheart, don’t you?”
Harris nods, putting down the blue marker he’s using and reaching for an orange one. “Mhm. I love her, Daddy.”
Eddie’s heart soars at the confirmation of Harris’s adoration of you, but he tries not to make it obvious. “That’s, uh, that’s good.” He finally decides on a simple message: Be Mine, and he signs his name underneath with a dash. It feels a little less impersonal than “from,” but isn’t as strong as “love.” Do I love her? He wonders. No, it’s only been one date. He can’t fall in love this quickly. It’s not possible. “How’s this? Be mine,” he reads aloud, underlining each word with his finger.
“Oh, I like that.” Harris picks up a green marker and writes the same two words on a pink sheet of paper. The letters are a little too big for the paper’s limited space, and he ends up squishing the “e” in “mine” very close to the edge. “How do you spell ‘mommy’?”
Eddie’s throat goes bone-dry. “You wanna make a card for your mom?” Harris has never wanted to make anything for his mom before; never brought her up, really, but maybe that was changing now that he was in school and surrounded by children with present mothers.
But Harris shakes his head. “No, it’s for Ms. Sweetheart. I wanna write ‘Be Mine Mommy.’”
It takes Eddie a second to realize that Harris means “be my mommy,” and he massages the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Um, Har, you can’t just ask her to be your mom.”
“Why not?”
He doesn’t want to tell Harris that wants to make sure you’ll stick around, nor does he want to make a promise neither one of you can keep. “Because you…you just can���t, okay?” It comes out harshly, and he sputters to fix his tone when he sees Harris’s lower lip quiver.
“But it’s not fair! You didn’t have a daddy, so you got Grampa Wayne as your daddy. I don’t have a mommy, so I want Ms. Sweetheart as my mommy!”
Eddie flash backs to their zoo trip, when Harris had innocently asked him if Wayne had taken him out on father-son days. There’s no child-friendly way to articulate that Wayne had initially been legally obligated to act as his guardian. “I know, bud. I know you do–”
“Then why can’t I ask her?” His expression shifts from anger to confusion, brows pinching together.
Because she could say no, Eddie thinks. Because the responsibility of being a mommy was too much for your biological mother to handle; why would Ms. Sweetheart take it on? What if she doesn’t have a problem being your mommy, but she finds issue with the idea of being connected to me?
He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “Look, Har. I know you want her to be your mommy. And between you and me, I’d love for her to be your mommy, too.”
“But, grown up feelings are weird sometimes,” he presses on, borrowing your verbiage from Thanksgiving, “and feelings like love take time. But I’m gonna make you a promise right now.” He sticks out his pinky finger. “I promise that if me and Ms. Sweetheart fall in love, I’ll tell you, and I’ll let you ask her to be your mommy. Is that a deal?”
Harris looks dubious, but ultimately hooks his pinky around his dad’s. Eddie breathes a sigh of relief that the crisis has been averted for now.
“Before we can ask her to be your mommy,” Eddie continues, “I need to figure out the perfect Valentine’s Day date to impress her. Wanna help?”
Harris purses his lips in concentration, resting his chin in his hand. “How about McDonald’s? They have a ball pit!”
Eddie has to tuck his lips into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. “A definite contender,” he finally manages. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
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Friday night. Valentine’s Day. 
You had been unsure whether Eddie wanted to do anything for the holiday; your relationship was still so fresh, and you didn’t want him to feel pressured. When he crept into your classroom Monday morning with a coffee and a heart-shaped note—far more conspicuous than he’d intended to be—you couldn’t hide the excitement on your face. 
The card reads Be Mine and currently resides under a magnet on your fridge, finding a home among the plethora of drawings from Harris. It’s got some creases in it that Eddie had explained were the result of Harris shoving it into his backpack that morning. You thought it was perfect as is. 
“Are you free on Friday? For Valentine’s Day?” he’d asked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. When you answered in the affirmative, he visibly relaxed. “Great. I’m taking you out.” His smile lights up his face. “Wear something that you don’t mind getting messy, and I’ll pick you up at 6.”
You’d wanted to try and pry more information from him, but Carol Perkins and her son Frankie walked in just then, and you’d put away the heart as quickly as you could as Eddie scrambles from the classroom. 
You stand in your bedroom now in your Levis 501s and a fuzzy red sweater, taking one last look at your makeup in the mirror reflection. You scrape your fingernail along the bottom of your lip to wipe off any excess gloss. Underneath your outfit is a special surprise, wishful thinking if the night goes well.
At 5:55, you sling your pocketbook over your shoulder and make your way down to the lobby. You spot Eddie the moment you step out from the elevator. He’s pacing, hands shoved in his dark wash denim pockets and lower lip pinched between his teeth.
Your voice draws him from his thoughts. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” you say, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him so your stomachs touch. “You look really, really handsome.”
“You’re…you’re beautiful.” He’s almost breathless as he says it, eyes roaming down your body and taking in the view. The way your sweater drapes the slope of your breasts has his heart leaping into his throat. He kisses you slowly before proclaiming, “My beautiful Valentine.”
You reach into your purse and pull out a tiny red gift bag, letting it sway and dangle from your fingertips. “I got you a little something.”
The tissue paper crinkles as Eddie rifles through it to pull out a silver lighter, much heavier in his palm than the usual plastic Bic he uses. “Sweetheart, this is…” He takes a closer look and reads aloud the engraved words etched on the front. “Fill my heart with song…”
“It’s from Fly Me to the Moon. Because of Thanksgiving, when you played the record, and Grandma…” you trail off, not wanting to get choked up, “and because you’re a rockstar. My rockstar.” You kiss his lips again, feeling his palm softly cup your cheek.
“I have something for you, too. Um, I didn’t get to wrap it, but I hope you like it.” He unzips his jacket, exposing the gray t-shirt clinging to his pecs. He digs into the inner pocket and clutches a cassette tape, handwritten label stating,“Ms. Sweetheart’s Mix.”
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“‘S nothin’ crazy, just some songs that remind me of you.” There’s an array of genres and artists on there. Guns ‘N Roses, of course, as well as Frank Sinatra. There’s Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar on Me, Un-Break My Heart by Toni Braxton, and a plethora of songs with ‘sweetheart’ in the title: Bob Dylan’s Sweetheart Like You, Bing Crosby’s Let Me Call You Sweetheart, The Spaniels’ Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight. 
Tears prickle along your lash line, and you blink them away before you smudge your mascara. “Thank you, Eddie. I love it.” You hold the gift in two hands, giving it a small shake to emphasize your excitement.
A small pang in his chest has Eddie realizing that he wishes you’d ended that statement with you instead of it, but he tries to shove the thought down by kissing you, tongue parting your lips, hand traveling up your side. His hands aren’t even touching skin, only your sweater, yet it’s so electrifying that you feel your thighs clench in wanting.
“C’mon,” you urge him gently, “let’s go on this date before we end up making out in the lobby all night.”
Eddie cocks his head. “Would that be such a bad thing?”
“Eddie…” Truthfully, you’re thinking the same thing, but your desire for a romantic Valentine’s Day date with him propels you towards the door. You take his hand so he dutifully follows.
“Fine,” he relents with an exaggerated sigh, smile showing off the soft dimples in his cheeks. “But only because you’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, y’know that?”
“Oh, I know.”
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Twenty minutes later, Eddie’s car pulls up to The Novice Chef. You’ve never been–taking care of Grandma didn’t allot you much time for hobbies–but Jess has told you about their incredible cooking classes. She and Robin went to one right before Thanksgiving and insisted that they’d perfected the art of turkey basting.
“Figured we could learn how to make pizza since we’re basically funding the local Surfer Boy,” Eddie grins, turning the key in the ignition. The car stills and the two of you unbuckle your seatbelts, pushing open the car doors. “Just, uh, no olives on my half.”
You find an unoccupied cooking station with two aprons on it, the venue’s cursive logo displayed on the front in an eager advertisement. You slip one over your head and Eddie does the same, twirling his finger in a turn around motion. You feel the brush of his fingers on the small of your back as he ties the strings in a bow. After returning the favor for him, you squeeze his waist, giggling when he yelps in surprise.
“What was that for?”
“I dunno; you’re just really squeezable.”
Eddie just shakes his head, already missing your touch after that brief moment. He slides a rubber band down his wrist and ties his hair in a bun at the nape of his neck before slipping his rings off of his fingers. He flexes his hands, almost taken aback by their nakedness, and you suppress a heaving sigh when you catch sight of the protruding veins, dark purple snakes that disappear amongst soft arm hair.
“All right everyone, let’s get started.” The unfamiliar voice brings your attention to the front of the room, where the instructor is standing behind his own station. “My name’s Argyle, and I’ll be your tour guide on our journey through Flavortown.” He claps his hands and rubs them together. “First thing we’re gonna do is knead the dough.” He gives a demonstration and then invites the class to try on their own.
“Damn, that dude has some badass hair,” Eddie muses, noting the man’s long raven locks that are pulled back into a waist-length ponytail. He nods approvingly and flips the silver bowl of dough onto the table. A small puff of flour rises as it hits the surface with a thwack, and you’re very glad you’d heeded his warning not to wear something new.
Eddie presses the heel of his palm into the dough, kneading it with precision. Flatten, stretch, flatten, stretch, until he’s satisfied with the consistency. He shapes it into a thin circle, fingertips digging into the edges to form the crust. The movements are hypnotizing, and it’s not until he clears his throat that you bashfully realize you’ve been staring.
“Y’good, Sweetheart?” A sly, knowing grin stretches from one cheek to the other; now you’re certain that he’s caught you.
The next step is to spread the sauce onto the dough, Argyle explains, and Eddie places the crust onto the pan and steps aside so you can take over. You dip the ladle into the pot, filling it to the brim. Bits of dried basil and oregano swim in a red tomato sea as you use the ladle’s base to evenly distribute it across the crust. 
“Y’got a little somethin’ on your face.” Eddie whispers in your ear, making you stop mid-swirl. 
“Huh? Where?” You use the back of your free hand to wipe at your cheeks and chin for any sauce that may have splattered, but a close inspection shows nothing. 
Eddie leans over you, his chest flush against your back. You fight the urge to press the curve of your ass to the seam of his jeans, wiping a sweat-slick palm on your apron. “Right…” he swipes his finger down the ladle’s curved side, catching some sauce and dotting it on the tip of your nose, “here.”
“Don’t worry; I’ve got it.” He leans over and licks the sauce off, a quick lap of his tongue on your skin. The unexpected sensation makes you giggle louder than you’d intended. You clap a hand over your mouth, surely smudging the gloss, but you’ve already drawn the instructor’s unwanted attention.
“Lovebirds, are we here to flirt or to make pizza?” Argyle punctuates his rhetorical question with an exasperated sigh. You duck your head in shame and Eddie just coughs to stifle his own mischievous laughter.
“All right, now for the cheese,” Argyle continues, dipping a hand into a glass bowl and retrieving the ingredient. “Some people think that ya just pile it on; the more cheese, the better, but there’s an art to–hey, not cool, man!” He’s looking right at Eddie, and you glance over to see your date drop a handful of shredded mozzarella into his open mouth.
“Sorry,” he mumbles through a mouthful of cheese, but you’re willing to bet that his apology is anything but sincere.
Argyle rolls his eyes, not even attempting to hide his irritation. “You got one more strike, and then you’re out.” He points one finger at Eddie and then jerks his thumb backwards to emphasize his point.
“Yes, sir,” Eddie salutes, and you elbow him in the ribs.
Once the cheese has been sprinkled across the sauce–whatever remains after Eddie’s impromptu snack, anyway–you reach for the mushrooms. Eddie’s sharp gasp makes you freeze up before you can grasp any.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he demands, placing his flour-coated hands on his hips.
You flick your gaze from the bowl of mushrooms to his impatient face. “Um, putting toppings on the pizza?”
“Not that one, you’re not,” he argues with a disapproving shake of his head. “Vegetables don’t belong on pizza.” He picks up the bowl of pepperoni and starts layering the slices on top, either unaware or indifferent to the fact that some of them stick together in a double layer of cured meat. “This is more like it.”
You nudge him, triumphantly layering mushrooms around where he’s placed the pepperoni slices. “It’s called compromise, Eddie. It’s how relationships work.”
His jaw drops and he places his hand over his heart like a southern belle who’s just been presented with extraordinary gossip. “Oh, this is a relationship?” He snickers when you give him a small shove. “I had no idea. I just thought we were two friends who make out sometimes.”
“God, I hate you.”
“I hate you, too.”
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An hour later, stomachs filled with pizza that might rival Surfer Boy’s, you and Eddie return to your apartment. A tense stillness fills the air when he walks you to your door, daring either of you to speak your mutual desire into existence.
You’re the one to break the silence. “I had an amazing time tonight, Eddie.”
“Yeah?” he asks almost incredulously, as though he doubts the truthfulness behind your words. He pushes the insecurity aside with a joke. “Even though I almost got us kicked out?”
The memory brings a smile to your face, though you would imagine that the annoyed instructor would not share the same sentiment. “I still need to get you back for that.” You lick his nose and giggle, knocking his hand away when he lifts it to his face. “Don’t wipe it off!”
“And what if I do?” Eddie takes a step closer, resting one hand on the small of your back and putting the other on your cheek. He kisses you and you lean into it, pressing your body against his. His tongue parts your lips, and you hook a finger into his belt loop as you melt into each other.
“Do you wanna come in? Or do you have to get back home to Harris?” You’ve pulled the trigger. There’s no turning back now, and though you’re certainly in a healthier place than the last time you’d made this suggestion, the fear of a similar reaction has your heart in your chest.
He shakes his head, nose rubbing against yours. “Wayne’s staying with him tonight.” He omits the fact that his uncle was the one who’d offered to babysit overnight, a not-so-subtle hint at his expectations of Eddie’s evening plans.
“All night?”
“All,” he kisses you again, “night.”
You fumble with your keys and unlock the door, Eddie wrapping his arms around your waist from the back as though he never wants to let go. As soon as you get it open, its grimacing creak mere background noise to the pounding in your ears, you’re kicking off your shoes and pulling Eddie into the bedroom.
Your hands on his shoulders pin him against the door, only moving them to the hem of his shirt to begin tugging it over his head. It proves to be a difficult task as you try keeping your lips on his neck, but he wraps his fingers around your wrists and stops you.
“Been dreamin’ about worshiping this body…you,” he clarifies, pupils blown so wide that they overtake his chocolate irises. “Please,” he adds, a slight break in his voice. His begging starkly contrasts the bravado that dominated his personality the night you’d met. There was no patience or tenderness, just teeth clashing and hands searching for the fastest and easiest way to bring pleasure.
You nod. “I have a surprise for you first.” You take off your sweater, drawing it slowly up your torso to build up the anticipation, and toss it to the side.
Eddie goes slack jawed at the sheer mesh bra that leaves nothing to the imagination, just as you’d expected him to. He quickly snaps his mouth shut and swallows, a last-ditch attempt to salvage his machismo before he fully loses his mind.
“It’s a matching set, if you wanna see.” 
“Uh-huh.” Eddie walks over, pressing kisses to your collarbones that leave your knees weak. His thumbs graze your breasts, slipping the bra straps down and unhooking the clasp. It falls to the ground and he stoops a bit, bringing his mouth to one hardening nipple and sucking it before moving onto the other. “Perfect.” He trails kisses down your stomach, dropping to his knees as he does. “Perfect.” He lifts one hand, kissing each individual finger right on the first knuckle. “So perfect.”
He remains on his knees as his nimble fingers, still cold from the brief walk to your building, unbutton your jeans, and you shimmy out of them eagerly. His eyes widen when he sees that your panties do, in fact, match your bra: a red-tinted mesh thong that has everything on display.
“Baby,” he moans, grabbing one ass cheek in each of his big hands and pressing soft kisses to your clothed pussy. “Baby…f’me?”
“All for you, Eddie.” Your breath hitches when you feel his lips graze your most sensitive spot. He’s not intentionally teasing you, but logic has no place in your current state.
He kisses down your thighs. “Lay down f’me, yeah?” You do as he asks, laying your head down on the pillow as your body sinks into the mattress. Eddie climbs on top of you, slotting one knee between your slightly open legs. He brings his lips to your ear, gently biting your earlobe and singing in a low murmur, “got it bad, got it bad, got it bad…”
You giggle, the breath from his whisper tickling the shell of your ear, and you tilt your head slightly so you can see his face. “Can I undress you now?” He nods, and you wrestle with his shirt to expose the pale expanse of skin. There’s a dusting of curls across his chest, thicker in the middle and thinner around his nipples. You plant a kiss on his left bicep and drag your palm down his tummy, practically concave during his teenage years but now has a slight softness to it, stopping when you reach the bulge in his pants. He groans at your touch, and you feel his cock twitch slightly. Eager to alleviate his pent-up energy, you undo the button and tug down his zipper, cupping his erection through his navy blue boxers.
“Not yet,” Eddie mumbles, “not done showing you how much I l–care about you. How much you mean to me.” With a burning in his cheeks from what he’d nearly admitted, he drags your thong, a wet patch formed on it, down your thighs and past your calves until it drops to the ground unceremoniously. He balances your legs on top of his shoulders and pulls himself in closer, nudging your clit with his nose as he licks a stripe up your folds. His lips wrap around your sensitive bud, brushing it with his tongue. Soft brown eyes peer up at you, desperately seeking your approval.
“F-Feels good,” you manage, words caught in your throat as pleasure seeps into your body. “Please keep going.”
Eddie needs no further convincing, reveling in your growing wetness against his face while slipping his middle finger into your pussy. You whimper at the feeling of him inside you, bracing yourself for a comment about how needy you are, but he just continues to draw you closer to your orgasm. His finger glides in and out, in and out, rhythmic but not too slow. The bed shifts ever-so-slightly, and you realize he’s rutting his hips against the mattress, desperate for relief.
Your hand finds purchase in the curls adorning his scalp, digging your fingers into them and giving a small tug. Eddie lets a second finger into your tight hole, curling them upwards and hitting your sweet spot over and over.
“Right there, th-that’s it, please, Eddie,” you beg, your moans barely audible over the sounds of him fervently fingering you and lapping at your cunt. “Fuck, Eddie, ‘m gonna cum!”
Eddie just lets out an “mmm,” in acknowledgment, the vibrations shooting through your core and bringing you right to the edge. Your release overtakes you and your thighs instinctively squeeze against either side of his head. He makes a mental note to ask you not to do that because he absolutely needs to hear every noise you make while you cum.
“Y’good?” he asks as you drift down from the high, still perched between your legs. He wipes his slick-glistened lips with the back of his hand before licking the taste of you from his fingers. “I can keep going, trust me.”
“Need you closer.” You try to sit up, but your legs fail you, and you flop back onto the bed. “I have condoms in the top drawer–”
“Brought my own,” he grins, reaching into his back pocket–now positioned just under his ass from the way he’d dry humped the bed–and pulls out three connected foil packages. “Ribbed, for her pleasure.”
“Such a gentleman,” you tease, but it’s the truth. The way he took care of you, made sure you were okay after, offered to continue eating you out despite the raging hard-on he’s sporting…his chivalry isn't lost on you. You watch as he strips down until his body is rid of any clothing, tearing one wrapper and rolling the rubber down his cock, and you bite your lip in anticipation of its delicious stretch. 
There’s an unspoken disappointment at the addition of the barrier, regardless of its practicality. You want to be as close as you possibly can without anything in the way, but neither of you are in any rush to give Harris a sibling.
Imagine it, though, Eddie can’t stop himself from thinking. Imagine the intimacy of filling her up every night until she’s carrying my baby. Taking any little bit that drips out and stuffing it back inside to make sure it takes. Imagine kissing her growing bump every morning to greet her and our unborn child.
He puts one thigh on either side of yours, looking into your eyes as he asks, “Yes?”
Eddie lines up with your entrance, pushing in gently and keeping his gaze trained on the way you take him in. Inch by inch, he disappears into your wanting hole until he bottoms out. He holds your hips while he finds a steady pace, and as soon as you arch your back, he’s slipping his hands around your waist just above the curve of your ass. “I can’t believe you’re mine,” he whispers. “You make me so fucking happy.”
Your hands grasp at his shoulder blades and you kiss him, tongues intertwining while you moan into each other’s mouths. “I’m always yours, if that’s what you want,” you promise, wrapping your legs around his.
“Of course, that’s what I want. Most beautiful girl in the world, asking me if I want her to be mine.” He grins cheekily, burying his head in the crook of your neck and sucking on it lightly before asking, “do you want me to be yours?”
“Yeah,” you exhale as his cock presses against your walls. “Yeah, I want you to be mine.” You smile, moving your hands to the nape of his neck and deepening the kiss. You want to be the only one he touches like this, the one who goes to bed next to him every night and wakes up next to him every morning. The one who celebrates his wins with him and brings comfort during the losses. You want everything that comes with belonging to each other.
Eddie thrusts into you, pulling wanton moans from your lips. “Say my name,” he pleads. “Need to hear you say it.”
“Eddie,” you pant, not able to fathom a single thought beyond the pleasure you’re feeling and who’s bringing it to you. “Eddie, ‘m so close. You feel too…too good.” Good is an understatement; perhaps a more accurate adjective would be euphoric, but finding a more elaborate term is low on your priority list.
Eddie’s peak is not far behind, with the feeling of your warmth around him bringing him closer every second. “Always wanna make y’feel good, baby,” he says. His face hovers just above yours, a bead of sweat sliding down the bridge of his nose onto the tip of yours. “I gotta–”
“Cum for me, Eddie,” you tell him, and with your permission, he pistons his hips a final time and spills into the condom. Your walls contract around his length as you finish with him.
Eddie stays inside you as the two of you catch your breath, smiling and stealing kisses from each other. He’s never felt anything like this before; for him, the thrill of sex is typically fueled purely by the primal instinct to get laid, but he’s in no rush to let you go. His cock begins to soften and he slowly pulls out, chuckling when you whine at the loss of fullness.
“Gotta toss this,” he says, removing the condom with a soft hiss and tying a knot. “Then I’m gonna hold you, mmkay?” Part of him is waiting for the post-sex adrenaline to wear off and the inevitable crash down when he realizes he’s mistaken lust for passion, urgency for belonging, but that doesn’t happen. As much as he’d love to be inside you again, hearing and feeling your satisfaction as you unravel for him, what he wants more than anything is to lay next to you and keep you safe. Safe from what, exactly, he’s not sure, but something compels him to protect you.
He takes you in his arms, the two of you a tangled, sweaty mess of naked limbs. Perspiration mats his sparse chest hair to his skin, but you press your cheek to it anyway and breathe in his scent. Your body grows heavier as sleep overtakes you, but Eddie’s low voice pulls you back for just a second.
I love you. The words want to flow freely but come to a screeching halt on the tip of his tongue. It’s only your second date, and his mind is clouded with the sappiness of Valentine’s Day and oxytocin; what if he just thinks he loves you? Or what if he truly does, but you don’t feel the same way? Would you tell him, or would you pretend to reciprocate to spare him the hurt? Which is worse?
I love you. But it’s too soon to feel that, to know it for certain. And if he rushes things, he’ll get Harris’s hopes up–get his own hopes up–only to be met with heartbreak and disappointment.
I love you. And what would that admission accomplish, anyway? Where would you go from there? What would it change?
“Get some rest,” is what he settles on, biting the inside of his lower lip in shame. He kisses your forehead and watches you drift off, grateful when the exhaustion of the evening hits him and he follows suit.
I love you, is his last thought before he falls asleep, but he convinces himself that he’s not ready to speak it into existence. 
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sinittobinit · 11 months
Sera's Halloween Bash
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WARNING Contains: Gluttony, Stuffing, Force Feeding, Extreme Weight Gain, Female Weight Gain, Mild Teasing & Humiliation, Horror, No Happy Ending.
Sera was not a skinny girl. With wide hips, thick thighs and an expansive rear she stood at a short 5'2, her substantial pot belly wobbling out in front of her. As she squeezed her way past her steering wheel and made her way towards the grocery store she stood by the front window checking out a new flyer, it was advertising a halloween contest where you could win an opportunity to decorate a guest house with unlimited access to decorations and a party and feast thrown in your honor. She scoffed at the idea of winning, she was never that lucky but took one of the entry slips anyway. Imagining winning the contest in the back of her mind she made her way to the seasonal section to pick up a bag or two of candy, unnoticing of a man with red eyes watching her waddle away with the slip.
When the 1st of October rolled around Sera was surprised to find some unexpected mail in her box, she had actually won! The letter entailed that she would be picked up by her escort and host of the contest, a man by the name of Alistor. She would be picked up by car the morning of the 31st, be given the day to shop and decorate the house and have the party begin in the evening. She squealed in excitement, bouncing up and down in the mail hall of her apartment complex, her mind racing with ideas and images of plastic skeletons and over flowing bowls of candy. She'd also need to find a costume that would fit she thought with a bit of trepidation eyeing her hefty gut.
She eventually settled on going as a cute bunny, her outfit consisting of a flouncy white skirt with a puff ball tail, a stretchy if form fitting white tank top, the classic bunny ears and a spot of pink on her nose.
On the morning of the 31st she was ready to go, waiting in front of her apartment building with her costume in a bag as a sleek black car with tinted windows pulled up. A tall man with a showman's smile stepped out with a bit of flourish and a bow introducing himself as Alistor.
"Miss Sera I take it? I do hope you're ready for a shopping spree!" He stepped around the car linking his arm with hers and opening the car door for her. "My you're a lovely young lady! Have you had breakfast yet?"
Sera giggled at his theatrics and with a shy smile she confessed she had some cereal, leaving out the details of it being a heaping bowl of the sugary, chocolatey stuff, topped with plenty of whole milk.
"Why that's hardly any breakfast at all! I insist we swing by a drive thru and get you a proper meal! I'll hear no arguments about it!"
Despite that she did give a token protest, insisting that she wasn't hungry as they pulled into the drive thru of the nearest fast food establishment. Alistor didn't even give her the opportunity to look over the menu, ordering the biggest breakfast sandwich they had, an order of french toast sticks and hashbrowns. She balked slightly at the size of the meal but not wanting to be rude she began nibbling on the syrupy sticks and greasy hashbrowns.
By the time they reached the decor store she was struggling to finish her large sandwich, already uncomfortably full, she regretted wearing jeans and not something stretchy.
With a stomach overly full of sugar and grease Alistor once again rounded the car and opened the door for her, helping her heft herself out of the seat.
Sera gingerly made her way into the store, trying to hide her heavy breathing and swollen stomach. Alistor, seeming not too notice, kept with her slow plodding stride happily chattering on about the house they would be occupying. Despite her discomfort Alistor's excitement began to rub off on her as she grabbed a cart and started to wonder around the store.
After an hour and many full carts out to the car Sera was satisfied with her selection. She had picked out all manner of things, fake and light up pumpkins, strings of party lights shaped like bats, about two dozen skeletons ranging from human to rat and much more!
As they got back in the car to head to their next stop Sera had forgotten about her earlier discomfort and was practically drooling over the thought of all the food and candy they were about to buy, Alistor noticing her excitement with a wicked smile.
When they got to the grocery store they took a cart each and immediately headed for the bakery section, Sera eagerly filling an entire cart with platters of sugary treats like, cookies, brownies, rice crispy treats, cookie pies and several cakes. Next were the seasonal aisles where Sera filled the second cart entirely with bags upon bags of halloween candy.
With the shopping finally complete it was time to head out to the house and see what awaited her. But not before Alistor insisted they once again stop and get lunch, this time giving her the chance to order for herself though he made it a large meal and tacked on a milkshake with it.
After a little while and once more with an overly full stomach they reached their destination, Alistor always getting the door for her as she climbed from her seat cradling her bloated stomach.
Sera stood before the large house with a horrified expression. While the place was enormous it was also completely run down. Paint was greyed with age and peeling from the siding, windows were boarded up and shutters hung from their hinges. Sera looked back to Alistor with a questioning look while he laughed behind his hand.
"I assure you my dear the inside is much nicer. We keep it looking this way for the holiday spirit!"
Alistor moved past her and up the creaking, worn steps and unlocked the door, swinging it open with a bow. Sera followed after him and walked into the foyer, seeing immediately how nice the house really was. While bare of any decor and only with the most basic furniture it still looked like a fancy rich person's home.
As she made a circuit of the first floor she found it had two sitting rooms, one large with a flat screen tv and one smaller with an indoor gazebo attached to it. She moved on to the spacious dining room with a long table able to comfortably sit at least a dozen people and past that a large open kitchen with sleek modern appliances and a four person island, leading into the front hallway, stairwell and foyer.
She had a lot of space to work with, she thought nervously, hoping she got enough decorations.
Alistor was already busy running back and forth from the car with bags of their purchases piling them up in the hallway as Sera started unloading them.
Well there was no time to waste! The party was tonight and she needed to get a move on! Starting with the lights Sera wobbled around stringing them up in the doorways and even changing the regular lightbulbs with green and purple ones, giving the whole downstairs a spooky vibe!
As she decorated Alistor began laying out the treats and bowls of candy they had purchased, plying the distracted girl with bite after bite before getting to work in the kitchen. Without realizing it Sera ate through dozens of treats and one fun sized candy bar after another, gulping down glasses of punch in-between as she started to build up a sweat and the waist of her pants kept getting tighter.
After a while and almost done with the decorations Sera finally noticed just how bloated and upset her stomach was getting, all the jostling around and being stuffed with so many sweets was not a good combination.
She shuffled her way back into the kitchen, clutching her swollen, doughy middle to find Alistor busily cooking up a storm, filling the kitchen and dining room with appetizing aromas. Despite its upset her stomach gave a greedy gurgle at the tasty smells and with a groan she tried to distract her belly with another rich, fudgy brownie. As she laboriously chewed through her treat, trying subtly to rub her stomach, Alistor paused in his cooking to look her over. Breathing hard, overly plump, bloated on thousands of calories of sugar and still stuffing her face Alistor was quite pleased with his prize winner.
"My dear you're looking quite tired, why don't you go upstairs and take a quick nap before the party."
With a grunt of agreement he gently guided her to the stairs, shoving another plate of treats into her hands along with a full glass of juice. With a devilish look he watched her jiggle her way upstairs before getting back to work.
Sera took the first bedroom she came across, despite her better nature she laid down on her side on the spacious bed and continued to slowly munch her way through another pile of treats alternatively rubbing her swelling stomach with gulps of sweet juice between. Once she finally finished she rolled onto her back with a hiccup and loud belch, belly bulging towards the ceiling she fell asleep quickly, shirt ridden up showing off her growing paunch.
Sera woke to the sound of a party in full swing. As she groggily sat up after a few rocking tries she managed to swing her legs over the side of the bed and looked around finding an empty platter of crumbs on the night stand and her bag with her costume hanging up on the back of the door.
It took her a moment to realize but with a groan and her head in her hands she realized Alistor must have come in while she was sleeping to deliver her costume, seeing her asleep with her bare bloated belly out like a pig!
Well, she thought with a beet red face, nothing to be done about it now.
After that she quickly got changed into her costume, her white tank top skin tight and the skirt cinched around her waist just a little too tight causing a muffin top, bitterly she thought that it was only going to get tighter throughout the night.
With some nervous adjustments to get bunny ears she slowly made her way downstairs, self conscious of both her tight outfit that showed off just how fat she'd gotten and how it made her big butt look even bigger and of joining into the party when it had already started.
Almost immediately people turned their attention to her when she stepped off the stairs greeting her warmly with wide smiles and pleasantries. And as if on cue Alistor emerged from the crowd only to drag her into the thick of it and announce to everyone that this was the contest winner, won't you give her a round of applause! The house erupted in cheers, everyone complimenting Sera on her decorating.
Alistor quickly abandoned her to the crowd to finish up the feast, leaving Sera to mingle with the well costumed strangers. Sera couldn't believe how realistic and detailed some of them were! As she began to mingle and get comfortable a plate of treats was shoved into her hands and absently she began eating again, having forgotten her earlier embarrassment and how much she had already eaten up to this point.
Mostly she listened to the others stories and jokes, constantly stuffing more and more fattening treats into her mouth as her plate was refilled again and again. As the time passed Sera's belly once again began to fill uncomfortably but she was both distracted enough and ignored the discomfort in favor of continuing to gorge on sweets.
As the party continued on Sera was dizzily bullied through the crowd, people constantly piling new treats on her plate and some out right feeding her when her mouth wasn't full. Some bold people even began to fondle and pinch her seeming to test the plumpness of her belly, arms and love handles.
As Sera ate her breathing began to grow heavy and her body grew weary, the heavy fullness of her stomach pulling at her lower back and the tightening waistband of her skirt as her fat thighs rubbed together with every shift.
She began slowing down dramatically, swaying in place with a hand placed on her bloated gut like she was pregnant. Some of the crowd began to tease her, saying she couldn't possibly be full yet when there was still so much to eat, playfully rubbing at her stomach and fitting their fingers between her constricting waistband and fat belly.
At this point Sera's mouth was coated in fudgy chocolate from all the candy and brownies she had been eating, she clutched at her stomach as it gurgled unpleasantly, all the sugar catching up to her and upsetting her bloated stomach. When she finally started turning down treats the guests became forceful, slapping and poking at her jiggling fat to get her to open her mouth so they could cram more goodies into her bulging cheeks.
Sera stumbled through the crowd as they manhandled her and forcefully fed her eventually ending up in the large dining room, stuffed sick and on the verge of throwing up. It was only then that she noticed the tantalizing smells of a full turkey dinner and saw the spread put upon the table.
Despite the pleasant aroma the thought of more food right now turned her stomach and she let out a wet belch.
Alistor appeared by her side then, a wicked grin on his face as he eyed her bulging middle, gently coaxing her with reassuring words and a gentle hand to sit at the head of the table. As Alistor pushed in her chair for her her fat stomach pressed into the edge of the table and the rest of the guests took seats at the table or milled about.
"Oh please, I can't…I can't eat anymore!" Sera whined as she tried to soothingly rub the sides of her aching belly her mouth smeared with chocolate.
Warm hands put gentle pressure on her shoulders as Alistor leaned in and whispered right into her ear, "Nonsense, a fat, greedy girl like you has plenty of room for more."
An odd tingling, numbing sensation overcame Sera's body then and she went limp in her seat, her mind becoming foggy and her eyes glazing over.
At once both the guests and Alistor began loading plates down with moist turkey and buttery mashed potatoes, smothering both in rich gravy, savory stuffing, creamy green bean casserole, sugary sweet potatoes, tangy cranberry sauce, baked corn, mac and cheese and flaky biscuits. All the fixings of a thanksgiving dinner were piled high on the large plates and Alistor placed a heaping one in front of Sera. Without any control over her own body Sera picked up her fork and began shoveling food into her mouth like a woman possessed, her stomach roiling over having more stuffed inside it. She couldn't stop herself no matter how hard she tried, and the more she panicked the faster she ate!
With one hand she shoveled and with the other she grabbed offered plates and dumped them onto her own, the situation becoming messy fast. And of course as she ate her stomach grew, at first painfully full then feeling like she was going to be sick but still she couldn't stop. She gulped down mouthfuls barely chewing, her stomach making audible noises as it swelled.
The guests were quite pleased by her gluttonous display, cheering and taunting her in equal measures, telling her to eat more, eat faster, grow fatter! And at first she didn't notice but by her fifth plate she finally picked up on the fact that she was growing fatter! Slowly but surely her hips were filling out, thighs spreading further, arms becoming pudgier. She could even feel her face becoming fatter! But by far the biggest change was her swollen belly, now pressing into the table harshly, spilling further across her lap and causing her tank top to ride up and waistband to pull painfully tight.
Sera was a mess, food was smeared all over her face and dripping down her front and still she choked down plate after plate, her stomach feeling like it was going to split. Tears welled up in her eyes when she heard something begin to rip. As she began to silently cry while stuffing her face Alistor sidled up behind her gently caressing her bare and growing love handles, grabbing handfuls of the smooth, soft fat and bouncing her sickeningly full stomach up and down.
Sera actually stopped eating for a second, clapping a hand over her mouth and gulping hard to keep everything down as Alistor laughed cruelly. She breathed hard through her nose, her head dizzy from the overwhelming sensations. Her stomach hurt so bad and still she felt the compulsory desire to keep eating, her costume was almost translucent it was so skin tight, digging into her soft rolls. It was too hot in here and she was sweating like a stuck pig, bitterly she thought that wasn't far from what she was as she shimmied her wide hips against the arm rests.
As soon as her fat, bloated shaken gut settled Sera was back in the zone eating. She had cleared several plates by now and there wasn't much food left, she couldn't even estimate how much weight she had pilled on, only knowing it was far more than she should have for the amount she had eaten.
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She could barely reach the table now her stomach had grown so fat and just in time as her feast came to a close and she licked the last of the gravies and cheese from her final plate. She leaned back in her creaking chair with a pained moan, rubbing at the rock hard top of her bloated belly, her soft flabby lower belly almost completely out of her reach. She tried to shimmy her fat rump in her seat finding it had grown so large it both pushed her up from her seat and away from the back rest causing her to painfully arch her stomach forward even more. Her soft, full hips were definitely wedged in the arm rests and she couldn't spread her thunderous thighs without them feeling bruised by the lower part of the arm rests as well.
As Sera sat panting for breath the guests at the table switched places with the ones that had been standing around, the new guests with each their own plates piled high with desserts.
It was time for her second course.
Sera almost began to cry again as Alistor took one of the offered plates and placed it right on her swollen shelf of a gut and with shaking hands she began to eat anew. She crammed entire slices of pie and cheesecake into her maw, barely chewing through slices of pumpkin, apple and pecan pies, chocolate, cranberry and pumpkin cheesecakes. There were piles of fudgy brownies topped with oozing marshmallow and caramel sauce. Plates of cookies crammed full of chocolate chips and dripping icing.
And once again Sera began to grow as she glutted herself, the chair creaking and splintering beneath her massive fat ass. With tears in her eyes her weakened will was on its last thread as she began to enjoy the sweets, always having been weak for sugar. She moans through a full mouth as she really started stuffing herself, growing numb to the pain of her stretching stomach.
Soon she was becoming so fat that her breasts were starting to get in the way of her eating so Alistor simply dumped the desserts into the trench of her breasts so she could simply lean back and shovel in her sugary haul. As her body practically exploded out in all directions her skirt and panties finally gave up with one last rip, freeing her gut to billow out unimpeded, her tank top stretched so thin around her bulging fat it barely covered her breasts any longer.
Her stomach began to grow so fat and tight it started to bulge onto the table which was several feet away from her, putting more pressure upon her poor abused stomach and it didn't take much more feasting until her lower belly began to reach and spread out along the floor. When Sera realized she could reach her belly with her toes she surfaced from her stupor and began to cry again, big soggy tears mixing with the mess on her fat face but still she didn't slow down in stuffing herself.
Her arms were beginning to grow so fat and heavy it was getting hard to feed herself and desperately with pleading, wet eyes she looked to Alistor for help which he was more than happy to oblige. As Alistor rolled up his sleeves the gathered guests laughed at poor Sera's fat predicament, cooing and awing over what a fat, greedy whale she had become, the closest ones grabbing handfuls of fat and jiggling them, some slapping and poking hard into Sera's tummy eliciting belches and moans of pain.
Before Alistor could continue feeding their mammoth contest winner the chair finally gave up and sent Sera crashing a short distance to the floor causing all her gelatinous fat to wobble wildly as she let out a monstrous belch and whimper.
With a dark chuckle Alistor gave the top of her hard stomach a loving caress before the stuffing continued. With her turgid limbs now useless all Sera could do was sit there with her swollen, pouting lips open to receive more fattening, sugary slop as Alistor aggressively shoved treats in.
It was soon becoming hard to breathe, to much weight on her chest and to much pressure from her stretching stomach causing her lungs and diaphragm to compress. With gasping breaths between mouthfuls Sera prayed this would end soon, much more and she was going to burst like a messy water balloon, she thought as she anxiously flapped her fat, swollen hands.
A little while later the feast had finally seemed to come to an end, Sera was left an absolute blob, fatter than she ever thought possible, heaving for breath and minutely trying to rock back and forth to alleviate some of her pain, a symphony of gagging belches and wet hiccups, moaning and sniffling and whimpering.
As Sera was preoccupied with herself Alistor sauntered up behind the massive cow and began giving some pretentious speech, mentioning something about a successful harvest and grand feast. Sera was too far gone to really listen but she groaned at the mention of another feast, Alistor patting her swollen shoulders to shush her.
As the speech wrapped up and the guests politely applauded, they all got up and headed for the kitchen quickly bringing out fresh plates and cutlery empty side dishes and bowls and an absolutely huge serving tray.
Sera began to blubber, "Oh god gasp please pant no more food!" She begged.
The crowd and Alistor laughed uproariously, Alistor coming back over to her to pat and bounce her belly, hiding something behind his back.
"Oh my dear! Don't you worry, there's no more eating for you but…" He pulled out what he had been hiding, a large carving knife glinting in the light. "The real feast is about to begin~"
As Sera looked around at the chuckling guests their features began to subtly change in the low, eerie lighting. Eyes began to glow, pupils slitted and teeth grew longer and sharper, jaws opening wide.
With dawning realization Sera went pale and began to shake, sending her fat filled body wobbling, fresh tears gathering in her horror stricken eyes as Alistor soothingly caressed her fat flank like the anxious live stock she had become.
The End
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simthorium · 1 month
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“I feel like you’re a little too focused right now, Taylor,” Amber called from behind. “We’re supposed to be having fun!” “Precision is fun for me,” Taylor murmured back, lining up the perfect shot. She squinted her eyes at the bowling pins and bowled the ball with ease, getting a strike on her first try. “Damn, well I give up,” Alana said jokingly.
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Taylor and Alana joined Sadé and Li, and Amber and Marc on a double date turned group outing to the local bowling alley. It was perhaps a tad awkward, but since neither Taylor and Alana had dates, things weren’t as weird as they could’ve been. Li and Sadé stood up to bowl next. “How the hell did you get so good!?” Sadé exclaimed, watching her boyfriend throw a strike after she hit the gutter twice in a row. “Practice,” Li said, shrugging. “I got a bowling scholarship too, you know?” “You are just full of surprises.”
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“So, do you have any secret talents too?” Amber said sheepishly. She had been on one date with Marc so far that had gone relatively well, though not as good as she wanted. She really wanted him to like her, but was finding that dating was harder than she expected. “I’d like to think my secret talents are a bit more intimate than bowling,” he whispered in her ear. “Maybe I can show you sometime?” Amber squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to blush.
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Taylor fought the urge to watch the happy couples play their turn at bowling, sipping her soda and focusing on Alana. “Do me a favor and remain single for as long as possible,” said Taylor. “Third wheeling is so much easier with someone else.” “Deal,” Alana said. “I don’t see why anyone would want to date a high school boy anyway. They’re so weird.” “Agreed.”
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After the game was over, with Taylor winning by a landslide the group decided to get up and dance. Amber couldn’t help looking over at Sadé and Li; the two seemed so in tune with one another, and she was excited to get to that point with Marc. 
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“BORING!” Alana shouted, shoving her way between the couples. “I’m gonna show y’all some real moves!” She broke it down on the floor, doing the most silly and random dance moves. Her cousins laughed and began to gather their stuff as it was almost time to go. Marc picked up Amber’s bag and swung it over her shoulder as they exited, and it took everything inside Amber not to burst into tears of happiness.
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“Hey, before we go, I just wanted to do one more thing,” Marc said after they left the bowling alley. “What’s that?” Amber asked. His classic smirk overtook his face and he leaned into Amber, kissing her slowly. Amber felt her knees tremble and she tried desperately to keep her composure, feeling even more heady when she watched Marc lick his lips after they parted. “You taste like lip gloss,” he said with a smile. “Thank you,” she breathed, her brain buzzing. “I’ll see you later, cutie,” said Marc. He handed her bag to her and waved as he walked away, leaving Amber staring after him, completely head over heels.
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emmagottlieb52 · 9 months
ASOUE Inventions(used and unused)That Have Me Inspired
Original Book Series
-Grappling hook made of torn ugly clothing,a bent and broken curtain rod,and wire
-New kind of pencil sharpener
-Lockpick made from two plug prongs,a thumbtack,and soap as a lubricant
-Scratch-made telephone
-Automatic harmonica player
-Signaling device made with cloth,a fishing pole,a metal bucket,and a hairnet
-Retriever made out of chewed gum and a debarker
-Noisy shoes with metal on the heels and toes
-Staple-making device made with creamed spinach,metal rods,a toe-shaped potato,a small crab,and a fork
-A rope made of curtains,extension cords,and neckties
-Welding torches made of oven-heated fire tongs(when the heat died down,said tongs were later used as crowbars)
-New kinds of flashlights made from broom handles,rubber bands,and tin foil
-Water pitcher as a mortar-dissolver
-Wooden bench as a battering ram
-Assisted self-sustaining mobile home
-A new kind of telegram
-Strange mixing device for food
-Automatic rolling pin made of a window shade and six pairs of skates
-Intercom system with an empty soup can with a hole in it
-Rubberband trail escape device
-Escape cart made with ivy vines,roller coaster parts,and a fan belt
-Drag chute using hammocks and a multitude of stick condiments
-Wooden table used as a brake
-Climbing equipment made with fork-assisted shoes,fake fingernails,ukulele strings,and a candelabra as an ice tester
-Dirty laundry sheet drag chute
-Saltwater filtering device
-Flashlights made of tin foil,a broom handle,and rubberbands
-Cold,hard teething device made from a silver pie server and the ear from a snowman ice sculpture
Movie(used and unused)
-A communication collator made with a magnetic spin wheel toy,a bell,a spiral metal strip,a basket,a bone piece,a tin can,metal and small balls,a bike horn piece,and a glass pipe,gears,a metal spoon.string,and a creepy doll
-Firefly trapper
-Headgear that can show pictures slides
-Switching device made with a coil,a car seat strap…and a Littlest Elf bobblehead
-Grappling hook made with an umbrella frame and rope
-Bed-making device that can be activated with the pull of its rope,gears,and clothespegs
(Unused…though I kinda wish they were used…)
-Stone Fetcher(four or so variants)
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-Easter Egg Painter
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-Wind-Driven Watering Device
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-Firefly-Trapping Device
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-Story-Teller Device
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-Telescopic Hummingbird Observation Stabilizer
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-Type-o-matic Shoe-Tying Device
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-Harmonica Player(four or so variation),though
-A toy boat levitating device made with a hand-cranked sharpener,popsicle sticks,and paper balloons
Videogame(all variations)
-Apple-Chucker made with a soup can,ice cream scoops,and hand-cranking technology
-Water Pump made with bellows,a gasket,an empty jam jar,and a shower head
-Parasol Glider made with yarn,parasol,and a weathervane
-Smasher made with a fork,a jack-in-the-box,and a boot
-Lobber made with bicycle parts,an ice cream scoop,and a toy sailboat(flings rotten eggs,super sticky and sweet bubblegum,onions,and water balloons)
-Bug Sprayer made with a bicycle pump,sickly perfume,and a gramophone cone(sprays strong perfume,horseradish,onions,pillow feathers,bees,and lime juice)
-Lockpick made with a pencil sharpener,wire hangers,and a record
-Lever Yanker made with a gavel,a bell pull rope,a clock spring,and a scale
-Reptile Retriever made with a large hoop,burlap,a long pole+handle,and a basket
-Stilts made with snowshoes,a rope,and two oars
-Grappling hook made with a parasol frame,shower curtain rings,and a spiral carpet
-Brilliant Bopper made with a spring,a broom,an empty coffee can,and a boxing glove
-Fruit Flinger made with a funnel,a pool floatie,an electric fan*
*can be turned into a Reptile Retriever with the addition of a lawnmower bag,a screwdriver,and a garden hose
-Baby Booster made with a fire extinguisher,a bookstrap,and a pull cord
-A Goldberg device made with a bowling ball,firewood,rope,and some assistance
-Steady Stilts made with tripod legs,a piano wire,one’s own shoes,and snowshoe straps
-Levitating Loafers made with one’s shoes(ones with laces work the best),propellers,and batteries
-Lucky Lockpick made with a spool,a paintbrush,and a pair of tweezers
-Peppermint Popper made with a fishing pole,an eggbeater,and a ladle
-Horrifying Hook made with a bicycle pump,spring coil,and a gardening hook
Netflix TV
-Grandfather clock toaster
-A stone-fetching device in a box
-Grappling hook made with curtains,a pasta maker,whisks,gears,a power tool activator with a button,and a metal garden hook piece
-Gum to fix an electrical current
-Parachute made with an enormous basket,VERY long rubberbands,and Spain’s largest handkerchief
-Pickaxe machine
-Battering ram made with a noose,a wooden bench,and a hard bread loaf
-Repairs the roller coaster with a tagliatelle grande
-Fixed an ancestral cuckoo clock and replaced the broken pendulum with a metal rod and a gemstone in place of a weight
-Makeshift bell alarm using a metal bucket,a cord,a rope,and a wooden spoon
-Wooden shadow makers
-A rock retriever made with a milkcrate,a perambulator wheel,and typewriter remains
-Stops a conveyor belt with broken plate bits and a thrown metal pipe
-A projectile propeller made from a broken typewriter,an empty crate of water wings,and a wagon wheel
-A Kitchen Winch made of a collander,a candle chandelier,with the hearth tucked between the legs to center the user’s weight,and sometimes a small clock and an apron for additional back support,and additional wringer and collander for pasta
-A suitcase invention with a spring-loaded tripod on the bottom,a scissoring device activated to open it,inside being grandfather clock mechanism,sewing kit parts like spools and thread,tape measure,sewing machine parts,wheels,a belt drive,a jack-in-the-box spring,a fishing reel,and a crank key
My OC inventions
-An odd reparation to the ice cream cart cooler
-A new kind of baby mobile
-A mobile flytrap
-A small bear trap made with broken silverware,broken glass cup pieces,and leftover metal rods tied up with a very long string
-A hooked rope out of a twisted-off hook-shape umbrella handle,a twistable bendy wire,and an old rope
-A kind of preservation system consisting of mechanics such as:a juice pump made with plastic tubing,accordion bellows,and rods…a pulley system for whole wheat flour retrieval…a solar powering system…and a boxing factory system for batteries made of gears,blanket cloth,and gardening tools
-A liquid dispenser device made of syringes,an empty frosting can,hot glue,grandfather clock mechanism,a Chinese lantern cover,a horseshoe magnet with two discs attached as the handle,and plastic tubing
-A new kind of humidifier
-A multi-horned airhorn made with multiple plastic funnels,empty cans of hairspray,and an oxygen tank
-A hair-cutting made of a doorknob,cookie cutters bitten with assistance,mattress springs,hair scissors,rubberbands,egg beater blades,violin bows,and grandfather clock mechanism
-An outdoor baking stove made with parts of a refrigerator,parts of a stove,and lit fires
-A one-man band set made from:Snare drum rigs made from jewelry hooks/bands,ribbons,and old silk bands,bike horns hot-glued onto turned-over glass sundae bowls on the shoulders,a hi-hat rig made with old arcade game mechanism,a toy robot arm,the strap part of a seatbelt,and an orthopedic shoe,a harp rack for the harmonica made from bare pipe cleaners and a broken music player,a xylophone-player of metal wire and small mallets,and a bass drum rig made with bent wire
-Baby carriages made with large greenhouse boxes,light-colored parasols and umbrellas,metal bars,altered magnetic spin wheels,small bicycle wheels,and quite a bit of welding
0 notes
augustinewrites · 3 years
gojo accidentally losing the class pet megumi's in charge of taking care of for the weekend
your mind >>>>
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“is that a rat?” gojo asks, squinting at the cage in megumi’s arms.
“it’s obviously a hamster,” you deadpan, tossing your car keys into the bowl as megumi sets the cage on the coffee table before heading into the kitchen to unpack his lunchbox. (but not without shooting gojo a look that says ‘are you stupid?’
yeah, he’s become very familiar with that look.)
“his name is nutmeg,” the thirteen year old tells him from the kitchen. gojo tries to stick his fingers through the little bars to pet— “don’t bother him!”
“well, what is nutmeg doing in our apartment?” he huffs, leaning back against the couch. “the apartment i pay for, by the way. so i can touch what i want.”
“it’s his class pet, satoru,” you sigh, batting his hand away. “he’s supposed to bring it back on monday. alive. it teaches responsibility and—”
“which i think i know all about,” he interrupts, already queuing a list of his greatest achievements in his head. “i raised two great kids, didn’t i? sounds pretty responsible to me.”
“you’ve lost me at the mall,” megumi scoffs. “twice.”
“and the grocery store,” you add.
“also the park!” tsumiki calls from her room.
not many people know that gojo satoru, the strongest sorcerer alive, is used as a punching bag under his own roof.
“if you guys hate me you can just say it,” he pouts miserably, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away. "i'll run away."
"good, you're annoying," megumi says, twisting the knife.
“no one hates you, babe,” you assure him, pressing a kiss to his pouting lips until they loosen into a small smile. “and you’re a…decent guardian, but do you even know the name of our family doctor?”
“uh, it’s obviously shoko.”
a pause. megumi barks a laugh, and your wince tells him he’s wrong. “wait, it’s not?”
you just pat him on the shoulder before rising off the couch. “we’ll talk more after i get back. megumi, let’s go, you have karate in twenty.”
megumi, with a peanut butter sandwich held in his mouth and bag slung over his shoulder, leans over the counter to remind gojo, “don’t touch nutmeg.”
“i don’t wanna touch your class rat anyway.”
“it’s a—”
“gerbil, whatever.”
his hormone riddled teenager rolls his eyes, but spares him anymore sass as he follows you out the door.
…leaving gojo alone with a rodent.
but he’s not allowed to touch said rodent, so he simply lays himself across the couch to take a nap.
or at least try to, because cinnamon the gerbil decides that it’s a fine time to get on his squeaky wheel and run like a cat is chasing him.
the sound grates on his ears, and there’s not a chance he’ll get to sleep so he props himself up on his elbow, looking the thing in its beady little eyes.
“if you don’t stop i’m going feed you to nanamin’s cat.”
the rat stops.
“whoa, did you actually—”
then starts running again. it seems that gojo may own this apartment, but he’s really just a bank account. or maybe a doormat, since the people who supposedly love him like to walk all over him.
it’s not long till the squeaking gets on his nerves. without his midday nap, he’ll be cranky. if he’s cranky he’ll snap at someone. if he snaps at someone, then you’ll get mad at him. if you’re mad at him, you’ll make him sleep on the couch. if he sleeps on the couch, then his neck will hurt.
so, gojo decided to ignore megumi’s one rule, naturally. what could possibly go wrong? it’s just a gerbil.
so the little gate opens with a click, and gojo reaches in to shoo the ball of fur off the wheel, snatching the contraption of the cage and turning to set it on the side table with a satisfied grin. then he sits back, revelling in the sound of a quiet apartement. no disaster, just success.
he’s jarred from his dream of being the king of candyland when you punch him on the shoulder.
“you know, most people kiss their boyfriends awake or even just pull down their—”
“where is nutmeg?” you snap, gesturing towards the cage on the coffee table.
the empty cage. nutella is nowhere to be found.
“oh my god, satoru! you left the cage open?”
“no,” he protests, even though he knows it’s useless. “i opened the door to take the wheel out, and it just happened to stay open.”
“gojo!” you groan, staring up at the ceiling. we have to find him before megumi gets back!”
“okay, okay,” he sighs, planting his feet back on the floor. “can’t we just…buy another one? surely they can’t tell the difference.”
you look horrified by the suggestion, shouting, “no!” your eyes already sweeping the floor.
“it’ll be fine,” he assures you, taking a step towards you. “we’ll find the thing in no—”
the crunch beneath his foot is louder than that damn wheel was.
you raise a hand to your mouth, and gojo doesn’t look down, doesn’t dare move as his eyes widen and he thinks of every mean name megumi’s ever called him.
but blood stains and god forbid anyone stain your rug, so he lifts his foot to assess the damage and—
“oh, it’s just a peanut shell,” he laughs, but the relief of knowing he hadn't killed megumi's class pet floods over him immediately.
"so you haven't swept the floor, and you've lost nutmeg? gojo--"
he doesn't mean to tune you out. really, he doesn't, but now he's worried about a rat running loose in the apartment (that he pays for).
"okay, i'll go buy some rat traps."
there are a lot of things that megumi's come home to.
he's come home to a stove on fire and to gojo fresh out of the shower and walking around naked because he didn't know megumi would be home for lunch. he's come home to tsumiki playing really bad violin and you and gojo lying to her face and applauding.
today, the two of you are on your knees calling the names of various baking spices and the door to nutmeg's cage is open on the coffee table.
nutmeg, who scurries up to him nibbling on a piece of peanut shell.
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mountswhore · 3 years
Hey can I request a Marcus one involving his daughter. So Marcus is cooking something and Jesse is there too just chilling in the kitchen. Your toddler daughter also wants to hang out with her daddy and her uncle and it’s just you 3 having a good time but then Marcus accidentally hurts himself but it’s nothing major just a minor problem. But then YDN starts taking caring of her daddy well tries to and informs her daddy that mummy’s kisses will always make him feel better. And Marcus smiles and agrees.
𝐛𝐨𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐨 — marcus rashford
summary: marcus burns himself whilst cooking, and your daughter decides to fill in for you
notes: requests are CLOSED.
"Say bye to mummy," Marcus instructed his daughter, pointing to your car as it pulled out of the driveway. He bent down to his daughter's height, catching sight of her smile and the way her hands wiggled whilst waving goodbye. You waved from the car and could almost hear her giggle as you finally left.
It was Wednesday, you usually didn’t work Wednesday’s, but you were. Your boss told you it was double pay, and even apologised for any inconvenience. But you went in as you were the only one qualified enough to do this task at work, having to give up your day at home with Marcus and your daughter, Lila.
"Uncle Jesse is coming over today, isn't that fun?" Marcus mentioned to his daughter, lifting her onto the bathroom counter and handing her the pink, fairy toothbrush with a pea-sized dollop of toothpaste. The pair of them brushed their teeth, Marcus making weird faces as he looked down at her, before wiping their mouths.
"And Hope too?" She asked, curiously, pausing at the edge of your room as Marcus quickly grabbed his hoodie.
"Not today, princess. But this weekend she will be."
The three of you had originally planned to make some baked goods, as it was close to Marcus' birthday. You spent two hours in bed, altogether, last night to find some recipes to make. And getting the dreaded work call meant Marcus and Lila would have to make them alone.
"We need ingredients!" Lila exclaimed, and Marcus nodded at her as he wheeled the trolley into the shop. She wanted to be helpful, so she wasn't sat in the trolley, she was picking up ingredients.
The shop was quiet for a Wednesday morning, as everyone was either at work or school, it meant it was perfect for Marcus to shop in peace. Lila helpfully grabbed everything they needed, which you texted them once you got into work, just so they didn't forget anything. And Marcus had also grabbed some lunch for the two of them to have.
Once the shopping was paid for and back at home, Lila was handing her daddy ingredients from the bags, which he left all on the side for their upcoming baking session.
"Lunch now or after, Lils?" Marcus asked his daughter, who was now scrunching the bags in her hands. She'd grown up to be so helpful, and every time you looked at your daughter, you were reminded just how much her and her father were alike. You were raising a mini-Marcus, and you couldn't be happier.
"Cookies first!" The youngster cheered, Marcus taking the ball of bags and putting them in the cupboard. He'd cleaned the island down to make space, got all the equipment out, and washed his and Lila's hands.
"Right, first," Marcus spoke, scanning his phone to look at what he needed to do first. They were making chocolate chip cookies first, and it was easy enough. Marcus had done this exact thing with you plenty of times as a date, and now it was a pastime with his daughter. Marcus couldn't stop the grin on his face as he looked down at his patient daughter, who could barely see over the island.
"Preheat the oven," Marcus mumbled to himself, turning the dial to the right temperature, before lifting his daughter onto the island so she could help. "Now, Lils, I need you to help me weigh some sugar and butter. Tell me when you see the number 120. Okay?"
Lila nodded eagerly, eyes cast down at the small, black scales that held the bowl. Marcus was scooping butter out, and Lila made a yelp to tell him it was 122. "Too much, daddy!"
"It'll be fine, now, tell me when it hits 75." Marcus instructed, tipping in some brown sugar and watching over the number so he didn't go over. Lila made a noise again, telling Marcus to stop and grab the white sugar. The process repeated, until Marcus handed Lila a wooden spoon.
"Lila, you've got a big job, okay?" Marcus declared, putting the scales to one side and pushing the bowl towards her. "You need to stir this until it's all mixed together, can you do that?" Lila nodded at her daddy, sticking the spoon into the bowl and mixing it slowly. Marcus kept his hand on the bowl to keep it still, whilst checking his phone for notifications.
Y/N: How's it going?
Jesse: 10 minutes away
Marcus replied to your message first, letting you know just how well Lila was doing with helping him, and then sent a thumbs up to Jesse. He watched his daughter patiently, seeing her small hand stir the mixture, and it was getting there slowly. He could also see the concentrated look on her face, tongue to the corner of her mouth and poking out, something Marcus always watched you do when you were deeply concentrating.
"Can you do it, daddy? My arm's tired." Lila complained, leaning the spoon against the side of the bowl, and Marcus quickly grabbed it before it fell into the mixture. He quickly whipped it together, creating a fluffy mixture, and Lila was grabbing the chocolate chips to look at them both.
"I need one egg, baby." Marcus called out, looking down at his phone as he continued to mix. Lila quickly reached over for an egg, looking at it before hesitantly hitting it against the bowl. Marcus grabbed it, making sure not to get any shell into their mixture. He focused on mixing the egg in, whilst giving Lila the instruction on finding the vanilla extract.
The mixture was complete, Lila excitedly tipping in all of the chocolate chips, as well as stealing one for herself. Now, they had to roll it into balls and put them on a tray.
"Lils," Marcus muttered, grabbing the lined baking tray and putting it beside the bowl, "we need to break off small balls, roll them in our hands, and put them on the tray. Watch daddy, I'll do the first one." Lila nodded, watching intently as Marcus broke off a small bit of dough, rolling it in his hands, putting it onto the baking tray and flattening it lightly.
Lila tried the next one, copying her dad's actions almost perfectly, and the process continued, Lila was completely focused on making the cookies on the tray, whilst Marcus went to open the door for Jesse. The pair greeted each other, before walking through to the kitchen, where Lila almost fell off the island with excitement.
"Uncle Jesse!" She exclaimed, Jesse running round to hug her and look at what she was doing.
"What're you making?" Jesse asked her, eyebrows raised as she told him all about the cookies she was doing, and how her daddy was helping her.
Jesse situated himself at the island, talking with Marcus as he put the ingredients to one side whilst wiping the island down. And Lila continued to make the balls of dough on the tray. Marcus had taken the finished tray from her, putting it into the oven, and Lila helped to put the dirty equipment in the dishwasher.
"Lils, go and wash your hands upstairs, okay? I'm gonna make us lunch," Marcus told his daughter, hearing her feet patter along the floor to the stairs.
He'd made them all lunch, even making Jesse some, and they'd barely finished it before the timer was going off. Marcus grabbed the oven glove, opening the oven, trying to pull it out. Where the oven glove stopped on his arm, the exposed skin was caught on the oven door, slightly scolding Marcus. He yelped, alerting Jesse and Lila.
"Oh no, daddy. You're hurt?" Lila asked, watching Marcus put the tray on the oven top and observe his arm. Marcus nodded slightly, and winced in pain as the darkened patch of skin was tingling. Lila had gotten down from the island, looking at her daddy's arm before leading him over to the sink.
"Put your arm under the water." She instructed, and Marcus did as he was told, Jesse cackling in the background. The two stayed there for a while, until Marcus felt it was okay to pull away. He bent down to Lila to thank her, but she grabbed his arm and kissed it, far away from the burnt spot so she didn't hurt it.
"Only mummy's kisses will make it better," she told her daddy, and Marcus laughed.
"Yes, they will. But you helped me, so thank you, little one."
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missblissy · 3 years
Human Alastor x reader playing Bowling? (Idk i just like that type of date hhaha) Maybe just them or maybe with friends
((>W>.............................. js I hate bowling. But I love you nonny, so for you..... I made this. ENJOY!! Sorry for the wait *cries*))
How goes bowling these days? Is that even still a thing? And why would anyone want to go bowling other than to drink? But no one drinks have the time... people just go for the pin and balls. Maybe it had to do with long and round phallic objects and balls rolling around. Regardless, your friends had dragged you to go bowling for whatever reason. And you decided to drag Alastor along because if you had to suffer, so did your boyfriend. It was also a bonus that he got along with your friends as well... some of them at least.
It was Charlie's idea mostly. She was someone who always wanted to go out and try new things. It was something she lived by apparently because this week's new activity was bowling at one of those dark neon allies with an arcade built-in. Charlie managed to talk her girlfriend, Vaggie, into coming too. Angel came because he also assumed there would be drinks but found out there wasn't a damn bar inside. You honestly had no idea how or why Husk was even there because he was completely and entirely miserable. If you had to guess it had something to do with you forcing Alastor to come.
Anyways, you and your little group of friends had found themselves staring down an alley with those silly little shoes on. Angel wouldn't wear his though, he wouldn't let their piss shade of yellow clash with his outfit.
You were sitting in plastic chairs next to Angel as you watched Charlie and Alastor go up next. You had two lanes so they went together. Angel sat next to you, he grabbed an arm behind you on the back of your chair and leaned in, "Five bucks says Allie gets the gutter," He whispered loud enough for Alastor to hear. You giggled as you saw your boyfriend's brow twitch and ignore the comment.
There was a second there that you were tempted to say something back to Angel but you were interrupted by the loud clash and computer saying "Strike!" You looked up and saw that Charlie was still holding her bowling ball. But walking away with a smirk on his face, Alastor's smug pride gleamed off him. The shock on everyone's face only made him boast to himself even more. When did Alastor find the time to get good at bowling.
As he sat down next to you, he threw Angel's arm away from you and replaced it with his own, though he was sure to wrap his fingers around your shoulder and bring you closer to him. He never liked Angel, and he was always so overly protective when it came to you anyways, so it wasn't welcomed that the boy was so close to you. Even if he was a guy. Competition is competition, it doesn't matter who they are, Alastor didn't like sharing you. Period.
"How... Did you do that?" You asked him.
Alastor shrugged and watched as Charlie threw her bowling ball right into the gutter, "I'm perfect at everything I do, dear." That was supposed to be satire.
Angel rolled his eyes and with a huff, he crossed his arms, "You can't fuck." He deadpanned.
Instincts kicked in and you ducked seconds before Alastor nearly climbed over you and punched Angel in the face. He missed and got him in the shoulder instead.
"Leave Alastor and his fuckless life alone," Husk said as he got up from his seat, "Some people are just better than the rest of us sexual deviants," He took his turn bowling soon after saying that. Vaggie went next as well. She choose to keep her mouth shut on all this.
But even Charlie had something to say, "Come on guys," She awkwardly waved her hands, trying to calm everyone down, "If you're going to fight take it outside this time. I don't want to get kicked out of another place of business..."
"He won't fight me, he'd know I'd deck him in the head and give 'em a one-two combo real quick like last time." Angel reminded everyone, and you all collectively remembered Angel clocked Alastor in the face at a bar after a heated argument. Alastor went out like a light and broke his nose on the way down. You looked at him and saw the little kink in his nose from that night.
You sighed and reached down into your pocket and pulled out your wallet. You grabbed a random twenty and handed it to Angel, "I'll give you this and two cigs if you go outside for ten minutes."
Angel gave you a snotty look, somewhat offended that you'd even offer such a thing. But he knitted his brows, snatched your twenty-dollar bill, and stole two cigarettes from the pack you left laying next to you on your seat, "I'm gonna find a bar on this fucking street- I'll be back later, losers."
You could still feel the rage simmer off Alastor even after Angel left. Though you didn't have time to say anything to him. It was your turn to go up. And now that Angel was gone, you didn't want to go up there and make a fool of yourself alone... Half your plan was to have Angel bowl next to you so that no one would notice how bad you were.
"Um-" You said as everyone waited for you to go, "I'd...uh... Um. I don't know hooow-" You were cut off as Alastor quickly got up and pulled you up with him.
He dragged you to the lane and got a bowling ball for you, "Hold this," He said. You noticed his anger from before had all but melted away. Alastor gave you a charming smile and stood beside you, "Copy me. Like when we dance."
You blinked at him a few times then did was he said. He held his hand up, pretending he had a ball. You copied him and did the same. He brought his hands to his chest, stepped forward, swung his arm back then forward again. You smiled at him and did the same, but you actually threw a ball. It rumbled down the lane and crashed into a couple pins. At least you didn't get the gutter.
"See? That easy," Alastor smiled at you. He place a hand on your arm and pressed a kiss on your cheek. He grabbed your hand in his and asked, "Do you want to see if they have any vending machines in the arcade? We can get some snacks?" Which was code for do you want to sneak away for a second?
"Sure," You quickly agreed while locking your fingers with his. The two of you scurried off with him. The second you were out of eyesight and safe behind a wall, Alastor gave you a more proper kiss.
He pulled away and asked, "Why did we come again?"
You shrugged, "Charlie asked." You simply said.
Alastor let out a huff then started walking with you towards the vending machines, "You can't really say no to someone like her..."
As you pulled out a few loose coins from your pocket and slipped them into the machine you laughed, "No, you can't." You both dearly loved your friendship with Charlie... But she could be a bit bossy sometimes.
The two of you collected an arm full of snacks and started walking back together, "Well, I say when we get home, we have a proper date."
You laughed and even lost a few snacks. You picked them up quickly and said, "You mean you cook us dinner and we watch a movie? That's not a proper date either, ya know."
Alastor smirked at you then nudged his arm into yours with a grin, "It is too because it'll be just us. Alone."
You rolled your eyes but still chuckled to yourself, "Alright, alright," You said, "What do you want to watch?"
He shrugged, "Don't care. I just want to make fried rice tonight."
You let out a huff of a laugh and passed out a snack to each of your friends while Alastor gave them a drink of some kind, "Fine. But I'm picking a TV show then because I just started watching something on Netflix."
"Aw, are you guys leaving?" Charlie asked with way too much sadness on her face.
"No, no-" You waved a hand slightly, "Alastor just doesn't think this is a proper date, so he has to make one up at home."
"What do you mean this isn't a proper date?" Vaggie threw a hand in the air, "All of us brought our partners! I mean- Angel left... So Husk is more like a third wheel at this point. This definitely counts as a group date or whatever."
"Call me old-fashioned, but you don't bring your friends on a date and there is no such thing as a group date," Alastor said as he cracked open a can of cola.
"What about a double date?" Husk asked from his seat while he tore open a bag of chips.
"This isn't a double date and even then those aren't real dates either. You're supposed to be somewhere nice, havea nice meal, share a few drinks. Share some stories and laughs with the one person you're interested in courting, then call it a night, done!" Alastor smiled to himself while everyone else collectively sighed. He was old-fashioned. (But you liked that about him.)
"This isn't 1955, Al. You can go on a date anywhere. Like here. What about going to the zoo? Could that be a date?" Vaggie asked.
Alastor thought about it, tapped a finger to his chin then gleefully said, "Nope! That's an outing!" Several people groaned but no one went on to feed into his banter.
You did hear Husk grumble under his breath "You need to go out to go on a date," But Alastor must have not heard it or choose to not say anything.
The rest of your night there wasn't that bad either. Angel did end up coming back, but not without his arms full of booze bottles of all kinds. They didn't serve drinks here but at least Angel was wise enough to buy some solo cups too. No one was really paying attention to the bowling anymore either. (You lost, not that you cared or anything.... You did.) Instead, you and your friends had gathered around in the arcade, drinking, laughing, playing games, and picking on each other harmlessly. You enjoyed every second of it, much to your surprise. Alastor did as well, though... He still insisted on his proper date once you got home.
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kythed · 4 years
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haikyuu!! + where they take you on your first date
yes, i have a soft spot for akaashi, how could you tell?
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sugawara koushi: one of those clay painting places. he tries to paint your face on a mug-- it ends up looking like a purposefully offensive caricature, but you appreciate the gesture.
azumane asahi: takes you thrifting because he thought it would be aesthetic. the only clothing you two buy is a set of XXL galaxy cat t-shirts.
nishinoya yuu: chuck-e-cheese.
hinata shouyo: an action movie. he won’t stop chattering and making side comments the entire time, but it’s kinda cute. tries to pull the classic yawn-over-the-shoulder move and accidentally spills his popcorn on your lap.
kageyama tobio: invites you to watch one of his volleyball games. it’s not your ideal first date, but the rare smile he flashes you when his team wins makes up for it. he is incredibly sweaty when you go out to eat afterwards, though.
sawamura daichi: a bowling alley. he’s a shit bowler but pretends to be an expert just so he can get close and “teach” you the proper form. he also really likes the overly greasy bowling alley pizza for some reason.
tanaka ryunosuke: italian restaurant. he pronounces gnocchi like “guh-no-chee” and pitches a fit when they don’t offer bottomless breadsticks like olive garden does. before leaving, you slip the poor waitress an extra five for the inconvenience.
yamaguchi tadashi: a butterfly garden. coincidentally finds out he has a deathly phobia of flying insects that same day. you don’t end up staying very long.
tsukishima kei: a natural history museum, but not in a cute way-- you just tail him for three hours while he silently stares at fossils and refuses to hold your hand.
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kozume kenma: a duck pond near his house. he thought it’d be nice to feed them stale bread, but it turns out there are only very large, very angry geese there. you watch in horror as the largest one chases him around the block.
haiba lev: an amusement park. brags that he never gets sick on roller coasters before vomiting on your favorite sneakers after the first ride. it’s up to you whether or not he gets a second date.
kuroo tetsurou: finesses his way into the country club without paying. you two obnoxiously cannonball into the pool and eat too many free nuts until the concierge chases you out.
yaku morisuke: the skate park. he doesn’t actually know how to skate so he sits on the board and hangs on for dear life while you push him down the ramp as hard as you can. you can honestly say it’s one of the best first dates you’ve ever been on.
inuoka sou: ikea, mostly to purchase matching ikea bucket hats. also forces you to take a picture of him in the kitchen section for flexing purposes.
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ushijima wakatoshi: a book store. he’s not much of a reader but he thinks the way you open every book just to inhale that new book scent is funny. buys you five hardcovers and refuses to be paid back.
tendou satori: an open house for a multi-million dollar villa. you pretend to be wealthy newlyweds and eat the complimentary charcuterie while chatting up a real estate agent. halfway through the conversation he switches to a british accent and blows your cover.
semi eita: takes you to a ballroom dancing class in the park. all the other students are elderly couples that smile warmly and “aww” when he dips you. he may or may not drop you on purpose at some point.
tsutomu goshiki: the animal shelter. he’s allergic to dogs and has a runny nose the entire time but muscles through because he likes how excited you get to pet them.
shirabu kenjirou: mini-golfing, but he swings like it’s regular golf. ends up launching a ball into one of the little windmills’ blades and breaking it. he subsequently gets banned for life so you win by default.
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aoba johsai
oikawa tooru: a cafe. orders straight black coffee to prove his maturity. you can see him grimace with every bitter swallow so you mercifully trade your maple latte.
iwaizumi hajime: the beach. is it just so he can show off his glorious, glorious pecs? maybe. but you’re not complaining.
hanamaki takahiro: costco. you play hide and seek in between the aisles and get free samples. he accidentally startles a small child into tears after lodging himself in between two bags of rice to hide.
matsukawa issei: hiking. you two get lost on the way down and end up having to call the forest service to get rescued by rangers.
kunimi akira: the backseat of his car (it’s an SUV).
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miya atsumu: an arcade. does that thing with the ticket wheel where he lifts up the cover and stops it on the 1000 ticket slot. is also surprisingly adept at skee-ball.
miya osamu: tells you to get dressed for a fancy dinner. when he picks you up you find out “fancy dinner” in osamu language means two pbj’s on a picnic blanket in the park and a game of cards.
kita shinsuke: the planetarium. he’s fascinated with the stars and pays more attention to them than he does to you, but it’s cute how wide his eyes get when the entire milky way comes into view.
suna rintarou: a wendy’s drive-thru, and you’re not even mad about it— he somehow manages to make a frosty and fries seem classy.
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akaashi keiji: the aquarium. he has an endearing fixation on the hermit crabs and unsuccessfully tries to hide his excitement when the tour guide lets him hold one on his palm. you now have a picture of him smiling at the crab as your lock screen.
bokuto koutarou: a hedge maze. it takes you two hours to escape, and you only manage to get out because he kicks a hole in one of the hedges and crawls through.
konoha akinori: the farmer’s market. purposely buys way too many bananas as an excuse for asking you over tomorrow to help him make banana bread.
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date tech
futakuchi kenji: tries to seem sophisticated by taking you to see a foreign film. it ends up being so raunchy that he can’t even look you in the eye when the credits roll.
koganegawa kanji: axe throwing. is incredibly embarrassed when you manage to hit the target and he can’t. claims he’s just “going easy” on you but his scowl says otherwise.
aone takanobu: tandem bike riding. his greek god quads provide more than enough horsepower, so you can just sit back and relax.
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terushima yuuji: a lookout. it’s too cloudy to see the city lights so you have a contest to see who can spit the farthest over the edge.
sakusa kiyoomi: invites you over for dinner and a puzzle-- he’s more comfortable in his own home. the atmosphere is almost relaxing, and dare I say… romantic? he does get frustrated when you keep trying to fit edge pieces in the center, though.
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jovnie · 3 years
The king's arrogance | Namjoon
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The King had knowledge on everything and one in his castle, however he knew nothing of the kingdom he ruled before him. That was till one day he left and found you a street merchant.
Words 5k
Namjoon king au! Reader civilian!
Warnings: fluff, cocky joon, medium amount of smut, mentions of parent death, creampie, oral ( female ), big-dick Joon, nonconsensual touches, creampie, rough sex, lot of plot. Very quick relationship.
I beg that you listen to The mary go round from the moving castle [ slowed ] when reading. I think you'll enjoy it even more with it in the background.
Namjoon sat on the throne, laid back and legs spread apart as a servant read him his to-do list for today.
"Well sir, today starts the month planning of the ball. We have a few colors I'm sure you'll enjoy, however, I'm sorry to inform you that the family members that shouldn't be named threatened third way onto the guest list" the man spoke in fear, nodding and sighing namjoon dismissed the servant with talks of the guest later.
"Mrs. Pot is the tea almost ready?" He asked kindly as the elder Korean lady nodded with a bright smile. Smiling softly, the older lady pinched his cheeks softly.
"I still remember when you were a baby and your late parents running you from tea session to tea session. Oh, how I'm sure you miss them as much as I " her smile faded, as she poured the tea on the table in front of him.
"I do, it's been 18 years now. Since I was 10 I believe, so right 18 years. I'm sure they would've loved to taste this freshly poured tea once again" he reassured, rubbing her back and once done taking a sip with her.
"I'll make sure to clean the alter table later and pour some tea with them" she smiled delicately, as took a drink of her tea.
That was right this year would make it the 18th anniversary of his parent's passing ever since the flood. It was heartbreaking, as his eyes dimmed in sadness the older lady pinched his cheek as he smiled with a tear down his cheek.
"Now don't go soft on me Namjoon, you have to stay strong for those who can't and I know it all hurts. But they'll be watching you like garden spirits. I know your mother is very proud and your father knowing how much a man and a king you have become. Now I have to go, it's time for me to go tend the gardens. Goodbye joonie" she waved, after collecting the empty teacups snd pots. Watching her wheel everything away, namjoon felt comforted by her words and took a deep breath before getting up and moving on with his day.
He spent the day testing and looking at fabrics, color swatches, and paper samples. The ball, gala, or celebration was very important for the kingdom. They only three one when it was important and this time it was a celebration of life once lived aka his parent's death date. September 4th. This day celebrated life and death, just like fall. He loved the metaphor behind it and hated how true love ended so quickly in his eyes. However he too wishes to be able to die with the one he loved dearly by his side, he hated how romantic it sounded and how bad he wanted it. Love wasn't an easy game and not once could he find someone who commented with him in a deep, if not spiritual way.
Itching the back of his head, he walked on and into his room. He had another busy schedule ahead of him. Sometimes he just wished he could live amongst the people for a day. That's what he'll do. Looking around for his leather satchel, he put together what he called a commoners bag. A bag that contained money, an id, and a diary. Looking around for clothes that seemed passable for a commoner and changed into them. From there he grabbed his stuff and snuck his way out of the Castle through the bag. He made sure Mrs. Pot knew where he was just in case this would get him in trouble. After all, the family would show up unexpectedly most of the time and he had people watch his every move as well.
Making sure his hat covered all of his hair, he walked into the street lights and found a carriage ride who was going home or into the city. He paid the guy and let him into the buggy and the city.
Namjoon did this for a weak till he knew the ropes of running out of the kingdom St night, he tried his best to avoid getting caught with the knight guards and the pesticide workers who showed nd yelled deals in his face. He also learned patience along with that, another valuable lesson needed as a king or so he was taught.
One night he went into a low-lit bar with entertainers. Majory we're female and drove the men in the room wild. He's had his fee share of women, but not when it came to this level. He found it charming and often sent gifts to them for their hard work. From the kingdom's guards and not him personally. Still, he ordered rice wine snd some jerky, before leaving. leaving a lady much shorter than him, bumped into his shoulder.
"Guards there's the thrift!" A younger woman pointed, as the men ran after her. Wanting to know what was up, he walked up to the merchant and simply asked. You explained that the woman was a theft, they would steal all her family food at night to make their profit.
"I'm sure you can be more um what are these?" He asked, picking up the food he's never seen before.
"Fruit?" You questioned grabbing the lemon out of his hand. "Well shops closed sir, come back tomorrow and you can buy our lovely fruit," you said kindly, walking up the stairs in this wooden place. Following you, namjoon closed the door behind and also walked up. Namjoon didn't know much manners, but he had the basics for a king. However, to a common person like you, he was a pest, rude, etc.
"Um, what are you doing?" you asked folding sheets for your bed up.
"It's nighttime aren't you gonna ask me to stay and wait till morning?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well, I supposed. By the way, there's a futon bed over there. I'll make dinner soon then!" you welcomed, as namjoon looked ok confusion at what the blanket on the floor was trying to imitate. Taking off his shoes, he placed his bag on the 'futon' and hung his jacket and hat on the hanger by the door.
Arriving back you blushed hard, as a beautiful looking man was now clear in your view. Luckily for namjoon, you had no money to spend on papers like everyone else or let alone money to go to the balls either. Therefore you had no clue that this man was a noble, let alone the king. If you did you would've just died at how you just treated him.
"It's beef and seaweed soup, with carrots and onions" you listed off as you placed the bowl on the floor diner table. Placing a spoon and a napkin on the side, you forgot the drink. Walking away you grabbed him a cup and poured lemonade in, before walking back. On your arrival, you saw him going to town on the meal. He slurped and moaned as he complimented your cooking. Chuckling, you sat the glass of lemonade down and took the napkin to wipe his chin and cheek. Placing it down, you watched him continue and enjoy it. Although there was only enough for his, you still had something to eat. You simply had bread and butter with some lemonade as well.
It took him a bit to notice you didn't have a bowl which made him feel a bit guilty but instead handed her 30 ₩ which was a lot during that time. Not wanting to take it, he "accidentally " dropped it down your bra and smiled.
"Well it's late, we should sleep and then go out to shop for food and new clothes" the man spoke.
"I'm sorry but I don't know you, how do I not know you're not trying to kidnap me or steal or worse kill me!" You mentioned as the older man stripped off his shirt.
"You don't have to, just know ill help you and accept the gift" he spoke, pitting his clothes beside him.
"Excuse you, you don't come in someone's house and act like this. Do you even have manners?" You added in frustration.
"I paid you, it wasn't a gift. It was a payment and I can tell you've never gotten one" he snickered, laying on the futon snd taking your cover. Annoyed at the man, you crossed your arm as he mouth "you have a problem?"
"Yes, I do! What's your name to begin with?" You asked, laughing it off he closed his eyes.
"Surprised you don't know and it'll stay like that for a bit darling" he whispered, moving over he patted next to him. "Sleep with me"
"No! I don't sleep with strangers like that, unlike you I have honor " you mentioned, getting up to go change into something appropriate for bed. Once done, you came back and he was still in the same position as before.
"I think I demanded that. besides I can ruin this little shop of yours if you don't. " he threatened, looking at his nails snd then at her. Well dressed and groomed man, you could visibly see the power he likely had. This was your mother's business and you promised her you would take care of it. Saddened you laid down next to him and whispered "please don't, this is all I have left."
"So we're on the same page I believe, no?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Yes," he replied. She felt uncomfortable and annoyed at the fact she had to do this for a business. Let alone a man, then again the men weren't always so kind to the women here, most always. She sighed and just accepted it, as he covered the two up.
"Call me Joon, " be whispered in your ear. Nodding, his hands traveled up and down your wist. Coughing, he halted then stopped after finding a comfy place to lay his hand.
"Do you do this with every woman?" You asked, curious.
"Well the last time I had a woman in my arms, she tried to advance me in marriage" he mentioned, putting his neck in-between your shoulder and neck.
"I do however have experience If that's what your aim is?" He said softly.
"Not really, I mean if a stranger just threatened your job and made you do this. Along with inappropriate touching for people who just met, I'd believe you'd be the class below poverty. Not a king not noble" you told, unexpectedly holding his arm between your breast.
Noticing, namjoon's cheeks flushed red. Luckily the lantern. Was behind him and not in front, so she couldn't see. "Toché" he replied.
"However I can see you've had a bad experience with men hmm?" He asked, softly brushing his nose on her neck.
"So you're not around here I see, well yes every guy here is just shit. Rude snd ignorant as you" you huffed, as raised an eyebrow.
"I'll give you that, feminist huh. Cute, haven't met one till you" he smiled, intrigued. "It seems like I've violated it huh, touching you snd acting sloppy" he added, moving your hair out your face.
"Glad you noticed, now turn the candle out!" you demanded, closing your eyes. Doing just that, he then wrapped his leg around you snd kissed your cheek.
"Good night"
Morning came, as the two of you laid there comfortable in each other's embrace. With him being the first to wake up, he tapped your shoulder and you woke up soonly after him. Yawing and stretching, you made sure your hand hit him on purpose.
"Sorry," you said coy, as he rolled his eyes up and shrugged it off.
"So when's breakfast?" He asked, getting up as you realized he had just worn cotton briefs. One's that we're expensive and that added more mystery to him. Why was someone who could've been from a noble family be here and threatened for his stay? Then the thought of maybe it's all stolen.
"The time?" He asked waving his hands over your face as you realized you had zoned out.
"Sorry, we have to go get food and we can buy food at the square." You mentioned.
"Where's the bathroom?" He asked, you pointed to the medium-sized room across from him. The place was small and combined, so you could see the kitchen from the bed area and a mini living room. Nodding off he grabbed his clothes snd began using the pump to pump water into the bath.
"Don't use all the water!" You yelled.
"I can and make you join me" he yelled back, smirking.
"No ill make you get more water from the lake behind here" you replied, itching your hair.
"Don't you have to get more water anyways, less work" he mentioned, leaving the door open and sitting in the tub? This man was quite weird when it came to flirting, it somewhat seemed motherly and innocent. However on the other hand, overly sexual and mysterious.
"Fine" you huffed, striping and walking towards the tub. That's when that harsh look he had softened and turned into a stare. There you were in front of him, naked snd he took every moment to vies your body. He saw how thick your hair was and how curvy your body was. He liked that, he paid attention to how big your breast was and the fact it looked like you haven't trimmed in a week. Which meant you looked old enough for him to do special things with.
"How old are you?" he questioned.
"I love how you did all of this without asking' she rolled her eyes, trying to muster a pony 0tail with the length and thickness of her hair.
"Turning 20 next month!" she replied excitedly.
"28 next month as well" he replied, breathing out the air he had subconsciously kept in. Getting in, she sat in front of him, covering her chest with her knees.
"I can still see you!" he laughed, grabbing the soap from the tray. Washing his body first, he took his hands and spread her legs open and washed below and around her arms and chest.
"Open," he said, waiting. Opening your arms you rolled your eyes and he splashed you with water. "Manners young lady " he mentioned. Knowing he's right, you sighed. Your father once told you the same when he was alive and because of that "Joon" reminded you of your father a bit. He acted mature and young simultaneously.
Washing your arms and your thighs, you washed off the soap on his neck and took the plug out to drain the dirty water. Placing the soap down, he spread his legs open and you accidentally saw something you shouldn't have. Frightened and embraced, you blushed. Taking his hand and pushing your gaze to meet his. He smiled softly.
"It's fine, just don't get too threatened by it. I'm aware of the size," he mentioned, looking you in your eyes. Nodding, you this time pumped the water until it was all out. Cleaning the both of you, you couldn't help but feel shy snd flustered. He felt the same, only he knew how to hide it. But not everything he knew or wanted to hide.
He looked in your eyes, noticing a soft dismal look on you to which he replied with "tell me are you okay?" Thankful for the concern, you told him about your parents passing and the shop's importance to you was. He understood automatically and exchanged his parent's passing in less detail. He didn't think he'd meet with someone with such a familiar background as his, even if they were below Noble.
He took her hand and placed it on her chest. "They're here, I'm sure your mother would be proud of how you came out to be. So leave it at that" he smiles wildly, with his eyes closing shut a bit as he did. You were glad to hear that and he never thought that Mrs.pot's comfort would come in handy, but he's glad to say and share a similar message.
"Speaking of do you have an altar?" He asked gently, unplugging the water and helping you stand up. Nodding you pointed out the door to a small corner. He thanked you and grabbed both of you a towel. Getting dried and dressed you did your hair as he went over to pay the slightest respects. Smiling at how kind the gesture was, you walked over to the rack and tripped over your foot trying to hand him his stuff. You saw a journal fall out and your eyes met his.
"You're a journalist?" You questioned, fixing your dress and hair before getting up and handing his stuff.
"Yeah, not from here tho," he lied, dusting dirt from your shoulder. Nodding you both made your way down the stairs, as he took your hand. Noticing it, you smiled. You wondered why he was being nice to you all of the sudden, however, that all changed when a guard walked past by and he brought you to a kiss. Confused and his eyes waiting for them to go, you kissed back hesitantly. Letting go, you looked at him worried he shrugged it off and you walked him to the square.
Hand in Hand, you brought namjoon to the bakery. Looking around, he pointed out the most expensive bread on hand and paid. Thanking him, he leads your hand to the vendors outside. Lucky for you, he knew about gardening and what was good. He helped and taught you the basics snd you learned you've been scammed for years. Thanking him, you took him to a cart of flowers and smelled the fresh roses, looking up at him. He paid for the golden yellow rose bouquet. Now it was for his favorite part of the day, clothes shopping. But beforehand, he pulled you into a cafe.
"Two bags of your finest coffee," namjoon ordered, by now you shouldn't have been shocked at how much he could spend. But seeing him use more money than you've sent your entire life was a sight to see snd each time you were thankful. You had enough food and supplies to last week if not a month. Holding you close by him, you realized you warmed up to him and small gestures like that felt comforting to you. He noticed and did it more often.
Soon it was night and there was only, one dress store open. In there was a beige dress that sparkled in the shop's lights. Running to the window to look, you smiled. Feeling a hand on your back, he took a step in and pulled your hand in with him.
"Welcome to Gezels tailor and shop" the owner greeted. He was an older man with gray hair a fragile smile.
"Well take that dress in the window snd tailor it to her size. His much is it?" Namjoon asked, pulling his wallet for the last time today.
"₩ 10,000" the man spoke, paying upfront the older man invited you to the back room and told namjoon to stay upfront. Nodding, you walked ahead and namjoon sat in the chair. He had a diary to write about today's and yesterday's adventures. He started up about the bathtub time you shared snd imagined your body once again. If only he knew his to draw, he'd paint a pretty picture in the book. Soon after finishing his entry, you walked out with a note.
Note: the dress will be ready for you miss before dusk, come back tomorrow with your lover -Gezel tailor and shop
You handed it to namjoon and he read it, as the two walked out. Suddenly loud commotions of horses snd guards ran through the city with lights.
"The king's missing!" The horseman yelled into the square. Namjoon in a panic rushed you two into the forest nearby. Confused, but following him. You wondered if he had something to do with it, besides this wasn't the first time he ran away from the guards today.
"They can't find me or ill be in trouble, act like a lover, please. I'll pay you in gold when I can" he begged on his knees with his hat on his chest.
"Don't pay me, think of it as a token of my gratitude. I'll help, but you have to explain everything when we get back," you murmured, taking his hands and helping him out the dirt. Making you drop the food and his bag.
Suddenly, he gripped your body and jumped both of you in a lake as he heard the sounds of horses clamping. A sound you didn't even hear. Holding your head under the water, he waited for the light of the torch to leave the lake area before swimming the two of you up.
Taking deep breaths of air, the two of you swam to the doc snd he helped you up first before himself. Luckily, the food wasn't damaged. Frustrated, you grabbed the food and his bag as you walked home. Walking in, you kept the lights off snd went to the second floor.
Stripping you of your clothes snd placing the bags down, you watched him do the same. Forgetting you had to pump the water, he suggested he'd go do it and you nodded giving him directions snd within 30minutes he was done. Striping once again, he hugged your body to his chest. You soon felt tears on your neck and small crys, you rubbed his back snd just stood there till he let go.
"What's wrong?'" You asked concerned.
"I could've killed you!" he cried, remembering the look his mother gave him before dying in his arm. His father did the same thing to his mother, only on a ship in the middle of the sea. Hugging him, you rubbed his back and placed a kiss on his lips. Holding you to his chest, kissed you back, and laid back so your bare body laid on his.
"Let's wait to shower" he suggested, kissing your neck. Nodding your head no, he flipped you over on your stomach softly and trapped your legs with his. "Please?' He asked, leaning down on your level on the floor snd holding your chest in his hand. Agreeing, knowing what's about to happen you loosened up snd he turned you on your back.
His hands ran around your chest and thighs, leaning down to kiss your naked body as a slight moan came out. From there, he moved his lips to your mouth and softly moved yours to his hair. Taking note, you ran his fingers through his dark brown ones as the two of you danced with each other's tongue. Namjoon removed his lips snd traveled down south, gripping his hair in pleasure you moaned grinding your hips. Meanwhile, he took in a natural aroma, one he found arousing. Moving his tongue around the bud, he softly kissed your thighs leaving bruises.
Looking at your head tilting back snd eyes closed with heavy to light breathing. He took his pointer finger snd rubed softly in circles, moving his body to tower you with one arm. Noticing the shift of best around your neck, you felt his warm breath move down your neck and by your ear.
"Let me tell you something darling, I'm not who I say I am" he kissed around your neck, papering it in kisses. Hearing you moan, made him aroused by the minute. However he knew it was time to go back to the castle, only he wasn't going empty-handed. As your hands rubbed his back, he whispered "I'm Namjoon, they're looking for me, darling. Tonight the last night I can spend here so let's make it count" in a raspy tone.
In shock, he gave you a minute to calm down as he could hear your heart. "I'm sorry" he apologized.
"No need, but for whatever this may be for you. Just know I haven't done anything like this with anyone," you admitted. Humming he moved to the other ear and whispered "I like that, just know it will hurt after a few minutes snd then feel better or the pain could feel good!" he warned. Taking his warning, he gently rubed you as got on his knees and opened your legs wide. Watching as he did, you noticed he was fully erected at this point and ready. You closed your eyes snd tensed your muscles as he began to simply grind his tip into you.
He was right there was pain, which caused you to bleed a bit. However, it was enjoyable without a doubt. Soon he was able to put 6/9 inches in as he trusted slowly. Moaning under him, he moved his in circles biting his lower lip as looked at your fuller lips and leaned over and wrapped your legs around his waist. After a few moments of waiting for you to adjust, you thought about today snd how it was so obvious he was the king snd yet it flee by.
As you moaned loud, his thrusts began to speed up snd the two of you could hear the sounds of his hips banging into yours snd your ass as he went faster.
"Ah, baby!" He grunted, grinding into you deeply as your hands rubed into his hair. Morning louder, his lips conceded back to yours as you held on snd then to your neck where you heard his heavy breathing. Your body was tightening around him, as he went in deeper now putting himself in. Not to mention you began to pool around him which gave him more speed in the end.
"Namjoon!" You moaned in his ear, holding his back tightly as your legs unwrapped snd opened wider for him. Cursing under his breath, he went harder as you began to arch your bag in pleasure. He held onto your back as your head went backs and the build of pleasure built up quickly.
you held onto his muscular shoulders while he moved you closer to him to go deeper. With that sending you over the edge, you screamed his name in pleasure as yours and his breathing began to match in heaviness. Shopping for a second, namjoon looked you in your eyes and thrust slowly as he was too close and it felt too good.
"In close, but I don't wanna cum yet" he grunted, thrusting deeply in and out.
"Then cum when you can't hold it!" You urged, outta breathe enjoying the depends. "I'm fine with children" you explained. Nodding, he continued and went harder this time.
His mouth roamed your chest, sucking and pulling on the bud as your back arched and mouth open in response. You this time, grinded back cgroundhim to jolt forward and start panting.
"Fuck don't do that unless you-" you interrupted doing it again. Pushing your legs back and open wide he started hammering into you as you began screaming in both pleasure and slight pain. You scratched his back and he immediately let go of your thighs snd pushed your hands back. As your body began to shake under him, he went faster as his chest heaved in breathing and yours became flushed with red. He started to let his enjoyment show more and tilted his head back with his eyes close as he went faster. He allowed the sounds of your whimpering snd moans to fulfill his urge as his balls smack your body hard causing a loud moan to come out from him.
Moving his hips to go at a slightly different angle than before, he noticed you started dripping more and more causing your heat to became more and more pleasurable on his end. He leaned down to your chest and held you as he began moaning in ecstasy as a thick load covered your walls in white.
Stoping and catching his breath, he mouthed something so simple but daring and that was simple.
"Don't leave me"
To which you replied softly. "I won't"
Soon the both of you gained the energy to get in the tub. There you two conversate on what it was like for him to be the king and all, what he planned on doing, and where he wanted to do next.
"Please come back to the castle with me tonight?" He begged, holding his hands with yours.
" I don't wanna be a drag" you looked down.
"You won't, I promise you'll enjoy your new life" he stated happily as ever.
"Namjoon don't you think it's too fast, we just met and all." You mentioned.
"Right, that is an undeniable truth. However, I know you felt the same way I did snd I know this isn't a fairy tale. But I truly feel like we could have a life" he spoke, holding your hands to his chest. Yes, that was true, you did believe in fate snd everything. But this was soon and so much.
"I'll go, but you have to let me have the ability to leave, " you said sadly, bring you to his chest he nodded and turned your body around in the tub.
From there you two did what was needed and packed a small bag of hygiene snd the coffee from earlier to go. You two had to walk back to the castle without being seen or heard at all. Which called for a few close times of being caught, from there he showed you a secrete gate entrance that led straight towards his room. From there, he tried his best to pick you up and take you to his room. there which Mrs. Pot sat praying
"I'm home and I brought a guest" he mentioned putting you down. As she recognized Mrs. Pot, she immediately went to hug her.
"It's been a while, my dear, I remember when you were both sized. I see you ran into the king, ah I knew he would've found you. I mean he's always had an eye on elegance and beauty" she mentioned embracing you tightly and pinching her cheek the same way she did with namjoon.
"I'll tell the guards your home" she looked at namjoon winking. Itching his head as he smiled, he turned to you and stripped naked again.
This time he leaned on the top of you again and you immediately kissed back. "It's a yes" you knew immediately as he took off your clothes once again that same night. Only this time, he focused on filling you up till he couldn't anymore.
"Fuck, this is amazing" he cursed, moving his hips harder as you who was behind sensitive began moaning his name louder and louder. Your legs opened wider and pools of arousal soaked the bed, making him lose control once more in you before pulling you close and moaning in your neck. Spilling once more, he simply uttered
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
Los Guardianes | Part V [Nestor Oceteva x Fem!Reader]
Ok, I promise there's a comedown from all the adrenaline after this! And very soon we will see characters other than Cristóbal lol.
Warnings: mentions of blood, drugs, and domestic violence; police interactions; language | Words: 1,900+
Taglist: @chibsytelford @megapeacelovemusic-blog @broiderie @est1887 @mveggieburger
Part IV of Los Guardianes
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As you thundered down the alley, you glanced over at a wailing Cristóbal, splashes of crimson quickly drying across his arms and t-shirt from where you had carried him.
“It’s gonna be ok, Cristóbal, alright? I promise. Just hang tight,” you shouted over the strained whining of the engine. He quieted, shaking violently in his seat, but you turned your attention back towards the road, quickly reaching the end of the alley. You made a sharp right, having no idea where to go, but hoping to find a main street quickly.
Luck appeared to be on your side. You kept your eye on the rearview, but you didn’t see anyone behind you yet. You came up on a main street, mostly empty of traffic, and made a sharp left, immediately flooring the accelerator again. Your eyes flickered to passing signs, looking for anything you recognized.
“Fuck!” you growled, squeezing the steering wheel as you passed a sign for the Sun Bowl, panic rising in your chest as you realized you were in El Paso, Texas. You had no idea how you were going to get all the way back to California without getting caught, either by your kidnappers or by police, although at this point, you would have preferred the police. But you also had plenty of experience with dirty cops, and if your kidnappers had brought you here, of all places, it seemed likely that the police would be in their pockets.
You whipped past a sign for I-10 northbound and made for the onramp, revving the engine to merge into traffic. You darted immediately into the fast lane. Traffic was relatively light, but you hadn’t yet decided if that was good or bad. Your eyes flicked keenly between the road in front of you, your odometer, and the traffic behind you, watching for signs of a tail. It seemed like you were clear for the time being, but you hesitated to get too comfortable. It wouldn’t be long before the shattered back window drew some kind of attention.
Taking stock of your surroundings, you realized you had an almost full tank of gas. You wouldn’t be able to make it all the way back to Santo Padre on one tank, and you had no idea how you were going to pay for another. But you relegated that to the back of your mind, a concern for later. There was a balled-up hoodie in the backseat, and you stared blankly at the rosary swinging from the rearview. The glove compartment was empty.
Your eyes tracked the nearest freeway sign, realizing I-10 would take you into New Mexico. From there, you could head towards Phoenix. You didn’t love the idea of staying on a major freeway for so long, but it was the quickest way to get where you were going. From just south of Phoenix, you could take smaller highways towards home, and that suited you better. But the feeling of being chased propelled you forward; you were constantly pushing the odometer and scanning of your surroundings.
You reached New Mexico without a problem, but without a solid plan in place, you sped through it. As you careened down the highway towards an empty desert horizon, you heard Cristóbal’s breathing begin to calm. There was no chance of your pulse slowing or your body settling; you sat on the edge of the driver's seat, your thighs and core constantly clenched, ready for hell when it came.
Around two hours after you left El Paso, you were rapidly approaching Deming, New Mexico, and by then your brain was shouting at you to stop. You wanted to try to find a gas station to get yourself and Cristóbal cleaned up, in case you did get pulled over. You also wanted to check the trunk. While you had certainly been making good time, a sneaking suspicion nagged at you, one that questioned why no one had come after you or appeared to have reported the car stolen.
On the far edge of Deming, once you had passed through the center of the city, you followed signs for a gas station that looked, from the highway, to be mostly empty, in the middle of an empty stretch of commercial buildings and vacant lots. You guided the car towards the back of the gas station lot, behind the building, where you breathed a sigh of relief that there were bathrooms on the exterior of the building. You pulled into a parking space and only once you had scanned your surroundings did you get out. You went around to the passenger side door and guided Cristóbal out, grabbing the hoodie from the backseat.
The lock on the bathroom door was broken, so you pushed your way in, gagging a little at the stench. The sink was filthy, but the water ran clear, and you quickly rinsed your skin, watching the pink-tinged water swirl down the drain. Flashes of the man you killed flickered behind your eyes whenever you closed them, bile rising in your throat. The gnawing in your stomach reminded you that you hadn’t eaten in almost 24 hours. The adrenaline had kept the hunger at bay, but suddenly you were so hungry you felt nauseous. You helped Cristóbal wash his face and hands, then pulled the hoodie over your soiled shirt, zipping it all the way up.
Back at the car, you popped the trunk and your mouth fell open.
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned. Six bricks of cocaine were packed into the back of the small trunk, along with a duffel bag. You supposed that was why no one had reported the car stolen. It made you feel a little better that the cops wouldn’t necessarily be looking for you, but if you did get pulled over, you’d be fucked. You dug through the duffel bag, finding it full of clothes, and your heart lifted when your fingers skimmed smooth leather. You pulled out a black leather wallet, flipping it over in your hands. There was no ID, but there was a singular twenty dollar bill in it, and that would have to do.
Cash in hand, you tugged Cristóbal into the gas station store with you, grabbing a couple of protein bars and a large bottle of water, wanting to hang on to enough money for gas down the road.
You planned to dispose of the cocaine out in the middle of the desert, so you hightailed it out of Deming. A little less than an hour later, you took a tiny offramp and followed a deserted road past a dilapidated gas station out into the barren desert. You pulled the car off into the dirt, sending a cloud of dust up around you.
“Wait in the car,” you told Cristóbal gently, who nodded at you with wide eyes.
Pulling the sleeves of the hoodie over your hands, you dumped the clothes out of the duffel bag and packed the drugs into it, zipping it up. Careful not to touch anything with your bare hands, you slung it over your shoulder and hauled it towards a thick patch of scrub brush several yards from the road. Dropping the bag behind a clump of brush and prickly pear cacti, you booked it back towards the car, heading immediately back towards the highway.
You were approaching Gila Bend in Arizona as dusk gathered over the skyline. You had already gotten off of I-10 and onto the smaller highway that would take you to Yuma. From there it would be an easy drive to Santo Padre, one you had even made before. You had every intention of driving through the night, desperation fluttering in your heart at the thought of home. You were hungry again, and you could hear Cristóbal’s stomach grumbling from the passenger seat, but you were dangerously low on gas.
Pulling into a small gas station in Gila Bend, you went inside the store to pay, bringing Cristóbal with you. When you came back out, your breath hitched in your throat and you froze. A police officer was standing beside the car, inspecting the shattered back window. Flashbacks flooded your brain and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to force them out. Through the rapid swirling in your mind, you felt Cristóbal squeezing your hand hard, the touch pulling you out of your trance. Immediately, your mind went into overdrive, laying out a plan.
You approached the car, schooling your features into a timid expression.
The burly, dark-haired officer looked up curiously at your approach, and you caught the slightest softening in his eyes as he studied you and the child clinging to you. He looked young and green, fresh on the job, and you wanted to use that to your favor.
“Good evening, ma’am,” he said, hands authoritative on his hips.
“Evening,” you murmured, dropping your gaze meekly.
“You know it’s illegal to drive with a busted window?” he asked sternly.
You let all of the stress of the last couple of days pour into your brain, breaking the dam behind your eyes. Tears tumbled freely over your cheeks as you looked back up at him and he startled slightly at the sight.
“I’m so sorry, officer,” you sniffled. “My son and I, w–we came from El Paso, trying to get away from my husband. He smashed it as we were leaving. I’m just trying to get us to California so we can stay with my brother.” Your voice caught on a sob, cracking on the last syllable.
The officer’s stance softened and your heart lifted just slightly. His inexperience was showing.
“Who is this car registered to?” he asked.
Your chest tightened as you prayed he wouldn’t run plates or ask to see documentation. “It’s mine, sir,” you whispered, meeting his eyes with your most sorrowful look. “He just didn’t like that we were leaving.” You hoped that you looked wretched enough to prevent him from asking too many questions.
The officer pursed his lips, his thumb lightly tapping his utility belt. “Where you headed to in California, ma’am?” he asked.
“Palm Desert,” you lied smoothly, letting your lower lip tremble for good measure. “I have family there, sir.”
The officer hesitated as he considered what to do next. “And you’ll be safe there?” he asked. “Does your husband know where you’re headed?”
“Probably, sir. Th–they’re the only family I have. But they’re going to help me file a protective order against him. And... start the divorce process,” you mumbled, shuffling your feet in the dirt. You felt a quick pang in your heart as you said the words, ones that weren’t too far from true in another time.
Perhaps sensing that it was a good time to lay it on thick, Cristóbal tugged on your hand. As you glanced down at him, he reached his arms up and you pulled his weary form into your arms, depositing him on your hip.
The officer studied the pair of you intently, then sighed. “Alright. I’m not going to write you a ticket, but once you get to Palm Desert, you need to get that window fixed, do you understand me?”
You nodded fervently. “Thank you – officer, thank you so much,” you stammered, hugging Cristóbal tight. The officer tipped his hat and turned on his heel, making his way towards his police cruiser. Your body felt limp as the rush wore off yet again. Your mind reeled, pushing the limits of what you could handle without sleep. You needed to get home, and soon.
You slid into the driver’s side seat and slid Cristóbal over, helping him buckle his seatbelt.
Praying for an uneventful last leg of your journey, you pulled away from the fluorescent lights of the gas station, headed yet again towards the moonlit horizon.
Part VI of Los Guardianes
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Stu Macher x F!Reader
Scream FanFic
TW: Fluff, mild language, heated make-out session
Forgive my writing. It’s been a while.
GIF created by @2026
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Late summer of 1996, just before school starts back up again. The summer fair had come to town, this year it decided to not skip town, the weather was perfect for it! Being the loner you usually steered clear of these things, but you had befriended Tatum and Sidney. It was nice to have friends that you could talk to, to trust, plus the added perks of Stu's flirtatious nature, though you could never bear to tell him that you had a crush on him, you'd be risking your friendship and likely look foolish, there was no way you thought that Stu would be into someone like you... I mean, after all, he was Stu Macher, he and Billy were kind of known around Woodsboro High.
Slipping into your favorite pair of black overalls, one strap off, and slipping on a black crop top and a pair of black LEI black platforms a touch of makeup, and braided your hair into long pigtails, and headed out. Tatum loved your outfit. "We'll meet the guys there, Stu had to do something." Tatum chirped while you hopped into her red Volkswagen bug and takes off down the road. "What did have to do?" You casually ask. "Something with Billy, said they'd show up after, some project they're working on." Sidney chimed in. "Yeah something stupid important." Tatum mocked. With a chuckle, you shake your head and watch out the window.
Getting out of the car after she parked it you three look around and decide to head to the benches waiting for the two boys to arrive. Tatum played with her gum and Sidney reading a book, you sat there, people watching, three unlikely friends, but so far so good, this was going to be good for you, real good, so you hoped, minus the odd guilt of crushing on Tatum's man. Letting out a soft breath, Stu and Billy approach from behind startling their better halves. Stu looks at you and gives you a sweet smile. "Hey Y/N. Glad you made it." It could be he was being nice, but the feeling behind his words was something more. You give a kind smile back and flush slightly. "Me too." Clearing your throat and with a side stare from Tatum and a smile from Sidney the girls hop up and look around.
Without any hesitation Tatum looks a Stu, "It's time for that big blue dog you promised me!" She grinned taking his hand and dragging him away. Sidney looked at Billy, "Ferris Wheel?" with a shrug and a nod. "Sure." Sidney looks at you. "You can come if you'd like." You shake your head and give a smile. "Nah, I'll be good, I'll be here. It's just nice to get out of the house." Sidney nods and pats your shoulder before she and Billy take off to the wheel while you sat there, alone, like always. "I knew this was a bad idea." you tell yourself before letting out a sigh and slump on the bench picking at your glitter nail polish and staring at the ground a bit.
After a few hours had passed Tatum started to feel sick, of course, that's what happens when one inhales two cotton candies and a thing of funnel cake and a corn dog and a diet soda. She looks at you. "Hey, I'm going to head home, thanks for coming with us, Stu is going to take you home if that's alright?" You look at her "Yeah, that's fine. Feel better." You tell her. "Billy, Sidney you ready?" she askes them almost feeling ignored you look down at the ground, your jaw clenches, Sidney touches your shoulder again and the three of them take off. Stu sits next to you and looks ahead of himself. "You know, she doesn't mean to be a bitch all the time." You look up and over at him and arch a brow. "She's not a bitch, just, set in her ways." With a chuckle, he shakes his head. "No need to be polite. She brought you here and ditched you. Personally Bitch move." He stated
Shaking your head you know how people like that can be, you slump a bit more. "Nothing like being a third wheel." you chuckle. "It's alright though, it was nice to get out of the house." you state with a soft voice and maybe some optimism. Looking at you he smiled. "How about I make up for it?" You quickly shake your head and smile. "You don't have to, there's nothing to make up for." Shaking his head again. "I don't think you understand. Let me make it up to you. I don't think I'm giving you much of a choice." Clearing your throat you look down and pick at your nails again and nod your head. "Okay Stu."
Standing up he takes your hand and your whole body gets warm, flushed, and nervous as he takes you to win you that blue dog he botched trying to get for Tatum. "Until I win the big blue one Merve." He tells the man behind the counter. "Anything for you Stu." He chuckles and hands him some baseballs. You watch as he looks at you. "I'm bad at this." He laughs throwing a few, "Not too bad." you reassure him. After a good five minutes, he wins you the large blue dog, smiling you bite your lip taking the dog. "Thank you," you tell the man and then at Stu. "And thank you. I have the perfect spot for him in my room." You beam a smile nuzzling into the dog a bit.
"Next stop!" He takes your hand and takes you to get something to eat. You blush a bit as he took it upon himself to order for you. Taking a seat a the picnic benches Stu looks at you and looks around. "There are a few more stops before we hit the big ending." He nodded to the Ferris wheel. Biting your lip and taking a bite of your burger you look at him and back at the end of the strip and let out a shaky breath. Nerves are going to get the better of you, you know this and grip the large paw of the dog and look at Stu. "Thank you, for all of this so far." He laughed. "Don't thank me until the end." He tells you.
Finishing food he takes you to the water guns, the ball toss and ends up winning you a goldfish, the thunderbolt, and last but not least, you two are standing in line for the Ferris Wheel, your stomach is turning, nerves, the Ferris wheel was a special ride. "We don't have to do this." You tell him. "Nonsense, we're going." He laughs taking your hand and getting into a cart and closes the door. Placing the dog and the bag with the goldfish on the bench across the way Stu decides to sit next to you with his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. Taking in his cheap cologne your eyes close, feeling this odd sense of safety.
The ride takes off and you jump a little and he pulls you closer. "Heights make me uneasy." you tell him, looking down at you. "I'll protect you." He tells you with a cheeky grin and looks around. "Thank you for tonight, I'm glad I came." She smiled. "I'm glad you came too." A few times around the wheel stops, Looking around Stu chuckles. "Uhhh, bad news, we're going to be stuck here for a bit." Your eyes grow wide and you get closer to him and bite your lip harder. Stu holds you petting your head a bet and you look up. "Well I guess, we should talk... I need to distract myself. I'm a horrible friend Stu." You tell him.
With an arched brow, he looks at you, "How so?" you fidget and he looks at you, waiting for you to speak. "I've uhh, I've got this thing for someone, and this someone has someone, and this someone's someone had befriended me this summer and I feel like a bad friend for liking this someone." You state, "Vague... I'm sure Sidney would understand, everyone's got a thing for Billy." He moves away a little bit. Shaking your head you look up at him. "No Stu, I like you, and Tatum would have a cow if she found out." Stu looks at you. "You like me?" He asks you, nodding your head he chuckles and smiles. "I like you." He tells you.
With a nervous laugh, you lean into him and bite on your lip. He looks down at you, and tilts your head up, and presses his lips to yours, his hand resting on the side of your neck as you grip his shirt and press into the kiss a bit more. His tongue dances with yours as the kiss becomes a bit more heated, his hand moves from your neck to your breast gripping it in his hand as the other pulls you closer. He pulls you on top of him and you look over his face, moving your hips a bit and he lets off a soft groan, pulling you closer back into a kiss as his hands rest on your butt pulling you even closer, any closer and you'd melt into him. His hand slips under your shirt playing with the perky bit of flesh and the suppleness of your breast while your fingers play with his hairline.
Tongues dancing together he lifts his hips up into yours. Looking over his face. "We shouldn't do this here, not here, and it's too quick, and I... Stu..." Stu looks at you. "Yeah Y/N?" He askes with a smile. "Do you love Tatum?" You ask him. "I wouldn't call it love, she's annoying, needy, and overly clingy... I offered to take you home, I wanted to tell you I liked you, and was hoping that maybe you'd be my girl." He looked over your face. Hugging him you nuzzle into his neck. "Yes, absolutely. Tatum is going to shit." You chuckle shaking your head. "She will at first, but she'll find someone else to occupy her time." He smirked and places you next to him and fixed your shirt, taking care of you, holding you close.
The wheel starts moving again and when you two get off the wheel, he smiles taking your hand, and escorts you to his car where he then takes you home. "I'll come by tomorrow we'll go see a movie or something. After I tell Tatum see ya." He chuckled planting a kiss on your lips before you get out of the car and make your way inside with your dog and fish. Your mother looks at you. "Well well, looks like you had fun." You smirk big and nod. "Night mum. Love you." You kiss her cheek and rush upstairs. Putting the fish in a bowl and the dog on the foot of the bed you strip down into something comfortable grab your journal and being to write. "Dear Diary, Tonight, was the best night EVER!"
If you want to be tagged let me know. This is the first of many stories! I am also taking requests!
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dracoqueen22 · 3 years
For Kn1ght: I have transformers prompt for rescue bots. so all vehicle modes have instincts. Ambulances are panicky, cause everything is emergency. Police car like to hunt and chase and herd other vehicles.  firetruck have this urge to drink lots of water where ever they find it...etc.  hoping for some funny odd ball moments where each frame type sorta acts on their instinctive natures.
Basic Instinct
Blades has never had an alt-mode capable of flight in his entire functioning. 
He’s usually something wheeled, staying safe on solid ground, so he’s familiar with all of the quirks and eccentricities that come with transforming to a ground-based form. 
He’s used to seeing Chase when he gets focused on a criminal, and won’t stop hunting until he’s captured the misbehaving mech. He doesn’t cycle his optics twice when Heatwave can’t pass by a body of water without sampling the contents or topping off his tank. He barely notices when Boulder sees a building in need of demolishing and instantly starts talking about how he’d destroy it if they’d let him, and sometimes, Heatwave needing to pull him back and stop him from doing it himself. 
Blades used to all of it, as much as he’s used to the lingering sense of urgency usually wired straight into his lines, but has dulled the longer he’s kept out of his four-wheeled emergency vehicle alt-mode. 
In fact, it’s not until he opens one of his lockers at the base and a near torrent of random knick knacks come pouring out that Blades thinks maybe, maybe this is something he’s going to have to get used to. 
He stares at the baubles and trinkets and shiny bits flood out and pool around his feet. He recognizes each and every item -- bag of marbles, bag of colorful dice, bag of fish bowl stones, bag of fake plastic crystals. 
Lots of bags of shiny things. 
He remembers collecting them. He doesn’t remember why he collected them. It was just a thing he did. He saw them. He had to have them. He had this idea that they would be perfect for his collection. 
Blades has never collected things before. 
“You’d better clean all that up,” Heatwave says before he grunts and strikes the practice dummy again, making it wobble and rattle before defiantly enduring the assault. 
“I didn’t realize there was so much of it,” Blades says as he scoops an armful of the stuff and tries to shove it back into the locker. 
Predictably, half his armful comes tumbling back out. 
“Why do I have so much of it?” Blades cries, tugging on his finials. “Why am I collecting this stuff?” 
“Oh. You’ve never been an aerial before,” Boulder says as he turns away from his painting, a smear of bright pink on his cheek. He’s been trying to draw a flamingo for two weeks. Blades is not sure why he wants to paint a flamingo. “They collect things.” 
Blades scoops up another armful and one of the bags of marbles splits open, spilling the glass spheres all over the floor in a loud, noisy rain. “What?” he squawks. 
Boulder shrugs. “It’s a thing they do.” He waggles his paintbrush at Blades, splattering pink everywhere. “It’s why we keep having to steal back our mesh cloths from your room.” 
“You don’t actually need a blanket, dumbaft,” Heatwave grunts with an open-palmed smack to the practice dummy. “And I swear to Primus that if you start singing--”
“Why is Blades going to sing, and why is it a problem?” Chase asks as emerges from his quarters with a book tucked under his arm. “I find Blades’ vocals quite pleasant.” 
“Because if he’s singing, he’s trying to court,” Boulder says. 
Chase lights up. “Ah, yes. Of course.” He never breaks stride toward the elevator. “It would be an honor to be on the receiving end of your courtship song. Carry on then.” 
A bag of aquarium rocks slides out of Blades’ grip and clunks back to the floor. “Why does everyone know more about this than me?” he wails. 
“There’s an extra crate in the storage room,” Boulder says as he turns back to his painting and squints at the blob of pink. “That’s probably a better place to store your collection.” 
“If Cody slips on one of those marbles and hurts himself, you’ll be on night shift for a week,” Heatwave warns with a double-tap to the training dummy and then a high-kick. 
This is so unfair. 
“I miss my wheels,” Blades sighs, and he wanders off to the storage room to find that crate. If this is going to be a thing that keeps happening, he might as well get prepared for it. 
Especially since he’s pretty sure Dani has a beautiful collection of shiny rocks. 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Osborn’s 5✩ Inspiration: Black VS Black [黑色对峙] Date Translation (Prologue)
“Cat food, cat toys; everything was all set and ready… except for a cat.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Osborn’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 5✩ Inspiration has 6 Endings!! *Osborn’s tag will be #For Night, For Freedom *Requested by anon! You can check my on-going requests and more here!
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It was only when I stood before Osborn's door that I realized the startling fact: this was the first time I'd ever been to his place.
A few days ago, Osborn's neighbour entrusted their cat to him because they were going to be gone on a business trip. And shortly after that had happened, I'd received Osborn's obligatory cat-lover "Invitation".
And thus, that was how I now found myself before his door, with the glee of having received his invitation swiftly being replaced by nerves.
I hesitated, pulling our previous chat back up on my phone to double-check the address.
It was then that the door opened with a click.
Osborn: Oh? Already here?
A familiar voice sounded, making me abruptly raise my head.
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Osborn was leaning sideways against the door, staring at me with an impish glint in his eyes.
MC: I just got here and I was just gonna check if this was the right place.
Osborn: Check?
Osborn: My bad. Looks like I'm going to have to remember which door it is next time.
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MC: No need, no need. I can tell which door's yours now!
Osborn: Then, come in?
I quickly nodded and followed him in.
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All Osborn had on was a simple black singlet and a pair of casual sweatpants.
I'd rarely seen him in such a casual state of dress, so I couldn't stop my lingering eyes as I drank the sight of him in.
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Osborn: Want something to drink?
MC: Nope, no need!
Osborn paused for a while after hearing my reply, but he continued pouring the water into the glass.
When the glass was filled, he turned around and leaned closer to me with a mischievous smile.
Osborn: You seem nervous today.
I felt my face burn. I swallowed my saliva and attempted to still my racing heart.
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MC: Only because this is my first time in your house, and everything feels so foreign...
I averted my gaze, purposefully trying to look relaxed and at ease as I surveyed his home.
The living room wasn’t overly decorated and it was painted in a simple, minimalistic, colour. It was overall simple and refreshing. That being said, there didn’t seem to be a trace of there being a cat here at all.
MC: Right. Where's the cat?
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Osborn handed me the glass of water before lazily sweeping his gaze across the living room.
Osborn: Mitt? Mitt!
MC: Mitt? ...Is that its name?
Osborn: Yeah. Its owner calls it Mitchell, but that’s a bit of a mouthful, so I just call it Mitt. It seems to understand me when I do, anyway.
MC: That's… Well, okay then…
Osborn: It was still slinking around here earlier. Might have run off into a corner somewhere.
His gaze snapped back to me. He suddenly raised a brow, gesturing at the backpack I was carrying.
Osborn: Just what did you stuff into that bag of yours to make it so bulky?
Osborn: And you've been carrying it this entire while too. Isn't it heavy?
Upon his mentioning of the backpack, I then recalled with a start about the “business” I was here for today.
I quickly placed the backpack onto the sofa, taking out the many cat necessities I’d packed in, enthusiastically showing them all to him.
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MC: Look! This is a cat food bowl that I especially picked out! It looks like the gigantic face of a cat. Isn’t it cute?
MC: I also bought two flavours of cat food since I didn’t know which one it’d like. I’ve got salmon flavour and chicken flavour here.
MC: Oh, and this! I thought it might like it!
I picked up the cat teaser wand and shook it, ringing the silver bell attached to it and releasing a crisp sound into the air.
Suddenly, a small black head poked out from the kitchen door. Its eyes were wide and round as it stared curiously at the wand in my hand.
MC: Look, Osborn! It came!
Osborn: Looks like it really does like this one.
Then, it averted its gaze from the wand, giving us both a glance.
However, it disappeared from our sight as quickly as lightning before we barely had the chance to blink twice.
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MC: ...Eh? And you're gonna leave just like that?
I shook the cat teaser wand again, but it never once reappeared.
Osborn looked at the items laid out on the table, frowning slightly, his expression tinged with a faint hint of confusion.
He picked up a small cat post.
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Osborn: And what's this supposed to be?
MC: It’s a small cat post! It can be used to satisfy a cat’s natural innate tendency to want to climb everything and anything they see.
MC: It can also prevent them from messing the house up from all the climbing up and down they’re inclined to do.
Osborn: Oh. This one's well-suited for it.
MC: Haha, is it that playful?
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Osborn: Hmm. Well, the owner said that their house was always in constant chaos thanks to it. They also said that their cat would normally be a little more obedient when it is in a new environment.
Osborn hesitated for a moment as doubt and a bit of helplessness slipped into his voice.
Osborn: But maybe my place isn't exactly new to it. Obedient, huh… Don't really see that happening.
MC: That bad? Maybe it wouldn’t attempt to demolish the house with all it's jumping around with all these toys here now?
MC: I even prepared yarn balls and stuff!
Osborn: A new boss is in office, and this one seems terribly well prepared.
MC: Of course I am! As soon as I heard that you were going to be temporarily housing a cat, I immediately went to place some orders online.
Osborn: You were looking forward to it THAT much?
Osborn: Looks like I'm gonna have to have it over as a guest more often.
My face flushed a slight red as I shoved the cat food bowl into his arms.
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MC: No slacking! We're setting these all up together!
Osborn froze for a bit before taking the cat's food bowl from me.
Osborn: No problemo. I'm at your service.
MC: Ahem. Then, where would it be better for us to place all of these?
Osborn looked at the area for a while before slightly raising his chin and gesturing in the direction of the kitchen.
Osborn: The kitchen's entrance, I guess. It's almost always hanging out there.
After determining how and where we were going to set the whole ensemble up, we immediately got down to work.
Osborn casually opened a bag of cat food, pouring it into the cat food bowl I was holding. Following that, I tore off the plastic wrapping that covered the scratching posts, putting the simple cat post together with Osborn.
Cat food, cat toys; everything was all set and ready… except for a cat.
I looked all over, but I saw neither hide nor hair of it.
I attempted to call it out by calling it by its name of “Mitt”. Osborn had also attempted to shake the cat teasing wand in an attempt to lure it out, but we didn’t see even so much as a whisker of it.
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Osborn: It’s usually ready to jump at anything and everything, but now it’s shy?
MC: Looks like it went into hiding. How about we split up and look for it?
Osborn: Okay. I’ll take the rooms on the north and you can take those on the south.
MC: Okay!
I searched for a good long while, but it wasn’t in either the kitchen or the study.
I was just about to go over to Osborn to ask about how his search was going when I suddenly noticed a small room right next to the study.
The door was also cracked slightly open.
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MC: Huh. Did it go inside here?
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I gently pushed the door open and walked in. I was instantly greeted by display shelves that spanned the entire wall the moment I walked in.
Inside the many display shelves were racing trophies of all shapes and sizes. There were also photos of Osborn and his teammates, along with several race car models that were modelled after their real-life counterparts.
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MC: Is this Osborn's collection room?
I couldn’t help but stop short. I suddenly caught sight of a black shadow seated atop a shelf.
MC: ...Mitt!
It was just about to get a paw on a red and white racing car model inside the shelf.
Probably having noticed the movement on my end, it tilted its head to look at me, its paw suspended in mid-air.
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MC: What… What is it trying to do? Don't tell me...
I gasped in surprise, subconsciously holding my breath in nervousness.
We’d interlocked gazes for only a second before its ever-vigilant amber eyes flashed.
It lightly and resolutely batted its paw at the model it’d set its eyes on immediately after.
MC: AH!!
I subconsciously lunged at it, but all I caught was thin air.
The car model fell to the ground with a clatter, shattering into its many compartments with its wheels spinning in the air from the impact.
Upon seeing the result of its actions, Mitt quickly fled from the scene of the “crime” with a satisfied little meow.
MC: Wait!
I didn’t manage to stop it in time at all. It all happened in a split second, and now I was the only one left in the room with the overturned car model.
What am I to do now?
The cat caused an incident! What should I do?
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 +3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ★Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Freedom⊹ —————★❖
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hes-writer · 4 years
Summary: y/n catches harry live streaming a show
Warning: smut
Word Count: 2293 words
University was no joke. It’s expensive for sure. Harry had a full-time job at the beginning of the semester working at a cafe near his flat. He soon found out that that wasn’t the best idea. Maybe because he didn’t manage his time right or it was simply too exhausting for him to work late hours when he had to take mandatory morning classes. His next solution was more--risky per se. 
Harry had always been confident with his body. He ate well; loading up on fruit smoothies and veggie shakes every morning to accompany him on his early morning workouts. The sweat beading in between his toned pecs made him revel in the accomplishments of self-care, washed away as he palmed his face underneath the stream of the locker room shower. His wet curls stuck to his small ears as he pulled his sweater over his body, exiting the gym with a bag slung over his shoulder, plucking a peace sign to the person at the front desk as he left the building. 
It started off as a blog; posting pictures of his body that he worked hard on. The narcissist in him craved the compliments of strangers drooling over his muscles and shapely body. Sometimes the messages he received were explicit, but he also couldn’t help the arousal flowing through his veins as blood pumped towards his cock. Thus, the next part of his routine was to go home to his flat and strip his body off of his clothes. His webcam would be switched on with a push of a button, his long fingers floating over the keyboard as he signed in to his account. 
Speaking of, the meat between his thighs plumped up with the lingering thought of user ‘sweetgirl112’ messages last night. How much she wanted to tuck his thick length in her mouth, how much she craved to feel his large hands adorning her body. God, she had such a way with words and here Harry was with an erection pudging up in his lycra leggings. An outline of his mushroom head visible through the tight material. He played with his bottom lip as he waited for the traffic light to turn green. One hand tapped against the steering wheel in a rhythmic pattern, his mind drifting away to how it would feel like to have those pleasures within his reach. 
But he didn’t. 
He rushed off from his seat, quickly locking his car and keying the front door to his flat. Harry was hornier than usual today, thanks to sweetgirl’s lovely messages from last night. Harry rolled his eyes at the effect the stranger had on him. He dropped the chain dangling from his fingers on the bowl beside his door, sighing with excitement as he toed off his runners. 
On the couch, Y/N snoozed with her mouth agape, hair messily splayed across the pillow he provided her. He almost forgot she had slept over last night during their movie night. She insisted to sleep on the sofa despite Harry offering his bed to share between the both of them. In the end, both of them slept on the uncomfortable cushion cuddled up into one another. The distance between them was non-existent but Harry found it endearing the way Y/N cuddled up into his body in order not to fall off the edge, snuggling into his chest with a quiet snore after jolting when one of her legs tumbled of the border. 
Nonetheless, that meant that Harry had to tone his volume down a bit, keeping a keen ear to make sure his noises don’t wake her up or arise any alarm from his friend. He crouched down beside her sleeping face, waving a hand over her eyes to make sure she was still in a deep sleep. 
“Hope yer’ having sweet dreams,” His thick accent made the words stick to his tongue, lazily drooping like honey. Harry pressed a kiss to her forehead, ignoring the way his heart thumped as she smiled slightly in her sleep, humming with satisfaction and cuddling closer to the pillow clutched between her arms. 
Adorable, Harry thought. 
Soft footsteps tiptoed over his bedroom, shutting the door gently. He stretched his arms to remove the black sweater over his head, ruffling his curls in the process. His nose hooked at the opening, muffling his breath for a bit that had him tumbling down on the end of his bed with a slight bounce. Harry is clumsy.
He managed to remove the rest of his clothes without further trouble, leaving him in his boxers briefs and socks which he would take off when he got situated in his office chair situated in front of his computer. His set up was on the corner of his room, facing the door. It was a bit odd at first but Harry learned to make it work. 
Harry pushed two pumps of coconut-scented lotion into his large palm, lathering his upper body with a subtle sheen, moisturizing his biceps to appear shiny. The excess cream was rubbed along the nape of his neck, massaging the tense muscles along the way. A swift glance at the time at the bottom corner informed him that he had five minutes left until his scheduled show would begin. In preparation, Harry gathered the items he might need during his session. A bottle of clear, water-based lube, a bullet vibrator that recently joined his collection of toys and a silicone cock ring that looked to be a struggle to fit around his plump dick. He set the items aside on the table in front of where he would be sitting. 
Harry chewed on his bottom lip, hands grasping the width of his hip as he opted to check on Y/N again. She was a heavy sleeper and the show will probably take around thirty minutes to do, minus the foreplay and all of that. It was still pretty early in the morning too; around ten-thirty, surely she’d stay put till then. He peeked his head through a small gap in his door, craning his neck to catch Y/N shifting just in time to rest on her other side. 
Pretty soon, the webcam displayed a green dot at the corner and his screen was loaded to a  black screen. The chat indicated that there were currently twenty people watching him. The total viewer count increased with each passing second that had Harry grinning to himself. Once the camera was adjusted to where it cut off around his neck, he sat back in his spinny chair, splaying his wide palms on his muscly thighs. 
20 seconds left.
Harry could feel his cock grow in his boxers, the anticipation of his fans commenting on dirty things that they would like to do to him left his imagination endless. A blurt of precum stained the inside of the fabric, dotting the area a darker colour. He sighed deeply, wide eyes watching as the countdown changed.
In a blink of an eye, Harry’s toned body was showcased on the screen, allowing him to view what his viewers had the pleasure of viewing. The ‘LIVE’ sign blinked repeatedly. 
“Hello,” Harry drawled out purposefully using a deeper tone to set the mood. “How are you today?” His fingers stayed hung over the armchair, griping it slightly when comments started rolling in.
“How’s my baby? Are you needy for me?” He found that the best way to ensure as much of connection between his viewers was to speak as though it was a one-on-one conversation. “Because I am,” A hand crawled towards his crotch where his half-massed dick rested on his upper thigh, the head prominent against the tight briefs. 
Making sure to keep his face out of view, Harry leaned forward to read the remarks.
User12314: i love your tattoos
User48529: what i’d do to have my hands on you
He chuckled to himself, rubbing up and down to tease himself and them even more. Various 'pings' littered the room with Harry thanking each of them as much as possible. 
“I’d love to have my hands on you too,” He gave his cock a gentle squeeze, sucking a breath through his gritted teeth at the sensation. “Wanna feel your body on my skin,” Harry released a throaty groan as he shifted to pinch at his nipples, “Would ya’ let me touch your breasts? I bet they’re soft and perfect for my hands,” His thumb rubbed circles on his top two nipples, shivering slightly.
One palm cupped his balls, thumbing at the middle as the other continued the ministrations on his chest. This went on for a couple more seconds until he pulled his hands away to rest on the ferns tattooed on his hips, rubbing the skin there sensually while he spoke, “Y’wanna see my cock? It’s so hard for you,” The head twitched twice, forcing an involuntary moan to leak from his plump lips. 
User09321: yes please
He sighed at the message, his stomach burning with the need to just wrap his fingers around his dick and jerk it till he cums. But he couldn’t do that—at least not yet.
Y/N woke up from her slumber, dizzy and discombobulated about where she was only to realize that the ache in her lower back was caused by Harry’s uncomfortable couch. Her phone buzzed beside her; an alarm to wake up to watch a show. Not just any show—a filthy, dirty cam boy who hadn’t left Y/N’s mind ever since she discovered him for the first time a few days ago. She was drunk on wine and barely remembered what the live stream had contained. He was hot, that much she knew. 
He wore a dark red sweater that covered his body which Y/N found quite adorable. Yet at the same time, his fist peeked out from his bunched sweater paws to desperately tug at his cock while endless whispers and groans flowed from his mouth through the speakers. His covered body arching against his seat, the walls behind him a plain white. Apparently, he was feeling like a sub that day and asked permission to touch himself like a good boy, pleading to cum. His audience couldn’t resist the whine in his deep voice, shooting streams of cum on his sweater, staining the fabric and probably ruining it forever. 
Just before the live stream ended, he reminded everyone when his next show was--today-- and in her drunk daze, Y/N must have set up a reminder on her phone, completely forgetting that she was to hang out with Harry the day before. She rubbed the ball of her palm against her eyes, willing away the sleep on her lids. Sitting up on the cushion, she looked around Harry’s apartment to find the curly-headed boy. 
“Harry?” She called out, checking his kitchen to find it empty. She went to his bathroom to freshen up, picking up her toothbrush that Harry had sweetly brought her after Y/N stayed at his place more times than both of them can count. After spitting out the foam pooling in her cheeks, Y/N dabbed the corners of her mouth with a soft, fluffy towel. 
As she exited the bathroom, Y/N opened up the web browser in incognito mode, refreshing the link from a few days ago. The page loaded slowly, enabling Y/N to continue searching for Harry. She absent-mindedly walked to Harry’s closed bedroom door—the last place she had yet to look. Her phone produced a muffled sound when it finally loaded. She rapidly typed out a comment to send.
“Can’t take it anymore,” The man said, “I‘ve gotta touch myself but I’m wishing it’s you wrapping your hands around m’cock,”
Y/N could feel her thighs tighten, standing in front of Harry’s bedroom. 
Sweetgirl112: touch yourself for me daddy. i wanna hear you say how good it feels
Harry growled upon seeing the message and its user,  pulling the fabric down and letting his dick hit his skin with a faint slapping sound on his flushed stomach. Shaky fingers teased his length, tracing of the prominent veins that pumped his cock with blood. “Mm, it feels so good, love,” His thumb spread the liquid seeping at the tip, making sure to lube the head of his dick for a smooth stroke. 
With distracted thoughts, Y/N pushed the bar handle down, a gentle bump knocking the door open.  
She couldn’t believe her eyes when the loading screen on her phone mirrored the sight in front of her; Harry’s head thrown back, resting against the head of the office chair. Her phone cut off at the veins stretched over the expanse of his neck. His heaving chest glistening with sweat and the faint smell of coconut lingered in the air. His fist pumped his long cock up and down, squeezing at the tip to produce a dollop of wispy pre-cum. Closed eyes blocked his vision from Y/N standing frozen on the door, gazing back and forth towards the device on her sweaty palm to the even hotter view right in front of her.
A resonant sound of ‘pings’ pulled Harry out of his pleasure, lifting his head with the aim to thank whoever tipped him but was taken aback by the sight of his friend at his doorway.
“Oh shit,” He mumbled, impulsively clutching his full balls cradled between his fingers. Harry’s green irises were hooded, observing Y/N’s face with such intensity that it made her want to cower back. His two-front teeth grazed his bottom lip before parting his sweet mouth in a silent gasp at a particularly good stroke. “Wanna join me, baby?”
Let me know what you thought!
Permanent Taglist: @splendidsunsetx @swagmoneymaya @luviewoo @textingharry @arypesanchez @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @sunguines
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the-a-word-2214 · 4 years
Broken Hearts II
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summary: you finally get to meet the little girl that Joby couldn’t stop talking about
pairing: Joby Taylor x reader
word count: 1,750
warnings: language, fluff, mention of intoxication
A few nights ago, Joby came to your house drunk out of his mind. He started sobbing, telling you how much he missed his daughter and how he wanted to do better for her.
Now you were sleeping at his house when he burst into the room. It was highly unusual for him to be up much earlier than you were. He had to have been pretty antsy to have woken up so early and be showered already.
“Babe, babe you would not believe who called me.”
“What? Who called you?” You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you sat up, running a hand through your bed head.
“Jane, she called me. She must’ve used Claire’s phone or something because she called and said that she wanted to meet.”
It takes you a second to register his words.
“Oh wow, that’s incredible. Do you want me to come with? Make sure everything’s okay?”
He laughs softly, a lovestruck look on his face as he cradles your face.
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
You smile as you pull out a pair of clean clothes before you go into the bathroom and start the shower.
The drive to Claire’s house was nerve wracking for the both of you. You were terrified of any accusations that could come from Claire or any stupid boundaries that the lawyer might set.
Joby taps the steering wheel a few times before glancing over his appearance in the mirror.
He breathes out a shaky sigh before nodding and getting out.
You’re greeted by Claire’s lawyer who immediately asks you to take off your shoes at the door.
“Who is this, Mr. Taylor?”
“Oh uh this is my girlfriend (Y/N).”
You smile kindly at the man to show that you were harmless. He wasn’t expecting you so you hoped that you didn’t impose on any rule or boundary set for Joby’s visit.
“Come have a seat Mr. Taylor, there are some things that I want to go over with you before you see Jane.”
He gives you a look as to say “what’s this guy’s problem.” Joby sits down in front of the man after he kicks off his boots.
“Rule number one: you are not to discuss anything that went on between you and Claire. Rule number two: you are not to say anything negative about my client. Rule number three: do not put Jane in harm’s way.”
Joby scoffs, folding his arms.
“C’mon now, how dumb does she think I am?”
“It’s just a precaution, Joby. No need to get upset.”
You patiently wait, overhearing their conversation. A little girl with dark hair and a blue coat walks towards you. Joby’s star struck as he looks down at her.
“Hi Jane, I’m Joby.” He’s quiet and cautious as he speaks at her eye level.
“How are you?” He asks.
“I’m good.”
“Well good. Do you want to, uh, go do something for a little while?”
“Ok, cool. Yeah.” He smiles slightly.
“You’d better get going.” The gruff lawyer speaks as he holds Jane’s shoulders. It’s as if he’s guarding her from something.
“I’m gonna get my shoes on.” He pulls on his boots as you put on your shoes and he leads her outside, her hat now on.
In the car, he hands her a neatly wrapped present which you took care of that morning. She opens the paper to reveal a new doll.
“Hey look, it’s Abigail.”
“Thanks.” She holds the doll close as you drive off.
You can tell that the little girl is discouraged as she looks down at the doll.
Joby begins to doubt himself as he looks to you and then to his daughter.
“What’s the matter? You don’t like it? You can tell me if you don’t like it.”
“I already have it.” She mumbles.
“Okay, well at least you like dolls. You already have it.” He whispers the last part as you give him a kind smile, resting your hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, Joby. I can get her a different one.”
“Alright, let’s go pick out a new one and return it.”
He’s definitely an outsider in the toy store. His dark outfit contrasts the brightness of the toys and stuffed animals around you. He gently takes your hand, intertwining your fingers together.
It’s obvious that he’s nervous.
He walks carefully behind the little girl as she looks around the store, her big blue eyes scanning every toy in sight.
She finally stops on a different doll.
“I want this one.”
Joby fakes bewilderment as he picks it up.
“Okay, great. Yeah. Let’s uh- let’s exchange it.”
You watch the two in awe as they walk around the mall, trailing a few feet away. It may be new to him, but you can already tell that he’s a natural at it. You can’t help but smile to yourself, wishing that you two could one day have kids of your own.
Once you stop in a restaurant, Joby tries talking to Jane about her interests. She’s admittedly a hard nut to crack as she just shrugs at most of the questions. It’s funny to watch this little girl keep your boyfriend on his toes.
The conversation changes once she finally asks a question. Joby toys with the heat protectant on his coffee cup.
“Why didn’t you come see me before?”
Joby is taken aback suddenly, running his hand through his hair.
“Well, uh, I was touring a lot. Traveling. I moved and I was in LA for a little bit. I wanted to come see you but things weren’t so good between your mom and I. We thought it was the best for all of us...” he trails off as he looks to the floor.
He motions for her to lean in closer as he speaks. “You see I was in this band and we had this deal with a record company. And I couldn’t give that up. You know? I was just young and stupid. I wanted to make it so bad.” He shakes his head.
“Have you made it?” Her tiny voice is almost inaudible as she speaks above the loud patrons in the restaurant.
“Yeah, I think I’m real close. Yeah for sure.” He fibs as he messes with the melted strawberry ice cream in front of her.
“So uh, why don’t you like ice cream?” His tone is playful now as he moves past the earlier topic.
“Just don’t.” She shrugs again.
“So, what do you like?”
He laughs softly. “Cupcakes, I should have got you a cupcake.”
After the mall, you head to a nearby bowling alley. Joby’s elated when he learns that his daughter and him have something in common.
He finally takes off his prized jacket as you find an empty lane. You play scorekeeper as you watch the two of them play.
Joby’s lean figure catches your eye as he makes a strike.
“Did you write zero?”
“Yeah I did, great job baby.” You wink at him as he gives you a smile. He was finally starting to feel like himself again.
He squats down next to Jane as he watches her ball go into the gutter.
“Oh no!” Her little voice cries.
“Tough break, kiddo.” He ruffles her hair as they finish their game.
You only drive back after a phone call from Claire. Jane had a piano appointment that afternoon so he couldn’t spend all day with her.
“I had fun today with you.”
“Me too.” She smiles up at him.
“Okay, well thank you for giving me the chance.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Can I walk you to the door?” He helps her out as he takes her free hand that wasn’t carrying the doll with her bag.
You watch as she walks inside, Joby lingers by the door before walking back to the car. Tears fill his eyes as you get into the passenger seat where Jane once sat.
He was terrified that that was the only chance that he’d ever get. He drives down the road before pulling over, an empty feeling aches his bones as he cries.
He suddenly jerks the car around and drives back. You watch as he goes up to her window and steps inside it. Your heart rate increases as you watch him, thinking that he’s half sane, half crazy to want to do something that drastic.
He climbs in and sits in the floor with the little girl.
“I wanted to talk to you about us. We didn’t really get to talk about our relationship or anything. So, I was wondering, how do you feel about me?”
“Well, I can’t call you ‘dad’.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He hangs his head.
“I just wanna know how you feel about me.” The tears resurface again.
“You seem like a nice person.”
“I mean we could- we could like, I don’t know if you want this. I could be around more, me and (Y/N) could. We could be like a family. I mean...should I be here?”
“I don’t know. Mom’s getting married.” She wants me to call him ‘dad’.”
Joby’s breathing is erratic as he looks around.
“It’s okay. I mean, he’s cool to you and everything, right?”
“He’s nice.”
He looks around again before settling on her face.
“I want what’s best for you, you understand that right?”
She nods as he leans forward to hug her.
“Thank you.” Is all he whispers as she returns it with a “you’re welcome.”
He drives back to his lawyer’s office with a heavy heart, sunglasses on.
“Alright let’s go. I’m ready to sign.”
He signs the document before leaving, his head hangs as he silently drives you both back to his house. His gaze is heavy as you walk inside, you can tell that he’s hurting.
“It’s going to be okay, I just know it.” You take his hands in both of yours.
“Thanks for coming with me. It was nice getting to see her.”
“Yeah, she’s a sweet girl.”
He messes with a ring on your finger, looking down at it.
“Do you think we could start over? I want a family of my own. I want to prove that I’m more than just a fuck up.” He sighs as he studies your eyes.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I want a family too. I know that you’d be a great dad, you proved that today.”
“Oh yeah? I guess time will tell.”
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Denki x Gn reader- sk8 boi
Fluff + Bnha / Sk8 the infinity crossover
You sighed following your friends to the skatepark to supervise as usual. You might as well have been babysitting the boys as your only purpose when going to the skatepark was to make sure neither of them died or got run over by the ignorant bikers who seemed to own the park.
"Hey (y/n) do you wanna try today?" Denki asked with a smile and held his board out in front of your face spinning the wheels for added effect. "Yeah wouldn't it be cool if you got on the board just once?" Reki added with his hands pushed together in a plea. "Guys I would 100% break my face and you know it. Just go have fun!" you shoo them away and jump up on the wall to sit and watch. "And i'll be here. As always" you muttered drumming your hands on your thighs and watched the other wheeled transportations slip past you and into the blur of others trying out impressive tricks you could never hope to achieve.
Of course Denki and Reki refused to let the third member of the warm coloured gang, named so because of kaminari's yellow hair, Reiki's red hair, and your orange backpack that always hung off one shoulder, refused to accept that you wouldn't let them teach you. They knew you, you were a quick learner and determined once you picked something up but you were also afraid of failing something, so of course you were hesitant to start skating with them.
On the plus side your running was incredible because of your constant need to keep up with the cheerful boys so you had the energy, the stamina, the strength and the balamce it took to sit on that thin wall all day and not fall off was a clear indicatoryou could balance for hours. You just didn't have the mindset.
"What if we taped their feet to the board?" Reki offered, digging through his bag for a roll of duct tape. "Nah, I think (y/n) would be more scared if they weren't able to get off the board. Langa was used to it so it wasn't a problem with him" Denki rolled his board back and forth under his feet and perked up at the sound of your music blasting through the mini speaker you brought. It was your way of being found if they needed you for a drink or a break or for snacks. "Maybe they just need some encouragement?" the red head smiled waving at you from across the park and you waved back slightly showing them you were paying attention and waiting for them to do something interesting.
Reki had the same mission as Denki, to get you on a board, but he also had to help you with your mission, one that might not be any easier than Denki's
"God he's so stupid and cute" you sighed watching Denki fall for a fourth time trying to do a pop shuvit. With your headphone's firmly lodged in your ears you hadn't noticed Reki standing beside you for the last 2 minutes. He yanked the headphone's out of your ears and you whipped your head around. "HEY!" you shouted trying to swipe them back but he held them out of your reach.
"Did you call Denki cute?" he asked with a gleeful tone and a glimmer of excitement in his amber eyes. "N-no I called him stupid" you stuttered feeling your face flush and you look back at him telling off his board as if it was a person and smile. Out of the corner of your eye you see Reki rearing up to say something and your mouth sets into a hard line once again. "You so called him cute! Do you have a crush on Denki, that's adorable!" he jumped up on the wall to sit with you and he handed you your white headphone's again.
"When did you start to like him?" he asked, nudging your arm and your sigh got stuck in your throat feeling like a useless attempt to get out of the conversation and you shook your head. "I don't have an exact date" you mutter but he looks at you expectantly anyway. "I guess when I started babysitting you guys-" "heeey, you do not babysit us" he interrupted but your facial expression was enough to make him sigh and agree. "Are you gonna tell him?" "fuck no" you laughed.
"Reki what if we-" "I have an idea!" he shouted and dropped his board skating to the music waving for Denki to follow. "What is it!" he shouted weaving through the other skaters and 2 boys on scooters zooming past them screaming. You were chatting politely with another person on the wall who was also babysitting their friends on the scooters. "guys I found another Enby parental figure!" you cheered hi-fiving the person sitting above you who politely waved at your friends then shouted at the boys on scooters for getting in others way's. (lol not an author self insert...)
"(Y/n) we really want you to try skating!" Reki begged, laying his scraped board on your lap and you face palmed. "I know you do. And look if i'm being truthful I would LOVE to learn to skate, but i'm just not built for it!" you argue and Reki grinned jumping onto the wall in a squat and whispered "you get to hold Denki's hands." he sat back and you gulped looking at the oblivious blonde sparking excitedly about the idea of you skating beside him- no, skating just the idea of you skating.
"I don't have the right shoes..." you mumble and Denki crouches to look at the size on the bottom of your chunky heels. "Hey we have the same shoe size!" he shouts enthusiastically and slips off his vans without untying the laces propping them on the wall. "Hold on. You're going to wear my heels just so I can skate?" you hesitantly unbuckle the heels and he nods giving you a spare pair of socks from his bag that he wasn't sure why he kept around. "It just means we're both experiencing challenges right?" Reki sat on the side with your highlighter orange bag excited to watch the bonding experience and your progress.
"Okay but promise me I wont die" you lift yourself off of the wall and nervously follow Denki who was stumbling slightly in your heels, to a quiter, flatter part of the park. "I promise you won't die" he held out his pinky and you wrapped yours around it sealing the promise. "Dude i'm scared to even get on the board nevermind like actually move on it!" you shout jumping up and down shaking your hands nervously. He stood next to you and his arm grazed your making your heart race and your temperature shot up. "It's okay, look I'll hold your hand" he said gently wrapping his hand around yours.
You sucked in a breath and all the air was robbed from your lungs at the same time. His hands were hot and sweaty, constantly pumping out electricity that sparked your hands and made your fingers twitch. "You're shocking me" you admit and he tut's at himself "I know, sorry I can't help it" he gripes and you nod not willing to give him grief for somethinghe couldn’t control.
You lift a foot hovering it over the board and then put it back down on the concrete. "I'm NERVOUSSS!" you shout, unable to detract from the feeling of his hands on yours and you look back at Reki who was watching with giant, hope filled eye's. "I know, everyone is nervous when they first start though" he says and you can almost see the smile he has on his face. Was it supposed to be this hard to get on? You weren't a huge part of Denki's life when he started to skate but you remember Reki taking months and months just to work through the basics, he was constantly disappointed and annoyed until he achieved the trick he was going for, and being quirkless it wasn't like anyone wanted to help him.
"Where am i supposed to put my feet" you ask quietly, feeling embarrassed about something so simple but Denki never thought anything you said was stupid or silly. "Put your left foot at the front on the 4 screws. And your back foot on the back screws" he said, patting the gritty board and held your hands while you nervously lifted your foot. "Okay okay okay" you hyped yourself up internally and squeezed his hands closing your eyes tightly while you put the ball of your front foot on the board.
It wobbled slightly and you gasped but Denki assured you it was fine and you quickly pulled your other foot on the board. "Am I on?" you asked, feeling taller than you were 2 minutes ago. "Look for yourself" Denki said cheerily and you fluttered your eyes open "oh my GOD I'M ON THE BOARD" you cried happily and he grinned from ear to ear admiring the happiness etched on your face. "Do you want me to let go" "NO"
After a good 15 minutes you felt you had a good basis of getting on and off the board, pushing, and turning your foot but you weren't great at stopping yet so you had a few tumbles but of course, Denki, your noght in shining armour was there to help you up on your feet again. "Thank you Denki" you sighed, rubbing your sore shoulder from falling on your side. "Hey you're getting a lot better!" he said happily and you decided to take a break together sitting on the opposite sides of Reki.
"Sooooo... feel any closer?" he asked, nudging your sides and he nodded "yeah their doing a lot better already" Denki smiled and you nodded getting at what Reki meant. "Yeah a lot closer" you smiled lightly and Reki grabbed his own board, dropping it and jumping on. "Well I'm gonna skate for a bit you two just enjoy your company!" he said dropping down a ramp and disappearing in the bowl.
"Thank you for teaching me to skate" you grin, your arms are pushed together and you don't move wanting to be close to him. "Reki's so good at skating" you sigh dropping your head. "Hey you'll get there. It takes time" he assures you and wraps an arm around your shoulders smoothly. "And I would like to help you, um if you're okay with it, obviously, like i'd like to help you along the way" he stammered and you chuckled. "Yeah i'd like that" you smiled leaning against his chest.
Bonus content
From on top of a ramp Reki cheered excitedly, missing his board and falling down the curve scraping his face. "FUCK YEAH!" he shouted into the metal and he felt the clatter of his skateboard drop onto his back. "Fuuuck. (Y/n)!" he shouted. And you, with your keen senses, heard him from the ramp and came running. "I'M COMING!"
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