#UNbelivably pissed off
365-partygirl · 4 months
essay on my feelings about matty healy, 18 february, 2024, after finding out milk was played:
"Straight lines-" *four gunshots*
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sethdomain · 1 year
I wish my mom could shut the fuck up and pull the stick out of her ass and see the world does not revolve around her
#ignorelist#she thinks she deserve the most 99karat wrapped present when really normal wrapped present is enough#cant you fucking see that#just be grateful with what you had#bitchass#sorry#im pissed#its fucking day im off to school but i dont feel rested at all because of her#she fucking stressed me the fuck out#such a stressful fucker to be around all she do is complain how no one treats her right and how ungrateful me and my family are#she also off handedly say im one of the reason she wants to fucking leave this family#idfk but that one hurt#she said it twice#i kept my mouth shut because i dont want to complain to her#all the argument would just end up with her pulling the iam your creator card#and then she would go on a tangent of how much she hate her life and some shitty life advice#she’s such an insecure and fragile bitch its so unbelivable#at this point i dont even want to help her#its so exhausting#she made her own fucking hell dude could just divorce my dad and i dont fucking care#i’ll still stay with her because i know she will win the custody somehow because girl#and im fine at least i still see the sibling from my mom side that i caref#i wish i have a more responsible caring parent#sometime i get envious of one of my sibling their parent is so caring and would even do shit together#i dont#i wish my parent fucking really cared about me#this is daily reminder to never be a parent if you dont know how to deal with your children#you’ll fucking make shit like me
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mikailys · 6 days
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F: Am I disturbing you, by any chance?
i see this goddamn man and i lose it istg i want to punch him so bad.
i was trying to catch up with hsl on my other acc where i'm following nath's route and i saw the devil. i just hoped to never see him again in-game and yet here we are.
and oh my. wasn't i lucky enough to meet him again not once, but twice in the same episode, in the span of 5 minutes.
i'll just do a rant about this part of the episode because it's unbelivable that this is the only part i got covered before my ap brutally finished i only wanted the illus :(
also sorry if i'm being inaccurate in certain parts but i got back into the game recently and probably forgot some background info/context.
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F: Nathaniel has always wanted to study Engineering at University.
N: *not very amused by it – comprehensibly*
i had no idea that during hsl ep40 he would attend the graduation ceremony – or maybe he did and nvm i don't remember it i mean it's been 5 years since i've last played it – and he had the guts to still impose himself and talk about nath like that. after everything that happened and with all the parents, kids and professors around?
god. like haven't you learned anything, have you, dumb fuck?
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N: I have to stop by my parents' house because I need to take some stuff. But seeing how the wind is blowing, I don't really want to go there alone.
another thing i wouldn't have imagined is that we would actually go back to this old house. i can only predict where this is heading.
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N: This house holds only bad memories.
C: Don't worry. I'm with you.
N: Yeah, thanks God. *cutely smiles*
bambolottino che sei ti abbraccio patatino cucciolino :(
and then we enter into his house and meet – again, unfortunately – that amazing person his dad is, who is never, ever satisfied and he can kindly go fuck off for as far as i'm concerned.
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F: What was that foolish act you delight us with during the ceremony? (...) You understood very well. I'm talking about your speech. We have come to expect the best from you.
C: (Nathaniel takes a deep breath, to handle his increasing anger)
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F: I wonder if you have anything left of what we taught you to make such a scene.
N: Dad, you really want to talk about what you taught me?
exactly f-word, do we wanna talk about what you and your lovely wife taught him? to always achieve perfection? to be scared to walk through the front door and spend the evening at the dining table with his family? cause, believe me, i wouldn't be so proud.
i guess we have different ideas about these so-called "teachings" you two gave him then.
anyway we leave with nath and then the most incredible thing happens. our soon-to-be father-in-law – omg bless candy's soul – calls us thieves. lol.
it's pure comedy at this point.
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F: Don't play the innocent. I caught you in the act, you're peeking around. It's a hobby, right? For you to just stick your nose where you shouldn't.
well first i'm pissed you're thinking i'm a thief and second, i'm even more pissed because you're kinda right, snooping in people's business is actually candy's job so can't really argue on that.
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C: I wonder what could I even stole in this house.
F: I don't know. You tell me. *damn chill bro*
C: Maybe your house is very big, but it lacks of the most important things.
anyway it's so funny that in italian - the language i'm playing the game in - he just keeps using the formal pronouns and i say it's funny because it seems like that behind his serious tone he's constantly trying to mock us in a kinda patronizing way.
but we're the bigger person and, even if i'm seething we can't be too unpolite to him, so we just tell him that his house sucks because there's no love within its walls.
politest person ever.
but spoiler he doesn't take it very well.
anyway to sum it up, he just says candy is responsible for nath's sudden change and for making himself look ridiculous in front of the whole school.
obviously we don't support any nathaniel's slander, for now, and we are ready to take over this insane situation by praising our bf who was right down the hallway, listening to this all madness.
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N: None of this will make me look better in my father's eyes.
damn. that kinda hit close to my home too
after this argument we leave since we're good to go. but on the doorstep we're blocked by the best of wives and best of women (derogatory) who, unexpectedly, wants us to stop by and celebrate the graduation with the family – oh my.
okay i'm not gonna lie but for a millisecond i felt bad for adelaide. only a millisecond 'cause then i quickly regained consciousness.
i appreciate she's understanding the situation and that she still cares about her son wellbeing – in some twisted way – but i cannot excuse she was an accomplice to her husband's mistreating and beating and the fact she wouldn't report any of it if it wasn't for candy it's gutwrenching.
regardless, nath doesn't want to spend another minute in that house – understandably. when they're about to leave, adelaide takes candy by her arm and tells her to please keep an eye on his son and we, taken by an unusual kindness, accept, encouraging her to pay him a visit.
how sweet candy is.
just like a candy i'm so sorry but it was served on a silver plate
and after that we're done. nath takes us back to our home and asks us if the day after we want to go to his place, since we have never been there before – which it takes me by surprise cause i can't believe you two have been together for almost 14 episodes and you have never found a moment to go to his house before.
candy tells him that first she has to ask to his parents – but we already know she will go cause they have to do the deed – and that's all cause i finished my ap right after this dialogue :|
this ep with the new – not very new now but for me it still is – ap mechanic is exhausting. 550 ap just to fight with nath's parents really did the thing and i still couldn't finish the ep.
to think i still have to continue university life and start love life haha...
anyway to conclude: fuck nath's parents 🖕🏻
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kazuhaqt · 1 year
English is not my first language, bear with me and my mistakes
IMPORTANT: The character reaction may not be canon so don't come at me saying things like "they wouldn't behave like that" or "out of character" reading this was your choice.
Warning: Modern au, Kaveh owns a cat, angst/comfort
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3rd Person
Kaveh had gotten a new friend which did not please Al Haitham at all. That new friend in question was a cat he found in their garden on a rainy day, Kaveh didn't want to leave the poor thing to suffer alone in the rain. Although Kaveh knew how Al Haitham despised animals, especially when it was in his house, his room, and on him when he was trying to work on something, the taller male surrendered in his annoying roommate's grasp.
"HAITHAM" Kaveh screamed for the 10th time in five mins trying to get his roommate's attention. Haitham simply ignored him by Putting on his headphones at max level. Kaveh whose mood was already off since morning felt even more pissed off and burst into Haitham's room,aggressively taking off his headphones as the latter groaned from the sudden action. "You could have detached my ears," Haitham said looking annoyed at him.
"I would have done it if I wanted but I need your help" Kaveh admits although you could see the regret on his face as he would have never asked for help, especially from someone like Haitham. "You need my help? why should I even bother helping someone like you annoying me since I woke up with your stupid cat" Kaveh gasped, offended by the comment Haitham made about his beloved cat. Before he could open his mouth to say something, Haitham utters "You and that cat have something in common, both of you are annoying as fuck." Kaveh was visibly boiling with anger.
"Well my 'stupid' cat as you call it is sick and I was here to ask you if you wanted to help me find him but it seems like you are not interested in having a productive conversation for once, I'll go buy him his medicines alone if that's what you want." Kaveh left slamming the door as he walks out leaving Al Haitham in disbelief. He was also not in a good mood and unwillingly let it out on his boyfriend. 
Feeling guilty, he sighed, took his coat and left the house following Kaveh who was walking at an unbelivable speed to the pharmacy. Al Haitham successfully managed to catch up with him, he kept quiet trying to find the right words to apologise for what he said earlier. "I didn't mean it you know that right?"  He desperatly said trying to catch the attention of his boyfriend who was ignoring him.
"Are you really going to give me the silent treatment Kaveh?"  Which still didn't catch his attention. Al Haitham sighed thinking of a way to get his attention back which subscounciously slowed him down. When he finally realised that the presence of his boyfriend was no longer next to him, he looked up and saw a very unpleasant sight. His boyfriend was hugging a man with two ears who seemed unfamiliar from the distance.
He didn't feel jealous, no, he felt guilty. Guilty that he wasn't the one holding his boyfriend in his arm but rather a stranger when he wasn't feeling his best and needed help. He turned his back and left, still thinking about a way to win his boyfriend's forgiveness. Al Haitham had reached a grocery store when he had an idea, "Maybe If I buy that creature something he'll forgive me?" He eventually went inside bought some cat food, toys and went back home waiting for Kaveh's return.
After a while, he heard the door open which announced that his boyfriend was back from the pharmacy. Al haitham got up and went to check on him. "Your're back" he said. Kaveh just ignored him, instead he went to check up on his cat. Haitham followed him around which eventually pissed off Kaveh. "Stop following me around, your're worst than a dog." He blurted out. Al Haitham was holding back all the insults he could have ever known as he didn't want to anger him even more.
"I have something for your cat." He said holding a bag of cat food and toys. Kaveh was shocked and just stared at the taller male. "I want to apologise for what I said to you earlier, I really didn't mean it...I'm really sorry Kaveh" The latter just smirked which made Haitham know that he was going to be a bitch about it. "Well even though you hurt me and my beloved cat deeply, I guess I can forgive you but it will still take time for me to fully acknowledge everything you said" Kaveh said dramatically.
Al Haitham wanted to take everything back but he didn't want to make things worse so he just took in everything Kaveh said and kissed him. "I wonder how you would be if you weren't such a brat." Haitham said, "Excuse me." Kaveh let's out clearly offended. "Well I like that about you so it's fine." He returns which clearly got Kaveh flustered. At the same moment Al Haitham felt his feet getting wet and when he looked down, he saw Kaveh's cat peeing on there.
"Kaveh get your fucking cat off my feet."
"Leave meow meow alone."
"He has a name?"
"Of course he does."
Al haitham let out a groan going to the bathroom to wash his feet while kaveh laughed at him.
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airisyuka · 2 years
Hello~ it was my first time post in Tumblr, I hope you enjoy the fanfiction~
I haven't proofread it yet, sorry for bad grammar
Genshin Impact
Married! Al-Haytham x Reader
You already married to Al Haytham for quite long time but no one knows because his secretive personality to added that you never seen with him because you just returned from Mondstadt after long time working abroad
Laugh can be heard on Lambad's Tavern. A woman whom holding a glass of whiskey and mans whom sit around her and seduce her playfully.
From afar can be seen a man with white lock stare at the woman deeply like he created hole on her face. Irked gaze pierced from his eyes. There's a lot of unspeakable word from his gaze and no one know why. While the one whom gazed at still laugh  innocently with a man between her seat like harlot that play with her toys.
He knows one of the man which sat on her lap, his roommate, Kaveh. The white lock man almost sent fly his glass of beer when he saw Kaveh kiss the woman cheek with very playful act. A woman and man whom surround her acted like a whore made him become more irritate. The General Mahamatra whom usually not give a fuck about what this white lock man doing began to refrain his brutal action by pin him back by his shoulders to his seat, just in case he will beat them one by one and maybe the woman as well.
The woman which wear purple backless dress with her smooth (s/c) and (h/c) hair on updo style showing curve on her neck. There's a rumor among the Sumeru people about the woman. Incarnation of Aphrodite. No one can par her beauty, every man and woman will glorify her curves of body, and every people want to make a love with the lady.
The white haired man knows if this situation wil be more dangerous if he let the woman kept on her pace. He stand from his ground and call her with her very name.
"(Y/n)!" He called the woman with deep and husky voice. Every person except the woman on the tavern saw him with very confused eyes . While the woman look at him with smirk drew on her red lips.
"Can you stop it? Your action piss me off!" He began walk toward the crowd and gripped his roommate hand.
"Did you know that woman you touch is someone else's wife?" The woman startled as the white lock man touches her neck erotically.
"And you keep doing unholy thing while your husband staring at you, such a whore" The woman can felt moving smile on her skin as the man kiss her neck and put a kissmark on the very smooth skin.
"Did you forget whom owned you?" The man touch her neck and wrapped his finger around her neck. The woman laugh at the white lock man.
"What if I forget whom owned me? What will you do?" The man chuckled.
"I will make you remember, make sure every part of your body brand as mine" The man give her sensual touch and make her moan.
"Ay! Haytham, let her go! It's not like she is your wife, right?" Kaveh tried to steal the woman away from Al-Haytham hand but he immediately shook off his hand.
"Listen everybody whom sit in this very place! I announced that this woman IS MY WIFE! If you dare to touch her again... I will destroy you completely!" The woman froze by Al-Haytham word. Her blood rushed to her head as psycho smile created on her lips. While she startled by his manifestation as well.
"So you are jealous, my husband?" The woman laugh as she pour a glass of whiskey to Kaveh glass and gave it to the man with white lock. He chuckled as he stare at the glass.
"I never expected that you will step on tavern as you arrived at Sumeru, it really irked me. You play with these harlot when your husband miss you like hell! Even a letter cannot suffice my yearn for you, it very painful, (Y/n)!" Tears stream from his cheeks. Everyone at the tavern look at him with unbeliveable gaze.
"Al-Haytham crying?" The woman start to panicked as she pick a tissue from nearest tissue box and give it to her husband.
"I-I'm sorry! I just miss the tavern so much! I-it's not like I forgot about you or something else! My friend told me that you were busy at Akademiya!" He wipe his tears away and scowl at the woman.
"You know (Y/n), I pay no mind if it's about you... I will spare every my time for you! I will become a Grand Sage even if you want it! I will give everything for you!"
"Yes-yes-yes! I'm sorry!"
"Don't test my patience (Y/n), do you think your action will go unpunished? Don't wish you could walk tomorrow, because I am a merciless person"
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akiitos · 2 years
Hiii 3>
Can I request a fic that y/n is tsundere and blush easily and she/he loves akito3>
Thanks have a nice time :3
hi! sorry for it being a little late! and thank you!!
ps, i wasn't sure what you really wanted, so i just gave hcs and a short sstory! if it's not to your liking, feel free to let me know
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akito x gn!reader
• he find's it really cute how much you blush a lot! if you blush even if he does the slighest of things, be prepared to get teased
• he tries to see how much you can blush, but if he feels like you're uncomfortable, he'll stop!
• in public when he's with you, he'll just usually hold your hand and/or link pinkies with you, and he might not even realize how flustered you're getting
• now, tsundere, he's gonna get ready to piss you off and tease you completely
• he absolutely loves teasing you and seeing you get all fussy
• he finds it cute but he denies it
• in summary akito just really loves you and also loves teasing you
you let your school bag hang over your shoulder and sighed as you entered the school building. you didn't feel in the mood to go to school today, especially if a dumb idiot was gonna bug you all day. and that 'dumb idiot' is none other than your unbelivable crush, akito shinonome. why did you have a crush on him? no idea. maybe it was his humor, looks- ah! but i'll say no more.
lost in your own thoughts, you feel a hand on your shoulder. jerking at the suddenness, you turn around frantically. only to be met with a pair of mischevious eyes and a smile. "morning, y/n!" none other than akito cooed. brushing his hand off your shoulder, you greeted him with a blushing face. "hey, aren't you happy to see me?" he teased with a pout. "what? when did you get such an idea, you idiot." you scoffed with pink cheeks.
he laughed and scruffled up your hair. "your attitude says otherwise" placing your hands atop of your head, "hey! i worked hard to do my hair, you know!" you hissed at him. sighing, you pat your hair back to normal and checked the time. "it's almost time for class, idiot. shouldn't we get going now?" you ask while walking away. he nods and follows right behind. honestly, you wished you weren't so harsh on him sometimes.
but, it was for the better. if akito were to find out that you had a crush on him, that'd be the end! so, maybe neglecting your feelings would be for the better. akito, who was behind, grabbed your arm in a strong grasp, preventing you from going any further. confused, you look back at him with a raised eyebrow and a flustered face. you're then met with a warm smile and a chuckle. confused, you push your arm away and scoff. "what was that?" you ask.
"meh, i don't know." he sighed while still behind. as you guys were close to class, he grabbed your shoulder. turning around, to be met with a slightly blushing akito. you were both just looking into eachothers eyes, until he suddenly kissed your cheek. you felt your whole face warm up. something so quick and simple, made your heart feel like it was going to burst. covering your cheek, you shout out, "what the hell was that for, you idiot?!" with warm cheeks.
"eh? i just wanted to see your reaction. that's all" he said while walking ahead and placing his hands in his pocket. "oh yea, also, wanna go out with me this weekend?" he asked casually.
authors note: ok this ended up pretty long, my bad ;=;
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Heya! Im back with with an ask, can i get some killer content? What about him and his friend at an arcade, what do they do?? Also if this isn’t to much to ask can i have Asriel and Undyne added there?
I took the characters from his character's sheet.
Killer - Killer is not the most patient monster. And he's not quite good at the games either. He is mostly raging after an hour and tries to sabotage everyone's fun by cheating. And ok, maybe he didn't need to hit that arcade game so hard and breaks the screen, but it feels good on the moment so he regrets nothing.
Dustale Sans - Dune doesn't feel very comfortable. He came because Killer insisted he came, but there's too many people, too many lights, too many everything. He's too overwhelmed. He goes to hide in the toilet after ten minutes and curls up in a small ball on the ground. Please someone help him.
Swapfell Papyrus - This little shit is so lucky it's unbelivable. Killer is mainly raging because he's winning every thing. It's not just against him, it's against everyone. Killer is sure he's cheating and he won't stop bully him to try to make him lose. He gave up when he jumped on his arm and actually helped him to win a big plushie by accident. Rus is having fun!
Horrortale Sans - He's at the bar. All the lights of the games are giving him a headache. He will play one or two games with his brother though, so he doesn't get too bored. But that's not like he's really good. His brain is too slow to react at the good moment, and it's frustrating more than anything.
Horrortale Papyrus - He sticks mostly with the Horrorfell brothers and helps to hold Chief up when the arcade games are too high for his wheelchair, and serves as a second hand to Copper. He's doing the sassy and ironic commentary when they're failing. He loves it. He also makes sure once in a while his brother is alright.
Horrorfell Sans - He never thought playing video games could be that hard with one hand, but he's actually not bad! He's having fun for once and he's determined to stay here as long as he can, even if Killer keeps challenging him because he has one hand and is sure he can easily beat him. Copper shows him one hand is enough to ruin his games.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He was sceptical about that little hang out, but man, he is so competitive. He wants to win! He's frustrated some games are too high for him, but Willow is here to help and serves as a living crutch to help him. He's just having fun with friends for one.
Horrorswap Sans - He's challenging everyone at that arcade dance floor game. He has only one leg, but man, he knows how to use it! He's so speed he broke the machine after some games. It gave up and gave him all the tickets. Since, Killer is trying to charm him to force him to share the tickets with him because he is broke.
Horrorswap Papyrus - As usual, he's near his best friend comfort skeleton, Oak. Pumpkin doesn't like either all the flashy lights and the noise, and he prefers to stay near the bar talking with him and keeping him company. And Oak keeps forgetting he bought him ice cream and gave him more and he is far from complaining, dude.
Mafiatale Sans & Mafiafell Sans - It started as a friendly competition, then it became serious as both of them are very good at the games, then Demon accused Fang of cheating, then Fang took it personally and jumped at his throat. They are now on the ground, fighting like wild animals and trying to stab each other. Killer is cheering.
Undertale Asriel - He was NOT invited. Killer doesn't care he's back being a goat, he's still that shit of Flowey deep inside. He's going to antagonize him until either Asriel leaves crying or attacks him. And man, if he attacks him, he's not sure he will stop on time to not kill him.
Undertale Undyne - She was not invited either. Killer fears her, because he knows what she is really capable to do when she is pissed off. And since she arrested him a few times already, she knows him too very well. They are doing a stare contest, but they do not interact.
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smthsmthmangapanels · 2 years
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parakeet · 3 years
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so this was back in 2015 and idk if he still feels this way so like. take that as you will.
iirc ian recanted these statements bc ppl in the comments were talking about how ppl use this sort of language to defend drawing pedophilic art etc but hirsch didnt and i still think this was such a clown move on his part. 
i think the part that really pissed me off is that he didnt understand that the reason this is the ‘1st gen of kids who think censorship is cool’ exists is bc this is the first gen of ppl who grew up on an internet full of adults who exposed them to unbelivable unmoderated horror
fwiw this is not a call to arms or whatever im just posting this bc ppl wanted to know why i dont like this guy
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finaledenialist · 3 years
Maybe unpopular opinion: kinda in response to the amelia one. Amelia's absolutely not that bad. She really is fine on the whole. BUT! Personally. I dislike her a LOT pretty much solely because she completely lost me with the "you hit the dog so it's yours now otherwise you're an asshole" thing. I watched that episode the first time, got pissed off at the vet for pulling that, wrote her off as a dick, and then she showed up again and I was just like "SERIOUSLY!? He's getting with the asshole vet?!?!" (I swear this isn't in a simp-y, 'sam was so good for bringing in the dog and she was mean to him' way, it's mainly that I would be pissed if I did what he did, y'know the baseline decent thing to do, and someone tried to foist an animal on me)
Figure this might be unpopular with animal lovers who maybe agree with her???? But not sure. (Btw, I'm not a creepy animal hating person or anything, just not an animal person. Though I don't eat them, so I guess it balances)
you are brave Anon, thanks for that take becase you are not wrong? imagine if you hit a dog by accident, rushed with him to the vet and then the vet tells you: you are a bad person unles you adopt the dog. lmao this is something that just doesn’t happen in real life and that is why sam/amelia is so weird to begin with, because their start is completely unbeliveable . like. no vet would force anyone to adopt a pet because what if you don’t have any means at home (assuming you have a home) to give said pet good conditions? this is insane lmao 
(send me controversial spn takes  👀)
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daisugababy · 4 years
alex landi really be standing up for his asian community and talking about asian underrepresentation and stereotypes yet since all this George Floyd shit went down and the BLM movement rose he has been mute and hasn't stated anything or shown the tiniest sign of support AND his girlfriend deadass posted a story of them sipping tea and watching the riot with some comment like: wtf is this" and i was like YOU TWO ARE ALSO POC THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU and at that point i just had to unstan.
okay so it’s been a few days since i got this ask, and tbh, i didn’t know what to say at first. because, yes, he’s been awfully quiet in a time where he needs to use his platform to amplify those unheard voices. and i’ve been so disappointed in him, but then this happened:
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and jfc i am not just disappointed, i’m unbelivably pissed. i’ve said it before, but if posting a black sqaure and dipping afterwards is all you can do, especially with your kind of platform, then please, i’m asking you kindly: shove that damn square up your ass.
there are so many ways to help. you don’t have to go out and protest if you are not able to. you don’t have to donate money if you don’t have any to donate.
but do you know what everybody can do? share information. about protests nearby or where others could donate money. share possibilities how to help when you don’t have money. share the stories that black people want us to listen to.
but please, please, please. do something!
this is an incredible doc which lists information about funds, petitions, literature and more!
when in europe (or just anywhere else but in the us) and don’t know what to do
video to watch/let play in the background when you want to donate, but dont have money. (also to note! turn off your adblocker. after watching, watch 3-5 random videos before watching it again. randomize the videos and number of videos you watch inbetween everytime so every view counts. don’t just replay again and again or else your views will be counted as spam. you can also turn off the sound and do sth else in other tabs!)
BLM protests in germany for any of my german followers. if you decide to go to one of these, please be mindful that there is also still a pandemic going on. wear your masks and at least try to keep social distance. 
stay safe!!
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killerqueenishere · 5 years
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I love this one and I hope that you two don't mind that I did this in one imagine. If you do send me ask please and I will make sure to write other one for you!
10. "Is that my shirt?"
8. "Keep it"
24. "If I kiss you right now, I won't be able to stop"
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Is That My Shirt? | Billy Hargrove (Smut)
Description: Billy got angry with you and that leads to smut.
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (alawys use protection!) Swering, fluff on the end, yelling, angry Billy, a little dom Billy.
I was sitting in my livingroom while Billy was standing infront of me pissed, he was pissed because I was earlier talking with Steve, guess he didn't like it.
"He was trying to get in your pants!" He yelled, thank God my perants was out of town "No he wasn't" he placed his hands on his hip "Don't talk now I am talking" he grows "He was all over you and you enjoyed!" I got up from my spot "You are unbelivable" I said to him "I don't wanna keep on with this conversation" I turned around and started walking away.
He pulled me towards him by my hand "Don't walk away from me when I am talking with you" I rised my eyebrows "And what will you do if I do?" I chellenged him, I know I shouldn't. He placed his hand on my neck and pushed me against the wall, his lips are on mine, he started kissing me rough, I tried to move my hands to his hair but as soon as my hand touched him he broke kiss and pined my hands above my hand "No touching princess" he said before he kissed me again, he know that I loved puling his hair he did this on purpose.
One of his hands was now holding mine while other was traveling down my body he cuped my breast and squized it, moan left my lips and he took chance to put his tongue in my mouth, he broke kiss and let go of my hands, my heands found their way on each side of his neck, he pulled me up and my legs was in seconds around his waist
He placed mouth open kisses down my neck while he was walking towards my room, he was holding my back with one hand while other opended door. He trowed me on my bed and took off my shirt and pants he was on top of me and he kisses my colarbone and when he moved to suck behind my ear loud moan left my lips, his finger was on my lips "Shh, be quiet I don't want to hear anything from you unles I ask you to speek" he said low against my neck.
He moved his hands behind my back so he can unclips my bra and in one quick motion he was next to my clothes on floor "I think that I have way too much clothes" he took off his white whirt and jeans
He got back on top of me and started playing with one of my nipples while other hand moved to rub my clothed clit, I opened my mouth in silent moan, he looked me in the eyes before he started placing kisses down my neck, I bite my lip so I wouldn't moan.
He stoped his actions and I groaned, he placed himself betwen my legs he started taking my panties off "You are so wet for me, so ready" he said.
He blowed air on my clit and I moaned forgeting about order that he give me "What have I said about that love?" He asked looking me in the eyes "I'm sorry I forgot" I said while biting my lip "You forgot? Well try to not forget" he said before giving my pussy a big lick from my enterence till clit, I bite on my lip so hard to stop myself from moaning, than before any warning he started suckin on my clit and my hand reached to grab his hair than suddenly he stoped, I looked at him little annoyed "No touching" he said while trowing my hand away.
His hand started rubbing my clit while ge fucked me with his tongue, I grabbed my breast with one hand and with other pillow, when Billy saw me looking like this he groaned against my pussy sending vibrations through my whole body.
He was so good it took everything inside of me not to scream his name letting everyone know how good he is making me feel. I feelt my orgasam coming "Billy I'm close please don't stop" when I said that his lips whas on my clit and he pusshed two fingers inside of me and he started moving them fast and rough, I moaned and screamed his name when orgasam hit me I couldn't help it.
He removed his hand and face from between my legs, I felt him kissing my neck "I think I said something about you beeing silent love" I opended my eyes to look at him "I'm sorry I couldn't help it you felt so good" he smiled "Can I touch you now?" I asked sofly, he noded his head and my hands cuped his cheeks and I moved his head closer to mine so I could place kiss to his soft lips, I broke kiss because of need of oxygen "I'm sorry" I firowed his brows "Because of talking with Steve and making youand making you mad" he smiled "Don't be, I didn't had right to be angry with you, you have right ro ralk with whoever you want" and with that he kissed me hard.
I feelt his dick on my pussy, with one hand he was holding my hand while kissing me and with other he was stroking my pussy with his dick, I moaned in the kiss.
Whit one big trust he was inside of me, I broke kiss and moaned his name "Now you can moan and let me hear you and know how good am I making you feel" he whispered against my lips I moaned because of sensation that his breath give me and him inside of me.
He started moving and with every trust he got deeper and harder, I moaned and screamed his name.
I pulled him closer by his shoulders to hug him, I needed to hold something because of the things that he made me feel, with one hand I huged him and I placed other on his cheek, I was looking him in the eyes whole time.
"Oh my God Billy you are gonna make me cum again" I told him while grabing his hair "That's right let it go love" my eyes rolled back and I opened my mouth in silent moan I didn't had straight to scream whille my legs shaked from how strong my second orgasam was I heard Billy groaning from above me.
I felt him placing kisses on my neck and then on my cheek, I opened my eyes to look at him "I will never get tired of seeing your face while you are cuming for me" I moaned at his words "You looks so beautiful" he kissed my lips and placing his forhead against mine, he started moving again in one moments he would go fast and rough and in next slow and soft and I knew that he was close.
After couple more trustes his head falled on my shoulder and he moaned sofly wile filling me up.
We stayed like this couple more minutes, me stroking his hair while his face is in my neck.
He pulled out and got up, ge head off to bathroom and got back with towel and he started cleaning me up when he was over he returned towel in bathroom and got back to lay on his back beside me, I moved towards him and placed my head on his cheest, he kissed my head "Good night love" he said while hugging me "Good night Billy" and with that I fall asleep.
*Next Day*
I was in kitchen making breakfast for Billy and me while Queen was sofly plaing in background.
I jumped a little when I feelt his hands on my waist "You scared me" I smiled turning around to look at him, he looked down at me and smile appared at his beautiful lips "Is that my shirt?" I blushed a little "Yes, I can go and change in something mine if you mind me wearing it" I said while placing hair brhind my ear and starting to move while his hands stoped me by keeping me in place "Keep it" he simply said "What?" I asked confused "Keep it, It looks better on you anyway" I smiled at his words, I started to move close so I could kiss him while he stopped me "If I kiss you right now, I won't be able to stop, not when you are looking so hot in my shirt without bra underneath it" he said looking me in the eyes "Well what if I don't want you to stop kissing me?" I asked before connecting my lips with his.
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demonsites · 5 years
it is UNBELIVABLE how much this government class is pissing me off
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me2go · 5 years
I find Tinder pranks unbelivably dumb. Like pretending to be a kpop idol. What you are doing is catfishing, it's not a cute prank, it's not hilarious either. It's childish and mean. Tinder users aren't bad people, some are strange, some are jerks, yes, but honestly those kind of things just make you look like an absolute jerk yourself.
Plus if you are under 18 you shouldn't be on there anyway, pretending to be someone else or not. Stop being a jerk it isn't cute. Catfishing people isn't a fun prank. I blame the internet for giving kids these dumb ideas what the fuck. I'm actually really pissed off.
That this is still a thing is beyond me. I'm disgusted.
Do we really have to tell people that catfishing isn't a funny thing to do??? It doesn't make you look cool. You are just stealing an idols identity, last time I checked that's illegal. What kind of universe did I stumble into here wtf
You are being toxic, I thought that was obvious.
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sakirakiss · 6 years
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Got few days really depressed. And some pepole just know how to push you even more down you fell allready. Gods i cryed only the past few days. Just done how some rude pepole are just have missing knowlegde. First off i really love the batim amino many are nice and are easy to talk to. But there are those who ask "how you Draw that so" and you explain it that i used research how to draw it they pissed. Because they dont know that if you want to draw something right you research it. Let me explain it more if you want to draw a lion as realistic as possible you search for examples. Photograps of lions of each angle up down side shades. Or skelleton there you most search for antomy of it of each angle to have an idea how it look. No the person was pissed i did that....that was the first downer The second is a user that constaly being rude and is insulting...on my pics i try to ignore it but in one point the eye twitch and just drags myself down... Third thing that saw are pepole being unbelivable rude because they dont get featured or a jealous because others get featured. Holy shit...since when it is importend being featured that badly or that a artist is more then once featured and then blaming the creatures chosing faves or just put crabby things in. Reading such bs makes me and others bust the courage down so badly... and feel vad because getting featured and they not. It just childish. Then art trade great thing i wont ever do again. Because you never get the other work. Just had two who actully did it the others just took my work and never did they part. Or they become high up nose having alot of follower like gods....and act like it.. I would never do that...that just no. There still pepole who are amazing and the creatures but there also alot who ruin it... Sorry i am rambling just very upset and depressed....
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dinzxmas · 3 years
High fidelity
Top 5 things i hate about her behavior towards me Overmentioning my past mistakes How she hates loud exhaust sounds (+ accenting that to me) When she exits the car pissed off, separating on a bad last impression. My fear is that one of those bad impression could be our last. She hates my friends and travels with them. She may not realise that i come from an unsupportive surroundings considering my wishes and passions (including travels, sports, etc.) Her attitude towards me trying to organise a home where we would both be comfortable.  Top 5 things i hate about my behavior towards her Stupid and unfair jealousy. In the end - all that matters are both of us together.  Inability to be there for her 100% of the time. Inablity to offer her the support she needs. Not enough romantic details.  Putting my wishes above hers. Putting myself above her.  That just like her, i can be cold sometimes.  Top 5 things i love about her Her soul. Just feels like we are made for each other. On those good days - they are so good that it’s almost unbeliveable. In one movie or saying or whatever it was - it was said that when things are good - there is no confirmation that those good things will be here tomorrow. Considering her soul - how she’s kind. How she’s hardworking, and really tries her best in everything. How she feels like home. Her love. She loves hard. I will put all of her physical attributes under one thing. All of her body. 100% How she feels while sleeping together. Feeling of unity. Feeling of belonging. Her mind. It may make her sad from time to time, but i love her thoughts. I would really like to hear more about deep stuff from her. Top 5 songs that remind me of her Something just like this Cotton Eye Joe Samo s tobom Heaven Chicken fried 
Top 5 tiny things i want to do with her Waiting for the dawn somewhere on the grass Kissing her on the best panoramas of cities all over the world / Road tripping Dancing with her Walking for a really long time Playing music together Top 5 really big things i want to do with her Future Crying Being together in our hardest moments Being together in our happiest moments Sleeping together
Top 5 dumb things i want to do with her Get high af/ get drunk af Racing/Driving really fast with her by my side Risky sex Getting soaking wet outside on the rain Playing video games whole night
Top 5 huge things i want to change her negative attitude about Marriage, engagement Kids My love towards her Life itself Herself
Top 5 cute things about her How she briefly kicks her leg before falling asleep When she laughs really hard. She has a beautiful laugh How she touches me when i drive Times when i can actually tickle her How our hands always need to be interlocked. 
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